d L. 1 .11 3 .! • .;.,.. !RICE 'SEVEN ,p!i LARs. *. f .'. - -i.t.f.itds . :6 - A*- . ..; ... : - ._'7.':' LIC.X..&AUSIt 04/1111031, . CtmtuttiTes.lad Forwattheith?.fc/OfiliP_ l 7.e.g..r . d. 103 rn.a Numb • t'. ••: • . . .A t w . wourp, ... • AA. onerantag 31archasta, Iwors inismot lottosis ow •!..t t . i9g!!!o: • farm.7.c.iiiiiirs. r . • . 7 .. • • 111101111iigVai.. • IMON. SASITEI4‘3I/Bliatto saa .2knat IhwatHoi corolf et ,lAi!ervanoll 411: Clan. gamy ay. ma &wen.. Wooraeskac 12ACPALZY SMITIIiI b. o • . 18 LI Opel SI tV,..;!..tre,:t vba rgb. I IMMO. 131T2/1110TabFO, A , ow . aid4 , potrsce.4..teta l ,Ne..¢l3 Mutat - 'bet: wrearilksika6. l / 4 r . sonio ••• rhalutelph!. . 7 . •roe,ro .• icerelliuto,;esl4 I'VXl4ri %! I 4. 611 !4.fg d * . a. WlFS•Araws• Jeanic,o4.:Jsk:W. . ( . rIMANs. 11111411141. AN &ID% • • • eutrl= e m Oat A. JL-mw 6R ei IMPl...veludietoo. ea 1:2•Ir svo , .4 • Ati....ar cbuteome.a.•. . ' s. z,marcszit. CP I3IO • IIatENIOUT, (ftetemat. sea __,..- ..m,.._____.. , . , ' •:, Who!cute ( izocenoemailialois .......".. erzbanuts•Dent . r. ne Predate szia. r0114 1 10100 0 u 4 . an.. Saab et. Worm Wood t xx. NW lahenr•ru'l. , inei..,' i wt.& ma zic Kz.VIC i(azrolpee, 4 ;"'"'!1""q Lw".6),;„,Hik • c', 'l3 TSCACiEIt, gl.rfriedet is Fkums 03: be (ilk Verb, An MAW Jowl. Pohl*, ' • Dremor as sgwE L2rier. e.er- 1 w' • Einv Auto 11.141ZELTO• itri "., G Ater• ,-? 11!"/ Mm ISMIIM!! 'DIV AL% jag wink &wen P. mat tare%eotiset Llbesir t Pt; s. I. neural- • am lIMENATZits tia ' E ~c . k.Ca.rtneleigle •• , Fonr. Alutlumn. and Peak in Plug/wet I , Clawle,;l l * 07 Wool Erect ' Second end Tlionl • ' • • LWIINCITI:r1D&I;117,11.1%./IMICILDRINA Larf, bile rim..., 'best Wks 4•114 • id*. a foie* siseetf Wnne! tletri. tiaTlid . , L, 1147444 • • • rit - Wce •, • _She: ,•.- lampaAt VILMND, 11/1 var. abP•cm, WiletessliOnetrii. 414474:4,44.4g1yien Calm Varna, tips 47 Watts and 1115..rNt11ertir. DI:VNY. Hsu Fens Masafreituer sa4Aind.: er~W Manes' Larirsasts,ltS Siroed R3YTii G C.•• meomafltss;~ea FiJ .: ,i Fsaarps StILLTALI43 . Icooer Cooitim.tosa to to, N f god 4 ror C:aoal &ini Chb4 aitose, !Willa • • ' to, slow* so •157.6.,:., /MATO Ne.Ltealsg Ohosk t tlsitiarti 80.0:13 Trimmings, Alszket. Kra; • • • • ZEE 5 .; OZO. 3104. 4. : :•‘• • 7 . WOWS= NAM l GriZgnaz. ortoss& c 0.,. realis; tar mut c.. mimite,Frrrtemte. 1 weddereme Plusbarik P. • ''• - • ' '.041111-.:. MEE 111 riv.t niaIRICTSIN&aaIe . O eiTiadisi. irub.net.6l:ll"e4Parl'i 14 Sed aad ;nod 4,,P1 G lV.Snthk. • vo , 2d... 0. W..IIITIZ IL ili t ak e E 1 and deaW ll rs !lop., Paisbd enes.rsaa nod Put 121 , 0C1.-- - • /1 MOM= Cii:11.11.&&. •.. aid Poo ..rapel4l.reasnt, No. W - 7 IPlDDfluzi• Wirlesk i tt Tr , • •• 11 tits. AU indookrafttgally &Mk: Ailltrai.ll. sat thro&Y UitePen`Oice. • . ' . • Wat. eitiTys." d r DAL D. Bailey: . HAW & DAIL • Drakes In Der Uwe cortex. DivAL. MfteLVittelmsk maeurausrLO rt.l; elas,te,No. MAI iitoto .I.Phulost L . ' • , .! •• • WM. (IL. • =lc. TIWIL •It atilDWAnr., (1•CWOOle •811.• •• P .LL PAkevraosObarnerA end w detiensto • WO meet. Vimattuts. • .• • ' 11:;• , ...44s.;w:••••ft• . • 4:4! . . ADF.neII.ALO CSI I / 4 2 . 1 504 1 .:. a !,... • • • j_ 11 flasthavatt.Pant &Nu ]teed "mead trlisra 'Pliant* • ' %stun 115.118 H DIMELTAr & t., Cleasoi.sies Xlenthaasslseddr OS Wuas 3WI Fred sweet, 1 'lg..,:ty.l:7it:;•• :•:1 Si.: '4 • • W mused - tor axes. 14.11,1.14rws leveled &ow Atio Osumi by • Cluninisolimirs. • • . . Taus D. ■OItOAX Wb .41 de•ko Oa •twe4uae &arm,. KElLltja. A. G,. J 0.1:13,6011:• J OMII 1111a.i.DIWYNA er in 31nale and iluteal Paper,taster, Steel rear gnat. einsionery rewally, 1en..0111 •;LCZFIge boegiti.r taken • rOOll3l 11CliTT windlnit Carinalieinn dlati *see • as 4 Maoli*te lilow,Litrenr es, news 41m.calkal. • co..T . ionominr,aciukr. w‘lesafiYhir . 10 • 1C0.21 Virad....Pawbsc..o6. r : j4;i^i'in '~t.,i. mi4i,.:?•:•! , 144111. , Z:.:: igt:444::::: , . 3. 2 .'gre.444 .t i <IN-* i. ..4... izi - 1 SEit.,...ps•s .:: ? ms ;" ! tt..ttiff:K; :! . f.1 ) . 1 i:4 :?1,44.•:,'4.4;, To/CPA aciumust a. Boa., aI J romnlis Men/imam l o 19,140mtp54 • • enwilditill . TOM* Agetati at Limerae ./ korai% Onmt ieldtionl4oll, teak frlde; , PittsbaX.P.' . oho amatrytossly tobvSnalis JOE. D. MUMS. mscrtosral. ton= Fakt f 11;1 f 41 : . .s : 4 O . .-Ti , t•A: 24 ':' : * ... 4 ,,t*, .. 1 ..:745 4 4 ..s :4.41101 : ?: . •.:i....i i -: i.0...4 , .::ei ' 4 `m0m 1..: ii1 . . 4 ..: ' :; ; :i !; •1 ~1 4 :1-•••• . If: /! vii: Zr::i lick:..ie *X..1'..3 le '':Vtil 4 3: hf Tons O.I3IDWELL. taw*. Wbeintle Gze • eta ail Coenttc:riebe Altleinsf.4lVlevosnal..2ofi dm, abern tle 3loaantaltelkgclks. Pitisbanzi.• .• - • LTA Das, tils,.tt. 41, osattutarsa 011511 . 1 . 01& 41 5T0011.7014 • akorthsellen Primus wad taperllllllllllllllell6o4 14.41 Marko. TL Sl/M .'9 Bali turn., lllk'sesi.alititell al Ctanical,ThWinitcal, Howie lefiell.400111• alsseas ort • linhodui Gooks and eye 1-...osiv 1 lINVOIMILTSOM.A. Pe:, SWIM tiiing% . .cliayeeprokcsf, earaniotWeed Thad aseas l / 2 Maretaata Marl 14111inp,) P,lpbasala Pa.: miser pershik - 4 al dee mot mai.. MOW WEN 'GRIM !IrtagtaitiOrtniti;delliiiat lout. riiiaiaustsissufgracter, I , l*M Llban "Ta'au r t. • "...• • • • T k YLOTIallitil:INA4. I Snekeek J. Oniews.tik MIAOW WM% ' J MMUS I:llkUltiLiOnainalefterf., at sk'Dletaia; eatdeifetudhodoe•oid sesarr•etiork N 4.24 Wolr&J'ilisba., Use. liffrits. • Erc( asitnis aid Nalisollia lei • OriSaa wthelnwrimsaaj Obeli & • w‘,......4....v:r.... 1%.- :.ek.sl.•*;:,.. Pvti: o .l , MV• ; 4 2.: . :.;... ; - .. .-j:.:41..x .. :,1 . '4: 5 14 ' 2 4. .‘ .. . A * . .; : glea vf , f . : 1 14440 1 .4 . 4. ;: . a• . Tr ...;.. ' ;; 4 .1 i: 4 ,r1;: 4 .. t i;4 l4 : 4 4 7iS C . A.'. . . 4 .: . S;Til i N ‘' , ! . .: . :5 . '. - - - T ATER.lltlati • Yolegal• Assort, Pot. 4 . .. JJ. ard,aa and Coaaarmas Mental.. Mal rr . Yandnargti thaalfiniageri and Prodna. Nee. :I Wain ud F real I.n. • • • •. in f 11VTC11150.711 111. Vlbadende La an..., Farwasdiaa arid Cocualasioa blenbanta,. sad /Wont fa Pooteeigh Ikaannarea, &a, Ne, • AY ainatdOi Mud au, • • . ~! I/TIIPTON, Inds Greens,l JLa ravaludinz icd•Comaiinack /Janina.. Mains! P 141.11• ad Poi•bara* aaasakacnaca; Bah IS abl: .17AVaisi as Ponlatrat. 6n, • 'Le. v . .ani I. 1141Mn•14 WAtnia, lair It ',Qua. triiHVlzl.o & DOM. 1111103.4. /vl. Gtoerre arßd Co molt also . ? 4!* ?Au" ;11. fly Photrtar Y. • • '• • • •• q Alien - Aft g. AA' ALLY:IC k. Cammikkaa • SIR rebasir: Wasceitadlsonsmkw&O=lr : IIZSCR. a .1111101/IVISOA. • VlThookoahrel ry J.V.L.ecta mud Cmeweitoo glendisas.A.l7o Law T.'. .LvLNeCiO/11.4 gisu, whigetakVAl• Sila nit sal Cap anuoCculavervafta Fallef Yank quntet of Ward and Fißii lLn I - i k s• t. 4. BUM N, AVlholon)4 6tfou'VD•Win !Pooduze 'Agit •si roman! joy &ad Cisageo` aioa ri ate tellnutsi Not g3I,AITT and 213 Wed !MPlare Wtoftat „„p& u i 1t 10...1. Wood SIIINIt• 11101.1111110141 r, SON ne;i4 Martel tallet*ll., vodd door Rea 'comer of reinh. Detlititiaftr% Rn olat Dereor•tie ,thlthfotEicitabge ! ctenll4lollol tormot. , ll.loott.s .5.18p•c7e., • . . Catkeri../ rude 4.• w r i.drited. W Man.( :Vorug . riIIDII, ItaCUICW PtiolooNliotams6; lot and Coo us tsslisis Itsr•egtOlos PoSsigtehst Now, LJ • slnfes. Pittsburgh. Pa. • r V!? I 'R tl7 C II dew 10 0 121DIaT.Pin. Ciiment . 1 ad Conn. imni tad riennantinli3intelninic . %W.., weal < • • ennnineDiaT 'Abets an Anti niuniu nontanusigi . ,S. Wiindlosin" .'1"" loitAitp •leric ier•tN R Denier in ronies.ing. Wised* ilhialiritaill/P •r. sad tillimmaceltimaiinnnqicsiiiiielerAp4enin;Plo 4 '..l.4refi.rino,!lusi , • • • •.„. - .1 160 ".11tei l'4ll—Nwsideaniovpsion.crmiNNiNg N. • 110 JIT:11041i1/6 . suet noLmsoN.4.'to:,,,whiamaperogreng,44s4. R d.ea 4 :ameeSinadUcselkaatiordt Praletru% PitiOvNlt 31..A.cumx,No. &Meat street; 1% 3 1 , _ . DO OMIT * A 12111.1 6 &C... Wheiemis " qtr.. Gm , wan rimvu Merchant, tlea= iell',lo,4,4"!:k*YANAPidatlnetli, .4 ( i . : • I. '' 7 -4,) • .-.---AL.:l4,4attr6 :-, i - ' : ;`' - . 1 . ' 4 • . . .. , . . . . . . .. .. .... . . . . . • • . .. • • - . . . . . . . • . .. • . - . .. • - .. ... .. . . , ...... . . . • • . _ •• •S • 7" . ! • . • • _ • ..,.. . . . • . ••. • • . .. .... • ...••• - • • •• . . . . . . .•• . . . . • ,••• . ~....._ / • . ' • - • • • • • • • . • .• • . . . ••••• • • . - . • • ~• • . •. • - •• ' ' •- • • -'' 7 ' • ` ' ' . :•. ••,••• ... .... . . • , • -,; , ' ~ • " .‘• 4 * .. 4t ..;••• 1. ' 7 B -•.. „ It ., .. ~....i.i4 ~..,.i...: Itif!' . 4 . 4r......' , ''' I ‘4.:: t . z4tx ,t•ikt: . , : .... 1 ' 'l • ' - : .;"; .4 .. . . • , I , . ... ... ~,i :....?....; •,..il • • as—, • • I • , 4., „ . , _ ~ , ~, . . ..• , :i.itrs ii l ;.• , Vri'l- .., '... ........- -,• • - ..•••••. ••., . ... ••• .e:t '.:- -•-. •II k.. r.. .:t!.t.;:•• t.:*•;.. vt ,. .* 1 13% ... i_... !,;::. ..:,...-.-•,;,..• •• . t.:•,.- . , , •••-, -!.•••-•t . ..r . '404 .11r.i!..:MYie...•.. - -ti /4.4".. :: , .-. •; • •• • .- -.. • I • '. • ' l ' .. ) 6,-, k ' 'l' . 0.... 7' - !-•!.! ''' . i '•• ' ' ' ...i ;•.-..'; r:ti! .!;....'r! .. ... • ' llO 141 1 :!.•• ' .... .-.- • • .. • . :5 • !•'....,47 . • . . . - • - • • • • ' • ' -:' •• " '.:l ' . ' ' —'' • •....' ..).! 0.1511. 1••• • • • ..• .., ....., ~. - ... . . .. . . ~„ .. ..., - .... ~. .. .- .• • • ! i; ' •-• - 4 ! ' 1- • •-• • : „:•!' • ; ' '.' 4 1 ••• '... ‘..53..t - {.5 ' •V. •15 ••• . • . . • . . . • yi.).. lb . •'. ! • . ..'l , . • • . ~.. . , - . .. .... ... ... • . _ ~ i 112M:= BUSINESS CAllg _ 11 /11141 isass taws Ono 4, nSekewellaßiAlite". C• rt.. iktft_.• .., _ ." .. • • • • • :,*.• ftitiflr..:. DOIIWriItOORT.W ..........ankli ' A in Die:6lkt, dee/eels haat:4 SUM: f ileums, ise4 MI hada ef fr:ereage tellAifysi, nal I.4gers,Zie 11. Leafy alt . rat, . : . DI. I L °. •••4 . TM latg4 F = ai i 4 A 0 i. mes*la Mohr. ificOilL he 404 taw kw. D NYS LAM lc • • • - ••• AL "'impart lieressitP, lb, clo • • • ' Txr • • denim kaeloserieLPleldium, r • • • • JAW , / • - Ilia siswimeeL v l• tut, lt al Caw • Coos .Usa. Comer •L__Poin il•Ori.1111. lea) ffrrOULKIPORI '" 7 II I/ :UK • •• M •• • .I‘44Libutti. Wow.piite . : • Dialer, lnstM Ahab .10.a* l4=4 • •' • • yttli • DOWTAVClrillltolesale Grog •La D ealer, lOnio4sze 1,14 d hallogriti tiaatetarca '44‘ . ' • U. .11 r, ehrthyr 1 , 1 Metra..R went. 1:1111•12/LLETT wurim•NYOlnela *A- O len Perelis mad,Roclies!) Drt thiplls No OD Weed g— wer.l.l . ll.l.u . ightf e - Waika - 11A11011..Nbbloa . Ai* F.1..t e.d Prod or e &mall y end forward.. 4 Ornisaii*oa Jitenehanu! No 3.1.11!.54 Mel; 1 Atlll=t isa Lallit A i = at m Lim . ..) , ilier . 3Void urnisithatid- r v : ~ aiovalkwl sl , ti — st7vOiclaciOnonmit ioli. to. Omicre mennuclued Comardoellindruni. Mem in ititAingli thita*MmiaerWlNGega elli. awe. kmairniato thew wit vitalsisseadiUMO .P 0 33 , .4.stretrovem net Chasm? Lae. *at • S . .0,1724 De E j te kVl L Zirt a w_lPllll . Zan& elamilataind arteelelluilbpbanallt, A , .1 F ... rtml.;: r.ranarrta dicey CommloMmt M 'J. :dealer' la Salt, Lot leber,Gmertes, Mmiwunts; CattektimisMlams7 . • • <MB in U. JeteCOTOUILD • lairr&D Gm' eara, Dealer. In erode.. Inuk.2l.lu, Warmed V 1 &Unaw .1 are", manly, 11".thart . \ . .., D. wet.. • • '.. ': nava ira eirrattes A a s; ar, 11PCMIliliAlle. Ditee'sers irt,Dk.. D Watk Wboleale Otseen"; farld •;,,,,,, Aloraants.plealon•inkLema Nags,aaal, ~,,n . r r es aa Dlnalarah leauthemair oadeatly, seal _ _ ._ • • ' " -W ZIPLIT Yarns the Wm. to call . nal -Woa - •ar. kir fucker trona Worked Callan, - • . - • wan .• 432 • Win aasi Mat sod dlatfa Pnadoce aoa ri. 11 4 • caci ra cana, coma of. Wane mai WV= , ZiVp u lL=l ; zianefi e 'sol . ik37 ; 44 " nu l Clair auteeuNaa- , • v.umumilimmumjc, VI ? IL . w 0 u,• Whol.ale same . • -1W 4111rtIMPUZIN * 1/1/bariaq !'• am* RlVELariatidli* . , r 10.• U. ROMMOX: Amaral yl.itim.ed W °See' to Me rt- v7vrrlrr. & DILWORTH. gra. We IfwilßWool.% wbe F ir ' G ael ibt ". 1116141416!Tnrit}ii w. WlfJlolllpcaler Witle,esq•weiiy, IV • tent Rimg• 411,1411,e, Now a , 4 l _ l l l o l l l l ltorlhilisiiiusteleila itana=ll4 Paashase , 91.4 . 411 !!!" "'"", , ukpat P.:11111.11klar..• hikuiebweium oba . • " 4111 . 6 0 1,0 P4w•none•Illue atria* agja . SUM .streete, gel& IV scaty arikolaa • nryskiases'Peft Agebr edmises au bit as Lim Audi". i• . •••• • ' 11? d. ,11! Ls rn wee; one. floWallolit. Oollectogi amt.. eel owl other loOttausattoodod to wish pamotlity. . DirWWm. erpOmay VaLt= i tto; • :•leba Detreq• Gat, Llishmir gay •-• law WIOERI, Jams. MeCally. Esq, R911".m. Warn RECTIFYING DISTILLER, BOUM blinSine mon; . 1 M 114.z.g aly a; cad ss lacaaa,/ apt, m7 3 .3UR01f~ PA: . WARRICK-MARTO & C 0.,: . • Jima Ty - Dots Nese msd.C•4l; • mitlitly• • !! 1 : - PluAr'srily 41111 , 21 kw,) '''' '%. ' • : ; \llllll4ll.4.ll/11S 'tTfORNLIBINU MEIN tT.LLOILO AT . 1.411 V fcp•Odies Nark bided Frank 4y, ex* !I AulkUlt-te! — 601 . /Atirt r • • • .P 1 4 ,0 Ulatklare. ' Laws Z. am . • -0: lIL.IoxisCRIN SC . POLESSAY... timers sad Deskis is Oili; Dan sds., awl rilloasia awn [mondanialo,lao: ilea al -. miff • all sad gssend sssassenisf WI: lint, Wsiat =set, sear Maly Allsipo W. REM hi HMOS, SammoroirElliiiiaid! • lo 3 .7Wltn.t !4;14.? Ad Pd, 4mir Oileeet 11 .• Wt.0 , 4.1r KnOkkg. PWAboraw sprZlia TOW( • Di. VOW2IIII HIND; theysla and Strew J eery. tie IS Merkur, three Isere ebeeelluntl eg,f • ritubufgh..,lll 'we onntantly at haat a weßeeletlt eSateentoent of the .ben sad ftethettaledSegeOeldek. he nal sett ea the hen Man elite tense. PhYnnetn ptendthe *Wen will he peonenly &mantis. sal imp plied Intl 111,4tiell they nay iy epee C. psalm. • MYThynehtsePrentiptione will be eneentely es4ll prepared nen the hest tenenahr, aren't). r ot . Ihe day or wed. _ . Abe fop inn, Wan week s/ (realised sten Penh. • :txr I...mrszios, Watt!, Wakes it ireiLler, V. cermet 4t aatnariet 10- a lute aad eekele4 mait of watehe., • Je. , / , 7. Esivit•want sud ifilsuu7 Goods. - Vann on band mad u =galas eas• Kra pncea,Gold Pawn - Lever, tall Jalivibmt orsiehes, W. as VA Allyn do much., ae km al 111.18..• • . Gamine °Doper, Mit', ahe 411101,011 laskeAf vinuttve! any lad la • man sdriun.r and wpmurAL:.. • • • • ..- . 4.orlFl.lratel wet dene /a :is vary beireiszier. . 'J: . II;:iIWEXTZER, A TTOKNE T•LA Wi mig••24,..! prjeat. st.'ouirtru i e i tia; .BVadr•au•samtinapdr lopirkpopous ondo men Cowles, Pa. • - tirShieltrock, Bel it Co t • , • ' . !Choral k, lanodeFs littexugt. ". 4..• 'PAMIR irsaulliTeallii • . • • • N, to isisgonasr.WalNL . 117; All at theta aid ithaeleTeasi gamer. Vu l . o _ oo POned an,ao; • AilOrgaisa poet nee, 44eg r4"elirr • Larne.. Arm air • ha' • ' Fsow P • , DaveriFievirri wear, . nek lintaggoests falls Jat ir•can okras has tole Ore N tkelhiltso(bif in Rio Ake: matt Ksatllk.c. Mute( sad Perry al any hoar a.1,1111111 , :u. • " ITO,/ Um, isayleire;l6 A TTORU FY ar.d 6maeLsru Lam, CINCRINATI. ..(1.0H10.• cc4)mmmp m fsombrim Ofm, mmitla [Mans omf Yammly, prftpdr ~d I Malty am•Mlni &maim:m*l , 4x eum of Pansy Immia; mlcitm Le imms, acksowMapments, Le. ittras.Toll.an lk t Soli, Cord.; atiMi Cs,,,m,m, Wm Hay • FA., WOW/44 D•va... aCe • • XAGLE . COTTON WORKS. • • . SETT SMuson. • MANUFACTURE COTTON TARN. Cax.M.WleksEralist,Twia_., Caudal ' VAIN, CARYFT CRAIN WARM k.a le., . • XING; ea PENNOCK kCo .4 ' 6 7 1 ! ' stbwkleskAuryj • 6 _ :A. • XIX l'COe. • . 277 .-. TT ce4mornuter, srw. ORLEANS, - ,(.7'OUNTS for J B Amnon, Extensive &ma tyr o .f - 3. Saner- Ale...teen band, a luso mock of Yovederof. exteJloeseni type. iu Maim and Martel. Atio, euxer 7loose Molentes. souLe Bficalfowanee loadings all soles go_...fAbeinsBo)...ll4f • • " l e' kar-7-7-'" P 0.1.10 BBEWS11115.! • -- , tens St, aahrootof Matt; Pletabus hi' P.. 1..• pnestatritriciit PITI2III/11611 Ol.lButers MI . . " 11 "Vkati W 4 *O . iiiillf/C.lO win OP Be/ Rel. .wy i el (. 2& li M i tii=wi :nrgii •Wow*woad 1 41 • .• • jammer; VA • a &saws — . gau. • U. P. aS. N 1111.50211 a 170., •• • ...U.ANClreertinkAS l ff tisausnod tobstac oaf l. . 2 4• UL JIB MU'sea Mazer, Fate s ite l / 2 at: Weettourtt.Plustwrgli: - , uuwit ZIZAWIS CIIA.PXAS, • Orne ~ 4l 7:yve.to . *youli ilea. , 0 . 0 . 0 /1/ g.rtr eta sif.r st-ciair wea 4., heir ett;i. !Ir k. ""l e.m ji rek eooag. - I wwwal., &Nyy N0144*. I=Celf 151: vmulsad . I ' FORWARDIN6 I k COULSSION, 'C IL luneabserer,• ' '. - " " 'dated* i tigo• . JAI. GA xi U. Dairairigqw.ue . . .' '1"0".11 - /CC110;-"•• -, • it 1111111610 A ,11114CIIIVIItii47- ) silos* Whadarapul fie Illdrilk . Water Y: • PII.IIJ,DELPULan • • .1.. .... , IPVii iirinioia, as trade and' dadr.ii denilliely al 40 Patatarck, that dati tem ataddosea ital, -Ws Vsalit W. Vimulta enaoarnatamen, and Oa.Charann all WOK, Watt Indiesalad ell•er atmel ..U'IWWINIIM• al.oo ..5 esatant saner et ilia fallfflafrdliFfillie• tiens at febaare wldek •n ll be elad'epen'es 'Wier 4.4 . 1 .1 Wan am any edam amain YU ail, tane/a•• alters, sad all roads ordered HallAbac . ../". 4l krie I ramed equal ie ramp- elaciest-- . . •- Jlavaaat , tiCcanderr, I amta.... • - - Tani. .. - pen. ze,el .• .Pana , ailaeoitelat Tb ~ C.L.4 1,... ' ;goad . and tllarida. .• nacela .•,. :AL-- *NNW. aciebralad Ac...a. &ad Ca,....- Alba, with alanikaammaat gather Para., bllcabl , sad qualllleveteeends;nifia Ito 16. and 3as Loma %PI in and VW nag Ledies.,Tlea,Virsacials 7w16. Is. Wireerard ;debt, /a.mbele and an/f=d; and sia t. iegetkr wislievecuctrietr al' • g 4 . i J. N. DIOILLY, FaiTARDIIIIL 901111 1 11 1 - UMW • • rafrie!o*•44 Agtal or Amyl, +, •..t . '4IID'mCLUIGAII.' 1e.... --,..ve.. -1 isi..jmirq.ci .• rirnsolivii -Aim...Dania, liir k bo~iim sullut opesiogamal...„ _. . ' *Mem property at 61 • wharf bow ea Mime fa 411 pa &it lExtemozi OK* CIS, fir lel Forts as lake Erltr,s4 KM4 0 .411.011.11. =Lace, te•by tam's.APPITIO el G. W. Lrunrocb. • , A: G. W. Lef.FTWIC . I4.4 „C"; ..._ RECEIVING, WNW ASDING,;. r • And Commission • elsreliam i sc... PLikiktIMMINE, La. ThiIiTICULkR minim mild so' erwslommanslif. israldiCs. Lunn, or ethers/nein oppbass!.. cpu MK rows Elelkeld Llsialskr, Mt. no wit. Limerick; New Oricask t •• ..i Mom. Lam& Raman Mt. 61.8kallsk: 2Plltilin. Ifni * AL Spoon Mr. Wrm! &Lour ilabOrt 'nem Ilya. & Mists sA, Ideorm, &brain 1 [Chitral!, Ron Rem Lab tarsi Mi. his Miro; Plssmins. Ls. .PLIDU/N. PRODUCE,' AND 00694 COS! I • SION lit V•Re_ HANTS. • • . No. 1.14 Ilmt MIS %%say 1141tImarre...',, : , Drir Zet " ent S oti '"" : "i • te F' petaa the lialtimotro Alarke,aad tregOsith , ex . mtuity• act • , mace among pare Biue.lo=Lez i .. aaf= not sztarsetommien. be kept adviood of *a law of Ake Mirka; ita.'l:!• • ; • • • •Rgaz se—if mrs:Waa. Waimea& ems. lame . 26 iblels :kn. r4r4.0. Kau: ittor Care.yLliabilawe • .JentN. ••,_ • e. 4 . • Ca dwell Ai FAOhlk: itilf YINI. • • ....bultrbeoveNi; • igh :!: • 1,. • • MM.. OZAIU. Masi s Os.. FLOUR FACTORS AND PRODUCE COM I MISSION MERCHANTS. .• • • r: =J UL cub &Ovum. wads nocelp4 of ei11b .1.4 ,virocents.. Thom obipping u. oar adArcsa wdl Or • ass threatoardu nloo isad.Aare La Carr, by srpl7 logiooarf6tod., • *. • Mew. W.alinclbed Mew. Thos.lkll & . • •, • Plilulelo`aio. &lay 3, • • mayl74f B. All prodoco Ile atIV iondroll Titak in the warolhocio of tYrlfrii or "I 00r Mort ID PWNMpYIL Writ • CW . B/DDLEIf 1111T1Wia4.,111114 L E•E:C H J 'lO. 113 WOOD. IT, Pm 's% airmen.: tyavimonpkt mr . ....ek frtalee beseech:es , Labia dasneito nod soreign I Wit. plasm laja Is.emtamers ag.4l de•lan tlars gip imursed f etrnlll deg= allgood. my /ARAM: kw W ier•reS.ll4 .— nvollatnlllu de elneerelnslyslria 144 . lOrrf lirnOrare and ,Covite Mossemits.,ll *boa La ` proud • • Oat 'mare me te day spresin. Dillienroud fot • spa UM IMPORTATIONS OF HARDWAR.F: CR .: 1 ' .1.01/111 & I'EMIRDI, 11041101131Lsi OF 'AND. Wiigli,E.SALli rigbiaitki ,pi ;11110/131iVAIL10. CIITLIZILT, AA, . • i • ~.. no, II! Wood Prost. . : •, : , . - • r TTIIIIII7BOII. • Al ly E 644,1111 rho course of memo, lure .aialtlVll, •theisosteo ivs aoc,. of 1: gni or* re, Cutlerl, it I _nUerilrtnsvik:W:brikaaodcu UK ' bail dims boa 60 'l.o.W.: l km bc this canary; ',Woks them igi 'of fer Voila 0, trAsuosposacd by aosio asfamalod,l7 610 . 4 PilirliciA, aro respectially linked co calL• . • •-• °anon tocnzuor, tPriS,SION &FoRWARDinu IIdrOtCHAZIT, NnSb WtAt ST iurr, Pignut') ass, •.. grlONTirt u truant,: a /mural COUICIIaIOIII Sitelsesn,szly in, the pram* .4.BWe of A~mmericno Ain tame sad Pfethei. sod I. raedti etwl Gottas ettisipodWide tare: At Arent for he It hettaheittiliza - k lis bi ?,""L" ,1 7 *applied itt Alfe pnocipal Ankles nuelAtrie Alnotfiethe at the karat wholesale Priela , OH/n aed evnignmeetn ft:Teeth'''. R.: Howe Lem • G. ...4X - , LOVE; ' M Al: IN. ji,...00.;' -'.- ritcipticr:.GE.: rata P. 6 _3lmissto:i. A. 19.1 Mi r... : ...,.15....6%;ARniNalihirat41..iigir ... , 1 ..Amman . Omni &CI r , z, °ix?. . . . ....D....kokmasnoizi• - , -_ ... /Wm a • Utdailf 1, - amidaers: ~ Octl I ' 11eig17eNhr.. t - i'• . 'l. • • .dinl7F ' c. Ii. , •11.1 . 11106 bo,„rplibbstikrat. WC • 11/014104.7“110.. ILEHMER 4 -AN CF_RSCIN tkeizats IN curros, _roasysibTwAinl: - it.ERCH • Ns 11 Av.. arta, akee.enagata./k.aidinset. din : So klartlouna. geaera , l, ,la hsbutilll- .9CIO ' 'WALTER—keit:. 1' ti..` 4 46 ' rums amp sum 1 ! MISS, oN 111,Ett, .Affyi titriLlaZgi:',ll'..K.. h., T Moen'. jr./11LIZ I LIZlif::, ` Zli., - .tl g : lurk. Y.Tik , ii W?..., ,, 84 / 4 1 •4 4 SM. . sls a . • ear• • 1..; norm= &iitLESLISOi. . . 0110001118011. To •Oof ILLY . & ataasl)‘ . Cormiixiew. :Mack; fq k g lievb Pla Gaenae t-ne • zok,loll,en & ?moat IA • • , , 11. 11 . .T.01111V&Ir & 004 ' ' • . • 7iOILTS - 110Wri1, 0!•t, Costastsalas sad Amraki, • 1 - Xecebatti:aLt floduca Deafen—also &wad tot. Parclue, Salo .9.lllfolplocel of Pig Irds..Co*, Ac: Ahead,Jones Oa' • - ••• !Wei. &co Muting &Cs •• • .11,stry.Ont • • Ono! , C• r " D Leech , • ' Lroce. !Loeb aOo • , Cl 01, - 17kirr •• - • • • • . swan- anamar. " the Innof fila rwß ei glia m tzk • thOssis. per, T n Te flies, L Resta Ohe I w,law Ised — Er .14 Cw .1 Dee Beets, Caw* itaaanteraies gemesilin ertik•Lor tivigt s .2l22l . . "mob Pro - iiiat 17' lrwtn Er. : AUCTIONEEtt COidi Pa SS lON NM* Pall.. ALMANDEIt LET CINCINNATI LAWS OFFEIt to WI et ember etestOplumeol, ell my* Of Idelebatteleo tbet• .oerrettestell gee always peyote! to wit* eulltaoert i t • Serene. (men, rellelew4.• • lemwe ' • 1. WOW Ikons Will be eroweljr otteeelee to, I ... THOUPIOI/1 & C9MMISSIQN IVIFRCHARITIF And ManatlnnumserLtnnesd cra t .• . Na. 20 ColuMbia Street, CINCLNIVA7'I, iercuna . 14.1 D On V LA2II/404:0 ...: 4 1.SAIVPI. JONES, JIL , a ; 'Mae Talbot lane. t Cm.rof Dalligmme.) • ORODER.Y.'iNDLNISSION AND YORWANDINO • , NESCIIANT, . ..NA 15 I'93minsi Stral,Ass: „ Z • gct-pokrUlDArgaNuma•palAl ODA bair • o' • • IN'AILIDIDIDSKII. %'/,1• 7 . at+omdb+slleirisilt,Blwatiai Fm; Amish pancalukiotlillonndietarProllseePlii. rases inler. spprai PCDCS YTH it DUNCAominst CD. Ir. Naval - f.i • • rrasii:v MATILF.Ws 4/s. PATCH. .• ' .COISIABION • lIMICHABII* :• 16148 water Annoll. • pz • at • , : • • 1111% LOCANO. • Will iro janteets ihreethag 1044 SW IlsortlonforissrAirxi.4 4 4 Rant* tio,ilraelliNcia JaVeirelfeet'ireeisn,Dadbartsom,,, JOll3l .111.0171.1001/0111 00., • •••• n end Foncarding'lderchmslf. . NOB. 93 it. 95 Etorra BT. - - Ii0D17• DOWLING , * WilAßF.Dattlat ..* & 1 • - *H'FICIMMISSICW; MERCHANTS, I • if...* wad 9 Light St— - • • • • OALTIRMAIIIC greash Unice. will be made on esamigmandlS be.abommaddreac • . . • • • • 1•0119 ' . — SArliitritlbre — Obg • :#II.TACTUocAND RAIN AN PRODMgt . . . • Canislinen Vlore - 1 ' sountwaAßves, PLEILADziziIUP. n'emis• and korward &UMW -r,r -, I m.dito.a..7oll,u4Ntaib, • ?Cum I SAP - .T1105. 11. Lll.llll2lN_',-i' ~;, i TM . IOLI:SA LE Gnomic Amov omiussion, 'IT itaissmAtiy, ?us! Wnor nmp. wr. - Loyte QtDf r: L ae..lsoo:fk C". iulanTlielle* Piriemit ' 1, &• • .• Mikan* . - =vivo sr ere . ,1/ZEJLAWCPAT AGENT AND CONXinsum ,,. ; _l2/111111i0113•11F.4 IX I•I•. ONONUAUELA HOVOZ, • ' • NOVEMBER .22.,: ° 1547.. i- , - -, IIISCELIMEGS*" PAU?S II .• rQW. 1 44%;;;T,T1 ettialry IF Wass amp., , •• MU' da InilllterntEetr.l4 •• ' • ain:signal npandid sonnianient of Fours% llano.dananadina bud and ray kkoloi•'! • Rae pm., tack on kadVannotan nanclad gum no n adyna r y idtheautens Ularoy.' Pan.* addling 40:1x.wero101o nnam:ta ono: dnami lam ay ptneen -pima. I.n the atock Cli f h TdtTnnaAPladad i fldi; . lol4 : cov : *dna/dna:away Nino Cdrin;,; • ; I. lllr2e n =ilak: 5•1tt0dd.....„ .... Y Wank 4-iJ •- !i • I Luba : 41 .4 4 Try _ akon.,r, • • • •-' i ia ti=Obtrar;4 o 44,it i. , 74 . riZtau i lif a k= Fenian" ada Caroinlana4 ealatarnta:!..l INLf . - • stair:iv.* a ••dosierni woom ptit mgaia i uuAY~NOwi lawn i :oar of Weld SK t r ~l7."RoadbHt; alt int % rim easseibip wWfrars i nt ertylo: awry; Mat I nare opened my raw zany atibe Oren HlMOFPatedurd .33)• tow;' owl made arpagway...raksainuanamaa' thl• mammy anal* Emits* lobe acaanantly dpaLed,l iond son, prspuorl foranlilllostwareotaltiilndh:srino Lenox ,ad.. la w as any howls Ewa Wer sethahw and ohms are lisposfalp, hinted: us' onl W man...! and. hs - foro ovations" n4wwbowt- -- 1 Tinilbllvandeetunprises aa an or laj M• • Struekrat !VI eaddlary attf,attre.l caorg,Zeif l i dilkbart a &eel, Callary, Edge Tonic "4 UPON; adlatft.-Atlii;S.ft l a s a c e=en,Tnred=tale== -Hardware Whoa. t - n.-- L .aidl‘,7 1 14 MT ta . l B 7a4 C' 41.4 IT l allw NSA ;striae Brink mamma, andi ' aZtatea IlanpiaNy;Watod,)tdaaLLM owl nolaintollarti ta lialaa sad toatraci delint aideblataar any pail el dm wed Owes. Tbs inachlas ihinlifireel Wawa. I llsfehatrisa ntnts.lelikfs Inn. ani 30,1b50 Wooed wow' if= brick lrosnay, sailei.s4 bald teamk , olp • in taw tilt; rho 'stadWs azynnws onsl Wins aro cril2ll7l7'l.E.V,itli_itithybdc*_e_42V •MI JlPait, proobstracwel saws ilea* osi t' w.to plots. and priflostreor wins twat fasibry,thas rusk. • (nee ;orstablo. Ws ans now ha/Idiot wiachawai • awn torsuati shim owslon . patens; Man fall descsiption we r: refer so a WaCblais WM toessouiblas: 'boas aAI In creak ne ar Waal swil or th MAW. WairrOarwaiall bVyy`o Orphan we CaaanCte4 lab! It le all who way We' at Newts SO SKIIIOTAId ArIlL ylJa br• meat address • • arlY bo P" a11 N iletbi: • gaIit"4OI3CRXITSI Wr L SltCriWr„. E 1 a 0 dm jamgamirru Awe. Rosa Wood at. mi Mat doer to• ysir• Pain win jun, • • sp/dadd wooronosisoglacrealto,LbacestiOnary, FmSat.lui4;,, ,, inAiorritNtlasinsprbinb strums rtg - bianwassue .itnit• London Macon; re= ts r b !INV f NlL.;Wbbt ebohlbatoWwln Mend oweA...r* I • &was ox <lain 4.t ice hareem. 1.1/f, /Mike Cali Aelbei . Osepetingarr, k.a., caseated oa a ina.taata• and busty by. urr ottprbmaiuk, 77 lei Great reasholttof ; . • • fed. Freedom Oitra Kmiec att. Me lnadessatte Dryness. • Emily encoded net wad atel3l2lllo# ' dot attat I tter. • ala-Groas Darabitltr: " ••• ••: • ••• • tt, al.Morkijand ,tettleatioo say be web, turd the 0: poling ~pp at the aratsell'arerato tangelo! . .111.111. BGAWI.I, Fleet atitela :Lvtlte bet:WOW and Matta sae • - 1 • 1 appir eespoetr Poems% and Ictt mm, 'saddle pahlts momrally as. mow, memoir Lie Ppriapirapty of Rantlirtra, al Ow ahl Mand of Wala, jNoadare 11, No Bp Woad 5tr011,141.1 be Wlll.ll.ponr . °(.w doe masa nomonabla mum . • Ile will be eonnnsally reetivlo; fresh ► osoplidlrect. frost the filo.sfsetwers la. Europe and 'big imanary; wiith will enable him io samppe NAM uleessbil.ibt mal, aithan East 0r;W0..... 'Weliirh Waltham. an invited aa call sal eaMarreil hearr• p.rehanng thwohara . t, • tiopiaadMoiroblp. , ;• • , : 1 11WLtio Madmidgoot, limealiderod . folla e41.1p, Lar Om mimosa of traomedst adoidimmoasuf Forwardum Maims, sods, 'dm .$1; • • 0111714 lletaßAW.4k, 00, ..mdbalo Mks slowareloma./W Lawry M 0 mr.es,lbmwrty accepted y 1' 1:i I s edema all :bans.. adnoue4 m a w will D. promptly sad talildallyam.nded In. • MORRIS MUM isMetly Pkllildslplap • • •- •THOS n IdeOILEW • "Okla riramxy Bak-430yr- • • • . Plabwea. Maki MV.18 1 0.... • .• • ,• • , • 1,4,0: • TUONAS 6.12L11 Wit, - • nalesi:t4w g Zsafret ". ..eaMn .W Glood keep, eartasity es knadoillias lowl.te to re ever, distsiption ol (AIL 'ldiom., Ud Omosom Glautc: 3.2,1 G Caw". ?haft plain /0.1.19132/11 pith SA (MOM bAo4Cloeirs, Trsys.l.4 Waiters, Assam; ba,,,711m161,4u2e1 • irehmkPasiotorar I.f l 1. halateoada, wholesale. II t "MO/ admiaa....l Z i rriums ."2 =747, " =t= . 2r A t 1;•.,0,...• • • N 00.16. ear W.l W.tur.• • , . "DIM 1 4417 , r1 b1 . 46 • - • ..kluarepraed olap largo cable !.:;:••• t , e• F7an).l.omaahyr throgh toSatoodg ,betyrrsa Wood sad doiddlald nrans,a. Ua tr.ur nf ilawa;aridi •arftellto war rack of llama aad Can). .agas cr die bast qaality sad Tait% vTles. Sohn Levi. at Siverraubalma vaThnaz. ,: • ". • • Wally OR . 7. l ". ll:auffete l erap li tiaato " tl " dtattan aa a orltrattlhi -1: V gebu PAatples,Blatchas i rli d .beem awry. Heal See* chapped et meted br Ovate, dues. ..E4 or the 1111.acyableb .W 4 Soap atasidatmpatalkif. - dltpettFreeklet.R.D , tram, Ilarahm. Teet,. ant elnagra ttat cake of dash. yelkno. M ditheara.l Aria, to - e lea healthy. yoatilltt. classmate.. A ftealli arastwed eernme, cleft, We at the neneed vet, at Re pot calm hat last bee; ftl • P ANN MI MCI( a 7..0,4.ai1d Weal the clew Ara( .Intl' ia4414. sat late Dramas ales.. TlLACllsoll*.lrOUrrtallit 14.• ir readead mil Behar theW . Elaniagi Hew w 4 Ilhane==le Ur hdeneterie, than . le 441 ea la= en .110.4 wow eall ' dalay: Ti g lso r 4 l l4l 54.4 we Witte weathwee 4 Ma .I.A.ehew them kereerettheehinet amnia tolanwA, a( Atha Dare Der 0.411a51ee) .. el .. .. 0a 4 5441 , 444 Alnielim. . . .FXIIIIII3 leeree, oa • trial er else sad shalt A udllith hes 1143,, athentee tab octet eantei pima en detahlterla the eenetnenne at all Mad. ef Farthea. Pee* 4.13,13 east, ter best 441.1114 K r Nratale44 nee tannin ve. Orden be a weeed Opal* . • belhe Beaks will 14 henna& at Wren NM& Gle tree, wi Ohl Iteathea. • • Meek et the I ral~o. reennag ha Atha It tha7p4mak 71100 haf,l:hat stir -....... ..r : -. :-• • - - - t 6 iie ' t 0 ... ,• 4 -' tit; 3 414111 AW X/11316ADX e! F , liassbrips IIII• MOM • Wt6firin 'i l4irlq/51LIO=Taileta4e !hay with elhael hato rent Tat Olt: auto =hare nen to wit tleir•Teas ea Pie tuntAllesbeer nth AnyznertAttenn her 14 ant hernia, areept menet i t am Is praellawg a. thellea ape a OW apoe'te be end thne Maw "hue eet et ha raced ea. , '. . .. • • . 4 ". TV A rAItNrA Pearl wren • /3,5.44,11A11, 10 , 4...1a* ,TALI cOrrElb, I.7.latwash4 nee Mr hasainer, NNW ptrrt . :51aela.Vientattlea) eau. r, a very of With the Ib,lern mum all al which ere • an=l. 1.0=4 : 111 the Plaateuth ef,next itadAtl am . • • •• i.. I , • Intl ..c - ! .5 N WICIIIISPIAM . naves, tamale, !•• Tz a r Am 011atiolir 'WA' Drop: uW P O lini, 'Oily; ' l •ridlivioevilicieilioliras eantaDy into Aid boo / inoiedditiOi Ob./ lima too-dolor olgio: Alm; asoondisitt Tarfossem Tank mid Clad pride* IWO IND DOD low tar sub. • :-....00ry 1 .I.Aniairon gberwe lib* allif , liaft ...B6ll . lll" . (7l; of .1 D uhamp ik dr" dbillobiot by admit eolmat. no bailee. De mail/mod by D Wit-. hams, I. der ovilortuici *only by orribiboO cd• the lily thizObtooli,Elopi wail • 'evoke Wm:rum vi mien; • ove- ViO rived* mool Daildod.idtvies,vd woos pima* nimble tor ea nary loon dod tardoirerry.llll %AS asoutioral of pea wed packet lialveo,ll tidierior e L Jos reed! .d lad rah low al thy PIIW.ItI • and Arvici4tal woks., Wood 111,_eaar OW. 'nail Cpllllll I I I 01111111. QV DAMNS •••••• 'A CINCIFINATI—I atm asuborized by deo Gensiiiihf Posouglesalsr.to tato arkossiofrooestr of:141W aßoonto of writi o g , also ARd.osao W 44111111W1U Madam Okip, lo too um , ' or seam! Gd N poonsylose Z0id.0111616 . 11 doors East °Alto hi dror's OGeo,GA. Oloo,; .: • :EDWARD R , (MANOR , • ' do)klaorly•F • • , • • • Attorody as Law RA wasted. as..rjws;lis . r . the ?nitwit pricolp CARR - AlWaJs as brad, *very q.stn . 0404 Wilding 40 . Wririmi Paw allot 0. &Arm , Comer Pena and Irwin ns. Pitobandt Nun' Cube' free N•rpcm 1: 1125 i 1 GOLD e n i Lever W. thp latest 'alntsettue—raniUMNNl.Ort . ; • WILASon tis esdlirade Ifsarf =Mad arge...eartrorr itlee&—•- , .. • • • .7 , " W/ ..111748111J111 , • Pt 'novo , mats msent IC • • Atlolleaknon Ice Cross their mcsoaltabk girtafAtutlemtc . prirate lascr, Am at " • Jw DUNLAP woir • • • • co. ft movie ' • 01111-41wmanmaimaikard . al Or. MO. a.m.,. ra linerctd_ yltr, nrs.llo, impend le wintran Orlagalle ephes: '154•20 Ammillond4dinfro••••••o , •••er.d 117700au•• •isolt • • 61 .10 1 1 "" 0 Rift* iff .4 K 'mum , emseolca..psiti LE IfiIITITOTL' • 4111: 6 1*1 1 6b,* atitor Uzi telai - 1) Warthog of eatfrabalEias , attVu. • • r u Z .. totaf . kw. ltr~at t " ti aktoraealbl !tad Ma 3ba ',lstocalllattaktitortlV eatoboablazt y akVa . tlittl mu: It. ar I:kavd Falba tutu 1;72111E1U:1W ylxx Nai.':a ea q t'i :and adult paten oo wool known to stabd tasoatatartdatiob. wit! potent I'o-tub icaoberiatit - at eamayairr'_ Poe. / orlft kayo <town a( tbaDeWtero of Wool Wow, to(AlttalIRS814I11. baatidiseatidaVii; popular-mould waist,* lemas t fit *mix:oboe*, mr• WI in ask Water ales. Prot. 9. v. tk. cacapetoat. toseba,sed - baa , nosteocatSsiittet fraia tia.lbtat mem fa Campo to tba Übittalfinues• • 111..:Ositera4tuble Is Oa Sell loan onion. of tin prantle• alb:F.l;4ll4l' • •UMW* . I ' l . • • I. • 0 , .414 str.t, rune..n, Saki r RE • • • posed - LI • boopekoo f* goolisti &locums, wick Wttbe loci is ElloProoethliallailend Latin Liciopuogoe: Tice conteistit OM west isociscasProfcimero aro per. mom ecly irsoored, uid every Wilily gives prpilr ter aecioltkeillir rent Loncinages, cooredier'orito other • Tbs. . Co•tlyi444.lceo two Loma of ire mole i►rfl • retb, ocaoa tri of Bepte,ceber, nod yodels — Thedcatekiv ClO. E'eholciciiii You oi coo moptlia. Rte,Yale tolIf•youly colvouiee; ottl•bia ennu i tieeyt Male its 4 vrYlek.. one et -fticeimoor% lola ITO. eminencies on) ore l ive, tem, lola to *mod wand/goer. • • • ,* • If it kr thought &sirs* by porno of goudions, papll bon ilimaseoolory ma. mown 'dosing 'OK door= 'MUM% vdielloal doe ainecypoo or11:1 be P.kic Tetteeltlllrouemei,pr 1 417 ?.? rtoic ;a Belie, Wiz= LoiLik Ito k Tild.22. 7,0; ne , ..t.e .' , Ats—VVlak lee !ma CO r—CoOdi Ofilorva Liosi Qclls Leoisi • ••• N o,Ticiouts C Mimic • .• von* Cler , •ltow Dr Orelodicsiztliror 4 = 77' .. • O'• 0 atillklr - 4 . 6 6 : I , ' i ALLEGHENY CITY. . t •W. . T *lonian mho the ddecilotief Mr. N. W.', LP, lasall ekes for dineetierlea ONO" I , C ornet et IllstaUlasby and ettswberry.stes TM Viewed ambit CR untatiules ea/telidu t tleat 'f t: 4631 2 . W . "tft iln. ll l 6 b l OIN dots Wane to d ttiVivill . l o • P r e = st : e l iTrrardsti al lit Ti itemises of umponat Teatarts will be ieUilLt Ur ells** nut maywliti to receive itoustatlani, in ;beau*, Ratan sod klub. far punisehus :shame to the were. or iiiiessaital atom a 9. 'wisely Uri elu OT euil y a th. tannic we: -, Vallethroy: leer 13, HO. it VLhy J A it i' ll i f. Jana , Weleia l t l it e uv7e P t 'bi6b" F tied intr. Chila antis . • : • (.1 • e Glibboat-Tbe binary of Is deeds. ibel if the Roma Runde. By 441HW Gibbs., Esq. Aisle Edith:es, rented tad corrected detorgti. ast,preeeded by i rebut, sod azurnaniad by, suet uttiad m historical, ralattiat Jtoill..SlPltilf 1 st the proweptio od of Ca r rtalailly: by NI. F. (..at, Minato of Addis fortniction for the hierlosind Ina., The pulses, 001. sad correctioar, alas bled Goo the Reach moody tor U.. eddies. ;With %notice of the tale sad chancier of Giblat., sad Watson'. Reidy to Gibbon . la! rob. tup, tut, 1673 plata . • • rice* rallillitill WirtrCouplete. I t.l. imp.' Hallaufs Middle Agee4 th ltuebetb Rabellios in Scotland, Robertson!. V udew • N &Cud; Ramedfs frisch end rag ish Wu la America; aid Racony'a American Resoletioa. Ird alot t • • • Laturirio. AilltriCllllllistay-t!Wert lions funs de best authors on Azerinsa . Iliegrsphy,Trimels, Commerce, Statistics, tedium.; Raveletioury Settle. A.S. decal*. 'Altio, Abu dots. Pastry dad bllseelhusesits .roues; Glean ted with wore the au uirtozipc I 'a, tp, eta 640 team • .r. • ' :' • lletnilsal Pe toriii übriry : - Castilians nautili f.4a,r e suioss aublects, oisam n a .lierl 1 " V= :gcos. 4 :1••=1 11 7. ne Arl& ie,rThula Bougr, mi.aeliseear neadieg,'.itt. Imp Oro 640 pp, Aid Owen., ,• • .• _,_ The Fundy btalleat LibretrA Masking the .P , ltendattg64 yin* Cl: thaesses, by ',ghats sad • eftspleinediehtes, ' New editieb, rensial aid esti: , iced with the addition of a yegetable ;duets Med. . ssa, polanaireal testrineas, . n Gen . 40 714101 . 27 P• ..IllistM - • boulud Eiviisitds. su .1 which ant ' By J 0 Norwood, Al 0--164 - pats tiro /1 Iflinser (Judea Zoo Adapted No died titatert; by Edwardssyo4.l4selicaps thudeeist. It is,. dial eddies, 1 . • ef Orcre, Rocky tdoestaus,tro. kn. V lady Timmer% octavo, with. sad withal iz i el P/ ootse,ead Pula. sa mute. • Ditntekr Debella Ran'. Wyrk. LAO Lake. LOU Reolli.. Jldese's Prints Dero- Jastoile • Rubin lahniedalosiinf.suiou Ilb pamphlet tarsi, ! s. - •• S - ! I' =NM 1 7 7- fittibis atudialriiii . • • • B , svccors..Nat a lxds.r try , a ,Iki• ••• brwar..l of humolorMordp 1633 31,31,1n11•133• ond drilartlas or •11 tb•=.l wr,alitim•brlV:t Borade r 13 Nee., mi. wM • assx moue • ?" br i ." V " aar . • Ik:taih4.l! 10,3 anw% p.of s.3arth lams, Cords L i4 oot•Comat• wed, Nan 11,1311,,, K. &amid, Madre+, Tar, New 1161, inn, Orel. ,Touns i lldifonny Aft um,C•34•l .Afteries, Yeas, 0131 imbalamd, W.D µ. !Weal • Nen, Pwrihos-1113 orra dor l•strirtes' Cron the velbriestir•la 1317, lo motatiener sr, sessoll of ark proripirs, •e,art, 31131,3 el 71,1, A, C rr a iwrill.3•Aw . ol.7•3lies, 111Doniltarra•••••1; ' ,• 7l4 : 73•Vtii•lleit 113 1,7333 ' ;3y!i3eorit *Nei seraber of the_ nofill dice of Illram,rke. AaJdat . 37 =3.1 .1 31=13?. 1114 ft; • nr,-, PeP . , . u=l....t.rmic* , oo;4l l 4=o.o~ fll lxj,7; VoolwlLThear sarbaseil ad mis ANNostat. Blooms— • ANL WeWelt Moan 11..eh1t4. • ralae4 lantleeee el )(cdteinei • IkK lleaV Kataatt Ap MdGee; emen • ' i • • t • nemai Selitteelassetneet thitialegy; t2anie ea Feselar • 1 • Cowmen Wells; Masehetheettss Pm** et Patentee.; . Peen= the Demeleb; . • Cloud* oo LkAtilal of Ch'ldreei I theepre.• Dietleaarri, • Omn* Finteg .. • - United eltelee Dlepeeeakey—eteve tellion. • The etetee with a ffeneraleesortorai a(Ctestleal sad aliapelleseene Doeeelen reeetriag wedPt safe • . • 92.1.1teiT en mutermket et. vtuu Mewed:J.3M sad ell 11411{PIAIP4 PUBLICATIONS Nrstsa" .11U - Defeals &6 y awl flosslorpiSS Manisa's Ithskins. Latila u. Greek add Eagliabld46oo. • Del tgOer l P r b"rPhY' • d ad madded bY ' • • y. arettillNALlt DEMON; mankal d . • ILll—Htmosy of do ilnal,6l/no Po Waned; and of the wan and nap ARsAlkaiag. hod donradclea do Ureek Manion. d ndandP 6 .. clatlloo/ smarty isam U. TuArldb Yoisr—ln rw yd. pasa—oplcadid copy wha ascaccoas sdpd and ord-. Loam' Ithainubta of di Myself Milan 111,fres Al I 1714-0101 La. PdHlams to 1 11 . , •• • I Callpinwo b Ma wady of Ow Holy Canyon, • Kanyldortlay; dello( moan, vld 60 dila: lad tit Windy Land, Preach Etaan, yq 40110660. wain; salq by_ : a aira i n p , •••••• .761cDONALD . 1110101 • .7 . 1-1 •• to larkitamro in. s qr . .a . -isteUril Wind et' • • niaivlei 'es aa ands= 11110110...‘4 4 , l•Beng WNm Yet arslas and wee spa and soda., .Sira ralandid HotelPoo4Z4 , loll, ate mum;..lllleo OwWM/4 estvedßistesmd, oSiStes,.; ' ace' Oa• syleatbd•mdesmy Pleea u.w ,sla sad. MM.,: J.• One mad Pine Voris; as& ddr Obesity : 6;Y Nom raneloead tally am! to due ow .10Y .1101:1 On MUMMY wand bend PI saciaisda by Sm. , 74."31feresser Daalaaeo New York...; ?D • .../KNINOVPPPIT wilt lasilnd &pal di* mat: sees. ble so d exied: ledaeltlo tha carb • • • • : • Oaa blegani male:May, oi , bassiailealWNllllll4 Mk, Net .j, York 4 e, tread pert aarasejagifaray Claa alarm b ob Ylvees t .wwbr.Chisidebai t fleese; abd seise tsd ybus as tha bret•lartmeral . 411 e slabs Ca Ile Caelery.-pplas . • - &We; • ombyr of oebetd Geld( rim awl 'amatna the Mel avower sebelisaym Ns Kt, attl•et at W`Waademll's;:. • Seelokale Ituidliglaellade•• • teniint U se hn t•el se l3Z >ratrate ll.Wilid, ,44 Odd ePldddsllbeessraodPMforlldl;. • • selii wares, Irsa frame add akeir Kati. ;Made brildebar lat Baadtdood pof Mom'. • dodblo o.l gellea;' 111 ad by .o.! • Ossjimst Ildabo:11 144' 2:4=a111 .. amid at M4110114111Re• Nina Ablelbead didiss 11 , ,e,, a seemed bind Plana' Pori , 01 - 111112 3 1'701P.InlrlIoVTheli pabllsbest, bi II •eb P JonelioSelashmel., • RY Ier.ARIICOt beiCletl Wan sod el v latdt i dlbadeMS,lideslobllldea asr yonder . he slot i t salt . rd l j ed au Vilma AK *Mary .Ael, yry PDWp 'Tewef..M. D Imedlaeselplaat Sem, sad sem Eapaatagaoi Haman Basla timed; ,OU4 sob ose fame; of Inc kaadrettzsi 11141,:010 , 1[111.11144 ke blOiee, ,m .raw***46 , Y MAW& p . 1100Taditaetol del' — de dieknOteindillr et tosainoispn ias in vot rule!, - VEMYCZYTONA ikoknoners • • • • ess mertet id ' • !THE num cingnsalutxtßar, 1.011416 L i tgatlinv io t Wee le Mao luadi b 7 and doggy, &a/al of l Alberk Micedestol Poets►ritemit4aV .'...G.PVI • WM/ FALIMAL . . MEE - 11A111111,CTORIES: 84 4 E .. • EiPai ; Mika & /RON ,Wp&IS 0 •it ,a Laving completed , meirkm srewwerpreplawl assamlam event .fficeiptloopl Cosa aod Llehtla. apnoea Ilaa Annie ater,tpriag mtd plane "met, mei ?Lyme of wall Kura - woad Ilea, which Mee *ter Resale ea - liberal tome tkele W. 1.1444 iCtect wood atreetr whets deep - edwe lasep ka had 4 campleu, and Isan&ome emoranent of Coach tem- Ir . Cantina Madame,' talleabla abate" elate 0•70&17 , ),% at& astathiesMilw brawn Day & Create, murmurers of Sherelo, Sped." nub, aad will keep eaanataly co baled am, aniala wade by thee.' Milers ate empeetflailrialii e.TIM to cal/pw mimosa sow btait=l. 4 ; • . I • i Prrr;SistOInitik,VONFLANkrOUNDAY. Ftesisermi:PA. • •• aorta WRIGIU - 1" A tinsPler U ed nelld gems and Manes stns., eilltrfota n tir i rrJerrairoja F. Railway earlinfarpersTwillessBpses•X,Drimeiser leseet, Otrd (itieden, Sm. %Ver.* lees Sian* earned el tines or Cast tree, Polies tsed Unseen et tbe Islas pesternsolide sectisind Lanes,' medics. of ankeels • • " • Cssartes of' every &smil - 6 shles. finished on Jest wr. 0 ", .Pelisins Annve fon Mill Cawing, Isse railing,lie.' Views Pipe' kW Weft Fames., Co Ites Wtainer Sub; Led how geserallys.-. 0.2 'to on no is Wasenessie orifTslissestisoes‘in• e stree 1, will nen p.pt...0.21.9. • Rtra is lOsakoek, & J K hiababsid& Olt Warner; John Irvin & Boa& "mann* G C Y . J Warner; tkenbemilla., War •-f-r CO-PARTKIXORKIIIP .31CVIVICIL. • 16.• P • "bomber: 'W ge of Jan i l l Z ' a W l. A. Ineektem ei.Probarat,. Mao la day mare" , into ne-Kannent.tp 10 1 . "Kai Ina or Su plags lllKe4Wengar & Co, .u Kw Maar Iros Wort& Wherein:4 Va,lbr the mrpooo of: fungamating Iron and natta of greary&Kenlme. • L'lP.entra A. imMr.. irsriim . .saisoastest • /AMOR - IRON WORK", • •Illanalmtane timbal boiler, LIU .lien& • bawl Omani ey , rya aKd Asian Mar leamai with abotroongst _old landau %Ira em :velem welt oflmlala Imo nervy] [owl to any made In Kw mangy. All a Inaciewillbee s 411 On Panthersl pima. Wareinma et aba Work. ' tenaaerof Mamas ma Waseranreas..... ... lirimminta: ~ .2 011.D..W L. 6 Mingini . s. , LIPPENCOTT,4 ArAN upicroliateet muuttitzik cur elm ow* to fps. o n Ales arta Mewbess, MiU lal MdteiW.MdCis eau", Hey sad Kaftan, Pmts, Hoe., MOWN, Pleb., koZle. • ' Harley empleyet *Ade armateasate ia! l 4 me; aaaa :I=l4 r=l u ov n bl i elo: VOW. aro Woe maufeetanai Yr. ll oab• Maul ma AMID all the abrall amet”, tote, lag as ond tlimealvesig the kink tc faill=.4 deratiaed that la leolkylliti villas be amatbect. Taal iillopoidee•AitiaJos, epool,lf net emperor, ea aay•plassZli=.., y .anlo Ure mean. el pl tbrir euxt beams peroballeilgene Wag GM • ea evinced ill. th wba abiale alloidan, baba" u. to Jo eatuosattsfeettaafte•MWan W= Wafts et 4 doom Woo Molmoatallabilbry • Ni B. Pomo Illsetbea:oetaaMrlit.ll=ell, • Boa, ern plasm can on Ltypeabate ape. y IRENY 'WERMAN'IILLND UMW. • - :JOHN A. BROWN , TANEN, slia maalagal la aims W AltraLl seed d* palate al lup Faatair =At tallza a rallaa,aa= 4 :l3 Maas ripply 81=7 , nailma .sacs aselbsecuatteL•Plebbuldr - she at No. Weed es, Passbasesiat ' Pselleessad clods ussessm.. 111.41/4 elsatura made so ordee.* Ota - _Rods repassed at ** dermas same._ . • mN.' IL' Rs Made "11l be. Imi, lonwresal SW' eal erepose ea tiat Ler aa a removed II maw mast 121 epee of 110 , os Ibr ead endows Ihe eili *l' • nom aciadlylW2lll/7 ! • . Arm:mac na and Haw rm.& ciLkballt and tolliMead teams at mad, artmtra Oa stilt amidgmni,m "told automats sad Crim • ~. . , 1, Steambau. sad Balla of . ..Nay • datt.frata lb to MOP Seem* eme attlk of Me mom swam 0 sodels,•aaa trstesatod to be of the beat matetiala. . Missal Water P= l Cog.o4[(l, illnlll4, ie.' ha *pike mtat avers. talltram CutMaa, ;treats! ad,taramt sad talabed to beatastomaots. . • •.. EIQ . A. P.• La Me sole prosneatt of ?writ AsMb• /mann Meta. aajazaty eabebtabkl SM. too rate• bee of Motive la madams. lima Mean and Drsga. aied.t can be Ind a( Ittat at all brow. . Aalll . • Nit., %VA/JAM/Dr • • PITTSBURGH 4;EA.AL RIXE.. _ N.. lit amat sti maw pima. ear Ow Cara .4 LWAVS.Itand and nen tootles, a large sans. tr /Ilarbie b liCancts Tablet., sso ;;ar ' luttla tbe ettol thak. anti= machlnerTin II be sela Ism kir " PC7rrenesta •Insaingt pairJuste blantals, mbed Iklll Ineeforth amen vary for AM I. DLOt, so, I no Ills anit theta mil an uncle ta , revet uk as rad, and Hanghtonsarasee, ts, ca arA nteen nj cheaan see.p ilt). can, pare/ass Alm for ID the CA .0 • , COPPEU. seas? lUOX. MID TVS . WARE .11.11NIUPACIORY . , • I Marta abut. VittaMTl4 te en: LtleZaenlars thr i a r at =may 4 S= i e oo rne paw. haildleg Ilaramboas us clll OM magas before Earthman Out *T easm sq , pty Ass . 1 " 1 ' Pfti Vara% mid emaka Mad o tag Capper. Tle and Meet leas mak StearobalL ' • • We ales malte.tia calla as the ahartat . bake Sal plea and Chamber; Copper am hamattagisea and every haMetr ambik la am Mac • fa, • %HEM FY it PUNA • - If eCRILLY Maui ratturert. of Slakiottle& and Mu, • CM WOOD STRIDIT. flu . faestlea being now hi MI opefttkon:wa are prepand 6.14,M2 bleat in ewe lawnialV, IDnriag . the lut somate we hate adored& O.IV SWUM 11.11t1.111 Window OW" (the M. opp cited plan war awed In We mt.) 67 %kith are mm oat a npetiar aia.. Ulm &Warted au Dee plea laperfeetty Nral and wan. with r flea laum rumen and dcalus imp are tenanted In call and examine the Wow • BEN N E'TT. 01;.8 ROTH ER, - • fel-ENSWARP. I.I2I . 4IIFACTDREJICI /11roataittosta, soar Pitts b, ) Scearlows,- bial .127, WOod stree, dont; fled 01 *cep ee basal Food arid . • ment,ol Want, of oar owe a nd attd aspertotatudaty. Wholesale and country Alen I l l i chants ant reapeetflally invited ml call and eat atal.no for ileamselosa, as Ire ate daonainod theasot Lila Wooer bobs, been acted to lb. pat= lee. • Err Orden amt by mail, aotwatpanled by 1/20<lba et <ay reference. artll be woody aneadod to. (.b 'Gnat ' Wcitern Bali 11116 ; lintatiorT, • • • 01%0121111ATY O. • A OLIIIIKEIC a CA. would esima ile taliA Wu they sr* esastscuithyt du best Om Woes p .v.m lopad* as thaw! &atm Al 41$ 1. sdi basthess, yr* intatuf to Gabd au tomplet• ar: ode so tan pembly be leads. • Tarie etiolated la ibe $1.11.30e usdeore WAS, Ira Itsi it to , Übsu . rawest 10 WE= Batts All olden pomp* .eroded • syS: A 0 AIONVI dote RS • wale sta. : ... . . .. .. .. . . :JOHN HURIVP • • Os., Nedt. Nand N Prow sts. . . .. i a NRANYNNzas and Ois Pi• . !E l . I LAM &II aC. an else. litii • • ' . 1 t , =.l "rnfle:::n .." LAIL ed 4 2l l ,3;dared. firW . . P _ ._- -.... °Pi.. • able !e NC N. NNWms. / a44se ...... - 71...- -- —. rataa • . • PrattBURGH NITEI,I. W01111(11 A NpSYRINU ' - •, , ..* . AND AXLE FACIORY. • • • mai am. a Jon I. am.. • ' JONI, ir. putoo, N.iarturacruanis of span ( ..d Bb.ftr alto, Fano e.t.a, &al No.i Wino .Owl ll Wi. wl La, . pt.: 9prinimUNaspere4 Ir. xi< it, ,and deck r 4 .. Nalkable Quand., FlrelEntalt, Lealps, andl Caulk Trioai p tra . craLly nine Pr Rade &ad Prods streets, - LIPPUICOTT 11101111 WOMAN. • nlar ur a w e. 4. sr ou. 'al mad, Idalaruto Now, Libenyrsrpt.• . Hnviart rind. wrou akar:col 1011, iL emlsli tan be @lira pr,arpur. ' • • • ' • • riallb • • APP. uswav t oa. • • • . 1- 11111111110ffil TICK VACTOIIII. ; ^p eeLL & cumin; • NG NAILS. • DOM - MAD BiAtp& • ! • 40. dual Capper Tanks, !SON AND COPPER spoE !vas, eve's, • efoin — ption.: '..i0011•111110111LOOki Hotel, Tont Went,' r:lllesasee. • L „, • Jona fl Imam 011aLso ' MHAVXVlLlTHLerr i Zz i aots d at r rop p er ; ; GIUSINIIIV,ID all Its valetas, a * u n• Onst. ,ser of Mutat eal.Wetet strata Hlnabub.• , Oa Wake amebae le • 11.11 awatim, .: We ere annual y addle: team sad, witch annal. to mans *DA poorness. • Parclaan aormoponally athelted wall ad enemies rave ant area • TGIOII. I VigiaLletere andfiooking Caw • ' Comer of Wend and Feattb ate, Petth wit. • It=received then lb* Fan a law and road sr . DI of Valet, Goodt, neldisd Clo k.4epq. . dent, !NM Needles, thitlll, - Cap.. Mote and Itees, Anedify And Omens •of ovary warn sal 44nantr.—• ghal IV Merchants and mhos an eve:waned to salt and as a heSent PI .r4t eldeWhen% er caned Ituu •WI ' a efClitammeagetaa.and neennean &watts Olea. M anientradarad sahlhafarsren mesa t ' • ' M CYO, M • Par .. 1 - : • b.1•41101' 1110nocatio Nair Page • ITIMBRE w• Wailer woracommoase Imo:: A bleiwase Ws la Kee, sad yet, 100,1124twid , Y I ag pant effints tau wade lii canard* .... a Oh, td Uslisteau4 ke.,..11.11,1111411ita end al tittle bit I. Now the E.t.a.alcia 44. ad, gaildteth• . A pewee w habut bet. reel tag with tee P al tha want luad wow Nee Ear law, Ne w I almost we perpose toupees Me ,: ratiamksttother ern Wit tile MA ' effeet•dia his ass. la_ Sri. Pow. . . Llarrot ale 4 Pittebarhh at tee ?VC EN TEA, FLUKE, 71 foaltli et, : tad .lei or the DrOf Sii.lf li P.Selierwta, e Omni 4,A1 leah wi y cht . , fetilAT • ' - TETErinEariTimic.— ait....•' - r. z a,gdiaEA. ----, i .1 trid,wi whealiivially pares $l, *a .1.4 µma. ...-11. bm .nickf , ,,id..., my wariewe, la ww, aaraie neianaiia eiia ...mad. of 134.10•1• ban. • Lw• brit , of .m 5.... Isluna 10.111. Lair kr Moo rao bey.. . vblelt barmier Iddi hwy..; .11...U1M Its fxrmy, ...L . = " 1at . te 1. Z=V:1 1 .70.1.72:74,14, 4 .. ik.....v . . moostipt a5ie..,Enta.44„..,.... Truly 4 1 44 Milk; tad et Ority woixr,,Vlshoirl ii• • Will. 1431 an . h9rrhetiolaik• * lg it ill= " 'Oh Kat il , by wit.i.Cili;i:ita..7l= .wr --,..,-o. Mary noll, WI Of Tillifir 00 . 6 . 1 0110114111 . . ._-.. :- . ..; , ::...::•:• . .rrATW-4:1'" , ":, '',.7. 1 . :. ' :-. 1z' • • • " : Z.'0 , %:: . ' '. ' ; wl y ir.ii- - i,i. ,.. ,;',::..-, '.'. v . - Al: •'' ' ' . .. ' .. :-.•.; COA•CIH'NI ~ ,A AN I 0 '' met u.v.milb.trai .4 1 .• etionrit Mt Hammitt,: hu rammed MAry. be ,Imi neared Ithlualf M Allogiamy, I • Imur Wooed Yam rate. humanir I' - • r Pr*l4 er a Itusr ..We prostearp tow 'Heav mem, ummeditmlY a• Om end, M rfae Quack. Prom the long corricarro as dm !Mom, !imams amd admire to Ormser Ire hopes To mr : hand nrcerml* Orrg•lVPl,l7.o4' Pirmro o burg GP/ ro mia. mu Priv 1 ftzmo: imotMrp trt tad • dearstrifou of auk tar ettls,.Otat deNteri4llM, Makin lo I Ailalkamxadl - , r- JOHN awns s • isoLtymi - imiar on; ism c 37 t ~ei twanscly Pirwegi IIIPJ? l i el -14424 e 4 ma) win. rt • nkterru U4 a 150 !rill be red i lli.gl i Thig• k nr, . n, bast omit( Wm asp Moth 0:141101704 , " - - - • VOL: rir:-_,_-_,N0;‘:.9.1 rMEDICf,4I: AA MRS MOOD . .In/ Cknompoloa Pain la 0.4 lintanolt Moan Somicen ,11 , :kroa, Wknos u log cooin.POtp IWO. of On Dow. ti Liver Cons tfroweionl one sitdinalot of .tbo Una.; loop soot Avor wad WSW,. mates All-l lwo I LEWioittif Illoodts " MmesiOd.... % 11111 Ballam In DropikapoOlor apHIO .riaz . == i tz t ain r a. ; employed tel Of th• good; and old boo ko Mt/ '' t:1 11' ; 'YTI . I I I I 2 1" I°. losS i.... woodlorfaStorto porSmord by M i r ; nu* ansaat• al30•VOI1 la nlekl Itr r ; a ll = • the btdraiztr it oser=o an.iakeavao koala no was ar - kir wait. H bait ',Avg° Nas un- kuktureff , nossisruiv . " 0 tr=,:irlaiSgs4t i lislai is Tests near Ilaolk Foarto.rorro—Tbar rbo boos LWOW IttlX4ll i tOrALlt PeWi b l u tdigMlAWW M ap 14 lOW Mr ma% Sao g u t:e l :Vl= ooninanolottabiSaaliakketiail allorialolliss= mown oat ban . fror asavarrin r, . Alr. Joan OlfootoWir Sa r ta, mai le 1.4'11So:old Jle wita • onoltkrokniS p paacts me mad sot iso sixt.lt,P lot Wed iko AS Daum, oat& Sm. sbc swan Soo kindati, allsyse the oaoltk. aid brought the 0,4 w pea tall narakoos sod krforo,tio,ltol takta lontoo,was ooterols sank Vinfroily C'enlaso= „ • fist Th , tpry ► tads smarts of ES 814- 1474:r Ma to inn ft and_ nor Mud* belissesz .4 - r n . orogatt T ll- Doldlactiennik WMPIM moo of oc:ber tos apapnentunt Oa toot obla op.* lobar Ind. daisy and Co.firk. _ Licrai Welky le eel; Ire Huth Dasseirrsi, svn 1r a:art....tun" Ur the tato. of ills gnat _ - • I.k Cu Seeman.* ,allllooll. as _Dalton, and - written olsnaton. woo ea& pain • Fro. Slava sal 11111 per MO/ WDr. Bkomaali Was LA CoesH • .ft FA 4 , RS n • y". ' • " ads. ` t om, . lib Misr Moliciso Wonionmoad Son noll Salop Ito., WC WM.' ry drool, hoot)! Wood onset. lina Tvool ID SAO, . . . . . . . . . . . TAR AND WOOD MAPSITII.4,-TYI roalabi (id , ) Ad vender 1ay0t,..7110 moody hi. tom, mom met moll flout any itiettleme va hi,. ever toconi IM fa cumando Gum a Copeprom, II 211 .2 1 , 61,10dya1a iII -2/4 SIM mat Iltomallweejlta, • ctolomm. C=Heasamep Pore Thom, Pato oof Wm Irldop4ot Wowiteroty,NarroatTraion,ltt= ladiviMak• of tbi Went retwroalalley is thte thy ham ampl• temmetry to Jetport:4p ofirmey la Akettam Of 41,,eaa0• .1101011 f UM teltlacalLaN 11. des.rene of IltelLto;i welt. atm on eemtral fag dapplabmi ppolootof Mt. adirlpia. teak*, follavraty 0311.1. E.. VIM PO imostatoPhst. ' ' ..' ~ •• . • • • Paßairttall . . M .huoialtiO..' , 16 4 •1.111= 1 .411 Inti rvv t tp , i . l ., ..T . alta .m 1y ) I ham .. Pass:too In myths tke - 7 JIM; bell paptirgl3o.ll of the dad What Ibr permit km Comamption,CMoi:Mllml ill Mc= the lIMII, Bread, Re, so lad at. da ...... - an 4 the_yeat. , •• W. ertam,mv ,1111119prto• It W ham sem orithm •Om Amami paw:raft:waft tbe latomiog mridemo._file noodoa. mall. MA oto Ratty mood et himilmate: .. • - • .., paufmAtif oi litiojes, 47. Pam • seam M It aml i dud tb• elk , JP say hop mow* to a trail: l ollotWia:Meowoo, I otald Sta• RAI CM bend t I ye Dow the in of Thompson's emporma. tea* PO Wood Naphtha For seteral yhan / Wm afille. WI oak ad attembotratampoiala r Pm , 0YMV: . 0 . 4 daph yo f btaatklad, Pia • ma, mihm of II a. them. Ikea:des treed} domed, • Wood oho hat Pm nub battiPad bY RP aledaque,roemmototle4 ma to try 161 dbi J mot Ix • very dant Wm yea 1 , awmap lay topeetotmoo Mope fotp=mion It me, my conk closed, sad ha • Wm WWI onor abla et to oat •124 Weld 1r my bauserawellimus, 'AA thabor. lalbamon I a 12•1 timegatorven dat ' by 041104 SI NV lIIMUISSICO, No S. ft:IMM ~' • .i . Ma. oa mat,aNalev. . i Immisablimediehte k pepared wa try AIM DRY ADJ mot of Ptah Aad ••• SU, rids& bra: ta er Plosbarp by Li WILCOX! Jr. Price ettom MAI p lota. , , • I ... 4: 12AUTION—limmot of the may tostituflos, Chu .., = lit . 1141. saleS,l4ooll 'WS &VS tllllO to r Isla Mid T . A.STOValiatillai Dri7=,• I. LET . Ratalsgl Ale trate /1 , - A, Wender 1• —To emo nod paipmeattem of Wen abie,, Playtoa I litatata, Reif thetla &WO, BM ,•_....P.. si , tod RaPdt its esbail of P. z .., taampato• Ma disomlopmsdo by *a halms limy Wolattl— lt peimd 1111110•1 ea 14 am aerpidag made bArli hantlm4 amo.:=ltts each umplar bow r• Wat elm arta by. Aa , mprfti for Wm Imeetloe. , my Mama =XI hi.{ layman •• • Imolai, (md. alp may maker urea do Ile mwe , volr,l 41 imaph, j = .* mo !I 1 • W• haw ed,r, Ili liate•llde law of Pap Olt Ma deratisa la We troddipthered tbahßlattlagnmort4 o ror Vlorpord, -, . • riaelat• rpoor 7 twisamlLDTemaeateti Oa' lards: womtlos I.W/4. W. Mo. etorfoesi It* :=Pal. — ..* kali vend u la sermal trlimpd Mt te pamousee a !.k. ttaliaaQemisal anagram a itnait hltadag, Pa • tty •reallethl tome. sop 11.13:PRIO 41Elpdr. ~, d0gn....,0 Zo• Ila inveMer oe earts!.., true plallonampat elapramptlOl. .. • I papar.di : t.i.o. OLD 111:4711EY . ;- ;ProNdAP 1 . READ 1111;-!. .... . . ~. . . ~ I : Intiot We reteltat Lomeli m Westmont Pitaltatle. I - ~' • - - P. Nee. 4.1110 J . I ,la emmideisthas of the es OF Wed, I Poe dn& I,z4til i V : 4 o 4r , ". 41 .11: 14 tat W .c M. ii , rof York. WA Crette l = b t . le i Is bumweimm i nni * gr sale ta We Noted t.IILIS only, md to have We on•Mapsaf ea!, aim ItoJoets , Oahu amuck" Pap." Witerem, 11412,7 J. liddroonl. Aq .... (174w1 racseiort " ir r° , %I P : I A.I,II4LN. wastiontte,LO Many anal, Mad of ,W ood, at ilmo el !V.,,:t 0 ,1 r Is Rub ' arp abet; DAGiiil.4B tan be 010.0.4. All whom me Camay:eh. . _____. OILCANCUIMpoIorooI I T th, .06.4,4 .1 0 .... 41 i . ..! .4 " 11 • 1 "" 4 ""IV . lir :Y, I ~ ; • 1 " . . -, . 0 7 / 4 WitinianOnlarol **llk . • . ..' Xr. EL IL . l•kosonefigdyinirs tuar....t ka...... ow my b•mblottnelomysi linrotnorjnOy anima Li* folk I lon Ono rod fang in lbe nit, Oilsolog , a d endonnanho, "besot payola; nal go . Mot nth. nay ponorstkoaann.,mat ' obi •= 1,i143 io Or +I Os, bon soak lalo e67l'shoo I n d n o.„ ban bon oforiXtp? ... bn_o 50k .1.4 1.11. ,. = INP b.. .1 1=1141 1e nis 'n = ih f loon slant nano% le ohm I paid non molowlnes in noels Ono oonhol tot elkyol kloogn 412 ninon A or Innoorl OrMoronopoo fontnale, lo IOIS•71 no WO, yontsor MU, oaiIMAN • %MEL. ' Or onin bannallelanoknpnno :e f 1 pan Is Oho had al tbm otner nnpoan to al 1. 17... M. 7 Zes onnionlonnioninrOo I nor NA' bong .74, no so 'gnomon *nom olno Otno, iri nik.lot gin n nLif I not tool Wm I! on WM fat II yr? nom nig beadoon of lono on inn woo bowl • gate anophist clad Won an at. Us lad Its 'h'l ben nom:NW about oven nba 074 ._ ..., .., la a Ant IM. .m Wain non I snook, moors& Its is .ai won won* envier For Lneepoinit of Sono,ofinkm, i ". .&74.rifo. arsepsa!77 to Umbel er Or Jar 71. • 8a... VAMIZIo non on one, P. 14. M b. 1.2 . con.. Lino rtgo loon. r....Wm GUI InfrA on go sal tallow 011. than nor wenn.' di end' a Z 813.1117, rt. 37 walla bete.. TOW sot • Maid bi Dr. Cum, rah w.ri l Ds ciazi,itker.,/ 2 • 'DC JAYSIWII4I4IBII.IIIMIL7 • We have been btbrened ► lies, Poe Of nem 3 Sateen masa by Dr.:4Tayme.• mitersttolorin Mila rV.111.1=,74=, ISts IorIdfIiISCSOIEMS er WIL1:14414011, mlnensleme wad entSl4 a( woos S.l= iI OW many le ashp been Cotner/en fined On W hems of th• c hum both her aralik wrists mad ismes, and from bah letes,nal (mth* Isit ji.ord amme. min Iran the Onto hnef be. Pnisfir ekes, engem pens of hex person, eela have WWI the sksh ni umber of the most emigs=4llusl of sou etts•—dmog mon et the- enne - Ser s Mee Dena 'serious* wall et &planets.. Atria Om months caw sloe yeas 1 b ur De. hoo k y Jahosune, naneh Su hut ea asst haOhy etbetApOn t her, b•y. morning ell pain and e. eat last akin in heal, nettle at non Um* merit WWI ton Winos omoksely restored, os Ow she normal/ As 53104 mom nom sae &4 benne eh. co.mW Moe am ar OW/ rsJ elnentMo.46at. En. rot Pon ta .- bother Inbemanne,lngoirs erArs4knewle. Fitto , Plllsdelnbat Per minis PioshasS wade reawrzk wrote, al twee Ss nokt WoaL eses, senile te.tbe2 amltonterso • • Wt . .; iii;;;;Eilaits"trogl lie•oorimrtielstis blinkaad wimp . R.ell;tutY:P d o . = 1 1=1* tiMideiblV..• • •• Yoe eadof .C..• • d • Tech esyraisseatir • appal. .• ! &snub • tweet, and entitle head ablopeemili ma beam: t: Arid tmiti.ol6edlyolasi hie% " • ;. • • . By disterbis Weald beim. • . re • •'! BRA Mt& age yes am layette abbe* a, tiled Ma Lit :whin' as Vat, Vas be .leg a beiblesthies Or! lel 1f... ReAtorailve-4 b Doe of Joetts.e As*, Tom ramie—ead 4e' cater et. Ibe imam. Oletssiela fohy. The &melee cm Ott - 41111ei , Paii •Vni are seemed that the fofkmtag ate the 4 yeW qualm:or. Th. moth r.. Wet the bewail• meet *Uri white tech, bed preelreee the Yelb,4,4l.4lelair kraWi. 460 . 0 1.4 ,46 Wag 9 , 4#oll4lllotlllVS^ eleg. bee fylef, led taming the grtniria tuned the ..elh-liet.tbeirecaliehlepoPe ihoo, asibal Intim* 'empticeales, Le, api Nike olut• yellow 1,11114,0454 u sad r; the.W.bbt# se= W JAM°. Bog ; Sile• Morkaat: Illedienue ir • I.S . S L T R4Ne . . - • '• - • • au ur vrwirmarr.ant. -- , _ 'DIELAWARE4 MUTUAL • watity Isamu.. C Non . 431k7 Sr - MS MBEs .p.Kidnap lukt surraitamdlc. rr F orSTS dcwnpUoe, scat MANIAC &IRKS apza billiercart. arose* take op°. air mior caws um. Waeakoas at W. B. Hata.. .110 1540.,1%171 1 1ra1arr, apt Mule t • Who mieeesret t 4. CeatpuT uaraaislalt... • • ✓tlwAaacy La Ills eft,: 4.l6tamiasoi aftatianaft Talai every eliwa, 'rpm . " kr, hal' Nam lothuted. hap warts. LLB • • TWO* aoaLloata sat pur‘asyre .t 11.141 . aka aaaamatura saw tha iuNarant ..• meta aaapu y. will* aMS Irhiltima I aa az. / an! Is Vialgraaa. uo Plaireia 7 u la ea aisplepaialfn rapl al,yailda, Litaaperutioi all &War • earnaallytaa..... f i tltaVomilk PIMP. Loma ilia ass am:9a . • Lb. prem. et Asmara, witUmst . say nape latiataiaire and • IbutlWl ale " "06 LIN °Mal ' riadO• AMINO! armed :. gammas Fanaas e as 14 mat. OtiagtVlana3.,, •• r' PIRICAND ARISE INSIURANON• flptiS litssrasea Caatisurrof note *males. 'Wont Its defy mithoitsset Also; tie ssiscri• bss ; caws to *as paresasost sod laaitsit lssfs.o ,ssal a P.p.trty, i• this Sig, sod Its iris**, Atil ea *lmmo by tin Caul sad SW** ' • ' l `' p7Mu. }yam rpe,t,, Stat. W.. o• W.. Sestl.F.llwAlS.l :ICdtwod Sulu Astbross Whits. q • '•,•• , ' ' • fuss, kf:Tbas Jokis WSW". ' ' ' Jots*. b sit, ask •/, ,r , Thasiacs, . fUslard I Thit•ltstbdroldist Istsrasse ti ewe Ll.lod%wily{ bess csartoroct tO, • ; shwas Is' LI, Solo tags •unpl• raesztr; am 4 soc=r ' riots Mu son: Wsiardast sltasscisr, It mg.!, ,stiusidsfug iSaSwiss ample sossii2 V Ai cwi I thts. aoa or Atwood ; Jar • Won. mad 'mat strews, frinst,ssslL - •1.„ ' I _ EMI to yy ,4„! dad Low* ssAff s IR Say Laint r .,„ - - suer Campagy of SSlLitle/peds, ask* ifitl. ll . 4 , &Must todUstlts4f.Vf 'as essfytlsstnaos p•syssty, AU OH sad Ike SU OUBDIBIii oouranr.' stsflatnbls .Tais ammo' perpetio4 • 44 * CAPITAL. ....::.: . '. . .. .1..: 'corfruktgipPUl saw" • • 7.1 ora dna al Mond and ... ,sts, • • sp s&-41x,- ' '• afaeracsa l M ira et) Insurance wromposir. , PIULADELPHIA._ ,• • Clianna Paaaurrit. • • Can= Apt igt Ptkitlithis; Na.. 71 WgiAn. , . wit navtosoFar • 'Ewa= raAialr jbek.' • P •n, '••• Trig Ilat• tnliitibliftel sam. ll.4lr. to anYlatalrazezi allaratter, egalaartaft -; reamstaaanaoss mil e; the aad ruts t N W:aaasr • PoPmagy otittliond rt,,wstd• • no ; . ' . 01 ta . COClSLat,agad;•?:? .W.U - 1:0u,..:',.'..,.•:',,.'13;'. Peak, lhaseidag ant - Tut r: Making:mon to •= i tarrer " l s k tap and lin r : led arta* loom mortar ante. - Wu : Iraq Moto ao port lowa do *Monads atpana kw Cu. -1 M b.keig dal lam old !,.;) alimell butt, and at dr tam nada', mime aa ilausamas con slops ia Oda nonkon,las j 1 .1 ;72.' , • tal ani grim wt. n 0.," u , • Om min malt do to eaU Olt mat *Mop : z't• tag *Umtata. I .111 alto pack an • ! pan nnr . an Donato at ll_ltay at tam Mutton mom 1 mpaior. Tb.• ma, to to ago hes. t.1 4%?.. 1 rr g rur 44''' gream amide* to Oa manr.: Mal potpanal LO. ctrasaatUan iOfe d On . ntread bar . Lta , Ie 0"w ! Wrd'kr"" • : • sTAYLOIL... 1 • , *_, witt.• azzirsalWa a iii ---- nrip,„7 7 7.7-1-c ? , covirin auziILISAND nit/rim/No UNDIES, oc.i.di irdiard et Peas dud fir. Carr unwed, - ..,..i. Tertamu. H.... ; ...... as Amid einik. '' 1 . icrpedealty Wind Alidit 6 , 4.4 Mad IM pil e 4ami .: 4 s . . ii.IF an diedoweed od ( ilialak sod •uddd ie kei . ., .44.,!.. utd bad de lisdasalides.-• Afars)* ea band a ' i• •• • on:um of mid, maikiCidaddo,2. kW •=I 'A. dill, -., • s‘ i : 1 imbed In advert seed asnaer MI dons and eat Seidl • ~1 :• . eitile Bloomed of lameddcr, -Lai kidl dailitt.. i•-Ai—i, 1- ! rim •dbilio al appmdired ldsc• we 'Rini • 'id , donmentorwild dad Wad*, cocci. silk aid icid • • : dd.t.lii for psi newels AO iadienierr, mp; • .I. Ivy, dal miry Wag dimencrylior the ad and okrtaagagge taniiik II um maims ail odi gob ' .' 'I to Ow Kamm ellApi,_ 10, Ohm pendular extemmtit , ‘. L . 0. • mid ND , W•isvif • sqiisaaLid aim tosividAdi •• ' add Wt sidadidridtAd bate arriste• rard'il - ; , iii..... sas;;;;,if'tirmii,-."-......•H .... , 1 , B . A..v j tutifS.7ClClE a.co, m0:49, jet* ..it . '" e i ''''; n rhrh. arror Wu' writ thrl plareid: ... ' martment of Dra , . iy gli and de.:6„Mcdmaptokz.f.lreauxtlesf..p.i'il r a w. LE,cl Oil. of grr, aturpared ocl coteratihed to sell tow- -. '. ' I " . t.trday klanallinanuti Drvaists' . - le esti whi examias thew snide. ' 0: I :t i let irith raithhasess lad d. e. B.A. V 44.. . i L. Vabitestock , B. fillatisizi.. — '.• , : a. w. ratuko x ic . - .. PAP __„ .., - Ikno i xvidi ______ eetimtainir_is.r. T. Mailli FLELD aldai At - — r- " --I P4omajt. reem ntagv,,,,, ~..1 or PAYEireampiiitat a AZ . mak .84.piad se Ow.= to et emoniaro la In 911641X11 of ' =smut • film. 0810110 hr made 10 0010111' ..,... lreoderef rtnairciirAnitisumez* . a paritarailajoi=imllithui, , i . o i • of every4o.loetipsiaNn,..._ Mtnol aadpipi 0113210V 0 eAr ~ jaio7k.a tnimiV4 l 47, 4. 2 !'; 4 ! i . :ftimmiAkilell ov i mak l4 6.;g4P i tAtito" µmita* Me Irtie Ur 14bost pnee ul 1,m...... ' • 1 /. , iii n ......etee a.._ „..„rri , , • -• I Wia,;,7l ' W=Vg r ie Wood sulecoatridean abio ft Cl t.RoZ . i ' Zl e :a; it.tl3 L'atrthibri2l7 v nMl ‘mk l. ; , pot stops llesseak; ATomettla .mml Italsla. ilorsqt , , , : ° ace U Mae bowels .1 E‘m= , , ,... ,,,i ~,,.., . ,_ i ... At", appate. et lartericap Ovili iliti*ElP'!.: " ..'• ' Tl:• , = w"" ell ' aity.err _,... .4 4'. „“ the boa icaut itey ad mat youseer IlVtir add ' 4 ', I. • mie.....seelly op am committals boa . ally; qume. • ...‘f..!.: ' . .114 *whim* blntoesi 4111 le iiailtatled 44 . • r i iti.d...41A0 .1. 4 .4 .11; ag .....! =r7 oe&V .. a ~,:..„. ,- , ip . 4' , ck ' 2 .ah•Mm.l4 ll 4s.ftleekissall: - • ii — to Pi --....... q . ..' ..,"”. . . nob...not dr lap i tx7 . 1,1 . 1 heat h. Wit p 7 1 '.: mat io wbo LI aallonsed um ". . 191: 'l l:rdtha rP4 '•,- u.zr 4-m , 1 - Yn w Purntabh . . .......... - .. ~, ... ? ,:ei , Tux Silisenestiiiinr preytnxl to ;iatsallrimtligi P•'•‘ • ! . .. lieu or Uri Woolen eq.411.._ al OW e , 11114...4 4 2C3 .1 nod ei- . Onion MA ilis a Wagiscbars miipu fp .-- - 9- _•.• 04 Yirwor 4 4,411 U Ow wtAk , .. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers