. • . . 111EllitBURG PIT.TSBU 'TBIPSDATAIOIUGSp; . Uli 40,, • rr, f . ,„ . •!7? - 1: - .77.• '• Wu th...r. jllOl ' piwicsble. 1 r A) . a • • Fir Einn' coalman.) irate? DSLthe• Dm ser4l,!ftlei Woo lirsta: *di , • , .- . ...T....•••••••••••••••=onti.. . See (191itli /Pigegallillaillilli • 11, 414 . Tialic *Old. .":' 1 7 1 .1 .14 4' ` : Le, Wore IMP Main Of the Stete in JoeinWtik4ino ate pimpled to cif ' : palate Of' the *wad of Tads, ite regalia! : itoptanoe or Vero swilers' cd to the tide ~ iii chi- T. , •l basking, Pen to r elAb ' aiti ' llioa twee hit the 'OO tif . ' better sequabetance with the nodean/Ott* . ' puucal.ly .of oar ex' poste by ewer. Flo word of them to cw. kept,— etni need atilltif, except by the onactsorat of ti' law oeurpelhoir the thine of the latuelfeste of oar Sainunbotts. A scull is coati be waded Oa any ow. keeping the. regiaters, whicb we wre ,tiara , if . iteteisboet ewers woold not objets nips!) , kon,-04 by thin' exemizoitine, it would beer assume to know the sewn end ebanieter of ear esport trade, and wad* wee than anci now be told of the fenowes deacon nf the city,— Whew's" each.. e testa is nwsinonetWi, it will mrpriar - not 01151/ those abroad, bat awn oar c+l.at neercb!szba, far the neagninniii 'end ak- Wit of the bossenie of the city. ` • Tlote cm other iclparlatkt• regisltcrii irilkett , Melt • to 121 , kept, sad 'whop the ettioancetti the Bawd of Trade will be given to the subject it ell ha &Peruse ots, end nem a marooned win by thew be sent to the Legbistans, mimic their tray flc• tion to :the wne. l , . . I; 1 Tats'lliaricA,i—Tb. case Woe the V. 8 CitrAntilintkecene asya pest bean= l acciaw ii. will be "wetly wardirtgabe pe . soilty itif.enOte , egetaailDr : `)l4theil of Indians onenty t ,Vie nee snatiiel =is: Owlet oT coven at *Aeild rai l dierPilti hnpwal by that efil 44 NittiVia; -: of 'Om Oriss W*II.11) po.ltado4lli6l l Ailledi ~. Wont ass oo bopee were . entesteacted of n;aot datitlikaor.;l ' The deaolle flip s..ase Aro ee im:maim Ali. , a. , It." OA6lll69ll•Vin ZULU car of on" to which 11141iiiiitnvii4oa&o.na ‘4l, id dimmer la dee *owed he' awe iiidoo ilk of any ittetopu.an the pan tn Df. O. Co enflikeitWiekttwey bum bis aiinter•— Noi Wes tietheaterpres hstafereone to preeett dew Worn tea theirwanses -.Re pee them sm. ;4.e100 , et; a;,,..yi r .w441.,i.ibe., to b. .1.... end accs**4llothe:etwatis of the Judge. end the . . iciferials..44oWiery from the chine, e ' en, wiz mom tar the webs tesalesed, Ay we nofternood I % 4ll4cl " Cbs i • + "I of employ''' • aiarply..teailaa.iii.l .. orri. ..a. ! , the ...t a ck.g.... fina we &obi if the decision in It* 444 1 0.1 ' 1 . 664 070%141 1 A bean the ism. in Thapie hes =opted the Coon fix . tone %lase '.. • !faetita!!, prod 4eall °Hine:cit. , ' -a: i, :;:?:'...4;.,,,, . ~• , EMS Twawnewit'Nersis:7lto atting debt of the 13044111614iiiii* fl fitter Ycnk to IN riwri* Feudal% bliaticoutnwas to tacerva 14'W11.41•Ys; The *ied cleht I. seen lower • thin the triton and 6nsiiikOr Wes of the kat 01 • 1650na10e 10. b, opiAiiith four tniriths irt;an i alkiterest, which gors kr tie * toyer: Th e rantekl an now vbik sunet i vatitabh, a. Wcj qri wont pat,l is pey,inent tor fends.= ctrstomi, to tuuttit *tree *Ur mitts! silo.. tn t0i, j 33 7 310 1 , Essaltiy beilefitted &It'd/ Moog out s. b 7 furnishing a `ent'Ornig; iiithiiCcogious Home. .47.61*Torepltitfiigi'ani, • price of money still' rzinceelrom 0 to • , 141.60166,0uthi0n17 a moll busimew it the tow I • . Tto Ticrisergliiiort of Ai. will., .1; • t• oidase, we hire eery mem intefirra, skeensting on tbu 30dr of Sri:Oen:lo, (the old ' ..11047•0 Me elate at New Yak ern now! died u eat e Loom to Uccamplith''tte Usk.— • - TibkinirWts of July, Angina and September show Sony bogs ITICIMIS over those of hst . yeu, aril 06180Critary. doni* swans to wake out a. good _ wane as powebk for his drpartnent, hy, etre:eking • 10 '.port ov er IS itatil 1:110314116 inatadof om y esr • ws tunal. Th. lexica of conney will need the N ' i* moszosposost he car gins 'been. gra : '~tii:.. . 4`:.. ~. . :LITT F 3.091041 : • : • ' lc:- • 44*W - 414 e:•÷••••,. Z . 7% 4 Ag. 41 iti:1;14:•. ir , • j, •• , ••••••••I • ..-"tft:N' : •,*•;• ; • • ... ... .. ; ,....1::::i . -:... 1. . ...M5:,. , •:. -Iv ..• 4:4;l;g:'''Ao'iqiii - 1$ •*., rii : :!: ; .;;:f 1 A.V1. 1 ::! . (•; ; : . •!..C . :1: 01 :?. 1 / 4 1r:r..kci.,... . !.-.4:44: 1 •,. ~.,:t4 ,1..,. ..,... ' ei!..ttitAniP . 4 . • !. 7 :: ol llflt s ;' , 4' , !-!i ij l .4.l): : Vtilt;:i:; 7: i - . s .44:.; • : :.• t•• :• . 'Afittiel: : :::•t - . ; - - r itiVit', K:*. b ....::*l:iti:f.i.C>:.:: . .: 4.• I .1•1:.:_iiil--;:iJ:41:3...;:i.:i. ... ” t:•4:4V!!"';:`,l4tt :.: . .-i:4:::1; , :•s ., 0:::, fv; .i:1i...,;.;•... ! :::•:....-::.,. , :;.-„, "i44 , ' , ..:•:••1* . 11,_::::. 11,;54-3 - 4:4.;,•:.i• i :.-w.4: ;It'illlip,t,-,• -, . ilif.i.;•;: t,:ii:-1:!::.f.1, 1 0,;;;:.: - , tf:s;.ii: it i , ..13 „. ..,.• ~,: .:.. • 060.-,..44-iv ,!:., 1 : 1 ••••••:gtx:i., -• • I.' - V .1 : 7 t;,•20 .---,--:.: .2.4,,...45;m:. '„, ~,;....•:.! .4 - ...•• , •:.- , ..,v•'..../, - .., , , .......i- 4 . .,....f...). %. 7 .,:-- <ziii•-•:•.1-tzla- - -...,... --.... •:;1 , --Ir-... d - -. - . :'' 1 : : :::t. ' . 4 ';', ' f ..''' ''' . • ' ' . -.. . The Whip of Peourylvania tallied on the Pfii. ... , elm, as the Whip .4- New . Y . ,0 did,' and. tetra Masted. The defeat. ..u, in oar jadaintiot, io ger a iierdict easing the Proalau 1 At soy tau., n+ . one can doubt that the tercet in Pentiollvsnia ma -,, st lent, • yetdint tia. 'ths OW . tba the Proviao \ t •., iptonlon ought net now to be agitated, but, en the • ' 4 • N , outtnly. tinged in thecittict imit p.m iy iioutui.-i .-. Ttotilindge of Ponnaylvania did not make the Wilma Pr6iso Is distinct principle of 'action, sod the niatitt ens ix l i verdict spina the ptinciple . , .Tue:Wkdieitymeyra, wal l tie glad to moot the'' - init eriiilealr.loo of Fifitcdom. end Pogue. agaioat -Rtiltitat**;.utietiout the didnitiburiticin ha. Alirtmenti***to:rttent loch an !oboe ba the . - ; dopes eitaiiint* , We trait the dip fa not fir • ' 4 31 64,10;1 12 4: 61 di1cick . a" • blinocgat• htthis .., :Mit e witipot,9estio to boy fad seu Ith. jib . ..J., •? r o,l,,Ltii•iimv, hi, ea into, manosiingegoo . de. Vititi2ol . ii..pytty so touch . nod -iiiikqesioo - • : 4 21 theiliqoapfep. of. Deity in it, ss thrti:ailitevill - - ; 7 :,61 1 0/iiiiii...Pi t i ° l ' ll r c c i ca .t7* • - - ; ilhosilistiait'sztoar na7:4o iinfrree'd ••- • - . pet mil; Silver, eatelesl4ll . oo4ffilwit.w . porit:with or wit. .atiterdietto ollumagqid say dot, io the • kw Ovornmesit, writio par .64 Hiker. reflood pere,"er fought or in without , ciriAcsia at 4.144 pod Jb° ' G "' rn . mist Ante, arm:ties cent; OM. onerrociett, of to sows of an rl dese,Wieo per coat; Weer, ure or is e suriosit mire...rein par east. t amiss isa r to be soliestel it the iILSOO of the 4n!f101 non thstossi; Praia thew sad other 111111.44 Cues; the official -paper at Washington is ospectiog a' menus of .1120,000,000per'sen.una, one dad of nkich Lit . never lot justeelepr ... Ls:nat.-10s iota, that an .allusion , ... :.. t4. 42l,PkiiW . , ",••:, ,dlibJad: oritis. JO U ' l tla4" itii :g twin th. il e :. tOtileift* F 4 Vi a' com4c- , . 1 1 pah a ~,:xl e.t. ' •-• ,- : . • , -.1•!...•".r. . . • , 611111 7.,..,:0........_,.., - ; r r ‘9'.•...t. ' ` . .., ttiv„ teem — Ithn, las it . t ... 44.4*‘ „ ....,„. 1.in.ata: It, ' ,be allir o talt o fte au r , Masi !II' d .001. Dili - Oliniatilf: .illrantui ,Aterei te r ....4 1 / 1 :110 0 * ° I p ili b. er eiaitoeso. I rota I. WI P . Y65 - r - 4 1 4 , 04 , ,,,tt di ,44. 1 . or "f el -' :111.Viht 3e. o:eir;4 8 1173 la 7 1 =. digletd * tb. i lt uAl ir e. • TioavO 7°4 l!riNtilti-Uta krt f- fcat I , iaa• 'Bride . ; 1,. .% 10 " ra l om"s_,* (l. Z . Nee. prlio spa A. A . :, A : &a, Patna, .., ~..._.! o p fit, te tern 1 , 1.... IL ira. ' Fs: • Glow !ug. ma a L 0.... • ii m e se bit , 1 °" 1 "" tr;'4 cill .cbw17,1(.1k...1 n . i, 6.115. Di - `..ea r4i. 14 ar , -44 - „ ti p ( gle VI tostaz.nb ohe faze, ~ / bt waltz. %tat at Tattotcan cm tint lath ul a* 'tap cd /di 84°14 AWII of oin to Omaha as n,... Tba l'aja•iwrinc an wizta 6,: r es : 7_ ,_ owid . he tieff ,, tp4h . donriti o w , „ p . 