The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 18, 1847, Image 4
. 1 -FROW- : .It. '*. -. Aitit . „•-• ! '"'w“. t . t '^- • l',. vr, 1 .f.f.:): 1 1;: . •' . ... "" - Tite . , ) ' ci• 16 - I ' li g tilir •"" y Mena : ' ts4K,;7l- ~ 0 . ~. - *.k , - 144 ' 7.1. t i gitaik .. en t. t,une:sit-di_, 41;:ii - aaV I .6 - ,! 4 9 7 , 4 0 re. , 4 ,.. ..... . .34 1, ~ , line spiv. nt ~ .'"V.lAstsalliiq-eoCesramheet,laj.partictt: 4 ?"' 4 ., o " it. , .- 404. 1i41114 ,-. Air. 00" 40 Ut1:4043%_ _ _ : .*.laiilli'lt _ 1 .1V .ce!... t , 7 41 r lifr'-asuun.D. 4e:.7f!'!!. .. 4 " - -.- '(f;''' , .l4o - • littit4 2 &l_ 3 !Tpinf° . ' he maid tOaNagaill, 1, 4 !t : .7 444driii . bizritimLegas, 1 ini. itlie 4 44,bat d ear, friends' lir PttatmirglOql tall of tlia;!A4 - ii - . ii 7 lo 3 4 l 4 l :goarc A i ji11ti0400i44 11 04: 11 e 441 p oierhentiiity tibia quiforatiaidann ..4,4o.4"- - raa; Afiri la ita4lllt.. -, for the _ last. it° ''''''. - r afit@ths, „Very Many of i tim_most tri ; V. . •jaies Mild: totra•totte been milled --....WitiAlissity' 2 .1 oo sties that tiont'first by_ ty ' - I.oiglooffooc - i s> id wby argent' MT, .which , ''''' hillatittitrtepatagior here ; old , alarm- -- - • -• • „.. '.l l . . . i n * W A LL, rm.' pestiIA__AISLIMI follow. ,a 4. l , • ed -411fAhe ugh' of;:ifiimittiot only ::- swlspiil; Oil ilie'cri# mass a'. 4ii, .i*, .*4. 9 o,,ovii.ely,qx 9 igiiiog .10 3berv.i...e d appointed foo-afl tinog; the &ilium an . t•rF' . - the -bouvoleilireid. get it • seems se if 4. - . my fe or take , icto hei!t 1 ; it is so . ecinson i l, k , •.„ thas.the leap)._ Sinn,' fonilisris!d mut: , i rettairsil".'. on - Ilk 11 a Xl4A°"dtc9:Thlia - V.V.:L . "24;h Aitnewhen it- is 00,1mo_ ~.. . Li - lita• • • 'Ube in Most demand. 5Fti . 0..1i5T . 9 ''''''''' s°4. ' ' , fiedriatlifethoiliat: iiinistbrili th . ts 4 ‘; - -,;,;„#fwit,..'t.nctiltirstll'thei,r efforts are ineff_ec -4,a4- • i,.,,-,kistif in arousing _their hearers from the 1 - = - •iglithanitaPidif.: ritiMetitirei wish to be a. ''''' ''"q tW to riyet-meetint room , of ' s99#!. oltex "g i , :i.itigowit - Church , is that- kntay . • sjilititeVy kid my ra:Cc° doss t*r . ,_ ef,of.,- ~ r ,..........i"feetti11y warmed: By, the way, I 'haft, ..; hit'Vsl lkturrepsitally miionderitood here wh e • -.6.,. & ribotiatalted . any caber piste of warship 1 ii ' .: bat -the ,Utablishea, ar Spiscopsel,aa, t 't•Z..sitlittreiti ill obit are called chapels, ' in, i r aw ... :... pniutibig homes, or mown& houses, or , .„ , hiii,,„k. wi“ - plisse , . etept, ttrettes.. - - aighl I dare to.iiiiienee with such t1 . :'•: .. .. i ~ zi - . 4 t tlutiotts. And then these nett Tin; !i''' • s&*qatere,whoile places . of...irovehfp. are iio' ,- r • -,.slicretstd the moo of eliorches, tacit ditti.; I} . • .tt., ,, i - V 1 0 . 4, t d punctualty pray'in some such ;12si . . - .- the foLfarring - t-",Lord bleteell ' 7 .'... - .. ~4 0k witkiini ctroditinsk of:Men,- from the -.*•:,- upon tbe , .llnooe to her ow* st * . k7'`f ''-`. counsel , her reisiasellare, and , . - .7.:,:;i 74 '. 4 • ''ksparirs''" lloo62 .7 i In; 3.'F' ...; x'.. t: .: ~:. it would be' wier:•titig: R ae r‘" ''''" i liac' .4yery . thing aid erery.litit.oar I t% gessorts pdi'to , he' hers; 'SO: kii2Atilk - - . 4 . • : .. . li n k i iiiiiit o ' l 4 dial ishe ie, it scinni.".l:lT!! '7.: . . ~,yooolgt to Republican ears. Well, F°.T. . .. - . 4 ' : • . hardy innthis little tiladd alone, the put ~.,,- Az& or thin s atitnfhs: and rtg•the er'' •-•-..-/.."' thins have but a precinc t or ill.tiiititttiqil'aiiience it preszatiiind alio 4111.-V*•.:. aloe the' ivrthAg "ter'. -.". 7.- . -w Pn't9o4'' - that ''.;,:, ...'•.' - hatted, arson i.pigeoctribm. Rai .' 1 - - ilr be ' 'Moth. distress • • the tam , big sessot,ii,rati paft;, for Degh' the .... .• 7 „ potato aisittiie . htehrit,.`!!!ls vf , 0 57 t. -s .::. '•' : -'''. - :C; . 47mtisii0 P°.' geb t i Tif, ,;. 7. 1ial * pu n m!4°"h ea d that ° not by: :"311112--- Carrie .* la te'L' avery:tcroap!ct for t . •* 7. ":;',.. l • l 4e ir ti. - 'fßelbaWthr Pipiiiiathi, and Tel': *.- 4, , 7.,., • ,•• .;:tgi4erbent.;. , The moo ' able • Ikr.i.. ' '. ' 6i.ei'digy taro from 20 to 5 ,i-':. l4 =lll4:iiihi per„ ,day, and many emketitt.'W ''''''''''' ''' '' ' - or' le • ifti . nis,lot as t 5.- ', 1 4:•••• ••• • . wor k'? i n one of My walk isiNFe - ' ....*v ' .. ' 7:2- .:•• 11111 %'• -. ' • fellow, of 17 iit s .h/tAk'r ' al r'''! u ".%Y ou t 3 B • vo ii l i s • ::.:; , '•X tili44l4lll7l Fl 4 1117 'i o o lv d 'de. aci d:e 1, 7 3 i 10% .' AV ....' ke, " W * teittid:: la .!liitho amok ,i.-• - • itri‘ 4:...1,./kor.: mach a laY r X'? 4 . 1 .. -,•-' • -: ... - 'sitinr... , F#6 . o7iii vieneb.l i Dikyott ;:; i••-.-' 2 sicti :so Amlr sal day ?^ - ' r4 io, , .sir.i f 4/v r akii4 too act' day rk Y 42,1 / L. ~., vsy-s"74si t i - ,7sr ; from day.bresk ull,nlght...-7-, , 41_ 1 2V1-1.114 1 .. ;sr . insdNfol.tlit,:iot,,44 Pf. , .#'V!!! w i rg l , o l6„, i- ableas 1 d1 4 (4, 11 ,,P1i . • ' and thastooli ers's '.! :: ii.•4 43ll VPIP'elY , . .- . .. (' .. :.i . P• 4 - weis.of mutable* sad Eitheey. 1040. fi 1 4 1 4 26 4. .2 6ra' rre a kiK b k '')..' s'- :- ; - of the grestuttwO. :.•1 1 ". 0 . * -"' _ - - 01;tlieTtiiirt_41,1_ , . 1 1, ?.-:' IA a amsriTY i 1444 tine 9!4c,°Th of 1 .2 116 ... 4,10,,,.... --. 4 aula - slaidd the cram anal if posatale: ~..,........ica- , _.......w . , - . • 140 i ''''," s'jtif.iiittitisAiroilti'mentobing;etate. :no. , :•• -::: . . .--- ebseciiiliflOiiderthys ego: -,T . r, ii.i,: t .A. A , - . ifaiiiiisr:ii. : A. : ; : r e. t -1 3 d e e u g m e s .: 0 0 „. li# l „ : - .;,0 0 . - dgrta . ! In Pe v-', 2 - .•. - :i, -- • tivilki. l o 4 447___ r tncm ' 1-.•• " ..,' vriwomr4~4l , c... 0 .of ' s party ' . • - •: -- q - . -- . -t ; 3 4Eciitiostabliiii;;:a14...-inidlediateik ,-,. • - -.1. thaiii.,l,64lw.biir, 1 isiippMsed-werre ' iltittresi' at ' "hi, ' CIO thil;* eiriid their •" apathy forlcim in the foriniving Mord,: '' , .,itilnett ta-.431. aratbee , Doi' de kost,7, meaning_ to , 4ivr i].swa./Atiste "w May - find , tains; yop.;Arop:! 'ir.V.:44lrVql7.6irlilaire literally. . r f a i ll e y ;i ' ld l i a e l d ' 745.41 ' ;"'. fir iCI I I, - 1 "1,1 al. ' - eeryloath ~..40eoacit a ,..$ to ens tint . . Oftvilvivi , inlie mussel foe and passed at, s kt44':" '.44..brbiYoit.:' ~ '-'- . ---......'' ~. -I a- tili rrioni to request that . you Zs..".'. " i . t r4l i , (t te. l 4 ,4 p l y, bea ire s Ere c ti, die; &e. !.." C: : t 'rani sire climate irked, .E. 4'. .... . 7,i , 1 , 71.i' "i)... ,, , :'4 R. w .. . 1t is. t s`-• - ' '`„fif - - trent n tars tiliii.4 . -r-- .. AtsTs•P• • . • vs - ireil • - -....1 . . •• • ~,,,,,ro a wn that . the I ed -1 •: . .. „41. ,. E,1-. .." . „'%„ : ••'''' , , , :- liir . • , b 4 7. A nr ijo ni „ : " fliilllin. - u,.d it , l a tr ; ! * : t o Pi rit i iti wt , 1 7: i iii . airied H i r)h(f . , 1, -' . m i te nisn:Mti*""mr° 1e `........- h ia. tPfON'--. .. Ai • ' >1ii.**.i.;4 , 1.---- smik , - ._ , . Ay - atiroO,g 41: prowl: 9f ,-, 49 - 41 "" I' lrldilisir; ia•the!, the .riewspipir ' ri - firilif : Tliototina Lives &red . ! • I= ii..i.i44iti? , • *'44iii . iiiii# , e l.l6 r.l l "" °rhirli t '•:' 74,344, - 4•• . • . ~- , 4, ),04, Ituipciyvier and 'Ain! ' 4 ;i444 4 'i s - i t o r " - b v i o , tnn. after eksisiirt,ll ll l -1gi , ... , -,_"_ . ._;__. •`-,' ..'i: : F ut Aptilissie , 'l l l 4 O 'miff. fl!!"°1 s.''''; '2 ''Z''''-' r ''' . -F O 46P `"•ire-iftli 'bloody tidlinetiOdi .. )%1: 4 41 i, .. .. -i ' . .. 4 ,4iikkiAii#g* , i°4 ni- off ~', .-,: 3 ' A";. • - : .::.0 - ' 'uoitOvisoigie4-.... , G.L.v k54/- 1 .- 40 . •.. di*, ThiaapAaaf.`f -90 ',...<44 lo ieih.iteldfra viCawed Usk Gtery-tftwo-T , be , *.:4,.itt,d l- . irfilt.44 l :44 tirea l i: I t e i " , ei i ii 04'W! Ostia itaaar ape •va etne - . tulti f i7.,,Xlll:464# l tig %Ay:- 1, !it971 - s B h ol2 . . ~..11 1 0.1 0 5...."- ,- ..- - - : ,-, " - ".'_ '..-,.. ! • : :...-.s 7 ....:Afifetttil i c a , N-ittiiiiiiavgike*iii .04; on ' ' fgedt4 " 700,04 - t4":.(0),....f00; ,„...svia..*4,„ 400462 , 611tOlikiger* "M . '...-366 "'' 9i '' ' • ' 3114 1 40:1tiktelfatt. to Ewe 7 - 71 "',4 4* ." -;. it *N as --`•-• +OOV di . .hauoy, •'! f: ! x..‘ l i . - •. 7 '• -:‘' - ' '*.. .. - - *iiiiilonalifig.t.lpsltio -Adana. - 4 I....i.iiim . -:a..ak 7-5.;Aivi , A!1., , , , , ,- , ~i.e.rti..p4- . 777 .„ 31 .,.. 4 .,,.4.,: 1, „..--... • --.,.. • -- ~ :, ~r4f0,4(.. eb5.1.0.,.. ii,.atert .., ~...1.4.•. tad " ilsti'' '430461,d , MW OW". 'N . f ... • .. .1 1 nr i git ~ '' '''. . . . ' . . , '' 4544 1114 - :15t ; .: .....: L ki• - ,.. %3•14' " 71.; 11/ 1 0 141 /Itir: q 4" t r t:•l7-7Z , - S,''F9g"F.'t! :,r. v-.,,,, ...`" - cir' . • 4. . • ...;,..... ..-.:- . ..iily 4 ; cp,,,,,. 4 ,:e2,,,:‘ ,, i*. ••4.:, . hi- . oili...•Fr , I W '4liiiiaiii*iier .14# 1 04 ,yi . ., • •!.:r.1.1 , .145. - . --- •:001.*. -.: ',il ,- ; :.• '-' - '' .. a .; ;W:tte.if •• • • . ' . MEM l'• I • r. • • • • • •* .-14 1 1:44;•:; 131,4 4.111111* . ' 1 ,P.':0 • :W!!1A; ''4' s r *. , 4,4744.•. - ..47,.....; • • " • ••• , c...q.,:"••• 4 ' • :•••;:' )• •trf,l.lti:l4:!; . *lli:4_l - 1. 1 :. trit,,,. l ~! f.". liii-,4 ..:: :, ,,,7 fil et, .. ••• INO . i'.4 ; : i, • 7.1....t;•3:1. •Nr.::, , ... I 4,11 r .N.,,...,... ........, ' ."M. W..11:i•14:•:11•;. 1 ;if,..... :r Ati l .qi!i'6K :;•40;1 : $1• 1. ? . ...4: .. .'. . 0 . 1-' ''' ' rokiip' .' :: I•i lt- ' .;..: " 1 . ' -11 : 01,4 0;;'"•RVZZT . • • '• 01 34i0..5171'.' : i.C.' .. .ti. •il t :4 : l 2 tie-. 4 ;.a . 't;".2 a te* 4 it - 0 2...4.•,•:\ ' • ..: 4 •,..:••• ......:$•.,.., .14;0144:iNX•f.:.:44 *.....ort v it , •.,„ 141tI ra,a.. ;10;•, , i4t16.14 - •, . ~.!•*.!-Iliti.:.' .: ~ ~..v , ..„. . ,A,..... - -_.., ,„,... h .„.. •..,.. 60.. ... .1: , g4 . .... r e;t:t. ;•• , •,;•,:: - lite 1 . 4 ' ' ' i.., 111 M.. •rii ':• 4, . ft.C . lfet'a's;.. e. - -,r` ii. 3. , ,, -. 1 :) , - -.. • i t ._ 4,1•;:- 1. ?.,., ;;" sll4r •C: 1 -€.11:1;et:•:•; , ! pho:ren:x:R:V. !21!.:;:r %.{~` . ~: S .0 }. ~•I • 1 IN 0 Effil ' ' MOM . ' EV67l,lile ItEMIONS wirrU.K.-LICI— • Divollutp o ocroutuA, pi;o - o D P LLlllNT,Ppeo th ma eyg lie unweintly wpotar ' ' s , Mi. ini - Mfai ani prepared by Dr Y.-. 8 Lel , ay4prawielfia YessinaDriktilt 4 Chemin and rhio: ,cl i or Phitadelptile. who knows the' satore; the qii ty and innate r or th e liedicisis aced in hie - pill` and theiradmptatias to diorama. i •:. ' en hzered; Etecuse the patitie can take them with confidence Mae mall ochis pins which ate 'preifirred by petrehaiimmant both or medicine sod ?fltial,Siam. °tail. ial:aid Outs, preicr: j .tiphor contaieed Se, uyotber pilis; namely, porg , . ins Itous the sumach and bowels allunhealthy sob , atiausMl at .the Jame j j tue perifyiiv the blood hod Saki" of the body. , ' jj . • 7 ' j • , Yentith, • Beitate they are ' Um Cheapest eoutbeat • mbdieinakoowa-a lee& hot cociiibm2s teat., and coot:nu:mg 40 pill., citing to pence. as Jam) , Mina *times in ctor'. bill., •od nomeress mikeisea bought 4o bird oti the rec.mmeedatiou of ethers: - ± ~.!. • WHOLESOME ADVICE. ' • ' Whenever: you have occasioa to .tilirr ay , i • cis., do mot be Wittig with roar constant.° bY trylair all kinds a/ pills or other medicines") j Mk ectatatied and recommended by one and anoint* , take at mice t /In Leidea Sarstina Blood ; sad Zoo *ill not have octavo!, to take anytlinfi The wilt aline. W friend good in alum.; all Weed of dma., loffacoanins of the stomachibpoe els;liver aid lotestioes; crainps of the stomach; talk, Watertimalu Jester,' levee, foul broatn,bad Lute W the coootb bout otaclatiotA and aeidity of the otoassel, costiveness and indigestion.. want of appetite, Wino. 'Sections, diseased or the .pi tea dad kidoeva,doneses of tbo .kid,' Sealy crept/end depend tinsel pimples or blowbee of the lace sna body letter, rash ,nriekle beat and call thoem,lieul• 'Lao, giddiness; leintneat, pains over . the `belle', of It. bread, sides, along the back and spine: theism. room nod gout,revero of all kinde,.soull pas, stoic.. lour: melees, scrofula, eryaipolos, bad to shotetbey wood is oil diesades having their origin •in the slosseeb, leer, and intaanies, and import) of the . . . Err- cads • Box. • * Sold crale and Retailby F•baestack CA•i - easer ill* rim and • Wood,- ids° of Sutb suid•_Wbeel streets. • • - • ' ••0•• /CAL , gerAiwa, ag DinhIPIND Al. ! it, a fine demo below sled welt, tetrarch the - pli. BROWN, thug been reetlarly ed. ten m the umbra! pro- • n,and been for tome . Ilme . l , il . prat be e, : Insomnia of thaw .fend &beam coati i for Ouch kis oppet n and expeneme ly beatify Inew nal he the Maly Mid ..{lotus ...bleb time le limited slant omeletnd its eared Dore palmists than eon ever fall totter tot of a :y private proclaims') nor ply ecalific• him to 0411 a. enthused mealy, perms t;snol satisthetery I On .1.11 MI [l. wish ...01 74!emes, and all &sewn Wong ;Miens. " - Dr. Brown Isola Omni there &Mimed with prawn thorax , * which been become chnudetry loneot ages. red by the me 01 Ifl the. common nowern of the day, mu their eartglainta dun he fullynellend lkor. wetly eared, be hang even his annum to the newton of each esees,and amended io hundreds of Menton itt Owing poisons of indatemon of he 'leek Mato Winder, ea kiedred diseases wiehenen Oman no thole ewes where others hate conaigned them to Wales asoileur.- Ile our inlarly Invites seam ban' Imitalargand nounconandlntreamd by ethers to era Intl Um when every smisfaorma will be green demand Hale eases treat ed in a careful, tbonsadkoad =Wheat - manner, pointed mu by log eaperietwootady and 111 • ...P.......k il Ok lapsoublo ' • for awn teaeMatto. of meet:elm to stye any Ltrcts drwaa in o . • ~ 1 :13' Deno OT Renton—Dr. Brown ./. 1.1 • .....0.1114c0d with Ilenata to call, ea he has pa, parnestar swathe this disease. • , • • •. du, Dmesaes, also Piles, nig, etC.lePc . addY eared Irbarvenry Inv. . • ' • N.: B,—P=ents ofithet . OX.llelsig at • .divv.o,v breams their dime us weistnegimagall the snap mama. nab .410.5 otedninesarith threctiebs for use. by addreeng T DROWN AL:D. • post Ina sod '<liege omen fita 01 Duncood .Bit, OppOshe lbs Wavariy - enti:sinue :. • • . • .., ... • dela ' 'rya leo .A 11t01157111 DIFFICULTY - Or DRF-ATllltett Med:sense ls cussed by a poroaysmal eintletne tiaa of the air calla rt is -very debibm absent ears- slag esdoentleat •,Dill. SWEETBERII PAung, NACEA is Um Ida vermin elm ' • .; • • • Howeriess can be ening cared try • fret an 'orDe Canon, of Mreuson e n, if neglemed,wal ' tarmintse la consocsoen, Is annuity echertA and mod by_Dt Sweeten ., Panacea. • • • - • . Deo .Wltts, it unchecked, snit .ebeettially .thad. M Bronchial Ocoarrelytioa, bola away. new( Dr Bomb actrhi PL... ord.. -get dare Iv __-• • • Inlantiamore of the Tolman et Pore Thnsat.Tbii disome Mum kali to ........ctimees Dim ne gect nth a Wenn= ofoia threat. .CM the kV. symptoms, etry Dr Itinetscentaallefa abotdd be procured lea wee tasty. -- Coughs and lrta. Oolls. find a Nersteigo rokilt .0 Dr • Pinson:la ?tabs .—A. eel, dint•lhnsin, mein/ from a metentUmgli andoMelsadellilisatol or bream doarra•Mthreilabart:aged Onearallumbmct to 1t.... Dr diwrousifirasineeenheidillwLespil With. t i systp tonsigmbhlitalilli does se entua.• . • ~:, . • . ....ritinsimesi,,lta.4tetutitsal•mt ' Mew. roith atopelyetteek, by using De WOW,. 1 ranee. ~Coonsaybo--lfon the LA appearance of consemp. ran arpsent wet ire a pea mthe Ai/Jona, breast ifelly :leZite n"f W*4 4 es ! •=.. ded P'* . " r' ', es, the togs, fie '“ WitsdpnO, et the Brooklet -betTe booms Werra lip oidi plit. a sat . io impede , Inotirananminschone Dr ditHettes Pou..Odell ia epos rfal Barectocans,abo , ~ :e' mama neva:ay ~, • Indaroar,.Trdridietressinee .. sin; so OYestiecilo versions" speedily owed by Lc neeetezis Kanto. or ~ • Pdswllll pow leaktor on beam rot lis. , . , 7 potent...lT WU JacicilDni,en Liufty!i,v ' T 0 .: 1 tr "' i ."'. . -- V • . " Y MOII/P. OARINSUATI X DALRAJiII 1tr,,t...1.1 2- 41=1 1 = ,.. ' 4 4 .1 .. ....,..........d ..,,,,„,th e past 'inannverkth a itosenw . ofthirshsetseb,swarthars • pro . - doles" gada Pin lathe atodischthr !Soar teens heon, _ aidlatatralelmillim. and env bur frig We* /snow gelleedase wilthilabtegenortifornithed with - a book • a s td. Wilma: pits ti:, and se asstd. to the rllsectiorss, m ud fond meoiably that thii wend to abam in there so asertnito uses, and ins elteree or twenty oleos. every wag • nemaninaras matey waned. Thnniedicate on ef tenrardessest whenever ledkanons of th e approach of rola were peeceirodoendthetain was IticrebT Menet . 7 AA- 'Ho combo to on thq me evaded gig sugaulmes re thst wrivr. onto, I • few - wed, heank.w...fer moored, that the uffent was reties _ sft mcalsige . moult otoppteillTe 'pun* From ca ge:7nm he selliertityl remmowed Dr - Ownanative Imlens,- as a military It...dieing 4ve , ,ii4lestococb coo bolvele.l • . AM ONO.. &lsitlislosib sn ' the ?ErrfX.YISTORP. . and , " . 11 mlidat. .:- sew Wont, owl .toe WV wild IP IPRIWAHTI. Federal anee i1re.:„...1 P:9141: AND; hil-eIOVUIDUFRWE.Li.:, • ...figt:L—Sevolttle id' all its pseltiplied forma -.fie i.-. Ifithi. Of Biog . /LW, setup:mob O the bi .. nd,, White Swelling*, Via rem vlsoner, doom" of the Stts or *leen, or of rolainsup Conicadopinno, emanate from 0611 and the fame asse,mhich ln • poinriostri principle own leletsinherent:ln the Yawn mum.mum.-Zones foie. ti Or motes this principle too be ditstioyed, so fedi , cal sate col be edoctecli tot if the ptiociptir Ape I which, the: d junco deptodni. II removed,' a core =iota .remit, M 1.., so mailer nadir ri hat how the disease stnsold modest Awn. This, *Wenn to as imago/V*ly, knelt'', 'ALTEIS 4TIVR. is ro tint verollPatteleinfel ia tinfoil): so many malignmst direinesa-: if amarilys the nun or pnotpla from sago. ifevier diseenev hare their osigia,by catering ints tlocisenlatose, and with the blood in conveyed to' the *anent fibre, removing cosy particle of r ule Frlthithrel7'hill:l77g4. 3 - 'd 'dd . -..- 1140. 'flatted:the Pciiinfres - Stere,fin.l; Foetal Ono. - - - ....,er. , : . :80111.11Tello 110Fa.TOtitt I,Ta r &ionlny i tatrew: lolll e - teiT ' jtr d unt Tnics, beau...b. dwasomadihtf do, ti IM y ... , Tie barribio to. b. cwt so rah and watzteh Wks n a bs' awn tardbio Wabalant fwat at, Par dreamy - 'mks, when to bagman/. 'Liu it be resneenw red that Dr. Will ?ITT= mad ITChi OINTIIENT is the ism tioistom daffy other propannitia in anisette o ia shag Oi• Truss, bah, and other .s of 'ha MI. . Am all disease of 'Makin toast arise - fora the maparily ! le( Ist blood and dabbed dm bal I, sail lobate woo dia. i rue bo of hong ataadaw. and „.the ronatireition affected thatehy. if Dr, teases Blood PIM be yea 4611, Yd ,OlatilnOct. 41• X. Will Care atm./tame whatever: and If,tatreat, the toseey win' ba /ailment IT Dr. Lciai, . eases, plower, *ll bee effectually eared al' Dr. W TIMM: . toil Itch theasuiti wile. din WWI. myelemierlatlinninatod by tie dtoowed Maiwra, . admit will be Italy tarried of hem the mount b i Pt Latdra Mend Pins,and the meta. N itrc sit In Mal cad try deo Oittentett.;peteri of Oiretwoot M mow For i Sakai , ..: .:. '... • ..,, " X 4, FAallbiEffOCK a co 1L!,e00.7' , .',... .r. ...• - ~:, . tor woad & Awn ow - - Aar isigaima•+• - • • . , • 1 Nevus. Seed IC Vaght. 4 4ll* l /l ' h dstl l awes , - ay Raki, trefalitell orate ioatetaaT i rsere reirpeetlea 'leg Vegeuble PolwanarrYtatrans. &nee I brat coed . &a iltd won, about day am years me, the happy alert of 'wide]. I urn maws iwt anatomist 061. ham lead *evils' MVOs omega:a and attacks at my lanp-am alter An Jong--atd•in every baseisee I Moe seed the Bel. Sas alms With Seitopteat and perfect eveeese. It tau .alreated relief azat me us van' kle days- li to nor' *sly a tab medic inc.,' do not know Wm ft wilt caw Alas! tansawytiow bat I behme It will 100 in many eases a preventative, owl premenion la bean I/I=MM t do terra we, kethe lave or lay fellow an.. Wain* mammal Cm cre. of std. Daiwa, In all .mlionntatp rose la 00; I as eitilaest that it Pe beat the imam of prate/nag my Ida rood day. • • .. - i • : - .... .• • • -- &MAW, Paws. Ail by DA PA ttloglrMet it:Co44oyoosttf Prot oalWasok Ws wow at admit Wood Mo. . *eta/ aeae.t y k ypro a tearoom to 4 ra. Go'•Voroantto to fly Coto pA, 11011 banoora bat sad Aro you, ao4 :omit tiodayobly I y" 4t4to ort. ontopok was won a Gott • .• sui4 its a.m. this obild. I Oil we m:X 8* *4 Arita k. 4 10 olsarr, ortoorssopp..u, .4 oho Voters:lp of taut olso. • . • .lIt7fYY C.13/1077% Watokusakr4l4.oll4ohirser 03{1141.11•A PAHMZTUCCt (4:1, • la awl writ, sad ingot and ad. oat. : I 'IOA.: WARD' TaOSIFOU4N •••ridts . tentr Una "4 •4•: 1 74147..1 ow . m n fune.•=-Nr.ian .14 w.,„ idtown awl. lever at biatileor•• I* lad wormy ail Metal kraut a our dead ' air Vcroltio.l !peas nsl and gavfA e r 1ikire.••014.1.14 very Isms worn. ermlf•V WO° , 444 V 4 • '11• " trd mkt hi Z.S.SW.Eusva I M 1 Dr Casszt,llth wonli ise. ay. dmiardl4ll4,d—afwara ..aaap tr. ad tat ‘.1a=1:1300.0.11.ta EiaQdr....ol.; eok "sad irtri Dhool:Duker Phiattri=294rtiirachlwa tart ODDDIPICOr 411•111PININK. *DO beben=•••• aisdrwlinkk., 7traveremillisail PlA4rr''''2llWlllll4o4lo4.4,: IrOrfo'cV - -kip4..%.4 I • . • :.'"' w•tyl-exv BT3MX c'i•ro:L D ithOIIDE.I.O4O./th'S ID/EIItgaIIIJLTIED L'ilftearing the pains and dares ineidist al " I neeVisbry and Child Birth, which tem* ash easy end cieseltracted proems of the knell*, eif womenwhich Nature, risen uoingoenced by the aeon. of civilized life, intended alienist bermdfor med apediuociip with little pain, analivithout cob vouch' indispoicuoiL ' . Dr Bordeleque esters his trade in Asa, observ ed thieremarable feet.' That the women of them : couetrice ans pefielharly different from all oilier laells,iti this reirpecl.that they've beefs:en the ' rams and dagem Which mate the period of neg.- , aux) op object et:th cityb enticited istencgand I risk. Curiosity madthe ... deal for ientifiediacoves I ry prompted bow to Odom:gate the unmet this nil riaarkable eteeption to the sereretriyis to which the marled female' are generally • subjected. and. the remit was the disarray of the foot that the women et 'those criontneliwere to the habit of whet daring the last naafis ofj Pregnancy, certain plants which have the tastily of imparting that degree et lose, and clasticity to the net's sod blood vessels el 310 Utems, orWomb which cables its podium its. • Ratans in ell their native simplicity bract* and . hied= from paid. . • , - •It is a elevator 'hat, also; that the Indian womee of North .Atnerica am in a remarkable degfee free from those pains end dangers of pregnatey sod child birth to which• the white women eel subjected Whether they tae the wane plants as de the Somme hi ABM we cannot tell. _Certain It is that the fact in ow less reseadoible"than true: . i 'DIM Itereadysis now eateowesly used throughout Frs.. with Ittethriat mated eaves* and many fres sautes who were tore Maga Minima apprehemions of the dangers comequat to the state of marriage aro now by the ise..of this medicine, performing: the dots. of urine and mothers with emoted and I ll 'i i:- ' a u t )hia time now first presented to the we" men ,of - America, 'by Dr liordeloirm, through . hi.' to neat; Or A.ChIORTIM k.R. end ho (rots coo.. Ram that Independent of its intrinsic canna Ruth recumuded shelf to theltioral part of the femme city; lie It ia hall* ealeniated to do away with that. borne crime of which wine, through (tartar pal et child hint, oth guilty. (the production of Meal We &linty.) „:1 . . !few'alion remarkable ler estocdying: thathitherio incurable disease Ramennesa, nue its almost coastam accompaineaut near Mbar:. ri, lam at t o ted end fallen state. of . the Womb: which arca lief Ili. dimes is never tell alter( the shridest vier No medicine. -, - This Medicine lipreparert In such a way u to be agreeable aid pleasant to that taide: Dr A C,IDUSTIMER ,No'36 I.! Lispenant at., Nework,lhati been appoint.) solo spat for the Una Suuss, by Dr Bordelinae. cod ie. the oaty par in this country who travioniud to reed this ridable medicine, a the following letter will oho i .. , from '... (Treus/afed Ma Frintl) . • ii r • • PAnvt,i.n. tOth,lB4l:' A t.)'hlocrattor-Deabir--According to the agreement entered into Letwece v, I wish by nos letter to give .yon that Is - Masi, authority to sell throughout the United. Salsa, (my Remy for to lieviog the palm mad dangers Remedy mers incident to pinta ncy and child Oink)i which it is rmeesimry for pod to bare to mitlefr {be public aim genmeeoemasd pm. iity. As you me aware the eapoeure of the meths are Li the ingeente'of the tea air obliged me to send it to you a air tight vessel.. I hare also sent inth it, a ,penmen ot the manner in which dm pm hp in Fero. la like manner laboold wish It to ap pear is the te* httre. Sir, with great rermet I remain yowl, • F E BORDELOQUE, Id D. , -, I'' S—l also avid you a dopy of a letter received Id me from the' Royal Academy of Science, in (7)cattaitr3 from hit. Frov.h .) ' • 'Yam Jan Z,1846. ..- - , To ht. Bortosacdinsi—Sir—The commiene• or. of the Amway have appealed the underaigned benatheir aumber,as a cotneenee . to report regard• log the merits ol the restilidy laid beloge o. by you (tor relieving the pa* and dangers, incident to nuey and, child birth) Several eminent Surgeons havommamitted, to the Academy the mutts of their capecioce inthe use of your monody, we hair lase to lay it before yes, believing It tetra the best deciatou regardieg Its claim In distineuon, end of its great value, that either - you ardor public could have wished.- Whatover tnetience *Ala body may pea , was ea the members oh the profesaion will csedeel to farther that adoptioo Of this remedy Into generbl use, which ea esuentific discovery end an unfailing reMedy; It on richly deseires, Eight Physicians haring used Op mediae', each in finy eases of d 1. livery. found it entirely succentel In promoting a remarkable vie and easy deliver*: free from pun led rtm„.ser. • With the :amps.° of three patient, , of Dr Briquei there wis • perfect untruanity Er* aoy . subeetpient oeskseaa or disown; one of tette three a laboring won= who had met with a severe • fall a week presiooa to delivery, was taken immedl. may Alm *kit event with .. profuse hemorrhage, which wised). digicolty,arrested. •Itie other two mallonnatiovol the pelvis, Woe is no with relielod orinia. These few exceptiens in so great a oombdr elf eves as leer blushed, shine the .ad.bik..l er.: e r icy of you remedy. sod have detenioned es to re e at that recommendation and approval which to to to it: ad -the fortherance or aciectific reecho tie (Sigurd) hi littk'ScllET, MD. ; I. AIAG F-hIDIE. 11 D. Coin of the • Coqiusisaionen of the I..steademy ~, I Science., ' -; I . The public ve catioaed egainat peWissieg tills edicine foams 'airwave except of eh ale agent Ith A 1; Mortimer, N. 36 I-h th15...1. 1 .1, f l ew IYark,arbern this Medicine I. pot op in packages s anithble for belt:Vent by mail to: my part of toe ; country. I - Price Too dalliers 's package ceettinicg 101 l di-' 'censer. • -s. . '-- - • . . I - Fenions genre tad tame, caodo io •by forrra lOr olrtaieitig th is Great Remedy rho recideriasding Dollars, paid. to . i i DI: 'A 12,1:1 r ItTIMER, sm.'s , seidr? 9r, • No SG Isrlimenarr gent fur the 15 • at, New Irwit. '• - : AISENCE TDB. PATENTS. 1 'Wadi AM D. 'C. : • giNAS e. 11RINTIlerc.1 Engineer and .. -Ascot air °urine Lona, II moron die n0 c,..1.7 c,..1.7 . Draw, 0 f r o iPapsileCor;Applicaina kir P.,- ;::4tt7 .1..ient ' 14,.. — . g t _a".."1! 1 :e.4. 0. 0 r l b iZ 0 5 ails... Woo ic;lditaig ai do Pakill I.loo,aaa Neal . nom •in the I nerd Sawa or Ealopc. 'Parana at • nuance deal •et hamm i n g alma/W.3e ir.aric al tbr. Pocat Mao. tar Ito notin opplionicr• 30.1 t • ioaneal, mar e ard (pot pied. reclining • ••• ‘‘..r. co &Liam t . • nal alai ibelf Cabe. when Imesafiete allta soli orill gra •an io it, and atilt. Information that toed Le a ' .tog anent ol ilait applicant at pawl) pereneptly odd.- • - !Ali lours hosiocco oral Id port paid. and contain • iniaalde An nine /Lemma op.. is moored- OS'ice ire V Orre•koppoet• ibis Ponta:4c. i Ilea. iha of rakrring,br . pernionn. to Ilan:X• ;kat% Quabilaaaaner at Poen% . i don II lal/nociela./ !do do e aIS 4l li Narbinial,PateniONc4 ' . •; , lasa lr C=F:ta .. infori,ll ,.B 5.....6; . .,L;Pleat.W isfles i Obui. ? • doi • - .- tion•J El Urorlia,al C.McoosrS .4.. Lr IllocaP ilbs Nall. Non E•SIII. : • . • 14.20beg1l Slla. AI (r abasui . ".• Itas.llllsrem4 l B 8 &nut. ••• .• ...13••:7118e8i48f.S&I . sok • _:. b=:oo — Zt - li;;WordWte;! .. dad num fruilioodhld Ewan_ puotroit ad "dap.: Ale TIM bo re r HEau, WSION o o band ol /Lode dor diem ittia et ail pricer; ' • Gowan. /Merchants dad mines am in 4 ex, uulde.thc• oboe* for tbemelvesois all grill M roll Adbolevalo or re isikand • liberal deduction mad* yu irlotitsal.o *Osseo% • • • • ' • • I.lorii—Fspieut shier • - WeKm Niwolferk . fro.* at tbill—from 0 is , 1111 tuts. • .) • Eapent watt WeiguuMf Vouty piesscsigii leae.:Thmb• _ • 4 . • Pas. tHift de. EalmalleMMOlf. • . : . • rna Immoral Eastern mop e(we atasea la DM 6ad being Mare& •114 ms en mad an P.M 01 , 'S Muds le &elf Ad nalglgt. m aMMA Mam am:lemma:l as gs‘v ja madbsaltMmajboat tlMM..maa at :sew Yogic pnec,. Gfr.:o;.Yr- Mani tcCo., • • ectklaa, • . Piuslone. /horny. STOVIC PATTILIUIS s FOS 111141 C—Caleb I•6lster,Psuery ilnerr, AlPegbenT ell, nil klill,tnet the newest pattente toe Ifennei ea head tuber iet wool or Iron 1.1 II Gemini end all paeres shade Is enter, os:oPmthtMl ti - ; - 4/;11111 isos=eo oolong . MM' • Woad 4iessotisfew woo. wide Ye • Yoonsier osof.bis is •hse Nosy belsOL - f. '.), so eief 11/04 a all s e posiolloss, wider &if us* Ites sad kwapnem. Altodk, by the workmen. ask &If-Acting. • . ma tWetemme orders for MOW ek rejig:amble mum. • - =UfITO 1 1 P.. ••• • awut Fo ! Tdrr. PI9Ita!!! ! . - NICKERSON, LIMB BOTTOM, AND GRAIN Deus ItIMMTIOSI b Frani S sssss , Cabinet Ware ilanufy PaILADILLPIII.At W S. NMI, al the ogre et the °lusborgh; will be pre7Pill TILOS. 0. DERRV• . 'A. 0. ritcsEastm al6111•01111.• • • • , ILLL4II 0016, COACH JIND LIILYY4S NAVER,L.IO Chassid d ..iaeuldirkia, tar/ of the Cm et Ord Wawa reopitindld latanar 44 fr i d Ibir pullw. h .wberati .ait will kw, red Le rars,• idocrwa 1 / 4 ftwat of •.Ifithicre le .0.4, ~etre l,s4 =De ddielerr ikerled ed watirial. 46214 dildll7llfirtillE .....1.• • idnirdi Maw Rapt, rAiLeferyolia.. ' in *Oat. en 41/ form, arras Mr • 'war new paten. Clack)! a( Ord' i.1 ..6. I. l • l l=l ' . l tra N g : 'TOW loser ' Claello. of the seararisill; Nip and , xell login ..ii wad/. -II .sa, • : : amillthe. • • ; 7 . - .guan rout soul :.'..:.::: T ifg ~ 1 10erribia 4osittairgas....lavai.4itim lYt. um. ix lictouver wußs*, I L : Mc hru s a , 14 : 6 1 " rauA ". t lir 61 =:::rnittaf„ . .../.1 ?, !!! I ft, • 4 .4 ' ai.„ . . - ... ...,..p.• ..-. : 5':. , .). pr., 7: • Zi r i Pt s4r - ..,,, e...:•;":` 4 " •••'. .41411(.00 .11 3 3•114 . 1i. , ..r.. 0 4 , 4" 4 ....aft 4 . 6 ! . ..•••t" i 4. .. • • 4. ./../;•:•rirl-; It3Prgi: dil ' rirtr'' '-'••• ' ''• •.- .. ''' • . " 1 q ' !f".4. 1 .V. t er 4 7-.:•" , 7 ,,, • 4 , . A. ' ..... ,7, . ''• yu 'c "*`, :'? . . ''''•'•-....."....."." • .a . ' ... Viipiith.gelk* • ffttitilti•: . -.reZ..k!.a.,4.! , 11 • .114..1. • tak? , ...,? 4 ,1 4 , , e1 A. :5 b ,...4610Vir i t 55 = r4 00:44 . 4 0. '.16, ' , "1. ,• :13 , ta 1”...'" • •• t•••• •• •% , ...ig '...! . EMMA:MEI .• •. • • _ . A esablri•amr• tavola eines inane, .moil; . OinsieniteathErtit;lo4l4.Wetk‘P . 4 lll in the thic . sr breant;nesrniathrthy.whoopthryeeegh,;., . • • broken .coortiteticer, CONSUNON. TION or my doers* of the lenge or • ; breast. Header aro yea .ftering • with e cold or threw of the • • . loop, try Mr remedy, . you will not nee:. . • hope regretit., - It will arrest all those diatreeahle spoptaies ohieb suite nth tenor to the =IQ, do prolong year dam Sew= or all - prepanUom porpoltiog to comma Wild L'ber s t7,eseept that heutreg the sigoature of Dr U . SWAVOt ola the outride wrapper et each bottle, thirkerer j r=ihely death.= of the article funs SexitrArd it Lis done! '4 DEATUS BY COINSIIMPTIDN ipabiA small eitimate for the raw!. drci'dfot difitioe Ipl iiejlo ymn Its. ;id alfel catalogse al eat off by haitue tbe Lipp, Heatithile, Asthma. Cones eres.'llrnachtlisotad . other diseases of the • fled Liver. •• Liss would present an appsllieg proof ist the of these two classes of diseases. But it is nt to know that. semi, Ul .M this dread f human life might base been ;prevented ese of Dr. SIWIVIiik:'S COMPOUND LW .tV14.1..) CHERRY. And tb Intalit Imp° mite byli SYBU This teedictie• has -now beta alert the public t ,r, Grime e gis t Ears,' and in the lori:Onal preparation from eW; Cherry Tree. he reputation as * Vetoed for sea, C01d.,; Bronchitis, and Ceau famed p a the Longs based'estirely upon its in trio.= Lo, own but little to Inflated newspaper puffs. 'rase who ma its trial. being benetlued by it. °Marred it to their aorghtmts, end thus grade ly asd sorely Wit gained an enviable ape Lotion Od wooded iu way iota gement use. One ' bade ter falls to tile a recant cough or cold, . while with Meat attendee to thedirectioa that an. V e h orzyz n r a h . bo g bottle it: 4 e t s b e e in pel most llagullicloarre. oto , bap always *twee relief, nod fir eery many hestealis ;has effected complete std permanent Teratelat 1 , I ••• • r.tit lr: AVNE',9 Celibrakii Compound Syr. • Red :.]• '. • upof mu Merry.' • • • _eta upon record— . • ' Dr 5 orik-43earStr: I feel it a debt of *adult= due_to oult—ed a dotty le the afflicted generally to 'eller Mit bumble testimony it favor ot•yeer Cosa mind Apop 01 Wild Cherry. Some three yews Wipe, litas tiothotly attacked with cold and troth, castanet' the loop, which r ia l s r. accompanied with la very chateau** cough, ein the bout and head —d very coefiderthle due of offensive mucus from lAA pnr., glacially epee change s of weather however aligt. At fiat I klt no alarm shoot_ my coodition t bat was pretty eboo &Invoked that I wan eapidhl.ginig latdeumanydoe; I r ordally weak. er,asa at !ONO WY scarcely able to wall about or sped; above s whisper, each on. the =caddie stimatteto °fey thugs. Deng Onetime I had Vied various permutations and pnesctipttoon, bat hand osi telief—grostong all the time worm: Just bore I wad octet:nett and pantouled by a: drum friend le Wilma". toe to make atrial of yitt?yrop of Wild Cimm. I matt conftss tbst {mania y I boil ban parodic ed against palest medicia and lam still salad tboabconmeg out of the and of *media, bet ooderdadiog your clairoi to the; profemia miff pr.,*. of: modicum, and having remodel= faith le the &eying of my frieeds.l terthwith porchned el Dr Straw, one of year agents,' few bodlei and commenced its use. My dhicase al toliis time won hl twenty or twenty flee months' standing, moose. month was deeply eateJ. I land, however, con sular-41441'1=de from the blot loin or Lye bottles..—L Bat tante palm spatial frequently attempted to preatbsteth my ammo! waned; and thereby raptured those vessels toot bid already began to health that way, doubtless, my elle won greatly retarded. 18 comequente of acting thos diva &telly lb** to out Id or 15 bottles before I was perfectly restored: I bane cto .4:Location, a mach smaller member of bottles woad bate swede ma goad, bet lot the above indihmetion. The Spy allayed the leverob habit, did away the distresateg cleat), pan a sloe to the distarge of m ert, e , from :he I lunge and gave them and th e mot Ire system good bad I e: have deterred offering lbw certificate till 'odor, for the purpose' of bang ,perfettly eatistlei with thir permaaocy of Ito care, at mow that I feel pedecily well, I offer it with plessarc. ,• REV. J. P. JORDAN. only, N. d". 7 - ''' ''' ' - ' -- - - J • —.move AUTION: CAUT1011! 4 ::,' • quiets preparauese of Wild Chau?, uste. &tiers Syrups or Wild .Cherry, tilos to contain Mid Chem, act, a., AU Mistime and cm:surfeit, and cattalo rim of the 'Rigout a+. 4 P."I" F. repared by Dr. &reap= nod the first is thin count:* Doctor Smynels 'repot WILD CHERRY re tool:need . I . iVieeits4ll, W . l.ld e teert i y, sa i d , e io tlti. whole are so !Secodly conceetralsd itboyeed all Motet the mnetroleast, n 7, and circles' remedy ever morel , core of Palmosery crinuseption, and alI f the Lonpreod Breast. 'rhe very not, ovine' ouctistrain of spade= iell3lnet,,. prove O. groat curative roperta,s., , tellllds, inquire for Ow engin' preps etc bottle of , coblettlla enveloped in a bees ', sales Micmac of William Pee. en. ere* Oleo Md eign eea the sto re of Dr IL the codeteCteitmg ef vriuth sill bo pee. AsSref": _,• _ ' • led eel by ta. SeretlCN W ternst• rai tannest Smote. l'hiledclpbto. • •le in l'orchcirth vrholceale and retail by • Htlltff. 53 Mariet=reel, • . ' S. 2 SOWDEN, censer tied.v Wooden. 'AILIL•hItHA a. t:o.• corner of Ist and KM 6th n erid Wood atreeta. • ES. ISO Leherty atreet MITCH S,LL, .theilgeny city. ill nespectelde Drage:us id dealchi 'in • . • thieselpal the United Sladessod Cana -1 • IG •• L "." • ' '-d-le - 9-...• 'TOO' ITISSISAL.BIOIIIIr•DIfe' • ! • • ~VALLILU Dublin eat • If I Avoid nth so Hats Pals limped SS they are one ewer Compfted aregetabl Inedreall MOM al; tl so to moll otreagthea ed for th ditesees from tom moods LI 'nett. Waal, as! wee erased .t.ttayte oiled 0, HUNT'S LINIMENT,. -. ri.ilitt t , Pislittrf l o id rZt ta i th m e Ap N i. ectiosh, Conireetsoca of Hie Hustle., Soto and Quiaeyieweet,Old Ulcer., Yams in tlic aod Chest, Agee le 'the Benet and Face., borate., Breton, Salt Rheum, Burns, Vieeted Ifeet• and all Nelson Busessea. TIttIibIPHANT SIJCCESS whir* bee et ....... Um apolication of Unit mom WONDEKOHL j ,i bit ICINL in cisrivg tbe most severe emu of the M t Hisea.os ehoge umedi--and the HIGH EiSI hIIYbIS that sue ban bestowed upon it. whe t eat has Mee intredeted, gives me th e nebt toe lon the AFTLICIT.D to resort et cince to the .?SLY FlGhtlatif THAT CAN BE. BELIED ON.e Welty elite in recostunemling the celciw.. clod Eaternal Beinedy, Stoat', Liniment. ' • Tbe•follawlag letter Eton the highly eminent Pheiticiatts who hare leen attached to the Soviet Plisnet State Prison for rutty yem, is the best cridencrof the rattle of this celebrated Liniment. • 1 bins Bus, Hauteur ti,1131.5. .., My Bel, Sir—l received your cute of yawn*, . 'Wiles m opinich in Wedge to fleet's Libilfept, 11l prepared by Ale George t. Suotun..-Knowiag ' its cio, ciptwitiue, and boric; lrelvently used it. I can rOcominend it to you a. a We Etternal Hemet dy, and to coy opinion,.the best Liolment I.* gel use.:..Very trul y sad respectfully yroire; - ; • • AIL HOFFMAN, 7. Col Pierre +ln Corelandt. Crowe Moor. - . . u* A. TO —l Sack To.A t: • Amid I fellyderseor in the stole optima.. . • • W A BEAAAII.. R. YotletoWls, hi. 14, .We. linis],ln reply to your letter, I . would say ihat•l llosiVired year Extend Remedy,. called Hunt'. igsisenton ter puttee since you mule me se Wed with US composition. usCantienttatingly 'Ohs I beesse it to to the best Eaters' Keme dy WM i. one for ibeam.mliOnts for .h.t. yes re• 'commend it. ' Yours redessetteri • . ..• _ BENJ D MILLE:R.Ic D. Cleo 13 , tanton:Es.q. 1113 . 46 0 nn the may of woollies *spelt. and Member that ern peered lorth at the pitted day 1101'0e can etry, It 6 rally. reheseie g to bed.. Seinethier 01 real practical eteity,•sotnelbint lien pla n speedy end elecusal in its °Fenner,. acd st • the am» time free from three telothius 'fleets whin; tekerally attend powerful remedien.. Ho ape Lid eat, prepares' by Deo. E Stanton Cl Sing Sing, though it has been bet a abort tine before the piblie, bra already obtained the c ongdenee, aet only son most orealtby sad hills:et& counts, bet. rotor eminent pbyeiciass.. All acknowl edge A to be &sovereign balm for maoy of the Hie that sit is heir to, we:tined/ ithiqg limb, and by 1 pewee itinusietisg iatioeirce,Winiebies die ease root tbo system. ..,. I • M . Stentoo-Str—Sreineyoir ,advertisatneet el H *l'm Dumont, I au 'taloned SS, its Sleet. •os emerwbo bad been crippled' with . a Ilea back roar In infant; sad Ulm wstb gratitude I bey Yeti yto is wooden] healing elopes... My e vibe Is how ere yeast., age. ii aow in • for say neenseey, i Yowl, Sc.., • . • DUMPY' C NICKERSON. ' I Pert Orrnet,Towszeue, PottainCe. ' I ify, that I am perennially nequeintad with 'Di 'seamed child. and think the father would • be ein cultic that his son nialrestsell. /AS W DYKMAN, jlll rti, INS. • Depaty Est/Master. ' • I'. S. I Weald also state that I bine teen for a ! needcamber of years lobject, to linguist Wacky el t he! Rh =Sem, which 'rimier Invlances prevented •. my Headley to soy Snipes.. Two of tbree appliv esti es of tbe Linsiiiit invariably lemovoiall MO fec no of the kind. In ease of bruise. ePreiee'• and ones, too omens, to mention, It has la this ?lei ity piped a mutate reined,. : Its sloe. can eel be eetriSated by they who have given It a flue • Tis Uniment is /old at .63 eel 60 cens per bet,: ale, by all the Principal Deify - nen and- Merebaut• . for ghoot the country: Mbolaale, Argots in New York. • - . HOADLEY, PHELPS dc Co, 10 Water 111/SIITPN'S Co, 110 broaden,. i - All at LI SANDS...seer Felton trod Willies. • ASPINWALL, .66 William steel; •'. Orders' sddremed to me nt Sinielrig,N"Yissi be attended to. 'GEORGE kl 6TMITON, .i. , Proprieto l'or sale in i'ittabergii by I. WI LCOK, tr. end r. 2 KIDD Set:a. Allegheny C 4,6,01111 SAND ENT ffiriniegbane,JOHD SMITH:. - .. i• 4. • , '..febl9 \7l l llbirlidi v eilefligNriiiililligiW . '.Tit.7.1 . :01."..;*...t.::',7 -4 44 .m i zt . .. 4 .-1 , 7, . lillgtriN .6. all die noSselsedlaiosatts noel re 1....5., ~..,__Mar".4 , ''''k.'l, ;,,,,.. ialle , in Sr., aeons e,eis .., tome ' IS. m s,,,,ni. Or tablsopeciefal or de . plopei6lseper Ors iiiieggi ioliVNteorosed or alsons,, D r :I Vfi g atele a?P l.a.ll°C .. j ! . *" F ° .l` , '!` t , i t .ii ,)ills "e - oli - Oialill I ici - 7'• . . --1- - /THIS Jew cestrekint, Ipt ',Mu mi. 5.01 of /*We i I'll..o'ne I I a eaSeef, hese Skaw's , pissed eporaree ot NI rine% mai by the Se &faith! ....edict's a need of say Ste pawed ite 6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, It bolsi,' the of misdoing wrap medicine! ems see. I ens beat tweenotaNala .-, •• . : • imisaibilitmp A:F.0o" fli strZelPiai ~:,-.=- ~'_ - ... ISM .• • J • r 0 r , LlpflT ..BTR gE T. , DALT Ili ORE; 111101IBMI'fipriatirt. 'ram csablitlment look soil widely Mown ei dew ..eraateeswleraseeelows to the eity of Ralthswe .hem meetly enderyWiteirery .no ne afierateses • e,l improve...rem' o entire ne wow has been udder], eine mentions anti aley eSeeplog apartateete, and. extenelsobataingnsoutt.' The Ladles , deponuket has else bons eampletely re orgerdsed and fitted op in a awn team end beatealfai style. la fen the what. erreararretef Ilease leas • beets notedeled, with Slagle eye de the pan of the . proprlents orwarili Ore twoofort and plume. of their and eritleh they mita &ally ,earen .will leasaee ro a r p.ycnx sank - ear Rotel us the Vein. Their teblesnll Wimp .applied .enh every sub stantial end ferny which the warletuitiode served ip , lace !aped.. style, while is the Tray of Wises, they will not he surpassed. • • • ,• to massive the prepneene belie say, that rodent will be left undone on their pan, and ea the patter IlseG ...meow, to render this "Hotel wonky the ettotiaeof patronage of their frivol/an! the b e en e geonslty. • Thertees for board hese 'also e reamed ache: Mein ..11* g Ladies' Ordinar y , Si 73 per day: °cameos' .....-.—..:1C0 • • .. N. „IL—TIn. Deggese Welwyn of the Rouse . wit] at , seep be 'toned etone Grand Steamboat Landless, Setsehseltl on heartily to and form the heel. free of charge: • • w Xtf ' • ()(CARL STREET .110F1111. Clthelmontl, thbveribels haviar.y Welland - thet. tire Inteetst of Col, ti r I,......4ablitbzotnt.beg thine to wits to their Wends and d..P.0t0 thet they Sawn taken Ude ememodthes Hotel fel. • them of year. and .111 coon they ben...lies to ma ke ICadenthelsle heath far Trey alters endaty • • , . .. • • Tee Hatt to thermes and mithitably plumed foe son cemen m ts, light and e, Inlay a needier of parlors 1 uethanutth elinsibeth. yrowanse •011111101 anisettes. to The netentonmdeloreining had the ex penett . ce yens in this city eon shaerherie,tioye they will las able 4om to' acre at letivfeentia bath. determined to meg endivided attention tes bonen alone. . The locatinabf tha refthi &MI Heath is Pearl, Wale. fndTlied Het 0l Itdml, fa cosily: dahribles la •ievr of the I tem of twines mentor retirement Carprivete boarders. 'to near by the Dank. the Pat Mee, the Hexane :11211,0dd 'Feint.. Han, lint anemone distant from ;Math meet end Orn thence.' from the City Whesf, thee •effe nag the remelt naleceme etc, eneelelly•in - mthethy merchants end geaetally eIC pencils Inning einem nub ' • 'JOH N HODGE -• .• ' - mellY • I • JOHN A DDHLE oWfiiiiiirCKcitrit,.. - • 7 Chutes limit, between Ileaket and Lpmbard jiTn. snettriber having taken the;above eclair lig/anent; erns 'hie ber•Aell IS the ClLl•rea end nob hefenerally, Its enavaniently mimed te tern& the Steamboat. and it agreed Depolla to the' smibt of theme. extensive Imparting Hones—and In fact; the teeniest eters le these vis:ting the oily, to me; Conve n iences athl comforts es ino other principal The hereto now being fitted ay with - new fa/ignite, In geed ( ante lad ayle, and will bo %menial the entitle an amid day hf pa:Tricia Meth thal namenitung drone to please, will ware 4) Wel • postman of..theltablic penance, resides% es well ea usemem. • . • W AY DIX, ' Lott of thus ruin of Din &Toe Daintier., Ant le, ' milEthlos A. A LIATitIANY 110UPP.,100 blkrkeYal ;Paulo delphla—Tba eutnenber Sale of tba Warblapfton Ilowl.flortlaborgb, Ps) tate. am pactlard of Penning hie old Sunda and dm paella Rem rally, thae be kat taken tie aboea domed Hurt. L Tkolloew Is airy end comfortable, and !suborn, ostessovoly altered and imp geed, •nd the proprunor hopes by &Atria iweatioa to babotwa, and • proper okra tor tke comfort of Iva irB.lo anirewriva a dare ofpob be palmate. ldriroart:isyetaated rierameakott for Ike Trafol. ea Publi e, beam eddy me &ameba. Ham .bur Hburg la s! Pouts' Depot. sad antlaba taro minutes walk a( the Balornoto and .Ileadloor Doped • ST/AMINO Cl imbed to the prairie... Tenn. St pea . P r d Proy. prietor it' Alla/hem Mow. Phil's. Atoptat IS, lotbspdfdadt JOAZII , IIOTIZI, • . do. 169 exam= WW2, Pall4olllllla. TBE Ekstreribers. Nader the ins alliaraecr kWm, bag* parr/ma Mr..lasaValleserVa tbufriaabitsa• latnt.aal bola. ty the ruietrat anention tal the wale sad cordon. ef their gums, b mait • "murmurs a/ uw %benl patroaag• bernolore tee clred by Its former 11*Wise harken tiausosilly t* Igisbadmrs , feel awned we r. weJeoate oar 'ends sod thepeWk w aceoaltme nqaal 6e all I.ll* Wye( raiselk*nik. N EMMA . • • -* • OA.L4 MOM, • • • iciiime Maki sad IllriJa its, eistelsitails T HIS b e t : • .theissih s epal, anti um pig' twists!, end 02111.014 eipcheiterd van 113 the west, in the Mims depitinests. I tatter sty that all roll ee plisitedwhie sail.. The lee swan enema eessueothens Lpliesen!..! Fare 111 ser day. Cmistaidtaltte)l:3,isrr. .E:111ARII . Nell..,Ahluegh net essetly new 1111014 le ~ II NW Willn on tee eld handle. VW I• — • • 741 . 1ii - irisos • 110TICL, • • . • ,INADISON, INDIANA. • reepreel'ef d. Atm exobfizheel bolter. mom.. folly edrefeble lemeesto the &been. ofibo.bel^ onll ete.l beeeeN to reader eoateomble oil lobo tv law Ms art* drat cowpony. petal labial Las Lag been • fororde ow with • Vieusiaa, De.lera •Kaatauu, via, Dm aoyillag snaps. moat a lama 101 tot. tat ir aralsmon4 Una bernefore.:fres eseylatiss K the Reed or halisnayslis. KNOW faabsaimotk. be region., -G 'lk r J T - a —'9!! 11111aeClrtidOWZ0*11 OALT IIIOUNS, Lakolsylale Ky. e' • Aki 141 ROC SI RT , oar to aegiabliass friends UM be i. ngolo lessee of the .0 ALT HOU SE Leehrrine. ty ...We be topes to meet all ht. old eammg Oates and the ersbbe.tbst effort .hall bewared to woke oh eortfonabre who hem hterwle 'heir • ' AMERICAN HOTEL, Raft R oa d Depot, Pant It. Balt. 13:11T14 . dg.E.Fbange *Rd Si; Cintles dole* r awes. orSodly MEDICAL. inzanswis Totrrn rArrs. • Rlatrnl OVITNIKS. OE Lew were known : ter cleated, and whiteout T the Teel. otreadtbeatag th. mos, streamer,' tie lateen be. It Wald be wed every night with a add brink. wet the teeth .n monk willoaly welting/14h vendee, is ty imuoing. • Iv.t the brash wan weir, watet...tir eel will answer, nod nib it • few time wi the rater, when 'owed ..dl adhere or s.eraner the Wet}, RI debeiewaste et the meth,sao ua pew. d wow detiotfolfragnerre la die breath- li.tande anriealled as a plWant, drwarenies, convergent, 1.0 rale dentriGeeJ 111. warranted net to Ware the meth, Loire prevenetheas. ' • Sly seine it regaled'', It will remove the tens, and prevent de seeinnalwwW—ldereent OW toothache stretettlierrain re vana, ead prevent sit Cowes el met phywriaretaad the ekrey westward it • dee klodly wiper ler we every thine a elis kind in nee.— Aek for ithertaaeaCeeepeend Onis Tooth Paws, and obrerve edreataw Is attached ino esti pot. Iteewantea&d. by Dr. Caotlisi del Onsodway, one el ear beet Dentietcbad by wit od the bid ow/stigma lbws la doll:tiled awes, and tree aleadvely wed by the biebilery et Digland and rtil • Alan. propempo of Ws decay:. Patallietanuthiad arise Data two derangement oldie I Wean her besraia whieb '..dtnetv are of the Cattle lie lazes/tee weed 446=4 Oriel°. Peewits el habits standd way* haven tier at hand, and Wei • Weerbeneree they real the Owl derandrate nt us Weir health, • Aslll4- ei.• them terteige• treaty prevent theepaado ere we- Fwatest JACIL' 2 O:4II, career er n Weed and lied e rZarriZto "d Cl l 6' is " :l Ike atta! bew.esarie, how mail, how aal kow,3 enewy. god auliealiby the dm apyie•ta alit" owng•preparen chalk! Dis,deG;ll lojwiewe eantahting a lenge gala 'dyer Iva We hare papered a beaadlal regetablo emelt...which e• OPAPIIIWITLILY' W/lITEI It li res s feetlr sa u t e t o partial ni all deletareas qa.Gl,l we; end It tatparta to to Wombats. rel. healthy, alahawee, Clear, hying ng SUS settee an `• COMM< en to aala, leaki it *on and .aced. •••Janwa Anarese° • Medea! Cheadat4 amanita: my, G , After ;atty./ad Joe.% tipardattlbe Whoa, I fied powiawa the wow bandit and wato eel, at din game tirte Innocent white I a t. ac s I eetta,nlr e1n..411C.01+0•114 sasses' lle se snow son MOOS nraelllV/ne.. • . • ; ;•.• 1/3 enna* - les. • . ; . by Whl./ACISON, at kid , [tot and tShte Swee,til Liberty meet, honk °Mood 'at 'the slink of the Dig [WM " t ladlea,ral 61101:11d1f4 ' : 'Warn vow hum that yea ant malted A nalawd,llfa-hke,...6.1 , Whit*. • - - Tht yew will William comma chalk, • •• • - , • And look a deathly yellow fright, . . • •• TIN Sane of 'enlace medal ' ' If you 'mkt awl a boa of JONV9 wealJ glee lady ehin an alaltiater yet Lateralara, on 'at the unto ilea clear nod Implant it. Pold - lit JAMESON'S, et Liberty Gt. Pncat7 cent. per tea. 1 • altra • . Ceranumptives. I) . orieetlema, • Demi deka,» weigh wpm yogi !mutt Or 'WIN afflict yarn. bream, . : Try Dr. Demme" tiMaNms Are,' • • ♦ad It Tm!ll pea yo 2 rem: • : . It elate away the th.lity °toed • : • • Diens", specedon'eribe went. • • And wbupett throes] the gkeenj ebnntd, You Lealtbensy yet be wink.. See'yead et rose of lovely bee t , erle lertherths with decay . • • It sesreely ewe the thernteg dew, &torn It Wee away.; The Worm of Death was let thy stem, Aed streaphened as avow— And wheablacasea, Wasik. 1• kreely get•,) It nippedarnel an d ' That Weenier Death 'night be deledi If Dr. Dinette's an were tried t And many lovely demobs saved Thelma or an smimaly gran. Txprii- DUNI:DOI% WI KPal OFFICE, No 150 Sycamore Mean, CieelonaU,9lllo: whim hie sal noble 'Wien. Is add. -•• . • • • fold ie • Pitiebarals, War : Z./A=BON, corner of Wood end Leen,. . • • atibidawT 1511, — IYJOth3 - 141CINTPAtiLLA.AtiiT VEGETA BLS BLOOD rlid.S. aro the safest and most eti, cecina. of any othirpUlediat me made, became< They are anstranted free from Mercury, miners! . or any other labetanea whinsier that con belie lest foie stens oidttencroimb: . *. • They ant Ow wily rad known to contain Dessaperilln them, and which la emlistnedwith other resemble, They ponces the combined °Seca ofi barging and El tensing the momact sod bowels, petrifying the blood and fields or the whole getter. • • • • They cm' be taken at &lumen and ender oil circuits wancesay )oong amt. old male and female, viSthoset Interfering with Dikes tee/Adams that may have veep Thor cats bbtakte withbol on o Chandra heblie dr al bilog, and without soy testral from Oceepatiee ur atealempleyreeaL nay can be late, arilholt my lost of tette, cold dim:gen:mare so AU kindest/ weather er getting wet. For tale by a A FAD FICTOCY ale:kior Miss and Wood. and ern Wood and GM out . 11 You postLimiiiious.scoummuel. WIIOSE mune. eon e4onelsoata t Look at your Air Tong wlte,arlds bet brlsblaanny 'are! lout; at 109 f oast; wad with csupion• assel btotabes yet via ass too wean to five .4.Py ceopstar a caked the peal Chemioal Soap, which *chid eobtety_ ftea yoofsoas ilesa,..ol maker:Ws tallow ello cleat and healthy. Oto stoma to/action'. Sum, ILlbesty st. thasbar•lnartd gal aaake. 'X, 8 - - Jackson's Lathe anlyplaec Tlilibarati arbera ibilaraillaSialso La obtained. &ware of Oannect. • ..87 , 088Eitif 8.1 he Oil &lel eta in the deans 4 umfi11146110.11.11.A1111 VIII 110.11.1.- , Fert meek I.ewrOraseseeeekeleieesort.ftres Oen Melee, lerp,ne.e, teepee!. to., Ut il ise meting lie 'pets when ate /Applied tire; clew, erethas.._ . Sold vril, Itsetteu teas e wake: .• • 4 : cat i alielll.l34 nos salsrbill 1~;.a,'"4~+:- ~ 3 oexitriiw'x ` ~il cCSw"s!s:i, ~ IRE um-m V ~ 10001rADWILIIID 'LI E. '1847 illantrorrea ARMOR rthifF4l-riTTSOId RCN AND MD EASIKED t ri . w itk OPT rat intsPataT.. • • rrilE.latprevcd en t h ral or Cartyltli took bp Ude hoe; .I..Eatattlished Lane, Deno 10 well hems thet de terotheceoaly. Good. Wood llooonod tonhe team, thew all athethipment WOWS ILoo4lort is need. The Beals area( light draught sad pe gm thetr trips in foam slate seven dare. • fru cepacpy of oaf Waldo:we...mad. ai to - siore say coartvterrta cask to as. .11seeiving,storthg, sa d .14 117.7f . a11y . = wake sales oirtodeee, we reapectfally solicit. consignments of western Yams,' itaahArd oa ,Iltater, Cheese, Wool,Yeathers, and ether r 'ale, which liberal advances will kw made &Mother esteatfaellitlea .8534.1. taw relvee that lay !defines', eatrasied m as *hall,. a s recently needled and ONO OA fair tenacall el any ether hoe., ' JSO DerADDEN & Co A DIA P I A U I"; g ' i l as ts " •-* Pe Radial Market et, ridlada.• POILTAIILICD. LINE. ...1847:: . ': t'2, 1 g,'11.7dMir0f.F . :231:711. blip 'vol. and the conaeonces rut ef &OD. damage, breakage and separation of goods,. . • • . I=l & CASs' . • . • 'No Eli ?Jacket stmt. Phdadalphth • • • , TAAFFE& O'CONNUIL • .Cor Peep and Wagoe rdeso!'/A , I rfITT R a tra rler A gN " Ereconraged by. trammeled begone: th: rsaitheldin have added ja thew neck and extended their menage. meets donne the•winter, sad ate atm prepared WIGS, . ward fre,r4l with rearelhity earl dispatch ensarpatord by an y abet. line. Their loag expeneeewasetnyan4 the palpable seperienly of the rateable 'We loth . and the glue gawky aedconvealence of dta to .1 cub wtd of the lute. are pc:W*lO4l*SW tad to enable the preeminent to PIE tbeirealgedmaalle• nod accommodate their evatawlalls.-confaestalreetelalt„,_ tee pest as a deanery for the form they Belied &Woe pluses of utai pisconage iota h th eytena grawfdDy acknowledge, ,• . esonamonsso Tea& 4.oConnar will be ree'd and taiWaPard:. Blealdwat ehargal paid a n d ilal• of LadirdypallealtiadbeatekatqAmpa ,fin CanrielsanlG ad.anclagerslonw. Illevialt so bairn& directly or. indirectly 101 banaboalthlbe harems or coneisoors AMU Osedidlird: *Mb' dreary paws to lair9l.oli en, aod they pledge dismelvecs foorard all' gad.' Caosined deraigtheaelLydaridon the Pam admit. soma teens la themeless& lilac!, 1.1614 • . • .. • . Tommie ruszack. 7• Ttrim Beieuee's Pt:nimble gni Company being eis• leeleed, the Ofolotay Win teal WV, article-sof Cb perusershAp under the eame of the .Bateonen l / 4 Lite wad bkoorioe meted to refit dm dotelt to as to base or audber er Mats fot the Paise of tub' iPS sands . ak Stew ois Om .iz to cot day% wig. ecru/my—tad encesteged by the liberality of bra you% pains. ta tanks more 0.1.15 . 1 , te ILMllliell.lll.lfor the Oh !mantles. . . We veuld 'thetefore respectfully sellolf • cooties sate of ear former wrest sue r ef er . all eels canenttero es these we have clone bootless ter. •• ; • ' ' natal 18471111SMS •:•so•TnAls , Luis; For the inospottatoon of. RIRDR OR REIMNaRDIni, TO ;RD 16011 ' Plutoonnsil, Rotenone, 'N Yeti, Alto Boum &Ant URI. WlO irrii AN & Co, • Conn Llbesty .treat and Canal Burn. Pinsbu..• . • A L GERHART*. Co, No 3. Morkeisteret, Pbllodeaplns. . ELDER, °ELSTON &Ca. Ar.c., •• .Baltannoro, tdd. PITTSBURGH—J.. McCann, On. Al h. (kw. W ;Icemen Co, II A Ramps. & Co.' Id Allen Go. PHILADELPHIA—Moms Panels. Go, Reynaldo Jioruland t Co, Flanng Ruby, Pa Wt Sat .1 Ilisykaen, Jane. Unts- • • NEW 1. ORE—Goodn. b. Co, rsea. Peary !Co. SIONTON , —Reed, Cud A Oa. • ADIRCINHATI—Adam. W W Belem .a ri:I4..ERSANT, VA—PAN• • • •111ABIIVILLF , —F Ftemmt. • Nora—Allnoem.Joandue Boos Neitodt god Hoitha, aaoeioed le. • L Gerhart Sao, nalsialitils,.lo be yotemotly foonearded /roof coassoißoim . • 1 • • •rOwrast, - • BOAT' LINE.' 18 7:" NISPORTATION Ort.:r .. V.TL IMM Wer AND MERCHANDISE TQ AND FROM PITTS • • OR ROIL PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. l:Dryilthoot Traliatiymem...o Goods immolated tom:Hears mkt' formuded mak oat delay, at tlys Ismmt entreat rate. Bins of Lading traarallued, and all tastractiona promptly attentltd to, fret from say calm thAllr in storage Of Knalar.lo, addlmeywapply to A McANutzr k. . • • Caul Rasta, Piusbargh • ce I. and conoonothaas 'amalgam., Ire ass/p receive (In addition to nosed for Wpm •tt a or automat of Ptodoce, Ste.. an !...oraar ai • P.M) C .iIIeANI7LTY &Co inckwonTn L CO'/ Lunt. .1847. ..11.11YRLY foe the ussafte lli natine . WAY Fatloll7 between raldieNAßlaireetile, altar town. Iledlidaysbargb. Water Street, Petra:ant and all mtetrindiateplaced One Host 1.11 leave the orareboale of C A Ile /teeny Leo, rittebotjek. every day. (except nandaynl and oligillenceut emirs depend on keying tbor gonla fot• raided without delay and at fait rate. • 1 Tbit Liao ens roomed fat the .peelal otcontatodatioo of the ray butincsa, and the on:primed reepeelfolly goalie it • hbetal Awe of panting.. 'JOHN MORN 'ORTOIIII *MAX* DANI. N. BARNES _,RODERS W /1/3. - .WlLumpTutair.• /MTN MILLEiL lloliidopbs b *ll HAMAN. JobAddeed . ' C A /**ANOLTV Leo: MAMA '..'"•••••1:• Steen tttttt 1.3 J WPain. ! Jobs Parker, RobusTliate, MINN, Alt *WO. Fialbani.. • . • . - • 7- 1 - 4111 - iritg no'iumusu we ... .. p,..+VP- • 1847. g am,otril of thesehbosar Late Eris r . r i g: grA, 'f ' s .. ., ' , - nirigi ' og gaily between einheteglh 'sad praverorod height oadlpmmnger Canat• Moue; t,,,,eme I t em.. litette Cr neet ulth aeirriannertme wok' C SI goreiro Lute or riteeinhaat nopellers And Vrsoelo .. a. ulcer, twig e< prepared wpm ht.. ellb.l alma toed Narlgodoe to. rout Peeob: and ~e to to og menet oa th e Weer. Comt and gag,,,. . Ifoelog el: err cicalae for ems:snag freight •ed me , 1.4,... Tone en oad dispake, at moue./ rag memo reopeerfolly orheu from thou Meads meg be, pohlic geornell Over moot:are. - ; ge etEltD„ Erie, Proprietor • . I AEF:hI:4, PAREO A Ca, Drawer, 4r. till ' . . JOICe•A CAUGHEY, l'itith•gbdo . Combat dime Wm, au. oppotiu the Aloairage _. Ph! 110 .1... TO • w ekti, Crocker & Co, New Yore • • ' , Poo.D.Vio, Bonk." .. - At NI Porte & Co, Cleveland . . Jgg A Areestrangte Co. Detroit I : .' . i Vegan & Will loom hid troolua '_ '. .-., ' • : Untold 1 roster. Memo ..-: WO 'Powers, Poore mows, reoao '. ' •• . Gee Itoeholayre, Evvoia:vasty Pfau Jam . Jamldoleilutr, 114t4ws • : • --.. • ts K ltt ". p . tnt a 7:ll . r i Ste k _ " flay( tql'avpihre. • ".-1 VI &151.., Rms., m e • ' . • 7 . 11_ ..... ,...M . 11.41t5ba5e. Culs. ;ElTT#llilRa . cLEVFLAND ,•0. 1 . IL•lleapi. ~ y.lltbepott - Oi.': ~ ..f '. : , CLARKE:I.CO. - , • -- - i t ri h; cainstirsi. 411 r•• is and rtioricitvi of iina Lino leo Coedit- J. ably Odle pabUid, will be preperednit the 'imbed. Of eenel navigation to receiver., • MY otti and Ikaver, and &live. the 'dem al oar pined o e Mkt mule, end Anon LakeeErie and htebigaii, with die greaten despite% and titeatitio amebic taloa , • • .. • .: I , The Omnivore of dos inie =licit the boatmen of thettlionier condom with cooddeneo, knowing ALL Welt futilities are woad to nom I • ddrees.. 4I PVT IP °-r . ct Id HASSON, •gt,Pitonalk• i WO t Co, Beam. r .1 1.0 I T itICHMONDA Ct• C mlaeb wlt a T r...rt tr - 1 Bali! iikr al'Etio a - c - b7 atiata 1847. MILNE E ECU a co*. OLD ES - TAD .( ,„ s2 , i, t.D4SANatiOnyutriN wit: . LTIMORE AND NEW you: lee canine of a dooblit w ti 4 Cm. loomed by ihaliel ore,. The • Omni:wee soliprota. 'one quantify of Miranda@ aut uy and d.ontiou . • . - „ • ••.. ',Me omitted to any a I. OD Wit. I freed any charge tor akin& hied iiodallitotocui#l6p4lor . t• :. , .. , . •Line 1. esodscle& cords all. , tar I: , •=p ply to Canal Basel PiLirgit IRIS & LEECH Preprietor., Tlainl meet. , TAYLOR , IL . SONS, Amp, srthllowardstret,Balttobes ••WILSON, Agen, , No 7 Wt 44 sumat,Ne Yark • PACKETS . AND ti"f yiss. • • 247, Li Ta anarelvalef the usalitßE:Vlolll.:Pittsh ' s t rgh *. and arrive at Warren soups .6.130 for the Amp wilth h Clew clang before sight. PUNKAS! be Tett pied secati., bertha On Um Pickets, and scats n the "Mao, op app ltatm. an boartiNeamboal Beater. Elcarul Pnub•rgh at o'clock, 4,10 sr th ths 0 AI BARTON It Co; Pitts tirith CLARKE At Co, Bearer • ~/a.t.SE BALDWIN, VoseKsterwe 4:111 D TAN , LAIR. Wales AND 1847 1 11141413-- 10 THE EAST ET BONONOIDELA ROOTEi VIA PROW Ng VILLE tr. CUMUERLAND. ' • lee Winter, on the nem favorable Lena. by Ake ups dawn room. • k„. 4tl i ervlTZ a eoXiyeted lon wall. Wanted.' dub, In &eyelet.. • Wickland., received by Ike foals yrodeptly foe warded. ' 13IDWELL, An't , Fauber* 0 W 'CAW. Droarnevllle. • E EGERTON & Co, Cutohettarkt PrrnISIMOU &NV GILLUM VILLIC 'Mai&lB47 : PACKET AND 1114:101IT LINE. 111111.1 Lfrve enneistinfreffretibi and franca/yr Put: dinin 6ll rrnd drfrniuliprifrir Ibe wag.., belfreed Denver and Greenville, by frniel freight and pne4 sengersberman rfropoints,frillbe Mid at lowest mfrs. . • „ . • t•r it , lSC o dididt=clea , d:e 4ii c .is: ••: rILIARD fr. DI ND ll id Bend, • , ADD DLD,llB,llfrupidolli,', • ' '7l WY. INATIDE#TIS, Poled, :I. - • ••' - 'IDEA TALLS dbCa,lfrisfrer; d. 4 - MEV frefriloll6Y,rdolDifrfrandfripii ; NW '• -011~p1M■PIAr1MBI . I .• . . 'iti /INICOI/1411".X01111.1111210sapApxyym. JIN -- uk , . I , ITlsa mat and alitanne .; • - . hti far Inpallla dayelasuot;tists befall at Ildeloet. a. ta., mai Dearer Sekro , ekica,, as, ~....",.t i , a ,,,,a • runharall and Ckntliad.Line at nal Macs daily so Clonland. Cod edam, We= Clavelaad Lana at Coal Packalannilloasa wir.o l duly to Wanda pad Myriam, Canal • le Nn Coale and Greenville. Pa; eey& Ms: to Meadville' Ind E tut : - Neltlefatavr4, dude Coaches lay Cleveland and W 6 wade. Ter duly ale the aryl al of a Adam: anal rtraborga Apply so' ..... ~ . .surtint iaimliekx. apt I ... CLARE.Iik Clia 11knaat :!, •• .. - ''UN/0/11Ltas. ~ alfigig4 tiMetkir=4 ". 0} Ter PIPIMIL44II4 asn<eow tale NT 1 7 1 34.U 6 GR A KIMEVELA . P. , N PARlO&Co,Cletelaad,lll ti% P itAW s , git n igh P r 7 -. DIE More Lbw sow fally . rp axed a t Maroon . Wltl AM tareengirs ittabccryth and Que. 1104 to uy. point ort ibv Fenaylvtan t Utle sad el* . The ferilltire el said Line are not isMeartid ky antes old Canal., In smokers end cepaoty d Bow ierpe, Sr/se et Captains. end promoneoet ,kmenuqke. • tier Ikoo Woven Prtsbermn and Clerelknd 4 1.11 f; neendedes *kb Ira, , .• • • Ilirtainn end Lake .y. 4., .b.s., , e4 , Paut iqi Sr ever; nod Line of Gm Ono rereobsus,_ Sara Usgs sot tekossoo, m• Lairs Ede; Hoed, . • .. a irmA I s j'i rrf Chnui' lkswarded so . an ' 7' pan Ike &a 'with a‘l!'. • • N P ld ai VA (d ) t ' ' C!e irei Asia ' • . W T , • % W. Id,onOt ~;. ADLIiiVioLLAD . • 1847.- rver aily, st crakek r 7 u, ail — eiV ua arrivel of the morales Soar Gm, Pi tidnitgly and anion Warren in tosie lor tire Nail Lise et Butgesorldeb tkereshor. tool liniTe at Clevelaterati feet, ei • his mate title most egvieditietie r.sieniitai one le Oa Lakes.. • - _ • • , EEED cuTEBt LEFnlarieri3LL;WitreM, teepee. WaintoratiMaefirem Itgatrlatieirello• • cmIIIIIMINFORTLIILILVOLL L jattNIMER ton Tni-Ta•MIIPORTA.I.• 00 •L' '- ALLA:INDS OP aIEACtIANAIIgig TO:AND FAME PrstLesittliplia, Balt tutors. Seep Yea*, rillie . enetarteguleett'th 4 lise bit okeilied one. ite.ovatmence.mta bst lndntad'4epiaptie • tore to immteo tbe.wat bP.ldditalra blather Of API elm boats; and Inuand orgiving rerekiptp asharete fore as agents, lee will g)ve our, own. decopti ler frelOt stopped by Wit tree.. boets are all prttable.tfo ' noevinetal, (might Is taken the wbole dirtanee,rittiont Inautriptosou t thereby preventing damage from !raeitunathandl leg on the Coate, soda. end! boat is ovaed by the . Captain who nu. UM), Vh/Ch b I stlThol• eft glinr• • astee that there will be no dedspoutbe !byte.. All Prodace or Merchandise coati oil to' the eudontinded beforiraiMod, OF COM. , • . MISSION; for edeseeing end Pannier'', oodles be shipped witlniat doh,' al the,lefutsit of. freight. • ' • ,S• . • We impart/lair aolieitat share' of public pat ro age. - %VALLINGFORp&Co„ , • 'Coital • Baca, Pittsburgh . • .• CRAIG; BELLAS & Co.. Aft. • Broad Sheer, Ploladelpait„ • • • . F MlLLERoksent • • BewlersWltarA Baltimore.' _rilaargh} rce. 11147,.... •.. ; • ! 1.1-' • , .1846 - • -147. 'TO Tilt'. 'BAUM ,ST. Fez. AND • . :OHIO .• /LA udetLAp...1:1_:,,.... ibera anti reatip (Jud Mire: •Tel i Le " telt;ltiatare by tha Neumpirega• - ! at the felkming pneea.—•• • , I AO., Par., Batter Lead,•l.4„. loft, 11Ohi.. Virliatay, •.' Is' s, ad era OaI.IOY t: Tobacer,Lfaelp, Sax cal Wheat , -04 et. Ile/ LC Aaaea (rot) App!ea. Charse:Ftat•Sted: ' talk Leather-106 eta peril* Lbs. . •! Oila,Sklas. Beta, Ekegax,Peatier W ,rM lo a ea :4 p,iloth • PAM —llO ela perlooll. , • I . . • 1,11 properr, camped to cult= at the • • Ira I 1.• forwarded anthaost Began Ostia . • ' • .t above tau. WII CLAlMBnontaillteLl 111ANNA'kWBTX.M4Bn. unnir.ars 4 0 ivitaci . az IrLum-le' sotkol#4ll6. pellthekkokArklie $1.6. for lki. meth' k, it 4 list right ad - tiot Pi orrik at •I.lth th. claim I. loopm is doll U kik of hit lythikeflitheit .Ithoore kneutoor U Om poke, enal - rmir i t:yntatln.M.l6p, birth eialia” us cespaii ot tc-po.6 . oitath, 1.10, Icons.. IT gas Aialiessa orbra the man, water la where or part t . :=Pw... , ==tilithrt re %lel : posy war ii...r74r to U. lal '.... to . rin maks 4 sera A aid, which laxness rim otl hp en.:. oa Ow pra t if a 1041 wow worroirog it Smog% is •wri Stott tiro." Now ;do" Writ tots Flail^ dills, has War Wraps ia oirrhpirtsPartto a as • cloosicat efts whirr* ao viadd raher al hold la topothor.tlarelhn salaam g. t chk.h.akit toil* ses7 au , A teur=itore o fizi t tpez Iste=mrottal that men ii. me kw may 4*U:rises Ora ill= Sitphiartrwl am du rode. It Woo tuatara so Eaten that lia to atliihrait' isecteirt‘the Wrioili Stssorwila. altriparia-tt .1.1 - WI leper, as shbotigh 0 arras of a lavish grits rotor poi. Ow hoar. it 1..1414 deer bled • oh rb rut! ottlart hit ism .! It la warrantd intpwior to dr = 1 „ Tr'', •AeIT. 67. 0 . Pln , : r t; .- /=4* . • mod son p!on llto . raw. • 41.11 a geriaatto wird herr trim at my kok lo • olltaiead mn thkco wi lm4d.k iWtoth rfeeiro44• d.. 6..• a•Aie yoaotoovaellsirpt. II •, • • - We nothethetht tll3le.iliC trr OM Tleieln I. ito.fertrouge of dr pkiblit,.4lll b/. rib . ' I. OR all M. loco, et tows fora Own drpm _wil/rial. illp tea aWe arm ot •= for lawilissiwasSitopr Ittlhelt. II AI Seatkceek I-* ZI: obi ' Ws I.lplithottit 11.0 4 .- .11•111k6licia •C.•• :. • 111.11..050 k DAV.. Voter 111.11thr •••• -• • 1 RAU II mero.arael. ll} A' kleaeldtx . fltlO ' I . t.w . 7 w .01." . • -. 4.. • . 1 .• .., . - .. ... . : " rTrlallpii • ."' ; 'llig r 4 itiii;i Mr Ttioi I 111111064.11 a Clpskical Wnlias sue. mifi it ii: fie thoodo.0111•Wkall•km '" : ems }4•1414! Ise ek. Nu, ~. ~ i -4. • ‘ '• ~ • . ...Tr . :4 k ilii ir . I mo. ; ! .....,•... . • . Sr Millar ! 4C.• — lPillabatilt, gas ii,_ _lst • • M. T•K akeleeil-ilia rerc I ion eon ODoisicil • leiriciao V WO. Cad belle*. U. oak . 1.154..16r: owl pois, re kilos aelleiri=PlA alait'lt. other AAA. it Am kw ref fa ce'•!.. bran. •- 1 l i =lizUlly: . :,....1 '''' .. •• IL h il. e " The W.. - Proposal or i tieW Whillillakiiii lteMsco Ire 111= ' ID =4 4 1 4. Alb. l ie ' • ..." .. 1 .1 •031telk : th el4 . . •• • . __......' I:4 1. 1 / 4. .6 ~..i I . • "'r ''• TV4. Irium.u.4 rs 1 - 4AMBiI ri4 • • A/ • A althea sal normal lthodboarllieedpelos kr ' W IZ =lll.ll , foGpms La Or lock thii --,1.M; limo, to. , aid 444 4414.2.01 m; Ida - boid4.4 • wid,...aqmitna qi ars 1101111.1.* MUMPS; 4 ed • Ow Idol.: Loa old eau dr 11 ear wick ;or Ike, thhty, a mega noloCk. ~ A T M Spot * le ter ! pceseoloe, sad Loa attketlyypia/i. rant.. without . per • • 6'b r 4.4 Woke. be do motibeTheal. atm. ~ 1 . . • Tilleb I. eattfy dot !Imo Ir. Irgollap4 Par Sprit/14 . : . We acne* prod keit rct AZ ....., lriag the to envoi ems move mg Elm ; b,theonlethe ..• en so& mono ame eg the , ob. it WUl rile ailice . eaN New i•fig, May, M.. 1 •e: : .... 364 Bath IT wok: . . I eiroOkinyorth m liz ,t etthrerir to Os @creak put ooko 614 amt. At Dr. 'clap kp-e.. re I Jaw it Ova hay, wra . aspithttra ~rti la la IhaWbith Irvin ...turd sidemen lnelerend loore arp/A Iblei . • ....1 fork. .. •.• c .; t QM. VLILLIM, -• ' •.. N.. Yak, ktFt, ISM •t • i 31.1 Milk Om'. 1.. . . ... .... . . ; 21 To May, 1$0.:. Me. Ilkole•-DOcr SlOl tako kb.. Vezelorl to thy; chi mo. ithiltelth a t . .l=l: l llMtos o tall.. that I ban boa torrid at It, 4 it... 0 Or opas Is. Nita& 10 can bit. .111rwortr,1 no tea. coo 4 eO. rem ei• belecidtita.; and 4. 4611.413• orn in,. all all dicta he IbiTIA arm; !,,. rt ,.. .‘! , Ow ".-1r1w,.4.7 .a 1 . depot okteleig. ethe . . .. . . .; , ....; .:.••• Woo Chocir, N. T.. 1414 MM.' • ' ' Dr. bodifsbp...llthr.Sere-Alect 'co ;Kr Ion& •ann Irto iszylnaikeal,. wsti 4i 10 txprtl. MI ("WWII kW 'ch. brazil Ihtme &mak 1r the the Alpo. ralall. floe ilk, I comsAy with spot, 11,14 ... 4. [0..9 to.. I . near air; that emoted • welt Atteek AI ir. Tilt err haring oast talsonot rfill e. ost iitst. vablopl ' Soil .rbolo.a. d. 4.7 T 1 ,., . J/1011107 4 1 1 . 6 Ild.. fat hteelicive %V p.E. Lawry Swat, =Wad, • nie.rtl . 4...... i . ... .., _ , T abloM-I)Ohr* ra. Wialwilapierteas 4 , ll#tripeenits ""r vni.U.A.l4 .r , oinnynrrioirrimi , lP•thostl V WI/acted milli - giggle* latilligan monitory ispaplotheOSNlUtheigieiu, rhea hei*biree laboring &riming grail irti &breadth leinmertheY the th met,aittheervinmem, Had amay ethrlkiitha,bat • of la u 7 PT* &Maw lots al le Lib, mull I made ere sr pk.;Duriceres .ExpEcnquita , ' I lave biro ming Wit vslubth mallet** ter ~vree Verse eud Weis dad ii u Mime when ever 1 make*, of iL Np mecapaliee e aa Amber. a‘yoithielr Mena eta almoueesthatitlymnaod,rthaes ay diseam,et tuner, to berime very . ainuriing, erten at nem presare Ws medicine. 1 theekore - uthe tare in making dm paha matemethaat Alm aerebt. red with a dietue or gm' lasi" end eaperinrant Mauna may know the virteet ofikla' all trailer thaw ' ? and may be ma item rm.:contended Di:Daman', Eispeeronat lammed/ a ether ml third*, mane a( reborn ere their byte a WI =Muir. • gemeriebollo,On. MOMS. . JAMBS LIEIVIT.• •TM .propnera of the above teratiethe areeld, atan refer to the readamigned liethorta, rim th4de to De mmiy, m wirma.MT WWI ea ay.cialFirpon a., rry be, movintod thet there are vibes girtirt 4a tha'.ebave medicine tiller camel be excelled 2. -Deed Coen., a....n0.r.„ Dr; IL eue.. - ilkai , VOW elf (Weer, /maim ap; Mr. Latimer. de; pm ya,,ib,m, tMIICef op; Jarred Dm. .egievrell • • • . DEL DWICAlard ouact,. mere Erma Druilarrati,vJerrh.' 4 , 0 141,1imb Lig b by Pall 1 ,11 1 110!ON,1914DathY trade Wend snare . r• •, • :• mann* MIR SELL 0111 810111 , 1/1 . 11!.-1:t 44 I 1 " . k n I T IA ! ? t 7. !T V"' niUtit44/y- goo ii,. -- D:Lonkba.,--De+T Ittr l - L i parks jps mi . boniu a Mien' Ye rola [rat • ..I.4.:Riarbe,- slo htlhicif-str TiOdrer6 I. Vat ~.,r...,„... 1 '4,,i4 N. Ile eider 133..- h.lhhe an, asset alhebetllrefitdsl, TOOFICIIMII OT arird hr its rohmli at harm. . 1 ; . c . : ..,7,4 : . ;: :: :i ..___ - - - -- ---°"' 77"Vissiggi.4 al ma ..pnipiiitisitalitet ' Rai a an. , toiloria aolabilLtkasa.ll44 .. . - 1/ i ammorrxirio ) u.4 !..._ .... • ....,. • • : :•:.•••,..•i.•.ii,,,..aac,:: .'r --..• . ':.44,4.g-vtit;t,iw• ..'• -, ..''...: -.,- -4.; , .. - 4 - 34,,i''. •y...?..thi1i'44 , ,,,,,... : .. • . MIEN ~~ L -, _~ . ; . .'' , ' , ?4, 1 14 301 . 012 / 9 0141 . ... -'.. . dirdledd4oo73olo6•4s4 , ool lidill . •• , :': ,, t• tr 7: • i7.4401141 ' MP ' • . , Tokwilarrin.6,..v o i.iddlieudezidietr nila- . ll =iiloa iiiiiil'aii.:4 l4 =i of rotte pr brDt oftoid, nit:oa Ile Ida of rill, - rtogat. rid • 111 1 / 1 1.11.12111 ' COOCii LO2lllO ..- • • ' loanagn nano and, fan Inn ao,d alhOni . 4 4 . 0 •10.,neddh. y ....oiguhr ft de bac.... mcoli. . it , Yoe idinalatin lie ion.* ortoonnty did boa pt. pied et onidnial. .Itrirral Ibtoonnt bona kayo byes .dl tuth Is %bol. pormotonat to Latta gonna•• ii Want onty alp Ablimi..l.4nal Ono Ithathe Into doopoot .1 fotnn,,, nib aid nalia. lboy don., ...b oaf drj lap tlonnob, = otr . "".th:!=tha:2l.7 teatt: gn." . Thy an nada Or. nninowft 'of o obrobk nit bh.l4 . Z,Va l itatr: h" " 'hi lt, hal=o .promo.. • - olorrtidada taw toad ddiekt afildr . maiternl sir.' ton: donallen boo tandind aoutpumoi„ ynn. • ant nekton to tolled beillt by tong rn; 312t0n lb?Illi.11 NO it the Want dondaplon*” M... rf." . ..- - ; flw••• Odd dal Ali mania amid to .7=7= int 4 " . .1,.••• .I . bibn net. L lr ......i5 .... . was w 5,... mos., .5........., amain. tin/.... SeCLlditid, WORM, =MO 1140 toonillsobtoi ban bonytwadionontOlda WO s tigma lo Is iiteiddle. de cad aintsta 'vim Meetoilud ._ andwoo• Mr donnend, May dionianyino Iron moss dad nano Lag sad inertnifnat, atdoolOnkanvolli ... utie ....• ...stews sq.. ivr• gray Oki • alined mid dm* dad dro didateed Itrioni•ditiods ' .14.,d my linitd6,•lna Int dada OireLoodis weld* =d Werson.:-Paisii• -de ' da l li•d•oidd• Jidda{ it ilia ...pods( od- dm eld ludas olnyindatnannybiont Own litabAblidlltaindaboas., td•d••dn th• .....P...ed ...damn ild dometr,dods, -iii attain ow dr emir. el Jo tied, t a rn iAil/. or Ali 'diet.. •••••••,... 0•••••••••: ratio,' a iialarbel .. 4 ....> ...W....UV i. o.p..Vat ho t k r a .adattiain i irooldreido adc% taint, slid 1 'bio, dls, bad tuft ha Ai mint, iddied.g, pub /0 41. i aartsb.m , bed., 444 c..., Ss "magma, land' dd. sl , o•Udo /•••••••••••.•• •11••••• i d.nrid. eboolieg pens so, tenon FM** Aar IL bil# Me= 4. lOW Widmer' n tb• Anat. ididosallsioaald.idi 014•00 . ' tirrdlsU.s r. • Onveiadnire Fa i r adanideg ri de .. damindi.-arli emit ~'' N'S A C/31Piltd1 Lo z$ on. ': Sad pin imalediataddig is ino•••••1 , boadadllb 'ailpiiiada etia• r, Worm of ida . did darning ..- . I,lt=opfeettlos re • Ofd•of-iddide=crird ' ;Aide, iicon, , inadr if dd. sti.e.a". WI! .0., bnbtrini. • :Wootton, art ail ...mad *UP" 411•AINIO *MO UN. :day, slad .•sirtrodien time. dad 0d614, - didn• et chat ontlaoitlbr. 1iii.. 1 04 itnunlo Od a acrid &ra .I'sa .01 , 4 P.... 41.1 at allooduag lop pima., diddlod the Lana gee edd !wilds/x:4= d 4V1• 03 .1= • al li todet•al dii edinasitid areas GZ ' Adididard diFirottordtlio . • dill fidl liiiittosigardj i . -- 'S POOR. -bald TM '.7l••••daddelkeeidffiotrebide Idand..•••••d• denelt k puid, de iiialatio is ild bob; ti sidr, aisti, lade, dendadia, t0a1ad0 1 4,,.., .die,... Olio aidlio• • . Zlidair= Wioniiiiid• j" 7.1101 rood kr um %win lb. awl priehealird ad tad the 4, bat ibodieopeapbeid d• Or word. , Itaddid Mad . • dra 6 ...r!d•-!•••••••••••••4 •••••• . 1 • I. U.. , tballybou an 41n., Itiboidd lit Imre ona 6 je= r eftbo Mar or snolisail ttin/1ar , ..t04.1 lowitlilid, derails add chow the, vial aai staddrit tool del mend Null d• Tenor ie rieraorylkaliti, or if.* obli ao dd, ail neigh* 'L . Payne GOO. Of nail tidy .nytbstbang Ibta In. o younally moment Ua, la to to allonan,baesoot Wry sbell or salnyo afon vnt• /ft raide Ts- dor .... , : il nil an oaken; tottoortil . n=aoy Th othos, ar - Triba;:fr=enpaissere b' r; , Waldo lim odd thid, at roll to dat,:mated k0d00.4 " ...1 on the soldiniat sod diniartuded •km ... doyia•aoe, se to tto ant wo o ea bbiltly raisin • - Somali wo lon mind 'at lim Is grf p, , darn ograoall timakhaitho arm winning to tbna Donne km no an MB Oa bob K..& s th • fig... 3/. lonly.illtennt naso. - 'it ii yai sloo// always ask bar ilinnalato Nor Ma% Plunt, =I on dal no rat no daminiaa.lben aro tiny worthies, lanai.. • Laond .bat pi add fir dr tr•• AUment's lisMary ly pailiitad Id Weil it Within 11 e.t.d. Wedded% 0.... p. ukav ow. ir or a • r• •.4 MATS. FOCUID vrx-sr/./E. ovEistrurrion CM! lir. camp frivusuvo ,DS v avErcetes EXIIXTOII4OIT 111.411 EDY. _Dm/ ilost—St. is is is ociiit StAllisroototimottotiortg •• Limos Masa loth • um. at lb. Litgtr,Cosotasr.. ..thol la O. !primp!' LW I trio auM_Al:O4 a wen tad clid. *kith sun Immo mood ispe• 4 s . Ain.* LI do • ttimiSsolos al am oppossaosti "t. il l anti ,raf ,111111,11 . 14 Inalauciast, idlanstedivl4 ' . inear, gear 4.4 • eisoadsnltlo triitiiiii Ws .4 volt - Who* ohattoro. fily shoot:sin • Votosioortioins g0..1 mhos. .4. Dos* C•io time 1..: - stlosiisili‘o of ors sod . Attila nlicistist Unlit Q. 1.144- 4 . 4 Ibr ma, snots • at Issgth am, pro op ma Dope id q mgifflith It& raiss "', „ 6 "., _" 11 4 16 9"..0 "" . ... — "kallift . "" 6- . Ttur'"ltriofi.ftrsa . 4 4 , 1. 1.... din. rn....d.d br . a Mid iftlie Is rhea Mil of D. Dumpier Xrpmso. . • ikaiikftpiilla!wil* 4 . 6 ,l4.4 4P+. 4 ..1.4 ' Uri old: saiidos irialit Jo as peolik4 wookt dal 44 man II 14 I.4.riag, held theme sr seihtst ari itobt bola, •ad Wt at loM 416:441141041i, (rU& mks ono. Acott to mo t ) eon .cola b. readitiri. sr Isola to the c...i...iti ( *.K.... 4 #1 ,0 1.-1.01014 "I "" • kilo,ll4totosta sxoto,mily,ilog'sioistiitso Ur Coto 6 =N itiats *Am& 4 4.11 ii to my ii441,51,1= .. Arl4 isi: r4ras: a - yr./paha,: N . 6 ..!.'is 2 -: ././.014 ran./ ups:. // .7i EarEatiews I.E I& N 4 *milk, 444 NO exabk414•16.116 404 Tit .. maisool ts, vrErrbba. rifiii.i.......4 . '_ . ' ran,. ../. ...II a losall awl. 'A lan siacc Inca • ."P"r . <! • "7 ".... turns& oftryilkoit tool foal as \ midi. filar:llion •ritoiltiosiul be. Duca% Es. I 4 poolsosstri inns*, itossaces!olismoisilosly otheof sad N lial Orivi /../a /.../...Ear. f.,• , ... 0.... ra./...a ' it.ak... 1. Bo ./..let i. .41c ti.s. ioid,,, r , mast, Or IN 1,,, a04 Zioo , .ita •• Afttoriiot e x .* n5 z i,,,Aid...1... • .61.,..c.,ai ! nu. s.r Ism tam; Alt tts pa!, immr4 ,by lbs irs4, MO iriiita;./i/Pri:rrEE4..m s boom ,-- . 'timitsi:ijai..... ! :44.apt,a 7ml .o: gamins ~ ..kinitiou , ..o:64oaaridat.ismidn . ' .1..4. , 4g0r 641111•44nyir—COM MrlllW: . . 4 "......iau...4..,...rir,;,.---:4.....e..i. ... . 4...„rsawkmwagialip.uva of ... Ala. • ...:114:Eam.r/ 4./.....a.A5i uppy. T. sokidwirglike IMO, i4/4/.imkt tir5,0..../..'..... .0414.11144 Wili4C#oo4l224•lbaNstsessla tboC•ss . • iiiip ;lk to ea sieleN4l•l4 tetr.44 thtso t siii Ia . : Oar N 16iEtiEk;aFrug.../14Eit /.... ' . .. . . .. -...- it "morogiA.7; c... , 7, Oid. ... lc e.::—Ar....e. ray mot bo oeviiitlod with ow I odei .WU minel; ole of tioolooKrhilaoultoo moo I tim whaaata•lloalare lamer.% .-• DOI CAW, WESTERN oioncr.,l2) t6bntte if =4 , Pliteren: 4 1 W11:JAcTlA bs t_ if _Wad a LThent ma. _ ,_. _. _ aprilir %. • 11141kFAXT TO Tlllll.:l4.Diallok:Weee .11, I.leer le- welder. wet, bler. the 'Osegettb o . Itemerettat of the Thater.eaeoebell elto• soporgede.all•mbetelarbelmet the • kble to / re we. WheVr•ei the belt la We, hanlotbm, ism ei • ' Webb • kle h/Llabentem Oahe the hr. soh sag aus t , Ø. it. snoteati teal fellhely em end itLll elm make haute. U Weems aedeoloknrice im obi Me prebanalgett o . elieb b necterally med.. Efetrlyty lute oedema art the habit of same Mb be begt4lo/411, at gam We • bettht of um Otse..• Veit Crowell It le go thellt DPI Mime the belt like the Wet pnlviratioaLlymill hetebijp . ,:alt d roc wise! ganefeettoale every Lynette.. . • FOll spit:way et us very, egtatiiii it...title.. me the flute Rev. ALL Celgmell,ro s.legsts. _ Ilee4 t as Smash, thahoille, GgnaW Agents to We W m Suttee . Le from the Rm. IL Chilthtell 'putt of the Pray ; brentta Chorea. Poles&L _ - Ileegralleenkttleu lo.earelehrfle s otlemele I a rear " rtl d o ' s eg et ' red 'ee Ll ' t he l- ) . " = " -.C e h d lete e l: Oemob-let t d a Mmen ego my betl elm ee ry.l • eeti d imdot gee mat bet Ithrtog prom e s IL•lraqi of the Lbram. wet met It semeolog to tb. eta • , eetteelw ley We now .01,elaget beet am to tie beiW ,hleey helmets mat ells. Wen' lepplied telt Lea vitt/ley heir Lo • mono mete thee Won. This Own • immter,iteeetel ety a/prefab... , en online lee dm Toilet, My wife gime it prem.' cite Meet all MUT% belegdelkamPAorgemed. sea get /tweet es naeLlity. The ledlar "royally onil lon .. the 4. zee," Cream m be • &side reuest,ter mtkem kw tie tmkt. ltespottlhlll.; he- • • ralW4.litsey.'l,lBll'.' • ',ft Cht,DIVVAV , r ijl= . l.. \W ale md remit, letTlhabstea be JAI* . :Ns ILI Mutat wee ye }eel :Laer coMetarylleotleadittil _ I 1.14 d . . ij 0154 4L. , 5 452 IM IL I CIAIL .WIII/5TA.5 1 .51 . 1 .:..--_ - .1550VAT1N151 P 1143.0 gAelb0111•1$111 }vat, 'molest to attain otoe oi 7:1 iicoovaltag Pithy I kana oefendrxruwiely boil Dyaspda, sad so acid Swastaroi I.= aut 1 • it.• , r•netv of macels. ...boat ...smugiiiiV batelt.: :Alvin duos sositto owe r . 411 . hr. ; M riSfeor.o Ilitediano, which kat elnitelT relay*, a . Ito* altblio to or oloomp, and trmtrol me to combr• tot& klolUx. tiovazalof wry thumb udoscutntaaotti Ittpokado ow of Um Vino. iiki Mewed tooel boriat 011ie vs. 1 coVf!tlii eleidilikoteatotreld Um. .trlkelookr serf vle:s A' AIINCSTUCK 11 5555r0f 851111. • sad Wed sad 6 A sts. .pmamirc=l4lll,llx. cuss lAA PITTSBURG 07. 4:AX. ETtE, rma> ram; :numeget.y. & WEEKLY • 4ecriashisaila.sii`a o P.t cep. 116:110OKI,01 4141:VE8TISING.. 'Cho iiisenktio(lOnloo; SO 00 Tibilaserfiespil3lkontillantlooo.o;?....i.i. 0 35 T l / 4 144 " •" " 100 OilWeek' " • •••••r'- .70 IS* Meta' " "' • . e Wee " ' • " !` • ;•••»••:-. c° 6 CO " .... 7 . 50 faLotortit otherlisrazents b mole 4414p011i0a.. . • Op Niti0r,614.461.64, wittroat 0veni64444,i.. 10 03 IS " - 13 10 0 64114 adctst/osial *Tura Car 6 0t02106 5 50 •' 4 " . . 10 00 016*Tura,G amoths,reotwatidid . .41 -12 rap 461.11.02 sio.C.4 .4 G 24000, rselrabliistiolcasira. 30 00,6 moan. 6. ' 411_=1N t° ..5.1 6 61.11.1,111VVLS 11, '16,1X 01100t1t68. J buertiam. SI 30 t Add iclool bordoTr 37 moo. i;4 r hos. Old " io 0.. • a 66 iruksar apts. • fietallPffigla.o o ll.oll-1 1° .!i. .; A, 4.40. r"••••• .;••••• 00 MOO rdijkie.• 3 . • t' 7 4:tor;Vf3O(;..iTATitt..l...... 6 CO • t • • 'lib lobe choorby the /VIVO . I . -4 1 ~04_, Vim* per rat. - `•ot:sitimestgaas sawsrL. • 404: 116 r • 10'WAIIIM.41144•• fit -- 1 ; 4 4 • - •-• • . • - - -