The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 02, 1847, Image 4

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    MoadiNya t(
.- ',- i I'lle,„"bOdfl_4llnWilittp' '
r 4 ‘ttlfr ftt A l 'iY h ' , g- 4 APltVerel' 1
Minute/AG {Aft:bushy teriatAnticlact-,
livered a aeries oil discourses agaiost blot
fulelily,,,,ini tcleti - of '1.01111s!Ftm; on the
!Red.:reefs elee.Y: of the elqieult,et wflieb
mere known to be shepttcal. A few
days afterViatd Ai' , to& .tpassage on a
stealtitic'liitiontling`tiniWaSilSiPPl rivers
land foulul mi 'bi r ;t4 ',kw/it:4 ot the ettlicis
of thoto An, among whom wta"s'a disciple
of Tom Paine noted as the riugleadeo of
1 a band of infillels7 l So on as he dis
1T ''' - it . '' - ' - d
novp . r a t 41F Impliter, e,fonamence his
born ofisphetuics, and when lie" per ,
ceived biat reading at one of 'the tables,
he proposed tOlits companions to ge with
l• bilmilitlYtileppOsite,,,side of the table and
liste t n . "*.ignio,stories . ",that_he,bad to tell
) upon religion and•Jeligious men, Which
be said tiounatey the old preacher'' '
Quim- a-numbe , rompted by curiosity,
gathered aroun im to listen to his Vidi
gar' stories an
- ecdotes; all of bia.:
e t
were pointid m et the Iltble and, its
milliners. The preacher did not raise
his eyy from' . t n book which he allot
matilu r rt;:ncir apjieltr to bo in the least
1 1 discericertol hy'llie presence of , the tab %
`, ble. At fingthxhe infidel walked up to
him; nett 'irodely . slapping. hiln on-the '
ehmilditisiidi-• "Old fellow., Whit do you
think' of ' these!. things . lie jalmly
poirttedonnYOf the duot, antl said, "Do
you seediest- beautiful landscape spread
out in such. qate4 loveliness before you„1"
Yitis.* ' "II litizarich vitriol of flowers.
f plants, and sifiiitbS; that ire 'ciieitratid to
I fill the beholder with delight
"Wcill,, if, isitli jenre, gi send:out it dove.
he would. puss over that scene, and see
1 , in it " ally that as beautiful- and lovely,
ad•delight hi tad in gazing tit and id
miring it 4 bailif you were, to send out a
buzzard over :precisely the same scene,
' ..
be would see twit nothing to. Kills 'at=
tel lti qtrtVe lee l 1 1 4 could Elidieiite'rcttleo:
carcass, that would be loathsome to all
t other anitiiiil4 :, ill 'Wont& alig - ht l VIA
gkitt„tipoo ‘ i,t i ivith' 141146 •'Plimsure-r—
-r' • "Doiost,mean ui,compare me to a bin
' • zarilgrivr airid•Me %fide; 'coloring very
d ee ply, --- ,_ 4 l', mule Ain E allusion to you,
- - itir,v..esid , the r minister: try quietly.-.--
Theinfidel Vilkita.tifT In;contusion, and
.. ,
wenply-the-intme of .‘‘the Buzzard" do
ring -the remainder of the..pasasie - . - =
• .PregiiiWnlifirall ".., ',• .. -
Glcrtet Minix, IN WZNII,RN VINO !NIA,
—From-411t44:ordaville. Examiner: of No.
vertrb, e:xßl•ign,learitlhitt Is ein r ing:!eitarf-
Avalon more' htmcommeneed in• west.
ern,yi . qginfa. We Antni. ilia - Aids:llas
heeff in, - 4tokithiiitfor fro-. many yearn, but
: .
now ii seems; to ••• hare assumed a more
decittiV•hillindi than= formerly ~.: ,•..The
mot;loo';'hnt,ber4tindertaiien by' slain.
, - --liol&Wittliernselves,; , Mi'same• extent,•4
-..' •• -rhofigit actor now lelhet 'Bei. Henry:
Ruffiter - -A. , ,D - ot • Preab,yieritro,'minister.
' , ...WitUltitix l"associated.t' 51 1 .1): Moore;
,„','Da'Xidll:lGitriy, James,
: - G:; fl itmilth . Gecrgn•A: Baker, ~.. I. U.
Lady' John ands,' htmea IL Gorden, -
. • Jacob£nit ex ,` D. E. Moore; and John
•• _ W. Palgi,,,alliatiti of moi eliaradei.
'' ~The `Blue is Abe natural Aivi4kon
'•, ; ioaeea eastern end•: western :Virginia:
Slakedifesidot'ibrve in the ...vrf• 4 4.-;+ , 7
The veliten'tifolt,Sonof the Butte, there
, • fore ' proixiieti to exclude. einiery .1 by
enuennipbtintr, -= fiettt theii • territory.
Wiii,alsserv: . in eastern lilliginiai the'
, Virest;:difel! , :iiv.:'piis.o.4 - 40_, interfere
Thwstiyi ..),Vo.'iv , ...ould•• eiroply raise a
' -hamer:stafat.4his Siygian inundation=-:
1141111 at the. Blue .Itidge,- acd, willi soi-,
-• ' enaiginniiiirgy,ldenlare tn. this-black era.
of mdeerre' hitherto., :Alt* Atm 'come,
2 147:A„.fditlitit.'„"! : Adcordiiiie.lo: the
Present: aspect of thirgn; Ateiniallikely
- , to be 11i:44,661ns put krilt,lrt;w•estent
• - Virginisi:>tri 'irteind's:' alaferyllipiri'll . s:-
- betrai.:*: 4Weteil:Cdr: Ada.! " - ' , 4 - ','4 7 •-•;•,: ,- ....' ' g'.'
' ' ''''='-''';';'3;••••4 Win
8i0. 1 +' 1: 7 4-i '''' . • -.4-........ ••••••....,,,
itr n! is :now, 461 in , : the con
• strrfetion at fences and the Vf eitininiter'
dhllKipartpltonisn'giyen-i the following
ideacriptitin of t` in Which it is
ndaitedlo;thie pityposo: . • - •• -, •
-, ... "Vim posts are about imezhalf, of the -1
Ordilitril - siiti;',Plitated firridy, it , the. dis-', l
tanne:of,4o4eht.itpart, with nine strands I
]of .istin, diatin: tightly tbniulli, a half inch I
augnr: jialln;•;ithi . tightly_ pinged at each
• 'holtil.fhe Wire is of the size of that used
• for:Unklarvidlitd . the Yankee bueket, and.
•to ;combine Absa 'more firm,-• wire of -a
lietier;deenn 4 Potion is wound-.through the
'nuddle.k.;:iiiiicti Prevents ' the -- hogs from
seP4tlrg:tl4,;4l -creeping through.
,•The,...Wlinle r i:eipente..of Ibis . tepee does
not e#esd, 2,5_,c.,..ts per' pantie! of • 10 _
feett.;and der,'Oeneness. arid durability, it
GaslCtf.ag4l4.BPPll!,XPPYtbilig o:!lm
, . eticipp..i..loo4oo -c.,...r.,itidf.:—J.
Lati,:liciyaktiliri q r of Paris is. a written
. 044-dowro P :a. 2Q7 ,between rude
persont,g noble l birth in Armagnac
' The-document bound. the husband and
, WitnlsiTarthteCireclleckifor , icApria :10ne
..4 .- It stipulatedthst the parries should have
- tbn.,-„VlAlitiOntie're;the:tei,atthe,-;end of
thir t tlitnit , if thi, , mutually•agfeed ; but if
.: J lo4.4iiiAil . flypii were to be .equally &Xi.,
•'• , vledtnnd if the number
. 1, hel"viiktiatigiy were to drivi foil' for .
the odd one
,-,_ - Ther e ii,,iii the 81,03', 'tense of Abe
I. .Libliit,- w variant :between 'Saint -Bet ,
, acrd,ntr'lol:YrOClll6 of Rilelrpe t And the
.1'• a *Vet Chullth,_bywhich the saint
bin iihunielf to glee: the tacid. neble man
* , •l i tlie,.:kaiiik'frititbdr, of,iterienf laud in
hivoini,in rho- church 'receives of hiM on
• • eaftV. - , '', 7 •'''.. '!:.",',"::::',`:.''''
.:_...7:',-;°..sigaßlEs,..*.ik.c. '. 1
• ra r=t, • • .
• , c
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ilb.ny; • • • • mo
dai •“....,..6380
• kW NU . 11W741-
;.• mtgs. s s, Bpd elgtab rt,P7t., C
- nigin sszt somas— . 14 •
.noJ I,, , totelotoor.bary
-si•-•", • • •
s 7, FAA. .4tiebitiaLoidi .
1.13 P.l ' . • • ;',„ .
„ L ime 1111713111150 N
•• I ” Er lit laibilma
beaiY 41;fi°12
FlP?!iratiLiatOtaaitC . •
- I=matdiectuo#4.i.
-••• •to bsfA Q 434. ;PPP P." ,
' 'tabu us ended Ilerfit .. *l!.7
"mar-C# oo 4 W4 " / ' 4.1.0,11111141rrt.51M1PT0P1..;
bkho Potabeglii • • •• •
• pl ltt4 a." CUM • •- • •
i•:.?•,"P'i Roall•ll4CAlef..• • '••
• & n wig* Seft•ai.• • •
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# l, ...APPPe a .agrA
za 36 bt4sti• • • • ,- 041n161e p
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'• .. .., r114414401$ pied' agini..*Rrk
'.. ' '• ea ibtsl.,sl. -An 4 111 ..... t , r *Wet
i/1• _ ' ' • ii, iiiil . 4,l.4.‘lt•ty • "..7. - qt.. - . 7 . „ . ....- 7 . ...
..1 ..' .... imiL L- 411-± " ir,"}..'Ml4.• , . !. 1 .7,, ..... S• . 4
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'. -,: .-.:. vaintsamOkatttfte.womeldk.kii h.
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7 • 7, c 1 TR:4,• ,- "nftlf•Ti, f iatar&sasern. ~,,
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• ' It
-. . .--. " ' ' 4 Wil.i.Fir• •'' :L3 , _-- ••• • ts.,
—-• •': 'l"' ' - ' 4. - ' , -- r•-, lot .‘,7z•atr-iggli •
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''' 4. 1- 4.4%**5-. 4 " 4 f t
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' .- • - .....' 0- # 014 .. 1 41414. OP,
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'' - + - ••.:::,, , r;:. .'-:,-.'-':' •qh' .n -- - . . - f, , ,-...-,--..,... -•,....,;',..,=,:--
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" . •41=Isfe.Mmi
.: -: . .
Ri LS urtheonnorrg, scruturersally p.'iputar
r.4- I . ,Bercaltal they erraprepareOhy B
tsy imehlf,e regelar itnaggirt, Chubut auJ.Yby.r
'en of Philadelphia, RttO, the. moire, the
go • ity atui r elaaracter of -the Medicines used in bh
pill sad Viers as . •
' hueond, ;excuse the': poblie dm tahe-them , rritb
grePter eoefolenee than; tenet e th er 'which -hie
prepared by porounsigUerapt both of northe me and
• . . •
A bird / Flue-awe el tbeireembieed effects, proper,
ti Oct captioned to stay Cube Agri namely, purr.
tug ruin the stomach arid,beirels all onbeolthy sub.
stalker, end at the same. time purifying the blood
eourthrßecause thereof -the elieapeot and beE
hie. kin* karma —a single but basting but 2.5 rear;
sad:containing try persona as many
,dollars oll•lintes in Dantor's bill., and uorrieruus
ineteie r , boesta &tried on theriectantriendation
• -••
' Wbenevery. have 'orewtion'trr take. any medi
cine, do POI be tolling will! your constitution by
Trying ell kinds of pills or 'other medielues you ace
Nolo bed nod reeommetuted by ono arid avotber but
',. Dr. Leidy 's Sartaiarilla 11 lad Pills
atidlou will out hiT< loceasion to take aitythiag
'clad. They-will always be found macid
worm. M. dtaimae..lollam4oto of the auenach, bow.
el=;leer and inteatiPeis cramps,of the atomach;
co*, iVatethriinh: toward breed ; tool breath, bad
mato to the mouth, dour erociationa and acidity of
the atitniach, costiveness and indigestion,- wak ol
appetite; billlenadeetinoll.' &seam s . of the' spleee
and kidnaps, dthenserof the akin, - scaly . moaned
dry had 'watery pin:thins or blotches of the lace sun
hady, tetter;rasti,pric kle beamed Bait Hui ena,head.
ache, giddiness, leintnewt, pains pier the heart, 01
the breast, sides, along the back and .pine, rhcuma.•
find and gout, &vett of all kinds, small : pas; eerie.
Iced. measele; wroftila,erpripetu, and in short they
are good 'p akl. &maim haring', their origin in the.
atodtaeb, liver, and internees, lid impurity of the. .
irfTwenlysfive cents z•Boz. "' . 1
, y Sold Wholesale and Retail brit: . A. Fahneslock
At Co. - Cornee,of Plat. and Woad, also corner of 1
Sixth Zeid,Woddeiek.. , , 7! •`` i ' - ! :oepe9 '
1 -
,' ni - ~ A vii i vx., 0 4. 11 m•X', 111130101 . 1 sMet• -•
... It tszitrlnette in the soanothemoraot tlnipaper ,
to lice thg m eli We led oat, heist pemonAl in
reemigmlori: •be of Utility to the middle. Sake of Dr. 1
Jaynes medicine. we have used In mu fa mily for mazy
years. , -For teatime the EXPECTORANT; the CAR-.'
MINATIVE, end VERIIIFIJOE;srIech • we. know to 1
he puod for the complaint. they profess lb ears. We
non Lake Ontario tilaysatemanier. when several 1
of eitetravellingaimpanthee, fear having, In Wmuent.
New,Vork,dmut, for many dayathellomytone water 1
of tam region, were bsdly_attukcii i with violent. Diu. I
doe, and. Dysentery. : lute. ILL promised himself,
mesh's. toleaving home, with .Th Ciontibisave of Dr
',mho,. and--in all caws of itsoptrmong five gentle
men, it was sweessfid la effecting speedy inn . • i
The ExPecrorant we•bithe •kn o used arming our
intimate friends with equal teem,* and we, feel that'
'we *hall do a good act tofu:Mites (especially Bone eit•
aimed ea they emanothave access to tmlneillt. medical' .
sklll,lthadvise them to keep on hand bolbthn Expecte-
runt and Carminative.' Thelspeeniratals believed by
rood phyliciancto be the best ec ripe for Pultannary .
Consumptive Complaints, that hasever yet-been .com
poartded. The reason is, Dr. Jayne is not smack, hm
a regally, nelentige, and able medical praeluoner him- j
self, - His medicines are seed by die beet physicians. I
..-- .• . EZRA. HOLDEN
- V . •,. • . Editor of the Phil. smurday Conner
f For rale in Pittsburgh mite TEEM TEL BTORE.IS
Fourth at-, emu Wood, , • " sen.ll.
,rtni.*.inlifirtiliAnatuNnerAval Malaialli
F tt ' rt i l:r li' av v " ol tlit i g i o r t i es — a=gu P fet
'the it rid erripied having been afflicted daring thapaat
winter with n disease of the stomach, mmedeses pro•
daring great painidthe sumach for tetioratvelve hours
wohoefintermosaion, and , after having tried •verioue
retried.. with little effect; was furnished wlth'a 'bottle
'erne DJ igrue's Carritinstive Balsam - Thisbe - used itc
cording to the directions; and Mond uniarlab ty that this
modiciaareneed the pain to a t irt three or (maxim,
wily:and .in .filleen et Meaty adalateeevery uneasy
sentiation was entirely auk ted. 'The medicine was of
terypardsinted whenever Indicatioas of the approach of
pauteremperreived,andthepam with thereby prevent
ed . Ile continued w use the modicums every evaded
andl sometimes in the. returns, and is a few, weeks
healN was re far restored, that tbo sufferer was [Wee
p/ reont a large. anniuted of oppressive. pain Frame:.
perience, therefore, be can confidently recomme , di De
1/ Jayness Carminative Ealeam, as a raluoiry medicine
for diseases of the stomach and bowels • - A :MUNN
i •.• .' :
,' _ .•• , Allegheny eity.jy7l .
• For sale in Pittsbantb at_the PEKIN TEA „SICIIL
V. Foarthirtieet, - near Wood, and. also at th e Drag •
.Btore Dill P eCIIWARTZ. Federal meet... Allegheey
' . ---- CWISP - n lifia" -- 011FTTOTUIXFUE...,
1,..3 INGS.--Scrolala iii - alf. its ' hinitigaid fonts
whethet in Oral of Kitten BzB,nalarkvenitizits 0. Op
or teazles, Goitre; White &leafing", Caronin
:Rheumatism, Censer, Similes of the Skin or Spine,
.or cif. Pelinanary Consumption, emanate from one
maths same 'cause, which is a poisoned, principle
More or less inherent in the human system.'Theree
fore, unless this principle con be destroyed, no radi-
cal cure can ho effected, bat if the Principle upon
which' the disease tlepends, to (removed, a, core
molt of necessity follow, no matter under abettor=
theidiseiart should inanition itself. This, therefore
' ,in the reason why I.Sitne's ' A Li'lligtATlTg is so uni I
serially in removing ea Welty malignant
dimtasta, It destroys the .Itimarer principle. from
whiten thine 'diseases have their - Origin, by entering
into the circulation, and with the blond is conseyen 1
40 the messiest fttnas e re:eosin} ever) p irtmle of,
disease from the eyeee.m. :Prepared end sold at No.
. BSou lb Third Street. Platuinfphis. • ;
Sold at the Pekin Tea Store,fin. TlFourth Wee. '
7 - 11 SCHATCII.' BOR . TeN7 - 77_77 I
'ilea / ale, FMK SALT Mir:: i, a.-,trto, ,
4 1
- , for a innate day ureic, .; - ,L. of h, the the 1
~ ,,Tetter, Itch. or o th er direare. -.- , iant, if they knew 1
. who would relieve and e ire ii. u. . • ,
,-.-. 'fit hot libbi to i.e 'ut.i.ged to 'Oland scratch , tibia
' it.t room horrirde to abide. from it, It ileeener
, oci e.•,i we en m_owdgr i l.; .d - LeA li be o rge r etk , e r d i. ttla:
,firJL. - 111Y*3 T
• inn. ',incite-Wolof anv other preparation inelisience in,
curing the Tenet, Itch. and nth. direaeeeof th e ski.. I
Ae ultd..comsofthiskin must anse freak the impurity !
of thgehs.d und.ditids of dm: holy, and where seen die' 1
eare - be of Lug %tanning. ,:,d the consolut., affected
thereby, if Dr. Leidy's tat."..ipartas Jilloolrills be toed
with the Ointment, they will cure any whatevet,
mid if they do noi, the money cr.l be resumed by-4.14
Leidy. Llosacase r e, however, will Le a...1y clued
1.7 /Ir LeidY's Teller and Itch Chnoneot, unless' the
whole system is ierpreanatcd by the diseused Lawns,
wterbwil le completely carried airs. the system by
Ih'Leldru rated Pills-awl 16c sitrtnetnet de son heal
ed ity Oil Dinneen,. Wm,: et Ointment Z ern., Eat
Wetly -., • , • ' ,11 A FAHNEITOOK rCO •
aetro • -
OttLIROSIABY II YILSAPI- ', ••- ' • •:
• 1 • • Ateere. heed tr. Cuder-1 feel It ti'daiy Lowe to
My fellow creatures to state lunnothi ng Ilia. respecting
your Vegetable Sultuottaryllsraans. Since I first used
the tlalimin: about eleven yeats,apo,ltte happy effect of
which I Won papthin ye nn el, I ,I reran
; have had us ve'
se vereemeots and attacks at eavilunati-tinte - d , er
days rince-a, d la every Matinee I lase used the Bal. !
emu alone with complete and perfect notes.' It h...
'effected teller and cure. a very-Pm, days. - .!lt as eer
Lindy a safe nnthenici: 1&s not linowthat it mull care
a fixed consumption. but I believe It will beta many
eases • preventative, amt prevernisn la beam than ease.
1 do therefore. for lea love. ray kik:nem°, eaniestly,
reionamegul the Wee orthie Dahass. to all. paleiton.r,
eninpla oar. •I am Confident t h e It h. been the means
- of preserving my life to dos day. .. • - - , ,
' ' • • •
Dot nn Pliannn. .
iloiton,lene lit, Itild, •• ' ' • • .• i•
• Sold by It A FAHNEIrTOCIT .k CO.,Carner of Pint'
and Wood; also _ comer alb Mid Weed we. .! runtS'
. It NOROAITS COUGH SVIIUP.-It Proved ic. be the
-WA groat, rammer in curing my tittle's distreselng
Come Crane -We are not in the habit of paling,
otheh leas tabor Patent htedieines. bat we feel deemed
to recommend atermin'eSyrop to those who are anima
with a coven. After . ..elm stied them:nal remedies 'it
seekers. a' eenstlet and diltnssing cough, that bad . Co,
&teem' days alTheted one of per chlldren,witherasne.
emit, we Worn itidetied to try Alorgita's Cough' Strap,
road by Ic relief, ins obtained in a fear hour.: It moved
Abbe the pairatea la Miscue at trust.
.• , .• , ~ .
Prepared wholesale and remit by dm proprletoi,
.101 IN D ISIOROANtDrenikt, . :
' . woe:tett door lets. clamed as.
• oor
W i slir y E oana . T e eNierblilfra e tly lac l oo k at
al: your own, pitted ' arkk.enjamas and bleuee ' s ! Vet
yea ale 100, gamic .010 any . C.llo sensor the
gran Ckemical keep, which emeld eaumil Se.
im hoe. Mem, sad make yoar.yelkrar akar, and
balmy. -stance Jaskson'a lame, Liberty: at.
Pittaberab,sad get a cake. - • r • • • • •
N D 7atekson's Mike onlyplata LarStabstOminie
the GENUINE it to ba obuzed.:Beware .of
t.i •
EL.7.on4itnvic the Dia Itnoi staid.
13 AU P.PiTS 561,1":111OVMUJIPCGT.!—IT 15
UnherneaLlfaW - 0 1 P 93. IM7.
/dr. D. P. Oratorii—DeolllWii pirefeeed• two
Poole* of Pelk veneldede - sad oaddereet one Inv
elo so pro of rat eaildreo4 eeldelt Ineedldinds one IN
woven, end hoos the eagle IN: • I deeedmiteddle eo the
en...avail,. se °needle boot remedieilliiive 'Veneta
.or .ad for she femoral of - . -•- •
• • ' •,• Veurs, revreAnT•
' ' '• • • Jill, TookrroN, Cr,
. .
Prepared arid sold Pp IL I SP.I.A.P.NALS7 Woad mi.;
mowers ltd sod O au.. Sold or II!. camal,lsll Wee*
Clinoll.lll SAWICZ—If istci Tos!LIFSI7!,
• '"6.4 ale bf O A PAHrat3foc!
!VIII 11111W1 f3't'44
TiIS Meows possesses natty:=llone all
i.rlttansiriabkeatu.— g rap b* idWly and ' breed bktit .
easy be smorrollen with tle msatest.easo, oriols tbs
Itassmer Is irl operation, and tie knots; ma{ be to
mantis arrested, and • ...pep ditT at .1 height.
Its Umscrsaldy, ocasramity,l6 Onstale m ee k of all
tropkinds, an laigef Iso the smallest, andel the same
. Its Sil9o it itT,COsipsetnees and Chiapeess.
adesodltio, WO , sides, birth° workmen'
. dm hummed ass rade SAFA diets. .
mbscnbers eentlau, to ersestoorders for dine
lamuneto, es, upon reassemble terms.....• •
For farther perusals,. moso
' Auldness of the Pawns for the Valtrd
&oilman Ponsdry, PYllsAlea •
M.arnmers. or • • . .
or ALL Disatirims z
t , Soitli"tea& Street. 4: • •
Back of 7 A. litilloWstirbinut Wars Maigfri
c,,nemaso. • • 14
10411 v , A. C.•NICKHAtioN
, . . r. . : 0A11.111.11.01i1 I. • , . •
. „ WILLIAM pair, COACH 4W)
1 :4911VBILINZAI ••••717 in gy ve d ,
rilliadatigg , Lila of Or Ors et 00e*
. -Ifsbgampopgady Aalbrarlartmada
. 6104 pall4thiMr Or ler*lll tory
6 =e a l teL lisa ...1 r 1 „. „a. -. , Pi
d i et to ark, OA. ,40 m
IA wlltrilma t kretsalacta A"loribl .5..... i5b33.1 1 1 ..
VV-7. ,-' FEU VMS!I . lIIIIIIITT 7; , • - ;*.
c4itit.driberimad v.t4wAtjeykstt6 tali:ism
i m t . / s
u ‘tnag : 14 }x i = lt d i x 1
m valneaLbON.P.thawageLiworirraoni guirma
ti . tb d o fr **Madge as& of olbsats. :11114/111011,
.6.11 , loAdelVilttglkipprOt
• ~:iiiiliiiiiliiliiri 7:
• i iiiiait ' 1145 ' 47A 1 0 4,2 4 0 # ;;' . 1 - 1 . ; le"'
5 4 6 .trtj*""" I n" ,,
bleeding or roid,slii, 1
lad of the kidiwtso4 EL,d.
der, Usk flock lad role, 'eustivenproinp„
sller ensidonnent Art oftEri inaublid
with eutatipitina of th e„.,boWels p? 4,WD - enrol, nsq a. the
'yaks 1p all wch wireTtLe Spedif.e,eaii be :Gillen with per
feet safety, aaJ ol a eertalri iertiedy. Th..Ppcslie raw,
purgative, soda an
ply iegclable Dowdy, withvaCti pee
tonly tide ofvuolay,alory ors or fwei—pleDant takessol yu)
4. 7 1144 in Ds JelieaD9res.. •
Tbk 4 t, eettify thal /know Dr. lagoldsby'r Tile Spiveic s
tot* a certeio cure asifaife moody. llsting setruitperee , ,
iisereral uw. r .wraßoio7 Essii4ionnes...iuseserideti
firme•l sod severe eases of the where it 'mate ow mtira
tare iseiery cac.• '.. Y WHITEHEAD.
• New York: ISlnlyigreat. , •
I cheerfully site iny,,traisrauy a. to the eataidsoCsiton
isLing effesta of fle.fuillsby'r 'know it
Gorr my inns esperoev.e. siol observation; to be infel/it.let
Daring stall wet villa therm. iu seyorel it* .4 . .; node
• Ncr Yoek, - .1115y,161.5. „ •.: Sisihiorest.
• • Sic. l'oik,slav,lntin
Alr..lltabi—Drar hare 4h. pfintnut to'may, the
Imtr medicine, Dr.lnntad.bytt rit e. apecinr, has made a p, r
tort nure in th e eve of my mutr,and you
that 1. bars bern surprinal at it, ma it =a tamp op.olou out
rtnafble bare tar. Ilowever, Imu mow Utility ~ the wed.acme as bring infallible„ nod do advionall .nher. ahoy.: 611
anted in the Olgananc, to procure the ast.ole,, as they may
, • . Teams impect.
• Want:Umber, ri• alai 1.5. Ida& .
Dr. Inzoldaby—Dsor ir•:—'l'hat you May benettt . 011141
into may* sulreringi a 6 orals. to ma. my gratitude for
Lht *teen I ham! derPted Dom them otyour .alimble Spa •
. .
fife-, I eotesp/i With ',her embed, seal now do gilt Coy testi
ntooy hew. edit, having heen'entwd of treere &dock of
the Files attar hawiag toed Whet. rented! withotit +twee..
Faure wide reepet
!had wholewle and retail by WM. JACIO3O PI, at bit Fat
tat Medicine Wareltoole, lewd BOnd sod likwe Store No. SS
Litany Wirt, head of Wood, Pittsherigh. Price , mete
pnbs .. • . Y
•7,11111 S No Phis Ulna impnoveme
Imo now been in CM cheat Men years, and wherever
is khown, preferred told; miler Beadmends,
• Yoe cheapness, Wang* add enavestiepee•ii hen not
and cansot he equalled,
.•• it Is deentedly the best,
cheapestand Mai L ein:gement lkilstead in use, and Per
fectly prrief againmlMlP. -
The principal Cabinet Metiers and Tamers in Ale.
phony oily and in ,Pinsburgh, have second Rights to
Inanufaeture wd sell the article. As there are spunons
articles and imperLiet Imitations in We-match Omelet
sets would do welfto examine the east iron plates on
which in the genuine article the name of the patentee,
E. P.0....11.. Invartably cash As a proofof op di it
la claimed for Gistim's Bedstead s, the following rerlia.
eate from Cabinet motets well known in Potaburgh end
, the West; is submitted to the pnblic t • . • . ,
We, the subecribers. practical cabinet makers and
Itedweadmanufactnrers of the cities Of Pittsburgh and
Allegheny, Pa., do:hereby certify that we have bought
Alm right to miinufacture Leibitivtdo with Gaimant's Pat
ent Fastenings, rind consider.the same superior to ens,
fameoluoir with which we are segmtinted.
Janie, Lenten 4 : - . john Mtireiv.
. T.B Young & C •' - 4 Robert Warman
J R listtlay ' ' /amen 11 Barr
Joan Liggett:in- Jas. Lavery & Sow ,
Towns lt, ethics Riddled Drone. ' '
Thomas Fade, Raritsoy & M'Clelland.
DamiLaker ' ' . 'Moses Bullock
• Roberts ft-Kane
I lu Akay W ert n . "? .. • . !as W. Woodwell
J Meehan. '. George Snyder
.Wm Hallett ' ' , - .1 Melilamrsi. Co •
Alermider.Lawsoil • .
-For Rights to make and sell the above Bedstead!
ripply to -,-- ' , - EBENERF_Ity IIi..BRAM, t
---- mm
1. -• pytblistted in the City of Washington, every day. at
3 o'clock, P. r„.—Santlayexcepted—and served to
sabscrilicrs a the City, at the Navy Yard, in George
town, to Alexandrisnitod in Baltimore, the tame even.
lag , we* cents• week, payable to the Pole Agent fur
the Whig, G. 4..Gipehrest, Esq., - or his order. It is alma
madedito any pact of the United States for 114 per an
. note. or lIS for us pitonthe,pisyable • ln edinnee.
Adeerusedieels of ten Imes itt le e inserted one time
for. 0 mat, two time. for 75 cents. three time. for SI
one week for SI 75, two weeks f0r,32 75, one inotith St
'two months 117, three mouths Stn. ton months RIO, one s.
ye... Sat—payable alvray• in advance. .
•fa NaGenahWltto a who its name Indicates. It
s p,sgs the t emitnentit of the Whig party of the .L' s
ori rimy question of hliciri , licy. It advocates the
eirethirfro the Presidency of ZaNalet Tajaoa, subjet,
td the.' Atrilfil>ll of a Whig Nationel ConventiOn it
mated war to the knife upon Au the Me AKu res and eon
of the administration deemed to Le adverse to the into
reins of the country, and exposes without fear or favor
Me: eorraptlons of Me party In powcf. Its 'colon. are
W.. m eveW ...ninth. country, for the' dismission of
political or soy other questions. . , •
I_ln addition-to politica& law race in the ,Netional
Whig .11be devoted m publications pon Agriculture,
' Mechanics, arid other , useful ana,' Se t-nee to recrui t
-ntibrdn 'n'nt.F.S4Xl'glinCtiltinreC,bwQ,illl'atllie's'iTePn-,
'melding the Se. • A. weekly Bat of the Patents
Bated by the Patent OiLee will like wlie Le published—
the whole fiarmiug a coinplete family newepftper.
The Weakly Rational Wialg,
- One of the largest newspapers its -the United States, is
made up front the Columns of 'Me Dailitli slams' Whig;
• •nd is published egery datardity for the low price of PM
i per annum, 'payable In advance. A double Sheeted
i eightpagea .11 be given whenevrithepress of matter
t I shall prods it.: -• .. , 1. . ~ i ..
En,. ,n,,,,,,1ts of Vent rePfeyler. wrineir e•prewir
• fir the National Whip; are to enure: of . publ;ca.u.--
,Titey teinit.ueed with the 'second number, a large
nomtm, of copies of which hove [den ptioted to supply,
calls tor bacanunthere: CHAS W 'l-1-INYON ,
' - Propperar of National W nig -
Washingion,Jane 3,1647. , teleJlisnfins
•• AUAMOY POrt: PA.T/C/NTAN ' - - -
. ~, Washington: .D.' C. ' ' t ' 1
rJENAs . e., IttillOlNlC. Ideelfinicul Itagineet end
z, ~
g gen ,,, , p ,,i v ,, ing hiteotc, nettl prepare flte Ilr-
CCJAIs} Drlsivflqn and Papet , ter Alliotrwl, lor t o ,
env, nod OuAract cal fOlicr. !AA.,iran In ltiC I , rn of tin
'pry/feta.. pr. tio,Petent Office. Itr' ran Or coo-alteff
on all gloN•pona relmteglo llelNitrust Le Ira and iVel ,
ang at the 'Untied 'titalil Or 'Coupe. l'e urn. , at• 6
dig:nice tir'eiroug of Pl.ofilfg eiLLInI.IIIoILS nal& ai 14.:
. parent 0115•Ir.p.1111 . to/analog uppllentiun tot' • tolleith
ma) forward (pact punt, enclosing a Ire of Er glellar..
1 a clear statement of, their one, whentounciPao atten
tion will be' given in it. sad all We inioodation that
andi Ge obtained by 1 vain utrittc uppllcaut to g , e1.00.)
• promptly entafounicatot. , - --
All Inneis ph twaiiisv. Owl:4 roltpuld. ntd
a coitaldr - ire. wl.cle a u viten .p.oun in ...pore
(*lee er F - _••treet.., , Prul ,, l , si , l' r... 4 ' 111, ' -
Ile lia. toe Inntar et reforrote, by pe'l, tu
Una. CAltranntratOe,Co3ll.l l l.eionil of Porno;
lOne. II I. Ellarorph, hue 4. ,It dip:
It Knowles, fdaenuaiot, Eaten , O ' lflee•
Judge Cianch, AVactilegunl• I , ‘o I
, l lion. II Choate, Atua.cliescus. S Altar;
Zion. Pi Auk.. .Ohm. ' do,
Hen. l II Itiorlin, hl C. Ali.aouti;
Ilse. Willi. Hall. New Yak; •
- Ilan. Robert Smith. Al 1., allinut.;
' Hon. II Ilteere.o iSenate;. • .1
• ' nod) II !tell, Ii U. Sloweaut;
l '. F'S' it a 8it.te''..,..!4,6.?!.i'''
and VIM fillalOalible Eastern Plittflitli and eolent.
THE CHEAP EOM, or Ho9roN BLIND, on .ttmtd
or made to ordeeof all µsex. and. ell prices. '
Country Iderehanta mid other. are invited to call and
examine the above for rheraselvai att will be sold
wholesale or retail. andst liberal deduction made to
wholesale porahmera. •
To Onocers and Tea Dealer.. .
No• 35 Noith Flynt Street.Philodflphia.
... i,
I.9 l:: ,. .rj a : F. ri t lefi:eltr et: ' , ( l. ...l
. . ,
Cle.t,Or packed In then p dtdaee ath ,by We:
} : ,ar pt
yie, at peace” late wady ,
idler atlibii4Latrel in 4te Dented nate. ' For
1 tekin—
'• Wahl elm. Vane I on. Vow deaden nod idea
in DA eau. POlver of do;' • • ' .
911 Ono 'tab( eh,
line wid tiled,/
41/0 de • , 'do and rein Itopeitaltfunt,tllla
lacking oid Dna°. gradnD . . ,
tin at nista ando d On arm Oolonrang, gs (va4..ri .
MD do ous) . Aloe , .
. 150 do Potechones tt3telan and tau neyortOl
Omega dead Ykrentry. Peeion, Knelob Dlrnalent
Teas, kn. De. • , • •• . • '
This Caeoputy establish so ealasteassenein tn'any
kind ass of Philadelphia, bet fatal.ken Ten parked la
. 5 and 5 posed paeltonee, beering Anne own nano to Ale'
general Dad of senelity ednal to ant . soldW the U.
,q.... 11,1,40 Mite ponce, and pkdo tlnumil.. le to
toed the !Odder gar *Oh at don not woe Pin, tt Aniline- •
ton. • . ' ideCALLMONT A IkOND ..• . ,
d i
No Di riorth Flont i Stn, • •
• . 'iv task Depot of the tomato'.
N. D. Oldest form ri.toode trended fatthfolly uld
nth detpateD. •. • • . , Dice 'B4D •
• J. R. br0... - KOAL re Arent of the Queasily' II in
dila etty, sad willed! span Owen and Tea DeVera
optll43trels .. •
- -- —.—_._.
milairomi r ao l / 11 / 6 . ,
pattl VUHK. . .
"ritse m riean Aied:l: o 4: rra w ied to; the
eel...leer of Pres All ' arr it or Illemlor go one'yell'''.
me &Me ue norliedr let, to the - p ion 'of large
sod toga) , .arga, weigh entry member ri i CtiVet
• .:: $ 1:, 44 " NI; th att P lor:•{111r:11:11 1 t r Yt " en th iltZ
vrkiekare dleutheredy byaloonieeng the ocathere, In
•• • •
Iftp•lntliso were dlaininried. Ti,h Iry
numaroasaarl oalosble—sisora than
di D F7y a L l ano
140 introOrtarly p•
and In addition them son
by dharibatitik tau bro.° inedsls of Washing.° Or
ton, WY I 10 proaress.. 'hod est h washer .11 'cerise
Jolly Elat•lkat Men,' ally. Uihii
hsner'Pl~odadO.A after nonunion°. •
% t r ipo d b.nai horn apponsoi
r for Plusborgh and vicinity taprypared in Ty,
OM, ripthsn. •
Thole lashing la beam. , mob:. srin foraraid . th°
llthilatsO of she rxlFtikin , dqincso as awn as way be
terronlent . • • Va. CA1.13WP.1.1. •
Meet. stowde the Poo OSeo •
• • AliwurAiinsrocK
.• • • • . escaped ft in ina' • •
Toak...ow kat amitieoced mobs 'el* rek:
ibo Naerscoeleni of ?MM. Iltk,le,sll ua
vorlou btaneheo.• • • •
rwoerg tb,..0..1 the errantry who'oratorsat of
lobs. mold do wall by callow .a doe rah. pool
-09.1001111,1r0f IMsvlret, ao they :oral b. .old al too.
isoldebkoredoetlon ham taparn Tb.! aunty.
.1.• stalled In pram of banaiy, of die etre,.
Jost* of ofsioqual from ortorh Owl Pie loonafsrodr.l.
The•lltbferihrr elkneol hat bfiie•• whom a ouperiar
.tilde 1. of,dad fora lr p dca. that a.inetam iodurn •
woo is adraorsaf b maeota• 1120 of all .wirri
eva Primate lota. tie is aka oarldiad dtat m.mnbr upon
aorratpood wIMI dm above Irproaentadom•od
weald therenne onban the ammo of tarrr who feeL
capo..d le rnrnarue 4.ll,!Oilloviarlfbrini of dm trot!..
to do. chy. • •
Orden tlifeCtra la 11111110. nitit
.rrnitrfl4 COW/ or Pilknualtdand Market 1111001,
• grfl i - 11PW Pal ha10.7:4;
/welt of ISSii—frnre Piero
!Aka:W.4cent aNi ,Wef.toro N V, tare *tad, tbta
PAN. Iliteder. Itelloohitzanty. • ..-•• , 1 • •
Eaten rioutf the vox. 11 natw heir*
nc yloo4,7irereueee apt. A...icy .111 firs
4 4 4e Ate - tbiayadvitme to poorly New dur.
end to aeltlarnegboot lbw .esate
'trim ... Pact pote.. - . GEO. W..,111 - flf k•co,,"
jaa Erearrew."
bbiarzfriairtilialum Ai/Woof bar 011110,3 n.
Minot oe I=4 cober
4oe lose , 11:11004 4 aliet Ammo, aahlo‘u) can.
, •
70) - vri§
tA. R A. PA'll
• • •
. extrotirtlitary - Xtditiii.
- Thu eltrict la putt'''. in Suit mities
idcarantir,..l hraiTaolcii t
; . hilitalto; they
The Out bttliy stipitiority'or
'ail mien Medicate.* *Kiev. End'
matt \r. iA). It is tms.• of 114,
SU.% .11E1?1C111Eicmr Voss
whale syltrin t r c1411.r. the
esii•lfiintiEhshit rife
nircime. 'Ala ail this lies the ‘r.ind
_. _ •
nocreos. It( ottiozlinutodmithro
W it4, *sore Caul of
of Iltnr. uere mouldered ittcugahln. ,
litmatic ilteurtuttinn . i
rl,ootl cues ofliytidlota, :
.41100.110 ttorettllkbdtl) tool Want of.E.nersi;
: t all comp( different Esteule Complaint •
I,La, rues of she I.iscr Cutus Lint ; •
mrns& Mira. of the 'Kidney soul
:I,cars 11. , ..11of.Coasomptica;
Awl Thousands of elves of Dux.« of the Plood, , eix: II leers,
ithco..rOap:sea,'ll,e Fu., b.., a., To,
lei us nun. row (Itl of rain in sbi;
tole sisol Chest:l:pi.' Affect/omi, de., ke.'
Tre, !mt, mule elver men...Uhl, hut we here
itooifhpiciAo. sod nor smis ' from alt: earls of the
noted Sulu, inforstini u• of ettraoldinary cure t. It; V..
Buskisk, Flol.onse of the.snost raped/Ile d fluids fn
sot, fy mimeo us du , . ho can tefes tom Shan ISO Re
SD lloslioioc: (due, Thcie velhowands of cues in We
Vseventilc ,161,,,e known. It undoolisedlyuted the lit.
. I t UiYJ tmuntsw Tl[ FAIT 62.6 mi
Ai It remused the raw. r dueue, and pt epared theta I,
'. • i• 1./strissi Stein, tee,
_, • , .
Ceti. U.; o f MTV> ST.V.• Nl7lr;
and member of the New Jersey Legislature, heatiodtpeol
~i r
ti. the s iollo tug canincate. It It c h its own nay. „
:• • . hallway, h01.n3, litil7. '
Ayer y' to I was taken Wilk tbe luttnina. aid my-whole
nand left n • debilitated mate Uwe induced to try ,Dr.-
Ifowniend'a tianatadille, me after ban % two or Mtree bot
tles lum Very much relined, and anthem it entirely hate
and Sanatory: ha. I hire tionaimmill taking it, and Mtd that
I nit:ivory 'ug day. I believe it and my life, mut wolild
Mbe in nt it under say dimiii.
13. W. illnl i sda, lee U.S. N.
Tide ee ' le concloairely prone the thh Banapartna
has per, control Onr :the mod .obnate db.enad of ;the
•Inntel. • Three tamest and in out,
I. unprecedeeted.
' M. Tnifeldwo—Dear Sir vllwieelleepleaminiita inform
yowthe three of my dahlia have ern cored of oh. &to
fin by , the ead.of your' excellent medicine.. Th ity,idere
itlicte miry eenr4y with Ind wee; line *illy taken foe
bonne; Ittook theta' away, for veto& I feel myselfander
deep obligation. . Yeass r eeeetfolly,
Undeli7. C11.&11, IDS Woomer et.
' ,
. New York, Mani I. SICf. •" • • .'. . '
~. . .
D. Toonoiod's Sarsaparilla to • toorrolgo ma oroodi
titio Att. locierat Cotoomptioo, Bornostot, Letteorrbo, or
Wbitos, obo.roetzt daffoolt. Ineontiourneo
of 1.1 n., ar utroluotizy disclorp , thorrof..O foi.tho pa
rrs/ pmanik.- whellortlo result
of loherritosivo oc.olonts;pralticellPfinoguivity,illocu
bitsi n t g i , t . s.,invigaitatiat4
' T au
!nate, Gum taking it, atom: became robovt wad (allot Vai aknes and igi
node' iolluenea. It iiiintedistely connternni the nem '
Ironies. of the (may from, which Who great ea.. *Oar:
It vodl Dot be. expected of in, to ow of da delicate • m
ime, to exh•bit eutibeatea of tares puT(ol7*Yd, bat rye tan
assure die afilieted,tint hindride of eased have been reputed,
ox. • Setryral user ahem flocidies bare been rithout
1711, aflii using a. iror kottles of tide invaluable sae:die.,
have bun Mont vrith Maltby ofraiding.
. De. Tatenten4: My wife. hying greatly distressed by
vreskoire aid general debility, rod,
by. rail and a ittaxMoo of bearing ilbvin, babe{ alba
'womb, and with +titter diesculties,* and having known taxes
divoie year oiedieioe. has effeartgeeal cures • said also hear
, ag it recommended for such hussy have dealiihed,lobtaier
ad • tunic of your Extract of thsrapvilixOnd (Mooed
the dkeetiaab Oa me the. o r abort perwd it roamed
tee anoptaitdo and slow:4 tor health. Being 'grate dal La
the beneutelhercrsivell, I Übe pkasore SeinOlNlcar
tog it, ...a reilmaltodia, it thl. hr: D. Mecum,
lbony, dn. - N.l*U. Cor. of Grout sail Lyillux
Commorigidiept.. lerts.
Dr Timarmewif: To all whom We may momno-Thie ie
to comfy that mt wife mid mu bottl• of •yom
promotu to her:omfmemmit, tinder the mug' simid6g and
delicate nrcomadmirm, being troubled with Wadropqet wel
or diednic nem. allictiom;iod very timetiOlebildr.
mil; with my plinossim, And tbe tomettmondeloo of dose
who had wed i& M.) was induced to ley It, with Mild or oa
faith; find soff& it be
=die. hail tbethappy and
dfroailoed 0., to the but aloe!
tho espirati. of am etrek at U. yee; chi Dopy - and por
t.. 0.600 gape way to an astonishlog dep.,
hiahla is oar bet. tbaoit lad booe tima
If this will be orb wales-to yens or say ooe RhO
Jost. weseas Liu mediae> . e, you lila cOoly welcome m
iabscritn meal par toad ceiedieal sad iiatiyee i• read;
This Katraci or Sanapsrihs Dos bent mitennaly pestered
its sea - snare tJ somplaints. No female who has rea
ps to eoppose she tiaptroactung that critical period, "TM
into of . isa" should ooziest to tabs et, as LLisa certain
protest:he fur asy uf tba mutiertme and isorsibls doesate
which females ars subjsrt at (hie ou of lifth. This period
may be dels)ed fur *metal reters . by mist Om medicine Hoy
a Ira valsahte to those oho Svc approaching Ssitimboal,
ai it is olculated to Swat ishosis lernsictmousg the Shirt
cod insturatin doe system hutted, thII blv dinar Is hand-'
Oable tut of the delicate &erases to *Mill eromits stn
- It braes, the whole miens, rnstre prressnetaly ISt tato
! tat- eorrgoss--by tempting Use iimmeibta ofshe idly—nos ,
So. Intisidating she u to nalsic• • aikaaliant re,
bisstiosoeitudise the swot of most madieince iskssi,* hash.
sembuses had discus •
R)1 1005.
Tots hate.pate coati& s woe, dOll e}as, Lfots on Ms
tot, . treskka, and *le .• toll of voile,. les,
o bi A ts i e . o f Dr To
h sou
4 ;las aass. frailskaasai M. 0., and
got p..motel.: sp,rbLing (7til, 1 - 0 - 6 Leadtifal
meemdeschon ot'silciuls,atz 1016.0% valor to swam%
,feel Lake.
No ot medicine foes ever lot, efitemicitd which ...eo
warty strinaths the. r juice or oohs* in decosipsiing
gost and shrug ilittong the corms of dighdros, sad, preps,
tsar. of Sts
I:hes PrAA XTat A ter, Albany, May in, IBIS.
lloomo o d, oir —I Pete au, sOdotid FR Wert!
orar2l.ll. d3spefsia is its oralm•; eittondnd we toi:e,
h of 'ehosseb, tar Of opisiits , ratreme. hearthors, sad a
gat stersius Poo of frolond week. (what I
uhl r'st,/ tars' hese imshie to eaoia but a Main lama.
oh my stuisach I treed the missi rtinidies, obey bad
link or nu e Get to removing tha complaint I sras
dosed, oleo. two months since. to try your Ettesel of harm-
Taril/s,and I Ins. sarwille littla Scenfitherot, bat slier using
.ocarll 'him bottles.) funsd leppetilO" mistureJ, and the
621A.1 1 1 <tamely remormhisol I would rarnehly riccere
. mend the cue ufli m tie.r who hare been attkted as f bare
Veen. Your", key W. W.-{' hit islet,
Nor US., ' . - blatenlaiss4 o
head the Caltimirgood - don't if you eau. that enalwesp-
Wm nowt be owed. 'llricr.amly we of Mc want hundred
Mat Soat}oriiL. L. Cared
W,2lrtemorra—Lteir Sr I wm lade irrer •
near vo, wan rt snare cortentod 'rim Li dray tin. 31 4t
n.. tro scr) MA; 1 vow ponoweed by poi
oo.tio 1o Loo the rtrackscomurtiptroto I ward tarp stow
titics of WI mitur, burl orydg "mom, end
. 4olMty on" fait
my ann.:rid lot could do truant-4W ow. , I wmt wm th.
lowpital tabor of Ming benfamd, but tom prooomerd One
at moral, I raM low grailly.trotrewed ad. layr., and
rook! hardly buena ;luau Weisos emanatedomdmpaele: d
to die was conford to' my bid,' sod was 'oblird m bsje
wombs. .indeed 1' mosnat; pre you any deteriptiou shot.
would &Juane to ioy cum mos tuppoWl by toy ;Womb
to be pig nsmirry ; trod • great muut;orof romodko;
yrt K aron plc to on purport. I and of ram moot ex- •
traordioary mires parfonorci by your. medicine, ortd,qo toil
you tin wan, I rampant. d Mtn was 1106011 Numb% them.
But I rraa,ioducul to my. it I did o, orl*ltMry thankful
I did. 1!tbet am entinly,orall; but ate to fai
remnant m 14 10 olma my buoiomm;sod hope to. be,mdeo-
ly a few week,tooth - ogb mod pm in the Ode,
nd, orOt somata ban lellmroart ianobut very We, an d
wfit!. Pioiud.ul-twusl kientb. 'Mt itat Jay t. pare
; you a wetawat of joy cam, to poblith if you pleworoy -
• YormoDzotott, Lula Boooklim :
OpinlettS of Physlea.
Di Towi..l3eod ructriocordera frtuo phy;
atainna in theorem. ports,of the UPIOIL. •
Tins ts to certify that Wt., the onelirsiroad, Phytielana of
az Gay of Albany, Woe nosattona canna pt . ...riled Do.
Tot...ears batraparillo;stutarta it lobo ono of dueling
valuable repaint/wit of tri• finoloptrillti ad: ow kat
nano, a n,-
J Wuooo r r o, . .
R B Blows, o,;
r Easoutoota.i
Albmy, A r,
• •
. • .•••••—••
Ildy • certify that is, the endosipsil, peisLeing
pbpin.J. of tM CUT of An... h... ft
E 1 De Tooosesds Cusps:u! Lassa of Sus.
• ssil from Ss booms gush*, mould esessosonad it is
foolscresseac issolotovAisid olhore wasp...4o
moss; Is reliance ?easy?! the silseilissa readies grow is
tie. A W Htsmu.,T, e, .
tail Apia R, itee.: D trate., r.
Drisaysen,. F alias el, Ass Walks N Rog.
•d •iy Lis lau st Bogus; Dr Dyou 4. Sans, 1.19 Meth Sot
- Y s rbilishryboi; A II limes, dna*, ISsitbabso; soil by
ye_sseiyol Anamits 'away thevoghoss shir Sisley
MA lodic. soil the
!loss poisn, salsa rat op is 'as ismmem batiks,
srisish comsat • qurt wiib she wrists Spasm.
:of S p TOWS,Eff Di sisa ht•sisss• Met. it• • We.
Vms thr York will Earn. of 4juil
111:XrU "r 21,7•Inr 4 , "n fa
Th. libok tkue up ug lA.: war of dul gnu.
bllaodwaia pau.ticipin unulatut,ubiektagrther
Mg truelylar.l.4ll:o44ll4 Us dm sua mean • Amur
. Z ", .1 4 . 72: 4 t:1 :at uct T ui
vskupopularsly RUA uryuireel:
Norvoio DoDIIII
abcf obs,Alseelb7,lff
T r . ot,ll:l7=ltatetra rro ette, '*t al r lem k e:
~o,lme of owile;p•be to th• We, saml puma htebilly,
bromyit calm sbl ► ti• matumial hut •ab &alio •tselt
I to• *object to la m
oos br. as mei... I hor• tams other
amdea, roumm toe, OW milblittl•or so no ,
Si-. I.w i.av dy Nbat I wraith. math 0y • holik
pier OtheepuriNe PM...fight bead stool ee
I trati- I hors
AIN Übe. orremlooom aord I am uthrratouogly Siy
I.U. tome ...Maw I ham .erer
Me pm• M . 0.)
ed,••••• rat, m 4.1 64 oetrito iliSerent Meogtherr mom
I braving. yraliraraglin...l hare tra Imp&
lir elm I Sly Ink las Wirt ihollk tho alba efer
41.1 maim I would rroomacd. of'oe • bobby, meld.
miently. ad I feel cow Weed) ul if eo turd theft Imola sol
Io sou oho hhhild mosombutily losoy
Doctor's WWI tor • bilo it rotorti Bprute, dm gime*
'the etomach Vora. thee, mcbler Wm: il keep the Wad
o,a healdly Mote; to thai diem. as dot ea wokliack the
q .t.... ma hi allthom oboa ar• loot aluolthyMms, Imy
try Dr TornmemPo .larr partha. .
Tomb.* Petrrb 7D'Atlmi m:
in the Mast be
&low iron ammo of moles ehil4 rimed Dr Torrarareo
Pormfarifle rernl lho Limo of linens& of
The latkortug udiLeeta le KUM...I (ram grtal ethmkett
oe. Irei ebb week,
Nor Vont, Apn12.1144. •
.104 Tomos& 1144140--0•• of apt\ 0 4,4 0: lONMY
4ick 741446 a Coodoroo oboosh sad theoll. 0/0•411 MO'
gr451.411141y.. lose. ear Opop 1.407440til ollooof pod
eacolkol KW. L. 14 dewed si dm/417,4 which 00l
M law { ikdroi road, icon raporhlll, • •
• KIJIM .era Voww• •27 Lintnoood.
. Tor DDELLEDS Drawl, N 044 Wool otr,
els, who la. Wm 1.1"..4ed 07 Dr
TOWNSEND solo Divot Ern/14mq to 70014,17 if
Ilailrand's•Celebraled Fluld•Nagorsta.
11111 . 1.4a_st i oolot:11 , 14=1 and 14=t i
000lieol . 00•Low of out orwpro•
wallow litoraron, oroboa Wet Inbin to Dreo.iaoe.
tam. ibaboverbwor bad wiati.oo,*_.pu.
Amor* Or, sprobbdotilho Ms4llogooolaloogolo
41147; TAIINZOTOES. ft DO. went 11l moi
minis linotene toklag ouo Val of tor
111401.01144 Wpm Apeobe, • eIDI4 .114.
opwat4.oEly wins% aubb by pre at 00.i4
1 . 4 1440.11411.114411y1/ 1 / 1 /4 4 0 14 4 14 4 ug,. "roma.
to tray auptisbel alma medicine) evcr
sees/ 1 mivibilbillWeriti'w"
t •-• • = Tbrwretabin
'For ak1ty,4111 . 14 %poi° Wood Amor. tun
- --,--'---- ;: - C : i ,
rolow & reli surs.i, ,
~ i . - FOGli-VIEF4 IO Ns tioprictort;::,-..,
rpurs Dept longpparimLax . kop.rnu . b,....ii .
~.. out of We mast conuSantainf tn3hatitjairlPatlttate
ba recently ltadetraW Yari .W..k , ..11. 1 1 ,4 Z..
lerprovemeill.. 'Adi.... de..iWidgbad.b.d. d.
co,ilainingnom m erOil=t d p: lkke eßgi Udi
i i'11t.'%.1'.:1,...t:i. z.a.,,......:,..,--i;-;.-1
, tugancredaual h o 100atilgipe mad beastifal
gay le. lu fact the whale 1.1..0,111 ago(Al,4 ..h.4,
1 5 ' ,.. :% . ...v. 0 . -d e. ", r , ;: ; ,7g -, fr.... - _,_; *.ut o,p 2 p
scald) Ibex confidently' mode ails that
lenge tawpartson withvay frotertnitte Uhidn. • ,
Taw table selltidaraya , besattliad sana every start
.....til tad luxury wallah Weinlet allastsj waved up
ii, a captriot atyle,earttila in.tha way of Miatlglaa4
;bey veal not be an rouse
~111 conclusion We ompozwra beg to say, Miat nethlng
on 1... ,
-.11 _t ell undone 4361b01. parroted batypanath.,,,
amt Is, 1.0 vanderttels.ltatel twenty the a:magma
;otrana cof Wale (nen& and the public generally. • •
The cuhir.beuird Wore olen , been ;adored tot.b;l
lillaspo catca:--
. ......
ILL ..
irethe • Wurld.'
it A ~,- . 14,,,i,,..4,4;
I his sona:panll . 4l . onr
1 Duro" tt,Sprigor
. t SI . B.I.NCi`!AID
t . atty./
nob. but of own.'
i r t, .i.p.f mAthlr,
tor . bandeitul
"'47 11 lost .5,00 U
La tea' Ordinary; .1., _. '
N. IL Thettaxesea ;Vroggeb or the fledlle
ways be Comnfl Out Cra edit Elieambeatarteligi,
hich veal I convor..p.begego and pans tho Hotel free
of there*. •• .; ; ' • torti4El...
Pzwrti: swilear,v • nowszi oui.taikati,
01110—The' sobsenhen basting potaktuted the en ,
use interest or teal. U 0 WillituruleeW4atettPlha well
one:naetis ab [tease to
.uu. u, thi
a i l r e muud
-.4 he public generaiyoltedtheyineve nt 04
cbeso. Howl rot testa i s yaed am Zen
their temerg.
fernlike watiestrablehoate for Tray
tilers and 04tEloanlett:r ..e., .. ~. . .. p,- ~....
.Tbe Hotel !..0 Mow innoltuld admineey , inbutatell for eon
veniente, Ilea ike,l 'eq . ,' biting' a. n otbtfo r t parlors
adjotning tharnbett, presenting unusual eitractioni U.
The present prop rulers having h e at e'egperienetof
give awl elsewhere. boper they will be gild
to give general satisfatitioo,hetug.detennincd to gir e .
ondivuled atteritiOn 'Ode bodge atone . 1 -
, The location attic Pearl Sweet Ma* 0 aheotemoaly
.eligi hie, haring fronts en Pearl, Walat t o m e .Thild sty,
to that it is equally in vi contrea.b.
'<nee of
b y meattaretirementiort riven boarder/.
It is near by - the flanks, the Post Obeeohe Zdawnste
Doll, Ode Fellows 1101. and but one NI are dtstantireen
Male direct and two siptaresono the 111 . NVI. , :ithw.
offerlig th e greatest indaeentolte, eSPe tally to spear"
merchants anAgenenslly to all
nalL ' !-. ' t I ..: • .1011 NOHLE ,
• • raebr7 • 1 ' JOll A 01J LE - i
ALLEiJiIaNY.HOLISE, hlarkat st,p
• deTphis=-_ The. satmeriber liam of tho Washington
/total, itarliaborgO, Pa.) iota this method of in.
coming his old frirnda and tee ptbito ganoiollY, thot he
boo taken the aboreitimed HOTEL The House Is oily
Sod cOmfortabla;aid has lientiertonlively shored and
Improved, and
prbtlnator hope, by.• Witt attention
to Inadoosi, and a , propel Own (orate comfort of .lua
suest., to merit and mown; a share ofpublip patronage.
Ths I W OO inlnttnaki',oal7;con”nicout (orate .Ttased
iota Poolle,hotng only no° doorsaboye tha,tiarrishatg ,
and PeoeburghDepot.and wohin taco mlrialis walk of
;he halo vote and Readlok Depots.' srAiniNo
uehedmtha r-4-1; zez:7,autrxt.L„,- •
- - .
I 3021r1C11 , 119TEr4.;'
1' Inenittsrisisecr.
'Tr; ra.% firm
t a ;IF et *IV
1110,and ;ARC 01,4 flajeliat lutes:atoll :the rants
end 'ear:afore of. liteLr goetf,_ to merit erettinnanee of
the liberal Mittonqe heretofore 'reamed, by Its, former
Ile hoar havbeen!thencrehlY rimmeted,eadeelmdr
d tOreSore , feet ustrod !me esn - relearn. , our
friends and the paltlie to aeteramsdauone renal to any
in vie etty Philadelpitat.l et 1771111 8 .7 8.
, • /NO WWI% •
Co dy es ffiMil• and Sixth ate, oineinnedit
rmbliahment Is new In the ben order far the
e.eption of the Traveling Pabhe. Havinnunder.
. li,
gone a thannigh repair, dandg the peat WiALO r," and
ha et Mt man experienced men in the wen, hi the, -
am ou derulmenti.l tatter myself that all .v4l be
pi who call.; The location Meentral,eimmodions
" g: ' ltt,}iit ' ela t, ITI7 " Y . ' ; IV E . menu
..I.l.—Altheeth net elaelly lancer Broom, It to the
m n new.Whin entire old handle. aped
- _
T i gliVaTnrultrLec i loa ` Vjgat 77 :nrgli:
and ar.II taert Wallet! to tender contrartabln all ' who
MAT favor him wiat limit company. .
Thls palm which hal long Welt a Cavotite into whir
dta DCAtit. pi, P4ttabatith,. wilt, the taming
eta•o, preanat a !anger field Ide, pair creams than
iiofore. float *ha compleinn at' the Rail . Read to
In • ianatalin, naleatarther itllll the hot raisins region..
Louisville, ,
A l IllS T ROCK:110 11.T.0N bop io arqsalni ins
friends' tiel Le if ArabiL • • of the
. 64LT
1101.7 letalealfle, Ky., see ie hope. to tall
old friend., isehring vbcm sad the poblio,th too
etfon shall be eared to mateat comfortable lobo war
tom w th their ymtootore. . lenll It.
Opporife eh
tt6SRY M . et m at
Late albs ErtebaSige and Sr. Iftmilos Hoch , Puu6'.
Gar thsa =Mel
ly t forth •
randy sash
To the Ars
MM. •lak
fry gm AI
as apont
ths gm •
ta add avar
hzA imp
corroding. It
mg Mud.
st is • timasc
Wgelber a the
a4sy . . 4=
mat stmara
only plasteres
has no sdrusl4
awl paw—,
tdauh Green•
heh Is s
r , g" artsc
Insd " and
• arents.
th p kakis
aare e thi
Ws rottoestott tt ititArtiSClitgakat Writing Floiln . to
tht Pam.B. .r Ott publi , .•..lnt no naid...11..•
ro, wt., [...J... tir, pat witiottat eloicging ir ay tad
to 11.Aosroo of • Ayr ihdn. Vervains dap Ito=bek.
B A Su& It Co. Zug
' VA Limosolott kB. 111 Mite= it Co: • .
. I litgootrasolt Truett Dollen
Sok B McColl= C A kleAnotty I Co. •
• Ar %V ItVWarbte, i
' ', "• k t —...; ..
• . ?"" t 4 + Holthig MB; Arc 2D,1147.
•Mr Th. IL' Ibbt —Moot Biz: 1 hos Ws woo per
Chain) Wtll 11•141; rd fed It a lAA as math It.
thit OW. It S..'. feely r fro= Ili pox sod betemaja block
tooltoorbow• I'
. —l' Tll TUr2.l .
- • •
__ . • ' •
-_. • I rittsltogh, Ayr 2 4 . 110,
Mt T 2 Ifiliblitt —Mar Sit7lll.lmi prompol a bottioof
, Imo Main Mil, SOM. dm. vett. Atm, I ec•Ada AM, '
1 ketAel VOA oitoßtertto A...AN to asiodint BA Bow iit
noOltaWoC!ii.•• 1=1 . :2 1, . ,- - t ,
I n t to Anttat itklotta. Co ''
• t • tittaborglt, Sept 11=
tHir TPI Hi Bin lam totar par
V. }kit, toot lAA it to be mot tat titrat &Wei* tot
illool pr...m.10a solo* ispliko Ur rowalt, of
aim las, ti bee B. ono dap tba ta • An
Born. . : • win, . ALOT.
. , WILUAX CA R, Balt.ltooptt; •
!mama we ottl . i'letiotla lila Hoag by Harm H.
ilibbert, Honed ClneSA: 6 Aßilint olt. , LibittAyliAl
tiosoltetikt 'I
*l t .
Pt. mk t Poo Bliddlitrt
• --..
%,„i m eiplicEps , , •INUITIIir •:.
TIM left
h;... hensen kW elegaitgang istinelle
1 tho Tenth; ....b...bli gbh ina11ej._,.. 11 . 1 . 11 . 11 g Ike
!meth. Ste. tt the dbe apdavary mat wisb a still
broth: and the meth nd maid wills* tisildrosati"-
washing in the. nint. ' w.t the bnua of* vim.
newel, or sale Tell an sw er land hobbit ingetheintia
the pule, when e 11 &Owls fee wow sbe
teeth. It le angel. d booms t slam th• 11101111 1 81111 the
rent • soil delight Iftsgrzioce to O. breed": Mods
unrivalled as h plenum, acre; eaeretheet. tad
sae dentlidee, /111 warren not to when the Ittnab
hullo preserwathem
Ur osing it: regll
prevent as Ace.
strengthen the peel
Chemists. phretelant
-decidedly elsherior
Ask for Shenuttes
observe his •11111,11
reogantem,&d It
net tte.t • Penlight.
omen in the United el
by the Noullity hf F.
A Law reagenw.
arise from 031210 del
which • Mutt a
intlrely ohenhe li
whys Itsie • box tg
.they feel the hew di
cious tea of these .
Dreams. . : •
Far We at Vi , M
When,' • u
Li — itinfirWs. (57 . ..... a pared Melt, are
ease sot oar •Oa fn Welly ;atonal" t la to
ibe skint how.* Mee rertgh. hoe. vallovre . )ollovr,
chalkkealy laa kin appekra afar evlng prepeeed
Ilealdhe, It a hylartout,eonouning eletge yea
air it lead. We re prepared a beearfal vegetable
satiric which'ere eall JONES'S SPANIAII LILY
WIIITM lileye may Innocent. being p on.Aad or .ti
delete-tame pubis< i and it Japan,, to the skin a nom.
red. healthy, alab rielser, brie' Maw. el the wee
woe meting •at • a eimbe an the skin. atok log It WI
and Nowak. •
gh. James And evert, Meilen' amigo or Matte.
ctlre i ,l ' ETA ' pe.. ". .f...".l.ll2=fn i nt. L
rot: at ibe wee me Innocent white I Lao( saw. I
eeeialaly eau goleatemly Mc:Malawi RS OSO well.
abaft skis repe l beeettrytug."
• • •
e =ern a • Loa. t '
. g.fzi,i'or WM. JACKSON. et Ms Root . earlghoe•
.i f
letor_,e Fe Meng e t,'bead cif Wood: et %M OWN'
Re Mg DOM •" ,- • • • • - Re •
I ' leadlee. ladle., .ialaalebed. • - • '..•
• alrbeee Ise Rearm are nrantleed •
• . ..
. Aboberel,ll Re, snowy white, • •-• ••••
-nu yrs Won II etweeemon clalk,
' Avid leaks j yellow fright, - . • - • • •
.TM theme el teener arida( telt. • ' -:
0 eve.mreli a • bee ierJONOS Ltlly.witte,lt
ameba give yogi p in. stibarner yet , neutral whew,
'sad .Like ..,•6 me ;leer md.bere'n. LL • Sold . at
',MOM:VS. la Rya,' Foy, Scents per ton. .
§IIII - Flift" ititetWolfiry au r.-1 • 46. it'
' K Dodge, Ea; 411.110,ed the Caen or Renter Res
gloater Deaver moat,.: .1. , •
eta. R. R. Bectilellit:'. Retie time In the winter ray
renre erns sabered with a mitre sad diorama; cough.
Ma Muleteer yam ...alembic Conch Brow.. I pude- .
end •• babe (nye CT. Trimble, kip , le Bodpwateri
and •M Wilms • porton at it two or Mee areniageee J
• ;IN ng ts bad, she awed taasedl ate reboil as aloe myna
meal• bane boo Wowed iesemmeasee. • It sthma .
Mr. itelloSeCbet It iv a uk and ?d sable obedielesiasie ,
wank! recommend 0 totem Nakao? be altakd MR.!
serene mei. end role., •! •• • —• - Y., w.ic. pal&
,Idereavblea , r ••:•,‘ 1 41 r,
_,,,•••.' -, • ...ti ,
_lb, ama l• estop lb eSeeetweirees,ao *alb abyr ,
he wood by the poor es virailhat Ihei deb..— - ' '
, Ihramed sad bold by KY. SELLERS( a, wood wee
elm, ier We by Dr, Caseal,lnk ward, and P. N. Curry,
eileehen elrf7" .. _ .
..' -• ••• r
T. • I• . •v
,thiGteamospols. doilaa,os Illuks from Claim
w o okuNClupplo,Ake.ote4 end telldering the opoia
I .=• ..•k•••!aeg....344
1.847; 1 ' advmff
- ),126,tri4ssultrutAgrai;tritrgilli.N"
• t'llinrr%lßATlP"ditT-:„.,-i'
Tta lC arl, taieMifittlaarit ' that
sertptioa 11 aaneckatari. GOO aka ata touched on Ihe !
route, thus all tranelopelleat or extra harallala call
The Boateare Igidotaah aalperforso atentr
in from sLitosifeso ; • 1; • • -
' Th e oat wboagesantiMes as to
any co... Tamale swede tons. •Itee,ivlngkluotins,
dli ßeiaglally ; f eels/ad lot!,raakeiSiie . S of 'hada - a', e
respectfully loner Tip:awn - tsar erceteru .' lloTr,
BaaraL Lao% Boat?, ea..; Woo; leathern', aodathar
a/oft fax:aide, au bleb ,advaaces .1.111
mailo awl Weer wall aforged, Olodelnir o r
selves ihos;•ruiy baeinase oisuusthl ai shall ale as,
o th e r elevated anCalson as fair terms as by ay
other Mari. . ' dlentDDY,..\l& Cor, •,
',Cana Piusbur
JAR hi LAM & Co' I
whit? _ IRO sad= Market et. Mar(
•FlTTanintei4-MORTABLEI 13. LIN ,
glt,lrAtiaTenitinettrittVt=rm i runlo tk n
Mel we); 1111 d the eonlemient nab of delay, damage,
breakaseandirpardl a _e ot . Pa".
• SOkillaiii
'No 27811farlret meet: Phi:adelp: r ; .
• • -Orr Petur MA Warne WS,POreb
( ?‘ ' F I n' T4 P 9 T IL At. ISVlttstli th r.
Emeourssed inereased bushwee the rs v o riesors
have addo to these mock andAmtentlal. Moir msent.•
mats duet* the winter, and are now prepared in Mr
visjtit f y veXt , with re
ne. gi s trig n m s !lispatels . e:csamsel ,
the palpablestmetiority of the Port hie liymem,
and the gmer enormity and convenicom of the wire
houses at each end of the Inn ere peculiarly' tele*.
.astbid thentecrietors to t felfit their entts
and neetwomodmethelr cusuaterk-;-eonfletelyolfewell.
Ilbe past as a saaranty for the Imam they respectfully
collet a °announce of mat patronage which they now
gramfallrachnowledS, ' . •'
All constroments Mare & Weenier will be reed
and ftwarded. Sisishoat charges paid Ltd Rtla bl
Ladtad transmitted free of any awe Wen:m=oBls
advoneroir or stomp. Hiving no Interest directly or
indirectly to otearobwakliteristOtortt of the maxims/1s
most necessarily be their primary bomb 40
west. add they pledge themselves to forward albs
conslgted , to thesn'promptly and on thalami
geese terms to Oa ownetsi. •• . • . • •- • •
?Web 1,1847 • . =ire
THE Boatmen's Poreahle Bost Cowpony, being dits. l
solved, this Comps:ay ingainirentinto areal. of Co.
rionnerohin undei•the ooze of the "Boatmen's Itlnc;l 2
arid It twat weed te iafit the Benet so as to base a
nedothet of Boats for the pupate of canYind goods
Ahlough to fmmsiz':so watt dope, with demi/sty—end
feel encouraged by the liberality of lassyeasts patron,
age, tontakesnore extensive arrangements for the en-'
smog Teal ,
we would Werskins respectfully solicit a eornina•
ante of, ear fonnerpstronisondrefer all new outworn
to Wise we hare dowsheteesefori" 1, ••• •
.111111%; 18 4 7: 110313
; "•-` " '
• • , forth, transpuuttion of • • •
• .
'ALL .'XIIDif OP , itcitcuaEout„ , .To ./.ID.ZRON.
. Ptrtioarl2EltAttlTlMall, NOW Yon.. aXD Carom
Coyotry Llborty pivot and Qoal Bum Pittebluitt.
No XS Alszkets tree; Pbbodolplda.
. . Boltoore. ?Id.
_._ .- ' - ' stEnagriona. , • - • • •
PCITBIIOItUff —Jos. • bleCatly, Cox Matto & ca
W• MoCally & Co, 11l A lilatapooo it Co, At Alloo &Oa
PIIILADELPHIA.;--Morels Putosson &Co:Royal:ads
moy.,l, Lo d tr, co, Fleming E. Booby; Petty WaYbl 11 ,
Con. J • Biephom,.Toteph fin= . ' . • , .
NEW YORK—Goodboo &Co, 'plea. Pony & Co.
. .
ItOSTON—Reed. Mod & Co. •
CINCINNATV—Adetas & Cretyb, W IT Sector
el P1 : . PIXASANT, v4—P A tchier.
NASIIVILLY Fioptiur ' 'Pa , .
1 Nose-411tricrehastdite hoot NevrYott sod Bostmo,
consigned IT-A L. Gethin & Co, Phpadelpila,...lll be
promptly forwarded /ma commincoa. febtt
, . ..
/RD:E OiLliD//45.T. ' ,P01LT 4BLIS
I BOAT, LINE.. ..;
*pp. 18 4
Goods' Clou o.l= to o i artarM=G7 CE TLied ;rob.
out &lit), tbo loorearcomont noto.f.Billo of Lading
trolusoomed, andall =stratum ptomptly tutewild to,
f t
from oaf est:Wavy for mama or toomnioolon.
AL4417-.1..0PP17 'u Ate/. Co
, .
ve.rr largo and con:moths= ararnitonve,
aro are ptepared.u.orocedre (in addition to fleight far
almonnondil (Argo mond of Ptadord, de, on Ettoragead
'mar) . ..,,!CL AIcANULTY,kI.7o
•—mouswpwra arnco's Janis.
REMO 4 1 L .
ENCLogrot tr . ll s 4.s...oze n t i g3 l /Ar
lowa, liollidappOgit„W ate, Etleet, reutsburgh and
tananatehate plaoes. .• •
Oae 'alt Atewareioaste atCA .I.lCAnally
& 0:14 Piesbatalf, every day, [except . Dandaysa and
shim :alias always dependhaOng. thee goods Re
warded without delay and at parental..
This - LIM was formed for the myeetal aceiniarniedatien•
of tkalrAT quiaes, .and.lha,r9PooAn fc.PeWalij
enimit a liberal share of pentane.
. JOHN ,MILLED, DoUidayshargh • I „
. W
R OANAN. Johneroasa • Atone.
C A WAN IDLTY &Oa, Pinalarah
7 7 , .• ' '
J' J Matolu,joba.r.akeZltolsert Moos
• pat" MO.
oho =MKS
nwre ate,
ng " , 1 i
being entoposod of S:eandiontStake Erie.
1. and hitehlenn, sinningdettly between Pithlaugh
and Ltenver;and tleight nod passenger ennui Bunt.,
running between Bestrersiod Fine, and connecting with
C M Peas Line Of ,Seennboat Peopelters eon Vessels
on ilia Labe., will be repaied noon the earbewopm
gr o p t up l A. , ea c .i .. p:AbLa i t Pattroge re to
etterr Ike iltiy for :wavering freight
e e ngent with pressputew 'neddisoineki CO" proprietor
nod wrote ECEPt[l(llil y Wien from their (mods nod
he Onbl le derserallxtheu otritoulde ,
Itl 11...U,krie,.Ptopnetor
PARKS tr, Co, Beweer,Asts
Cor. Smithfield and Neter opposite the Konen's
• photo Hoak.' ,
• KETT* To
Wheeler, Meeker k ON New York
CMS Dant, Blank,
' E N Parks & CO. Ckeel•nd
Jet,Ce. Detroit
Brislota Poner.Chienlte •
%Wm Powers, Powerstown, Penns
Geo Idnehellnyee. Evnewhonk, Pena *.
John kfeeteow, Ilintstowo, do • •
YVlek&Aekee, Urcenaiik,"do
! Craft JkPrateptoo, Clarksville, do
Hell JO Plogtb, , *.
C dittleni.Sherondo .
• Conninehnen. New Siutle,_4l,,
magi plata{
*la If RI,A
ao matter Chat
am corrode
0 1 . 8 m 46. 7.
1, 1 71,
I • LARKE CO., •
Peres: g 4 1 4,, a ra ls i tr a nor,•haids
MBE Aten and Proprietors of this - Mite (so favor.'
1 ably !Moira tO the pablichwin be prepared on the
evilest- opeoWt of canal navigation to veeeivoprop
Agra Pinalvaignand Beaver, and deliver the wean at
'any point on the Ohio Cana* and Walton Lakes Erie
stukhbehisatt with the mann despatch and i at maw ,
- 'es. •
.ri t
osible rates.l • . • ..
ale yroprigtoia of Una linh elicit the barittersof
thew former easement with eonlidenee, knowing iltat
titer facilities are weonfi hone.",
0 IiARTONAiry PittibityL , " .
• CLAAILE. Co ,, Bearer. •
put2o • . T BICIIMOND,R Cc- C online
• WlCSTlElfar i tlialgikrat - ii i tiblifte
. ,
g esia lB47,
WOOF' h.
02.0 EsFinusitED TurtsporrtATsure LINE,
%ABE stack ad thu liarceownsia of a , dortble daily
Lie of Mali sad Cam ieratnet by theiarawom,
which are in good. order. ;The subscribers are pr•ort.
reA w forward ■ lon. quantity of &Inchoate.. wad.
Youditee with matairtlY had dipuch. ' •
' Troduee or MarohandWo rourighrd m sal of that ow .
dammed. taforwriwtod (MeV anteharge for cumuli*.
ranee* the tante had
lentil the toothache
.1.11 diseases et wen
aril It a.
mei As kind la ass.—'
Toeth%Pasto, and
to each pot.
, Useadvrayome Of
Waite old eetabllsbed
ateasively aced.
Fn• es
t►utak teseakled
ski stomach at bowels,
• no Lozenges would
Ikeu habits should al.
take adage whammies
trl lbw health. • Ajunt•
• tad prevent tnonennete:
. . _
illitil.,idl4tiatietaittedaad all ineavettoasprosaptly
*iterted to. ~' •
:‘ Mist bovines* or this Wee is conducted on Manly
Sabbath -hatpins *lhoiplas. Addresa t of apply IC
I.x`gH t Co, Praptietm,.
I T. Canal Bain, Pittshotei
umants'a. LEECH, Proprietors;
Plol3 Smut Third =eat, Philadelphia .
No'lll4 North Reward street, Italtioatni •.
No 7 West amtet. Now York
14 . coiner of Wodi no .
• der's" •
CA A At, 47,0 TE.14:0 A.P11.4E1
EAVE Boomer dully at A o'clock. r. X.; after the.
1 4. . r doolcd rho oreambont BEAVER .D= Pittsburgh,
and Arrive al W mien next morningmason for the
nines which reach Cleveland before night.
• Pawnor, will be Tete lotedthmagb, securing boas
mottle Nickels, Mod Beata In the OMNI on' appl,ollloll
on timid oteombOor Beater, tlearnaf rtil.bwlta at 9
o'clock, A. 11/.,1 ot to the agents: . • •.. • .
• M II A RTON •Ik. Co; PitaborAh
CLARKE t Co, Beam' ' •
JED: BALDWIN, YoungoloWri
WII TAYLOR. Warren •
-4ILND I t:?.,47
ifiZZ stMia
VIA BROWNSVILLE k cutaniattaiam.
FIE sadaslgbed Ism_ prepped tbfarwirtS pea-
Tducv, te., to lke &SW= Alasketsdarizz , the gnsik•
InK Wintar,ob ibe tobellayorablltiosub, by Ibis aim,
Boobs route. ,
401 propbny camped too brillbelboysidel ttttEi
lotrdat tob• and vrilk.degaseb. ,; ..t.
:Ilerekandas ,rectiored , by :thlbibute pinaptly: .
varied. •1 0 BIDIV. RS ELL, Arb,Pirsbartb.
.; 0 WI OA -flcownsolle. •
, noW/ F EGERTON* 00,010vberlied
PKTTaauPc I :AIIIP c:"Yu44 2 - .
—lB4-7 , t a r iv
WiEtAND YIIRIOIIIe Linz - , - '
l allillit ' '
.7101:11i/dite comdssiajor freight dadpancnier Pck
, ~p,la. ! !„_igi l T i d. rent p a V i te r ter: t 0 . dram
:LiZb t ts.Kl2 pdrOrhpftbus,,Vl be c0744.Prd4 , 11j
!4' , kl 'l in • Wl ast eg r reitell_
__ .P...ll3redirille Alta
• MAIO is FitAktrroN, a. 1.4.11 d. del ~
111dVilliLLND EIZINcii, XliDedd,,!,so;
s.;l s trit t pife r A t i n u . n tik Vn t .9o 4 . ~ .... 10 ;...,.
, ',..::' : , '.WlZATATfigitte,Pid6sl, --
,''..;. • do .
•• , IMILEMANIES iva, Itelmer;,. ' _ . ilk
ibritia:uvoarr,e o tiArWilerlia4 l l.l. o, l.l4 Otk
3 , 6 T ' .--
; 4,111i r 111:!-11r#411.1f,PIPi ,0
- ; ; ; --- .:77.
,aosairsxa ;r /1011C.MT 11011'.
, • EM,1121r2011. •
mpl.piodia vrcia!er . a.
Cant-Vb.!. Alcopsocoastnences Ater
alarms; this day,'lcavteg Pins
burgh aril okloelcoals.,and Beaver lath o'clock, r. te.p
connecting wultPittsburgh and - Cleveland Line otauf,
tral Mats daily to Clevelarri, 04 °coven Werra.' and
Cleveland Line of ,Canal Packets and Stage Coacheo
daily niWarren and Cleveland, „Canal Packet Lines tri-
Nele Castbiand Greenvlne. Pa4.lP4iiPmensietaltine ,
td Meadvillo'ond Erb. • Nell. )4_octe '& CeiLines er
etas< Cowles br Cleveland Wooster. leave . Bca.
ver daily on the arrival Ai steamboat Deaver. fleau
Pittsburgh. W
&it* •
• '0 M BARON L Co; Pitlaburgh -
soli CLAUKE & Caileaver -
: Odlol2 1.121 Ms
12/004. .1847:
H N. PARKS &Ho. Cleveland, 9. - • „
It U PARKS, Boar es, Pa. ' • prop ?limits.
W T MATHIM, PinsbulluPs '
.TPre Fl lglrastl LLPPTair d urg 11 ' Z:1T
land, so Roy pinion the Penns:Hama & OlossandOkso
oi -
Tye Gsoilniiar of aid Lino are.uotitildiHed and. oi
said Panes; Ipp numbers and earseity of Boas, arm
rinse of Captains; and proospinesivf &gado; Aker
Vol Dou loaresi Pidiantrith tied Oloweland daily, dins!.
Nnt in connection :ebb He disuses& . •
' . Miehigus and Lake, Hoe, beloved Pittibitsshand
Heinen and a Sanaa first class . ,Pteamboau Proper
Sari, Brigs and religious+, ml Lakes rrie,2ltriso; flak
'b i F Ase 'a rt;t ' any tb • tooth rah&
despuels. " • E - PARKS CO. CH:cland,lAssa:
RICH & Csq. Dearer, lads t.
. • %V 4 1 7AWF.H. PittePflb,
.120 • ;Ow Water and Sailildeld gram
THROUGH Mir 14 I 1LE6 0,.1
. Epi.CANC Boaalikrallow- and. easallea•
oar daily . at a o'clock r liner arrival of disk
a. lug Boat Dam Pittsburgh, and intro at Warren la
tic/ for Ha Man Lusk al Sage., which learn isatandk.
as, theseaftar. and antis at Clovelantaidotlock, &
Tbis MIDIS the most nal:tailings' and
one is the Laken: -carEsAlisrligiwrax,w.,r.po•
ILEUM PDXES & Co, Waver, Arista
7OHN sa,CAVOISMY earlier MUER sad emithEall
`Oily Opposite the eta Hoaso.Plusbasgb
. .
. ,• • coltTOO seassnotersecdrs_ . •
• Plalsalelplals, els Took t
ancouragemant this line has fiCla•Lifili
1 UM commencement, has induced the proprie
to to increase the emelt tly,addlog irulamber" of Sr •
class boaisi and festead ofgnirig receipts as here*
• roes asNontn, "a Will tire. Oar .r ,1 2t0
freight duppriaby thii lane. ~.
The boat. are MI portable, consequentb . freight
is inked the label/id - stance withoutrtnfthipeerat, -
or e , Goo frequent handling
on the note, lid as-each boat is .owned by -the
Captain who nos Brain; which is a r sefficient gest.'
Inters that there will be no delay ou the route.
All Produce or Merchandise consigned kith.
onderildeed 'arßl be forwarded:FßßE - OF 7COM.
fd IBSION; for odradein`nod
-a, ill
'be shipped without delay at thp twat lutes of
freight.. , • .1 I
We reryeetfelly eolibittGaTari publiergaLito
• Canal Basin, Pittatr4ret - ' '
CRAIG, -BELLA'S deCd.: Att. '
' -Broad Street, Philadelphia: ;
• r•mILLER:Agent • •
ffittsfaiugh, Fib:M.l4Z ' -
1846 AND -- -1847
Td Tula zwirr mr-luionerosst - imp,
THE solownbers wdl redript faiths delivery othleo ,
'dare ro Baltiewhe by Monongahela Slacharotor
at 141 C kUOMPLISPrIet. -. • -• , •• • /
Ashes,44 con. Enturi i , Lead, Lard, Pert, Ta ll ow:
Motel, ro sad litar—ell cup per loOlbs.
•Wwcoa,flowp, Flax and Whoat- , M eta perloo
• /label, Wet) Apples. Chown,-Plaxrßeed, Ohm, and
Leather-106 eta perloo las I
Chla,ellbns, Seedi,Woot-110 ow per 1001M.`
Beerwas,Voodters,Pons, Osman& and Analedlawt
All property eowagnarderther of the onderditord
told be forwarded without_ day; Wed of Codtkolssion,
at abeie rates. Wll WAWA, Rownowille. •
„HANNA & WATERMAN, Plnabarak:
A earth it and safe cerelor'corkgiali'Mmtv; mcalaa;
liver cempleuit, spitting blood: pains in the side
or breast„nersoosilehility.whooping camati
broken - ,coustitutioo, comoustP T
• - TION or say diocese of
W alt:aga in
breast. Reader see you Mitering
with a cold or &masa of khe ,
loop, try this remedy, .
yomitfoot pen, 1 j .. ,
ham regret l •
It will arrest all Wm disagreeable symptoms whichl
strike such terror lo'Wo mod, & prolong your days.
BOwarei of :all: , prepanatkoaw Mipattliganetoitahe
Wild Cherry.eseept lbstbeittor Me inviolate: MTh.
.Svailds oa the andaideSseeppered each bottlp,
as they oregano likely Janina,. of We artiele from
which they .barrow a name..., •
Dear r. tit Mttdonel
;Valid perbo's tom emelt einimate ,for the , tivirger
dl Wri dresdfal disease inn singld year; then add
the fearful Catalogue 'el shies pang-1y lorlania
. won el' the Longs, Hemorrhsge o etirthms, Cough,'
fulleietma," Brand:Unwind other liimaime.ol - Mo
Lunge and Liter. ' I
And the li't would present so appalling p ro oi of the.
lauhiy oi.these two dames .r hut it M
impottaut to know UZI. 1.14 et 01 . this dread
wrote of human fife 'might ham been prevented
Erna timely use of Dr. SWAYNE'S'COHPOUND
This medicine - has now been' belore the publie
lonic eight pears, te - OW ori g inal .preparatfosil
hum Mn Wild Chem} Tree. Its reputation sa a
remedy for Coughs. Colds, Broachlts; sad; Con;
eutoption of the Leap based eralrelisipon its in-
• witude merits; owes batlicle to masted newspaper
pew Thom who giro e beteg -Mamma
by it, recommend st to their. , neighbors,Mad Mimi
gridoally and surely basil rained ea eatable Or.
taboo and workout- its way inba ate: , ai":
hitt!, never fails to cure • reeent cough - or Bald;
while with strict attention to thedirectierili that 2,..
company each bottle,its lapin:mug .disouter
of long studios and of the moat alsonlog 'came
o, bra away. siren relief,: and la vertwimi
ilatalCell has ellected 'complete - and ;eminent
Dr. SIVAIME'S Cekbratal :Dopips.yruk - Slow
•' • ui"f CAa+Y. t
-Read the most 'smokable cursor Commotion
ever placed upon record— r i ,
Dr Swavm—Dear lin:lfeet it a debt
a ratitede
due to yon—fand duty to the atuie.— a menity to,
oder my humble testimony"' in favor of your Cau
paned Syrup of Wild Cherry. Sane Wu yen, , t
attest was yioltatly Attacked with Cold cad Into.
vitiator the law, which was accompanied 'with
a t au , ,t il a r d e weir cough, pate in the brcast andbead
—is very eorsidarable asebarge of °Native Mama
from the lungs, especially spas chum of weathier
however slips Al brat I felt no alarm aboat
eandition, balms pretty soon eoritioCed that !wad
rapidly gulag into cagiest:arson: I grew dilly Weak.
ef, end at length was scarcely able to.,walhaboaa
speak shore a whisper, such was the meted{ •
*minas oriu limp, Davos that lima I bad
venous preindationsisad presertairms,bat Nand ea
tolier—growing all the time worse. Jost here I was
advised and parstaled by a datac ,frisea ft %swath,.
ton to make aerial of' you Spam or Wild:Cherry.
I knit makes that PrlficoulrJ had beet Neiman"
lid wise paint Medlars*, sad I,am' still:spin*
those coming out or. the halide oh camitice, bat
aiderstaadiog year Mains to the profession and
prectics of medicine, sad 'hating implicits faith le
the saying of My fiendeillorthwith paranoia!' ol
.llr Shaw,'ow elyear agorae,* fier bottles and
counnewed Ifs use. My disease at Ott tame was
ci twenty or inteny tire mentleetuding, 'cease:
quietly was deeply Inticd,. hoverer, tee.
'Marshier tallier from tha tt tortrorfiss bottles.—
But being a Odic spanker I !Sewall atte mpted
to preach with my increasing strength and thereby
repeated those resale UM had already :begun' to
heal{ In thuway. doobtlese, my eon was greedy,
reamed. l a 0,4.006=4 of ;acting, thus isopra ,
deafly 1 had to sea It or .15 betties trynee,l bat
parfadtp restored. • I have no; question, a inch
mailer number of bottles • ..Add hue said. me
sonnd,..but foe the those indiscretion. 'The Syrup
allayed tam feverish
to habit, did away Um distrust _
aaacough',pat :atop the amber/our mum from
the longs 'Mane them and the enure eystect gurra.,'
health. than deferred arising thse ftstravata t ut
,iat, for i t, e palpateof balm petrettly — satialled
„ it ; taa ,. raarat aesicy or the, cute, and now that .1
tit perfectly well./allei It witylouan, - • •
REV.' d.• JOhUlihrii"
Dahlia aunty, fl C. . .; .
' • _ -
Amiga ell spurious preperatiosio of Cbs
, ouch as litaleams, flatters Syrups of Wild CdunYil
PIM parporting to mania Wild Cherry, deli,: dee,
as they aft all fittitioakaad counterfeit, and contain
none of the virtues er Ifie original and genuine pre-
parallax al prepared by Dr. Swaps, ant trio UM
cret'prepared au 'this Malty. Doctor Swayue's
Compound Syrop of WILD CHERRY a Composed
or vegetable fetpedieuta,the Wild Cherry; and nth.
-or medical subsances aptly sa ellleacionte,ll,
MOM SO; tbe : artroie are wa ellectully esocenuated
mi to render It beyond all doubt We tooM pleasant, ,
otrengtheeing, and alienist remedy, ever discuer. I
ed tor the tire et famous, consumption, and all 1
disuses orAkir Ping. sied Hams AU 'ay ha, 1
Dan is harbig such a tram at spatial& imitator',
stands to prove it. great curative properties .
Ilieverote, tosalida, itmaint ructhe anginal prep%
litton,cach bottle of which is eneeloped.Matsu. -
'Ural wrapper, With a bkeasse Willtato•reen ens,
thud theitOat 100 beating the signature or Dr IL
hisaYea, the manterfeitisg of which will be, teen-
Med as form. f • • ,
; timpanist oolj by Dr. H. N W coiner
of En' mitre and Reek Street.; Phila delphi a;
For sale in Patehargb wholesale end rat tail we'. -
Whl. 'MOAN. .5S Market street, I . • f
OGDEN Sfilt/WDKN. meat :Aden Wood di,.
B. A. VANN ESIOCK es Co;. await di.let eta
Wood aid ah Ind Word Warm; •
JONES,IBO Libetty !
JOHN MITCHELL. alklkeby Oty.' •
.Aed by ill inspectable Dtbautte and &Heti
thealboat Ma United Statesabcl4.lst4
it. I upt29
Q eas , ,yeauwuus,r amain hetwriiiia
. 11, ?Au±.11
oriaAtil maw aid Very
nide.* at tuttai ft! itutab MretOtiass,l tow
abided As Xadiewmp t ead viettiftre grw end
Oda par Venni(liadil Wm& antgavii Was
'oo ll. 7AV4Werill t a e lr""! t •
wd kamtvrt mrn.
~~ ~ ~
- qtr
'• . I '' i` . ''DU.' , W I
mtnicaTlateo2l:llo/Ip,olllilaNy • . .. , .
t i l: ..- • ..- v.....--,4111411Ta1t. - - ',;.
IL' litaVog 6ii-ifoionini oral to mkt oida.4 '!„ ' - ' 4
. l l ' ortltUf t :=Ta il =or °} 4.lont """ ;, - 0 ' ..,: -
W it'' , ,4- r ..4 ,-1 +.4 mon:kink nt,mh - -rian . ,...8 ....1•t,
t - SILEBSIJINII COIICH L0Z1.N005.".. , ~- ~,.... ' _
'..,...' T r . 7 , =Ltnr ,,,...... t ......._ ::: .
~ *-4_
Wirer knottalaivagaaceideni,l4,4rdil isOt Oa peti44.,
vaigteliFa. , Serchl Umparl Naas kava tac o wit • ilkia, ,
it.. Put ycaroraliNait 1414444 lam. inaboat. lap .. 7
arcomusapba oat Uwe laiortogmader 111. ODA '`,-" i
.211. *Mal 4404 TlL , tplbaoreillekaad drtliir W.404' s .
Giladotty, prelate apeountioioThq 1,00 bit.., \
stot . .iiniototfl! pentsato or escokw 0n.... • -,, .
, r& - 4 I. lash treek a 44444414 s acasixt nitablortr4 c '
4 . - 4 , , a argh'"ai
6,61 ,„_ 44 . 14 ' 1,4 41. 11 idijai1* , /%14
n , ta •: ) . .
ar taika- .4 , 4 444,4444.. - .114.14,4 alas 4-- - ,
.41446 0f4444,444i1age 4 , 4 9144410rdir w 44.1 4 -401 .4, 11,1
1 ties, km than tadhavahalaspea 444 an 44446, 7 m., ~...
1.44414644 4 1 4 /4/ 4, 4 6 adth 1 .1 , 4 in thew . . .
~.- Ightnrtbm a m 44 paaistlateciaoisiJo,too ante , ' • l'
, ewes NortilvaNtelaarta (pia attly'lti etsk3 ,11 1 4411 -I.
r.... it.. Pals WA 444. 44 -trit.. 1t4.444141!:' , . .
a, .yatif?..eos,,a aniettlartWai 43•41tiara,(4•4 . '•
carnmentak!iyinnak nesdji. orew"rtaitlits; • ,,,,
• _ .1711E0414121 , /*lttit LiiIENOES,.'•O. ~.,- ~. i. .
Than oforagiongertiNistincrond to mon Uuit.l,4*;:: f - -
OM tun lo be inE4l.4 . {e, 'ha aoly mane Inns manta_, ' '': •• •
, 1444441444411.4t41.t1daby Clatunames l'ammarm. - , -.-
awl , ~.4 4 1 41 14 % .4.01 ‘ 44.4 4 Tariag.44144441411,4ide .! ti. • ` •
444444 crer lautir Nope Ned; p.m pama. a. !en pan,: t.,, , ,, • . •
01444 ps 41.11rwoodont *Pared Cur winueosiplainu.:,
'ida...'"Y... bi.. Mi• *hr.!. ii...r•ikm kaiVT.*Ole4; 7"
Z ongh•-•Paroo fa the pin, tx huts, ofrn ~ - -,.. r ---
4,.534eat the oomAtiodias of - ticked dorisf," .it ~, iiiliseikpokmusobouttbolipoorolt Itmbedelkorlu.. I
04..cogotthe ga4,44alaariaa lit at the ammayille. ;Li C } I' .
os of boat own QM Ma*. 0.4 Anti, oiled. thilio or AU .. t...• ; -
-.not% kaki*. format, 441.4-.oorpar. diatubta r. '
4,4444,014.5ua1ia; Eada-p, .ilt, inenn4 innunina,...;,: - '. ,y
' , weds:ions • tronbloomo tm% lin:Mum, lid 4 tkollii , - - . ) .
int, MI, 44 WU: hi UUisoutly'direols Inotyin,,pds la `,.. .
,114 144* aaawair 4 1 ,4 . 4 /0 4 44.7t0411,' .: . ; opptti,ts, leasons;Osasoof nom& or fooKgrainico., ,'-i. . . •
'otiootiosponts at niriout pato alba both IS LIM of one , ' t
thke , ..l 4. thiWilito 11 thns ail. a.. 1 . 14 . 1141 4 ,1 44, - i' V i
SHERMAN'S . C.Uf r eftol Llignittilli. " .'l 5 6 .'
' iThey tin JuutAbito ntlet hibtITOVII mai& . harliaik. I'4 ,' ~ ~
iitation oto heart, Imam olthmpitit44asparakaar.;:. 1' II • r
n Jwlpoinilkont aunt, bairal or A samort•sbn, ,-• 1 • • '
phis", Maws., oppromin vora won ofriatim ofthit iolsol ; 3 ' i:'
,0ak}.P....,....r" . M0u10,.. „, ,
.f.,12.1, MA a ounustinioutfonnfoso .'L .UM6 .I "dn.: 'l'
Alay, mg. woluflabuirltuintli Able Ititistt thol e a
r t.. •t I '. •
.....n., akni.,% - inanu, ...AVM! 41 1 4 1 - -...! ( Y
Kb 11*RUM ir_lol/411111.41=Z11 Lana . .• •
sin rnmy newer Adluportmg of pm* unuf:',;
eta fri • oraloudonlbilio. .7 0 .miqi !.; , 1
4/Oh r ain s.ll6llK , we" ,
' tnh. Gnoniag...fthan. lin - a too ki6,4nrlair:!. 1 . ,
okudtuottlair dligrutbabib, will era tylUol!..,o%ione4i .1
2.1:10013.14111 , 411412101,---:,-_-,1
nmody!uption= " igrthe 41%, ku,": 11 4 1 ,
..„.„ tte .,..., Ow oktUies
,!I_ , .
: Wloollnoffill.. th ..=rte ""l :::=Z!.".C4 ---
' l = on IfuOuthoontkPnotioUtlogorotoolyihoboaboV... -.V ,
;IhnthootoscA*,FoUr . yorla. It limb Old ii-a it 4r.
/".01. 1 .1.1.4 101 .ki0ur0k , i,. . ",. ,:.. 1,11.14
, 1 1 . 14 nya•tampatiat aid amnia, it $31,201 lonnorwailm..".4 .
.0= 4 :... • .I" l l := 4 =Toa i tor a d
t.. 4t 7 i.: '
Inathiog,oppnwow of
pit Ow that or oilosaFb,- 67 . ..: ! s
!sodolgurtifoits, or to toodionll noun; , ~
- 4nalei nopt-frin an of Wig nuligUabg 1110 11 •
tu.f litynalotidtobey younamodoohlom, lo piano. 1...,
)10144a,, 4•444atkays4.lleadlunalaniroml•2444.4, , •.
• 1141411 .14 thalr apriathoy an otimobst, tooLool ~
ays, Thy awns. of oalltely diffused Jomdt " , .
nu lkoitarry othier;'shil lan m. onotined dual . '
1 ‘.." 0 ... 1 .. 4 thryntya it 1100 wuloitaticany ot .2 ,
on thinklyndsd lad
emwtambdd.i..l. l sturohodf.olon=Phnin2Lirtillt i'
finenleanoos ban - aol ot tie d
eurboier 4.i. -.,
itukita=4llllasktkt 114•144stishaislilneateird. 44 '' 4.. •
E-DnetiAkislat ma an hif Ila leek.O140:11 pis4u - 0411 a
minas of D. Sitcom s tam. lii ompot- pa Axil' i
ag,inAnn.nth•roorihecnnom namaa: .4 '• •
"4'En. an 01.011.1111441114 UV MAI iatilidiala -.. ;
•41:iboutn.1 nili 5. on enn tb.! .. T,? , 5;; - .. ;
-m l mud en'l 4 i' - ilausOir.i . iliii. 44.• • '
. • Wonboosr, , fli. fa -/Aboly strut, fjprof Ob. - -,
1 4 8 99 T .!:.;;' ,' . •*" '' . ' --'
NAITIA votrairrror,isviiki.:„
CAN IteCillati ST 1111150 ,
pI34C6IVSZIPECTORAAT itthll9l". •
0 0 4 ..4 hieseh!34l3ll7.-
Thar liitl,erge hie ortit to ihe e•hTee,ptirtlittlettf
ela l 4.•f "eCtl4je.
that is the BpriniedlB43llto ottecte• milh•serifieekt ri
• 'at m dPinnaadd Cd.w.Pem MYM*0 4,8 . .4
Add oaltrookineen,arteirdoividlosoldonsight .
00aar o 7 .
• ap day a eanikroare 'madly of Illog; sued arier7 ; ,.
tiel dark nailer. dip skulks bonne mina vadahnlor,
log: Nang An ern I Ins gloated ky grog oto non. ,
akdfal 11, 7* 1 44 bda turc«Alk.
el knth Amp., ap, aU hilu a =7 ne.nli -
that wthlimg non cored los doctoe'or m 7 to Ira*
tikldiiroded,sadirip• reroiral. / Ins Una przoodg Yp
a [dead of yaw 16 make a trio/ or Dr. Denial* /NM*.
row /fatly, width ny l'hiaaWailanlaard acarisoodroo:
' ear Ada wad. would' dd to psi; sad mould .aft
„Port fudronok... I toil= et oro Euraarl • Ouly
'hcpe, sod thar,i( / map die of tlor Juan, Colarelorna
'dna to on;) thaw arogilio looting lan. Ide I aria to Om
CakkonaCkfleo oad. atz...a 5 loran g ear le a d VOW
Idedniao, and amonanni nag vamaingto *law cf",.
lionioohlei, I.w:a of ruit._;tay
=v. c.c."
34.1.4,4intic,w•yi-,law&%lQatr I.
Tu. Making aliakliagi as taxi . 14#41:
;eid.r.aa,l2o4lirao t spadi an* ra . :it. Itaaatelma (" r
Ms*. of 3 faa)*
lamb* ai 1 tab. 1 , 471 r*onemideol tkin;.4s.i..,
.poaarna Bas;s4 i. am/ ingskai cab* obsultdy
alituaib6p Ekr u I tutu volt" A
' Air aai . ..Aid. , .
Lama ititor ast..4cation'V tho amp, Alt ." '
Pad tiara wia die bow,. oho as Dearly aniimerth
by Um Mm of this Lai 1 161 eadlbat the
,"d hotiliac
* I uia to-day eillatralyara het. i hooray
o know* then a,. ihiogands poi.;
vmy votibAbis dam* dairoyer—COICAUSIYTIWC—
Vim it Ray I , ow bye c.etiaa it I.7sim
ta., Demo it I. a. miarli , ..#o , L
their Imola M mai* affr: 4 recp, =.
t --
.nt bgat -
0.1=4* pdgo ugua..ti th;,cka
Lin niacin m ta to rnbled
t '
31:11.—Thae vlbi=.l * == 3 .l2= -
onlonopol, data of Idontraary, Ma*. *lnc
typloboy vonst sny tar wbolMatodo S thaahommotaa'
DR: ouricAros hs
of . Mtraaa.
-itova,admos this *
itW.*a babe* -
i ßO an gnrays
titain• Pitman* by Wlll. /ALISON, coma ot
.liseoirrAwr, To - mtur. im&DIRM-lCantmat
Ilalm Vasa& .a matnalma artiele km Cm 'Cam*
.admay and Itettomalmotthe Mk. Thu Ctsamt,mheaLl.. -- f -
sops kmmtya, - tailVionmedmiall Mat weeks ar dee
bad ma modd. Where the hair Is demd,
heal of Mena g . fem_app . lidanns ts wlliata&fil
.the bat and at Ira It a Itmantitailtmalm,, - , -
&mammy% ant milt. make it etal& to Ittelinem
and Itaalla/ ealaYmdie• as. Ma &Mall Ib MettowStiO4s
~ beta to
grakerally ma& Emmy My and mad man a
,• .
w la tbm ltabit Mama mttlamit tnd-yMUnad
mama pucka.* 4 bottle of tae Moe sailait CUM% la" .
it la mamapmettikat it - MI %WO.. - Ina nail lie'the r
Mat Itet-matenam, bat wialtmonfyii, and gm anther., L..
rd. mai...Y . teas 44,5.
fanowlas team Crony Rm. dm. toldesara.....
IteadeMM & Namman, - liattodlle, General Amnia ,
O m tha Rem. Cialdwr. l 4.Pnnin 4 the Pl';ft
blintz& Omen. Pulaski: • - '
Momm ileadonalton & Sttetett—Gentletient;,... • , •
I/kn.- 1 m i& amdatant In tam of dr s . ~,, • .
rot W 44414.3 ratted Dr. -Parrish Mama :' • ,
CladdY - Am .* Tem army We gnu verMat ",
Minty, and dimmed-mamma atitt.Ma haring proem,*
• bottle et Me &Nem, and mat ia according tm litalMa, •
senpnoto, - tay Mir ft NM mai datumnd 'llrettittne
bead am. :ay 'balsams *saga:. ••
wore ttpplied eta i Irani , •
Vial{ en /rs ware, =Me thanbefran.
b* tit
cnee decultoint raddod.Vc d t::• - •
te=ese=a ok dr " "t"1 11 4 .. 1
,Irpromt . . ,
11. 11 :CaeWor No 7 Illutei n iUlnd Jet &LAM " :
Ymdlet dr, Wood - and Flnit mut, 4gitur . ; :t. .
,Dixsz .rzitroittic.a.y • ' -
,U,.Catala de Amanda Lowe, proar,,.`.
emus ala Jilaaa,tret dint*: ; ••",'•-• ' 4, •
Sapelltaa peat itatalaiasiaa;t4 • „ •
Elr. iFeat pa:famed stiti - Larjayer,Apdml
Beaaaf4 piaaaitior.; :'!••• •
IbUit•PPJDa et bozos, togickl.i.g (MOM utor.l2 • •
hl n gi.Vdd eri. S,wielkthaw,and milel 4.9%
kat* fot praseau.
revaluate Palmas paarden • • ^ •
lad.n rcTiatila halt ail: - • - "•• " 11 •
..,. , u .4 , 0 4 la hurl Dr commas
, 4141?CTS,tto7e!!•-=1
JoncJ Bo.P ; a
. or up 417 ' r; ,
• add o nue, elegantly pump; ." •
P ik k 'Whin ban and to tr -
•eoda *pais W that
of fista paNagatal: Inft trWTed;
It chcduaiißiimu.p*iii 6 v thol'“ ,o / I co- -- • -
Oral Smyth:4lof Itkilato,'Oc leg,: ... ... 1... - $6 SO ,
'Two has/Woos iithootalterations.,.4 075 I
Three . " • ."-:- : " ' ..: .4 . ... .. 'J: 00 .1
'One Weck . f" . • - i 60,
Tun vett' ' . • " ' " ' . "i 1
p_gke ft 1.16, ''. • • V--• z - . 6.,01' -
.Vcro " .. .- .....
•Threo. f'.. • - " - , • ' •!;. ... • . .. 7 I °7-*
03"Lospe adtalliemcala.hhicGo,grOpoiSch.,'
Goa square 6 ccoothi, without chkohoh,... •I° It. • •
I. _
_.' Is, , ~ _ :,, " -,' ." ' ~, ...". lh 0Co•-
I Fieh uSlitioncil rinuctlor 6 thoza - '. 6NS •.'
. ,
Due *grim V. 6 mosths,,tenewablesphosre, IA AO
EachhdditiosalagiGe6G l2l4-01,62 " .*WES * ,
Two.aqurea, 6 montlG,liioilSocithpactoo;.6Sol,-, - ,
Each GlAitosalAiglace,.6'ouGthc,,.•.‘i' - ..
, lirOk7-' .
!Wrlttf . 01-.711.41k51at ..i/I:aa.I!.: . warts:J.
One squire.,loitertioht,...,•;.......i 'As ,h 0 .. . ,,, • •
eta ikaititiaaaliiiiintCkAl, . - ' 37 ' - •
ittschtur viand., , • •-. i...1.,:-•,
Five Ibleo less, Olin 31G., _ .6.00 k.
" as 50n00r 0 0..........c. ... , - 4. go
o - ,,c ',.• , 13 , - t :Doe m44 111 11* vi"AITiCIEI (X! 1
- .....
- li/GPREI
_--,:.**.;• .- - 8.1D. 7
. AirsammusTx:lXOrlimif. - Piril.l 1
For V? lia",9lCif; l:l46l , l , u se l iir e ., , 5G : 5°" -L
,'' t • . '.'`, r r , *pa, .:.....- 6164 •
..---..-• ,-A , - hreee, “"- - isa • ...:.-: ISO
Yi.*.-i•? - 0:* . . co?. —Ms-- tiwnik......... 1 3- .1,
.... - ...._.......: . - 6 ~ -
I, , . .. ..... , ...... -,4 Tfrigt0,X , , ,, 4i . • • iCrtße',,
f si-Ailiiiiiviiietwits tube thaiodby the d r .ir: - :
and h--aico*Oatarl6.NOlDSlotocgtchs migosig.,
• auoschtilcr. .I .SDPIPPEE * - Yeaxii*EaanaziPtt,lNlC
' • ---7 , ----lIVIIScos 'r-OGISSAL , .. , •-•:--••••••-.:.-..1.do_• , •: '
ilts ISNSlERDiPia . :iDcO.•7yi:iio.4,o,.*.cl.4salPl' - ,'
1 •:- ' ''t: !.-lailmlairiiiii:4l444..4l,44.<