- • • ~ _ , 1 . ' 1 . - - 1 :,- N'~!. , , • , . 1 xx ' '. .'• • - • , - - . _. ~.. • ' . • ''.! ~• ~-...- •• • . • ...„ •- • . ~i '.. . , i ' ••• ~ • _,„..,,,,,„..„,_,.„_„_,„.„:„:„. _•_ „ I „ .. „,.._„-....,,,,,,,,,..„4 , 5...., , . -- 1 , V;r 77 ,7.4..,L7 , -* • - , z77-1 , -, : f .„,„,.-- , r , ,, ~4 7......------ ~." = "4 ,' •-• 7 "•'''"i'r. -- ',•"' • "•'''' - ' •, t 7 ,17' ,•••- •'' 7 • 17: •'•• 74,, "••` *! •' -'7 7 l ":' , ,--,•"`•'''''''''' ,•; " 1. '"----•-; • ''-••••`•"•.--"•:-•-:-•-•,-,;-.•••••••%- " l •- ,, -- 7, •• • ' ,, Y x ,," 11, . 7, .• - .W 7' 2 ••••- ,1 ~,,,,,,,......1,,,,,•.—.................. . ... — ~i-",,--"--------, ,------------•P'' : ''''.':''' r ':''''"r p: . •' . .' , • , . 1 . , ; . . ' * ~' ' ! . ' . -. ._ , . . '. ' . % " ; , .- : , . . .' ' . ~. ' , ~,. :, ._. . , ',.., ...., ~. :F. : :2t, ...........,. '' ... \ , , -- ....MOO' .-. ...7 .1 ' . 1 . , . . .• 8f .. . ANIS-.20 bbts Irlitui , , iamb BACeh r iktis ' 1171111 - COM/ICI/1i ' . 1 ' ' ' • ' RECORD. 1. - :. ~ .( NIKELLANEOUS,.; _........[ DW ,... , .. ... , .... _ • __: , - \ • \,_. , .;) I ' • - 1' 7/1 I SZED.—..% is !rink loparehar. ilk fr . ." hundred bashals , .• , ' _tights% Qn t=l:T r ',. Ir . " Mjg i r l .ll 'n' aiC:lB e r r . ? 'ha b . i pir,A.Tuates—....t.... IIInOIIIIUOM war IN. .. . .• 1 eau* far .e by . .. ..4•111. - . IPAIAII MOREY &CO • -• ;': :. *24 . ' ., ":4,.:5'4' i',.:. > - f , l , `_~~;'. ENE grt°l - IV 3- og0r;It lAttilf2EgrH, • awlB • ' .18 Ta woods I,'l "IBA3HSBIUE3 — IC 661ieranberry4;'_ _ •, • : • \ 4 . : .., . , .... • '• • • :saints, nvIP BAGALICY & Nutria .pAsus Ci!IELIY and Vet dims, tronnd sn , 'n:ll 'au• C" "I° br SCFI I OONMAIriR & CO • : . ,1;. ~ ii,z '! i;vil" :',;'.': - i ,- . ;.... • .1 , -;-: -:. 1 1 ,1 ,.. , =-4t:410, ' .".•%.‘7/':;''', ', 1.1.-c -I 'Fir, i . '- t-44 . ,, ..•"; : . : ;- ~.IZ-Q;1,, . ..*-1-4,_ ',' ~ • •:,: , • • • ' _ ,1'7•:;.:,.!4:74'...:.:;::..: ,1. , .,7.!zi, - ;:-:•,,: . "-.7.4;'.;: ,i...,.!::.%,.!..',.--.•'',.:' , • ..,4 Ji: 4 ;".'"1:f•f '. ' ln; iiiii ''''"%.4.' ''''', 4' .: . ::,; •: v II"' tr. -:;. ; : ' 5. : tz:43:',4 • 1::•': 4:O'„VA ~, - 17,- 1 ; 1. i. ',' :•1!;'' I;ii .1.4):.v.:.,5•, -..i;;;,::3.-;,41: P 1 .:1;f4:11,A',:•f:i.3.15: !. ,- . 1- iif : q::l‘,: , :e_iz.i , , : • •••,,: , . ~ . r.,;;;. 1.0.Nr. • " * . 'lii?:-:ii:•:: ',. i4.:f.4 ;. Pit112.C.f.f41'Vf,.;;;;.:•1.:., I'4 1i.i.,,..11' .•,,,+k f?.. . 4.. ;*1 ,.. ',1,:,,:.:, ' ,t,:•A;4';!l"..t:gl Ails .-t, t I 'ii4; :; ‘ , J:5.3.•,.:Y..k.1,1. ''.t.."4.:', : • tl*i.li 4-1':1-7:, ''.e, r:'•',: -14...,w.i- ,17'Pi,' :i.10„,-„. .cli';: Itil',titz.l - T.': ' ''4 4.• IN-:'-:C.:;:•;r-l f z r?-iiPillitt*:: :114•1` 4 ' 7":,. .1:inl: ' IS , .- ~,‘4,.%, 1: iii . ‘,:',;l ;:''2,:4' 1;;404-,:i4s p` 1 fa '.....7041,: -..A,,t,r ..A.-'..,..,, :..,,. ottp*.t , :),i- 1.: Z.: MEN • TOBALVO.-4 ca., Aly ti , •• nm, Orottoko, lb. Melted, for solo by. •• ' ont• . LAMPERT k-SHIPTON r" i!ji . Z 4 VA " l ' l4:&. .U.Maehloolleltlog,,frott7t lf In s var a to LS ioch ide; kinst fOr We by.. kitTAIILLIPeS, - ant. • , • wood • il lie tiCaricairli. I V V .1 , 42,1040., 1044 ao4 Isrse.alus frost 1043 to t . • ,• • • Sy o fkAll.43 b.p ißrasl.l Seta, reel Um thir; • im3Atxy t same 1utuar.....60 ptiss.;Jart r&4; for male by • • WC R bIeCUTCHEXM bolci . Okis staintfilrEole QUA. et m marks al. 3 nartoili . bmore 01= LAWES Pinnies and Frailkrs.r.riar opening at A A KAMM & C 0,300 of the malt faahionable plums •nd fnettrererted rem dav • ez • race nvID %LA •Of • 21,, ymees red dad brown • • • or Web., w ekde roneinnaern, by • - nrld I Val COCII;AN. SS wood st. 7 , easel! efbesunital bright co/ored .1a Limeys; ljastyge'd by grelol.. t ' HHACELETY k. WHITE GOAKIAUSI-3 co - o; good mtvle laidsJosten dDY - I • basc Wain: avi ' SI wood ot TIED FLANNELW-4 . bales ldrrquited ird wool isS fialltnelc Jan ree.eired; Or sale UT I , SitecKLErr WAtTI tIOTTON-300 bales ' 4lissieripii Coma, pew) %,/ Redly; forest." by i ATWOOD, JONFAI & 1 / 3 15—but , Stestri • • . ' ; . 15• 1 1 i ^ 4 1.1ordeaux; . .300 • paper shelled; ' 595 • . 411.4; brute by J DWILLIAMS ClTal2t . BOAT COO/XING .11TOVES ;4; b 7 WAIB Nark:. ' retals r Ant stlmMr•ea market& wool AIIUSTARD--*epeehir Kentucky—Jo tin earrof , grfrole, Wolf And q.t.., pounds; last reed' sad for bf EDWARD If EAZELTON ft . " o ' • P.art aids Diamond C . 0_Ap.,43 :(s.nciaoati gespi•Ont TeciVved; ior .147 • -• • - ATWOOD, lONGS !VD • lon s . . - frtiat'sts PNIAOOI6,II-430 sets and sfiji Poiebei: lauding feast Ma New Eaglaod; for sale bY irri 3 JAS DALZELL .., (1 1 051 . 6 sad FRlliio ES—An calensive aolortment of • %A Lampe and 11 ringespon received at di market E. ovls 1 . A A *SOON et CO . . . G .onzu. PEAS-29 idle bore landled Rem stmr . ' Pude; Air Wei b 7 • . I DICKEY &CO • avid . . - ' wince & coin de . P . bbls now hulding Cram stmr Atlehigui, . 4- 13Z "' "• - . tiMCK6 tCO F LOUR -10a bblavtiy tapenar litodi ' Floar laud ' 2l fir'f''Pr Amri"'• : (o, 4 ` fie b iFoßD CO nalata • Coaastioslon Ilerehant, liberty st CHZ.B.SS—Iot Lazo Cborst, rano largerivr fbr solo GREER • ; sorle ; • ;" • • our oioitbfleld t water to ~~l ~ ~~)~•lRs ~TTl~tt~riFi?TTt tu awls, :no tax t.....musana ticaHarco'd tem dayi brute low by• Hlt TODD OHS • 26 wad f!, , belOlVllld 1rEp.,117, e ce Pinar: landhairkom stoul Americtiln bate by • JDALzELL• • ' walent isa3-41 bUu p_riesel reedam• for • W 611.MeCUTCHEON I I. i ' Ltitlibenv.st: Q0•11—I$ Mats dew top ti 0 Swan laVKltcy, fro= f"'Ll* .'BAOiLEY sum .. 17 • 1 . 18 tr. 20w.ad • .G6(01142 . 11:7 1. 7 ISlpaseax Anliar Clam page . 2 • •r° WEAVER RAMP 9RAND,Patritiple Eve or Ma k, retaii;qui ter tale by the bikt or,boUle, at the wine sone. mat ' • JACOB WEAVER C OTTON—cO halo 'mantic okitiOnitable! i 9 lot axle ":' ATV& JOlOll & 'CO 011711bblsi7ae ..xeedothjwrtet'd; roria lw;, ..is7llths nvl9 1e w. Ltadjure du; fordo by nvitt ' - • j[SCIPOONMAKEK &OD S Pcl '. 6 - E -1 T}:=4 - tt fi ry' . : • BCIIOOaISAICER ICO 'AIL-.WbrterepermOiLairessii,by ILP • nyla - • SCH UONMAKFA 400 QOAls—s4Dbx• Na 1 Sisqi.lsst reseis.l il u tbslbr b.7Ts ci bliong for sole by -•!: GW: HAREM Oil 'd and alade ß b Wr j ulr "9 . bbl. , l"7 ! 8 NV HAR O iIibBACCO-;•26 kegs 6 twut Tobacco:last temiT 6 o kr We by nrls SLWHARBAUGUr b . lattiKt*pes pala—recelied Oda davi An vir v r TASSEY BEVr fn. s jj rrrr ~l~G~~n DBE SS BORE—t • you for ira:a by UTIS • ' • • C ARBIITFINOT. Zr'amtliVllW 4 -ACWaDFASH cm, Fleaetr Imumfanture; aod Ibr sale by trvls •.. CAR BEITEINC fr dplleri,d L . ard W., 17 . - CAK MeIINIGAT • • • Ph *mei 1114-4 bat. 4r.1 ttl: tow /armlmr from mum IV Ls. coatuttfrt tale hk. • • 1 DICTOy it 00 1 0, t° I w lit 6ale lW.graigßt% • ZMP—Ubcin'Pdmdewmued:jan(icci•ed ~ • gserrislion4.6e •ak by . • LEWlS.ittriiinenir zi. co UEJORICY Cbamputie Rate batter bots.w? wiroa store ,ptsand fords by • oft . • • JAOI.II WEAN' • AA USX k Cei Sherry h , IXl,for ode by the- tAllt or .• • e :/ACMI WEAVrE' UMM&CO'II:AIIetTOT Apslgs at .thersuis ' inn , • Dist , ' DitAndlit., • .4 vy muket or twine.. • JACOS'WEAVEZ 4 :bumwoo:lg*. . 4 the Twine more. \ • 'JACOB WEAVER val. Co's'Acc • G4l*etitz , ket . Ur, • . • BOLLINGUEBtedeAn' On late by Ina bllktor • Z=ZM NALSAJW;—tamMum NiilflOmi Wild Che r ry , k..w by . .111 DO& CO 112LACIK. WADDEN r hart; Just opened El .. . El.. MM= TIAGS k ab Lot of Igeloal Bap Just received; paPirclEl BOXED of "ons.kei log rockl Tiarsairsuss- o , od q. 4 1 4. barb br TVILY AV the 'Mee MALAOS. •• ay WINE. kyr owe. BLACKWOOD'd HDINBURLi ill4O/LLINE fin Sq. ember, 147 inst nee:Tall • • ..1011141 • • ACOO—ri LL p. the . Tobacco PM • tueived; kir oda 4.! r • r k • • • 01117 31,11eGREW el? B URP /dui. pnate : .I.)ltibailiiVrbl—... p . . t.r. Vbrabbba blanket. jut received ba 4 cababs: for ale by lr , 00011R~t1V 90 fn. Land, img:2d and for sale at No *l4 Abut, /OM, • N WA ACE CORX-100 yellow kw tale by, onoo, . - , End XIER ' o:d Nye • P. b • • . .• eat3o • e,:ms.at BLEACMCD DAlLLlNG—lnseividlk.tk eu. reeeiyed; Lar ode by .. , • aid • biIIACKLETT Wu= EirctiffiLD 811111 10 ea, method and Abb, tm recrayed by ttgrbligaTVATllgu7N: fi rinGS-1.11 Met icnr . pri. on rut' ism& redaead SHACK - Li :TT WIRE o(mA:rims—se bbl Nesbannbckb as eftsgn. fOT .1a low by REYNOLDS & car palm k irwia its VVMITIAO . hut klethjdi ratiate brs • - oo- • - REYNOLDS &FREE 0V1110. , .1100 saporior last Teed_ pei emir Vly. amino for Wei by I•OINDEXTER lb CO Am, ' . 1• .1 11 water Weer - • APPINU PAPKEL— • . W i tiOubandlcs BC. U and D Cwriw Paper,' • • ; • zse Baik . , • wfti ' " l: . D- 1 4'-diu' l l igNM)9ll l 4ll; r 3416.41V*71:51;.50 bit b.. NO • fri. 7 . i;:llifICT N A 4 ,ll . .irl.:4 , iLL7-4s bbla and IV do Xo t 'rap Laril Oil, (Wry - L r ui ! " ! " . e‘l ! l _ .. L 'd n d a ' l2Vl . 7lll. -14 . 4.011[:4! 7 t. lait4 No"3.l. i tyiard . l t a, ••. • : East side orollesaawl /L—Nll 1 and Lard al lawfully hand, for • art sate by - . • J JORDAN s SON -1 KlYOOt. MCP& for Ode koliiy .T Ollll-10 bnntresn•blnlans Lentanri In San wder.tct! by.