. . ' - SICIVII.IO I AME AILIKANSAIL plainerhead of die UP° 1 4 6,1% .5°4 , b 4 A 1 % bu if -100 ever hire _to iirarel,-niid" you, ire r : ct• GOlMpallia La* region oin E l pu r I - Miff. "Pray tha 'Tar flight be not in We .-. . . . . . . No one who evergets through We: in fiat season of the`year, but, will.inwmd ' ly Miniver not to travel 'it - again. • I tun 4 not going to describe it ;I give that np r I . I ant only going to`, 'pantie into" Its tart :0 1) gled.,cinebraltris ao4 lonely solitudes, to , remain iOr several weeks. ' ..... • ' 1 .:.Thewtii - C"swerop,' l as „used in this . f. - 1ite4..;_44 - tilitaYe, impliei•it,iPoagy Pool , -7 'a, stagnant Water.. it is technically tip --,.. phed to alithose low greande which'ad: .`.'. ler annual of occasional overflow. These. 4 ' alialripif lie more gloomy,..!_tha fibber `'. "largerfiis canebtakes more inaccessible, and in general hare-licher lend:than the, „u adjimmrand; higher 'coming. In- these 4--Swamps:there is also aeappeerancel of i greater solitude, and the larger and wild ' j.,, l er rim* . seek refuge Ind securityi In , Ike:dense thickets' found in such plums. The weather setting in wet, we packed ~.j ' 1 3 00 F. fixics,.end ;after manyen Israel 'h li Mia roundabout wandering, finally • `reached hintein safety. ,- .- •:,' • '.....;,. -.,..,- We will now'take a trip dawn the . FtSaiMe,” a large tributary of the Orachi 1..' tai' emptying into the latter ,near the -. southern line of,',. the.. State. Without .... 4 ,.• ; _ainisg at groin geographical accuracy.,..[ wadeicribe the Saline fiver as' having ~.., .r • -its7sopmeis in - the: body - of mountains - 'kntrwu ee'tins-lkfainelle ~ . tdountains, -and :...:,Whera_ the great Southern 'road to Tern c,..\ :' -- emend it, is about 150 yards wide.',' 1 - - ..',; To 'avoid , the trouble of packicg".ireid repacking oar. ponies; .it was necessiity 1i• 1 --- to construct a email - boat - Mr - descood. the litniarti, about I 'Medina - Coffee ar'so. *-, - ,:,.`;.tlitirinehing out one warm May day, pre , shot ferth,down eiream, With a_good man 1, . 1---- trid - tniet, at 'each otV. The - . novelty of Ithe thing was pleasing to us ; Judas we. ;-. 1 -* swept.: under •the',lrenaing ,willowp,' sled ,thrOugh)ang atcheessof,hiSch aria cotton ', i ~. *tied tines‘althith, meeting attop,com. • • ;,,...., pletely Screened hs from the rays of iiie , semi we icsigittislitted nerselrea on our itiptaredmodenf travelling: .t --- . - . .: . ..., . . lo.eertain placed the 'dyer Would via - ' ''irictlo, about us usual width, t.'%:,...sending.us. with; he , speect of an arrow .;',...,:aOu'sh' Oi%',,iliPtait4 sr other; :points. ~ :., , ,._ipi:aii4ling out :into a Mill and likalike -1 `.. carpeted °retie profusion with the white ''''. wat suff e t r e - e li ' ly . 7. m while ve , d the el°Y ow ijr ts ° rei n‘ .:l t cut he' te vfa 'e ;fop like so many Silver &Ms.' : Occeisimi T - -', ally we would shoot: under an-overhang-, A.!. Ing log in. • branching bongh or, w tree,. .:.taking care not to disturb the large and. rimy looking nroccaiirieinakee; which leo '. - moiled tip, looking . tune.with bright and ''.--- motionless lira b the eye`as we.g e. y m.. • , .'" - lermen'ae ilttantiitis of. eat-fish, buffalo „_-': and: gar, : inhabit'. th W eSe aters, as they .`,,..,' kept it' continual` darling after. their,rey. ..-, . In Material of the evening, while renting.' -- ..termir Oara; inct ! floating Ouietly:on, we ,' , ' - would hear a - peculiar • grating,and gried .*:,' lag noise: beneath us, proceeding,. I am ''.. t.teddiftom die cat-fish, burin what way it -. 4- - ;',ix produced It ca nnot determine. ...; `,,t-' The farther, .we travelled, however, -, ......,. - ilie more difficult it - became to proceed, :and the rornancaof 'the thing had alto .- ~ - - gather ditiaPpeated from as. So crooked • , was. the stream become,, that in a dis , *ince 'of : ten Mike we would' make not more. than three init ", direet line; ind - - 1 kegs, menial of items falling completely . • ........ acrosithashriaM, formed'so many ulna. lutribarritre to our progress:.. On these - 7 - ricinons„tbet logs would bavelo be cut : :.:through,, , :with great labor and loss 'of '.t. ,•-• tiaie„eigghilly, as often happened, when - , • ''.'" . theire illd-be under water some 12or ~.44fie1ii,:.., ,-,l .Uawilling,to give tip the en .i ;-::terprisa', l iii struggled on far teadays in . - ...) - ..',",,1 1 t - u , ':ifiiiiPeti - .44,gernetifilAiiintatoirope . .......,,-;,-.- crina disappoiltuteM;rinell we Mime where 4;i!.` i:,.ilie . - ' , Viter brut:lied off in- two • forks of f' , .- - ..., Outage') Sire; ...... Choosing .I.ha right :.,!. ,: 7.: - .;lerld i chute,- with immense - - labor i n ip:::: , iiollog,..ind . [reeking, ;and wading,, we 1 made slew milmilarther, and concluded '1 .1.41 - it() abandon the attempt of passing 'down. . i .: . #..;„Yalie stream , u we knew not inur , what ~.,.4. - Iniktitivizt wilderness we were thin miring; :.,-*l .- ...,ittne We. ever, were, to get out , of theta , ' Pitching our tent Upon the ; banks, iiestrianged our provisions and clothing, sad aii.Well as we cauld, Prepared for our ~.. • ........itight'crepoem , We had tot long litin ..: down When a - whole arty of Aeons, at. 7 : T ,-- traded, I presume:by the smell of the provisions, made a descent upon oar' , eamp,,and cominenced carrying off our `Warn; which previously had been - cue in !. ... ..t, email pietas for the greater convenience ...', - ofcarriage. We made ;` a charge upon them; aid succeeded in raining the - enc. my„ - but not ;Maul they had, - feloniously t . - ',„ - . - warriedpfr several finelpieces ,of meat. kliuga sycamore tree in the neighbor ' - -- ,, ltiodifforded them chiding place:` ; ; he , ,:wolres,..thp; tried .... to:_aeren.sde us, ilia :* - ;:.jiiiiis•eircumspeci: than -their:ling-tailed. t c. '..- . - ...r.- Ikeda* kept; aloof . - It was , Certainly t f-; * -- ' Irery*fid placer° stay;”and 'ext mom 1i- `. - /..: , : - .7. - ,:ing,-- selecting a teed comrade we , peek. ed - iv; iiii day'a +tu w itions in iumel.: •.. , letic,and Willis small pocket coreppes. as - ont - pride started off ',afield some settle . *any , Our ryled'ihniugh au unbra, ,Auttn,wildetuess, and across the -inland i: ...,,,,-- Airrimed.:byedte_forks Of the stream.: In' the_ `dark 'solitary recesses of aria 1 -,, *-..- place were numerous bears and Melva. '..., :a. it was it spot , seldom visited except A... - --.,wheasame despe rate hunters Plunged In , - i-• here to • seek ; their favorite -game. We ;, Feared our ..er y through the- tali cane' ..1;'....-/N , and' briars,` which interlaced the Mine !, ' '.-.... like a . net, crossing the stream some i. 'Y - tWentv „times ih • the -space. of 'a ' few -• ~.., bours", - although we kept an east'course .i . , . :..by the compass. In stooping. down to getriLdrink„..my /ink. picket guide fell f.-into ,the .water , and' immediately' sank As 'we Found we ' could ...not accomplish i . • 'anything .f u rther in that direction, we re 4 ... ' ' 'maned oar steps towards our little camp --as - well tit we could,-through.swamp, ..1,. - . -- -througheseri;throaghsninddriloosh eseri;throagh s ninddriloos and A+ ",.,' ~; ., . .host ia which we - could, plainly see no. •' - rotte 'huge ,bear tracks, and the holes .itu wheao they would wallqw themselvea.. ' . -On our return - tamer:lp, the party left • 11eddidliail heard the Sound of sante in r-. a`. souilietik - coterie rearrest . diy, early, ,' : .. ,-.. . - While Ake brilliant 'dew drops were yet 'r : - 1411 fibill on the leaves, and tying our ~:buckskin loggias ture closply,,we imp "; - . ~. Ail off to explore the country in a south. k.. ',..' 2 MIT: direction. ; Leaving . thy; bottom, - "----,- - Which are always more thickly-covered with undergrowth than the upland, we • ,': -. 4saterid Open pine woods, and at the di5!......," !......," ~ i . mace of abOut two miles item iaMp, we - ...-,:2 .strtick etriil;irhiab bore - east and west. .4 - r; I ..• siTeraist,jcp , the eastward, we joyfully fol .') 4 "liiiiwiy Mail We anuck.the river again . ..:-.+•t - yaitbelow a iaw and . grist mill, which . . - --clii:: fall : operation, - sad - Which at that V i. . - .-, . , - --SintiOreantiled ',Midi the' most welcomemwmatto MY:ears„ . ...., . .t,!..,'„:.i.-slfife.:WerisrOaPitably treated at Reaves ,'-'z • ~-., . lidill;tara 'tiring hired assistance to haul :,,,....-.'..''.. ; . orti.).hisateler;Strticlis,,first anchoring our 1-.:' , ......., - :•,• . 'Sai, Dar tot byt,tyhrt her up with along p,,,.-.: .. .; 1 , gr i pe, - •-.-iiii s pi . .; i v ., d. adieu to ; the low, [l4."';',7, l .:,,,oisitarivOi: ‘• ! roteakrio,', and beita 1 • r '4._.,'.': -:.-, ;:::.; ; .:,..'.'.;ii:',1-::',•.•l'.':' - ',;:: ..' .. '.r-':;!'::•'..i/ -, :',;!i47 , t,.;i;, , .:?.. ; '. -1,-.-,12...4.::',...:,..-..;.,'.--:;,t,:n.:,,..:: l':!'‘.:'..,':'„j'',.Y::'i. :,,i.;,*i...,.:--i:-,;.!1 • ';• ••:: -1 ••••7- • • i:.z.:,..:; ; ;i:1 - . 4 , , ..!...., : q-z•E' '....: -• ;• :-,.,..••• i, ti , :. , iiPT:',. ,. . , t , .?"4,-;11: 4- 'niT'i . tk.:1;•-:71*?' , .:.; ,-.....:.- :., ' rt:';:.'K' ' l l .- P.'4•1:i:•:•;0 . 4' ; :iti;;;:ii,f.";;;;';,...1 ' , 1!..-tit.-A,4:: , ) , :-':'.1 . ,••::•,?4,4:1:- iit1: : .: 1 .: -, 4i. 1 1 1 . , :-.. ,, :'• - •;t:.,, ,, ;••• 1 . 4 ,- .: i; li(';'• - I',i'r-. : t..:*.,?,1 4 ~...,..,i4;,.:; '. 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" t .. :6!... : 0!:'::4A '''' .:'.-..; ~ ,...,, 5 . ‘ , . ;. - :0 4 ; ;...e...,:;•::. , -:-!*.-.; % ' i',4'4'-'• 7. -..-, ~, ...:- .' -*'--.,. 4 ‘: • 1 :-17. 4 't".: '.;.•'. , ', 1 .1;i':;-' l 4 .*Zil it gitti'l , 11.• ' - '4V..-'n.xt . ..: 4*-PtiN::: -- -ea, ..nalaw:t, . ,i• *.-•%, •'•;•.::::,..2. A.;.g,,.„..: 4 . A." 0 1.V.1 0, 0'f'e!.7' P! , .1..w..\, , ,,...p,,, . 4 . - P CP'4• ! :Z•;, , ,My):: : -..,.: ,• ::::':': ': •-',.::l;! , r‘ t ','...:•.:,:. :: : •! . ..;' - ' l .'•' ,• ""-'• ' , • • .-. ,„.r.- -----Uirw'f-ti Iran grey mule, 41'1 • 4 •10, ‘!"..u_.,f'"' 0 „-„, i d a u old wiDg_ (or I \ ,l . ~.,..4:,.,','-;4-7,,,,,,,", ..pi1k?,.,..1402.vr0° *lab h - ii- 4 , i i, 0,- ~' u . , tutu.' .... •-- 4 •4l,i ii , 0 iamb: ttitleryi,!ll.°:-I":lthit '!_lr; iii e r(b e bi n d s 24 so_ _ _,_ 13141 ; 1 be . . - -:•**Ata w itsit,soicia."'"4ll ..,. ' ",-- . . (z '' , 1,-.4v— , 1 . ': ~ ' '- ' ' •••,-..----,:,'1 -*.'' .I'4' r - - I *'.V.:S..'.&.- --r:..Z''....: ' • e=b-,C:==, _ . LMM atem , nacAut../Jmnithad s aheAuly,..!: :direction ofguide to travel 4404hwhich l i.at. l . te keep . - a-ttotthieSat course - 'I This; . un . er. ordinary circumstances, would' be no priciliimon - tlbing=inded is an every ' ' , lig- Ocionettee ...lit theme *lid s .ertuotries. But' it was toward evening, and heavy misses ,of, dark thundevelouda were roll ing up from the south-west; portending a coming storm, while my nag, with char acteristic insensibility. seemed resolved tta takiog matters easy.' J soon lost my course, or _the one, that I imagined' was right, .and kept tuinitig,tibout so •often, and . became solentangled in the pea iinea;and 'grape -vines, vtad scrubby un dergrositii that coveret; the ground, that I 'became bewildered ; in a word, las lost; My mule, too, came to a dead hi lt, being: iimnpletely . tied i Op , is a net u of vises, bairn the rime time; with the t- I most sangfroid, browsing contentedly ion each side. . ... . ' i ~. • • - The driving : rock, that , previously had .2.ltriog lonely **tamer's .. ' - Vl* young war-hone is the blest," ' - ' was now concentrated into a dark .pur plishirriss of cloud, from' which a stream or Are Would arm second or two buret firth, .aectanpanied with a, simuhaneons arl'iitale crash.- Seeking such shelter asfceuld,,be found, I quietly, endured the , paltings of the pitiless storm, until a gleam of . rosy' light, and: an opening into the welcome blue of itiaven,lpromised a ces tuition, of eleinental warfare. Striking "soine - blazes on the trees'some time after, and following them for', Some m il es, we it length emerged into an open track, thankful even for scow trail to follow. *„:As, it Was necessary to reach our des tination bpfore the extremuly hot weather set in,'we.lost no,time in procuring pack horses,. and reached the Saline at a point about, fortylniies'loer down, at a place ealle ur •Hartison, voty_beautifully laid out, with *Pinions aparaa;; streets at right angles to each other, ornamental grotmds, nod the 'other appurtenances of thime numerous cities which have:en (instance onlynPolt paper,"and that commensurate with the genius •of . thei eurveyor. Our hoiVel Hartison;.Was kind s attentivetgar rulodi; eliieWd businbas matteis—the Balance; . fkistmaster Alcalde of his manor, yet withal ignorant; even bis letters. What! a Postmaster, and not able to rearD :Yes, truly; and smile not ye more favored people of more civilized countries. The schoal-master luts not dan7ninelrabrOad ;in this State. When . he does come, be noidoubt will rirmady all these evils. '''Towards the evening 'of a warm day we 'Were tryineto 'ealticate ourselves from: the mares-of a 'great number of paths intO_whichlie hid become involv ed; and which . crossed and re-crossed Bach 'other so Often, that we doubted whether we had not lost the main path eotirelY, Fortunately !we perceived a light; smoke some distance ahead; and pushing - towards it, we soon entered a me. which led to a love and slovinly log bin, before which I could 'see a great maity_Objects,:which I 'took to be chil dren, playing under the ihade of a mul berry, tree:- Our .pony being barefooted,' and the soil sandy, we , slipped up quite unperceived, and were about to dismount, when &madden roar, or rather howl, burst epos my ears, from fifteen large, fierce and ungorernable bear dogs, who; bad 'been lying - under the houses and around ,in the shade. I stood In imminent dan ger ,of. being torn to piee e a : ono mounted on the. stirrups, another on the horse's quataers, a third at his head, and all were endeavoring to get a_.chance at me, if ; they could. ' In the meantime I was not idle, in defendidg Myself, while , three wo men, . were endeavoring; might and main, Ira prevent my bidet , to-t in pieces by ! the fangs of these cs:ul,. monsters. Just at this moment. and S. ten ' one o, that ! doge bad laid luald of MY boot with a de -1 termination- to drag it.og T rue. the came riiiiniffelitii out , of breath, the,,perspira- Won - streaming dOwn his 1 face—barefoot ed, arain large hoe in one hand—a little, fat, swarth', yet active' . man..' His ,first Word!' declared his chigiri, "Sacra les_ crania," with a whole tMlley of miter un pronounceable natois, but which, arrow panied - with the vigorene epplication of the aforesaid hoe, naiad in no small de gree to Prodlice a' maul of subordination and order. Hie apologies ware profuse. His= dogs had:had ma meat for several days--they Were ge tting knoflrY—he must go and catch a bear before long— with' sundry ejaculations arid queries; after" which he , himself laded into a state of docility. I now remarked;what I did not before obierve • and that was, that several of the dog's had one of their fore feet tied ortto their neck, thus send ing them limping about on three legs.-; On inquiry_ I ,diseovered Alt these same dogs committed great de depredations b y eating. up green corn , and this Method war taken to prevent their leaping fences. Old Etienne, was the father-of a mater-'1 ouilarrigeny; but what !with bunting and' fisting,and his little patch of corn and ' notttoeS, with now and then some, fat bear' meat, he managed in keep grim want.awsy.` . ''' --- -1, 1 . ilStriking *crass - die country, we reach ed- the.lgreit Onahita overflow, now. en- tirelydlyi but at the rainy seasons of the year more resembling an' - inland sea than the inundation of a river. Overgrown with hriiri. and. opine-Wood, the gro u nd level and. hard; a _ nd-entirely destitute '.. of springs, 'or even holes!of water / we suf fered much for something to drink. Our only supplies were drawn from the pud dle holes !grated by the rain in the, cavi ties made { by falling of the large pine !reel; and even than not always, unless the trees happened to fall in . & southerly direction., I Ofien have we' diaputed the possession' of such a muddy pool with one or more large moccasin snakes, al ways especting to find:them in such pis- Ces. The oindlow, when at its height,_ 'is illumiterelve miles Wide. It is a' dis mal place human beings to wander in. It is said that several persons who have ventured'in their canoes too far into these overflows;. havic'neVei.- been heard of! 1 1. again. ; Thei'must he 0 'become' bewil- I dared and lost,.and fi n lli perished with' hunger: ; C. L.. exam •nai Tea Dosunars. • THE rau.ADELIIIIA AND NEW YORK PZZIN TEA COMPANY. -251b.:35 /Korth Front Street, Phikutdphin. • _i HAYING recalrW their Pat otyle,at pm. as low dodo y other establishmem la the thawed dude,. For aalo— ISO akin. Wang Hyman, (lose padas and Ansa 'lOO lb* extra Bilenr Leaf den • . • ' Blasts and Ne ale s Charpowder Non and extra) It* do and boxes haperial(Saa, extra 'and had graleaV de dais old Hyacto (mann palm) 950 Vahan, and ban doe °Won't (rartoos) faXt do do NIAr Vamp • do, , Po to (omen and other dreamt Drug* and Flowery Fecal:tea Enallah Breakfast Tenta 1 • Thu Comma, establish no anthem. monde, Grimy kind ott of Philadefplua, batduaishee Tess packed in a sad a pound package:abeam, their Olen 61.616 to the gerktral trade of a guilty spool to sat sold to the U. aws, at the same pneea andpledge themselves re. load the marl for all We don not era entre Milian. al.. • - ?de:ALL/MONT &BOND • • - No SI North Front &mei - Wholeisla Depot of the Mayday N. D. Basra from a dimmed molted fankfally and With despatch.. ,1 . WC. A, ' r J. B. brtst.ADAJLE th e Axe= of kid Oxman) ia la 46it 9lty. sad will oall upon - Orman aad Tea Dedham. .n F.NI3. USE BELLEW VEJILIIIPLTOW—Ir J 8 1014. 1 LAR . EMIYWHERE: . ..• ' - sratr:a of ono Los tin so prO of minildren.whlnktotooght Irak *a. ice 'woryonould fano din mkt.= ' 2 l seconosami it le ma t w o=iiplontibflr'..ver PleNlod on4aoineoL.P.:4lBGLElMlCPilrgid bosoniailldnind4th An. gold DhComal,laWin* .!e114!.. Asesomskai. yi;d.~•i eil! ----MISCELhMO ,- „___ -- : .1 „,t':1P1tirit,,....1% - . . - :-, • • • Tvis- m0ii,....8ra IP ➢ ihn ;peak, tie ;swat ean ~ .L wands nerd caked Cosa, whether •• •••• enteral bladW or Idiad,elst, for irritation 'of the • • and blad der, pim in the ha enrd sidc, kulisisd • • " enese, entp L ForkarkelbreasdnDin • eritilhuncet , dints Wailed tpitle annerthes a lin hinges or is wiles Oki pales. is all wheues the Brae an he taken with rr , Feu nfety, and iv • swain wordy. The Spode is noir, coshener, repine, end ient cedirely= mined , 'without .re Bele otradeof*, *canoe. or to.L.ka and pol Deny hawks* m the inouddicatekeson •- - This h *decay tlial 1 bon Dr. Ingedd jh File Bpeiifi; lobe wertaitednr• end safe remedy. lirtin4 um Bs ellx. in seeeral souk amongst sty 2coletiOks, buoys...alma; Awed and ewe. ea of Uto - who. it rude entire we in every ow. • IrWiIiTEJIZAD. . • New York May,1843., - .:-...- 354 Sivh am* • I theerMy tiTe Intri - bmi7 as to 'bier's!. end *otos ' ishing• acre kf Dr. a Nu II as 1 bars it frost stra* opinion ' - to be infidliblet twin owe itrosetwith wens in Ward ' sof Tal koala • rA New •If May, 888 _ ; Biukteteset! . • . . . . . . I.IDITAP CidiaTIFICAS . Nan Y k;fitsy,ll4.s. 1 Mr. Beals—Devi 'lSint 'hire the plasm to say, that' your eudieiol., Dr.'s/folds/7S !des Ilipoedr., has node a per. Wt.:* in 4.4. or any user, ami / aowtfte you aiy wed that 1 kw boo wriest.' It, as it niskjn opitson in. refine torn kw. Hour, lan err yto the toed rise as lima intUtilli, and, do *Avite ell van are aff Bi p ed in theta* ounser, to purrs thi ,se they may Brod on • Wide tarn 1 - • ' . • ' • do Yaw with Wynn:. . , ' Weer Chester N. - Y., hkey 15,16L5. Dr. knyolthlry—DiEr Ifirt—Tgal you benefit others who may be offeelat, Le well as to my pentode for the banana lbw. dewed few dew of eshable fir cifie,l awry with yew went, are wren cry black ... pr„ mow is WO ot it, Me bus used of attack ol U2* Pike aller hewing na g other remedies ukhoat Wee. 1 i ~ • Yvan ..erUit Bold vislaale mad rasal bi Wt.!. J.4.=11,1d his Pat er Medic* Warakeduward Boot and e'er S tore, No. 139 Litoty Use r , had of word, Ifitiablunh,, Jan Prue, 30 cents 1y . tiML14.13 , 15 raa. , T. Triarr- . • • : 41112=10 . • :rats N. Plas Ohio improvement kas todeluMß When about two yests, and where., it Is known, prefeldedlo. alkalies Beadshiads. . Formbespbeas, mreogth,and convenience it hae not 'and cannot .be mu ll ed, lilt 'decid edly :the h est , cheapest and most convenient &dm. in use, and per. (telly proof solos( Ilega7 The prinelpal Cabinet makers and Tamers in Alle gheny tinged in Patsburgh, have steered Rights to manufmtni a and sell do artlete. As them are sporions oruc leg and imperfect imitations in the; market. purcha errs would do well to cis.ne the cast iron, plates on E. which m the genuine *nicht, Ma nu As a m Of Me patentee. F.Osszaw. ot insatiably east proof of &litho I la eloimed for Guam'. Bedstead., the following ccriifi. cede from Mulct macre well linown in Pittsburgh and the West, u subtaluald, the public: , - We, the sabomibera protocol cablect makers . and Bedmead manurattmers of the cites of Pittiburgli and ',Mechem, PC, do hereby certl(l , that'we have bought the right tomintofactare bedsteads with Guam's Pat ent Fustetungs;and'eonslder ike same now.. la my fameadosawith whtel we are acquainted, o n Junes' Lemon . i John Artirew • T B Yong t 6 " Rohm F e in J B Hanley . •: ' • James B Barr • Use% trit j h r i . n • Thum Farley , Roomy APClelland Band Laker . • Mots la IlughWallnee •• Roberts & Bare , J./stayers . • • JuW WckghieJl I Nee/tame Gmr. Bnyder klasleu .11.1cAlowers &Co • Aleratuter Lawson! For Riilits snake Ind sell the above Bedsteads Imply to'.. EBFNEZER F GAZZAM, • Mtn Patentee AdlagbitV'is):C/ r /LlFirli Ttls Watitira pm, D. C. ,r 7 RAJAS C. 110BERNS Mechanical Engineer and 14 AgentrotproenrullUratems. , . ll prep= the M eesaan Prandoms• and Papers Mr Applteauu roil al- CMS. and uunsact•all other busaneM in the line of hie prodssion jet the Patent Office. lle 0n be comulted Lon all giteMons relating IA the Patent Laws and deci mal m tin Oohed Bums or Europe. Pe oons at a din.. doe mus of haring essonestif on made at the Patent OS prior to making &pelican. COT potent, may kwerard , ost pnt, micktaing a fee of Bre dollen, o clear ratertltllt of their C• 341, VI ken immediate atten tion will be ghee to It, and all dus information Mai eeold berdsMined by a Mato( the npplieut in pecan] promptly.imanunicatetL • • All letters on boldness and be pest paid. ad contain a suitable he. when a semen opinion to receded. MC, 0117. street, oppetite the Potent Mee. ill has the honor of referring, by permiselan, to , • 800. Edumd Burke, Commissioner of Patents; Hon. IA L Ellsworth. late do do do; ti• Knowles, ?Meta cißcei fl o ota dge lT . ,=, ` Za=: , t ' s , Afro, Ohio. • do; ' Ilan. J B Bowliu, M C., Missouri; Hon. Willis Hall, New York; lion. Robed SmithM C, illinmei • Hon. Si Breese,U Steam; • • Hon., N Reif., MA Altssaari;• - Cam., Al Shreve. Mimeo* • , , ' E 5.131 Brrek.. Pitahorgi“ • mylf, 11 , 13,6111CT1AM BLIND& T 117=1 . 1 var the te.tLeverodKayn arid moot fashionable &mere patterns and c omps. Aim TIIE CHEAP ROLL, or. BasnoN BLIND, on hand or made to brder all sires, and at allprices. Cranny Merchants and ethers are leaned to call mid examine the shove for themselves, es nil will be sold wholesale' or rc mee ser. t, and a liberal deduce. made to wholesale puha A WESTERVELT -"1 •1 4. 4.1i1A1N A 1t1T.1151011. NEW YORK. TOE American AM-Onion Is inessrpoiated for the promotion errata Arts in the United State. Inch subscriber of Flex Dolan is a Member Crone years The limes are applied: IM. to the prodeetnin of OM. ant cosily engramites,of which every member receives ebpy; sod next, in the perehase of original Palettess, and elem . works of art, by mauve or resident antra, oeti are distributed, by lob among the snembers,sn sEe • year 146 palming, were dlstriltated. This year y well be more rumen,. tad valuable—mere thin lad are already purchased; and in addition mere will be distributed CO beinse medals of Wastdation le , f In prestress. And each member will receive two etaraVisigs—The Jolly Platsßost Ken; after Hines bo o ; a nds era; after Humbeitem The andenigned honing been appointed Ilemier7 Recretanes fin Pittsburgh and vicinity Is prepared m re etive subscription. Wiese wahine in Immune. Mantras sell Reward the interests or the society by aolmr az mon as may be convenient. ' Wats El CALDWELL Sod street,opptsint the Pon CeSee 0 W PAIMESTOCK nett! ' COT wood A 6th en a =! ••• • • • us ut .bserlbar has commenced the etty of Plus, T tough, the manufacture of Pnaisn.lak, in all its various enriches.. • hasten throughout the canton' w oo are In waat.of Inks, wohld do well byzantne eut the subscriber peel+ out to supplying . Mcomelves,ae they will be sold at coo. mdcriblo redaction from eutant price.. They cannot .be exalted in point of beauty, siehoms. or the excel. Fence of material from which they are manufactured. The eubscrlbet cannot bet believe:where a superior article teamed he siessPriee,Mat a sentient induce runt Is advanced to secure the patronage of all who ate Printing Inks. He is also satisfied that Wallahs upon trial wilfporrespood with the above repreacatation,and would therefore solicit Abe con= of those who feel d, l t, dispesen'to , entrourags the.mansfac l uring of the article to Ibis coy. ! , 1 • • . ! , • Orders reeled it 1 BIRD, or Wright & CL aril., Printeralc rof Diamond and hlatketatreetrwill be. .punctually Meherged- , . l . oce...fil 4.,:t. ELL •• 118Pr.it1ftL LIMON 8Y R UP.—Frorn W 1.1 IC Baden, Esq.; Clerk of the Court of Quarter Ses ., inane of Beater eatery. : , Ma. Hi &rt.:Ail—Bic 'Some time is the arbiter ray anti, Was meted with • severe and direrr•lung toilet., S and hearing ef your invaluable Cough Sy rap. I parch. sed a bottle .8 T. Trimble, Esq , in idnageareter. and a ft er tale • portion Of It taro minus. erudite, on going to bed, e band inunediate relieft I. ale* Sever al Mende bate rehevedla revere assert I aro there fore rarefied it is • safeend valuable medleine,and . s e er rec end .11 to those 'rheumy be abated with 1 ievere Cogb Ind rolda. , , W.E.Banex. The figrap lapel bp in i 5 cent bottlre, so that it arty :Prepared ll/ pour. well as the rich Prepared a d,sele by R E SELLERS, 57 wood one alp, for sole r ; Dr, Cusal,Stb veal, mud D M. Curry , , ~ or,. -.l'l, am as w ..._-. AllegbanY ca p : _• . !. i • . nrl3 . HgiE tri --- ..0r sale a (ow Wen Western New York growth of 161.- from 6 to 10 cents.' elan, Eartfn sal Western N Y,!isarly pkked, Ilus y' sz , s tintewas I Prim Ohio dikllelmont many. .4. The gencralEsunan clop °Pilo eeason W now being i . received. II viers and otberi v us u ingi Hops, will find It much ks We i advantage nrobtain their supply from the note:signed they intend to bell th roughout the reason ssNew Yor price, - GEO. W. Skarn at Co., oetadem , - . i ' , Pittsburgh 'Br every. riitaltli Gt C Inflabil SOA.P—For reaso , .1. ving °relies -spots, Vlisiine, or Marks from Clothes, Woollens, Carpets; te r , tra-. and tendering the spots whined is .(, plied deer, bright, new, and spotless. Enid with II directions. Price Sacco% a cote. by WhI,JACESON, NI Liberty strect;lioad VlTi t .ll ii. Boot and Shoe •Ibre, sign of the 1116 IV Struts x. r,P PA Vdtk ß er7Zlerb di enl ;l i t:Oil-L S I:. hoe cl We new pancrna for Stoves on hand either inuend or hen. • Mill Gearing and all pancreis made to order. 4111,,mmzmwi'',k91 PATENT DIHMOT.A.CTION • • • STEAM HA MM IER: Ta ll t i k 9 , l l. ±,er poSsassei many advantages over all ng which may be meauoned, litanageableness—Theraplditlryand roma blow may be on with the'iresteat rue, while the hammer it operation, and the hammer may be 'p liantly arrested, and , asspended at any height. • • Its linivervality, or catoteitT to eleeete work of ell kinds, from the largest to %be...rens under the re.. Its Simplleity, Ocupaensem SO Mennen , I. Ac""lblilll upon all bole., by the workmen. All the hombrees nor made Self.Achog. - The su "bete continue to ekec We orders for these hammers, of sizes, upon reasonable For(aslhe paruoulats.,ing" etre of ' - hIERRICK &TOWNE. Ass sof Patrol Medic United Plats, deelSay Southwark Pounds?. Phllasil'el• . D REY Ir. - 1410.0fi.101c ---- , .• : ildanufaeturers of AWII kik SICKING • BOTTOIIII, ' WAGO. , COVERS AND GRAIN HAGS , • i or ALL onsenirriOnS Nea. 304 South Back T. 14..Cabin' if WRIT: Min A Lt. Obde • left wish 11.13..1100n, at the e, ane of the XL Merchant% Hotel; Pittsburgh, well bpr attended to. .THOS. G. DERRY • ' ' • • 10.dly A.IC.-NICKERSON ukatki wrumitr4P . egaitr, MUTAT M WWII AN D Pka.f4 4, 4, l morthodn.troo, " ' Waso.a. Wet . ibleme Ids 6 . 4 'WI. MA and rill kap hr ait,• , laaboaa knerbmat Camara Wm*. atoll tillotladi of ago*. inks's* tie Aorta* plial&sMipi.f bo mybstaisamerobtehetni =Mid - 1141 dimly FE111141301 - 111111 -. FURI3,-tseb stra-ool u lr ' dr• as . ft to Oak 41:11=-"*.YIA neelmod shalt( wfft steended He'93 ACM Th"liktb°"4l4 • • - W idk11 74 14444 40P - I I0 F 4 i: -.: 4 EMI= . . „ , lEEMS =lll'x.. 41..T0111;ASEStleli 1111! • S,IR SA P. - AItILIA • Masi s extraoary dletivane In the Worid, ;Thu c if ra ct b pat eint go:vital= Itsecs d =4,- . pthesanthr, end waren= terrine iolny sold; Is e' er ,. diet= without . at:Bing, 'gown: dielsoicis IPRlNah r b OMMEDAIRDIZINSI I : The gnat beauty and eirtiority of thbßanaysuiLta ore 111 nth., Medicine is, =CM it Bruiteital pier= k lee' stew the Body. • It it toe of the - eery beet SITUNO • AND 81151,111.tt MEDICI tbM ever krunen, It not tad; mite tha whole sydentliad drengtheed the reason, but it Croat., 'Nos, Pure aid Rith Bleed, itsiteer peso= by PO olbil And to this =Bleer= escratof =act . 1 , 4 success. has perforated •eritimii• the past two years, „than 35,000 cures of 511.1. CM.. Died= ,tr at ithat 5, t stiattese were cookie= incuiable. Dtheethau r 3,1510 can of Chet= Ahmanson® ; • . , 9 Ciat cam of thyippia; • , I : 460 cases of Gene= Debility and Wtrthof Fairy 7,000 ea= Fe BAB =es of litatifitte; . . , 1,50 u censt • of the Weer Cosoplaial:. I • 4,50 u ma of Disitai of the Aeolus), end Drepsy 3,005 aises of Coistnaptiosa Theenands of cetcs of Dien= of the sk.a, • Erysipelas, Baltithrsord; gimp= no the Face, he., At. 'To•• grAber trim 01102FP121 1 ISM tick Ltudachs, gem t o lb. sidiand Clem, tenth ABectiooy Ge l be. • This, ere lies swim, man appear hennas, hot .wo letien from physicians and cot agents troll al/ puts of • e Voted Matas, informs; as arm:nordista+, =al 11. Via Dasadtk,Esq. cue oft. mostrtspectabletrogrists In Neu , ark, N. J.,laforms ...at he m refer to man thm Lit ch. ses in that place alma.' There ana thonsauda of ems Is. Mt Ci 4 of Rear York, Mich we will refer la M. plesson, and to sea of charsear: It Is the boot medicine fob We Dmeative of discs. Minna It mamilitiolly mast tse liras of mon thso a,OlXi Wm/Malta ton Pori Simm • Ae it remand the am of dimes MI relined them b a Ws 13mm. moon. • 1 Unman Sams Orrsots. Carr. O. NV.hlinlittsat,sit mu Mutsu Strard NAM*, sad membet of tlis Itestacrsty Legislators, has thistly Mort at the imbuing maw.. It ts/h its out tiny. liannesa, Ito. 13,1811. • A year aime ,l was akeuwit tha htlasom, and my,silsott Taus left is • debilitated sta.. lota Muni hi try D. Timm.