- `! at - iIISCELLANY , L.-, g-I,oolr. - AT THE BRIGHT BIDE:! i ' ,fees.'ell,lhe :bright side : the 'ran's] golden iliw ' l l't lit tigrii l iLluariites and the twist i mi n ii .c.,.....4 . 1ge .. ,.... L . 4 ..them, ; • _. . , . , t I , --: Why, wilt, Oen, tun io periTersOitd ireo . i , , . _! "O n thit 'dirk: rilrinri which now in Ma irit, .„ VOnac, taiiC4 aPPNUeth 7: .., -;' 1 ,Look at the bright side! EmMtillt all thYfir t : 7- ' Spealt let.the mercies which richly surround ~. :7_ 11 ,1160 , Oat I:?ikiai - 51 Mat Whiyh saloon; t " I) .' 7ll f oi , C .'- .! l i! l 4? t *r 'leg. to the kTali,4olo, , Log , IP. 4.,bright I . Mankind, it is tmi,., i Maas Shair . failingli, ‘ nor ahhold they be syokeil rt.; 1--,, i t t st at lightly i ~. ~ - -'' .F.Whiontheir fault/ toneenlrafethy4iew,.. 0 f ; 2 «....7.:•11h1p1ad0g-thela.eiztor. whinhAbLitsforiii is ' I 'Might*? '; -„ • -L- -':-' - ' '-- t ; ''. • . '. Lookit the height side!: And it shall im an t erii i....; ':. 1 Emile Paige exid, autantmeot, and . ",.. its Own be ht lines ort.ihrheut, ' ' ' 2.113 •4 16twaL:' ' '- ' ' :-Aithsiiii:heithe minor rheitmshits in 1M satin. .1 ,4 "--,.. .r.. -. 4 ••• : .., . • -: , . . 1 • irsokot tie bright : !- Oar Yield pidcaßi!iri L.-• I 1. , ,.. - +- , irtiameie friende f . e, yet others' still s hore And when the World Mears Mournful . ; etdOM to ',- Iv WWI lei the dub earth to heaiti shun •, • 1 O t t r,!. I : Su:. --,' , , ' ...- Fmk* , Nl lloll ' 2l ~ '?2:!' , ',: "TIM Better Land.' . .7 - 7Thiiibapinge of our heavens smith° 4°';linadilicstiens Of, our . constitution,"; aaid Illuarlas LaMV; in` his reply to Southey'. attadi 7tipOn'hitir in the QnSiterly; Re t,•-• 5 , 114 i who is infinite in lore -WI. well .as 0-- -- ..- t ri hie revealed to ulthefact "'lir a • - future life, and the'rearfullY imPsrastlT° - : -- . .... ,- -istien la - which As present stands to; it. Theactnal, attire and conditions of that ~ ~, Weide bii hidden 'from issand chart of ali 4hts: , ocean of -Eternity is given , us-4no nelistial gpide-book or geography-41.64m5, 4 , ~,loctAirent, and ' , Prepares us for, the Wlsn . 44 ,1dera a* spiritual. world.. Hence, idsa, gination has a wide fteld'for its npecilt. limit:Which; so foetus they do not pos t*" itire4Y-:Contuidiat Ali revelation of the Scriptures,cannot be disproved.," i n Alt e,.:; We..,naurally enough transfer -to or idea of Heaven , whatever 'we-love' a • , 1 „,,„.#,10 1 195440rt earth. ; Thither the Ceiba" . 4 ,,,,,, he...mitres in his the imposing rites and timestionoted, solemnities of his wet ' ahlft.'''- There the Methodist sees los hive ' o,4 'f , satin led 'clairo,Meetings, is the groies ::_ : -. - oiLty,:ihe toill watets' and green,' pis , ,„..4,.4,.g., ilia iii,i...a Akiode. . : The Qa :her, in the : stillness .. of his self-comm n,l obit; tinbamberi: that' thorn was "silence '''' fir ifeivere'' , !' The Churchman, listening to the solemn . , chant of vocal 'Music, lor 'ass.shaqstieep, toiles 2 of .1.133 organ, thinka iof • 'OM aosg, Of- the -Eatti, and the golden harps Of-this)New -Jeruesleni. • i . The Ihearea of the Northern .natioiti ' . o ff Zorn,. El W 43 geoid and • sensual re , Vahan of the earthly life of a barbarous and brutal', people.::.;l - ; i ~" •-:Thwjemans of North America bad. a '" 1 •31143.4 *diem of a Sontet-fAnd.--a beau , • tiful Paradise far in the West—moon ; „„ -tidies ied.foiests filled With deer and bet - - , -5..;65kr..-likes and streams iwarming with ".. , -fieltess-4tte•-• happy bunting-ground of - ' 4o 4friblic:;....lii - ii Tate falter from a devo4d misilieteryitMone l thel , o4state Indieds; ~,,,,,sipA nf.Saahm, a convert ed Jaw ,) ire have - noticed a beautiful ill tration of this die= tv,-lief.,'.:Niarthe- Omahaw Mission-houie„ • e 4 4. 1 4' high:l4lK - Was i . a.'Solitary - - Indian - - "One creme r, s ay s th e Mt,,, , -,grave ' l ‘ , - so m e aluatiO,Miasiag Came l borne , with *. 4 " -,, '".:Arattle;whiah I had s .iiianime 'Wail abnl s o e o e k e i k n i g n ginj heardI 4 -16 or it l proarede4l h ound . "at 4 P"O'fsdat'..iike 'ersvo near ;our koliti.e. • ' 'ln a moment after, the mourner got up froniri 'kneeling or lying posture, and, ''' .l ., ; .VtikhiPtiCi nit setting l ebn, he at:milted s' ;forth his anus in prayer sod supplication, '-with': '4l3' inteishr and earnestness. us ;-',.,111,M1gh he would detain the""iplendid hi' - minty from running his "course. With . '• ' Ilk body Toasting forward, his" eons : %..Leuistched towards the can, he .presented •:„',o Most Striking Egere of sorrow and pal '. 4 silos: It was solsoinly awful. lie 'sewn: ' ' `:.ed to Me to be one of the ancient., come ' forth to teach me how to pray." . ' ' i /• , ve n erable and worthy New England ~ 1 .'. - tlergyirin; on his death - bed,: just before , . -- Allele - ai Of his - life, declared hat Es,Wjli .e.onlttoniciiiai of an awfully volume mid - ( jMentrenurbraity td know the'great'secret' ' . ~ ."4 orDeith and. Eternity. - • " ' ,i''...... 'TfiCeuelltint Dr: tfelsdn,''of., Mrs: •„ ' , ;aosrri;. was one. who,: while on earth', - ', I;vietinied,M live another and ihigher:life, , . ;',.'irsi';auttairsplition of Infinite; Purity Mid 7%H . A friend of ours;once 14" I",'fafed 314.34a3i311. concerning him; which •Vsiader A deep impression ;upon, our mind. :.They had bees travelliag through a nn - -;...o s ie s forenoon in the Pretria l :and had Itiy . ' doww ea-rest - beneath a - solitary tree.-- ' • ..lber,Dictor laY• for a longtime, 'Handy , looking upward, - through the. openings of , ;"'•4046011b45: into the still heavens, whet bocrgpoult4 the following lines, in a IoW , Wane; ar if' communing with 'himself, in:, 1 ;;vier ofthe weeders he described: ;-1 - '„,',.%!0ft, - itte'kylibas , in ther e , aortal eye bath -!. ,asaasss;_. - ' _ ..., • • t iik e, map th e y sing that . , W,:dh . l 4 ftnaii 7-'ll,:alstittiletiSHiswil snag of the rambstiiii at Kssioi: 1 ' ' --- i -: tik,lorighboisreitsis thitisiii•ges us. r. D 'Oh?Alltri . iiiaalr ti "Pi! !' Ob, fields whits' • , , " 111',==ai'iesae r ;isn't itsi rept wit YOh;:tbs...Yreteis'ii atill; and thi paw'. t ".• •;'..." r , ". 1 " '- ' _ ' ''--/ ~. The;irrief idols afforded us by the an- i - , - ered. writings " .concerning ' :' tee Better - Ligid;ire. inspiring and beautiful. /Eye ' . 'hitialcifieen, nor the ear heard, neither `-hittiriteriteitid' boo the heart of to ' - ', , , s sannteitres;taf the , good in store for the , • rightinute.''' Beaten 11 described al a vim habitation— a rest remaining for the .." . ..pe4dei7or. Ga.' :Tema -shill' be wiped' ', iawal, from all eyes;',, there' dual be no 'NOM' death, neither . =To* nor cryi ng,' , ',selthist:ehall• - there. he - iny' More pain. , I Tti4lsow . many -dear de have these "'WSW ] * - ipoken peace I Hew, many fail iiiir Duarte have gat hered strength. fio34 - " (bees tra . pana -through the dirk valley of 'ikidtivio• ' v _ • ----Yet7rer - shoo not forget_that "the • Itillef*.a. Hen en . is, Within t"- that it ii • the, tate and - sitnnirms of ' the eoul ; Mil - 'answer of a goo d conscience . ;, she sense of harmony, lib .God i a condition or Time as, well as of '. Eternity:: 'What is-1 • c • resiViiMSSeasitssedeilsinajortain with :-- .us is thefereient,:by which the Puture is sliapecl i ait4l Colored. Liner* change ' of localiffientrm'alterthe lentil find in. " '", idesielqualities of the -.Guilt and Remorse -ivOidd:titiike'the golden streets of - .4ae'n 'lntolerable is the. burning '= xiiikoribeinfezia abodes, while Purity and lie dcartionali totnifiitia"hell it, self into heaven. , ~, .J. or, W. ; .; ,----,-,!::l4icr;;,;l:kinns..llore. they irrig,lnen . i• ...-•;:(iiiiifltiockereasoom,or life! -The - Mil ' ' '',...'44'..• Psit--1''61.:-.101010011:-.Will 'IS '' • ' ' ''. rli;. w,,,,tlie - rearroteross”llSS'has beest' wiped .iiiir-Ihe Ida** Au has been urtei - Trill'bli:lli. o o4 0 1 ° *a" ? ' ' _'f i ber 4l.ll3 °P l 4 l 9 l , f 44 1, 4 - 03014 good:doia,*o:pckoigiaviktfiq :' •,-",`',‘'..--;,,,..-. -.-s i'unz.,'-reiirwilic A:weid/4 1 . c.:cars• . - •N:„.74,,,....vp,1,,,,,,, , ,....,,,,,..... ~, , , , ,...:, : -., , ..i.,,,, . ., , , , , ,, , ,, a,-, .•:. :S ri tkk -.,!"-4,-,fta-.001.4-ikci4743,...z.o*v:ti-,-.:--ff ' S': ;: St!;;: ' !"?-: : .:: ' ;‘: ; - *n.E:i.r.r:' , . .. :-.14',"r:1:1,:e , i • [ , ". li":• — f ' : '..' "- ~...t' .:•":".•• • • •,-....;... :,-,`'. ~)., •: , 4.140 , 44.: ' :' •::/f/Tit,l‘KP. 'Z' -. ';', ;•: ;'• 4l '-' , L's , s'.., ....,- , ;', 4: - ... • , ~ V ,-. '. ,,, 1 , ›. :/W.: 4, ':' l '. ',. :7i , F4.pii.:. ,. vi , ;. , ..i.kTi: ~..4,..fi.,4: : _. 3,,. , :,,i.,,,_,.4.,,._. ; i:4:::,,,i3,.:„..,::::,..4....,..„,., ,t..:.::.,...;:,.T.......c,,• •4.4.•.i..:.4i,. , :.1,. .:V . •!..2.- IVP,ii .. .. ..i: i ".' ; ',... l':::•';l" .::q.!:,.:...,. 1 : .; 1 ' : .:),X . .k` . 4:' !;.'ll:''',. ..': -'.r.i....?!4•.1', 4,,, !"!!..:4 •••ili'i,.: . ;;.:::;:':',::•:::..:. ~', 1. ! , :. .: ;;4 : - . •?;,...! 1 ;i, . :.':, ' Mr.AIT'II 1 ,.. it . ':'' 4 ' 1 • 4 ‘, :g ':- • - :q ,- ;".:. 4;': ! : , :40,1 4 t'l .4 . i g :2,,1 4. 1 )'' `1S'i4!. : !1:: ; :;:?? :. . L lC : :4i!j-rkiti ; .:4' : .11 tt i i:f : : 111 ~f 1 ' ' ' . , is::4t I ' 4 - ;I i::-c; f irk!il :4 : t " ~ 47 : :!;;Cri'- i t. ; i. ) 4 ;:f.AtTi7; •i.:;4 ' :.•tst:- . ....; , ..1T:• 4 :t . !- Y . .1,, , ,-, ‘•:';'... 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RIVAL n'EASONSIAVIIII DE LIBL ., DY'S SARSAPARILLA BLOOD LLB bccomieg universallj p4pular • 'Slut, Because they are prepared by - DON B Lei • ' ;dy himeelr, • regular Druggist, Chemist and; L'hysk.. nun of.Philadelphin; who Emma the maitre, the quality ar•l character of the Medicines Amid in his pgls and their adapthlian to diseatis. . • . hewed,' Because the; public can tali' them with greater confidence than toast other pilla'which are .prepared by persoos igoernot both (medicine nod • l'hinf, Seethes of their combinektegecta, proper ties ant coots iaml in and other pills; tumefy , purr trig from the stoinach and bowels all unhealthy sub. stance,: and at the same time pacifying the blood and Saida of the • . • o • ,roirith, Because they axe the Cheapet and beat medicine known—a tingle boa costing but 25 cents, and contsining.4o . olla,wasiag to persona as malty dollars oft times to Doctor's bill.; and numerous medicines height As. Wed on the .reassamesdatiori WHOLMOMEr ADD ICE. Whenever you bye ociution to take!eny enedt- - tine, des attSbst Isiatng wilt. youi constibutOn by trying an bunts el -pills or bider tatedieutes you see pablisbed sad esconseurndest by One snd'anttr but bike Keane •• • • s ' ' ' ' ' Dr: L'eldys , Sanitprin724 Bkad Pills ;and joif will cot bare Oeciike :to take anything always be fond good la alma% alt hthrmiol Anomie, ialsoialen ottiesteutoth,bowai els,liver and Teacakes; cramps or eh: clamant); colic, Woarbralla inward•leverai foal breita, bad tuts lathe usoatb, Sour eructations nod acidity of the stomich, ceistivenees . •and Indigestion; want of appetite, billion. eCtIOIIII; diseisna "of chi thieve and kidecys; amanita of Abe akin scaly eruption& dr y and watery pimples or Wickes - otthilthe sun body; letter; rnah,pnckle healsad kW •acbs, giddiaeo, loathes", plum over the bona, of the-brenat, aides, along the back and spine; lemma, tituiand goal, Cetera ol .411 kintli;Voall Pva lead. aressels,scrofuli,erydpetasi nd to.thert they. are good la ail disease's. having • their might is the stomach,' liver, sad intestinet,.aad knotrity of the • lErTweiltysithe heath a Box: , • I ' • Sold Wbotaale ark Retail brr B. A. Madinat:Wl At Co., comer of Fait and. Weed, also corner of Sthlb•snd Wadi:treats. • - r optt9 el: -- A • EGOS MA.llllkilr n/11011M=Mai. Lf It le tur,ertottiple io the thannenitefthis paper lo MIMI itylkleg wad( we had out.,frate persomi le. nressmatemon of aillitymt,tho pablle. , Sme of Dr: ..fores mMetnee we ken men *ear Wally for Marry, years. For Mune the EXPECTORANT, the GAR- TdINATIVP, and •VERMIFUGH, win* we Menem bendtd for t h e complainia. they protean .11:1 cor e. ,We were on Lake Cheerio input mummer, "when - several of "trundle:tiresome:done; Rom having, in Weitern .Near Yer a + h ltank, for mayday% the 111111,40110 water of that wore badly _attacked midi cadent Dial , dun, . Arimemoy...bir...ll. had provided hintselc emanate leave% boanswithnhe Pitalustme of Dr. Jayne,. 'akin all timed - its me, amore lve rano men. it was temeasfal in cheetahs speed) dn.; _The Expectorant we have known used mon our Intimate friends With equal cornea, and we..feeldou we and doe geed SCA. to families lapedallylhose nit !lard pother cannot have esena to Immediate medical skill,' to edirowthethro keep fathead bath the Expecte. Mat and Careduativa . The hayereas is believed by good physicians Aq - be thelect iota, Ca Palm. a, Caristeaptiveramplaltte, Mat ever yet been olem bonded.. Tharemon is, Dr. Jana is net aqmsek,bm a renter, scientific, and able mond premium*" hot' sett His medicines We and by the best tbriciate.- ;• ' Editor of rho Oeterday Cowier • For We In Pittsbn=fh at the 'MN TFASTURE,rh F.llh a- neariWead.. _ .. . - :wen DEL JA - VirialS CAMallei Area di mai-cror ' 12 ROM the Rea ABA hilftdit4 d well known and - pp A tietcd ' k . • tilar Gleam' e of the PM ntleetheelldCletrelt ' the terterdened nun been Mundt!. past arbiter with a &Moue of the., h,luntedetes ro c:widget...dada in Me wiernek be en nor twelve home aritlamt - imersoleikinould after ha ag tried aunt, =milt= with little effenwes forth wfth a 'bottle rille D /*nets Cunene. Idalsna is be tied ad mains to the direetions, and found invariably Intel:as ..r., mcine sundae pain to ibex, in three or kerne. err., and in fifteen or twiny minutes every umwsy tensadon endrely mimed: In medicine anent. terwerd• • whetever iddiedlone of the Impeitieblit palmate 'ved, anithe Paut wee thereby prevent ed Ile dined to ow the medicine every amebic' end were' in ohs 0917119Xj erot in ,a: few week, health se far reetornt that, the saFercr,Wee Telles. .ed AM a tun moque of nprentra. fain. From lea , written, made, he ein mitildecily. recomeadd Dr D hlne• ClllMihath e Mime: as a !ahem medicine .for dissent of iberhatutettan bowels. •-. A SHINN • ~. . ... q Fnr sale it Pittsbirg it at , the PEW - Re Oh Fourth neer,' nens Wood, and else at the Dreg ..item,. of if P SCHWARTZ. Federal mset.:Allesheny. . . -. Q t ---. MFG L.A. AND,. bc:ROlt 14.011 b , 77 5 - W - E - ri; . .4.7 LNGS.*Seirdela in all 110 mulliplied fennel whealer it that of King's EV% enlarnMents d ibe hind. or bones, Goitre White Swelli ass, enrolee' R.hestmdismit:Maier, diseases of the Shin or Splee, oratralmpitary.Comamptiou, ,emenata from one aid the mode cause, which is detainee= principle mere or leneithernt In the hitent System, There. fore; nine this principle met be destroyed, nte . rail' cal etre can be.c tested, hut if tho principle, open which the - disease depetadi; is removed. • .es re tent of necessity follow, no Metter ander what tor= • the disease should maddest itself. !Me, t h erefore , in reason why lama's AiT:i.itilli4. in goon, vernally manes:far in ntnmine so many malignant diorama. It destrieys the vires•Or . prillCiplC fain wined then' disease have their men, by entering Into the eireelation; in with the blood Le conveyed to the. neatest Ede, removing every particle el disease frost the Van. l'repared 1111X1 sold at El South Third Streit, Philaddphia, - -' • Sold at the Pekin TriSbire,Plial2 Foerdnt me. . . lanithi . . . • . . - • • SCRATCO• •- • . TEr's'3.lTi ; ll, 6*LT; !4.1; •L. lota single day setatet,..—, terlPeted .rah Q .Telteribent,ntatilte die:Wits 41no;nkloilf ' they ;-• • whew/veld reneee andeare theni. ' io rah and unieh; when .n.ne horrible to attune, Ina at A. "le r. VIIVIS Tr. t end ITCH OINTMEST tee ne... .1- -acre= I . towt CAM at ;anti of any other preparation in existenecin eating the Tater, Iteb. and oiler diocese. of the ski. Mall duces. of ere Ain matt wise from the impair," of the blood nod el:tides( the bodT:nol obeee nen dlo nate he of long ebenuliopand the :ea - whetter.' erected, 4.07 , L 114,14 6 ,2 l'ethtteFrelas' sa.4 rin. with t h e Ointesetu, they win ettnennY .frilS•in,' and it they donee. the linonerled/ be eetereee by Leidy. idencewro however, will be erneteldlyletneet try Dr .Leidy'r.Toner aad Itch.Oula b it, attlest the netederyetent is isigner. , 0 the r seed henna*, er bleb - will be coinptetel Dr Leulfellloott Fire. end theettefeee - Of the etin hft4- td bY the Hillateer..„. - Pike of Ointment '3 cense. For L oay. •• . B A FAILNEfroCC kCO jj,Vl4llo.lhAlitif ogee- ; I Noma Aced Cellet,l kel it a amyl awes my Went erratum to mate Domed." agemre ....epee doe loaf Vegetable Palmettary Balsam &nee I Ire* used. Mena/gam. aboet Mae. le=adeebss. .h.M.elrevl of whin I { ben gave an Ppm= oilhave . ba d Punt airtra anclistbouts atet snacks a raYfturgs,orte h few dap tomcat d.in every instance I have wed the Biel, saw alai arbat'wmplete and perfect soeeem. Is hai .atua relief awl ems to • very %ear days cis htialy ■ safe astedieina: ".1 do brelMow that ft will 'care a thee rxewaropum but I behave It will be in sway eases a previntattie, and prevention to beam MM.." ldsidtantiana (t al k love of toy knot. men, mower, recomapod tie ems of is Daiwa. all. palmentary maple au .=l a confident %It it hat beat I. Papa of postersioS say bin m *a ikinoo,AnielS,l44. - • . told by /I AN'alirieaffulat CO; earner or nem awl Vfoodi alea' comet GLIM and WorrA me , * , A sow:laws couoiTiiviturt provers to. the lVlg2tat - Panacea is ei ea o_myabtldi'dalaremag Fes tb.i.Tesrp' Bonier, Nov. vrY: Cocas tract'.— We are sot is the Ambit of relic emelt km tele* Valeateleeielnewbei are feat . la Oseesonsend ktospaisaleyrap to tbooe tab° are allbeted de a emit. ,After lurvirweried;the nasal reawaken, ressmre a MOM= and demented .. eosseb, that had ter several days sr one est ear ebildren, withoot am. tems.ww ware' Meader try elorpubs Cough Py rap, she by amber obudoel ta's free boar*. It weed in bathe panaten - la Mileage atjeatt. . prepared whore:Wand retail Id popieses, . . • . . 01111' D IdOROAN aghast, eat; • • • mood sit done be ilianewe sr. --- S • • . o *. ' P.u".• Wan . • • *- Fr in ttu,t 4 ?ll3(i 4 .\ bh.s.g: It . Ci ton 21 eamdts oloioslscrl molds as idaio, Uric; woe* fever so saes, cm bo bid , Roo havinfe heard a is Ccsi oboes iictVessodese.l Dwell wiwit , 1,2 4 Pwc SO 2I 'doses. wtileh cdperlW- 121 worrier/A *emu ~.Idoosider your Veymfrode Sensual= od atlicss, • I Hann r.rrusti • • sod fold b*•11 E. 61.1.1.. End, XVWood a4 doid OTDr.• Vattal, Sal Ars.l4} and D. Al. Disew...llle. istsenyeisi. - • • . ' R,DIUILISPADDILLAranstoos csoosi• YlWl.bi l 4= h :cosap -"'- . • Town se senclN • 40 , • ' do. ' S.laossandirod toted and for. salg by ➢ D ' A. PAHNEw 'TOME'S& tamer 01201 and, -*sod and woad and iiii• NUIPE1174111151101:1q1M01.1 .2[I.IIIIIt2I.IIIPATICXT DIRZI;r•ACT.I.O2I Ala Alansgeibire I*—Theranidniry andbaneirf Weir my be contra with the greatest arm, while the hemmer ..12 . aticab and thejrasamer may be itb tautly arrested m 4 appended at any height-sr , . lu • Universality, ar oatmeal to execute work oCalt kind., frees theta - rim to the innalkeet, eager the sane Its Sanpliaity,Csanpaelnear gad Cheapness. • " Aace•rotalny apse all silks, by the workmen: • • All therbaataen trioauste 50414abihd: Theta , atifagerniestste exesetrestrdeo Loruese Statham efene.netel__Pgr, area(. 4 P"!; F°11:" . , "'" TOVille, s Assigneae of the Pa skadas United &sten, neadneark Foandry i Ptillad'as • 7,77l3tarilfW,MICEOOS. 1- • AlsiodAatoreri of WONG Lsotroiri t .. WAGON. : COVERS ANlKSeßgart Art OF ALL' tupenuitess -•1a. Sef Swath' Proat'Otritit, - - tat,Voll.A.!Oilmectabitki, -A frteesileyi - ltritteitit ILlSrseniattbr ogleerofthe JCL Metchos . A's.tlate) , 7HllB. 6 hrdursangq seplo-d4 • . lI,..NICIEERSON ainininitashio;ablitinnoiahWiteloh , and eelOna Atm TIIE CHEAP ROM, or Pas rorl BLOM; o n bend ar made to ordered all slam and at all pric es. • • Country hterelmaufaudialters are Invited 4 call and CINOIiDG ;be above for theraselmmool. 'frill be Bola wholesale or. retail, and a khan' dedactkat Inge to, whokeade parelamers: • !. apldty 1. I A ESTERVUX , A.BIESICAIir• , • '• • ' • .NEW TORE' • n in one year. The farare rot applied: let, to the ptedoetton of large and eastly camera:gm. of ortifb every member racemes cop,;a and neat, to pare beattofortgleal Paantlngs, snd, other aorgs or ad, by native or widget avow, Mach arettatnbated, - btlot, among the , tratbeall, -; year ll6palmtnjt p d stnbuted. Thu year they van be more arimetto Sr..! ;rateable-4 , 4re then . ,•,: • VARliglarigell. • • Iwo". limy porehme and ba '•••• • • °a' Alm be dinribsted aSO broae *dale of .Washingtma•Alle•• •• Chaa4hh. tea,nom 1111 rowan, Ana each 6:rather reeeme. ...-7/4411444. but kg Um Are er• t. encravinge—qbe So: t h. g` " .9. " 4.471.6..° / 6 ' 6 ." hat:: and in. Srhil,. alter liantarven. • tbo E**/ 00 4. lota harp The andemMned hart bern'appolated Honorary for, atth , , bantlimmi em et igerreutnea Pittaharak ade.ciaity Isar:Tared to rm. _,_comor.a ,- ‘ 4 tdolafolf *lgloo atatilloacr4 4 4. acme sabactiptiona. 'I • I ' • • oftoMoi ta• Tbox, wian,,:g to by kmorra Adail-rf aaterema of ase•aelety by &Ma Meant tommon as may be eihnecaleme.. .• ' a CALDWELIe • ShAilli•Thitanikadow,Soy lkiladiAs. • , ,intareekepplaitc , Oro Pool Office 114.118 loot teeeired pi Whim tritaa /bluer la at , ONV ZAHN F..ITOCK , ' • -41Laalno:44 afeerkkgsf. arm itteCloakia ifthe D O •• . • • eouvroad.k.adi bensamlianateara ea Tallattefea- thPla—lferr oate a few. bakeriAreatent 'Hai -104 k aa wring Oa, C. Jetted sad othete,i vine all the pat- .1 - 1 moth of harem l6 , 116 hernioirdierealtelhq.aan Tinny hear linealmotale, •Alklas, Earem and •Wruaern Y, early picked, this 'Cleancet amosfieusrmy Abaeraar,44:o64 amlatrena yetYkrema. •• • 1 •: . • • • oase•Deat. answiline leen co give es a call. !Older. Mae Ohio do. Beanie neanty• •• .• W brospily attained to. 1 • *MI= ; The general Eagan eiseerer ibeseueio weir-lag „„ h , Dromerssatearem mmtflops, gad k mock tbek mamma* to obtain' lbw peaty hoot the .11111164aakofharlreftitirfarDallea atatlemilbread.aollloTiro4.4l”.ll.l"l"'ffi".""*" 10•411.40:44441:144PLOaarkddrfokailla MOO ~,spg..r- y opi owe, NI Talk Co.. of FANCY PRwhiriiilk.ThwoMpotitiVocis ; ;Anus sea back ' at i OVße NiIeeTICIRSII - 110tobbeetel i scisenNakerAhestienrelty Oh hlLT,eah Third irk op, Arek • the nehr l eit_pasierna ibr *ore an tduntadas la ■a ; • Aw.cia.a.ma444 paano.o4 an • , , • . _ 1118eMbMOU$ , CHILD "BIRTH, urn. DORDELOCIVE'S CELEBRATED. nOK rolie•ring the pains and - dangersincident to , V . Pregnancy and Child Binh; which insures•the. easy and aupeotracted mecca of • the lanctionr of "roman which Pratene, when uninfluenced by, the !tisanes at civilised lifeonteaded should :be perfur: ened,espediumnly : with iittlepain;ind without tub. lelilICIU indispoilitent.' t -- - •'• - , • Dr Banieloque daring hit travels in Asia; fibre's. ed this remarkable fact.; • Thatilie women of those bonotrias am peculiarly different from ,oil other lands, in this eespeetthat they are Dee from the pains and dangers which mike the period ofPrep nasty an objeet of ito much anticipated nattering and .slat. Canosity and the seal for Scientific diecoves ry prompted ham to investigate the canoe of this re. auarkable exception to the severe trials to which the teamed leitoden are, generally eubjetted; and Doe ron( waif the discovery el the tact that the women ril those cotiatnee were lei the habit owing duibig ,the toot asses of Pregnancy, certain plans which have the familty'ol imparting that..degree. of tone ' ' and elasticity to the nerves and blood 'expels of the • Utern., oi Womb which enables It to perform its fet lions in all their native aimplicity of action and ore from pada. , I 1 . , • • I . t ie a eingmar- het, also, that the Indian Women •o N i t inth. America pro in n remarkable degree free fritun those pains tad &tigers ofpregnancyand chi d birth to which the whits women • are 'subjected Whether they use the name plants as do tbe . Walni /I of Asia we cannot tell. i Certain it is that th e fleet an less remarkable Mao true. ,:Fhilltemedy is enneesteetencly used throughoit France With the most marked meccas and many fe• male. who were once single theough apprehensions ol the danger. consequent to the state or:marriage are now by the use. of ; this .thediciete,4lrformeng the datierot wives - and mother. with cbmlort• aim l ' ' . a ir; inibie timer ', cow fiat irrigated to the wee men of America, by Dr itordeloPue, througti, his sole agent, Dr A C itIORTIbIEtt, and baleen; con -Went that independent of its intimate mentit it will recommend itself td tbe Metal part of the comma. airy, asy is fully calculated to do • away with that or hnd c tue ol• which some, through fear of pains of chill birth, are guilty, (the production of prem.. two delivery.) • . i . . , - . f. ' -• Woe medsane is 'leo reetiarkable for remedying tbsthitherto incurable, disease :Barreemosa, and its almost constant ae.reoupsniment Fluor ' 4tlbuir.t it (act that relaxed and 'fallen suite ' , of ,the Worab educe accompanies this disease is never felt altar the shortest use of thin medicine. ~ . Thie medicine is metared ie such d way sa to be evocable and pleasant to the Lute. • • • • Dr d C DIUKTIMED. NC 361•: Lispeurd New: York, hu been appointed sore agent for the Coded States, by. Di .Bonlettimie.dad the ocly person in %hie votary, who le authorised to vend this imalealde medicine, ex there'll:4in; letter will short - • ' • (71ens1*r:1:from ,the Freak.) Yiais,Jaac 10441647 Dr A U Meaux me—Deer Sir—b According to the egreemeat entered into between us, I wish by thus . letter to give you' 'het wetted authority to melt throughout the. United States; (my Remedy for m ill:wins the polo and deniers incident to eminency lid child butt.,) which WM seceseery rot yon to have to Fatofithe public of its genet adamants:l en. nty. AB yea are ;ware the eaposere .or the medi cine to the ledluence of .the .en" au obliged me, to seed it to yen in air tight easels: I have also sent watt it, • epecimeta of the manner in Which it is eat tip in Yana In like Rammer lehould dish it to ap ieriairi the United Mee. Sir, with greet reepect I 'mein your, ~ F BORDEIpIaUE, MD. S—l dead yeti • con ,of • letter received •• me Dem': 4cocellty: lo tub. • i ged • . (71mu inns the Fwv.l4.) • Paris. Jean., ISO. To. M. SOlLDlLo4m—Sir—The commuslon. mail 'the Mummy" here appointed the undersigned Inontheir number,as a committee to report regard. tag th e penal 01 C, remedy laid haloes ne by you Our relieringthe paint and dangeis incident to preg ;stray and child birth.) . Several unseat Surgeon. having submitted ,to • the Academy the musts ot their a:perinea inthe "tie of "your remedy, we bar ten to lay tt ben., you, betioring it lobe the ben deciiion regardintritt claim to thatineliiin, and ed its, great 'tine, thaaeithei you or the public could have nutted: Whatever trinaerice this body may pop tau wren members of the pref.:avian will evened `to fartheidiat adOption of Om remedy into generti use, which no a satentific dacovery and an unftiling remedy, tt, ao daereen'Eight ?by/deigns having alai thu medicine, earl in tilt cue& or de- Bray, found it entirely. suctesdal tn , promoting a remarkable solo and eary delivery, free Nazi path and dense. With the reltceptkie of th ree" pauents of Dr Santet there woo a prfeet immunity.from any suntovpient walkup Or; disona;• orte , of these ' three a laboring woman' who bad met within severe . fdl a week preeriOnt to delivery, was Vskeeibumedi ately eller that event 'with a profuse hemorrhage, .ithula was with "difficulty arrested. ,fhb other two mallimitationsol the pelvis, were ie coo wise relieved arias Tone Iris etceptions in so great a number ed cues as lour hoildied, shoo tba andithbted effi cacy- of your remedy.land bare detertroced us to give it tail reCorwoolitlabriO and approval vvlitch is due to it, and the further-nice of acientthe meths ace'.. (Signed) AI BRESCEIET, Al D. 1. ALAGENDIE. id D. . , Corn ofth e Comthisaioners of the IL Academy of Science:. I " ; • The piablicetre cautioned weenie metcbasing thin medicine Gum any persons' except lftbis nolo egent Dr A C Mortimer. No 36 1.2 Lispenard at, tient • York, where this medicine is pot op , in .packnia 'suitable for bcang &Cot by nail any. part Of Din Ynee Two dollar. a ;Adige containing lull Ji- Pernonsdeniem e ...........enz ems awreame eta &.tatece, can do no by - forwarding Two Dolton, post paid. to , • Dlt A C AIOKTUDER, Sole Agent for the U capt 27 bee No 36 Lispenard nt,kinsr Yost. GAZZ/Ulll PATlialT 7117,7715T1CAD. . 4, r. ' 412 610 . ,71113 A's . Phis• 1711 C. insnrosraie . at tin'g nos been In n 0 about bop years, and wherry% it is toenail termed loan odor licaihnsada. : Frit •Pnxss, &retied. and convenience. It his not and 000001 e be equalled, as it is decidedly. the best, ehtestestand most not:v . .0010n( Bedstead la ore, and per. Deny proof agoinal Ddla • •The ponelpal ...Wrta makers and tamers in 'Alla ebeny e 5.7 and in finsbnith, !thee sectocrl Rigine atanutheoneandiellthe *mein. Anthem neespetrions :ankle* and isoperfeerunitstions In the market, ;bath& sere woald do pen enamel. the east Iron plants on ankh ta 0110lteaaine anielenta nameol.the patentee, E. F•ClaszselostneariablY eats Au a proof Gran thrt elsbned tot assranth Boddeada, the Wonting teri.S. rye bean Catitnet maketshell known Pinabsuah and the nest, to sabmnmdoo thnbtritbi., naken and` Biltrasd ncondac Wo, the tarere of :the eine. of Pitiabare 7 and Allegheny, Pa., do hefeby May Gat ere Mee- ht the nett enentionfsetans bedsteads with Gaztanth Fadtplinp. and enneider Gs same osjorido tot fuhonstostannt latch:we ncernesuinte& - • T B Yousg &C I Robert Fainnut • dimes D Barr • John Liggett, Jr. - /U. Lowry &Son Lawrie k arbio Eb.ea & llu Dre ek nnan Thomas Farley ; • i Rannts& arglellend • slay e r. .11111 V Wonders!' Neehanse . , . George Snyder WOO [Wad ThleMasters A, Co • " Alexander Lawson Foy liiights_ 11, snake and nen the above Bedstead. apply gneN ez ea F GAZ% Atd, oetea ; Patentee IaIIaIIVIC FOR PATACINTIL ' Washin" eon, R. I7FINAB C. ROBBIS, !Mechanical ragineei and 14 Anent for procuring Peter., wur prepare the me newer) • Drawings and Paper° for Applicant. for tat caw, and itinwset all whet hum... lo We line of his -profeatina at the , Patent Mee. Ile e. be committed on ell question.. Tahitian m, the Patent. Lowe and deci. Wan. • 111 100.1100 y 10•4 0 or kinopef P0•0000t at • 0000..000405000 0 ,104xe eminetiow made, t the Peteni Orifice, piny to inelt 6 ng epplicallon fora patent, mei forward (poi} paid,,encloung a tea cleat atateraeat of then Xo.e, when immediate sued. Uoil will //p glean to , IL And all the Information that ,ce itt i,j he obtained by.. I nd of the applicant lapel - son] promptly conunnaleated, • All Inters= beisinetW post paid. and contain mailable fee: where a Written opaniou to required. pace ent F. aweet,oppoithe the Patent Oka.- He has the boner of referring, by,permiseion, Hon. Edmond sum', c4....i..0...r , P.wnt.; Hot. ii L 171,1er0i1ii.1.4. do • dos do-,' • ' H Knowleai Machinist,' Patent Cl ce; I.og. eraneki, WOgnatart.D • •-• Hon. Hamm, Massichtmetl., B Seneie; lion. IN Allen, Ohio. " do; • lion.] B C, Missend; • How Willis Han, New York; • • Hon. Robert Poilitti,' tit C, lies. /SAlreeseMLß &Male; , Hon../ Pei% fept.lU!tl MEDICAL, --- Du. TOWNSEND'S S ARSA A.111.1.1k. Aka e.rj r car . dinar - in* ;World. 11;:orinaisplo triguirt bottle,: Ars sts lutes any., • GREAT SPRING AND • The groat bendy sod Superiority of ad, StosspatEla outs' MI collet Media. Is, !hits. d Eradicates Disc. it larturi , rues the Body. It b coo of the eery best SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINES ewer not eddy puritu aiossludo system sod stlettheas penssu, but at Crouse Nese, Pure anal ESCAEIood; spades Formed•by no other Medicine. •Aad It this lies** mad sterna ifs Inutdcsful, rooms. It las perb.rsol rrdlutt tho_po.t two;d'eaew, can thonS3,ooo cures of Norm Cafes ht Dania; ashust 5,000 of thus was considered tontrattle. -Mum thou' - • BAB cues of I:Brook IthenniMins .2,UGU ems of Dyspepsia; • . • • ,40U esscs'of Union; ;Ability and Wont op Bocci" 7,unUessis of differastycassieCorepßests; I ' • rush of Borodino; , • . •• • • I,soocasei alto Liree'Compleint i• saw of Disease a the Kidhey and Draper; Tbocasittle of nand Disease orate Blued, see: lem, ,Erysipelae, Salt Ilheisa Pimp. oh the U., ax,' 70- plan win uniernia saw of Sick Headache,' yaw cake sin negated, SpitAdiptioes,ike., ke. Tairy ore aro attest, dot lefprar Wettettatti, hat we the. letten from phyakina nit on need from all yens Of the .United Sea., tukradag us of exdoordiaary cans . , Yea Elnkirk, Fig. meal the tenenstienatintlnintste N . J., 1116nrisue flub ha ca a rake rake to sone Han Lid is us Wo es ine Han. Thee an Sanaa& of he the City of Nev York which refer.a with pleasure, asoll . a ant' of *Vac.. it is Ho Lest medicine kr the' P. older.. Imo.. • It undooksidy send Shelley& • • OA* t.nttaau Sitr. PAST .13.11031 a • As it removed thoestue of diadem., and pr eparrd Ono kra " rrth ,Mons Orrtchal • • • Crrx.l3, W.ll cCuu r or Um. Statsa fibre', and soembir . of ttorlircer• Jusa74..eigialatare, boo kbedly teat !briglorriog certificate. It. tells ire own rtary, • -S A year 4=1 . 1 waisted oriel, ther Leharnsa, ado, whole ' tow n lett debilitated Male. I wee lattice& to 117 Dr. Sarreprzilbbired ober taking t. or throe Lol lies, I wee very. ankh relieved, a nd =rebate ibptinly toiler Said Poszvapsralls.' I bore costiamh taking it, - hod OM I m istro=7 . d.z..: .. .l . llo:yr=ty lice, end ireold " Loa U. S. /I: This orals:at* toodoirsly primes aut. thisSaosiosiilla Ims perfect control two the oat ointbside diiesno of tb. bid. Three poems coed in combat= It unprossioned. - .Torus Cmcoau. Or. Townson, —Dear 9G: [hos the plissoni to inform yam that Ono of.? ithildro have boo Oiled altos Soo,. OA by ems of yaw =sliest '. They were. Misted nrry wooly with had mot LeviConly taken Ivor beetiss,' It took 1/win stway,.fas which I 04 mpiell woder , deep othipthsO Toon,by qiertrolly, ' , - Iwo W Cnatn. - 103 Nyman O. pn, Teri; ism& .- Tonnothb Sarmaritla b • tarempthsta Minty sore kr Incipient Cemamplam Barroom; Lemorrbo, or• %%M:, Manna or Micah Measentatim. Imontitamee of Unto, or inroltnary Embargo thorn; an for the gm ofMUCCI of 11141.J.411.--00 motto, INlitiblt dot malt of inh..rat mom or mum, prodind b 7 ithigtharity, ithom riOthillt GM b. more mrpring than its in of bet. cm the homes tram. • Pmema, all • mama. an tan MM. from taking it. at Gore Maw robust an. fall of energy Ander ho innorme.•_ immedimly manterarts the 011 M ttISOM of thr Mode from, which m tha great mum of berg It whiled ho apsetad of m, u Mee of•Milethats b ter., to ethibit rubdown of rem performed,. bat on ma. Wore the affietod, tin hvadthda of emes bare by repotool to at. • limn magi where faMirs Imo been nand &U -m:m.lM ming • Mr bones of this Makable smithim, ban boo blot MS hobby offsprimp • . Dr. Dimnsmok My wits Ming grogy distremd by mantel an alma md Ottani entinally by ymin an a manino4, bm-Ng down, klthw'of her tomb, and with other LAMM, end Wring 'kW. ems whw your onion he. Olen great cone t and no hem lan it neamandedlbr whams.. than dineribed,l obtaby eh • battle of your. &Mac of Sansparilla, an klimed lb. direetins yd.; gun ta. • In • Mort period it maned bar nespiarau and round her health thing, min& far Ibt beeslita the reesienj tan plasn in lito sekbroirde 111'41 retramending tho - Moon. Cor of Oren and Lydian at, • t• • • 14L kk,ln4S, Dr Dorman: To aS mhos this my imenrsTil. i. certify that mg 1.16 mol m bottla of per Smathrilfe =to booetethommt, trader the rand 'aluskiag and einnosehmen MOM ebb Ins dram met hs' of the feet, mem aeaetnnand My moth Minim ted nth mmyT pastmins, sod lb. norommodinin of dna mho had and st,. ohs ens Mimed to tep with Mk or rer inn; mid merent it to non the merinos had the happy and Mired elfectotot only u this Mai of mthiment, bet OM tho mernoit of me int of 11.11 e. tth drop., an m eths neakm p n 7 IS 115 ehrabling smi Yv health Men. WM than D. had Item It. • Mg dam pm: , • If Om rill b of soy semen to yen .err intymho dons tb. moth of the medkins, yea an en. .Omen, to IL ; . I inbsenloit etiotlf yoqr Moak gialia . nal Wirt , / go mat S A. TO aicrrgEas,A.rm LADir.s. This Es root of thiraparitta bust evyristly relived in ramose us frost* Ocaripthiuts. 150 Smolt, who boa mo sso to Awns she isapproothlagthlit etitidparud, 7'k torn of . Of," should Jaggiest to tabs it, as .t * is a cottsis ptsmitivit Sur toy Of the titorisrous and hart ibls disrats to• hich. frost Ge. re subject al thia tier of life. Third iitty ilelsysti for severs/ Tres by ;win shit toolicia , ff or • ,u kr' stiltisthe to those an ityyttisthisig woos . houil, :as it is culealsoriS,ti; waist oats. quirlattuag, Out blood histil inst.:satiny tbitsys!sto., • Wed thts madams is iturol• *big for 141 of tlio dsistals Laws; to which wagons 'are !subjs.: • , • ' - : • ! lows* the 'aids opts. town porticustotly Ms WO ' ral tub totoostog Lopata:es of boity—obt Ito fir stusalatissy Itto syncis iss to potions o'ssi4oquesl ris• Ihuatiouoibich adrt esos of oat oseditioss litssifor fstook { mots. sod lissom. Too w 1 1 .6 c, ber; /Wei Aid; Of &rale, rad art .riot ore' A bottle or two of Dr Torrawrilli SorsiOnivia. will irk.* pa Ebo,l r moo. the Imelda jowl blotch.; 1110 d ariirrroarirwonk. to um; I rid • rotor.l or siltdiciat hat art laws ifiiiriverid •io nearlf reitoalile dm cu. lON, •o r soli. 'is drealiporial , kiirla,r4,4 troora th 11.6, ttlitch tatreos thr IfttitA roman; it WINO Ea arety dwells*. NEM iba.. - 11fri-. !tea nta"lllnrs rem Meat moer l a yaittatiti.intnws-eft4. •chttallag ralitt ea req.' .. wrist-id it •. • • ' - au quantity flow hem the paio : etaa (spice matte.,,, aoiy plattertel the earfeel It alto ortiteietarkMrte Bart Me as amity kit metatio _OD, therefore min rat corrode srtel pme—it wilt art meld, mid olthotislt: it *Tits af a 'bhlka hart.* . bertatem Ileep Mick mlicti .11 endure for ars It et mrtemledierriertoe ki the 'to article Mere by Ow nama, Of . 4 Aiamdfs Writies .d am-third mote item for the mati, '..ke partatee spinet }sput:art of my" knektetiag attempted Vie folk/ in recommeadatime trill Mit! trt all mart be, erste, dirt the assert dim then eirt of • art hortr, bemt:eb la teed by toy mama frt m imeerthil parte, • L: , til'ertmatatead 'Or/Wino/dr to_ tbir pancakeef the pertic,em initiate article m ter' perta, it du.. free from Pb. ppnn viiiheet Muir, it mataf la Pb. mama( • few boort Mem. a drtliM al , Wart f B '.ll Sate_ reale CO.. I Wick zed Mcßee/Mae Robert /Marl Jogai h. ter, - Wm Lippimett Bat fe'Wigiftenti44" CM . lrtelameme kflMorhe I Frame &Bee,. Bola B Batell &MO. e C A IdsAaalty fie W W Juisista 1t1144,11i11i, Aug %I'M. Mr Tinos IC luireiberit vying your etirsioal Writing Flerd, mud end& • &Wogs wan* gir th• other, it flown (poly trm 6a pen sod ,brootteinti4 bpek in • few boon.. - Too. r . sr, M TUTTLESciek-ket - i Mr 1" K. Webirt•Liter Flr. " .. i l3i•ieg.a S I l lAretleer t o. w.iti.g Fha,.... 5h , ........ 1 ..v4j...."fi ": 3 ' ty 7=f:r t e . :xi:oracle A.reoler a irilir lA. . - W/AiLLIM : STEWatilt_liek ''. :+eriticrr I. ' • • Mr 1. 8 Mailect—Dere ilittl areirtrat rat t l iircaleer ear l i 3! Iliad. eat at Ate be• tear d ie article •fiir• e ft. earl pace ea Adore matelot them' e die lilt or ether ialwit diron Ate aad becoraere are al +in e frer Lear. _ • • • + : Teem Rerp e l Il: ' , ii. i • . _ ! WILLIAM CA RA ', 4mec.A. ' + • : ' - + i I + -• • I ire iplar i r t 24. prria t ra nil eald WlAlualr - aief•Reteil al I Hiatrirt, Drotairt wad - Claraiik eoreerVol LilKl'l blld• 5. ,,,,,, W , Slmlle•Pallbwllie P.. I . . ,Ottlms.n , D• mtain mod radical ear% wholyer htterliqor . lindon, dal aid takt der.pagas la the low.lf azia. hatital eactirtoi trap : tioas, • Furies Wan. foga 63bkd with eiriew ef the brash, ar eaettepairs - , as the pan., bra ...A, own the Sp i 6! em toe takes With per' red *eke", end aerials noway.. The Sped& kiwis , ',empties, and ben widest' eeptible rowdy, without err bale argentine, eakayartor Mowi , ...pfieleimi In kekrendpee; fowl' *odes Is the mast delicate them . lids Is to eerily that I taw De. Pipet* to bet nutlike ewe sad ore remedy. klnedig seen De tag: hi onsnd ewes, =cep' thy &nay eininceion., bemired can tweed sad mere crew or the laJ Where Dm& ar airier ton Worry nesa: DENIM PIDITEFIFAD. iPitew York, letey, 164.3. . ]64Bl4thW.A. I - I dew:duly tiro toLf r astu d e = ooay as to no Otago ad 'ono elFicto ro. k Pike Braille, oz. koeni from olj veer ' oteoro,boe, ,, to be inkllible; eedi it wi th m e sa. Leaven! eileAtMeerile Dew Talk, 'der, DM • .16411enth Wort. LADLES' CIERTIVICATU ' New Ta r rt, May, din Beils.Alisiti am the *invert. eej, um -1...7 medicine - , Dr. Dpildebf e Pilallpecilkkkas =lsis • Nit- Act cure to the ewe ono' itster,thil I wimp. ye. turreted tbet buy bleu sorpoieed at It, as re ores Ili loy int meth!, to ben 5 Eltiwerer, Iran *ow tretifylortbe nine ma bnieL end do *deist...ll otheer *thanes all akted As like mstuttr, to inns" tha ar*.k. as they nu' &pod cm • atrialei ear. , , _ .; R.Y. a Mai •lopliblq—Dear ion awl benefit others 'ilia nay well as to terprenstry Intifada iN the benefit' tem derived troth the pit error phobia Ape cal., iomply r request, and now pe r m testi nog bfto eared or oLiereee ettati al 'the ;IL after ho:itig wed Wier SCliirdiall without rivoceth:i . Sold wkiakaile and retafi by WMi ACIISQN, hie ht. eat Mediae , . Wertheim, sod Dar sod 6640 there, No. 69 Liberty street, bad otWoodirlttelenti, Tekii Weenie Ire box - I bool4—dly . . . , . . DI RIMIEST • l ' To tawlei . .... 'l U Plril l 7 t li e ldi"fi lvt °,ll PlatalVO ir the Lamp, - PITTSBtIIIG Ta I wEEEL GAZ y E a T worja. TE, i , . .:!. —Th. is to cert i fy to aims . 550 eiga.*/ , 0 M firm Pm- 00014011 ED D AILY . • • ' • (5050 m itai.15 , 515f Conautosos4, 0 .41 km been .04.anits.'23•111up," 3d a., we:vita .. .Pm._ . Cd&m mrei - _ , laboring far scrotal jean old, 'in bronikl, mi.neia Of 7 . .117.A.T211 , OW! ,AD VER.T.i. on . se to . .. , the throat anikboarc elms.' Lasid . mitaymed,n.nea,kut One in s ert i . o n o( .l l , s b lu t es ati. or ti ler , . 0. lo 1 fond no relief In any preparati of medieine. antik 1 /..)ilim P t°lu ! . - . ~, " .l 00 . --1-- Three : made tree .or D. DIINCAR'O EXPX o . nl airllT One Week' li ' " ' -" . - """ *.. ' '1 . 2E0 . I 'REMEDY. I bare boom eking Olt vidaklolemediiine. 7.„„ Weeks o -•o , , , •„..-::,.....k . ./ .4 co - , for eere'rld -yeah, tad ahre7o 101 l 0 !4 jelleirlYholO Thiel , "... .' :' : ' "": ' ..,: . :.. - CCO '• over Imake nom tont. NY l.ol 1 0 11 " 1 "' il'i L:. 414.( !m ,- One / .1 " 5 " 4 ''' ' '' . ''' , !-....: er,olile.b ketpl`nre almeareiniamtalyerigaged,e eme o, . . . . ... . ''. , o . my - disease, vat times, m become' varyaitteini.r. wh en Three' " •• , .., 7 ••••m„.:;„ 4 ... . , i . -do • • ,bek re t „, , no konger advertisements la mos P ‘ c7 . 7 ,.. . 0 . n0 1 'at once procure a rned,elae. .re a plea - "... nom 6 moot. h. , ,,ithp u t altrm, !..,... „rg .r t . ' ) . awe 111 making dux pithhe 5t5515e51, J 54 501eis affect '7,';' 7' .. .i, .. o - - '!-_,_ ol. Ar ed Wid. P. diulue 9f the mega Mad eZoielommu organs Eacb.idition..,lxquiricat , 6miaeitir... , 7 , . . may knew. tha 'Virtu, of 0.1011 belling - I:nay," ,•• .. ..! . - ' \ __ .....„ . ..is ew i n „ . lu , u • . . 555 may 55 eared. I brie fic4s.6.ten&f.Dr. D 55.554 glEtenoun.6 in 051514,51 P. ,..;•,510 (0 . . .E.ip,„,.u. Flamed, u, 5,55y;0f - mr 5{5151i, armee •: q • .." •ift : ujuu d. odromowe *air lives' to ibis eta. i 90.9n,et„Obie,Oct. tk, 1945. i JAMES ' REvilIT ! T., garii r , guudltioalimoiquoarettur,°rellwOjest P 1enu'e 4 ; 741".9... . • The proprietor or the above, tordleinic would, elm Rich taditianil sqaare, 6 Illoomvllr ....... ..,...;fil cr. , _ , refer to the oodomiPed Comolte, who r de iii Perry _ O . 7 ........ Ei y lig . sall.l.Jl.{Pljtß. _ ~.A . ' we 9 ty, en whom any person i may eali 5p55 55d Ibi , r 21 1 .11. 3 ,,,,, ' ' rifillik; • e*"'"'d II" th"' "e.' " l am th ' s."* "l ° " 6 igu r . additiooal insertion,....4 . :: atedlelneibar omnot be excelled , , . , . . et a ~ , .. ..,, .. ~ Darid•Calbetoon, BartieneCalr. !Latent, dr'Pra.l3.! .. . , , AVIONMM .ClllO ..,..!:,/ ~., ~ , els Geliber,Seekmatp; Mr. IF dac . Ree. , Pelbert,: 'i...i • Rester leo, ore Y B s , . ••••• ...... t.. 600 • Saltbek iii r ; Jermt.likaterrellrp .. ..• , : 0 ~ . , . . tie menth,. ... 9.,,...:::. 500 • .• °IL 1) " Ne". " - S "''' . ..__ °Fr . 4l4, 3 •0 0 BYO'. '.• il o one year, dailY do* eaklyt. 30 5 00 • r .- 'mere stmli atleintotti, 0h0... i.• . ‘‘ , Vit •' - ' • . . . -o - ' sit ,ontkri " . '!.. ' , ''D 0 '''''''' .1 ' WO It Putoblvlit br 'YF!.t... 4t, 111 40N. FO'Llberty ~" .-- . - . . _0_...,_-. -.• _-... . . ,4 . • kealtar-Weied 'trent: - ' ''' I , Iptaltea 1 alffiattililtirrl IN . !....... ..1.,,./ .. 2. I •-. lie far len Oimi InStit.loa, ...'• .. - .140 ack 'Wig AREND!) Ut4E SELLERY O VERNRUOM....-1T IS V01F,..i . 1 _° . ;, -, .. ..1,0.- -0., - ---:,-. In- ": . . JF,,p9pui.A.R.EvEig= l _ , , ..- , • ... • . ~: ~ —i ~ 44 . • ..:. ; :. ; :.:..t . w ..., ...-,. i V Jaly sd 1 er,.. ! ..1 . , Tarp - k1i,41 F.Cliikarrii-DearEit.4,l pnrekoied aro rens . -.., a,, 'l , : .... ;. ThlarClOn . t 1 . 1 1 !.. . ' ,_. beWle of Sam' Venar.Be , mtd mule etseamae bot- ' .' . ,'il; ,-....-..... Big.. .., ,--, o ...; ...7 . -. 7 ..r . v.r0 tv ,..... „ .. tie ramrod MY COddrens which brought note ene..UMI .., .., :r •_..i. ~ ..- . .0 . - .-. Vitofit - • 4 ,,,::. ~..,114 , ..4400: t ,..f . . , ii9rear,ond from the otberiMt. I 1 mOielt.endit 4. the 1 „..,„ Au i 0i,494e.1. 9 .mi tape eimigedliilimacmaral. ',. ',.' '' , 9 0e.e.ity as ebirorthe b t i ctool.eal ooo .e . ..Oillte. 1 4- o 'd. • - dift.,Zker-Z•perri,'Eritili berm . 05 brithey'i ''',--..! r " or coed for AM removal ilif..Yrerunt.o . .. ~,• -; ... -. ' ..:, -,. 5 • •• - .. 455 1 . 555."55;c5.1 •• v , •,• : .-c% , :' , 11 05 t 2100 ! C ' li a lk. : .'t 7. '. ?.:• ' "'" - ',.:''..." .'''' 4 ''''''""' l o.n.i.elmee , fo7 , • ''.'''' ' , : emtiittot of adv. itiohl tacith Al .11Papiwyfir . .... ,:.,-,.... 1 , Prerared and fold by IL EL'SZLAMRI4S> W. 04 . 1 ...k ~Ahmisoilamil, 4ifer.saiegiese4l6,ND. • .4.- - bettimliMl3l4M24 ilk 114.;: &Aka ; get4lilrVigli ..7 , . ~- -•• , • Hip .- 7.' , 2. . , ..:.:":' ,.. "'.• , ;& -= '• %2,,-- .:...' , i:: ,. ..iv. - •; ,,, it- , ,",ki , -. , ;:.. , , ,, i' , :i.:Nit = lATilli,fra4-ati.:4-41-11..;''''44''''''?4:''': . . .. . ,--1,1,-,..57.--,t,i-4.-i1.v,,,..,,v,1,,..:„,,,„...,;.., ' , M I FDiCAL == M I OZEitiES, Vxn, 3161CATED pRER.MA ham daaered a tray b dada nhaliam e planted, a that addres r 1 take in noddy ited 'tare. Se. Oat hie/ix mama a salad adman oC i u m e Pot Tooth rata Oath, lock of achrthameroma • , slitm.fr.ws i3Oze.nazs: . Them Leoropee are efam.2, e . nay for coughs aaa, rausompacea, - rbooparicoglem, rine m, tightness of the teapot elnate.le, proprietom his octet kaara n inatana vale they aoesa* pallet • reaisfaaioa Bearal• Waned ban have ban eat aithk• the hot yea,rtatorien to health person, fa taxed neap step orainamptton,and thaw hborap ageter.l.6 mod4iisrewbi roldo ead raga.. They do aot anek and dr, tip thee-ono, bee dam paamote eatmetonalle, the Goblin Me They and,rano. the proatrada or encalte They are made Croix . cumbinaloa of* inoet m•lnaldn sepia • tonat,orrough nalicaes, and are andonandly'worior nary Wig Mainframe complaina, Hada& mina boa • dada ofeatibeater have aro offered of their irandanal • loa, from those aho beee beia end hod an annbak sod reetorai terrace health by lan data. , . • When, then o niodtp•in fia thibreateraidi,earef Sher Binh Poor N an' . Platers (pries on/yl2l tenth). ebookl a • egdied.over.Bis tare, and prom tilf•'abeert. Jf.aucodid rah waive:ray • ,kaseaartie n lataira boatel, a n . said cathartic examine, ahould beamed a. ameba rev/as . - L . ifiEß3lAti , 2l. wom Lozas . 054.... - r ale mono lancet il•nibmite proved enemy this IMO co met to be infallattlet oh. otely.esethm tom atom its mann* metirmartel. Nary d' , omits seism from worm and million 100 sod Miser Miming, end entlideath, now am their cm g minded; grown pintos Mo my Mien ea.., .fit, 0, &A ...6.,...1 r... ~..,it.........e.k.. ,011,,,1i ety ttnehilinee dm of , than Itmenges would k t ...,Spoptomitt. Wirisni.-4iitti in the join& .live., Offen Ma Math, pichinint theme, grinding of. Um nettheinring ' ,mpoOttlati tinemptilittei atom dee lipt,with noshed cheeky ttleted&get the aoseliegenwing minatentlia the mantstlt,ffesh;' te. at hotattemr the maim elithr.hotiroe li ght thills or Mir elie t p,. hamlet:lM, - . dp w . siner, , ...to,' corNr , disturbed demos, mad o auto* ut shop, unit &kit end Mineetlieg tonestitom a &outdo:me ectagtt, &militates, .thires, pled • hut, 00, bki hoboto Oh. 'Mouth, ditlitult betathiog, ,pute in w.shnomeh or hoed.,' a li gns, twain, syentoohnno, sots; tionstypetite, - Mants.; blotted selonencl'oe limey gnitiegs. eintmesyeine nil rot mow& at the Miy, a mmed ems hied roma in liet thettat,'iniung of Mammy awards Wit, a fotpoW netito to pot ettquthmg from the bidet's, ta& - (N11.1 • link* kbk..s