EN E=E2I -m a eiTTABu THORBDA r MuRNIISA nMi r irw ' rkt= ibeTri-Wedifi g • •• pe; {oo4ol.*..allaacips. ; • •••taFtr'll,Pl? •,- for-: tha . Wriest aided, and the fulfilment of, the, 7,4 •, • 1 , 7;,...,!) 4 ` - ' :' A.:- , ::lE.9 , ..k." l sbk 4 Seed'a°l 4 W Rarve;t should n". 1 -- -* ' , ` 4 4 ; i - ; 4 1 ,- j- ,- • r . - - - . w Air , They ehose the Attetnmialseann,srlien .•., -,•-•-, r i , , '` . 4 , - •i- `..1 ,•-. ri "„-;„.." the flub were gathered tat, the bunt well stored, ii, ••• Y - ... .. l' ' wil ~..:“•: 4 the eelait Islam of the kabeatufit endear i nd ?el, •, -. :lii..4,,, , i,„..asiliogrplonly" ak.red down bet :kb- L.1:13 , , • est bleary upon a fawned people. V 1 - ..,.;;;:,,y i We hussar hetiocalliolydayeindiewid in by , : . f ;-,tt , z_ b , dolmas*/ of =MOIL the ringing ot belti o .a - /'I : t - e, -••'1 , • ' ' , I .'''.' have oar patinas mul pleasant, set apart it us . i" .- -.,. • .•. t • I , "7? ',lkx'a times, In d Teateabered in =buil lam -- , LA- - t ,, ~ ~,,. I ' . 1: <,....'= - 4Tlliittlt 144 semen for bating, hurtaation and if - - , , f • ' i ; :d .- . -?: leTer 4 "ea, dedle_ et_al to th e Lord sod ' ',' • ii - 1 •' "-1• 1-. - is ill au eburebooi . and by al/ nurse , --• _-' , - - :•:1- '. ..a: • g::. , people. The good book, tootaUe withers iwerated 5:_4,,,t •f .. ensca4 Liam:Nomur a ill occupiao.,-4h. to laugh ' 'is well as the tiere'to wren and . ' t iil . ji;f s ) _ • - "...."5 .. 5' 'Lae iti Pigs es well arkthe time to work,—* . -' , 4 ~ -..-:-• e_,-,4( • ?..i , to Wagon Well u a iil3lo tOIDXIIII.and 'time • ' ~ :: - ; -- 1,,1,;ii , eat, is wall as INAMSiO fut. ..., :.. " .‘'.. - ,.......,...5e.L.i., i ThllAblibbir lithe laughing, playing, singing; •-V • . ..,gds of the year when man should be of , , , i ,, • , ~, • . cheer and rejoicer -when the poor 'tumid i' ' ....tt:',l _-- , '',, ' int:imbued, and rxr man Afield be p.mitta ~ = - 1..: :., t .4 0 - euPlfafiat lo bed,--erben,sins shorn 1,,,, 1 ,•'-.;'. ". r'"!' , • • arid every bottah'ettall become 1 =me' t i l l •• -. i - :1` '. -` li'''. ' o3:;•:l coded altar toiled and good works. ' I :: • I - - i 'e:„.„l7 - ,,,11:i. It is a day setspat for gratitude to has whose i - "•.„." -. 4 '"`.- - `-' .- _2- 21 t'; , ,,,,`t.,5, ,- icednems, thonArenr every morning aid fresh ' .•'fi,l' l ‘:,-.2 ovelgolt, lineverriteiela peculiarly pods - ...,tv.z.. -, 1 .!.. ; , • A k, . ton. in ' our session of atanadarci,.. ' 4l '" *. , i, "4",'1:47',- • "Partkudar this place does 4 00 a temper 4. , f i • . wind shorn baba" :We have never c el , _ f 'l, - , , .11;- waw a in a our names abroad or Si &am, a .;,......4-q: . when thorn haw been such a genets! Ms. ' ... .1:.,11 . .1, . c:f . the *meanie =done of WlN—where 1 : 4 . was an few poor people, and so many ant ',il'i/z:,`,. .. by Ulm emnedring nuns then the supply 4, , Z.' all physicalwantri. 'it hungry man mull be .4f44 t .,‘, 1 e "pare end II spectacle to behold. Pain. -,..-, ,a . ;_:•-•ib , r - . indeed; le something beyond brie= =wpm ..• -•_,',-,-: . 1.,,A . on hue,—and devout thankagiving to Him : i r : , if,, 4, 1 - :. - he Data east oat tot in imeh pleasant places, •_, - . i i r : , , • • anacitymarrodlya hentap for dd. rich shunL' irl' i ' '- -- end this sumo trrnii seem lit. thus T, , t 4,_4 . hies pernded unhappy Imbued...lid which „ • r : ' -i"‘si. •re stem to mock. at human 'affirm'. - But ,*.",,,:-Itar• le room here far benevolence, notwittudand ? , f t .--- 1 '• , :„e" , , ; . g Charity presents huff in e thcawand fitate, ‘.,..inity Of opinion, ishirout which man at bet it }-; 1 . 4 ,•', e Ol a it g oundia taiga sod . tinkling "14lut bol." ', - 4' .- -1 lbarity in al= giving (Jr' sufferers abroad sad at ; •i:*".l:ineree-charity In the ail:radon of the blessings at aligloti and education among all people,—charity l k.,V-; ct flaming Mercy with 104«, Kumla.= with • ' •-• cohort% true Mame in prunes, with high pre „,,A"' • amOra& 1 .....id i- :1 , i . , , It re the custom in New England for the Cler " r ..q2,l f y to unpins a day las this . by disernimug of 4, ' initiates of IYoununent affirming the welfare ~ 4 ` the people and the common good of the , ,_ %. a•-• 4 t , . ~, -• ' , % -.2ptatat7- Seeder =True beating Via Pod >fi;i2-11•4mast in Government and personal piety, are ~....`:;-.. ~....," - . l 4 _4lciade common topfis oft:Mate. The. Clergy there QiCt,',lirei neither partisans nor politicians„--sizid not al -I"'''':4l'23s' voters.-as in.our Judgment, they every ' i where should be..--as men profeesionally more in. It/natal Brood Government then - any body else, but they sr_ak, and sometime trumpet tongued, against Hittites! vide and public misrule. ' Bo we would have thus here. Speak the truth, though the Limns fall, but week it, u our Di vine' Ilmiter did In Lave, end with Power, Then appears to ha" been some men ern. Doan opinion. In Parmulunla in reseed , to tt., tram Thatiktgifing. .Wa, '••-edefueed the origin. Mninas and duty after a faa....00, and hope it will be cdiewiid in a true thnokagbing of cad—. We would shorten wary long shop it could, and throw a ilyloit sunlight upon rimy darketted wia.niadwirta cony anded heart. To our resclers, one end all, may Babe truly a moon of thatikegineg and a year-of pubs for important tameats mane& Merrily, chastity mat happily let as Lahore-en join' God's benefits With esdneu, and all the good things afhfs,—cepecielty our abundant feasts with the gratitudeof men, who know how to be grateful and thews, to be hippy. / I ,- / / / - v .:-,: .:'.•:..,,j:,.'_.,.:.,.(i...-:.,.. ..,......„ ./` I - I .~' _ =NM 'z.' b .-, , ,...„, „ ., , ,,..:5..:L,vt..- 2 „:1_,.• 6-j,;,:r. , , r , M •,i , a tta -no 1* ftes eetl'pir•4 r l . 4lilWilltiotte Mane intotitioe.l Piiipibii t eta. ''.. iiiiiliteitiCtiliiiiitittiiiiiotete; itt tiiecnittor to ' ..... 1- I'M. rtilid ellViticliegroiliipat a It, it* l!!htino - ' - ~-.- • ' j''itghiliiiiefiebteitOiMate - ttitton sa: ..... - '7 1 ,to t. tor thi ijoitatti of prop,g ,e g e g ..-?"iftet woe both in tt#ly dig stoners -of ! ': ''.l'..figt,siir.l,` tbetneotsof writtemlibtoiy;` , `Daritig i.:-the'‘ ilit, 1 -, , wino st Wits upon nearly - roatteninf rett,:-. tv it. ....-..; petiet t al and 50i1:4;04e,, , — no nit'sainitthinwu ,= - . • ' ' ads of ibiwe e mit ‘itten ithett tag were Point. .d out andoe. 'i . .; • 'On Id ' of ibis' Wink. the Poet calls no tba . .?.Wleoeate , t.hfeskti=:!_whieh Is=aa aharLg o t a \ 7 - falielemst i l ea *auntie:Wel Man giSe totemi ~• ... , 1 ' .-ttu'l We ' id Doi eiPly Mit wiihisif ipeakiog in .. tenni .lees'irgeetfol than we cane . t o lan:tholes:de ..; . 4iit ii Oita. andirectimipittim:oppapent.•:, .• . ••••-•.,,- 4:PAlN:inky nearly twotilt:is= man arm ds. . - ~ . , god to tbi Guano othem, In which wends ' 1 mit opinhiiie uS int ado e4ienontbs, which we -• ', . ej* e ge . '" ntm7;' 'Elogieinimiibh, garbling ny dtt , • , ..•• yam man. add% ithinitil of, who does not bold i . : ...- / p dbo l toosotioiinit woos , fgt. inpof64..! ', : The , .244, .it a gih o tottiiiikod i iirthil lit i `iteili o ljte Pei into tlai --igninhoililifi.:Webilifi - , :Corwin and others' V4iOnm4.skihni,44;ll . wary . alb& miatoP. .8 , ettbna"eall pa to ' 4 thirwtrii tnithr ,--i i , l :iereedd teiintMed itint=iiefeatt, or' nob the atnen4i . - " . •4064 fibersiritai. soot his neighbor. • ' i '-'''' ilindoen, poliwkand ano th er* ioinnois of ' are danged;this tbne tothe ignition ot. ciii4en ale disetnniao would, be h ~_„ x_ot.t . ira iottiottgiet sea toiti::leminie over ate ', hi. Pew knows that the, aiontry Mbith.we wag in treaty. morn admitted our •' • • . . 1 00111 Po Otooder4 t knows that it nava ~ - 0021 Pgf!fai.P .'/.llt. area 1f..."7r g° 4ll r l '- olimaimillia bfis 41er . treaty of . 1819. i ,it 'iliiiiiVtikr: that; om:)341o: was o a r.Weihni *littnlsere 7 thielit t nieo was tit* Pitt if lipin; :1,...