The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 16, 1847, Image 3

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'iliozikai into
cow trafenromps area. ...
. 3 .3 Taw° Campour
H:A1ag9 1 700%.• •
• 54°. " dP2ldr . ; JVWhYILLIA.M.
~==DlR•iedi tope:raises liamigaibsabels
rm.*, payllui
ante prix `. CARION iF.MeILNIGUT
BAI Firirricr i . 1a . 1 7 _ •
.199 won* ww larding, korialeLy •
" an: • I DICIC t CO'
OSJIJITIP- , 40001te thalasasela wee; fm
%./ -. .tD WILLIAMS
' " ' ' • 1101.0.0 at'
F F 11/1000 WALIMFTII-IgrrotAfrolk p en .)
/nem for slue it the ladia *Abet D epot.
n./ 3 '' 'l U PHILLIPS
flaws r
~ ler saki by
ind 3
"411 . Wr i. CillrfeCAMi7Ba n'6 '
eat weal b. water sts
T itawSiB-•600 aides red Leallia; 'arse. by :
JOHN Cialvi,l9lllibenist
'.IIIMILVIIRS-20Jan trash Bonk:sari' *al* bY
anti . • .I D WILLIAPIR
OnMC. 0 1 1 .1aot sapsrluse %oak
• . .WI lAMB
Rirsl&° °T—Nbz•N°LifirvgzuAlt.
A= cas.4iiit fool at • • MASON ft COM
at-ant mon cu. of one von nap Ai
rmen, El eau pot yoL . • . colt
?Wa•AirLS-4 canoe . wan deb. Plold
k. il
•110,100bne block blank - m.4n but feed
2.1$ • •• • •I.ABON tCO
'Rl y nt!t;4l c . a"Barako_it4ei ro far Itggkri
C.103111L-1731.1.1.A, neceivoallpmCargir
a: pie by BS W
41 . 4 °' Aron
freelewtlßaieer,Sai reed: for
era St W HAJWAlltill •
biletaw crop, of sapnior qualm
1• 1 0 "" ali=sWe br- DICAEY
sett F ' k l'a,ri.c . •
mitt . !DICKEY it CO
-41) mei prise yelknr OiraJasesetvell by
1;;(1 *'n . rr+n . r~n-r a n ° ~~
lialolol.lll-419 laclilui!aslV 0 Wilda kw te k etena by
Iw 7~ Lh~Witi)IUTCAI!(IN
~TII i IS welerlpf mm Con
• Ir i t5 71"41"1:1 f"."7.llMrix
Old Pala Canna' Stary• Wilma in
. Own mai try beaus sir Cada Wale at the
TIVIFT,OOItDuN Pala and Brown }
AT la lewd tad • :her with a lot to arrinsie
. ,
OWE= IttLAGA Gire's
67 Basis% brand% to qt oaks .ad India 014 . br .
Idirldmaleattba winesum, • •
.r I 3IIATSILXBAI-211 aka am Luaus In= sn_mie
lhooltlyni ibr mala by
styli • • • •: ISAIAH 111611EY t
J: 7 4 s— ti bpdiza i tinnar Pab Its
DIG 111L1CTAL-10 mai Taeonnsee bet blast 1,
am [mate sun Non Saver IbF SLIO b
:room , anntßY, te - bbls,'W ado yrblikok ggre
wad mew - 0111] ,JALCOB
AN LIICAZ 81-11141 Y, lAdy for map .baler at
ii..teerb.r. • .113311WRAVR
111 . 1114.11!„ 7 - 7i Md. he ale In itiiekeecaria
bbl, Pisifetpf Pr: I
•1p pis by V KND Starr IC
Maill—ltit BUM* Loodlog (monks Masi i
.P.lfitdoows.aulfor Ws km to olono • •• •
' aaLCIZTIVA. in OM Mid kr au soly
li° Bll
• 4111111111111111M16 WINN, L.Y.Caig• sad Ca*
.•./1/ ler lowa% awe inallists ale ez the Wine ft,
11. • UOOl3 WRAY=
,VMS! . .l . kli, blds,llAmocilsivitlifes
~was,D. ~oaD,~-..:.~,0..a
i ui6YwMM . ` ... - ` . l [IDUt Cc
ItEl"p Ille The irsosl Jai:9, and lin do
• Claselleht -. 1 . • I KIDD& ad
QIPICIIM 01:6- 1 4011plabjbai ree.aid br sal• b
PIP arab • ICErsubb copyl :.. . 7KIDD t C,
bans lot - r,ensl . axle
W•ier. usd Swai , bfa 42.1
871UP...10W Pet t4i, pat !sad*
CII eswliAilliAlll3 XI woes
FrOn -110 014Benrs end amine !War,
ail sal Warr Worry tmcses,is pone gin sia.
tegatLi• , -Acqtlipu.,, , ,mve
DAIIIII-11fedi list it Ladles Cilipt - and: Marring RILICIL-17 new boding: Cm Ws by
aftiniallij . siUsbailedi br sale „ . putuf DIOXEY aCO •
Yq won k front alp -
IlainilllloXES or rattednlit a suitahler bola lvt co', method: kg vale by •
tr. SO Jut =eV TOWS ALL ovB f _ mowEy ,
00BA000-38 . b.n.10y, Widh 5 / 4
Wag . 2. •
-_ . P EILTODI Of minim qaalig rtr Nab 14".
• • 1
lILALAOA. "INC An sal• try_the India bhls-1 .l" ID
tom '6Olll JAC OB WEAVER
imircitwoopszuessuaomaciraera,si t . ,"' a° 6 A rgr a T u t ri f twur -
&V Sallow, MR loot nwil..k._.." . •• : • j r y.. _ ... .......
. roll -.- -. , • • JuotwowN a STOCKTON wa.—. oow wader =Wood Lord ill#W x0 , ••4 Gat
. ' 1 . 666 ehamist rdbuc* I '..1 - b 7 '
. •on ali so.L.LE RS
67 wood a
sitenutpr a a) r• -
aiolvek formals
, .
DiArms PAIM-45titable LA 474 ika,
zt!Mstd asul farads di NY 1114 LebtreLetreei
" W m— • Sag( ' W W WAL.ACP • gO.llO-1119 Lie pod CUL map, reed; for eel. by
: Infirm-1M he Istlim Cmalm We 672 .mt TASSEY OW
Wn11.41/6 , e,• . :4 7 11 . ".• tor,
. orzautaszonansalck-f!arovid.-
:""! binecniirr.winTr.
seki PabAirg
osu zi mouldleg
1113111MAPIGI—Lt eaves led, hai., ldCu
emi.abilia/Abd lapis:two Awl iodated p — 4/k is ri INCICEr &
11,1 murk Bon mg
011701ECTE—t0 dos on ban/ for ule by • •
Avt • ?ABBEY./
1 4 12 °L.a.eed; kw ode by. •
• • • BRIM it MUTTON
_ocrempoids—so bu;bids Tdeothy esul TA B S ed tor
JL - ..1•111;1111 .PlO UMW by: •: 118Yr0.11,06 &WES • .1"1 Y & SFST
" edema& Ineignd bbis for sale by _‘;
"ial ' "ll* /
r • 114
• vibe ra: 4 • ramp" git ij o w ll io • i di '
aye -• , r- • ,41 baler butet r rale b - j_ m - mec ,_l - 1 - 7 - "'m
n tm
0007 - 4 bans 11144. 0.6 4 . 1 / 44 WILA•IIIS & DILVVORTH,IIIrwooda
.7. - r i1ik 14441441L brad. b 7 • . ILO7II-401:1bb14 &ail low br 41 b
at . . • LAminier • int ; /JOR D AN &PA 1517. ar
15mJ0" 1 1 1111414 . 01 %..4,r,t.w , .17..
- -
a atozauss- .
. 0 Blassia, la wed cedri br me
ri_,itr Y i it bfircimealtEg
- • IN ITh•n r_o___ 4 .el
- -
ois sweated slew liaA - 112,
.••trs. WIC and lagoAllos bolo Izt , l!
oil . AMR *BEBT.Womiodat
u,,!!!!PngeMeagut Dpig”,w,o,r;
M a43llol4 " w e rbin tb r==.
het r z zerztUrOMaistiti& ours'
iad 4 Use m.iiall Leal c 4 l,lnry
4 .7 o6•4o " , ""gskttzt4s Dart' a'
WOK ' for al. Oy
, =Ems
recilve4—Drab sad SW Pd,
CC i tr li !Nrlchwillbdr,ftle to order by
seial • - • ANC= ticLysig'
'r) i rs l 4 1 41 )4 2
tidy • J& 'lawns
I weed awn
Wlnall—Anotber Lac a( Palmas Mk Vow
iebjsrtind, Wadi win be rd, a briar by
"""' 4 !'''''l%&Vifi b kAm
7 wee busk by
Durxa A . a nt! Lill' al toanemly bane. Olt
arr. , •., nie by..; J AMAMI it. ISON
14ARD-44 prima aryr. lard Jim 'tin. pa mu.
Isisielleirtes; kw sate by
Use at =alai .
11,21,411,41 est
winker barnabbr Wb bi
emir : ; =di
ED—lassAtemblek s
T ad pumas
.. , 1111V . • -..AZICAZIMMIL&VER, givemi
... . .. . x,„ , :•••
f S
'l' - '.:,
„ _ ,
Clete a' Plaid) of beasibild_ mks,
aad briett aolota • SILaCOM'L & ITg
V. • 113 vroal It .
6J Ids 67, :WM El 15C811/E 1
min . z r ent bd.. woke woq4l
aDMlTAßtaaperior'Eattacky—ln tla ean,—af
half aad quasekpaandEtast reed and for
etUi• ' Eta aide Thanaand
(UL -45 Mb tir Vronoxl Lard -Ail or
ilkotral goolity for ode '
ow% J ffiCHOOSIKA Oz. C 0,211 'rood at'
rTriprrlvm , wißtirligsr
RTZ-3ElO'bia Rya graoia , for which mai will be
paid by', MILLER t SICKMON
FLOUS= 4O pear , * mils, aNo IX:GI ,
' Wabb'S brand, Pist ret'd by sun
Caleb Cope; fat Ale by
nye k 8 t WIIMIBAIIGFI,I7 wood at
1711,01YR—'15 bblkfundy 'bur huirliols flow elsormer:
C Wellsville; for JAB DALZELI.
21 water et
, KhXl . llsusr and LAI for Ws by
CARSON & bleEilaffT
Ifkb street
ABLVAIII 0 11-3 bblljtut reed; for salt! by
n:5 • ' I. eat =Wad f. Inter su
bbltroreedi Ita
w by
' 31427ir bbl. new ein anT, .ae4 Va
0011.-601 . .b1s • Nom /kr We by
up oar • • ugaajust reed.
ORUkt Olean. W t CO
scrupt Row, Lbeny st
6 'i I
, EF4!(Ni reamsArorte . d , lavetalp•
0101171 L-110 inn 4=4 Vlosi eroosignmN
r atle by • nI3 BFJ,LEBB
_ _
S ALZR*I97S-49‘41. N1e 4 g " DtE25.9 hT
• • ear Hood vra,ter
OLMIBSJS—WEI bbls U for we by
wre • & MCKESSON
80214161 7 4 hlas , Porto , titear t fizaaib ;11
, PPLICJI-133 blots rood kepaw Apple& reed, to ,
fini-10 Larrelidatseed
DEEP HAIR art • Tow Yawkw min kr
Q IMAD-50 bbl. No I truit'ajlw tale low to dui by
A 3 .5 . CAPON ir. MeNNIMIT
A , — 10 bb • i a ,
(astiAV 6 %b l l e e kN
BALLS- 45 groe. Velret alk Balls.jact received;
Stacie by BAUN &REITER
s etv4 I liben
Bdesszir-:4 bblb peul baby Su yea% fbr bale
bird' • by FAUN & REITER
TV11.1./ENTIIIT.-10 bbl. band; for
11 - ars-4 bales Ist earl tem outing from summer
America; far male 4y J DICKEY & CO
avi • 561ater & 107 front eta
W — ' - 41111 - TRD—RXO be Hasler • •
1600 be Rye, erldell die enerkeL
price will be pal In 00 by,
eel !-• Cm. beeebant., liberiv
G 1 i n .. 5111 , 1— ',1 1 7 4 . 1 * 4 iiita4./ 11 &ad 10.V . .ti Glass
riACCO.-81 1 610 iroruaci of fa, Irs and pound
• % Wien URN ACO
.B IIT O IIMP. 7 IO bbla roll, la sbri tot
r eb lOir D -
S-OAP—iO bra 01100 No 1 ralr
b.t• Gault;
.• f0 br• Farm fur Wary
!MI &Bar*:
15brs 1, ar
10 bzi Spenai 4. lII'
I,IIOLASSICII,3O bbl . N 0 Waster, •
3 " H do,
m 9 b7 Phi 81.lor i f i rdp
~die-Wsnes and Liana embractog acme
" of the mat celebrated brand et gray variety,
grade and amtage. For rakt by threak or gallon by_
aad ; • P CadARTIN
vastuuuur, DlCvosine-s paw nyles
ba bad boutifil pabbons—regyldr—botYree'd by
FLOVR-15bble fine bareet,br .a) •bY • -
KO .ItD&C°
ighs m came of very
beaatifal made isern.lost revived by
em3o I - tHeciugrra wutre
ionic apply barred Comm
. Flarmeljaat received by w ttilowny
caw dart - rtire Alpaca Plow aa•pe
to by. • ocoo SHACKIRTT 'HITK
.Q00.11.21-I.o' khd. prime N 0 at earmidnmetit dr.7
07 . F dU.LERS
'VZ.OI:I7I-208 bbb, Ohio and VOTlbir bnadc) int to esivoll; sale by , . J JORDAN & SON .
18 Merry at, opposite soltbiald
. 1 / 1 15 DALZELL. pi Inter xi
e a lr"""" w l'"* =I'LL
.U 7 111 Z-10 el call Haat k poPA:I—• common pule
• v vrorn; kw Ws low b 7.
• • . PC b1A877Y4
bbis eider 'inquiet rime:(er de
nya 7DeLZCLL
(Tektillm-10baa lieragea Rag -
NO Diamond Fp:mac' far sale by
nv3 ° CI eueol , k ateaNIGHT
It ELd4 Cabo, pfl quthy. bi oak low
to okra equipment by '
.17 ft!. prune lie
P mw in wont, for sale br • •
. . 66 Wm/ it (arrant nu
Q/BliD-5 bbblisonard Eked poor laxadtg from 5 B
/mac Nelms. kit ukla by . - - •
av 9
IL-10 Ws armed oil fa primaironler. re_
__ 'for
• art tale b R ESELLERS
AILILS-130 esAll ens en bind; for snit b '
. o.l' • • 1 .TAnSEY & oust
reed, br sale er •
kep prno• muck. for salel
• not ' TABBEY
- - -
801-12 kegs, Nes 1,14 &4, ad Ise reed' for
sOo by POINDEITEit & CO,
IITZWLARD-011.—J L COnkling
onnfaetozo toonantly on handl &amides to
r 4 ea
• • of e
bitnperin law andl black. reed:
ioraxe-2 bbr. - ,Juesez Manaus krr-sale
d • by C ARBU?IN(fI
31IPSHLIS—VOOdndinat fteetthe
NI (arm,. b 1
kegs No 1 Lad.
19 bsr was Tobace I
Bat bat reed: % r
isle by
J JORDAN & SON. 15 bbr
I 11.—"b1
l "a
3 i ltr P ir l frLA ram.
511 CAP—Mears sad Bers rut Phash
,Ibr Irak at broCALLAbiI& / map
COOD—IS RI& ihr safe by 1 I ... '
•-• . , . • ' WICK! mscciNtir-Ess .
il lt—as !s i 7 1 " atar. 01Zak.'
• lible pnis!•TurothVeeed Inn , me' I fur
\ .. • (wan • W fr.,R MeCUTCHODN ..
IS bble white rob; I:. I , . -
All lit bbis -.4.; ree'd tibi
EY & GO _eil fol &LID bY
i 1
.. , - . • ! DICK
- 10 kesidd 'dad 10dN adr a i r dszr z eder We
• ; rendf rim kidiehl R Inter fd.
023-41k141B.We' -
F eel" , t i liA l. flE.RAV,''id sioodll /
7' . 1. 1 9-47 ear 4 - saketne In Wre aid for
• • " •." JOIIIV SCOT?* CO; , •
' • • • -I eon:undid Isbeny a" :
C7l PAPII9I-161 mum, (WI memos more
„ J Or , +JOHN. tICOTT kCO
•jj , ammonia! mei liberty ri
Ad. -d esais . =- 6, " .•
111. "•. reed end for dele try, ft • CUNXI HAM 141 liberty et
111.-A freed Mir washable' Witsdirwahade
SO4 par !wird dr•rithood
r et i f lL
0114pilbr • •
"Erin* UPW474*.auf's
• ••
a:~ :' t'j
laTtlittraday 6 41
72 Friday 6 42
73 Satuiday 6 44
14 Saisday 6 66
15 Monday' - 646
16 'nada, 6 47
4 7.1 Vedireadii,. 648
IllooMoaesits of [be Ocean oteatners.
Steamers. Captains. Leave Amer. Leave Earoo,
Wavhbott. (Am) rievrtr.' Nov ..0 Oet 94.4
Nieto York. (Pr; ', Ne 9 e. °c
Ilt`Hatothi;(llr) HarriFerr anti man, Dee 1 . No d 4
Oebtitt (Fr) Herbert, ' Dee 9 .Nov 10
Hibernia, (Dr) • Hine, Dee IA Nov 19
Aii. l99 .t(rrl Morin, Dee 21 Nov 21
Carob - H.olr) • Jadkins, Nov 1 Dee 4
Caledonia:Mr) . Lou, Novlo Dee 19
Philadelphia,(Pr)eesont Nov 9 Dee W
rieTaionnit derarre,
TeesdafhlOmfop,November 16.
We beware change of importune lo notice in
- fhe gene* boiinesa of the market Sales, in a
regular owe continue quite fair, imporLact
variation i 4 the pricer.
Flour—Tlle market continues eery quiet, and we
base no sale, to notice beyond the limits of regular
or retail Wm to the, trade. Sales to the extant 'of
130 bbls havioccutred at 34,90, Of* and 5,12}, by
the driy loati; with single bbl sakw of 35,15.
. -
PrainThii supply of
all kinds is gaits limited,
witnpoderato Bales at the following rater. Wheat,
koa - r.93; ftye, 45; Har1ey,45859; Corn, 40643 and .
Oat. at litberte3B bo. •
HaeonTtor 'tomtit ia'ntberlimited , both in nip
ply and damand. Modena. nales occur at ele9c
far ham—Sides 7a--Stitialdeiri 167 e p lb.
Batter—Sales of 300 lb., in itga, at 9te, dod IWO
- Larde-itegoltr oiler. of No 1 - led j at 9e; and of
Apo:title al j Be p lb.•
Feathers—Sales amounting to some 4 ..000 Ibkhare
°eel:Weil from store at 'Slane.
Fiaby4alea of 10 bbl. MaCkeral No 3 u 87,25 ta
bbl. Regulareales of Midst 59e10. Honing at
6,25. Salmon at 51665:1. Lake'riah at 58.00 P
Obi- j jjj':
-SUMAC—SaIa . of 10 too. needy at '540.260 p
too, is in quantity_ and quality. This article haa
advanced in the Eaat to $9.5 p too.
Ditolainteli--Sales of 12 bbt. N O it'M, 6 mos.—
We notice roamer *ales at from 31 to 33—euti and
Athos—Sales of 10qt:um Saleratas at 71c, and
revalaiules oF.Pearls'at 7161. dr lot. } t
Of Seorchinviat sxBl , am of Soda ph at 5i66e
lb. L
A bill has peened one roadies in the Teatime*
Noose, authorising n, sale of State Banda by the
Union Bsak, for the purism al paying that portion
of the public debt of the State which falls deeds
Janus, text,
The Cincinnau Gavotte mates that the Ohio C
nal was to have been opened on the Ilth Inst.
The neen are now lower, aays the St ,Louis Re.
publican of the ith last, than they hare ince this
season before. , The litinhaippi, from the lower
rapids to that point, has scant three fest water on
the stioaleathars ; jand on the bars at Carroll'. and
nuke; bleeds; tiree, that city and Cairo. there
Ss scene Ave feet Water. The Illinois ha. thee feet
water from Pen down ; and in the Id moon there hi
wet three feet water on some of the prinneal bare
bele" Booesille. •
At Cincinnati, at the latest dates, the Ohio river,
bribe lost 21 hoer., had Innen 3 feet, and was re.
ceding npidly.
The receipts on the Madison and Indianapolis
Railroad in October, 1649, were 819,569 33
1845 y 9,339 25
• t Increase %.sto.:-.sova
Or HO per can- The Road is in opentiou its fall
length, and tie bonne= greater than the equipage of
the road can accommodate. •
WA lure from the °thee/sof the steamer Maple.
oc, from Elston Rouge, that the steamer, Luna. Capt
Hooper. bound to Bayou bars, when about owe mile ,
above Donalean:wale, broke one of her shalt,, and
bursiaout th e 'cylinder bead* ores. of her etw
game, by which accident the cook was killed And
several ether perions injured. Wo - coold not lean'
the 'particulars el the - irklry the Lana
Q Rel.
e to:mimeo ea the Little Mama Rad fltailketoi•
tine to ebaw a stratifying increue. TLir rod:griper
for the Mat month are its follow , u compared mite
°eider in 18-15: .
1846 1847
Freights ' f - 9,126 OS I 9,%1 21
Pmenters ' 600178 8,787 08
locrease, 32,1110 45.
. The told receipts for the spends of October ler .
each of the Jut tone Jaren, have been u follower
•• -1845 16,615 17 •
•: 1846 • r 16,213 Be • .
• 1847 L.,_teptil 89
The first of the three 'years the road Ivite open
only to Xenia. The accord and third years ancrd
a lair compariaon—the rood Urn in 101 l operation
to §princheld.—Nin •
Rocaussn, Nor 10-0 a 'change to day there
sou bXO batood Ohio wheat odered at $1,12.1% not
sold, 1000 bola best Ga . 116860 country Floor oderod
_llsX—sot sold.
Freights—First class boat* 64ci wild hosts and
wows .5005.50-1 Amer. • • I •
Nair 0
Now.s--Sales of Cotton yeaters
day 6.560 Wa at a farther decline of fatly p. Mid
dling to Good bliddliag6i,a7g. 01' Sugar, less than
100 blds—dall. Of Idolanass;%o Mils, comprising
rho day's receipts, at Site, toclnding 1(0, la one lot,
at that rate,
Flourt4oo bbla Obro (530 in atom and 2fo from
Bonnet) et $5. 01 Com, 60030 aka, including 26 10'
old white andjellow, in lientacky Bagging part in
bad ord , 7, at 4le; IMO new, white sod mod ,at 45m .
4001 new yellow at 45, and 650 old do at 46—the
principal part taken for Roston, and some liar Halmos
Of Oats, 66600 ba Ohio. in bola, at 5.71e,—(8a1.
• Bosraco,-Nov 11—The sales which - fall 'under
oar notice ibis morning, were 5600 ba: Mannikin
wheat at ; AM; be Chicago and-Racine on pi
sate tanne-511 bbl. one choice Alachigan brand
'Boor and about an equal quanta,' of good Ohio at
$5,55, and 750 bbla mul Illinois and Indiana at 5,14
Prime qualities
Cora s very dell, and high mod is Ireelysiffered at
51e, without useetiag ode—beyeni evincing a refrie
taime to pay over 50 to 501 e. • -
The following are the iirporm by elinal yesterday:
bbl. 16,491 Cheese, Int 148,807
Bec Pork 171 Lard 11,%54
103 Seeds 49551
Ashes V Starve IMAM,
bq.57„,%.5 Spirits, gals =0
Better, ' 49.567 Lumber, ft 173,1:105
Told . 39,531 76 No of eleszaikee. '74
, • ; [Adi.
ZANESVILLE—Pa Zanesville Packet-81. kep
butter, I hbds tobacco,77,sks corn, 5 bbdv tobacco,
6BCAVER—Per Lake Erie-27 oka dr peaches, 7I
n choese;Wick & McCandless—l bbl molasses,
.Cargbey-64 bee shone Dickey-92 do do, Roars
den dr. co--6.5 do do, R Dalnll-2 aka dr apple!
P , I
'do, peaches, Ido do; familiar, W Dyer. • /
~ Reiser-4 bbla butter, I tax cheese, Hanoi,.
5 do do, Ressler & Smitb...62 do do, Wick & Mc.
• Candless=2 hit bble cigars, Hanon-100 rum paper
Mellor-1B oaks Mlerstos, %Vick & McCandless--6
table dr pinches, 9. bin bop, 6 bate pun bonnie, H
S Bosworth—A bozos drop, J Kidd do co—U who
scorchinp, Cherub & Couthers-1 be mdse, Wlt
soo-1 cob pearls, 4 do poti, 9 bbl. salt., Carsoo &
6 161161 11 . .1a. .
BROWNSVILLEPerfflonteey-475 pkgs dry
o,ds,clAferent consignees',
Per Raritan-2M bars Iron, 93 kg. sell., Ernes -6
II PlP,Thrickery. . ' -. ' '.
PerConsol-3 pkga indae t Speer—l 3 do do, H
Childs-79 dodo, different consignees-45 mks sof*
roe; J Greer-73 fro .cbesnota, oarater. - , k
. D. LEECH & Co's. PACKET, pailadelialda and
Baltimore,7r. la. •
BROWNSVILLE PACKETS at 8 a. sa. and.
'BEAVER PAL:Ia:TS .19 and In la and 3 rig
DISPATCH; Nelsen. Browanalle.
,GLASGOW PACKET, Glassow,4 r. as. '
- WELLSVILLE. Mahal p.
MINGO CHIEF, Zananailla.
BROOKLYN, St Loads. •
• . Consul, Bowman: Brownwitie.
Michigan No. 2, ltilron, Bearer. •
' I i Sm'ia+sr -032 . Brownsville. ' .- •
/.. Danube, Cock, Urtnrunille.
Louis McLane, Soonest. Urowarrille.
Derparch, iVelson. Mon. City.
I. -. Camden, Hendrintroti, Brooms-wile •
, Beaver, Beep., Bearer.
Lake Erie. Hemphill, Bearer.
Caleb Cope, Moir, B aaaaa nod Wellriille.
W•wille. Barn or. Wellsrille.
- Ili
Htbernia No:. li nerel tar, Ctn.
Roscoe Javenslt Lion.
Cashier, IlikCato 't, Cio. - \
Loui. ,_....l4.4roweeeide
/da ns, auti, 13, 0 '
ri ;
bicederey. I k vood ,d, 8 ,,,„"" i t,"• .
Dispatch , Nebo Browse ill .nil " '
Beam, klor, ter. ".
.Laka Erbe r Hem 11, surer. ) -
Magian No. I:, Olbson.l3eaar -
Ode, (o ,'M00,., Beaver and Withreille.
- Allgamerdeda, Stone. CiaeloaetL
De - 49W ClilitOtk, Devieser, N Wean
CSU Fierisk, St Lads. - . -
.. . . .. .
. .
• , . . , . . . .
\.:. .. s '...''' ..- ' " ' `; 1 ' • .i•-: .1. . .., . - _ . .
..., . .
• , .
. ..
. .
1. .7. . . .. .
... . .
. - -
1 . ,
' , , , , , 1e. , ..% 4.--...'". - , ....,; , - „ ...-!--4.:.. r .-. -, =' , "::=:" Tf , - " Zaa7;.17=n2.: , :- , ....... 2 .a.,,,,,,,_,,,„-..„,,
~:._.„,.,, . . ~ -,-..,---,.....:-.,,,,..,--- ;- _ - ~.• ^ ,-- ^ . ^" , ` - ` - ` ,- . Z.. - - ' --L-thayz---- ~ .......w.lic.-7, -; - --- >.'''i , ..r-r . " - r•ST'll- 15 Tr :7 •.....-. ..-,..--.H . e•-"C "
. . .. .
. .
-- .
ID.' r ' \''MISCELEOEOITa .--'''''' ' Nit & TARIETT GOODS. - I HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. I - BOOKS, - MUSIC, - ,'&c. - . -- I _ ------ GROCERTESoke• - - 4. '.L ' '
• 7
1 111213 i ;;;MID•
. • • •
- • . THIS N. Plus Glee implores:eat
•h.”. 7 vesrx, and weercrer: it
mi known, yteferten to all otberikedsteitd, For •
cheaPar es, strength and eativenienCe h has cot
and cannot be equalled, as it ix decidedly the bettly
cheapest and most cenveriten I Bedstead to axe, aud,per , .
teeny proof optima Hap. , •I • , ,
The pnnelpel !labuiet tanker .n 4 Tana, a Allex
ghee) , ray and in Ptusburgh, have senor:4lCP. la
otattafacune and mll the Snuck, As there are sprain.
articles and
Imitunpat In the market. yacht
Mrs would do well m examine the cant iron ,plaies Olt
which /II the genutne ankle tbe Bann. of the patentee,
E. F. VaZZA.. ll lburarisa•ly cam. As (aimot ofall tt
is claimed for Garratasl3cdneads, theering certiS•
calm from Cabinet maker. well known in Pittsburgh and
the West, ta subrai(Gd to the Abbe:
the unlriet
Bedstead ataisufamerms of the mbwribers.pracneal
cities ei Dittiberge and
Allegheny, Da., do hereby certify that we hare naught
the ngliTto utenufactute bedsteads:with Garrounnx Pat
fa Fastenings, and conaider the amonfruprior m ear
rairum with which we ard'Aegnainted.
• James Lenten John Allirew.
. T B Young &C Ruben Fainnan
- J R Hartley Jamul B Barr
John Liggett, Jr. Jas. Lowry A Don •
Lowrie & • Riddle A Drennan ,
Thomas Parley Ra m my & brClelland
David Latex. , Morn . Bennet
Hugh Wallace Roberts & /Dine
I Mayers : Jae W Woodwell
I Neatened • George Snyder
Wm Hulett J McMahen A Co
Alexander Lawson
.; For itiktal to make and .nil the above fledsiesio
!PAIS' to , - EDENEZYgt F GARZA.% ,
oo p Patentee
Moon Moons
then 'phases
4 4 17.7
* 43
4 44
4 42
4 42
8 '43
9 43
11 .92 Isi qr 16 0
1 0
1' 71 1 1PUDEXClins -
'OM a published end of bleCatlntont Jc Mud. of
Philidelphte,the public would be Melte believe that
we hare been clatuong • privilege:we bid no, right to.
That 'they have abandoned wane tine Wane the excl.,
Aire agency syrsena" and that rwe have no right to eland
.exclujive pnyileges with their ten ." I never preten
ded to sell the ten or this *patio. eminent, I have
been Iling the teas of the New. York' Pekin Tea Co
fOrihn !last two yeara„ nestle palibe .are dware, and:
have bren to New Vont kid:platter in that time, and
ohm. heard°, thin new concern until lately bat as wool
1 The Tea haulers. of IlleCsamont &I Pond is about If
motaha old, and their assonipannof Pekin Tea Com,
panre Ulnae is because a name is open for any titan or
hem 14 &stelae, bet the fact intended to imply thereby,
that they have say eanneetkum with the so called ' and
well lemma Pekin Tea Company of New Volk I.
tirely false, they having been denied even ail igeacy a
Philadelphia for the New leek Compant, that Compa
ny having refuted 'even thus far no confide ia them .1
•know nut what kinifof wool they beep oar 'what kind
Team . I
ant only certain they keeper obtain none of the'
Pekin Tea Mammary 's of New York. •
Any per mu readi‘ their card will see the rime 1
tendon they wish to practice on the patine. and to the
Injury of my Limners. 11cCalletiont k Bobd are wool
dealers in b'hiladelphi• and have rhino agent oat Lent
my all wool over dm <peen( sameof our good ettirens
Look out fora Wadi sheep: I ALES. JAVNIN
nvlndkArlf nh '
PERSONS brought not by thine/etre).
uif pon the moot reasonable WI OM 1101:11 atu
f . , put a Engiand.lllretancl, Scotland, and
mita Packet Ships only. Fortin
Ounespottilents and agent. of the British Government
have fiespently cannoned Emigrants at Home and their
(nnkatt in Amnon. Varna the *rands that are continu
ally penetrant upon them, and have alway • referred to
the well known boa. & Co, es the rigto
place for all to apply, ihey Wier:red to be treated with
punctuality and kindnein
Pantos who advents, themeelies Sole Agents for the
Black Bat We, stare what is untrue, and thus deceive
the pttblic, we profess to be Agents trot only of/the
Black Bel Lin. but every other good Line, and-Also
Canard . * ' eine. • •
Sight.D glue to any amount payable atan y of the
brandies o the Provincial or Nauonal Bents of Ire
land, Baal Scotland, 4 Ve draw 4:mown Ex
change, se do not take money and send rt, toe. East
to get Kane woe else to remit, thereby causing Itue.kes
tinddelays Let , the Brokers, k'n call upon us, and we
will aerate ate them at New Verb arse
neat( --: • Oth at. one door - below wend
THE A"?"'"'FiAnAltVralihi:4°„trr"...l2l,'
Fist attars to a Member fin one,y . ear.
The fend. are applied: Irk to the production of large
and Cowry eau" revue( which every member nue,.
copy; and nest, to the parehnie Monaural Painting.,
and other %watt of a rt . by native or reerdent aniers,
which are d.trthuted, by lot, among the membereon
December. •
Lae year 146 painung• were disinbated. This year
they will be mere numerous and valuable—mere than
130aro aimed, porehMan; and IA addition there orol
bc dint-Meted 11:0!bronze medal* of %Vasbiogran Allr
tea now in preteen. end each member will Twelve ,
two connivance—Tim Jolly Plat•Ilom Men; after Bier.
hatim and teybil,' after Hantinmen.
The undersigned Monne been appointer! Honorary-
Geeretanee Mir ihnaborgit and mein.), as prepared lo
cease cove subscriptions.
Thorn wishing to become menubtre will forward the
inter... or the aociny by damn so mimeo as may be
convenient. NV& t CA4DIVELL •
3rd Mynah opposite the Post °Mee
. G rmitazTocx
,`runtcor menet& khrm • •
-•- .
THE aubrerlber has commenced tn the city of .Pius..
burgh, the mattufacture of Pouters Ink, In all its
various bran beta!
PrOtell liktonfmn the COMM,' 1•110' Pte in want of
Inks, wootty do well by calling on the sub..; k, prost
rate to suppfylng themselves, ae they . vrtlfbe sold it WO.,
aderable redaction (mat camera once.; They cannot
be excelled in point of beauty, 'lthaca. or the excel.
lows of ameba Poet artitett they are manufammed,
The auburn." ea 114131 but behave where a ulterior
ankle Is eared Ibr ales& price,thtua satirical Induce.
mid is advanced Pt acorn, the ustrousge of all who
use Wound luta. He if altlastlillatftt ids Inks aeon
via wdt eorn .poad with the snare reprewsustion, and
would thernote milled the custom of those win feel
disposed to enantrage Cho manufaentrlng of the, article
to this chg. ,
...Orders -directed. to if Elap: es Wsidld.a .
Primers. coiner of Dlatetnad and Market mom, will be
putnetually datehluated: • • • . tartar
• • Huard! Gam Pawdlir. ••
THE andersignid have_ reduced the prieesof Ride
nad Mealy Powder of this superior staulthleture,
gaudily warntoted o nortupersed, sad will sell as los as
any good Poynter ears be boodlrt Its the market .
DmY..oad esaPloTed u the: hlaosine 11l call
eve, 0111.10:011 the customers to deliver Powder and
receive coden •
Orders *Lail th eta will illed• Immediately, oa ap
plication ar the . °Mee of J CDIOWRLI., Art
above lb. blealoorabela How, water sweet
M.D. W. Loon& Ao 11. P. Co. *evil
B ENC h I . 3 111111 . V . 3413 ,
c E 3 ,.. AN tt TY.2,1-`4„11
ISO, which la view. Its /peat ...thinly,
and eflcieney,. stmplinty of contrtatialon,•mid
the an and facility wth which It sMed by either
Boys or admits: Is 'navigably testi., to
fac t rode .II
t om.
fin dracral ase. It ta fact supplies
dAniclerstom which has tom been warned throughout
the Western States, for while asats.hits thia one-tenth
'of the pace of. the rotary sheik., one person can Shed
tenwith it. as fast a! with .y. For We at the Seed
tore, wawa' of W • • • and OM sta.
eetli . 3 N WICRERSHAM
11. SOIIN_APCIIOcii,EN, late of the 6th Ward bag
• rumored to the Coats on rent, %lately...pied.
btpir. Marcie, the first Boor below the °See of Dr..
'Colter, nod a kw door. Ogler the coma of Penn and
Hand its. ' I
flu. arrangement renders It neeesrory to bane Wm
accounts settle:lap; and for shampoo*se be tospettlem
'brioche bonds of a 061leetor. .
. . .
Those rib preke set.limt 'with the Doctor himself,
please calf= him In the course of i fess days, at
1.4.* rnldenee. t ev3dim
resAttall ' yl i alm !tees et
Pidsbargh and 'Alt.ghtsiy thst be has decided us remain
in the enty daring the 'sinter arid is prepared to treat
to din:outset ' udr enta, •ecording
to die system as practised at all Water Ceases.stahltsh
mews, far either Acute or-Chrunie dise These
wishing to avail themarten of his service. will call at
Mn. Ilinates,'Perner of Liberty st. and Evans alley.
Dr. DI his pealed aerentl ewers twit of disease in
lids city ertDi treat success, to edam* hear permitted
t to
tele r,
Car Builders, Cincinnati, Ohio,
71i*ANUPACTURD3 to order Paisenger and Preigta
LEI. :Cars or the most approved description at roman
ble priem. By means el the Catania, Railroad andßiv.
er, th ey ere enabled to ship upon rmsoriable terom In
all points in the Weil. , Thelr work will be warranted
eeskrin mISPeeN any triode Unit States.
All / bolero punctually executed.
SYRIOB 001AJLISOLZS:—.Warranted Water
- Pouf — L4 de reessitanended by Physicians as buy
sirsoste presentise-winst Colds. of 1..044) amble set,.
to in Rheumatic and Consamptreb babas, being xi
commuted m to mist cold sad enoinium they aiweg
darable texture. gram, light mad easy In My tem..
Manifaelered and wild sr holeaule byOrrrma 4 hie
Low, WillisumbriM.L. I.
A hill momnent of , Ladies. Wow for Vsksby
nett - . F II EATON RI market si
,Of even' deseiipties pronapdr exemded Ip . a super's;
tE..1.4-14% 8, 1 •
'Bnn Buildings; N. R. Cerwe Third anti Dock Soistfi
• tioin,lPhiladdpito
IXTITERE eon be bad at short notice—
►Vll Mosoofc North Alger; of all .klod 6;
' Brio and Plated liter Plates, . •
Peals for Bank; Sori.ifea,Corix.rations,
Troleamonal irianinreards ',waved and minted .
&clones In went reili for mace, are lncited to call
and examine Bpeeinsineind Deanna of lbe
den of Alasons.Odd Fellows,fenrof Temperance,
• Typo, Voundiy. • ----
• SO Geld,ooron of:heft stmt. Nee York.
lIE itabsciiWer Is premed to fonosb hood cast Typo
and Footers Materials of all Mob, at short noun
and on reasootblis ionos. •
Ptoptielootor newsy . &pelf, who here not advertised:
fat Me absevilver, mho may poblieh this notice for data
menthol will be entitled to meeive - pa) In type,on put
chum; Ave Mom the &moonier &heir bill. mlvotti•
Wee. r : "
• Old Type taken inizehange /or new at 9 eentiper lb.
. .
2 alr , slisol a, illr i4 3 2 lll 2 spielles eselq ,
• 8 Carty. /ahs whim !. ~ . ' • •
Looms for megrim. 4-4 shortioBM . •• ~
1 Strew Press for ballogetomilnir; •
Tannin' speeders; drawing frames, mots, ikm 5 Re.
oid hasereyllidor DollerN odor which will 1 , 6 sold low.
a" 0118.1artl Pin Cotlon Mill. Poubsnrh.P.
SODA 41.4/I—al cilik "calking ril per temp einem.:
td writ la Decinifser, - vin Nan/ Orissa.
711 cots of same month from ones( the beet Engll24
seenntaetursn, from bemire expett hereafter, regales
suppine, and on an astal . "lntbris co( 1.11", cind Gin.
en in this =ant" Indictments In inaChalasnf It.
tog , _ ': I ' ' , POINDEXTBII.k. CO -
.7; i r"grarg."..o -64-4 ,7 4. 4,ii .
AIR druplke goad 'Company, will be bolo u to d iTell
Room on Ikeembet Pth, WU. botwees lba boars of
and/JP. M. 1 • .111WERT, •
mr 3dia• Treuvrer..-
- -
. 4 BRAD ClACilas t 7— • ; •
JX:=ll7,,e , mm - I 4 nni=l:4ltl
with withwnirlysw...Cw.ll . and Wet Wel It OW
PinthingiShed Ohm Minot_
nyti WICKERSHAM: Pertwohn.
.01/41-4003 galls *Mar b • 11.54 Wile th& p,ae
5 bblo Tax Milt
^goaa ae In - Mre; for ale 67
.4" • • wain .14 aeer cNrryp
121.411111.7t4 bxe IWO ayd ,
yv • 100bn and
10E bail 10.11 4 .1ta1s tad Itilk Te:
cern.* Fariplile by LAMBERT&
4tIST arrived front Kew York ay Er... at ZEBU
') LON KINSEY'S New Fumy Store, No. fa Markel
Id,Da yd. Fund., amorted colon;
. grow ;Ida Dutton" for 'MM. will a
large lot of otlidt Trimmlago.
Alto, G 5 Vox oprtnallik Wove', by woolen cap. for Is.
died and ebildreN36 nor Comfit..
'All the nhoro Good. an of the .1111en•ri will
be sold low. tiny
Nano Arrivals of Goods.
Av . R. filUll r l:l4Y . haa r
tt„ lpen n totak;V: i rj ar lumprieed
;Jenny God' Goldner., • •
Dolteallna Plead,, bruin tole.;
Criburg Cloth.. Nazarina blue and drab; •
Drab ralparma Lour.;
' Rich punted CashmereM• I •
• Flay rissiblUo do, .
• Drab
_d o ,
Clutrareable Turk
. Inst. Fltatmba Dunne Very nebn
Bride. as aswirtmerd of.Lsee Capen,mandleinork col
lux, Emma &W.., nu' Bonnet Dui. and }Ebben.,
•¢"...v.nci3-113'M rartb-can earner of 4th and mar ,
ht.l Ch. coca/
W itlrat , r i e il t i tratX.Xn eintralid Lot of Clothing, :which
Dfaik. tonsil) trad'bine ' Llt7e?eb — th, Dent •nd Drain..
. 111•11 k, bronntbhie andgreen Fact and Dra•ineu Coln,
Sat. etralb vAuid ramyw;
Bask and'hise eirath Cps kiti
Pilot and blaniel. ,
Veen of altklnili; Omar* and fonatti
P/Mocut of cDPlenripboac and everything pertain...
k d boar Iranptess.'
. eft - Neer : li MAYER
GOl:llllC—Flarat Blot ./Llptiteca Luzro4
A) noted blaillk Alnaren Lona{
Rest do =ban do, '
'French nulled Farm:ulna I:butte
Indrauci enchanter;
' %Dwaine;
F iore Ft•oeh Gas men D'enotwc;
Ron Eugtish dot
' littch new trayntraney - dot •
!lent.). unlatch Pane !anustel inn DT:title;
Fme !Trani. rand loony do.
very gtrad nrp.nuarot of above goods opening cod
An UMW,/ to the trade, by
• trao k tra wt.; tra
li t f tN itir
K14711-inst received direr' from the Men
Beam. blue 11letikets;
Whitney's 11, 12.1.1 and 14 quarter Blankets;
Rochdale best family , do; -.
/Mend and thorn, best thorn,, de; •
Country - made ___, do;
Common plaid and ninth - do;
Negros ono tense do.
- The above ire decidedly the bust lot of Blankets that
have ever been brought to Bittsbuthh. than and lite
throb it ROMISSON'S
nr: inh et, one duar behove wood
._..- -
119,179L5—A A PIASON Co. Mt market bevel ,
reSceived the ma
extertsme assortment of shawl*
ha be Mond in this etty. In addition to the tsarinas styles
of Catheter,. Turkevt, Waal Plaid.Thct. nett, tke,
he has received a new nyte of Wrench long Shawl., a
antele and very tashionable , novlo
CcoimusGs- A. A hi AWN Pa Co, hid gasket at.
meite the anent:tin of purchaser. to theft extensive
Cmock of One, Itsaniti and Clark Limed Cloths for
loaking. in., to Mtn uasonmenti of Englialt as
French Casisitheres. • novlo
111611.11i0t3 —A A MASON b. C.
- r will open this rimming t 9 pea sir French Merinoes of
the beat duality andinton deamaloh• color.. Alanto nu
of ;bows rely neh Cashinerea. 02 Market at .finvltt
Eitist/lON e have ova oilseed a
El large assonatent 14 4, 21.3. 3) and 4 inch black
Silk BeWon Frames. Also, Wheat en.( Head, tbaw
Ilead died Silk, .4 two bealy enure., tegetber with
an awatuaeat of cut 'silk eoloma; terser by
siva • aIIACKLY:IT ‘l7/ILTE
re Lol'llB—.lol seemved a small las of black, blue
c a.. ,; / .r ls . ro7ll. 3. d . rts,&praresl and pau'd . [(gayer Clothe (for
Banners Coats siasioel3 w ill be made to order
the Igen stylus 14
.ivrons , rgo GOODII—Boys and Idisst'es Beek
V V Cows, Cloak}. Polkas. Pelermem, Clifton Caps,
Opera cam lip ot ..s.rryesnar and paslern
amta as • lactp?
7SollllC—Ladle;i:di Alpac Flo ra ; abia, lamb. wool
1.11 and Cadman, dm al., . Raney
aney and span Silk do:
aim, Lama and TbMel do very %awing. An :vont.
meatflow opeq g dry goad. bow. of
t • L ' Illasi
as keta add Sheath
Txr• R. MURPIIY h reserved a
sahasa gad—eonllutag a am
ad-assi , npertortlankca. and Sheath
Wash Tsalst atsudth-east parser of Fr
. and barred Flannele.'
AA ad/Janne)) supply freely.) from the manufae.
tare's. Alfa, a few piece. low priced Cats inetrr . for
• 401
03.wnal ft
- - --
IllifiTS—raibionoblenhins with winding .4 rol
ling rr
-coUorniuree'd from indwell Establlshrontw
§c - w
Yorknfor solo fly " nr9 F R FIATtiN
errizirace , neorn.
Fourth Sired, Lefaxen 111,4 and Markel, nearly'
. opposite Lorimar, zeliange Office.'
otalmeLber bar. mate We MOP ample arrange-
J. meal, for tbo comfort or those wko wool the mooing
of hatkordg daring die rinser rumen. Stoves of ample
dunedlioncktave bean pieced in the room. of th e :Bath
Bove. "?• • • ibetirtj 11 rAs/110:11
• Varela". /Onebeistfor
' DILLS on. England , refund, end' thertlend bought to
JU any *mount et tho_Current Rates of Exobanpro.-
1.1.6,-Inenn peyeble pn too pan of the 0:d Coorates,
(rpm Li In et ttrf - rete of as. to the S. Pierhng,
wididat deduct:an or &trout, by . 1081 1UA.RULtIfe-
SON. Ettropetuf and Cheerer ligrnt,ollseei Oth et-,ono
door oreetofroood. • - • ' oelletf
„ TIT ANJED—,7I,OOO lb. reed clean. Rai+ ...Amer'.
& V Y a“;:wirfc 4ll.ll4 : 4l :is b V:.l l, fz , fiTfa, ' ?ltil ' ,7 ` tu ng . ,: k.
worre 'between been liberty j
' C'll. Bishop, retainer, Stergans eau
be, t
at hi. Ilaneahoelna Establitbrealb
e Pr;b7
• • "21. R Ouala:bus Line..
ryttEloffartber will nin ilia two Ilionlhatea every
.I.•daY (Sundays aseeptcd) to and 11.31 Lamellar.
vile, leaving' the biannual thear.Urdon at) He has
eatefill Invert and treaty alletilion paid w plimatigent.
Thanatromaga Or the publio, retpeetfully rot leant
oen9.llln! /AMIN DAIN'-
r.IdaIr • 4.4 Oil CirrPr;
dad f ”rdo wide, heavy article; ••-••
WO I"' • '" With bonier. of viatica. pat
wrils,lint'rec'd from ilia Phillipwille Irdeloryi for rale
alder wart wow, woed it
we. • • • • ••.:- J t ireitua:lrs.
o.7oll4llolC—Tho witacritier 111.102 lewd tbe large
lOwarehoissofoccopled by Or. C. U. Hovey, Pio. 0 Coo •
'menial Raw tiro oatrprepated to wore oo Owwnbte
toms. n =kstore4 with Um are enistantly tovered
by . • J JORDAN & Riff
ow.lB b.:l, - le librl7 sy Opr.ble he'd or Weli.hfi.l4
W ler• b ri4dc7, - India Rubber iobareo W.
1401 .4 1 11•1 The rale itint - aa?a •P ano d garglitt '
2N,4 ••• - '• • • J
Wallas to any moan.
vam ittogl or
eu t
sa PrV m atri C paid
. i fe: thediffere
~;f4/o,94,l6wisir''o,l,o4cliT.ll 4 1 0 allay
anexvt.s, - suAWLS.
A LEXANDER & DAY, Market at, N. W. corner
of toe Diamond, have new received from the large
auctionnalw at New York cad Philadelphia, the lazge.t
mad moor splendid assortmentof Shawli, which 'OM].
have ndbilett hn this city, among which may be found—
Splendid Firnch the hend.meat ribber.
nee canrgoeliticaimponed.
iSplendiirltrodba, (all waS.) seine of the EPUt quiet.
lies. and Monbtainnul decigus ever olreicd in this guar.
-Splendid Tartan French Plaid, fair wool./ a new .4 •
bbeautiful artele.
iSnPerfinc Ciotti, plain and• cmhtoidered black aad
mode e.olors, with heavy bullion fringes, a moat; ar.
Ucle. •
f .
Thiber Minim, plain and embronled black andkcode
odors/wan heavy bilk fringes
' Super FIRS* Guneleon Silk, very heavy, and unser
parsed for nehness of style and quality.
Super black Chipman bilk, rich article for plain
' A large arromment of cheny heavy woolen Shamll,_
pleids.plain rind emb ro idered, adapted to country aides..
A Ivrfe inartiod of the above goods have been recently
pnrehated m the large peremptory Auction &lea in Pi.
ork and Pbiladelpeia, at remarkably low prices, and
will now be told at great reduction for regular stilt,
The ansonon of ',helmet buyers is invited.
I entlemen's FarnishlOg Goods.
13" tt E. TODD have this day received &wet from
al. the mane:headers, aid ore r for said at New York
I case of thaw, Braze Superfine Shirts
expressly for out own sales and warranted well
• e.
I corn of /lemony and Melina under Shirt., wrappers'
• and•DraWene, some veryfine. ' •
I cue Bosom and Conan.,. baling Biesoms with Col
- '
tar ettached.
1 cue patent swivel lout So
too nomeroun-to meneanfi
Salo Bow and Plain Bali" 8 ".
Bombazine bow and plain Bombazine Stocks.
em2SetinTaz. rich eulk and own Crai...with
one case of low peered Shinn which we am_e4o
quality have never been surpassed in price in thin oily".
We intend to close therebove Goods off by the paeknge
and would collihe alteration of Purchaser. to oar stock
Of Goods ; knowing that 'low pnen will Insure them
speedyrale.! H 2.Ni-TODD
• °erne 20 wood sr, op stain, 2 doors below inlet
adcri., with other Goo&
iinclading blk sad fancy
French Cashmeres, ke.
TIT - R. mu RPIII" has open (hill ruorobtkaonso thud
-1 some style. of Freuelseashmerea purchased at
Auction Sales of French Gos
ooheduring his recent visit
to Fattens Cities, whirl/ sold sauctt reduced
p pees. Alp,, handsome styles of
Plant Masan .1k Laines„
Nero hoSd do;'
Chancea Fre
ble Zone Patina t
• Block do, •
Embnadered Lmantines;
An addinonal seedy of
Takeo Shairthowd .
Super Plaid Lonprithowla;
Desidemsuppltet of , staple. roods, such ilonneli,
tihin M
iur ashes, ttio;eungs; 0...
irrWholesole Rooms op VA., nacho= corker of
4th and market sta.
Long shawls: an.
IV R. MURPHY uptadd yesterday a fest very
V I' . pen. plaid Long Shawl*. a sent, and desirable
article. Mat, black umber Lucre. nob black, and vary
g1...r; alw,
Fancy Plaid do;
. Plant Cann stooped do;
, Fine blank Panueuos;
Guano° Woo do;
Mork Do Jo Fiench Ate too;
- do;
Drab Al paccas and Parmettoth
Male Cashmeres, of .All.
_l37 . At northeast corner of litt and Market Its. orb
- A. A. jltason 4 CO. 62 Markel ..trcel,
ARE now opentng.3 more cases of than rich Cash
there, and Oregon Plaid., $3 pea Galia Plaids of
the latest and mott oe:trable style.; m pea cotton and
silk „erste Alp:teens, SI pelt Mohair Plauls and tames.
Philds for Ladle. , Dresses.
J UST received by crtpre-s from Plalodelphot and N.
fork, • lame assortment of the fullawsna new style
dress goods. of die fairest qualibes and most beanufel
styles, al prices greedy reduced:
Jenny Lind Plaidsi
Victorra "
. Dirk Tartan
ALEXANDFTt & DAT, 7d.matkel it,
nvd W oar of the Diamond
h; eueply of
.opeom,, medium,
tinge (mut one to
'aorta and Martel
- -
HAT - ft:Hs. •
Corn . a. of Rind anti lifM. Sfrettz.
HA.VE reeeivi-d ;heir Antonin ' , yin of Date, to "Wen
the; respectlidly Invite Rio auennon oCreeir r asTn.
Men and citizen.. generally. el f
Sell Style ants.
cCALLAI/ ha.just rrecrvea a bezintiful slkek
4or Stele & Conine. Fall atyli. liw. which Wri
nehnets and lustre cannot he satiatatell Call at RIP
Hat Si ore , Ulairbield IL. and
sec them. ocIIP.
A llA'r PED/TFAITOR..—Th e rob... Titter will
tiltrinlaee on natorday, C/in.. cnO. Gendearen
anolunt a bat tried inlet nr.o kw ruble article will please
call and exain inc.-
ALFRED REEVIL, Pr - anneal tlattex, '
bend of ionzesd at
- •
' .400 RE hasseerived fnrin Near. York, ILO F
stile of lists ash ieishe vtll itutostatee this day. naturday,
Augdd AJI those irk want of a new sod caper... hat
arotao 'realm eta' at No 75, Wood Suer, Od door
aboaelth. . agri tsi
Fell Vaahl 847. -
4BEEBE CdtITA WS tittle GentlemenGll
~ ...,„,.rodocd KE/IVIL..'t on Therminr
Allen 27:1.. Gentlemen wishing n cheep, ash.
. /enable II at of Pittsburgh roanufinnune ahead of
faeltionlble Hats Imported ud sdnertiee4 by mime ol:
the trade. please call at. KE.EVIL & Co's
ame*llf IR, bend of W
JUST received from Neer York, dm thda
me, clyte 'for lit.. co.tettng WinnAL
Beaver, Petal...l Whine French 14.11intre Flitrovidi
Ventilarors. Those in w.t of a beautitial.lidbt HSI are
rcepecirally larded ro end. S MOOR.
rnYde 75'3vocil st, 3Jcorsabove
AIWILLIAM 1/61.kiLiAtiLas lad rceetV;il . 74
frb %apply of liinecold .4 Vole 140
Gleredeupe, dew styles.
EAU, fine Fr.. Mulebkir
1,01 -
. 'WILLIAM LlOUtilartat, - •
CONTINUES to riannufacturc, and keopilt
normally oil hand, ct e.t vorniy of thus
and Copt at the lAlet l / 1 171n,11114 pfler, very low td
70 Woodrow... East Wde. _
APP PS nor ono., teal and Coat Copy,
jort lA band at'AleCALl,Attl'a Farlboaable [ bat
ttiere. atottongahrlAlltatte. uCtILI
if - -
— ILO - 11l AND ULAT O CAI -!aple-A,ll4•lmon
‘,lment and "pm yunety 01 st)la ?:tiCALLAAPS,
klottoniralscla !feu.. • octl9
.• - - •
DANILICILS., =GUANGXI: ituoirsi4s,
Fonnh NI, nearly opplente the Bank of Plusbarkh.
CURRENT MONEY zecelved on Deposits—SW
Cheeks rot sale, and eollhetions .. marle on heady all
th# A Prin l ' arg S e i s
ifTr i e n ur ' l in
i di p; t (l 4o 3 r e L r t e a l t kn e s.
and Ame a,
• Advances made on eousisseneins of Produce, shipped
Zags, an liberal lens.. suctilb
- • CopAressershick
JOREPII - 111. HILL, rime or the firm ofaVm. A.
Hill A Cos/ and WA!. C. CUR RV, ituteo(Erie, Pad
have entered Into Copartnership, on& r th e name of
lIILL A CURRY. for the purpose of carrying on the
Ranking business in all Its brunehei.
No 65 Wood streeL three doors below Fourth. west/
s'de-wherelhey solicit the euktota of their friends and
the public generally . " BILL
mebli NYM.'"C CURRY
JOSEPH 11, mu- mu. c . CUIILLT.
nu.t. t cuanr,
No 65 Wood street. third door below Fourth. west ride
PAR Fund. and Currency received on Dep.:mite, and
collectms made on aitabe princtpal Cities in the
United Bones. ."
Sght Eachanie en Bill/Start, Philadelphia, Near
York, Boston Concinnsti constantly far sale.
Quo, kronen. Kentucky. Vtrginia and Pennlylrania
Bank Notes, bought and eold.on fneorable tents.
Eschanga on England, Ireland, Germany And France
- -turbid
• N. 110/41ES 80i6
trackkage sad Dealers Ire Exchaage, Colo
&JIB Doak Notes,
Uo. SS , MARIE? ITUCCT, P 117380801.
hlelling Rites Fschanke. Buying Rum
New York, I pr. Cincinnati, I die.
Philadelphia, do Louisville, . 1 do
Baltimore, , • do' St. Leas, - Ido
Baying Rate( Bik,' NOTES. Buying_BureE
Ohio. I dis. Co. tr. scrip Orden., Idi
Indiana, kdo Relief Now, "do
Kentucky,-. Ido Penuylvarda•Cy. " do
Vianhrei I do New Yor , •
do Wheeling, Ido New Or ,
Terimace, ' Ido Muylar
8ANK.141,11, EXCLIANOK naorszasi
en) Dital.S. I 1 •
M.-64 , Mod &roes. ona do, 4Ns et ' Rosy*, Eat( s'i4s.
0c:.9) Piltsbar h, en.
B •
in Foreigo.and Domestic DiCs of Exchange; Ccrith
cams of Degosite, Dank Notre and Coin, cemer - dt 3d
end Wood lateen direclgoppostio et. ChaelcallotoL
rIOLLECTIONIfte Newt,. and Iterepeit
li en. tte7eble lo asy'prt at the theca, eollevede
the met tayansble tenew . N1104511-SS SON
Pent :el market •t
ECGII ANGIC—New York, ritiladklphLa aud
tokaraktiy for salt,
0e129 N HOLMES k SON
. - • _• _ -
ii•XCIiSAGE7W - In ra;Plitlailetriata, ...a
1.4 tlat•to.sre. at •slat, at so to ns to fnqinuelazisnyeon.
statalY S 4 tsta by HILL do CURRY.
.011 ' wood street below fourth.
mot of ducatuthiti the ate, of
HILL & cunar,
NortS vttori nLcri.,w !mirth
COLL PaCTION S. mall the prinetpal cid', to the
Untho t ettalle tty lIILL h Minn'.
' octl . l_ •t wood at (north.
DENSB - 171TVANIA, oniu, tmnano, &e 1...). ana
1 virginal, eTty Ciiy Onle ra c purebaoc4 ai
redacedra:ca of N 1101. Alf, rharN
.nag le Imre limier, SY SI at kat n
at: 23UflACti111riR °trent for *Mr, on easy lamas
./.0011. of tb¢ most destrable Real kiklute in the oe4h
borhood of this city,. follows:
1 Two Brick beeves, lately et ected, cannoning eight
room each, finished n fashionable modern wile, and
comprebendine•cvery cousenlemie. They are each
*Minted en lots one hundred reel in (Mut, on npublic
stria nod running bock one hundred and ten lest, to •
30 1 (oot kernel. This property will be mold at nearly the
value of she ground on which rho bon:Susan. termed, as
the owner In Mom leasing the city. Part of the par.
chase money man moon in the bands of the buyer for
• lerm f veal. elo mire an oppormilry of.lenaLog
-chimp and delightful reside:3m. isi3Orthy of
V. Seamaflarge and bentinfelly mimed building lots,
for private residences, will he :odd low on long credit
3: A lot about 100 feet tquare, between two stioets,en
wßich Is erected it tdiren awry brick I.u•lddig. GO by 07
fem. with an engine' Arnim and engine attached, new
anJ in complete order. These building* Writ pPi lap
for manufacturing purposes, endure admirably adapted
04 cotton, woollen, or paper manufmtnw. 'The prop
orty willbe sold at a barman, nod a fowl of the par.
chase money may remade on a ten; of years.
The above, rawly is ell situated in Allegheny City,
' and is worMY of lye &Mention of the pnli lit, The hub
neriber ran be seen nt the Miter of the Garette,ovety
Eisendon between the hoot. Ofir . iitht and wit, and Meth
nee or hie moms at Mrs.llny's hoarding home, 80- Wneon's new Row, federal et. rAldegloiny City. •
merlin/ Ant. for the Caine,
Valuable Ohio River, .Property for
yr:utt e r s
day of Novamtier next, on the Drennan., thet splendid
IPARlLiately the propetty of said decemid, situate
Crook counroMis, on the Ohio ilmor;,l,rretly opposite 1
the town of Wellsville, 11, conustfling about 10.-tsferes.
On thopropertym • large. commoilmm ite m Medi
liftVf7ous.„ storie•high, conveniently arranged and
in excellent tomtit; attached are all the Mitatoutbui Id
ts ai&so, Iwo good Apple Orchards. The bottom land
l cleared and under good fence. and nhout43 news
of bill Nod is cleared and under fine state of cants-a
tt.. On drip pit:perry there 41 an ntionilancenf the
very . besPlStone FiOnrila beautiful
piommity to the town of Wellsville, 0 .11 Mot ton
much to say that this in one of Om lamer desirable farms
ihrOhio Bayer.
Por further dencripdankoppliratinn•ean be mad, 10
Levi Illottentinto cilia/11r, 0., or Washington Deo
nn, Wen Ilminthon, or Then Ilamiltoo at the Wellsville
Ferry. Term. made known on thoday of side,
A Iland•otarly bandied boom cabin:het street.
nient oreapied .by Dlurnnd apied bAlo. gs • Deguetreozype ertablisto
Alto, a well finlrhed and well ferat.bed Room, e•O•
able for soeleure. luboininzlhe llall of the, blercualle
Library At...diem. Elutaaro al Philo I
Ogee, market al. betoref n tel le 4tb
' CO it I a d
• Q
EVEN acres Coal Lir for Lend tole, eitunie in bend of .
Qt. the hlononenhel&River, above Ilrownwille, Pa, tar
tan veto of 7feet Coal, whielt will to Kid in exehange
for goal. For particulars apply to
.25 b kiV lIARUAUI; :utrood.t
11 , UTA2 - ,"A larg, cunnodlour, and wed tin.
felled, three staiy brick lean at.,
half way between Unction alley .rat Wayne et
Posse-man given Mundt lately. For pe rti Warr enquire
et the °Menet It' W WALLACE.'
*Alf „ liberty et
FOR /14LTY..
21 I WILL roll lb* House .nd lan when: I now
reticle on etephenson sweet, eh SVanl, at a bar.
gain. For particulars enquire army Brass Foundry,
Front sl. above Iltimd,or oathn nrernans.
:nadirs ll A LLAGIIIHR
N MANCIIEKTER FOR !have: for onle
lhearti(el Ddlldlng Lot In Alanchester i nenr theFory i
1.1 r et tient by ItAt fretreep. It will be told low, and
on neecimmodellng tem. - Teams iinexerptionta i l i ,
inyln IU.MICELV. Peel Vcinte Arent
la -THE 3 Story Brick Worehourt, No. St w a ,,t
strentund No. 103 Front it. Immediate pumMlion
`iron—apply no the pftnthics.
ir2.ltr o I.F.XANDF,Ji GORDON
n COUNTRY EsioicncE. .
HAVING tetnevetl In the eny, roe eone e ,"
Professional Itunness, I svtliSent the Alansion
Illonss,apoi Its immed Ca enclosure, waita on the bluffs
of the Alamos:theta, one mile above Pittsburgh. .
anli.lovetf ' • JAMES ft Marl'
1.171.ngy iinaggla Kant idir4 ouspassir
'P l Z e gjrNt i ent7:Ndo;:inot"lk,FAßl. 111, A
l a - i 31 '
Town Dalt in the boreash.of wonown, for toe gra!
drea and 'emery upon Oboist 40 mire uf the Tenor-ri
ven,. Rail Road, extendina Wow how, Evetion 20 to
neer Lewirtorro. " ' •
Piero and - rmelleationa of the work can be-seen et
the shore ranted Wearier, tree daye prenatal torke time
appointed for reaming the bib. .
Aoy farther lektrreauen ean Le had upon aopheatuas
Fester, at taw, AP:OOw Eent REIOLIcE eeir at Harr
aTlUNdelid , • Prwrident.
ra - IrDe
INT. a AAa MELL'q Los. , 1 . 4 . 2 °MU
JJ, to Ifiewarrs Beiteling. stwat..weend door
lamina wood 44 Pittrbersh. Pg.. • • • ' -
D. W. Dell, Commintoner to idle Pepwillane, Ae.
knowledvatente of Deeds, oadithirlasireetwow of owl.
Wet in Pirreoliir • r, 014414,
ITALI7A T Nr.. , IIISTORIGA ' .33/.74
V PR 111 , tweet oiliantaciy, eatl4a
ite ink History, Anagaides Rad Natural Carioaucc
Gtograpineal,etatishealatad Geological Description%
vithaeeedotea of tilitteraished Pioneer., aad vitae than
nn hundred Gritcaohmal-ziketettes: of alenagaithed
tineectr.traria, setteirnen, JIM.. Lawyer., Di
ince, .4e... le. .hy: aired •fonir engravioar. Br
Lnarie Cori 414; Idar of the ALaystille battle. Wean!
large Dula
taut or, I.
• (hailisiorr of the' Stalk Pow the •
.. An Otrtiine pert.
its Cllll[l.l OcAleAtellt to Lae close of the year 044—by
John A PVC:ans. Fsq..
,dieocrahhical and Siattstical descrptions, Africa'.
tura' ite.siorce.s, Octangle.' Formations' and Miners]
We alaf.. 1 . •
3.lllisiostcal Sketches sod Smisties of the Yellen* de •
nominations' of Toranerds, with hketches of Poorer
• 4.;1t general new of the-etnantielhalphabetically art
evaded; hastr boundariew. fare of the coontry,cbaracter
of the .oil. ample podaela, ataxia:us de; with a de
sedation of raeireluw, towns, and wllageo.• Together
widr,a fall dewnption,aintet be beads of the townie.
1b.,. arrangl.d, Of tppggion haules, slitmadteg;
renertntreataneedoerforborder interentog m
e. Alto, dere rildiona "(nail:rat eanordle...long
them, the ensharooth cove. the tetatte,l natural wander of
the *arid; and desettplitina of Ancient Remains,ild
fort!, masa', ware yards; dc.
nyearrsplieni sdatehes,and skelchey of character
of heireeen wanant# two j hands ed frioneers, soldiers,
sh. , 'lhentinnsth,lawyeral diatom/le,.
To be issuCd in 'November next.
J. A. t Ol f...114ME5, Pablshen.
I • Chaelianall
ATATIONAL MAGAZINE for December and a'
AI tremendous assoneoeitt of new works received to
II A-Nu:tera..
• C.lavar; dr, The Rntglat l of the Gitiquesh a =epee
of Beek, by R Itl Bed, Eq./_
Oar Array.. Monterey,:by T B Tjairpe. with <NBA
vmee and a /nap drawn,bytent Benjamin,'
The ; Cheinptons of Proodeee, by Samuel Weed-.
worth. : I •
Ronlin ,h 4 [loner, by E. Ifewud: Ballet/by Capt.
Nerrytat. r ' •• '
The Hall ind,the Hamlet, or Scenes and Charameis
of country Ere, by Gnats= llowitt:
The hatted, in IsAVigw-amor characteristics of Gs
Red Race' of America, by /I IL Petacleraft.
The Li /a old Adventures of Jon-ph T Hare. the bold
Robber and Ifighwayotaiverith IG elegant illustrativeeolvavintest y Ite anther of John A Harrell
• The Iwo Nark. or the Days of Tyranny, translated
bun tho brehrk of Vgeusr Hoge. •
The Beau/I/al Freept Gir • story of Grail./otter
-, founded ort facts. reel •
"'matte n.
tat a: very loy:
-- The o x.uun at. Canis.
Ortuoml if,. Avenger, by. drt author oi•GSlauf Tom'
The COISI p Coafectibner. Partly ibok.ard' Baker,
Or Parkinsan:Practical Irecifectioner: •
Blackwood'' , klagartne for October: • c..•
L'oelPinifice Age. Ns thi
Taylor's Abner !reporter for November.
'A [my, &Opt.' candid ktough and Beitly;4l‘ , .
complete,rooprtruent or 'ahem. fur safest •i'.
Smithfield at.
_n doors abokodd.
'Ai. Hones Grand Plane.
RECEIVED recently , noon the Piano Forte
'toy of llcnri Ileva'Pani.otte er. his elegantittese
wued.emi-grunil, premium Piano Ponca six and three
*manor. octave; romps.. of key hoard, elegantly fin.
tithed la eve PT psnienlov, and of rapt granulite tone
and touch. Piano to provided with a coublC boa
frame, rivingladditionlil strength to prevent niacin get
ting out of tune, owl fintshgli with elegantly carved
meelding., all in the linen.? is [mama
Those 1•Oo are smacqUaintedlanh the reimive =Dime(
different Piano forte., and cannot:ridge of We nicer:roof
tone and much, are regrettully referred to the cannon.
of Professor Holitork, Mr John C Mowry, Tench.' of '
re piano (unit Mr S I amenity W Evelson, and etla.
roc who have( riammeil thiintano fonr.. The above
named gentlemen,and all other. who have . exannited it,
hove pintionndrillt to he, not only inlintmly voperior to
.i b b r e at o t il l a v i , ij i aZd t eno. ,... fio n. iv . in esem miry, bat ta
The above Piano lorta rap Pala' at DM, being 9{ll
handred end twenty less than the sande at
tier baa been aold for in Philadelphia and N. Yerk,uu
of thi.impastation. Tenn. cash only.
JOHN 11 hIELLOII.SI. Wood stl,
B .
• of the Gerona language, mysientavally arranged
oa a new !Alai brief, compnatensive and practice!, by
Carper J Beleke. Prolewor of the German language and e atorem Mt fit Mary's Oofegn,Emmeoaborg, Md.
Belekeli!Gervan Reader; a 'berman reatlegforbtta.
neat compi led,and arranged by Casper J Bela, :
• 011enderffliNew Method of leartuag 'a rend. vitae,
and *peak the U nnona Language, hi which in added a
ayetematio on ine of Gordian Gritianiar; by G.l Adler,
A. 8., Professor of the Gcemod language and !avatar*
in the traiversity of the city of New I ark.
Endlith arid American Dictionary; an A mariestbi e
tionary of the German Lamm:age annEnglikh Langiaage
containing all !he words at general ese,•&e: PRI D .
Rivet. i
EnheileSs rinnit Phraio Medi phrase hodk
Eitsetish m5460=111 web a Iratranslation of the
German into Final:sit, arranged an the phut cilia Diction
ary: by Monts htrtheiler.• •
The ware, Itigethet with an assortment of Denim
Testaments, school books and tr.lWions works for sale
! Tosksellers.eor market& dd Its
gore New Books.
11111R:Rookh. kml Reuly Ann.! for PIM IF , awe.
moss. !
Poems by Henry Howard Brownell..
lasty. for IHIII various viers and kindi:
+ roes Poeural Works, new odbcm; complete is
octavo vol. I
*lekls worksl ! Sl vols e inilbeantifel oetarom &heap.
Boys , AmonmElook. • ' '...
la and .J pun. orthe Po of Henry 4th lingo! Franco
.4 Hamm.
Illalrenziels Miscellanies; complete in
„3 parts. --
1-elanWo Drenical Wrilers. -
C::::::1 , il.illiall for the , prapiel - nd 4o Fyclape
d:a Culleh Litei.ture. 7
Sew Beek - '
lOHNSION t STOcF'TinN. have just me - rived the
et renewing neve Booki: •
The Ltle" oflinery the elk Reif of. Prance enkNe.
vane; Cj e Y R:lnenes sp..
The Aleteelleneetts Week; henry htaltentie,Etql
thtre edition: paper, in 1 p
, The Epp' Atppp:pi
55 55eUt turn] tat iaid
31111er—wish 351 ,
he I.'l aysule ! f ro.. or 'b. bud of Gomez; a tele of
the eathett Wu; by Capt E S =man of • the 314 Reg.
• , . .
ITTASIIINGTOSrand the Gin irals of the AtioriCan
V V Revelatory`, complete in vcilismen, rink aareett
Imilrmr• ateeli tool puk,liolozsl briCan•yik.
To in it no entirely distinct work from Iterolleyls .W nth.
tenon end hi. tinnet non,l andlig a review in the Hae..
'me, World' It is roach own favorabitapolan ono%
brawl:we newspape r , vormfoo.
Jon received and for ale hy
evl I • I
eutorr tscrAsu
w Skelesala and latial:
7 -7
iliffiscriass have on hand dai. - v4,nppl) or
I school Snots, comprining the 'nations kinds is coo
in the enlaces, Academies and Common Schools in
Weaern . Pa. and Ohio, which' they offer at very low
Prices to Gortinny Merchants and , Tertellien wbo bay in
quanutins . •
Al wars an hank large sootily of smiling and letter
Paper, Q . Us, Ink Slate., Steel pens, ht./tn. Also, ms;
hand, a 1141 amen:ant .Books for 'Sunday
to ,:
puttlishedlloi the :American Swans School CUL", for
sale in the Thilaalobia pores. (Catalogues of We pas.
'Winans famobndtgratis.; The' t Lamina Medina and
Law /looks; oa itari4 A," sale
pane. fir earn et
in exchange tor fined linen and - nottostßamt avesult
nra ; marker al,berwaen ard & Sth Gat'
.CHICKERING—Out eptetoLd Rote.
trot tin and a hattentare Asori Forte;
fflotadt oy Chieketinr; Dolton: • •
CR R—Onn rennorre cut rioectr a le,frroo the muse:
bT Gzlek. Co , N Fork. ' • , tunbecitny Cl octave. • ,
yoDoarr, Nein York—One
,ekrato Pomo, riZ or.-
tar en, has been anyd about one year; price SOUL •
an excellent • ecOnd - ,band Pomo, ovule Es Looi
Hmtheric in gad order. - • 3100
One second haul Piano • a So
For •ol • II MELLOR
St wood =nem ,
ti , upenor Ivory,foldem; .
- Wetting Sand arnietand Dazes;
Wafer. and warm. cops;
ftwan nit Pen ,
Parenjmn pump laketands, ;
Intwitits. cannon Mod% .
Porcelain Slams
Mathematical nramsets.hLam Al 10 $6.60 preset
Cap and pc. Oyler:11141 a and ruled; pat eap paper, line
lever and wits paper, Muer and aota nnvelopea, IVetylt
*lately a very fine tinier; muting emits, pima batitnem
cards, writieg dint, black, blue; mil, .e rtes
; and ear
cm:wipe:re ram:: earn paper, colored papern ro r pamplt let
covert, Oman papcm, Am and Kohl paper, hamlet
The above wilt batty crudes in ti e M
ationery rum
Nitrate by— 1 Jl. READ
crem I tm near Market
,{ORF. NEW BOOKS—The Indian in his Wigwam
M.L. or Charamerietice of the. Rod Race of America
I, yII R betmolcratt. • •
Thelion Meek, or Ma dava of TYiimmyt by Victor
I loco:lrene/mod iii•A Brenner.
flena EilierelL °litho Gaston Bcammress. •
The Land Pirate; or the MAW 001 of the ,Beach.
TIM Champion of Freedom, or the Illytitctioas Chief,
founded, oil the etteitlh of the at war aim Vilest Bri
tain; by Snm'l WoOdwortia. WM SCALD YELL
009• , I 38 et, oppositeilhe Post OtSca L
Airosac , • s *ow 110011 8.--sft — fleihm — r,.
IVA ma novel by P R „Weer, Pe,mlll mate. •
Xeriffa, or the Trilmtph of Liberty.' I •
Christopher Tad pole,.FY . A.lbert South. , •
e 9, ot=ol, o s f lat t iol:y l V i tZal a ;
, ieet!
Legend, of blesem by Geo. o..uppeinit bah only ,
rilegarams fur October. '.ltitmehlta c; just recamadly
.r..) • • • Ilefdat,Yr ate poet office.
#l.• Oenelali
Nnpolron apa hl4llarabalr t:L % i v
I F ;rli eaj'bY
y3 - ENyty KLEMM, Dealer io eamtere Piano. Fortes,
11. it .7 IV WooktwellB,No. 85 Third Street. The
P l / 1 301may be exammed at all boon'multbesabieri•
ber will be. there (ma II to IA .
and from 4 t.S.
P. M. aseh day: Phuh'i3Octoher /11, 40
IVIA the oodersigited, would ieform the eitiZens of
Pittsburgh and rieittity that 'we have:appointedAlr. IL
Sier sole Agent hlr %VatternPennsylvania, for the.
Pale our Piano Pones, ham whom Mmy may be ob.
ceiped aeon own [Mew Yorkl Oneeo.
.111516-oefttif •
. *tad e Wrstot•
A RPLENDll)suiotttnial of Rosewood and Mahar;
e tt a Lttimla s. e i tpn vita tottalle Flatne,la.d
Aluch uplendlci noteuroollPianau,wltltColeinacen
celebrated ~Eolian attachment, hnished In the clammed
Fn *Vint ' , ad fer. util eat P lILLIMEht
Ic l3 It 4 wood meet 4 stunts /duca Sth
CI'S PIANOS-3 . 0t the ass
CVA K rated Just_ ree'd; t r sly bY
nvi I JUL IN Ma1 . .011, 61 wood et
11 . RA !lAN'S Tt. 'AZIND—A gond Pm, will I:41
paid for the Innis ly And April narAliir ofl4ls &In
tame j CALDFELL,
• Dyli ;Thiel it, oppenil, Post Mks
AN'exer.inna F rl well quali4o. and Otto can Firs
tho nen teCoannonditooty, AvntliC, place au a
senmeuraa. renanornt employ is'46.stred to . comp
Food (may inat nio.s the . cox. ingiunrat t6anem.
mbiedban Iwo
ussaciatrd illampetwas ander Oa a at Mamma..St
921:111.0 Am the
IrboLosaLs Growry awl
Caanalsaiea bav at aara, 0.19 Float Urea; pommy
.Ataia.Aa&Walaat ancitartlootti itdo. ainalantl , -,
• • .11714 11 !MIRAN
pswelitll wij iftriarcaio 11*7 pawn -{.l Aasser known bo me OkOsanao Ilidithiothhosl who
g,;3•=v4 C1iT0:74r 4 s f
Hoots. : • - f.-
• • •
Giooers nod -Tat; Deralies. f• •
TEA ColllPAliir. • -
No. 3S Ninth Front Stneet.Pataid/Pkio
-1154 TEAdaalmw
• PrtYared to ftrolsh orders from
distance by cbe• Gall
(les; or picked lather,' poor-
liar style at pimp las Ili any
of orries , horent in the Vented:Wes. For sato—
. ISO e_ Young ilyson. (Icor grade* anal's.**
1001b* cant Silver Leaf
SO dons and bf rhea Goopoorder lfine nog entrad
100 do : - du yed boxes Impure ifine,czwr,,
• and lorigradead •
50 chats old kiysertyradearl
NO lit costa me booboo Oolongs (Tarim.) • •
400 &do do Nino Youg• Op.
no" , Porechonga tettn'art and other Moored -
Ortece and Flowery Preece% Ertgbali Ilieglart
. •
ThlWompany establish ao submits akemeles'M any
kind unto! Philadelphia. bet iinoil , hea T.* packed l e
I and f pound paekagos i tearing Moist:ma oamo toilet
general trade of &quality equal to aria sold lo the
Stales, 11l the same pricesosmil pledge themselves to TO
nand Me Money for oil thai does out Tye mitre satisfac
tion. MeCALLMONT 1.11/0141)
. .
' : ia, "
d.,,t.,a,. • 1\1, ...,' .. t . I . 3.3 oi N p. ort :a h:F i Los, :
at. t Navet t ...
' N. El. 4trdori twat a distance cacented fanhadlY ea
SleC. / Ea
3.11. b tOCKDALE the AVM of Me Company to
this may, and sill call tap. Liman and Tea Dealers.
puns . 4 ur iLa
p Av o rl— i, ' •
I .
cr pipes Ward Brandy; _
elebtles ppm Owed Brandy
9 hf plos Pbterc,Brandy;
- hr.Plr Piuu
c e tre !LPl°Cl 13. 3.3
11 P o : BlTeltise ' G ; " Z . 3 /
1' "• Pint Apple a
pinchedut Pptrits,,
1 Scotch Wakay' • a 3 •
SO doe bottles Brandi. of dbletent klndei I
-Each cub bas be custom Noma orttlficate whb it
.11 carciblly selected by Mum If In lie New lest-.
km; AA .4. byffie pipe or eapob La YO_ParilY• ht.
= • • tor =glide!!! .9.,front sq
474TAk s '4°.5%', N ,oE,Ifgl . .,`(''"' F'' r;
li (Hamm &San .a en Lam MM. IP I§ l.,
a 1 ' ,po . "
.Trebla grape ~, Pa let
.1 • ' da . .. . doal. do ,17 °ahem
IF IP & Co' , , -- Ao : -',, IS , l,eitn
2 !Rua,. a. la. '
. Ducal Gm , R io ably, .
ay e nu - .4 [ aratlmby •
'3 , iturgandy . " ''. do ' o.dosto O.
nett and very euperior, Lagure,i csb, COW, a
and Ceti,
&venial' these trio. are the bertfor mama pa -
poen; many of there roam from the/Wrier of thee _._.,
rkary, meanly (mad by agn (mm acidity ai avreataam i
.Justmealiing,ln mare and for sale !web , : original path . "
age, and alp as draught Id 11.0 Tema cara of the sate• •
'ember. ' • • , JAcou.vizavits , .
ape= . • • le ear market ga Gaut re. • i,
PAINT/. AND D 7815—:
Eve ard do; rm Oil B
; Vankylra ed, Bro • wn;
L ._ ..
Pine do, Dwelt Pink;
Tamers Oil;
... Whale ,i - , AntWerp Bice;
, Olive ;pore; 4 , OW - '
Do • ' IN; • Lopood, [hipped;
' i Oil Vitriol;' D° Bound; •, .
"Moriatle Akid;, . ' Cam:cowl dai '
Aqua Fonts: . Towarie ~ do;
' Osolle.A cid; . We Dee doi
Chrome Greco; ' Blue Vitriol; ,
. Do Yellow;
Do' .bed: . lodilrb"PMlWM
..Paric Omen; ' AMW , S
• Bromwich Orreo;. .VOrd C., am,ix-: ..
law ree'd and for rale cheap for mob M by -- • . .
. corbit . . . N W corner XV •,•A bb Ws
r_i11.008.11111310,, &o— ,:', \. ' •
a-1 . 31 kb& prime N 0 Sagar; . • , .
130 1.1.4. ii. 0 Ploinases, Jo oak liblai . , ' .. 1
• 93 ~ Loaf Soso, , • , .
31 Id Ohio. Y 11 Trio,
.. ,ki
, • Elba G P Auld Y.Il Tea;
100 b Ito Cerro;
400 b Whokoy; • • -
00 ' Atagrilgabola Wilkey; i r .
ass 'h o h lNsr ‘a
b ''''iu .,Tirtrili MC11 . T.L 3 4 4 88 1 - •
oalfidlra _
_lr,.l2lllLaityta . k . .
_11 . 2 1 1 ill fir E. S lig i 1 - iii --.—.. . ' ', , • • . .
1 1: bbl. Loar . Sagar. N ” ok" • , • . '
~ ,i
' • • 30 bra' , ' • doable relasili • • • '
30 bids crashed . " '' i . •
• 10 " ' " ' A; • • I',
' Iti "•-• "
4, .. • , :,
20 " • " rived, dosb1.1&& _
.. 10. " ••••• "
LEWIS 1113,rkflISON i CO: ~
rorl2 Arno, far Si Lo is eleam B ' rßafineiy.' ..„
r. - -- - -
I' 4 do: coiantti twilled irr liagsi . \ .• ‘•
50 tads Potatoes; .
- 0 bet Oniow.
floskrlscat Float, iluallu3),lrt 95 Iti . ecks, tindia . . yr .
. ',{ for sate by '
. slyly . • . • -19 Ined scree : •:• .1
pp AllfUlg-110 bzx liflrerop SVI; • ' •
... ~ • ; .
ail, 20 i " 7' . •
„," -'
, 1
. .. - '
, ;•la . sCeit4
6mY'; 6". 71 '.,. D -, WITJTAIde
Q 00413. AND IIfOL ASSES, - • 'e,
• E 0 bad. N 0 - tr;
,J 4D labia Naz;iil i etnrei f ifi c tge:g6 :
• 43 **ter k 92 &text KI
• .
4th it. near mark
pRODNEX-110bbla Potatoes;' - •1 4
' •6 bales La quality tiara, litudiatE Ira 1
n i t - • GEO A. BERRY •
. 19 sand te. II
rtion of the leleot.,
kende:the fume chary to be obtained; #0 11 07, 46 ... ~.
ea 2. or male bottle at itinelne I}ol . a.
. .
• ^vi , • - lACOR WEAVER .
• ' e.r* (mm Ms .• I
sanraa%s -
L'UNGS.The onpreuxteekod meets Mush has
a:waded the ore of the • r • •
mall the micas foetus which "Thalia apbehins Y.
matchhu lad wad the .I,ll:Trion aipticuo =en,
tam LOW,
The eltsaguble weather orlish marks our fait as
Miater mouths, is always a fraitial mooned •
These. it rigketed, are bat tba prscarsois *Si 61
coNsuaitTiort, • • •
Tie ,qaenolawe WO thet doom= •
,bo Nat War .Loll wo let oleic of ma tsoiia pa .
ookb7 la of vital lispefou.o . O tse Pubtio. . •
- • . TUE GREAT AIM "OILY 1181111ZDY •
Mill be finuail in the Glineag Panacea • la peer arable
are have !rout tam in tune pant:gnat Om carat:mai,
detain atear beat azalea einaniiaabs haaneaperiennut
as curative peaeni. These, wink a taw at temunsar
hem all rasia of the co tunryr7nein • •
Khmer. a Or Go:Tel, Le., taasilme vink.on*itt
wa hoe embodied is paliaphlet Jima, and may be .bal
pst.l. of nay of ear agentaihroughout COVAtIW -
titre been mad to ills eip, 3-
Havoiewat the Daiwa etales aid Ganda, and waf~Da{
40,re mty Rau point oat • • . .
in which, Orlon taken according to tUrettiona,Veklbat
Mn; the luny 4a4 become atally diatirgantsoditl*ifit
Why. Th. need the aldieted hesitate? Why rosier te•
the .inerebte nostrums, gotten' op by haknomn individ)
olds ender the asnmied rausts Of erene celebteted phy
siemn, end pilled Into notoriety by carats:um oC per
'eons equally unknown! -IVhilestl medicine of •
is' M be lid, Inhere embers Ira at home,—ear nehrh!
bOrs,—inany of whom it has • . •
h 2 oriel that this invtloable atedielno soiy be plieed
orithin..tho . rea c h of the pm: , •
haye put the vet'. 1.1 •
jut one bah We 4 , 4,
Wye our siou. lb .n. 11.1
over the menet, who rue pria Flee ' • .
-relative sell eperev irALTEIl s treprieter,
. teallway.CletutnarL Oh.e.
I J l o t . i.nouryine w iple in the rosnegwoent of dug 'spot
• enturo ."' n, j i l at 'g o f rifll ' 'M a re Mire. ' =OIL ' :
Jaynes medial:les we have used In ow family formes,
years. For Instance the F.XYECTORAN F., the D'art,'
AIINATIVE,oad VEIthIIEUGE, winch we tour to
be good for this eamplantui they profess to ear.. We
were. Lake
the past ransomer, when wren l
of eartravellingeempaaAins. from having. In Western
New York,d rant, for oriel dal*, the lietetwo• wt.!'
of that region, wore badil i attatked with vselcat Our
Dyseatery. r. 11. had premed hlsoee
previous td leaving home, wadi "The Earn 41114.4 of V.
Jayne," and in all cases?! its ow,. moor,' Iva werale.._
racn, it was sweessfal noeSeeting a speedy eons.
The Expet
en torant we have krawn used smug ear
intonate frids with easel wweesw wid we reel that
ahad do • good net toifsanhet leopeelally Erne sib
nd to they cwinethat access to immediate soedleet
kill,' to advise them to k pon head bads the Eamon.
rant and Carminative. ,The haPenvivani II beleteed by
Rood physician. lo be OM Wit recipe foe pie,..4 .
Consumptive Complaints, that has irlfr yet bee" em
ponoderl. The reason Is. lone to not nquek,bat ' ,
~..,,,,,N , ,ceieatige, and able medical preenttoaterlm,
stir Iyililedienekata sad by 'P. best ebvierinne,
- Ettor of the Phil. rintisdaythiener
For rale in Phishaegket die PEEIN TEA EMI LE?) ..
Fourth ra., crew Wort , ,
c • ELtlairSrll4EFElal.ool.l4,irs eh slur . c'... I.
zt ) , Oleo, En-,C3brk of the Coon of Qitettey Deg: sinnacf .."..
R. yt„ i. Scusu-311- slate in the Winter
wife was afibeiect with a 11.14111 gimp,
v7ii i i=flroa l rii V i gil 4. 8 114rr 'a.
5...... s
as sitar %Wog • portion of, It o entree eventepsil
go./ nilb bed, she Snead et relief: se also siwasi
friends have Deep relays:di la enteric.- Ism Acts.
fore sstisfont dial it Li a eale a d i raleablelDedicrlie. end
would nunnonsend II to Done losers he annul yea
severe CObib• avul olds. ' W. E. gyp,
Tbe amp is pot up fa ZS 161E04 an this Dinar
be *Had by the poor Atwell Ikeda.
Preened 1.4 .44 1411E5 LEES, A 7 ovoidal/4
al•o, tor sale by Tty, Cowl, w ard. bud D. hECerry, ' '
MOnue,...vti CottO it sYttul•—ii pro-red wbs the, . -
gmat Panteca.-atariat icr'd.l4's Putssufiet... , , , c;-.',1,..- a '
4"4 ?Siii 11.11mognikes alanikeafirr:4oll:: .' v...".: .-, -,:. A
.. 4
..osuusditiar.—W 6 art Am< 12i, th. kagailt . , t.v.-. , ...., 4
likes ultins Pasesibladicinesrbil Ira ' - ‘...t".. ,-, —7
xp, ......;!k a mn b =p u z l i r x itl i w o ..).r.....,,,..„
za - ;1i- , , , 4 .
'..' a IMONNWllituift '. : , - ;),':_._'. , :?-•: - 7.
.._ ..t `_-iir , '•
byiteellar WU obtsbaal is alhwasigit, n* 1. - ,:. , .." - 4r,::,,
bias plusiasin 01000 " ' - -- ' ..4..r..-LV."-di.'44.,'