% Barsaprilish sook hikiag two or th ree bolo 11%1 um very much Mined, sad ca it entirely to the saidhanamalla. I hate ca ndling it, sad had . that !LT -, '7.1, d :taj.', L t=„,. tir , 0. w.lllCLaar Ida U. S. N. , PIgAILIeSTEISIOT . ROUSE. Dime Imatiatis ouiol-The subscribers Wring harchiMed the ee -1 tire !Memel df *LG. P Wilbantion, late of this Well koovm.eritabllsbotent. beg leave to notelet their frMods and the noblte genensity,..that they have taken :Una commets I liotel for . 4 terra of years and will exert their bee energies to make it a demrahleteme for Tny• oilersldeal Boarders,- .- : ... ~' , . .. • The hotel otel hs swims and adotirablyplanhod for eon venien light and. air, haying , enaMbee of patters adirdni g etounbets,ppmenung mental autumns to The resentproprietenitavidg had ihe ixyerienne of le, yehrs lids'elly and elsewhere, hope they will be able to glen : geeing satiefaetion, being determined so give ondivilled.attenthut to the time alone i ~4 , : •Thetoestion of the . Pr Street Hansen oneetationly, 1 eligib e. having front on Pearl, Walnut and Third at., op th t it •is eqoally. desirable In view Of thetonvenk coos Of. badness !senor sentiment !captivate bonnier& . It Is ! ear by the [Maki; MOP.' OOdeohe Idainoto HoO Odd Fellows Hall, and bittoottsotant distant Oton Ma street and two squares (reds the City Wharkihtta off og the greatest indtteemeritkesneehillY kimono, mar mind gettetally Wall perm sisnin Clam , nod JOHN NOBLE_ 1 LE:. . __...—. boa pallet eertifsals .g eoesdasi on, th. te1y .... pr0r a.6.... es the tidit c..... Bariiparil_ . ; a t I : • Woe. Three psrassieured la ens house is aspromilmatt. 1, r ..,... Came... : • , • ', ' ' Dk.Toraratiran—Deat Sir: I ha. the Mew. to tufam pa Mat three of my children hart bum coed of the train• fola by Ma we of yea nulle medicine. . ey Iran idlicrad wry stmsly raith best rota s but only Th rakto fone :bottles It took dram ratty, fee tenth 1 ned oprlfondrt 'd "P't li g"" lansa ,10$ Woods q.. Nara Yea, Med. t, ram - . • GREAT FE.MIA Irar.LlClll.lL • • Dr. Tomcod% Sartraneltio leis pratemrs nod rprady cure for incipient Consumptioe, Harrannerra Lratrarbo, or Whites, obstromed or didraatt Incootionton of Uri., or Onvoluntory dn.*. Unroof, and for the,gm-1 aril ' of the systcm—m matter weenier the own of ' tcum CP eames, Mod.. intolarity, ifratto eteids. ion boraces murrain{ thon herairalt*..it% • fedi ea the human froansetNrrratt,all wakens and Paw tura, Coma taking it, at otos baton robot and fano( Woo under Ind... It ram/rad.* limmtinels the olerte. Lem. the fatale froom, which u the diva most of, boll . It *tetrad of mon to* of o dclkate se. tore, I. Oratibiteasibmora of rum perforoortt, but try mu eraure nos Mot., thra tinestrira of cans bore been rayonled toot Several[ tam nmitias hots boom wino. child- . ran, after wing Gra tat.' of this Pasolushra lure tram Watt with healthy ofbpoug.i • - Dr. Totootarndr`qty - wA • being Casty dti6tioof by, oreatuttattut patrol debility, and sulfama etumnuelly by pan. and • .attar of baring swot of the ram* rod with fon.r dittrarairat, tad I bra* Imoun eaaa rime your maiden las *feted oratcurts; and ano bear * etcomuscadtd (e.t.a mo ra ss I here ancribedjobtoira rd. 'bottlt of your' Elranot of Ste and followed the dieratuf me you pus me I. .hart it macre& y .obb oh u:t t u . T... be anna ttion . .n0.17,DA iOra aublit! odv AragL Co.. of Cema Lyillus tn. Comactot, Y10pt..42, 1t45. • Dr Tlmmemi: To all whew, this way comene—Thie it &d to atrtity that. lay wife ma me beck of yaw s•reaparilla Prto h. roMattantomder the mew ehtemitty wed e Mmitastmees, twin troottled with thi pr swePL hag or Me feet, immto eirectima,mul Mry tooth debilite twf; with my ;mamma, eiut the t-- ...,•,,, a who Ma inM it, Mt me Mimed to wf it, with WM or • • faith ;cod seifute it la my, the =MM. had ths *Ty en : duind efeet,nat only M the holm of eacolnewmt, but : tha e= of me limk af its my; iii dwe*ay ma Km my to an Matiollhbi Lila hlf 11:11.1%1 ia Avlg 6attei than it had ben, Aw • time prei nom iflue will be of itay mety•r• to L_ _ . osy woo— . roo any Im. doubts du suatoos of the ;czarism', marl codedf orolooiso to It' I ontocribo myself your moot obedieol m11'44140 c 061311.. TO M0T11121.4 AND kIAXULIED LADIES, This Enron of Sempardla has Dem eepeeetly peopirei.' tat refuse= to fesdode mapteatte. ' No female what haslet oat oo suppoe: she is approsetang that tritiodiarT The torn cf O f , , 'theta! neglect to' take .01, aat oeftaitt. remote for my of the ammo. and obviate Mem to' which .ksoales are subject et that tism of life. TRus.j.riad my be delayed kW nretend yews by using this medicine,. „Nor as it Iter Moab:. to 0100 who ore V. oppmethingemoermtbmd, es is caMdetett to son,,13:011, 1 , qkeautt Ulf blood and torigorattrf the srptero. Indeed, th utc moedkotte ti inval uable for all DI ihs &Mats Carom to 'Ouch' woofed aro subject. It booms the viva* tyatros, reams pemoseudy the Asto ria mergitby marmite- the hoputtles . of the body÷tfof v 3 be rtmethiliag the .joto es to maims subsequent re. lesetim, fehioh if the caw of most meditioeitakfo for GIBL3 R£AJ> THIS. . . . - - ___ . . . _ Yoa who haes pas eoraplexioa, dull eyes, 6lol.ie oa OW ue, sough La, or frt. T w o. may “ out of spuita;^ ass • bottle . two of Dr SarrapardW IL wtli dna. yo. wow, now. lb. freckle aod bawd., wwl enlon animatio . a Lparkling cry Borrrinitias, mini besalfral' eoutlastiow—all of which,. of soma.. alas u. noMoo . riad larliet. - .. . . ... . DYSPEPSIA. L , ~' - ' . ' No Said ar mediae bee nee bass deonient which es needy rue-male the gate Peet or wain In decompooLag food and 111.011 Ming 4.15 organs of digestion ; as Ike prope,, ; ration ofSanaparde. - Soon Dirrultrautwe. Animus Mq 1n,1815. Dr . Yinansesdir Air—l bus been .aeliced Mr mural years with dyepepsia in Po moist (01111, , mended with Mug, ono of wenn., to., of apetite, nom. Inuetittera and a• great simian to all kinds 'of foodosod far woks (what 1: could ray)' I bare been usable to ittlin, boll t nun partirm oil my stoma.. 1 tried tha usual renielin, Init they Mid but lade or es rain is remosiog the rolisplust. I I was ira doted ; about two webs pinto; to tu your Extract of Sane paril itt laond I mouse with lilac coodiltete. but ear neg.' baba, Ifound my appetiteappetiterestored, and On Zrrorn " 7emirely remored; and l would earneety rm.* mend the me of it to nous who bare been *Mink its I have, Men. Yours, {'n•. 'W. N. Vail, n laladZantre., • 'Nov 22,1840. State.t ALAIPST A MIRACLE. t.coo Find nd the followed, aod doubt if you ; that ranignola eau moot be cored. .Thie is usly isnot O. norm/ hundred eases that Towiesend's Sarnia:nibs boa cored: , Dr TutOXltald—lk. Ifir . I win Laken, * link rwer year ogoorith a Mere coogli oria pain. to coy side. It ' near. on me nu Fut, nand. 1 was newl 17 pi 7 airbus to ban Me quint pion' beaded Inge *mu tithe of bad ruler ; had bight sweats and MAME eery my danor aid he could do oothiog fur 14e. / Rol into brepiel io baps of being beneLtud, but nu p 1 oh . as tocurableg- I anis now greatly aiertered id tho Moo d cookl hardly breathe; I um her.. noseistedond ea d to die • .as co tu 'my Led, nd lies obliged to • watchers . indent I aunt gar yes any dereeptioo tliat 1 winda do keen to my cue. 1 was supposed by, coy s to be peat nanny i I bad teed a great number of . j and MI mimed toDo to no super. ' I raid of main most a , ...rainy cum performed by year seedieireer.a to I you dia troth, I suspected then was wiewasumbog io ' But / woo induced to try it . I did ma; eel am airy MI NI I did. I nowt soy that I tin entirely Wall, Lot am Or reasertil as to bo abosa my benne ; and bogie Li be lin( ly well m a few weeks. wly cough and pun il the (side: and Idea mats hare left me, nasal.. but very lielel, and am ten gaining .1 usual elrm4Pla 1 fill it a duty. gin you a gaursomt'ot my pus, to retire if You plaint • - Pena Dime*, *EMU ot, B yo. , . Opinions or Physle4uuk, I ' _,' Dr Towleherod is almutdady ranntrog ardent : phyli sinus in different parte of the Union. ; , A . , This is to certify that •., lbw undersigneil, PS ysinans ol the City of Annoy, hue in outunuts caw reicribid Dr. Trireme:Ps tdanaparillm - ond twlini it lobe one of Unload 1 saluablo pa swallow of the Streateuillain the ouskic R P naio ; . w, ~•. . J Wu..., A n,. . • IL lIHmOOO, at o ; li E Yeltnitaite. al . Albany, April !, 160 This u to candy that in, tlu aideralguid, p Thateatinian Phyticiana *tan Clip of Albany. han [mitten, ly.puncibed Dr Tortneatlte Compound Patent of nun. panda , Mia feel it. known qualilin, would reeanuntud ittp the public In marcunal, menden, and uthne alumna die eases, in preference to any of the annealed remedies now ii ..rielbaby dipt112 2 .144. WiO 512.11Tedi,T iA Prieunpal Axe, 183 Fulton sf, ding* Co Biala N Boom, Dr. Dion kt o n e, ED North fleoi • D Ph iladelphia; 8 8 Haney dnigiost,fialloaore; and hi V acitloggiete gam= ihroughoil Uoltßute, But Nose genuine, tine.. put op in tei. tale opoire bottle.; which contain a quart and aped . ..Obeli. written eiguntro of DP TOWNBEN D i and Inseam. blown Oti the Fron ihe th tleir York DuelyZarr of reprU 8,1:117. the . .l et =Prin. big:mot flrTerortise l nil. The whole Wu. ir got up at good wit woe of We ornai mound Da pnatiogrert tureutifulorbich, toOa with the scroll work, ...lola, gleitsoing ni th e setia, inada ioehirir nirsly equalled IR Bratd.y. We Like st ye opportunity to up we believe thee extinct of the Sannestriela domes the reel great popularity . et has aneoired. • • 2 , liervonap!".ll_ty., eTfoil;bianial, Dr.•Townsendi—l hare been •Olicted more or km for brad;:with • dreadful Seeing the them, giddistai in the , lass of emetic, pan in the limbs, and general debility, lirooght eve doubt by the tooth:and heat end told to Which lam subject to in toy t i e • dyer: • [ham tans ether madicinee, too 114041.0. to zonation, but with little. eons tree. wet induced by who I saw in the paper to try. bottle of yintr Sampan's, from hieb I Dond greet Mitt I tire* knee takenearerelmon boats, sad dims uaiwitainsy my it i. 11:m boot sasdiedis I ban enejalua*.ths ram to my. cheat is ouni s end Ifeelquite &different man a/Sohn Sirn have taken your Serenparillas I has miwS better appellee than mar I had.. Ali stft but takers it with the euee bmeb• eiel result.. I would recommend it as • .fatally .seedieini generally. .ad I feel marketed that ifki meddler, would not be um sickens there is, sad comequent/y no t is may rq,e as e e bills for while itmetores eppetitej it also ern to the Sanaa teed boucle them replier tone, itkeep. Om blood in healthy matt, met that dhows Jr not whitely likens& dm spent. And to ell Dime who are not in &healthy stem, Imy try Dr Tasman:Vs Sarespardia. •••• i• • -Twos.. &mid, 70.Arisa st. Canker's* the alcutlts _ . . Baia ve essosat atm:4o Mad omed •Dr Thawed's Be W bee gyred the linscithomeade of eitildma-S TM dilloriag ciaiideside is m aim a pad essatisr of f s aclrolln.'Ardil lee; De Tomicsida Dew t he , diadem Sisk Milt thii Comm is the assail' mie disoat,, stieMed with great 'Daum t oei drier I oldsised some of put I mealiest msdisise, and i eared it for wldeft Vo., mass pe /Meyer/ s Yams Eu inn rostaa.47liesSeamml. For ..1. ,blB E SELLERS Dastrist s 1i03.7 Weed ef ; Menu Ed sad 4th as, who has been - sprielated by Dr TowNseND.ll4e9 41 1 da; t dedi4allT Hatband'. Celebrated , Plaid Naga - eatiti _millsh enad,Opard elegant sail.mid sad spriest; i nce wigs ...god= of ishemadtres larboedis of /deceased posissemlleM eddied pall or dm , Meet pm: pustions Of *Ape*, VOIKOO 0 . 14 t r dolAs losse omens, tiem fa the lbowsliediebistbj. e ilareped o r eimioch - Nimble vandal at lb. Magma% facqule. 'lltrbrillgirreOkillr= era;.—A ~,Awitt., aaa nts ft* emir! pi tub* me *fatal Doctor TbltiAlnen Worm e ' el. td of lama, Bbart's Abut& gattnti. at varnia,ntut by Um o( aald nambaina a ehlld ny oarttpaseed 14 - Intyar lud aroma.— 11'4.e.1p 11.. moo asrpitsmg. WM. Asedi..l.6 ~,e t .tea. • /grim have two more. rx!4s. ;• • - ••. • , . . , • WM OILIfONE 4 J It4DD gto, No NI Wood.. Woos. Phil • 7, ,kcivatuurmucrzu.: , , t , I.MITIELTIRXET,2.OAIaIiko E r -, FOGG.liii TIIIIII2TONf Proprieteevr. rings tataltilatinard hang auiaridegy known as . tog. -Lament thakottatecononstiona inthenityotathisonte, I haanthentlY endergth Tell oerlealiTo alterationss Improvements, IA tt. eutire'new wlogh,as bean ad I 'eoptainiagulttWonliand wrysteepest , apartments, . extensive batiloth thaes. ' • --/ ' -- -i - ; .! • r'• I • l TLieLadin'tlepartMetlthei althheenoompletell re . • r lacd and hued Sp beat meat anigoo anti beathifith •thyle. in feet , the whole arrangements{ the Ilo.thethaa 1 6,..,,,ethetteltill, witlia'Aingle eye as 'the part of the . F.,. plopiletert a the, epee's's:and pleasure of etch' Guesis,,a ad !dell they, Confidently etert Win ollud levbe.iett, E l % . I r i lth rat i o' 4lll . lotell n. ry l a, Mandel and I Which them ■ Met alforde,_serred up. .Ina they twill no t eaorpaulcd• ; - - • .... '... 1 • In conclusiOn the promoter. beg to say, that no tog will be loft undone On their part; and onthe parte( their aulstants, WI rennet' this Hotel worthy the cannoned patronage of Sheir (needs and the yobbo generally. • The prieet.:foir board ban alsu been reduced no the allowing runt— :, ... I . ~ : I, 1.41,q Oflinarr, • 1 , ; 11l 75 per day: ~.. Cietolemenst " . •t , - t • 150 :,! It fi..ll.—no Baggage Waggon of the House will al- Ways be foible 'at the Car anelfuethaboat Leadithth: which with cenvey baggage to one from the llotel,'free of ett.ge.l 1' 1 . . • - . i • . , -_, .. KI • if,. ~--, awnoviscrrira.... • ~• i." 1 50.169 cassia= irtaarr,lPallADELPttla. fIIIE Schflotlbera, Nader Om Arm of Batson 4 Wcsr . , hass_pllzelased fils.:loftes'mteresOn Ws establish. al I, and balm by the f aletest. Knead= lo We lirAilts animfortS of their guests, Is Jposuit a condi:metes of th !thenl farrows haretsfore . - ISe9ved by Its folsses, P . he e l ousef has bsenthtistsfshly reastmadd,and repair ‘ll wethcfsbre e an . d aolhware o d m Ire e .. a sraltexp u . ,: ou; {lit •iv ollgilst= . : NI.I7}IIIIDOFfIr. .. i • osses. 'wow . Corner ir*Livls*d.lll4caht els; Olgellnitatl4 llltl entiblithittent Know to the beet Order [WIWI' .L ot i therrays d hanci fi t a= t tn:i eallos the Nast ergheeti own ix the aitoz..4 the .vatioas eepertmee_,te • I tot= myself thetelOelfis. pleesed who ettlh The lOeshotilectutwiteoa u. and pleosanto 'Pain II pet da7;,, r • ,_•• • Icioeumeth March L 1,1817 . - .; W VICIALW n.—rotwo kneitrproom,' it it tiv leme T a n rely toh the hanele..• M'ADISON'IIO-1 4 _111-ft;;-: ht4PISC!Si rrH E firerpriGlOT onto long temblinhao Ixatmearemtact 1. folly oreeg hie sera . icte io tbeiclauats at Pilmbalgth &Orrin exam !amber to reader o:ll2lfOrtable all who Aka favor klm mitti then campmay. , - - 1111 palm which bat long bee° . orate triat ilia Pr De +ler/ at ' Mubarak the amain mama. Ramat a larger field for Mut operations ama hemtahr;ejfmat the compleciala of the Rai/ A 4.4 Jo !Mamm,' %Oa adleb (other Mao dm hog rink% Thguat. ma23l ' (ID FITZ9OOtI, Propnctot A. • TIIHobXZOHTOA'B• iiiiiter:.p.ottsm, - - • _ •:r u ZoiaLsville.ley... - '' - • : 7 t .Fllt, TGROCKMORTON Ixe to stqnslottus friends *Lt he Is Spin fence .of the GALT HOG SEli laxpisirille t ~. ilsio he hoi..torle. l . ll his old friends, amount Item 4nd the poblith,chaina 'edOrt shall - be:spared le mate all e confaruible'ssho favor lush witkiheii . pwonaire.:, ~. , - - • 'solidly, AMERICAN jHOTEL, • OPPavith ihe iti , cia /Witt se.,Ba. MEDJCAL. HIBBERTIIII/1/1.110A.L.1717 11111611( 0 Flstol4l —ln mee,tiae: the, pawner or th. "pal, g.. axis' artioki - it 4 ba1....01 aid anger that Ps monism, rbStackibeelaint for app. te bead tboald be folly wed fair ty *Oath and also mom . strat t rws:e glycol Withe MR ' . mkt O II 'a rot t t iO . " rt7:l! I 1:4 I 1 i magi eeidal:q d --..' • look eleba" ere . mpose; of a pmeipilata; held Mother ley Alibicsi wrime the wakir,ei th er t s whole or part ts =paroled the gam attpripitate me kato a paityntese realmor 17. add r 7:n k a; to k ksub lteWll watt. atatm ro . rm i tte It : etthl, which inert...ol.o 4by man is the pm, if a *eel r, wtswadini it *mad! in Ito. nrj abort time _ ;Pow the e irri% 1 , 1 , n! . 117:17 .4 fr0m . atal!tro irr .. r . y= i s , I .l l thett . _ lll , l irr. ielTr—, o oKk, ..i ! idlafli% c oo .e large quamay bows .rom.Ueletmk m k, me patatmaiwramptee rm, tint deeper tato tbe en,: a d. making • more pormw neat Wats bad reee kat easily mond by attrition then If a was may plastered oa the meat, 'lt Moo emanimito itattepthat has an sfotity.Pr metalk trab therefore will lot:corrode meet yenet-It will not mould, .4 alwagit it mitts of a blabli mitt color yet la a few hoots it bean.. a deep black "...hall w.lleastim foram. lt it tail:mated aver. 4 the forage arfiefebotewo by the 'same of "Arsold'a, MUER' Fla," mid mirth is.l. more . gh. I for: ate emu prior-' As Wegmante . Vat iarmitwe or my lama 61 '4 e=ted: the. 1, stemomembatkin bria tailleri samtk aok ' meareithit t ome: eke . e tiani Maid Wok hael bhai do • Coined by ski kir en anwortby parpcm. : ,I , . . t --; -•- - , „ 31'i ...i.e.a 0 tuat wicbi.a.t wrieme vhda”te the patronage :of die pobliei tea that rate artideth all res... tr i l l ? It flowsermiken the =rat:kp : l , in ita and 1 b w attl f . ro t st 7. Wa Lit= ' • I . Woal.iirpineottk Sot 6117hibinan ii.. Co: .. . , Debt ll lett% ltooltyar -2i Mand as l CO. fai WiW WOO., 1i . , ' r I ' — l imier, EtelMe ..4r ßiati, Arg 20,161 r. Mr Tboi XHI 11—Deet eir t: I tan ben asks, Tour Clunniewl Writioa Vlaid, and Bad in went ma not kw tbe 06.01 Owe &Myer= the, sea and bieameciet Week a a Net lax.. . I ..' •:Xolere to: • . : , ,- TII TUITLE . Book-l a rt ~ T I 1. ; Afar Bmath Bmpo, 1 . I .. -• i PLLI..6 Ani...., 1617; bfr 1 . 6 Ilibberb,Dear. Sam blaring Paused • boated your Writ* Fluid, some thrm meta apa, 1 eeat'!der it fey ty apt if socsapaiat ta.pacellt, s •=ll , plias mit aremr ta Ww.' W " Wll.l.l.l6k6TElTATE,Willetkelta , i . kw drib., riieholeaji Co Platbargh, Sept LI, W. ' I!. T KAMM—Dear Bir: lOa emus .at 'gal Writiag klaid, end fold kb. be aimed ear. l ankle for: steel peon, as admiral oat thatittplita dm of other Mkt, a flow e free sad - Imam. doep h . t p : J. N. home. I . , . : roam s gar oa k. a : . : WILLIAM ICAKIts lt : • I tat Jabs bake, ?misted tad mid Wam& wed HAM] Ity Thomas X Ribbed,' %mist a d Cbemital'eanter of. Liberty I sad- Smithfield Strate.rgut.oo, re: . .0024641 • 1111k111.1111AMPB TOOTH - P.IIITM. • THE beat articinknewm foinleaning t anrtatnca. and Whim:Mei the Teeth, strengthening the mum, sweetening the breath, AO. .It naiad be ased'every night with wil brash, and th e to and mouth Will only mans a sligh washing in the morning. Wet the brush with ware water. or cold will answer; end rat It a few Meta on 'the paste : when eneogh will dhere for examen' the tooth. It t ent.. &linens mere in the mouth r and t d '. pans a moo{ delightful fragrancy to the breath. kande unrivaled m a Plemand. efeeseions, ennactlent,', and mfio dentrinde. ft is warranted n ot, to Irdere mete, butte omen/ether.' , • I By tains it regularly, it Will Yeoman theta ar and 'prevent to accontalatreeent . the !toothache, strengthen dm Bann, and prevent all diseases of ,new t Chenustarphyumans, and the tic ). rgrrecommend ,It at decidedly earshot td every thin of the hind In ao.— , Ask for Sherman% Compourni Tenth ,lane, , observe his .gnat Is attached to whoa:. . • Recommended by, Lie. Carle; 3BIL Broadway, one of one beat Dentists, and by emal'of the.' old L eitabbahed one, in Me United thaws, and _even ntenalirely mad by the Yiebilkyof England and Fen en, A large propordon of Mediates...l hataßliet mankind urine from some derangement of the stomach Or Watch.: which a timely &Wel the Cahn Ito Lamegee woad entirely °baste- Perms .of habits ahead ad, ays have a bOX at ductal, sad tat s done whmutect they feel*, least derolMenteril le their health. . - etodt.' eines me,of Mese Lamentms would prevent**. do *r Aor gale a WE. caner 4;el - 'and Libra). ata • • • :dram enlza Who se clinician Prepared ctua,' u. 1.4 often not aware how fnatitfolly toJurioits I to th the skin! how eoarseiboverouith, how sallow, yellow , and unhealthy the skin appears aver using prepared chalk: Besides, it is fl.barious,!cianuilniostslargequan • thy of lead.. We hare prepared' • beasdful *closable 'article, which we • tall JONES'S SPANISH LILY ' WHITE! It is perfectly ionoCent, being puttied Of all t deleterious qualities; Lod it im arts to 'the shin • sail. 'MI, beildlt . I . l ..tatt clear, r ing while, Milts same time action as a counetie on th e *kik making limed and Autooth— .; ; . „ . Dr. James Amiens* Pre al Chemist of•Alaisai ehusetts.say...Alter analysing Jones% Spanith Ulla White, I Ind it pommel; thereon huutithl. coed sal, at the unto time innoeeht white 1 . over saw. • 1 certainly eau conseientioutly neommend its nth wall whose shin requires beautifying.. • r • . • . ~ *, U.Crice SO cent t bor. r • .. , • 11.4a1e by 1S ?.JACKSON, at his Boot and Shoe the B there,ig Boob SlLiberty Streit{ head Of Wood, it the sign as et • • ,H • ; • , , r Ladle., ladies, rat astonished, • . , r , When you knowthat you are promised , • - 'A mural, life-bre showy While. . .. .' • ' . . . • That yo wilt .til l ca son chalt,• • And look a deathty yellow fr4bt, • • • , ' , ` The thump( lauthter and talk. - . • • r- • If yen would itatt.A . bar of JONEV Lilly.while,'lt would sire year simian alabisteir yet natural white, and at the same time cleat and improve tV Said sit JACKSON'S, tAI Liberty ilt. trtit a 93 cents pseCiart. ~, • SCILATOIL • ROILATCII.: TM.II,ITCII, SALT WILDA tra-Wbo. weak% for • Waste cloy Scratch, when &Meted ',nth the. Tatter, ltets, or Whet diseases Of the skip, it they hoe. who would re Lieve %admire therm„_ 'Ti. horrible, to be !obliged be rub Ind scratch When alone but more lionible to labstwo Dow it, [rot deem:ley ke,Lwben m company.. Yet , at be rentembi rod that Or. I DV rrlca S TI and ITCH OINTMENT Is the mat efneselosa of any otheripriparstion in Glisten= ill caring the Tester, itch, empother disease. of he skis. As airdiseires of the skin mast ruble - trim We Imparity' or the blood and Mau 11( beat', sod where web di.- • or berg Mending. and the esitatitotton erected fht4 E , If Di. Lindyle Sarsaparilla Moot Pills be wed a ,itb e Ointment, ihey-will Mae any cam whatever, and If Miry de not, We money win be rebutted •by:Dr. Leidy. at eases, however, will be effeeteally cored by De Leine!, Tenter and Itch Ointment. unless tbir winds' system Is Impregnated by the diseased hansom attach Will be mamiletely Canine oiThow the owner by lk Leedralllood Ms. ad tbstrurritee tithe Oita beet., ad typo Oichotor. Pries orOinueern m cent. Per AB/Oa/Sae= & CO. oceM I cot wood it Inetill , • . a ,Ao,koAl , ll{ COUGH brattP.-.lt mart la o. phi Oh P Rees ha, eating , ay ehtleht dolman tr , 1,- .. ..... ~..... ~ , -1.....4.,6,..13.iniaar,N0v. 5, YT, -! iv i lm glovp.,-1 e are net An the habit of alai ...ales taktaaPatetaidadlerbat wakalta to reepallaaattlemaaVeyrap thane woman • tad weh a cast.' After hellos 4rl •thaasfial »at ea . to fre•aeettatom aid dlitnisatea .eetigh,lhar t ar ae•r data atawttaiaaeor bar 'ealithwwl kboat sat•,; eeits.we'were taeltaihe isT.lghatea'a *PVC. BIT% adb drellarwalabtalar44l ifs.r, l!"!9'.. to to pattscot **fa rad , u; env ' •.' - , r reo7ot#iiii•Sso ol4 / 6 6.&*4.: i. .'-. SO 'l7 MO A gyp, , • • ~,,,„ .• 10 CAP1A* 9 ,?..44414. v ge' ..i . . ita , .1,4 , ~:. ~ .,, , 1...'.....- . .:• .: -., -4 , ..-.., * : - j. - -4..?ri;',. - I L .', - , "...,:',` ..,".::.‘,.:-.7,:t•-,t..1-,,: -..rl.:e'_n, `,M , i' ~.,..i++s_~.,, ~Kt!*"•:ts:.'{}~e?'.c~..``r..?~.`Y • . i$ Q 10 4 .11.1115.11AN9 PDXTA . plari SOW* .LINE . 1 1847.- armaslNllilliMir TWEEN PIITSBURGH AND THE EASTERN •.-, ,', crn110•1111 o IIOI7T TILANOIII,IIIIIT. ' ' T I L E I2 I 4 I = 4 Labe is oeoa %on c e IT, W I lootrer=t i t g o seriatim la ardomaaary. • GaAs." tom melted on tie moo, Mrs all IntostOpmeat *roam bood lion is urea. no Boats we of If dramOtt and perform OW ipps ill hoof eit to wen daLE. The gotineby OY oat Was ebovoo amides at to slore• any etrosopmentamado too. Receiving, storms, and dslnaera keeled ebargea ; ' ' ,' &Inn filly prepared te' mat o Wes of Prodnee_, we raspoetadly solled boooirrtmeals of ortolan, FlObt, I =l;t 4 '.. B l:7o`i , rdV v z.T.l:." ^ • - la ih- . , *nide and oiler annal (sedum; •lorded, pledging pH* beim. *hot any botoeool otObtoto4 tO Ita shall ion at promptly executed and Op. to (Lir teems ars by OAT Otlict Wm.' ' , JNO IdePADDFTCO • Canal Basin.; Pdfaaidllt : JAB Id Darla& Ca , :whiff - VIP and ZI Mutat st, rlSladi.. PITTbUUBOH POILTAELE 111: LIME. OWN, 1847. . : 'OWE F xja,'N't! ra ta L'"mbet tha•maY, and itot. *bowmen* nal oldelar..itimaage, Wong. mad oat:lmmo or Molt flOgliVnlXl CAIS9 • - No VP Market wort, Philadelphia{ , TAnPFE &SPCONNPit .• ' - Omahas and Wayne Ma, Plaby•O„.,. Walthratto • WT . / PIItIN I V=, N. Y. . °Pm Facoareged try . increased baster, the Proprimago ha. added to thou stock sad emended thou arm.. meats daring do lento:, and are nom prepared tofors mandrtoigm wtth regalartry and dispatch aosatnaosed, •ZY other line: Theis Iml eponlnrosa COMM, I t ' tie palpable saprtiority of the Portable Sou nyaleo,l and the groat apathy andconvordenenot th e mini hems, hems,slush end of Mit lute, are Faiths:ly • . ted lo tumble the propflatora to dal doh - • lie past as • rtaranry for lA* fan* dr, salad a coatio ponce or tut pottonage orbieh rtaM grate:loly acknowledge. • aeastgroisms op Toads I Otosuar witibutse'd. tad anwarded. ;Steamboat charges paid and . 111114 et Lading traimmlued hem of any chaste for Com m ogranoing or mwoongoa. llavingau mums Miserly or indlrectly to meamboats.tha Interest of the conamoom molt I:l<t<U•fig bit the: primary macs utpplog melt tad hey eds. Mionaelors to (wooed an goods ponmarned to them promptly and oo the mom alvantis• germ. term. to the owners. Match 1.1847 ' • ao Titz mama -- • • - •Inue , ftpmerADPotta.b.le Boat Compaay banyydn. Lobe!, rho Coonasy again wear bob pedal of Co parmanibip nodes tio name or the "Boatman% Liad;" and likewise spool to relit the Stock at, as le bare orZElof for Iner parpoes of carrying goods ms in from art to racial dayci with naming—and fool ancoaroged by die . !natality of last yaw% mon, ago b Make =re aittlasi•e •111.14C413.4 in the ene in.( year. • . would nondoro retnettfolty aolioit a kaatln. weld cOK tome r patrosa. and relay all now casioncto pr thorn me kayo done baaaess for. aniffla 1847; Ili AM . ,ROATE•NIP. ' Dm Go asasportatom of ALL • Rini DP BIZRCII1111)1iXf To kED:inoil • PiljAvgjuu,rial.l.oll4, NEW.{ - oat, AIM 8.103, &awn. wiatirsuui ' Gcrotr Libony even aad Coati Duos.. rinobarsh. L GERLULICF6Oo, No SG Nukes soar; DOD &kip:a. ' • ELDER, OEUITON t Go, Agora., . —• • • Ilalnautro, DLL REFERENCE& Prrrenuaoti—j;i. itle - 640y; Gm &CO. W IfcCallvt Co, B • 0.34,60 a k. Co, k 1 &Loa k Co. PHILAD.U... MA—Monis Nun= k 00, Reynold., 110eFasland s lb, Moral t Buby, Pew Amin OW! 0 /mob • . • •. NEW fire—Goodhce k. Co, 21E1w. Par/ k Co. • 000 TO —Recd. Hala k C?. • . . . . • . PLEAPANT, NrA.P A iisetatt. • • • NASHVILLE—F Fleming. line—Allesreneadis Imin Nes Fort amillorme, consigned in L Vesban 04:11111•Selpt.la, Sr prmandy fonvesled eteasia. • . tahlS iX DDD XDD sitirronvimmit - BOAT LINE. • • • • • • • STATION OCR*: T 0... AND MA PriTs 7 BUM, PHILADBUJIIUi AP • fI•LTIAIOR. imtiVtassi"Taamrsala—CEl :•. Gee& neatened soalrearo evil) be Cetwarde4 grUb• cdahry, as do loweaconlai rim.. BTU or Lading Meatie. *MAU lalllietiann pin:node aueldad to, !me hoseo trOstre eltifte for dev_or conasuo.o. •41Eys•osioty 'V • Me•NI.U.TY aCo . Canal DaAis,P,ltsbargb: . .. .. wriiaini. n.. 14.4 . • $ ism t a a toimmalteas •raannse, am an p so naive rsis Ntldou be fmi•At fat atupeosatj• WNW Of Ptedin, to- on lo•rrates. .. =AI . C A'tas/LNCLTTIV . PICKWORTO 4a, CO'S LE M. Elgin& 1841 -11aiii=1 EICLUSIVKLY for Jos ilasagoorgatom of WAY' FIEF/011rj,etWorn lawklE,Sidaysaargh. Water Stroll, Sfektabaysh and Vl inAireedlata p/aeca . • • One Bost wall teaee the warehouse ore A Od&aally Ate., Pillsbalils, every day, tempi SaYdYMI aad akippeneao always depend s. h.c,na thelrpodsfen Inirded mutant delay sad at fair.isia, • Tau Luke mita tossed for *Natal imiHnHodinsa orate any bostneas, sad dio .900Salate - SedpecsSy aoSeil a Metal Oar, of ponallaSa: PI ' a 'JOHN CFFORVKiIif salmis , .DAN'L H u..aRNIZ:3 _ r _ROBEST WOODS • sinl.L.l•ll FULTV. L. . • .. JOIIB llllLLEN,llelliaapbarst • ' 1 1. r Ara:4W , Ag"g ! . lir.risineu.. • J J NleDeHm.Sohn Parker, Robertlbore, Baplq • : ..11111$111E 1111) 1101101 g L1116.* t i Mple 1847. na s al J.mas holtsg eueepoied of liheastteat• Lake Erie and Mk I igae. munch delay betertea Pettettorgh and Beaver, aria height , and seeer4a• Bowe, o m r A k eTs w itt B re Loma n'ttrikagrelandteweet on the LAhheOeill Pmeeeed non the earliest open. Inn of .. Nr . Vo iu to ,,,, ea c zjil i jhat e d . Paeseetees to IZing everr.faelltri her eosteeilng ALisht e. rer n Kee ' V h e P" ===tit e areXPaff ha Pth" g•M r a l Propessee . • • 1 .NEEDS.PA Co, Be ern. Ars • • •t. JOHN A CAUGHEY, Vim-WO n • Chthileeililioltilel, oelemete Mower pholalloass. • '• • • 'istni' to W eow, Cikekor & ON Now York No&Nawts, Baal* EN Parka • Co, Cie • elaad Jae • .4.rmaroog • Co, Detroit • . /Wien k. IVllluma, kliloraokm tfdliolk. Pone r, Mow We Powers. Powe mown, Yana Rat kkatbolloyro, E'vanahoses, Port W i t a lio•rthar, klauums, • Acker, Greenville. da; . & Prettiion, Chukoolflo. do V& Noupkbarili, Po. 4 ,` Italy do • W Phoiesale do mad PIT MlllllllOlll iCIg t IIPLAND LO M. '*. 1846. - • •11. Baas , T.Aasmui &a) CLARKE 'Cp., • - Tferwardlog t CenuaAmass. Blers2,tata t BEAVER. PA. A rrlIE Arm! and Prow:son. of Ilds Liao (dnlkaan. .L ab/yknownlto pobLe).arill be prepared ad dos oullou 894=4 of canal savlgatloo or ronolve prop .roar Pala. N oA BUdRUm M, and do woo .t pay _Ralat en dada calsaloolad pinion Lakes Krio and arlabliaa 3 .dl We gmaantLeopttelt and al Rt. =nolo Mate.:.' The poplin :ea of [ha Actlieli the hotness of their tomer customer" vriih cooldettoe, theyelog that their teeth tat In secoad to done. •Applt et *James • - • - CI 01 lIARTON , Art, Pltzharil.• CLARICE et. Co, Dorm. . • JAWS T RICILMOND Pt. C reked •••••1A,11,1 .. .. .• akilla .1847. i • • OLD ESTA HE LI M SHRD BNOPPDTATIOII•Utdr; MEN- P TRA M6DV ROD L • . PlitLADELPlDA.sequipagstoeutwOux.: ptir. stook of tilollitei ioaditsit li.iblibk AIRY 1 Linn of. Bows sad a a•kfoiroed by tbesuelteij ',bleb arc loirood order. no auboenbero oto pow.- red •lo foretold a losgs qOaality.of !dem boats. ..ad Praia. wilb eenoluty axml &picot hodnea or YerebandiooNsibipsed to aay.ei War derwroed.le Oneonta Deco( My elkorgof MIDII, 011.0ilp. • • ' . . Dale Wing Dattoositted i _abased mOrilli opll oproorly _ ybo beaines7 of Oils LIM li eondarted oo owetly 'Sabbath.4 replay principles- Wan" or q4ty 1., 7.l.arAk. Op Ptorneton). Oust Baca, Pulaboryb BARRIS 1 LEECLl.rtoprimoro, No la Souk Third .iteoy Poi lodolphia . JOS. TAYLOR I SONS, Am" Ni ltd Not* Howard sum, Bahama W D WILSON, Agra'. ' 'No 7 Wen erreet.Nnor Yost. bitAvaca, wk./mama aufavast.stnis LINE OP CANAL PACKET. 184 AND STAOt3. k. , -. • 6 A A, Kra TIMED 'APR 'B ALLOIV /A F ;tgltreteltaLatlgaißgi:F=gr and arrive . r W. nazi morning In acafirn for we Bulges which reach Cleveland berate ' • •ftaarArerra will be reeeipledatriogiocearing births oath. Paekeia, and maul in the Barer, on applie anon on beans stearatoat Beaver, Dearing Pntsbateh al o'clock , a.,1 or to the Way :• • • ti a BARTON t Co, PilOb•rry b CLA axe& lloo,_Deaver • . MAR BALDWIN, Yaearrtovre a. is M B TAYLOR, Warren 7— . 18 46 AND 1847 ~Tlr,_lllB'lloll .B T ienommuni - zo.urE, TIA BIWWNBVLLLSA CUMBEALAIVD. - 'PUB vadmig..l On= it , ( . 11 .A Orc. e s raise All pleperry eetuqued tau be kevrArded do loyal nue and espeeb . Ifarchandme teemed by doe miss parsatly gulled JOB DWELL, Agt, Pluyearrely. • a IC WAIL kliver il le. :melt . SWEAT:MA Caabeyteed PITTIBUILOB AND OWIIIIITILLM 'Eh& 1847.. t iii r isi t lErAl lt3 "Ar • ti m Ireih r e g VVurem Deti 0,..M,04. enwee o =l7 . —FK"?...-jubse-ro m 'a p a~ l ' y „, ir.l.ol:RMl6oAocakirla.' Cll4lO 12.A.IWTON •Clutr•llEs • iIarMILAND WM Vie PLO 136arp..b. •• -' • • • SMINATer3vs, .• • din 11=0,0%/..13 /LIO,o, Bane; 414 louri• CAM' 11. cervallratu "er 9Pitalre!Mim.o4oolll.trOOko • 4met:s.rz. . • • .••`• •:' RZOlTl‘UlCatilaiLialarl.CliaT -111 MA VIII ..--4 , -- - -• , !rp 1 Marc or anti =WAS laisienis , . - ! . •, :t • BSGAVILR. .. • ' • Card-Cbarlesilaoso«ortomesent r regatarr . pt wit Say, looms Pitts ' Larab at a o`clock,a4t., •A,, . aaree at 1 0'e10ey4,1,.,. vattnacnos wv,k, Psusaarirli and Ca velan4 LlioWeds. as/ Boca daily to Oared/W. O. !karat-, Wa7 t ,..l!a Cleveland'. Liao of Canal Packets and Flania daily av Warn:a sad Chtralania. Canal Pasool.=to Navy Cattle and G manilla. Pa; E ri e Fa se Ist a a a Was to Meadville .atat 'Eris. Nell; Moore do Oft Linda of Stake COWAOS lbr Cleveland and Woollier. kayo 11aa..! -ear day oo dur arrival :Of viiasabold Beltway • cm Prtutorgh. Apply to • G BI GARTO& Ca: AO . ' - , CLAIKEA. Co. Scam .., '.. • • ; •i .11/310N LINZ, 1847 . • • 00 ?UK AP 011110 CaNaLsi - _ ,BETWEMiii P/ITSBUROII A &L AD: E N PARIIN Co,Canalaiahoft ' R PARIS, neagll4 . • • • • • -* r RATNER, . • MBE aboits Liao yrepOgett I.lclittit sod Passaismi elm PtWeareb sal Noel, to .ty poi : woo dos Paansylszoss & lAio none Tba facilities of said Liao alp sot ',coaled by ogig 0111 said Canals, la ainsibas 'sod espied, elf ItheVe9et tionstior Captains. nod prompUtala Aseets. Igoe Boat toms Ptststiorgh stattChreetalut &MIL am: e=aaseteas with the Stesseked • • sad Lake less, tunnel= Paten Dearer, sod • Line of am e4tu thissaboalk to6l - Brigs and golloo • rscrl, Et:ily,lll A .1 Mont breasted NI 6117_gigste did Vale* wit& &touch. E PARRA & Co, C , Do e W T REM MAT P H A ER. R" P k ier ad t te °k 11""r Agt ."4" , , •:'!" • spit• • • • Coo 'Must an d. Weeks ToOmar/ataow ,irss.:WilUtlart i , • Ir ks iE -.1847. ENO" • _• • THROUGH El 114-BOURAc ;• necirer Boats airailinwasa-75isa"rall UAW Bea. - .r ye, WY. at 3 oteteek .r. er, eke Ouantstel *Gibe . ...coy Row from Po eel:with, sod smite at Waialeale time ker the Mall Lena of Suva. wilobleas• Mao& • ataly thereedtu.a.ad sutra st Cforeland at3oltlkkgt , • ; Teds name Is the ereasemedue tut sett 444 ,0, 4 4 be. cal rerTES ALESTING WELL, Werma, Y • ds.?* • REGD. PARIO & Bressr, Aerns• • , JOHN . A CAtiteHEß r eoraet Water and IstOsAilclete 4 44 Oppodus Monoasaltsla Hosea. Piresbtoub 7'0141111 ROWFMILSIBOAT L L ' lailliallB47;WHO • lan me usaitEselaletolll• 7 '• t . • AIL LINDA OF ItteRPIANDIARTWASSOI I IIIO4 ' PhiladttlyAtte, Meltereeerse,lßesr 07' And Meesteaw '• g i mm e , T I L E cement Em. sett_ Ere Erato incrawietbeitatk clue boats; wad Instead bfilving recelpa lore u spas, we will - oeve - war . Sur.. reset*: for ROLM 'hipped by this Igoe: • The boats are portable, oanasessatly halght is takenthe whole clutteei without tranehipiaest.,l thereby permuting damage from frequent haat tas ' on the mile, lad err each but Is owned-b 7 Captain who netts them, which is Mika= par. taco that there will b e delay os the route. ' All .reetaes a Merettaisdne coallintA so the eaderalier.ecl will he forwarded-FREE °Leah!. bilSSlO:4,lbr wirssales sad-contrardier, o$ RBF " FM! , ?!4021,! t .the_lqWegt-M•s, at Ilith •. we reuttepuil'ulieit.l, Oink plibluSliatto! hap. WALLINGII3RD & Co,1! .. .Beiiii;lso4% CRAlo:3lltridMik, Ce4* • --Broad•StreeEPedaqclp?if." •-• - ••• • 'k&llllLEßdtteur' • •,... Bowler 4 Sliquel3l.iltusbrf. • OilUbargh, kik.lo,ll3 , fiL • 1546 .-. : TO TISK LAST lIIAS;Tii SOLIS 'ALP 01110 - RAIVROND; 1 1 : 161 to LW ' by to l TreV t i f" osahera of twee Ptu at the L01777n74 • ~2 , 4 oH b i ; LOU. ' IroLAer•,ll6olp, ondnhest—sidelfErzlhothe. Lake., (POCh u T,Flas.LIaLl, suld Leather-101 eta pal ILO othoLhlns.,ELLogs,47Loi I•4lapirtillkig. • Beenni,,LLtheLN P 7l + 7 4aso& 17 1 7 . 7411 4 7 "►M0! --IL et. per.loolbL. ..• psopera coaLped *al Ls forwarded wiWlLL.dalal lmoat atabows 'sta. W Dessantat:. SASK.& A ATEAILIN,TISO•isO, - OIL .COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CII kT. • • A certain kxl life core for ceoghs, col.* . liver comphist, epituosblood,pains to the tide . or brease,berrona debility. shooptngeoega • brake. eoanitotion, CONsUeIP. •TION or any owns< of the longs or - brush • Reader ire , you auffenng with • cold or !dime. of the limp, try this tumid', . witi iiiot per. • • hapa repel n. It will arrest ad lama disepeuble symptoms iv hi oh wake each , uter to the Wad; k. polaris yew/ due. Bowan of all •preparattou pamentiss to bowie Wild Chtiny,eseept that buries the sigiudem of Dt H SWATAIa on the wrapper of each bottle as *hay an quite likely dutitatt. of tae snits n«.; which they_ mums ..me. • - sox, DEATHS llb .CONSUMPTION Weald pirliam be semen estimate Or tae russet 'of this dreadful ditease to • single year; tau add the furfal catalogue al strum cot od by Lama: loon of the Longs, Hemorrhage, Artams, - Uosisai *decoke, Bronchitis, a n d otatt, dilutes. al the and Liver. • I • . And the lin would mum ao appellios proof of the fatality of theta two r.! assets diseuu. Bat ilia Important to know that I oeuiy all Cl ihif - dreut wute of home life mlght have been &greeted by a timely as of Dr. SWATHE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. Taw medicine hos now been before thi pilaf" some eight pan; end re the original peparatien from the Wild Cherry Tree. ho repoutioo tie a for cemlbateolds,- Broachitili, -and snespiloe of the Loop bawd entirely open its in. Lamm osuita owes bull** to lalthted a...vapor pale Those who pre 4 out DUI, bees. bonsditted by st; ratosomend it to ;their neighbor, nod thoi tua:ally. and sorely bolt pitied so iniei*Mitteller twain and worked its way. into sensed yawl On bottle' cover fails to rare a recent • coos% on cad; while with NUICI gaud*" to the d (rectum that ea compuy each bottle ,Its bes In patina:laq diseases of Jour .tending aid of the moat elarpriefrs. • ter, ham always given to Yereputl, Odom' hoe edictal .'eocopleta antl_patomeen/ ' Dr. SWAymrs Celefralid upol Wild Clieny; r Read tha most remarkable cors'of Commostioe our pined name mconbl- , • . Dr Swayne—DearSot (mil catobi gratttorti doe to you—and a duty , the idlietsdsenerellyta otter my bomb* testimony in Weer of yap Came paond Syrup of Wild Cheery. .Solo thivalown. due, I was violently attacked with cold and.ialli : motional the loop, whinli accaorpeoied Ddb a vary lamming maga, pals' In Was breast sad hced •4 very CO.llildarable dlsclorge of oferuive mum from the lugs, upeclaly'apolf Otiose:eat weather however slight At Ant: I felt•no alma about my, condition,aat was pottylootrociorthead that 1 was tepidly going Into cumimptioa. I grow dolly tualw Grout at 'tyro was scamely.abidi to walaitb.oot ar m &ink above • • wbisper' . saw wia th e ezeiletiog sreeliscse of ay lugs, bp saw alus Dank had in sallow prepautions sod proscriptiona,bot 1604 no relief-grawing all Was time worse: Jill ape I wan Wooed and pomaded by adur friend in IYlimings tea to make soul al your Synip of Wild. CUM. 1 oaiiat•confroo that putout, I had been ed stout *Mkt &Mimes, oaf km aphid thou cosmos . oat. of this hands .kir emiptieiclut tuadentandlog your . chums to tag - pteditedela mid ptsetlesof mooletne, cad' bevies leoplitiltri.lollll* the mpg of my fracas', I outtiveith parthesed rot Ot Shirr, eoe of you agent., few bottled Mid taimmeomil to me.. My abeam: at di. time art/ lintartyra twenty live menthe elsoding,'Minseo YeaaeeoaYy maidoeoly seated. I fond, however, conl aemhte vibe frau the Wu tom. ware bolilea•- Ipit="petille speaker 1 hwpeetly. attempted to. wita miliscretsieg Multi* midi thereby Wiptlited the.. wants lost bid already began to bait In thee way, doobtlist, my tom wasrgreetly warded. In cosec acute of aciiig" u* uspni. deallyil tom to are le Ur • IS botilectieforo* / was pediolls tutored. - 1 have no qustion, .oeneh altallet camber -d bottles would hare' coedit .1u mead, Lot fat Ibe shovel iediterctio&''Tha'Syrop baba, did away the diltremeleg cough, pet a stop to the disabuse of matter' hoe the mop, and pro tbomind the 'cure spat& pod Melia. 1 have deterred offering this cetWicale till sow,fur the purpose d being pufattly satiated wilt the permanency actbe:eoze,. ang pay that_ll *el reflect* wail, lost It with pleaure, , ; I :TY. - 2 9 P 4 3 ' • Dublin count:alai...i CAUTION CA ONt• .. • Avoid opwilles • Wad 'Cherry; Inch m Baimmedithers/ flgr ir of ••Wild.Lberry, e P ette" "Pre atletitioes eo.ia a i nd iontaa y are none of the the Orlithal and gasman pre panties as peepkted by Dr. Sweini; and ilea Ant I ever pupated, orthis umotry.-- Doctor Simples Compomid S y WILD CHERRY is Composed of vegetable ingredirets,the Wild Cherry, land oth. cr medical enbrtaners eerily as ellimeimv,il not &wise; the whole am so eflecteally cokeetrated no th- nutlet it bejond all doubt tin most pima*, rougewitios,and elfeeilml remedy Over &looter. ed Inc the cursor Polmeinart comiumplea. sad air dismount the Loop aid Oreset.'very tad, from Oa bit.,; Ince a With of epericiii . lMOttort, Wands to prove Its groat canals properties. Therefore, inralida, iopire far the preps.. ritioe,euti bottle of stitch is enveloped rna heal. Uhl wrapper, with. litmus of WilliamPaith eo groed theme; also hearths the known:, of Dr H. was the couterheibes of wash will 'be pas. prepared .aly by Dr. H. Swain*, N W corms . Of Ehawro and RaCt Struts, rbilidelpb t p j . Per wile la Pittston:a wholeselifind is by WM. THORN S 7 Market stied, OGDEN & SNOWDEN; confer Sod AF.Uood da, li. A. FAHNESTOCK &Co-corset' 01 lit and • Wood sadkith and Wood etreeu. ' S. JONES. 180 Liberty Onset . , JOHN MITt:HELL, Allegheny city, And by all, owtahliilDrolguts nod Madidae,thrieWoot lab Darted State* . ,- %al , ..•••.,, ^ I " , -• ' • ~- . .i .i:;Li iip gjolitatat.idtattoonauto la yaw praptiffteiz. pitrpanyi wieslotsritKost alteriami,..•.:-10 00 c.."'•11:...........A:. • .. , 1.• '...51.51.11 ^ Bader' for 6 souks. - . ' ,- 500 , Olio tirama.6 oraka;moyablo at pholene 45 00 Itiliadallosllloiipueforl2ssellw... . 10 00 Two s , iflaaatbsolfialoleatpossBo.; 30 laa Cash W.! . pot.eol iseetlii,t.,,:eits. 000 lialutit'ai - 1115•VenT.J1F. WILT' rkinms.. . Ono !lam. 51a5eti0w4a;04;;,40,...4.11 36. ....t.. ~. •,. OF ...t tio tillta.VPao.4!..Al Lil • Vlarllmmi 101111 r el* Par• 4.. '............4 A 00 .. ..., . .!t ; At matelltif,:i;,74 600 ,:=••`!t"; :li4PiatA o3 l o o l l..vW4o 00 .. . . --..• -driseetttr -- - 000 ,„ alyflirlimucrttlellifilicit4h4o. • 17;4 --- . --; "gm : riii-1:011Des, oihiii;os•lollsliiii':.*lo ao -- 1 . . ~ - ,,TtatfAr"?.',- it. ' l O 5 / caft.,4 do, pa, k.. - :-. 'lf 4 ...... .4 1- _ - '211161114...." . .: . ' 100 1 5 5 4 t 5 "" .• ' ."'4' , ''' , .0.• 2511.11ffliblial% am,..4 . : 360 1 . I .lo.asooto 01 yen :•`4',4 l, I, 4jMx , 4 . AI I .'n' lll,4,l l lbeant le64 dial ."--' " --1.- 1 7 1 q 41. 0- - -#;;:th 6 U° 044.L.11.1:4 IMAIMiI 1 7111 dPm"." 2 " bo 62 % 045 7 . 7 bur maw, I coma. lad italAr 'ln tillikWri .... "*.% t, 12.4,,,nt ~• - ; t. , amatattK ad ti. sa * ll . l4 ierli• . rt " I rak i.', K. oatte, p. fil'Auei.l6-Y.;':—.l4ll,"Elili=" r 1 --:za‘,..rfiri . - -_------_,llla .. , , •i ..0 WSJ 6.:A. 1.4 At 47) ht , XX) Vi rit ift I" t GGra ; 4.,,,p1.9441,4. • I, ywAor.„ tw F. 11./ I v -.- • ' ;i4..........4- -• ' r...-:.1., - -.4,q •,. ;;,' , .....',".:;'3,:i.,- - i..;-'i-: , •1: ,- ,.:'``. •.. ' - % ~ . : - •' ...-4 ."!'"4.02gfe.-f::;:::?‘ :/`(r-.-.-”ais .01=2 .‘MS • :.•: Ei!? ta3 %eft. •Y. • ^ - ...SU t, X 1.7 .6.117.01. . . . ;H air. smanurrawil IFATR :arm root - •• • • 1.744% 1 W ••• „ No, tAt i k=rlzr • aro( arra= as tea 016114 ras64 11.1 k - . ii,C.V.LeV3 Mittal tizaross: ...Moo Comps so 0.. old, di meni sod Mind no • or ree mod 11016.34,., .11C. - rew pond: Ar• dor bed dud .ban di did PAP. PO" , llSSAribell 'SIMMS .1100.11•1 bOSSYSSiS byte odi POO • ibe bes porjededd id bob/ pond is doelmirr woe otwooopLes,aet rid ads the ow: diawbowg • odds deroy. fibs do rio dry ay Ibionedity bo odor iteur,brooide comtortrkeneLdAnawbi. - • irtitsbini' , remote pr ig m or=wwww• TSAI en diste trey Matiseid It' • mod fr. ' .tonet, or mob milindi erd bee bkmaNdlX . 7ray alot Is ...Ow iboe me4.lMete. • kidnomd Ide *torado tem boo otbod HU.4 gide* Or- • boo, froombeee Ma booboo sowed Goo ea Idtboa. zoo. 00l rood to perien botch • • a * , • • %bob Ulm •odeii dm de Imoirmela,Me stes'e tom Ad'. Morn Woody 1.24 oozy) in • opylied nee not ton, ml mem mboord. ,g r erdyi ev.h coithrodb diarrie or luaLar• Yawn, per . m.,14 catlotie matkiamy *ma label a • tomtits,' billindlAlS, WORM IgZZKOE3 • Time dna More tom boo prod liar. Or 1,100 OA arm is be isdenilik; Os ear rood dennotry adyriei dr /mod bta r toodislkesi doe od ocraim Icsq, od Owen eed,mes didAiwith SSISSIT bcoc aap...12 g r .„„ o ft s diktat widenien, mit &wood Or. lode oedobe body ode am Lem of ttro LeOlOroll s 4_ll. Me igibX,..e. •eheibriarbald ' new: rdleor Mid dari:d • :4=l niimiteidompow theddeboirs, ogisine,e pad" deed littatiti . ge ra bon woe lie dim Lat L eb=o.4.ebt, beedadee, doonlary, ,drtasts; terrthit Fe %key, i'ellniteit dr= •sionleisesitrideeme mod. iMerideo, mane, p•Ill bah aa;bal usg• fa 1M atasladillogi braain, yr, is: • rase or Manth,fulaw• ni o . o .whowsi^.4 did epptine leadde.bionsd odd. odds, sophoo. . .ob e eel.te, piss o istidpedieflbelaq, • am. de .thberiviorotiotheret, dibo laded Odd AM, *IOW WO. tlo pre resat Wok die bomb, w.... •tion didups of Wird yds. • =MOM claims iortipti • . -". glee hisoond diet O dome er eine ,oftbe bon, Mines d OCeptriti, dmpeobeel • or paddy Ode, bowel we dud pied, Mato, oppreoico or tide ofieeboi .kids, ode, amp of Or Oda timid .senior,est en lorlena dim; doweboo the set defend :Moth wiewi:dbrein‘ ei dal ess mode" 'dewed, Idiots or it eed otatidse. l lea mie trading er Oseedlogreil, win led We . p• . roverieg4 ofpinboweit ellew doyen" ea — rotie ibe t =tbe 004, odi nays - Oesapiesid Itr.arg Live .100 &NIA* - pope Mold bow ise Id6Lbese, eleaded their dared Oil tbodondga ' W * l4* lfw=r , !Pn e* l bedams tside hi %bedikk a tienes= , modem tes !rely Sra W=etimirtlb IMO • .Owleibrdoptwows. Wended donor Itldltakassomi Or %dor Ow sad piamakias elyik• I*AM • Oppliespoil *Yards - pod. 41 Mott OM** kw :-- I" nr d r e r t k. ipAtetsi " ? 4 ar ~ .the Mar borer h itt .el • def. Laadds, demi ed • \ oppdoe dO. dei boiseb,_ 110041,m1=Zt vow; cns s it adiatui 144 ow. le and . M4m4doirs is= borri on a troll ielierB :-'ll7 bered= mdse. bdiorno=ps: ..slat: 12 their .o. , ..tbey stiddesueo mbdtm . 7bbY Y. be.11:04,...-4Z.40174,1 ..st• Um sal *dr, asi lhaa lions *to len adAbdo, es di ee siWar — leetised et Miberalabred eisi d a bbed d *A nun , ..11LI•sa 'alias/ t. 7Mod • ; - ihwerel reds ed Ow Wade oy ' lOW r. dot od duds ' s' Odaliado4agd q no eU so kik Stied' ibliblibe Pia • of Dr./nerd eddy.. Itiaropdpidedd Meme .1 kt decoada's rpm lids Inultlt Willa OM ed ' ,too t = itlt'ffltlng. -• ''' Zilanateasbe rdmdllWa4o3losll; - • Meths..Weribmso, No. • • . . . . :7 1 .1,11AV5. POUND .eiztatairrion CAN la CURED ByUgkO :DUBICAIS, ILTPMCTOWIT111:1“111"-: • 'Dpctut—thi. L . b eat* 6* !dai I . Choose:kW .ti rtriogielba lid INAW WI web 1 0 1 4 .0 . 6. snabiAll az . • i 7 1 4#•!4hermi t ilr,ghti• ' l lo l4 m soli op daito o:isimilooseb gioilirdlifiiirik4 yids ilidtgoilistothoellyiiiiiii# toOmpookillomoo ; uto alm'44 l clam Ard knuctr..76.• a Wirovat's 7sOAat ioddotomostoat.ot 117.41m0i, • rd bryood twolW i I via OA fr...0*67 • .offloolgt atm to alio a Mita Dt. - DiatesAltioidO. vtikky.rillitioto mono,* orostroopi . 'Sot Oar, mogaiillto,ik. do •toacsa &awe , * . 14 ••• Ito.* te tell ilans .arm aft hops, ..a matt r .. dolt ta oe,) aberi . vmsll b.' Molds( lot. No hoot to Soul. if *ill . = • • tolsalkies, eastascol wag lissohlith, head or .144 tompollitioamilloalb • va nil{ Wm.. oroottiof 'Aid"( , pato Sal tiet..tne• Is we' Gr *earl, mbil, amel.4l le! ID 4rititplb -C ,Tbirsolds %mimed. sati.l was tipeisiast. ' Abk0kin..,347 4 **21 0 ,boolOgiot 1 6..«, mum' i.t.mittikmteigiti,fik_o! • "6"4,6 1641"'""'"." Pity !O.*, to Wolf tit*Alit ltto • allosool atta to Victim,/ Itialioprolikk tio listritiftni Int! for, toms liwt.altia. it arrest sids:•, ir 02.0.4 ?amazes( or I ppm. o l d" alltsdan/yem her, lea awry . *kirk Gil liernegsuln Waal* pit;otti , not%n eq . tolltAlr Jiroird doosootto—CON.— lheoleatty for deo to roars US p lw, Oars It to too Mown lbw otigitioodoplNNl 'ow, ails= ma k. Oa Wort pentortativiagusrons• thqtactood pobtf• 1 ciltf, tomtit iloUgitioNgtatio" ' g o. ...actai...eremi. moo as, tut mild% •;43 porloriiii t. tuai 4 c., ru,nal !ko. :4 l lo4==r, Eill•a•• cab- na.mmc.oo47oTiswoxl!Kcir= .6.2. a& Wood Italy to ding. • •13.1•1' la , Pitastrwcby• WM. JACILSON, con= al Wood old Lamm ste • t.l 4.41-• 1111PORTYIT TO ?lUD LALIMII-4:konnat ".1. Hairt..XmA k anniless ankle ir , 1 / 1 * OtamtlON. *key insk&asonalmeat tha Bair, TM Ciesmotken • *ace Iran gni, -mai awned* aliothem trickle et Ma itlnd mar abed. Where Ma bah Is dead, bartiokll, am healthy or &mansgre,_: km armlteatione prat eats , . hair sort and liar are vas It • biamdfal blenly . appeeracee, and mill mac it re in . NV bYslincea And healthy color mama as laza u all Us tert.mathma -which am generally need. Byer, led/ and gendmend who am in the lahlt of, tang ode ektaair , kir, should image 1 *raw a beadski the adoeet nth Civet; ma • kis an compered that It .0 not tolem the kite Übs the other prt-panktank Otu mill beaanttitAalltabarteet saneneenten In exTriawa.= . , AkiNl J . iblte; W*L atr = T r , i = " ll3. " e in e r aa l e=. Headmmilt. k Streteh, tteakeilibe SWIM &I she Western tales. . .. .-.- -. I+. i .0 .Cl. Letteeltato the Res B. CabtmenerblettgliMPrek ' hitatgm lttecem.lienderehou • & +• ' • ithtmehtekt ad.aing my testimony In teinek+tbet - a , teat pripommon caned Ds. Tor mil% auras& c.......4er almost lea pangs my luermalsetryd • .beinivand - dmpted to come oat: Itat hating precam ' &boll. at the ...Team, and gesso seimplins ta it. pnlr halt I. mar last Masa and lam maid tv.°Tirry7 !AIL, and ads' ra apbbed Atelier. ming rdy !Lea a mono tuna thisi ." bcfanklikl . . lonniat t im 1.1 My etpIMILIMIn.. .... .., , . ; Ls. as WIWI, for the Tatlet, my mils emu 111K6k..T. nee antrancebere, belaatleltestelbratmamk and ton dispond is fllMadttr. TlNaNdlbli toptnnony,adt Ind in CkstiOnc.PAlß )04 • 4 804. m••• 01 01 T.A 176 "; ail" I . n o l n : topk A t t W t7l in k,MM d . 4sidm M • 1, b : l,** is . t"m s . . . a u ,Jt , P lli lubs L.l gli t b Jet a rL 'No4liatot own% nd:Soni r M ~, , kil4ll • ing , jesenvoissualr— 1 r .1.; .t.. 4 0. r • Crtsimie Amitei daso%kt t haylar =- Cream a s B ascid eklaft,.s • stuns. o,eus, F , ig c , •••, i • th.Pcni.. ll .4moak Iheeselsaa mad% •-"z••: • •:-- ..Ig4pu mamaile•Pidilliisd .P. ienresstFMts term ; • ..m. csts. - :', • .... t-ir • ...=ertigat ea ttr t i ha,,,,1... tor the hamthreViatemtbsalled hula takktectte •I..La tar parvenue. • - I ' -...- it- 7 . WHO t. •:. 1.. , t•Trio , Um.. co /A taw et aininnotoopptiklioninton , 4-11,;;44.7,41,;;;,:f, Bae Wrlat4i , ridd Mani 'legantly ant nin , ' Pinpoint iinp. la bin ind coin.. • ' ' WWI map; &de wept metal. , ." ob i R. , wk l 7 '''‘a. 0 01 0=41.). Am tett 1, of; for NJAk ....,,, BAYAlitt oO , GICAICD ion , -.' - a. ikh 1 weed me — PITTSBURGH - .GAZ.EXTE. - PUBLISHED DAILY. TRIAVEVELY L WSSXL T . . 42 rieoo-.0.41 , 01.P.144,' , wi , _uf.,eya.qpk. As . z op a_Dvzsvctiltm 50 Oas am:nips of 'ISIIsW, at led• .Two.ionttloos iritiont 15 Tbres • • , -, . • ••.,‘•4lW•rjl U 0 0" INAA- • . • •• •i• ••• '''' 30 Two Week" " •;. /4:64•_•4 50 Iltee Two . " dEa, tso:h. 1...2....) •r. - A
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