t •a- In yAuckinuilwit•l',..', l "11 . 1 were a rfe1r'10,17144d,..*.r.41* "bud I °.E 9° !.° l -ra• VIN:i*PC.I4II w .thenr said i.(Broweedett dipt. laird iher,ezclantatitin. '.' i : - ;:.-: - .'•, - `'''''''. - ;:',1 **Why . ; I'd give to the poor, and' -aetip - the pigaisine id 'chiritY.” ' . ' -"..'•'''' -i., l a ftnOtprild, would . you? - . • ''- -';'• ' •'. "Yen, sir, Most 'iMtairdy:",-, - , ...• ; ! "A"nd apuidetiiiih 40. ) , Ol ia) 4 11.0 fdi this;,iptirgikee or fotthat, and ride in your carnage when yo u - Might' attwell. go ,•:: f o eirt., .•'..;., , - 1 _ Ylkle;air,:tiot I, Mr.-8r0wn i ....; .9trir ifiO4.l44ve:yotirsel anhonoral yon 1" amongblelmeePtk , in. the it , would. "IShoiltr try , lia.' ~ • "But what makes you think on would ::. be sm'inuchibettei than, the • in gene mll,-I,eirn't eiscfit; - I - i/Ptaie it is because I so frequentlY exp nence the • inixiirrieiences of Orertyr. - ' ...; I 'Yoe poor. 1 -MrJ Harris . hit I al- WaytiConsidered int a Weal P man." I - 'WO: wealthy ! Why, sir, I couldn't muster' five hundred dollars, I 1 thOold i t i - sell iiVetphing I lossess.. Rich 1._,11d Inns (0. own my dinner•befora I eaini It itii ture:Vkakoida grow tat , the here t * diadem", .-..' • ' - . 1 • '':l - '1 f,'"•Bet,'Mr: Ha "s, what would you re illy do if you w e eas: f ri c h asi.fohnJaii6 '!.Ainttorl'•:. -7 ' '' •. r il "Weil, I ..don would do ' ith ''' ticti ' Mi.! i.she" ha. ;;but one , thing: s recta n, I'd.Vto • - all lbspOor in my netnei g hborhood one good -' innott. r- 1 , - 1.- . ' • ',., - lA' 1 lalitat all r :: - . - -- , 'J: . -. ..o; DO! 'Tar Id • eiliest.. is' dose 1 leo °kelt that;;the"! sr, should . cry `.ti.• -. nougili P,.1 -t ''•!• I!: ' ', L . : . 1 "Well,; Mr. II rri I have' hear , a .-; great: many ' peep ail .in jus t h is ulna tier; but...when Providen ce has)est thenir they hate almost r o ta ably forgotten • good'tesorutions4' , .: • , : .- Some may have drew:sot but just glee me a chance; an I'll show Pio the differenee z "., ; Ir .. ' '" . "Ali!' 1 - feir; ne ghbor,7 said Illi Brovirtg.ae: Ai', Walk d. *Way, "but few. are shle:to withstand itemplation.” il-::: • " • •elnidlim Willing to be tempted 1 the • sooner the bettor," said Mr:Uinta, and Its passed 'on 1,,,:t.,,r. the . But one.year, front the date of e above ;conversation,: -Mr. rich -, 'as t•t what , ilie.world - calls a - rich man. o nod& had4littir'in the Indies , { or s om e. ,p„ . ' where else,) - at jest _ the' bitty mom ent, loarieg him sole heir to a fortune. Mr. Harris' first litelligenci was a draft fur fifty thousand idollare; payable at sight. • • The poor man contain him- .. 1 self for „foY i,i, thouiand brilliant visions danced' through - his • brain; - . His Wife I *-• : should riot laboil: his 'children' shoubt ho , finely dressed ' and delicately fed—and+ 7 • . hietfintgli e ttsj'eluinta ' hare—y . o,lhr , arould.sta, ,_.::. 'nothing to his - neighbors,'. • ' . The news of , hil . , good fortii4 ispieSA [like Wildfire:. ...Effendi' tethered round to \. '' convatalitur. , pet° and another !oleo! teeredikii service and that offers three • would never have Midi but fOr the nog- „ mg of that li&tr*:fifiltionatirid dollars. -, 1 Mr: !Harris 'tooted ftem his ; buntble , o cot i s t o a,lp i iiiidid:hou.7: in, ipwil..l 1 . ~ /Are. 'Hattie : onl, longer, parfait:lied:the, 1 ' • drudgery' of heifantily„n 1 • left offkiiittingleittenslor their , brotheret . Ind ;Henry. arid - Edward:sill' no more „wood` for the kitchen flee,' , '.'„ -, -; '-. i -,1 .. . , With wealth earno manta unnumbified, .: . tailic4Ml46 7..parfo med.: from necessity, . - nnfied . liimit with it 'tie ....rnix, . - pleasure Oyu labor rote.' ..- -* - --. /II , Mr...,,Hiriiiiisoo p foindihinifelf unable "" to svilk". , ,Horses ustllloite :tired arc hts'irothe had het rtit been able to cr . form; while - ..pam ,red,-. ' ' `'' wholeaotite''l - , WEChi not-, long "go •_.- . crowned` his table ' l',' , , ' ~1 1:- • - lii - le process , f limp Mr:'ffairislell'i rzl ill. -Mr. BroWn ',',Whir- bid - ticker 'lost sight of his old f 'end, neer renewed his - : foroutiltiendlPleVercourse. - Dim reteol t lentionOef a cony rsationiencti held ktith •• this . same' Mr. :'B ' wn; haunted the, tuck • man's - Mind.. II `was :.Iwilling 30i Ibe tempted; ' his wii , kind ~been granted,; - and,4ike many. ot Ea, proved him a frail t r i man : During a , trected illness, iceol • • . lecnions Of_ neg clod "opportunities ;sod i t d 'wastefullextrava r.O troubled him..ilte , . . . eoluttons for the futu re were_ frequently ' ' nvovie4liut,'ihr gh the arrangements •of Providence, ni in'ttie bud:: 't . 1 The man -wh • but a fe w . years ago fotind . .dihi Unit deep y touched With' sympathy for his llows; bad not fulfilled . , his better promPtings.Wlten. means were in his 'power, - win in therefore to • . . atone. for past a glecti y ; bestowing in one generops nest . that ;which, he. f k iF could, .no limge . retab,, purchasing . at once a seine ,in the world for cha rity, and sr right to he vsmentletedat Ail Icor ',. . tats tall:mayen. , litaYhaP the knowledge .' '• cilia ultimate behoiactlene peewi t :4'llin, :. own Appostanms!there. but nnbelie Mies . tiona the; efficacy!' of muilt _claims I a ': ad , r - Were his an - overdrawn, Or poi toy , . csse, ; catrity, would prompt us to drop tiered, lad bid •hien God speed in; his .... ;. otrney"..te tl;ti - alties: 'j But many: a man,; . L ...with means_ at .. his command. to alleviate ....,. much of human suffethig, Plesdri inebilttY, - . with ..tliei piteous addendum, "II I were oily liCh.,*. ' . , . * ~ , 1 If- I ' were 04y-rich.h - ,Whit then! The good performed in \ this world i lfi siiit bpdolla 'estimated rs, and cents, bp ina . • that sitethabe- heat; - There was once a Our widow, more ;otinnonded 1 the bestowal of two mica, thin her w thy compeers friftheir large gifts: . I'liixs • d fot : as pa ha, opportnnity.Trei Badger : • • • . "4/ •••t-x • . : • t.. • • ' •• ' kit.:l:: ;.. • 4 4.:e ' 11 1(1 '4.N: 16 40: • 55 6 .4" , •/ Y.+ --1.3;i:e.....i .2 . 1 e , A 61 t . .114!".1t. : 1 • . : *^. •-'" -";• ••., . : •• ••• - ..;.ii,..• , t •• :. 1 :11 ;4: 1 !:•.:4'.:;.ii:•:•.• • •••.•-t ..,.., 1i1,r3-1: 4 ‘ .3 :::: 1 ' . 1••••••,. • il • ••• • ' **"f:',... sir 7,...... .. ..„:,..:..,.......,, r. ..,_,., :" ~.,,, , ...4...... :,.A....., . ,„...... *.s 4; ;;,•• „• . • 1 .. i 4 . 1 ' liii• ' " • ..* i• , I , ' 's' - .1 1 :1 ,.T,1a:i f.;..ti:::.:•.::• . , 4 . 1.ce,.4 v .l iV :itii l t l?:.:i c . Ait*:: 4 ;N.xi, 1 . ...» 1.v.!•::. , ....::. , 4: ' 1 1 A.; ... -1...!•••;4.- 1 / 4 2 :N.,-,. -. • :,. .1 . . ! 1 •• ! , 4 "4'.:',•: '•' ' 7 '3'rfAV - iff• !: ' o 1 , tilkyi.,, 4 il:!"4:ll t!fi4Yer• - •••,::. ...p.g.c.:e4Sle , .4t..1,6: . .4:0:04-ot...N.••• ••:1 1 ~,,r , - # .....,,,•::::.,4,1 „ ,:. e ...h...:a.%.4 hi• ~.r..: t. ..,,flc.sei . .l .: .i.e!...'"Wi.4.,.....4...:t . .4, ,f,i,. : t.,,p.v......: ;4.,, t v .. v,. . 1 ;14$ ~.< -: 4 , 4 11 ,„ . .tr Sl7 l lf t• 111441' -,' ~' , trill4P',,,r-1 ~,,,; • , , A. • , ),--, ri . -:.tcy..f . ; , • , 1:44, - ..r.:. ;,.. ~. ‘,:,...,:,-,-,,,,-..- --; •:,‘ •:. -,..,. : •,- -; ... %,., f 4, . , : Ma'. Allacrimar's liverritioase r ' The - • English'Nonconatmist Magazine, plaininitha rewrite of Mr. Idaeley'r defeat at th e later election, toot s of • hie fauna intentions : 7 -trhic:-Ittiesidei has a 'great work iitt• hapd4thiflliefory . of England, from thitierie nifilhelkeiola ,„„ • tion of-1689.- Tbe fast two softtmei Axe now nearly ready, and, accordin g to those whohave seen thrro, they are auOrtor • ; to anything that the what has_ ever yet written.. A man of, the age of h/ty does. not surely expect td - be able to complete such a great work ib , his bouteof letsote • from the performanCe of duties 23 a Csb , iftet Minister. Fifteen years of *linnet • undivided attention would not be; too mach to bestow on a produ ction of such magnitude. Mr. . Marapteg lalionld fro Pei gins op shut wamisnisist for mankind.' Last yew he declared that he would nev er 'become a candidate, far any • other place, should tbe electors 'of Edinktingh reject)ilm. , It is • to be hoped that far . his own, reputation be will adhere ta his ' promires, and coo6ne his future aumh z ie to liteMture, in pursuit .3e which be bads 1 . pleasure which, to use - his - Ora phrase, • the Farstrits'and bottom of. pod 14 un DeWitt eV. ' eifulikw a!FaiM •• • • Jzois ur Erma:vv.—The " lea Israelitite'rayalt is ea/calmed :tha t the total nstreher,of !en timed oval the surface of the globi is 6,000.000 &await - , Of these, 180,000 ,are s ib the imit7irierit "of civil tights, via.; /01.040. Vie_ _Vivid SWISS 41,M:wriest, 66,000i1n 10,00 is Belgium: and 0000lkt.Friac.I. In Erigland, 20,000.0 6" Ai•G - 1 3 4 0 . :, , . Octal" mancipatedi s .-0,41011 . '.00 , 1 0 manse att y d ei lyttili .: rrift.l. 3 .7.: y i t C.54 . F.L.5 2 . r 111C.7"7.' .; ' k3!,f,. ; - 1 . • MEE cOinlisitsz's ...Ira' • . DiCifi DYII SIAREILPAIIILLAL •.' BLOOD LLS arftrofeenteg aoliarstreadly:n4alee . Tire, Secaure they are prepared by Dr Pi D Lei. ~dy himselfos molar Onaggist, Chef:oft sad - •rbyse :ca. of Philo:Worn. who knows theselfint, Ai. iyiatity and charactis of the Medicinal need Its bin' , p4a mu their adaptsUso to disease. ' ' l • n thereend, Becanisethe peptic can take them wadi greaterscothdesce than most other pills which ari4 prepared by perroes ignorant both:of medicine aid dricases. Third, f3ecatita of their cooldrined elects. Proper:, tics mot eastsiesditt,sery other pillei namely parr mg from the noise a od bowels all i iheralthy ens.... : d eemed f as . tie same was paralyse; the blood • Vosesh, Bemuse they ere the cheapest sod:beat seedier.. tberre—a era fie boa so Meg bat t 5 coots, tied contaiimag 90 pills saving to persons u way drilla°, elbliertv 'in D oane. bill., end varairoes ; msdiciarterbought fe.teied oa the reu-Se me odation l of: rehear,.. r. . • . 1 I - WHOLESOME ADVICE, . , ' • W,bencier youloy• occasion to take any me t h- I tide, do .stot be tralag with soar COliStAll UM by: 'alias all funds of pile or other medicines yea bee peblyhed sod meepariaencled by one sad mother' tin ~. • Dr. Ltiries Saislparilla 73/dad .Pillr :. iad yo - will - nes have ,evasion to' tete anything bap; - Ttmey will dasysbe fon ed food In slmat ail issirm'iditiresse;:lesainoti of the stoma h, boss l i'l'ii.':"ltin:.,7l, 7 liF. l 7:LiE.FiF::,;, 414 stomach. matrons= tochgestion, srsisi of *prate, bililnoo aSections. diereses of the spleen le kidneys;dossaeowof the .fie,. scaly eroptiond d and oaten pimples or blotches of the lace eon body, tettctlaishi prickle best And .aft ammo, bead. • ache, tnienness,asausems; putter:nee the bent, of the breart,bidee, Idesjethe back and cpree,sbeveria. tiara and glut, fever. of all tirade, email 002. ratio: lord, Merteek,acrirfola,erysipelai, • ad re Short they sre good law& drosses haste", their °starer in the atomadrilsers hod Setriatieas, acid impurity of the Nati' '''!'' .. so .. • • ._ •.. • - fly•TareatpAra coals a Buz. • . . sold Wholesale and Read by B. A. Fahniatocle do Co. r toreerof First and Wood, alini.carnor of and.Woodotratu, • : ,Wy• ;ii: . llneilitrillta 1111111,1 t ICM.mgerh— ..D..ilroar prlncipte bathe smnagenocat of Ma parrs lethellea lugedes roach welted oel.fernpotw4tl egetigatism, ter be of entity In the public., Sore et Dr. Istyne'a sambelnen mn hove toed loom fanidgforntany yews: Par Insane. dic P.IVECTORANT, the CAR MINATIVE, and VER.IIIIPUOB, which we lamer to be goodteir Me ceMplintd. they. proffer te cure. We erefede Ws Oaredo the past santomr, when several et eurtravel ling companion, from hating, in Weeterti . New Yaft ,dmot, far asany.days, the Imrsione water , , of mat nylon, weed badlLattatted with violent Dtat 'ewe, and Dysentery, Me. D. hadarrovided tnuarlf, prey foes di feambe besee, with .The nnientme of Dr and to all earner its or. among ire gentle. mr.e, It no mutual's& to elfertlug a eperey mire, • :Me Expectorant me have Icemen nred 'lntlsatte blends with equal elteeeeN sad err= one gm "had do • good art tofu:lilies Inpecildly Mom W ailed ea they swum have access to oumsedlme medical shrlll to mime them td keep Oe hand both the Ex perm taml and Cantsinalim.' The Eurocrat:it le bettered he rood physicians to Le the best recipe for Pulmonary, Coaraupdmrectorplabils, Mal Itaserror yet been erna ' graded. ~The reason to, Dr. /eye Is not anaturt, bat m a .les,..cietinfie,mrdable morale preelillonei Nlp hbAmedicines ate used by Oa hest phymets , I , r . ' EZRA tiO.LDEId . • EditM.of tin Phil. smonlay Owner • Ter mist Piusbands Litho PEKIN TEA STORM, Feurth st., near Wood - sor9 Ulf. lULLB ATIVMMA.Anau• ; u the Rev ,11” . , S t IIINN, 7 . l a l!tneurlVl;of , utek=limmhAllemiadbeicd dark ' s ihe part ' lei mph a disepis DI Mr elaeleeb,einaellatell pre. Oda tabl enomads (erten.. meeith baba letrodd ancr bevies tried Turas tesembes whhinle <flea, was fataished With a -bottle etDr . D /aMille•Cinnicantra Balm= .Tbisho used sc. rem*. sr the dream., and found trimtebly thet. le..Seine Mailed pam baste ha three 'or for min er.; end In fifteen or treaty mlnutesevery- of sonsatton.eras entirely milord. The medicine •was af tereraresused vebensverlndiemions of Me approach of petg.,,,,epereeived, maths pain lees thereby prevent ed lite miennace so use the medicine every eventers isasl 4offiedettes ill the, moraine. and in a few weeks peahens.* for mitered, that the sufferer was miler. ed fens • Mtge moosut of oppressive . pam. Dere en peden., trertfare, betel confidently , recommend Dt I/ Jarn. l •Gadminafir Balsam. as a wintry tardier* rot daisies of Mesh:maraud bawd.. • id. el lINN Allegheny eity.ll - 41. ' Far sale lit Pilubergle at' dm Pt. .LY TEA eTillitE dd mere!, stmet,• near Waal, and she the. Dreg tore off Y SCHW•RTZ.. Federal meet. Allephie tROFULA AND S W INGS,,,Senrola id ad Its moltlPlind fonts • w lber is that of Kitts'. Evil, enlargemeats er 'Oscar:or tones, Goitre, White Swelling.. Cereal.. .Drieurnati no, easter, emerge orrhe Skin or Spine,. or of Folinortary. Consomplson, em..-„ Flom. one. and (be .suite atm*, which to a poison*u , principle: more or /au Inherent In humantbse system. Them' fore, makes dad yintriplo can be dettroyetl, no net.' cal cum coo tie effected; butt' the priutlple w biota the,disither depend., •Is removed; a curet errata es:dimity callow, no matter ender übat lora , ybe 4iemaik shoiald *niter reed. 'Pei., thereferel Is Cr rem -by J.voe..ALrglual vs is so uoi „venally euctatsrlut is removing so may nail.g Duet diwalw 'oft destroys - the Brun or principle horn r tee j those "Ovum bare tbeleiteigtn, by entering into the tire u lan on, need Ind! the Woe is COaveyed .to Mori minutest fibre, Mammal army 'particle of dreier/root the Mrstent. , Prepared axe said at No. G•Sooth Tbini .Street.Philadelplua. • ' - .add at the Pried Tea Store, fita.'a Fourth strap: t sCILATC . AVM. • - ri1t17 . 2.1,17,71 SALT! "at. lo— Who wadi DAV+ 2 et:d o :7loa who would Petal 11111111e•fetbee;. Cr., Iteeliet6 m be obliged ussall end- emmelr• wee. .oleo*et wine terwthla..dowate thowai eldreer bolea iirtaierwespee7. Leh he niennahmed teal ryivoy.3 T 3ITER end fret, OINTMIXTI a the elliothieep any other ' , moil - anon tri uissercia Miring the To rte Itch. met other dream* of the atm. soli drum. }be Ate mar arms fn. Me =puny Woe oleo , . and goatee the body, mind .t.eeo net ire %mon by.o( keg mendrug. and the ro mettounn greyed 'IWO,. it Pc Wird Smyrna:ilia lama rat ere ,with the Oatmeal, obey leoll rate any ere whatever, gad if emy de ma the money will be tetamed by Dr. ;Ler/Y. Most ears, however,s , 6l be d/ come try W .Leides Tdper and Itch Choosier, ankys Me , whishe aysion oliterwearted lay the diseased hewers, torch will be completely curried keen the system 0( . :RV Lady's' Mood pai..and ttr ocelot, of the ISM hes ad by the Ounnsent. Price 0/Ointment menu Fr we • FAUN EITOCK CO . 0:010 - rer Wor * (.n. , cr. .o.tuateiiiiraiii, ALisaui • L" Mama, Reed & Cetlerl feel it a duty I owe to my feller creams" to slue soseeth ns Mete respecting Tor Vegetable Pliltelollary liletere I first and the 141. am, •houl ~keen lean Mt, the happy ethet of whieh I 'Men der rod arcoant of,' have bad several µrug eroptmets mit attacks at ray Imp—one • few de,. slece.ro d treaty insuusce I tame are the Dal eam "lone with complete sae perfect mmeem. It be. efeeled relkt eve gam in a very few day.. It is ter minty a safe medic me. •I de not knew tool It will note e dyed oremaption; hot I believe. It will be In Many easee• premotour, and permanents better obsolete. I do Mem tom, tot Mc lore of my fellow EOM easeeelly recommend' Aro nee of this Balsam. in all pulasonsty . maple me. lam confident that It has hew the means ! of preammed My life to Ott day. • • Haase Patens. ; llada /one 14,154. 8141111 I 3 A Perrot:AßO& re CO., career of First asel Wood; also eon:Meal GA sad Wool etc eels: ,•110yORQA14114 CODGIIIIVRUP.—rit peeved to de the • W.l rest praise•a to cone( ley cbstresa4 • From o Temperento Danner, N0v.3, 1 17. Comm Stott—We floe rex in the habit of outfox, =meek.. talOna Pateoilitedtelnekbut we feel dimmed to. memo:dead biocide's Syrup to who We alLeied yeah a codsh Alle.gbac . ng vied the anal remedies. irtrove a connate end drsearsing arab, l at h ed tor , .crentl days demur one of ear withaat teem. we. Imre ladamd to try Morgan's Cade% $1 rep, sod by Arend was obtained la • few hours. it purred ei be thS panacea In Miscasts at lemt. Prepared orlsokaali and retail toy the propltister, - .IOIIN D MORG4ll.lhadire, • ; :nod st. , l door below Meowed *v. • Ugt.l..eata , tialitlealq:CF, »I molder betelabed. 1.1 all calterae,• . : Aril teneillekilmy Co PS.,I uther.Ted.l6.l7. $ • $4.14. E soaks obt, balmier, rerints at Mica, sad btivaag mega Men at tabula cos elaard be bad lIMOSVIVIa ha vaw beard • great deal about year Vertalrage.l bareabka v:sad pee •atas t 4..5. 'stick expelled ad very Wee ial walla/. I emitter yeatirenatiege babcr tbaa another.! • P.savon ..Prepared and sold by R. E. 1N8L1.E118.37 Beld by D. Catral,Stb ward; teal D. N. Qom.. Mk. ail • •• • • • &ea* SAMJAP.S.IIII.I.4-11nmoPo Comp. rsd raft fet=:Ci?mP. Floid Cat 4tm►Ylllr. Crpomm's do 4..lmumero ,do I It! . Toomoond`• do, . Cowman, cm band ud C 0,14 TOCKt Cp,,pomor et Ant cod a:rib ren" . _ prilL ADA...ADVERI BIA.II4IrTAIIPATICKTIIIILZOT:4 I CTIO 3 ' IITLICILIA T - , • '-' tlbrleS Hamm paweeee! Mary extrestsgee - *vet all ' oeza- amens alike easy be atestuoneal ' heltaaalagsableness...Theraphllitry and fanner Mole may be controlled with therettest •esee, while the 6.useste. is le operation, and tle boner may he is. /Sandy awned, and ra.pentled Ow height. • Its Usivervahlyi or taper/ Oa eructate avoik of all kinds. Istelttlillamet le the malian .Oar at< Asmit he Amplicltr; CoeipAstilees ia.Y.Coeieetaa. . It. Aceoembdity epee all &lea, by the , erne men . All the komstetssre suds Sea-4 . crs.. - re . The sabeesibe essnineewess orders for thew, hemmers, of all eisety li ws tesese Ws Isms: ' ' For !crater swim mit; . • • ' t i • Alelinces or the Pagan Ser United :hates. dee _,11.1v• . • • seeshwart Fee a, Padlied'oa. --- T — WERITY — & --- Nf(g . RWMC, 7------ '! W a A wN O i N n a c k o VERsAND ,I R o A r IN To I m AG I ; . or aLL , Orsriar °se iffee'ses-umu. -T a Rama, Auk bf 7 A.. Itilson'' a C ' ' Won dianufsi, , PHU. ZLPIEIIIik. A I.A, Orden' left vita 11. E. M .as tlee diesel the /1. Idkrotaatl . Hoior," PI ~ will be eaenll • m roro l lt.1 1 7; -' - ... , :i :, :i r a l ' 4 3 I .CL :CR AELSErir ; ' • • ;ixa *0 cllol.l* * fir'~dna 111,14 ted rospdeddly tast ale ..d W labia., Odd lo Isso sal wAI Iwo eiisos hood alto .411, • Imatina volajra i tg Wa . Vsbiclae odd/ dtries and dsorriptikos sods ts addret i r shorted posillossues, sod messed Is ago wry bod issossrr,orsoloctol isiterlaL ' ' Aix . id 4t,ii.Thins . idaq )fro, ' P~rWlpbia BA* )a n t irceived *OOl6Oll bW. ionottArgo a. wawa:a freolilold ampatlern Cloc4l of t. aClebravd witcrksarb ss ForreorsMa Id .attar . . e, Cr /moo, 60 , eg 'all ' tbo dat- Uss Maid dilly rut 714iny tapir Clouts, of 4.41 ,filing issalrlfetares.' A 116 {dal, mool.14•14 *ad.'s.. I Oinks. Motets Min do well to Ora all tall. Olden • fry matt promptly .nurrkd 0. -salt ha - getirPRIIIIFICUTII77 -7 MHO sellystitiressiodd t . copsofally in Lithos iad I fiantkiieli Ova vt mag Phit5444.1...4 vra.t gANCY Ftrillest.ll kl Ooas,'nppd.,ac,to aiiisistaS kkinopArstomsa4swieti,riihirmill Sal I; ***h' lArePagit sat De *oaks .:121 *Seri oor..lrid Yam be tatidgy4ssuso issi.spramwth 111,Lig 111.100, Add.l . lsqtads,i 4. •. . ':,?"441141/10 a • D• BIRTH'. • no...*Logogli • ch:Licinvreo RICMILDIf• FON. relieving the fares seri augers incident' lA3 .l'reguirmy and Child Birth, rhich *ores the ens) and anprittracted perm of the functions of weinan whieb.Natare, when sielohnenced by the !peones eleimfcced Ida, retarded aboold . he prefer.' died capediumisly, with hale kidlorabout sato seipmet iadispeartion. ' • , • • . Ur bleretloqu daring hie thistle in Ana, cheery; mf . this remarkable fail .That the since of those afoot/int are pecisliarfy. different loam all mho: lands, in this rettreit—that they are free from tke 'puns sad dangers whith snake the paned of Preis nue) as object of so ranch anticipated sidicrirg sad risk. Cone...ay sod the teal for hciestific distort. ry , proropred him to laveatigate thiCcaese of this re, inarkatile esception to the severe trials to *bleb the earned lyntalce are generally subjected. and the 'cult •u the discovery of the Act that the women ut Iteireconotries were to the habit of loft daring the last stages - of Pregnucy, certaid eland which have the (wally of imparting that degree of tooe and elasticity - to the nerves and !dried vessels al the Uterni, or Womb which enables It to perform its fitectione in all their nada' aimpliaily of actiop and Ireedom from pain. _.• • • . • • It is inflator tact, also, that etre" rain women North Awedca are in a remarkable degree free .frtim thou pales and dummy of pregnancy and child bitmtdwerch the white !roamn are subjected Whether they use themees plants as do the women at ;Um We cannot tell. Certain it la that the feet la ad teas remarkable than true. . . . . This Remedy is now extol:warty used throughout Sinner with the most marked success and many re, calm who weep once siagle through apprehensions dl kho dangers consequest to the mato of marriage are out by the use of this medicine', performing the duties of wives and mothers with comfort ass happiness. It oat this time cow East presented to the Iwo "men of, America, by Dr tkirdeloqae, through his sub d ent, Dr A C mown m ER, and be feels con .4ileatihat independent of its intrinsic menu it will recommend itself to the moral pert of the commu nity, as it is ftilly.calculated to do away with that horrid Crime of which some, through . fear of patty ol cAld birth, ere guilty, (the prodoctren of pecu (ate datirery.) 'atm curabethe is also recoMtable for remedying* that tutherto incurable disease Barrennese, sod its aisltiat COU/Sill aCCOMpanistem Flanr n lads that relued and fallen state of the Womb which auoinpanies this disease is slaver telt oder Abe shorten owl, of.tlits medium,. Thu methane is prepared in such a way as to be agreeable sod pleasant to the orate. Dr A C fit UltTILd ER ,No Lispensol New York; be. been appointed sole &goat for the . .Umied State!, by Dr idordelelas. sod u the only peeson to this country who is authorized to reed this ierslathle medicine, as the follorritig lever will shawl ' • • (71.enslated front Me Fretelb) Paam,Jane 1Ceb,1847. • , Dr A C Meamstititt-Dear Sir—According to the agreement catered into between cm, 1 wish ey this letter to give you that 'settee authority to sell throaghont then United Stated, (myltemedy lot ro llaway the pains and dangers incident,to pregnancy and child birth,) which tt ii neceerary for you to haie to mtlaPr the public of its geneineneashed pa. rity. As you axe aware the topcoat of the medi cine to the influence of the sea an obliged no to send it to yore to tor tight velsels. I have alto net • with it, a specimen of th e manner in whieh la pot tip In Pans. In like amaenexlabooldWish it to cp. pa aI in the United:qtrs. Sir, with Veal respect I remain yams F E BORDE-KtUb.:, ht D. else LA send you • copy of Ire, received b'yme from the Royal Academy ol Selectee, In (21mulafed frock /be Pirreek.) • Pali.. Jon ,1&16 . .To M. Borinclewur—Sir—Thelcocalnionon• ern Of the Academy bare appointed thatendersegned Irom,their another, aa a committee to itpert regard ing the ments of the remedy Ind below Joe by yes (tor relieving the pain. lad danger. icieuleht to prei caner and ctuld birth.), Several eminent Surgeons. havir4 admitted to the Academy the 'remote el their caperince in the nth of your rem;ay, we bar Yen to lay it before you, believing It ta be the best. dec la ion regarding at. claim to distinebee, mad ol its groat nine, that sibs you or the public could have Wished. Whateier totiaence •this body may poe. tau on the mentberi el theprotntiou will exerted to feather that ad.:ldiot of this remedy into gement .nae, which ea swim:dale discovery . and an remedy, It an' richly deserve.. hsgtit rhysulati• bating used this medicine, each in finitescs of de ham, found it eetleely succeadal in proannlng • remarkable tale and easy delivery, (rep s ftete pun sod donor. :Watt. the eicopese of. thine patier..th of Dr Briquet thorn was a prfeet immanity front any selesmaciat weakness or . disease; nee of therm three a lationng Wectue who had met with o meets, . fall's week previous to delivery, wax tak en immedi' ately aller thaterent with a profsae bementage, winch wan with difficulty tweeted- The other two mat komaticurs of the pelvis, memo - .no wire relieved erOtai.These low clettostais so greet a number • et •cases saady benched, shins the ondhubced etb , eacy of your rettedy. sod blot deterinined no to gite it that rtC?.nrecn.Lollon and oppionl which. is aye wit. end the furtherance of. aclentitie Caen . ,(Signed) hl LIKESekIET, M. D. , , • I. DIAL:EA DIE. AI D.' ' Corn of the Coma:meagre of the 0, Academy The politic are mooned ogolOst p St wing thin mediates from any persona ex cent ef thln pole agent De A t* Malone,. hold I-2 Larpepard at;. haw' Soak, where this medicine u pet op is packages soluble lot Mang sent by mu( to hey part •of the coning. • . . race Two dollen a portage containing tall di• lemons. <4, Twig (licit Eooady who.re4de Lt a andante, cut do_ea by .forwardieg Teri Dollars, post paid. to . , • • 'A C MORTIMER, Sole Agent for the 1.1 senC7 Del No 61 t Lispertere et, New York. O•IIZAXIIIIPATTILiT TII tu• wee hers lei sea abet u Loess. peck cs ed to •:' For cheapness, *teem! sud carnet be creak heapcst and met cone reedy pm( • c ity . 4 tlr Tao pnaelpoleibtae. eheety . mig cad la Patel manotactereand sell tk article. end imperfect was woaktdostrell m I *nick is lke Beanies I •E. V. Usszur. 105111 ts Catered ats Bataan , . este from Cabinet make Me %Vest, is warranted We, the mbsesiken. Derdneart maastleturrer Allegheret, Pe.t . e het. the nett ennalamare eta Fastenings. end can will which :James bhmon • Jahn Maltese Tlt YamtgC . . Bober% Falnnen R Bartley Jame. B Barr John /team; Jr. . J. Loafs Pon Imam whin /BMW J< Drennan Thamas'Fallety . Romany h. hPelelland • • 'Delad Laker a ideas .shoat • %Hub Wallace Habeas & Bane •'1 Wren . . . . Jal - W Wardwell ' I Bochum • Gmree Snyder • J Belleau" &Co • %Via "luau Aletsider Leased.- . Pat Right. Si make end tell th e allows Bedewed" maim •. EBENEZER P 0/hZZANI, • • - • : • : Patentee ' • AGENCY VOA PATESITSL . • Washiallon, D. C.. I ENAS C. Itolll3l/hllt, Meeks . ..cal register god LA Agent for poatorwir Pawn* w/ll peepare Wa at cesegey DFOlfOlf• and Paper* ter !Optimum Pohl. now, and uncivil all other Casino. uMel/Dee( bin roecwitm n 3 the patent' la rri lawn. Ile ebe eetwolted on all queen/me retsung to the Patent Cates sad deti• moos in the Untied names Of Y.ntope. •Pe ekes sin disumer demmus of hoeing exerronnbeas made alma Palma Oikee, prior to inekop eppberolon roe a parter. Mel torwartl [pea petit, nee lag a the ear She dOllan. • Meer matemeet of their ease, whe iangetesle it be given to It , and an the intermetiein Mai toed be obtainol bya visit of the imperial is pereonl promptly earonannlemcd.! • • All letters on bee/Deo mush* pool paid. end contain awittable fee. where a Written none. folpilfefl. Otkee on F.nereek, appalls the Patent Orrice. lichee the Wear a Woking, by perradoinn, Hon. Edmund Burke, ColelfaillnOUCl of Filittlifi Hon. L ellomenh, late . do • do; II Krowlee, Alarkiniet, PateptoMeei Judge Crunch, Weel 3 M4o. , Iron It chooe, Ideunehowun, U S ocome; . Ikon. W Allen,•Ohm, do/ Ikon w • lion. Robert Smith, MC, illgoots; 5 ' Hon. s !tercet, U Seem; . Hon. Jklfletre, C.Sleiworerii IV Li/. FAIINWk Wood sod wood ood 119 . ISERENTSI beforo—taade on dm moat approved Eariato piano— and row fathomable Earrern patinae sodoolors. Alm) TOM CH KAP ROLL, or. nosnuN OLIN% ea imod or mae , Wader of all attes. 1014:81 apices. • Coartry alerellanta and oiltis adorovited to tall sad examine the shove far thatedolinesmi all MU be sold wholesale or rated, arAa Mehl d“aetioa z . le to rrbolraale porbarena • ap!air • __A rrEnes LT CIA .UISION, , NEW PORK. TRE •11..Utron le lareeretrated fir the promotes of ciao Arts lathe United Stales. Patch altheenber al flea Dshars is • Member far on. year... Tim NM* are applied to the pt.:ldahoan a( lante and ready enicreviura ofirrilleh every utenaher receive. .espy and next, n the • paretome of origineXPaintlapv and e ther woks att by eau?, ortendert* •artit a. which we da,nt.cd, hy tunanll unentnertil in neared:or. 'Lon yeast 46 pa:nitride .era ehionbeted. This year ticy will be wont nanterona and rateable—sore Leh . Nam already' perebeandi and In ad... Mom Orme WIT be dittrtbated CI) bronze medals .of Waahlegion /Wo tan, acne la . And each ateinbeKrill tree.., I.e earner mx•—iThe lolly Flat•lfoot ' after Emit tam and 'A syt.il,i after liantinalna. • - The undermined Hetet been eindiattld. Hendee(' Ilarrataniie i.e Pt...batik voistry tampered in re melt dubmriptionit. • • ; • .The si.deng to Lemma members ardiforrritid the interest , the sachor . loydNup NY al leas In may be ceesetiret.l .• WIN CALDWELL.: • ' anteusetr i riseibe Pool Oita • I. a* Imo, IMM WridlNW balet•Warteen New hai • erennh er 1611111-11.6iBletelmihwh • • •-• nlgYalern y WeihtTall• %eel, phtkellAha - Primo Obao do. Delotoal cent • • • • • ' Th. gettend Casten, mop of th;lesotat totor.beei Rothßrow era oad Wpm ssisi•Hop., veal Itati It Roth ot 'twit aPratattgo to obtain tioistuotay ft= the •Mit nktisoo, a• the y /mond to WI ilttoolboat las Tamen at. N... York pne.... . • GEO: W. MIM ib l &Oh; • *: e- rg - PiirrgiairrOEClelaGtiik - 6 Ulmer; Psalm Oder; AncelhOlf (.b I h as Afirehtp_.hasai for Own bap. eular IA wood LA au ?Wag aid* • mks. cl ,t 3 MEE igii COMPOUND Sror or. WILD CIIEREY. A certain awls* ore for congtis,'•coldi, osthem liver complaint, piuleg blood, voids In the aide ' or breaot, tweet's debility. whbotio ng cough broken constitutioeoi IDONhlllgys. • • .. T 1 ON or say dire.* of the I.sega es •,. Went: Reader en , yoi mthlenng ' ' with a itofd• or dodoes, of .the .. ,' long., try this tnedy, . you will nut ' r- . . - haps regret it. It wiltarrest all Dime diaagreenhle 'lmputes which atrike neti terroutothenurd,'Se prolong your dors BCwane of all preparatlona perpoitieg to contate W,id Cherry. accept that braneg the signature of Dr li Swamis on the onside wrapper of each brittle, as they ore quite likely destitott of the article Doke which they borrow a name... ; I . • i • &idle/tat if los dons'! • weal DEATHS DV:I CONSUMFT, lON Wouldperhapi be a small ratimate teethe ravages of this dreadful direue Irea tragic yeltr; then add the fearful catalogue of thou cut off i ty Inflame. lion el the Lange, Hemorrhage. Asthtna, Coughs Influent:. Branetniird other d ue of the Lung. nod Liver. , And the list would 'pro tan d i Ppolling roof of the fatality of these two Clay,. Y. , if Important to boner that Dearly. .11 ot the dread waste of human life might hove bee p ed by a timely ma of Dr. SIVAVNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP 01.' IVILI) CLIEHIIY; • • . i ;.'This. medicine has now been belonithe public 'arm eight yeart, and is •thie* original preparation from the Wild Cherry rim. Its repetition as a remedy for Cougha r eilde, Ilroachitta,land Con ant:ration of the Lunge baud cannily upon its io tnnatc menu, owes but little to lodated ,'newypaper pas. Thom who give its that, being , benefit* by It, recommend ..it to Oleic neighbo , and the . tradeoff) and wily limit gained an en table rape , 'ninon and worked Its way rate gene use. Oen ' brittle never fade to cure a recent, c or cold, While with strict Attention to thodlrecu t o lik.li'le , 1 q + company earli houle m its ein pulmon .disenees or loop Mending ind of the moat elor og choral er,!has always oven relief, and in er many lettancra has ellictod coemlets and liermonent carts. i DO.' SWAYNE'S Celebrated CoM nd Sys. Cherry. \1 i tend the mos " tTicna W rkitil ‘ e can uramption ev 'placed upon record—l Or Swayne—Dear Son I 'feel its debt of gratitude dirk,to you—and s duty to the afflicted generally to alley my humble teetimooy in favor I ol your Coen.• polled Syrup of Wild Chun , : Some three ream . mace, I woe violently attacked with cold and] trifle, mdtien of the lump, which wee scent:made& with a very distressing eolith. Relent the , Preeetemi heed --a.very considerable discharge of °Pensive meta' tuna thy lungs, ppecialty Open changed of weather holrievcr Chita. At first I left no Circe about . my coodition, but was pretty soon convis,ced that 1 um rapidly going inteconatimption. 1 grdw daily weak. criset at length was scarcely able to walk about or rap* above a whisper , such wm th e eseceding eaklier+ of my lenge, Dunn this t me I hod tried yid.. preparations end mescriptioit, bet found no reliel--erowing all the time worse- um hero I was advised and pumeeded by a dear fri6 d In Will:Meg: ton to make atrial of your Syrup of Wadi Chenys I Most confess that previously I hod been prepubc Cd against patent mediciam, and I em mull easiest. than coming out of the bands of cothines, but thdermanding your claim. to the profession•thd• matte of minticiaroind basin implicit@ Nth Its the saying of my friends, I forthwith porchmed ad • Dr Shaw, one of your agent., a few bottles cod' . commenced Its eie. Ny Macau at this time wai of twenty or twenty five months' 'teddies, caster quietly was deeply seated. 1 foetid, however, vett. alderahle relief dole the hest loaf or live bottle.— But being &public speaker I fregeeetly attempted to preach with my increasing strength and theistry' raptured those lemsel• mat had already. began to heal; In the way; doubtless; my Miro we. greatly retarded. In coancqtrance Cl acting thee imps. dandy I had to Me Id or 15 bottles before I yrs* perfectly recto*. I bare no question, a mach' smaller number of bottles node have; made me Booed, Wt for the above indite-ration. 'The Syrup allayed the leverish nobit, did Sway the Metre...leg . cough, pet o stop to the diuhroge . of menu from therangs thd rave th em and the anureaysten good I health. have deferred offering thin certificate till ow. •for the purpose of ming perfectly satisfied ,lii the permanent: or lbo Cory, seeder. that I :el perfectly well, I after it with pleasure. REV. 1, P. JORDAN. . r ; lithilli county; N. C. • • ' • CAUTION! CAUTION! Avoid all spriesta preparauose of-Wild Cherry, web >t Balrams,'Bittem. Syropi of Wild Cberry, Pills porportieg in confabs Wild. Che.J.l, tkc. atf as !bey are ell be tilluus and counterfeit, and copula • none of the virtues of the orivnalsind genuine pre paration se prepared by Dr. Swayne Arid. else tbit ever prepared in .this couctry. • Dotter Swaps. Compound Syrup of WILD CHERRY is composed of voidable logrediente,tbe Wild Cbeiry, end alb. er medical oubstances toady as. elfiescroos; it not more WV the wools are se eileciadly come:Armed as to resider It beyondnil &obi the Man, pleasant; strengthening. tad ille9wial remedy CM' WSCiner• eirlor We care at YIII.J4ity commaptioo, and ell diiuscs of the Limp and Breast. ?be very last, from its having such • trim el *porkies lintratom, elands to prove as gran cantles properties fberVorre, ieralWt,inquisa for WO on,pul preps ratios, each bottle of w4ocb is enveloped ina bete. vital wrapper. with a likeneei of William renn ea grivid th ereat; else be. eirld oi:eaters of Or II SOsyne, the coalmine, tog of ibic.n will ter pun bided its forgery: . Preparers only by Dr It. 21,4111C,S W corner oft eIJeIiTIF end 41ACCTreat., • ler sale isil'ittsbergb Irtiolowde .10 retailtry t • THOKPI, AS Mar et street. °POEN h SNO DEIN , corner ad & Wo.d.ts. 8.1 A. Fo't HIS ESTUCK tb. Cu., corner of In 180 ;Wood and 6th aad Mina .Ineur. . . S.'JONE.S, IVO Llhertr Arect . JOHN b . IIIII2.IIELL, Alleabely city: . iA nd by .11 resprettbl.l Draggles zed io 111<Jleine,throaghaut tlio Unified Mate. acd d 4. acptZ riarrows mx , Octutir.iiiriiiiiii7 • catless • 1 HUNT'S'LIINIMERT, '. Is new untrereolly aegnialleiged to be the IN ,t FALLIBLE REMEDY for.ltheonta bate, Spi nal Affections, Contractions of the Mastics; Sore Throat and Quirony..lesuei 3 Old Ultere,Pases in Ueb Clack' end :Chest, Ague In the Brent zed Face, Teeth Ache, Spraienyllielses, Salt Rheims, llama, Creep, Entuted Vest and all Nervous Distaste. : The TRIUMPJIANT SUCCESS which has el iyoded the appli cation df this most WONDERFUL MEDICINL in curing the moat ar.vere Cate. of UM_ ditlerent Diseases Omni named,--and the HIGH ENCOMIUMS that hare been bestowed upon it, opotorcfst boa been intrrdectd, cues me the right to call on the AFILICEED• to retort at once to the ONLY REMEDY THAT CAN RE RELIED ON. . , . . .0 . 71te locally unite in recommending the c tie uted External ftemedy, Mat'. Liniment. The following letter from the highly eminert Physicians who bare been attached to the Mese t Pasant State Prince for many years,ia tbe best oi e ldence of the value of this cerebrated Liniment. SILO, Dec. - toner %, ISIS.: . by Dui - Sir-4 molted your now of yenerday, tog lay *pinata fa relstiost to •Hent's Liniment, oit prepared by Mr Gear E Stanton. Knowing Its IteMpOeiliste,ped banns .11mitiently used It; I Oa recommend it to pow so • sale FAtensal Berne ,oll.mal in my opinion, the !seat Liniment, new in my?, • Very volt' a reapocil yang,' ; A K OFFIdAN.• - dB Pierre Yen Cortlandt, Croton Motor. ' ;' .• et, patens plate& on patentee. lot all lb. Ina ceeetfe. olaugp need . slaters and •iwbn and • hare bonel,ir l'av eeiw ID any . • litany concur in the abate °platen. • •• • ' . IV 11 BELC,HEIL . I • yonnoown, Jan. li, 1046. ...Ur-4n reply to your letter, lweeld say ttiat.,l hive used your. &tern,' Itemedj, called IlanPe Liniment, in my timedec eine. you made me K. qoainted with it. comproltion. and uehesilitiegly say that I believe It to be the bait I . :Menial Item dy now in um toe the complaint. foi which you re comuiend it. ; Yours rtfully, BF-N/D espec miLLEBAL . 11.0 F. Suaten.E.q. ,• :; • . • illTAmon` the mans of worthless MUM. ud honitiiigo Ibis; are poured forth et the present 'day open the. coyntry, it to really ref/calling tolled aninething or real practicel nnllly , mtnethingeite pie, apeody cod edectnal In Its operation,' and et the SM. litne :free from them Imperial, adlems • which generally attend piniretfo I :media. Hutt'. Liniment, prepared by t.M.'• E Stanul of Sing likg, though it bee been hat a shun 14111 , boron, .010 public, has already obtained the confidence, nut Only of one mot asnalthy ned Influential Mittens,' hot en, melt "eininent phymciani. All atkam.l. edge it lobe a soicreign balm fur on, uy of that ills . that fleet a heir to, enothing the oching . liniti, and', by.tts genuine stimulating iallumice„bantehing die 114se from tbesystom. Mn. Stanton—Sif—Sseing yuur advertisement , Of Hate'. Liniment, I pm induced 40 Iny Its COnCLE ea my euo, who had been crippled wolf, a lemu back (rum au infant; and it is with gratilade 1 bear. teethe/my to its:eninderful h•aling pro pehice. My child,. who I. am the 'ran of age, b new p t a for My of recovery, • fear., ice., DE6111411 C NICKERSON. • . i'041"04/1414,T044nr4 NO, Potoom Co.. . p ' , certify that I em pereneally the 'll felaboke eamedebild. and think the father Meld Male ta.saylag that Mem! is emelt well. ; I. J IS W OVEMAN; Nov 6, 1845, i Dernstyl'oel Muter. S. 1 would also stale that I 'hero been - fur • • number of year. .object to Ireceent attacks hi. the Rheumatism, which in many inatanceeprevented ray attending Minty busiems. 'roe at three toll , anions of the Liniment invariably remove all al factious of the kind. la ease. of bronco, trans I .04eme., too camerae* to•ruention, it his in this 'lenity proved a certain remedy, It. cult.; eao oil i be emanated by those who bare given it a fair Zia• . This Liniment n mild at 25 and 60 cents per;bot.-: tie, by all the Principal Druggists and AleteliseW thrcmgheet tee tnuntry. IVhekaide-Agents in Ma York. • WADLEY, PHELPS & Co, 14:1- Water ; • RUSHTON di. Cn , 110 iireadway. A IS & D SANDS. corner Felton and Wilhais. j , ASPINWALL. 06 William street. L• 2 .Orden adlimaed to •ine st Sing Sing, N Y, be attendee! te. CIEORCik: E STANTON, • Proprietor. : For sale in Pittsburgh by L WILCOX,Jr.sed / BIDD & Co. Allegeany City, JOIIN SARUENT klinningtnin,JOHN SMITH. • . . •• Abe ICTif i r laal ik titaio ,, sl . elstrse r ifl r nog =iii; l'i watioas .CP"' Orr ""4 yaaq trautt g" l i it ra blu . t r eten a"ilfti. IMP la bnooldoe loestliklenuvlzzie she esstrilr; was* .osa ad& mmafidaf ;be If • itagambiberiebr .h ; . 4 "sni lib L tr .I= d ll.. r a tL eire ► i Wen' ited weed Man& ' . CO, 4., Dr. /if eL wee a 's "ni th b i ictskj:lifa ono' P al .r ms.yt= pained is or 7V wenn., and by . the a t 'Nike esediene • child et my ma P. tnetltilarf. 111. 'truly 1141 14201. nillp4l4MS Mann nMelnelmfer - 1040.' MUM have two awn vats. • .1 - • • • Wed 'OILMAN ' • ,•-• • • . . WIIILIes Temalto , . Fat nak by 3 KIDD 6. Co, No ill Weo4 mud, hsai Is . h. . ~,.. ;,, • , ^.k:... ~:.. ::',...7 , 3, . SOW . f:Ez• • • •-• ' ~. 1'....'i1., F .. arcivirTala LIGHT STREETZ - 117 111 9.1Ng0g Fobs: t 1111111611 1 0khsprithes. Tim . I dldiksew•••••.lr au of toe mom eemtoodula. In tbeldlyaf addeontn, eta ~tangy undergoto very unsesigelategegione .ad isamerestenta An entire new wiegfinabens n „git n „c metal Meg minutes and wry aleming apcnisnua, lad elteaStre Ult./ Meet. • The Lathe.' deptinment has also beta completely yo. °cruised and lard ay In • most asthma and beentlfel sLyle. Itti het the valeta tTellteellient of the Hum M. been remodeled, with • enaltle ere en the pan a the SitoprielOr• to the totem mad pleurae of their and whlch they confidently amen will chal lenge eomaanum wah Hertel Mae Union. The, table anti always be strpalmel wuls every gab. manual and knurl rehl eh the mallet atfords• nerved ap le a saunas style, wade in the way of Wham, te., they w.lll et be surpassed le nn „,ni m ale ammeter. beg to at, dumer,: b "will be WI etioneo•Oftripall, sad oath, panof their nn nennegth to rendes.liiht Natal Wenhy theeolatutud pmemegeof their friends and ths pabbe generally. DeEls for bowyd.bans , use beam reduced toile 04 taw_ • 1. ..... 4173 pa day: MM=I Sentiment' - • • • •• N.o.—The Baßßage w*lsten or Ma HOMO oral al. mays be toned at the Car and Steamboat Landings, ortsch vat convey bonne to and ham t h e Hotel, Mae of charm- PEARL STILE= IiOUNIC, OtilUt-71! Illtb.ribers having pareharrd. en. tins interrol of Col. 0 P Willrannon, late or don well known ertablis/ane abbe/ leave Ur slats to theirfrleade sed the pdblie ilems&lly, that they hate taken this e , ,,aerecaseo !Hotel for a tent ot. yeam and out/legal shelter , ' e denies us make it a destrable boon for Tray. ellen aridlial ay Bearden. The trots is specs end arlaniebly planind for eon. veniettee, 1 ght and tar,. haying a number of parlor. ea : Joining ehranben, presenting anima attracuees to The prerentproprieers bwrlng had the expenenee of .lean in thin e . ity , :al elselhere, WI they will be able gupp rd .`d ta give The Itmanon of the Pearl St Ig reet lleese tiennoteeenls,. ellab bovng Crowson Pearl, Walesa s t un Th sts, se Mot It is equally dermal:akin, view of:t c o ot of business meg or rentemeet for wrath boarden. It Is neat by the Danis, the Peat °Zee, the Mamma Ii Pella:ran Hall,and hatora Nears distant fu m e Alain area and tworsquares hoot the City Wharf, tlute oaring the grate* inducements, clew:ally to weary nerehants and genital)). to all person. vng Meson- JOHN NOBLE, • JOHN A DUBLE .A L1.1731161 , 1Y HOUSE, ea Ilukei st,Philw• dolphin—The sobseriber Date orate W•Allin't Hotel, Harrisbargh, Pa) take* An method of in. .fl/tlllllg tgla old friends end apeman gene rally, that ha taken the Wane named 110 Th L The House la airy :sod comfanable,utd has been exteesnely shored and *wowed. and the monster tames by enact attention pp game., and a proper ears for the comfort of hat reins, to matt and meaner a shun Fran*, puree•ge. the lonise is mutated ver y conven lent (01 the Travel. lot pabbr, beteg Daly two doors stereo the Harrisburg '4 NusSaegS Depot. and entitle two mantel, walh of tte , mad Eluding Deane STAIILINO st inted to Ho premise, Tema SI per atty. • E P HUGH EA Proprietor 'Allegheny Howie, Phira.gurestilll, ISIY-eptidgm ' • JOISZS , TIGTEL, ' • . • . 4 .ma. Penzabstasta. nv 1E gotiseribers, ender the Ana of &woo &WINS, b • purchased bit,Joneshoteresstntinestabliabi inet, ‘ aLl lope by the strictest attention to the wants add comfou of their Foos; to merit a eminence of r th ;glossa polonaise hemcdore reeethed by ithforteet %Irons his beenthenrOstili relerouot, and repair ei; oretberefors feel Banned wont Welcome Mit fiestas and thepabito wootommodatbea equal loamy is Ort esty of rid/ado/phut.: Pi %V BRIDULII, • GUM 130IIMS, • 2. -•• Gorse, Naha andillztli Chatbaaatb eateblishotent note In the beat °Ma teethe I. reception of the Traveling Pabl,e. klaving under gone • iboreagb repair,dsrurg the past arinter, mod having the moat experienced calf in the west, In the vaileas denarueenta. I darter taper(' that WI will be pleased who ealL 'The ift#lloll Latcatral andpiesearit. Fare al per day. Ciineinassi.ld arch 13,1,41. W,E MARE •N. 11.—Alihnegh net eased) a neve Em my h the inete—a new Wimionahe old beadle. &pail. •lIADISON 1110TICL, I • MADISON INDIANA. egtllY.pobarrce,r of duo lane entablielted Maw. respect ll telly 1,11 his semen to theeturene of Pltbmo and oral earn biewelf to render comfortable all ma net favor blot With there Pompano. • .Ths pleat wbieh has WI beta a reverie, no with dt rroirman Do lore of Pittsburgh...will, the coming Raton. tomcat a terser debt br their operatic. than /en e,. from tbe emoted= Or the gall Plead to • ImbeneraleshOmi!itifenher Intotbe beg ra/singregion. nirAd3en • OD PIITZKUGH. Proprietor •TILIIIO6ILIIIORTO3III GAIeT :1101111E, • • Lool.olll*, Ky. • • , • RIS T II ROCICALOUTON begs td segaslatius tiai lie is &flab lessee of: tbe 0 klil• NOVAK. Lesiirille,lty,Wre.ltelegas lomat his old friends, smiting then bbd the poblie.thillste .trottstioll be townie to make oh comfortable who (astir POI lb•st poironsee I ' Isa - AMERICAN HOTEL, Opparile tAi Rail Road Depot. Pratt it.,8a71. lIESFLY Proprietor. frAne oft, Eithease sad 94. Clutlaa rfolsak rmal " ev.tOily • - t. % • G IN SENGIPANACEA! mo Tooi+.6 suirypeoso WITH DISCABED ! 1 LIROCM.,-The onprooodeotod moon wioell has Itteided die PM or the • • • • • GIN POIVOCE.A. !...p rtrioas form It blob snitozwo of tho lons u• induced me PMP , lotor nolo io call kw. ut , WONDERFUL .VII7.I.IIATION. %la eisageabtawnaber..ioamb Aunt 041 fill aa *inter ourado., Is always afnitfal same ai COLDS AND CODOH9. The.c, tt nrclected, ate liar Fenn.. a( that fel destroyer CONSUMPTION._ v- a Th. pans:von, then. llowdball we tap Ovidewroyar la h. MID boar, "hall we art akar of .e Fogelc and calla! iv of vital isaponsare w the publ.e. Tllf GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY ICU Le feevf in the Galva; Puttee.. la pica of dtt• 'we !see float tame te itine published the caniacatas • Aar... of *urban ...ten eitteettVaha h... eaperiesea ..e.t.a.. paver... These, with a , OW. te311210117 'ffiatll all pert. of the eaostry,—rrem •• • NEDIELL MEN OF TILE FIRST STAND/tip, illivetete of the Gavel, he., together 'rat micas • lees front Ole ..onlaysembotted In pamphlet Lnut, and ois7 be hH AMA"' in, or *sr sow,' tbzoorbnot its* idootay., lIUNSREDS Of BOTTUM i.• him loseO iroitkin thit o;ty. THOESANDS AND TENS OP THOUSANDS ,ba...seum the Uelwl= lays ud Qudy Lod we elud . Itagn aoy axe to point oft• • . -• . • • • • sist.:l,r . . INSTANCE , io•••41r0. wbce utelt itc.ordingli> 41reetioas, and 4; tee Cm !.d be 40 24% (mil) ditorganisol, it hie *lr. I aikd to • . • . _ trueA P.F.O4:CT Map_ • : • %Vr, tl., aced* 411clied beCtatc! Why iiirart: the inlausble . eidoutiguak gale tatter this ; ssaamed aims. of male Bid plaidlaw .U.Afil by .rnifteatai of pct axii again) , aitoeivrta balsta esedie...f . . to he bed, c.o. wwebtro are et hocetyl," bore,— way of •whoes It has • • , SNATCHED FROM TOE CiIEATE;. erlor that this loralsable %edict. soy be Mood wept teo 7eech of the pow ea well ae %a rick,. have paths pH. et • 031 T FITTY OMITS, Ilia one half Do twee •eivo of comb sedtelnea. lt Ti for sae he OW WM* to nourir •wery town and villite ewer the weal, who aft premed WOWS itarnafwa rebuire to t.. HALTER. rrepriewro, thoadenty.Olnetattall. OW. 0111d11111/I•N9 TOOTU PA.11240. . • T , IE 'beet a rt icle km= for cleaniusand 'Vihanti( A. the Tooth, strerthernod the Cud, eerenceingthe breed., are. It shoe dbe eeed every night -We • eld bran. and the teeth and month willonly rualreinlea ' suabkon In the morning. Wet de brash widiveldell water. ee Cold errlfanawce, wet nth It a fewl4ll.lol. the Iran.. When eanegh mill adhere for cement the teeth. 1t leave. a deliewirs lute la the mouth. end aid' penes moot dellahtfol =lrene< to the breath. Item= safe an plouant, erkeenotts, Yid safe dentate. Mt =wanted net butte re the tooth, how preeepeedese. dy..entieftt regularly,: It will remains the tarter and prevent Ile secemandion--provent lkiellnelre e u.e. A .t.the doyens, audynueni all =Mae Qerenelar plyeteism and the elevyj Ns.Olyaad Ili decidedlp• /opener to every thing of the kindle wilire Ask for nherratink Compound Urn. Thoth Pane, ltd observe bin signature to attached to taeh pot. . jtecommendtd a n d H ofen llroadwer Wed the b es s winnow, by wool the old emelepletedi elms in the•Unstod Mules; and even oweinvelp=ell by the Nobility of is:l4l.nd and Frei re A th res paperneo of 1110 dvease.l hu atatelligllkhd grim from wpm demon:wet of the iteinacherhowele, which a timely are of the (ludo Ile Lowness weeq entirely obviate. Peru= of bilenits helm attend et. • wars au. a box et hull, and take • dose ',hem= they fends, least derangeown t dick health. A Adis =es au of thou Lounges wend prevent thousands of recce. -. . WM. JACEb W ONV, camera( spo of •011 Idlenetew deal leADIEte•Who UM Common Prepared Chalk,• an dennot aware bow fright/ally Wartime t to do the et In! low wane, how roogh, how ehlkiwe fallow and isultee4hy ekto implant' ollatatelleg pnegtMed chalk! Sem& it is leder..., 0401.11Millitielene pan uty of I.e. e have prepared a belietlfet vegetable atomic. velvet, we call ePANIIIII &ALI WitlTl'd It It pertretliluneeent,bcing Image of .11 dulmeraue platllses; and it uepitttlt to the sitler • emw eat, healthy, utabeeter, riot, being white, et the lame woe acting v. a emietbe on the thin, Making It toil end .00010. Dr. dente Anaereae, Practical Chemist of klMille ehmetts. says: "After motlyelng Joeettl7milatt LW? White, I Sod It nobettleca the mot beaotif and Wm. rat, at the ream time Innocent while I ever eattr. I certa.nly e'en tooMnetaltomey recommend Its use mall Whom regioilVa benettryitte • • ' irr Priem canto • tor. • ' tiate by WM. JACROON, et hie Boot and PAW Stote,f 3 Liberty elem't, head of Weed, it the elgs etd Mello 80. • Ladles, ladles, Pot astonitied, •Wheo Tim know Mat you are promised . . A natant, lifelke, enmity whim, . That youwill mill sae common chalk, And leaks deathly yellow Meta, • . • • • . ' The theme of laughter and ortalk. • •.• If yea ' ensile lee a bad of JONERI Ldly•whes. gikeyejltatormt 'delimit, yet natant tos, and at the edam-Uwe clear and Immo. It. NI LO JACIOtON . S.!9 Liberty at Price LC mate per tog. sr,* -1 TO.II PLIOILLAIUMUUIL.SUILPUNPUNIL I WllO4l-110.1plest4el equal 'must .Look al yes. VV fair yowl *Oa, welt britht etaay feed Loot at your own, peed .lib elspeberand bkoielmet Yet you 112 100 mean b rive Illreent• far a e.t.a( ibe Cbe. l .o l ee.Pr enarely Gee ye. (m en thege, end make yearjryilhivvald• eller am bdaliby, • Go atone. te Jaettars piewepl,lberty • u. I l'inarsb,a t ed . T:f h it i r • .• • yAsisilisrlitsberitmber• licaltaitilel• la be obtained! Illewats , ef alsister.. felts. • irrOOSHRVR I kn•Pii owes:if* uisinillignia ,- .11. Woollco+ .let II ~. bold volt ROTEIS. MEDICAL. ..TOURNALS . .OF THE DAY, • lISAMO 111111.111111 VII raw Gieue 0•111. 1108/118, Di Modes. ban 0916•11. uhPurth ikgr4 atut reahlifaribe WiLlArlCSOrf,tetAberry beta qu i / 1 1 , 1,9 4 , WO ik• 91 4 10 MEE WiAIIMRMON bMg. B.II6ILILACA - PORTIMLIC 1110NT , 11.1111116. *OR-1 8 4 7, POICTINu )! t. , msnLleb r TIYEk:N PITTSBUJIGH &ND Mira:ASTERN sings, wrt Some. gmassitutartn& • '• astir. isatlTOTed 1110thed. Of aanYlligased bYthie king Eadidiabed ;Lre,' ss now so meu ,kneron .thet de scription Is rmnecessary, GOods are um meshed mai route, thus al dinutd4traent origin handbag Is sawed. The Bads am'of t draught sal perform thentrips In from six mama ST. • The capacity of oar Warehouses enables is' m Moro any consignments made iota Iteceising,steriag, arid Mrsances free of charges. •- - • • Being (ally prepared to . make asks of Protium, es,,, respectfally +admit . 1.14101,Mi1t. of western Flom. I=dcmd,BellerreheetidiiWslyeethersond other We sale, on which 'Mem advances grill be made and other crust &MMus§ afforded, pledging ou sels. Mu any business ermined to, as Moat be promptly executed and upon 112 fair imam as by any other Wass. Jl4O 11cFADDEN &Co JAB DA I, Co yer fa and %Made st. Made' PITTSBURG,' PORTABLZ RIESE. "184 7. SEIM FOlt thearimeeenatioa Of,Frelikt between Pittebtagh Sul the Athena . * Cities, •aeoldt4 fasdaltaPmatsta ets she way, and theLeoPerasemi nit of delay,. damage, break-wand separation ofpoda. - • • , • • " No 478 hbuket street. Phitadelphiai , • TAAFFE & °CONNOR' CiesrPena esekWerast PiOdrrigb OtCellagett l_k_qa:N . ntih alma nahisum, eaean ' te J - TTAVU, Takata et, N. Y. jS tt Enemmiged by inenemed Paten StesPropirimem have added to their stock is .eitendot their arrange. metal dmingthe arinter, -- and are tam prepared to for ward freight mak reialarity and dispatch unsurpassed .by any other line. Their IPS elifienekadi "W." , the t h e superiority orthe'Pettable Beat Sperm, sod the great capacity andeonvenienee of the ware.' houses at flathead ofaho.line, are pastassly r .ted to enable the prop - loom to fulfil their came-mute and accommodue theft canaesers—eonfidetelforenng he,plet u a gutreety. ar the feu= they respectfully. smiles a conneatuseo or tiau venoms which they now • gsmefally acksierwiedge..:i ,• • All ceneignmenui so Taxa & Eresionsit will here and Stewarded. • heel charges pald and Bine of ,kodinp transmitted free 0( any chance for Consaassop . 'adireacieg or lump. Melo; no unmet thready or leditectlytn steamboats, the interest of the - coaeloats mutt neeeetatily .beallett:pointary °teem mineltin welt, Lad they pledge themselves to (onward all geode coasts:ad to theta patiaptly end mi`the most advents. semi ten= to the owners. • - • id It 1,1817 : . • i mark TAE!POBLIO.•• T p ug Bestmetthe Portstde peat Compaq below ms soloed, tle Chorepany I went into articles of Co partnentWp ander the rams of the "Bostrornhs Limn" and. Illtemse weed to refit the Stock vests la hang number of Mats for the purpose of carrying goods through In from ail to et =y., with real oneollared by the h tY of last vete. plum, qr.; to make more extensile arreagemente for the en. smog year. eye would Merefoie reepeetthlty legit* . a cantina 'nee of our formetpattent. end refer all neer coshnners to thorn we kayo done bits:nos for. fitiolal 1847. abilea • . BOAT DIA II IT' LINK „ • .; ' • Ponta ttznitTaTiation o(. • ALT. KIRIN' or TIRRcRARDTTI, TO L I D - TOOK Puturesirma, Ilcantoxi, Nror tion, - mio Minot; . • . SAMUEL:, WIGHTHAN & . • Coma LZerry street mad Colut Hoom. PiuTbargh. . . A L GERHART &Co, • - " • No 3AS Market woe; ELDE/I.GELSTON &It Agents, • Ia PITTSSURGH-Nlas.•ldeently, Goo. Horn; tr. Co. W MeCally A CAN_ Li A Sesupson & Co, M Allen tr.. Co- PHILADELPHIA7.-406e Penman &Co, Reyeolde McFarland a Co, Plemturr & Herby, Peter WHO tA. Seri, J Eimpeam; Joseph Wats. II • • NEW YOSIC.-Ckedettet Co, Theo. Parr& Co.' • BOSIHN-Seed. Hard a Co. CINCINNATI-Adams Creesb, W. W Seerbor . . PLEASANT, VA-...P A.Ntebler. . ' NASHVILLE-P Flemiilt. • 4 • - - sarehandite from Neer York and Bowe ,13 eansimsd m A .1. Gerhart& Co, pkiledelphla r mat be promptly tanwspied fro oc coommedea. . fable • scsFax DZST BOAT!. LINE. .• 11011 W, , 18 4 7. dolma SPORTATION OF PR DUCE 'AND lIRECIIANDISP. NV AND FROM PITTS. , BURGH, PHILADELPHIA 'AND DALTLMORbi.. . • • o•PlabenS Transbirstera:43 ' •- . Ora& MAI goad Senesce/a Irtll be forwarded yeah our delay.at the loosest current rates. Ms of Luba; transmitted, and MI metnietione protoptly amended to Dec from Loy extra chirp for storw or counnisszn. Ailtheraer Lylly Os • A MeANOLTY Co • • • C... 1 Doll., Pittsburgh frinamae. • ' Hasimi • venf I•ry und commodious worchon ZP.PoccOlo mecca (lu lo..ficiskt f• Atop MsgeISOMMI of Prodboo, Esc.. on Sunup to I%n- . 0112/61: C A AIcANULTYA Ca & co% 161&&;. XCLUSIVELY far • tee trsunionstion a • WAY .E.i .FREIGHT between Pittsburgh, Illairseille,.Tolino. , term Hollidaysliurgh, W alter Street;Petersbargb and all tuletearetliem places. • One Roslyn!' leave tbsiwareheass °IC A. MeAtialty & Uo., Pittsburgh...eery !clay, jexcept Sandsysa Audi shippertems always depend on MMus their gouda the. welded withemdelsy and at hilr. rates. • • This Lute semi Roused for the epeeist secorecondstkin of sheeny Wanes; Ain" the propn.l.t. sw.Peesh ll 7' *elicits linen.' thereof plumage. • • • - • JOHN• PICICWOI I OIIN . MILLER DOM II BARNES ' ROBERT WOODS WILLIAM FULTY. • JOHN MILLER. Hollidayabhrgh_ • - • . H CAVAN. goliastown. • Amu!. "CAM&'ANULTY a co, viudmgt , ' • .gcrigetz.Ncfn. • J JohnTirkes, Robert Moore. 'Wale) k Salth:Pittsharth. I • • mar 6 LIEB.I3IIIE AED ,1l1Cfl161ALINE:• , .• • M i e • ' MINNS T il l Ini belnir creep osel:i i STainbeetsiake Pee pVsse:ge " T&Lrlt; running between Bearer and Erie. and oonneenaff grub C 1.1 Reed% Line of Steamboat Propellers and Vessels on the tikes, will be prepared upon the earitut open ing of t he weeny Freight and Passengers to all Watson the Riser, Canal and Lakes, „ eve 7 taellityjsgr zielfreied autr; L.eennt tC Zetlts re=rll fisan aierat% n od inthlte gea..lllPrit Mat, RE PARK Ce, Bearer JOHN I nt CAT.IOIIEY, rine, l l. l r Cor.Stnithfield yid Water:as. oppoalin the ttionongra. rads Rouse. ' ' ... TO . TTivelor;CroakeTk CO, New York Geo Deem, Beek , 3 E N Parks leChateelood : J. A 4rmatiomit Co Detroit ' • ? !keine& Witham,.lllllTraukis Bristol &Power, queozo , Wow Powers, rowernoww, PIMA/ . Geo Maebedwyre,Evoneeent, Nona ' Jobe atodninr, linotatowe r . . Wick.* AGTor.G7ConTalo,, do - .. f i T;4l =we, Qarkerille 0,00, i do • onbdow.W Cou Coate...do' weed PITTI3I3IM3II & CLENTPLAND - • • A. T.; .CLARKE & Commithass Ilarelmatch r BEAVER. PA. . TM Agent s and Pnaidesersof this Line Oestivers eddy tmwn ut the p. 6114 0 ,111 06 prepared on the earliest opemog ,of canal nesigatka to receive posp envoi Vauban& end tkaver and deliver the same as lay ond on the Ohio and also on Lakes Erie vied ltlehignorish the reatest despatch and areas , . etahkr Illte epeters' of tlae Mai the huhu= oi dal. I , termer oestomersoridi middens" baarind at e - IveUities an second to none... • •APPlivo or edemas • ! • ' . oht BARTON, AV. Pittsbdrid. , CLARICE a Beave C r.. Judd T RICHMOND Co, A. Cr irtudioid, • - MIER - a g OR & vo • - OLD ESTABLIgtiEI3 TRANSPORTATION LINE, BETWEEN.. PITTSDVECOL PRILADELPIIIAsUALTIMORE ANDNEW YORE. THE Meek . or On e One .moms -Of a .63abie daily /dna or.Doesound _tt•,lrrorned trr which to in good eddes.' _ saboenhen an preve nd to lordrara.larMamthr or Nominator, osi Prod.., with eat:o44 eod duPstent • Paden or ?Unbundle' et eolsoigrs.l to su,l derstgned. lo forinfded free ol key Ucuge for etuvgjg.: lAllLl.l o. ding Mannino& end di inotneueno prorspdg The besinen of this Line; Is'entsinetedon stnctly' Sabbath-lreeplag principles. Address. or dryly 63 H Proprietor;- Canal Bata, Pitounfgh -HARRIS & LEECH, Po:quiet**, No IS Comb Third street. Philadelphia JOS,TANLOII r. SONS, Anna,. Noll 4 North Howard otreet,bleattruori W .B WILBON, Agent, No ?West street. New York. lilaAlflnit. _WAYIII.I6IO da GLEVE,LAIRD LINE OF CANAL PACKETS AND STAGES.. , CWR. _ • - ' ' r. _:•1847 • . ETS , A.LFIJ - .1LF41 & 1 1111 .PA4) Sat and lustre at Warren next morning In reason _jot r ut Stages which reach Cleveland before night. • . • . Pane:sets will be veceiited Kirland, securing berths on:the Packets,and seats . In the Stage, en applie t on on beard oteaaoeat !Seaver. Cleaving hushargh at 0 Welack,a. x.a or to the emus: •.- . - . r. .0 M lIARTON &Co Fttabo h • CLARKEA Co, - Deem' JESSE SALOME, YonnaltOwn vein. Mt II TAYLO/LATarren., -. .. AND . • • 1846 ' AND -1847 TO 188 BHT. BY 10110N0ABEL110131B, lIRDVINSVILLE"tr. 00PIBERLiND. • .• IE 'undersigned are now:prepared to forward the daring the CM)... int Whiter, on the moat tayorablettpdaf, by Odd a pe.. All property, ednoieoled to as it the lowers rates add with detruch. • • • • • • • - Itereitandoe received by flu'. UMW bcoinptlyj for . ..warded.. • - J C nipwebti, Ask:, pinAb . • G PV:CABS., Brownsville. • an.= E-PIGERIOYt ONCeatbettood • rirreppqqiii AND onintaivnaar &la m a ICEI Attly maw? - LINE. • . • Tt?.,YrenurzZritt"."*T e lk"t DOM( ao4 Ofeeravillor bT whit], fret / .. ..o pu. 912110,1 bet..ea twP*lo. ll l!Utratarned pramptly e" R osol at ilokffirs_ !trw. „<„ , '71471 & 4 1 1=81.7 e , =A i 40 . • MePARLAND 0; Big Bead, .05 • . WINS PLUM% . do; • W MALAN, Mam e fir/ • WM. INATHEWlkrobioor. - do; , W,W PAJUEB os, Beaver,' • din ..I.OIiN t iCAUGHEY, soder WOW sod illuosem ate.' 'OW • .cf, I • • vv. f I SISEMINMEM TRAIISPORTATIOIt . MSS. _ ------- • - f Lei .te=l.o • Coot • 1 • r‘b BM6IULaIIIVAOMMIZIO PACTrit I nd'd ottieeer' . Card.Charlra Hoops: ...Ole sandtaps leis day,leartng I/O'clock, Beaver al g o'clock nar r ated th Pittsburgh awl cloralaad Lire nal Boats daily vo Chmasad, 0.; Seaver, Wert Coveiand Una of Canal Packets and fasoWC da4toWmenmdacrvininCanallWAM New Castle and Greenville,. Pa; Erie Ectenaie to Meadville and Erie:7Na nr.em a Suva Coach for Cleveland In Wooster. rare ver daily .00 Ike arrival. of steamboat &Are Par Apply to " ',• 3mrimmx , ikeol4= - • CLARKE, & Co, Barrer . v, F ioN.Lisii. .-,:, -7.. inkiiMt.: lB47- - ' ±Ma g. ,.' oil Tli 1 prigNEATATHA LVD - OHIO 01001.1. ,L BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND .CLEVELAN , Et? 1 , P N FABIUS& Co, CJeveland, Or t _ ..'i'' i : W fir; PARRS, Jleaver,Ps. .. ' • , Tragar . , rem! W T MATHER, rimiauhi P. ' . •' ' i,,, !ME above Line is now folly prplued tolira Pa A Freight and Pamengers from Pinabargh end Cie : land, to anv poialoe the Penarylvema d Oltio:al Ohio - The Neale of Mid Line arc I'M keeled ane , iang (XIII* la =Embers and amenity of Tlemcen! Coptaint. end pronvmsmor A t RC , . `-^ Upe heel loans Plustarth and Cleveland ditilliZ 'Mpg la commotion wig MeSitamera. , .i. .', ,' /: . Michigan and Lake Erte,.between•Piltalieti. Maven and A Llan offing dim 'Ettemnimalb _, ,' . 1 km, larige and PeAreurera, on Lar El* aliird.r , PmpenY aarwarded to *az part of Me .Union_Vil drunk. E to PARKS*.ift,Cirreian4Seag, i , - . • . REYA_PARIESk •ft,lleavar, A l it, . . , 0, , :1! MATHER. Pittabargh,-Att, r. :. - 1p21•• -' : . . Car Water and gaidamid mieete : :•...:TilturtlGa. IN ;PACKET Beata Swallow ma geniolvleave vev..../17tet 3 &elm* v. ar..; alter Me a t er 8.. , from Pl , lxtveah, and aniveallvarres' view ha the Man Lee of Nagai.; which leave earn-. • &talk UrfaU:7ond urina Creveland Thu Tomthe . moo coed:gain ,id.Osaliniabt. ccrms taLEFFINGIVELL, REED, PAIMS & Co, Besver,dgems •- JOHN AG UGHEY,tereer Water sad thathfleld naly ,Opicrvite the hloneegatelaHouve:Pitiebeth nesT.Lunr: Maga 1847. Eng. •• '; Jon Titeriteltteiiiilitei'ifii.' ALL HINDS OF MERCHANDISE TO AND THOM Plallsdalplate,ltaluemote, NowelfetH • FriiH'encouragement Merlins haa received elute Its commencement, bas induted'the..proade4 ton'tri increase the stock by adding a number Cif br. , Yl clad boat.. and Indeed ofgiyingrencipisin beret* , 'fore, ca 144044 we' will give our 'elm reeeipti . for freight shipped by Ob. t 3 • , • Vbd bean are. all portable, cirusequenily freight is taken the whole dataAcia.wittiotif transhipment, thereby 'preventing damage:from frequent handling on the route, and a 'each boeris' owned' by the Captain who coon them, Which it a mrSciint Oar. antee that there will babe delay satin ionte..i All !mace or Merchandise- consigned to" the" undenogred will be forwarded .F_AHH..OI , COM MISSION, for edrancing std, forwarding, und , Wl.ll be shipped without del:slot the:kr/week raw( or • • e reapertfilly collet i share of Me. • ! . ; WALLINGFORD , " Cain! Boats; Pittstiarok "..CHAIG,..I3ELLAS'ib " • Broad StreM;Fhatislelphla. . •is ' F MILLER, Agent r ;-." . "" • Howley's Wharf, Baltrmote.- Pittsburgh; Feb: . !! - 1846 • 411 0 . , ~ ': .'1847 7122 2 222 2 0 T lIALT3IIOOIOIII AND .OHIO 'RAILROAD.' rp E sabssrikers 4111reattfir.t fae the delmity of Pn¢ duce to U.. 1,16 bi the 74.=.gabola Ellackarater althe follemong pricea—, . • f Aaheti Bacoa.-13atter Lead; Lard, "Park, Talletoc, w 1 0.1.4, a, a i r i d Glaca=tlCLOO T AWl . VlVlttirChecie, ilaxAgeed, ri2;., .04 Leather-100 eta perloo Otis, Saba. Seeds , Wool —OW pci 100 lba. , ' Beereax,Feathers,Fats,psniees, sod fOnaliegelot —IVO ea per 100Iba. • • • I. . . ..1111 prepeny coo.eo to caller of the doderaltned be rwuded without _ydela free of Cloatallssion; Ft alma W nto.l3sTillte HANNA & WATERMAN, Pittabsugh. nerFdtr anzwzne.CILICILCA.I.:3I7 T'llg Ilk FLUID anliCling•thxy‘drouage bre.:tiblk the this plies, it is tot mkt odd Over bodied 'which dutch= kit...upped is blood We be dilly and file lY keit .od a/so some guarantees to girth that pooK nuthity oil/ aot be is apes by suing • do the gest Owl, it ts known dud the bound :td• Kock ulath. are composed ata preellitthe;•bdd • by guns ittable.sad obeli du watts, letior in arbide'oc part is mix:gabs d the gum and precipibue nth kit as . psstymka. in the pa or inkstand tibikh contains it. It is Ms. adman. to add mops to do dab instars m imks thisse - gaidi which bthrthoes this tad by wing on I.lth you,ig euded.. =eroding it throng!. in a thry shod tim,. ?lasi thelWii , tisg•Fisixt.diffne feutadthor nannies 'ls' every' tooted. it is athethicil, oduton rogsthing Xiscidsnatthekt bold I. togethse.thesofuea stillness& gortildth, xed being ...y , a mega Tomtit] germs dthathe pea images= spot dog dapayiato UuEkee of lb mathog 113126 ft sot Oats and and less easily moved by attrityou than if iton ego, plastseed on QM barheir: It also Mb.* *matter Wei hr has an athutty.for oxidic Xma s , therefore r not awed/. steel peas.:4t kid not sootdd, and although If tutelth Walsh gronscolasystin a kw - baths it became.* dtep black okedi "rid Tints Ad ogel • .It i nlted Tric , •ll; . to the asul ow ' th inl kmwa t tiar s e, Pice. " l g s a smithies against fathasidon of any tired beim attempted felloodog reconnoadatkes odder, to; all ma I. unix, ,hit the math there given axed 'sot, hate bieth eds. loosed by soy meths kr an ...earthy purism'' . - We remenemme ` , likbert%Cheationil Writing Fluid. to the patranare a the public, Mak...teak s mile* en MI ms rtim A &mfr. from the pen . elcepptei it up •mi. he mune of • for hours bammm• deg. bmnht bkr.k. ` k Co Wkic pm AkCAnik•• Wm Lippinoettk 4Ea•ke Wighnemienq kohl k IkM= • Wn kohl It MeT•B•Be&p,r F C A kkAnuky.k. Ca • 'Juniata:Bolling Mina; Mr Thin X Hibbrit—Deri Tam beta vs" Chnotied Writing Fl . ma,•••=lEad it • first' tin. ,for. Um °Zee, it Awn fn.ly fenm Ina pm rid barinanajct Mink in akw hnart '• —• t"-Ttarn Inet• -" • " - • .T H 'TUTTLE Bookieepri • ' . ' • • ' ' for Biatelis Stat ' • . . , T,lt Mbar—rear EarrMartug pante d o k ho l tk of por,Writinir Thad, mar threus go, I remade! it fat ark,Lt. superior. , re AruoltorAVb i alasom in , WILLLAM.IFIT.WARTi anah , ltripe . • ,for Arthur Man:dors tCe Mr T Pr t aru mrua".7uur wet.in Fluid, ad ilk, be • mod rxerl,4lirtiela for Ad Fenian Ilion natal" than uplits thu • aredreily of other ink.; It Burrs free and larceud ix. =. Wadi fir a fru, w11,8,1A14. CARR,Boaa-borrier''' ' ' • Jaw Parker. Priparid and , rad WWl* ,iai Belau ay Thonissit Itibbtrt, , ,Druggier , ared - Chemirt tu rner of 'Phur!)'' and. l Sinirldeld Streets. 1%," . Orthaani . • - • • I L.• 1111. UnGOLDSB P VII r j Bineifoosa totnnal rim JJ • earn* ad tans, rlinanir uncinn estriiri , Inseding ;in tincid,alry trenatra Or kidney el binS4 der, puns in Oa benkrad !nit, !Wain! anip bejorknyf atner inrinnnirnt to i."•rn wont, ata attar areduaaast Pites trowo.. ;tlV .'""h. Na Gat 0t.44, .ad is a eatoisho fisyslit is noir uud has attire, rerwo‘y, irilhoot p. ClToVpabuge, roDeruro or t toe* , owl peek Wei to I ho7D 6 to Yea armor am lusa sir resaly. Main wen Its eta,. iwnwsleasn,lnmpts, hlrskes,te stmt.. u o rao eta oktho where it arum Waal, New Yost, nyi, nit 132 p !Wk. =1 4.. . 1 41 gN IY, Al D r , %lee Speedo, oo 1- taw it horn lay mumarinas - &mambo% tre WOW.; hatict ma it ow& with wawa la awed maw f peke, !lob , - OW. 4filloCne , I New Tat, ALMlR43._____ Orttharort, LADDrArDDM . . ICATED• - "1 • • Mr, Berle-Dar2itr i ir the phaeura ah.t.ltii tour attlielosatr. %Vika Speak. lad mods •per, het run lathaewo ...."..P.O.V.Pt that I hal* totai Norperetertt, 41. it wytmopuotora- I pmihl. bean thoroter,, lm the rood gni do aria WI Wan WM , au el Wad is Dail. , amour, to proatrutka article ra doyens} "P eal a° • "" t "' "" youi . w.iiir eopta. War Mato: IC Tullio) IS, Dr. , lagoldlitr-Dna• Direr-That you. jay hear onouory rufferiugow wet/ oe to riprausay Ka:On& , Lowitlhousderirod Aga the uile *rye= fatuoble Sia 68%1 oaupir whh.roar matt, ow! uow Kw tati moo any/wan Deew estresl at a metre utak ol the fat atter tariag and other Isasedla oritbilat them!: • Yours with menet. •, .1 • saawbams.ouli+lo hy WM. J.KLIFAIOrt, bWre lat Modleisa Votehoeur, ouCloot =a Shoe ihoolU.Noe to Liter oLnat, led of Ward, ilubioret. Piese 50 ova. • so Col(l9lMPTfflffla 111.111CIITE114Tti Mead ttaftlittod "writii,Dlamaios of •thilfatnia t .y-This is ioserdfy to ;arse afflicted :tooth ibis bra pre. iidaltory nandozas of crintroption,ffltm 1 belie; been lahord% for laiiial yearayrith a bmocht; saivons of th e ti.,, ~,o mer,n9eitt.. L.la scanner td(dic!te.4 tad bind no odicpin tiny PrePinittas of teediidne,' steal I made ,ago: of.:lat. ~ DONfflth Tal tin BP.MOY.- limos blasting thls traltothle Midi cum (or several ryiant;ead odOnf o EldlktoyaffleYirtehert. - ever I natation of la , •fflyoccepation 'ita an Atwood , : ear, which heap. me aharttleventiotireidayid, ea.. toy diocatteou Mich, tato:kr:nit Tory ohriairte,'wheri. nonce PWICIEre tide iaifflaidey I . thezektnt aide 'pica. sor t ui manes figs anblie etatemerd,thatotheiaareci ed:with a fflicase of die' taiga aid esimehintot dtm, may blow the 'buoy or,lffla :!alt heolihg remedy,.. . 47 f,,,,..id. I ha'rendoodoieda Dr. "cocoa . ) Expemoreat Remedy I. trofflyer to air.adal v., whom owe *dr Dace to thiiinedicue:-:-;!. , 1 • Someneyllhith Oat. 13: iffflly . .. art MIT ' The propneter of ••theadmite medicine .a,,,• 'toter to the itadetahlued Pentmo, *ho mkt. 'per ry noton, on. WM....7 - P.R.V dray d b , canameed that there cue mutes foe ye medicine that cannot be excelled, .. • _.- - , . ,1 David comm.., 23 . 0 . 01 4 /NAL Emote.' 't Prod. cb Gollbar,/sebon ix fdr. Luton: .ha a %Th , lben;' G DR. l itti CAWS IP fflPTIk *5O Bye: enod Dootte m N i trorell t. s . . • lone Mreet.ffloclattati, Ob., .. • ... iIL, s u i d 1 n pfpootorlt by Ob., idierty. lead of Wood arca.. ~._ : . , ~, . er • PAEMTI3 AMR SELLERS, VELLIMP_UOV—PRIS POPULAR EVERYWIIm,m• ~, 4 • • .Ozwuwitio7RA aMillA IM7. • Mr. IL ViltatuDeat tlw—Lpatcbsstdormm . bottles of,-Peßw* ihrlfaMPe and wade bee 4(aoe bpi. tle to two arm etuMinwookieb•brought ooe warm, &ad Row the Wein MD. I reeowoOetA it to the community si ow of Ow Nwlawelothes IkaweAverwon' or used tbr the =lank of worm. • , • • Tawypowt .PretWred Mul IMILRELLERm wend o , bos *dead Idiom Sol 4 by 1/1, Swikhidi W 0.4 LE_DIGAL kylircoT.D . l.ozract, AND POOR MAN'S, • wake owe .I) Bl:9Bl2`mis ehattVi i'" Zi d t:kn y to aroma earls tem of gat, .Col i seedily aoa try at' :fTooth rade 00 the Mick of each Ilagor, s IIIIERMAIVS LOZEITGES. These Lawmgeaare the rant, man or and effect.] nia, idy kw tanks, trade, wiewmptsoste, whooping eintiv, halir7 spa, tithes of the taper eked, etc, elm the peopriesce basun er known an iossatteceleth they did act sae poke a emisfaktios, Sextet thsosend boin Lave keel 44 the Mayeam restoring to health yonons in Wm* every ofisamomptectond Mom laboring. miter Res.& dieter-Mi; &debut covGbe4 . The do pot Med, and dry up'shr • M( seeder it ay, promote mpertotetimsilloy the balk,- or. . • mitation, end remove the mdaimete or exciting tame. Tliepare made Irwin • malenatkm or a moat rolvabk *spec tarit%evagt. male:Mrs, and an sodouldely eoperior ;awry mai for Woe difopmeto. Ileichede uptieloso • . deeds ar.nir.u.lien b.. °Gard of them woodchat lies', as ce , Swot thesewbo harelesail from aa_suanoci, .modhers them mmuch pain so the brae pre off:her ' • manN Poor Note (Maim ( wo n oolygdy nets,) afie ldc to appriedmerer Me me te r and rn till relievelL if eta atativememe • few cathartie ow laxative imisestmer. • mildMalmetto =dirs, Moab! be used ee OCCILsIOn re/04m , • , SHRIISISPPS WORM LOZENGES • Them worm hamageiltaie been proved is mom than 1,110 000 Hen tO be inadlibles the miry certain worm deicroyme , seeded. rterdnivemend. blear dimwit...rhos from wean. senlessmeitet /mg and intemeinM.r., and 0.0 Onthonily • Matthe er ir mlon sumpected:growet pentane are my atm , - alletial with them, and are demoted for nfials. eomrtkialo widsolotmy km* when me dote or these Lampe would' .. .. ipeedily media. , . SynagamatyNol.--ini thejoimts ee•hisalts, - offse elm breath,pickiag et the rime, vindiag or the teeth tiering .i4,chespripencepahnvesaimastbeSsowitlittnakedelmtal. bleabassat the.nee,a pawingteam/Waal Gitelnesech,Slahh p.c.( hmeemerthe mace tithe body,' alight &Mt or Mir had te 4eerlenng *env., Lturba' derma: rddd emettc eke, with. fright and scremmiug ; imarthnee troattlomale mash, kverahams, MASI, pathd • 'bee, Ms, bad taste in the mosol, tweashing, pam latemenesech bowels, Gram 1010.11, Nralitishurs, Tyra' hppetilc, leastame, bloateewenoteh or UM, ; ,shoottrpoists tal minim Farts of th e body, a reamer ammo - • , Ming umg in the dumb tlehitagof dm ones towed. night, a - rmeSiOt &Is+ lodtkm osskibiklatomt hoe ill, mob mom : diaehaegie 4l 7, 6llllßMAST'S &ninon LOZENOES. give. hesnediakt seller hi 311,0411 Or 44/I bndahe . plipiddiod of the heart, kveraimenf 11< intlachisatosy,or putrid Mire throat, bowel or soma. wan • plaintjfainWig,apprieeim or a smear Mukha; of the rhea , el tc he mums,. mom it the ismatach vw- berwehebyslnirel - - - itlfectims and all to .discases, droweineis th rough Mr day; led erakefulneier Rum& tha nlgh2; ehoicas'or cholf eq sosatom 41417410500MF00d0 Or a maw of &Igoe. Pm tfoa,4 ee oilee4b. .4ere Wang nil! fine eln !Agent.' its I.dfy . revr . vlasil mametveg thelmosasey of youshgesed telet,!Waklmob Ir i = do: too total; !a .. .Term "firing. !Mao. .Lulea , w . ?1,271= been, sof ab o andoned their . disorted lutbits will Mese Lmeagm adg "v: S .8 POOH - D e ASPLAEII. •• beg etremplmaing Amer t the *PI, arida fOrenre remedy Gaye/ass, or realms* In the tack, lotus, aide, ma, • o,llmr rtonstaintiego; toe. km One millioa a year erdl nomnyilly the durum& They reiptire•little wann ag bellsre application. Warranted eupersor othersenl far owe quarter alsommtal premotakingnot only the beet, bat Rbiede: plaster in the world It elm* salk.f a few Int embphist wad dyspemm, It Mould br worn oyee the limo 0C eloe.; Mid it will afford feat utoanhiscg terser la 'coughs eolda, Whim, difficulty 01 lancalsiag, apprentice of the chest or thm , Pidi°M7 tr , r l , b. 1 4 40 UZSOOO.I.• Vl= .0 sedditary habits mr ablir . to ame .... ix . he Lerida( sussyart fiassa ewe of troy Phymendagemodly recolamend them in smarm. allothambeestme they stick or edbers letter,mitalifordxreas. •Ws , to thew j os they We elimatem, twor,and sostiyaL, Theyare of attire, dirrersot isqedi • itateGme coy other arn=workvins the evdestmel of mil - • 'Swasiwkinissramed them, asyrral ass the mated leititemay of be '.tens, n alebratedend distanipmhed clew phydoierd. to: Sams! pas= ham Mahe warehouse to mg. Meld Nursed rhavdm, thsalmostminisdomearee shwa • Dhsetiom for me ere cm the heck of Nth- yhester.' , ..k.h :d-_ E.-AMU of Dr. Sbe seam. • II Waimea/sty - WM=ld . - .hopes* far Skenasoes Ittotht Platter, and sea that the are many worthies I MUMS ZMlr le oat and . ad Ms " the Iney Sharman% rs, bs • whohmle end fetid by W. AG/C.BONa hie tsta Meade* Weiehowee, Na. GI 'Lamy 0 r oct, _ a-h Pictp, 12 , nen.* 1 xs Lige - rump( /. • , ill' .11;07E'vaiirab IT"—Regrelm. CO bigle a rnl/S:Ciki DE C unt . ogyal . Fru DI» Olm.-Tbis is to . mylitylo OM roßealar*olarly l. 17 ...,., b... . 0 :0 1,,,ia.1 _die0 7, 40:41 : 7 L .z 0.1 .r-Corosu be ipti :. ibil 14 nrbakOrrbilgkrkim orraOkeri 'kb a 411141, cold I 0 bOik l ia.loil4 Cbi4, obIPIMY: blf bough irrY' l a . de,h NAir.14.....4411.: . a.ii.it5airi...41,ret. . nu p daily o:Mkiebierile.gemstity a wooa, .a..4-,iiti,. dark ireibter:44 itiodoo !memo aerkmirehlidarm.- - . Dimiic this time T vu iffeaded by two of oar' eMm. rpar*br..'ti4 . aba iii. ;.2,t tar1.43c5:.:<,....,e' 0 1 .2 LL Ibley pre . op MI bop. ofyny remnry, n:a:4 - :031 Itli iloothi4 imeeproil be dmie--thot my burp lot re fier• diem b, mrd byymsdriamdry; „I Ins Mal penorded by 'a Meta it Alba max . ui4rotiin p..i.es..Em., . 0.4 &SWIG ,6,,,, ...T Th1 . t ., ..g i F” ,, ,7 . 4' tbia ` p.E. tc . .ak.i.i:iniald do ea pod, mid youll orll 'oak . . . _ _ _ • I told them it "Me my Wt sal may • o. • 'mN, th t Lo , of the of the (wa.klemas tome.) telem**l Ili arida, kit. So 1 seat la dm • ' 'din•imetti 01See Skirl. of Oar Indy' YAM* dad wermilig to the dim , hatume of: adds 'to my racing, isimedishi4 :aere`relitcai lase. itrivatin u. treahlemioamer . ., 7torteetthier'plis tad. ti,,hintim is wy Chest; giviii ha • Ile•t 141.1111447410, which eisided me to hi vemal...n. Ai., nobly' !• imularriii; will CRY [Mae, 14.4111:k31. I haie slime been 6004n:truly hmaikeig• (upert,B* of 3 ran) .4 rni ae "linithi is l r with.' 1 ~ r!. reeclaimed.a. D. Dmiroah rloicherentilmerly huratinstarcutiolmeminarrijailimil end D hat ihnuiptaired earremfal so ter we 1 irrie:witeemel lie Sea, illy Miter Miring teas malikim at perm, em Irimarrei•Lirer tad. u ieforion Mg r LaN;agi,4Nell she had Mitered with 83. M some that; ate ham wily rewired kyllie use of .t is medicine, and I em eirefairat the 1 belles r I take aid; Me trailay millemirely arm her. lam arm, rilatom that there r rie thohandieof valuably pima* roeting deatioyet,CONSUSlSSloll. Yrmi.it noirpossain Gar than. la prawn this making in 'Mari lirkei item to* Isis, miry Ilrea might h* protonic* •iii their and - Nations vain - ectidered 'ham. - This - tnediain wilt L instint relist, and ad the Nam Ulm arr.' thnrisnd Wahl limey manor. ST tiptoe,. in the Chi, - gam to n tta ifabled and-nosaninind thisic;snit , "mmmmi, tam eritiraimill tester= • imam rah, • • • - ANDREW J: FELT}7 . 4_ • •I'r •hlontiremry, Hamilton Comity I.llB.—Thommttoiluy tool ,be sambaed erilt.•• l ester tithe. imeirnicrehlittritiet Illealxornmy, m***. 0., theyrill Many mbehmart thy aborteureatiar ' DUSCANS3 4 riiiITERN OflnC4lBo • kieiri,aehti• iZialet* hteditirs sisnits tt. I ' .gold 44-4404 weitiil, 67 .W.Bl. JACKSON. rer "ThIPORTAWP TO TDE LADIES-‘•Chtneen Haar cream, a matealesia %Miele .".ktithe Growth. - Beauty and RestrifitionefM ::Thrseream, when, coned knower. will enyenede -all other articles of the kind now treed, Witerp the hair is diarkitarsh.thin, am. healthy ar attains araLa few aPplimaions will make hale. wit and• Mr and give ir d beautifal lively appearance; and will make-it retain its liveliness. and healthy Gehl mien as long" al Wane prepanuieure ...stitch are generally need. 'Every . lady and academes io habh of using oils on their hair, abould =lance parchase a Nance( the Chinese aa no to compared that it will mat injure the hair like the 01.k4 preparations, bat will beantuyik and pee perfect eatiothetion in every instance. • • • • For teanamY im•aerY seamier Mettles, vicisha . soliewing letter from kresara. ;Undershot , ' & Streteh t Nashville, cientral Agents (of theiWeatcrn State& • . .I,ener from the Reelt.Claldwell,mistor ofdm Prey Apnoea Church. ' . • liendetsbort dumb—Gentlemen,' 1 a , kilenaare in adding to restiniony la favor of the. tent preparation milled MI Perris/Os Chinme• Cream—ter about two years seamy ham me very d bilttry; and diseased to man ont but haying premate, a Mile of• the email, and anted h ateordm tort. pa, seriatim hare. is Mc son, elasne end Erns to th e head; id sty beams and oils .were applied each lea. .vinkenry hair in a mike atate than helots. This Crean' however, has mat ray upectatiow. lie an article ter tholkelet, my wale give% ii prifewt eace ever all ether; beingdelicarely perfumed. and not disposed to rancidity. The !anion especial/ . wilijind. Cream robe ei.desideretant to their preps 1110ons for the todet. • . Eespeeritoty, , CALDWELL __UlGrOeld wboleule and Teitil, in Pilrabatah by Jahn. II.; Townsend, polo (5 Marker enact. and Joel Maier mown otWood and Fifth at.. - jolt/ Cteakm de , Aciarida Amara\ for alaring;. • Cream Al Row, haiabereingi - • • IO C do, Almanac c~a.m, thaperelike Bongo, on PorCelain stands, , baba, pertained wall LArander, Anglo , ButeniCal powder peon, of oil Panborawi toilet bomb, containing•fragrant eXtrorla for:the handkreniel - ; a venal bggg,ond roan! a , •Pe• , 0 ,,. • ‘ , lntatn rogeta , le hair oil,' ' • • • Boar's nil, In fanny or onchaongerappera,(ro!eacct - oneoEoapi:Tlpnpl.gloaii; toga .1.1? Coldrreanz,elegnrole oat nP; • • ' perfinneri: jur:reeetridi for sale by :r • .11AroilINESTOCh A. CO PITTSBURGH .GAZETTE;' P ' VELIPHED DAILY,TROVEEKLY h WiIEiLLY A , °Alai Swildf hev, P. l offi.-: Avrr.s : ApvErvi , xsixe. One uuFriion or 15.1.i..5; or Iced, ' $0 -:,>? Tiro inverdon. withodiairpragool,..•. ... .. . . u 1. .T4ree ; - • • .... • rod Tao Week.. Three Cere Mouth, Twb Three " ittr Longer ath - ertiteiraents to vma proportion. • ~, *qttare,Cmocttbs, without tatetiation..• • IU ° 0 • 0 _ • " 15.4.0 'Ern i.ddltiotsurogEtara.for 6 months, _ __" " • .. .• tO. o 6•logithwormi49trablzwelm, 1 5, ,t 0 t*elltisdditionalstrOre motAlti" to .71 . *r0 aorres.S.rnonth*,-re'vrabloatpleantro, C.O Elett. ditional sqitue;G:mogiths, .witaittir oft 2111.7.WIZILLV 1S D/111. ItL/Er.S. thie. Roue. S inwiton. , • it .1` , each atitiltiormilnrertion, -37 6 OD five lines or Ir.:: sear. "..... 5 00 '1 ii ", o one Tear, daily & weekly, 1000 six 133041.1 u " . " 6.00, ,a-nesettsentirrs in vriscr.a . lArltlll.l. For Al pee., or kss, °tor nuertron, i....... .. $O - 60 .. x rr_ Two. " '.o:s' e . ,d. ' ll,' L ree Me : 3 , th ' 1 60 I 1,, ~ ,; a . r , r ,;" .. - •,-.•-• • i. 6 Ir c , • f i r anverilieseeels'take marled by tbe sqa a , od a disenant 0115 pei rent tend elven where ere 9.4.4:.„..4.,....dir. dollars ptrye . i y ,„,.. ""' linislnsesieazds. - Fly, or lees it GliAl A 5...., . .....;:....j6 ~~ ~ ~.. •,.!• • I
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