The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 01, 1847, Image 1

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f A' LU:
L 4',lllbE '''SEVEN.' 'DOLLARS.
7::•,-T.LBrigiNESS, CARDS.
A .11:00fIXION, Commissurn sad
AE ,Et.Hlsani Wait/aud:lW Froniaa,
riwbor6 . a:whit .
11 413 ric N bts a zitalf . ,ie
imantkiWr.M.4 lYont P4ihnh7j.,
• whcae s .tr av d tir a ti„
c A s l tocoQ.iberty Wd 94
,Clait n 5/
Dt CIL dk. CO.. vri.T,T.ii& -
..U.ignalrDritge.p. coma Wood and 6tb:sts..-111
DILOALEIT:4I4 , sUlff, Wlio Gmcn, IN
Adriuld "Mond ntrety P tabor/IL' 4 •• e
maim ZIAGAZEIT 411•-CO., Wholneole Glu
e= and Produce denleri, tMAlikrket nueet, be.
wwn anti &h. Nonh •da noog
aps&ItjJZTV & Critstarding and
GjCemeuu Alt./Lute; PatsbargN.
C OELANDO. LOOMS, 'Mummy lase, Or.
#ri'S 1 24 1 1 c smdtkr... l —::-2'l' 1 2Y
WALCeloakas, , Jcitai.V. Jenninpa.-;Jaii. IV.II ease.:
OOLEMAN, °ALLMAN Ic COr bleadacusters
VV bremsesittgetegs earl Axles, A. 4. -aa • epring
Weel, drelen Tel ,siege of every des.
aripuos ittlea4evorpowlo. Gish% ut...Visseteuse 43.
Erastea_lkuel: jisnlS
MIS CAILION. ,; itervnbei.;
cumulus .11vNtIVIFICIIVT deutteeseses to U.
%ketone:lg ess.s;Whetesale, Derinivsiott
endiVatOrusiieg Ateselierues Doak= io ivolun
Pittsburgh Debate:tem.- theth
- haw, luahreiru Wood
AO Liberty Pittsburgh, Pa.
ilt — I C ;11 Fancl .4 Stipli VVIV eLd. sn'i."ll
P'• • !1 1 5J . P!f` i•2 , tr..1•,:
• • •'--•;••• •mat.
.- r
ratuswas, sautzi,u.',.eumzets L
tim,.amthfacisli 31, ua 9th
J.all lido of tholhaosOodVoloott tow frela Lim
sawed 'A tre . PatAtsur • e.• tool
eau. dealers le mace +dad fluabargik sattatfee
tasateorsace of 1..i4e.q-
t DENIIB;TIP, (laus Etclish, W-
M 1 lagberyc Co.)Wlsolmalo Grocers, Vaiutosocuoa and
ForscludlAClcrchiusta,-aud Dealers us Produce and
PlUallualitlidaluslacturn Ida 37 Wood steeet botnoca
OMMtillra Mud jac •
sey *at removed olGeo to the ma
side of Faulk su*et,ltotween 1;1.01 4,11 07.. 3 a Gr. 4
Geo. 1044. cooa.
JELEIMY Whalaaln Grocers,
.1: Ltd Clommostais Mombasa; ind Afenntot Itrighton
00, 4 Yates. PIDS,S7 IN' P.M luld kroqs!.rons HU!
LDS/4 Y aao Fane, hlvviraztltiTiiiiil
oF4L-pesteallntupmeapyll2.lVqd meet, near
FOISSYTUAAIii - Cpstmitalott and Forwetniing
- Merehant4. riet:uo W ter s Pit .b. - Itta 4
flek= , o l 7.t. Dear Camaasina.hp.6l
, • - nt!. 44"5/1../tark4=Ainkr74-4".
Vealerld.thowes, Ilaierl, and
• F••• 7 •r 4 Sind. Tr:J.MinVs.: l : 3 Mattel street,
ow. zoigasst. wassucas roar Ili.:
ite.ousz wortame CO:. whol..a.
izt =rel domerresker Mercian* OM
(LO.. A.. pkg ,W
DAV boreiiliGmeer and Coro.:
..11• mission Inrchwou, and -Dealer in Po,dstee 9191
•bo Minutkiturc9; - No 19 Wnod Pinaba
r_4710. & Edepred% MaWar&
Vile& &Walla ttaps, Pitsburgh: if t nd:roint - Brea ,
fales,Pann and
ereed: • • • • -' lan4
fl10.011)01311141.11(..Codualemon and Far-
RllOlllOO.OBl. b*imatareAlsoosokel•
liA4. , 74.lerins)kuneumll9 filled. A dare. by.
van • 1.1.4.Y05t Offies.;
wm. ECtisys.t 'John .711tiary.
HATE BAILEY; lleakqqa Dry Gieeael
'cedes, il&te,l3boes:Ptttebergb me t ae*,temt At.•
libee,ltee4 No.le& liberty t, Posbarytt,,' :jyta-tr "
• • : iIL • • Brolroc: •
Vocreosors to= BoldAl
- .1111:4. Bromi n e,] Iniporterrond loatoOtotorers of %Voll
rapezeGezoisEr . aper Wirchoose, No. 07 .Wool
litrodUßM6ontlf... :, Sk. )e-V
s • rill Is
meba 110CIW LT. Dlan‘
tub f2 u ,o g m h• a bum, pr
Minalk4lter.raint ir.ollMerelTt, tatter of it.
sad o.ltard Incabirieb: • ••
--13110nurznvii...7•77:-NoeprrniClaT, 3a.
Taarnrinciptir*:cai: inoriaie
J. Commisakou Merchunts cumi eale rsPaulace,,No.
At Woe/raid Frtlat sUsels rAnburgb- noTtR
lita SLAM, Merchant Tailor . , Clair Meet, Pittsburgh.
TOSZPIIL /LIEQXI Attorney at Lass, Pittsburgh,
60,,Pa., has limited the amen= ,of his profession in
las cam No?, ItstissellnsAluildrogs, Grant Meet. oe
,ionsproo" dorunpliis absesial by T. J. Bight. And. J:
ChrualeX.sara... ' • • gblitartir
DAROrtgA.Bir,:,-.Wboiern:e Driregier. and
' .4koler ut ,, Patim, OA, 4, 1
No 1134 Wood raver, one door ek.ooth:orplarau6d riney,
u Pillidkordk. . , • 7anl•
JTAJOARI IVILIMJa. 6, Co.. (snesew. to Jo.;ph
G. Davis) Ship Cltamitera.26 Water V. V. 31
JOEIJP NALLOS, Wholesale azulßetall deal ,
. la Hositiali Musical butturaents, School /ilookf,
opar,ldidea,dtend rlilll6re Cards,C..v
;,Ileadenery - dakindbiir. No.S.l!Wood, at ; Pittsburgh. •
•• ! :_LIZIPes booght or taken kir trade.!z: • - sepia :
lona i - Cotir4.6,vii.irtZ‘ra.iii;fa;l
daraidlait and Conansinnan ala,rclinata, Deal= in
dace and Pittsbargh blaaataetatva. ri 7-Casemate : tall
Boar, Liberty at, neat do Canal, Padaugh, Pa. min
Co. ,
JlictioonnAirmll..& C wholent . ge Drug
: Via. No. 91 Wood la. sept 3
I. Tossp q JOIIDAN /c soar, Commifision sod
FillWilatlibtentirnts 39 Libqnl , l. 4 0 P1. 5 ." 4
-Parthield K 1 emponWs Roy. -
WWI L. GIALLATLII, Mtiliicy at, Law. (16ce
, al -ILIVat, between Bra sad ~.tenthald, extra, .411r,1
',lllBl= Pa...W al alacAneo4 prouivly to twintss
' joinY OBS . DAITIff, AIICTIONWI, comer Fah:
J, - and Woad wet" r.u-OsT t , - ----- - - ~ ,,t , . _
ORIN .C. ELDWXI.I... jojesale Gko-
Alt ter and Commisecni Mat ... Ftirtl, 2nd
. ..dem tberiAboalotongabef 4B - - 0. -
-tcr Ir6u,2falt, 01=5 Le. at stneediscrrs
e , prices:
...01111T021' - 1W OTOCILTON, Bookoclleri
_ Pcioters and Paper ca.ofactoter., No. 44 .mark?
.Piosborth. - ' , /NI
1300 . k Store, dtb, tdorket
Lig..e.o.aexhlralgta4rl SellOot;
• iii?“ing . 11 4 70 , 211 , :/k.S9 - 7;B:l7ers ' 4 rerEs•
~.......=,,,„,ildlzrrz.;:xcrhlrd streets,
dol rues. .OHIO
#0"la 011,31 M, Wholevee Grote?, &la, In l'rt.
• due' Plitsbnig minnfaLtures, Tin Mc, !cc. at,
• :at • pin.— • • • - -nus
—Joba Fkryd. ' ; &chard
&14 ptiovit, vat & Whole/121i
• amenz.Nalitt lAteny meet. rept?
T.utirs I:lll.balegale Grocer.
MeschagOoarl ilooLer in nuance and PIM/n:lmb
•, algulfunoggo , No IN Water nt,Pitubnoch. Janltl
- Glaynantat loon Work.. •
• • *WIC DII.IIICLL & Coo—Nlannfartare nll
Lsisegg Ikager,Sbootiftar Ifotrnod - Nalls of ghe boat
, gegalgy. , Ordern lelVai the onnobOano of R
' liberty &or L SWatergann,'Ttgaro Ft. wll oio e)
prajtcpt allentlol3. , ♦ jrl
11.171r&TICIINIAN. - 47,1esaug F• 47,4
•;.♦ wigragng ant, Cmodapp, Mtrohnag, Denier ilk l
ittibOlgrotnfamits and PrWtee, Nag. & Wole,
,r XIWIS 111111TOWSON't• .Ce . 4 Whalenlei
tiltorotsp Forwani.g..4 Ceetuainamillxcliants;
Itladgettai is Pattboxib.l4.zemoreN./r.0., No. ti
WattarAt t altl Front m. • . :. • :,„
... 11 Micus• & SHlPTPlll,;ViloksecUleell*,
; 14 rorma"gr t ° '": *"° '
• ;" • larodadaa ad saexadmama, a
"%woad al. ?Ida)
SAL I. Wow., 'manna, watme
.140431[1.1. LICIIIIPIELD a. Row, Wkale.side"
MEL Groentand Goaudnioalleschlugs, N. 1.94 114 ,
:.•,pty•strittgrarth. i • • • • • -- • WA;
* L Alex. W :sr an.
IL ?nrirov"sts,':tbalt
Ma Market: F,
Airt!AM& IitOWILTSON, Winless* brio
s Comagenton Ipacbsqui, 176'1,11.17
miii:PM6+ , ret..P. • *,14.
liteoo2l.D4t wholesale nn4 . spud Ilan
.171 'and esp .111atlfacteters. and: dealers an Pa.y
FEL earner of %V deed Elfin su.lan n;
4r..""gelli-Watatrm""::aD.alm to
laorty andt3 ' CVaod stre••,
, INSPNY. Wll 08 Piusburslg. •
a co., wh0,....k Dry
.13 WOW rndm . th
HOL![YIi BON. No. SPdarketarest, ••OF
oad dam ram comer of roonh. Dealer. m
eits and Iloamohn 'DM of Exchange, Cem&aui of
NlDank -Noma and EtPee/C.
NEkti.." muff on altar rri,gfpga rigs. gamut':
ABM, eCIIEW Cow Pooivor. Forward:
aor las and Comorlsofon tdorchents, No. rraiol
X.,Liborty o Cimino/3,P0._ goy/ .
*tinder ven, C
.?uirDzwriniveVo, Wboleroir atom
•„; and CommiriOon ond EDIWISId.Z 41 ' ,1 . , n 14. N 44 41,
SA. ComritieSiou ...lOWA, IFt,
.0 6
ly,Lpaccii, Jr" loTtoorterind
JCL Dealer In Forria. and Dontraueta.adoleir and Carriage 7 rhzning; derer,‘Rooo.,lro
• - 2 4 .'!".. greti• ringbUrg
poniutp UMW. wtiolesaic and retitlikler
-Ip ye fklotosoo, sheen:mks& Tools Bud nod
• trd Comas Tools, osolTaaskvs Oa, Dlo.
_ . •-
• •
301111111*., • w4.lstairscr.
1#. 110 = 11103. C.;., Wholesale (Imeem Pro
duo and Lion Merelauuidunl DOLIC.IIIII
aaberile .Iltaneeseteoes, No, Id, Libi.syr_drrci4l'itt6
"11401ZBIP Who:cgs/a • •
i.zzl iti.nCogeusV a a Poririmilogilerchinn , dra
built blautsponsi. •
SriZ fi .1 is t;C.!..,-4,1:t
... • •
. ~ .
• ,
.. ;• .
. . , . .
•' - •
, . 1 ' • .
. . .
• •
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• , ,..57.4., .:...---..,.._.."--",-.11--r-o.o'3 x ;e-r...77 , . 344, . , .. 1,. . , 4,,, ,,,,,, n , , , 1 1 . -
• .
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1e • .
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' • ' , . ! •
Z.7I,IIIAWKIIIB, Artoroey Laye,tirapi
• nesuiy opp , olate th e. AcW
Court lloaee. '
lltnirtEtecilVTo Goer, Beenry
laa.tares,and all lundo Of _Foreign . atutrioa‘tat+. To , l
.11.,:k00r.., Noll LAlteny litreet, P4ttaborgh. ,
tl. B.
n ß irkt era s kaM to"y,rl-2VZ,,trbt.ovr::ro;
cagh. I laay2.l-1y
el. Reynnlas. J. L. Niee.
REYS IF OLD Forwarding and Com;
=a Alernhatts, for the Allegheny Baer Trade,
.dealersorkerimProdute,Pirtstimh Idantsfleturea
and Gila ; de of Lime.
The If fl i F prices, in rash, paid at all tiMea -for
Country Comer of Penn and Irwin orai•• jordil
t i lty F st it orpo & is I .C e rsTer ' it i ln " .M ' a ' r
Grail uhtStedG also, Dmitri Lard,
CUNNANGLIAM, Wil'olosale Groom,
A Dealer to Prodaio and' Pittsburgh /danufacturrai
D. C Shae lett • ' Thug, R While:
QIIACKLETT k wurrs,, Wholesale •Ikias
lortati Foreign and ,Domestic Dry Goods, No la
Wood atrechil'aphargli • felil7lf
nAunituGit, Wool Merchant., deal.
tiro annul' and Produce generally and Forward
tog 'and Canada:on klerelauts,lNo• 3.1 Wood sneer ,
''Flttsburgis • " "' ,
APICELiiALIIIED., Attorney it Law. Office
1.3 i¢ llnserl's Nipla Fauna itrect, between
Wood Old Ptuifhthld.' " I novialkody'
n 1 and:Commission klerelants
Dealers in P.ilidanghllmnifacturcsaud.Western Fro
dueo, knee rantovesirto diem now anuchnisei (old eldrill/
No US, coiner of Fran et and Pariecry 1.100. aria]
-StinontWiLrehllntl,Vealer,Jußltt F ;4 ' ll,. ' l'n ' ilu ' eLd Pt;
burgh manufactured at ti c leo, Giant Ba3i noicar.7th
QN. WICKERSUA2I, Dotter in :iced if, Flow
Fr u di4Tre . es,and Agricultural /op lamontsan
t ,
TSSEY de •DE ST —lVlAtiale Grooms &
CoMmissionalercharia and dealers in Pradoms,
No 35 Wo?il attest. Pittsbur gh . • . • . •i• • .p=
,1111101.1. lillNNEDlC,Jr.,Gooknig_Glass.Mauraela
rer, rwd Dealer in Clocks,' Cord's and Variety
Goods, corner of Womland Fourth streets • .'
P Forirth. It J Forkyth:
' PO/MYTH S.Co,Catrunission Slerchan%
- •dealers in talt„Lumber,Groceries, Prochice and
Finsbsnyhthlanafactares, Canal Basin, Libany street,
-- WiThlcliotchrbis ' Hobert hlcCatcheon
vir :E. A. BIeCIITCHICON, Gret.
Isghliusitfac Denl" Vig 'd van ' 4 l l7,l4ti t ere U Z
Son,; DAT
viricK WOANDLE/BS, (successors ioL&
WV JD Wick,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and
Connelissincalerchanls. dealers lei Iron, Nails, Glass.
Cotton Yards:arid , Pittsbatigh blannfactares 'generally,
eyiltacit_lL%4anel anj Water Fittsburati. amble'
IAT, itooty4Ptiir J aynes the ladles in call and
,V s,evaintine statk of French Worked Collars;
some antes( as •caw. ' Inettl3
t imzu, Wbalemlnlirtrfet,Fonvanling.m]
}, i= b l i on . M uf el .. nhnut.nrid'DL.Jez in PnAnc,
_ dl Mlllll . 72l 4. (ofig 4 I . VOLIFF, Imponeis
ry come:Li jk btly " si
bk • ! •
7 p. n r'ents 011•WOUTLI. Whole.*
klerebams, 27.
pool • I • nat.3o .
szatieind mill for:gab
.• Y . lug uupfigh.okm,7c..244 Liberty - Ertl, near the
canal. . - •
IA7 XITOMeLTILIiiE; Wholesale Oro!
V W cen, Rectifylng.Distillors, Ind, Wive .d Liquor
Meramts, No. IGO Liberty oue et; (opposite Sixth
PVI.V.VOL. • I • vavyll-dly .
X 'O. U. &OUINSON. Aileineyit Law,. hes
• removed bleoffice to the Exchan g e Bulklings,
Sc Clair sueet, nen Boor to Aldel mut Johns. •
sp243m :
ancy.iwa &apt*.
l e7noaq No.. Market Feet, Plusbeinp.
=LIAM DILWOUTII, the learnt
V Durant,.) Allivilesate Grocer., ate now loe wed at
to.lleood at,,wirent they offer formic, a taiga warn.
,• at& Gronertet and Pinetaratt Mandantares, at low'
and favorable term. • I • • aravl3
' Y irAT 1y.'%171/.1405, I , .!.raler in Watches. Jewele ket sweet. y,
ea. W ere, Military Loud., Ar, Mar
' •
AV It. DIVILPIIY, wholesale and retail dealer lir
VT .Foreigit and Domoire Dry Ganfs, north etutcori
ncrof Market and Fourth ins. 1 • manta
1 1vilt. ip.wizt, Jr.. has neparchaied die
V T Drug Fiore of Eilgar Thorn, corner of Fenn and.
'llg.lstregts, will seep a errata.. supply of the beet
medicine, yerfarecry„ kr. % •
e h rl ' L i r.t. r .=X:ll . :„: ',"` nl, l ; l o,:Tra 'nd ! '
: .. I • - t
lotT C. A1.'11111N1341.11G11, !Aurrncy at Law
V V .Flith slaw; near Saiditield. Colleeting, agen
cies and other ?minces attended to with punctuality.
linwells &Mule,' • Wits.ttoglisA,
A Fabnestack teo, John Ilorron, Eng,
Graff, Lindsay& Co, John .Wright, Esq.
JllnleaSlcenl l 7lE.l , Mn. William Latimer.
-No. U 4 /4berty el., and 53 Manama ailey,
MARTIN: & Co., '
Ded43;ll. Sdnhassce, Basta NOW and Ceia,
Corrierof 7iird and Wood 'olicetio,
Oovia-dIY - e Plitsburgl.. Pa.
Was al -butt .
• • [Suaierro to Lawrie 4. 77Xietrtu.1
at - trlttriett Nor I, rid tt rtf Fount, rt, otrive,Etnitt[fieltLree
febl7daralyF , ' • • •
vGver IStackhnra. G.'S., $. Jaw._
XTEIOLF.A.I3,E Graters and Denten in Oily, linat
Y VottA, and P/win:Kb Alan aratt tired artieles,bige
on :rand at all Vllaea a full and gatierlill aseortnient of
goal t 11l limit lino, Watra atreet, deer Cliiirry Alley,
Pittsburgh. . field
David W.71.1e11.77 ' " -- - A - Igertion eirifeigtr
IN W. A.l[4. liteLLi Ammo - sat Law: Lyra.
17. itfirdeseartht Lauding, Fourthi street, !ceased door
antory wood at, Pinsbargh. Pa -
D. 'W. DO, entataissionor to lake Papozionnis. Ae.'
kgneriedgesneots ol Deeds, and.ilthttiadirualCalAnl
Dag lo b: used la Missouri. 'net :Mite
TORN M. TOWNSEND, Dineeirt and dpothe
el eery, No 43 !larked,, rare Minn. r been Third at.,
Pater/are, wilt hire° too tantly on Lund a welt eeleet
ml ream unen[ of the brat and freeheathledierlee, breb
he wilt rot on Ih6 1 . 12051 rearoarbtelcons. rbyrielanz
arttdio;orderawill be promptly 013Gillted to, And :ap
plied with rtheleathey may rely upon es genuine,
fr . P11Y1 , 1641110 Ple.tivuon• will he acrarelelr nltil
!wady prepared from the best mmetirla, at any bout. of
the dry or night.]
Alm for male, Ir large swag of fresh and goad Perri,
I ino
j 7th w . ..wiLsoar, 'Wreck Maker & Aweller,
. corm; 4th sad blarket ete- 1 A 'large and well
Alected ewe ef.walebee, Jewelry, thilver-ware and
ibtary Goal .. , :Alerays on bead; and' acre gal ar
urn prices, G Id, Parent facet, fall Jewelled watches,
is low as 800 Silver do watches, an low es MO. ' •
GestaLae Cooper, rebia., John.oiand other appnwed
mac otwatebwhan be had at a 'emelt advance and
warranted.; I t • •
- Ernne Watell work dont, In lb eery best manner.
Offleo 34 Sto.oppoolto #ll.
kILL alp ittend prim:llpar to CoUectionton Wash
ington,Faycne and Green Contlek, P.
13:r Blacks:pelt, Ben & Ga
Cburch & Giroltien Pin. 4&
. org •
D. T. Morgan
./Ye. 72 Fouria Wed, ugrr W.
- irr All qualltiao of theen led litaet_Tcaa;..
dant up id quarter, halrianP 'one pound pact. a. l'an•
gin from Wet* per round to St,so.' 'A JAYri M 4
Iy2 . • , Agentfor Pekin Taa fu.'
. .
DII. DAVID /RUST, , Dentiet,
J - having made ancliturangetnenta to hie
Coal tiasiaesi that he fan devato•hut
. orhoie• time to the duties or hit peak.
Can, may he seen in hie office, corner of 6th and Use,-
tar streets, between Market and Fan am., at any helot
Semis the day. (root 8 till 6 rJr
, A II&& 430 Innoillor nt tom, CINCINNATI,
.1101110. Cul Pennons ,in Southern Plno ad i Indiana
turd in Kentucky, mid direfully, onendid
,Corniniwonor for &me of poodyldnia; An tekme
.Iterta . Hell at. ton, Curvy Cdird &
Caron v, W. nye; Eon Willaet & Deno. 123
Caraille.Wlek. netting. Tivlne. Coverlet
rSuonenson of ArbucklunA Avery,)
ut) „ - Prrunicnotit .
A. Lrli00.1(
A GENT:I.W J 0 Annont'a Exiciore Swaim Soya
.11. Remark. Alaska on hand ' s Large stock of Loaf.
Poordered, RtakiticO told Would. Segura, in
'MteCa and Ramis. akho s Strgor Horse !Rotunda.
Prinrs liberal and a fair alloarento mad< on 611 sale.
of,or akoirc,iio harry}, nicht!
. CIEO. •
llRRlfilettga ALATINIS AND HOY luencitns
tomai /hikers Alley and Penn 'Si, aud Canto( Pal ell,
• PltitAbox&ll. P.*
j 3. 8. & BONVII.IOIIT, .
lI&NUrA•CTU Ltillts OF 81'AI:ell,
lATARITA.NT.I2) equator mperion to' 61u' made
IT n totlhotedNama,llad which they will diesKree
of •t low rficeo and on good Term e,
Dena lye ' Heaver...Pa
r. nstaon. • =dentoms,.
.11. P. t. R. 'NELSON ,& CO..
MOO CFACTCRERS Ilammettn nt.ort.s
Wes, lines, Ilst ..4')llausta Forks , ac.
Warrhosne, No IL- Wood trent. ratri."sb•
• .• L - 11.111sholpira‘Mary Mourn; 4
De found at Q. Ilomegbosing Eststalsl4•44
mar thogr.Clsir street OrMgr.l4kh nrs4:
*led byllorte.Carr t ig nstdCat
TIZAVER In Trimmings ant Variety 60.14.T0ri0i.
..1./...l4.lmmitnit Ham cotalm,Wooittn Yarns and
Wars flantomi.tiredler,PM4Tiossi,Hrud., Le..
NIA4 I rII. BC.*Ortnn Diluanafkand4ltratmis.
,CyiA ,
• ,
, .
1 -17 0 -DBA'AI-NllC4o47:llaaidl7Ck°
C It Dal e
—,No, 59 Bo • ih Whams; mod No 117 south Water
BEd - to ittrOna the trade and dealers generally or
Pittsburgh, that they hard made inch arrangements
with the Virus noutafactorets ant, the Growers of .
the West, est ladies, and otheiplaces as will insure
tarp and implant supply' Wile killowimr desertp•
Claus at Tobacco,whieti will be,sold upon accord.
Modating reruns as any other house in dos city or else
where, and all grads ordered trout them will be war.
" .IP:ts 'q uall th f 91=st i go 'l i a'z . COCA .
. Tina; , Porto Aim; • Peres, BeedLeaf To
Cabs, , Jenny; and FlOrida, • berms
eL , A)—Btszeit's celebrated Aromatic Shia Co,
diph,with largeassonment of, other popstist brisnds;
sue essluteslor pounds, es Es las 16s sad 32slumirc
Ss Gs hs and. Ins Phis; Ladies , Twist; Virginia Twin;
the. Sweet and plain, in whole and half boxes,. wood
and du, together with every variety or article tickets ,
indte the trade. ' . • :. 'Jel6-dly
• J.- 8. PICIPXY,
Cad . ijeaner Point and gridetadert
Proprietor and Agcat of eteantere • , •
Ain* tin-Tries ' elTrsa=at Arra 110111,
in vertitioarrifor all points on Enteuiaon,Croesi
Cot, pod Orucreanals; for all porta on Liao Etta and
rtPr.erf.-stes,nenteototortirardproilece, Pam'. I
latplovarteata. Aaply to or adliresa
• labgt-dtt . ' JAS DICKEY, Beriene
J. C. Vit.'Leitveten: Vi. C. Pittiort.
J. G. W. LEFT : MGM - 4 CO:,
• nEtNavtNu.voRwARDINo,
And: 'Commission Iderchaial t
13AUTICULAR attention; paid n conakerMOM M
.titakar Mill., Engines, oretbar articles for Opetoosaa
and Amakapas. • .
REFER TO--Messts.SlietEeld & Listtlow,idx.
m::s Limerick; New Orleaci. •
Messrs. Luton & Betters:do, !dr. E. M. Morley; Lou
, Merin. hall
& Sdr. Wm.!o'Leari, Rofmrl:
eircuitonEd Nichohort; Eitm4rda• •
Xemrs..R even, Todd Co.; Cinetzumill.
Mews.' I Ines & Craighiad, , Messrs. Edwards - &
lion. Zenon Latiaare,
. Hoy. Jolla Donee;
rano ami ne, La: - ! eclB4l.
rrrrnmr= 3
AND. Ainii:em. connits:
rwujc, PRODUCE.
No. 16, 15m1HOs % turf, Daltlaiora,
OR their vertices to Itlerehists and Penmen.
the - gale of Floor. Grain and Pirodiree genaidly, m
the Galtimore Plarkeband fountheirenessive Perstatn-
Mace anions porehucrs apd . shippers, can safely War
iiteariifamory sales. Correspondents will constantly
br kept advise& of tie nate df the Matteis, &e. ' •
Roma iso—ltlesors. Wm. Wilson &Pons, lease Rep
eal& & iron, Dabidorn Iteneers'Rey . nolds & Smith,
Ciuß N. Carry: Soldmote •• -
'Otics. Goodsiell & Pneiroh: Philadelphia.
-Heppe np, Draiwr & SoneW New York.
Ilahletnrearme. SOM. •- • Ittimitm
- - .
T rnr.rtAL elss&ativaneesltande oo receipt of eon
-LA 111nt11.11., Those shipping to oat address will be
PAID :Itree-fannla value In advance in Cann, by apply
big to Our friends, '
Messra. Walling6o, &-Taylor, Pittsburgh.
Masan,. Thos. Berl & %s ,Bridgepon,.Ohlo.
Pitilidelobln. May 3, ISO. • am77.lf
All pittance consigned to us is Itaturel when
In rho *nicht:ruse of WallinFford &Taylor.,Piitsbartr&
or in obr more in Philadelphia. C. - 13. fa Co.'
• .
. .
Ra T. C H
ITSTING tepleniAaa my . atock Frontihe hut Kande
1/ bath domestic Ind . t;:r I take' pleatara in as •
npuneing to contantera and olden' that lam annual
farrib.h them with all HI Orli= on stll -bauer
gyms jhan heretakrte ' •'I •
pinata:wilt ticidleetthataniliaerselinivetyr Fad
olerr hiardwaro and Cattalo Trimmings, :I obtain
thereby ad ran mare that anahat mein defy compel:or
.l.:4l), fan ,and laddr for - your...lves/ - tad".
1 , • 1,061 N zellifINEDI,
I ha Worid Street. •
"I• 'VTR
R ti ' l= th e! ' Veiret o n f enTl i ri g rilTo g rC i ' lt i rry . ,
Snit Jeer. a.e., which !ravine been parehaned on the
mot t illittlil.Kroo .1.11111 in briristrot, and dime from
the Minutnesteers In :hie country - , enable, them e to.tof •
soode on teftraterinniteA by bane and chinnd by
fete Purchaser.. are respectfully invited to ealL
eel tYI
qgonot COCHRAN,
:No= Woos, Slarer,rizisieacut.
CONTINUES to teens:tot a seated. Cennedetren
Business. especially in the purchase and . sale
of At encan Montane:twee and PrOdoce. and - in
smelting and forwarding Geed. confirmed to his
tmro.i As Anent for the Alanntscuireit,he , will be
consttatly sonplied with the : pnecipal article. Of
Manufacture at' the lowest wholesale
prices. Ordeis and consignments are sespeetfillly
R lltyinvO 1.7V:117,111 - r - ft. t — tl—iampwn.
Love, MARTIN ,& Co.,
No. 0 Spear'. Whiz!, Baltimore.
P.13 . 2%14,-- .
M Ale n . •
Smith & Co. P.Ufugb-
I.o.roon.&nunders &.•Co, l
' &undid, • Daltimer),
ma, ft
t Jentin.. otarlq:
. C. A1101.11305,.
Latin( -Late of N 4161611.1, Tenn.
I.IEI-I:tosß & - * NDE.RSON
Xo. 0 Front aho,r Proadtray. Cincinnoll;oor.
Rorer to gollerrely. in Pinolourgh. Pp.:o
Bit dr CO,
mai ilivardtt Mar Markt, Baltimore.
Beim to-1) 6pettg. Eat , (lathier, T Clot% Yee ,-
/7t•Cier, J latelltrert _nn, Mier & f
& Fatty, W& 6 lVyataa:.6l6lgler & tkvne,
(OCCUPOOB. TO 000Ujiall & mcanr,) -
Patching, Fttttegteting: :Co n-,lnimicen Nntite Ns, an
• • -
Alsolri-m.,i &wit Spatb of #l.tllVili Dank, Memphis.
&Nur. zo—MBllcn k Co,inix, Pennock k Co.
B 4 -C;n..; - Tosnitneon.
B. F. CONWAY , t" Co.,
PORT. 4 ..IIOUTII, Ohio, Conant,shen and Forwarding
Alstrehinis, and Dthdoe4l Male r.--nlzonstend to she
l'ureisue;,tsale and eilipsnent Iren.Cont,&e.
Ativood,Joneh CC( [Shiley &Co-.
14t , n.,SEertipg eo ;Henry Gra
Lindsey k Oa. 'D Leech k. Go
Lrott.Shorb it Co : C!arke &Thassr• •
• ninflOdlV demo;-
wticP..v.t me,l=l:re'V&G'illour
;.. 1 . 'Merchant,
TICALEBIn all ktritis of Country Producer COP .
ilLlr4,T. l :l'‘P^ P ltri " ti
Dye Phigh, -Cohan ' Yarns, Pah, &c, and Pittsburgh
Manufactures generally, corner or Ltbettg and Inorto
. 7; l ,..Mrs 'l rstle b titt P • Cish'er Goods, made on erio•
lignments of Psi:glues. art. '.
OFFER to aellat s pither.esteblitherical, all kinds of
Merchandise atithe Jewett titles of entuntisaions and
.are always prepared to make advances. The beet of
t d
references given, it required. • betted add s used to
eithet Ileum will be promptly attended to. . ly
axis smistesom • , -An. 0.-ca - ii. L....-
. TuompsoN'& .1:1AllIPIIELL,
And Brannfutureng sr-Linseed 00,
16. 20 Columbia Street,
—.... .....
u..plaats YAW 70a /LAIIIIILli"C:D
' eepo-ly I •
(Lata Talbot dOPOII & Co, of Dallintate.)•
• ihtIEitCSIANT,
IYrs. 45 PoNelras Sireel,Neers Orleans.
cp-rutcniar atieo.lloU paid to the forvitrdutg
Fonaarshng Nerdy:al, Brawnsrille.
Attenilo Panittitatly io the ratvratilistg of Plod.; le.
Far ant. farther inf.:mashy/I apply to F0R.31711 k
DI7NCA N. water at. oe.llB
11. W. 111THIWS• T. WAIT!.
• •
• g 0116148810 N • MRILCHANTS, •
Na 49 Water 8
• ' ST. L011151,14/0. •
Wilt give particular attention to the lulling of Trot
done, and to orders for parchasinr. • -
Kona so—nrprpe Alotgau rittaballth, Pa.
Join, :d l:ulluur,G. .J C Dealtiertioita.
.10/11X & CO.
Comnaimirnt curd Forwarding Mathants,
.NOB. - 99 95'80U:111 ST.
0n . 71V• 'DOWLING'S WilAßF.Boll,thmsr.
-, ^191108.4:0 - kat - UODI — ,
advanees will he mode on eon
hr 01,enr,e
, Commission Merchants
• •
ARE now jtodrotied re, , eivo gild tarot d kinds
rthaanixe to any Innllingon the Jo fats, Nona
and %Veit Ilral*h. ens To,.at” Cansilg. 144.1.
' 1 . 11015:11. LAURIN,
. Itcfer : Shorb*.Co, a id. Ala
..-1111E11.011 - A.NT.
a-~.-- -
311SCELLANEOla- ..
• „trimmuann TURNITORII WART, 44011.14..
NO 65 TIUR Li Trak:kV,' •
ile, A LABGEnosisploadid ,• „,,-..,._•
. , alsortment of PSl,ll4l.liFf 71--.."', 3 ', , ,i
billable' for Steamboats, ...,•------,,, ,
otels, and Invotollzrel- • , '
Iloio,ionstaolly on bond ind made to order: , '' ' •
. . • • •-• •• • • • .•
The proem stock on band cannot be excelled by any
niadolactoty in thewellern County. Penn..• w.shinff
to pie' hide would do well be srtiux las e It.aa
deter:weed my prices shall please. Pail of the stock
'consists to—
30 Sofas with Pink and Ilair.aloth onion:
ado. Mahogany Piano Chair.;
14 pair Divans:. • : ' • •
la dos fins mahogany Churs; . , •
la mahogany - Work Mond.:
3 dormahoganyltooking Chairs;
15 marble mp Droning Humans .
, 8 pair Ottomans;
. bma,hlo top Work Stands; . . • ' •
- 18 cherry Work Sticals; •
Mahogany, Maids, Cherry,aad. Poplar Bedemads of
all dmortpnons;.and, a Large assortment. of CoMmon
Fumiutromod Chalra;too numorods to menuon 7 .• • •
Corner of Wood and Ad ets Plttstnargh,
LIAVING withdrawn (corn the old } rm of Walker
lA. ',Woodson% on We Ist.of Jumory, 1547,1 take
pleasure in announcing is my friends tAtbe not arid
country, that I balm opened my new irate at Ilbeit , bove ,
named plum, purchased my good: , sat%
and made arrangemenm• with mannltlrlintli' this
aountry and In Europa m ho anwiently.'supplied, am
(ally prepared to furnish Hardware of all kinds, no se
good tenon and as low as any hoer. Pall Of
hlereltenl, and others are respectfully, invited tp eel
and examine rut atock, before purchasing claws:here..
The (plowing comprises paneten Cock. ,; ; •
Steeinboat and Saddlery Ilmilware. Gun Trunnontes,
lihna, Nayta?. Stnel, CeSnrY.lAge.Tools....knoils, Vi
ces, Locks. Latches, Sickles, Scythes %an. Hinges.
Screen, Union Factory Plairea.Seuraldlihoganylvards
and renters,-and all other mucks nottmoted MA the
Ilanlware hosin•can. " ' • • •• •:•nfe.hiltf •
•• • • " •
ITt a subscribers haring obMined written}, May Id
.1816,1 i en Press Brick Plaelitne, and having !Into thin
Moor Oily tested its ability, ass now prepared to nett
rights and contract to deliver mlehine.a to any parlor
the I; turd ihstes Tim =Whine is 'designed tognake
Reck. from erode clay, and will make ••30,000 'good
now' inn brick per day, solhe iestly bard to stack .up
in the kilts; dies avoiding the expense/and labor ofpre•
pariOe the clandrying and handlitia-the' brink eller
being essalded, los steeple, stroogoot liableto ketone
onto( repair, and is conauncted Wait tan be taken to
pieces. and pm together with great Tacility,thus render,
tngit7grinble.' We are SOW inechiaraisnd
can tannekthenit on short arnica Fora fall desCOPtiort
weave old refer to a mach*e now , in surcesscul Opera
tion, d Mill ereck boat, near thA %Vented of Eigiith
street, where we and! be lumpy to..daplato mremaing
connected wait to all who may call,. We have at
present ea aminnised Agent- . AR/anent mon/add/cm
will be Frretle ui nt&d
Dr ' TB 4 u O/k );iiIILLEN
sepAitf_ . CINCINNATI.
L W , WOI3II.TH ITEMIGT:.III - 111 — iltirp
open on klenday,"Aprit Mar doors from Wood at,
snd next dna to A JaysseNi Pekin Tea Store- •
A splendid aworteacotof Fancy Cake, OnefeelionerYi
Fruit, Ike, freshen the ontaterevery day; among which .
are the following .• • •
- tdacarazaa Easel Cakm ',EMU BISCUIT
PST= UC TrOrd ri resififse N e
.Oinger Paws; Wafer Jnmb lea Sponge Swag
Federal Cake. A. ra • - Seger
Orders for lee' Creams, Jelly, Bruitb' Cate. Fi.CY
Confectionary, die; do., calcined to a manner. nut,
enalkal qualley and beamY by any -other estAblialP
mem in Bread . .
Fresh 71rist, Nod, le.; manafeetared sold,
from White Wheat Flom,- maim from all dntas. every
zooming. agd. , ANDHEWS
BOliTON•1110/3/3 OP IIEATING 110V
BF —lll. G.. Dann . ..or Bostory has arr.sed and
paw:coda plan tor hearing *mom which has been cue.
cesetally ni. Tark.lke , sod where,er
applied. hia reMnrod the decided Waren. • ft ,
elan% Faraacca;ke. ltr advArnmes aro— •
let. Great reaularity of Tteciperookre. '
Void. Freedom from Smoke.
3rd. No aopkasant Dryness, • i
id!. Easily attended bu r and not /liable toga cater
order. ti
fire. Gres; Derability.
ra hfodeland Speeitication may be reel; end
obtained al th e Copper and roman fantory of
WAL if SCA IFE; tstreeLl
mp4fitf• bet. an 24+16144m
Cutlery, Saddlorr, sa.. jT
JOHN , WALI=B": , 1;
IMPORTER. AND DEALER en koreign and Dome.
tie Hardware, would respectfully lnairmats friends
and lbe p.bli , v.mur , tea be r.ctivin g , hit
Spaisgmapply of Ironware, at the oldelandof Walker
L Woodmen, No So Wood street, mach he will dispose .
of on the most reasonable wrote. ' •
Ile seal be continually rreelving fresh e unplijr J rem
from the Alraufactarent in Europe and tar
. rountry,
which will enable Lim to compete with ally estublma
mem, either East or West. o.•
• -
Wesard Merchants are invited to call and essorine
his stock trekae porcharma elsewhere roma
. Copartatirsih • :
.Ix7E, the undort,gued; huve entered into Copartnit-
Ylf ship for the porn* •Df Imisaming Petxlseo,
Sounutsuint sitt F
e rt e ililzis w esk, t
e tte.", style
undisee Wen the vraretomese. No a Comnerejat
Liberty etrees,fnaustlenteduidabTXta • 4
where MLbulnw aturested. to ont ehurpt_ will be
r t* ln d lgra l trlit=rl7 . of Ph — Ilbdelphisl .
, • THOS 8 ilefsEtr.W, . • Bmlihteld, Oblo
Pittsburgh, Muth tht7. • ' meb93
7---- TuoIze.s.KENNMOY. JB., • •
the law Brat or Gawp'. & Kennedy, Looltmg
caCilaw, Blanaractarer and dealer /r/ Mocks, Combs,
and Variety Goode, keeps coartantly on hand, 0(.1.
own manufacture ever, detrital.. of Kilt. Mahogany
and Common Lo:Aing Glanver; 1;2 3.4. and 3 thawer
:rod<rc Nam and ornamental yam aa Penmen
All kind. of c:ooto, Troy.. and IV ailcra, to W.. ,
dozens; Comba,Tbreada, and • general •a.aortmelt of
Fancy Gonda, *holes.* it unal I advance an coot•
l'edlara and other. mooned , with Phelp'a Char.. Car
ricF•Frans, and IU by 14 (mows al New Vat% price.
oartOu 'No.Ni. nor wood 'mod ath •o.
Sletteatienbela Ll...try Stable.. '
y !WWl' PATTERSON. i •a-
J.% has opened the large mega jr
• ' •
and Smithfield edema,. the rear of the Nona la
Soma, with anent. , new smelt al flosses and lb• i•
ages of the best qoaiity and latest atylCs. Sows k pt
at livery In the boot manner. " . Wall/
Soap. •
all knob of creation.. add Mama-.of t h e Skin;
A' such u Pimplep,Uloiches, Mica. detnvr• lleat
em , ehapned or nracked Skin, and for all other Mica.
see of the Skin, which rmiuire remedies, ibis
Soap stand. aupavalled. • It also dispel. Freckles, idtin•
bum Morpheme, Tan, and change. Mr ardor of dark,
}allow, or disfiguted ohm, to • him. In'elidlY. Yoodifid•
fieltne,l4 A fresh sappl7,.warranted genuine, and fee
sale at the reduced price of 371 per cake. Ire tool peen
received, offered for•safehiy II AFA If SKS rooc &
Co , corner bland wood and Mho at the cornet of ,lath .
and wrndae. .1 'T,O
!MaarDag and linli:"lfiViiity - iialoolice
EILLCKSON tFOLINTAIN. Tarawa Profeireyr, toe
DIS repainted and fitted ep their Ehoring, Hair Drown and
Shamponnior„ aalootrin th e tandem dylq.and are prepared to
welana renown et nada, Oa th owe, shaded sad politeness
Thum prepared to awl to all that timyeall withoutdelay.
Thaukfist Kr past fuore,pe Wait • conunwrice of ths
nut, at ear Saloon, corner of Union greet and the Dimmed,
(beck of Alsandert Date Dry Goods Iliorc.l . 'kV
-- ` — '6ilgisaDistisr7iillliteViivi -- 7 -
FX PERIENCED lodges,on a trial of one and It half
million;. rinse 180, pronounce this article enter.
pateecd for durability in the ciwurnetant of all ktpd. of
rocasecar Puce ;MX. cash ,foe boat loads of 10 hl,
guaranteed nine month. US. Orden tot aneroid quality
Donner Bricks will be executed at RIO per ILK wide.'
sired, without guarantee. r A Stack of the got quality is
Ww renewing and. for oda ID the warehouse,•2lounka
harf," Canal Dade, by '
aptdtf . .• • Kenringfian Iron Works
0 sibTlo/9 TO - Y - 11.12 PUBLIC-Tbe stibilar
XJ bee, by written contract with thO Pram Tas. co;
bns the exclasive right to their Tele in Pit.hergh
sod Allegheny cities. Anytewon !attempting to nett
their Teas, except procured litoech trio, la practising a
deception end a fraud upon the public-end their atmu•
meats ore not tote relied on. J. , , • •
...21 A JAYNES. .IFortrh stteet
QTHAW, HAY, AND CORN &f: - Li,L cbrivi&- - :
L., Jou received from the East, Hoody claw Metter,
Einchur's Cylind ic al cutte r ,. very sanctum article; and
the Oblique roller, all of sebicki ere 'of a very auperior
quality; lot sale at the Pittsburgh fiord and Implement
orarchatse, corner of Wood apd Mb tie. . .
- i --
TOED AMMER, Drogist and Apothecary, NIW,
al corner of Wood .and 111 SU; Pins wrath, will eep
constantly on hand, Drop, Patna, Oda, :Dye-Matra
.II -Phyrician's prescriptions ear-Dilly erionpeend
ed from the bent materials, at any bout of the day or
night. Also, an assonettent ofTerfuhary; fine Tooth,
Hair. and Cloth Emetics, An. ke , which be will sell
low for cash.
DIIIIIOKWITONtII7 - e7 - atinnelih - FlierilinGe
. rotating betweenyhe subteritiewi, under ens style
of J D Williams &Cu, I. this day diseolved by mutual
consent. The business will be tonal ued hr., D Wil•
[leas, who Is duly authorised-to Pell, the accounts of
the late firm. . -. ' 3 WILLIAMS,.
- 1 05:HILLER
P,Usbtirgb, Sept I, I ez7. : eater
Cr L
ER A V d .' D A d ' li di
'' }ir e , c,' .. ° 7 t. u .° 1 ,174,;nit,'.
anitable P anni n gtoe n ' arUDV ' me ' n g and v glto o et.; a 1 . ., .1 "L"
assortment of pen and poeket kniven, :superior arac ,
last teceired epd for isle loci at the [Staxburgh Deed
and AgricalturefWarnhouie, No lat Wood st, cornet
of eth: ' . octal • .8 - N WICKERHIAM.
Al' CINCINNATI -l.m natatorial hytherGalerllol -
or Permsylvania:to bate eteknoractlporata of all in
suotnerus of writiegotlan effidarits and deposition, of
`petunia in Ohio, tote wed or reeordBl in Penns} Wee
via.: Owlet, 2 dears Erect of the Mayors. CHBeerCin•
einnati, Ohio. EDWARD 9 CRANCII
-- AD:army tit Lilal.
r .
100,0 LUS 00
Always on hmul,every deocrtption of Writiejr and
WfflappingEnpef aniladothle ^
' meh4 Comer Penn and Irorinnm: Pituboieti
vfNtrio ROSEA„ Monthl y tour nod Ever.
atenon, /in eadoblefot flud.og Cenietry't
can ha fornished l e=liention at the nen4 tame,
from NnnenoaUaa: tdanehenor.
No 134: eierviood and ath stm .
aims to my large meek of Gold maan d Silver; Pet
ant Lever Watches, suitable forLadtes d Gentlemen
—of the lateat and handsomest patterns andltf the bey
manufacture—warranted and tat aslant very low on
ce. .. jeln W W WILSON
11110 7 0 - A - Eits aia
ly on hind, and for nabs at redOed peens, at the
piu.b.thika Store, No IM:WoOtE slrtYL avmnr
gth 'dent. N WICKERSHAM
- -
ICECM/at PAERZERSLJeaCiee'd, .ficenairiet
-1 mew ot,lohnserVa excellent Patent tee Ceemn Pre.
zero reliable tot 'Well SiesmboaurandVette Caw-
OTOIf.AGIC+Tbe obbseOber bartbilea•4llc.. Inge
s.7mtreboote beespied by Pt. C. O. Onswy,lio.fiCar -
mama! Row. in now premed to core on forwOblo
Wrag' Goode Gond wok Geas ye court. Gay corned
by I name. OlitD #.80 . 11
j B .l 4 .Tfir 049 Pi , "WO
: T ins ] lnstionion, under the; rim a 'Rev.
a:Dittoes AND Lsnr, in which all the solid 'and or
namernoth rs eche, ofl finished, ediseat too - are rimet
islonv onen for Me Ilte[ption of pet: at
OS. Irwin ßow, LI ray Streets •
between 3d andatt, streets.. The' Second Session will
crimmence on &Insular the 301ir of..Augtrt; and it
adt."2.l the any :who may deep entering should
h c present as for as practicaMohr that time,.
The have setered'the . services of Professor RIIO.ROCK as teneher. of Music on lhe,Eiatto'and Oahu,
who Is too well known to need reeornmendadon. A com
petent French tenehei will be ethployed: - - -
‘Prof,lll24l.7llAhl will have ehargeof the Department
. Prof. will have direation of the:Artistic
Department, and will give lease* In Mewing, sketch
.o4 Painting, boll In all Ind Water colons. --net
- a.nonmetent teacher, and has recommendations
from the Sur men in Europe and the United Stales. 11e
has alto been. a teacher in the inn trantations of the
' For tells *poly m the Erinci , . alltf •
' BOARDING , 11011001..
f/Yo.l kW, Strad, ahem Thinansti, Seal side;
1 1 1,Ferh7.71%V°.'4":,1"e,g,tht"L'o".!;.uhT,
roetion in the French, end Latin Lai:wimps.
The serricer of the most eminent Professors are per
eminently seemed, and every facility, given pupils for
acquiring the diferent Languttgei, together won
' l, ...T: P y b e * a b r m Vit ' vided into' two terms or five months
,each, commencing on the lot of September, end 'ceding
.• . , ,
'The charge for the Sebelastle Year or ten months, r
SO*, payable half yeatly adyanee; witho ut actin Kam and Dantlerb- which ate l at Prorearor%
'ptlers. Those eitanneneing any tree OtlAtillt the lamb
end bechtuned accordingly. !" • I
)(A la tboaabt dernable by parenia or goatdiani of
POPila (mm a distance, abereart retnain.daiinetha
Sonanzey vacation; 'rhea all doe attention will be pant,
-• ' • a unazisext. ' '
Mesh Ellati.tai'Di Et M Panama, Chi, McClellan,
las.Qeorps oland, Paladslp his —F. N Morgan,.
Esq,E Loma, Hon /a Halts, Wa Tbosaaa,
:Tha arta. Ea. Morena, AI a—Waat Jut
mdfAg, N men Ego, !Valiant',
Mon Rschard IC Call, Tallabissi b Tama
ISeintsc,Cbarlestin—J Plaifer N C—Thom. C
Nesbit Esq,Saasaah, Oce—Her Snodgrass. New.
TMS lwaluatoo onderess dimuno of M. N. W.
METCALF, to ulllopen for the waeption Popili
Owner al Sandusky and StraiirborAy
The Retied &Salop wllloomounce,on . klonlalidoPt
Those desigstloi to ester will ESA n to then iatCwil
to do was near ale opening at the St asion I. possible;
await . Witt ba recezved y tyat dialog
finthot's Gibbon—The history ,of the declhth and
Fall of the Rennin Respire. B y. Edward Gibbon,
Esq. Anew Edition, rens/Amid eortectesithrongh.
preceded by a preface, nith accompanied by
soteccritical and historical, relaiing principally to
the pospagatiou: of
.Chthstiauityi by M. V. Gmsot
Minister of Public Instruction' fin the - killdeers of
Iretheth The prelace,notts and Corrections, truth:
fated 'Dom the French expresily for this edition.
With a Notice of the Late and character of Gibbon,
awl: Watson's Reply,. to fßbbote la! vols.-imp.
Bvo, 1073 page..: . -
Nayeer's War.-Complete. I vol. imp.
Haltom'. Middle/ Ages, Chamberhi Rebellion is
Scotland, Robertson's Virginia 'mid New Ragland,
lianetell's Rhumb and Eighth War in America, an d
Rantsay'a American Revolution. set 41o:-
;Lamar; al . Ather*.au History4-Contelaing
thous from the beak authors on 'American History,
Biography, Travels, Commerce; S oil:Lathe, Indians,
Revolutionary dret. &c. • Also; !them
eetes;yeetryand tdisceUnnonai erode. ' Illastra
ted with moth than ND engraving'. I not, imp Oro
CdOpages. ••j
niters:al Pieldriet Library—Containthg veleable
paper. ou /stints. subjects, comprising Nate - nil
History; Nate ] d Belem tea, Agnelli in th, Resat ECM
atCh Btograph. Flee Art.; ths Orientals, Travels,
Geogrephy. Botany. ithiacellanithme reading, ecer
rks. 1 'el trip gee. 6401p,fa1l Sheep.
.; The •Vamily.Medicel Library—, A Treatise on'the •
Prevention and jCiiie of - Diieetts, by regimen and
binplemedielnee.: -New Witten, revised and enlar.'
ed with the 'adddion of a Vegetnalellltiteria Med.
ies . ,lMtating out lb. ulnae.; prepantbsas and dote
&our issost saleable endive Medical pleads, and an
outline et% Aunianty mad Phythology. illoatrited
With one hundred Eagrthesgsr_sts or which are
colored.. By 1-Q Norwood, hi D—M.4' wages Sm.
America= Flower Garden Cokoparterna—Adapted
tote United Stake; by Edward Sayers, Landempe
aft( Gardenir. kno,Ahird edition,
leds,sniarged nod
meeTerteepoj Reeky Motinthier, rte. tr:e? • I
Family 'Vesture:mi . , octavo; web' and without :
Polyglot limethettrisPsaltne in metre. • !
- Klee and hour& Debate. Bare. Maki Lady
ores - Lake. Latheitookh. bforehiPsirateDerthe
how . Juvenile :IBMs. Cheap edition. of .thrious
work. in pamphlet form. I ' •
• :4 1 E1Ian It Honda Works.
BRAN M% CNICYCLOPAIDIA-.k D elionary of Ad.
twoo,Lionnureglid arl.crnpeioing the I.lwery, description
and sego pri neiplet f erery brunet of huniaslulowledgc.
with the deriration and &Annum of di the tel. intone-nal
tne, edited by W V Ilrande, PU 8, e. lllintrntedly un
menus enararingo On wood,' '
Idoesebtliorth Anterienn Attu, cootaining beautifully col
ored mops If North gmegio, Canada Dub Canada'
Nora Sodtia, New Eruniancit, Nov thin Texas, New Ma.
wo, Floridly Terse, California XI nem, Genital America,
Yneabei, Inot India Wand. mid all the Watts and Tonto
rico in the I
Poritense-The bEitari, Of the Piritano (nun die
crionnation in 11,7, b dal rerolulioa 41 I:3Bo,conaprhing
antenna of their prmeiples, An, ne, by Daniel Neal, Yr A,
revered by John 0 Modes MD, maximise portrait. no geed;
In two voume. r '
The one of the liody in. relitintito the Mind, hy,l3eorge
Monte, hi D, moniker of th* royal talkie( Phyownine,
Javenll• Woi4a. .
firealilt aorl IFookr o•whicb inaket the emu, • am pop
ular Jorwula work.
Perth o 6 the Sca;briog trotting oarratioe' for sh , pwreeks,
ussel;:k Sp•alter—Tin• JuTruils I Shaker, ea .
. mpriw'ng
clauciwary roles 101 escrowsl9 deeboalwa, ',Li a ale
lion of picots for mouser, by Fraud. - 1• Rowell, =Woe:aria.
ekawlion a r,inretou. ' :
Tke ebtrrinurk. received and rue ails by
ftr merle. and Ord.
. .
/Y./L. Donstiosn's Memo Health; l .
.l'ainela Institutes of Medicine; '
'Horner'. Artutomy, I
reit.lia'P :Umtata kiddie ai .
Mailer's Elan ants of ' Ylkimology •
Vila:axes Frain.% •
'Watson's doi • •
klbeilleis do; .
Fliertie on Female.;
Coop. on 'lentil;l
o '
itaintbothata'• Practice of rantinou;
l'ounori Om INemsel; , . . ,
C.:m.4om Dimas. of Cleldretti , , •
- I limpet's M-diaal Diedionaryi, i • . .
Clymer on Perms;
lientedgl•!..lasperistnory—new edition.
The above mak a ganeralamonment of
Pe a l eClmeal and:
Alta= Wantons Books} ma itteiVing and sae lin.
rptila • SG market st. iolarcen art and ailt
, A. PUBLICATIONS —, Webster'' ,
H A Dom ftP e E ati tt eLa'•Onomy and lloastikeoping..
'Murdoch's Alosleim. . . .
Liddell one Scott.. Greek and Etitlikit !AK ic.n.
. Draper's Natotafrhlkoophy, . 1 • . . ~
motley's Geometry.. ,
Silo reel and for sale by . ,
apo9 . IdeMON ALI; It lIEF-CIN. 00 ma tkot n
K lii - - •' ' 1100116—Ilion'. .77-7,-","^
4 IIOOILII-11thory or thopreirk Ron.
an theof wars and camp& prbs arising
'froMthe *brinier of the Greek Patrsour In ',mumps..
I'llelitrlrcoonlry' from the Tnai.ll yoke-1n two yolk
amen—aplendld copy with numerous maps and cop.
Letters' illastrailwe of the reign Of . William 111, front
lOW to 17W—with fins portrait., in
Companion to the study of the Holy reenter.:
Harry hlowhnly, duitlng romance, with 10 eagra
'roar is their* Lind; French Sage, ind Sketcher
In Chins. Jun rre'd and ferrate by
spar re Mutant street
. .
'I'OIIN 14ELLon. Woad it., is now receiving
an cseelkut-sasonment of UotiOn Ind New 'York
hanos, arrived today and now open for sale.
Two splendid Rosewood Pianos, sz octavos, $250
1140 oplemhd Carved Rosewood, It:octaves, .10t1
One splendid triShoguy Piano, extend altar oc
wive. 850
.one gotad PiapO Yong, mode at the factory of
Henn Ifort, Aritiowd _lcily equal to the ono
. used by hies tit his Concerts, . 600
One nwhogany second hand Ellanti, =tab by Itito.
Worcester Onnhant, - New York. . • 225
A farther apply will be received during this week.
Now 141 of Iklarpuel. Plano&
HKLEUIER has just'receared the rallowinr nett. ,
. Pianos, Which will v be cold lower than can be
bought in the CURL
o aI.hOVIIIVOI octave, made be Norms k
Clark, New Verb, or peat power and sweetness of
trate—extreraciy tow paced. -
One elegant rosewood Psalm, made by Chickening,
Boston, and sele4te.l by him as the best Instrument at
the clear In kis dewy—price eery moderate-
Besidesia number of ethereal all prices and etylea,
fincrung the mostextroave scleebon ever prices;
No Be: ei& JW oodo , . e 4
- Boston and New, Feick Plano&
ftipi p9i JOHN . 11. MELLON, No rl - Wpid et,
Vol received and oilers (or sale—
. One epicsubd Roaovrood Piano Fone,
, inth q octave', iron frame
Made bi;hirae, inn, of Boeton. 1.
O. elegani Rosewood P lano. Font, yeah 6 oelnve4
.and Loan triune 'Made. by Mit kering.
One elegant Mahogany Plano Form—made by Gale
/a Co, New Fork, .
rhe above wilt be wad AL rinunfatiareei prier..
didn ' t. rate lea Ganre,n reamed hand.PianO Fork,
tyIiTOLLY OF' .1111,311166—.1an publiihed, by,
.1/ JA&UP .Inmea, ailman. . . - ' •
TOE lIISPORN OF ALEXICO I her Civil Wars and
Colonial and Reenlinionary Annak, front' the penintor
Gic:glimentat, Gooquest. IS" to ibe Wein/M.lm, 1514
inelnding an accoant of ibo War whit the,G niled Suttee,.
vte Sawn" and
chief 'Philip.
Yours. hi. D. With moCopptyln AMP...." 66 v..
Engravings of Pisan of Mule 0 o odsd ao: Otte vol,
smo octavo, of Conn handfed nod iztproar p.g.,. , , •
/nl4 , , •
FAP OF lIIMICO: 7 44akda loi &analog UPI
do. do Mcjion, tkpin to mania& 7 deflaida poi
s lariat situ: dal Coogrko di *Maim Repabhea: y
nonnoldo par la. =dor. antidade& • ) . , -• • •
:A' few copies teineived; r asikkY 1:. • 1; 1 •.,
. JOHNATON & lUON,Dookiellins .
ot .- , ...- , •ent warteg &Wits _
ra . E E Eftirricipiats DE NATURE, bar Minns Kea.
1 - :.elaimuts t and &V.lili. ? ,1 . 18444,44, 7 1 .1 1 , th ", o
AnditarJactano Davie.%
Amen' knot th em IV oral Daithe Ithibthil reeNa
kr' ''' :. :,, kriln . --. j “ 0 4 1
•CARYfg4 '
~o. ,;t. :::: .-...1 ,I: : I
COLPIAWRAILMANdk C.., haring emnpleunt.
their Ns workk aos now prepared to manatee.
tats every .MtecriPtioe of cowl. end laiptic evince'
Iron sale% Peer, oOdhff *ea Plookh
end angle. of ixtiall .equare ma/ /too, wrinelt
they olio Or We on:liberal rent .. at their TrerfAmiss.
N.,. en Wood atreett where they also keep Goland a
complete and handsome, assortmem or raaelli
milt,' Cordate hardarire,*molleable combats, Nails a
in Co, Imre Made outages:Dena with hf Mori
Dar Cyotts, inannfactoreti of Shovels, Spades
Forkiklen.,: and Will 'lnter eminently on bond crew.
trttelo mask by Mona. DeaLexi arc reslamdellY
eltml M en 11„ai ptleenand, tem win be sande
.711.1!!ceculyrwoRts ANTI
77. ..)orrpstiri
' . _ Jon*
: A NE preparansto Nand Cotton and.Wpallin Inmate*
Cl err of every deserippon, ancli as—Canling Ada&
oaken, eplitnlogYhatesi &peados, pwww`rilt Flmano:
Railway 'kat* ?Maroon, Twiner., filkooe. Dreasint
Frames LOcom 4 'Card Grindors, &c., Wrongto Iron'
Sbaninhursed all sloe, of:Cant iron, rillka .W
lisorers, °flags Imes/ planers* elide and head Laths,
and nods of alllooda,
Cattitora of eadg deacriptioa farnishid On'alkorl
nee. Panama made lo °olefin . 11111'Geati&VIrow:
rmling,&e.. Stalin ripe' for boating Famorica, Cant
Iron Window Naafi , and (maw Cascinda ,generany, 6 -
indent oft. al.the Wareboase.of Palmer &C 041.05,
arty Men, Win torte prompt - inernion.. , • • :
Elanksiok,lnni Co, J & co, E
Warner John (min k...fhtno Pa:Minna- •
G C 111 Wartieillaannaanna
--•----61-vertTrizmonio 111021Cra • .-•
EW.157E140E0 of Whatnot. e• F. Ilkspenber
.-or or /solata and J...V.Anoelnan of.ritubangh;
have this day entated Into co-partnership lender Mtn
sod no of Stephan., thoedelgar ta: CO, au do
Anatol. bon Waits, Whading•Vs..fal the pampas of
ta.mfacutring inns and tuula of every d esenpnon.
E. W. • ir eroctroir.
• .oS9lolil teore_wonica. • -
2dannfaetrue an kinds of boiler, shers,.trar lean and
nails, A LI Stae I aliens...moss lend arils, Being_eon
nested atilt ShoeraberTerla Old Juniata Wert., are can
offer eus lainele or Sartain tren (Winded .Bbeenbarnor]
Nall twiny wide M iho soltnis7., All of arlushorsll bo
sold at thePlobTrrit prices. Worshoaso °fine Wefts
coiner of Monroe and Wares stroota.' - rayll .
Lippencou. John D. Wick. Moron:
WI SEEM. MO vets and tapades, Asa and Hatchets,
Mill H. Cat,Ctrialar end Om slises: Hy, end td4m. ,, e
Forks, Hoes., Memel. Picks, ae. ac; • •
Having completed all their arrangements In the con
straetten of nevanmehlnery. and .in ' , ocarina the beet
workmen from the most celebrated mtabllshments of
ihe.East. are now • manufactunna and - will keep eon
mantlye • hand and the tie all the above erne., has,
inst availed themselves of the lateitimptovernents, and
ale determined that in workmanship and material they.
will not be excelled. They pronilse to produce *metes,
equal,Hooteoperler,io any that can be bad to the East..
They motto the anent= of dealers do an ezarmnalloo
of their “ock beam muchaalita.'elsewliere, as they am
eortvlietd that they Will be abeam all allardere In their
Ited tattle entire setisfaetim sKPltreltescrM rferelemees
Water 5t..4 doors Pima Idonoitadela Monne, pittsharah,
. la, Pe+ hamitabisiness Seth Wis. Llppeneoti
a pen, will plaau eon on Umpteen Pe Co. • oetndty,
TiKES tats - method to inform his Mead.
ouid Uto paha at; large Mat his Far-toff
now la fall operaboo, on rho East mide'
of bd Diamond, Allegbear,arbere a eeef
*mat as pry of Blinds, of various. agora
.andqualluee,are amatandy kepton heed,
also at Nab Weed at, Pit:A.o, at I. A.
H. Plalllpeoil cloth wareroom. ,
amuse. natters made m order in the best MM.
aGtMr repatred Mete stionaataotlee.
N. B. Lu Bliada will be pal np, mitheat say alai , :
Weal crepes,' an that tier Gl3l be removed in it me
niMl in alma °fired, for washing, and widand t e Pid .
of • ere* , • ootadlytwlamly-,
~ ..-.... it , TV WWI, Bell nod Bran Emma
...rebuilt and coomnaticed bottom az
. 4 Mand,Where he will be pleaaml to
.• .
- aea ofd comae* nod Meads.: r , ,
. , C Omni, Elteamboate and Pella °f ever"
Mu t from 10 to 10,000 pound; can farm
pitteint *Me most Implored wales, nod.
' . .:warranted tole °reale beet material. , ..
Moen! Weser romp Counters, Balling, te. Pic.
mtalmgag%:Tll:l=TVi.rv's - -
VA„ F. , is• theaole proprunor of .Basrarr'sdNial
Annum* Nlrrar., ao justly celebrated-
for the redo&
luta of friction in mat:Smelly ne . lletee and Comm
.ipTls.9llw_A,lJ,i.T..Faiinil:: - , ii-g. -AL.
. w., -Nr. !WALL:Wit. • .- -
Nos. lii and OM Lalmi, .ropm, wear the Coma.
Al.WArli on handand made to order;e. large :eerie
. ty of Marble' hluatel4 rter,Centre Tablet, and
Bat eau Too, Total; Sammy blonarocou, /ma all which,
betegroade of the thole's(
l arrPtr t w rot f .r... u .'.
Pr g. ' rgtro, " ,atrtagi: p l' oirhuSO' ?dunte c kl b: are
Informed clan it lmsetforth anneeesearY for them al
go Earl. ea I
femme Mem with
article to all
ed., as 'cheap ea they can porchase them for la the
Eat. Cog and epee, • .: • 1 - : ' : ...tea'
~ 1 1a1 • 1706 ASTOUND G.
' X EIiTA Bleithng ! KWandortl
—To care .and INAMna Of the SALMI':
, Pisrples. Fmk tesk4Saribson.,M4AMLlF!..Saaf.7.Bo,
Heads; fra. - • • I • -
Foos'lnr. Init• Aaiun: dad' earitil of Frania
Ism astonahed oonsequonemot Asti...eery Made by,
anlushan , Chersost., ?dopy doubted... Rammed Alamo
an Impussibany . tani anything. Made ha' the hand. of
man could hare See siaMtrar paarestris taMetaimed
ray -Antonia ',reset da sosantaki.',/faii. clamed
Lhno and bin Invesosen Ma 6 .. bad. many
[foolish Tremor Without tryma• do me lime mar? at
Isagih, after !ening it in the homdlahli the Medical So
slaty of PO. (Me ban chemist. mtho vorldidelivered
W 4 Mime. repott &mot
aVire have now minptele and carefully .stained the
'simians:lmonth.. of Ve.prini. :Weave analfandita
componetoppode, , me ham av 4 rs Massmal eastaand
IMO hesitant trot 'to pnotromee IThe Indianeh=
*sap] ant meat Maven, ant i i;lfr aroatragem • •
Cdr *sap ]
askhin.. Its avenue . .sea crosid,
of suffering ratotoul.
lEET kucis. kistr Tint . I •
No lit Market ousel, Pitirbargh., refloat
TtAT:=. ° .'l,llh7f", MAklrgsvig i
rospettritßy invite persons Willing Fsesoototos to eat
and o iamb* beforOttorehastolOss ora coo soOPIY
Rork t r .torot. Forges, .1 erery °Art kind of
Cooper, Ti'l anti ?Alert Iron Igor cernary in fumillt•
utreetratuboli , r
T WO make I to order so he shortest notice
Tubriand Vkagther, Oopper won for Mesta &wines
sod every arletr of wort to oar li Si
W . EIoCVLLT rt. Ca.,
Manufacturers of fials, Bottles and W. Class,
• • • xm *ow tvrxeET. , •
OUR faciaries Wag now In fWI operation, nee are
prepared to execute ordersin our line, proanpUy.
ug, *
hat nnypncr vro hayodopted Yr, DUO 01
Esitnnm f WindnGlann. *at epprovenlpinn now
Irma inchC NM.) bk which nrc nirq out n. superior arti.
cln. Ulan flaltened od Mu &riff perfectly level . and
trot:with,* ' , try fine lustre Pataterraad dtalcriger.
..HY: aze requelled to call and etataine for thew
eelvca , • •
Alr 4l atlastumt,lnesa• Pittsbuntbd Pa.
• . )iiirchoube, • No.; 137,, WOod ifted,../ 1 / 4 6Wg6.,
, - WlLLconstantly keep onhand a good assort.'
Mem at Ware, of one own tromufacture and
superiorquality. IVlsolosale and country 'Ala-.
- clients me respectfully invited to call and cz.
amine for themselves, as we are 'determined 40:Awn
cheaper than hos ever before been offered to rho rich.
(Er Order* sow by mall, accompanied by the cash or
city reference. vnll ha promptly- attendell to. febt3 .
Great Western lull Hinge Manufactory,
. .
. - • .-.
• A.. , Itt a L i l E z .. , .. f ,.. Co., iwoald tritium the tradeat,
eveiraldiT in lb. u.7:FiTter'..l;`,L b ,7.' 111 fi le
pie begat", we Intend to .end 0111 to complete an u-'
cle as can pototbly be made. , Those calmed to the'
hardware trade, we think, will end it to their Iti;er , g-;
to .sour Bona' .411orderapromprly attended to.
min: .' A lIIIIDNER /c Co. toter Fah • Imamate .
• ' •• • . JOUR OIIEUIPP
Co., Nos./3mnd 94 Fronton;
I rg Boma Forma, and
rum; llms.• of all Uses coot
_ _
from the lams improved pm..
A I Ij~yi tom and warranted equal to
any. Alan, Mau Caruzim,
, Atosht4 it ' ordered, Osts
---- Lingo pot op proinsly and 0,,
i'eaeonable Itlolll.
nor 19dtlt
, *JOBR,S & qvioo,
viANUFACIVIIERS of Spring and'lnnuor Steel;
Ploggh Aline Ploogh Wings, Bch .
Mode Spfingulfanitnercd Iroa•A ale., and dealera
Shakable. Castings, Fire Engine lavas, and Coach
Trimmings generally comer of Ansa ann Front streets,
Pinsbusgh, Pa; ; " • spar! .
IRON and N.ik; Nhord.; :=7:gitrz,ne't
Mug to Erma. .
Also, an msortment at the old stand, IlledlsMeri
Row, Liberty treet. • .
hosing mule meat additions m the Rollin; MI% still
orders ems be filled pomptl. '
nova, _ GRAFF. LINDSAY k
. .
Iff.l3l.llCTOttial OT
Aron :wad Coppae Tacks, _
Pad drakira'. Points, bleverylmriptiol.
Office Ns,. .4 St: gtreei,
M Uhlish.NlV LEDLIE mogul - sego re and keep coo
oti hood fridulded and 'lllllll Fithr
0 loravrore, to all its-rancor% al their Wareham ear
ner of Tlarket and . IVater streets, Pitteburgh.
Our Workm continue in full'operitioss, and We 010
constalrly adding to our mock. which enables as to fill
Will with promptness. Purchasers are resportfolly
solieitrd to coil and roan - sine priers arid woos. •
Tllos. 16.1FINNEDS .
Wholtial4.lartiV Store .- 4.d•LookTgOlais;
corner of Wand and Foutih eta. Pinab arab;
tinniest reer;red - front Um East a large and good 45...
j 15( yariery troods,mehtdina Can ts,eircor=
Iron, firedin.. flaw,' Cana, riwka
canary and toinbs of every: panern, "qoaltree—
Wesiern'Merchants and others are reyttestelileocalfßa.
esarnino , Lrfere purchasing 'elsoschrtr, sante P.m:
An aind• of Gni, Mahogany and conceinn LookaigGlae.
taa.rse toren inn rind atilasteta manna 1.06111
• FlLlAl.tie.aerr) liberal rnn . nullre.
Inenittie subnciiber bnicArceived r..tnen
h 4 hos Wowed bite if in AtleghclUi
- Induced bin3l6 take& It toe, for
„Minor years ? .on the plopeny ; he 4not
aeuyyita,; In name4inely; 14.idc 11:11
Presbyterian Church. , Prinu the lons'itpc ricni.i in 'be'.
above 'mune= to please:kb ?omits nmpr-
It and reed., a sham of pnbUn PnuvaW , - • •
qaband and AniOnng In ant , r. anckawaLAng•
end Inp:Hosties; and every demerlinron 06
mode to order, fiont• ingentptre•donani I.
siothettarez.... tftputil JOHN SOUTH.. . _
VIRE 1181011..
807 4 . (Intl pigE BRICK, ezanqao{orcli by Jacae,e,
.(Intl ,
Blover, Bolivar, rm., vrasmule4 • eape--
bcwirileleos atore; tor axle by BAWL - a/ KIER 7 •
eaBF easitisap.searflb
SOUP -INPI Po setooP op et jtaaloOONto
J . 114 /1...1,.411,040..7fhL0 pill k'clook, ,
no-loom orrocUOooo4 lirOT.lttleoliolyoß.Joed,as
'mumps Atialax7.l3popel, b -Ad.1741
~ i
~, i
° ~'ia
MEDICAL - , 1-;
.. } aAzBIIOth BLOOD
And Coionanl Pan In the Ride and' ifublgarnats,
Asthma, Marano Cant, Prdputlias Urn Dean,
Liver Darairdinnh apaehina and aildlarasaa a,
i.e thin.., h3ngi, and
nrat's 111. ' '
11..44 14" ;11214, g raf1rder a " ....0. ,411 ivak7 a ly ..st4 novas paa ttar in i ke l eti
aide, and all the caul sanplara Of eaalatuders.'
.eapaed two of IX tea physalusa , nay Pi lin ea
Dad. and and km he COULD NOT
la . i * = est li Tb e il m7 ,D acr,w an a t,no m ol th' , be w th : e en: rbv46 r ,wy st rr : Ll Thk o -e, 0 2 ...0 Te ttc, be_ ,... 7 ,1.....0.1 10 la rkm".4 liteu fT waopla....i.i b ,4, ll : 6 . 4 7 l6l.• / 11 : 12 .
F , ;'. -el,
ban taken one bade he ins a 10 robe nest Us Work:
.1t had fIaVED DIS LIFE. • War
, Ingieraulatig
walla hoe tank Ind paha Inner eresliale•
I thalli Whin * feat name sabat din
le give u her r Wool fur narri Una year. en
eunmareed inking the Alliflealag Wass; aeon
alhainted hir amino ; Skala noorlfastriarinerlng4
bra has reamed hrr laborious eeengssion nialeleber,
„, fruoi, lea iiieral:ind Wit it; kr
vir¢l cangh,nuatugor ?Went And pala in Wade.
Ile.eneld gala° Meng 4.n. &Wag
Balsam, which dam the an. Con Xenia allayed the
crash, and hninght the Xenon_ ppm the anneal said
beton he had unp three' banana's* Manly band
Um. feared I ledY nlnarila Of 11 i mast en inf.
hu lan rem bitaa'sahleet,ip amen
Raising ot „MU, tevere-Dearbinhartness of
Pan In kiretlead -aria vailaan_patesaf her bady.t Her
friends belayed bar PAST . NINDOV7IIIIr. . The
110alag Wang rained bar Conte of all ber Ulna.
Dig synatemiwared - no enableu Mead le bernatt:
aid Wiwi** .
Wahhgli aulatian L Buila,lll
ttalleYol Win . 11,1 1="4WeY1111191frf.01 ,
Ask kr Mauna% Allillsall‘Ffaliasa r end Nana!
his widen agnanlifga anon • , •
Dana 23 eau and St per bale.
Dr. Shermatell Warm and Cc.gk Langer aold al
. , .
• Tremont °dee 106 Illawasenl;•L
.w -.3. cod roan by hami; lal'anat
Medicine Wareham end Boot we Mon t MOP Lbw
retry had oflrool And, Innarteet. rn.1.11.t.
=HA. ow
AND - Penland
late)A laetesafel than any agleam, weltinirorer. known ea:.
to =memo ware et leontoospeloo,Mallenar Madmen,
Ip the Sete and Ewan. Btonelles, A °Woman
Cough', Jlearaeneale Wan MOM;
roof, the
:newt; Wk./TWA CelliteCroloNeionoTtmin4.
ledirldoale of tha *Oen revalment:fiable cep boar
le tummy w no power end eillesey duo
Amon the tanimonii Is tip••!alila of ihe 'axa mm 4:
ate worst flamlipaulwtd pimixionsotTbil.
Walphia. the folla . mtNr 4Soci - Di. - young. , the
. , . - • PaseeassMixta,Tur,lo,l.o47.
wed Ruches, as *GU as as my awn
relay, übompstade Cesaymetd Byrep ensued Wood
Nephska? I hems , ma beemedeale sayidg it ts tea
bad ;depenant ef &hattedasehiarpertms Whaley
horn Caauttaptiam Ceilidh; CA add" all Uremia= of
the Throstalretudi the; se eat. at tles eased of
Me cat. . .1. 'Wu- antsou , ?twee m
We Unmans added a Merdep she Kraals mho gm
ate following eenlieide thareahluts rieU t heist per-
reedy eared at his disease • - •
• ; nom a pease etaratitude,anct• t Mat Wyse.
led cup mare re
to a walySevaltudge,
I would mate tbpt the benefit I blve - atpetiainted
Me • use of •TbomPeont Cesepenniklyrap ef. Tar- and
Weed risphth., lot several Yell. I Moe beet
.Wi th
with h &miming racking earetkonecompiebtel With
great oppression and dillealtyotbreathine, with • lea,
solost of tightness m lb. ater.. .-Viteeteing • greatly
stormed.. need seto had been midi benerittat by due
meshes me," reeatamended me to trh. lk I did lio, mad in '•
very shorttintessee.y alawniog Mathew &seppearedi.
.ter eapeciesattret become ters, all apprepsices lett me,
and cough ceased, an 4 in •dm day IC was able to ge
eat and attettd di Pry battens a wttiest: "
ialtirmatwit bet eheerfally. ere. she ,a2i,•• • by
es/lint allay resalexce,No.l.l3.4. From it. - •
JOS. hfeht&NAlrit:
Thie invaluable medicine le preptmld only by , AM-.
NEY & DICKSON, as I.IE-eerner. od tat sind.flpwsee
as, Philadelphia. Sala iv Palatial-et WILCOX, , "
Jr.. Price 50 cents at fl eel. Stride.
• CAUTlONllevrant.or 'the •tenutV irmalmfmta• Itar
ere raw eficat, TS. aamtrepakres are
.eya r roads at,
.deceits the unwar . • - •
READ T111:141 P+aNeat -
rip= the plrentorpdaaselX to the r resent Propnotor.
coosidetittion of,oottot. ei33.oJjouro
red to W. T. ;oil., mot fog lathe eitrof Netr York.
N. -A., the tietolc their of wrofseufffdt, artie
with et stetrooto of eerdiso eoospiktincittY HA?
pan Cheodeal Ile s Attortielige II tor
the II pited 0411,, od to
*iN bow: the prfrqgtof
lEirmal) ANTON.A
pcptow b 1 W JACKSQN. el ,is Patent Madded,
areboowi IN.
ely 'steet, herd of Wm!, at the
rboor!le husborglk ;abaci itto
en, Lao btained. All *there are Coonbaffen. •
A GREd.T CURE, perCarmi4 by the otightaland calp ore
6, 66 . Lime 66h prepared Mel add by 11. E 671,
Monza FACTO.; Wellti•Oitilad CO.;
411 n. R.S.'Scilsrer—dream ddatyfopm mut the altlicled
iaenme bred wmyyhmbl. tretimay breoroflanclatly
celebrated Liar P. 14. I him &Mimi dotoE isd.yamt
adherin; to Daw Crockett.* maim, Stu atm you,. mAht,
then to thetid.m kW of the natty firepere oot of *Num
atid.mlte r ,laotled to akim, tam!' sunk tato oldtvana
Pidsharc bean tdrerml lathe plablls tunt, attend,
rbeaue they will •.. them a/1," lathe, adjust Mat
Tan nplemst ewe ta tams. Wes %Miami }p.t. Lim
'mplautt , float. tat , rath; Ur& M;Serad much; snip/axed
'menyaidneat ph' to shoes 'SWIMa amatcy:' ham
loat Intel bloo mated mid phyakkal abesial tor duith;
Mbratedd or 6 tuna, endlmaltyotra nom tactual& . 1.
idah7 induced to try par 4uter Kb* =I soon' clot
WELL, Mu MIA( witch Rants sneciat to keep= clear
elf lade in the aid. sad al tie mbar , ' for at least
19 moothe:-. Yam P6i,it alon the aathatic twanged,
being mild, not mipinEor giebta mods Adam at UM 'Mom
huh, but sire me woes rebel • • Mai Rep amnia my sans
Con 6 'er .7 yeanoold hundred. of Wm, ad ham met
heart • sireonstplakt uttered bmary use Moo bunged
them: They hari rupareedmialMdarery *Mr 011 a 44 .
neighborhoo‘acid la a' dm* tisoe'l*Rl batildc *mall:. I.
mosimed them to .
mediae pbmin,
whether for Lirce,Compland or Ridings A limuiMut can
dd. them bar . supudat . to Ca/owl *t
r ibe Ithia Pill. L t ow,
Rt .
ba LlNatw
mspLimPißn peak= who mat tb• GERELNE d'
Bak for and taiga**, other than thine prepared sad MI by ft
Imams .Third &ea Fourth
sal by R . 1 .!. Citaatu Fin %Cast it C.32*,
We have been infonned by Mrs Row..of neon per
armed °niter bine. Jaynes Alterative, which
prove. its superiority over every other temedr of the
bind. She has been .tiered for the last sixteen years
with itineration, and eafultanon of ',triton bones, -
ring whieb time many pleetehave been discharged from
the reenter loaner the eranlum,froos both her arm.,
wrist* and hands, and froth both - legs, and Gas the • left
fez oral Woe, end from the tight have breidas palafal
sleets on other pans of her person, which have burden
the *kill or a gauntlet et the own hennent phyeielansof
our tit,-dung awn of the time her seSseings have
been osenotaing and deplprabla r About three months
sine, *be was Induced to try Ike.layaros Alterative,
which his bad en astonishingly happyafect upon her,
by retrieving all wain area swellings, sing glum/ the
almoner beal,Vlhl les at he fame time her posed health
hes beams completely renored, so Ora she now weighs
Id the more then ehe did before she ennomeneed the awl
of dole truly raluabk.prepatrasultrat Eve. Poet.
For farther lathriauton, utheareal Era Rose, NO. 149
Filbert et, PhlladelPhoh. - • •
,' For We in Pinelwrgh, at the PE . IIIN TEA STORE,
73 Fourth at near Wood. . - , Jyti
Yoe, eremite leetliTraiiiriAsl, Oka.—
Yea, whoa: skittle dark sod '
Ytm, whose hale os hank and grimy, , • ' •
Rustyoftny red or hery—
You, whore vile offenMve breath
• Unpleasant is as putrid deadt. •
You cook; have—boy, manor girl '
Teeth de white as straw or pearl, • •
kftmtrit eawd eweet,andennlele -, ' • ' '
Pure and while =Aso:moth and beetttfali .
And hairs ofqsalky,darlas sloe, ••,, • - '
By reading wheels said below.
READERS, mite( you task have the tie those by Indent
this is nothing but treta)asing a 33 beiderofJones'a Co
ral Pled Restoraftve.-alti bosofJOses'a &ether Tooth
Paste—and es cite of the german Junes', babas
Chemical Soap. The snitch,a tom bar lade, and no
Tare assured that the Ibllkinint are their real qualatet:
ies tooth ramie - Alves ;he heath a sweet odor, ,whlte
teeth; and pretence_the teeth, h,e, The hale Stud alt
know to be the most exualete thing ever made toe dess.
sing, beeaufylocand rammig the mrowth,of hate; end
the soaft,(get thageopmedones'iSoart, mind) will eon
all entpueday,friekhe, ke, and 'me te, dark' p s
white, cleat and reir: All thesethinge Oct sold
.uvW•JACICSOSPS Root and Slum Store *an; aunt
MedleanteWarebanse SO_Llhetty st • 'ea T
entre, eltirayt
li.Jailiet , 7l4o-Rateratetton inert /ad :
TilEttE rite few diseases ante cowmen we trot
leicieletltio lbw Pite aid yet, setwittutanit
till:Aran efforts twribeenmede,tweare by lb.. use
Ofeins, eacctessica„latiatentsi all went Pools.
and pl filthy beeetd. Now the Etebteestfon' is the
!mix mettitise eta. A peen* eta has beitrittiftr;
tug with the : Pine id : alte wont kind 'Witte heti Ss,
NeW Jane", Vomit ow mon no express lit
tiutde forth. speedy cute that thistiodinee had
effectens his puts—Phila. Set. test.._, t
Wes. sale its Vittebtagh lathe VESfEN -TEA
S'CORE, 72Feeith et -sea Shiest the Deal State
II P,Sams lll- ,Vedar..ii Angb,e 6 i tit
ltTlitnitilatil.TONlC.-1 1 tor pow
roe 'poii•Osgrit to lolfti Uproars
lopotsztk. Imy oogitplo:ok is owl, Salk*
nsontioomul allOrmas Ws: Witkinr
oririaserursiliftwervelktmaddr bee menage
rid.* lon tOOO 4.r r 4 ...,fterat"*".""'" l4 .
rtpqr Nub 6Oll our mien vio-as
aw& bait. to tootitO "."1*"1.1.4
miss sloonisrt nAUVOYA-Fpf kit.
swift ; dyelog Light,
.1116Ipor ray ,Ifia Dart'
11,01111 or Nack cotpr, vri*ldyeleig or Iniattivs lba
P.• e" 34 .I' ll
'AMON !,111S170!1!
P• ; • ; 4: '
a : I
VOL .---XV":-i"NO
- JOHNrpzaissior, •:.,
Altna7 Inuntinintee Cmnputy' • I
FlEtrs.ltMESltizSp" baudidirtaa raerchindile
of irrerideanplios; •e 'MAME • RISKS
upon halls escargots shrews's, token. aeon the
oma.inwe WaiileSase, al lir..l3. , ElitlikeS,
nr..,fit041ia..37 , Wass, Dear Market etrist,,paas,
;0 The slikesSOf thoOniqoury rixtels
ta+m.3o Illseitr wittalmrjoriftlgimw,"7 - '
smarhikershry with winch every clam upon %as Efie
, Ass ‘Wea- &diluted,. - WIT wAn.s.„ta 3 ,„
Ithg= Th ecaddett 'Ma 111.120.112;0 m• utteaull eau
las spat line As the P 4.111,110 N. B. lee.. :,t
. asass,Complay, while a Ass ibe ad4Wousladvssuars
as; an 'lizstitalisu among tus . iiost• fiessigmt
haslagailamplepaidsit cipttal,
,byahe _
as cie
yieldisi to limited hit se ihsiSsof '
ths profits or Use company
an any Asspossibili . ty ..haters t. sx4,thirelsso
pasesilig the k " triniipls distatod" or' every
obnoxious Ceatnie, an inks caoseattractivefortn:-
itriria.t., Company of \ Noah Atodsieti,
.tiratgsituddlysatbotised Agostithe ssisai
bar,olleta tomaks,perinspent and litugod,tosur.,
tufts oh mpent'io this elf/ ithaiis vicinity; sad '
-au uldpastatS bide Cass! sad Blum :
Jedia C. Smith prat,
.Alas. • ' ,Chsrlea Taylor; •
Saud. W JOAN,
,P,dsitud Eolith, Ambrose White; -;
Johu - A. Bros% ' Jacob M.
Joke Whits, 1: JOtia.R•s4l
P.Copit, Fttchud W o od__,
- Wm.Viudsh, • ; ' A,nbur
'TkiA thivoiasst- hariace.comput •
.41.114 c
United States, having hews obviated la Mi. ;to
asutei *pima, au d' from itritigi-stssagy.`
maple amass, and 'studios WS
!risks ofsa hassolotts, character, itp r
eotishistod'ubgetiogusgs semis, to tit
At Coustiugjtooto or Atwood, Jones•As
Wooer sod host streets, Pittsburgh '
7 101*E r M plaY
Apthailpipiy • KLAN VII, tut ! :
, unfo.Contpany orrklaidelpnia,
IXT.FLp znikonace,pennincat
vir im:notion nroomt I, in PPM&
BURGH''SUKROU.NUNG "courrray,...
cm imam* Pop 56.. This c 0 0 10 4.7 Mks PPPotail
cArtra.r.i.;.; .:1400* pOd in.
0NTL . N4.01• 3
Offleo Owner of Thin! indbfarial ,sts,
so "Z—tr : WARRICKASIAMIN. Anent.'
-A.mittleal.' liss 4/eispaißy
. • P
lkri. • • Carka.n. f.
Olnas it!..Pkiladetiltia,. No. 72 Mars:tut 212124 1
I ";ski e e i , W ! 1
.'!4 / 'rqP. S !"?qt..rees!!.
12 7 2121nd end rsolFtesebtiebed Caspgirr eta;tutnes ' .
..i. lowed Thilasgs, lifontandise,f urrunue and rrop.•
en) amigo ixtralmininS eleaseter, .g tact km
! " .410:eations rer laiinum. .1544uih'fatt4 - • its'.
thud. In reeeirpd,• mad mks patrol clew
pdepenully infer liana penods, 021 terms by
nak "
, . ,
•ar • aasurs as • tweak 7 .
- 1 Wll br pie
airrattrionnr4itm...% et kegs and oats fanlike.'
ea If At On. lowan market pries, Iran wed,
known to bath boyars theadmusgo of pookingkatkis
ba pant—the brabor "(Hop' bokapatur
kabiat win
ustowndly largo, sai of do knew duality eats ro.
tholambara coin crops in tato secti on, tho kha ,r, wilf
•te terVklrao artist.. Boyars who Intood.p In'.
'Uto t , '"'wool4l &Went° tall or this Nikko bonne look:
nos eficakors. !laid - alto. pent op Maw* for
Fartonaor Motors; or If Any of Am wish to whoa
dads tarkiWternutklarill atakomodita efeararith miry
kainiand Paks osSLI in ba251,-.4LlWpookodritsktai
pdirttak ulster, as the greater portion at ISO Hogs will
no mold:go and far a dare any direr roa only at ank
Areas A netlike to th e owner.. k r hall be p r epared L. •
pack toy dawn% and reecontribnd boykro bi - fn tins.
LW in doe Woo, and maks ar
mdsran.9? PsobFit,ilt,
before titre, ernes for winter: '
:. •r• : • • lOLIN O thYLOll,
Lleardnown. Orlethei:l3, ILI7=O
' • WM; ALEXIA' DEIL sci.NS;
OOFFIN lial(f.its AND Firllgslimu uNDItI2
TAKEO, comer of Peen and Oath maths ;
...pellet the IZseharthe llatel; enthuse orr'Peart sued,
Atespecially . thlorth sheir frunde mei the pa bl ,y ak t tae,
they ate prepathd furnish and tweed to eve le •
the haslet thalarethan: always...on ham :Am. as,
saunas a y made covered, Neal lush
tatted fails sath Italt hamar; ag iota spd sizes ressyl • •
atads=sta of Stase/, Catabsiek.aod thashus , ate a&
.ipsaa • aattaysis.4 othisa.—Writurritnaesa-air`.—.
homes:lot whiesaad black, coathri silk moth 3:14 Otavahr, •
• see pan hearth. and =theatre, mho, cape, rot hue. sad istherththatteetwassy kr dreessor the eadV, •
sadm reastatahha themsots 11111,PUSIXNall gos4li'
la the Fauna 11111n r .. - 6130;athret 'squat 10 engraving
the tame aro; sac We.bave itMesuligl novr.bcaraeiU
horsth, std astamber at ths host eaniages , ,Every.(
• athandestassothaththathroanetatalty..--.'detattr
• latlialasalw lariat Ilawawhousex
Trh. FAIii4ES7OCK '&l:ictslo.:49;.tohari t .
2..11a: Nett Variceirericteatiitaira lad teanta,
samonsaext of-Drags sad llettietna7 Dia Sta ff , •
PALM aniVOillor every itisseription, watch theY
are prepared' and detente:tad ta:xcll ken. •••.' •• ,
Canatg Atershastx and Uniggiattr are!requitated
to eallaodeaaaiine thew attains. .grdets executed
with falltihlibeta and degatch:: B. A. ratatelnott'a
Vacation, caastaidly on nand— , • •!•
rahnentack. • Fmabaigh:
• , U. W. Futruestacki
A. S. Hall, New York ' . 1.;
• PArle. REHOUSE:,.-
et. tau side, saw ironit.
I *TRU W. FIELD mina for sale agu e remit
Alanafteturers prima, a very .extensivn Assam.
meat of PAPER, comprising. every ponttde 'variety,
adapted la dm Irani as ammusers to atlaemarna alba
amide'. Piper dt all kinda made to olderALA=
sick rit PRIEM° iargi
apert p aitiva i d i qr * varkie la
'of everpdeeeripttimr, imported and kepueenitamly art
hart, mat Velcro, Wire Cgrab,Feardritites dims
Slaael,l4.Pmeder,Ditte Ditratvarine,TarMe;Aca,ta
Oinvem,l4l4 Rope,Grau Itape,Degicg, de. AC,
parer:wed, dm , mai& "tha higamt price m Cash will Mr
paid . • ~ IY79i • Nem-York 1ev.115411.
• • ware Store • OPINIKI.
W HlT MOREAKNOLFPheelagremovedireet
'1 If come of /4braly and et Clan mem, Ne
Wood ereer4 am dans above St Manes find, would
of Fl e lt.:.VitTlijt k E. CUTLER. YikofsdbATDVlY,ol9o4l
per rams- autr,tin floaanealelalLed Ruesta., dirt
from Ma omufuouners or Eogiond and linronue.
Also yr Amarieen Ifordonre, from the
monomersalMS = of the Boum &UM •
thew neck beim entirely new and pardoned open
doe benteraionen fed gam Ad.= in being able
wombat) , or meet ecenpention frdra any Attune',
'Mather ear or weit. • . •c'
Tlie Hardware bdainses will be eendneed et ce — al d
0 1 / 1 ,-Tba_yomenunp booMm mut,
.- 11 b...11 (Mimed MIMI mmo knemmo
The baimes. Me analtlllbemuled .y WY le&
u, - who Is amloalmlp doriMe Woe a the lortbiaM
ferutat Ftrir . ". _ WIGIr !MAE,
opiOqor - 1 , 47 ) ' 3D4LZELde
THE Sabseiller v noiryirpoied w goonniscuue eh
kind. of Coma Rod. WOMOI milehiseryat the Omuta
'unfelt. Won 101 l m Wsgloomo , obArMo Shopoor.-
ea Lltterroml Water amok - MU vOM PtmO.F.C
maim. _ - - /1 WIGHLTOILN
Laeoqi nbeMom Palma! and sio'
INVENTED...Fottho vollorand Partnanont
AA Caro off EittilA of RUPTlM.C.'l(daininlinall
of t~un elahaiof thta liven toasiti - i.the
..ta” with which it may be 'ram nit Fad e(
wood being many balanead on aptinan, ytelda P..'
10 , 0 °outran at 14 -
and iborouattly , spa itult
any moventant made by - tho. wawa?, -.llnania.tanni
toUbo_od iplattaission., annt a ewe is
,r alto soh-.
have utioNfotonota for tho n .v icaetave
of thaw voluble Twines, la a aoperior
Mph.* and ban down nova for saki ay mid the , ,No•
77, ntnitlitleld u. aear &ink Pidvbor
- 16° - w. uPhrADi..-
Comm any kik& of Griala
nuse4 on s.Vasfill et Planamonoind nay.a ripilled
by wSlsr. Maley wind. or dons ;ewer, sot will do jts
sdniessadi Erna tsplddy t d penis:Ws/1,4.2ml be pot
sp sod test IS codas by almost soy petrol.
rect. pd..ldut talannue,..o.../....i.
otletery Fiala .rd nip sr, Fa oodostdadly.,
amps& sod Ewa ever oroded ltd. poblfe.—
Tlos molds. nada mesas dOergido Stiks.PrasM
Bea dud logdedosos Wlttbeillb earner of Weft
Ilitt . .13 . N WlCKflltttilitss
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olbt for sahr the Nuttlishment agate` itibillf Wird,
Woad? lamed aro b 7 abbh m Waiifa 01100.4t0i ;JAW
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DORTAME,FOR6ES,A TY/T.oofAit.iera snit!.
'Bellows alid an Mennen:Abe carsitAbt tbAlunt
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