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I.i. s. g•:,...1;:1-i:.: .: ~1 •7* . :1:: , '•i ..- r • ~.••• • A .'" . 112 t 4 • . . ~, t,.., ; -,....4,.,; . .,.., ,•,,..,,, , . ;i ~„,., .. lA* •:'':%•- '...'N' '...::..-.:,- k ,4,- ;: - •' ,. .t.,,,..-::::n."... 4, :i::•,z::'. 4 !.1:::7,• 1 1 4 ::,:iii. , .: i;;,• 1 j 1rit'',4,..'..._.': 1 :e1 . : ,-, i'ii-i", ~,-; i ..- ; : i , ..; , • .:41 fill;v:iv1.i;,1;::e .;;;:.4.tN;lz:i ; :i.... ~ t !.l, ,-. atzji..,.. - ;:v- !; :... 1 .44.1,14 4 ,:- )1 ~. ‘? .. ,„ .A% si t' . .r.i4V,'; ..4- i*:lM:t".l•*f',; :.; ~,,.-„i:,,:i.,,,,,,,,..,0,,;.;.•,;1:44. ; , .. , ,.,kk.,,:z.,„+.',...: : §. 7,;-.01.> . 1.,` it:1‘§:1Ssi::•1•:41011 :'S•4:P. ' 4Z :.' , :•;*i'',. , ':i':::fi - ';:t .i, ::«15. ,,,, ,:41:,, 4 4,;'''.:".'^•::, 1 . : 'it rs:..f;rNkvk,cc:N • . f :.; ': '11..:::.:V:i i ', ! : ! • 41 1 ; 11 S' •''''. '• r. q i ,t y.... ,• , 41 , 1 . 7 ,.., , ,,'H , ‘;•' .4. •r•'4',. 't.i•li4;k4:**.n4i..:• ' I -' ' • ••• :4 AZ ,V! , ~.# ••• ' %.,?:: , ---pk, .., ...li i.. 'rr,.1:i5t...,,- i , ~ 1 , 44 ~...,;,..,.. 17. , ,:40. 3. 411, ...1 . ::./ .. .1 ,. .,,1e..,,,, , ..,-, , ,t,.., i ..' !4,444.V, ::.' •'4, • :-.:.,... .1 ,. ..‘1. 1 1. { ." 0! :'.I: : '4.. .2..:-...`.4-Z-1:-- :1 ' - 1 . .1 - .? 7. ': :. •(':.ri 'o l. , ,i . '' .1 r ~666' -i ' a A ,' 6 • . f ` I~.:.:~: Viiggi'bOL4Aßs. V= plelt GORDON. ICiralsams ;A Nen:bri4 . 64 Winos sod Fromm., AlliVooso; Joists Ogridaskla . siuti .formittriauttgieltiau4ka•• roWmdlioabsuoli. • Wu" Wu 1 Yiestisbre. EAU BD.poluiimmikriALiberi ! sod 002 AI mem, ' • • ••• .* VOA: -A. VAIRMITOCE i CO. D. Pant • uhiser.Wook wag QOM O P : 1 71_11_ 4 4 4111^,r1rIC-77.-1i Mita, SAOkLE • •41., 160,WItottiate Ors mt. amt-Pnideardc.t,n,. Mlbe. mew Pkoio. a L. • • • • • 1.8 MUaIMiN MMIPIP BIB ." 4.°I3 Ltd i r IiSI W- 1 . • 1 Me. ofileieZt.' Jet Ki•a;1170. '111:11: 2 • rlOLUXl4Xol44lll4lA3l , looopjbalftelall i t i NJAVENursingstip!wyteandAz.W.llo6 liptuNg i tsi,:ad &den ul Coach TrigiaiNfitt=4Z Om, aw infseilioc Yt. '; i; 3. Lotman; DAMON .411:740KNIOtli . j. ineemolgol•-.L AJ ,ad Vonrardiag Dada* la Pinsbarxb bluitillielige•;ll4oool,4 l l ll iFew anolilrrV ristbotp. C• VSAIDSR: wivir sot yogi aratoria Faac paltaplOtssiitylkelo. 01. 14 ' Os Gib Gob," !üb t n ors% oast labsity. raw j.AWS LIVOIOII4 lIIANIMOMMIL. riViii•Or 411, SEVVIIMot Milne. la La a . J./ Oates, mg' 01"liismear 8111101 VOW ASP ILSAWSLAOLVelliplgagent. esa et** llasna, smile OR Ina D. _eatne lhturbout ., • • •••• • • ..Y 4 Al#6 010. Xi el" &Oki, ierriehriillo4%Bo 1 001• C• .ates,ceraerof alstarar• haeria. Pa WY. 14 MUM!. 3•211011; VXOLUU DIG w 1 (sta c - . V i cil• i A ott Co-) Wirot . wle °were. mul =dnguabami, and Desks, sa. a and aaafaeterr; P,R05•61 atreelbetwct4 elamet mud Thud . . LVIIIIWAIRD IiWALILTSWELDILIV‘Attet - NPAtiv bA•t Marra their ace to.ibe loch MAO 01 roma sates, motes qterri Alley and Great Frin . reoL . ' Ues.'lthav ' .lasses Naga. Pii 1011-ICIND.' WIRY & coy. Nvoime. CmcaA X'aniComediAion 1, rebants, and AiertYon . OelpsZYMlLfialos:i7 Water al ItenWAIUMINVP: n IoUnE, [`law Tome Maraftenuar and dasl. vajtlt.lwatustio;lllWooli woolosess Oaf 1/01ffirlffl. FOILIIr ril p, lit taczniimakat • Rudman.. N.= Woo. PiNabazgli.. kni ...1 1 • s aeavgi ..i f ts ic= ", • Oetesalasies Oils, "Om, Na IT Lawny at. seas Canal B6ia, N. B Oabs, kWh, lope, it'll* .1 F: It=31 1 4, 1 N... a4t Cilarm ‘ fi. . I °P. 63 .M..A.V.M84 ale. Maluair.l • ' mar (EOIII7>IOAORQAV& 1:10. Villetemb Ur and Calkaar..at ItenimmaillaWamlantos flip: AA DIMITY ,NTUl,Clitearitsilalw IS WIC= 7,ltreant, terildilid •• Massrefrtum. • Net" Wood a, • ••• • tiWr& k CO. Dome* 114•10024 ant desk:lila Ibp, eitablult and 2441 drew, ate.g,ruuk and ria , • • *Ol . .G . L0111.0111 COClllitaaa..... sad Fat, enetmal; . /g0" . .M 1 rs2,ll 2 b 4 L' AAtiv" I ,• - mar bk M AnoWlritin.D2=l:z s Vows Woos, rirbow, rmisoareL. : . z. • Illtot - “gbiLvneure7 lJ - Papas atscleascsal a;..par :Watchcase, gt Rao 811414,31,WA1ra Draggpata, tia.tgalk tassels' Boatiaaas bs. canal haapi, "MONO •• • A IaThOLT UllllllO% warm SLEW LEAD JUL Mairdnewrer.Pount Oa Ilerelanu'earattionA. an we CPI has au. Pingaryt. ! _ - VILIAZ'of MIL • ' aortWr *Kau, 31. 11411111VDIOICIET :064 Iniatesals ilfccent; .1" CtlxiainUnt Mentatial sadeekis is ?rattans. Noe Walsraad Fnuillnictihrdabard‘ ..! _one tI•=iANNII/ " A Jptlaßll K150.T. Ammer at tow, Amber" .r.,►..Rasesu.practice of ha pogdokoi ku. Oka. No], nakeliroleo Saltd mg% Om* won. 00, copied dump id; 110/11040 kr T. J. gllm'kJuTT• Okno.kh &W. • ' • NedkireP Tons s.t Isola tek DroMmers. Irsmi 4r. lis 141 Wei outekuus iketa Yowl Dimaiitlal, A ISS uses; C. solosijpi a.David) toy Cauctivs,36 Wile, OS!'" T 9,;,.; Slad e iJ ill ad l e 'l iwilt Vit'i rw ,l t t e g" r. Slaw, tAc'e 76aa. Itell.h_24loll. C/1/40 1 00011 g l o o ° o °e , y 60,0000, 1,044 WOO 4 111, Pilo4llllol. .117_11„w takso yak., ••• _lll TORN IaGoIIT roe, J volinlayg sad Cosedtala3 alswAskac, Dotal 31 Pm. dace sad Panstursk Ilas•ftendell:74. 7 Ornalaial Saw, Lawny st. awn dmCaddkriad4 N. del • scaociersasza & • • . fists, Wool n.l.linka • • .~ ... ' 14 e‘ laz `• lasi al=a tal` wwel f . 4tinst, l erre ' Xiclog c rt . es' " "M illar * ar P.Llvil"vit XIV " St 3 TWeuk C 'loot above the Mennegehele Bridge, Ftuthenit. ' aXiteat LOOPlimutU ar•AV aToclig'OAV. cto p.,;:g;:n4r•PF.l.....!!anlvfcm 5.• 44 Platte T )6. w. m 'or primaisaaTsox co . Bankers cal OW 11=alrrIkartr"usSit burg." .744 JO:Marcus! plractka anal ;aim . • 013.11r4 inkoksole theesitiesikt Is PIM , el• vatrfaetiverMir MO..= has Thl Mk • IPLOYD, pale wigs , . 4ilmisseatia.ll/ Laberr/ arect.• • • • Tairscrzzel.L,mmt.iisafilamisk . .. 0 aim Mere-bag Land 4est.er t et.Pladlicelt.ad masitartart.s. Noll Waist U. linthwrilw • %Oat • Ctoirs..to. Ire* Worse. • i ..• • Ill t li s VU, DALTALL,4 11:4.-111holightletsjill et Boiler,t , .ett, kluinitila4:lo6o 1 rdillmil gal , a m Otdrat but at ilk, vertlawaciLl 00480.11 t. t. el L A Waignesioniti A. win Ireelehhli e ...1._....___. .i.'l. tj , T 4 toad. s; WATZUMIAIIt' 1111.14.u.d..,, F., . " awl Consittles Matil..t. ..Dt•Strt la Va Pi Vanal.tuuti Lilt rrodsgOttl.lai WNW llmo 0 . - - -- L imns WITT= 01.51•4011 1 / 1 1slools P i141)61111111401:114 4461.ribeate. Lary.4•tr"`l7;,..2stro = •F 0 .,, r ,—,....Pm5t.13.16... ntartaIIYMIINCIPTIVIZZI• al Grows uti Copmalsiblijigsloll,4 NOM 13 ' it Anis: . • -Al.l.l ol rek.• mAiitarte & ce...occuisigi, —11" k KWIC rctrZtZtri". Diereball..l4° Olr vow. Pirtskue4 100.6 IffitOSlD =NO, i.biii,uae sal nng.l Or Ma 416.4, u se as drab. br Tmer rilit Matter Wio4 gm. an u, k M. • Predate sad Ps% sel ray z 05112=ii. lion IlmAkaffla, pp. 10 Matt Ai irRI Krwatk re 111 ro JIM tc o gr e r 7,3=- I 'kr 1101.111 CI a. SOL 1. 0 . 16 X= l p=.l JA • and domino ele4er Of Itieb , am s gigs &IA 'karatle 1471*!,111Pi DirBOO ..dew. ;r1.,,,.:;. Ca.:24.1•418*00.1151.10arrT nava, asonswAvo... , lai . &ed Com.i•sidetraM oo4l,• •! . Libergh isaag aillmatalk"ram . 1 1011 Anita /V Co ' l lVbillesete (Morn • and Csmakule,l4,!fenirl% eYrareee Ore. lON NAKFMIre• ,• ere set..Coqiimea•P ter!rgpitat R a lleale alla tralgtrl= r us* • wriluimplOartioßc Itlmadvp,orUdnenoll6l,o4 , sucet.Pitobirgb, I . : . 1.1.1111.. 4:011/11111 1 BARD,. ;awoke*. andraun &wet in Lahti. MD mew, abismOurreialia aid Es& Jam.. srAtillAnlesileigedip# llepoen Oil, Kw L___42 . _ . .ho 91mm teatios.": ~ -lark;i1:16611,1F 114 , Fusten*orr a 00 0 Wigags OnV aft-0 land Corgualbaisa igatbsatm;sai inv y.R.r.ei.ma Kw 114 I.AberTIAIBOII4 ;. - • W lreerh___ ": • 2l7 Slew b I an* tiebibuglk • INlANAtubmek. • • 41/110,i :DIISINVS CARDS. B. EINWILIJIS., Amman at Lave, Gnus 14, LA. Alakilingrall uP semiy meals LW. New Gaut Mow. ••.• ' • • apiol3m• Down. moons; wbimaic..sr. a.utr iL Inj DleilleT dealer tin Probes. eatiabintk Nana. Cietwoc, ad all ma@ of Fordo End Vomit. Viri•es ant Lkeors,lto II Liberty won. Fintoorytk. p. B. ►and ■ otny Imo Meta aaperiat Wltutoy e • 1 A will booed tow Str in...iatiHrThur e a , 6. Ala Wawa Weeeiata, au Jo /Mega/ray River Trade, dealers la Greeerles.Prodsee, Piasbanti Idaaalaelares end Merida ef Lase.. 71 . WW I . /Infest . In lob; Paid of or • limo for Co_aom.„. • QfsMaf few sal fro% or jaw R aurpapia sae= ; lawny otoopooolos Ileltbl4l. Dealers la °olio sod deedoroloso BOW. Lint koo 001411 OWT A.OO/tIROA►II. Nid...L Omer' Elsake la Ihadace sad rlaatima llasatheuara, C '1 . Them R Whd.. CHACKLXAM 4.11, ..• Wholesale Dek a kris Peallgiousa ReMeetle Dry Coeds, No et Wevaisseehrstlshasch Atari( • - - Z mr. suisaavon,. Wool Merchants, deal k3. en en If liar and ridges generally mid Forgranl, miend 4001181911eteskanes, No mi. Wood sweet: . "Ant • , at Lay. OIL WALIIIIB4 A . . . la Ilusselv WAN ft! eal. nh : L sal • - _X& I IT , liNttra Jaknonirr.a Vrta rad a d Ordecto ogrwirdind and CoassiddivrdidrdiddlW neslas u Pat•beigh Mioafacumapd.Westere illeakpee moored to vrauanadd. Wiggle& N.lll. Moor of Front dt add laundry Lam. ddidt QA1111711:11Cilkiltil i Pcnors‘4n alaiNsatais 41011 re!iariallealer BAN' rlieralWrPie• bat aihapfatiared articles, Caul Ileilia,aals MIL SN. *IOK WAN% %Flow , . sm. Fruit Team sod evicolms . l . l l4 . l 1.22 Woad wee. Prcuborit. - • . .lreble &sum. & issuirbassai , 0 " , "" 33 c..na;& aridealas is PrAsee.— IMO. 4.. . • apn Tuns KENNEDY.Jr4gaoktnj Otos Idaindnona rer,• and tarater to Goelksi•Ceotbna aunt Yoxiet , M.. e( Woodland Inas* meets , : / 19 ' ... . . T FeLertb. • F. R Fohyth. riaM.MTIM &Coe tanunbulest Merchants. JL ed.:akin frall,lsmadar,Oressenie.a, Produce end Pit:LA.lth naeraters.Canalßasirt,Llberty weer, & H. • • ' OA. Wbalsgain cs 0.=1 1 4 . todsc"lros. Rai !ftqwilk ,Eltavalti,lBl4. l bo 4DIA• taai , a; vita, • •-•. • • aavia calming Wpm arciumz.zini, LIC VT JD Wick,' Wbolesale (haters, Po sod. Ca anaglaaa aletekmaa - &Wen In Inal,liailaolßas, Caws Yams asallPitaamalk aloaelanataigeacially, IMMIC2 or W 004 1 .01111 Wlldr 1119111431111 . • BMW' Wa.lavarair iirnies the ladle. la call and . examine Ide meek of Irrtaala , Viethed esee as am mein [RAW • . • =ha I . OREtlft..W4 t ereat Gnwer,Fol.redlog awl V .te WiffTMOISKI & :wormy. !men and `holassls Aden is lisrihrsia, eiy, SLI. ,Sayseaser LAtiourusod Ci•lr meet., DILWORTH. Whil Axle - • 1166001Osi.aion Alemat.4v 5p1.17 •lAT:4II;a6 iniranparert t al!!ln4 V Ill!..4.lBl.'ithMLey Mir . 0. EL :11081.1110111, auomay az La ,• k.. nimoved Ikla dies iv th• Exam*. B:im+ ' • .Siamisures, atstion io lkleman .lolw, • • •= -••••• • IN a I • • : Irma biffot • • • 17 • nabs (hems, an sew betted at I 1.118 W .I.lb3se they elfer !brute • large await tat awe P3VIA 31583113333e50u low and lanaroble term. • • Ns 3 ty, lllVAPUT,wbeliwiele sad raid dealst yy...ll4,rairs and Dom*. Dry somic*eameen: IMP: lad . %kadelood ash awes; Edgy Timm adltdaa sad Head amts.* idai deep' • dadaidd • adloallea medieldes, perfidies?, ie. , Ilquelues.presecillimadi samba • Medleines can be hides all lcsars ••• lebleMs• SIT O. ALUGEILNIRAOSU• . noniay . p'"4• : TV .putr wee; am' Saddlislo. • Oalleetlwp• :clip ••••do• bararmailli•ied *in& i • 7"'" •It Slmpi &Ph s, .• we. Iferfoss, E Ciogliag. Eq. 13 • Fahnesloa Jain omtr, Val4a s Ca, • MIA Wright 6q, /dunes . , ' EN, . llsj. Wilburn Lamm. . .MS • SIM, RECTI!ING DTSTILLER, asnoirsot-vtAss 1111 LIN. IN 'OllllOll b RiIIIRITIU - MINES li LIQUORS, X 0.11 4 Liberty tad 53 DU...7mi alky. , PITTBBURAM, PA. lilo 4ll l' 1; • ...34W!.1*;.. , r.a.: AR81LCK 35,6 24' gni% . 4 c on . ferenktrerf . Pa, na a , P I rota.,' • Pao in ( MisoW. .IWII suz tt• 'ATTORNEY , ' COONVELLORS et Law. Paw* sioa.re Smidalleklaat 4•ll4l4ll‘tyr • • ; Oliver filsabissal • 4.1 , 0 w • . • o. siacroasosur a CO., i . TXTIIOLESALik: Omer. owl Dealersla Oils, Heel .11liflhaldRizil000 Manatscisreit ssOtles,lusios b 2 Mai; at ali wats_a fisilaisdiesteral rummages of r ots is h tlac .. is., tin e., Wsir west, iscissilOierry Aft, '7 .W. AlDlllll:(l4oX,l,AndParterOr,4till wend IrA molktteyi2,.hultsit,' and ltirida leads, mo rale? 'I" ' e. an 4:21.2 1 11.1 4 1,11:iidoe;to the Octet ple . ifrAtl4ng ilegelelot,P4oketi st:l7dlm . . m ~. rIo .. v .........i t i r , L . ..d. A “,, N be,:. .t, kinitTir r ybs o itiii i Ts ail:I - newly eqbarel e7well select , ed eualtemeatet I. bw....d tre4esiAledieidasolehicte. 4, , 2, wth eat= . 11014 l4•ap p~ taw- PA/•let a a... ambit( _order, Ike wompo no .te, .4 ..p. 'lied webl se Ilhey4/4ay . rely sescoulae.... I . tanyue Pmenslont lin I accurately =I.: leellYPuliflv"llm teal alMeti. l .ou any hoar of Leda or ' L LI, for e 1. Imo Meek of old •nd seckl Peep- W.....-,—..------._ , Amens:, th sod Madams. A lipf and welt ' lelestee. emelt et snub., Jeli/0117, Saremeare sal • Good. Alersli ro herd and .et noise es*. less pneescleWPlWlfft Lova, fell /elevated wail/sm.. ton as IW, ;Saves Os erstcb o a.lo sail 6 • I Gensiste Cooper, Telass, /awes sett oiler approved; teats of sssiebes may lie hail at • email steams apt smutted I • = Mrrtse testa wars do lls to the .versy best assist. 11. B. BWEtTZSa.• • ATTORNEY AT .LAWj el 110 •44 M moon*st. • ti Chat•s :il•tei 0I; S r i• :LT atJateol Prepdyrctgr.b4lngemMtuelufGeed co, Pa. ra. Trlsekicia„ Dal 1 0. 1. , ..rb.ncira Cambers , . D T. liDigui • , . oel.llo litTzicui Tik 'row*, - - :: ,•pre..iirniftisirirO, afar Witt. : • • . .. VI ill frailties of Orden and Matt Tea* as lop la tealer, MA mad oak paadd' He f k..alea• lag fn. Inca, per Moils it" 'A./AY . • II • • , •. . . • long far Pekin Tea On• bartetunle *ark er le tie:ay be see. le big Ars, re • euteuk, bemires, Martel .d F tee de area e r 41.1:1111T, Naas, paulnitessts Is Ms t,6, cam derou.llo , ;dolts stlli • eride and •Dess.: Snip sisqss •• USA A Winne? ..iCasmusgatAw.CONINPIATI, ONTO: Cdl.cuoe.la Iloutben fiadhasidtans, lu•Kauselly, peemply aedl.Boolll . 0 • 106 . 4 • isampr Oro a( PoroopliisiN Ar arms;. imm...dimrotonlhas., • .• , • . k yr. . h„Kme.Optki. cony Wat Elam EaK. Widen it AWL • • FABLE COTTOiI WORKS': ; I ;P yr Vaasa° K. • NUFACTCIE OUrrPON YARN, Cliadle•Wkl4 Oommrlet • YARN, CAB .PET ctsais, wmullrikaLi., • i • - PENNOCK A Marxmorre•rAft...a.in. PenFigqt_ . LZDOCX A.: NO if CANAL srater, now otr.utz . &ENIII for J AIIMIDWII ertnallre Winery. .11.1aravi on ArLador Lar g e work of loaf, red. Cnubed. Likrillet and Canard fr•gar., le ••4 amt.* ALiLsemr Ware Nol A nora. I Pricer liberal •ad • fair lakrwriglae• Loads aural/mien it above, 611.ba.naLa. • , . =Ali . • ••• AND HOP 11 . 1 laDlllll7 Ansi so/Maw 60. 1 64• M nii i • • , • • Pluto. • : • - — 4l - 1. ; 116 , 1103/111110Wro - • • 11111/ICTIIKEtt OF StLioll; W,. f i rti9 l l, M 1 ` lr 4=l"Zain a t . •I a isir Ptx•C•sad on glieel•Tenso._ I *MI . Aitinnire rm. . 6 =Meal., : . - wile ' ' M 46,11,4041:: M. V. a a. 11M160031 a 00... • *NM+ MU aaaa 041601044 166 164 age H 64 . Hay and Masan forkik 64, 64Mosi, M woad 0666,11664846 41/23• Mak% •krimmAilt 11.rieEeocinS ci A l An if it = 7 " Mew& p - "' 'l' 'IP. ` ll - ZATollwr_ / ....1., 1 Sj_llg* ia 4 llftiabigi =Wane - ry c wianosig ' ' - .=lrtlionvasoftri t WentlanYanms and! cc I " ,l 4ted betlreitil4=="ni"a": commas it.^flastunto Aigt 4., Co. TOBJP.COO, . .coalissiox iimcaert4', No. 50 Beath Mares, and No 117 eoath Wooz i st YHILA DELP 114. A. BEO to buena Me mote and eealcfs erne et roWberik, th>u tbc,', bay. 3 mode @mei. erreaddloebie with the Irimmo elwrefsexerere sod the garrOtre et the Wets, WO. limbo, tad ourt}seety watiterre • loge wed moo= swot} of tl, Ibiloodag Omani). *Me d Tebueo ortglob will be NM We eh ea:ow no,dotog WWI so oaf wire lows, fo Wa cirr Sr else. where, and all ga4 erderwitwee tins wal ba war• noted equal tO HlVtlll4 • 4*—o &l m a, Pond . lime, sa P.a.. Mich,.B! alL•daf To ALSO—W. 4 er: <lb wet Mosasla Btu Ones: eh* .nts a two ammo= ofr i feppials. d gtrite: '( lirg aldi' Lek s iNwhlCAtt i = du, sweet and plain, 1111441 W ledf bo Wood end %together thithilielfrietiell: of ana 1a.41 J. Si vnietsir • • • • FORWARDING a COSIMMIt.1111100?; Gag Iluarr POOLS am IBiliteire 1, , "cavil looliti ei se," • • • • - Akan Julius :SID; stionicast SAM 1111111 ASS • nrrosossz AID 11UTIIII, W. to Y.l4•Pt.P.iod eattaes ooettatdotosodo.o. • toboa memo moony at or tobaz(boat filiriorokoaso, Cot all pont., oat Eso 4004. 6 , Cin). Pt; Sad 0110 Cwmbran all prise /4k. Sppoolstroottolootottfotomd mods 7.! bol=ads. %Alpidloir addeeti . • `1 • • .0 • . • /AS ISCIISYressW.I _ . •_,?v: 0 - NOM.. W: LEFtWICH : fI6CEIV NO, FORW &RUIN(/' I ' ." • Air& 4:l4mmalaslim • • 'itrAmteartiss,,lL. .IDARTICULA ft attention paid' to: ceaguelalta of 3.11 fisrpollUla,Engined,ofeibet 41940tebg OP??.." Orlesq*. • • , Ignears. Lana:, Deuearg, Mt. X.. W.Antley', !mt. •• • . At.... sin & 3pal. tdl. me p c i r t. m." . 4o ,s.T=Lea,..,,tid c..; ateUtifid. • ' • Ahem. Cralslmsl, 241graiiir 1%•11ilcall, Um. &awn .14 , 111170, &Iva. Jobs, D 0 Pliquemmet, .. • . te19.1? I .• , ILLYDIO2I /a COLL'S. • FCOUB, PRODUCE,..AND BENHAM. 001t418. r rk WEB. lbw Isivires so,blereAoot ss'oad rare S e4 . V sale of neer. Groß. •sol rmacm• lesie , o ll l. lbaboltissoro blker.or..l Dos tbeJr ealecoorabloo.. - moo moos er porehsacro shot sbip#ers,ess safety war lon el.B.C.oorY'sslos. Conespostloots coosssoOY. ye=odrlsle a of te . r y a:If110 To— itelds a. eon, Davidson Smolders, Ber4t,t2osOL lt. Carey: Balu,'lone • 410 Bintey. C s.d well O. Eaglet,: v • Dupe .t Jams; New Vint. • CILT110; 1 LBW as 0.1.• • ' 'FLOUR FACTORS AND PRODUCE • AUSSIONIMERCPNW : L IBERAL Out . ..drawee Wadi oo rocoili of Thom ;Shipping %Oenr address ottil bo NM% .hree.eatrunt ral..ildlaMCe in CUs, by appty • Wu to. %Vol [added I Tarter, Ihrtsbarob. • • .blessra Tiro, Bali Atw. , ruppoo,Obis• . Pldluteltbl BOY 6 0. 84 • . • • " Trr4f N. B. ;nodose <cassia:sea so os imuktrsd sato lathe orareboasO .NV ialltagrovd &Tayor. MlAs r s* . or os oar sure Is Pluladeipb. C. y. l Co. . • - Ili* 810016134 - 8169W188 67011 E: R.T. IL Ett H;. J AO. 1.33;r0v0e0 IT.; rarrsover.ou. • livalw:t4 my sock him AA beet menaces , . dlse 1 take Itteemte le ett .• • sawing w wwwwre .4.4w/cm Wittiest prepay .loojeraMt therwalt all wale le wy ea lull beau llarew'thea tweelefore. • . ; On r 11(Wee.wilwacellewthaa dcatiartexeleallete Seit OM /Unaware eid, Center Teienewejlta. ! wffe., eaWeeteitee that 'ewe!. etip, etrt weeilelemi• OW, wt. emi itege krt yadvik•itk: • , 14W_ IR Wu. ii_orokAttoN. ()11 , HANDWARN. 6461i11‘ . .IENRED11, • Or AND; WNOIXSAI.IIDNALEAS IN .lIAOSSINAIIII. CUTIJORT. . .;lam. Inlyint . N T n i vt iv • of recnvior Larn. a•taLvon . 17 to thelee2 teagive met br liardwrare, lad.kM 'dada • bevi ny beta • p chnstral Olt the no ..1 Adnipanows unn .1 Eng lead, tad direst hoar IYa Vantsinarenia Also:mann, enables Clensii at. fat .00d.n wars nfpnn4 by one asunolFed PecluersannntlthitYn. l . • 1,0 C 411. • - • • • . ' • • • . : ;animas co,clllllJUred , 0 ; 1 COOOVISION & foitWAßElrro No. WW I / 4 k,', tiars,,Vitlidi ricimriNUES to thaisoci a ifetrethr.C4l l ol "' lloolaces,drpecoolly io tlth parthiale sad ..ale of Amentho Slanalactu•e• Traded,: aad es reccitimi sad foreardiag Geo& camigoed to Yis ' saw. A. Admirer 1.1,e-Sesestathanaradue doothmthly eitt, the pdscipal articles' dl Meoofthlath at the lords shalt:sal* Orieca.,9rders mad COOIIiVIOMIII are reapectfaUO R Rim bOye C.. •"-- • Raißpoir. • LOVE , M A ftll ik; . 00: 8 'n • PROU4CE,GRSKRA , . COIRIORIRR.R.RU Man •Ivaßinso RINRCHANT., Pia 6 avw , •. Wbast./11altlissamil. Ursa so - 51 41.1k1 At Cs,. /• JlanTion, Smith & Co. 1 ' • DemayaoSsenderi & Co • • Jolla R 81nee.1, t Riddmenh • sell 1 11841. " i. b. unman, . . e. v.mispasessr. Lan a Patisbe rah, Pa. I.ate d Nuhvihe, Tue. L. F. H V if. Nth, ANDEROCIPC: zrEALeRs (0:1111)1L% AK AND • CO MI I estorr lEhte.lleras, •.• • • • S From stroa;obert Broadon. MadaMMIVOM. Rein 10 Merchant. 10 PlOOOlOlO6 111011. -• • ' W ALTER A • - norm Alto 051. x COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - Aix U DEALL:SS VIOUUCKGENSILALLY. 14. brela Itsranha ,Miso garbs, Saltlonars. • Rem to—D Npngz. gym. T C 405.: NA. tukiet.J Lao-hue.. Pan, Duaglteriy,Riar lipuroy, W i 8 Wlaart,S..o.l . a. Dents. • XIIIWARD A. KICELIRO. i•Viticciaoa To sioonstAx & Asa RIO Cosii&c, Print&w. Commiai... '• • • Coon &aim Mokomi,l dool.Souti. or Maw. , Asalt,itelaptils. 9x1221.-31A1k. k CcS . • ea. Pomo— • -• • L E • __ • • 21. P.:COMAT & OD., DOpriDDDPIL Cemaiman • tut reegrading Nem buns. eeJ TiedoepLealerra —.We attend to Itte rumba., Mak aedi dor:stet Psi loon. Owl" be. __• • ' ' • Ut./LIR.To, • • t ' Aivreo..l, Jones ••• Omsk Boiler& CO Losrsts, ieg & Co • /Retry' ling • . • 'Graff, & Cu' ',;O beech Lai". . Lyon. Itontrar. Co • • - (nuke • & Thew ' • r. sariodl I • • Oran • awe Meal a( dee lime( &ain't= Larva lee 1_ - IThekteCala. Greener, Cernlelon &Fag rgigaLLlL le all tabled Coign • Pradaec, Cog , pee Tie Pleats, Tanen' Tool, Zuse,Lesd, gm& :Asa Ina,' bea ewe Nada, Wails • Lead, Uge•gtegs, Gauen Yarer, galt, &a, see ,pliteeaysi Alanaftelares generally, career of fabeng. Od icy& .ute% rtagema, .• • • • ' (04.16cral Pi a, UI CYO or Goats; made ea btao el gaeasee Of Pro:lves, i. • AUCTIONEERS COMMISSION MERONANTS: ALEXANDER LEYY:& num • • . cJ NO I NAIATI Sr. ST. • LOUIS' ..tYPEIL to as. isobar awablwaawal, all kW.. of Merchandise at the lama taw, of lbrottsbakti. sqd art always prepared ea mi. advance.. The two of :fewsired: ibeners addressed to• WSW KIM. will b. powydy aaended ta. lra,dl7 /11,1-4-17i7-'1 • . 11. GM. say.. • • • TROJEPBOB A. CAMPBELL, COMMISBLON MFRCN ANTS Asul 11111AmeateLaxer. of Llassed 011, - No. 20 ColeAraria - Straf,"; • , CLN utis N Nfl OOHIO.L _ • aroma PAID yea rul . ista4:o •44:147 • •• • •• - " " BA4II*L. 40,NE8, JRy oiocriVt ° o ll 44ViliWifigaOunrta , P;;;.4t, Yoidrl: l B;rt U ana . aikoss.. .10-Pastmalat asseama Aka so tip tomanlayg btv;• • W. 11. CI. 1.111.11116; . :•. • ; • • Fo . nvadiAg likroltank Braterusige. Pa.. I Aticaae para•Uuly,to tae Forma lms off nallee,4l.e. For as ranker isionastka , apply to FOltlßlrlal DWIICAN:-Irserr '• • MATHS*/ PaYrcis, COlllll3lOll •lIERCEIANTS, •‘. - 1111•.1.9 Water Usual, ' 1 • Louis !do - Welt give pirueOlat. mimeo to the ...111.4 of Pro -IWookod border. Ga!porelsoAu. Lem o&—Goono &Loirm & rimbrOg& r ! • ' -mil - • NlXiirultemes. 1 Witeebals: Cibadidoseu t OIIN DIVOTILLOOOII i 00: , ColvaissionForwardMr Mathenl4-• • NOR. 93 do es ROUTH *Yr: Mph. Boyi:1.11 , 4041 WllARP.Halthaisfe. VINING Roolo44donlbly. Rettee ind Ever peo ce,&e, attanie int Tlnn g inT In- CennAro omh• 000. " .1:...... athelc“ MM . rm.p..cf.° ( :lui w irteraait . - ;.crasti •• • . ,. N. 131 nor wood and &trate 1. , G5ttng,%Ag.9LT,7824'1;t0," 1 .: ::!. eel Levet Watebee, sellable for Ladles 1ig. 00 4e.” [ —of the leant and hatulanniest patterns d2et dra beat ' ....eracut anted .end roe sale a v ery love tip nen • .. WO. ..t. .... ... W. W WILINNV gEIZGEId - r' - r Fiat - t — iiiiitirar - liiiiiiiit , IT on k e za d zigni l Mnt . i v vr i otkpliee.ig1 111 1 Ilth Meet. • • o? •• ' 81t1 VVICIERENIVII p ivy , - „.,. .THOS. lb LAIXILIZeir •'...; I 4 .- t -,- r i.,.a:RANI VlCEEZERS—Jaateree l df a lase owl! 1 II OL Ell A' L E GROCER AND 00111W8SION, inept of &theses% excellent hang lee -CRAM POO= 1 iv i&XERCUANT, No 59 Weser urea. pr. LOlllp • secealtakds kW lianas Staaadroats and %MUNLAP elo feat Wto4gri t Shea; & 00,.atitd . k e tieleirfic44,4 ...1 . .''''' •- ' '-....,- --16.1 f morhot N I i AT. AORNT , AND - COMM/A/40* .' : -- ' ,COMMISSION; l!fF!RdttAM%4 !. •laa. f eat Y'Ll■ba Via, 4 irrd.h advasees wdlbd Naas ea maia-neamt . 6e. abeve addedis: by • .• yea? y CA MON h. MeKNIG Siete . at.' 17..crult PAC:TORS, MID ORAIN AND PRODUCII • Marehasta. 71 :,11101MH .WHARVEtt, PHILADELPHIA: A II gam remind to receive and forwent all knd* faiddeleadige ta en d l.ed leg en ibeiJaniate, Nene end 'NMI r c.n.1... • • lA, II use. . . .- '4;:" . ' . ; - iviii.eiiimmoe. 4.-- 'lettOftr..4, -- . ....) 4-4 "-, . , i' - ••-.-;..7 - 1 - T ,-... .": .1-.%. - -I -- '. : ,1 1...--- .041 - rr,i ,:„ JA.1113111 woosnorims.: . tr2211211a211 =animas w• 111 114 NU WS 'MILD o'llipido ti . 21E A LA2127 Ilaod ; saronmar of n 2.0- 244441 , 4 far 2 , 4..l:aback IlarEs. .02 an , . 41} 1 ,41. • . JleM r0aa144211• 41 band WI laratelorar. , • pmvou welt en hunt cannot CY.etUrd I.r airy coartallwory tloo warren) e0r0ury... , 144• 1 . ,, yr•a •- •4 Io pucka arosil 2,4 won as air as • call. a• lam karrofoodiay,prar4 ,4 a 1 . 1 . 1. 21 44 4 14...4 .2 0. 211,24 . 1,22 k ?Maio , . la— great...a ?lark &a • tdox 11alrgaaraz.4 1 Limo: • • • • . 14 pair Ilmuur. , • • . • " 12 Om Ina arabrigany CbOria.;' I • 12 araboaaa2 Wart 2 . 4. 44 • . 26es malogiall iloalkairarai i . p. =Ma icred) • • . .4apxort suadsiVf. bbh.su tben yri Iv ! %eV 'et ay - 4/1 0144421 D : aad a • lam • • .04 Comma rentiusee 91111, Leo n •••• .HAKIIW.AL.LAtt) 1 '0•6144 ) 4 11 17wid °. • L aitTOWilbe • lownimo ekkbarawa lean tkOofiliraabO' Walkeo .11911.:Neodweb,e0.:OW 'titivate- to sanoanciag I.Jryf. fneade.oklatoT sod eepagyabst I bare opened My br.ll/ Wee • Wise mow Wald Sae, ' llarierpaabaseettt - mole fetal* and mode urger-maw wok PkOWV~III 13 4ia caaraty aad eorop, be be b. do 'fallqoale=das bomb Ila=Va g rieWoo es mid tame wad as tow as akebdeve East Merchants and etitemare wiewattelly it*4 t eel and ermine Jat week:berate - 01.4A1 0, a 4 b 00 . Tbe fbllewteg cambriabs a 011#1.0 bat elear.:_ • • ' Socandwat and mmim.7. l l..tetu. CM.T".M. Eden, Natior's eked. eke 7k.1. /kr • ere, tatokna,' Oickliertgylb t er a == Femme, reat sad mu th wo ne, b r:l== s .e . eaveciad.web WO Itatdwase wawa , ..- r a t t, ,w u.rkgr i .11ITEMIN — klitss Ti a salacilbere baes taunt. tdet 16 tact to Pass seek at beau* al.ee tken then O 1) !moor', o [nova 1. .. 11 . ngbts Wag enamel lo 00014. f.chlriew ; . 12 = D e I , make Belo f, sow' &m bock Patties tie bard melee ms r: in* kilo; Ittaa arm 'ow mad labeerple; 'ol.lt ititt . k• 11 , 1 , moot sweet, and is CanarcK44l6 tio9 i!3l be r w ee i r m ar t altvi . bez==t7ty.t i n4V o centerewhileeies Jul Mite.. rot • fall ilerenpUsa .wet aid reit tea reollocl saccesend r a Min e creel gram We Wetland °Mk prose wkr we py to eaplala eve stActed tritk WI who . fry *alb We have at m no aaubotuaohtraM . - 41.11 learn moor address kklitl.lllNAc ae`I7I.IOIIIIIIATL. VOIISI — FIVMMT. mi • SPECTIONAM AND .FRUIT RE; will open en Monday, Ap bee. Awn . Mr Weed at, and at:teem to A / &Tatra robs Tes &am ' • A aplended monument errancy Cake, CoakciecanuT, Feely le!teak ba the'coanee r gear or lisoonsrkien as- • • • -! PamdC~bU 1P1641!:"414•• m kE , , , Ginger Jester Maier J tub • {peered tiq a r .. ertte C t i eTit r ar,. oneetleary, te.., leveled en *meet roe needled • In *ally sag Ma:VT Ilion) per seablreb• went fa this city. .• • , • • • Freert Twist; tot, /a, psnotegmeg &goy nem Winne Whest new, saline hews all dreg every morning, • i • , NIG • " •! . .1 . ! ANDREWS Bre GUMMI OP .1:1X•IPIIICI Derier,o Odium, has manned and getanked a plea for beating beekvOrldth Imo beta sae , nodal 1p seed la tkonne, New Tett; Lamed atatnerer . appinet, lag Ineanned gke • *salami marmot aver Buren. Femmes, at. 1u advantages ale—. Ist. Gram rotelarrop OrTheyeratius. . rent: Peck= tem look. - 1 • • ••• hl. te aapleaaaat Degnous tat. err speeded to, sad not • m to get cal , • lA. bleat Darebattg. • : . • • - • a Yodel and PpeciAsatien nag be *era. and the a o pump eattuned tbe idegger nod 11.11,11.= WK. SC/Al/8. Past g qpNg.. ' • •-• andltaikell Pararszo, ffe ns ita r r public (eDeritUT. Vat :s mm' r d its Hpeiag eepply of Haltom:to/ 110 altlsaad Of:Walker Woodwell. No 10 Wood Hem WHO be dispere• or combo sostlelemeakble WHO!. I . • ' " • He Hill be main.] ly reerisinf ftesh toppOsedireol (ma His Illoodacoreg r. 4.4: Islas Om coeoul• 4000 -wilt eaable.ltito lo camps le soilh 5n.1.11.6. 11111114411ser ESIDIOf West. j • Wagers Litedosse ioviteo op tali. rod etamine SHI Wei Miner pereloneer eheyelkero 1 •• • nevi 1/6 " Tiitioi irthe 1 4: I'SSM ' :e r r di' tstrier Elm Min ether • V•Tielo,oo pcepose fesoseoHas Cnownieoloo roman:hag tooe:oee., •oder sty 4 pf • . OnVias 111.601115 W 411 - to.4ea Ole wsrehovee, No d 0003issresst I.7lseery ofreei,fonoortysees&ab? MY :W lam 0.11 boeineeo wrested to Ho, , 1,.• De mmatir .d (*Wee) ulnae-a to. MOO.OlO 01101 1 / 1t innerly ildtotetptla .THOS IdeHol.o,,L_ f.Senalle4 Okla teeHeuxlwiletelen3/114V .j . - =AO • • suolawrisz e ieere sayam. y L- ; 1440 fini dr Oil, Lank Gam; Idasalseever and end A er Kenn Li ed btkii:Col9l, uti ll, aid Variety WNW" keeps eiesilnatly se WA OA. ems mare teener, erafr deser , tbon (mg:M./Wen) , Mat timasee.Liwkisi Ohara; 11. tS 4, era G e, aver Ibillste Nam and aesametual welled (Mem • All k tads of Gents, Tay., see tlr alsan, I. emu ee Ant* Con,7ll,ends, and s'reneral moment of Fano Onsisonhol male, al • email semen 0.12 COSI. than , Gad alders Impelled Art* ?woo CUM O. dale Peva, awl leer 14 fl.seil et Nee.Verrone" , . Fodi eer wood and 4.1. PIA... 111 . 6 A4 ik lass ?gazed rA k asalSnokalickl we in Oa .aa lfieeraonita an entire ant . ar.r.gr.v.l - ..t.' • • TalW" _Soap. VOA al teed. eiterquons and diseas^ a tie Skin; V ea. asYthiptes,EAriePelt ahem P.meat o aterirted or emelteettArini end kir dtsei. .o. qf the ate% rtted reqinimmerpa remediro. aro Amp mods unmated. It else dispels Fractke, enini b.O, Idarplur, Tan, tad chnexes lie eclat .ortdark, yellow or .4o6prall ilia. to Ana keettliy, eankfal. • clown:as. A hadieepoly, warranted "enema pad Mr sale at the andaemiprice or un'per cake. truism to. rimmd, is asap, Au role by . B Ifo0 0 4.• O rped as crost lot and smaland rm as the amoral ratearf Blair pnailail DLACIMON Fournix. ylp.nial Preform, In. repateatd IltiodeplUirEinnisc, Heir Divas( me" Shansperonne Sum lathe magi+ op., ea/ on oaken room. Moog, end. me, make elitl i Wr:. Thuare prepaid - le teen., di *Meal ash Ititheet e. •Multiol lor poi fieorsoni lawn a ecorthireors or lit mu, es oar Saks, arm Uoists strodeoltbel: (Wiwi Ad.. Gook It thsee..) tletu." CED Judge... a Uhler one end • half E MMus: aim. LEO, immense this snide meat. 'Wog kriAstrability to the !SWAM 0. of an YID& of FatesliEteA. thin Bel, ” CIO' kg loot roses of 10 al, reiratneed use meths ase. Often Ara second beherirllrtets orll be ciecita at eva per bliif 0 ' d. Artd - aattoot 'Manatee. A .tact atter first loop is mw l'lVelolol and Amulet lathe warebeate, Mart; Coma b 7 • • t W • • • - J SHA lIIACLARFIN 1 • ! mind • ' Kenslesion hontlYents fiXifirThilrffithlrl.olsl.lerlia—rabieri ea bey, by mince coarse with UM nine Tel co, boa the armhole' riot to sell Mete Teas In Teen arid AlleirAcep elitesAnyri,„ mowing ai cal! their Teas, except {smeared hetet tit ProrlteLoil • deceptions ad a freed open het-I°6 fht.,."l.x• " T ri" aro " °.° ""I: O PAYNM. 71 recliniStreet • ILYXAXZW, HAY. AN tr.Wltfl - Juireeelvod from the US; Havers straw s utter, Flacks , '. Cy I iAdieal Mho. a ea/ *vv.. onsko , . * _._ the 415144.0 eater. all of which eta a( a:ear ro siateroir • neatly; tor tuba l'inslnnah Aced sad go.* • Innebostio, comer of. Ye oe4 and 6th - • eta . • N WICIdASIIAM = =a •', - 131117 .1 4D1LV 01 1k , -V, , - , , lOW. /MALTA tot - Aootheellity,' 0, W, 0 comer of Wood and sui'lllhahailh, will aeoll eeem/IOY 01l ' hoed, Dent!. Paints, 011eitaffe. 1 , 1.13 e—Phialetalte irmserip&ies earehlry eespelied• El from the-beat material., at toy hoar of the dry or Itg i ' . .lttrigstl i ZZ! "& :; l.l%lrkth:,',7ll,l MitS ol llMoo—Tha ecopazuniehlp heretofels 1./ exlresit befwea the otrectleien, &ides ihe style of .1 D Williams & I/1 41s Ws' day absolved by wheel collar-it. The bailee& will - be continued/et / 0 Wit , ': hues, who Is duly as/honied to 'rule the ageoanie of tm ' ' - ' 7 D WILLIAM, ,2110511,1L1. 0 - ;Plitsbanili,l3efilit,o4/. - • . *Cif 'lllTlegillTreA el. wow MAW= et Wain, cs. Prolos.ist Wass Ss6reo. of vutsei rumor; tootablo for zonal MU luxl yardmen; &Ss•lsm Art Ir4 n yclirol r t I:lVtrtrPitioloosoir 'ooi adfnesharal3lokeLoro S. ISI•Wood •4 comet ofA of eta. • mil ems . WICEICILoIfSiI 001121111111110111GII or DlM=' A T_CINCIPIXATI — I am mdlierlimi by Me Ekimmor !lelammjhmmia mile emkismiiiib •( . 01112. aru m. dat e mmildt, ii1:1411 or =iimd M ed in gdidet,:f istrTiga°l,4lt to the Or!CFm; Mutual, ERV , iiA RD •P CRANCII my.40411-wly•P Atlynd y Elam Booatia t tod Nevi Torii. Plano.. •':: - "i . ' Ittf 11; BIELLOR; No Ht Werod!ii,' 'stamper:4 and oN,o, rue w1e...:: .r , , . .. One spiondol Hoaearood P11144E00. 1 : liffiwth . ol ocureak 'arm Hansa and neW, WHO. , . ado by Cbiektriny,of Holum. , , • ;.oao. aleiwor...Roserewsl Pomo Porteiwatt 6 octave* mod aortic's., 11tirbi by Metering, \ , -.. • ~_ One ' elegant' mahogany !lino • Forte-noindo by Halo A Co, New York, • , 11' .-' - / . Om *bow will be sold., solitufactarreS/PHoot 11. - . Alpo, fa mde . iptyx{ve i i 7/1. .„.. glum . Font; .. 73e19 • ' I rtillen octavos. . fIIITOIIY aIIte:MENICO . Jun published, lri, 4 A .t.'U I...lainna, CinelabatHl . - !-"'"' '' THE 111$11311.11 , 01? 11E4100 t.lber !Neil-Wan and •Ciantial and Haeolatiosoonale, boot the. portal of the/dnassish Cougoest. 1 se to the plent lane ,1.647 i. owladtag an Iwamoto( tbo % at with the Halted Stales: as 'Cosiseorind Military .AelortWowtsti: . HY ' , Plana • Yonag,.M.D With two Copperplate Mops, and newt Engotrinp of Plana ofilatild - Ordunda,"*.e. Ono vol. woe Wawa of on hondrod aird slatrbouy . pagea., 1,, - N/lA . l'l' O W .IMICSICO-14mitdo loa EmAiA.tyfti.. CM doe dd'ldelleo,l3r 10. 61 lad* y detioldopoy, • law ragas noon. del _ . _ed.+. Heyoblicao yt. ' coat:map pot In arbors awoOdides., ~.. ; :,.. , f• . ,..,, ' . ',1i, , :f1r..781,.7,, ,, mt im mt s;laoki ," , ... , ~, ,„:, , , ..,.•• „,. „ , ~ ,..,.&,,,..,1,,,,. aut., : ,rotoor,—Tha ~,,b,,,,t,bot,,:mikinalle him --ff• . . odoaPHOEbT Or . CeCifewatNaA , Om . rr*lle roxciputs 0F34 . A74 Ng, ties. Dlymeltigifi, memo liow,ans . row repandlatr. WPM ear -Nomnba .4...,,01a1aw5.k0ur a geoywor ; mazlm4:l." 444 AtPINMI: termail Oood• silino Wall. *PA= 0 . 1 4. 11,1 7 owqrk Alatre,w7aekwaVaria. ..• j '.. . , : .;.., .., ... ___. -, 1 -,:d JORDAN/a 8911,, _.: , Loather Hu of than Wopilfla i lra„Vgi Tar Ay,n MaIEITVNIZIPAS .rented, 11. PU VW for ereley 41elugteeyoriewne.Wliinti be. • Alware ea' briid,eteg. ._4 9 . 0 4 ,6114 17 1 fitmF Wrapping Paper amelCitleffli u irm u l mok matt nd re.ell Corner Fla WI !revise's. Plineeeedi otmiiicld S 74vift Y. .. i. "• . PITISNURGff NRISLE. INSTITUT . Ting I ..dallea. ' ltoder th e ram 'of Nev. 1. 11 Galloon ead Lain. is when slider *rata ea owasental branches of a brushed annum an t I" t e ird:Vre " l:.:=l ( Eg: • &mete 34 aroleth aireeu. &L i d ' inn.= ~, d t Mamba: lbe.Malt af Amnat, It Is upon., teal any who may dtaim3 entering aboold ke_preaent as far as ptanlenle by that Urn. have Mewed the "onkel."( peamoof RHO ' BOOK al teacher of ?deem ea.dhat 1 . 4.0 Mar.. whole 100 welt ketrirtrie need remmendatirot A ena... ple.d.F..eh teacher aid! ba ' . hot lllNClttabl will have charge of the peparuiseat ef .V.taat •• . • '‘ • - • . Prof. SUMIIVSKI will ban &main of Ihe 'Attlak. aratteet ON will aloe tewwwa, amain sod palaung, bed. is oil mad ;rater Prof. to a competent teacher:Pad bed t'eennb " • bem the Annum laleatope mediae United • tea. He bell also loseyine!eln!• Wilma soretb. Or We • Ma. ... Mats LAMB , / JICItA.RDIMO 1011 X P Sera ' • pia 196 Arre Mitre. Tinware, Sera T lLE t tatina k eLin f ilsls la ii , inbiat ti aliirs lastracticri In the Fren:b,1 1 11111a and Lan; ?be service< of the moat matamit Profelsors•l ...tali aecared.and everyifaxility often pi aosialinag the dilatant Languages, ingather sag necoecolisLas. . _ . • 1 - a - TN, year is divided into isms MM. roc Ilwal samba Mb, coannenethe an the IMO &Or ail endlai as the lab of Jane. i . . . Ii .+ The envie be the Sebelialde , IMF lia. la tre% 4 . a sb le end boll Wrie rin i r: .. .linf. `Alrgei= prism . Trove maim neits any Leo within We ism, will be <tarsal accordingly. • • i . . . ;•i If li Is ikmaght. &arable by pulsars of Framillaaa sir poll. from a distance, 'bey ems remain daring rke Smarm gamin", wawa all dm manic* mill be paid. •;„ . : . .. ansaszcza. . k Haat Ellian i ngr ,, l: Ibkl i ldarsolii, Dr a McClellan, Pr i . ,H Lams, lion Jas 11.1 k, rV d arrl:oani F roa l t IZLoai l a, Mo.. Thu. Markman Eini, Vlecence, Ale—Weals lack. veal Eaa,NO—Oalel. C Norval Eri Nader dlsi l i b re . li= Hos Lenard X Call, Tana/as., norida—Drc •wie r CkarlaMon....J. V Mk" •J. Fag; N. C—Tomas C Nesbit Leq,laavaaab, Oat—bet Dr Sasidgruta New • i alolat 10' , AD ZIP II i• Ai , , ALLEGHENY CITY. - .. _± Ttwumtba ...1.1 , We direction of Ur. N. FY. J.: marcabr, ..tui eprn for the reeeptlan of Footle F 7 re et Smodasky sod Straliberry otp. dllte Seam Otellco .0 Commence on Mondsy,ltept tta• i , Thote dreaming to eater will find ii to Mar interest to do. . neuthe operiusailos entalocros protainlet tatiesh papas wUI be races Si any tone Muth( Um ' tension. re. 'mien of competent, enehe re Will bo Wen. for clams Met cony. wt. ell, revolve Monotone in Pawing, relining and alleili, . For penicelant Wad. to the amine of lissuitetion, Osos, I e..emeadi Mao:tor& ept.ly is the karolleo Miesbeoy. Jll , l 13,1517. 1 ; - . - , '' if VAL 1 All ' : . . So,l'uliatted bl J A t • & I) P James, Wsnet guest, albino Fourth and Flttri;Ciadshatio • ' - • I Gairmtl Unbar-Tie biota of lbs decline tad fall of the ;Roman gown.... By Edward -Gibbon, Eq. A din, Edna*, rinsidnod earecurd throngin sot,preceded by • 'preface, and accompanied by kin critical and birtoncal.nlatill Pnwc , n ll 7 to the, pirption of Garlalandy: by M. E. G. hi is , of Public lostroction ha tie kingdom ol Franca The preface, notce and corrections, train land froctlbo • French 'aprraly k. 7 ins edition. '' kb i sake a the Lin arid chanettr or Glbboo, and Wirmop'e Birply to Ginbei. I. I rola imp.. Aro. M 3 pages. lirOst's Pea:rale War-Carplati: 1 vol. knit POPO Peln. , co o Middle Aga, cemb lu er. beitioa is • Nialliaid, Robertson's Vtainis ad New Esglcod, Ihmairs Enoch ad EbelAbb War Is Alines, ad Magasyb America Renklion. I col Co. ~ . .• Library of A =Kibbe lingtogy-Coatusinurgelea USllllfiesi the beat wain on Amman History, 841/01,Tntrels,Emarricrco, Slanting, lodLuin, , iiiii‘stiocary.liattke, 40, fu.: &C.. Also. Asaa I Mak, Pomona Id lace4asecia iniC le., Illustrt , Phi with mon dta OCIP . 1 ioldinp goo i , ... .09004 peons, Li *Olitainag algal/. porn gni Mi... , •• , ipbsibbAbAV Nana! Huatory,hatoril Scala , Acadian, Bars! Eta emy,Ongrapby. Fine A ; the Gnirk...ls, Trails, ....., lasearalra. . . : ny,. Eloutry, 111 mann, lice. *C. I bol gap Pro. 640 1111 ibis . • . . - The Family tdedical • rap-A ' onas Prrecotioa and Cum of Diseases, by regiaeo and wimple modieines. . Ne ,edwing !orlon ad cob , - • grd • ith the addition el a Vaggrable'liteteria Mcd. • wa, Foil:nig made Mines,papal:boa and domes aireir maw valable native 'andical :plants, and an , maims ail Autumn 'l, 'Phalology.. Illauttal ' with....ne bindred Esgratosaw an of wank an . ;colored. :111.1,G Norwood, 28 D-Bb4pagra gre. American Flowir garden Uompenica-Adapted' to lb. Oland ntatticlgy Edward Sayan, Lisdanne ' and Ornagental Garden, _LI alai `, third edition, acrid, inlaid sod illsantod• - . ' : PalnarlOgrgoo; Becky hlogistani,Ace. at. Family 'realatint, dears, with and avian% Taunt oarro,and Paha in attn.; Nice and Piagrse's Debate. Dors's Wight Lady of tlitalie. - SARI Itentic fliordifiiiras Ince. don, Jonisile Books.. (lap edginess( i nano. liwr works la puephaafinal .. ' . '• ! .• .a. 11419 - --faltable itisdatt li w '"* . • DRAWS/En CAGYCLOPXIDIA-1 1 1.'6 • - sr Ail. ilear,innenhandatbwhintha ,dagenpileo na ~...c. pfiscip , ..4o•••llmbk 4 haradre a b ,Ake &noon wolailarno it ill brgwo lira& lit.l by W T *salty VS 140. Mo 000 "7 ..- .mar nannigrai awl. g• • ' .. ' . • a • , ! Webb% NMI, Amnion Adba..a. kb ait aliffairl..," ' N 'i mb= r N Prtnh evar='NoweigisrairgNarlie - : 1 5" 111 1Pn i. rota= tall i n a r t=d A T l rti nob Millman.' . • Neelblegentaag-Ta Many if ta Ponta.' bra in whingsda do 1517, w tbe rrybkorab or 1:1", bbAlniff in amnia them yramiplan, A b,6 b, by Mobil !Pill. 11, A. rebind= 0 Cboalbs,' Id M, all able lectraA.A AAA; Td us of of, Bay la tylatio• lo the Weald, amp Mare, 511 r, amnia et.* mat <bun.' anymosibb,ab. Janina* W 0111.11 ., Instal Aba frank at Akick bakes A. gm, 1...7 PP abbe Juvesita wok. *crib .3 , ' . - Way sialing bamboos of shipwreck; tv.ir Staid. • ESSOI stab • :747 113 : 1: Try irhi 1 k"'4 :::: . 14.'7 :1 "4 : . r•iradr;t:ep'.-.1. Moan. /lamb s weakfrialag anastln.lYn a:leaetaiaa ia det ttea 406,084 practe.,llF.naia T Rommel, astrraarla The ewe ant!. rweriaaa .1* • JOHNSTON aI i ZZOCITON all pkwellanaor Niartat aal sta BOOKflo- • • • • IYL Danallaon% Norman IfaOrbi •.. PairtetilaaooO4 of Moitetool, llontePo easoray, . • Percale* Matertaliodart brallar's Mew tartly( Phialolrsys PalatamPs Practice, • • • ..WaralPs do; net Wei - • nerats on Fetartler . • • Ctoper , as Hernia; • Ram botharer Practice of Pan • • ProalSolbe Proosac; Combo Dottasea of eit , lebort; Paper% Diellowy:. • P rmor oo Fevers; • United ENtoov Dtspeataion—new above with s general we • Minelloaeous lkoltar aatF34l eeelvto • epra • • SI market lIL bet PIDISILIOATI jl Demcnis EmsSpirall!l • Bli&datt's 111lestese. ' LrddeO tel 4 Been , . Ureili sad to Drawl ?haunt 11.11anophy. • matey's 00>M117. J. 41 recd and In sale by • r 9 .bIeDONALD & DAV . orairuceo . ! •-ro ml i .Ca .M .e or the •en er , .seal W Miff le/ of the Greek rat ilegilwirwasory Trona Ike Tell ltla . i aspo-!opleoellitcapy WA Alamo lisp.. . • • i.eUtter& illestntl:e et t retie lELTI ~.141. 0 . • Oompusuna doe maw ot too I I 01l Voriptote 6, Harty 114140tahattlIng ••• • o, via 60 to/pa ling is' the U 166 bulkFtsateli • • awl Moeda. In alas, 10 nneV 0 - 0 1 • IrDA • tiEr.soN 50.dZrik4,V71"N7.."741 ay assrl new for aide. Ti,sr sikadid Illeieonsed tooolls 'pennant, , I 1 V Ons splendodearvad litswasspOdosi OSass. MO 01,0 spleadd sdabontni, Ponta a halloc• Oat strand Pisan Torsi. made. es kern a : Henri liars, Paris. and lolly .r *a", am o. l.l , l2 b uzath o .a ro e s a , ! .. t i nae l. l. . WO .. I dasi, ivercestar Ss Panama, . • fanner supply rat Ws !e cIW nd . {ol4l.llsinnimk. anal • New Let of Incas:ft . • . •KLEISETt has jest recelebtrAtb rich., which .43 •be . Y tll atta•be One elegant outhogiay, Chat i ode. bllichd• a. Mart, Neu—Yeti; P= pore WAlN:hustle ow Coo elegsrta twoomod lboadAddc Phick. o .lll [Wotan, cod selected by Mae as the •Lest Instrameot: the class ha bls feetosT—priesrcesfloothezte- Besides, sumbeir d atlas/ of allveieevaaddsyles, Immo( dsasocolllPLlNVO 1111SINII4111ertmlfeted Om ! No RI. led-et isl'W MEII=ZM=IE= U Q. ES N .' • SPRING, AILK, , ST U Ea 4k. .. iRu E N iWtTlq ratILINUN, lIAILMAN,tOI.I Praia . ; oowPwwc' ha %twit New wants, los oww preTared w ananaNic• laao coral dcwopuoo of Coach and Flip il ic a raccr free whivaiAsinirwaisiiliducr,aptiwi and Bowl, and aUsisco of .20.24 psi= ow/ cociod which they oCNT for We int liberslicrou, at their Ifewhawo then ; alas liceti wa Ma • iNiziplee and Mielearn aporonent of Coach trio. LIM. 'COW.; litrilwt7; tatieabieusuus, Now Cam. coaiitloll ea 00 i cilcd .n.,, tionlars !sre Wellise rim!!aaA rrms • iirbt node"Weil• - rrrr mactmes wous AND 701,1911 , 4;;; Wluse& Pe. t • L ions Pe., A REmparediebelkl Owe& &44 %Solite:li - soll en' a& nett tlithetlpiton, inch all—Of ba eldase,Oplamalitarametailr"iißtirieg • lU liteitweiplieads; Warms,. lintaittim •• • Przaes.'Lasea.; Cold .Wrnat&ht aultlettented all alstm id.Ceet Itant. , Paqtee • amtarmeit the We& paitetas, lade . and ains and mole of all &octet .• • n • Castiage etirrery damnation fatartshed , on np& nti. tire: Patterns made to enterat :UHF deader, bre ratling,&& &ease Pipe' for .Itimtinigfiatiories , Cmi Iron Window Ritieh,' an 4 fancy Catena. Itettetrily, ,.. , ()nitrate& at the Wat-Uwe of & Paltoot & Co, aiLici* arty men, will hare prompt attention. • - • BIM TO Bleckr.ock. & Stcoric.d &Co, OP. Wexner, Jobs Irwin an Sonic Pinetioretn. 0 .0 k. J It Wetmic Ikeatioartil. janl/1 . acTiicz. .E.y.'.137y11112.4847real E. P i potaber. bee tretty " eorre: 1.1311;00 - f* . 11:11[11ti o p age: arta and „Ina of Suphens abotaberger A.. Co, et tie Anchor Iron Warta, Whetting Va., foe tie papal of manufacturing iron mat Naito of weary deecnguon. • • E- W.Brarnoari, Tr Silortrecen co I. A.ltoearal. • MPligglialeSlßlSEGigCo • AticuOsjaos groax.4. J '• • • nearing, Fa. Mandato:246ll iiadeitifitktrt date% bar twit aid nail., AB met allege warp end alto, Bang ono. aceiedaridt Stogalrelgt.t% Old Janinaam etto offer laruelo or Samna Iron (branded Etbnenbtrgeri. enaal to =inside In the etlio t. aWtry n'dAolloto o r f tet nt be sold 00f ntebwira erene wUo%Kai ne Wm.aWat m Jaw Women: Joan a Wink. Lg• *MM . . LIPPENCOTT ihkANUFACTUREAS f IlnefhIERED and ltdri 11/1. BMA. &rove is Yid e,.padee, Azna sad *lychees, !CUM Cet.Clrculal and Inca tereM4ta7 end Menem Farts:Boca, Yawed. Picks, km c.. •. • • : I , Heeled completed all thole arranyemente In the mar mecum a mattittery,and la Pemba the Lbw% madame hem at• AMU celebrated centhlielicenne of dee But. are new' amonfaeoaribet and will keep con. assnlyo re Med and Mamie all the abeam areloe, hay Inn evened ibeineelves of lb. ittsit itslyereccieenn, .11 are de cent that in eroHnaanallp and melded they oni be craned. They manioc to produce arncim, eqsf sot samba. le any Mat can Nebel In= The joym the madam or dealemr es of Melt cock bane ►embanned elsewhere. on dery am maybe:al that they.will be al de to fill all ceders Manly bee m the cellos ybeferboo or peed! war, Wan sb Water et d deem Well hloacagabels !lowa, N. II.; Terme kends byname erul Weatlppeecob Jt.&12,7.11121mwe cali es Uppenceet Ca. widely • • • • ALLEGHENY .Y 1 .YELOVAN BLIND FACTORY. JOBB A. BROIErN EARS iW netted to Worm 61. C. • • end the page a. hap dre. kis •• e?r.ls t = 4 l lh 4e E g e sH suet eately yenetes ea • ' endpeeltuts,see mot ileter Al- • • sloo or No.I Mod st,PlastogGEAlE U. PlilOps'oil dab moonaoso.. , roman Si:lourra made to order let ina bald try mines repalred at the dental wile& ' N. B. MS Mires will be pee op, .dtbbit.ai uon•1 enapro• a Illes.tley Cu Ot 1 . 0.01 0 d tae • • 121501 LP mato( dm or log woOlO4 sod withoot tio co sere. d • • • • eetedlelherlecel 1 • 14 VIILTOIIII,IIeI I Intl am* •- r AL • tej-Sik _he Mont and ceerdoeocod hotness . ' . :I" . 7lCedorteero he mill be ',lord 7 „,, r=:,..241Yrka1.a.".1 al" flow 10 10 10,0% , 1x0t. , .._ ,_,c. , ',," 11.121. OWN OK. 11PprOVIA IBOaciL to he of the best mama] a.. I Ilatierst Vrae:V i tr, Coveter. Re 4.41; to 1; . igetler with ern! voltetT darer CoettoDOee4 ' d, toned and bathed ix the enter ;name, C 7%. F. ie tbe .01 ;dome., of. kiddie , ammo Made to pill, eelebrued lor.the re • dl W. W. IVALLA.CM._,' . - PITTSBURGH IMAM MAMMA: WORMS. Nes. *44 wad Ed Welty staX Owed- ALW AV c an head and made toordar, a Lula cub 1r of Marble Mantels, Pier. ,tientre ?Miles/AMA Baum Trge,Tmob thotematimmtWto.iliL; aUerktich. 6.. 11 ..)e of tha choicest marble; ondamaitnctated sclocN.r=mehtnermedllagalid ism for caslpiA informedthatittr= l emeces m"' sarf li fkst ”" ltot a: ab East, as 4 ems feniialsijes will as amide Let all ..r.c" erni ( fnriOsiasanyc., he...awake. ed., m cheap as they csa parches* theM 491 ON .gdCelj tke• . • ._ COPPE%ILII/Wr 113031. AMID TIN . • • • Market street, Pitotoregh, Penes: FrllE•Oscriberr aamt swig voat laignmerS / the coostreetzeo . of the CWIKINU trrOY reweeeretly Witte pers.. /4 10 / 77111=rZetPee." rnitrtrz,;,T,,,NZ:; rovelroecessaty , s(.lob . 14'. •ele ee: oiler on sloneet Bel 'fitheeatde L :4berzeeipperstest See Sum aotevery VOMIT Or IMO • ..) • ma SitE/11Frle EIRRX . . • • , • • . !WM IIIoCULLY •Ca... 1 Intiliztuen of Vials, Baton mutt 01E" • : tie.l7l .W0431)J7b/Cr.: (PR ['nitric* bolos aoW 0 P. , • 110 .0 pripared two:e'en:am . oar Pow• Pat• NA., dui lass mums we lAN adspsed • new edan o f Zatsanlys Wind/m(1M" (Pm sway approved plan now used tpo task) log Wasik+. torn was • OlsPuiv (lan Wm.! on dos phin Is pees:oft Sew.l and use. with a; very low Liam . nisei" ud &AIM 111.- era,. an rensostsd so call and caw:Lima for {Dent: . . BENNETTI4 PAOTHER, . - enes MFEEMOVARE Al ANUrACTUdLERS, • • . .1131eelemb, tenser Pittneeenrilell.r. II arehoure,* No. 137 wood strut Tiltsbistk. GIWILL sonnet* tete en bend in ia n, and gmd imam Met et Were, of ear ellramm.ft. Antsetiorseehly. Wholesale and weetta Ida <hum. sty xespectlilly.tovand= 1 4. et .d .e for thranefres, se we *re de *lett deem then hasever before been awed le the peb. • • .. . • • t=A= w;m7; z7i great 'Wutern Butt . Mop I• , 1.:. A . GARDNER k. Co.osonid usfessii VAN OA eve s'insil th'rEirseirgrielfi"stitst""s is n' osi ti r pte busi nets, Ise Intend se send**. AnitsPliast eels as *O5 is , be made. Tease ens i led lAIII4 ipiresrite trade, ere Gash, ISO it le ths. WON* so see sus MAY :Allonteespeemptly attended ies . eiys A OA.NER senor WV. male Ott • • tIon• of Cb“olcal and • tor sale t Eriousii • n Ad and 4A . . . q . r , • JOBB 11194141/P 41; Cles:, N0..93 and 94 Form eon .•• • Baas inseam lead Oultix ' • = 4 1: est I s' e r tarn Ind erarrante4 sous t ter;bed A l i ttrilegt Oar .sass ta , 9 ,0 =9+ 1 9 sad as • reasonable terse. • nowledly • • . NI Wetmerl colas. . ! • PITTSBURGHISTI zie MI. ORKS. •Nntraulv, A Fecroßy: ;map ARM, • • lasi t. pvtaa. - ,• JOS= a. 41UCCI. MIA d i re CalZE B t e S l of sps ins A ., lllt o.i s . ie . l, in ln fa t i =fings. t• 41 i t:l•• ao sed ..lale co.e ra Psimangs=y cons&Roo szserbosts MINH, p.. • , • /11 %. kat :. =l3 Ankir , reek '•••• •e. esimag ots.et • ciD.• oke-Lln mil vol.' imps and enrrn. Wit UT,f rom .. •-•.I4APPINOOTT TAM 111111Th1alik , ' ' 4WRON and Nail., , e.bovels fer.. tor Su areas pew airheeee, No. OA Water meth east Waal, ran to Floah, . ao; US Maxtme tit at the 'chi' .mO, Illehfasetra Hanel( made great additives to t.t.l , lllai lifilkAli Anders can be,alle ptcoaptle. • . • . .. . t.: . . ...0 . , . uneyr, uNasiorik ah •.. •11911INGIlll SAC[:IIGTQ4f• . r • CAMPIIIELL • • . eIfe MIMING NANA , 1100 K ~ 11F4E211LiDS, .F; it.ll lume Copper Toe IRON AND COPPERRHOEWDA • Patiein Makers' Points, ef gray Odra No. 9 &. Clurts9jlotekninl meet,' frbi , Ir!etabarerio F1.11111)T °L AM XIV XIPLISELKIIBT, • MULVA NV ft. LEDLIE toanifarnant and kart.eon. maul ott band Tar, 1110.111101.1.114 . PATS nil OW. wate, In all ire 'ensue, Watabotal• r'or. AterohNlattrt and Water Worts,' ranbardil• ". Oar .Wotts roarinao to fall opetattaa and ma as coattanqy adding to tan 310 a. which niables as to ill onion wittaparorptnaar.. Perelman eta lataporgally lelirited to tall and trot:Lane prices sad MOW, ....• vi : .g WIWI ICIII.IIIXIDDIN 4 , r4; • ; , • '. .. Motets& Varpty.4lo , * iputivkingtilop,,i,;: .•' TI.•TL soita u , h gufecttinr ._ . . comereli•Oodond r 0.14 ", A9len itel red fianktbn lona e tatVaitih4.oasi -.. ActolK deseNyme, lindirr. t)... Ono, Hook. ai v n,• de Onlery•o • Oalabs er wrini wed mil A... Welacni ltvalpais sodothe rip Ititz Kelyeltcd Weill 81.641111. b4avitt plutbassp4 thee/here, 0001 AV AU Weil aliib.l4ll=.l WI MINIM Oka. e.essilehomoirli and .01i.ae.synesq.. Ameilll CO AO' .P. IN 0 ' ''....: --.l.e's. ' 11'.."473w."14=." . swat Um sabactilArlaa niatetred slaw . .to kiaa Weed' kb:mann' Allegan , bu laolagn Illta la' tate a leate.;taa • et 'many AM do plapany bat.. aeasP — mat la Beam ,altnapt,,,ionaealasalr.bealtta do IlegorietlaaCtekti. 'Vasa Iheiliatatt perm:teem tla abase bum...mid • rill 0 2 4.6. 4 1 te. P"'"" T ' It Gamma. a sous float) pa , " • • ::407•11111aa 4011 isibdUag la arde4 limms Jos, pea, .9811=10P B.ll l aa. sad deseriaalas at minaret lar sada. Com .0. ectirn jay. L . .: •104.00.01L_ im hAVIVII MI6 - tr: .L., malt' t Wiser pi "tett IA Vitae. L LL tilkittl I: ~ JOHN* Ravi& 07.1Milsemanowzrzovetim4litioi ..,,,,c412,11.examrc1,,,..5. . 1 „, wo we Itaumpes, w*.--• a, , posisi •.- ` Cr ° • irk ....ifr X 00111211511•1111. IMIL-Fot 1 , , . „ r .. w .cf,,,... f .. r . Austatbt =sall!h IWO , OnlY.llair •• Don • UnnwoaiNeris Zir ' " . "” 74 / *ITIM4 ill ' it , 6 ' ''. 3 .7- t aib'lr . - v. `,` ,4 " 1 " 1 "" ir ,„, -- , _ - 7 , - , , t . 4 .; 9%.4 . -t. 0 ....m 5t i 6 , ' udipm•ZtV. - , - ,..„:" . 7 1 7:sv i 4:A - ::` ---•-, * : A A m it..b.,..-40**,* - 4. , :..1,..,;...4-,, , , ,, , , ,4 ~ ......4.i.„.4:-: _ailA4':::.:4 t 4 ;i f -,, r i i ‘,. It•., ,wev.44',--444.49xV -,..,,,,...,,,—, - - ........-,—.,---,-----,:.,--,--,--4.A.jr-"--.•.z----g---Ar, ---''---,-------,'"'-'4l-'-,14'.. I fg rA.ll MEM BRIGS Sir FIRE ISlClCl,'sin•vbet•ted• Okrerateou,-Vs. msreszawl • ••••,, lief artist WIT; Ln 51.1.1 • &OM M KIM ' eta. .1 •,• e.. •- ~ TimtlbaiWithaftilt ;: .94_nt0.• , 41190111111.116 4011111%7 : OTICKYLEIOUP "KM Awned I. unealletArl. J. 11 Ligar,4ok re; mkt ell onl Tim krryrs r.IT.01911059.099,091.90190111•9 110 4 ‘ ll.ter spat 10111;11111.11111111.11111M10 11 4 /19 e: :.•• • • 9104 . 4 i 4 9. • And Costataddies; FILLS KOK 'Ms sad Sweats, Auldie.l4 o /ettj' l 4" o " Line CbesdAdAtalteseAdde diseases of tM dam; 11111.Pili. Sadder, le Ilsoiklys, was roacked ladi naiad Isbod,Loasided bY addiwpdia ia duo' eele, and all die stul syEzi aseamptaa. 11. gobbled tore lb, best Lisas; they d.diuj rood, sad add Ana As 00 NOT ditti u MW= ll is'ilocit slidd ete lo Wm ' lia 77Y, iseaLL,i b loladdid it operated lib tlid sod R em it t IN" be bed talissoa• boob Ise au ot so be aaMt ad wk. It4taATED UI. dAddarr, '['Wiwi ai Lid , lOb ihtldlob...ooBll44%lTWAalledlldaiciesria TWA P." IPM:11 Pad Asaa trosbiod wide* ea:kW; fgd piths LLCMs abed, bt a load dm, bidden lad beam* salad that soo vrali eat • to fisaissoarbibiddies sossldaas estdx.,Wic calesseaced labels tbe ALL .illialute &Laza didabiddi. alardated bet optoats. DU is war did reeosseleti aad Asa nomad law Isbodaes ecasiddioasa laseldr, . Dirt hitt 0 0 144 ible seem and 11n . sidiefed Igth y l a esinf i ginlejalig Iz n ts2le ir . e. Balla; •Tlel dna. th. FRU. (mot siK,lll4lWalt s mi bewail c dsmea OK wirficei sod .bolon tai r ebblec a/Wed." oc"OTW". "I Plestriry and Coactosipticid. •• ". W. /Maui I rall V it, of lb Maw Iss An i sslassa lo sitsots of Raisin • slam Monaca Pala la U sad .....emvpLft. el bar lafr."llller friends belayed ruedPAST SWODTERY. •All. Ileallog Beam hor Alsace of all bar ins ilytoptoosa sad .bets Able to 'awl laAs. land digkowriour Abs. Leonel. vrilb, OS !I Sold 10 belsodoy.d way W lilfalest.m.Aisoer lbe the aslas trod Mk beALLHea sr Balms, sad see lint liana legssuaro ls cull bailer • Paco id caw AMU": ball.• Dr. addax" Wars ebl, Coed* Sediffee =ld " PtiatiW 04011WbasiaL.W. Ti • • Sod alolode ma.4lilsobul A by Wfb. /Was, a hi !Vet 111•6116ameW fhol apjl646 56. 4 So ecuba , rod, WWII Waif tra jlfWI cosLroomio *Taus. or L TAP ANT/ WOOD NAPIIITIIOI...-La SWUM MO Adman. sane—dna 'waft Ass boas sane mooed We sap 11111los lonns ane [more fed la saasendis are laOda ptiablibizaag lObadthee ado sad Bawd. atesablils, Adams, Maass* TIO6K.Palpo6 6f Ur lodiadvars t litit lOgiest =linty I. 7 .l:6B ."' ntrpsy fill4see I " WPP P" 'P. l ' P e r' L '# 51 1 " 4 ./. ' 4 " Amid ta . otteo,cladt ' siaalas . of the &Wiese& lane, ese. several boo distinct abed Alaskanso(llll. delplis. Meal ibe bdoestad fins Ds.. you* us R.thgued afet .pnlas, a. WWI as re ever' • • • , , :T. ii - iwinnit.' ~.a..ci t e.tecr. Wad, qbda , reel breP ad 're =4 wee ri , 1 a..*. - • is voiat *bell**. We preparatas elle kurlA: peens caw** Tres Celdaa** o ***ll l *, asa el erecter* at tea nnmu; Snag, to a $4 th* nun a , m,,,ru- , .. AI& Onearlde, de epecoet We Careen rime a Ws days th• palm .i.e PM We Wearer wilier: NO rtesea wer, breae pa. emlyeasetit Medi...Nu 1:- .. • desert.% UI2. Yea a edged, greemd saes t Cure* *Ma tad way lawdeeoaree se • rely la. &Cub* ince*. es, I eared see eat Na *sewed i.e. szVerfareed from the are ofTbooLeirl.Qcepeal-derad a T., lad Wed Naelle*. rot eery, years .1 lere awes Wit.- tad web II iblailelthg tsc looast, , memo p.. 1 Lai 11 7 . 6, *Mt.* moadkatitor bamamorta ..au. mi.. Eitown lb ea alwei th a=er V. 2,1 Waseca,* asa fie bete la ec* 1 ac esesce, ea *ISO diel se, ace la very tiOrt ' see* Weeps aredi ofis, T. **Pe : beset frada=edee. Mee*, erase mead, sad In • der days I was see re ga eel and wad ogee:bee a **Una* ~ ice tanker Isceseese will be remorfalty_wee ea allared,by eghltia(mitidl*E l, l l as• Prda i i e. i'kelaniasele aldiee kiprqopeagly .. 7 . !MY& MINK as rre erne waft re, Plulairsela: lel tifsoirowillyLlMM. Jr: Peale =tee alLeerNellai • 1:'• *. - • •• ' ••••• CAPTION,PCIMP, 111 Ilbisiay4enterfai Wn . ars we - Iltessam bie•••• .q• sh at MAT 0 2 dwell*** oreadree d , - .. ~ • • Wks 0110100 tmu V T IP-4 MOWN • A inal• .11 • Weeder,' ! • —To core ,IDAptoess Ardl Ma b ! .; . .... 1 7 ."7/ ' 53 " I.o‘lo.l4o.4talkia•tbetiad at Pramta was tswarmbed y otemoyarmat of a ilapy,erraao .o by ItalautCbewue• Ww, - 01Mbeed—li ammallm“flow turpoooreally tkor'IF.TAINI WA, 07 OA' ammo ( C4ll. Mold have lota waga*. vows as !bat claimed biaa4 nta Mo aim bbiaauta Many clawed Ma aaltodm t biabmtabd. aid amma Ur M* ma/ma *MK do ,00. alums WiwJ as leadda, Attar watlatit la 00 **ugh 04 norirml Bo emilfrociOuWWermmumWmWlN44ll../ wit mpetpetirevispigh •We M.. 00w almawly aallearafaby rammial• Oa inmmabal . YwildtiWWW•tatleatiaad pars- eau Wooer, c rr=, Phut WI 'A MOM AA Will 11 / 4 0 4 • eTceilaf laml • aty mnaltdal mac, dr iv; any goolowata • 0 -`414000110f the U.. la 10=1 4.. ate PUIUMOB9= of &sating . . . . ' N cal :A., :i trec ".l".l. llol 4 oll=o " tv o a terir4l74loll.oArl6li.'"t -mtb• lautiteai 06 isgmedWom. asopomiali Aar am Cbaapital Ant: • He le übtasmatataw* 111 Waal is lb. Umilad Wawa asty; mad se llama dolma/we Rs- Wm anon. , lull. Camawal Serop.•, „ • lowers.: Henri J. 11a• TESPAIN!. .101.101Aoss011odicao 07ymbiTis• ft Liberty Arpory,A . AA r i ef "AgrA, at the e o io r t gtal r =At r LW A •CattAT CV al,poribemlhe atimai rdWove /I.AI pasha Lir. itqp Oi ri aPPIAPI E SW , A Aloans.F tioar • Pl, Ifr,R E. &an e—locon ilia, pool do atiotal Inneann oallnia/als ontionaiii art loWnfill odilonnoi Linr Mt I ban isionni dokoflo in yen, &Amine* PIT Cnokattio systiol•f . b.mo dna ra Mon alibi, ray pnparkliou ag• _ wally Waal a ao Inn awn few canna don raorinorl'i blan bon WWI la as 'altar, mi. anent. Italian an tralPoentra &ow man as nor an jar wins MoV:rtthan to k,t Domino atirard risk Lain analrt; 1.4n0 nanot an* aal 1n13.= to Wheal I IlLOth MORN kart lan nada oanalri ant tiknobal Woman. Atoll; aolmatelkor laant, inallyffina lop la tworalia. to ItaWll Ina Wand la 47 row Urn Palbtai socks por AMA.. Or Wier wtidt b obs,alkiritle keep so eau of pais is tia Pim oat W tY oiharAnmotona in at net wand. Yaw Ain an allot* tan cadonia &moan& rh,l. 6 li d r op e . rf Ening 0 . rdr.a. ma, meet , ban Itqa none al ston for • or ?pug WM Wain*, of Wm. ao4 ban nom besni a s anaiinot ottani ay el tom .ea ka and aipaa non ogint_pta to tiia ani la • non dam Inn losid It'dL I nnanaly forayso Li mond Oen Wait moon modlocitt l pie, another Ceatptaket or Wins A Sonoma tax ailar dant is Apart* ta Wad or dr IlloaPall. .11nlatt .... • J L Mans natrf—i. then an 4 / 4 1. pia. Wan ils CatasoLnerl'aa puma 164 maattb• allitalkinli sag far sal Wu manor Lt.a ;bow Praparoi a 5t144.11a No Wasini Wawa TWA aol north ikon. , • flail el Di.Cuan., itax ma, inif;alo., I . • ant 40.4 1 / 1 71.14.1111L1LT1 11 1 . 1. - ' bash bui laantU by Sint. Late of s'eiri per SWUM to bor-byprtjayllbet`o Allardattiros'Ottah . E rg, b ....Knelt' =0 ode kentody of the sr id. It EC ROE QS Ali nrr.1411,..47:11= with bi ero atkoil and utohalhosof ulloas bone" do 'fume. daussny pieces btu been disehasud nos lULsootal Jamoots sat dualana boa butler arsos, wrists and laud, ma frost both kskstusl fro. tha 101 l fa, wit bus, sod ram !Ultra tae.; besides pa 610:7$ so abet of kg MR., skis) Sim aSs‘ Ile 0 imitator of tbs ISNLI sedum physi us of ou ..-41s1111* JIM of tie kW. eallo bass *MS unman= aaddsplorabbs. . Abut throe a non** rims *be Ants 10100 d .111Iff"Dif Aftersfr.e: ortleb ku but as assontshifilll 1 0 597 dkolliki.sSaf by rowing all paler and illeellapiand mutat the lasers to heal, trbileutheroinertiase amines:sal bulta hu bum, coollactely_sooloyedoiq Wafts oar ulltps SS Iteithistenaa abeikil Who soutasseid the at er .10 vitt vslastetiese OS. Pat. L kreffr Islonsauop t — 414610 at Roe., No. ISO rums sulltll=a-t, , 41 % • Think* ~ IMllkiirFlqHl9,4 ATOM, Itroitenrsi: . 2yS ifes.wasintleihlacrimal COMP— - • skied Oa ud islierap- , 5 14.14Vtittl,ithra admdcy. 4, lr= s • Tidal/end', brad • ' V av " --Mladi girt • ee pc _aft, '"; • Joe sid.4r4til egad aalLbusuhl.i, ! Ada Wit ,oft, ' dark loads, did /WI 00084.1 , - • • • • IMADEN S . I 4VSiIk bands dombir (atilt ng this ,1,664). be% I 4 A44 4 34 4 w#4. ( J 4 4s 4 hoper doiriononutv lb %dale hods , . AmberToos Nee -sad 4 Wu. 43( M. denmee'ledond Cid** ado, Tlie dtdrdo goo bat fa* did 7.!` ' ida ward dal dddrud. ide par dal winds: nos dour pastor dves rde WWII it wnl Odd • white WWI. add plodords do diaLkb.ine•hifeda Imo. 1 4 Ltitak*nddineddlifildtr made kr AnsA bc.. 1 .17 IntA=iall oo Mink" , UV .0 the ...AM 41 . 04, gin u ag dl addioas,f addled ;ad - dot *did, davdd tut. AU. Asewisigm d °V" /ACKBONS dad dut hdid biedklbe w 'ottani ce Libetry ° lffri I• ' ' - ' • ' •-' fa r.,, t :,Dtaodeoat Paoli ANdolgaiwa Maw hat' . wHERE an law dastas mare canna& oil um. lthiosode than the Pflea, .4 pet, nom illatud• vast alSotta tato area arsde to esmsilor Of eta P. 1 iai 02•4114.6 t el, athwart aatto of little beg t bt, ~ Novi Ile tlmemeau. to Ow loaclk•too Ind: • A plata atm , tat bees reel* rag .tl4 the Klee al Itta aatstipatiqaltaftaat Ea opt,titt. Jonah almtat oa write to uproar ha patitafa rot Cho weedy ears Hut UM meditate tad elkatod Ca al •u• ii•litili. Sat. Yost- . ,:' 1 i 1131 1 eit late is Pittabarth at Ho YUEN TEA KIVF III . II V 0 ,1 41, 4 i WOO Ig.tim aria Stott. 111 E•gbauti,rilictal It. Ittletbaoy Cit. j\Mttr:ssiallf.l4/1‘1.11.80/•4 , .4 ...y.pliftbrologreg immiloaltiashot at—ato- ailtliatittay. tatiqtkat li . ‘Ol6 Jabs ntatr. o ort oroaratato a li. Irmo Oat, _We dna ~.....,,im h ...0...•1ak kr boa amitat bloat abita loaf bota WON ram ad vs aid' vaamitio• • maw Star am Is .14.0.414 le all excli via i i WOW:Mir lei , . le agnitt.the Wag* IWO MEL , .rr hstaa ritue.o 4,,e• red**. ilif ibis/W*4 • 0 4 t 6 '/ • ',..- -•• • - '''• ' VOL. 1 Dl.• 1 N Suitit ttf • . lIITTMOSiIt tnis " DELPNARE_MUTUAL sa c, . tratr HISKY 41:1•011PRA .boaciv i .a.d •Z Plitl•llol .th46. 11 IV I or Autry desenptlek, ant hiIANINOMSES .pou builsorearrei. of suselartalise epos the mo.ifrrorable term. . ,••••-_0 ' (Mee le tee Mutilates Mutilo of W.ll..Botarce & Ko. 37 Water, war Nuke( WWII& rine i . lilL The neeesiot Ills pewee 11. 1.1 PO' Ise Aro% au. dowomikowp...s e. 4 a:Zza , hzei=ap... s te n t i t loo( deteoaldence sod .p et balharefirs all the. eeessfauti n tam to the Doware /111. 410411.9e5p.5y, while At tomtits siklifenal Ith I satgu Lion =Wig i.l•ZStlatttlit PtillicriS—W !magi& ample , ISE cb by lilt opeattignefilocharterts teco= i s auved ittibei P riVal its say requoisThility wilsairafs 'ipoisedeg tie ?dismal principle Aseetful emir . . • olitosloar radars; utf Is Its mat stint 7inas.AND:a4atan itiontuasom— , HC laserase. Company of ,11414b,Aogice. - th.reerb Hui delyaathetised Akin!, the ntitscri• bar, oienk to tasks .parbaseit wad ionlived lint.' . “aia as sopety, in this citynd 4 4 4 4 ' 4 4 4 4Tima44 skipments by the 'Canal and Rivera. , • • DIRELTOR9.-" - J°h l C. SaUh heit, :Seteeallfe444 , : 4 Henry Charles 11:tyt. • 14. 4 , bei‘ ' lideraid Smith, b.„.. o n r . N.. 4 I t John A. WO.II, )llCub • a John Whine, • • J an .; 4 • .:: •r4y Wsk.Wolah. ll • . • 4. Tide 144 the , olden 444- • - • • Utlilbi State, bar' o F r., • . - /./ dilutes sa paspriaJ. , tisk/loran asses . 1t..-. , . "'l •. • " Oats? sad Froutstrec "Inti_Ez.7tvrev • la. 6 66,6 / • • ' '':" *‘ *l = l ; . . t. ;' 4 ..‘ o; CH* iTerL 7 iIiNXI.INS ' II666 " 4, / , Omedgetenia. =maid tra patpeb... C I, OO M 1 , ".4 11 -t CON'TINd KNT •FUNDA Otte." writ . r (14 ap I:6—tr WARRICK MA-RTIN, A/sm.! ,t . . __LLI/SEPRANCEe • "iserseei Iseareseek • 07' PHILADELPHIA.' •••• OlinCues= t Ol rare is pp2eo, •NA 72 Ream 22122, . . • • WM 3211772.2017, heti' • Patoseaci Theeix-r, _ _ rp 211 aid am eenkettebumbes uespasif ...Lem ea !•■• Uwe lielelarte,Keeehmedi • se piew =of err ere?. 1 nem*, elmester, {qo w r 14=oas rar faneWill Pittalm► . sok idol •1111 be ?evened, tottnaks velem hiss q . ” 447 kr r w "r.o . " "' I I I- • wa poodaog • . r ue 0.% 39 ;L. ad IGoolir;C al lairfinattat price. ,1 Immo to put Own Our whom'', or past44ll Wel • • Ens—Ltie amber a Me WM:WV it. thit pouu *lll nainnally I 0 5, sada AO /Inert onallty. *Wag se Onincatie cora crape Istun warnota 1101101*.Wa 0 haocry lam sad far BOtert vela in pan Igor '• ' m email do welly sail ai tiara cl=torn..,,,lmer....Ulitl ..tcon=r3 their own arcannt I arillarcaci nay ancdas Oionawid marl revisit. ' non, patio to be ley= tioo packed mills pout d, R 11211.4 Lbafrlalat OM!. arda be Ise 1.,;, and (H to dove any dots= 0017 at, god grou a surd. 10 cOo oloort.. atm& lot pnapaind pack any on r, and T<COISMOt od NI ye ma. - Mild lad. Win, and salelonutiamew °fan nor noirlineo to! oroßer.• • .•., • • • Boonimo—lOo:Ooto4or d.OFFIN mu ,0,6 wit" Wtit i nVia — 5 1,Mrligardr. ' TikOO2B,tosmer Of l'otts fte. . !, tun e. ;Ss6 614" 11Mt itrr t riTt O E ttr Wks*" 44 wata.jrodSelkf od, Iwo 1=1”. Always o it ' aska has mos't • *lmmo( fair oasis Coffsis,•ins ONO and Is , ' .11==t" 7 4'4. 'il srrefron 't tro= 6... ". U. 4 ,4"14.44.4'.. Ws reap .1. 1•44 , et. .31 . .., 6111=6.11 aorta a old mos, moo t Oa sod , lin.., : . .:.. f.bis_fol• isO Matson =dr mostoorVelfpe as ' edf-, ~..: tam SO. moat Oi l swoon Or ifsspoo ti e 1W es reassob Isms as leo purists cloy soils .. . lamalitia"krit"l6.rbeff"...;. lloros:=Los"'•of ... er . si Isso.: fl oars.. 7, 40 ... "%liffkolesele : 0 .. 1 ,- I TIM erry D g WAN T Tuns • »'- A. TAHNSSTONC4 C0,Ti1:9,4C1t141 , t . . WI. New Yook, War ear sale a Bop outol geelattco ' et of Drop ear Penlocteee, Dye Stol • . F m eaol Ode of even deoctiptioei;coWth thol • ~'","., 1 i=iand cletenuaed to pill taw. •,. -.... . t 1: rclirectraets Sad Dttaggtou, en, Meal lieleilkatay th eir ante's:. -IMM= .' Mb nallilliMee led deepekJt. B. ltaithoestalikell - - I. • •• B. A.* oa lures. :: : tc:.:a .lato e, t. Yale sitoe4 ipaustoil , INii •-• •A. a. Hea t rom-Von;, 1 ' • - rir'" • PA ll rt WA RENCIIIIi i i... 4 . I e NO. 9„ USA Me ma". ism, ,I, .. , I%TRU* W. mu) Wren litt,ilglal /Os kerfigA•.• ,- :f , . s( pica, a vm wlna urn. 1 / 4 orate( PAP .. E& emomtelec seen PMeadave7 adapted to tee onatter nommen In elloorlleelef Monty. • Nose og ell bade male le anleili '. • NI .II: 1 Isola:aka PIUNTIIW PjtiLltiiimiu — ail.l: ...' - itelperailfatextelaitmnlv. ial IlieViarliPaeS•Vraral icl kale eholleelt,... , P ; . . : 441 . 25ne1gM1r. . • . Imeati; • • toil ~ ..:i try.* Chuilmi rk rftlut 'umis Lhigarrier l r,...ts .. t.uerz et . T.l t .. 4 11 . 1d : 1 - 5• . Minahimate s. acsoo, —..: —..—• -• • 'moat: ar. W UL Kt as./ i.e. toner eflJain) e•A r. 4 ,•• ''sooletemelokrel Cone m.o. ' lA nr a., Ir i li::: .. 1, O ' S l e lt P :Als I es , ; " •, Ales wiffkileafa Men .: F olai nalallel4lllseh , ell 1 - 0 , ••1 alSdlbikseve•• tie b•at terns la. • .. wane.* I/y ut ..• ' Women Caber e , , plc flume. D11410....t.0rai.!,t,"&T0.;iii... .:.,,..,".•• la!! natatloll*MeMOOTMeteetc........,44.. sow am( dups.! etaxesasa suers. .0 ... :i.e.« .., TM lerameet tie lemßatiroMb emeatm or n .o. lOW' bee, urea It 'samosa tore um:ear. „,,, i , r .,,,,,,,,,_ k 1 " op= P ", .: UT . I'D ) ..1,DA0.T4t0.1. :t Y , i 1111 l lea pera io immainen e11• A Culler Ceuta mad Illsolca no,ratecry alike •,,, mute. Onen tofteti te egmeeeve terse on. MEL:belly sad WWI ation,e/tll tecot s HTJIAN , • • „ Imam I. - ' '' 11 W / OHCMAN l l Lepecl .. tt*ennce Telma et leellsoibliovt..! ' r ... 4:esens Block II .I= -121-• ' N "L' Of I tri L L 'O V llt rtr.: PVI L• It a " 42 ro I u 1-' ' -- 1 . V l 'e Tee otycilor eta Lau et clue Tram comae le Um are-a llarallve ease 511$ stuck II any be sere. Tie 'Mel wood Wei beauty Wowed ea earwax, ylcate le IMIIo Moe ISO May pone, tt, met dorm/10y edepte luau Is lay moramensoha by the MOM. bear Oeminecir.fl salsa* talamtkohles, seta e can to canted. 7b lab, , miens beett Mae ansaseamous fitt du asashislaill , ef Wow ylleelde Tamen, Is a mover onlepe roe MIIIIMIIued Bleb leele ow let min et Itio: teoixoyla. IA Illatliqiet.oeMYAMlt. lenseenit: • . • ~ -al's', : ( In. t a v to Tr o4lllAß:o :',..• "........ p d . ITZGNIALLYS PIaINT OCR* idraNg on••••4" - ' by pdabag Mast •e• cll , Tll, 0t 00Y,k110{ 0 108 1 104.. da a, Pun 01 rlllOOll l Ol4 OA blir •• •••• 1 • 1 " 1 aratalobare, load. or ham power Sad Vas' . •••• bib gnat rapidity sad pa 'bab ma • p 0.1 &MU Otriet by slew a•Y lirbb• . 41 • WI, lata land. NW at awaratibb load biapiod to be aratia• 411 catty Fan., an& Mp•f dlptia abbarbaadtr ria above* add Rai 11401tibit el bab• ••••• • Midi seskaya .••• a olluall .•Pu lo ' 4h4i4 I. ' l 2' l ' bred abl Implement abablaellabiratu at W•ol A .. • II7(W/Mtillattlaal lALERbilla AIND GUM PACIONV rot late . - . 1.4. Adatiniattalallef Oa lalatlasaltetla Cat gale W ambhalibeet Bums a; NW!. std. brTrarq cdatad •• Wawa* Ids 321:11yr 6 ar 1.. and Oita rwim. Illeee:L• • al ceesplel• or . ~.; ean* . op o• de Ludarameithe *awl d friar" art eataamatAt at ..ir tiro.-• 1160.1 crtaLLl will Le vv.., arid all pima:blab labia ! agora, by, yang. api tabor or ila. atabbigidie "JANES swam- - • , • scumairretatWor4F' .. . .. .. . .. i tt_qvutatlaittal FILIIS , -.4ust tsuairdstal . • OrucketsAut...auuck.Asiallua* 8,... F.l“,.cumanalus a wry 1e.. , 01••WWW15,....4 laelitteadolkotalicamivo, and v.timpuliv._ is luvia*, .. , •• . • ••• LOtiatt . i'llTivraVV• . . Kli • •-• "...:',•-: : l. • .;•••: ...t 13194rodsaawai "VOA IfeLlalt , bzu• 4 1'.• lad • VSI 50.4 .:zwm !,1 4 ,t =ME 11E=MI masa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers