The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 23, 1847, Image 1

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. riNDAXTICa Oa. Woamoe
1"; lUld Coillilissica rad lomuliogNorr,siAP.Noot
• -" " 4 . • ' Yrodato
eel ma. Opoutaxion mere/two, No UN Second pr
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, %mns 2•11 ,. li . a , ar:
E .,0...„ a k..Wbojiaemioho -
I.... , m.timmo.tool' Lw We, 6 '...gin .n lo:ity Pilo.
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Op., ALUM&
• - ..24,1"..a"T5e arba
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1112141 M
.1' .
; .
; • •.' . IIIJ.SI7.IESS CARl*'...-.,.
A r - wiibicrammtn r . re .44
sari, Wore wid Plow irineets.?itubench t actil
• '
• mairsa. - -
11W11:1111 , 1 1 , 14sal• ditaemi
rd l . _ t"" n r ! 2 . 4 olr•
lE! 2 gg;in;MVil
SWIM BAG AM sOO.. Widows Ow.
arafW Prxise• deal • Ate. fa MOW eeeel• be'
yrt . A. SWIM Mardi cillp.4 •Pi • sad
I Ll.Cassunhow atasehopu. CAW;lll,lelbt*
- imam* Looms, Assmvel;;:oir
• Issen.likiutstski'vellarlifirld. •' set_
. fv.. c. 5.:.;. 4•liii Kst:rniso. , litir: w.Haosa
if unaratax, 11 AUMIA:4ellthillaSin_
V e(Cariissesstistssad Axles,►ll.sed mrss
... awl, sail +Wm is Usti, I' of ii..
&SAW N asisicso m es St. MS .W CI
Wee d et,mdddid SI Chartre Ilea " , . ' •
• -
XIS/ Claislll. " S. J. (imam. ' `
CaHCa' t X stICINIGT Dacareals
*again,. w . l Waaleaa... amen% Claaegame
aael fraDreathag atirchants, holm. OM
Plfebasja Sani lama, tatamaa woad
sad Llama Ptel. Pa. • aearil
CI! irsuoirs, fawner ar.d *Wiwi and wall
Fuel add %apt,. Varietylllddr)
IWO* Cs* Illihriet . ards..ifiar
1 0 3 1;vAL licaseLrox, anew&
•.. 2 viimoy.parmill Oar Ina a..
111. •W/LLT. :
Oq diak loll et, end Voil samalia•
• tur a rraerm #4.1. neas,Thr.
INILISEI 111 TT. um .
iftb.& o l , 4 W O P
taxecusagan and scabsca Safi
I . Dee
Wilo4. street between'
i• Lad Thud ain.7 4 Deli
1 DIMILWALE,Daid llWARTkwdimpgn.Al,o'
dojo di /AM, dve mimed Jo 016,4 u, th e ...a,
i Oft of Omni lit.% bt`a.e. ch • *fey and 0n...
• .
Uaa.bey. .olvds
V11..1■51; 11111ZIralb WhiCesik," amccar
OM Comae aloe hi ortimeta, sad A.
Oman yin* Me 0.57 VC,5s, and t• Pi tz..•
bolt. r.; • • 7; '7 .
itAIKE. ram F. Ow.
_ :Tr lir4cOcal lawmam0;111111rood
i Warlaraastax. . _ . .
.• .. Jos a.• • • .
Oat .wommimiw wal lasrwaoy a
Tina a
Pl* 3/ Wwst 51. Pillabalill• ..4°, 1,._
FiIIACU ILIAZILII. Glam, 0 .... 6 .41
te S tetwal sad Seeks la rtadasw,conlaml o4 :oll4
It; 140 17 Lawny is. ear Claaal Clasia, W
la WM*, ?ash; alaallla- lava, We, always ea •
IL MATO.. Ural. to (Boy
Bme!tTrAVUMP4 ar.." l
- IPSO. MUMS. . :. W4T121(67 ZAZZ'
(1100110111 /111.0 BAUM a. Cleki WlNdesais
ern end Caluair Merdassis• 1 Woad Wen.
• A. SWUM AVE•lesaktfmcer astION7-
. azailielleVrad
W.-11/11UTIC.C. Blaliten.
auk^Kn 11 .90, Audmit. mad Shia Wm
iziekbrita sad runuen... •••,C• i UM •
ft , t‘
• ailittin•Er.iiit h " kr '
• Magic sifts, humittbow=l . :
1110/6.11./M1211: oistf
LILL t. PROWINIC, Prom..." H
.411, Brouml tworrlet ••
•od numoN emery ef Wall
?Spot and (Jenad Ye.pct. Waive:woe; A. IP Wood
Ahra i le " 4P°ArLie-
' .litirrte.piierlie;l3l6
INICIUI44 - I:l•BZiirs Tiretem.
r =
Water sad 1117 rams - • • -1116•8
J OS3IIPU 1112104•Asmo 1 y gi Lt, 'nuibaliby
-Pa, Us named slke memo OMNI poptessios
Mllec../V• 7. Bake well% BandisimOraes asset ec•
egged &mak Lis abseaci by T. - J.:,lBighuot .4 .1:
TOMS ID. BIOROAX WhoWO° ESsrgist, and
d ilsaler a Dye IStaffs, Ponta, Oils, Vsnilifirs, ta,
ICI Waal Otto, us, dsor &silk otOisrsosil An,/,
/1/1211 &Co. Pacer:nen t. Jaftpl
Ihmis) ip Oraadlett. 26 Wow lit «31
JOH , : BILELI.Oft, animas pdsmail deal
?BAnada and I'd toncaJ In anmaaA *bad Bonk;
, Sang, Sisal 'Peas. Quint; Prialdie Out% and
*Weary geseralln NaJt Wand a; Pit
,a , !11•1W •
kaaibi . neukca and. •• • • deptS
roar scarrt•../. Unwidann.
a 'ranting and Onnandeii MatabinsaMiskte la rm.
ememosimasego"rw Caanwinial
Maw, liberty' aces ea Coast, PAWN Pa.
Casamisaioa M id
oewaMUR amba" to ISTLAbzity (oppowle
4 W. Mmes. Waal isstia==o6es
lbs n . =°:" .. ! ro
. ald7 lebultt
yours D. WM& AVCITIM/s*. esiserPiph
"....16Warl weak naMcip ' - • ••
vispinvicia4arAt ie
demmiU isalliereles4 pvustrolis mr
N ••• .NTOON.TO3 I ,' Book•clicvs
Mums so 4 Pam: sult4e... 44 Mute
1. LLD% Soak -' la, war Marta 84.
• C
una illoctrad. Hisreetl, Select, klisec
2 . Smir•a•d ikaumery. • Os
~,,,L LR OIRERT•OII • it' OM,. • Baker. asa
:dawn Reskeis • of Wool aid Thisd aceitia,
• Ds•ol3¢ terser
pabilj Pituawgh; Pl. • • , •
• • • • : OS lbe %nal Mei. • Sall:
ViniyalESEMlVlegessle Grew, &eke ie Pro.
La i ribatret.lPSMACll2l4.l, Tes' Plve, i.e. tc,
WM, Da. um- ,11WholeadsOreserMilo
dSYS NosOast, mad 110* is Praia* fialitadmor
poodwares. MN Water Pi • • , 'WA!
limb 111 Ce.-111asdketele all
Of Re
aern :, Bar Imo sad MON Mahe bad
411 5 1 4 7 nZin7 ea ea frt. I t
tais.t, is
.k . - 6 11;,1111PLIMAX.,aloi,Giecar, For.
. want sat Commaniost 'We
s l lBasattFt. eel lrolope. - ,6... 37, Wart
I. ama.ouecanom .41.4.-iinbaaa.
LI Cl=r= Metebur,
raw Froat
s t:si inn i v a ir 4.11 itleopna.
•/A Paw!? L i t% Cas•••••=1 1 t1,1=
• Prodace• 114
Nub. Iv him
v. ...Nth.. • anienimv Trams cam •
ea SVSII nabs dr am,. Inktal•
In vours'aad Coor . laimplaitemois. RCM cp.;
le Alea, - 'Aka. litimek•
• wahcchwinua rom.thnor
, 042. as p d mi y, WNW SMI Pftwams,kivrefil yroed
asidcw.wakar , , , d,44 Pk ita=ll,
aCOBD t =Met :Vrt.e. 9 .l4,reud' lW
ingt Cip goan glummer. mid 4llerr (a Vs or
eoenctbfWood *Ad Fifth eft. • -I jag!
me - a.ouWAN. bd..% fin)mg. Ikshz.
die I.t gee a ttlt - EVL7 '4 F*h+T'ANl"W%°'"a:
tea P- 11 lir ~- w irrLsOsi a co,rlvuoma.
wood / nr.nt Puubargh
la UOZMILII ac SON. l'in:6s Markel swam 4.;
NW i fed do:afro:I renter of Irbank. Palm. inn.'
- - • asd -Thatesde HiUs of".ftebaagai Cenile!fts et
.- Catkikna .......asulk.**o46ll.wi.
cOILEIW it Co., Prod..., For...d
-i a2.lo.2.l•Gogies Mroomu., leo. 6 C.Fromi.l
• .
, • ' T'n11:1111LIEUI .
- .Ell Dula la Focrins lkanesuct 4 4 .N.Y.LNes•
sal penile I/iceman:6,ot 2/14NsanNions, No •
wd'ri L 1
Wheknle. X
. desk?
rnipeandtere Tonts4ad Yin&
W...d ..07, 7'46," Trr.l.oll;No.
. .
. . ..
• • ' ;1 .
• .. .
• . • .
• • ,
t • se ' 1 - . . •
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77...... 1.---(77--rr-r9"s"-
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, ...„-- ---4 .- I -:•.-• t•-•...-.= ------ , --..-i."1,- , .. ".--I`. _ _ _ ...r.: . ...-_--• •f - ---Ar• _- • --,-....
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1 • .;,.., s 2 , t , .. Lt •i
. . • - • -• i as . 3 1,“ • 11•' :. ,): - 1. k t ,l 4 1'
k •
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t . .% I ''
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LI 11. HAlWllLlifikleeirew it. Law, Give es,
n. blakeyelli Beddow; anrWe9Pesile lab ' N.. '
. 1101 - 11ifkr 110011X.1044ithetee.reverl:
AlDeelks7 theftr us roho. Ibuabersh
&ewes, ead eh led. of Kiwi noceel, • br,see
aei L. , beeet, lee It Wen, *enamel s
''o—o— Al. U.. On hal a ent_lege meek beibee._
OlaMeeeqr, Illeakry erlati rill be
— CU Reynolds. J
Dor Tree*,
111. sumo* Men-moors, for Oa rao=
dada,. to Groeeelee.roolliOne EDI""E't••
sad Chlobase.
rt. all ride abase.
rim la oprlo. Veld LAI L =
aror___Le• Cro w d li
R. °LOUVRED & Oroo Or hi rer io t
*or. U.° bemire
Orate sad Seeds; Mao. Miner, loot • • ”"",
DOBrr A; CONSINOIIO4:_,', sr
JAJA,Aer,ia 1 ?Ab"I' • • Ma •
C • ,r % • = 1 4: 1 41: ;
Qll.llolol.lVevr w r ie
1.7 leis's' Venlig
414 allipieeSISAAMa • • • febt7tf • '
S• ens* A, weoLit.ehrg, dah
. ens* , T
Tv ' .A.sue
pg and Cesiidet. . ; el.
.siiitiimr. i isx ismi: iiia 4. ": ool.°
in Woof% baUalos,No NI.FoonfiMN.A. barge,
cod aod Solddeld, '..... . ..: • . ..esia.v. .
:5 1-071 rWriiiiThliitosirr .t.,4oirolelat,
. . GrOeCr. 1 ronrufts sal Ootmostaa Netelthota,
• Dealer. la P.ovitursh Vamajaelares and Western ,o.
epee; have rovornolao wOooehaana.toN amodl
No A
a i mon o
i ( i Nii4 _
eptt.a Cumealola.. an
cesu m: ian; Deal" s irWm
oo Mec
sad Pion
,band assakesssed sitkoleiSaidal ilesismair I& q.
itlid alare.4" = -- : 1401" = .
Do 33 Waelfteel. I. I "' I P"
LOS 11 : 14 NEDY,jr.alreasii Add Juaddidla
ler, and Dealer la IGlnelnh . ,laataa, and
earner of Wand NIA FM* Meets !
Ili Fleamli..•
. T . !Lira CO, Gamadiahmilessiv a .
Pntatareadan n afahares. Cl mba fdal Lbs./Abend Lee;
Muth .
•Wo el:Mama • Rabin • heon
tv sox. stavirroncos; wbot•••J• o v •co bypipaywa Ir N alhyGlve ad 4
P' 06 .11 1, AMinfactarei, sca eval!y 114Laben
Mai D. vac& • I • DAVID epronav
lIIICANNILZSD A Inieceneva . Lt
VVID W.ekj WADleliakrOnleArs. Venni:pm and
ComaialesSAAAbasaa,ldettera II botAlAalle,thass,
Comm Vino AnlCTlftbuill blavallloanarenenliT,
senserof Wadi sad Wall, sis. - elaxbOtk. , metLIA •
WY. VllPHY:laystriikcliAtill uo 'tall .ad
..u.limalme Ids ftalt of Frartch Wetted radars,
eaMV knr as 13 teat.', : • ' wsltl3
Climaisales limb.ssal; nod D,ealerFenned 1131 hui•ce
ancl.Plumbuth ilLusfusases, corner of 117...tcr sad
&WWI Mamma, Pa.: _Van'
t :1 I • • a ^
- =panel! asd
.Whilsola Dalai to • • • tolalary,lll‘l-
81,0 , 16 , 6 enn.Libaslimad St. OW/ auceu , rat..
. W p e t em aJUl do , ta t m. 0...
• .rnidse• mat Comelnion Mcrehaats. V
• tabllatiaim, .144 Libeignet, ran tie
. malls. •
UT soaramuma,
• d'••• ll.ViL ny Dusylers, aad Witte and Liquor
Prn,. Merebasu L A mAke e t, oppmais Sixth mo
O nalUIlllOl4. Manny
. N=
9 . ramod 44,46 to lie Esebaso. 214.4414
lit Cur art r . unti1...6414mm Jokes. -
Arr U. OMURAIa Vamp am Style
. my cloods, 4= 7111 .4, Piumbeiri,
W i ILLTAing Dumniwin. tn.* m
tta ppinay.noemi. sow kiewel at
a,miler• they afferfor gala slam ason
ilausitheritnea and Paisfiargli
. and ext favorable 1.1.2. • • nu 13
TIT W. MUM X' De er' "
V • per G'o Nia.OeweirT.
fth 4f, NeSilhg.
Klt. JIMILPU T. vri.olesaks •1 d rftd d.sifna;
• .Foreivi Awl Dr 7 Good., math <agog&
two( Markeland Foardi stn. • •
16 , 747 :, Jr• ro hlor halu e e k t . l 7 tbe
atep cowl= sapp7ro
akatiesta, peffitusq j &e.
rhpletaa's prucriphaet fantail/ coh;pouirtia,„:
Mechem. eau . a he ha. 4•911 bullet the VOL '
•nr 4 1.1701111ML0G11. dizonler u Ut.•
TV, Alflk *rem, seat Satitkilolet. Collmelog, am.
se and otist busosso .
. attended to ortti.p" anotaality...
L.71=%..... •
= pc, JcisEat; .
*my . 6 14 waliniatennst.
'• J. 1111ILTA.11., •
Aura win.L.ALC biIILZIL SW , • ,
Na 114 Li6.ei.j . d., and 59 Diasnaid alky.
-el 5 PriTSBUIGH, PA.
Baskin, DAY, i. Exclitsiv, Saab Nato awl aim,
• Coma of
• Tflrd and Waardstreaa, • - .
lunit.Uy . • . Pittabursk. Pa.
• t % is •• 1..4.4. wansiia.
• W 1•14111ARIV, SIM 111, .• I
%KM. Nevi silo 0.7
•(•017davirlyF • • •
— Sill :Si
O. SLACKS rag..
,ItrilottmeLE Grocers sad Dealers iouOils,. DSO {
IZ " :1 '
et ' ;:: l f b e rut rge . r7l" 4 k"a"
coeds ttreir Lae, Weser wen, aear Dlseree ment
robereb. ' ' : MSS
r 7 W. RE.VIMINGTON. LAM Beteerie.iedl ift- .
LA *to gamey ins, lairjeeeN zel keielli! t hi/etle. oat
ki aL " ttnt=autlsiiiiiiidkidelier
the itKordi DA. legutelet..A4o.lo. •.. lissom ,
A/ tare. hie 41 Ilarkei ea, takedoirellinslA
Pittsbergel. wall toe coammlyeabial swell.
eel anetuocet of. Ike bee 4 wet
_eelblellablielhes, •
I. mill awes the steel resernaMe Wm. •
beadle; ceders *II be P rxe lt l rldlbbab.____,_ ll o o l4 Nit'
p',4l in Anlesk 0.7 414 I*l l P.. .• ii.m.“.• ~.-
mi. n y .,,,, um , pr,.envi. will be heeleeedy.obb
eine peepazed nom the beg atetteish. al , ater . ii .
the ern gh
Also kr ..1 I{IIOTO 111V4 of fret& *AO roe 1 , 17Mb1;
W:w. WILSON t Waal, lklake, c JeWend,
Man eth east elated A: hem, eed wdi
Named week weteiles, Jewelry, &lret.entre ewe,
IlfilittilOwele.. Always ea bead and aS nyder a*
tem prleee,Gele Puget Lever, fell Jewelled ensided.'
Wm ea 114 D -, &leer de wetebev, es low se . •
Cooper, robtss,Ueesd whetlie/Imi
out • ol wwe tad Y e • MOSSI) Ale••••• SIM
grPi. e..tey eroeli Lew le lie very bell useed,
I. B.' 8 WEITZER,' — . - 7•
oftus• id 14 , ilpipiata
Err Dlftionocir, a
• ClarreMt Dimatons
D. T.
PaiLIX .11M A L sroan,'. • •
- AV .. at
A•alW 77 logni
v.• ol Mot ebui;
o Wad. woo
mad Stark Tess;
=la vutsur, WI, Rad sae p 1.14 P.A.410,‘"*.
glng limlOeu pu pout iv 111/a. AJAY?
1 * • .• Awn Car retin Tea Os
_ D 9. DAVID /MD% .Dealiol.
, baling nulls stael 'artanseensauf In
' l l e.. ~. Coal assist's tass. Le eon dais*, W — srbois tans to the dodos ofll.•pro4s.
sin:. •V los seta la also/See; stow of Ith and Dean.
tat surng homey liarhot sad Ferry tn., Ilan) bagt
tia a r.s. /Till/ "
• 2.4ILENWE r •
.A TrOlIMElf loillCoOkleillorittem,'OPlNClNNA ; ll,
;lowa Coll celos* . to Soothe-en Otto and's, Indium
nod in Kelonekr, pecanoUi and eisefalll.oucodod
Cootimonss lot dal Eloole of Pamtrants toe . takeng;
De ßal
colork sok/ay./lodgement
h ':
&kmdtrro. WM 11$:;'4,
EAGLE porgiti woßicts;
• • 01.6:1Awn el'Art.sk4estArary,)
L. • ' a , ;L1L1P01724. CO' .! •
IVENTS for I Weansant's EXltailins &clue Nagar
, Hamm. Alwnyn band, a Immo mock of Lea.
Ponnienzt, enuatk Cla On rified unt tinatird Sews, in
Ilereet and Barrett, Also, 1:14.i.t lions.,
Prines libetal lad • fair allowance node on all ules
o4twabare,da .. •
EanFellatkars Pena EL awl ran of - Pill FA,
PlUSlPelrfb. PAW
-- AV; 13oubright.
:11 / 3 11PACTUBBIll Or rfi , SCII;
WAVU7I I 2I Ordes""l'a*dit'w="7":4lV:lPLl
of at kw Prices sad ex rood ' •
are. Jamaica frfraasca. • ann. rain.,,
-fI.P.LSa XEILIODI t 00..
ANANLIFACTUREid s oI' Hammered: Stamen and
Spas% Hem Hay aad Mamas Forts, fn., lica:
.W. , frnbaaae.Na Id Witadinteet frillabana: nada
_ ns,aqms ominous,
vvnegt Nahalngereet, apposite Aluehtualignel
Ilinkieneey Moneardiels Ikam.'
7 ^ , • A,
4;..1 glove V
Deer me s< cleit Um% gaup, lay* oxen
` PieCh Alessit.earr ..artdair
.b ,ll 9orlittliencriftrOdedt:To •
ramd7 .N tembsWoolled V and
W omg" , oollecrals, T VW/34 &A
ri• 63 g m* Wterdea stroa
_ !
- i
T. 1
lit.Daneabgnier, J nenaidoliant. •
C 0i211131 - fiRR Cil I NI: 14-
p. • eosb Mann. and No 117aona Wage. at
11 , BO IS lanno tha trade add' dagera gen.Trally of
Plinabergly dm alley hava wide foci &minden:mats
whiner Vntrutto otanafseoveto and the Clooloont of
dt• Wan, We laeas, ladry• othart.htees as annlaanni
a Imp and gamma pof Lea folkeorilnadne
Km at 74seen sap lrSt et mal l aien ing
se WOW
aakiewaiamaa avtay abet Maas
wit.* aad alt goodaniderdd teem `deg be war
tabled equal to repreveatalann—_ .
firma, tbas.nca; VW.* r ..
Vara; Pane nied,. id Pare. paelLing TI?
F: ' ll ' .4tiale r Tr eiletuateltent ths fl CNdM
dila, with a lama aaftwunear at atnee.mallseblopli;
and qualities or pmplaje Es IS Ida and Os laps
6. as and Oa nay. likes. Twat; Verdialanlatia
L, Sw eet And plata. and blk IWO
add legetkrarnli swag nanny or utak
runup,* cepsisstot
:Cast Beare , Pain! mid gragrzcZter,
- 4. Pmpricter and *Rem c.; dicsmen,
Lia4ni:/fICIMI AID
Dinli::llollhEd..ltplrlillted Ass Nairn;
lILDshaPYe/eli i W in dosausgar malady/
id In -Q. i tbra til .•• ted "l'Wf coo. 4.l Clo44l "
and= L :hdif Bra pima ea Ltd Erie'.
Gnat a"1 -. b1
.MAOI Or •
U. W. Le.tir.d. • • ••• • W. O. '
• It EC El VlNG,•noßtrmagingu., . • ••
• AAA Comm i.sies Ittirellumato,' •
EIRISE. . • .
pt.T.dasit i Atop pafd '( o aiedgamenti of
Now 11 illsanencs, miff ankles kw Opelousas
wad Awl aim. • • • - •
; 20-411teurn. &Aka alailllienr,ffir.
Mu Limerick; ilkor
L.A.40 4 . beam.% !Ak. Ig.elfeTifT ,
aleask, LIU: .Blotti itelVlLtetaa3l.
WirJaUsairi. Amami k. likbigisot Pisabuitt.
W.VA. Oat Clanumai. • •
• Mens. lime & Visional. Ikon. Wynn's h.
Illoa Imes .I.Blhastre, •Ilan. John Donn;
•.. woman' da'coin
LOUR. PRODUCt N'iI iAND OEN .000(1118 . - .
WO • leTd:. , • • • • - - •
NW' le, Ise.ltlee eiliketemere.
rIFFER Warr savviest to lime le Sad 'Weds
%Jibe sale of Firm& (Baia awl P setelte&lNSlY. Jt
Um Baltimore Market,mid &oat thef Walkaretkeittais.,
111 . 40 rs mid Wooer& em, rear w&L,.
taw numfaxtery
CafrespWe. w&& amaill&U7
lk kept advt.! of the acne tbe Markets, &a. •
, Rai re-al ems. W 133. Wilma & Pim& I.•&•
ye hi. k. :tory Da rideoe & Vaanders, Reyeatds &Atm 04
[in` &eyi Baltimore • • •
Ti&e.T. Caldwell & Pb ladelphia: •
Ilanteny Bylaw & imeei New Yore.
. Ilathistar Jame Si tea?. &swam :
. _
M188!ON MERCHA.N 113. •
1 MEHAL eash a/inane. mule o, receipt a
.1-a seaman:an. Tacna nipping la aar adthramill
ram Ilkawkanla vane iaanaen Cala, by ailigr
arta to oat nimbi+
. Mew*. Wal rd &Taylor, IP:cabaret. •
Bel . lindiepon, I . t
Ilutadriptu, Nay a tett • iniarDaf
N. B. all pots. comigmateses lefoomitislNG
Ow werelosee WailisigibrdaTaLlocipmbusglic
or ta anr none Pklledelphia .
R. T. L E E .
isik. 133 wood. irr...snerssonou:
" P ltilomp irr "Vk l e " bsel Vtil f
snoiclog cooostero med. oe6kiro du I ma
to foraltb atm 6101 aU roods Is my Urto p no
sera.thut herriobto.
Baysterat rerollecolat d66llnerreloslvely.l6
a:err Saraware
trill Cameo Triarmalasa, I 66110 rt
Votreby sflototorot Una rosbbt pdeo.tropoilotir
Cali. too. and tothre far reateeeleel. . spa •
101) /IR.&
smrtirniss OF •NO •WItOLLISA DE4Leilit• •
~ 111%.11AR3 WAXii r CUTLIZEILIY, dbe.,
•• • • Nei 1 . 9 Weed !ferret,
. ! : . • P T.VIIIIOIIOII. L'.
AA ItlYropolo tie s eovrob of 1te....1•/{4 huge •d.op
II tbrir ebb-on:ea mark:pi /lardy+ re,. Cutlery,
Sal buy. Ile, whirls Mier c hrto p.reborr4o,. Ike
Yle•t asbrantageor. tierno io Paglsorl, and dsree4 freer
We Maas Coppers la duo cortoun. eyobles Übe:Note of.
ter .00d$ lenstiarboraill by earl and egooliert by
feu% •Porybobtrt an resbeetrolli:loblrod to colt..
fele 26 WOOD .tiresiss;PU•ssoituts,
lua 1 intik:Ste 'Menet Sunni Coustiterios
Bosisins, oust-1411j In theAtorchare one sale
of Amalie : oh idaorlacUres acid I'4.p:ice. and 10
f eceir Ise and foneardtng Goods champed to hie .
care. - As Apar for the eteesteeturers, be will be
'" l= la idi*d aei:ne ith s th t e thl n l n o e seet
prices :d: OrdenOrdenand eveniutesestean nupectfoilly
solicite ' :
ft Mimes lam:• Glf./Itariut Wit names,.
PROM:cr. GPLlitaiLli Cult 41831 i th AND MS—.
, •
lgen apelses Wisure., Itateleissie: •'
Atria tee: •
*& . ;
• . ell • •
Jahn R Bagdad, • 11.1thoom. •
Ut ' • /eau.. ditwirr
J. D. =Ma. • ; C. W. AAAAA
.Lore of Ptnaberett, Pa. Law of Esabellle,Tetui. .
LE HME 1t:86.. AN D EltB ON •
StiALCKIi .IN cuTION. *Vans All oi:Lu ANDS
ALS "ma and. abort Brealluey. aoruLia‘ OLS. •
ROO to Die [chum: Kennelly. to Pungent. . ay W'
;•. • WALTER & C 0.,.
i;coos mu. DRAT
, ..
AL 179 on\ Rovantit, bars Markel, Dalt Lomas,
lines to—D' Vprim Sc. Dasher. T Cr.., Km,
Guider, .1 landstrect Alin. Digo& Doesherchetieg
la& NAIAIy. WA. 0 wpeasyggingligh. &Timm . •
• '-'• lADWAIltD11:11CIIIIILI144 e
• -.• • • . . .
• _ leccessiovroirossaar lisitue,)! ' •
Asinage .11 1 11.-Cmonisnim • *Wow, awl
. M. 111.1,1
• . acrn ro—Al Mi. co, ag, Pampa ce. •
1;r1 Colmar • . 77 7 . 0 aeg
. CONWAY & CO:, • •
TIORTSSIOUTti, Cow, Conalsaasea ant Fotwoadl
LL klerekaata. sad ?reduce Deale.—elee.3.4o
Pucka., kolo cod f 01.... a Pig 1P 1 4 441 . 1 1ki:
t • 111.11,YZA TO, • - •
Atearai,lejlei Co • .Drown, &Meg Ape
Lorca. &artier kCo - Wolf Ord.••• I
• Orat, Llmbey kCe -D Luebke, •
...kaaSketbik Co • • Clarke Aran •
eaarl&ll9 • • •" 4 dams • Aimee
' • 401111 F. DZILIIT•4
• • • tr.leeftlis Arms/14akola Lemb Ce_J •
liliebleigki Griner, Coat= & 14#•t
tilL•141811is % l II' of, aim/ liedloakOop:-
- r."%ltialrt -, ..7 " ;/ . 2; K ly s , t u jj t a t
1:110 Stet% Cows Valor, Men,. As, :&111/A_
Man.finteses.p.orallyomnicr of Lamm, Soli
to, ri P. •
. 1 0¢LiterlZ k iime isFasliiiadoem fah
• ••AUCTIONEERS;.!. 't
cora MossooN rl y ßdkiAlrre.
CINCINNATI .711. ST OFPY.H sell. eltler esabloareshoilam,fii
All:ram:Wm si the Worm into. Cowndwiga
....alinpprepatal a tanks ad raar.m.,Thi
rOwnwes sorni, 11 recalled. . Lwww.witouse:o
thlw Arm, will - be pm...OY wtVadNp. igiNU
mem wwwww.•' , w. emWSWII •
suwarmin.k. oar„ •• I •
• jumkaimirassanias•tammi,, ?
• •.'4. OINCIPINATI_.4III9%:'
• tram ram ros
• •'"
(Cam Talbot Janet/ Co.i.of Salataant)L• •
• .11161iCIDIIIT;-: •
47.45 Pis/drat
pp-Partnitlar 11411tion . paia sotheAbrwardmor.i.
: actttaloto..
cLenuitip' , r
Fantrarding 41c i •
Aumida partievimi, to ibe faraardingof Pnktnee,4
For outWarttiertillon3l2tion apply to YOKSVTO
plfNCA 'navagym: ,! • • !W. 7. PATCII.
PATOII, .•. •
8 1. ,
; S .O l
.;w 0 it re.
Lti C 11 6 ii
m 70 .11,; ::
1V II gi;eepartipialai attention te de selling of
. ?to:.
dace ;and to ornate forpareloteing. - • • •
Mersa to—Ueorge Morgan& Co.; Pittsburgh, to.
JubTiereuMasse-- J. SP/teams.. D
`.70.1191• MOULLOUGII /a_ CO. • .
tonunisaan 'and "for . wordirtlCAPTAgati,
NOS. *96 &Ani n it ST:. 4
riatAlMr• 00191.11.1(1W141fARR.BaltIttania.
. -,- T - 7 - Ttron7j:lJAM9ol9, Se ,_lO •''
Mos. 9 wad 9 ideal Bi-; •
Irratar saveaces ',JI ho'mWe ori costiveness to
le e s . OA MON & Mei[til 10 11T.8.124 et.
FLOOR VAi.VPHS,AND Rare :4Nu.r9o9Uult
Cesisolearea Merchants.-
gr -
. . . _
ARE rsbir peepare,
bf Merebatuflmrio
end Wets Daunt. mut
r . ram: 81*. Lops
Y Ikehm,
"Itrgansatel- Asg.A.N:LspkrAasiorr,
. -- iicirtrit i otizTertrecusaL
••• istimi t .
mss.... _.x
P i t rs4.lsl,Gilt :21 ,18.47.
VINING gosEs, *ambit RAmis'aed Ever
inume,-Ignitabe for Otaukioule; Canar%
eau be fernleked en application *tat iced store.
(tem Nursenes of,Jas z WardroA, htszeboner.
- he...mod snel eth .ten
tisarlalas ~ , 0 1, 1 .nra mock orsle etrAtiltrer Pat,
Ili Utter Watelsestaltablis fop ea.Loiand tlaitatoen.
—at Da latest and kaadsomm putenza 'oda Tha b..'
manbascartittranardad AO &rule at verrilAtkri
illall DUO& tilisTialsestoopatitat
ad 100, fin sale at toasted prteeK alas
I.tualt -840 a, Wood - amt. caner of,
Aastress,. .la 7 8 N
tl ' a l ' k ie r‘
i 0 BA i•
yeeeiie ind &laird - air liindi
•..' I.9tr
g i tt o uulasiondb.hii,asteii;
accused 'TEN. o.noriltjtiell Cour ,
apaisial Boirosts , Row imatep to tors ita farnaldi
Gook Owed with iliem art ear?
Wallowa. .
• colt— aild-GP•1411104V
.i= ,
alltitopuor,4;l • •
. li•it
• • • • NO 81 THIRD FriliaTi; • • ••
• • •
LARGEemlebilcallid- •
.2L r amerbinelcalfmemabc,.
• ' mbaciite, roc
Itotels,andonnta D r at
pate, tonoultnly hue and made to oldet.••+
rtA Ocean tbabea ee hand cambial. azoolkd 6 )i yi
azatottattoty m the
,Ippluelpuo ortnald b molt too that tan • can, an t ant
emdedtaa pneo .61.14 plume. ; Pat et Ile Met
w So■ with Plash and Plair.folli comnl • •
140 a Malberany Nene Claire; :
.111pairDivaem - • • • •
td ma tics
• it saamicia. Wed -
3 dna st.ttanarry /Woking CUL.: •
.• la marble top Deming Emeaaa • • ' • •
• ' Ouoaciam • •
' Work Staab; • : • • - A •
f °bevy . W. 4 ttand.; '. • ' • ' • •
..libermt, Chary Pegilas,Llmianul•
Alsomislowroad.• Isuge assetusentsof.Copart.
apd.Pan. l 6PM "Sai "WM s•
KEW HART WA - R I ..1101.1*p/"..:
•tt , 401111P1.1 IFOODWELL, ._ • ;
.Cetralolar Ildf.:11food nand 9.41 eta , nit
EaVll7.,witlrdrawn from Me old Dolor Welker&
"Waihirell t • on the let of Jaakiry; 12410,.1 take
Id asmoonetn. g .to my froadvai.the ettY
Ft„__Alftia oPeaed me =cc lint • ante above:
• 11. ".1 L.lchn.ed my rods for molt,
fa mais'imauldentetna aridt• ooncatonosern •
t t p la
"obnpftrynoni ion !mope lc bp itosoacolyeepppodt l
peepaerl to (rireldi llmlonte of all - kinds, on do
lends and ea kr inn any Acne Uttar VI
Ot h" .1 ... 1 .1K11 1 1 1 1, Invited .0
ltd rommtoo !tat< , k. 74 .."1.4”011.
V=ll l l PTZ ei hr:7 s stal; d e ' .ll Tema its4s;
Fileajlaybea etrekthway, w t. Tow., davit., :
nes t , Locks. Latelsect Efiekks
...Tel )hadatt.
demos, Union Fealty firilotkektoti tdmemit beard.
and velmen t ' and all other •rtieles eilaaktlestersb
1111111,n= 111211111,U. • • • •
ISlTCl* — Pia:“ . 7llll4eilt
TI • inthaeaota hmfgab.roodcfNigcnt.lbrit
IFISS,tt ra Fleas priek 11 god hmetntiftee the*
them all/ tested its ability, U. seer.propmadtd. esti
rights and cOCIFOCkto t4olivcc acahno - 1 'mu lon at
the U• sled dunes. • The. isaeldad dot/vied tottakt
/Mak' MM. - ner. eee sedl Inge 80,101. good
lamas' Arm bock per d a ny salddieiatly ktudul suact op
In tha kita; Mos:avoid Mall,. =pante .Abel: etym.
gelf t e Oki7tdcTind and, kaadling itue Melt after
• .added Itmatamloortmagnotllablet• pleat
mite repair, ab 4 le Tomcatted It tart ha liken to
pica and pst smailiet tot gent teadm
; lag lk termitic. We aza now banding 'machines, and
ts'nuakMenaoa slept WACO. For• fall deem:lS/ea
.eer,: el/ refer lea mathloo Mor Il v astheaufial qersi.
Cm( al Mill erect boom, mar tka mead ofh , a , Z
*mat. Man ma
to to MOTT m. oa
Masooted pith It to .- idl lobo sal cam; We' ben at
promos am Z i mitel Admit All Udall att ear addrear
MU be prom multdoi to • • ' ' .
=TOON, 711.0011.1.0, Co.,_.
• •
. •
open as Alinelay, Apo, Id, Corr &art' hada Weed at,
Pod den dear IDA Jaynes Pekla Tea Dram. •
• Weald! moirareatatraary citia,tbaDetareary,
Fdlr,i._firai Da‘ edaatraler7dt•7l...,4.loll!
Ilaearsaa f ai Pirada Cal Lemur lbsialq
I..eriMk Zs. flOP=r6lit;
Glaser Piaui; Wafer 'ambler; frame Drarst4
Federal Cak A. 1 . a4 paw
Orders tar lee Cretans, Jerry, Dad.. Calla, Flttrr
.Coadeedenaary, te.:, einetrted la • susar dad.
walled riaalla and brainy byr am' otter earabllsl•
Vlre . o 7 . Tar s its, Kari, , amid frera red oriel y
tilia Midis Wleaa Mar, and ilea Das slier - p.m.,"
a 1r.3 . A N Du EMI
r. G. Derlor,of llama, low arnowd oad
Marled • pl. for heauns boormo loch tuutreakrme•
me& ry •md.i• Dram& Yaw York, to .oand vrtrom vrr
/1.1. 111.....0 .Ul* &VA LI /MEW°. over
41 :1114amely Ike. v. elrmages am,.
.; Im. Girmarerralfi7 of Temp. - mare- '
%t. Fromicam from doole. , .
No sopkutetat • ..
•. ek. 4,2”6:4 m, and aot 7labi l at of
4 ria.
•4. Or a val Diusbnity:
liadal sad HaseiZaatiaa any bs wed. ta the ttp•
WHAMS obtaacd at He Copper sad Tatars. Weary of
.154:41 V911.. WAIT. Fleet 'Met.
bet. Wm 4 and Mattel m .
kagorars. IGlaikey Sailalvry, iito.
lIIPORTUI &ND DE.ALEJI an roman and Down.
bet Ha.nkinueoasild ge.P.LfidlY b.•
dtbe puw.t....nalr, tam be :snow reemrsait its
MI , OU old sum of na,ker
Waadosi No Wool limn.which I. wuldlApoor
K <allot atonesamonahle venue. • .
, .
, .
. . . . . .
II a tall M valuing:a ll y raaatalag (mak taaplarediren
(ma ‘laa IHaaafaetsraa la Earope warm. counts,
'Aka tin enable aim is ...pox was any raal4 ...a.
anal:caber ion, IVoy., !.
Wester. ) leett/maw aza noraeJ al all .54 et lun - az•
lib amt before pareba.lar elantliera' , anvil
YY UTE. l.
Ow • ederUirsere. have BeWe/ bite Caperton
dl toe LL.per... et Mamalin edeem.
Casrub.b. wad beoi e res,.W. u. uoe, '
LibOliliNe NIBUBUIIIr.a..OO. • —..
villbsie - betes tbe enuebeires, abmireserial Row,
Liberty abr., Ibtreerty erireireetAT Mr. W Ferry—
whe re ell beehive. 61121191t4 WM/ !lend well be:
preen7ity arid felthteillannuk4 to.
OR ON Loused) , et PlilL4etplas
• TllO5 B .31WW • lhoUsblebi, Oble
..FINDLEY B tireGREW... ,
ritteberrit., March 12. lEtt.
nt" Lo. 11. Ira or 4d/apeo IL comedy, Looke;
'‘./Olasa 241.•lornarer 'and dealer to 11ioello • Combo,
dal Vona, Good'. kceps ConlOrnly on baled, pram
lifllliOnoraccore. evcro droenpuas os G•11..111oloogney
ltld Unorpon Looking T. t 3. 4. sna 3 Mower
Tole% ploin Sod ornaosintal porno franxe
• Allllada of Docks, Tnirs, and %O Can; Is sew. or
ellosenConda,Tereoda'sual • germt aolormenr or
Foley Wads, wboderala,at VOW/ (dean eO.I.
Pedlars and others *applied lona Pealed. (Aorta (Am
&fa Pnoto. tad 10 Or 14 Immo at Noir Volk price..
lonian ' 'Neat. tor liked and 44
Illessensgabelit Livery Stabla. •
aeLe . s. *pew* tb• lure 41a1.,:e
• ea Fug st., num bi tie. • V:
6 eestiso st .bewee
t e a r. 4 , 41=111V. ,
andeissikletd sestets, is,abe r or tbe Mottenjealtela
II bese,with In enure new ebek olliOrk4 and Cull:
1111 H er the Welvestni wad &tut 101.41 m Lepi
at dray le On best manger. iYally •
FOR IC kinds ol c mono}, aast dtsrue• of tor ping:
sock an floplerAlieoraes,lSalt ahem Scaryr. Brat
Ofdoor. WPM; or erre kul torll tor an Mbar dare a.
ars of tae alto. winch ',gran worm] remotes, tl•
Soap mod Wird. Itr.da..
bats, alarpiosor, Tao. and abut. , th e coax of At.
yellaWor Usfla. rod at,a, to • .Ifise. bealtay, To al
thanes. A
at fru% a f F,lcscraaied group!. gas ter
sate Use renlaud p rn 371 per rake. Mama Dn..
' , cured. is afford for raNt Si A FAIINESCOCX A
Co,colosr In sad wend and Um at iho auger of u a .0
sod woodus.
AA* itisToiTmapesieeit
-1) LACIU/0
AT Tr ow md bni
makelad ad Iliad apllnEr Hal. g• Sad
se %Woo Juin wadies o, sad au E.l
voodoo gunkoom stoner, wall use, cosalart and ow.
11_ry an priors& b all Wit may ad dri.
far pad tome, ea astkil a of UN
, at air Moos, camera: Cam Wu. ual the Dona*
(bark of A loundorApaeo IL*, Goods dons.) a •
teXPIZIENCT.O Jukes ' s., a trial of one and a half
ledllloar.'alor• 'NA JpAurnoteo tisa Miele ascot
pease los daraaillty la tke ermAroolunst of all. kirda ar
Pentaeve. Price RCVS ease is Apia kale one 11,
gar naked enne aboatita enters ertliseceast uk,
asbra" Bdok s ueesse4 as Opel Aix.. e.
sired, widow yoUussea.j4
Of lirthiltesality la
pew receng and for sant et literaaesistaorneqs
W Canal Davin, by • •
ar' itaci .
.'spear [enviers. Ivent.m t
s Werk viv e
TIM:TLC* TO 41111 Ma
13 POULlo l :ll.7tabie -
V bar, ey metre comma with tha . ftettirlta CO;
hulls azeinvir• ride at see emir Teas in Plasbeso
and•Albpeal.etlie►' ea, racoon' sump* as eta
lbw Team, areept pervared tatoigh me, le iiravilatag• -
.4meeeri and a fraadapot Oa paella and War staa.
Aiwa on . am to be robed ea. • ' •
Tr . iAYN ITe Fw*
. 611 , 11a1W,.11/IY, A ' NO .4 • l 4.l.dliNT - Cr/ra - CFl4it
:at ree•lved (ma tlor Ow, Ileveys we. hoer.
Itiaelan's C711:181enl eklar, a verrropeme estlele.•ed
'tlegiujlque .eetur, alr sm or ak rely'uipeAdar
%Willi; Doi ..I. at 11. Citubug Ksaaa4l Implargni
wusberroetser te Wood .ad h
ere .
• . .1 • • . . • WICIELIMPIAM
Dlll7llll, Davin, ; •
TOEG 1113HURN, Drgyost and•Apothoesq, N, W,
al seater at( Wang asdlltb Wei:Pittsburgh, erill'hovd
eeostoollY - band, Drop, Paiots, Ods, ans-stotte,
N. •—physleisabi prescriptions earandly'eastpaand•
ed !mm the best materials, st sny hoar olthe dsY or
night, Also„sui segment or . rartooseiy;'llLlD Tooth,
Hair sod M4ll.lltushts, dce. , which he will sell
Pe i i z i l i sn belt eenhe.l4 fuse
to( D t doe day dissolved by muse
victual. the business will be.e.llinsed by J D
1114%14, who
r didy asthossted by settle dot, account
PlusburiX Sot , ' . r
C IIITLICAIe—k-nbiliee peleagert a- tower', wit Pruning nod Badding MAP./ of Tannin pattanni;
ruitablo for puhe.tarn nu 'trail/unary: IN., • Ulu
aratottulanlof pea and nodal kolvaiha inneriorarOo
Jot rOrolved and for WO It at the Pitubsigh.Verd
aniVilgriculnital•Warebouvo No 131 Wood. at, earner
of nth: - '• • Doan 8 ff WlCKP.ltoligal - -
~.. • . CO - /1111181110811141. OA! 1 / 1 814011 • , •
A T . ,CINCINNATI—Igat soilagiradhy.tbo Governor
.U•or. Pennsylvania to tole irknouilidgoimulpf alibi.
Mg.4.Pki , oftiltbaloo fifidoefuread diparfairoor of
pones. It Oblo;l Wri 6be Metter reporded InYoutoirlya•
IL. Orates, 0 dotira-Eala or ma Maw 4 gaga, a..
olinta/I;Obto. • • - •EDWiaRLI A CaletCll!. -
•.atgrOdkvill•P I - -..' . . - . iAttotney attliw ,:-
A R !„u 4 ISt riTite i at l VEE
WV 'V W tidal thd Inghest pito. cAtnirp
-P- 111:17. en lir nd, every* Our . Ktognt W . dittm and
Comer Pms
Tat CIIPAK Pitzeigails—Jest Tied, ol
/ mots( initAsoWe exteitest Palmy lee Cisme Pm*
mai,t,by ibrakey Thombeas sod mince Num.
Ites,a3 • ,•• /011 N DUNLAP
• . N
41. !
• 1;11, E.R,AR Y. -; •
• •
i /17111114 . 111 MULE 133ITIRL
108 •
_: c e( Res.• .f.„ X
. 'OeigoorTLaat. In ma Mb Me agfor•
tmnsminal Miuselt. s of a s fumshed mitigation ors unaln.
t. T e o . . Olt t . ,tmof in set • '
informs an .ed Winfrey: 711,e . coed
comismon'im illoodat =Mot ;Ansa, and it is ara o•I'Mbo ..y•dmirri•ecuna g shoald
West um pro monk-mile by Om time. •• '
Mon Kenton Ma nominal of. poifemot Ally.
, as machos of ?Mule on Planisma
Ina too nndiknollm togged recommendation • cow
eneh iesebsr .111 De eniplo)ed
' Prat 1 1 1: 4 10/AMMill tom ohs egg or Om Dsoarcineat
PmflsONENslil Lar lire illiottiOn of 'Amiga
Dcogiumo•gadvilllgimiatimminda win. 'lamb
•lng. tutd boti in oil ga4 worm. remora ProL
I.'sg 0110p21031 It•ChLT:MId big 1tt0CE1.4121070 ,
Asa IN bi Eamon end ike United *atm.. Its
An aim bpi sib:Amber an Me fu.t mmittaas of the
. MOlMiam• the PlinCipai.
/Al. lEC Arab Sam, aka, Teirvenrk.Sana als, ' ;
• _• . , P/alladalphala. , ,
TIELTOPeaV i I w ? tilutilatt.aboteee all le
lostrachan ill th bn
e,Freneb,lttlXlLehMaire on. :e r ee.
• The eervices of the oast mantel Protrudes, are per.
peene , a i lly se e cerl, end every lunar Illy. pepin !sr
rt . : 4 1174 . 141 . . tc . al Langoages, weeir etn . ollea .
1,. 'lle year Is divided . Los - two terate' or tore month*"
each, cosuaractni an th e la at deptessbct, and today
yes the Nebo' /nee. .. . ,
[ The garde tattle Releinolio Year of na, Itiaathe• .
Ito, payable/MI yemly in advance; snUnet estate,
Incept Buie and Linens. which ate et Professor's
prima • Those onsooteeeng apaae M tte:tere , wil be charted snoaly.y. •
If dateekt de...triable bppereats or grardiaal Or
=am a &mance, they earl remain daring the
aserfano; when ail doe =canals krilLbepant.' '
tllttO Cher i, Eallt I al Pearson, or 8 hfcClann;
i t t r: :'ritim""Enr,I 1.04 TA° :s ' 4 2 'Alt:
...FA, N CL-grj t} ar r ell Ba Reslavallajoao—
/Aachen! X Call, TMlabame, noto&—Dr Thomas
Qtarlemost—J • P Ptah:, ENO: C—Thmots 0
BY.. t...n•rhy 14 ‘ '. F g ..T . C .I .AM IM n "n f w t
. ii - - Immo zasoilup — mararion. A ..
.1 .ALLEt11110:11Y , CITY. • ,
1 :1 1 FM laitilation eater dsi eftlethe'or Mt. N. W.
it i ella o 4!Lroll ofalicmPACimyympyon, al Pop&
albriblbo l o '11•11011:111117 aid itilmberrar eta.
• Tto Mama Peal:emit eammonee on lltoodaty,tdept
nom llealidag is dial mill And a, m shear Lemon
sine sou mimeos sos id t of W. maim as poreabtet
De mit mill foo rot 0 say tone dams the
M el dianoy. "'Melt ► era win be mm . *
mini ' cosolm instractlsos io
_ltiS4olBllo NI •.: - , . •• :"
Toe tielaasa ro i l the mom et turned's,
Moab Ae...mmakelrettlaurppty a IS. hates".,,. n
All.shooft /My 13,1017.
VALUABLE •800 S—ro MINA la' rk
, R. & U PlJants, we= outset, behtimailloalk.
Bad bilk, ClacimmalL
_. . • _
_.! ,_ ..•
Gaunt. Othban—The bi tory 01130 141110 Ind
fail of 111 Roman Benin By Echoing Gibbon;
Eq. A obw Ulnae, re undrortlettyll Unorgh •
not,promied by a preface and accompiaied - by
so* cottlealaad . ldittuicaJ, fable pfiompally to
the prop:yahoo of Chaicy: by A& F. (i.e..,,.
i d
'N it of Palate losing Use fur kingdom of
Frazee. The 0fi1300,1300311 3000.340133, mott
le* from tberreseb el ly bar this ed,bon.
Walt a notice:el the Lite s character of Gibbet',
and Watson's' Reply to GI a' Io Venn, imp.
Napterl enotsule War- : L ettp*. I . rel. imp ;
tu• - .IIID pave. -' i 0 . '
. Hamm'. 'Biddle ,54cm C .R
re ebelhos Is
Suntaant, Robertano's largista awl tic. Roglaed,
Homelike recast, and ErViall War is Amnia, sal
Rammy's Americas litsvotatkon Y 1 eel 4w...
Llnra:yes Amman lisms.7.4.:otaaming inlet.
, 00110 from the boa' mothers on Americas fltsbny,
Bkv*ty, 'Smile, Usaurerce, blatastta,laattatur,
Iterolatmemy Baltlce, &e. Am Ac. Alto, Anec
datne, Poetry and Pdtatellsostma admits, Mary '
led cotCh Moon Asa Rkleagrapiay.
.1 col, Imp tare
olvenal Pictorial' Liheiryeactiatig vale: 11s
r,pin oo tubas *objects. compremor Natant '
Indoq,NainsolSciences.Avicaltine, Rural Econ
omy, Blograpba; Vine Arts, etc °neaten, Travel.,
Geography, Benny, Itlisce•lanoom readier. /he.
Ate. , J vol amp ttro 610 pp. fel .beep. .
Ti. Non!, Medical Ltbrary—A Tteatim'oe the
rre&rtlao tad 1:a/a of Dim:ism bY term.m mad
simple Pe4ite hal. L'‘23, &Awe, sr steed sad cab,
god etth thoi additive, of a Vo7oi illy Mil 3133 Med,
tee, pantatanz oar the f iritet; 0.2 . 3 , (13 0130 334 343.
of* mast halaatle setae h al pleats, and en
"dined Ram* am
, J PhymolOgy. Ilinstrated
' • 01 . am handrrd g votrp
orra, eta nt obich ere
• By J GI Norwood. 31 I.)—Z CA ow. rom
• /Annan Flower Lind. Cornparhoo--.lespleat
to I.ll.7lltact Stator, by Edwant !Sayers, Litsthscapil
.ildfUraillatratattliantenar. IT ray Thule .evaltene,
Erring& enlarged sod Ms:poste&
Phllserb Omens, Rocky blottatztus.lbe. oe.
Family Testament, octavo, with cad without
Polyglot notes cad realms to metre.
Ric tad Plogree's Debate. Burn's Works Lady
at the Lekal Lana Rosohn . :Alore'artyrate Der.
Liao.. jaesolle. Beata. ILloapedstions of carom.
:mks ia paMplklal Rom: I il'' - ' rocteM
Dummy' C T P.VD I A-4 D etigasep of
aree,lanieere sad wt. emariein the eAtzewleenriptioe
• .ad ore,mider et ogees tedeehet Lwow teeetace
BILL te• eetitseka wh.cprAll _lCstztrAl
am, Wed ey T Ineeleer t
Mane.. easeeee Ame ee
rica Atha',
_eoneehjeg ler et*
end inge et Meeeka. CUM* 6.l.teeeee no,
NOTh Dods, BreiieitkiNinehees Tel* Neirlite.
ies. If arias. T. Celitseds: - Meviee. Cnbel‘ Needed,
rrrlrotleii• law& ed aY• abut ! .1.r... !0` ;
:skein the Vela.. • ,
• Mere ratite.—Tie Wel etele Petiole Pesitee
rretoesitiss id lir see eetelehee et 11:611, euseeieeg
menet et Orli • milks ke.Af...bellrukoel Ned, AI e.,•
• mie.lll3Jellok Cheseeedil tt,ekbaiee peureeeseeeutel;
Iliee gage. I ,• • . • • .
Tlei eft et* 1,14.4eti ilie.Mhet, fievere
Slew, 111 . 1); !eater et deirrysteelkgiet
to t 1
. Javeeii . 4;.'Wori. v
Malik ud Werikr or• hie+ emkr• we, • ••,ry Pr?
sLr Juril•••••••
• .. •
Teho( Oft Si,lifecolfortlog oar..atioar of ok.ipmeks.
Aveoile . Xicallef .uiprigui
am? ...miles decto.tima, Lida il.ero.
lioll of IM,I L. pr. le, by FraaeloT 111.41,ifotronorio
Among. at hi... 0..
Th. witerioyals saycl , • 4 ini for ash by •
• • ; JOHNSTON k, WTOCKTielbt
.. j . 11.4.11en,eur baby! abgb3ni ets
MDICULL noolcs
-111. flung:hoc% Haman Ilea:th;
Panes lastitk.A of blot n; .1 • • •• -• .•i
I ;wee. Anatomy, . • 4 .
I ., fr a's pat Mallie4; •
' 111•1:er's I.ler tin. of rbisinologr,‘
FlbotbraN I . !ectlea, • . ;
Woueses •
I.lenre ort;Fietale • " ; '
Cooper ea 'Bernie; , -
Statesbotbantlt Precut.? Of..yatidnhoui
Plow ohthe llodnachl , ' • ;
Cond. on Ibsen... of CIO hlreal -
Hooper , * Medical Dielionary; ,
Clymeron Fevers;
United Statet Ditpentanily.nearedltibn.
The above with,* rneral athortraeth cif Cie c o in al and
ALtheetlarteostt,Book et am t retelythe and for tato I .
I ErAlltrYT
' ' StOnarket at:helween ard and 4th
t. BLICATIONS 'Orehrterit
J./. Domestic .tiecnanny.aed
Lid •.4 RIAr
*epees Natural Plitlst*phy--; • "F ,
thackley's Onowetry. ' . lest te n d
said far
aalo :
• nEtz2 mcDopin ta'..not rl
OKtl-ru sty a the
ohmic*, and of the: *art and' corppatontt orient(
oath the
enmity of Ail reek reified, in Enthocipa-)c
ting their enmity froth Th Yolintl-In moo vol. :
prath,thhaditt copy lotth, aullierml• leaps anti
Letters , ilikvitrati4eof the Teton from
lad., Mg.-with bat jthstratth. t 'etude. . •
Coropaown 01 the End{ of, he Italy Petithores
hbothrty,thrillnit.romance, with ISlP!esgrA
: :,.2oar is the holy I.and:Ftenl intilneteheh
In. China.; du* teed and Corral by
' • ; ' IdoDONALOte . ,IrEtt)N
• • I - • to tharktiOrnt
• Nara Week of IPkanost
JOON U. BIELLOK, Woad is how teeming
an cdeellent attonteeet of bleated tad. New York
11111X1e, arrived to-day and how open fprosld. ,
Two tplondid gamma* r.anos, : ta octave.., , 11 . 2;0
Ono splendid earved.ftosewitod, tax octaves,
Elbif oplandulmalmmy - PrzoSi; end* hnif
Ont *fluid Piano' Forte:thatle at' the ftetoty
flea* Ilers4 bads. and *ally equal to:the ano
toted by him at his Con6erw, (Co !
One nthisetrani secondhand Plano, made- by bto.
dart, Woreetter kt.Ountourt, New York. IL'S
It further relpply wlß.he received tiering thin week.
_*P! 5 'I • , , ' ' • • •
' ..Navr''Lot at - Daman' Plasmas. • '
lELEBLIt hae jeit 'reutted• the fallowing new.
,•;•11[1,, yitl , Ch be toll lower than tel be :
.• 11
bought in the east.
Oneeleganimahersar, d-utavm made be Nein* tk.
Mark, New Yeas, of smest,posse . r and I}rettlell4 of
tone - esteem:4 , lou ;owed. , -
Onn'elegam rosessoml flaito, me es - Chielierind,
Sonia, and selected 'by Mat as he t o s, insuctnent
Meehan, in halfsetaff,-Ptiee.seeY
lksides,• heather 01.11 ptiMmnd styles,
&manna the matitztenan'e setemian ever offercd here,
No EL'ard-stmt .1114 Woodmen's; •
• Boston anti Itark'Planosti
1 JCI/11 , 111114 AL 0.1.014 No el ‘Vniinl st,
hab rceceseii and Offer./f i calr—
One splendid liceetenoil PianeForte;
• oetth 61.ortaves, Iron (tome and new
amide Made by itichisbur• -
One elegant Resevetiod Piano Voste,seilli Goitares
audits's, frame ' Made by Flickering. -4 . •
One clegani Mahogany PI•110 Kilie—triado by Gale
'ins shove Will he sold at inittura'eturets'ilti r eCß. "
' for sale as Itberic4a -second - hand Piabo
eithli octaves • ' , PIO •
HisToßy own EiX!lCO—Jost published,. by.
Cft kU P James, Cincinnati. • ..
1.11 , ..obIlICU: her IVars and
s Itmlelatul'pent.tiona,y Anal! e. (Faid Oicipersat of
doe banish Conquest. lane; to the pleinni.tiata air;
int/edifies an 'necoemtaftbe Warsenti the United Suttee,
"6. hl:1)
- - VOL 4 "I 1 1 ,4 . Military; Achievements, l ip Philip,
s'OtUtgi. SCitti eivoCopperplate'Maris, and seems
&tracings et:Plans at Salt ic•O roundi, &c.:' ?al.
nee *nave, of five bardred aid ..ixty•tlar mger.
Alf AP OP 411,,EXICO—yapa de les !UT°, Unk.
Alnico, 8.
/14. dos Jo ~gunlootannisado de nide per
lab entice betas del Congreso dn . Republzensig
-•• irsidopur las mOores siosolidadsr
. , J lINStOji ETUCK 1; Mot eltets
' ' ".?" ". • - tor natter Alcti4si
MIEVAINCIPLES'OF Wagon ti4Ali t ineii;:
dabobbirv.ibb•by ibaszadi br buz blubbi T b
..4aysby,tot of. obionbbibilbitookb bbeVi4. reisi
.21TM :
- • • •
• '
r DU , QII ES E • .•;.,
11011311141.0.1111.4.11141, it hariay temp ted .
!LA *eft Noir wok% ase now preyated ne saniatuA
lib every.desedpties ad C.Gh and Eliptio apnngs
kw GRUA, Amadeu. Mister, aprirA and Saegh Sire,
and aam* . shisaL l . agaara and mind Imo wtriel
'key oder (01 litwal term., at their lairrkeefer
Na 4S.Waed atieetMrhere they aloe Lacy on hand• a
'ean2ptete and !madame aaaartorrnt of Coach trill..
hantwars, atalleahle castings; Naill
• • C.. Mt Ca, tame made arnageexiiia wall Nutria
Day k Creme, munartnrcr. of eLoTrla Spades
Finks, itx, and will trey rannaitily bald C•trt
iuttele bade be W.. A-takers an. Tammany eol
and kr ea 11,aipyieea and Senn. w ilt bc . titadr. '
• irls4rTle
40175 .WRIBEIT /O. 004
&mpend lo build cargo& and Woollen tabia:
d& any • nt net desertpjion, welt_ar , —tpaniing Ma.
.o , 47: „ P r lt i t:f m ting 1 1 .4m.y 1:=11.=7 . 714 From,
Frimarn. Land% Drrr 4 " Prladme, ' ;41 1 171
Ilhiflog Atoned all *sea Of Can Iron; kabea:olld
iftaatrelf hued patiewm,alide asd
'' Castinai o( every datcript'an fernkheS
.tien• Pauerna made crier for Mill • Gearing,. Imo
main, an.
Stearn' Pipi for howinir. Partorie& ORM
Inin. Wisdom, Pub. and Caney CaarAnda geeratir.
91difolIA,at.M• Warehowq of J. Palmer &Co, 1,16-`
itsW;esalorp hare prompt Glllotion. • • • .. ,
jibekaillMk. Dell & E
waxen Jamlrvin & Nano; rjtubailli.' >•
Warner; tWahenviqe.
E ' W.STF.PIIF-NS of Whoollrd, P.:dhowthiri
lent . tg:fa
,ittfirta c J. Ao:penrnet or P4:::(31'.;
and' er oo Stephens , Mmanhotanf riC
Anther Iron Work& Wheeling Va., Rif the 'arcane of
mandfaetwlng Irda slut nada ofinory4weriptioso •
• '
E. W. Sranamm. F F Pnerracann. J. A. Ammon
ANCHOR IDON.wonl, . •
• Nasafariale all kindlier boiler, Meet,' anima sit
aall&A Darnel slipoc spriago and sale.. BeMdsow
mewed with Pemen6rrger•aokl /ardour WortailoWdaa
Wks an Reuel@ of /soma Imo [Wadded libormhefltafi
equal ut any made in Ilse countrt. Al! of whorl : Wl be
.roW melte Pittabargh Finer, S sretoa.eofthe Worts
, ertraw.sf hfonme and Water' *lmola - tayll
_ .
Jca Lappeacou. loan U..lVnky LF.,bleidan.
Al A s v igreUTlLVt,
Mils, Col. Cat all and ri •Us an d
Faris, Item Manacle /has, &enc. *' •
Ilaylaidoeekteli all glair Irrranjemena he Ike Ono.
smell. 0( ha. machinery. and la secular IM best
aratteen Man' She Went eelcbtated ettanUsbaleain at
tt:sdria band tithe ssla all the above w e w ' 4 2: ban
lag exasLed lltes of ibe lamas laosarwroserna, and
eaajkserbilacd anti m gratkmanable and laataatat that
MUM b• essikd. they real. ta prad me. oracle s,
• • =l4lf eel sepaske. le may dins eat be bad la tbe East.
. AMU ea mammon of dealers an ciainientkda
le baked pucka:slag clambers. se*, are
ereviasedabas they be 0,4 to fill Wielder. la their
lase bathe caeca aulafseltaa of parebasiro; Watchcase,
Way.' at. 4 dden West blatmeatibetalle4sa, Pligsbargh,
Pa • _ • • .. .
N. IL Pm. , !mama bating:as with Wm. LlPPencon
;sl,n. swill plasm call on Llppeneall &Co. oedadi y
TAUS blue meth...7 to inform hie friend.
;end dte public .at large that has Factor/
• ,„V! . l r. ll6 Perahlere, ha the East .4de.
.rant 7:rgt,
l andquarsnis.braeoa ' saolykepteo “ b o ao r d:
t eet i V p o. „ 3 . it i lf c eLd rd.l:l . lseburab, at J.!
• own.. RhAller• sada to order ta theiteitt et te
1114nde tspemed et the shortest pante. '
• N. IL tire AU& veal be pat ap, inmatey adtlt
weal airport, re that they can be mren amp
Pretnja ease of Amore. washing, MIA wallow the ?ad
eihrrear dtu oevldlyherlentlY
' ' 4 119011.T0Z1, Bell azat Dm. Pound.
2 • • attrillainbaldleadcoesatanord butinssa
.4.. hi. odd stud, what* be will be pleased 10
seUta m td ,
B nnoinnen ott i ftr i. se u s.... f
nno,fienn 10 to ILIA° pounds, ...,y
cast floss
- P""":l2r."7,7l°:X.ll='!'
m...,allYwat roar. Otoodett, 8.411W1, de; de.
tom rat.ety altlont Casfinse, if topito
ed. tuned and Looked in the. onairideannen I ' • • .
irrA. F. to tha rola pnnrueur of Damped Alan
dataarlaa Wen, Juuty.eulelatuul Go *II media
tato 40 friction in ealtinnety.' Cue Lonna and allmapia
*l4 `l'!?2ll l t. L t !! . 3 1 - 11 21 .
W. W. aiii.L76117. 7— ,
•• 141:A11 aunt.H.MilitarC
tret.d.l4 aid Sid Lawn rnwa mar 11.11,Pddd4 - :'
LWAYA. kand and made morel .. a ISICO 1111110 ,
ty. of Marble Almelo. Pier.Centia Tadao. and
IMleau Teso:Teasb9sonee,Vannesetu.s. all Whitby
bentuotade ad the tbounatotasblet. sod inanaimiandl
Ptnetrodir brftsclonernardlbeaold low rot tub. .
N. 88.. Noma mnsblng to patebare Mauls) an
lurunoodaelki btornuli danteaaaaasy in thew ie
as Eau; 3 . !amid, !amid, Juan with as ante!. all
Rawet. u pad. and Vey.ltat.le.efeete, Ike. eandidet.
.41 air cheap u Iney :cad punkas, Ikea fat 1011. e
Putt. Call nod sue. . •. • • 1.5c10 .
. . . •
' : COPPICII. ruie>av SEWN, AMD
n gat: MANUYACTURV. . . •
• Al R Market aura, Pturbstith. ..1-
frtfilL , hatiwithora booms made Vtal I •
la th e rorf•itrattioa of th eir COOKING SUP, - -
n. Wally tart.* p‘rion• handing rfotheabaslitho eat
aria elate.: before purrhastag, aurora call aapplytheto
with Deck Roves !Suter, and. vary odor tool of
throw...LTA god 'earn Lral work; ha,F to litholthi«
:ug a .eambrot. . •
111 e MOO /War det o n the .141neirimelki Sal
Taheaatodelthathir; Cooper wort jot them %LOP
Nut offal wapiti . Of wort mow boa II
. . SIIEBI fi
•• . • : Coe,
Mandsettistrs of Vials, Bottles and W. BOIS;
1bh..14 WOOD ssEer.•
nun limner, bow( sow in fell ejetniflonobt! act
‘.. , •prepantel to exams Arden Lt eue halbatre=lp
DO." the Jot ilisiary at have adepted• sew WY
Ileiteeteh Ulu.. (tho =SO ihr*rd."l"
..edge ter , tallow
Ly whin( umbra SW a vspettiont
ele• trlasa flattened on Lbw liperfeetlyarge and.
Maa. VW a very Ewa la ! Hip mato and &hit waren.'
whir), ate mental hi ehtyizaetice (or Wm.
„... • - mun •
• • BENN ETT . ROT H E •
• : reetleesteneta, laser Intehbotright/
liftreitothef. lAN 137, ,Wo od and, rittOurgh.
%NUL constantly t eep on bend a goal
• Want et Ware, or our own ataropwatre, and
aurrellbripabry. Vitcdesele one *limn Ilet•
ass., respectfaily 'tinted w can and es
arsine far .thenwehrea, as we are decerntioed nil
cheaper than law ever before been offered ta the Sabi,.
11T Orden dent by taalLaciomparded by ihe<ath ;re
enyrefireeei will be promptly alienedfeta
Ghat %Valeta Butt. Binge Banfattitti,
csaicniNA-rs,o. 1,
A GARDNER Co., would form rte wade ilaa
srt. Om, str, Jam asabu . fanuttlog nnaLlkin . linace
encrandn Welke Vetted Imam te• do. la oar prawn.
ale Li1•16.14.41.T. inten4 Wald 0111 WI template .4 ac.
Ilea. can pOsiaila wade. 'num etlgar,dlp cag
tiefthrelo watlcoan dank. wnl it
AO SW OPT All Onkrslllololldy aotedael . •
- 110 et Wan ONElree Ca tdl nr oh • pea 61 4
JOUR suanury ar.
. • • co.,
, from rbe tale. Imp , O.a4pa.
NTS tail warranted 1.111111 Is
..} Saida! ii: onleend, (i.e 1.4-
. . " ten p lani P T Pdi n'4"
wayladJa : .•
--____ •
. Palf AMIN - 201:111 If. QCIO4. • .
F eredl e fFa i l?"4l, l4 =h g ll
Ltlipde Semms, Ilaometed Asb. apd . deakni is
Malleable Cattalo, Fire Llagina and C h
Tflatilangsraderaliy earner oi•Xaa las IPmes soma,
riusburah,Pal • • .
LieIPIXCOTT •1110 • • N4/011.1Ls. ,
Taco ara4 Naito, Mord, /to. foo 1141 C at on isoor
1.• Wareham. , No. 113 Wateo street, near Wood, MI.
Mg WI neat .• • •
Moo, no sooonsoent at the old nand,ll charter's
raw, Matt more.. - •
nowise mode (mat odditioum We itollinrllllll,
',aka au be 411“1 prolopeo.
_ r
• earl* . MOT; LINFOAV a: .
o4atrnELL a. crises, '
mosrroCtritrlts or
leas sad Capper, Toots. • -
Pattern linkers' Mak' .Jerry deseriPtion:
Mike Na, 2 SI. eaddi tklrl, Thi
. • P It tsb• r g h.
p: l7 ^ Z l 7tT "-71 1.11111 1 11
ItA LVA ILIA:DUE an malaria re and keep eon.
IV,I. coots op Land Cot, Ploaided •nd Plain not
tils•mars, In o i l to 'wooled. at their Warehotrao roe:
a, of !dada mout %VIM( ureen. ILuaburgh. ,
Oar Works . <01111111.4 In tall operatinn. and we ars
ronnan 1p adding %Wort. whlrlt enable, emu 611
colon 'risk plegormilo, restbmu. -are rarpocitally
suksikedl teelilisad issudie site!' and kink •
• TIIOII. 11 , C3C16211b1U%N.Jr"
illartiale Variety Unre'and Laing G 4,11
AhOlUfiXitg,M • •
. IVIV.Od and F. nu att. Mmeo;
rrreirol frei? floe a lart e 1 rod eir•
• 4/ aVsnrty Goahoselsdowasell...A•ootr•
deer.. rm.. die..eie.. thus, CepeOlaute nail lye.,
iledeer en•l linabs. of .evrry .
Welwyn' bte trim. ■ and etberrare legbutedMNtlaY
taipne trfore hnshw el•nrbet7oll
11.41 krill -
1! lambi of Al•boli nv cad cosmos Loolktostilloo
tosoofoettstr4 and .old .tY s.i ** es . seal
:•:CO 0•14 . MAXIM G.!"."••
~ •.. riohimeTrifi
piti vie likeardee elleergled fedi received aloes
le hao bawd hicatelf .41WItetty,
1.40ui Jodocott.biolo Utile •Imue, ter •
fa et yeses:ea the pedpury le ere
°cave:, Ileavott how.hotoly
rreeeettaianalzli, From kmeempeneuto is WI
1 , 4 =7 d. r.te h eledde, Ito bop% to our- .
pun. o o ead lielbrale b l:nl4esVl;illse .
RNA sep.Baestu, sod teem deertleiles
inde {e order.lrom teeeerolve /edam%
*lda booms: .t• 1 • iert.latitiptlity MIMIC •
• . • ' BOVIVAU •
it *UM 'MICK, =matured by4adie'
1100 0Sireerdhltret,Pe usmentell a, eepe•
illeedledeteoll Way dm Wlle • BAWL hi KIM
• MI : •
," *.• e':espel en, 7ilet
....anillll UAW OnlZlNCtiensi I
D.dr I
" t eeMr, wittetiWu**.
mwor - 0.4.a.
i.eNtg.OQr ar,R, r
41-1,;2141,1; ,4445da1t.04044160164.
. exiotinriemikeo I. OM l • •lio,
ornNl • inki
TUS MP itievery day at I *Week: •. •
The Imes *Musk Gap s 4ol o ll itlyiliro lll4 .u.
1 110 1.70 1. 1 1 . 011 14 1 4 imam sorasp4 11/*
Alia Camas%l.o%re:a lathe Bids MI N.& SwOou,
• Aura., \Choate' abaft, Iselpfeirara eras, Nan,
• Liver Coomam. Broaradas.ratalailltimmares of
• .It. threat, tune an 4
• • me, All.
Seer , l.l7 Se r-g=
• Baiting hosanna
; .
co.l IIIILN E- Weekly., via ;sketched
I V.L alb me. blos•Lalranted be.almaradsaiab,:tha
elde, awl ail the veal trans of easeasorma IN
employed tem of tan - Lees lam drardiA
tow, osKi moo th ee MOO Lie NOT LI Vb. II
li.,. ae
Lle7 2, ltent r l na r rsZsea irmd
ri 'k t : ra t Id ' o n :e:kre7h: ; et it a „..r. l.glit U taL lb".. NLra ni. I
a c ham. stappeerthe • ark arab: Baas ha
I i tam acme
Wale hal era le as Oa rant bis
It had la VBD HIS LIFE: Ills darer, natl. all V
I.E. Aveap,ean Mtn . • •' I
• 6141141 a :dame.. o Widleatirah, Lead Tramb
mar lamb Toerati•ar say • , ,That saa aedbma maid
with a A ra.ktag corral, and pate ia the el:aerate loai
Moe, arkich last beam oohed thsf abe waif als.
oar school foveae Rents year., *alba
commeeeed latest. AD•llealtagetalassi; Nalehatta
allerrima het avntpinent. ,4bee 04er lase rellealialy;
and Im pawned, elabFruiras , ass tear.rate,
.NTARD,' • • I • '
Mr Jaha•CeNeel. latb.aameresal !Ira 1a6P104.
rata a mat, read I rt_Pelem and pana ln Ws;
Ile teem ra NO RC! IBP he tried Ike , tautest
.bleb Meath., rata float Ida side, allera lbse
math, and betake Ake ateare apse drat earracm sari
Were be had lamas, 1, m Mae. eaticely,ared
, • ailsl Cosusumption. •
' Barna lady 'meads el rat, relanool3
td. let years'been ,lacer lo &Melo of ?Meal.
iirir M.d , 90101. hampaa or scour,
P re hp Head and vinocuLoart. of her ledy.
leads believed bet ?A NECOVEJitY. IP All-
Ilehthd Dabate remstedlaa m wee ot all hp slam,
internam:cad she to rows able loadeod tarsarorh.
dagsraa and Ikoopuonygh•
=lda Lecretia Wei* IM W
PAtis irc ue.ra; L H Ilesly..ll,
Del tocey . Wm II Teams; Wateast. know tier
the val. 0.4 t, f
Ibis gem tamed,. . l„
Ask a diermaerall.ikallna. 'oda. tail
Mealtime Calearare le,arl POMO!. I ' •
PneeZ cents and II berbana." • • •
Dr. - thanaata. WomaraCoaralle,Loseareeald at
Maid. wag... tamarisk Os. INass, NAP
a k ivo.t;boof
Wood atnle,!!lo bee peal
IY II 4I. •
Colll. l ou D OP MP .
(Me) Adana, aye :-N Ties remedy hem ...a more
swelters' this ay a,4', be as have ape lawn far
iII museum eltlC4 tizZo64toµlo32,B,ltilag Wird, ma
I. the Side sad 'Weal. lassales, Ambma Masa.
Gradras, Ileareeram blase Timm, Tim, of its
Heart, W locoing Caditt,Creep,Neresas Tmeen de.
mania Ws et the Imetera reapecarallty Mate alp bar
ample mamma darmorad dimes , la ate elan
of dinars. • . . .
Ammi. testimoolalt WOO vase of tha 'acre red
lam, an several fromderapradshed shy - alma. bf
waited*. Strad that fellearim Mat De. VIM& the
talaleal Opthere '
ID. • , n1a1154,, h 7:: 4 , laTteralat, awed a to orr giro
fa. ,ty % Crammed Symp.:Ter aad Wad
• Nakasa,' I Ma Ise bradumn in sayiag than his the
• beat prapandia of dm kora Jane berme.
fob. Cameada Casa. Cads, aD alfrel=
Oa Urea Breast, &a, as inane this tjamoi .(
the Tea. Wet. Yorico,m. W 1.12 ISpriedot
P. e hareems salon a few days the mean era•rim -
the following erentioalt. . - kla maim Weh e Wel inn,
reedy eared of kis dleouot • •
Ihinan,lastrary,t,alits •
ted ma
Prate ease of pae
to rad
a mf a D aly mMa
b rata tars rlbm•
y have rr esocrealais
I meld arata that thabsealiti ken experteaced tram
de me of ?empora Camara *rip of The apt
Weed Naphtha., FOT a< arra Taal aro hand
ted milk • daareatat rattiness:ma, arararapaaltal .lea
Pr.... , oPPmaaa aed d,fftettlay of b maw, oak a 'ce
ase. of t;shtnela it Ile Mesa teeesolag
els rad, • freed Me had beep tech brnelitted=
kewdletne, reenesereorad see us try It, ao, end 15 a
•ery short time alarestaft symptom dap
RI expectorated bream.
Rely all panevaina left me .
Env coeghersrad, a. Jet • fear days I ems ablate go .
.1 sad attend may N.Mex.. all seaa. Aey fanher
tetertaraasairill be cravats , alarm. it. emreldraP'
C. 413 01 at my residence; pa e. 1011. a. nee. at .1
• ' '• ' • . .1 Kt4.•1111eMANAIIIIT;• 11 .
This lealsalde Mdlelei /samara only by , e/t0,...
NE & DICKSON, ai NB comer of Pita a s
etc bsladeplo, a :gat Plaharakbyy Wyr
r. PticePaelafilell{peerbahla. .
CAUIIO:4-11ranns of,
,d,o. waseolikolorfr ehak
pc new .1111 M Tarp sinab ors 'spur “ally le.
..1 MILT—A flkuitirr blinsele t! • Weader!!'
ewe- Pzeptidap omit Dirturn.otetats at the Stilt,
Purplov.3istbes,Saatftmbet3.othe-M. tk*F7,l6:l.
• ---
Pool yea. tiro 1..1A.1un, she repo of met
..a ttottawkdd w nnimtiannis oradiretrefty bode by.
MI hall. Chown, blaar dothied—il mewed Annan
ii, • jaundi•jyd d y
e dm ebythioy. mode by the hard* of
oath Cada ha.e .h am.tar pow... that r passed
bT dliathdar W. 1.: ett r... ie..... ..11ant. elame.4
Um boa It. titivation m a loontioeg,(ond. al...Amy.
Coati* 'stem , rub.. try:. do the rum ' odor.) at'
log*, atm teuitta it in , tlie hataltatt, the Meniellne
eissynt Pala Pie bow WK... tut. weoldletelvered
Wu Wiwi. repot: tothy. Ye s pr.rd: . I
We kart mnir wtoatel y nut c ante lty e dot 1
stool. tOrrodiOn of Ye... We hr., anaint.d Its •
=ll—are beve ma 0 eassn i and •
ot awn So prormobee it, Nan Italian Cbraital
des. as • yew blest Otr, see r • •ar ornedierfitt Immo
dy we liny viten.. trim! , -. I tifidur.oeetof the
eiti rt. 'lt. inVidnin ...Um:: • : . . Inv) philwathropief
of soden. etaolisd. , - •
• (Signed) . .. . I i..: i 3LD. DIVItItY ..
" . • _ ... • • idaat.. -
"REID TRIP. • . Pret
..i . . .
•''. hula thealtenler Mori In.thopmehl Etninetitt
• • • • ••. nat., Nay. 44616. '
:• la ionoileatlalt era .'iranC•o: aZUSigh I hnini. amid; '
riot to Air. T. Jorrsaanahlina let Ms . , ma( Nari a r i e r l bo othl
A., tbe•artiordixoe*of.a•hawansg,
%nth • *taxman Odin in ' ' Fig itIF.,.
Chemical Sap. Ile is ' . 'II I Li
the I , elle 4 amt. only, and to t its,4
woe &Pon.' bola. Chweesl.9....Y, .*.e •.;,- : • . i
Willysa: Henry J. - .. : . • - • . 1
Maned,. • • • AriTottriA M um % !
(*.tole . W JACKSON.: ai Na Pelleal
ni.ichnailt, RP Liberitt;aislen, head of Wm/ at dil 1
.:an of the Wig Boob I 1 . ' - o rir
The vele pl.e. trahodharie,Nrieflidiii GILNI 111 !
eon nentnand... Altiotllmnin Ids a IM ea lb if sis.;" . •
i s j
aGREAT CUltr,pniehrlfr j do idginalphil
and pm.. Lim rill prspand sad rAI by bl.
• 51.1talat Fawn. W.M. se Wu& Ca. t •.
_. July Uk14160. ' ' 3
Ate. it, E. EtCremooAematertlair.J.wni thelll4
irtd.n sac to.. air hatable Inalloony ia hooray.*
releboord Lim Illts I haw dr...lW. so for rim,
adhriar to Pm Co .-Mutt nuilha, My jini ate MIN
des go ...1. , hlot of the *illy pima...Quo( elate. . a
atot niieli., 1....kd to the Aka, Iwo nob fautehillidansere
yorololor P. blank...4nd to ds. plybe.•eati. Week'
I Wino 1.1. sti/14entre thew fill," sa Way rir..test trtat
110. moue. thou to be. • I harslet. iliwee wahl Lbw!
Complaint 4m wrl . yeallt haw oder. week orpiopse
=ay swim!' pligw.Lwi, to et.. pskt week wrnoll lbw'
k. moth tionk to. ,aaoitiviead phrnekott Westeladratk .
saluted IS, and tbsiltyylres op as laeltshia. le
1h3671.• it:doodle tr... layer fillsowd 500400 S
W Zl.d....ft•bea. of witiekbleres.lebaliettosparelew
of pots in U. eds... WM. cant lirnplan. fir al Isnot
Ithoaroto. Tan ?lid an W. du ben candrtint •rj, mat .
Misr na1.... gripi.tterft. melt rielbwo LI
aelt,la rift entomb tete( 1 lan kept Ws us ml Mon
for 6 eel pais odd h.... 'of boats aral bre, edict
hesol • way • corsplant ettwed. .t. . she kw..
thee.' Tbry larti .peraded Wm. ..? tel. Pit/Z .
orlghberitowi r e. ie.... eineeld too.. Um. .I
eroves. roeumairia .be le ell p.m owating ybyste
whither far Li.* Owrybditat Whom stlfweier s =
niitirilma fir oopminratoChlese/priho Itiorrill.
Oily pars, . • . .. .
___ •
_, J L Nelms i
. thAUTION—Ao awn an other 1.174 bet. We public ,
toll. Liwellll., pent. who Ir.ttts OgNl3l Nfil..idl
esb Co. lad take. W. dandy. perpind and .M by W
'SSELIXIIII, - No :1.7 Wood.oi Wm., Thud .ed ro...thi
. , , 1
114117*.Cianai., Valli Trltl, 0 Ai Coate. Pha•Miil,
:,. • -. • • I oah .!
• .
• •Wo bars beta Informed. by Yen Ho.o of a ma per
formed other by Dr. Jaitneye Alterateve, which
proves its superiority aver every oho. remedy Of lbw
kW.. She bee been aillettal Re the last sixteen leant,
ruts Ni.r..itOS&l or WHITE ovELLlNtos..uaNka:
erith akerationt and otiotistiott rrsliegkbok., On
'rimy/bleb doe 19.1Vceestiate beta dheltuitolhe.
the inroad bane at the CIMINO; hoot both henenas;•
wrists and hands, and Moe both ter, and fronds, tellt:
fee oral bean, sad fn. the 001 linker' !weldor=
elects Go other Penn of bof PM.", bee. ;
the skill al a camber of the 0.1 62121.011 Of &lemma
leer eh s-,hartely cwt of the lietto her eueseiagOsee:
biwdenstataw and deplorable Menu three panel '
sines she was' radtkol• to try On Junse . tralienttlee. :
welds has bade asteeishrotry hoPPYstreet WM her
•hy rem pude lad bersillege, and cannon toe •
Weans° heal, while Whit same Arne hergeaeral health
has beeteeneesapkdertured,eo that - she now IWO,:
lbs mot th an .o. benne she coaranareed Memel
of Ws old,. ot.iktillateel.. Doh Amu
Ter lartbor 111111MILEMS1190 , 1..
Fee.W to r 1 0 1 4111 1 0111114M3107.4
781FoothibLeeer Wont 't • • •Ifyll
•-- -- .
Ylow.abwro Wadi is 41 bTielgr. - --
• . losinelioneokisle lark sod vanaie—
" :Yoombote bar re honk and wizen •
:clemy,diny zed or My, .: . .
• yes. Mere rile offeralue . lealb .
• Illoplement It a aldd
Vat could baee—boy, ate
I kid... .
'I T eals.. whites. snow er peat,
' Illreadsw spay morcand ennliale ' . I
Pere and waste mamma Red heaubfel, .
•And heir toil, say, dark aa'rhie, • ••
' Ity roadiag wands aid b010w.: . .. '
g KA Dcati, any el yolieggi bite Me atoia by t ketierd,
ai. is no th ing but OM.) urine gar tank et Jam Choi
tel Hoe Rena, en re—a IN bon of Justrede Mom Teo*.
Pape—god 41 cake of Wer.daluira. Joacal Italt&
.c,,,,,,,,..i Poop. The 111%1,116mi hat huks and To.'
are au uad that the fellonwag ore leer rear st•Aberwl
teeth paste gives she ballilb a •ssrvel agar, 4siiit.
nigh. and presence alui tee AC. •Tbe Bairn , tlf ult
Mour to be the narst eig.ilile tbleg ever made le 4reo ,
tigg:tgaglilgiog,.end ceasing 'I n myth er blur, gad
dee ma, feel th • gengieds Jages's Poop, mon will'crihri
all. eruptioot, freeklita,.M.. SW male desk 5441 0 5,
Mite, clear mid 'fair. :Air thine thing. are ma loolyl
at W-lAtlibUriti Boot wed Nine MtnMilreolet
.Medkise Weiteloaae t 9 Lawny IL ' NIT
• ' No our., Igo tr.F •7— . 7 — '" .. a f ,
' Jr. Jarboe PM Monnicerna„ . N g ~A A 44"-
IplEtt US tgli ipassesiglots-gsognollAr i ' .....
~l Itlcome . tgair the'ln,inuf yet, mlalbutend ,
leg great elate latwbcce medo tweet* by 1 NOM
of pine, 'Miami", linimenti, ifse.; all were latite
end of little booths. Now' the Eadonwation a ttre
only medicine seed. A person Ski ban !me inffetE
itur wilts the Pile. of the went tied woos from Sa ,
lea, New J earl, sl mon to purpore to acme. Ile.
gratitude for the speedy core that this medicine bad
effected la Lie m.o.—Mina: Set: hat. •' I • •
itrl'ot Me la htlsborgb it tbo'.I'NEENLAI
STORY., 7: Fair* it , 10a afko 113 W. Dog t fat!!.
IV ,P.Sctinr4rta, federal . el Allegtreltt Cit
.__ . . •
j 4.10111041•1•4141
es—lar srtirli, 7my ititerplii4l.• bok
.7"4" = .l.4"."" bna b = "gi td l r= .l4l 7 "‘l4 tr i'"
Ism than to rastareCtßal•Nr. nad,cloo
Tai P.q UV, • 1.11119111..4f06
Abb4;4l. ?kb *6 . 124.
itoozug - ..
• .
VOL. TXV,:=aaliQ;2992t:
eIOUN ;11111111.1b 'le JR,.
. . .. , bonli Ct. rimy*. boa
sea .
. . _
X Luureenues Coespeuer of PLI.4IIOI* „
-L9 RE RiS 6S to bail:lmp semi. werthangilb ~ . •
a' ' of every descripboe, and MARINE' EUSIti tr ;
,gpoa balls oreur?. Pt vtablif, I ,llLe;yrea the ,
ibbetheeeratele urn. ' ' ' . '''' • - ' 7:, ,2 • 1 .....
41r.fOmaLE *be Airebot(telet W. — L.l4olmpg . .: /
i lre., Alb. 57 Wit.; ball'atititeN eittigt,tifteill,' '..,1..
4 (......01,
..c. ••,, tr.tu. e.; c b ...1. : , B. Ile steceopf t . ••• •; • ::.
bsCreomdtheb d.e mo- ±.4 ,
ba c- Weep...rib &beery. ebetkei‘.l4-
11.1 *Web eeecrraime.c.f, 3.4‘ese fiek,..,• .'
h. be. aettesied. Lily ener.p. mum% bbz .
vldag ohe enicleace:sal mreeesepe of Ls immt•at) to
the taantaat, at /we to ha Davaara N. B—liit- • , .•
taalla Catnala7 .lellAt Lie ibei teableetalbetiateles .‘ . 7
as: as lalltatiltlaa..4l4oag.lall lost , . dorm la. •
Re ;
I'liad'eerailinersa applq pude a. ' te,), er .
by.abeaperebbeonfiteelartehe.entellyr ' ' f.4t .
. ykideirm.a Memel tanned, Lied., dim . i .r4
th. ' , NSA a lb. co/VP/7 i , 14 0 4 1 / th.r.:471. 4 8 Olce :
HI limy - rospoetribilky loutareitluld ineveronl tie n 77
po.saalagpla (dota l priaripefeedbbliell !et ewll.*l,
obapsio. Lame, &al la itillrilltitralltraillt ,
••• • •
... .-•j
gra •I nsarase•Aiew 2 Pßl •!!t:N9rtli Asivis!!;:: 4 ';i: f. ! •
. A please, ita duly anttemised Agent, the auDeae— " ..i'l '• •
Ow; egemeo"makve-permameCaad =Wed Isiiibl ~,./.. ' ' " . ..
: each oa peoplim, in dee cry' •••dt 01 t lethal; oil p h ,
f.r1419.!,t1,' by itedir'.44TtisT.7,ll,.:.!..o ' i • •
0 '.1olth • :C. smite rail. ; .• :Samue l/ImM; :.. : ... I . .
~ Alex. flee g, . .
.. ,Cpallee Teller,
. 4 , ~...,,
S.W. W. JOrNie, I. ''' need. F. nicuthi - i -
• kilwaid tuaitb, -': - • knOliaa Wtlitgi 1 ' ..?"' J; ...
fetus A. Reams, . Jecolo Al. 1111111,2411 , .....g , .. :
Jahn Whim; - • ' - Roca ft. Nei, • . . r
Thos. P. Cope, ~, 'r Richard .W ,omd • ."'' I , l;;- -1 ! ,
" Wm. Webb, , . • Arthur CI-Cons,Reite. -'- - 1 .
Thu i.' or. olihn liSsitiabei
.col3lpaZiti tiae • . • ! . ....
Relied State, Eft 04 beee'therteniet fa iZ I I.' , WC - -l' . • i ..
ehiner t .. perpetual, mid .froin it. high
.. , .;1 . - -.,:' •• "
101:41 CS perialice, !Maple team, and a -,. . , .
rake of an'. extra harardelei.eharetteir,*-it mityjblY , .' • i •
eciseideredu °Reties ample eoeu owl. the t own. - 1 . - , •
• , MOSES AT* . (1100
At Cos min Room or Atwood, Joe= k.' Cb.; ' ' . •••
*ltter Co.? in
erects, -Pnellteugh: . '"'..
i t li peMfpgri.L.,. ‘- ",.. , •
Ag am tom by tm-Thd• li cue ftritlnn• -0 •
...: •. '
- ' 1140 . C. 02 44 6 7P1. ratiadelphdaii r...' ••, ..s ,!• . • .
1/711x........,,p...nt anditmitc . d,,, ..i
on eterPeleeurpfloh et.e'upal.tb_. pIITTB- •'' .
BORGEL end the fill./RROOrwarie cpusTfirp rr . ...: -
=favorable lras. Tbia. epinpaup#o,apppetaal.) • :
C&PTAL,....,.... •• ; ... 4. aleD,oo MU: % '
comma:Kr Filo,. L... =Al i ,
..::t • A
pew imbue! Thins ad roa, -noir*,.
. 4 . IS-tf______________ • WARRICK Al ASTWAggeire • : ".' .• ' 1
‘. 1. " -• ••
' I . 4pR.A . N • CE: ':"'''' :.._ , :. ..
: •4 .'i'
: lilomairleaiso7
ni mall i i,ise,warsegy.:,.... :. • d • :
.. 0 ...... , .. , ...„:,....A.....:iip. •:,$),...
,pilatimra,,2l4 ?I. vilekm4;6o- '.. •yi • •
• wm. n;. - 11160$41iiift: .• • ;" 1 '• r
HO Old arid rient-,;ham-idied sikil •i. .;
.....tumbiams,,,c.V..° tdgjemmidisi.• • '..1 • •
elrtwal...--.......4buitsuoga.assiki4 •• 1 • !
"bags by fn.
. t .t tati..s far t - i t rabbo to itethaill leof.iiio . .
.4 1 1 Wm.,. ,v , tot rats taloa ambit:- .•
et fbt Emu!
Periods: is am-4u tentiebi .:' •.: i '.
~ ~ b,•;lii ......% :.*1
'';" I'
• NalitAile22l"P"
i • . : :118CRUANEOUS:''''.
' ' ' ' • 1
t alU r t e .t".....,...j.."gur"r M 414.11
animal,on—.---.., kg:well:Al t l'a ' .
a d ir d...• ; a s the l V
awn t. nwilml. pews nn
p!....b.itopak boyou Ile aanataso of p ,
adi 4 feg UV.
umber of Mei bckuwai le Om penal le tgl 0
Leasealy luxe, sat at ale law gulp, elms et .
lashensom come:apt la ilia Wed* tie floss 1,411
No ter? LIP and fa 'ORM! w_0014t0. 4 ,= . 11 1 4 it' . : .
Ile we 6 Imolai dierell to .11 It t on poet .
Om eluTtnnsin- .1.741-vmpant-on- sznaurnmit
r....rDsraels ol if n2Ts_ne4,o nor tuba.
am miler • ! , .
Melt moo &event I oral 4,e .ne m awry- ~ ;,,
teq , dclui..aleta glom, fag Zia* lilts m paled al
tittle.,, ~ ' , ..
panda. ......... Ile riemetirenien KO* Nov "a 1 • •
be taa Wipe and flu se urn* lin etinnume."ftly in
trent • neenfine to due snow. •in n U r eintepannit 14: '. -
peck .21 pokaltry,liad feaktioateni fo .; ..
kW La assfines, Gad rt. anmikommins Or is 114
before oar fiver Coon for male,. .it w .. .•", o .....,,,, .
Ikeldsleme. °tiger 13 . 1 9rtas , . • ....,::, .
•xi•t ‘ i • . . -
.. • WIC ALILIMADWysieer%.
4 - 10IPPK ILLICLitgI AND MIL lIMES uND1.2%....
Xi TAICERS, mew ",t,reele AY. Clatrlnewe.; •
~,,.3.1 b . Ezeheaße twyt,enimie e .1 Pam * 1 .'04:- •
ktspettfaUy.kallarawed w thatrnaatlralii at* 'Wit. do r
a, me
Yr fenieh IN •••% , .4 0t'...rnbi.114'..• • '''
kee W Valenatere. 'Always ea Wm • tarp ed.; • •
w• ~.
.11..ft0.,,., 4004w1.., MlelMew.i s , s eual<7q2:
M.! • • . , ;
iliboatso siadou.k..l woe% tod rgi , --.--:
„tises made to wwwed swim We keep a jam* es . ' ' •
owneettlerwefli ead Ilea', tatemoulk ..d kd ewacl..*: • : •
ewel. for pall beware lunt molenwn,erepei. .
•Ww;wel every Wei Oveterta? ex dnwewg lbw
;wad. tweemdWeleetz weleemlas• edam
emJett* Emma etwe1._,_.PL..!‘...v.m.4411,
u ....... sp. Weloeo•rrid azwLeantSM • .
gad lei liWterer_Ap ciallAg9, NAV.* •
.. ~
I. v g a . t = ceos
tt . ' l 6- tt" l;lr m r..dl .—..:,..:,..
Drugs 'Lid aledlemee,• Die $.:41 ,
raissicao . Oile oCeren gereppvisCie dr) •
.eifirfepeeed eedaletermtud to goll.lovr, . ~...
~ IlAsetty Blereessala end Dreteleu are req . .
op eel Ind ermine
dWat articlia. theirre-execarrel, . ..:,
*kb fattpluloese Le licepecch. . 1.,./I.,Fehe:!ererr4'fi :
Venalfoge contently on band. • •• .
:.1 . LA, WeAneetor 14:—.1 • • •., J ..
11. L. retwer.ock, . .. r 4
,ctio.cies-.1,.. , •.,
G. W. Yeltneetady' • - : '..
A. B. Hall, Ne*.
. PA P.gli Wit . REH ouse.
.. sin: 9,onAL,Etla 84.1115.Z1A11i. IfUlttlf..
g WRVS W. HELD Wren in nie is the love('
%.! jilanaistherenO wimp,* *cry. ezt...“,..e..m.
ilktkVg: ?AMR- .. 41 . 0, 41 •wr. Dowd, omi
adapt/adapt/ Wile teeth of coothathee 4.4llMb:that;
etoilnley• 1 4 / 4 kr of ell 1.1241.' ths,:le , ter order el-lbell
lasfeDek if PitiNTLYt; Eil l thise witpuku/ bail,
WirAraltgiarrit; ribrldvairaw
i(*.gri doenptiee, laud. 09a /!ele. cor.aasilt *A
kagjeorth: FeluteiViA• Cloth, I. 0e1z...,;4,..7 b'uoi.
1e..a,11 91"1"... 1.410
• Pirelesktoieaf/PhtitheOs4l iiii.,
P e ft 4 " .4 o' , &" -a '. 4 .4 en , .14 inarur.
peel . _ . ____._ ._._..
_. • • fitte New Vora. ie.. eilli.
______________ .
111711n0ite 441 wo; FP b
. amacnitettil AP
4iv 444 rt of lam> and &Clair le no aida.
Weed meet, Wee atom Obeeeta Chadde lateilli -
ap,..tfally 0.0 Ilia fair -tole* of Oaten :a died nada •
ad dlitillilLHE. CAI I.kitY call atalll3l/IVirdboill
pfla stops &mall, Mendegabela peatal,ii;44Nliiii eet ..•
Waft atitauthatafeto al Pithiadhed _ . .._ .....
eitMph vappOu el Analean liaplorefe,fippuholgad.:
r r oseiciamd af tia Easters 000004 .'... • ........1
liWal" ?
lie beat= b V i o f ' et " :o7ifolemeo ta ; beg/
......;* •
..ercill e ffay to 1eeet.11011r4.4011 , 111, 'LI
.j.: . :.
ii:Z1.,,0Z,01 iiib,24444iii . lii.• •.
D lag =lntim doh NW Sim itaVila.4l....
ads I. dm loony ameba! , ....0
2.1.... , , ,
self karma darpeatd 0fb,,,,, 5e
The bettotta of tall.. rto ea bsolllabyldNrjrpp4...t
aNae, who di aadiadadd lie Pi d litil &efpflbafilithult .7.,,,-,..1.3
k".1.4P,'• diAlr'..-.4'es.liagfi,
• TIM tiehaatthai fa ito.. • .:err..
kiud, or tbuoe lad A,pek-...a.adar:4014.1"""
med. Onion fetal la . JOI4P3Lii , r 11111,114 r, ..
Aor Übtrly Mkt Weer 3,1ttl ..x4.1404. Wm ' 7+..
. IdaeePot bototi a ia Faat!'ip II
fpedroatipvtit . •
.- • int spr alWillair7
B -1121 ?InTfitelatIr t: '
j• 2. moiTiii, aa. a dim .Trata 1,41.4 .o tall c , lO.
paiddloi taxa wok d: 104 may be 1•011: 'Tbe pad of
.glad 0400EA0aR7 en apfadfa s T kW* to pfea•
Otte Oti sal pot If u, thoatoptof Jalapa welt ' 4
4.liirwaleilde 07 106:120::•41:14,L=
mitten hard e • 001 0 1., 3 1 fat tb4 01.11.:1entnt .' •
a ii..... eaehh. Tatman. sn • 0 0q0estee id:- id ra,L , ..
&leap mad Pave shata.airar Atir sato at ;low ediffii did.
flOolikheiddit. sear:with; k i nootarob. ... - .
~ .I,;i :- . •.. ..!GLlP.,l7.ltre i ' " ''.•
• . • 11. w. NA v Alum .
CMG ERA. 67.4 ezerEsT Umk
ar ignadlm Wheat ewe (*Soy wrl kni. nvl
nand on a Feta a/ Plnatattos. and
ty Arum Num. *sod, et Una AM U , mlnn ua
P wet wad. pew npadds salpecleabba end emb bb 1.1
kea ano tept lo mkt be blows peteom. te %per ,
tiVbrali7 Inniatians;ankk I.laeancba
d arm Pam. and Illaax Irv, and .14 naft sl*
ebendeu and bat Mil ever 10 pange.
_ The asalube ea be wan r a p ara.. 4 , 4_ tel=
gabilead boleeksa eenabokbbelbee.tmw
dUribe. . wt
ealitions A/A(4(qt R SAIZI
eaboilbe Adinfaignimal o(t wines,
Mkt ilre aue tab ertebbelumeat yobs
intientreamad an ni •
Munk ul has hta time, Oa
bilrebellabi l
fetcaMindaatic bua.6....angt wet,lte, uge
e: ass taw a.illietetbeibeft
Owbad bra ben:arede *nose be hIA W:
.f. 0.0 0 4•Aleiliblftuab:EW •
crlyaiiniMa Ineirligh~,~4l,
teirli:=VM;o4 . l,Vo
Tht late elf% 10• 111.0040W41
lb lotlatd.
, sula mak% 104
Ptaim eTll2" .• salsa *filloptell •
3kti 1.) moo sal Aliturisis toe
r ' l4 : , r!tos "Ammittra.V°
ijossZ OA HMV nova— F CC' atelt 1401b6;wrsal. a 7
t.. ii
ilmilripocitim aims
tiPM - - . 1444V51 OAVIN. want
NearrisizniAvo tr
• nr rioati;
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rivity 14nra-uili.s3
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•. . -