The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 11, 1847, Image 4

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.•ii, , .. F'F'll Hit(BirthL• • '...‘ •• .: •'• • Malt
. . 7 did ',llllfaar, I .ag - 'lushly * !I ,
'.. ...,proce .eit]orriifiniidirthrough a'coun - -
try not unlike New England, to' the old
towa'of Ayr, near ' which is,the cottage
'r'in Which Boras Was born; infrat - ilittle
- - Aiiitenee, - tui the hanks of
-the Doan,. his
monument,' Passing along the tailwsy
you. have a - fine view-of-:the moan - tains
beyond thetlyde,,imme of the Joftiestin
Bcotland. l- Tholfgh".the town of 'Ayr
.' = a s
if hidlow stream bearing the same
name. ' I , hastened 'to 'the a King: at
Arms" 'fan; 'and l'in aattpa9Y with' a
„ I- liking' English
.officer, (a pilgrim, like
__ myself, M. the scenes renderni ever
',.. memorable by the genius of Banis,) took
• "noddle," aid ; drove immediately to
ward's the' monument, about two miles
' tom the town: This country was nearly
, level, but as we approached the "Bonny
D00r.,", very. lovely, and laid- - out -with
taste, as by persons' who had ;elected it
for a residence on account of the interest
thrown over it by Scotland's enchanting
. and - incomparable bud.. A 3 we came
near to the bank ot the Dooa the trees
-. ' are ,more numerous, aid' the road turns
._-_omd windsmbout; so that we are close to
the cottage iti.which the - poet first drew
breath, before it is seen. Alloway kirk,
,the walls , -'of which alone are standing ; is
a few; rods to the right, surrounded by,
ancient graves and decaying, grave
'itonerl, this aide the monument, which
• - stand; on the broW of the bill, overlook-
ingAbe sweet stream with which Burns
has connected our sympathies ea - Oren'
!..tions, land which flows 'in a volley just
"j- belma', over which are two stone bridges
or archaic:the first ancient, on the left,
find highest op , the river, and mentioned
in Tam o'Bhanter. The - view from the
monument hi .charming, and the Doon
flows through a - valley sixty or eighty
feet,ickw,sit probably a distance of less
than , eue. hundred yards. The yard
around the monument is neatly enclosed,
. - -and"planted With &tiers and shrubbs.ry.
Many roses were .In' full bloom. The
man Who attends this beautiful spot re
lies upon the donations of vinters for the
means of preserving it in order, and for
- .
Ruppert. , The lower part of the - mono
, taent-is . of sand-stoie, and within it is an
apartment in which is shown a snuff-box,
made 'of the wood Of Alloafay kirk, and
several edition; of ;lie poems of Burns.
Yon pass up one story and look oat from
thedroa 'platform.!itipon one of the moat
delightful scenes in the world. —The
canopy of-.the 'monument is perhaps
twenty feet - above
' your head, supported
• by marble pillars • placed in a circular
form. '
i ' The cottage in which - the poet was
born. is about,a quarter of a mile from
this apt toward Ayr,-and - is a long one
... - story building, occupied by an aged con
: pie, who were well - acquainted with
Burni. In the Orincipat room war an
[ original portrait of the poet, and a round
table, leo entirely carved over with the
:_ name; of visitors, at to render it difficult,
if not impossible, to add another number.
The old man spoke of the time; and
character or Burns with enthusiasm, and
ofrereil us some "mountain dew," and for
his ghod offices .obriously lotiked for.
30018 consideration. I inferred that he I
thought the age to have degenerated
since his youth, as he observed , that
there was "great, drinking" in those
days.' - How unfortunate , for the great
- poet that temperance was so little. re
. ~garded by , bis, assobiales, and that his
. brilliant genius...was so often 'eclipsed by
-:-: the defects of a wayward and ill-regula
ted life. Our admiration of-his wonder
did gifts isiningled with regret and Com
passion for his Mutts; and his
' live. as forever, not lesswarnings
- i
encouragements to those who ',emir .10
tonchl l arlth au undying melody the ly.
- ET-
4fildliMEN or rite Cuttscii.—lt
been a uniforin epdeavor with us for
several years, to urge in these coldams
the ddty of Christian men to consecrate
their property to God=not casually bin
systematically.- Within two years , past,
we have had the pleasure to learn ofrev
,.. eral . instancee in which-this idea has
been .. adopted 'by wealthy brethren in
New. Eitglane Several whom God is
. ,
prospering are now conducting ' their bus'
ineu as a religimui vocation, .appropriaj
ting its proceeds (above a certain amount,
limited to a epeiific augmentation of }licit
capital, and theicltims of their families,)
. to religious purpose,; and thus beconiingi.
even in their worldly pursuits, “ctkorki
era together with God." Thera his been
a visible increase- within two Air threti:
yearn, in the bunt of benefactions to
the church-fro :its' wealthier memberM
We' know se; 1., who within the last
_- sit months hav i ndividually given from
i i
' - one thousand fifteen hundre4 dollars
to particular in erests of our came, be
sides Incessant mailer deflations. This
' is noble, and y t no more than is obliga
tory. The admonitions Of our divine
Saviour_ reapetking the almost insur
mountable perifdl of. wealth, are triages,
terrible tritiams, !and be that would save
;'his soul alive .has reason to tremble 4for
• - himself, if he lives amidst temporal prim
. perity, without some. such habitual and
methodical sanctification of his businUs:
for" how hardly shall they that have
riches enter in" tollie kingdom of beaten."
Where, howeve r, pecuniary
..Inceess ie
thus directed by forangelical benevolence,
it becemes an enviable, a mighty lean
mentalittof. - the ver y pursuits of
business becalm ll ' oly; its gains are scat
; tered like .
good twe ed, into the moral soil
of the World, and their germs may spring
up sad grow ; and "shake like Lebanon"
ever the graveof the good-doer, years
and generations 'after be has ceased from
his labors. • Many a wise man has thus
left behind hiol; in the form of aUspital,
a school,- college, professorship, &c., a
--_mesas of incomparably more good titan
was achieved during his whole life.--- 1
Happy the man whom God thus enables
to perpetuate ;the beneficent activity of
his existence on earth ages after he has
passed into the silence of the grave !=
Some seek .tlie perpetual fame of each
liberality r but \Mt the devout mind there
• _is an inftnitelysublimer satisfaction in
its ampsiseie.. Christian men, we ex.
bort you to . consecrate yourselves Willis
noble ambition. .1f you would. escape
the cankering influence ef worldly put
suits ! if , you. would give so .
your work
slops and 'encoring-houses the sanctity
of the muictuiry, jf you would enhance
10 . yoorselies - and your families the hap
. pumas - of prosperity, if you would meet
with hope that , solemn' hoar when you
must pass away from the world and all
things in L. to "give an account' of your
stew hip,", then serve in. y 62,, boa
nem, - well *sin your temples, Him ,
who .h purchased you :with a price,
and "w ,;_though he was vich,l yet for
, your - , es- became poor. Lay your
t . oat his altar, and be grateful for
the prig' ego of laboring with hiln for the
. 11111111141 M of the world—Auti Herald.:
Tea holm - of happineut is .a bridge
verstreut of sunbeams and - the, color- of
I the 'rainbow which carries - us over the
frightfaLciu:a - ta of death:
Rowan Cat#43#BB bialc serentyn
Aurelia this country 18411 ear.
• •=7 ,- ,
c-H . fLo - 112 - T N
isoanr.Loguires oicidenalvAticto
LIM relieving' the pains hod dangers iDeldent to
_ll.` . Pregnancy and Child Birth, which inenthe the
easy, kod,unprotneted
of the lonsfions ot
',own which Nature, .bee uninfluenced by the
Wend at mediae,' life , Intended rhould be perfor.
meal caper:fluor:sly; witti little pals, and without sub
salient indisposition.,
- U. Sonlploque Miring hie thee's in Asia, observ•
ed able remarkable. rut- That the women of those
cahntries are peculiarly different tram all other
leads, in .thls veepect—that they are free from the
pain. and doge" which make the period of Prep
_runty an objeeent no much anticipated udering and
rish Cunosity and the seal for Scientific iliscoves
ry prompted him to investigetsthe uuse of this re
markable exception to the severe trials to which the
matted females ire generally subjected, and the
result was the discovery of the tact that the women
at dio4countries went in the habit of using during
the Lutetages. of!regnancy, certain plant. which
have the faculty of . , Impartina that degree of tone
and elasticity to the naves and blood vessel. of the
Uteriajer Woinb which emblem it to perform its
functions in all their' native mmplicity of action nod
freedom from pain.
It is a singuW lact, alio, that the Indian women
-Or North Ametenare lna remarkable degree free
from those pain. and danger. of previa:ley and child
binb to which the white women are aubloctal
Whether they nee thesame plants as do the women
tof Asia we cannottsll:,. Certain it is that the fact is
no leas remarkable than true.
This Remedy hireaufextemovely mod throughout
France with theineat marked succem and many les
males - who were once single through, apprehensions
of the dangers conserptent to the state of marriage
are now by the use of This medicine, performing
the duties cal wives and mothers with comfort ono
happinaiaUna - time now fint 'prese oted to Ito WO.
taco of, America, by Dr Bordeldque, through his
sole agent, Dr A C AlOR'flblEft, and be feeiscon
fident that independent of its intrinsic menu it will
recommend itself to the moral part of the comma.
pity, u it is fully calculated to do away with that
horrid (Timer of which some, through for of pains
of child birth, are guilty, (the pro ductien of precut.
tare delivery.)
This medicine is also remediable for remedying
that hitherto incurable disease Barrenness o .and its
inmost constant accompaniment Floor ANN..I o
fact that relaxed and fallen Mate of the Womb
• which accompanies this disease is never left after
the shortest use of this medicine.
This medicine in prepared, in such a way as to be
agreeahle and pleasant to the mete.
Dr. A C MORTIMER No 361.2 Lispeasnl it.,
New York,: tint been appointed sole agent for the
United States, by llr Bordeloque• and is - the only
person in this -caviar,' who is authorised to send
this invaluable medicine, an the following letter will
(Trananded from the French.)
Peass,Junc 10th,181/.
• Dr A C Moatuicae—DearSir,Accordietto the
agreement entered into between us, 1 wish by tics give !you that written' authority to eel]
thivieghena the United States, (nay Remedy for re
lieving the pains and dangenvlocidetitto pregnancy
and child bum,) which it is necestary for you •to
have to satisfy the public of its genuineness and pt.
city. •A. yon are aware the exposure of the medi•
•Cine to the Ininence of the'sea air obliged me to
'send it to yon in air tight vessel.. I have also sent
with it, • specimen of the manner in which it it pat
op in Pans. _ In like &manner Ishould with it to ap•
pear in the United Stu... Sir, with great respect I
remain yours, F E BORDELOQUE, hl D.
I' S—l alai send you a copy of a letter feceived
trr me from the Royal Academy of Science, in
(Translated from the F:rencls.)
Paris, Jan Z,1846..
To M. BoltingtoltesSir—The COMMISeIOO.
ecu of the Academy have appointed the undenugned
Irmis.their numbar,Ml a committee to report Tigard.
ing the merits of 'the remedy laid before ns by you
(fur relieving the pains and dangers incident to preg
tiancy and Wild birth.) Several eminent Surgeomi
having eubmitted to the Academy the mints ol
their enperince in aeon of your remedy, we has
ten to lay it before you, believing it to be tbd best
-dewiest regarding it. claim to distinction, and of its
great nine. that either you or lie public could have
wished. Wiwi influence this body may pox.
Bess On the me re of the profusion will exerted
to further that a hoe of this remedy into general
olio, which as a scientific discovery and on unfailing
remedy, it so richly,deserves. Eight Physiciue
having used this medicine, each in buy caves of de
livery, foond it entirely succes.lul in promoting a
remarkable sale and easy delivery, free from pito
and danger. With - the exception of three patients
or Dr Briquet th ere ,was a perfect immunity from
any subsequent weakens nr disease; OOP of these
three a laboring woman who bad tier with a seven"
roil a week pinions to delivery, was taken immnli.
ately otter Vast event with a profuse hemorrhage,
which was with difficulty arrested. The other two
mallormationsol the pelvis, wroth no wise relieved
Orme. These lew exceptions in so great a number
of ewes as lour bandied, show the undoubted et -
of your have determined on to
give it that recommendation and approval "Ala is
doe to it. and the lartherance or scientific Meths
l( Signed) BRE , .. 4 CDET, D.
Com of the Commimionem of ale ft. Acadenal•
of Science.
The public am cautioned stalest perehasims this
pessoos except of the sole &gest
Dr A le Mortimer. Pio Jtli 1.2 Lispenard . it, Nar
York, IR hem this medicine is pet op is pastes
suitable fox' beteg seet by mail to any part of the
-Prise Two dollars a parka, containing lull di
Yersoas desirous of obtaining Oil Great Remedy
who reside eta distance, can do so by forwaiding
Two Dollars, post paid. to
DK A C MORTIMER, 9.1 e Agent for the 11
isepi.27 9w No 36 1.2 Lisi.nard si, New York.
t • Watitiagion, D. C.
ZENA9.c4EODWNB, Mechanical Engineer and
Agent (Sr ptomaine Patents, will prepare the ne.
cesium Drawings and Papers for App; sans lab
VIM and tranemt all other bannem In the line of his
erofcseion at the Patent Office. Ile cm be consulted
n all gmetions relating to the Patent Laws and deci
mal:is m the United Meta or Entope. Pe sons at •
dmmee denizens of having examtnallens made at the
• P atent UNee, prior to makmg application for a patent,
may forward Loom pad, enclosing • fee of Gee dollars,
a clear statement of their ease, when immediate mum.
,elan will be glees to it, and all the Information that
maid beobteinedly a visit of the applicant in persoal
'promptly cottonsinicamd.
Al letters on bitai.ness wan is pow paid. and contain
a suitable tee. whew • lumen °melon u required.
OfficeEnruest, appetite the Patent Other.
Ile has die ham" of refernag, by permission. to •
Ilan. Edmond Berke, Comm/Meer of Patenty,
Hon.!, L E.lleworth; late do do dc,
II Knowles, Machinut, Patent (Mee;
Judge Crancb, Waudaingisq, D
Non. X Cboate, blassackmmta, U 8 Senate;
lion. W AIWA Ohm. 'do;
lion.] C, Muemiti;
lion. Will. Ilan, New York;
lion. Robert Smith, M C. Illinois;
Ikek 8 Breeee. U S ,curie;
/ li Knife, M C, tdiamayi;
Capt. li M 81weve.hlieseterk - •
on'the room aPp - rOved Eanerng ns
and mon fashionable Pastan patterns and colors. Alm
or made boarder of all Mae., and al all prices.
Comm Idomhanta and other* are invited to call and
manna the &bora .fisr themselves, al all will be sold
wholesale or mind, and a hboral &Manion rondo no
wholesale purchasers. •
apldlr • A WPASTERVF22
HOPS—Yor seta' • fed bele* Western New iori6
gnrrth of..lB46—from 8 to 10 mu,
Etmern: and Western N Y, /axle picked, OW
. year'. pink'
- - Prime Ohio de. Belmont canny. . •
Th. general Etteram crop of the serum ie nod being
received. Unmet, and when! using Hope, ernl fad' n
mock to their advantage to obtain their snooty from the
undamped, se they intend to sell throngbout the mum
at New York prices. GPO. W, gIiSITN & Co,
Starter, Parent Dlrler, Allegheny eny.ollAllll,hgur
Ibe neordt patterne•for Stove. en hand either in wood
or Iron. Abll °entire Ind all poltenrs wade In order.
THIS Hemmer pourases manyadvantalren Over all
othersantong *lnch may be mentioned,
Its lit an•geablenew-The rapkliiity and termer blots
may be controlled with the greatest ease, while the
hammer is in - operation, and Me hammer may bo-iti•
inaptly arrested, and 'suspended.= any height.
Its Universality, or capacity triekecute work of all kind., (root the:argent - to the v9allear, under the mute
its blimplieity,Commeetnem and Cheapness.
lu Aceesailidny updin all sidess, by the workmen.
All the hammers are nude Self-Acting.
The nobseribers continue to !ice., orders for thew,
hammers, allsises, upon reasonable terms.
For further particular., inquire of
k TO) 4 INE,
Anginas of the Patent for the United tkates,
deel6.ll douthwark Foandry,
bloottfociorers of
or ALL riascturnops
Me. KIM /earls Front
Back of 7 4. Wilson's Cabinet Ware Nanufß
. A LL orders left with K . S. Maw, at the office of the
:at. Merchant's Hotel, Planturgb, will he promptly
attended to. THOS. O. DERRY
. sepia-01v A. C. NICKERSON .
fLIIRNESIIad Chown 11
Fidiastdpilis, law of the ens of
f T n i
Weloo. reepsetfully iskow, his
sad Ow pdolikola FA has Ml oat h o ,p
Man 111 Mid sad fir sais,,a haadasso woostaest of
Vehicles of ad ogles sad
awls to tod=bortess possibissoVos,qad st=
dos wry lost saanssr,of selosiod mania. 4627.1 y
• aasties — lT — iiiii•rii;
ea Nowth•Third own, ',Atom Roos_
trAfk jam tassiyed to addoC a to Ins anew, r brad 114
.L.IL moment, afresh lot of newsmen: Cocks of 'the.
moot oeleinstrd makers, ash as FonastyiUe Man '
Wrist Cs .0 J 6 1 .00. sad Odross,• Was an t.
ten °Moo Elsht day and Thin, hoor Omits, oldie if
'forest msostaettnes. Also year, math., ship mast
Gawks. Deaden will do well to give its* salt
-bLma l pm.ylly oteyedtto. - sada I •
./C113: FOIEFITI18:!:
Of FANCY FURS, sash Oil WEL Boas, pits, ,to
Ova ass tall Wass pasehassas elsewhere, as thayodif
And it to thee. adysaawa sod adwalta. order,
• ressitred shal - ha ftithfal_ ly waded oat
_Third . m, "Lose JAI~D "-
• EKSldtaff PetrilWi7d 4 o l3 k r ' 'Pa
A certain and cafe ebbs for coogba, colds, asib o ia,
liver complamt, spitting blood, pains inibe lade'. •
• or breast, amour whoopmgcough
broken constitution, colvultr.
TION or coy disease of the long. or .
breast. Reader are you euffermg
with a cold or &sena of the
• • komtry this remedy, .
you will not per. • .
baps regret it.
It will arrest all those disagreeable symptoms which
Ina° ouch terror to the mind, & prolong your dna..
f3iWore of all preparations purporting to contain
Wild Cheny,eseept that beanng the aignature of Dr
H Swksirs on the outside wrapper of each bottle,
1111, the) , are quite likely deslitutt of the article from
which they borrow a name,
• Reid what-it has done!
Would perhaps be a small estimate for the ranges
of this dreadful disease in a single years then Ida
,the fearful cataltue of those rut off by'
Imo of the Lunp,./lemorrhage, Asthma, Coughs
Influenza, Brenchtlis,and other diseases of the
Lungs and Liver. '
And the list would present an appalling proof of the
111614 of thesetwo clashes of disease*. Bat It is
important to know that needy all' at this dread
waste of human life iisfight have been prevented
by a timely use of Dr. SWAYZIE'S COhIPOUND
. ,
.Thu medicine has now been belore the public
some eight year*, and is the original preparation
from the Wild cherry Tree. IM remiliation , la a
remedy for Cough., Cold., Bronchitis, end Con
sumption of the Longa bum:rendre, open' its in
trinsie merits, owes but little to undated newspaper
pods. Those Who give it. trial, being beuelitted
by a, recommend et to their neighbors, and thus'
gradually and Surely basil pined an enviable repu
tation and worked its way into general use. Oni
bottle never fails to mire a recent cough or . Cold.
while with strict attention to thedlnietions that
company each bottle,itie use in poloao'nory diseases
of long Manding•and of the most alarming charac
ter, has always :given relief, and in 'very many
imaancei has effected complete and permanent
corn. j 1
Dr. SWAYN'S Celebrat e d Compowid
iipof Wild-Cherry.
Reid the meet remarkable cure of Consumption
ever placed Upon record—
Dr Swayne—Dear Sir: I feel it a debt of gratitude'
due toyou--and's duty to the afflicted generally to
offer my bumble testimony in favor of your Corns
pound Syrup ol Wild Cherry. Some three years
once, I was violently attacked with cold and tea,
anthill of the lutip, which was accompanied with
a very distressing cough, pain in the breut and bead
very considerable discharge of offensive meta
fiiim the lung., especially upon changes of weather
however alight. At first I telt no alarm about my
condition, bat was preity soon convinced that! was
rapidlygoing into consumption. I grew daily weak.
er,andht length was scarcely able to walk about or
spetkabcore a whisper, such wa s the exceeding
wreak ess of Icy long.. During this time I had tried
'trims prep.ratiOns and prescription., but found ho
relief—growing all thii time wane. Just here I was
admeed and persuaded by. dear friend in Wilmlep
ton to !oaken trial of your Syrup of Wild Cherry.
J most Confess that previously I had been prepdm
fed against patent medicines, and I am dill against
:those coming out of the hands of empirics, but
understanding year claim. to the profusion. and
practice of medicine, and basing implieite faith in
,the saying el my friends, I torthwith purchased el
Dr Shaw, one of yoor seems, a five bottles nod
commenced its use. My diaease at this time was
of twenty or twenty five month.' standing, cease.
quently was deeply seated. f found, however, con
siderable relief from the tint lour or flee bottle.
Sot being a public .pester I frequently attempted .
to preach with mytnereasingsitrength and thertby
ruptured those vowel. wt had already bops to
heal; in thin way, doubtlen, my core was greatly
retarded. In
toosee of acting thus impre.
dently hid se Id or IA bottles ,before I war
perfectly restored. I have no guano°, a much
smaller number of bottfos would bare made me
sound, hot far the above indiscretiOn. The Syrup
allayed the feverish habit, did away the distreuing
cough, put stop to the discharge of matter.from
the lungs, and ease them and the eritire.j.terugoal
bealtla I have deterred offering this certificate till
now. for the purrieso ol being perfectly satialled
with the permanency of the cone, and sow that I
feel , perfectly well, I offer it withpleasure.
Dublin county, N. C.
_ _
Avoid all spurious prciumuun..a Wild Chum,
such as Balsam., Bitters. Syrups of Wtld Cherry,
Pills purporting to contain Wild Cherry, dm, ke,
a. they are all fictitious and counterfeit, and contain
none of the virtues of the anginal and genuine pre
paration no prepamiany Dr, Sample, and Me , first
ever prepared in this Cottiltry. Donor Silrayne•
Coolie:mod Syrup of WILL) CH ERRY indompoirtd
of vegetable ingredients,the Wild Cherry, and nib.
or medical substance. elally as OffitliClooll, if out
more no; the +hole are no effectually Momentrated
as t re nder it beyond all doubt the most plea rat,
aregthening, lad effectual remedy elite discover.
ed f r the cure of Pulmonary C 0111101210.1011, and all
disc of the Lungs mid Breast. The very tact
Bocci it. hoeing such • train of spunouni imitators,
kle to prove its great curative properties
:berelore, ineohda , ingoire for the originelprepe
rotiola, cacti bottle of Which. enveloped
trial ihrrapper hkeniu of William Peon ev
grayed thereod; alma besting the meows.'" Of Di If,
bssayne, the toantdrfeitutg of which grill be pun
ished as forgery. •
Prepared only by Dr. H. Sloravae,A V? COMM
Or /I/ lITH and Rime Storms . , rhiladephia.
For sale in eittshiirgli wholesale and retail by
t 1'H01L•1,53 Mart et streci;
OGDEN& ...;•NOWDP.N. corner 2nif& Wood sts.
Hi A. FNIINESTOCK & Co.. corner of Ist sad
Wood and 6th and Wood streets.
!....ID7SES, 180 Libeity street . r , •
JOHN MITCHELL, Allegheny city.,
And by all respectable Druggists and .dealcrs. an
Melclne, throughoitt the United Stab teal Cana.
da. i . • , srptt9
now universally 'aci , rnowledged to be the IN
1. FALLIBLE REMEDY for Rheumatism, bpi
nal Affections, Contraction of the hlnsclu, Sofa
,Threist and Quinsy,'lssins,Old Ulecni,Pains lathe
`Bach and Chest, Agee In the Stout and Face,
Tooth Ache, Sprains, Braises, Salt Rheum, Burro,
Creep, Frosted Feet, and all Nelson. Diseases.
The TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which has at.
tended the application of this most WONDERFUL
.MEDICINE in caring the most severe Coin n(the
idiflriant Diseases above named,—and the HIGH
EAgom ums that have been bestowed upon it,
Wherever it has been introduced; me the right
to call on the AFFLICTED to resort at once to
ll7The faculty unite in recommendlngthe tele.
riled External Remedy,llllunt'e Liniment. .• •
Tbe following letter from the highly milkiest
physicians who have been attached to the Mount
leasant Siam Prison for rimy year is the beet
vidence of Dpi value of this celebratld Liniment-
I ..i SING Soto, Deem:neer X, ISM
My Dear Sir—l reOcired your note of yeaterdny,
king my opinion in million to Hones (Animist,
g prepared by Mr George E Stantoe. Knowing
1 Icomposition, and bevies Iregnently need it. I
d recommend it to you no a ante Paternal Rem..
d ,and In adt 9pinion, this beet Liniment now in
e. Vety truly and respectfully years,
of Pierre Van Cortlandt, Croton Manor.
I fully concur in the.above opinion.
Yonieown, Jan. 14,1845.
Sir—ln reply to your letter,l would say that I
lie need . your Enternal Remedy, called Hunt'.
d l ,
iiiment,io my practice sine, you made me at
g elated with Re compoeitlon , and unhesitatingly
s y that I believe it to be the beat Paternal Items
now in on for the coinplaints for which yes re
c minced it. Vote. respectfully, -
• E Stanton,Eng.
ErAnunig the emu of worthies, articles and
It , Johann that are poured forth at the present day
'tt. • n the- country, it as rattly refrodaleg to hod
e seething of real practical utility, tomething sini .
p e, speedy and ellectital in ita•openttion, sad at
e Canto time free (rani thou usonotti 'fleets
bleb generally attend powerful remedies. float'.
iniment, mepared by Gee. E Staoton of Sing
S ng, though at has been but • *hurt 110,0 Wont
e public, ha already obtained the confidence, not
o • trof our moat wealthy and influential tinsel.,
b t our most' eminent physicMna. Alf acknowl
' .•ge it to be a soureign halal for many of the ills
at flesh I. heir to, soothing the aching limb, and
b. its genuine atimulatte ; intlueuce,baelshing die
• from the system. '
Mr. Stnetoo—Sir-.Sreing your adrorttsement
• Hunt's Liniment, I was induced to try its elects
• o my son, who had been -crippled with a lame
back from an infant; and hie with gratitude I bear
i !
l atimony to its wonderßil hcallig p,rupertuts. My
hild, who Is now five years of age, is now in a fair
iy, of recovery, " . Yournolke. ---. -
row OPTICk,T4PiII rig, Somalia Co.
I certify that I am perifottally acquaintad with
e above named child, and think the father would
be male to My Mg that his son is almut well.
Nov 5, £ 1845, . Deputy Poet blamer.
t'. S. 1 would also state that I newt been bur a
number of yeere subject to 'restate •ttacks of the
Rheumatism, which in many initances prevented
my attending.t to my Nielsen. Two or three appli
cations of the Liniment Invariabij remove all "'-
rubella of the kind. In cases of bruleen,npralne
mid sore., too numerous to mention, it has; in this
vicinity • proved •eertain remedy. "Its value can
only be estimated by those who have4iren it • fair
Wel. '
hir Liniment is told At VS tied 60 mods per bot
tle, by all the Principal Ll:mild idid Merchants
throaghOit the country. • '
_Whoksale Agnes in New' York:
PHELPS & Co, 142 Water
• RUSWilifirde Co, 110 +roadway.
A IS &H_SANDS, comer Fulton and William.
ASPINWALL, 410 William street.
' Order. &dammed to me at Slog Slay, N Y, WIIr
be amended t+. GEORGE E STANTON,
For is Pittsbergh by L. WILCOX, Jr, ad J
KIDD & Co.I ?Maven, City;JOHN SA KU ENT
Bnniagbam,JOHlN SMITH. lebl9
• - llifibiiidi - Celitifilid - Flifd
anus • mild, oafe sad elegant mat add and apniesk,
.4 bo
ing m
a ing wham ebbobtay pm. carbonate of
tl:a maid . miterf.thateat
ho brerelemr ere fent= l upon the embattle,
Om able:mead athe eddlitegmetalsegar
.„ vs, ilN=ler--,
Irma and A MI " ""W
• all
passed upwards of 7U looms, and by the ma of said
medicine a et of .7 awn ;um , '
i = 1 1 ,0121 '"
It la truly th e moot fatalism" *aria I rver
sem I mut va two mora vials. . ,
allaby ODD 0 . 6 IQoNWood
-; • ni; Towniteriws • •
41,34 extroardinary medicine in be %a:
Thu snout la poop 0 Cant ;atm:do nationalism?.
or, plematiter, end Warralited Ur 60110 sold. o cares
damn witboat i erdnar l roging, 4.
GiErf ISPiiderlb inmEINEDICHIS
The gnat heady and eagieriority of thießiamapatilla wet
ale 0 , 2411 bhadlidliat" tree d it Vindicates Dianar it brim
ate. the Body. Wu one of Me my best SPRING AND
8 Child= MERICINES net known, it nocooly
Ike whole wins cod stamagthine fib. penal, but It C 11144.
Moo, fare and Rid Blood, •pawer pawned by m akar
Medicine. And MMU lies the mood monitor its moduli
amen. It bin performed within the_peat two year; more
than 35,000 aura of Seven .Cnoni of Dionne ; o knot 5,0010
of these wire moldered Incurable.. Mon than
3,800 oneo of Climatic !theamatimn;
Odeti emes of Dppepon; ; . .
400 ems of Ginainillobilifysiad Wain of Emmy;
ZINO met of diderml Banal Complaints ;
flaw - m of Benallat
1,500 ears of Bo Liver
noes of Complial;
2,500 01 man of DComom beso of the Bldny and Dopy ,
3 ,otion,
And Minimal of ems of Dianne of lb* Blot, ram Clean,
ffaysipeln, lint Blom, Pimping:nodeate., Ad. To.
go °, with oamernia met of Bak Hudak; Baia the
waleami Chest, Spinal Affectien; km, le.
This, in are aworeonsot appear mandiblo, bat ban
Utters from **mu
to meals loam al rano of Mt
Coital Beaus, miming to ore...mordant-y=4m ; Van
Baskirk r Eaq...ane of the ant respectable imagine New
ark, WT., informs as that he can reAs to more Mail LW co
ml3ifyitsceaka; Then an Mamma of arm in the
City of New Yor k , yirldela wo will refer to with plewun.,
and to an of Marietta II
best niedieine for the
Ptermdin ordinals* lunira 'lt ondoebtaaly anvil the lima
of mon than
SAO Limonite . = Pd.., Bandon t -
.1.• it reamed the mad of dialog and porpusd into ki
the Bummer *MOIL
Unman &One °Mom
Carr. 0. W. McCurattior dun Unmet &ter. liar;
and member of the Neer Jersey LegiaWnre, has Madly not
ea th e fink:lring eerlitente. tulle it. oleo story.
litnettrar..llto. W. 1647.
A par aline 1 wolaken wink the Induenza, oddly whole
system led: io it debilitated stem: Idm induced to try Dr.
Vininuend'i &rsepartl and Jr Ming two or three ba
ll% 1 wo ray tomb del Gibbing it eothfly loth.
said Saraepuntla. 1 have ondiond taking And that
l improve ~or day. Holing it wed my lik, and would
not he withetit it middy any onaldwition .
O. W. MOLL., kW U. B. N.
. • .
This certified. coariusithly owes that this Ilansparlith
has psict casual over the m ahstiaata discus of the
blood. Three pram cared is nth hoar is =precede:44.
Timms Cathathass.
, .
Der can . Ihe
D. MUM?, *awe to of
you that throe of y o have born enroll of the Scro
fula by the on of your L.:Mk:a inedirior. They wort
Inticied vary rtererrly with bid =sr; hats only biro Fur
bottler; It look th ou agrai, wh/eh fill malt ironer
deep obligation. Town, mpetifelly,
Louis W. Carta, (01 Warrior rL
, .
Nor York, blurt 1, Mt
Dr. Tatman's Strapulith is . scent p. iall needy
etin far Indiana Carongeson, Daknossen Linstainn,
Whilst, abandon or difinitt MeudintialL Iseuotheieneo
of Urine, or involuting disebnp thereoL and for th e in.
nal nosnatoo of this systa•—eo natter whether the result
of btherent nes or men, pentane by Lemnos*, Rhin.
or accident:. .
Nothing on be mon sarpooteg the. its thrknimg of
[tea on thy human finis. Porses, all wenn. onit
tun, inn taking it, at ono beans reboot sod MI.( nierp
nits its messes. It inunniatily counenets the sun
In now of tho &sae fries whirl ts the pnt nun of bail,
It witi not be upend of a; in eons of no &lien. es
ter., to eshibit certificate. of eans.p.rhintied, but or• sin
anon In offend, thot hominids of non hats ben supw td
toes. Serena noes when &Silks hire bars without chitli
ns, aft. ming • ban knits of this insolent. nisbein.,
bon Lem War nth healthy offspring.
• Dr.' Tbinessend: hi, sotie teirig 41Stnlion by
nagnea. gamma &With an 4 sodaw eontiatially
by inn osin . ismilicts of basing noon, Ming. of the
sunk nil with other difealties, haling, norm nun
shoes your anises has effected gran eons • on also hear
ing it reesannelei for web mesas I bon dosiseibed,l obtain
ed bottle of your Envoi of Iternparilb, and
the nineties. you pre as I. • Ant pond it erosion
bar napkins and intern bar hslthe &thg.grathful LSr
the benefit. She retuned, l tan Osman in thus ritewledg
htg itomel'raeoinnisidew it the public. M. D. noon,
gamey, Aug. 17, 101. Cur of Grua awl Linings.
pt. El, VC.
Do7lnensint: To all wham ties slyrs—This is
to nerdy that .y sib noels kith of you* Sonspirilla
pane b tea easfinoirai niter thia sint alarming son
finnan tITIMUROS bog until& with m
ing of W foe, nervous offine..., nry sairthithibtai
tni,• wath my pennies, oni W neonisouitatin of doss
oho be nut it, ohm in iodised to tri it, sub latia or .c
6th, end win it to sly, the minas hod tb hippy sad
noun offe.Lnet oily u ibe boon of ecnanuaroList after
, thei . :s . .= of on soak of
' is isti, the nem onn
ipme only to osonaleig Agree,
.as 4 ber
lanith is tow Sinn thui it her bon kw.. lost use, tn.
If this iitill-breefini sin. 'to yin sr lay
sn isbe
daohtilli near of thou...nein, yen an essay oCnto
I raberib• apalf ... : 24 ' aistientsaini Alva orna.
8 , 028.4
r A
Th. Conn of Soinaperillo has bon oven!, pinned
tti inmost to kole ninnies R. ninth who In m
os to is &pp...wing that artualporsed, u TO.
nos shou/4 mist to lon vs • 0.01001
prantis far 047 of thisassenist W ionibbe noun b
viten bunks an taken at this San of lift This period
on/ bo delayed fir onion years by ming thernicine. or I
is it W. talnlisib than who are appending wwnmho od,
as ft cobrobse4 b .4.1 Ware LI ilurk4o4.g 8.•
.04 irt sent.; the ity awn Inbred. lila ..44.4.23/ .1.,al-
Wk. 64,0 W .60 Anna. tenon hi whit wows an
U Warn the .vela Nyeleat, reeelre perreinearly the aehr
re! earririore—el removing the ketpurttres et Ile bedy—mat
ter oteleeletter the ersten it) ;natures telmetpleat
laratioe, • kook kr the sue arr. I! . o . rificiaroo tan for (math;
*teams. wed einem
tiIRL3 11.41:1 ' TTII3.
piciamas, vll.ll oyes, 010 6e fur, rough too ar• ^ ova .3(swig.," .0
• boat or awo of Tovroaeado Sarovisiaa. It will
drawr your law* rowan the as.. blotch.% 8.1
vv. v. went vuo. Ga. /tacit., and lonkuuf•l
eompettiot...lll of nabob we of memos v•lus u..urart
Tied Imbes.
No gtlisi or obrdwine hie war boo thierownvol which so
etorty orambles the glow Joins to ollo• to ibrooviatoog
(AA obi wrougtheatog the alp. of iigsehoo, as duo perk
nano of Sainpuilia.
Duarrotror, alb= .31 10, 114.
Dr Toutama, ,a—l hove lona k. meal
pan with agopepoio to it. wont 6 , ww, othnotal waloboar)
•eee of ratoch, for of sprain, ettrowe Itoontens, art •
gnat 4.1.1 k lo 01l Moog of f00d...1 for •toko, toilet I
mold evad I have tom malt to rolota Ina • email prow
pmy amok. 1 trinl LL. .I resoolteo, bst they hod
a lath, ar bo elk* la nowoolog dos egeopieet I err io
doboott. two w
ith .mo, 00y or Ulna of San.
gorin,•ad I okra NI W lath. , boa afar 'swag
warty two bottle, I &owl sty oppnite the
Martlevro county roman* tool I 1e0.3.1 eonveetly nom,-
wood aro Me spir it lo thue who bare he &Meted a. I here
► Vann, fie.. W. W. Vas Zama".
Dv 32. &aka Wood.
A LIIOST a 211/tlitcLF
Re..l &a- &&ruing, sad *mix Irbil no, that teaseert...
rim mesa be cum!. Ili. imolt/y ea. °Me went bsedrsd
we. the Talreueid'• 8... p t& dr eared:
Dr Tesereand—Dear &r. I sem 141 ea. • hid; web a
Tzrzo,',eibla• ;awn t=ittlipie la .4 1.4 e.
' L 'l st =ALT
tithe or lad an lAA .lel. meaty mg mating .ery
darritir WA 6. amid IN. la;l3.leg fa me. I wee. tete Om
lo.pital ill of or Lein btar.Aued, pfteembel Were
feeeral&. I eve ewe , greatly dsve...4 tb• lay and
I.d. weld hardly Moab. 11. em becab....ciatsd,
eaefixd to
. .
iris i I
soya lajststee to my not. my fiirsit
to Is put newer, ; I had tri of twatitstr,
W CI mama to be to so isti as mot s
traoodinary ears professed Roil Di WI
los tits DWI., I ruspertett 0 se is thess.
D. I mar jawed Is try et • ry thankful
I did. I Moo; ay that i tasai he
nommen is rob* about sly bo sure
ly sou ia a kir Dsho. Ss SS
sa Died sins has 1.1
‘, auk., .. d am Dot pions my initial s o • liDity to sits
los • ststramt st
/ma 8005.,1 Lode in, likoohlys
--. ' .
Ophilsas of Play lela/kok
Do Toorshend Saimaa doily ...erring on*, fogs phy;
o sirs in dins/ pate of the Woos
Thio is to esnity Sans., So soilenipied, !lipids+ of
Ms City of Albsy, turn in nalballrei Dulle preveribtd. Dr.
Toyama'. Danaporilla,Aaal holisait robsoot the Sortsled& psyaratkos of the ihrtepenDik D, Du, swim.,
t . O. r towns ao,
J W Wall, li D,
Albany, Aril 1,043. — ,, ,-r z D. .",
; .. .
MY a .. cattily th at ;Pei Ere aaderalped, ythelielsw
yhessoana Ybyhous titer City of a Remy here frequest
ypreseribel Dr T0...mu11.. CiempooM - . faired of &ter
pent* mid ban De lumen asehliee, amid roonatoefal it to
the yobbo for .exam.!, pendulous, end Abate sauna. die
tam, is preference to !ay or the alieitiesi remedies a.. la
sm. - A W liconct.,e r,
A Itsig April 9, 1544. Ws 0 atammes, T r.
Ztnnealvdia, WS ram a, Etta ouild NY; Red
yj. Lee Maze et
J►usiag n =thi Voila b 7
Wee logiee eat lie (aortae ;
, . .
Hoag gmelaeotalme get tip la the hap. square. hallo,
lab anima • gwirt hal Aral with tbe wnuen sgnet:we
of s p rownrio D, and hw =me blow. co the Glaa
ppia the New Tosii Daily Exp.. Of April 9,1:47.
A pretty Wag appared la We itts•yeeterday. 1 t teat
the advert:deg ado, or denegarilla Capri. of 131. Towairest.
The whole Usisg Is got op in good taw: some of the orta.
mental Imalecepe . pumlagean treeetiful,, which, Inst., with
the scroll wart, it gold, catmint la the saa, made wet..
ready equad Proodway. We take 1.1 opport.ity to
ay we bob. ,. this Maid of the Panapaalla daerres the
wiry mat pordarlty aim acqiiired.
Ntitabis Debility.
Illaw .. r
.6 008(7
Dr. Td.steddi-1 ha n beint alin You ed ta m e o Ism fill' 3
pan, midi a dCsadfial &king i. the that, giddies It the
bad, lam of egpMlte, pis le the liathq .d geseral debility,
wane. by tk. continual beat told cold to whs.
lam aubjett to). my as • dye.. I beret.eo other
mediciass, too auirterotts to to.ticia, but with little or moms ,
ttlik !WM 13:41.11 bi what I saw la the ppm to kg a bottle
of your &wmparllbli rteawlikb nomad great relief ,I here
.too. takes sairgralesore bow% and l ea .W.1t.11.g17 ..y
It. Is the best wad... 1 hare •Wrer takes—the pm. In my
chestis goemilaad I hely:its .dI re■lmo alLigather Was
I basatandgoar lbaresperilta I hare sow • better ...petite
Dam Wei Merl. My Info hes Whew it with Weser. tam&
alai mulls. I would nacesisswad II I. a 'WI, medicine
b. feel coaelaced WM if soused then woidd tot
ILV i ttmi sklinea. there is, sad ansitionlly imay
Doctor', Itilhq for *hi% it rewsires eppetite, it elm girt. to
lb. etteaseh ..d bowels Wen rege/ar tam. (..p We blood
m. healthy Ade, so that dimmee is aot ea likely to attack the
eystaa. dal a// those who are am ia a heefthy etsw„l ay
try Dr Towasend's
Timm, Beat, 70 All.. it.
tea aw IllOutit.
Debar is RA sweat of4o4a4ar
mothe fl r child mat Dr Townesad'
Baramparifis has mut thetien ofMosso& of ehildre.
The eive d
week,n esstilieste Wetted from a pest mask
rec thee
Raw Yen, ApCti, 1817. ,
Dr Teemed: Dm alet—On. of lay children arn eerr
iick With des Gam in the math and throat, attended wl th
peat debility). llama mar d, b.. 1 °lobbied dm. W .
eseellent oWielno, and hatred Ir directly, l. which 1 eta .
moan yea 1 Wing patch!, • Yin!, respectfully,
!Lutalesto Vonrin,27 Dehmlow et.
bodZMi• by . RZSZUSSADnutit, Non wood et,
a 94 aad 4th Ma, who hao bees appointed by Dr
TO%VNPZIkiD ado Ageat fae Allesheay eo. Jend4wlyV
Ternaroo 18.1.14iViO91.Alire
el this etlleaeions and cheap medicine for the ewe el
Owttemptkte end other diseases venni be too wall
• !norm Very messy Dees Mee been eased by
V..hlornind Atlas: •
Fel Wein Plttsbeeffil et tie PERIN TIES 'STORE,
MI Food, etreey neat Wood, and also at the Dreg Store
er P Pclowstni.Pedentat.Allettheny City. felt
. a 14-100 mai c Lane'. aiii - Pills7 — Coonny
inarehants Will de wall to latt booms apply of Vaasa
ealebruad Alla; they are wall known and taivanally
approwal at by those wba byre Wed diem For sea by
• 5 KIDD dr. CO.
11 : 4 4"Afr.,CEITIM17,.
L o w . = Jallle L a r tu t uages, prg . l7oeo
° 'r a VuuMOTOZA . ' br .
'' > zi;
FOGG li,7.llllllll7oll;lroprieten.. l . , •
Testatioihmentlong Fld widely known u being
cleat me =simnel...oas in the city of Baltimoi e.
as cm-calls , undergone Aery extensive alterations end
•. • revetment. An entire new wing has been added,
• . ningniunemus and Wry Weeping apananctus t sad
• Ise bateingroom. .
The Ladieedeparunentbat also been 'completely re.
gardsed and fitted up in a Mon unique and.beandfol
wle. In fast the whole arrangernen tof Ma Haase has
• n remodeled, with a single eye on the part of the
proprimorisawards the comfort and pleasure of their
Guests, and which Mei confidently assert will chat.
im.froparon with Any Hotel tio th e Quinn.
LEN will always be Enplaned with every Rib
mandril and laxAry sirtelohe market tiffordi_s_Served
4tiirle.rietirbesz4= In the way of Wines, he.,
- In goncleslon the proprietors beg to say, that nothing
Will be left undone on their part, and anti c pan of their
...Arms, to render this Hotel worthy the continued
patrohage of their friends and; the public, generally.
Tilt prices for board have also bee.. reduced to the
an' t,%Orr ' dro . gry,..• •., ...... It spec day:
gfentleracias! ...... • 50
N.-41—The Baggage Waggon of the liaise will al.
wayiZbe fimnd at-the Car and Sicamboit Landings,
whicl,will convey baggage to and Boot the Hotel, free
of COCOA iartltf
D . ItI.'IITREET 11011551, Clieclaanattj
.1 - 0 110—The subscribers having porchened the en.
tire igerest of Col. G P Williamson, We of this well
knoWltestablishmenLbeg leave lit *rata to their friend.
and IPe . public generality, that they have Liken thin
tom as Hotel for a term of years and wilt exert
their al energies to make i 1 a deg/Mild home for Tray
eller4aild City Boarders.
Thellotel it window and admirably planned for eon.
venthice,. light and air, having, Si number of pastors
adjoining chambers, presenting annual aliment,. to
Thejiresent proprietors having bad the exec nenee of
years7rt this city and elnewliere,ththe they will be able
.n to li s zNiAt c at . gausfaltiog ; hem=e . mined to give
Thaocation o (thee earl Street House fond cer-wooly
eligittfe, having fronts on Pearl, Walnut and Thirdsas,
so 1.40 It is equally desirable in view of the Wait..
t o
tf business wren; retirement for private boarders,
It Ls dione by the Banks, the Post Office, the Illtuntinc"
Iltdl,l2dd Fellows Hall, and butane square diatn from
Nan-meet and two 11q.res foam the City Wh a r f af, dins
a ma. greatest inilueements,specially to country
c' re. 'l Veinte and generally to all penal. visiting einem..
nail 2. JOHN NOBLE
- metS7 JOHN A nuuu: ,
--- f -- . — cfcittiittitl — itiolits,' .
Chitties Street, between Italia and Lombard
~: . etesets, Ballinaores •
Tun nubsenber having taken th e shifiveestab
.lthraent, offers hi. scrWees to the citizens and
blie generally. ,It is conveniently situated, as
rep. th e Steamboats and Railroad Depot—is In the
and, of the more extensave Importing Iloweit—and in
fact,-the location offers to those visiting the city, as ma•
ay enoveniences and comforts ai th e o th er prinoipal
Tile house is now being fitted op with new furniture,
is giWil taste and style, and Will be open to the poblie
on tesl day of April, lEitla The proprietor wenn that
hisworentitong cram to please, will seem to bin II
portion of the , public patronage, resident as weU as
intialthrth • . W W DIX,
LIM of the Atm of Dix &Fogg
II:Comoro, Apn P 2 , IBC. raylkarn
A LLEtili ANY lIGLIMM9I3 ftlarkm , Phila
delphia—The satiMoilier.thln of the W”b ington
Hotel, Illfllsburgh, Pay takes this !nettled of la.
Wining his old friends nod thepahlie generally, that he
bait taken the above - mimed HOTEL, The is airy
mut comfortable, and has been extensively altered and
improved, and the proprietor hopes by a strict attention
so boldness, and a proper, mare for the comfort. of his
goeats,to merit and meanie a share ofnablinpatronaem
The Doom ia anattied very convenient for the Travel•
hog Piddie, being only two doors ebove the lbw rwho re
Rad Pntsbargh Depot. and within two minutes walk of
the Ithltimore and Reading Depots srAnuNu at
tacheiffin the premise.. Terms, St par day.
E P HUGE ES, ProprittOr
Allegheoc Ifouse. Phil'. A op. ya , 1647-spuldln
no, Mourn:Dv males. Pinteristgind
pug Pubscribendander,the film of Raman &Win,
bane perclumml hlgJonesinneretten Disestablish.
menu, and hope by the mimes( atteniion to the wants
red evealens of their gums, to merita continuance of
the liberal patronage banterer* received by its farmer
The boom has been tbameghly venerated, and repair
ed; we thertforo feel assured we con teenierme our
friends and the public to accommodations el to any
in the city of Philadelphia. "N W qua DGEn.,
_Jr:J NO wEgr.
OALT 1101.111 E,
Mobs and Math atm ' Olnelnantl.
tilln establishment I. now In the bat order fee the
1 reception of Deli:Reeling Public. Having ander
gone a theroogh repair, duds the past unmet', and
having the most espeneneed m sin the west, to the
canoe. departments-I tatter myself that all will be
pleased who call. The Demon Iscenmel,commodious
and pleaumt. Fare fl per day.
Cincinnati-Mime 1.1,1e47. W 11 MARI'
It B.—Altigmeh net extretly a new Broom, it ti the
same—a new When.on the old handle. apittf
Tli ll, l` , .ta.n'of , h , • Irma ena Wished berme. relipeet
telly oilers his nerve - riot the etuseset of Multilane,
endw,R exert hboself at rend.. Dantionable all wee
mar favor bile with them company.
This point vrh;ch du long been • Nyman one with
the IPrifiiieleit De lees of Dusbured wilt, the coming
;meow . , present a larger field km ttfisi operations than
hereenere,. from the completion of the Roil Reed to
Inittenapoim,Mmites further to the hog Fumes regain
sprted3ar G D IPI SAD EMI. Prepretor
Louievi Ile. Ky.
lIROCKJI ORTON buys tesegmunt his
friends that he Is atittin I . of the GALT
Hill; AR, Lestimrdle. By...where he hopes to meet all
bin old frienda, wearies theta end the public. thatre
eSurt shall be spared to make elm entienable who tarot
him will Ilea patronage DODD,.
PPnige Rail
tT tltTn. P prieio t ;. kilt.
(Cars* faeuazsge awl Lq. CLaa les " . lot.* Yitt•l4.
ramne na.s.tnec.
rflllE hest article known for elcaning.d whitening
.1 the Teeth, strengthening the mons, awertenoto the
breath, Ike. It ihoold lie used every men with
timid,. sad the teeth nod eriouth y tryout. natal.
wading in the morning. Wet the heath earth wsna
water, or cold will allover,. and nab it a few UM, on
the paste, when
mum; will adhere for e.eanoth the
teeth It leaves& debt. as taste in the naiad& anti
parts a most delightful f . ..grainee so the breath. Immode
unrivalled as a plena:it eitivamove, eorofenient and
sage dentriSce. It Is warranted not toltdare the teeth,
battle pratervellirmi aging it ergots:lry it will remove th e tartar amt
prevent .It. aceuntolatton—pmsent the toothache
aucoathen goon, and preterit all diseases of tutus
Chemists, pltywathoa, and the clergy recommend it a
decidedly aaperior m every thing of the loud to use.—
Ash for Liberality& Compound Orris Tooth l'atte, aid
obaerwt his s. tirois artachedlo each pot.
Rea...ended by Dr. Cattle, Broadway, one of
cot Lest Dentists, and by snow of the old etWaraliva
ants m the Gamed States, sad eeon atentively aced
by the Nobility of Millio] and FM. ra
A large proportion of the'Mwase.t hat MILO mankind
w rite from moth derangement alibi monisch or bowe l.
hich et timely use of the Carla tie !aurora would
entirely obviate. Persons of habits aboutd al.
waya have • at at hand, sodtake a do.. iwbrnetat
they feel the legal derangesnen tto their health. A imli•
Ci4olll.< 011b4.110 Lemerwil would prevent thotimarids
of cams. •
rormileat WY. JACE-WOIVS, coracr of Wood and
Lawry.* deed,
hop l' are tj av:? ' frTert}ilrl ' yT;r d .o r.h ov .' t k. la ‘ t r :
too lain! how coarse, hoar rowel, how vallow,
and anhcalthy the atm after aCnig
Liotutro, it In ittillir)oto,roptaining littire goon
nay of lead. We hove prepared a Licamend vegetable
I .rbirb wo call JONES'S SPANilittil LILY
WHITE. , It to perfectly isioncent, being purified of all
deleteriessquadnicsi and it impa rt, to the atilt a nal.
raj, healthy, alabaster, clear, hying white, at the same
time siet , Olr a. l <o.lltlitiC on the akin, making avian
and antooth.
Dr. lames Andersen:, Practical Chem , ct of Mama.
ehascus Pale 'Ailer analysing Jones's Neat:Use Lill,
White, I find it possesses the mum beautiful sod nata
-1 Cal, at the same lime Monecon white I ever saw.
certainly coo coosmentioualy recommend Hs use to all
where skin remit res beaultfy
=Price YS eons a bor.
DryirSold by W rif.JACKSON, at hie Daot and Shoe
litare,Eo Liberty street, head of Wood, at the men of
the Uat Boot. 121
•Lodles, ladles, Pm astonished,.
AlThert you know that you ore promised
A amoral,,Snoury
T et you will still use common chalk,
Antitank a deedily yellow fright..
' The theme of lam:4W and Cloak.
If you would use • hex of JOSE'S Lilly-while, it
treed glee your akin an alabaster yet natural white,
and at the same time clear and Improve' it. Cold at
JACKSON'S, egLihelrly at. Pries If cents per box.
. ,
oifiletod with Mammon of lb. Langs.
—nit is to certify to those afflicted wok the lint pre.
monkery STIOIOOIOII9f Consumption, that I have hoed
laboring for ...coy year. with n bronchi, soreness of
the throat and boarsenem. I used many medicrnes,,but
Plaid no relief in ahy preparation of medicine, until I
REMEDY. I hare been ming this valuable medicine
for several years, and alarms find hie:relieve when
everl mane rise of it. My occupation mu an Auction
eer, which keens me elmos t constantly engaged, thaws
my disown:, at times, to become very storming, When
atones procure this medicine. I therefore lake phi.
sore to maims the p tattle Atatelaellt, that Others .duet.
ed With a disease of the limy and expectorant organs
may. know the virtues of this "all beading remedy,"
and may be eared. I have recommended LW. Duncan's'
EXpectonidt Remedy to many ofmy friend,. route at
whoin owe their liver to this medicine.
thiniersed,Ohio,ooLl3, lEIt JAII F:l4
Tbo proprietor of the misery medicine would, air.
rater Urals undersigned persons, vela. res de In Perry
roadlYi on whom any. person may call upon sod be
convinced that there are stones bond in dm above
medicine that ahem be excelled:
. . . .
David Colby-mon, friomeracn Or. 0.210ne, do; Man.
ah Goliher, Jackson tp; Mr. Latimer, do; &leo. Fannin,
Saltliek ip; Jcood Davison, llama. II ip •
mond went, Cincinnati, Ohio. .
told in Piobstgb. by WM. JACKSON, Liberty
bead of Wood 'street. anl9d/ol'
l'rernomon,llay 17, 1:317.
LAST Pataiday knave amospoon bill of U. A. Pak.
nestook kCo a VormVane to my little girl, who is
between bar and fire year. old, and daring the day she
pawed MG large towns, averamog more man a foot in'
length. .
Peeing Its erects on Ibis child, I then fovea teaspoon
- WI to he r pomp, staler, who wag apparently well, and
alle parsed d 7 wotms of equal lion. • •
Watchmaker Smithfield street
• Prepared and sold by O A FA lINF4TOCK oC t,
corner Ist and wood. and wood and Oil 5. • le6
wilOeHmeanneaseAuxqual . yours? Look at your
IV V kir yoaacwire, with her bragh t Nanny facet Look
et your oent, ppted whit:era/dope rod blotehes Yet
yero ale 11,0 mean to. pre •fty cents for • cake of die
-00•At welch mild %mutely free
yoa Acne the" sod wake your sallow skin ekes and
keetky. Oo atones to f SCklen'i Siam ly Laberty . st.
Ilttutoolbotad act teak. • ,
N B Jaeluirds lathe only place isitlitaburghwhere
the be obtliumd.. Moran Counter.
irpoßBßAVV.thei Hie Mot meat to the dotitmey'
' Ting Oradea spots, Sialarkot Mann Awl Clothed,
it gellensiCuptits: ita., A.e, and rendering the "epoti
where it In applied clear, bnght, new, and voting
Sold with di reedonn.: Price giii nano a. coke.'
Sold by Wag JACKSON, NI Libery weer, heed
ood, at li is Boot LII4 Al boo Anne, eign of dm Sig
. . . ~~., r . rte-- ~..n.
IMEaI ' 1847 . kiwimi
it/Il XXIAPSPORTINfrId tAtAnu r bi- -
THE improved method of carrying used by this
tio long
Established Lute; is now so weft known that de
pn'ts unnecessary. Goods are not touched... the
t n . 'h.. all transhipment °Tarim handling is saved.
The Deals are Of light Caught sad perform their trips
In from six to seven dayg.
The capacity of oar Warehouse. onAiles its to store
any consignments made 10 us. Receivingototing, and
*franc.. freed' charge* '
Being fully prepared t o . make sales of Prod uc e
_ i we
resplettfully solicit consignments of Weiler. FIOI.,
Caroni Lard, Butler, Cheese, %Vend, Feathers, nod other
articles for sale, on which liberal advances wilt be
made and other usual Gsellines afforded, pledging our
selves that any business entrusted fo us shall be-no
promptly executed and upon as fair terms as by any
other Louse. JNO bIeFADDENIts Co
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh
419 and *SI Martel st, Made
Milli 1847..:
F'°a:ttreTt'll:ginctretra P vco"lZren'Etprialnbtnhn
the way, and the consequent nob of delay, damage,
b retails& and separation of goods.
tle Alma et street. Philadelphia.
• t o Penn and Wayne Its, Pittsburgh
O'CONNOR &Co, North street, Baltimore t Apia.
W.& JT TA PSUITT, 75 Sou th.t.; N.Y. 5
Eneounigni by increased business,,,,the proprietors
have added 43 their stack and extended their arrenge
menus daring tho winter, and are now titepered to lor
ward freigat with regularity mad dispatch unsurpassed
by any other line. their long experience as deniers,
the' ia/pable superiority of the Ponable Beau tlyeicrn,
nod the great capacity and convenience of the ware
houses or each end , of the nor, are peculiarly oaten!.
ted to enable the propreton to fulfil their engagements
and accommodate their customens—conyidentlyagenng
be past as a guaranty for We rawer the respectfully
solicit a continuance or tout patronage which they now
gratefully tleallOWledge.
' All consignments to Tea& & O'Connor will be reed
and forwarded ! Steamboat' charges paid add Bills tit
Lading transmuted free of any charge for C003031./011,
ndvoncing or storage. Leming no lstems directly or
Indirectly in steamboats, the interest of the consigners
ROM , DercAserily be their primary eMed, la stopping
worn and they pledge themselves to forward all goods
consigned to them promptly end on eke most advent. ,
genus terms to the owners.
March LIS47 mare
1847; Sigalat
.110 M
the lota
and continue throughout am reason. 'Foe mermen
hare now pliteed'a memoir class at Packets sari nail
road Cars on the more, with <SIM latommounatial4l,
winch will give greater comfort tWtravelete.
A Packet Boat will always ho in pun, 'NSW MI tray.
char public arc requested to call and cameos tarot,
prermaito encaging pemage thy-where
One of the Packer, will leave the laming, toppoade
the Untl.d lintel,/ .rrter :Pena sliest some the
Canal, every night at 9 o'clock-
PlkIE 3k DAYS.
For information apply in the dike. manwagamela
Hottie. Water gut:et, or ea D LEECHhi CO
mabl3 car Peas ureecanausaal
• fr . O . ll , i e rent i rL m sP . or y talr .s le , flu e
w at e. r;o i. aza . n , l ie tt r. eins
pannershm mode, the name 4.f the "Bodromea
and hardy,. speed to refit the Stook rra on to ham; a
number. of Boom Mr the pornoe of carrying goons
throogn in from eta re eight plop
a, with arreinty—sfid
frlCOUrit.d . by the I:herein,. of loot year's palID5
.4.4 to assks more tilell3llre arrangements for the d
awn( year.
We woidd therefore reapecifolly when • contimer
once pleat baser proomtand refer all neareumomers•
to thooo we havadooc boasters for..
iadia 1847..abg=
Fore vulva... of
Purutoruoto, Dam on. Naw VAWAND Ibityrox
Corner Liberty otreetoind Canal Boom. htrobarnb.
No X.Sliforket woo; Ptulaiklphia.
PITTSBURGH—LA iter.t'sHr. rGeo. Maroon ACo
W McCully A Co, B A Pompton & Co, M Allem &Co.
WIILADKI.PIIIA—Ma&tr Pallersoo & Co, Retool&
211eFrtita0 &Co, PlerAng & Darby. Peter Wrlght &
0.0 ttmohom. Jotteph bratz.
PW TORK--Goodhoo & Co, Theo Perry &
BOAT. IN—Keed, Hord A Co
CI Vel.liNATl—Adaros Crrogh, W W Seatbor
Pr /I.F-APA NT. VA —P A Marto,
• .
weirchwidoe (two New Vorkand Rowan
wooigood to AI. Goi r ban A. C. l'hiladelrlo, will I •
(o•worded two C0M11114.11. f.b1.5
IS4 7. daUti
fl2"%Vrtheas Transhipment..o
emealstonsharted toooteare will be forwatdad waft
out the lowest current tau, Bas of lwrhox
trartrnotoal. and all Instructions promptly attended to,
free from any extra ehanie for stomp, or rosamorsion.
Aditem,orapplyto V A MeANULTY Os
Gourd Darin, Pauhargh
. _
Miring it very tart and note...idiom. warebnoe,
ntr prepared lo tecenne (in add:halt to height nag
atiittnent) a taw anienain Produele..l.e... on Situate at
low fates. trantai C A IIIe.INULTY
attalail 1847 . - MEM
E x PClMiliate't . aracern %t=n;ltre:rle f , ) ' oltA1 (
town. liollidayetwigh. Waler htreet, l'etehihuegh eeJ
eli place.
Ono Boat will lea as the Warehouse of C A Ileinulty.
Co. Putabaigb, every day.
thandaynd and
thpperae. salway•Cepend on henna their good. for
am e n
without delay and St fair me*.
'Phis Lane war formed for the special aecomogidritfort
of thy way Wl,loess. and the proprietors respeetiony
buena hue of patronage.
. - •
jOIILIIt.I.ItIt. liolldLYtbutg ,
It II CONAN, Johottoorn Agents.
C L JIgANV LTY a Co, POttbargla
Mak,lit, John Pother, Robert More, Ragalcy
tc..rnith.Ahorgt. Jamb_
1847 . itiatga
1 " . " : a u
and v Mt.
er inc
and eafun h and rartaenger Canal llama,
running betrteen Beaverand Ent. and enanceongortth
C M Reed's Line of Ed
eanfboat Propellers and Vera,li
ea the Laken% wit; prepared upon the open.
olg of Navigation an tarty Freight and Pasaengert tu
all. points on drt Rive, Canal and Lager.
flarrtur every (warty onf noneeysng freight end pea.
adage' nod; promptiorta and dapateh, thd proprietor
and agente roach from wear frtenda aud
hu pobbc generady their patronage.
C M RE:lo,Erte. Pmpnemr
.10101 A CAUGMEF. rineldgh do
Co,ktundifield and Water ma. opposite the Mowing a.
guhf la lloo.n.
Wheeler, Crocker & Co. New York
Geo Farm, Bar Ado
N Parks &Co, Cleveland
.la, A Annorrtmg &lA. Detroit
%kende & Wiuluna, Milleaultm
& Ponce Chmago
Wm Powers. Priwerwown, Penns
Geo NI nehebnyw, Evanshorgh. Penha
John MeArtbor, Ilantwown. do
Wick it Acker; Greenville, do
Craig & Frampton, Clarksville, do
flays & Plumb, dharpabergh, Pa.
V. Malan, ilharon, . do
.Conalnaham. New Caltle,llo___
Ala 1846.
H. aarke. H. Hoops. T. h ehmond k Co.
Vorwaidtmag k Conuataslos Merahaati
TIE Agent. and Prisorictoss of slna Line (so facto
' ably known to the public), will be prepared an tb
earliest openlng of canal navigation to receiveprop
orty at Plumb - argil and Beaver, and deliver the nano a
any point on' 1120 Ohio canals, soda/pours Lakes En -
and.hglehigan, with the muslin despaush and at reas
onable fates.
- -
The proprietor• of Rua'lWO solicit the 6o•iness of
their former customer• with miofidence, knowing that
their facilities 'are •woad to none.
Apply to or address
G DI HARTON. AR, Plushugh.
CLARKE & Co, Mayor.
LEEcit a curs.
relic met of thi. line cLonsista of a oolible daily.
.I.,Line of Boma and Cart, (owned by tiiciargivo•J
which are id good order. onbocriberis are won•
rod to forward a largo quantity of :Here.:dm had
Produce with certainty and dionateni
Prod arc or Moirehiddioe consigned to any or tap- as
derslgned. ia forwarded free of any charge for roomier
Won or otorage. .
Dills Lading transmided and all inntructano pronnitly
ituelnlcd to.
The beanies+ of this Line Is conducted on Anneal,
SoLhoth-keeping prinelpisso Addreos, oropply Ls.
D LEECH it Co. Proprieton,
Canal Dago, Pittshingh
DAMS & LEECH, Propnetors,
No Ultrouth Third street. Phdodelphis
'JOS. TAYLOR id SONS nevus.
N 0 .114 Nor* Hosersid street; !Lattimore
W 11 WILF4I/1, Agent,
otehls No 7 West street. Nor• Pori"
U NAVE Beaver, daily al do clock t. )n.. &denim
.1.4 arrival of the steemboa4EAVEß . from Pit:Absinth,
and arrive at Warren or& naming in season for the
Stages able retch Cleve! Umbra night. '
Pawnor ra will be receipted thrudgb,seeuting berths
0111 the Packets, nod seats In the dam on Appltconon
on board steamboat Onuses. flestsing Plttsbargh at I
o'clock ' s, ■,l or to the &gelds:
ON lIARTON &Co, Pittsburgh
CLARKE Aoii i . Beaver
spl6 N B TAYLOR, Warren
'- • LICEOLIf 4 00%
- Packago 11Corpolose to . Ph . .
*1111111 , 1".17g .t helot now oppeen, the.
1 .•
tooustwo /Orwa nootr7atee of voluatila pooksgoo of
oxfobanduo, opeeis but Dom* jewelry,.
treated On Tkur.OT, klatch . -
An loos CHIST WM be thopoichodlu lota 11tookft
*Ms eawf u lrg mum •
,D ,
NZ 14 Quid Quial
111.801.11A13..MORNING 11# , CfLIILT• 1708
The new ant=odid amasser • • • '•
Copt. Charles Boom eernereee," 1,, , e'
regular trilir... this talk leasing Pitut
•bergti At V CPC-loCk. A. Y., ant Lk-aver ail o'i lock, a tar
osoneeting veldt Patoloureb and CievelTe of Cad
nal Beals daily to Cleveland. 0.; Beaver, Velma aria
Cleveland lane of Canal Prieken:t ~.
daily to Warren and CiAITI3.II4; .CllO I Packet Linea to
New Casiie and Gfteltrißtri Pa; .e Extension Line
to' Meadville xnd Erie. lied, Moore . & Co's Linea of
Stage Coaches' for Cletrelt4t M
and WOOT. lenve•Bes.
rer Andy on th e arrival p f steamboat Beaver . (WM
Pnisburgh. Apply td . . _ i i .
0 M lf RTON & Co, rittsbimli
'a nla ' CLARKE & Co, Dean , —.
t • UNION -
N PARES & Co, Cleveland, O.
• R G PARRS. 'Ham; Pa. • Praariotata.
tV T MATHER, Pintburgh, Pu.. • •
THE 1-rgtal seeerTen (o ily
P P r i=u; d a;t o a l ll7lVel
land, to nay point on the PentisyNanat /Valour.' Olso
.Canals. • •
The facilities of said Line are not any oti
said Cortaro, in numbers and eapseity of ; Bouu. cape
rienre of Captains. nod prompts., of A6ent.,
One Boat leaves Plasburgh and Clevelppd daily. nut,
nine in connection with the Steamer..
Pliehtgan•and Lake Erie, between Pittabragh ind.
Beaver; and • Line of hrs. class Steamboat., crvt!!,
lets, Brig. and Sehtenteth, on Lakes Erie, lima, All,
d' grpene and To; l w ' rOded to an, part of the Union 4ith:
despot's. E N PABBB h Co, Cleveland, Ave
. .REED,PASIES PeCo, Beaver, Ago
bIATHER, Pittsburgh, Agt.,
apll Cur Water and EratibEeld street+.
tioraa - 1847. itakiES
PACKET Bows Swallow and Telegraph leave Bea
vet daily, at 3 o'clock T. at, after the arrival of the
morning Boat fram Pitubmati, and errive at. Warren in
time for the Line of Stage., which leive ; tmmedi•
vilely thereafter, and arrive an Cleveland at 3 o'clock, V.
his route lithe mon expedniona and comfortable
one w the Lakes.
. . . .
an'M 1k LEFFING Et.j.,, Warren, Propr';l ;
REED, PARKS & Co, Beavor,rAgints
JOHN A CAEGHEr, corder Waier nod Smithfield sts,
npalJ Oppoeito the Mononpliela Hons. Pittsbotsh
. 1847.
111$ Line consisting of freight and past env ,Pea t
cis, will ron regularly during the season between
Beaver and Greenville . , Ca.. by which freight Ind
sengers between the two points, will be earned promptly
and at the lowest rates. ,
WICK lc A RCIIER, Greenville, A gts
CRAIG &FRAMPTON, Clarksville, do;
MsFAIILAND & KING, Big Bend, do;. .
DAYS & PLUNID. Shargeburgh, do'
W C MALAN. *lawn, . do :
REED, PARES/ Co..Besvcr. 'do;
.JOIIN A CALlGHEY,sornm.Watet and SotlibLeld sus;
agAly ' Opposite the idosongaiicla lloose; Pitaburgh
. . _ .
Philladelphle,•Baltlasere, New York
end Esteem.
THB encoaragement this line has received claw
Its commencement, has induced the proprie
tore to increase the stock by &Mb ng s number el fir
clam boatm and irtateul 'ofgiviog receipts alhereto
-fore is agents: we will give our own receipts. for
freight shippe d by this line.
'llte boats ire all ponable, consequently freight
is taken the whole thstance without trunshipment,
thereby preventing damage from frequent bandliug
on the route, end as each boat is owned by the'
'Captain who rueethem, which is a sufficient guar
t Inlet that there will be no delay on tho route.
All Produce or Merchandise consigned to the
uudeivigced will be forwarded F?IEE OF COAI
ISSION, for admitting and . funiarding, and will
be shipped without delay at the lowest rate, of
Wiarespectfully.solieit a sham nf public patro
nage. WALLIPiGFORD & Co.,
• Canal Basin, Pittsburgh
Broad Street, Philadelphia.
F MILLF:R, Agent
Bosrley's Wharf, Baltimore.
Pittsburah, Feb. IC, 8111, •
846 AND
mil " elia.
TIIE are nom prepared to &sward Prete
doer, Ac., to the Eamem Markets daring the moot
ing Wink, on the mint (storable term., by this exp.-
dlirons rotate.
All property ron.tened to on mill be forwarded at the
lotvert noe. and won despatch.
McKim:l.ll.e Teetered by Boa toot., proniptly
warded.J C BIDWELL, An . r.ymatturgh.
I Ii W CAPS. Brownsetlle_ .
noonE MERTON & Co,Cumberland
1546 ..! AND.. 1847.
THE subsenhers ddl receipt fordm delivery of Pro
duce m Baltimore by the Monongahela Slankwater
•t the following Ana.—
Ashes, Rama, Bun., Lead. Lard, Pork, Tallow,
Whiskey, r. rod Gloss-671 ets parltal
Totoreev,llessit. Ft. and Wheat,94 cts per 100 lbs.
Ashes, (Pod Apples. Cheese, Fla:-Seed, Glass, and
Leather-106 els porloll lb.
Oils, Shins. Revd., Wool-110 els per 100 lbs.
Rresmss.Fenthers, rors. Ginseng. and Snake-Root
—lattets per 10011... '
All property eutortinell of the undersigned
veld ho forwarded without delay, free of Commismon,
at above rates. WII CLA Rh. Rrownsville.
HI:EZC I R D .II . C .. IILB4IICAL witivrtzig?
I bog the patronage o f the potolic
We article it is bat rogtot and proper that '!'. nwribion
wLich the chit; for support "bawd should be fatty and fair
ly set Moth and al.. roam gnarataces giren that the cow;
amity la 001. be op. by using It.
lo the Met place a to well known that the generality of
Elena goks" are composed of a prec,pirnte, Lola together
by gum Arabic,od vibe. the ender, nth.. w whole ur part
ie emporawd the gore md precipitate are kn. as • pasty man
in the pen or inkstand which mollies it It to alto cosmos
to add vinegar to eke look. mature to make it more fluid,
which increases the aril by acting' on the pro, if a panto:..
corroding it through in as.; short time Now the. Woe.
nag Fluid. differ. from thew natter., iv envoy respect, as
it is eche...t agueno miliaria no Virld outler to hehl it
together, thereinto wool tinier ge l *Mk, and beteg wry
iLa g rre qua r ot . bamozf ft roli f tt oh oe . o; in . toz i een . apoce
mot :Jeri and one Ina easily mover by attrin ' to =7,
owl plowed on the lotion. It a.
COULii.ll4O mail< r that
Len no affinity for metal= irca, therthsre will out aurrode
Wald pens—, t wool eat mottool. and a t it writ. of •
Waldo green color yet to i few hour s it b e • dloeop black
whet. oral endure :01 . .gt. 111. worriurled term, to the I
fore gn sortie a 'twain by the mine of "Arwood's Weitivg
Ftuid," md one-third more given for the nem price A.
g °smote. against itopmilim of. my
be' attempted
the Gollowing rev...iodtions wilt willScr, as all outoot be
aware, that tbe Lassies More given cou.d not 'bare been ob •
tasted by any want ..worthy pompom.
e recommend ••IlibberPsClumical Writing Fluid" to
the pstecesage or the public, is a first ale articls
mts, it flows Bee from the pe n 'W. ho clogging it up and
dm course of k fen hours 4.ton:wee deep br.alit black. .
B A ..Sam_ peon h. Co. Wick eml McCandless
Robert Moors. John Parker
Wm Lippincott Sun 9 Wighlrunii * Co.
kW/nem. k Douglas I Franc a Sellers
Bobs B %lrTill, Booker C A MeAnulty 1 co.
ire W W Wallace,
losiale Rolling Mill Aug W s lBo.
. Thos K llllibert—Dear Sir / hare been using nor
Chemical Writing Fluid, and Emil it • first rate Bruele
the offite, it flows freely from the pen and becomes:pet Mak
in few bon!, . Yours Re.
T U TUTTLE. Book-keeper
• for Dimelli k•Semple.
• 1 . 441441 h, Acig 1t47,
Mr T K filbert—Tear Sin flaring procureif a bottleof
your Writing rime throe smite ow, I cone!der it fut.
ly tenni if not stiperiorais ArrioliPs or anyether ink now in
lies,/ know of. • ' • liespectful y.
• I Gir Arthur Nicholson *Co
Pittsburgh, Sept 11,1 E-117-
Mr T K ilibtorts—Dear Bin I Lai stung your Chemin/ .
Writing scull find it to to • moat exceheut article for
.441 pima as it does smoke theta uplikc theginera:iti of
ether ink.. it doer. hire anal brosenue deep black itt • kw
hours. -
•for .
Hibbert, D loba Putter
Simpered end eohl Wholesale end Retail by Thome K.
rtmaittChemists WM.' of Liberty and
Smithfield Saeets.l . ttabab, Sa e • Ort2o6m
TILINGOLDSBY'S tiles Spctne, an internal rem
1.." a certain and Cattiest Mire, whether internal, mama
bleeding or blind, also, fi te irritation of fits k id neys
and der, , pu . in the back and iiide, habitual faatiTtlirah crap
.tiors kes
}',malts bethreind after', confinement - are often troubled
with constipation of the bowls or motive-out, as well as the
poles; In all sueh owes thittpterifie nn bed taken witleper'
Get safety, and is a errtain remedy. The Specific a mama
purgative and is an entirely vevtable remedj, withoutaper
welt of gamboge, colocynee or othaw—pleasunt to Wt. and FRI
reedy harinkse in the most aelicate
This is to certify that !tonne D. Ingoldstirs Pik 6peilS4
to be si certain Ilad .af , or remedy. Hariterdemi erect,
in several caws, amongst criy Amity conneximas, inanimate.
end new.. ol Nkw. where it made SW gratiss
cure in every moe. H_NRY WHITEHEAD.
New York, May, ISIS. • NM Sloth sweet;
. I charrAilly give Cly mailman, es to the certain and :sloe
/shiny effect. of Dr. Ingoldsby • Film Smcificioa I know it
from my own experience and obierntion, to be infallible;
haring tons it tomd with succua several cases of pile, =le
and female. GED. MILLER ;
Now York; Nay IRS • • 334 Skill stmt.
New York May, IMY,
Mn Defla—Dele Mri—d ha. W. pkasunt to miy, Dint
TO. medicin, Dr. Ingolddife node • per-
Pet cure in the cue idol ... t oad I neingire V..; niord
Nat I bare been rapt.. at it, to it R 44 m my opinion im
possible town her. flowerer, leu now testify to the med.
KIM R 1 beingl.fitllly and do ndrise all others who are ay
dined in the - like manner, to prom.- the article,. they way
depend on e.t.a core
Yaw. with rupiah
• West Chater, IC Y., Islay /5, INT. •
D. %colds/Pl—Dear Sirs—That you may benefit ethers
b. may m 6, as, well at hummer lay gratitude-La
the benefit I hare dented tram the we, aye.. ralttaltle
age,amply with your.requett, and how do ea my away as ,ator or 4, haring been eared ot a were atta to
ch ot
the tilts after having Ined other remedies without amnia..
Tour. with knee.
Bold wholesale and mail by WM. JACKSOIy, al hie Pat:
eat htedieita Wareboute,aud Boat and st - o. N.
t o
Liberty tweet, head of Wood, Pittsburgh. Price,
.50 nota
pee haa .
Gsuromut, ,Inly kt, OWL
Nr. F.Grahant—Dear b,d or ) , m g
battles or Seller) Verna ifugt• and mad e .enor one b o .
tle to tiro of ray chtldren. nada brought Own ono
w0.,11, andirons An other 130. (.recommend It ni
community an eon of the boat remedies I hone ever wen
or mud for the town' of worms •
Monte renzithllg;:'
Purime r d and R.: E. SELLERS'S? Wood et.,
bemoan Sol and 4th SY. Sold by Hr. Goentloth Ward..
11 . 31 0_4 3 17,.41/ 6 114 1 9: 0.41 '• FPO.
. J,. , ~'.a~,,....x.. ..
~.x ,aa,=~:,
• ,••; I . • pa. •§ll.Eums7rs. ,
1 • r t v.: sncil.m.AN Lm disc...awed a way to maim wollen..
„LI gdmiam, ea dad cliddrea wills.:e et taaddy am my me
amnia Sui UM hisfaiestassie ts! aniesad eat kb. of
feAapataLTowhPLteow the feel each !I•OrT;aid is.
sakagelvs' CODCft LOZENGE-%
Tlowe Lugano. are the mfr., mom mire and edictal rim
illy for eimen; ounvani=fa, whowyeareghd, w.
niasoighnien of she mfr., *I"'W"..
dwotr nor
ha. norm know. isnme. Irina, they did not gm latrine
smisfactima. , tbmwal thousand bona ham been .old min is •
.the tawyear,restoriog to health person. in alum* every Wogs
ofewaiimpow and Mine laboriag yoke thi trial dimeam..,
colds and coughs ! . They do etot cheek earl dry up the emit.,
atnrdamy re ,prn sa
e me a on o im, allay Me licblugraion, mote'M Fannon
oe eseitiug came.
I 'flay am made from a maibimtna of a mad faltirbit epee
tormt,of math ealicato, maker. undoubtedly
mery thnig usa Anthem mutplaitate. . noodled. ilea, has
Made ofeertifamdm lam bens offered hf theitwrotelarful tin ,
twee, from tbme who ham bent eared from
.ad restored In perfect Modth by mai; ahem. , •
. Where then m moth ia the beam or eide,doi - of Shit
neaw's Pone El.'s Plasters (mire tmly Ida en. 11,) should ne
applied eater the dent, and wino tih relieved. If enfolded
wiW mmireime, • kw what.* or !Invite luotnew or
adhleathanie Wald be mad ma Mani. requires
__Them worm iosenim here been pored us mom thaw
WU ems on be oidsllible; the eidy embalm arena dosuoysag
medicine mean...ed. Mail discuss ache boo
and modem hog .wd intenammabeing, am/ emu death, With
out their deer being sturetedi grow. fama.... - .e. .
&glided with them, wet are doctored fm! r' •
!mahout shy benefit: whoa one dose of these 7L:atage s would'
t. fisznyamor l Wormo.—Passa in the joints m limb , *Ern
sive breath, picking at Um noie,griuding of the teeth Janda •
ieep ‘ md animas •yefrimeaboutthe lipwwith Ihnhed elsrab a
bleeding at the imee,egnoting amen. al rininanath,fooli
es of boat acer the surface in the body, slight chili. Go Joe •
criopi headache, drowsium4, rertspoorpor, dietarbei
drum, waditen starling in nap, with fright Mad anemia;
wanrindes • troublesome cough' frierioliam, Stant,
hat, ferry' bad taste in the mouth', dialeult hocatidng, pain in
the mama bowela, fatigue, mom squunishoies., T. 5311,;
W appetite, leammo, bloated stamiels or-limbs griping..
shooting . pam no various darts of ihe body, a tense of do m e
thing rising in the throat, aching GAM .tts towards Med, a
frequent dove to yam something from the bowels, aid.
two diselaura °ldiom mid slimes.
_ _ •
They gim immediate relief in nenam 'or ski tmairwhei
r.ipation oldie hart, lawmen of the spirits, desponderny
intlanteautoiy or putrid sore • throat, bowl orgernheircorn •
.plat, Giotto" oppreseioa or • sense otehGelltsk — WaGiest
Medic, gamest cramp of the 'stomach' or li o wk,r
•sresthow, and all meow diseurs,demnim's tbe
day and wakefolons through ',
night; chola:mutt etall
ens teserbvs . diandionti lanitode rw'a emetic( fain* ior
wets tramline' or atutuding legriartim, waked the /Min ,
scrolly main, and ampules. dte buoyeneyoryoetigustsd
after dissipation, tbrzi , llradore the time of thi gmeggcal.
malty, and yiesince the oupkenent symptom ereingihnist
too Gm who ham Um too Itrerioint
kbendmied Mew dinifted }whits, will Gad thereLemadmegy
The beg Arnytkining
i n in theworld, end.
remedy kr pann, or weakness in the kirk, loins, st=
limbo, rink, rbecoriatism,lumbego, he. 'he . Qua nation ik
year 'mil not wryly the demand. They ristuire a Iltarturarst,
my helms apphatioa. Warranted superkr to an others.*
for ore gory the end makes' sen only Uie beryl:nit
Slackly:et plader in Um mewl& It arimste Mkt in ast
•I. rte. comaybunt dyepepein, it desold am mes
t r*re of the linear etornach, recd, will afro= a se
7 1 end
Artannhing • relief In . coughs =Lir, asthma, at
.6M...thing, generation of the dont or stomach, they ern int
ediale/y mods sad greatly linnet the tient. Dames - er -
redartery hanks, or dune oblvd to itmd mucbjwff meek*
decided support from co.' of Mere trulylstrengthmmg P
'ter. ?hymen= generally recommend them, in prefenmee te
all Wows, hawse tkey Mich or adhme better:ond Wordier*.
er ras. In thew opem i = they am namolent,
maps. They are an d of eat i nely different revolt
mt. from any other, end menu Nan the experimer. of ,
lions who hem med thent, es well as the ended terliinmy of
the celebrated end ekiyy and phyremon;
be om mend and big medicated &sew
S en aSren rm. has *let et the la° •
their surLnee sad thenks,LL Gm almost annecidour mem me
Direction. kr run an co Mir brek (trawl plaster, •
he lama! of Dr. Sherman mum.— Illiteipartantyon skaold
always ash :kr Shernmili Poor Moak Plaster and um' that
yens "rat the geanita,m there ant many sr imitankins
harried about and wild ha the tree Sherman% flamers, by
mprincipled deniers. a'
Sold Wholerak and reed by .W.JsCASON at his Palo
bledienie Warehouse,' No. eo laberty rams, St of W
llAVgd , FOUNDgTJ'—Swrrka:' -
Citticistssad, 0., Muth :it 1817 .
Dm Sin—This it to eertikto-duiltiblie,particidiAy to
dune •Blicted wadi .• ammo of do Lungs, or Cosomption
that hi the Sprit/got IBC I teas ananked with a min staid
which woo betansimled .pm my Mgt, showing all OA
- symptom of an approaching Cbastunpliest; My tough lib..
tight multionliksonse, attended with <opium might sweats;
spit op daily • counderabin %minty of blood, mined with
Ida dark matter. My sitation %mind suntan nil alarm
ing. During, this dm I was atteaded by two of our atom .
skilfnl Phpicianstr - thry did We bast they cited& for tee; wWia
at book they gm up all hopes cif sty robonny,infrrating
me that salting more cottli be doosi-Lthal my lona wer• Oa- -
telly discoed, lad lis'yond (was then pussailsi
a friend of mina di make • trial of Dr. Dunitaisk Emine
nt tsl Raney. which toy Thysicians persisted agarastoamg
dial this meal:inn woad do no good, ard mad lan and
=IT to my ndttriii. I lid this* it insi try hid !Lod only
hope, sal that ill/ mat di* of the doom, (which was evi
d.,W mild be nothing kat.: Bo I mt. to dui
Chwituatili Oilier and shitisid 5 bkili.Gri et this thily,ve.
kit hlsaliiissi;wi i l asonewes4l ettiwi'acesslis t g to the dim
dam, "hid; indeadof. nilidisc to my stidttiwr,4. iwediately
pre st•aerwh vg. the tioubleisin• Con •
Man' the pill& mad iiglitswei in my Clink' giving sew •WA •
life sod strirogthi which tam enabled ma to be abnitk.agaio.
This moßeine mititand iis goad work, which lino nobly
cortoodwit. =Ultra; dads • want cm 'flare doe. been
attcnding to my bush.* fupwanis of 5 'and and fed as.
heolgtyou I wish. . l Sato ssewassetaid Dr. Denim', Et.
• _ Remedy in many instances to tboresienlarlyaillicied
and it lies always p/5004 0 I ham witnessed
arch 114 sheen is nainly thome&lne elyerment, kris
'Diseased Liner and in Affidisrn of the /U 1.0,10116 she
had suifered welb kw Mace ink .be has nearlY reinetered
by the hum of this medicine, mid I am confident the 6 beaks
Cut I dike with me (day willentirely &weber. I ICI forty
o ktihie that Iltere . ani thomends of ealMdile penmen nagilii
way with thin dreadful .dstro,er icOijSUblL"flOi: , -
Were,t only pcusible Cor those to procure ado enediclne itC
tiny, b4re it be too late, marlins might be m)auted and
their Altaic* and eelatimis vein rendered happy. This
medicine will gine ittstant relief, nett at Ins nurse time Ines
Oteliaid end painful Couyb, emote the lig/W.okthe 0/0
tire.etrenget to dmferbled . and emaciatid framer, and in
toosacaw*, am certain, wall peitanWa perk. cur,
Montgomery, Hamilton County, Ohio.
N. D.—Those mime., not be secuainted with am I refer
to the mderbined,cititens of Aloptgaisery, thatilton'emm
ty, 0 , th ey wdl at my time mbstantime Dm ahem, Mamml.
• .
• Nom. Dzawnista,•
Surma. -
etrWit, where this valuable Medici®e eau always b o 'nob.
Sold WI Pittsburgh, by . WM. JACKSON, comer of
Wood and Liberty us. aprl;4l.tor -
.1 Hair Cream, a matchlesirvirtiele for the Geo. - lb.'
litena(pandliestomtion of the - Halt. The Creme, when
once knee. will supersede all other articles of the
kind now. used. .Whore the: hair is dead, bardi s thin, ore;.
imatey or taming grey, A few application ll woke
the hoe soh and dark, A
lank give it a beobet lively
appeurocegand will also make it retain its liveliness'
and healthy h and
twice as long as ad the preparations
which are &orally nerd. ',Roe-lady and gentleman !
who are in the habit of idusig oils an their hair, should
stoner Purchase a batik of the Chinese Hair Chen; as j
it's sa composed that it dell not injure the hair lite.the•
other preountions, hut will beautify i 4 and ovir perfect
sausfactkin m every:instance,
For testimony to its veersuperior qualities, vet - the
following loner from Rev. r. - Caldwelloo Noun
Ileadersbon A Oroch, Nashville, Agents Inc
the Western g.tates r - •
Letter from the Rev. R. Caldwell, pastor of the Pres
byterian Church. Potash'.
, None.. Hendershot & Stretch—Gentlemen: I.'a
pleasure in adding my testimony in favor of the t c
lent preparation called Dr. Parrish,' Chinese l •
Cream—tor about two years age my ham was veryd •
btiniYi and disposed to come out: hat having proem,
a - botte( the Cream, and used Itneconling to the p.
riptide, hair {snow sok elasuc and brofto the
head. Many balsams and kids were applied each lea.
sing my hair to a worse state than before. This
lwaVer, has Mel air capecaaaaa.
As an article for the Toilet, say We givers is over another*, heiugdelicarely perfumed, and not
deposed to tumidity. The ladies oprelally will And
the Chinese Cream to be a desideratnot in weir prepa
rations for the toilet. Respectfully; An
Poloki, Joey-VISO. . • R CALDWELL.
IDIPPoId wholesale and retail. Its Pittsburgh by Joan
Townsend, No 4.1' Market: treek.and Joel 510 ler
carter of Wood and Fifsh sts. 4 PIM( ,
'-For about ono, year, pre lons to Making are of Mr.
Seal's Renoratin6Fdla,l have as ezvernelyfrom
- Dyopepaio t aad an acid Stomach. I. have made stro Of
fttrat variety of medicine without receiving material
- benefit. About three monitio since Icommeined. aring
Modieine, which ha. entirely relieved me•
fmm acidity at my nommen, and restorist me to comfor
table health. &aerator my friends and acquainnumes
have made use of the lhllr and received math benefit
from tl em... I anorlih confidence recommend them.
JANE A LEE:3I7 I-ludo:in at •
Sold. wholesale and retail, by II A FA vii KtSrOCK
A. (Acme, of Its and Wood, and Word andfith ad.
POWDERED cams East
last te.cylveArausd fin sne.byl
.d .A FAH:YRS rocE -
corner In A: wood etc
;tic Me Oszencliviirlino, 3.6 n, near inn Pan Wen; •
Ono insertion of 151ines , or leis SO 50
Two inn without afterations ' 6 . 75
Three '". •' " I W One Week • 0 I SO
Two Week* " . " 252
Three " • " • " 3CO
One Month, . ' '' ' . •• .
' 401
Two, .4 4. I . • 600
Three . ' ''. \ . . • ; ...... ... 750
D Longer advertnecients in nme proportion.
One square,s months, without alicration,•• lb 10
Each additionarl pure for 6 months,' o 5 nil
it. 4. lO r 0
.One nqoare.6 montha„renewable at pleasure,
V) 15 (0
n , " I" n 44 - • " • -' 00
... . .
Each additional imitate for It months " •
10 00
Two aquares,6 month. ' re'watileat pleasare, 30 In
Eich additional aquare,6 month., • ~8 00
One square. 3 insertions,. ' $t 50
" "'' each additional insettion„...„. 37
Five fines or len; ace year.
" " six months 6 . '00
one year, daily & weekly, 10 00
months ' " 8 00 •
For 8.0 linen, or less, One insestion,
te Two, 0.15
Three, P 11 . •••••• 71
•" " Three months, /4 ai
Twelve . 4 r • .10 00
?All adiertisemento Gibe charged . by the !quire,
lad a discount of 73 per cent to be 4rwiti where the
opulent of ailveitistog eieeeds 80 per year.;
"improve - Buse,
nos limes or lors,. Oafs year,
illirnatirso.oroirooroooi o• I IX .
t . _ r t,