The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 01, 1847, Image 3

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    r• • • •
' • - • ben &*,,rr A la•
• ; ". • • Of all tha dial*
rsigim;et : • ! 74 '4 11 , , N T/a,
For Labeny ,na c.dr.
••• - w rearrcaeos _ " "1 1"`if, - • • ; •
. ". • GAM, - at
pLAILIAII4/ ,o ;eits nre • !this dap.' 6, by
P°T44ar" clkiOn 0,r,4!,011.113
Ad, .L • • i BEZT
Q, 67u bb
Atii sad Festbdid; 4¢4 the 'steam tie.
1.116 lot ralo
f as
l E ll . l .ti sawKl r" m l ° '? trlabY
nLOVft- bbls upe a lsndl Yot Ibl ~
, -
/110,1106bbla ooperioc oral? rood; tot
,‘,./ / likVa , • tiEO A VERILY
oAr I 'Mo& wallaby
unto • VE'
400 bxl.C1• 11 . 1 . 11114 0 soap, , w 'gEsity
". ' • •
WRAPPING ,PAPNIE4-160 MOLT. jun 11Sea s
117 . xrel9.: GEO A BENNE
tbs Itrt emus . .ityliT.clit,AWßsEtwree!4rrr
Ci_LOVICIegt actively beset real IsekelrinGloves
1 . 1 %wine seed by .• -113HACKLEITk.WIltr4 1 .
' MT/ - i ••I -991inxodst
$.7 VI i• • • . • .. • .1 .A.TWOOI?, JOKES, it CO
01111 M-11160, Ant tee • • for sale . by t •
airs -• =. • -" A 00D; JUNES &CO
Ili reed; foricale by t
0 14'441 ' 4 . 4""!al lYNAIIIVERIOCK & CO.
-! , 84.11.111. L 10•141 . 0-,-st* Ibis, pm. nc'di.Zor sate u 7
4 ,' reraro,i!a-.,..s . airtva ir t..tro m bli k ,
co ••
Erimmiss,eaubiEnguo.J.l niied; far Fale.b i
t ' ~avIII • •
...,:: •. • [ . . It 6FAIINESTOCICA CO
' . 1 ---'"----"-" • 1 •
IMpt,6lltost , :
..... 1 101:_ol,cciewirMigenAjor
arts n t
-.117 01-1,- VlNktirttaitieilir CO -
Pl,Z}S'iZttl'"' k CO
MUTIZEhIt t+ ll 7mc.Wt.. •
. • --, bsp Flumed, rtee
^ Oa- Lib Clepei fix Pala „ DAELI..
bir ri ineorette cvl air 91- , Xteed, Park
enr29 1 ' ' ' - DALZII.I.
assea of srew Ittylesidatk
• ••• 0 . 1
So bb47l `' d ATN; b d riri im fr:o`
02.1 4 0111,410 tis, commo n action, snits* tot
C 10 11 39- t !",!r i: ! e 7 r . AVV7I.6OII,,IONEIiddO
(11111-Ibbas prteeo flaxseed 'cob joint reed;xas for We.
NJ_ seu ,
STANDU,4OO 1:48 Fclu Starch per Wyo:
sisi; at sale by 11.11041..}LY
xem, k woad et
. .
11X5-11bbl.Craderner.. — ,, '
Fe. cyt i
arIS I e l
Lead_Oulp .ise;
swill •' ' •• l• -15011001911AKEir&CO
POZIGII.csee Mte itiverlfioc . '
,• • gC r k r ICI I ZZA 4 KiR LICO
S ° T•= l l: ,N.l B... Ji i' lnV ft r i l=ll '.. ll ....
- arts a le rt '
r.failelool).-26 twuryTobacca but rcreive4
r br. viva & W 111/141/Ati_ll
..,N/78-111bialtedweDea mac rocelrd thisdav; for
A 441 by - • ....TAbSLY &
' • 35 mod st
CiILPS-,soo7lol . l . eirsaisat F spieled laki t ivilak . by
'• - • gar wood ac t diamoad
IfftlrelliaiaiEt3 l .l2ssl
2 I : 4111.31117.41bakiimatedowww1.9 ,r
iumassoN i. co
ASS - 11intilig - ef Ladies Cart , Abases
4,10 !kiwi lap jr received; kraal: Fkros t
r,valestalsossa or ...aama tnitabla . for
stano,kgjostrced at • ' kaTotes:
4.. • •
;1 ,
4 -14, 'i::i : 1;q4;
• •S 9 bra prima c • Tobacco lag
) ftcairal; forule by • • • '- •
- , • • ORUAI,IIdcGREV7.4.OO •
C . % 7111:1111,- 41 pan -tarp DaataaUalliF4
I• blitef ved , 9l l ea' l=Ztaf . Jet. i glimtst .
• • - .. ,1 / 4 111111k—tallableferLaadote..
,4bswi'rigs+,__,.-__,•• *mule in No SU Labalfiarrelt
11:1■011 , • lam,"
COSIJI-00 ba yellow Cons " 4 - b i ra irizß
itingitilplibu and VS ests IV 1 for saletyi
•niT/ • " • • • CARSON 4MelatlOUv
i ~'jTT~~ ^
• Ca itetritairr
111111&1111 , 2 0 bblo mll vtlkiW, jaw ree'di fix *
El wool st.
, '7l'*
40.4: ;
4 , , ,,..
~,..;,,;,;•,..1..„ ,
':. * ';' f. • /: , :r.'i':
. 1',.. *' , ., r :...
' .'-- ,4, ; '' ,. ly,
: vb;, - "1:' .•
.. -..*.k". ;:e4Y 4 4:
Z! . ..::i f . ,;,,‘
,'• 'z--i. , 44;;A:
~-...7-,..,,,,: , 4 :- 44. ft:
'' . .z . "..4'"1i4 : 4 , :'
''';'''' ::1: - .4 1,-- t :
; : t ...}:•.-4;1(1..
• < ',,-• ~.,..1
:•? , .1
lir=ripaltiogeo ranicap,
'fiol REYNOLDS& Pfil
QuilLa—sateZWir oo r
• =am for " PULL !!,III yaw meet
° ,_.t..:
1 _ .•
"UM br " br '' eadIAIRIA frAM
tega bbUFlusioad,-
l•tom cmy blew Fabilarar iz tkrly co
• ' ' • - •: • • 'May ham sta •
; • q • LN kraale by do basket
GLUE a 31111480: '
"66 by tba boles orb. 011 :! " 5 01 $
A j
11011LNOS—Scsks be
ode U LF . ' Tilt itor. ,
' O C T- vas legaiu..nut4tlP
; bb Is Li aseed fare! i n
.i.‘429/121,1W vales yoil de by
6 / 6 6 410.Ati -.?°.8119111011
•- . '
•7 ta%ilti4elCNlOlii
. bLstgo_No 3.)ast nie'd.for
evr20 '. ..,. - ArNuoD,JONE73 t CU
n.O '°AKmrIJNoT ,
vccaea tootror •' .1140
. . .
.4 .6d Rye On gala dT • • nra
• • SLIM M
6116&0 4 14.111114 cam for We b 7
_33 Crow st
Fisn-io.:4o.inciewa !rime Alb,' fun reeNi; fo
• .ra e g p TON BONN & CO
Avis • F VON DONN.. O7O TAT_
Dcrrasa-4 fiv6,..te.te rmaa co
1111 D-30 bbYll7 0 . 0 L.rd; l4 frirr & • . 013
I wry • 06650 N & eICHI
""`k* — W 4 N; e ITH'aI , 'RI F, P Y
1111.0/1-100 touslieroce; &rule by
."1/1110SUg. GILIBGIt—S ca.o !Beam" Fat
iseshol; Syr sal* by • •
gui; b.p ree'dl §arnalb7
reed: We .7
AT‘9l:lO% /ONES & CO
ZA 4 / 7 1ZBk
T C)BA iv=r4a: t? l y 7"."Pe'.l2fle Ibl
Limn= &salmis
.. •
100 0 012 p ,; !NE and D Maw. Pat;
gig i,D Meth= ardwarr_ ode by
" •111ZYNOLD8 k SHEN
er agglir." l l24l a: 42 :6
1.41 E drama
bbli 314,.": or us
U "1""1.-4 EDWARD 11.3 .1. .iDtaiwad
, . Eau
IL—ff• 1 sad SI Lard ad coastsatty ad Mad, for
by 130110LN & SON
I.ooWwl=cif 6m:e1;64111.,
v sno
700) - Wasted SO bbl !Ma
ltrrytt i rt Penn sad Libert.
TI ROS. 13007 ChasiKasa, pis an q ..
basact et bras, la aba
.11ZICOLOR,redlovhdeand btame,bl..P.OxhP
Aka'le..-013mairy lams ids.; fa We by ' '
ant ' • 11.4 BUSIIFIELO OLOE
sas s -i.wv,:x=itizAvzova
..ideg UfOa •
AN11111R10N,4,4100 ,n
11—p) bblA white, laza offil y w7 , 44,
QU0A11....-150 bars white Brun Eteigsr, reedilgt. day
1.0,1 at rate by •
finZENIZ-44 tan prinie - , n
ll in A ideC UTCIIII/N
am reed; tar aide by
11.1libeny at '
I.IQ.PS=Ii bates DIA, Hop., o , reNl: for rale by
nr.7o . 'IV & R McCUTCHEON
SI.I.AWLS—Reed at ibr mathf h!, 2 eaturn's,vely
4iehwroughtThlbet&snls sinhi a 0 elf!te
fashionable style Tarkesi do.
T lames and Fealbera—Na 4 *a , a6 a , A
2.1 A MAKIN k. CO.= af enoatfaakdanable plume*
and feather.: teed Wis d.v Par a. re.* aYla ";
I,‘L • ••
• ' S pieces red and brown lac=
x far sole wclew, corotlgnment,by •
old@ . 51110 COCIIRAN;2II wood st
14 111 l ZVF —2en,e.ofbtantifW bright colored pleid
Limeys; put meiel by -
MtUMW 11-2 cases goed___eltitplaiN i trZer,
, . 8 / I !lt eK 7",. ga wood a
13 MD VLANMELS—I bales leer prized red eraol
Da ea Illanaele jut reeeiredi fer We by
fIOTTO3-300 bibs; IliutWppi Coma, teew) to
lyt arrive; for We by ATWOOD, lON Mt CO
ova water It fret
. 1 * b 7 ' • MI Et BCLIFE,
• 1 •71.11 • Int et bghrees maker & wood
ASCISTABD—SaparIor • Ken!nek)-In qa eans—ot
J.U. who:a, half and gunner poudrinn read and for
aetia • . side Diamond
SOAP-97 bin . Cluelomat Soap inn' retairsd;.for
sale by ATINOM /ONES it CO
woo & front co
°ELM:IE6-1= ¢k■ and brit Pettlies: landing
droaitl!o news:Wu New fie/thin:l for sale eT
nIMPIS and PRINGES—Ait creams assortment of
limme and Fringes Jest mend
M GI mar ket
• A ASltt.o
SIIGAR-18 hbdinew crop N 0 Soganlaiding 63132
!guar Hangs; for sale by. • • - - -
' 19 &IDiortod at
fiROSBAIP Sißefry i11...14;09X AnetanChatopaget
Ors far sale at the wine store.
art , ' • JAQ - 13/l WEAVER
LTA/MERANO, Patridgdo Eie or o=l de retal2;on‘
AA' tor by the Wit or boulo, et the wino store.
OEIID-171;e wish to wawa l'ew kund red timbals
0 Clover and.Timetby Seed. kn. Intl& we will P' the
highest motet .CARSON t Mc ICA Witt
tlitt st •
REB_JB-11Stbs.spreneoczOlaITATAer km ode
Imit6Beld d:
w tiKEEI
Inter ts
O IL -6 bbls:ranaers' Oik fatMam •1••• • rondßv
mint.. . . I W WIRER
(.Ih.ll.Xlia • 11.1116-11 btas med and for
1j Ws by . • WI li bIeCUTCH . EON
brIS - • bbesty
£ Shawls; just reseved br
pOBH—IL taw bbl. mails pod_Lreedby este. On*
6ar .. la c y • . ; Sic W HARBACOR—
! • 3:11rood4.1
APPl,'"il'iiabbla*eon apple.. a finJ o rale W iner
keepapg mete, ree dby Caleb Cope, r eby
ULOVII-10061.4. just rued on consimmeng fors&
r [nv9s] 8 a W HARBAUGH
MSA—SD Com Meal, juu reel' by Caleb
Cope;' .ale •
xi rl5 'l3Pc"'
i ' 1 i . A117 1 .614 *. /.1 g &CO
50 1 141`„f•ErLii i g i lZs u et4
0,21 -• '_ • • tl& W HARBAUCiII
COHN—IOC eeka prime yellow Past received by C.
kb Cope; tor sale by"
L EATIEW9.—.S nal( o.lor
' 5 .4 upper LeLber. reed; (.sale
by , In '- • 8 t W HARBAIIGH
SEMDIO bbl. riazney oeed, reed by Coke Cope;
(ot soleby [oda) B& W BAUBAUGH
121L003111 dos Micros, a good article, received
b 7 Caleb,Cope; for . eede by
siva ; • • lx. NV IiAROAIIOII
DRUMS !DRUM!! arrorusterd
of num end Tenor Dretas t rust reed direct front the
may Orr We tow by JOHN I/ MELLOR
tetra t ' el wood st
' I-2 bb. Cranberries;
'LP • - - • - 140 W
Ims atom; forma. by
- -
nv2s ear rmlthfleli a Inners?,
I' NTICD—;-A boy aIS or 17'mm of ace to as
inn in doing op tko milt at the Gaxerto Office.
PEACHES. Ohnioarrce , d; for stile by •
FLOiIEL-40 . bbli fresh ground tionn v fr u irei t
nril4 " ear staithfield &wa _ ver na
BLARTUCTS--A Lai of vent fine filne
JP/ bLankeu, suitable fin °mon. jist reed b y •
• ne2s 75 make at, la V cca of 4znanond
Swaim -1 ; 44 1
134 k
5 J . 11 . .7.157-2 ; l3lE4sprixem E Tor 131 , 1 , 11.. z - ,
• . . . • ear ffildifi.lid tra.ter suit'
130415-I,bblevisall white for ink
OIULCCO—Z Ms prime Po; (or pale nu '
by' - (pull] W G BFcv
HONEY -1:0 az* Ip tune. zn sari: for
• •t AN7LIONY , OTtatlro Jr, , carob at & rank.: ay
SCORCEMNOtfrt?eskt v .r;:d i tn 3 t ,, ta i t H e bios
0/ 1-10 045 oil, inn received; for sale
.by IV fr. IL hieCUTCREON
'• .. . LR 11...en7 st
sauBpv:lrmri,;-1 bud,le..rtHimAKEL:tygilfa,•
C Il e' CZtY it CO
r MILD 011.—Stats, Am' hi:blies (tom suar Monza
14 salmis, forma by
• mrKl • . I DICKEY &CO
ITOPS-.4 baits, P.T.V 14,7 ; E !'i k ricrita rat
M • -
QICN3II-1 Dallas East ladii,Jest reel; rut .&e by
b . i . : eirr`
34" 6 " 0111 ' Da CO
H -
ONZT-132 tax by ale by_
NAMIII-0 614KnosIllriLKe; for WI. by.
• 1 ••• Cora lawns; ~ r sale .7
VOA 7-9 ba ,
WalrCKbMud:N DMS
F 1111,4 8 blas l'is.lll4* Mackerel;
7." Pla I Darner, ier aal•
E w&Tumus—o icly'Kebtarky Pbeibcol: reel/
-per akar Tag& 1 a ses by
will I . - LEms nirrnism& CO
MACKIMILI , -11 0 bbl. lit* No in ininin for
ZW1 .4 3 .1 . 4. " ' 1S HOTONISON ik CO
' • • q . Cat-n a Le a d;
LE% 18 u L 4 HL 40
r *ls O
EITGACEIS/-1.20 Da dried. newjest ree`d, far sale
Vl.OOll-110 W W White's brad Jost rec ',l
`1"W: sale by St W MMUS UGLI
ad° 33'wood st
OTATOZII-44 bb14.1 ree a; lisle by •
snip - • • St Vi' HAROAUGII
'TIMOTHY and Ceti Erma, in nf by
i amt p .
1t,,, ..n-10
0-Iknall ko!kr we w wire&
o r p ansmikl•l4 k wooer
Mr -40 Ws ictab elder
ICYXIO . Ingi nno rthun'alt,
b J AS vadELL
C , 7 loobx . .peme; tor
Cts•Appler, for .ale low IA elowe
.n,, A mmigneeent, by .JAS WAHL!,
Avr wawr at •
pub 039111--ti! urns . 4egticoy tr a ltah,
Ci• I - lemma mot; eat We e r _
6 , 1 2 & Fi..0%
Fitul.i2o " 4 'I V r ia "c.b l.a%r sara by
. g,sek• ".C.P.- -9 y, ,s; fib, ny Et
iii 22
~.___ _ 1 k ity_y2 .. :_____-
res la sale by
Sillatu—Turbothy Seta in surer .
, Yom-
.:-...----_ 2 -` 4 .4.
DiTEIBIUM COALWawd to d on tmi
'Par a*c Imo *apply' orComl daanglioat lie season,
' , L g.= G ino and abet polpases. _Apply at rho
p t. s
I i n:li ng
" .....genalsnaikhgE„
casks snif f = Ir c t o f r m r std c - o lit
ntnntnerelal tow, bbettyot_
50 mom, toll nom; to mote
'30.0N SCOTT ft, CO
rtonmeteiol row. Itbry st
114 M; rfed and for mats by
riLes libe!tt
rot sale by.
M i llBNl-2 1 Nrs ang!,k VAT ass ma
-si.AXSZZO-9.l_paill Flaseas4 Siy:L
Bor-twbent fismrt• sea
.1: ~ • , ,se!t • oAporimipsurruco
, „rat ,•
, • hoht st
(11.1110141poiedJoutit.• ka' Ala
."-'—°•)"" •
IssWV i rs, in nab/ gsla
• •
• • -7. L' • v. ,: •
..... 7}217{
IF...rorchlngs • • • ••;--. •-61033
Snieratia.•- -•••••••71b; •
• Ale—rbin -•••..7.1.014119.e0
/11...1.e5-.P. 11 •
. "'
Itenta•—, bud el. •
Smell White 60 */ 7 0 ,
Contmee..& tais.W • —m 62
Sucketa,ir dos
•••.9.XBe 50
Yelknr .
Blooms -1P ton. •
Maims 65,000"P
Brooms—, an:. •
)ferebanuLk..•• .•137 4111.
Skaker 1756%25
Ilarke-4/ Omit • "
Chesnut Oak••• •
4,00 65,00
Black Oak 000
lientdock ldtddid 4o
C.O --r bertel
At the River
t •l t nit n le •
lb •• • 0
Tel:Wee .4 Mettle. -.61 ea
Chocolate-4 lb:
Number I.• LOO LI.
Chou- prepared es' as'
City dipped .. . l"Sa. 10
Pittsburgh But , WO 04
Cincinnati ao TIP =.
Bg,7°,,tgbrands •'JOO
Found.llotwateant 14.—CJ
Furnace. l, do • • -- eig' :
Tea kettles IP des •
Wagon bas •
Counter weights" est —OO 40
rp, .
Sad Irons lb. nct• .4to 5
shortreel-{ lb
N 0.4 m 10314••••• ••
111.13••••• 7 - —1919
ul4 : 0
Increasing iblecat., /b,lO
. . .
_ _,
Long otol--V do s.. ,
• • No. WO. • ........ • .0.-0 9
* SOO •-0 8
.. .
': • 700 ' , : —0 7
4 MO, .900,1,900. • • eiti k
c. z .i co cam :e, t Y i. ar: lb . . • ... •••,3 . ,
00 ,
21 28
Candle Wick 0 19
Java • old white --.12 0 11
81- tionuoa. o9 4
Ligsarra fella
....... 9.
Lima& . —0 ei
pepper -1r I,k).
gravers' 00 0
Sheath/4rYti yr.
.-. len
Corctsige--bd exalt
rram rrr.: . .... . It
Paek't Tara. Tarred
fee. —0 10
, --eoloraori,---4 , •
Ewa poor; ..... • •
Bed Gard-00. •
40 d 6thread. , - • • ---05,00
10 T it 0 do .... ; 0, 00 00,0
do Model low ....••
• !
nisi.;, Nesloti.
75 • Brons'el, 40 10
Penn Sells A No 1-- 0 81
Allegheny IN— .. — 0—
Oregon D. Union Mill LO 9
Nonatook Pontalili • .0
Brinhecting Pitt Mdl —0
Litlt i taor o ncic i i;7 s 4A
Bleached, i01•!7•• —5404
• B.ll.4lllsonlenStannt-o—'.
5 , 4 • 'dd..— —7 o=
• • .
tdenhoens —017..
Sato. 815
kA . ~
A. C, A 15018
Rochester 4llOlB •
West Brooch ' —4 97 4.•
Brown dolls••—•-- 01010
Bleached 1010 MI
Prints— .
Common ........ 71
Good Mulder , . 9 015
MerVek,P,lri4it nrsioionl
Deugar lb. -
Aloes 14 017
• IZ i gg
ATTN Boot 019
equafornis 10 011
Rom; refined••••
i 0113116. HAMM. W. 6. 110111.11 i. 2,161. ■AT.
mem . etas Offiee,
&time tar Merearrfor Mr week ending, MMus
. des afriwing Owee,‘<r 1. 1
In our review at lent week, we left the market in
'quiet conditiok,With little doing ineyend the ratio
of reinter iredeabsl and inner leviers of In..dehl
we bare to make the stein remark. Fart! le 'O..
Week, we Ind frerinant mid heavy raise, which:m.l
.netted in raivin the rivers higher by nicest feet,
'than at any lime daring-theria:rent or past 7 Utaloo
the weather has since beau extremely eold,l and has
continued en ap to today. Owing to the inclemsn.
• Of the semen, the business of, the week 6n been 1
ieM:.etive Clad it would iittieririse hare heMi..Bet,
taking into consideration these obstacles. our husi:
seamen have not been idle, and a fair mamma of
trade has lieenaccomplished in n rennin" or genera
Ira), with no importantrariition in price}, since oar
last report.
The rite- trade, notwithstanding the stimulants
of water, bra been, and continua to be, very light,
owing, in pert, to the advanced Mars of the season,
and mainly to the limited mane of communication
with the Eastern markets. , - - •
We are plzased to learn that a lazy aorpnt of
Waffle:as is defog an the lines to flaltieflore: rig
Brownsville, and to Philulelphis, TACChatobers.
bargh,as,by these line., ear drj goods and*.pasirj
dealers hare been able so to replenish their sticks,
as to do a fair 'amount of basiseea with their western
enatomen. " .
ASHES—There le an increased demand at per.
seat; pet-pealed., for the coarser kinds. and Imams
quotations are w•,l =retained, with a tesdency up
ward. There has bateau alpaca in the article at
ClerfAtnil; and as the - near itliteach of Wiptir must ,
woo cut e 8 oar. canal eaMmunication with lbst •
section, we need not be au:prised at an advance in
our market.. The treater:don of the week hews
heed quite fair, emosethig to some.2s ot-30 tons at
the following rates—Salerates7B67ly P0'6'40741
Pot. 314 - 131 h gearshift:a ,bie.s ! ; and Soda .Ada at CI
to 61c. its. !
APPLES—Supplies matinee gaits fell, with •
fair demand. Sales of SO bbla at SIPS:I;73 for
good to prior.
_ _
ALS—Gat thanefactnres ate driving a good hail.
new, with ready and bllth sales for all they can tarn
a at $709 p bbl.
BACON—Io the presence only of a mederetfr
daktend, the receipts have been light, and sapphire
limited.. The tratisecDons of the week amount to
wine 70001 M at the papal rotes; risi—Hams 40,9;
Side. 11, and Shoulders 6,1137 c r Limited - sort.
plisse( balk meat have been brought iota the merket
of which we notice sales of abde Shoulders oil
privets' terms, wipritedas some smaller lots:. hava . been ilsomr• of at 3jc lb
13uLk.ateat, ihe Cincinnati market, after a few
dsys salting, is selling at Se r lb for Shoulder,.
BUTl'Eftllts daring the week have bean
partial, with a mama demand. We tiotie•
regular salcsof eg at Nen, and of bbl al 9fthe
IP lb.
BEEbNift-,Demand fifniled with moderate
alike at 04=k r
.11UCKETS—Tbere is • his demand tur patent
Beaver, of which we notice sales of some SO dot at
r2pcit,bor del. • •
BROOMS—Regular sale. occur from store at $I
to lA, accieding, to quality.
CHEESE—Considerable quantities of W. R con
thaw pp erste by river and, notwithstanding the
large moues skipped kist, oar Junket le etill fairly
supplied with a good utlple. Pains =Daunting to •
some 030 bee hose ocotillo:I at'Oltdfige 1R ib—r!
Goshen is Is (air dentate!, with Enbderate sales at 10'
'COTTON , -Very little is doing 10,7p:seen; and
no sales of consequence hare 'occurred =nee oar
lad weekly taport,....f..,ittillad sepplies of Teeneesee
and titialsitippl ale beld nopeiglly at 6161 e f lb,
as in gustily. d'•
ARAN9 Ir.:C9[ll9n SiffTirtfi.9.
;'—'l'heiei. a briek demand foe thew cies, and
nut manotketniers find ready role at fermi[ quota.
Fin.. ;
ICaDDAGE—Our manufectorie• are dui g• • fair
bailee= at tee? fullowlut wholesale and retail pii•
ace. its
Manilla rope, by coil PDI
Do cot., 8 '
White Koe, by coil
Donut " 13 "
Tarred rope,.
by sail, • ' •II "-•-
Dove•• ••••••1•ti... 12
Packing pie, flop 10 "
- '9 " "
Ae common'
.... dos.
Do per coil r lb_
Hemp .... . ... ' . 1,630,3,7,3 5 dcs.
.P 9 per coil _ v. lb
'• rx-ouair .
a caw Hemp Hemp,,,. 81 p dal
. CRANBEttit I LS—We hate no Chang/ to Make
in tbe • market. Regular slim from Mom occur at
SI:Mr ha. .
CRACKERS—ReguIar nita occur at the follow•
mg rota:
• Water critters 84,00 kt"bbl.
Butter -.... ..
Pilot Bread ' SAO ;
Bogor de Soda crac k ers..::.. 11;•
COPPER—IIMea are reported as fellows: Sheath; Brazier's itlftV,and of old at 18eI9C
. CANDLES Baia met an ;dunes since nor list
general report. and we now opiate dm from factory
and store of his Moped at to6eplie. sere el
Starr Candles an rapisr at eg.itZe♦ lb. •
DRIED FRUITOf Peach.; OM ket is
applied:with mule saki at 81,008 mar 1,62 p Da,
Wes. of Apples AL . 150461.. , Sales ate beak at
the ghee! 1 ,1 ,4 terrilOAride" are tending ep.
- . # •
...,13111—ip lb. - • 'I •• •
Ir.dsb....amor• • -.• ...11, 013
Dalsem rent 92' 0 / 70 i
.d. k opal. ra••••30 Inn i I
$_ :mane •••••• . - ... -4 0 A I
Campber,msned 40 gm
Elo.ersteL.ase ea*. • .51071 I
rock.zeal. • •••• • • ••1,15212 to
Cream Term i
Coppras 110 X
leko. e 11 011 1
Galls .5 M3l
God &aloe. .... -••13 0 70 1
‘. ,a....... -41 S 032 .
: .1;,Ir - ' - '4 `Zgl I
" Manic-•• -IX OL.XI
Ipeeee 47 OLIO " I
!slop,powderedll ol . l o,
Llilooge r . 1 1,e bi f,
Llmaorrer,ROot 7' o 9
Liquorice Ball - • • •-•19 001
Lae Dye , a a*
Mammals Carb• •• • • • '
•.003 7 I
Madder, Umbra 13 014
3Ladderyrrh, Common Turkey • • 0
i-- 0- I
od Vaal 1 4 1 3•1 1 :1f. ;
. Castor
1 x
• Casort••-•• • • . 7 , 00040
gores-- •••-••••11101 - ....001
Pepperto et. --111 1 00•14
Oµ am t Tatty • • ••: .. u ,73 0 .., 10
WTI ;root ''l*lB°
Sal .1190110 a•2O ON
Sail. , da 41031
Sem '0 Olb
Tarltrie Acid 40 030
Vbrio.; Illue 1440111
Die Waspit-0 16.
010 lie 7
Faille 410 a
lr .tli a cr h ait; .: " d l 3
Kentactr • 31 Wit
Ohio & rearayiiarua , 3l 031
Fran - '
Almonds abell'd --. 1 se es
agt,............47 ma
8ird . ,......... . -1 .. 13014
CarrP% ludo 14 011
Filbert.mna 1,30 1.711 e r *
Flo, Tofu) ~....• ••12111 14
M 21,........ .. . . ....121/010
13.11344,41040.- - • -0-
1144411 . .%30 42 , 50
1 Cra B nbames, lobat, old - 0 " -
-- 0 0 1 ` P
Lamm Stet ty, tut 30 0,4 4 0
P ° ereg: ei th ,,ba: . : tia n l 4 #l
Apples dry .... .... . • AS/Pw.,
e g g , , Er.1 1 :14. 1.1•Pu
13,,, i --
co.. ,-- too no.
...., .4. bbL '
Extra brands•••• 600 4145495
400 05,90
al l V. bbla -0-
ilockmbeo,o lb 1400
" !d.b.a. • .... • ••4133110
_reed--0 010 101 .
NM le lili
Moos ...IS 013
71104--'t bbl.. _
No. 1. 1 44 i
1; 7__... - - e
No. S. kl. bbls... -....-4,
No. B. ••• ---7,3403 72
No. 1. kits -II-
Hl i tzt:No Not . .8,36,F
Baboon, No. 1. Old 1401330
New-- •• . • ..... - 0 90
Shad • 0010
Cd,r lb • • - ..... -..- 0
RedFox.Nal. , -0 094
u 3. -42 374
Muskrat 100 0 3
'Mode -0 0 .
Deer skins. lb..- 44 • 15
_ •
Money— •
........ . —o—
eanb,,lb• 100=0
• "' lb.
Oblisng —ll/Ts •
Ha , too of too
Tani. p••• • • • 0,0)0 0.00
111d2.-014. •
... 7 0 .
rieb .'•• ••••
-1,0 062
0 121.62
Preel, 1
1 14copi. lb.
311=1 d 1a. ...... 0—
ilh•H 9 , in •
F:,.‘4 , 410••••‘ .... 1210
Indigo-Ay paekaßl. • .
Benral,Tb.• ••-+ 1,6001,11 ,
5r..., . •.. 1.1301= I
• Iron -V :b.
" Bar• Jun ala 310 4
Sheet Co •
m on • 3
310 71 SI
Boiler!' ales 6 0 41
Pk-orb ain4•• • •• •• 11
Welat 1.0 111
Rani: Shoe.• , •-• • ..-1211 13
. L•init-40 lb.
Wu , 410•-•
Dil Pipein •• • • :,-- N o ew
Sleet —0 11)
Loather-4 lb,.
dole; Baltimore 200 22
New York 110:9
Daunted 1.30 13
•. Sion/lbw, '
Skirling 210
• soles black,
Rawl do. 4 0 1
4 03 i2 3 , ,0 00
"`Trd . ' .- 1A=2 0 3
loweloaner 18,400--
No%N.anol...alin.. WSeo
11 0 . dot. 00--
' • S. do 23,000
Sheens/On ••••210
. .11227 fen. ;
runi,elear,laak -020,110 ,
Coomnoti • " -=010,013J
. Clear, 1/ " —oocoo
022'2 ••••-01630
Clear, 2 " -041 4 00
Confo.2 —11120,00.
el.rl in. So.-101800
Jacig Or 1 in
1 in. common•
Oak da da,• ~ —OlB4O
PLoaShinei lOW
Laths, aaw ss ed, • 1004=
Live Ilteck—PlUelbsn't.
Beaves•••• ••• • -3,5004,50
11.64 114,00
Cows &Calires.•••6,0001&00
Sh l e gia&a*S—•
Sairarbduse ..... 0 40
N. Chita= 41 • MI
Naval Stereo—
Resin, IP bbl. =IMO
Piteb 3,0003,110
Tar, Al 4054/411)
N.Ctanslina•—• 4 5004.”
Turpntine, ga105.058
VandO,Capal • 1,7b4111,00
sails 1 et admen
• l b. ]
10008 'swats— 4 4 50 . 3 7 5
" • --.3.7504,00
Bbd O 74 “•-•-- 4404 , 049
44 tt• . • 54X405,0
att lAC-11,10040N
Spikes o lb 410 1*
Boiler Rivets 7
Ictim--fi lb.
- Bret Bottles.. ••
0171;c6 ,090 , —0 9,14
Phu. 00 * .. .• • • --,0 7,00
lande'swine,o,9 fal•0 9.00
Claret, f grow •
Window Glass," box—
Callow:4s. •
Er 10 ' --IP 4 tO
1291.5 07 1:
Pstent do,
.1474 - To
1113791-- .. .
Lard, /15
011 rd - ,23 0, ,125 30
Spetm; bleached• • • • —Ol
Paau l b •
Prar. Bloc 70 010
Caiie47::: .--. 243 55
• 'Yellow N 0122 0 25
. .- .
• Coaxdry bands. .;.
! ' -
: lila 2,g 7 6
In:is ...... -• • 64,00 3,30
thoopirordalr—P keis:
FFEC; 4,73.0.7,30
Eagle, 61 Ms 03,00
MA/7211b canister.— 07,00
' PITO do ,Co
Eagle do. in paper..— 04
RDCk powder ,30
' .NO2lO 0 73
Ilrlusswick Gmart• —l2 0 20
White Lead; dry 630 21
ny i p . c. t re, kerl,oool:e s
thr2;••• -.2 0 3
Wm Red 2
3/Mires. •• 30 0 39
fill•22.l—lP AM, 0 mot
$0 . t.1 77
Forge- • —31003120
40 eld
FLOUR—The general Inking 01 the market em..l
tribiutittia 'or no =l:thee eines, nor last week!) to
view. The receipm, we believe, have not been ;
co• el to the consumption, yet the prices present anal wanness, with a tendency, however; to
advance. The Wes of the week have amain*,
In vinous lota, to come 1000 bbletrom .Coro at 356 '
15,124: ma but hand ohm at 4,9035, as in
Retail or single hbl sales =curet
FEATHERS—The receipt/ of the week ha ve
been lrgbt, and the supplies am comeweat Melted.
The demand COlainnta Ipod with ready sake a 132
to 3.3 c. • We taloa hotted lirit,baa4salea at 3043
mita rib. - At the - Weal datee - in =deed dent .•
MAO at .19805 0 a, and in C ll O llO4
1;:e tr lb.
61SH—There has beta a. gradual impnaremeat ici
the market, particulaiy of Mackerel; of which we
notice Moderate riles of No 3 at 31,370750 i SW
Moe are selling at $16,56.820; Shad at $2
bake flab StI,SQ to 7, and Herring at 6,25 to 6,37 v
. . •
o got tbs present Eutcso ulsv
u follows:—To Utitnose, via iirowosvilic, 90 to
100 c b. WO lbs. via Ctiambirviutb,
1.50c,'r 100 lbs.
b'or comp t rata ivestvtani, sea plural .üble
GRAIN—The market is at ■ stied. Tee receipti
of all Kinds continue =all, end ,we are able to
genre moderate sales only at the following talus—
Wheat 93 to 9.53 Rye 4.5 to 18; Barley 45 to XS Corn
43 to 45, and Oats at :7v Y be.
GROCERIES—We have no 'diem of•lmpor. .
tante to motive in the market. The sale. the
week have heed quits fair at Lag quoted rates. See
;amoral table. •
PUNT GLASS—The - following ate. the Onil
Plain Tomblen g pt, from to to 10 na each. re.
dos, net, :31141
Premed do g and g - pint from 6 'to 10 flute,:
do do, 52a15:5
Mantas, qt, light T. rtng t glase Mapper, . , 1,75'
'do do heavy 2do cork, , 3.5
• do . do do plum do,
do 'do do pillar do, ..-• • ' 950
Wine glasses, plain - • - .50a75
dodo pre med,- 1 , 15
Pitchers; qt, 004 - 1,5i4,75
do - do - OMIT andclblied, : 7,63
~ . do .g pt or ciaanati - -' • 90
I Molarmes Cana, pt plain
do - do do.nlabail: , ' 1,87
Plater, 6 in. pressed and dg, . . ~. 75
Castor Bottles, elated, - et
Jars,,i WI, Lailuered ewe, ,30
do du i do do Ira
flEtdr—Suppliee contains quits limited, sad we
bear of moderato sales only at the rata of 5 . )30 P
.._ _ • .
HAY-LOWing to the our approach of winter,,
prices have alined, without, however; u yet, any •
'dance it. prices. We notice avast wile. from
wagon at Awes. kialed i Econonly is In fair re;
guest at gio r ton.
HONEY—Yep little du bus brought in during
' the week, and .applies have acorns wfmewhat lith•
ited. Moderate sales in tire at ISOM& P.D.!
IRON & NAILS—Saki are freely made at the
following imiltined pita; ' •
Flat Bir, rom ito 4411.6 : 3 ia lb
do from 6.t0 6bYi to 1 inch Ido
Dandy Tire, different eines do
Haas Shoe • 30 do
Round mod squat from 1 toff ; inch -3 do
do from 11 to if ..
do do Stoll . 31 do
do do II
to I
do do Ji to • .4 do
• do do kto 4 2106 do
Band Iron ' 3(11 do
Steel, Amelienu, Blister do
do Spring : . do
Hoop Iron sie do
fitilf.Clll.,lo, 11, 16, 4o" PM d o g
do II and 9d 400
do 6 Id . 4.1141 do
do Id 4,11 ; do
do • 4d 8,00 do
'4l . i N . , g ° 1°
LUMBER—The following , oi s correct table of
Lit Ile, clear ' $lO.OO PM
' 1 ommon 10,00, do
Cherry & Militia Boards 1610 - do
Poplar Scantling, hoards 10,00 Mr
Shingles. ,- . err ,•••• ~.,. 2.20413) 0
1 Paw . , .. • - ,
,LEATHER—The demand far HI kinds continOei
pod, with Wen at the !allowing rates;
Baltimore iolo Welk 'nib.
Now York d 0..... ........ .18toM) ;do
• Blaugiter, - NOD'S do
SkirtingDOM :do
! c U ai ppo r
s r ki .. L .,, .. , . ~
i n ai r so r a d::
I Bloat llamas • "t9tet vilt.
Rough 'do ' 171.018 : do
. In the New York market, the carbon (Militia of
leole Lather continue at the following rater.
I Oak Heavy . . ~ ••••,,i,m4 2 . la 3
A, Middling 53 123 .
o Light l2 a 26
Heinlock, heavy 'l5 1164 O
: Middling ' 'l6 al&I
Llght.., . ' 124116 i
O. damaged , Inal3u.
D. 'daunted . • ,it all
,I4AD—We noriut was of 21111 the Pig at 45..1
Bar at.ticas P lb.
'LEAD PlPE—The following are the mica of the
dAl froc u la t e i gu izm aht ' et, Na I.leerl ' pipe c. P foot,'
do do do ,do 10dd do
do do • . iltr' ,do do 40
'do do. . do do --- 1 o :do do
SHEET . LEA D Untold itlair, is ib.,;
MEAL.-15 to limited deuto4witli 'moderate
oiliest 4.}e1.50e r ha. ... .. .- . „ .; • . .
OILS—We. roots Wen of taamoi's at gi 7 et9'
p eel. Liaseaat 68c, and Lutint. loo l' • Or with ,
,- PIO METAL—Of Hanging Rook.Of folloolOS
' isles eta repette&—.Pnierrylirsult Funue, liy, !Pio
tons st 407,6inesi Cueline.4 tone at th e .s e ta ,. ,
'l7l'4MHOuteßitili ' so. 'l4 * - .4 if :I g rf tw• o ii
• •
- •
- ' - '
. ci. .
oei--sprb. z' I . • •
. Prlol4 ........ ...., ••. •••ZI 0 33
' Eel 3.44 ad .• • . 4h. '
- 4/33
blood 03
• " VD
Hood-- .. ~ .......... i.:.. % go 29,
• b:ood k Camnac ' —0 %..
'An.....he.4-- —•-• .. L. ... 00 4 0 .
Whillakey—p halloo.'l
COotrnoon Rectified •' . -01 P
Good rye &yid 37050
Zino-0M I
n I
Sla e b -
/ .../ 0 .16.
tt* "
V. ,, g , . 1 4 — • 00 lbw
Ts Cirarannen.
No. I Foca, y•,.• 0214,d0
I" , ranenco• • • ••••-- 1031 :Y 0
IFoandry Plc . -- • ell
grit• - - - a.ccz : ±
lari - s-11. to
Dacca Ilanis••• ... 61 0 0' •
`• 21clea • •..-•-...110:1_
!Ingrown:l. ciry earc• 710 . 6
roomy doi 71 , 1 4
Lard. No. I. In keg"- Li 0 9 ,
, L • +. 2 in keriv • --41
I. lain -0421
[i nner keg, 2/
IL in roll, lo 0
Cheese, W. re.• ••••.610.41
I " Goshen. •• ••• --0
Cracker, Pitiborgli Was
r btol . • -01 1 03
, Do. Bracer 04 1 73
PotiLtor4-4. 1. 60 .
I Common Re& 310 4 , 4
; Neshannocka. ..... Gan 73
IConntryw• an 31
Do. good white . ... 3
I ILltee - lb. ,'j,
a rcritlr-f haeb6l.
I 4
. . . 1 .1"0 ; . e
,' • ..444170;
Mooord 3,00 0 3, 00
Bailees-4r lb. . •
Clercs 63 0, ss
Cams, in Nara lel 0 20
Ginger..-.... ...... 00 10
Nutmegs ' •
I,so 0
Pepper. •••• ' 1000 II
I Alspice. ..... •• • 13 0 11
,Virginia • 0,14
ISeneca -0' -
190 . 1 .0-0 lb. - I
IPinabargh,Ho. , l*---tie s
Clacinnali .• • • •-1106
Isteel,' N. Foreign.
Caw.. .. 16 0 17
Do .1, 4 k ...... -Z 0 16.
' Beet Getman . 0 13
, •Eagle .... • -011
a hoop .... 13
Pluebargh Manufacture.
German angel -46 f
English blirsi Ha 11l
. America:llolow -0 4f
Ilpfdritilroo ,l / 03 . I
BrarilLtitart: 0 3 , 00
'Ha . an4a4iipir-1,60101,76
" 01,0
" ... .. 400 60
Glin,llollantl.'•• • I, 116_41, 00
pqrair: lb..
N• 0., prime, • blid-e , 07
fair, hhd ' ' I -1161
H lb.• • •
Brasil avanna, while,
'''"' 11,104000 91
Pulverised, Maid. • -40 2
No. 1. afloat '-
Table,.“ t.. awe.- r-- 01;23
dm, box • ••• •-0
fhet maxs a pa
e l ::
Tobseos ., -41b-41.0 f et:
off for easA fdr aciatifscia.
Ted Tobac.,
&Su Leaf co " 40
Manataetarssl do; ••+4 0 7
Ladie , Twist•••••• • •-2 0 10
Pluglakegs••••• , - -• aIO 71
Napalm:mos-- • •150 15
0 ..... • • • 410:7
eaventhsli —0 5
12s Lamp la 13452.• •41 0 15
5s ° ,15•••• • 140 17
IM ' •-• • • • 126 14
Elcolelt oaf , ••• 140 la
lost ~ 7-21 , 4 3
Tea-, 14. i•
_-G5 0 PO
....0 0 70
•• 0 40
- • • .50 0 75
Tinplate—"box '
Banes •
e To 010;50
ll ow lb. •
Rendered ••i••
need .•.'
b Vicom—lP
Solid- boxre•• • •
•.,00 0340
0401 0
.75' 01,30
• 40 0 70
-46, 063
.40 073
43 0
VP ••..:1,1
L P 7eaerife• • • •• IA
My Malaga.
Alaneillet ••
1 • tafeligiat dui receipt. bithelat rise amount!, pro
badly folel3o t0n.... ' . I
S.soAP—Furtber pees of rittsburglitiosie, No 1,
at 5451, and of Cis:eine:Li at 4.3a75 e p b.
SERl7s—There ia a moderate demand only in the
markit, with limited =dm an follows:—Clover 375
to 4,oo—Timothy 51;75 to 1',03, and Fla. at 85.290 e
p.b..1 .
TOBACCO—For correct price. of the mite,,
lsee general table.:
TAR continue. quite scarce in market, with mod
~ e late Sales at VOWS r bid:
' - Vififs.itEVS - aieint . so - libii Reentrant ire='
and of 75 do Rait atl42lB.ic ip gal. 1
,- . W00L...-The agionnt coming in at present is
quite Vint a nd nd - what la received I. disagreed al.
moat !eel ly fir the East For prices pale by
be abaci. genetaf table above.
The -fie *orb Wool markit,..y. lie Shipping
'.ist, eabilifts a little more aotivity, with some sales
',twee at full Mice.: The make' ix bare of
Nt.” in first bandit.
~, 1
Oat local money 1.11.4 et has not bean alleeted by
tb4 cloaca that hate confused the Eaetern Mho,.
The Ilanhe coistinne, as nitud, to attend to ors
merchazta the 'facilitim they. require, nui the mar,
bet le easy. Temporary loans are midi at the cus
tomary, =mime on paperer the ordinary length, ent
thee Idlall• are mide ,as freely as ever, with the
remark:that security is looked alter a little cleat?,
as is neat with tins kind of paper, op i ne market
liable ti.ffectuatithi. •
The I papens d the Eastern cities =lice • little
, batter (Colin: In the money maker, ea Friday the
repofie Of the Stack Exibaage of the
fib, show a at/creatable/1 of things; takiag Stock,
' as a etendard. Troia/soy Notes closed f tpar,isihich
was a decline °Pi per cent.. I ennsyllenia 6's fell
band clued at 11.1 cads. Fancy shares also reap
ded sto per ct with large antes. The supply of
=doubted sierllng bills 'for the ftehmei of 'tbeist, •
was thort, and
,esimmanded Specie
woad go to stme'extint, and it was understood that
some cif the leonine' companies havedall they will
take "pen • single ship.
Baton Malachi hare been obtaining 'considerable
somat In Wall street, and the Moorfißlarket ig
Boston =else= temporarily re Send, I
A`t Philadelphia, the hoeineas In Stocks does
not appear to bay" been of,a characterOmt requires
pertacalar notice. porno Stocks of tin Southern
Stelae, such as Viekeburgh, owned largely inybila
delphis, have improved since the eleCtion of anti.
repudiating jodtee.
PIM!. OP 11170 e.
Blew York, NOT 27. , Philadelphia Nor 26.
ems 24
2NO • ! 994 cc H!)
~ 721
Ohio 6'• ?
. 99 31
Beading Sonde 'Nei
ri i 724
.plinoel 611 . 114
Thit market i. aboutwlecre we left ft at tbe time
of out left general review, with but aliibtcbanga.—
A abide of improvement has oceorted in the Wee
of F.rebenge, Ind we amp queue at g II per cent
die, with some premier of flintier improvement.
• CATTLE, tit Mika:T.l .
• Atatattina . , Dec I.
We notice no Relent' change in the market
Beeves—There were about 430 heed at the.
i at tie* ard
which meta fair deman d at $384,..10 l Its.
j.Shewp—Aboe4"4o dead were fold at $l6l, each.
Iteg.--A limited number were aohtlat 4c te r,4,
1 °
CINCINNATI I'Ar:XET, 11l a. int'
.W,CK 4:1 4 .4 109 and 10 ttst and 3 a , at
MONONGAHELA •Cl'l'Y PAeNtrrii,b r. s.
DlSPATCH.Nelsondboanavilli. ,
OLASOOW• 'ACKET, Otatgowlir. n.
W.ELLSVlLLE;Alrellarille, A. r
CASHIER, N 441,6 143:
MINGO CHEV.V.Xancavllla, I •
•ANGLO SAXON, St Loatir.
tail' .11111111/ 'LLINO
Causal, Bowman. Brownnille.
Michigan No.-, Blinn, Beaver/
Swatara, Cot. Brownenile,
i i 1=4T117. 1.111 1 .
Mel me, Banana. Bra •
Mspateh, Nelson. Blom City.
Catodeo, Hendrickson,' Brownwn
Beaver", Hoop; Beaver.
Late Brio; Hemphill. Beaver.
,CaltM 1/100,ft, Beaver andl
'New England No 2, Clean, Cinnl
Bt Louis.
dlio Grande, Connally,
Wellsvilla, Barnes, Wellsville.
Comul, 136wmani_BroWnsling,
. Louis ftle4nne, BanneU, Browns
Dispatch, NMsatt, Brownsville. I
Camden, Flendrielison, Brawnsv l
Swatars, Caza,lrownrrille. -
Danube, Cock, Brownville..
Welbriilli, Barra, W.IISTMOP
Bearer s 1:100f11, jkayer.
Lake, Hemphill. Beaver.
blietnaa: No. a.' Gilson Beane
-... Caleb Cope, Moore; Beaver and
Monterey. Morrison, Bronerri)
Metal, No It. Bliaafelter.lls:
IspAdar4biii 5F MN* •
• i
I , i
Dry Glo.l.• -
Hes `• .4,.
2 L'aegirriiu.
I D le ri r "l
F. 3/1 „., .
licavy u...., • go
Fe Si Louis • 1
ilh7l „ e 77l "4. ltrorance and Brio,`'' —0 00
- on
goo. --L o 10
H Thy eavy " . • 31 0 371
Tioiutfrouo 800 torusiigo. 1 .
Dry floodsouwuj...L. ..... /.... 0 11
ttoduce,&o (on -I. •: 0 Ici
To dreskoiido
Dry Good. ••• • • • ........... .... 0
Heusi. " ' ; a
To Whodinsr; ' ' '
eav ' •
ti Vias y urciae. I 0 0
Dry Goods .' 31 017 :
Hely'r. "! 0 all
11, tumor..
llcaoy " 0 a
...Ts Nno Culearss. , !, .
Worn Goods • •• • • ..... r ... —0 .
Gloss, /se.
it.... qf Fnioll AM Us Posoisyieuxits Co-
le raGanurtna LAD ILILLTIMOS.
tv"•: e f , ' P.'if'l c"
ROBOT and Bacon,
1— 61)
Beef, salted 'do 70
Bald wax and Begg‘og 'do E 75
Beeswailee, x, do 73
Brts do lap
Brooms, do 1,75
Cheese, do fa
Corn, ,k, 10
'do 07
aend cines,
'do 100
rrr'astrt, do 03
Furs and Peltries, P." 507 1 10 21, 1 :1 ) 1
Feathers, do 1 115
Furniture, ;d 1 00
do 73
lassware, I
Glut, Window v.bz6Ofne
Ozasere, per 10016 s 73
Groeenea, do op
Hardware;do en
Vie, do en
Hemp, do 611
Hides,(raw 73c, dr9 II) do O U 3
Leather, do 100
Lead, do 40
Lard and Lard Oil, Ido 50
Oil, Castor do 75
Porklex. Lard and Castor) do 73
Pork, per bbl —0 137
En; per 1001bs 621
Rop I d es and Cordage, de 0 0 : ,
Seeds, 73
Slues, Deer rod Balfido, ,do 100
Specie, do 000
Tallow, do 02
Tobacco r Leal, ido MI
do Manufactured, a do 07
Meal. do 50
Wool ' I do— 0145
A, PO okuvauki l bbl. 1 00
C 1... No I—Ashes, BeßPhd N. ti
re ..'Th eeserl i c '' Mt. L
sot:Fahow,Nv, ~ Glass,
& Whiskei f 100 lb;
Class i •
in balm— -.-
Class No 3-11tled Rua,
LooThar, Oil,
Woot, 1.•20
Clus;No. 4—Berorml,
1! . A . 5 -
Minxes lasnrikisce
Pious Pittsburgh to Whreliog.
to& from Cincinnati, 0 get
'S Louissillo,Ky • • g•
- " " lk Lotus, Alo.• • I olg
• " Boonville, do •• bIiPS
" r"
" ladcpredture• 021
"" •• • •1181 •
" Memphis.; Ten. 101
" nr. Orleans. --I elf
From- N. OrleartFto Pitisb tiirgh• • • It I g
.St Louis " •-- ••••10
aturgesby.good Flatßoate
I We'Mille
autumns c , 13/iT SAVE, -
' • •Of peal Lando. •
_lNpormaimedf m enter of the ta•Maa'sCwort of/.!
lektenY 'comm., will be capita.' In Phb l .o talcs°d
the promises, on Thoysdny, the day. ofDoccanors:
18.1, at 10 o'clock, A. N. All Mc Chone Co al contained
to and ander the racoons of 1 . 1 mica and GI perch.' of
land inmate in Wilkins Township, A ll chanty:l
being past of -Um emote o r. khans., lava of
said township, deed, The porehaser to hive all and
every neommarY Prmilege of timber trim the satiate,
Mi holes, and all nth.' (Anilines for mining amd masa:
iriem the said coal
The Cant contained, in the abase pion:arcs is of c.:Cel.
feat qualny, and is a mine near the route of th e Cent el
Rail Road, a. at present km... 4 Terms. rash.
• nr-ivrankdtd•F ROBERT CA ROTILKRB.Adtarr.
1 Lei. of
near the corners of Fleming and Cot
ter counties; Kentucky, which -No eel o fr o , o
tract of Land, on demount of a fine bed of IRON 0
and Steno Coal which were round apott.t.
The Lando; will dmverml.andlies about PO mica
[tom the Ohio River:at Vanneburek, arid .;.oat 10 Mies
by'rood road to Flernlngsbiirg..The property will be
'lid low, and on libentl,terats. on application to
or Is J'BROWN.
n• 114.
A Handsomely fintstred Room on Market street,
say occupied na ltaloettt.otwe. ossabhh•
otent,by Maraud & Co.
Alto, a well finished and well foriushed ,Poont, snit.
able for soe ante., adjoining of the Mercantile.
Library Astootation. ' Emplace at Philo Hall.
0021 (Mice, market W. tottween 3td & eth'
11 — COVNTWIrli3i r siamai 016.
. /lAVlNO'removed to the city. for eonvenurnee
profeaalonal buttuna, wilt rent therManslon
llouse,and IL, immedare enelosure,sitente onthe blade
of the Dlonongaltela, one nada above Pittaborgh:
Jeall:ltataff JAMES S 1..11.1AFT,
. .
EVEN sere* Coal Lead for sole, situate In bend of
L.Jihe blononiphen River, blare Bnrwriseillei hnv
don a 'mot 7feet Coat, which will be kold blexchnsge
for goods. F01•110.111C1110131D1110 10 • ; ;
00105 8/0 W AAIDAU(I4:3Iwood
FrieTiinnitod roilicia - W - I — wel
ished,.• three •stot y dwelling,' on t elm et.,
dal( *ay between Marmon id ley and Wayne at.
Poosessfon given Inunediately.• For partikdtmenquire
Aube offieeof • WW WALLACE.
jr , ..11f • nem *I..
.111. I WILL sett the lloate and Lot where I now
telide on . etrphensou thb . Watd, at 'a bar.
For pan/CUlate enquire at ter ir F u, Fahadry,
Front at, above Wood, °retitle. pteatteee. • . •
e for We .•
bemanful Bei Ming Lot in Manchester, near the Entn,
Bizet Itont by ISO ferydeep. It %gabby tbld And
an aurommodating terms. Terms unereeiniongble.
mete JAMES BLAKELY. Real F.slme Agent
Am.TIM 3 Story Drink War:house, No. 34 Water
streetand Ne. 103 Front st.,tennell nue poese.rsion
F. vea—stpply on the premtees. , • .•. .
or Rent.j
THE well furnished Srore,on Market Wear,
between 2rd and 4th streets, at regent occupied
by Barrows &Turner. - Poasetaion Beau pm the Ist of
19] - _ED(.AZZA Id
. FOU'llleht.l•;
• nviB • •
A handsome ofEck. over;PLi
have arket st., N. W. corner
.1 . 3. of the Diamond now M received from the large
auction wiles at New York and Plillndelptda, the largest
and most splendid assoiunent of Shawlsoshinh•lber
have ode's& in this city, miring which may beAnand—:
kplendui French To k WTI, of the halndearnest styles
and bum' qualities imparted. ,
Splendid Broehn, (.11 or - we VW.'
ties, and !neat beandhil designs ever offered in Wismar.
ket. •
Pplendil Partin French Plaid, (all 'snob) and
beautiful article.
Superfine Cloth, plain mad embroidered black and
mode coigns, with heavy bullion fringes, a •euperb. as.'
tick. Th •, .
ibet Memo, plain and ensbroided black -,
snd mode
colors, with heavy edk fringes
Super with
Can:ideal Silk, very heavy, and ems•
pawed for richness of style and nudity.
Super block Ottoman Silk, rich utile foxplain pen.
A large assortment of eheay berry woolen ShawLr,
plaids, plain Ind embroidered, adapted to eounwy Wes.
A law pot...renal the above goods hive been reeently.
pFrehamd at the large peremptery Avetion Balm in N.
1 ork and Philadlpela, at .remantrably low prteead
will now be sold at a great redaetioa tor regular. prices.
The we anon of wholesale buyers I.
invited. '
W..oy Goods. ,
AT 7. lIIINFErS new mare; 67 Mirka sr.
43 pairrebms ram% mffloais myth:
0 fine Mona Aceordemm, Irom 03.3 u 600..0i
-• 4 Om pea plain and shooed velvet ribbon;
, do • block • , do; •
" larrettial end celestial globes..sedi
ism memorandum inbleoe •
4 " cot 'alert pocket beets and east cases,
4 " berm shoe eMnbs t imliation
3 a German silver lea bells;
A large lot gimp beaded black Mitre;
A mad assortment.drab and midi colors:
Do do gaups In match:
' Da do wide black:.
Do do grastua cd batman
Win. a great variety of goods, amongst
whictiare onus largo sia, Emery Ilsgi; coral bates.
aiski mesads, writing desks all macs:Ladies` worlibasz
cats, all ion"; backgammon boards, gold bpecutclas,all
again black 11111011 galloon.
All the above 100 d. will he cold low. ric.74
eI Super inpei drab Cloth for over'caust
Soper tom Eng. 'Um , e
.Do do black " freak and dine eonth
Do French thoths (or [eck xed.dreas coast;
Do do rdath and fancy Couthoerca the
• - - do' ear-valet= eatlimems,thlala and
, fied silks, eassmeres„ ae. the Feelings.
Io sildaton to the above, we bare the most select
stook of cloths, eassinteres and settings in the Waters
musty, one goods being bought of Impanels Only.
The above goode wilt be mode to order at the shorteit
notice and. most reseponable lams: by ANCKE:IL
hIaVER, Date 01. ander a Co.,] Clothiers and Tail
ors, "M mud et 5 doom alma th. ' • nv3s
• • Dry Goods at Wholesale.
("AT R. NUR NA V,Sorth.cast corner of 410 and tuna
VI • het sat, tnehes tho ancotionof dealers to his vett
fall supple, Jut ren'tl, of seasonable - goals, such as
- Woolen Flannels, all colorsi .
Canton a •
- 'Sonatas and /cant , ..,..
-Tweed. and Demerol'
Irfah - Line
ns; slatting atuallo•; •
Glover hosiery; '
• llooda 'Comfort.; do. At. -
Pace.; low. Wholesalo Rona en ed hory,entrance
on Chat. ID — A full lamely of Cantata 'plaids and
other dim gouda, *too on hand, an odered Tarp cheap.
Geralemewes learalalatiag Bleeds. •
E. _TODD have thts day received direct from
uumannfacturert, and offer for sale at riLlf York
ose of those Extra noperfino lama otannfac . iored .
explessly for our own sales aid warranted:well
I rase 'of Saxony and Merino ander; Shim, wrappers
and Drawers, some very . fine.
I came Bosoms and Collars, minding Bonilla with Col
lars noodled. •
laare patent swivel Joint Braden& rs, with ether Goods
too monerous to mention, mcludinz bib sad fanny
adjusung Stocks,
Satin Bowand Allan Baths, Suicks. , •
' Bornbasise hew angry Iman Bombazine &nets.
Silk so:ldris=
po i, rink and:stun envois, 'Rib
one eve. or low paced MARS which we arc corn or
quality bare never.been imported ;to price inthis city .
%de intenflo eh. the above Boob off by the package
and would call the attention of d'urehviere to oar stock
of Goodel'ltnowind that 4rictli;wlll'in.umie them a
arcedrsOkt. 4 E 'W DLD
•• • Awned st,np..taira,9 doorshelfne
TUFT - RECEIVED at the tVholesale. Dg floods
Market street, and %Wry
3ewes new styli. prints,
9 do blue and orange prints; ' -
2 do Oregost pled... new siyles;
1 do mixed and striped cassimeres:
`4 6 bales white, MI and vendor flannelo
dews donteunc gingbarde,
4 do striped cod Plain liPaeeasi
Oft Kentociryleans;
• '
9 diP - supenor ticking;...
2 do Canton flannels .
Also, while banns, white moiods of every description
bred., carte, gloves, hosiery, lanes, to. de. f i blaanO,
.citantle6 nod bli-sobeil runs ins, Inc.
ey prints,' gumshams, ehczki, 'bonnet sibands: French
plumes, de 11.1erchenta are respectfully United to call
and nituritne one assortment, as we aro confident oar
stock NB favorably compare wall Eastern bootee yyh
in gaoled, and prices.
matter the allcallOp of hovers his balm aaPalY of
atom. ;pads, lately ree'd, including some of the heal
make, and unusualty low. Alto,
Ittmeting blastula,' from L to 3 yds midtei
cam ronahns,cpramms and floe; ,
Tlekings, comma and imperial;
Pnialluza points, from CI to too.
Also, 'few more of, Mom handsome colored oounter
panes different colors; red alanbuts. common of met.
rine, &cite, avall
EASE L I N ENS, Ike —A lankier 'apply of
1 goodr,.of approved otatorfueture,itot ree'd• 'nue
goods belng potato:mad Dam d e &gem of the inanalac-
MM.., Ili large oanileat can he !told at var.? law pet.
rel. Mao,
Idoen talk Dialler.;
Ocriur damask do; .•
Do table clothe, of dilarratairea,
Ilackabad and other Monet a. &c. d.,
Batlike a large ettorintent of Licked Cambric Ilabd•
Irerthieti, condsoon.d enpertor. It MURPHY
• tatWboletale Damns op malt 4, entrance on CAE.
• artr.o
Welsh Planotgs. se.
%AT • R. MURPHY bas lately received a fall snarl.
..meat of abpnp deslable goods, wstranted not to
aknsk in largo,supply . cf statist and
red Hannah, commas and Rae; uvula Now:England
tlanach;' brown &men'. Cssinels; yellow dodo: RTC"
dodo; so low prices by th e piece and yard. Err 0, , boo;
.6 Ranks up emirs, entrance frOm tth st. nisei
TUST Received the balance.: oar fall itiack of INDIA
a/ RUDDER (1001113,eartiorkung the following kinds t
MOS Ribber, Long overcoats,: tact overcoats, short
overcoats, Coots . without *fusel , . capes wnh det,ell,
ponchos, lehetineklbkits, blankets, berm carers,
travelling bags.siiildle biterun borers, Pastillas bus,
steam toll buckets, alr kir cushions Or Awl,
bag racks, for the ladles, and c silliness silo( which:we
b oo .. 6, pp l ai ....mostit that iwa oTer wholesale ot
,itod ov too
lowest pop. bin Icons, at out
India tubber
Depot, 6: semisweet.
I, 11E5011 2 Cllt/S. .1511AlArL9 — yYe
Lave Jan received a largo addideattl impair °fern
French , Turkerri ehawle. As there goods are very
scarce, We would reopectrallv Jcviuthe ledlea to call
c leak as we ate raiz! them 'lt
and • ALILUN Malt DAY
43 1 75 market N W cot dimmed '
CLOAKS/MS-Iml reed an wort;
• mac of &bare goods, callahlc for cloak riv.
:flu ' :tog 1112
l ' sa r W URPIIY
wt2l r• • t nartheut 611',/k mute(
• -
fine wool ups; zephyr dine, Weuns
be v dr , : o fta l sValtte b ' ' Al=7 47.-
.7 . 7 1
nrithr . HAM (TON, RIM & CO, wend st 7
griOnaPsext, all wet, firocba nhawlin jut
.clidded and se u a pearredtlenon. -
• oval. • •.• . • ..• • ALEXANDVISk DAV
QlllRTS—Rcesived this dav--do Jos fine and sac
-3 di tio qualM , Tiny thou, ands and standar plattA•
vrlthlipron Inds wath, collatkOrsaleVri z - • •
pent,. t. I Na TODD '•
t,lLANNlPAehlled,Drovranetel holed Flamm:.
An additional supply received from the enanufaa
tarcrn, Also, Atm pieces lop priced Cassiants; toe
UkU -
• • t • tskAd a
. .
. ..... ,
p w m i p t l aruzincy. ItAIL - at
Coaneklevalle Read Cotertaa khoNa
r,are lietablaoulkal
that theianualetecuon ler the Ihreetera et the above
Company will take. place at dm • franktilr - -11all, next
dim to r hijo the city or elhibentl4lhatereentba
hOarlet lead 6 P. Nosdat'llie _OM dart(!.
eember nese- w. LARINI.Eitar,
. ' 10f the Board af..Dituutri.
Vittsbargh,Noteuiber 510tb,1617..z..
.. . ...
In compliance with the wishes of ioadry stockhold
ers, I do hereby call, the spiels! attention Of Mel mock
holders ie the aforesaid .Compoity generally, to the
f ate h i: i it d rot . tice, , and request a
, follai tidaneaof said
A- meeting of mm 16014 0 . 1 .1 wilt be la. the same
ploce at ID o'clock, A. hi. of tlidaatoi ly. • - •
• . • EDWARD 0 OP.ZZAId.
Secretary of th e loot hleetineof etort Ideal
enterarph and C 06661166166 Roil d Co.' •., •
Pinabargh.Plevember ID. LF47.nop dt .- -
.L. COMPAN Y.—The annual Ele for the Diem..
on of the above Company. now the • onsylvanuat
Ohio Rail Road Company." .11 take. lace et Philo
Hall, ori Than mem, over the PostOth .ht Pittsbarah,
between the boon era and 6P. Al.oo °ode' , the Oth
day of December next. _ W ROBINSONar, PreVa.
. •
• The atonal comoon of We Stookboldam of the aborii
mentioued Compan ',sell be held at the same place at
2 e'cleek. P. At» at millet: art ezbiblt of the aliens of
maid Compaay'lyill be made, and mob .buslaese mium•
voted as may be promoted to th e Ormiidaradma of the
Boutloiders. • -• •' W ItOBINSON I Prosh
j'dtsborab.Novembei 1f47 reiVdtd
.I.ROAD COUPANY—AII persons herb:grog claims
or demandi against the Pittsburgh MA Connell , wille K.
Road Company, wilt please prerent.the mom for Mule•
meat oa or before the let day of Deeember, to order that
aGnol roulemeet of the &Calmer the Oorapaay man be.
made is conform: re with the Rmolations of tho Stock
holders en the lith lost. W DOBINSON, Jr •
I 0
4 1 C n Menlo Co, ooi Ptak. idesit,
Hill ItVikle HoTrX e Mpa l l;, h l:llT i e Toll
HMO on Deeembet lith, 1637, betwees the boun at I
and 5 P. M. JEWEH7,
" Trpaearer,
TWST RECEIVEfi MT hi A MlNEEVl3—'neGmori .
r./ or the Hypocrite Undultat bll 3 P Jew.o, Ertl.
• From to Member %Todd, by Lue1....1 . -
Too rplendor of Verrallleioud the Court of Lome
Ulth--trestelated from the French Ohl ?moot. •
Theotd Commodore, by E Hewer& :
Jack Satin; or the also before the Mut; by Eller",
The bienarentleiblater._ el , , -
The Bandit's Bride; by LanlasEokoPe•
Leoundla Lyrunore, or a lesson b Toting Trivet; by
Ni.. Leslie:
• iennebee.Allison, or ilia Venlig Strawberry Oirl:
The Star of the Fannin by Neenah U Coma
The Lidy of the green and blaek , by .ChallOY !AM ,
charobaft bliseellenT
Tilo Ilona Melon by John B Beaman." r
New PluJ.-emon` Ann; ibe'lk!hilv,l7L.
Peeper-B.lla Cottle:dm C•pcun o . ipkte.
_ m n.
r , ,
. For Wan PS A SLlNER!s,Soutkletnennet,%l o !
wired fifes FIT; the Pre-Ada/nits Barth, eenributiona
to Theological &knee by John Herrls,.D 0. ! ,
HMO Repeetion of Prerrerbq We of Strum. Hie
u lTgehrolTarthl=7l=liTall=bstaplit;
e4lutuadve of the littaalpkv Of a portion of her
e *totem by Rev Wm Henry Feoterldtedieynes
Lira Levers and Lereues; brehmte's &rime; the
Tree of the Knowledge, of seed and:CNN be. ,
- The bid:teeing ordbrm with `Comet Cabinet Library: ,
Talcs of !Seventh Peasantry, hybrid Henry Peltein, D
D, and others, Pleasant Tales y Old Hum yhre; Tannic.
fulness and other &save, by Hantilion: tire of Tensleng
Loss of the Australia; Peace m &being. _ • .
The above with a general assantunint of Theological,
Classical, Medical, and SehOol Boors; for sale at low
prices, wholesale or retaiL
• Emiorr t E:Nouga
t op • • AShearket al. between & _
. ' ." New. Illtiale:f
ELLEV'S WALTZ Yl2,ott's a' the our kibtroarr
oh soon rem= ,Vienolse.daneas:
.Thy 11.14:1 eras oaten ntnie spell;
tlb ro they stun name cm weep; • I
Ob erootd l mem a boy again:. I .•.
Oh tome to me, by Haynes Batley: ;
Come and wander adage*, by F IL Salley;
Would Immo moth thee. , •
I wooldare bad tot Met :main -
The Convicts Lullaby; I'm saddest. wheel airy;
Lova eau ne'er sorrive esteem: r . I ,
Rough and Ready qineketerr, nonstanda walls;
Poland ts not yet log. wuh Aarlanotte 1,
• Don Pasgoble, by Henri Herr, Cumai'sEzereisem
Dovernoy's Exercises; Oland Siouan march:
Come, oh come with me, the moan in beamielt;
• Who's dat looekm• 14 de door;
The Leas of Gornie;
Cook's Art or ainning
reeetved by,ezpresa and for tale by '
eel, • /0/L1 II MELLOR, et,
New Publications;
LIFE of General Taylor, with isoticea of Me wai m
Neve ,Callbrala led t l / 4 mthort. Mexico, and bid.
graphical :ketches of (Mean %OW- have diatingaithed
themaelves'in the war with Marled; b); Froit,.L L D.
Artisea Life, ar sketches of AnKtteaa: Painter.; by
Ileary.Tloekenam. - .
A Healy. to Fad of Religiats Coottoremy,
to at us Cue elturriCes of the commute's hie
coneerned. • Just feed; Onside by , • J MUM
neZ • Allb omens
CUICKERING—aIne Wanda! Roß
woodair and a hal f octave Ph= Foatei
mesa Chiokorlpg, Boston.l
liF,R.R—Ottermai•grand Mao - Forte, from the min.
by (we taceg , i . - `j • ::"•',
• Onedine mahogany 6to - I. •
_ ?•_M".'4FIFT
liie/IT;ii - et i tatell7alX , Trillt :—
aseonn MIL Winne; • •
Au exeellent; reeted heal neno,malle hi 'taxa •
Eredwnr,jin 5..1 order. . ... • ... • . •••• •• •• • SlO6
One second hX.d. ei2.93,1 • • . ..... ..... •1 Op
For sale by - . JOliri A1gT4.04
h c l .t a Wig=.
by beitholeralL •i • • '. •:
The Iron Mail. et tke data of .7yrnotty; by ifietor,
translalvd by A Co nner. M ;- • . .
Edna Etherell or We &iming*. '. •
The Land Pitate.or the Wild Dirt of the Beach. •
The Champion of Freedom, Or the Airnetions Chief.
founded on the events of the Ism war with Steel Ed."
mint by yaw t Woodevoth. WAYSCALOW ELL
win • 'Ad g i ven:mike the Poet Mee •
ORE • NEM 110088.-Mitptel Graham,
/VI. urn meet by GP 8 Jab" e* mgt.
' Saida, or the Trim• at Libekty.
".rit'Pl lTllC:i . ltrX T . 7 •
crone.:r ktorioa.-ey IMAM' mtg. ••
sod• et Illemmd Iket%
°Ll '?7 . IglArlArDiS n alft • . 1'
• Gard et, °write tat deem
NIXIE JlLlOKS—Witldattibb oeasnts
..1.1 by J T Headlay. - • ,
Nipolada and hia Marshal.; bk./ I Headley
_nekk market at beterten.l4ll Or. nth
- - .
Ir LAM° El ' PIC:110811 ••
ISENRY KLEBLEt t Dealer in eastern Plarto'Fortoi
AL at J. NV WoodoelPa t rao.Lali Tkirtißueet. TEe
Piaons may bo examined at althours, and the loaned
bar aril] be there from 11. 4V. 61., arci foam 410 d.
P. M., ase i b day. Plibbt, October ta,
Ws. the ttwlarsigned, would &kale the eittetsoi of
Mather;lt Lad vicinity that .ere bare hPteitned Nr. 11.
Nleber solo Agent Coe Western Penney mania, for the
aalo of eat Piano Pones, from whew they • may boob ,
wined at one own [New York] mites- • - • '
New York.Sen.l.lNS-oeftttf •
• Stetsils lianas:to Pis -at -""" -
A SPLENDID inatattpeat Pclk .**IS bog ,
trtab=4;ran mLAL°••
JOAN trkaatatalid Researsaa Plaagy . ithealaina's
calebtatearZollasaattsetarteas, Sanaa at %Moan and.
en layla, and far-ale at , BLUME'S
inrl •119 sand stintl awn above an
ANEW .#lli:Dl,lpa.. DICTIONARY—Ct.
catng an ozelansitort of 'an 111 - Alult•MT.
'Phylooloo, tn. U, with the fennel.. of thepriecipel
rtansaeopeeehts, and wajeable pytettool 'Me rlon the
neuments of Ohtetne, en the beat* of Hooper &
.ke: by D Poem Dude% MD. Just reed; RllEAOSeht
• -••••• : Li
01 . 11 . c41L14121Q11 P1A , 81 . 011-.-3 . ! b :e
TOFINSTON STOCKON hoVolost fecolioed filaei-
U 004% EdiubaOrKOPilno for Umber, , or2l
• 7.1 1847 i
C 0 R D 1 / 2 11t,•K 1:N (3 - .
curter of Wood criedkfta Strrds,:
uAN;E. teemed 'her Autumn acyle nt 11315,141 Ni id.
1 1::An y d 7rget.", invite the
r ""* *"M'r
Wallleyls oats.... • . •
41, hicOALLAhI h&c j cht we-Wean bemtifid clock
f *eche dc Casty% Salto.** Bats, which far
richnew had Nat,* CSAIM be inrpused. .Call st the
Wit Siam, klanhoomdiela.lloiise, Smithfield .1., and
we them _ cel39 •
itiusduce esuirday, Om Kb. tifdlitieliterk •
srlsondi übia tried with this dutiable article will pkue
cull Led czmuine.
ALFRUD 'MEDIU Practical Muer,
Dbib hod of wood at
• ....
0081.: ha received floris New York, lie "
styleot flats which bwkillin' trodueo this day, ktusrdir,
Acir Plrth.. 4411 those la star of neat sad superior has
would do yr, II so est' st Pio 73, Wood. Saps, ad door
shove 4th.4 • • • t W 8 ,4 4
-• • .
BEEBE' k. Col3TAKVVOemetihtliata !
will be Introduced at IL'S ort Thlareday
august Gentlemen deb -eV,
• longile IlatotPitaburgh tomellhelere .we or
Casblettable Mau imported nd iv:Nerd:aid by wean of
the tr dc, alma cabin ' -":KOLIrar &Gee
." - Juer teca.vegt.from ?tow York, die B.
tner Stile for flats, Gunnison`, Whde .
Beater, Pearl and Whip French Cassme re Hsu, srldt
Vera:dor% 'Those inward of a beautiful, tiabt Retard
per-Breda y invited to tan. • AS MOORE , .
BUBB " . • Ireedat, Sdoord abase nth_
4 WILLIAM DOUGI.I9 . has Jan mewed
fresh supply of Ringaeld and Baena Pada Bilk
Ulasnl Caps, new tester.. • •
• • Blue ano French Meleskln lists, at sexploar
pee , . - Jell ". No Tirwroul street
CONTINUOS to oranahatere, and keei
consisatly on band, every 'deer, at Hats.
and Csrys el the latest style, and pr tees very . ler at ..-
713 Wood creed. Outside.: ;INT
APB: CAPE—Pate end Mask Cabs;
ion to had et .IdocALI4bPS ,p.r+lk'dmble• Nei
J &R Plip,„ps,
Fi ---i ttfet ,
qVibk tidILI
Ribber Dc'r
" ri °V
ram fairostor. -- , " ::i i. h .,,,,
r t ingb42 ' l2l 7lTgegralTag= le i
r l al d . 41 .1 4.8 elig toodY f '.•: .2 1 4 - ibb ,
L - ... 11 T44444v01f#46 :. at
11 ...... '--, r; L 1 49.„, 1'? -' . " -- 4 . 04y.ii
1 1
j ora lxn m sa+n. cAPI-A Jpt+ ld Dorf
mau►n4pe wieq of4ryls ~[ElaC~l.t:alY'Yi
Mauou6Vel_ atloale:"-^:..
• a
msouLeparib l lksu
"OS= 11
Multi it. mutt opper4.ll. caiitit,Stotwulb-
MONEY rectlivi on 13 1 04. ,4 dieti
Chocks km tile, tr. otece.tts 4semir s Ai
We_pnaFlir patisisittut Gaited •SokisaN,
hWienpremlaut pant for Eck..4ci ..n.4,0 011 V 11 " . „
Gold: -
Attiinces rude= eonuicoxiei; i l t-P,060:11. 1 91k 4 " 4 '
Eatt.'on.l2.ll wry.
• I P• C• w rtaerep/Y. -
)Toluraqi B. 0, the it
.3 mu wm.
'hove lowered nue. Copertairthip, ander tie •
DILL _CURRY, for the purpose of coati 4:06 the
Conking tied Ezehotote beetles. et oh its Wino he , 6, stf
No 63 Weed streer..thzee does} Wow Fotirsh,:teesr a •
ede.+ 66,6 IheY oolidt th e mome of their ( eta& eel!
the pablie generally. J 66424111 I
wisps la, Ham.'e. Fonat.,
. HELL 411111illY, _ • .
No its wad afoot, third door belay , wen Inds:
.P on Depoai~e ow'
.AL!"%tic7,o 7,T=grl.
Eznhange netiniOrt. Ptlfadelpbit; New ,
Y Downs and Caktinnevi-conseand7 for•Ces • '
Olne;lodana. gesnaaky, %Wl:viand Pennsylvania
Etas* Natio, boweld and *old on favorable wrens
• Exabantont4land,Deland,'Geemany and Frans
nos • •
.II 11 1 12tat l in t s.tntinnni, Coin
1e ' 0.515„ 11•1112 Z . :11TV.Z/1 1 7;171 . 3{13R6if...
Raw. ExehoKe.. Baying NOM. ,
New prort .
it u = i • • do
Ott ß '- ih " l B at
.Indi •[I do Relief Notes, de e,
Kentioky, . 1 do'. PentwitoinfaCy. - :oda
Vireos, , do Now Tort 'e •do, !'do ; .;- .
•Co Whooluor, do '• New Chlocw,
Tonoinwo, . do Pwel...a.' "4'
. . .. . .
.. . ,
• lorinslE AND
& RAWL • • . ..,
.U 111; Fofelviand Almelo Halsor lizEboor, Cord&
cates of Depoodoi .pool. Note and Coo, corscr.o f Sd
sod - Wood moots, durdy oppoille&- Chula Hotel,
WILLIAM A. HILL '&' CO.,- •"
use nw
64 med ser, d 0,,, rids •
oe ! Plitsburßh Pa. SIA,NR
BIG. Porellar - Szelutrogro.
L 8 on Englood4lrebondi and Seatlannboughtro,
ally mama at- thy.Carrent , Roka or .S.sebange
Alooj Wads male In atil Fort of the Old foontrica,'
Gam it to IMOD, at- are rate crag to. rt. Sterlowi
without - didactic.* dikoont. by 10811UA - 17.0E0Ya,
dmrZ ~.
SONoopetto and General Astra, Odleeiadt sr, ono,
imi..W XST . Age
~.. ,!..-
1 7117 . 11 .9 '' 1 71 .2-"'" ' . bY PI 1101.1 iikie
110tEALS OP EX c heek • ,
7 I New Yolk .. .!4" ,, i1 , =:.: -,_..... •
cen.6., at sale 1 . N
k, sob{ ,
elOl7 •. .. , - • -. • •ZS tearketet •
I lOLLMOTION . Dram, cm.. - =lux,
V ebe, payable Ws* y put of the 1.101011 ealleeted en
. the ntentlarerable ter • N nounii & SON
E.c. 1 . 11 91;.:411,,,,,v , -;, l l,,,Ptiulkittlet s lPl'Leo"nd,
etehttly for sale by • , • . Iltr....rte ye
CUBRI - .•
.0111 • , • • wood 010001 b00k.., bark
ILIPODII 1:A r p ta== .
met r discount, at the armee( -
*itil Pte63.l3 ll titb?• t a l Mi.`;
an 44 ale prumpal cities intim, •
V. lldagmadn 41" I . HILL & CIIRRpp -r'
; lot-081re; Na-TI-Walnut aural, Yikonnopiut-
Insorpotae4 A. D,IFID- , CiArter pa:vernal
turn swia;mo, ;F.:rotors, Itterabartbso, ant pto-,
pety; grandly, itor in. De - an y or roaavy., worn
ion ordosnapt by tra perpouti?ortot Itaitotpartorla n r
• /oho actirrant. oatael C Moron • _
WiltaaLycch, , Arrotphito Fef
lobo Wc1.140 Ytmalt BratD , '
Jolla T. Lewis. • .
SAMUEL ' C- raU.Wr • Pli, rfe.leer .
Orders toilacoranee . by the abirriDtapioyncA
reteived by trie nodeitieri, nom tor Mutts rpkz..
tato •., I 1..E0 1.:,001111.6.N,Ammt
t SAGICKV/11113 . •
Of every Mueriptioa promptly exmaxotilit a inportor,
M. LtS'AnB
9ort4Mliink, N. tf ,.. asst ad Tki.dini.DotjrStriss4.
VV IWRE MI " ' tar:
• • Brno aei Prated Mier - • • :
roala for IM%1:!1, reeie%ComMiMa%M;,
rrOformortal• rovailouraramenr arca ond.pnated: - .
rod.n sobarotorMiarorilemooatortniO
data[ Idssoss , Oddr!!"..of Tunkc., '
in DAV/Ste Preba: •
Car , Builder; Oka. ••: •
eiBPAC URkS to order rilitenaer atid,'Freitiirt
INll9art of the dew eePateed drx,opoon at•rtm.-note. ,
ble *tem -. By mesas or the,Canuts, Illautead anerK
',they are enabled to woo upon .reaeonan twos ti 41
nit etoinu to the Wert - wort Will Ira warranted
mud taall myrtle:to any male In thy Liteheoratated,:
rt"re , punctual ly teemed . •
•, • . • KNA.IIC DAVENPO.CM,:I ,- .
' tForatette'ef linden Muesli '
Tourgi grtiti bercpcm,wo
opposite 4*i:ices :
hr aubscnber ha. ma:e the stabtwanntrarrratco
11!Meat* for thecoutfon of doe* urea wed dila-Um. -
df butipar darinfareurtuter sasmi."SviresofetrePla
hemenenens aura been pleeidln the.mtnes el -Itte.`tiattt— ,
Hodes. (Oct] . • a v.v.-Blot;
SCOND !LAND 4.lilliPiSisCitlNEßS ( Ski .
Q pals. hand ma; ZS *LAI , . es*
&Ask for, lsen eargni •
Wien= far wowing 44 atiejniniii%
I &rear Press tor baps& strsange: _
sardon sptcders, drawnalt frianco.roelnats: nee;
and' hand nytitider Seam; an of wain. 6 *ill noldlonr.
vonni mot SLACKSTOCK.
• .ontnoilani . PitiConan.MlSPlnab . • ...,
roc JOHN 1 1 / 4 VCROC N, late of tlet_ jakyreeillai mooed te the bozos on rcrut , M.locir etvoia
by 'Adri. Idesphy, theOrst dose be,:meitw
Z en and! lewOoora below t:,th
Ti.:. mshastical mom ICtieocupiptiiitare - hti
aterealteettled uplOp, for kltie parse= 1te#417, 11 .P.b
ect nog tee Dedt6evaukir,
.01 pl qup. Main tee teem of a few da
T:a IL H. W. monius:ll7dripe r'
rc - cce. tinily idiom Ids hands aadoha elreacrua :r• -
Ptitabinalk sad Alleglaray that beihas decided - woman
lathe ally during the slater, and la prepaicaL , .witeat .•...
pane -Jai - placid". thenuelves ander abeam according
to ihs liras Y oriented at all WaierCoreEassallelt
menu, Ice ,ciiler ,Aeate er Oracle dlseces‘, Than:L . . • .'-
velartiac to Maid thitioelera of his cervices will call as
g. Sloan'; mroeraf Llacny at. sad Pries alky. -
has hawed !avers! torte tdiact of dietialt It
&la city :Ina mat atteeoao,to oildekkleittoerreirted
50 Gad.,corner df,bad Untot,.dros
illisoboctiber la mowed to Atroultadad call Type . •
and Prime, !downs]." of. o.Dial/Nal s hor.ndo •
flop:isms of ttowdoltposi. *DO. odid4 , on
foi rho sobodtibetvollud may publish IDU soma COr throb , : •
anoths Da =Octal to toostvollloy. 13, tips; *Agron.
discos Ivo uomm the davit's% of *dr 6 1 1461t:4y.c.5t,-
Id Tips jokeD inez4bioge ku , nen itti T cim lb. •
lone . I .ROCEILT AYLO ' •
1 underitheef are anyorpreiihsed fhishlitiketi
chttoaters•sad the pahlre Reactor; wilt igiezegi.
Teta Amide of IlArd Oil of tleurphrsauthairldeit
they hellYhtlloa aeetolotadming tome , Thair Vik they..
belteniohe ar ohd assay alfenvillnAlts aszelchhonat
be rentratt hot utehatelkiii •-••, OiQ
.• • IS Uherty os, oyyushouthliad
• _ P. 9.—Lant Ocean unable ihrizahtushsy; cgh
bind: ibt nle aboVe. -c , r. 3 ilirtl
t;+zuraton 00112 t. SOLES- WarcOwiliVilltv.
proof-Isibly ScoosuassdalkiPlitsleAktklika
ure ?Tessaiistl soissi•Csids,aosaisigna -
sus la a haumatle„and Coassispisre kakis; Dab* ka •
cbrutroeted ca lo mutt cold &WI =SLUM. Viet u•-•fa:
durable sums. isans,lSibtalsa *ay skiamAr
Mandottarad aut saki vrkaissalakir Gams Ai ryi.
wA, Willisaisbossa , . •
kW suonsassi of lasrads far els kr,
T2IIIA-,au wu lb* pm eiesit %ivo
warm, in NIA baaiunaar
te., rfxr %dusk 1.11 klskat pass r la ask Serma
I wayme benreeft soar& HUM' •
t 251111,
V 3.0011011: OLOTIIB-1 , - „
131)474.44W et.lug • :
_ 6 yar d, hcat
geleii •
ieu.s.pun reel riots the
reielvaihe , arircet,the Stkeitj;7l24lBBlllllleigl ,
sd lot eflllrd lam seer oared ausinaTtetof
limb or warm, ewe, 188...;1
elarborgb Seed Bierta. aimed stt , ii • :
...s . • • I 8 ri WlCKEBBiiiiirfterniess, •
ty ip-limp ssus limner bleithea , Frtate ul.prur.'
• •/-malerstatorachrmay.
ODlaihneta esksoteeeijettle hhheieueiteipeete
ate sadirktepeeepkbes. ette.het. thfrhog -
lemantaa h h.,m b p ee zolbei
tht.rfaqi heleaghtete ett et sh.
I *eh' IltlhAcu
T O imuutgtoa t vplatEit,* II •
bleeke she
rust. - Apsb
t nee% •
O L liett
;which the
. teeth -
- r - .1C