• DOINTERESTED BENZINPLENCE. When one reads an incident like th e following, he is compelled to feel a plea ' sant sensation in his bosom, arising' in part from the knowledge that' there are some disinterested, and benevolent people - left in the world still. We take this i • from the New York True Sun; 'and hope that it nay inciie others to "g 6 and .do Messrs. Editors—ln\stpping on hoard a steamboat the other day, we noticed a poor... Soldier, who was in altercation with a drayman about the - transportation of his baggage (win, a distant part of the city. The soldier,lol) appeared very, ill, was returning. from - the , field of war, to die, probably, with his friends ; and the un ', Just drayman was trying to eaten about four times whai the laW would allow himl No one, however, seemed to interfere,; unless to make someimpertinent remark , . s highly injurious to the feelings of the us. fonunate invalid;. and he soon yielded to the unj.ist," demand, sinking down into a sealwitha 10.,k of anguishthat spoke volumes. , Will it be believed, no. men noticed it! but though\ clothed in his country's uniform, pissed by, like the ' Priest and, the Levitt, 'without'-even a look of sympathy. 'Notk so the ladies, two - of, whom observed the transaction, and inbreed' tely walking up, accosted the soldier with, "My dear sir,.it was a great imposition, no doubt; but you seem unusu ally afflicted about so small a matter= .41 would. not-be, madam," said the man, - “wertilt not encroaching so far on my *bans, as "to compel .me ,to be a deck passeager, with:no place to sleep, and I start scarp _ sit.up now." . "Take my tick - - , • et, air," ',gait! the lady, "and may God bless yoo, poor' soldier;" when, putting • -the - tickqt into his hand, she vias out of sight in a moment. We'saw her, how ever• a' few moments after, convening female friend in another part of the boat." “Now tell them," she said, Will come next trip. I must return anti ;:eet. money -for another outfit."— .said the other lady, "why don't / you tell the captain, and L--" "Tell the / captain!" said the lady, with a bitter laugh, "why 1. , have seen -poor people thrust' on shore many times, beoauae . • - they_lacked,a few shillings of their fare, and once I Saw. pooti - widow and her children put out of a cbr bn a' strange road, because she wanted only a, dollar, to tall° her back to her own town. .No, I can this time servo a fellow-being at a small inconvenience, and I bless. God 1 have the means of IT'ultiog that poor soil -. • dier comfortable. Good bye!" She was off. GEORGIA VOLC.4,'N43 • . ;We find ifutie Montain; Eagle. a no tice of a voleino•eruption has ta ken place among I the high ;peaks of •the Look.eut Mountain, at a pldce called the. Narrows: From the account, as given by our.cotemporary, it tvould seem that the good people of Walker an'd Dade have beer. sorely amazed at the awful sounds and fearful pprtents that have ac companied thishurstot4 of the bowels of the earth. Indeed if there is truth in the story "as related. to the Eagle, , it ris time for the surrounding population to be taken With a moving. .In reference to this frightful "crater," friend Ware remarks • "Great epitemeitt and alarm prevails at present among j the inhabitants of Walker and Dade enemies, produced by a burning volclnoothicliis said 'to have 'bursted out. &Om 'among the high peaks of the Look-opt Mountain, at e place . called the Narrows, on the 19th inst.— We understand that many of these who - resided on the_mountain and in the neigh - Wilma' have abandoned their homes, and, it not gone into •a s tir 000ntrq site apleasrplaced'themeeires out of .harm's "A grave-looking 'gentleman fermi — Walker called on us one day this week to give Mt the fto particulars, who steed, s that on the, day. above mentioned, series of sounds resembling the 110i.1 of distant thunder, accotimaniedwoh.a.slight ing of the earjh, were distinctly heard in Walker end Dade, and by many persons in this county. That two or threi.days ' afterwards the eases was ascertained to ' be what we have already stated', and that The reporcnnd effects of the ereption inlts - innediate neighborhood were ter , Tibia beyond . description. Eeormous rocks were thrown frcun the mintrimitt into; the vAleyi below, and many other strange and powerful things done which we have not time to enumerate or de ' 'scritid. "As large beds of bituminous coal are known to exist 'in the Look-out !Moun tain, we should 'not.be surprised to hear irpartial confirmation. of the account giv en by our Walker county friend.P, , • OitiOlN" OP .ENLAND'It NATIONAL Dear.—The Den3cratie . Retie* says that “the'existing debt had a most fitting commencement, viz. an agyeernent to papa thelt`ot Chailes IT. At that time there was a kjnd .of money, issued by goldsmiths as a "receipt for coin" lodged -with thud on deposit. Charles, always in a strait for money, and surrounded by a most profligate set of men, was unable to borrow;--his credit Was gone. He therefore;hvith his worthy coadjutors, crintrited)o - creaie a :panic, during which be Induced goldsiniths and merchants io lodge their money (.00.4,263).id the ex chequer. for security. As soon as this • was dope ) Ito abstracted the money and spent it . in his ravels. This sum,' bear ing six per cent. interest, commenced that English debt which is now £BOO,- 000,000, - The People of England..have . piid interest on the/money Charles stole, and gave to pi'. women £40,000 per an num for ono hundred and eighty-one . years, making .17,240,000, or 832,000; ‘, 000.. and the de ' t is no nearer exile geisha t areibefor.. Gradually increas ing during the C'ghteentbyeentury, the debt 'arose X 262403,043, in 1793. In the folios log twi n years', which is the estirn to for,th life of a generation, it -wag in reaeed ;to £540,000,000 ster ling. 7 >1: -, 1_ - FREE', Taxivetaxtexs.—Brother Ste , treesarve, of the Atlas,' gives an amusing College '.recoileciihn of Limit. Alex. Hays, of Re.3II.CS de la Palma and Palo . Alto 'memory,:and one of his classmates, who heing,aPplied to read a Latin len _Boni' by one of those indolent fellows wha' abound an every College, took up .*thei passage which described Cesar sta tioning his barbariani.allies according to '. his plan of b a ttle,' in qya rations Casar distribag himirries rXrr,baros," . and with imPeritdable :gray. tyl, rende red it, ."In distribming rations I.'.usar gave hominy to - lige barbarians. 7 r I ) , . mu' - recals io m i l remembrance two diverting kensktions of the-same nature. ' 1 "- -: -A :pupil at onjolal or'scademies, read. • ,leg Canes coMmentaries, cattle to the * G ras ; "Cesar transit Alpes.. ) suTnma dill gouda," which to the master 'a astonish- ~. meta, be translated, "Caesar crossed, the .....:-.AIO on the top,ir a diligence."- .. ', . '!..' - Anotber:.'n the same discs translated ;.I.ihesrell' - kta own'prorhtb, "Acme •rminibits ...4 . .h i iiii v i ti v , la fellir*—"lthabody knows „ ., ...;li,i'wltiat hou the °Mathes stente.": -!:•,7:',1-Perhaps i Bbila4. Will alp the freest : '.•.‘; - .arit#Slation•of si.l4tiCii Pfiraia ass given nehinati lair:l44qt, Who lender . ~+k*- ,. !**. f itif, ; ?!irPillirill''' bi , ißting". -31. ;: 44 0Tid.1.'',. 411 1 04 1 !Iif. : . -a: .' i.zta._. , ?4,40#..11m074:«:75ifi: - .„..... - _ , ,..-..: 14 , .. .... V i -AK:'!:, ,.. . , --: , -- , .. -, 7.:. , ,,yr , :, , ;....„ - , - . , -. , .- - '..7 -,.. -f-.. -, , ,, x , .. ,, ...;.... . . . . JIEDIC &L 4:,, (LI EVERAL REABONS-W/1Y DR. LEVF, DY'S SARS'IIPARILLA LOO D: PILLS ore becoming so universally rs.mular • • Eirst,-kkeause theyulnaprepated tiy. Dr N B Lei tip himself, a regular Dreggiat, dhencist and Ptiyar elan or Philadelphia, who knew. the nature, the quality and eherxter of the Medicines need habia piths and their idaptatian to diens', Swiss. • Second, k4=juse tho public tan take them with greeter conlidence than mest,citherpille which are prepared ti} pehono . igoonat htli of medicine and diseases. • I Third, Because of their conthmed elect*, proper] lies not mintained in any other PIlls; namely, purg ing knoll - he stomach and bowels all unhealthy sub. stances, cod at •the same time notifying the blood anti fluids of the body. Fourth, Because they are the cheapest and beak medieinb known—a hoc costing but g.. 5 cents, and containing 40pills, easing tils persons as mai.y dollar. olt-times‘ in Doctor's th and noemas inedmineibought & tried en the rect.mmendstion of other.. _ ! , WHOLESOME ADVICE.,. , Menem you lure occasion to, take any midi • ein, do not be triftterwith . your - constitution . by trying all tindrof pills or other medicines : you see puultshed and recommended by one nod andtber but take at OfICO . : ', : , . q. 1. Dr. Leidy's S6naparifla Blood Pills I and you will not hare occasion to • take anytg else. They will always be lotted goodie almo.t kit warms ol.disease, Intimation of the atm:each, boise els, liver and iptestinei; cramp lof the atomach; colic, Waterbraste inward !ewe, .Ifonl breath, bad taste in the Month, Soureructatione and atidity,ot the stomach, cortiveneas and indigestion, want id appetite, billions election., Waimea of the spites' and kidneys, demeans of the skin, I scaly eniptiond dry and watery pimples or blotches of the face sin body, totter, rash,onckle heat and aaltrhuem, bead. ;ache, giddinesa, leanness, pains over the heart, of the breast, sides, along the back and spine, rheuma tism and put, fevers of all kinds, small pot, sari°, loW. measols_scrufela, erysipelas, and in short they are good in elf Meioses having their origin in the stomach, liver, and Intestines, and impurity of the bleed • --r....17.five cents a Box; Sold Wholesale and Retail by B. A. Fahhestock & Co.,serner of First and Wood, also corner of Sloth and Wood streets. septV Ditf.t. ' , ' "l2,Vllllo V nag ai e k sitrn i t ' O ' f this i' pa * pe ' T tanatice anyrhiagwhmh'we Lad on;{, from permaal Ito vestigldion, to be of utility to the poblie. -Borne of Dr. Jayne *medicines we have need Inbar family for many CAR con.. For instance the FaFFMTOICANT, the hIINATIVE,and VERMIFUGE, ,wluch we know to be good foe Ike coinplaints they proles* to once. We Vrf re on LOA! Ontario the past suranter, when several of ...unravelling pantos, from hoeing; in 'Western ricer , York . , drank, far many days, the limestone water: of tuairegton, were badly tracked with violent Dine hma, and Dysentery. Mr. IL hail' provided IhMaself, , s prerions to leaving home, with "'The Luminance of 1/1 dayne,” stud in all run of it. among fire geode tant,it wan suceessfut in el:feelinga speedy euee. The PLapectomot we have known: used coong ow inviolate friends with equal ' , often; and we feel that tve shall don gourd net to families (especially those sit uated on they mannothave access to immediate medical skald to advise them to keep on baud both the Expecto rant and Carminative. The hapeelorant is believed by good physiciane to be the-best recipe for ruloronary po unded. Complaint., that ha. ever yet been cam pounded. The fell/04 De. Jayne not a quack,but a regular, iKic.lll6c, and abismedical pritetlllOtlef telt. Ills medicates are used by the best physteions. EZRA HOLDEN • . . - Editor of the Phil: Satarday Calmer For sale in yittabur g h at the PEKIN TEA eroxe.72 Fourth at- near Wood. ! JXYIIIIEVA - CALLOI.II.IIIATA Vol as/Luna.' 1 11.011 the Soy ASA. SHINN, a well known and pop alto Clete - rm. of the Promatautklethodist Church The unlereigned having been afflicted during the past winter with a disease of - the stomach, POMelilee• pro. diming greet pain in the stomach for ruler twelve hours without intermiseina. and after 6.'44 tried various remedies with little effect. was furnished with a bottle of Dr D Jayne'. Carminative Balsam. Tins he used ric. cording to the directions, and found Invariably that this medicine caused the pain to abate in three or four min• Ines, and in fifteen dilwenty Minute.. every uneasy sensation was entirely quieted. The medicine was al% terwardlased whenever indication. of the approach of pain were pc seeivedomd the pant was thereby prevent. ed Ile continued to One the medicine every evening and sometime. in the mominc, and in a few week. health was en far restnrtd,,that the sufferer was relive ; ed from clargeamount of oppressive pain. From ex: perie.nce, therefore, he can confiletillT reeommoed Be D Ja vac's Carminative Balsam. as 'a salutary medicine fur disemea of the stomach and bowels. A SIIINN er • r For sale imPittsburgh at the IVigN ' Till "- S4'olll'. t'tl Fourth street, near Wood, nod 01.0 et the Drug store ~rig P SCiIWARTZ. Federol .tree,. Allegheny - .LTC W INGS.—Scrofula in all its multiplied forme' whciber in that of king'. Evil, enlargements o the glands or bone., Goitre, White Swellings, Cnrontr it heurnatiem,Causer, direanes of ttio Skin or Spine, , or of Pulmonary Consampoon, emanate from one and thesame come, which is a poisonous principle More or less inherent in the human system. There. fore. miles. this principle can be destroyed, no radi• evil cure can be reflected, but if the principle upon which the disease depend., is ; removed, la core muster necessity follow, 110 matter order what Inrm the disesie should manliest itsell."Phis, therefore If the reason why' SATS ALT6IAT /ft if or., verally succemful in:removing su tinny malign ant dincuor. .firffillyil the virus or p rinciple lion whico those disesses,have their brimn, by entering lido the circulation, and with thehlood is cctracyed to the minutest.6bre, renanving: ewer] purtiele ol diiease.from the syetem. Prepared angf sold it No. F South Third Street. Philadelphia. / • Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No/T.:Fourth ,e Pittsburgh ; ittith3l . sCR.ATCii. _• . • krrER:Tr.:ll. SALT IV • ' 1 .r a aolgic'dayeeraWt. • Tie horrible in be obbsed to nob and`, .crutch when Cu,rtrl but Wrern horrible to abeam firm a, (for decency r Ike,' w:mn in company. Let it ha rentorie red mat lA. LEO) Tzt"rEit anti ITCH OINT.IIFATig me wpm efficacious of any other preparation in existence in coring the Tetter, 1tch...1-other disease, Of the skin. As all drsectes of the chin Must orig., frnso the impurity of Mg blood bnd fluids of the body, and where mica die -e be of long strualatcyand the colintancn elfscrerl we el.y, if Dr. hell?, cirs rphrille Wool YJIi be wed in the - lA/Arent, they wilt care any cage whawier, and if they do not, the money Will be rearmed by Or. Leidy. MOD cows, however, will be effcmuolly fared by Or Lcidy'a Teller and lieu (gunmen rattlers aloe whole tit stem is impregnated by me hammed bomors, wLich will be completely came/ °Crimp the sy who by Or t.udy'• Mood Ihlltotml the sumach of the stria heal ed lry the Oita:nein. Price ef Ointmear SS cents. For gale sty A FAIINE)TOCK fe CO roe renal a, amp me fd VLIIIONARY Memos. Herd & Cutler—l fed it ti duty I owe to my follow creatures to cam an0.,11 measure mapectom you Vegetable Palmneary Edam. Same I first uied he Holt en, about eleven years ago, the happy affect of which I then save an account of, I have had several secret cmupiaints and attack c at my lungsono a few days since—ah'il hi every instance I have niud the Ilith tom alone with complete and prefect ;gaged*r. Ii has effected relief and care en a very few days.' It as ore minty a safe medicine. Ido not thew Mat. it will cure a hard consumption, hut .1 believe 11.111 be in many cams a pmcontative, and prevention is better Mancurc I do therefore. foe Mc lave of my fellow men, earnestly recommend the use of Min Halms, in all pulmonary eompla nts. lam confident that it Las been the mean; of preserving my life to tins day. DCMDMI Skofn& lune Id, IR& Sold by 11 A PAIMESTOCE & CO, comer of Fl. Wood; also corner of Mb and Wno/1 sta. ...no AXORGANS COUGH SYRUP.-11 proved to be the VI gLe.L Pie theca in curing my ehild's &swaging 44 bah• front the Temperance Danner, N0v.; 4 47. Cotee ST/Ce.—Lie orenot in the habit of pidthg. meal less taker Fagan Medicines, bat we feel disposed to recommend blorgan'sSyrup to those who are tangled • went, a cough. After having tried diet:sisal remedies to .ienenve a constant asurdistmaing cough, that had for Several day, aed.ewl oar, of our'children. withoutgue• nese. we were induced lo try diorgan's Cough pyrop tart by weber was obtliptd in a few boort It pieced . o be the panacea in this cage at least. I•rcpered /rho:wale by We propiicor, JOAN D MOKGAN.Dloogist, neDI wood oi I door be , or•diolannd oy QDLLERS' VoRMIFDGE, coa/rder beitir tli /3 alloshers..” =ter:rill.. Illhany Co , Pa, i • October 271.1, 1517. I • 5.1 r. IL. P. Sellers:—S l y eon ttl month. old, being very 'voices at night, and having much fever at time.,! con cluded he had worm., and having heard a great deal about your Vermitage, I bought a vial and gave him 2 doseit which'expelled 52 very large weans. I consider your Venni/age better thart all otliera.! Ntio3 P. Solana Prepared and sold' E BELLE:HS, 37 Wood et. Fetid by pr. Carnal, 5m ward; and . D. l It. Curry, All.. ghenv en*. oeitte QAILSAPARIX.A.A=Brmor. Coin. Flail Ex , tawmpnrillm Iderebane• Comp. Mud Ext.law:manila; Covenant's do ; do; Commack' do do; TownamoVe do do; Conanadly on hood and 'for Talebyii.‘FAtiNEß iocgaCo.,.corner of Prat and wnod and wood and' sixth am .• TTATNE'S'EXPECTORANT 4- The . at Ut/CClfi Mid 'cheap to etheille for the mare or Conitimption and other diseases cannot, be too well known. Very many lives have been 'eyed by V. Morning dens. ' - re, FlliDi m Pittabargb et the P TE A' STORE, 7d numb street; near Wowl, and oleo a ram DrerStere of, ll Pchwans,Fedenl et. A Ilenhenv arr. !elk I 1 • . 4 A ISI DITTIMPATENTDIRECT-ACTION rr , I Ild Ilatrmser plwaessrs many advintrlner over all 1 others—among which ma y be mentioned, llt Otensgeablenca—Therspidinty and »woof blow ruby be controlled with the grown» case, while the ..heibroer Is in operation, and the hammer may be in. newly arrested, and suspended at any. height. Its Uoi scrub iy, or capacity to execute work of all kindly from thelanpert to the »saliva, •nr.de r the same bummer. Ita Coropectuem and Qt. pns”. ImAccesstbillty upon all sides, by Me workmen All the hammers are made Self-Acting. The subscribe» , continue tO execute Orden for there hemmers, of ell sixes, open reamenble terms. For funhor particulars, Mei:tiro of •MERRICKA. TOWNE, Arstecei of the Patent for the United Sun», decl . ek noechwark poundryPhlllarGa. 7 — ritit(tv.& - Sitat!itg6s, --- . 1 hlmmfacturers of AWNINGS, BAWLING BUTTONS, • WAGON COVERT AND GRAIN BAGS . . • •. or att. DEICRIFTioNS Ifamth Scout Street, !lucky - 7 4. Rilson's Cabinet Ware Manufy • PITILADELPIJI.A: A LI, orders left with 8. S. Noon, either:dace of the 11 Merchard`s lintel, Plerbergh, will be promptly 4 TIIO9. U. ORRIIT to •• C. NICKERSON - FO:MMM wuxt.su OGLE, 00.11C11 . • ILVENESB XJ.W,SIeO o f phdau, tau of tho A A of O fi tej %vim* - Wo.. reepeedirky minus be WI dr pilaw, that be Le pod will keep mtl es had opt kw ode, • baodeome seeortmesi of Yetucks of ell styks sod deeenidem, ma to orier C4 l=akoreese.pnoddornoon,sB4 moo to tb• eerp!pot emegoeroefeekeSed meteral. egleenbeeleoeld tespeelfolly torde,Ladles and J. UeoPerocet latent vim*, PPLlP*lpk±e, wad tp wepLe of FANCY PUHA nob os Moto Lioas."llNu", k .la otos no a coil befor4 Pard 0.. at daa**-Mas tbeY , 99/ nal It lo atelt %dorms* and no minas. An ardor's rerolved Naar tp mended ID St No 61 Not* Third et. anon) Met. liab." ""*" d i lOW =lll MELLANEOUS. :-"C'H.II. 03 I 'Ft7 pi - 7_ • OM BOUDELOWYMs CELEURATK.D , RXXXDIr. F lO . l . S. reliowyq oc !:t itr Pregnancy and Child Birth, WhiCiliaftl,Cif the easy and , unprotraeted prune's of the 'unctionslot woman 'winch 'Nature, when uninfluenced by !he Intones of etellized life, Miended'should be iwrdr, med exprintousle. with idle pain, end without sal rev:cm Lie Bordelune.? doling his travels in Acta, obneiv. ed this remarkable fact. Thatthe woolen of thuke countries are peculihrly , different from all Oilier lands, in (hie respect—that they ire free fromhhe pains and dangers which 'make the period of Peens , ancy an Object of so much anticipated angering ad risk. Cunority sod the zeal for Scientific disc.es ry piomptod hire to investigate the cause of this re markable exception to theamere trials to which the married Icing/ are generally subjected, nod the result was the discovery id the fact, that the heman it those count/maniere tri the habit of using durii.g. the last stages of Pregnancy, certain plants Which have the faculty of imparting thdt degree of tone and elasticity to the nerves and blond vessels of fire Uterus, or )Viirob which eimblim it to perform its finctions in all their i 12011,1 simplicity of action akl freedom from pate. It is a singutar lam, also, that the Indian nom n of North America are ins remarkable degree free from those pains:and dangers ofpreguency and chtt . birth to which the Whiteis , :wmen .are subjected - Whether • Whether they ciao the shore plane as do the iromhn of Am we cannot tell. Certain it is that the fact is no lens remarkable than true. This Remedy us now 'extensively rued throughout Franceerith the most marked success And.61211 . 1.fp. males who were once single through ap,preheasiotis ol the danger consequent, to the stair of-marriage are now by the use o f this medicine, perforation the dutim of 'nisei and mothers with comfort ape happen... , • It is nt this time pow fiut presented to the WI,. men of America. by De Ifordeloqueobrough has sele agent, Dr A C 'MORTIMER, and he feels cola. .fident that independent of its intrinste menti it will recominend Itself to the mural partef the comma. nay, / it is fully calculated to do away with that horriderime of Which some, through fear. of pat/ of child birth, are guilty, (the production or prema ture delivery.) This medicine is also remarkable for remedying that hitherto incurable disease Barrenness, and dad almost constant accompaniment Fluor Albite.. in fact that" relaxed and fallen state of the Wocrib which accompanies this disease is never felt alter , the shortest use of this medicine. 11 This medicine in prepared in such a way ax tote agreeable and pleasant to the taste. Dr A C AIOItTIMER 'No 36 14 Lispenard s ~ New York, has been appointed sole agent for U e United Staten, by Dr Bordello°. and is the only, person in this eountry who is authorized to verid I this invaluable mcißmne, as the following lever will show. (21nnakded from the French.) Paam,June 10tti,1&17. 1 Dr A C Alowrtas cal—Dear btr--Aecording to We agreement entered into between us, I wish by thin letter to give you that written authority to sell throughout We United States, (my Remedy for re lieving the pain. and dangers incident to pregnancy aed child birth, which is necessary for you to Inure to Bubbly the public of is genninenma and yin. ' rtty. As ion ore aware the exposure or the medi cine to the iellizence of the sea air obliged WO to send it to you in air tight vessel.. I have oleo seat with it, a specimen of the manner in which it i. up in Pans. In like =armee (should wish it to ap pear in the United Sttes.. Sir, with great respect I 1 remain yours, F E 110IUDELOQUE, fd D. 4 I' S.L4 also send you n copy of a letter received i.e me from the Royal Academy el Selectee, in tab. (Tranakded from the French.) Paris, Jan :3, 'l'o AI. Boanatoguni—Sir—The conummio • ers of the Academy have appointed the undersigami from„their number, as a committee to report reganf• lag the merits of the; remedy laid before us by you (lor relieving the pines mud dangers incident to preg nanny and child birth.) Several eminent Surgeons having submitted to' the Academy the results di their experince in the on of your remedy, we hair ten to lay it before you, believing it to be the best deciaion regarding as claim to distinction, and of da mint value, that either you orthe public could have writhed. Whatever influence thin body may .posi.' sea on the member. of the profession will everted to further that adoption of this iemedy inM general use, which aa scientific discovery and an entailing' remedy, It so richly deserves. Eight Physicians having used this medicine, each in fifty eases of de livery. found it entirely successlul in promoting a remarkable sale and easy delivery, ..free from pain and donee. With the exceptoon of three - patient of Dr liriquet there Was a perfect immunity from any subeequent weaknem or disease; one of these three a laboring woman who had met with a sever, fall a week previous to delivery, was taken Mandl; atrly afro: that event' with a profuse hemorrhage.. which was with ddEenlty arrested . The other two maltureaatlonsof the pelria,were in no wire °film. These leer exception. in so;great a nunitici of casual Mar hundred, show the undoubted elf tier nl sour rentedy:nnd bare .deirreitned on to glee it tint rem...J.l:on mid approval which it, due to it. /1/111 the Maharanee of summite outdo cite • (Signed) Al BRESCHET ht IL 1 . MAL:CAINE. levy.' Coat of the Comenissionen of the Ot. Academy'. of Science. The public are cannoned: against pii4ohnsing thw medicine, from any persona except of tho sole azen4, Pt A C Mortimer. N 036 I-S Lye:lord at, Ne York, where that medicine , J 9 put' up in packagca suitable for bettit atint by Cl3ll to, any pain of thil country. . ?new Two,dollsts 9' Packsp con t ra:nicg lull ill . rectums. • . Persons deciroan ofobtainini this Great RemedY, who recite at a dinance, can do no by ..rorwaidiog Two DOILIIII, port paid. to DR A C MORTIMER. Sole Agent fur th - o 1.1 S 1 :moll SF No 36 1,2 Lisrienard at, New York. r Ato—Who would .a.thietott wdh the !..kin, If oed hoof IiAZZAM'S PAfletit'Fß/CDISTEAIf.-1 ... • T ou IVe Phi; Mere ithparventeith has now heel in nee about two sears, and wherever' a, is known, defected toad other Beadsteads. For cheeped.reach and convenience it his noti and eannat tth equalled, gs it th decidedly the bmi,i cbeadestand most convenient Bedstead in us per.i (em)r proo(against Bogs. The principals:ohmet makers end in Alla ri..Y car flnd Pitmbaigh, have secure I :Rights to manufactuie and sell th e article. A there arespurimth , articles and imperfect in the smoke!. pureltel sem Would do well to examine' the cast area plates on which in the genuine spade the name ogthe Patentee, n. liassax, invaria2ily cam. As a proof , of all thiti w claimed for Gazzandsiteastcada, the follow:ea ccrisCH caw! froareabinet makeiswellinown in Pittsburgh and, the - Weahls submitted to the • We, the submiihemgesetical cabinet makers :Wall Redetead manufacturer, al the, c aim of Pittsburgh and - Allegheny, Pa.. do hereby certify that we, have bouglal' the right to athaufacturobeiLsmads with flamain's Pabl gat Frowning". and cosasidet the same mpevior to any, lasterarses with which NC are acquainted' JanICS Lemon John 3Phirew T B Yoking& C. , Robert Fairer:an • J R Hadley James II Barr John Liggett, Jr, Jas. Lowry in Bon . , igiwne re. arbin ! Riddle in Median . ; Thcrmasi Parley ' Bullock Brae/land • David Luker Moses Hugh Wallace Roberts in Kittle , • 3 Mapets Neer.. Wm Hulett Emma= For Rights In male and .11 ine shove Bedsteads .PIOYW FIENI.:ZER F GAZZA3I, AGENCY FOR PATENT, Wasiiiiigtan, D. G. ZE:VAS C. ROWANS, Mechanical Engl.. nod Agent tor patwarinas Patents, will prepare the ne cesaary Harp.. and Papers for Applmants for Put em s, cud Mtn,. all other business in the tine of his protrusion at the Patent Mee, Ile can be constitted on all questions relating to the Patent Law* and dedi sioae in die 'United !nut. or Europe. Pe... az D distance desirous ef h-irMr e usir t i ns ti oni , mode a t the Patent Liti.e..,,r;nr piciang application fora patent, may iCri , •.iii caclosing Ire of Lye dollars, aeirar . i.uipnacidu'i dim-{s ease, when JlloDediale ettcll- 11011 will be 10.11 to It. and all the intormation that could beabraitied by a visit of the applicant in person) promptly controunleamd. •-. Alt letters on bs4ine. maw Dr post paid. and rontain a suitable fee, where a written opinion is required. Odice on F. street, opposite theyatent Office. Ile baa Me honwr of referring, by peraission, to Ilan. Edmund Parke, eouguisPioner of Patents; 11.. II L Ellsworth. late do do . 110; 11 Knowles, hlachinist, Patent Office; Judge Crumb, Washington, Ci Hort. R Choate, blasiachusetta, Id $ Senate; lion. W Allen, Obto! do; Hon. J H Bowfin, Mc, Missouri; Ilan. Willie RAIL New York; !lon. Robert Smith, M C, Ohms, tan. 8 Breese, U S Senate; J II rapt. II 51Khreve, tly herare,madc the most approved Eastern plans— and anion fashionable Es' astern patterns and colors. Alen THE CHEAP ROLL, or AosroN on.tanad or made to order of all aides. a nal at all prises. Cott ntryMerchants and ethers are Invited to roll and examine the, above for tberneclres, at all will be sold wholesale or foul, and a laberardeduntion made In wholesale purchasers. apldly A , W ESST ER vEur MIIIGRICAN AILT.UNION, 'NEW TORR. THE Ameriran Art-Union in inemporated fur the mornobou of Pine Arts in the United Stades. Each subscriber of Pros Dollen is a Member for ono year The halide are applied Md. to the production of lame and ready commongs. of which every member freeives a pitno and next, to dm purchase of ads:sal Paa Ming. anti other worksof art, by native or resident artists, •whleh are dinar:bawd, by-lot, enmity the members, an December. I t Last year 14G pooling. were dastributed. This' year they wall be mom nianuarous and valuable—more, than LW are already purchased; and in addition there watt be dittrihoted •JSU bronze medals of; Washington All,: roe, now In mordent And each member will receive : , two , u.....e—The M.,' ober Ihni— hann Imd'A Sybil,' after Huntington- • The tindersigned having Iberia appointed Ilommars Itlecretanes for Pausliumb mad vicinity as p reparcd US re. calve iliharairtiosia. Thom woman to become, menabsrs will rammed the Iteresta of ,be rociety by dome so as soon an May be mvenWnt. Wit. 8 CALDWELL •I. god meet, onreite (ha ran 06.aa Fiktiflß3TOC6 • exicarood A Gala ell York .011—Fiii.W• • lege haws • growth of 164d—froen 6 win cents. • Ahoy Elf:ern and Western N Yi early picked, this Year , ' growth. - Prime Ohio da Belmont contr.:, The general Eastern cizilf the(actunn is now twiny received._ Brewers and llopsonit find it mach w their ad•-antage basin Nan...apply keen the YraNNVotit anafrhtftd Idlfirttzat the.enuon. .40rew Yen - apices. - GEO. 111•&Cd4" ocesdam.- • Bremeii; - 0,10 VIC• FArnaatlritnr#, :11171MA - ITTIc IsbiOn,PaOnn Maker, Oifleziimy thy Oil lin.tatplate,MC-forthores.llll3rhand either In word at hon. ,11,4111earbg tad 41,112,notim*d• 5' V ‘g 4 .l 4 tr:44'F Da. TOWNEADV3 , S A S A P,A L II IL A Absi L estraortiinary'afetliiiiie in t 4 Thu extract V Pot oPnii quart tott;m:,tt isms lan cheap. sr, piaasaintr, and . warrauted superior to any bold. mm va disease without Toaniti=, parrihg, =Mims or do bEttati= they •nt. GREAT SPEING,AND SU3IIIEIIOIEDICINE' The great beauty . and superiority of this Sareapaiilla osse all whet it Eradicates Uheme it !taigas, ate the Doily. It is one Lof the very best SPRING ASD SUMAIEII hiEDICIIVES suer boom,, i 1 not only purits the whole kystent and strengthens the pen.; but it Crencts Nor; Pure . o rut Park 81004 , • ?owe, possmed by no =nix Medicine: • Aud in this heath. g: and secret of it 4 whin!. lid meow. it has perkmned saltbox the lost two year., mom Wan ah,Coll'ettres of =vent Cases or Disease ; to least 5,b00 of these Were coasiderbil incurable.. Maw than ' 3,ool.lMees of Clumie Rheumatism ; • SAW cases of Dyspepsia; ^ 41A, eases of General Debility and NWmt of. Energy; '7,lloo . ciaia of different FeasaleCoMplaiota ;. eSses of Scrofula' 1,50k0 caws of the LifiT ' CompLai - at 2,sfar ewes of Disease df the Kidney and Dropsy , ' • .AnovlainHilof . 'cars rfli'sease of the blood, via: Ulcers, Eryslpetai, Salt Rheum, Pimples, the Face, Atc., dc. To oth, "'Kg nuincrow caws of Sick Ileadmlie, Pam in the flde end gar; epivaf d frictions, .kci; Re. This, we art mom, maw appmr boo we here Littler. Iro, physicimi .ol,r Lsents from .It won of 11., Uuiled Stotts, Aoformaisv vs of kal.rbordmary cur.. It. Van Buskirk, 'Esq. imeof the ILOdts,speciabledruglist. in N..- hh..l.oohirins a. that he movies to most Man Cio ca ses 10 that plact alone. 'There ark thottalods Of csici in the City of :Yew Cork, which we will refer to with plenum, anJ to IMO Of cb.traeler. It ,31 the best medicine 1,, the Priwentne of disease Miami It undoubtedly'Mead the lives; of more 'Gun 5,10101.1110011.01,114 Prier &UNA:ix : M!IIMS=M= -•-, • - . Carr. O. W. McCue/de, or Tin. Uurrins Sit2llll IV avr, sail member of the New' Jersey Legislature, has kindly ,cut us Ilm Wowing certificate. le tells stows n story. I klaudruf, Jan..", I trit . A year since I mu taken with the I idlusufa,inVny whole eptem left in a debilitated shales I was induced to try Do. Townsend% darenparilla, and after taking tee° or three bot tles, I was my much relieved, mai attribtle it entirely tu the said Sarsaparilla_ I hate continued taking it, end find that I improve et ciy day. I beliefs II anal - nay Jiff, and would root ht. wit K. it undscany onnaidaratidri. ' O. W. McLitue,late U. B.y. Tilts certificate ntusi " fe ' lr p eC eares * D .' Mt that tdareaperilla has pdrient mound sr Um mat obstinate diseise of the bleed. Three pc curnl in one Loam is unprorodented. , Tu Clll.lllOl. Vt. TuwaSloll,.- r Sir rl base the pkuure la inGaren you that three of my c ildren hare been cured of Me Bert. fuln - by dot use of yo r Lore mullein.. They were , bootie eery severely ath lad sores; hays only taken four bottles ;; It took them ttray, 'for whacks I fuel myself under ),.. deep obligation. oats, mayeutfuLly, r.i.., y. 0.,, 5.1.4 . ..a rre ci . W. es.aut,lo3 Wormer et.: —,• . . - UDR FEdIALE DIED/CUM . ~, .- / Dr. Townsend'. sarsaparilla I. • soveneigu asal liPeedY, eure foi inciplent Consomptima, Barreemma, Lencorrhar, or Whites, obstruct d or diaScidt 31eustruntion, hmontinuence C Urine, or into notary discharge thersof, and for the gen eral fin/steal,cn otl t4. mat system—no ter wnether the mull of inherent CUM MUM, produccd by irregularity, illuess or accident.. Nothing an be morikaurpruing than its invigoratmg ef It on the human foals. Persona, all weakness and lam lade, Gan telting it, at once become robust and fulluf energy ander its haluents It .emmediately counteracts (be noire less:deur& the female Duna, which u the great cause of bur.: resumer.. •' wdi mut be expected of us, tn rases of w delicate • na ture, to exhibit certificates of cores performed, bot we can usure the aglicted, that hwidreds of eases have Isere reported to W. Several eases where families hare been without child -a, incr. using a few bottles of this int aluable tuedininer bare been blest with healthy 4ffiprivg. Dr..rotruirral: Fly wife Laing greatly distressed by ,weadenese and general debility, sod sullen% contittuilly by Falb mid • wurdnon of bearing down, tailing 01 the womb, and with utter difficulties, and baring knowu uses hereyour medicine has efeeted great eon's , and also hear , tug it recommended Gdr ouch cues. I hare dexribed,l obtain ed a Witte of your Extract of Sarsaparilla, mid followed the directions you gave me In a short period &removed bee compleints and restored her healhh. lleuig grateful for the brut feta she reeei,ed,l lake pleasure is thus .. lodg. log ii, mad ratornmeuding it the public. hi. D. Moons, Litany, Ang.l7, 1044 . Co. of limo/ wd Lydiurst,. GozeothM, SepL RD, le*. Dr Totetirewal: T ol l coneent—TEt is to notify that my wife coed emit bottle of you. Seneperilla peeeiotia W her manemeut, ender the, 19014 elarmsag mad delicate eirettomMoces, twins troubled with the dropey,owel -112; 7 faiTu k irPe7suast "* V=e meeM, Lion ch do=ot who hod 1.11 it, eh, Wu; iodurod to try it, with hale or no faith, mut .wathee it to ray, the medico.. had thrhappy and delirodelfai,uet only the hour of - MA:Mumma, but alter tho elpirmiu of me week of ue, the dropsy and wer e... Midi. pm wey to oe patonisliihg dept., end her hcalth I. wow beton. than it hod beat tor • Loos date pre. 111011.14 If thts will be of say Lemmas to you aeon, we who doubts the cum.e of the medicine, you ore emorely welcome, it. 1 sOicrsbe mrsolf ”lux most obedient loodtslise4;trattl . TO NIOTIIERS AND - MaibBIED LADIES. This flatract of Sermparilla bu hem cartmely related ro miercacc female complaints. No female who b. ma ma suppeee , she is apperachmg . Mat upend. Th. turn qf iye,' should aegket to take it, u iv es, tato pitta for any of the outuervas and aon I ble thaeasesru w Lich fon,. ore ' , Acres at IN. tame of life. This Aerial may be Itla3 est thr srter4 years Ity mut; the tr:eatable Nut te at It. s.ilueb.e Dan,. La are approushing wotraalrasl, at a a ca:etiltardru aaust .sore by ottickeumg the 1,10,1 an.l ineigorafiu, stera. Indeed, this medics. coral. uatge La all ut the delicate douses to which women are subject. It brans the wbok arm. renew. permatamtly the catu. sal euergteby recoustag the :somas.. of Me body—rant m far stimulating she eystma as be prahme a subacqurat lamtioa, which as of must =distort taken io t female mama and aurae You ulln Lore pale camp...nue, dull eyes, hlotrhot vq the Go, rough slew, ur frer/la N gud are out La yirits,' //AC, ur two ut Dr Towne..., Nan/..11N wt eltuase }cur blood, rnuolg the Irerkles and Mutely, ...I pre you eoueriinu..Furiliug ar c of fine au.l beaut.fial cannidecttou— all of whorl arc of unmet. value to unay. ned la.l.es. • . . • Pio Quid -or. turdicm. la. ev , r b.et dixowerto) which: NI suagrly'rrauUles the gip.. juice wr ulitut it, 41ff. tf ..sr...ls, Lod aaa strrgthr.anc, the urgata of olsgt.stivo, N., thu p er[ futon of s.l4.fpurilta. Alb,ne, May 1:1,1.0 Dr Totrnsmn, Nor-1),.... Leen ainntrd ta.• . ~,,, yeara into sp.i.na in Int In.r.t 10. ut.„ nanuded arab nni, nnw of stimuch, lam of appetite, canna,. heartburn, and a great 111,111L.16 off t, and fo, nark, (what could eat,) I bare been unable to retain but a small purpun nu my storoneh 1 tried the usual ramedie, but they lad nut :able oe no eclat in rtmoring the eumplamt. I waa n .duced, about two tuantbr..inen to try your Extract of Sash. luriUai mrd 1 mummy v. ins noundeam, but alter wing uearly blot:er: 1 found my appettle matored, and Um heartdmi rut:rely, rennand, and 1 wuuld annteally scrota— mend for laze of it to Um.. v. 1.5 In.. been tainted as 1 hate been. 3 VOL., W. W. VAR LAN... NOV et, In4l AIIILACLE Head the (wltwtMg,'and doubt if too ran, that consomp ow moo° , be cur ed. 41,..is only out of thc ...aural hundred that Townsend'. Samapari,ls b. cured Dr Townsend—Dear Sr. 1 dm Iskeo, a little care • yea r agis, mob a ..sere cough mid laLlll 1 / 1 my side It eteasWou tor eery fast, intleed.• I was protiounerd,hy phy havethe quick coosomptiou- I mood huge quan tal. of bad matter, had night sweats, and nuking : am' , fmf: I donor &Lid he wind do flothitig fur me. sweat mu, the hoopital Its hope of being betwfitted, but vim pronounced th ere meuruble. I sem now greatly distrud at Me heap wa could lordly breathe ; I mom beam. em se aciated, end expected to die; 'Nal confitt,d I, my •bed, and was obliged to hoc washers indeed I moot goo )00 any description that would . 0 justtee to mj ewe . I was summed by my friend's to be idw't recoerry i I had tried • great number of :medic's, and a:I seemed to be to no putt.... I nod of some coat ex traordudwy cures perfumed by your medicine, and 'to tell you the trod, I .eructed there was 0004 humbug is them. But I was induced to try it, I did so, mut um 'my thankful I did. I canuot my that lam entie•Jy well, bat am roTar recover7d as babe stout my business, and hapr to be main , - ly w• fcw "ream. Sly cough and pain in the side, lefl me, and mi. but very little, and am fat &mug my usual strength. I lilt It'a duty to giro you a statement ol my case, to publish if you Pb.,,.a, Pcrate Baum., 47 Idol. n , Brueltl7a. Opinions of.Phs-slelans. ins W Woodorell fitorge Soydel 51eMantersk Co , u r „ To...him is almost daily teeming orders from phyS, mmens lu dlffirent parts of the Voina. ph y: is tactility that we, the undersigned, Phyviciitos el the City of Alh:pay, have in ea ...rows Mum prescribed D. Tosnueud's Sitselwrtlla, Lod believe it Wheats. or ite most valuable peeparatiuos of the Senaparilla /11 the market. • A Rl' Pcurio, i P 1 IV moos!, w ro, . • • • ' . ' R a Hataas, wP, • Albaey,,lpril I, 1644% T EEmaciaPoicx. x n. This ts to certify tbatwe, the undersigned 'preencing, Thomson'au Ph pima. of the City of Albany. lil]e-freiicot ly prescribed Dr Townsend's Ca' napound. fatract 'of Saris .ind from known remlnies, articild aeconiMend it to the public for mercurial, scrofulous, and <Wore Manama she eases, au iirefereme la any of the adrertind temedies DIAN Lo A IV B,mitht., r r, Ibuty April . We .6 T r. Priticipaloffice, lat, Fulton at, Sua. Duildldg It 7; lied ding to State at Daon; Dr Dann sous,,Le North Ite, oasis( Philadelphia; 8 S lau s ce ,tstigtst, 11Iinore; and by r j i d" ffa Lh,g",_, TettieunranV lime genuine, unless put uplar luptare which entitain a glair eu4 signed with the meum signature of S Towfvek:ND,...d h,.eume blow.. the Glass. From the New York Daily Espiena 0( April 1.1,1 A pretty alimg appeared .o he streets yesterday. It seal the advertising g r a p y o r sarsaparilla Express of Dr rownsend. The whole hhing n gua urns goal taste, PM. of the oroe cutal pannin g & ens beautiful which, together with the scroll stork,an_gold, &Marti . * in Uremia, made a abOl• rutty equalled m alt.:rad way We take this opportunity In say we tmlinee this esti act of the Sarsaparilla doors.. the eery great popularity ;trims acquired, • Neivoua Debility. • aw You - , March 27,1647 Dr. ToSensend:—l here been 4sl alllicted more or kit, fur 3 wilts a deradfulsiuking in the cheat, giddiness o l the Teal:l um a armelite, lain in the limbs, and general debility, brought nu nodoublty die continual heat'and cold to winch I ant .object to in my business as • dyer. I hare Mien other medicines,.tuo numerousdo meution, but with little or mime= erm. I eras and aced by what ion the payer La lay a hot tie Of you.. sarsgparil'a, from which I lotted great relief. I hale since takenseresal 11 more bottle., .1 I re o unheiitatingly say it the best medicine I hare mer takenthe pun. ut my lasts pi, and) feel quite • different man altogether since I have taken your teresleirilla. I hare none Letter appetim than ever I Lad. :dy wife Las Laken it with the manse beneG- Cial results I wend.' recommend it as a family medicine generally, laid I feel coareed, that if so used there would not he half the sickness there 1. , and donamoMstly not so many Doctoea bilhn'for while it restores appetite, it MIR/ Ores to , the stomach and bowelitherr regular 14 , 13.4 keeps the blood en • lankily gide,.o that damns is not solikely Matlack the 'sydeits. And to all thus who are not in a healthy 3,4410 may try Dr Townsend's 'Sarsaparilla. .TtleateslaStrett,7o rt. • Canker In the Mouth. . &km is . ,seco.t of another child var. Dr .Tossusemrs tisewqmarDL• Las tired the lives of th.r.ds of; ehildrep.— The fulhewing — eiitiLeate is *sleeted Gum • mat .usher ekedsed this week. . • . , . • Naar Itoas, Apri12,1247. ' '.Dr Townscod: Dear eirt—One of coy children was very wick with the Cancer in the mouth and throat, attended with giwat debility. ' It came near dying; 1 obtained *aloe of yaw' eecellrat medicine, .....1 it cured .1 directly, for which 1 can *Dune you 1 hee l seep grateful, may , reepeallilly, • FAJaass - ro Fow, 27 Desbrossise st. ..' , For ale by It F. atELLIIIS Drug Lita gist, N 057 Woody t, totem. :41 and 4th''., who 1.111 bean appointed by Dr. TOWNSkIND solid Allegheny .. joodtielyb , e Av id for If naband's Celebrated Fluid - Magnesia: • rl, l ,:s i. 4 pe ' r i ettuthm and .trrer2itically. 4 putica.7Z2V:e Magma* pones," all Die Inedieatepalitieso,f tho &writ pre paration., or Magnesia . Without being bablo to form macro pone in Lb. bowthhorPiart injurioway op o . eh. “„,,,,,p,i,,, elOmach One table qaxmful dike Fluid Mognesia iseguile Aliot is atirogthlohalfa temparnful of AlKworria. • For ale by a ii' FAHNEsTOCE..& CO, corner Ict and We.' and Wood widail , . . sit • 1 Dr. - Thai - in - di 'ie . Wiiriciiiiiffier. -- i friffSis to dandy they by taking ono vial of Motor . 2 . .heoLnoe , o Wont, fcpec Me, a child or Jame, Dhow's ;:p,,,,,,,y wpaeorifs Of . 10, worms, and i . a eh rr mown p.ed i b t y h l u t i c tbuswca o .f. n .a-id wrdicMtroly a he u most ot y rprltng . wom . medAciao/ coot area. , I mart base Iwo 111101 e viola • • .. _, • Wilkins Toccothia • For Bain by l lillni it Coelii? 00 WCiod Ara", FILIS :~~ .tla L.Y~,..l ruSC `. 1 ~ ENS MEDICAL. DR. BROWN, Having Itee.n fogalarly ed. netted halite teicalmel thrown, andibren for tome time in general practice, now cattne. hianttention , to the treatment of those delicatif COW; plaints (on which his oppni tunities Auld experience pecolterly,thalify Meets y . eilfr.ntAlatiouol y de‘Oled IMO study and' treatment of those mop? • nv, (during which tip he has hadmore prattiefe and can cured more patientathan can ever au to the lot of st-:y pi.; qu n.i Ger him to Olt( ul^ll,Ct apted):,perl. s al:+litu!ory to n.thiciettnitth (thew tioi•aret. raid all dithnith :flirter. thereftem. blql LPSIA. • . • . . - • Dr. Drown would Inform those allticted with Meets Mmes. which Linve:beeome chionie by time or ago - even test by the use of any of the. common tufstnitus of the ally, that their complaints eon be Dulieally odd Moe aughly cured, lie having given hi. easeful attention to the trenuncet of such eases, and succeeded in hundreds orinsunters in ea tang persons orinflamation of he neck of the bladder, nod kindred diseases which oxen null Coto those eases where other, hae consigned them to hopeless despair. Ile particularly Invites such so have been lattj end ensucresefully treated by others to eon rah him, when evert satisfaenonsiill be given them Rod their cares treated in 0 Carefill, I.l3olollgkilnd intelligent manner, pointed out by Ling experience, study toil in cestigaiioll, which it D impossible for 'those engaged in acnerni practice er inedielile to give any Otte elate 0 disease. . , li.j. llernut or Re:ilex—Dr. Brown- 1150 . 1 . 11,‘ perkons elCieted with . Ilenkta to 'call, . be bus pal partirolor natoThon this disease. Skin theetowei else Piles, Palsy, etc.. rpeedily cared Zehal l.—P ahrgesvery pi. eios Of either sex living at a distance htutiting their disease to wrinuP,iiiving all theories, itioni, eau obtain medicines with directions for use, by iddrescoic T BROWN, M. D. port pions sud de .e it i o ,7 g nice. slu . OlEce No. a 5 Diamond allay, opposite the w,,,,,,j, House. . ..,:scr Ka rem n Tivi ' -‘.— - --------, Tbeet article known for cleaningand whianing the Teeth, strengthening the gams, sweetening the hreath, he. it should Lensed every night with. aMA itnA, tuld the teeth end mouth will only, require asligh washing in the morning., Wet the brush with wan. water, or cold will answer, and nib it a few times on the paste, whenenough will adhere for ...caning the teeth. It leaves& dellmons taste in the mouth, and on pansn most delightful fragrance to the breath. kneads unrivalled as a pleasant, elbcseiorm, 'convenient, and infeklentrifice. ltt. Warranted not to wham the teeth, I hump preservetherre ' using it regal...lT,. it will remove the tartar and prevent um acconntlanon--prevent the toothache ntrengthen the gums, and prevent till diseasex of titeM Chem...physicians, end the clergy recommend: It a 'decidedly superior 'never). thing of the kind in use.— Ask for ehennan'a Compound (tern Tooth mute, and observe his eiviatare Is =inched to each pot. Recommended by Or.ll Castle, 3ht Broadway, age of IMSI Dentista.rm by mon of the old establi.had ones in the United Pinks, lad even ateasively used by the Nobilny of England and Fee r. . , large proponion of the dirermr. t hatafflietmenkind arise from some derantement of We a leroach or Goode , which a timely ' nee of the Cathy tie Lozenge. Would vetted obviate. ronsons'ef tiilicus habits should sl ays have a hoe at hand, and take a dose whenever they feel the laud derangement m their health. .Ajedi• eirsll6o of these Lounges would prevent thousand. CAMS. of CMS. . , Fotsalea: NV. MCKFON , S, cbrnot of iVood and bil , c7ty !IF - , ADZES Who Use Common Prepared,Chalk, , are Li Often not aurae: toew frightfully injurious •I Is to the akin l how coarse, how rough, bow sallow, kelbsiW o and unhealthy the skut appears after using. prepared -Iwalk! Beside., Ri on s tujunous, containing at urge quite ii of lend. %Ye ha prepared a beautiful vegetable which we call JONES'S SPANISH _LILY 1Y i t It imperfectly Innocent, beingruilled of el deleterious mortifies; and it Impans tote he skin What. ton, healthy, alithaMer,e,car, being white, atithestusse onth voting an a couatt. oa the skin, maltlnglt soft and smooth. ' • (Jr James Anoerson, Practical Chemist orhiesra ehWuset "A nn. pity. ter 'analysing Jones'stSpeufwlt find it potwrees the most beautiful 4,4 natu ral, at the same time innocent white I evefsaw. I certainly can conecieneously recommend Ite.ase to all whom ,kin requires beautifying) , t Mee:lts a box. -•• . . i.U•Yold by W3I.JACK6O:I, at hut Bran and fib Slore.9 Liberty intact,: bead of Wood, at tbo alga the Dig lloot. I.adirs, ilionhbed, •: IVlirn you know that you are promised A natural, I ifedikti, snowy white, . ' That you will mill use common chalk,. And look a deathly yellow frigbid Tbc theme of tat:gilt...a of talk. If yto mould ore a ;her-ofJONE'S woutd give your skin an alabaster yet natural whi end at the same time .elear and improve it. Sold JACKSON'S, FY Liberty sL Pnee 2.3 cents par box, lavg ELLERS' IMPERIAL COCCI' St RUP.—Fromii 1,7 K Loden, Esq...Clcrk of the Court of (Inkster Pew con• of Heaver county. : Mr R. K ola . Some tote In ibe winter say wile war afflicted an* a severeand distrerinnAcough, Cod hearing of you mil imble Cough Syrup, I purcha- NA a bott/e from S T. iTrimbfe, Esg fn Bridgewater.. and user takmc a poninn of it two or three eveningsoc noiag to bed, she found iinetnatiato oleo Wen 41 friend s'have be. rebnved to Severe cum. lam there 4.nre patitrted that tt to a safe and valuable medicbse,and would lee...cod It to thoor who rosy be adlheted with severe cotighs and golds; - ' W.K. Bohn. March . • The Syrup is pot do hi 23 Lent boniest, no that it may be bought by the icor ...wall 44 the rich 'Nannied and sold by R E SELLERS, 57 wood tree abo, tar sale by Dr, Canal, sth ward, and D. M.CCor y, Mechem. city. ' . n • YOU rueasa.Aiiiiift7kill IAyIIOSE nicattness can eq.! young?. Look at you Y r V fair young wife, with Itnr bright sunny Men! Look at your own, pitted mail/done and blotches! Yet you LIO too 111C/Si to give Mt,' CCU, the. take of the green Italian Chemical S.A. which oroolOotturety tree you front Thera; and make your yellow. skin clear and healihy. Go at once In Jackson's Store, Si Utterly et. Pittabargh.and get a cake. • . • N B 'Jacksons is the ottlyplace iurlnsbargbwbern the GENUINE la bd obtained. Beware of Coca.- fait& irT•OBSERYE t he Big Boot stands to the aortae') MIIE, MAGIC Eneszvz 110 AP—Far ving Greve spots; Stains, or Marks Atna Clothes, Weolions.Castsels. An., As.. and ratlng Ahem ot bapplied elearThfight,,,,,,,, &id with foil directions, Yri se SO cents a seta 11D-Fold by WICIACIM 1 011,8114lc; m 7 ar..4 head h Dant rote, 'of At Gig . • . • , \ 110ZELS.. pOVNTAIN lIGUIC EL. • LIGHT.. STREET.' WA - LTIMORE,' FOGG ft, , TIIURSTON, Proprietor!. THIS enanfistrecnt long and !widely known as being one of the mosteoustoimioni in ilte city of Bahlmote, has recently undergone very extonsire alleraliaardtad tutfortiventcols. An entire-new. wing has been adde containing numeroes and dry sleeping apartments, and. endnri The Ladies , depar bathingc tment has also been completely re- organized and fined op in:a otosbettimte and tx.osnifia style. In fact the arhole arrangement of the flange has been remodeled, wit 6 a, single eye on the pert of the Foprimors waver& the comfort and pleuttre of their vests, and which Wee chrifidernly uteri will chid.. mum compel-lean 'swab any Hotel the Union. • neie tattle will - tdways. be supplied with every cob• manual and luxury which, the market atrords , served tip in, a superior style, while in the way of Wines,Ac., they will not be surpemed. -lit conclusion the propnetorsbeg to say, that nolinng will be left undone an their past, end on the panof tt•••1• assistants, to render this Hotel ward:Ythe contit patronage Of theidoends and the piddle generallt. The "peers forlamrd have also b et a redeemd to the, I °Comma. rules: Ladies , Ordinary, St 75 per day: • Oentletnenst 130 Ni U.—The Ilagkage Wngcon of the House will al t:ays be found at We Cur and Steamboat Landings, ~ bleb will convey baggage to end born the Hotel, free Of charge. nEAILL• STlllllli7 HOUSE, Cincinnati, 1 - 01110—The vat/scriber. having polchased the en- Ore interest of Col. t t Williamson, late of this well known enahlivilineni. beg leave to mato to their friends and the public generally, that they have taken Ibis Conimodioas llotel far a term of . yetis end will exert theiebemenergiee fermate it a deem:ile home for ?rev eille. and Coy Donnie.. --, The llond is spacious and admirably planned far rap venience; light and, air, having a number of.parlosi adjoining chambers, presenting unusual ailractroua to fa The present pron Selma w he re, a the experience of years in this city mai elsewhere, hope the 7 will be able to rive general satisfaction, 'bei al determined to . give undivided attention to the licursb atone. The location of the Pearl Street limos and Third eligible, having (unusual Penn . ,. Walnut and Third ala s to dint it is equally desirable In view of the moved/- once of business men or retirement for private boarders. It in near by the Banks, the' Post Offlee, die Masonic 1101, Odd Fel lours Bat I. and but one square diatant Stun owninSlain 611Y011.31d Sara squares from tfie City Wharf, thirs g the greateit inducement., esperially to reentry merchants and generally to all persons visiting Cilium, . 'JOHN NOBLE f'.lne • meh27 JOON A DOME' • A I..LEti i ANY HOUSE, 070 filarket st, I Us delphia—Th4 suhseriber (late a Was hington Wington lintel, ilarrisburgh; Pa.) takes this method of In forming bls old friends and the intblte generullyobat he haotaken the above 'named lIOTEL The 'louse'. alry and eamfonable. and has been extensively altered and improved, and the "propnetor hopes for' finder attention bociactot, and r proper care for the comfort of his. Karats, to merit and receive a shore ofpob Lie patronage. The /louse is trusted very Convenient for. We Travel. ling Public, being only two doom above the Ilarrisbarg ond Pitnibirgh Depot. and ' , raisin nova minutes molt of the Ilvlumore and flooding .Depotri srAuLult: at tached to the prevailed' Te rms. 11bpa r day. 1, - EP Proprietor "Allegheny noose, Phil'o. Angina 2P., I e47,spOld3is. • JONIGfis 111:XTEls, ao Pa. 152 enciverr actors". PAILADICL:IIII/.. TIIE bsctibera, undo the Irmo( Undies &Wirt, • have putehtmed ?dr.:Once interest 41 tots establieh• meet, and hope bylho vlrieten ttlalltloll to the wants and menfortspf their goes% to merit a coed...me of the liberal patronage heretofore received by Its fanner proprietor. • • Tee heave has been thoroughli renoveted,ind repairs we therefore feel assured we Call 11r011:0041 oar friends and Me public to ateeontamd talons equal to any in the city of Philadelphia. N W DRIDGEd,. 112—stf /NO W&IT. o=oll , Cartier Main and Sixth at .' Cincinnati. q+IIIS cstatilintrdeni. Ix now In thefbest order for the 1 re ro ception of the Traveling Pnbbe. Haying ha under cline a though repair, donate the put .wintec, and ving the ninth experienced men in the'werd, in the various departments, I Satter myself that all will be pleawd who .01. The location is central,comthilioas andplearnst. Fare Qper day.• • Cincinnati. Blared 13,1t47. W E MARII N. ll—Slthocch :not exactly • new Broom, it is the 'same—i now NI , hit. on the old handle. , spat( •11ZADYSON MADIDON, INDIANA. Tr , IIE propricior ofthis load eatablished house, respect- A. fully ode FY his servers to the oWUeeds of Paisbiumh, and will oxen himself to reader comfortable all who mac favor him with !heir company, • This !mini winch has long been i favorire one with the Provirion De leas of Pittsbureb, coming fe arful. prerrot a larger held for then. operant,. Mtn heretofore,. from the comilletioa of the Rail Road qv Indianormliv,3omi!cs further into the hog VpiDM.lin • . G D manual!, Proprietor TIIII.OGKKORTON'S GALT 1101711 K Louisville. Ky. UIS TII ROCK MORTON her; to Repaint!. friends Ow he IS again lessee hr the GA LT 110 U loainnhe.lryolshere he hopes to i meet all his old friends, a...series them and the publu, donne etron shall be spared to Italie eh e onefonable who reser hits with their panonose AMERICAN HOTEL, Opposite the Rail - Road Depot, Pratt a.; Ball. HENNA' M. !MITI!, Proprietor. (hate of the Factmaige omit% Chule. Pitesb`g. oceAktly MEI)TCAL. ]IEDICAL AND /SURGICAL OFFICE No. 63 DIAMOND Al, Kf • trla rsT: maxim. : V4 41/0 •N SIIEELIGIAN'S TOOTII PASTS, ,JL rifling inarramtce. ' - TIUNSPORTATION 'LDEFAS.' - - 11.1ALIABOE POBTABLZ BOAT. LIME. 1847 -1101114,0_._ AnPORTING.ItINAMIIIIA .TWEEN PITTSBURGH AND THE EASTERN -CITI,IE, ~eIIIIIOUT TRANSHIPZIINT. now w ecriptn I. unrieecisig - . Goods well kmwn that dv n th; route, th an all Dantblpsneut °retire bandlina is sated. The Boats a s nabs draught and perform their nips in from six to 'even dam. Ile capacity of *lli warebouaes enables as . lo stele any consignments ramie tuna Reeeirina, Entine, and advances/moo( chines . Being fully Prepared Xn make tale. of Produce, we 'tespeetfally consiantrnua l of western flour, i :trettat; d t fltro r e h artgri ' r , e7al F a e ta b riTee '' te d it th t% made aid other usual facilities afforded. alealtinn nut settee that toy business entrained to us shall be as promptly executed and apon av fair teruie as by any other house. ' JNO IdeFADDEN& Co • Cattail:Win, Pittsbargh SAS 111 DAVIS S. Co. 219 and 231 Market at, Fldlada kJ io 4.i:lgit , llB4 , Llovr7!JULgOn ri4 .1847. FOR the transnorpnion of Frefght between Pittsburgh and the Mantle Clues, asolding transhipments on thn way, ind the consequent nsk of delay, - damage, breakage and s6panuangoods. BOIVULX3E.k CASH - . . N 0 .073 Market street, PhLiatielphia • TA.P.FPE k O'CONNOR Our Penn and Name as, Pittsburgh O'CONNOR &Co, North meet, Baltimore, }A non %V T TAPM.rIT, 75South st,N. Y.. ' - Encouraged by, increased tininess the Proprietors bare added to their mock and emended their arrange. ruentsgurityr the winter, and are now preparedn for ward (reign with regularity and dispatch unsurpassed by any other line: 'their bag experience as c ar riers, the palpable superiority of the Porteble Boat System, and the great capacity and convenience of the ware henna wench end of the line; ore peculiarly calcula ted to enable the proprietors to (elf I their engagements and accommodate their custenters—confidentlyofferig I lie past as a guaranty Tor the Mare they respettfally solicit • contrite ince of that patronage which they now gratefully acknowledge. Au LOLIOSIVILLIGOLL LO 'Made k O'Connor will be reed and forwarded. Steamboat charges paid and Bills of Lading unstained free of any change for Comm ute% advancing or mange. Itheum no interest directly or indirectly in glee:abeam, the Interest of the consignors MOH neeessarily the Web' primary comer to nipping west, and they pledge themselves to forward all goods conigned to them promptly and on the most advnta gnus terms to the Owners. March 1,1647 . math TO THE PUBLIC. frlIE Boatmen's Potable Boat Company being dia• solved, the Company again went into articles of Co. partnership tmdet the name of the "Boatmen% Liner and likewise agreed to reLt the Stocks* as to gave • number of Boat. for the porpom orsartying geode through in from Ms to eight days, with cerwinty,and feel encouraged by the liberality of last yues pampa age, to make more <XItWiIVE arrangements for the en silng year. • We would therefore respectfully eolith a continu ance of oar former patrooLand refer all new customers to chows we hope dope b scam for. . fikaallB47. slainEa 130A.THANS' LINE, For the traruportation of-' •LL KIND/ Or MT RCIUDDII•I, TO , LOD to POlL•olarntA, BaLTlnaas, Now Foal, an Munn. SAMUEL WIGHTMAN k. Co, Coma Liberty Mreet and Cann! Hum. Pittsburgh. A L GERHART &Co, No 363 lUwket meet, Philadelphia. ELDER, GEL TON a. Co, Agents, REFERENCES. Balumore, Md. . . PITTSBURGH-4U iicenlipTace. Morgan & Ca IdeCally & Cq, D A Sampson& Co, M Allen &CA PIIILA DELPHI/L-1210ms Patterson& Co, Rcynolda McFarland & Co, FHA.* & Busby, Pater Wright A Son, J BlTham,Joacpb brats. NEW lORK—Goadhaa & Co, Theo. Parry & BOSTON—Reed, !lard & Co. ONCINNATIAdams a..6reagh, W W Soubo V-A 7 4. A Bladder. . . NASIIVILEE—F Nord—All merokandiSo from Nevi York and Boman; consigned to A L. Gmhart a. Co. Philadelphia, wdl bo promptly forwarded/ea of commisstort. feblk I ADZ PSNDRINT FOAM ABLII • BOAT LINE. • 184 7. dalaiiid it s iSPORTAT lON F raouum. AND MERCHANDISE TO AND O FROM PITTS BURGH, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE DarlVlthout Trastittlpment-..0 Goods catudgued to maestri will to forwarded with oat delaY, at the lowest earmat nues. Bills of Lading tranoulued, and all Instructions promptly attended to, free from ant extra charge for stomp or commisoon. Address, or apply to L A MeANULTY tr. Co Oval Basin, Pittsburgh 1:377/3 flaring avery large and Coamediona warehou . we an prepared to receive lies addlthan to height fo shipment) large meant of Priidece, Ac. on Storage law rates. (mattil C A fiTeANLILTY ts Co PICICWORTII & CO'S LINE : '1847.. E x F c it•E u irgm;. a gatg.:l, -- .„i:7llltti'N'vile ( ,Po'hAnYm. allati,Hollidayebumb, Water :Stem, Peterainueb all etetmediae places. One Boater/II keen the ainreamese of C ,AlcAnnlty Putsbarghievery day, [except Sundaya) and' eltippent can awaya depend on twarlng tall roods for , rded militant delay and at rum • Tall tate wait formed for the epeeist a cottimodetion 'p( the way tantaele, and the age.. llm faavv/IMIT 'solict a iaat ehare o 2 fn p r at4ron" JOHN PICKWOR JOHN MILLER MAN% II BARNES ItOIiERT WOODS WILIJA3I ruvrr. JOHN MILLER, Itollidaysbargh R/I CANAN, Johnewarie • Atents. C A WA : NULTY & Co, Pittaballth n art Rake LI. • .1 J McDevitt, lamPatker, Robert Moore, Deraley k Smith, Pittsbara. mar! - - LIKE HEIE AND MICHIGAN LINE. • .t o r titt Z 1847. , I +lll. Liehan* eamprityil or el.camigiam Lake Erie 1. and AlichigarN runumg daily between Partsbnigh and Deaver, and freight and. passenger Canal Ba6ll{, running between fkaverand kric and amnactlng with C Pacd'aLine of Steamboat F l ippancy+ and Vessels on the Lakes, will be prepared upon the earliest open ing of Navigation to carry Freight and Passengers to all points on the River, Canal and Late. 'laying e'en, facility Mr colivering freight and par gangen wok promptness and dispatch the proprietor and agents respectfully solicit Oven their friends and he public general) z thinirm ßK nm, p REEDS, PAS:tea, ' l:a W y r ci, Acts JOHN A CAUGHEY, Pittat4l, do Cot. Smithfield and Water at. opposite the Motions.. gahela House. - littirtel To %%eel., Crocker & Co, New Yolk Geo Cava, Buffalo E N Parksk Cb,Clevelked J. A ...Mania Co, Detroit ',leek:re& Williams, Milwookto Bristol & - Poster, Meng.) Wm Powera,Powerstown,Penna Geo blechelmyre,Ev.vit.Pk.Pcnna Joitn Ma Ocher, Huntstown, Jo. : Wick k Acker,Greenville, do Craig a. Frampton, Clarksville.' do Hays 3 / 4 . Plumb. Sbarpsbutgh, Pa. • %V C Otero°.'do WCon°inltuao,New elltiC, do marl. PITTSBURG!! & CLEVFLAND 1846. • IL glade. 11. limp. T. A ehumnd & Co. CLARKE Si CO., Forwarding a. Comsninfon Itierehant4 BEA VEIL. PA. T lLAfe n mx .d Pronely,— ( ably k E Age.: .d Proprietors of this Line (so L IIOAU to the public), will be prepared on the earliest opening of canal navigation to receive prop Doll at Piustorrali and Water, and deliver the some at any point an the Ohio canals, and also on Lakes Erie and Michigan, with the greatest despatch and at react enable taus The proprietors of dna line witch the buainess Of l their realer easterners with confidence, knotringlhat their facilities are wend to none. • Apply to or addresa • U N lIARTON, Afft, Pittsburgh. CLARKE & Co, Beaver. .1.13 • T. RICHMOND &•Cc C eveland. Eitaßk.lB47. • • axon & COrSe OLD ESTABLISHED TRANSPORTATION 'LINE, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH.. , - • PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND NEW YOWL THE stock 'or this line osmosis of a doable daily Line of Beata and Can, (owned by therrnelread which arc in good order. The aubrcribers aro pm.. red to! Guarani a large quantity of Merchandise. 611 Prodece with certainty and dispatch: Produce Or Merchandise conalgned to any or the tn. derusaed. is forwarded free of any <huge for commie lion or swage., Balaton:hog tranamltted and all instractfeloiProinPliT Wended to. Tho baldness of ail Liao Is conducted cm stnedy Sabbath-keeping:prweiple.. Address, or apply to LI LEECH it Co, Proprietors, . , Can Maio, ittsburgh • 'HARRIS fa LalCll,PropPrletors, 013 South Third Rama Philsdelphia JOS. TAYLOR k SONS, Assam, IL( North IlowaN Street, Raltimore W B WILSON, Agent, • No 7 West street. Neer York IS&A V/Attl, WARRIOR! & CLEVE - I - 4WD LINE OP CANAL PACKETS AND STAOFN. • 1847. Aliabal CANAL PAtIKETS TELIBJ APO & swALLow Lu,l EA 7 .1 c ya r 1. 8 • rt.; penkLllAll7:lbe, arrive at W arra neat morning In win= sue tbe Stages which teach Claveltuld before night. Passengers will he recsipted thlengb,seeuring berths nettle Packets, and mints in the Stage, on appinianon on board steamboat Reaves. [leaving Pittsburgh at n'eltmh,•• KA. la the !frilly I • - G M lIARTON& mob, Pittsburgh CLARKE &Co Beaver JESSE BALDWIN, S'ettertown ants ht It TAYLOR. Women 1846 "D 1847 TO TEE EIST.BTIONONOIDELd BOUTS, viA.Bßowpisviux& CUSIHERLAND. - !ME undersigned are now_ prepared to forward ere• duce, ac.,to the Eastern afarkets durlitg the ease irqc Wm.,. the most favorable terms, by this erne dlllol2s route. All property camped to us will be forwarded at - the lowest rates and with d .this tome to r =. " . nd" " " TC 131 WELL, Agri, 17.1., 1 G CAS& Brownsville. & Go. Cant rived PITTSBURGH AND OREMANVILEIIa 1847 . tarig PACKET AND PREIGIIT j.,IN E. Tuns Liao eamlifing of freight andpassengerPaek as, will ran regularly during the season between Beaver and Granville, to., by which freight and pas. sergersbetween thetwopolats,willhe earned promptly and at the lowest rata. ' Greenville A „ Tiffo%Valtikort,a.-I.4ir do; hIePARLAND b KING, Big Bend, dro • HATS& PLUMB, Plarpsburgh, • do; • VT CI MALAN, Shane, . • - •,•• -• 'Mack PARKS& Co, Beaver, do; JOON A CAI/DEWY, corner Water andlgoollield * 47 DPP”the. A T e .a. Da P l . 4 4 6 t.mtaas Pt:Otni T&4NSPOBTA~(ibLI.LINIC: REGULAJAAPIORXII7O., escape.? /T O W. 1 , 4 The near rnAllA r ligtrxer . I , r • Capi„eharle ri ectwOneriesij be l e molar crlpe tble day, leaving I'm burgh at 9 o'clock, a.avondDearti d - Veloct, it la, annecting welt rittahurgh and CleNteland Lir.e 'Ord .1 Boats daily to Cleveland, O.; ;tearer, Werrepadd Cleveland Line of Canal •Packet Wand Rase Cailleirli Warren and Cleveland - , - Ctirell Packet Linen to New Comte and Greenville, Pi; lEtie . k.Ytenaion Line a Meadville and &ie. Neil, Moore do C& of Soto Coaches ktr Cleveland and Wooster, leave Bea , ver rum arrival ofateaddroat .13eave (corn Pluellargli. Apply to • Lir • , • M 11ARTONA Ott, Plush h.• •pli CLARKE/ CO .:UT... .. .UNION RITRIEs t - • EIRVEN x1847. 1 !: ' ,_— on VIC 11.1.11NOL1aNJ• AYR OUI6 CaliA .•, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND. CLEVELA D. 1 E N PARKS& Co, Cleveland, 0.1 1 -11,(TPIOITET5ffineiehiP'fP'"°° ~, trilliE above Line Is now fully, prep. d to tran pod L. t o and Passengers from Pitisb gli and eye d. to any point an lb. Petursylvanta & cfbio and r hur ITherfaellities of said Line are serene led by naves said Canals, in nntabars and canned, of ikall. ear- Heart of Captain, and'prompinest of Agents. ke. , , Pne That leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland di ll y , fon n'teit'i'gsratileth gr e ferbeTt e". n Pinsbutaifd treater; and • Line of tea, class :unborn., Pf..l' lers, Brigs and Sebooners, on Lakea Erie, Baron, Mi chigan and Ontario , IProperty forwarded set ant pan of the . Unlon.-taith despatch. E N PARRS & Co,' Cleveland, Ago REED, PARIS &Co, Beaver, Alps W T MATHER,FinsberTh; Agt ,- ; spy( Co. Water and darliblield , in • TO GLIM/ALAND 'vria.iWABILEN., • '. MIT tgirialE '1847::- • THROUdIf IftSti_ijouns.._ ....:_ . . 1 . , unces7 Dow Swallow and Talcareph leave ea . a Ter da il y, at 3 o'clock P Pt, atter the arrival o the min:4T Beat f ro m Pittibergh. and arrive at WM 11 in time fur the Mail Una at Stages, which nova l int i auly thereafter. and arrive at,cieratitnd ai 3 o'cloc',r; at. Thia route is the most.espedttintia and .cotafon li one le the Lake.. " • ' 1. • COTES kLEFFINOWELL: Warren, ha 'a , • REED PARKS & Co, Beaver, Agents .II r A • JOHN A CaI:OBEY, cornerMiater and Smitatachl ats, aeglY OPPrite the 510!laeltflehtpla_sa. Pinsbar#t CITIZZ3II PORTABLE lAgiew viin. akelina 1 . 847, - NEER /OR . 7kti SR assrOsrivios ALL WINDS OF MERCHANDISE PI AND FROM Philadelphia, Baltimore,' New York M and ed . an t! • • . •: • VIE encouragement thd linehuvaceived nine da commencement, haniudverd. the . proprie tom to increase the stock by . addirig,. number el fi r clam boalsiand instead ofgrving receipts as beret* fore, se agenti, we will give, oar: own receipts for freight dripped by this • The boats ere all portable, coniequeiatly freight i. taken the whole durance withont transhipment,' thereby preventing damage, frouifrequent handling on the mote, and as each boat Is• owned by the Captain who runs them, which is a sufficient guar. antra that there will be no delay:on the route. All Produce or Merebandixe consigned to the undervigeed will be forwarded . FREE , OF COM MISSION, fOr advancing and forwattling,and will be shipped without delay erne lowest rate. of bright. 1 , 1: • - Weesiiectlially solicit a share ofpabbe patro nags.• WALLINGFORD & Co. Canal &Mu, Pittsburgh CRAIG, HELLAS & Co.. Agt. • • . Broad Street,'Plulsdelphia.t , * F MILLER,Agenti Bowley?. Wharf, Balthnote. • . Pittsburgh, Feb. 18,1847,1 . 1846.• 1847 •• • "hist liamnima TO THE EAST HY . - EALTIEEEZ AND • OHIO • RAILR,OAD. •• • • rrNE subscribers will reohiPt fa r gle'tieliveriof Fb.W 1 duce to Salomere by the dformarabela Slackwater at the following price., , • _Ashes, Simon, Butbir, Lead, Lard, Pork, Tallow, Whiskey, t, aed Glass-671 ets per 100 lbs. Tot, accw,Homp, Flu sod Wheal-41 ets per 100 lbs. Ashes, (Son Apples. Cheese, FlairSeed,•Glam, and Leather-106ms per UM • •• Oils, Skirts. Seeds, Wool-110 etticiloo lbs. ; Sceswax,Fewhers,Fors, Ginseng, um, Snake•ltcot —l7O eta per 10016. All property co:maned w either Of ihe undersigned will be forwarded wiuniut delay, free 'of Commission, at above rates. WII MARK, ttroWnwille. ' FIANNA & WATERMAN, Phliburgh. onvAlif H" jII3I3ERTICCXXXCAL XV al 11 . 1X0 ell FLUID sallmting the patronage of the patio try Wick, it is bat right and proper last Ps merits on which th e claim for suppovt is hued should , be fully emdfair 1 ,, pet tbrth Ind el. some goarantees. be term that th e coal musity vs& not be Imlay. upon by bete* it. la the first place it is will known Ilea the generali'y of Lack tints" are empty ed of • preepikk, bold fogs/her by glo Arabic .ad when th e watts., .Wit in whole yr pert ty evaporated the goneentkpreeipitate me left as • pasty 61.1112 in the pen or ityksamdeihleh contains IL ,It le mho common to add ,tittegm to dm Lek mow. to ' ste/Mt eon ltoi which .mmsem the evil by acting bet thi pen, if •smel one, corroding it through in a eery short time Novi the". Wri ting YlurPt dire. from these mistares ra, every' rest:wet, . it is id:teeniest sot U. remark; no viscid matter to boll II together, Ceara.: wil never get thick, and heirs nog Ora • urge mmatity tow. fit,* the pan into n'moren aroma tenon. Ring deeper into the fibre of We raper making . mare pert.- need slanted meh esstly moved by igUriaoC Una if it was omy oe the serfs..t,lt att. atittsinemamnee th at . has anaffinity fire mstalie tron,..tberefote_will not_corrode amyl Pene—it cal not mould, mid although a wmtes - ere bluish green toloryetin • few home it becomes a deep black vista will endure for arm: Ito woneolod superior to the foretgguu artiete known by the rue of Amen d% Writime. Fkaid,” and ...third room given for Übe same price: As a glaraatee against imporition of any kited being attempted the following relmatettendatione m WI most be aware, th e t the enact there girch eet.thl loot - here be. oft. . akaby acy 'means Atr oe mworthy pairs, W. recoostarod t• Hibbert'eChemhl;Writle fr Fluidttte the patronage of the public. ee• Ent rata article In all re.: urn: it dem free from the pen trithoot:einging it op and the coarse of - a few hours become.a u dce]. Itnght black. Reter S " ' s !(hare. Co. WoeLfppiocon er. Soo S Mighiteas Co. ateguetraos Iloughte Fratte a Seller* . Rohl B AleTaD, Badtp'r C•A ?itch mill It Co. -6r W W Welke, Juniata DAM; Melia Aug 0 t That K Hibberr—Dcarrlir: I hart benumb% your Chemical Writing fluid, ind fintrit Eaul mac article kr .tiir office, itl Bows [mailgram tha pm and becomes jet Mack at a kw hoUrs. . T II TUTTLE. Book-kerger fur -ItiMatir deldem I . . . AL T EC Fd.bbenien•Sin i li '''Tb a in pr ; oune4 A 4 t ibi l rlie . of your Writing Fluldoorrie throe 'reeks aryl entindeeil pal ly .411, 7 1 0 it: , , , ,, superior to . dtenislit's or niagnilinr ink now in • • ...e•W"Te• . . ,WILLIAM STEWART, Bunk -keeper - kr Arthur:Mantua 4. Co . , • ' ' Pittsbiargb, Sept.ll,l6lK - 51r T K Hilbert —Our Fin I am lasuiggroni Ctiviiient Writing Fluid, =I Gad it to be ninon siseelstot snide for /nisei 'MIS, as it dine not clog...Ginn uplik el thejnentily In of then uilts, if Goen fine and - N.omin> deep b in a , ..,.. , :r.T.R,-..;;-,1. 1 .1%_ - __. i - CARP} Book-keeper . • for Jahn !: Prepared and sold Whaleenla and Retail b Tha Pane mes IC Ribbed. %%104 and C 1.14164; earner or 'Liberty and' SmithAild Streets. Paunbargh P.. ilettadia P I L E S. 'l.!' Da. INCIOLDSBYS3 Pilo Specile, ad intim! no certainnaiad cu., 14eilisr internal, uterus LiSeedios r bliadolio, tar initatiem a and Wad— 'der, pato in ilia hack and /de, helitundeintoreacis, Crtlp, I • Smiles bedirs sad alter' Unadoconoit ire. often troalild with ecestlpation at the boxe4 or manias, n well as IKI piles. la al leach ma the Specific sisii be taken with per Let salty, ilia is s' total eroied The Sp,ifd to pi/dative, and is ma 'climb , vegetable reanily, without epee ills of gamboge, coluoyisee or alocs—piessaat . to inks sad puij fatly harmless in ths met &Scats cams. r • tem. . Thies. In mac, that I know Dr. legoklaryb ea. st.hi,„; lobe a area are =dears remedy.. Horace. its diem, is manias., amooptery feat k ommezions, mar:lea Caw! sad mart ma of ttapr where it male an eases eure awry arm, HEN Y WHITEHEAD; New York, May, INS MI Meth seat. thamielly gin my Manta! as to the matinbad luta . Irking elects of Dr. Ingolday • Pita Spahr, kW," 11 from my an .periena and obeertaboe, to be ktielkele; haring sea it daedierith mast ins end put dabs, male and female. X 11..! • New York, Play, 1845.•35411ia11ebre. CUTIFICATESI • • Nir Tort, May, air,--1 th. 7700 .medteloo. Dr. h errn nutr 'i that 1 ham beew h atined itt i es d feTie ib ea k Zire- usalale, * •ad doidette othora l itho dieted 'in the ltlai mane, to p.m . .' en WO, m thM my acs &peed Doan eme I Tama with 'raped. .1 : Wed Chester, IC Y., MMIS, Int , Dr. locilsby—Dear Sim—Thal ma-may tbaseilt ahem who may earmlaKora aa to mimes my attled* fter the hem& hire dewed r fraiwtbe em or,raltabl. aide. 1 /2 . '42 with )we rtyany a d 70 4 ddq q :Le t : . g 0 taTri . w. liari4 med i tate tr . atdies withoatrimmat Tows with Named. : Sold wholesale 64 Mail by WM. JACINON, at hat N eat Metticiaa Warehouse_ ouid Beed and 3hoe Sue, No. tfa Liberty Mee, bead of Wawa . PittMinh, bier,. NJ mato per bin ';•,yita CIONIIV3IPTILON ADRIT4TED , Ter thane kJ afflicted withDl .ot" tit r e tidal. —Tills in to certify to thaw nffiotri4i wkilt . ' the Irst pre, monitory symptoms of.Conatimptirio,. otll Mee been laboring (or nevem l years with • btoochf: iorettessof the tart otand boarrnect. I toted manyeletlitiarm, Out found no relief In any preparation of medicine, ...a / made are. of DR. DUNRANIS . .EXPECTDRANT REMEDY. I have been using thli veliable medicine for several years, And alorsy a And it to Telles/a when . ever I make meal it. My occepatian air an Auction. eer ' which keeps me almost ealastastliMiktiretZeliases mydiseasc, at times, to become veq shining, when . at once procure this medicine. f therein's, tale plea• note in making that public statement, thaloilerssurda. ell With a disease oflhe lungs and may know the novae, of this ill beakg remedy," and May be cured. 1 have recoatainded . Dr. Duticeobt Espectorant Remedy to mania( say friendr,sonsecd whom owe their bees to ilnernedieMa.-.. ' Somermbtlitio,Oet 13. 1143. PURIM , lIEWITI The. proprietor of the above medicine vecasid,!also reser to the undersigned rrs'de Peru county. on, whom any pelson may call upbo and he emscinced 'that there art virldrs foetid tr the: above tar•Sictite that cannot be eke elled : , • •David Co/banana. Somerset; Dr. ELStone; dne. Fran. on Golihrr, Jackson tp; Mr. JArioner."dm Pro. Po/bert, tialthck tpp,, Jerrod lA Ilopenrell DR. DUNCAN'S .WPWERN OFF;c!,, 250 aye. more +weer. lAnehinatl, Oleo. - Sold in Pilwbarati by WM, J'AGIDAON,-am la w i rt y. bend of Wood wreat. , ..; .• . - Appal/awl _, PARENTS USE StiI.LESS , VERN I.EUGEb,d; POPULAR EVERYWHERE: - • D .. awrit.r.a, Vi. July 25 ,151). • Mr. D. F.Graham,Derttlilti—l psreibuttlbfiegiabil bottle. of Sellers , Vernsifage• and Mader me of Act bo . tI e aw , of my children. which Wendt "from opre'..l2o worm., and Gun tha other Ile t reetsisstio it WA' • eim mut Sy as anon( the Mile tented/est' eere,Nea I or used tbr Moreau:war of worMs.:: • ' : • • . reaped o • clam, ilotut T rt,era. Prepunt bad sold by A It SELLERS:OW*6/1144 he wad let att. - Sehtby DiALlbb. Wank t(. CIPY.4-A4OFf.P4I I 44...q,*.'1.‘4:, )04 • _l* • BSEM _ I:. --Y=om=: :~~^,: KILUGAL • Dar aIIiZZIAIIIII '...- lti: ..5 - 4,:r 'I, . _ . . AILDIDATZD LOZENGES, AND roan lilayivi L . . 1 7 18 SUSSMAN hes Mamma a way to *mils nildiej : ././ *mat, so thet children will take n ruddy awl erg mom See MO biafec nook a, arias natt hoe eglana. : ms, a Polo/Tooth rade gala. beck cif each Pia., sad mi l each Bill of Dummies. • • • BILERAIANO3"DOUCH LOZENGTS. The: Longa me the safest, mon sore med etketailem.", MY fee ecdf bee da 1 d.........r , .....b..p.fi0qr,t., .ati no, tights. or the dogm Meat lb ales ... Irrimetur be erne known an w hem Mory dad mtg. nekti. " nth/ram 'Several bum tom bow mkt- welkin . We tan year, emtoriuk Meth persica in ahmonmary nem _ I. lb taborom Meter Me men destmook := " arteciugtis. Th do not chink end derup tbecol. - but mammary, eneckeatem,s/bn pet itian ' Troy sea made Am a beseu. Me melt nimble lispe4 srr•Ptrar b foe d '"'k' oeteir.s '"d datonh i t M od toe "" riell z ., :sae ofee=e. hare beano/hod of their Wouderfatelee . " 7 ten, from Mae who lie. been eared Detedu c Mrsodythikno, • snd reamed to parked health by cab; thina, _.- ' _ a 1„ {Vlore there a mah pay,. in the breestorlikoainSbee • • „,.;.. peer AWN PI/Ozer (prlee may 141 mats4ahould ba ndied.ver Do an, and mesa WI taheredoeffathahrk • ant, antirenco, a Der estbartlear heat. lomeogye, mem • ,„,m,mmartionailleine, abould be med a manias Ssaalia• : BIITRIIAN'S. wottu userzon, , .. , : Tha. worm Moog. ham bee*Vroadi ia ear. tha4dlkki 000 ass toile hillglildeg the mar ornate Mona clestaoyie - d . nmhenie cur doonned. ' bhz darsa , rices hem roc. - sad acclaim kap and iateme mod meltletthe tell an t , i ‘ ....,==.44== . 7".• .1:Ilia.. • ," .a.a.1.b...a0; YOn Ah..eto..nebe rem.l. speedily cox Dom , . _. 4 .4.s2smatif_Wenn..—Peins is pre litis .ir. - :6' mow-J.4g . 1 11,.......f • ......c. " neap, and estimesapalosmekboo the lipe r arith limbed &Walk Myst the non,agnewm; anammn at Me nomach, EWA 7 , es (beat orer tbr..=ll7 kdy, slight chills oe Wes; . Mama, sodden Penn; le sleep, with fry Vat aulacroiim; . scenedma a troublootoe mik* lireridon, Mina; patudg h t ,., kta, bed teetekthe =Mk didleult breathing, .... ia • the nuissols or howdy, felnyor.statuee, mesilakeme, c... 1. tiousappetile.,lompee Matted, mosseb or Make, grtplagm. shooting pa. . mak. jetrty of the body, sumo ataaa Wag mein in the threat, nchicy onke mu. Marantetagiu,, i • frequent dram to roloomethirTfnan the boxcleiaid, mile • DELERMAN'S'CAMITIOYCLOZENGES: ~,,... ." • They Vreinunotiate ft/WM memos eedick beaded*. 1•= .7 . of • heart, loaner of the iddrith deepondedeft• putrid ram throat, bowel air mum. ease; pat, Lin appro.' oor • mac of MM. , of the sihnt cbolic . maw of the stuunch or bonchighpleshar alleatios, abil all mama damns, droweisms throaghlhee day, roil: tee through the night; cholera or think era masa; ' oia, /melte:de or a am* ailine. tier ••• ~,,. manila, . &amain; Dap pertithrtillinal,._ ilm t•`... gin rtally . raT omiron; Me buoymnimyouuninsa atm dimpaum they 'd tenon the taw Of Ma system ;QM malty, md . • allunkmaant ere*. arasew Mogi ..so free lamp Penoua 'who ham been kolat . D7so.t" Monona/ their *Mari babik., will fi nd gum ghtinip, s . Troon sums rzernma.';',r`' • The bol o . planes:in the maid, end Ison. moody hr. or wake. al Me backi Maw ode, • linaluomate, r matins. hr. ft. 012111a1MOrt railnllaptaap the de require ellasnachoi mWon &pylon., Warnucted "parlor to alloilicesoodt cm gleaner Ike muel grin,.kusg do clay the' ten, Mit , Unthawed Outer is tbe world, It elands wile( is a ME- I. lir a reneplaint and apiary st diaold be Ina% OM+ , I..=l.:pmk lam or Monet , and it will alkoirmLeti Mat • la toughs, eon., amber, Wallin, %prow. of the taut et stemath, the - 7 - millsei - • • medinely moth and greatly besteet the region._ Peream'e. sedeutuy babas, or miss Wiped to eMad ,much will reecho • - decided ..no hoot Ond of them Maly senagtheuhig Ms - . .. Parma= genanal reaeauratal atm, La sante,. kit , ailotie,became they itialtor adhere tetteemteurdpon , m Mail. , jwi Mar operat& t o they sue natmlent, taus, bud.: moque. ity en cam of entirely Mahe. inpnl , • mt., mammy other, end Con from the gamic. al mil boas who ham toed Moe, m will an the mated itatitamy ol all the aletented and datmgcanual dew and - plintsterch le be the Mon mad ml highly medicated plaster" •- . t •il Bovril gem m bare unlad e at the innlaafe man pi , their seraeand thmilis, at the aloe. minntilme man II tin Direction mr are.. the back cinch plaster. .. ( 1 atl Yy y fa eimile of s he =amore: It is imponanty. Mail ahean ask dberuma's Poor Meats Pkinker, and me Ore • P. get the Ole,. MOSS= may lentil. Milanese' Direction hawked about saki log the tem Sbenma's fla.ph . hy- , 'V dT4'l aloha& end Mail by IT.IACTIIOI4 - illthlrelei mak*. Warthotter,, , No PA laberty . Oren,. Oki. or th ) .........--- • esl.lllß VIA 1 / 1 11711D. pfutflUldli ll 1071 CAN az CURED BY I.lllllibt DB DUNCA EXPECTORANT 'icor Bu:-7Thu it to certify to m. publlt,panikhultr, boo ',rah . a diseata of Ma Loaner CasiiikaPtided thalit Um Spring of 1301 min attacked with a meek 0014 tibial aka` hitionikaisd'oke my loogibdienring eyeupbbas of an appidikkor Ceormoptiou. 'My moth toot tight mid trooldeumne;ittended wild copionibight Spit op daily•. matadmoble lilt:Wily of blood, Wood witt hick.dark mall, illy simmiod be..... skims Amos ; r: ing. :Barber this Boot I was Waded by two or oar amiti. eltiod Yhysicimm they did the bad dray mold to me, wk.. al krigth they mora op 0 hopes of my moony, loterating; me that soothing mare weld he dame—that my loop ken 01. tally Bilked, and beyond remedy. Imu then persiookilit 0 frieud ofadze to make a trial of Dr. IhwenVs Etwicit r.. Bl4 .eihWhielt my Phpiciam penistid agantetoayier lbat this medicine would di,aa good, and tintotli 001 Odd. zoom to suffering. j told Been it Wig my les aity! hope, mid that WI mast die of the Moms, Behicla dick In me,fthere mould be mating tom. So mentlior Cincinnati Office itod .14,h4,a skoid..r kJ,' Yolk V 01... bin Molleine,,ad emomeked Mingddreinßil to the Bik bow, iiiiieb, it lead off addio. to my Milfering, limanktaly gm me mkt, at on. attentitig the trioddesook;Gmg, alloy the Pain MX tigbraw in t y Chesif tiring sae i sins, life and smeoglk vLkh soon <aided roe to be dhout yarn. - This 10. 4 / 6 .0 . 0 eakinifed it: good murk. o.bieti it 1.0 , =Alp: minib r omed,, ktil I ma made a sonnet otan..l.llmeasisiceik4- r attending to my bosh..,, firreedsmt 3 yek:j and. Gelik • h6aal..t recomenskedviirtemeifibba,;. peel ItemedyinetabY induces to thouskilarly mid Bias always pwrol =sada so far mil ham mamma it: trick Illy sister is;using thes medirkial piret,f4tl Dinned •Lier; and an Affection if tie koses, which sha had suffered with for 110111, r aMti oh. has mouly atoned' by the me of this medicine, and I ins mordent tha II Wilk' that 1 take with me to.dey mill ktirely con heft-4 am mrr~ o boom that tkrtrare lboosands of rakalle pencos :gasbag '7. boy teith'illis dreedlid. dellroyer-COPISUSIPTIM.-,,•• • Werelt only poosibk for Blom to peke. this soidiciaa tart. timei beim it he too hteoniay bees might be prolonged and their llinnlies mid relaticom again 'rendered ham., • Tito mdieini wdlgkt baton: belief,rand elk 'km/ time kik) the hard mol Ninth 1 Co.ogli, make am BO:0mM tlle Chri give strength to the enfeebled mid concialed frkie;ms!ity 0004 CM., lam certain, srID pleticam peribt cam. - • - • . ANDREW J. F,V.T6Rr. - Blentmitary,lismilthst Comfy, Woo. N. U.:-Thm.shornay riAot he acquaiuted With sae /kr to the undersize., citisentof aketenthery,lhatillautZanr.-, ty, 0 ~they u/Ilat myaW.qabstaretinte the akorestikaisblei DR. DUNCAN'S wttrrEas OFFICE ISS,revaitia west, where this nimble Medici. en always be ebudnisl."-. fold in eirrehroThr by. mal. JACKSON , cower el. NY and Linen, sta • aprlll-dt. neoILTAWr TQ THE LADlES , ‘Ctemse Bair Creme, a thatelless ankle for the Giourrla- Beauty and DestoraUon of thellair. Thar Create, when once knonne, will sapiersede all other-melee of the kind now used. \lnterstate hair is destklantkihns.M. • , healthy or Wrath{ avoyr a few applizationa will sake.", the ham soft and dark, and elm it a bramind lively •ppearaare; and will also make it retain. 1111'Prelineis and healthy. color twice as long as all the pwparationi Which are gerrertdly used.' livery lady and gender*. Who an in ite habit of ming ails on their hair, .bond at onto purchase a Lathe of We Mit Crenthina It is . mmpoied that it .11 not thane the hair .like the.; other preparations, hat will hemtify is and gtvoperfect sausthetlon iri every Jan..: : • For teetitoony to to very aoPerlerqtraiilles, followim. beer from. Rev.-kir. Caldwell, to-Menu - Heade:abort A Snatch, Nashville, General Agent/ the Western States: . . .• Letter from tho Reis. R. Caldwell, pastor of the Peet bytenart March,. ridaskL MildtakthOlt k Stretekr—Gentlenteni.. Z. t 1 whiting my testimony in favor of the, lent preparation called Pt. Parrislds Chinme • Cream—tor about two yelts Way luni wFs my,l •'• tnittly, and dispored to come out: hot baring pommy; ' -: • honk of the Cream, end used it accord/akin the pre: *crimso my ban Is now soft, elastic sad firm th e. bead. Many halsams and oils were applied each vine my hair m a worse Wield. before. This Cream however, ham met my epic' tatietis.. As an article kar the Toilet, my wife giver it radii; cave over all Gibers, being delieshtly perfumed, nod tot 'the to nueldity. The ladies especially - wilt 'find -: the Chinese Cream to be ■ desideratum In their petrol rations far tbe Mack Respeetfully, be. Pelaskl,Jardy.7,l6l7. CALDWELL Erir;bid wholesale and retail, In Pinsbasett by John M. Towsmood, No 45 Market street. and Joel ambler" comer of Wood and Fifth s • ' ILIT FINE • PEOMETZT—•. Cream de' Amanda Ammo', fat mbarlat . Mamie Csamea, do; • . , , • PapeaQae Romre.ola Porcelain* moods: b!Nr,.. , P,fafoOmed - Mita Laveadee, Dematifol . powder paffs; of aTI pmfetri , " • Exabomed moue boats, aoricaleses frimard ',sued» for,tha handke•ebief ; a mad bag, cod maim moods, mot- sate for prexots.- .. Perm/411.1>r Chinese, tume.ler: . • Indian vegetahle her ba. • -• Bear% ml, is foamy or emomonwroppers,(rose Seep too eo n ldlr & earrr aP , ; e l.‘ leg Y* onil 4 7 B°.9 put a ; P B° ; • Pare palamooap, in bars odd takes; • • Pbell /mop; Podsoomp; mseMer arab a pm earimy offume perfumery: mst reemmed; (Sr sale be • • "BA£ABlr otg.h ESrOCK &('O 0.10 PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, . PUULISIIRD DAILY, TRIAYEEKLY yi , •!. Jlcr'l" , ilibar.fietßaildimi; !um the Pctis RATE' OP , .61 5 : 17 8 1 8.T151M144.. •One lovition or 15Iincp, ... insertions without alteralions Three 1:• •• ...... Two Woela - %SO - Three " • /-• 3.05 - ;- One rdonth,' " ' 6110 6(o' 'L. .Two "- . " . • ,! • **** . • IThree - " • ,7 fdt , Longer asitertiserssents in am., proportion. - - • • Una square,6 months, Sri thmet..siteratio n,... 'kaell additional square Lei G months,' 5.00. . I . s '" .•• -" - 10 60 . sgusre,6 months , r e newable at pleasure , 15 Cl) , 12 • . •it a • 141 i. gaeh widitionalsmaare far It month, ID ral. , Two l a e ln d areer, 6.months, rts"wahle as pleawue; 30, tir L'ae k• . h equare,6 spinals, I was ti of 2111•Wiliet IX. DAIX:r Unosquarn.3 insertions,. • " • " -". each additional itsertinn,.....„4:,.;sr . avaxese f eadon. ; ; .Fine lines or lei's, one liar. • '- 6 six months'ooll,• , w • -- one year, daily 6r. - weekly I montbs't " •§- •:, ADYcairialararri:xs **** * liner or leas One insettihn,- .. •-• Tkiteei .- • ; it . 00 ' ." •. tp.ut adrettileinanti be:MSS!vsl otio_oquArof,J • • iod a iiiieoimt orzi*eo.lkl4eelliTeqSti*l4ol ;moat of adaartivitteeaceedifiVdollarepea4apiric,,, 01 !!Xeilli . :::14iii7 - airi4fr 111411 . 1 ywaiSiontssisaiirdW1191— • uz 0t , r4:".w. ,4 • 4 •11 -- 414?;1.."•'.''' 4e: •14 - . 2 ; 2 7:5i5:_ , 1 , A:' ,, .. -- - ,- 2 14 ' 2 ' 2 2 2,,, ~ ~
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