The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 08, 1847, Image 2

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ERA:riii - Caooiii - s C.
..1140NDAY moßixiNG; - NOV: e , •1842
• •
Daly, Tri•Wrokly , am! We<kly.-,Tke Daily is Leven
Dalai. per imam; thielai-Wortlyis Five Dollars per
We . Week iy is Two Dollars per mono. shied,
Tess Coonseenel Intelligenee.Domestie Mu
er' Nei.. 'aspens, Ataxy, Mallet, Ste., see
uath.Page MIS Miscellaneous News.
. b
.re c
Ad net forth in the following communi•
hope, will not be loot sight of. *Surely
own men enorgh in Pittsburgh to pro,.
a praiseworthy work as this, without
ep the old men, though.we think that all
'liens might profitably encourage and par.
tidpt • in an entitpriso like this. • Old Merchants,
'at • OWB I .OOIO encoMigontent to i young men
sot . to Improve their leisure Moments to a
tna . • ro Commendable to themselse, and so well
eatc. ted to render great good to their employer'.
But • o young naeu of the city Inuit feel thst their
m • . reliance is upon themselres t and go forward
I ",m. t.e honorable work they traid matted out,.
with an energy that shill ensure success.. They
hsv the ability, the energy, and the will, w . 6
h. • ' We may to them, 'and with an ardent Wish
' eir moral, intellectual cud bnainesi - pros.
lust pat your shoulders to the wheel. Then
Ironing Mena' Mercantile Llbraey.
he Editors of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
bo young men of this city ere making a vigo4
effort to - establish a Nubile Libnuy. They
4deserve credit for the made taking, and i
and believe it will elected.
beir Rafting Room ii already the boat in the
and their shelves are beginning to bsi filled
books, many of which are of standard 'value.
tat .my object in thisammunicatioo, wee to
• tt they have recoised the encouragement and
•ce which they had I right to expectl—
se proinbres and boastful offers been fulfilled, or
e thiy ended in the empty words of an tool
- imagination, well intended enough, but
out the expectation or ability -Of keeping
sgementv Wtlo6 coded epoch -
• utio twolvinnenth ego, this subjset received
• s notice - in ono or two of oar paper.. and an
nt was made to have a • Library Aeoxiation
ned at that time, but nearly every bady.wos
• . - interested in the Roil Road, the Rochange,
d ,balf a dozen other things, to that no one had
tie to give it the requisite attention. Some Id.
igterret was ezcited, however, and valuable .1.
were made. The- lion. Judge II
blinly promised a donation of one thcrassod Oh
•in books, to the first Association of the kind
fully established. fA kfechanie tad five
tufted to add to the Judge's thousand,—lsooth•
Mechanic' bad two hundred dollars, and a third
w lady to make ono of ten to subscribe ouo
h oared dollars each. But where am they all
. .
;it • An Associatiou has been started with every
leafier' of success. The.ludge his been called
n, but the books ere not forthcoming—the pub.
have been there has been no prof.
of dolleis by the hundred. Now, I. this right?
e 'offers were publicly. made. every body sap
ed, in good faitlq.but now, when called upon,
•re is nothing but 'fifith„--there ore no work,
'he young men who have the matter is hand,
and will succeed any how, but is it right to
la e them unaided, to !struggle for what will be
a atilt to the city! Sane few have stepped for.
1m , but where are the — rest! Where are, thou
•mla promised so liberally! The; thing can and
will be done, I repeat, without them, but for the
'ash Of reputation, if tram no ;higher motive, they
sh s t I now give the assistance so freely and pub•
lel* r
tendered, . J.
regard to the special promises referred to by
'oar pspendent, there may be goal and B&Bs
elan Amami why the gentlemen have not redeem.
..1 m. We . hope, however, if this institution.
11 j \
ci the character to which they stand pledged,
they will lend it ti helping hand, and if it in not
they will lend their puma nod good minuet to
mike it to. •
Ma'am? cur WIZ waa.—The Louisville Jour
nal and the Louinillo Courier of blondax, contain
long;aide, gelling. and at the same ti me, we have
no doubt, perfectly Mat reviews of the Rev. J. N.
Matt's lecture iu that city, on the 'Mexican woe.
The dialutercated lecturer only charged his bearers
twenty t fine cents apiece for the enlightenment
which be sold them.. The pious disciple of the
Prince of Peace prefaced bit lecture by an address
on hie knee, to ttte Supreme Ruler of the UM
.Terse, balls wordaaf the Lord's Prayer-4orgive
nai oar ii . essparsocas waforgive them that labs
pan niMmat us;" and then followed his discount,
not enforcing the Supremo law of ,Chriatianity—
'"do Man others ei you : would have them do unto
yott7- 7 1tut a justificatlm of the war, and aril up.
peal to the cupidity and the baser passions of bu•
"!. Man nature, in favor of wrenching from the on•
:wiling !Cod miserable Mexicans the fur fields God
aril Mein, end on which He sheds His sunshine
< bad Bi •A howera,! 0 shame beyond ill blushing!
0 hypocrisy beyond all cloaking! 0 prostitution of
the haul functions and character of a Christian
minister; beyond all reileevtiocil The limns!
; and s pottiler have eaveselF;mourgetllhe pc/Elena.
tore. ati nonage so -revolting•to all moral natl.
,_meed, and we thinkihey did not lay one stripe too
• many. And if thy hod also scourged those who
..lent a Hoene of God for such profaultion, justice
would have INILICIiOIIed the icfliction.—Cin Allan.
• ' ,Wppid occasion to-mote, this moo Mexican
war speech, sometime eine - C*llw delivered Jo N.,
York, and it is hardly necessary to repeat, twist
we then expressed. We have sought to poem's
ounalves of that charity for Mr Maffitt which re.
girded him as more mairtned against than sinning, 4
;.bat inch an address, from a clergymin is insanity
or hypocrisy. The %kola spirit of the gospel is
• against • wir, and all the teachings of the Prince
of Peace, is against just each, a war, as that in
which we are ertgegui.! Mr Mafia can expect to
gain no converts to Christianity, by his war ad
. !kenos. They are hostile to every holy precept.'
. • put to might the of all truly good men;
mar the beauty of the religion of the Saviour, and
ire disreputable to the clerical profession.
t?ICAZCITT Coe AT Bairrax.—Halifax
__papers state that the reduction of the duty on
foceigo coil hos to - increased the imports from Bid
ney and Pictou to the-United Buttes, that very
Bade has teen brought to that place, end they are
Neel that berate the winter is out, it will have to
hi brought there from Bwton.
Ise above proves something uto the facilities
- the Tariff of 1818 throws open to the for.
slitter, end OW. some little evidence also as to the
istattatlii of the Tariff of 1546, as 'a British Tern'
;This estiele - ef Goal ie bot'one of many thus fa.
voted, and by and by men will feel the full exten t
of the evil arising from this measure.
The shipments of Specie from Now York .1101.12,
wider. title Tariff, aro also becoming alarming.—
Far the month of October, it amounted to $674,-
548, end on the let of NOvember, the amount
shipped was $118,675. '1 nisi. not sn suspicion.
sign of the times, to say the lout of it. Beside.
• Omit demand for Europe, there lo also a heavy de
, Meld for Matins, and another for the Bab.Traa.
enIT. . •
,j The importation" from Europe, under the ex
. Tariff, em becomins more than the export..
We are, therefore, compelled to ship Specie to
lank. payment. Wo may thank the Tarirt of
1114111 fir this turn of the tide against oat public
. PnoPoiY•
' Ks. Dorn, tin Astronomer at Cambridge, pub.
' • .' - . kildthe the partieulm attending the disconry of a
, i,- - " sealed Satellite to Neptune, originally discoved
. 1 .„ . by r. Lanett. The Satellite wee South, preen.
' k ' the Planet 40 deg. reckoned from the peril
' NI declination, on the 30th Oct. Distance 15s.
-1;• ; .7.., -A% dam! 2716,71;:45m—Satellite was north, fol
. )..;. - -,,_ 1t141.4_, 61 deg. 30m. Distance 13. 2. Powers
,1000. • October 28th, 76. 45m—Hat
..• i.i r twas North following 43 deg 30m. Dim
I 1 . 4 n. 0. - Powers 400 and - 1000. The an
' ':-• :. -
„,•-::' lion are :reckoned from the para ll el.
' -.. 4 • ', '-- -k.
.„ ,t,. 'dorm wren, obtained with the RM.
, .
S. .
Comer M.LaTram—We have
.Y of the third day in the trial of
°: , . : l4othilog mei:Deptlra dofie, but
ficato rely spicy ti ja
principal parties and
ken.plac --I. the L e i
),Yigenti" - •
We have now returns from' all the crasticsl
led the tomtit to that. Mr. Haines, the Democrat.,
is candidate for GOTORIDr , is elected by a mi.: ,
jerky of more thin 2500. He bu previa:tali
served a term in the office to which he is now
elected. The term fur which be is nuw chosei
is three years.
Whig ma . j.‘ Democratic Inof .
Burlington 800 Atlantic 161
Camden .400 Bergen 300
Cape May 152 Hudson 251
Cumberland . 180 Hunterdon 104
Essex 581 Monmouth E.o'p
Giro' 260 1 8 r 2155
-- .
Mercer 2991 Warren 1522
Middlesex • • 242 . --L.
Morris .240 Halos'. maj. 5985
Paseaie - 70' Washes do '''''' 3496
U h.
Salem • 210
Somerset 233 DtMOCrliit. maj 2549
This remit is no eeklence that New Jerry hu
deserted those principles of national policy which
dos hu long mutained, but merely of disiatisfic.
:tion with the nomination made by the Whig
State convention, the key of which may be foukid
in the following extract from the N. Y. Courice
Mr. IYllght having. pwatitted himself, in 1843,
to defeat, with
_the aid of, hut practical opponents,
aid the opponents of the Whig party, the reviler
rumination of the Whig candidate for the fifth
Congressional district, by running himself, aux.
tioguishible objections Were thereby rattled in the
minds of many Whig. to any farther support of
Mr. Wright.
The Legislature is constructed &starter,-
Whig. Deur
12 I • T
39 29
, Senile
51 - 26
Whig majority in joint beirot 25, sot you, 27.
Our Mail returns from the Empire State show
that the Whigs hare swept New York. The
majority, in the City is-for
Filmore 4,719
Ptah, Lt. (5i. — 8,8 3
Morgan, Seey, of State, 3,7 8
Member" of Assembly elected in the' eil j.
lat and Id Ward. J P Phcenix, (W)
James Bowan, (, 1 1)
John H Bowie, (L F)
John F. Roman, (W)
Peter H Titus, (W)
Semi G Raymond, W)
Wm B Meat, (W)
Thos Charlock, (I I')
3J and 6th
Deoni• 6arri,ao, (L_Fj
M H Truesdell.(V.9
Alex atesrut, (L
Michael Waist, (L F)
E U Henediet,(W
R -G 4:uppbell, C
James Brooks, (W)
The Tribune says the Hunkets have not sleet
ed a Siete Senator, and the Bun burners only
throe or four.
It is known that 17 whig Benatore are elided
of the 92 in the State. Of the li Assemblymen
from New York city 11 are Whip and aye Loan
Foam '
The Senate will be Whig for two years, and
no State Senators will be chosen in 1848. The
U. 8. Senator will be chosen in 1848, and one
branch, it will be seen, is already Peered to the
Whigs. The Assembly will be elected for one
year. After January nett, the Whip will have
the State to themselves, in all ila departments, for
ono year at least. _
Houton Jsess W. lithrusaeos, *u born
at Norwich, (Conn.) on the Bth of Now. and wee
69 year. of age, wanting six day; when he died.
Ho graduated at kale College in 1806, atudled
Law at Litchfield and wee admitted to the bar in
that county in the month of Muth, 1810, and
immediately afteiwards commehmd tbepractice
in the! Otte. lh 1828, he represented Litchfield,
in the General Assembly: In 1839 he was elect.
ml to the 21st, in 1831, to -the 22d, and in April
1833, to the 23d Centrum. At the close of the
first station of the latter Congress Laving been
appointed Amelia. Indge.of the Superior Court
.nd'of the Shpteme Court of Errors of hi. State'
he resigned bit sent. In Oct. '35, he remeaed
from Litchfield to Notarial, where Le continacd
to reside till hia death.
He was appointed United States Sensor, 0,611
the vacancy occasioned by the death of the Ron.
Thaddeaa Beta In May 1840,he resigned hie
etal office. In 1845 the wu re-elected to the
Senate; for another term.
The last 241 years of his life have been writ in
the pablio service..
We knew Mr. Huntingdon well and lose in
him one whom we hare esteemed as a Inca and.
adviser. He was a man Of greet ability, of perm.
raring energy and of urourpamed political
city. The State and the Country lose a good cal.
zee and an able defender of the right, by his
IXTORTAIIT TO Coraiancs.--Ohief Justice
Cranch has decided that William Boisrdman, is
the Inventor of a voidable Steam Pump now in
two for Vends. The cam has long bees:l(l'4.4d
la consequence of which the utility of the inven
tion could not be available to any extent. In ref.
erenee to its importance to commoten the Nations
al Intelligencer lays:
This invention to exceedingly important to the
whole shipping interest, not only of this, country
got of the world. For with these portable steam
Rump, leaking weasels may be relieved in an al
most incredible short space of time. Hence it is
not to be wondered at that: Mega. Robbins &
Keller litigated the case with ouch pertinacity, and
qipended upon it their utmost Atli.
To the Editors of the Pittsburgh Gazdte
To Aiwa or not twilight-thaws thewsieellon.
It optimize by all that I can learn from the Gov
moment papers, that as "there la now no longer
any Mexican Government to contend with—Cam..
paigna 40 fight through,, we have onlpto co
solidate whit' t we have acquired, and to make our
possession's complete." "To this oval," nye
one, vizi/fall:he efforts of the Ailminialrotion be
nom directed."—Elaye another, "Mexico 'must be
suyirgefed"--"there can be no alternative except
a total abandonment al the Mexican territory and
of the war." The latter, the writer I quote from,
repudiates as wholly ont of the question. But for
one, I way, that of two evils I choose it as far the
beet, and it is toy present purpoee merely tang
that, canal. is a Government of the people and
the voice of the people mud be heard and obeye t X,
in the present crisis, themiwtimpodant which his
crime since the formation of the Government—it
is high time for them to speak out.,--If you agree
with me, Mews. Editor., you wAI •recommend
this calling of county meeting, throughout the
State for the purpose of consideridg whether the
wee shall now become ono of extermination a•
garnet the Mexican., or whether our Armies shall
to withdrawn.—Thu you Nee is the
Hortlet4taial floclety
The annexed *statement exhibit.' the condition
of the Treasury of the Pittsburgh Horticultural
Balmy at the close of the financial yeti 1847.
To Cull toctivett (tom members
" do Exhibition
Dy Cash exp'd for Books, Printing &c. $16,75
" do " Chairs , . • 6,00
" do " .by F. L. Snowden in 1146 . 6,00
tt do the aspences of the Ezhibition.lo4,4o
" do Thom. Hutchinson CM Premiums 11,00
" do Disord.Contelias " 2,00
" do Heorge Hoffman " do 2,00
" do William Petra • " do 1410
do for Lituiry r 66,07
tt do bal.lsects. to E. Rains Tras,'49 149,35
0. W. FAHNEt3TOCK, Trcas.
CAIDIDAW:The Mgt Eagle is out in fa
sour of James Buchanan for the Presidency.
The Wakestnere Pinner noninatae Munn Van
Bann. A writer in the Oikeptotin (Rttey)
Renal, warmly urges the stakes. of COL R. M.
Johnson -to the Preeidency, end Levi Woodbury,
to the.vice4Gmaaacq;
The Petri County (P.) Deogcnit rocoonseuds
Al:manor elhuok ea Ike Dazooastki ea:mildew fer
IbkPreeldeoe4 k 116448, end the DOyleiten Dim
Piton; nsw vortic.
.Ccrteg t attdcitte n 1 Mc Pit, (fairne.
Now York, Nor. 4,1847.
The day is out u t teasonably Pleasant, and a
bettercould not have n wished for the election.
The mildness of the atmosphere is rely equalled
by the quiet at the poll. which was never surpas.
sell. None but Whip appear to be xcting and the
general feeling seems to be that the Whip will
sweep the city and Mate. As the Moult will come
to you over the wiles in advance of this prediction.
it is not worth while to extend it.
Our banks have made their quarterly report, and
the figures showy different state of things, front
the August return. The coin is lemened, some
four millions of dollars, standing at eight instead
of twelve million., with a decrease in the deposits
showing a mote active demand for money, with
less capability on the part of the banks, to afford
.facilities.. As it is, the money market u not strin
gent, but the banks afford their customers almeet
u much as they need. Treasury 'notes vary little
in price, and sell freely at 101 per cent. The re
cent quarterly report of the Secretary of the
Treasury, has given holders more confidence, and
unless the demand for money at the opening of
Congress !Mould bo enormously large, no decline
can bo exptieted.
The Cambria and the sailing packets, hoes all
some coin on board, hot it is not chipped to restore
the balance of trade in the absence of bills of ex
change. There is en abundance of fair names,
but buyern 4 are timid, and prefer a certain and
small loss upon specie shipments, to the rink of a
largo lon upon paper. The Boston heat with the
mail of October 19th, is now duo, and her adsices
will greatly affect our market fur good or ill.
Prime, Ward & Co's.nunprtision seem. Ina fair
way to be the source of litigation, which was be
gun on Sathrday, the granting against the firm
a "Stillwell Warrant," at the request of a foreign.
as, who deposited In their hands $4OOO, with
which he intended to buy a farm. While on •
trip of examination, the bonne suspended, of
anon swamping hi. deposit, which had no more
claim to be eomidered ■ epeeist debt, than were
the numerous bills for which they were liable es
all Merchant. know. This warrant has been fol.
lowed by other. and it is now intended to force
them to make an assignment, with what clam
remains to be seen.
Another endorsement has been given to the
merits of the broad gunge for rail roads. The
board but night by a vote of ten to two determined
to adhere to the tax feet track from the Hudson
river to Lake trio. The road. that mean to unite
with the Erie in the west,.. well es the Patterson
and. Remapo road, have adopted the eame track,
and the reads once open wilt possess facilities .for
bruines not equalled by any mean. of transport
short et the Erin Canal or the Main lino of Penn
sylVania. Coe hundred and ninety mile, of road
will be added to the Western end by November
1848, and we shall be at Lake Erie soon. The di
rcetors say a branch from Olean or Coming, to
Pittsburgh, would not be unprofitable and its eon
stroctien not impossible or indeed an improbable
event. Yankee beads manage the Erie road, and
of 'course success attends it, in all departments.
American writer. are la trouble just now. about
the' copy right question. tt be well known that the
leading magizines of England are re-published
here at a large profit. To atop file practice, Black
worid the leader, has procured tho copy right of an
article written in AMEZiC2 • and places the snick
ire his book, which he hoped could not be re-print•
ed hero. Scott & Co., however do not care for
-this and re•pubGeh entire end mean to teat the
question by law. no confident are English publish.
era of being able to promet their books in this
way, that American writer, have been engaged to
write monthly for this purpose alone.
Business in good. for the interior, begins to
darken and the number of strangers in town hem
unsibly diminished, leaving the merchant. to the
quiet enjoyment of the profits of a larger imminent
than wad. The city teems with amusements,
and the opera, face theatres and 1111112CMIII concerts
are nightly crowded to excess, .howing that am
pcqple hare not only money enough for wants Cot
hit luxuries. A nether troupe of ..Rainers," cousin..
of the fatuous Swiss stagers have bqrret out nod el i
course will make the grand tone They are well
qiuken of, but hearing will tell.
The fog on the sound kept the boats back until
none, but the mail contains not an item of news-:
worth repeating. The Cambria had seventy pas.
*engem among them Mrs. Mowatt, who hos an'
engagement at Manchester far some weeks. She I
haa letters from some of the moit distinguished'
pecide of the country and can hardly fail to atn
reed, a. she has undoubted talent.
• Bisnor Oirnbanavo.—The Tribune states ; The 'topping of the Lirerpool Banking Co.
thai the Courier and Emit:liter made a serioua cr. by j ug boon o ff ic i a lly aimoutuu.,3, and i re are
roc in its article respecting - the Bishop, which we
niert to learn that their liabilities not
copied • day or two ago. It seem. that the Biota. °
opeactoally stood twelve to thirteen on the sob. The cotton motet ie very much depressed .
ject of metering the Diehop to his functions, and correspondence of the PitteTergti Gazette.
.that the House of Bishop. refused to . adopt the eLITILANU, Nov 6, 9. n.
repent efthe committee of Gra. 'Phu Tribune adds:
"One thing, all 00 inf natant remarks, is car- A Judge of Om Supreme Court of Ohio, wav
ten. The iieneral Convention has settled - that arrested to-day for an attempt to commit rape up.
the Diocese is net recant, and Dr. Onderdunk i s ou o n e o f th e Uh e n t hes,zneta s of the Weddell
by conscgaence, the actual, though atilt enspen.
ded, Bishop of New pork."; House. Public indignation to very Wong avail
I the Judge.
The North American gives the following, aa
the Moe statement of fact in reference to the pro
needing. cf the convention,
The report of the
mitten of fies biattopa,
(which wag 'noway advrrasi to the ouspended
prelate's! memorial.) tens adopted by a vote of six
teen to six--one bishop not voting, and two t,e
ing alwant. The vote .tool thus:
Ares—The Presiding Bishop, Bishops Brow.
nell Meade, Hopkins, AfcMauna, (key, McCroy.
key, Polk, Elliott, Lee, Johns, Eastburn, He.
ahem, Cobb., Hawks and Freeman.
Nara—Bishops Ives, 11.4ane, KemPEr, DrLan.
eey, Gadsden and Whittinghtm.
Bishop Chase, of Na-. kfampshiie, declined
voting, and Bishop Smith and Thalsop Potter were
not pa-scat. So far is it from being true that
twelve bishops voted for hi. restoration, that the
queition of. his restoration woo nil teen moved—
not one bishop, au far as it appetite, being in favor
of that samara. It was moved in neither house.
Pir or is it true, that "the General Convention
has settled that the Diocese la not roxanl." am—
nial point eras, in no ehspo, prmented to the
house of bishops; and in the bonny of clerical
ar IP lay deputies, no vote was taken to that par.
peso, this hon., refusing so to declare, by laying
upoi3 the table a motion to that effect--
PBS STATt.—We cant hear of more thou
half a dozen Loco Focos elected to the Legivla.
tura ID 01 out of this City, but we WOOlllllO there
mutt be' a few chosen somewhere, just for gnu
try. But when Rockland. Putnam. Ilahmond,
Herkimer and Suffolk elect Whigs,. where are
the Loco Pecos to come from!
We eatlmate the majority of the Whig State
Ticket at 30,d00 to 60,000. We can't of.
fort to put rillmore l e below 60,000. Our lowest
man will probably have 20,000, and cannot fall
so low as 10,000.
1111111101011 Fla/ is tho.on by rcono 30,000
prellido over • Senate .111pOlell of at beast 20
Whigs to 6 Loco Puce..
From direct sOurces, um kern (hit the Whigs
will hive from seventy to one hundred members
of the Isegiststure.
llaaar W 18686181, Now hai been
appointed to deliver a mum of Lecturer, 011 the
civil Law acid the Law of llatior4, before the
'Students of Harvard licivarrity throbridge.
He Is Imminently qualified far the duty.
The Halifax Times publishes an extract from a
despatch from the Earl of Elgin, stating that Her
Majesty's ministers 618 reedy to surrender to the
provincial authorities the entire control of the
post office department so soon as the several leg •
Waterer, shall make errangements for taking
change of it. He 'agents that commirsinoem
from each province meet at Montreal to discern
the matter.
Newt Items
Rantoul. & WARlllon's hts,asoustrz.—ln
consequence of the unprecedented success of tho
establishment, the proprietors have determined to
continue open two more days, (to day and to
morrow.) All those who hato_not,availed them.
niece of tba opportunity of visiting this rare col•
lection of living curiosities, will now have the
opportunity of /oing so.
BUNDAT.—On Sunday morning Frank Logan
was brought before his honor the Mayor for an
attempt to cut the Jugular vein of a person es,
coed Bradley, the night previously, with:a re,
nor. He was committed to await his Sid for the
offence. I
POLICt RarbotasPfina macs before the
Mayor at Saturday morning—one errata for
And diaatarged for rraiit of *evidence.—
Three committed for lack of bail.
Twine .were eiz epee before the Mayor on
Bandy nurnipg;—.4 were meat to the 001511112012
- pan * • Pkttsbargh
s 'i l!*4l l ‘
War hi Switzerland Still Continues
Royal Bank of Liverpool Suspended faymerils
Correspondence of the ralsbargh Gazette
PROWL 810,1118.
BEEF.—Prime Men 86 . 192 a per tierce, ordi•
nary 75a881 per tierce; Mesa per bbl 4602 a
per bbl; Ordinary 40a45e; Prime 321365; Extra
India Family per tierce, 100. to 105 e.
PORK—Prime Mew new, per bbl, 60a6Tr;
Old 48.50,; Mesa 653705; Prime 45a50.
METALS—Lead, Pig in b00d,.£16 10a a.IC 17
BRITISH BAR IROri—E9 Si a £9 10e.—
Tin Plato 30.36 e per box.
HEMP—Due Rotted per ton .E2Sa.E3O. Heck
led .E3011.£34.
The disastrous monetary prepare recorded in
our last advice', ku continued to raga dining
the tut two week, , with unabated severity, Involve
log several additional failures, and infusing a
deep and impenetrable gloom throUghout the
whole Commercial community . of rarest Britain.
To curb a point of inecceasibility has money now
&wised, that there is purely any one house that
can be looked upon without suspicion, no matter
how exalted Its position.
We may avoid further euuncietions by stating
that altogether 55 houses have either broken or
suspended payment since the departure of the last
Yesteriley It was announced that the Royal
Bank of Liverpool, had been compelled to sus
pend payment.
The mraerroarket continue. most raiment,
but the London paper. of last night (tbolBtb) In
dulge-41 hopes of • partial restoration and Um in
exchange., owing to the fact of a eery heavy pay
ment on the worst settlement. Consols commenc
ed at 81a81i for transfer. to day. Time hargain.
Misfile. The quotations cloy.' at 81e181}
Eirctirquer bin, have kera done at 15.30. dis
count. Bank stock is quoted at 1822183—du11.
Pat!lament his been prorogued till the 1 ltb of
Novertiberoihen it will be further adjourned till
the month of January, for the despatch of business•
The Lord Mgor of London gave ■ splendid
entertainment to the Duke of Cambridge ind •
large crimpany ou Saturday week. The incitation
I ncluded his Excellency the American minister and
thre.Polish princes. Mr. Bancroft's health was
proposed and his address warmly remised..
In Bally. Ferris• Is about to be evacuated by
the Austrian troops and the Pupa left undiaturbed
in the excrein of hi. tisk and administrative re.
The civil war in the mend Cantons of Swift..
inland is still impending, and serious disturbances
have occurred in the Two Staln.
In Spain, Gen. Espana° hu been anddenlj
diaplaced from the head of the new ministry and
Nereus installed in hi. place., French influeLlCC
end diplomacy base again triumphed in that coon.
The proepeete for Ireland, daring the approach
ing winter .are gloomy enough. FM inn, in en
eggrieuted• form, his already re-appeared, and the
Queen has leaned a letter nommandiaig general
collection. to be raised, in the establiebed church,
for their relief.
The markets up to this moment an 3 loosing
ground. Floor cannot be quoted beyond Res per
bid., and corn has no tendency to rise above 3Us
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
warnig ISIAXTA
Lowest cur, Nov 6, 9 p
Dates from Santa Fe have been received to,the
7th of September. Rumors prevailed thew that
the American Traders had been driven from
Chihuahua, and all their properly destroyed.
The Mexicans at Santa Fe and vicinity, were
peaceably disposed and quiet.
The American soldiers were very disorderly,
numbers of them have been wrested, end en the
7th oh, the Calaboose raw filled with prisoners.
Comm:Wore Stockton acid party had arrived at
St Josephs, nod left there on the 19th of July.—
Every thing sew quiet when he left.
Corrobpandence n( the Patabargh Gazette
Richmond, Nov. 7, 10 - P:M.
ilre have all been received at Pe4emburg,.
he pipers contain no later advises from
r war.
A.Miller, hearer of Deipatehes to Gen.
,rtepaarent,ere an the James L. Day.—
intimates that these dtspatchea con.
from the Cabinet, to hold in Chock
• of the enemy, making warlike di.'
a in the Northern Provinces, and that
will be sent to Gen. Taylor'el.avaia.
Col. D
Taylor, c
The • Dolt
rain orde
guy parier ,
MA trim,
the 24 h.,
Uern. Taylor Coming Home
• Philadelphia, Nov. 6.
The W bington Ilnion says that Gao. Taylor
had asked od obtained /ease of the Gove rn ment
of the UM d :hate. to 'Omni himself from the
Army for six months. He ht expected to
arrive in 'New Orleans about the firs id Decent.
Roger Kelly. aged 18 yeare,was abet on nide)
night, in a street fight, among the Southwark Vire.
men, and has sine. died. Fifteen men have dm
clared on loath that Baneeel Cosperthwalt tho
deed. Ho l t has been arrested and committed fur
- We regret to learn from the Matamoras Flag,
that the fever has reached this moron of the , seat
of war, and that dough the deaths have not !men
very numerous, the suffering halt been very great.
Tho flag complains of the continued attacks
made upon the wagon train', by the Gnarlllu,
and the cause of it is stated to be as follows :;
Tho frequent attack. made upon the wagon
trains above this, on the line of the Rio Grinds , '
have boon caused by the fact that large quantities
of merctmodise, belonging to private indivirthels,
have he ctofore been transported under the prOtew
lion ash ch those trains afforded:
,This I:Weem
s:am:o lied forth an order from Grat..Tijiml, for-
bidding ho conveyance of private goods under the'
escorts a mpanying U. te. Wagons. Tttislwill.
account or much of the ill feeling existing be., ,
tweon o core of Gen. Taylor's division - of the
AMY an the merchants if towns above this. It , '
is certai ly bad policy, to fey nothing orthe In.
justice o the thing, to levy an 0110f0W1 duty Upon
marten inc Introduced into the country aid then
refuse p Mellon against the horde ; of bsziditti
that pro I thro' the conony.• ft cannot be Won. ,
dozed at hat tho military characters in Male are
ao luctil to pee when th e neglect of our goy.
intuited' io keep the nide open to the interior;
furnishes them opportonity to feed their mirky
for plane r. The advantages which weld result
from an ..poritio policy, outweigh all objections
that can • urgedgainst it.
liana the Extra Mae. of Saturday.
Bona. No.. 5, I j o'k. Night.
Liverpool, Oet:lelh, 2 p.
mar Norroganeet want uhoreon tha
miles South of Son Augustine.
1m at °Mane, Gam Yellow Feisr,Tot
cm ending on the morning of the let
were 93,
'We thick with the Flag that thirdaty sho u ld
Le. removed, or the Podg Pr° 04 . 44 - •
The fallowing fact ie perhaps the bar comluen
tary on this put of the war, and p ros ., who an
reaping the most income from it. existence.
CANAL'S Tuirsau Gauen warria.—Our rcn
dere will not be a little surprised to hear that the
salient Col. Cantle., the terror of the Mexican
inhabitants of the Rio Grande, and perhaps the
dread of unarmed American traders, has gone et.
tensively into the insurance business, He insures
goods, American or Mexican property from the
Rio Grande to Monterey, against peril, by rOba
ben or guerillas. His charges are somewhat on
erous—twenty-fivo per cent. premium --but he
gives ample security for the fulfilment of hie obli.
ptions. He. has even Ma:meted stolen property
at the same rate, and as ha is usually privy to the
circumstances of any large robbery, he is said to
driver' tluiving bueinewrin hispine.
By the Eastern Magnetic Telegraph
Exclusive Correspondzuce of dm Pittsburgh G 11101.4
Nov. 6.4 e. r.
plour-Prices are on the decline,—Dealers are
smiting the receipt. of their private letter.. The
Foreign mem had a depressing [Erect upon the
Etelasive Correspondenre of the Putehurgh Gazette
Oa!Umpire, Nov. 6, 3 e. at.
Flour—Sales of H. R. not strictly prime at $6
per bbl.—Dealers are awaiting the receipt of their
private lettere—City Mills - brands not strictly
prime are held at $6.127 4 per bbl. The Foreign
nears hu had a depressing effect upon the market.
Wheat--Sales of Prime White at 128a131e
per ha. Bala of 5000 bu prime Red at 125 per
Com—Sales of prime White at 63266 c per bn,
prime Yellow is' selling at tic per hu.
Oat2-13sles at 34540 e per be.
Whiskey—Sala at 28e per tall.
Beef Cattle—Salem at $2.931 per 100 lb. gross.
Killnllleg—Sales at 1.00 per 100 lb. nett.
Stocks—The market Is dull with a downward
Coffee—The supply in 6rst hand. is small.
Wool—Sales at 30c per lb.
NoT. 6, 3 p.
Flour—Thq effect of the Foreign news upon
the market ii not yet fully developed, in come
queued of which the market is in an unsettled
stab. Holders ate anzione for Wee, sad are ask
ing lees than the lest quoted figures. There are
more sellers than buyers. Prices are nominal,
with Wes of GOISSOO St $6,37} per bbl.
Grain—The market is at a stand.
Cotton—hee declined
Fancy stocks are in a daproseed condition.
By the Western Nastellef'elegraph
Nov. 6. 9 P. M.
Flour—The Market is ortaiiille.l, with rib allot
to report. ,
Whiskey—Sales at Ifle per gal.
Sugar—Sales New Orleans at bf a 6 a 6 . 4.
Mesa Pork--Sales at $lO a I I per bbl. dear.
Molasses—Moderato gala at 30e per gal MUM
ket heavy.
KilledTogs,—Elales of 1500 at $4,121} 4 4,37
por . loo lbs.
Bseon--Ureen ffsme ore selling at 61 per lb,
Shimauk ztreo, ate sold al 3./ per lb from block.
.4:.llevee—dale. at 63e per lb.
IIIRETIND or PATII•IIIC..—The rtgUllt meet
ing of the New Tot - Mit:orient Society, on Tues
day night last, was honored by the prownee of the
Hon. faux Quince Aoexi and the Bon. An.
GALLATIX. The Meeting Is thus referred
to is the Expnw '
•When the two venerable men mat, and grasp
ed each other by the band, ■ •tablet of unuttem
ble thoughts' was plainly traced upon their roves
nil countenances, and it was with evident mine•
ranee• that they loosened their friendly hold
Each of those men is upwiliedicil eighty year. old,
and yet their minda are as active as they were 50
years ago.
Excepting Mr Clay, they are the only Ameri
cana now living who placed their signature. to
the Treaty of Ghent, more than thirty year. ago.
Adams, lialltain. and Clay are the men, and they
are among the greatest men of the age; and all of
'ham Whigs. A pleasant thought indeed, when
we are njoichig over the Wiump of.,their princi
ple. in the Empire State of the Union."
Sees-roe Hsessosai.—A Fieire.—We regret
to notice dining last week, at Drawfurdnille. les
.• quarrel took piano between Senator Hannegan
and a Mr. D. McDonald, which had its origin a
year past in what is said to barn been a cook, in
which Mr Hannegan war a party, and when Mr.
McDonald says he got knocked 'tan the nasal,
through the
,Senator's instrnmentality. McDon•
aid has ever 'since threatened vengence whenever
he should meet the Senator, and thie will the first
time the penis. met. The Senator was attacked
by McDonald—knocked down and tremt4cd 1:11,
der foot, and his Ism horribly lacerated. Alter
the Senator wee released, he returned with a gun,
for vengence on McDonald, but be had escaped.—
Such scenes are mach to be regratted.—Cin.
The Parkersburg Gazette inform. us that up.
wards of 70 emigrants a few days ago passed
through that town, from the Valley .of Virginia,
a part on then- way with a largo number of .laves
to Missouri, and the remainder to lowa. Thus
(says the Gazette) is Virginia - peopling other
dudes, when she ought to hold her own and at
tract immigration from abroad.
Ban.—On Thursday afternoon, a boy in Tem.
perancevillo. made • violent asnult upon his sister
with a knife. Ho Wlss caught in the act, and se
verely punished. It a thought had no third per.
son been near, he would have indicted a danger.
our, pethana fatal, wound. Such a lad needs ■
home in a Inman of:correctihn.—Post.
IT is stated that the 1100 lames Cooper is
charged with the duty of expressing to Pope Pius
IX. the eympathy of our Government in his ef.
Potts to epistle the liberty of his subjects. It is
eminently proper that our Government should
send its encouragement to those who are giggling
for liberty.
Hex •TOII ATC M.S..— the St Joseph (Mo)
Guette announces by authority, that Senator
Atchison will not ha a candidate for re-election to
the place which he now holds. The Legislature
to be elected neat August chooses his glummer. •
LADITS roe Ina wear.—Thitty five young la
dies of accomphshod minds, (says the New Yoik
Eaagchat.) have recently alerted from Ilartfod
fur tb. l West, under the care of the National
Bond pf Education, for which Ei4overmr
Blade 44 Genital Agent.
Orr hursday evening • concert was to have
been he d io Philadelphia, for the purpose of gath
ering f ode to take the ease of the Negroes, con
fined in he Jail of Cumberland co., for participa
ting in t e vacant omute, to the Supreme Court
in order o test the legality of their Imprisonment ,
No ember 6--CONTLXI, to PART.
WIIM t Proviso—No more
• Slase Territory—
New Yo k —the Session of Congresu—tho Tele
graph warn Engine Explosions—Benefit. of
Manufacturing Companies—the Moratoria—Rail.
Reed in roadway-New York Banks-Horror. of
War—S , Ws Anna in a had way-Scroll of Death
—State Offices in New York—New York Cerra.
pondence—Anal Slavery In New York—Volpe
from the Green Mountains—Quarter &alone—
Sub• Marine Telegraph-Rall Road—New Ex
press line—Republic of Hayti—Commercial
Growth and Gtoatneas of the West—Allegheny
Scrips--i Court Marlial—fieneral Quitman—hems
—Pennilyivania Official Election Retanos—Epi.•
copal *cue in New York—Sketch of the Lilo
of Beni' Winfield Scott—Circular of the State
Trouuter—The Female Army of Switzerland—
United dlate. 'Eressury—Tin American Anemia
.tion—Prom the Plains and Santa Fe—Finance.
of Koolucky—Despaidien from Mej.Juk Down.
ing—Further from the Army—Battle at Puebla
—Freight. to Pittsburgh—Quo Wound° in the
case of Judge Burrell—Chatouquo County Bank
—Westirrn Hall Road—When will the War end?
LatestiTelegraphie nee., Foreign and Demesne.
Commbreial—A carefully complied Review et
the Markets for the put week—The prices in the
local city Markets—The Cottle Market—The
of American Produce in various perm of the Union
—Amount% of Flour, Wheat, Corn dr.c., received
since the ripening ol the conal--Caqal business and
movements of produce—Market re London.
City Nevia—ipirit of thePress—Comoua Eztracts
from the leading menials on the interesting topic.
ul t he
31 . 214; at the dealt, .logly or In wrappers.
Price 6 cents single copy. - •
Halscriptiona two dollars • .year in advance.
THUM flli
CoI . LBSt parr Owlet icrar.
....'prepared to eXe.le in asuporior ,
manner, all kind• of Jot num*
niers,Sicamboat Bills, IlilWof Luting,
alum, lisadbills,amis,
apf-Wa m
and tap.ditio.•
reed its large P
Letter f4teet LY
to any extent
klad.of PrlnUn
xecnted in the best manner, and all
done whi accuracy and al the lemma
07 - AO ' , Curer N. t pilee
Dr olgekuniPa Endiumenoto le thy Only metteine that
to:100M Au SO very Common ar%troublesonie
disease. It moody immerliately allays on and ipfia •
motion, slope all bleeding, subduer; that lonolemble rteb
Zios b' e li e vt7h M or W eten eT ' re7 nitria,roXlC. me persona
fr 'eon
Its Implication produces no pont. but rather sn Common
Cie and plenum/ sentetion. If par enot enticed wool
colrand bear of the great somber of ease* Out Lave
been cored, they witl be astonished. A gent/men of
this Min who bad been soda the knife re suer..
for Lwow Mice limes without being cured. lou by u—
ing b e yond o the Embroconion, been erodicallynu Md.
II wells byond precedent !!--IPtoil. Saturday c00n...
op -For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA
.41 . 011H,T2 Fount] street, near wood, and oleo at the
Drag Atom of H P Selthurth, Folderol st Allegheny cat
iy. alldkw
fig- Salter . . Otnsang Partaessw--Mantesr
rarrttrotcr—We be leave to call public attention to
the fallowing, from Dr. Wm. Doan, of Williamsville
- Clermont Co., and one of the very drat practitiorters in
the county In which he resides, and late &mann In the
State Legislature. It is cheering that to see the lead
ing men of the profession, bunting the bonds of peal,.
monist prejudice, and giving Merit lid dont
vSiri I have in my (incite, been using lumen( your
Ginseng Panacea, and, so far, unwell pleased in its
effects in Catarrhal and Bronchial Complaints. Please
tend me half a dozen bottles—put them as low as you
can; a.I expect If it COptlaureatil tenderest racial,nt
tsfaction as it has heretofore. to keep It c0w...8Y tnt
bend. .a.v.PeetrhilY, apt? Wm. Dosch a.a
El:rlmportant to Advergraara...The &drat.
Mc:menet which appea r in the Daily Morning.Garecte
e l t:Prh a e r c in zre Lh o t la i no - n w o7ll l 7;w th irEte r v e t c Tgy in idTli e ti he on ' al
charge. Thisja an adranlagainearadverthtert, without
any Mtn expense. kdscrtiseasents are also inserted
in the counts} , paper upon reasonable temp.
The public are nmpectfolly inGrimedrhat
har arrived and will appien. en
Monday, November 801, 1847,
In two favorltAcharactere. For particulars sea bills..
' Duce••• ••by• .• ••51ISS ANNA MALIiINA. -
After which. a Naos.. DIOUTLIM(II37, by NEIL TA*
To conclude with the new farce of the ••
Michael Magoces•
Martens— • • -•• ................ •-• •!diro Petrie.
(Doors open at 7, and tannin wilt TUG at 71.
RAYMOND 21e.'1VARfN1,1 , s
• Fur Two Mete More Only 1 •
TflE proprietors f espeetfolly antlounct to t h e public,
that, In order to give all who may intro to ,do to,
on app.:m.lly of nailing Me large molecoon of al&
mele, they will co:tonne to exhibit them at the.pavillion
on Penn Street, for two day. more may, on . 3londa7 Sat
Tuesday; Nov. PM and 9,1 t.
Open, each day. from 11 to 41 o'clock, P. ht.; alto,
front 7 to to o'elock, P. N.
Long to
1147" iL MURPHY opened yesterday a few very so
k, cpertor plaid Long Shawls, • scarce anddestrable
mice% also, black. triolaso Loser., Pee block, and emir
glosiyi Meet
Fancy Plaid do;
Black Sane striped do;
Fine black Pacenettosi
Plaxarina blue do; •
Do ',do Fleece Me too;
Black do;
Drab Alpacetai and Pante:Cost
Mode Casements, at. km
_lrrAt nortbeasi corner of 4te and Market an. ace
I:E= M:1
. .
Of every des...span promptly executed Iu a superior
ormer, by
Sun Sodding., N. E. Corner of Third and Dock Sintra,
Ivy noire,) PflitotfdpAix
IVHERE eau always be had at shorrnatice—
ALsoosir Mork Medals, of all rinds;
D rew and Plated Door Platesi
tale for Omits, SorWttes,Corporations, de.
Professional visiting cards, esgraved and printed.—
Potatoes In want of 'eels Olt °One, net incited LO call
and eland. Speeiniens and Design. of the varionsor
dens of d Maw., Odd Follows, Sons of Temperance, de..
rive .
Typa foundry.
SO Gofer, wow of Arm area, Kee York.
TEE atbacutter is prepared to (omen band nut Type
and Prlntrea Materials of nIl kinds,.. abaft uottoe
and on reasonable terms.
_ .
Proprietors of newspapers, who have ma advertised
for We tralmenber. who may publish thi. nadee for dime
months will be entitled to receive pay in type, on pun
chasing fore umes We amount of thole bills for advert
Old Type taken in czehinke for
RO ne w
w at k scamper ß lb.
need' T TAYW
SmODA Mill—nOeski,averagieg al per ceol,eXpeet
.4 estain_December, oNow Orleans.
19 mks of same Strength from one alike hest Ringbolt
Marl ere, (mot inborn WO clpecthereafter ' regular
;tippet, and eon oft: atuntfuturirs of Otasitand oth
ers in Rua market Jame indent:meats to puma.. of us.
COsPAILTNEEt3IIIP—Tbe subscriber. have
associated themselvesunder lba fimt of Hamm A
Somas or the transaction of a wholesale Grocery and'
Comonmion inismemmit No. It Front street, between
!loin end Walnut streets, South mde. Cineinosti.
' lIA:4NA,, •
nr-dtter Id :11
A 1411.3v/ow n be given to is y pennon who vier
ri..make known to ma the name of the India : Moat who
t y tt '. .Lf=4rni t r. i gt„ 24 ,a.Tor4raaeTatrg
naP /anima
NOTICE.- Peron na having claims yams; the floonty
Wlll present them on Theo:Lay Wedundny or Solar.
day. lY armlet will not he drown an any (Ater day of
the !reek. fly order of the Commissioner.
niihdiksidsT .
F1911F ! i PISA Li/Aps:me White Fish
tow n store, tar sale i lly
VEND-3 bbl. Mustard Reed bow landing from
1.4, Isaac I'deanou; for sale by
2,5 • 1 DICKEV d CO
M igrlVlVl n CV * l ' ' rt s Cl 7
nat; water& (rani If
HOPS —4 bales I elqualtty, reecivect for sa;a
1.8 I DICKEY tp:Xl
do TOBACCO—TS bso John W: o rd's . ,,g . {
Or roperior qualm,: (or tale by • , 1
OD AICCO—A One sasonznent of .54,12 s aqd p ound Tlumps in store; Sr sale by
_ _
a MiIAZINE-11, good poen oral, be
avtar the January and April number of hi, If or
ozino bg• War y qALDWELL s A
avd Third M. oppoetteitho• Poll Mee
D IMS, GOODS—We have Jug! taoataid- i
I ease Linda Makers;
1 cam Queen'', Plaid) of rery beautiful rtgleo,
and bright mania PHACKLETL %PUMP!
nro Pr wood . ig
1111.-16 Obis Fall and wetter strained Lard Ott 'of
V the best qualtty for We by
nv6 J KRA 44 wood at
R0"3—..."16;' and of
fl) 112-31410 bu Rye wanted; fee which end, will be
it paid by MILLER re. SICKETOON
170 litarni_st,
rsololl.-6OLohla bptgarhi 1 1 3 - O - 1
40 " Wehb's brand, tam reed OF W.
Catch Cope; in sate by
naCI 6m IVIIARELAUDII,I.3 wood st
LOOK-22 bbls family Roar landing from Suom i ,
V Gsr sale by JASDALZELL
mfi, 21 water at
SiLLICELATUII-10 can jut reed; for sato by
wet tor wood & suer et•
OlL—Bleached Winier Whale (h 1 eoiseautly o•
baud; for gate hp
M,9-luo 4bo N (ow ~J 4)
Sl3a A ft—t hbd. Pa.
A PPLE! -31 bbl. P*4 E“SP:fWaill.:;llA7;te
fAIL-10karrelsthafted oa, jun coed, for .ale by
nye_ P SELLERS, U Lberty n.
71EElit HAIR and Tow Tom roc ale
.CIIOALEI , -50 bAy No I irsa'4l; far .ale law w close by
bbl. NC, (buys WO r ebb. by
ttLZ- b l y i eves Velvet Ca d e t
i liAllzlat i r r ezived;
0,4 eta re elate & Ilberty.ste
0,4 7
INJIC-t0 bbl. &wilt Gm
sale by •
HOP)/ -.4 bolo to ion now Landing from steamer
Americo; for sale by I DICKEY a. CO
nen SO water A ILO from eta
WANTED -50p be Barley,
MAIO be Rye, ler which ihe 'ma r ker
price will be paid au ours by I
LiLASII-1Y In 1043, 1Ux16,12116 sad HMIS Glass
for male loss by
WUIIIK/GY. to-30 bbls ohi R %%star;
Su bble old Tennessee Peach Brandy (manic by
nv.3 c !amain
APPLES-34Jbbis of ddereniladads
for We by • re MARTIN'
ny3 or saanhfields frontons
°tore coevigmeent, by
DASIATIt-110 nests MaZie Willot;rilasitetirriTr
11 K
vale low to dove eoneignotent by ' •
nys 1 DAL2ELL
11Titili/ViaTl•=it9 b wing boa prime che fob.. Not
1 received; for sale by
005 °RUA!, MoGREW tr. Co
870 - 0 - Br—iiilitle Pikiiii itioiidetrili band; for sale
014 _ 17 liberty .1
SOAR -10 bbds primo NCI m con.iirtmenti for
t . ,.16 by
___,lL . F.NKLLERS
. .
' v 1., OVR & o bbl, 41.11., &Mai Marta cFnamcit'n
1' Jot 4.1111 C hr , ,,,s P Si.traocs
VLOUR-00[Ibis Ulna and Vim taut brandalun ta
r calved; for gala by 4 JORDAN &EON
n' ,, 18 liberty al, opposna , smabGeld
, i icaTurt-211millbesaia by
La nrs Its 9 DALZELL, A avatar .1
bs. W S , ludigp fotaate
arS J DA lakAJ.
nys 641 t ',IMO
111 --a .01 • fi v
avb cot smithfield & rrator•ts
F.VAXIMII6D-111611 we'd; for sale. by
nv 5 • W (311.15.T.K
_ .
BAC A.2lll—nn bins new white, is ataW7t. was 4 7
ut3• W (MEER
c mii . sx-173 bin Pm melt' k't el°, s ,l nt •
LO bbl* aonn.for sate try
urectols—A rine four bone Wagoning& ine'di
V V fog nab& by OZUM, iteOlti:VV sCO
6,11 60c111. ROW, kb onty it
'auction -.Auks
D 7 iahl D.
Large Salo of Real Estate erna.Ground Rents:
0k Wednesday morning, Nooenffiec 1604
et the Cosnoterc,ai 50... Ileum, Comer o,` . Waxd see t4l,
sth, wilt be oe:41 rube. ',eget by artier Of the !thee
wee of the Bonk of ibe Un.lce bolace seder deeds Of
ossloccent of y Jet.
• Two Valuable' lob of tiro;nl aitumo on4lao Forttn.
aide of Third street, nearly pas: th e Post O ffi ce,
baring each &front of it feet 4 Inc s, ape egrending
back 4) feet.
Also, Font Lots owthe East. side o Market west, be
twen From and Snood srosets,cac avant wi end°
from of 14 feet and °mending bock 6 feet., .
A LP, That verfiraloob le Lot of G ond kgmorly oc
cupied no a Police Office on Fourth haweeb Market
and Wood its, having a nom of 19 feet more et lona and
extending back It fect. • • - •
Also, Thar valuable 3rlwy bnek Dwelling Boon and
Lot on Penn sr, with Inamons back boiklinds admlning
property of - C
F.vans,lat present occupied by Ale. Islttlet
f LotWao a (not of 10 fret 6 inebes,and extends
back 110 feet to Brewery ay.
Also, several anneal ground Til.: One Of dlrty•
fin dollars, one of stamen Gallon, and one of twenty
ono dollar., issocing out of propeny on Second sr. scar •
the K 0 1:01iriblel Iron Walks. 'lnns at tea. •
C SHALE:a, Agent.
JOUN D DAV/Ji., Acct.
ramaged Table tlottery, at Auction. -
ON T... . 6, Y morning, Me an lo &data' lbc
Commercial Balm Room, corner of Wood and Fifth ma
will be Mold for &omelet whom It may coneeeNtneicak,
;a:4mo fine imainimble and desen Knives and Forks
of Tarim. desentaiona, which have been Aim' aged by
water on the easel. ' •
A 1.0,411 /100ite of looses and forks, Hire, scissors,
pen end pocket . knivos, botcher, knives, spectacles,
pocketbooks, setkr cues, fee. which hese not yet bows
injured • JOIIN D DAVIS, -
roe Auctioneer.
lErAtuericsn copy.
Bolldimg 104 Id ud adjoining the Ceti of AOe
g eny, at 1111411118.
ON Monday evening, the 16th inst. at 61 o'clock.
at the Commercial Sides ttoons,cOrner of Wood and
sth oleos ill he wild without reserve, 45 Buildicir
Lots In tad adjoining ttici.3rd Want of the City or
-Allegheny, withie Ike minutes walk or she market,
bousej a plan of which may be seen atthe Anctimi
Room, and the property will he shown by' 51r.
Charles, pomp maker, middy' near the premmaa.:
Terma„one fifth cash, residue in lour nal anent
payment., walling interest.' -
At so—'l'wo Lou of Grimed adjoining . the above
on which Is erected 'a convenient Frame Dwelling
Ham which will be sold for one third cosh, residue
in three -equal 21121111 i payments with interest.—."
Terme indisputable. JOHN D . DAVI,
0.6 ' Auctioneer.
. .
Chest - Cupenters , Toolr, Iludlrus Lod Cutlet),
. , at AlKtkl.
...ON Monday evening, the Eih Jam et 8 I.4e'eleek, at
the Cautivertual.Beuee Amm, comet of Wood dendFdth
eta, will be sold.
Ono olut good tinaldy Camentres tools; emblaeing •
general ateorterent, which are ae•rly new and In good
• • .
Also, • lima/ of hardware mad emery mo close
eattamneta. JOHN DDAVItm,
ON Holiday morniag, tho .
erat mu., at ID o!clook;a1
the Commercial Saito Hoomi comer of Elnh and Wood
Suems, will be mold:
, .. .
. • ..
An extensive "moment of Maple 'aria fancy Thy
Goods. ked swung which ate cloths. Castle:eras, satt.. 2
netts, flannel., muslin; eat ieoes, gingham's, tipareCii,
C rlll.ll, subunrn, silk ochre, to.
' • . Al 2 (Klock P. 111.
. .‘, 4 bads and le bbls good quality N 0 'Sugar; •
10 buts New Orleans Nolasees•
• le doxen coal and devonshir• staves;
God super quality dpaeisti begets; • ,
Voting hymn' Tea, album wrapping paper;
A large assortment of nem and...vend kind &Asa.
hold (unhurt ;•entbree mg Mahogany sating seat mote&
rocking chairs; burettes, tables,. bedsteads, fancy and
common phalrs. tame gilt frames baton/glass., mantel
clocks, de. Also, cooking stove; trachea mensal; .te.
-At 6/ o , Clack, P. ;
•A handsome accorttnest of French sqle fine 'Mo.:
eassonere and. satunen putalooru, gold and silver
crotches, shot sus, ptstoln, fine table and pocket code ,
.ri r scriely Ord., Sc. SITS'
Eh LED PROPUSALIi ;Nth be teiSei4ell aithe Mee
laof the Junes River and lianewita Compaq, in Rich
mond, Vii.,hinul the nth depot December next, for the
caosernetent of the Company'. Itvrorements on James
Rarer, tom the moutlraf North River, to the more of
Bechanan, a distance of BS mded The surveys being
not yet completed, the work can be nu farther specified
in Rut advertisement, than that enasitt of Mate,
and sections of Canal between the pooh of the dams,
with Lift Locks .R elent to overcome a fell of about
106 feet, • Towing Pain for the whole distance, and such
Guard Locke, Amtedems, Culverts, Farm Endgesi he.,
as shall ha found neer-teary. The general terms of the
Omonsets will be, thee the emit will be divided into
dime:nein Ribs or sections, each of which will he let
In the lowest responsale bidder, oktering ratirfaeMry
prepaid., and that edit payments will he made: on
month!) estimates of work tersely done, with eves..
'ration of Riper cent by way of teceritylor the tom:
pletion of the work, omit the same MCI be eosePislml
ended 'Proposals tmll• alas be received, at she same
V:ce, 5.111 Me Sarno dote, for the construction of the
nneelon of the Cuenpanya renal with the tide -water,
of hone. Refer. tt Riclusedtd,'throarth the Richmond
Dock. This wma will consist of the, three Leeks of le
feet lift, and one of Si feet lift; intermediate Camel. for
agitsegute llicanee of about half a mile, with rook
Coleys... Wills, Wanes, Feed Bridges, he . shall
be necessary; A stone Darn Ciereole Janda River, telt.
Fells, et Mamoru% the raining of the. W ells and Em
bankment oPthe present Dock ;use exte.ion of Mc 110th
a few hundred led Emitter :Hy, too the constiuctieu ok
an Outlet hats the lower end thereof, cepable of ed.
raining the lawn emelt mania matte potsef Rich:
snood.• This work will be paid for an bonds of Ma Core
pasty, (to be issued undee the skedkonty of a recent am
of the Letisletare .1 Vlitginied nmettg yeses, end
beating peg cent: leverets, payable scsok-annually.—
Besides the ester retermnion of 10:per' et* on the
monthly estimate t, the Com raroror mest win he
Wleitati to flee
e,cot it!, OOl.3l ' nelory Or th e
ti mes
of ilireetOrn, foram bonapieliert oflhe tank at the times
and in the manner sPecified In the comrade
Flees of the Move works will be exhibited, end ape
eifications thereof delivered mementoes*, so the Rod.
pany's Office. in. Rieboutkod, by thy I .t Deselobov
next. After the receipt of the ploposals, titan will be
takes for tan eonsiticrenon thereof anti the lath of the
same swami, on wbich y ease tee prepoatle Mould
beamisfitetory) the several joke or sections atter° adi
striated will be let. WALTER GWYNN
Chief Engineer of the J. FL & K. Co:
. Richmond, Nov 0, 1011 OZllowlDeelo
IL Mai thsease is Canted by consiroc..
tint of an.ais tells; 'a is seri' dnb.lnsing almost ens:
sing wifticiitiqii. Da. swExThers PANACEA it
the only certain cafe. .
iloarseness can he entirety eared by Y free awe of Dr
Sweetser's Palette. •
Cutarrjn or common cold, which, if negleeted vi l
te ,
rrain., is conseraptioa, is effectually relieved .d
eared by Dr fimiemerlo Panacea- r
Ilionabills, tf lineleeked, will eleetually lead to
Bronchial Consomptiou, but a timely use of gn. Sweet
br'• Pillatta wit. efaaahp Ca. it
Inflammation of the Tonsils or Sore•Thnian—This
disease odes leads to serious tontesionnees from no.
glen, sorb as dentition. of the. throae sin the first
symptom.. Dr Osneenteria Panacea should be moored
and used freely..
Pneamonia Notta.—A. ver y fatal disease, resettles
from a violent cough and cold ona debiligated or broken
doe.. constitution; aged persons are watuect to ii. Dr
Streetseee Panacea should be used on the Oral eymp.
toms, which ate • cough or cola. • '
Night Sweatt, —This deb !Hutting complaint will mem
with a timely check, by Imlay Dr P:weetter's Panacea
Coutampuon.—lif ou the first appearance of =lump.
Ilya oymptoms, which are e pal. In the side sad breast.
(cough or spatula of blood. Dr ateeemerht Panacen is
may aced, no.cagger need ha apple. ended.
When the UMP, tho WihdPipe, or. Ma Drtmehial
Tubes betwate bleeped op with phlegm so as to impede
reepiraikin or Lreattung, 11,mrenn tea rannenn,vbi n n
se a emerald Lagectaraat, slimalg ha cacti according
to the direction,
leglamma—Thla diatmsatna epidemic, xo precalect ie
our climate eperAi/y cured by De Steeetimea Panacea.
Price llbottte, or six bottlex for $5.
Foe kale by WM JACKSON, Eli LiOrtist.,elett of
the big boa. •
Caratleux to tba Pablie. • '
ALEZANDKR JAYWE•Y la - .the 'only' authorifid
agent to Pittsburgh and Alle g he ny t i ne . for the
ille of the Pella:Tea Computes Teo. of :nand 77
Fofma .1, New York. Any oileY, person iu Pitaborglt
pretending to .ell our Teas ts u hummer, and deeeives
all who may patients.: bun. It la commonly known 141
the Pekin Tea Company'. Teal Davi moved' superior
to all other Too sold, nod fin thia reason min) pet. Ons
have dishonesal pretended to have the sale of the Pe
km Tea Company's tea.,when Uterus. all Um while
vending ...•h and cheep atuf. "IW - eh they Ulla Obiltat •
ed elsewhere. Others solid Insmne the [meteor Tea
Company and Imitate our packages, and ihreby deceive
• •
We are um:waxed thu thereis Awes.. Pittsburgh
selling Trait ander the name nf tho Neer York and Phil
.4,iptiia Pekin Tear Company. -We hr ve only to say
that this geseseed company. have no eanneetiost what.
etretwith the New York Pekin Tea Company, a. two;
lament of Tea will !readily dweover by • eiunparing• the
thistle they sell with the [carve TeAsold by the - Near
York Nitta Tea Company i ut the glom of A. Jaynes, 7t
N. D Mmes. MeCektatigra ladelphla
have no conneenota whatnisr with the Nose teak Petits
Tea Dampeny . nor have they any. right or privilege to
sell Peas ander a manse w nearly ennobling ovine to
have a tendency to mislead the leakilie.
rive . 75 and Tt Fulton st N. Y.;
Establ6heiTiTsvare loesTiiih7yeirleiTLlTrtrie pur
pone of aoppppjyjog me Chy
°Ex' airsaiv T ElV,
low pneeo—and exhibiting, at an KAMM'
of the yeat, the. Largest Assortment us
They ure now opeafig Revere) SundrelPeekages,
=monsieur:ear, new style of Foreign end Domestic
Pninuetten, inteis-of-Which are not : be. found eke-.
•where, and which have just been purebased, and ere
offered for We for Cash and short credit,at
per yard below the prices of April and May,. p,
catalogues, which aro Canceled did), for the
information of buyers.
NM York, Juse,lSl7
3;11i1 - 44:
A T a special meeting of the, RUC; WAJIDENtiIi
ABSOCIATIUN. of Pittsburg I, luldat fh Nemo.
Hall, 4th 1n.., the following eggcup. were duly elected
for the ens...aye...—
Joseph Irwin; Niagara Fire Co., AYSiient..-
Petersoa, Eagle. do „ Vico President.'
Adults OcUy,Eagla , y do I Ace
Jacob Myers. Alleglinuii de I Treasurer.
Charles Keels:Neptune do '' Chief Marshall,
Jas B Darr, Allegheny do Ist asst do. •
II !Cetera., Eagle do :id do do.
TH,l.Prolidenr, pro sew
A paw.. Gaunt ilSierstarg. , 4 4_
Noliws—An Eleetliinfortnpifiesident,
er - Z7 - 4 . 174 . 10 et* e' !m .et," by
wain stow curry. ey
. .
mats well known line of splendid passenger 'Steams
Les Is now composed' of 'Me Infirm; OW ten, bee
'finished and furnished, and most poorer al .hems on Iha
waters of the ..West: Every.oucommosalion and coax
tbn Mar money eon procure; had been p nivhled for pee
senors. The Line has been inoperanou for bee yam
.—have carved a mullion of people without to lent
injury to their 'persons. I'The boats will be online foot of
Weed street site day prey /cusp snorting, his the reap
Lionel( /Meat and the entry et passengers on the type
ter. In all ease. WC pamaxe money mast be paid in
advance. ,
Tim 140NUNGAIIELA,.Cnirt.S0 , 04trillleave
bursh every Monday morn ing nlO &clack; Wbeeliug
every Monday crew oft n lO 1'...11. '
_ .
The lIII3PRNIA, NO. 51..t.:apt....r./OiarfaST, seal
leave Pirtabarth creep Taettlirmaratag at 10 Welatt:
iVbeellag eaety , Ttlesilar ratting at 11, P. M. •
The NEW.ENULANDI%O.34.Capt. S. pant, wa..
leave, Pluiaurgh 'every • Wedaerday exaraing , at 10
o'cleekt c7c9 , F,..clessday evrienit at 10 P.
Thc WISCONSIN, Capt. R.. 7. Grarr,wili 'ride l'ittc:
betelaver/Thursday !arming at lo o'clock; Wirelist,
carry Thrriday carmag oc to -
• - ..
Tye CUPPER, NO. 9i Capc Craels,will leeve,Pitte
bargit every Fr*ty morning at to o'clock; IV bielitty
every Friday arcane{ at la P.M.
The MMENGE.B. Cept. Listford, >m kuve Plus
burgh every Saturday morning at lOo'cleek; IVlLeeling
. Ilemute7 evening la -19 P. M. • • .
. . .
1111UXDAY. PACK T... .
The' lAAC NEWTON, Cepa G./tfores,
leave Piusborgb every Vanday WWl:ling al to 4lock
W beelike every ejtmLay =mu= al WV. 141.-
May 1817.
s .
mill leave for Bnver, Wormy t
Wellevdra, Toem=y, 70araday,
and Saturday of each week, al m. renames
ea Monday; Wednesday:mad Friday.. -Wile he bat
an= Imaging Selvreva la =dream and.Me bei - Oge pro—
m recei ve (safe= al any mem '
Imre , --- -• . W MAMBA UOU, ASI A.
oci72 .• r - No rl wood ac.
The aunr
wilt leave G:. Deaver, Glavraw, and
on .tdatanty, Wednesday,
tad Friday of each week, ata o'clock, a m,
Tutmdtay.lttomday and /Monday. she ban a - boat
tt the leodtak between Wood street and tbe.biiJa•
—*media receive frelettm at cry time. .
• 10in *loom.
The fat ranmeg Menne
Prim, mauler, will leave as above this
epv:a 10 e'elock: • For frelght se, pee. ' Sae. Sae. smote n, lmad, •- • • firS
• ; The new and rut loaning Learned
Maher, oraster,voll leave ma ahoy. dais
taming at to o'clock. .For (eclair, or
aboard. • nee
• - The sew and r.plendt4 ii
ne — eTT v er , Stewart metier. will leave for shoes
1p end Intermediate pens on Needy, th e
the met trehgte or paseage apply on board, or to
nve • M ALLYN co
- ' • FOit CtNGI T NNATI.
. .
. The feet running steemer
. PRlnqihttlife, .
Darm,roaster, ling leave an els/refl.'' ,
ay at 10 o'clock. ' Par - freight sr pas
"ie •PPly tit bore& . , • • eve i
• The Eno owlet
DE, •
A: . * Goa D. C.k, multi., vitt leave Pato- •
- 75- • book tarry ToestriV, Taar•daY
Proordry ennaidi at d o'clock; and Broaratoille cowl ,
Monday, Wednerdny and Friday wowing, atpo'efooll.
For treiski w passage applpoa board, o r •
pedlar . J NEWTON JONEri, Apt
• - - . The splendid ohne ',learner
- 1 OhakiiLltlrJESSUri '• ..
, ,• up. 0. 4 . ., will leave as Wove on
the *Ws /est, Pot freight or passage
.IP 4Ts l, ri l l , iaii.N i tlM,--thhllili Pdall nv I
. . • NTlte reget , l v er kus paekti v t ujx,
iialt o l2 , alites.teaster,'will kave f l lttsbargbi
cry morning, (Sundays excepted) at
9 oreleickoind leaves %Vellwille every evening at 4
o'cleek -Far freight or protege apply an heard. owl*
magniSeeru ovar •
maim wilrleave x•above . tloa
=mug U Itt o'cIoal." For bright or
pajLaagrapply ea board- octl2.;
, • • Tba sew, tight draught and (sat ran
' stag steamer ' EUREKA,
lens:Um, master, will ran as a regular
astet !reuses. Pittsburgh and Lout.
vine, Paring the aearon., She. leaves. Fuday, October e s
at 10 d'eloet. ' - , .. - •
Poi. freightor , passage trimly tra board. v"S'
' . 'l , Oll WIIILIZI.ING.
~ ! ' • /The nein and fill< ttelllnet • ..--
iffit i Poe, master, has resumed her reg
ular trips and pill kayo Piniburgis
as about, every Thursday and . Una
.day at 3 o'claet, P. 51,...F0r ireatht n, D lr u ll&V/Y
on board, or to
apt 2 .7 . A ent
..._ . • • . .•
The new 'warner ,
at t,
' Seim's. master, will run as &boucles '
log Firebnrch every Monday, Wt d ,
nesday and Friday, at 91 o'clock, A. M. and hlonoss is.
need Tuesday, Thursday
. and Snuarday. st 4
o'clock, A. AL Foffregthr no passage apply on boas!
itelralar ,Plitsbartin and ianes• 11141.
~ .
mt•• •' • THE lightdraaeht alemarr . .
!lard, Idamerowili make erectly trips
to the above port during the seas an...—
, - Par freight or pamarre apply on board
op 7 , D V.VILKINIS; even
• The new and light draarbt •uor
Affit ti 2 P Jack, master, will knee !or above
and intermediate portsouThargday,the
inviteclack, • w o
For Aright er panne, ham/ Cuperior neconealarh-
eat: Morwegabelwilacre
•. - EXPRESS . LINES, , & c.
m alt . lB4/ -
For Mr smith delpaki pf itucturxdin sad Red./
1ETW1Z12212221.66LL1110 211. 1f.122.... etTlts
• 772t1T, 7117i0V131170 BALTIMORB:FIrE DdYS;
Tittle Reale apes all Rea. aaa a the Teas, WE fac.lUies, safety, and foot shie, tams affected
by this Ltne, ate such that the Agents ehn yeah
enalidence reconuaend tl to the pairolugge.
.1.1,0 pot,-
. .
. . ..
The enatOshmein • TWO Dig Lino of Wit,glins
between I/townies - 111e and Cumberlnn4 render; it.the
man condition. and tellable route between Ito East
and West. Merelyindixe gram the East if deiertrei or
Pittsburgh on me evening of the third dug Gen Cam
.The /watt arillai re receipts u to thee and raw
and all piopeny consigned to diem art!! be foreraided
at the loweat eerrent raft.: Sills of Lading trent:Mined
and all inatrontlons proeptiv'enended W. '
CB/DWELL AlteaL Water ar t ltddaii above the
Monongahela Itotutei-Pnesbarah. . 1
OED TE CASS, Eteerneettle,
31eKAIG & Ceieberlan..l.
.1 D ILOUINhON, No 3 Light at, aloe* Pratt
. oettsJlm
' • Wetly "4 Mem Etagioi4 •
lift S. hlau ;Steamers, lacteal. I,rBs McLane
TSwatarsotre Pirr9 analog, aoub/e Mae .81pc
'Mien nit•barB6 sod Ilmarnavallo.• Tim moritingtost
lea•mt 'daily al 8 o'clock, preeleeln thn vvemag at 4
•c'elOck.Eaday• extepte4- =
From etttaborgh to Baltimore 31 heove. -- Pare
Prom rittabargit riclidelphia;•4llboom,—Pare 618-
by the Event; boat raiiengere 111 Waco on baited,
• 18 comfortable Qum Recent toe fins niebt,—crovi dot
mountain* in 41.5 , 14,64 and cap sod lodge to Comber.
•land the 181 night, thee ay.:admit mild travel altogether.
COaehes chartered to Pa rll4/ m 11111VOI se that' ryuy. de.
. . .
I:47•Scrure your nuke.. at De Ptßee. ttlnnOntabela
• • ~ Water at., or St. Cnartea Dotal. Wood 1.1. Don't
,• istako the DMus.. . JM.KI.II/,'N.
,Transportation !cll tb. Eastern
. . .
- T ll
6 • u bretibelf are fatly prepared is Keay .
far all Merchandise and piodocit destined me he
ratriern Ly stie.Crowinsilte and Ccuilnrisisl
.hlppers and others will have their iorwooled
by the Mob the tlittlaM, dispatch. in Me low
est entre. rases. Mlle of Lading taken and
WO Erre of charge for commission.
The manna:mop( the public .s reepertfoily whetted.
For Me plapriern, • W3l II CLAW:F. I , •
Brownsvi. •
'Viler fittet.Pti,‘lgaret.
11Eurdrlie,aud all thew ...thug roe& Own
to Pnwhargh, are ilifutand that sec lave ;On p ut
onanev ii...‘„ uu
pmerant.ezelrurel) Burwa.•-
• eillu. ... u mut . uurui. lire ae auly, and va
Will !emir!, receipts at wakes is Bali to deliver
IrOCO, in- thirry six hewn Puhdlarah:trianduy. rod
aouya onlyeseeptert Receipts for l hue
will alto .he famished
.by Adams .t Itosw.., New
York and nulthielphn Aa we 'run the only expr,..a
by wall trains wew, shipper," are thrum:A that they
last paw ate receipts at Oa shorn races iul/y.
Oftee LI &VIZIR Depoh. Pr drattfat at. Haltimore.
- rillth °Zee,
Pt Cbarlas Hotel. rlttsbargh
11, X 4 Olt mull laf t tAnAI Nooi , -.
-"' :X U. Line ' *rabic 43444 . ,
' '75"Pe
Lthira nirre!ii "a sory l l ill '‘i
agemudge ur ., R:firi2,,,
tsMZatLTont 9ld, good for tbe barvcoot other
0;1.11 inlaid mad eity - broke , Loquin