# 7 111 . : iiiiTelit - ad:Vint:ou t were one &de,- '' tWAtikx. :06 , 4 *iiethiwa o. 7 ths ..Ifeesi*ateliweleft Wilk of the Rio fkarole e ittiat alait **; *KT!", d -I° , kc 4 P . P* B , 4l °°°_,,f this -. .p.emetati r ehot IMIII the time of Alias " shhiiid thii - koondary to the al; thaede, to mit, ' :-;"'lttliett'ibi.M.wtietti war wee Mitin liotti Taus by ~ ...', , nir&l‘ had* pitseitione welt ofituoticat bank id . :4iiiiamiu;,-aia -yet.-1=44,4 . Na' • t i a! , 6,, "gypliatOilieltialf,ind - roakii.at:iti...m..:.i. ~h- * ., "yd , ..ft _ffie ,ll .9a.dvai. , the boundary alibi pitied !lt ittool. ': It is a wine• of pmrd,r tcbmgni. lath owe tot respired to _penmen '7"A - alitriti"peititiiiii iera.- . ,_ -..i. t•:. = :...,e. t j -.-.=.=:..,-,......, :" . .:.. - *Oliek***l?Siiiiftia"4lMiielia . ."-:imaikiii*,44y ea! irtifi or !itiffilyo944 iiiiiii :..alit-orthiirtitifificatottotat,-,netititty. ittplitt! hi •d•Atte'lri,pf our ' :t:aititiaiiiiteittiato, ifeWes L ;liset_ sMelriperiiioco:M t iAinitfeiti in idven ; , --- 1 ,.. 00teitil ,6010, 10ti - iii, ' - kix4.4 , ------ ;reii,i -. - 104a . inion - -,„.„.: ,i , lees kin las shoileg. Ofoont width are tad s ,. ''' " 2 $ i k i `" ii i Oilii 1 11 6604*e and Wig., -= -;./tis einisinitity, float .tba .flotli-direleye of its •_...., aseyiesei Wad* It would Minn frOM an mile* !"titiflid fragg'llf=egiutinii h iaitg4;,tbat an et• ' fkietiCimiSly for' this erg l k wittin end i . 1 Ir'''Wit titiaintatta tut : tho ! tort* door : Fel , : : i i4 . ol.44.4 6B o4 lo bllig*bitti'etiliiiitaille item . 1114111 M ! . . T. t 4iii stimeki4iii i i64 pared thtesigb that - ehYr, =,.'f.' ..jithathoigepd a iisitteone ortiperei r ' '. ..._.:,lgiesitfietti'litdaliiippriai and Au Ili,: .' " . :14.1.00104 6 tr .'*li*l4-**-g4,441i . Piaili .: TWiiiiii- - tie eel ritt n ii? 7 4y . i. Mabel of Peg% fligiiitiilati ga .86 FWPA.fr‘ its 4dei 7 'AtiettitiWit'o ii now CO:jai:l6 Xi* Yolk. with :I=c,rait. ;A ,'',.. - ~...j _ ,/ , , ~.. .: es& matted twat, .-- i'+* , ' by , ...1 10 0 101 : 13 "..7 .1 _ . b r ikLIAPnaling ! ;... ,/o.iliiiiiiiilit.thspOids diiiimillidi.ildeti, 41gig,apatlekontilictif -mall- gl. O lIOPIPsoo. - Imi-„lain In the earth gmbodPinemi hew rainy -'" ' "" - ' 'lei iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iittieii. grigilii tilieottid ketti.' Wu iiittimi.nahina to irrocl ~ , • ..f....sii*- .... „ .. yeasti,,, - A ipi ,i,,, tits.kwiti n d, ; nun tbit Mil WWI ',;,4#110010141 1 0 411 wk""'''' . ,„._..-. Wta ,....2 .1 tartish, daseel - boTlC:kettada alntwintraf' it: oaf j , ' .7.4111146 . 1011.0 10 7 .Mr 2e - . '7". '; g a% it bide j ihrbfitissit!': Ibi i i i tiol pat l i ti o ..t: .•'::1 111 * 161101 ...• -1 7 . - --' '- - •ba, that i wholar:l 4.4l4 tithstltrisr hid lltai' . ea. - ehoefigkelpti`lo iat:: ~-fgLltte , .. : -:...w... ~....---- ~..... ....,_.,,,,.,,,,,,,..- 14 ,,, 6 „, AL . ito‘sett titswing. urbidtmotp*, :::,,- -_,•:',. - ..tittrtp.rl7.2 , F77-7. • .:;,..177,,,-.7..„=", 11 ors.. beheld ihrtadylottii! • = 1it0.11014040 , 0i* ',.` """"%v .. 161Xteit. ADM 4 11' ett l e F .. jic r l air jr,-- ec o m p s . I -'' • gg i ggootignegingligf jent iii' nftligh,fo, ,ag pa ridd in 'idl,lts 'detail; ii *heal parglitoig . ''': ' :: :: ' -.. 7 . !;"? . 4 - 441 7 ': ; : " i ' L . ~ e i 4,,,Ti.;; ; :';:,:;VY:„. t S A .7 .'” .., •-• : . „- A ,.,. : ,: ~E . ... 1 fi l `-'-''.. .: .... i :. -:1 ' ..- ' l.- . - :- ' i .-..- .-.:' `!- 2 21 - .' ; ' ._'• .....'::- :,- . -..-! ":": -: . --- - . S.' -,-; ' ,. ; • : -..- . ,,,T IZi.' , ":; , :::: ,,, ... -. .." - 3....;..:.: , ..i..._4 4 4.;,.. , -,,.... f .k....z.:,,... , ,,..4.'s.-. 4 .---i. t ;.,,,I7,4, - ;.- -';71:::::.:..".-Y‘Y-411;...':- if=l=3 "=MEZI . , liiiial.E.Firjaa T. :- al . 1! - WiTa . ka — i7 folly obi • h - 4 'd el*lt ' tift end aid pearly 1- ii,uit,4, the pmiiiiim yill !c10n414 , 6i. st 44 - rnise ti*,`!rb• gx.km - '.... . •Lai!.7.gati4ty.cideriv.r,X,7:• Airy, the r day of Our year,-- end at the Baulk hoe hero the great social holiday of the • at a Una rhaziirgiviog ocsotainee the . . • . . • tarifa tear --- ThFrie - ailto . &fibistalt; desiatied ai mite' snowy thanki tolhe Giver of all Good • .M - 4 ' 6, !1? y.i.ilft,dap a. . Pow= or Wow ro situ INir.s.e.—The Cowl of Appeals Li NtSW MOO &laded thin menial woman cannot make milk Jerking per. aural property. Unmarried finale. of the age a! 15 end upwards. Imre parer to do a; aid lads of I 5 and operanta. The case rose from life Itarmsone question, and is briefly dated in the N. Y. Tribune as fainter= . The question at this cue is-whether s dire*. don, in the shape of • list will *ad toothiest, a:eh by Mrs. latibetts Leo Wolf, oa the bock. of • pokey, (No. 1,331) of the New York Life la tame° Compady, where* the life el ter bee. bead, Joseph ten wow. was Leonid for her sole ale sod perpas, for $3,000. is valid or not. The policy I. in sato:dines . with the law of 1340, tieing to • teereied wow= the poier to 'cabs such iasantace. - Tie directiate oa the back ie that in the *weir ands death •••( hit hothead, and In the evict of death of beuelf, at the Was of Its be mains psyabk. not being is We Land cd the hr. leg, she orders that the amount be Feld to, Dr. Goad( Moshthlit, cd Philadelphia, in trust fee tier &Witter, , Mur.JensLeo Wolf, imbiber being pi age, reed in the mol of her death be fore thst time, the ethane to be siren in egad . pans to bet badend's brothers and sisters, &a, . . The policy we. procured oat the 6th May, 1340, to expire in. Msy,-1845. lo March, 1841, the odd leaterila with het „barbed, the red Joseph, en their thaiblia, sad only child, Mary Jane, ailed Liverpool in Atm steamship President, which bee arm been beard of 1•41011; said no deobt OD tollti pettlidted. ' 'The Albfie Admin . be:rotor . entocooently admin. Wend opoh the estate of /aleph Leo Wolf, woo Ow which M. Goatee P. Allen, In Wulf of the tether of Mni. L.a W. made application far letter. of ado:inlayed= on behalf of him Leo Wolf's agate, to mach the policy of Inman= bat wis °aimed by the Pobhe Adminiatrilor on tho pound that a inewied mama cannot maks will, ea :elite* to petional popery, gran 6 1 conwot of hat bosborid. .The eppriattice of Mr. Allen arse iitnied by ibe I:Sart/nide, eau*, decision ..a alfinned oo appeal io Jorge Kent, the then Cheek /odes, end sob. Pequinatly by the Chancellor, and farther appeals made to Ibis Caul. Mr. Daniel Lotd opened the ease, Mr. wood bolas wigged oo the other aidfi t use after .bleb the Court 114 i WOO& Barn Iterlinage—A rather moral plan is in contemplatlen in Now York In nixed to Bank re firma. A bill his bum reported which pnrricle• that the Comptroller. Erserstuy of thou. tad Treason, shall on or before the drat Toady of January, April, July. land October, in each year, az on s day la Ow gainer of the Yaw lbso ended, In respect to whkb nary Hank, Association or Beaker, shall make a report of the all4dra of such 13sick:. Tabs bill if an ..wwismand it, does sway with the promo* quail* Morns, and obliges the Willi, to "show tioneilisir. Wilms* opm past iabs. This new plan, wir pnmrot aD imi•ian. tote for • mart, and will ism • tarahney to maks ths opt? Wong of the banks Coors nwalar, sad cozen:molls nafer. Thay now contract te. fan quarter day, and expand sarrinlarly Worthy. Biwa by aka '60.6d14.. * 4 . -Tbe itaant of ths general graila bylikki - - iii trillek bet to codunacisl 1196. IA le octi Impoetitee. The relief gi‘ei to the oof lCifOudj by ' , relaxation wfLthe Bulk - a Of J* l4 . , , las been tampormy.kild the inoperr cff bre i ' . fiserehMts are now tunuello the actim of Parts. 4 0 44.WhInti WU to asiembla indite Ifliti ot No 'ember. After repeated solicitatkrdi, the go,ent 1 meet yielded to the solicituocine of a F defiretadob of I Usidon bunker., aided by the req . gut of 96. I RollisaThild ind nexoniended the ' Balk' of Eau ' hod do tecretwe lie kens . °Poo peeper. security, I though to ed doieg, the Bunk woulitork its char ter. With this recoMmendatioa from the minieuy I. the Hunk, came "promo,, that putout:dint weeld legislate to protect the Bank. Upon these tams, relief wu given to die palate by loses at 8 ixT rent, the Hank paying? per cent far the motr , 01, making a profit of one per cent., whfcb, hole aVeT tb•mloisters euggeetohoold bo pieced to the publto credit. •Tbe Bank uumordingly resoled:— oThat the Minimum rate of discount on bills not haling coot* Ulan 95 days to non at 8 per cent. onus edranon be medico bilis l ot Eschangs, oci thock.'Exc.b . equer bile, and other lipproted .e. canine, en mum of law than .02000, and for pe. rkals to be thed by the Orreamom, lathe tato ol 8 per amok per annum. ' Upon hem thus made, ' i naction wee at once I sem, bat'.:after • few days, grain settled to nearly the old point of depression, Mlt wits found I that the 44 weskit °proportion to Qui deader* I sod that more tattoos!' mutate mite be taw, and such as were within the power of padtament oboe, ad,tbm the goatee stand* • Willows and Smith entnnentiee AfJpone fail ures, wend between the Ifoli of October and Noe. The woe paper nudarks that : Wtalat the Bank Directors thero*ms, us . Wally borrowing raise, on stock Id *era per cum until the 29th Nov.. add charging Bream.. on similar aocutny, and 9 per cent. ea awning% It it, plain that, se regards money, Depress:pilaf" can be calculatul upon. The general wind's& don of all bust:roes and toguremaner Is. however working gradually scare. Ice fatal afkets,.how. Geer, are' but too evi4not in our presentlefinid. The Anti-gold law lame, or papas de* pis; ty, to Holland, continuo lie labors. In the pees.' ant deranged stale of money mums, their pro cedinp hive much inkiest. I• A letter from Manchester, dated Novi 8, ' In medals 'of the troubles of lb. ciumen: ' Ad ammo, were in August and B.pt, the I I latter repo:tally, they were comparatraely free ! from that went of eanficlanco and calumet; which hare been the pendant charactedems of the present The traninelione here been of the moot hawed characfcri arid those width have taken place hare bun mainly for the home trade and the flood State* ' - - • The same letter in noticing the moue that here produced the deleted/no among the totrinfactimes, goes co lo ay: Our production has noterionaiy 'been for acme time put vastly In noes of legitimate clamed. We manufacture as If we had toe whole world to . 0 11l 1 .7irarvital dal la other coontrise great' prover bur been made In inanclatheres, and, in some Omaha, of a succes , ful character. - How our extended products a is to Nal kept regnholy Axel beneficially employed we cannot teth of one thing we ore Catain, that it wit beeme to revue to tur periodical mobooce. not quid in arrerity PmbiblY, kirtsimllartn that which 'we an 110. parsing. , To railways theefoes mut be added the 'aids. of ourtradior the coosequences azialog from the deficient bused at lan year, , and the wild specu lative naorement which ,the tutu „originated; ea finning collectively, In • great cocamre the cea ses, froco the eta-too( erbitit We are sow uttering. The didniss, from the locreued diminution of employment amongst the opersdru. Is neneolurly becoming more munkillyseure. Many hundred. of arldoional hands bawl:eon thrown Oct of em ployment dartog the mouth. What is to become of them daring the winter 1 If thirty continuo more mile -moot be stopped; for though cotton is lower by 241 per, lb, toad when at the highest point, and the splcuier and manufacturer cones. qoently ins somewhat better position as to t4t, yet bow can he produce Luz thee* is no re.:+n ate.).? when all around is (Weida and dienuat It la fearful to - coatemplate what meet be the stets of the coucto districts la this comity Muting the winter, if things melding es they ate. Imiatoise.---Cenfinakei coalition to this bahop. py country, and the people ores. unions u ever to donation,. means of relief. The Tiernan of tenant rightle now being much dureamed and inini Lemma god ot nu kingdom to the other A kind et motets, meeting Wu held at Kilmer.", emend on ess f idtb. The object of the timeline I . I was to , taps traps to promote the 4 iimool,eilto' imostket. The etiolation by which it was corr. •• . . uned bore the . sigo aura of early eighty Catholic clergymen, Mc/adult four simuoienersi, twenty with priests. and ,fifry coral.", besides six boa died tenant farmers, sad many respectable met. chants and shopkeepers. The CfOLIIIA has advanced further towerds the West. It lon committed fearful tangle on both 'idea of the Black Bea, sad has raged at Odosse. la Suatuirn Russia she popolition of whole lases btu hero awl; swept away. In Astracsa, out of *population of 31,300, them bed been 300 death.. Waboot counties (lonia; Cstieaooti• and the emery of the Cumuli.( the Blear:tea, •it already reigns In slateen govemments. On the 17th Octofrer it broke out at Warsaw, and on the 30th at Moscow. Only one ease has armed in Austria, and one In Pronlit. Up to the 29th alt. it bad not visited Coastantioopks The Allge. meths Zoitnng of the 27th •October aye-The choler* is adniciog: from the cut to the out. but as yet it boa not restful • more westerly pour than Bertsch, an the sea of Asia The winter will impede its progress, but not change the diner i on) ft boa taco. ' Bernie Pon Orrice . Aaainionizan—Tba inisoodentaadlng larelation to the Wasbingtoa Nails, and the Proposals adopted by Can Johnson awn &Woad to make notable tar; our Marchanta. This Bt. Johns, N. B. pspoz, States.' • Thai the Colonial Post Office dopertsocot has "Ina Offiniel notice :That, site, the leth instant, oo Paton oi neinepiPen from the:Oohed Oinks ' via vsbith the Pontiac, podia/it has not born •pald, will se. sen.tint et any •of the pold^offne• ,b 1 the Pq end„ the nine papa Murk,, tondas4asl that Ens t the snow data the Drain caw. 1., oft be aeot . by laskd from Halifax through the province of New Brunswick.. se !mainly, instead of by the way rif Baton, asi lately:practised. Under these arraninnansta this postage of a kttoi from Pithboogh to hloothtil,• tenet beisrnsield tha I *bole . distance: This onfosioo in the 'beton egg onangsal_coail eysteashaa bean canoed by on error no as pert of the Post office atithoritian, of this heikeovemmeals, end the soma corrected Van . • • TiliEllatlool.ol. in the !Jolted Stites wona bar but about =OOO, in io . populatioto of shoot 15,000,000, and this gustier oft minim, or lade or some fart of the whole number, (for all are not untewoottable,) threaten to dissolow the tratoo. if Compass and the the rest body of the people declare that or awns Kayo tontioxy dull be ad mitted bito the Union. Thipattple s of the foe States colatt mile at this dung with complaean ey, wen it that this body of men ate' backed by so aim, 'Northern men With Boothem pin& Pk.." on Northern .Donabfaass," who are but the' hewn" of matd and drawee of *Wet to their Southern =stem Nair Yotk set btu mut apcm Oda class of room at the mind election. So did Ohio. and ldawachusens, and ma Oust duo so goal will oho; that neither the quarter of a million nor disk allies ara.to tot the ttoantty. • • -. Ybit* New owe OLITICIL be OCO MOM. him of, the Lepialatasa were to bold a private CUM/ on Tharaday night, with a view Co prepare wahines to the ..tletziooneey! of theittate; end recoozowod to their support the dedanttion of pi-11dpi* toads it the- lialtioaer Coovention, with • view to tbe pacification of thiefaitioaa. A propmition 'would probably be submitted. to the mates to nil • State CoovotOloll it Eta,lo aft paint deletain to the Belilmori National Geom. Con. , • Th.lbet•ed,'• amp toovenumt,; ea if Ine. plies • •etettplete . mind ar of att the &Toted, , pants to lb* , bun button; bi tbo.'buttifte: !and complete repotbatico of the peceeeedipr e i 4 , . Byrum' Coma Lien. , ' ' • • • Entwugrar, Str auto.", .oetti.attotte--Ths 0616 Statemotio, 'Worm tte that Dr Ittotopkee andeted by mbar ronisooo, rocreored sTettoxo (rota the alebecomifeali"Afs; UN. - of Lbtitit4 Oteatty, Tote:dog koolotiloc the .lirtzolo of liar, tettictf bohbilillioidiseasratioo, and bad become tooafs allotlhOretkileloolliii.l . ll94loff "OM*. - . . • • . . . t ••••.: . . . . • • / , 44 mine& t r . • 1 -- ii''" --- ,0 i .11140,0r50 .blood #167. 1.4 4101 ot OW, by O' horolvoiety "'that tin - poceiiiieill be Weir.: thin it her 4onii? - 11at There his iiorpeet t Is the okodotod lell tho batiscer 8 o:ckok po Wuitok!oy ovopng, kin. lid id this.cify., - ... , . ' : f 4/I fine" of TokinoWo_ on* Hof Plalide!Pkii. oeionf ono/slim" In of the at the lines ailment ( O'Rielly Rim Philodelphi s t o f• ehnelond, w e i n t LI . • Tsa ,iii'il . i twa ham vary wet and din . • groeable, forlhe !let two or Mow days. On Toes :day night aheol I I o'clock, we had a sem bey , / mkt, attended with elval datehaigoe 0f17%. The magnetic Telegraph, dice gave *ace of the approaching worm by Ms wires gni. i ettuged with , eketricity. One of the . startaload a :wen ahocliwttile engaged staillOg' a &match . Thole:Wee of the apparitae, libleh l beu i son Woken,» is recoteed, cdattanid like the haith of • ma chilled with cold. !Valois triumphal wet art, sial the operators wen Gated ,for a shoe. I period, iii eturetaler their balasiee to the KIM ii• . sty of the elements. 4 After the warm petted, all W" fight agiio:i The dead aloog 'the errata pm dead by the shoirer, was on great as ti Anent the peeing* of Mae who washed to pared dry feet, and. (Wad otbare pracnred e plank from a neighboring, boilding, and pawed it oarr the chow Del, by whittt wend ladies and geallernma yam enabled to pus the torrent. The eine will no doubt bil mach avo)an by irecent Ilia .. . , • ~........ , e . Ii I Loa. Masvaartseary of the Far. nate moo, ffeutthels/illegteay and its trikrahuiew now in the:alti,.W.uhlacthoir wintet parebases. The' water' lisaleen 'eery Rivera & this 414 for running metal testa.and the ososaqnstoes *the arrival of an inotienallj large <mean,' of frosr. The River is now in wood navigable cadet, and Mow basil) good. to waive at the ddraiant points on the Osgheny, may safely rely . span their beine 'Seth' isfore moription le &sat— Pus ponbablz hi, them hi, will be no roan pigmor al Gas this are, altar : the premed rim, twit the river is deaf of fee in the Spring. TnarmsettiSiseTture am now . is oar eity, many who formerly belonged to the Nur England disks, and atiio la remembrance of an ancient custom, of their Tether; have determined span meeting toast* and partaking of • thankagistag flapper, at the Rt.. Charles Rotel. The eiIIMUI of many of oortet iespecieble 4:W:et:wire recorded uhaving she PurehaSed than tickets, ea we advise thaw Who wish to reroomher the Lind of - then childhoo.l; and the good old anniversary, now, 'slosoltaneonaly / observed by se at hoard, here, is the Western Statea arid in all other lands where yanks* itetterpriaa has penetrated; to be present. The feast will be worthy the occasion. Tea Trial of l lli. Key. the Watchman . who was arrested 'for wrikiog Bcojambe' %lam with alleOr last seminar, awl canaloc • bla 2atb, ha. Now pottpenod et the iteatanCe of the attorney of the commonwealth, od the round of Wee chance Of material winnlises. Wean Inforieed lees wit. DEMI were Ware die Grand Jary at the tom mancement ((their late aweient Why were not comunrca then taken to procom their atomised:a at the present Sessional Barely tlw comity 'ought not to be taxed with cows far. the negligence of that which With% with ordloary attention be a. voided, nor should the defendant, if finally con. titled of improper Condact, be compelled to pay far utincceuary • delay's.. 'The Commocarealdt shook! always be ready for trial. Tem Faeroe of James . D. le — wett, whewas killed in defrallog the Garrison of Puebla, bare called a mating for the purpose of aking prelim. hoary wept to kola hie remains brought bane The cooctiog will be held thin esenloi, at theceer per wine Alt; Allegheny city...We bops daypuj romeani in acemogiaking their perm*. Tie re Maim of thetom.*ug l imart shunh.A.,.l \••\11 ! 144,- tho.lo ioust !ana dandled them while .Yo®s &well Mu brays to ,Imbrues diming balls, but mild. kind and betanokat in the domes. si : rink.. His superior damn, as well asioni• paoions, speak iotorms at great commandatba of his conduct and sal antt,y u a - soldier. Almost 'army kttor recently remind to tbla city from Aland* at Pusbia, foe the prat • sod for 'sate hands, ars Mourning the death of Jame U. Bsorelt. • The all fat the meeting i. mrpectsbis and sp. awriewly signed, Slid we tenet will be well oldie ded. Rov. Da. ifn,OiaTie; nalwd lJtiitooll4 . dollen from 64ad'ef Demme& Ittinican.*.ite Pitieivrab, I.MS Lee Nen formented ear*" to the WWI of the doctor. The otoat7 vas nig .Dagtoactdf,end the Demo of the dottorie know,: W. beam sonnet eltooyoeatte mot* inthise of 140 . mount, sad from lb. same eootee,lien receded this. Poolroom basins bosistmos at Woottioirloo, C. ars raferial to U. advestiommool OSCAR D Taostraos. Agent (r Patents In this city. Mr: T. i. amosi.ialmd Let owe of the most napeetablo and ompetlencsd agents In Wasitlastoo, and we' aro sailed that all Wooing= entra'stal to the& chins will le Ibldiralizitteaded Wi 'am libizirrsc.—Parscaetja adjagramanti ilia• Whig 'faun Rea of: dmi alio of Pittatiyrit Allattioay, and Allegliiijecniaty, will mat id 14 Waal:derma HoiaLCollatt of Peso Clair wait; an Friday aiming sett • . Tag 11,4 1,4 La' sackurn have delenialared upon closiagibeir Save% daring *later months at . z eckock la tba aeula4 This arreagicaret goes Into crratioa.fraas aad altor out inti , coatincit aztil the Gut of Muth. The tl4l3o,l•lPuthar Jonstbin; latiodeti IS Quiets:es present, Lee been retched in thee ell ~aad Lid , by by mim ltkav, or the Pali. ',c4icetaliteeesi Steidelhitt Wee I. tee Specimen cemothed; • •:*o ttedfs Is Em atleettieemenL %e—: ••• • • , ... . , . 'Tisza Ilea fife towitt befom the Mu°, co Wodoooday comotte, two wale cinicoilial to hit sod the Warn* dlotbargai upon payment of Boa and coots. Chottple dsontoonww and rigiistey. ;MIMOSA& 1 42LACIii*. . Iv Tag Cr aces? Omeinvof the Coiled Stake toe tbe. western Medd of Penneylmola' Nov. 274.1847. Before ELmo. EL, C. Grier, sod Hatl. noon Irvin. Joakes. Henrietta Olson ea %Hat lilliam!—Tb6 cost as anon Instituted by Plaintlff toe damages ow-- lama /by Loin upwyo the defeodent'a skim 'through the or incompeteaty of Itta drieer. , Tbo cease aoMpied the coati &rice dm whole of Tomday. Many Iwitnewes' were examined on both Octets lo ?Citation to the accident the amount of leia7 reoeteed„ nod the ettametee of ttm drher. Means McCandkue and McClure' foi Plait and Mr. Makeben foe'ideft. Wedettedey morning the Court rewmad the examkatlon of lame cow, Tbs arguments the Inmost eckuowl canopied Ike coat of the de . Tbe fuck appeared bbo pretty dear that tit ateidett, by letk.b.eb e tiff Wag 'Noted wa uutd lb* sosillfaintss of the dulak—and ilk. Hoz= darted tbo Joey. '.that if they bud • tele from Ihi aeldence *the .Plaoliff wood to recover: ft was the duty or.tiu,dofraw lo be!' gcod what..mid coaches, Ind oitopoteoi Me to to mums° the teem no Jory.sftar ao • ••• of *boot Ma io kaenta ro tameda sreidict fix • biota tot two tboomind dot. ... CITY. wir.w.tlan. r, . 7 the .sfilart of • Piliebtogh Gardie: Ilwiehiett would - the allaatiaq Of Ow drat eond, . • . mimsam toil* at 17 dirty =Aka at .., . , the cide.walta Thome basibma Drdinszia. lama, Idly Coatdla a clalidat It 6 it. dation 14 clam tham al lead tilic• il iiiCatvl , iliKa• h , hm would to pmaisicaas at modirsitzt, Ttair : eat flay amdiUml amaldatuirlikm l tuft s : . tat same ti It iliAli:dsatirmo, sad .a Lew d maw of wain sataiglidad artth-ttle smiles.' Lica of . a tont brzaa, igaddidriciaoy m 601,81130 rril. lam earmina3 thi**lllo , *of riembufi, it latit.cia bat pay toottitassoiciktt the comfort • I +=JY ~y.~:±~ ~;a^ - ~ .. • ' 'Ate•G,d"- .00t .1•1' "IL iL.kr aionsw pat fa/..441,tpr1, *rade by Mr: at put ifolet s frit ea kb' Chntoicle`pnepapar, in - Jilt, Itiiiihareatiir_Autd conduct se Pees t et.' Baptist taterah—la sobaterce *hie vortical. orthe TRfStirzti rapist Res. Mr.Tessdab, their pu-, hated bale eidridid firai the Signed wio I assrkedas- ea adamisimmiz."- •". isestips4 ,that came to this city 4 Ilk. t*Direiiition had hrialt that bissahuy had bare railed. That wings want "tin - banaonimudy„ mil, for eiime re** he 'rhati lima swanked by Mr. Lee. - as hut , Wee the pohricatilas caplet fir NSW Ha d :end/afar L ecternpapa% sad had bleiiisfined a - pulpit hi ocieseiiimoce of It: 'Hie Meade bed Wad histitut• this nit The offemaire er• tide had aho' been publish,ed Pete/abort Vs. at thei.ohtitf th e:Matusoilatia*Riptht ThertabAti' on of Mr. Tetaisiii tbe court,for one* :roan daring which.thi drain Of the church were laid open to the jr/U. width/Cameo! thejtiatortaixe in May laud fell) developed. • At the stigisido/, Of the court a nol pros. wre' 0/dered upon paymeat 6f teeth And Mr. T. it 1. this/At will heist Wised= ea theca/ for dein. limbs the Common Pies; Ciateth. va ,ThaisMaCiuthY, eta- Woes mi ehietlaerdict not render ed.;. ••• • • Tb. remainder of Shirley; wits accepted it/trys, ." • Tay Telitriph maker an'haprOper':charga a galiat as. Tb.y will 'find Mr Cooly walked if they :will take thi tremble to eillEliDe oar ankle, of Twisty, - simarportleal of which win Complied frtesecnre readied: by She •Weshiettria ' ta, pareya Mobdity, night. One of oar vorrespsad city in a dadaeppaired'oo'Mondly; twanieg,the other. trielber with niter. from the Puebla paper: for cashed by a 'Mead, and also astute from Cooly'. ppbltilrarl letter, 'tippet/ikon Tdoiday. Tun ROUTH amrn soirru. No Allgood limoot toe the lost': tatioO of •alavory, for omy fact os4ected with 4o'cotlO,, a , poblii moottemati.i onto While 41,Inifog . of the doubts oil ebbs. al al tbosis ydio'ovio Slavesext., eau th o i.otitio tha ecitiatri, end over the bodies of Illooo*lio !onajan to Tltn , - spook •:vottoiles'i t i kvor if a free 14 and free pcepio. o &rola &bud tbi hum! tot: Mt . . . . Tho tqlowini atithiotic cable ar . tho'com. perathir value ottbdi roarcOpal4ltaphi,e of the 8Am:1;1g:11830 1815: ticatiantaid C0tt4ik1i71,4,84,925 $5/339048 Tobsem, • A 0,484,104 ' 1,001,317 ' 3548.7501 2,160,486 aia Nl:storir—lndigo, 913,34,18" 815,039 otah 185,241,175 882,723455 Denease4ksOl2°- 14 t..Callwan'intitested the 'aloe of thew uti. cle.(tholudlogeogu) U. 1840 at $ 75 ,846,310, Th • las fans sattrows than that of 1836.—a sea. son of marline - Inflidon. Hot the annotate cf either yen illostrak+ the powny. ths. Booth, when compared wi th the advancing wrath of the' North. lo 1840, the. Bay crop In New &teach New York, New Jewey. Pecomirscio and Oltio, wee estimated at owe 1 171 . 0 00,0 ft or nearly la much . u all the great wanks 'of the Saotol The unmated ethos of the torkulrocal predoete of New York iltma, to 1840, was owe I 011,000,000—0 r 83000.000 more than theca; Ve products of ail the B onthent States were 'esti. mated to be worth! Since 1840, the arrogate 'eat as of thew Booths em product. be. duninithe_ d .Tbe entire receipt. the present you, from Conon, ?abeam. Ric. sod Sonar, are probe* low Mao 5 7 0,000,000, while the estimated value of the Wheat. afoi Buleq &a, of this State,4 u but . tight =Maw greater .Clan, ce 1840: • • Lace Sermon Correia—Navigation on Lake Soperior baring cloned for the, nesaon, Cot. D.' R. McNair. G. IL Mineral Agent, ttai made op hie report to the 30th ,hleptataber, which ashibtts returns of ores and lomat rib. ed. and.idalpowatt'ont of the district for emelt. inn, Wen lbe w6m.coattaud of opastions. tallowy' . Onti and Axel. Metals attired. alrinraL ' Lake 9aperior Co. Ss. 1,113341 The. 34,441 Pitteteui Lad lioslork, • Copper limber Co, 7.2E3 .430 1,407,431 Elsie Harbor Co, • : 311.000 ei; Pens Co , 3/2 ‘1212 a. 2 irlfftit 7244 ello Co. 100.0M1 1,339 Barak 300,000 . 333 'Aiipmfds co. ' • 120,000 naadiohatl Co _ 60.000 4,049 All ahem rallrisc , repons 1,837,939 40,.%13 Total 114,200 1,694,1104 lettniog • balance of t o aws me amblersl to bei smelted la the telolnistertiarg. Tbs, remise moue the bandit of tb. dug. of these I sod. from the War Department to th• Treason I:Noun:oat. emceed, he • my =o.& grabby amountooorY, alieelse eintatast itch amanternent and the will armee, aod competed that with - what will be raided by the - 30th September, 18411, at the sans of an poi, the: roots will' await to ma* 1123,000. one and dove erpetnes.. ' There itto many nava/ins which ban coal. mental .with good ~bows of sad prospects of same% who are not. as yet. sufficiently adranord to make mums; and • gnu many who an doing Well, buns Woad their tome to banding, opining of roam, dealing the lead, and *Molt potatoes.itota . they could rood scoelting works—fixtt am which gdag up and will be Sr operation the eating sommcr--oo• on the Actocayoo, one at Eagle Bier, on at Deed Rim, end one at Ws Royal. It stunk( also be a:cottoned that ezploratlose ben Wee carried so ostensively, with the antklpedoo of Milo, cip these hods when they no into ontkai„ and that the dinner* sitepent ell previous sandpit:lam. —Lake. Rap. "ws, .aTire:.7lOlCT-111 Alin., Clamant. —Et Arco lro, Vottitthtd ford.i.C‘ t•Wie hare bow orchid that ott tba 1041 .14 Efq do otesobeittof Ito Cmagrera won aaaatoldsd at Lb*city of Qoesidess, sod that there had alireadt •-stiral preparatory tratelides, It Is also resorted that ohs Pooldent of ihe Be piabUC raal44 Qosnoseo the emirs. of di. dilSeesed titateei to ordre that thay ins) ewe bhp (Nis freek rplo tow abmst 'Chi war. Theo If they ill IN it WI. • 141 will . roped them to mist rot the m 44114 of pinging it with vigor: and d (xi press, to propos: Ito boom Fpoo whkh treaty may be Trade ^ (; . ,BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAP.II,.. ~~- - - CORM" cemeeperetseei er to hadoitett °mote: ! PHILADELPHIA MARKET. I Nor. 24, Sr. x. ' R altiln g tun) ta.dey,:aocl the market" en rm. fishy doll, with DO IDOZOIfiIi 011 Alt• ;DIX, ihtt an i 4.1 of the steeteer. 4be &salmi tekgrept h act of otdelL.—ttottdo4 Orebro ban Baltimore. 'Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette. NEW YORK , MARKET: ilteir—Saletof 4000 bbte Genesee et 116,1111 a 6,211 per bbl. Then is a etatily tilde ttionenca but!lerce edge iontd not be mid* except et • eon, Tbe market for Wheit bee ' an gonad leadency.. Cotli and other pans at. In Gar de : , Pr ti r r ittl , an , only far the .apply of the let mute demand. it 71to per bu. Rie-:-Mailwapros:ao 1114904 prim WalikeY;—&lead yet • . . • respondence a tbe PlUsbeirth Cluette. • CINUINNATI MARUI". Dvians YI . mo,3eno 11, Nov. 1611, 6 Tr, Ghcaiss.-N44 ulas*x°ll6 $5 pr 661. mark 4. "/ Mu toccarred i.tui - • . --13.1 es st 170 perlz" • flogs—•ldshe of 1500 ►t (.3 pa /DO hots bus Isms slauttitasd thus far, sod it main hi to. pais to E. statiedaid. If IN coo mks uatec.. .bla hai.itd a, r • Dalt god 1m... MA Imo ala vos Mae boy am salaam or Nn. sive ova at /ow' liesvonalvs. • • if ma Its., bad sat vat load mar b.... Mall! tosaal s :141 1 0.1. Mai tube o arso aullag touts of Hui asovmsan Ms to It, It Boas Mu Nylym Liberty et.- .colkahrly stso,Llolvae tot many i l A e tetl Uni ma (lamas am fa /tams ' • • Vold bran/. JACICISOPGAim. , ovIMMMaT 1 • Mlokihavo • Fool. Ism. Masa : imsT i tintia mat Vies • Ira' ta War/ - • • • sMalltalt EpLiIITPQVINCII(II, eYe]Leon at ina/alto, pas of t mulct, a Poaloala units& ' 4. caoLlll :t ylr Ale Ili a irlintiAlA Iff ? :11 j . , ..f.tpeeahrtf.the Ann ; Henri ~!7-Netn !rte 4.; A t i ge• Ls peozickennsytrazili t Ittgitien h e t=c ifoard ofTnuktH:Thaniiiing Dity.3artte., re—Herbodog Slavai—Diradei it tles—istatt "otaiinNewa7nkeurthw Rend What is Rdon= t--.Lexiorrtan ene' g-The best news of the w a n on — Patuwylrania td bank. itti—ltee A Campbell —Dankrnm La —Daily Me ,illocitkeita of the Battles-Leity *pato*. arant—Protett of the Stockholders of the Pins. . and ;Conneihneta "Itaiftoad Contpany— ifircatitild and klanufiwtoring character ef Pitts burgh—Nevi-York Iporreopoodence—Wiaconsin 'lll =t h r i =ly i ZlTl:p_i:li ed ltrT e rt the,torkels fertile...put oree h — noiliiees is the kcal city sierkete—The Cottle et—The erten of AmericaProducemice. pa of th e tw ee , ....Await of Dour, Wheat, Core 4 'received eines the opening of the bake. and movements of Predate—Market is Woo- ' •'City News. . .Spoit ot thePretw—Cosione Extracts "rtima the leading josnuthi on theloW•wing topics of the da. P.04111* at the dad, daily ei in wrapper& Price 6 tails eked COPY. Butmeriptiolgs two dollars a year in libitu g m. a""lhavileneirdukTectt--th,z etr4 lame l ocobod using • box 0J . f f araaßst4gams,awftaramit - Irinanto BJd of noir BoOko ore takin Davie Attotuotßooot, to ortuott omit:oak la , Fjukto of ,yl *ate who lola yttoottoboao . !Mid. Mani- • OMMAMIZE I OTIGAETEE! A - JOSS MEETING of retie yriet rue? grfartlVO' N 'd CeiM; 4 46ll r tiereoro b :47' Er MTh at.= friday Eveolog, the MT bu n t YounMop la favor of a Thorough regard the porn Strophe= dm amain, an mount/ to woad, aireare_escs will be debvetted by, oe mom Voakers., r By order. , • • one P VON BONNRORST, • • Spatial Annexelast Lamm —Tat ban mike? in the valid, Abbot. IS pen ertn She French blacks,. 4 / browns; • • • ' • biota,- - '4 r • ••!" .L!:•••••••.b. lent-- ...e of Lard'Od orshaireire etanalactere, which they win *ellen itodeonnodatity scrota 1 hairo I they belay, to be Inspired as any ofered la the msnkrt,and may he rammed if not ashshretory. . liberty at, JORDAN It SON IS liberty at,oppoole • • S.—Lard and Grease reliable for machinery en AISZ Sir - MEDICAL DICTIONARY—Cosi laioleg in explanation of all the terms la rtnaway. Physiology, Yee. Le,artilythe fonnelaa or the. principal ritannaeopetnias, and 'tillable pnottical article, on the utratments of allelic, oe the baps. of HOOIDIti rk. Grant, do; try pre.Gludaar, MD. Juireetd; fix lode lry stiEWLS-- brp: , last ircernd largetwidltional amply of curs Wren & Tetterti shawk. As the.. iltra Tc ...Peet&TlV Writ. Se bulk,* r. eall sad exemea oar nook, es we are Pellleg them vet,. 'low. ALEXANDER & DAV • ArIS N W ear &mend 8 11 AWLII—asPer, MI wool, BroCiii,.l7{ ost _ o . lTrd !Ad IA at arm !;dnetioa. ALI wit it DAY DLRIZLOby 11—A-Int of 2 / a ld - Lon "'MN im metved . ALEXANDER it DAV. JK I 11 lion wiser MI ear ' n ur . .With — c f ra l . XJl.= kno blocks and brunt% complate,'.lll bo !old at a bar gam Apply to Wkdl3VC.dipg Avid PORK—Ara.. Lids mesa pont, reside) Cabal Cope kr dnin by • W HARDAUGH 'wad _ Aerirms—Lso bbb. Ant me wain ketT l 4 netby Odeb'elve; Far see by • EMI - SAW. lIMILLA.UGH . . 132 . - 1 00 6byclutrte'd on cousiiremeni; for tale ' Inir23l s a W 11ARBAUG11' WAL- 50 .ka Qum 1 /4.4 Jan teed by. . 25 .'.8t wimistirith iOIN RIES P I'III"4. E.: .", &AV Ft ARELLUGII: ra.M.4IXO acks peme rceehred. by (bpi, • • saAV I J ARBAUQN r _I i&!U a-bdos calfl, Ilibbis Mod, by fetreSi - tIROWILIII-40 des goad uncle, =lived Csleb Cope; kw sale 17 • • /kV? AtARBAIIGH 'ljtrileXlll-1/1 • bah laolia 0614 .Bvaiit 2.1. a an . • hkataalJaVVlac,G, anis la a lair mica 67 . t'. JACOB WK Vl Rmss • r • msfni wore, corfrant &market ins DHUlP)fDalrhl3l!!—Au assenmeiti fitHeiHassaTecterreed Hahl direct from the staentseuderi ensaleberby.' JOHN H MELLOR ' , VW* crailberpe r si Dzs Cbaae .iaiZtbY car maltbdeld & ungiersts-. 1 -" EI2D A7l/1."41. ilraTEMrilea : _ ear b,. seed me Dicu so —XI lip. ...a _ago nft'd; fur j, arts • IA A PAAINENTOCK I 1. • • ala •.g =ea Au teed; b/ _ nviS • • B A PABNESTOCICB CB' t l A l iestay bele New r ° 4 gr''"kimi C re ../S II a FAUNIMOOK d: CO ''. .11!21 , 115-4 ..... ba ,. 7iall whim kor WI: ea r ilaßEit 5 'SAWA"' • anania— • need; •r labs Jr I, OD &Co ArIS cot wood & 411 tat yd 517,23 and 10 inches arid. piusad Faaro,dast :veal{ Ittt sale by_ • nad .: • • ' • • KIDD tCO DICSOILLS-9 luau Sae liable hair pareilsdag re relied; *raw gOkrottlebreal /loosen Pi All arOrrmild Natal tor Ur MVO ' •• • • I DICKEY Q. CO NNat?(pi gale by _ UDICKEYk. CO YiLLOW-41 enn Jan teoht; %aft'. br I . LI A PAIINLWOC4 011 etnr lilt wed W. 90.usiLVicrt—i ha jen - ree ".;;;ep 1 4.41 1,7 4 13 A-PA II N Kt...TOM:VW B LUE-4—P- 111-limmtlvret'Y WAVITIIID—A boy of IV or 17 yew of ae al V. Oa la dolzw op Übe maga as the Maoris Olb • neekt - • I earm zephyr ditto, ktifi eoll. Wr g tildrei ll eklktran's h r wool Ache •of offerwUldw , kl 4A. eli. usde._ z _ P- orthlior ' HAMPTON MUM& CO wond er ocx t. CROWN--A.An. bats wealsbnial NRAs.iiretedd Bt nip at the vials mom • el'is int "" e s a e:. 64 41'1'1' 6* thi " b. ' • JACOB WEAVER ROBS llClPlClasynae s my and In; 63r gala by um' C butyl ay bad., at Ump Willalora • ::P - JACOB WEAVER ritICOLOR,yed, white and blanelinumarney ynd frill b? laa bsket aybilgoaitiVa 1)11:41 1 .:ARM . f i ta r ntga t ale pti and qty for oar market ft front sts DAGS-409guaniliwe,__Iarge its; USHPIELDtr. for tale by - • .Inet .'1110011.1.03 HOE' 0111110111:130 bolts Ibi tale by !!!! ,; la bra fl *NORA.. RURn RIMY!, &RnR VIA 0/IP—iobzo Rosin Rolm tor sale by— • • nv9ll I, • AtteGILL,BUSHFIRLDk ROE nal r eamt 6 iosneux, D & ROE O. 11:44 illitabeed.oll for solo • urll —]. JOH% D MoalAN,ll wood st ATE~aparior for gala . • av9C MOROAN mai gam Mom far Wetly • JDMORDAN SOAP -1 bi NM! 061,0144 re' 721170R0AN , 11111 N-1 bbiwhoaEmule by. • • ' 01/116.4toses r for sale y ABA top Xi 1.ud:166b4 Flaxseed, JJ, kV" iltiLT daw Forgliseil; for We byb o _ . f2LIIX-10 bbislbotreo , d; lbeltille by g - 4 !'. SR SELLERS HER LVAXIMCD—Cash mid kW/named, b, 4 11,4.- • arvosamenioure co Ft?': •"1 1 1n - itsit="it !° fik o ll7.alienswaCion.. r l a cirartur ranairr. t. Al4-1/1 Mull Cabe, prune quaLim in; We ior iodospefts4ravnbi''' , MAXIM b. MeNNIG • t whim Arm mons Armin , Ostia/oily .f "‘ ISAIAH Bleier a 'co tatiie jii.;eas s ninur .244 e. ritckt4file,4 Olk—SCO Robb' family 44 . ',/rl,.,i.s4.t'WJOlßANlkbON,lslpertng . . • . . . ONI Coma artllbeJ soluble laarpr =ab r b.; black .r atar, . - " - re 4 1Ve1 . E4%14 F.klazg' , . . /...lembe4; th e um. m loolock,at 4 e C.i . .Pmliereti Vol 44 IM/ of yao4 and Fi1144:14, .• 4 eases zzype4r It ihkeable .re y made CO. tb,n. Just leveed mm York, eeez",N °I. • ..- •93ma EM 5.114 blif ham e and ceTme, . • 14. • . : sopm*,l in rttlek W V , . •• „ ' i 7. lgua7f.4 N iliii .T.; ,- - -,- '•_ 4ehi ... Caner lui = I SLE Pul , . ' r .. • ' ' Bellinc 41 blue lolzAct alb; . ' . .. ' • - - ,0 " Ploie • 'lt overenatroor.tber amt. ail thy erother im4,.. • • 114 4 41041.144.de. ~;.;.. Ar ee, ..,,,,,, ,f''. , ,!;; :• lotiN 11 DAwe . • - • : T . whet Ripper. . AtECTINGroi . eiera. ken the' New Emend. • en, was law eventeg et W 8 Caldwell's, . when DR WWI Op erne eppoleniaCheirmen; end iEr,-..... t 17:! treZina We : here e, enni,er on' t h.....,_. , b_gai at,the Olt aau., and Qat • Camonmee be' rh --- .............,, asrang=elents. t 14, bealb LACLienk R R Pal Woe S Caldwell, t t fin Alinnsonk,ane 18H Haney were appointee um Comontwe to rep h they en whale said eel''' . per was io be belr.l +. '-' .I,Y IfA.CßOP,Vnatem. be , The Connelliee braid enneentatbat the 'Sankt 0 . 111 in the& Quite M inven on nee am , at blalcinet,' utt :• - - . ", . Menem tea be tue peed u th e Mee of We A Ca n oppootte atefiertifte e; on Third t. 'RN dtoirtd then every New Eadtmeremeld do sou once. nt94 _____ • Whip' of d at tho • award 7 c'elk.. .a of solicited and em. f*IWAr. CEDAR ST., NEW YoRK. ppl4toival:=Clty and Interior Weds erlibi Ii:LCLUSIVELV, at • ,low e rse l .-44 41......e151U5t 'ell seasons '• ille.nsloltest MotowniD THE AV Tu r rim! Headred itchier essaynaleg every eels style of Recife 13,...th; are le he m 2 and t0[ 4 4:P u rci , r1.1,7 1 .117, ° . ° . .1. iuIicEs.REDUMIL. . - . LONE - -TOLFIVrCENI'S per, yard balossltia smsea, 4111 sad Man as primed Qualmss% arlaals coTtecautdaA searosaustrof buyer. ; I -I - • PH.I NT WARM 710171 ' - New. To* Isent,lBl7+ .1 L' • • • Washissitssma liramsells LA Remy,. -1 7...."...thur Rows Cla f ms at do ALA ahlersi_ened Insibbeasist l •• 'himself. with • , Veiniest Thomas, of, Wasaln. an easy, and matt; •ul himself intim the dryer P. • alp, is prepanai proem rwleal.,Pntseeate el • ~ and execute- ell ;1., • ne a r eannecant !with the De • ••• •• at Washing ' Panama at a dletatiee deil ' l, • • ot harincemanntut= tins made at the Patent rim to hakumg applb* Won fora weal, may lamas • peatl paid. to this. Own sheaf bee thaws clear manr-Senr et the =e l =lthlitmetbste littal will be Siren to ty and Mae itdonnasion thu east be obtained by a ',lab of the •PPlie•al N PestalaVP lly Colanintieued. Aawitipreparetba nese Ihawho and lin er' line eViilin er' ko i Applicants rPateals. an to all boy* sinew falba ne of his profess!' t the .lowa Ha win ba'eonsalted on all quern° beating to teat L4W. and deeitons the Un' weer Vssfsa, .• - OB.PHABPS;COVH.T. S. • . , • , Of.CoalLataads. - 1 'll2 ji , , wee of torda b s; a ttie Orphall poaem , brp4l.--, Dec Vri i r..!" . .. i . 1 4.,_ ~, leof o , I /11 and vadat Oa sai&Toill a., sad Cl p ol r " or baud- atoms to Wilkiai , TowassO. Alisitkol Oar: baulk past of the t o of., lAA.= IN• ll .ess. or red tossustdp, doe'd; ITlmi l letk.aer 1 . 1 4.m0 emy sermon mouc e . Umber 'from rho surface; air oI hal* and all other fie . (Jr admolf. and Mob. 1,, Coo! „„ ~d in . 4 . • chow Pressaisa I. Of eacel: 1 .. , ..r1it5, amt it attest...kr the mote of th e Cors i l4ll Road, as at nomad koeased.- Term, sash. ~ ,23.,3Ad i dstr .. Foszirr CAROTHERS, Adter.- , Kgisfal i tz.rinr yi tt:a . • • • fi;i;:ploso.Aecordemi, fro= Salo S tub; 413 s p Y do 611.111: ed U - ....rient.a 6a 441.11141:g10be., alsk4 4 eof nl emoraadam vet pockal book 4 and e4NN 1 ham almecombs.iamiutsios of shelli •,„ I, tieroutt4ilver tea bstik; • • • 4'16. lino lot glop liekitaf blacktWoieii k ti ' neoldrob - ozol mode ?Am; ' do aide: Dlyell wAt. 0 0 taiwellacieirus .goods, asnotist' - targeosisi Emati7 Dip; ewal bead.: _wed strawisonituytdesgiall tilw4Lo4les,:wwkbli, k.uNiiit ixes; otAr ll ammOmtarrds, goAtilpeolol, An Aft the abate goods wine eolik;w. J • A• 4 4 1 . 7 4: 7 ! •ARBAUGII ' ,V,tbwurr , Tusr d tie baliti'oearea WI stocky( INDIA J IlUßSEß. l 3oo.oll,eoespnsing tlss figloartng kinds, India Robber, Lonfzerroats, sack overcoats, &bon overeaste,tnees tileeresi capes wok sleeves, ponekos, leggings; htusiesrap blankets, bonus covers, mi..m.,provilion ban, 'steam boat buckets, air pulloetseatr cashless, air beds, bag reeks.pr the ladies.arid canoes; "telt we. •Insve oonsplets assortout olrer Whet sale or retail=UM lows:Britons rarati,:at oar Lathe alter Depot,ll mtsnisneet.- . ' nsli • ' t Or, LI PkILLIPS • 10.00 01;11 DANK' Full ILt LlC—Ahaml,llo .1 acres of Land near the, armored Fleming trod Car- Mr commie., Kentucky, arida was an or from a large Iran of Lao& on accoont of a lon bed of 111 UN ORE mod Some Coal which were band tuna it. • The Land m wen tita•ered, and Kee afoot in mare from the Oltio River at Vane Ali artf.and aboat ILLmilesbY. pod load In Fl:..invtimit elm Ptottenr will be, dam and on liberal tartan on Itticatlon to - • MUM d. CO, • KING ORKEIII.T ' et** Meta — antatnals . ia Mauch shawl% eomplind. • , 1 "A ahnmc rasw:a.d; Mule's rose Lot aintoodet pan IkStees do deg' Wrighen rote and almond ' Mars Liquid compoard; These standird rations tor galena may benad artnaesake or tetati of 0 HURTING /117111.11114 Res•,,AR, IL Moßpsty mrhes the alleollo4 of Mutts (I Ins lame ripply Of awns goods, lately reed, tottodu: kir mum of the best ', ante, mod ocumuslly Mw. Alec, -; . • ' • . %Oval* Muslics,grofol • - • Pillow case muslnt.tfoonnommtlfildcl •'" • • Tickhms, Common and seperidm • . nudism pauts,limuld dhe.'• I • Also, o few more of those hoOdsoeseOziorcd Counier- -- roes Ramat tadono coomma of super. VERII I / 1 1BIL 11.041C4-4s, wow.' Domf—ores, recommended hyPhyde ions Mk being . loam pressouro 41014031 Cohisosf incompataide ter- Mee to Rheumatic and CoOsompore habns, ben so, counnamed as m ream dad had sool,tarm Mar ore of o darahle tenon. warm; lishlSlod wsd, tOßlc,ferd• • Hmsofactored and sold whoicsale & Gauss Lam, Williamsburg, I. •• ; ..• •I• . • , • - . full sumo= of Lad its , .sliss for side.by nail-- • • F H RATON 413 inarkein J Zinn k 00 • 69 Gotal,sarnar of A , * toat'Arnst :Tait Tend and an yeasonabto " • '4 1 apon . acute hopritiora of nowvapara. mato time. not advenised An• The aaboariber, who may pabhab lE. pollee for Mao malls 'oritl'ho entitled to medal:, pay In iy_poon dessamong ire Inn, aaainaa!of Ad! balsi for advarti, • 478,1 • • • ' , RAJlia.lll. TAYIAnt • • AND SHOO: ..• I - - SECOND'LAND carrox.ntkotimax,&...- • pet.V ° :l l ri= t lgr i , t.4ql, el Warn wide r I 30 Looms for vreariaz 44 ertgaltr. • • • I Screw Pre. s for ba/114 Mieettogn , Z 1 . ar9Va O I It . comer of •-- B.ekelasiVe a; nE1.14 r, CO , • 000011.14 • - Pitt cbtioa littllbgnthi , . , • - . - ,- - , EilabtOTlLL: _. . ~1.„. .. ~. nIL JOHN ItIC ILACKEIN,dain or Ile ,nircFl 'A./ IT.LlMled.til: the bows onf 17 5. 0 b .i,!... _ ~_. by bli, YdarpbY, the Ent - d best blot ibe_„ iLI iL . ' lad a taw doors bob wn Farr of .Tbia unarm= rindnyi nt neeessnlY, ~ _., aneennel nettled api and for ibla Dann" b. brbt 7 4 lam the bands of a Ealleb i r. • .i .h . ii, Dim, ,Idinnelt. Will Thp"uweh*c;ll7l7l:lll gre7:..l. of ~,,,,,,„ttil. , ' - ' D it ' ' D. W. MORUIII. Ititydukpmeallit moild nal' , etrellY ioloten 'llla Man& and the oilmen* of Putabarga aad Alleilbeity tliatlat e h decided to remain /a the airy daring the armor, and' le prepared m treat patleats,placutc. thermally**, adder bilk canymecnding m do motem um onothul 'oro3l Water Coo Egablute mettle. for . either drum Or 'Chronic diseases. nate within , / soarail dicataelvesor Ida semen will call at Mae Ilushes,'eomet or LIM* • at.. mad Evans alley. pr. it hu treated 'enrol mum mum or &tem In thin eitpridi peataaerieuta, iio ranch he Is pertained to Maria., Dialers Pmgm Amtragstors Milli heti/lama remedy et ihuris, kWh; moor gore LI nipples, maid held, idoer,y4 tdaluayggegage:. elm ba wholesalorged retail age drod warehouse of ragys 114 . F Iit*MYKS artirrste SQALERAT/8-37 "mail tbleniu let sbareiad for ula by • ' SCOTT it CO C.II.OWIE PAP/Mt—Mit anaccereiallibeny ca.i. 10Search - lan; cnNi ■ cad for ale by Jylll__ . RA CU N htleny . /111.0MletailiraTir 17,-KiikTe/ centred .ad &rule triga or wliboai Snares. by 0 CI 0 AFA,44" 0 P.m re : • oellB ronvvti s 161111 CAN mate r. • Mollbrasti I • IlitiOAN BoN SO P...j cob= p o d !IL/Som 0 - d mrt.• • . , 1..14 ret 4, All! • ALTS-40 bbligarreli!O SaaV H" ' 2ll- kibiewrisie co gan ii**l3l4llllind I,t : 1 0041 , 46.11 '4 15th sts, totem paces fetched lamed s, • . _ iNEW 6RLE.ANS jatit.t.u.,a:lia f TAaONI ast tontuatistcackr enl, master; will lcastv as anoint op *ay at j.O o'clock.. For [melt at i> le cDPlroo .inds • ' _ ARTHEIttf LIGHt' Baird; muter. IsilFleara as ahoy, this ilay,at 1 oclack; For freight-pip.- NEW, Oita:CANS: ; • 'The newSILAS I VKIGIrr end splendid stiimie • V.,'Ztrl muter. will se, oboes . the earat 10 Vekock., Fitt Alieght• or passage apply., boatd.or -_, •;, _ • • urn BMILTENNEI3.GER;%II Agent , iDlt / kV: . I • ' '• • N. •:. - , ' • AND BRotidisVILLE.,,--)A, ktia The.ane new wear . .• Gee. D. Cook, wester, 1011 ?rive Tun berirb every I%nd:fly, Thweday. • • Bun ey ervills:el2 o'clock: azd Brownnille-eYorY Aronday, ‘ g yrdoe.htr. aid Friday filitiftinal at II o , el.?ek. For Irel for passage !Milk , On 1.1111.1, or*, . oerVrt , . / FAVVO:II JONEA A R* ! FOR NEW OILLEANN. •' • • - • The splendid new Erma, oiziERALJESSUP, • Faroe, Elitstet,../kli hove. soave on " %he anit inst. For freight or puns, . . lic (Sundays excepted) at, a'cli.wk, 444 liar' eaWellavi every cwt.'''. • a n s to'cloak . For rreititti.a. PIO um+ ,, .PPIY on tword• Fae.NKLIN , -}L.F . 77711711, Pitfall'. • • The 1.41714e.t.111. stmt ARRIDIVLINE, • Miller, mum; wil leave 411 11.1301111 ti" • • Ing al° dc.ar.k. •For 42br es, LiZE=Z22I : ' .. •' : Then elv . szitimm a yr - _. , P . , 3, matter, has remud he r ._. N' . afar nips . and VI lane P a l= tto,t3 'clock:in!' WfWe Y ISh! oI,PMAPIY\:, 744 Iat.PORT, r:Li ZABETD AND AlOrill.;i OA. •, ' • HELA CITY PACKt.T. ... :e• ':., .., , • - DESPATCDV ...` ' , -.--• • • Nelson ,imr.PtCr, will ran al Aboukir's' irtg . Pitqlbargl.'everc2tiondlinlVed , LGty .tEnday, at% o'clock A. a - MI- 8108 C 0 4 0 100 1a gityexry Toesday Thursday.. Saturd.u.st 8 deloek, A. N. Fa (riven or passage applyonBoptli .... 0 it= • ' , flogothom, Plttsburel l : sate Afinness..ll4o. „ "TH:rdE,7ll7hosildls"..l4tretre c,L'tnpa. to lite, aboTe. port taring - ttwoezmon.— cr.; , ..t.:;,rfreipsteg . , . . -' FOR I;INUNNATI=FIEGOCAIii PACKET. . . : ' • P The uelretiflight drieehrgithf • - .: l iiet . LOYAL-HANNA, ' 4•P a .61 , . etester, Intl leen ibirltrre - fled art/Antedate portirmaheneter.the rth irox nu 0 o'clock; e-gr- - -.•••• Fox freighter pansw, !Lavin"( superior neeOcralrell f IDOL applr to '. ... . • JRZW.TON JOlrk.• pet, . . . mt.e. 1.11...iabl LAAJImV/1.1.15 dt:ltKr: no new, light An vadthassia, -- • Meg steamer .. - EUREKA; , .. " • Crnleri . .masta, Seam ..1 a Molar itetet between Pliatrargh and Log. .ille, dada/ this mann. SIM leam Frillsy, oe4es e, 'ar tenths ae parrsemaasty an beak'. -. :. : OMB EXPRESS 'LINES, Sco. , 1161 Izt• DALTIRORE -Arra 11 - 40E.LP01-4i •- RA , flint 11. !dell dtranserf,.= Loans McLane sare tOser 'leaking - double . Daily tries tw eet be- Pindiargb end Ileiwneville: -The }ikon*/ boat . leaves daily at 8 o'elock, precisely', ate overt Far 4 1 4 Wehsek, Samoa esteemed.. , " Fong Pittsburgh to thatimore Eilearer-Fan PL* Front Pittsburgh to;Ptuladelpida,4o boat, —Fara ll o Ilyahe 'ening beet Passengers will kdecon bawds eandertabla a y - 1 Ammar the firm 10AL—tn.*. moemalne day-1464 and nip andiedgeirt• Camber. rand dttOla 4 iakti thee avoiding eight travel atalellf: Coacheacliartenedae Parties troYvi 'Or • A7' etere-•year _betels at tlevOirse: Zama galieht Hewes, Vi'atervt., orbit. Ciuukeilatet.-Wa4 ' Dr4.l mistake the Waco • • • •• ; the llutrainCllli. , , . . . . .... .. , ~,r ' BBOW**III,LE ANDCIW BFX.Lithir• .• . . HE oubur.i.t. - piprepittedrerceelptAtrroitb. ... for an cearebacdizo•cd. producer ducteled.fOr the "guru oil*, 'by the .13reeromller and. egmbestand . . . , _ . • nlPPereieti otheitiettlf,here theirreide f Terded by the prepetetote enth the attoodidispleeh.; e tow. nl current ' Or 1.22124 takenAtrctliastell ted_trea of dam. kur ,22.222/041-. Tho patram/s2 or Llte p2b l / 2 /2 ety:peetiellY ieltetted. • b'er the proprietor, •:.;; AVM It CLetbILY ,• . • ' • MillitlTTlCllebUttuebb, t „fit- •-• •. • _Water street. Ylit•barhtt. • . • ' aar.sam ow* .F.X.Pazr . . aa; Ir6IPIN -Cuin :hg kiland . r a York, Boaton.and ail Me . .. . . , . ANTrand otters vending goods arelatbres.' 1 1 /W1%1130W, is the ftweglo.afest,and toast etpai... E_Nly Line goillgElvt: Coal:letting *betting 0. ...PF , .*likly, at. Bali tans. .. .. , ~. ~ • ..Voadk reeofpul Dill he *yen to any*" theA6rre PbteVklilerchandlraand package* Dram , syddr:o7.4llt. "-. '!.44'''"F.l°".._...ll.'ZlPAicirenT.Aiiiik : tilaat ' . .. St taarles' Hotel 1:14i1dic",...`, • -PAffiaAOEAND REMITTANCE. OFT/CRi PERSONS n b,ate c 7 4% , ..;T; tt E tie yelet!! Ire ' land k : w leeebeldi 6"n'i a Valeliand tePacketSdipaenly. - Foxelen taincepeenente and agents of the We . sh 43evevert (nand. la Ane4ca, apmn xe a arngeadthelr lly practised tipan them. and6ave alwayelt knee le she well hewn hoax, et Co,aa the right plans roe elite applyalf they wished Is he nettled Whit • Patties who adrernee lbewtelves Sore Agents Ala the peen Ball laws, state whaA la =me, and Um deceive B e ek be, at we prefer no be Agents meanly a th, e Ball Lin., hal eeary L etter glad le r& y add' il.o Sight Pairs GO 11/4 amount payable at-aat the -leadeha of Peartecial or leatantai Earls of and. England. Ragland, We , draw eas weir aim:we; we de Del lake waxy rad 'aced Fait. to Femmes ant else in wady lbeteby einniee aeali a and delay. Let the Brotewyds-ce.II Ita es, add yrs will meolantedew Nana rum. r.tit 'WHOA RCRISN:ON, Europse' Adak '•'• • . elhAt. an. deorbAleiewced. HIM& LASY osu—a ta Coatling t , Ccos • by 6 r 5'1114 . 7, hmlteas ECM i 1 i .1 Morinirtv log -.'::Ra . -':: . • - _ CINCINNATI ANC rirrsnirao TV. . 9l.t. lk . o g an :2l. l ! o o r r . c nt v at rn o, anialted and furnti4ind sawn - power 01 bp:r . X Anler* of the West. Every artoatrno.agon cod mat (0n thatanoner 'can jaMotee,ilibiotOptOofdedforpoo . poogors, Tho Line has ben Juoperauon tor loom. --hose carried A. -tniLlion. of people sees:Path lean 1.4 rok their persons. The boons will as the asnat oad oforttake day proviont to &WOOS', ke !Bo nem. 0000 or' freight and the entry of passengers oo the sm.. ura ln , eham ihe passage gooney moor Os paid ko advanee. • b . Tb rg . iti' v oL . y N eftry*o.4.3,<,9..g•.‘'" • TUESDAY IPACigICT. 4 . The lIITIFENLe, NO, A. Cart. .I.•Efinarelaw,;wal leave Pitubargh nverv,Taesday toexaln,a.lo &deck: .Wheelias every. .Tavtdav 'evenias. at P. M. •• IgiIIIII.USDAT PACIAMT, - • The NEW ZSGLAND. O. 51o . COPI• S. P....r.r.• leave Pittikose wkly. Wnlncs.lay asormag at 10_ o'clock: Wl:cc g poesy Wednesday evebing at 10 P. . •. ' . ' .TEIIIRSDAV PACKET._"..' • The WI.CONSIN, Capt.R. J. (immoral teen Pitt& b.gh 4 , t , 7Thunday morning al IOokIorM.WOMLNI everyTbargday owning at ILI P. M. . ... . irRILDAT PACILICT The CIAPPEIi NIX 2, 9lpt. Civria,will leire Pitts burgh cvery Frtaay amount at IU o'clock; .Wheeting cvEry Friday Y ivening a .1i1.... • - ':. . SATURDAY PACKET.'' The IfISSENSER, Cept.'Liefent, will reiwwPqw bole , e'en' 2 .1.1.da5 , warning *We dock; Who • every Seltirday eventeg at-he : - I : ..00NDAY LT:PACS: • ; -The. 1 . 8.1003 NEWTON, Cpl. O..4fata•e ; will leare P . auborth every thaiday morning - . tag. 1,1.4 Whealag weary Satidayavealeg at lu /MAYES ,PAEKE72. 7 -.NEW , a 112AlirrEILENT3 CALF B • will leave are Beaver, Ghtotaw and ca Taarday,r, aridity, • and Saturday [Teach irceniat frettkek. a tet. Mamas .eardeaulay, Wednesday and Friday., -.She has a need ' er the landing between Vinod civet CMd the hedge pea, pared m teeet,ve freights at ant= - tt00;4,: , The sum , jiafforrill buts,Cof Bas EAV ve rli. r: . Xlsvirnte aid Wei/wilt, on Monday, Wenner:day, eau Ffidety of each week, al • Thareday and Saltirdayl hie -lois twit landnin between .wo--od hfidis prepared to receive heights at . ' • • POR • NA,3,,f.,L.-: . .... . .. ...ai • ~.. East tang MUM ',• ~ • . , , CablilEtt, - . ..- , ;Toe otaterortll lean as above du, ,hott I? o'clock:: For.Ercight or ' Owle kti.PlF mki.. , —,,. L. 4..r. .. _ Hintlern.,. • ~:- Eolith, muter,. will . leaver ti above' • la day at it o'clock. Pbutteight or , , twaa CC ar WI , MI board. - .: • ignil FOR ST. LtIUIS.. • 71" "7Vir.aT.arill!rn" Jacabs,maater.witl leave itaatkinitlds day at 10 o'clock.' Par art& Itrils• oaae apply ea adapt avati FTIR,WELLSVILLE-DAILYI-PA MOXONG/1.11i4A souTk, "lA/LINDEN & CO'S
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