. t~ aY - W4e~Ue tl[l =RN Ci: ~~:.. • •••• • • . . . . . _ ; : . 44;•41:,:1.'-;90111; • • ''• ,5,,,;;;;,:t.,•?;*1'1if,„: : , Art • ;-. itwtv.44sltieg.-G114..,i,, ~ Vetsi :94.:v. , .. t. - :... •.‘-"!... - - P41.1.31.1Kg,V4*,; .0;; --,,,67.11 1 5±W;-,!.:;:'• ,:.! tle- - ;-' 'fc4 . 1 4.-: 4 ;6,-;•••• 4 :7,k 1 ,.; ~ §C: +?l , -:;:•4.• . 1 ' , .... 1,&: , me. .. ,, ifir..4...ATE T .- 4 1.., .11,1 , ,,At„,a4,,,, T ,.: ~ : - .77..4:::t4::.i.%..y , 1.... 4 .i.,....... ......:..t....... 4 .......:......„..7„......,., .:31.:..,,.,..„..1:,..,.,.i,r,. ,:x.,,,,r,_..4...1t,..v.„: * ..::: „1,1.4:...:1;.,,....r..,„ ...i...,rii.:i:::14.....i.:.?:,::ii„.!e+.4 1x. , .....,..:iti....1i:-!. 4,......::i., .... e . 4 .. 1 ......:.r....,.....,:1.::...:v.:.,.....„,_ 4 0,i a,.. 11 t:,,•A• i tt11.• - .l:l:,vii!P `,;0 3 : -:::..;,..?..;;;_ • .::,r; •...;•„,a t ., 1t'••%. 4 .... 1 .4. , ;.i...g.Mr•••••..171. s,t' ..;•:•:•.:114.Mr•Z4ii3S- ;We' 3..:PV1:4L47„4' : P i . , •:•1;t1;..m l• ^ , '•••:.•• , - i,' , f',,e . iii r lP:'; c ;i;:.l , : : : : ' ,•:, ' ii - til.:,it - ' 41. ..'•'!t• , • •,, - . a„,.. , :.: •ik• • • • . • 7. i, i' V 1 Y:: .::... : 4 i ! : :. s *., 1 . • N :' 3 ,1 1 .i . r? . Ze2,.• . ~,,I V .t'., :atAtil 11 : - 4 ic • : 7 . . . :4 0 . 1: : i ti . :5 t... .' 1... ' : . 4 • ftl .", ;„illipx...;:•&• ••- . It. .f.;,...iciiin,,,:,1•;!;•• I: I . ; ; •p):;• - :•: 1': . ... . 44•,... . 1 . 1.7:.• .4; ~.k.t".•,1:: . • 1t:4.4•1',4i1kii,41-*: •iit• $..! :v ~,,v:i p• 1••• .4,,'.;...'9.% - ..,..e 4 t4',,,- •••bt:::::.!.Z • i li:•t•• t .. .,il ll7. 4?•F t :ilt.:•+:Ffi•TAzrk: 4•5`474 4 th: A :J O , li i';' ; '''s•40 .1 i•11 1 •1:4 , •4 ' , •: 0 :•:4„ 1 : 4 41._,..,:-,„ p ...a.. Azkr.tlfzr.oo7, v6 „.. ,li4*. il4,4*V : I I: 4.ii*-F.T. ~,:i ; , :i.: , ..; , ;•• , ?t , 0 ,. ..-tf:-P:L"!.. !L.f .. .1:..z , .- -.., .• . 4 'i. — th-L, -- i :I; 1.4 - t .1?1, e i •‘,..._ 1 1 , : :1';:tf.' : ,; . (i.0n . 5, epEZ,' •.,' Words HO fkl liraa to on ear &Mina n hot Phlvdot m fkisillant atolt, tn. turnn.a.nd tarn Win or aanctoos. Mo who Itaa• • ben my bnt' Meads have fallen nomad sa., and • la th: ivorvlrma band of nanpany IC, * sin hava dad old. by Oda fothia cooldvin caw tard ut , ...bid, rim 26..* prod, lb. ihnime p•ormobod, and lha bade condoa Of the mid tinder oonmand of Col Mad al tbal r am. now, r , to chataaar and tba chariard vapulev don of aim Owe,' ran U 1.9211 70U noltilng 'him beat bat guidon and waif beam:Poi ophicar Wain. The mama In *took dory hart salvor. Heir poise tar crtvani n d ath. rniment with far. k Welt say math noora, bat opine will 'not pouf and and ben and. Company D, lit Pa. Baerneot. had not 'itriivad, Lava nv doett Computy • timid biotite.° as nykdaly eat 4i ea, tart far. theallaly; math 11C4 the wine ',r PAC Coi. Tor% oao etuiotoper, Le *.p. Your afrootloata sou, • ' JNO. B. HAMILTON. Lid alma klllad and notnided at Ban in.. 36; turvto tae notoamoosoomort - and tontinatlon of lbt ado or PCI,E4I. W 011 11 4 1.11. Lt. E.t e r. Co. Et 4th Artllltry, Pon . l ' .4. l 4 FmtiteHtlf/drota of roei.sern. —as x" 1 4.'0•04 , Cho •Risent m ,N, man • Ilkesedisee.; isiestri uldoe:Atoo.se, David Jornaa • / 113 . 48 44141113' W P#F,' 4 .1-613 '1 13 . 18 • 0 1 41 1ftd, Two Nits it4cce linok--Yta natal tt Da. Or. Vi. 'Vita. kids& ca.'. C. P 3ll ..wiFittAlmit 1 0•447. Lnin 1 4.1 , 1:004 thou ' ale, Joan Mum, roandvd, as advanat i. vontsi, do not warm •L. that Co pat um). s tat, u of tu. • I—John.Porak,lo l / a d . D..id Y Jets Elfin. Hrif_Dolkuodolkot otott, khipcsant - of bramdandiv can 6 . made any Da Itlghtly - waaoded: , Chia ribtd,orritair goandat. . vane , Co E-:Ccrpt. L,H it.... /An C Coleboisfj !kw "P al Li $ 8,64, C ar riaCi• Whin Jabal LI Herod. aloha, H dratudona, Janis I k :ar Plow In Nor York, 30 amt. faltaitt. and tt `Pe nakvivil. D Wm 8, . 3 13 tierr4149 . 44 duns' an ie ta in* Hord. D WI i,, r.yomfikJat Mina: Sannai Thr/r, Wt . & Jahn Hoinek,-Thomia B I ."" f a. a hl pPam. --TryolP 7am winsy#lo,2l4.a. 'al 0 1#Simia. •oe *al to • romir• a•Oad iighily aV - INOWiout zrodoest. deutzoi 00. *ld ..610*-W0110•4; Ar:viguat.mr;ior. .4mce pri.wh•••• 'haw ein. 001).** 10.1, 9,4•••‘‘ - /101t iturt. - A _ • .° 1 • 411 4: - IfcO.'.4firnon Atria risk *Ai hiffaliffititAlWl gtt;t44l4 t. * 1 41. 6 . a Davis .-7 . r Okrif."4 11 11110 04111i sow! C - • :re. r• • ' - : L i • ' v.v..' . • . '•••' y.' ~~,Z: - , .. " .' '. ' P ' ' . ' ." . : ... j: ' j ...:;'%. '' t ...; .. .."'i, 4 % '::.* :,,,• .... .1 .. . lir . --t•' '' - . , '-. =>' : ' ' ":,..:*.. r:' ;': 1 . • •-• ' ... .".. -..'., ••• . = ''' : . '• ; ;..,%; .' " ;; ,' .2 it= -- ' „ :. -- .2,, , z.ct , , ,, ' ~4.,t'.:.'r%a';,,':'7V_;;r7tlptteettS,.Z.A.T•=goaar.=«?..44,,,ai..TAr;a4r.aX 7 • ‘' s s •,- ' ' ' ... ~ . . :T r , 1.44,r. :- •: ;" . . - - • ' . . . . =5 , d==l ' ..... ",.. ' ' .. ~.i :. . • pri—rBBl.lßGH: ; MONDAY. MORNING. NOV is . " .5 .443.1 7. 1 W r re11y t u a W p t/T1 a".." -Doilaulpersaftee...lbsTri-Wwr rDnittl.4 asounaL WaeLy la Two Lkitlarr " • artintarakun aiunealfrequeiked ludig rtftalakble. ; 6 6. 1 6. 16 ,1 " " ti r At dig al MZii!Ml 1Z1::M , zrzwo Aupnr. W. received odviiiiie taxi Fable cc' Saar . del ,:leardiai k — wo d a tares - cambia. iraen Were • received la Lb. .coy from oar Piabough 1 ^.04.• veetioried et Alai plea. Prom the Poe-. Ma PI q , received by the mama man, we pribtat at Forriallkai , of the killed arid voardail, d:Wadin g the stir of Podia. The Lam teceivad, res. wally ,!rrprearet that lad havoc bee been cow. maid smog oar *Wien, bat ran tham: 4 ll dressier than a bate. The eadertav af caw berg ht. been - Oiratfal, 10 karat, • n"... 1 of i, alogie tompeay of than Bret to •trrie• • ;KU 1111.1 613;1 their way back a ow dam. A Jetta woe alao reeeleed y. _ day Ina Lieut. Big,lrtio'ves guowil Bogie triituzi t the *Wo lo f Bridge, ware be received raw avers babes. H. woe atUcload to Guard .Larie% toward • i . Sur. Jots, Pcobis, Oct. igth, - O b see?saa3dtha &taw" aarmamat of traara bodii =abut., Mad can , cii.• ccsittiiil#Fmt Whow . ftylk.o9 =toe lc tictivit,_;o4 tho a:ds • , I..Ta of ?altar& LvimaiVcoiiikan silts Pistrtjtilio A autplgi Phll - B and A, capacpcoy , of wpctif,6l4:..au.4 igir." suck. 1.4,*4*.-4..a.diae. imps - 44. mania fist reshtti7l.:lttec bottiVattsrs of Osoccd . : • ". . Tbari.et. of fully Imam Mika Mad by na, — and . . ' - - •ta kraal:n:3Jc of Anamiebe parmahm a aD eem matt, amber alai* am, in to Laal • of. theachariam al=ble tboonktemmd hob imp .co that ftlt,, oar Mob fmtlaiime„. --Mt the sacheit4nliMmemed.am f l ummod... W. .f1i..1 4. ' , Poem. ''oo th. 'Mb if4otie mbar we men quarteral amber hha lopll, Ohm ma mem lo Lerma part of th a tactpa alitilliel , 10 eyeed, igginic 441 city of Mexico, awet at Am mdeed.!Mdeirie etmcwente Via.' ad by , DiMl • f?#Mtt:•. • Thle 'Ma rem diarmiehbo t hem at lb. tim e " to c4;t. Bieck and ow dreirte 1 ... i ' • ' LW', th a A - 4WW. the tai Thrbicat midst i Tau*, , , ' . 1 ‘,. O. fah lot the thy of Ala:ken ea Ma fhb, , the amend, ember Oat Worth; cm Um lihh that tied. Old r Gem Qom:ma and SWAM, and on , f tie Ma; the foarth mho Om Pima Wimm des im oaittel to norainiat Parkes ma am soda holy of the Gomm, .tide, Va. taut* Ord and iftl..l Racy fimamor. iftamith other parte a the rar lia a 3 laity . lei at Ibis pee, took mu pomiime I. order to commarel ibis any, ete &llama the e.... peaks. kit i & C. Let Pato& .itemmtammt =dm lled Breit. VI - Lii.... - 041 company A. 411 eptil• Lay and .311 Dragoon company, Caps Tord.tot the Qemtowes aMet ImpFaad Lad ctilogrms pat,— 43;leit,:,PVomea Hemiment, mrltb swam ! Ilit Wmmen 16mkt that Cuthoitamed . . \ •.: et a 1.11 4 ..5.3.3idib. tb. cily. acid compa c y (), 0 - 'um iiiiii* .1 afi...o, he a doom, celled J . - .ouadakopo, .coo an an ' =aeon. Tb. µMean i 11. • 1 . . ' : memalowel in epacteme LiDl6 lb• 1 . 511 4. 0 •13 • bad I , - a •Eframa fineinhe roads avatar:me attack upo n, ' ~ . • oar Mae Pan, el tomeethaMil haat Qrxartal, cap- I , tming TXI =Leg . aftat irttintt Parnimmom Pa , ' , . . tea sins med. op tar the papal. of • Illt them, ate ware met leis farm. bodPilf. • tot bat II!, 'awed 'nth (beer ham AmimintOms . await soloog, mew.. ) prisoner or fiat, nue pawns* of OW ampany, named John Labia mat LWe'ererer spin alloral to , acJoy reet lot 11 a .hart Moe. sod no denecommokm ware ate& by um_eneroy. toad the - thh of Anrar, elms tiery bey= to lay arge to ink marnemakmi am mi elmy ado. They orkla commanded by Cholse 4. ff... ‘..... to tb. i.babitrats within' fetti, rpm. of otr nearest pmt (Qamiid) to remove, a nod alm pnotabilic m cattle Imo beam Mime nth. in 3 liMpaas a the My. On the 16th, ,hair an. • -• Ida Wog naiad, inth i tams damoommiee, um . • • -- animamed a vimoroco attack, but, am dm= muck. : ' . • andeek.rmro artrat Imck by • Li mud. from ' eat am, and Pert ectl y dhomsfaid. Gat Rea'. form vw alma NM° tremot . On Uth, Gem Sofa Ann., Mitt 6 000 toope„ • addtional, arrive:tick ..°4„,i moometial to demand of ter aharrenda of the pante 1.4 , :5. by car trcopa , Did you rem Ma of enth arm bontatal Lopailim h adentuatpnee to mit cd , - aa, mho name tom ow to etamoda. The Gam ..._ ,- a ondormor Orn i e n . dialaly prre command =irpbed dm tm i ntam ..l . • and reiereor - ,' ocawfthesacerm Hamm elms bad Informed him that ha had 8000 men tinder bit . aionem - ok That Wm a pet rata to the crafty OM, loafs mita, Cbat 1600 Acovicans montd ma ear; node, - to itooo ifet....y wilt ems Hcgb Pontiff at that teed. to • ine' *lye after thin °calmed, the . ame , nude beemantraka in • Ibe Mum, aid Itanog two lital 6 1.1 0:: alWyery. (6 pooodere) commtmced air apt m;—laueold aej a muster of Macke . .- . talked m p; hal am fiemendy se .. thed and, flaWilabay Imo . they impahed, . end th e Mara htezimme ..... . mere' ,mo ream, . . arab thar , edemas Cblidbilii A theirlaid. leceo4 tim tallow la pomos.i.s cif WM tern; part of them being lick : - Dm* ilvebele of tbh My the Mai:Mei • WWI lea* to three frtaD thia4 pal Olr Odors' ' .. . *he atext aid badly raWaded their Utada. 1 • Cape ifenall;anh a may of coat, proceeded to DON Of °NOV kadatWOrtc . Made of •cottos t am. , and so lo deauroyhen it and Ithinme num , ha of item mobilers. On tha arrival of Om Lem Cot Nfackenth two eeripmake. (Cepi Haramie and Dept %LPL) arm oidared to prMomed co a oar. Min plata _.n toma, in cram to .ileac thee BARI . of IS. ,enecoy mach we. aratettly. kept op an. mo_ Cs.: am; What' lbay ~dead at the pima a body ra Leman Oct.„artiq Capt. Harm with his cam inand„ vas ordered to mama erMmd the nacre - . kg the peuix e e - of ::'eruity, er rem; which arts daces by the Cep/et:veto with his command pa,- . mad dam mum dimmer, wham tha face a the anam beat e r' tool Moog. and ompletaly no ragaticd 1 3 1 alk Dad am I. M 4 tide, the 1114 a Ortolear, am a &TM” cooonebet and a great to . to Pcoaryfr e tef e telpeamt„ No km than 13 a - omw Sec me teavid amd dem soidiere iota and .didetodoe de hied da !labial end darted 6a. -111 Y -‘ 43 15 iblhat burnt , lir bermia, cica.t. km; mry inch of grnemal aith the emu. Tba, dial the dew* of Nana ..hlime,--4.hea mammyoat be illiethlbal, sod names remelkated with insromol sofa - Es. paw or =us wt.] . , .-31e07 C.C, aigliey 1 , 111 mdmiamali ft24im Qv , Pdrog B p ? 4:: a i. ad EG 'Stewart ", wootsjed.. , DTak . WatVedll NW, *Ku:4W _ . . - saa,"aramly wropaderi I• ir ••• Wro.Pabrino. E 2 d An• mieled. beret Bleir,ll Rif merely eicwided. Co O It Pe' Vol—Jemee Wilber, Mobßyan, oevenly vroarek.d. yid Ifoopt„ Wirt sirgtigy wouseireL R .. • sapid!—! P Co 13, sweet Jab H Roergey. Co K. Art; not Rowell, Sd Reg. Light Dreg, enerely woozeliet. .11111CID4211D PRIMISTLVALI4444 Minn= NV% The Wealth:om UM= outage. the fo/LoMnig ea the citScial to eir de killed and .conned in . the 2d Pecuomtvanie Earimmf, on the /SA 121 Mid 14th of fileptemirr. WcafeckeL —Li Col lit Grey, Capteale Wm Hoban, Pam Hogan. Pcimtc. John !rayon»: John 21.40„ eliihtly; John .A.itinf eeveialy; Ja. cob Cborcd.tifq flow; 13 .1. - . Wien fr; Gm Henry. seventy; Nathan Hem, dancer. died 1 24 Th G Pain hloymaate of the thy, autaitally,aince ai *rose. hoob 12 444 dq Daniel Mel. co A. emetely,, Carrion! John WM. incept; arightly. oath ..lbllc Private AMliew Drigipo emecely; Wm Hamphrkes, Chspnltepee, .)lathy, the I Sag Orderly Serge:eat Francis No Kee, OM of the nil, olimfoll; bbeitmon J Brodie Maki Private. Atwater= Rttottle, W J flionejlinti 8 COM, John Campbell, Lary; John WLanithim; Charilieper,temtelly; nos HAW, co'''. Pm 'of the My, ' ;W H Dietrich, Jam Boyden co C; Corporal A Cbapaltepee, Private. E A Dam*. gee or the city .via Di? D. vii.Ggttly;P C Dernwoh, meanly; 0 W Neff. co E; narimit David Mackling, nightly, Prima C F Bataan; Cterinimpec., fieveralvf land,gm. of the city; Geo Decker, Hugh ?MIA cn E, ChapititepM, atightly;Lt A 8 Towrema, so. mirety; Cmpaial Wm A Cora, co gate of the city, elletai, IMJi Aare.; pn.ate Thaw Hampb.riee,m B,Chapcitaiii•c, eactuty t2th Aog; Jam Nanteoct,' gala of Um thy; lacm. T nanti pie; Chapalicrec John Beectitai,• hits of the city, Jahn Holahan. Chapihmec, comely; WIM /fun Rem, Kamm] E. MAR., co. F; i CaplehiS CF flereeent Ctimecith e r • Seib, - 411011132 Corporal J.colt Myer, Cita.cilimem, mortalfri Prima, Jcieboa Palmer, R J Cognove; E Moyer, ...rely; la Emmet, P to 0; &craw' A Coniutsine, slightly; Private.B.lllo43 Mega., gala of the thy, imortally; leery Red. Cifirogiepsq Wilma Mendenhall, co pie of the city; Arc bed awls". N /hope, Freda. Hypo.. co 1, eighty; Ciptato lame e iftifef. I ?imam *dam Cleminne, John Horn. Charithe. I . Jason Bcaft.J. Jaw Bologna, Eid l h ,l, gate at the city, fienniry; With.,. %yds, WU. Um Smyth ; Ifichaei Mem , H Thome. Ed. ref wont Bich, co K. srightly; L 4 Jobs) Keck Cape:: A %loam, Printas Mama Bplth , eerendy, ' Joecott Late, Moan. Dane, Chaney . Mob/W. Jaime &sem; William Bishop, William Ci au atik L. °botcher.% fiibt l l:-Pere June. Marna, Pal Icemtt Hamilton, cite of the cry, aunty: Beal sada Make, .41:4; John Koow David *Wry, erranly; Lewin lifentette, Marotta, peg Sulam Hoilny, gate of the city, Lightly; Qom Epior, aao X. Chop:ams, erroo:ely, , riwir,surrA IFZ. Carrel etas Poracrp Gazette sr Lona, For. 1 1 1 141847. By the antral of Col Conte from Banta F., .. 1,.... 6.k. to the I fah October from oar troop. es Wu placeTtts ' Iltorblion, rioting, debauchery and ini.k.a.tiaw whieb clicectenc.d the troop. tra der the carnearri of Col Plies, you will he hap py to bs Wormed, terra awed. A coarprieri reaL cer has does mothto rtwelve t b 1 : 1,011 ill, . of th. ..ofii.m proind .ad .... it. prowess and :prop erty of the intabituns and to moon. orderr cod di. Fiptirestatown the tonne Peace, order, and trio- ' wilily slow rein. Cal tam., of M. Minoan hatoldon of Inferstrn, reho ancendsd Col' Pere is tle conenand, knew him duty, and had the finror ne.. 6 .i... 1, a. b.i. as asc. o s it.. v. B.:Aristy. huaraidr, CUP ILLM illi ral. orders anus Wed prohibition gaming sad landsolog tiqoar less forbidden cr be said la the eirootty ot the troops, and a garcUll appointed to Ice tiler order. execoted. Ls 4 fiTi dig,. the city was qui- CaL 'Newby I. 1141, in can= od al Beau Fs. Els endeavor" to CPly:01/1 thill paicy , of his Lm 616dilla pradenww, hat WU answarhat ho cornr nrardlog a proper dental —lnert. : . , Thur promotion of CA ."=a to rho office of /inn- Gairral, biz rim. dertildectree. The people of &au Fe my, A. will mew wwer re i alien ( want' Tim Idiaant r i maanand Eta l * *3 emu dis., ad Inaan.dinithi, Wens la tee An aapadiak comptred al Laa dt.. Louis and brands Bauatona and moan at the Rerdara aim *Wont Chilurany u awe ILI tnadputelo. 131311111 Cootredieten7 rumors an to cionalatioo :niacin to the otonnonnt - of tbs Minima, bat the emu el *aim moms to be that Axeccijo vitt Quinn; haws mei great auctions to raids troops, boo with. oci t manna It MOn am avow lowly to clabtod the Pao, the oasory harm wed gnat yonnoa c ti n ... Tba cmcsrlainty which Rata. rod Lbe.fut that all ozooonnowizr be cut eitC gni. • =dor to . it & ricrotita that proparnican it asking to gins oar : t roop • anirco'nonsphionof lba& attics to tab i ChilincAci'. '. Tba Banta Fa LiaginhlOcin - .81x wowv ego, th• Goricrani •o t at Witabing. too tow ittformad tithe =nowt of Ebihoalthil• by Cat, Ralph= , sad Bit amigo that silos tosmaroi haw not beep Wan beim thit, to main posaraion of the coan try. lattigarof &yachting army nacnowarata, lb. gnat object mar to b• to dotty limo rtoo, as pep hawed at Lia•ittg re li t w zo hnit i. m .. sad ether. arm w they sto Iran y tall . to Om, *its tr.p.ms or t. bow goonnortiaata It; liactsad of illgitate:, wawa Eat - ant ray, se - ban 134. y a • awn at war, ads rapid ntomocn,n., tb. ety Nail of *eery inciiituy enbeeprtaatTh• coowsicacto it.. that ow (stash. en °Rao ten0.n..04 .it* giml, sad tbe:vatk atiet, ha. bads, ao nil ciao*, h '' it1 . 1 .004 1 1 1 10!"._ Mr.Aloomr ... i plat a law ckazit Coors, has hots'"toiliglpitatir at El Pomo, .ad carrial to lithlboabgi.: 'fl rim ii rigida:a at Ek, Locii., LA ziatitroppcied, .Dr. Cocioally, M.r.Pocoa toy, and !stow litnflotio, wars aho ptiaonars at th• awe ptiloa. Aredjo arta fat haring them shot. . . . ' Its pm* of El Non ban bow &Tor i i to ruarin notanil i bot tha tatIonoo• of Mail, and o taw othav, hog lodged stilio to noway. • Tam Mizas ar blarica-'—The Matsu:torn Flag ens, it bad bean gmarrally Wilma! dist Idur oglish hove pumemeirto of all the minas in Mu.- hrs. This V a extol stror. AM.:stab Use Eop deb an. evading Mr principal roiam whirl an pow opus. then an hundred. from Ininierros putiry, are absadomd, bus In. full of an. C p . Damm—The lifillitary Depot at Catmarsro is to be book's' op and lb* rolling mania an birboi rmaand loftier, sirters the depot ta be located. Reyna% will be retained a/ a dorm, and aul alelt 'MC b.ILm twfww" than said Misr, lossaad MCateargo, foroarriy. Tbdo Ware published at Mid city of Mniutt. coundris the *puma of two man taarinle, pea auf epee nrpants ham CYBAnnon and /sane II di, for draukannem on guard and ontiona comfort. - Thiry ware ordered to do rhea. Tin limos from the maim. at Tampico arnorust to 140.000 psr north; whit anon stun pen do mot of du troops Charm OcrunodosiTe &rocs Awssnfwsi t Ptulidy4. I phis, sod wszesded et osissisorsiamr,c, RJure be Win emit a Dammam to ettind the C.artifu titi ei Wsitangtoo: AA ha Ls the isading new upon who= Ca YescoasS nuts his &Gum tha Issmai4 r , when Jr is called cipss the wand, RV ban wow* brunet. MIMI .:7 , 7F.f - ... - '- -•—., -,' ! ' ;MON MAW winr.. 'u , Ozrzth,,s.ce of d. Tittlemrirk CIII.IPA ,anddArm York 211nr. I 11847. , netalkiid the Dania draw abe been , = ?how dei rear, in a eMthacted can. t 4 Tr ffte Oaths th at moat direciii their • .o 4 , 4„,„„, .ket, compoed "NIX I Ism at the 44.,periodobn• her incnrsiiail • '. if $.4 1 :1158,33g; a epode 1 1 ,0503 1 k of .latect r N1ibn13,018,734;10d 'arleirieiti of d4atica . $4,467,612: h will he clo th ed th at ,ache.B th e eatery about specie impormthona, wet/anti Out •ftafte bat Ude more than • million in attamiii otet yearnace eroold the return thaw this in. , .,. eau . were th a Ship th ente of th e acath delinded- Tbe Calsicals, hoot Boatoi,took 0637,357, which pa e bran our bathe, and the peckete of die week haft enomili, I cover Lb• whole lumoKifroop*L" yet?. report. The deitCeitra 'ars math red •••• and the clquilf• ILL the banks large, bat the cans atm it the lenders seam. to frenefte with Om eaeliatee if . bonowera. TrassthiNoto are held at fig, and 1.6.4 kin of 1850 and Ica al par with **yeas" The Washington lute poi 14 laa, bat be. 110 1 slug e'list of prmigars. Th e Baran ship bee wenty, a.oct by compariem oar eh* bap bar Alm • The keel of the Hmaboall, another of the NM, will be Laid no • few days, and the-.nip be AM, in 5 tstonthe- Ni;. is 000 ace larger than IlitaWeehtnertion, and of 4400 tom bantam. The iftchhtery 4. (dog m Mani the Hamomm, al the ;Niftily Witte, and the will be may for she cm - the let of January. - :The new notation with *nerd to Canadian WOW ham been egfethed,'end pmtag e to t h e Una In .drama ,dimmelled: In all me m. There at a i.e. mom* of matter now in th e oaks unpaid, wheal will beams to the deed letter oflce, mars Landed to by theme who rairociehed tt. An Amid= Pianist boa made Ws itoearance =Me UN who tod at "cam Lan Ma equal' to that of De 149 tar, Heroin icy of the brettgi are L. 1 He Midi Ide rhet attempt with Druatt,oar i Wip ed m o e that at. tote Mara& Lite theme 1 La lithlunt Harman, a pupil of De Meyer. with I whom his can chelleage comparisoi. • Among the pawn *tith e ,the Petah& for Eog. land, Le c01..1.' 11;5the bearer of .theftetch. ea and agent of the boadholdiate Of the Western 8 la tha, whom interest. be repreeente 10 Lteilupotrat of ace hi/id/MAW firtj million of &Liam He sow Le Lowder foe Ilt• piupare of maklog woe ,arrangez en t for do maid benefit of the balm , aid 1.4.5 /Swim . , • ' mi..r.im. triton .t en t.. AM as to limmooßl KKK u 7LlWis.......kap,,—an. imam. pI.KOLK so tw . awl •asf r, low 11. ~.. ...oral 1 cwo I..,,rtet Ovisaimal luttl by Lll LW antis aWe ' as 1K lota Wombat . , . Wtl42 Heripath, &chew= and Phi Ito thus , P. la r..iiiktod, bee farmed the Landon Times 1 with a law dated Ottober 11, in uhluh ha pro . 1 pars wurtordidently, wind he =hem to be a ternedy Et: Ito cholera. Title moody it Celorkee, the good tfrunte!ot *Wrt, am= =eat failed so- • I tinily after fair Ma! We dm ad Wl* the neat • 1 lion goes 'agalatt lttiliVerinamt.. wok land them I tare etaanutaand it to the tutuidaration of playa, ' tiara and all =Jura idr. H eat= that In 1 he .alto xiod slated daily at the chalet haft* 'and ettpteimentd to eery tiny be could thiakaf ..01#.• dead and Lying otabjecte and opus illiii . theimpharre antmanodi ng time and the& .minis' o f clothing.' The' onit chub= he arrived at: he pain &ern under the form or the loitouittepnehlot t e ' 1. Thatwhe=n of choir= is a putrid , mai- I 102 a.%ueou, tratuntang rn= and sonstunthog the 1 deed ce !Icing cholera cabled, or =Wee of clot= 2.,Ttut It Is not calptuntted hydrogen re 'by. dro sulpha.* af ammonia, aa It dew net dattute pow ...hs of lead maize, and Ntiti pealed tbPatigili dilate of *dew it ray forms • rid mica= wheal szpated to tithe. - ..,. 3. rcw i. nuked bito the . living IT lidoeigh the le aptand =not be propagated IT Inaotalatkin. ' ' - '4., The Waters' ' l . = he emareyrd by wicker, Clothing. beddlog, , kn.; end that truberatonee atto tonto /Object 10 1/gentian {has cstassy pee. lam, Gam that disease. •• :b. TO= ell mut= are not acptay liable . titetkut from 'poll espatura, cral wean the ru b e hertailohl beim= too= =mid= cads, certain thitigilatm en . -. IL net the poison Is deetnorid ig alert= and bye hie a 3000 days= Fahrtubeit, , gig, ' .Mr. Harapeth Wes oars to ast• -that the IWO ,4a4ldirinficunts ni the dry—aye ntrlo iariargitic tad the ciliate of bit& known acidic Witaitett'• and LeJoyea'. stake al De anal, eidhoggb they la protoptty neon Orltiniga. iittril.digria." Li/. soie Mimic. Jo on chaari tglkhlhadlsppord mad KAI amemeteir el' 'pa pomilaietidteldelibilii*.eg . fele • prernete.m. •if the tandpdig. fairkiM .1 Ls , rialey tritieed tiro*. in itemOinrof 1470 e ettys,..at t say Mara Mas and kept ii esciplag la my rat ter d i e a st i tzi . thectitheaence a 9. • di o mt. tn. ahatal Ma:may ' for the et taintiou a, Ltd? sr „la 1 toe heads at a Ikeda drueshe..-.ha err hiadl agates to diStritsam IWO 'cuottititte dr it granis • Only to &Nana= dating three day. with inotruct. time for the tag end I am happy teary, that do.t. ' Leg that thee the dad= fall kola tat to one a He rottomt I= fantigadcan tritit-chlarine elan chip; anteing hut latetted plea. (=okra title tu gm typitatatuece In Asorrica, hoeurreu lit IU3, Web toy Intrectal. &pa snits& bemire cut in Claude hie as indigence= epidetu*) and,' slew cholas existt - the feusigatina of . er e c t hoer/ la th. infected &strict" acres timer a day; and to . wow. • dapf. nude of hem foodgetion, ' (Job= done In al/ hew= at the ti uunetinte, (se sr.) it wand be oaelete, or tatuutp sea and gado It cfrmaledly. • none of the et cowman salt sad me of Mart =I le of amags.. tom, should be Oared Jam ankle the mat or etre.* door of the lissilina bows. and • this cam. I owe vitriol promd Irma tt. The In n o Cliont Id Sir will con way 44 chlorine gas lo nog part cr of the Interior; and Wiener= It can ha .mitt the .1. ' fecti. pr0d...3-ore aim. Is deetropiti" • eitincloo =ay, helmet he eu.3.03 - in a OM ' ware 42 * 21 17. - Earn, ,the ordluvy bleentlng paler. or cblorido of lima,. Met ch.* Ch.** orshs, ca threaten to sake, it. appeeranor soon, a. stare in Arteries, and thintrinia fantlgatione be acatritt pilau:lU,', or LO Say OXl)deribill &MI, awful In print ' dlndlinfe, in may rely the oar boanis of !meta. will, fa good time. fsehhen Wns.. store for Its preponaloa and ans. widen I.lha public will dud et safe .ad say Itt Winer. . TAAXI/111 OP ill! AID 154 .4 ' . An Eaasecalen of"Coogrees, d wham the Nada:mile tallipencer spaske h ig ?Ay, niewanac h d • • repeal of the rand! of 1846 by the Roan, of Etrprosistairwa. Tee macaw for We a.'thew .et [Drib. ). , li hi Important that lA. people Nimbi node, stand lbw prwectdon ie cat Oh aafAcided Ow: . bat nye to erbkh the Whig party dhere aa firm: ly s• ages. It hi teas diet dr ftestats ie D 192110.• I wade, and wig Not permit the set of 1146 la to I repealed. TWIN however, ehoakl hart nei weicht 1 nth lb. boon in pleyenting It from perform it. ; dm]; to 11 iJ it. 'kg to the lideoca, by da a-Sient, j Ewe, the wig •f 'the people b/ relative to ale ) • Tho 6y la comma when i b . demand for DV rodon• abroad will have yawed, and legitimate &Sem of the act of 11146 be folly felt cod realized. 'Whim that do" comm. bringing with it, nit will, alines lariefLering, we aid bad dr //cayenne kid* 4116411ingi ta_cazal, to loplipaw die Wing* lbd maned Om erkh th. meteor. prof win ila VA.OHL iin l n n w rdei bl : orgi: ktima . eolor a tZ, tbrey ask they; ankh • melon of Cowart. did, Whim had cot wiwijority La the lima of ftrproentalme who gloated in A. policy of the mohair.? MO Olin be die factodatich tmengh for tba, theige of lbw ling iimui , goe Owl Ike, WWl* Fere.the so lateroi.o O Imo the othrportin of the Blinn work. I the athethlif, Batt.. rosy berpormoted by 16a. Whip of the Ham sf litporeentalime 10.66** MU repealing the em of; 1846 and 4.- B.BBlfiNgdia2 or 1842. .. ~, . 14 in do poiley of th e While in Conon. to do adi, hi the Iwo-COW mac that it will keep . the 4tamtice di the peoy4e awake to the elit*t old Yom doemegao. GO. nforlag .to their O. eat* to the melon en evidence of dun Mead , 1 . : 11 114. 11''r ft nol . bi l e "'‘ . the:* thitatiff oit of ii642 ' UP kw AluT a it. ?pews*, with Wm PeoPier- They ham Do forgotten tho *trying idiom Midi It ropeo.4 Ihe th Old the matthey OK at eiriiisruistka km. 4 , 818t4.1 tot Wiwi lit lb ' Many 44 40444 ha pemehiy engagmealm, MI nemomal prove:4)lo ht, pariddieg - ladeah7eeie Thiry. mamba, all LltiliN sad they will wit be Wgw: ty to farm h wtica the ) twig' of 1646 begins. na. c . It s Epsitie n j .fricti, in ea pntaaradOO:of .. , t7 , the neitizatem ol warea, aid the rein Tor Tbo Caledonia 'totted fosco BMW MI 13t. 10th. no Took at ody 30 pottoogonto Llrsrpool. no alma: of travel f. atm town.rio do. Uottod 15113 m304 tbo Moan 4.4 w bare had every bath Wool many greets to betimes. FAoraar.--3.. facial L. oat 33 al w6ic3 6 over 300 fret in 6 306. and 60 fail broad, cod wW cab Lain what &Mod, 4600,000 bcklica. . . • :; - . • k f 15% . • - - • • • war. y ! whip s t i gfra n • ...;#"°*- ` aka New imet4iO4#mr laip:itt a Whig «5... 4loa. Tlllr. 8. • !err glimittiaiir was !a m ! ia.k4Tri* - ; 4 0y. , , ' . 4va*ippa ited hedes, t;. draft sad* Coutittir 4ta,, ba.e28508.6 at a 8864 amder. n e t Wa its sad ialier With:Defy beets* alums the. 10,* if n itai Oy. cue ofinse t ii,aportarKs, audits a.,;., .pon' - mia.mcbainziaruiwintsa oarn o. Wallitem4J: Read, Macmy, 8 W Ceektey. 'OW! o ,fficers--A P Amelia*, L A CleZ fp Daum. Chas Yam" Rabt Preakho 8 Oa 0 Lomb, Palm!, J Werra, Wm J i7 want, Ji motidn, adjou r n ed, to slad, ptua Praidemt than dawns*, on Friday slat; 26tb • • - - Rom rum A one :* occaekmaratto vein Pittaboso to tilal l orpe • Answer. On of thetaider alghte 'relate mew le the `•horee market," la the oeightothood of the Caul hwin. We did not dram each animate Adolf be CAM as we sew there on Baton:lay,— sliftwitiott, A011.141=1.4, elnahed•Lenw3dtni• fed Willa, mimed to repnweet the 'am of &Cu antique vadrup.xt. We 141 N e metre old for fire 4ortart., and the Leaf wt. dear at awl— Maxim broasht a dam &dm hlth wee hard• ly worth stable ram. gam-_ 4acaaati.,-Tara canatemeal attempts al ba ttery was made an Saturday night. Otte mu a t the State Cl 11dr. Mutat; PRIZI itsartatad Btriat, anti the °that at Ca cdgie7'• an,roin t Alloy 'nod Pam &mat.. Ttae Watchman pi, duoe to atte togas who tube good their Supt., . • ituasoiliza a ims IN TES (Incur, Corer. of the Halted Statru. for She woman Mattel of Nanglauds No.. Oth !UV,' Before Hot. H. O. ado; tad.* MUSE.. Irvin, Jlawiora: _ GamedVist Mans, V. emus trbett/0141di of Imam a Pe. Kays case ccettouvaL following ars the names of dm jury an. panelled le try the . Batuosl, Oonuty, Piastalrai Aldan Wails, Muni co; Wm P Matta* Crawford eta Utast, Cambria ro; , ,John H Wan; Om. or; Chukka 'Law, Lyman en Wth 8 Cattail:Lan, Wash/ova* eir 'Berojarota Onuld, Eliseo; Husb Graham, Payatio tun 'John Hoye filfriberry er; Rohm Oliuttos 'Daniel Stewrt. ray tuts ea. • 21sfievatit for DOlusionf—John Waal", penes that the slaw C. to Winos: m or row to-April, 1146. end that thrivrors poorly tit L Aaskuwao 0 Quay and Andrew CI Het Want sir= Ex the dafsoen, and, hers the tatioutal Nos thvjory its • dna tut abla and aionosot speech kw 44141 Ittr. a. an to a. abort r Urea. naa itab al/ oe • rerun aa L a lawyer. M. Parwardl followed MO: &Han In •astasel( . in boor, ol the denutons, *Hub. skirsd vitt:mot, rovaid 404 wall be and whom! do henor to tho =et &lad castor. On 11 01 1 111111 • Wig[ taut, the argument .wire De bleed N Jury name tha charge of the Court. , and • &Wind micas wan argued by Conseil, tat to of minor inapen. The Cowl adjourned lo 4 4 1 444011:1M00day. •t a o'clock A. it Ccotci or swans aihwrows—Nov. YU Preset 'tithe Court. Con 41 Jain 84444 464- 4 . r4144 L 4 M4047. &n Bra ifacett to Pavailsonary 1 omen. Nune vs Maori ideflarcaly•—bnkt Larceny.— utted to Pronantiary 1 cal maths. Buse vs James Marineuv—huhrt Lansoy. AA. jolted La Haan at Refuge, Phila. Pezas vs Jan Imal,,p—indet Ameatt.. Ban• towed to 1..1 1 usaruh ' Sum n Elhabath Lextiss,,iodet Lenua flantanced La Pwattannwy 11 tai tanrda y. tame , Edward Damey—tedel Lortuas Adj to Home of fore. . y..... thou va Devil Leda—. New trial grunted tam... Goo Wtilluss—qtaleutt and lit Hatlan, oodenood to Jill I aimib. - Rome nßoat aroinn—Lrfassy—lisalaarsd Paziattiary P 16 ad mamba. Eimia r4151410L08 V54."..,144,41424. Cd to. Pannevuleryltrears end 6 oventla. /Ghia amhb—iihybem. Sene SocaaiWil-1 to Pal 11 . 1,11th:7 111 .1 coatis. vs Alex Titts—Asnic and Brne7,- • Ikatea.al La conarda. - Ban. n Wm Cicawm..-2 La Paakoniary 1 i cal aramtha oa , Carvstain.-411issmwpspalatioe 04 CiY of•Clannolaglin ataational by thi. asimagalliipAll.is pat 1 1 1,700 bac an illembll o l , o ll6lllinmontha a 2.631. The numb.. of t aft* aanutailaMlNlMl Ups apa of fin mad moat, ralf l oll.4.llsll. Me Wowing Wen has o of jismu lido model* 0 ....a of 1179 a*. tsvoe England. VS adlint 1V of Scothad, 2.73 d d ' Elnamay.atuf ?aka du I.l.l..afkiya , Ile :agpagio p o pa t atkaanifßinaiand al &fax; eel pan& hoe lanu as figkars,..4. 1 031. lln, la 16 31,16Ca1b La 183; lOC in' I /MI =COO 1.1 :, 8 33,01,011 k, to 11110, 8.071: to Ma; 11,byft As 11 1148.10,133 to 1647, 12,749. . Hasa sue I so La atia-.6" ram are tuba stool Near Orissanallust it trdlEicalt to fat wadi am of any kak. hhellthos. coo obtain log ,It dation par dey, and Mows TS, sad as stoffe4„, hbid ball/lop lam mothery al a sand from mai of hantas theeneae , aaps are equity hi* and 630 pm atantll, with i bounty of $lO so Oil imsdlord. is do =rant tale. Ltaax Vgaossr,-At thellama Common' .Plan Ice Pl 'a i k c°,21 4. 1 •Ya die Cleeehalj lieroide 0 W ffscholboro oitainad a - mouths of 1300 Ike Mat. against litvid Mae, a to bo his that arching anooposaa imoms So astern amain,ar6mig coprmantlng this plrlotiff as losofunn. ~- 'Lae.. Bose.--191 a Hop from Itantots & cos b. Ky., Inn driven thrall Cuteimosl a day or ton - Mons. 'ashamed to wargh 100 pocoda sorbj and 144,,,800501in Swift, of St. Album Vateock‘ dsogld7 on,Thohday, th. lldt„ oleo attach aphiegy. flo was formoly a osanthar or tio, fitersars of this Unlted Itte..., . Tara 'Roca WSW of RaH 11.3.4 bat wait o.kata .nod eti1..40., 1. about 10 b. ansawaced. .Tfil eltbietw of Chimp mtbscribedlllto,ooo, It is ..p..d elm du Iced WIM e• i5..,46• 4 1 We Chh. eart to Pox 1{Z•l, by /September next. . Toe N. Y. flour.. Liam. OW List. Cot Durum hn bean appointed °Manor 01 L4llll Cal Ilara. , _ _ . _ Too CSZYZAL liartuosa,-..rto, Laocester yatoduv.Orr eat , : W. an Inl.amed, aka good sattiooty. that W. anan.B.wot work bit fara d 4i r... , ANINt MItY. by this time nem pat Th. rid. will I. onto/ tb. man de1;01. ful and nsia.,,,tio to tbe woild, fad will be thrall" oess of t b . mom flooracdo naps* door amity. Wma m . 0.., Nov. 11147,-.oas. ranch at i ion toid by we of bl. M 0361 4..1.1E1 na. dar um, a ing me Mg =Oa abettaa from cimn Hail Wahlog. wood my Walk, Japrtingo, Del tzar gray mei °pearl:my, bat Mil Pavia, himself etch. dimly in the nunapteeet or iii private allf.fra, which hay. mdfand fr om Log arglaor,--C CUs, /Won Courier, Tom Pas n taxxox,-.... 131eurh a rah, raan„, B MUT, lama that the Hoc. nab.. fluwast„ this Sot* ba. will= to 4.11.w0 oT Howard, th of at ha is km favor of G... 'nub. for 1' , ,.. ace. -11se Weja, N. C., Bathe/. bout. the r kix • •iran Burets foe Presides; owe la t. Ificahaa C0m.....-The odito of dm Dank Mecham' has bolo shown a apeohnert 01 tdni; toloons coal from a bed focod hear tho Railroad I'dop o t at /same, loibis • osh. It "ppm of 'ins Mal hat quality. Await to a amitooofl,ll the bat proof of Wog Idgbly 'charged 1. *lib 80.. tito. meo.,and kupod la a clear. LW) sad largo blase • w. „Anemic from !het beat mu badly. the TresiaijpOtis of. ftka Vaud Stags aft Bthat pit not. adinime In the city of Maim 1114 gall 4 ittr II noel c itil " °l'm* . .... addle.. le pay oar apneas in that saingl9,„ an.. as Dole etheatttlettall tensa.,-.Vnion. . -.. Samna lerMo from the Vide; rug Plenno4l. est: Samna 'raying coalatie bloaal/ a eithuat 0f.M146, skeeppb aid that when be atria from the anng l i he Inhod. settling wWI Ws family h rh o imii. a l liitmooss cocany, Jo* back of bla phahnon oa this deer; when Pot...Dara,wwii aratad sa*n* rare minas, to *turban* him * raidetion •.r Wu EAP LVEZ/ .--WZAII24IAci Mute„ 411111 that tin satimals of War irrpuas be the among lap, as mad" art by lb. Dawn/nen 1, haur NMI .inach cot dans. atai ISM the anabate Will Ca. b. orsysiatj tallhotor of &Qom, ~.... Tiii_ CIZILLIPIAXII AID • ONV3 Caarau.-414 Cambithad Civilhob '•7c—The worst will now proirael orelax dle • I mtea t of MOMS. 2 :ake • llama . r aid Co. and mrr atir fool eery /1 coogdonc• will bassupbstad ptrhint tha ; sprbag of 16{p, If cart an sada: ial. , • ,Tha Ricraters pope immonce the aodien death a' . Asia, tits *fa of /odp Dsoicl. of .Ow IT. flllapeices Court." ' kip ,E H toner, WA of )21c:9Vratzg Postar, dill at If ailoiLls CO Fridiy loot. . _ Tsz' Rum.' !Taw. tot the dry of ?tar , ' . ' ! 7 'Altilhrar, oi, 4 nil! I i 1— ' ' . . '' . " i',., -.llt4'l‘\ " 1 Wi - \- -' .. - '-"' .Ne ‘• ~ li t :, I S'I'EAMBITIP ACULI. 0.6,..4.,. a ii. Pata.4l, G..... • , Barna, Nay. 2 4 : 1 -41i. x. - , Theitoyel Nall anuuttip etoehi orri,..d it Mai' cc filifilr4lh to tilleino day. from -Liver pool, Innen( USIM to the 4th of Noiesobi r . tad eleven day, later lho by aut cecouir Watt Fataitfal 'film fl3lllllll =eh In the rtmo IN bliat• =met porde , this . 7 eivis or antileo tke In tey deportment of trade, except Me Can htedert, obi. hto tailed a Gain Altar the Ina. fag of the Weahhigtoi prices beg= - to ries, and elorVet the quotations sacuiced. The prime of Plow and, Grain. oteopaztog the adtkeet per Cogobrto,Cohedeol a and Acadia, en se followr. Oct 6. Oct. O. Nay. t. Float, bb1.C.j..84t. Wbeft,lo Gd 6a% 6:1 4 Sd Indus Cara, er lOU% 30•24 30.1.4 • Cmtaast, 1414 Gd 15e ' 414 Gd Whither Lent Joita Ramp se take l ety cep fo Mien tea maraca% is )at as oncartabo as *roe ooe I 4 aartalci beef leads pulosc, to me. net the %liar 11:al Ea has recce"! from Fr ilea, that the Ciormoirot ounce barite. to ne• her the di.trr.a of tha naretrote al ell. The friar lei tba orrey market ha. Ituri cacestad bad afset opor Ibe Coari mutt IN Ilia alt. acme f ocleallim &mad At tits 4.1.111 4 of th. Bracer, to her ct ths'letyrra. LIVERPOOL coax ZUREK Tr r Nw. 4. ' Genera Lod•Wartem Flour 20 • We 6d . Pfillacklita • IS • 119 s. Neter rbd • 17K Wear le 6d • tt. Par '7O Ise :11.44 Ideal 14 iI% del per bbl. lodise Corn 115 Touter. 14af—Pliste mar tes, emir S 4 4 1110 1 14:4.4.. 7 70 * 60* • • Basoo-D7 ®eked, old, ID a 40, pat cwt. • Haroa-30 • 60s: dry cut ltheire-Dati . E.% lirat qoarity, 18 to 101 pet • 'UM L 0 11-314 to 41.• per foe, dr:firma ard Isiat—GO •5% par nu. ty free. CIO a 34 ilnolo--Drat :mead se so pa Irk. Begird per tor P •Lxvicarocu. CAPpTOM BIAM.MmT• leseke.ol Noe. Art., sotae'llotheitym Lb* iiiuts dos. atilt el 9. Si 66d foe eta good fide New Odeam, end lid fat See Idea& r— a,c doie. (ifP~, 3+3, p. v. seat Then ie goed to to b the that the fermi yote Ttrtteadij Wet to :nerd to . the *meter Beak wain* telleetd foondetdoto..— "rlse mien pem tree-ly to oar city, and harm beset tam lc all Lb. city beat. today. ale Bills oho p. mom* io tbb city Ind boisbicabood fielewd,..e, and tbat aims from CLE I IIO2IIIfnOd Ma by eppeer to bee* ezeided m pndodiai airtime the Beck.) Raalaura cot - Qpinat.a;c6a u. n u. e06.64; • PHILADELPHIA MAR/CET. Now. 10, 4 P. Tts oiszkat a kr at • otaxiL Dadra re 16.3L1Las bock 1. the SIITIR.--TU MON say be said of the Beltolaes zaeolee. e*"."Potkloar., al tho ta.PgleatgreghOramea. , NA*** MARKET. . • -..-• • , -- .....ptcy., 20. Se, N. . , . ilage—Tha martat ig Am arilb a goal East. mtl mad hmag riammi- &Mg of 3000 bli,6a. am, at 114,124 a 6,111 i par bbl. trot meta dem. " •• 1 9 4.4.1t-41,md arr va .ay firm, and bays,, do ' Tlrear 6 a good good ageloi Cm gamplag, bat poor koeirara do ll. rg The ' pet s _ of 1000 13.Ner .bc prime Whit, at 71 a ba. • ' -Proyark.--Tlagra it, nacb.lng etatai awe la PA; of griels9 palm am portad. ar Mon at • Ott a 13, sod pima/ 110 ane 1 1 per bat,' ~ Th. AA. 4. 4 .in 1..1 0 8.., iltOli/f; p 3 0 24 e/Cdotrn to Ob. CA of No/eact. • The Corn moist aka/ than spoptoete a te . . frcriltou. .t."..: •+• '• • --. -,77. "` -' '' . 7'' '' '"'?•' ' e44,,,,,,,,,i,,,,,, ceiqu. . ad ..% assati . - CINCINNATI NLAILIa r. • , ,•• Ciatimmel. Pbra—ThePlN. ilk a .. 16 owlsla 4 aig t,' dm 194 NM at 14.73 pre MI. Omixt—Wie maim no algrapt la Its Nadal Werlakg9—Tbarg li a ale damaad in the war. liar. with Woo of II bbL. at 17f a per fa liglamm-.154r a raid at t7a2 par gal. Malta of ZOO bbla DM. V Lk pri pa. P!' Actor--. 946. erg 443 a/. prim N. O. a 6* e Lg. Lard—arks af Prima gm mported la kn., a 0 76 pte D Xi WM gam tendered, mem mil at Sti peclk • •• . •, hung liana, pgro. go grarmg at 564 per M.. naal of Vara BAY ..1 SO Pe , DA. f • LOW fings-Boito of 190 at $31245 pet OC/ Ls. 119 matkal k loth m esa. am , p/Idog I in' proomoce to /that. . • [ • Tee Neer Outshone B&W, al% the atutli 'alf. adds", had ob heal 111018.757 ttlAselles ala tabor orb exude to the soma! of 0 4 , 81 3,0 e; hardas Luce to the tsbuot of / 10 ,000,000, pare lubs et autarky. Mgr ati.irate us et the stabs time mere /111,1134,600. 1 - ' Flokursores Bad*/ la/ R. a ri..d emu* ; Lis .i i ~ l ayssu t s id hi to Pilliddiipb E. Ica, let cam. , .11,.. *fa neFon flit Jades erkey, the eutd rainhtiourr Jars, till, been to 'iiiiiseys.• pl. This &au to th e lot ae. lake statioillsi. .arch the reetusetloo of ha . au/ the a1e5e,,,,,, e,,,,,, •f kw Wens hew cadre the paylag aruirsoti eve every mom to Isculb. Om • eased abut of pohtts *dose hes thibly wended wide , - Tel tremors of Wooeus, Ohio, led vbeit et , balatid flatbed Cyrtus Mak as • deleiste to Co i !debar bi ;emus • Muter for • 801 l Rand eh. l iseiimat from the the Zed to au Want fine d . Ohio. "shame the coestsio of Cot= dohs, Moths I . . ._ .........__Mailtinr ee d; Wyss., A diesel cod Itlehlar•L!" flown! tool j_________o„..lll=lllriarlnltlinAl'i, steam sae . ambts/ to obtain *rim to P.. , I --- -.------t--—i'L diode foa a Dalay Mall I,g Plutteit to ' . Farm Dewy from Rio liiilloardiaritipt. L. paean Iticalam or the jeWiliejed-lvipti ftu.• 044,14 br law mob Ca. beia,sasp<adei mentuito or. Sot Irfallin List cap di* =col, Lod ¢a "Pb paw sparteastiormaltir. . . !i- 'lttiaissr s alt. , Ifiteo4i;4ll6l ' ':. I bat; indar dit - tsikEiCiiiitiiii; jK Astiotl is 44.00•14 iiiiliseitiiViiiiiAti kw!: cit .Si Craig 'Mateo In twaskatimlikt' : ''' ' : ' tanitort L.,i Cott,airr:3- Oismiseittid '''lliu t."37tt il ittot s II Kors,:tricl R totaplats Aato of risk prettwor to oomossociag olparmax* Tloq upiki to NO ihr miatifao: tirrs of Ina by dui Id a( June out . - 1 Tim prim yak! for Hwy • win proprty at tltii licit oak, Was bd.vick MAW and 0 1 0,000. . , . Tbe Bastm.Tretireeip; see ail tr. 11:4976, - of 14182,'had Tr city co lizaday at in, lawn 14; " LT brtre7: l 4 t.s.l pehl re lh in tiercaUori **war, . Wie.• Denis. et Vrlideasetlli en Os, mime OM veep lamprasateme, the melte which he metes, ture tremor la the ewe . Lireeearsre. Jt is abatis/ ties se bee Oa les& lug ma 01 the proforma, timane OM beiels el proles. 0000, 0 1 0/ 00 kallo.l0 Nam • arm • !fen .1 kers ui KT.,* barn emirimilel =7„,=, Ei=o.llllcLail =a0V43.1.1 it,: 001, /at( • chma so. a, cm; allrum it l t d f o r e:term metal at Whet= ea it kersbermeore. to ltero 11 MUM/04 00 aad• X90101:10:r7. . api7 Data. la., SI • 'fair/AO -14.11 TOrx 11.1 r Dna grrn ' 'rat ft War ; lip=etkrzaki. jzsait ,r,sr.d ilia, ye. Aare bri Oure 8.1114.zis kft• baud* al "Jars' LI al. Lesanibrs. • .• yra Mrs tad U,yob Ala nail, b. as , ri trrary erect sine •Lthag Nue, of MN' Ger.u.4.l•Lb larrolarrra La ma 1,1, essela bib MI trig. abil at SP We." ti 1' vrruarrs...4l ir the Daily Moralag aurae .6.• rn-Mr•tl7, hug Ow Dew We ritabuise or an, wlthow bay , allittabar clan.. 711. is as. struat. so ovadrotsur,lrl Orel arum worm. 'Afrard...... a r air. losold Lau* torgeirrfirelPil rfibillau NMI • . , .iE: ; . .. . . , . .. . . . . . I .......-I,,fts .. ~,........• V.M.01 . . . . , ,erf....:"'+74;....K.,77:P.r.,".."',"..''''',,,,,,:',"*Zt--,t'f:l-'-:-• ''',._;;;-,: ',:f.::.7 . , . i... ,, 5v., , .. i.ils.pr;p-Z.4...3:tak.." •• ." - : -1 "'"'" r • --- -.--77--- ".— iir 7- 1 r• - 4r '-''' --•- • -• - - 7 ... 1.% ; . '- • ' ; - - - ''...- i ..........________ ._ =Mtg=l : ''.7***.vaax• ltan.;ltaaa (7.**.a; —Ma c the atsista4o ktt ir* ttiostaeLSous wait. co6p. i tiff *AL.,* a attic,*' If &dirk M o ra_uleetat, er, a*, to as : taa palarlo="ifr " " the 12M eLack, P. X, : ," !I V LE_LIA • ..D.allaava they caa ma* . aka, . jr2n.a‘arakds. e.m..."(ar" amem*** &Way ahaan . , • As ~y l.o.?•:;•,TuirAviras.. ..• Away;. . 2'11147, , . • c.a... •is• r . • s Diuur ilr.Mmial I .. • ..... Pa !rata Facia, • 47 ne. Aix-rip/4AL%, •., • eraroji'or la B 6ahD . *log; .. • ........... ANNA MUMMA. 'DJ • ' • . • Itagrewis lilitsrby.• • •••••ilet. PIM._ Nest ..... wu ....... Bayne? nond•AllnielllAC mtd Pone,. KDIS A AIALTINA ll:Prims ow. it 7. at 71 . . roar imiavao A lIINEIFSf• • . orlel Brother Jonathan 6r the 1 / 4 4•1014 NatmV Madacia• Lituntber. The Treason, of .ports, Pare., sad neems• marl, Amy Imadred engralings; ale% yiLVllliam:fazoggsve;44,,at= of , r. ; . Log ^ banikat sr Ilearreat and Snal Ezperintent. Camp Lb ef • Vain niter, a Ca mpals• In lirmleo,ere KasPa• Llf• la Can p; . One arta. An wen the , r.Aan t• 'lle meet envies ,Rhlp or tie fall Of Rio Castle of Ball Jam IYUI la• a Rolland tate oaf %ha Reclean wh,. by 9tas R Javelin. Fr.stemalf and floaktn• or somas and *dreamed to Thou:Seal LIA: by In UM, Mal= Brads.., or the ad vents - re* of • Lawyer, by the Author of 'Tao and Mery oto. • • • The Prersemo Now,. the Emory. The Ocean; hY a..ny ligyard. A iarge •applyPitiortal Yankee le. Car i wad sal New Year% Helldal RM.= b ruit Stifl.. Foe We it it eausErs, elm:1160d streot,,lddoot D /LECE3VED k tie • 4044{0ca1. i; choja Zoom; 44 Karina *um and sully— II do bide and one Riots: ;tto Oregoe panda, ne ackyc . ' 4do dazed dal anped madam.; • 0 talasodocai tat and yellow Loads.; Seam* damecasar=ae; ' • • 4 63 suiccad aimettuf • ' - .do esparto, Je bac :do Cameo ducats; • • Alco, wind Lavas, walto coeds of e•. 17 deseninoo:. baah., capes, giavel, Coate '7, lac" at. On, hood, an ru nty, Met at annen and taw/ad radio% ran- Cr Vista gorabaonF , i dea .obood Preach maws, ate al erebyn and examine O rag:de /Ja iced to owl ar '/WeatlaUtat, ftly MI Ira Us oars ock anti faeoeabl7 dolaparaandl Eacuan halo. bad la vatiety and paces. ncl. ' ' AL MASON IL CO- • EIITTSBURIIIi i•CONNIZLI.SkiLLIR-All;iblbbid .L-- .00.11 rs-NY.—The mom! ClaMos car Ma Dram oroof,tbo tm.° Gammay, now lbw ..Peantylmant t. I Obio 'Rail Road C010P1uq...1.1 lake plan ot Philo . Ilaßio TWA strum mar tas Pormnierta betweeartne beano( 2 asal II P-• AL. on olood i rtbo t ri day of Member my- W ROBIBMON.W. rm . ': : - The mortal maenad of Um Smotboldam of dm Mayo aarldooad Comma/. vat- bo WI at Ow same Om a vetoer.. P: AL, at wbleb aa extdbit of the edam a sald 000101 MY .111. be ads. sarr arab boadow trans omed as mar bo pommu d d tor the <maid. ration KIM Mookboldam • W ROBINSON, Weak. •avrawarab,Nwromber RI. td47-orßechd • . • . • • Dollars Pals .Itaaraotar. •. rrilE best loiovra meetly et B retin,a• en L. TITE welYtkno.l.6.2 flrytm m o w' iseanoes • ..I;:kr r , . as Poem lILIL `."`" 4 " sinarair Wiarz 5 - 4 7 MNil t neeebNdee id iv • Ibr halo, wheahhee tonOth lelshattr. Theme nem the chew, t the • ems, pauses am ems to ose th net haw dr NAB form to OW ecnoter • • JACOB BAB .• i phi • • ."teamaeetoLtatfrontem • H ELo actAlmig.l•b•,pssiwzo riatan utoa &ars ' sta ker eh,* Os at as iptariap' s . •• . • • . ACUIt W/1411 , MVP aaaterekiapta i te, Pw a rli Ikessisaidunguesisahry or & az.,der aiuoitxte M 7 -7- " " - al ° JACOB wi(iiit OLlintemmtanutedse • . lllkr al* 0.6.11 1511 • 441ebi10014 l•—••• •' • ' • 1:120113AW lam iliesez 'Asp • • du: brute ea "embower,. • • env* .. • . :;,1400111 ..filt, • =htia*mowtit. ztalt, •'^".• • • ' • “0.• • imkrwEa4s, imassgsk,ubmisaripei. e ) .; . MIAOW hoe iffmiiy. "it mg, . • iisisai; ;;x_2!. lqi=Mta DIM Illigly,abassayikoolsosy A l aFLO by bvl2 •. • Ye YD , -,~ ~eis~ 2 rOVP-40b61161 t. • Ilisellts: • lyru% . l,r • • PLOY um term .t gaisi—ii•ashisa +ms ~ w ses. by xma.— ,- • Ne.1.?.44. 1 7 dr.. 1 .10611* *noon, a rips egva. mued( MM.. • Appty Mu daft. 8i1tur5—t.b0.,...11!_..44.4. age: Iry : • maxiALEY 5tarur74.).6...40,01!TieZ12. 6 . lr4oecil 4ukn 814111 - • Xll.l . 11231.44:11-enr nig% 16/4 - 1, ano .. w 21sCUltilIZON .MOO nibble Wa.w inns. bessdWriiiii.l ' • -saw HAssavole : 41 0 ? ""I"7ll ` " i n e u ril i u t. .G 119910—reatt in ter 4 , 1•7 14 r -; . avian its [Lilz=iiczvA , 1 4 1 11111.11111 an VS , I r sa. ! as I FAASUS — INIIICIAIKINpm'et, e• elemaaanau gw. ; __rrE 100p1_4.1 rcelinsgt al 1i1a.% Cr PO , • akin km el eakmAdend mann t.lea , Marna •-• • tbrill • •• • •• A MASON _a_ CO SwiTism 3 1.111 . 3111441 s 'arms my 116.haulm. it i liimpun'""`"NOlo. llo mai of thew inn • II& umom co _ ---1ia"1ten.,74.0.2709;e.,:ert".........116"4166.1.. aw. --- Ora"- wood, Llanyii —04111001,141 g avli IValrE Try"'" - !'ig.AA,-,mv. R i p ft.umin.,_„..m.f.e. nOTTOW4 I / 8 .1410s illistsalopi Como, toour) to fi n :ATWOoD,JONEs oo no 7C:M1111.1.40 bakil,casebai bakat.i. a. _wrsamF 2 llbe .. gals Jew ft den, by . 7 7-7 r joNE2 h. co 0 0S1ri. Pied-bb wt. bow - tuft water, •• Lit "014-11146 pr ,• .-.h6 Iml md; Gir 4.190 F 77ralt ' ' bta apts.. Cual b,s_ De, IN/•• liaaairor a &Will • ::11111117.., • ..; •10 1490 141114.1 , &14. 46 . 4 caaaiiiidacsait.4 4 • ' ,e r " • 11 . 04 . 101, 4C1atti • ..;totals bY • aaaatsir a avrnr • ~yl • _ CAINOM: Wells 411IP avli • ,lI&OALRY 'Burr • (Y "b W IAP Y 4I ik o e 'r` 4 4 ile•**X. iltiazarner;;;W,.. 1ar,11011114 eine Mee • Jot 011.1111.ej° i 1m IWORS•tr " ' ' iJtW P ofa "" • anti --a. ' • I amuc—lntiknosigorairix ' • - •:i• • • •11 n • • - mewed rat Caolits; flglogr by . • t Htsos arurc . I bails pm* ibwrtertjaa recaltal .tir 2'4114 ' 14 ,, - ~1"401Pril kIITCVZIPM - N .00. I 101147nalia4, i t i nt... 5 , 1, 11.7..",11 ... , 7,i,7, ... , • wwissunagreco.i. ..,.•: T .,.a.,,........ .. .' - j ....: -. •)•-.•,.....: ••••" • • r- 1,3 .741441. Dan.. arFisiim r•-4 Augu r ITheau allgregg Ishe , • • 0. aiiie*l ' •• . f i0,,000 - Volesla a ( Books no whoyougnedstr a drhi levant aoon be Antall soot Of annoy ISIS. Gamow dal coin oar*fr4gerrof Wow '.leood hod ad eedg.,e ttying,. Nov. 214 ar a Welsch, and * .04 anatonsed enr,cvaasg. dating do week, ag the Imo:nand bora fterteeent o( NEW: BOOlga la sena daaannege of MI atareener named au peed* ree ra , abhocitY, nab trrtioralud Lanny F.,guares of F.s. autopemi ga e gg l Ay e r lane works floas Ups bow. I elltatratat. B row Lea& Blanchard, Carey Jr. Ila, T Cloorparthoait ..I.lactl t. Bnnon, age the ben •.* A a huge osertainn at ante llfeh Mei elegant indiog, sehal . 46 enure and Illeaday pre. .estrar, •Le . raggilhe , IMatredgnata worpeas, arc..tc.' -•- a- ; "' s 'A -Pratt ways tie can a t ia bsidiall e1e50411.2 ..1' asaalasene( the saseasedy:n ••Danko* crania stehl g dot % 4.r i nla w roe tc ' Pi" eA ON Voodoo thong lon,* It o'cock, art (motor the Calu Strote: eon* or Wood and hil M.. *in build: *good reoood hand Bcroarbe, . 4k " , ..otse MP, Winn order, ...els Gesso Weer lanes. - • , JOIUID DAVIaS . • . . t. a Ueo ce r. • .. ~. l'eatun of cear , ir.- Okildeage4 clarchi r the %be tot, la liro'clotki at the anal San coin cannel Fink cod Word Al maul* ' ' it Of seurriabie Dry Gerd., , le; among which*. kgrol,Ceantroo mu. loons, fancy and plant esdion sod b ....Una os. black 4 Olio brut , ol . ..Ir angiteren, blink own s anon vil yen, **leo ones. .d. 4 44 •dtpftw nand, **El I • Ike Au, 3 awns mann and engin/ I ttging a& tavola: of Done .. '.• MI. k, P. rd. ! * • .a.heaunhy of gror Oricenein gg, llanna , •• o° . -; kn....a, Amen. ban 'metros paper. lola , lag glare*. baronage. ; frather teal; Ihc ...L . /toenail auestetem of Itenhadd aluas tango* nonit cooking ston;gratee banal aternile,and a nits/ ni ga nnebablltaltaa,,ke.- ~. ,i • ~. ~ I , Verson redo, alter* C lanti *soberer rat* , 1 Olt Dalktuag Loa In of 1 1. 0 ..10 iine5t1.:.4"a",67171:1% VlWitrir4 ' "..... ' ... " ' '''' ' 1 ....- •• $ : nonioacer ' '••••• PRINT s . ' g' • . • .1. • • • CECAR•irt.NEVii VORK. • ...' : = IRE. (U , BitrAWSTEII' -... ....b........1....i. ~..,.........„-i mai, ' Pen er ...yr), iti o. MY geerier Trade web - 1 .PRINTIIy CALICONS mummy , , • In', pheele-eeelee*blll ,If ell sesame , of-the_mn:Ae , Le Aftereeemee ' ;• . , THEi, . ...1V . ::[::: . They are tow OPelertl IteerAlt t d ni. a regim e * . competing emery nre xte p,...“i00, may. of ertdek ciel be. lo be. ibetedeel.o:' beleoue 'leek eeejall bi t olltrd for We tr fielded done p t ere o 01,04 , p ::0 - : ONE . DYNE .CEINVISI_L per ;i:,L per pie below dm poem. of April axle Melee. Pewee Cuakimes . walk giroeocreellaLdaUbeetllee ell'onseteen or berm. - • t • „- ...., we)Eueupoim, 1 iv :.' • • Neir.Yerhaene4lB37. 1 I _l. '-''''''' , ''' 11FaaldaRgamaa Reynoneriair Nowa efout healealw OleakiPte. -• • :, noise 1.1q....w at lir • , iv, .. , grlnv ina•nin kall6, aaocialei • -..' • , George I!.Tamaa.o(.waelaapaa'anrai • . J 'lid haeself la the /decal otrtuabarga, ' ls Is met. gueata, w ith elalats, aad ~,,.._4lO !mamas corrected with de b weparimoc's ..." . " . ..r Penwell , .I • cketaaeiltleser ha ' 474 ..,...,,...„ °, 4 44 ' term made al the PlueolOglee, pier b .. ozir--„ ilao Sat a patent, wayfarers:a (peat ''' , -- i' enelc•Jnii a fel, of five dello" •pn i .. ,_•49lta • aale..taea lamed - taw aacallea Ira "'''",, l° ' 4 " d all tba tam:lama th at eaa3l lao. .1 a...... " 111. apaheeat ia pareeal snippily . • tie erllipsepan ilia eaeamw. P 12 . 4 P eto all other tap fir Apabeaale for rameaaaaa, ' i. e .,. 4.1 i., or khin i lll the Pamela thlee 4 ,... . /teem be aaaeatted ea all u , jelel..___va tall. Pa aun Lava lad dettisloan AirangArt.: analles bal'Atuta .. ' RbeAttetail 4/C Oa ate . , . Oeurikl 1,1 74 . =11.77-zt, v.- ce e s l m iab a b bt e a e term. '44b— I l,b P , al T. A X 57 .v. _ , _ ' "M M E m b" ,rb,Wig P ll O4 - PAlip;uct ea." boxiimedi E.ltt""uk . "i 1 ' i. ..t 1 • 13 ;b 1 .i WI fricie tEilikeki Sart di.7 rot .!...e bllfkitt Iltdr.x4ovenras. DI ek - o bh., tsmk e..... '! • r ' ' -i' ' ':'' ?I l e a c... 7 black C. 4,,,, p a i,,,,,, ... , .ZUr.SagaVr.r.gkr.; .• .. : . •. I . ... Iyazy4sailaiiCiaii kaiLmlaa." •::I'. i 1• • • AMP: ',.!no__Annim aseitAilft., elk slazt. . an. " 44.0 1AN1 hdtheakt, wacky ./017 . 1,16 kAgi ' ..... .• .. A. CM I:Ana . - ~„i , :::.• . -.. T • .:: ~,i , . ...&x ..1iatrim..) .::. ~ ----..tes• . • • MIT RECEIVED —The Wave* cue% Wes Lather Geode foebsserlssr VshaTIRDYI I,le..kwi ever 6detsd Au market • . L. II Sot sic. skssts eu , lod es . i • .• • Lssdirs loaf fisoyisc,• •• f ; ' . %Al • • • ' ." • Dm, Veriets: Jesii mete 'l. the,i le !Ina tee.. • kart. fossils:se is alpeitisishy peewee Wu • ootOtoolthe debt eillenseek.,llhens 00 daft ittlyd shissale bb R es ee:egele • psyslß Ilia she , • Eiefie,D( Referees slieWegamehr‘ella dies,* boasdril oitiolo. •. 1 • ^ Demo Binds. ossordbd ! cross •ls dos leosiase ot popes SboLisrsi. • • , ne , ; AU of ortie./t oSfsr very lovr ;my 11.1 Tf lW des ere; LW alert beiox May • easilJ moms Osier Imask Wu /as sewers). Is• few slays oroVdslaaTetho r=b,W„ 7. SU °sup . t . 1.17111741"11 .rani • ' • Slimed issvaairoa aamiiiir:ina.. - TIE,/ Am T c A N . F '4 g wit u *A B %."""'°-. ...p.n.., ... ISlei-C•aorpeopincaL •t. • Wan 1•61•440. Plnunu•Afenelki•••• mat • pn,. pry genenally. enler la Cm dug* ealury. nrynal . •Wu neenn.ln b/S+•••••!•4 1, q 1 0 1 4 . . 6101 , ... &vacu. tens, • .leln &neut.tittle • •.. tramsel &toner... ...'• ... Winin• Lynch. Adepten Perim 1 ••••• • • Them. Alamo, • " Genets Alloy 1 . ... • • Joey iVeln• h, - T. rltrtek Wady. Joino T. Lefetr. • •. ',' V...- , , • • SAMUEL C. MORTON, in t • ••;;&k t . Faun= D Jam" Fearew,. • ' - •Ordera kw hum,. e t tie v... c.:4..,., nn , ll be received be tan ondersigne• tint far Pnnannini net'? 340 ' UKILI uumILLN 26 an at. . leas wwsxs Amur f po.l4_•sr ' r ot . Thus peal wuKlaulumel cox ibeatego of the eau ; uremia lame 14‘"*. elatiot eatimu•Lsi.. Be • —AMINIMIbiII Mid eau yaw, aa. ae.. • ! sides sleep eronseterof Lou i Ceatee lefehtek.osieue caesurae.. W X an) pall V cr. Wioleeeie Xmas ea exua aeasees on aa N. I erne . r t ethZtaert ie Ixed, th thoreers.lx Pe. tie M. solookaa eau, J ifileila•,.44oo 1411.6dl rUnauteo enabea, comma mum.;i ^ .• - 71eXele, <mum sat rueful ; . • %same phut. hue la a late: , ' ai.% • few lael of theee_bouelase or augu eitennatitinc tee .uaeterta. amuses or %v. ' ;plaltitiStlexOLXll euee tea Poef--ailae reeemenexi Payuisasee beug • Me Pueranu'apuuk takkor leasuartbla ur ea!! et aaeoeube sad Olooneuree aas beteg*. esceueued u Jamul( alet 4 11 . 61 . 1 1 a: gat a. ore eenade stefe.uaniiau Pl. I.* Ptesmaktoui tow seamil wasleealo Game Pit. , Willisaeam, L. I.' .• WI of /Alla' Gawk" nag bi , I ••,—PfißaTemaueleau• Tip. IP4II-11171.117i,L. ..:.i. la adia. am.. qf &OA unieg, , ••••••=m; • _ ~ T' admilbet I. prepertd ts nimati halkawrtoo a eed Pmen . llatenels 44 ettkiada,, ekalerst ne•e sad 02 nxeeseble. wig; • ' . • • ' • Pieprieess et apeepilifiglieili t itd eerdsed lot Ike nbeertheir, 4wlte mew PiiMpiaGie k. Man 'aleelLe will be eathled is speeheflelY 1 /P r o " M . ' eliSl ne Ave tom Illopeiseet pe . oeir ow. sot sdrelf. stag. • Old Type Lake .lik eidAlps foe ameii eetue Per lb. . ' 224 f .-- • • RimititT TA Twit ; • ___ _• SERI? . 1 _ . _ _ 4 / 1 1 .) nirproWN -,-,. ra g kaal moles, t 1 Wadi E Wit Och ear,* I .oensP "" . 7 ,..lltrei.p r „Zr b tt 4l4l ealop; 0 .1 busd I.' 2 , ffidor /34111an i a1 nub " ,.... ../.; ,11 we. Btaciom iVrat - MI Pin Lattr,Pm. 11111.110 WYlVrtrrrnr tail; .0 • ,41 elmall ROAD C OMPANY —allpenaaa having fay cleanalat.allae laabarat, Oaaacasithe Raid tbopiay, pleass armagnba SSW IM wen! Weal bt6Ml the 184 (ay of Elecasaas la oak: dot a anal tauleauten at the anIP at Oa Compaq oaf 1 1 mans la'ebtabiam, Laa Itasaltale. Ift 84 . k. lwabt.a Waal Da Liar laq. klaltatangt: I AIM . rk figniN avcsAcKEK Woof liNud .1./ 'Many to:a. k 000• eat Mug U. law* N. himPhY, tte tnt flow wen. As Ake rap "4. 4 W. kkn kw. mow of i!e.a aid .semsati This lirmataleat . man it Aittillary W Any . his sifted er t Sad On &is )m6 de m a d. pf P.Dpft b. balm ikon Atall=pljuiltuji."*.ea.NNlL. ""mgr_tri."itheptipte'..o("a dirolti L L i/psitMplitholthaessld reettelealto boons Ws trmoshr see ohs' domes of tublueto mud Allethe_sy dolt he has decided so mossin * defies tioe mow, end ts soeloaret tent P s thosteoPirselat themselves ender hie earesemthsg oe the velem se premised sr all Wales Caro xsteblols mem, tor either. Acme or • Moth? oilmmeC, Theee: mialose us avail thasseltes etkds sonless wiii.een 1111 klrU.ol, earner of be wised Evase ANN Pr. It has mowed emend severe moss et Ahem ehy grest mein, to vviselotoe perlda•d Ile refer ' • . • Q ELMS." 'ERIAL CO UOU env P.-111.1 •lb , 1,3 ry ••I•abl• sedigue• bag' relined nook MOM* •• al el/br i ny is tile cam Of ...Vic *414 Lc :Ow of Ile prvients ot Ito paperreemuly maw h trtrism.• •••••• 0 1 .614 la oared las la • f•wi days; Ila i then, k ft i holm 'rung toil is iimn••• ••• kitAiti *at • .* • I 'a _ _m_.ll.___no• nai— tow Rm. , :-: • • " ism M al2"11111 .a• by L ' 6 • / . 11° _ 146-I !‘ — ' --- nsaA ay% on - 2 / 7 424 :14.m . " 4 "1,'' apos cu 'P I O% Sala 1.• ,•• • • .' ,1 7 ...fY • " • 4Wit '..DAIMPACKET LINE E y e b....JD...m... 5 . aaili= " lad Mit p r . i s, MM( ;be Wen. Every aeomatiarlaa aid eon , fon that mow east mac; his been primied ps seams. The Lim his bets inattention imams pun —hum earned, t =Win or, lathltle the low thei r pow= The bO.l r il l he at the liat IA of mew 0.1.1. y panned, 16 flo the neg. tic& lmigkt end 6e eta, e ( Peatereterhert tn. • ter: la. tales the passage aritiy 102. A b pat {e admits- ' • • NOXDAY Pr . The 310 NONUADELA, Gr. Sal.• Pna: bin% emery Alottayaoralog it 10 o'clock i iiiq 00.7 Miami emaag at le P.ll. .' Th. ,, surasia, su. s, CapL J. Laufeal, mill laime Pittabafai craw Tuesday moraine at 10 o'cloaal WOOOO4O divry Tulday oTenieo *llO P. ht. wicznsicilisr PAO/CZT. .13ia NEW ENGLAtiIk hO. Cap'. S. Ram, art. 4. o •o•Pnbargh cmy Walkeaday comas at 10 uaki . Wher.Gas catty Wedaeaday everatta at 10 P. • • TICIVIISDAY PACKET. WISOONSItt•Cips. A. J. linnvorlltleale Pdts. b.ntb •, e , /ThendtVaarelt outoWeliott Thltuly tvgallti .t 10 AI," • WILIDAIr PA CRIEZT. ; no CLlPrat, NO. leC.CCneh.win levee PiW bwo etin .1F114.1 Nona* es /tro.elocki Wheelie{ every Friday e.emqu LOP.X. • 11•119711ir p A Tbe KFII B E.NIGLIty'Ven lijed, VFW Imre nal' Yberlyb every flenadayareveler at MA:Welt; Myelin - SarerleY ennui' et le P. AL . • - 7 - : •" - --I i V WIrAOII.III. — T. : . • ' the ISAACIIit. . C•SA A. O. Xam'lnli leave Iltutforereer7 LIMA azontinit al iv..A.lett Wh.caltag every amday cream, at 10 P.P/ , • - • 1114,119, 190. . • .,./-----.... . . .... _ _ BEAVER PACKE.74-40a W 3•11,r,,,•".11,F ....'•'7'.'.:: airer'i--171:44ini; i' . : ;•;• , : 5 : ..1 .. ' will k••• Col „ w .f., . . • . •• • We11••411c,,,,,,,.;21.. • ,.._: sod SauEntn_oreath.•••••cihy. 66 . A y .Tiii7 ,: M. theAch.paii6lo.'4,"tlyr 10t u.... et aid ibeb.6lo ..___8,...1:f,:: pt•agyl. ( eSen• &IWO 11 • 1111 .AUGII,Ao• .-: . i •; • • 11.1. ,tor heaver, IllArtrii,‘4' ' " tin., on MOW.), Weant•••7. •, - . Ina, till Webet, • la, reandali 7 ~.I._ _F ,,, ••• 4., an Satatnay. U. naa lion •••••. ..,_...R.Ars Atlerna Wood Byre sAd thierstri 1 "...' re trciAbbaz Any list. . .. 1:1,r3,77 .' 1 ' • : ... G l4 GA,l lenAfaii• : somurri g, • - ..fll e i . a911y4 ,3 1,14 i.,!.. , A -„ • _,„_,.. CASHIER, • . •':. ~. ittcauntca, nun, lIVIII learn to OM.. ~ •••••41•• • la o'clock. ye, frvit• or ' • ~,. ....., • • • .- ' 2,zi. • • ilio‘,yll4l a UftLFAINa . .. . ..• ~, 4rrW SP ''''''''Mni . kT__ '',-,... • .' )ft . F"f,%1"1: 'pavan. pr Y * IA- •• • -.:Eb1.44411211111445 ' ..- . o unraamarospa s or rn..bilLtd 14.7. POE sramor, J. -;., . matTbi iiiiiii,.. thieltjoiiii amour .. -i••1-,iii; be Z I II =a - k. 0.• oth• .ua sea • thel' 4 alle ere hr . &got ip p.• s~toitnn.uDib ._ f laitaid.", =Mil, lOU Jerre a. Ilvie 7. air 4.7 ..3 10 0410 a. Dor Wald et . punt& aped ea boahl. 11•11 • ' s• iiillinika.t.acKerzex nueuaaa "•', • ' .. . z .V. I ica• it:. ' • valap, at 31 ilkiaew an WO em 7 , 7.7. *w , Taarelar ami - - a ay • rier Mood. yWereereachry alai friday omens art 400, tr ay4. .. , laterght erryruseiya,arrijar y l¢yMy Feya_r• .it . , . . . :TiMi IV N. pmwt er lsn d usiqpg : the We Prope er p . - - • . . . . . .. - .yp.ec w.x.t.uivu.44—zkeuLY - rAcrar • . • . . f .,., V_ A.egrrimix, .:• 77 . 1 . ' ,7ff . • •• itati54222,..11 fuliFi.uhul i s, • .:•:-., • . vet, veev.t, (Sudan excepud ) u • - : -• . ; • okatek, colt. ktavve7Wetamtla amen ereatar al 41 , .- . Velvet • Peg eve lot or FOE PIAIIILIN-41/11MairrACLet . • . ' H ' adr Man, stasim.. wilt leave ee ft Abe • • ladeleet. For tielr* di' 4- '. et_aS!,....,.•PPJ7 ow . , , • ~,:. - . atZUCAACLOULSVILLE re, -,-, el" — - • • • 116 an.,11 drat: hi end ' . . tang --ateiareetit4 2:frat5.A, 4 7'.." 2 "" • ' artnie, auter,_..w ....2 2..i n va s .. ' • between tleatent •,,, k a 1... i.., • . at tlerlartte vaitten. eve IftWe. El*/ ; Ocabee liv . at 'Meal:gat • ' rot frettidare swage . Keel, ea tea,, -, . , , . •• • • : !Li WIILICUNA: , The ooloolodkoo oreamer • • . . • 11 lILISON, *. . . P.. .ftkoti:r. bao innalini bei rill. • Was. taip and 111 kw.: litzbirg. 4 aZovotoerz Tbtrador end Ilan so bet r 3/ - For *wen or p0...000 opolo i g grbPO c r to ' • .. L. 1.. . 44 spit . SiaWEESPOB7 aL , ZABS'III ANDmosovw, • • • • BELA CUT PACIIXT. ' . ' • • rbg am Kammer ' • XIDSPATOII. ' . Nwhgt owner, will nig lb a bans*. I , mg Pit'aglitli Awry llocJay, Wed.' wesday 1144 riulay, Itl th ee fact, L. SI, awl klawg, r,.. kell a igAvary,Tgewhy t Thu twl ay and gaignla r. w 'thick, it ! M. for i , 0410 0, P00,0(0 * PA'''. . . Da l . .___ Paget.. J r . ,TBE44A . Id . nnAt swim. ~we n,"za, ,, _nd-n the otr p t i t boms • guicuvraen—lt:OVLAß Th•rers , and hut drau,A CEET. _ AL HMO/ a," ' ...P•rootrlbuml Mt .rt 10 seekrel •R. "'Lk' lift lab s., 0. *l . • • scrt -ii F b •• • -EXPRESS LINES Su • ..somoireAnura narnacuts ittitt lOW, la Ude gilt% Eltettient B =iecus 'McLane Slntata, IXDD tartlet doable bull tweet Pitoteeth cod Browne.Me The P.MIThe boar leaves tiz z e r : P ley reelect; the etchlea sr • • Flom etettbetpt p, dames .... •Ifienerare Olt .• Pleco'ritaCergh Pluteatelphia-40 leteet,—rat• !Kt : lte kftwat heel Puscepeno ICU leept op Lowe. in catebnable Rates the Arc plett.—ec. tier • fespleirte eey.4loll. cod Pap Pee lodic .0 eutaeo•:.. •blad_ tba gdlgilit aveidin Ingle bare alwetlier. earehes Calinne4 ID Panita to Morel Doi they may de- • o;pS;ei, loan the Omee. Dieemplet, =:Tiatte • M.:et SL Mark. nowt Weeest...Dee't CA.Bee • 1 AIIPARTMEN. : ' • !CIL • • • . • t. EBOWNISVILLE AND CLIDrfau,ANS. rrlfEsateenbere em try Impaled tit et:'thmere bor arteemAatodthe and mese Oereed kw the rthetenb Antes, by the Dnossenble ard terttheftsed. .2 11 1.9 ,44 lied Others sill ill,. their mole fomented se Pnllbefeionenth the moos &nude, at the tow • es consumes. DJIli of Ladled oleo unl useeesd. • • led tree et etude foe masleibm. • • • • Ile permeate of the rebid Aleleetfolly eol,eltd.' • Per " S"Pri!'"L • . A'3l uIKI.; • 1A ' • FORSYTH* DUNCAN, ••eel ! Meter mom Yinthentb. MARSDEN COS PASSAGE Ati atotrrrANcm oPrict. . PERteXtl Invent oot by U. trey z;t, epos the most teetemeble =tn. frau ear •-•.; 3 ;14 ••or Eststeed. hoteted,..lcodeut, ims 'ales, eed to Paean Shlpeeely. Fere*. tenensets emus of the Brenk Gnomon:l ' have Heesently cannon Ea timely t noses= dub- - rne-ods le .use.s., eastau en 'nide the, ere embus. spelttho Ina, sad ben Wirer e teftiotl.te at Plant to Woo ofilatdm o , debt *Eta apply, If tio .whea to be*ti du treeted sr= • * M=41114=4 Sudan. • Penh.. ern neer= =easel nate]. Asnus be the - Sink Ball Lbus mud equals nuns see un =eels* the pall* as see ytnen bidSseu of b. glutglut LieNhoe <WIT mbar KW .4° &nue Lae. Lot then: ur . 1 32100111 prate at any or ihq loosens Putotadel et Phstestal Ihuks _ PAlkesub We le. !We 'draw cltr em. ' • ...ROO= do tot take weary =4 ea. rl So aur Put • diet .ewe 406. U likently Mito.te• • ane delay.. L. U. aveluim, ter clloll.ak els stut gilt eseeenesdate then et Mew You M. -JOSHUA HOW tite4S, barman Ayr.a at, era doss &bur used k • . 0 111KZ311111 i colll IPRICIIS. - .iirgargag Fox 5 - Cumbertrit4 - Ba &imam W.;•hia • r • phis; Aiw Yoh, Dadon, and all Mt ) - Easton CiLizr. leliaArs Iv . wpm wractiliit soap ~ Le on .. Wm Loy. 'g tut. olccomexlms wall Adam. ITPCiaot agiron Lai ems. : .Tinakth legeillig OW be 4 , . n ur.a> al Ow at. e pmem. ....,...pr p.c....resat any aws or stiks Tom, idlaela 2 P.M: ..aviligtitiCillibiriliiia"ClE". Al =' -; 7 1 .„!---, ..-- " - c'.?? - = • ... - 4 : :,l=i -- .', t l , - .' ' :.: ' ,"' . - - ' -.-- "- - '.LI - -- __- BTEMEBOATtie
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers