MoadiNya t( .- ',- i I'lle,„"bOdfl_4llnWilittp' ' r 4 ‘ttlfr ftt A l 'iY h ' , g- 4 APltVerel' 1 Minute/AG {Aft:bushy teriatAnticlact-, livered a aeries oil discourses agaiost blot fulelily,,,,ini tcleti - of '1.01111s!Ftm; on the !Red.:reefs elee.Y: of the elqieult,et wflieb mere known to be shepttcal. A few days afterViatd Ai' , to& .tpassage on a stealtitic'liitiontling`tiniWaSilSiPPl rivers land foulul mi 'bi r ;t4 ',kw/it:4 ot the ettlicis of thoto An, among whom wta"s'a disciple of Tom Paine noted as the riugleadeo of 1 a band of infillels7 l So on as he dis 1T ''' - it . '' - ' - d novp . r a t 41F Impliter, e,fonamence his born ofisphetuics, and when lie" per , ceived biat reading at one of 'the tables, he proposed tOlits companions to ge with l• bilmilitlYtileppOsite,,,side of the table and liste t n . "*.ignio,stories . ",that_he,bad to tell ) upon religion and•Jeligious men, Which be said tiounatey the old preacher'' ' Quim- a-numbe , rompted by curiosity, gathered aroun im to listen to his Vidi gar' stories an iti - ecdotes; all of bia.: e t were pointid m et the Iltble and, its milliners. The preacher did not raise his eyy from' . t n book which he allot matilu r rt;:ncir apjieltr to bo in the least 1 1 discericertol hy'llie presence of , the tab % `, ble. At fingthxhe infidel walked up to him; nett 'irodely . slapping. hiln on-the ' ehmilditisiidi-• "Old fellow., Whit do you - think' of ' these!. things . lie jalmly poirttedonnYOf the duot, antl said, "Do you seediest- beautiful landscape spread out in such. qate4 loveliness before you„1" Yitis.* ' "II litizarich vitriol of flowers. f plants, and sifiiitbS; that ire 'ciieitratid to I fill the beholder with delight "Wcill,, if, isitli jenre, gi send:out it dove. he would. puss over that scene, and see 1 , in it " ally that as beautiful- and lovely, ad•delight hi tad in gazing tit and id miring it 4 bailif you were, to send out a buzzard over :precisely the same scene, ' .. be would see twit nothing to. Kills 'at= tel lti qtrtVe lee l 1 1 4 could Elidieiite'rcttleo: carcass, that would be loathsome to all t other anitiiiil4 :, ill 'Wont& alig - ht l VIA gkitt„tipoo ‘ i,t i ivith' 141146 •'Plimsure-r— -r' • "Doiost,mean ui,compare me to a bin ' • zarilgrivr airid•Me %fide; 'coloring very d ee ply, --- ,_ 4 l', mule Ain E allusion to you, - - itir,v..esid , the r minister: try quietly.-.-- Theinfidel Vilkita.tifT In;contusion, and .. , wenply-the-intme of .‘‘the Buzzard" do ring -the remainder of the..pasasie - . - = • .PregiiiWnlifirall ".., ',• .. - Glcrtet Minix, IN WZNII,RN VINO !NIA, —From-411t44:ordaville. Examiner: of No. vertrb, e:xßl•ign,learitlhitt Is ein r ing:!eitarf- Avalon more' htmcommeneed in• west. ern,yi . qginfa. We Antni. ilia - Aids:llas heeff in, - 4tokithiiitfor fro-. many yearn, but : . now ii seems; to ••• hare assumed a more decittiV•hillindi than= formerly ~.: ,•..The mot;loo';'hnt,ber4tindertaiien by' slain. , - --liol&Wittliernselves,; , Mi'same• extent,•4 -..' •• -rhofigit actor now lelhet 'Bei. Henry: Ruffiter - -A. , ,D - ot • Preab,yieritro,'minister. ' , ...WitUltitix l"associated.t' 51 1 .1): Moore; .lohn.:liftehe ,„','Da'Xidll:lGitriy, James, •i; : - G:; fl itmilth . Gecrgn•A: Baker, ~.. I. U. Lady' John ands,' htmea IL Gorden, - . • Jacob£nit ex ,` D. E. Moore; and John •• _ W. Palgi,,,alliatiti of moi eliaradei. '' ~The `Blue is Abe natural Aivi4kon '•, ; ioaeea eastern end•: western :Virginia: Slakedifesidot'ibrve in the ...vrf• 4 4.-;+ , 7 The veliten'tifolt,Sonof the Butte, there , • fore ' proixiieti to exclude. einiery .1 by enuennipbtintr, -= fiettt theii • territory. Wiii,alsserv: . in eastern lilliginiai the' , Virest;:difel! , :iiv.:'piis.o.4 - 40_, interfere Thwstiyi ..),Vo.'iv , ...ould•• eiroply raise a ' -hamer:stafat.4his Siygian inundation=-: 1141111 at the. Blue .Itidge,- acd, willi soi-, -• ' enaiginniiiirgy,ldenlare tn. this-black era. ~" of mdeerre' hitherto., :Alt* Atm 'come, 2 147:A„.fditlitit.'„"! : Adcordiiiie.lo: the Present: aspect of thirgn; Ateiniallikely - , to be 11i:44,661ns put krilt,lrt;w•estent • - Virginisi:>tri 'irteind's:' alaferyllipiri'll . s:- - betrai.:*: 4Weteil:Cdr: Ada.! " - ' , 4 - ','4 7 •-•;•,: ,- ....' ' g'.' ' ' ''''='-''';';'3;••••4 Win 8i0. 1 +' 1: 7 4-i '''' . • -.4-........ ••••••....,,, itr n! is :now, 461 in , : the con • strrfetion at fences and the Vf eitininiter' dhllKipartpltonisn'giyen-i the following ideacriptitin of t` in Which it is ndaitedlo;thie pityposo: . • - •• -, • -, ... "Vim posts are about imezhalf, of the -1 Ordilitril - siiti;',Plitated firridy, it , the. dis-', l tanne:of,4o4eht.itpart, with nine strands I ]of .istin, diatin: tightly tbniulli, a half inch I augnr: jialln;•;ithi . tightly_ pinged at each • 'holtil.fhe Wire is of the size of that used • for:Unklarvidlitd . the Yankee bueket, and. •to ;combine Absa 'more firm,-• wire of -a lietier;deenn 4 Potion is wound-.through the 'nuddle.k.;:iiiiicti Prevents ' the -- hogs from seP4tlrg:tl4,;4l -creeping through. ,•The,...Wlinle r i:eipente..of Ibis . tepee does not e#esd, 2,5_,c.,..ts per' pantie! of • 10 _ feett.;and der,'Oeneness. arid durability, it GaslCtf.ag4l4.BPPll!,XPPYtbilig o:!lm her avtty:e; , . eticipp..i..loo4oo -c.,...r.,itidf.:—J. Lati,:liciyaktiliri q r of Paris is. a written . 044-dowro P :a. 2Q7 ,between rude persont,g noble l birth in Armagnac ' The-document bound. the husband and , WitnlsiTarthteCireclleckifor , icApria :10ne ..4 .- It stipulatedthst the parries should have - tbn.,-„VlAlitiOntie're;the:tei,atthe,-;end of thir t tlitnit , if thi, , mutually•agfeed ; but if .: J lo4.4iiiAil . flypii were to be .equally &Xi., •'• , vledtnnd if the number . 1, hel"viiktiatigiy were to drivi foil' for . the odd one ,-,_ - Ther e ii,,iii the 81,03', 'tense of Abe I. .Libliit,- w variant :between 'Saint -Bet , , acrd,ntr'lol:YrOClll6 of Rilelrpe t And the .1'• a *Vet Chullth,_bywhich the saint bin iihunielf to glee: the tacid. neble man * , •l i tlie,.:kaiiik'frititbdr, of,iterienf laud in hivoini,in rho- church 'receives of hiM on • • eaftV. - , '', 7 •'''.. '!:.",',"::::',`:.'''' .:_...7:',-;°..sigaßlEs,..*.ik.c. '. 1 • • ra r=t, • • . • , c • • • e. ilb.ny; • • • • mo dai •“....,..6380 • kW NU . 11W741- ;.• mtgs. s s, Bpd elgtab rt,P7t., C - nigin sszt somas— . 14 • .noJ I,, , totelotoor.bary -si•-•", • • • V. s 7, FAA. .4tiebitiaLoidi . 1.13 P.l ' . • • ;',„ . „ L ime 1111713111150 N •• I ” Er lit laibilma beaiY 41;fi°12 FlP?!iratiLiatOtaaitC . • - I=matdiectuo#4.i. -••• •to bsfA Q 434. ;PPP P." , ' 'tabu us ended Ilerfit .. *l!.7 "mar-C# oo 4 W4 " / ' 4.1.0,11111141rrt.51M1PT0P1..; bkho Potabeglii • • •• • • pl ltt4 a." CUM • •- • • Fer i•:.?•,"P'i Roall•ll4CAlef..• • '•• • & n wig* Seft•ai.• • • n kW/ . ••• • • # l, ...APPPe a .agrA za 36 bt4sti• • • • ,- 041n161e p 1 "."" S e n .15 Sl:ii;-----*Lii A5D1NK111111M477.;"..:0,.:1,66. '• .. .., r114414401$ pied' agini..*Rrk '.. ' '• ea ibtsl.,sl. -An 4 111 ..... t , r *Wet i/1• _ ' ' • ii, iiiil . 4,l.4.‘lt•ty • "..7. - qt.. - . 7 . „ . ....- 7 . ... ..1 ..' .... imiL L- 411-± " ir,"}..'Ml4.• , . !. 1 .7,, ..... S• . 4 ' :. - ; •ii" sess*F., B l - 71;ii : r . .- - • ,'' s A A..-,!... :...:::,41W1 0 /w. s liiitiuus t '. -,: .-.:. vaintsamOkatttfte.womeldk.kii h. - , • ... -.....t.,... , - • - bt , ....... ' .". - ' ' ..:'''' ::". .....'. 7 • 7, c 1 TR:4,• ,- "nftlf•Ti, f iatar&sasern. ~,, - .. -', .:,...:. -ii - • • ".5 1 14. 1 . ,.. : 9 9 • u . ". • ' It -. . .--. " ' ' 4 Wil.i.Fir• •'' :L3 , _-- ••• • ts., —-• •': 'l"' ' - ' 4. - ' , -- r•-, lot .‘,7z•atr-iggli • ._-_ .;- wino . J. . • - ''' 4. 1- 4.4%**5-. 4 " 4 f t 44. * ' - , ...itroi....‘ ' .- • - .....' 0- # 014 .. 1 41414. OP, __ • ' ~.„..; . ..... .......,•-• • . '' - + - ••.:::,, , r;:. .'-:,-.'-':' •qh' .n -- - . . - f, , ,-...-,--..,... -•,....,;',..,=,:-- ~.‘H'i'- ' .'- f - z' - ---: - ---,-.. •:, .......I,—,r . - - • • •• • . • • " . •41=Isfe.Mmi .: -: . . _REDIDAV , 3! V ERAL REASON*. WHY DIL , LEI- DrI4I,SAIRAEABIILLAR. I k o oja Ri LS urtheonnorrg, scruturersally p.'iputar r.4- I . ,Bercaltal they erraprepareOhy B tsy imehlf,e regelar itnaggirt, Chubut auJ.Yby.r 'en of Philadelphia, RttO, the. moire, the go • ity atui r elaaracter of -the Medicines used in bh pill sad Viers as . • ' hueond, ;excuse the': poblie dm tahe-them , rritb grePter eoefolenee than; tenet e th er 'which -hie prepared by porounsigUerapt both of northe me and • . . • A bird / Flue-awe el tbeireembieed effects, proper, ti Oct captioned to stay Cube Agri namely, purr. tug ruin the stomach arid,beirels all onbeolthy sub. stalker, end at the same. time purifying the blood eourthrßecause thereof -the elieapeot and beE hie. kin* karma —a single but basting but 2.5 rear; sad:containing try persona as many ,dollars oll•lintes in Dantor's bill., and uorrieruus ineteie r , boesta &tried on theriectantriendation • -•• ' Wbenevery. have 'orewtion'trr take. any medi cine, do POI be tolling will! your constitution by Trying ell kinds of pills or 'other medielues you ace Nolo bed nod reeommetuted by ono arid avotber but • ',. Dr. Leidy 's Sartaiarilla 11 lad Pills . atidlou will out hiT< loceasion to take aitythiag 'clad. They-will always be found macid worm. M. dtaimae..lollam4oto of the auenach, bow. el=;leer and inteatiPeis cramps,of the atomach; co*, iVatethriinh: toward breed ; tool breath, bad mato to the mouth, dour erociationa and acidity of the atitniach, costiveness and indigestion,- wak ol appetite; billlenadeetinoll.' &seam s . of the' spleee and kidnaps, dthenserof the akin, - scaly . moaned dry had 'watery pin:thins or blotches of the lace sun hady, tetter;rasti,pric kle beamed Bait Hui ena,head. ache, giddiness, leintnewt, pains pier the heart, 01 the breast, sides, along the back and .pine, rhcuma.• find and gout, &vett of all kinds, small : pas; eerie. Iced. measele; wroftila,erpripetu, and in short they are good 'p akl. &maim haring', their origin in the. atodtaeb, liver, and internees, lid impurity of the. . irfTwenlysfive cents z•Boz. "' . 1 , y Sold Wholesale and Retail brit: . A. Fahneslock At Co. - Cornee,of Plat. and Woad, also corner of 1 Sixth Zeid,Woddeiek.. , , 7! •`` i ' - ! :oepe9 ' 1 - ,' ni - ~ A vii i vx., 0 4. 11 m•X', 111130101 . 1 sMet• -• ... It tszitrlnette in the soanothemoraot tlnipaper , to lice thg m eli We led oat, heist pemonAl in reemigmlori: •be of Utility to the middle. Sake of Dr. 1 Jaynes medicine. we have used In mu fa mily for mazy years. , -For teatime the EXPECTORANT; the CAR-.' MINATIVE, end VERIIIFIJOE;srIech • we. know to 1 he puod for the complaint. they profess lb ears. We non Lake Ontario tilaysatemanier. when several 1 of eitetravellingaimpanthee, fear having, In Wmuent. New,Vork,dmut, for many dayathellomytone water 1 of tam region, were bsdly_attukcii i with violent. Diu. I doe, and. Dysentery. : lute. ILL promised himself, mesh's. toleaving home, with .Th Ciontibisave of Dr ',mho,. and--in all caws of itsoptrmong five gentle men, it was sweessfid la effecting speedy inn . • i The ExPecrorant we•bithe •kn o used arming our intimate friends with equal teem,* and we, feel that' 'we *hall do a good act tofu:Mites (especially Bone eit• aimed ea they emanothave access to tmlneillt. medical' . sklll,lthadvise them to keep on hand bolbthn Expecte- runt and Carminative.' Thelspeeniratals believed by rood phyliciancto be the best ec ripe for Pultannary . Consumptive Complaints, that hasever yet-been .com poartded. The reason is, Dr. Jayne is not smack, hm a regally, nelentige, and able medical praeluoner him- j self, - His medicines are seed by die beet physicians. I ..-- .• . EZRA. HOLDEN - V . •,. • . Editor of the Phil. smurday Conner f For rale in Pittsburgh mite TEEM TEL BTORE.IS Fourth at-, emu Wood, , • " sen.ll. ,rtni.*.inlifirtiliAnatuNnerAval Malaialli F tt ' rt i l:r li' av v " ol tlit i g i o r t i es — a=gu P fet 'the it rid erripied having been afflicted daring thapaat winter with n disease of the stomach, mmedeses pro• daring great painidthe sumach for tetioratvelve hours wohoefintermosaion, and , after having tried •verioue retried.. with little effect; was furnished wlth'a 'bottle 'erne DJ igrue's Carritinstive Balsam - Thisbe - used itc cording to the directions; and Mond uniarlab ty that this modiciaareneed the pain to a t irt three or (maxim, wily:and .in .filleen et Meaty adalateeevery uneasy sentiation was entirely auk ted. 'The medicine was of terypardsinted whenever Indicatioas of the approach of pauteremperreived,andthepam with thereby prevent ed . Ile continued w use the modicums every evaded andl sometimes in the. returns, and is a few, weeks healN was re far restored, that tbo sufferer was [Wee p/ reont a large. anniuted of oppressive. pain Frame:. perience, therefore, be can confidently recomme , di De 1/ Jayness Carminative Ealeam, as a raluoiry medicine for diseases of the stomach and bowels • - A :MUNN i •.• .' : ,' _ .•• , Allegheny eity.jy7l . • For sale in Pittsbantb at_the PEKIN TEA „SICIIL V. Foarthirtieet, - near Wood, and. also at th e Drag • .Btore Dill P eCIIWARTZ. Federal meet... Allegheey ' . ---- CWISP - n lifia" -- 011FTTOTUIXFUE..., 1,..3 INGS.--Scrolala iii - alf. its ' hinitigaid fonts whethet in Oral of Kitten BzB,nalarkvenitizits 0. Op glands or teazles, Goitre; White &leafing", Caronin :Rheumatism, Censer, Similes of the Skin or Spine, .or cif. Pelinanary Consumption, emanate from one maths same 'cause, which is a poisoned, principle More or less inherent in the human system.'Theree fore, unless this principle con be destroyed, no radi- cal cure can ho effected, bat if the Principle upon which' the disease tlepends, to (removed, a, core molt of necessity follow, no matter under abettor= theidiseiart should inanition itself. This, therefore ' ,in the reason why I.Sitne's ' A Li'lligtATlTg is so uni I serially in removing ea Welty malignant dimtasta, It destroys the .Itimarer principle. from whiten thine 'diseases have their - Origin, by entering into the circulation, and with the blond is conseyen 1 40 the messiest fttnas e re:eosin} ever) p irtmle of, disease from the eyeee.m. :Prepared end sold at No. . BSou lb Third Street. Platuinfphis. • ; Sold at the Pekin Tea Store,fin. TlFourth Wee. ' 7 - 11 SCHATCII.' BOR . TeN7 - 77_77 I 'ilea / ale, FMK SALT Mir:: i, a.-,trto, , 4 1 - , for a innate day ureic, .; - ,L. of h, the the 1 ~ ,,Tetter, Itch. or o th er direare. -.- , iant, if they knew 1 . who would relieve and e ire ii. u. . • , ,-.-. 'fit hot libbi to i.e 'ut.i.ged to 'Oland scratch , tibia ' it.t room horrirde to abide. from it, It ileeener , oci e.•,i we en m_owdgr i l.; .d - LeA li be o rge r etk , e r d i. ttla: ,firJL. - 111Y*3 T • inn. ',incite-Wolof anv other preparation inelisience in, curing the Tenet, Itch. and nth. direaeeeof th e ski.. I Ae ultd..comsofthiskin must anse freak the impurity ! of thgehs.d und.ditids of dm: holy, and where seen die' 1 eare - be of Lug %tanning. ,:,d the consolut., affected thereby, if Dr. Leidy's tat."..ipartas Jilloolrills be toed with the Ointment, they will cure any whatevet, mid if they do noi, the money cr.l be resumed by-4.14 Leidy. Llosacase r e, however, will Le a...1y clued 1.7 /Ir LeidY's Teller and Itch Chnoneot, unless' the whole system is ierpreanatcd by the diseused Lawns, wterbwil le completely carried airs. the system by Ih'Leldru rated Pills-awl 16c sitrtnetnet de son heal ed ity Oil Dinneen,. Wm,: et Ointment Z ern., Eat Wetly -., • , • ' ,11 A FAHNEITOOK rCO • aetro • - OttLIROSIABY II YILSAPI- ', ••- ' • •: • 1 • • Ateere. heed tr. Cuder-1 feel It ti'daiy Lowe to My fellow creatures to state lunnothi ng Ilia. respecting your Vegetable Sultuottaryllsraans. Since I first used the tlalimin: about eleven yeats,apo,ltte happy effect of which I Won papthin ye nn el, I ,I reran ; have had us ve' se vereemeots and attacks at eavilunati-tinte - d , er days rince-a, d la every Matinee I lase used the Bal. ! emu alone with complete and perfect notes.' It h... 'effected teller and cure. a very-Pm, days. - .!lt as eer Lindy a safe nnthenici: 1&s not linowthat it mull care a fixed consumption. but I believe It will beta many eases • preventative, amt prevernisn la beam than ease. 1 do therefore. for lea love. ray kik:nem°, eaniestly, reionamegul the Wee orthie Dahass. to all. paleiton.r, eninpla oar. •I am Confident t h e It h. been the means - of preserving my life to dos day. .. • - - , , ' ' • • • Dot nn Pliannn. . iloiton,lene lit, Itild, •• ' ' • • .• i• • Sold by It A FAHNEIrTOCIT .k CO.,Carner of Pint' and Wood; also _ comer alb Mid Weed we. .! runtS' . It NOROAITS COUGH SVIIUP.-It Proved ic. be the -WA groat, rammer in curing my tittle's distreselng mu. Come Crane -We are not in the habit of paling, otheh leas tabor Patent htedieines. bat we feel deemed to recommend atermin'eSyrop to those who are anima with a coven. After . ..elm stied them:nal remedies 'it seekers. a' eenstlet and diltnssing cough, that bad . Co, &teem' days alTheted one of per chlldren,witherasne. emit, we Worn itidetied to try Alorgita's Cough' Strap, road by Ic relief, ins obtained in a fear hour.: It moved Abbe the pairatea la Miscue at trust. .• , .• , ~ . Prepared wholesale and remit by dm proprletoi, .101 IN D ISIOROANtDrenikt, . : ' . woe:tett door lets. clamed as. -lOU PUSILLANIMOUS SCOUNDIIML • oor W i slir y E oana . T e eNierblilfra e tly lac l oo k at loot al: your own, pitted ' arkk.enjamas and bleuee ' s ! Vet yea ale 100, gamic .010 any . C.llo sensor the gran Ckemical keep, which emeld eaumil Se. im hoe. Mem, sad make yoar.yelkrar akar, and balmy. -stance Jaskson'a lame, Liberty: at. Pittaberab,sad get a cake. - • r • • • • • N D 7atekson's Mike onlyplata LarStabstOminie the GENUINE it to ba obuzed.:Beware .of t.i • EL.7.on4itnvic the Dia Itnoi staid. 13 AU P.PiTS 561,1":111OVMUJIPCGT.!—IT 15 L POPULAR EVESIVIIVIISItet .I. , • UnherneaLlfaW - 0 1 P 93. IM7. /dr. D. P. Oratorii—DeolllWii pirefeeed• two Poole* of Pelk veneldede - sad oaddereet one Inv elo so pro of rat eaildreo4 eeldelt Ineedldinds one IN woven, end hoos the eagle IN: • I deeedmiteddle eo the en...avail,. se °needle boot remedieilliiive 'Veneta .or .ad for she femoral of - . -•- • • • ' •,• Veurs, revreAnT• ' ' '• • • Jill, TookrroN, Cr, . . Prepared arid sold Pp IL I SP.I.A.P.NALS7 Woad mi.; mowers ltd sod O au.. Sold or II!. camal,lsll Wee* Clinoll.lll SAWICZ—If istci Tos!LIFSI7!, • '"6.4 ale bf O A PAHrat3foc! !VIII 11111W1 f3't'44 ISATIENTEDIBSOT-ACTION • TiIS Meows possesses natty:=llone all i.rlttansiriabkeatu.— g rap b* idWly and ' breed bktit . easy be smorrollen with tle msatest.easo, oriols tbs Itassmer Is irl operation, and tie knots; ma{ be to mantis arrested, and • ...pep ditT at .1 height. Its Umscrsaldy, ocasramity,l6 Onstale m ee k of all tropkinds, an laigef Iso the smallest, andel the same . Its Sil9o it itT,COsipsetnees and Chiapeess. adesodltio, WO , sides, birth° workmen' . dm hummed ass rade SAFA diets. . mbscnbers eentlau, to ersestoorders for dine lamuneto, es, upon reassemble terms.....• • For farther perusals,. moso MUCK I TOWNE,. ' Auldness of the Pawns for the Valtrd &oilman Ponsdry, PYllsAlea • . DERRY 6c NICKERSON ' M.arnmers. or • • . . AWNINGS,. 'BOTTOMS, )7AOOll' COVERS AND GRAIN RAGS or ALL Disatirims z t , Soitli"tea& Street. 4: • • Back of 7 A. litilloWstirbinut Wars Maigfri A , PIT,ILADiALPIJUI: Idd • c,,nemaso. • • 14 10411 v , A. C.•NICKHAtioN , . . r. . : 0A11.111.11.01i1 I. • , . • . „ WILLIAM pair, COACH 4W) 1 :4911VBILINZAI ••••717 in gy ve d , rilliadatigg , Lila of Or Ors et 00e* . -Ifsbgampopgady Aalbrarlartmada . 6104 pall4thiMr Or ler*lll tory 6 =e a l teL lisa ...1 r 1 „. „a. -. , Pi d i et to ark, OA. ,40 m IA wlltrilma t kretsalacta A"loribl .5..... i5b33.1 1 1 .. VV-7. ,-' FEU VMS!I . lIIIIIIITT 7; , • - ;*. c4itit.driberimad v.t4wAtjeykstt6 tali:ism i m t . / s u ‘tnag : 14 }x i = lt d i x 1 m valneaLbON.P.thawageLiworirraoni guirma ti . tb d o fr **Madge as& of olbsats. :11114/111011, .6.11 , loAdelVilttglkipprOt • ~:iiiiliiiiiliiliiri 7: • i iiiiait ' 1145 ' 47A 1 0 4,2 4 0 # ;;' . 1 - 1 . ; le"' MISC,F44 4 OEOII3i 5 4 6 .trtj*""" I n" ,, bleeding or roid,slii, 1 lad of the kidiwtso4 EL,d. der, Usk flock lad role, 'eustivenproinp„ sller ensidonnent Art oftEri inaublid with eutatipitina of th e„.,boWels p? 4,WD - enrol, nsq a. the 'yaks 1p all wch wireTtLe Spedif.e,eaii be :Gillen with per feet safety, aaJ ol a eertalri iertiedy. Th..Ppcslie raw, purgative, soda an ply iegclable Dowdy, withvaCti pee tonly tide ofvuolay,alory ors or fwei—pleDant takessol yu) 4. 7 1144 in Ds JelieaD9res.. • Tbk 4 t, eettify thal /know Dr. lagoldsby'r Tile Spiveic s tot* a certeio cure asifaife moody. llsting setruitperee , , iisereral uw. r .wraßoio7 Essii4ionnes...iuseserideti firme•l sod severe eases of the where it 'mate ow mtira tare iseiery cac.• '.. Y WHITEHEAD. • New York: ISlnlyigreat. , • I cheerfully site iny,,traisrauy a. to the eataidsoCsiton isLing effesta of fle.fuillsby'r 'know it Gorr my inns esperoev.e. siol observation; to be infel/it.let Daring stall wet villa therm. iu seyorel it* .4 . .; node • Ncr Yoek, - .1115y,161.5. „ •.: Sisihiorest. LADIES! CERTIFICAT,E..I r • • • Sic. l'oik,slav,lntin Alr..lltabi—Drar hare 4h. pfintnut to'may, the Imtr medicine, Dr.lnntad.bytt rit e. apecinr, has made a p, r tort nure in th e eve of my mutr,and you that 1. bars bern surprinal at it, ma it =a tamp op.olou out rtnafble bare tar. Ilowever, Imu mow Utility ~ the wed.acme as bring infallible„ nod do advionall .nher. ahoy.: 611 anted in the Olgananc, to procure the ast.ole,, as they may , • . Teams impect. • Want:Umber, ri• alai 1.5. Ida& . Dr. Inzoldaby—Dsor ir•:—'l'hat you May benettt . 011141 into may* sulreringi a 6 orals. to ma. my gratitude for Lht *teen I ham! derPted Dom them otyour .alimble Spa • . . fife-, I eotesp/i With ',her embed, seal now do gilt Coy testi ntooy hew. edit, having heen'entwd of treere &dock of the Files attar hawiag toed Whet. rented! withotit +twee.. Faure wide reepet !had wholewle and retail by WM. JACIO3O PI, at bit Fat tat Medicine Wareltoole, lewd BOnd sod likwe Store No. SS Litany Wirt, head of Wood, Pittsherigh. Price , mete pnbs .. • . Y GAZZAIIIPS PATICIST BEDSTEAD , •7,11111 S No Phis Ulna impnoveme Imo now been in CM cheat Men years, and wherever is khown, preferred told; miler Beadmends, • Yoe cheapness, Wang* add enavestiepee•ii hen not and cansot he equalled, .•• it Is deentedly the best, cheapestand Mai L ein:gement lkilstead in use, and Per fectly prrief againmlMlP. - The principal Cabinet Metiers and Tamers in Ale. phony oily and in ,Pinsburgh, have second Rights to Inanufaeture wd sell the article. As there are spunons articles and imperLiet Imitations in We-match Omelet sets would do welfto examine the east iron plates on which in the genuine article the name of the patentee, E. P.0....11.. Invartably cash As a proofof op di it la claimed for Gistim's Bedstead s, the following rerlia. eate from Cabinet motets well known in Potaburgh end , the West; is submitted to the pnblic t • . • . , We, the subecribers. practical cabinet makers and Itedweadmanufactnrers of the cities Of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, Pa., do:hereby certify that we have bought Alm right to miinufacture Leibitivtdo with Gaimant's Pat ent Fastenings, rind consider.the same superior to ens, fameoluoir with which we are segmtinted. Janie, Lenten 4 : - . john Mtireiv. . T.B Young & C •' - 4 Robert Warman J R listtlay ' ' /amen 11 Barr Joan Liggett:in- Jas. Lavery & Sow , Towns lt, ethics Riddled Drone. ' ' Thomas Fade, Raritsoy & M'Clelland. DamiLaker ' ' . 'Moses Bullock • Roberts ft-Kane I lu Akay W ert n . "? .. • . !as W. Woodwell J Meehan. '. George Snyder .Wm Hallett ' ' , - .1 Melilamrsi. Co • Alermider.Lawsoil • . -For Rights to make and sell the above Bedstead! ripply to -,-- ' , - EBENERF_Ity IIi..BRAM, t ---- mm TILE DAILY NATIOBAL WlllO. , 1. -• pytblistted in the City of Washington, every day. at 3 o'clock, P. r„.—Santlayexcepted—and served to sabscrilicrs a the City, at the Navy Yard, in George town, to Alexandrisnitod in Baltimore, the tame even. lag , we* cents• week, payable to the Pole Agent fur the Whig, G. 4..Gipehrest, Esq., - or his order. It is alma madedito any pact of the United States for 114 per an . note. or lIS for us pitonthe,pisyable • ln edinnee. Adeerusedieels of ten Imes itt le e inserted one time for. 0 mat, two time. for 75 cents. three time. for SI one week for SI 75, two weeks f0r,32 75, one inotith St 'two months 117, three mouths Stn. ton months RIO, one s. ye... Sat—payable alvray• in advance. . •fa NaGenahWltto a who its name Indicates. It s p,sgs the t emitnentit of the Whig party of the .L' s ori rimy question of hliciri , licy. It advocates the eirethirfro the Presidency of ZaNalet Tajaoa, subjet, td the.' Atrilfil>ll of a Whig Nationel ConventiOn it mated war to the knife upon Au the Me AKu res and eon of the administration deemed to Le adverse to the into reins of the country, and exposes without fear or favor Me: eorraptlons of Me party In powcf. Its 'colon. are W.. m eveW ...ninth. country, for the' dismission of political or soy other questions. . , • I_ln addition-to politica& law race in the ,Netional Whig .11be devoted m publications pon Agriculture, ' Mechanics, arid other , useful ana,' Se t-nee to recrui t -ntibrdn 'n'nt.F.S4Xl'glinCtiltinreC,bwQ,illl'atllie's'iTePn-, 'melding the Se. • A. weekly Bat of the Patents Bated by the Patent OiLee will like wlie Le published— the whole fiarmiug a coinplete family newepftper. The Weakly Rational Wialg, - One of the largest newspapers its -the United States, is made up front the Columns of 'Me Dailitli slams' Whig; • •nd is published egery datardity for the low price of PM i per annum, 'payable In advance. A double Sheeted i eightpagea .11 be given whenevrithepress of matter t I shall prods it.: -• .. , 1. . ~ i .. En,. ,n,,,,,,1ts of Vent rePfeyler. wrineir e•prewir • fir the National Whip; are to enure: of . publ;ca.u.-- ,Titey teinit.ueed with the 'second number, a large nomtm, of copies of which hove [den ptioted to supply, calls tor bacanunthere: CHAS W 'l-1-INYON , ' - Propperar of National W nig - Washingion,Jane 3,1647. , teleJlisnfins •• AUAMOY POrt: PA.T/C/NTAN ' - - - .. ,I . ~, Washington: .D.' C. ' ' t ' 1 rJENAs . e., IttillOlNlC. Ideelfinicul Itagineet end z, ~ g gen ,,, , p ,,i v ,, ing hiteotc, nettl prepare flte Ilr- CCJAIs} Drlsivflqn and Papet , ter Alliotrwl, lor t o , env, nod OuAract cal fOlicr. !AA.,iran In ltiC I , rn of tin 'pry/feta.. pr. tio,Petent Office. Itr' ran Or coo-alteff on all gloN•pona relmteglo llelNitrust Le Ira and iVel , ang at the 'Untied 'titalil Or 'Coupe. l'e urn. , at• 6 dig:nice tir'eiroug of Pl.ofilfg eiLLInI.IIIoILS nal& ai 14.: . parent 0115•Ir.p.1111 . to/analog uppllentiun tot' • tolleith ma) forward (pact punt, enclosing a Ire of Er glellar.. 1 a clear statement of, their one, whentounciPao atten tion will be' given in it. sad all We inioodation that andi Ge obtained by 1 vain utrittc uppllcaut to g , e1.00.) • promptly entafounicatot. , - -- All Inneis ph twaiiisv. Owl:4 roltpuld. ntd d. a coitaldr - ire. wl.cle a u viten .p.oun in ...pore (*lee er F - _••treet.., , Prul ,, l , si , l' r... 4 ' 111, ' - Ile lia. toe Inntar et reforrote, by pe'l, tu Una. CAltranntratOe,Co3ll.l l l.eionil of Porno; lOne. II I. Ellarorph, hue 4. ,It dip: It Knowles, fdaenuaiot, Eaten , O ' lflee• Judge Cianch, AVactilegunl• I , ‘o I , l lion. II Choate, Atua.cliescus. S Altar; Zion. Pi Auk.. .Ohm. ' do, Hen. l II Itiorlin, hl C. Ali.aouti; Ilse. Willi. Hall. New Yak; • - Ilan. Robert Smith. Al 1., allinut.; ' Hon. II Ilteere.o iSenate;. • .1 • ' nod) II !tell, Ii U. Sloweaut; l '. F'S' it a 8it.te''..,..!4,6.?!.i''' aat and VIM fillalOalible Eastern Plittflitli and eolent. THE CHEAP EOM, or Ho9roN BLIND, on .ttmtd e or made to ordeeof all µsex. and. ell prices. ' Country Iderehanta mid other. are invited to call and examine the above for rheraselvai att will be sold wholesale or retail. andst liberal deduction made to wholesale porahmera. • • To Onocers and Tea Dealer.. . THE PUILADEIIIIIA AND NEW YORK nr.KIN . TIPAICOMPANY. ' • No• 35 Noith Flynt Street.Philodflphia. !' ... i, I.9 l:: ,. .rj a : F. ri t lefi:eltr et: ' , ( l. ...l . . , Cle.t,Or packed In then p dtdaee ath ,by We: eed } : ,ar pt yie, at peace” late wady , idler atlibii4Latrel in 4te Dented nate. ' For 1 tekin— ,. '• Wahl elm. Vane I on. Vow deaden nod idea in DA eau. POlver of do;' • • ' . 911 Ono 'tab( eh, and line wid tiled,/ 41/0 de • , 'do and rein Itopeitaltfunt,tllla •. lacking oid Dna°. gradnD . . , tin at nista ando d On arm Oolonrang, gs (va4..ri . MD do ous) . Aloe , . . 150 do Potechones tt3telan and tau neyortOl Omega dead Ykrentry. Peeion, Knelob Dlrnalent Teas, kn. De. • , • •• . • ' This Caeoputy establish so ealasteassenein tn'any kind ass of Philadelphia, bet fatal.ken Ten parked la . 5 and 5 posed paeltonee, beering Anne own nano to Ale' general Dad of senelity ednal to ant . soldW the U. ,q.... 11,1,40 Mite ponce, and pkdo tlnumil.. le to toed the !Odder gar *Oh at don not woe Pin, tt Aniline- • ton. • . ' ideCALLMONT A IkOND ..• . , d i No Di riorth Flont i Stn, • • • . 'iv task Depot of the tomato'. N. D. Oldest form ri.toode trended fatthfolly uld nth detpateD. •. • • . , Dice 'B4D • • J. R. br0... - KOAL re Arent of the Queasily' II in dila etty, sad willed! span Owen and Tea DeVera optll43trels .. • - -- —.—_._. milairomi r ao l / 11 / 6 . , pattl VUHK. . . "ritse m riean Aied:l: o 4: rra w ied to; the eel...leer of Pres All ' arr it or Illemlor go one'yell'''. me &Me ue norliedr let, to the - p ion 'of large sod toga) , .arga, weigh entry member ri i CtiVet • .:: $ 1:, 44 " NI; th att P lor:•{111r:11:11 1 t r Yt " en th iltZ vrkiekare dleutheredy byaloonieeng the ocathere, In •• • • Iftp•lntliso were dlaininried. Ti,h Iry numaroasaarl oalosble—sisora than di D F7y a L l ano 140 introOrtarly p• to and In addition them son by dharibatitik tau bro.° inedsls of Washing.° Or ton, WY I 10 proaress.. 'hod est h washer .11 'cerise Jolly Elat•lkat Men,' ally. Uihii hsner'Pl~odadO.A after nonunion°. • % t r ipo d b.nai horn apponsoi r for Plusborgh and vicinity taprypared in Ty, OM, ripthsn. • • Thole lashing la beam. , mob:. srin foraraid . th° llthilatsO of she rxlFtikin , dqincso as awn as way be terronlent . • • Va. CA1.13WP.1.1. • Meet. stowde the Poo OSeo • • • AliwurAiinsrocK .• • • • . escaped ft in ina' • • Toak...ow kat amitieoced mobs 'el* rek: ibo Naerscoeleni of ?MM. Iltk,le,sll ua vorlou btaneheo.• • • • rwoerg tb,..0..1 the errantry who'oratorsat of lobs. mold do wall by callow .a doe rah. pool -09.1001111,1r0f IMsvlret, ao they :oral b. .old al too. isoldebkoredoetlon ham taparn Tb.! aunty. .1.• stalled In pram of banaiy, of die etre,. Jost* of ofsioqual from ortorh Owl Pie loonafsrodr.l. The•lltbferihrr elkneol hat bfiie•• whom a ouperiar .tilde 1. of,dad fora lr p dca. that a.inetam iodurn • woo is adraorsaf b maeota• 1120 of all .wirri eva Primate lota. tie is aka oarldiad dtat m.mnbr upon aorratpood wIMI dm above Irproaentadom•od weald therenne onban the ammo of tarrr who feeL capo..d le rnrnarue 4.ll,!Oilloviarlfbrini of dm trot!.. to do. chy. • • • Orden tlifeCtra la 11111110. nitit .rrnitrfl4 COW/ or Pilknualtdand Market 1111001, rrf .or • grfl i - 11PW Pal ha10.7:4; /welt of ISSii—frnre Piero !Aka:W.4cent aNi ,Wef.toro N V, tare *tad, tbta PAN. Iliteder. Itelloohitzanty. • ..-•• , 1 • • Eaten rioutf the vox. 11 natw heir* nc yloo4,7irereueee apt. A...icy .111 firs 4 4 4e Ate - tbiayadvitme to poorly New dur. end to aeltlarnegboot lbw .esate 'trim ... Pact pote.. - . GEO. W..,111 - flf k•co,," jaa Erearrew." • TIMM , paiIMILIVIIIP , VOWS* t, bbiarzfriairtilialum Ai/Woof bar 011110,3 n. Minot oe I=4 cober 4oe lose , 11:11004 4 aliet Ammo, aahlo‘u) can. , • 70) - vri§ tA. R A. PA'll • • • . extrotirtlitary - Xtditiii. - Thu eltrict la putt'''. in Suit mities idcarantir,..l hraiTaolcii t vomiting, ; . hilitalto; they CILLIT SPIIINti-AAU.BII%. The Out bttliy stipitiority'or 'ail mien Medicate.* *Kiev. End' matt \r. iA). It is tms.• of 114, SU.% .11E1?1C111Eicmr Voss whale syltrin t r c1411.r. the esii•lfiintiEhshit rife nircime. 'Ala ail this lies the ‘r.ind _. _ • nocreos. It( ottiozlinutodmithro W it4, *sore Caul of of Iltnr. uere mouldered ittcugahln. , litmatic ilteurtuttinn . i rl,ootl cues ofliytidlota, : .41100.110 ttorettllkbdtl) tool Want of.E.nersi; : t all comp( different Esteule Complaint • I,La, rues of she I.iscr Cutus Lint ; • mrns& Mira. of the 'Kidney soul :I,cars 11. , ..11of.Coasomptica; Awl Thousands of elves of Dux.« of the Plood, , eix: II leers, ithco..rOap:sea,'ll,e Fu., b.., a., To, lei us nun. row (Itl of rain in sbi; tole sisol Chest:l:pi.' Affect/omi, de., ke.' Tre, !mt, mule elver men...Uhl, hut we here itooifhpiciAo. sod nor smis ' from alt: earls of the noted Sulu, inforstini u• of ettraoldinary cure t. It; V.. Buskisk, Flol.onse of the.snost raped/Ile d fluids fn sot, fy mimeo us du , . ho can tefes tom Shan ISO Re SD lloslioioc: (due, Thcie velhowands of cues in We se Vseventilc ,161,,,e known. It undoolisedlyuted the lit. . I t UiYJ tmuntsw Tl[ FAIT 62.6 mi Ai It remused the raw. r dueue, and pt epared theta I, '. • i• 1./strissi Stein, tee, _, • , . Ceti. U.; o f MTV> ST.V.• Nl7lr; and member of the New Jersey Legislature, heatiodtpeol ~i r ti. the s iollo tug canincate. It It c h its own nay. „ :• • . hallway, h01.n3, litil7. ' Ayer y' to I was taken Wilk tbe luttnina. aid my-whole nand left n • debilitated mate Uwe induced to try ,Dr.- Ifowniend'a tianatadille, me after ban % two or Mtree bot tles lum Very much relined, and anthem it entirely hate and Sanatory: ha. I hire tionaimmill taking it, and Mtd that I nit:ivory 'ug day. I believe it and my life, mut wolild Mbe in nt it under say dimiii. 13. W. illnl i sda, lee U.S. N. Tide ee ' le concloairely prone the thh Banapartna has per, control Onr :the mod .obnate db.enad of ;the •Inntel. • Three tamest and in out, be I. unprecedeeted. ~ ' M. Tnifeldwo—Dear Sir vllwieelleepleaminiita inform yowthe three of my dahlia have ern cored of oh. &to fin by , the ead.of your' excellent medicine.. Th ity,idere itlicte miry eenr4y with Ind wee; line *illy taken foe bonne; Ittook theta' away, for veto& I feel myselfander deep obligation. . Yeass r eeeetfolly, Undeli7. C11.&11, IDS Woomer et. ' , . New York, Mani I. SICf. •" • • .'. . ' ~. . . GREAT REMALY. MEDICINE,. D. Toonoiod's Sarsaparilla to • toorrolgo ma oroodi titio Att. locierat Cotoomptioo, Bornostot, Letteorrbo, or Wbitos, obo.roetzt daffoolt. Ineontiourneo of 1.1 n., ar utroluotizy disclorp , thorrof..O foi.tho pa rrs/ pmanik.- whellortlo result of loherritosivo oc.olonts;pralticellPfinoguivity,illocu bitsi n t g i , t . s.,invigaitatiat4 ' T au !nate, Gum taking it, atom: became robovt wad (allot Vai aknes and igi node' iolluenea. It iiiintedistely connternni the nem ' Ironies. of the (may from, which Who great ea.. *Oar: It vodl Dot be. expected of in, to ow of da delicate • m ime, to exh•bit eutibeatea of tares puT(ol7*Yd, bat rye tan assure die afilieted,tint hindride of eased have been reputed, ox. • Setryral user ahem flocidies bare been rithout 1711, aflii using a. iror kottles of tide invaluable sae:die., have bun Mont vrith Maltby ofraiding. . De. Tatenten4: My wife. hying greatly distressed by vreskoire aid general debility, rod, ,eoatintediy by. rail and a ittaxMoo of bearing ilbvin, babe{ alba 'womb, and with +titter diesculties,* and having known taxes divoie year oiedieioe. has effeartgeeal cures • said also hear , ag it recommended for such hussy have dealiihed,lobtaier ad • tunic of your Extract of thsrapvilixOnd (Mooed the dkeetiaab Oa me the. o r abort perwd it roamed tee anoptaitdo and slow:4 tor health. Being 'grate dal La the beneutelhercrsivell, I Übe pkasore SeinOlNlcar tog it, ...a reilmaltodia, it thl. hr: D. Mecum, lbony, dn. - N.l*U. Cor. of Grout sail Lyillux • • Commorigidiept.. lerts. • Dr Timarmewif: To all whom We may momno-Thie ie to comfy that mt wife mid mu bottl• of •yom promotu to her:omfmemmit, tinder the mug' simid6g and delicate nrcomadmirm, being troubled with Wadropqet wel or diednic nem. allictiom;iod very timetiOlebildr. mil; with my plinossim, And tbe tomettmondeloo of dose who had wed i& M.) was induced to ley It, with Mild or oa faith; find soff& it be to =die. hail tbethappy and dfroailoed 0., to the but aloe! tho espirati. of am etrek at U. yee; chi Dopy - and por t.. 0.600 gape way to an astonishlog dep., lei hiahla is oar bet. tbaoit lad booe tima If this will be orb wales-to yens or say ooe RhO Jost. weseas Liu mediae> . e, you lila cOoly welcome m u.. iabscritn meal par toad ceiedieal sad iiatiyee i• read; J•11/.11,1. TO SIOTILEAS AldD DIMMED LADLES. This Katraci or Sanapsrihs Dos bent mitennaly pestered its sea - snare tJ somplaints. No female who has rea ps to eoppose she tiaptroactung that critical period, "TM into of . isa" should ooziest to tabs et, as LLisa certain protest:he fur asy uf tba mutiertme and isorsibls doesate which females ars subjsrt at (hie ou of lifth. This period may be dels)ed fur *metal reters . by mist Om medicine Hoy a Ira valsahte to those oho Svc approaching Ssitimboal, ai it is olculated to Swat ishosis lernsictmousg the Shirt cod insturatin doe system hutted, thII blv dinar Is hand-' Oable tut of the delicate &erases to *Mill eromits stn sisajizes. - It braes, the whole miens, rnstre prressnetaly ISt tato ! tat- eorrgoss--by tempting Use iimmeibta ofshe idly—nos , So. Intisidating she u to nalsic• • aikaaliant re, bisstiosoeitudise the swot of most madieince iskssi,* hash. sembuses had discus • R)1 1005. Tots hate.pate coati& s woe, dOll e}as, Lfots on Ms tot, . treskka, and *le .• toll of voile,. les, o bi A ts i e . o f Dr To h sou 4 ;las aass. frailskaasai M. 0., and got p..motel.: sp,rbLing (7til, 1 - 0 - 6 Leadtifal meemdeschon ot'silciuls,atz 1016.0% valor to swam% ,feel Lake. PYSI;I:VSIA. No ot medicine foes ever lot, efitemicitd which ...eo warty strinaths the. r juice or oohs* in decosipsiing gost and shrug ilittong the corms of dighdros, sad, preps, tsar. of Sts I:hes PrAA XTat A ter, Albany, May in, IBIS. lloomo o d, oir —I Pete au, sOdotid FR Wert! orar2l.ll. d3spefsia is its oralm•; eittondnd we toi:e, h of 'ehosseb, tar Of opisiits , ratreme. hearthors, sad a • gat stersius Poo of frolond week. (what I uhl r'st,/ tars' hese imshie to eaoia but a Main lama. oh my stuisach I treed the missi rtinidies, obey bad link or nu e Get to removing tha complaint I sras dosed, oleo. two months since. to try your Ettesel of harm- Taril/s,and I Ins. sarwille littla Scenfitherot, bat slier using .ocarll 'him bottles.) funsd leppetilO" mistureJ, and the 621A.1 1 1