' . . ', . . 1 ..,,, . . . • • . ' .' ' - . ''' .-, . . . . . . . . - , . 1 . . . . . . . , . • . . . • I .• , • • . , ' 7: , . . • . •• • , . . .._ - • ._ • .• _ . - • • ~ ~ , _ .. . ...- • , . , -'- :-: ;. :,- -to-4 , ,,,,, . of ri . . c ; ,, I . , 1 , • , i . . . _ • , . . . .1 , . . 1, , .1,- ~• , ...- - , .....-_ - ~..- . _ . • 7 ..V.-.7.4Frp. , , ,..,.-,g. . . . . • . I - 1 ' I • . iik., . ' .... $ • ', . ' . ' : . 1 c . - 13r91111.21;Ibbla , -kita,teding; fer gain byj, ; • ,BAGALZY /0431711 F " le &SO wood si 51,:a11:—.50 b.p Itifti Braall.Pugai, tee'd Ihts 617; - 11110 b 7 - BiGALiii "m-agb. ,. er,ort,frlavreolit into - • • • family .1 -. I . lcvle a telli t imtak ' M a k ;Irma " . sig ! ltfito auAtr• • Murk Tel 1;41 do ! - '• - • AT 19 • A A. srAsorit A. CO P N l" nraffia;= r t= " A stafeathenic reed 311,sty ez MSG. toll • • ' 11-..7.llp:vers teauld Prow. • tome — '7og,TAlt b it4. Sl li.l et LENIBICYII,-Ses ? oi'beintifalbrigtacqloWdpiaid Wogs; pas tre e d y - • DTI," • SIIACKLETT te.sl7ll.lTfi_ C l H3'' -6;takiTATT,,,rTirm7 81111 , !LA a Ilamaely nOTTON. Nj arrive; kr, sylf QTX/1111 1 ..0111 MvirrAiti lort.ole, h• by ale 00111.-33 b, sale by avIS • Paoturat=vio and ibsU Peselzeil lardirt; tr am dmawm m boat NowEnglardA; S DAfor sale by_ • wrIS • • • JLZELL GIMPS and FElNtiEAltezteassire Aucemen2 of 0.71A0 rrioioelan received At fligtaskei a. nvIIS A A MASON& CO GOOII7MRPRA6-1119 wk. low Lain from suar PUS.: for sato by • I DICKEY &CO iD—Air gortsb lo purchase ter bashed baskets coOrr et And Timothy deed, fbr ...kith we will Ipsy sbe mWtatpricu.. CARDON t MeV% LUNT. GIMF , rI:I-111.1 bit eke otoKatctlategri e lbrio " ' ' cot mithteld & Inter ins EL-4 a" °Vll=4° was by , le 13VRaH.%le khdanel saar Rama; (or rodo rviummy Etalern• Nouse= /Loam . Cbamp.gs,. Ibr . see nes wine store. • JACOB WF.AVER g4IIIP.BIKAND,Panidada Eva ar OeII Yetalx,att; kit We by the bettor bottle, at the taloa stare. • • .• : JACOLWEAVER COTTON-110 bales 'commas coma, what& tar Deans fat We low la slow, Sy • "AM' ,ATWOOD, JONES CO /11/I ,. .—trees, pnate ... ll..xoefd at Ju i T . i s eleal it ir s ..le , • • 17 Idle .QTAILOFIC-100 Lad Fora' per Wyo- J., W.V. fol-,adle by ; . L.AOALEIt &SMITH avid - • ' ISt 90 mood at • C "38411 " - t• zCI 4 13 e Is A t Wb intO AOMII s IV PARIS GREEN awl Verdigrir, ' muu%w Osl, al slb ueins; for sok by . • • • s'scilooioierea & co C s n,i Itl.et j BCIt6ONAe6EH LCO QPONGE—I case selected, veryfirf . q • 1 bale coarse; for by • • AVIS J 9CIIOI)NATAICEB & CO arklie7Wlsnet Sperm Mai mull, by ' • .IJ , • trils SetIOONIttAKER CO comr-226 bx. N.l 5,3i.7int ieeeired by the suar, GP ?mail:am for sale by • it W 11ARDAUtill MOLUAgr..3..-I)LbLojnt Teed . .d far W BARBA IJOII rposAccogs tepid twqm Tobacco:just tr.:ehred kw sale by mrss • Sib Vit fIARBAUGH • - N UTS- , A but Teresee pet now ieeelved day; tor • c Ars-Koos Capt . r a ced , and &s: aria by int%oar wood it ,k db:a d ay . Dies 13()PE-15 0 pub. =IS : u S U l fiE . NI.3I3byERS-3"%drSg'''''TlaltlllN7Ver'l; I p •..1 ,1' - NI . pillUt • - grioucdtjun leceir • per El rit-rculsoN &co Ct i ttogne pia and Or, for by /s boErrkt or ,at tko wino none of JAOOII WEAVER. ivau l & S ri Ch ampa J g a n t3th in e n L and q ts bemalebythebla orWd CWEAVEß Aneber Chatepage, leiß pm end . qts, JAI be sine •t the one mom, by basket or teal. - urn . JACOB CIJUSLIII & Co's Aoebor Char:Tager, V; for rale %I by the basica or boala.al Our wine we'r- Arta • JACOB WEAVER DLLINOUTIRt CO. MILOOt ChiMISIWNSIWISIE; qo B Ibt ale bribe bell or ketle, et the wake rote. wen JACO], WEAVER ',4,1•111A1It-12 dos Westia's Csissm Wild Mimi.; g.a saki by:- • sisld • • - I MIDI) & cil WADDIIIIO.--21X1 dm. of me. and .D begun M b irapcnirr k wurrE • 99 wood =l== BACIL—A Grab Lai el' ir ate. Curt .471 School Bags inn' receival:,* sok , • I • • : 11 EATON PAP= DOLLS d waned' gixes, opltable for stores, te; jut reed u .b/6.71,1N'9 MJZiA • •0—:•9 bzs prime blowing Tobieed•est recrolred; for able br 11 , 4 °RUNT, WORM & CO 11-16 par , large Domed Janrocadvedon coatignosso; broad • • .. • ' r COOli SAN 6t Lqan kr sal' It tro HI4 tty sear Coml. • W.IVALLACE • SAM% N KIPS OLICIALCHED DEULLP G-13 met said Sao „D i"!9 .1 9' •Err&CViirrg . . NACU, • r. A &0111 CD d: TlllOll-12 eases Wm prl- Cad, maim= aaddiaih at very mach raddced prices, Yrnalvid 67 -- ima powars—sxrse 10. b b y b ititrzeutskollnenErn 4. stfi. - - • ear pean t isils AATZLITI.4IO Y. 4 ega=illeilm - Cal, -• • forarceelired; for we by -•- 0.11W4.10-9 , 1100 Ibir *ocular itut reed OCT itysi WY Pl 4 mina fat , u 1 by WOOF.= EU &CO r. • CCO—beavealigyees.s.peobr thoookcst lbs lel:bind, toe oak by ; • • • • . LSYHHRT &8 • PTUN by p0W . 1.1. 1 /!211, aux . irineii i rsg,47a d s B Valeanistd 7 iwifcgo - b 7 i bisains Ina lola bleb wile; pus 10, Oak bylll.L PIIPS - _ 3 . • 5 'modl^ 94.• um:Am gas. :a49.1912, 1944. and latmaisas flan 1045 to 040 to slors; : for cola sal . TAssry Welt?. 55 srara .1 AVRAPPIIIO .PAPZIFL— . w 1400 boadta aC. id .4D C straw • 1.50 Medinm.R., • _ D Media. Hardware. for pity by still , - REYNOLDS t SHEA Frangreirra.—so tat •bi. oa p it . • bt?t.• • S. 4e oda ' E DEAELLTON, eav side iniond do-114,0Np ir Xl-44-41btrarcei.d. sad for ar.!-) maclivizuw..-4.Er• ym Ew mdeof TAL7l kl 4 . a nliU—Ka 1 oluvl 9 Lard 'ail totuatatly bind, O 1 ref salo b .1 JORDAN k. SON 1-()(3n ( 1.14,1°,7,ti , L iugoz..4. bay feailtin=47' l !fte II• ,*"lbs" 4 " • .rmalthleitilt (MIA rt.! bbl rod cidit,...ro , V the ea& will be veld by J%V CHADwICK, LIIIID I lard; 'SOW. Flo/.Goe'd 1.0.4 utat Mew England; Orr ado byk • - • ' • • • !DICKEY & • nen , • " 7sler &Isar oto . KKEYCilap•xe., Ina •ad erye, for taleWitesez .b ar book, at t. Imo mom. WEA VEI RO!IbUOW Cturperrie, pte ttnd 9u, fer role by, oue C beskek or bottle, et the wise Wt. aril • ' _ JACOB WP.AVER TltlC(iLOß,ied:orboeleof bbtetiompagoe,puied ginr,lif bolo by the buket or Lute lodge wine mote-. 0,21' • ' ' .1•0011 WEAVRIt D UCAL WWI: Ckatkarslarleott andlug kr b"*"" JACOB wincv.Est . ' *On • • - 10 f mutat k (ma an BIZ -4 ''°•""'/ZrzFu'irirfirktatlitpg COQHapI3O/-7pk►for We br RUKRFtv , IIt Rilg big bpnwils a•Rarr No Are br •vII , • IsUeIiFIELD tr. ROI: QOAP—to ivrr raga Seap; 1.7 . m conzoll USA PI ead) ROE 481ISHRIELD L i ROE [s,-3 bbls Linbesd oil far We by 0 mil AMPS D /AM 92 I=3 A r± k"."•'" u l i n ?dna° AN bet ale LT _ SOAIIII D stoioAN VFW bbi . 14 1. f V. 144 Iced:tit milikr Par-MM9MOD =BM pait for all .b differ& grades - et:clean Washed W.I. by _ MURPHY tr. LEE, 014 wlreßinimt, ror Libertts n and Cttirik alle _ . . _ ..,. ITAILNIIIII• to—, um. Gm Cop‘l; V -. 3 bbia Paronnie Vainith; • • ' 2hf bbla do" do; . . .. .. 'I keg do do; , . - 2 kegi carriage do: now landing: for r sale by nvl9 . '1 DICaP.I" kgo W . OL.Al2B,2lSbas 9010 and 71 9, • • , • • 100 bz..10x12 and 9212;' • ' / ..... ILO bas 10014,12016 and 122111're3 ecived; 100 0010 by • . LAMBERT tr. IiIIIVY011• " av 9 . ' . . - 131 Er. 13S arivvl .1 lATAIiON—A Ora rot, tour beiso, Vtrwrn mot recd; (o r sale by " °6M. 11/eaREW tr.,03 yrt - TO. 11141 AR hhdi te salee elide eiinsign la • men. FRIEND, [Mem & ce. .49 No.S7 Wider an POTATOES—INI bbla teraired per au: J CrOtooden hr solo by 'FRIEND, REFS & Co. notlO - Nog Wltlet St. . DEFat HAIR and Toy, Tarn rat sale by • , tly3' • CARSON tclacgNlMlT SHAD—So bal. No trusod; Eorule low . to close by 0 pvs CARSON & AteKNIGHT ergswurcs • TAR-10 Dbl. NC, harts bblo) for <ale by nv3 — CAR3ON tr. MckNIGIIT. ,JONIZ &CO water & (Tont !t ti triTOVlta mll SCIIFF.; r market &ward 21—in tin cane—of .tr,lsst rec'd and for J HPAZELTDN End side Dianond 4F"..!cit!'"d; wr BALLA:I36rou Velvet Itallg Ow tee ived; Sir aals by ' BRAUN REITEEt. • eor et ell&t libenT it• .W tt -g174-6 '' ZIA% k aVgEr GLLZIELIt b D T 1•31011:01" - 4A hew lotjasureoo ; ' J KIDULCO.• N lVTllol9l—Outibu Barley; : irin , wa rtOg h lt b y T e; for which the market pdee CiAKFORD fr. CO . Cele. literehaels. liberty et waser float as , r 431.70—ut bee aswetosent by la pound n'err 4 7 ** OLACSBURNII. CO . 011.-10katrelsfittseed ell, jut reed, for uk by. int i .ESP.LLERS, 17 LbertY OPTS. TIDB.P.OIITIEUE4III 41s on band; for la sato by ort _ - ! BRAUN & REITER 110P174 bales Ist sort pow landing from stessig:r 1111 Antenes; krr sole byt 1 1 -DICKEY & CD r _ , • 65 Water k 10 . 7 fowl sr:* - GLe r =2: tq _tav3 DS ARL4ll.llcati, ka son Arwoo , ONES it co vasia—ie ads N to' arnrel per Roscoe; for tale t. • 6r16 ArWoOD,josTEs &co Sll . Gtfri by N . an crtsigetkeueni.:,,:ek la lonme: yed mid (0 Wit It McCUTCII e EON ISt libel.* at it4dtrit—ap bbls[7h t. 17 ...Ivrais,g7 FL°. cropt 0 Baganintelos Qom "imltsvieumit EFLUSI 'BLAMES:TAIL-A lot of very fine blue /3 blanketsoultable recovers/3e% Jot reed by • '23 ' it l lei.NW D for MofAdfiAr =CIM SUGAR -131111. new eiop N r,loat reed; for sal. low D 7 LtMBEHT t SHIMON yyp• r - 133 lc 1321 wood at S#l . olll-9 b . blo prima E .1to; tor tale braW OEM • walk •hw mlh9e lA &salt.. stir BICANII-11bbts &DAR oititc, for aids by mlO W GREER rpOlViCOO-4 lb. pie Sr, for sale on eatislgn ...a. • • • • [urn] GREEN .I_lOaZY-150 bzi pricaa. la store; for .ale by ANTHONY URAVO, tor ath st & eCOILCHIIIII3II-13r elm ited and for sale hi , ny23 • ; W k A MeCIITCHEON OIL -10 tibia Jan by pare 'aimed oll,je teeeirriii; far .ate W R AIeCLITCHEON arJl• i • • • 11l liberty ,011.E.F.P PRIA6-16¢¢De now loadior foroal oby i • I DICKEY &CO • ' 1. ••• looter & front Ft* ' " 3. ; (" i s ti bIEv&CO IJAI4) OlL —dblas, lianding [ mm stmr Mono. gattOaiGar sale Ara • ' 1 I DICKEY &CO (SOPS-4 bales, lout qiality, it • low irecifortale br • ' • twill 1 , • I 01C6E . 17 & pZARLASIII-14 cski for sale by : SF VON BONNHOEST & CO I • 35 from et_ 01411r20 bbl. ortdt 646, em, reed; f. mq Di 8 SIiON.BONNIIORST & CO /Fazes—)Wbu W letor mkt . L util B £ VON BONNHORST it CO 130TAIM-4 cab Lmci44; for iale. by ' bY23 OAX.EORRK.OO LARD—Nevr Lari,laadmr; for sale by, COn:43 .. • j OARFORD k. C rIVEM,-4 bi, fraiS re:Liast reed..(b ' WICK.% PIeCANDLOW B or wood t water no lITT ar - gnu; 1 ER—I 4 'bb do. An' . wicK & hue& `I . EaS . PIPE. -1" T " pilel'CltlbbreCANDLESS gr.egiir.F.ss rtOPPElit9 bbl kir sale by , 1. WICK k. MedANDLYIS COM 5-49. bu Pri't S Eualus.la n)., cieieund, wet fl~B6Eitlc 4;. iripme.W,R; '4a csk . a RICK for ule, wICK k MeeANDLESS PACIILI bolas near last reed; for sale t tri , 23 WIC. - IcIdeCANDLESS POTATOES—ibtfLa ;Ne,bar.rocks, for by ax:b. I WICK & shwaNut.r.ss bbls raw , whiaten by V V iir23 I WICK & McCANDLFAS 'joss:Y-13i bzl rdudo II •13 Wlcr. k AreCANDIA2S EABIS-1:111214 nual width; for sale by B • I WIC Is d McCAN,!LERS ,ti et. C ARBUTPiOT B= 1 " 7 - i " d:32 VlliiiGAlL—giTads eider vinegar In more; for . ale Vby , r ~ rrn. DALZELI: slllll7Bib*"'.l"rhairktnitTO.M VISU-68 bi,s NO a Lug, Mackerel; 57 .,a{ " N"H" Rilf, ' E la rgello4/7LFSS. . . 71011 , 141-14 bags 8 Atuantau; . • • 1.11 10 ninety; 0 1. 6 Enennt Walnuts: for sate by n• 211 MeCANDLESS • 0170 AU—W) big sa; ula by • , $.7 lay= . WICK K bIeCANDLP3I ri"°„B4,°''''' his °. , : vitficl: LL:chiNtt.&cs gslu.o..t Teed; waS - WICK - tr. bIeCAN ULFSS tivrnyzai-is gentozky Peadicze: reed per stair Taglaw; *sale by • LEWIS HU7ALS9N# CO . largo No ;: elWei for JN.Lmale by nvl.s SiIACIELETT k WHITE drWas Lalße. see% for tale bY MEMRT LEADasi 13110T-706tT Lead; 3r/ aWd Shou , 62r , sale by 6v16 LE WWI! IIUTCIIII 4 ON a. CU EllOO4OOO-40 kers 0 twist Tobieece Jut reeei. red, tekt lab br ATWOOD, JONES &CO • AOlO , - , . water & (mat am L • NoVi b 01 ' i0,..:476y 1.0 )4" "" P".."" 1 .TORDAS k SI)N awl 11110. en q opptiNte bawl of mithEtld ~.: ~. ~w_ _ ~ L... ~•„•. - .r-. ----~---~0.~:..,, W While.* briadiast toe '4 FW saleby • ' ,15 W lIARBAUGH at/13 " 33 wood .1 • nOTATOZ4-41 bbls,lavr ree'd;o,v C nv - 20 - 14 Mt HAREM UGII 'ram' WINE . stt pr ask arty aztEgit WM & water No i fgr 4Z b . l '. l ' " 11 el"z • CW*. b7 W GREEIt Co QEoAni—l 6 i. " ea Mtit " 1.7 stle by ay r'" Mr!IIE3 s lurrcnisosv a co fi 01. &MI 61-10 ascytiOrsipt# l o; 1..11.gf 10 l 04ilt DISC Norton; tar .111 by , writ • /AS DALZELL A .PPI4E6-04 bblp App:dq ko• ilia low to do " 4 .0 1 ..ar• bi I :M S D.O.ZELP •, ore' .1.1. plO 1/1031-;t0 W9l , ZrElL'gn VOILIA-40 bis II ivessiss Nopr; far tali b y y 'Arra I• • - R 1:1.01 D bbl. dried Peiabcc • • - WI peke " Apple; for flee b 1 nit: • • _L . _ /k R PLOY n. notAkenret_ QllllD—Tanotky seed $ :tore; for sale lei' Aavki , kJ:A.OIM Ira VIZALYIEIJI IN COAL—iVsete4 10totaIrset 1 fora regular 'apply of Oral thr0.10... , lb? 6r SIM= !iglu! Ma Ater porpc.4. 'Apply at this 11/iD)LII—A Rub lot of wltalmblerodow node oireewedendWe with or without G.torer, by Dear.- ; uII ttitTON SUO - AItYR O Sagir to! sale by ... °tab • ; RAINY 111 & 00PICASrtit!.1._ rTLALTRU.Ki bblo Obio and Virg iota ITraele or- A for oak by' I JORIIAN & N 18 libejiysi,opp2.2lll.c anilbLeld & O.OA.P—.IID e 'e r' • C" t "P 4V;l: f ir ai n4l. 101 -.., 1,11.11211TR1L LARD 01L.4 L conkbag VTlamplaciare constantly on boiodl r "...itt".br" lAyes lot tosmifoelarer• OALERATU!.3-37 exeliol'oilerams in store and far i„,) Kole by • ' /CBll , l BCOI7 &CO 1729 4 1 • 1 -mnosereitplonlk,2ll2l, A.llO VS* PAPYRI ign.l foroillo _ 6-111LIM-Wcaoks Peartsii • LI. , 11? sad tor Sala . R A CURVTAHAM,I4I .t J reamb, full enunt. , . , Me JOHN scuff & co Iseereial row. IlLerly .1 • . 4" litrort FLV3OI.-.200 bbli CAA% Borg, e hl bb4.l"'"'i fot se e it ti 4.1 learn itrr -PriTlirrinqa Fl~ VILICSMICD—C•OpIa Wr t tfi t tr r k co El c EIVON WIN NH tILQIIMIO tett Iss , lad Ihelcricat , glanlL, fo< sale 8 . 11 , 10:0X purpwitoserr. w • nfte - wt. 1.,J.-.....41110kia Guresz-imses pnot :maul var 'L'.'~Nc'ik~, '~2.'.c i~. CIAL 'RECORD. Mil 1193113 5,1p . :1% , pa I Myna 1 rum I tell nres 1 Icirc . 437 It - 659 4 Z6 .-1.1• 'J 7 :0 436. lO 9 7,1 4 3.51 II 7 ' 7 2 433 morn Last Ar. 7 31 4 , 33 I 0 4. ' 7 .41 4 31 Ira 0 .e.' —.7- 1217 -7 NOV E61(2141 - 29'fl;m;s 4 d2i '7l End,iy 27 2.;stardar; 28 Sandayf .; .29 'Monday. 311 Tnezdzy 31- 122402124' Aimee IFirrstineets'ualterre, t "Seterday Morning; November 27: 7bet Weather, for the few has WOO cold and windy; renderiugit quiteldimgree:ible Inr out din , Inilineis. Thel river is ; gradually receding agaiet (rein a height of ,^4. tent s to which it had risen by . theiieentiaimijan3 which was high/ rby or or 6 loot thin at (hp preceding 'hie , . _ ; ,' - "The market., generally", every quiet, and7nothing, is doing beyond the regular t Or retail salmi to brittle, market eoritteued very quiet, the mama licaiaud being ; maiali'con6ned to the borne consumption. j We notice rules by the dray load of about 100 bhli at ; 04026. Receipts bore been very limited thedgh'nhout- infficiaut to keep the article of a stend,l with no apparent disposition to or recede'. Wheat—The receipts for some time pie Imo been very light,and, the rairlict i. sindut mutely byre. it iv held nontinally, in. limited .apply, at 90 to 95c li' bu• - bear of limited sales only si 43e bushel. I . Hsrley—Sales.of bu at 45 t0,48c p be. C ri—Sales of 400 be in didereat bits; it 4044.5 t i bu. Oste+iVe notice sales to this total of 300 be it Prosikions—.The market is quiet:with no clangs in prices. 01: B3COO, tee notice farther See, of 3000 Ib's at, for Hams, 9i6 9c; Sides '1468, and Shoulders at 6107 e N lh. 01 tiara 1000 lba , were sold at Bd9c far good to prime. :Better is Jo file demand, with ales to kegs et 96910 - p lb. 01 cheese; we otitice'salee 01150 bus W kt at 610.64 e • • , ,• I'lazacco-3aleabl 30 'be at 35A - a - 53e lit. ileeiwar —Supplies tort with astachtrale salt* al 33. 1 , lb. - • Buckwheat Flofr7Regular soles from More at 87. 100 RA: Rye Floor—,,Sate! at $3,5413.3,63 Feather. ani in fait. !aqua, with oaks of 200011 m t ffi lb. Moderate Wa from fiat floodlit 30 Soto.— We t:defamed that the ateamerWittor. min has been told to a Company atMaditon, la.. and will be Too hereafter as , 2 tEgolu picket between teat plate and c.iseinnati, . 'rue PaufghTL**3 I sploodid: steamer Peanzylvanta, Cape. Gny, is adienised as a regular Thursday Packet, between this city and Cincinnati. The i!ennaylennis is nearly now. 'Rd. , . I'd the find easy . sta.:lucre of the trade, nod; ianderithe cool. inset] arineb a . rnaa no Capt. (liar. we wiih her the meat abundani surer,.. : The tioe new steemer,Gior-Jisser, has been on• avoidably delaled. hat will leave,positivelj, for New Orleans, on °reheat the first open, From. present eppeeraineee„.we think the Jewel!, will be an honor tu her experienced commander, mime!! is an erne. went to the , trade In which she is to enga g e. • Tax Comagnt.i a s.—Thir , fine new light-draught steamer, deaigoesi to the place of tho ill fated Nashville, which tau burned at our wharf last sum mer, is how in:progress of compleorit and will, when finished, roe as a regular packet-lroio this city to Naihrille. The contineed remittance of State Stocks to Oils country fur sale, from Europe, is mot at all cements. ted to aid the ham money market. A Frir some months there ham been a constant retarniol Stocks of which a comuleiable ernoubt came by the Ace. , dia., The export of Specie eoiltieuee le be a nub: ject of general remark among tho - rapitalista of the east, and its cause attributed to different reasons.— i There are many who agree that it is • linrimoniry matter, god will cease alter a moderate amount has gone, Others argue that the current of trade had changed, and ;that we, in the absence of a demand for oar breatluffs; a decline is the price Of our cot* too, added te an enormous increase or linporte, are rapidly becoming a debted ti4on, instead of a ere. dited, as tor the past year. A writer in the Beaton Courier, aped this point, rays: 'We are now brongbt ha this preritiom the bulk • or our esponi aroNinonished pod third, at least, Iry price, from what they were a year vie ceil while ports are ineicaeing, without a correspomiing notion . is vale. It ; requirei a third more propert y . to pay for what ire import , this. year than what it did last ycar,and that in the face of • deCreasing de. mind and a falling in prides of what we have to export. • - oP,Iow, this state of things cannot long endure...- , We Meet pay for moons with export. of anything but specie, and on rha aka must contract and oar car ' rency be reduced, in order to bnngdon n prices low enough to anon our specie, nod to send !our wheat, I cotton, &c, abroad in place of.it.n Under sat h a state of things, it is v ery evident that, price. cf our produce must goluwer, if we wrireld pay fOr oar esporta with them: We must produce Mir goods leaver by cheaper wages, and, an short, Must contract upon all pont. in the same relit with Europe, if sris would not be drained of our coin nod become debtors. England is contract. ing, in order to tarn the specie tide in ben (sew; aud we mast contract, to prevent the drsi4_ falling too heavy upon us. la many respects the [odds are in our favor; but li t feniins to be seen whether sae can maintam our position against so powerlol . nriial." • FOREtON IKON MAtitt . . Corregionchnce of UM Sittsbantla auntie. Liverpool, Nos t ,ith, 1817. , loin—Judging by the pruseat aspect el Omni, a diminished consumption foe railway and other pur poses in Englsed.,eed a small eaperf,et least, for some month. to crime (iota abroad,sre are 'disposed to thine that thislertiele may be reduced in value, and that it uney be desirable shortly for oar Amen. can Needs to purchase largely from vs. We game' preiseht pritZe to Liverpooi—iNo 1 Scineb Pig £3 1.5 s Merchant Bar Ziris boil roitita, £lO IOn• hheer, .K.ll gr.; Hoop £ll. . 1 ' • . , • • '.. London, fituol, 1847. Metal—There has bCcia e steady deltoid for Rail i way Bars it £s ;Io. to £3 12a 8d..1 I. Comm. ;Welsh Bar:the pinchaies Made' hole been upon a larger. scale at , E 3 ID, to gd 151 per ti. and upon those tenni there are ;generally no scalene, In bootch Pig Iron ,sales to a lair estent have been undo dur,ng the last lair dip, at .53i to .56i for mod" nuiaberc and et 581 to 39 for No I sail', whilst the gaskets are low disposed to sell. 1 , .. ;pgßoftwo 1W nivEn. • WIIEELINGI-Per Nivil:eglathl4glLblsappleei owner. 31 do do owner - -98 bblr.Boor, oWitOr-`34' do applee,omer.-100 do flour, eiret-I do.Bleele -3 do elder, Blges-1 do floor, Ebert:-167 sks ley, Sreith-4 bgs potatoes, rotiyth-941 bblrtlquiy . Per,y-iaittds tobacco, Forsyth h.Dueeso. WEI.I.SY,MLE-Par. h., killed hogs, tiarbsadb-1 Bid' .-3 ode were , Berton-II galie piper lA:Trois-40 ;lo do, Advocate-4 . We but ri4 tlasiiied, Holleoso-i4 Lq wanes, Shyd4-2 kris earner. ware, 70 matinee bb:n, bleer-4 Lads spples,'G bps ekdrl, 3 toplid.s, owner.. ; POlL:dleh; Cope-13 eke dr pest besi,3 killed boob . S ds W liarpsoeh-w. kin enit., Spsog & co-4- bbl. better, , Meetirtanz..ll( bele Po.lr, 33 kg. b w Boer, Colbertson-43 well buckets, B teksrd-phdls leather, IA body, owner. ,ST Lotus-if. , Avolustbe—Goo,iiir lead, Feb. ms 4. pu-350 do do, Willis-1 tobacco .crew, Msnball fr Soke-16 bbl. potiteee ' owner -6 Ms cotton, Moorhead & Copolipd4l.s be• ,torch; pleClerkso & errs'Y biles cotton, ennedy & Chill.-50 bble whiskey, feathers, (i W - f _ ger-'O , kgrlard, It ' CINCIPIN—s .. tamer—, Oakford khlo Whaley, Parker -3 cooks rice. Butiandge & Co. • • • BEAVER—Per Labe Erie -.121.5k0 polcfda, A Grove-43 lige:ittonnel,Taraer- 1 9 bge cotton pro. 1153 by &owe, Caldwell & co—l butter-38 ton. clot:eve. Dslook-31110 di, Coughey,6 bbl. tallow, Bidwell-04 bra chcror. Coughey-4 blo 'Ups, Walloons & I)ilwawth-3 bade 0Cr4p.: 116 . a pro bloom., Church de, Corolliera-2 bbla tauall:r need,' :Von Boariborot—lo coke, I bbl paairlaoh/Csavllag, ItObertood.& co-30 coke. I bbl s cqli., 6 cola put aoh. It 4)ofar.11:& co—:2 bbi., Islf do ale, bonito *„ood —2l bls bop . , Iluohs—Vkag butter, Hero ba.bbl orore,sylorwol k do . 0,0 , '2 kidd &en.: Per follchlgon—bloke Wynn., Hen:lkon-4 coke pntrub,-19 boo chose., ',Fawley & cat porooh laskfunl-150 bit cheese;2 w001 , ,•37 boo cliecie, Pavlov & .b.iailk-3 do do, 3 Irbil. poor, klyirri& Hooter-411 coke b w Goer, 4do potash, Wick ( 41 . McCoodlaos. bblo . l'or Bcksor+-3 big dives° z Aodoceno4-3 csks checoO, =kepii buttcr, Witt & filcCOndltsl-41P0 bk. cbtoso, 16 bbtspoLatoes, W & itklcCutclicoo—; bblo • salts, WO bso cbscso;l Dtekey-311 bts chooses, Atwood 64 ; co-37, do do, retry. HI OWPiSVILLE—Per Louis kicLome-21 pkgs .Vickety6 big, I pkg. Brown & cu r -86os /whoa, Dolsoll & cO—do do JO, Htnghato-. 4 do do H. Chiles—l 3 dodo, Leech* co-4 4o do, ISldwell ado do, Forsytk& Co-67 kgs osi!s, k;sant. pp. Gina:swig Passmtwae—lthwteaL T.IIIKIIIT—Wet beg •tesve w cull pNdie attentaan to the falwaing, from tie. Wm. Dean, of iWithomoville •ci.raina Co., and one of the very Gad praethlonais fd the woody to *idea he media., and tate Senator in the State Leglalitare. Ina cheering ihp.w..et the lead lug amt of she protesawa,borstin,ethg bongs o f p m [., nd projudiee,and givlnantent dation: ' • • ' aSir; have= iny palmed beta axing mangy T or , Gitiftllg Palace.; and, to far. ago wed pleased in Its 'elects to Catarrhal and :Stomata, Complaints. Please send me bait o dozen hottles--patthem as low as you "a t; as S aspect If It goottnaw wooed.? as general sat iitaetlon lax it hen heyelefore:lo heeOltionatantly on U. usglietda jonordOKba Tooth talus.allott Wrbreads sweili L whaitz yoog• 0306 Le. 'SAT at WIII LOW 01! 011,12,17 PORT OF.PITTSBURt;II. , 19 TEXT to Issitrs tr.vrri,-rALLin. Ala Consul, Bowtimn. Brownsville. • Michigan No. t, Bernsr. Sammie, Cris, Brownville. • • Monterey. Mermen; Brownsville. Danube, Cock, Bre...lilt:. • LOUIS biCiAOC. Benncll, Bionmoollr. Despatih, Nelson, Mon. City. ,L Camden, Hendrickson, Browthoille Beaver, Hoops. Beaver. Lake Erie, Hemphill. Beater: . Caleb Cope, Moore. Bearer and WolisUle. %Wellsville. Barnes,' Northern Unlit. Baird, St. Bouts. ~ America, Calhoun, Wheeling Newark, Hord, Zanesville. , Rhode Island, Dawson, Zancsiille. New England, Mho's!, Wheeling. Isaac Newton, Mason,Cincinuati. DEPARTED. • Consul, Bowman, Brawl... Mo. Louis Mulatto, Bennett, Brownsville. Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, Brownsville: Swatans, Cos. Brownsville. , ' ' Danube, Cock, Brownsville. .OVettuville. Barn.. %Wellsville. Beaver, Banos, Beaver. . Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver. Michigan No . 2., Wien Beaver °O.b Cope, Moore, Beaverand IWclktilla Monterey, Morrison,-Brownville. Wisconsin:Grace. Cin. Clipper No V., Brooke. CM.: . Taglaoni, Perry,Cin: • Hiberni4Smith, St. Loom ' ban Wright, O'Neal, N Orleana. BOATS LZAVIXO Tugs LAI. I BROWNSVILLE PACKETS at 8 a. N. lan.] • • • CINCINOATI PACKET, BEAKER PACKETS at 9 and I 0 ..t and 7 r MONONGAHELA CITY PACKET, 3 P. w. DISPATCH. Nelson, Er...vow/111e. GLASGDIY PACKET. Illssativr, 4 r.. WELLSVILLE, Wellsville, 9 A. It. ROBT FULTON, St Lou.. NIAGARA, St Louis, AMERICA, Wheeling. RHODE ISLAND, Zunesville,.lo A. U. SKIPPER, Zaftesville. . • NEW ENGLAND, Wbeeling. LEAVING SUNDAY. BEAVER PACKET§ at 9 A.ttl:au4 3 P. M. EttOII(NSVILLE PACKS PS at I A. M. and P.M: ISA ;C NEWTON. 10 A. M. MISCELLANEOUS - PITTSBURGH HEDGE FARM Noassnir, lIIETWEEN three awl for miles eirahr.Pitroburgh, JJ near the Farmer.' and Mechanical turnpike an (eZlensiou of the 4th st and Omar one mile nom Fiat Liberty. . • ;rile subscriber; topeetfully giro entice ta them ens comers and the pub to generally.' that melt eztenkoc Humeri., Cr-ceche...de ec.price between and 100,110 u plants, all of arnieli are inn healthy con dition. FRUIT TREIR4, renaming of Apple. Fest, Flank Peach, Cherry, Apricot, Nectarine, Almonds. Grape them/se. FiIADR TREES, Vier Alloutbss, Catalpa; hlizentern Ash, Sugar Maple, 41nElish Linden. Adz... louden, Lasubaidy Poplar. Ilan, of Gillrad, Fogil or, Weepier Watch , . White harked It u• O.T vltp Tree, little Cbet. nat,Paulownia Imperisollis.-Weeping AM, Englioh Ash, Engltatt Sycamore, Magnolia. Trtpeteli, d to EVERUREEN TREES AND SHRUBS, let Joni. pe Cedar, American Arborvitea. Chines. Arberritee Boa Tree. Upright Yew:Commou'Vew.Allief It. 1101- Eenme an Rally. White Etat, Norway Spruce, Dal , .61 Fir, Slice r Fir,Seoteh Fir, Ilendock Sprite e,Scutch Brearkan.b.c. GREEN ROUSE. YLANTS,Vim a opiendtd aosork mentof Monthly Room; Gerantruns,Oleanders,thisage, caelus,dre. he ' lIARDT ROSEN=Upwards of one It.dred N. B. All orders roust be accompanied with the cash oraatisfactory reference,. Elaine carefelly parked and sent according to direr. toes aany parted the United Stales. Perham wishingOo or.meat their pleasure gmunds would do well to pee us a call, a. we think oar slack f Evergreens cannot ...roused welt of RA moan: 111111114 now noveNtig some acres of ground. and natilier. log from id to akigin, a great number of which lire of a Oftne size for transplanting. Orchard and Shrubbery Flantini eZeorted by Can.: tenet on re...d010r.. • 'We crisis all letters to oar address rlirerted to -Wil kins P. o.,near Putaburgh, where they wrlNlzid diem attention Orders left with Mr lane. Mannar., Cowerand 'Leather Dealer , near the tattler of 7to u end b.thrield Ws; oral oar mad on Market da)a to Markin soca. promptly attended to.' . • The public iu general ate incited to eall and eihmine our mock. Allentron.o ei.imn ev e n on toy Sky to . cept Sabbath octrOdesrearOwE 'WM to NI CROWE IMPUDENCE: • VAOII a problisbed esri ellallment Coml.°, Plulidelphwthe path./ would to led to Wiese Mat we have been Mahouts a privilege we had no right to. That Whey Moe abandoned smote time alone the etch, sive agency system-Yard that we have no r ight to clams ezelloriVe prtvilegei with their teas.'" I never prey's ' tied to sell the teaser this *unpin concern. I have been selling the teas or the New . York retie Tea Co for the last two year:, as the pahlie aro aware, and hr /been to New Perk fear times in that time, end never &ardor this new concern until lately but as wool dellers. The Tea businessor McCann:font fr. Bond is ;bout e monlhi old, and their assumption of We Pekin Tea Com• pany's name is became a name is Open hooey man or firm to &wooly knit the fact intended to imply' rereby, that they have nay eollticetiOn with We so. called and well known Pekin Teo Company of New York is en tirely (she. they hornet been denied evert agency . • Philodelobis for the New Sim k Compact , that Compa q baying rehired etch thus firm confi de them. I 'know not what kind or wool they keep nor what kind Imre; lam ncly ecnitio th ey keep er ono. it nano or the L'ekiii Tut Comperq , Aoi New w il l Any person readOm their curd will see the greedde eeption they wish to potence op the public. and to the !wary of my business. McCallmont toed are wool Millers in Philadelphia and have sent an agent out bete 'to pall wool °MAW eft of isms Of our good habeas out for a black she p. ALEX. ovlgdrOwil • Poorth st NEW YORK PEKIN TEA COMPANY Caution to!.hv • • • • • • - - - A LEXANDEkt JAYNE7a is the only authorised la. agent In Pinstruegh and Allegheny roles, tor the nab, of me Pekiu:Tea Company's Tees of lb nod IT Fulton et, New Vara. Any other puma to Pittshargh pretending to sell our Toss is an int and dna , iara ll who may patronise lam It is.mmattly known that lhe Pekin Tea Company'. Tea: have proved s ons to all other Teas told, nod forthis macron entry persons have diehonestly pretended to have the sale of the Pe kin Tea Company's teas, when they ate all the while vending trait and cheep staff, which they have n nd elsewhere. Others again teatime the name of Tea Company and Maine oat omit age., and duchy dermye FlllO7. al earn. informed drat there-lea person In Pittsburgh milling Teal under,the name of the New I osk and Ilnl adelphia Pekin Tea Company."We'hs we only to may that this anamed compacts have no connection what. peer with the. Yew York Poker lei Compattn'ae con. ummer Tca trill seedily rhee.Cryor by tramemitte the tlete they sellyettlithe genuine Tokaiht tirierr:ess York PekinTeaCompony,at the store of A. Latent, 71 Poach et. B.—lfeens. hlcenhatester I t o of of Philadelphia hue connection WWI New I nth Pekin lea Company, or have they- sty right or prnerlege to sell Teas under •• time so neatly ITSLMAIItng our*, as m kayo a tend.cr,,a7 t 2 rlslead the pu1.116. 141 OGL. AU CO ny4 dins • 75 imillfulton et, N. V. Passaic* from Grerst•Doltolis and Ireland to Raw York...ad Plttabonhs' DEMONS %Wilkie toengasopassage rdr ,bO, mends L 'cart accuse convenable scemeneadations at !below. en iates'oll boarder splendid racket Beier., criber in die Benin, Bettina Calitn,ogieentee; Oise weekly from Liverpool, Glaegow,, ifssOrc , NM York. end the robecnbcr will sec bre goad stet s for thaw whO reside at a (stance, going to am or, .be above - ports. • . Ticket. fdrambed winch will bring paweregem direct from Liverpool to rittaborsto and on their o,rrival al N. York, they will trO forwarded nemedierelßiby "Leech d. Co.'. Daily bbd Line?' tberchyStriving musk twitible .lad expens e . aril also I.e engaSed m and Cies . pool oh. boar 4 ,ike New Yr; rki Bosom streamers. • Refer to M. 0., If. lateen tr:Clißrestionth.: . LI. WILSON, `• mtmmera • 11ralts obtained ou .11 th e pnoriosi Bank.. trilineland :Ireland and terrilanth ou the tirwri reathoalile meta: In Mll}lll4, nine thaw wishing no reinit. All Leticia port paid. oath Oin T.... , , iclogftni:p.irniiii,i. UnINT• Filth Moth end Jessamine Extracts, fur the L o p e nkerchief. R Lig :Wive, in l'urcelsin put.. 'truthful beaten contemns bottles of. perfoiocry, eel able for present.. • . Prboures bans, In elegant Wu glue pungenta. Fresh alieving cream. diffothnt Wane...ors %Trlghes floc flutood Cream, • ~artvi. animist I. elbows, Jones' tentimeltallnii Chef... 1 T . ..al coop Orris Mob bens. lo bete,. ' floe Week.; soportor Tooth Ilnisbee. , ' Fine colones 'Wee, in bottle. of uomo* size.. Oriental Tablet of Alabaster. TOilrektiliciprtLia l later eill ointment of sin <lca, uritatdc for nie - fulletlfust mewed end for ode 1.7 • PA k'Althilitrri hi: A CO nv2...4 . " - I . tor eih &•lete'd on TO,OilfiliViaiii. --- -- THE rebterlber he rowatented in the eto of rot.. burgh, the wutufactere of Prudery Ink, in nil it. 'sabot branches. Poole'', Ihroeshoot the outwit "rho tee In want of late, would do well by calling on the otarkenlow pre•i• r to .applying lbeinsElves, as they will be sold at ems utterable 'eduction from rattord peter , They cannot be excelled in point of !treaty, 'feline... or the este. knee of Infltetial tram which they are inenoractured. The entwerilier cannot but believe where a impeller article it offotid fur a Zero prier, the' ...ef fi cient Induct went is adeured tu senet the matitonate of all who are Printing Ink.. tie is nom wit•tled that his Lisa erns Visa will coompoud with the shore rethremettwtton,ond woold therefore sabot the. vomit' of i hose who feel' doilsoed to eeeopitee the sannothe tering of Ilie artleit ill illie elly. Olden Ofeeled to I 11111 b, me Weight & CflaritoiL, Printer...corner of lhaiuMnl and filerkstalrect, will ha pehetuelly dlicharsed • °ebb.'" Ceir•-d—W-11.---- . Alacoent ti lied Th W. a A. A. lit Ll... Attornef snt Imp:Office •LF •bi bitewartn Ithilding. I Mir th nosey sec ond lane above-wood st, Pitolibrch. Pe, In VV. Boa t eneariblooner in take Pepositions. Ac. 'enowledgeweins of Deeds, and of ineteltinelits of wri ting robe sized in Miss... 1 nvltlllnv rAill"P WIT fi Ia it ifil . EiTi:N74 - R - Wfigtixic .D —Thin atoll navies blechioci won Patented, April . th, ISII, which in clew of Its Oust dersibildy.cheep. 1 , easew efficiency, Ls eirapholy of newton:non, and 0 and facility with winch Ili. toed by either loos or .40110, it inevitably 0,01,00 to supersede ell !Tref Cart Phalle. for general we. It in fart supplies desideratum which lint Imo( been wanted throughout in Wesbm Wales. fer wbile it costa teen than onertendi f the price of the rotary , thullere,ooe person can Abell cern with It. fast an with any. I For Nile at the Pend Sol rogarFof Wood and 4th gm ; • . , 8 l'a WICSIP.PIOIAIII St s l:Er, Thlitt. rifiii - iCaiciot sy et u r.—Thi. re. ryvelitsble medicine has acquired much celebrity for Its 011eacy inthe tire of cour&s, cable &e. One of the proprietors of lbw paper recently used it tors severe cough, of whleh It cured hint In a few days; ho, thr4.- fore, Oath warranted .ln essoringlthe gobbet...hat ism • . lej/ ... nwilfallocelfelizer=lpellY Post. . oat/ , Fl,„,,iffe3n,v? re nu .1.1.; it — , Xtzwx.V.vb= a fere proveolow •Punst f • • w ... vies Ina abetment and Of ill. being AO enn4M3lo 41 10 ow% se am P(5 dlonfilskiesture.warrthlis4 e , . • fhlouttfeclared bed sold w argue fa Pthe I OW, Wlllisreiburg, 41. • . . , . • .1. t -A.fall iesanSiblent Of Led ola fry. ' Ifi li . . ' • 0 ? Woks; K. DRYI,& VARIETY GOODS. • . . SHAWLS, fiIIAWL.N. • A L .i tA O °actual sa tit New o.k nad Pit Ulla tplit 11,the e.,si and most splentlid turotancrir of rshastlsoaltich they have °driest to this oily, among *halt may lc found— Nplendul.n melt Tel the harldaaneal and lutist qnalities unported. Npleardid Brotha,.(all woald sunned' Me linen quail tics, and m61 , 11..141 deagns ever offered in this mar. bet. Npleriditi roan French (all would a now orid beautiful article. Naperfinc plain 'andc anhtniderrd black and mode anlata, with bray) , La . wn fringe*, a superb an. aria. ~ Thiltet Merino, plain and ertibrotddd black and mode enitas, sralt,lfravy mill fringes. Super Paris Cainehtiin k, very beavY..ard oast.' parsed for rtchness itf 'styli and quality. Super blabk Ottombn,Sil , rich aerobe for plain pco.' plc. A lang- Am:lmm of; cep heavy 'woolen Sands, plaids, plaid and embrold red, adopted to country oleo. A large Orlin. of the above prods have been recently purchased at, the large peremptory Mallon Sales in N. York and Ntiiliidelpeiaod remarkably low priers, and ill now ba bolidut agreat reduction for regular priers. The attention or orliniem!einyerais , inytiti Goods. A T 7'. KNEE'S new itore.67 Edneket st 245 . pair s chini eases, ittat mos styles• . • a hoe Flub. tram Accordeons, Slit° 929 each; '.. 4 dot pot plain and shaded velverribbon; . d ;lt '' i do Lileek Ac; ' • a C , teteestial Ind celestial glolles..asidd; I . ' i teary memoraodunt tablets; 4 " cot veStel pocket books and card Cll.ll, 4 " 144.2. Wier combs, tiation oi shell, .5 ". Uernsanistlver tea long; t ' T1114111111os: A large lot gimp headed black fitttec, : ' A good netortment drab and mode color,: - i Do ido , gimp. to motel); • . D:. • do , ' wide block; IN . •; do gradured bottom; • • With a great var sty of Wilirenterioons goads, amongst whichlare easel rge Ott Emery Bert: <me l'dltds. tsi'd 4toindi, Wli ng desks all riled; Lame.' work b..- ket•,.all sue.: It kgsnamon hoards, gold spectacle., all ages; block union alloon. All the above s will be sold law. 9,24 Neva! Goods I ! TUST recetved by Mows& Co +. Dupree,— • LP Soper Ytedeb and English black clothe; • blue . e .r. • brown '' • " Far dress and frost cow • ; 1 . ' ALSO, • • Fuller Daglieb black..brourn and figured }harem for ores, bounces undnack Coats -. rallty.ol.2lllllll4t/101 . ',tamers Galt, rent.% black figured add plain Ceerimarce 4 . , Engligh '" , . Frunol sad f-ngishetteeter.erte..or an de tervione: for'dou.s and undrese pantaloons. ' •-, English Cordoroy..for hunting peutolOOns, Tient:lr eat WO plain Velem. , : • Po pleitubbmk and figured Sethi: Do Ido do Darreiho.Pillre; Do . do. Coseinsere and tadnatere. Do 'Cane Csolacer:e, for 'menage. These goods V rand. I be sa. to order si the ebortest notice and moo eutenablo re A rro N s c. .b i i E . Kl,NArE • • R nu 111 • • ' 70 wood at CliViiierrsersAytaxxstahlftri Goods. & K 7pllD have this day reteived direct from H me manuf Warm, and act far sale at New Vora p vl ces I case of those .21.1 Erwelfias Shirts ineaulactured expressly fo oar own rates. grid warrarded well wade. I eat. of Saxony sadMasi. under. filtlett, ailfiPP<kll and Drawers, 'wt very fine. I Ckta itOSOIA. and Collars, utcludinet proms with Col lars attached. '• a I ea... patent sole el taint Suependesa, wah other hoods • too nut:Att.' , to atacaton, including blk and fancy , ado:tang ..rocks • V•LI and c• lain 2sitili Stock L. ISOOalmil./. bow and plata Bombe:me Stock. fink wait:Sabo Tie. nth auk and 'rano Cr. 41.. wok now ewe Of low pried veloclt we urc aura in Quality LoVe Item?? lieC4 tutp,ked In priee Willi. coy We intend to el.< the abbve eceods or by the package wnd would call tite auckOkin of Ptatek•sew to our stock or Goods. k00v. , .g that lox phone wilt lawra them a speedy role. ' • II Ye F. TODD octni owl at. op Y Owns below id et =IETZtE a 111 WI OlialijaCt/111 11.1%k Of Mt !othslx, which we trill sell on moil ,nonmenne own, pet" and fancy Beaver aver and `XTF hove on Ap mede G rcsWnlble wrm kT~L~n 6:art, E !twin es coat I Ettaloh brown Coats. Earl. and Fr sack and pal .1 super 61. k and b.on! PIA n and plat a n I Fanny plant an; Blank and blue Black and fa. Fancy Dumb., V act nil blue Pala, back end biol.'s/ .ch.black, blown, blue unl green cloth Come kinec blittet hack othl overcron. iiiilt coats. 4biack Catalans:. Pau., strtpek Itio "" nuus. - • ill •• s - •• , Cashel • II colors. ' .• kroVers. under Ohirtr, otlk shirt, and , croon., po c ks! hdkfi. socks. stocks, 1 ANCERR & RAVER ' ' . Loin M. Soler &Co I • ...._,____Rlaost et, ti Soo. store 4th ••••= 4 Wholesale Dr y Good/. JUST RECEIVED tit the ,Wholessis Dry Crash Room, 02 Moket ettiel, end story— Ac nes new sots prn:s. 1 2 do •blue and oraste prints . . i 2do then, pisidv, new styles; ' 4 do mixed and striped eissansresi Stoles white, red nod yrllost Ilhincls; . 22arer demesne kihthon , S .. 4 do striped and plain &lore., 1 do Reotocky/Ooovt • 2 dosuperior tickler ;:h s 2• do Canton datineto ~.• avers • Also. white Linea., 'shire goods Sit co d. , -i..ua.; 'hoods, capes; Owes. hosiery, laces, &s. On Oe hand, an extensive r toe k of brown ant tilenetusil ello3lins, Inn omos. guitnamo. checks, tionnet ritienchs. Emmett pmes, La Rltlerehon. nos respectfully iov.ted 10001 nd rawnincoar aoortitent, its we are son&leit oar mark W , ll favorably compere with . Roviern Apogee both io variety and price,- • : i rYI A A MASON k CO Panel and pl. C0.3/121010 Of %Intl,. wati. money •eau, 1., SIILIJKLIKII, Le—W. K. IV UKPIlti maims the Intention .r barer. t t his large supply- of mance anode, lately reed, blending note of the test make, aud unatualtylon',. Alto. • Muditts.rfroin Ito flydr wale: Pil Inatdnir,euntuldit.uni,itzt.; TieLinua;courainri rupc au, Furniture print... team as to fine. • Aliso a fevesnore of thin.< handsome CO:OlfaCotutter panes different eoloti4 red 3lankete. coortnue of ropes. nne,ac' ant, 'MIMI Lilt ENS, lie- d j, funiter rdn.o,r I pond., of approved utartufseinre,jurt reed. Those Roods hetag purchased dhs age gr nt of the 11111111 N, lure", in large quarnlteu, con he ad at vett' low pp• ees. /Oro, Innentable Diaprrr: truperfor ddinatt udi K., tettdrelodir, of ill&rcut . Iluel.abal and 'othe'r Diaper, he. a c. Weide. n large agroinnent trf Ll4t. Catabfr , Hand' ' , fahlak m.tduo. and ruporiar. •IV 11 Million - La-wb.le.lo Knorr *Maria tntlance on met.d arK3 JV' R. SIUIIPHV brig lately received a fhli agnstrt• smeut of Mame dedtralde goods, warranted not to shnolt to wisnidg. Also, o large supply of mill, I and red Flannels, comann nod Roe ' wrote Now England flannel.; brawn aouw.the fisitnelr ygilow dodo; green Midst rs low mtees hy the pleats and yard. 112. - sv hale sak km. , up. tnir.cotrarts, fom ig et. n v24l' &RILED ClAtiAiCir.:l:7,—/ . 1.,5t roe 4i nn mono I.IIIIXPI ab.v.efitoto,•totaele'R•r cloak Lao n•-•; • la.go mirtaty clnOn4of suit .hio eolrns and qtality for Ladies andfrea9emen's eoalr. at dry ,1111(15 how of _ ' •r W R MURPHY nv2l anribtaal t 3til Markel st• • SITIAWLM—Super, 411 woof, - 121rneha ehawls; Al: opened and arming at a great raducnon. :‘,23 MX:a - a:VIM& DAY ' 010- ja r 50 510: w1;17 . 0041 00r0 , 5 , 0001 , , ti n ta r d i bl es s 7:o3 q a " . a it7• l lo:nlin ' t n ollars; (or wa i l; k by g Tom , LANNEILS—Red, Mown and barred Fianna.. 1: An additional sopidy received from the manufac ture.. Alto, • few 1.15 CG, low priced Cureinens; for rale by • • • • ra:o COCHRAN ap•IS Zd wahai rt sllllßTN—FallonolthieTbirts arab wandlng and rot line eollarejuld reel from Judaolgs Fatablullment, ,New S ork; for rule ay - . nye P II EAT, qf ..MISCELLANEOUS Of ernry Jr...N:on promptly executed In • suprri. • -1•1 Sun Liuddingl, N N. Vfleanif Third and Dark :On stairo,l PAiladdphit \A T l'Or.c.,lllk.or Plat, &Oa fin , INnt.,..t,.r,Cofrortiliallt, C. Predeonno.l mowing 'clod., nnoaved anti printed Sorte.le• vecnt of 4 °o far ouatre, are ineilod m Ball mud etan,ine hpee;carit•-and Denten. of Os var,ua.O.r. dco of Malone, Odd FRlttovi,S,lrt of Temperance, Se. atril RUCK Al DAV EXPORT, Car.liuildrA. Cincinnati. Ohio, ASAN UrAC Milt:lcm rod. Partengnit and Froight :Vart.of the non Niro. dot< ttptinn at rca.nna• trio otter* bf.111,:1•01ille Citstalf i ßbilrond and Riot er they aro enabled to stop alma reasbnable yermaito all point. in the %Vett 'll.cit work welt be watrnnted equal In ED respect. to any nimbi in the United State.. All adders ptiortually otterutriE I KECK it DAVENPORT. irtit Atn (I:unnrylv of 1ty . 0n,'111....] • VlTlswroto.uvrti, Fourth Street, betty en - Proud and Market, nearly opporite . lateirper . .v Exchange Office. .oloteiiher has me th't most amle :wrung , L Inet-sr. for ',lit , cutp?;ln or thow who wi.h the lu husy hath!hg donne the %violet sr4.nh. Sloven oFwmple Lfiteencout have twee 'Plneed room. of the [huh 'woe. [41,1151 Il V 5.41110 N ccfANT/41/-7fIOVITII.I good clenu Bogs wodard. Aim. ninny.... bow ropy, Knuth toot, hogging, O. Inc., for which tho high.t pi wo in oncih will he Tool by, — 1 fg 111AI/1010K w;II1 , 'fagot, gt beiWrrn ;woo A. daily EgI.OIIII7OIrWITOTIIII • • 1100 IllOth.; • " 4 yards wide, brogy orticicl 3 0 0 7 1 ." • wirler A of various pa, lown,Juelnor from tit" for al our wore mato, S word cl ' 1 k II A wood ED it9ulA lIVIIIIER—M.OOI iii. old Judie Itohhet Shoes, he. of the Old style wonted, tut hieh the Lido% lake will he 1111141 in eneh er Anwith hen nave:en at the India gehher Dernh L weal •t 10 II I'1111d.11•$ PtIttACKIISICI-403 M W r' or s utited . Indio. Itot,lo rosJolotr of storm cpsince,juft rct'a; arkkh Isom If yds wide dot. : to td inches at Ito polio Rubber Depot, 3 osood rt. UM= MILD CALIEIII J U d S'l thi r C ec i r ii k , ce d, d , , , D n e r l . a r rte: r t,..t er h: re fi d ne i r n t il a it n:l m tle r 's ,: t . se t.o l i e r fA c i vite.....wals on without . ,Coll and •n flans th 3lnvlnnstr *end, Nine: wvvv , m n•S; ry WIIIKERSIIA c - " 3—, ' 41 '.64. 4 . wan. bleached N 11110-iirrrma , 14 .ititirl . ~. a ; b1114 Ulmer& Oill , 51 ,` Clada d0, , 10 note; for rale bi_ . 0 BLACICUURN k CO. • r ,,,, ~, --- . who tea A- REWAIIU will be 10 , t n ta mny PFMT, . . wo o Ll.mtke known to me the name of-the Wayne oat eat a paragraph oat of The 4Yrte Orlorp , Pcor_g:taft:l 46104 ultimo, belonging to the &tardy, rad a i t, i r i /W m.. • i ' • a Altllgt OALBRA , .. ' • • - lanhor .SODA 44/1-I.4lc.bs,ovelugsngtlreletal,eXpecl '-ugAtlthtgAtgle=tiiiii; sainatltuders,trom vrhoenvre inweetbentiftermAiler Olvirles and Eva offor manufactsren of 7773 . a .. 11t . " Uila nickel fame isdacemanti inl i n ui kamet of so. RA L ROAD NOTICESi4v. p . ITTSitITRG II as CoN X RAIL ReiJID X (VI PAN V.—Tho -Stockholder , to dm Cittthargh Coonelmedio Ito! Rand Company are hem* nnnhod Mat the annual e Mction bar iheßireemmon lee above Company Will lake plate at the riankhit next door to dhilo Hall, in the city' of , timburfit.betamen the' boar. of 2 and f P.M., on _Monday the Mb day of Dm eendier next. WM. LARIM MR, Jr. Or the Eloard of Wrectors , Pitteburgh, Nor rmber Um, 147. In compliance wills the withea of euialry 7 Ide hereby eat! the airention of iho stock holden in the agirosuld Ciiummly generally, In the foregoing notice, and request n full anemia:tee of said etncithohlere. A Meeting orwciek bolder. will be held at :the ...me 'dart, A . :nf Ihn sante day. I ETWAREI D. DAZRAhIi pauteutry of the Mat Meeting of Striekholderi of the • Pittsburgh and Cunurlllivida Red Rand Ca.! . Pinsburith, November to.l64 , usdhldtd' ITTOBURGII h CONNELL-41'10:E RAIL ROAD COMPANY.—TIie anntialyieetian far Ose Dart, 01.1 at the übove Cateptag. now die.'PelairsViranta Obits Rail Road Cnnirany." 111 tag% place at Philo II all, an!Ths rd Street, over he PaoOße< to Pittsburgh. between the hours of P. Rada I'. 111.. on Monday. the ail dey of December neat. IV ROBINSON, Jr.,Proh. p‘ace at 10 ti. • The annual mrenmeof the Stockholders of File above mentioned Company will be Itch!. tb...ne placeat 2 ateetelr. P. AL, at which an eskibiCof the latrines of paid Company will be made, and well businew (fans. acted arena? be presented for thh C(l.l.lde,sulon of the Stockholders. . W SOIIINSON, Preih- Pdtsbarilt. Nourish., :Mk IC4Oostddtd • ,• Pennsylvania Rail d Conspowyt NOTICE TO c0!,:T.1141.1T0Rt4 • . RROPOSALS . .seeded mod FRIDAY, the %di day of N.:member, at In o'clock. A•tra • at the 'yawn Ilall an the borough of Le*MIOWII, ion the gra ding and masonry upon shoat 411 miles of the Pennsyl vania Rail Road, emendmg Wm! from Section SLI to near Lewistown. Plans and specifications of the work t eith to seen it the above named pinee tor flee dayslificomis lathe time appointed tor oreetring the bids. Any further ink:amnion eolith , bad upon application to W. IL FoktiOr., Req., Awociale Pngineer at Har risburg. , S y lIERRIttK, torl3iltßoy2f • - Pretidint. PITTSBURGII AND, CONNELLIOVILuE RAIL. ROS.D.OOSIPAI persona kaylog aoy claims or demands coins, the Pittsburgh and Conneilsollle R. Road Company, willpiethe present the thole tor tenth: ment on or toekorn the Ist day of Decernbar t ln order thin a Goal retticment of the affairs of the Company moo be made in conformity with the Resolutions of-the Stock holders on the Ihtt Toil. - W ROBINSON, Jr net Did . Pres:dent OT/ IC —An Election for one Pro-olden& rtx h 7 m Con Hlll Tt a e rn regt i od ou ler &a rn er p f . or y th yr d a p i tltr46= Man on Mountie, 9dr,ls47;tnincert rho boon or 1 80010, MUSIC, 54,31 V HISTORICAL WORK IN V PREee.—llisliariCal T.eicties of Kerneky,cmbra• eine nu History. A iniquities and 'Natural rariosilievi Geosrapbieal.ntatisneal and Geolagi.sl Deinsiplinnv. With anecdotes of d.fingoinhed Clones iv, and more th an one hundred flistranhieni ekelehes of disiinguiebed Pioneers, toldiers,..eiaiesiiieu, Jurists, Lawyers, Di vine., de., ilhistrnied by annul forty enlissiDnAn. HT vr,s, Collins, blifium of the bi nyavili I E4OE. Ono "id largeoetavo. ?Lail of THE WORK. , ." • 1. An Online Ileirorr of the Pune from lb: period et itseAt tetti Pettletaera to the close of the yev lE4l—by Jain A hPiNunir.r.ll 4. Geoceptne el and Etatieheal denrlpuoni, Agrieni weal hle,oiriers, tieoloptind Fornintione nod bimetal Weuleb •3. litstarsetti Sheiebee and Ptat nee or the ystfosu de noniiniitinne at Christians, *with :ketches of purneer, Minister,. . . 4. A general view of the conotimodnbalretienlly a, ranged; their Wand erre*, face of the errantry; character of theth staple product...hummer, Ac ; with a de scriptiontroof their chic, towns and 'Mince.; Together With a fall drocrtprion, under ,he heads of ;be 'counties thus arrangerlon. lad.. balder, ckirmithee, personal renermtms r uneerhorsof border life. intermoommehrente, I.c. be Also, description. , of natural curlostues.aroong them rho mammoth Case. the r realest nal o eel wonder or the world: and descr.ptions of Anerent Itenraum,eld forte. mound.: grave yards. ac. IltogrAphical Paetches, and sketchers of; character of between ace AO two hanthed monetri, wadies's, slmormenriutons, lawgemr 4er:rtes./he. _ To Mr issued to Nov.-tuber next. J. A. A U. P.l AhIF.S, Pablishers. peel Cincinnati. 1:2=22 E . I-LEW:A WALTZ' What's a' ‘Fte. Wry trimmer; oh loon room Vlenoite. datices. . •, Thy name was once a magic spell; Ott rya they shattoottwenne r , 1 , c11; bitt woold 1 awns n boy, i again; - U. come to me. by Haynes Finley; Crane end wander with me, by F II Daller Would 1 mere withlltee; .. 1 would wo bad not met areint . The Convicts Lullaby; I'm saddest whelk I eiuz Love can neer survive esteem; .. D'inlih nod Beady qatClGer; Constantin walls; Poland is not yet lisst. with ennonoost Don I'l:equate. by Dean loon Czerneynt Exerciser; Doverno> . • EZercifec (hard Itit.non march; Come,oh come with me, the moon ts bedinL-4. Who's dot 'nuckui at de dent; The Loss of booted . • Coott's sr: of staging: • . lasi received by expre,and tot siVe by t ns Li !CH la it t!ELI OR, Ed wood si German Rook■ GESA!..A GRAMMER—A, Grammar /1 A. We German Mutilate,. eyelet...deo:ly arranged Caa new plan, brief, comprehensive and piscocal; by sper J ticleke. Sent...orate Gorman liangungeand M literature in tSt Miry's College, Emenenatiorg, Md. Del eke's German Reader: a Gorman reader for begin nem,,compiled and arranged by Casper J Delete. ' • 011endorif NI New Method of kerning read, smite, and speak the (Iceman Lamellar:, to =bleb:in gilded u eyttematie outline of Grrmanrr.riu..tai by H .1 Adler, A. 11, Pioleloor of OCT,. Inininage and literature to Ft, verity rat the pity of New York. ; }lug is and 'Amerean Dictionary; an American Dic tionary of Pa.:German Language Ann English Language containing all the words In general are, Le. by J Enrich , t • . • , Prherlerir German Phrtme. Book: a phrase book to Vngltsb and German 'rub a literal translation or the German Imo Englisk, arranged on the plan or a INCIIOO - by Morita k.rtheiler. The anorc, together with an apartment Or German Tertamerm, school beaks and religions works for rale' • .1 JOtINSTON It.STOChiTC_ .„t`i ortiXi . book•eliesv, or rltitroe' in 3.141, TI 7 ST R I .CEI M A . ...MN . ED..] -- tf Emorint liromerJonaltae or We it o Ug,y,. Grahasn'tl:/ale:;ne foe Deeember. (Imlay 's Fook The itoy's Tiemnry of everts. Pastimes, nud rectea• bons. ai h nemly lour bnedted regraringt; designed by Williams, and cneraved by (Mime That:nitre of the bia.ge; by the nothor ot 'Tam One, g le's Log • Alantani oc the great and anal Experiment" - Camp Life of a Voinntecr, a Chortmaign ill MeSiCO, Of • altnns`e nt Life in EMT; by "Ono who liar seen Me Elephant , ' The secret service Shit., cm Me fell of the Castle of San /min D'Ullna a thrilling tale of the Maximus Wise, by eta. Ayerid. Fi cantal I and Ilapkins. or scenes and adientures to Th.sait.ealby tt N 'Moore ' I Clinton Ilradebttm or the Adventures' of a Lamp.; by the antbor of Font and Well,. ein. I • The Painvian Noon Impecia of Die Ocean; by Harry A lame supply PIC113(:4; Yankee Duodle.la Chrismns hod Lien Year's Ilendny Preen/II for Me blillien. Fte sale Cl AI A MINED'S, tronthteld stieet,nd doof from Second. I nyan r ATE TiticoLoincAL, L Antactiona of the Coos, by IS :Wring, th TN Mee mot rn of Mr, Fry; the Pre. odorant, I:m th, counibutioni ThroMgMol .t , e..icc; by /ohm thorny, DD. Itridg'sKiehy,„orm of Prowtbs left r.f Shoheon; tory e. dm li - mbyterian Churelt In genteekv. — Pirmben of North Cai0:111 , 1, tosuorical ;tad trogrepla cortllommtiye of the ertnolple• of o portion of boo esrly cettlers; by litre Wm henry Foote. Ath:hcyneby la. hatters and Imeturem Nth:hymen sermon.{ the Tree o(-thr. Knowledge of Kant sad er.l, ;tn. e.e. . • The following artitorm w h llt•L'arterhCatonni Library:' Tales or rleototM restraint), by Nay llellrg node. , D LI, end when. Piromnaa len by OM ilomplirey; hook. fulnery and other kimael. by Ilamintmhlblle nt Tennent Low of he Anatolia; l'eace hn obeye with tt general anwonneat MlThcelogichrl, Clans:Cat. Medical, and Settail Books; fob sale at low priers, Wholesale Or retail ELLIII & n s.lmorket T. between:lJold New Poblleallan• Ti zo,fe Oencrtl 7. a T• strgili b ,r u r:f7:c r u th ,:li .1 tri ' o n t graphical iketches of Officer. who fai, tft[MgC:TC3 In the. war with Mexico; Ay Froth L t U Am.'s Liic, or agetchei of Ante 'Pointers; by Il Tunkorman A (bolo to Milner's Did of Ilrlopous so ma. Oat churches of the gallish fi.11.1,13110U nit conceineth Just rechlt for ark by I I DEAD ittigs. 4 1 h at, near nowt.* Offwotai .3 and a htlCO[t.d ristto Forte; madeCleicteriog, Unman. HEIM—Oar temi.gtona F o u.o Fono.frOuttLe nottlo• factory of tient, Ilea, Patio. f JOU", t A CO-41nn carved ttowwoo4.llociatto, moat by (I,le CA, N Work. One Inottunltituany StnIDA HT; New Votk—floo eWnant I•tann. ria no. Avon, Lao heel aft 4 altout one year{ SA*. ' itCOntt 11150 PlAnos: • • An rieeltrni inbile by Load A emitter', in gal onirr• . " SiOU One seorid liana Piano Eau Fni sale by.. .113111.1 II nnO ' 81.krgoil otiret_. • Ivi`•!,"1 - 0,..Er;,•,',',,),.',;77,.."`,1::P7rooi'S 4 j i i efeli "' e by It lb Feb/tote/a& The Iron hlneltior the days of Tyrant*: by Victor Iltupn trensleted by Aln/tor. Edna FiberelL or the tiosten eteemstmee. 'rho Lend l'irste. to the Clint of the Froth 'rho Champion of Frerdote, or the IVyeternuf. Mug. loon/led on tto , creme of it.. boo war solth I , tret Or,- tun; by e Wouireorth. neo • et / opposite 116 ('net Office I AsonE retww unoitm.-51nrx>ret drahasin I.tow or by it lore; Fero b rents. Xtridb, or Ito Triumph - of Liberty. Christopher Tadpult, by Albornhonth. Commander of Melte; olottratrdi Four/less of Marton. by F hool,r, Foy. iciest/1s of Mete rut by tioa. A. 4ttllnt o 4 &nit suPYty• hit/pen/es for October. rico/ Alto 0 . jutt rec•ired by tti CALRWX I / 1 .., se 21. opyuvie yort abr.. y 6.1 Nl:note. enO hie brotnbutli hp T3 l .tonnl Fur onto by & ENGL . /1811. _ ynnyten st betareen 301 & 4th E=M lINRV KLEHER, Melee io eastern Piano Pones, w Wotakvell'a,No. 83 ti.bite Street. , The Nunes rosy be examined nt eIl hour., end the teriseri• her vein be there from II to 12, A:at. end front 4to 3. P. hl., each day; • Phtsb'g, October 21, '4B We, the nederatgeed. would tub= Ale 0184 . .415'er Pittsburgh and rr let nit} that we have appointed Mt. r li. hlehor wle Agentfor Wevern Pennsylvania; (or the eoln of our PlUtiO Fnnea,frnmvthom tlrly may ho eh tattled at out iiVitt (New York] prleee NUNI4B It (MARV Now V0rk.8in.1 . .1316-ietatf • 1 Kint2 ETLENDID easement of Rosewetei and Weer 9ltitPtrod le d rla e l ti° e Pi P7 FlE "' i " t istresperultd Ramped Planos;erithColentants eelehreted attaelunent,fieisated tbn mod.. eren foor sale et VaLUbIE'S lett • .111 eretel street 9 dims Ogee Sth . =calved at M. A ANN Eitonleyht Lady'a J rook Cat'Dtmember.. - . Nation) blapaine fot December. amaaboela him - tensity, pie 6 ll l • 11. -•-• Ltrelri uviDg Age. ri* ..11•16 '&m111.116111011.311 door above 2tbi c.tabruoj I•mansjuot rred; tor kale by JOIN o ..1141.1.r0t. b1 , e0.1 .1-, 16nNIFFI aaruihaveleuureestretlßlsok• , rnsoc MS, CAPS IND lIONNETS. A ,r FASHION FOB AUIIIIIN. - 111 ' 0C eaT la M 'K 1N G • itts, ' • . Colour of Mod and Fifth Slrreh, • LTAVE received their eutitrul Gl y n: pc Rauh tin lel fell 11 they respectfully iutrae the 11.Utig1011 Of the i r CUM*. e . 2±7:tend qty.crus. gene run) , I i • IlaUs fit eCALLAhI has J est received bemire stuck f Bee. k , Come , Pail style Ifatsowhich for richness sod lustre curvet he surpared Coll at the lie, &ere; filouriontaltele Smithfield st.. end. see the= IL .-. • oetl9 A/law lIIVILIST4ON ' PATENT CIRGULATER. PROTECTOR--The fiAT PROPROTECTOR--The soneeriber min introdme on Faturday, Oct. Gentlemen.... toga hat mod artlh thfs 411IMMI talkie omll please tt examine. • ALFRED KrirlilL:P Mmil flatter, lax - ad of wood at - •1111 • • PALL PASIIION. /.fGORE ha. received from Ntw York, etyle of" Ilan welch he will laradnee 'this eq. Nthrthl. ileth. MI those in WILLA of a.cleit and.imperior bat would ea well to cull at No WOnd street, Jd doer shore . ' • - Fall kratslalots, 1x44. , rs• - • - BEE.E& COSTAR'S Style Gentlemenbtlials stilt be Introduced at CEEYII2I3 on Thursday August U7th. Gentlemen wtstunars cheap, lisle ktuable Hatof Flusbergh amass-tore ahead of fashionable Hats Imported : Intlsdrertised by some of the trade. please call at .'. i 1 ..KEEVIL & CV, &W6ll . . . ; - . 1 Ida. bend or Wood of - ASUJIDShIt FASHION FOIL 131 JUST see: ed from New York,tbe gum met Style Jur Mats, co: n 6. Of \Ww Bearer, peal and Waite 1-sioeh taserisuere San, will Ventilatose. Tootle In 'Vint of a tressutiful,lielltHat ore respectfully call: : 8 PIOORE ' sorile • 73 yraed at, 3doorawbove tit 4 WILLIAM DO,LICiI . .:IB ben 'teemed' fresh Nonni,' of nincrobt and Buena Vans . SII Mimedeeps, new styles. . - Extra fine French /detest in ilea m vety lei len •;I • • No 713 wood street A , WILLIAM. EVILIVIALAS, CONTINUES to roarlafnelary, andteepillt . eormantly on bald, ovary varyty allots and Caps of the I neat aryll,.ana prices very low at . • 7,1 Wood meet. Eastaids 'I: ,ET (UPI! CAPS:—Ftna (Mar. Peal and Mosk Caps, C last tc hand at IdeCAL+4./d'3 Futsoaabla Iw etcre,Plostan atirJa Hoawat ' . nLOTII AND GLAZ'D DAPS—A rplendid amen. k.. , Actein and glom oaDely OCalyle ac bic LIALLAWS, filonodiahcla Dostsb.octi9 , EXCHANGE BEOIiERS, &G. lIIIIIIIICY,MA*BA t co., nerwlcas, zxopaysom, , - AND DOMESTIC EXCIIANCE4'CELITIFIcATEB OF DE POSTE, DANE NOTES, AND SPECIE; FoAsh is, nearly oppoolanin Bank of Pinsbona. CURRENT. MONEY redeived on Depoone—onaal Cheeks for anle,and. eollnetiono rondo oh nearly al: We principal pownin We *Wool &Inns. • Tae blaneenpremotm ;mad for Eorefin and Arne tido Gold. . Ador =QM MM=MI • 'lll7 OcipartneiiiTk To. • • ' lOSEPIN U. lllLL,lliste of the firm of Wm. A. s Mil d:Ca,)aad wm. c. CU RRY, I tateofErie,r.) have entered into. Copartnership, under the name of HILL & CURRY. for the:parpgae of carrylagOn the Ranh inKand Exchange lotainess in all branches. at No 03 %Voogd street. three •d.i.ors below' Fourth, west side—where they solicit II Custom of their friends and the public. generally. JO S EPH II HILL. mebl3 7 C CURTLY 100010 H, HICt. W. C. 00001. DILL A C4,4111X, BANKERS A EXCIIANGE BROKERS, NEA LEES •IN FOREIGN AND DO,4l'lC TINS SIGHT nta...4 OF ICS.C{IAN(S&I CERT/FICAIDS OF DEPOSITS, DANE NUTD7 AND COIN, No OS Wood street, third door:beim , Fourth, 1•64 . a* , I- AR Fonds nod Ciarteniy received on Deposhe and collections made on all the principal Cities m the .United Dutch ! ' . Sight Esc Image tin Baltimikee, Philadelphia, New N'OF.Nontort and Cincinnati consantli (lion t ludia ura.. Kentucky; Virginia and Pennsylvania N Sang otes, bonsta and , old on favorable terms. Exchange on Engleutd, Ireland, Germany and Franca Otocured..tr . • wehlA --- 7 s. ilomitir.st .t sox; _ • • Bankers wad DealOtiilw 7 die4Ploge, Cola its& Haul, Nat.**, , No. ba, Idaidgra at ih4F,T, pirpm,papp, ' &Moir Rates. - i,_Exeliatire. Boyin4 Ett4 ,. . : , ' New York, Ipt.., ,Lincionv,. • '. I ... Philadelphia, do - ;Loolorioe., , do B21(16101 . 0 4 , 41' SI. Lanai .'• .1 . ido g?YiaR a1e.... o.l‘ 4 NOTES. ' Buying Rotes. I to, i du: !Co.& s.np 0w..; . 4 , , dm. Indiana.l. dO. ; Retie( Note% ' • do gewneky, ' 'tdo: •Pn.lirrlitanla Cy. "do V - rtinla, ido • Now Tort , do, "do '' do Wacebng, do' New ()thong, "do Tenortoot, . ado' Maryland, '•' " do )IYo.at - ALUM 1[1145111.. •' F .111 Pal tAfl icp ANVERS ANTI EXCHANGE BROKEAS, denim , MIA Fareigu tkod Domestic :1111111 Ezetta.nr.e, Crrd fl ews Dono4ne Bonk Nolen and Coin, earner of ao .nd Wnod ytmeri, directly . cippos,ito FL Cl. ttle• Hotel. ..ny.T3ll y WILLIAM )41 LL & CO., HANKERS, EXCLANGE:IIROZEZIW AND 04LaarIN FOREIGN AND DOMEa - TIC =CHANGE: • CERTIFICATES OF DEFOSen, BANK NOT tip S?E018 , N. Di W..„4 Rein aid. ' VAS) idAwF Foreign It", -tonne. • . • DILLS on Eoglaod, I itrught to .IJ any onfoont At. dm Cur 4:sett of Eionano,.- ADO. Malts pnystblein A.. lof the Old•Cooßnes., from St ta 110N,tulDbe ilia 4: t.S to the I Stati.Ag, d:toot e....d0et100 or difroost. -y JOSH UA...III.IOM SON, Swope. and Generol Arent:olSM lob D'..Ane don great of wood. • deilEtt WIFI9R2II PtU‘Di- 1” Eritsiek , uu won Bask Nout; • parchaaed at ilo•loweal nee:; wet: N 1101.MESta SAN BILLS OF 133tC114.15113E-9:ght Cheeks OD riew York, . PlailsdSidals,sed • . '; Ballo:num Conssisely.fos sale by ii .N HOLMES &SCSI rag .. , I , . 35 =vast st OOLLECTIONS,Mharts,Nwes, And Merinos, p.Y.ble of the Urban, e`olleetetlen the men level-able terms.: N 11001.89 E. SON ork, Phdedelpluai end E X°III4"G ir.;'" e ae•all {Meet:Ml. COO. Baltimore, at alaatOt!..'? HILL& , 'meetly for sale by • • ...reel below fouelb. 'meal EBTERN Vl7Nllll÷7lke notes of the Ohio, Indigo:lll,3.ld HoutueltyEauks purchased a; low 015"5"m. at the 5 1 1 . 5.5 1111,1.1‘ cunny.' octll %Keith wood at below foot* elocaz - vr*B - 6-...prinvpc.a-md. I_, Union, mod..bl : . BILL a CURRY. Goal . wood n below lounh HOUSES LOTS; FARMS, ttc. fattEAT BARG/LINA 1.31 11.11 AL ESTATE. rill{ 20 ISSCIIIIISR tiefern for tale, "on cony testor .1: rime claw meet ddaliable Real Estate ta the neigh. borbood of Mir city , as fatheads I Two newt bouues, lately erected, containing eighi room," rich,. Gnisened aninahlenoble Mode's , male, and / compr ettendied !COT, bps niedee. They an each elinated on lola owe" hundred fret in (rota, They a public otnick. and mating back', On hundred and ten feel, to a ,31) fort erect. Thietorcrth will be told at needy value tithe ground' en which the bootee arc circled, es the owner Ix slants I, lee illicltlic cuy. Par (of the per. cheac money may remossasn 1 Ole heads of the buyer for a tent of nears.. tfri rare le opportunoy of accusing cheap aaddlelightful.tesulesidee to worthy of enamors. 2 Feveral 'accrued bdeatifollY cooselcd ~,,,difw loin. 1 67 Private loniddrMea,;Wlll ,e told low on long Credit It. A lot about 100 feet agnate. between two stree is. nu ;which Is erected a third stoyy beet build:rig, 6 , 1 by 217 feet, with an miaow haler, 6114 ellol2 Illat .4, new and in corcuitte midi: !These building,re pet up Mr manufacturing purpose a, and are admirab we ly adephdd r cotton, woollen, cr ; pepei toanufactere. The plop ;ty will be sold at a bery,ulit.and * pun Of the Por ta., money ....y (caat • od a term or yen.. Ilse aborts ploptrlV Wall aliened in Allegheny City, id Is, worthy of the anlentidro of the public. The sub oiler ON he Seca .1 ;alto ptilec of the Clancite, tirtlT reraot between the helm et eqcbt and ten, and at oth • u UP4 as We roam. at hirsil Ilara boarding house, Bo ',boors new Row; fedeosl th Allegheny lily. . ,s • ; ON. WIIIThr, ' fI • L Act. for the *cruet .1_ ORPLIMOSICOUOT SALE, Of Coal putnalthee, of an crd , li nt the trithh`h Coup of Al legheny coouty. ..tpc0 ,,, 1 to public 'ale,. hr prem.,. on 'rhutritty. the liatAlay of Deetattnc, i tilt. ut Ali the FtoneCohl contith4 in a chdeader tan mirfaccpf 4 acre. end 6/perches o. Mod ennui Wilkin•lTOventhip, Allegheny enantei being pan of Maeelatd Williom 1% value, tide of vaid lovenchip; dead.' Tge Murchaver to have all and every neeemetry pneilege of timber from Me satinet, •ir Rolm, and all inkier Meitmes for mining and remn• vltig the .atd coal The Ceeit comaincii 11l Mei abovie premiers iv of exec'. lent quality, and to alnico hear the route of the Ccetral Ra‘l Road, am orerent located. Ternm, mash. 11011F.liT CARe.ellf TRON OP.R DANK VOR HALE—About AIM/ .1 nowt of Loud near ttiocorners or Fleming and Car. ter counties, Kentucky, Aisich was gel off Isom a large tract of Land, on ...Plat 01 a fine bed of IRON 01113 and Strum Coal whichwincf maid anon it.' . , • .The Land Is wed liallrerad, and lies *boat Ai noles from the Ohio River,atal aneaborgh. and alsout 15snilea by good road to FlentlrlVlrlag. Plogosa gill be Sold low, and on lit/end:Ulm, on •npllentron In I. l. GEO:MILNE& CO,, nstl-_?a , _ : - or A 7 11A017Ii. A landsmely, finished RoomeaMasket angel, lately Ocean/et re DognercesAype establish. ment.by Maraud & Co. Al,il,‘ well finished and'well'fornwhed Room, aort al. ( 0, *Devoe* othe Hall of On Alsroslittlle Library ADocankm. , ',Vntlance at Philo Doll. • tiAZZANI °CPO . • Otgeil market at. henercen aril glh • • z QEVEN acres Coal . lAsslt foi sole, aitome 64ria of U.. the Monongahela Rintry shove Browoorille.l . Aliag, Inc a vela of ?legs 00ai which Will humid In exchange for goals. Far paltraalar.'apply 10 • oeras A* win A R DADOII, 23 wondgt "tirEkr;.7-mini-miiiißicia,and orel(ho• hhrd a , threASOIY htisis dWaPtug. half Way Le tWvyn (imam, ail ley and Woof* at ! I . o , waSslatiglVelliaiely. Fo r. ni paculiroen9Tre MTh. Pert,ya.lll , lit IV WA,LAK. ,Jy2td - , - 1 Itb L.enr • It SALE,. IWILL eetttbe Mona,' and Lai where '1 new .• 'elide ' , elide on ftennenton itreet,Sh Wet* it • lut• gain. For purdeolara <main, at nryr Brans Foundry*, Front el, oboe* Wood) or do the memo... • • • lIUGH GAII,AOHELF. • • _ . siiik.sl - usa Low • • r+ MAWCIFFebTEIc FOR SALF, , -+lbaon &rimier, about:4l BnidioPAm In 111.clrealerptear the IFehli - 33 tat trout by 120 derp, •It arill•batiald law, and onaceornroodation tenns.„,resensoneuerteptionale,42z, in,rlP JAtIES trIAKELY ReCt.Fonare . s e POO. irjkstrietikne A - Ne..4:l.Veiesr rg,:,7"Pr , :seitteT ith mem, at.•presem • ypir.ll64lulLot • IiIVIX.Y.I gitin"lni;ill,(7,4lt itOCERIES, ININICO. . . .(31P folioair . d, rind • . _ B 8 stucco.; . Rented ferte, •. '-•'! 1.1.1. 4,1 , • . Old; • 3) toington 31aileits; fiord do; e e_ • ' Teneriffe; • • • • . LtsLoo;' :•• , • 1 "..1.V..3 • . Ilant t4toethe; Voldeo do, a sarest do; viatagO , frOmi !Flo and cigtab imPert -, ed. by , P • - - - . 700 "' , 3 • . • 103 • • • ' • ' •-• 30 x. - nEme;l:. • ao embed . • 10 10 • C 2; RD " "• • Eav0.1,11.1110101414 . • "' -•• '" Ll7l. V IS litricniK+2i • ,vl2 Agents for St Loulti .1.318001 IL , a ..11. • 11 EBH Ply e . c oi l . bunch !ntg.u .. • . tralligSve r f gl; •.• coxes Caron; . • bbl. gland .40.wondei • 1: tan" • 6o b 55 new aciled IletrineteneiirnillM war Costful; for alai by • .• • • 1 , , • • ' • LAMBERT d. SHIPTUX,. eelo' . I:l3vOnd grapsue.s-4 t l4i. c r h o ft lark '`•i - •‘• - 45 bri era! , t2 . r 30 n .11ornanite . • • „-* 5 " white I;eans. j 23 n Rrern Aple6: Clovero 100 big Cream (;tice..re. nrl3 • ea! k.arstil.suk OIIGAR. BILVICEOLASSES-- bhdi psima ti.O.eapn! • Dhblr NO Niel:mitt., in iced auLteryUflaie iv .fr.,.SI . I.4IIVILELTIIE • lasltteit.mr DICICLES ASO vasuirayme 7 . • 9 ewes Undervolialli an.ortrdi >, Yeacik Pie , ereet; , -2 Tonaw Calsov for LID by • • • - • SUI 43 IXTINES—In bails Ch•mpeeee , Wiaeaiu eelharleed y V for sale, wholesale sod so the wine ithore• hr wlaea, from the ehcapestto the Wheat pnee,ato, ge:nome., endear. to the direct frees their role I=ltertt to this eostaU7. . .1 /WOW WEAVER ett..l • - • •• 16 dattbf mtuket ft frog &If DLR.!. so-11,0 bzs mould Candles; C ' , •%V ft , r121.5tp: Jus!.l/.7.614 lcisde by - - • . • _ , . „BAG ACV/ tc,S.3tnVICI QOGIAIZ-24bbIsZURLoar L - 1 memellpetum Cambria; &rule by ' BrUICIIILON &CO AKent tl Dna tnitiar Refaerf A LMONDS -60D ILs.l%city; . • • 10 , 0 Boidrse a: • - • • - '&10 ohcltett; PJl,llle bir , .• -. . _ 31•11 • • -7 D WILLTAITS MEDICAL. • GINSENG...P:ANACEAIH• TO' 1110 BE SUFFERING WITH . •DL 4 Z.ISED . ,! LINGS.--The uurceeacnica aceeeta wblett .GINSEIVO PANACEA • in el the various fprote which Irrltaben et the u enotes, hoe induced the ineketieter tureht . to colt 'aetiti.:. •WONDERFUL PREPARATION. t. .• Theehangtabla 19 . 0415 et selvett %sal cal COI sax winter laaatimis always a (mitts! saute of' • COLDS AND ROUGHS. ' n'etS; if. s , Ele if , l bit thiplicariOra of ta.u.alt CONSUMPTION. its tliestsoo, 'boo,. floss doll we 134 the dcsztoycc to ke - OtteLots shall we !et clear of °sit coughs stud, colds? 'is of nisi impormes to iheroblie. • .TEE GREAT AND ONLY REMESIY will be flank 10 iho ains,nr, Panacea. In roof 0f,61 . 1. ;se liase from tune b psie pabltalted tla eartiGrates dozens of oar besi anwu einseas,wan . lnin OXP.rie9 , 7 as earative rWers. Th ese, Witt a min of teminnay lean all pasts of-the sountry,—fren ' ..• ! . MEDICAL MEN 00• TEE - FIRST STANDIN(Ii,v' Minlsten Ist the Gospel, An., together with copion.nn.; JOVE ALS OP TEE DAY, . . wohaee embodied io paidnblei faim, and tiny be lied grans of 'anya ou agents tLmochout the . . •ItUNDREI7B OF UI. OTTL have been nned in ibis • • . .• . TIIOU8.:1:-NDS Aril) TENS OP 211 . 017.5ANb8 throneboot the United ewes Osixida, amt wro chat- lenge Say 121111.10poLlt<11 a. in shieh; Attite . when rata. cetailira - to Irtectiont, and' lie- 1 fee had Doa. Lazily tilioiriiized, it has ; - caesfail_•d to ' A PERFECT CURE 7 - thee, twat the heßitatit Why resort is • .themLiambiisrosiagbrimihmivni meta enderthi assumed name of ..at celebrated pill.' cefi,pafted, taro iworicti by, eerdbaame of per- ao9a eitolltyop4ovre- Whilat a medicine of • • i • , . UNPARALLELED EFFICACY ja io be bad, wbo,., wouebera.nre at beme,—oar. bora,,olany of :whom it ha* ' . • - :IN/MIRED FROM.TIIE GRAVE. • ~.- .:-, • • Jo . onkr that thin hivalaslde aledieieenaly tie . plare4 main' dot-nub of Lb. poor as. well as Om nob, ores kavepot Ike pr.ceat • ci,NIar—VIETT CENTS:, )on oat Unite usual tenor conyti meitibinbi.. It is for bate by our agents in nearly every' intaii and ntlisgs, tbe Yetty 'mins= prcparedtn ni.e fall infonaut& telatiye to it. . . , A BLOODLESS TIETORT ! STSPITONM EXTZUSAL: MEMEDIr, HUN 7 S LINIMENT, 2. S au-wining nomrielytamonatled by any similar ' remedy,. It requireitllo puffing to give it a repo ! .. tatioN it tin been tor some time, talcutly and await securing it,ind now wham its bcdcficial efiecis bard been experienced ,by Sq , many, 1 44:ellarneliOni of gratitude are contintrally'sppearing, and thaw who,; :nee - been wadi whole, by itr paeans, are &aims. , that the afflicted shoultl 'no loafer rernaba ignorant of it. tesaldable and inlaWblo efficacy. - . Mr., Gee. E. Stanton,the Prt , prittor, is conatially, receiving testimonials of bantam received froris air, and many of the cures elleeted almost .steed belief. In one cue a child hid been a cripple fors: veara, having wrenched the spine when astral, age of . yeari, by u rail from a chair. Mrdical treatment failed, but lour bottles of the Li airmen t restored hire to strengih; and he nose join. with his playmates In. their youblui gambols.aa robust na the healthiest of them, and only a entail bumpun-bis bacito.lyMind him Cl hia early anneal/Is. A ease ad GOUT qatirely cared by the application of this wpadarfut medicine: NalselroaS,Mny /a, 16d3 _ MMtM G. E-Sts.ton,Sir. Lhavebeen enteked within a few yCirs with a severe paithannaded with pee in E amomoo o In sty ,fmt and year toe, and hove been laid up from 4 to a weeks at each time, rot Doing nine to bear any weight Upon tog toot. Un thet•Zthh of Aptit, 1 lon Now:York falmnbary t Cs. Whoa aplla was attache t with that. eonaphoui For three aueeeratoo days and nights I could dot Clore my eyes ror pout. the awareation or-some person in that:Dubai abut to Cr: Stevens for d bold,, or your HISUOK Lionneat.:l applied i t wit h a au t a,l clod;, dad in 15 totioate, 1 was'e !tartly ' ret:ered aid Are rrotuVuhl, and had a good ntglaht (was enabled to .-teed coy buuottoot the next day tad hove not beim troubled wage, a.illtooah natal& tmy itugtaes to ouch as keep mega cur feet day tOiti MCI it el ttl.tt aala able toadlal n 2. and won a alotat Your*, la. •kallivresuf 136archalti St, nem mbar that than Liniment is cold rattle arSaa'Alt , ty la c w taw= at2stango per L0u1c.." 1 .174.,w,: .. a1d . , i.t; [ellen eeneie relief ism be hod for ye Yuen . .a aye. - Sol by core)/ respeemltielllyrogist crial•;elerekhoa theonaholy Ow country. GEOP. Slog Sintr..WeeieherAtt.eoarity,N.Y;--- AGE:NTS: alleys re norel[cloray, Like ye eh. 1 .11 Coorel, [lierien4 : wnit,io; loner, pen leclud twith Itoirderina,iod- ' I.dyltr so 1. Wilefre. Jr. [clerkly; J. G halo; 0 31ral ,y, that !dearly: Serclariti ft 51 NO leherfe —olegherly city, Pa; J _l3ridvoeeter, Pa; - elleiclae_, der coon, Sieuheyrllle, 0, P 0 Painduld, Wheeling._ •Ve, - .1 0 Johotclon, - tir Cloirredie,o,•clitoJeiOn siderclall • u . earns, I.IC 10.0 a Co,4te and err./ ars, Proabilitta -, A frritUA, OR, DIFTPOULTY OF prouvrxiNa "r; .(3...Thiad;seme in 2•6122211 bye paionornel rotibren.." holier the Lentils; rt Is rtry debit/tattoo, alemar . ring realm:abut 'IR. V. NrEKTSEIV# PANACIIe is lloarsehers can be entirely rutted by 's (Minas o( Da. . Citsertr: or commin read: which, if Orgletted,..oral-;:: • terminate is consumpton, Often:oily icha'.l Ithd. mired by Dr Reyeemer's Fanagra.' • .11rooebitie, ormbachrel, eftretnelly lead ;.; Itronebial C.marription, bar a' uteri r - Cdtt Or Reseet., vet's Panerea'will 2811122.11 Y aura II • Indroaremnotr of. the. Tonsils or Fore .Threet —Tele 11121211 C 12112 1 11 leads to meats rohochotte4r . frita • sleet, barb 33 teceretinq Of the 'threat' t 'the' Era ~ symptom, Dr htrecreeFa Pheßiere , sboeid.berprepoutt end wed freely. • - Coact's, Ltd Colds Lad , ultiteip Thiedirati RateserhsFanneee. - •. • ; PrieuMania Notha very - Catni diteectCeinhtail. .1 from a Latent cough that cold one &Li/Mired or broktor.. , 1101 1 111.1121111114211; •2;241 1222412.11.2 •21f Oth;em to it.; Siorrotrerhr Femme. aboard be used collie :treetop:hp. rasp., abe ts - Thaler "Od cough or cola. • •. • Night srree with o ;truly chentr, by u‘ng l e .rmet ;me. riIIISCI4II. I. - ' • Opersoopoon.—lf on the fast eppamenceofeourt*i...:', live tiveputtos which are yam la the "le,otatl' terse, rough or ounlag of blend. Or Prreetrer'e Palmeri; tic , ' otter toms!. no dialler heed upprz, cadet. , When the Loot., du , Slod;;;Pe, or - the Beieebia " Tubes panne* cleaned up itt phlegm *pis ttcpadel.. 11.'1mM:roe or breatteng,• t3treettret • rmetretordoth 12 a porerefel Ellyeetoramiahotticl tetervereordiror' to Re Mreetione Intlatnser-Thhr clistrihrtrog epidcmir, m Pre're`a , it oar entente 'prettily cored by tie StroetwOrbutemoh.''. P 11213 SI per bottle, or six beaks fur Ihd. .For Sale by WM .JACKSOMEDAticeetkili sign of • :.!‘. rie C°l9 _7 l e7:37ll lP w are ciet s aper,iso.K . ] T ;Lirg=lit , t , y= r .tedt. .• It eleat. ••• Mosso! •• • lad whi• ."Yo, 131. s Youth Ms • Ilikaza ger •TheWe • •41:1 1 : • t 4"11$ b ; aytamsit seedienicis • • *ad tit I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers