The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 25, 1847, Image 1
PRICE 'SEVEN DOLLARS. BUSIVESS• Cana AltmTfar,,lttrY.l„ . ,`:l4 - =—,V, • Pnabarsti. !Lehi I A TVITgli), :MINKS C., Comal•apis 'u Forwanfing Ifrrchmws haws roam.% le emir old •• . stand. strr amt roma wee. Pi. 1.4901. rumslura swam onion warm TIMAT:N REITEIt, Wholemaie ami; g uwld twinner of Libcny Lod Clail crofts, • -• 1. 14 .0 1 BA.PAUJIMIII7OO3I. & v0w...04 . mud Desetiouc censer wimissa wow Baoluglr .11s4X11,11011igawk. (Wei, Is ed Wand mon. Irvedigh. : • • mania. RACIALEN 4'oo. InAnds O. Gen ami Pr:data desks% N.. PSI Malin stmt. be. uses rib and Pe. Nora' Phi talelpins. 110V0 w. suas nevi. s 00., Far, -sad Na.ooorontolos Mutltoole, C•oal amis. lOUL,A3DO LOU. Alumna sata,il. . 0 • \l. 6..C.ltsaeeLat,re &wig • 01 •. • W.:V.1.4.e.. J. F. lea W. • 0 WAS SUN, P.I ILA AS CO, limestalir , • %..r C•fnexc eprinrcuad Ailed, A. B. Mod epria• ' &eel, •n 4 de•icrs in Coach Tfisaasiags gamy. der lastnActory W 11,94•• 43 • W. d . re Mal. • ." Carl esesea. riA/0/011 & s feK&ldarr (malogin or 'IL Lo• am. & w.l WbolUaia elemisien Y Vonesediag lambent, Dealm la aat Piadourall Ninaranalaa. Sacal lialm‘ WWII. Wiod I,24L,Tutlectll, Pa: "' KM • EAU ICII, trupoltir tad vbaliioe 4•4 Fria C-.ler in Fancy and Ilutift Varimadels,.4l. ar ale 0112 Cooto,.lob Pullet arca, soar Wolin na. ' ' Ifileass DIM Adontya Law, Olraw .paenifwil, urn Ad mad ldt EDIP A • mr,s2E I MOCWWIOI/RUtaar. wrm • • of dm Umani, VIMIIO OW twin' lA. land ell.. rrtMlL•ab. . • awl VIAILT • SaoILISSial. VIA ALis GICIIIIALLT, •Wkidauda ;Om . PM • • rs pada* and riaabsses wasafac• www, wine pf Warty' and Rand am, Pailairgdx, Pa . . , ' • "CUIaLUB ,t BENNETT .6ate. Fseslldb? Gal- Xi Ugh. k.Cdt) WOOlealeGralene,COMlW6o and • Forwarding jacrclnannl, and Maim a . Prods e and rinanurt , anrfacturea, No xr woai Meat between &nand ed.Thrtsta. • • . octl vonwmam ar..6 wAwrzwr„LDER. atm. • • r 'moral OW Nike to the sash •• ' aide of he • • ausel.l•awaleall Merry Alloy sod thazu " rit - h - "I • --7 tials Mkt. • •la ske. %acid. on-st nun*. 44 co. Wholesale anKeri, ind had ge:Min Drigh • • (*Ma t 4O ViPti.l4 lba Vona Meets Mit t .. • • • y 0 . ii. 21. PM. !Vacant? ems daa• •• • * 4 l . 11 . 41 *. Weed stmettr i . +mw roans. OMIT II aCo,' Comalisies leniz •-ts,Ne.:lo Wear PM• ma 4'4,liag t afel a dei l tfflUsets hmisic•,PAmb. • •• ritat, llulfl Pope, Lt.rttd ott • • 0 I .10. . . ' • : 1 0 • l • ) I • t I Mr , Blerrchant. told ..... .. Innabottutes. No 19 W 0... 6.. w. ' . . 1, . : • • V. IL.Wioiri. (IMO. . lII . WITII t Co.. Drawers, Alik11•1 0 . • 71 and d • lei. to iloos.rtitatmoill and Pols% B 1.0••••• , ales, Pena ad PM Nrtell. • • • • Dual . / :,T ' /Isaac+ coo max. co....wia. VA l'br ,' ‘,..7 %ma' czehawn, No. i l7 W. opittlaMClbank• - . lOW' , . :: D , :' , lENiiii Ceb: . ,g: ,, i , ' = l ntl iti=am i l; 5 .,,' . dint thumqie li i Peruo6.l: • I ' • • . 4104 . :. •- , W.8.7u;. * ___._. • • JoIaTTC. Dec H.... 11 .,...., IlAraar.Y, Deateri la Dwy Goods, bre. .", • CanakDacts, Nkor.a, ritsabant asanarammd aci• .." /1.0., MO. WO libony .14 Plusbarah. -... Wiliff . • .V limbs 44 N kr a... 0 14 . ' ' alai .TUN, Dealer to Wores ‘ parittl, 4 !m a 500,:re......p ? !pc! aiuto,ssdl/4 D 1 116 NI Fitato.l dour. i -USX 16 11ORQ&N 41:104 Wbooordolloo. Coma; *on tif *mks" 111 Wool sum _ • •[O. 1101 G" etre sr Pluabarth DICILIIN Wholesale them wos. Alereham. cad b. IM Mmes Ilmtafaelute. No It W.N m, riotous. 'MULL tr. BROWNE, (ooetoolows to Helllobip Ilmwor.,) importer,. and usanotacturem of Mali Taper eadOemniadwril. ral i Paper Morehouse, .o. e 7 Mewl sreeies.P • • • ;pro '11 17.61- t - trt 1°,140; W~IIIL.ASX•6sOBOT WHITE h. MD LEAD JAMUL • t 3ltte2tzt4torrtet et. Lib• •• • frttl3 . . DICILLT Ir. Co, Wholesale Arleen, P Onnewied Alnebaxis deem la Prlate, Na Water sod 107 Pnws strteta, rooh • •- Alas • TS. DUCK,Merchant Tutor, Exam:lse B.U. a. logs, St Chair ureet,Pittsburalt. . •. j site I'OSICP.II 8310 X, .I.tntley at Lev,' Pittsburg:a, lias roamed the yr...lien. at lac pagesainn in .-Iruatane.:l • 7, Linke areal Daildzags, Grant !mac a, 'antler •.p his absence by T. J. nigh., and I: napGA,N, Wholesale Deaiet t 'and ytraliwy DLit, yatoisbes, e‘e mares-4one doefliotak of Dteceeed Alley JA. Co, lazeteystal . to Jou-ph .dip Cdandlers,3B Water a. 0 , 31 • TAXES 0.Da.1.1 sisia-con, W tecsate and 'cionsiNudisal Instrummts, School Books, r,Steel Pens. Ctodllt. Printers' 'Cards, md merolly,. No. El Wood air" rittMarglr. bought or taken in trade:/.. eerdS JTORN IPCOTT d. Co. Whate.sta timer., For .. ConininNion•Neintinnn, Deal., in Pm. dops sad . Pin Pam/. Minutacianni No 7 Counntreial Now, Lanny in, near the Cann!, Pitininirills. oer2 l onoonmtiosa it CO. whplial . Drag N. IN Warml it.. ralsimmti. ' .05 TOSIZPH. IIION, Comagma= sum! ,FonrosdaqF Merchants, No 18 Libetq..g, Mr.. Le Ike Afloldm 1.111111.... R0w.:.... • ' Jane • if CLIJDL AILT1111; Anorterat.ltw t Office Yd 4th la,- between Uraot nod Prtoitattld, 1.31812 Pitlaiirgh Pa. Will alto @meta plamptly to binioess thstadianln. 'toorlde• p)a. s~A~J . A%~.W.~f 7{~Plrg - f?T.?~7 Jfd~ ....~... TWILN . C. , BMW ' Aro, ' 4 7boterale Gro ot ;cove ; Melebant, Water meet, fatd or he blanespitelalkAge., ?Imbue& Crirctai Macias:is, &el el waasfactarcre price. '!men and raper onatorigunss, .4 . 4 rtiostlr AULD'S 'lama Itiart:4* nos Mute at. ClualeakThoolatical,, - illsartaatl; tlabool; tatatal - alumni wad Mial,64tat Itaails sad "agualnkry• • VAS. I t W. ItOSKILTIIOI la 1704 . It 'itke. - ra and Ha ta istiaLtte 'Brant, caracrOtWatd. and Marti 'treat., ;. Me:Maa¢slbalmildtn6 I Eqattaalla, • aatabatt4 at se u®l Wes. "cell 11T u rgh.Tfrjrareal ' V'r i late, " in e,.".- So ig Liberty at,_ . - v ).4 5 ' - ~ Fi n , 'llLebani Mord. , ' . iT r ii IL - I l i...v*om 'I. Itioid a Cal Moles:de , . ' i. thocen.lki.ltt Liberty, street - ' ...PO l ag teS . I :ll44Vre n driiirt" • slimly. No 14 %Yaw Yittatnamh. IWO ,i • iiINTIIII, DALLZU.LII.4I , Co.--Mannfacture all • tun of Boikr. iSben, Der !mist:id Nails o 1 shot ben . : Vo a ., l lt r. ( rVi l 11,1 , 2°`""emap1 1 .717,11..ti1'% 1 : ..., raaspt .. WATZIUL&P, Wholesale Grocer, For .. ~ s Amardtsts ints , c . K . Csaanossion Merds,t, Dealer In Ltrittrick 5 rontre cannes&wl.Prodn!e„ -hos. al Water • , r II Wllll TIUTOLTISOIVAF Co:, ' Wholesale . - (i .l . l,oreeets,Focorenli esol Conniedon Itterelsanur, deCere is PittsburO,Altandtetarce, &c., -Na, 45 . • Wiles tunkel Fronksts. -. — . ~,....41 Wolitrir'k Silii*Di; Wt=L i t 'S' ln.. fonstardLnf ..a g.V. , ..i ,, N , blachus..Dalers , pMddoe a od Pltabtarga manatutam, lien 13 and Jas.. otkt,rz,ern o . wasca e sor n" td i co:3l2Al:= 4 lt 41L, Da wAa . Alt 2. Nimet. Nkkki a ct ALL EN k.-tpo., Plerunirkos"tn4 Forwardlt; fa i r. rdzhantat aleriand , e. W. messrming - MTSLA, & rucutrasolr, rs a n, Cam:aiming Merchants, 1.1.178 maw. P.naharah. r/k - ' tads eCORD KINOi Irtatesala u. 4 SCISaL IW M Wed Ccp aurnexeloter. and della* Fumy Pam torger of Wopd 1.4 F i fe, 4 1 .•' . k Ptln i e t entil l jitrf l rr orGagfr L in = 4 don oatchiott,B7o.B2l.lborrptoB Y:] Wood sueeto, Pittsbuteth : d ItKVIiPla iWILsOBr Cen . Wbsioalv Dry Al Goads Pothers, No.. 8 Wood ottecl,• Palsbarg6 • NiioLli S SON, No. Wilitrket inert, moo. •• cod door flook comer of Fourth: Peol..l* r.,. .eigo and Dotorptir . 11111 a .of tzebaolSot Conilooloi of - Detkosit.. Sank Note% and Specie.- Colkajosmottionval4•prindiee i tlertbany. iaik• IT•dawf denl7 ORCM, ItIeGRICV & Co.arodom Foram& log stud ComsnisaMa alerehmos, N. OCommereini low. Liberty avert. Pattsbaraa.ra. flint L. :ter. A Caiamtmn. . CIL Grant I:ll . oaDXX i ra ,a ls ro Ces., rd . ; lV g le h roL i tnr i x ono es an Commission 00191.11 5 , No WO Second • 131011AILD T. Ltir.oll, Jr., boomer cod Agar In Forigrt and Dcoqestio Saddlety: Uant •orost. and Ciarioiro7riosscangs,ot all doseoptioso, No greet. Pittabongh. • • . - RIOO,IIIID. BAUD, . aolriale and null dealer 111 bishop . dkroeco, streauden , _Tool.aut 11=1 " . irt 4T** - n 4 T " °•• lel7Clollsos. maw". • ...Ty &10$70N 1"C 1 , W : lk.nieGnep"s 4 l 7 , :P l O ar lao.=2ll:btrtrst. DAZZULL k Ck.,•Wholmale Ons vers. Ceausimtost mid ,eroVereluuslli dra t ers Peadaelmul frutanErik agtsnli z EAb.'• • • . ' .... ''.....: I . ' • . 1 . . . . . .. .t. • . . • ' ' • ... .. . . . . • . •• 1' t:1 -. • .• ..- ' • _•.. . . . • • • •• I : • • . i . : • ' • . • . . .. . . . . ... ' . . . : i• '. : I' \ . • : . . . .. , . . . . .. . • •:: ..- . . •.... . . _ . • • ... . . . . z•- , • • • .. '• • . : ~ • . . • . ......... ..,'","-,-",.....F.."g.;:11,:^7',1,r7.::'7:.7...i5.........."..01......,,,i...-.....i..z o-r. - ••,,,,...., -, r."': - '!' , .:' , Z77,*.*'774... , -............,......... ..,_-,.......,..,,,,,,, , ,.. 7 , , ,,.,,,,Frni-,,....,,„. ; ,..,,,,..,,-,:,,L.;,.......„„, ~,„;;,: r? ..,,,,,,,,:. _ .....,.i „ ..,.....,,,.,,,,,....,,...14;:.Z2:71pante:40.14.0pit*Wea....,ntim ,; . ..:7.,: - ,. .. -, , . . .. ~ .. . i, • !...: ..• • • ' 'I !)7' - 's '.. •• f ... .. . . ; • . • ••. . . .......,•• •-••••••••••---.--i-••"""'""'"' "-------- . • . .. • • , .. • ... • - - .... _ . • • , , " . ..I . r.t - . .........a.. ,.. ~ i r 4..5.. 7 & 1: 4 7; . : ; 1 •7' 7 , : v .. r. j. : • 1 . • : • ...--- . •, . . .. 'I. . ... ! . . . , • . ...' . C.1 . ..t ,:t . 4.l . Vitits.4l , tAltt' et-4, .; . .:,i v. ~. ~ yr: ,• : slii?,i'iN _ , ~- 3, ' . • . .. t. t . . : 'ot t:‘-.. .. - • % •-•-, .. i... _ t .. .; .., ~. i •;.:', ;; -, .: ... ~ ' • ,I Xt.( . ' ."''. ‘ • ~•; . - H .:/ • ..:. • .. 1. ... ... ..: -. ?. ' ; ~. ..t 1 4 k .* ' . ... - . : . , ...: , t .i .:. •--, 11 • . .. ili • 1 • ~ .-.. • ' 1- " ! I U . , ~.:: • . 11 ,. 4',7 . .-.', :.: -.I . • :- • • -....-:: : ~..a" • , - A ' . ... ... • • • • •- • ....• A.:: . 1561 ..r.7 .., 1.0 , • !. .. 1 '...-.: 1 •ig, ' • - . . - 14 ' L'o I o ' • ':" AI ... • . .• .13..4 '. ...... 4-' o ' - ~. . •., p ~,. - ~ , S, ' "'T ' _ '... 1 - ' r . P , ..... - t•e , '-- •'. ' ' .. __.. . . .. . . . . . • • - IL.'• :,..i..., yr ii , . 4 . , . . . . . 4.,.. .. .A. ti VOL.. :XV:-- , RD'. ; ,94.; - ' .1 . . . .. ._,.,.,., . .. ......._ . . . .. . .. .... ... . . . • •• • • •. • . - ,1 " • ,••.. 1 . . . . • . ~.. ....1 ••:. i f .: • • , .=.• . 1 . .• • .•'.. • n i Tsouita'•Tllls -. 14S 1 ,AV '&10101 . 114G.I• iIIO .. V•EMBER.• • 26. 'IB4 I L ..-••'''. •••• :'' - .".' ... :. - '',....."'...., -1 ;;.,V.-,., - 1' . . - -.... 'lr . ./.1- - 1- . ....• ~ ''ls - vi, nEolra..! 1: : : ..LITEILARY-• '''• 1 . _ ji — Alol4l' AC TOR IBS' • ... - :.''.- NE D.l t..,..r.r.i2* - .:.'•:,.•5.i,':-.'.... : :•-,.,!,..,-,.,.',!•:::""....:.!.,..!:::‘::•!,..--.• ',..:•, . . :-....' BUSINESS . ;ARDS., -71 -:. , ' EL U lae l Arstr il. 41 =4 "w 'rlitt Coln Hoax RrailVr. 1100ftri Wl.tamale Gm.. , Bata:, Distiller, dealer= Mace Paubeingli Mum- Cae int., and all II odisol .1. Waesua Wina ulLi / l ook •11 I.lhcny edd I . Pltimmt ... - Ok t irisoingabela bsad U?lsby,/krearb l emakt law to T r . isay2lly • U. Kerma.. • J.. 4 Mee. RIIIITBIOLDP at Milk Fa...aN at. ..ece titiattonAlerenanta, for l Allegheny KiiFf Tra4e, bakers la Onneetien,Pladar t ftuatiaegtt llestafactatea W Chlatide of Lime: r n • bilatrees, th oh, paid at, all titan Gm, aner fags.. Canniest Tan and Ireria eta *CI .nt ..: 0/111CIPOSCI & ; cp.alte.. 0 71 sml=appaallzraleaLlealetngtoTay. RDerr A. 00111111111411141114 Whol rola Once Duila s theesetilull Ntiblorgii liendoetarcs. 11144 n 411. • • • i• ' • •MI B Climelititc. •. • ..70916.R wiffie SUJICKLIBBV k VlllllTro•Wbefeuk kriis Racism sad: knaside a.dt g vi Wool wed, P.k./nrigl' • W. H. 111110% Wool Ilreabl". 0.1 en ie Flair an* Pookw poireal sad zldfpaiiB.lvrow ViN.d Pilubontb. 411.1111U111. PALNfI Ationaty• es Law( • Othie Id Breed's bUJ I , No 8I INGO Meet: !enmen .Woo 4 itut fisd4.l4ild. aorad&grl PCVOW — nothint onwr . .omcen .ororatding and Opeudimida Ideseiddid. Dealer I . P0.b.,10 haaalsetdmasdlremden erd• &ea./bays reestire . 41 to 4141, new 4anbass, (4 1 4 No as, conworrosa'sisa4 anuseell "" kilretL - 11: NAM. Ferwardtag and Moms . 1.1 cab Alelelm, Ikalcr .11 I•lo'irdlsel sod Plus I , lap . m . axinfitt.rel uela, 0aa.111.1. p h 1. pacusaasuass,p.. weed tiVw:jr.i I Tft.41.1 Airrieslijai ItyleaUrie SIMI Plll64lEO* lebi TAMMY & ISlClT*Wiolesale . amigo 1!. 1 Conatiteloa Nadeau( aod dealers In rwdooo. :No SS Wood mew. Pius • • ap2t .smgrageth. career of. ',pocked 4310 Mniets: ' • • } UP • ri r v• P P P ° k Pe, Comolsa j le c =ok Lo Lamboo,Gfecorieo, Produce and Pimborti3lisatocerro, Coed Saito, LibeirT "..11 Piudopl6. / • OAS tv,Tll. - ita u.. am. Kohut hlcQuellaeo • als ,as No CIIITCIin 031. Wholesale um: oars.. la Fro-lb:sc.:4.l,nm. Nailstilata sod ...I...maisla.Labony•treesi •is II • zoar D. wag. • : • Barn) x cixeSlllB . Wynt a X;ll/ b elal l it f 3 ll/I, r (zurams lo Lit lud C•xxxiamago dealers ha bon, Nar,Blau, Coax 'Voa and Pic Illonsfsaumegonen.Ay. • of Wood sod Wax Us, Plasba • • • imies th e adtrelo esti sad endue L 4 rac k of Ftanch Werkad Cele* low as is c. 0.; • ' Mein J. aassm vrew.e.Grener,Fonradloilta VT J. Comaissioa Metaluny and Dosler la Precise( sad Filial:mi% liasalariam, comer of Wotar ask bootkfield rta,Pln.barth. Pa. aptS IVITXOII . IVICyZIP, Irpotr y s ,e rz t 4 . ,kr,ecriker Libcny and St. Clair mem, Plus. ijumbzems rnzwon.Tft,lento Vimesni Vind!tere sad CososaluionAlerettanu.V • IV 7 IiiirCWALLACT” Mit ettlAWlla OPUS • ClUlJOidlrit4/".114 Lamy stei, new UNI N • mum L mi= mb h Illnigsala Gni ‘ ... a s,W sad Was and Wmp •^.--. Ter sine; (appriss &a* W 0. .4813111:1114=e 130, 4 1101)1alr=t Wpm ' 119 VSki6S la •Ps "V.." • ag413.411y . • . ..... Ille , " N V' • . . W . ; 1 _ . _. 11 0 , ..A.A1P ORIEIN Okathelbesst r i a n2/..,rm.. l icersoue saw illeSSAli 1111 133stof Ono= al t =7dgaudiegi f"" igs ""4. 41 ea sad ea faveveltle term+ ".. . . 81 . • 13 We elereer Wart? thary 'Wre,174:47.317e! W. 11.1111711.PHY, wholadala sad Acid legit .Foraiss sad Domani° Dry Owls esidiasas eft. Soot Alaska int Moan! W. • • . • • s mails VOL V. IBM 314 has sparatelb...s a. ewe 1 1 E 44 Tlzi: Is eormr gpoir aM " lMbea ocd petflarte n . . • • • eines . an ,l l? eicallded— re,hubSly• I • -c' ait ti neva,"Attoicey 'at taw W.anrc . a ct, near Smithfield.- Collegian, ag e . lea Mid other Munoz... attended - 10 whit paactaa/ny. • 13issella & Seraph, Wat:Crnhan, Esq.,l II A Macau:l<k lkCo, rata Herron, Esq, ' Graff, Llzabuty Co, Johnlyrlirto, FiGy I, Var y 3ll , Dab 1411/11a. RECTIFYINGI J. lilt VAIL, , fIDISTILILEA, • . ' :mai wnor ~ itteDi Atli 111 • I FO4RICI 1 1101EST1CAIIINEric 1,111110118; No. 114 berty #.; tend 53 Diamond alley, i . erITSBIMGII: PA. • ' ' • WARRICK, MARTIN A'.Con Belam, =ll7 Sag leagv,/r None sad Coin, 111-dif Th'd -Klttibsirth. P.. ... . ~ . . . • ! IS ••• so larrid.f. Mdse.; . ' .. WILLIAMS , ' .t?•1111111%, , ' ATTORNEYS AND COUNSEL.LORS AT LAW: o:?..tHlco Noel aide or Fo s seth at, oboTe Solakfield.43o fabllA/VotyE . . Ulmer Ittedittiern. tetturge Jades. O. BLACILDVAN fr.. CO,. .-• wilotasm Grae wban err Irk r. olll. Boot aa hoed at a fad an7r7or_ral emto 'n r.d. in their line, „Wm.' streel, etas Cherry Pi tutherah. jant e7t W. REN.ISII7.iGTON, Lund Rurrerar, *at attend L.a.toSirrelieg, laystufrwt. and ditudil:ur: leads,pa king valzattou us Real k..4tate. &a. Otßee, Perm ot. above Ilund, uezi dour to the Ofilee of tholtceongtug Regulator, Pimeurgh. ept.Vdlot • JTOIIIII M. TOWN/SAD. Dgagshra and Apatite , 'eary, No 43 Altmann, arras doors above Third tit; Pittsburgh. will Moo esconsotly oa band • well select- • ed ssontment (the bast and fresben ldedteides, which 'be wilt see on tie men reasortable term, Pbyriejsor 'acridencorders will be promptly attended to, sad nip oliedweh artelen they may rely upon as ammo, 113•PhystetamO Pretteription• Intl be aecorattly and neatly prepared from the ben alnerialir, at any boor of the day or Also ke ea o, a lame nab of frn , lt and good,Perfa, i r t iivxx.sos, Watch Maker k, Jeweller,' • comer 4th and Markets**. A large arul Well selected stock of watch., Jewelry, Sllver•wart and, bydnary Goods. 'Always on bard and at nodular bal. tern prices, Gold Patens Lever, fall Jewelled watcbw, as low as la. Alden . do watches, as low as - • Gamine Oor+er, roblas,Jokoson sad other approved =keel' watches maybe had at • small adeanca add arbino watch done In the 'nay lien =nom ii jB ., I2I ,WEITZER. j• j ..ATTO . RNEY . AT LAW, °Tao 3 d 3 4 c . PPfl it. 2 . 1 1 h.rie jitrig a !' WILL ILL also Inca piomptly to Collecioin, Wsab7 Wigton, Fa j prtie and Ureca Counties ? Pa. no-nt Dell Ca 1111::ach &Ca rotbers PlulbarSh. rialt TICAI rt STOII/4 , • ; TireaArtnel, trr AU vialiiks of film and Illicit Teas; pip gown, half, end orm Dowd ps.V. r.” 11 6 A liana per pomp:llol,sU. A JAY FA • Du: DAVID IIIINT; Deal*. • Wier male seek ensimmerms II4••••• (bat Bmisem that he ten devote Ms mbeta time 16 the dudes of his ,proks. vino, mey be secs W hts office, mixer of 40 and Dees, ler *Emu, Lemma Market sod Farr N., at any lOU the der, frem 6A. WI 6r. x• )110,1 z. a. essay; A TrOR ‘ NA. AndCwonelloraiLaw,taNtAntrtAl7,. 4101110. COrta.bolll,io O h, and in Indiana and in Kentocknprostiptly and carefaly auended to. Colll6lloloMti C•1'12311415 Of lrennr/I•anls; dot Init.nd mut ro—tlon Min Unit & Son, CntU.. Chart h A. Esq., WillocAtAßrlA:nr :EAGLEP C TTIB OTTON IA WORKS. COTTON MANUFACCURE COTTON YARN, c o mm.:Mick, Dotting, Tints*, Coverlet YARN,.CARITT CHAIN, W *KPH, AA &c., • o Arbooklon&Arelyj P..111M11-11 A;1.7/C — DOUX le CO 1 NO 77 CANAL STAKE", NEWORLEANS. GENTS foci 11 *manta Exlensive Rteansisagar . . /1 Refinery. Always on hand,. large stock °Moat. Powdered, Crashed, Clarified and dastard Pagan, le. Tiereed and tletrela, Alan, Rapt Haase :Volume. Prtera liberal and a Ws-allowance made on all sales ot,or abors,bo barrels. „metal. taco. OIIITII iCo DREWERE. MALLITEIUS AND OOP DEALERS PITTROCIE6II.IND POINT BREWERIES; : Winer Darker, Alley and Penn 8y and f not Pill Fly Pittabwrils. . • . I. II tlotnnoht. W. Dant:light. J; D. itW. 1101111311IGHT. 111AUFACTOILERIS OF STARCH; contl I no n nor to onY to YY tt i to iß ol i n f tL notes,' a 0,4 of stiono Prieto ondon Wcm. , intt3 —Bsayerp Ps w2r. Rvaeb - 6 xv,ratur amt. noun: t - IIaNIGLiOII k CO.. ". X/rANUFACTUR/qtg or Ilantoarred bLove.d and tloy and Malmo Pods, &t. Le. No Il Wood street. Plitsbundi. ourl3 .. illl r el / 2 i h*"4 bettai hillo aShaelorEaablllX4 _l4ll O I saar Ito M. Clair aired /Indic, latejp , area: IAIpjAY Neva. Can /4 itorrlud., • ave4om, ....—. . Ant ra In Trimmings and YarlaV6mde.7bnnas ll 7petl Ivory and II coast., Waadlen Yams and Worreds, Bunn', NeadiesiPjas, 8.341. No - a31111,0,es ee boom quilamt ===M FORWARDING .k CO fISSION. LY Stineagewee,. : - J Senaldirdang. CILUILES IL, . DAdiNUDWY B CO; TOBAC C 0 ,' • CO/111111011 COl No. q goothlA=aod No (17 moth Water et 111.1111 A: • • • Cg to inform( tba wade and dealers generally of B Pruabargjohat they Itag-twado =oh ...Mewed. wita the ITurgla wswafactagera and Ow Growers of the Were, Wrgst Indio's, and Karr aa loom, • ho, oaf banes wrgply following derma noes of Tobacco witch orIU derma upon es accoor madonna tines Loony other howl Ie that cyy or" e mi ts' wberet and all goodeeedend Wow theta wdl Oa war arena; • • liana Venn Moo:- Si . edLed Ta 'Cobh; Igtung ; and. Plarida. begets. . AL l& celebrated Annuals elog Ca•sa , &wool& lorgo l a r =t jof other .garpotarr ban& an d tooth!. .1 do b. le 16a .4 30 Lim% &tip is aelflo lota Ladies' Tonot; Yinglgda Wu& Z. sweet and plain hi whole and half boxes, angel And thstogredtcr grna doer,. variety of .articla Wong ' • •1; DICKEY • rOgWELDJAG• comstasioi • laicism, Est! Beam. Painl and Brix* wide!. . llaaru .wvsrr. nrrietor wd Aicel of steamers , lilarant • .• • •• • LLIVILI MUM' AND XIOUIO/1.11, • • SARI • uric iv pirrisoaeg, aim sza*is, Ajer . lLL !Ns pleparesi pa earliest opeiAngsfeanal =v. I :; • =tit r nezrs kis vrhasfbessor 's Eneassoo. Orw Csa, and Oast Cum= all ports en Lake &house upper Laltssi,ratiesio lorsrard ptochacei tent.) PeniVa. bopiovvisenn. 'Apply war Wm* •• rthilkdir . i '.IAB .01C10EY.114uss'a J. 0. W. • W.C. "MU°. • _ • J. Er: W: LEFTWICH'S,. C 0.,: • • WWI :GIVING, FORWARDING, • /lad COSIIMIIIIIiOIII • hieretstnßis' PLAQVACIILIZIL,, 13,1RTICUL•R aneozias ptid r eieitireti.S. " .1 Cam Mille, Eerie:es, or att. ankles far Opelissesr and AaaYaDU. , SRFERTOMesereSitealelrl I..ilbtlevrj Mr. rk.r hlrain; Leaned. Deuerson, Btu Z. W Sibs dr% 10 . ; Mean. Lien Spier, Mr. Ws..CPLosary, Robert wpm., Ananringt Nicholson; Pirtsberfs. tia inn. Rorie, Todd Co.; Casement.. ' Menrs. Hynes t ,Craisteat Messrs, Edwards t Whireall, Ron. Resat LAbister, Mot joht, Mesa; . • • eele•ty lldiDstt t' COALIC. - FI.4OOI4.PEODUCE; AND IJENIFAAL. COMILID" SION. it.tcactiANTat. Ns. 16, Smith's q harfOkedilmoreiii OFFER their KVACeI to Illerehants and Farmers the tale or Florrralrein and Produce gorierally, ei Ike Udmurt, Market, and VvOLVICV ezteouro 40(0100- Ooe* 6Anonig paschinctl 204 stoppers, cam Wel V' VW ISIS 4410daeffty Correttiondenutorill ecottlaktly be kept ultimo! Of the alas of the Markets, to. Aims to—Messrs. %(m. Wilton t hens, hana ler t Rot, Doetbort k.ftiandets, Ha t Smith, Carey; tlattiotors . • . Tinsley. CoMorell'a. EWA: Tkladelplao. lowny Darr keen /VW VOL" mazo.isiTumis dC a. - FLOUR •PACTORS . AND PRODUCE CON. ' • kusaioN:mrscuarre. T MERAL ease Maumee made en receipt of ea. L vtindeceta name abipplng toner addzese will be rain do...Cando 'Mae In advance In Casa, by apply ce oar (rived. Masan: Watllner4nd p.mbinL. i • • liteenno. Thee. Bell & ,Bedgewry.ol4. Phltadelplds, May 6,19{i, - •t V.• B. All pedant consi eed to es is taverod label In the warebevae of Wallingionl t Taylor, Plusbaset, Ft in eat stone iv Plalatelplue. a Oa UW.UIJDLBBT.BLRDWILE. STOILB. R. ..T. E E R. /10. 133 WOOD IT., PITTIDIODOII. TA ( VI replenished my ametti r .o Iv.' ..11 1 '. LI both &natal° and carotin Stake *ware IP ! Maileint m coassoncra and dealers that I ant preammit so furnish them with all gads la se lima PP stn heart teenektlnn Iseemolbm e...e*llt malice hhat dealloetnelasivelyf ta.lli4 ..eely" dial Seidman aa Corn mis Trimenags, I obtam iligteby sinuttipts that4lo) go I • ISM Is defy cesp4dar..; Calloes.ded haste for yoaneelres.• . spa ',RUH !IMPORTATIONS OF. HARD WARE. •.I ;LOGAN X KENNEDY,' IIfraRTNES OP• AND WHOLFALALE DEALLIS • IX lIIIILDWAIAM. • . X.. 10 Wood Idreot. . '-; .•-• • • - . • • . TTIIDUZIOII. , 111.. taw in lbs o( t•trig large AidLtjondi 1•11, their eitwine'ithek of Heed...". eald7: Sad arnicb laving been paronme die meat meanraieoee urea in .Engtand, and dlreottagth the Ilanettenuess thinks ethoup, eth.bles than 14, thri fee no& co Loath enthused by mono and sethaell lIZ thir ..Pegthethersegt nopeeltalty Inalte.l r• • • OICOII.OIC COCIIRAINL_._ —.tat 1:011171SSION & FOIVARCING muccHART; • 'Pilo. ff;Wrno S ,Partaatraoan A 'SUES to mann a geserat Cement • . 'of America:...;: ' 1 - ea."" ' ad 'f! min i ng aid forwardly (keen coal to are. As Amara, On binalactaten, be dill • contently eopplrod will:attar pron4ial wilder • Pittaborth blasafretare it the loony • may: Orden no conAkepsepts an tupectfitoll .1 0 . lartz. ' • ItaayWCZ. ~ LOVE, .M Ft,TI N CO., .. -- 1 - i.ccinar.,t;E:.4Eltki; ci.M%113.51031.'41.4110 kl3/1% , WARDING AIEACHANTS. • ' lla. 6 Spolealithart, Ex, p - • MAltanifr.Cm. J . • • Ilamusa,Starett&Co. - 1' Dartsoa.ritudets k co, . , John It giuldscl, I all/ li6lore. oral Ncor Jeratin.,. .x xxxxx x tale of Putobsrob, late . ..LEHMER" 4- ANDERSON otIALEI3I3 IN CurrON, rukVl Alt VINN £A n' MINIIIIIMION I 111 CRCI , A ;To. I Pont atoet Eueuhog,awialmai'o.Vap.: , Refer In fon WALTER • • AND eitars - COM roifsSionilmy.kiyANtif, . ANN Dr.aI,I•INS Q • FAALLX,' ,14/4. AWAR4 114.111 mar••• Rama epriff, EMI, Gahm& T Clots e. 14., cariOer,J Landsuect a rot, Meat& Deaglattiy, 611,24. Id, It Ease', IV& S ',Wyman, tillgrlntrly, Devoe/. ~, ail • '- • ' ' ' • -*So.' EDWARD . ILICELUE. • ' csuccmos To liooo.lll/1X do Reezieeng,. Pfrorpyhyti API/minima , ifienassat, 404 , Maio-111,1 door &motif tuneremork Rcrcato--4 . 4 4 11, 1. eNg'n , r t "" 4 ", 4 • r Cotmay. , EI • •• ant.l IL W. CONLVAT II • ! IDOKT•211111Uni 3 Ohlo, CossatlWealseid nivrazding r an d Piedoce Dthilers—alumiegulw the Fiala and talpment of Pig Irry,Cot4 Atria To, Atwood,/con &Co .1 Ilto,1+14 . 81.11•7 a, Laren. Mating &Co . Ifeary•Orif Graf, J Lisioey &Co Cla Lee e h/ Ca :7ot.stort‘ , , m 010,117 Mew JOHN or instotlkkobe Leeth •"' • " 1 ‘ 1.1 4' Ormell% , CollatWaVal: TAS AMER In an' thole of Coilotrj PpodoN, 4.4 l per et Z T h it s 4Plll . li apenP , ToOledee, Lead; ' "SuorAL, Coupe Yam, pa,. . Rev s gaup; IttliatetlirtY ponerttly, porou,ot Lo If aseLlienn " 7=l,7li=v;ilatt. aravide . --- eleeauotor oCPTodeee.k.e;-: ..." • ' • . 4tiF ;AUCTIONEERS.' COMMISSIONME_RbIKANTS. . ALEXAER LEVY &'BRQB. CI NCINNATIL& ST..I.6PUIS °PFEIL to sell or oillutt estlibpsbweal. all kiwlf d g gorehawilko artike tawdol rates of Comioluoioss olway• pmwed mak.. advances, no be at gegmtgeno itoran, reminds UAW" ladt0:10 110 si don Hove; will he pwrapiltanowiedior Wan" itocro wunWw. w. aalo/121.7 - 1111071NION '1 0/ , 2. COMMISSION MFRCHANTB And 41Isaufactarers at Lassos* Otk. NO, siq colunsbia strict,: ' : CINCINNATI, OHIO. • nay -7 7:78A1V1 1 1.: .40NE5"411.... t _Late Talbot &va & Cot; o(Paltia'a&) PRONgliTi commoN MOW FoßWAncatio No: 46 Poidrai Sifettalfett Ortsmas, SWAMI! paid &the (marg:VW. Fottoarding - Merehankaratprtioitle, P4L. Atlas& partlesbulr to am Forwattlingot PrOdllo6, &C. D r j oi o nfonbar utfonatoloo apply to "01411fT11 k MV==M ,= 7 NATURIVIII iskintron, C 0111163105 111101C114011, . , •• 2fe. i 8 W~tff-lMat .trr. LOUIS, MO. Won gisSyarueolaistlestios lbsseUitig Ssee.and torade:rifts porchasiss. I : • , • Russ ts-tisoriga Morgan as Cs, Plitsburp, ;:-=rM:: I.ll)Caltiett4o. JOIIN ;116 Comnswan aid Forwarrliv llar.loolBi . , NOS: 93,&.:96 sown ST.; • "te.2llY • IROTLINWB WOAREF.llaltioudre. .TllOllr.T. - 0/LIMION — C, COMMISSION' MERCHANTS, , N9s. w.tid . 9 L11 3 121 . 1 . 1.,. th i m i 5. p-Cath itireneet will be made eonsignalept te be chore nddru ; lurt L' cAu('' IN iMeKNIG lIT, Birth et; FLOUR PACTOIUS, AND ORAWAND monuva Cesswellislon Narelmaly • 71 SOUTH , WHARVEBOHILADELPHIA: RR now poorest'9d ieeelve end forwaid entilke eleftt: rettiff==i'egrttlf:l7. TI/OS, 11.•LAWCIN Rv t ic4 . 4.m . Shri k 77 , • 1 ,- .l.nrsurrpor JoaricsAr:- gr EA s I?)A T Nit:PM AND ouendation .11 WARE 11111.0111311 O -- • . • . arg 'ifonuily , , , w7;;;Arici;e7;;;;;OracituTeii;i•oi;c * ii . i . i - oVt ra liescA )1.14 etec• tothog r am diA.Wpacni=k motet, lebtrre ere shall betemtoualala amseeted with los all yip me atIC • , if film . at promo o• schema tam. Apieuetsliteue4tress '7 l l b° Pn laill e irso u 4, ei,I4II,LEN ' ' eepeptf . • • . I' ' O=OIIIIIIAIEL N i tp l .Z • "%iNfri Alre . „li pea m Monday, Aph. la, tow dams from INA r, mad mu dear to •layse% Pee Tee O N. • • • eplesd asearbseratof Fuer Cale, Oletfeebesiw; heir, ta r , os As onuses ow IT dm siesg,4lls wino soartegt— , • . • t Maesneel; • Pedal . Imbue t = IIPP"1"1:111 Uieju N; 4 • iWitre Jirobletilitoigel4 - 441 _ rodo el r Cat% 1. EN • .4.11 e a., .4 Onle lot . Ise Orem, Brodoe.CallooFanee Vardeeansri, at.; &, waned tsi Ismer eao • craw lo osallreiod bum br efr Nit! ecmla Pm.l. 0. 84 :rwfi; Ba. PiAl•Merajniirel dely throWtote Vflooatykat, goettetliesiandwinty OS 7.41 , 1 r NODS Or 'IIINATING HOO - 4J. Desner,44/ Liong; la. anann:l anti pawned • plan iorb•sunt bow., y•blell as ben• non• engin ly word la Bonn* rwir Yen, kn Ond whnn , n4 mletl, ha* nebved• Our dnented mpunace over tones, Fame., kn. In advv•lnti• 14t. Gnni tesan.rnl•l Tn.Deminn , • Tad. Freatent flow Smoke. • 3rd. No oopleaaaos Dryness: 441. tarty aocodoeho, oast ma liable rtelolllol • °War. SA. West Darsbalry. • Motel and Ppeeilitaion nay be veto, sag tbaiop. pant*, °blamed et the Copper and Tamara bkinoryof . , kl SCAIFE, rtm Knot, orbilf bet. Woad end Markt AU ..71fgardoroso, Clathrty, 11.14/2ent, JOUN 11 VALIUM/ • rAlPaltThit.AND DEALEIII to Vamp oao Deem* A lle Ilacdo.susoesolil rlAPOotfolly:tabilaloo /tirade tbe public getterallr, tltat he lo stow recoioiair eptiog *apply of Hoof %tare, at *Wahiawa/ et. Wolter Woodlocil, MIS Wood street:l4kb Ilia will Own of do Ow moot reualablo (Graf. • Ile eoioltotolly irrob tovolliodkort how (be Otaolihittorers'Emeope oad toontry, wraith- ordl 1.4.0 k km m covets Title as, otoobloi moot, chi.. &war Wat. or • • • • • vrca.t. me•rcnaiur 4.11..1(4 u; and isiatino Ma mot before pareboong elombe owl • •TXTE. mili=ra.s Mrl e appoilme IV p for 10 Immo 44* useiordat Toillook ilo ••• • • • and Forlreedl.R beim., nada dm eple OEOI4 111.4418.1 W sof We tikes tbe tnrchmho, No I foommleist Sm. Loloilli/lUut,imoorly.cartedbf NJ. W weir— Mors WI brim. earn.. ear Omit, woe's meotiw to , ersassid,akhk. • Mom a meaakivr . . Pito& eglijlatek et, WM • • - 'MIPS •• • . :1110111/1111 KEIIIII . IiaIr, "4 . ' . 0 Eib u le=l. of. G i l= tr u eda= , ipd NIL jet 'Goods; kap% taiF o ttuty a bad, of bit 01121:1111.1% TOWO , Cerf dace of tabota ..,4 0.- Lauri; Ohtani I,* 14, and G Mara Tadao tibia and OnormealaTpiribbi haat' 'AD Mods of Clocks, Trays,a4a alba, b teat or dozens; Coatalibeadb and a rmeral astatatiol of Fact trilobata, at a mall **ranee on cat. P ' -di " . • ait.iit niijiltiA Mb Plialpl cans co `l,* e 'l7' 1 " 41,b7 4,1r.tra,' :.°2 1 .4f.T . cr„;.,, 4, : paw. artint2 Stable., 4 10 .pma l.' 11. 4. .1.117171 ..u dignt taii=sr " ,be4o% th aVal • • o tionat t n" v a Ti a ldt ii ratite pow atortl r it..titv...„ ... . ars et be toot wanly gad latcatttylea. Ilona t a p( at Ilwiy te.the ban isaiteier;- -- - - f ' ')?'Jell : . los • raleal Soap. 7?UF all Lade Of oroptissoi nod &hems, or no Rix 1" nob►sto PlaplakEllosehoalkals about Scal^r7. near !polo, okapood Or Orsekod Skirt, and for all older ithoe ,soa or the Okla, width motto ethrrnal .modes. Ibis oas's , . osposolhot. { Who a frockleo;l9o. Loin. Morph. or, Ton, and a, the ooksr or dark, 'elks.; or diodayrod dig, so a lat. healthy, youthful: drama, • A frok oappSy; worratood denolo and for saki lithe sodocod pace o(kfl par fake. hat AO bees mined, Is offered tor aolaby B A. FA lindrOCE a. 4,1 0 cantor la and Wood and alPo at the &truer of .1h lestavbity awe Hair [Premise I• en DLACIMON FOUNT/allf. retworki .Maw, ham JO matted sed heed tbeir Sr*, ihtirDeemieg Itheat thaws le theerelere ere, teie are prepared le.' weetan ittetee, trite ste.; emir' eel eatsree. =gretl pL l:=4lltherp , :i , 0111=1 . :I t t ; tee., et ear Seleoe, came of Unice Knetasid ► Dieteet awe Altrceedier 01= Orals /11 Arat Weer i de . 41 tiny oil s i r t ihe io( tl F. ad •It U etallatts, sines 161111„gettembee atle enter =.e dentellar lee eletotlyettett of pat bade it .-.sryted R[,l'3 eine foe-beet eM, el l° 1 4; telltutell././* oth* we. Ihrientee sweet geed 11 Brief/ will /A czemed alll9llpecela de. siredovitheet name.' A Men alb. ISM email/ ) . 1 vow reselelser feed Ye old et the treeeleette,.lltoutle VelterfP Cepa *Ws, by 1TF 40. 1,1/LCL.A. E.6 e w Er a. ,i sale - - t iWriWt ua? " Tu. Co 104 tho b.t. b elasires rigkrt tkelt,eas In Pitraurgb aim* irZurry oaks. • ,Frirrron J(130014+4: writ alrr. Towa, arena 1. 6 . M 0 = i ga t 4eollol4.lxl.llfizatliglift •17 nam- WE" IC"! na l,t r r iniil6lll4olh Azoirtm stal.i.c4 Y,lWelYawrg= WtrAn d tieriptie the.Oulique mkt; au or 'no' mr , ••••• r it= ra rr 4 r= 8" t_" "1" _- "“ s, .ler 611 . Wlcm•XSlfium r L 111.111411,117111.11161110 n IDMLASOMIMM.Dromor lead 'Appliffeerr, eonwr of Wood sad PA mu , SlWParetp_lnli leap eratstostli Att WA, Drop , r ants, OLP, :DvootteDs. • Si- tk-ringeifses preseApuedis emu!, eowewtv& ed how trot bask materials, at soy Moor of the My ov• aa urertment - er Serfuesory; Itai Tooth, Hair aod Cloth Droybekilka. Pe , 'IMPS de will sel rorj.l soy 1 SSOMPHOW:Zilictruic pThefetiftiii teiwyes between the sabarttera. sooty Pa lo 'art" &eh. le Pus day dissolved kr mewl copecat. bestow* IMO b. awakened erJ D WU. whPbpolt to, ettle Op wettable of tse'Wor D WILLIAMS, THOSMILLEA. Pitistowet,scm latrit -' Q 2radder's soothe, for miners won sayl parderien; 1060,1 4 1 u 11110f1111011. of pea nod pocket k a t dye snootier an't Wit seeelyed aad for wie low' at dye Thatisrett ere and 'Airtcaltoral no ted Nojht.. Wood *yawner of OW. notell . ruWICIXERMIAII. C0M11111111011111.1401/ DZIADS • Afil=r.f2tll,*''" 4 "".7= odooio of. , Pr'B4ll, 1i goore elonail, (nod: • . • fIanYARD . P 0 RANCH ergiaxtr.ll , . • I Attorney st la+ 6111§ ; te 10000 Wldoettie Cirtit price In CAIIIIwN be 0.91..0n' h, eveii ' Writinir Plrep'ping Paper gad Cblotide mcki . Cornet POIIII and Irvine .oi- VININD-1114104-blenAlp.Roses sad EMI.* pone, An. enitithle let pleetinA IA Metres. ~ can be Ognahed °Vales shimmed ewe. (rain Kamm of Iss.lW. blanebeeter. • • '" 111Chtit: .- 1 .. r Nil tit Mr *ow and Mb au (SOLD AND SILVER WATCHES-41teeDed an ‘,..Tadd WO. VI MY lane Meek orOidd aid neer .Pet lust Le,or Watch.. evIDDIe tot LeAlee and (ioulerten . ' •he latest asAlliimlicleen”enemland gr(p___.s best. . the latest oad bar t =trnents and qr tbq be mt. - • w 7=4; sel'4ov ike stgi -. 1.2 St rfe ed .11 t M out at weft: -jar ' • -- ,•15' 'WIC/Leat3tlAM TCECREAM FRREIR.M-4M - yeed, Clap .I. , vocea of.JaiumPe ezteUsta PatiM lercremik fatm uelhaS : • • JIMIN DUNLAP, . eTimutte-A2. - tibeihavlskifiO4. *Elam& I.7lorreboosir 4,68061 by Dr. C.O. ft awhile 9.Coa W eld Lan ea bow prepaid' te - swa orristetable' Km& . Ova. **led irssktliprzesematltly armlet. jilfe= IRE PITTSBURGH THILILVIRSTITUTI. "runs ardor tho cue of Rai. / I:WOW aro Lam. LA - Wadi all Lao aoLIO and m Weems twOrkm of i AMAPA elstaa66' are roe& 4 1"1:37,' =IT= MIA" - r acl sag adlittaeW 13Wioa will mamma oe Idondatt the Salk of I . Awerl,wd It la • • • teal est lobododge morrtat !Wald tp= soscharst W. os Wm :Plow 'WO orbo ia 100 owl rowo to noWreamarairetwe weat Prroalatkortier men • Prof. 11INGLL Wfharettome(dor • Prof. BMW NSW; Drp arborm, trim l evediet iat.sadWwbrsOrWw d ik v.• lar a COlMpettah tractor, sa d wiL • • • • h as Ma SW we In Paola sad thel.fol haa ale) bars. a warlar ihat Idet WarilWore S( COilflrr. . For inane amd lIIIPT/De • 1 /MI6 • setitmlla IC8 0 .911":0 INe. IBS Arel, Seen, eine Thirteract, &sth Par • • • • •-• rt I MN 6 plan parried us Jae howthstscalecthslthca ill ale • / blither breathes of an Enitlea Edicaben, Wi th lostroctlon In the Freneb.ltallas sad Lila lidigai* Th• eerricet of the wow emcees Prekseors ere Per. asselkity mooed, and emery - given pupils kw casions/the thifetent Accent*, locother wan other secomplitheunta • • . Toe yeas le divided Sew two orate of Ara rem& each, cooonceithlrbe the Ist of Pepusater, and ending NI the oath seen e • TM cp , e for the Scholastic Treai of Ica, months, 10 PM, Po e Ulf resoly in aarenee; withelrt </mac, except vile and DDesnnaa et . which are at Professor's prices. Tame ceennieneinpsumme widdo the srlil be dowsed WC.III.I{/9. If It Is thought &suable by panel. gaardiena of molls from • &undo, esn- darielltbe Nem= watation, when all do:, amities will be pale, • • aniamicra I • lin t7i - e u ig E 7okijl L , * Phil s j i 4 P 4 1 1 Menus, ' .14,ZP1.11.4.14 Hob las Relic Wen Tampon. fb Lon* Ida The autumn EN, Florence, Als—Witabbnelp. ' • wq,N o—cmue Chateau au K Cell, Tettabasee, Cbartertoe—J o P Boa, reCl—Tbsous C Fu.h. p 9 .94.11. 1 ,z. 1771 iro Laussupszainiurt, THIS leo thou avtlo the mb ArX , on e L M epUaai tt. a Sy toter elf lleadsthby and IlintiwbitaPP OF& • The Seemed Seeskos wag 00011,6617C0 oa Mandarree47 4 D I ese destining lo mei. ill And 01 to ilea 'mitten bdal ea war Jae opening of the salaam as poesthle, Ilthoplipsplls will be Rea l med : 4 4: eta.eta.daring th e SMOIXL The vatic es of contagion Te will be waved the dame Ant cur with to' rceei insanedoas Drawcw,PCaslap antAlluie. • • I ' • For partirslars relative io the colorise thstroatkel. bows, Ae.. consols mettles°. epplrpo the Ibronnelor. Alleetwer.lorl 17. left ' •• I ' • • - tf ibtLuAntx. noorts—nothed by .1 A V &II P Jame., Walnut .treskilestween resell' ind Fifth, Chickened, 1 , . ' - 0 aisoe. 0 ibbon—The bitter/ elite decline add dll of the Roman Empire. By ißdward Cibboo, Pet A ore E.:lilies, teemed and carmeted Otiose'. , ent,preteded by • preface, andlattempanied by cotes critical led historical, rela g wrreeipally to I , the properties of Cbrittlatityt by M. V. Geisot, Istleuster 14'1'1056c Ler:suction for th. kiegdom of Imes. The preface, cotes and Comeau., maw lated One the French expreelflor Ole edition. WAD a Bones ol the Lie sad character pr.Gibtwie, am( Wateon'. Reply to Gibbon la 8 vols. Imp. Bro, WM perm tivo.Naki c ar'a Pealrealnli7u—CormileM. I rel. Imp. Hllambi.Mtddl• Ages, Chamber's Rebellion 1 • &Mi bcobertlicra'a Virginia ead New Reeled, Remeß's French and -English Writ I. Areeriu, and K.131.,'S AineliCill .ftavoletios.l led Mo.. • I.l",aryin AtrienCail Histary— Co selec tion from the best authors on Atoeflell Hlatery, Biostraphy,Travels.t.i'maaterce; htestetica,lothem, Reroletroa.ry Battle., &c. &a. the. Ales, Anec dotes Poetry and Miicellaseeas irticteh thaws bed with more thee 600 esgravings. I mil, hop Bro SO Mei- i • I. ' Vairersal PMtoriel Library—Cbstaimig rateable ti . e , ra ea various abject*, recnomiairtg Nsteral ry, tabula Science., Agrindtem,Raral Roue orny, Biogrephy. Piet Arts, the Orientals, Triecie, lhogrephy, Ilmany,i Misceihniches reeding; he. Me. .1 cot imp Bro. 640pp:7e1l abeep. • Th. Family Medic:al Library—!.l Treatise on the prereetl. cad Cur* of Diariesee, by regimen end ktriple mediciem Now edibee,roleed cod .dn. • 11.6 the addition of a Vegetal:de Materia Med. peeing int the 'Wines, paretimis sad dare. Stoat Lost Tzlnab4a native medical plum, and as 'ethos of Anatomy 1 and Pbysiology.' Illastrated with one beadles' Eagreviespons o *bleb are catered. B. ./ GI Ramped, 31 4,464 pages Om American plower Emilia eompaiume—Adapted to the Ended Muse; by Ealwardliayare.Litedenapia Ononota Oahlsoer. lb me, , thirf ediuoa, ee - 11erged sod Illustrated: •=Owego°, Roily Moustata.,&e. the. _ A ri V7=,.- arid without , _. • • lice mid Payee% Debate. Boni'. iiii44L.A..ady et the Labe., Lana Rookb. Mune. Print. Deco. Iles. J1.111%110 Reath Clump WitSiosief miens meta le ii • let Rine. ' •--- -• • mukl9 w rrnrwrtTr / Ditiaraus zscie_ti.or„Eopk—A.. co.ory et rape ,UP eiew,loastore 0.44 eamptiAng tbe histoeyotesetiyetai W etiestith 0444 ot wiry tl u bressasfieess o he deiestio•ts4 debabes a Wlhe 444 iino ethttp4l es, edited by tti, T 134.4 A, r 8, m tleterias /Lbw, cow L etusiegheAstifsily ed o mod ptsps er Math ibeeties,CemAA ErtA Curls Ifint.- Ilan New Bessatesek. if et shim Tessa r lyew WiemblA, Tens, Cilifseta,. C 0441 Asinies, retie, West Isdis WAAL Ned ell tZbesses gel Tertille, tie the • ' Neeltt resotess—Ttob kidney ail • Plaritas trots the eetosessdee 4 LSI; le the rerelsboo 13, compeisies weasel et thefts pnariples, Ae,•e, by Natal Hist i SI A, steeps AAA 0 Ches4A, M D, wash else pcatesitsat meet: 'dons The et the &AY !ha rehAlei toe in Mist, by Gary. M sessaser et the 441 tallest an) who A a, Ac, c. =AL& W 4. at.1.0.1 Worth.. tt whit!, thamo•,• nr: wr ratio( tlietke,betsysltallay arAtime t;t sh4r4l:l;' 110441 ht Apeekter—TbA Assabile , l4l4ktr, etespritiag Sies• 000 usd eierenet - peke. ties et yews torprseties, by!' •r ho ebeetioe The sh4t11•Iill reeetred Mit '.•11 p.6.1 virsoloic Uansteona Haman Its Pains% Inser•es of Ma I•. Pawls% alsten• y tlddie•; Mallet's tkems ebitioteryp, alleason's Prates.% Watmat's 63. e Veseite on Fema m e l s; Ozetr oa ; Memstattaam's Practise sr rumor" Prow oa its Mamas% Cosa. ep DueueseletrallaSii, .- Iftreests 114,1tcal MimiesteMil • - • Clmemna Persrso Uiinl Stew• Diopesessetrosers"," Ile Wm. ..141 • ruadmisoftem ' eilacolLaassie Bonaire% neeeithrsei he tide Is . . . . : • sunny V2O • Res • . el Sista at. Whims NaY r\ ronLICIATNOIIII—W • as' Dmemoie Brim: sad Ika , . - Illatiorl• Matteis. ioellalkess . Seoul, "arse liclasektati assi6iotiC,4resig 'and Epei.:. Jut reed sad Rs ogle . _24ODONA Lb ISEW-sON. SO taxa st r t :r. -- at.___ of tie 111Wriet olatkot, , anerofthe wet. odd eesepoiree drlwmf los im .ruits. of gm iireek Furor. I 1i0.11 , 1/ 11 - tioeflieit meows from the 'foolish Yoke—le two vol. 1111.1101—iplerild Tart *it eamerdes mop e .4 ewe.. ologo. . ; • WWl.' of tie reign of 'Wallas 114 nos 111 m 17.11—meith flee ptetrate, eel vols. , 'Cemepaliese so Ole Meer of tie 11.17 tterlptelen ; • Neuf. .)/lembrsy, Whips emaoce, rheis. W . noif French Rave so. le Gilaa •Oollltereil end far sale by •.• . ••:;, iIeLIONALLIII EON . _ 60 alaiketsaniet TWIN 11. 11.1E4L06. et Wood a., tit now reuml .4 ktasikat ustlttianivar Boron sad No* Yd . . • Parda,lll7llodlo.eky apl sow .pas Two .71.1%44 likowireed Puma, six 0e111•11% I PIO Oft.pleglaila Caned Illownwl, elk onus., P 111.110,114 sada Wf ec4 • pm, One tread Pied. 'We, made at dm (tangy ei • • ll•erri 11en. Pvt.. mad 1.117 meal le the 0120 6..4 .7 halal lls Cement., • SC Vut. m te r itl e Tek k u "d PI TT:Wit. " • 1'6041.4,917 th4;4'.o° Iva -• K ral, Plass& Hi im east bo •Oblifts: 4 la our 06 binght Int • • . • o . l .Patboobeffoy,ll ;Knave...ado by Nvoto Quiz. New Yak, of peat powqr and owtetocso of wae—extremoly low priced. Use gloom tooromod Nemo ..d. by Cbiebering, Am., esti foketed by hioa ...sibs Wm butromeat of dot Owls blo foolayy—prteo very modem.. lipid. &member of <Mena all plea end .111.4 N lbnatogbia mouiewoo• ooleolloa eny °bored bore 83.4y441.ati W Woodmen. . • • • - skit Ass Task Plass". miimetiNlS H. NELIAIIt, No @I Word rt , bob fumed sod odor. rot role— • Ckorr oplearltd floss wood riononito, nrinr i n. intrt• 1111 octavo% Ins Crum sarl - roor KC. M.O. bk Chielomorr, or Ducar. ` • • ChWeltroor litorsorood Yin* Fons, *Mess sad Inre foams Nods by ibslokertag. • • Out olessot Aloboitoy Prom klosto—mods by Gals ;Co, New York. orrery° bb sold esturiNetories Prices. • lAbro, tot We es oltrrrs, • soma bud !lam risirs, witb octaves. kdb_ • - ---.-- HISTORY OP 1111101.100—Joss pobllsbed, by Ast U Juan,q nott. • itTll P. Mg YORY UP 0;110: bet Civil Won and Colosiol sad Itsvolstiontursle, Ass . dut Pssssi sr the ISpaolllt Comout. to do pt.." dm, 1 SO; losloduag out *manta! do! sr silk tba United &Ms, Colsr r s US *bury Arliovrootats. •By MO Voting. OLD With two Coppery' OW blsps, and mosso taitisflop of Pls. of Usals OtottoSs..U. U. vol. octM t 0( aye Itandred and sisty•lbsr pot kAP.OP '11(11.11C0-1110a di los Ito7etlos Uh l- ' 10 .1 rot! its I=.or.= r a g olts►S l tarj Swank* pot 1aaa:).....7 . 14 . 4 n , , 73;atrroingli.ikeeum ; !. . . • minim SAS as..{ TEH PRINCIPIXIS OrladiTUßßOatiZpvnie MeM ciaD.4 I V. 444 14. 4.1.4 , 404 by bad 4krupd &many lot a theat Wirmisrlti lofts Lisllounes4 • Prfl , Wit ;41.9y.(441 1 , 1 U.QUEN • SPiti NO . ; b iaLe -STEE L, S L IR O S . WO ELS nut.EMILII, Hall.3LN,&oe, Maus wwilSewilr ki tbet< N. vodka, are um plajarad weandw roof terry deantipenn of Coast aad Medd '9 O .P Iran was*. Amens= Was, woad arl - plodo and elates. of mall square and reemd a l = Wry oder Orr sale ao Moral War, .3 lass. CI Woad sow; "arra they tiler Sao an Wad ndoplete and handasee Uwe: Gent Of Caul toss PI lssibranh. 'walkable ciislizipi . tf . and a op. • • L awe' s. arranissineata Isitisdiadass Dal,L. crew - 3.131101C1333131. 01 MOW', 5P.4.. Anti, U 4 and 'sill Sued fr as hand isOfls aissallaoulater &sad 'Dealers . ard tagpsanbllt KO% OM wallas ;met. and lams w lkl be mole Mont Ividlerdar ." tirtigattim. WORSS AND FORPIORT.,., • • rrrnivilli. Pi. - i • .VOIAN waicaue. a viDa A SE Pr ear bode tv ams WeedkallideAo!, .14LivoalHeidieWirpoliFV. WeidAlcs pt Fro.* 40Iari Cod Grinder., Rd, &Wang mod WI met d OM Itae:'lellkee,end 21%r741Z I ' D '"‘Pt i.14 f . n d• ! '" . Viesino of piey dog npitait ' llradabsifes iipO . Paden). wide ,o order fdr• Gelutag l I. maga*, aei , Ohm= Pipe tar d ida4racalied. C l n Iron Winnow Ps ad linty,T._ l l7°Wal en it Windwed'n en, Otrerlt, ord4llX/re prompt spepasop‘ • gni& Blietssiek. Bill &Oa. d Y Modiklabed.4 0.5 Wainer, Join Inrin Soacriasbelril , G 0 ok. J. R Wieser; - : copatimarmitssispowovicir. hn 617 mama ecapenmeMep *ad.. solo amb .pf lememmi, ebeeahmmor • Co, .1 tho 'Maw Mreale‘Whedem V,.,(m the pampa of Memellmmeig u* owl eme o emeldemephea. g,W.bricreess. K F egoemamaia. J. d emeMell: • sygrassis, 11111311118111iBB Al•fel10111110N WORKS,Ree • • . . WfOgg. lifeedhaiera all Cods of bailor, &tea, barlea• f YR nahm • Newel ol4pue mats cod aa addgew meeee Ira leboeabe race, Old Janlata Worlet. eee C aa antes of Ilmlam Ilmaadad .Shaeallmie) equal to aay made la IM commie. AD of vied wiii he mid at Me Plmenealterlem. Watetin= ilith•Wetkr Cent. of Monroe and WM, SIM. • . . IFU J.tl4l*coU. Joke a Wick. L. g Ilatvran. LIPPgNCOTT co: f . ‘ • • . 111'4111111 PAM:TRIERS of HAMMERED 'and COPT' 911.71. dp eVata awl Spades, kiwi and fireball, MID lei Cal v arealat and Gio etters. HaY, and N.M. Perks. Houk N &noels. Picts, At. are Haring etiMetoS a U th eir arttaLeaterita tke coo ammo of a 24 is ree nem Ike best worlonea from AO mwt rekorated cstablishmentaof the East. are now manureetarma and emit keep coo. mare a band mod for odd aft tio above tinier., key. lag !muted tbrawelees of tbahltill*PsMlN6ol+o.l4 are determined that m workmaemtep sad awe& Alto •311 00110 Ciecned. They plumb., to protect minks ntiol. if not sonarlor. m any kat CU be Yid Rut. liver foetus tbe abrousto of dealers to an exantinstios of Weir mock talon magus( t o 111 as Wel are convinced Wale., will be abie to 111 all orders in lbeir Una to dee mire waisfaetmo petratuerwWarebolae, Water m. 4 dawn Wass blionogobein Wass, Pittsbwik PA • APcro wLawn s' Dwane'. Vim. LI/venal; 630, will please ealion Uppencor k Co. seakoy st..I..E.UitBNY VP.fIITIAN BLIND FACTORY. JOHN A. 'DROWN ' • 11TA11111 t‘lui method nii intbrottla Meade sad ON ribli. at tam that Ids Faisal : ....;:lAF pp Fisi g uit . v ,...yilia . Ean n tr 4 • sada latisateeastuutity novae WA Oa ad Mil Wood st,Patabingb,atJAS • • Hi Plintipdail Wig trasenase. c*** Obotten aide * *NW in the bandit , .111401apilooklatbodonsamdos. 'ftlL u BMWs wilt W. mop, .161.1064mq aitai "ral eitteleo IN. lite *Olson b. magma ma me mat a atiositiltittristusidant nad .t.h"ths " id aimant• • •,.: ~ ' ••• . astallyiattaalY --- - .6111:10111Mi Sett asit Bien MM. ALeaballt end stensinaasibadeitai at wad, eiliere Ilie will a r i reeal ts eakllla ell catteeeere and • Menne, &mealiest; arll.lhellsoitytary elswelbeee to io ROO ebeatte, coat bate Vila sou waved aisiele. am! - inflame is be et Obi boa mat . Mime.] Wake P. Cowen% Las&Aw egetlict mite may nom °Mem Cutlass, tfreliab ed. lamed sad babbled la tes antes' nuttier. • . ET 1 , ... P. le the mid propreten el Basset% iott . •• Ammar ; Mew, ea bully coccus* ea ita wise. bum of fibtio* ie mule. The &WA • sad °Alpo- Coen ems be tied ethic wi ll times. • teet-tY W. W. WALL/kern PITTeDURGII STEAM MARBLE Wollc 214 sod fa .(/briar stria, r t ul le MO la us rCmtsla.d , ALWAV=ti AI 4 um s u l PCvms c nat,P T*Ps,Tab IZos,Ncm nesaus, sir tts stdsomaarbia, sad principally br mullm. vrtll be sold km fo? lA N. IL !woos •Wllkallf m "creme Mantels. to Informed ilia Ills boacaralA sonsessOLTT Css go gar. U I csa Was Ira s!vele 7aCar4 ad .V.4l%"'"`""4:rc. : v.7 4e: for le flu sr. corrwer, maim MAL Lan Tu.. WARS ItANINACTORY A •• •'• KO I Martel meal, Pitaborp, RUM m • T • IlEOtrienbers ammo tagarlaMat tomtereemarti to tbe constrorboo or those °MORINO STOtrie, .retrelly Mem pc moos building Steamboat* to $ll 11•IlL211116 beforo poreboolog. o* emt **CPI/ it Deck Moves Fore., aott every other tad. of TO boa Stem Imo work oecemerl m /math, Ve air mole to order oa the Moneta make Sol Tube. mil Cbaseber Copra molt Ne &am lotus and every outcry or amino *or ' • ; feta • • StIRRIFF / SHIRR . MeGULLV• a Coy • !• • ilannfatterera ot : itab, RAU% aad WO 6 [Mier. • IVA fateties bejeg nem la NI .optly.lieb, nb . parpana *lactase eniall litr t [Amok gm lau mower yr• bays •IbPad • •°. Wksttl. Wt. (Jr =KW !"" P i " rm.') by vritlet tamout • .•pc,,y.01.. rte. blana aiaisa•d s uo. pion sa perioadY 4" ‘!”' .!" a ..7. 1 . 8 Nun rowan , Abi 4•altssges. s +. wowed *tali ••41 *iamb» air BENNETTAI:EIItOTHEX; grEENSWARE 11111,NUFACTUREIMS.•• • . NI nu tag ham.. Imes, PilS•bvsg!iti r." !. idthaume, fro. 137, 19604 stred,'Mattelnuti. WILL casimaatty ke. keel pod ran. sawn Al Wars; sf ow vans4sisrs eri esperiorqsality. Wbeissals andcoanny ' hitMl thellta . szstavectfilly saslied Is tall sad 11 , saki* for Omani as w' an dmvgaised to sill amain? Mks I.s. svic Mbn boas ',erred fer Olden welt by letbil.bgebeepinted bi the bleb be city Wane.. w. 11• be beemektly .weeded to: tblebb Gnat Western • pun Biagi ilasitatlary, • • cancann,wraio... • • A . Co., emote saloon*. =dm titet /1. 'bey en o•lllthetariog the beet DM Mae settee& In the Velma elates. as this le ees ph, busmen, vs hewed* Meese as iteaplese bele as tan petedsly be see.. 1110114 , ees.iredls de henterete trees., ers. Omar. tiro m l usual, sisrras is see oar Mau All amen ulkedoll • A 0 MONZA lk cane Gab • els eel . , • ~ . . • . . .• . ." ! • •• Ch, Nos. 93 udW Rani Ma, . I f& Beau Forimm aodllasFtv !nom , EI,La et aloe:, pest I Ipit lalioY/Incra..aiisonfa, !Wiled ,f aiderad, Clue F - Imp pm lip promptly Wen temonabis , • PITTSBURGH STREL WORKS AND SPRINU • • AND ASIA FACTORY. Nue sem mai r• • • JONES At %MOO, IicANUFACCU REIS WA and Kam 800, Pam % react, Bate b 'Maga. aab abd ElipNe B / 1 1411.11BZIWtti ova Pali., and deGen la Malleable GAL:" Fag Engine Lamp...d Ceara THeal sarally aaraar Wan MI Pews:Herta, Pludumb, Pa. • INV LIPPINCOTT IRON WOMAN. RON ud Nut,, Musk, &a. for We et oar sue I Wereboassitie. If Went street, aus Wood, raw. se, ma moment as the eld And, McMaster. Llbetty lleaL ' Itavladmatlettntat adtilloas am idlhas Intl ell,ov um ot tani e.t.a Dad umill • • p "VLF?. 816111110111 'ICI. IPACTORI. • I omspinata. 0111.11111, 11.1f1111.<19111.1111V MIMING NAIL& • INA:Ig. 'HEAD BRA* Insa •■•• Copp** Took*, • • 4RON AND COPPER SHOE NAN" Pattern /Were Point,. 4/vary ineripricinu Inlet No.ll AL Clarks !Axel" Tkird auscr. ••. ; :. Val Plillsbmolibis • Klinvarra• _ • • ; ./saras FL Ise . FLINT CLAIM ZJITAILLISHEULEIT I . 14 ULv• • V • LADLIS amafactaro ant borriton: IVA strictly op band Cab bloabled wad Plato Al. Ullman's, la ill Its varieties...a Orel, qua caeL !mot Market sad Water wrath Plinbarg. Our Works soroloas is fall opstaboo. and ars am MIN.% ly adding to art wok. arida b enabled; DO AO All' ordan srilb proroposras. Pareb•ssra aro raspacasll arolot hed tra all so/ eartailas prlCea and WM.' • a, 10d1 T. whokan k V UOII aidy Stott out Caw .. dlmrvfathra r Corner of Wood .4 itoirlik roabsn. (TAM SA mot,. (moo tho Eons Ws:t a p. M. 11 urn roc V•11111J tipa4.l6l. At me ono., r, rfoodioo, fleas, Coo., Hoot. WS ltrai Coder, .ors Gob. of olety• mom floablv.— Wow= Illwelkoati eao ahem voooorogl b Wised etuaLoo before pslabam.t elsombole. platplat Ens. All lit:Aral:llh. Illohounr asA coadoeo Looking 0 lu oo moofootwodi And 4014 II llama rte. eon: •; 00 A 1.1 'MAKING - • . nom me no , mow . Ofwattle. sabeenlmt Ina meal= at. ,r he loesml biarmlf le • Region,' , mimed 106 to tat. • ..le•se, (sea na o r f years, mum peo lmantluelfpetry b• sew tetspuls,'l•ll4ivec stre•;; iltqk boot ib•loair eolOtaolq• •Irva bap•ml. sikt • Lure tilOnse.,k6 16po nut NOL i ralltd =oil*. ea KO 13 .31.• .nn treptiolret =dela aniu-froak mrenry-tv• datum' Jitlainbenam. .101 IN 110011 , 11.,, „ , • -. lrll Tr V. Plalt. , ' F. cp, Tin FINIS BIM, i••••fasuired Jaw, .A. 1111 . ,. VI, Wet, IbUyar, Vs. irafraaml • sopa, .MK argcls, le ;tom Cpr say• by, SAM% KUM ."0111 .• e•aal hails year 711 . We, and aU . lag d mti 6U Vrsaa, " t bad adieu : M lslaul say ite% &cub Fottrth-CCst-That rem ..- .awe. which et Ica MIAMI itatdlber , ~ • -.. • ••,, •-•'• • ."• : - bee., op her ekhosl lot aro thee a 'pelt . .., •...; ... , : :•••••;;• 1 f .7. - APeleeSeeee lelutitiae AiWdettlolaa*SPA' ..•'. -- f.. .., •• „ : v• • r . t l ig ete u eed= . ,a. , toz , A ri r , ist ...; =, , ....:••• . .;„,.••;.•:.:... •- . .. ; 4 .:. -.,, Pp,t9110 ,- ,te.i. , ,,i;' .444 , editili. : t *l , '.' ..., '•"','• ''.. rittlz*N.ouriltrme—tuk,t,t, i. , -;•., --., ..--.--,...:,,.......,-. disieswerhkbAnree the babe bola his d' v'' '1 • , ;"„; -.-. -, .: , t ...... mr ..., :: .,,....,„ == , == . 5 .„ .. . i ........ 17. .....,.... : ... , ,,,., • , . . . pkwrigesd, r;:-...i..-..,-. - Mn. luaus, P iPtl'..trtlaf p , -.4 .-/ :_,,.....;,,.•,-, , • 11, has for te ,trir Oka* eir 111 —' '• ' • '-: , ' • rx..1,==.:,t,-.....,,,... , „. ....,..1.....,.......,,...,.,„ (Asa: behaved. hoe .Paisr.thtoteitat !Ilfar,F. -.:.•,:.".....,:::...(:,::'. Heals; Balsam fettered. ha At tootle( . aa ~ ,. ...1. - 4 , I . '..„ • . . ' • • Ins sysrpepss.esdlaslete.ibte ve efte4 b•-•,,, , s , , .. , ~. . ~,,.• , . . Aithats tattlf, nalling c• ? , _»•'.;.....,...7.-- - . i 'lfni - Lames Went, 11l OttsiActe... LI , - ,•Y!. ,,1- : ' '; ; .. •• Detervoeves, Ws et Yttex, Vs tdfalset-vp;s, ,r;.•,.. • i, , ... , ,,,:*: - ; 14 4 Ark Avr abrrtsheY All , ll eglrais, ~• . . .„,. abut.Prta it cents lad 11 pet balls. ,-.). aboneselbt Werra abil Ceddhl ...1 .. ._.; ...-.. Prretepaloolitifot Priteee ` 44., N.• Y. 'l. - I . . • 'I. sod . sw...a. =a k ai s. 2 . l .. 'fo 00 am, 1 - . i - • a had ed" Woad Pivot, Palistt: I: TAR,APID,WOOD PIAPHTILL4-714 .. I. 111 e) Adve rt. * .. t—gitua moody las! ; • • . ',....- seceueihl than ear modlelao IN less Imer , ; he tomer., ea/vela thatearotios.apitathll - -, ! • ~.., •••• le the bade had. Breast: Drceetdoe, Artitea - • .4. ~ , ;• - .'; Cove" Iteerseses. Sore Thscao PalPitht • ..',•:.••• :-. ' • Heart, IP looping genii Creep, Nemo, Tr ...:.:• Jadividseis of the higleeet rsopeelablaif La thl; .r.q , ••••;, .. . must lesom., to tut pewter had Ole., is -.•--- '. .;'. Asersithe teallasottabroidterslaeof thee - lane, are revere boo distispeAlred pbretets .'„,' -• • adetplas. Sked the felt/mhos frt. lit. I'. : . • , 1 tosely, pt.'.amp ofTar• --- .: ',•• aphtha; 1 have eve dam to esruop.a ben preparetas alio lease in pomp tn. Coastrepues,Caoths, Cate, mid' lig or. ' the Thosakareatt, AA, to preseleqd Ak *oat • - . • tbe_poir. It oyes, oh te, VD d • • • . . We hareems with:sot her daysihoproter •,, the feJteet . i2t certificate. 11. remise orett,i , , , Pim.emows.,.:Teenrl • . • ::-.> ; • Prate met ee or gra:bade, had a esabt that • 1 - •- ;-•••.. ted easy hare remove la a only isrataable '.),,,,, -;, I ercekt owe that the beecht I hive expend -. . • • , -.-;,. the woe of Theopeoeht pew arretest -., • . , Wood Neotatts Frio-mil rears I have t ..; . ' - -.•:_ ted webs thrtreesies reeking coutt,aceosi . ~ -.. Peat °Penalise sad dare:alto or brattliss ‘ t . • . • -;; . Den eetlaa .1 Ilstcsen at. he cheat Demos ; ' '_ alareed,ti (need who lout to sneett • ~• , ,• •.", heedietee, Menem Wed opt to err th 1 dot , ~ .L • • I very Yon low eve , y . slam* limn= toy ti became frvitodl post me mil oessed, end re a Ilrer dare I wite, • • , eat ated smut tow thratetee a meta maw • • ' ottionseeett will be ,de-erfalty green the a ;,.. calling UV* truaea Na. 1113. at P . m' et '.. 9s. oi , ...-' ''na. leislttsbiermedielete teirrepand on cal ly A ;-::•.•, . .. REY h. DICKBON,se NE calm St•-rola I. r.-3, : ......--;•;•,;•,.,.., ate, Ptiladel his. acid I. Pletobsigli by L I- , ..: : ~,p1:,.• • •.i..... Jr. Pd.! eeate ow 11l per MOW • • g.•i.`•• • `.! . . i - , - -'' ':•',; CAUTlON—lievrep at tle..111119101111161 , .,: iv -• : , . t• •*. • ~, ant mow .be a t. Tu . ~ . grer.paseut wag* - -11. -4• ~ ~- ...... deeell a dor e.e. . • ' - , • •• • •••• ;11% :ft- . -.- -t..;•::-.....• i ALLIS? aJiTou'ilotse J. lilLY—ADlfstati! 4 •lllfriele!l ' • —To con, Emma. and D.Opluosuse , ,t Sitibud, gßies...P.;: - . $ • n. 144 upi • you oszoolsbodio demoniac:nee • Come • $ 1111lothAo hein. - .Mau icaPtos6-1. nen Impoo.lerity •aopldds made by if OIL coed lka.o soatk . Arlf *Mete OW t 11,•• 11.41smaia V mud. r Innaueo. Wad , Pia larval* orals ate el pialstilhe clrenalloweittlo" . , ••M. t : ;• ; *.kly.. Al repeal 1.0 . • !Maim. ow I P.m.—lulls , . an W. Yaror i s d n In acoullt Peoples • gnu um. awl .• Iroode . r. dy tor day summon =oft& y la Apr ", 4"., • • ,Gls. Its ureter we teeth , , • te4.4) , • !- • eii4M 0 .0 ) ,M17... - ': *O.AG e}e - ea=l;lo.:lV% . • neg. Nor .. Inull.dejlop.l.Ptiitard. • `tel to Mr.?. hosi,rmw rrarrni. 01 tas wimlN promeelreasetao*lN .16 aatapateii of *a lagrandans easpea . C. 26.1 Amp. Ha I. lemmata:am a Ms./. Ibcoaly; sad tame* rnlitio at. mina ii"Ronealtaa Prarteal W IllaarrJ 7 fialdnag 4,310 , :r4 1 W1AC116014r hia taiarrifidk w ,ea.., 11.1 bani aUr4 aalai %. 04 . " dib at arc Big oat. • - • • aaly plata as Awes*. Anient eta 0bt..41,.. •A /I b6ors ani CrosllarkiC. • O is. aUlraitg44obei by 04 origbalui • • oalpotholkortll6l ppeporol obbinb by& IL • •• • •• • 46166IMitkooir , Irennoodot C.d.; po; Joh LIO4IIO, 6,(11. &Warm— /Woo "any io.)4woot tior • - ibioNeoblibiLoll6.oblo infamy la kw grow . _ aIIdnANIS bon board dam Jo.* olinfogro • COll6.ll%lnoineOo Worn*. away :36016116p arypenootlknO Or - ou w ibOtioiVido'blin;ltori nab bibbl666n MO. p01k.616 Mew dory wil b = li trotolL! , _owl " =rot Asia lib OW Meo.olliona gbh • ....1"1:ri ~ bow nand mon4 obnib4 to oboe% Mid rno6 aoroyt Itl l es6l . nonlobbn% Arnim! ohooo to • itoolnian n Fnn4 Uok, inn leo • Womb/. ,ta Mill tab r y....q.kmotabout soon 002 , , WILIJ4 Ihrb ot Mud iabbordloiraliobanwoNor I or IMO lbajillooelall rynooms. Noso and. Ton Mont no no tandoori' Inn nool; brat •LIL;ook grffiny or eviler writ *Ono st ebo ono rob,ins en no Mtn legotthoe is my non far I .0r.,7 rani onlylendron of .bout oai bon inn bard • nog • nnonW mount by opy rdo Ins ono Om. • Tay lontropotonoi obooi way nlorr , pflila AL, sobitiorboot, •1• Vow ofl2 Lai* Or oat. 1 . earonk, rooomorai A Innon and* picrok, obodw Or Liver cooOktot or Wine Affordoor. I r adorns aoroprow }Gelded orthOlthora N—As Um" an can Mb Woo tho, yob& causo Law PLO,pmcoo len inal OILNIIINErionie, uk Or Not do no nbar Wm non wpm' obi NM by 6 SZLLLIA No Proolboo baboon TOrt onlysob. own * Do.Coinsi Ilrbr6 X Crtt,,L •' DL J A 1(1116"19 'ALTERATIVF- Mem Otani labileed by hln Raw of • ears pet; betibkeetbec 01 On 4 .11 10 0, Alltireblybew o,oll , prom Ito nett iotity ar“ ever/ oche created, e( tb Nat Sae bat 1.121 ailbeced bar the hue Lucca years, with ?II:WIWI:I er.AI II MS oW ELLI:O4I, eucodelf with eleerelicae ex) e 121.1044 e. of vacate. beau, W. ties yak h Wee many pleeee helm beet ditbtlpd heal tbe boatel babe Et the ereekaa frame bull Mrems sad bands. ace hem beta Mr. ead rem the , lot fee orel bean,end Itoia Ike rialtt base, betides= ;deers en other pow et hes penea, which Mr* tM et a eamberif tie awes etalneat etheeieleas of eat ea.-dean Nen Wm koroisßaNto here bare climax:ea •04kplartbta- Abeel. Wee cattetie elec. she Ins cede io try DrJapres'Atetrashm v ',MeV lac bad ea easeieblzelly.!btAPlegkenlabb bat 1,7 Itelforing peas ea* euteltaies amnia taa k•nd,lirelle at tie nice thee ber beatle ' Oes beeteleeecerpletelyrcebrecl, at Wu . now Wiese' Vibe awn dna ohs die laiO Yoe caseasneccl UMW, fl( %Ws Daly raleao)tairpeWs..-{dat , Fe, relied lebneetsca, Legeite otAttm be., No". 111 9. When el, Ftliedelpht. •F rilbe MEGA TEA EMU, 11 Foetal N. oar Weed .• . . . hi TAUT WOO, wip; Adele detteadeellerl— Yosorbeee betel hush eallehley. l•t • RwT,ynT iZtts i tt r 2 , 7 k a • '• Yo et • • cwohivil-boy,lesaargid... , Teeth at wtete nem peesi, &rub • ereTeweistinsd ewneekt Pare sad whim and meths*y , • And hal sten. 01117. desh ak meddle whet Is tod- behrw, • , . REA DIMS. any of Toe cite have the dare by held tele se nodded baS ww.. sang eat Waked tease's L* Ilea Banoreusea Is box at telies•)e A Neat t Teed Post—end Is est at the memo 'Jeweit's felon Chemical deep. the el coat het. lade, and les ate assured fl . the Isllewieg Ilti astir' tW qwelitteel The WA potelitits the Wendt,' speresteder, while .iesth, wad. pteeetwes the teeth, fa. The halt cud all Iteewle be the most esdelshi tilos eves lode tbrilivs hhsserlist. eAd Cueing lee row* ofha m, ham, zed she wed, lett the melee toots% Soap, wind) will est* endelese Milli" • de, end wake ibut yellow edilia, dear anti fain All these tlO seldAtialtt at le lACICIIOMI4 SW sad Me hem sad . Pris,i kledieute Wanton* el Lbws • , sty 7 la Cars Ha Pawl • /W. Jarboe Ma litiareauka 14••• /We MIMS. ara few Camases ROM polla MO II Cit !ree -1 Oltawas thai the Pilo, and yet, saw itha land. 'A.,11: 8 , t • W e 4 : t 1 " 1 ti:S=.o.,," e e ls Z• 4 1:l i i: ' aid of little bsercht,. Now the Eilarol4lloo ill a . wily atedleist. •Yeet: A wallow who Ma bees id" og with the P of a* W vat !WM womallow• lees, Nair Jen* , stood oa pitman to MS gratitude for *early cm that OM 'bpi ntretted Is ha ••••41ohr. Bit. Part, -. ! *early LiErfor ghlo,WPOtibergh at the MEI" TU. i s- N I : te= P h arlititt l iV• the ay 41 ) ; " !I" j tog,— - ow.' -3141...15s amAii ipt—tla lorawadet z 7 ,Vosa i ww•thaZl . . ..... r.... . _ 1.... . 14. lomra, M. slaw ha tea Milanarehow hw*wS d OWill WY wo42:1 16 :. b.rnow 1 . B.llP4lll*wall •C li• 9Z . , 1 4. ',f ° ...t.--A ,P I AMPPV I4 ' • for NM 18 _11100141,.. it • rOll4. 0...0, ritemtarir trimtrinnsa g ropee is*.liroo " .gp.shin ...ek„..1.14 1 261 4 V0rd its r: 111. •,. „ — D.asittiM4/41.0:60Noutisly.$11111siiit. winds": Nei Wewiteles, 61 . 61111 Mellow tbr . =BE MOEN ~:: ;~ - _ _ `,~. 14104,4r3r 4,71*-->lrit.--- 4V lCTMlUZfrat ial f44, • . ° JI sa mu ogarLamarealan44iieviwtorited . 14Pmesined vlta %,16.teftws V.FoOtte cossulatly !!!4.! • LL Valßausecti..ll , l,4 2 1002% . & L Foutelikeo-k, .ronsorsi A. Awe '94 ll SdriaitraiN, 43ll 2. •-• vt . aus %y: Pt biLk Q., ' i f lair 9n4 5 ., 1'...M/3.111•16111•11.3* ad•Mdik•Alt===t3=lVl Idengr7• "%sin of all 3 i rt" . 35! 6 3 ,STPII1 3 I..Mmk g , L IN TINUALtifftlo 444614im-Y "1414.rmraktr" diettrrawouiNhi.ZA •: rebarhjArild Ow* =MA: .4.'"illagr i PPAN!4.4.l4 6 lo ;3 - 7147 ;1"Aric01%4644 'WittigOak& IVOLFF bawdy, removal km las • owaley et law, mad It Ma etteata-16":41410 Wa,4 um; dims y dews abargai%sMaltelPald Triral ,A 1,, 6. th ey aedaablillidlitomall -4 pet Cape &du* al og-•• a hes sad Amu., ,fir 4 rea urramapagarcra aril Le th.,, , . ataa=armaa thud 1m . ra 4. 11 . .. - Firayels- • 1 9* et MO ttaatwa la .tee brim miumir .r..., sal musatiom O. at-attracts Usty 14 . 1 2 , .. 1 0 ... 14, 4.• u. P . ..= . • ow•wglial la Peet emigaLdes• troza Tway g . eraiuSer eala erweat. .. - Mx flatderin Inalataitil LI bi...... r i, iiiii .44 ti'll'iolai4lloill—hae pm.._ 4 &wawa *A.A.'. .11 46'1E14..110 rota tad lima Trasikaaaa alga. ' . 'lad as Ms day duaolrekby maul gosuaa, ladur Dal. • MI hallos &owed erldesadratabdta Witt W . 5 • - The awalasaaatlawlalebeireiebewWoßtY eaaastioldleartiailla ow *I awed of abe a • inALulltealaY •••••::, '4 , 14 . ..d.4, WM . -4 00 1 4 .12).i4FtMAX4* A b pll4li &Wear aw lied. of Catioa awl Weeks sa wawa •Sisda* WWII* griniumde oar Lipari) aad Water arra. v/1/ re` • ' • ~,,,al L" Ptkt , , r bor. . o l . l r . .teog • • .4. • N tYptittiia-Pptimar"iiih ~... Ct itkirme or istbri , s 0 all oorwivo woo yr i3l. wllkb Iran ble wata." YU et ,_ ... . 4 .kia1t Sabit7,WilsowOon ,E4OO-0.10- ww on Iwi Pin of ti, kW aorw&j , itow so ay. wwwwwlOWS by I. 1.,...0. Ix AN laws 101 Won Wwwwwo. a 1.4 a ca• la tt =4-.l= waiben Yaw awe satossorgow 13ILLI of Wele nimbi* Tra. w, W amp1w...430441t. 4.411 a, and h.. u.. boW tar .ohoW 4ackt 77,, lielAkINA IL ow; id* Iftlalotric..,l 34 a . GM WATT :Ks :r . 1 -',- -.-.• .. D. W. lIMO MIAMI EVTZGERAISPEI PPTENTIRIIUt litil•ISLII L' bcgratiag Wbas••••Nranstorcei Lamb etorsla Ra • tire fr Inapulal num. !HA or barn Imat•raa rnau rlio•p pad pence= AM pal, ango r stn•psi pppos.lll Per um. 111 la mama». Atalrd.l•,•• waste • of Vam•raad Mar mil It. salionileapivis aacrpeu sal tea lila •reelg Llat pa.••••-, Tlue oss•lPPaetal °Pima*. LW4I Seta le;. beret pekdais pm .Ipice( Ike a••• txdi vf,k.•••"..4.•• • ALERAT UP AND ot.l7E.PACrukY,Ngitial 63-.lta Atialian~kiti • tare Jalikti104610•• • • Drat WNW*. do sPapihdiawa attamt-PLibAdn•••••• ' :mutely cuspid pa 0. kla.ta tumor" per» las mad Um FM son; Ttmo wrbata wean, *...u.••••12we1, *Pk _. =7 • cosamailli lawn A *NV 1101108.1081 be' ~, L./ all pantaal••• Apply epies Axe, et Ur •adselped. ;11p . . r oft ep .k.toscsiv• niardv,.4==, mpeiirli mrk-11 has MPSOKfikt ' norristr. . L.r,i,=,Er:E*Ten ler ehemio -. 1.• . ' & . ikk*,l4.gortiaktorm al 04" I' • • 1 ,- it." : "41 " 1, 7 116 11tra. "" - Wl* girtiu,. riu I LY 1' Lb Y= $i ... 7 AMU WWI% MAUNA . 44 , 'te Illerliat"try.. 1. 40 '19"Mil '. 1 1Z1 . 7 Dtlltt a r=rllits• . 4iirspi • _—.lll4ofitErt •••• "US 0•41141100 W k ....1.4P4•44101 1 144 , / "mum gsalary at It. reed Ikomuumur an. 7,3.411 PLROMIIIISIp. -MA • 100 htirlit.mkpik (ie . *. el., -Rawripim..l4 MEW . • 1 M