2 7 7 , ~ ...,..y.„,,...._, 7 , ..: -,?.4.. 1 - ,777..... r ., „ ..- ...-4 , g; , ;,,,;;..A. : :1......... , •:". 1 A. 14,454-040". -r; r '.. ' . • . • . • . 1 • • ••• :I t . ~~~ ~~~ i ~~.., - :` • - 4 ." • • vn Tr - • - f .• t; —,l4r 1- 775 - ; r- a 1 1,4 - • i.i t ALlllk‘sli 'll paotn . t, .t ce. • ,The owner. of the etesokr laAte Narrow, of • Myr -York, hove hol throe rtto of Dlthe7rerlli" frietrusi taken of the .asetailicirat rabirto, breol %het otioroor. m.Of ittithifill#l4 . ed lo a, pm...Ft to Quell - vid,*.,4 . l6l , beivis svrey,H. Fueima. wine .11141,0.1PC.'5.'" 77;;;;'•' • . _ , _ - Via* latiasm:cmar--"Ilar 91ackaridi Omit" ir = l4 ismciaia: laiiiibiala Out Oen. Will* , the ' ise4a colown.i.. miii.. 1i...16,'. ~. E. so. p t dij...i6l wo# H. . if• Mae sitainliy,ii'i' lidaind fa tbilairie! thi Howe . . • Owen INLlta.u. poabing big clad= in , 'gnat PrinLiom - y Illrocieurctt the MAUL Adi eyet nacwasseci ins teen main Wile meting la rallutelfhia, ud Ith..4e *Jae are at wok pkowiste. to mom izaji• yry 04006::ue a csarbitut , • ' , W;" • `! 4 :? ( •.'31.i 4 ~~ °i .ediusa . .PiHidcote of the • iztestent er • ..faiibu, moite,c-i.)et..vi;liki. . . - ...v.mit..,,Lligi-ii Short` sketch •of thems* • .1/r4 I/inspired Oct the main belief Me army hiklei the city of Puebla, lor tbe * Capital. The .aiCeseopealselasto gutless this flier, number erad .bat VA men, all sold, fit Lit . orrice. Al rood. 68 thekilati. A11:07 'bad 03 far situated as to : pedals the idea of their 'Kerning, the filesieani edeauced itisoit oar . pellteta. They did, not dare We, 500 yanl!,—st certainly. u ilury did, We, monk lease five ar sit : of their number upon the field. They . 4csold muds ap, fire: and then rtmersee, Leaving tbesr dead wbrte t y tett. would geirtrafly 'Mod aboitt tie squanrt off. and I flue Goo morning lilt •nigltt, . from night till . is,.. CM it. 150 S , Ow. W& requested eartender;stitiog Mat we Mould be fitted lore:ire oil Meow er to Meow Peyote. iNa opt' Mutt hie 8006 Masinium were not 0 to bilteps. Al sons u Ili. reply was made Imo IP thtgarrteon.,• moat beartylebeer wso given by r ill oairtroope. . ' . . . • . . Tit r e fire atm pleluhr, now beams tomrs same, mid oar deedtbes sad Issniallps fsitlyeacie maled. Tcui inelay bressi•worts of Cotton boleti within a wlesiiibf ;where we were posted. Otauffebbordesnewcwetigislkal to semi eke* um the door, to airold . beitir Mac should they Anse them selves, sat Ihwitlssd.bethlyabakt whistle pee; for my port I stood guard ow such. a pail seep other day, and the baktuoifeame so close, es to lift the hear on my head, rued, my roundabout, and earn balk my ebbs. . In this way ; the firing was kept up anti! the ' fint of October. when s detachment of Bhy into unclei command of Capt. Small, alerted (about C.' o'clock at night) oat spa paused with an one limos of the Mexican battery, to some recant bowies, latices we dog oar shay through the 'walls, toe pcntion when*. could fire, down trpoo the Metions, .st tho Watery.— Twenty of the enemy wins killed and the remain. der abecdonal their paeans. We set fire to the Navy, end blew.up the bowies from; which we had been so seriously annoyed. t News Wes necked ssoat tit, period, that the train under Geo. -Peens was ilaw et hated, end it greatly revived sod ancsatsyst no. Oa the . morning of the 12ilterampardeS Land D mare.hed down the main atmot of Pueblo, the. former di veging to the sight Pm steers! Noyes. 'At this DlDelat, when t e a compsolmi were thee divided, a hotly-of Mei iCILII eppested. (ebout.ten ! . I.iteste war force) end before we could form, medal tabargo upon us. ends most fistful sad bloody contest mooed --Thirteen of the Prtieboesti Greys • fell with Casir fans towards the enemy. .For ml, part, I ands a nines okapi. . I lawalled ray gun agohincerr; who wag in-the act of phinging his .sacs lab one of oar men, and shot blot Ihrotrati the shoulder. When retreating to the garrison. • Arend lancers adesoced opens." of us, swimmer +Asa mule • peas with hie spoil at Ens, (which I elected; so t h at k randy rasa ml hset) I either killed or wooded biro, brine be could draw his swot& true test of them ran of se list ea their limbs mild carry them. The Mexicans lost many of their men in this 'ehgegement. In the earning twang of the - Grays who had been killed, were boned In one Meson grate, [their names haws been pablisheria Respectfolly &c. JAIMEct lIRANIVON. • • TUE 'Slag OP PVICEILA. • , Leticia received oa :Sunday state that the Sedge of Puebla continued for upwards of one month. Amond'fbeinetioene of bravery, daring and gal' '.entry which crammed doting the sere, the follow' ins balance neentioned 67 Mir. Cooly in • fetter to • this city is wonby of especial Mention: 'Bengt. Walborn Blakely of tim "Dims," ,was theineans of eaviug the lira of woof the vOiry a" 'OD 'beery to be regretted and fatil day on wh , ch thine en .of as brave, and as geoid. awn as emit abonidered a market. fen. nobly struggling against feerfol . odds, in. the defence of their country. I When Capt. D. was onierid to tee inthficut of the Drays. Sent Blakely volunteered to go with them. 'Defers, balmier: they trashed • the aeons of 'the bin* enactment, two of the Grave—Man sod 1810 p—were an detached from. their company, heroacalli cootared.og against hatf. a douth of heo-. "pm tiergt 8 , withour waiting. for orders„ lint 001itig the 'n(o Cathie real necerotii ;beast, can to tho nriate—abottnieOf the'latidero— line-eked anottradorro with the butt el his °mica anceembel in reaccdog lti two meo referred 'A large quantity of Tobacco which had been :cud dating the wage at a brew. wait, and which; .is usually veld by tbe,gder Government al t :psi earref,.se I ran .f.rrierve aim, retired from w : withers et greedy redum4.rdoc. , . • Ulan= to this goo utatlonMr. toolfeaya 0 ' • Tbo dams& be tubers.> tau immenu, and the way ths tan. tiond • than packets won nobody's twiner: but ante Dien. Col. Blank saki the men had fra ht bahltyl. bolero a all statini the to. Otero. and he ihntight they ,a7l perfect right in it. Untie asm,,banavar, • might that bo mut bays s fiogitt in the pis, • • an be shinnied abut coo ball of the costfoiPaabla.Flog • • i copy or lob kb - • .of Kelly, of IrVe attract the foaming or pieedni.^ of to Web. we are indebted to tbe • • • Allegheny eitY -.Tee Sluts or Possti. of the A Doak= garrote I 4 c kin Army, frotOrhe.o tor. troops deed peoPle. Tbs. Pennerlesida I Cot Et W- Blaikintuotteriog . ed,Aatiteatte b Oon. Itetet'sj - dy of bit Cairiso' bet of tont:id:in the boopi winn etpable -Kann a.. Turing fortitude, cod po7dt ediregs. Thie [negro fore sosiny,witti an *my sec coma, of flea lbousiocl uoguiabeel °entails, sad di , to Anna. It wts gamma hooorsblo terms sad three tem If h retired. Ls gs l ll6 Childs, haroially mated 'tt Sao Jooc, LATIna and Oasis shoat of oil:tit:Linn and de troopahtrard the irtanmone of sumer of their chief. Tin e °lanolin° of his threat; and se tew elfiet,nuiti at tart, after tomato ebancloo hie pcniti eatety in flighL The .six hrto es they eve sneeringly Oldie Insult .f a this CHO veleta the Nepotism of the tiocutt.L . Col Chilli. En tits official Web, speaks In the highest *tram of tho gallantry of the rei.Rrii. meta, doriog the VI days of incescant =Loos ding front the enemy at Posbla: . - • - - potonol Callde, in Ide aro:la despodhoo, thus ?Arks of Vol. Meek •nd thus lender bar mm mood' • From Lt Cal Black, the immediate ematostalse of •Saa Joao, tad his amen, I hate remind .Itto most medial wripport. L•'ol Black for more than SO days was inching an his edam aal seal for .the Wifely of that potat. Officeis and men 1110fe at thin poßasiight rod day, without regarding the pelting worm, and I cannot say nomad' la praise of the gallant colonel, hisoarms and atea, balms sod d o mai the Mega. lerparikolasisiag • 'ming the' I?•aor7l.snls 4:4lfaikft followins n az e.• 01;14.. lettei of Mr. Kiadalt..ti. the Ni 0 . Pea ''....• '' . City of Mexico, 0et.14. •• • It is Isom exictly e mouth linen the Amencon . kg mil halite.' on the Natiecal•Pelieo of °feel- CO, and daring thst time, the occurrences' Of one dill teff the atop °fill., The men itmo been paid off. ‘ and with the money in their potkete, mug of them have suited the innumemble dam shops.— trinakenneas would fallow. scdio many instances abao in,this state, they have been suareinsted. Coo. Quittnin, the Gmernor, has coke°, every Lamm granted him to ferret oat the minder eir.biat to too MIDI cases without eaccais. ' , the Inhabitants of the city look !xi:labia and 'efestfelleti, but sullen. Had their streets been en. wed by 150,000 moo. insteed of dip the luaignifi. II- •t narobotatompariog Gen ffentt's entire form I • . the, morning of the capitulation. they could "borne the ittfildiol2 with bettor ram. 1 Ir6anise raox Carr. Nartma.—A letter from 6 . ptain Nialor, now the 'llapiyintritadent of the Illi 'anal Felice, Mexico. 'peeks Of the gellant . km of his Men in warm terms, and adder • Their bones Illle deporited slang the toed Out Vets Crag to liferica--they languish from sa ne. In hosiiiisf•-4114 turn their wounded or mu tilated bodies in beds from which they cannot es' cape—or limp an . crutches through the Atreeu of Moyle. Never did mull. command a more gal- lent company. 'But my heart sickens when I con trast the I tdo Mmnant that is left to me nod the country, with that amut•heaitid liUlo regiment mth which I marched (mm Philadelphia on the •14,h of lastbeciemlicr.. I lat . not one men, in lulled, during the battled that led L. 3 the rapture et Ilfetieo, though there wets great numbent of Ikam orottu4ed. • .1 • r WOOL noT.IIOI/1: or was.—Tho' PAU.' bar& Blau tibia% left fill. city lot Dreemficr with oin4rtr. effident meo for the out of war at the Put tecotuots, Va tetluced.to twentspote fit for ecniu.. . ' . . Tho Dequeene Greys, which hill with Mine, one active men lied but sixteen or earenteen 5t for duty late in October.' Thaw, am 001:11e of the frigetful magas of wet which ammo Met to the bum end hearth, • O 'Hy Mew& 'IIAIIOORINO SLAVEM • • Is Trill Gravy, Cocci, of the United &otos Gr the writern:Divtrict of : Petiorylvartia Nov. 2il 1847.• Before Ifon. R. C. Gricr, end Ron. •Tbotvaii Irvin, Justice*. • Gan ettVact Maur, of Ye maw Robert Mitchel, of friairuk. Pa. Slava ion. Optioned. . • M r. Loan'a edareeved tho jury In • irpoevh of an hour and ■ half In long* ind au followed. by Mr • McCerdler. who *who newly au hour a Inn rho {pretest. The irenment ct Mr. Locunii wile Very able:. - Tba.eourt (bra ebariedkho jury. lorhlchreered and wee retarned wain • verdict of IMO for the par- • •• • , • ri;IISONAL lienrietta liteents Walter Grattam.—Thlo ao action brovght to ter:tore?. asivagee of the do. tendert. I *toga. proprieLor, fof lOji.lry dove to p!tattff by theupectling of a wise roach. Case balled and the Coon ertlnumetl. • :• • •. -; Dr. Roosaas, of the . &aeon Church, Allehltei . ny citj, will preach a 'airmen an Thaeliggi* day upon the • , fiepett of the Nation.' W. sahib all of oar clergy would do the same tblog,:esidea ,wdb an Insetted pen, review the coorarcoodect 'Ol oar relent. thankagiring day is the =dap; propriate 0661401 D Wt, thew sermons. !; A FlTllzes Lan Say= •se ata morig the deuitem tried and sentenortit la be bail to Mexico, was a man named • gdward McHeiray, of the 4th artillery. Georril Seca, ae analtuns dm', in chic& had the power to approve cc disepS prove the imamate of the court. is panting oa that of McHenry, the general made those noterber "ri like Ma.r.i o . (Kin bringing] is made in the csiie of Edward 14cl:ivory, ,company .0, oat of prosideration for a son, a privet* in the nme cont. ploy, who has remained faithful to his odors." Foaosarvalt• is curreatly repined, nye the Onion Courirr, - tmt foremire to a cooriderable 5010r.....t hate bras risme:id at Pelee,, reach wrie committed by a• youce• mitt is the time of his grandfather, "si gentleman of kit:ma fortune. -Tlie I amLunt is virsously s aved at VIO,OOO and up. wan* and same of the losers are reports:silo ter the batlike of datum •: • . -• Werrusr Masa. Ram. Rohr—The Hundij freight trains hams bow stopped. While 1k!. raid was building the stork sold at forty per ern!. Now, six dayinrid ni:hte of thamort activn caiy. ti .nit twotikee. the road from tho mr.ocalt of bit. Weave famed tpou it. • • . • r Bones, nr star atilt, Kato.—The quantity of Wheal and Flour (reduced W W heat) that has bean chipped oplo the 1614 f. Nuamber, equals ..1 768.342 buthels. Tho.areight.of therc.b.dith `reasivrsi ia the same time was 2.5113.943 Ito,. This don not inclorle the .anent receivoil by trans. (run Well.•6le. by ve1.1.11 mute hearty all the goods from Philadelphia, Putaburgh auil Um Stith are received. A aarrixo, of the grading or the Cleveland. Columba. and tlinciamsta Rail Head to Dcrea..l2 miles, as di take piece Dec 31. The Engineers see prognsieg with the Seal ruirveya of the mad' u tepidly as practicable. Judge P . the yeti able and, highly tees cted Cray( Justice of New Hampobirv. is about to amigo his olive and remove from the State.. It is onderstooklut ho hi. eacepted the appoint ment of Profesear io the Law &hoot connected with Harvard University, at Cambridge, Masi. .The hip invest went, b plea!" the Mir , : shining proof of tho ! superiority of our Bittslicin wafer Li .1200 man, faun order, 'tle mean 5 5 .. were a lugs num ' but ftw of them tisw laor.—lron bawl at Carbo z Me, has !won tuowsefully smelted at the wrok• oC that:am. piny, .at Portland. It is not unlikely that this iron will fyweei to • ecuall extent for tho Atlantic and Bt. Laiiirey.ca' Rail Road. The Onto Bran says: "The corps of Enplane n ander itie direction of Mr. Eichbaum , are ensased in noveyitte routeir fur tholitailroad in the vicinity of Ravened.. understand that the route, thus far..hss been fatipoirinits u fairanible at in the elparieneneil sowney:—Ckrelaind Herald. . . The espitol at Witehineton was brilliantlyillew minuted on Thursday night by Mr. Csc-rarart% I stosastb, as well ss Was rassaasslist by ding to his own,ac s, Id by several dim; sled in agar by Saw al *to surrender 'so ed O w sm ith m °l 7;Co l t: ptoptritabo. and pe Tans limb WS se, with whist' ow Ws enemy,_ and Lbe y stun:spied tae tspolsoi at every GO days wrige, was , and seek bin own dred ski places." , wets mom . Wan a Mexicans; ted on by tinier Gr. Ligtga.•l The burners in the great Lan trim einvatial one hundred fat above the dom. of the Capital Pere Jon lighted. bill the bright comm. lir,ht was unfrvarable to • fair mpennisciL The National intelligeocer cmirem o the opinion that Mr.. Liarrearrr bas bran eminently sameatfur Dirceaaoso P seitAbout twro. ty died:urged Pennsylvanian.; arrived at New Or loam in lb. Jima L. Dry. and Immediately toot purer, on their wry home, via the Missierfili and Ohio. Gas lacrre.—Tber straits of fit tote went lithtettenth tos, Gr the fine time, on the ought of the 3,3 n0L Cartaar..--1 ,1 7 , 1 learn ban the Dr. Wail, Inn • PtLig, that the Stain Deparnornni• will be reword from Peron to Mictilian City about the iddlo of December, at which tl me the Capitol . will heteady.• • • •fo the city'of Ilostoo lest year, $2,281,244 were anon for the roe:onion of adoration, and $2,:r2,?00 purvases of eharity. toscbius for making buckles by steam, which viii finish thirty in ■ pinata, his teen tovecited by Wm. Ittcarlets, of fitrenult, (N. ) Ora Pogue Wean . .F.—We ate {lid to be' enabled tomato that the water has born let Into the canal horn Newton to Hamilton, and that the line from that plane down, Is, or soon will begin rumiashie °act. .Tun much reedit cannot be Ow. eo t, Mt. Donn, ofthe.Board of Canel, Cktrernis. mourn, sod Hems. Tatar( and Huts, Hoperel• ror, on the lonleis Dirteion, fur Melt energy. sip; perserciance. 'Mr:Hum blinself.has set the az ample of Jumping into' the Mitch.' and doles Ids full moportin of . the mat dangerous and thin. cult pert a( the labor rigelred to place this iu.m proper Mate of repair. 'He has boon in the water walt deep, beady all the time sins the work has Manmenced, end by Me issample and . amnions, done more than any other won to ie• complish this dealrehle alai. —Lewistown Dew. of .17tin- • - A Gel. As voila. ski. TO, t goessy, ;omit* es ben ay Wiwi sle riot favoratO , PPecoell J11.1.r on me tbet o lawn& tto men 1. acme Walker end Tem Corm( Cace.—Too inflections us tbat the cabman of o roll crop of cotton, will be loin teinef. 'fit• Marlon, Afghanis, Italie* on the 4th lost. ssysi gum hoc boen Oa frost sufficient to kill vegetation. Tho weather. Is warm and Jri.— Tttia iv exerting tbo most faicnablet It owned co thiCeotton mil. in mounting whit plecitese tall Cho top Orgy, slid aoathing tkinai fink 1144 1 110 /tee tom rub, and uncuetabiteitirldwecilieleilffil this irestau continuo mactst4F;thi.:oo Petry, will not felt very LiataturTat an maw one. Rarest attar to hluitiatirri;—ThisBlete hay in the vleclMn tif Joke linaikeyetiao wink to wean, hat credit. end to anemone her boodheild , ore to lope their (ISMS will eventually bitting. nisei, and pet in worn of peyinent. The/tido I jest elected boa been aridly hostile' to ell tole,. 1 elforta to deettoy the detail due -, to the Woke:lig cOmpelling tear inattotkma Weetrect their claims et pahtte enction , or by , threlelig gal obetrottione' in 'wily of their . recency. The grhole ol,ib. iganition qua folly binge the I „,,,,ggagection entirely banging lipon it., , *elf anderattiod. that nowarozo Oak stone in the lower cove. dm boor of joet debit, Sill nom all to confirmed in the high evert of sp. reit, 'thief:titbit debtors toning hoped. deli .04 *twig bow. dignfa.' • ' • • '7 , ;`:, '+:* 3ME! r . • rii"' pimaa*mi.eiVlrubammelcoasats, sta. r onwo mu:mt. .I Iti Tkik SEAT OF WARI. i ' ~ Rieftlwrai, Nr. 2 s . 1604 ') New OdeLs ruipuli of the 14th huh, rtiral of the ship Sauter. has Vera Cm! . Out 7th Nano:flier. `tar from Cbitioabits, New Mexico, Mates aid 400 American clams, with .dide , have &terminal to occtrF7 that, sail it tamer. The bteximm-,boareyer,4o diclarco Their 'dettrialaatioo of aiming resyUmer, and that thaj , should not calm upanthsiiformat The American troop. wader Gen Le net, flatus ed toPnebla on the 23J, front an espedition to At !but, having inflicted serious hijcui opon the idexicann at Taco, Gen. Lane ptubed his cipeditUti fifteen miles beyond etnlinalini, to es places when, he had been dn'ostoad cannon bad brie cut. The cannon, however, could not-be found, .and he contented himself with dcstroylog their Unisgea, • • i Glen. Line invited the diepoused inhabitants of Puebla to return to their business. Ho also lasi.. led the Governor of eternity to mums his Milne. promising him the protection of. the American ar.. My so tan g oi l the city remained quiet.: Puebla wautentsplotely subdued and no farther trOuble was anticipated. Lt, 311711.13/331. •• PhlladAibis, Nov. 22, 3P. H. Eat Roberts, a farmer, wilding Met of Cam; den,. N. i., soar murdered lest terming, while tinting husts from the Ptdledolpttia tout it, where 'he had been engaged insetting pmduce„ lia wu :murdered by young 011/1 whom be emitted to ride In hts warm, and who, trobaquantly• buibe murder, crewel the Delaware ion o fury boat, . and escaped Into the city. • The pockets of the donsaUd were rifled of UM dollars, which he had received in the market.— The ball, which was &eels:gad et the deemed , uttered the book of the he and the skull was subsequently fractured by some dull inetnunait• This fracturCiras usual Indus long. • A reward of 1.1200 bras been offered for the appiebeask6 of the murderer of:Mr. Rebuts. The eniseillaneousionsign news is of littlabrO. fun. The !auk of Eugtir ha. afforded war; tanes to • commercial .and basica*, bourn: and 10U... were, therefor', less Itt Tar . Fireneti Steamship .I.leilaci: 'on bee cc* ward trip, eneociterei.two teem ratio, In co. of width a bolter war bunt, ,doing no Injory further than' waionsly erippliag bee nirehlarry. g171.01/101111 OS - •TII CAUDLIN/11* Collll9oldtMe of the ratt.banti Gatelte. . Louisville, Ky., No.. 22. On NA.. the 18th, on oar way down, oW of the slat4Sol, the iseb.und boiler, of IM swam. er Catedis, blew ow, owing to the thinners sod bail warily of the troo, as there we. platy of we ter in the beilirs, acid very belle mans ran WO deck hand: Led one fireman were melded, one fineesked. bays brought rho boilet,to Lon* rep l aked. The boat and cargo are an ioJoloat D. W. Boa,. Capi. D a earlirii:s4 lALsi CC ID BITS. • Cincinnati, Nov. 22 , OP. M. A Metter addressed to the Louisville Cowin, ststesthat the estate:. 'tCarolitle,' from Pitudsugh, bownlfer'Peart River, insist bey tear on Fraley rimming, Dear Ettownviewen, Illinesii.Wrs, Pea. c.d.' revenger from PUttbeugh, ins Irdikd, aced fow dark hand. wet. b i ellylscakted, one of wham him since died. The accident is sold to have wo carted OM a defect in 'ell i toiler. The stesmtvot .Tie, Wand down the and Abe tratiototo,' from Ciceintudt for St. Lools,ause in Soßialthn on Th node!, mitre, log, two Mike below dip Otwirdeau, on that per kliseavilipi. 'Ma Uttar wink in vary deep water, and it antral kwa. Heisted that . 40 paned. have k.q their *Shp this catssitophe, probably more. Many of titilti 4 diem tot( pun:mart W21111 .- Fuled up by theatre. t pail, ; haling nothing on them but their Alight clothes, 411 eke being Sot. They. wws landed t eat C•P• • Giterdens. by the, Captain of elte ; Tem. pest. Every kindness *Diehl gra =teat wetted to sequin., Is.. tandem iis sit's= :to the Suffering 'survivor.. ' , W L e us4ls,tsol that many of the persona were elni gP 2 4': i . . • EgetesmaConeepeeiiissee Of the 'Fauteuil ino, ' PHILADELPHIA MARkET. • Noy. 29, 4 . 1111,30:S. are Ceased, .atilligial. boyars at $6,25 per MI. • Corn Alest—Hoderatie Meg at 13A5 Pee bbk. Groin--The mart i. at a awn], tog had generally .bare the , eirien of pareltharre. Grdetrioe and PrOtialOta are arithoot thugs. Cotton—Nothing ie doing In the market re. ,Dl,lmt Is dieagrethla, end nuethenit orally tiniet emmrpcmit.temes la 1.1.0 rituborghOnetts.. NEWYORK MARKET. Nov. 21, 9 r. Flow—Ciertortic finals ve torta generslty it $6. per bbl, at which Efate tattc'of 3000 CM, are trperttral. lteelas ere iatlrricord t operate act.' the leuet awl to rem's& Gtsicf-;-Tbo puke' Writ a 'Lind; 1450 lc cskra for Prime Wbits Wheat. 72 to 73c lunge& for Primo Whits Corn Without "sales. There "Woo actirity id coy artlrlit-Ilaots. Cone ire senenttly steady. • Carp/OTC : Co-ropondence of toe Portorgh Coco, i BALTIMORE MARKET. DelUmore, Nov. RI, 3 it. • ; The inet . kot Is etableli bneeuled, and iothins trataleneg worth noneiog. ' . PsMest snort or. 'Pzera....,%A wales of twanty.pro Owes., ware piesomted to *way, or the Non.. S.tas Wri6tit. on Thursday 141. it wu givra in her boshosad, by tie r Nerchant of Now York in torinsany of toner reient for tile memory it timau and a storms', Ths ?prawn nativism of solid their. sic 9 Odors; t tortratthar cores•pstr I. tappot. I striu..l kb, t traim-pot I' slop-boll; 1 rassesdß t ItsbAntlr, I kimonos slow.' 4' per lesstraar; 4 WWI knios4 and 9 dram table arm tawspoona mined at p 1960. The prenerninioa was made by lotus D Varquwar Erg, and teceford by floor John A Dig, Is beton or Mrs. Wright. Senator Dig delionedi• brief and appropriate Torch as the oossaloa: :' i. A se rims If not leaf atcldeat: kappioad . to Oat Wit ITCONi 0, of Indiana, On T 4 ,0 4.1. eta 1 61 h Ediabufgh,om the line of the aladison and Io: • 'enquire Railroad. The State flentleel thee Irmo , . • Nn the occturtiacs : "The Governor had stopped off/ the esti la I. .w morn and wu 'boat statidaff 'efi Hell bile the eau Were in motion. Ille foot *lipped. n 4 helot/ betwato the faro and ttya platlcan of -,, he depot,—llte can whit ling himtooled, led table' ha ittlatte u they went. . The Unmet ali inesnailile fort sow. time glee he .artia arta* tad, bat Lally, nefolefed cotittiototot. The stet idenicar sad extent of the loltuy, we Ito • able to Fair; bat loom whet so ato toldi It will • armatimei If ever, before he tut narea,”. i .• . . re as.—A [see broke out In Uindenatl,no Ftl. • ay right at the lima wut CaUplf of qpkuiliga treat and Broadway, deotroyles anChem edger A mens af Mr. Corner and °spot pylki th, rocej establishment of Mr.o4 Tow ntedl:: TY fen to stock and building 11 betting al= Indies do anneal! dolluislunly insured. l • ; ~ . iii, J.olies Uow.—A futon,. rendeat oil ilificasuil let,: Winenno,, haw a eow 'l6l banes ash. le le stlol hot 6 Inches, girth 8 .fsee 4 inaltre.—. A g to meantunnot, bee tosishe 0 . 4360 and when well foneweJ; MU' .—,..ffa Pt , - 4. • . ';,., -,'- ..diir will weigh tootetban Ttoont t • Wiricaoux.--Tbe Lesiolottussit ' ha toriond an set collies aoodne.Consto44Bo; r lo a.a I.:mutilation fur that stab Mindjajop It co raw the protect moult, and tbe Besehine' 6,ton nto tone in Janney. The, ditto fermasto 14 to adopt a Cal:Wit/Moll and hots itie bete iihno admitted into the Union Wore thoslnee of tpo optotiebins 'MOOD of Canar... j 10taiittataigaiss.i.—Tat. cats the apclitiee , end Eijeltelleea.'sow ion to • riot abets OLIO Ado or Begsfeeetabo. ' TOO nevoid, OW oa Watbeadey people& and ion ./yilocecie. cd totilt • general turn oat •of people. Prig 4. csonao,&o. Tba ebbe. railroad hoe boo Coda ape, to tbe Lau will be ectoOsteel..l4 the I,sl Cbodak.' ; ITum4;et , ' 812.m0 $ lilt' lb/ oiste Fr 44414141 14 ‘.. following maginerosid46l66; Sdlik bew crhibited thi!l36l ‘,31,e15. mi,t40144 Ituditat.: i • • islared ocitioSitY tient exhibited, vitieli ititimicortsiderable bitereit. This Wwi 'War 'math, thwah declining an this mar woo to pesfcrm la It. best etile,yet cam sosma.t Fool that its mount power* are wonderful for an animal of ilex kind. It is • iIIIIIIIDAD domestic moose, (Ifue Meaciskte:) end in sposswerese dig fen, in oo remarkable Fa:titular, Immodest imp. aidoalapf its amiss- ; tsr Ow musical tablet of 'this lialiaestemis , seakkled mks eipecon. ' A lady,. who kept eitv nary aid. In bat fC ,00 3 iblagh the day,'hot who ;was Id Unt habit of having the eaves removed to ersolh4menteseut for the night, tirppeited to be, gist g, • musical chirping la the mot, op , paten y proceeding from onderthe bureau. • flap. poaing,mar one of her birds . 2110 mama from its cage led remained to the room, she etteronsind to dislodge it from its supposed itoceettateu. No bird, however, made its appearance; hut • moose was rental from Iseneeth the bores., and ma to soothes( Fart of the mom, where it meoctuswseed its .04 It irti aught and 'tondos) la a case, ' which n boo now kottablswil *boot di.weeks, hay. log become quite tame; end fol.:hotly neeogrdslos individosts, by showing mons families resird to Its keeper Man to stnniers. . . • • -It is seldom entirely .lent, except when sleeping,. 'kw* ' constantly emitting i low chirp. tag moles of notes, renembling sotiewtat the twit ter produced by a wet of yams blahs. As the ee: ening anneal, Its =nest alspasitloo is won folly developed, asstd. madly Weenie toldtdithl, its Dotes inane* Io istmeraswams, sod variety; it thee frequently' pews intk's gush of melody, newahlion the song of - 'Ard, softer . —awns dam wog of a canuy but Lod laa alafill titan Oa mass oldie kattivai scar b Tom —7O tire Pla i n Orryt t lf o tomb a ne l l i i, A lLatmot head or belt, frea from dank; and mart. nano* WI to precut tbe sesame Palma Oolastaia la onsea al Warm n. ertlf mote Mastercard yoay expectances. *any Ida barn kin lbw; bible, 10 yam live lid ft team/ kr opymal Wombat by the us of till, balsa. da e , =&bon amyl:m.oN osiobssoale stoner; u afro eau. Ms laid at fie. with 'stick the agleam hatr, tale la ilia.. try vrbleti scans thonotailo whorl Ws' *as grey cui tbso AsMede Pail) lore had titer bur re 'stored tofu nabtralcolor by Mr alle et this Javelin/A remedy. In an rawer facer It ICH be fund the moat pleasant rub 1 bat ems be net r A few ispricestnos iry Orl, necessary to keep timber Peat Ibllabcesi.• It ausnataces the rams, 11 never falls' as lipparta net iteley appearance. and as a perfausaiscdoo song •St • berosa:lidi alba& throe tome as sea IS Saber soli callr4 bur tropstrres bad la ininsivielnesin. he ramble uesabstand ' et, New Nark. • . r • .• '•• • •-• Bad Pittsharitioalypadahlywitrikateme. umn7 kael •cf ipaWitillr=lV= !Valet k Pow m Broonerrele. by Y. Caupwareb. by lir Verb idea; nraer• emu Is very p.m in I.i.,sk t in and hid., ull,l4wher.. • • . • • .. um, Itylykatllauteid4t straitly slehntebsete imam .1.24., lso shih4 'be delhbee Rule hue beat to Ufa, awl W dusk. erases Yellow, Dist, Roane Complex/am Thrall Is tUssaite that the gem et doe Auld La but ,pea-diastboll Oostioaboold be heed brest:idspenty..-Iteres dato ate uelret Stoma no. Isoopecre cued an dmeates-othey pupated Rat adore shoolees sad I bolbby suers kit tbsugb therm of u., disa as 67 sotba•ceile4 of Re body.di le ovens sluyobtreires, keep the ;on% apto-alt Inman ars dos.slled from the .km heed tto Deus, sites doel esesh scoa Jo% re Wk. Clealeal [asp. I bare dee. lime I go .oral dad eldwa cued at Sedt ®rem, Rysipeisso, tied Yams, Etattscr's hsb,t ore Hued every oiDet laternal sal erased remedy load (oiled im aces tendering Rs slue who', clear gad soft, tbeesto 6t be )rel ceeoss.o sroadestal -it moms Pne alesjes,eluSese.3leralices, aed alreuremeat er the akoe-bst pe mans mat be pounder ea & sok for UM' *bap-. to bo is irtinblutli al WM. JACIOION, agg ,sot sib. Bog Ikon, be Iltenty eu• Pciulla•nts.. frrir• Stiosatlbrali Meta W. Ribero-Cob. sell% Magical Mate Minuses-It Is dens edacaded Op =acid aea roar Quart tman.gllnl 'Pole Ex:sector atettafachesed by Comseeek s Co - 'R Clesnlaad m; Y is Jos inseam ....der Ik. IPA cutesy. - Its them ass my atelosta. Jill *sent moored hos bases. reads. AI- sad all extents! left; us a Ow athletes of. me de applteasase. babes Ow etre es tte etestelelleate Llm leave: no sear. It L. spally frawdicial• 'all isas 01 lammatory dizentee Incl awee Nipples ud Eyes, tloo, Itaresabedi :Welts ensellims cad UIVOIN. Bane, Rclugalels Erygpeluk Mks, Tic Deiereau.ke, We Wed adds prod manse say, tsoo emu el Mg antaaatplersiousa edo au it la Reis psalm sad Los/tete et las Reny -Se praise h baleen 'septa. Lira pence keno WM...WY** bead, se cases et elculeu by arr..Re tasT be lam *Reel h. bet be Its tee all banes an sabots as as osatsel, We. Ow shale are iMagyed. • Cossro-Ixensierluso; Conell's Marcel Pala CCIZIGIer, mostilmtated 0% Ossor•ek At Os, Ts. gad ao debar. .11.04 br WM. JAP(II97, /hew On Pag= l, Liberty µ bad a( weed; • • • nyladk. W.A. Cant So Payl Pll.l Pflea Dr Jaelabe's lieSroeadoa I. do wr =diem, that C•flt Ito ea goy 001111910/1 aa4 umbletoone diode. It bot ealy bseduril Urge pea and late ..eirert, Hope all Needles ,seedate Ilmaietoleribte deb ew eftembil=e, la a very Om tune ponces Were Ireee Woe et edema wiezeble yew, h. I tem. prod.. re re Ile.bie Murree • Crfrateez e r i of dr se i =aer . at beee tined, they lipid be arbei+lbed. • roleheeme Oa, lefty, who bad hems ander tle bade et the mime bi two or Ike. bawl rellbobe bear enrol, bee by iede bolder of thee eetroesuee. dace eyedx*lll eem• I i eells berylerl peedent!l—lPled. Yea:day Calmer. • Crp- Per nil us Paremula et the PEON T 6&. KUALA 7* 'garb eater, seer weed,' end also doe ' Diu &ore of H rekimars i Federal et •Ilestesy el . Ctiih roresseter , -isoreol.: Tormron— W. pa. can or ea/I pabrie alletales r rho Wrwty , fers Ll. Wa. Lau, of Vrarroarevdle - penman Ca., sad sae of Ye very Our praetitoolen OW.e.enl la wink be nu*. asol late Itooror Ia uro: Ow. Levokoroore i dt re curator' rhos or tee the lead eV Maui the pro sloe, a entree animal pfejedice, Lad smog room tor orre: : . • - 111: I have or my gramme ben maw mos of Yost Promos Paarrees, u or tee, ea soli . 'Omar' I. its Ism Or Catarrhal sad Brorreirror CoorrWato. Pima acne me bell A dolma tottlev—ye Olen cc low ma yoo eon; or l espeet If it mainstay, rode MOS/ Yl Istaelielr es II be he:votive. to tory 4 ooseenely so Imre. Reopectlelly. tol7 IN rt. Does. vo D • }.Dee. roar Lair fa wr, don you lair lan EMI ' Ii II bush.) , 'altar, at dirty. I any? • " If Vs dm, yea cam duke it aoMl.y tadita ,• • Du h tad araithy, owl Merman as this halt o f maw Maas hate thts, ya ha.ditstds lot • bet. Of 3oxse Nix Restontre. • leader,) you ha. bad utr yoa woad really ta u tosldted al tits ler.ay ca.! • 01,00 niullmi trot. of fanny a-Vast Itsis asnottarrra W a It u amls Ott ere trio! !cold at fg Llberry et. orlNawl y , . Dirr Yana,. Ter* asa 'mina breath, Iva .g 7 psis bac moo de W, Is rapalaty• and stag...lnc . AU coat k,me tenth wide as putt. - I , kr.elbteall.-4111Mitia•-lilai • Way delayl-4441, aetelskassa lad •saa Oat of Joao' niCal PON ,..ette, but to agate, mad laral) •• beasufal bel... ► wash • las sameaL DOA ta p Liberty ot. . • • 11•10.1kurty . Errlaajaream t. Joa l...llamas...4'We actin ilegeseace which appew la the Datly /donnas Osaeue MAD lipellta ghwrn-Weehry, ^ Ches maims We bow ell; at the wrtetwdea St all, widwat why eaditiamil chance. Thie lesa teeaUNleeeralvenWA.Wee hay atm two* Advertise...nu ace aloe Waned the cwwwl PePW etp reawriable .c.• lamming amt. Ras. .Ceswir.--Tlai sal Wain •r 11a.asekbaldsra at We Camp asy t. to k/4 so iimAtr.4ll SA day at Deonalaer. aut. al Ue Odlet . Na 70 W. 4.0.1 el ,at 10 o'elsek.,‘ 10 as— wain ts gks)provtiiaas of the Mutat, afrararbh ast Elet was 1•111 be kw Illneca Ihrstisaa ar tba' . 0 %1 1 7 4 = 0, 0 oak.. a! &aka*. r. - • • - 0z11 . r.4 rut.txr, hej. yelloir'44l Teldle W.)gn4..W pwit stale Yr no van gam box if Jaw' Aiwa room P.m- It bardess rami,artecer Ssas lly Li. Bokl aullniboty . •neatiqr i rasne s more a h7.ll ll.P eeleeratides a l W emr• Lij4. for ks Ilk. 1021 or All sibrri:. Images az. &hood teminers.l2l4. Me by Mt jAcLIKULAteIPatb. bomb. .2 - .2 , 2- InOd&rhillT • k• amillaise—Oirienb's tJaUxent talainVgillnattrAtatr, ki tie swot efeeizirl en tot 7 Sold bi d WM: /kenos, area sorratstmss .oiptadies Wig see /ono , le•adlai LiVrbloi; &twill, • Sus *late uan.parrat ala. • ‘IIL. a lhal willalahgf wry e.ne• . 8•14 010 F . 6% riaganClitte LAD. „ . . • ' • . . . . ficrOain hay* • Aigliiirsiutrrif I itiltiOgbstainflt Soiese•Ainber Taglk laata. •.That sitiligt nein, • 'taiga yoga teeth, tr.- &IA al !UP JAKEny . nyltultmlyi ' • DILYULti.9.• ' Da 'Da balleibMAy sib 114.11iy.t r ibbierniterp D. GEO: As tiM.D. of . rtuOlori 10.124,u15YH1 "M "" e.N "W ar g r TUM ns MP, ad: NI. Is tb• Ipg. by ib Db DaY.,.111Y.127%4 fi AMMY‘ SUOMI, et e Wemers Maga. 010111 , 0.01 lW till, 4. Mos D"./30/... DP5.01) et Comillsati. • ffolfooOly tioonlo ' oo IMO:khan. Agliftli A:opo oCrodom tis tho 41141,T0ir of las oto.:.•Iffo Moods do family =mud icraupd, ku amino ‘l,. luan coaerasiv..—Tb.sweimm..u.row.it 14.ukonntiellall hood Company are • of Mullett Volt aka allaSalithiatten Gar a' Dover of tba above 0101.001": re vim the•Pratakli ILO, seat *patio rblle att, tiLth• alit of mows] the 'wave t al.,oll . Montisy Om fah by d Do. evkbarstor. ; 41511 . 1 r 1g11,,Ic; "1 1647 - mebthatt af vaulty itackhal tala tletaila liaEkta of tbe 'Oak• sows: t. t ID t.b. tovor m i dir aallea autattaaol of aaut * • 'of • eallte hold al 44. cups ttr e /Y 4 ' ! 1 M .0 . $i rqi erebor;.! . :.0311.1PUAX.11 , C0111Alr IllUbLer periliaxm not*/ at tika.(bpbsee CaarterA boo, obeuulybUl be daddd.d Patafrd %draw** , do altittaday, $l4 day a Deese... AO, ea Volebt, - An Ibaeoael bees en e webre tlxd aardhell fie di tam sad' QO meet. or tamela Wtltlets Toweealp;ibbabbeal *own kin put or Imo. of WlClrete IN aflame, br isr safe imedae4 41011. , Mit brotbrer. lb WM all sad = - P o r i gg u I ber t =t id iratteee, va i tbe MO Coal . ooluaLded la As above peen:anal. atonal. lean qualm*, m. 41111111.011 bear bee mai Otte (Lund dog, •A Ettpaal *Wad. Tuay essla. abißerteberl WSW CAWMRS,Agtat. • tm- 1 ~. •f 4 t'j . Tg~IYYR . ta — OZll . bgetadialles—lruis itallrinall • yf poo. r! aft pea ems. - 7 . 234,Le47.. . . r . • ova sal..• • Ur. B. WlDisam. • :es Jimmy :111ii , akiets iha , • Nowa, souls; TINKER AND 7ADog. - • • !ii:ollty !Tait — • • IllfaintA. • • gLiPtATA. 44, •1...4•,.....Win ,t 6 44* • Tomas. •... •..;=. • —: ---.l44ll ;w4vaiaL • • liratoc•Aty, &mit 25;414M71114. S. WIL LIANA i Appear.. : • • O'D.o.lor-* Wit isnot wig ask aqie• . L UBIN'S e rtac linariald Janina. Eirracui, fog the . !Rose Lip &Ave, In Pore thin ' Beautitel elite cantaronlvg beta* of Pvdrucerg, talvdrl• ff 4 presents. --I • - • Presroa's edits, In elcent car glass parivrents.. Peak arming craws. darcreat =lnflictors. Wilirtars 1/11 . 1 41,16111; Cream,' experiot arnat for • I lance ken.. hall. Chemical wp. . t. Onts tlak bills, tetavq. ' Malt IrrarbeN *.period, '!bulb }ln"' • r. la: bard., a/ minas Ike. Origami Tank% of Abtheuer. 'tryout ralirr • large aconeumar eardelesosaitabr• (aril., ;one; An received andfht valalrg • FARO LIZITOCI t. CO cot 110 it all os . KNOW THAT MT IFS7AN4 has kMl'm/bed and board oritooot hey Jon calm or provoentioa. 'Mole $ IbrorsrO oil pirroao rem tenon bet oo lot "."". " . 6 a pal no debts or her contraellog anar ado doro. • ERASMUS COUPEL• ' omart:lt . Roo Towoell • OOLIZ-13 . 1441.5w cn77 Nn loci _ __• for.alh 17 km by •. LAAIELVIRT eunerax • . '11131.135 weed It Savr.-214 HesiA %%ni t •• tor vi46eMt matt NI" bbi l 4 " " V GREER rime 6F Au w atarAn PZ;;1 Hearlii-114 pliai.je awn; for mak( ' • . &l 1 Y DItAVOar . anal stt =llllll 'QOOOCIUNGIF•4II • • stied aid fir car 10 are ; • i• tiIt*RtiIaCCITCHISON 167 . 111,14116 . pabillastitd— necLlTCHEON. • • • • lair. it srar!ras 4 r - ...qra-drita'N. • • 1' . • wire &ulna Ma • imS — al*,assaii l 4l 6 !, &an ou-401.,... boo mailloaser SAPWkOnftWoy.4 Pi;;;;;zs;z2Effm; ,411,640 Orr ale : .• r ICON BOPUlppullErr CO, ME=M CWWWWFISIbas W 11,0, Ws by . .. • . • syo • , • ..05 , IWO BONNHoIUrr &CO P`l'dTtfe",.:"• 44 l6,'iliktoaDetc; L alti"l " .l 4 4 UTlPlll74 . ol•CluVrek a ivo .014, 0 1vt01,e MCI iIeCAB um.. • e 0 wind kinunon. •40 dei Cor ale ny • ! ; • ."." •.• WICZ iteCalWll:l6 1 , IPZS-111 miss V. • • • 00W000-4113lbssai. , • ova .1 WIC-IE4 rS3ZE'_M,r!I frilioXll,4ll Klima buys Gianni/ • AxD U i . orl3 ' WICK& Ike Tog.siheelniCrekr4 ' ' 1 .• • •14 - di/ fa s : • ! • MICK MaCANWASS J... - P be Ina ecirmsr near Orr aim ty . j • . WICK tII cCANDLII3II Wr11111311011111%.4Ibbl• raw whlaksl4.o sAIAY M. •• - • WICIMmicaRLILmS ba* iiiir n b& a . 8ati311.41 , •hI.E • Bta'; getual,* Er. aat.a. 081114.411 11140117111ackenal• r • 73 «410.11iseructiffl bt. ' itii-‘f•••• ,- ...........tvirrcas • •• t • . ess~•r~C. si..is... :EaVsliWahmer W/CIC IaccAPIULF2I3 Qvumu-oqui ; ICI & lmmil sw; 6,11111 16", 1 svID ' rposavoct-a! ItFp mist 114. W • • - .t. • • 2•113 • WICIM IIIataNDIMPS MaLaiiliaa.44 Cl4,itge reedtibt =lay: A NM " • VICE* 11011.11oLICSB W 111,4-0 hobo Clooodadoo Ms..* la collar and log lli.Mabm nn, az the wino mon P . 00 . then no= arIPOnIO Mondotorico ue .'• • •non nod enio• to ma neon:finm thew ado imwr Leta tki•csaairr., . nada tit FAVER . -101 l •1 • • 1. , • • JO mon, mutat/ Not no.. LIESDPIUKCIaIiagai miss* Itts. tea *kw &A *stab* NA* &it!' sr* awe ei • • -JAOOR WEAVER. •it MIN &Ws Sam Ch= s e.wl ypts, Itits. l 4 l .l LIL Ix We by ea bat flt at Um mitse • • • . . *OM& WEAVRit • . YU 0111111 &OH; /isobar Claspip.lell:pw Apt, LTA. kr male it Me Ins loom try bag‘l or !was. • • • -i• JACCPI. — WEAVER • faBIBIXI & Oft !What Clessoosiore.qt% few oils Ur by Om MOW or bode, or O. vet. uoro . • • wet • • JACOB waavra BO'EpOLLIbICItIat /Oh biebis amp:psi w4IX far mkt by las bat or _back. si the ma& MOM J A.OO/1 WE* V Eit jaIOSDAS. ! m.Wtrey likaimaz Aschist . Campary• jrr g" ' • IACI)11 1,1411 P. SUN% hdria.o4 Eve ter Owl Ile Estaii,gs; ea br Ws la Oa 64th boakkvrisal vurie. ! . ZA.OOII WEAVER: OTTON-410 bake io®ie calm', Fiqtabte . • . • AT D.JONSIMIXI 0 11 77 ,, bra, swll4 - ;;;1' ' .• • • et • W:a: tirl'!"ZaralWraatrr.. OW 1 • • • • IP 80 vroodst CUIDLIIIII•40-1911tas Calmilo;' 4 aek 23111ilit • it biAsCriplumkg I. IS IlaarrY luGlar: At, ntle!. Mg. 14 . 4 lar I*at Mo- Ark. 00 • fir ." l " 7 - • ...a gar m mead su Or " lb " Vii=gral. ll W'V als • • • •1111 wood*. 1111 ., "1 71: per Omar* Or sok . 4aIITCHUION &CO Nallik:43bo.l=otlireddempftl pot 1n13 14 '• "Waft aa L.CO tssl tinewl—te Nem= 'wed V A T .r a,l • l " " *x trgi lit:7l4BoN kW. alaUlle ai. Lop, Ne km .w4 M lll=llstl N t. CO y ribg r a — mi happigi Oal-m Lood,' • •JUr,i7r....• • Lallbegs lamed Wont ftrtaliby • • • • LEINII CU R:SM;NIMMi sar-io sake priai Ham Oersjot rawalvad by .•Jes/tb Core; toe saltrby umbi : ' OA lir RAAB/ill . GU W i rr,74ol.ol* rAlaeru7l7r e l. by to ' °11141 ,10 11 ” 411 ",1y, LtyLta Ira • cAsnalltiitrotroqi.-: exareetigieNt `OLE DR_ :••., , 2 . • . • IDW ftspi L llor D W I e -uve42olnsort 'l" bia u=Zley. Str fi" r. ""*.°!" g cauriampr a d , 4 !" uil l i a.V i usTir.• • 0•141111112, CD 74 Pa et rti P wb E RI4 recelvee fatale at • ABS. rerlittg!,"4lo'./1"! lv cal/ Est • e".* • • • eat &eta erathrl di TIMM CAM•-111tuseldill' Bees Rai ORII:Cor Ws at 11101 ALLS • 'S. • MA --- MOllll-11:1 bbli emir burWAIN_ r.. rUstilhi{ bury JAB DALZELIA, • =l.ll'A ktiA ricity /LIM .61 ■ WiMotell d, bau laot rea)V/T As , pu e.r .. 3 VP111.1131003 tinned 3 • risOIII•COO,INALLLTSAIPI 4 I) ..L JaatiscAU for sale tuba Wig RC thIPL " Offltriii - esti Clerarattatir Rove =la t•t, • • k water rts iZINEEE i5Oi3CO ,LAWr • • • s Iicek.NDLSISI2 O OAIS-7tre ive'4 ut A 111A900 . 4 01:481 • . "rose none clllll arAiute Pert duo AI. waters" it ' ' • rigii L_ Ex6 # 9o4 7 -I,' • . - • 01f Wommoo/Notoii 10 Oat at Ciamoralal dales Roe tenet of FUJI lulesuoirdl la sold Iralutesirre. • . • , AA anisalwa arlarteut of seasonable D 1101.1 16 ,; als.,suang irk Alt an. Ipsat 10! saw td la PisePol.4.olcasuperfme c 141.4, and ear* sem; Milt tads veleeni &moo gel plait Wilia 4lll y imatiegareatkon, blneladk fey dr.sen, maims. dailsoniosblesthellagavoiltadkrk,4WN 1k7. , d, +a; ' • • "BMW 1.41 0 Pam. • Laie% • : 4 glee • • r queen sokels.bon ketimary. hold • PM" ibew bote444. ad Warr beds sad / 00 ik44. 44X1Mtle" , !SW 4 ut, ban . pular lamps; 84. , • . • .. • nR • . • AL 4 II4 M Trio km . .' el • ne ; and veleeLk 8.0 . P Vet*env?iu I Imam. bloc Daoort,fHoefir Noujik l3 [B.3 lB ir• • Co•• •••••••4. ..... • ••••• •••• Ciarnlina.l • ".• ssemons.o.. Cam. O. Gem— . N0 1 . 11114 0 11 k _ fmartiTsc 03 cle 't l Z... /C e =soots . 111.1 •Li *" . 4 AID IMILIMIIIMIO OF W ff." Paoniocz, • Na 31 Peg ,New Orleans. Mows. 3forun h.ri, /Hors telD gota‘,4 1 4• ° ' • • Dont Wax*/ Homo, Hotta& Fusin, C.4•1•64.' • When le, H N Kamer, Mow. 0. D Sl'Dmnald • Do, WHlnilleD.V... L.• • Real. Pocks t Co.BoorOh_PV • j th.U.E•o.Whealor.Vo. kyll • 8 Nl , Clarkastly, w t at 1111teholov. 1 101 1 11 1 11 11 1 ,11 pr. . : . ..:ONLY. . . - • • OEDAF! Ntvv.voßK Falblilted • fierehossauovilmtr. • • P TV ' MlCLlrteelX,llll - pfsess—owl eildbilie, at ill lama •, 1 of thonsibilek. A.lonoell la THE IVURLD,.. • Types sew view( &mai Desiree Pieeerii, emepewew over' mew "7h:we renege sod Diewetio rx. .r or Wilik ere feof to be. bond r:Xt b , c " 1 " 1= 4 b r d, " 4 '7 iluersrsanitsgb. .. • • ONE TO FIVE - spa Po , Ter4 below 'the prices 01'14 Molt " - Ai pewee Cawrod -=ewe asfannsion e • • . ••• ••• .ItBT *CO' . : .111rea/l~esh Itrame1011~!: ° ': ^ I ' I:eaLfeheariett hetet. al r.... 114. luta* shi Alessi DIMIIINkt. es Weeklefeea, - , : - - 1 r....L.4.6 has:lei...E.-tied E. - . iiii, ... g r. c. ~,L, of ereablegtea. ally, aout•eetee, Wendt le del the city of Anel>ergh. crowed e s ====e immu...a illatehe, 824=1 • • Penne, at a Ciaatee - iandialas, eCiteaiii etudes... lliainede'l.abe noel Mers•poralmak lei spy ..1.1,. Am be a gateau euty.neware jeer ,aaK le anal 'enaleseat a fee of lie Oeikarl, I ele.r• met.= ef . Le l elertaa 6k. lx= ww eafeshr=l% . =n7 . a., :the Whitest la pane, Plailleil aelell.elaavai. / 1 • Hamill wawa tei inecaoryjinoriagi and a .ler animas,. Or Puna+, and igehaela alt. ~h • , Zree woman the lex of bnprafelsolkal ore Pe. aliceei kle aaa be goateed ea all emanate le) the Fe' audio"' aa4 fecleleet la deurma 6 leealal. 1 . - - . oacAt u.tit Psos7..: ' .. .. navy •-.' • .. mut.. ss bes Se 6.4 hos ............--. • • Tuse w ••__• nubbopt , Bo—'[be koooollt . o n o am 4o o 4 kg" J LOW 04VirlopoOrs 04 40110, 1 , 00 41 or or ori . l ades flefili• tolls rilblrf PON: •n • 0 -1.4•6i441044 cikmaq • Ir." 60000'444 1 44,0107x , r4. I 0404 !raw; jayfbe orue.4 dot Is • ern;br Uwe • rem "my pen*** .. • ,t 0 wow 40 , doenr 0110r41444!Their4 • as min4l-4, 4 040 4 0 ,4014414174111014 . ' plum fis, Wm. • . • • Tr Ehotifope efemat Ow. Mead/ airtbltLF bc.c.11111:11414 , ••- ' • • ' 24 - ' EL rods. 4.00010441,444. , .• riwo 0p . c . 1441.140•4: • Ll * 4e7 1010 .1441444101 l 4 11l deakry ibe abort Wag marksman Mown of ow slot elude lurned. .la to Or 50 401.1 ha./IY. 'Till canvas! • gno -Tadao of lad [abbe E desl , . • • . sort,- y , ..77 - 13111EIBIA110111 /WARIEST , Flax rrIIR AIIESUCA-N FIRE lIStURANER 00111A;. - 1 NY-Ofieu, NVAIna sine;.IIF.ISI/4 luebvenurd AD. 1810-CbgruipmequAL • . , Jirarivaufne;.•l4 Deny ireurray.cubut. le lUW Wr.rmulYlitrAsor • anYeasect by 4w,FIIMaILuDF or Do 001 ,4 v v .", C •! W atm . ..aa*Pl.l AA/AsiA,.. • Gaup Abbut.• . Juba WO* • Eatykk /ebb T. Wm, • •• ' - num= c.llo)Fr ? . 7l...rieitt6l:' Fa . D ./Airritu; . Outer. %quail:mu by IX loan men be iye.+,4 ttui mobersigbud, mu , d Dr NIL: Aal7>aa .. ObSIOUGUILIII4,IIII,O4 Drret-nuaou & CON ti mazy' cut 4411. &AD I - • cultyAN v.— Rangel Election for the Witt. enofthedare Comp any. bow . tba reatts - tyantel de: date•llail toad Compuy.. 101 l take Sae; at POW Kali, balled meet, ewer tee Yontellett,te Pin/01146; between the Mane/l and e P. Mon Monday. IM, dIFIL dote( *camber eau. W .110111bibOX,tr,fla.. See of the Stoolibolders itd* otre , , taleaol Usipe bola la the elm of mix eftls, tor al fin be blehiaa eztiOtt er adatra ; el sale Onapatry ma be made. Ood au! boomer moo. etudes may be praastuni low Um',waaid.reto. el Oa Stookbablero. . %' RDLIINyON, ?net. : nustmeb.Norember te, IM? 01 ii, COW' liplaltir.ss. _ZIMPEN at* Cuftberkrad. Baltimore, ira,i/angton. r c • pAia, New York, Dalai, and aa tAa: . seßcn errs sad ortros we*. good" ate ielbriu. 01 est dm Oils tea wins; salvia. sod rat expkii. Coss Lax ring gen.covirj*A,"! ll, K = -4 ,:gpnirrgesiZs an a 0 5 O." iierelesainairlfseutftetserdseat. l 4gla lar cried. it: &ew p elmeiditilroi&P.lL. :. . • • ; :IL *EERY. d (.4 _ ttauerovaita . THE beet kno.ni moth of bails, Wass, morueani . mppler, lad Mad. Inter, eht . Oil., pats, ar.4cka .be had wtsokssie and Jima aLdmiarekou• B AFAII:4En 11, kCq • civil - ear ist k weed W. RUH lila Liles kW—A 11414 woke( •1. /rods, appro.ad .1410 ,4, 4 2 11.1 1 0“ nem. .TbMe goods bens parclsseed hoe I Meoi of dR maga wen, ug lane stir, auk be: .old u veq km.prt. po w lable <10.1.,"( awn, r llselrabed eedaMl Drpard, as.a. • • • lieshkaa lam dmonmeal of Lib! 0 Commie ilaa toebtell.milma sad ' W,11•61UI/HY QtYMkaW Rom.. op . 4 .atif ammo en ch I m a l iza l ausimis.... i tri___lii bur . irs wiy i ., Y r re/ deadomma of bry . _ „:"... r! ~ ul. ......... nt .". ..=.A14 , ....ti . ~ ''''..-- dm won.: km I %.• 3 a ut ....., ! . Pillow can IetteLISOINCIpIi lay ~‘ , ntaili.g ....;.rjr. d i , is . ' . ' 4l - 111 . 4 IWIr100141,a;111..,3211111=taw . 011.1111O' Wow proufwygidy teemosopyPitydelsolioal!toog • •••. "e••••••r•, •C•5l U•••• locompluohle, atio oatcory do WA* maws. "no, t oniVosay %kilo lookt; anotoctore•l 004 ookt ortolcllotyßrvidoo4,Vll.• Law, Willimedogrg, L L •• • - , . azioropeal of LadieVikku • • V II RATON d Gad; Ir A.* likts. sad 1 .4 `Tang onbooriber to props fed to Orson. glad sut so. and !Suttees llama& of oil Sistels, at about codas so moccablo tams: ' ! • • • plopocotto of ossopapers,..so !Woo tog adventaa MA* seam las& , eta "ka? Polihsb this entice totem. 'worths Ira bo co. ilea to we 100 pay snipopu olsas'ot iti. tuna alb oamsat ttott llala for arlsortk. !I: W"TP.USVit llalirl be eels at "Item. pool.. • WOK • ". -• ' " YttnualvrArima.- gig:comp' Itioncarrart.mAcnidaii; Mrs Lad Mali 211 spindies cse6; • ••• ! to la Loeb ■ 36 Loom let .(4 , 1 ur. , • • I . ••• • 6 2111•111.046 farissitegel ?anal* wag" &swigs , turkte: 6 ia~166,16111a6et wie•r; In et 6.112 •*: • . BL 66 .IISIOCKOIELLA cx ) • eedia,,,y_ • • • Pin Cotton VW. rhuhani; •• p•rrna i n t " ar d ' CXXNARLIJIVILLS . ROAD 00111PANY .ftocull . 4 7 tithe ' Off &mop gat= ao4 Oosnolloolflo.11.• Fad ,loan refoof ome for WM. , MOM fol of Wow the losachy ,Pootoblre, oolo;that elmf.mallookotof iho VA* Oar. ot =1 Iv 011oda le raolonoofy t.A Itko Ross of tie Owl , ANifookootilefabb ' •%V 110111:4$0Nao 4,1 X 7, ', v .j....-:•.• . . ... &LAWN • .... •'- - A ' fi.bita l firtero l le t tl . '46 ,1 11741.b 1id Ogillii iist. .wout ohs =MS 04 DT. ealliiniestakeflowimpient.at Viota:aali W.' 4%141 ligC3 . 1.,0 , 3 ~....., f ...7 ~.... .4 . 1 , 4. mailevet mini It oisiavii• law ail! acialovrilOßlS" 61 iki!PUP" . ! rn 411 ' 4 " • TlNOWlllllloderlet 11a4 wile the .floret 1. teaq; via phase rases Ws Le kt. velar air a law day., IL D. W.atl! .Urtra , prthl.tim.4l. Yt OopArosoate sod en of eol • UofeVOY tke hoe decklut the elt.i to ' , man is doe city doriag ir"thopasills 1. prepatrem4 hart tiestr, 110..!. 1 ...an 1 / 2 .WMO/I tb• was Truirrea It oil Airaloy Com rabiO Mee% br either Acme . 07 iOO owe t ole orlotaeg to avail thrldetrteiriltio genktesovol3: eta sa gruxeli; softer et Mat .11:11,114E14.4 µk y. .. Dr. 11 tailalluamleimieMies et Coeur Jo 0 6. 41 #1 -1 4 11 VUN114014 11 11141 1 / 4 zdar , , Z 4 •,. !Tr= !tligentf i reir...Mir e gglrcU u. ellkasey so cut or c, -- Qa. ---- 04111.00rili us iNtri•Vn dt# P.M Weep . guted It slst eerd wm zu.4 ka4 . l zr mi tst i t h rim • StEAMBOATS.. Mak OINCIfICSATI • 10001 VIM . DAILYITACKET jJNI ;WO knowillot tif f iptiottdVbtr4tb.a. • nd n= ° a th' t • ` p.f l ia Nam*. 'lue the Won Ealatrat oottalboOtb. mod am, lh.t btbbby Ma Nome, Wu loco pareided Pall Taa Liao biz Data pooptattotilbt lot lebn ...trod • dill. a people. anat. , do hoot to tbalt woos. Tto beano br il l to at Oa foetal ape IWO eto day pronto, to to atblOS. ttab l y' ar Moltke eee cotry of women to Ow •'! all poet Ile IttOootte atober NAM b• • - . • . •..,... 11 . 1011 DAY PACKIitJr.... . • . /11C.tiONOMILLA,C•at.taNkt,e1111eave rtttaa :, . •, , sty idamia, monww. , at 10 eciockrWllctitati.l f 1.01.01116.7 atma•alt at to f'..%1. . • • ------ • I ~. • • TIISIII3AICPACICZT , • . ....- .I.' a( i 'The' TIIDERNIai ND. 11. lNqn. J. Ilsaffiko. v./ 1 :1. kayo Putabaoglcovoty Tacaday geortair at 10.0riaakr Wireeltug eve!" Tends. , ea calm. al la P.' 111: •••_,:.1 WEDNlCallalr PACBCILT. • - .111. NEW ENULAAD, AD. a,. c.pc. J. Dash lepe ranbasa scar Wiatneaday istarrOog. at leo a l a tp a a l wa v aias gr a t ay,Widvamtay areaag at ti • • TEIVILSDAT.PiCKAIT. • • I •Th. cuNSIN, Car. J. Onbee,•wilitea. rub.- top cwyThand•rarggelail 1.110ot:5,1 p Wpert!as Tium.day u - • • VIIXDAY PAOILLT. , • 114 CLIPPKI!,0 1 10: 11 , cot. Crpoi2o6ll liars TkUi • Farah .wely Po/ay mown a/ 111Vcioek; NatodiAlt crT ti Feldayevenint atter-IL. • • •SATIIIiD/IT.PACKEN: • • ! lIESSENGEN, Car. Ligfiej t wgi ki" N.. • . • Ribeceil ISsuiTdiy Rooming at lOcrdocki 11tOtegai ••• !npnr.plual.i.y.evaug ar 10 P. ...• y. 'l.ll3o.9_NEwn2x, 0 1 9 rag, - • ••• --- Frilia- s sisv . Aituse DEAVER VA 16KFAITSe. ri gra,•• cAuncON,,, tf -••,.1 i , wilt lonOilit iiell_ ,on-4511.80 1, WI ' , Wand's, go "TomloVinfolii • .ad F.lnarday of < atti nook. In • chick. • reit. no lilosday, IVedtheaday ,nlitlesy. 15bo Clint i:: vs no Wow/ toonon,llisidannok sate 2•7 . A M", ..... pined 1.0 ro:CCEIO ItalrepstrUl%icou. i. .-,.. I . . . OCUS :' • i- • •• '.. 1 i t g13 "1 4 ...4%, • • . .44...,..1,1:.' _ r., ' • .CI • -'• Zige'r i rli • • 10 . 1 710 k. • "..:. * •" 4 t wilt leass. fat•-vat Onteri__._ l l l6 lz - • w noillOr .0 M1"M".".."'".". 7 . • nid Pt W.) . Or onilwentiVredark• • Mr ..T..4 y. 11.00467 silluerier• MI 6 Illicli-rwl. . ~ lb. Ilium ••t•notni A•Poll' Meet imil ths.••••A: • . ' Mr"'"*""i"aell rerli k rilti;• ' ! -. la -r- . II : - ....Ipm W Oillakft; :-...;". tAri- , .iweidsywaoiasee, ••.' * , -_. 111 . 1 . 1•ASZW . , ... ~..r... 2 ' ; al laws. • ,sa*"'"" sm . ,. . I BMILIVAnIitRaMiII7A : I' 1 - - • • •''ma trim and fen 1114111010.11A3 '' a i : /amino:matt:BAl Itaraaa alaavatbaal. dsy n W deletli.' ret•6l4l4lS pa. .... F o r . 3 % twiL ~ 4il i : gensv '-"'•.. - - - Fog Br LOWIL i• ' 4 ': ' . --- 'l' 4 .' 4. . i. • . ...norm cmtouvrt4.! •. . • l im ilat" a llevlanayi atasarrooll Irma*. aka, , tlao day at TO &OW!. Fir froloirt.O„ . FOR'SASEIVILIM ' 21 4 ti •fiietreseiiinuThwill w i; beaw .a. MP 6 : 6l " 44 Fwbiai n • .ntr • ros-ervir -7fs AR rialu it 'atiit,"•? keyed IV Tat it godert. • •zoliJirtt r. • 4 r* Wri ;Nati _ sal ; I deka. For lAA 41.'e. • -.Tog Ngsroacsitip.. -. • : • ..+:4 • Me an. sod Ms wawa • ••. • SORTOELIT LlGier; ' • ALGA =nu will Icate al ITe'lltil Thursdsy, xi 4 o'clock., for 0,21 • .rwcr-"*Yiniittnii-rEst :• • - - 7 1° st.sFujittct,„ For fintr4l so baud- • ... • n• rAciticr•serniten nrilsomme. .. - nsfirr WRO•ltivuics,.. • -%:*.+ 1,/ • leksistnn • . btig,irt v gi l W l 4k aP aa , a afta , MtaraLlll . 4l4 isAmirroupwr: mist, Wedac..6.,r Ina hiails moraiertelkANWßl. fredestorpauvsppitesikondols• •seer Ea- - • :1 INSIETOX . i. • • . FUR. NENTOILLEtiNs. , ;:'..:.';• ::.•:-•:' i li a . - The estimate rotSr negoirrit i - ,•,.,, 1 • • • • - 11ENEILItt. JESSUP:- •,, .1. F. sareroeill Ifted as atoms! So *Eh ins. For freight argosies" . . . • • • alt.- 17 - 6) --- ,s, wulAviLlikallXllp?gt! ...4. ing 4 . , ;; U....4liiilitt,mllll:llVentlieripl. rerroiniqhMindirkzrotall)*• -00.410104 •kairca Wan*. Mix entslajmr• eelest - 411, lisitba of ,„., as bard. .oesti g i st... ..M.llthifill44;4llsl3lZAU • Atiopper,4 f.__ . ~. • • •.': Tll6 .0[71110.. t ! ' •.:. 41._ :' . lintisiosmisar, will leave lulft . lagr • itg . al li o'clock. LEM. er . - .1....7i.C61)440 ,-,-...• • • . I , •_' .111•th•r,11AIR driakht • dVidlV- , . • - him aitag•tr, ' , ....111110...114?. -: i enarier, ....4. 1 , 111 ra• •••• MP= , f kat-batman ilmlociii ,:el4 kalola. . ~ Ville, datiel 111. 2.804 Ma lam. Friday, ~ ....a•MA ' I. , • . Pin (Mato, • -- • asvii•o4oosrd. .. '.. - ;ad! /: • . . . • 1' - . -. • Ile atm 4111 so moan :' . 7 ;V .-- Mt ....: : Foo, Otatier lor.itoiniol ier' iv - Wax trips 41 onll 1c too :filaboggh. as abotn nog "Ttoutday OA M - • .d:vtAo: o c r lo u c , ,,F .. . Al; Fot !Wed or w i ttr ir tplo - • r7d AABETII AND • • * -1 , 11a.n.m....v• • Di/PtTOua ;• .I.4len•amterew4ttru uabori4s. Pli.# by rill, err* w alodia, aegalayday, j.l o'elov;11... Moons. be/aC. , VeVeriaeoclay,Tasy Soma lecttek,k.hl.• jot (mia or pt,a,ttrapply War • 17t3 - - - • ' - ibbes s irsit l / 4 - 1t.. - ii - ouliia7fikas - lifiiF . . - • ' TDS idrualit maga, Um*, r pat! eitAli ~ ' above Paz t datlng. i7r freight ortanuao apply balm rd. et W • . FOHCM9NNTATI—WitILAs . PACY=.O • • !Maart ket &toot tigor: .1 • e. IP AC., mageSinli lot:4*m • , atistorabedluapertmet ita '12.4 4 p . =..". 11 17§a 1 1:411767.117. .•:aett . • • miralbel• Hada • 'EXP • 1 - r -WA ' 0 9‘ 1111 9 631 ,! 1 f iU21 .5 ' ' • • paunal#Ar!'t . '" ait,ADFxrit pc. d tits,C's AVlatTr e , a..t / 7 4 r u t= , - Ohmura. ineime oakum aptdits Dc n it ~... bo . tweets r IMelifirransMlN .:1 1,, b 0 M:t. t , team daily fliVelbobt•Pmeaselb4"."4'.. eelbet, Wino ilea Mt:013017 iZeen• • •• 41 M ., .. iitt. roam rbisSeryb m fin 1 • 4 0 111-4. „,,.. 4 ,747..,d . Dy Abe b.wykag bow PubmbMTh's - , .41 th., m amitbusblelutuk lama the Ins iby amairmn• us Ibly•Milli.md Warn ber n .° c...... tbmi um Id amen. dm audits m:47.4 4 .7. bite— de _, . bv"kui r" .. . ..?. A :..rr . ,...... , , ' LIS i rm ,..s •b • . 1 ,.. purzympso•you mb1i=be,.....i..., =l.:ViturOlasi nnanllPlFeinniC A Mal ~ - 714masperistiont4p.A1,1 1 11. 1 ' ' i+: 7 7cia .Z . F . ' A 2 64,b..., L. . ` pr ~,..A1 ilit s . - • lIIICWINEMUM A I M *'' Irgbabamiben MI web Zutts j 'l ea t n ek ) ri l. th."1"341-1u1 ”?..1 1A26*1 "'"'n ' Cappipb ail ISM imiiIMMIMi _siis . by Me rumba', mill.** MINN Y.r.mm .1- , - , IN4 ..!flat mom •••Siaber•LlMlM 14kco emll imp. led Cree of Ch.211#1,0. 6 "....... u . ,•* ' ast, ..tined- Th p a1Mi 1p,__ .... ......" . - 117 r, ' lor the proMmomm - ' - n ••-•-'' A iPtaterrirabourt.u., ' P/MAOII•ANOYBE.III7TANC6 I:4MM PILSIONe Unadidantby.denOntener *paella madmamaahl• insolan aw• et Kneapa. *Mot s vem o u.r.t•issispen , .iva add mann. of tam banida . neaaMadat h". l.diddady eadimald Endgame *IMMO'. Mir &aqui* In anteries,adsnotts lash diddafidentainw oat ramie! aped *mond bawashradda*fite, ate Us, %Nen - hewn Yew ad pawn • c 0 1 .% poet •••••• rppo,tr saly ••••1. 0 Oki!, ponettality and WM.. , • • . • Yarded:ono adV , vdd diddlidOda bad 411, tit the. 8 0, Linn wa ..•••••14 - iiri o, wal, ne 4 adl 111.4 Ptnek Ban. LlaNbas MIT adilltipindidair • Canard's Neu • Pros Drogygzsare ida-r-:KidiL.lladtand: ft,rr. .bn.•••• so wino .1107nliCladd'adodlik R d * • crr ad tbe=r1"l l1"" l ta ' b6 l - 1 1""k" • "017Maig • P:dejdde" 6.6*• --- pot or tuAs tb . s •r. , • • • OM wirtas a' Amax caaall-,ansa boas la dew .4.... • '. ~%',.,.......-.. W fe- 1 • 21, ittlit. . • '. . .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers