The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 01, 1847, Image 2

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274:4te1ki1ier8t11144166 ilat
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01111111.1. b• .• • Olilp I Of:the d. Weli
• '•••••...I":I7I7CIPSLEK,G (Tenn Pb:-.l4toiether With upwardi of
wriiimarlSOßNlNEV PEO:":1;1847 - woo rtiniSier•• • - ;tdr Whieb•une• bine-red
• and fifty were 11 Winders, on their way to setae
. E i l , Tin,rliTufl sae' OttiT•Oiszrrt poldlabed no, went.
twir,•76.llreskly, void W ctly.Tne Daily la gar= ,
10011p{pagsagum, the Tri-W eetty_Lis Five Dollars Pa: .."."" e"."' the
=meg Ow:Week y . is Two Donere anFstaiWrical beer;"Wao' rem ", • 'to this esty'ocr bond tbe
The Phoenix bound up, Mid on' Binalay,
=nag log . • i• 1,4 •o • elodt,,wben ',Min 17
miles of •-• •• • • .• • she wee dlieenerid to be on
fire. AN/theta* l impossible totrwinidiaithefire
end that all
- who ad on board woad milli
in tbs dames •• .jetopudoserbosrdind entlem
wed to we •• • inn in•bint• they amid.
.• Aleut thirty. • Into the ems/1 boats and wen
picked up. by, • Delaware, which bowl in eight
'anal the Ph •-• • as In fisizies,bat not in time
to :ender ••• ••• to who ismalWrd on
*irk,* who rMabie,to get Into' tint the=tall
known Milan • • a—.
Dame: Hr W
P ink 'snit !say ,•• ;
Lillie Fart, , • • Loin
Hunousbs, C • •-• •
Mimi Haul • • 1
cabin sod .5 • 1
"with 160 • •
Orate office 'at
ler, 'steward, C • 1
Bolralo,lN 1.1 ••• I ,
Ild ;Engineer, ed
Chicago; N•• ..t
Clair; I 'Mid. •
feittd; Whalen'
TWO colored .
Obio Cu.
Watts; r
City; .I
Michael .
are carnally =gusted to Yard yt
Cow inare beans' 6 r.x,and u euly Il L a the Om II
rai cam Cmial Jmenwrockwakentel lta
kvAilk.r Ife.l,lmports, 4/4„.r.
- . •
ZeSOZ oa , Tatt. ascrirat..
alai ore of the and baseffeet 'esker ersiSeis:
bun: jam t arced aide des asset metiers Asa
the as k 1 tie Issas tad as toys trltaasawAre saga
awl Asia, era Jacrl4 ask tbs roc of au se
. 'Thabrista tiest of ea ssoos cabled vs to ante
:at WU. mostaaWr populAdaparcogfa OM").
tam Las. ,
Tale *betties. wars.bveutiful and
to ,bitasseisiery foi the settlement of listauter
dpiri vin#ragroand
thee the awe of grievance and end in Virt.ciffer
eindifiside excuse fora most to ems. It is we
• oily' leiilt rich' tint the end justifies the mane
but Oil) . MIMI the end. These-War Hawke ars
;7014:14'defend the principle of War for minor
nffeiiosa'u well as kw great 'ones, end al the Mi.
:dents at war, no raster hew' bloody . or how Ins
itliatia• The wax - with ?desixo„ USi ends lathe
iciest # the presettjear, will have Mathis Na.
tics; ite'snots7, Lie expenses inetored, eiliesicore
ntrinazu $ll/410111 CI Imitate, and for debt*
it p,tei bi"psiditerefter, no tuus'esti'Setinate the
mount. Wai,tme not yet' dons with fityintur,
Itimistietau debt in its fonns—endtherem
sores of Mime on hand, and Fused attar/
session of dontrese, for the paymentuf debts:6
amid during the tut war. The airs" oflseg.
.614,0 1 than'. is ilec 4 xliaiT 6 / 8
Betseching may Itet latawn of ; the &meet,
i; hoirevir,wtien it is understood that the cost of
.singleisee inislation Coliiiet.t is equit to
aboat fife thointand dollarei7the per dims '14 , 1
gees *Mounting to about 0,200. But Minions
. I in dollars form a small poiPonion of the expense
i of a war. All till can be repdaced.. :It niches
only the poelet, and not the vital prineipleauf life
' I and of.usominetitade.. lii. tree that publie debts '
emeettoroe hang hikes mill-stone ar o und the decis
I of .11 people—like the public debt of Englical,the
Inmost of which can-hi:My be paid,•--celiket this
Irons, which is also aceumalatizigie an alai=
; bleu:lnt. We ais 'none of those who believe
'that ..-Pablic Debt is a Piddle pri.ine th ' augh
would not forbid a debt. whorl ff mita riot
I made d, and width shoiiid moult In coati sydSodid
impro*Wati am aim, 'ibe Erie .Cland.
! and others of ble charieter. - Debts for Were
for ,Conquest, for. Mdatary lumpier, however, air
at once both periteloos is axamplo' and
ti 4 in the end they have to vier.. They Luce
- -.England -much. more seism. than
..limad,;..sitd entailed an evil upon tbs. country for
ell llama° come.': ElgWO were a Ittataual times
I hetts; " efforithoin Ite I sod than with her, Mid
, luta would be,loeotnpaably becter'n Ulm. Ni•
royal] Canada is ri curse to [beat ,Thitaln.—
Mentaid marmot anxiety and debt. "ffe are the .
Ent4litpasserulitnis in the Paste-t 6!. Freneh in
'Mica and tmen the . Pinkie; to F.rinca . , Pelham
the exiimaionOf Havanim by 9pain,isthe only
exception to the ptinciple., • :
Tenth:ad 'eggrandbieittent;the!fteits of ambi-:
time wars, have ever proved a coins ' to
,both Ituk
•. . •
coaniit annexed and .tO the pinks inutiming it
• I • And when - are may scquire peacefolly; Mutterer
is neeesao" le oar honer: or mu: prespetity, the
among becomes deuhly. apparent Who believes
'that a pallid race Mut the Medleams, .Bpenienis,
tuallbreeds; biestizes, 'ketones; :meek qua&
mons, and . Quintet:ens; cadet - once be nietiarmoi.
I. Owed into oar country and Government, AA
'eVwall annex as many Tarts .cad Tannin, Gotten.
. into ot Chine*: We kbdtplityaket Whin
-1 - 'll4+ifilittaiet*itiiiisiioß - iii - *.tilito. wit
imilintiona. The preredent will prom a danger . -
one one, and the thing id practice destructive of
' the but intonate of Ort:owri emery. ..-;
Betthem Man the , prooputed-Ache of.the
air fkatr,Debt, embersartureittitlitienatirjos.
ties, the Prebahle extinnion of the. instinition of
: air/My, and a threatened bee of",litextlitaidt„ it
is the istoe.Uf Rome and liseeden of old over
edet Var,'eonqued, 'atom*, midi; viee;
• auisi aociesat'fili; polaica &ob. The o
••; the attending evils of example. In min it
may itire the incalculable all of imam.e of-the
snit Repel limn experiment, It bee alruid, trial
severely,ind ' aatioris , no more thin individuals,
"'min bier them repeated shocks upon the C nate
. .
To, close Gis picture, let _ rip with •
pm of baule,—Buana' Vista or. Monterey, Vora.
Cies or Ono Ikeda, inimical:it or Canines., if
you, of men are them bets.
. hag the lairairS of thair Creator and their ltasior;
mil Gain of betas are with ilieus.77lits4. moths
(Si, sisters, little.'dhildre;: .. S icicle Of hoptis sad
kola steell web easy banns, and tho hearts of all
briorkloadar thou the roma cutoonorterysouiel
of arbich is a robbery of hurtsh . lifs. mind
tbst could 1111110,11111Ceptre Is itizeited to destroy •
Nation. The hand that could pre.thebearetyt
13Pring and flucouter to•the 'green earth, :changes
iha sceue Into one of, bloody dcsolation.! Thera
. is tbe sword for this sip!" the irotturina [Orem
the *sista stored buns, andmiu . atbeat t bemmes
the way incarnation
- of s &A in the foripf bat. ,
alit. He bas roads Wheaten childrot by this: vends
and separated forever on earth 'Was whom God
'hiOeelfltad jokiest together in - the 'bask bonds.
He has; in euhange,io: look on the Ow side
, ;o1 'tile picaufbreente?—vidaii,.+Husteut
Aff6mmr,olol7e—tt unsubstantial Woe. won
.stre weldor tm benign. Ass of. Peas., nor in .the
great ciiumse'4 Bence—;vor
onnouisigatioat d cteritr!which made it Howard
•ets . 10, nor yet toil:lies, nor art, nor rePelutt , ! —
: Hohiebste ofWar - e'r% orrashiPlait 111. Blebs
iferarill poi of Nara.. • • '
glitch jar, and in our day and 'tiois;--an
Staturaspd etanorcsialYwor,.fos *hick the One
Pownei". at Washingtoo nerruible,r sod
for which it ought to be bald to, Ace
• ,
- Dingus .oer-taut Sicancia—The Newark
ri.,l.'Adveatieer, gives •12 Warmt:a atearmt
the likeesdiala of a German Society' at that pars.
en the it'd inst. •
Ther.treneethie Dr. Milladoler and Pro.
SeWer Tappae"et „New Ymk,"wery reseal u •
'dahliadon ham the American hitielant Satieti.
- ; The -tleceiere with thou tanallas and friends Lie
~.gondeamt,erara statet 200 in tataber;:l Alter ao
Odra., tnni Ginatiniaa;-. in English,
-end , inothes tom a' tecentif sounded - Roman;
Seceders 'steal op eat givatheir. aodr
` Me hast, o a forma renuthth nChd
at"Dias, end o
doctrines of the Protet faith.
" •:" PM Of the filtjneightwaskre, in the name
Met" ineamiterti OermeuDitthrto their wine
' •
and t.1110011{1 , 00116 NS' :Al pledge that :la would
. • ..Jere& nothing!hatllii truth is thesein canna'
The union *nil 'tete pro:Ann:tad laid itdinen.
tins; num ,idamod, by ra *Union Ones Dr. MlUndo•
and tbs-Apostolin benedictina in German by
Linn Vranuaren.—Tbe Chicago. Denicast
that t-- • • I
.5" ;
: 4 a ceseeiresoce oldie unizentn nambee a vier..
*end to tit Marian *Minns, end in amen.
gttenee of blot the belt 1 4 ac°
orn aettkalsui iheir bode et
I I • "yeee credit. We lawn diet
eeeerel '0 the - modadesEtoenrisi' , Now
-Weiktojitan - , - eatiisei lezie tuA4k!
• 4s--°&1111 ' teeeia thil Stew Warms
4110 11- 1 31 .4 1061 * , thsma e•ee_ .160 iherei. And *lt
itinrabeenrem: ; .. • -
'; ' , go od& w i t ple , ourripd. to as land go down. lose
--, :. - iacs -51 " 11 sinurak. coo'
- itesil . io 7 ...' -
, -iTiiillrooliha, pale s .
• ,- '
biiiusL . - .........,:- gni
l'ln.' - - I,itif 4 . f'z.
iAT.l aa t: l6.... f a - dmind at affaiilik
tAktilOin" Goa des wog..
/ 406 1 ,,,,a, au nuaradiP
: ' ,1'.4 : . ' • ''''' wh..jus_'`Ktianry eta. wai- 14 ) • ° , 44 11 . '
• , . 4t.i .. , C'4' -'''.
; . . . 4.
- us the names of thaw
loss, and who bs recollects by
ladi and: child, Radian lit
liming; Mei Jleath and cigar.
Lobs and 'child, lidllwauteco
D Brub, , Banthpartl , Two
Eit Abotti Y 6 other
S . temp peieorkgeri, together
pia grew were D W
Ireland; JO Bo it, saloonkeeper,
11,Sd mine, Ohio City; 'W Owen,
'leas Et Robinson, lw Fade;
ay 1K Fireman, Buffalo.
T Firtiamt. River St.
A Murdock Cash; George
boy—it Tudale, Cleveinatt body
Ito—L Ekrcithorotihjitle Bedford;
, Detroit
wee aimed are—CipL Sweet,
Doctime, Giro? Gr. Oi
are, Ckmploodv lit Mate, M
'haelaman• A G Iloilo. Ohio
loon, Clasalsaa; Maui,
rafrabr, Sd Patfuts, R Watts
the largest load of puma
%ore, b a
the latest, which
and the property lost
tatthee 150,Hollaa•
with tliero; ea Ilnq
Wed; but how m•
Nem I
is immense.
thip .
Aentogwee. The fire
i deck ,near the backed
Auld. Exams were need to
Jai same& The two mall
nary and instantly filled with
I - to tell the tale of the sad
tat, 'who had been for several
ststs 'room. one wheetomw
lan in one of the baste the
re thieti.ibiluidem
lffr Haase, Engineer. aid
Lout, wan ill that were
in. Doan:, and Lang
en, slinginito the wheels
!Without 50 toils from the
rare saved Were taken up be
which was it etcher off
the ate cionuneneed. The
/reek. which U cooiplets.
'bonen, where it now lays
credit Is dna to Capt. Tante
NDeleware, for the prompt end
mitered by theca on the
treatment extended to tic
Ira SW
of . the
the few
-Aar peonage dojo. The, Phi.
Hewn Peon & Allen of this
' the meant of $15,-
-aevolased Henkl.
.red in throwing
Ant hinted( wife
hie wife to leap into
.., and phwe'histiolf upon a
buried dfro*pear the
hustaxid annomptinial her ,
i Ming into the Yiegtag.
nut no more in life.
WI, *ea hie wife and child
rn his mob, without the poor..
alterwinla got hold at the wheel
add : woo cos cd ; th e three wh
'the . mita.
.becaros swan of. the in•
del theta, sod that
awn, a imam waa
ioa. &woe
tho IM V"*'
yoteee wig Inaba is
r:.' 4 profound wanceed•
with 'their [night' midi for
• atiwairaing to rune other.
begin the Dekierire tert
err. Oa her way - down on
Delaware piweektirtmgh a
some; thkty in number, but
tikag up by 6004 r to Mil,
of hove been lses than bamboo.
Totwrept into etetnity by this die
m. bertha of ihot samba_ welt
r ofr, minter.
semi bring keeled, Me HUI,
ti the wren and hark back
who ...could otherwise hoe
aly. Mr Bibb as solicited
i boat, bat teftwed, saying thit
r. iniating to do im'boird the
. cot jape hir,pd when ill
Wee hbettettett withths others.
logineer, from when we 'Leh
r.; mundoed on board until the
him into the water. With a
finder rope and' immediately
&igem touched the fen.
.to roll. and it Yu with cow
he tinally reephed .A very
iffent writ Pt W 2 04. info-the
tt, induct, withibe intention
for hinsailf;lxii he ink and
'Air. Boons anon found a.
be fusuedto kb fender
chid Upon thb at he
about tiro booze end if half.
from all we cm loam, a
, foithodi, and baiting almost
sio he Ant got into the:water he
wit gong .-by thou who were intent upon
eking oat a atistenes until killef might provi
dentist!, them. Tbece be itsw link one after
another, 'attended and chilled, to the sleep of
death. - .House wee gnu to dryer° Ma tights
of„ the Delaware Propeller
. al she was baying
dein to the what -ethane unfortimite being,
end annoneu"d the fut. to thou around him, at
dertime exhorting than to boblaut • httle
and they Would be rumard from their pall
iate eitttatkin. • At that time, be le wini there Welt
- year° within thiractand of his TOW, end he
confident that in few mineteeiftszwardi, not
tingle on. remained "pipe Me three who were
wed. 4 lady, lialdti punter drowned within
Mach of blur acidlobe wee among the tea to
to• the Meg 'of tesoare, The doemiption
• which he gives of the bomb* wick ig *Kay
terrio. The hall was a complete bed of tame,
which limning from her Wee at time. . streamed
fir mitoses thaintere, end than Curling skill till
I.flarnimeetlog Emu, the combined =ant Imbed
madly opetarde fill it teemed loit to the clouds
The dumb and rigging watt. covered with
living beim, who sought safety there rather then
in the water. Their' tommormited featured were
lighted by the ghostly glare of the lama, end as
the fire reached them in their Mica*, one after
another", fell and ems either tamed to death or
drowned: One men reached the•croiwerese where
be lashed bfroulf. These he ramilwed after hie
exopardoes had ell fallen, analihen be disk and
when fully the mew went by the board be went
with it. • i
Camas op am 111111
The lets frnhat has aide quite • change in the
bed of doa that Maud saw W . mouth, The
virer,after approaching within about toile tb•
point at which, it empties into the Ohio, maims
• detour or bead of mare four at deo mike
thromth the rich bottom land abjacant to It, and
Warns to within thne‘oartht of *mile of the
place where the bend couunonam, Darla, Abe
recent high water, the river cut • new channel
earOnAba neck . or merowert past Odds intenon•
tog 116 d. Thin new cat is awn MCP rode wide,
three quartos of • mile long, and mode ammo
rich &David iand,which has for yeemberaMdtbra
tad in corn. Tin quantity of land tided away
moat be 40 or 60 use.. : ,
Ari this earn seethe Only pert UM Gnat
tibia w*Ach puma through the tilbas of Indians,
this cheap of channel will ban the singular at ,
1 hal otwithdiswing *arrives Maly hum* soil
of MA comtabowatth, and platiag it , altogether,
within th, Siam of Obitt,-.Ciaciarsati dissent,
.fairoorras•Asinnsart•—Tha /4114145/AP
' peal oldie eV, s dailisiffis dim al
Saahl a_Y* &DUN Wss' blown
Woe the bolos 0( us *we, amer. the
!Walt. iiiimboidge, *do 'Woollloslidnoi
clunks► Wald sod =Wink
Net with el* nionoo, , and itooty lojorion
boo also by Wishing hest. thigh lows
did not aPPo slditslT•tsistlfilielsli Inman in' ,
ensat biiiNgsew - dos wi th •
him, ern* 'Owl hi OW OillaPilititte
wiesper=asd. '_Tha motbir, we `Um
1.. • We bus
t fat any , a
; "n"
intilviezeith tilierm tau. egiglgg'rEn..,
frii,Watistr Mindol the opening of dim North-.
ien Fothortbi Nil Hampthins. He wu wel-;
reninereandienifedby the large company* gave (
IIPOOdir which aweigh beef, broil of insUrottion..
1 We commend earth:Marti what is Mad of ilia'
1 whig man of . 1843, ad the Whig, adetd. - a'
I LI - punnet Improvement.
: -
The gendemui hid alluded to certain beam..
dons in which be bid en agency while connected
1 with the eiroutive departmentof dui proud gm.
ernment, and Partied/11y to the treaty of 1842 be '
tween this country mud Great Britain. Tbat was
en went of iromdlerable importance and it prori.
ded, parboil be could say without ouctitatkor, for
the amicable arrangement of litunational miters
of no Teri trifling megnitode. He dung not de
part from tenth in saying that all mitten of Hon.
" 178 C/Othi Bindsinote incrmiono—end be car
tainly would not speak. of Barobinten; as the
term meow understood, with dimpect (alash)
--forays (robs me side of the boundary lboe to
another--{hatdeheee have all cured since that time.
What 'Ortioecd theirs forays I We hod a Minn
three of a tbousaOhnn along the tioe, but inns
found ineffutient-A General Sort, and other chief
tuna on the frig:die: could not allay the droves
once of hostile feefers. Witai did no I The simple
stipulation behitten the two governments that such
person u 1;0004Ded enormous crimes in the one
cottony and Mood into the 'other, shohld be sent
bon on formal demand, for' trial in the country
where th e ,offenee ern perpetrated. ; From the
moment of the ratification of the treaty of Wash:
Wpm there was no foray at all; note single mu.
I pm from the Bay of Foodysloog the whole (fon.
tier of three thouund mike,
No such thing as this had existed before in the
history of nations. Prelim's to 1842; there was
po such treaty; for the surrender of fugitives - from
fustice,. between 'any of the 'European powers.;—
But inn that time the example of the United
States bad been generally followed by the greet
Pima of . Europe. Prairie,' Rues* France--
all then had adopted the principle, arid generally
adhered to the forms which were thought wise
By 4 orighal treaty d 1783, the boundary
line between the British iremeerions in North
America and the United States, wartiracol Wig
the fit. Liwrenbe and the great Lakes end the
forty fifth depee bf moth latitude. It Fumed the
middle of the rivet end the lake's. It wu a fixed
Plogrelthimil line. and wee Fan oat Void, or throe
modulate •But It so happened according to
this boundary, that the vesicle of the two nation
could not navigate some parts of the St. Law•
ma end the apple Labe without' trespuoing
upon the territory of the irdjainiug power. The
American cold cot conveniently, navigate from .
Lake tine through Like Hurter, without mien
ing a ean of the Canada Sews, while on the orb'
er hand, in the long sew of the St. Lawrence, the
dourest sod the deep water, were on the AuOri.
can side. . For all enrorwel 01 Vets
well enoughlto let the line remain as it was; but
for the purpose of navigation It win quite obvious
that the river' end the lakes should bo open
to grips of both nations from shore to shore. This
wu accordingly provided for is the treaty 'of
1 Woshington. i l The etiolation was owed in
some quoins as being ll' MUTOOdee of Americo
sod to British invoker, but happily it wu ratified
and he holland that every body now wee eon
' viand that i the provision wu beneficial. (Cheers.)
His fried had touchedupon another topic--the
great subject Hof Interned improvement. .Wl6,
what in the world we. government instituted :for,
except for internal improvement! ' Certainly loot
wholly, or chiefly to replete the =natal relations
of intim end-Intim. each relations Wore fth•
' quentlythose 'of war, of hostility: But govern.
toot was pot made for war. At present it 4444
true, therefwere extended commercial relations be
tween different countries; but they were only one
- troth, end that net the Met imposture tuna Oi
'disks to which the attention and care of govern.
mot' should he devoted. He took it that all rosily
good governments was established to do t h at for
theleople„ which needed to to done, and - Which
this people =old not do for themeence. Omen.
ment should be merely the united.', the 'esureotes.
tad force of the people. . And therefore, a priori,
it was the doty of government to consider whether
that thing which was trecconri to be - done,' could
he done without government aid.', If not, the pre;
iumptidtt.elearly we. that gorionment ought to
great that aid, end do that thing. (Hach sp.
planes)' Both bed always appeared to him hut a
fair interpretation of the dory of government.—
\Ad tliumeprkty of, this view he thought clearly
appeared from another canibinution: Neg limp.
skim could net collect a 'dollar from of custom
house within' her limitnifismittisette. oni of the
greet commercial, Stet* could not collect tiddler
R owan ,e her cagoenbounts..AlLtlle
higiefitaotthe iiiiingoir Of iii:"
creed to the general onnuourt. l a ny ly,
'thin it werfor the general goveroment to provide
fir titi, *Caddo of othenrote- Did ittoTrint the
Mieefion -of forts, 'of ,fightdomis, of . pkre, •of
break interril—erho but goretheinstmes betted to
grant that protectiou.,Telts the ems of Os bask
:water in the :Delewers work opposed: for 20
. years upon constionionel grounds, though, happily
without effect—whOwas to eipend a million of
n tut
money on chill The little State of Delaware! she
bed no Mend in the mare—a t no undo.
sire loteresa—not one quarter as as the city
of Philadelphia Should Atter Pen . leads or New
Jamey 1 NAlibliwes aloes interested in the work..
Nem New Hirophire Idareschniette—ell New
England, we es umochieneeried 'Atha iirroravo
tett. , as enylpert of the country, and in flux more
ea, for New 294 bad steel:norm
_intended in the
isarrigatkand the DeUkstejthen was any other
region, and New England vesesie we`thott_iikalf
to be wrecked them: Take mitten iostaticer—L'`...•
work prefectedin the harbor of Mobil...Me jean
'aim. It wris opporodby the reptincutellea of that
very region; but be MA voted for it t h en g h ost
Ratuming from Wethingt ,
skin when theineszure ''
one of his *mil"
of proesedinp, !
pert a meatus wl
by the very prop'
iiir mum wet
er three jean befc
sada:setts ships I
country weapon
of ite puts. Ono
But ho support
teeny intended to
Internal lospiorant
railways. . •
Happily. it b.'d
vete enter end
cousplithi In thin re
cessery. And there
could be accomplidi
done more econotoi.
tige, than in soy of
se private enterprise
Improvement, the r
ly upon it frL
mut of the WI
case. The eV
here.. • Every r
ments Ind all
heard a grave't
apron them, t
hors on the' lakes,
tended thus should
membered to har
knew, people wr
out bedng:cls4,
good th4V0147
(Greet laughter
The great wt
toe of enter..
we beheld Lair, _
Yolk as If to macaw
tively soathero7 - '
chain reaching 1
modes that rester
map, omit eps at
lakes the tin bum!
I portions of the or
fact that there'
on the lakes 1
I Murtha avant
atteeked metal
it once that it'
bat hcer mein r
the company Di "fieles ova.
on tie arleet for tha . pail 111
trees wittra degree of apish,
to tedium, from Iti reediest
of the Chines .ooeviation, ••
Lanlg • • !
ry diatimmiatiedlootobara, • ~
dig a trench for 11 canal, or
pump of &rated could) . i
for the sake efeetabliellinra
men 'ebstrarnion. (Chem 4
for himself, he would My that
adored lisi much a dety-of
prove rindetablithintrbore on
as to tolld et lighthouse in the
- With raped to Mil node
.. eguatkonritich theirld eet •
Atist they enhanced the mhos
where to their vicinity. In •
nay be madi lan year, he
.Wilinho, North c •
the to
peoplegion rased coleiderdie I
*De lombet. tar, *Pa*
road was violently opposed at •
ment on private right*. -It •
$44 tree of the people—it w
stab He,
i n kn str :
who had.
after year mid had
- Stateleeddrua entlM
to the emdeo: ;.. Hal th e •
tide Yen . 1nd1., 1 4 the come •
unit ghat .
time UMn*2*
boa. minftieMV ' •
n.y by saninfibill by. Ind ".
thus be bifibriverl Ass
11 1 44 .4 091 . ;
--- -.. , : , :..i. - .4.•;j1.:iii...1
... , .
iratturspnwpreitY caused'. by lei3nal,road,—
Aida. rail reeds Wesel to muted Jaen end so
cieties together. Sway road that tau built, did
moth In this respect Ina intanthey nom, it
•U ed varns rah* bat in-this sense, items of still
treater importance. All these enterprise" formed
bands of individaals: fugal" and political union.
between the people Ind the States,ind the more
of them there. were,, the more ;would stela ties
be strengthened. They books dawn the bafflers
of distance between ursonsand conunonitienthey
procooted intercom's between man and roan; they
brought about mme intimate end same
relations-the true buff of jut poliami relations.
When we found men alike in character, following
aubstarniallr tits SUN pursuits, closely 'connected.
Individually end axially, we , should then) and
the true foundation and bads of political unloo—
se:di a anion u alone can be the salvation of the
States of this ixruntry, (Loud cheers.)
7o the Edifers of the Pitlefnagh Gazette: '
In year valuable paper of • the 28th ult.
(Wrikly Gaulle,) I find an article from the
Philadelphia North Arnerenw, headed .The Inters
'nal Cortmenee of the; d<mtictent: is which the
writer ably, but briefly, wha forth the advantage
of a Rail Road connectio n ' between Philadelphia
and Pittsburgh. Speaking of the Central Roils .
adopted, the Writer eye it .tuts, since public at
tendon . was directed to it, secured the praise and I
support of every profound thinker and sinews'sd.
coats :of the neared route to the boot market, -
.All sections roped it ras the . nitural line. The
genius of Washington early recognized the gorges
of the Allegheny range within Pernwylvarde,.
the outlets of the great commerce of the Empire,
&e." ' •
Now, with every with of my heart for a speedy
connection between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh,
by a Rail Reid within our own State, I deny that
all sections regard the route selected u the' , Nab.
oral Line: The entire Southern part of the State
dudesit. How is its Where is able natural
Ilnel ; How was selected! No selection was
I made at all, if I =rightly informed. Without
an exploration of any other section of the State.
and In total disregard of the cordial invitation 'of
the Ede end Sunbury Rail Road Convention,held
in Philadelphia last winter, and of the numerous
invitations from the citizens of the southern coon.
ties, to explore all the routes suggested, se as to
secure not merely the nearest,. but dieted: route,
the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company have jump
ed the conclusion that the Road shall be made
from', Harrisburghto Pittsburgh, mostly alincthe
line of the Public Works. .
But my object, especially is to rescue th4e.
taus of Washington from the unauthorised , um
that 'has been made of its , early recognition:—
Where are Ithe gorges his genies iscordrekas
the Outhits of the great commerce of the empire
Not where the Public world, climb the eitpalschian
range by a pair of stairs, which- is to be need
es a section of the Pennsylvania Rail Road for a
tiniest least, nor within many miles of it—all
answer on the Southern Routs. From a point
near Bedford, with a single exception, whet. a
duet tunnel might bo required, atualfann Inclin
ed plane is formed by WiW Creek to its source.
and thence, with_the above exception, down the
water, of the Cutleman, Youghiogheny, and Mo
nongahela to Pittsburgh.
This is the routhpointed out by the mina, cf the
immortal Washington, and it was his opinion of
it, that tainted the rebution of it for the route of
the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal; of the Bal
thaws and Ohio Railroad to the Ohio River.
.This ts the route on which the strums weer,
within the memory of man, have overflowed their
banks, as the streams upon the mull route Ism
done slang annually ter =nylons, tothe great
destruction of• property.
This is the route, on which • Rail Road voiikl
open op • market trim* territory teemiog with
unbounded anent and evict:Kull wealth.
-This is thereat°, on width,- In the language Of
an-eminent chosen. .fidarli bathos more wink
[ to oar ktuidict removing mountaists out of the way
[ not by 'tunnels or boated photo, bed by •
[ thorough in ytten all the ma &MOM along the
Central woe can siccompthh in twenty yore'
Finally, this, is the route which the „Southern 1
section. of the State envied as the natural kw"
for • Rail Roodfrom Philadelphia, vie Harrisburg
A l arid ChambeiOngh to Pittebingti. • :
...... ~..,.~F1ti7. A~~w
. . . .
Awn Bursa: Mernaste—A anit4C*l.
held on Tomlv c 1 b(, at Tasvnacii — to
lake 6011120 actin Clltatarel mats": Ibt Tv'
dictin Menus of ;dr. Mitcheiliwho
be remelbsted, fined POO talents:Ml*a ;dm.
This verdict boo given peat offence Inseam of the
Anti Skim pasty, and has- mauled it. the is
pxtancs of taking efficient steps to proem slim:
tier conwnerlioa being pot upon the liR x[. 1793
spin. Daring the martins the debato szu angry,
end serious - charges liars aids' mats! Jrdge
Oiler, the jaol tea dill officers of the Court:, A
committee of thise wasflendly
all the (sets hr Iftis csitti;in4o..44 ths'obsiire of
the jaaget, with e vies of neesettneg tliseurci to
a future meeting. It wu also yonowal t 'raise
the fonds to carry the case to the blepreme Coact
of the United Suttee at WatMigton,Ant no
nit' action was taken upon this bead.. The de.
Oben of tae 90‘116 it OICUISted 10 all .ths niter:L.
Non of the j!toyth to the gilvre7 c4rtestien . , piths
Gets collected by dui committee i tie ofinierest.
Among ihe speakers ;rpm Junta' bletClelledi the
&aim= of the meeting, MoiKti. Robb, bisikal,
Pieesen, Kerr, end others, whew names base es
awed as. . - ;
Tea rn aan.r. pf the Hon. hunts Rosa ence!tt•
tinkled yesterday by a lanie conmuse of pociw—
larger, locked, than has been , aentee4ad oe. soy
dmilar °et:anion in this city,-74htte showing how
much he was chena hod by bin friends. The am
oral clergy of the city, the jollies end mentiwisof
the bar. Wen io alteohn,*, t ogether with s tu
morous train of chicane. The proecesbm pawed
from the nwidence of Mr. Rownser the ei.Clait
street bridge to" the Allegheny Contstqqa4ne
hie remalnawere depwitd•
Tan lotneollmes
elation have mid. Tactless 04*zwer;s, relic ,an
honotary member, "on seeountnf his distirogichh•
al public services, an well ei his repthatiorfaa a
Plata of oeuf "project oek4 l la lohePeOttle tele
low cid:num."- Mr. Parma lil repihtd la axpy
boideotner coetinet , end by a 4ntribittion boln.
emus the' Meaty. Thin coniidiment was Welt
'deserted, sod comes with axeclbmt taste (Mit
young tan of the city., ; -
at tboCollectOr's offlee.latble l ltifor thamootia of
?coveotbar was, • $ 1 ,4444F1.
The Walnut of month t
tr, beUr Ion? oily,
and ponfloed to the Weems «va of the lipe4
-The Dlitriet Conn yes engaged ell day T se
day; to trying the ease, of thel Rev.:Tesadelej vs
Caleb Les. ectio 2 on the Ca" Pl' UMWa kt.ii , "
enlating a report pludicial to the eltantehl of
the plaintiff: The ease will eantinned
. -
Disasacinn--A dmakei tritO, on Wald
week hut on Sandal 12;4h4 tirlectl4 ll wife
child into the street.
Daawarn.--A maxi owed Hatt , , au Zrojaa
al at McKee/ Rail in the Ohio, laR fiataidiy.
'yaw, sonar
• • 414 1 41 km
ion to the days
as.—A bent wu !mint ;Ft Rib:nail Atilt
Inot,nt Lock N 0.3 on tbq MoLoophole.. A 14fill
amount of vain and • aka . priverti dopolitell In
Lt, wars liOniFonpd. ' •; • •
'• • peulcatirly the
some of whose ea
they could cot
t t rock fits the
I allfally split halts'
Assursai—Th• Amadeu', arp.1.14 •
4air, seat of a Plaladalpliiii. Tea ,goa&an,ltaa
been mated ond helts to l it 0009, on •
charge of • - s •Pia. i t. -
theory upon tr.
tulbta) sat
Oways ouw.
• 'iliestern)ntars
bar of Bosion.,--,
!Aacrrass Fawn.—Theis bas boss =Orr
peens fee**. in Abe : Eirluituumf. .1:1# lest
sampistely soup the blab tbe WS Waler
comb chaak, Seed* sit
en irclO two coo
-• • '
r iDou 'i llint " .....
--op.-Foreign ND" ' b y .
ovorlookad,,, rint
If ammr.Smokii Primes „ t
Pomo' of Women to m a ke. t h e Acadia,- .
tb _ uk i. 8,4,1,10 t 52per.—
o f *party . marl'
DIM - 'lO The North and Bou
..„.1 .1 _,,, 1846 ingmg
emalLofms,J,,,,,Thu-:' JavoUillitl' '9 '""• A ' d Th e Bhohaa—Tiwlir Di "°3117 button—
cnit -- att.i ---- tionla toes above Its nand Wel on . Fdday,a, „„ 012 .,,,p a hu e Worka—,
~. Road ._,_,_, in G .
Aloni.- --.
ain its vicinity wen d 00 1 14.. -1 ' - 7hankalitillt Festi ",._ ll P n ' l.l, 0 ,„, ;17,, • , 1 Ork
it,n.. and produced, man
the Okr The.. y tww" ..,. _ , . , , Britehi—Peratulal ',.1...1=gii • o Domestic.
. .
am - at
BonJohn Bali - tolled Tei biC 1 71 t imill 1 4 1 .11e•
ar, ancroarlo , ... ..„,,,,,,,,' a Sazaam—The
, c _ _
• A • A Z.........- ,
48th -. , t- .
~.; follow ing .
_ ~,,. ~... er l te h... he ti_.!...r=
• told eta doom• tha
vu i lv iii i i iim. the DY th/ Z the htantmeltrz&"thiu,ht I,terketigEDD Union take away their
II; &lie 18; Triud# /°' bal IT:Treace ill ?WWII* parts of ?.' _ . ted
• with a ; Wilma " t. ' fka m chg ' i t!ini • VVP' e!e ! WB . Cam Yh ' elfr each 7Dn• °l' Am or Flour, Wheat, PD . rn a tt h7 o 7 ! 4 4
t 'th.-
' : '''' I ' ' - . . ilag -A e
tha 44114 .° th e
t u tW imi r laodpp• ' '
D i s c ild ta the aide. -,-: ... - ~ -',
, ...dui, oppoiltlon , --, - . , -
..,,, .; . /to fence . ~.My ' NOW.....__.,zr oin . i , ~,, the Ilitillj
- , granted and , 0 4;nrs ar-Nsw•-- .
..._.• from jhe 1.?.?11, ' .1"---_ .
__ `" ,
Mr . - ociboal maw... bi the tillart;Jiadiat, thib,,,,1 0 win/au—
eoneweetkei.. od•
lb. , ‘......, 44 , lam.. . .
For_ . ,
'be hod . . I of ,.'",!'"'"'. ii. , ---....., at the - , * i l k copy . .
'. mo- •
laiigiA6i'Snt"n" City. la
I= t " Price 6 " two do ll = a Yettlt
. • . : x i .1 7
Wharf In the biker Port , .
~.. ; BahtellYNODe, .. . •
Win = gg kenrimatltiellf!ii . , ... .- ,f,'.1.1..,..,--: -.,•"`",-*. .
olio 4
c..erimpiiiierseis•: et P!ttaSlll . lti.o.
np4oplenso of : Pitiabaro Gum i
•- • •!- yuchnintd,ye: Nan 30, 10 1: -
• Ey the Southern ner paper Express, New Ora
lean" sidvicis lathe evening of 00201 inefheee
been remind; two days ahead of the United States.
mail .
An snivel at Mew Orlesna' bncp the *deices
from Vera Cros, &sm to the 10th inst., and from
Templet), to the 13th. but we hive nti additional
news from the army itt•sny touter,
The U. S. SchtentM Scorpion, sent out by Com
Perry itt punmit Of Mexican Prirateeri; ibesre.
turned to :Vera Can. with • Spanish to, p
• • .
Schooner (name not prattles a prise; which wee
no doubt the one of which the Scorpion was in
The Sloop of War Germantown ;sailed from
Vera Cron on the itht, for: Campeachy. I
dol. Bung was dellyented , :led at Vera Cros.
with a train, having in Oblige 'considered° pan.
thy of silver In bars, for the U. 8 Mint. ITU" le
the ant editor' rent !from Mexico to' the. United
States sinm thewat comownced. • I
Capt. Rowley's company of Penneylvenia
clingers from Pittsburgh, has wised at L'lew Or.
leans. . ' 1 1
MM. P lace, the actress, and more widely known '
as Mira Josephene Cllfunhdied . at New Orleans on ..
the 22d, of a violenthermorego. '
Advice' from Van Cruz, to the let of Novato.
her by the British =B. ship,inepublhh -in ths
Bermuda Onatut,' give some iosigh *saki the poe
stli esoiredly "' °I.
71 f illt amis cin tied iff61 ib . rila eTB The ritit r C mil odri lm er,7rd
nsay there= be worth quoting:
Mr. nisi • had reiopened comm iations with
the Mexican Government; and sent his ultima
tum, which would be Vaned before ort,4ieu.
The President gad interim" timid and
afraid to act, not being certain th e the; different
States would appease of 64 ap • Intent; still
some hopes were held out , that - 'Murk=
propositions would he. favorably r Wed 11n
happily, the Markin, mo divided tol so many
political parties; that' it le „to be f What is
done by no will hi undong by th others,' from
mere political rivalri.lisodlese orate true interests
of their unfortunate caning. - -
The Fins:lade p4rues striving for Jar are the
sklederada," now in power under NM y Pew;
the "kleroarehiste," : under Gen. Paredsm the Fed.
create or .Ezaltadoe," under es.pnrsident Go.
roes Faster, the' coalition of the Ncrthhno States
under Gen. Bustvnente, and the wail faction,
under Seats Atllnj who, when last hard of wee
on his way to Tetuan= to be tried by court mar.
hal for the lose of ldesieo, &n. . .
The party now: in power is on matood to be
the Prime patty, but ity, wan? etren hand anew,
and in all probability will NOM be b okrin up. - •
Tecionaen.—We bunk by cru
porter that the Southern Telegraph is !again out
of Ceder., Thle - frequently occurs on Mr. Ken ,
dare Ma. and lin great annoyance tol people ex
pecting intalliginice from Mexico. I
Exa}wive Onmeneouteneo of the POOoroll Gaseue.
PRILAVIL/1111. Noir 20,4 p. m.
Flour—Sake of Western at 40,50 e
$6,13e1e per bbl; and of abt bble extra Western
at p 6,75 per bh4
Rye Flour--. Moderate salts at ,25 per bbl.
From are reported at:03,121i, per
yneat—l kayo repoiled sales ofi 5,000 ha,
.pnow Red. Western, at $4,35 btu New
prime Whiteis selling at $1,40e
Caro—sides of prime Yellow u 1
70,0 per tea. ,
Oats—Limited sales error at 70e per Du,
Cottoa—lliales of lAtilelana at n 1 Sic per lb.
Time better (adios in the =Wet. •
No ding m the otb.r extlelei .of the market
not quoted 'Niro:
Compoteknee of the Eittaborgh Ousts.
, • . Nov. 30 t -3 r. sr.
Floar—:l4faterite sites of GLOM, [wards are
riported at 46„25 -ilex per bbl. 18alws Bait;.
wore H. e.bralmis at Op} • ;6.50 per bbl.
• ZEI ". It".
.. Co--TM a;wiL b of prime
Whits' at 73c per bo, sod ofpruoe Pam, at 76c.
per kw. •
Oat&—Stlee to a *lO a t bo•
rroyiekzr--T4a matkii hem,' 3 Potk. but
I hear of no ekes, lower offew wotadl be accepted.
Omuta =Won Wittiotit -chattp..
Whialuu-4 hear of moderate Weld 30} a
2140 per sell.r •
Lard—The ow:kat is doll,with ro sorts worth
Conespoodeuce of de Pittsburgh' Gazette.
CineinQati.Noe. 10; a s.
Flour.r-Licalted aater repor!cd et it 4,931 Per
,The market is steady, tunnel iictive. •
Graln--There Ise good inquiry for Who'd , in
the market for milling. but other grainy em quiet..
market is without change.
Ponisione—Tbe market is heavy, for Pork, but
o Wes are reported. Lower °Seri, would be so. !
Lard..—Sales of Priem at 6c per
Killed Hoge—s3,ls L ae ed, but I bear of no
of eta higher deli R. The Markel 'is dull.
Groceries—Sugars hies a downwird tendency..
Coffee and,Morseses centilitre wide t change. I
have quotal wiles of N. O. at fie Mir lb. ,
Whiskey—Moderate sales at 170 per gel.
Orleeps,,Nol. 1849.
Cottonir•The tismereanimsted,andpr%.
cola. a I higher, with Miele! 8000 bales.
Floar—Ssles :ot tholes: Ohio **ix* at $5,25
per bbr. .ithoole,gs,6o. and St. Loots
Tobactz--Ballts at 21e per lb.
Freights—A ,Lieerpoil sugaisoierit ties been
made at id.
has suddenly risen to an enraordinery height. On
Thursday it was higher than it tots been known
to be since, voltam, 1795, and. wasetill rising. It
weetio feet higher than it was in the great froth_
Dreg. ,
The entire gen. - of Mayo's page, from the
Itchmond those to the Itiandowasswept off py the
Cwrent, any lig off sit Nene,. whe were retuned •
with boats below.: The greater Finland:that on
the other side of the Island had beta earrittd . away
and the triable is now nridentootkha he gorti.
At six o'clock on Ttiday.'the rim wouretill rF
The water was on the pavement, under theated
used nab nnuket , adjoining the . Old Market.
Franklin Oar 7 atm* at laborkoe Oreek. are
overflowed; and the water le nearly up to the floor,
Of some of the stores near Old 'Market Bridge.•
Fearful tottaidinse ire entertained with regard
to the canaL—Richmond Mies. 1 . ,
The' Whig age The lower swiss of tfaxell'i
Mille upon the Ilea are ccutogdmelisubultnged;
We bare recalled but few tidings from the
pet country; but it is to bp feared that Menu:el
bee not mearedeevere injum. The packet boat
which left this city for LynehteugYnierds7 morn'
leg, soon returakif mdiogli impassib/e, after reach.
hug the first lack, ahont tines nailsa from tho city
to Prowl! ' '
Bisnwzci.-bmizroo.—AdAceo I to the 25th of
May, bays Wei loathed it NO 1141114 , bat no
nun of intizest.
While Yet:DOWN lieetlog-+The Tempe!.
sow Rsform--Taresary Thipsencseit-tAttem ff - M2
Bleck-Fria Vera Qin-Pitiably&
Young Metes plbler Social -Meeting of duo as:
-Peconeediop of Coatio&-Dhariet Coon of the ,
MAW Staiss-•-POlio Oithnon-OPIK 4 at th
trailed Btieis4The • Thineeth • Bence,
Teak ConeepOndeoree-BMAU of Ohio-Daily
Mid West-The Pteekteney :And the Home-
Nein from the Arm;-Grost Flopd . lo the Junto
Itleor-Patlietnen of the - hontleg ef the hordler
Phesulx-Speoch from Mr Wehoter-1,00 - sod
Chick-War and GloryLltail • itead ltenitnt
• PeansilesniS and Ohio Bill itosd7....Me:xicen
11:7"ThIs Onasat•—ls......slyirannistrosio the
hwwww I , ber sada._ clmage pen heat
Yo! or, Lark. Q.t.'
.dotoprel'aiteste.:Thmi lift requisite thwthe pore. of the
skin *Med be . kepiwp-w—Mto their mouth. shoal be
freed fromimparity-tAwas thee the modem Boman Phi
lompeera Coxed all diwasea—elmy contented that more..
leases and inheolthy vipers led through the pores of
the ekwohan any other whet olthelody. It to owes-
RFT, therefore, to ketlethe Tares open—ell hamors are
dapelled horn the .km from the Wee, when they wash
with Joins halm Chemical Poop- I have wen Item
the tooth and oldest ewes of Salt Bheate, Erysipelas,
' Old Yews; Barber's itch, hem Heed Bingworm, hew
eon! *that /Memel and external remedi had faded—
Its Offect rendering the Amy/ham, char .rid htft, Meath
tt be yellow mat catut,ts wonderfat—at remora Free,
Wes, ran,Senham, Morphm, and dortratemens of the
akin—bat person. matt be perimeter and ask for Jona ,
Soap—to be had in rhabergh at WM. JACKSON, Fern
of the Bid Boot, ep Liberti at. !rice SG clots. •
tivaddtwly - t •
1:13 - Te Stonstabsaat Mom anad..l)thera—Con.
nelPs Magical PairiExtractorr-1t is orns t conmided by
medical men that Conners magical Pan Extractor,
manufactured by Comstock& CO ,11.Courtland at. N. Y ,
is the greatest /nudes, of the Illth ectl. l 7. I. alet.
from barns.
aro traty id azaleas. Satanism pre. ratiored
scalds. dro., and all external sores, in a few minutes of
Ms application, healimsthe same on the most delicate
lumng no soar. It is squally beneficial in all
kinds of inflammatory diseases, saeh ai ease Nipples
aad Epee, Pandas. ithcomatimn. White Swathing and
Uleen, Uniries Barns, Chilblains'
Dolore aux, de. We might add as p rofm allmemy,
the names of many eminent pbysimass Mho rise
t h o e th ir e p r r a pe m . o
t o k f e t e b p e i c c l o yw nd h y o
on m
han d it ,
in cases of accident by fire,,life any be lost without it,
bat by Its vule all barns are satinet to in controlomilesi
the Mulls are destroyed. Camlort—Remembet and ask
I for ConnelPs tilikveal Pain Extractor. mannfactared by
Comstock k Co, N.Y.. and ao other.
Sold by WM: JACKSON; Agent for Timbetrab, fa
Liberty st, head of :woad
. ileOre Cures-Not Pay I "gloat Moe
Dr Jackma's Embrocatiott is the only atedleMe thai
will core this .too very common mid troubleteme
disease. It not cid). immediately allays pain and inflw .
motion, stops all bleeding, subdues that intolerable rich.:
ng, but efieetually cures, very . short time persona'.
Low lives have been rendered m iserable for yearn.—
Its applicatkm produces so pain, bat rather an spoon.
Ole sod pleasant unman. If persons 'afihetea will
.eall and hear of the great number of eases that have
been waled, they will be astonished. A ge.tlems n of
ahls onf r
,Ilr o had been under the knife of-the sugeort
for two or three %lines without being cured, has by w
ing./ boules of the Embrocation, been efadioadly cured.
'teals beyond precis:lentil—Mil. Saturday Conner:
,fing- For sale 'tit Pittsburgh at the - !:PEILIN TEA
.STORE, 72 Fourth street, near woods and slot at the
Drug Store of lI P Schwalm, Federal st Allegheny el.
cijiaimg It mi.—Mntut.
Tartixonv—Pie beg leave to call publie attention to
the following, from,iaf Withamsmlle
Clermont Co., and one of the very Stet practitioners in
the county ten which be resides, saline Identder In t a g
State Legislature: -nut cheering thasto see the lead
ing men of thaprofessuut, banning the bonds of prates
stottal prejudiee,and &Klement its doe:
"Sim I hare to my Preen. , been dying some of year
Ginseng Panacea, and, so far, ma melt pleased In Its
crectalo Catarrhal and Urouehial Complaint. Please
send me Mar a dozen tattle. , -pat them as low us yea
' emir IS I expect If it eon n naea to render to general Slit
iafaction as ti has heretofore. to keepit eo on
hand. Rmpeetfully, ipl7
villa D eady
eWhoes year halt WI err; does taar halt tam dray;
!fir harsh, ts It dry, or dirty. PM?'
If Nis thus yen ear make It son, silky and ler.
Dark uld - healthy, wt.d bean:ens .1 dd.' hall or mew.
Ned se have els, you have but thrr_e ;shale:es w
Fora bottle a Jona , flair Restanaive. •
Rude,,( you have bad hair yea sreiald tautly be as•
welshed at We lovely edeet • three 'Whoa bade or
lease Coast. llsta Rorreaserrs besets It, It needs hat
tete trill. Beld at 89 Litany st.. as' Idtwl y "
Mr . nillowTeeth inn putrid area h,
. Spongy gnats like mien death, -
Islepnleive and disgusting. ,
All could bile tech whim at pearl,
Sweet breath—hall gume—wan or 641.
Why delae—Nsy,qtuckly hate
• And nice box of /Oen' 1 . 00111 Paice.
It eons bit 43 cent., and (e mail/ a i . ennocul snide.
It gyres WC teeth a line enamel. Sel.V.An Pittsburgh 61
EQ - Libarj.t. : notaikalY •
- 1 - 'awassavattrut IlUu.'Roao
anal Dicedooaa al the Sosekholdeas of this employ wil
be held bn Monday. the 6th day of Deem. , nest. at
the °See, No. 71) We tmt at .at ID eoleck,.A. hi n ge.
'cordate 'to theprovisions of theghattea.ollar wh'ob ttst
Veep. wall be het* an thirteen Darectorit to Pens the
coml. year. the polls o clow .15 o'clock. P. l.f.
stelD4liee:ll FULLER, Peel. '
QpPltur $02115, &c..—The Genuine Haire Lin»
meat, an uncle mere jostly ce/ebrated aa a care far
the above than 111.7 or all ahem' Its cares 4111 11112011
inmstnera6le. Sold by W.ll. JACKSON.Agent for Pica.
burgh. 1 , nalSdkawCar,T .
• . .
lITHXXIL, C 14 1 .. 13as2iSt asca.-rExtra Copies of
Mr. Clara lan Speccaoa the War aao elarcry, for sale
at tats Ultes. Every either, ottonla file a copy of this
perhaps tae lan Speech at gran ASiltlie. HMG.
117 To the Mit and tkteui r :Couteett . .Neeee
and Some Liniment and ItschanVegetable lilisitt 1. the
cum effectual cure for Alleautheara •
&Al g i rl.. 31.01:131)N, Maul ibs Pulabureu
irrimiet h•••filimiiark TeetipiLbey Canbe liado
yarn , wkly by* opeliate kg • borlpf-Joms' Allll4
room Pmts. /thatetas ilk! goal, aeftstern the breath,
/U. Sold at El Litx.TY nslthik•ely •
• .
ThleCasaba. a Foal Brewlt6-11lial have. va a 2
shltliag bo xtle of Jonah' amber Tpoili lute. That will
make you breath' MM. &c. Sold
al fe Lagny
o:7.Wiwi who Nll/11 lows , Olpoolot Lily Whhe, hive
trojhfuolwid • ..hwiopotiotoas; Wthis4wolnal
=My WSI , wow . Bog wolyin l' Lib.
,ty • ' I9d&WIT
On TacWay'taavilait, kt 5 'o'cloCk, MR. JOON 9.
STILLGICLEV, Bafe'Slanaraetarer. Hip foot:T . 4 anti
take plus that ototalas. at 10 o'clock, from boo kue
ideate Lcscisck ULU xlandaskkr, Allegheny. The
faced; of the:4=4 are taspectfoßvnvi:e4 to attend.
Rooks, Near Ilotaka.
Hypocrite Unmarked; by 13
T P Ja m es,N'th'Hypocrite
Jack Ashore; by k Upward, atiilior of..E.atlO -the
Reefer. I ' •
The SW] of Rio Fallen; by Cart* . a4bor of Black
Moored Riflerr.ett. ' • */ ' •
The 'Movie Fiver° Need. or the Lady of Green and
Wert' b.y. {:piney CuPY•ef Ms U R.N. •
The Stbdiptßride, or the Maid efßazony; by Louise
• Suinbope. amber of 4 8tnider LII4n uses.' ae.
Lyrunore, and Mr and Mrs Woadbrigdei dy
?dies tubed e
L:l•dost Qaanerly Review.
Unita Maga:too for December.
Life of Joseph T Hare—a large supply.
The blaernevenefhlothen by the ST-ter M `history
of a Mt!. • • •
"The Wilfellness of Wore by same: '.
Taw Old Commodetre; by Howard.'
Jena= An-.. or the Young Strawberry Girl—a
Wear Sea and Satre; by Ingrabaml
• Ream, or Daylight. a potetale; bj J R Robb.
T. Rewland Ashton, vole; by Lady C Loot
Splendor. of Ve readies, and , the Comer Le;l.l
the - XIV.
Flowers Perronifled. Nen 9 and 10
Rural Commies of America, vut
hlrataxlmes, Newapatiers etv-
London Punch and Ptetortal MOVIL per last strainer.
Brother .Inwitan. Philadelphia Cormier, and. Peak..
Dloodle - Pictorint. 'For :ale by - •
dpi Sd st, npposite the Post
A ch..g. Fey a:m.llo4s.
'fllllB two very decrepit Dwelling Hanson on Rehm;
11 east, In Alleawsny city, nee of. whmit is new nee n
osed bT Wash S Cavan, ten., each cornalnleg etela
Voss* end • exogamic. el finished in fashionable mod
ern uyle, comprehendteg every enaventene.e. am.
eared for sale at prices and on terms tendering them
bargains worthy of ameba} Each bonne will. be told
with 100 feet of ground In front, tanning back lift lest
to Park at. fee only WOO mime then the bedding eon
owner, or Mc porchiser may take a home and 40 feet
of ground, at- a Price iron. ks than the befitting cost.
abseleinly Ottoman the .40 foot led into the Want.
These are the best bargains now Ogered to the public,
and see deserving the attention of ibase Mclnnis of se.
Derma cheep end genteel dwellings. The, homes
are in prime , order. ElNftlift of the enbsenber, who
can 'be wen -at the °See .the (Mamie. every
, forencen between Qs boors of eight and ten. and Medi •
er It nes at his room. at Mrs. liars boarding beam, go.
blesonte new Dow, federal et. Ai!estLeny'Vny.
. • D •
Ant. for the owner:
MEIJI= LOZEN GEScanifelly prepared by Been
r Bey &Mien. & emitting, Boston; flavored with roir,
lemon, unarms, pemiettnint, cinnamon, and ehacket•
P ur eeittate and Nfenill'eConcenttated Extract Vantlln.
c u r favoring ima, pallid., named., &e0n...n.118 the
elegant dam of the Vanilla helm, It will ha hond the
MOTT O.TCOlerd article COT custuds,blane mange, ice
er getl i 'to " ntE.Fti . anUm on flit An.ntin
panty, dm. g Pon" sane., -
Pte con'. Pmpared Gicataßtt "making pore reel in
ten minute., and a 'cry useful anion:, In case. of sick
The genuine AG Midway , . Chineao IMadiented Sem
Or Tan, Freckle., : Pimplee, ;Amebae, to" sod equally
good for .having Sod the
dust received and fer HA
tale oy •
, -.del ' icor fh & mood ma
s h Adkallastetmatowta Motkaa,
NOTIdt is hereby given Mat etten of Adminhona
hob 'star the Ewa:, of. smith': Thoni, of Franklin
township, Allegheny enmity, dr el, were granted trithe
vabseriben on the =RV day of November, A, 1). Inv.
All persons having claims or demands against the F
tare of the afnesald dammed, are tenanted to make
known the 'mote to the sobaenbein and 'all persona
indebted to Bald estate are renewed to make Immediate
Pine Township.
Allegheny etty.
cAmi, do/Reach, of very 'superior Amanda
4 Map Bluer.' for saJo b the uade wan per cent off;
rdeo m for cab Dy the felon nod einWe bottle at the num
dal • col. Int & market via
0IL; Ac-706tili Limed . Oil
bbhibloi.“" , • b‘4 .per Mesocoger; Ibr
Id icl.rPst4T DICKEY a. CO
sse by • frt:ta ins •
DTTON —74 bale. for wale by
a co
.G1.1714—a ban a.aplallitvritegiltra'4:KT
CO by,
.4 e i . . tor Ist Rad woad ma
B'"2°/° 4Ow—TIVAzg.''"AMI°:Zo
ARATT , t - ivsk.'PrinlN, 9 =Vi%
emu rpare," inn r
dal • : etle4 ed
r • for Web? 1 • ' A FinNerrciCe &co
OODE 0. PEAS-2,1 mks now lending 'boot sir
Iliollrende; for side by' • ' • •
. ,
LAUD -11 tAbls Lard;
' " Gr " ag ' iblu d l " &
M4l.4o,4itibbt. x0,.24.'!mn;
1:1 100 . 10 HEB, or 'a &tot, turat••t eat'
ead.fateerised bel WEAVE
ea wine wee. del :de..
SINES, br silo bat iu tbs ,
WWI PM. . 10 4
.• • _41.1.1,11AVE/L
331dilM SaltAi 7
• -11Orieees Pritety , . '
WILL be added to the 'ales Dr . 'oo.. ati Thatto
daT axteatax. Det..bef 214. at 10 oWoett;al the Coo.
mereisl Bake Raect,eopter of, Wood eettl Sthre.leeett
of doable plop's :i. ... .
• At 2 CaCtoek, P.M. , •
2b. FAILS, Cape an• Sexcere. • - • . .
del JOHN D p1h19, - dher
CV.rdatterteetl eoPA„ .
DM Dm , * WooDM Hood., CnatirlD.l*
ON Deankber dellek,at
Oohthe ea. Doan, coma of Wo o d end FinA
sts,vnll be gold without rearm—, . .
An extensive torment of searomble Dry Omodb
de. from a acre in tto countryomalabsg, of calicool,
alpacas, black silk and. satm. needlework, wcelten
coats, doable and single bond*, eintbrio maalinst eltabot'
cantimem.Veakineus, Canton Ilanstasi.akawil
and fm cags,gana overshoes and adgyersi
aAbrellas, patent thread, 4 keL . I
Alm, 1 bale red and Yellow danselthan pea names..
Ain O'clock, P. H.
A. gummy good, quality N p khrga.r,,r) H Tea, Rbm
nod other groceries., •
GLuswarAquemswarq hardware,,cuil .• A largn,
q . u m antlty anew and secondhand Iteaschold and knetten
' and=4nrp . a . k!ci,VsZi, f a'i thes. d er%l '
' At flk &Clock, l''.
A very eXtensme collection of new and Taxable
Hooke In every &payment of alma and ilterltarn.
nv3D • JOHN n DAVIS, duet I
Books! Books!!
AT the Common:od section Boosos.eornir of Wood l j
and fah 'Jost reeelved to addidoo the armrest
ettevilve stack) and neer *peeing, an 'entire different
assortment of fine Library ellneowof standad Books,
which - will, be sold this evening aa, every evening
min the whole ansdhiposs.l of. Hooks at Pmate bale
at very km prices, &wog tho day., Sales
. posilive, as.
Ma suck roost be closed oat soon. Now is your Watt bit
to purchase good books as, one half price. ea
n•3O JOHN DDAVIiti Ayet. V
II by /A &PP /AMR Op*tui, the Following new.
..nd Tenable Works— • . . • .
Donlphanhi Expedition—Containing, a sketch of the
life of Col A W DoniphaN-the Cow:vatOf New Maxi
e% Gen Reenters Overland Expedition t• California.
'fool plane. Guapore against the Navtloe, and hie gn-
F;ndled March epee Clohuahoa and Dar and the.
aratione of Oen Price at dente FeOvith • fdap.and
' K neeing*, by John T Ileihes, A Wet the let Reel
of Allmon Cavalry, . . - •
- Rion' of geameky—UsAmmaitiei and flannel re- ,
osluewGeconraphieal,t3teriweal end OeokeleslderwriP.
moan with rineedotts of Pioneers Life, RBA more Mae
one Sandra ih"ers_phinal Shoteheast dialegalshed
Pioneers, Soldiers, - nteteamen, ;exists: Lawyers, -
rie r, he., Mastro:ea with Gory: engraringi; byiw
Collins, 1 eel *nava ; .•
The Ware Monde. Volunteer, in ]Darnel a Pri
vate In the Tepee-woe Regimes% of , Getl,y, Wi the
Campaign of Mexico, daring 1816-7, eontainlog as so
ftest or taw Mare. of Me fimenrro Vera Cms;
dew:cello]. of .theiComgry puma over; lenuteer...
te. of thipeople; sketches of chop lifer seeping.
of ell the actions of other Voltage. - Regiments: mid •
I feu Iliwory . of thahleximm War; Llet of the [Wed and
Wonaded.tre; ilidetramil bye Wee ember of 0001101.
Views and PlsowY by Geo C Farber, y• eel Dania ' e.I
LI derinclevr—A sloq of ths Pan; P , WW;nna:
Future; by No, Gloo CMy, flols,llro pee 1 0
Jostramhod by, • A try JAMES, :
ac Cineinoati.
Great ladreenmenta lOtriertbea• !!! •
HE antsanipled meccas which has One fax attend.
y r
ed the News Establishment, utcomancathereadl .
ems to imam no exertions to make . Ai ha may rico'
pep •,
par which to co
no be second no•pf ountempota:
nos In Philadelphia. They will nape it W.ll enieethE
to impart a diguillall and pith moral meet. His
per. and 'exclude kola its calm. everything „of
indelicate or elfen•ise cease. Melt." Inc 0 . 4 = 4
pie resouicet,in every respect. to enable them to {lse
its leaders the Latest and Mom secerme Jarmo
.414 danestic unallipenea • and Man fa and gellabfe•
*cocaina of the matkem Commercial news gene;
The Doily Hews will continue to orhoesto
prine!ples, as originally expoanded,by We . FgibeL - i.of
Constltnlnni. end *4?ptfe by no t V:4. We
and ebampiona of the whir mins th„e ;meal ray.
It will urge the hol=la Whig
_hlitinual Colorentatp,
for We purpose of tier candidates tat We Mir.:
deniy and Vito Excautexay, and will •banle; withal!
the +Way. It-al and enemy At eau etnaanxid, to ieNtra
the inumPhent election of tho notn , :inea &Wit cowma
. .. .
• Team ,-To map totseribes, While cephw will,.be
fortuabeit al dper ateut• . • ..; • • .• ...
• Twitcher more rope. , cede : fet lathe moo eme.ehe
pe to r
the Iyune reek aka, will bileet at i dle
111.14 of 113 copy. ; • i ' ' .
wdi Fe 4..4 from
or ).roar) next. no Treeless Vaararay; and Bat.
Dress of each creek, and will eninaln tie same mower
the Daily, inaradlag fhe Area of dap an witch It
The ender subscription. Pelee rr4l be $3 for a daily
copy Per=ms,
Vern of more copies. ordered at. ibe same tilts, and
addressar so the ewe Pert Ofilee, mill be tarnished at
tee rate of ARAM!. copy' • • ' '
Tea er room copies, ordered as Ose . a.rate time: and
copy. ;Wrestled to the setae Post Me,; or the rate of it a
r ,!, :
113.3,a1 Vltao.l,il Itt7o/4. • • . .
Pablislaod at the mania cd3eo,oo aiory 8040010 3 070,0 '
'tom i• a :heap Faardy Pver, devoted to Peoria, Nowa,
Lacratata .tbe Ana sad Sciences ibo Introudao(Traglo .
003 &agora, and contains fun and sceltalA.-05,40.p . _
:The Ibtloariagloor!saaa: • • • •
• 1 ailit owl ' 1123.
0 moms, ' 5 49 do es, , 30
13 do, is . 33
23 do, •15 7 do,
LO 160 . 1 do, 131
au wocntistlCAW Wealth=?hit' I .."..
A Weekly German Nowterdeernedtheadvetatty
of =end Whig-PU.I , OA
tom!, foreign and datheate Intelligens% will ibef: pub
hened ftola and after tba ill of hearth next... The great
neee•ttity for the pablieation of 'nth a paper upon the
itlantitt sen !want, at owe be rgnaedt and the'
poblishers hang therGare, will delennitte eco open esablish...A
• Ante , which will be Worthy the 'me:ldeate and mgt.
pan or the blerman.fellew ottani, , •
The =berrettas pnec far a , tanglc cep): will be 11$1;60
per anneen.
Fear esp iesrdered at the ulna tiarttarnhaddasaned
- ,
d . Poo cosaceolaii irtlinig , : 4lb , OeLl
Teo copies end more. °paned s 4 the 311E10 930, and .
edam. ilat stoop Post Olfraet the
,talt li
"O r I "Fmtin 11 . the Doi
a no <aural -*Debt or Weekly
or Die Woebeetbehe Pteionlicheo. forerer6ed,
oblate mama be made in aroma' and no paper will
be sent after the expiration of i the.teas, rogue the nip;
" I . l l .;rdo i. ney retaftedilisZ z etatH will be ' at the - •
I riot of the pobliabert of all' specie
. payiaig
!hake, .T Van of the Urtien; will be
pa", Petro:Kati, SANDERZON &MUNGER:
Phdattelpirst,lativ.3o,lE474l4t. • I/ ".
J./ Put reccircd of . Da'TowaaaWa Snr•Jipaylllai the
mutt extraordinary isedinlas is the timid! Thu 'Ex.
tract it pat ap in.tpoul bonito- It in Obetiperi
and ttarrtatoi . Bapettor to any t01d...-4
was diteaso without voccioag, party; Bickel"; or
del:awing the paaotka ..•• • •
lone no fiot .mßilata.--tapanckpled pawns hairs
copied oat !abet, and pat ap tooditias too. wt.
pod kettles. 13co=bach bode aaarauca sigma
.t, pod
3rd ao.dlo vs; It 14. TottateadVorprprbokypa, aod
nazi! watt= Pattbalchcf cOlta tko yearno oriole
cinba bad:
D. 24 C. 417 Ow town appoirtied'ihe able agent air .1111 to
pliant city, a tato% the geradno art
coo be had,
.613.0C0-113baa Xt/ W.F.ies, 3n
110 la.& Jaz Heckel, . 6q
66 . • -
30 Oa •;r
yr do =
4, ?„.
13 .` A D Brad, • 5„,
11 Henry:k James,
.13 •DJ Warwick,- • -o i .,
40 ";." - 1. ".1:t _
7 11.1.Wargriok, sapeTi.r, .14;
4 't JebAßtaker. •:• lq • 7 .
entAnAteot flys ouwafsetacis. of Lyaelauw,lN.;
IA 'tem kw 4413 by - • LS WATERMAN .
QElAliql/G wpm . iapnagro;
1.7 Rousel%stgaving empowid; 1,
!kale's rode and alatond area.; &Son!r
• • Tnirlor'a al:mynas oomponndi • ; •
Wright , . foie and abroad cream; ' •
• !!rig('. Ltosid ordare.a... Tams standard prepa
rations for laminas nay tar bad artolosalaoi retail of •
ard4 • B ESEt.LERB, dr wood st
tiMc"tit reed for
• 'sadist & woal sta .
MAGNESIA—S awn catedjast Teed; Oa gale by
VLSI BLOBS-130111sjoit reed: 61t sale,by •
Li 000 - " A PANNE:MCC& CO
AOID-6 eases Tartaric acidd art reed; uki ur
I. , LO,UR—Zibbbljast ree'd; to ante by •
t y ,x, IVACIC ZacCkfiDLESII -•
, szer ewer& wowing
SAYSILILTUS—ZIcaks thliday Teethfor.ieil• by
( - 111EIXEME-3tu bxs Car stli. by • '
nv3o ' • WICK k.bieCANDuE99
L; - 1 - 1 -- irirni 13—A malt t34east P was found Ward a,
yosterday. The owner min ImmeM byXEI/ ealluur
- NellOON a-CO
ben rah?: a...t
SIIAMJEWS 11ELWIS—JCIFire inniet of nub
berbs,lau recto; ibr sale fir • . . • -
.3”40. '• • J banooNmAtEa &co
1100811 OANDY-10 1F1215 ‘ Nees met candy,
I.; reed; fin Fa /31.:. - . : ', ~ "t KIDD Jr. CO,
o' , /) cor Jr- woad.
EXTELLCIT-11 4¢ , ,Presutoi Extract Le4.3.,.1.4 .
reted;' fin b woo. , J RIDD &CO
m "'lgrsa l '
117 , CitvoldOe ecpy.
VOCE fmwle OU
F -
LNOIr Wel(' COLOGNES , far sale arid= reneri
real., IjACOB -
11t4►IPAOrdiSoak. lb; sale . *m.;.,same.
1113"50 big No IClueuuud 130,44
bks main Candles;
9u ess dipOd &Indic& ale by
. ar2)- • CARSON & M
rits/3-30 Mao ummad yid: , ' •
•• au - . sena alOacreli
1,1 • • Botiften, Henan: for "alibi
oreZ = 1,- CLASON 14 ateltNlUHToith ;
Hn E-rI7O ba sodWie Lyme,
prim* 01141 for " 4° b lv metirromori
Bl3TTKa—Vilibis4lolll . lll4ll4 ,
pro ".I`.
frOPI-41 Wes =mg
asta btooani Corot.•
AP woe
0111101111NALTI AIincPirrOBITRIGI '
I'AUXT - UNE4 ,-
if spleadid PaSSIMPSr ahu
Mb now erases* of the WV" 51 . 'Offs &Is
1.4 twiddlot, and wet Pesses Al hal". tb•
.104 the -WesC, Sem Ids arise old ewe
tort seamy eon *aimbaspwrilledlbeleepee*
mtge. 'The Lbw kas been **alums for in
—hew 1 =WWI of people widens tbe Ina
Ll*** their penises. The boats will be es the *et et
Wood Suset day previenetewert*ln 6 6 7'
lie. orbs ella We cat* et penmen as tin „'
Pa. all eases the puny wait* kV
Ones ,
i L KO AAAA rums".
The oNorsaamar.cspi. as , " willumve
b..pb imp illonday siessi n
ercwis ssoo tet e'ekeV lb
irvluamit PALOZET.
HIBFaND4 Ira casm Kftegur, *Ur •-
• Itsbatilt enety Tend*, 'Wan 1110011104
• Omar Teadsv ',sails la 11 P. IL . -
I inenszsinT Latiurs,
The NEW ENGLAND,IIO.wodo 11t1Nst. IS. pm. i
leave Satibarsk evorS•W•ity swami et ii •
o'clock; Wketkin noloy . .Wcdocpday mufti:llSW '
, .
toe ,1/4VISIXINIIII,OIptiB. J. firsee,will ben liter y
q 6riThaulayporelaf adoetleaki
I Tbe FILtPPE:.I. got Chabsonl2 MI
tomb' .-,
m , V
every' stanarkl p!IN,d1P0 1 :04 1 ." 1 , 11 . 111
Irbe ne &NOtdayL oppsDCam po lee il ki. iai
taSaamfarlooe -1;
Tba 18/40 NEWTON, Cot., A. 6.
lewre.Plusb.rsb.sonlo2ThOW modocas It • bleak
wiedi.t. every wag *i olattlQF.Y• • •
. . ,
arill itches for
weit•ous..o. Tee.l,v=irr -
cadsatanlay MeV-lowa. Offe looks accortinanni
on Monday, Weibasday_wid wia hag glioat
al she landing banal Wong street aid ike Whigs pop,.
ftatal g
• MI mutat:
. BEAVEIt: , t
..N tern cal Darn, otogow,asi'
waiivuu, 'op -Daolglay,i Ween•Witn.
eta Friday of each week, mg crock, a 1,4 n y 1 00
on Tnendify,Thareday and gatatday. the tea bag
of the !widow between Wood 'atm%eat Ihakcigglay
prepiredio receive flolaccalif nay u ss.
G M naginowqatoa,
• TRIUgIiD4Y PAC*I3g—FOS.CIDICI;gmAgg; _ -
ateaetr PANNWVe. Allitg:Cogg
~unft,Afreck2ehosti.,ol7 4
and Wheeling WWI malog,,allil edict, a'2
. Ihor !might or puts& ib.pOr am boar et
• ova ' .1 ?MINTON JON • •
,NEW osmots—asoutat recur..',;;;
- 11 "
thiasca, meter, will Isar, *4 Aloe,
d latensedlau ports th 4 A
cValock: For - tl , elAln or pastiapi.4Ai elt •
del • . GEO INIVEMWAGER, Apia;
. • FoalziatraviLLA',
Tull tut .
.I.lcOanek,limpformlll *Ajar °
ft( al la" ocloe.ll, Pulse! lir
Pun. loud. "
46=4 .- 17 7 emicos..
-- ketid" -
r - nceopastu,.v......eave 1111 MS '
• Hor Onlj4 airP,
, ..
. . . .. . . .
Tb.e Cam r _
lagit.eieseii:. ' s
, -I.Tioi•Oansteronll lave. as ail:llalga!
diky.F 10 - deisck. For treigkarple
•••*---.wpil as burd. , ..- . , ', . dot '
latitdd, l on ,w a siar, lest, isaaair
—this day. std Weloat.' For,ll4l—
D. Ceiarmsabeer, liimeTatitst
WO even Iterilty. Thassia 80/
yII Weber WM/
Alonday, Wadaema7 aad Ftday moninas
.Bmikookakorimill kik* •
9'clock, hakes' • •••r7 !WO" :I' •
o'clock rm. Mackie' , Wag° IPPIT • '
BliOrO'lM'aiillktiro kaki
yaause tea -
zwatittiolkeir. Re 1 , digkrec
.. Mumotw
vi li tful uis prt4 gt= ' •
day at &abet: r./1- F•r fr•T' let
l ' Avd,e !' ° • ~11, • Arse .
.I:.7.linsruicr, ALI hAr,tykt AND..eilt*Kl9l,
4011 - '
ri Warr, will en
ern i. llloadiM ,
oed Mee 4D.
bola emy Theadvi Tmay. ealitliig •
o'cletk , A. Po •
TAW' TlTabur ant iss'esslikf.;
: s rpra hettllMVat
Bud, mks weal) AM*
am lie above put doziarilm.lempa... , .
0•0 0 1.7 d
or to 41p i r il7i$14 l'lraNn • • r
- 10..53 - 17LAR LOVIBVILLE /ACM , -
.4:4 1 , 114 An& Al " -
Cr4sr" .. imsorz, marts k rigdu ,
Pladorek seadamill,
vilkydse pr.l4rr
, Fe , fm7tTi •POIT Is Wont
EXP R., - LINES, - kte- • .•
.81.081010A11,1614 . fIOBT/Di .),i",', ,.
. :
. ircie.-_••-: •
, .., ~.. • t
ILuautoßs AND rtimaDELma.:-...
THE B atikeersetei=lBl4
4. • tteratene,srer'nene matiag - doeble , Darl ettiebe.
men Pieebethil end Broentseitte: -714 emnikqg heel •-.
leaves Arlin 8 e'eloel, preeßetyLtheeeieet I ,
fe Btelhenkio • ..'••31 411,, ate Vie..
Flea inshergh. fo Pluladelphie.,4aymuserfhie 8111.1. ,
By the Evesuler beat Feehceeelamtli *mi l e'
in ceastonablo Suite Imes the BM • 818.
seeamsdne ia . derlishbind alep i Z'', e)embeB- -
Beel‘hetB nigh; 418.1u8811.8 eeerseetalr whet:
'Coach. channel to Panes Is. vet88:1 1 / 8 17: hail'
. 135.Seenwe pei 'mhos eetki - 011•8,18e8 ' in
r i,
Bieue. Wain nO3, lc Ch.ukenotelOweed - , Bee%
T B B l uBPeetahheihi to lbie siutia*octiitips.
*Pidlia : ;;,... •! -: j. : r : :.* 1 , '
in:tow:iiikir•Ctr Ati
TlFTV:= l ten - `l l l= - -_ ...w felt
Emma"' @Wee,' by:the lkertoletite 484 creieztehe
, , ,
Sittapots and Phan win lowiatels foe- Is litirinokid
by rho Sosprktoss wok lb. mint diomll si:ofilo krlih
on comp rues. ii =sof Laillsi pit ix . psi aposseo
md Cr.. of curie so emmiliank. . i t lz.:, ", , .r
me putotwor the FPI* is w i ll pap otibeita.
. - •'..r - , - " - "11 z r
1101 ltN
' .
- - - ciumairst it. car A ii .o. - 11E#14.
IMAM - te / le ' 'l l
Cuatberdsnd. Babson grablik
phigr; Nevi York iikekticirifAry . 1-
1\ NERMANTII sato swipe ?PA* pitons.
INI. al that ;Vol lo Pr "ask, issisproodi- ,
tips Lute pitig Cub popiedwit wit illipitp . a! co'
Frre.... tagglia,ion..o,6l,,sl34itio=
, = metakmako isailfameeKi. INT bite
Expteso eittoo.l4ll7w pp. U. - ' J
_ / • a alPixa telt sefte,
OWN( " II walla , HOPS adlgkozs a ppri st
..- "V . ------ 0-------7—.*.
LIMA it lis onice.
/.61.90118 bine, ost 10 d, yoga
kAI dr nog Paws is smstalerti PI
bst. of Eatlawi. It ohod a Nositobat I.
skis, oalbasolt pAPAPPOPI2I 4 3
skintopoosop see lowle .1 IS is ast G0.,.. — . 6 ,
isms fooposilif yi PoPossol NsitiST Pa 111 SPA ...,,,ww;
r.d.. AmentssotPtusttite Mewl , Po 801 . - to
ails poising spot Uteco..sed Woo WIPP. ~...
Po .ron' kwesra bawl of IP= 13_8 Coots - or_
liisoe Covello opktUrp7risitri_to Os Popo
pulemitY 111111
imma.e. a& ff.r dos
Pans elan ether= I
Mart all Ltio, Stillimlos Ls sonsooad illeee_ so
Pe poN ßlaak atitss
Li z trios :Ll= zritrat ...
Cops*. Nam dna. ' . 6C. d .
Sight-DrapPts to say 000mm-Porbbl . .!' i - - .
Spathes a[ ps Proolocial or PPP_ Pa PPP. -ot no.
PM. Noessil,Nootwod. ab grdbl . d .:l tilt
0051E11.100 dpi mu °. 'mel tbsse 0 Powfor i alitt
to sot sops Goa those P.P. Y.
and daps. La SPNotiteni Pi , PP Opp, .
will pooatribditis - Pota st New Ile* sup, s i__
JudliqmeostNeaN,Egooptieir Jam
oetse. ... Ibb P 040 PPPPN a wanl
' ,l ll.OO3l3UkirKR t. CO
, the *AS
•F ACO weevil?.
vor:&‘&1& market arta
SA. OD AYH-41001 13 4Thedi Wel* '
own,: ,TAMPII.V4Sit
_ _
llit=7. llo Woad Clesleslist aldikier • ~;
vrictiraincarin_twes • •
li c ry2. ll-t4 " .l 4 , lgfiitxabiitkp
" r ip
air 7 ."Z
iS n allafkalkFiff4=ll -at
iril , MALL V:tictie ',„
J Milk Oisdr,e war WIN •
rZ , Ift;ZeIiffiVILLIL
rmaccats-4ebusiveelter 1141
fil lip .. •
, -0...