MEDICAL'; CHILD BIR - TH'l. ICIEL IBORDSLOQOE , s. , OULEULLATED WOK *tiering the penis and dangentineident to jv Pregnancy and Child BiSthcwhiclainaures the • _rrwry and unprotramed meccas of the functions of ereeme which Nature, whim! uninfluenced by the oteerdixed life, intended should be perfor ..d sapediummly, with little pans, sod without ash. sequin. indispoution...,' Ur Bon'Moque during his trarels in Ama, Muer, eci this reinarkable fact: That the 111019t31 of thoie . cuntrws: are peculiarly different lrom all other bads, in this mimes—that. they are free from the pains and! &agent which make the period of Preg. =My an Lbjcetot so much anticipated mattering and Mak. • Curiosity . and the zeal for Scientific diocese. ry prompted hint to inveinigatethe cause of this re markableexception to the severe trials to which the warned females are genemily subjected, and the Molt wu the dimormy of the lam that the women • of Ramie Countries were m the habit of using duricg the last stages of Pregnancy, certain plants which have We faculty of -imparting that degree of tone and elasticity to the serum and blood 'easels of the Meru, or Womb which enables It to perform to flanetiOnt In all their native etroplicitior action and freedom from pain. • lt is a singular bet, also; that the Indian women "of Ranh America are 111 a remarkable degree free from those pain. and dangers of pregnancy and child birth to Which the whits women are subjected— Whether they use the same plants nano the women of Asia CC Cannot tell. Cermie 31 is that the fact is no lea remarkable than true. This Remedy is now extensively used throughout France with the must marked success and many fe.. males who were (111C11 single through apprehensions danger. consequent to the mato of marriage 'are now by the use of this uredidine, performing tbo duties of wives and mothers with comfort and happiness. It a at this time now find presented in the w 0. .- tnen' of America. by Dr Bordeleque, through his solo 'agent, Dr A moRTIm ER, and he feels eon intent that independent of its intrinsic merits it will recommend itself to the moral 'part of the commu nity, us it is dully calculated to do away with that horrid crime at which some, through fear or pates of child birth, are putty. (the production of rein, tura delivery.) 'fins medicine ie also remarkable for retnedyind tint hitherto ineurable disease tlarrennesa, and iii almost constant accompaniment Fluor n 'fact that relaxed and 'fallen state at the Womb which accompanies this disease Is never telt alter the abortest use of this medicine: This medicine is prepared in such a way as to be evocable and pleasant to the tulle. Dr A C MORTIMER No .t 1-7.! Lispenaril at.. New York, him been appointed sole egret for the United States, by qe Sunteloque and is the only person in this county who is authorised LO 111111 d this invaluallle medicine, as the fallowing letter will - shows (11-artalated from the Freireh.)' ' , Panie,June 10111,1817. Dr A C MOIITINch,--Dcar Sar-According to the - agreement entered late between us, I wish by thin letter to give you that written authority to sell throughout the. United Slates, (my Remedy ler re. - tiering the pains and slangent'incident to pregnancy and child both,) which it .is'hereemry for you to ~ have to satisfy the public of its genuineness and pie. rtty. As you are aware the espusore of the medi cine to the indurate of the sea air obliged me to ' send it, to yon in air tight vesicle. 1 have also tent with it, a specimen of the manner in which it is put up in pans. la like mummer (should wish it to op peer in the United Sates. Sir. with great respect I remain yours, F E BORDELOQUE, M. D. • I' S-I also send you a copy of a letter received I ... by me from the Royal Academy of Science, in Parish (Tranilated franc the Frrneh.) Paris-Jan :0,1316. I,To M. Romachniker-Sir-The commotion. '-, ens of the Academy have appointed the underrogneal Inim,theirnumber, sea committee In report regard. . lag the menu of the remedy Ind ticlore : es by you (fur relieving the penis and dangers incident to prig nancy and child birth.) Serer l eminent Surgeons baying submitted to the Academy the results ot their ceperince In the use of your remedy, we has ten to lay.d before . you, bolienteg it to he the hest decision regarding ate claim to nofinctioin and of its great value, that either you or I he public could have . - wished. Whatever Influelme this body may pass. nee no the member. of the profession will exerted to* further that adoption of this remedy into general use, width nun scientific discovery and on unending remedy, it so richly deserves. Eight Physicians ' .- having used this medicine, each in kiln cams of de livery, found it entirely eucenedul in promoting a remarkable sale and easy delivery. free from pain and danger. With the exceptuurrif three patmnte of Dr Briquet there was a perfect immunity from any eubeequent weaken. or disease; one of these three a harming woman who had met with a coerce . • fall a week previous to delivery, was taken itumedi . ately after that event with a profuse hemorrhage. which was with difficulty arrested. The other two mallorma tines ol the pelt., were is no wise relieved offal& These few exception. in so greet a number of cam. as fourbundied, show the undoubted effi cacy of yoorjgniedy. and hare determined us to ' give it that recommendation and approval which is due to it. and the furtheranee of sclentific medi cine .(STeed) hi BRESCIIET, Al D. L AIAGENDIE, DI D. • Com of the Commisaioneer of the It. Academy of Science. The public are cautioned against purchaeing thin medicine front soy persons except of the tole agent Dr A C Nonfinite. No 36 1,2 Lispenard et, New York, where thismedicine in put up in packages suitable for being sent by mail to any part or the country. , .... Price Two dollars a package containing lull di rections. ,- I Pemons dttirous of obtaining this Great Remedy who reside an distance, can du so by I ,forwaiding Two Dollars, post paid. to • DR A C MORTIMER, Sole Agent ior the U S , . septet - O.IW No 36 IS. Liapennrd st. Sew York. 61EYEltAls REASON et WHY OUR. Ladd .l..3 DY'S SARSAPARILLA ll L 0 0 D PILLS are becoming so unmertally popular First, Recauee they ere prepared by Brie B Lei. dy blemelf, a mor e lar Druggist, Chenitst and Physi cian or Philadelphia, irho knows the 1131111 E, the viably and character of the Medicines' used in ME pills and their adaplatien to dime.. Second, Because the public can take them with .greater confidence thau most other pilli, which are p p prepa by eons ignorant both of midicine and ato red m. . t .. ra • •• Third,'S use ottheir combined efiects, proper; tin not con ined is any other pills; namely, purge tog trona the' stoniach and bowels all unhealthy sub. stances, and at the same time purifyitiethe blood and fields of the body. Fourth, Because they are the cheapest and best medieihe known-a tingle box coating butts cents, and containing 40 pills, saving to pereons as' many dollars Mt Dines in Doctor's bills, and nornerania <- medicines bought & tried on the rem remendatton t ollotherei • . ' WDOLESOItik: ADVICE.: ---.., Wheneverlon have occasion to tube any me di tine, do out ho Inning with your coututution by trying all kindled pills or other medicines you me published and recommended by one and another but take at once " Dr. Leidy a Sarsaparilla Blood l'ille and you'erill not Mae occasion to take anything • --elm. They will always be found good in almost all worms of dinette, Indamstionnf the sternach, bow. Modiver and - inteetineet. cramps at the stomach; colic,•Waterbemlit inward levers, foul breath, bad ... taste io the mouth, Sour eractationiand acidity of the stomach, costiveness arid truncation. 'lrani el appetite] hinnies Oltenia.. disease. of the .spl cos and kidney., deem. or the skin, scaly eniptiond dry and inter) pimples or blotches of the lace anti . • body, letter, rash,pnckle heat and salt churn.. head acbm-giddinem, Itl4llllllO, pains ore,. the heart, of the break, rid., along the bank and spine, themes . • Gam and goat, fevers of all kinds, smell p, rano. . lied. meischn•crofela,emzipelain and 1011104 thry are good in oil damsee baring their origin in the - . etemuM liver, and tactile., andunpurity of the blood ] _. frrrIOEI3IINrIVO COOL a Box. • .•,.. Sold WholiteGe end IteMil by B. A. Falinettock dr. Co., eorser of First and Wong, 1130 corner of . Sixth and Wood streets. sepe.:9 S r UtiiiiilLA AND gClit./Fl,Ltatirs ow 0.1.5., MGR-Scrofula in all its multiplied forum - , whether,in that of King's Evil, enhiremente 0 the . gland. or bones, Goitre, White Swe lling s, Cermet - . Rtmemetism,Canser, diseases of the Sea or Spine, or of Pulmonary; Coneumptiod, emanate from one • sod the same mime, which is a poisonews.principle roam or lets inherent intim human system. There. __- fore, Wiwi this principle coo be destroyed, no radi cal cure 'eau be ellected, but if the principle upon. which the disease depends, is removed, a cure , - Muster necessity follow, nu matter under what term - the diet lee should 1141211.1 itself. 'flits, therefore ' is the reason seby Jar n c's ALT kinATIV In is so um vermeil) yacetewful io removing nn many malignant dioceses: ft destroys the vitae or principle Om wince them diseases re their origin, by entering into the circa latioa, and with the blood is conveyed ~,,, the e t ieutMit fibre, removing every pertiele et disease (rem the system. Prepared and sold at No. • 8 South l'hird Street, Philadelphta. - Sold ai the Pekin Tea Store, N 0.12 Fourth wee. PittabsKh ' LI . :mch3l -- "'.,__lfiCleetTCll.':eliDlt - ATCII. - ' - ertigryr.ft, ITCH, SALT EllEttel, ae-Whe would 1 f oe e s ingle day serroch, when adheted woli the Truer, itch, or other diseases of the tin,if they brae. - . wan would relieve end VIM them. .. 7L horrible to be obliged to rob and 'match when alone, bat more horrible to abetain from it, ((or decree; . waled when in'company. Let tt he Irmemheted that Dr. LEIDY'S Tzrr Ea and ITCH OINTMENT is me moat cream,se of anywise, prepara non in existence in taring tic Truer, Itch, end other du of the skin. As all dioceses of the skin must sal, from the impurity • of.the blood and fluids of the body, and where anon din --ease be of king stendine. and - The constitution •ffeeted tive..ten,l,f DreLeidyht rlareapa rilla' Want Palle be anal wato me,Ointrfent, they Will tour any case whatever, _ and If they do nbt, the matey will be relented by Dr. • Leidy. Most eases,. however, will be effectually cum.!' ... by Dr Leidy's Totter and Itch-Ointment, anteee the' -.--- whale morel is impreenated by the diseaaed lornaorn, Which will be completely earrieied from the system by r Dr Letdy's Bloollens, end the *efface tithe at in heal- ed by thelthetment. Price o( Ointment ID cents. Par - melee/ 1 II A FAIINEeTOttIf lc CO _ oeMO I cm weed k front Me _...... ' — l - 7NO CURE NO PAY. 1 - IIL 'MILLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE REIREDY-Wariented to core, nr the m e n. . fire r n a re .4ed i, T ot i l s ai m arl ' l c ev i % i o n n P e " tirti 'd iCet r i c r the D Paz ' _ 'wed, st Mat expense. Those who hare been - (=Rise Wth the Indians, know that they eat end . :do etre V 'tercel without the knowledge of Alen, eery,. BSI m,pr anything of the kind. 'The or. tett - •, dieted is se now an opportunity of being Mired • i Withal . ithe .due of Badiam. This medicine is . • E =it to the Mete. and !Cates po smell on the • - Prepared by NO WAND & VALTON. and sold ' wholesale and retail, by LT Rowand , ..77q Market •• street, Sidled's. , For sale In Pittsburgh by R E Sellers, 67 wood IPM. L 1,114 be Wm - rh0. n.6 . 1 Market et. 'oefelaT ' "t7-7-aiw-laf-eiSiiii-eli Aiiis'i.iii - ii - p - eifetis ' : - . - 7 - 7 - fillflStemeerufy that, by taking one vial es(Doctor .IMeltene's Worm Speethe. • child of James Shaw 's ' 'lmesed onwards of 70 worms, and by the me of mod -medicine a child of.sey oWupassied,l 4 incite murex, , ',wit it Indy the mast sorprieiniewomumodiditt./ "" . . "ex , IMa helm awe manta mak.. ' .... . ... . Wht ilriA GILM T R Wl4llO E- . .. . r .. ' M. O . . .."" . • IWI bi ) I.IDD kOhNo Op Wood smel t Fine • ,: ;176- , MISCELLANEOUS STANTON'S EITICIINAL ILIEBIEDIr, HUNT'S . LiNAMENT, IS now nusversally acknowledged to be the IN 1. FALLIBLE REMEDY for Rheumatism, Spi Sal Affections, Cole racuous of the Muscles, Sore Throat and Quiver, lasues,Old Ulcer,, Faros in the Back and Cheat, Ague in the Breast and Face, Tooth Ache, Sprains, Bruise., Salt Rheum, Barns, Croup, Fronted Feet. and all Nervous Diseases. The TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which has at• tended the :Indication of this:noel WONDERFUL MEDICINL in curing the most macre cases of the . diflereni Diseases above named,—and the HIGH ENCOMIUMS that have been bestowed upon it, wherever it has been introduced, gives me the right to call on tho AFFLIC toscsort at oboe to the ONLY REMEDY THAT CAN BE RELIED UN. ..• . . GTThe faculty unite in recommending the tole ated External Remedy, limit'. Liniment. The following letter from the •highly eminent Physician* who have been attached to the Mount Pleasant State Prison for many years, is the best evidence of the value of this celebrated Liniment. Sins Sinn, December 'ZS, IBIS. My Dear Sir—l received yonr note of yeaterday, asUing my opinion in relation to Hunt'. Liniment, as prepared by Mr George El Stanton. Knowing its coinpmiton, and baring frequently need it, _I can recommend it to you a. a safe Etterual Reme dy, and in my opinion, the best Liniment now in use; Very truly and respectfully yourn, A K HOFFMAN. Col Pierre Van Cortiandt, Croton Manor. !Cully 'concur fa the above 'opinion. W N BELCHER. • Vonarow a, Jan. 14, IRO. Sir—ln reply to your letter, 1 would say that II have used your External Remedy, called Hunt's Liniment, in my practice wince you made me ae quainted crab its composition, and unhesitatingly say that 1 believe it to be the best External Eeme dy pow in use for the complaints for which you re commend it. Yours respectlully, lIENJ 1) MILLER,III. D. Geo k:Stantop.Esq, frrAmong the mass of worthless articles and lintOugs that are poured forth at the present day upon the' country, it sr really refreshing to: . tind something of real practical utility, something aim pie, speedy and effectual in its operation, and et the saute time free from these injurious •ellects which generally attend powerful remedies. Hunt'. Liniment,_ prepared by Geo. E Stanton of Sing Sing, • though it has been but a short time 'before Um public, has already obtained the confidence, nut only of our moat wealthy and influential cabanas, but our most eminent physicians. All achianwl• edge it to be a ioimeign balm for many of the ills that flush is heir to, soothing the aching limb, and by ass genuine stimulating inllueucc, banishing dis ease from the spires. Mr. Stanton—Sir—breing your advertisoriient of that's Liniment, I was induced to fry its effects on nay s on, w h o bad been crippled math a kale back from an infant; and it in with gratitude I bear testimony tar its wolidedbl healing p . ronertimi. My child. who is nary fire years of age, is now in 6 fair way of recovery, Yours. &c.,' DEMMON fiIICEERSON Posy Orrice, Tows r us, Putnam t!o. I certify that I an personally acquaint. if with the -above named child. and think the father would be rate an saying that his son is almost well. • ff==l Nov ft, lELS, Depots. Post Master. I. S. I would also state that I Lave been for a number of yeats sultjoef to liniment attacks of the Itheminatem, which or many instances prevented my attending to my twiner,. 'Von or three app. Catilltil of the Liniment invariably remove all at. fections of the kind. In eases Cl bruise., sprains and sores, too =amens to mention, it has in 'this viepoty proved a certain remedy. Im value can only bn estimated by those who have given it a fair trml. This Liniment it mold at tls and 50 cent, per bot tle, by all the Principal Ltruggi.ta and Merchant. throughout the country. . . Agr nts in Neu? Yurk. HOA DLEY, PHELPS & Co, 1.12 Water RI /SITI'ON !Ir. CO. 110 ~roadway. A 11 & It SANDS. corner Fulton and Willorn ASPINWALL. Cti Wdl lam street. • Orden. niklresheil to me at Sing Sing, N Sint , be attended to. GEORGE E S'PANTON, Proprietor. For mle in Pittsburgh by I. WILCOX. Jr. nod J KIDD diJ Co. Allegneny (jay, JOHN SARGENT Itirmingbitel.JOHN - febl9 AGENCY P,OLL, PATENTS. kVaskisiglon. D. C. 7&NAV; C. IEOI3EII9S. Mechanical and Agent far procuring Patents, will prepare - the ne cessary Dreivesuss and Pape. for Applicants Mr Pat ittr, nut! transact all oilier business in the lino of his pion:taunt at the Patent (tike. Ile can be consulted on an gammon I! intillg to the Patent Laws and dee 1- n the United States or Europe. Pe. satin .tit o diviatice 11,,irous of having examinntions mode at the Patent ()Mee, prior to making applicalaan for n patent, mat forward loon paid. enclosing a foe of five dollars, a clear statement critheir case, when immediate anew oon will be given to it. rind all die infonnation that could be °Wanted by a‘visit of the applicant in prison) proniptly communicuted. All leiter* on buSitlrlfl Mar k post paid. and contain n suitable fre. where a written op•nion It required. (tuber on F. uteri. 0r1 , 0611C :he Pkwat Ile has the honor of referring, by nermisamo. to Don. Edmund Burke, Ckonnussioner of Patens; Don. 111. Ellsworth,lam 40 do do; II Knnwles,Alochinist, Patent Oilier; Jadgc Crunch; Washington, D C; Ilan. Ii Choate ; klassachusetts, s senate; Ilan. W Allen, Ohm. do; Hon•J C, Missouri; lion. Willis 11011, Now York; lion. Robert&nith. M C, Wino.; lion. 9 timers, U Stkena• I l beft;e—made on the Olnallaitproved Eastern ptunaL and most fashionable Estero patterns and colors. Also THE CHEAP KOLL, or BUS EON MIND, on Aland or made to order of all sues, and at all prices. Country Merchants and other. are Invited to c all and examine th e above for themselves, as all wilt be sold wbolesale or 'math and a liberal deduction made to wholesale purchasers. apldly A WESTF.RVELT HOPS—Por sale a few bales Western New York growth of ING—from ti to 10 rents. Also, Eastern and Western Y I', early pinked, th;s year's growth • Prime Ohio do, Belmont county. The genetut Eastern etop of the season lbnow being rereived. Brewers and *them using Hope, will God it moth to their advanthgt to obtain their supply irons the undersignd. ns they intend to sell throe hour the re noon no New . York. pester. . GEO. W. ENSITIIik Co.. act:dr.:li Pittsburgh Estterry. PHILADA, ADVERTISEMENTS - - No. 80 Masla Anat/Tee , - tours Warr Third, Sau.tA side, IMPOIIIIIIS and Whole* ale Dealer. In Wate/,,, 'Watch Glanerand matrral., Jewelry oiall de.eerip • Josiah, and Pi)lee, renapfonlg all the artich, ermoreird with the trade. Cloelg, Dixon A. Son'. Iffinania, German Sliver md Sliver plated v. arc' , Sheffield and Ifinninghoon Owed /alley nrunn,a, Radler, a your and WoatrAholld'a cut lery, raLor...e Clll,lll. ark Kairea, fro., room., handled table caller) of !lie Limn, me r lon and cam., mon qualltica A largo asoortnent of gold pens, pm (bent rpretaeles, paper Tar hr and lopormed tray, aou. khapea and qualn:e., reduced Miro, gold watch cam. and ...floor ware of all flescrlpoorof man ofanured to order. -et (I . bThf CO. having recently reauteceinta the Wee cottanottious warehouse eannerfy taceupted Ity Messes A.lihurett& sons. and more. recently by &shims. & Penn/none, Leg leave to intbrin Watch fletiler.,Sauthern and Westers; Merchants' and other. that they tlestgfi haring at all times an assortment of lie& of their own tinpurrabon which they are deter. mile]tt Intel( at the lowest rate.. . tto • IN - Everytte ann will be p2d t the puling of Gut& tted to the executton of ordrfttotte qualities and orteett wall It fully goerantied all coutprution. J. JUEL, ARTIFICIAL FLOWER MANUFACTURER, No. 156 Worth Third &rid •AEnVc PZw STILF,ET, PH ILA Dt:LPW A, HM. on Land, and mastufactatrenno nraler,'ArtilSelal Flower., Featlicra,Tallatott;and Face. CAps, 1.1.• .I,cs. !hers Cap', !Corder., Caliarria, de. And every de.etiption of Fancy (loade r snth Le will .ell at the lovre.l market pnee.. N her dyed, clenn.l, altered, and 'hatted. Alddllf TIIN PA TIGNT 011111C.GT.ACTIOTII useam ER. !Jammer po...cope• many adaantnges aver all others—among, which may Le mennoned, It. Al unaccaldenex.—The. rapiatllty and May br committal !with the greaterd rate, while the haanner is or operation, and the hammer way be rm •tdotly arrested, and riurpendrd at any hrogLl. li. Univcreality; nr capacity in execute work or all Lind.. born Ilse larteet to the.mallest, under the saint hammer. tor Saopl may. Vompoemen. rind Clionono•os. It. Are..r.otlny upon 01l udn by the workmen. All dr hammer* arr. mode ,Oslf•Atong. Tlo..l.sortbersexerolo order. for the. • lakunerr , , of oil eirea, uponream:.6lo terms. For further parOvoluro, ;Noire of AIERRICIeIc TOWNE, A.aignreg the , Pment for the Uniiedt 4 talev, tl•et , ly :"01.114work Foundry, DERRY & NICKERSON, Manufaaturcrs of AWNINGS, KICKING BOTTOM, WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN RAGS Or •LL DESLItIPTIOns No. 38* Bouith Front. 8 eeeee Back of 7 A. Hi/eon's Cabinet Wart Manuf y A 1.1. ardor. lon with 0. 0. hlOon, en he office allot hl Howl, 'Piuslntrgh, will be promptly 'lntended to. TIMIS. O. DERRY'— sepia+ltv A.C. NICKERSON -T UAEtIIIAOiC6. IVILIJAAI OGLE CO4CII AND • IMANIESS MAKER, IMO Chnout et nitaddpkia, law of the new of Oak t 1 74Caaje . ..: Wawa. respectfully lobar= hit bum e and the palm, that he has and Mai keep coostantly ens hied zed bar sale, a Modemme assodonat of subsumable Carriages. Whacks of all styles sod dace:prima made to order at the shortest posed :lanolin, and eseekted re the very boa mama, of selected mama fektltkly JAMBS N. *Olllll, No at nbrtA.TALdh area, tutees Rae; Plalcurdplan. HAS jevt received in addnion to hie former large as. . antment, a heat lot of new pattern Clocks of the cowl eelebrated cookers, re* es Forte:net no Mane:fat , toting 6., O Jetomee and Mien, having an the pat , limner the lintht day and Thirty boar Chmlte, albs dlr. intent menet:manes. Also rear, moth, ship and alarm Quake. Dialers will do well to glee um a call. Orders b .ii! .. qPPl . P9r.tieadSdY' -1 .- ~etlt Ito_ PCBS! FIJRB ribe . g=l iti re i spi;e b tiattte I.:dreamed ran ' ilesu of FANCY ;ORS. snclt flag. Boat, ' T . lp " pitslk . e. ' rti: give as a call heron pesetas:on ebewhere, atitbev will find it to their advarnage tad no mistake. All orders received shall be fatikially anutded to at No SO North Third a, above Assn./1an...40W. JAME'S angry 01-Balitio ahriqs band; 9o2:4( MEDICAL. DR. TOWNSEND'S SAASAPARILLA. d l Moiextraordinary Medicine in lA. Work!. This extract Is put up to quart bottles: rt is us ineu e y e ,. et, per, and warraumil superior to any wild. t. cures dis Case without vomiting, purging, sicknus or de i bilitating the p via. GREAT SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINE The gnat booty and superiority of this Ataxiaparillaover AU °Mei . Medicine xs, whilst it Eilidicato Disease A 16,3,97. ales the Body. It re one of the eel best SPRING AND SUMIHER MEDICINES ever brawn, it not only rein.. the erhdle system and etrengthens the person, but it ere.. Nnr, .60. and Rica Mind, • power passesse4 by no other Medicine. And in this lice the grand secretor its wemderful succus.j•lt has performed within the past two yew, more than 35,000 cures of Seetre Came of Disease ; is lout 5,11.00 of thud were considered incurable. More than 30:10) 1 usee of Chronic Itheurnuism ; tAltxuses of Dupepia; ru onus of General Debility .d Want of Energy; 3, cues of different Female Complaints; '2, wen of Fkrofols• I ' uses of the Liver ' Complaint ; 2,50 t uses of Disease orthe Kidney and Dropsy, :1,1 euesof Couumption, And T moulds of mimeo( Disease of the Blood, vex: Ulcers, Etysi la., Salo Rheum, Phoplu on the Fur, Ice, , Lo. To -1 gene, Rh 011101000. Clll. of Sick Headache, Pain iti the wdeen Chest, Spied Affections, At., fAc. Thri, Ire ere ewers, 011:121 eppur Mired ible, but we hare lettenlirom physicians endow . agents from all parti.of the Uni States, mforming us ammo:dinar, cures. R. Van Dusk . , Es q . one of the most respectable druggists in New s*, . J., informs us that be can refer to more tlmn LW ta us in t piece alone. There arc thousands of cues its the City 0 New York, which we will refer to with pleasure, t and meiti=te ... r. leis o :h o e r,. bes s. imjlic , ;lie for die PICIT lite of disease booms. It cutdoubledly saved the hits of m then Au ' removed the nose of diwase, end prepared them 1, the Slimmer wmiron. - , •• - ••••••• - • • • . I thorny &tarn Orman. CaS. 0. W. !UCCLE.; or . .ran Unrrnn I'd•va, I and in saber of ha l Nee Jersey Legulatuir,la• kindly rent invite following errtifoate. It Leila its 01•13 OlOry, Rumor, Jan. 23,1647. A year vince I was taken wi th the lidlutuaa, and Iny whole eystet left in a debilitated state. I hi induced to try Or. Tow. ud's Sarvap•rilLii, wad Oar taking two or three bot tles, I was prey much relieved, and attribute it entirely lathe kaid tianap•rilla. I have Ca 15041144 Lakin it....0d And that I improve every day. I beliE4 it avcd toy life, and would out be without it umlrr.q madatrath.o . CV W s lic:Lami, late U. S. IC MEN This certificateconclunerly pma that this Las perfect control mar thr noon °Latinate climate LT the ',kW. Theta:vet-mu, cineJ in °tie Intone ts unprecedented Tuns • • „ Dr. Tutvxmotn—Drat Ski: I have the pleagure to info three you that or children lore been cured or thr Sur Fula by the oac •your excellent medigne. They let althcted very severely with bad gong) have only Llj.[Ll to. bottles; It took them away, for winch I feel toygglf kind deep übhgatinu. Yaws, nolockfkky,. Woo 11' Csor, ius W 00•1111. rt. Now York, Musk WM (MEAT YEMALY o D. Townsend's trnruiparklla is a sovereign and teredy curelfor pient Col:wampum, bareemers, Lecortho, or IVhiter, obstructed or dacult bleortrunhon, Ineaunnueuee „art.lleine, or involuntary discharge thereof, and fur the grn• tninatration a the system—Do matter wnether the result of irititedtd cause or ream, 'induced by irregularity, ithaess or aeoideist: Nothing ish be - mom .nursing thin its ineigo s rating et kali on the hum.i frame. l'ec.uw, all wreathe. and WU twit, from taken it, at once become robot and full Of energy under 1. influence. It immediately comae's. We terre Imahess of We remelt frame, vadat We crest eau.e of teal remicsa. It toll awl be expected of us, to ,awn of au delicate na.. tear. Li cabala certificates of cur. pedalling!, bat we can assure the afflicted, that heal tedsof eases have lama repotted in us. Several cuts where funalea lair lam without child ren, after using • few bade of this hashotbk medicine, bac htin blot with healthy °twang. /fr. Touquend: will hero' greatly data-surd by mediates awl general debility, and auffermg eoutatually may Item and • actuation of boxing down, tailing of the and with other difficulties, and having kronen tuts whale your medicine has effected great coma ; midst...shar ing it recommended foe such casemate I hue docribed,lobOin ed a bottle of your Extract. of Sarsaparilla, aca followed the dumb., you - pre me Ina alotrl penal it remaed hero:4l,ostate mid restored her health. being grateful Cl, the benefits die Affthod, I lake pleasure a thus •eknowleda end rootratandwg a the public. Al. D. Monte, Ang.l7,lbit Cur of Grand and Lydtue as. Coevecittc, riepL DI MUM."' IS Li Ma ell whom dm may concern—Thu ic to certify that my wife oled one bottle ,d )out harwparilla prerion.lo her naniMement, under the namt alarania, and delicate eirtutuatancra, being truulakd with th e &navy, rival limy of the feel, nervoua acclaims, and sr') 031101 Jrhtlnr too; with my perwimion, sod Litt 1eN1.11[111,11.10 Oi 1,10./ whO had anted it, .bt was induced to try it, with Itttlr ur uo Lath; and warfue it to say,the medicine Lad the happy and desired 'Sett, not only in the houis of connuenveot, Lui eller 'hit capitation or one week q its use, the dropsy and nee. cons allectum gate way to oh astotoshang degree, and Ler health is now totter than at had been tor a long tune pre. 110Y1. • . If this NI Ito of any service to yoti or any ale no doubt. the Duna of the medicine, 100 are totally wciro • to 'lt. I sobsenbe mywif you most rtan TO MOTIIKILS AND !TARRIED LADIES. . Thu Extract of .Sarsararilla has beta exittkooly peerared In refemuce to female cootiiLunts. No Asnale attu It. rea son to the iu ant-inching that critic-Aliened, tt The turn of, dife, m "thould glect.lo take it,. it u a fer.l2 Ivrea:nue kw any of the utilizer.. mil nonible diseases to which fames are subject at this tote of Itfe. nit lord may be dela)ed fur several years by' using thlataeilichte Noe met Ito taluakke to those. who are upproechiug istointualo.Al, cornilkted swat nature by quickening. the blo t 'still itteiv, the s)steui. ludeed,thot I. total tall. for a llot the delicate duns W alitai women are Iltlbjret- It braces the whole gateau, renews pertuancally the .lu. ralf ". peoli,eg.d red their fainnits 'end rehikeis spin unutessif ham. This iedieise wel gist iststent rulteL endd the nits aha aia Stsliard end ?alb I Cosh, remote the tighttemln the Chet ithe strength to the enfeebled tad tataitisted frwee, midis mesthesti, I ascertain, will parks= • rack cnie - !' ANDREW J. mai- , " Alastromery tismilka Comm. Ogle. {N. 8.--Thm who say sot b e " . 6„.4....k. . . 66.. alu rdste4 with tee I rag. a. th.Y=.7 tin. rdstaotiatre 11,.a n : "''''''' rgi - . ';.-' DIL DUNCAN'S WESTERN OFFICE; LlSSars . • Alan/Sum On he abased. i,,,,,,,, ... d d t rrtAl .Al' WAL JACRAI,N, eIPMe, Of '''' , .!, - . - . Aprl4.4lkar: .- IMPORTANT Yo THE LADlEllanieso Hair Cream, a. matchless /IIiCIC for the Growth, /Puny and Rusturailon of the Hair: TrnaCreass, when ' gf; alr "' lo6l:vb .. .=:ig ,feih.t..:=.1,1,".. the -healthy or turning grey; a few it will male 'die hair soft and dark, and wee a a hammier lively appearmem and will alao snake it retain tut tivelincia: and he Color twice at ham no an the preparations ria ore generally med..- Rawl hnO and genikriuse Also aro in the habit of using oils on their hair, shouhl at once purchase !honk of rho Chinese Hair Cream, as it la so eomposed th at it well mainline the hair tihe the r other preparations, bat will beautif y it, and Ve perfect satisfactlon in evety instance. • I ~ ' For V.StielollT to ns very superior quail ei, ore the fallowing kite, (root Res. Mr. Caldwel to Ream. lleadershou k Stretch, Embattle, General Agents (on the Western State.: - _ . Leoer foot the Rev. IL Caldwell,pnttrc of the Poet bylerme Chareb..PolaskL • !dewy. Hendershot' & Stretch—Gentlemen: I:a '. pleasure in adding my Madmeny lei limn of Alto t•'.. ient preparation called Dt. Pariah's athirst: I • Cream—ior about two years ago my hairless vcryd Arndt'', and, disposed to come out:.. bat having procure. a Voide of the Cream, and used it accenting, to the pre seriptioN my hair is maw son, elastic and firm to brad. Many balsams and ells we applied each lea. clog my hair in a worse Cue Man beforc.7Thie Crests. howevyr, aila etet eePeellateem • La an article. the Toilet, my_verk giics if prefer; enee over all otbers,bolugdelicaiely perfassedowtoot disposed to 'untidily. Tim Indies especially will fed the Ogees* Cream le. a desideratum in taeuprepa rations for the tettlet.' Ilempectfally, de. Paluki, Jaiey. 7,1977. ,l CALDWELL' Sold wholesale and retail, in .Piusbargh by John M. Townsend, NO 45 Masher street. and Joel Molder corner of Wood and Fifth.. ' Jalfig .S KAU'S Altai 13 I dIABI • RIgNOVATINtI PILL& • 'Tor about one year, previous to making tre Of Mr. Bones Renovating Pills, I haveSagered extremely from Dyspepsiaoind an acid Siemaerk. - • I have made use of a great variety of medicine without receiving material benefit.- About three months since 1 commenced usisor Mr. Sear's Medicine, which has entirely relieved met from aridity ad my stornacit, and reward mew com Mr.. table health: Beveral of my friends and aegowntancet havo made use of Me MIL, and rcediyed much benefit fogad em. I can with confidence recommend them. • •r. .lANR A LER,3I7 Beaton at Sold. wholesale and retail, by B A FAIIINESTOCX A comer of I t nod Wood, and Wend and Mk rts. fel -.• cams East receivelrana kw.oalo,,bt_ _ lc , 0 A FAIINE.WWc seplit some,lst k wood PITTSBURGH GAZETTE; Pll_ 13LiSi= TRI - WEIIMY & WEEKLY . . it dr Gosito- a., Buddiop, 3 d nor" idr Pod deki:' • RATS'S ,013 ADVERTISING: . Ono insertion of Iblistes, orMHO TWO ioscrtiotte without alterations o 73 Throe_ . • .... . 30- ..... 01le Week ' " " 60 'No Weeks 'bD Three " " 3 OD One Month, ' t • 4 00 Two " " • 600 : Three " " 750 113 Longer advertiseuseete le nwe proportion. One equere,6 months, without eiteration,... -10 . 00 Each additiocaeloqoare fors moults 5 00 - " 10 CO One squeni,6 siontlie,renewable at pleaeote, 15 00 ..12 ". . " ". " 5.) 00 Each edditionsloopare for 12 months ' 10 00 Two equaree, 6 menthe, re'reltde at plesinire, 30 00 Each additional square, 6 month., 808 or - czeti - ea TIII•WIZILIT 1 DAFT -` ,*arced' One equai"e.3 Ineertiorte, - 6 6 each additional breertion 37 concern. coins. Five lines or lets, one year.:. 0 0 " els months,. • ens year, daily ia weekly, 10 00 ‘,l Ili! " " 800 WMILT For 20 lone, or len, One 'nation,so go o Two ... 013 rr rr Three, .1 1a) Three inenehe, x_oo Twelve • ' 10 00 £7AII *detrainments to I:l s harged by the Nene, and diaconal of 32 per tent be given ellen the amount. of odworgling es a° "Iwo per year. fin Unto or bra. Claioyear, .. .S 6 00; Ott sOllllll4 inownnevvne I 00 ......GOO ...... 5 00