ENEEM2M Fair. red susct; i. :1 11.66 W &V I , bon 'a IbtriA•by. eska Elod• A. 14; 1 - VMDBISS IT i dIas Tin Pltftes • 8 . • ILO ut. itioCoge•Alitga ar America rAr,f m 2, Baroagr-91.0001M Bliathierm, za form) /04 steS, l ( ma C4'?thm.l!'"M!WAlMvraule relf.ol 4 la weeks avert lopethe Wet = V vent Atha Cloths, of woo of the beth Imnijus ofemokfor sole . %serum & _ r ____- (1 -- NAMFAJJHE BoteseYet sale Id ibevAtAt lama. Iv.. 'VA • •' • JACOB WEAVER. D dis . ,l-181%tia &op; W 4 liza dipped Candle& der Nat! iy aAI • " CARBON & ItcIENIUHT .bbt ! , kyl triatnednad; ?cm , Maetarli Ps ' ;Ai . c.aistl7l:ll"Aarr,=l • le h=ssedB pars lama Wittheese, peso qbalitrg kr sale by xerS Wt R IteCUTtIIZON BVIITZII,—L6 als and 10 kep pnme solid &UM a.t."l4ib7 11101.11-11 bake oolumi Lops, Jut seis'di - Wsale AA nye .1. it iIoCUTCHBON .8111001111.5— , 1011 . dos eenplbirrooeitliteMEo, .fiIIICMII-411:1blishats , u4SYL.;_; Iftyle OODA ASlTl,lnesks,recht; kff by IJ urn.. ; .. 44138E% &BEST - - - - PR1AC1112,574.0 ree'dj• fatASS sale by • evIT • • TEIT fr. BEST rrr..jr9TTr" ,r,n.znri ID‘ W I alC Jr. XeCIADI,E96 QIIIAAML-1110 Md. Jonas new Tex reed by s'esige Jaaetican pee: rWc b 6 . . ALL It COALS water 1.1 n. -:Daub' best qualm ter role by 1.7 nirJO ,I:IICLIOONMAYKR &CO HOBS—A lop Jarmo of freak 1.7 bortohjut fee% for We by _ • 1.30• • J SCHOONMAKEIt kCO AAP MILLOOL-30 6ble lb, see by - mak : .ISCHOCIPIKAIME &OD Anovotromtior—la gams Rion 'conk candy, ialeß reetla let eale b) ICIDD7k. CIO era Writ maid xts ETBECIT.4I Jos Prestent Extract lacatajast rot* Er rakby • xv.3o- ••• J XICID&CIO ta: j p=rax tew,s9eAfb c r o sale at le vino R OM Boggs, /tor sale at the wise won. FAN" B°" c°`•°°'l7,d; Valle .F.4V1 ! 11 et ttdrtrriale byS.. - , .wskatiL bis bubsl4 by , WlC[t lde • • ssail • • ' • *as fowl •nt 114 ,Tasterttry. The 'lmre= toortaMiestar 147 A ,4 4 , 11 51'S.MU'ii7r7rWrrial ELilztvz'')( l7l-11 °. 1 1$12"Ft''''d' "e Usalebr ""ti' ‘G "°241-11°1 ' 11.1 b"" "6"Y ValElrErSt:',.2l GLOVIIII-4114by Inyryheavryl4l_llablczkinCloYes ian bsed by BEISCII.. a.: RITE - bbto C.Tari for sale hy via - .. • • • CaIISON & IiaItNIGHT Q . 170A8.-19ohts Hamm. Hagar, jou rm&d; for sale s 6 • 7 b ., •`. ATWOOAJOMES&CO • • wow. & &um as 'ip b b bil roe i stint • b cqe; side JAB'DA., Cir(t P r ik'sg.Pol, FA3Olr .P./31/117S-1 , oases of new layiss dolt am pottenuyjoift ree ve: forsak by ' • .* SHACIILk."IT &NITIITTR Tuselby aw.r wile by ' S g34 . By" " •at vwDormacissrb.oo RIIYTTOX-40 bales *imam coma, stdultde br te . forpate lows, claw:, by ern) ; ATWOOD, JONES & CO 0 11.44H01gs prase famed cab len net for sale •-. 171 Ann y n IiETAILOK-1011 bib foes Itateic=i'yo -89 Nita An Wit by . . BAL9ALMY s cluarprautiss-it bbleCrubtrila . - "-k itkOtreY raISAIk' , Aria = , r k en g iln & Wlravoild " suiii•reilei-readdidavilbt 1S1 117"6-4111 • T A e BEST - • 41218•61 '•• • s'••' • r•• • , SS *eodrt N'aftmluosps Ise de by NESS 8011G,450 pea an ARAL hi' • 404goan• mmd nu. C ARBUTIINOt 1;-' . • . • 11211111110031abtpiame dear zotte#:Jast nce:iir ad per JUR , sou 11 , 4000; wadar o co fl irts -• • is nincniso . „ . 12/11011--k &pa tot of ,l o idies-Carpet` Owl Mina 110,111!iejsit reftterir; bTYIe o 7 IDAPICRABOXIMIII si.ssloned 'Om, =table 6r 4. alas% intree'd as • EATONS •-frossAccoo—is !me ptisbo ebewint loblieyo tut iteetrdf B _ ___7 , • • - - ORObI,IIaOREW it CO 4 190, ! ."4"d 5 4 , I nrt ' lltilIRAPI Jim% a • T h mttr o " ,.. l 6, " 6 r„ for blitdi t k.O. or W o w • CailLff- 401 bit rb:low Coro rrr sale by • AHOL ''oB . ~~ ~ ad~O, tfiea Trirr 17.111,..11177-nrIA ==a B lWlNtrAllas re.ll Irkite teet f i g saletti IDEVPI-411bAlsiireaws resVLIAt Ws y WILLIAM* DILwOMLI. 1 u 1 7 1L07-4140 l4rl briala , • .wa.umes on.wosTit ..F l lO. sby 0: bb , la incr ls*liAg • Dicarinci g i bra pm* mum ik-too be t e lee% Pr br XATEILICIII—Seasbi .m. • .ILoonaordza&co IMTaso v i• i tTia-4a3sacerWniktiCap, 'Ol UMULC-11400lax nwlytr sun IV7, Ply toodso forWs by : POI/1/X6XTE.Itt OD • ;may •InosAcco-4s cims.airtreilb. " 441 "'" * " 1. h ' I LAIBERT t IMIPTON f~nyyu~ No;1~r~ _ . ~-. ~~E Csdivi~TON , sta oMa L~mied MACKIN rilto—NO V aft d r bM 11.• ' • brats mW OLO k . qt. fur ati4 • Dt!,=,( l 's'ettoarm Szr. ? 1 , t?lw übril 112 A ? " 4 . 2 'V' er°' r'lSge utfFak ROE Liti,"')""ren vonneum ROE ' 0 1 1Z r:0i " emOtt,rf,zi IFt . efs• urr!erp t : rivitz triTa l i l P a "" br " • bl i D 1 P 6 's I, 1 Ims "rt!'*'"fOlotioAtt bAm; Sor .44 tp iIIUINZA Inadr 7:. • • tet,boralititicumg_ aF 41:ave,' i",;„ LIE- IMM= ' - WOOL4,IIrOpt r rrM highest priedvis ma_ patd for all car.. di A- trOolos of elms Washed Wool ip b•fr y • Old wool warelmissa, oar lawny lux! Ccelpsalloy Nob Irtthe, I s Er c riat y .V i l i ta, Th. ; SG Inxil Sy z : r 6lAggiT y ao bags lathe lima S i araz, real du! day" arab MLOALEV t 131thEi . • CMCZI/7/3-41bia prime, Just naed; kor We by W graIeaUTCIIEON LLI lihe at W ors—it Ohk. Ikon but it , e'd; for cale bHy nr2o • R Mr.CUTCHECIN 11AWLIS-11Ac'd st O! mail it,7 erinorta f .. Srich Irschigkrillbei hilawls; ah*ll) mom of facbriroacle. style Tatter' do. I . writ A AIfABON LADW Prunes and Fealhere—lfew Wales i A 41. MASON. it C 0.300 of the mold leshienehte pl and Isithene ree'd this del per expiess. nv FLABBIELS-71pIeeee red and ; brows Plane r. OR salelese so ekee ernaleentent, nett' GEO COCHRAN. GI weed G THIETS-2easesofbeattlfarbeiyht colored plaid , " Lbselq ,vat teed by ' . • I aTIS I3IIACILUTr• WHITE tILOAICI2IOI-3 eases pod Mile plaids jO9: ers 06, a I by lIACKLUTZ 4. WI:11TX 9010 • 1.. I 90 •roott,t , . RED /MANZI:LI-1 bale. lis.• priced red wool in Immix Jut rer.fired' for wile__M • sueciadurr fr. Wllll% COTTON -90 D bides Ibtissendppi Cotton, teem) to sabre; Gnash, by ATWOOD,IONES CO n• 11). • • lwider tGent sts Sir Kali BOAT COOKING tifforgin. sal• by aVb.t B WAIVE, sepal; , int it betwoom market 11. wood XPlTARD—aaperior Komacky—lo tin' am—of IVA whole, half *ad quarter poembOast reedand for Web) • EMVAIID 116.112ELTON' said • East aide Diamond to Mlu claim mail= -rent. 'l5 A FAHNESTOCY & 00 • iterlst k. woal • MU. DAGIO—Ite lbs,put reed: for bale by IMO /I A FAIINESTOCY & 00 rlll i, 4LAlo-2 . cams irt tallerd bi .tpct p 400 lbs 91NelgWri,%Kutt& ; Beak e l f': - 7 7 4°5 " 'tit br . It ILCTINT=III Ira 14411benyle DTZ WAWA-10 bbl. For We DT It Aral • 8P VON 80888028 M. 80 CREZILIC-90Dprime W far salelq_ F VON BONNLIOR &CO arTil t: 33 trimly. Q111111)11,112.11—,7bbl Flamed; , , • inett Rve; I trip Lart binding from tamr Nor. sat tbrintle 6T " ISALLELDPCKEY lk I MUT & front at SO . b . zs , Ctsallw, 6 6 , 17 2 1 1 g ray ruisudutu—seste reel thii day; 31. eels by TASSEY & BEST ! JITII7 ! 3S wed tt ror. v vit—io coke, in =EMI 1 , 411 8 .. x, BEsr Q SALTO-40 bbla, reed, for isle by er/7 . -TAISSY k BUT DAGS sad Featherc meiviag Malt tos 24 : Mafia* &rum tx I. .7 DALZELL FIRM RitlGliteaOtrally on 4and; forsale_by_ I DALZELC. DMZ MY F,L°w" bbL w9e ' fil 'ono s 'A mettlttht GaDZIL-40 bbtisepertir Grab; eidirjut reVd; Por mad b arra I OEOA BERRY SOAP -100 bze,Climinaili 2.34, am.; ftt . ssile by arioi. GTEUVA EERILY A(1 1 / 4 1111114.8 Eat Poseemeic , 40) bermalpr, for sale 17 j eels - • 8 11A/IBLUOII Cialti7l4...e.katr yellow ,!ust ic o eived ,vy in.Bl 8 W tiARBAUGH 14"29 ; 113331.122 r;:t f. SaNirl e iir t roe by N EZD-10 bble Malady seed. reed by Celeb C. 1.7 Br sale by leen) • 8 W GU igactranzz—ubbb, Largo No 11 -- W -- areedirer LTA sale by me ATWOOD, I z ONE; &CO 88001111-310 des Brooms, • geed brae* waived bY oder cope; to, sale by • bra • • . IMP" RARBAUGH DNUMB: DRUMS If DRUMS; n•—/Ila &moment of Btli• ba4Torraf Drems,fau reed direct from dui massfaelsfeß kW sale low by JORM II MELLOR • ' 1-4 Obis Cranbarom It° kis anon Nr Wby. I VC GREER ear smlthflel4 k wale r ins , r , f4itnibut ree'd; ibr kale by_ "- RA CUNNINGHAM FLOI7II-60 bblls fresh mond to We by ! W GREER gor24 coy omithilskl &want= BLA3ILLTI-41. Let .f Tay Zoe bloc blalkets,saitablo istimoreosisibut ree'd b It•tzfcNOW( k. DAY 78 what it. NW cor of dlatoood VI:10Alt-13 ado sworal_PAP,poi ree,4ll corm& 'To Imo, &:stufforr ay= •—• • • - 1;133 /F. 13-S•cod et 'SJILLTII.-1 bbli prise Salts, for satt , ta stEEK 33121 ear =Ailed &Inter stall B , JII%IIS-4 1 11" . 1i small whits, fat7a/flg IDONACC43—LSIbs t p4N 54fir I.l46l , trAin meattb/ • iIarONMY-1611bn Prime, n nire: for sale by .11=flONY DRAVO Jr, naet we 56 st k sub% =mzEMm OIL -1e Idds pare faxeced jun received; fur rak.. RT RIdeCUTCILEON • erg . I dt •• 87.1CP PXLTIII-4bandle nera landing' formic IDICSKY & CZO =l3 I & f&ri 011 Ir4l 14-200 bison acme; let sale by • !,..n I . DICKEY it CO. .1411:11Ce we OIL-6651y I ls,; nor landl ctot ng Gift r!dinlon I DICKEI7 - k CO H" 11-4 blief'"*Tglah°•T`117MNI`O` Psasuus—u knritahi try 3 P VON BONNLIOII3Ti. CO I' ' 33 front fix ay!! 1111-20 bbl t impacted 'dap TheYs fo , . SP VON RiMNBORST & Co fIEOCZIOC-180bz• W ea* tO Intl F VON DONNHOIOir k' CO landiar, P°7,4 1 ' 1 7 4 "I'. a oetoßD Cr co SXIINA-11 balsa n.n, EuzipittreeePd: AnDLNrer Lett bind.w . * ,, f i _ l2 AJ etTl3 • - OAITIJID kCO _ . TlO3l/111111 tax for mai tql ,P.• vim XeCANDLESS • -!in , T , 7n.rrfrrz , !Trirlle!!! . I &.*XcAsti&vn _ . 1" " 44"C" 1416 . 0170.11.11-4 iwt es but kor de by wrEl I X Ne AMMONS ILNI.IIII-113 bids No 3 Large litiktereli E • TX:" Ns I Ilsrrisr" , Ise sal* • by mirk • • :IC Si IifeCANDLIMS VSlllll=ll-111 mks Xenis 1 . eky o.llltl roe/ ptc aarTutiou; for deb t - MI • LEWIS inmnsort k CO MILKITJUIL-41X1 bbl i lair No la nom tot vlll . 7 !LEWIS eirromsom koo T HAD sni SHOT—SOO OH•sa LAW; .La • HO kegs *WS Shot; for sale by all/ : LEWIS HUTCHISON V./ Alcm/41-121b° VLOI7II-111) bbls W t W MlAs's Orwd bort nes 51 he ses try .5i W HARBAUOII PTATOICIII-44bblajast teed; In sale by 5,10 - 54 W 1541141AUCLI TlYOSBY!adClnvar Gllll.l4llo—ftall lot *or snit bY . =Akashi vrazaz sts Wl+ c i di f fa r ads . lq w GREER Ser.- 10 3 06 . 0. Ruilr Sta.:lit me sesreago: lif oLmunav u i : e 2 ,..e zi c s iv 17 0 tram avti EINIZIM;;PM s— eel. *MAK kr • itud I ybaW4Alb7 /AS DALSIU'L„ n Aga. T'XZW=SI VILVIIC- 40 bbls dried hacks . 444eb Apple.; ix a 4 It B FLOV Ira uniaby ioad.ta alort . kajteithorD • OAL—Waisted to roalratt ICSOrthroasbost 131111 Wawa, ' PimNei. Apply at tha mo aim _#_d, EMU' , Ow slam engine • 1.1.44 L Conklin; t C 0.% Jgandir=tallo i i .*or i nt knt maithetwer% \V 1.11744. LARD__ q . ait o tre 4,. rf b 1 ' . JOIN 800 Co 6:g 7 telal mr, lawny a • 1111 CROWN riPIUL-10 0 riaasAill Q. , .tt, .i 1 mare Y....,mi for oak tri . JWIN B• a _co apa. • - Jay"'ve. Aaktitliats mg .11 , I va rr.' .4" a b a cumainualaiLty j VW 9110 Triii;nlJille .11.:nl I JOIDAIJ it. SON. 111111berty st . rixar—u bbbis* 0,--iriliuhiii---: 7---- 'tx son r a * ll—Mb° f1! .. . 0w r W ! Intuit Td'MM ~n~ may h ht .t~ rryt n~' ., r • k=l.-- COMMERCIAL` RECORD. . __,......._. • 1847 ' 1S .1 San 1 Miens 1 &loins ',, DECEMBER.: 1 ri on se. 'sets .1 rises 1 phut* ' 1 Thursday 1. 5 434 _ 156 a v1i 0 . 7 7 . •• 7.6 434 257 .. , . 4 Saturday 7 7 434 348 -. 5 Sunday •' 7 8 434 446 ' 6 Monday 7 9 433 5 43. 7 Tuesday 17 10 433'sees New Moon C Wednesday 17 II 4'33,5e43 .. MomsWass K. the Ocnn /*taws. Steaccote. Captains. L 2 eavo Amer. learn Samoa Ww.btoo.lAso) - Nov , Oct St. New York- (Ft) Fortend, Nov 4l Der r; .Britannia. 114) Donlan, Dec I • Na. Delos, (Fly Ilerben,, Dee 9 Na. 1 9 Na. 1 .11awasue,(Br) gyrie, Dee If Niecoon,(Fri Morin. Dec 41 ! Nov 4 Cuark.o3 , ) Jodkinsi Nov I . Dee Cl 'Caledonia. (0,) Lott, ' Nov le . ; Deo IS Philedelplda,lFrrElefoopk Ifor . ll L Dee 21 • PITTIBOELOOL HOARD OP TOADVC. COMpIrrEF. 7011. .DECEMBEt • •• EL . w.`lll. •VIPET. 'JAS. ■AT . ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURES Of MAILS., Eastern Mall Via fkriladalphiai dna, 3 A . M„ closer Western Mail, Cincinnati and l.oainille, due 8P M., closes SA. M. • • Southern Malt via Baltimore and Washington, dire 8 P. 13L, ekoes 5 A. M. j • North Western via Cleveland; due 10 closes 9 A. M. Erie and Western New Voris, die 13 F. M., cloees BA. M. J • t j oiraccriityssukine oiscrrc,i 'FrjAbylilerOng,Deeember 3. ()win to the iselenteney of the weather, yeeter. day, the martei wu lily quiet, aril *Del* me filled utmost exclusive y to regular or, retail males. Flour—The market still present, iti anal same nwm,llith no marked 'change in the prices. The ales amounted to about 150 Ibis from ;dere at fb® sy.rair bbl. Sancta tor rito wales occur at 5;5 to 5,31. Cornmeal—The supply cantina quite limited, with nialeaste Wes at Mk p be. Rje Floa:=Vary little i. coating ut at protaat Then Is a fair destauct, twith'llatited alias at pap to 3,62 Bookwheat Flopr—We totice regular sales Ben store et la M 100 Ida Bola from first bands at B1,6001,6t!, • Beamr—Sales of CO be white at 68675 gr Batter to to fair rimiest, with briak'salea at 94 100 tainality. . Sneon—Saee to the CtUlla of IMO Mb are re. ported at 'the usual rates, via: Hams dim% sula 74071" `4ltiadder 6j ela p lb. Balk Bait—Sales of Shoulders is small lots, It 316.t0 Lard—C ' naderable quantities alive by deer from W 7 to dq, bat it is mainly 'abraded for shipment to the East hiodents sales OCCUT at 84itAir. Grain—We heir of no itmage to notice is the prima. Sales am moderate at the wad isles. • Groceries—Tim martetecuttitema .161 change— Sagsr is idling frady Seely at Skege, for good to fdolureiis to fair demand, with ales at 33 elate per gal. Coffee-4340 is sold at %MSc; La gsayrs, best, at Ile I4e. Rice L mares, with mod erato sales ac6k p lb. - . • Astuto:;Arii In brisk demand, with salsa u follows Salcrata. Vint Pearls 7gB7gi Pots Oleg% Scorching, tic, and Soda kithat 6e gt , lb. • The Raab, Commercial says,T-Suice the Lauri' is the Pesinsylvaara curl, lergs abigarruas from the East fm Pittsburgh, hare beerfmado via Maratha anti the Material. Thu is it new fasten la the hishxy c Obsh . 1.1• It STOCz.—The ratitatebarpt, I Va, Casette, ot the 54th oat, states urongs, thesomber of hie stock thai hive proasedthi Ohio 'Hetet that place, on their Snit* Baltamote, Pluildelphla, and otitis Eastern muhels, via HHoehestor, sloe. the ftul of Marsh Int Beef Cattle.... . Stock Cattle Sheep: .Amnia ` H 6865 r 1.: .416 1984 .. • ' - Total '16,471 This statainent die Gazette darivenlinim an au• Mantic source, and rapmants it .44 'bowing an Inman of nearly . one band:ad per cant over lavf tdtric it Tat Pi—The stestoor Wisconsin made tier' last trip from •Pittshtugtr - to this place in a temukas lay abort that, sb• let Pittsburgh on Thurnditnt I p at, and arrived hereon Friday at B. p os—jint'.3l hoer, tram port to port!: She lost at Wheeling Wee how, and made many goyim., mounting podia. big to es mach mons—eo tkat her running tone wan only aboat Th." iiistanto Is licarly Ere hocdred COM: Secawaorra.—There were at the .hart rater day motaing,twesty seen Animus, ap Soso tuarly leery part la the west wed South. Among them we enticed emeral maw *sea. the Gee Scott, the Silo, Wright, the &Chirp,' and °them the now. - of which me do not nmelleet The water at mdlicient Weep ler Manny lariat claw ofyniamere and there it no otslasetioa to wartgationlSona the mouth to . the Monongahela: It I. IbigWy probable that the river will be open. the,arliole , w later—ll b. r The river at tar port sines Friday canting. sea the Cincinnati Gazette, of No V,. bar hoes rising with ■.rosh, and WO hears ending: this evenieK had swollen 'IS feet. making' the inaeue aisee Tharaday . evening about V feet. This will earry the largest bons over the Falls; Nearly all the tri binaries above this have been Mae or less swelleri. A very tinge =ant id drift as psalm yesterday and Saturday. The St Louis Reveille. of Nov ISId, saye—Ws , bare' 0 6101111,t0 note in oor.rivers, with the or. cation of the which 4 rising, with ais feet cluitinallHenea to Caro, there i• • good ship avatar.' Ina Upper Mississippi and Mb. soon us both kir. SPIRIT OP 'Tilt DOMESTIC MARKETS. Now. 0. Nov 28—Sales or Comm, on Satardq, 210 blo—lizelading. soma mules at a profit or le, on ideas paid on Wednesday. tdolassen 7 l2,o bbla at 202201iza farther 4.. cline. . rimit—loce tfbis, ineladina 320 Itlizada, et PAD; 132 St Loam a 4 6,00 and KO on foliate testi.. Of Cornmeal, 283 kW at 225. Of Lora, DXI aka lafer, at 42, aid coma prime Whim at 48. . . . Fork—loo bbl. Mew at 11,21 and 2001 a two lots an priesto taram—tdims at 11,18, and prima at 935 10,00.-18a11 , , ufrowirs WELLS , 7ILLE—Pot WolloOlllo-111bdta Wither Shaw—JS,otdo Oloor,lB tilled Pogo; McDonald-1 firkin butter. itonswocw. ' WHEELIND—Pir Now England-1M Mils air plu,l coop ,torkonowser. BRoWNSVILLEPor Loofa Macao-24 Oda boiler inis, Bodnidgo, Wilson tic co-21 pkp Woo Binghano-311' do • do. Ono Fut-39 ppito mdei, CPUs & co-2 do do, Leech de co-188 w.°l" Calm of Egialaihra-rflan Torno—To Ae mud end Oreykr yes mash • net., itallfilbt head , at Mr, free Atom Padred and mutt' oo not fail to prepay Moment. Mahn of htantabla. to asses of beldoes• enifroom then e 'mead your expeetsuone. Arany who have lee Omar hair for fttyears bare bad II tutored to its *apse m:recap by the um of this baba. Age, state or wtirot appear to be no Obstacle mbraeven Ie team ceases the Maid to gem orbited:deb det delicate her tabs Is Ailed, by which mane thoessads whim" Mu mas grey as the Altamaha Eagle) bare had their hair to- vorod m M name toter by the toe of Mu Lamentable moedy.: to aA cues of foyer it all be gaud the most plrasent mask that can be' urea A' kw oppllestioni only ars Penury to keep the hair brat falling oat. it Pearbene the 'toots, it never Bile to Impart t tali 11 10 .7 IMPlluortea lad as a pert.= for the toilet Is anegealledi a kola *me times as numb as other ma. called tour nestermlinve and 'is More effectual. • The genuine manufactured by ComMork tk Co, gl Connland at, Net York. Mold an Plusburgb,poly_geneine; by WM JACKSON, El) Liberty Pad of Wood; la t Washington; Ts, by Sweeny k Som an Brownsville, by puma Crocker; In - Canonaboreb, by Dr... Tenet em, by ma egrets In decry lowa in Ps , Ohio lad laid.' artaikalhaT Gr. falters Otaseag Primoom.-91dircares. Terrourot —Wo beg iojee to jell yobbo aticatim to the folowing,frore Dr. Wic.,Dooll, of billitlammillo Clean ora Co., sod mo of the eery int proclaim.= IA rho coml.= which he resides. sod tab BfAllat In the 81.1. Logalaisre. It is cheering thos to me the load log operit ul l= profoismq, bonen' the Mods of profes. atonal ipc,oed gimes meet doe: hme lo roysol procum Mongoo mingplomed some of pour ta mum , oe for, elx4leCarral sad Droaciail Complain,. Please mod= half ■ doom battler—psi thew as low ea peo mo;astermetifitmoomemmMerugmeralom Waal= m it has heretofore. =keep It constantly on Mnd. Respect/ally, , star ; ~Wor.Dem, . . . . af xTT* .40w paumarci orincz, Tam prituT,corsi , og vim 0471C11 O!. frio no* pointed la . J on allop-1 And onpoduioso *moor, ill king.. of num*. oach u largo Pooths, 84natobOot WU, Ladle(, Lotter Shook Cireolaro, Hoodbill.;Cirdsillm, *e. • • DO . M. LID rixesurr ralwrnre to any event steamed in the best =um'. ohd . 1 1. 1 ...{ , :in s 7 ElT'r al i ofh , t to Advelsuors.—Tbe Id.ef• appear b. taw Daly llornin.Ghtfon• obis appe to lb. Tn-Weekly, dm elms the be ell of th alreolftion .r RAI, IritboT. fug fActifk.. 3ll ebaixe:- lo bleu advantage umarOarefaholotubb.“ ..7 e exPenhe. Adeettisessesto on alp (Netted In Of maven foAsomblo towns: -' - • - Wiwi.' z MS; It h. li • whic no& h es , aerel lb. PORT, OF PITTSBURGH. =!2=l ' ARRIVED. :Consul. Michigan No. 4, Gilson, Beaver. • Ssrauna, pos. Brownsville. • Monterey, Morrison, Brovnoville.. Danube, Cock, Brownsville. • • Louie McLane. Bennet'. Browassille. Despatch, Nelson. Mon. City. Camden, Hendrickson, Brownsville ,I I Beaver, Room, Bosom Lake Hemphill, Elmer. ; Caleb Cepe,'Moore, Beaver and Wellsville. Messenger, De Camp, Cm.: Clipper Nod, Crooks. co. • *-1 . DEPARTED. Could; Bowman, BrooMmille. Lout. McLane, Sennett, Brownsville ' Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville., Camden, Hendrickson, Brownsville. • S waters, Cos. Rummy/11ln Nude, Cook, Brownville. Wellsville, Barnet. Wellsville, Beaver, Hoops, Beaver: - Lake Erie, Hemphill. Biases. ; Michipu No. S., Gilson' Bettor caleb Cope, Moore, Beaver and Welyrolle Monterey. Morrison, Brownsville. .Peensylvania. ( inv. Cm' Wiscomon. Grace. Cie. St Cloud, Mason, New 'Orleans. Anglo bison. Price. St Loam. • Northern Light. Baird, SL Louis. BOATS LIZAVIISO TIOMEIAIr• BROWNSVILLE -PACKET'S at 8 A. m. arid 4 CINCINNATI rAcKer, 10 a. m. - BEAVER tiAeittrrs at and 10AM and 3 r • , MONONGAHELA CITII PACKETS, 3 r. DISPATCH. rielion, BroWnsvillei. GLASOOIV 'PACKET, Glasgow,4 m. • WELLSVILLE, Wellwille, 9 A. AMERICAN EAGLE, PI Mean.. • TAM:BOER ARRANGEMENTS FOR BC. Steam Boat Packet Line, loaves daily for Chi clunati, ID A. U. timer° and. Mail Coach tinO direct to Philadelphia, 9 A, • andl2i ar.. Western and Southern Mail Coach Lino, S NoGhlWaisrs via Cleveland, daily, 10 A. r. Militia! Western New York, daily, 9A. m.. - North Eutorn to Philadelphia, Rally, except Boo ! data. 4 A. sr. i • MISCELLANEOUS a pa Indueenamete to Boat lbe • THE DAILY NEWn 1 7 . TikjgrirVied. ws Mess has'ates lir attend to spare no exertions a make the gailj e dgr P s n e . paphr whith shall te.secoed M nons of its 4:cottager. rta Ett rbithdelPhia They will m ete it their mantel an to unpan e divided susd high moral tone to the pa ge:4,lW exclude fres Its 'columns everything of ten ladsdleatea otetrive istuare. They lam th e meat am ple I.o9lVek 113.11VM Teepee., to 'enle, them to eye Id Emden the latest and most eccanite bath, fn dmeowle Intelligence, and abo fell end reliable MCC4I{IO.I of the marten and Comaterelal news gene. •The Daily News will continue to advocate Whig principles, as originally expanded by the Fathers of the Caealbetten, and adopted by the accredited arr,w and delegate of the Whig _ease et the present day. It will orn th e holdingot A Wlng Nationafedommion, for the wpm of oemtavtng candidates for the Piet. dency and Vies Presidency and will !mule. with ell dm Muhl/. real and energy It can command, to seem the triumphant election of Weiaomlaecs of that Ccovp4- two. . k • . Taco.—To mill rabic r l ben, Mitts ce~iea still be ferambed at 14 Om =Wm • Twelve or more copies. cadirea at the came time,aed addreawd to the Name Poi OtteeOltill be sere be the nue of IP per copy. TES TILL 11111RELT lOW. WI be fogad fistat the acme cetftee. from wad after' he It br Janury non: ori TaestlapaThuredaye, ar.d Su. Weiser each weak, god sill caatata the uoo Matter it the Daily, tat/saiag.the hem of the dorpo sehteh it 4 Weed will -. d The masker eabeoriptioa Ode e be for a sire& mOy partake. Fmr or more cook% tertlen , tl ai gaikinspe time, ea.] eareseed talk. note Post 1::, will ba .tarelehed at ram the of SIM • copy. Too or more eopiesortlered I the came time. lad edentate* to the mato Feet r, at the rate or St a 00p7. I , sax apical' wizti.r say.: 'Pah/Weed at the sane elites, ine every &Bandar alai*• trews a :Imp Fundy Paw, devoted 14 Paid/C., Newt, lateratatofille Arts and &inlet., the marmot Trade and Stniaten, and cantatas tall and decorate dements of the hlatten. It grill be funnelled to suLectiberi at the dettovrioaklll UMW: e -' nelY• • ' t ,14 ropes, leagues, a 43 do, 10 pp d t, : ID' !ft I['-- , I? d., . . niajrclessitTueis isviassrms. A Weal,' Darman NeWapaper,devated the advocaey Of woad Whig principles, mad to the dLexcennabesiot bneixn and domestic intelligence, will he peb. 'fished from nal after the t: of March next. The great 'necessity tor the poblieation or mach II paper npon:Lbe Atlanta sea , bank will at ranee be reeelroctl, and 'AU have, sbereare,detennined epee eatablig appalhleh will be oronhy the banddenen and alp.. pond. their Garman fellow eaten. The gbautp. pnee'for a tangle copy will La I'o per annum, Four copes, ordered at the same tar, end addratind to the mama Poo Odlco, pill A be farauthed ter tA.Per annum. 7. . , . „„ _ ••• Ten copies and more. orlerni .o the nem new, uld add...a...4 to the mune Ppm (Ike, at the sate Et el a copy per meta In wean will Ittepaijl.Tti-MoePle a; Wm , Y4 Nee% or the Wembenthpbe Neendkenen• be Mt 'n'a=d, Jokes paylW-1, he made in atlyancej and ne peleerlllll/ be rat nnel the asirake of time, calms the Kelowna renewed. Money ;eminent dumb the mall, will Le at the rOt of the publisher* Nose - t of all . specie path*, Maks, le any pan of the Unkm, mil be eseetred ;ite pay. PAXteKi. tiMiDF.IISOS kiCILLINUER. Yinientelphim Noe. U l&47:1‘ - Weablagtaa Drina' /won 7, lee Nortitnur 'torso inlattake Claira ' Ad Taigas DiparOwnis!eu Tra#Aosint. • rFHp undersigned . haoion associated himself lila ' (scow C. Tas, of Wallington city, ad nab; I abed hadelf in the the chief Pitithasch, lo prepaiod es mare peens, efoliectuci,lelo., and env.. all Lau connected took the Depariesedie at waiting- . Persons St S dims.et deeineas of laving exanittia. am made sills Patent Otheo prier toseeklag spelicw :Jon tot pelent, say forwirir (post pate; to dut city, ea se, ang of fire dollars, a ilea mato sent of the ea when lannediate,attetnten will be given to it, and all the IV:flagon Otai rasa Ile obtained by • van of the rt :ez i ' l j ae mp l .terejrcep ey ilytrzli and eateili.. pen in *pelican's benumbs. and•trunsacurell other tn. . sine. In thellue of bit profession at the Patent W.. He can be committed on ell emissions telating to the Pa. tent LBW/ end decisions ache Caned saw. or Europa. CletTAI D THOMPSON , • • Ofice Id door inHauses , s bittern... , • '11•11711 : Market aelsedi Ti.o Ehursll, monody of Buoy. IdEcoolo ......... ........ •• •••••• Cianudi 3 0. Jan. A. BRAm —131;14.030,0. Nom Os leans. • sEarrY, s!tcrriiEß 'ec co., Oonaro.l Cortomloolom Il•rokaat • 1/011 TUN FAIR. 4110 FORWARDING or 7.. • WESTURR PRODUCE* '1 No. 31 hydro! &ma, New Odom& RUIZ Mews. Mania CO, Bookers, )1 N. O . " • ladiaa Wihvgar it Ca, 5 David Mita fr. Co, Idadisaa, , • Monad Eudora, • Cusciadad• AVlCessaia, Zs, N Kaaraisy • Eaq,_Canksr, Zangsvals, 0, 1 IPDanald Go, Warr ille,O. Reed, Puke Co, Deaverja, J W Esq, Wl:actin& Va. IrChunn C4 ` Pitisborgb, W LM ovl4 ,„ ?wage hos throat Britain and d • as Bow Yank aadriteditsrik. DEMONS waking to ringago passage karelariands •L r con fauna ormartabla rwcommedations Wholes/- ea 'rats. on bond or splendid nett' IMON. , th.r to the Cnbin, Dermal Cabin, or If torrar;a to saliwn weehlY twtomLinerpool, Glaigew MD= Now York. and tba ermariberwili rmisre swat ibe s fortho.e who mid al if d'aance, colon so not of the shore von.. rawashed which ofUllng=wl7 . 743 l York fio , L =ti l l t b ' e P lerwne% taniedlatelyby "Leeti I CO* Ally Fart Lbw," tbereby lariat moth usable end ea me. Good bent. will alio be maned to and Dowf Linen , pool an board th e New York and Boston • Refer to Meows. D Leech tCo • WU. D. WILSON, 153 Cedar at., Now York; Drafts ofitsiend <wall the principal Danks in Elillw‘d NOW and Dentlipd, op Be mon reasonable two, to Cams Io mil Lim 1ri044 10 ' i ll Leum pat paid. arladron IMPUDZINOIEs . li t a pubV fs ' s f nri trlrt:htirti t. we ham been etsumatera privilege we bad no eight w. That “they have abened moss time since the excl.. eltame'systets.” and that rre have no, ightioclann "atelative 'smitten With their less.. I neve: pretets ded to sell the teas of this aperient concern. I have peen telling the tea of the New York Pekin Tea Co. lot the last two years, at the public no swam, and have been to New York Mu Metes in that time, and never beard of this new concern until lately bat as wool dealers. The Tea twines.. of hfcgalhoont k Bond is shoat 8 months old,and Weir arnmption of the Patin Tea Lima. putre oatm is beeaase a name sa op. for pay man or. Arm to assault, but the fact Intended tb. imply thereby, that th ey hare an wnh the ao called and well known Pets Tea Company of New Veit ice. direly taloa they keying. been denied even an ofteneY ul Pluladelphla teethe New Vault Ctospan), that Comp. n 7 bario( w rw ' d " ; ' l b" ! know oar "c or, vi 0,,,. sad rz y :7= 7 , t . . 4 ar New obtai n norm Any petals readisg their card Will sop that gen tie to they willb pIrtICO Op the pablie • to the inlay of my he el hicCallmoin & lhad are wore austere in Philadelphia sod hue seaman spot cat here to poll wool over the eyes of s o me of oar good oniMets Look eat fora black sheep. - ALEX. JAYNEti ; entledltertf Mtiroarth - • DRESIIUMLOZEVOP4I aerofoil y prepared bpllrew IC et, Mavens fr. Mating, Booth, deemed with roar, I,Uoa, sassafrar, pepponsuat, eineamen, and checker• nearest and liarsirsGsocentramlEatrant Vanilla, for Amoim Ma, portieramerr, poseconat th e elegant gavot of Ma Va.W . It yell PS forted tte thou eonecareat article for 9nttels; bra= =rater Ira Prraiona ItatraeLlararen for O r IIOTIOff pe1404 rug++ PINION% Prepared Groats, frr making prmr t in lea arietnearrad •NM areal article IS cat. .ek, he writhe R 131 Redwara Ordneselledicated Scrip for Tan. Retrain, Praplea Morass. On., anotarrelir goad fot *Map and Ilia ado, • • ' ;oat merest and the tale tir • • del - kerradr& titiars otaymm. IMIPAIMIIVEgaI Se —Thle abet wing Mahan...a-At A P tell, tele, vain la am er Ito neat deterjhr i *P" tins ine carol ba. inabat e:pat . ad mews 4 Wa pia .at it lensed bi a thd: Boa fr blasha tO maned. Oil eau olk genersl sia. It a IIW bolealerada irld Whoa ben anted et 'the Weetan Staab Mtelagell viols le." 0 41( al PIM M *Mal ebedblFeatee Pe , . 'nen .111.11.1u1 km es ablifey. rot ea ...- a 2 . 1 .""a" WC" ' "4 " M * 4 Wl' ,HOUSM, LOB,-PMM - & 6. 011PIIAIIPS C()1711.265,11. - '••••4•• TA pors'atinee of an order of the Orphin's Coin of Al- X legheny county:lol be exposit , / to POI.- tube.. the Preet4ek on Townley; the ...34 dare De 1E47, at .10tecloct, A.M. All the StonnColl coniajned and mder the surface of (I twits and 0/ perch. of land sites. la Wilkins Township, Allegheny ecntott: . being pan of the estate of . Witham ti,allaceaate of said township, deed. The purchaser to - Itasca* and, every vetesarp privilege to Curlier Gorr ti 16.11 .air holes', and all ether Gatildles for mime and moo vine the eatdeoil The Coal cootal . sed lathe abovqpremises is of:excel lent eality,And in sitdite roar the route of the Cesitr4/ Rail Road, as at pruest located. Terms,h. • nv2SarPutalulsT ROBERT CAROTFILIRBras,AdoI'e IRON , 0113 C BANK POLL )3/I.lC—Abovi5,COD acres tof Lam, near the earners bf Fleming mid Oa , ter mauler, gentnekyi vehlekarato set °Timm a lama tenet of Land. on cream at fwd . bar of IRON ORR and Slo n e Coal lonian Imo nd noonin c) . • The Land IS well timhered. end lien nhorinW Miles 'float the O hlo RiTeT,l/ Vanettiordh.nod Miami. in miles by good road to •Fkmlngetiltri: The . propent -will by told, low, and on libend term, on !arena= to . OEO' nv21.30r • -•. • or A - ./ BROWN. hi, A Ilandlomely hrothed RpXll4inliarket street, lately occupied at 'Daguerreotype erlobludt• meet, by Alpnind Co. Aleo,aWell finished and well knll:led Nome, snit gbh, for nownea, adjoining the 1.411 of the Meru:dile Library Association. Erman% al Milo Hall. _ . }.: DGAZZAM oedirt - , °Mee:millet stlbetweee aid 411 jar OMINTIIY - 111481LiknAlCku. • HAVING removed to - the city, for convemenee tineentional buLness I not therMansban Host.se,•34d immesllateenclocnte,fituate a:iambic& of the Monmerahele, one mile above Pittehureli. • lardlThivrtf Coil L 's SEVEN aessa Coal Land far sole, situate m bend of tile rdononaubela Rther.abese flenamiellio, Pa has let nvetiof ?feet Cathsehlebssitl be sold in enebaoge for seeds. For particulars Imply to oetns • - Ea W lIARVAUG IL l 3 wood at saTIP ber,—A large, earemodta4antritia bitted, three Mot y. brisk dwelling, on testa at., bald, way between liarrnson alley and Wayne at. Posiession given immediately. For pardeulassenquite at the officio of . W W WALLACE. Wdlif I . I 241 liberty it rounatar.. , Aj i WILL sell dm House and Lot where 1 . row Me on di...phylum area, Ent Word, et o One gain.. For partieulars enquire Cl my Grass Foundry }Yarn a,above Wood, or on tha Uturres. unktiort • - HUGH GALLAGHER! ____ BVILDING LO . . . . . . . . . VI DIANOIE23TER FOR sAts— nave (or bale a ,LtieensiCal Balding Lot In fdancliester,nenr tba Fen'y. ZlEret twoAl by 1,2)14t deep. ',Will be bold low, and onto •., —suing ten.. ,Tetros;onezeeptiongble. my!) ]AMID BLAKELY. Meal FAtate Agent . BOIL RENT . TliE 3Stoy Thick W•relto , streoAl a N i :. 1 0.. !Font at: tontnia ll t4 s 2l, l =O it . pr • I:32===l 'IIIE Itt r shed flitt'u, on Mutat Erect, bet!igreu 3rd and 41b euects„ it present' occupied by Barmy' & Tanner- Paesessip9' giran D oh the let of April tte,(4. Ovull P. D lIAZZA M TOIL SWINT: • J q L 'flreme'lc"'":lTl42llllClAZZAM DI & VARIETY , GOOD& SHAWLS, 111FIAWLS, ALF/iikriDgß A DAY, 7s Market st.,H. earner of Om Diamond, have now reeelved fromilie large auction gales al, New Yolk and Plididelphliii, die Mtger and mood splendid assortment ric Shawls, which they • have edited in thm city, amongmhlch may be Lund— Splendid French Tor kerri, of Me handsomest styles and Lucid qualities Imported. Splendid Dwells, tail Wool,l same of Mc Anew north ties, amd motsbeantdul designs ever armed's: iris mar. hot. I Splendid Tilnonereach ?laid, (all aropl,) a new and bcanintal article. SapoFnei Cloth, plain and embroidered black and mode lom, with heavy bullian fringes, a superb ar ticle. .... ThdMl Merino, plain cod erohro;led black and mode eolomonth heavy tag frures. ; /tapir Paris ("unclean Silk, ten heavy, .41 onsar. paned for fiances of style and quality. plSal: l b:sea tkssata2ilk, nth Ft. it for plain peo e. ' A I : .aseartmect or eine' heavy woolen Stlawl, plaid e, plain and embroidered, maples/ to enentty sales. A fame portiou efthe above goods have heea recently pore hased at the large paremptoryiAaelioo Sales .n N. loll' and Philademeic at rimer/nth', low prices, and will mow be weld et *great reduction or matter pacer. Thelanennon of wholesale buyers is in rive . 1 . 4 ' Paney Ofiedil, . „, T 2. IKIN9FY'9 new Store, Cf hfare,t at. 45 palm thins "ace% val Ft 7 Ins; 5 Ana Fianna Ando/de:nil. ro 515 io fin) c,< 4 din po. plain and Waded a ,1,,,,,,,bt, 0n 5 0 do bkek - e . to teecestifl •eil celestialilobes,asa'Ji a tinny a...totem/eta 4 " 4 ac select aocket.locits and cud eases, Lem slam ranter, insilaslos ur earl?, ' Genusti silver tea belts; • cad.: Diu g drab and mu eti.r. wgr,de b7,ps lae1; malgL; rinto iot A l ted do lao ' ap itadlia . cd tuttoon Flth a groLC oaf of Imo oil - mi. , . good.. oruove , “ lotoot ''oth tiles inrs aria Fiaeri Um; coral- raft. aia'd armada,: teriu as drake all lards Ladict' work brri ka,o, stollen baeltcalacoao boardi, fold .peelaeler, sll [.. 1r 4 alAl4:ogt I. LLooa .o red iw. flOi4l• VSTRECEINEuirt - A DAMS at P.F6 taper eaPar hex &kb Clo th Colette caw; sapar Eat. saver ". Do • do black ^ flock and dorm nom , : lab Froaeh Clocks for (rock sod the., eons; do and (=ly Castimeret, for ' . ranialOoot; '• Daldo eat velvet% coalune,y,, pain and . fit/Vodka, easstmeres, &e. Ae. for In' addlan to met above; ire bare Mc. mote select conk of cloths, raniatere, and venlop to c0.i07 out goods btinig boCt.td of liataners only. Tba above good, will be made m'arder at the shortest notice and men reasonable t ti be &MACE& & ' MAYER.. (t me kr &onkel tc V0.,1 Cloibieri and Tail- - or., 10 wad WS doom above 11b. .130 Deeds at Wisolesale. r R. Nortleeart sena, syth and mar -11/ • ket ,users rhe seeseue a sestet+ to hie very luJ sepplv, rust reed, of ...assurable gualroseh Vloalse eels, sU coltri!c Canton do; , . . Busses and /sun •• Tweeds and Mll.A , 4;;Vcilluer.s, y.. 44.4 sh,rtuly I ritS Lames; • 0 _ /oves; Hositry; Hoods, Cealforte, &a, /FA. j Prices los. Weelesiee Ream oeld story, reliance ces 4di sL tErA 101 l supply el' I;rllearsis Oar& .2.4 ether draws's:44, lagoon MO, alot ollierel very asap: ern ' OenUessilles Vionaislatari Goals: k• •TUDE, bade tbia dal iremved direct from . the manefontaren, andorer f or al., New York ' I retie of those Hem doperint 241 rt. Itl3lllltnei.red sante-wilt for eon own sales and warranted well case of Saxony. and Merino tinier Ebirts, wrapper.. aid Drawers, some v e x ye I ease Dons.mm and Collar., lacholfror Doman with Col, • dar. Mutated. I ea se palm /Mani joint Sorpenden,with other Good. - tort nornered. to,ownt•ononol'oaing bit and Laney 'odiastin2o , 4lebs Saud How and plate Patin ferret!. • Dombuiao bow and plow Dornbarine Silk and &therms, men elk and iratle Cravat., with one nue of low priced Shins tvluell wer evtallty barn osier been tarp, toed In b y In this city. Wo lateral to etas the above Gashed by the poets.* .'and would colt the aueotion of Poreltosenr to oar stood of Gods, knowing that low puree will Insure diem a Iretedyrale. , '' • I It F: TODD oenra • 2O wood in, op gain, 2 door. below -U et I FigenVED at lbe Whole.ala Dry Good. 2 •• do blue and mote prints II do Oregon plaids, new 4 do oozed and upped no.veneres; . t • 0 boles white, red and yell.* fennel., ' Seim. dontradm &ohms: i• do Indeed and plait Morena.; • 1 do Xentacylearet; I ' , do • suportor ticking; I do Canton fiunet.• I. • • Air, white firma., white gOods . of decd . eiettea; Wed., capes,aktvis. boviery, lace., de. do On band, en extenove .teek of brown on. blazoned muslin., con ey print., wean% oliecks, bonnet Ilbanda. Y o itomen, bletehenta ift rnpeetfally ignited to rail andelamlne DOT inortment, as vve aro_non2dool nor stock will (avorahlY enamor, oral :acorn holm. both la Variety and one's. • need ' A: A hf.A.wON A CO SUIRTING /1141.111411‘11. . ILMU 'WILY ; maims the mimeo= buyers tt his loreo =poly of abo. 'goods, 'lately reed, Itteiodipi soon of the beat wrote, sod as:molly low. .Also, %head. Mush. 'from l to 3 yd. wide; Pillow.= ma.bmycommod ostli dot; Tice*, common a. superior, • , Peron are prints. fans 61 . to= U. a foss mow of thoM hiod colored Counter palms dircona calms; ted Alookers,comoresa of nor' , .Iloodec.ite. " Trump pumas, ikO.A farther iopply ors tvre goods, of app . .= marmfacoter., Just mold. Those goody hem purchased fora as agaa. of the . sootralu rarer., in large quatitilch 'cap be , , sold Cl wry low pie ca. Also, 1 4 4.1 0 ,1: 1 .4 1 = in table cloths, of diaktmaslair, • I llockohod and other Ptaper a, he. a c. ' Detain a huge averment of Linen - Cambric liand• tarchicht. carom...looped°, W Wholaralcißoorm. ttairs,entrouce oit 4th as. - Welah Flamm , l.• ta. _ H. MURPHY hoo-letrly received a fa anon- VT /owned( above &Fumble goOds,wo framed noeto ahruk b erlahl4g, Also,' large 'wooly of *ea I let and red Flannelo, common and doe, Ir ldle, Kew England d mach,' brown domestic, danorly/ yellow de do; green tio de! at Id'. Vie. by the piece apd pod. tr r. bole .; sale iloordiup mire, entrance Goal eth el." • 0094 1 •' . /taw Ir Todii gabber, Loog,oiotomot,oook Ovrien short otteroClVOira j'lllOOttt I.ltroVell.leSpell • with slosoes, poooloSs,logging* bats; soap blankets, horse. c o rers, trir.lUg byn wddk Lungs. earenoprovisiem bats. to.f +.ll pinow.. air castiions, air I bag ra for Hid India*. pollcs,s4tata~+ros, c;utioes; of lotothsro hare al eamplato isuornoof.; that .6 offer v4lolLitikki or retail do the lowost pots terms or oar lade Rubber D0p00,3 wood Err G‘n*BlOn. TYKYSICILILIJ We a: kayo Jam received a tarp ad taiand eopalY den , * Proaelt TY:kart' rhavria.' Aa . Mere goat .am -eery scarce, rya weed :aril cattail y invite Wd. itallm, a 4.11 and 0/140.111E 'we tons are WC sewn mem very low .• . ALEX...4IIga & DirrY - • ' 7§ market at: NW cot diamond liZiast teed alias - tti• wayt i gara toads,latatdrio far cloak. !Want ram, ._ atelakr; of mask,. color! and Tata) , " • • aorMottrecar Stb &markt-tilts Wrin W. 4 „ . Pio 'Wool estrlepiiTrilltio, eclor . s. !' 4 :„ AlgrTON, COMOOa 111,-2 giti4W4s-41 4 1f201 11 /Th1rit4,64104 jut 4 J 4 341)44 4 4 5 1 4144Pir ii r4 " 4.14 0. 44. n - - mama:ion*. DAY; . QUlRTlL4ferylved tilt 40-60 dos ini‘sui 47A: ditly tralay Troy Mom yride cid varsow rat% ar,q° c9ll l * fotsakai • . ritteterße' Drop* AUY,l4:paTl:orr'T 1104 D :NOTICES toriiintrAOk.cooreu.svozsßAlLVOlal IT COMPANV.-11m:Steekbefrieri mike ?dabs:o It Cortnellsvilie Reed Calumny lea hereby mole! Mar the =Mid efecOon by theta atesem the shore : .glob will lake place I at.the rre,OZio MO. tent dem to eLla Da LI. in Me thy* ••Oraboce belsreee keener* and 6 P. 3V.on KftaJayake Gth day of De cember ram. . IY.II..LAIUSIErt,Jr.. 6 • Of tke Dosed of Wetter.. 'Fittslimah,ficemober 2thh,lSC- . • • nomapamite with the wishes of ecadryiroilibold er<l:Be hereby till the special mtantiee of dia mock hiabfereia tbe aforesaid : Company atonalli.. the ateekheddersforegiore notice, and remoter• fell euemiance of said . . A waling of rackholdeam arilt be bald at the slat place at Wo`edoely A.A.: at um .adaa day. • • • EDWARD DAJAZZAN; • • ReenNary of th e log Ahddad of dioeltholders alba . iPatrinlt.r,t•re.cm%riritZr.44ll Road 7-11,13dtd DITTS.DURGII i CONNPZ,LSVILLE RAIL. ROAD CONIPANV.—The anneal Eleccon for the Dircel- MVO lhe above Conepany..Pff the " l'eansenrinm Oblie Hall Road Cceemany.n 'nil take place at Pilo Dall t on Third exneec <melba Yon om re, In Pluebocia. *Men the benne-2 and 0 Y. Al- oo Monday. the kb t6pof December next. W RODINSON,Ic.,Presh. ITbe &uncial tneetaw of the Stockholders of the &belie Stational Company will be held at the some place al 041.0.P.11., at sableh an exhibit of the Mews of siliComparry twill be made. and such business LIM.. aistedaspay be ptcautuel kr the coostecratton of the 41toebbtfaels.... .1V ROBINSON, Nrr ... 110 . 19 . t a DriowermrtiendeitZliat o IMI Tin:pike Road any, snit =al Ds WI Horse on Deeember 9th. LSD, between De boors 01.1 IfoOS . • • - , • DWERT, • BOOKS; . T n p E ß C r iV j% eiilie *gyp.' rico Uncombed; by° Jack: Aram' by haggard, aochar.of RAW* tbo Rogrer, .• The Nis, or the Felten; by Conte, ender or Mark Planted Wheaten • . • The Dome blyere Ikad, nr the Lady of °TWO ard Moe; b Chsrley Crrey.of the It It N. • - Tele IM ed 11413 ride or Me Illtud of Saxony; by Loma Bidner. Ekanhorie.asther f 'Battles Liken mass,' de. Leellla Lyronore, sted . Mr and Mn Worn:Ralik; by bliss Leslie I Laudon Quantity &elem. Doom 31 eyealne for December. 4!n of Joseph Titans—alone niply. The blancessenny hflultem by the author of 'Histsiry of a Fat' The Wilfulleess Woomeg by same. ' The 014 Commodore; by E Mem , d. Jetateue Alilmo et the Yonne Strawberry. Gui--4 W e of Sea mutßbotel by lagrnass: Kum. or Dayliglaos pare tale; ref J B Hebb. • • Bit Newland Ashtoo,d rots; by LidyC lame 'T Xe Splendors of Vetted:; tad the Cain of Lassie the XIV. • Pressers Personified:Nose and 10 • Moral Cemettles of Ametica, pan 0. • Pdagazia. Newspers rte. • London P m oser wed pa Pictorial Merit. per Ittst steamer.. Brother Jonathan. Phlladelphie courier, pad Yankee Doodle Fmtoriale. For sale b• • WM B CALDWELL del • b at, oppeinte the Pout (Mks E==l2l JUST AFTEIVED AT 14 A /11/NER"A—Tie Cowrie , . or tbe Unmasked; by James, Eq. Fn Paris artie other Worl4, by Lori.. Toe bplecdor of Verrwlles, the CArrt of Lem Ilib—muplatcd from the Fra nco ( II FOSIOuI. • • ?Wahl Commodore. by E Ilard. . Jack Ashore, or a. Moo 00(000 u.• Most; by C Bo*: The blaborosinne Mother. The Barela's Bride, by Loma Sucioye. Leonwila Lyn-mote, or a lemoo for Vans Worebibl Wm Leslie. Jene:l<e Allmon, at the V.Ol bitramberry Girl. The ewer of the Fller.; by Newton &I Carl;. Ttw Larry of the yews and blab; by Charley . Carty, URN. Charober`o Alimelleoy, Gomm blarrazine for Dezember. TAD Norte Lwow by /ohm Neamon. Nem Way, moot them. am Wens Ilene of tke Peeper... Me Cobh. We Villain of We Week, Abe. te: tor soh, al Al A bllNEltS,:folalbelit stratt,Nl War from 54. . • n•NI T AVE TAISOLOOICALL BOOMS -I.4.Aitma:4ns of Ike Conn by a Sprang, D Me. Ilts rrroht frO,Uttasite Innb.contribations Thee'nycal Denson by Joh. Hann , . D ' . Ond3 Expel:ton ot P 101017918 Life at Bistros: tory of the Pnabylenud °lush in rennety. • n itch.. of Mora Carolina, Waded l sad Vographt ea o( tin onacipin of a ponion oflier doubts; Ly Rev Wm Deny &We. 24 . C14., Des Lire, Letters uld Leetares;. 31Thaysea the Tre Of Ma Kamen* of plod and ovd, ae. a, • The Bolknlnah coilono nu/L.oBsta, Conant Library: , Tales Af Ceont.l roksanny, by Roo litnry Duncan. D D, and r 8 be In Pleasan'frd. by Oldllotnioney; mank 14ine... artd tterr'Enarnbr ilaati:oun Lana( Tame:at Lon of tit! .Ilanndia: ronot sliSenenna.. The ahivo win a canal nommen of Theologisol, Canted. Dolma. sad neltrol Dadra; On sale In lon preen who/coal* or roull MLLIOTT t MOLISD arld . ;-• 38 market st, betweea3lBL4th • r New n 111130 • .: LLEN°. , ..W Ip ALT* WitY a' the E nh rent num. da.neet, 'My nate, two: 01.15 a razdia aped: U. no Om> •dt.lll alto weep. Era w. 14 f weir a .•c; • Oa nape to we. by flay act Como and o rraadet latth n 5. b 1 1;11 Bader; Woad I Wcro c - 31, ltict ' • 1 weal/ wo bad set net ants; The C•ey.et.l. l 3hh,3l rect sadden when fain.; La. eta 0000 ALIT Mt Islet. 1 W.0".°4 RC"! 0 0 . 00 F 0 V: C0400.01i. #021./: os not yct to.l. wah Den r..ga.le,FT Henn Item o.;elarjsEtte,c:ses; Itaremoy'a Easiness; Grand Rum. awed Coma, ettca• Wah 450, mace.. Lcuaing, • Whey def hheektn , at de dthpri • The !JIM Cook% anal' eiogiteg: . • Zest ?menial", 5h71,50 end far ea, le .511 • • . • JOHN 11 MELLOR. et wool it . , Maw Pubtleailless. • • LIFF.r General z T.. 1 !ono, waive a tie MIN Neves Cslifyrnia! awl reethese Maier, sad Olio. Fogies! Amok., of (Moen one bne diainroisbool ternan.:Tes irtb. Ivor iota Nfenieo; by! Fran, L An in'o Li', or stool.. of Anacm•A Pain , a74 ny neon TTookeratn.. IL • • A ILoply to Ithloeri Eatl of nolmons Controretor, fn Ibo onral.ro of too FAglion nonnantoo aR meanie/ SO4t reed; br Weny. . 1 41114 near market . .. . . PILNOP3, - CIIICKERING..Voi - spleadoi Rom. = t; end. t i nie r ", clrL-r-; • 11E.P.11-ooew.roi.pood Piano Font:frt. the mono &Myer Henry lieu, ParlojEaelove. • ()ALE 4 CO—Ooo.eareed Sootwoed,o octave, wade by Oak k Co. N York. . One Odin mobeironyelociavei • • • SrODART. Now: Vork—tine okpaat Perna. d 1 oe taw, hop bee. awl Moutons rear; prke flu. • SZCOVID IWO rams. Acteseettint weed bawl Puna , wadi fir Lead . by lUMMILHOO • TVagumuni dal Ms aments /A by J 11 May • • Napolmo brabid% b7J ?M.N.! ' VW Ws by ELLIOTT & ENGCIBII' oria . I. I .10mbev.1 between Mt dr. Sib PIAN BSI PIANOS li. I._TENTIT KLEHER, Dealer In 4410011Plase Fares .1/ at W Woadirell'e,NA Third Street. The Piano Amy be examined elan be.., And We aetweal. be, will be therefrom II W IL A:hi...dirow 4 rod. P. AI., each dap. 'NAV, Oemilicr IVO Wiole cede Naiad, would l.s.e the CiliMlll et Pidanlirk and wicinut chat we have appWeted Mr. 11. Slebenele Age.Sl tot Wevere Pennitilemie, for the eels of nor Pia. Fence, from whew they may be tat. Wined ht our own [New Yostl prices. N WINS & CLARK Weer York .Oon.ll. 946111' ' EM==CM:CPI . . A SPLV:NDID mottoes% of Rottwooiand Wall* ar, grand anionsale. 'or 11E =tali., Erameagit ed and for • . Alma twat avlandtd Flosevatatd P•anas, TV ith Colrain% eidebtarls ..tot atutcbateat, finished /alto co. I aid ors style, sad for rata at . • It arcatd 'twat, dam" amme Sal . . A lIMW 1111EDIO nurttominv-am !Maintop an explen alien of all the Icons lo Analeety, rhymotion., kn. lc, with the formulae of the principal Pbanaaropipese, and ialeabla pion tonal articles.** treatment. an &owe, et. that Lew of flow & Orate, as: by D remit leueact, MD. /balm% firreale by .' , 23 • ' IL READ CIIIICKZEUXWO PIANOS-2 it dm. alum: celetaated Pumop.l.irree'd;. gar salaloy • nv4 ' El JUILN II MELLOR, woci It RATS, •CAPS AND' BONNETS. - - - A .. FASHIOM FO&6011111‘ reto c o • ~ • . s . J . Moiler of Wad and fifth Strnio. •• ETAVE meant! Oak Ammo Meth ell atm., Ili oh Ls, they nqtpecliaily LIMN tha LIKOINII of 1.44 c 01,1. 11111111iad.ealT024rntl11y.. • • . epth • • at . mecALLAni reekdaul bantUfal Med f Ss Caulks'. Fall .tile Hata, asOldk Jar ehnns and lams sew. bik miewpakwed Call al she llat dam, hiannondatkela How., Skaltalickl at; and sea them. •_ • • 'own IYIG\y Y 7 yactiTiuft - • : • • • PATF:NT Alit CIRCILILATER AN NIIATTRUTECTIR',I'be satreribee aw:date ou Etuatj ay, Oet../111..0eadenten • •Sung • bat Ted nub thi.degralle al dale will pinta call lad 022.1.. • • ALIA.F.D ECCVIL, PtacttcAt nailer, '139, bead er wood • . . .. A • . TAO. FABUION' s aIOOSE hos teethed Gods Ned, Yak, the j t styled( lbw srb.ele Idimill istrodsco.ll:li dsy, Ses.vdsh An ttith. All Woo led o min of s. mu opa moi,,, b. %veld 44. do welly. call .0 N. . 2 4 A:9Pd Paces,Paces, l.l ddoe abeTy , ... ..... . r .• . . i ..... . , er4 sy I 1=11321V3 . _ ' sabiless, 1 -- 4. IMBUE& COMA 11: ti 9 tilts ebilans realbsa wOl be hunsio cod as NELVIVS so Thwojiay dorm T7ll. Ocrulentea wait isy a obooyabeb• mable lioloCringurgh =bottoms ahead al fulboosble Dub Losportnl aJ sdrolbos4 by sae of the 'role pima rap ; .XEEVIL Co'. a.a- • '" .•197. 'bead or Wood ro • • JUST becelYed hook Nes tilsly,tbo , am_.tre far Wu% coodouog sf - Alias emm. Mill old Whim FricKla Coretbsere•Hatoosbb ifoolbusso. 'floosio Mitt of boarnilll.S#Aitot ors lespstUoUT JeTlied le di e'mn"." mild • woos ot. 3400rsaboirollii: WILL lAll DlNYOtaks 6u jam hoeenmefik Rake 1 dltio7pltt and !AWT.V.4a tiR GiltsMit vs yr . _•• • • 'Egits tt/10 Ack alLoteakht Ila 0, at , c 17 . 4 . 1. lel' • ••• No 78 wad ohm% WILLIAM DOUGLAIIi CONlll2lllESikadßallit tsmisistir ea Mind, *ray vans). of.Llinu w awe IM Won arlainodirter.vm.kry 78.Waraltme040 .Id. • ' ed died teemed fldsdeld. (raid* *anodes- Fired Canhogru.;' pot OLT) COCllallft Cl. • T:47,2. osier. Ml' %.1 j • nofeakionable tog% . , 11 1 / 4 UP • r 96 #. Nc . ' `G& IROICEB13; iivissat;BANzA k co.; :1••• sultitsasi szcsuiran -.•• earip.vesislirii4 Immo N. AND I .• iOzcarnis h7.CHAN:RE. carrincAnos oFps, ?WM, RAISE NOTEP,ANU rePLVIE; z •Thouth.4, sisal ephonte the Llenk . of Fireballs:" . CORREHT• HANEY. waned on: DneeteereltH Checks tbst stk. and coliseum. rude en marl! the Prinelphl pain In Ike United Aetna • • • Go d highestpremntm pout in Earept and Amerlcao I • • • Ad venenh =deco etehemusiona of Praline der , ,Eost.on tonal. • or a . " -- iesspersateratalla• 70/IKPIREI,H.LLL Ilan or tho ine of M. A. a Hall A.C0.,1 sad wai. 6. cu RRY,llatoo(Erie, P+,) have emend Into Copartnership, ender the none of HILL•Ie CURRY, in the Pupae of earrTint etn Ue itaailox and Entmoge bosuns. to all In brawn :MIS-Weed nett. three doom Inner' poen* nese eihrshere they solicit the cloys of then (needs and the pahlle geonallt. JOSEPH H HILL ' meta : • :• .• '; Wit .s.; CURRY JOUPIL B, MILL • • ;' • LwaT it: C. c.""* . ' ELL; h. CO L , • BANKERS ik EX B CIIANGE•26OEK/C's fITALEES • IN POKEI4IN AND DOSIII , TIO TWA • MOOT DILLS OF EXCIIANGE. iCEIITIFICAYES OF DEPOSITS, BANK NOTES AND COOL • No GS Wood areal, thud door bdadv!•Fddnik Wu , rd. DAB Fonda .4 Cacreney received Deposita. aod collection. =ado on all Oho:principal Cnicaja • Iltn - 84kt Exchange on Bald= 'Philadolpbkilids• Yoe %WI and Cmclaand to tor sala. . ' Oa Indiana, Konseleky, Vieklaki Lod Panaryliind• Dank Notes, bought d.add on favorable tens. • EzehaisonYngtets : d,Hrolond, On ninny .d From* - s. DOLassy sos. Bejaial' laze Maus La' factunga, C•Ja -• •., . mad Bank lota* /ro: imaarr nrrssoftom. . • " Behind Yates. • • ItahseA4ying Rued. Nam Teek.i l i • , Philadelphia di basin , rialtheaus. • • • • . Lads, n elt:a 1 • 1 "! - • ' Indiana, .' . . .de. Naga -do EFiddild7 , 6 do P caul I• d o,t ebit Cy.. de , -balkY itrkr.• ikds• • Temies •• doligland, • • do WILLIAM 'N.:HILL . El •NHEI RS • EXCEIA7/0111 BIIGIESEN • POILEION MiTD D OINEEPTC =CHANGE, t.IEETIPICATES OP DEPOSPE, , ELNX NOTES, 64 'AEG !MEM. Etna, IHH &kW din hunk Zen flag Deal . BlttalompliMs. 14kwr 'AnAzol i i f i krAAH EAU! It= AND EXCHANGE 8101'Ellitol* and Oxnestlel3Uls'ef Eicbaare, • I= anomie, Beak Naas dad Coln, mural Id ` . ..mtollecErapposls SACtaisles Egg& , • ••• ' ' . , . au= BI N FM caner De and Wpm' P.YOU In c. Writ Or o:a ICK 9 At !haat* of 113 to Ow Ptorfig, r mica or diontont.by 40SilUA ROOlll - • and ce.serat 48cot, Mkt, 31 ta • obi B' • •:1 Nee 41. b dothout d ! ormeat : • leek New, Mt}notAirs itnie • ! <c ° l the melte Dern SXOI4/010111;44* Clerks ow by traMSl SOS Olt in any aan Ilia Nam egghead on • roam tannin - N1101.... COON, . . . . 47.4 . 4 .. eh u.edlT be br. •• • ..HILL &CART, KLLI • • ; wool . Meet Odor tmb. - UTE* D 6.-7171 •of " huh .; 11 4 iteatiAT B main mis Parebued Os • • • • witiiicvanv; i.,11 •• . • • weas..o.4uban.tene riottlecTl6ll6, mey th.vi.ca.t.. 1 .1.4. 1../ • Uhlou; Ins4e by . RILL t CURRY. awl . • ~ . - twibir MISCEILAKEOUS. INAVRANCE 40411114 T '!'ls& • • THY AkIRIIICAN PAK. lIMUXANCY. OMMOA NY-041., As 75 Wall. a.m. Hulmle/181a: Inceoperatia A. D Min-Charter perpetual. lasers Dedeura /*mature, Iderehandon, and pm peny. getmelly. miter In thq my. or comtry, ammo ea t 100 or ounotes by Me, parpetagly tor limited per.cda . formal. teas. , .• ' • ,i , 1 ..• . : I iiiiidatiiit .1• . Jaw Seereat.• *. i • V Mafa, To • Wllll.l Lynch, ' i • Patio, Thom. 4111.1.0. r • Aka. • John Weleh..lr., ' . `." . Vesdy, , ' • 1 • /AM T, I.emid : I • 'SAMUEL 0.11 PI, Pink:cat. Fuss!. p lirou,s.e.-, A rr. • . . • - • Orim fet leemmee Ly Me Mr; i Cecina. ma 1.1 mei,. by Um mac mine d, Open the ee. eutl. net 7 am!. • . GEO Wee RAN.blemodel ' - • . .gaibittiiitrb ~- I . . • tX every Munroe! MOM) rammed n a saperku . , S.. Braikv, IV Z. Commff . sad bodeSeveo, I WITERILme ai= Itt r r . Atl i tez mtier Vend aod Ptatett . .• . !' deolifor Ma, loci • .. emperatme. at, ~. flokmasar.lirilt , :aw • - ailv,-• mlmil. frime..- 11bernea IX ws_tot st. •t: lie 4 me jp.,..1 ...11 adenoma alpdtmeat 441 Vedudralbe rename,. doroOf Ilisra,CrlFelhem, eluptTempemate,4e. '• ' 1. MUCK 41 rrava.e.r, . • . • • .:• . •Car,Buildera,,44..imirti. 014 0 ' , uOPACTIRD3i•onkr Pilmuger sad Freight Cachet Om moat mph:wed dem nutter; at MM.. WIVI,OI. - 2j moans.. the Caanlm Railroad a. tor .tol.r .... 01 e4...et. epee mamanta ,te,ms m All p.m mt. We.t.'"lltoir a..C.11b. erarrauMd Ap.: IU Wt wpettali. iv Rude 1 dm I.Nii.ml dames. V coders panimally executed. . • ~ . t . K deg d. DAVENPORT. _..,_ . . .".55.._...__, , [ Form e r Aof Berton. hit:AL . .• VITMII644.IIAT - F - 4 - 7 -- . Fourth Sired, Wawa; Wad ailt(Market, seas • oppigile Lariziart B.schi . ingv Opel. TIIE sabacilms hts ma. IA! Leon ample ammo- Mewl tar the memo!' MO.e echo le. the Mull of NA*/ dining*, WlOOlO 101014: . %am 0(11.01{00 dinteodosehame km placed in amum V of the Beth 'woo; ..',.. t .•110.1111% • i • M ArMION QECOND FlAtiD arrrox 3laciiiNsitir, aa...-. • I' plass band mile., :IV spin:Sess.* , 1 ' . :f r. 71 Ve 4 s= "4 ll . 4 t o. '. :4 Loos. elf *curia& 44 ' Gr4A . . - '" f , . • • . . !Sams Pr6s (=U11a.... : Tennis. yper&ts, drawls/ I s, teels. it, S sue .34 h.. 4 cylishrt 1441ers.alial rbwill.sallig knit V . oltailt 611 BLACUSTOCY, REM & OD . . sm,tl4oSni• •.' • Piu Cotten 11111.,P14.3.1410, Pa T‘IL W. VS. MORRIS , IlyßropertblelloWsald JJ mooch We Isom sit &sass us the ensue el Pisbbargb toed Allegbe ay tk.4 be Me deetkol op mark* is ea ploy 'eating ibe wow, =I le Impanel's You patleate, obeing iberatelres ander 1. eve, •fte to lb. *WO! . oriell•ed re all Rote+ Quo comm. in /mother Ae :Or. ebroalo Mioaset.*:. ' aYltyr t. aeml ibetetelrea of IA fere ices. we d :l 4 s at Ma. MitLiOs, comer o( Llterly WOO Seek. a :. • Dr. El au woad ereetak town, leen of Ur Alt thy 'nth great woes; trfor be le moilo! to • - VOILEId Ur, ^ • rii4d, trAut ms, b'ne het . f ill RE en/weather prepared to NmibbatelaulType .L sad 1'; et'a Magnate of .t k ai..4., &Laos puke and co muatiolo tome. " .• • • •, • Roprletort tuber,wcrt„ 'Arta Savo sot edeerlteed rer eabec Irk° leaf Cebl'el IoLL:e WO.* will be =bled to teensy gay Is type, os par cs owl Iwo uuoll9o Wow of Jair 041 f lar• ring. T/M tibia evA:ass a. in. ' ovtlif I . • Roues= . • . ri , IIE mien ere 1...tric0t...1 fetAditlelt • cwooseers ern:1111m poblte stbestally,oltbee met. Mt abletior LarrYoil °fillets owommareetereorbieb sltry will stilton seesetur.oiettee term. 'Usti °Wiley bs Imre to be as pond as ally offoreA 11," MUM, east my be re Meal tr aM mlsttemy: - . • • J MRSAN1110:11 IS liberty µgetout., atahltiold .P. 9.—Libl wet Grease Mlable eticturessioso bead: Car isle above ' • • •. ass* EUILIMPII.COILKIIKILLIIWantaatad.W47I. proof—lnside reeasupeaded WPhygelansu bang • mud preientera bailout Wide. of Ineldaparabli , odd. ince it Stieuntsve ani ennrampttre habits, betas as easoustated I. la ream cold d red leUtrin die 7 ars ef.a derablo maws. wally 110..4 u+, to tare,ettr- - Manufactured aad whuleitda by G=1391 k. tow, tt . l2l*.tardam L. L •- ' A hail sonortnient IlrTV.li‘ km male by' • 0•11 • I - • M.= 17;03 market it w 4&3-4 ! i tr . k7f t: 51 a, l72b4 icalaa& fra4) th9asecr ua be A 13.5 °alio . Irma va.letarrela arr*Otalfi •' [, , L001.1 1 740111,41eri • r . T. ;:;,„ ; • r isuari.44 ou amber • • '" 3.44 " n i VOrbattol:s6 • 3a4) e • • • ateeiloo ..rna J. 1% rred from lb, tsepriv tyieratr far tale -tali • we,d _111.110:411017101 " lUlSTtetettetiostintaithe Latin. and beai ca ktgßal B ..alof /*leapt< 4 La tto mutat of all altes;sra 'et &wt., CaU . inal4 wethtta ike .PilubstskEttd dome, Otytti24 - Ki _ 2 _ ' • . 8 N MT:Mtge!! 4118.1.1eal•• intan. • OILS -10110 r:wvlJeyeYAW4y . t4l; 9g9a9 , 6r • eig466: i 'n•tet Mae 1, 9 • - • ' OBLAOICITUIN & CO ; . I • ••• yukt sr. sear WITT al • Vob's san-SCI rib:Own/Ids fc . l 1., eavl9 k.Dcennber, vi• rig* on Lk. " ?..,1=. nib 79 est. of same itivirt , if:4l OW " 766e-s, fl" Ze 61(c e r •46 "1"t ra of G law ' ntdv sal al. en is Itt:zWirt tome irluccawat. ma:mesa , a& Erni • POINDEXTER & rl l O STMASUBOAT AYALf tor rd. grrsdkbt S. 'molester bee Md. rid emit% tamte•, ler bidets sixl trusses, edopidld, , •lll 0.. sek.V•s • bar, syas. • . • WU FIZSCASFE Om manamps-Pree:comodloittaler . A ., : • •s .. ,i-,v... 1 . 4 .t.r•••7:‘, ViAtlog"C;ii L ei' ',.:!i,- , ' Try 4/.. zk.../v kt;imaraskt •-)t ftw/19 r -.,:. ...-- .i ; A Tr•rrit ; •‹ 47/) ; . ).:',,. r • • , li glears Imo 610.1.1* . 1141:a.1 . 4113114J .. ',..:...,'... Damao Ismail. IRV imi wig, ~., Ju.1.61.0. , 04.A•5h diretissiy allidligg , .Tagb.-sa..lre.99lMPra a 4 0 L - t'i' p . h ~. - ' ft4A.. ~4 : P1 ' 41 4!* 4 4 :;•.-".•,--. - ?1' 1 • •' .111.Watiiilisiilliiiale***Wjalt,i,, _.,. '.:S.A l4 a l grZ 4 l li r= '. ti . A! .. t: :.: C - .; 1 . '...... vi"f 4 ' .1 4 1421544 '.-- . , . .- 4- 1 11 . 4; .a'.. , :;.e .. t . :.; . ":•!, ;riS;Thstirt:, , - .' - f . .:;: -• lliiip*- .'.' i. 1,.:/, .. :4, 4 .a i tto. • -,. ; ' . .-51 , 04t/W i , ~ -. ', • i,./ ________. :;n:i , ..-eirobLe • • ..efte . :;, . ': t i': ; .-:i',. ; ''. '. /•••"~viempsoit ...3paworaw..ol •. .....: - ~. .•- e -,,... ... - • 1.61. OM K % li *Oa L b w br Votis ~, .t',, , , , 1,..-; • -• . , ••.. : .. --'-.;': -4 1 4- '.- , V.-- '''. 1 3 , ,fi ,. .4' •- ' '- : ", I . '. .-. ..?•... , - - :-Q.'4,0,r . . -- .P?: . t.i." .. . . • . , ,' • . ' ude. Ilwergrily pp by keno( k►t sort et 7 /Mika liefi I'b•+V 1 ' b•+V nos ki ay. 1011 - • • Lear 11/.161111911M1L-Weee 2.N. Whet 40w-•! , KW Ps* the rums. of IbUM 1,9 rele nt ;WO Oeteee: Jen • • sT 3 , *mow . raw e l iP " ‘ 0 . ! . • • ' kijt7!k —ME Diett: .i!• 4111f4SING_PAN' TFIOSE 'ISOFTEmSIO ISTrit DO-EASED - . LUNG/L.-11m ompnogegianed tbocaiko.rikit tat. ouurTiqd tie are of Ow. • • I:;;•" . .tWikt. . • aa •11 the •arinsiossavoiith IsOmtimi 417-1, sows, laf fYand the pro7rleptipelol•o"isti . auiA....;. , IlCa 113 ISA • , 'kr tr., I .; woNothct.. rFaKtriiikt4 the emar.4.l. ~..lber..lo . I.46lisiner..44sit laiaitrtttoetCi,ls 0:11.D3 Arlire01:10111V Thos, reeetoutel, ant lef peceiteie et lilt Stol:3llStEritCiN: The 1 • . , Vas; atql . 1011, ire al p theill* be holt lei lase iw eit.eintr`ot ter antis mite Ls of Vilanammlisee to tie petite:: GAVATAND,OttlsYlthlintr4i nu be keel le the ilexes p...1...4key0 . ti5t ete have tree wee to ties pahltehei the cetureave • dozens eleetrbest hewn ettlieheistithiee eipssten: es evrattve pow& Thai, with i teasel ieetttteq nee Limo st(tbe eeeroyitsise: MEDICAL MEN or TUE mum ; mi.,: or the G04c1,&.e., inginkar . den frau Ue . . • • JOURViALS OF TB* . N lore embodied in Pumplaet fain. aid.* grail, of .y of ant pret , s terocOntailiiiton# 4 4 . . . fIUNDREDS aorta, hire beett . ated io this 1111311SAND3 AND ,{'END DF,T.DO,INI..NMI • throogUrataa United Mks nd Caii/a4 1 . 140 at.: • si6ut.E.lNsral4o* r,il . • rbleb. wieantea,eoftgal uttse jio.i iel bet.';. I. " k " : "" Itagt.f4Wgrkabfo hai %%y. ihe , s4 aced tha 01.4teanolhad Neriegot fir 'r ...amble ems.. WIN op Nammu / 01 ' 4 ales miler the Lamed aesadlttea Wettra.l4 e.etax, end Pfd aleeilettb) , ' eva. ,, T4 Pa 7, , - sons equallz i r r trerel Wallet i ndeatio( . . L e to be beeloebete 'amebae Wet Weer -lick leekek• finuo. to oder Y tbu thls hreallebbileeelle leer ri any be plum! ',Me a* °mach of the Pa Ikv.. the • hi" Pin ALT 'purr' mem ; ) ! lea arm; kW ilke etell coat of death emdleaciee._ It le - &my by oar spies et efizi7 Orel vin.4l* ").$, veveriha wee, erne tr.e.4ltlblY• Welles le IL e" hoelieler t • Ilmetwer,Claernaml,Ob . '..;i BLOODLEIB'TICTORP. • : fraarrairs Errazuraz. ititaitzir; HUNT'S LINIMENT,;, ip =lawn • oetonety•••,••li,xi I recede. It Ittlaata so PoSOVOlattetliwerpte tattoo. it bail:wet ior some time, sitest*•••,,,,ly • Steen.; 1ti . . 1 :1 mow when Its ars t. boom tltroMboorl bY ottlli alp' reridiria of rewinds coatiasatiy tirsr e ine g , ka - Lhay i .•• mow beep adds ward/. 11/ too oteasa,ruEddisirota thu the seitted airstid so lord u nano let t&tiorant • of Rs *auto:ibis sad I rdsllitlii effitsey: - Me • Gee. E. Atastos,the Yroprieter,liemalsotly reetieleqg tediroonists of berwa La received /sem n. me, atd mar of the cures' tattled almost eicoed bgtig. 1. was tan a child had beta • cripple for 8 • : years, hawng wreathed the•plso *belie:l4e aie of • , yelre, by • 101 l from a disk. - bird:cal twat: eat ruled, bat Noe bottlesof tbis•Lridaie•t tutored his to strearb, sod be low jorriiiWittt his ptiymues 1t.,, maw' vu•boisom robes!. se the beaildielt of then; Ned eddy • mill hump os bil bid[ to' rttouid Am el kis wetly ord • • ir A ease of IitIiEUMWI/C GOUT iddirtly eute.d , ;••• ' by Ibe applealiao at dos wonderful triedictss . ' 7 • • ' ?law Yon; Mati 16 : 1146 • G. E. fikamoo-6Lc !Mamba= anativd.aapaktarmi 'data 7s.art . 8 2 4 . 167 :: 1 Pi151.;1.1 , :2 , 1i . • t r e l ettaat la r I I : 6 read al etch it 'k ata, aatin4 -abte ia bursary snadlrame %oat 'Caa tbeak of • • • april,liett .Nere York 4at Vitobari, wide oeed 4was atmetat canajaalx:. fro, three werresiled r nod Len 1 weld oat mix* sine _Brood. At, Um, Fogra •firl mum M lan kagme.lll4llo Stave= Mrs Weds ad a nd Iltm4 Id eh:46l.7l'2El+llA • .;4: a walk • lasazi Oa/Nand papule mlsoitallana lkddi my .` rat:awed add tin Gam pals, ama bad a masa ankleanAd... _ ' eras taabhld asumd my tdemann Ad twit' day,., and lows tin been usrithel roe., siihotigh.`ther-suoite; ' of irdbalatts•inch as Iced trio Niece Yerl a , r day.. , I irocaider ha wan valarabYsed:trar and alat'd note. .. wulamt Yaw, EC. . NWSINJOi. Ousitivi . • Rametaied Clot dim idaismatte iNdwiew. i ewert r er.• yr, low pies of 13 curs per totJa. -.1 • 44,44110LA 1.1. • • • ID. el lobes re a m r! ruse le tat solitali ogee:: • Bold by *trey itleactalit• . tlroo lbmt - 4"*" Gt'O . E IrrANTObil Kalisiefie; • . • • • AGENTS:. It., • ••• Ulm artro,kway.lol.l7.4 011941PMS• — anima; J A JoneN mad haddi. W Mader • • Libelee .ti Lirderisdr. martyr. fit Simla Ram a...- h.rn;D Nal .104. 4 .1 1 AbrTr 4A6 . 61,160.11 . • ; . w dga I: , • V a.. 19 Jahkstaa,Pt Claitardlo4.lol,..Z. Is t sada., 'KIDD ft C 0,1.7 add wweakTitsti.vt.; ••-• • NEDEDAL AND LDINGIDILL' DerlCM ; ..1 '. ' ' No- st' DI /0140;f0' .L -. litylm tevo.nto us • , , ;Lahr. , ..,, '6 :31 _..' Da -l a noWit :•-• •-.,:„ • .11t 41 , :m5= 0 ... ,d,__ , r - " _, -...frairizullail berokr.mool ".' i .. s ilk ens ro goconal - ' ' s* '..7 1 1,‘•0*N-qualmoo lutontabes . „ t , - , to 0,0 Isecruaent of eat .•'- petalibt and doLytoo4toooll • ..• ~ ` - " 14 '"1440 14- *PPoi “. ..... 4.11 , 6 an cape/knee \...4,1".. 4 . -., ' ~....o. - •;pecoltasty Jutably We.— lima vitro ' a r /Dined to tit nays, ottik • tams= of thew maid "loth Yhdlik • .01.-101.4.• be , Waked ozem. P. , ;:! Mt 4.. X 0104 4nlNTipliatalobam nu tin= Call to lb," let o f a y minus yrittluoreti oz, - . ply,yoatillot boat In OKI* urameoaripoody.porooo• eent,ood oatutfmt.Y iota wail tk1:441.1 we fettaa:e . .. &oars, ;old anemone{ atikoitikoteboo. ' . ~ DO: Due weak% Ware Dews AlLytodosi&oo,,,mo , duo.. erbeh bay. beeceao ChM= by; mootogorto•• • tat by the we or any air tee toetteen Iseeraesi rf lie 0 ' day, tOat Oar eanapition,eas be manly! ond,ooto ooidly oved,tot %wing woo Ws cottfot ationuen te eke Dome= et liate lames, lade aetilpfeera betedteee• • ' of loomoresitt earoorprr.o.oci , .1 - Mace* ! `. aria." bladdermed roubnl toms& Wit. Vottorinoli mot done cues vrirere Orli lumoco;ko,o to. . t.Pea r d.-7.- , 118.ratueosuly InYkes ouch ao boos • beet sag tossaeceathar Vilna by oll.on to' eon 1 weals, ',Unaware sotigsocosalrillOo odtootikom and Neu cases veabod uo 1 exrefol.atolooD'acCutelYsent , mown pointed am by Faris 44 m ;,,,, reaCeatama, which al ta toomoilb foor 0tr00.;,..0 ot , r rol "male, or s edgy to wportojolo t o io O . I:Tenva or tvram-at. - F .._,,,,.% peons U11a.% with llama . .,o , ups, h,, , - bur v i , .. yonicalor ouentioa thot ammo 4-1:D -,,, ll >Slum Duman, tho :MA raky; sELa•DDYNoIed r iP.r " roulY•ll44 eltbir noilivial a; a 4byksoo . by mom they COM etlefWee, game/Wager., i Wm% aali Nada molAglootor42,l42o.4•llßDN - VT oddtesauti T, =On, NIE,, R.ing,./4, ings.o4. fn . se. game any , • t ..; ~ 7.ti. • ,saii ,oNOASOMPTSOII -- . V. ompite. vgsk,"Dlosaso• IX 11 k . Idgrio,ga • n:Ms ii*O*lll7 to e.gr &Saced toga itialfaige .' 4 NOWlooo.f.aem...lo4.amOgallUrs.C • 4 MON i.e sevyal gtat• trniaa.lreesolilooraits• of ali*Dataed boantaess. 1 pod *cry inotaaasa Oat • lbalreff fast is sorrtitradal. Of ~wee - iadi I - tau* as 41' OIL tlgiC4ol% iiizirscromsssr - czar 9V. Ilk Ivo bout zdattalf •113sogi worms , ' . ifs to rs tta rtmtj la idawr• led ttfe fellow whom.: a•Ca i MOM Sag( IL MY .011.14.019, IS 0., Aa10.04, • :: ter, villa% Imps so alocatsconaady 4120;0, caws* . , Sig dropufa al ilisoi, to berairote•gyikaal.o.T•bra :.,.. at oistai.M.re 0,1 11. 1 .Va1t 4,1 6 .1‘11”04 , A P.t0 ..: ' .. , e.... ...Wag ilio Ptbil'e tt..ragsat,tiuf oawitoig•es.. ad wag • 405060 f .. logo NA •apoitonuff orgaa• i may .Om Ike Timm et faio !all ba•gag.flasfy." . , Imlay to elosa. .11,1oinirafgaiimigled Deraareace• itspeamos. OMmoq . I. losorogant /Haab, MOO Cr 11. 1 :111=1.1•PcIP I. tiallallthans. . i MOXOIIL 13. MS.` - Mit* EMIT ..., .1%. ',Willa .1 I). ibirle Maar or...ail' t!* . . pilaf. si Lao a•dremOrscg_priwas, wt. re. fa ~r rf ~7 . . i emagry. sa wbola 117 WAIII.1114,11411'w)Cod Pad to . ogorlated Llat *mars loam fa* la Usk above - . - :..1.. 'eadici. dm etanetbeast•thol ; . .._. .• .. .: ,ignia CaDirrisoa, ateastusf Dr.,iliffewif,•o wrist •: :. 'Old Off*slachea tga klapt.tion, es 94,„21•44ry . ... IMMO /mot Datloes ._Symilts .... 1 DCiel R: CANIS WZOII/*ln Ki* - 4,..110:2gii- ~ •, , gold in' Ok : WOt.:JACVOON;'aIr . - .. .A.Wit1hiA,W1.1.17,454,4M4Y ..44kalipiAtal..... .; . Ws disranaiaessfalfra • 111•1%161Lf00, • WO of ye 545411. ttla We X'. 1_q_d , 344.-_ t.t..... .. . altlf sollxtuoa., AIL 1111,.. ~, 11 , r ap albs , , ile WI immix •• fia ', 1 L'1 , ....t..a. :I:tu;..S. • • . Iluneun z te ci4t!..I!4I4AGT i!tye..l7r. ~ , Ewa creei • 4 ,;: k . i .. 4 i i ie ......." : ..: „ u tZ, 7*".=," .. akc..l - .4 . ,.. 'rued by Dreyer:nes name: , .'•. -•,',." - , ..:. , . . small% if am kargodf.trf *WWI/ OM" W • . aroseblallosisaigdra, bat a 1.14 al. cf . VI Situ* •ce• Paasotiaarlf.sef.lsagf ser*ft.' 0 . "..L .5 , '.. • ... h iss et die 'lomat of :of, TOfes_O-7Vs - .., ihuss elm loth, to vetoer ionsminacol Imo t- ' ..,, skaa•••• as aiserstroa of•tiPo 111 , 4 2 .. AltfOr, lot , ".. rTo.gtosse . "." etfmfacirtf 4 9 :a .11 . `', 1 4 r,!‘„ffit - c,•••as a* Was ISO a rart*S.to * I:* , ..--, gaeafrad•lawm-AerrSilli Oat* Mahn* - ; I eo frox . Thugana .l acag oo, ari tti550 ........,....._. ‘afa 04.1.. 4 debi ,a 1re . ,•41.1•4 ~..., ~ sweets". ru•cga POW bo• rid f*47.461•10•R• .... 1 niVinartir=l:l2ftgr i ZiOrAk.C.l !•= p edLct• i lhity ti r i r +.l 1f4 .9( tg= .,,, ti,4 crigplat,whaare 4 •104 - 19* 1 7*** - '•,.' , ;.1 " f•rsol " =giTee l 4 - rl=tot. ..' .. ?'k .l tie. _ WWI OW Lcd, ItSI W 4404060( 044 1 7... . 1 04..:: Tate. Omen i=itr i = a g a rz 1 ,7 4, m, ~ ::, ogin=flLre[...* EV IOOIIO 4 41 014 1 4404. 11- htirPs :) . ....:1 Iless,"-.V . Vat=. ... 1 o•r alma* ... . r...st r 1.1." ` 'Fa W. SF, 11 .q.cf),4.111:46F1VA1 Pb ''' = "I'7-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers