' • ' ELLANEOUS. ,_ - t ~ ~, VIT COSTRLACTORAI:' L-L.., - . Sr,"• . PROPOSALS will be remisedat theillfme . githemittver nod Kanawha Minaparty,ftt Rich. mead. V.' andlthe lath day of Dehember nest, for the . eeee mmaa d .) ha t lm - rovements on /antes Myer,' .the mouth of Noah River, to the town of Bee . $ distance of 81 miles.; The turveys being ~,,,,e s kted, the work can he no farther speeified m th th vs Man that it will consist of Damns . sad ones of, Canal between the pools of the doom, . ' with -Locke mitEmient to overcome a fall of about '..41111 I TOlland Ptah ter th eabeLedn - thnee, and each G e ed hit, Aqueduels,Malvern, Farm Drudges, to , as Mall &Mond Accevalary. The general tams of the war he,lkat the evotk , win be divided into , :• owe. at M. Or WM:4M each of witch will be let ' - to Ile est respombin.bulder,'offenog satisfamoty proptua a/Withal cash p6) . l9ellth will be made on twankaPeatintatek'Of work actually done, With a reser. ~ Talton leper centby way or mcorny ter lb?, con, pletkin f ide work, sale Me .54111.) shall be edmPleted . twee gto emuract. Rade Prom...tit toll also be.riceive r rail=ame plaea, iv it-ere same dam, for the ennarnetion of the 1 .! Connect nof the Gennanya canal with the ilde , aratcr, ;of Mato fiteret, at kbehmend, th raoh the Richmond ~ 'lktelbj .d as onaltarill consist of Me threelecks of le lan,lift, 0. or 15 fe.t. lift; ante...bele Coaale r an a gate dimance of about half a mile, with each ' Cahrena, Walls, Wonet,eltreet Bridget, Se, at Mall be neceisary; a stare Dam new. Jame, Riser, in the '. Fails, iti Richenomb the wilting of the Walls sod Ern bushman of the preterit Dock; me exteminfi of the noel , a few kiindtal feet Lastwanliy; width.: conurnetion of tl i. • ' u LP On . Lock at b elow, r end thereat, capable of ad. ,aattfttr he Isrgravewels ....sisals; the port of Rich. - awmd. 'a work will be pail for m bond, of the Com pany, S be 14Leeed•unLlir the Ily , finfily of 411 recent sot 'of the emblantre of V.tairim ) running 2g, years, and bearing 6 per cent, interest, payable senti-anomilly.— Besides the usual re , ereeliOp of .ntl per tent. on the monthly csdintar it, the Co' onactor:or Coiractors will be Inquired to giiieamploseeerity, maitfeciory to Me Board of mirectorsJor the eompletion of the meet at the times and in the manner rpeeitied to the mamma . Plans of the Shove worts will be exhibited, and apt: el:motions thereof deli re ted to Contramem; n“he Com pany's' Office, in Rielumnd, by the In of December neat.' After the itetipt of the toorisnal!,thoe will be .• . taken or the eeevidemann thereof stilt the 19th of the ' some alooth,on which day lin tithe the proposals Ito uki be satisfactory) the several loot or teem , os above ad vertisedwillbe let,. - WALTER 4.:W VIVN . ' gale( Engineer of the J. R. & K. Cte . • Illeitoond,Nor 6,:lttg_dalasnoeein , WastWagtea lira* It, Airmen jw . :l:y.tst ring DOM/. and Proareatiwir Claim al Me mina Dapartamats unders:gne d haring itameiated hteutelf 'sea I Ueorie G TPOlll¢ll, of Waslengtoe oily, and eatab fished himself in the the city of Pittsburgh, h. preisarad se . procure patents, promeate claim*, mid ereente baldness eormeeted with the Departmente al Washing i .• Perace. at a dial.. desinehe of baring eX1112211. lions made at the Patent Ogle; Oar teahteg .PPrma . dolt for a patent, may forward [pee paid. b dug city, attelesing a fee of fire dolars, a Cloar NUM aent m a ne ease, when immediate attendee will be been to It, nd all the Information that could be obtained, by a ,riait of 'the sipplkaat to pence) promptly commumeated. • He win prepare the neemaary Drawing. eed Yap en for Applicanie for NUM., trantame all other be sinew in the line .I'l44lpr:ileum at the Patent Offtee. Ile can be emmdted tre all quemams ielati tit the I'a Net Laws and deer the U nne 'dun es or Europe. - • D Tno111"30 °Ace 2d door in tie bui . dtrurs. arl7if . Market ai betweeeld it 41h cm T. Bwiti,formaly of Bum): Joe. A: Bunt Cu. O. Cou New BEATTY, BROTHER & CO., o•Miairal Commlision Blezeh•nta ►OR THE SALE AND ►ORWARDI}O OF WEOT ERN PRODUCE, • - - - • N. 31 'Poydras Street, New Orkanz. Raaaay . Mears. Mania & Pas, Bankers, t • JamcsN'Grtgor fr. Co, $ "• O. n. David While & Madirin, • • & - • Ellis &Norio& Banker.,. • '^ Basra & Fre: r r, aneinnati .• EN, • N Reasney, &sq, Banks& Zane frille, 0. D IlirDoetald,& Co, Wel il 0. • ' Yee, Pasts ar, Co, Deaver, Pa, : • w pas, r4q, W heeling,. Va. ' t 5 SPLlarkan k W it, al Mitcheltree, $ • 'it,i&Mbt , nrl6•Gas • Pone•Ro from .Great Drunints wad inland • to Now York and PI Stabler Kb. DzasoNs 'tithing la eugage passage ior,heirfriendn r enamel:re inproanable accommodations at the low; est same_ on bead of splendid Packet Mips, uth n r in •-•• Esmond Cabin, or Steerage; gallon orreklt Goss Liverpool, Glasgow; Beam, are, o New York. and Um aabseriber sectua mod Moons kr Mose**. mold at a tystance, going to any of the above pont. . . • Tkketa formelletiortich mill *mg p.m.:mere direct from Liverpool* Pitt ougln and on their antral nt N. L t . York, they Abe forwrAed rodnedtmely by ~ Leerch !Leah; Doil * y Fast Lion,".theieby navies moth trouble rth.. lll tie , b. o+Pred to and foss Liver -pool onboard dr.:new York and Bowe Smaller. Refer *Mews. D. Leech Ir. Co . Mostar:oh. D. NVILSON, • • . ' Ed Cedu se, NO. Yowl' Deana obtained on all die putietpolßonks*England Ireland and Scotland, on the matt reasonable was. I. • samo to *tit those Wishing to remit. all Letters post pa*.oetS Gm . - • - ••• • - li/levant Pariah:ter,. e... • T ÜBIN•3 Floc Hem .4 /neaten.: Extracts, for the •L Handkerchief. . • Rom Lianalre. in Pore rlsin pots. Besentifol b ri treta common bonier ;of perfumery u fir r p ; • ;• .; PnestoarsSalls, r eam. n t cm Slav pangents.• • Fresh shaving c ream. different 01.014CUllc Wrighita Ane Almond Cream., • ioperior article fii • /ones: hemline Italian Chemical soap. , . - Orris/hob bent... Whom. s • • . .; • HaitHrAsheln mperior Tallh Bruhn:. . • Foie colonel water. in banks of llnil4llli - A .Oriental Table of Alabaster.. • .•• - • •.' • C • - • Trepishrt with • loom assortment of articles, saheb! . kir dm lodes; Jest received and .foi in . • • • • . • • . . math A. lead] ma rr HE subscriber hall efm=etteed - 111 iles City of Ms. .I. burgh. the tonygtectore of Printere Ink, in sit • Pentontenckyhout the cousin' , who !ore in kirmt of • Inks, would do well by cntiaa on the eabscriber preni• .17_ ousts cupplying themselves, as they,will beiold et cos. • cudonible redaction 'from omens priers.• They cannot beezesliedin.point of beauty, Wehrle., or the enrol. Irate of material Into whichithey are owukuractured. Tho 'subscribe' Cannot lost herein, where suprrior fora P that n huh.. cosofhrodesukced•Us secure. the sio.e.ge of ell who Rrinung Inlra,lse is ;Ow Finished shot his lobe open Wei .mtapottd with iibove rep., se would therefore relict she cisme m on those who feet Lclits=l, to crioaortwre tits matinfocto nog of the article: • Orden directed to I BIRD, or Wright k Chseton, - ..Pricstewheorrser of Dimmed and hlorketancet, slilbe . .,:postensellydiachorged. • ocIOMf ;011.1 4 LH lvj FROMa pbblirrire•e;nlor bleCaltribuit noel, Plaladelpha, the poihhc' would -beled be believe dr hart beenNahttinga privilege , ore:bad ~right Thu "they hive abandoned tome thee 4w-a the etch,. • also wear 1111G61,..1,44 Mel We heed no rightto claim ' ' ' 4lo " aell P the .i refront i lti l u ' rro!r elee'vemr t ppr • • : beeasellin g Nelms of the New York' Pekin Tea Co for the last two years, as the t public are aware. and . ...111reierain Near York thnr. tithes •in that lime. and newer beard of this acteconeera ontil lately but as wool dalers. • , I The Tealosineas IdeVollatont Plead is emit 6 socaultsald. milker assamption of the Pekin7eo Coca. ..partyra moose, beetase a anew is open the are moo or . alsorme, but the Gict uncoiled Ear imply there4y, that they hare my ,estnocoties with the so called and wet known PekEnea Compozy of New Volk is en. • fah. they has, nit beeildenied even an aged° y En %Platladatedga for the Near Yoi k Comp oo_b that Comps • 07 Ithalai refuted thus far ID confute ila them. I • knave oil what .lads( wool they - keep nor what kind Teag I ow ottly certain they keep or obtain:woo of the • Paths Tea thanpany's of New. York. I Azypereep wadi."( th eir cord wilt see toe VOW eeptiow they with.to pretties on the polar.. aod to the • . bow, pCxy bum.. blcCollmaat . tc Dried aro woo • dealers la Philadelphia and basemen On agent out bare le pall wool over the eyes of some of oar good coins. Whoa:for a black ;bee"— ; . ALEX- JAYNES• avLldawtf • E 7-I.Poorth St =IV ;X016.11. Ptcsllr TleA' coateaNy • connote w the Pablle: I ALEXANDER. JAYA tr Ike onlY anthorixed agent in Pineborgh.and Allegheny eines, for the nabs ef WS Pekin:Tea Corepany's.Teu of 71 and 77 Yellen ot, New York: • Any other person In Pittsburgh pretending te sellout Tealicirt imposter., and deceive. allwboetarlhuninine bun It teeennownlY mown Wag Ups Pekin Company:a Tau have jnoved seperior en .Mother Teas aoldi and &rale :mann many per.. ''f dleheneetlY pretended to have We sale of the re- Tea Clonpany's reed when th,ef we. .. 1 1 the wh il e ' vending tra 2 h nod cheap knit irtoch they have obtain . od . others again aixeme the manner Tea •CbtapaAyond tallow oar padkages, and threby deem. ma 1)161. inior do wed tint thorn is a kerient Pittainfh ' l l.4tran i g the to i Ta l y . .dm this awnwedaompany have - no CAltinectiott what. weed with Ow New York Pekin Tea ithunpany, as eon. swentraterTes will Readily diuoy.r. b comparing the • article:they sell:Woh the gesenne Tea aolet by the - Nese • Yoh rbla*Tes Company, at the nolo pf 7t N. 11..htelln. BrebaLiittirrk sx:dor Philuielphia lave no cauteetlOn whatever wtth the New . Volk Pekin Tea Company, no have ipey -tied, priellege,to sell Tans ender some ro - neatly resembiing'outlio. to kW* SietUkney to mislead the publie.. • • • '• . -POUGLAg4 A. CO • 75 and '77 Felton et , N. V.: fre ?II PVIELIC.- , The aederstlmed • 1 , the Indfuddled& and . New Vatic Petits .Tes ' ll:: psnn.huobaerved with surprise an adeunlaeutem i n - the Datly,Diarateh, taut oiler papers in this whteh • -itisseladatt with the natation, `There is no such COM pi • Was the .Philadelphistand NeW Eork Pekin Tea Om , piny esuteuegu Leon tbs ru br valet esatetug she Wallet Una Company . wee ,existettee Isere plainly • slentelL - .1.118•11 band a necessary to take lb method : Winn* atehluinesati, that there at snub a Company ;I Ytr ftilidelptlil and New Vert Pukio - Tea Company, , and &lathe teas Mild ate w *AY both to mud tO . Q.Mi by ty and ante with *AY infavorably Piunted at Shwa/wee: sake eat barge rights, it Is .reisehe. hat lesapptwelhe pablle have an exelastve right labia• feast time who tianishttrent with die best Teas, at the ' • „hewed prat,- wield refer lo the killoveng mend nth WigaSTO pa:missed Teas from the alums pomp. ny. Dyer; kluiPierrreu,l9ol4lry lb eeou, and et,-. ,eta Alftlongs and Grocers aerieralle in Pittsburgh. • - JACCHI RaITCCRDALE, u • ignimanna • Agt PhiPts and N V Vette Tea Ce • -..lonettlem risat • - WPIIETf_TORK...d PIIILADELPIIIA. PERI:4 M. CO.lotaing anderiveri dm certain 'persons • . ' • • • fa ints.l:l , larth temp claiming the nielostve right to .ell . . /tit Teas in thstattioroold sum Om thcl have . • abin- I . AMA goon mg steno the eget...leo agent,' articm. -• and Sha3 ankletpr. Jaynes, tiouglat. is Co., nor any i CORN amen low a right to claim may exclusive prin. Molt Tem. The gynerel Agent of the Com - gamy; Mt. I.E. eteekdalei is now at titeldastm,, gsgie = - Boil, Liberty ft, Pittsburgh; ready to receive order, : AB TOY irk! by_thla Company, ire warrantd equal In lb. United States, nod no payment required i~gqtilpayee are natively satisfied as to die (Itch e Company., N 033 North • ; *mu, Plata . !Oak: .• CetuAitogr rtoND ...„ Exp ,000 d,. If fiIVE----iFoolose.A7dN'LlVlPP7iryit:-.74::. imuAO , ... i IWO, mt..% o f Os V31,...,00ar00tr,440.0r _ , . p v t uali -.:...-,143.61-0rt0413 %owe,. Z o NI ...d Wid,, 1111 lizrufT-5,!., ~, ;:. .11,33-3t.trigioa l :f,',./tP,4 tor= ... o pkilad," !". ;.Th1r.3340144 ' l ' kialpifib...._ *n.l4= .u..TfILITZgIn ;;;‘2l'.%' -.: Ilt.rit4. 3f ..:-.... . ;,...,..D.Piciro „ea wirbjaho.... m...4%4.i, *., ..jhooo 3.35,,00s .E'-'! i55ii..1.13.11....',„"t'w 3 .1.1, Je,.'"Wade.'4.-'7 .., ..--ki7.4.,,,...a.=...ALdt,0 .;.;.4„....,..wiii ! ti0l ..= 40 Rm.., ..... ' - no-. co a.... ~-;,'.,•-.4,..(11, %A... t's'4ll.l.l.**llC.W.lYll--.-511L moo. Ito .3.1.L....W101 1 1 1 •• - ,- t ,,,!--Stf ig -.. , - ',-----,,T..lsovoLdmoreh"iiberm...t"oo Ph i3.7-1'..-..,,i. ---4--"' INTF-!-- sireata-riobl% ke.. ...tom rvntielio., -^i6b ~s Ai •-•- ." e:-...6.-. fli ......e*Oli_ooodAt'le,".2.3.- A km' 3rfulu4,..e ruteb""4 '-;,-f0.03034..21311.. wog 3 of i- -- . .no o- , 0 , 0 mad iF.'. , 470., --7 *flomllaWf 4.101,11441000.410 p31.4q.a -WO ' thl,r,„ tiler ''' idliau ' .goist, it 07441, imming YMi: - , . • , - ' mi. b LW food .141 P''' • 17."....:41"..h...0.30.,..ff004 ~..a A.61.111-agii. re" tf. l!beg, . as/ I- "... ..........-...th10d h,..r00d ......,.,_• siffa . tiyaf .vivirrll)...._ jw,,,,,,c.....,,.. ~,,Lhas -.mg, ~....,,...„, 111?4,! -'`.., WOMB, P5.......a.n: ~....„—^„.,40 Irk ..... . -.-- !....r :'" , ..`• -: wow, kra-sort— -4,2., ' l atiii.,, lt -:. . F.': '-- 9t?.1.,.: _1 ,lir.. ..-r.' U r j6.-4--,;:g....,7:1,i.`.. *::6,:,!"::?;-',;fli•""' ..;#=s. - +wr - s:• F _ MEDICAL. - - V ERAL REASONS WHY DH. 1.3 DE'S SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PILLS are becoming so universally . popular Fire., Because they 3TII prepared by Dr:: B Lei. dy himselr,a regular Droggiat, Chemist and Phyai -- man nf Philadelphia, who knows the nature, the quality and character or the bledicinca,naed in his pills and their adaptatian to disease. Second, Bemuse the public Can take them with greater confidence than most other pills which are prepared by persons ignorant both or medicine and. disuses. Third, Reese.° of their combined effects, proper ties not contained in 'clothier pills; namely, purg ing from the stomach and bowel. all Unhealthy son stances, and ot the limn time purifying the blood end doids of the body. Fourth,lecause they are the cheapest and hest &codeine known—a single box costing but`2.s cents, and containing 40 pill., easing to pennons as ;puny dollars olt-times in Orion,,', hills, rind numerous medicines boned at tried on the rees.mmendation of others. • WHOLESOME ADVICE. - - - Whenever you hare occasion to take any medi cine, do not be trifling with your . . cimatitution by trying ail hinds Opals or other medicines you see punlithed and recommended by nee and another but Mkt. at once Dr. Leidy's Sariaparilla Bisud Pills and you Will not bore: occasion to Wks anything else. They will alwaya be tinted good in alma, t ail !worms ol disease, Intimation or thejdomach, bone el,, liver and intestines; cramps of the stem aol; colic, tleaterbrash: inward inse t ; r ee l b reat h , bad taste in the mouth, your eructabonsand acidity el the stomach, costiveness and indigeition, taut of appetite, billionentlections, diseases of the spaces and kidneys,diacaiea of the skin, scaly cruptiond dry and watery pimples or blotches of the late ono tetter,rash,pnckle heat and wait rheem head. ache, giddiness, leintness, pains otter thn nowt, ol thn breast, sides, along the back and spine, rheuma tism and gam, revers of all kinds, small pos. iario. laid. weasels, scrofula ,eryiipel as, and 111 short they ' are good in ad disease. having their origin is the stomach, hoer, and intestines, and impurity of the blood arrwenty..gre cents a Rua. Sold Wholesale add Retail by R. 'A. •Fahnestoc k & Co., coraei of Find :and Wood, : alas tomer 6 , 1 szt.h and Wood etteeta. ' , sept.o • I JAVLIMIS YAMIL W.1.110/M lim— a/ It mom principle is the aimagementofthis wsper to notice anything which we find out, hoot penal tal et-rogation, to be of utility to the public. Some of Dr. Jnynes medicines we have hoed in oar fatally for many years. For laDluice Me EXPECTORANT, the DAIL.' MINATIVE, and VERMIFUGD, winch we k now to be good for the complaints they profess to carp. %We were oa Lake Ontario the past summer, when several of mrirevellingeompimions, from having, la Vestera New York,drank, for many doyathc limeston e water of that region, were badly &nuked with male at Thar- Mira, an d. Dysentery.. Mr. D. had provided'himeeif, previum to leaving home, with 'Tito Camila:an 1.3 of Dr /arm,. and In all cameo( Its use, among fleet gentle. Mann was llllCCeStfill hl tferting a speedy. cure.' The Expectorant we have known used an long Oar intimme.friends with equal success; and wa fet,l that we shall do a good act to families [especially those sh oaled so they cannot have access to immedlate medical rein,' to advise them to keep on hand both the airman. rant and Catminaliva.. The kApectoraot Is believed by gent physicians to be the best recipe' for :Pulmonary Conmuiptive COMplaitilt, that has ever yet been coin pounded. The reason is, Dr. Jayne is not a aqack,but • regular, scientific, nod able medic al practitioneehtm• self,. Dis medicines arc used by the best oltsalcinna. EZRA. HOLDEN , .... . . - . Elite, of the Phil. esruni ay Courie F o r role in Pitoborgh nt the POW , : TEA STORK:I Follett st, near Wood. • - . !NW ' DR. JArei if' CAttellIgATIV IC 111Albie4al I . ? ROM the Rev ASA SHINN, • well known and pop I` ular Clergyman ofthe.Protratatit 'Heitman Church The enderaigned henna been indicted dor/agree pool veinier with n disease Witte stomach, Flntletilllea pro ducing greet pain in the Horn/Leh for tenor twelve Mum without tmermiecion, and afire Loving tried vraions reutedter with link wiser. wanfamished with a • bottle of Dr Disyne's Carminative tialmin. This he used ac- carding to the direction., end found invariably tb an. medicine Mused Hic pries to abate in three or fur., min- tam and in fifteen or twenty nunincsevery turnip meneation are...entirely quieted. The medicine 'wits at. towards used +reenter, indiciiiions of the approach of pain iveie perceived, and the pots was thereby p went cd Ile continued to use the medicine every evening and sometimes in ihe MOrltilll. nod in a rem weeks • health was en far rworrd, that the sufferer was fence ed nom a large enlolllll of oppr're pain. F roe es a:ritzier. therefore, he ten con lently . I [C013.10.1 Ur It Jaynes Carminative Remo ...Uttar) . medicine fur diseases of the minuet, and wets. AS HEIN ri Allegheny Lit y.jyal Fur sale in Pitielargh at' the PERM Tete, STORtd 72 Fourth erect,' near Wood, end Ow' at th e Dreg Store of 11 P SCHWARTZ. Federal Creel. Ai legbeny : SROFT3Di — itriG — grabl'alitis S'iNvELL, NGS.—Scrolula in all Its multiplied forms , whether ic that of King'. Evil, enlargements 0 04 gland. of bones, Goitre, White Swellings, ellionif Rheumativin,Canser, dineases of the .Slim or Spine,. or of,Pajmonary Consumption, emanate from one sod the same cause, which is'a poisonon. r principle , more or less inherent in the borate nyder, There 4. fore, unless this principle can be destroyev4, nendi eat core Can be effected, but if the principle upPn which the dikaso depends, is removed, a cure mental necasity follow, no matterander chatterer the disease should manifest itself.' Thin.. therclore to (be InnlOn why Jarsn's ?ii.T.Clikil in in an nni. Verniliy SIICCCIISiIIi in remoying so many malignant": disease. 11 ilestioya the [virus oi prinCiple Noel i chicc _these 'disc:nes have their origin, by entering! into the circulation, and with the bleed is conveyea. . . to the minutest fibre, removing every. peeticle OE disease from the eystem. P i repa.red andsold at Nee: II Senth Third Street, Philadelpfiia.' '• ' ' .. l'' .. Sold at the Pekin Tea Shire,No.l2. Fourth stree!.: Pittsburgh , • ' • lmeh3l ' 131111/ATCII. . TETIT.% ITCH, L 4 A1:r.,1 tor n Lingle dgy 'ern c. Teter. lie!, I•T paws xhu.spuldi , litre Vtiticdre tis f,Telis • i ti, iko—Wlo woes i 1 nilliensl .0 tb ...,c elm, if they tars , VI scratch whet , tem co tt, LIM deeenex a ti be miner. led Lb:l't FFCII OINTSIE.VT is we iplietion in esistene e le. tser titles.* of the akin.; e arise frosrlhe invest. „a., and Inhere nee d the eattraitenntl anem it rilli Elltto,ffillrbe ascii TUM .y ease Whatever.! will be retested by DO' ~ will be eifletunlly curs` telt 0111UPeill, Mlle. Ibr I by the dimmtetl hostels, lel rsT from the system by . l • surface of the sit to beeb , Ointment 'IS rent, For FAIINESTOCK fr.. CO tor aroxl . front ..,..., KorriWo to be. obliged no, tint ivory horrible to all sakr,l vibes. tnantnvony. Dr. Or:loos TErrztt must t /calms of any oiler D coring the y :7'4ler, and di Ad all dowries of the shin trilf of the Wood and Bolds oftr II tare be of long standitf. vird lb. lobs, if Dr. Leidy'. Daieep t with the Waimea% They wilt Lcd if dies . do ooS the goone4 idy. 510 ft east., however, by Do I.eidy's Tenor and ID whole sysiem is impregnated which will be completely easels Dr Leidy . , EltoolPillsoind the ad byithe Oir.unent. erica Ms 'sole by • DA Y onto ' P l l ' l ll et. ° l7. II I I V & I3 M A II1 it a ditty I owe io my fellow moan., th mate sous-th us more n-spectinm year Velma/de Pulmonary Ilaltam. Since I first am& r a ge Palrans, shoat eleven sears aye, the happy effect oe Mel, IP then rave an account of, I have had several /..VCIC t-mpleurits and attacks at my lungs—one a kw days einee—to d to every instance I hare tired the Dal oat with complete ime, perfect nevem. It has effected relief and core to a 4,ery few days. It . ter r minly . a safe medicine.- _ Ida t know that it will cum a BMA_ consumption, but I I, l ave 4_will be in many . .Bc• a preventauvc, and pre cation IS - better thantill.C. !do therefore. for the lore of ny kilo,. then, sullenly recommend then. of ibis Pasant, In all pulmonary ramp. at.. l sanconadent that it has Ikea the means orkiremning my life to this day. I - Ilcuaa rti Pa UM.. PPIIIII, Jane 18,1P18. sea by u A PA IIrdESTOCK &CO., corner of F.,. and Wood; also. cornet or Gland Wool a,.. ropia. IS d'OßOL Vutman! S COIIOII klPtUP.—lt•provcd to to the WI. great P In curl g my , child's distressing cough.: From die Temperance . caner, Nov:3, 'l7, xou Suier.-11s ate t matte habit of panne, much lesa taking Patent bledi loco, bat we fev,l di goosed to mean:mend blorganht Bye" to tho.e who are.atlcted with a ease , After having iod the ottani remedies to tu a stea a eoortant and &siresins eousb, that bad for several days &Meted one of r ittlldren, without wet ceu, - wc were iodated to try Vt(organs Cough Pyrop, and by archer was obtained Id a few bow. It ptove4 to be She panacea in this can al leatt.. '- Prepared wholesale and retail hgte proprietor, /MIN Is A h.thasaist, wood to. 1 diner diamond o y, consider Leder than VERNIFVGE, 1.7 &Umbers." illegtiz l2 y Co Jetnber .41617. .1 month. 21462122 very scls fever at times, I ca 1..-ing,hrard great 2.20 la • 'nal and gnve alth 2 Sr 722 - 672 rm• • 1222•6122 l o _ _ • Mr. R. F. Sellers run I tem legs ft night, and ham ne m eluded he had worm., and ha art your Vernarmse, I bolas dose. sr 6 irh expelled Gt very your Vernal:me borer Mee ad. I . knora.P. &mut. F.I.I.ERS, 37 Wood rt. • d I). M. Corm, A He net*? Prepared and sold by R Sold by Dr. Cawal,dth ward; hear Cibr. Sarraparilla. Merckant'a Comp. fluid I Carpenter , * do Com.erter.' do Toworend'r do Sampat Iln; do ileby n A FAIINEF wond and woad and • • • • Conromily on bond and for 71)CK areo, corner of Orat,a' Pii • - • I F 41/11T-414 virtoeb !eftiefue for the cure o el • cmnrug be too wet W'ert oared by it.-IfC JAYldia'S kJCPECTO Ws etheecioos and cheap • Conturandon and other niece {mown.' Very many hits hay. V. Morning Adae. I roe edit in Putabereh it thn •71Fanstleatteeti near Wnod.e Pr It P Schwan:- Frderel ot:/ti I ' 'KIN TrA STORK a Silo et the Dreg Store City. e I O. ivitGiAwaptom:pmi i io . . ZIAMLISTIVISPATZNT . lILINCT-ACTION . .. oryati SAN lElt. • • i rIIIS Ilairuser'eossesses tea iyadnintsges over all Pothers—among whinb may . oseetioned, ~,_.... .• " Its StriengeablenetV—The nip. iuty aryl larreofinow may be tunnelled with Ste gr.atest ease, while the hammer is in`opensoca,:aud t e !heelless may In in. gently_ ?nested, end suspended allay !tenths , Its Univers/ray, Of eapaein teesenne work rlf all Sleds, from thelarpr.t tote, sus ltest, under the dame ' ..., is Airoplleisy,Campactltell ttate•pflellll. HS 4creirasbiloy upon all aide, 0 the wodene.l • • All the hemmers aro mule •Asting. The su b scribers eosereuo toe enure orders for these hammers, of .all Sims. upon rea -able terms. For lerteisi PloslsdlSlst tltq.si - 0, . . .-.. • .. nIERRI K &TO - WNF., Aungnenoof thiPauntto the United States. deelS4y .. . Seuthwark F dadry,Pßlledblis • iiEECR VTAilay tlfgertir, --- 41,/ • -. 4l.afacturt of 9111E11, Idelllr 0071011$, WAGON COVERS AN GRAIN BAGS - Or ALL DMUS TlOlll N .384 South P •nt Street; ' hack 61 A. lAilsores C ',id •Waseldastufy • P ADIELPI7IA ,- .1 ...A* I.borders left with S. S./4 ,at the °Mese! lho .CS. Merchant's Hotel, Plitsbu , will be premed) , ~,m , ,d,..,i5 h . '., Tt ' S. AL !JERRY . • ~,pIO,IIV. '. . A. C. NICKERSON . .M u of dui Ono! Q:le . 113 , iokarlos his lb be bat aod 'NH kee . no= st•d "" t c l: teriaL kb43-1, • atly hivitolAtifes nod sad JD suit e n ra lP etlict sesta. ' , Alt Gahm , lo al No 14,1 forth 'MLSCELLIINEOUS. • , _ - 1 DR. SWAYNE.B ' COMPOUND SYRUP or at?'11:1) CHERRY. A certain and bale cure for c..lighs,; lives comparrit, spitting blood, pain's in the side oibreist,nemous demli,ty,whoopingcough broken constitation;, CONSUMP. TION or any diseade of Limiting, or breast. Reader are ydu suffering with a cold or disease of the lungs, try this ieracdy, you Will not per. haps regret it. ' It will sorest all those disagreeable symptom. which sink° siteli terror to the tumid, & prolong your days. Beware ~r; ull preparatione . iiurpuiting to contain Wild Cherry. eacept that beating the signature of Dr Sws,...E on the outside 'snippet of each bottle, ,as they are quite likely ile.trtuti. ill lime article from which they borrow a name, Read what it has dohr! 50.600 DEA COASUMPPION Would perhaps be a Mall ehitllnare for the ravages of the dreadful disease in a single year; then add the fearful eatalague of alma cot elf by Inflame ' two of the Lunge, Hemorrhage, Asthma, Coughs Influeniarllrntichitia,end ether, diseases of the Lungs and Liver.. • And the. hot Would presearan appalling runt ol the fatality of these tar:dust:a Of divelues. But it in important:to know that nearly all 01 this dread /mate orAmman hfe might:have been presented by a timely em of Ur. WA CHM VOll NU SYRUP OF %VILE/CHERRY. This medicine has now been belore the, public some eight - years, and is, the original preparation from the Wald Cherry Teen. Its, reputation as remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, and Con sumption of the Lungs based entirely upon !ts in trinsic merits, owes, but little to inflated see maper pods. Those who gave it n trial, being belielitied :by it, recommend it to' thefr neighbors, and thus gradually and surely basic gained an enamble repu• moon and wori.ml its way into general • use; One bottle never falls to cum a recent cough or cold. white with strict attention bathe direction. that ae• company each bottle,its use in pulmonary diseases of long st anding and of the most alarming ebarac. ter,shaaalway• given relief, and in semi many instances has elected complete and permanent Cores: Dr. WA YNE't Celetrai'ed Composer ;fru j upof Wild Dhoti. Rend the most remarkable' care of Consumption , e•er placed upon record— Dr Swayue—DearStr: 1 feel it a debt of ratitade 'due to yoW,and a duty In the afflicted generally to oftedmy humble teatimouyin favor el. pair COM. poudd Syrup oh Wild Cherry. Some three years .inc,, I was tiolintly attacked with cold "and idle, =lieu of thy lung., which was accompanied with visfy &attesting cough, pain in the breast and head --a veryeencidetable discharge diolferisivamucun from the lungs, especially upon Changes of weather however slight. :At first I tattoo niacin about •my enuclition„brit was pretty soon convinced that I was rapidly going into comemption, k grew dully weak. er,and at length was pearcely able to walk about or 'speak girlie a whisper, Buell was the exceeding weakness, of my , lungs, During this time I had tried larieuspreparations and prescriptions;but hound eo radief—growing all the time woes& hut here I was 'advised and persuaded by a dear frier d in Wllming• tun to make a trial of your Syrup•of 'Wild Cherry, 1 brat confess that previously t had been prejudie ed against patent mcdieseu;and (am atilt against three cunsteg out of the hands of empi r i c ., b ut understandiug year doimo lo the profession and practice of medicine, and haring impllcite faith in the saying of my friends, I forthwith purchisid of Dr Show, one of your agents, a few bottles and commenced it. use. •Idy disease at this time was 01 twenty or twenty fire months', standing, come. quently:wras deeply soateeL found, however, coo. siderahle relief front the brit lour or lire bottles.— But being a public speaker I frequently attempted to preach with my increasing strength and thereby ruptured those teasels that had already began to heal; in this way, doubtless, my onto was greatly retarded; Inconsequence of acting thus nape.. dently I had to OM 15 or IS kitties before I was perfectly restored. I bare: no qtlealoa, a ranch mailer number of bottles welsh] have made me sound, but ftir the above indiscretion. The Syrup allayed the feverish habit, did away the digressing coach, put a Aim tothe discharge of matte:from the lung., and gave them and the entire system good health.•; I hare deferent offering this certificate till now, for the runes° of being perfectly 'satisfied with the , permanency of the cure, and now that I feel perfectly well, 1 offer it with pleasure. REV. .1, 8 JORDAN. Dahlia county, N. C. , • • . CAUTION! CAUTION! AvOid,all spurious preporuhons of Wild Chsrry, such or Balsams, Bitters, Syrups or Wild (.7hcrrY, Pills piiiporting to contain )111Id Cheiry, afsc. as they are all be titious and counterfeit, land dither., none of the virtues of the original and genuine pre ' liMtiOn as prepared by Dr. Swarm, and We Lind ever prepared', to this country, Doctor ai'vvayne's Compound Syrup or WILD CHF:DILI is composed or vegetable digredients,the Wild Cherry, Ono oth• or medical substances toady as , .othraciousl, it not more ep; the tchole,are so 'effect:l,llly coacentrated as to redder beyond ail doubt the mosiplcasant, atrengthening; and effectual remedy este discover. cal tor the cum or Pulmonary consumption, and all diseases or the Lunoand Breast.. The ver tact, froth its befog such a itai of tipurioos imitator., goods to prose its great curative properties. Throore, toren/a, inquirefor the ongonal pref. m ho°, each bittle or which ithhenloped Ina beau: pint wrapper; with a tokenise or Willoom'Peon en graved thereon; alai. bearing the signature 01 Dr If. stanyee, tl.o cualltor,leiting of rhino will ho putt 116'66 es fernery'. Pocoiarcd'ority by Or. IL Sorcient.,.N . W corner of 1:100011 one Beek Streets; Fhiladetploa. For bole in Votteboirglo wholecale and retail by WM. Ttioillsi,s3 Market 'Dna, OGDEN S. SNOWDEN, Corner and & Wood sta. 11. 5.-FAllNESTUttli4El.lo..iooner of Itt and Wood and 6th and Wood etreetn. S. JONES, HD Liberty atreet JOHN MITCHELL, Allegheny city. And by all respertable'Droggosts and dealcos to bled mine; thrUnghout rho United State. and I acpc,ll Lta.ZZ'Anloti PATACJIT IIIs:DST/CAD. THIS X. Plot Chnj onnuovontent has now bee. in c•e• about Iwo years, and senesce's 11 to known, pretested wall other llesloiedst.. - F'or cheaplicoo, strength imirconeeniance it Jun`` ands annot be equalled, as it ri decidedly Ite chimpeth and moth smaranicni lledtheadhosen an I pet. fa proof itgained-Ilege. • The principal tratiturt makers pod Tdeneri inAzle lawny ant and in intesbercb. have scatted Itights munufaginthand mil die article. Ito iliare are tpunout• articles and imperfect:remotions in the musket, porch n 'err would do well to examine, Me cast Iron plume on which in the genuine snide the name o r the pthentei. - E. V. (;•23•32. a inamlably cast. -Asa proof of anal la ea . :Med for Gasseuelsßadomads, the follow - lug ecru to (tom Cabmet makers well known in rittobargh and :the Wert, to estimated to the public: • : • Wei the sab•ctiliers. practical cabinet makers and Bedstead manufacturers of the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, Pa., do hereby cattily that we have bough: the slight to manufacture bedthesde with/01'1.ml* Pat fit Fastenings, and con.ider the I.lllslCiaperte , to any athilaao with which Weaii acqnainted. Jame.. Leman John at'llrew .. . ..... T 0 Youogdse ' Robe's Fainaan .1 It Bartley . _ hussar B Burr Jols. o LiggaltriL, s /as' Lowry & Son ' Lovrne Is 'Arhus Riddle L _Brannon • Thossa4 'Farley ' ' IlLsorry & Ara ellan•L ' Davol.Lolrer , . Mores Bullock Slush Wallace . Hobos's& Kane - .7 Mayers I /as W Woodsrall 1 I rieehaa,c; tleorge.l4nyder , 1 tVsu;lll.lcti i McMaster's & Co I Marauder f. ' eon , I For Rights to: make sod well Use abore 11-sdstcsis apply so E8EN1:27:17 A' UAZZ AM. I 'octsV Patentor:: ermem=== • .14 , azItington, D. C. . ENO C. ROBBINS; Meehanical Fingtheert and 7 _Agessator pc/rearing Patrns ' will prepare the 0+- eask y lirowsime IMO Paperslor Appisennts tor Psoi cmc.ansl transom ail others:Moine.v in the lino of At proftsaion thy ratan: Cane. Ile tan be nonsolu d on all Msestscros pc:lath:l to the Potent Laws and dee - stone sn the United • States or Etstopes. Pe .on. Si thmance Oesitoos of Immo elionOtiotiona mode or it Patent Mee. path, to makseg opplicabon for paten . may faranurd ptod, enclosing a tenor Aar • a clear statement of -their ease, when Irtintesfiop. sat,ess too will be given to it. and all the soformation tho could bean:tined by a visit of the oppheant sn person promptly notrobonicated. . All Lineman bat theta .uu be post piid. and moots • solutisle fee, whom a written ellOtinn t. restssred. Office an C. sirget,opposoe the Patrol Other. Ile Imo the honor of rererring, by 110 n. raltnuna Burkr, Com . nis,nnet of Poirot.; Mo. it L Pliastontlu I ate do 11-Knovrtex:Marbintht, rittetkl 4 , flac , r; Jydge etnnqb, W.Glngtem. LI C.; lion. It Omani, tilnamehosetts, U S Senate; lion. lY Allen Mot do; Ilea. J B Ruwlin, AI C. 51146.6. Ilan. W Min 11:111, lislew Verb; Ilea. RAlsert Stools, AI C. illoomi; s Mu. II horror. P S Senate, c,Nl4.9rii ' .l l lL E fore=i ' ers - tille . nuTst - aPp - roVeilEaeiern plane— and newt fathomable FA13,1313.13e11i• 333 colon. Ala TOE CHEAP ROLL, or 1304r0N BLIND, on blind or made order of all sixes. s. at All pencil f sCountry Merchants and where MO 1331.3 in call end estimate the shove toe themsolvnalaa itawillbe sold wholesale or ratrul, And • liberal dednebon Rode 10 wholesale parapets... tl A WF.STKRVIII.T • NEW YORK rrlIE Amnneart Art.l l nion la incorporated for the A promotimi of Vine Arta In the Vivien &ate. ' lamb ri3.3Crlberar Fire Dolan n Member for one 3i ar - The Moils are applied. let, to the ploductom of end coed y ellglawngs, of which every merger Tree svi 3 copy, and or 31 lb the porch ow of oration/ P 311111333 and other works of art. by minor or maiden( onion winch arc dintohoted i by lot. miming the munhernon December. Lant year 146 panning. were dirtributul. This year the/ will be nutro noon'''us and valuable—more ihsu IGO are already i/urehanc,l; and in addition mere loc. distributer! W.4l'bronre mcdall or IVarbinAtem'Allvt ton, nriw in prone... And emelt mrmiter will revel,, tato etts - rovingai-- . The Jolly Mat•lkatt Aten,tafter hint • bane and 'A Aylob' after Huntington tradeniancd barroi bern aprnitaled honorary Incerytanen for l'illyborgAind vicinity In prepared to re• nem subacriptionn: . Tan. walting rtvberoina raembarn Gittvard the interesty or we nottelf by doinA to an t.non may be ' , movement. w et In CALDWELL 3113 NrEct, orpaaile not Pool Oleo • ' : FAIII4F-SICYCR '• nor wood_&001 rut nv4U' ' golgOPO—For - .ale a fere bales Wirers Newyork growia or 16413—fmnin tole even.. .mee,:Earent.afel Weston) N Wee*, ricked, dllB ,Prree Ohio de. Dermal comfy, , • The general Etitere atop of the moon is now bein - received • Brewers nad,olners lasing - Hark...rill fed g' mob to their odoonloge. to obudretheir grapple frees the andersigeed, as dey lamed to sell thiregNeetrbe reason al Neer Tait prlece.,,, PEO. W. OIdITII eedilltp) ; ; 1 1 1 0104 • - :17 7:: MEDICA DR. TOWNEIE D'S SARSAPAILLA: extmordinary Medici; in the World: Thu satrap is put up in Roam bolt: : - St Urnrdaesaunp. er,Tideasdater, wad warrnailed•Sperio to any sad_ curb &caw without vomiting, purl sicleweaw or dr Ai:into:a the p GREAT SPRING AND SUILRIEIt SEDICINE,' The gnat beauty awl superiority ut , thislt=artlla Mar all tithe: Medwove n, hint It Erzincan IT it lour' S. In Ow. Doily. It Is one of the eery best UPIUNU AND SC 1131 ER. MEDICINES ern. known, it not imly puries she whole rystein ant strengthens Ito person, but"it Crows Ng,. Pore awl /Wel. Blood , apowerpedwased by tol. ol Mcdoria.. hod to Oa. nest], prood secret of it. wonder( d oneness. ft let performed within the Fast two leg, m a w r lp k nom a:00U etc. of Sesere Caws of Disease ;at I LS, of the,. were consukeed meant& More this ;WO ease, of Chronic Itheumatuni ; Ilthie.....ez-of .ltho cases of tlonerol Debility and 'Masa or Enemy; 7,000 ...s of drPercut Vetosls Conti/CPU 2,bt1l caws of Serutuni• ' I,AW can c of the I.srComplaiut tt,fL,t mots of Disease of the &nine, and Dropsy; .I,IIYJ eases of Can.:option, and Thonsinds of raw of Disraw of the hood, era: Ulcers Erysipelw, SAIL ILlie um, hostiles on the Face, Etc., Ac, To genets with numerous caws of Sul Headache, l'am to the o de and thew., Spinal Allietions t 'llO., we we awn., Latta oppear incredible, but we ham letters 111,14 a -ems Innti W irons of the Central Stan., odonoing of esirsordmary coca It. Van Roth. loot, k, l, ontof auut respectable dostgiy4 In New ark, N. J. e suldrins us that hr cm refer to mote than ISti ea not plain dpul. 'llllO are thousands of eases In the City of New Intl, which we will refer to with pleasure, rod tu men of character. It n the best medicine for the Pietro.. of diw i t: known, It undoubtedly saved the Inn of more than 100 not PAPS 5.1.10/1: A. it rtntwed 11. cause of Macaw, and prepared diem fd, the Summer . d. Darren STAT.. Orreedw. Carr. G. W.McCr.a,dr,or nut UOTIMISTATZ3 and member of the New Jrrwy Legidature, h. kindly sent o the following ierUfinte. It Cll. de owl, story. Kalmar, Jan. Z,1r47.. A y rar since I end talien with the 'Winton, =deny whole system telt m a delnlttated data. I six induced 0.1 try Ile. Towldeud'i Saint .114 and analr taking two pr three tiot- Des, was eery much relieved, usll eltrebute it entwely bathe sant harsapanlla I hare conical taking it, and And 1114 I improve "cry day. I below. at nerd my Ilk, and would soll be without it under any antaillentban.. U. W. SIOUAN, tate U. B. N. =SEEM This certificate CLMLlumcly prams that Ibis Sanaparillt has perfimeemilrol neer the most obstinate disease op. We bleed. t Three sernms cured is one beam is Imprecate*: • Tarn Canvass. R. Tonesso—Dear Sir: I have the vi.oo. to inform you that three of thy childrna have be.n eared of the Scro fula by the Ise of your ...Int teediciart. They vivre Mien very merely with had eon; have coly tak.o four bottle.; It rook them away. frac shreh I feel =pelts:ld. obliyetion. Ton, esq•etfully, Iwo W. C..,103 Wearer Mr frees York, I. W. Dr. Toureseasirs Sureparilla ls • sovereign and meedy tore for incipient Ceroomption, Barrenness, Lammers, or Whims, obstructed or ata.ialt Itlenstruation, IrmoMaumee of Cram , or involuntary discharge thereof, and for the gem ent prodrailoo of the eyetem—no matter mother the result of intermit cause or causes, produced by irmaradirrity, ilbm or accident. nothing cm be more eMprising than is iMignentes; f Lets on the 1,00041, Game. Persons, ail weelorm and hmw lode, from taking at; at tmee become roams). mal foll of energy 'wader it. influence It inunediately Moldered. Um wet Imams of for female Game, which as the great nee of bag remeas. It will not be esteem! of 0m nem of to delleata a na ture,lo exhibit certificates of mum pealmned, tot we can Maury the aimed, that hatuareib Pleases hare teen repotted to us. Samna cum where [milk* ham been without child ren, after• acing a, few bottles of this smahahle medicine, haws tem blest with healthy offspring. A. narrasend: Pay wife being greatly distressed by weakness and general debility, end suffermg ematinually hy - pain and • wswatide of bearing down, Gallang of the womb, and with other difficulties mil hams known oases where your medicare has effseted ' greid mum madalsd haw ing. it recommended for such awe as I have des'evnbed,lobtain ml J. boUle of your Extract of - ttarsapantla, Sallowe4 the dinkier. you gave toe to a Mort pawl it removed her complaints and resuned her balth. Dying grateful Gor the broom die remioed,l take pleasure in thaw acknowledg ing it, and reetermendaug it the public. M. U. Muom, Albany, An d 17. DAL Coe of tirand and Lydius • 'macre, SepL k`9,1045. Dr Totraasnufr T. MS:IfiIVIZI all, may rotterna—Thia ta to certify that my wife used um Louie of yom Sarsaparilla preriousW hrr confatetriant, wider the mum almatiag and delirsta nrcumstemes, being troubled with tbe tlmpay, ling of Um hot, aarious atallues, rery moth dabilmar.. taul i wlth m 7 perstimodt,m4 dar rommemadatios of those who had mad o, stip a - LIM-lured to tryit, enth oes,4 faith, and milted it-to my, dm tardietae Lad dm happy OM .dmired effect, aot oily tit the boom of mantommetd. hm Mar tho elpitatiou of me week of its to., Ms dropsy and my rom afeetiou gaseiray to an am:Malang airport, atOr LV health is now hated shah it had Lseu for • rutq time p... If Mu will Le Of toy ammo M you or myma wbo doubts the warm of Me =dictate, you are Mainly weiroata to it. • • I alsbechr utreelf your mat obedient audotlised,r TO MOTIIEIIS AND. L ALLitIifED LAMES: Ten Ea.,l of hinoparilia hat be.re ceal!, prepared rekimien to female complaint., Do female wtro has re.. eon to loppoee the wapprosehing that ctittcalptried; Tke turn ej Itii,"thouhl neglect to take h, m al rain preventive Ihr,any of the ponwrous sad son ad. what. fetnaits ate aulyea at dos tame of fife. This perkvd may be delayed for antral inn by using da:ordains, :hoe lefs raloahoe to uso. whoare up( wen aontatthood, ts maculated to *wow nature iy q uwkraing the likad and normorittarg the kywem. medseme u inval uable kw all ad the delksms &mum ha which woman are m 61,1. It Le-area the whale system. renews , pumattea4 the Data , : Ncnergim—by ;savoring the imptietties of Um lady—m l so far Amulet.: the system tw to produce taaltamplrat re. Yuuaw, Ye loch!, the eae of oralcoadmines take* Yoe Gouda lit:Ames and ~'~@ ...... —.—...-. You who loot pelt clumpleanaie, dull ger. blistherient the ni rough ell, of freebies, and are '• out of spu i'' ita.nsd a bottle tle or two of Pr ..,Toserwrod'e Sarsaparilla. It will eh-au... p.m- tbeel, remove the freeklu aad blotches, an goy you an.mntsou .hullo.; e,ts, line spirt beautiful coloptiictsou-.ii of •loch ere of iatneawr W antorat.,.. n. , • • 01"fl'EP516. .. 1•4 fluid a ble r dedicine leo etef; been disenvered whkb ao• acarfy 5.e .. , the gestic juice* ur anima in desom '• ntaudareugtheumg dm urgata of digestion, as this roma ..1 liaielarilla., Vane Dif,erratzigr. Albany, May In, In .1.” Totemsn.d..- 5..--Ileavt tutu uillmted .Vlr weer.' 'ears with epepdadi'l its werst fo.ci , ,..t4ridedlnitli wiar 'new ef stomeeh,b4of appetite, were. heartburn, and • _geat atersioa to all lauds el t o und for s o ot l. / could .st I hoe been unable to retain but a o portion on my sionsaA. • I tried the usual remedies, but Ilicy,hasf i hut loth no effect us et moillag the et...plaint. I arm.le duzed, at. t two nuniths ..ur'e to try your fareart of 5... ,71i., I ..,...y with little multi/ewe, but alter using nearly I tedCes, I L.und my ippelite restiired, and ;the thearitinr eutsrel,rite,...., bald I w.uld eirently reento .u4 , kw , we a ti la ilaux wbo hart been &M nn' as I here beet.. Yours, 4,., w. W. Vas Zan.. tor ''=, 1,14 . ..... . ...... ..... grad th.- atid dotitr cm, that retumap i•alit nu.. Le eta .1. l'lsipa nal, nee of the tatentl hkeksirrd ess.• that To ornseed'a .9.a.rur.triila has eartd: •-• /Sr ilneven4—Dr-ar Sir. I was Marv, a little over r• scot ago ri ft .. a severs rough uhl ;min in my side. It in reased on toe eery Lut,.indresl. I arts rsrmesd ishy. mums to tom the quack consunaptsoa I raised Loge atut• !,lira of bed walla, had night Notate ; ma ....king very fast: say dodo...aid he could do nothing fur me. lomat mm et LOspitai to kOret of beibg beatitmd, but was proommeed th er• as sh ... (.curable. I wormer greatly distressed at the loose and could hardly breathe ; I rem became maseiated t and expected to die, was confused to my 6;4 aid was obleged Io hare ova, Oct indeed I cannot gore you any destiiption that streestd do justice ,p asse l i eu suppoded bye, friends wbe past retuerry ; I bad Wird a great numberof retnetliM, and ail seemed to be to sw par b y I sisal of some most es. treordinary mares performed ymtratardicina and to tell you the sosineted th ere rots :dine hum bug'n them. Bat I was ioduerd to try it, 3 did so, and ton my thankful I did. I esumot......y the I ihsfesitinslje . relh MUM au far rteovsred se tube Woo my and buys to be wire .ly oral in • fees ssoeks„Wy rough and VIM the afde aod roglat sweats Lia're lets sar, andnix. but eery little, mad am fast gaming toy total tirtatli. I fill a ;Loy so ease you a ....mit of to cave. to publish If yoo phases, ' rirrsailituMn ; a Lsols at, Brooklyn. Opinions of Phyitlctann. Dr Towissbend i. Alsaatifiuly receiving orders from idly; otesois so dsrfesssul pans of Slit Dassori. This is to certify that see,. rbi usiderligued, Physicians of itse City of sllhuy, here in uoinerusts ruts prescribed Dr. Uorsoisstrilla b aud believe it Yobs ono of the nut ratitsble pleparAritscs of oe lir,osopuilla Use smarts,' P PC/IN a, r D, J IVaLisom,mi It Dtump,x o, 'April I, 1643. r Eastoopou.N TLI,to toeerticy that' we, the umterilped, restlietteg 11,........11, - ottAto of the 'Lit y of frequeot ly pre.cethed ToWsasend, Coniwtii d Ettnet ot Bates parellA ao.l fn its Yuowo oluallties,rould morn...! It to ths yubhe wr jottcurul, ...lat.., and abet, utaneous 4i6 env, prefereoc. ooy of the 141r . tirl remedies outt la Alban April A W D Diterve,e. Priucipaloterr,l, Fait. et, D. Duildieg. N 111 din+ Co !hate .t &pule; De Viult time, 14 "lAD, &c -owl et S M lime, drupelet, Dalt.ore; .d by prmelpildrveentsgrocrelly ihruuehoutth, Uoded Statee, Wrot lud,ee end the Catuda . Nunn greens, nalaser pas op in the large square Louts, w Welt rentain o l eos awl ~g e ed o , lolllte strain. noes,. of S ToNv sr , FAD, and hotness. blown on the than. From Ste New York ()atty . Estpteto of April 9,1-47. A pretty n.inp appeared to the else., yesterday. 11 erne Me /WS, Fusin, rat, or f4svportito Dern...of Dr Twnsri.d. TM whole Son g ts 4 14 up in r.u.s loge: sago. of the urns „,4ll,,,,doti, paw:open lOgir141: Rah ILr Ti r t l ii ' tnV4 4 ll. 9 irilt 51 4 7 .' t ' iT I • sap Le t 51 Is TS.”, a the sarespertll ' a'desterZ. very geret popularity et haalkOrliF2d. • Fervent. Debility. Yaw Yeas. March 47, Ibt7 Dr. Tunneling-A havc . bees al:Dieted mere or lege 41. g. yeare, bath • dreadfulainking in the cheat; '6iddinee. In the heed, Inst of appetite, peig. in the !paha, en d rat dsLtlny. aron,l,t on no doubt by the euntinuat keet end cold to egad, I ion glthje4 tett. say Leanest at • dyer. I legrolliketeggther ntutiettiet.tw billerflitil to menthes, but With httleor nue., nae. In. Induce.' by ulna. I gee intl.,. toper to lust...ale of )our Seesaparil'a, from gehicig I Smut steal relief. 11 he.' nee tette. eeveral mere bottles, weal ta. nol.rigtatingly ray it i. the beet medicine I hero ever bdien.‘tb e ry m to y Watt isqtune, and I key quite dierMilll4. altesether gums I bate taken your Derexperilte. I have nova better appetite than seer I hut. •My et& bee taken it with then,. belief, oUt regulte I would r ecommend . It are Rosily medgeine It. rally, end I key ennehtned that egiusedtbere woulded D he belt the isles...eller. and neggequent/y nol se many br whiled t restores awaits. aloe glee" Is the etenneele and tamale Dow, :tsetse W.; itimpgtEgibltgatt In hubby. Male,. th at Silent n nog 11.1 to attack lbi, eyeieng.. 'And oo all thuee who are oat In Siegal thy Nate : c ite, try Dr Townsend 's teereeparilla. , • , • , • , ToontelFeirrge, 7D Alla et. , Canker In Abe Alautli. Iklorbu aenountoranothavehild Atr•J Dr Tom:Wind' Ylanaperilla M. lived the liter of thoulands c.f. children.— The GAlowing certilinht .elected Vwrk grail number received this week,. t Netvl'ordt, April 70‘17. Dr ip o , r . r . n d, Dear t7,—Tike of iny children way' 'very eiet with the Cancer in the month and throat, attended with great debility. Itemise now dying; I ableined wine pair evnilnt retaking, and 'leaned it dirattly'y can ewers you I feel nip enteral, Your.. 1421.1170 Foartna,27 Dean:win et. For' =lt by R 53E1.1,E11tt Drugeht, N 057 Wml el, between ad and 4th ate, who hot 'hen appointed by 14 TOWNSEND aoli Agent foe Allieheny etv •Jend.lpwlyV • llusbaud's Celebrated Fluid Illa.aella • T l l l ,:"7,Littri.d.V.tzdp:L',l7xlk4 Al qota, pi N slrstretin t rtivdtra.l gm/ dins of the Ratot pre. rynr.m. of jape& about lama habits to form ntecntl tau in LW bigrelgos la ad ituurioudy u Poo the cosisof tba soma One 126 . 14.1711.1 of th: Vilna St apetaa magus. . ' 7o l :7,z t rti o n h :, raltaMl i e t .b il =tr Ist aa ry Woor and nod +ad rm. — I3I, — BEL iiiiint — ikicollll7. ---- ,PIUS Is to cent() that, by takinK one awl of Doctor McLane's Wont Spathe, • c htid of James Plum , . pe..l.ed upwards of 711 *maw and by tba PSC OrX.l rardle me chshi of my own pawn! W o r n , . . ...1.11:Z —. inet ever sots. 1 must have two more Vllllll. . . ~ .. . . .... ' -..' - , • W11.1 • •GlIATORE i• — • Wilkino Townnhlo . . For oath by 1 JUDO & CoMqll9.lNood otrort,Tigh h. ' I , • B=M ROTELS - .1:; , VOIDNTAIN ilirgic.L. • , , . LIGHS STREET', .IBA.LTIMOREs • ." FOGG ii. THURSTON Proprietajs.- . ~ Tlin establishment long and Widely known as being ono of the mosteotranoakent in the City of flahltnete, bai teeetniv undergone.ves7 extensive liberations end improvements.. i An entire new wiros has been added, ontaining anntemearmd airy eldeping apartments, and "bemire batntngroome. Tba Ladies , departmenlltaa also been completely rev Eganised and fined up in a •most aniline and beautiful. style. In Met the whole arsangement of the House bits been remodeled, with a single eye on the past of the proprietors mwards the comfort and pleastate of their (teems, and which they eonfideruly moms will chat- Imre eam ensnare with any lintel to the Union. Their table will rdwitys be supplied with every tub. manual and luanzhieh the re &Met affords, fermi up in a superior sty c, while ia the way of Wines, lt.C., they will not be timed., i • 'ln conclusion the propnetata beg to say, that nothing will be left undone on their Reiland on the porton/leis 11.01000 1 , 40 40004 this note worthy the continual patronage of it friends arid e putilie generally: The prices rnr hoard' bare also been reduced the I &lowing latest— !! tem..' Ordin.7, ! 'at 75 per day: ! lientleineps' . ....... —— • 16p "' ' N. IL—The illaggage Wagg o n of the House will al- ways be rounkt at the Car and Steamboat Landings, which will convey baggage to and flora the Hotel, fret of charge. •. it • 1 I " mrdltf I ) ge t L T I L r s a n l ' serie . es " bt 3 i n a r f Pure e 'Wi rt; en- Ore Interest of,!Col.(.1 P Wilbamson, late of this well known eitabliehnient.beg leave to we their friends I , iind• the Poblif nenerallf, thin they have token W. I i commodious Hotel 'bee terns yeari hod wilt exert their best enirgies tune it a destrableboute for Trav eller* and City 'Boarders. I The lintel is:spacious and admirably planned far co. venienee; light and tar, having a natal. , of Parlon adjoining chamber., presenting unrisuar autumns to famines. , Tbepresentproprieters havlng had the expenenceof years In this city ani elsewhere, hope they will be able to give general satisfaction, being determined to Stint and ivlded 'attention to the hour alone. The location of the Pearl Street House ut eligible, having fronts WI Pear),Walnat t he ad Ird Ai r on that It Is equally desirable in view of t waVed exica of brislness =nor retirentent for private boarder. It is noon lit the Bnk. thed,Posto2.ce, the Masonic I lall,Odd Fere, H a hn a nd but one square distant from o aring inreet • d two pastel froatibe City Wharf,thin o the gre, awn inducements, especially to country rehants en# generally, to all persons visiting Clean. natl. ..JOHN NOBLE I /01IN A DUBLE r. • • ALLEttIiiANY STIRS, VD Itlarkil, delphiat;-The subscriber (late of the nehitig ton Rotel, Ilarrisburgh. Pal takes this metiotrof itt• forrnieg his old friends and the pablie generelly,that has taken theribove namedlloTk:L. The Reuse is airy and cemibitahle. and has been eglensively altered and improved, wad the proprietor hope. by a outlet attention to business, and a simper earn. Or the cortifort of his guests, to merit and receive a share of public patronage. Th. Imo.. Ik utoated very Convenient for the Travel ling Public, being only two doers above the Harrisburg end Pittsburgh Depot. and within two minutes walk of the •Iraluntent and Reading Depots. STABLING' at tached to , the:ptentima Tonna elltsr day. 1, • • I r EP II uyifies;r.p6.tor ,• 7Alleebetiv Bonze, Phil'a A iiguot 13, 1847-eptild3n ?JONES , HOTEL, - no.ls7ensnarena IT, Part.mmunna. TBE Anbaerlbera, ander the Ann of Bemoan &WM, have paiebased Alr.Jonet'atterestln meet, and bopely the animal attention to the wants and comfonarof their r...nv to merit a continuum, of the liberal patronage herethenn teemed by ImAntner pmrrie l The house as been thoroughly rentwated, and repausi ed; we thereawe . feel awned we can welcome our In and public to accoMmodations eqoal to any L N W ItaIDGEN• In the et of , Plilladelptua. _ r____—.l_ GALT 110IIISC, Corner Main And Sixth sta, Chia/Math ceMbllehment In now le the but order tor the, 1 reception of the Traveling Pnbltc, Having ender-.gon • thorough repair, duritet the Past'lninter, an having the that experieneed men In the pest, In the Tattoo. deph.Tunen . I - Iletti, myself' thni;sll will be pleased who can. Me loeattooiseentrat,eoo 0040. and pleasant. Fare 111 per day. Ctnenmetesrch 13, left.i W E $tA RH N. ° ugh not exact neve Mum, le is the erne—s !se litetotl the at handle. I need • li r ADISON 11110TIC14 "MADISON, INDIANA. Tllropiletor of ilos long established house, tespeet. itd. Oly offers-01s services tothe ciu tens of Piusburgb,, was a! tuck himself to reader contrastable all lobo mar fiver him with their company. Thlslpoiarartrich has long been a favorite, one with! the Provisloo De .lers ot Pittsburgh, arillohe coming sesron, presdnt to target field ,for their operations than bcollothre :frota : th e completion of the Rail Road to Indiathipo'hiANlmiles loethet into the hog raising region. _!_itti , tl.l,' 0 DPl7'2llOOO, Previews TUROCILSIOIITON'S GALT 'fovea, Hy. " ARISTIIROCIEItORT.dN .begs to acquaint his friends!thst he Is again lessee of the 0A LT 110 U SS, rotaissilic,Ny.,wiete he hopes to meet all, has old friends snoring 'beim. and the public, that no, Dort shall be iparcd to teake'ali c °tolerable who favoC him rid: their 11.91190 • !solidly I, AMERICAN HOTEL, Oppasitt'the Rail Rawl 'Depot, Pratt al., ILENRY MITI*. Proprister. 11. e of the Eanhanan and 8I Chadian ilotahaTiasby. onnOdly ILEMBEI MEDICAL AND SVIIGICAL OFFICE 1 , die. 63 DIAMOND -I.IW, a few doors bet. Wood ey street, , rework U. dick . • ntrat," Perim( been alter regularly cd• steered to the mcdwal pro • fersion,and been far wane „tone on et pramiee, :f C l m l a' 'ho-012/ 11 of t h ose Ptivate.and delicate tom, plaints far which Weepy., 1111:10 . 102 and erperioncr peculiarly qualify linsk— Acre. )0101 0.10160. y dr...a'. study: sad treatincur of those comet t at a, (during which time he her had move prattles and gas cured mote pauents thin east tree iv! m the li t of try prmvato practitioner) am . ply qualifies Manta CD, as Jranecitaf tOmedYi Fianna mat ,and istisleutory ,nee tiall Claimed with (then diseaxe. and 011t11,01.0 Winos therefrom. Dr. Brown work,. inform dude Ciliated with piece 'diseases which 1147, 'acme Chronic by time or mantra ted by the one of Ray of the Common amanitas of.the day. that their complaints eon be radically and shoe imrbly cored, he having wee kit cameral 1.110111106 the treatment of Inches...and succeeded in hundreds of instances taring persona of inibunation of be neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases which onen•nanli m Mae. caseswbere whets bac consigned them to ho re peless despair.. Ile partiedlatly Invites makes have been Imus and unsuccessfully I treated by enbera.to to.. salt him, when every estisfaelinn will be given them and Mei caulks nested in a careful, thorsaglind satelligent mune:, *nasal oat by ImMezporionethstady mil in smug-soon, which it is avertible foisbose engaged in reneral practice of =diens* te ;lye any one class o iienua or R.tiPtals— c Brawn atm • me, persons aghoted with' 'Derma in call, so he has pat panicalac auenuon this dismiss: Skin Mmes..; also Filet, PALI, etc_ ipeadlly eared 2Charlitx•crylow.. ' 1 N..1.1.-Intents of either keg living at a distance by canna their disease to writirg, thrum all the amp -tons. can otnain medicines with due/coons fortis. by' addressmatT BROWN, 111.1 D. post pa:l and:enclo suss afee.,,t. OMes NA 63 Diamond atiiy, oppeaiis the Waverly, Rouse._ ~..-,, ..- , I . \''.• \ 6' 4 ' ~,... 4 avi f ... 4 , -410 irr Nn can. n 'We - sialansmarie TqaTu PASTS. • • rItAXII3I tirterelltelt. Tirs hest article known for cleaningand whitehing the Teed, Wreagthening the tomb ...meting the, breath, tr.e.. It should be oiled even' eight with • mid brush, and the teeth and mouth annealy regain; a align washing In the morning. • Wet Olin brash with warm' water. Or cold will answer, and rah.. fear twos on the pest, when enough Eta adhere ter bearung.ttic teeth: It leatrea•deletongtaine le the mouth, one ne parte a mot delightful fragrat*e to the breath. kneed. .otorivalleil as'. pleasant, eldeaciens, Convenient, and vale dentrtfiec. It is warranted not to injure the tenth, but to pretervethem. , By using it regularly`, ii will remove the tartar and prevent its secumuletidat—eprevent the Wethaehe Chstrengthen th egunts, and preVent all diseases °lntent ensta, plireteirms, and the ;clergy recommend it. e, decidedly . superior to every thing the kind in ave.— Ask tar Sherman'. Commound!thris 'Ranh Paste, and observe hie signature is attached Cu each pot. . • • Recommended by Dr. Castle, Al Brormway, one of our best Daniels, and by most of she Old twahllshed ones an the Panted Sakes, and earn atensitimly hied by the Nobility of k:ngland and Fee' ea A lame pro portion of the dilatant, t hataillettlankled arise from mete derangement Of tint a Munch Or !tavola, ..eh,eh a timely' usirfef the Char tie Losengee would entirely abeam.. Pentane of 'bilious habits abated al ways have a boa at hind, and take a dose whenever they feel the least demeaned trnthele heelthi Aisdi eine. ace of these besengee would prevent thousands of easel. , ' , wittiest Whl. JACIO3OS'S, commie( Wend and Liberty etsde cal ADlts Who Use etenteoe ReeiraTed Omit; ire lJ often not aware how frightfellr•injorloos 't Is so the skin! how mama, haw rearm. how sallow, yellow, 'end enlarmithy the skin appears alter along mamma Omaha Besid, it In injurious, eentaiaingeleagemarm. itty of lead: We hart yfrepared beneath! vegetable article, whichwe eta! JONES'S IWANISII LILY WItITE! It le perfectly ince:4Tel, beingplifiled of all delelettenth yeelitiet, and it impasse to the shin • sala mi, healthy, alabaster, clear, loving white, slaws acme linte.aeting.tw a counettc en the skin, mallets non and sanewth. 11r. James .Annerson, ramitieal, Chemist of Massa h M rusetta r: sAnernatalya ng Jones's/tannish Lill, Mine, F en d it peeresses the most beautiful bad nate. rot, et the same lane lane/nit white I ever, saw. I eenninly tanconscienonoly ke Mermen d to ere to al/ whose skin regimes beautifying." • g!.4lr lt ' y -IV. j.II:WIt./; ai bib 4;,,i se. there, I,ilberty street, head Of Wood, at the sign of then's Boot. ' hk3 W he n ludles,Pto astonished, - When yea knowthat venture pwantowil A natural, lift.like, snowy white, That you will. still use column efialk,• • Aad look a deathly yellow fright, . The theme oclaughice an rif utlh. 'lf you Ivould.,,use a bet or JONE'S Lally:white t It would give yoer ektn an &labiate, yet aslant white,. cod el the sante Bike clear !end improve It. ',Sold at JACKSON'S, Liberty st. rneeln cont. per hog, • •- , •-il • mire C.l Ia,u;R3.IMPEIII•II. COUGH BYRUP.—,From W A) K Uaien, Es+, Clerk of the Conn of Quitter Dos- Stooge( Bearer ebunty: • • ' ' ban. R. E. lalermerm—gita ROpe time Milne winter any wire was tillaimell with n teat., and Alanesltng 'cough, and lirering of yen,' 1eve1...61a Cough tayrep, I perch. nod-n bottle from ei T. Trtmhio, kin,w Bridgewater. sed : Mlrt Wang a Martine Di la two mikado e vendigree gel throe bed, the found iinelr , filttorahrß,,, ais les sevettd Wends been tires rel.riirel In severe eases! am there. fore rmilani. that It is a safe and valuable Medicine. and wouldthose.who may be afflicted with severe anight and/whit. ; W:K. Ratan. March My - • 'lle Syrup la put opin 15 dein bottles, on that It may be bought by the poor as well as the rich Prepared and sold By R E. SELLERS, at wood me aim, for tole by Dr, Canal, Sth wentaind.D. ht. Corry, Allegheny thy. ,' nOl.l TifirP,UWlLLANlAterail tiIIOOKURCIELT 7ITHO:IE mcaimeas can equal niers? Look cum VV Mir Toon/ Wire,With her hrlghtuntnylocel took m year own, pined Will, eruptions and blotches! Yet you me too wan to gip cerus for a cake of the gra at Italian Cliemleal Soap; Which would entirely free coo from them, mad 'make yopi yellow silo deer and healthy. Go at once to Jackmanla !Rare, RtLibeny 01. Plusbonthl,and get a cake. - N lax tson's is the ooly plain in Plush - web where tote REN,UINE la to Lc obtained. Beware of Omuta.. • • IrrOOSE . R V F ., Rill Rai , ' lianas in the dootWai lIIAOIO liattAJO{M SOAP—For row. . - .L'riog tra Itird de . pots, ni;or Maks-hos clothe., Wedticel;Carep.ke, 4 ,1 44 pd rendering, the roar whenttlr .PPueo fddß, Fined, now, end sprOod. Sold Areetioos. Flue 115rentr Adak.. el - Sold ky.:,IS W:JALIDAT,ESLIbeady 'Seer, head tirrOA, at his OM add Bho sides, situ of do Ills : se aTS NSI~ORTATh N ' LINES. 11XX.I.A.NOT. ' POO.TAIILIn. BOAT • LINE 84 : 11 0 1 VMSPORTINu hf A N ,i z k., TWEEN PITTSBURGH AND THE EASTERN XITICSOVOHOtri 7111Brallitio DM. . TDE reproved method eleariying used by long Establabed Lane, /a WO so well . Hoorn that de scription to unuecewiary. Geodiare not untebed on the pine, than all trunditipment creams handlintis saved. ,The Boats are of light draughs and perform them trtps • in' front aLs. to AM= diM The !vastly or oar Warehouses enables na.to store any consignments aide to as. Receiving,storing, 441 /reit e ;;ll7p= make ales [ of Prodoen, ••;e reipectliilly adieu ,L.consigruneotiof aretlern Float, =Lard. Buttes' Cheese, Weol,Feathera, and other Las sale, oh which liberal, nd mecca will 'be =dewed other usual (salines afforded, pledging one-, saves that any business entrusted to as shalt Ire 2/1 *aptly , executed and upon is fair terms as by any other house. II NO IdcPADDEN & Co Canal Haab.; Pittsburgh ' • JAB htDAVIS./k Co • . meth( , , and 451,Alarket at, Philada • PITT9BVIIOII POILTABLO 1847. VOlt the trinisportation of Fre4htbetareen Piugittrgh ,•E' mid the Atlantic Cities, seating transhipmenut on the way, and the consequent :risk of delay, damage, breakage and eiparauon of toed.. CASK No WS arket streeL - Philadelphia • TAAFFE &O'CONNOR • •- . Cbr Penn and Vyayste nt, Piusbrugh t-P V C 2 r I PT lt ai t 'MVs i ltitt s l t,rrt Ai ''' . Encouraged by Increased baldness the To:vectors have added 'to their stock and eztended their arrange ments during the winter, and ire now T.... Pared te Ward ftelgat with replaritY and dispatch ausurpused by an y other line. Their long expenence es emir., the palpable superiority of the •Potuble Boat System, apd the peat capacity and convenience of the WM beams at each rod of the hoe,ere Peculiarly calms!. ted to enable th e proprietor, telitlfil their engagements and eceommodate their emberners—eonfideadyoffenng tbe put ma guravy for. the future they trApe.lbUY plleit IlCalliMoo.lleo or lain panonsge wtialitUy gratefully ackturwledge. • • • • All cortitigmente to Tiede & CPCounor will be reed sod forwarded.' Steamboat charges paid and Bills of I.:ilding ;transmitted free of any charge for Cansmuuloa, , ftiivanctag or stoma. Baring no interest dnectly or steamboatashe Interest of the cormignors Most neceisarily be their primary einem In enipping spin, mtd they pledge themselves no forward all goods consigned to them promptly and onthe moat advent.. poem terms to the nemesia. . • • . !March 1,1617 ' mare ; . • T0.T11116 . POBLIO. rpiE Boatmen's Portablerfloat , Company - being dhe solv r g the Company again went Oita article. of Cow pastes p' ander the name of the "Boatmen's Line," and likewise agreed to ieht the Stook so as to here a nomber 'of Boats for the purpose of • carrying - goods through in frail gii to eight days, srith.eensinry—end feel eneoentged tiy)he liberality of last year's patron age, to Mate more extensive arrangements for the Wer would - therefore respehtfully solicit a coune. toed or Our termer rwronlaand refer all new customers to those we have done betneil - , ationall34_:L AL iikaral HOTRIAIas• LIAM, For the usapottation of ALL LADS Or MANCHA AMAX ,AID LADII PIULAAELPSIAi HALTOM; Naar You, inn 80'..X. ' -SAMUEL WWIITSIAN & Co, Comer Melly street and Canal Baum Piaaborgh. . 4 • A. Li GERHART & Co, No NA Mutat UAW, Philadelphia. RIMER, UELOTON & eh Agents, • _ . Baltunore,UA • PITTSBURG** !al MelhUly beo. Morgan & Co. W McCully &En, 11 A Sampson &Co, AI Teo& Co. & PHILADELPHIA—Morris Pauemon & Reynold, McFarland & Co, Flomung,& Booby, Peter Woght & Son, Jn, J oLun,Jomph Gnus. NEW YORK—Gocaue &Co, Theo. Perri' & Co. BOSTON--Rad, Ilned & Co ,, • CINCINNATI—Adams & Creagh, W W Sumba.' e 74. PLEASANT, VA—P!A Madder. NABIVILLE—P Fleming, Nors—All nierettandise from New York D041411 1 / 4 emmigned to A L netban Sc P 0118,410214 will be promptly . forwaTded free of cam:Mario. rebid , IIIDIEPENDZINT POSTAIILE BOAT LINE • Ml= 1847. •thes---iit .FOR TM:TRANSPORTATION Or DI AND MERCOANDISE TO AND' FROM PITTS :TOWN, PIIMADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE.. ErWltheml Transhipment...a - • • Goods ionsornad ooreare ardl be forora.rded oat delay, afthe Bowen current Mee. Bill. of Ladmir transmitted, atrd all intruct/ow promptly attended to, fl ee (roman) . extra charge for camel or 01.1111i11.141... AddremorA,pply to e. A 'A/cANULTY &Co Cane Dario, Pittsburgh • 1=7E21 Having a very large and commodious warehouse, we are prepared le receive lin addition to height for Shirimeni) a Large martini of Produce, Ise.. on Storage al 1.3 w L* 4 l C A Mc ANULTP &Qs ~PIIIIIWOIITII a. CO9l LINE. igailaa 184 . 7 . Radial XCLUSIVEJ.Y forthejtnneMqnation of .WAY FNEIOUY between warn, Hollidiysbnrelt, Water Street, Petersbisigh all tows ISICIMILLG places. One Banana leave the warehouse CA Me Antitty Pdtslntigh, every. day, [except Sandals& and altippersean always depend on havlng their limds for.' alluded widniut delay and at Par ratan • This Lute *nu tanned al the special ateorentodatlon thearay bagmen; and lbw Pesintnnna rasPenlrollY solicits hbetal share of patronage. • JOHN PICKW010 "' : JOITN saLLER I MOM 11 'MIMES RODER? WOODS I. WILLIAM . . - _. .. - JOHN MILLER. Healid.Y.bulEh i .R H CANAN, Jobhstown Agents. (I A BIeAN MAY &Co, P411161:116 arrstilrtctv. 14IrDeeiu, &dm Parker, Robert Memre; Bagaley flottth. Pitub • h. : • ravr6 tyIKE EltlE - 11101111 f LINE, 1847. alkAil . 911115 Line be ingeomposid of S ,nlnan Lake , Erie J. and Michigan, running; dully between Pittsburgh and Heftir and height and passenger Canal Heats, running b etween Beaver and Erie, and connceong a r ia, C B 1 Reed's Line of dteamboarPropellers and Veseels on the Lakcii, will be premed Open the earliut open ing of . Navigation to - carry. Freight and Parsengers to aliffa'vtrigetery too jitsceilrayet4Sar, l ror d egg la r . right and pats. Seeger. 'rah promptness and dispatch, the proptietor and aents respectfally ranch Iron, their friends and he po lite greteraHl of HEED Erie, Proprieior REEDS, PARKS A. Co, Beaver,Lets JOHN A CAI:OBEY, rinsingli do Co r. Satithdeld and Hinter O. opposite the Monona a. ' gatirla House. '''''' To Wheeler, Crocker & Co, New l'art Deo Dams, DODO, E N /hots& Co, Cleveland J. k Armstrong& Co Detroit eChire teW 'Maw; /Migrant Minot& Porter, Quota* . Wm Powers, Powernown, Penn. • Geo ItinebelotyrarEfartsbargb, Penn. . John hie Arthur, Martina wn, Vtrielf& Acker, Greenville, do Craig & Frampton, Clarkarille. do Hayek Plumb, ttltorPabargh, Pa. Wi C Shama. do , ,R W , .Corortnitharrt. New erratic, do morn PrMITIIGH & 9,EVPIAND MYR. 1846• .11. Clarke. H. Ilnops. T. h cumta te co. • CLARKE 4 CO., Forsrardhaff 't, 4:461=1{111031 Xarelmat;, - , BEAVER. PA. T l .TZ= 4 , l :42r.;;,:fut i :i,`;!" ( 7.T7b'e earliest openota or canal .nasigation to 'rel prop tot! at t on and Beaver, and deliver the same at any point on 60 • Ohio canals, and also. Lakes and hriettivot, with the realest dospatah and at reea. tumble rates. • . The proprietors of Ws line solicit the besiness of I their former.enstenters with coondence r knowing that their facilities are second to nano. Apply to or addrou O M lIKATON. AlO,Pictaborylb. CLARKE & Co, Boomer. H /US T RIEOPID & Ce C toeliutA. 7 - iiTiOSTXJI2/TRU — SIII I OZirtrAVION 410. - MOW 1847 lesion a. c no. ,OLD ESTABLISHED TRANSPORTATION LLNE, BETWEEN PTITSBURCIIi. . . . PIIILADELP/1 LIALTIIIoat: A Pip NP. W . YOBS. Moat oCitils lino amnions of a double daily A. Line of Rost. and Can, [owned by rhealso rs ,i which are la good order. The soesenbers- are roma red to forward • large quantity of aleretiaorliat, aad LiProdiree oriUt amatory audilispaten: Prod.. or. Ilerehandise consigned to any of rho on emitted, la forwarded Mao ol any charge for roonair )inca orstoraga • tull.tAuling transmitted aod all inspections promptly ettentketio.', .• j Ther business of this Llite is ennelneted on stnetly rdabbatbAeoplog &Urea, or apply to D 1 T'i' , ll & Co, Proprietors, • Canal Maio, Pittabargh ARRIS Proprietors, No H l 3 South Third meet. Philadelphia Jos. TAYLOR:to SONS. Agents, N 0 .114 Nona - Dineen:l street, Dalutoore W D WILSON, Agent, inchl3 ' • Plo 7 West street. Now York • • • • x•A. VAG X da — tiLigicrx - TaTlii ' LINK OF CANAL FACKETS AND STAGFX 4847. .4WRllikke TELEC Aril Mlitf# • .. wa , : z k i r, it i , a gte: the , ,sod 11111. r. Whllrllllo.lllllolll.lllllll forrge :Stage. arttleh reach Cleveland Letare nicht. - 1 Psasnatnarltl reeetpledthmach, securing boning Fthe Paekets t •nd nate in the Stage, on appneane. t board steamboat lbfaVer• Ocacta6 Fttlsbaralt at a 'clock, a. m ,} or to the moms: • 0 bl.ll A ETON & Co, Pittsburgh . . CLARICE & Co, Ikaver, JLISSE BALDWIN,' Ybooptormi *pa • • .1846 . .A4D 1847' 1 / 4 0 THE EAST BrvONONAIIISLI ROUTE, VIA EHOWNSVII,LE C131.13F-RLAND. rd i n k earktl i crill Itt ' 4iThra r t ' lenrd i n i :. d r ' - Ini , Vinterovn the =at favorable tem., by Ibi. cape -13 Jill probed, 'consigned inns vain be &needed at the ratee and with deepateh. Metehiunlies ' , received by thin mine brorently Pr JO BIDWELL, Ao,r,tubu,Rh. vv,CAB9,llm venevilie. nova • E EGERTON diverheareberlandl PiTTANIUDGIN AND 0111ANINVILLD - \Mail 1847. tr i ant NET ANDPREIG GT. LINE /MN Lino co:W.1111ga freight sea pooreniter Peek. Let., swill ran'regelsrly daring no; wa., Denude and. Greenville; 1414:by width fteightand pas. nbenresalbe twopoinposillba earned promptly it the ldwen DUX &AN ,ONEV Grater - Vie t Am , CRAIG & FIIIABIPTON; Clark do;, - ePARLANG & ICING, Mg Geed, do; GANG& PLIINN Shergsbatin, • 1 ' • ,••• ALLAN,- fttive . • - do;., I . NREG,__PASLNitoft, Omer, • der JOAN A CAUGlU3Y,oornotWater ud Sonl i t e re i Ld !tut Preciltfik! Nomegabu *du% I SPORTATION LINES Elsovp4u,...llZoaNiarct e•ACKET Pon Th e ueoe egelsolondid steamer . .• • i . ' .: - • : BEAVER, Cipt.Charlceiloop. couunences her render mpVibia day, leaving •pitia brirgb at 1 o'clock, . se, tog Beaver 11l 1 o'clock,. lc, connecting wttb Pittsburgh ea Oki:elm:A Line of• Cad nal Bonet doily w Cleveland, Q.; Beaker, Warren and Cleveland Line of. Canal Packets and Stage Couture d silk, to Warrestimd Clevland; Canal Par..et Line. to New Castle and Greenville, P.; Eno Extension Lino to :Meadville and En. hell; Moore 1 Co's Lifit/ of Stone CoecheS for Cleveland and Wooster, leave. Ecit ver daily on the:arrival of itirainboat. BeaVee ft=Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh. Apply to - ,-::. -• .• :.- .• - , -I •• 0 M HAD:TONI Co; Pittsburgh . si'l4 - I 'CLARKE/el:4, Barer . . • VNION LINE, 18471 , 6r sigia t lon THE r TTTTTTTTTTT AND OHIO CAII•LS, • BE II iwgzx PIITSBUEC AND CLEVELAND. E N I PARYS & Co, Cle.cittddi . °z Et , PARKS, Beaver, Pa, .Proprietors.' W T MATHES, Pittsburgh, Pa. . TOE above Line is now fully-prepared to Transport Freight and Fassengnis from 'Pittsburgh and Clevot land, en any point ort . ths Pensidylaannt & Ohio, and Ohio The fa Utiles or raid Line ate rot agnoiled by any int and Canals, in numbers and capacity of Boats, elite- Kenna of Captains, and prompinew of Agents, &a. One Bmt leaves Putebergh and Clesaland daily, ran; ning in connection with the Steaniers. • hlichisnot and Lake Erie, between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and a Line of Slat elisa , Etearithott% le., Ono and Schooners, on lAkes Erie, Harem, xi chignn and Ontario. • Propenr forwarded to anl Pastor the 1 1.hiion with. despatch: E N PARKS & Cri, Cleveland, Arts • . REED. PARES Ca, Beaver, Am • I • W T.MATHER, Pittaborgh, ;• • nal I • Con Water and &pith - Enid meets TO ,01.16176LAAD Tltr. WiLftIIJAN... , THROUGH IN Bi• BOUM • ACKET Beats Swallow and 771egraph leave Bea , PTer daily; at3Weleek r x.,alter the arrival of ,the morning Boat (rim Pitubenth; and arrive at Warren Inr time her the Nail [Ana of Stage., which leave immedt amly ih6eaftey.and arrive at Cleveland at a o'clock, P. Thio 4ate e nice r t expedite,' ea and . entaferetWe one ' NejtEiTlNGV4‘Varren, PN , Pr4 REED, ?ARKS & Beaver, Otis JOHN A CAL GHEY,eentel Water and Benthfield eta, only ,OPposite the Monongahela Ileum Pitobargh OI7&IIIIPORTAWAF. A7.1.1211i. Main 1847.11 ME • • ' I roe TIM IRA repoitrArreit' or ALLIONDS OF'MERCIIANDIFETO AND. FROM • Philndelpktia, Baattiacre, - Nrow York THE encouragement Wit line has received dire at commencement, has Induced the proprie tors to increase the stock by adding a number of fi r - class baste and instead ofgrving receipts as hereto fore *agents,. we will give our own receipts lot freight Slopped by this Line. The boats are all pOrtable,zonsequently freight is taken the whole distance without transhipment, therebY, preventing damage from pis handling on the route, and as each • boat 42 owned by the Captain who runs them, which' is efficient guar antee that there will be on the route. ' Alf Produce or- Merchandise consigned to the undersigned be forwarded • FLEE OF COhll: MISSION, for .idvancingned forwarding, and will be shipload without delay at the, lowest rates nf freight; Wereapeetlidly (elicit a share of public patio cage. I • WALLINGFORD & Co.; - Canal Basin, Bitten :11h r. CRAIG, BELLAS dr Broad Street, Philadelphia. ' I. F MILLER, Agent <- - ; Rowley'. Wharf, Baltimore: Pitl4ergb, Feb. 18,1817, '1846 " 1847 omcm TO TEE EAST BY'BALTLIPSOII.E 'AND OHIO. RAILRO&D. TII Ell abse ri ben will reclaim for th ° delivery of Pr. dues to Baltimore by the blonongaltela Blar.kwater at the following prises.— t Ashes, Paean,. Bauer, Lead, Lard, Pork, Tallow, Inistby, 9, and Glass:-6JI eta pestOO lb.. 7bbliell,.llisetp, Plan rind Wheat—ti 4 nu per 100 lbs. Ash", (Pot) Apples. Cheese, Flax-Seed, 6lnsi,. and, Loather-106 ma per 100 lbs [ • - . Oil,, Bkint.Beeds,Woolllo cit per 111, lbs. Beesaran,Peathers,Poss i Ginseng, and Snake-Root —AO els per WO HAL. I All Property sonainned.birithet Orate midmsigned will lialforaarded“t delay, free of Commembelli at 141040 rates. - II tlf;Aßl,Drownssille. . 0, 4 4 ILS.NIVA rATF.BblAli,Pitsshurgh. .13 k fiDEPITII CIIDDCAL Wii II TING 11 FLUID soliciting the v erbiage of the public bo this, article; it is but right proper that &temente on hich the claim Lenny/poet &bawd should Lit fully. mid !Mr ly at f birth and al. some guarantees be 'green that the com; monitythil; not be &Tow& tipm by ming 9.1. .1 lu the drat place it it well hwy. that the geosiali'y of black "Lake" me composed of * precipitate; Leta L./ether by pair Arabie.and Salon thelwatar, either la whole or Part ts evaporated the gum and precipitate axle& Ma ;testi , man in the pen or inkstand which contains it, It& ! oho munition to addivinegor to the Ink ntature Make it more ankh Zilch kurrammi the nil by meting ea thia et destine. it through in aserfahort time. Now the. Wet trit;Mrdt' differs from thew militate. in eimy respect, as la .4emical solut on reguirieg rind thither to bold it kgether,therefore OCT.' get 11 . lick, mad being sag Maid' • rarge,qoantity-thrimfoun there° into agiethspirt ?metro. dog deeper into the fibre of the paper kiteg a more posits-. bent stars sad one Lew many Maned by attrition gum ..y plotted n. the riarfaco,'• &Mao coolainsnomatthr;thar has naatenity the metal! am therefore rill out corrode 6101 not mould, afthough it writhe of& bluish green tow co t in a few boas 9 becosima • deep black which will .thsre for ages. It Is warranted et:perms id the oldie& known by the name of " Arnold's %TAW% Fluid and otti.third more ging kr th e thaw price. its guattantee against imposition of any kind tieing attem ed the follliwing reconimendatiMm will waft,* mu. be awthe, th at the names there peen could 00 have 11 oh Mined lit' any =am fir munworthy purpose. W.eroconmeid "IlikbertiChiesical Writing Fluid" to the patreinage of the poblicois that rata athlete at all rem teeth it Cows foto from the pin without dogging ft pima in the Mune of iFfew boars thicomet • &verb:right bier& / Sam plan le. Co. .! Wick and McCemilesi -Itithert on. . John Parker. Lippionott Jr. thin 9 Mesta:ad di Co: IdeQoserandll Doughe Franc a ffellOrs Ikdat B bienl Brp's; C A Megnalty & Co. krW W-D'allaes, • • I • ' I I • lan- Si r: MM., Aug DLl9O.' Me Thin St d.—Deat Sir: ham then Ming your Chmoiad Writirg Fluid; and bid it &theme article the Gifted, it Bowe thee& froth the pest and be jet blob I in a &whoa.. - , T .11 TUT LE. Book-kee . • far Bindle &per &mpla. MATTI, 1. 18 , 1847, Mr T -K Hddsert—rear Por: Haringproeureda,lauele of pour Writes% Eluid, : scsauthres seeskaph,.l 0:4•013.4it 19- lif rst i st o lf . arst superior tosaruo 144oralsnsriak uos! is %V1L1..341..}TEW ART, ook-ierper tor Artlkur Sietualsou *Co Pittaburgb,lept Lt 0847. Mr T 11 ttildoest—Drar IStre ram wog 'your Cheuitsnd Wrlrsag Fluid, and find it to . most used - rut article 'for 4.1 peas, at it dots =Arias them graeralitj of odscr Sub, it Bows(_ sod becomema der p blade is a 'kw boom CAUL B.— E:Z=l;Zil at, Ihmk-keipiel, for John Puke, Prepared and nold Wham& And &tail by Thin... DnigghttArid co rom of Liberty - odd Smithfield Street, ' , admen% OMMIGht PILES. DA. INGOLDSSY'S p tra Specific, an Uncut rem cocain . a and ridiaa' care INDICA.: Intoned, ontorelf Itenting Dlind , ela, for toritition'of tba kidoop col Da da, punt in Do back as Ode, kaleitaalr occo, crop Hoer r Somata atoro and Cho itnifutentocet art tattott tiotddeed with ocesdpation Of Ow loorolo co 'calico:coon colfitor pales. In a ll coil moo the Spot& La trial pec factleeroak), sad is • certain remedy. Via Specific fa sant Mioa, Tre . dts , anllll . entody lo wi t trjper ; p4h....,17. d oe oecostda r licate mete '; ' TAD la Dermal, l6ati kw* tetioldtWo 11 . 1 *.elts'ilo; to be a ectata tan and tali toottoly:,. Hones con ita effect, in wend cm% atanclotsty dontiticaosions, moral edit firmed and more CMS of Die a stem It nook an entice care la wary EN HY.WITITEHEAD.I 1 : How York, Hoy, 1843._ Met Sixth Woe., &oniony Afro tap tectiotony so to tha corgis and att. (chin chats Of .Dr: logoletobyta Pilot Specific,as 1 Imo* it from al ore ocoariaco aod aloccovoon, to Do Infatlitte; LlZ•in DM it and rams is corral can of ...tidos oche and fatal. : 131.0.-11111,te I -•• 3345711.tfti-C. 46:w 14;14 Milts , crininca. • . New Vert, May, 1845. • MN Denle—Deve —Litsn the pleasore tp py, thD yournsedicina, Mgeldehybo filer fpende, has made •peo feet cori to du esee of Fri ender,sad leoneNisi yaw., .1 that I ban Ineo hr pn i a. . DiteD others 'i lei bt6em tove,lll Aided theldte moo., hi prtarlarp the ertiele, tin slay depend est a cetteineare y. .. I ! • • {Vat CIT.., Mint pLi, ! Dr. Ingoldsby.—Deor hir.—Thel foe may benefit elm who seay noTerioe, ea wen as le comae ady gratitude , fue the bcoelit I hare dc;ited Gen did toe of year !Doable Spe roiit :ft.: 6 Qtl 4, Veen with respect. , sold whobnele Doi by ,Wll. JACKSOIy, hie Pal est Medicine aid Doot Slioe Mars, 11.89 Liberty street, head or W.d, Villsborgh. Price, 58 atm CoNsumpriox . a r4mlp,,D— To mime *Meted latch Disealeb of the Limis, -This is to certify to thotiOrtelictml with the Arm pre . nionhory aymptome of Coatomption, Mill hare: beta , lalmring (or several yearktvith a l , bronchi, sortie* pf the throat end hoarreneac: I usedmany medie:nea,litit found no relief in nay prepnritionlof modicino, ..untill made one of jut. • DUNCAN" 4 EXPECTOIIfpyr REMEDY . . I have been amag Wm 'rideable mediettie for several years, and *bray* And it miclieve whoa . avert make us e of it. My occapition ea , 31 Auction Cer, which iecpsint ditlifleokrlikiftiy cam . eil, clam. my diaeam,ni times, to became very alarming, when at once procure Mil ruedmine. Iherefore take pica- . Imo tamaking this patammateme ,Met ethers &feet— ea with A ill ' , ease of the firma an expectornroorgani j . may , luow the trireme Of this 'ill heeling remedy,. and may: he inraL I havireernmacutiedDr, Venetia,. 'Expectorant ifemetlY to Many .r my friend; some& whom ewe their hackle this meal Me. ekanemet,O HM hM r Oct In; doll. JAMES I? j,. The propnater of the - above dieine would, also refer to tbeoudersigned prraemayldm rt.. 4 In Pctrf coustry, on whom toff pervert [nay call upon 1 , 11 , 1, Lc convinced that More at!: tutorsl4.l.l la the Above turthe lair that estrum bo ext.lkyl :,. .. . , David Calbenten,flontermn . Dr, 11. 5t.,,6 , 4. ; ni,,, , n °l. M.l! .. = ' Dl P lL, M7., ir l . p=ii i° 4„.. 9..- P.l brni yy, Dupic,AN'S 1v ' 146. - . ‘ D " fi OFFICE, ..11:10 Eye.. More street, Cieelintilf. Ohio. , : • • .. . .. , Fold iaabutgb by WM:2ACK§ON,. to L i ber t y head of W o o d sittYtt. - aplattler PhrtftulAsl:7y B AL4l4El°!_u'u. E -m, Itl sa, - M. D. P:Graohte—Doar porclioraoryou tow bow., ikdkonoyecoilloorouid made use of moo bat. m h ic 17 bitiihreowvibleti bog °oh 160 Immo, Etta from Utoohboo I. meow:hod it to'lloi praranitr - care of ohe bra mmeiratl t.a, r ever seen - draM itei:E.'eretrilifs7o"r 14111Weeit Wahl; Mi filgt 1 -v; Ir . t ~r. ~'~~ 4 MEV 1,/ MCDICKPED . LOZEN9E; ANTYPOOR 'MAX'S Sittabtat •-• LP &mat, mint children will take in nobly awl cey tar man. las WU hisfacebrolias ounabench au of Let oes, a_ ! ret oftooth pug ea the bath of Mil flaw, _ • 111:111Mblell COIICII LOZYNOSI.,_ , . Then Leave. are the tabstout seas sod elthehmiliun 4 . 4 thqiitik ow, tightnebof the !tumor chest, etc, eta Thep oen**, , tub kinsz 1 -MU.. where they bib not pre paea n eatisfactiou Sewed thumb home Um heated& the lea year,notoriar to health persona in shwa eery step ofcerowepacuend thou bhuin ender the waft obtoresowi colar and renew. They do toteUes sod dry up hat realer it aoy,prouce eapectontioo, alby theta-li* co , Anil: Woo s tut mune the femintele ar =War They ore nude boa o coathination of o owlet nlutsliespeF lona, or corqfh esolteinatood arra* ossiooltally untrue erery thin In ma itr thaw colnitaisa. Unottraleopeolone ar.a. Tom Lea odered of their arottawth , 'li" tots, Irons thaw who hen bunamed am sto wird, efetiq' sod rowed to Rubel heath by min thaw . Where *ems ouch fain la the heensursikorielefuser aten's rue Pletters (price ta r ty Lgil aa.„). shoal tat spyiWel mu the fart, and nun. tstorml.-, samba lath costinaus, • Gar wheelie or heath* Wears, eau aburtic =dicing, ettooid he mai wr caul= reetettwe , BREHM-VIM won; lorerros_ - Tine worm kateore hate bora pawl Inandt• atllll i door 000 am to be iofillable; the only tartan, mann lietwoyas Brae cur dtwoured. Many ells.. ea.. um ead occasion Iran end intateesofauf,atel ens ikallUirlth .00tlheir twerbemg attpeaubtrown moue ou fery 4,W althUal wibehayad are doctoral SY lotions csidela .t withal:tamy hada what oar doe of thaw Lougee wind' I slu .l= ,Uni Z timet W= pala l*asg he IRe)twez pth is suctiot 3. ahllshodehothe . kgettha now,egnowitic senatinut the awanch,lbehr, or abut ores the sorb. at the , hody, &Ma or Air ,; 1 eeup,. headulos, Sdotrse mar,. , bourbeiv:/f, wades aorta; io.b. , with In& rot WINMEhq .oconetinas a troohkeiout fnenthous, Waif hoe, 6b, led Uste in the mutat., billentt tualtlo, lab hat • the sthaach or touts, Afloat tonseni squatishosoust, ciao appetite, luattae, \Lula steenadror Um* tildogo. eltutiwo . yelos pat? of the body, o warattane. thing rout =the *wal e Wong ottheo enuttonals OWA , :timeuest desist to pese wouthion. bow the loonth,euiw gut ‘L. , , times &ohne* 'oliate endow. SHULMAN'S CAMPHOR LOZZ.NOZIL They sino isisoediato rotiof Lamer., sr lick heolieleo =lhto how_te kwto.. of tWtitititte Iditoatthoi. • • or pottill met Wast e basal es moms eStal "plaint, fldasas;opproastoir or• Immo( Wilma the that ,7 shadier,epos% trolopof dome% or bow* leptoriaC affections, and oh =row dimmer, drosainano Osoash Jai, ; a d w.ked.... wa t t. ihe - iight; dolma co; ohadl.i esorhas e diarrhea, lulled*. a woo Oahe. lora swallow , or aseadios lorp sinlksd UMW e. 'sea redly orselas,tad b!parsortho Woymeof *hit ax dieelpotaoaittox oW sedan the WNW tb.l nom , orally, and remove au tku rosploastal "Implores amity ' leo Ira liing. !arms who hart tom too lissa,msl• tmeles! their Andra habita, .di • sur s , •WS POOH MAWS lshaogor od In y fad sher ot t e , tieg ,t a q b wa T s L AB a T a S pm sub.&rosaas*stsoeht i m lSA er ," ls jmaoirrrp,oea oasohe./Vhm Tet y nst r ohodoaread. is f o hefoaapplaseso Wnyss opsir a o o l n sooad for oleo Touter the end pro askfog actlady the boa, SO dm cheeped plarlor theiroelde alder& •I real b riira..Pkg. , it Ittoold Ao won OdelP Owm VII e s. bregthiq h *masks, or the ebet Sass* tirwiralm me/Way mooth arei , c%ksallt db. r_solsoo orientally Wits, ar Wat nub, tohl derided mapped fnaa au of troly akesoloraift kr. !hp st.IIS itlaeummi thtell:ribmtee otheehozotee laelorimakrebstea, er rahol, la thetroapbsysto Shooloot, IJ:wooed, anodyne. They oto of oath* dallforastkeysebh• sualose toy Wm. sod dos tbo earn.* of tea tses oho Ilan and theay smell m the vadat hatiforofir all the eelebrated aad .. aei . ldOokay Itorizal venom lan tho warders weirs Fkme their toranuad thaido, at aliedisksap.k. ipinetiaa U .e an oa thll bark Gieb co.yyltyn vals imagnibt of Drellharmis Imo. 11 always ash for alharemea room .11asto Misr leak— : C:LI i th rurr M =i..., lust neted lor JAalaldisi N. Wien_ wssass., Ho lnknl y 0 , !.. 0. 64 1. " Jod At' , HAVE POUND ITP—Atureihs, fiONSTIMPTION CAA 11Z MIRED ST 1719150 011. • • DUNCAN% EXPEC:rOWIT =UM: • Cissoisiesal,O., titan". 341.5r15e Dear BirC-51eit L gmtifY # 6 P 6 % Mile aided great . of gef. the Lempons Coneumpti.d Wm Mahe Spriesiof 15431 Mamba with • germ iota. whale semi dam. gad .pis my bap, marmite al ml' nymploom of an, sesramblag eonsomptios. , My mg" wits 'JO' ud eoabieaomy SLiaaWiOsmeteLe. spit . 1 ; daily • coosiderabler unify Wand it% • ihk.k dark maitre ittatioti became maim W ahn. logo Daring, Mit 'L.'s . .t 6..t.t Wins of earaiidie skaffa Physician', day did the bat they coda Reg mom. ' LW 5 t. o .7gem .11 Life. 01 4 r * . ri; i 4tn 4ll. 4 to* thlat methag gratecoold be dine--that w 7 Imp Rem L. tally dimmed, and bared remedy. Iwm then permidatift, friend et come to mM. bia of Dr. Dememaehe deNwren• reed R,-ado, which my Pbrieicas pg;mated op.*, ertai4 Mat thus, :again., woo l- do good, an afaelitstat'Sda More teeny seffering: I told thean a aras my's:Natal Nip • hope, - and that if.l must die of ass deasmo,(whithaw wee dent to sm,) Anse would ...thing ton. Bo I jai t• eCintinma °the mad obatoed 5 bottle. of this troliValeato It. "abib. A." e theas s ahich; heTtend of adding to my martin, [mm .dmN'p gam mg relief, at meta. the temadmonmpeced eating the pain and Abbate' in lay Ches%' giihat ;rtis • par Lk gad strength, 'Mak mm coabfeel me imam leimMa This medleineeotainieedlii isidaremk; Rhino 0 ems senlte commcomi, maind rota made asoandama.- iisMeauce /M . O attendi. to my hasineis tepredis 5 yearimea o healthy m I wish. I ban .eacoincortaterDe. Dwatime'dts. pater.. Resegdy la may fortalagetodieme adetismifididig*, and it has alma proved serteediel so Bras I lam nefrtiomil itegthett illy aster is min this medieiwlet peemat, fbe Dammed Lima. an 401,044.A.L.,,,,,iida, 4.. 1.1 i.B raj with 60 mm, gram, doe Lot wady enamel by theta of Oda medicine, gad d am made.t the Q hop/. that { lake with me to-day wig emindyeara bald 'I tab Maw '0 know that there are Women. of raloakda peoos . ilti tiag wily with Ode dread Were it ally,possibla fee thaw to prtesn thM modicitimi• time, Wk. it be too late, zany liertisight proisaiediml Weir EMlllies and t ielaticoss Again • modeled ..,leppy. l 7* medieioe well gin '.aunt reliaS !Med. theleard med anitelCongh, remote idortigtdortibt tbatfbee girt sagagth to Me enfeebled' ...a ea. rams, lam maim, viral perform a Falba can, , Aramilv 3. man. Blentgamcry,Bantilio• Cometty:ols4' Pf: B.—Tbewe 'Among oat bee seeloatoted whams I rther to the tontanigand, Mamas of, Iktmlaw, Hamiltost mea ty, 0 Allay 'Oat any thelah .ab astatistiea l / 4 IhtOsepait—, DA DIIPICAPieff WIiSTUR 0171C4/51)13yeatem wberte ads saleable Nadia. artalwayabsolaticad. Hold in Pittsburgh, by- WhL JAC •=0?1, coma. GP Wood and Liberty eta • • togl44km lIIIPOILTANT' TO TILE - 1./LOLIer Hair. Cream, a sailealess article &Krim Alierink,. Beauty and ligglarathan of dm Hair,. Thiletelld.lika 011“ known; Otill supersede all other. anichisof.ther kind now wed. Where the hair la dead, halskAhlat, an. healthy or tanainggray, a few applications make the. hair •soft, and. dirk; and 'eve Ira boainithl Haply appearance; and will also tonic it retain /IS On:onm andbeahly color twice as long as all OM preptmations which are generally used. • Every lady and genilessma who ater_ he the habit of axing oils on their barna/Maid at once purchase a bottle of the Minato lialremitaass it is so composed that it art 4 not Lidera the halt Wm the other preparsdoost, bat will liesanOlkand give partner causfactkor in every - r For testimony sons vcryaapirior be' followiag truer from Rev, Cal_dwall, Annear,. •,Ecaderibott Suarch,,Nattiville, a.geamsfa, Ike R'enern'tama: Letter from the Rev. IL CeldwAtastor ef,the bytenaßlears. Lienderah Cbm h, ottas. Streiete-Geitilmaern.'.. picas:me in addirre my testimony in favor of skor • e Teat Prar.rio eaml Dr.., Parriga's • Cala.. .4 Cream...for whose two yam ago my ham mu aarYd btinly, sad dispoecd to come oat: bat hark* proem. n brittle of Ibe ("MAW and mad k scara* R ua Mm serintioe. my hair ht . now so% tisane Rad rota. head. Many balsams Racks mem *Maim! coet sing my War in • worse Mate Man before:This Coma however, has met my t • d,s an article for the Toil% my ink alma yramr. `taco over another% betAresliestaly yerfatomperdem d‘rposed to taaehtity.. The ladies repeelally first Mt Chinese Cremes he a desidenunre IA thetryry. ranee. for the AuteL RellpFeLfigin'ts: ' - - - • 'fti..klihuf7. 7 i l a l7 . • - ryaunrrti. , tr4; ‘,. .t ‘, te wholerale and swan. Piusbarghpy.tohn .11: seed, Na 45 Market arm% and Joel Mow. , corner of Wood eta. AMU . . A Cream de' Amanda Amara'; for &la Roso, for Blowing; . • Alm:man Clonal... do; , lidaP.od Pe 'F .l4 . uni.hr Ate. pagamawhk DeaßtifUt mole, porta'of a putana; Embomeld toilet boxes, coma-lola&favnt esultete for the htualkerchlef; a meat Wawa . Portiataer poseaal: lama atria ale hair ' _ Amy erpnumurrappers.tme edl - • - • So 3 PI NYcooh Soap; Woo UP maw. Cold cream, clef/molt pat• - ., • Pw Palm eoaP , in ban and • Shell soap; Soda mop; tolladlar tinelrcitatopro: ( Va;2l4 it. C 6 - • B A FAIIN -. PITTSBURG H GAZETTE, PUDLIEWED DAILY, pumzEtt.y, WEISICL Ai As Gate Ihaldingt, ad rt, sow* 4lfr. A TEA OF_ apiricuTpsiaga. One innertion of Iblines t le 450 F it . Two insertion, ...... 0 ..Three " ' `•"" ". . .. 1 r 60 00 OneWeek-*** '''' '2 6ci Two Weoks •••' ' ' **.;:s Thre' .". '''''''' t 0 Ono Me' 6 1.0 TO - ' 61) ree e '' ' ID - . Longer advertimaielts to ems plop o . 06e sqvue.,6 mouths, without alteralich,..._.lo 0 " . " " , 6 Each additional aqui* for w 06151. ' " c . • - 10 LO Oue square.c66the ralookble me plearo,-36 (0 Co 0 .12 ° 2 1 , co Erich midi tioNal situate for 12 math, Too aqdares. 6 months reirable63plsooo3l. 70 00 Each additional square:6 8 fW wrsict, Oa Tal•W/lXilt Y7.DCYLT . oue oquare, lopertioss, 1•A•7.31 50' • cub addithmal 161.eru0at,...... 07 7001000 caaaa. <'. Flap Maas to' leo. 000 m ocill Year. ..•!•..7.!, 6 5000. " -• ue, 4 6 one Yet; doilyliNeli!/,',10 00P all months — 00 aim/aNnziNrlli IN WM:T Nun. In riV liner, or Issr,Oooloortf , .•; "SO 50 • - '...0.75 Time, I iX) - ' # Theo 6ol4liiiri4i: 550 ..4 Thou. ,' jv looo rfAl4 siiseditao3*ats lobe thaig;il by ilks.quss, .Atid discount orapißs.,i.L,Yibi ceedibo g I n9-rigro%ha tatodatadiatiolM " •or ' - • INial!iseie**; Osiitssr.,i.iiaicageSt. . s • •
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