The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 17, 1847, Image 1

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P.Ljr - .XAJNIMIS. GOILDON,' comd..wn am
Alsiclant, Water add MS Front r4'
Pinabaz ' • : : mdkll
A IMATOODrArOZIZS Coittailsaioa- and
JCL Fororardiag eirialtaatsi bare maned to %belt old
mot Water aa4 Prone stree nub. onti
1319.1ildiVan. I 811 1 ,2Wbolallaa0 &sal i
comatig-Liberty and W. asir arms,
DDY 9 pAin F E ? roc tr . %It Wbolag,git
ELFACIALEY.4 11111111, Who!calla gyres. 18
Al and tErWooditteet,'P'uborkit.
• INSTIL HA - GALEN Wbolo.l. Cho•
r. Mot Produce duller', N. ELI Ideate( atom be.
werrofri end North edd 'Philedelpk. • neer3
"16.• PgeAIIITLTP.m.. , COy PimrardJ and
hMerchams, Canal a.min, PiLIME,
Co ORLANDO, LOOlilSo.Aiiotnor LAM - of-
Asa on 4W men untron Snonild. 4711-
Win. Coleman. Jo P. Jennings; 1O W. Heiman.
CIOLEILLN, MAILMAN 4 CO, Manufacturers
na Sprinoand Asks,. A. U. and Spring
'Nun, and dentin in P. 4.6. Trimminp-al
eriptloo, iinnnu4nory 'on SC Clair et
Woo dsi ,ffpcoiTSt Chnrlns flout' • ' Arra
. •
4 , 430/7
%carter it; Lao.), holesala urocels, Oaam acoa
sad Parwartung Merclianta, Dollen.% Ppd.....
l'lmbargb Alanaliciarea fladi wool, boareet4Wood
sadiAbt•rir t Piniburgb, Pa. - .44
..a"1 11111AGEZtOmpone r end wholesale aselleesall
• dellerhr Fancy nd a Staple Vaier, Gm* "la*
lailf Comb I% Mertes ones, near Libutygum•
James Dad J..HaradroadadalL
DONLOP do SfaWgiri' duandla u Law,
:MP* ird-rdifird4l,-bdidstaald atli saw
• ...
IDiiii , A.LT;' 4" 921311,1k1i11Y. W h o lesa le
.. ,
Ma tap, dasienizi' pada. and Pdasbalgt vulvae
mestcomer!rt fAibenr wd . llanA abi.ißnimbitFet,' Pa
erst. newt • • Sum I. swat.
• 'Dammam & unaisic*Tizui,to g uib. , 4321-
-Me teeter k Co.) Wbedessle Cratere. Commit= sad
" Forwandatr &krauts, and:lleaaea ux roadies, sod
• rui s b w o Atetestsertass; No 37 Wood street ketakeest
Wiety•st Lor,:have rammed their certeele the both
eletiat Reg* strattrhetereee Chet 7 Alley aid Cited
FAD' Wholndo G mum,
Cod Cbougssioubandacts; wd kintplar.Brigtaa
ODD= Yams, :ion's, Wan stul 09 Front sumo Pitts 4,
ISILIIME; Pima Fotu, Alandfactuer and deskX. er in tilailesllmuumcutt.ll.9:Wood . suachneat
• . meh93
ACM/ mama: - • _ .• • to A. ware.
ORSYT/I Co; Ommeiniors and Fortontlding
Wales st, Kalb. nu 14
.7 11 1tritau'otNrd'„i'ul°
B .S N 0 .17 Libaly near Y 4l ,
.u; Oakaos, nett, Sopai-to, always
!..-. tomler in (Anwar, tlaaary, and
• 'lFanot acd Ishaplx Trimmings. GI Market Oxen,
' ' Ota; - IFATSILMAN Cali"
- - DIORtiAI O I4, 430. Wholesale Ora
• AA - n 6 and Comaiminn alereltanta;los Wood kraal
Pinsbarg Pa. . - • inglf
I ,
SMitc swum W.b•laals Proem anACrai-
IX Unarm. blerebant. and Lanier in Product:and
/Inaba • Manufactures. :No la Mod In, Pinab
._,(l , lf..ct.•;irru Ace., Breers, hl.hans,
Pitubmstr sad Pcint Brow
- alcolloWoonamir, comui.....t For ,
aim:4 , lp.m Vi!odAtreet,Pitnbarils.',
.100011 grickmke_ ,r atomtud.'
All ord
Fo er* pl3atas/IT Addr.... by
"LiTys, • - John D. ElaTle
• HATIII4AjIAILIZI A ZiIexiin Dn. DormilDra.
. . • ehm, e 4T,Tottu " lit.c . ny Pattsbar.lYl6.,Pi.
ROL, -4- • •IJeo, G. PoWIII, 7
tr&am fr: BROWNE; [aaeneasors to ttoldsigp
Browne,' Importers and tn.o&etarers of Wall !
Paper andGeaeral Paper . - Watebouni;llid..try
• /VA • :r.' , " • qetieeek, •• • C•.'
• sleeted Ecer,neer the <anal -beam, 'll"..tabergh
L: ifIl: •• T: s . •.... 1 • & 4,11 1131..0
• ‘ ,44eiforkr,rardurp-.4...,."7-gw-
-nazis incisr.' • spasm.. nlciriv, a .
Ts.uan. DICKEY "k Co, Wholesale Grocers,
Oammission Merelusas and dealers in Plodu.,N.
AI Want and 1077zaatnreets, e,urb.o. • - novil
l'...a.•lolLAClS.,llare.k;un Exchsage
40. dings. Ick Clair arm, Pittsburgh. • • je1.0.1:.
-an?P KEIOX . AUmacl st' Lair.. PntshasSh.
, has ll
lemmed t hem e - tics. of his pmfession m
lux case- No Tiltakesrellla Daildl rms. Gram *tromps
.danog. kis abscsmo by,T. J. Si - .and J;
Otrtstiekesqrs: ,
TOWN D. lIORGAII, Wholesale D axel
dealer i Dye Sulfa. rums; Oils, Vanua/s ruggist,
ea, Ice,
NOM Woc:4; !met, mu deem South of Dlasoomt Alley,
Nalifai;Jo. a. Co, (oneethors
•, Y. o.Doolo] 810 Could:ors, VI %Valor at. '• ocal
lelllr 11. ILIGLLMiIi t Wboiossue and Retail deatr ,
*0 or la Mosta and N.eW Instruments, &hoot Boob}
Peer, Slaw, !goal Moo. (lOW Prialate Cara., and
PadtwaseT llattonalrs No. et Wood ot., Pittaboarb.
Crap boagbf or latch in vide. sopls
. r and Cosamtarloss idercratats, Motorola Pr. 1 3 .„ 4 .„ ; D ,,,,,,,,,, „ . „,,,,.. 0.. „,.., N ...
...r d c ,.,.._
Arm and. Pinaborgh Xonufsetorr.a, No
07 7 Casusiereiti . • Currier of Thi n i g. g o w o w so , ow, . -- 7
peso. LAMM , ar, near the Canal, Punts:hob, P. oat , , .. imi ,
: i • Ptutb:ash: P.
if ICIItruNIIIAKEM4I, CO. Ir6ltiale Prig- p ••• ----- •
al. gist.. No. 1114
Wood ot. Pittsburgh. - acorn
TOMPLI. JORDAN t...50N 0 Coounisoliot .d
a, Fonrazd Atordukom; No leliben7 w Oproa
VIALLANIIII, Attorney at Lay, : Men d
740.11. babel:cot:4M and Smithfield, • month side,
fillnit i , Pa: Will maw attend yromptly bneinesa
ads nin counties oefa:l .
'TOILE C. 'IUDWELL, .Agent, Wholesale, Oro
'oh .03113141 C 01.41.611 Merchant, Water strect, 2011
*or abors Mationaliela Bridge, Planbarght. • .
,4:7!iretkAtaits,'Olaas l .&C. at casmaraerarerst octet!.
0111.211W1 . 0211 STOOKTOI, /imamlleni
renters and Paper matudscutiars, No.:4ll,3larke
r . k a Story 4th,_.-eacu Muir m.
ideoes C a3i4litethodut Boar= Stt' Sch"' . 4 • aps •
1 VIIN 11.011.11:11TWJE & Bantam and Ba
al aelut4a lkoka, comer of Wood add Third ddridird.
,Eaddista Hod Iladidas,) Malaga, Pa. •
• indakaaadu adannal rases ewl
icria aniza, %Vbakiale Oroetr; dealei is Pro;
.6.44llitelncrgistantaciares, Tin Pl,se, It.
Wla Pirisbarer.• " pin.S
" • ahaw
J.Wd UT!.
111.1111rDi pita .L.Floyd & o.koleside
Lthelrf strut 244
VIRUS INLLSIELL, Wholesale Giant. Clodld..
'J aim Ilertiddlond dolma m Prodded and Pi
.asitemsinmulio St Water Et. Pittsburgh: • = ra
TASWIM,E dr. ce.—m..r.eure at,
.I.4sibiorporloritheet; Hu Iron ma math aibe boss
. quality. Orders ;elf ortior worebour of Nasal! Jr
libeny or. or L 111Wounuran, Inter Bt. Win reeerre
wernaluor, IVaolemlo Gmeot,_ for.'
La•graniale ao4 Communion Iterckut, Dealer in
Mar IlimMaeptno and Prodnee, Na. 31 Water
Earw,NiNt and C001111•11i01114vreh.n%
ps4 &Were In Plusbnryijltlua6eyrca , ke,
From st. ; au=
gllll7 l otllPTii Velie.d. -
ij a iromudwg and Commis.' 'll,,
clum, Dealers
Prodeeem ad Pitulfargh nwhetaxe.,• No. 13. pd
Omer, and Coayransion.llcrehasu, .N. 1114
MI Abr. Mama. Wa. X Maack
ALLEY a co, Commiinion and Formodout
lentonm, %Valor end nomms,tonwoon Wend
MN- Joon
M 4../431 r4= 1. (" Z ". and i t. '""4
n;1/41.14,.. 410. 33 Liberty an47453 ~w j
Ain==HT wrtsonr whol=
Iv/ Geed. Daikra, Ns. WO. l Wee%
wr miaow at. lON, N. 0 Martel greet, sae.
.1.1 • 0u door roma corner of Fourth. Dealers in F..
alga lad Dommoie DOW of Extbanget Cert.leca.
glemlt. Bank Note. and Specie.
Cagoatass nada.. aR thearinolralefgaidiroddi•
4411 ifithoot ,• • &elf *.
0 1 4741 ligi TM V ttt . tis, r el F. =
...s...l.tearry sued Pinat4o, Pa. !yit7
•I W eolndezter.• • A Catbertann. •C 11 Gnat
POINDIAXTgIfII4. Ce.i Whotante Owen.
and CW 2l4,l3,4l4, 4For•rudini Memlotnt , . No 41
Wate.r Meet — • accts
;OMER SON Jr. • EPIP •' •
.T, - ,Frodace Des/.
an an Voinsaimidifakerebanue, rio.lolllSeeand al,
1011411.811 LEECH, Ji:, l- lotocinor' and
,Al, Dealer in:Tokio oad.Domesbe sadolou' Hard
\ won. andeartiow,V.lonom,woroll.diuranions, No
ghat iinet.PltulorEo4 - , • 4;5.
VICHAILD BA.RlN,wtrolyzale .4 mall deal.
Alp 133 1 14 . ft i llonx:co, abeemakers , Tools and Find.
b it 'iv... 1-...b,V. 5 "". 14 44° 7 •4-^ 9 il ,
.ralt •
, - tom sons. . • - sax 1.. s. souks. ,
• -. = ORISON ' & Co., WholesaleiGrocers,,Pli.
i:J., aWO bad Cenamillsibo bktehanis; and Dealers in'
Iltemerotetetresdla.lB/ Liberty street; Pimp
- Dostram Duarlt livbiamaa tho•
A z airs Coaraituaa owl
Mane n Forwaalina Keiralet=iyall
1, :/11111 la al ailank Kanallatlatal,
. . . .
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LI IL lIAWILL/11, Auorhe 1.....yr,Gr.nt
Li. salcewell's many oppoNte the New
tp opitaT 110011.1114 , Wholegiale Grocer, &vent"
All, ins Distd/er, dealer,ut ra4Oeth Piosiarst4lsao.
amp's, sa d bods of Fe!reaen iad TRoaestle Wines
on!Luasore, IVo 11 &berry :street. PlO:Lomb.
0.• N. B. On hood i very large stock of •stiOcrier
,OldMortongokels %%Vast, which will b sold low 'fin
L. G. Reynaldo. t ~ . J. 'C.—ilea
ICYJNOLOW 4 111110 E, Farseardiaa and Coat
salmon Meretratuf ilia Allegheay attret Trade,
dealers is Groneries,,P lie; Pittsburgh Manufactures
and Cakaide of LX,. ''
. - .. .. :
1 . The highest prima, ' xash, paid it all antee tor
.CeaataY KU.. Como at P.m sadlrwin' am ' Jae= -
D 0/LICFOII.D , • Cparanowal, •Marchanta
11. Liberty st.,opmdia eauthfield,Dtaora in Maar
°raid al:diked.; also;Battar, Lard, ta. ly
DORT A. COX • •• GUAM Who!mato Grocer
Dealer la 'Prodaee - 4.1%4 Manufeethrest
II C MiaailetL. - Thos. It ST hue.-
011ACKLIATT it WHITE, Wholesale Daa.
13 [ars wTForeiga and lAnaratin Du Goods, No 09.
Wood urea, Patebarrra labl7tf
et tr.W:IIiiItBAUGII, Wool Merchant., .deai:
1,3• era an Fleas and Produce acaerallr and Forward ,
aaj and Commission Alerriaws, No 20 {V end stieeti
6311:TEL PALEMai Attorney at Law. Mee
In- Breed , . bulLthmi' No Foanh Wan, Manteca
Weed and Smithfield. • ! novadSarly
- d — lriftiariiiilrarionsm. & . wew c sa..
1.7. Orman! . orwinfing and COMIMSSICIII Merchants,
Dealers in P.inomanit Hannfaentre• WearenSPro•
data, have !awned to thew new;warehansa,hald stand)
No 3.3, contr. of Front at and Chancery Lana. nay?
SA1111:71CL 31. KIKB4 I:7Brd_ tag and Comma
Won Nerchsat, Dealet in Sm'lL Prods. and Pitts
l+llst!s i SAM noteal 7th st.
If WIC WAHAllti Dealer in &ed., Flow
Ter4 . , Aftjenitural Implemeurgo
001 . 612 i540/11derehuds, and denim hi Produce.—
Pio 23 Wood mem Pittsban.. Kga
rpHOS. HENNEDY,Jr4 Looking Mau Mann!9cta
and Dearer in Moe* -Combs, and Varier)
tionds.enrner of IVA:Waned Fauna larva • 119,,
- -
'PP Poirth. - ' 1..., —,ll / Forsyth.
TP. ILITTII kV*, Cononimon Pdorcharec
ideate in dult,lermbor,Onxeries; Produce and
Piusbatth alanisfacturesil Could Basin, Liberty street,
Piurbm•ch. - .. • . ,I• . : .. etas
• Wm hiraneleon I Robert hlcesucheon „
11/. - 211a0IITCELCON. Whoterale Orb
ma, Denim ip N . adoes, Nai.,(nan aaa
Pittsbarth ilanalitee., • wally, ISLiberty4Usci;
Pittabanb. l-
UT kAL Imam aze,- Who ala Cinmen.,
Reedfying Distiller*, and Wine and Upearth
ettam:N No. 160 Liberty -I, [opposite Bin* street s ]
Plush b. - jel
rionr wick. nann,.x cAgozzip
OH 4/5. ii , CANDI•tii, (summon. to Land
VI JD Wiek,) Whidesale Omen, Forwanlitag
Compilation llerehlais, dealers
Conotryams mad Plustoutte hhumfsetafts generally,
.6raerof Wood aal siv, Pimbprgb. • mehlS.
itLaimumv <• - . 11
VW. Invaded" Ids slot Fmuch Worked Conan,
ee Fte as VS tem. . H metkl3
VGREER. %Vheterliteer,Forerardhee add
I V ...Coaareiesion Wee ant,and Dealer in Produce
to•PithltiMit Menefee. res, torpor of Winer and
deldhdeld ete,yiThdolreil. P. .• • .
&"'INOLFF,. imponer; and
.1/ Wholesaln-Dealera Vallery, Sad
-Warp; he, corner Libenv and St. C/air sums, Pitt,.
Grocer', Produce othsce cud Commission Aletchazte,
wcod a:spial
IXrIO7:IA.MAX - 01ViriU mos pat twit llinv lite
r V . int establlslultent, ;lo.ll4iLlbcrty aet, near Um
TAT /it IL MITOWILLTIMICE,' Wholes' le GI•o•
V . eenr, Rectify • • 'Billion, awl Wine an:Liquor
Merchants, No.lw rrir West, oppostle' Biz* IR
IA r• 0. 11981 .'9O/4 Attoney at far ~ties
, Nzir.r.l,lt4Z`rt 4 ll,l:lE'" - " - 8" 44,
1170/11.11.AILD, Dealer In Fooey and tkople
I . Dry Goodi, No. :I Attrit9, moot, Patsburgh.
Wadmata a D
N 0.116
Wood t.),Wboles
a, where
memo( Oroeenca and P
priEar and on favorable
.T ver Ware . Al.
tostrcet.' ~•
iterof*arkct and Fourth
DesS Siete of Edgar
Hand' streets,- vat seep
kysieran's preserves;
Mesheines eau be bad it
Wand! • •
:Fifth 'treat, near
• Bisaells Semple, _ •
M Fehueeloci & Co,
Gat, Lindley & Co,
James McCully, _ •
[I W. Wlllnam. Wm. 111 St/i/m:
4 5 1r1.71 I\47V lI T TATN I
05011. Hari/11do of Emudi 41, elm/re Smithribld..o
fabl7dAwlyF j •
wiser Staablra. ~ i j_
_,' Gem, le, 0. J our. .
TATIIOLDSALE Gmersland,Dealara in Oil*, Beat
VV eiores,andrlnsbaref hlaandretarrdartieles,hare
on hand' at. all tones a all andireneral amortment el
■ooda, in their line, Water street, near Cherry Alley,
. illal3
W. REMIIINVT9:43.and Serie v or, will attend
GI eat flarveVingdeling oat; ewe divining lands, m
ajor rebuttal... Heal Mule: Se.
Pena st above Heed, next deer to the Mee of
the Recordthe aecalater, Pntabzwel. • • apoinilm
J -
OHN , TOWNININ7D;DroggIat an d Apothe-
514- ,
can., No 45 Idazket at; larta . dams abOo Thad
riusbargb,win haws noneyintly an Mind a wadi soled
aluaninnent of the beat ink tombola Medieidem, which
be Osll nonontba mott - rouanabia tom.; Pbyaleiana
sandiermdenwUl ba pro4tty. wooded to, and mop
plied with minks tbe7 say, my span as anooine.
Prestrip*ni win be ansatately and
neatly prepared from the balonatesids, at any boot of,
=, ‘ a latge,io 4 hlof froth sod food
W. WILIIO/104'atch Walser k Jeweller,
4lh and Market 1.. A larva aed . well•
departed surds of Watches, ',Jewelry; Silrer.ware KILL
Military Goode. Always ph hand and as regular end.
tern prtnes, Gold Patent Lotter, fall Jewelled watches,
aelow.asll4o; Silver do watches,. low as SIB. . •
. Gleinstneljaoper, robiasabhnoon and ether approved
01arrardedl ILkO Intat.• way be 44 at 'a resell advance and .
•. ' I
.^ ii ..„
otnce 3
,' j . - ifri3 - 11 . 116111; -
inL A 14 .. 1 tom Id Collection eon Wag,
taa,raena and Grean Comics, ra. ,
- .7 -- 1 • Rzarial so
ttiwkiwk, Bell & Col i
Chunk & Cazotbers - PlUstaigh. -
• N. 71 Font snag, mar Wirt.
Itr * Gwen and Mika Ti;e
sag e rt:m * LlTA p bar, an T i p
r d A r ti k
YVti m.
JIM Ain ' t* for Pekin Tea Co
• • DR. DAVID HONT. Dorniol,
~_barmy made *Deb amankrmsem in his
Coal thmisesa that he can devote his
:.whole lime , to the Males of his profes
sion may be sees in Ida ofileM corner of ath and Dec.-
Mr ;Meets, berMlen hi arhet tad Ferry am, at my boar
iltplittle da , front h a.x. till A P.A. /Plik . ll'
, • L. J.IIIINII.Y. •
Itzr o ir . , • . - 4.,..17z,f. - ..sin, c . ,N davi i ia "
sad to ErtMtoPAY: promptly and morally attended to.
Commismone. Mr the of Fotemylvanta; krtatmg
Cr i tia 'a"' Voneat i lletT r.,;; c.c., C/Mreh k
mumier., C. ot Hats, Em., W Moe. k. Dast..L.p..23_
Irk, ~111..8:11.7':::.,..,
_- • JUNO,. PENNOCK too, ' "
T 1
I . Mammon ocAzbackles tAirory,)
• • • ~ - . t -
__,l ,Vmprlelors
r ' NO T . il AP L IAL. STREET, ISEW " O ' SLE:AL: ---.
.A DE. f ort D Arassnil Ezielsive Win/ Ssdar
.1 - 1. Dela •:. Always on hind, a Sires stock orLo/st,
Pairdsmd rashest, Clarified and Dastard Sows, , so
'Retie /Mr./. A150.161/isr How Malaws.
" Prices 11 ml .ad. fair alidarsa. made an all
atort ilia SO barrels. : i i ' . i'rs It .
,----- • • ‘ _
GE4II: w. sii.rn a. Co, • I t E
Pr's. Darters Alley and Pa. Ss, and ( am of VuS
. . , . . i Pittsburgh.. P ~ '
. 1 .t4 139011Mbt. . , . , . i 1 . : - • W. Ihrlbf dad.
. ''•'Jo S. & , IVAIOXIIIIIIMIT, . I.
,IVARRANTI , II rqual, Dans ssysii..lo ...i am r
• rit a; lac Unstc4 Sloss, apdlwitich iLtg,w . li lisps. c
. al' gin lola
,prices and an gO9d Terms. _•,-
. lyr ,'!.- - ~, I Beaver, ea r
Nita° a
14ANUPACTURNIU3 or , Rammed aoie.o.loil•
. iy...1 5 r4 , 4 , 11 • 0514 . 1Aay and Nanaro For . ks,
ur(podstre tMusbolzb. 0mr,13
'onnsfVfaidtlel4 aim; eppoitita Ideretwri
' litnLidniee:ligatemthela Home.
Ineral :4 Cram the burnt
ate teem, arz . .:67 located at
V rti .11Lafaeuresoklait.
m Watches, Jelverry,
i y coada,tce, iNo. :57 blar.
Irliolesale andTeinl denier in
i 0 Dry Goode,ai nor eau cor-
- .r.. ha. n:ParaiieiThe
•-.., Muer *IND. and
comma supply of beat
everally .compottaded.—
I.lxwa of the nigh::
, OH, Attorney at L.iw
crathfield. Collenang. agen
added to "int punctuality.
I 071 n. Creaghan' Dug:,
John Henmdag,
Jahn Wnyht,,Eaq,
1 M 4 Willtant Liiruner:
. .
Z.E . bill.= IX
cind 59 Dimond alley,
. .
tw 4al lio
...4s__;~, . ~.
I: 41 Danenhower iltenaldo
T 0 BA C,C 0
No: fD South Valance, and No ID math Water at
DEC to inform the tade: and dealers geuerally of
Z. , Pittsburgh, that they lay.: made ituch arrangement.
with the ) mandamprers and the Growers of
the West, West butts, and other places as will insure
a Verge and constant supply of dm killowing downy.'
.bona of Tobacco which will be sold upon as ~aeconts
tasisuing 1417111 so any other house in %la city or else
rantede, equal to and all
represeon goods
tst rder edione loom them will be War
Havana; lot. Domaige, Conn.. I .
Tara; Pone /rico; • Perm's, SeedLeal To
Chiba; hymn, , mid Florida, harem
• ALSO—Drauelthi eelebrited Aromatic Sum Caven
dish, with a largo assortment of other popular brands,
and :qualities, of pounds, As Ps Ins Ws and 3littLuepp,
Is 6sns and Os Plug; Ladies , Twist; Virginia Twist,
lac, sweet and plain, itt whole and-half taxes, wood
am) tin, together with everfnariety of article baking
inn thetrade. • • • kl6-dly
J.,19. DICKEY •
.Foot, termer POW ,and Bridgetlxiier,
isms oommr, Pt"-
1 • • tiptorr. and Agent pf comer. '
-LAKE_ ERIE AND olaollloMi.
DAtt/r. irrwcza ortrolvioaot AND HAMAN,
FlATl!..L!osplepato t l on eazliest opettplgof canal m o p ;
i;ven Tc l ut i Vott " tilpo " tpre P e;f1::. 1
o c p u i, 4l.l,LIL LT o foe 1 , 1 , 1 port o e : L
A I% o
Itripmeatoltpr. „Apply to ol turexo 7
inblti-Ztt JAI3 mc=r, Deaver
- J -
. r. W. LeawtelL ' W. C. Wilson.
J. W. LEFTWICH•&-Cci.,
• Ala& Cominslasloss Merchants*
r.., P.LAQ,VISISLINE, La.' •
PAR,ds A iisr au f4 v
_ Tl n fs..., , E.inii ., le: . , th ;o1n ) nid e
r arle IT s ' lsn ' petls:
' REF ' IsS—Mesinii.Sietßeld A . Lishilow, M r, Tlus.
suns L' sint; New Orissn.
Me rii. Lanonk.Detterson, lar...F. Si. She stir Lou
isville • .
!Issas*. Hall It Ryser, M e Wm..? O'LeirS, Robiin
i Llt
%‘ Thiamin, Armstrong& Niebolsen; Pitu . bn. 1 ' ,
RevaiL Todd Cincinnati. 1 .
Ms. r u se Hynes - & Crainnesd, •Messrs. Edwards *-
Win 1, Hon. ,Zenon Labanse, Hon. Jobn.Dation;
Fluosionsos, L. • . •
IN. 16, Solith , ••11 hart. nalttmere.,,
)1 , :ER their wririees to klerehams and Farmers
sale Of Flaurmin and Predate grawally..
the Re theme Markehmid from their eaten.. aequain.
ranee • mons purehowes amd 'rappers, tan safely ar
rain usfamory sale,. ' .Correepoodents will emoomedy
„tie lie , ado iled of the stale of the Mathew, te.- .
Rog Wm. Wilton &Sono, /rm. T
&lids . Son, Davidson& handers, Reynolds & Sou ,
Ring .• Carey; Baltimore ' !
Ti • *ley, Caldwell & English; Philadelphia.
Illaggeny, Drap U er & lone s; New York.
0.. 1 6.
• CILAII4 113 ELLA• '
lIIERAL cub advance, made nn beeeipl or eons
ognmenta. Them shippiag to our:add:vas will be
rate itiree-rourths valve In advance lio'Casa, by apply
ing to one Wirral*,
Mean,. Wallingford &Taylor, PeWhaigh.
Mem, Ilion. Bell ACo .11ndgeport,Ohio. •
Philadelphia, May& Ibid. . 'eintyl4 . -tt
N. 11. All produee eowigord to no Mtwara When
in th•Veraretemorsof Wallingford & Taylor ,Fittbbargh,
or ieriihr wore : C. 11. & Co.
A VINO replenished my otockfrinn the beet source...
both domestic and toreign I take pleasure in an:
nn neirtgm G 0110134.1111 and dealers that I an. preps!**
lamilih them with all - good. In ray hoe.. still .betier
semen than benumb:ire. • '
Dayerstih • •
regelleetthat dcaling , esehusivelybin Sad
dicey ilardware and Carnage Trimming , . I obtain
thereby advantages %hal enable me. to defy competion.
C ... 18,D0
e.toridledge for yourselre*, . " • - • wit?
i.osdll !HARED!, •
•Ao. LS Wood Street,
ARE now intl., cootie Or rare...ring larger idnloll6
to their extensive Cock of Hardware, Ondenb
axkich hoeing been parebased on the
mo,t advantage.. tenna in .Engleod,abd dimes front
'We Danubian:revs in tin. countryi e•intilei Lir - n.l to of.
fir .0 0 dsoillermstutinured liy none and equo.:led by
C. Pure/boars are respenaully invited wea l!.
yet 26
- .
GEORGIC coleus/vs,
CONTINUES'to tninsact a general Commission
Business,_'eipeetally in the purchase 'andinale
of American•lidanulactu•ea and Produce, end in
heeeilier Sad formardier—,
care. As Agent for the Manufacturer., he will be
constantly supplied . with the 'prancipal articles of
Pittahurgkr hlantdacture the lowest asholol2le
prices. .01ders and "installments are rcapectrol/y
aelicited. -
. .
• • No• D lipenes Wharf, Dalllmore•
.RE.rxe.To— , •
al Allen k. CO .
Manna& Ennkh & ,a,. i Pat'bungh. •
• Jr.,to, I .
John R Randall, ' • • Itlaltimore.
not!' ilugh /outing, • . diawlyr
S. D. LZUXEZ, C. w. lancasos
L. or Poobnak Pa. Lino n( athwille, Tenn.
No. 8 Fhat strert,agoat Droemfinty, CininnoffAsio.
'Defer io Merthanio, Pinsbanch. port°
moca LTD GA IT
Wo. solid iekte Mad" Dalthaore.
Dm, rO—D spriF6,
,Esq , Cu te r, T C/91.1, Ebg •
Cuhier,J Landstreet *III, Ilirert Do&gbny, &lag.
'tuff & Emmy, W & $ WyenDl, Sliuglaf & Devrw.
Reeeirins, Penvarrdint, Caitsniisiat .. /./a•Neou„ and
Comm Bruer.
Main-a., 1 doortionth of Plaotcre , Hank. Memphis
Itzsra eo—Ald lien & Co, IC,o Pennock &
F I:enemy. : L. IR Towle:mon.
Lthityliecentleetent sad Ft: Tweeting
CC Idetehaets, and Ptoduee Dealeis—glm attend to the
Perehase, Pale .tell gotpment of Pig troth Coal, /he,
Atwood, Jeoet & Co DrOwn, Bailey k Co
Lorenz. Sterling & • Henry Glyff
Onal &Co •0, D ceh & Co'
LyoaShorb & Co Clarke &Thaw
marlCdlY dkus " dCpwA
• .JOll3l n t rutiftr. •
1L...0r she tine or Malcolm prep k CoI ,
Wholesale throeer, Commis's, Flour
llerebanli i
I n all. kinde I:oorury Produce, Coo-•
itrirrktoi •L Le",l
Dye Stade, Comm Yaroa, Salt, &c, and Piucaurgl,
Manufactures generay, corner of Ls/tatty and Inral
,dhe mid ranemm Cash ocGoalu, made on con
aurcueenla Of Produce, tee. myS
tablihmT. LOUIS
rho eithent, all kinds
Merchandise at lowest rates of Commissions Ned
Ste always prepared to make advances. The hat of
se)erences given, reduired. Letters addressed to
Mater lionm , will be promptly encodes! so.
TIMM r• 021.
' And Hannftctarer■ of Lln■eedlOll,
!fa. 20 Colombia Street.
r• crcisu fain lot ri.yisiv..o)
C0., R•; ,,5,)
te tab.* ~ of Doliiroor
IVW 46 roydreu ,Street, New Orktins. •
00.parueilar attniuon paid to the f orwarums brei
nau• oettsdto.•
. . •
forwarding Nerehanl, Brownsville, Pa.,
Attends pirtteutatly to the Fororat ding or Produce, km
For an lankier innunaallon apply to FORATTII
DV SCA N. waters txtlfi
a,. We4RATII/Mlll.
Ne.lllWater Street,
iVeligireperiteular attendee to the selling of .Pro.
duee end to orders (or perehaung.—Georgehlorgan &Co., Pittsburgh, Pi.
.1411 .
Jabs rbl'Keehan C DCarbenson.
,Conamiision and ;Forwarding Merchants,
NOS. 93 Ai 95 SOUTH ST.'
laacir • BOWLING'S WHARF. Baltimore.
COMMISSION'T/109;J: - BAH - 9 . 019;71i, - C
I No. and 9 Light lit.,
117Cira - ad ratters ii It be made ol r eoaei snmentto
be, above addrrov, by ,
Welty. . CARSON it MaNIOIIT, Sixth M.
Comrolasion Merebout&
A RE now prepared in rowdy., and forwad &I kinds
,tlo/Merchaadl etomy fandingon the imiata. Ranh'
pad Wet, Cranch:ann T/dowater Cnn OA. JAI(
:110LEPA t i
No OD W iner 6T:LOULT
'War to: Lyon, Shorb k Co, and Arnbony Bee l er,
PinsAirirk.. - Pn. • •
• .„PlftOlalol,
AllscELLANEous, ,,--
prptaawslass , suahrival Wins labu r Ns,
Ati hh 111111.1rsTREF:T, -
• A LJlSSZnEantl'opleskth/'
assortment of Purrottrjc,
suitable Mr thearnhooft,'
l aaconstat
iir ,. ' The present stock on hand cannot be carrel led h
,M.Z.NetOry in the arcsiern country.. N 5.... wohnkl
10 purchase orould do well Inegis 1 - .3 Mora an,. I.afit,
determmed nay pucCa shall pleaie. raft' .the stock
COML. 'lb-
• JO e. 0414 wlth Plash and , ' lair-cloth corers;
•f :Wok. Mahogany Nurse Chiturri
. 1.19 pair Drvans:. dos fine mahoy.Cliists. '
13 mahogany Work Stands: •
.3 dos mahogany Bathing Chairs;
, 15 marble top 1/resstul Itareausl -
e ph, fritontarm; ,
„ 8 marble top Work Standsf
• 90 diem. Work Standr,
MaharsttYr fdapler Cherryand-roplak ll4•dstesuls of
all dercriptudar• and a large assortment of commint
Po mho re and Chai rs, too natnennia tri[mentmo. '
- marDtf •
Comet of Wood and Ad eta,nDlttalmarghs
HAWING wit drawn front dm old fitm of Walker &
Woodwell n on the to of IJanunry, tidy, I take
pleasure lin ansmonting au my friends in thMeityll2l4
country, that I have opened my now more at the above
sunned Mace. fleeing purchased any; goods for cash,
and made arrangements with manatineturcm in this
country pad to Europe lobe eonoonorl supplied, I am
fatly prepared trifarnwh•llardwure of all kinds, onus
good terms and.. low qs spy house Ertst.or)w.t— ,
Merchants andothers are-respertfully invited to cal
and examine my stack, before, posaluniing cliewhese.
The following coropritesn pang( my muck. • j '
Steamboat andbaddlory Hardware, Gnn Trimming*,
File , N./qt.'s Cutl ery , Edge Tools. Anvils, Vi
ces, Lipka. Latches, kbakles,lterthea,l BOW
Screws,, Union Factory Pliaes,Stwa Mahogany hoards
sad veneers, and all other widen, connected with the
flardwarehnshiess. • Mullin'
. .
1 Tie subscribers haringobtaftd.,o patent:May Id
ladar, ea Press Brick Kukla*, and Ur/4 Mace then
thorn ghly tested its ability, sea now prepared to sell
riphis and contract to deliver , machismo to any pan of,
the 1. , aced Platen. The machine is &Wowed to. Make
Brick from crude rlaY,:ood will soake3o,ol* good
moor firm brick perday,antficientlr bard to stock, op
in thakiln; thus aFordingtke expense and labor dim
ming the clay:drying and headline the bri4k -Oder
bein4 nOulded.
ample, anong,not 'WM 6, 00..1
auto( repair, and Is constmeted Melia dart he token to
pieces and put together With meat facility,thuerentles
trig it ;amiable. We are now bedding machinds, and
ean jklabdtent no short =dee. .Forn full description
we Id refer to p machine now' in entecestall fgoiera.
non lid Mill creek bizi tom, near the Went end of MOO ,
street, where we shall be happy to...ratans eveytltnig:
connected with It to all who may call.! We hone at.
present no authorized divot: All lettens to ouraddrerm
will be promptly Offended to' •• ' f
- se t , CULBERTSON,7
nOtt. l• NCINNATI.
open o mower, Awe Stb, four doors hem W ood el,
and wext door to A Jimm's Pekin Tea Score. ';',.. l ,
A Wide tumor:cm of Farley Cake, Coafecuneary„
Fruit de., (fern. the coonterererydakomongzhich
are I e followings—l I
• Amami • Pound Cake; • Leone Disc '; „
0 .,,, , . boner, MN, -.Pepper Noted •• *.
411 y
Cake; Almond do; - . •Moitemeit Ps Ceke[
Ginger Nom; Wafer Ja mbi et; Sponge Undirt;
Federal Cake; A' P • a; , • - 4-hqt. _d*d
Orders for lee Criouts; Jelly, Bride. , s.Nke., nes:,
(bate tiatiory...dc., c„, executed th a ntanner one
quail din nu:114.141d beauty by Lg. other ans. ,
mg. VITIVI.TiL So fr e e lelyi
fee. Winn, Wheat Four. end fore Dowell drug, tali
morning. , . . ,• Mg • • ANDRE TS
,ElBO3—.Mr. G. Dexterof Bolton,: harerraoged and
patented a plait An heating_ houser, , frisielf hue been see.
ceseinlly and in Boma, New York: de, and wherever
Spplied. hos reeented th e decided preiewore over
tore; Finniees, de; It. edvonniges ate-' • .
. let. Great regolarity of Temperature.
hid. Treed= fade Smoke-
3rd. No unpleasant Dryness,
4th:. Easily attended to, and .not habloto gat out of
Sibs them Durability. - : . ',, .
1 Model and SneeiGeation may be seen. mid the e 1"...
seas obtained at the Copper and Tinware factory of
• WhL II SCAIFF First street,
— llairderave, Cutlery, Saidativey Ev.
!(PORTER AND DEALER m Fdreign and Doniesei
iicellardware,woold respecifilly,intoten his friend.
and the public generally. that he i. now reeeming his
alpring.epply of Hardware, at the old mad of Walter
Jr %%Diadem!" No Ett, Wood .trect, which Li will dive..<
of on the most reasonable terms. ••
Pe will be cOntinnally receiving fri.h VollPhod alto"!
from the' hiaanfacturcra in Europe and Dm country,
..inch *ill enable him to compete with any establiato
speht, either Fiat or Wrs.l.
Western Nterchania are invited to eall'inol tlnflllll,
b;.!.1.r.k lcorm fitnetorsing eh...chore mai"
• I •;•-', • - 040partsmrship.'
, `A7 the uaden
theepaaediai atad Fullavalding tau/neat, ander ilto aNLiv„
of OlitiMOlctinZW
and have lakeetUto warehouse. No a.fLoratuercild Row,i
1.11.1e-d 7 elecateivemet I y occupied b Ma.w p
whets EL bttelocaa elltrltlllC4 to ode s charge WILL be
p e,,o 3L id irto .a = difi dedto..l,,..„ ......: •
McGREVV=. Smithfield, (Mitt
• ittstai [ Match V., [ dieke)
F the I. firm of (ninepin & Kennedy, Lnaking
Glass Mmenfactores .d dealer. m Clock", Clamhe,
o ,
ir meetly Goods, keeps nonetantly on hand, of hik
maimfattnre, tyr,fde.riptionoi Gilk Mahogany
. Common Looking Glasece: 1,2,3, 4, and 5 dame' ,
Toi MK plain .d ornamental pettiest frames.
Al kind. of Clock:, !Trays, and Walters, in • gene or s,
itnet /, ns; Combs, a general AZAWI,/11,111 of
l'an y Goods, enhalii‘n!e, at a en,. .lean: on nee,
andoth l e..cple i b t a r. d m w ,, itle m llers ic C or brta 4o Ca .,. r '
en • ll_ ' • i No 62. not woodland 44.....
noxious...dela- Liv.ry Illablebi -7 7
-, . /101P1' 11. PAT/lii.MUN —, a - .
',het . has opened the large•habie f,f,,si dg , 4-
a p,,,,, . First stir among thrmigh epoir i k:
. to Second et ,between Wood
and dos Infield otreeta, to the tear of the Monongahela
Home, Oh an entire new rock of horses and Climb
ages ef • e best quallly and latest styles. flown kept
at live in the best manner.. mrally
—, r. ones , IMiliat Chemical amps
VOR I kindle of eriptions and diseases of tie Skin;
such Punpler,Ellowees,Salt Rheum. Starry. heat
SPonbe apped ore raeked stio, and fa r all other dipeas
Res of. is Skin, which require external rentelies, gbh
Soap a de unparalled. It also dirpels Freckles, Shia..
barn, hl tidiest', Tan; and changer , the color of dirti,
yello*, r diiftgured akin, to a line, healthy, pautlifol,'
elearne4. A fresh ripply, Warranted genuine, and &r
sate at e reduced price of 371 pee cake. Maier been
--ivy& - - - '--- -.....• by BF A FAMNFA theft &
ADO at the corner of sixth
NV/. =a ; t i tre r :hats
rFlut•tage Hair rcesistr
kren•lyle, and are prefaced to
112114, comfort and pofitentsa.
1 that nog II trithout May./
solicit • continuance of the
Inioortoret aml then/at/Ad,
.1/1T r A .
,on • trial of one and .Ball
rioucteo thia aniolc
e .1.11 Itt•da of
for boat lord. of 10 kJ,
Orders for • second quality
..,nvair One.. .___ated t 520 per DLit'. de
sired, wiMont trunraikeo. A stock of Um firm ninthly la
now receiving and MX rale at the warehouse, "etioankt
Wharf: ICapld Barloi by
...... I J &TAW TIACLAttEht
•Pl•ifj ' Kensington Into Works
crt/TiON TO ThinPlUßLld:Tlialfuhieri
bak by Written contract with the Pam Tsa.lfit
has the exclusive rialn to will their Trod in Ibbsborgh
nd A Ileghnny east tn m
Any person guption. to-!ell
their Tens, excepaprocared through me; in pmett•MA •
deception cnd • Tito d upon the public —and thew F1111:C.
mew no
s are tto he relied on. ,
pill f .I A JATNER 72 Fourth Pinter
1.3 fast received from the Nast, tioveyht kunst. railer,
xinclur'rC4liodicsl cutter,
a Very supernavArtkln.una
the °Ague-Mner, nit of which are of ewer' penor
-nualityi tot i nto at ha rittaburgia Seed and Implement
. warehouse, burner of Wood and oth
J . N WICKT:11811/01
i toltuou,'Dnvosi,
Tom, MOHLER, Wore. rod rpothecery, N W,
Jcotner oftWaral and Mt n,. rituburgh, will keep
constantly whuad,'Drus, Deints,•
N,B—Physiciant•prerciiptions arendlyarompertud
ed from the bent materiels, at any hour of Ow day or
night. Aim; eiteivortunint of Dorfumery; line Tooth,
Heir, and Cloth .11narree, , winch Ihei will sell
Ow formula, neat I
'IIIIIIIOLTf TRlSZTVCOiiiivilp he te toin7it
JJ cristintrtbetween' the subscribers, ender We mile
of J D & tot, Irthis dry dissolved It y mutual
cement. The bositters ill tic continued by J D
hams.who ieduly turbot tea to fettle the recounts of
the Into Art+ I J D IVILLIAMS,
Pittshoriff,'Dmg,l6,l;. • watt'
CLITLWAY .... . -- Atiolco *election •
—— -- —A aou selecuon of Cutlet), VIL:
Pfunistifind Badding Knives, of vannua patients,
suitable fat . -forsery auq nd Imdc..l";
sasonmeni 4,4 pea and pefeket kulves,a superlef art , r
Jost reesiettf and for sal low at the Pittsburgh • Feed
and Aultaltatal IVa use, No MI Wood st, comer
of 6th._ fl weft N WICKF.III4IATI
AT CINCINNATI—Ism a inliorised hp the Governor
of PitiniCrivutis w ate atknowledgmexts of 01l in.
struntents oc , writing, Alto qffidariu and depotitions of
persons in Ithio, to be oded or recorded in" Pennsylwo
n is, Clerics, Cdoors Saw of the hlsvorhloolce,Cin
cinnati,,Ohin.' 1 ' P.DWAIID P. C dpielt
dirdOdkolY . P Annettesit Iltsr
100,000 Tar whic h t he hlOcitipriec In CASllronll be
psd. .
A IsraplL hand, every description of. Writing and
W.IITPI.If r '''' I'd Chl" 16: 1 11' i l ,7 1( , ;1.11,5 CI 11/lEE
wch4 _ Porher Penn and Irwin am pithOnarsh
y MING rOtiES,
greeq.; euitabl ,
ein he fumiehul oo
from riof emus of
Vo * r n I riti arl ,• l et; y 'l ,;
opplloollon elate.
AVardroo, AlOneboner.
ti svicKEßstiAM
No 171. toe.. wood OndflOt Rio
" raetAdd
G01:1 , AND BiLyEll WATCHES —Unemved an
addnion to m 9 larke monk of Gold sad Silver Pat.
ant L4 , ref .111 table for Ladle. and Gentlemen
—of tbe total and Irandromeat ratternOmid of the beet
manufacture—warranted and tor sale at eery lowpri
mu, . MID W! WII.SON
IPrOTIkA 'VAC - 77
E 7-7
DA LER in Trimmings and Variety Gooda, Tontime
Tbell, Ivory a 0 Dorn iontba,Wooilen Varna and
%Potato , * Bat..,Needlest, Pine, Tapes; Maids; ie.,
No CI Market duetweett Diammd and 4115 streets,
DID DAUM — Founts of variottaalsmermatant
ly im band. for sal at•redueed RIM&
Pittsburgh Seed Stofo,No 1 Wood street. 000000 of
is 9 8.1,1-IVICgERdILAM
ICE CREAM METERS,' Jtiel rasa, hum anon
swat of Jonsson excellent r 340111 IteCraup }rte:
sem suitable Ow Is Steamboats atcl pyletta ram-
Ken as -
Itinditet JOHN /Xv SLAP
. .
0111 1 / 8 Instillation, under th are of Ron. , J. M
lj lioscuaN axe Loma. tow Mb all the solte/el at
ninoentalbranettes of finwhe education arc - taught
unw atom for the retention° unit. at
xa 52,1rwiate Iteres , Marty Street ,
hello:en:Id and 4th meets. Tbo treeend Session will
commence on Monday the Min Of August,' and it is
that any who' map design enema' shoutd
be preset a, far em nraitieuble by Oar time.
Theyhaya secured thaw.ntices of Profemor RHO.
IDNDi as Leacher o f Music on the Piano and Guitar,
whom too well known toneed recommendation. A cent
(elan Month teacher Will he employed. •
ADM: have elm& of Ow Department
of Prowl Dome:, -
BUNIIIVSkUwiII hero direetion of the Artistic
Deportment, and will She loom% In drawing, eketch.
and Patoting, both in oil and water colors. Prof
d. tr competent teacher, sn — A4ten recommendodon,
from the Ern men in Europe .ad
United Ile
has Wen been a teacher to the gust tosututions of the
For tercet, apply logi, Pnoilhal. MU tf
18. .A xi rps . BOARDING SCHOOL.
Igo. I • drift Shad, atom Thirsenua, BoutA rude'
I ' ; - I I Pitilulelphlaol • I
T Fit 7 , 7.7g i n.V.l.l'engxllgg:‘ l , l :itg
Mini ci • . in the Fritsch, Hellen and LAtin
Land with
The ! ervi ee of the mow eminent Protestor. are per.
mailiwitly ceared, ned every facility given pupils for
acquiring • e different Language., together wan other
Ref.olll2ollA . meat.,
• The ye • r le dieided Mtn two teems of Giernontha
each ,to . •• cueing on the lit of September, and ending
ma thlrthof June. • IL .
Th cheige the the Scholastic Year oliten-mentio, to
:re ' t re! I : and t itZte " ?4, ‘ l!g rell ' re7e ' a i ll'Tf: :re . ;
Fr • Those cominencingAny . sine within the term,
wit! charged accordingly.
If I lir thought, demiable by parent* of guardimot of
pupil from a diatance, they con remain during the
Summer vocation; when all den auchtioa will be pails
• .
•11 1 / 1 Elliott, Fs , { , Dr Rh( Fulcrum, Dr 8 McClellan,
11ortobleorgel o Zoland, I l hi4d m ett . ia—F 11 Morgan,
22 ' on b ' irLoan lo aktence. Ala MI: t fech-
SOP , N 0,-Caleb C:Norvell Eai Nashville, Teen—
/Inn chartliK Call, Tallithane, blorida-Mr Thomas
Leger Leharleaton , -J F rhifer EA' q, N C—Thamas .0
York-Kr.i;gimilzall, Gego—ltex Dr Driodgr,us, New'
York- '•, .• • .. • . ',,' , .1104 m
- '•• • • . ALLEGHENY CITY.
TN ,Wcrr the direepan of
: Alt. N. N!
id Mer ALP, m Galloper. for Sol reception of Pupils
CarstrFf asaidusky and Sersmbers7
The nd Scasion will commence an liondar,Sarit
k 'rt.. 4 . l nt in triPc:fur r t i PiVie!as " itn i t
Mow& Pupae be meemed m Any time during thr;
_ fires or eonneWat Tewhen will be Penned
;that way anth to receive' Instruction. in
Pointingn and hlu.k. • .
recants telattie nabe worse of lasintetion,7
e.. consult circulator apply to the lustreetot.
any. July 1:1,1647.
ABLE BOOKS..Publi.hed by J A
P Jamey, %Veinal street, betiveen Fourth
a, Cincinnati.':.' ,'
ayGibtan—The Mattes of the decline and.
the Roman. Empire. By Edward Gibbon,
t new Edition, revised and corrected through=
~,• ts
ceded by "a prifsen, mad accompanied - by
a critical and historical, relating principally to
p opagabon r of Christianity: by M. F. Genet,
nr er of Publie !miner:tine for the kingdom of
air e. The prelate,note. and earreetions, trans-.
itmd flag the French 'espresaly for this edition.
Mahn/hobo, ol,the Lila and character of Gibbon;
end Wcition's Reply to Gibbon. - to 2 vols. imp..
end, Illpages.,' ' • .
N.pie 's Penn:tenth War—Complete.. I VOL Imp.
11i0.,M0 ges. •
Hallam' Hallam' Middle Ages, Chambers Rebellion in
S otland, bertamis Virginia and New England,
It c ell's F nch and English War in America, and
'near. erican Revolution. l' Tol 4 to.
• ieraryo American History —Containing selee
ti r.m e best-mithera on Atlantan History,
R i e.
Bi graphY, meets, Commerce, Statislics,lndiami,
volution y Bottles,. dr.e..ece. gre. Also, Anee
,il , Poet and Miscellaneous article...lllastra
I with m re than 000 engraving.. I. v ol,e imp tiro
00 page.. ,..„,l.lsi,erss Pictorial Library —Containsig Taltrabli
Firs on various, subjects, comprising Nitural
cotes Agr iculture, Rural Eton:
4 t , "' b - ir Ara, ' 0 - ls Travels,
'4 4 .' P h Y. P 1i 7 ..../ " . filiella e rmous "" , ,'
reading, &c.
Br.! I • mp 8.0640 pp, fall sheep.
Tim Fa ly Medical Library—A Treats. on the
'Prevention and Cute of Ginnie., by regimen and
aiesSe m does. ' New editing, revised and enlar
ged with th additiOn et a s Vegetable !Buten, Med,
ice. poietin out the virtue*. preparations and doses
Of ear tisort aluatile native medical plants;and an
%800 of Physiology. - Illustrated
logs, six of which are
, 01 D-864 pages Bro.
. Companion-..,Adapted
tward ba s Ten,Lindacape
18. mo, third edition,
Bantam; &c. Be. '
ro, with hell slitheitt_
e.• Burn's Works. Ll D,
Mom's . Private Deco.
reap editions of various
• • rach.
- - _
1'0nel:0o ktandard Works.
nuiljahai iu
wnrla in ps6phiCt form
sod seicntifhe Wocipiesof ot . ey band, of baroanknowlodir,
dcrirOlico and mu of on the t e m.' n geoeral
se, irlited ty' W T Brand+, F R 4, Illustrated by nu
ansrons. sunrasiozi soool,
llorr,c's Nr. Aim-Tina bointif4ll,
oretl insos of North America, CsnaJa Eas. Caputo Wear,
tic,ra South., tit, Brunswick, Not therat enal, Neve cr•
r m io l
norida, Trans, California, Mexico, Ceurial America,
Yucatan 7i . sal In d s 1.1.30 and .11 the Staos - and
lies in Ike Union.
Neale Pitrinine —The history at the Puritan!, from the
rekernottion in 13.7, tithe revolution of ntke, comer'sine
&cement of their principles, hr, er r by Daniel MA, 31 - A,
revised by John 0 cheeks, 11 V, with nine 4urtraitsaa steel;
In two voltones
The h.e of the Body in relation to the Mind, by tieorgs
Moore, 11 U, number c,f , the royal college of Physician.,
' Jtirepll!r Works.
Irealth and fl'ostft us which makes the men, n very pop.
ohs Juvenile wnek
Peril. of the Sea, Wing affecting musette., of th rrreel, s,
Russell% •Arr—The.!arenas Mpeaker, romprisiog
ok,uctaity rules .4 etereises. "141 h a ,slue-,
liOft or Neess tur primtier, bl FrancillT Rusull,lustructor In
ektutsa• ritPriosciao.
The above lowks ye..syrd and &r ode by -
all 11,,k0 I.ltro,cor market and ard
MaIutTDIOAI. twoic 4
naa tit ani
Irner's Anatomy,elan of 311, , m,
'Peretta's Aline. Mao,
Mallet's Et, "
EtertrlPS of l'hotologyi
Wanton's Ida; .
Rbelltabt • Jo;
nettle on FelnAleft • 11000104
Ranttbotham, Pruelice of Paßtinuon;
Plant nn the Stomach;
Conde on Unteneea of Ch'ldreni
Clynteron Fevers;
Unwed:listen Diepenratory—new
The shove with a genet at tusortutcat of bisteal and
Miieellaneous Rooks., wit receiving sod for isle low.
11-71.1IfYIT & ENGLISH
eptbat RC motet 1.1. between ard und Jib
111.10 &T/ONS Webster,.
/ Domestic Economy and Housekeeping.
blordoch's "
laddell en I Scott's Check end Englialt Lexicon-
Draper's Natural rhilotoßhl,
!tacklers Geometry.
Ism reed and Int sale by • '
peg hIeDONALI? & esoNT ; MAIRTket •
r thee& Rev-,
_s_a °lotion, - tin& of the wars' 4;rifl
and campaign. annoy
hone thwatruggles Jot Greek l'atonts Fewunciptb.
on{ tountry.front the Tut koh Vote—in two ant
llJneS--splentlid copy whia — numentus,inapa and' engine
long, , • t
Lettere Mown, of Inc reign neNVilliata (rote
Ifattat L7 , b--14,111 [aint - nits, in tr ants.
Rontpanton to the study of the Holy Scriptures.
Harry hlowfWay, lotting romance, with 41
Tour in the holy Land, French Stage, soul Sketches
In Clams. Apt rtc .! and for sale by
spa.) -
—w market street
Ne....m.k .1 p....ii., .
j`0'n' 1N, . , Yin 1 ; , 1!,'".1 1 ;. 0 . R .', 1 .',`..7"1:1, - 0,%,"°,, - . - 7,:e.'", 1 1
,4 a arrived to-day And now ope of or war.
Two tpleddld Ptanov,slx °loaves, IP=
Ono splendid carved 114mwood. vta'et Lave, :NO
One splendid mahogany Pianmely and a half no. lave,.
~ 43°
Ono grand Plana Pone, made at the foolery el l f
Dena Hers, Paris. and lolly equal to the One
used by Jinn at till Concerts. • COO
P.7llr r ' t 7lt' Urre ' ll " er C k7 l lPn a h n alorire: ' l n ' o tt d r;. by 5 i ' ''' T. 3
A tanker mpply will be received Mole; thls week.
New Lot of &ragime Planet. • t •
HKLIRLIER has rot received itio' follortrin new
r Piano, tend will he sold lower thm c n be
right In the amt.
t ',
Oan elegant mahokany, 6 octave. made by Num,. g
Clark, New York, of grant power and ewes em of
lone—extremely low priced.
One elegwt rosewood Plano, made try Chirkering,
Cocoon, and selected by him as the beat insir meet of
the chasm too factory—price very moderate.
Beside,, a number or others of, all priori an styles,
(liming the mom catrnove selecoon aver °fly. ed Imre,
No tri. nAbgt naJ lir Wombwell', nuke
Bastin ,--
and New York Plano ,
AJIIN 11. MELLOR. No 4 Wood at,
has received cad offers for os e—
ne splendid liovewood Piano Pane, i ffP i di ectaves,• Iron frame and .new
sc.', Mode 1, / Chickening, off Maio.. t
Ono ejeganl n,,,,,i Plan'a, Fong, with :: oetaves .
anditonframe.. Made I.y• Clockrring. .."
elegant Mahogany Pomo PonerrmaduaT Gale
ACM rirw York. -.
the aimed w,ll borrold at minufactoreer p lees. .
Alm/. far Vale xi above, a bccond hand Pin Fonc,
with 3 petards. Jen_
ii-- isTOEIFOF allr.7CO—Just pofshed,.by
' J AA UP Juou s,Cuteinntui.o II '
7111.: HISTORY OF OEXltar.r t her Civil
Col Mal and Revolutionary Almelo, from the
the trpanirh conquot, iWt, to rho plcmor
incl 'Mogan accoant °Mho %Par vritham UM
% s moo, and Military Achmvemcnts.
Y. dr. lii:D {Wish two Copperplate Mao,
Ref i t:7 4 Mo o plans of Hanle Grounds, an.
ume octavo, a tie hundred and a ixty•four p
MAP OP , 412Exico-31opo de los Road. Uni
don do Witco, argon lo organitado y deflnido poi
ler 'arias actita del Confrere; de Metre Republica: p
contiotda par lir mciores aparidaden. . , t r
'A fete nOinetkreeeteedt 6r tale by
. • . JOHNSTON tr. STOCKTON;Roolisetlera --
si,t . • ear loiter k , 3,1 au.'.
clattoov r and a Voice to 'Lltlantinh; by and *tough ,
41:nth . ..Jock*, Davit. . .
Another hot or them llrondarfol Boolathai been Toni.
by . • - ..L WWI - 'Wit I aaapviru.: :
- I' -
VOLEAI nt, 11&11.51AN, Co., having completed
V their Nils works, are now prepared 'in snmsatas,
ime_overy ticsertption of Coach and Chant; &primp
Iron allots, Amens. Illism r,..sp ring and plough Staab
and all saes of small square and round Iron, which •
they otter lb, sale on Illmral term., at their orsham=
lio.s3.Wood street; where limy afro keep o
li't n hand a
complain and handsome aa,przment of Conerim.'
Carriage hardware, malleable castings, Nails
and Iron, • --
C. I/. d: Co , have wade - arrangements with Meagre .
Day, & Crottziliiiiiiffac,tutera ot - I•Alorela, &pada s
l'orksoke., and will keep constantly on hand canes
antoie made by them. Dealers am respectfully atil
cited to tallow prices and terms wnitdre mod. liberal.
Peron...on, PA.
A Rli prepared to build potion :aged
,Woollen Machin
Raileratllettels, Witmer.; Torilleol.Sporrt.. 4, Dreaeing
Frames, Loom., Card - Grinde., Ice, Wrought lion
Shafting tamed all sixes of C
lion,"Pulheo nod
Hangers, of Me to ea patterns, elide and baud Lathes,
and tools of all atoda..
. .. . .. .
. Castings otevery deupption furnished °nation po
llee. Panetta etude to order (r Milt (:,ring, Icon
ratting,tte. Steam Pipe fur ling Pietoriett. Can
Iron Window Saab, and fan . Cawing, genetally.—
(Pedant e Il at the, N Varela:m.6ot J. Penner & Co., Ca..
ear weer, will Wee prompt intention. '
'Dleekotoelc, Bell & Co.. J Blootheatl & Co., G
Meunier, John Irwin & Sons; Pittlhargh.
G C & J 11 Werner; Steubenville. jactl9 •
J. , W.STEPHENS Whvehrg. Sboenber.
. Prof hodathood J. A. Stockton of rat•horgh,
have that day rotered, t iato co-pa rtnen•hip under myle
and firm of Weaker , . Shocnbery(Er fc Co, at the
Anchor Iron IV orkk, Wheeling Va., for the purreac of
manufacturing iron And ands of every devespuon. •
• _ . .
Whistling; Va.
blanufasture all kind, of bodes. stem, bur isrm
nails, A El steel siMus eprinasend imlos . Being So.
riected Wismnberambi Old Juniata Worts, we min
offer an aMinle of /imam lrou [branded Shoenbergert
equal so made in this country. All of whichw,ll be
aold at the ?Inaba:all prices. , Warehouse of die %barks
motorist Alonumand Water sneers. • m • ll •
Jas. Lippoacao. ' John I). Rick. Rick. _ _ . K Mora..
vi - AN PM:Mt/REM of H.1211111E143) and CART'
S FEEL Moves and epodes, Axe, and Ilatchels.
Mill 01 Cal,Cirealat end. G,n Vaara; Hay and hfounra
Forko,lloos. Mattock% He.
• Slaving completed all their arrangements in the con:
amebae Pr 1161 r machinery. and insecuring th e beef
workman from the most aelebtated canahlishinents of
the East. are moy„ mannfaettintig and will keep con
atianlyo • hand wid her tale all the Above articles, hav
gng evened Ittylves of the latest imProVentents. and
re detenninedUat in workmanship And nriarial they
bill not be excelled. They ptoatiie to produce articles,
eg oak if not superior. to any-that can
randba In the East.
They invite the attention of dealers to Xamination
of their stock before parchaung elsewhere, As they are
ebarrinerit that Ow, will he ebb" to fill attar-der+ in dui,
. .
. . . . . . . . . .
line to dm entire satiseiteann of parch vars.; Il'a rehouse,
Mawr sL. 4 doors W<Al Maaangabelalloase,Pateburga,
N:4l. Persons Moan; hoeiness vn. W.. Lirrenvon
& Non, vri II pleue call on I.lppeOron & Co. oddly .
TAKEI thts method to littoral his friends
and the polite at large that bra Eamot7
'en. ow in Inflammation, on the East aide
or the Dramouri, Allegheny. where n eon:
want suple of Blinds, 01 various colors
aodßaafi p ta : .,are conetantlykepton hand,
also tatAto. 5 Wood st,PMelmrch, u .I.t
11. Philbpepil cloth anteroom.
etutmn Shutters intalc•to order to the best style.
Ifiindarepatred at the shonest notice.
N. B. His Winds will be put up, without any addl.
step In that they eat be retraced in a rap:
meat m call o tue f
fire or for washing, and without the aid
of n crew dy c nettillyttwlnualy
AIrEsIGLTON, Hell and Brava Foetid.
et, bits rebuilt and commenced basin eu nt
- ltisalat alandoehcre ha trill be pleased to •
see his old customers and friends.
• Church, Steamboat, had Bells °revery '
'N. Cie (Itnr; 10.10 10,000 pounds, cast from
Fanterns tithe most approved models, dad
Mr.-anted to be of Me hest materials.
Mineral Wiier Pomp., Counters, Railing, tee. Re.
YMether with every 'nutty ofllrass Castings, if requir
ed. tamed and finished in theneatestmanner.
f.17 - A: F. is the solo propnetar of Rusty'' Attn:
Arrlutros Miran, SOjustly celebrated the the twine
' uou of
b en in maehloary, The Hoses and Campo.
<llion can allad of IMit mall times. janl-1Y
• . Will2LlFfirs
514 and all /Attu' , sout. now the Caual
A LWA VS on limn mid math to ;Ade r, a large varle
t-1 a X Marble blameiv. Pler,Ceutte Tables, and
Bateau Top., Tomb St. V.. Mon rime ran Set all which,
being made of the choicest marble, arid manufactured
principally br machinery, von be mid law tor cash.
N. tohtuC to Patellas< Mantels, are
informed that it is henceforth anneeerysty far them to
go Fast, as •1 can latnoth Cava withan'rftt scle - to aB
.respects u gewl, and (freight, inyarance, be,' vacancy.
ed.) as cheap as they can purctwo them for in the
• ' -
S 31 Shinn etre., Pittsburgh, Penne,
rrllEsnliseribers having lIIIIIICIITO/it iruntravetoents
in the Fief traction or their COOKING. STOVES.
respectioll, .Gte persons building SP:au/bows to call
andexam, before purchasing,. we can supply them
with peek Sentry Forges. and errrytither kind al
Copper, Tin and Sheet loon work necessary in furnish
lag a ...tC2llligat.
IVe also mate to rde,r on the & Lowest notice Sal
Tubes unit roppes work for Swam Looms
and every vasiety ri work inSor Gnr
Wll. BIeCULLY . a Co"
Ilaaa(acturets of Vials, Bottles and V. Glass,
r. 9 wow) sTREnr.
UR facur , ties tieing now in full operatron.Uve are
u-s' prepared la execure order% in our One. omptly.
Darien Me list summer we have adaptor ane w plan of
flattening Window Glam. (the most appiaved plan now
used m urea,,.) hp which we turn out a superior arti•
le. Glass flattened , an this plan trifertently level and
se. with • very Lure love nn
r Caers nod derikraAen
qy. are requested In tall and examine - fat 11113(1.-
airmiag4•ll3ll,. SH luear Pitt sburgit ' l P.
arehouse, No. 137, Wood street, Piitthurgh.
WWlLLeonxt.tly liorp 110 bond espial won
meat at Yore, of our own nmututacroro, and
superiorquality. Irtoilessle and country 3ler•
' shoots are timpectfoily Invited to call and on
mine for Menamtrec—mi we are determined to sell
beats, than has ever beanie been offered to the polo
ID - OrPr" sent by mail, accompanied 14 the cosh or
ray wrercare. will be promptly. wirollerl In. l'obtS •
Great Western Balt Binge •Maaractory,
t. ft:le
. t . . 1; t i ntn
ever made In she United Pietro, At Olt. Jo nor princi
ple husinest, on intend to seed out at conipletc on are
pole omen poiAibly be made— Those pgagrol in the
horntrate trade, We think, will find it to thrir micron
to see one Mots AII ardent proinptly amended
niys A MARINER Crt. cora( oih .{S
•• • .
ILE- •
AND AXLE rAtrroit%.
IslaC .1 0 :1X3./01. F. QCIO4.
MANUFAer VItKIVA of Spray; anal Inciter Sine],
1 . Steel [lough tying., and
Eliptie Springs, Hammered Iron Allen . , Anil denier. in
InolDable Vagina., Fire Enginr Lamp., anJ Conon
non:slings nencraliy corner of nuts end Pinar streets,
Piti.burgh, Is.
No.. I/3 and 91 Pram ns,
FEl.Pitio . and Li,.
I . E.', Bk.. 'of all slit, can
Inca Ow Ines nupleived
tents 21111 warroalea equal IC
any. Al.o, Iljas4e Caning,
fintelted i 1 aidered, feat
pul. on
re.ananble trawl.
RON and Nails Shot, lA, at. for - oair Al oar new
Wurelkom re, No. ICI t% fl later!, clear Wood, no
n. 10 Front
Aso, no nesonment et lice old wand, Illefilarder's
ow, ldberty Windt.
/loving mode great addition.; to the Itollinx Mill, ell
rdors eon be filled promptly.
nu.fM— GRAFF. k Co.
n and Copper Tack.,
Pattern Makers' Points. of every description . .
Orrice No. I St.eaarles Hotel, Tford street,
1.711,AW,T77 -
t II.II..VANV LEVI,IE manufacture nor! keep eon-
IVA Manny, on hand Cut ? Moulded, nod Plant-ring
lilisserare in all its varieues, their Warehouse nor
neenf Market and ‘V'trter stream, Pittsbarga. •
Our 'Warta continue in full operatiOn. and We are
manstrmly adding to oor cook, which enables no I s fill
orders With prompt:tore. Pureaseem are respectfully
solicited mean and examine prices and terms.
Wholetak Variety Store and Looking Glass
• Nanufaclurer,
tcorner of Wood and Fourth ins.i t i.tsbargh.
HAS:j..llTeri.ed from Mr East a low and goad n
oun:lent of Vinety Goislr, Mending Clocks, Actor
deans,. PI., Needles, riuns. Cana, 1/ogbv .o n g
Cutlery and 'Combs of. every jpanern arid nanliO.—
Weso.rn Merchants atolothr Mt. nom:tied ID Coll and
examine ti lore purchasing elsewhertyor going East.
all kind. of 0111..1141.0t any and common Looking bibs.
uilnutyret nerd and srn4olttsslelo2l.z.,
. o ,g
FROM the very liberal encouragal
motothe subsiriber his received Oned•
" has located himself' in Allegheny,
hag of him to lake a lease, for
term of year,. on the property be now
aerup'les, in' [leaver ' street, immediately , beside the
f t regloyterianQtarcio From the Rol el Peounen ta the
ahoye bylines. and a dczire to please, be hopes to niers
It and receive a abate of public patronage:
Noc e n band and fi tithing to order, Rockaway . R0g
tg,...t.1 top iggins, and every description of
made to on or. tiont seventy.five dollars it.
eiltdbunamt • Inep3-dar • JOHN
;4 in and
rat, 104 7 i
d Hama..,
y Philip
Una vol.
BOLIVAR inettuuom
37 00 1-1 FIRE 13BICX,routufaciured by Loner
Glove r.Belinat,. Pa . nramnteil a supe
rior article, le %/ Wm, Br rale b y BAN , LIII lUEE
canal bnon., ewer 716 It
• '
. . TU OUP. •
i T I•i8
ll be -.erred VPt °Be I •Is
8 Theuk,4l:ll et.; every-ay. 1 1 - , t oi odr
net 'evert of Tertletrouri are - p:ruLleriiii;eleed,we
'Amer myaBlf Ulm toy Soo eanuot be amused. ay74
AED.IfiC - AI;:-: - )
.- • guiisin iT'' - LLILooD ,•. ' .
And Conseinpayn, Pain lathe 1./ideal:4 Night Sweats,
Asthma, Wholoping Cough. Palpitation Igoe Heart,
` Liver Complain. Hoinchine, and alit/tease. ef.
the, ibroatHengs 'and liver. Mired by Sher.'
i'. nratt6.All:llenling Bataan. • ' .
~ ,
Rai/rink, Max( Clad COltstiMp I LOH; M ,
MR:MILNE; Builder, in Brooklyg; whi.anaelied,
with mitirry blood, followed by a enagthmainla the
aide, and all thedasual emajnotes of Martsamption. He
employed two or the bent phyalciansythey did him so
good, and mid hut he COOLD NOT LIVE . r . • '
Hearing of Mat wonderful eures performed by *be,.
mane Balsam. ho sent at 10 _o'clock at night to Alre.'
Ilayea,l3s Fulmn-at., and not a bode; it operated like
• thane, stopped the bleeding and-Tallith! Before be;
had taken one Wale be was able to ne about his work.
It had SAVEBUIS LIFE. His denar y reaiding atl27
Artrlle Annan, can anent it. ' • " • .
Max Ann NI Won, of IYilliamsbargh.fnHarg to Tenth
near Smith ninth-eh says—That she had been tumbled
with a ImamsMIAMI, and pain in th e chest, Mr a long
time, which et Met immune so bad Mat she was obliged'
to give up her school for aim then a year.. She. then
ecnumenced rakingthe All-Heayngßaleami Which nou.
alleviatedher m - orphisaa. lShe in naiv'tatitrecovering,
ant has resamed'!her taboriam occupation ma teacher,
. lie John O'Neil, 10th atenue and 91st ,at, tattered
with a cough renpul ofPhlegm and pain in his side.
lie coardl gel NO IthLIEF al be tried the Alt fleabag
Batumi, which pa., the pain In= his side, allayed Me
eauti'lli and Moo* the 'dramatic hpon the surface; and
before he had bike. Mae badeniwits entirely eared
Pleurisy and Cfmasinption. ' •
. -
hire Baer., a Pony: upward.' of 70, rending 93' Sher
L has too •I•an peen subject to attacks et Plearday,
Raging of Bloodiserete.Farghr . bonn e . l. Draw, Pain 41 her Head Viand various pane of her body: Her
friends believed her PAST RECOVERY. The All-
Ileal rag Belmar r&heyed.herat ones of all her abirra•
log aymptrunayand ase/. a t iliw Mile to ageod totter Rork.
• ' A.HAmit end W . /Moping' Cough: .
him . . Lucretia Wells. OS Chriritfann I, 9 Bals,lo, Winchl Yoange,'ls Walnabst, ban. the
the velem of this great relied/. . '
Mk far rai,t's All-11miling Balsam, and s ee t h at
We written imamate is on eachboule. .. '. • and 111 per bootie: • - , ' -
an' irrilla and Cnagli Lounges mold at
Print., al fficelteiNmemoli; N.Y. ' • -- - ,
Bole w min nisi] by Wu. /same, at hi. Paling
Medicine W magma Boot sad gloss flare, N. gil Liar
zstrect,h of Wand Mast, Piltdargh Praia al per but
fl .
liTirOillir firriliF
1, TAR A DAVOOD NAPRTHA.-11m.Portland
(Met Ada er says :-. 0 nut remedy has been
nocceaun n anL , nierfielne,we have ever known for
its mamma enits Caruareption, Spitting Mad. pan
the Side Breast. Bronchitis, Astiram,Obstamte
1 Id e a II (wails Sire Throat, Palpitation pf the
' n, W r ing C r
Croup, Nervatts Tromothka
, Inhvidualsof the Wohest respects/A[4M this Mir bear
1 ample :manor lano power an; MSc ay in this elms
of dime....
, Among thetestintodiale to the valuer" the above med
. ieine, arc s e r frptudistinguished ph Mcrae. of Phil
, adelphia. ft ad the following from Dr. lacing, the
!torment ora l y i .
! lIIMIC — Itr need in My pr P ac ' tiee V as w m :Il l os in i9. aty iN o i nrn
. (amity, - dhotopsonhi tlocupoand ' Syrup or Tar mul_Wood
Napalm,' I hav e no hesitation tts saying that it la the
Lear preparation Ogre kind louse far persona saffeting
`fain Comitmptioa, cough:, Colds, and alt afecnogs. of
the Throat, Starer, lie ~ no prevalent. a the nasal Of
the year. I i, 1V... 1 out., at. b , I.M Spree! at
We haw:aqui wiihm a fen a ma nia sMn Who gave
the killoviing ernihUetta. He s melt bring y
1 ag Po -
fect maid oil his nimase:
I i Putt.sartsma,7annery 9,13117.
lomui • sense of grenade, and a douLd Mat eke irate
tea may hove tradurre to a truly - invaluable' medicine,
I nueld,mate that the benefit I hays experienced trout
the um If litimpaon'e Compound Syropof Tor and
Wood Naph a Per several years I have beat afflict
! ad with a ilia masint rue kirig roue tr, imam:pealed with
'.'rent ! oa t anti fl o r ~,,,,,i gi
with a
Mon of tightnesal ira, Me chem. Becoming greatly
&lemma, a friend wpolail bran mach hearGued by this
.".m/L r
icer merln try it, / did ao, and 0. •
a,r). *boa liar evely..alanning ormmotn disappeared;
my eXpectorition Laraine the, ail oppriripion len Me,
rmy cough ...natal, and to a few data I wa s able to&it
out arid catcall romy haPnera- a wellmam Any further
I , t i zit . o , a . jor r i e ll „ l ,: ic :Mier gully' glzen the !dinned, !..y . ,
y face, Nu. la .. Flan a.
~ • i . nit*. BletlANAlly. , --
1 NlV..'.DitAb.ONTLldtik.2'enarEiZTlY.ltra'47BAphrti6e;
.a. Phaarclphia. Sold in Piusbargh
'Jr. Peter PI cents or SI per bottle..
CAUTION—Beware of the many counterfeit& tha n .
flee now adt.' Tin/ unscrupulous are ever ready to
&reit eMe un s w;irt.j_ • „ a (dean .
TERT A "l , Bh.;.tr!Zulot.itlf` , ? AD,N 2I---. ..X
—To rare Fram and Hafigurements St the Skin,
Pimples, Freckles, Scobutri, - Salt Rheum, S.eurvy, Sore
Heady, iti:jece..: l
~.. , -
Four years min latt Anglastjthe eapiml of France
was astonished ip coriacquence of a discovery made by
an hall. Cbcony..Marry doubted—Hammed 'alma.
•it ialmasibilityldraf anything merle by the hinds of
man, could have/mach singular , powers as tbru Maimed
by Antonia Vesprmilfur his invention. !Ylany classed
lion and hisinamitiiin ea a humbug, laad.nlas! many
foolish perome luittput trying do the lame nave.] at
length, alihr irste , iris the faispittla. the Alrilical SO
iety of Pans fl e heat chemists intim wifirldj deli vered
Me Pallitwire toSignor Viesprint:
are ar umw minutely and carefully cranancd the
innandas invention of limprini. are hero analypadita
cagopanent partsr.we have mad n in several cams,and
we hesitate not to onnounee ii [the Haitian
,o Chemical,
~t . !
Soapj as a great Manny, ands truly wonderful reme
dy , any ei,,,,,, eruption or diaggaremeat of Me
'aim TM invert r we. consider ,'lr, lnali philambramiet
-, President'. •
Prom the Inventor lithaseft ct , .. firesentPdopriebor.
. . . I. need, Nor.,, IRO •
In evinsiderahon of Ihe nom n, 1:13/00, I have divot
-red to Ittr. T. Jones, i ce d . :nth, cry of New ro'ker
N. A., the whole pi /cern of inanninclensteg, together
with a etatement of the ibgtedionie wompa,ing my tr./.
inn ChemicafSoup. Ile is ft... facture It for sale in
the United States only, nod to knee the pt . :allege of na
ming it'Uones'ltali.lChernmal Soap' ,
Wont-s. Henry J. llobtrworth. : ' • '
Oh-Sold by %V JAUICSON, et his .Potent-Aledimme
IV archoure, b 9 Liberty alrent, head of Woad, at the
sign of the the Boot. . ' •- ' . I , 16
Thr only . piece in Pftwhorgh.''Whgre the GENUINE
cr. heel...col. All , others.icrellounierfeit.-. --
g GIILEAT CURE., pr formed by the original sod oily true
/1 nud gnome Lis est .Pigi, prepared sad sold / by ft Er BEL
31 ['rhymer, Westmoreland Co., r.,
. 1 • July two, Ift47:
3/r. R. E,. Selkw :—A Worn of.hitynt yen mil theefilicted
induces inc bandit .. my humble iestiniMoy to Tecoet of yourjouly
eelebroted Liter Pale I hate &leveed doing SO Le years,
adhering to Goy Crockery'. mari a Llthe tow you ars right,
then go ahw "d. Itlot oftheXamil prep:wan,. ofeseipt.fts
d aurekb Immlbl to the, el ifi, hare wakinto ebbs ma since
your Liver it to here-hem offered to the job.le.nuA indeed,
.I believe they will si:ruin them alb' , . they we j,. ,whm
you i epeessiu them to be" -I Lion hem aillicftd with Liwr
Complaint Lori id) youth; have reacted much; employed .
Roar eminent phpichow,lo whoa /paid moth mown knee
lost mud, blood. been sunnited sad phpftted almost to death;
reheated sor dtanes, mai family giwu hires incurnbin 2 In
1,.16.7 I was induced lefty your Liter Pills,nod SOON GOT
IVAILL. Gimbal of which know sufficient tes keep ace clew
of twin io the side. and all tho other •ymptono. for Of least
I to month.. Poor NIB aye also thebrat cathartic! wet wed;
beg mill, not griping et! giring misch t eicloiew at the Woos
wit, hut glee manual relief I hue kept them in thy store
'for 6 tar :yearn sold Mon/redd oft boset,nad hare never
heard • sing,e complaint,. utteted by any not who has used
them. They Mee supercededshmosceerryother pal in thin
neighborhood, sod in • short time Win Umiak Lamm Ift, I
earnestly recommend therm to all prewar needing phpie,
whether fte Litre' Ciamphaint or Bilion. Affectious. I mus
rider them far superior to Camel oitlin Moe/till. Ilespnet
rl.rAUTUlN—A. tberel . nre otheVills . beit i es t l ' l t ir ° 7iti * bhe
eau.. Liter - Pith. permit who WsiltheOENUlNEthoirtd
hat LT and take Weather6ton fit
mid sold by Et t
LI 6F.L1.1316, No 57 Wood-rt between Thud and Fourth
stiff. i
• gold by, Pe.Cnnsti; Fifth rrard, )., Al Cesar, '
------ N, JAYA/VS' AETP.IIiTIVE. • . •
We have been in/armed Ity'lll pm. Hoer of • cure pl. ,
Method iniher by Ur.
ewe Altera/llva, t he
limper Oa rupetiordy ewer event other remedy of the
Kea: Sh e her lawn cabbed Mr the -lac:sixteen petits
With If EttgOsSES or PbIIITE SWELLINGS, anetill.
with ulcerations and enfolintion of various bone., d ..
r ing ye b telt tioml JitOC - CitLittfebeen dirctorged ft
the /roma! Lone re the eraniorn,from pink her anti
eructs and lands, and Wooggeithlegs, owl from the I ft
icif oat bone, rind then , the right lineertirstifer pain chi
ulcers en other pub en s after person, which have barttbd
the Atilt of a ounther of 'she to.r?ecni intent pliyalemnsiof
our cit.—during most rif the tonev low itudeftues imte '
''''''' e.rtltiskthl soiled dPle.ble ' About three mon I •
rinve she'writ , ' induc, to try ft:. /Spies Ahr. emit,
which hag hod . urtotiethmelY hippy <Tett olum her,
by rviownig oil Pont ishd swellidge„ and touring the
ulcers to heal: while nt i hr sonic:timelier general health
hor become completely reTcorril, ro that shit now weigh.,
25 Hot mere than rile didi he Gii m six commented the use;
of thin truly ral.bli. prepoimft—ft'ot .Ere. Port. LL t
F o r (niche millionth., inquire tif 31re. Rare, No. l';
riltiegs at, P Itadelphia, I' - -• ' Lt.
Fo r .ale i Piurbutglnat th e PEKIN TEA STORE,I
Itt! remit!, et near %Tooth. 1 . jyg I
' -- e
t th is fotil no.llit . thire-.. - -tr-,
You. whew shin te dark end nadow—, t • i
l'on, whore hail,. hareh oftd urftey, L . , .
KurtY,dirty red or hery— : _
You- whore. v tic inlefteiye breath .. r
Unplemeont is its putrid death— t— ir
You could h are key, moiler girl—
'Paid, All while all SOO ft or pearl.. t : .
Iftenth 0 spicy...rt.:l, a Mil miracle I I ' '
Pure end white midftintoth and becotifhl,
And hot. oil. rilky,derh ...l e e,
' Ily rending what in }hid below.. ~
It FA UEFLCI. any of you can have the ranee by (mind
KO. le nothing bat troth,/ us ing • 3 . l qt:leor/eaen'. Co ,
tat II air Restorative-46a box of JeueeteAmber Tooth
Pante—and Is cake or, the g donee's llali.
tog,,te h iS o np, The facie,. coribul bole, kil t . Ton
ore usurer! that the following art theft real qtfalitieng
The tooth paste given the bleuilia. nowt odor Whitel
teeth, and preserves UM teeth, &a.' The hair eingl Mr ;
know to tio the xnft,t'exqiiirite thing ever made
sing. beautifying, and enuring the unearth or haw; arid
the map,lget the gettuinh /otics's Soup, mind) Will core
oil emptione, freckles, , /re, and make desk yellow
white, clear .d fair.' All -thew thing* ne . r, sold Moir/
ot W JACKSON'S. Boot and Shoe Store 641 Patent
Medici. Warehouse at Liberty fL• i I .ftr,
No Va.. rici. Pay! .
Dr. Pito Eribtimaffon Niter
es Foi/t.
rt HERE ere few dioces more common or tron-
J. than thertlerr, and yet notwithitebd
ing meet edorto have been made to cure by , the use
of pills, electuanesdiniments, ate. all were futile
and of hale benefit. ls/ow_the EtubriMMllon is the
only Medicine used. A person who has been suffer_
rug with the Plles (.1 the loom; kind mime from So
lem, New Jersey; aimed nn purpose 'deem* his
gratitude for tho speedy core that Ohio methane had
effected In his card.—rbila. Sal.. Yost. '
1D . For sale in 'Pittilturglz at the PEREN TEA
STORE, 72 Fetirth and Moo aLthe Drug 'tore
H 1 1 .Schwarti, Fedeierst. Allegheny Cit
IIYNE I RTITfICYCtf C..—rae - Mv . CsiThit— astworosimlynemounevd to * what it pronto
es r -Ilie but "Made, mahout Sof ...Mon, on Mt. forth.
pmseristinn of One hottnut lair. We klume
nf numerous itoMrims client nairiss Into microdot. heobl
ottinh hare bees held far faro; end on think em emu. de
great...firer dina to recommend to all our renders win .
lain:Their har, to mak. tr. of thioTenisintordhoty—.
•. Pwd. in Pinaburr6 n{.llL. Pvnlcgn
r o ure6a.<o..l. 15 , aftl ' inniZdiranT
.up.7eofia.spi: ;4 A y t ,
*ll' n I
Di1t5......f0r permit
„dwy d 9 toe I,lgbeitcdot Gnu.laitAlDein
enter. - withant dyeing ariliving the
skin. Sold with Stildireetians Nice So:cent:V.ll;n
i r r by Whi..lieKSClti,ht bisiatent STealiletie
Gibettratreeli 4titd ofWeek at the.
.4 11 4 4014 1 11 90!: • •
. L.:"A' • 1
; 02,
VOL. ~.t.XV:,..7N45i.-...'5%'-17
p ..JOlll4 • 4
Safely Insuranire conipateg Orrbilladitha - •
, t 4 IRE - RISKSI,S4I buildings and iderchaintite
.12 . of every description, and MARINE. RISKS •
,upon hollsor cargoes 'of insole, 'tattoo ugoir the • ' ,
molt favorable terms. `
. Mee 14 the' Warehouse of . W., H. Ralson.. ' 6
& ,-,
Bro., No. 37 .Whter, near Market street, rate I
IN. O. The siteresiof thurCotobanyeinee the esteb..
fiehnenio` the Agency/a th at cuyoriibUltrlNWlNSl,.,
and liberatuy'sinh winch every claimupon them for
Jost tom beta athatted. fully warrant Ilia:spot in •
:rizidribe confieenee and pt. trona na of ithihnerat
:the Mmmanny laigy •to the . Delseearehl. S.
ranee Compaey:tellie it his the •thlothat ladvamajpa; . •
`as •an iutitution among toe boort . Swishing in , •
!Yhilad'ia,-ne hawing an ample geld incaptialorbitat:
by the okreSonofitscherteriscittistantinersesi
at yielding to , riell potion insured his do e shore o l
the profits of the company ttithoet intothie to say. respoosibilit77 g
trioltereri and tberetere an • :rf
posteting the htetesl 'principle dirostid - of envy • •
obnozionir feature, 141 in its tour attractive firm. •
jrIIHE insunfac. 'Company vr - Plorth Amerind,
.. ,
.1. threerbite tidy ninhusimuragerit, the snhacti, , .
bm, Oilers to, make perimusintl and limited Spam , : - ": ' •
mice an property, in this toy nod Its oicinity,aack • '
4 shiements by Um Candied RtTlins", • • —• '
Jobb C: Smith Preek, Sunned Brooks, • ~ . ' '
Alm. Henry, . " • - XlmilesTallor ' .' •' " E
Semi. W:Fonea, . -Saint.F. limit, i' • j: ..
Edward Smi th , ' Ambrone.Whits, - ~• -.
John A. Brown, , " John Whip , inerdtbl; Thmas; .' ..
Time. P. Cope Richard IVood,.- J
Was Webb, . Arthur G. Collke,Sise, • '•
-This is chs oldest Inanninee Company le tbil - - ~
United States, haring been chartered in Bill. Its • ,• ' .'
charter in perpetual, and Ciom its high Maedisa, , .
long eiperienee, maple. mean.; and avoiding all .: r-- . •
riakirof an extra .basardmrs -oh:tooter. it
considered Is opening ample security to thepanue. i -'.
. t ~ - .- • . .• OSES ATIVOOD;: : • I "
iti Counting ROOM of Atworsildlenes pt -..,, ~Vote and Front streets, Pittsburg/rt. : : apSB- , • " ,
I f*Deld
Agdastassas by Fire—The FRANKLIN The
mace Company of Philadelphia,
IJITILL make laraivase,permaaatit ar,dlisigtedr
v V on every dasenphea of prepare: f ilo PITTS
On fa
te vonible jatme. • This eompeoyrasa a-pespetsial.
C APITAL.; . . . inoo,oxy paid In.
t 5500,CC0
Office corner of 'Mild and Market ini, FIROPVI,
ProarroaL. Carrrm. SWOP) .ratD
Office in Philade,lpkia, No 78 Rain* • Sired
Rarelmici Puce. ,:&•04V ill. . .
rr 11 IS old and wen-. otafulla COMP . VIT c:untaties te
insewe Alerrbandite. km - 41mm and prop
illy 'total' ertra huutimea cberaeser, against loge or
itemage by fire_ •
Appllesborm forinn:ranee.' Tintbarsh ..abd
iterglibotheod. will be reftivtd, and mica ,-u either'
lieryeinallyor far limned Pe,loaC
No 28 Wood
-----11.47 id ai da '
fill! Perk . Packing nom.. to t. apPenchilN , l -.
. 4 ~ .
.1.11,61,:r.,ckc rktga:dnoar Mgr ,
ed rf dinned, a m t Ike Invert market price. It m Well
known rdpork buyer. th e advantage of packing odd' .. :
pott—the number of hogs twinned% poen silt,
be . ..usually loge, and of die finest airy , q mortme. •
theinuactme corn crop. in this wok:m.1110 I/est Intl - -
bTety large and Mt. trey., who wend periwig in
a Wear *odd lb well to eon at this paler hermit...l- • .....
tier elsewhere. I will alto - peek mt. canner:lion foi• •.•
Fanners or I:haven,: or it any of acre ariah in pack on ,
theiroare account I refill accommodate them with every . .
raprinde.' There ought robe 4000 Gnat packed at due
point this Mao; as the 111001 el po neon of eh. le,lB. wile
,•", =MT! ( i';'.l°.' .`;', , ,.." . :,.°1 .11T te '' p a er l ifittl i ro .. '
park •Ity qattntlty,•nd recommend buyers 10 be In the ', ',._
ked fie do e . ntoe, end make armaments The parking. •
Wept oar river clank or nromr. .
L- • . - ' ' JOILN 8.T.A11.0R. "
Beardstown. Goober 13, thlnnin ' '',-' '- • . ' ' ~. - -
TAKERS, corner or l'ett nod :civets. 't`
o o - 1 1 e the Exchange !tool, entrance on Penn street„'
respecrfally 'infirm their
,fritiola and the public Om:
st r e e orlft= cr. tarn ish
l Vy a a n Art end btfl v a th6 .. l :
rarintengor tend) , made Co ffi ta, ' eorered, lined arrl fur
jibed in the .very brit manner, all sons andlliScAlthr
nudeSliroodiet flautist, Eartibrick and marlin, and. It
vixen made in approved styles. We keep n
W . /U./C.lof - lance
imld onreallor.tap (inns, IVO pIIrChIMO 014 6 00 a. • : I
'tale NIALIII clues.' Alto, silver platea for rainy/Li
r lid .an trt: r and h. o
'ft 7111 bprmoCdy ,=2
Daa<.4ei a s
r t rge... b Dr:dy
ttr t g angeded •
• -Wholesale ZJewg Waraissoni --
' . .115 4 Ting CITY OF - MEW: 1 ( 91411. : • -
. ,
ilai A. FAHNESTOCK &:Co., o. 4john,at.,
la. New York, offer for stile a la r o and genera,' .
an.eriment 'of 'Drags and htedieinee, Dye Stair - ;
paints ,anaf Oileof every deccriptibn, which they .
are prepaled and determined to kell!low.• - ' • :
Covntry Alerehmus and Dreggiitt are requested y
:le call and examine their anickw. Orders executed
with faithfulness and despatch., B. A.FalinestOck'in .
Vermifuge constantly on Land. •B. A. F'ahecatoak, •• .
B.L.•lfahristack, Pittsburgh.. '
• - •.• • G. W. I. :abointock:
___ • - •
- A. B. Hull New York, 'ears ~.
• .
PAPER . WA agmoutE.
No. D.:Dui/Lima 4.10, ?elm Tortav-=
YEWS IV. FIELD 71 for - ale at the • krertat
r al.pfactume prie , a vary ealamini *typo,
of PAPER, cdnrprt an,tr every a
, oftvY
darted attic moats of al!
all R edo n o the
country. raper of all Itactlat made to order ot
r F ER iitotaittelly I
, pinrAAkarirliZaLLLS
or every description. ' , tried utui kept eakilletty.on
ban, use: Fehma. ie Cloth, Fourdxfoler {Vie,. •
filnaehipg rolirdsr Blue Ultra maaric,Serine, - /te., an •
Cuutruts,Bale times Rope, Begiogc a /so,
pecchascd, (Cr trete the logicat price thtih w ct, ill be
Nem VO4 - . JeroJ tEl4 -•
: . • order re boor — W. •
RITMQRE WOLFF having remernl trona the
come ref lall:ty and St Clair streets. to No 50
tVoodatreel,three Mows Marro St Charles Ilotelosoold.
, i .,
Roper tfull ~ oak. Attention of toryers to thew meek
of 11.1001 ARIVUTLEItY and AADDLEItY, eeeti
per shipe area , Monongahela aid Ressia., direct
hornlike= afee rem of Etottood'ond fi eniainTe''' •
'VAlso so lice 4 Aoc ricat Jo nlrrentatom theltrls.e.
en'irt" q,efVect.rnthrelylnltra-LritCha.M.l -
the belt it , they feel great cool:101re . in being=
succeasfull to meet cumpelitiolf from; any queen,,
whether or wen. . •.. . ; -
Tee 11 ware buoiness will he coothisaid itilts OW
'n Neat('" ti litiiiii=tii plo - u —, ntl - 7;:itoot — oli - ", " -- ,,,,,,,,,t'5,
1,1 1 , g o: o er the topic and Erma( Wiglirmats A,Dele.,
toll iithis day dissolvedhy mute.' conical, John aide '
tell litviror Oispledofhisentrre itnereu to p WightFeettl!
'fhe. h ei of oft of
. laie firm mit he asttkd hyil Woght e
1111113. who Is authortud to use the mime of ,b ) ,, k t. fr .
for that purpose. - • . 'll WlOrwmA
'pathos, , t flub. I'Vl' - • :" . .T DALZELL , --.;
TO: Sutocribert is now prepared Msnonefeetent all , .
kind. of Cotten aud Woolen totelatiery at the aherteof
, ux , ce. ' Orden. le Anti/ Wtesunon's Engine Shop, our.'
ner Liberty and %V Ater street,Pdi meet whit prompt me
.enlion. .., • • -11 WlO/11A1AN'•
'.. . • ' Ineoek 0 betwern r elleral and Sandritkyeli
,prottly , . . .' - - .:: Allegbooo t . "'
Peteeit Elbook elprlng• •-`
N'T INV/OZTED—For the relief nod Peron/nor •
lel alio( HERNIA or Rfirn.rklif.. leoltee. • 11 -
• Te .airer
oeuperior claim' of Ate Tram; eamliti is tile wale-
Damien ettea site Which/ it amyl... Aron,. • Teel/4 of
wood biting neatly balanced eft eyeing*, yiild to pron..
woe on any 'part of it, end thoroughly adepta itself ID
etIV emeemeol and. by the wearer. It earl be wore
"whoa( totem/ fission, until& curet. effected • Tee rob,
ret.bers have made arteogeMenti Mr th e meoltiaetare
of three rale/ebb In a expense tor)le, is Pla:la •
delpima, end hove them 'now for sale at their offteoi No: „
ertiolurtele et. rear Siete, Plorhorth. • • r
" GEO:ll:in%
..jr3o t • ••• .•'
--- -----. '
/.' Mr grinding Wheat Snit Cot - Nor-any buds of Grata _
rated into' Fanner Plantation, snit may b• propelled rt
by, air r. Gram, art
ram, wind, or. bot_power; and wall do Is
•wo k with great rapidity aid porter irein,•nitotay be put
top rid tern int:atter by atrooet any perma. 'lt is a per.
ire Grir, Alin irt miniature, well adapted is the watts' •
of very Panrwi and Planter, ant iit andOubtodly it, :t
c4:aptstand best Hill ever altered to the. public., . . ;
Thin machine can be ' wen in operation at Ike 1 , 11;t r
mi and Imp Innen{ *urban...comer of Wood:o
CO ;WU (aciA) , 8 :V WICXEIZSIIAbt
0-1:4, Airmieturannsoti to law Ja ntealWeLapaltiint,' '.
offer fur arm the tainblirtiment toasty 1A Ninth tuaro. ,
formerly earned on by bran to his Aft nine, tog &Salm- . t
tea add
ingenthe barined Glue FaCtory. t he works Mt in corspleterriedey
for ry ausovith banturm.ff U., and ready .' ; t
0„,;,,,,,,,,ci ng ...any brae: A liberal cieditiwilt lie . .' t
g iven,
of and , d l particularryandu . known. by calling op'
etho undermined. ' JAhlklt BL7LICF.LY ' -
, JUILN Nrrelittu.:',.., i
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• s ecyrX.llCBlll9-FIL EN ,.- -li.i'iecelied;:).i.. -1
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rm k t aniantelr, 4 eitaks.tteneeep"
Steel kale, romp tia/ • •etYgenerVl.aaranutieni..
47rmattention or/i/aelinaiate arribtoniunieramentll7 '
~,,,. d. , '.,
.• , NIcIOEN
__' ' • L....L004,
z . ,._•'' 1 . . - wood cadet , ' •
DORTABLE }TIROII 4 —A ve4 convenient smelt. .
11 - •:i tal the fo4.octio breireied , hy
dies 1,1 tro mon. A (mina tee? ond for lit r• •
-b rrliirrillklit Or Medical o--Iron,nt
de niadearf rad Sbcal, ThYrOnnfll Oay,tlf
Jinn e peaty of there WIIICM. 'relitand tbr oil
$ 11FLLFAd.
1 1- IMllaatypteitY2l l
of [rnh Ifterpd-ElOulfirittn the 80105nit.W..... • •
i°11 123": 6s r...V?Pd L
ceivel ftentkljto 041 repplyAglooglisoft ;
One yonliti &sib. Seed Otnte i rtzejlglar,
M1A1f.',.1 1 ,,V,:4 1 "- 4 .
I Dares at Fasuilr we; in ni S velertiofieZzo
4 -
11—Zobs4114friRslCiFA ' / MILD
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