':::.'-• -'• • ••-',,_;-.:•-• ..'`.-:.- : 4. ...:.......•;_ - ''. :.'..---!- .•......1- 7 , -, ,i • •. .' • ,1 1 - , . .. . • . , 1;, .. ~:.; .r.X . ';', •• - ' .., ... 4...• - -,•-• ..2......''' ..,. . - . .: . . • ._,.; !• - . • . ...1 , ! • ' 2. ',,,,,.•,'. • _-..`, .-_.' 01•1 ,. .; - ,., r...., .1.. •-:, :, 1....- - . ,•;sF • . 1.1._ •• '• . —' ' I . , , _..'','.'..-..0. ' l' ,. r . ..': - .:;-7--•.':'..... ...''' .- •-';..tii;L..... . ili - 1 .., . -.' , --', .-. • ' .-_ . _ . • ! -',... It :.,; ' - 2; . . - t , ..' , ":•••''..i;ll - L-',._:;: - . .•". ~.,' - - - -1 . .. 1 -• ' `''' j' 1- ~ „, ,:...... , r-14,7 1 :-75. , . .... . -:-..F - '7 7 .7... •;!. 4 . : ::.• , , • ~• ir....;-. - ._..:. '...- . -• . - .F 7-7-7,-: frTr.7,''' - ''. 7.. ' 7 ''''' '. l '-''' . .:..i _I -- • 1 :: 2 - .•- . :.'.-] . -•, -I• : , . a i - - ,1 - ~' ..•:' - ..- • Az_z o .l. l Nitiane - '' ,-----1. .. - - ,1- - - 7 1 - :•• V Ali nlkninmotiiiipb;, • ,. ,1: .. . ~ . • , •' . .. . .. . -- .:-.,., , llttblit ivVine ', - 1 . .•• • r A t; ra ics A C - - • i .„. 6 • 1 /LtT , 10111.911811 - wAyta-i, rratt, - - '-' 1 1;. '. .. .. . ' - - - - I 116-4"--;:. Yh.ar°2'lC-1 ''-i'-' J' coratEnctur.RECOßD: I 1 MIT OF prrrssou x. 1 • _ .• , . -, i -.. - .:.i - , - I - 41;=; hi." . .. s g au i ts . irgegi.egate' '. .ri; ,;l4 l .:l ' n**/ "F .1 . - . ' Son ' Sas tilool2 . 41c - n . ' 7 1 '. . - -1 . '''''' ' . ' ' • ' : : 6.13 : '' ::: ,- ' ':: ''' 7. tea law . avii •. -. . • I D B IC : E14 : : XI : 23. N . :oslomb l a N nyß _ E ; :: : l l 667ssz4 1 44.331 1 ,67,0.1: 1., 17 : .1.1 : r4... 1 '- ''. I V ' ' j '' .--.;•''. . • .. , 16101marke4S. `•"" 611 6%16 6I • . 160 bp 1004. 3=16 •11/1 Ittl k ,t4 l : IS Friday ,: 6 i ,. .! , 1.1 0 9 I .4: ..,...,;,....-- ..1.... ... i ., 1 ,,,, : .....2 . ..,, ;1 ... • . 1 . F .,,V.1.,....... - • _-,,,.,„,„ ~..... ..„,„'• • ... t wat .. , ....,;ti.....30. b y . 1. " "441 . EX T, - , Jr/ 1 , 22 . 1 : 0, 4 ' 2l! re= 7 :.: : 6 :139 64! - , : • •'' : :' ::::, :. s 1 • ..- :' .' : c ' 3 X / ni f '''''','''''' T . - .. ..nialAn DICKEY ACO •• ClNAVlo2 , loerdial !tn. niesi A tk co s.rul_ew R - 4' l- - • - " 24 Wedeeniy,,, 414 136 .1 I! •, ,:t.': .•' -,':',- •'• ' - ' ,;''; 1_ t~ ~: • . • •••• •‘• • "fa", 4 .• a • c .. t • " BRIE .1 , .,-;.;-:-.::::4i,. ,, ,,..: - ,A;-,..;•;,.::,7. ,. : '..:1!:!'! ;,.. • • - .N : 4 1, i.z..:-..:,q.::..1 a.'• 1 . 1 : , 1 0 .. , !• -, 1 •r.•-: 7 .-Y:.:‘ , ...:Ir..? - -41'2§ - ;.,. 1 4,:, , ,4-:?•TFi..-.;.'3.., ..4!)::;1•.:1:;:t. , A n'.. , ;`... , i;, . ":i.1,• ; ..!•;,* , ::::• - :'.! . :•• , .:':!":':'2.7"-: ... V 3 4 .,. i. , , -,., , - ...i'' ,e-i4it t i:A. .4,.; e 1 1447 ,- ::fi . 'ii:3":-: • li - ':!ri;!:::. - i':.!i:; . i.... -,- :.• 1 ' . ..:' ,, *- --...,:-. ',......:,;',ii...,` ; ';'7:',-:; . :-.1?: t.:;•:- - ,i :i : "*1 ~ , , eiFf.:i-- ; :;', l 4";i::`••••:l. : i', .. :*:ii.'':''• ~. .:4; i1i.1 , ... ,,,, ?, - .1.,:..:••••:....; , : -. .'f, ' :..*:;.,,At41. - '*,L.;i:,•:,, - .f. t ,ii.;::::', , ;:rit.'‘!4 . - - ' - • , ; , ;t: •-•' , .:'.':;? - .7i.-. -...,, ..f . ::00±;t: k •::= '.. I`.44AiTlV:f" , ,i;:i. gii . : tfil.:-',i'.ij; . ~ _,,— , :4-,:,:.•17 , ,-,-...‘ , .: 1-: ..,.V=tl r . ~,4r3:7-11`;;:,-4•i,i.::q:k4:„7.....:-. 1:•-:,,4$.;i,,,.'",*,.,.,k:4r-i;ti..z,:.-,.-c..4,..ii'*';•14,.P.:.-.,i:'Li1 0p.,rt:.r.'•,:.:,f::-..:.t-,,41,c:,y.t4,,',-,..f..,:;1y1-W§4::,'.'11..;:,,+,.l 1,,1i, ?11.4..:*if?'..*:.i; . ' • 3-.^ — ,:.: * t4,t .:t , ,:.: , 41i1i,. , 4. l ;t:J.t , .vit , ?L 4, s , ‘"' l : , P:'.;i.fki • , ! i •, •. • ... ..t?,,:•'''irltt''' , 4ll,,",.:l•Tr,i-s. 4 : ;',....,-li_ts.ye, - ..'. •rr , 011. , :- . tt !:i??41;f *: .:*....; '7 .. .' ;!:'?';'''' I''' -':';....:_,., ..if ... . ....." ?' 'fgifilii; 7,:' ',IV ~'.!,;.::. ',',.'..,,:..;' '.'!•',.*.:/... .-. 1 . . _ .. . . . . . INADDING7Z7D dpz of diediudi and oprn.d • pAC[LEri Nyis,rs. MEM . . 1130ZMII-4.1,V nrorlalklintfrool..s.crailkti,elppn,. iI 7157 bbls*T iffpolor fainly,/poni4 Um' lioniousu /Arm.; klr o l. a b i r pos i, a ; c 6, I alvie Tarizad.goo Mertham,libempit b.2040e, some . lanciazzer all • • W • EEll rstithfield - IC til!Bir.-4 I 418 21'4,64 et, " L 0141.--46 Dbl. elhoiee Ftoar. India{ • Alskerzesi for We b7 . .7 D bbis pri rCtlTC_ alv oats by b. . '1+419 4/S Ili.13111141"4:7;htbd'a":17 — . 44 . 7: 1 0 . • • ..18 & • 342 • 1171.0111L=-15 bbl a family dattf „r plght.cd, fin'palo by . JASPA ! nl7_ . - '.ISIaLEAD—:W pig* Allman Laig per attar Darer; for sale by -• as•l7 _ • ' ---- - ARi • tend rale for Jll Lead annteciarena r< red and 8r sahib/ . avI7'TORN DEXTER ilk. 41 aaa» at VEJLTISEWS--ta eakisesi landaus pas ausilife• sassahalls tor sale by l 011=Y • , LXI Se 17 , • • erste, a ITOIII streets C T0 4 1 2, —1n bale. new crop TINS: CistlOD, of ye. 'W. " 'i.L 7l"4"4 DICJIKY 47 6'r 17' ao-j2g r.fterN 122'iara-t0 Culler, f*t tt4e--by"7 . A E xatr . ! A l! r ., : b, 1 , 930 . 14 ra d. ."3 : . want le haatits 14111 Fire Orley. -• ' iia i ; i sate L.co IS.L.D.Onbs DNA Mariann.; fa sola ' - JD WILLIAMS • o .trad et Cr " B.+ ACCO WALLIATI-4_4=N..21PP173 ./1111011111-10 Ulu Oaloas,prime jut reed . 'la for sate try . .WICK tiIeCANDLESS •nvl3 • • • . • mrwood ii•Ort rui ALERAT A — lttUsiart t& inr.V b ~13 Wlcelllec Dl.~s asz-i 10 b. [oink. by .4t1.3 . ' WICK, teleC T statisr.lt—wo JOHN.I Leadiet; rni'iale J.A . ,11*13 • . GAlEN.2l2libtivr at parTll,;- .. Jura (tesh,lewlzi.ti=tma 09:fir On-4"2"s4g!'''re4l7taists • itq n oI fi CMFD Y-710 bxi liiri4l,l.i4.in A LPAIO CAS—jtea rail au A. AM A$011&00,011 Amarket M-Lsone mote tkra otabate very elaMp - - parr., 19 aeats per • • . attt TILAID. 51IAW/1-1 emus' vary etywig. Aho,lCOblele Watt dh.nket de:} reed by - • nvl2 • _1 A • MASON A IA) - BU= . ll:— . 3 bul:skiltresb CnO tag priM Omplat . Caleb Copei to fate by. 10117T-TZII-Ibbls fresh ran Do ter I .JPD WeDseille, ter hen by JAB SUCIAIL-43 :ads prime N 0 Gri mile 1 UWI BU CH les 31P-8 bales D i mar for cal :FICATIIEB.Acgg4t s , now Vrook Fyn; for skle . • . • "it • • PA 017bTTS.-24 "". • t,u ll. trAti'&l.` xa lILIETAL —lO wag_ leastug from die weir ACO z WEAVER 'inikolitak at WEAVER I . LtieN LOGRSU A 7 ~ar' wloe sww:. avtl) - ' JACO, N u- 11 1° " 7 . 3 APA. noTIO ' . VOTATOESP4S.I bbls end ipet , Crittenden tar ale by; pAGEND, DBE, p..T.MCD-.leo Darnels landing Vroin rite eannl beat ultnirim, asd enr.nalellon. to. 'clone 76=4 b, „ town% - '• D loins - tar -P -2 ARE. , - - f is T 44k. Con by DALZILLU. - N 0.14 Water K. ~ niva ~ —~~?a~? (11101M—Wsded 5.4/ abecauh will be paid novlo . PiVagnestt.etweed • ZYigfZiiii ST REVD Jbo Ms raftbi Jib bird° I !trbm,tsiceiv7,;L: ‘ b .oxv I ! VII I Clig" 2 "*F -0 " t ..-1 11 v1. eer end rhatillEald I UAY—got.. no I roip just sAims (rout Una Q J Crlttenbatt lb* wt 9 & SY HARULIJ6IL-711.% VLOVEL— lts 4500 bbts arty& and averiile ibmit: Bar , mi and other tavoTe brands. In ewe: Sol sale y • in 9 . • . '! KoraIFoRD&CO saC tint. Ism vu'd; &Lia M -1.1"1.111-4621b 0 A PAIINESToCIEL CO FdreSti at Rawl; for sale by - ' sYrIS : ..} 1 Z 1 ,1 D to Amumi • irVALWILICL----7.511x Calemeditiu reeNt AL, ex de by -• evls • ' 7 MALIADIV-4,1 aasWwon's .IBaluser Wild Cbenye 37 in "le br• • • • - J ODD& CO . VANOYOotillati,l3 vatiatiesoley_ eal• at the lame meteor ~. nate haIoVER Atgird..foli* ,- 71graziervh• • ' - ' from k auk.l-$ll rtONFORTB-160 aroolVE =dm Iv - C AitIII7TNOT - •=1•1=•1=.1 - Dimas BOX of anoriod 'fitJ . sekr ukble • fin, Nona &o ; ion : •• • TOWS • UngIiSLIAS - . 0 x 4 quality witslist:illas HY DIALAAPA. E. 6r .al.ar thelndia awl at OA wine cora. .11.1 . • JAWILI WEAVE% iii.AbIEW/X)VSEDINBUR r..,1!4; 1.4 Muvedri ~, br k p A F , F , in •rnicrisromt wrorc T CIVIV - 301:1-2P by pada allaar!aig Tot cey i-I r:117 . 14* puma avatars as Waal! r tare - iTiVAVAKR II32 * — WP.er- WC. lermealc *leek etc Jul received oricearipaseec • , . GrA) (X. l ollll,l4,lomxiit • ' WreNsal. PA.816-Aube for Laact,te.: el 4 kind and for ante at No 144 Liberrrareet, .near - lett& - • W .W•WALLACE „ COLL •• —NO do yellow Corteges mangl ich..desaist•l! 13 41rACI =for Ink ciayTilk nit= Jeri. i IA LICAOILL:D.1111I211 116111-1 $ cues km pd. ea,llol l / 1 1131 and line 3 5t.. , 7= 1 C1L tat recem4 of . ' • wi a cxLETT av 9 tiE&ialailMaliEMl D OT&TOE ' 6144 2 1 2 ,,e k j• ••• t " ' 1" " 7 • 7. • " W 111.211110 PAILICIWIMIIMMINIndeIICap Isnentsdredi Sot ~VII ' ' ior• .• • • • itursormakpnre• svauctit,..sperkair V i da"' wl seini tot Ws by . ND 1.03 frOOA 0 : 0 - 41 .aus4Ifte"aPaiwOooggq".• axelypd; !assay • • los . ballagaT a @RIPTON 5 ~~y?~ r- It&VZ 4 ldrat i Y4 :Arne IMMO V. ; WU - - twit,=tt r garECZ Lore Corals! i}t "IS at Ai WWI siona".l ANNI DCotdil An • : J B NV ba mara or . 4 ACO EAVES. TITEL2OI,-40'e inn Hr sale try ant) • fl A FAHN1.A....3( CO • lilftL;l l "`"l7l'.''Vro4l l ;%kll , 4l" (1 ÜBACOA—A for tun, ea pattityjuirccesTed. VjfOr ale at the sine exesel , • JACOB WEAVER • V V l L . Mt ai aL o-- A few cur InquAlicy:jon reedi . . • JACOB WEAVER VIIISTT/C—A' mitered, &In Visene, richly trim I'mcd, Or sale on ennunimign a. inn *14014'8 . •0011B i lt,;-121 59 tekiCCgin . V • • OWN 3 bb4 Saner: Caleb Cops; ilsr &Ile by . nvlll ' .. CITE &IL DOLT. COO 4.3 sale by -wilts VLllllTARD—aaierlar • IV/. whole, half . aad qvuur pan Web EDW BL.49KLEA)-11-c"d'berth meted% fee We bybble WU. trielb • gatsV 4 • ATV'''. ICACHICS-421 oaks and a ims Pentas: !sliding !Wratha swam boat Naar land; for sale by • orli. .118 DALZELL (AMPS find FRINGO3—An et Jan UMW 14 !rime jut Ineei , i COMPORT: —VO de/ Incl. =rated dem and granges, besegfal 'graded au. wiped, jut reed by byls • somen.Errit WHITE. s IBBON6---.10 cambial rick. fanciegjiiszlistS by nsts • . . COILIVLS—A hula ustinme ofailsid,rtnped and iz lamtentbestVestal nblEsrt essa apcotimi jiared ' Wm , * J.. 4 opeattoy .nviS fnucsurr a Winis IP,ZV'II.- Gre'4-40 c " " " i"" °°M ; C DANS GREEN and Vol poon4 in Oil, 6lb Lin nanx tor silo by '6; s_ _ ka • • b•l5 • • ollOONldelt &CO CRUCIRLDIF4bitk Lead, IL* CZ& tor sale by nirl3 ' I .1 SCRWONtifeSER & CO SPON n,GEI evirferleadeill IS 5C1100amA.....k.b3 ou—wluarepeeuW uTJ „u i }acaud°~uartsatao OALP.‘II3O Lis No.l klosp.jus m ved ei by thirsu ot STogilosi; for We 87,1 8i W 1188.8.8.11UU liTlB =wood , likfiowsszs—obblidnia Red M forme by' '.13/JL ayls • ' - Bt WHARHAUOII rposAcoo-26 kepi t.i.t Tamar tea received J. formic by tivls . S W HARBAUGH bliTteene pea num reee lied thin dar .1, • . TemEy a. f " - • - vroc4 at lired lrf RIIVIIIR (1510N81555ie, tor sale 14 5.5 TABBEIt k. gONEY:talaa; foi+ale bT . ■.ts Gees --44X) 00:Pm-onion Gqes lee'd E,..kr oT igaLs •Rtlirrur , ' u else N &OD by 92 fain it DitEB2l .B0:18L-155 you Or We • - nvts • s ASLBUTIINOT ~7((~ r y R~ ~r.~ ~ .i..T i - rr~-rr.f ,~TISV 7 _- W-COORDEObt-4xsse, Plead. enumfactote; ree :011.1od for sale by ' QARRQTRNI•T t • MOO be ye wanted, for wr eastrwill b 'pld-by , ?CELLE/Lk RICKETSON • nye. I , - 1701iben at WILY ppeat's abik-Aie I Extra; • • Webb's brand, ree'd by tun. Caleb,CoYe; fof sag by nye• - ' .• ~ 8 & W,IIARRAU6II, SJtad a • F .1S , LOIFIN3 btols hist lassital . Li fkoss stemma * J,AB LZELL _ , , • 21.rittar st TIEGI Dauer .nel pard brisk by_ • - =-. . CARSON /11,51e1CNIGHT', elm cmulga 67 WsMeat. •i inue Sea • %.I_o )111c reed. Sof Well • • °SUM. X.GRE ail* • - . 6 Coot. Raw hbetrrst • 113-600 =kW unwed for salebi FLotnii4osa. err= rue Fwd ly .= ler WO, • tryi F EEL Imi'r , laeffj'KuMM= Y `l 1.4 , 6r : a b ed - winter j lir! cla,cclsaantly I , 1111;LER k SICRE-J*ON aer,foi "lath A.DWICIE, twvwr :~ aclrktim me'd Q 116A14 - U6E~Porb~Sim~e~ua ~a°ast°~Bx am d hmsek,bt' A PPLE " I 6 : 1 4 71k•7g1rAiVi:17;fir .Th . 7 , -10, C . .l7la_tlazitecd . p oi s t=g . tricl4,l , and fcw Obi. b 7 J XIDD I G Cu . _ MEEK itaikuiaziwyarn;ftw ; .; CARSON Jr. kieiruGHT bb • mak , - •• elkirte _: tr•S .1 CIAWON k IieKNIGHT .ir61.1.11d, Liaise Gbh) farsale by_ r . • CARSON it MoKNIOETT • ALLS— 41pvga 7dves Ck. elk Balls Iv! reeelvali J./ fix gate try BRAUN & YEITEY . ; • . • car al lair &Mercy .l SIPTII.VPIAPSZTIIIIO bbl, on hand; cal tert . • - . BRAUN k. ILEITErt new .11°.=N b it Trligiara OD • \ • bilvraux & 107 ban isti a'' co 61=1-1.4"lo•4.11"5,1"16'"zig ."I"q6/''' OA.• ' PC MARTIN irTOßACCOASseassortgoestafAhLts map°. lumps IA stFrei kraal. In: . 0 BLACKBURN At CO 8 7gr A D . 7 4 .. 0 era vD b bg ertn No I Paha; b" Fiagn far We 111 I) WILLUMS. "bZ3I". Stral.l.ol3 m?l4lsabl 4 l 4 ,pk% —, : ..aidsoie•—rmar sad Pipiftr embriengwa. et the [most celebrima 'brands of imrql..fin7, grad* sad ypitsgv.: For olcrb ] °Val, C. DIMOSIIS—A, Dew netts..sod -beimi-1.--°lllntto,.-vericiirrniVirrtr_ on as.iwn^"'''qrario"4 co F d. , * N 0 ouagnsalt , Us. Ssate 611 nrS: BkLUNCEI F i gird,rsl i t °l" .„ ... ,.. l . °4 / 1 7tragr itryi;l! I Y lB ...." st,opposlutoallthield 17ISTASAIL-4 6 bbls eider wipes* us ussouYergde - V kr I. • • dip—tbz. T e rr,.. Ti: 100 Puma t c - al Casale by_ _ • CA lc AtelliquAla • 01110 AR—IS It Ids Ca* pchas 061. 1 7, 61 1!)• 11.11"14"'""Prweso' NOWNIGHT eunirbi .41107 _ . _WO All DIOWzy & , ' . : 31 wkser a 1107 ben t woo • QM Old . agow laadlag Cm' IJ Isar-Melon. fir tal• M=M u. ; A I M .1"4 IN I • pIADL/-► Rub 14 alwaisbie Wks/M.00! • Teeerrulaakegaals widtatirithantalsreAt 071Dia—MI 0 il i Var a* . • ..-: I, *eel MYTH& suPlVANoviiiiiir". Low rX m aZCIIII, Mt . .; • 7 . 7 .- T-! .! • • . •: 1 Lio rlTTsinito:ll BOARD OF TRADE. • comlntrEE NOvESIBEA. narrow; .301.1. , 1. e. CLARILLA °lnset eirrosvaou GAZETTE; I Blandly Meaning: it'remb! • ' The . weather, on Satirdsy, re' eIeES end notes ally plement for the Jenne. . ....i " &Wee% in a ilialer_way, ivaa quite lively, with no eviction in the general' priiee of tee market.. .. Flour--,Geeeipta: contain light. Supplies are limited. with regair wales in ,mill lota ft 54,5150 i '5,124 p bid. '. r .- te Grain—We dive i so 0, to naGee,lo the toll'-, kot. Supplies vie :light, ith so change in the Fri cu. "' ' L - i ' - • ' ' • Rye' poor—sealer 10 W. at $3,500,6l 11" bbl. lulling from 'steamer JAA LIALZELL .24remer I. a lITOVZS Lae wY B BCaffE, market& wool Briakitheat Flee k•Sales off, Le 30eks j1;00 P sack le .. CeteittrConsidenbis quantities =deur) to it rite Vi riser, and, pie uuttlfet applied yritk a goal ertiele.• We notice sales of Kele troo kae W El at 6.ieq. I Godesis in fair demand at If@ • • • • •last isaM and far HEAZELTON F.l side Limaload rerLeid; . , 2, .am a : rectived; for iostz & co Green APP 11 . 4340 0130 Ws it 5 1 1 0001 , 23 P Drik Frnit—Silia or bO bq at $1A:531,31 Regofir oleo of Apple. Oeiiir . . ,300 nit teQ ire retiatiodat •110 asaartment Of cd at OS market k. A MASON k, CO Land—We nott4 .2alu,ol4ooltio tali/lad bet; at 8,189 e "r Ib. docunon or'Kit iota it 714313 a UP. gnith .ilea Deter 'Glui—Sales of 75 Ira at 5;50124 9thtr 'lel in ProPortim- • ' 4 Irsathea—Are in fair 'request, :oath wlu c . 1140 abAiM , ;' Tallow—SaleooC 30 Ito of s rims Melo BM=ZI Lb ism; *rule by - 'Jag DALSELL .Hope--We beat WWI of 6001 W, repotted it ,124 e .• ' . • • WHEELING—Por Nay England No 8-83 kb& tobacto, Bidwell-4c aka weal, I ack actkPa, Lint WELLSW ILLE:=Per ea- *col, J C Bidwell-12.bble sepias, Nces.ll . -0 tio do,lo bite barley & pota toes; Gardner.; • . BCFIOO2OdAtER 2 CO , . ST LOUIS—PaC Niagnal Mut tobacco, Doy Ii trunk boots, Lyon, blurb dr co-16 Ha Mothers KiirirMO db do, Corson & McKnight-15 do do, S McClinton & co—Satu American oil, lbauen-1 do mdse, Vickarj-4:1 bblo loaf minor, Unnir—t Iro mdso, Barry—l bbl pink root; Fobbestock & co-2 . hos, S obi lad pipit, Buten& Etro-4 tai.anndlies Donlap—la tp shot. ID pre lead, Parka & co-48 dr hiceo,4o pp load , for sato: . • • CIIiCINNATt—Per gem Nesilaa—,2 hbds . e. Par, Curling.. Rotertioss 2c c..-6 eats earthen wars Higley-12 calm 11 bblasogardeoseg=l. br rodeo. Bidwell-50 tibl; whiskey, Scott ,do co—lb draw lasses, 1 hie betifPoles,' bbls posse, A' Wii son & to—% bp feathers, Carson & blclDaight bble egp, Grabsea. • r BEAVER—rei Lake Erie-2 kp mt..; Cony —* 19 by eon; Henderroc.-52 bas' books, Ws •p. pea, Dickey to+lifo black 'tied. Zdelkie..9 do whiskey-1 don salts, Ikg peaches, Wick `di My Dustless-10 kgs sada, Hays & Getty-1 bbl batter 12 by oats. Lambert & Shiptoe2l bbl, psalm, J & tt Floyds grkitts,ll jus tnitter, 2 ha cheese, Jose.--6G do do, Dickey & bag, 3 ciks cheese, 1 Iss • tobaceo, il'erip:-15 has cheese, ld 'Leech & co—Beaks ootsab, oeser-29 bar cheese Dickey—LS do do, Nr.a Bonobiant—Z2 do do: N61:..73 his eiele ttrt"ree4 12.15 - TABSEY 8 1, `Tf ?ASSET & rigsrr . . BROWNSVILLET '.Switant.-430 kgi Church Or. Carothen-312.1 pip and °, aid. tap* PITTEBURGII GAZETTE . whit ie Patriot= f—Lezington Mooting-The hat nom of the seairon--Penneyitude and bulk img—Ref A Caloptielt—Benkmpi -Law—Delly 'llllll-4neidenteof the Battlee—City Appottkep ment--Protast of the Steekholdem of 'dm Pino la:ugh' and Connell/Mlle; Railroad 'Coingany7- Mercantile and 3dantlfittoides dieter:ter of Pius. Watt—New Pork :tlarrierpoodanee—Wiectunin --Anothet Southern Ttireidlte:Cherr'Opirt. .hottafrinecedingir of tliai Road . )4041131,- Centrist Rail Road-l•Emopmn Money Maritart-- Thal of Col FrentEme•reoto Stotktore,rronfei. Mons end Obetteations of Eduard Wean Bohm —Bonk :Direetore-'-Cateellfitiptlon..Offtelai Thimadumfnim tho Amy—Pittsburgh Potent From BtTitonmei,Nedairs Reatell'a Caile—lteme . LibilereklPlATiC nevid, Fenny' lad Domedfr. •.Comaiercie--A. Carefully Cothplied Review' of 'the Matteis for the Oct week—The' pie' se lathe local city mitheth—TheCittle Market—The pekoe Of Ameriart Prothme in miens parts of the Onion *--Aincenit Monet,. Corn dreo received rime the opening! of the cuth,Conal Mishima ami beeminimits of rime—Marlon in London. . City DM thePrese—Copmea Ertnela from Mei lending:pianists on the interesting topics Forsileat the doh, obey or iti ramie. : .. Price eentipinsle two dolitio hi admit& 10.1117 Cal am Tiritio—'To Oc ala and 'Grer—lf Ton artara nab, lemmata 'heed of hairtoptram daodrad'aad ORAdo oat fall to procure' the gumbo, Raba or Colombia: la eases of beldam n 101 l score thin exceed year expectation. Many who .have Mei theirball abide yeani have had. it restored to Its ongnialrefMtim by theme of OM babes Age, rase or towline* appear to be no idiom*. wilawycli It also canoe the EOII bi low. irldtwltlelk the delicate hair tabu it tiled, by Minh mom Ocesonds *whom haw was grey so lb. Astectie Eagle) ham bad Ode hair m etered 1011. natural Mot by the me of this inonsable remedy. In an came of fever itmin be bead the mod bloom leash Mat can be and: • few applications mile =mum tokeepahe hair nom en It inientehens the rem, it rimer AM to Input a rich glom appearance. and as IR pole= Ibriike toilet it ll nemisliedt tl holds the.. times as mei am Giber Ws eallod ha* metonym and klyooll, <greeted. -7'be geimide remalactated by p tostock 00,11. Omitted sr, Mew Yid.- • gold in Plusbargib only IC*13 . 211,01: fAC7l63Ofd, 'fi) Lame sr, hisati4/1; wadonglint= n l Sweeny re Com m ie. try Banneu 111 . 01110111110410.; by Its mob Omer oar soots to every town to Po Ohio Ind._' irritialmenfr' • • • ON a REMBIt . , . '103.11t0 11:11mato—lo . . eartracovolo Masan outilo, (or akin/ .110' wawa Mum llowthatt to told. sad the moire tares Yellow UM, Coarse.' Complexion. non it hi monitor that the porn of tho eltia should be kept opeoWat then moatimbrald ba freed frocKlmaarn) , twastbostioutloot Roam PI& p ktlioherll cured 1414meas.-Mtel compiled WM Mire ices and anbeahlry vapors le through -shaper. of ak ia, um 01/10 , manta Um body.. It 'if Seel*, ury, 'buena, to. keep Ow yenta opear'.4ll harms at* Mulled fr ont the saw Um MI oorm whet( tlay waini with lona' Clumital Poop.' I haw, seen nu m . worn. and ohlut taus of fan tibeamiEeyalpraik . Old Sous, Buboes Ink! oro Bead 4 17 . Lj other r...np1.4 .1 71W , IrLd i t .d it l 4 = n ulknotted twat WI, so Infol—leftratWoorme - , kloa,lan,lfant om, Pendwor, sadd 1 of aldw-bat mum! in ta pantwolar k be bad in Palsborth al WIT. J ACKSON,d/a . of g* Vi i r Boot, Is Liberty 51. Pee. Venni. : RTT* 21114WWWwW2 aititt - ObildW"Wo' will% Mutest Pale Mist 1 blawketiri tir neediest liell tote Cbesett gal • limeandh mastreeseied by Oceemicelt tleleeillwdie. /4.Y , Is llte menet wok 2 of Itd deems ere tally tyi settettu.'LU aye fretbstlw. WM; is:AM all ex Meet • few blblbwe W. larlts applleattos.teMpli. . en Ile moeillelleste am, lames be wit. , It ut viiisttly beeletlil to ell kJ:AS Si , 1n..0. 6, 7 deetemeteeeh Kerne* dr Indes sad gm ay ntie4 itbeet t ep Willie betel:Lot dad Il—him Bremen' Ltoens, es Erysipeitei. W... lextebiymai be. Wee* ettli as prod lout as my, the names "ei 1411:;, eryeeetphyeletase trhe eme It ea Um& emeee, wet haseteAt a os &,..nrr .1. mime It W iy.,),,0p1e. irj,d weal lecp it eittibwira UK h i, ...,. beettleebety Ilte i ttlfe my be lest 4044 h., b id h g., gip .11 wan bee ..Palest W et teenteloutlelle ,y. ' . d t orered. Cesuost—Retsaaher sad ea k., a. , bgiti*Jelit Extreetar, maarectated by . :Pik arlathk: • • •Id be .. A , or Es si =e bend ed a mod.. • • sr 1 Se ray t ?MO PIUS sh, - jeir AWLE•thatcaLlan Le the oaly medlehro Odd mare - Attiary earl: PAM= mad. tatahleomia y s imeg . ., h paean tonewately allaye poi and tad. taaPa W bleeding, sir:A=4llst Isralarable trel, ejkcsalir ems, 4 a earl alert time penal VIM MU been- tendered tolnetable far yeatc-7 • 1 . 1 : apallatt Amdtme Ai men ,bat.rathes ta agreca. n tat en. U penman alba= =I call nad It=r el the (teat anat./nal Waal that rum been eared, they Wel be anoolthed. A gegen= of thisttv, wke, bad beta eadet IWh of the mama (Also= Wee elate whew! being cared, =a by at• Lent boots et We Embrocation, been tradmally caned It eallete owl precede:on—Pal. Satadny Coma. • O. Pot woe Plttebenth at the. PJt&IN TEA ATOIMIT P.= woo, eta. spa., and a= u tha Ltneg Prom of It P !thwarts, redo= et Allentny oi. 01 1o arteaff i ter r • a l • • • water • C45.---7-I %.lllrses • Is•m irr 1;z);1 ,,,- 1 , w9 , 1 li impala's .rd dlAprwukr.. Altar id:hove 4:42.4fte Nutat s.b —bard gpwr-ria or Why delsyt—Nw,quirlo , llwy , . AtalllMl be er Joan' Too* Coli It emu b.t 311tems,utel limn, beaolltal ankle. hum the teeth h e Gana • Sold la Psbujk et Labctry et. • • • • ' " Bvltlawly JC, • e!fiall jerit't . ban g a anal r i n ia . Rub laa b Trtg" atteal.atialtairmlinta s il" ; ••••• „.VEM' •• • . da b tba Rt Icy • .0 4 RO. R.. "* Mr.l7 lL 'Otgia, Tolosa)... a. ausoloosas , WHIM asaitair at' Tiaras Ratama Italk0( haat _ a. Ijig claelhaid.witoftust.MTlNew,On •—•- • , . . t 1 ! '`.-,...-1,- ~...,.,70. , .-' . -,,,,-r.. ..?:- ! , = . 7 .74 . , . ..7 7 .ZF. 7 11- . .7t-71 . .14:: • ,41:":"..t:, --..,., : :., .... e : .:: '...., -, . f , . 1 T.... Noiembe . r Jr rim: • ; ••-• ;:esetniart..u. • V.:onatd. bowman:. ; ; Michigan No . .z,Gialio, Beaver. I S'iata , a,Cot..Bro.oamile.; • i Blanton*: hlortinoo, Brood:ovine. .- : • • Danube, Cock, Broornotiller• " MeLane,-Beneen. thrrubille; Deapateb,Pielnon. Inr. city. ". ; • ?Camden. fiendritincf, Browns - idle ;• ~ Hearei.HOops,;6earer.: ' • ; Lake ;Die; Ilemphill. Beaver. • ; Caleb Cone, Moore, Binver and Welt:rap, Bonet. tVollsaille. - • ! Monongahela. Stone. Cinetonati. , llsberata No 2. linnet:that. 'Mama, ddeabt, St Louis; I . Mirth:Carolina, Darionay, Si Louis; ; Magnet, Ountbern. Hanging Rock. dl Madiaon, Green,: llamas Root. —St Lomt: _c:a ii• • .• ; , ; i DEPARTED: • . 1 , • i• Dispatch; Nelson Biransialle. • i 'Beaver, Hoops.. Itlearer. `• • ' `.• ;'• Lake 'Erie' Hemphill; Beaver.' ;go. Gtlsna Bearer ' . • • radeb•L'ope;Moore. Beaver tad Welarrille. .Aletterey.i ritersiscr, Broviaarille. • , • Isaac Pi crop., Alasea,Culelaaata. BOATS, ,LEIEVINCI TinipAy• BROWNSVILLE PACKETS at 8-a. and 3 , CINCINNATI PACKET, 10 L. s. buy= PACKETS its and /0 a X and 3.e BIONOcIOAIIELA CITY PACKETS, ..CISPATCH; Nelson, Hosensville. • : GLASGOW,WACILCY,CIasgior, WELLSVILLE, Wellsville, 9a. lc' • • TAGLIONI:;fiew 0/leant OACIFIC. Louieeine. ' itolii:AT Ocnints,. . . _ •,[ lhaveigente of the Ocean Stemmata.. - Bannon: • Cepteies..l.cate Amer. Leave E12701X , Yamaha. (Am), steam; .Not 19 Act 94.. ar'en York. IFri i - Farrand; Nov at Oct te Ititaanie,(ll4 Hanlon, Ate 1. Wee 49 UnkeilraL He4*n, 'clact 9 Nov Illibtrate,(arl hlac j ".' :' Dm la Not 1. ariumerL(Frr - j• Marin, . 24 .No• a, •Nere i ;Dec Celedeal flail Lou, Notts, Pall Waralesecau ARRIVAL Alm DEPARTURE:IOV MARA. Easton Mall th Phllactelpble, lus,3 ter, closes Watem Zdall;.einoloostl end Louisville, duo B.P Soonem Mall ;via Baltiotoreeed Warlngtoo, doe Notch Weston out Lleveleed, dee 10 A. BE,' alone Pule sod.Westese New Yoh,doe' 8 P. elate PASSENGER exaratanisras Fon Slim Boat Packet 'Line, leaves' daily for Ma r chteitl, 10 a. N. Parente Packet via Broteastille to Baltimore -Let _ Philadelphia, e. it mad 6 p.n. Mail. Coach tase , direct to Philadelphia,-V a. N and ILIA. _ • • Western and Bomber& Moil Coach - Line, 6 Meth Werutna via Cleveland, daily, 10a. Memel Wasters NewYark.dally, 9A. ' Neethy.estere;tia Plaitadelphia, daily, except Sen. MMUDIEOI:IB.. cowriummons Oaf dm Jaen Firer end KnewbaCompany,ln Rich man. VC mail the Mr darer Mamba next, the the tistranthate of the Compartyth linsomenteate on Jame. Raver, from the; mouth of Nook Oren, to the lowa , of Vahan.: i &mane of SO mile.. The earner being Ram completed, the work can be Do farther specified In this advertisement, than that it will nolo of. Owns, an sections or , Cana Lebec' at the pools of the dams. With Lift Loci a sollcient be evememe a fall or noel lab feel, a Towing Path for *eyehole &mane, and nth Good Leas, aniedeen, Culverts, Fern Bodges, /kr-, et stall be fond neeneary. The mistral tenure( the Gannets velll be, that the work will be divided Imo newton sobs er moons, each of which will be let to the been resperstble hidacr, *feting eatiothevery minvials, end net cash payments will be made on lesmdtly ea to of work anaellY date r with other tr an of Spec VW I by way of emeriti for UN plethora of tbe work, tell ensure stall be onmplind denied Froposen will ant be received. at the nem' r :i laresetil the acme date, for the entoreetion of the erste CompanytCanal with the Odenater,• Of fames Ram at Bielmendothea eh the &Lama Dook. . This Wen will omen of Ike Van of 1 f an memegme Conn et abom MO • nth. with sach Want, Wanes, Nbeet Bridget, boom Jed bb =cement a stone Flom zeroes Jams. Kiser,' in the Dila, at Itieftooodi ibeinimeg of the, Welts mid En , absent of the preseetheek;the ext. Mono( die Ikon • few hendred fees Eastwardly. and the eon - amnion of cc Oothrt Lock at the Warm. erd thereof, equals of ed, milting the. lamest venela mane to the port of Fins, meat Ills wart will be pad brie bonds of t i tan , . e g r 14.=1 4 1 1 744 .4' o k rangg'Ai i porno trl baring e per eenb; , fi m s i a .. - payablenotonsttally.—. *bides tha rani 1 .0 .ellilateeetti. Ow the' noattly mattes:MlNlM er Muse Mrs will be' revaired men maplenemity;eariefeelerylO,thelleud of Leismen, to. complerien et the work.= dm liens ie the sone= syeatoet - Ilattentmider.7. ' f Barth et the atom worts be exhibited, eitemitoa inner delivered to Ceetnieters, at the Com.:' party% Oran. In inlosond, by the. ler.OF December ent..SlSter dm • remise of the propeensontaveill taken for the emodderaiden thereof ototil dm ink of the he saine minniß wkilk yths b , or Mean be satancemyl, the seromal yob. or aettSras Oen ad. settee will be In WAI.IT.It-OWYNaI • (lief Fawn* of the J. IL kit'. Co: Vinreend, Rev I. IVO dthanDeelo .1 ' _ - LaumrDeratcle. ! 1711:111 S iere elre e e '.' lit r t we Lava teen it privilege we bid ,riskt us. Tem !May h ive abandmsth some U0:10 awe Use agates 4:Zagency Owes? and tkat we have no sightteetatm EN:sins pnetkires with their tem. , . Dena prece ded le tell test of this spoken eossem.l 1 balm teen selling OM tams or the' p a ntork 'skin lee Ce fat tiO Ism two yens% is ' t he e wa ne . , end' km bees in New 'Ott Isar woos An Putt Lite. and nereekeard of Akio new content mull hell *as moot The Teri kat/seise of liNkellasala Y Aced In abase e metalsold. sad Mete meammien of dm Pekin Tea COM* year name is beanie a new se epos for eel ma of Arm to manes, bet rue fact wended to lofty ;Pont% skit they hams say eenneetim Welk the to ailed awl well Marva Peva Tea Peemmery el New Ikflt is to. Ur* NW, they baying bees etiolate's:a eagentir is PnnaSelnktalle the blew Penis cospesrb toil caw.- ay haring refitted even this far to cockle m Ikea. 71 know no what kind of semi they keep rest what ktak Tema, I sat °sly testate they keep Of OUIJA valet". Pekin Tea Ceespany's of New Nadi I Aar patois mesti*their cud sell see me 5.M . .. swift tkeyertsk to pricier twee pabbli.oalklebdo by by bowls. MeCalteseet &Mb are Brill . mum Pluladelpilliend 7 3 : egentx u r: poll Wool oar the eyes ef some bar wood looker Wad sic* /AVOWS- ' aLW TORICAPRICIE/TICA• CONPAIT • • oamttlem to UM Pubilao ALPICANIK/VJATAx t I. ant, AcOloctool the sak l er: . Vibeto2l2l= f elt 'b ald 77 Felebt'et, No Togir....day *or perms PAtokomilt ramtp . t . holl one To as to no loommeb inddemdott at oho Wino* ' it to onamenntliblmsmd , the Fetid cfstraf. Tots lome prom:dome:Oar to an ober Teatime, sad to t he many moons lonre ,Otrf !Intended to have the ode or ihe litui tea ch.o.rs twoita tho bilf needy es. 4, !Meth they home a . m*. od &.hare: *dation 4.1041. the more at Tee Ca ßP,7. ent l M .r cil l e C sallv°4 l l 4 te " mproid du.i Owns li.ti we rti r A u = b 4 ,, I. : e ta:42;re tleaildituontned company tan no connection yora Ayr *A the New Vent Pottn Tea Cempasy, tote ets et Tap oat madly dummy by emnpartng New ankle they selltiotkihe mate Tea saki try MI:1Mo - Yard Pekin Tea Condnuthat ehe rim of A. Jams, Ta .• • . ra. a -1106k. me ms.ukid Mate m arerattimimbarratrith Me New Yarn Path Teaslyen,, Dar kare they Ivy Might or tnimlege ma Ten or a name ea neatly reaemblitty Gam SS t O WI a =nosey to anaitmal tba %Mk. % . 9e and 77 Fulton st , N. r!ailiat xilrexi! lu arita Mil, NIS / - 114 . p Plon6 .440.8 to MM. Poleog= %mule pttJ cos reuse eocoonebta asearouelatioao at Ile boo an nib oh beard of rploabd Packet Napo anion le tba Coble, !goad Colander theernot salliag meekly &V Llyylpeol, Olorgorw, BolCon.&e.. bp hew %wig, luol olOalnbe; lne/ coodaeribe ðos. orbs mute el IL d.staa“, vise to bay of 00 above pre • Ticket. Wooled wale& en)! bnor re eine Yak , Livrpol to Melon& aad oo Cr+ ' urn; to N. Yak &ay mill'bo bytesnied limentiaiely by .Lotelt & Co. Delly nut Uste," iloystby myth' iamb ogee& berda ?JI ..y..eleyo lod boo liter peal on board tho New to la Vert Coe Owes Seessoo.s. - Rorer la Marro. D. Week &Co Poolosab. WII%V !WON, • W at, N.. k Draft. IA ee Bed el ell the gee . CO Bente oi rodeo& Wand tico.i cadged,. the p sou namable bow. I. M T SO ea vokiag ip renal. All Lows poo ferLidimi illakerlierlltier,llSeari.; • .... • daromml.O. Z. Barri • • Cam o..Cas ' • NroOrkan BEATTY, BROTHER ft. W.. i • • . amaerall•Oestaresle. Prrtrrb•st• fan TIC ILILIr ASO r IWLILIMPO Or WIESTIOLNI PRODUOIe. /ea 31 Periras Steed, New Orkans. Baur,- - Maim Maim k.Ce. Pokken N ^ Jean Weimar co, i • : Here k Fr.rer, Canna I -Bann. Znes:llle, O. k Ca, Wellsville, 0 Reed, Yuba k Co. Deaver. Pe., knhae, Va. , Pl h Me " ll, Pinburib, Pc W RV rheum, • • TO PRINTERS. • " %NIB eaborriber bee reeomence4 a eip'ety at Int!. lI wirgt,, Ike meozdartare of Polaris . M la 41_ H. out.. Oneekra Panten thtuaboal tko cannery who as la gr.& Way ovoid do well bye . ..llloam ae .alJedber pouf. /me to soapy tng throleclart, an a., .111 bo mold alto.' aderablerieetactlea from Mil. flf prjees.! , Thor coma He excelled l• point of bumf, tichaenj . or tbo excel. knee of Duna from alga they are salsofacauea. The üblertaer curial bat-Worn where • moult Melo la oared fora lose Odes, that • *Scams imbue Wantathelfetd ID /Kiln 1.1141.161146 al_ 11l orloe' roe Pneotag We le alaosailakod Rot ka Rasa= Vial alll Celliflipiii• 6 'Mill eke above rearumaillmoued mold Oerefor• calico Use' Clslolll of dig/10 lobo fret' &oral lekautaaar, the unifasarkaofobs Mule j !eag i tillorcual to I BlitD, or lan' atioa. aidoto.correer of ruoloalu4 Mukalla* be Item:mar diseksored• • , 1. • ...Garet ! , • Inaolll 111/Mmigig„.• ;!.*1 Ar=irm 0410 rate!! apigr Waa l : r, pal , onrake slip. Immo OD Om Yee . • . DRY 4 VARIETY GOODS.. SElANlffsej 611.AWL!!.... - ' • • : A &ExANLEA & DAY. TS.Morket et, N. W. Corner Ll o(the Ihtunond, hare now attired from the lute attetici r ctlen Eliot*. fork anti POitodelphiritho !arena* and- st splentbd' strionotcnt nfEthowln, winch they hare <lnd le tint ell), el.ollg MLitt: now to ntnntl-1. Splendid Rene/. .Tetkerti, or the hnotionnitest .ntytes and Arian plain*, imported.. , • " . 5 0eodttl Month 0, (oil wont) tome of the Spent nualt tiny and mart !tentage designs ever orogen in thin toos• Pplendtd Tonto Trench Plaid, toil wool') a new and • • •. , , •' fie fine Cloth, plain and reabloidercd black and fringva, a P3l pe ri; .• - • Tathei Sienna, plain and erth raided blank and min cobra, with heavy nib lunges. 9 % - . Soper. Pans Carnahan &lb, very hoary. andasnor . puled for richfiesi of otyle.nd quaraT.. • ' Ilar.ar" black °unman &1b; nib article for plain pea. 3 . . A tade assortment of chesty heap *etaika Shawls, .plaHs, plain and dostinoldentd. adapted to country sales. A larks portion of the &tiara trona have been reeentjy . Sales in N. Vt7l= 3 l42t e detZfa, P :t ' r% W aZatl ' y ' tt milPooss 4os told at a great redaction for regular pnees. n e at : of wholesale bayera lb Invited. , . .I)irß. httßilliV,bas the sanstaption of Ulf:mini; ~,. hi. , custom:luta test he has reeemed nearly all of Ins . lit purchase of good. and can: display. n amen.. taunt ly lobe found at she advancedpallor-she mew win.t Within-a row days ha has, opened a variety.of . ,Dreta Goods, au& ea— - - , , ! • , ' - ,-. ' , Printed Prunch Cute:tens; ,- . ,• . , ' Satin striped and plaid Freitill Pdatisiami Qneep'a plaids. for drosses;' , ' . .... , Plaid Thdaw eltalt . Cala and Victoria plaidr.' ~_,' ' ~- '. • , Low priced cashmeres and do loins., - French merino.: pauleue cloth.; . • - • . ' . Alpaceza awl !.. Saper.mobweLnares, de. de.. , ~ • , Be Be alsoinvilea vocal amen= to his stocker C o t ton. fee Ladies' and Grattemens , Cloth...ad for Gentlemen* , , dres• and over Coats; whaler hosiery and gloves, de: do. DO - Pricer 10w.,. et:J-001de. will Guile -wholesale room, up auras; fall mock, tuclading many waren and desirable gooda • INow .tioodo I TUB? rescued by Admits & Co.'s Express— Of $ orer Preach Lod Vogitsh block ckshs;- brae !. r.," broom irreen.• Par dress and frock coats, 1 ALSO, Doper Enghah' 'block. brown' and no' red Bisset's, for aver, holiness and sack Coats. • Fanny Csammeres kr hotness coins. French blacifigored and plain Casing's:le& .1. English o French and.Etglinh Csaconereih; of an description.. lir dress sod unarm pantaloon.' Deglish Conhatoy, tor hunting pantaloons. :Emelt eat and plain Velvets. • Do '. plain bi B son' sad limed anns . do • .. do Durathe Silks; • .Do do Cassinere and Cashmere: Do. fancy Cashasens, for vesting,. Awns goods Inn be wade to order Ist the shortest whoa area tam reasonable tonn AN a mAttit , 70 woad et I Gemalemea's retreaslittner,Opesols. • IT et E.:TODD have thie day reeetired.direet frern LI. the matiefaetweze; and oder for sale at Neer. Vert esw of deWe Ritra sll9teldll Shire maaafaatared expreatly for ear own aalea and warneeed wed case of Sanony and Ideriar6tader Edam, wrappers , • and Drawers, soma wry . fine • • • am &soma and Cedars, saelactidi 10 . 1weena with Col. lease patent swivel Jabti Dasiendavorritk other Goods. ammo. KO mention, tnehding blk sod Macy . : Dann taw mod plain Dana PuorkA.' Dombsabre bow and plant Bootbalinii Sidaks. Da and Baba Two, rteb awl; satin pawns; with Pm ease of law priced Marts winch wd am awn In edgily hare nevee been au mice In ibis eby. Ws Wend to ekke tb above Gaddsoll by the twang. sni would call Me rutention of Purchasers to oar met °Okada, knowing that /OW pnees i.e. them a Reedy tale. &*TODD veal VI wood st,Wp rtairs,ltdooss below Slot =dyed by eXplal. (7001: Al Rua . York, o loom asamment of Ike folkonol now style dem goods, of Me Wrest qualthes and me Monad tyles, at prices mewls red wed r. Je Lind Plaids .• , ' : . Vittor nny ia j" 6 1 Silk Tinton " • ' • ALEXANDER &DAV,7S Marital a. -. • • . N =of the Diamond rranioss, • - • 1 MT arrived ham New York ky Exiiresaat ZYJEW— aI 101,4 rived Panay kitore,'No.e7 'Market met:, Ids Fringes; lammed colas* 120 vats NIS Buttons for Lida= dg uses sot! • lergeletot mbar Trir*r. - • d =„t d ...0 40 3, s d lCi. seg,oo woolen my! 6i li. AI the 100.1 Goods oro of latest styles, snd be sold • • WUOLICIIALE A. A. Afigton4 w. s 9 Afarixt stred, Ale now opening 3 taxi saisi fir mow Osal a aims sad Oregon Plaza, 31 pea *lads Thuds of issrst sod most *tumble arylei; Go r.cs soul • salr soup A Ipseesio pc. ldshisii Plait. sod Lusby*, Nen lIIIKILINOECE—A . A 31,t.:W:1 wit! aneo du* awming pas al deerith'lllerinoesof • bent quality-am' lathdmostrab In anion— .Al.lO Pen *gee vesT rieliCAtialal44 ,41, Market at'• • -.00•10 g_Ateww-A,VkooNr st Iran leeched mowertessise asoomem &twit b r , In thi.elty. additmn to tlszi vaiiatti styles of toren* Tokpi, Woql Plaids, Thaw. net; ka., rexelresd anew sole of Frene!l..l,9R,Sluvels. 're•OAXEMPS-A A 11168 ON &Co.C3fdasket at invite the ittesttoo of putehtoess to theft extensive. a4tli!;c, it•trara and VW* •Broad Cloth. Tot • , sato to likolly samortotnot raglult nod •F hontro: • , . . B SABlitirrS—Jatt tsea!vedliyeic tram Oa Min. , =lllsia , • • • - , ar d wait it il,i;rd . lo,unt#t, ...Mind and Ulna; beat r.i.,40r - Osmanplaid nrd , - • m;. • Icsrd ue clone; Ti•lboye are dsuidedlr the ben let of Blankets that hAvs iver beef brtoogitt a raw.loorlit.- - )LWI' end asis tikesion . • . • . ItOBINSON'S rw3 -- • rdh e, one door below-wood iiiLLION-NPRIXCISti—iVe hare ma opened large same:neat of 11 1, el: hj aad.4 Web blae; .84 pallloo - Pongaa Abo. IV deal Sheaf Ifeed.Ghw Head deed Bllh, and bee body 'onset., begmber web anorasew of out Bilk eoloredi'kir see by . • elnef:ItEXTT o. WPM.. fli•Ell MIRY' am Malawi—h. IYU athoruaral U this day ree'd.theletioq Iran tad there rut: talo a*, maim arid earths et rariaarthyaimm the aale lath ay If & K TODD, ai their faralWag Ware. Avers,lll method flora althMtelther trui.• . • mrtfl SllO . l-Itheethed thus ale - 60 dm lee ma soe• di= quahry Ten On% vide sod nano plane, with Ryan sad inaraP4 caws, far rate by • F l 4 ll dd l U 4 i.. 6 llA ll =te b aV tu" _ ) tsars. _IILI•c!„ slew Nece• loo:trired Carsietter.for , §llll.l%—Vieiinabl ebistswitk qua.; anA • liisigeollarilau reed' (am Ind.ce,s EasVtoindutii, eirliott; maLl • evli " MCMDEOII& =Mil . , Of trrayilesception execod la iiiimjar YwY BuCdiap: N: S. WI end Ikr.k ;trigs. .0/7 mos,)llllroniPiko • 11/11Enas etin Wontikbolgid,alshon inntco••• • , T V. ArnwnilAkt itedoloor .11 .• .••• • ' Bnus .pd Pos4 Roar Flows, • • ,-* Hods for BWalw,Soertitio.Corporallono, no; Prolownonal:Midog cards, n‘wratod and priowd.— Sootones woneof 1..0a1s for W;Bee, an loivad w oral. *ad nxinnnoSpeeninn WO Designs*/ th e valiono or der. of Alloons.Odd Follonro,Son4 of Tentfieranoo,ko._ 11.1608 i mtvierspowr. ' • • Ca, liddderr. Cincinnati, Ohio' . 14ANI/PACTIMM to ordorlossonser and Pod& Toro of the mot aorptom e 22l zi l it i ono . li am m.4. • , bl r a tMere ll Tlrd ' io * nit apoo roarailliG Nan IO a pieta on Tie Weal Their work will ho w•MMIled to all nomptou many made to ibeilhaml Ewan. Kid4l °S . n "anis ''' ' 's i c ailDa...vEnewirl . .. 4 -as ____1_ 1 .t00re1......... CISTIZ*Ra. DATA. Fo6Wa Stmt./taw-fa Wecidandlhorkei,ssearly opposite !gl o p Ezoiange Office. Ilan ,teanohmaier hanimad Mo on 0.1 I ample arm:ge l. menu for nostinln of whomiali Me Navy of bailing daring thelinter mama B,otros of ample at minsalims have been laced . Bath the moan of the Ba 1 limn. lot 6) II VASIIION IV.armcp—ap lb. good Clean gap awed si.., mow, ba ti tore, sW iope,liairmag, Am, 4e, har Muck the Ids tinier In mob will holoatd by . ~ / W CHADWICK ortl6 ' ora stlemmen p. 104144.117 ticliok — erCini 111— r 1/0110.4.4 011 1• ISEC .. 6 yards , bear/ anlolei • ' I . romarjst " re4 erom n uks Ph "i illilintrPmelmyyj a°"4l4. he aok ilaS. at 111•20 rem, 6 at .„ 1 .., . oil ~ ft II PIII Plks Lilool4 31130 1611-1411/10 be 614 bra Li Raldany Una, no. the 014 aryls. van* On villa 11.6 1 61.101 . 1. i be poi to cub or nob. when kilt/wed al the I• Ilaktior tamor,6 ormlst. nol3 ' 3471 PHILLIPS 11.110111.110-4101 Ib• 'donated Ind. Balboa Kama Parking hmkai du.. carsmln. wed ma ., : 1V 1, sda wide din b 4l mats al ho Ind. mood., • 0,13 ' 3413 PHILLIP, 1 • —An • wtr ni bloix Masi utrs, aa bream be ele - Pbobstalt and Coal 11424n:0m Bead Cseputri win be bald xi tba Toll ti""ldikeccabc",b•Obtbdiereer tea Man et I snail • • • • • • . •. LEWEXT, evaded*, . . . Tleassrer.• • DEAD 0/10Ell . JIM remind.** hones, sio:lusess, and best aeon. sod lot or Sod earls Over orretad in rho enact ritall se.. , lb or laid:Ono stow. Call and soil U It era Phial:lo Seed Slim 131mccl at. ovl inN WY.RAO3II. Pee3mearr: • , ()Ilao-.- 001 1toi n 0 nn i er blear/m-0 wmoot/dr. poor. 3 labia • nen Oil; • 3 o C We do; Inrnrr kit' ten by • , • ; 0 111.11:100PAN co • • • • • Mkt V. lest at., e 7 • =WARD , goo wt o mil Anoka twins so .• obss riasi at ihe individaal vbe 'eel • bleereo sit An Ay Ortm., Piceref oa *end elksso. • • , rig satin Beard ot 'hada limbos !mos.. • MI • • . . . hwiter • aIiDAAL•II-=Wcrts. waive, Writ cut, eaWa -0 el darh , la Dade sae, sign Newlowa ?II aka of wed aireare has we ale* ben Loansk wanalaalawas Wm 'Wanes ea we belatiler, wade embe, mad tan eferetewfactarass of Olen sea ach. - era us te• awl - awed ielacesaus panbade 01 00. • POINDEXTYR k CO WOOL, 'li9ool.l* • dVRR highest. Wed la mph paid for all the altered 1 Mau of et." AV " beia Vriaipira Lat.. ,014 Peel **release, eel labertp • ea c.. 0. JUN' ra Preyit7tred mi t, 11 , ... ILINECS—Oxicre !Airs . N '- atianal foe &enact. pag ldsolraLATlAgAgZko in! Wallet es, al 40 sbers , 1 . . .;,'' . .7* - 10„ . .':.ii6k, ViaThiANLIII lIISTORICAIs WORM II EREtret,lsinveital *vertu of Renraely.clehdm. v . it. nom, Mamie.lce tad • tiantral•Orttembec phimiLintadstical tad Geological Domenic:cm% .1 7 ticee(distindMobed rime:try arid ewe Man op. • rvd rhaaraptircal Ski telt. at distiagankmd - P . doldiers, tat, en Jtfifll. Lawyers, D.- vote . he. Ilhastrated! by *bout dim efOffll•lnts. Be LAMM 44MA abettor the Mitymille Eagle: 0h...1 mega earo.• .i I • . • , . eLaeor vac 10111. • • ' I. An Medina Ilistofr of the Suite faa dm Period of ita earlier. malernratto tire dose of .be Year IN I—by John A leeleng,Ese . a Gerocraphical aod Ststunical &NC none., Ayricel; toral RiAMICc., Geobropl Formations - and Meneral Weald.. . . 3: Rworical nada, mid Epp:Listless( Me oaring dr nerateationa •of Clubman., vr.lll bketrbea of roomer Oakum . • 4. A g ,, :val rel. Of the' eomnies, alphabetically ar. Vinyl; ir boundaries, face oft.. emintry, cluster li mAnst=eA l iree. “. .p . A m ata .. v; be, en . . I r ll at; with a.fall deferption. std. the heads of the menace then umpd. at lodan baldes. abinalshay penman, reneeares.aneedotesofterder litoontarerooeteeideam. ,a,.. a....4Ate., dmotietkets.r....i../.4..,..... Wm Ipo mammoth ease, the efestest nalaial reenoltr el Um acrid: and demripmens of Anektot RAW/AN OM 6./ f iefrond..ftrave yaids, B. S Riogralabtes) ameba, end skelebee of cla;aeter am: yid mo 11506104 plus arildien, t , g b =Jensta,l eye., dEeidos.Rd• . • . red is mbar am ' .• ' ; ••, J. & D.P..: itMEll e Pahllahm, . veil: ‘IIIIIIONALL AOLZUR Ia December .a a II ttemeotleas amittreleintg new robs MO.! At Id • !divert. , titian.; or, The NM& of the Conquest, a moaners of Wake, by R AI Bird, Ere, - 1 • Oar 'Army Cl blunterenbY T8M.M. , ..i11t enint• 1 cacao , d a men dra: r et=lik b ruLt ti W.A. • monk. , ' Retain the Reeks, by C.. Wear/ Mini by Capt. &amen. • Tea Mil and Me Hamlet, or dealer end Charicten of C oo om, Lk. by Winless Itortiu. • . . ' . Tas 141. 1 n Ote Wieer; et chereeterialos of the Red Race of Amen< a, by it R neleolcran. ',- • The Life tad Advantetes of Jose*. T Ham. the bold Robberend Highway mast, arab .16 elegant illustrative engravutga,by Ike amber of Joked eilansll TM Iron bleak. or the Del. of Tian-', trenaleted Mom dm breech Of Viet" Item , • Tim Beautiful Reach Oin. aotary Orqiilllog Inter es; Mended tm facts in mall*. • . t 71... Puree of the Mournl4.lceinon M. Cards Oneoid its Avenger, by the matter 0f.17 Cleat Taft! The Complete Weetiaocr, Fancy Onak, and UM.. by Parldnann.Practical Cnafteuene I. . . . - BlarbercedN Maclaine for October. .. ': . , Walla Living Ayr. No. lea —Taylor's MOWReporter for November. , i.,:t • • A Dew Sommer minded Rauh and Ready.mibe e comylata .as of othera,ter rale at .. • . i 1.1 A MINERS .' . trip Steldtfield 4,3 doers Monied. EM=I ELLEN'S IV ALTZ• What% at the weer Emma; CM 100/Iftlgnsi•Vecocin Mum.. Illy name was ooea a mama pull; (lb no they Utah, not au am weep; Oh Would I aura a lay atgale; . Oh elute lo cam. W w ell:y 1.3,;;1eir;c4; We w.od ac r tliThee; I wombd am hul hoe met aunt: Ceeveta Lahaby; rut haddlut taiga I sing; Love au no . •(.11.1.0 Ptertai , Roach lb a Reta, mutketep; Oonallatill C. Poland IB not yet log. erda ealiatiou; Om Faunal. by year; lien; Cttraera Exeunium rerou'e. Rieman; Omad Ituuan marel; Come, eh tome lir idiom, du tel la beaming; WU , . du %mho' do don( • The Lau of imism. (hadc% tut an Jut received by entree. and let LO by eel? ' • JOILY if MELLOR, 81 mom, al rams DELEON DUMAN ORAllblk.ll—A linutonar I) of Ina Gennaolabroors, aje em.oc.UJ arraorod agnew plan, bnef, comprebensme and ptactleaJ; try ar J Dekko. Frotesoor of tbe Gerson longing. aod liwratora Bit &Marra Callers, Entweraborg. bld. •"!I:l4ked Gorman linden • Getosaa reader kor begin. nem erweitted and arranged by Carper J Relate. Mender( 's New Method of learning to read, write and speolr the Genoa. Lannon's, to srbieb la Wed a sygeotane online of Orman Gramme' by U J dart A. U, Professor of tba an be maws and Theron. to tle Unlvenny elite city of New lent. English and Amalie. Dictionary; an Asterbran The. Orem of dm German langitage and Carbon Lamar • cocooning all the word. in general ow., de: by J T Nona • • enhodoes Ones. Phraas Beak; • phrase book • . WI/m.lo'Boms= Phrase • phrase ob-- to EagAsh wad Gensmet Irak is Waal translation of do Craws Into srrsaged on Use pl. of a Pieties,. KsM KT /k/onts Brawl* , The wove, toolbar .it an &nommen of Gelman Togooloals, WAWA book. and religions amt. to We z /WINSTON & STOCKTON • ;cola • flog telkns L eoe market& 54 se. A. liers'in °rasa Pismo, itHi SALE AT A WIEST BA [WAIN, DECEIVED manly front Om Pinto Forto ousafee- Wi Wry of Huni Hen, Pao, one of Itts dodos' Woe moondorati-gtond, ~Asto Puna IFones,olx nod tone liturtgre ammo oldpion Of ley board, eloganny 100 abed toprulAinionnd 'molt en.. 12.6.0 and ptootAnd orn , 3 • .noble 1,. frame. - diving InroVidtit pnevont o [tong.. tinz at if . =Mani Idnodod okdosnly wood toldason.' Win dodgem ram Winos o° la valiant ralieqsroldd tbo read.e orriu of ditentat tote fordo lad onototnro of tle ilk-taut% rf ' grfooor * ItobtogV Wq " C nio Ted tre piano four. Me" loo m?, PI, NV tott.no.. and en who taw es , tasn , d do. pone Conn. no above named dendroom,ond C100..6100 have clammed n, have piononooed It al" neoenly.ndlontely sopetior to; in* aunt beaetbq =ad pionos'ose in akin Ala o 017, AO' Oa a lw atoroirftuto you iu VIM War as and motif dm &atm Lela UMW Os must to- nek ban been odd toe in PitnodOplala ad N.YLoTOOnIA M Ws indostodon: 'Tema oath god " • T AT! TazoLootoAti 13001K.5., * l.O ditosettor.o. Cm,, by ? tcD I umbooflent Ptm ibellso4obtrolto • •• • T/motomull Sotr-ot rttip.T•4l Proverb ILI • Ilmoomg)Nor tory of asc l'rubyseruo Chuck to Ecotoilty. bireseb, of North Cum Ina, busonitol sal <of sOmostirts of dm panel*" of •ponloix . .. of Nut, actlier% by lov Wm Hoary room: priciels ; Lu., Lettere oat lx<tortm: .11 - 10b111901V Nola; IM ' Tree tha ffacarledip of morfrosi ova *mac._ •-• Ttii tam.* imams TralVCltter% usoottrre-1 Talro of Prost Pr.1.Wt7.4 Sirr 'WHY &WOO. D slut eskers. Pbtallarrolt by COd flompbonm Osbamo sod Osber Dtaars, by lianinay Wets( TimbMß . TMnt Lots of sko Amozalls: nooo . to Belltrar 4 TM stAns oritbagoastrol omosamma of TheallMiNg Cosabral. and Sobool 86th for. W. At low miecoorbolessla or mall • tulcrrr ckkioiazin 8519 -Calumet at, bottoms 21 & .Ifloyi - ,Asow 50•111. I • • THE 'Booth and Itt,uty Angola tit Mt It eaftv 'Potato er Henry flowsollYromori ' • • ' Dull* fat Mt, ',Owasso., sod kWh. 111100 i Pormool Worts, sew eslis.too; coMMkite• so Diolf.ss Warkst,llyok,ioneamiftlOanrr, cheap: IpasdLl musa of do LifaolVairy.titlllos *Mums Mollrotle4 tOlmellWet temp!MoiSsiTtmni-' lolanda Dotsdeol Wribms. • C . ,usubot.olakotanoto fsmtbo d:orailbo.b LIWWO4O.e. - . mat: • • • [.. ' ' 'eCtiloomar marker TONNStON & STOCKTON taut lelFrattairr3 'he 41 laiberwlag new Beakur. • • The W. et Henry the 46,Deg or Preece and Na. •erre; by (1. P Jot" Seq. • "Ilke Ilicellaraela Walla or Hato ?diaeresis, Fie,: edutaa, paper, ta 3 pane. • • be Myr. Avatatalketti arscrlptilia ei'llta Lama*, scenery, tend 11Q.atat ettaaVreataterecalta try req., Utiles—with illasinelons. • • •. - • • 1 ti* WarsiSe Cron, oY dm Awl Ot goaimi tuM ot mi eithen bl #•PtC t PahsfilwJlMP'd 84 " • 4-• • • init ' n VTT A snINGTCLY sad dui Thisioliiii4W - Aiiffecits. V lievaiatozweaftpktltos.oo , l6 ottrist. .4**l; Lan psbi HAn ,,— Tgo 10 an casitalyesdimet Thedir".WW, brim sad kisfleapals:u. by a leek* ia:6lf no Wale ip siadiambee 01•04tbly: !!gn Wog oneseviegmonsimeNgiao • • • - - • Julnaked ' " • Rau , . • mujorr & • MOO •I ' PIANOS. • .1 crtiCtiamo—o. spt ,f,d lb AM &half octave Pluto Pone; Mall by Materiel, Ikatee. men—omiess';rand Puna rone,froe the maw ClittNog tiers, Paris, el aura lit•ellanne carved•Hoeoweed, 6 octave, etadt by Oele &Co, N Vert. • - • One ditto asehopaey el octave.. SPUDART, Now Vett One elegant Pine. tiLz lave% has bete teed aboai nee yew; price RP:Sh • ITCOMU SLUM rutty.'. ' • • AS eteelfrot second WO Yaws, sada by Lind • & lhotherr, la ;cod Mee. .... ....... • ..... ..• SIM One second hand Fins - • • 5.',.;.* do ar sale by ... •.-• . JOIN II ROLLO. • n • II ward Meld TC , IVIT.ar - ' ' gra4M il rf a rA7 l e axedDuo' • • a nisi Dr..i imika* • " . r.u‘. 4 ...lisisaa% • 1 1. Intsunds.vanoss kmdiq 441., eareelele Slums . • . • . Mathematical Imerementa Alm Bata IR.— punt. C..p sod posa paw., plate and InaveOist cep pepsgiAske tenet and DIM P.M ,Icaer nod MU ea votopea, Welsh guts, • very 6eo nrUclr. Vistilne cud., plop Waimea ends, Willie: aside, black, bled, in3d, oevriet Awl eez• cele.A.fereted cud raper, colored pe pere.6v pamphlet C0V0111 3 61/111, pipets, MIL and Eel. fold bowed The above . marl aiitaieli OM nue ter sale 1.1 l l; eegn • • • th 11 use market MORE NEW 11000—, TD. Wm, la Ms Wip..= of Cbatactonstles of Um Rod Rate of Nunes br II Rtiftloraft. • do of -•. by Pcmr 'Tercors Nut or tie deem of Tyred.7; il, • Hato: ovulated by A . 1 . Una Yohcioll. et the Bogen deasedme. • no Loud Vitale, or the Wild tlirl Medi. The eliddepiori of Freedom, or tie Illywerioes &1004 fomkd on tie events a( the bier net with Oren Bri tain; by SEW! Woolworth. Wed B CALDWII,L wee • . • • - 3d ti,epixiaiis lie NC Office UORN • NSW 8001611.-41tuprob ON*. /61ouraerrol by 0 P It 'um tea 6 MALL I Zoodil, arils Totootrou. ' ' ::G ! • Ctruoybor T6i= ANA • Comae of MOM. by 6 DroLo Zoo. • .. 1 • L... 40 a a..n bf Ou , . V* Er • . blogu..“ kw October. - Net osu jou '. w M. 6. CALM , / • • Ngi , . • thud ok orpordolooll INTIMPir - ruFoicso worn by J T Llead:ey. Nopoteno and hts btatjaal by / T floadtur. Fm lab by ELLurrr ser.oLLatt .' morbot U between 3rd a 4tl ruisOst • towios 10,1121014 pesky,/ hasten Plane Vanes, at, W Woodealkeato BO Thad Street. • The Pl.. mai be hartuomfat all hoots, and tie witomf• her will On there from It to I!. A. U., and fnms.4 to S. P. 01.,ottch der. PtAAb . g, Drank r liff . , hp& the nada mired, week, Werth tee 'eftitene of rinehnntik wig eleiolry that webers ap2mWal Mr. 11. IClsber nole'd gent fel Westere Phposyleardt, for the nu or enr Piano Fonm,thoet oboe IheT t Nal be fan mina! at oar oorh Mem YWk rintii • New York.f4p.l.lto.eemett • • . . A ISPLiiIIDID anartmestef Itesnmise sad klOol• gazerd. :dm P . 1",..,,, , 1hrtaut wltheekiiis% e== abl atael la t ml. sku.=Catb•usetami . enietyi*, aid 61 West • • rstiusativ- • im • . • dew slow rummtaziows -inasci_staLo.coi . 121414 i x Mai Vara &Al RES HATS, CAPS AND BONNET& - 71711 in 1l?U! 41647.. • 4-;: C o.ft D . 4 . K 1 N.G . • , HATTLES,' • Ceram of Wood.cad UAW. receirel Oak &um eru t,i N itl M tair TorMildlY levee the analeasay tasty u m, MIS ad ei RCS& aanattr- • • - - Vanitylle Itaur jtallaCALLAll !LS Jut receives a beseuhu met &elm Coma', Fall wile Vats, 'Web Joe noble,sad Imes <ameba be seepages& Call at tha Nu Sum, Aleesentrabele Ream, essteaSeld st, t end , . ! •oet NkW as v Auvraum . 'PATENT AIR aracuLarri And. ABA? IatuTECNAL—Tbe atiudoest. Inert:dun on Saurday, Oct. lel OnalreWt .lll ' Noway slat wed web thet dateable Jute* entlpiesee 0,1 . /104 eyeless. AMEDigiirie*estisi 9eSsi. • • • et ant: ha. teethed ailterr. Tort, the earl. of hich herrn lafterisee aoy, "ocular, Aeg tedt. ARbeare le wad era sew eel gaperior b y weak! 6o Intl to eel at Me 1.4 Weed ddb dins It& Vali raskliis. llii . BEENE 4 COSTAICSfigIe iiingolsei lists • will Ft Introdata4 at WM'S is nine." •4 Awing:hi. &Wims salOsiadliO*.oll. bauble dust ruubint numula.• 00 . 1 0 lukSonabli. Hau oil seramsed by nose of as Mae, please e= n i " ' KELM .k. ON siiip/Olf • IX leul of Wax, 0 Wilt PAVILION IPOIL - NATNAL • JUST waived haw New York; eke eta net Etyle for H etlesi4l4l et WWI. Berm, Pew nnel Wkhe Preach o.4arre HZ:kwuk Vetasurs. T.wela vinntof • brardelAgbAlat sze tns act to -018 mood is, 3doots above WI WILLIAM DOUGLAS blks_, ism nr4ws4 • . asppty or Alaitold lAA Dwell TIN eb . Glmeditase,..•4ilas. .1. • ' Etas ise Fres& *anklet flstsmwillistr A W. •rT CON7INU6II es saskagaucts, • eauczatly as kaa,, ever/ Taecty W il li cad Go or OA Luna ink., tau puss virr I .IP fig • 76 Wood areet.Eatt Rik - • WI.. ~~ . IND - GLAWD CAFlS,Alpheatenen. mans vox varier, of lots at aitIALLALIVIV EXCHANGE BRONESEi, evaagy, 'mints. a ock. • . 11/11.117:111112 r 11X011110110.111mostiokar, am) DEALERS INTOREiGII:iND DOMESTIC Xxcaasair. csanncaTas arm , : POSIT; WIC ignral; AND Srsan • Paank et. ne.tiY.PO.duilhoßaak.le CURRENT MONEY peeped oaDepausr-4110 Clneks Stu asle..d.oorlatikait made.= Ready aU tbalpriatiral ',amain the Unisti Sum. • • - klebesipreales pat,/ for gonlp abd Asonelia dirpacisi =don eonupmem, el Peeists.skipped libetal Was— • ist.Als • . IL C ==n e nee ine or Won A. J Hid It Co,) send W NAL CURRY, dawn( o+a. P..) lean sussed tan 'Ceptrtneratelpi under des same lee HILL t COMM, be dm rimsom of c0rr7.1.1 then dank Ine and Entente Wines. la - an Ise braes in. N. CI Wend darns doors 'benne VW& Inn sedds.late they so ibet setaien of then Mann and rd pablk emanate •• .• ' MOWN Al UAL J 42 1 ,11 I, DILL • • C. Coati. !limns a EXCHANGE - BROX*I2'LAXERS IN FOXIXON AND DOICMICI MAL♦ SIGHT •1111.18 OF EXCHANGE, A CE CO AXI OF DKPOSITE, RANK NME AND COM. , , Na IS Weal meet, Hurd doh : null. lima ad. DAR Panda •AdConcricy cooled oo D10N144 dad 0011tCWILA made on aWe piaci* Calso la As United Hamm . . . • YoTIALV&CIt-111 6 r= "11 4 0. 'Nair Otto, Indians. Ecodokr,Virgiata 4.4 i gosoullvs Ia Dank Now, booxikt and sold oz &HAUL., law. cd. Ereluatoo tailsod.b4/4Ad,Gonsisa? . dad rnall, oda* X. HOLICEII & lisaltare as& Dealers ix 21.3xIligxe, Cola aay %Azar, mavr, -110lloiXties, btschame- 811,144 Eska. Ns. York, • Irs. Lk:oda/mu, Philadelphia. do mils • . Daldaws, do BL. =wives. N LoaL ATE& • Iftrpir ,do RUM do Cs amp ado, edla LAM Nes* . do , r.slodirf. • t Troasli o noisCy.. .do.. Vl / * a, New chit oN ": Ti.,atubso" . do brarylasS, •do • .1011 '• • WILLIAM A. HILL At. CO. HAM El 1111. lEECHAION NSIONNALS An MAXIS 11 POIEIGN AND DOMESTIC IMOLA. N •EINFICATES OP DEPOSITS. BAN[ . N AND SPECIE • NAN; .115,1 &OWL 0,/ bw Yre . _ BM 1141101 • • • ' Pi. • Idlorr • Ann in. I.! • • .=swats I 3 D N re KERB AND RICH Jimmie ANON 810 Maim ~ 21, and BMW EziWirs, Ow& Cue* of Depme, Donk Now mai WA:mum 4it 3/1 cod Wood news, dirsok oppose IMI (Auks Hod. gee mod. - • •• Itamatit at thel.atta of paTabla • • • of LSI, Cad ./lema SA is MK%u the 4SS to &ha' S C •= 4 I4 .106111JA. - ./..p.5.001e.:5 &It . Ina I•• sores-• •• • • • ' amid; imrpipe6 at Ile ttwint nom, iba MKT% ••••• • PI fiat &PON usis or. 11=1141011:11111-94ta Cioe . is as No Ymt. , Plitrialsbla.nad CbotsbilT be male by .. —NHOLSIER ISOM I IGILLECTIOW-, Notes, 04 Aesepato- Vre Dralte es,hee able laasy pate et uM Utuee, collected ea We ma tanrable um* - • IV itOLIdEd & ISON V.IOHA36IC—Ntyr Yody 144•1111410sisi embace caavaxU lOR sole. • • .1.. • ettle. . ..• • 11 SON. r i Xfibli.;e l P l . l, l 8•14010114 6101./11163111111:1144 wall Connie • ~,..$17.4.1=, . ulna Plea Spain togotb. • • Wrirriiiat . . d NEUXl4- 1 26 4. 6.0*.fit 01 irmova. et Ai. oisas at , LL MUM, tratto r ealid er 00,11 ISSSI4I HOUSES, LOTS,- FARMS; .011LItAT BARG/ABM t M. AEA[: MITATIo eTHB S o litrtlll , z , offers lnbta Ziatalt, basked or thisciry, u Wane • , , 3 Two Ince homes, lately created. esaminlm MIN each. fathead la truh.tomhto eileftetwltyle, aad onwpnibeadtag et 'They are each *Wed vision wet handrail leer 'r that, on a poille tweet, tatet rem*: back oae hundred tied ten rest, to a 3, ghat erne- Tlue property . trill tat word alt coyly the valise of the ground ea which the hu etrymid are emend,. Assume, I. Meat leaving the .' Irart of the per. chase wary way moats in the Made of the boyer for a tem of ream . C h o ran: .o opporsoow of wearing thes_p and estightfel restdensees erteny of &o ration, 'A Imre! lap and burl ti lly tin:mad belldltut host Ibrldeate reet&twes, wilt be sold bison long treat 3.A10t she= VA feet Kean. WlPlttlf two antere,es vitae& le erected a three awry bile! . NOWA* GI by e 7 (erg 1/11 ea eagine howo, enolostotteeMd. xw Red lb *omelet* order. Those Within*, were pat gt paroasesoted am "desirably wits Ow action. woollen, creeper autehetore. I The woo wty *Jibe add at • lArrata. and a Pan . 1 Ow es , Oneonta.) isay . neasaleoa • tens of years. The shove Roomy n all Notated In *neaten City, end is worthy of tbeetboatateret tbe . C. The sub terther can be Been at the dice of 0.4114,,0TL1T faellISMI Wilma! dielwereer etch! sad stalk er tent. at his MIMIC Mn. flay's howinaolt.SW bins.new Itow,fodatel i. , 4011r •es_ • D W. I; • /‘/L .08 1111.11 T,: • .; • •', A II asatMely losarel arm isikatta Merl. . Lady em spind es ■ legvernotype essablah. mat. Ivy Mowed e Co. • • Abe,* gretl &lAN lad "nit fianaird llmle..or ablo ler mart" imApilain the fall *Me Mee life. Wavy Aaiacasi. nitaluell.l AIM Halt Li UAZZAiII acel! .. • .dies. natal is. Wilmsand kth • •MU. SMD/ Wire COST /AM Y 4 ekedine (la Deed el w Idatteualrela Pa. ha, 10. • vela's( needlborilla °ramie VS .• " V& To urr,—Aurp, -•• • • ime ent/1 is Med, Mee away enek =tilt= en tam ft., ►.lf way between U.nl alley and Wayne n. Pomo= item mumbasally..t Per paynedarameal re at= Idea of W W WALLACH. If . HI Ilberry Iroll. SUM: • WILL «It lila Mose .o-II tot w►«e I vow •e &ROMA= Weal, tag ..d, m • 'tali, far partievaar. •pqatre p . m! Brio Foundry, Fessili Oben Weed, or ois Ile lea. . midi" • • II Oil GAL:4OMM. . • 11101161110 LO, tirantlfrElL FOIt SALE—c )11.0.• g 6111•1144; La 1a Nancl~, Vern', 113 t et Dont by SP Fref4espl. It vri/I km, and beeemmedulag tem.. Tenni onneeptioethis. . mfll JAMES BLAICP.LY. I P.m Amt . a• TUE 36ten Beek Witte MAI Won itreaptd Na ass Peon lisliedlase pop F rn ih - s 'lrixArnigli an' anal aCOUNT= RW/1.1410111: • 1114011:03 nsoirol to Os cub br toostissoar W PwWwWwl tosolowt I slti not Lb. Masa= Illossiowl ■ lossed out exteltoonholutato ea Us klon 'oda, es* solo !Solo Tittobsttu - , voxtiv away.r =1 it.6iimpoqihn/idea: osuarrtma. R.ei a..& ommpaar. • - NOTICE Tu CONISAUTOIIs - 11110P08•121 wut e. zecerli 7111DAT;48 sidolsr et Itomabot. is #..11‘4,111. TIMM OM la Os Mai& et ay r ipiliwitisipp_fjurnarartif GROOKRIEB; -.-- - ---- - 7. Orwhers Owl Two Dealeret, _____• • - - t, TOR PHILADELFHIA , ANDIrEFF , IRMIK ri3Mi... - . • . 'MtCOJIP.AFIY. . .. . I t . • ..: No: 95 - lForiVroved Stied: pkilitel*L - • • ..450z,„.....t,vcitinuived.,:leaz.irralr.r. ,t.,....,. 1.110.,0att 4. 4 . i 411MiChew. or P e c k " 4"M" ' P.".. I llet rtylsoo ;maw w low other etwagite•aew le the tented etwail.• ,Flor .falfr.- . . ' "le Yr chg. Voleatt Hy wo, ( low V.I. es 4 Meil . e lob le• carte he loaf the Q. duo OM 57 elms Otopewdet tiro se4 elire.) • Ito - de a.' ...1 box.liven.ll ll . o o 4 as' ,10 abets ekt yen Ivy:roe trodatt) . . at Of COM ail.: Oil 1.0 0.A0.1 0 (WWI.) 81,00 do . • elo NIDI,TO.III the • . . . 1 . • do do . Powerhouse take!. rut other Orono end Flowery recta* Eishrat F=ll , .. Tas,ke..lte. 1_ _ • Tito yeetelthea twessborte apreelto wren . NM oet 07 nitadsiplda, at hutuebeellwromehel to I wet f pow, pet kers. bearing Oct:yaws who w gamest usde of a esellty: eel& to air Wee fh lie V. • 0 tattS, at the .We pree•,eed pledge thenieters our . .r feed the =eel tor all that 4.. we glee mire wthlkw doe. • kteCALLMONS /I.IIKMD : ~.., • •No IN North FM1815111.1 '''. • ' • • Wholteeht Meet et OtO7.0" -IC B. Odor trans &awe esseetell WO Y eg:l - 61_ _tett. tIL 61T0..41 , Lt the , ligest or OtrOteepory to la ~ , • OLD wr well will cativo:et Wong* well Tat Letehes. ~ • • 4et Ot4Y4 BO:0V : • • • • it pp. oi.fd 0.44. I tebur-rac ..eraodn• : a . • 'Piaci ahtnigieigtosity • • F. patheithea lee ' L .‘.. Ilea eask readlettmesbefeerdiererrith -;:. 4144 .144101144leeted by Wm ea the Nter-ladi j. 'eaa Par Mr by the pipe et la • '-assa , , • ear ore.llllal4 owes •• Aty Sim tortvinages,d!:l44lK: 4 Vinaitnr d 'lL ere a4g to • Pint;l l lbß • „1 - Pare tarbst ( P •• ' fib • 'do 1 , 3:14„ •1. • 2 Lbw • 1.4, , . . Beim, ; (Decal an 2 =I flyby: B•mardi " ' a - -4 • ries mad rely buoy..., Lague. 4, , • • &nos! et lbws ;Ana at, ue libbf lb: liskaa per;' • Pamir, sm_lollora woo Guy the D'atoctef tbaugyer, - Cullo,trs Wily freed try as: from uldlry of eirebonob.- • Jos receiglag, i• non fo r sok by the calms,* ,t .• 4 ,5 ,10 - titb , ob "Ins& at the vibe eon of &a bd., scriber, • • • • ,' • ~3•01:06 ••• • ••• ••• I" • a..24ielik• • , • • ; • •„c "• 4 su. " " • ".2' • • I° l L;wis•nurctlisors eoo • • -• • itrrik tag* ma FREW FltOre sa stmialiasarirpt liiii#o . . Ilya&Dula. ,-,2)•....., , f,tt a . , •, • *: '' .. 4 1 4"" bw•Aidl i 14' ‘;' :•.1: ' , 4 • .11 . .": , ..:...; u i • I > •rAtrAlroe bilml*L.,, k l ki • '''.* ' • ink 111gitlistromyr F•• :.. .... . • • • Q 13111 1[311,111.11.•111114110 rtuideil • 0 - , • , • • ' bra Meta.: t, • '" 30 110.3salui tlOer, , 3 . 4 ' • • eer . otitlield •Ik • , 'WPADUCX.-t alb.* Eag •-• r : Aoneeantry twilled 'ow . : 14o be tvrr, (i;al4) • 1L .481118- ire b W * V" ° lo ft 7- • • Elo kids PIO *agar; bahlsou. .e.usox br . Lins . ,l3 utrrca a co. ;,. , • • ' " vsater hosts. S il° 9l 4l4l M.N o • *. - ' a_ o maw., la gosiiiallitifit eat / bY YUMIELIII6Ik%,i avls Aiket rr"" . " 1 ". aim widow "IS • . 4 J 011IGUAIPL . • Ify..DICAS. AND: lIIIRGICALIr 'in, as mkrceco.stii:-.ZI &ere int Wadi te earei, inirb • ' • • •- htaao.tad Woo ft. aeam •• •ck.l.4 pti.w arid . arhan kilaohnat • hum" viat .h. naiad'', Andy wad • uolitaiant al thew cripia ensi,.(dMaT aoptl. Ulna 4110 • • caa Dpmr m imerapatanuteaa' can trot. ran ea the lot of a.-.Tprivaten. • ply Aiitiin hnuntiO apinity,patania a t o pall alined min itatitain • Dr.- Brawn. aniaid niforta yaw llatad mina plania. • inseam witieS ban a t clannie 47 time °railways • itit.by the as• of any at the ansanne crime Ina day, thew cashadaiata can ha nailiaally soq 0,0 naghlynarett,lis liaantigiaint his mond ctishnon hia. IS mann= el Ina-Lean" ann anonaniniihn 011017111 airlanunicel in alums wa of inlhosanian orheireck of din Dianna, tad honied timati /Men malt . ' tom ilunui inbernatheas haws anaipratt I . \vela. ilinapatr. lie pasvcalaaty tartan at es Ws • haulms/Ind aal. raaaadu vapid. by mbar M. • cram taitoatten flan mien:non ea tam al ...; . thew nun awned ut a carialii,diamWKinnii uns&lng - ' . inalom mith.4 l PiOM-4.0171. I. ki,wLig for ,=.01.4.44•••• =Manta at emdkins , ha; grassy am Haim at Isitora-Tit. Twirl 'ane , panes ten clad Hama. to 041, la be hati vat:L:4g! parilashir cuantain thla thacasali Pahl, on- ipesiday atoll 7i . ". I .MlPalicnia ofnithaf hying • at anima; '' • Wanting limb Climbs in varfalas, sins; all OM Opp wow ear abtsia Obi krictee will &mews* arras.: n'T • T BitiriVN, pat pi '.l and maim , • ru.is . . er !III; elms ;Br i • • ." • • 414 . A trllUda.Oic INTSADLTS.OF BILY471111•40..- .04. Ws Amass law/zed by • puncyssalesiosune-' Uoa of dm air e•Ilr, it Is very debitnabag,abncet " •ins saikestlea. DA.trygaSEIVII tie only certain atm lisam.•••• can be antreby emit' 'by • Ay* age' of Br. Devetates haste. .• • • • . • Wily • ; Catarrh.= esenebon cord, irloitclf ult•-• 1.1 • • • tenstants ta .mosurthra; efectsay Wawa.. .. r.d by Dr annesPres rumen. • . , • Drvecinia asebeetal, lOU 'aiegbany *•.•.• Braublslll4ll. b•t • batty adlrif fte. Fumes W. ad...al , ca. It. . . htlassanuir , ile,Tagalle or dtv• niest..-111,14 &woe *WI km& to merinos calm:ageism . sh. •,. Owt nab as sk,eve non a du. WM. On Lk Ilsbt symyton• Dr Itorartme• Nimes absoklbe •••eued. • • and *sell freely. ONO. and 0:410 kid • tows iga reatedi lbontsame•P•abees. • Pagnamia Naas .—A Very UM d01e..., teinkieg tras a Incest boort codcokt an • dabllnmed or bnoliest • dove eanstitanoa; eyed berms. ale s•blert Oft. jf• Sweet:lElY Punta" •boald be wed on Ike NV .YO7 , • Mu, .bleb arum 6•••• oc. attn. _ . . • , &grew —Tblvdebtlitating mag i nae•t t•bb • n••• 11 Abet. by loin Dr. tioertmes Amnia. - •Ontsaanptisa.—ltest ale its Imrsonitate• of comm.. , tl. ry v•ltlalk ore • Ws la se side sae ammo eateb of qm o( blood. Dr 81.telser4 j, •• • freely ••••‘so Wad be spyrtn ended.- • ' ' Wbett Loam tr!ll^ fr. Op theA Tebr• booms dowsed wed* WAIN amme as i rewritiliner briWir.Drlkesll•olinnlii•••,•br • le • powertal E5141115141102/1 rdtelriMerri.j. : liallscuarTliouirinabiaskk•am , int valitruin. ' ear elms* r K 4.l4a bei l ib eind box P•••••••. Trice WI paIIII2WPIDs• Inv - • - rot 0nt0 .701 491:110skEli Li<ors the bls boot . • •.. _ • avLatly CommOM" C.1" 4 " 411 ' Dee, delcress.,lst. =Tsai Wirt, . • - Sad low lee poi mac. • • . It elms slnti &I stay . Mama sptrstlisit ass loaves, wrap tM Quoit; ; . "You Istslat yet's. *al hoed:sell .rtt dx...a 42 .4 .. I . ' &fogs It Odes FM. • . . , Tye WOIS of Dela Instil nos, Asd sodstrclissei es u - • • Led Isbell biaccated.ls loviaf tired • - , • • It nipped iltzsult sad thronit. . ; Wands( Death ;1 -.•. ; 1111 r. Paused al ; ,'e .DL DMICII4I% 0 1 7 TENold • 87c.00. Isthellditesss,ollio:te Is ie. las via sale - .5.14 PfsdkOlC.lti*Sr. ZA.CIkISM 'roma Weed sad I.adatt/ sew, • c f. , r i ,=.ll .l l 7 ll 4 t itt L o O r ft nap p..:410r0r y - or Qtamtlk. lisa•us--tr.: Pam thole Lel .wrra Ins amelekviitli wren, to .44 kering of year nrrallabia c• ad • ball• Omit I T. T•0•114,71.•,/a ••••.141114• porde. mE is PM ook mod. fwd lanaluan relMeslolll.lllGAX±:' .(1..7"1",:!!“..119.1.411":. • r . •. ii=ilEM MIME!M=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers