. , • . • • May, 1241, Wlneb - prenides Makin .all case. when N • houses or other real or personal' openy is destroy ed„in Philadelphia comity, by any mob or the - owner, of the property . may Soo the connty, and Sir summary proceeding,, recover the value thereof. Tun act has received the Animal sanction of that Court. A prat deal of our.legielatlon respecting , made and tmdges is bleat, and many statutes enacts ' ed for particular mntier, making different officers, - - • presenting different numb!ra of - viewer., different minim 01 amassing duriages, different modes of for repairing bridges, ace. .1 refer to a few. P-ti.: t of 13th April 1843; seine Act oi Gib Apo oc Illb March 1814; act 24th Febrnuy 1845, and the act of 7th April 1545, concerning Montgomery and moutoe emetics. There isa particular taw on the ',abject for Cote fliooke, Date township in Berke • • I county. But the learned individual {{ need not sups • - pose that these tillage are theoretician. They hare , , :deb: foundation in common seise and nature, and • r :hence are common now and hereitiolore. Local , laws, for particalar district., prevail great extent lniKegland. a s those versed in bee usual history ,/ well know. Lord Coke give., as ono of the loon datives ol judgment in England, the Mato= of dn. • ferret toots as Pa hamlet, town, burgh, city, manor • honors, hundred or county, ' Co. Littleton, 110 b. & Student, Dial. 1, cap 10! - And these . ear eau hare been recognized by repeated acts of par,hament, and sustained by the courts, ' ~ the jolt I foundation of legal judgments. I might cite name, oult cisme. Then there are the customs of Landon, welch enter so largely lOW the adeninisualivejustice infretation to'propcny in that city. • ' . toil the nime England States, as 1 believe the poster of,utabitthi n g law. and regulations peculiar to them.' yes and tor yheir own benefit, is granted by . stua le • to the town., or see sth call them town. shipe, and the newer thas granted, has been found long esperienOel to be wisely used, mad to result in the happreess, Rattily and prosperity of the pet, ple, • 'rho counties in Massachusetts are divided into towns answering to our township. By their viewed code of Hoy. 4th, 1836, the power of the - towinuireltrAttited. The'people are to assemble annually either in the month of March or April, and as often afieniards aa the affair. Of the town t require, according to regulations. set foith in the low. When they 'assemble, they elect a wader.. tor, during wider election the town clerk preside.. The moderator pr ones miler, decides as to who is entitled to artai,i and the meeting have power ' • te &elude any lessors guilty of disorderly belts. vitior,and to Any/tire, not exceeding twenty dol lars.; The towns have power, at any legal meeting to giant and real such SUMS of money as they. judge necemiary for tint ollowiog Purposes, Fortin support et town echoule, for' the suppoit and insintainance of the poor, for burial grounds and far all other necessary charges &flaring in - the KIM town. The )own meeting*, shall melee such neticimuy enders and lawn for directing and Mina` ging the prudential affair - a' of alto town, as they shall judge most - cenduciva to the peace, gmod or der end welfare of. the same, and they may annex penalties not exceeding twenty dollars. I will not attempt to enumerate all the pewees and duties of the people assembled itt town meetings it i. sufficient to ea*, that by the act of tbe Legislature &truth the entire legislation, - bearing on each town is submitted to the declaim of 'the town meeting. ,• Th. y have a right to determitte,also whether or not they will send repreamitativer to the general ay, semblyttach year. I bane not been able to a copy of the laws of Messachusetta, New; Hampshire and Connecticut, but.L ham no doubt, from laws in their 'book. of reports, that, their laws are nearly ire rune. Thos in these State., each town may have different laws ennoble to Itself, deliberated .... , sod enacted by the people of the town, in lawful. meeting assembled, yet this difference has never produced evil. These Slates remain firm as their granite rock upon the republican System' of Goy, ereuncat,--.although they refer back to the people,. much of the- interior ' , legislation suitable to their condition. The imuitutions of them Steles, sharpen! "the intelligence .of the people, give them the habit of inveitigating public affairs, of caneideting sad acing for•their own benefit, and contribute largely to that peculiarity of chaiac ter which has made the people of thou section of . the /Men, diatinguistidaTid remarkable in , every parka' the civilized world. . • Ahreast with the Mrecuret of every nation in science, arts and liberaticui, their bandit:Mons afford strong evidence of the 'safety which the people May be busted. The grant of legislative power, la the N'.E eamtilntione particularly that of Mast. .is about the same as mini and the bill of right r oleo, yet Such lawn, resting for higher powers on the people of districts, than that considered, apd dstaldishing laws which may result in difFerruj roles and measures, in contignithei districts, and which; fact, relegate to the people much Of the adthetrity of legislation, have been sanction ed and approved by the wisest ,Indgerti'mad most • far teeth, Statesmen, that this in soy other country h oe produced. I refer, generally, to the ; cues 'of Stetson ye Kempton,l3 Mau. 272; Far ras vs P,erley: 7 Greenleaf, 404; ;Woodborry Ira Hamilton, 6 Pickering, 101; Nelson ye Milford,' 7 Pickering, 18; 12 Pickering,, 227; Blackbuin To Inhabitants of Walpole, 9 Pickering, 97, aid specify many others, to establish that, such ,staintes hive been sustained, and ;in some mea sure to exhibit the extent of the powers of town meetings; ” Are then the descendants of the stMetetni le. wonky • .of trawitum the dreeehmenta Of the Angio nanorni ksa `capable and urtirthyof roasting snit guiding the prate/pl. of liberty. Must strangers , contemplaung cur resources. sin people e end oar tnnitations, and the decialons'of our Court., Iroy, ange r poor hate, afraid to • Man belt, The people who have the beans to feel, are , the reln inn:ay of minority, becalm they unit never commit wilful oppression and inkoniee an their outs Vinnaaarl knowledge are the p.llara on which Me su perstructure of our repablie rests. The Schnollaw. and the lalg udder conetdelatiou, are designed to prorate both. I rejoice that my deliberate convictions lead me to die coact uskiti that toe am of Assembly Coder eonsidetation is entirely gunsmith... I "meld not throw a pebble In the way of the modern Ilereelea who under the ti• Militudo of the yeof , e, M . :Monne to destroy much evil I respee Pally dissent from aka Judguien t of the Coma CC,....11 a Meeting of -the Scam( Presbyterian Congregition of Pittsburgh on Monday the eighth instant.° unanimous call was giro' to the ItEv.l.Ax.exospeo. F. ?deem., D 1?, to the Pastoral Ogice in that Church. • R Into attempted the ,aakication af the Report °Me Committee giving the amount Funds Il i aip:red, and of other centrantioni. , ihuLare campellat to pottpone its appearance tenth tamorraut. Adocriimmiwnts crowded all to 4‘ly, , €so pecti. to morrow. BY = MAGNETIG.TELEGRAPH. Correspondence or P-17t-si;Pri47.-G.-klet ;i=EM;2E=II • Philadelphia; Nov 7, 3 p m. - Tlie New °dean. snail has arrived, het Miami no later neat, from the army. I The Charleston. parent give the Partienlare of the Ina ol the stop Empire, womb reesintly failed from tl l iew.Yetli with troe'po, litinistrueli a Cant reel at Masi°, on the night of the 17th ult, led was coin. wrecked: • ,There were 07! United States °Mears and men on bond, wbo stayed on the reef, 10 days be an - opportunity ollered to leave. 177 had anived at Charleston, and the remainder were hourly eapee• ed. The Ilelmsann was the only lost. Cprrespond:mce of tho Cstt.bargh Rosette - PIIILADELPHII ',LARNE?. Nov. 8, 4 r. re. Cotton4-Solee at PLa9le per lb. Market doll. Flo'orSateSof 2000 bble Welters at 86,37 a C,62c per bbl. Wheat-Sales or Prime at 132a134 cents Cori Prime Yellow is selling at 7Ger per . bit Oats=Sale. Oali-Sales at 42143 a per btu Provisionecontinoe wltbooC stings,. Cora Meal--Moderate mks at./5,50 Ertl.s:ve Corti4!pondence of an Poubitgh: Oncos pAIZIMORE MARKET. Baltimore, Nay; 8, 3 r. Plear—Howird Ftreet !Wands are held at 86, and City Mills at 86.12 per Lb!. Wheat=—Prime tillite is selling at 128a131 Di haditi. Saks at 10,000 lat. Prime Red *4 125 Corn—Salm of Prime While at 63 cents, and Prime Yellow at 68e Per h.'. Groceries ate withont change. - • Ez 616,1, * C. , Te.pondtnee of the Pittsburgi ..NRW YORK MARKET. • Nov. 9, 9's. sr. Fieur—Sales of Genesee a $6,37a6,43 per , lb. Western is sold at -86,31a6,37 per bbl. —Wheat is held five bents lower than Itst QuQ„- tatioo. Corn—The market is without changtf.. Provisions—The market is heavy. 2 • Kytt and Barley Ls drooping. The, foreign newel has had a depressing effect 'Open ilia market. • Q} ire Pwre I No Pay I Plleat Plias I Dr aelson's Embroeotion -ia the only medieine that f will. Moe: this so very femme tied, troublesome r I, „discale. not only lennethotely allay! path ending. • maw.; SUM e all Needing, subdues th utintolereble itch t - ttOut el:leen:tolls cures, in 0 very ahem time fICI,OIIII .t• live* havebren rendered miserable for yeant.— . Iteappileation produces no pain. but rather 111 agree.. Wand pleasant semetton. if persona aglietert said ulteed hear at tbe great evade.: of mina that have • .liceu eared. aliey•will Ire astonObed. A gentleman of this ell, who bad been under the knife of the aotgeon nottiroor Wee runes without being coml. bas byes. 1009 bottles of the Embrocarion, been eradicaßy eared. It nele,rwyeed presedenr:l=lPhil. Saturday Diener. • ...319 6 .11, ante 111 Yittrblugh at Me PEKIN TEA orultlL,i2 Parini.stiris ' near wood, and alto at the Drag More of Erb wans, Fetters! at Allegheny el. '" • . alidem . . •" •.,117Tasp°stint Adierstimras—Tho adoar f ousentsvihisit tkyproi in Ilse Daily Morning Gazeite tibia appear in the n-{Yeckly ' ilots resolving the ben ) sit of die circulation' of all, ssithoso cut). additional oh/tiro. This Isonadsozdsgobsoittodsostisorssitosi. Ostssiesposiso. A dvettisentools sual.llo sculled madripaper upon rellonable Kral. e "YNF~S§C' c+3'~i.~..;c l~„ -~L ~. _ _ .. .. ^rS.. ~"~ rte. , . • . Mailer's Ginseng beg Panaceas—lfs:DlM d.ratonr to call s attention to the following, final DS. Ware Win. Dose, ofpubli Witham:Mlle Vermont Co., and one of the veryfitst par Pions. in She county la which he resides, and lino , Sensaor in the ,State Legislature. It is sheering thus lo we the toad ied Men of the preen:on, hunting the bonds of pro... mops, prejudise,and giving mewl Its doe: Al • • .11fr: I have in my priietwe been nPi ny ssins of Your .Ginseng Pansees, and.so for. am well pleased in its el/Scum Catandoli and Bronchial Complaints. d l trlase send me half n dozen bonier—pat them as low 1111 con; as papers if it computes to render as pnersil eon illfaCtiOn as it hu bore:afore. to keep It consunity on hued. Respectfully. apt, Wu. 8010. ad D .CreTen Jeteal!sommoned to emend a Court of Com. mom Ftroson the 3rl Monday or November, are boded ha their attendance will not be required until the !MA Monday of November, at . 10 o'clock, A. AI. • try order Mlbe Board: • nyMikorgt ff . ' JOHN FORSYTH, Rotor, 43" As gallon t r,,' Pittsburgh and Co be held • t Philo 11 at . 3 o'clock, P. M. - us • • sit meattnk of the Stockholders of th, rtneltsville Rut Road Company veil ill ea dionday, the ktst of November D GAZZAM, &crater), (Cityi Papers please copy.] . . • DIED. At the residence of her Brother, Andrew Wolk, c.. mer of Robiaeon iod Crate en.., All. gheny city, Ants. MARY ODENWALD,erd 40 year... The knerol wilitake place Uti”ftemOort. et oklock. The Mende of the family ore Invited to attend without Anther nonce. IN= 'JnAon. ,Seeond might of MRS. RUNT, Thesday,JVarember 91h, 1847, To commence with the • DEVIL IN‘PARIS. lo which Airs. How sustains six ehara . eters. After which • cootie Benet of the ; RIVAL LOVES. To be foNowed by the fare of , be •stoxt„._or TOIL •TTIC. To conclude with a Damara stun, by NEIL JANE SUN and 150. RTICKNEY. ID ... Doors open at 7, and entitle will not at 7i. Pesavoiylwautw IiaTIT Road Compaley, _ fat/TICE To CONTY4trrott a 1111110P?,:,A4r November ,: _teete4td , a i ntil k T A buzd !to . Town Hall id the bolin'rtl-o"firet=ii Son din& and masonry upon armor 33 Irides of, ofthe — raiiiiy I 'MIA Rail Road, extending Wed from Section :Xi a. Dear the Lewistown Darn. • Nana and speeifications of We work eawbe wen to the above owned place for See days Nem ue to the time appointed for icemeing the bid.. ' Any anther IllfinlilBooll can be had upon applieat/on sburg' to W. IL Foster, Jr E,4, Associate Engineer at Har ri.V MCKIM. K avgliNovtll " Prnaida,nt. & DAVENPORT, Car iltsiidtrx,. Cincinnati, Chia, ANUFACIITRI to order-Passenger ants Freight :Cars of the most approked dereriptiori at re:trona blo pr ice& Since. of the Cants, Railroad mutiny er, they are enabled to .hip upon reasonable terms to all (mints in the Went:. Their work will be warranted equal all tetpeete many oxide In tho United Stet.. Ailatdere punctually executed. • • NECK DAVENPORT. nirt9,lo, aIORE NEW BOORS—The lailion in hi. Wigwam IYA. or Chasacteninies of the iced Race of Amen pa by H R behooleraft. The Iron Mask, or the days of Tyrann)i•bY Viet. Ham translated by A Brenner. Edna EtherelL or the BMOC Seamstreso. • The Land Pirate, or the Wild Cita of the Beach. The Champion of Freedom, or thi. Hysteric,. Chief. founded on the clients of He last war with Great tin. tami by Sual Woodworth. Wyrt S CALDWELL st,iapplinta, the Pool (Mee • Ten Dollareirterird. L OST ;OR MlSLAlD—groin warch . ouse of the ntbscnber. abont or sobsryleitt to the lot October, I Box Maps, marked •C. S. Williams. Cincinnati, 193 lbs.. This box may,th.ogb mistake, base - been taken ie sonte staturiboat or warehouser;" The above reward will be paid on 7: delivery oldie box and contents to C. S. WILLIAMS, emelt/tau or to JOHN die - PADEN A Co. Canil Basin, Peon., Pittsburgh. . A Rare Chance . - -- FOR ANY PERSON' MTH A SMALL CA PITAL— non A Retail Grocery and l.l . rduce Slone in a good toes mrd doing proGrOle business, for There is on nerd a well selected slack of Groes and Ches./mare, winch will be sold on favorabl t er m. Address Post Office. Bard*. .011 w• Noiecutorrs Notice. T ETTERId .Testamentat7 have been granted In the underdmted upon the estat‘of Pummel McCullough deceased, inlet'!" Permitter, Towashtp, Allegheny Uo.. Pa. Notice is hereby my. to allpersons haring claims against Lod estate, to wennt them properly autbentt. - Clued fore settlement; and all pence, indebted to taut estate, are required to make payment ernbout delay. , nvpwdITDUNCAN HAMILTON, Executor, Townsh.p. Wanto. BY • ' , emit of active bniineek habits, who and mods nook-keeping by double entry, and who general knowledge of mercenule antra rendre h capable or taking charge of any boiiness ittuncted his care. The bent reference will be given. A its addressed to tV. B ll Mir °Zee will reonve nomcd. nnenrion. 1111 LLIIVELLT I , - ;;T, M A . D s t it m l . E r . l3 . o Z: ll ,l l l ,.. o l .l r s eg . te s Ztpt n nt' e o n nur i s v b ,. y ,nesday, the loth in,,, at her Ware. hlathat sc new ntd, 2 caw, of Parts Bonnets of bdr own mthoriacon, end other. of Ness Noik and Phtiscletrthia style yawl an cmentive alsonothat of Fandythlitunery,consisun d or caps; craning drew, head &thaws, rm.ci n0m ., ... bndlo die..., wreaths, veils, tf tutting trimmin g ., twit Mrs,&-c- . 4_great vanity of lenilth_j. et! a VILICNBEI 00- Bil - BlBLlBZ—Warytiond Water . I: proof—tagbly recommendsd 7 Phystc•ans mtbrtud a .are to agatart (Adds; orincompemble wi nce Rheumatic and thiassimpti re hatt•ts4betng so constructed al to tenet told and /immure: they are of a durable testate, unarm, light and easy to the lam. Mithathentred add wild wholesale by Grrrans & Pte. Low, Williamsburg, 41... --ch---t.- 1 Afull'a al llliortElelll Of Ladies. .tars for Sale by r • . Fit EATOff, 63 market., RoDEGE—Go hl.l%.PoNuoe,, 1 bbl . do; Lake 1.1 quality Hops, lentlinr GEO A BERRY IR wood 1 0/I.P-100 bty from 3 1 Criututan km sale by ; It 9 Sit W lIARBAUGII.7I trtioo W. Girrieffr—itir brs 8:10.d YrY, 100 hr. 10x12 and grit lOU kx. lihrl4, !Uhl 12r18, .esrerb for sale by LAXIBERT bels DMITRI( PLOVIL-i lOU bbl. Beaumont appd Bot linasatona's arra pastry Dinar, a very tape ,or 'de for Baker's or Family use. is store; fur sale by R UrtliFORD d 6 Cormereinl Ro*, Itherly VLOU/3-50 bblitaxtra and sitperfine floor, Buffalo milli and oilier favorite brand., in aline: for mak by ov9 09KFORD kyo F1,9178—r, bbli fiaejosthe'd k fi ; oTive • PIGIZLIA-40010a, ail root, ion reel: for rale by B A'TANESTOCK &Lyl 'ne9 ,j • • 11 --- lot & latiod itto nu...VITRIOL-Co eaVTgjor role rZl i ar ,. ) 11 y A .0 PAO iF AGS—A. (rub Lot or Ladies Carpet awl 'S hool Bags Insa recerred; for sale.ay ‘,9 II'EATON JAPER 803C/C8 of rummed sizes suitable Islil stores, fee, just recd al , Trimming more iIIIBRELLAS-c.9 quality moulin muhrull, LI for iale by • nab Fit EATON TTAllar—thEl cuto of Country Yam, awaited col, an4ailes for ante ortoilescle or retail at C l .oAK l l—Children's woolen Cloak., sack, polkas, and hoods in great variery; for salo.by ' • non P If EA,TON /BETTE—A watered. Silk Vivene, richly him med, En We on commission at nee QMILT• . . . S---Fashioa!blo fnitlorith , otg and to, ',NVlolkV=Udfr"nolr"'74lMVPlr' ❑PTD. TUBPENTIA ~t — lv Lnlan.t reeN• . ►7 n• 7 aUe Ly U A PAIJN JcK &'do AMC! PRINTS-1i eases new siy/ea, a n d In poiehaao jun OPOOIOO. 6... 1 . • nso' SIIACKLETT k WI ITE., 09 wood at DLICACHICD DRILL/MI-2"u. good .Sr — Tinedk .1) NY: received; (or tale by ' Wee thincKLETT& rrre - - - - BLEACHED 1111 111TINGS-,12 cares raven,' red, medic= and tracer very each reduced priers Just received by rep , SHACK/A:Tr & WIRTH _ - .. C ODFJ IU Af_ —_ -- L p~U -• f__lul ~ « c~ T & I Fll fe 6y y DOTATMES-200 bbls Noshan.eks . enneign. J. ming (or We low by REYNOLDS & SHER alb' 1 ' ^ ".11.111 & irwle sts WR ITIIIO PAPER-200 reams (WE spiel:leap, just reuived; for sale by evg % RETNOLDI , S &1 4 11EE ♦; UltAC—p/tlolbe saperior lust ree!&por suer Wy k-144.14V for see by POINDEXTER do CO 41 teeter street OLIACCO-4 ceoes 'ldyer'en superior Onnoko, f lb. received, km luele br • 006 LAMBERT & SHIPTON QODA AIM-40 cskt, averaging Barer cent, expect cakeed Cl DeCeMber, eTt of f seem Strength front ono of the best English illetterletlirent, that whom we expect hereafter, meada r eappbes. and ran offer manctfacte rem of Glass and GUI. rn to Ude market some inducements to of tie. W GtL .. . 116•PAR TNERG 1111 / 1 0.—Theadhscrit t ere have %./ aswelated themselvea under the firm of ROMA. A. 1tte.114.4, for the trallitacl4oll Of a wholesale Grocery and Colantlashal busmen, at No. Pt Front ettech between RUM and Stialtaat street., Routh sale, Cinehmatt. 11F.NRY HANNA, AVAI ill SHIRAS. ‘ A REwARD loiii he given to any person who will 4..w.ake know,/ to we the nom, of the Individual who - theett ot pattqtraph out of. the New Odeon, Picayune,Picayune,et .._ nd ohne° , belongin g to the Hoard or Truk Heeding ....JAME-7 GALBILAT/I, ' .1" 8 . Janitor JOTOJE.. Perilous havingclaims agarrot the County fadl present them on Tuesday WerinesdaY or :W.F .:My.' Warntnis will nor be drawn on any miss day al the reek. Uly order of the Commialianars ; IST JAS GORAILI, SU!: :bblaprctolVkie J: Mast io mare, far axle by ISAIAH DICKEY A. CO Ea orate/ de 110 /runt so SY' bbtO !dastard SeeinowlnndiWirOmS'El nog ane Newton, Gar oak by - Ml=l M IZ 1711. now in for sale by lnAl All DICKEY & CO wan., 4 front Oto - !tqc!ality, tecei fonnln Ly tummy axo To.Accoitr John wL,d'r,Z:l Of srperier plaityr for We. by vr9 I DfCICCY h CO _ _ ITOv r i;""Acizicic""b`e'' ' l ` 'l''Lli b : lC.A '" : 4 oFaN "d e P" co " . GRA.IIAM'S MAGAZINK—A good price mil he pool for thr„lantotry nod Aprti numb,. of db.. Mag. athie by ' Third it rioyosibt the Pot Office ----------- nitIGSS GOOSWe have just received - 11 ". I smite Linde. hlnhaira; 1 cue Queeub Plaid) of very healthful rtyles, and bright eaten. SIIACCIA:11, k r WIIITF: rave 1 93 %al..] ni , . v—l 3 fall and muter atiained Lard 0, the heti quality W.I. by n 0; 11.$01100 , CMAKF.R & co, 21 wood OSIN-73 !obis, largo and of Rood qualltY; for by - 1 SCOOONM.SKER &CO R , NE - 11.U1 'bu Rye wooled. for soloch cash sail' 1 by ' ' MILLER .a. RICKEY:ION In !Arany 1ii740 It -_- hla lams r a no' oANo 1 Kura; -CI ir - • 42 * Webb' brand, jou axed by k Caleb Cope; toy sale by P! , ~...: & aa' MARRA 11611,11 avisal PLONK-25 able family dour landing'frons ill, E. 'Wellsville; for sale by /AS JJALZELI its 6 2l wales' AL ELLA T US-10 c.ks just reed; for .ale by WICK & hIcOANDLESS 1,-61, ear 'oaf & wettet el (L IL -41.ebed %Valley 5 5'Ltale Oil aud; for Attie by cousta&tly lava --- M.lil. :" 02. N O fo, waley MILLER d. RICRECSON OOTIH laid. Porto Rico Srn for sale b S nOl. MILLER k IIICKETSON -- A PPLEfiI—S3 bbl. good keeping Apple, reed, 'l sale by eleD llAßdAtftell nlll.-10 terrelo thiteetl .1. just rend,or Itttle nrG F LERS, 17 Limn). 4 DEER I{A lR and T0."..1t.r01/1:1-e1CNIGIIT 't)tl'ltZ;ll 1:31=1:1 'pert- -'p bbls NC, flume Was) f./ 'oa by I. fl ys CA It.soN a AIcINNIGHT tL „ L . 7 , - b l r s gross Velvet C. ak 141 Is Jon received; RATvi en; si Cltrif ilberly sin H GE; V:1 - 1;rds rend r4rlcy ju.l recA nor sale .. 4 ' ° by itRA UN d. REITER SP.Z.S,:i.iI3IIPRZYTINIELI.4 bbls onband; Gm 1:1 017 ii:.4 - niole;1n root now IniZino from oicarn Antenna; tot oak bn I DICKE V& C) o‘7l ' LG water & 107 front no WViiiihi)- WO bu Inorlol; . . • COO tat Rye, tor which the matte fircE will Le paid tu ewstt by .' i R OAKFOnI/ & CO .t.._ . ,_rn , 4 . Vow Morrhunto. linear of •.. .... fll./,Al4ll—attar 11 415,1006,10c16 and IllsOlGlaTs tor lovr by PC MARTIN XTWI —.11,1,1r 0 hi It Whisket: bOO Teuniceee Peach Brandy ',argil° by oR MART IN , Ak bbla diderent losed.. In good tmler, chi 'P C MARTIN con ...0166c1,1h froot-so NA - OrArsSAC.S-5 ham y tl it 14.111,11 for aatelo'w On ./.11.011oec cons.gurocnt, by AAR DALZELI. I)AllehitM,TS-10 ncto Atadetra Wfflow for .LP rile low to elute constgoment by , .00 .1 Di LZELL —V"! ocr prune ebew r ug lobaccooo rceetved; tar rale I.) ORVAL hiefißEW A CO Abow_, laws promo ttlbootrlers on bandy for sale b y P PL.. ERS _ _ libcrtt ci 1./L_Aii/bLICTPI-25 pair large critnesuc ttlanitco Luton n. rceetrcd oconeignmen; kw ale by 020 1:P.0 coci R V; wociod pLA STF.It MARlS—Soltible for Land de- al and for role at No 01.1 Liberty street. hear ZCol' bond 0. W-WAI LACE ' Huair--10 tutu D. IL K l . Hemp it. sore , for vale chttl9 by 10110 OILIER ta.lbberty at SMOWIt Ilhas 0 9 o,agir need per sone Cathie.. auditr aale on conelitment by FORS rn A DPNCAN, water at - F LOSll.—tUtittbla dour tecetcrd . atl tccacle by .1 JORDAN A 0001, DJ bberly an 'CAKE—Li tots afloat for wale by SAMI. M BIER - , . r,elo? Canal Baal M near 7th st QI.DEIS-14M lbs prune Bacon t•sdes ?cr.!, by S M KIER ROCK CANDY 14s No 1 for Pale by 119 J 1r WILLIANIS • , 011:11-100 bu yellow Com for save by ntsil M 61 Eft RY ., %Gu it) trade it K (o F pr. & ttwat rd xeks prime noctiero Feather. .I.3st;!ced; for rule to ocil,i Br SRFFELLII: ROE , clrcate and very.. /1"/A pe7 1 . 141 r, 1 : 1 : "A nsc r- 21 . : n 1::: t V a ' t '' ‘irthe d vralr were. __JACUO NYE.% . Alikl.llA —llrucer Le c:, • lne m adarq :or Pale :lb° o'ir. ` "bo ra i :',, r .i,is'E A F•R or_r2, R m,woveta 11. some as , onment kbave Gocatr.,vo,.tc boa eolaud, 0,23 • MADACIRA—Ne.tns, c&s,.ton co rot ea dertujort.of 2 gal coca at the wine .WIC. JACOB WE:A VER 8 , TEJO! BOAT COOK.IING ISTOVICS fur tiLy IV3I ft SCAIFE, Gnat b.tw.an mark, a v... 4 LlE f isTAUD—Nipertorrentnek-y—lo 55 tans—a( wi.Jlc, hat, and quittrr f...101d.1. oast rce'd and tor :ale by I 'EDWARD IIEAZFJ.TON M 65 I. ti , • dr ; ~ 1 1 16- 1 :471— V octkl, TASSKY A 11F-T RLOvit—izn bI.IA frerb grOottd Flour jurt restatetind rut ale by Sa 5V lIARBAUGII oetls al wool si jiiios— rt2,,r....o dux ju.t inr. .ter,by lIA FBIA 411 AIL—, N ,og, tmcd^.e I.; S V I C :( 1 :0 2 MANI/EX FF.II A n 0 N-/IL. kWh pitre Lto.ced 01515 rcr or uy octlS riSELLERS . . • PEATIIERS-14 prime Krolu..lcy Feall3 !mothOormi. qmr Rio Gram!, 6.r sale uy ociI6ILLIANINL DILWIIRTII,r7 wend s '-• • • I r 7lNEtart.—gu 'et4.. upenor rider vs. Inegar j ouh• by 8 ( 7 0 ., 4111,-N , /:+yiyar for fair by rousrn c DUNCAN. watero4, W h ‘e,: , .. ' 4 " mii-14112 9 1 Palm e,gb for sale by .fly._ Ff Pitt+llllA DU NI7AN VLOILILL-2011 bbl, flour flevegy mak jug tctttecd r .I.lr Swallow and lor • UGH. 33 woad at • ?A TA A" TED -11100 to Flak Seat) for which .the Leh. kV.. est market once each bb paid lov ortlb & W HARD/LIAM POPLAR LLJAIDER, and firr aale by iY111( W WALLACF , A I OLASES-3 bbl, 30 " N °amyl; for oab• by octit JAS. IMIZELL C AM HUI CS-3 cape. emboa 4 cd•connt,e,ce of anmbr a.../ and double (old, aisoned rolnrl.ja.t op,,n.d; far by or tko sumlitxri. blaak RA i t u a :i7r rgt:;:e r re n : " oral) IMACKLETT 11 Will' 'GAIL Alto - 17 Wills pf lIIIP N 0 tiar; 37tbbItt NO Ala gcrotl order; for rentotoodating Wm. by W & 111 1 1 11TrIlF7LTIIE7 C'6 ICU bbnyty Yit • CIIICESX—IIKIb rec'd,for [al.., by net 2.9 Vl &It 31cellTellhON LAISS—A qua my of lb by Id, Ilk by 16.11 by Id G ID by Id end tidier !err, elztrenn band - end far salt by ore& IV , A y II rd Ile standatd bledical and. [looks, on had: for rlo ale at w Pneso for coati or ,hangs tor good linen and cotton:Raga *leash pri- ELLIOTT & ENGLISH • marker or, between ;n1& 4th sts PIANOS. CHICKEEING—One aplend,d• Roar _'4lsN wood f. 52 41111 abaft octavo Piano Forte' , muds ity.Chickertng, Horton: HEIIR—One remdgrand Piano Forte, firma the manu• (artoty or Henry Otero. Pada 14 octave. It “&I,E & COrAlue—carred Roserroed,C Octave, made by Gale At Co, N York. . One ditin mahogany 64 or Ca r ve. STUDIrRT, New Nora—O elegant Piano, rig 11. been UtrAl. 4.l..lonegeor; price 42(0. SECOMIJ 11.11.10 PIANOS. A n ele [ll [3l , nrcend bartil made by Loud ' one srerind hand Piano a t'Ai Forrale by JOHN H AIELLOR • non SI wood street • • • • - . 1 , Ito DAM'S English in Synonnce, I col, 12 mo. ERG ' kJ 011endorit's German Grammar ' 11.03 Adler's German !Le ider . ~ 1,00 Geyer... Ilehr,s. Grammar; by Eadiger ' - 210 Guinn . . Die - tot - 3 . 0t Ci vibration, I col. I/ ma. 1,00 A rnold's Lectures en modern lantory Cl:km:mini French Grammar 1 W , Rowan's wridern French reader 7.7 Cones Dramark "' " 1,00 Pica, me elentaCy " " Surcneso e's Frencn Dictionary 1,50 Keys in French and Gentian Ornadatre— • Mandesillt's Conc. Or rending nrld't ErtaliAh Dictionary. 75 Taylor'. manual of modern history l 1 1,00 " " ancient " ,50 1,2% ir in 1 vol,comnime . 20 .1 rnold's series or Loan nod Greek Bookr—jars reed; (or solo by ------- 1 JOHN II MELLOR • oct•M '.-- --, 01 ardod et Ct 2' /17110-lilC-11171-Bitit: Cs' Clise - e . , -- vitiloTt it i . i . i - el - q --- kJ Superior Ivory adders; AV riling Dann hnd•En Dares ' Waterc and water cope; . Drewing paper; i . , Parrelain pimp In/finnan • Inkstands. cation. kinds; .. . J'oreelain Sluied • Alatheinatical Instrninents l'eom 611 P• 1 00 Pflt'srL Cap and port paper, plum and ruled; flat cap paper, fine lever and not. paper:letter and note envelopes, Welsh Cale*, a very fine article; V01.11a4 nerd,, planybdwinces cards, writieg Guido, black, blue, red, acute, and car mine:perforated curd paper, colored popenfor pamphlet boards covers,IISPIIC papers, AnCuind E.g. R.M . P.Pet'i bonnet • The above with many articles in the stationery lino for sale by • J L READ oral lilt st near market ' . _.__. 11,1C1.1i1TSE:Vlf BOOKS.-51argarel Graham, • IYLarw moot be G o. II Yarn, Pr.ce G crat.. X•riffa, or the triumph of L.Lerty. Cbr.ttopber Tadpole, by Albert Smith. Commander of 51aJM:IllograPed. Co' mono of Mori.. by F Suul r , EN. Logends of Ale,m,; by Oleo, S. Liprard; Cre,ll sop*. 51agaroes OcloLer. New 31u. c; juAtrreateed by W5l- . S. CALDWELL, seyoll (lord st, oppoo:le pat office. PIANOSS PIANOS!? KI.EIIER. Deral , r.lo caglcra Piano Fortm, J W Woodwell'n,So SS Third Vlrec. Moans may he araniimol of nll hour. and the onl;scri her will be lbera,fmax 11 to 12. A. 51, and from 4 m I'. 51., cinch day-. Ortobor i'46 WE, the underaidned, would intorm the citizens of I', tabu and vicinity that we Have appointed Me. Klett., sole Agent for We., rn Penneyivunia, foe the Sole of our Piano Forte, from whoa, they may be ob tained at our own (New York] rice, UN.NB cLAHX. New York. Sen. I IFtlit-ortilldtf Mitalle. F enr of R rame PiXlllO A SPLENDID o-sarttnwermod and Moir.. J - 1. any, grand.uc lino Plan., wall ructalm Fratne.iwt finiabeJ and for eale. • two anima,' Ro,vond Pl'artoa; with Coleman). celebrated 4PAlian aunehment,lin; , brdlti the meat mal. ern •tec...l for .ale no nt.umr.... , • . . u a1xn:43;411 p tKE , 11.1.11i6 PIA N92‘.--3 i;( tar boi celebrate.' 1 . 111/lil, .al.t we'd; Int enle be ne4 Jr tIIN 11 Njt:l4 , ,, Hz. flaMd •I A)fll3lklit Li•iccOeNlK—r. ca.., neer rIyICA, and banuliful patterua—very I ^w—;un coed by, M tt e tj /ift r. ol l ifi L at i a ' le k in p ur ' E L .+4.3:l . rec . ei, • c • .f Ly YIIA CKL FAT 1 ‘cifire_ Y.ANNICIL.LA Wither antiply ire barred L Puuucl pat reccolcd I.y mrt,RPIIV p erl by orYar sII ncia.rrr a, %viva: SUOAn-10 lards pray.:Y U ou sonsigstraent; sale by 10.1 F 1411.LERS ----____ bbb extra iarnily Floor on eousimmt P tor sale I, as. La) ust tdo than, and Vint bnuannjvai to eninedi kn. ask by Jpit.DAN ea SON n 1, 5 9 Ninnr ,tennnnanaannittifiald: A RATHER-4y bdlbsted; for tale by nvs JAS DALZELL, Y 4 C II EICSE-306 bits W 11 7 looding; for sale b AT'S . ' - DatlM64