!MEE i w .~ ~:~ ~_ ~ .~ y ~.Y THE: PI BURG Annie meopp & MORN[NG.,pCC.j, 2=1:2 Ise roarer ist Viamssuaami.=- •• • vcr Moog 41 Isiloodlacial stew PittobarittGeordeme, Mach obi* it; acmase4 titorettiut diti per cant, tilde put of themmoniotromigedtm. Anniteit this toll Illee'rdletWengeridAile Irtiridirl'efilefelneport. _Mr; &Mem it tle; Atirargb' of! B,lt te• &ea yiiriading 38 ? 1847. TRAM4.-.1,1.111M sae at viz arm the follos tablet stair the sward of pp& aim* from Pittebargb east, en.ormetrred from Bbe east Mem the emit for theescel yea ending , ; pica . 40; 1847. - ..fsrpiwPr. plum c cab= • Ikcp•rth 4 ,Vm • ••• 10* r , . • Bp* pfialoNat Pis .0. ,1 , 1 X 1 P! iii=lv' .451555-, 1 1 41,4 - fior foe 5. torts 14 itT 'Amor 4liss R. 614.4/1 114144.4 5.550 - _ Tow o~r , 3,1193. • Ale, bur ' Ikea 4 95 M Hop War - sae. Livens Anis= , • • •IXt • Sae° k =asp Tab* tficr; 5 5 5 . 117 7 1 Bab aid 54544 - 3W a Wire. usaN.l : I^3XX intros mauls thr , • Ga .14.10 _ ;1 - 1.63 - 0 pe sl4jo glom* "T3711i Swot , 1913979 _ AIN ••Lal. lnf alba.ia!la„ a 17,70 a, -.3 i 1766 041111 1 ~14 997910 IX) owl /agar lb . • 9,310,33 1 1 N.iaa - yds.. " • 1 4 )41 nal° eta MAW _ F r ..* lb.. ;51,414r 119410 — 114.14. 1. 50 b WI . 5 &NHS ' 5 - .111104454. 5 1 , 46 8 71 • 913.439 . P 4 71 1. IRV • .4311V ' • • o,4„„ c .swd: use.osr f1.9, .1 ;'.. —,1433 - 1 piaanat • 4 1 . 1 3aPaS a - 7.. To evaii &Arca in of tits awns ottrids, ws . ' ins umbel' tOW,ewttssikt nth* imports end ex " ` ' pmts for des palm 1836 sad 1847, *grow time siowipg the weriatteli of this )sia. itg horn . Oat, of . lifts-rocac l a nsa- of t t " 11 . *twill& °qv ibow a dserwwwl mamas:W. The utNi, • - . spa so -• 314414 ta - • 97,t0 - - • • • - INV - • ' ...Vaitalioo. 'Colson As - 1,010.13 0 ' • '1,11.10 WI WOW Te: *113.9•—• 3111619 . 1.2137171 • LOAM Tobwoo, leit• • - - 14177.027 114,1109,74:f 9,919187 We -• -411 1 111 ., =WM 101,04319 e. ' • pArthol Van.* ' 09109 07.1162• 111537 Olaworaio-.• • •—219.7 1 1 i 1 1 : 7701 w. Groanica ••-•-•• : 1,07:1/71 - . 1,171133 _40391:1 _ .z..8ard0w9.9911- 1149111. 7,1311 " Bask: r:tw••- .• 41301 =Au " /1"1 , 197.- - 0r , ^ 1 .1. , 9;499,91i -2,99v9p0 • WO , ' • 13=0- . 9:11•7191 • 3109193•177- • - mad , • .„: WO 4111. 211731 WOW Ws. • ' ,•••-• • 19131 1118 - U W SW 12741 1 den 39:979-'.• • . ,709 ; W 1 .11,117" .r Stab • •--' 10310 11114 •••• n.e3iMii.. 8 7 a deo • B e e 11,411 19.660 „,. 2131031ne. _Bow- 717/ 1 11 • 11100913.. , WSJ dee • • 210 •' ,710178 197 1 110 . 191410, .140191 w • 1,44,1479 131 11,474X4.7 i,S",. .- -Tollmr.•••• • •-• 9141 Mau • 172,787mpat •- : 1 sintuirs at . .aam.l AV ; 11 - itel9o9 Ts . . 1,!1:1 11 .7 4 i . fas,upf = t' al** row dui 1505 Ala ' • 10171 141 _ WWI Loa Cl4hsa *ram ' ei,6112441 '4117041 811,791 11,917111101/1113 003,3101/199 • • . Doe/ Ned b... MN/ WOW , .9741110 WI • • Dr, 04013119••.•, 4710,1,0141104111' ..10111 7 1,11111 7 ' ,1341 5. 01 7 F — V 71 ;3' . Hard pm - '4Ol/917!T0 11441.851110,812,411; , ...0,te sto • • Palate Te• .... :82.1513 emaii .5 th..: • • 'l7l ]OO •• le,tes tops u —saut..%oectbs. . toko .00.219 . 011 41 41 ba•—• • 197100 - 105,11:6 . . o.l7ldea , 04,5: Toewoo mad !lir.' 1,4 42 7 6. 78113 247171 WASS . M7l4lafr W.014147.+11,1.t. _aitr47 o eat ate maw. 1 111131111""'" -- 1111,1181ioa ' • • Ll494zie 12,011,707 ' • ts„. 7 • •,.P Bat& Meet. , 437_111 - 1133/711 ' 1 NI1W91910711:11 • 3.W1711 • snot xe alge Wl9lOl-••• MOW MOPS ' * l l 3, 4 . 0 float 11111101 - :107.171 , • 11170 • iormee moats .s eta' Jae 1910” , ••••••• -90/191 .10.100bbli • • 19991des 1 10 141 " • 09971310 , Tha tisalti of this eompaiie;ll are bledy. fa ' 4otable to the tads of car sky; sad dhow rack.. that our_ forrardiM ead.laordiutts have :typed .4.440 miaidzio,llllll . llllilllo7 itiaaas of move thin' paella.* dry . gee* the etweat a etedy doalia.'fa cetatiell.kardware sod taut!,, paints tot•teo;hiemea,hat. Ana ileitis, lard and lad olf; . isatetoeiteto !Oortielttell ii,amettar lode bidet asOleffea . :ihrectaidid;,. "'The • aliaitti . td.f*ca t e • r5?"144 611 ; i th dmod Ow* emly;*takb by atfettd W 1a this ireit Tba iiiefoomf*tiq -- fiff*lfuf tmokfßAibat eanno6. - *o3oyri,i4kii ollll TO do tbli, we *oaf bolt tO lb. Cased postethi. the. faaOraido l , vast*,, tied die ipoiali• aoi 're Of AG :':.Cecil Com'ati goer 4u masa bethote Of the ettsi,teitti theapidt d.prachtal taiendieete;n.sa 44i0.4 *ail ore the. eat licrillilllll terklied lAA I teaaidde dole of New Yon, sod theospen of for take.. ' 4'461 %Mt' of siodete, baiter, the .olh:e of cite" to he'tut heart, oldies, the hteataheat , can JAY to heasiikeithisapeity, , • . , • . trill aide& lout liteediato ttittiolsatieut -cagdo". op that tholooplo,oflho Comatinuldifi eol4flouthifn . LOc fht food, , Asetitit Ipomief,'oonfilgoof, aids is Mai . eCoselatt . , Oaf* eftoit. a~eal~4drt• lb. eesitrai Ir*,!D ' A.eP PaCi iv* ioa _ . • . „ _.y~Trgd~irAoj~lo`l6~ iiwpi:toll,s~wpl :=4.4...a1t.w-•,,aiiga tiii,eitoal Abe soodebomid, , iudociA oo -0 404°4 " 119i" " 4 - big tiliii *aid lis bo 4 tspai u ih# *Olt —.../.. tea k, 4 A-4 10 : 000 4 iliiii.l,lo4.oo4l.4tathajmoi.aahrleir 410.0“. ambe . I OM*. ticandialtv pod la v".d i i.ibt o opee prfora, rAt '2•Lbilissail . „.tbiur 094 r= s e s Tr o l: =4 'ST= thio eon asWaisesig 1,4104 :-- __ L ,s *-4,.Zit,<P, - ' • 4; :, =Lir. t s 1t=521 A 40.1 be apA! agrii '4l 6 d " Raad tit lidatiVoirrecitiitted; prolog" sanouneesseat) As Sabot. Ohio Doligabottleent aorioced mad mativoi tortioj hwn ettoofinceOhat Hz. Haver, the Bectetary.ad ;Abe Biosol,l Maid Asst attat4-rob ,eefekw. : D! . .rewei Wet enweew.iflweree o 7: , •Mt Bahama temerked -dug thia.msetiog • • bleb Mu it the iMmeaci of Ht Palma. Plot: Dale "w„ amorommt and mid that Be wiagaia sta.,* imui -to*/ upti emr•diu raw of *littgartgb, a int Brom biotin to the chat. tat minted by the Ohio Legidatfito fw 11 4!teld boas cinama to the otilo . tivithe roof was soda atabset at. riemiliftsd bead 44-= and we! rapidly froedefe4 , 7-Th6 aim &MO& portion of the toed would be atafetirottitaro b4ofl Orion - and SI ma as idiotic:NH he had bj the Lefilliatare, it would be! eftmaled teelevelamd• from some difficulty In the ground or Ws' don of the rot* the Ocaffpaoy mete toaMalled to &date from the atone Ant adopted. They new sire the ammo* fm folknno-Tfoin 'Pros tiatetta•Widinille, 47. talkr, Qom WOMB, to Horn'. Ban, .92atilsr,1 front thtroce ' to ban ! too, • It mils -mhole distance from Pitiatargh to Clevlaad. IHMlite. • Bj Dt. NI/hippo's root!, Mimeyed :by libel, tiro : diatoms wadi be Oft; but ha had Wiz in. firmed therok mu a roots vativiel at 1011 mile. He had no pabt 'a neater toatif;toold he lamb& By.BM movey of COL IDodp,,tildietabee from rdtabtojh to Clemiatidlroald be 106 asikm They :bee. e elfene!wl cwwiwes. - ifto ham made amaidetable, ;14May-had obtaload Tight of may, toed beeta, and a fuotshie' toot& ;An other Coarfiarsi.b• itdonsied, was afoot to spiffy (et a Chatter, tag they had no moppet of 171,139 We IMMO I,ltM Ifil •! -Aa to the hisarasee of s coma 100 between Parfait ;and ' 'the Like. it ' waa known to ; tho fmnple heri;Hesdloded aa. Hall Rand of shout , 03 ma width p aid Imp dividend* He spa aflame moat a travel between the lake and this eil=littu theta:s i nk Caveat opema ninth serum In the Spin( than at Bilfahr-Mtet lb. dii. taco to the Ritmo Mae was at best 100 mai Iname than by ih. New York inale, and that tea; I eel would seek this dannin. Thu Imp Inmost of tram 1 of a load - Wins 'Pada also be _added . sal that inteh s *di. irixda yirh# II large Ira. lead no lia MOM kaiak It wee ezeseallm . , , !„iiimatfal warthis the that. of Ohio would pia a clateCtormy atlit :t raute; is it was avldatli ,Ursinat _ . atonal to in. '• " . , _ from O f a ., alt Oiria; sal w thalami 4,lthi MA lie ieMthtthee.th Pthebtteet. hl re 1 . 1 04. 1 1.. 4.,th li e l 2 /. 4 P thth .than to waft* uminaits vita feta*, to ear FOR. old it alfintisil ania6 ata ata.hic yhohatt!,:,auf to hua: la tbs pmag *us ..igr:gidainuii, mii4airy ha maw the fa. ,aie to, Radom' point iiishistso ogles of . Caws '..... hen bed tithelledthele the meth thlee* eY Pol page, and Pump ip 'Horn's sin towards Caton. ' ThilialaWill be *ma Ma, %id gia .isis esmatatre adorn, then tie formerind will ier-imlththethl'arksaeflY , end peas& over a edit',prdiangit ta distance le' sonaialt la. . ._ . . enasadow mama Wilk Col Dodoes way. - - lir.Tildenaeld a h Mile to convioa this Ithethli shit ethe wee the meth. It W l2 the amt. ‘Mat: road tram rigidly to as Me. ', rt. , di s arm* bad laud theatre rate, field to hap bat savispriksomi year/#1C11: He thought Mr. aia: ha.,aaa tan at, havah...ay athis be 'themith , la tam law under mad, Ai . bests Shrtripm!, aini,latt ,evallable anti. He narald Mate tau Cleveland . thought this the bas laetkra . bstasallateni emaserdal akw, sod ,*l l theth es 4 40."ccmir:***** the thgthethif thedi end tworwo some Woos ittßetdals, itel!!! 1 : 11 e Iliisisktiiiiihu ii,,.. , a. The itia, war - , -- izzler evatraii. art saaud 4. minpaid. He mad Haze was ay acs Pant who had the Resat of Mr. Mean array, and whet! the &awe west • ~.. Mr. Hanna said It was 1110Z110 months aka hi bed the Raportf • The diderms, he th ought, either 101 or Bin ales. I. . r Prentice said; he did not an= ben for the pursues of speaking to this mewl rig—hat since the Connelesiiis Rail road Malta had , been nude pane. they thought it advisable m name and - antsult. Oa thi ams hand, they . land Plusliargh warmly, engaged to km the rants to Baltimore, end on fa other hand' Ohio was eer -damning to mph Cinainati.--They had a char ter far the. Ohio end Atteherrih Road, la were under antral towards Hodesm. Thay were pio pang tea the oat from **point, now ander amtna to'llndami.as 'mon a„ powible--and it *Mild a promeated - ash Mau' lie said it Ins the'shorteet roots. !leas aerated by.die Bests of Ohio under 'the! style of the canard and Pittsburgh Rail Rad Conmeny. sad it we. the only one which would hi amused. Ifs asked on behalf of thillUS. the capital sad ener gisir of _Pittangb. they should blip eau. eare to tar Rail - , • • , Mr, Hake saldlPittinargh wu an . Impatient point, both in , moaner and mandeetaren and a would say, without boating. lb. routs now ria dor imaideralaird through the dealt siml admiral prams Ohio. Th e road toward pm. pow, i.a he tor t ratikurigh capitalists to take bold of RAH, related a forcible Ineidat to pore *that the State! of Oa would -ma great maim 'darter or faliorabW so the present, which ha but two year to inn foi the completion of the Road. Different emmitlra had been authoriud' by set of the Leliato sawn*, hap 'NOM townie arr enterpries. 11. manlistated O&M shmr the &pant= of Has soda Eilkillatowards this mast. _% • ' ..' ' " 4- Mr Biala= mad; of the Engineer. whether nil . the rod was aided to follow (11110XIMII of the rim to the 'Mae Haar meek 1 • Mr E'answered I t/let it via Wanda ,tht.ias. to follow Ist Mr Ingham said be thought film his hawledge of 14 1 11 theBerli 1 114 OW heal granted one char ter, would not inemporetelleOthir. Our ifitilTell was ideatined in, this struitare,"and we wain go beyond min matiMati likeits—we nuke use au Wawa* and our capital towards constructlag the road. It. ft ygh t we *odd mambo a million sada ballot iniiil , towards tbecompletia of thu Bail Rai. ken 0.g1.d, this opportunity, we woad bawd lb . 10ta.,. of oar city, its mm. Ding god mandestalla. He biped inapt A& • tins on the pa of Pittsburgh capitalism would ;Ma pita in sowing Rik palms. . , , ~',. lia.Vhimt held tat the prase* tout. war no. spoptionably Mater thaw the nos Ma Centon.-. The 05minoeletivern the two mules we. about 1 . ales; tapering 9S-ebe one wirinrad by Mr. MildwilseelOti . He thought Mr.illtehisil4ras ander,* alatene;! in ' .• mybig tat Ow mate by Ham's eon Was ireprectindia sod want on to glee Me esemu for appmiku tan , Mr.,Robinedin Materthat the distemie Soto she beta Of Ito.vigil to Boma point, (es we under. stood WO mai MO 211! miies. . Mr. Mean mad HMI WalloMils Coallaml had da piviiepti of extending their Rad to tho !Sete no*. I 1 Mr. Faust =OM tha they h as right, by the dro. Ma amain thei ad r wart—ond should do wv-411 they sat ericounapaint from Mr. Mahal seated tai a'ridpaed that ' hi Medlar of this Mat meld be doesi„ for about g6OOO permits. A porta% Of the Banailne aim wet aunt 1110.00 pm mile:' . , All tke Ohio palleemo bed i tlm ad= it to cost *boat the saw ma The If nil' fat .-4 1 ilip week, would as mete over 101,0110 fire Ugh. Mr. galas aid the MGM' eV they ha not ammenad. MOW Etats Bas to bald Milk icied, was tromows Airy bad awawawid dab want la the Rmilalicamilleta* carter, end .theratne rap builta& palm-a Italytasigilt lb. Moot . 1 61.n0M bed a dvaer, end be Maga hinian' : on ! Isw of Me ;Maas, a moot, pamai at data** ash a soon es she, waskilay. • mmHg Ilatimaisit, mnzabbiapstuaditobabadiehattidthe cooed" lo rood faith adiA l 4 l . l3 OOW id' about mileyba*Miiofflisfseised that Mr: '' - a* bOtistrij*:l4 ',bad wadi t e tag! ow* bin — - „,,,' _. ~, . 2 .r_The bemiSe! rwariratis.:t faMor 110,11.11,58 but 0( 444 1100 11 liiii -' 3lllo‘thillillikeßePho now Ik = ea. rtiornwismt,pippilt , ' Mil . 1 000 1 1 .1,iffiddili_6 :r. 7 ;.: - . 1 " ' _____....k--------' -,...a..d..,-. la. I ' iindTita7 — :onass4. .., 'V4I .10 - mt. , wir dowti mio. , a. th , iii, lee , U -----..4 :10 1 -" rum. " . " 1 ":" -41 ‘'''' ..-7 " . --- k" . "-. 1 1614 " a". ' 6 ' l°l abv.. rir ilio -et = u rbirril..t. * • - V id tll=4" Pw.. c'inAl!" t• • liiamitaitywariellim..... , ";: k g i g, bibil*,...' S o w &n o % -- _ =- , , viou. .-Iri Immo - *kW the , folow t 18 osigishoill**-0° P lll ! dr —1 " /-7 "... 2k y....,..The: .it Ma lie Mirk iikesstiOrst- ; t-,• ; _ I 4 , l l 4 ts kpai *air il,l}lolll . t ...,,,,- .....- -. 314 "" 1 "- , , ,a1 1:-.. "- -:•., - ~. .'' " -4. "'"!"!"",""" - .,:,..g- q:' I-- --;.z.: c ,-.- _ ,-, :c . = ---- --" ,, --- - -' - 'l'''' - `''-' '''''-':,,---..:•,:•,,,•;,,' ' ...c . t .- 4 ,,L ,5Z - i ,,, ,. - -.,z , :" , ; , ;...4;'::,*;.:-, , 3 4 .. 4 .: - ,-: 1,-- IS=E=l =2= ME= Wawa of - irluirn. ';,lkind 4110 1 / 4 Rail ad* ionird I *fat (tgensablyto OD Thom* mein Landobitlin• hid coioadded•fidixtst sits Liertir in' i&g ib• dwe roatil• Oolnoiht mains faftft •'.Uinedon with dim Stift Band. • obi* sod beau routs, . bitied Kumoision would bosom farad with iHonmbroriod ' , with Mr Robbiiia tbattheriiiis idadiii dirty 'adding for a Railroad,froa.,Cisserpad to pm' 010 gum 1 , _ , _ . Mr Skinner said he hid nein end md the theta &Rada 10. ft hot:maths contheirto teeth the Ohio River at ionni,eeint whhin the rate cif cbie, and it weir found to irs hispractiaddsoutd therefore &Undoing-by the company: - , Mr Settee aitd another route Waded to, had been chartered st trimly , period,; which wee also to leach ths Otoo at ben point within the Slate. and that the company wu to hart been coputund 1 end commence operations within a limited time,— Thermals Ina 'Leo fund to be in:mode:able and. nothing ban been dors, A. 'gnat. effort would be made by the members from the Southern pent of -Ohio In the approaching leaden of the geprhoske ' of - that State, to tocerporate a connuay to rush lb to e neer at a poist far the Oath OfPthebenth,— Ear his part be would °peon this; tor was in error -are consectio' sera thin city; the people by whom , be was surreended. sold thrb endue bur, 'aid bought any maufacturay oar nausea were ides*. tied, and oar capital shard& be en &sewed an to , *draw* the prosperity °reach. .Thie be an. complished if Pi h would joie la grut 1 eatery:tee which thil cOmmereeed. , , '-- Mr. Ton= statedllott York was reader* Out bar acme and iptdearraliadto pad. h Erie , Pa. to the bead of the Lakes, and from se , crone Michigan to Chicapheo u to command the trade of the peat West. but she could not obtain the consent of Vellesylrania. On the other badk from Ballo across the thuridaa, the Met iris direct' to Chicago, sad Noon the trade *add seek that cheese!, unlerithers wall • Rail Road from Cleve ; bad to Pithftrgb, and Once to the Eastern cities. This was the thwart - led and isentasterat way, and if the opportunities nee enameled, were riot enthrued, it might forever' be too late to retrieve the error, Re pointed out upon Ilia gap, thii corner es Penner ] hi the different Roll Roads mcoatempla; tion,by Piew.yerk,C.thade,Pdtaborgh &Cleveland, showing the importance of the beds, and of 'out health te matted to emote U. ! - - . ' of lbs. . The neoetatios os motion. sOittiol • ' • The. Board of hide remand to door .Delisatee . to the Ohio osmotic& • Tim Raolotioai pima by tbi Beard of Mao and : ibiii4 M 6 aPPobgah Will be Washed to. imriniszox owau!rum. • When Thishis wa desired• at a feast to touchy luta; hi said "be 'could not Addle, but he could maks a 'Mall town a great city." The can. meat of Lard 'Bacon upon title _maws& of the Ocean Gls:writ seems applic able - to rtes. Whits K 41311 man are bad "enough to Ihfle, NiSit. while. Boma is burning. them jam attune who trifle so with the graver sohjects !of, lestielation. a forams to ender/gar the public_ peace. • .Tbsre sre,'4 . espe Barna, igreat .many that ate trity creinlioi neon the char and intr. (ail lc to Corot nibs) bat are yet t o far Iran teas able to make a Mull Wats great; to that their zits it. another wig, to ; brisk a gratoridftourish-, fag Slide "intim, and dec t ry."l It is wisely id, dad. too, by the wise man, that the arta and Ala of mmustdra to gain favo r with asir mutat-and eitkostinsit4th thealgir.desenN no beta; mann thaniailing, being- dings sees elating toaii audios to the seal and await:B*e of the &Mk; The same win tea lay M, in . him Matte mouthing the sulagemmitt of the :bounds of empire, aware, LAWN Teri applicable to au° lime, tha t a Maple otrisli t id with miss will new becoMe variant cc nand. - buS this( Ise very eattMlu, that' if we ens to' go at 'skiing* bottoderiss with more mad to spree Van to mareactnese, our ;fad of 12lovein, smut. Must iipsethly bs thmarl. histie7 proms that eadarMed poismacer are incompatible wialwitialitatty.Se if the politicians of the day will Jany ID plain an aka as this, they will-loot deny the truth that Weird pea eta are to be nods emus only by great Wiliam qualities and power,. Upon our let of the hrtsind let:Webs of peace mcee . tan.the imliftwathesti of rim; mums depend, la imessis, Its ststuols of our free mid the perpetuity of 'om Omentresta "4:iioiy of a Republic depends on the Man of the biasing', of . peace . lames all the people, mud nothing is truer than the fast that • wsi is naturally M i rth. to sgricaltarsii mar 002100 and t° . ° ll that 6° o tat dignity to the State. The tap of etthay am Wood ma, anthlt is to be bow, f ok mr. Min i tug crown , an 11121 Mid civic jildentle. AO beartfolfidds of tat per up to cora the egots of earth Ohliriad;sid with the blood of haven Miaow. If w• are aiddissuito Miami aurae. phs, bast by; far win it be• for la to let time do its work ' . Thine whom wee stoat sammond the Laid of botaoJwoola ioltustatiljet* as maenad, working tom upon !des t est Ada of aviculture,' and in itte powestion of a mil like this there wili be found a mush wawa secirity than in the Achievements of avite= army. lief' tor, however, will it be for us M remain oxitent with our present balms, that to be ambitiouit for ask enimgment,.. It' ; haa been said of Spine. -that alto stood Ann while she remained compact, and was jesting of her jut Hats and privile g es; and that the ! people end Govemment wets de: atm* when the Elisilta dominions were enter • Wien not Spurts, it is untr,;but, from the his tory of the gist, we may learn fat re Wisdom, We hod roomaough b this Mousy tars Tex as was sunevil fs four bonded Willa; of pea' pie, and the. sot living much OMB acipsedi then do the chinas of Sfaseachmetts•whers the la a pipulation of 1160.000. With Texas ad Os 'OPCI to the line of foity.wine deists, we lure a Territory large oscura to accommodate double the mare' mulation of Empire, Ylagdolo. (trend Patchy, Putay and Principality of Etuops. Via whole post:ham of 'Auk, according to Belli, II not ims hundred millions, and we have huid rd. tkiem for as Many eispie; provided oar ISOpis are nil all bte BM* t eskas spits se Daniel Beau. who would ups only ; Got lire Obis' ! tot of his ceighbor's deteMotbut if he Meld help it, within mood olds hatebbies tee.; would fa. tom the impoMemeal of what cos has, Ow than _ , sst for ths an titthitisti or *tut to tiotoor own. _ Igo lig, it is cin doty, to, basats'of the M. crosehmsots 1)f atolsniuttlass . opoo our 'bonleor We ate bcaid to present the I tht , Ftsgrlty of Union, end to otomtbso , It . splint 'II .onaoseir mate attempted ,by foreign powers bat the beat way to imotaptishihho is always lobelia the path. tioa of enacting- kink* from others by rating that lea olio Ism Men pm. If we ere bat that hat, the imoOmdM of run can badly cancel:., under the Pniridenef of 04 the aunt either of oat morel tailaeneeloser'the. nations of the . earth as of rite grindeS 'of our borders. Oar pram growth is Sheeting tbi gate end gremies of ths maid i Frani Mr shy in the Revelation. wear. plead In pima= of entenohune of praise which ate won eaholat4to: sae no prod' of our ad. wineemeat. 'Teutee seisowtedges the greatness of Anwrim, and Sob with Mrs, es well as 44 ration, upon WPM& EMI" " 6. with 'weeder and , whlt upon that ma'am% whtty at 1.4 8 5, warmatoana the athnowtedma raced of ibeeered the Wiese at Europe ,Ate the of *ea wade becomes eretk,the Brat Rya* Orthe Dale meld beeametretteek. We tme& hese, heehd the pout. of Iltatteent! tnam, bat Mt are yet yews. es a anion. !nom &tap eetkeie Viso mum of inemks or Ism. owl* bat Om fe4groatest, end Dalai vietc;ry rmdti tuba tbidis. l 4 ,l °Fis fertsasatesie or ecreetOse . . . - . Coan4r Hennas us thiollnlans•—Tha: au hit jail wan 11911.1915 WI. Tbi Inilli., I of Milo amnia during thoi }sit woo-100 tso, withdraw° OW 0 0 9119 19 9 OSP 4# 1 9 "'' - . Amasonoortim4Weltait.Cintohtenail, 9109 90 yaws, a ibldlar In ems army' ofItoalavol_ntloo; Won alibi minim of hi. tontiahno, P.IIW 'Whitton, In, Winn county, Oil kW :nth fiCilti 1 Hs wasp *On of Ohio 190 9 1 . 1 1 WW WM; .., '. .., Poianonto—Tha Tadao Wow anyolliAnagr. i *we; a firtinsi, going a allon•dlotioes f ret that; cub a& nithia b 0 ILtatinigidik. baglid icpc.gi• I Ilona '. VW . Weld In Matron • otiontrt'l99o 91 901 h 99 9N 4 T99 99. 9s. l tatannilats *anti and sbiaop LA ail bon 010116 iianWo# 099 from tho W 199 9011 9 _ 9 L,1981, ,9 91 . 1'. volikb thq Po* 'ft' i t . '""""'"'" l' ' TIO kit lOW 4 0 0 01 mitt: 1 #1b1 . 1404 with flaw fatpiOvofteki diimhadilti 4 i=iilsorfuntitil nth of hat ....14,#. 0 . „...4.... r i"~=f - rc r~~_: MEM w - • vito IFO . - .S. t Nsw . Youx,Noir. 29, 1247, The T natisa' - ' of pia* day hen as& Ira Gag— exibangein demand hilly equal to the sttpidy. 7 ; As city drawn bills wend to be had, - Carnelian end &CAW& time Contra of the initicat, at 108 slid* premiwn. The shipments of specie hit _ , week were P 13,137, chiefly to England. Treat , . , cry Nome have again fake. and - ekes at . 99}-' '' ' - Muds tl'e, XL Pews. Ve 73. 1 with a Anientl • dallier' i' in' the ramie i ihr4f India ' The Ex- praw; in noticing the stare of the Money Market, sant- -• , - 1 ' : i: 1 , .Thie• banks en particularly append to die. counting that kind of Spar when the parties thaw out the email. Coraequantly this clams hare to viii. money in the *net, at the best TSUI they Oil. , The regular merchante,not connected with imago harms ere sm.\ ' The Grocers as a bride: I as well as the Dry Goode icitenet; ate not premed.'l Two - splendid stamen, of Similar mould ' capacity to the Northam, ban bean accts fora to run on the coat of Pant, thestuting Pain from pantos, or - whet ,Callao, to extend as W I a the man of the Oregon Iliww,maching at the nitres places between theirs two FNMA.. . They ate to cony the United Stan and Oregon Male,• In connection with-Mr. Law's steamers, which are to ply on the Atlantic aide. baying Chaviti is the The Paitifiestesteas are contracted fortiinie of one awat eminent . niereatile Amass, tinder the inspiees of which azi metope* of this chanter cannot fail tobernien,Proltatie havestiaine.-- Two awe tines; eonebiting o f eight smainen, far she Bouthan and Eurokeantrods, are to; ha con. Sutured in an City dating the anise part Mr. • Scow Gum, the eminent Andateet end buUder, is deed—ane who ropy well be nisi& ered - a public .16a. -- In the bentifid and useful scheme of Ambito:um beta but fins *soar— Ao jr ...- . . . . Ora. rash fellow When aletealad the SW. nosey of their. revolution in a solemn - 1111113116 f. to-day, at Bt. Andean'. Chute, wherein Ter i formed grind min, by Aide Inland Tenn gals: tor,Rev. I. Tanytiowitm. The witnaidaume of. the revolution beings to every Ante Pole, Imre& laction of their national 'adman and safferinp, and , expatiated Poles entertain au opinion Mat Affectionate children rowerdazica ner the grave of their mother: -- •. I . .• • ' The Naomi, in tier nineteenth day, from iii-. I me, Ugh' sidled on thslOth huh She may be I expected to arrive at any marmot.. Them iddle have been so breeder, that bar long nonage eau, •as no remark. Au able memorial has been meri wed and 'addressed to ''the manager of the tine, and it in to'. hi :hoped nill have a tendency to abate the &linen al - the ships; ~ which aunt be sotfitad lodger. _ _ .. Thit'Edlion of the tit: Louie iftwiloblicama.* Wr..d • mortar, to these** of the Tallow, whose report It: appear% that the ixdbeks :reek place joss below Cape Misdeal. ,Th. Tel. iisotis woe musk foiwiad of the boner% sod sank htlo wilantse: Whim she was *rock the Pima riiiii wore nearly eltislitep:•. pie 'Tempe* we hiaed to Ike relief of Oa Tedboists. sod's the of. :this sad Out of the reels;oh Wit boatieistrtid 4herieelses So ease life end" propary, swoosh kis *lc therowdres to pleader. On. from Clocionet Al p -Itsipery by home, Is rouritkitioi Mali the plat. deters. A . ** Goy qf tits pompom alit maids awsitii4 the iperauncascht lb. diving ball.; Moo t s Owes lea young Otismet, Martin Venom who, amble to 'peek a word of Nostieboiodas debt the dick sails at the Weber, eslhotiSh he weped tee it to stye op the brake of hie wife aid chit. dies: Two other themeits, 'ad tit!. (hay of Mown oxmiy, Ohio, ploseistaw the wroth for the bell. *mat bodies have beenietri up:iiiezeons theme wire the Waren of Idris Nor, - The W. knitter is • lot of "there dbahreid„ u far esese. • IL* Ni hole, Mn Kedah Blond, lii.. Char lotte Oedy, Ma Eimer Orly; earth Bersoett, wilco years, Bohai Bearieut, *gird - *ham ax** Eli. Mawr, aged tee year4"pwele Os. dy.'isitid korteen;yeam' Thomas Bewerti era eight yea* Pm& &ex" aid taram lAU of time was foss tdoikan comity. Palo; maws oat to edloyler imatity;iguoile, TheYwese train anus nodes the yeeteetke of Jolus,B oboes) • E Willismic Johns:* O'Neil, heck hsosej .oo —.... deck Lewd, Imo Fit*bwili; Pi; Jon ramie 84164 . 41d =skim oleo sighing:Londe Thole. es Non sixteen Osnoureadsrerosorhoie baron we mold ace prone:show Um desk beek 'or tram peempla Aloes.ooffare,twOisisiii Mr B V Haelonrcof Calltrirs - f - cooilly,' . llfirecard." , .'Torat, frety•ros, . - - ~ ..- 1 1 - • . no Ara 0 Mr. Bella, the ihresie s rs i res PIP welledy distoweirig. As eraele...ereloh.elld el thsush he ow at core, and enissechilltisf* boar war silk be refusal to - leave his post lull the wirer was op to his ** ht . 11 was than too laic, to usable atm theme!' of water. 'he *boon beck among dor raw' hhieey sad rhatrowl. • . eitas t The Repohliour also contains a I fro*" • &urea saellegeso from Msaideld, 0.; who sew on brook , Ss wry; this— . i . '-Having remained •et the Cape until •- of morning. atm' beisig - ambled to . mums with neauly,all of the papeeopte pimadly, filen the those( car Catastroghr, the pub& mayinfaly rely lapin th e - notratot hart rambled , of /be lose of lire; with ray apiedibtation that am doubt. lee% my be pima' Soon gam the rempeanted the Oath informed ma that a registry of fie Mnce, as the somber. mold not be rims mall of gloss or, wan on deck, - and little noti:e talft• • of Sam. 'not expecting any ngsfrotane to hat* te three. There is sow no doubt of *ekes °lan iptitietehia 'youitg lady god ige edletoest, reeetolf marled, hat. ing embed overboard sod perbhig ' Vitae were the only [owes fmos the alio. Of lick poosemees. this following is the most probity' stmoottli Gonctso =Oran% oomuil tiallook (14) ~ '. 2i it 'large family from Mots, wording ¢o the . statement of, a Itoonher del. lost ,- i 'IO Two poems mimeo of.enother &ally I • , 9 Two MAW, ono from Mum*, Mast* • . . county, hataylrania„ oulsootitar fook Illinois, with whom I Impel a Aglaia. piaiotanee, while examiolditho Mimi • the day before. , • . : -- ' . l II The head alginate ~ ' . ' l i t.. I , Two little this at thename of Prior. ' 1 ' maw: a widow, le new at the P a t' earl; • whose bodies hem Men baud t'_. - I 9 INo anifno.toroceiss to AB. B ,of _ I 1 Calloway obtentr;llO.. . .. ' . • . . 1 • Matfeg,.loblaf 151 - i There must It. manym oo d - Minceeniog whoin no knoadidp an dour, lee • , hower. at Indefethe it may ha •We or Was e miry tarp aidfanund - ntialliz.ii woo. pre gnu& ' tularaemia.* with them an iota** Wlll4 before the' ' toth Flury he said to me th em moo neatly cos mired and MYtthat the hairdo* was so;ermed with g ood'. lire Mak, end pesiengen i, that' he to end no piam tole 001 M. It thic eithulat b* lOW' Pry of the tenth, dare wane at ' fire op 4 wid liras lost In the' wreck ' di , i - ilea boat. Tel* man.. ... . -, .. ' . ..''--., Th.'powty on bond - ioffy ofAt, joods. citm pow% &c.. Lpar. matte= homes and nire ail of Which were toil —els of them befongio t o ' ' Alr.. Booer Copt. Gould it already th ere hie dicing With tang op the carp from the ale& Mach twill be oral, though Ina dutaged elate! .. maws.wwkii talwaowirassarroi I Ee. Lawataes t e 0111111/414.CurAL,--A panda of Ladoga Lau to Geoubr are With/ efficient data to mast tr forraidabla ureamoriai to Parliamast for a stip etas - bola ebo deer 31b Longues to Lab aim Tb. dietanaeia but about 30 ogle*, tha walk hiwamly Md. btu The costetroci, of th is anal would tarns Ina 111800nt a frac the dam 13t. Law. rusts &Iwo tbei *nu ' ibilati.Lofsla rryturruoto arrival of , isidoalealf 44 loatia, maim logal flearrith _ prOmmwf Radio coo.. Inaefet. Logy - * o n ly Imo! riefathibi Ogle ao zapandl• ltiraifisetimy, r , A .,.• . taloa tat had: Tb. 1141 4.# ' ' 4 ''‘ * 1 44 thor nate to ÷ b• ' ' : .; lbw LOwialluwo whist • - . meml teal. to Terra oy. ....betn itakiitt: re,*•:4pa abet - no rink= abets ' elaimtlilhefiPwraitt.KAar, 1188 , through VOISR 3OI6. "'Tart ' ' awl , Ohkiill ha. . :411111 irdrand . front &timber . which Omer. • , :41iii . ' ii , thibile: Work. of Vireinia ham. roo Wtif P? liakkerkatm autbertpUoulo Us Loot. raprodon by the ;warm' route, ther of the Ogavezty ban resolved by .a 1 1 Unialmoi mato to apply forthwith fat • hlittotia• mos fierlio . Baud. ' -'- 1 '• , , . ' ' 7' -- tee. - I ' I : Mit; ?iiioPl 'AM irta frtrzta—to the obboespeu, y 411016444 mu Mr. alhosor'e mi. donee hiPardistOct &Wet, 118 s Moab,' ..abwit Mmt tfrin with Ito lathy my Alot 1 14 ;t cs mu 14 be Maimmam. 4 The, samsopm Law,' - Xwolim mambas (of Ope t ireiojar• salt** party aire.+-Thoosh dm ill ' ithOwdameraikatmdo not always; poaitiow camas then and a . ~. s hl . afgkrtafOra!thefutewelho,mtlta 41.11 1 1 1 4 111 17. , '.3 " ,I, :at - -ma* to &Imola* as to thorittitaa `` ...ww fn 4 rewer to the Maim, . 1 _.~1H,,., ; ~ z.; BY UMtIC et 144.11.1"ekleiSeS4' C"r"Prd"'Mof t s Pin4'.4hGia",l2 Phil46lpide, bee. 4, 4 _ It kw baaa tabling all 'day.. .Tha ow, 40 whirr' v i 0 01 4 ,188 iliblirioabaara mode KE!!EEIG .... ..._ _ ' r , Cintheelo., Dee, 2,.10 P. X. ' FIC.W...ThiI ' =he ill 011edy. billgtO a** with Wet at ,pratione potations: • • Inhoessisebtotenes aid I noires; in ibis trade 1 11 W =boning fled!. with kateady *tit. Saps Is witioatebanp. I • . . . Killed 1100-13alse hiss been effected today of 1600 hop:at PAIS pelmet. Bacoo—Of western poem we qitini aides at 4* per lb (green) Western, (mod) 6i Shoal dors (old eitze)lll. Baser Is again* today at 17 di per lb fresh; iii kegs at Isiand'oapacked la. • ' . Western, Correspondence of the IStrabersh Gesette I:IIESVILLE MAUICET. • Lot*ilk; Dee: SOO P.M. " Floar.—Y.. Tisk saki alf 1800 Lk* Wawa bar, at 115'per bI Wheat.--4holes !pike red may be .quoted to-tai at 90e per l*azd fair to eozazorst at Iles par tat, Praeiskaa,44—Ws hairs ad shave b ths toovi. skra media: Worthy of not. 4. Wads. an at present. r ..4 The sieve is Ming :spiky at ibis pin&i At. Keokuk lbws was • ankiarabk kioseltity.' et kir Boating thl mor ing.. vacua, hay trthed from the west, kit 'contains no sews d interest. Pram Roans.—Amons the mamba pah a: imp:what, of thid#, Plank Rade in the Wed ant now attracting no little notice. The falowing dem' ham of me of these Was. Onondaga aunty, from. the aCuairatorr" of New York: • - A .sic company with Geo. l isddea , Ea, we lately ajoyed a ride on the Below end Central aquae Plank Road. , Thu Sad, in oonitracting which Mr. Geddes au embeetrOns atm** dad''' • famfain Its length hi 16 'maw It *decided., ly the mart *amiable road to Meow that we am ma. The glidessa =oat* acm the frniou while of.a lakarairiver. The planks us hembeck„ eight feet laiand three inches thick laid immodiately on las arth—which h mad* perfectly , ernooth to main theni. ,They keep their &a without fastening. Oe one side of the road thereto a - good ground , track, t 2 feat wide, madly lad with the"plink, 011 "phial egibileg lam oat. end.': which in dry weather is a toed road. The ma of this road--laoding both the 'smith and plank* trade-iris a 1.600 par and it wilt staidly. last:eight yam A:team_will any alatt douldo the weight on this toad that it will moths Manton roads, ands .horso In a light carriage will Misid7 go e at the rate of AO or 70 miles* day. In; where plank cad be cheaply promoted, we hare doubt these v be Mull ' -It is manned jut hea l PIMA Wilco= lira Yu/ patina the, io tMse parts of the ma. try where timber holdall l and on routes. where - Railroads Mal not pay. Among those now bonding In Now York can be mina the Anna and Boße. Pint goid iroceprny: The movement in bah& of this has been buiriamtly comnestuud, but the we undentend,-has opened under Ifansible awe micea Tke read le atte . olf much Importance, and will ginaly facilitate curcoutunptica with dune town in this imantyilying la &Fiala, with parts Of Wyoming, iCatterangus and Alb. emu'. It will undoubtedly - be egoindoti to the Guam River. 1 • Another proposition under sratathe I to cons strum a plank rod from the taidamirm of Baba tin etreet; Into the town of Lamar, to the bge flobobif• Another is from Gila to Lake Ontatio. The capital of the toopsoy 400,000. , . 1 / 1 Maks to the lags 'enshat of bind which has always cornea= la Northern Dade Mehemet* , by Ibis route, the - a:width. - villages and rich' country on the Gm will egad.' has amount of 'travel and trauentsliou.' ' It le wrathy smote that mato of Oneida is Moeda MI atm country In' road caw. pies: -TM rad froa Rams to the, lowestplenk seed the atehr, ism. cont . plar: The Nathan road, Mt alio, is to he das ant ensia:sual the sack of ocesefoho aesthete rade From Utica- haft aterabell.' Upon Oahu wenee mat *ChM eautioes 1 4 1' topcmoto tale by improrsd=i i Ths lie should not be loot u pen ,our 'city if • true to banal and far rinds. • ' ' , To Lie Editors of as Pirfsbor git Geniu s Tits muting on Ow day of thanasering„ . pith. tithed lo' the Grans; an d the mama MI which the day inia observed, with Which' the Editors se em to to In Mptures, - shodd not pass unnoticed. It is this Exit thing of tits kind that has oixtursd in . this coniontnity, at s ay, o at., t a hl4first that' has ham blamed to public ids, * so 'lt is yet; . , ting *mini its claim for • •• among 'to, . . , A , mil .he proper to gh• Itham .summonstion. A day of ,Thaniagiving is a eine in.' semi= or It is not.* if 11. is il l *, then toot, ow, It is with woodelp,lll.ll .Is,Oeso "we must lawn trait the nivialsd will of Its, author, tb sight sray of *saving in. To be grange' is a tidal, of our haute to beto God far iii. manna, is in injunction of di Los mendalken. We read of a day of. Thasthigi log. ?A dm ml.' amid ah S. 9, It, and how Hlas to W obssMid.— aThis day is holy unto abs Lord year God.: Go your way, eat the fat, and drink thermal, and send portions to them tot whom Main ar pro pared, for this day, is WO unto our Lock udder b p.: sorry. dm tin joy( of dos ;In your stologth.” Prom this we Isam Wag. Of 'Thanksgiving is lady unto dis a:'21.140011d be oinimsd .in the thankful and paid.. potion of his imuiry load, of Midair to' ths 1.4 E need?, and to ssaidous *nice& The 'joy'', anit be 'the joy.* the Lod.' I No t i lls - direSs Nods rdepig this duty In the - pssirar as, Psalm ,91. 1 le 4t in a good I thing' to give thanks unto the Laid, and to ring rams unto thy nanla, 0 Mon JELIN&a. •ll'Fises IL It: eh, Sim. therefore, it tes tier asedilm-rif pub. to Gal toittinually. • That is' dos halt of our his, Orion thanks to His mune haw 6.1.1. G my rimy. let him sing •t not wog,— 'lst Waiting podo^' nos gins , .-1 . Ths, ask iniginthawebsien the without s• Want*. had • 0 nos • a mods' of thaubsiving. i Both a I will, I iron, not Lou soon imitated by mr po ols. ~ It this is a ..Yankim 001/00 let it; LW, pain km with =often; 136 4isoinied, szsllst thorns who,: in suelenvoring to astable* new and unauthorised' Modest of observing g dirino insdankn, be taught that such admen* am received as limgky awed to our isilgious fasiings. i If timlitol,hg days an tole spent in able warmer. they *II be man honored I. their neglect than In then? obervancs. As4thimi wan Ramada tharal Ws triad time wen no Moat/tan two, and ws wish for the saki of religion. and for the holm of the *Girl then-had bun none. I '1 And is this a fair semi* of a Nevi England: 1 Thanksgiving' Land of this Punta* Haat thou so degenerated? Or ars thy sons adistanos from lb unkindly earatatudieg thin' listltudisos, and" • briiying a nynach upon thy nUgloos tumor • • j PC117,41. • -. • Woo aim oar anampoodsat a Waring with an In What ha says of ThiobmiAm& danalir ws think ha 4. falba «rash:tog at • guar io oppos. lop a lelaperaaoa Tbanka i ihing sop4oL P 41141711•11, Dec. 2, Met re MrEditers of SQPilisdazeit (louts: You pleas, pStdoil we bar drawing yaw Manton to a taiptint'zablake inhale* to cop; In goer . Mk zooming. You W. than will he of lanais la ItMehlpumts on oat homemade natgem of zsaay atileles that gay UM Wu of toWattch Si tobacco; hemp,; aftte &masa' the emits a/1141h* ,arfizles ,nwa• tamed, an greater' than deg 0 222 ' 220 hen." f ham bum at nimbi painto asaistata the Smoantof tobacco nand la '47.(tablzb Mato= into withal next year,) and am iof tha opinion that not more than a balfatop wu Hied`-mr. taisly less wu emu than tuts hem fee ; sight f ant Mt so nue abou t the mown of falling off In hemp, bat It Is the Oral linprarlaa that it lc ankh Mott hi quantity,' compared with Ind . . Tim *dist of the doe* L o , nrt °P O 9 lb° itetnts' ".bile!. The Slide was on embedie meat of the CelliStoett otAciel liepost..4sthss' am au own opinion Thr :hemp simultr : 4:4120 aimed slal•ie lemma hi theshipients Ml*j.s hes pxob.W, ming uo streseese I , llolca. J. R. Minim V. S. B alt° rinOrr• (In placilot.itkitarshik,)ier Kr ALFvelaitot - itoux oblis,liiiii . 1 , 1 09 113 N • • illYir,:tdiir e o, l*4hlilticl;, l il ;Ay:. p i n Airs cani4s. itglagaili.-- ?1••••P-." %awed du ipalsoirs mon of thew. .. • . -.. El! -: , ,::r.....-.F1'..r.i1i:.-..:!:.,: PilipL - "'. Ilis*akebiliil Ito f. 7 P 1414 11 10 14— . A AL . )il . eta gollwalteuta that ' .lll' tlas .1 , 17 . sad..treableawill , dawist. ' t net lautadtawly maim*. sad Wb. ! wealth stalia all blaallattowhdaestkathOolemblelVA . =Ad eetaallurs, la *very than Ilaw pane** mitangde be yaws.", i b riatesti==l,bar tatherzrwa. - all and at the gnat natab= " caseg that have been owed, ilterivill be agandahed. A Iles' chy, who had been ander the halre an= br Nw. Wet Oats without being eateAlutt by ( g II boulagat sha-Foenocatiog beeaeradieglly eared. It wAlsbayead preenionl!—LebiL samky Posner. . . Opo Par gale ta PitistgWa to -the , MEIN MEA STORE, 71_Famb tweet, new wood and alto at We Dries Shore of 4 P Sammy It Allem' el, lryrige n to Othillato;4o altearlY aestioettee to tie boom liWele, (et ',kirk) , ittt suttees. blota fm. 10 add, sod s h e make ewes - Yellow. nut, Coyle thespleziona now it Is meth* thou the panto et the fib stonld. bet kept open-hat their mouths should be heed frooLletywity— , twas dots the anoint Roma Booopaete onal altduealesi trompeted that 1.1.: diseases awl wohralthymtPowl lett Vont *epees et W okt,lbon soy abet oadatot tke body outs metes. easy, *ender% to keep the paws open—all known we dispelled that tko law kook the Dotes, when theywash witUosta , halattChasale4l 'cap. I Itstro seen deans the want tutd Oldest caws t of Salt Rheum, Etysipelu, old sem; Rubies Bch, Ore nowt Rithromm , vittlt remake' . internal lad own* lestedY. ha aged— iwerwettrodwing she skta whttei clear gad stilt. lhotttis µ beyellow mad cow who twoulethlke4 removes Free. ties, Tubtlashomplorphew, sod dookyatowent of the Blip-4M persons most be omelets, *ad ask rot Jesus Stab—to bele Putsburgh at WM. JACKSON, wit of the By Boot, tßLlbewy - Priestilt unto. Int:wet lins a i li n it .3 otbise= ...Said mu am Cot=Prase:feat Itztraeren, seintufserused by &auto& kCo ,tlCounland ff.Y the velum weeder of the •Ittli seemly, Its crews °O . szirimw All Pains we Temovedfma barns, ses/ds.sw. all exiessal wires,m • few minutes ef• Ws nppkcabcn. healing the new on dm m etal eicate naway orkWrisr. It ts equally benek In all . Wad. at teammates,' disearesowels as ame Nipples ean EP% Syswinsi Rbennunism. White liwelhet Brows, Dun* Chablalus Erysipelas, ktia, d. M.e..z. , ke- We might and &sweet w all we say. the, mutes of many embrent physical= who asin It la then preptlee, and hundreds of the clergy who pules is to thelY peseta. , Wird parealkeephcoustlallyoft hind, in sues of aeadow by Swats any be ket without bat by Its we all bunts an sebteet so in erinuolontless the . vitals are deStroyed. Caration;-Renember tad ask. foe CormelPshisweal Pala Exuenteronswifiestanid by Comma in.. Co., W. Y. turd se who. • iSold by; Virkti JACKSON, dgew for -Pittibuieb,B9 Liberty at, hese Of wised. : esibdkwier 'tikkii. u ...eur Mir ApeHiyourital r tom giszr; , .11 It dry, ar dINT.I pnyt . If Vs ractn inak, se, silty and fink Dark and WWII, and biamens as Ws hat, cisme. -And to bayik , r, icou ban bat dine slithoga to , gine, rtsad a er baul /mti: k..d rball aw. lulh Da4 ileg =r 1 41 b /Z 0 toadied at y e of Jon. Cowls Bus Itcnisiaarrs Ws on 1411 need. 051 one triaL j 1501411 W Uleny it. • . . • • - .11WYelisrereali eau petrel area*, • • , nry gum like rotten death, • tee d- sad elevating. All eoald• tone tees whole es pearl, - • gma lr a haite u7 Ait h ie le t e i tt: N o Iteth Peeie -!teem bat !roam, and' Is really a beetn.fal emelt , mei the teeth a Au enamel. .sold is PituLatak nt eD - Leberrt I • • •- Maw ty. 113•Pl.left loran, te—The Gleomlas 'IA A , ona r icalorielo woojogly colobroleo as a:ooto for Wa aboof duo coy or all afien. - U. caves ate aloboor orsomorobla. BoIdby,WM.J.IIOILOON, Arai for Pim.' . . QTJleetktea , yellowdark Teeth—they canbe =tee pearly wiz% brow use wring box of Jona , Mini Uorx PAsn.. It bardenstits irsts,sweeittak dr breath, Ookt at ft Men/ at. - "Iv/144.17 . _ OCrrVoq't havela Dreallt-4(towhavi. aie se skii ryn it :Mal of Jam' Aabef,Toinh fast. :Thu .111-' abijoor nose!, wiutra Tour' teelb:/ket. Bald apAubety " . • riviikliwly OrtyLedlorortio ow, japes , mouton Ulf WW I ., bare 'doom • loi orblestonniotronl . skla; 4.1( ti • Intl say intlify . Sal only • Pluabrin. ha) Lib. . - •Main etnijo aims ezinsoi..--FaxtoCaptai of Ni Mori. last lipoesi on Ike War End Blooery; for sale lAA% 02no. ,tBolirt ciOnen s W , e copya this 5.4 1 1 . ift_l4,4.oento. st *maxim Rues. Tbanday reran,' tin) anst; by Rev. Francis Barroa,D. ft. aIAISUFL HAWS?, - Erb oo - Alua .AMANDA BTEVENISOIV,ar Paubarat. • - Oa Wcda niiteveatng,oaln bal. by 144.11 C. Kr. W.B MaCARTV. to /41u LIACAN,I, WILSON, at PASCAL IRON WOH!DI i , • .r PHILADELPHIA; • • Me lded- Ares Vises. SUlPABLE6fLococeowes,Msaine,andbtisr atm' t*troillidlete, tsom 6 inches illagieter.. Wo Pi. for Ussi exus struag b . l=le Presses, lieu,. Timms kit PUN* •111.2achiecm!i lbr sole by • 1111011.11.5,_TASKIER a MORRIS] Wardimer S. F.. corner Tkird apd.r . thait vireeti I • .44 . v.; bw nn., barbican= was% Gad old to wtated, for width the is cidi will wi t ad by • • M•PII , I,MIM m.g trl dletorst as tim;mas. later be 41.••• We' iinT'w" • mNß..volanamerse EInEW.-3.uvan Ztiv"rtra - i. - du" l'!"-"n",c1-, VlllllolAll , bbl- gad elderrimas,J.st aeivea; de3 .•• • • MILLER a suciersort Batigart—slolgisimiss.sie.set Baiter. h. 6113 ' lOU= itiCiaTiori .111UUS,11.11sillisies bantlx.amairemeau in .64 MILLER RiccEniori clam Irwin & Mr). ea r 11-77--4-4 rfrrr474l-7841 mum BO€llll4les cera Mork na bon for Wm by eal.: • • hutt.eta marrow.- OMB: ler, leo reed: *Week lir B • MINIUM= & 00 ear le Milj, ll , l . 4 :4*riiir'''Hus‘sairiroix"tto`°` 113.•/44tatses p!iyiiired.j. au me* rte id. . . WAIIINIMOCE I CO 0/11..111 . 1b• OgefAtableamt me% lot bile by Ala • • • ; A FAHNBIWOCI krn Fuma7 l ,""'"o"runtiumn, "t"'lbka 191_44 at Liiiini&4ol baireed want & Coed, le I 4611"11mrimisiewpq DT MOIIOAN &GO freir-41011.01etlidests; . • rbllpl . ,V=e a satZ rolnerr mi • diet r fP 4st • Fes Lew ii'YLby by . V *I • • wtmusura DILWORTH • 420 Cumin... firm • w.iiiatrAft — # Fii.dy:.4. . b4u,‘ per .l.l l:ll7VO , Ws . • WWI 11 • TIMLat,Si eas bli.ts, Old' b_ ' • • ditil • . NeCIANDLERS 'P%"" -4 . od!'%lll:l:r.iN;A`''lD' p IPLIEBAige 013 7 • on /44 quill* E3Milia TOMMAND 10f1- 11 bale InivieNt lb, co iatiarasmat a c fitf u na.ll37,oMit'aV , OONISD4rna,e re M 44 yT . PAHNTOT OD Rultlf-tabblijut niikt, terns/ . do: ' ATHOCIAJUNVII &CO S00L•11-40 Mott %alio Si* N Or ' , fedi% r. I . l "lo.Maikasas B•: WKICIAIIoCANDLEId • . cc", gnat & "metre • . . 1 . bl4O ; 411§ forjais bl: wicx a aire.c4in, . sew • 00111.011L1101—tebbla Le sale I* ' • Oa . WICIE IlleCJ rzerw-b *TIN& & IIeCANDLEN ,41 vitgi i • APO • • , ear effilAield • water ste 0614 Ism. roil{ ' ' ' W ;( 4 1111111111111-4110 bra,bes No% lIR mloi Ivy la 40 W GREYS per . aroas--4a bds Pecemes We pries Mr sM; 4eial• by . dif fMKEZia--11041.bn," °.4..lllo.""kvklellNVlT thq MOLAIIII*4IIIIIbIIIISI6/ ids by W clomp* B R Ifk‘l!'!:: 71 , 141 0 1 *F M A . 347 6 1 4 Cl?. Soot- bbn ° Niel PCIr ;aria. dal y „roam, agar aco ""I • .t • . .•••• d m al va., dal rA• n tadhadhat, LI ZIIZOSCJI.OUN4PiIiaIiothos.4. irt el, D del • • •• ; saraNhirairtic Aco Mi=z7',7s2!il :primiLaszi 4s e flo • 441. .• ! eismormcci B'loollSn PXIS-44 l AMMO Ottabbi 'ale by :yam-4 Lao MD a 44 . 4' g i li e Pti s r,! r , an! tapain teralivt latl u t w llaal..4/ vials exult No V a se ul4 64117104 kt!N* 6 l f i a riii • Ope eel. • • AVailloll% . o.4l, l3 # l ol4sais 4ill • • r 'MOB WE•Vilt Com= 4...‘ ?skirts*. Ihrus,lbc oak at efaseers. •• &et JACOB ; - - I M. _ •,• , , INLIVALIMI&OCIPP. 0 Ann= Itu Wall Os 1Me..,..14,..,11"1641R1=.11" 3111"F6•411‘ZA4.146:eak, :..7 * , , ,...., 4741r 116". , ....._. —, 4 . . .. •••• 1...., - • ','”, • ...--., -; .••-..F,,,,V,,,Vidir.i4.7,:a.2,47:.:,.: 4t.i,tigre :..1.4-.15;4;;,. 'nt; ' .i.'•.yrt . .:. U:...,.ii:7;:a44l,iiktitWAfra2a.fer.srs. ..°?"C+.:`'.l 44{1... ' , .." ^ * . - —7 : :, t - ; •-• A g Ul O n 1 . ~: . I'l D 7 Alia Di Da, Boderemtes'e,nard of Dry ON MenderAWift:Ote 'MSC tokiett,At Consaernal Bala Boos, r of Wood oral Fab mon!' be oldlonthent . An °Alcamo aziortenant of es ie Mrs Goofs, tea, some., whit* ate aperi: I,lledier cloth& casonione,setunena,By red, snow and wine lannate,g,tartle%plattl and stit teratird6 i t= e ttntlArbr, bdk6, wreak ' IA Coins,4= 'AIPTIVIddr 9d hula eced pally NO 0 rdolasom • • • be eh= ea' A tame quantity of taw and Wood lband lettaehold an Idabel: flarnatare,feubtt Itea. abi bedding, Cl?• !cobalt gluse" !nips, indicts, wokusg ewes, pyramid-ameee tea At M• OVlock P.M. • Beady =de over coats oantalasne, sena, Au Ants dmrers.ssd. caber donut:Rabid ani ISM table and pocket cutlery, Superior saelity reronn 'penlaek German fanny seeds, soluble tor um sp Foodles holidays, variety pew* k" 4,3 JOHN. n zo4ns, Alm . . : TO. ccrwraLoroas; , ' tiligtatms of the he wt l ' a r Idm J . a Slim; and v Senewhs Company% Cl i t , nil„ p i t= t entre itnlr L ia "it i' w r *ar.., . , hereush4ildrettterto " LTpisee on dm WY et December nem, is summoned BUM farther Sealed Ptopsiali will be d seder ; the °See et des mild Company, in Rieleintd,htntir the 15tirst De eember tell, for the coordeetibn of , two Stone 'Dams isrbli aim Lacks four Smite Iditizeks.med Woe See , dons, and Ser several wassllen Jobs so the . came Canal, between Lyuchbergh and! the monk of•Noeth 'Diver. One of the Dame will be addneet lon end eat Geed Muta t sad As whet Stai feet kmg sad ii tom high. Theeelow wiii be let miscretely is dm towers reeportsdds bidder. end cart Seysseed will be rirde tierefor, se monthly // 4 / 3 // , 4 or wort waxily, whk a me :Tahoe of hewer cent by way et swenity or the compledim olds work, anal the same .altall ho eampleted sceardin let . Pooled ?roposetr,wlll ale readied: at th e Seine piece, said the maw thdo„ the construction of the •Intschon of th e Comparele Centalwith the des ,muter .a.. 2 of Junes Row, at Ellehown thmoeh the Richmond Diset. - 71:thrwerk wilt Goods 01.0 to we Lear of 17 tectlidowideoe of td fell WC iniensediate Canis for ...me &theme of Mit a WIN with sub cbasiits,„ - bsess, Were* Streit Briftea, de. ss shall be setellSair a singe.DienMsross Junes. Wirer, in the Malls, et r the mituns'et the Walls and Ms- Inenkment of the present Dock4mextessionotibs Docir t lbw hundret feet Eustwardty mid de tonstrutioa of. .n Outlet Lout et the lo w e r e a evil)), a ed.. WWI* the WSW* resod; m the' pen of Melt mond. Ibis work will be aid thr bonds of the Caw rdey Ito be lased - under Me eatbonty of a " r art "Of 41.esisIstaro of ettginisd nazism SS ;ram aid bowing 0 per 'cent.' lateregt.prayable resneumastiy.— gelid., the testi :restenation of leDer at. op shs monthly essimmes, the Certerwor or ewm.. mins h. requinst Lesiva ample scemity,satisfachnyte the Bout .5 so forth/ compjetioa of the wont aides ewes odd thannuntestpteMed to the son .tmets. :" , ..,' : • Plane of tie above voila whi le be estibrted,und les: autism; thereat delivered wiCanascurs, as tea raw patty's Office, in Itielenood, by the Ist of Deettftba. cost: Aflat:the trecipref the pniposelsodere will bre lava for the.oollllderttien 4411301 . Uhl de Ilia alba ssmensombmswittlehlltylts base thepropoutts abender be sitistuctory) the lielLral jibs or. mesons Wire: ad. renisedwillbo let: , : •' '' ' • WAlAtint GWYNN; . . ' • - : Chief EnZeir of,dm .D IL r.g . .9):-• - .• 1 .. - pl u oc=)=l:ll4l . 4 . 4rsaipzitez n ce..... M°64 % lbe U .W'l7 l l !..° l' i l l iel'irtiberhti and Ocean Wave Theta= eith taut at inn anaciainek,and thi tanned in Wei kroandk by litassbah 0 L Wayne and lean 1410041. aY.gpenigdintliiiaqueinalappikLyeirensand Vining Wail'aliapn Ihnunins m eth Thaspesinee 11411 at sae - aams Pont, and W m awn, the 'waft yntand by Assistant IdandialliW W * ilifaintlEalnowden; Au•ab.nl, gweinno. !Unman WI lithenh; an Wands= o eny,.(rili ineina2 Welt lion 1411 Jebek,aail thl.he manna isibayeirde (mann by Annan= Marshal Wl2ois and I k Unduly.. ; Garin" , Wasinaktati •Fht,. and .Laerscasevile ! thalami will meet CAC Mai st.W o'clock. and be dawned ui parka hieisna The ah seeinal Miinntils • %mama vi haws (hely Manilas on the pin groin! bi te lonatqa We (=minas, to novena pnnaely !deka.. lamiAn Pneenina.—Forne Llbenzinie4bein' ng na on Tomb, an ninth tiZeod, Wad I. Third, up Tidal loltainhaa. handle leiLiten , P. ahem Libiney :a:Wayne:Wong Wayne lo kenn.np Drauln she Gretnabiny TarapUTOi e tTeeirke io Amen sh (in Jatarteneeenik) a •tir Batkai. ahoy panel to the (=idiot Analik4l.l4norin the Episcopal Menai. . , 1:11, htsogE,i delni . • . CbleflainetiaL . Wf WILT. 11511ADINI*-PPIIIILICATION. JAbyJAll,ll•l`l4lloo3,Clrstoostolo Iblkoitog ars! and valsOlo Works— . • • , Expeditoo—Camololiag tb. ur. ot cal . tr• Dsoipbosb db. Colombia' NOW Odexi. ceo Goa Irearmeo ureflantbarpoditkok to CalAnlb4, Coo r yubid . ' Ar Vpo ' r ' 'aziono ' of Ott Pee° ot , ftwao: 5 44 19 6 %1 b.l=abo r ;by Jobe T fights. AA of 416 Kumla rolitookY—lta Ambrutleo 144 ?baud abooLtieograpbleal,Scallondol andClooksitalOolorriK Om; witicatroodetes of Yismbert , lito, - ood who Was one ,bondrea Ebootoyolool SU-mhos of' chodotolobod, Pitkpeall, &Micro, boutoolos, JaMis.'Lay`YOrof obeli ke., Bloomed orb!. fibny.oarbbiloyy; by Wm . Abano,blotoolavei 1 1 . • Tbo mhos filOotb's Yobolooor,orlOornal tof raw 311. rho Toabosoce gestate= at-Leash% Wl* tbuopobro of /MIMEO, dam/ 16N-7, egrisost.i.o.4 ,000nraf'itry !Woo of the Ibiamitt VO•Yobc,Cros, "40.1 , PW0l *Oho, Ominebood ovoriloametsi aloe. tomb ke 'of Ile p&p* bbsootanojilki of an th e IMMO older Voloatec'itobiogen= fop Mania Um Melina War; LW:dam itillodand Womb& &of illumuoted bY bingo' timber of aorta itiotosaa riolub by Geo C Fostiotjlholoctipro. NEW TORN PZIELI. .TICA COMPATU . • AtYllilDint JAYNES le Oa Gal), adehoiseil agent in. Pine:win and Alleirliany clues, fa Ur mile of Ilia Cekia:Tea Conepanre Team ii( 7S and. 77 Fein se, Naar Yarn... An, other wean In Attenuate piesendin la eall ear Wee a an len.planui•nd Onalwo aH Iran asay puma. lica ee commonly known amt. tn. POW Tea Coalpaara.Tean Mire proved ..pane[ m all 011C1 Team mid. and inutile mama mum Woo= lone iiiilOoooals *og-wird lo San ike We of Oa lie e, ku Tes Company.. taus whim they am an the midlo irrndingtraeir and elven car, *Mei Hwy Lava gala:. ad. eletietorra.. *gust ..sane itni lime of Tall: Cb apa? and lonnia ear paoa,tea., and Unsay deecend W. . • • are Wormed Orreli r eou to Pittabtirjt, =6Tros asdrithe ennui of abe nee York and Pk& Mita Taa Company... W e. kmWren Mr Um We maimed encore lava enuancinia *We anili laa New Tea Conpaay., amen ai,Tea rethoy 6.9 , 4 lir naaPiiiiittko &Mk ikey sail Nana the meal efia said or, illho now Vert Penis Tai . Oiiipany,at lima a( jayani,7ll. Youth , , i •• • N. id.-6,4leaaa. ndeCauernat Bans Mn.. mamma v . /Wawa arna Oa. leaf olds Toa 4m,moy, oot sk7anydor l bmLLhaa madam amp Nosoostr oso!..1. has miscodetioy mosokod. dim polg, • PoUGLABiII le CO • n sad 17 Mop@ , , PRINTS ONLY . . • • • 44; • CEDAR • BT., NEW YORK..; LEE & "•n." 7•BREWSZI seuni l eed g •wannessen Ur kW ne P/.4;gXea ; . • ' , Olen Przwe--aiedeellebines, et all moms : immaniourta Auramel. . THE' WORLD . ; see ion! Wanes Sera* liendmiNekngee7, every nen;al t s of Mare wee Damon: mar rf. q• Dote be Pad al,. itrazZO+Vitiolk lan Poe been p•reles•uni : •il. 14" "litZiati . • ' . • IFltolll' . OR TO Fq. curs - pi * ma beklet a i tt ).r.. llhe phallist* • • Tiha . Ghl lamb% &Praha Down okilah& ..~a, m ylaAlhalhay chow at whoa ul Gam ohs; PlOGArfiablil Omahly Yaq.. nal would . g t, w ilk•i r • Ga• gash thdostabla awe eh sal nahashandaa hay haymow*. an Shaikh al huh sad aa lonia dmadhlail then =~DI al &Sodas Eaell haw sill be Bola' kola 'mad La ov4 Goahaa back .110 lawn la Ark" Oodool WOO =oh tam Oh balkeas chi d.. hewn ham Goaskaos, hay oh. a Gam awl GD fowl of aw* • pia IMO. Goa klaa he bahltag aaa. alsolaialy hor la laa tot& h• hard& . Tlids ars , Oh beat ram adGrdal oa, .84 ha &amnia *a httairoa VC :law trialona ot , mums clew. .01 gar!, G «glans . Tba ;bodes an la OWL Legal. 01 athentoks, wt.& W be ann. at Oft. or La Gaseuiwahly lopsosa Mohan lla Gahm of asks ahsad da at II WO 11l ata Mall al Kra Hurl boardlaa haw., bloaWassir 111 4 , w•f.:14 , . 1 A.D.-gall Car irm . ; • - e%e . . . Pl4`2ll P-- '"&t. ° , 3 ' 7 ""`' l 4 I li :(7 t 1:•'" t`' is, • D to ; '11 . 7 " 4' 4 •,; Wann N oi:11.241:. is: • • , " bita orval'. - . • u 417 Warwick.. 07.147; I.' • . ^ 30.11411ar_ter, •••••• Coasignaseti onaatid'arar. Laillevy.Ara7 I n p. m , i ? 4 , L WA'rg RYAN arell ' 31. waltz &CS intim 01111/111111—Ferte's gene lames* nee and blebeet tier,: le? tileoe /4 lei w. ttitin.n.na.aed etie : tbecre bempeeni. maadebibrepee isteme ler Walrus any be led Irbelesabe sr mall of • WM • • • 69XLLICIam woad K. AA . MAKIN 00,rniarketiu.imin /aimed. emu end wears If. m eek oede wblet aar emen4 sag eopaele eibeene seer, wietheseserxds a( Ibe ewt falreloeblekleb. cloak leas. bury *ream Mess beeping raga, ira Wage bieeb tbtents,Ae• M. • • yea gine HOTOMINNACINNiciIIWage aid .ts Applies Sr Or= Lois assarn.lent. • .71►br. rnl* Miami Loaf eager, • .•32 Ws Nelms& -•; • • - Uoz. N 04.. • la.,* • . 11136114• No 4, . • - Dteresbied , , Npirmai44, ' .lostalar ex Milted 011.011. iliii4A ?RR ism tosommat Oinklifor Woo ma odotoko., Armorefy onooioi Mrs AilL°W"a. ..VoroZ. Woooko:O. loot.; too ob. WOO by motilovo 011-Cregikosk Ws cacao Woo of Ciarkil finny, . 11:-r.O.T.tikii44t6' , 1 mbar t - • eltivitzil44l - 1 41 4 116- •." 1 " 2 1 1 maa.; -- • l i` , l4lllY , TActimint - : , • • fan thatrafiesi=f9aank Ma's _ Maga% Wax la bee Iva rmai 7 -ban, aaniaa ,a; laillaal• PAS. Tia Lola' In . Or, t ir=revisaa Von of ftaos am mos P 80 '.11 1 " • ter. In . au f e"° r 7 r goanairriontiow I - I,. .siortot ood.! woutiA.c.a.sr•inft.,Pr e . 7[yefaWet,LLll • :innisnair pmatikr.- •. The mamma. Nu. , Isavg Pilbsight.mmTrda, ibardiejii Wkotpliog *meg •Trift•sysahquituz: logoiricarrar. - , raw Erazazatolo.s, capoplii4,;:n.- Pdalhasgli *my weethissolay siocelatist Webek; tfligriranr AfimiatayArldiwalle TIITIBJEDAI • ~.TheYlllsCONSMOns,2,l..SneworT4liiTill); Dinh evelTTlm•Aiwascalightleatiodo l 9 oBll l. everf 71rizadai 'woe • _ • AMWAY FIADICillt; , ,;'• - "-the ClaPPEakrially Piste WO cm?' HfW ' , 7 l •Pmial ag /OW** Walla* every Pridardirethe ; E.L : , • • suvrawasx IPAVICICT: " .1 Pe* -begketery lalleaga ensui,EplithSr. Pram, — it TO L. 2..2be-Isamu[ cut 4,...e.10 - 414 lawn Pistibink frel7 auda7 Pomial• /11.• Idast Wleellarneri Clanday annum tu, 10 at c 4 BFATIZILX4CINRW-AllitaPl-VINTS COrt srm . . • - -11 "VAiis ' •. N win lime fa Seaver e • sal m. .imuiselk wok. tut Ms. rai=,weiseadojillardrill. -. . a ... Wm eg balms woodstreetilialk pi* /4"lt°""xvili Vt. 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En : , Inserier, Wisner, MO yea sem vitals, et between Pittelnrslonol Misr sins, dari si atas session. "si lessas•genties, (91insie 4 • • 19 , 9 e4l 9l9l vwfwaseti ois bliiii: • - 4419 EXPRESS': LINES, Sr;. .1 11 0 30 Xaaiii&a . E.011/170, - • • :..ilaWillottiV ai tnit.ipet.ritti. grmit V. all eleurrai =ldris Kdaur• einstse:sair as. aattaa , doable Dula ll* mos aad rani* bast .4,yy 4 4 1. 2 1 1 womignppriam 'Mail at a , V.7.•7 Pr. rarer ril Pla EU ts k. .reg a drAl la l'arlßaw* Ur wi Pearriarrla , q ty. ' 7 ep ="zams awed:Z.lM 011 01r#11Plarmi Rut. r [ranks& lin to: - t - eken aver Oar, Korriarla Wlllral l ea at7oar h. • Coat Wral Ocet . oDlke. ' • imowservuLa Arco onrys • Tu r r a t.l . 4l . o . 2==l 4 ,tre r...Acto A. ,1 71.1k .. 0 !Vte 60 . 4 84..4th I• 1 1 1 - I I .1 . 1 tla I r 11.11.1.. by Ile pftbrielleTablnktbe KIWIS A1ig424,146.1 /MP rel errrna sass. Sias of US; *Ws saarissato ted tree of elan, *W . • • . • Ts pom as peals slotpsistest. For Ss propp or eleos, - • , it • WISIAfriprAPCPIO•44e . As' • •••• . Wasslets4 Pi • 411116UNIC COO MIZIPII,IIIIII. . : P P. * Camb ollitagrom ' .741 tat er/and Baltissam. _ ' Pm York Baal" mita. 4g. &Mar . % Mica 011110011. e dam W r plag - Zatm, atom* mak a4/sr Cos Exam; et,ty, at Ha:IMM . je c n ; • t,SIevUES 0.11111 , 1 ii Of Akan. - n k .'" .0414- w or,B 7 9 " i 'r v s h - OM? Chffitile HMO BILSI ILi7YDt PASSIM AND warroricz o micoms presort ors =tory rpm tbr soot trosorable yams, Am ray Or Znerbrat 11040, rooOrott, Loa rico Paaa rSIOP. war, Rod's. wawa of aash Goveroasva2 Igat7t= SW Bt y cut a al.l gas lizze klatos rod :lair *troth la AamileCdrild,_ _A" lin rstralm. ph ,,,J.,4 etilkan• ...M141111.,( m pl We. 1•11 town low tor ILiamo lb 04 0,4 plies Outat=iltry elspMp tr. vrtm y Nutlet Ids orrrros• UmmilhiNkliAra n iaq i gh i p Mart Dal Liao um mbar Itruertm rod aji - Mrsor Ire pabe. , 4 crow OP I , =LOW er.!for&„ . I'4 • • a r t .i ' llott r jorrbtoaßaarkK gu: • pyilial,llcestAsi,- W. ins, mar ow, . t k.ata, Iwo area 1 2 / 1 3 MOW WWI WIA r 1 aW 161 Fad NO CA . lisr to mall, tberrtrroastri o Ito. • Nu l d &lays. oel We Ebsicts, epos Oh *SA .6 wltaMse s wMow Trek two , . JuSatlo itlibtNorir4,Etrorprto draw • maw deer brow ...id DIII, TOW NMI, IPS ISAIILLPAIi.-44 , :ba. lost ravels.. Dr.: Totraarna t o Ifirso,putaa tart cora glocroo o llaan mediator. tow partd I Tim, g.- Mal la par ap la port beak.. If is i ix. aorta ...whom; pletaarar, sad vranaalod sumo: a , adr Pa4a. il WO* ganlaa Waage •0.1114, ;nava, a4Cll.)Kaa Oa da=ltai s la.= . ~t lapratcalfititman bars att fapiad au Ifitafitilie LIM oad .map eadl am sial Ila um rank Wu. pea r le.brute U. umlaut can or fl IP Ttraraluata. µpa- A a atazzae, Dna* N• go vhne 0, um... ard luti Illa to Dr 75Infiresal mli fitataraale ma, ritafilem et of anon um' graatatoytka, D II CartY fin tfiett laidarlati do as* tam fir All., . 0• 81 fifillIt Of *tam " : I, #P, , n! a a l l ""' b. k " . •-'. -- ;' - 1.410 a g 6. `: - .7 , .. -- Y. - • • of JUL idisarliis sad demi. aedici*T. 411 Camanain .4Llter Abrams, wall !low. ,Nerl.iimay InajtaTe wall Ft ilturnixttuu• • • xr ritabonik rElln‘ tkIL 4'lo Sr Ado. Beat llll, Wood, la. RAG RtM AlViors H Pci gram. Fularnd u.AlLniar rr. • . . ~ ' ~.....,_1 : "t'tl.!‘.110.14111:- ,‘ T illi...am•Not tkik Inimme,..yeatt %ad'. ahanzinnaCklin% Ch ia will: . :yak sir MI li• :0 ana..e. Tuourrim llet.ti **lir. 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