= • • .. C 'yell • • • • cot rmilhHetdhlront .1* 11 1 : 1 11M—wensee W 44 will be eie Obis good Cider, tor wltiqi by •• Vit bgrir.I!CAMIO4 iribeCh EIM EMMEN =MEE wool. wo g ., in im ur %VW T riguaraV OM WOW WiraUtae; eer1 4 . 11 7 ." c.ar* allay. /91113 . !Vat. cam Gam Gnu!: _ V lifbtols de .i r •• k"s ` mi T r'ilVagq:Ceob7 VV "AIS Ti a i. :o . gr:ndgit 100 bmlol34,lftle load 14x188,, .r bbr , b , i; byl Lataszta sinprott. nrb ' I tk ITS mond st A A MASON k CO UT/LOON—A fort is te roui horses Wwojnet reed; Waite by GRUM. hdeGRKW CO trri • • 6 Corn.ltbsv,ltberryst : • 0. 5110113.4 30 b.h.ds Ise wig uclasc consign N mein. FRIEND, 1111EY Co., POTATOSS-1511 , bbli • leis irlifer 1 J Cduend. for otle by FRIEND, EY & Co. , • • N • b 7 Water .t. EER LIAM and Tow Tara Uxiale I CARSON & ReRNIGHT QUAD—SO bhis No:lamed; for We low to elan by , 0111 • I CARSON & bIeViIIGHT his bbls IN!A . pazre c t= lallzpito - DAL t- grou el" W Julreeeivedl b r! IWI Flo b ant{ :eorstelsittlibe sts CMAZIKII.4IDIA2IIOIND3—A loijnitreed and for isle by.. 4 KIVU if. Coo Soli=LlA be Barley; b. paidr. R oaah j y e, for 7rhiol t itta mull yrta till . • • OANFORD Co Mrtrbsms. Irbertv et T1 , 40.Avv0 , —./. nun Tut yousla • 'Areo 111113ps in sum; kr sare by • . . 0 iILACKBVRN dto OlL—Mbarrehlbizbeed NI , jut reed, for way by F tELLEILS 17 LbertY SPT/L. TIIRPEIITIaIIi-40 bbls on hand; b. . BRAUN aluarta -4 bairn IM wtt now landing from swum H'Aniariem tor min by t IDICKEYL CO K ,ll . • • - ASS water & 107 Dom Mr G LAIIII-4* bit 10.116, Idale, MIS and lanlidlisi -6r sale low by ard DEARLAZEI-4 bale by • •!-__Alle I erwoOLUONES a. co SVOAR-10 hbds prime N.O on mssignmenn Co ntle b 7 - ned • - F seu.r.tts FLOOR -410 Mils ctealk i?iusd lo . uVre i t r , V4 . 2/1 .1" eitt unithfield kmuer Its made EILAIIIICZTEIL lan of ram Us blue J./ blankets, itutabLs tm semost•Just reed n► • ALEXANDER k DAY . 75 Marketat. NW cos of d.nand STAZI E . "311" '''' L ' A7rß N Elt+ . P :Bl7a r e 'l . e 132 WS 'rood QAl.2%—t bbls prima? E Salts, An by 1 , 7 W UREEK -4 nr,ntrvlrivrin , • lI °REIM TOBACCO—es - - HONJO7-40 Ms prima. in Man; for saleby 241110 NY DRAW Jr, 'Lh st k"roancrt QCORCHISCIS-I.3oaks L aved and kyr u6 by 0 • nirn - '' • ; W & 6 AIeCUTCHEDN nib-10 Iddi lazeeed oil, Au received; kw Als Albkr by ; W BMeCUTCHEON 1621ibeny at • Si t riP P.LLTS-1, bundle siozatiftWrul ,rater & from et. C WSZ—.3O . O bxg, uisi , ore; foytl n s c ;lt sy ikco L ARD 011-8 blgs now 4anding fn. amr Mout. k..44' , Y I ' , DICIRT k. CO 117/.11-4 balesTg quall!you. C fl emfor sale by SF VON BONNtiORST CO ' ay= - • 33 front st Fl5ll-9) bbl matted - white figh, Jut reed; f• Ara l s vofi BoNNttoner &co pOTAIIII4 aka ale _ aco , , . Roaxfox.o r M r?.r i fPrir i mi , ! w 4Mitn‘ffl TTE4II.-11 frish roll, Just reed, Air sale by 'IWICKk eIeCANDLESS - B' l7 '"'"4 B"''i Gar =de by •23 { bb id*IVICK a McC DIPIGS-125 pl • JC .enre. LOf:MOOD-43 bbli Logimod; for sato by_ ora WICK h PIoCANDLEZS 7IOPP6EAS-10 66b f rale by . • lvJ neSl I WICCI IdeCANDLESS OISIX . VII.-4! be ri . e!i'fr txr c 4l4l , : . okst; torNsanitepLi ILZBATLIS.I6 elk. Clevetml, -'"4victlaretqAtrim PIZAVIiIIS•47 I= enr,faa Ice% sale ty . ..113 •. WiCK MeCAPIDLE.9.9 • P- apt] OTATOEII-60 ba !inhannocks; 63, see , . , WICK ft. MICANDLuaz ISICACY-3 bbh raw lehistay, tor We by roll i WICK hbIeCANDLESS LTONICY-131bu for We by, nrti " WICK & IdeCANDLIESS B EA3 ll—fibblanzati Irbnc; Gar sale by 1:,41 ' ,WICK bIeCAN.LESS Ba . 11:1 0 1:11d1.-11101es Cons broansi.filr sale by . • • WICK t. bIeCANDLFI3:4 VNEIROAR—LibbIa eider vinegar In norm for iale by - nye J DaLZELL QUO/LB-8 bbls maple war, oi hawk cereal. by ni23 . WICK h.. Me& NOLESS L /111,68 bblano 3 Large blyckerel; - V' ; 73 No I Herr isz unsaid by nr:l' - WI,K k bIeCANDL.F.B3 64018 Alesand4 10 Filberts; ' - I atglablithletaLc 63, sale WICK t McCANDLESS 6aDndl 7:j;KValki) s TO . I3 O3 ILOG:IL4S . t ope ma, - • ! Drub by ' WICK McCANDLEPS r Qii.aparka ...11%1379EAM'VEli. Ppral • " Is -• 4 1.144.:t VEMINIERS-13 gcsaaky Fecl!err reed . per ruarTagitaiWoral v al turrinsos k co MAO ale by b.. 15 = = = =I . marrr k W RITE II wood at i - EADant SUOT-1110 p*Oal-na Lead; .X/ t ased not; for/sale by nvl6 LE% IiUTCHISON t W M=IM rPOSACCO-40 kegs 6 taut Tobacco: Jan bocci. ved, for cab. by ATWOOD, JONES &Co • • bilb • •• - water & kora an CispA and asuia, " I° ,lrn EATON • •^ able prime new Lard jut ree'd peratrar A 4 144 a Newtut 1m ale bY .T JORDAN A. SON -.min hoax/ ef rteithaeld Idles roiudge 'for eATONIS Trimming , nom SPT/. TURPZ/ITI3IIO btols_An_t reedi_for arf fulls b .6 A VAIINDMOCE &CO, ty. walmellas • P E4TON • • be lb. India bble /1.00111 wEeirEg • DERPEXITLoye Ostdia!f9r We 'at dm aim stem of CC tmle • ' J4C0113 WEAVER MiCaICHZII-13//badhied,stawdust ne'd; for.di .IC - • by • bra) Wa. a McCUTCHEON 233mrsi VLOOS—IIO bele W i WWWw'm benedjuel we'd tot eaela by 8k W LiABl3Bu.ou rele 33 wood se DOTATOICSI4 bbisjan reed; kif gala nwto ": ' 8 IV lIARBAUOII non PSELLEILS 17 liberty it. T Dimity mid Clam Seed, One; for we by fr. W HABBAUuII GILIRSEXG—SmaIIIGGrmI.!by_ - GREER ..ewsmithista ymer Ell—le3 bblierib eider for uM by XXIIZZ-13 bzs W R be =Sit/ • GRFXR' Stitt l y" -- "v" •,,,Ogra,lot bblOsewernpl if 0; 4.144 (ma M. sun: lease -Naviion; ay We by . mitt IAS TOALZELL 0111LEING—ICO bze swine, bat We by e'erJAS DALZELL A PPLZa—V44 bbleepom. filr We 0. else JAB-DALZELL Wain' Ft plOg i .llo3l—Eotaas i Vlttg , t , !. hoty tared.. SVrJO Ilalritlus.ll446j 111/IT•20 bblidried rcathei; 46 ocks , Appifnl sa , e _arts '• • • - J& it PLOYnort hbem• SlEZll,roarsthY IA Om/ for rile by_ TD , fc VLO PDEALICMI IN COAL—WaaCcd to contract I'llr a rcojar . appl y of COSI lb reogltout the mason, eM= !Belle and east panames. Apply at ithe fee. • am II • utlandia. toon ileum Now Enputd, for ' JAY. LZ ral7 • - • • • • 24 littler it pie LEAD..-scopip Armload At* roieWed P.lstiar Doyen for We by • • _ eta : •• h. • . - • POIIIMITEII CO BARYTES -7 loe• . iabli kr Wink Laud atanatumwen; weesrad - war by POINDZITEN. w NI water at A PPLEL-10 b far nabs by • writ - .iffitinTe 11 I I LP It M Fire Brie MiTile,seerriedi LL mairusa.—as side. red Luber, for sale by . • JOHN ORIEL= liberty it pYLDSZS—MJars Sea DSdsm; As ma. bY •-• °"2 " - ID WILLIAMS - . O LI DM I °111.4 A "1411."*'AtIVIZEJAMR R. cAlTnr-1°". D'ltylalAMS HAZIIX-60 bolichai teeigiretriad iala try .• A eer %%ruler lna Smi'harAld 1 Soap 'jut huojag lags IlUkt Siti= b lV • • all " ' 100/ <a t ~.. .The spleabid fast tanning steamer. Taglioni,Capt Peni, letter this day,poeitively, at 10 it m, for New Orleans. We !Ake pleasure la recommending this Sae Packet to the travelling peblie, feeling sarethat Is teptil'erry they will find one qualified to , team epintoMable all who may entrant themselves to his P C MAIMN care. r'M•flTT:MfftiM 547Lar sale i vt eaEltn 180 bis Pt 118 x sale Ig 8 F VON BONNBO3eF 8. CO kspoited peat week 18,45) Exported previously 11^-89,856 Stock l on utitil and on shipboaid. not cleared Mrs day ' 114,065 The • bireineen 'reached 500 bin, +MUM - holden showed more utility to 'pre.. sales. 'The entire tramaction• - of the, week mat up 11,000 MIMI.— (Com;Tmoire. Sr Loon; Bow 13—Floar—TIM market evinces mete Stamen. with moderates ealcs'at Choice Car slitld brands .455426,..* p bbl. i-• • Hemp—No ales to report. Prime! ) R held ft smarm , Wool—Soles or me lba pilled, tab washed at Sic. and 1000 do Merino, in fur Order, itt 25c. p lb. 15rhiekey—Sales of Reectilkill at 19e. Tallow.+We notice wiles 10 bbl. at 8c r Hier ; • intro:yrs ar =yrs. z • =IM CINCINNATI—Per Winconsia-100 bbis *b.. key,J &J. McDevitt-1540 wolsawee, McCiattan bI. Isb.lakel, let & Rickeemost—.492 do lare,esepp . ....._nenwasilinvetuz ra —Peaa bkll l llllWa.wwwwkw wdee, Gll-30 bbl. Goer,eke core, Powes-8 WI. leatbes, Cops-37 .bbl. 1$ Boer, Ilaidaer-34 a. barley, Preston-1B do do, Haapb—H) bw pleas, Yonyth & Deweb-4 bit do do, - cos—E7l/ do do , Etwhen: . • • BE:BOER-1 ar.blichigans9 dez brooine, Het reltao—l9 bas cheese. 3 tibledr eppleg, Tasty ISt Best-3 cake potalb,Oekrons & co—lo 7 heaths:ale ska wool, Bartley & Staith-11 ben chine, 3 kis batter and pickles; 3 bbl. Boar, Myers Br. Healer -77 Inks b w Bier, 4 do potash; Wick 4 Mew& 43 Pt. ' ; alo; vilextiklecerabutha • WELLSVILLE—Per Caleb Cope--23! eke de peaches, Chinch & CarotherO-5 bar tocr,Saicial Alcelartas-1 hi leather, 3 Me wirol. 7 idled hop, 81 sits dr peaches, n oil me 1,,7 aka core, S ala W Harbor:44=l9 bblorallow,.tylboo & co-4 WI, wire, Town/cal &co. . • • ' , L-109 bbh liiie No 9: in Nom 1D .FIfI7 'CfSI9ON t CO [l74guali or caZimains—itia Tomo—:To tie Bald and 'Cinty—llf yam wish nab, haat:ant head of Bair, free from deadryt and matt do not fall to proems I;''.l.l"„„L'ltfre".,:d 4 =tx - peg a . Zarb: have harshen betray SO years hose bed It nratereir Jo fu ongiaal oet recibir: by the die of this balm Age, irate or erseMOt Voter tribe no obstacle whatevert.it else mese. thafiaid balkier wish which alte delicate hair tube la filled, by which means lhoen ttelbeie bur Was /prey as thOpCktattie Eagle) have had their hair re. , stored te ha sutural color by,the, aft of this itoridaable meetly. , In al; opts qf foyer It *III be rowel We son pkquant yo b Wet cab he aged: 4. ;pi .pptievice. only are memory to beep the bale frata Waif lath it strengthens tie mots, It acre, fads to hapfirt nea glossy appearance. and as a perfume for the toilet , imeaustledi st holds three tieweas maetru other. *lr. called hair rasatratires. and 'is more I effeet e lZhe ge nuine otanufaetured by pprpuet CO, SI d Sold Is riusharah, only genalee,hY JACKDON, St Llherty st ,11. . Wash In Wasidafiton, re., by Sweeny A Son; m ßrowrisrble, by 1451113041 Ctoeken Cautensberah, hy Shona alee, by oar eabew le i 00057 Owe F. obi? nedfild.. : estridfiwtkar I S r Tel:Pi:o9D . Errata Climate—ls Empty rtestrentlyetellbe Daman oeuele, (or sklo,) , lte rude.* distal:tom - beet to, cold, awl te .mete came. , Careplerlim. ;Then it Is rermishe that Me pone of tom, shin %hoald b trot open—tbat thelr mead. should be freed lhelt:eirtAny-hwas Unts the mteleat Yam} nth lesopeers eared all dm...es—Met mtne‘lear mote ihrumes and orMeelthy ?rapers Inn throe "OM Of the Otis, that, any 'oilspo outlet alba body II 1111PWEGF eery, therefore; to beep the porn open—all bearers are dim, lied from the skin from the pore., when they . Vefsh with mono , !tiling Chemical tea p. I have 11CdP UCIIM Me worst end Olden CLIO. of Salt Rheum, Erytdpelm, Old done Barbee. Itch, sore He Ilkopterro, when every other internal and !MOM' remedhad Wader Iu effect rendering the sem slam, clear and soft,lhoudh 2he yellow and rent wonderful—lt mums Free les,7ll:o3nabom. Moroi." and diellintreasettlef shje—bat Wows Mast be Wong...tad ask terlesse e* be bed In Plusbergh Whl.JAogsoll,mail of . 4 — ruir &Mr l•Lllerme at. Price GO email. • . . ' FrYdna.reillue Pelnd b oorly N~ sa macs oseedh_.. to All con! hue wall wide u Dart ior. • Semi to ndr—lud h a e k.r . Why delayt—Nab y • And 1110 a bOX of Josue Auk bv"3"‘""A 1. 7.11,111re= " : It ewes th e tee* a loa rum wawa? e • •,1 :47 Mirresaelata sit the Delia •Stesseetlce 3. • 81210114 n- C 11244124. Lace Amer.. leis Dame Watleura. (Am) . New; . Nov IN Ott 911: Yvar- 1 14/. nand. . Nee 24 - Oct 24 llntenainblEhl Denbo». Dee 1 . Nov DI U 2 l o4 llpn i• Iterben, - Dee a Nov 10 F1i 0 . 1 2. 2 , DUI Dyne, . Dee Is Nov 1 lAcAcen, (Pi)Movie, • Der. 24 Nov 4 Cambria. Mc) . Judkime, . Nov 1. Dee VI Colodoom ( r) LOU, No. Ilk Doe IS PkOh 4l . l Pio.,lFrlNessoli; ritm el PITTSHtIRGECIIO.III.O OP TIULDIE. , COMMITTEE FOR: NOVEMBERNOMBEL a. sauroi. . 3. iURA. ccazaz. • OrII4CIL VITTOURCH j Tharstlay Momiig,lllevetatier 15. Owiog - to the exantrutt rain which Tell darilig the day, vaulty, banners generally Irak caimpletell a eland, and naively anYthlag aratalpired in the aray or sales war" sorting. . , ; Flour—The receipts an still very jiatiteci p ffie:aunplian in store continua to oR in Innited 'lota at15e6,14 p bbl.. Retail or auntie bbl salts ere toad! at $5,2585,31 r 41. 1 - Mei! • Canipeilr+Salas of-40 at 4 r 41. 1 .1 by at sue ..6,4: , Seles of 3 at - 40e . fljez , 4oppliee are quite Nig botskitheiV,o km - at :7i. wittaikrat 4.50 Fla:heed isaelliag at 904295. ; Oil Megl—Moderate sale at 07 esker4al . es at $10,50 t , ‘ ten , . Dried rinit;,Or Peaches, the receipia have been qidie fah', with modente sales at 51,2561,M pita: Appleeue selling at 45e50c. Preiviaiods—No change hsiocc.it:rredli . the sow kit.' The gales )eqerday were quite limited at the usual rates. Poae..—Tha; Comberlead Girlßai, of Tomday, , mates that the hog crap ix, la reality, !Multi for. * wand from the West. The Railroad convey, to the timo're market lOW fat porker every diy; gad that, it that time, aceordiog le the beaks of il!art Oie, 9500 more were mgtatared, dortieed Air the alma market. SPIRPP THE DOMESTIC MARKETS. Barritih, Nov 213—Thitransactions *bleb on. carted oa 'Change this morning were 9000 be Chi• car! and Southport wheat mixed 85c-2500 be Racine •at 84—...V00 he &Meeks at 'VI, mid 2000 be blihraokie is store. a prime mam u ty a i• at Sl. Holderinf Milan and Cleveland an IX. In floor, we bear of the. ate of 500 la good Michlm, deliverable at the railroad depot free of charge at $4,60-61:21 do Croton, 281 do! Litchfield ,and Detroit City part alloat and perils stare at 4,40, ;and more 2.50 bile Illinois and Indians ea 4,37 t. The following are the exports by sue yesterday: Fiore, bids MOO Mien., lima 88,414 Pork. I .1 • 869 Lard - , 49.121 Serif ; I • 363 Seed. 6738 . r 48 Amber Better ! 90.906 Tolle 54,41806 < [Adv. New o Nov 12-3egu—The gales amount to 390 hbder today, of which theyeater por no. was taken for the went. We quota inferior Se 31,'• Common 3104; Fair Mal 4j; Printer mid Choice 6 to The paratia al 100 hbda each bee bees sokl oo plantation, at 4a43., - sidoluiet—To day prices receded 'pie to to, at latch Ikon 1000 bee were depoied of. IThe total anima of the , week =orate to 4=l bbl.. • Hemp—We notice a lot ar 65 ' ale !Untied dew rotted, at $l5O. "Dew round is mine; and A bald of SIM P Wu- Statenotajoi Cotton:. Stick on laid lit September, liales-931,181.7 Arrived put' week 28,966 , Arrived previously " 151,888-180,854 'OATS IL/SAY/10 TUIS DAT• BROWNSVIELE PACKETS u 8 ►.' II 114 eiNcIPMATI ACKE T , imsyk . .q. PACKETS st 9 and 10 s sr and 3 r MONONGANEL4 CITY ri.icKFT§,,s P. N. plseATCH.Nersaa, Barresidia. ' - GLASGOW PACKET, Glaslagr,4 WELLSVILLE,WaGniIIe, 9 s. r. TAGLIONI, Near (Wuxi lOBT FULTON . , St Laub. . NIAGARA; St L eafs.. , PORT OP 'PITTSBURGH. 13 riwigucemir4'r4yr.a--apzia maim Consul. Bonnie. Bmweaville. Mithipo No.=, Gilson, Beam. . Sivalara',Oot, BroWnvgie• Monterey, Mort - Moo, &Manna. Danube; Lock, Brownsville.: • Losiis McLane: Bannon .13ineramrille. Donald', Nelson. Mon. City. Camden, Hendrickson, Brownville Benet, Hoop., Beaver. - • • Lake Erie, Hemphill. Beaver.. Caleb Cope, Moore, Bearer and Wellnillt Wellsville, Barnes. Wellsville. , Merinemkter, Wind, Cm. •• Usuon:breelee, bt Lopit. • Pioneer; Hoofs, St LOWS; Clipper re? 2, Brooke. Canal. Bowman, Brownsville..l Loan MeLne, Bennett, Dispateh,,lSelsosi 'Brownsville. , Catoden;liendrieleop. Swann, Cos. Brownville., Dentin, Cock, Brownsville. r Wellsville, Bunn. Wellsville,. 'Bower. Hoops, Beaver. Lake Erie, Hemphill. Beaver. Michigan .No. 2., Gilson Bever Caleb Cope, Mane, Bearer and Wellsville. Montero/. Hennes, Brownrille. New Enaind 7, Den, Ci 11.11.14. North Carolina, Manual, St Louis Robert Morris, Campbell, h L.bonis. ro ciiirsaacTinsa. • s o EALEO ra raorottl i Advil' be received 41:1 1 := inthnis We, entil the lith darer are December nem, in the I cothaten)am of the Comptorylii lmvrovemems James Paver, ilnym the monk of North atom to dm o v en of Benhanse. a distance of mite.. The surveys being not yet completed, the work can be no farther speetW m tete adverticement, than thatit ermsin 'Desna end . Li t t os of Cann between. the peek of the dams, mitts t Locke eadickin to *re° n fall of . abom , 106 fect,aToering Path for th e w okmartee,sod such Guard Locks, Aqueducts, Calvert.; Farm Bridges, to, as shall bad necessary. The general terms of the Oentecte will be, that the work will be divided into ectiveamen robs sr scums, each of which ' , di be let to the holiest respenahre. birder,' wi l l satisthenny proponds, sod that cash layman* will be made on monthly animates of work meaty done, with e weer valet of at per cent.: by way of seconty fee the ea. pinion eft* work, until the same shall be completed eg ßelled Proposals will ohs be mocked, el the acme place, ontil the three date, to' the Tenon of the -Connection of the Company's Canal nri the tide-water, ,of James liner, at itteluttand, Woe. the .Bietunond Dock. This mak will magma( the s Leeks of It kin IA Woee of lb fen lift; intermediate Casale for as aggregate dinanceof shoat half • mile,,with each -Clovers, Wall., Wutes, Street Bridges, Ac; as si benecemary; a mono Dom across lucre River, in the . *1 Riebmeett the raking of the Wells and Ens. hutment of the presentßeekithe extessioned the Ditch a kw hundred feet Emma:llly, sedate embitthction of .en Outlet Lock at the lower midterm& capable of at. nutting the. lamest vessels annies to the pert of Bich. med. This work will be paid torte bonds of the Cott. ItheY, De be limacCarster the authority oft meet act of the Leskinen, of tint:dal mulling 9i Teeth, Me bevies per cam interest, payable eicau-smeally.-- Beside, the anal reeenstion of Itl n t i cent. on the tmmhy estimatre, the thearacier or mecu still m be required lodise ample security, sails( tory M the Board Of armors, forum eren letkotof the at the times and in the tunaerrpeeited in the contest • ' Plum of the above wefts trill be exhibited, and 15. cifications thereof delivered to Cootractora at the Dein• panes Office, to liclsend, by the In of December net:Li-After the reempt the poems's, tuna will be taken kr the- consideraika thereof untti the 19th of the, cawe ccetibiell which Melte casette proposals shonkt be satisfactory) the eeveral , )obe or ecelmall above att venised bri let WALTER GWYNN Chien:nether of the J. it& B. lb: Blehmead.Nor 6, Ithi7 dlitawlDeritt FROK a ishlut6ed earni bieCellevont At Bond, of Pluladelphte, the petite tumid bo led to believe that we have been claiming onvikge we had ao tight to That .they have abandoned some Cm since the cubs. stye arena, gram , . end that we have nonght el gun ^ meanie* privileges with their tem. I never great. dod sal the tate of Oa sponse. concern. I hero boon sektog t estes of th e tem York Paw Tea Co Dar Oat lasi yam, as the pablic in that and lave been to New Took bet ta,t in that time, end wow heard of WI ammo= until lately bat to root - Tee Tee bailee. or Iltegellmant it Reed Is alma I mew. eld, mad al. assemptilm of We Pekin Teeth.. pure awns Ls bee.. • name .s op. Weeny wan in dna to assemel . ithe Net Intended so imply theleßY, Mat they have ssomm so etlon nh the a Galled ino well known Pok Tea thaapanyot New .Yetk ls en. tire) WWI. ..r . bow denied even an agency us ?kilt Molds he Now Yost Ocamenh that Ihmtps my kunst refuted than Gm so awl. a thew. I know mot whas k• of wool they keep nor whet kind Team I sap only senile they keep .obtain none °tithe Pekin 71at Company's IN New York. -• . Aniperkso Mossiil their mud will she the grow sle igroftl= r Bass=Skidte a v:al deems invistletlehdda and.. seat a Ideas oat hose so pall the eyes of voice of good animism . Look oat Ns a bleak sheep. . , JAYNIZa mall:dam, . • . . - 7111Foortk st 21Zilf TONIC Psittm Ts COI7IPANY .- ..l7aseelea tat Um Pa so. ALEx" PIDEA JAYII is the •. y astierlied egeskin Pidsbargh and 11100 es eldes, fat the sale oT the- Pekin:Tea Compaiers Teti elm and 71 Felton et, New York. Any ether pima in Plusbergt preiendiatlo sell oar Tearia an hopes* aral deceive. 5 all who Nay patronise him It is knows that the Pell. Tea Gompaayi Tem ban p prod superior to all otheeresa en/21, and &male luny persons have diahonedlY pretended behave the of the Pe km Tea Groopany's teas, when they as all the wide vending dull= Reg, which Y have obtain. ed elsewhere • 9thew again mama the owe elle. Company asd oar packages,sodrltrobj decease . .. WTe era ibleraled amid:tent is a penes in Plitsbeen sahib T eas soder the name ache New York gad flul: Marshal Patio T . 7 . 4e . opeay. We ha eely to say that Ibis amiareed7 v have no bastion what. ever with the N • York Pekin Tea may, as co. • t semen of Tea readily diaecreor by 'og the Wale aerie?. th the 1/12111111elket di by the New York Yetis Tee yoe the Wens e A. Jaynes, 7t Fourth I 1 N. 8.--hressra. eCauessarg Dotte. Philadelphia Lase we estuteetmo lever with the N teak Fain Tea Clowpaoy, oar 11. they any right . privilege to sedl tees iodate ep beady pus, as te have a teadanty to the pulls. ~ . . . , DOUGLASS le CO --- 77 abet 77 Palma in; N. Y. rnaltsfe train rota* lisitals Ireland. • am New arkamiltPleta DZILBONS wishi ettgaimpanain a friends - J. tan 111X411111 111 aceassama at ate kar est rams be bawd • splendid Packet tps, attbeeta the Cabin. Boman a • or Swam Wag weekly from . Liverpool. Glasgow,: &Item Le., le New Twin and the uthseriber will were modloenks for those who midis at a diamme, going to anyof ihe above ports.. Whets famished which. will boon pewter direst ram LiVOVOLII rillar9lo; Lsad CIA their mend at . N. Tod, they will be formareett immediately by Leech Cale DailyFeu Line," thereby erring imeelitrooble sad espouse ...Soot benber ill aim be eingiettst to soh from Liwir ' poor on board tlt ' e New York and Omen Steamers. Neer 10 Waste D. Leech f. Co: Pembina. • • aWbt& wILSON, • Es .: Took. (Drafts obtaisebiss pnoti C.d peastala in &Stead Ireland and itteentand.on Sbe mat reasonable tram be ease to use tine anklet is remit. .111! Letters pow Wit•. • . 4 natant Two. BrAen,Qmserly Beatty, WM.* ACA A. Bairn - • CA B TTY, BROTHER & _ . n 13113.1111••10.1 IIII• n nnn t FORWIADING Or /*. ai Pcgara &meth aeoOTuloor ,- - , - Rein ; • • Boom. Mon& & B ate TM Janes IMinimAkCe.,_) • • DavidWhiask C0.11.01.1i kit . limes & metr, CEndonr.l. A M•Kuniu, H N Ktarner,ll.4, _Basket . ..Zanesville, 0. • D Wl:humid Ior..VATVLt Es i l u r i fs 0r16.11m , . , • t r d4ir ri . W NI KJ Imam. ) . y TIMMS RasWaa.l Jowl/also fin ilys nasekentler. • Rose L,lp Sal., baron:GAG pnu. Beamifil baskets. saltatniam Monis" eC perfininty; sal We Gr prommata • Perston'a Salm, ix Chsgen cal sins pipagess. Pre. shaving anus. diGnent assaniactarcs. WrlglCs Sae Allaihad Cleaas, a manor article for a ago loon , iiliasca Sultan Chemical nap. Ores flesh balls, imbues. . Hair Lisseng 'apes. Mali Beta. ' • flag ,chase wear, is &MIMI of mums sisca Osiescillrablet al Abasuner. Torah. wilk a lap assoncleass cranial., suitable Yor 1, 2 41.0 cm !anima .kad sahr, • • • # • F•iil4 • •=470. • I.IIIIIIBAXOIIO AOAIXRYT /IP/ILL. TP AMERICAN FIRE COMA=Ar zaZ,Pk" laccapaaiata 180—Cater perpamL Inure Paraitars, Mrrtlaadioo, and a . l pony gezierally. altar la Uak al, or! eaantry, JOSKOVINSEIrt byia‘jpelp.lSSUl or* Mailed petiods, on fietnable teams. ,• , . . . 7c.1 . 0 . ....att... R '' '''.' . ' 1 ' ! I ?' - C 1 : " AL ' 1 1 4\2 ri" , Wan Y.. 14 - ' Geow Ab Tb.abjullhal?etl puncA bk").' "1"' Wel4.4( lgualAwle. • • , • waiitt, hoirrort, Preeidemb. Fumes D. limeree, &eyeful. nr r. t it Immune. by * stele Getnely 'III be re nd!ll fi b ` • w'r:4 TO PRINTWIRS. • . fpfl6 sabsellbei has cooteleoced or the city of Pius.' bergis , tbs MllAsfactore of Pnoten Ink, la W its waren. branches. • • Pelotas throsighoit the country Webo' on I. west of Inks, maid do well bytalllog so the subscriber prewl• oaths sapplyieg theatheinss, as they will be solder wires. mderable wdectioa from mien prices. • They ethos( be excelled le point of bedurty r rich owns or the excel. teue of =serial (tom which they are mortals:tend— Tire oubletthcf esobyt believe rz s&perier is is Oared for ti that • dear meat hi antacid Id e the patronage or who the Printing Maw He also misled that bights upon eonethood, th the above represeetatioa,and Airould theretbre solicit the thretesSof theft who *al disposed 10.00,21111 the athafactuitur of the article thi's omen directed tel BIRD, or Wright 41.' CLattlom , canine of god !IdsTket otter:1100i be punctually wroth! rTICI,THID Pol7 4 lD—The ililatrlllOei nun Ibr A the Philadelphia Rale Tont Polio Tao Com. Weihas ebeerved . Lilt sirpriao an adverdeement La the Daily Dispatch, and mbar papers la this city, which conches with the inieldern"TUre I. no such comm. ay as the Phradelpide and - Wew Port Paine Tea COM -1 did. ' T P Wite l erlientals h ie " Zl 6 .4ll Ike bend It nal:unity to take tine method mmmal! QM Date la sulk Conmany at the Philadelphia a id ew York Pakbi Tea Compeny, =Chat the tem soldily them will compare favorably both to regard to quality and pace with any In Mehl or elsewhere, as On .Tel aned rights, air, It le mason. We to appose the plain have en exclearre right to bey fropi thine who (mini them with the hest Teas, at the we? .. lowest time.. r ter.rp the following amongoth• ere who have panda Term from the above Campany. :Sam. Dyer, John that elfelvy k Pm, ant tate. era, in Allegheny{ Vey. je i tealiaiN Jamb evlol3tawbo A PhD% end N Y PAM fi-re... • Vast' • to Om Public. _ AIE NEW TOE aid PHILADELPHIA rEKIN n 4 P. Win .1 audarauaait that eanain names in Pittsbursh re acue right at cellth eir Tens in ; ' ll ' it ally we ~ gaittlett iltaylova aban doned aeon toe .inc- the exclusive agency syinum, I and that, nehhur Hr.' aynts, Donglea A. Co., nor any alba cannon km critic *claim any exelativa privi• • Inge, ands th eir 'DIY. .The general Agent of Ina CM- Mil f, fif i i, .R.4 . 31E . A ti l b t g iLlio n VACJ4 ag i e v t: ,ag I . e . 111 Tfts col r eby thiVCorapany, anyenurnindeja7 to coy cold in at United Rate*, and nepattnent required °7;{,b4., , ,,..747,:=.1;,;th1'efigg;:,;;;Z i 4 0 . A Flout street, Phiiarialynia. • • • , natteltaw'Ast - . • fiIeCALIAIONT A BOND' • iosacitre UWE?' E4PalfdrES flj=dA .Lt —This Mew nem was rat tlen,l.Sta r ssli vltter of fts pm darsbilay. soul end seminary, lel slandteupef eaniare i mp. sad dia =se sad &OAP IWlllt,weleh It Is ised , brelthet Ouse sdnlen Is ineeltsbly destined to wpeteeds all Mar Cora nbeliern k 4: rafts! 6.0.. It in rut Ues , ilt desideratum welannU bn Poen meted Iblem)nigt the Western_ duties, *Mile Items MntbEayu.teotb of the plea of tha votary sesdlenl i pne person esa shell kern 'rich it. as fest tikAritl say. Far sale at the fleetl eatnet of Wood and tin . . ,e f. ap . . j . WICIBRIM9II • ! ••• • • ! • • „„ti m - ,,„. AA • tulta utzeit-erkbrity • o(. • •• eold••;11ka. 'Om a recce:My fasedlt . abra , fin a kw. dayio aurr do *Wife *at h a A OttLEIMP IMP O ry valoable wiedtp for its dllassy la the de plop rietare of *to atntlq Irtdsh It ea ve r°" ,' 1.! KTrNOW.THO L Id • and Mani wits* .Tnli In to finnan LI seminal, nal Fin parl do due- • JANE.eeese b or proe* leftvo cation. Ulf bed boo mine; her ea my Do deb her memo= etter Mph COOPM " gran kirviair reossy;d 81 est fry utamia ays .1 1 =EMI I=KOMI Y.A.VARIETY NODS 1111AWL1114 SHAWL!. 7 &MEANDER &1 AY 71 Narlretst, It W. 15011= Of me &mood, lone maw mewed nom - the large anctiottealesat New Toot sad Philadelphia. the hugest and. coon splen4l.l - assortment of Shawls. which they have ofetea in dna city, twang wlech way he SWlandul Firench Tin honor th e handsomest arks and haat naelitiesonponel. .. • - Splendid Socha, (alllmola some of dm Soon gosh. See, acesnonteantlfal tletqcos ever °pleats ad. was. • - . Nplendid Tama Trenearlaid, (.11 enteN) a new end beanofin enact, • - • _ Benetton Cann; Plain and embroidered . West and mode ncle. . . redenverna henry bullion tines, a tomb u- • TNbet Aformo, plain and =banded bleak and nsida et:down* beartralk fringe. - Soper Pane Comdata &lk, very bean, arid mane pamed for rieknestrof otyle • nd qualify. • Soper blaek Ottoman elk, nab article for Ode pea A taiga minitmout of elteay bury woolen &awls, plat., plain rad embroidered, adopted to minimal.. A Twee p o rtion of • • abotre goods bate been resenoy Rarelmed .1 the I , ; peremptory &lotion Bal. in N. York and•Pbiledel • at .rmatkably low prices, and will mar be sold at /MU redutee for reorder prom The artentlatt of wr • • Neale boyars to Netted. • - UT R. KURR • Y has the sansilmeikm or Inhmuum atiP emMor, Mat ha 6u received nearly ill of his last rumba's • Aroxli, and em display mu mam mals nuely salsitoMmd at thise=ar . t . of;t z l i ti . e . s_or f son. g 'days ‘ Y . Dress filoodymeti PrlmurFranch Cashmeres; • Satin airiped and pwd French CashmereA• Qmeehi plaid, for dreams; Plaid Thibetekshm Omia and Victoria plaids; „ • Lew asked cube:term and de lanes, . French merinos; palmetto etridsci Alpaceas and Lurresi gaper mob*. Lemma, He also Inviteitspocial summon iv his awls erCurtas. Orr Ladies' sudiChsineemos' Cloals,and for Oendemena , dressand over :Coat% "rime: Mislay and gloves, ke. sWPrices fovea - ID - Dealers will dud in wholenile moan, op manta roll .wen, metading 'toy icarce and dasirabis pada. JUST reestied biAdams k. CoVErprria— Saw Planck antEnatab black cloth.; " • • : •-• bide • '‘ - • • : • brown " • ,n u • Set dreg slug Suck ecaus. inn I • ALSO, &per Pesitalt blaik. brown and Spred for cad; Wausau and sack Canna. ~ Parlay Oariamerra for barman coats. Walk Awned and plain Casabgawac • Enatikk _ • Fronk and English Cusumargs; - 7af all do ariptlong, Ass drool and undress pantaloons.. 1 Fpglido Chain:op, for hauling pantaloons. ,P.0.e.!! oat and P lata Valrma . 1 . Do plata block sad Aimed Banns. Do ; do do Daman, Do 1 do Cassintere and Cadman - .1 D. , fumy Outmanmi t f =lags. Ighoso, goods int! be made at °War at We short none* and most zussaabloterms.by , . Ararse MAYER ; 113 1ilatlironaahe Jihanalaktlacr jj & :TODD L ana this day reoaved tea Tam the asantifeetwant, andoffin for ante at New Yak 1 1 l ease of, thoin Extra Soperpne Plans Mialltaetotad expesselyiwatr Own Wee and W 112111.111211 well 1 CM of Piaci, e o nd kerbs, ender !Shirai, ensppers and Dissersorety 1 wine amen and Cedars, = fern ludas !hams Nth*. I ease patent ativeljelalloispendenovAh other Ganda • too nememeet seentien, taelneling la and Way. . Sane a v ow a ndl . Pella Swab. Biiidawskie bow and Phon Boothatine Steak. bilk and Patin TiOn nal ank and satin Crave tad' one eye of bat raced tlaine whieb we ate are gustily bays aver been =wad In pea 'ethic thy We tweed lo elms tae shoes (Moda of by the peahen sad 'add cal the intention of Patellae's to ear weak of deeds, arras that •kni. meat will lattle thew opeedysale,\ H E TODD • Dank i I lamed et,ttp own, s dews below Odle 01440.11airl I I • 'DUE Lava on hand a and aapenaracack of not- TV dy wade Making, W ink we will all an UK ilia ransanabh tennr,canstsungof—_ • • I Elnitisa black.browa; wen and tancyßasararer • • • bastnesa Coat.. • , li= brosm and bias Pdol.. Pew, sack and basins= Enka% and i Franck black, pwwq bias WA 'Mad akak sack and patio Coals • 7 2 P. Fa c t , Black and blaa•lodt cola, _ Plain and dory blaek•Cwwilacra MU. F.wr pumi Black and tiler &ninon. Illaak awl tabor Bluin Vkas. Fanny Banana silk . Mack • Fancy and plata Casino ' Cardamon at all coign.. • - Ala, Ilk dc" andar skink Olt shlrin and drawer; wags, cravats, packet Wilts, soctasocks, wood sew, Re.. i ANCIEB t PLAYER Cam , t. /Laker t. ulna 70 wood v. dams above th • : ; wbeloople Dry C1e146.: uer 'llitcgorm at the Whelearde. OrY Owls J Reear423 Market eneet,423o mar,— 3 CMS am ark pyrite, AS Massed erases DrlatM ddA °team plaids, new elylm 4 AStamed W arnped easements - '6 bales white , red and fel low dauttelr; hence thaemee 4 de' striped sad. plats &Mem% I AS Xeemektleele2 -• A do roamer mime; 2 dri Cumin flaseeh2 Alm, wilts haemotbite Mae . 122 7 &marl:3 o s hash, capes, gime. beeterA, Lama, te. kr. Os and, semen:lle mock et brews and bleached online, tan.' of 4 2422 . , 11212mmi sheets, basset ttbeild/. French phew, mined. an remeethilly let het to tall and eiestine assoluamd, es we an middens em Peek will reemahly 001. pare with Eastern homes both le varlet) , mid prices ; • , ern • A A MASON 4r. CO '3 "l:o3fe temit=gteiS lo2 t York, a Wee ems:mem of the &How* low style dam geed" ef tkit fel l sad was ImasHANI raAles, j at prie ettq a= . • Cala • •r. Ai* Tartan . • Cashmere • • A PAY; 73 markai et. •.tt Woo: of ale Dimmed B LAMIMMTII-1 ea received direct Rom tits Ma. Mem= bias IllsolietM • • Witimere mit 13 sod 11 edstricb Blankets: Rockdale beet Moldy • - 'der • Hawed and thew, boat Ashy • Commas plaid had edam da Rept:teen Hem • The above we daelilcdly the beet lotor.Blaaketithst Mims aver bete Closed !o ritubarlO Qul no sea them. al = 11081N8OPPS oe3 . - • alt woe:talker below mod Talus Liattars, to—A further amply or &WWII womb, eaMosed maasractim.Jum reeNdL, These goals beadonrchesed Goat tha meat or the mama. telems m haleßnetteme. eau be sold as yeti kow pm , tea. /the, ..Lanea table Di ltr t do plebe_ mt. • atsiaeti Resildw e isi b ege eemcgfmt or Linen .rambrld Head emehlers. common eedreoctior. . W MURPHY gl:rWhoresale Roomenp stain, cabmen on 11th arlo QlllllTS—Reeeired lets damp dos Ise sad me dims duties Troy ehm.,*de nd tarp!! i4/41:!, **Byron sad stabdisacoilsls rh o sale , n , lll • : • ! H IS TODD. t i LAN 3 X l .ll=gd.ltrowa and hawed Ftennem. .IC. An additional sopplicetelved room ohs atanefae- RM..' Alm, a few emus low priced Catetnetag kg HMI COCHRAN. iina3 • ; 2ll.wood §HIFILTS-17mattionOtr: ritirta In madam and M lles pliers Just reed MR 'fauna's Entabltannadn, ew York; for see by, - nva F H PATE?N MaSL,MOUS. MEIGRAVLIO Of every dersiption promptly execs* 1111 I hi .I,lrii 8, i" _ Sum Buildimes, It R. Coma ,r reamt Dock Engi, owte,) 'Phawoi. W inc i.ll72l.lrZt al. ; h :sit= !l ie "' Bm..l44"tiwtDosT 1 1 / 4 11. .4u.N fteeties,Cerporatiaps, Av.. ho • ressmani Vfillling cards, *named and primed,. lawsat of seals;for nice, are m tall and amusing Specimens mad Designs of %be earls. op 4s.af Masons, Odd Fel lor,Bens orressiMemmo,4o7 issfel3nl , - 'I KUCK s ItalrEtNrant; Car Auacfal, Cincinnati, Okla. M . C 4 pgi m 'llitEStoilcj i l d .:ipt .nd Freigiti We price.. By mew rifi:c.aer, " == :ligrani %Ira ' : % P n% r r ilvi a tr mai Inn respects so "Intrude is the Upitod I=s. AAll ordetf poseloally execuleet._ • ; XEC& & DA tirMINYCIIIT. et Amos; • Pe.urth . Mid I 4atvecn item, and garkdAiarly opposite Ltaisier,',..Szehange Ogee, . TBfi oolatulber has made the most ample ononge menu (the eantfon of those who wtohthe Mmoy of bathing Mmirtg the wlutor season. Smoot of toplo &motions lamo twin placed In the menu at the Bath. rettlsl H VAHMOH • IMMO WAS'lbs goes clefts. Ow, *lsere, bele rope, gnus As., }be which the hlghest pewsJospewillbe paid be CHADWICK • opal. . • warns at herercee Pima libettf 'MOOD. OM CLAISTNIS— • • • ii r 1600 yfts 44 Olt Cloths; • .- , • 100 • juts wide,' heavy anfelva ht* ." f "c ! !with border at' mien Twt. lOTA / 0 . 1 TePta I'rowi the Phillips/Me ifrsftk M apr erste nese, P wcwd It. - dsH PHILLIPP, wood it L /IO INLII/2 12 1)1312124-42e000 an old fnala 2.11200er Shoes, tee: or We old eyfle )2400 1 for . we /Mew plea will be.pold fa..1,=11, Rfraltill"' 'lo,lWiilLb"ftinnTiliA.lPs 42212.1112(-2b) lb. Valesaixed laths. Viditiet .. 1 - Steam rookies Geeloiow eienemtweil.yel wed{ 'odd, free, ds wide down lo 20 inceeeod Ito Will gibber Depolib weed ed. eel: . I 1I;11PHILLIPII ; -.411114) atnip's Tiltrt redefeedthe ferpig doeilaest, and beef eefeej. ed lot of Bled Care auk ofered id en motet ONO ekes, wish et widrn'ildeee. Calf MIA see A= Pittsburg! Seed Sone Lae erixd • teed N WICII6IIBRA* Peed P. 11 4, !RA ,/ n Ndt Pt e, ae ii • i lti nate .. Aft on . le.by • -, .0 inACKUURP4,I &CO 'water stawat therm ay et EWA int %Oa ,be irtireo to any pavan who *l', ZAMA& holoWO to ote the elm of tho ladividoal who h out or tee_ Zino Ortsmu..riem,.,.4 et, =IN Trade lteadlog gerymy VAZIA:II =itoultet tr4Te= : . tl= .t ohs otollorengtomeof te osom ooetoanole"m4 gmleaamparst'ebfMant Clib an 6 11#411: 1411113VIMIN• et 11.1: . .; - . "ANTE __ 4N eieelistt inq wit: l ad re= d o 4.1. Mims acomemanions: mis panikiaca t =?GTaelsellili pod Amur -',:_.RA11i...04D...N0Ti0g5,:.&,,,.i, D mrsauttok a CONNELI:SkiiLLE itAIL . WAD .1 COMPANtar.—The-Eheekholden lathe Pit~ Connellndle 1.0 Mael Company are Meshy copied that Om animal election far the Daemon of the ewe, Company mill take place It the Franklin Ltall,nett door to Pilo Nall, m thin eta) of vituthargh.between tha hoar. of d and a L . : hie on Monday the 1J day of TM aerobes non. WM. LAJUDIES.,./v. Of the Board of Direetort.l Fittsbarith e November Mk, 1947..' • :In compliaace with - &earlobes of suedes aterikboli ere, I do hereby call the special attention of the stock holders in - the aforesaid Company generally, to the Orecome notice, and renters a fah auendaoce of Said stockholders. • 'A meeting et leoekhohiere' will be held at the • wee place at 10 Wench, A.ll of the lane day. • EDWARD D. GAZZAhIi &treaty of the last Meeting Desekhobien of We Pittsburgh sad Coaoellonl6 Rail Road G. /qualm h,Novemberlo:lBl7.avEldtd Dr/Tall/LOH ACONNELLSVILLE RAIL ROAD COhIPANY.--Tha anneal blection be the Direet. on of the &nee Company. now the • rtlYasyntanut Ohio Rail Road CompenV will take pia& at Pinto Han, on Third street, over the ronOtfice Plttebargh. between Ma beano( and or. M. ondeal, the Mk dolor December next. - W - RODINDON,Jr., real. -• •The anent melted of the Stoekbolders of the above mentioned Company mill be bald at the sante place at ItedeMek, P. Id, ar ',flack ea exhibit of the alfaus of maid Compaq) rill be made, and tomb bedneu trans mod as may be presented for the ermaidaranon of the Senna:tem W ROBINSON, Prea't. Ptttobe November 10, IM? evdfdtel pirranuitaa AND Cs)NNELLWiIIsuE KALIL. ROAD COMPArsti=till persons haying Isar claims or dftaas against the Pittsburgh and Onsuellswille t. Road Linaputy,vlll please present the maim lee settle ment on or before tholes day ef December, In enter Mat a final OCUlelOrtit of the affairs of the Company ma be made breed/new .1111 the Resolutions of the Rink. holders ins the Lith htst. WIROBIRSON, Jr nslptd • . , Pmeleent OTION/m•An liketion for ogo ['maidenhair Man AA agars, arid Treasurer for the Pittsburgh and Coal ToDtnlae zpikoflog . %l 4 l7 4 l : zt i l w l be hold er. the . at the hor Tell of I and 6 P. M. . J EWERT, niadtd•P • • ' ' Tre BOOKS, MUSIC,' 11.u.traturr. lIISTONLIOAL '.WOEUIL Ia PREln.—Hislorical &etches of Konatoky,embra• eboyos History, Antsqades aad :Natant estrloslom Ovormbical,Otstisneal sad Geological Descriptions, srithaneadotesof didlogaislted Pitmen, andmon tbaq one handfed &armload !audios of distboraiden wee Pioneers , Solana, Summon, 1661107aTik-Di ach,illastrated by about forty corroders. By Loins Oollins, Edam of be Maysville Eagle. Ono vol larrodayo. • ; 17=1:13=r3 1.412 Ctedlino Haunt of the State from the period of lm earliest settlemento, Ma ales of the year . 1514-14 John Welamt, Eno. , - • ; . , 1.-Geogreplocal mid Summit:al descriptmaiheal : W tarsi tlteastoma,Gmlomcal. Fonamims and alth. . . 3. e Mistedcal ketches sad &minim of the traMois de. nominations of Chtimmo, with blanche. at num, ldmisters. 4. A general mew of the Mathes, alphabetically ar ranged; their boundaries, fame( the comity, charm= of dm soil; naple preelmos, stattsues, is; Itrith a de eeriptlon of Melt calm, awns and 76 'ilia ea, Toaether with si fall deschptlow undo; ihe heids of lbw ectonttes Was ananged, oil Indian toMtles..skirmishes, personal reaconass, anecdotes ofborder Ilflainteresememeidems; to. de. Also, deoctiptions of natured commie% ammo Mesa the mammoth cave, the meatiest natural wonder Di the mold; and dtsenpaotes of Ancient ilentains,old bons, mesuldsjeta yaids,te. .• . • a latograpluesl Sketches,and abode:se:lf climatic of between d two handled plotmera soidlees, wimmactalartsta,Vawyers, dletnes,lle. To be hued to November next • • MMMi;1;0;MI . , - ~ • • 1 NsW / 2 1 1 /1114 . ' ' . . VILLEN'S WA TT,. What's it"hi steer Jameson, .i . ..es Cnt Wint fet ; Vienna'' dances. ~. , . , . • Thy name wit one's magic spell; ~. ' Oh no they sh 11 noises me weep; i Ob. would 1 DI • bof seals; - , Memos to, by Hay*. Bailor; , ' . . • Caw and r wiihme, by P II Maley; 1.,. Wocad I wire oh WMO; . ...', ' I Instil en h sot mWasztro • . . The Camels 4altiby; Tm sadden when Isles; .. ' Love min ss'erwrin esteem; . ... :..... ~....‘,..,' Rossi soil litsaWy quiehaewCaitstatitis Intita i- bO ts not by lost, wide minstioss; • W'ssosols. b Haiti Ha -4 Camay's Essselwa Ihmerney's Exercise' silt:imam; Looms moth; . , . Cam, oh come with ms, the moon is beaming ' ' . The du "sse.' in de door; The Lao of ..iriet : - ' . • Cook% art of assisty. .: • ; - Jaw remised by maws and Syr We by . nvl7 , JOHN II myyLuya, et ...a it: Oarsman Books - 1 ICIELMEEM GEJIMAIe GRAIIMEII.—/, Grammar JJ of Um German Mataalraol7kkamettal kffathtpd M" 77=1:e4=71=.' 4 = a4 ard lkeratare ta Mt St Marfa Collate, EeirseustairiLlea. telekehe Grimes Raadek a Memo reader foebegin. u = i teer s = l :llaar e" rt j a f e lti, mks. -.peat the Germs, Lormacks, ro h . added a nomado carless e( Gnome Mamml: bY J Mu; A. B the Getman lapilli lad kteramre in w ild Uluv . e a rsitzl n dr s. g 9 N ul esp ; Y ork. . 6.0.. eamuysif the Caftan La • andEmphdt Leakage , =anteing all the dread penal arsh le. bi t Eat;Jere Goma Phnom Coal 4 Ague bolt m Holub .ad Oaraao WWI 4 /O o4 l.Noboteemb9f Ss , Oeml.a lea elgh di Vlolle . 4 O plan of a Doles. olee abootetber O Onortmeat of O , BIIIIU TOWIIIIXIS, *dog books and yeligieee wrests kw Ole .by • JOHNSTON & ITIOCSTON erg° • • Eleeteellen cm meant 34 sa Pictorial linatiar.lois,for the Hotulays. Graham', Ma me Docdobw. Niolooaoaei.a.l The Wye T , sssSlT ol e• palaces, ma s a raves. 447 , 1 . 4 , 1 v g, de..ed .Alamon• or Halmos ;lad Comp We of • aComP Ppe dhadaor•l adggrmoti4fola Comp, by r2air. bori also Ho The aeeM ni i tq e1d.,.% th Nu or the &oat of .__ 1 ..!+4 • th aw* tolo of Ho ItozhAn War, by Caro tc s,erllL I and kleylart• or meow sad oblatory; ;a llerarsoal :by H N Moore _ (UM Bradshaw, or the dtdral. LairPri b otilbor of !Fast We•t. OW. • H a r r , DZIA9 il•dto. 03! Ed.Prari of die Goma b3r A f•Tgo -- mippiiP/ilovaj Wake. tkiodic a' Miami and N."' reed Holdr.7 Frooent for the Dallaoo. For raid at al A Palm pr l / 4 egalltioal oaao ;ad door (road Berob4. - • 4713 TUICOLOGtOII. 1/04.4‘5.—." awaralass K tN Cr.* by U /*rag, D Di . No- mobs callra Fry:6eP..AdsWla liartb,caaltiladaraa Tlar%cal !fa t zis., , D . - wry total rabywrisa Climb% Ifeatarty.• !Weber or 11Wrill guraina. Mooned awl bipwWWl eal. illastrativeof WA arum ipler of a Genital al bar early mule" by Ilan' Wm Healy Vacua, brClwww% Lida Learn and Lactarew VlNt ti t=l 4 4ll.6 Tanerrabaet Librarie Ur. rlf Pr...OM bra.. Henry Demean, D DOladraban:PleasamTalea by Old Ilrmrdorer,lThank. &Wm and other Coup, by Hawilllal Wed( Toddabk Law of We *aural* ram Belicinr. • • The above witi a 'mural assorwaaal Ilicakileal, Canine. Medical, sad deJtaal /WAD; fay sale at low prices, wawa:wale growl]: • • ELLIOTT F en • nib • 68 market at, between id at lth . 311mor, Now Sri. kis; : riiHe if n otnt and 1494 it.l;lpi Idly 19 mins. 1 !We Poem bt Hwy Howard Brownell: Ltssys l, IS4 various sixes and kinds. Byita's Poetical . Worts; 9919 . edition; complete in one 0011.11901" Meg W 0,911., 9 eels, Int 6stritiftioninsoN neap. Boys , ASuxona nook. and kl otnantittsLifo of Henry lib King of nuns , and Murals. • • histrartr's Mireellsniec eronplsin in 3 pans. Le-Isnot, Dohnical Wises. • Charnber's Inkroistion for the people tad do C3tioPls FoEnglirli Os Lit:swore. ty. 4 READ 12•11 4l.list am mass A Ai , " Work.,; Will i Zl N° 2l?a Im an r dft le: itVZ:ll'; of the Amerkaa patinas ma r i lt4 Jean pabllled by Carey & Hart.— T with dztean ill, is, ms Manner wort from Headley.. lialesk.- holm and Ids Generals,land try a levies, In the neap World' It Is moon mar. liverablyspeken of, "net b•iallmlthirmpaptZ ancition." 44 waived and fm sale by roll ELLIOTT &ENGLISH ?flow , cmgm....,Aw.,...... wool 01 awl a bellows'., Plaza Fort; made by Chlakeding, Masao. • Illgillt—oaa ?larkoPoete,Oogalke mom. &atm of HenryHeng.raniaoelave. WALK kI3O—ING carved wood,lloetate, mach O Ga ditto m. Nlo Yo rky.l 810DORT. Now o Yo r —Otana alegaal Plaza els. oe. tayes, kw been used about 013111 yew; pries---. • NICoNY WAND PIANOS. _ _ An INedtheal second band Plano, Cad s by LOlll k Brother& la goal ordet , •... . . ..... ......... Ingo One go/ad bawl Psalm S IC Per sale by JOHN H IdE.LLOQ art . ; N wood meet ' aZI— .O. er Qi7ineienstroo jer lifar rag rlnie4l 2 The Ines hfask,we M dais of ?yeomen by Victor Homo amain.' by • Hemmer. Edna Eilandl, or Mei eaten &mouton. _ The Land 01. th e Wild Out of Om Dead, The Champion of Freedom, or the hi Mimi.. CEM Wended on the ore= of the loft war ooh Oreat Bel. talm by Sufi Woodworth. WE 8 CALDWELL, 0,18 pa .4 appalls tho Poet 011Seo ' ',- t, 03111/ D00K1..-41 impact °Mum, weer mond Ire 0 P Jews; web. Xeriga,er theTr%me et Liberty. • Priasepher Te.l4 Anent Smi th . • COMMObikt of ak.tnued. • .Coxalese of Marks. P. goal e; • • Legends of Id te,wp, by Pee. 11..Lippen& free& eel* ridegesinee for October. New Mu y .100 meenswekr , • WAI. 5. CALDWICLL,: iimed et. Mai* P." 6- Als . aw 4.1 by./ T Headley. - Nop Fosne n '. sIar4 •ELLIOTTr&ENOJ. ,- N . • sonde betwaeiaid&O lt. • • PIANOSI . $ 4 /AAOIII • • . HENRY KLEBER, Dealot eistemPtam Fort= at r w Woodweirs,Na Ott TWA &wet The Plaseaway he arum= tall holm slid wheal. bet will= Were Awe LI to. ta. 11A4103. 4 ts 4. P. Low= day. October Itt, ald API Ws, the ioderailowt, woad. InhafAllettisem of ttsburgh awl VIGIPII7_I4I we bare appegued Mr. H. Meter et= Agent tor Were .Peeneybouria, for. the sale or oar Pia= roe=thet rear be do Weed aaaa (New ierh ." Netalle Priam PUMA ASPLENDID menace* of loomood , sad Illabat .a erVattotiollovilloatalloFrameauei • Abu twos loadel 'Rosewood Planee,wltbiliOneeea Gel te auselmeaOlaishre tbasresteed elan ae4 fat me/a at • • JP..BLUMS'II! • inedretronntai... on. sit - JD tr ,, alifea at at..it ?UNBARS...blade : re Lade, vale • thiletiat ad dare above bed. reirloticatsives Plumes-a or the a!,,n4 eslifirawdl!timiZ i n•Mwa, • /Li; • . ;„; - . ; , • Mei F 1111111111 E. 114 ICOR DIA- K 1 NO3 \ Niarrk.SS, C 4 inir IrPXI and J tk Stn tr Aa ij ..=1 a i l 5, to :1 elk nail Sad elutes; frimranT• • ;tise (Bobe t Costt" - Fall style Hattoftleh drt ru►xr lottrusupet M airpmett NU at the klat Borti,lltitmosivAittariiime, Ilattifeld st... sad • A ENTLON 8 ' PATENT . AM. CIRCULATE ANDO" AHAT TPAYTECTOIL—Tha antnerley nuodnas on Suantay,OcA OA. feendaren — " ll waning bat inedynnithis qnstinble &Wein mil - OAm *AN and ezandne.__ -• • 'ALFRED ENET Prnetund Elmer, • . ' neo • 101, Mad a weed at ' A - Yerli, it* alba( Una thiek Ye will kaolin* *is Bhundry, Avg Mb. all thole hi:um:eta sea mat maim. la aroabde trop meal alio Wood euess." 41°16 4 , . DUMB t :rumstltlleGatkaeahSao— will be busedocad. at ILUB3LCYVW'S an Thursday. Angst f7A. aaadasan 'rabbi a ahoy; rasa bmablatlatalTatabargimuairraare Yalif et , tnabla Hats twaried -ad sdanthad by =la a! .=Plums' isalt at, t • ' .-188111. atbda , - i •i, : - 111. bead Of Waal a A,aostrunt 'mignon rata madvra it JUBT melted Bees Nam Tortola Beni • iaer tiyin Hs* camistma Beaver, Puri aid Wtye Praia Basalinera Bab, Vanalaiors." Time is wane DC * beasaifill,laWlist are respectfully invited ea can. - S MOORE _gym • • • 75 wood si; Saws above lak 4 WILLIANI,DOUGLAS has Jost mooned flesh minty of Rbgtr . ea . Baena Irma Bilk Nitro Lao Freack kloloskin Elaohas km prices. . 1: , - No 7B wood sum A‘• WILLIAM DOUALA", CONIINUEA wmaaakaums, wad kaaplit =windy aalaWowarY , WW) adllaw as,d COS of ea tauntiaTio, aaaprwes ray law at, wand amt. Ewa ad ds; - ~arr w;:ti!wu;p;fs;z?zp:a ClOlll AND - oLarDeeps 7 A tpleadhl won: mutt sad gum minty of style at roca.u.aws, EXCHANGE BROKERS, arvi musarv, Rum& A . DANE nAsitsits, alrotuunan maomolgalk. AND INEALEGEGGEI A ' DODUN A TIC DUELING& CATES ND OP DX ?own, BANN NOT&L AND MCI& PEND AWIANEYEGEAriss the SlaulcaLhinbara. CURRENT MONEY iecatred oe Depootte—NakE Clocks Mx de, and tollesdass awls NE Nadi We_ lsineipal yow la Ehe MAW Num • bl...ttpre.alana Nut! Nr Fateip Admires ArnAmEaeoutErsommotP. LlM l V: l tt;llia of Wm. 0 Hill & Co ' ) 'ad WM. lII.OORRY, doled Et* Y) have emoted Him Copartnership, an der lit MUM et HILL CURRY, kit mo impose or Oa Me Rankinirsad Eictiost/to tialiMeor la MI Itiihnoolleoi No RI Wood • throe:dorm Wino Yoonli r wow oltio—orlimm May ma 14 of their (Had* onif ihe public imumilly i •• JOEIF.PII H HILL • • WK. 0 CURRY • IiCILPIIII. BILL, ' • wiL C . coin. HlLT.&mum • BAN[6Bs,t EXCHANGE EIROICESALIGIF IN FOREIGN AND DOME= /IN I BILLS OF EXCHANGE: CERTIMME3 701 DEMOTE, BANK NOM AND WIN, No/5 W1:04 area, Muni door Dam Fay* woo ado. PooPanda gab Canape! enashred as Dapaaha. and eationo aumla oa pvisolpal Clues la ,'tbe UnHad Down pkilimpki.; Noes Y F at Eloita z a d =C:nakkusal eaanaatly for sale. Oloo,ladlaan, lentseky,Ntrgilna and Erninsitranta Dank Notto,l=so u l=a , fa ck = i.,.... :neared. Mtn I • . a. 1113 ' N. HOL.XXS k WIS.!'-_ flaskirs sal Deeleirsla izokaa" Cos 110. 65, lump'? nuts?, rirrisviaL. P EZerk rM l XlA ßl4l4j4ks' dis 1141141r°.' DIVI‘) .....,... . . *pi. NOTES: %Mg Roes. I W' 1a . .. i Co.& Setup thdon, I die. Ballet 110.4.4 do I de lostusilmta 0 qi elrYo o • -**. teanet•NP. evlOu MIM ZDW4II.II-1413t Kassa,. tiin SG/aux. SOMERS AND I L wows .13 Finning sad nainestie of Excises. anti e.». or Devon., MIA N and Coin, cower of id eiet weed siwea, &way siipositn Eit. Cbsiles Haat z WILLIAM A. HILL & C 0.,. JCRS ZICUABGE IBROZZABA • FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EX 1A i CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT% .DADE NOMA AND SPECI_ ~ Ni. 64 rinia, dinf Aber. reva, sea RI, iMA on ' rehu i ,l,l+:lll Seodadtd begat to • E,,411. N0 ' 7- '1 7 •371•• t 1 47 egos= at the Cati , Ol Cues of Elrehmote,... Ise, thaw, eiyable to en • :;'l. of the Old Umtata, Om& V.,AIWO.eI the td, ,S.ids to the 4 &od% erithoot deemed= or dirt:oda, tei JOSINCIA. BOUM— BON, ' , Amapa:, end Geotriditsest,Odime aill a' Due - • - srT • , Bud' Nam.; pirebasedal low noes. N ITOUICFS k . " • • Oeastimtly tusslebT . N ! HO Ltdkg SON • - 9imarketet OOLLEIVRIONIII-I:WV Nov sad .11teepratt . 'La CM -payable in any Pa - . Tor Me Umsmorolleemd en the most foorabte memo. ?NIiOLSIDS &ROM • • MI =del St 'MOH/BO* On. New tech, Phtlatielpltv nod Ratumore, mai 11 tp Molly &rule by 'lll4 & CURRY ' ? earl . • *.;eMed eireet below found Wr,/!114_3" Ohio, Mirmi.:4l se rotes if the. • pastime JON , allllll, - fewer CSOCNir4, u.llr 05e4., - xfw iCURRYI rittElreTioarg,, A W She UnkoloswAle bY, ULU.CURRY. woods below Welk HOUSES, LOTS; FARMS, OSSA? BAUIRAIXII IN; REAL VAITATT... The SUBSC3I2IR a/M . :lb/eels. en easy - wren doe at the most desirablilleatEelam in the leehrb heeded of this elm is folioed ii. • • • • - . .I ,. ....Twi e v i r ol ii. l= ii lide.l=l:=l.llll weirmbelay every eowriiidee. They. me deb /Mead =lea one Win , feel he • Avid, am a pablio meat, and dossing beet en kindred an/ ten few ,M • X toot SIMI: This ree will be mid ea nearly Me 4 4 0, dine oldie voand on whit Me bodes are trend, as the owner is atom leaving the eiiy. Pan otitis pm. add money may remain La Mahan& alba bulat;Mr a term .of dank. fie rare community et ammo( eaaap and aaliciaral ‘aat I. arena otlitientioa. t: DeV•ila 11M and toen ail idly, beibling hue, derivate resMdiedi will be .solit few en tong creak 3. A lot shwa Ital Met "NU" between Iwo streeteoe whieb le meted a Woe saw brick building, m by 37 tber, viridian angina bombed engine adielood, new and to merdete Vldel.' These balldiele woe Mit lIP tbr mapordiating portion.. moiled mbuirahl,t_adeleu kabmoon, woollen, ay paper warefignare. The per end be wild et e basgMA: sad • pan ot the per. thaw, dmay may nitoideou a Umaket dad. . . y The Marva wield iv oil alwaid in Alleghen aty, lad N wonby alga atbandele alba neblia The reb eenber eau be eeee at die Wks at the Gude, army brdoorbetwedihn hoar. oteight and id, and meth • Sr u en et Mendel at um mr, beiudia_g bevemilw It ... timon% new Bow, terharel al. Jkohibeel taly,___ .:. - .Al N. NINTIN. ' .-..44. lb.. dread 1, !inkornsly Imatual,ltatatraalMutra cram lataty clettapial as S Hapankranott astablak. meat,by Maud Ca.• , . elm well Aailbed tad istranbail item, abla kr kerma: atiyaittlas Hall at tb• Mama •• •,. N., Ptak Hall. • . . . - • ..i rfiEDGo • • sail Moo, moot's. homeon a iXA 01l M k Odi' Caul •i or o. . QEVEN won Cloal Load tat volei . shailer al beta ofl Oils Moroarebalalthrer above Rrtrorrovillo,Ps,la, ion a TM of 7foot COal„ork4O 4 .111.tgoolo loesa av , for R olla . For pudellon ylo • 1 oct2s _ /3k. W J MlDAtrall. ICI mad st . aTti LET - ,-..A larmeasmooloo Mod, tiros Any beat thoollow, ea tem st.. half way between UaOteatt alley and Way= IL Tomas= given Isocoodicall. . For poodeolorsonqatio Elbe a W loe of • .••W. W ALIACit. 9447b0n7 at • . StOn te 2k .r.. d WILL dell the Hews Fa lasheee I emir 'de as !resits:nos street, BY Wind, at a Ms atibo P :rt I gte v d: etror i tie . E . ' i l eta6Y ' aredter — • • • &WWI OSO StiHER IN NANCMDe lhhay TER FOR NALE,;,tilai 410 tetaaallal lilt Mamannerosear the Ferry: 113 fet heat hy 1113 feet deic t ; Itedd hefted knor, mad did. • wt. • 14114gegtAltAntaremeeitetnt, ------- Trrii.. 4 v 7'l. • un.d z l / 4 . Fltii=t wn 4 70....10/1 A NDRII, GII DON -?RE volt fane.boi WM : ft Main ocie; • tgreos 3g4 aadUb guesto, og 'moot ootigologl by Somme it Timely., Pooseogon (PIM on itog I not _ o w . room :. 1 P. Dti ALL& OuTIWISY 11 111011,114:136 . IRONING tinotorghtio oltratit eonomoolgeo go m 111.101 - togougeosa will feat tbeXaastos of Ow 8i.110010k014 oaoogok 00Ingul tOthogoodimigaealo sone olortoPloksalloolli Nag ola 'Judi . • JAMEra l ti.. ; .AL kosolioolo WIN? osecE —roussytir.'"' . i ''l , DCIAZZAK RIM • -• • Nutt 70 CONTlteCtupi • bit romped iumal nip" she PUb P •rtritor r iv= 4 -46 M.,u ,'fvnink Hall in - ft far dukir tad sine** en odes or dm Pasant nalik-Itall AMA auraituor Witsit f - 11Lipt tq phun Awl gpselllemblas MiM wp2 ea;bt yeti • tbastorrepar plies Or lin-daripl:lo,,ti . ipm, 'prima kw e* 7r, Asylsettstr labasauts caaboiliall gem :Is W. ft , POW, ','" • 5 1; i '`- DA*'l* . 1 4' 'II; Alasta;;li Cs ' ld Sr ' A =Lava !e!it‘r . N ., 6""i; o viurone."," . bn . ±111..43 , *(0.7 1.1,r 4 L —e F smkomitsdeite 'Thm y.I • T4t e llbeLT: Hrown . Dry i 83 1.. %reit op one 40 'ed. by Nvl6l P C Si • , • s aid . 70 EOItO2YLtd ~•0 IRWIS.RUICIUSCON 00 , Astro Li A LesiNtasza Sim FRESSERI7IT,Ite=4I) tinatrifisre~Olabbe ' • ' 1114 . 01 .444:1 Ut'N0l • 50 bn vow ioslid'aftrins immirsit QUIDILI.IIII-Inll6l•Pasum,;.i . . • . a rlut = eew toes= 4;x: ... I • loversieed3.• -• • lag Catli • " :MA • . . 5004.11 , A ID DO N 0 woe bens K ri nolaren. rei ncdeni Ili/ Min " I rP a"l 's k jiN Id tls plClAlatill AND 71 1 1211 , 1451 ; y2D1... - _ rrrUflas-4/0 Whin la minis ad Pir salt, I va % tribe wtao um. mat lbe duapesi so the higkrasse gatuntioyld Pasta attollreet !maths:wade v ttlrt u"k i. wafrfri AtCoO wkirfmia 0111116Z11419-1100 kte 121994 ueCvq twit . , &IMMO SIIOIII Rj4 bislibiblitast are; ' 79 reeimreijllllllll, Punkin; T 0554.17 4 arts - - Atom 14402-"m210111 .GINIIENCI.PANACIg ura r ia m as osszormulto • WIVINI ximm - vb. , anesdal tie .we of We , • .. , .., t , ",. : ~,i .".'>. ' GinEfir) PANACEA, , , 111 an* . venom brow Ftlieb initewee et we beeli• it mar, has Woo, tie rail" , / TAIL lt. Ulf WNW ,_.: MCeMinni. :PaltAlif.iget.,_ ..", The dwiwead• Immo: wiimi,.wadii inn pin =ll edam sena; la alwere e ffeitn4 Wwle• of: t ; o,T r a _ • ' ' count my' CO Otis. '-- , ._'' - ' Thww, If eeileexed, ate kV*. Or in!ln ait -Tiii towitiwi, awn, Haw onial aliiki la be bud? bow din we get e of iiirl wade? Ise( vital Leponnesio tlwpfiblie. 1,1 .. t • .:'.TER 011 fief AND ONLY ittnreinZa win hi (rad ill the Mann To•apob -Invest* aill ' we Awes nue mow w rime pablubwil Oak outlaw • dawns Own bestinwire eionws,wbo liew bipedal* in millet, poww•!•ftwee; 'via a illist wialioW rna enigma the sowarre-figin ' - •'''' '. . - lama, MEN' OF Mg smarr.n4Pga.lo. kinsmen of 1.14 FiNpol,l44 mrdisF Uses ftaiatia - ' - • -; - 3OUgNALB C*ll* tiAt •", - litay eialiedid pasesiiiipixi. aid 117104 pith; eit tioistoet ligeanweisillitimitibaisfiers • - HdNniBA7OV/103M/11131, • - , TIIOI:ISANDS AND to pgatods , - .' . al 'ir Cii ' . ; ""• .. __MLE lli AA - 1 :!.. ..... . , in :widely ',ben takes a - Amid:lig w d t rKtyai .` 1d - Mt: bro. 44 - ir.'W kad b". 14 'arec6oed k.. , 1 . 4 ". 111 7 di!lftla# l l/1101,11, Wily, then, oeed the ifilosiedileeiniel -w*lvilifi sic the Womble fteousamoeUezi ylibro ‘'. aals wades the kallatd amiss , * sisiiiessiii rittil• .- oletoo, add ;aka. len Mild" 4' I . ol FrociP.l 6 lo l ,'f osir , Niggly iekooornl-,W)4lit a 1 7; •' ' t moo .i - cts -• , 1; us belitd,..b«.waiben aniit • sitops•- z -` ll i 7s legfialVti L AM tideiti.' "`.. -._ - .in arsisitmthle fosatiobas say MAW' . *ado ato rem% of the.ponooo lecilOalmo _ eel Ante It /la e 'rifirtY 1711nnAii,...":,-.' • OniterOi lilf lie mod een of MON _... _.' lei* ow nit !grow mon to Midi Mel 1101.1111114•Mulli. . am*. MA 'Min logito tall oneonea.. relative ion. r e rellaMhteldeole, , . .- . , illeouboorXemosao.ellie. I;. _L' 11000L'Elli. TIM __ ~TV':.: . ----' ... wrkwroars ICLICTICIEMAL 9 . my t. „, .r,l • - H U NrB -LIM mg Per„,-;, - ' • is .gnome` a acaoriatiametiOalwtt byp k ridip)kr. Lamoady.- it teguires no pvgig &cystic' tileysis \ I nit” jt habit= 1 scum tineroxicatty sansercy "°° ll °oo ,ol . 'l* bezi* beneismiellec:iiisito twee es ay q iniery.' . llie iiiivers oes el raii!ode serceatine %marine end flosaiatto• Nava blaaa • m , do whole .y ter cs atm levy wads that taoleicted shesie.vm faarO.afic, ip i r a in omits tavalaabla mut tot Itala • seacy: - - " XILL G &Stanton Pr pia... ociaulaasuy • receiving taniatosisisbentilw . raceim i li from its asc, and mum in the. . ..3ectea at iiiit.d Wier. —la owe case I . chiel 'ban ',ices ikevnteies Ir veareAmcinE emlicAtbd i* 4 . 4 0 1 *Boo at Utellio or . I Ceara, hy a iall frem a ' chili. .hl .dial usiuma road . , &aloe! bottles 0 th: tioimisis isalreatisa us etrangtit, sod he arm Joint actlitrisfdomata ill , 010+.1002011 guabol . - ar.1001.0.a. iliehei e l .. them, aad oily a mai; lts mil on tiniheaScr evniinid !aim of hissed safferimm. , e :': '.' 1,: , CA '.... . .. A one .ce REIEUMAi IC 04 3 1 371etti*CIMIE -' by the sysibeatioti et Ens sgtel . min , .t. -'-: G. E.Staimiril henbane itisellri arlr within • ems years with, a gents pia, id addi great tataaamailoolo Oar No wad roar 0144011 WA waa 104 ap Ornate to Sem Itsas .esiM bam4,00.. aria la hem any minim vspoo'slAma. - Oa 'us Iz. Apiii, I kft aim Wat Or .1100001:14 vacs l'clmini - . ara* =Mato I 010 Mtscompialsit. for Einesssessativs aye sad eight, 10,04 not stare my eyes lir putt, AS .thin imams or mane puma tams besesiorteee EL *evens Or a boots of you am% LeniatiaLlspirEeil. it walk staaelleirmhoul to liziainia 1100 00am • relieve. asa loaaatimama OW aped asoliesOma. I was enabled 000 . to of tomamolha auriaoh 'llOl lava norbeen mai anbooikAl =me K ply bottom attach × am ao ea renal day.: I muskier ft a mat ostaaliamedschae. and woad an as • whom la • Yam:IAA • . totavrons Remember Thal Una IJoio r eit 0 soldartaa altioarda mar, bit piaci' 0 cam por /Nada.: Whowoall 0.0 ' oboe whoa 0.0.0 reigns to ha Winne mall a lime.. ' W ohie O WI 000 00001410 Jkvastat: oat, alletkaal ' • 0 it MARION, Ihosiaftain : - , . •.-. . .. • Biassmit•lillrearfgaryNT. • _ : . AGEATS: Casse4 r, Hari & linekairoyaJba rt y , o.llf ' ' ' payirei4 walaati J A Joacaypana and hoot ,OJ-at übiar as L Yr Amt. h. ' a. al estala aa A g D.Mglay, East Lamm, s - isivaleme . < in.l.uienw 4•4 ,0 •4.g0ut,a.__ . u* ca - Ark ' - aTabio.OSSIOMII2PI.ZIE paallga .. • ' A--, TD. Dooms. Is etiressi by a mom , ..ammo. *Kt of the • t cells; • Is wry det•lttatigr, Mamma ~ ..h.r atimMar." DI. SWiammat MUMS If the alp Wu. tire. • t :_.- : L _ • ikasee‘e erus devalltrairrirlri IT •AlSlSPsjklfripi Daunt, or aroma solar yrDrili It nil= la easel Strailaaro i•• ormera•••• • 9i. ahem* . 1M Brourldlit. ir anskeet•O s 1 . 4 •§ I C DIVA: Broseldaltsairroptin. bat* thridr•••of , wen Flamm rill. Sentnitly tarok : , ...,. falsausanort of Ike Tamils or Vera Thisor,ftli dicase eden karts rer MUM eso•Norreat tam a. sleet, sulk *a slearmiou of the .throat , to Ds tie omptcank. Dr lisocuscri PuleraLsjsmrld¢orottapil ' lwaooolo. sad Wild. Ind s . •rriruliS romalt M Pi Pommah. Nala,--Va i ard d•••MmaYate non a chloral •••••••• a dibMand *crushers days comtiunton; aged rams are sa•••••• ie , X 0 tweeter'. Panacea strouri be - sh DisfripllDD- Night Swoon —TOD demi ocisphurd rsill awn ..4, ; , ,• with • wady cheek. by ...i.ir Lo orrerrer: •••••••• - Crossaptisc—if els ibo be orllnonep. i.e. II Wlifet ..0 45 4 1.. IM alle.t.P.l. fteo or aro of - I - eel Dr • ~ ....ram... is treerrusa Mr 'MO I," n, ended •,- ~ wt.*, the VD .VID•P , or d•ll..euraclos i — : Talle h. mm,...,.. ...7 1..1= ........ r ..,. ti„.. mi11t e p 6.4lL io rnm. es:*l;psdit io,k ,is wpaerettel 1 44 "ag.te.,1. ..-' t J.? .. 1 .4.‘ 1 40. all JeSpeina! • . _. RPl...Pitil . essermoos INT sri • .1' IADD AwsgsfAr LUDDLIIIIftsIe --r"— dpi D •t, 4, tC ft.*. 'MeV • - gnetsVidk • Of • • k ;r1 1.6 1. Llekry . - " ,• • I • - COMSIIOIIIIOI* •!... : Dm witarts Int= ...W i rt'. alielpse. kW .• I .— iiwillp ps ge4 ' k w ' - main alai thi'll ' '''. •,l,l ,' :.!1 ; INa=4l:ll4. Ott , 4... y ~ %Ott beih4 l6 rat is wilipui * P*: . - 1 I' : 4 4 =gadrarogoow, , :i,,, ,:pr u y____,__sametikiesiwons,amii4, 4 .a .46 .="1= - Iriso:q ' 114964,100 0 111 . m", , f , '4 ,- y• - d -1 il i o r reag a DVaillniedi. ..W. Akitsitiz e rit dome* oars. :40:10 : ?61, V g ulgcariliNtgfW"uhiias 4 ft Sit meurisiiiiialitereadir. Whir ', ;iii Pittatailc'WWlCiAili,Fo4 4 ,4We';,:: WWI awl Law/ wry, .ti:, 7 5,,,: - .:,4,:: •,,,,t.,•;r4six.S. logatuitTtajiL.:ll , , r t Ira .ther - ZZ14,1!" ,) Shrair`rilib•vilb 01- ''' '' ''. -. 4 1 4 1 N 40, 1v* .,..io nirova,o2%.lo-4...Cj.fi " 44(4110P
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers