~.; •-•,..-,-- ?. -, ,- J.L.' . . - .3.: ' -.. ....... - -i-,:. , ".. " y -,.. !,...-, ... , --•-..d.' ___, R ;-,ros. 04:pitoszams . caLati k 4 isp ::..,---,;....;.' , impfut rebering the pentrand dahgentwidnit le '- . t '.",‘ ". -.V , !wpm"' gadVbUd Bert, 'Leh imam" th• ' .... - - 1..:.-- '• - '•" F m,f l " whCirCP.rtali a f l an fitaction of • •. , . ;,. ,: tanoed by the . . l e ntn et mated f i fe: naermed sheshi'be pilfer , '. ' , ' sarmenitidiumih with littlepainjand without web. • ' . .oermeloqueduriag bis &vele licAni;observ . . -.. ..a ii :Z mu rearartabte fact. Tbit thenoireedof than . ..., - cosi see: pecoliarlY diffireit.Rom all ' other" 1 is this nameci—that the ar e fete Dom tie ' ... minesed" dangers which make the period of Prep. ..,-. . , mac In objeciel 'so msetrettielmted ntleriog and ..., . • firm iCurinity sad dismal /or &beatific discern :_„, . ry ben to Innedgetethe come of *hie re -Ird .• - . ... . a exception to the mom bins to which the "Mid 61 mblea Dei ilimeralfyi amblected wo m en ,- " ' . resultrms thediecovery el &sleet that t 1 ' • . of these mantneiv were Mihail habit Musing doing • Die litlit litinFte:Or l!nammucy, !certain pleats which .. „, - - havelbe . famity of Imparting that degree': or tone to the eaves and blood vessels el the : Unfree, omb alarm h rendes it to perform& ...- . anti le all thenihative samplinty erection sad I% . ' •• ' I ias armparar hict;also, - that the ladle. w e . , • ln of Ante Mia are in a remarkable Mine Die • than pane and dame o m en — a m um asd child . '. bi to which. the whits . sahjected,— lbw' the/ fwe theme s plaits .e do the women of we cannot tell - Certain Rio-that the ran L. _TPia Remedy la atm extennrmy awed throughout ....- Frame with the moot marked miens sad many re. : • who were once slag& through 'apprehension - ' '. of t e dangers conseatoentle the state ri marriage -' are by..she use of thin medicine, perform lbe ties ad wins and 'Mothers with comfort o t at din time now Dot permuted to doe wee. . men of. Ai:aerie"; by Dr Rordelome, Womb hie 1 sole Dr A C.MORTIfdER . , and he feels eau ' Sleet that independent of it. intnume ments it will renanmend itself to the moral part 'of the commo. laity, es it is folly calculated to do' ewer with that . - - horrid crime of which some , through fear Of pains of child birth, are gadity, f trm ptoductien °Comma . tent delivery.) . . - - - -This rftmerne lit also remarkable for remedying that hitherto incurable disease- &Tremens, arm its almatemenutt'neeompanimeat Fluor Album/ a fastest raised add ttOen state of the Wonib : which accompanies this dbesse is . aever leit -eller .' - ' the shanteet use of this medicine. ' - " Thiessedicine ie prepared is such "a way as to be -,-:- . • evocable acid pleasant to the, lasts. _ - - ~ • , Dr.A.O MORTIMER Nol6 1-2 Lirmenard at., /merlin* Ma been appointed able agent for the Ulundi Staten, by Dtlionfeloque, sad It the only • , pure e this 'country who is • authorised-to veal i sab medicine, u theft:Do - Wing hatter will ' 1 (nermitted flow tati - Fresuk.) , Pants,June illtha WC, &W. Moinisism-DenSir—Aceording to die I mre= at entered into between ra, I wish by this - ' letter give you than wntten authority to _ sell ith t the Um fed States,lmy . ftemedy for re . ,Ile ' pace dangers, lamina' to pregormay i ~, ••• . end bank) or ch - it In enximuy for you to •• 'hove tiify th blao of it. 'eminencies and pc. • nty.' --- you are ware tlin'expearre of the amen - 'nee tot e isle e 6/the sea err oblimedne to -- - - hermit maple" ' ght vermin' I have also seat . 1 1\ ." .. . with it, expeciman the MUMS 111 - 111hiCh it input up is Pans.l.lk like 'ermine. Isbormi wisti it pap . .pear is the United 8 Sar. with meal respect I - • lemahrriall. .: :: -IF RDELOQUE, ad - D.: iai P S—l Roo Mend - a copy M a letter remind by me from the yal, Academy of ' Science, in United Clierask&rifnwri Dm Fresh. ' `Ts M. 43ormistimia•-•34—The coma an nnehm. „no of theActidemy bate appointed the apnea/nod trormtheir number, seanmmittee seato To pa regard. --- . ----- ing the taniteet the rimedy lard before is by you = (for relieving the painamd domparsuacident topreg mane. end child birth.)! &went eminent Sorpon. .-. lownig submitted to The Academy the fen& an -• their equiriamein thine of your remedy, ire bar tes to by it belneyee,beliennelt lobe the beet deckle* nmarmag de claim to distinction, and of its gnat v 01.., that eitheryou or the public could bare • wished. ' Whatever indoesee. this body may pm -7. means thi memben of tie' profession will exerted to father that adoption of this remedy fate general tee, wlakhea a wend& dracoveriA b ni an unfailing rereedy,itt so aiahly deserves. t Physician. Laing used than medicine, each is lit y cases of de liveryjoned it entirely succes.ful is promoting V ~, r _ remadoble sidemal emy delivery, five from pain .: ...Sal danger: , With the exception of three patients ....'. soyrivet there Ms a perfect Immunity from my anabseqeent weakens or disease; cute or then •• this a laboring woman whohad met with a severe Ibis week previous to delivery, was taken imam& only Aker that event with a profuse bemonfiage, which was with difficulty .swested. The other two • mallomeatlons oldie - pew, wwein me rmie relieved • ormha• These few. exceptions in'so gnats member - elthees ulcer boadred, !bow the undoubted eifVl • . acy eofoar remedy. and have determined us' tp ga . ve at t h at reammendatton and moment which I. dm to &earl the furtherance of ...Lenge medl. cgs; - (yigned) hi BRESCHET, MD. i. i -..-- •. , L fdAGENDIK, AI D... i _Cam of the Commissioners -or the R. Acadenz - 'The public ar e cautioned against porchasim th suedminekon any persons except of the sole agent Dr •A• 4,.. Mortimer. No 35 .74, Li.peinarm art, New' Yeti whemithli medicine is' Pit op in. parJrages smitaile lbr• , heiagseot by mail to my part of the --- Prima Taro, d?flars o.piokosis containing 101 l di. SSW MBE IgNINIE i 4 MBE .'.." • ;4 , ...,-; ':i.t . ,-:•:' , .::', - - ,- ,t •,•:!,..,: , •-•.: , ..:•, - i: ~,ii'.'. 4 . .. , , ~ .",.? ' ...4kj,like44f- t * irti , :' , ' , .... , : - i,% . ,-...... - ::,. 4:4: M==M - . , ;:::•.: , .:: - .-.:i' , .::.,i 3 ; 1 ' , '- . 4..r 1:: ;..i!i, ; , : ' \ .'.:..:..i - ,;1',: . 4'.•.:.. .... .... ... r , ~ . ' • , : '.: ..' ~ • - ,x-- - - ,-.1 -;,---,-...,- 7.,,, . ~::::,_•.:",;:-j '-i-l';'f,-;tv,li ,„,•:, ... ~. ,I:.,it ! ?::,,ii : . •.. 2 6 q..1.f.. --,'''',. • • .. , 4 ,. .: - .1 . '4l-'::',-0.0."..." A 1 -..i.,f-,,....,„......t,..... :::....4 ' 10.11,t1i Alf:. - ~ ~. .A .--3rd.i# k . • 4 - 0:: i.;,...3..i-. , i . .. - : 4 4, li';Y*4. i ~ L571.;?..,e, , %X. ;! gA.i .:. g *4:' •Nr 4l . .0 - 4. , -. 04'4 f.' 1, ,Y,' . : 4 .Th :-:,, , I -:? : !,4filik 24 , *. , :- 1-::,:1 , ..z• 2 .;; :- ~ " ii: .2,- '..7%:./.: ~ :4! p • M.:': , ....q.,...4 , ,... 1 •s• :11. '1 .- _;,.,...4,,,,*,...,..... ~. . .1.,:5. , 1 :? 4:AV', --'' ~ .=.4.1.;-; 1 so , ,* . e:,, , ii:ci,, wok: z•z4.. ...;tA.;li: - :;. ! • . .::t:; ., :::-..:4:1i' -.- -'.;: ,- 7-•;.:',.i l 'iii-,,r.;! , -T:.* - , - .. - ; - . 4 ...•t;t, -''U.. , -1:4 !'. , .:).'!. , 1,..;.-,, , ,.i.,.:::i7i. k..:•;' , . , t7-'i:•*.4i_!:• '. , : -. ,•:'; - ',.. , .:;'9P, - :.i•:i' , :: , .' . ;....-', - ?•;, z•;•'!;'.-:i' , '.f''''.-F . /.. ,. •.:.'7 , .!4 ! T:. , i! , _-: , .'.;i . •;1. :,-i ;''':''.. - :1 .' . :i - ....!;. - ;.'..' , 'S'.- .- , - ;:•:t . ;: 1:. :. •,'• „,-.;i-','!:;.:;rj'.'i,......;.'','.:i:''.;4-. 1. 1..j:'.:7 ..-'::',..;'-';'''..:..:..'''„.::::.','..' .-.-'.•.'': ..-:l'..':'-;7',‘.';'.-i' • Perm*desirouseof obtainerit thin Great Remedy what Mar At gistatixr, ets do , ao..br Sateardrait DR• Ao' 0 UdER, Soie Agent for the U .e l ert rie , ries .14 friatooArd New . - ~ ' ',(O •' • . . • , Ofthi, Whl If laft. Ilinl • . . - *".DIVIL•BAILtiAPARILLA Blbo 0 D , . 'ILIA are becoming-so menially popular ' • . Peet, Because they are prepared by Dili B Lei dy himself,* meta Drugged, Chemist and • hysi .''• elan of Pluladriphin,'llho knows the eatorni the . guality'and cheroot., of the Medicine. toed la hi. pole and their 'denizen to demise. 6eCol4lßecanse the poblie can take them with - gterstascordidenris thawed other pills tibial are . , preparedperms, ignorant both of mediethe and . ~:. • Tie i. d, te . ot their combined abets, proper, th Valley e trifled in • any o th er plum namely, peg -- • Wei*: staunch and bowel. all unhealthy an. .... . slum, ad at. the iamb time purifying the blood - • , _Nom* Ramose they ire the cheapest and best . - wardirothe !amis.-a single ban casting bet 25 mats, • . arid eregalnem4o . plUs bang to pomace as moo p ' . thilleei, oil:times in axes?, bine; and ausnema amen & tried on the recratimentlaticin o, - ___.,' •'•1 ,• WHOLESOME. ADVICE. .' _..' ts‘ . -• , _ wam you hue OCC2IIOII to take any medi cine, do-art be trifler( with your colatitudes' ny trylag4llbah el pills or other medicines you see palliated and recommeaded by mead anther artl .• . : Br. 444 BrnigstrajjniTend Pills, : 1 sat jimi 'vitriol haw occasion •tor-take anythl eles..linty pin alwspthe rand good tetaloput ai • . lam Of ftmise, laftastete of the stoarich, boar • els, liver aid Latemineg cramps alba stomach; .' . •col ic, Watellitate lama lone; i foal breath, bed, lota is the gala, Sat cructationsand aridity of - - the atranalecostivenerm and indigestion,' want of appetite, sfiecteme disease/ of,the iPlcn kidneys; .of the skin, maly, ereptiond _. dryad impla or tolotelree' of, the laden, - - 4 L -- , body, tatter,pnv.kle beataad salt dmeta,head -iche, giddimmed , et• never, sada over the beat, of - i -, • the breast, eider, ahem th eback and lane, rheum. _ - ., 4 .; Om lad goal, ram of all kinds; email -- poi, ratio. ...7, , ,. .., aid, essasehr, arofnla, molted% aid in abed they L__ are good la all disarm hang tbeicarigia in the , 'retriermkrlver, sad ialesenes, and impruity of the , iMoTwee eats &Rem.. ' .-.,-- - Sold WWooloead Retail b ) B. A. - Falraestock ' & Co. earaerof Florae's! Wood, also Career of - Bath La wool:tarot., , .: -. : ; IMAM CRLITULA AND . etaturuDous MA, ' INoB.—Amehtle isr its meltipliee forms whetherin Watof glees Evil; eslarpments sr Maio; GoitniWidte Swelliropt, Chnser or ist Ceases,Comes Com s es of the Shut or Spine, relimmeg . Ahes' , , eressate ots one *rum cuss; which if a polsasoasp ft tiscipis arises Diming is the house systeso , There. us, ague die priscipts as bedisuvasiiss nun. pus am% allectsai Sat if tbel.snaelPl* upoa Ur disarm Swage, is ressoras, a ewe oessersirytaftssiso tauter vader'what form disease shooid masitest heel: This; thruster* theism° wi JLTRc's Atintsvieri M so est y reeesrfel tisanes - Tog w mitetm dipaal =it. destroys -the virus or Sliest& from h theme arouse hive tbeiroriga, by entering the eircelation, sad with the blood is conveyed rehir.miestett abase, moods' every. panicle of "Dos themstem. -- Pigpens:l she old at NO. Tlard Sued fiahatafpals at *areas its Maio, ttals.Poirth Stens: - . SO TO t., MOIL& ciFl t , gro P at, rraLIIALT ILDEV/I,Ae—Whe meald • *fit a, sill& darmnuel; when startled - Ira ib. ..,: -.. ~ - i AN; or other &eases of die akte, if tae. --, Imola se, be Ababa tomb sad ten wheel . ' tell ' tt . INTe Itorriblii ft!atedent from d, Dor dame, ,al Ts earayi, f Let It be remembered that " Xa. sad ITITIOINTOIINT-he the 011ay other plepantam in Wanes be ea mar, Iteh., and mho Mammal tie AM, .:.:As Mammas eirebe Ada mid adm from the homily lef Veal gad Addeo( the body, and where met die s be of Mad at . aad rber meadtabee 'edema ; Me hi( Dalmidre Ila Stoat Mai be mad .- .J. Me theament, they wt ewe my am whasemr, •.1 sal .lA4 do amok" many IMO be retitnetd by Dr: Ay y WAY: mem ammadiermer,erdi Lie elands/if anted p Laiers T sad itch Mummy maker . the gawk is by tbe dimmed lawn, k TIP ki„... ‘ . ...flier - wit... tile mica -••••••. skip L eaf. ,rt Lasihr. Smite* eche -ea by as twit, hire otOhomost awe_ Poi fcCULLIM INDIAN .VEUET4BLIG RlDLlCDY—Warraeted to esor, or the tope: estereed. Thiiiirsiliciee pretend illllo to tar and" oetehoed 10e1 ow oi Meade* Yee 'Mee vbo hoe been ' l - 4 5.- I=katee that they earn Mid Gi ro yeeereol yaw the kagpsli k t r iree , erre =11 1 7 1 1 4. =mired ~ ~ '~.:,. i --.~~ ,~. u :offs .srairrowir Exaleaskumeirear, • I cALLico.: HUNTS 11.11*I MENT4 Ts ems andrenedry. acknowledged the IN FALLIBLE REMEDY for Maturation, Sp nal Affections, Contractions of the Mucks, Sore That sad iluiniy; luau, Old Vlcent,Paine io thit• Beek and< Chest, Agne it the finest mad Fate. TodtbAche,,Sprahniklunme, Salt Rheum, Barns, Creep, liostW'Seet. end all Names Diseases;.•. The TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which at:' tended the spitball= of Satemost WONDERFUL MEDICINE in cuing tbe most severe eases of tbe 'different Thieves shove namedrgasti the 'HIGH ZNCOMIUMS that bare bees bestowed upon it, *harem at lax bee• nth :dated; gives me the right .to tall on the AFEUCPED too resort at *ace to the ONLY REMEDY THAT CAN BE RELIED TYThelticaltynniti neixaMMidingthe telt. clod External RemWy, Hunt's Liniment. The &Muni letter,frole the.highly eminent Physicists who have beneattsiched to the Mutt. Plumed State PrisoiTor riany lame, is "Um test engeoceef the Wilt atlas' egGibrated Sine Snra,Decemner 26,1845. My Dear Sir—l received your 'note of yesterday, mime my opinion la relation to Houle Liniment, se prepared by MiOtteres E Stanton,- Esoeteg its 'composition, Gad harlot iregnently sued .41, can ;recommend it toga a ale Externelfietme; .ty, pad, in my ophdenohe beat Liniment! - now. is usel, ' ; Nary truly and reryeetfigUy yeses, A K ROSEMAN covPiemt Yea CortlandL.Croton Maser. . folly, center le the abegernot. • Jaa, 14; 1845.. A BELCHp.R, Sir—ln reply teyourWarrens, letter, 'lnlaid say that I barb used your Entered Remedy,- called Hunt's Liniment, In my - practice Since you made meat . geajuted with Its compositios, amEnnieritstiogly say that I believe itto be the best External Ream dy tow in tee for the complunts for which you re; :commend it Yountrupeetialle, • Gee ESteitton,Esq: B " 13:PAmring the snivel ' , Sudden article, and humbugs that are poured forth at the present day epee the country, it is really talluating tolled sonnethint of real precticafebilty, something aim phi; speedy and 'Mutual in its.opention, asd at .the: same time free from those injurious enacts' which generally atted powerful remedies. Hnat's .Liniment, prepared by Geo..E.Stuton of Sing Sing, Mouth it has - bee n beta dant time before the public, has already obtained the confidenee,not only Weir most wealthy and ialleential edam, but , oar most inolnent edge it to be a sounign balm for many of the ills that flesh is heir to,noothing the aching limb, and by its patine stimulating , letioencesinniddisit din ' s Dom thegstem. Mr. Stanton—Sir—Reellyoar advertimmeet of Hunt's Liniment, I was; cad to styles edema on my no, who had been crippled 'wills a lame , beck Dom an infant; and itie with gratitudel hem testimony to its wonderflal healing propertied lily ' child, who is now live yeanol are, is now Ma fur way of Tel:angry, • Yana, Ike., • DEMIdOI4, Ncssoffi Posy Oence,Towines, i Pen u i. ult:G. I certify that I am personally acquainted with . the 'above named child . and WA the father errata be Hie is !raying that his goo is almost well. `JAS W, DENMAN, - 110 - 16, . • Deputy Post blaster. • P. S. l• would'also lute that - Inge been lbt a number of yean satjaet to Deepn' attacks ol the Rheumatism, which in many instanter prevented my attending to my bedews. .Two or threes ppli cations of the liemsent laudably remove all al feetiona of the kind. In eases ei bruises, !palm Ind sores„ too numerous to mention, It has milts vicinity proved • certain remedy. ,Its value can only be estimated by those who have given it a Cur This Liniment:le sold at :Hand le cent* par botg tle, by all the Principal Druggists and Merchant, throegbout the country. Wisoktak Agents in New York. HOADLEY, PHELPS fic Co. 142 Water , • . RUSHTON &Co, 110 n o oway A B & D SANDS, comer Fulton and William. ASPINWA ,LL 86 Will weft. Orden addresse d to me at Slog Slay, N Y, wtn be attended to. . GEORGE F. STANTON, . . mor. Far sale is . Pittabatet by L ,Pro pri• lad J EIDD & Co. Alleritaay City, JOHN SARGENT Rioniagtiam,JOHl t SMITH. (MO ; • AOZNOV VOW rienurra, • Walthiegkin, D. C. '7 AB C...8.0111M1NA Mechanical , &Mincer and LI Agent for proci2 Pumas, will minim the no esemarg: Drawler& Paper. for Amite:mu roe Pat• ems, and tramaet all other Moines lit the Hee of ha pmfestiect at. the Panay Oise. He ean he conothed on allottemions relating to the Patera Laws and duel- some of the United Slates or Drente: .- PILKIn. at • distance deoirone of ba ri made at the Patent °Mee:prior to wheat:lon era may beamed Leon mud, ene a fee of lee a akar matement of their ease, when inunediete anon met mill' be - even and all the Inforatado• that eoeld be Maenad by a obdr of the applicant is pemeal promptly. comnardeated. Alt letters en business matt be prep pahL and eontale a sellable the, where a wrmen °potion is Imputed.. • Office. F. meet, opposite the Patent Mac Ile hae the hooor of referring, by pensimon, to • Igoe. Edmund Berke, Commissioner of Patents; . lion. II L, Ellsworth. late do • •do do; Knerieles, Machinist, Paiento6a4 . • 7 /edge Crumb, w=zo ; It Chaste, US Senate; i W Allem Me. . dm,. • • B Bowfin, M C,Miumni; Hon. Willis fall, Kw York; j IlentllMertlletids if C.,iHi llost. Breese, SBenetr , peu '- Olen / Rafe, Sinevo. hit•o- Odeon mat ~ppr~erM and Rua dulkalable Eastern aid cabal Alm THE CHEAP HOLL,de PUN BLIND, oa 'Mut • eras& to ordei of all and at "'lariats. ' • Comore almobaats aad • ate tavi:ed call sad: examine the Owe for tbauelvea, u aril] be add wboluale OW, sad a 'liberal dodaedoa made arbokorate pan:U . • oldie LTOPE—for Inle a OW . bales Woman New yolk 11 grew ibeflB46—frogn 8 to Weems. -- 1 Abo, Eerftil and WAebene NY r early picked, dui PeisawObio 11 4 13 ebeetedeenrt. " The general Ease= Clop of We eeteen ii tune benne re need. Brewers enetnibere using Ham eon Sad n meek ee Ogle eileatnege le obtain then gamey Goa. the andereignen,se i., they ieueedno ee ll flur . .&,eetbe teases U N., York p 'eee.• GEO. NW alarm t ca. MAD : APVERTLSEMENTS- CO . 4i.. so 1i.44$ • • • jitr•e.' ban. Aiiii,sgh >f4, „ apn liiiarth GI ;i d od W astetials../ewi ieaale gol l attl . rft tied% pustules . tad S annotated with u at”, GOlMprilißg all the •anicht am ks, Dixon a..l3sre• I Sntaida,Gena int fere rand Silver plated wares Sheffield and ffteWqo.am plaint • fancysinfeice, Rodgers kffati's and Westooliebsta est ' lery,eworsi sr.' Wow, erasers desk 'Rams, tn., wary , 'handled table cutlery of the Mew, median and wow mon q in.. A tarp woman of gold pees, per.. foc.l t Spectsketell, paper macho and Jimmied trays, 'various shapes and qualitice, at redacted nues, old • waleh eases and tint ware of a/Sdescripbons . man. .4 . nfoctared to ceder . • . . . • r - •J) ICI 7 I t , • hewn receadv rimmed int.:lllp byand s warehouse nireserly *Welded .by gdessra• Aalthairat g., Soon end' more 'receu_tly by . Ashburn k Pennthgton, beg leave to Inform Mod, Dealers,Southern and Western Re:chants' and o th ers 4 4.4.,. that. they design ha an d at all Limas, an assortment. of 'floods of th eir own si ',thigh they are deury mined isweLl at th e em rates.' • _ •- LP'Reery au. ' will be peal to th e peeking of jjj Golds awl in the e a Alma onSees, the qualities end pneas will be folly pretaktl against all ancpetittam , •, J;, JUEL, .11TIFICIAL FLOUR JUJIMICTUREE, ~No. no North Third Street,' NEW RIM; - 11=13 ,4 dr=ltddlbffe . : 4 10 ardor , Atlideial diede Dress ems, Boness.Coluntis, Feu Cap. LM . .:dad every dateriptiosof Fancy Goods willed. Le will all Id dr heat market prizes. it — Fe.therg 414 awned, aliardold shaded DIII2O . I4ICTIOSI Yl'lll3 Hennes penmen essay ssivantsess owes all 11 ahem—sness wkieb nay bo msatiosed,• ~.. Its Maueresblesese—Thetspldblq sad famed blew mayflasessuoiled wish theltman sass, settle the Wismar is Is spatulas, sad "tba,karrerass may bs stand, imp, sad supesded at say Sleight. :its Unison/day, or espselty to MAW Mut oriel', EMS. ra.M Umfassen ist smsjlestoider the wan . . . . _ .., , .... • .. ..lit Wisp Dell. Csotisstsem bail Cboapsest. . Is Accessibility oboe all otes, by tie orerisses6 All the tuarastra no =ado nolf•Actlng. • . • 4 . Tbo Oabocribero coatings is suave orders tar t hew bassoiss, of al sits% m i ntsossoblo stoma. For (ho! piste . ._. crwrciwrir, • . • .. . Moly:mei of the Paws birdie United Hates, .. . .6CePlay Soutlimut roasely,Pllladbio , DERRY 4r. NICKERSON, . AWIIIIIIII, IAMBI! ..111171011, - ,• WAGON COVENS AND CRAIN MOD.. -' Of ALL DUCIRIPT)OI.I ie. as* &mu/ itrikets Baal of 1 A... Mina's CoSimet Wert Maraufy IHILADNiA litiorden left with NIA flowt, ai die MIN a MIAs nts LNia r liug's Ilona, lingo& win be Almon; septikUir - A. rmicKEßsoN. ; .11413/LSB ma.W, MO h Moroi . . , ph0.,4,4,4 hi. dr 1100 of Cliglo et t , • Mhos. rospethtfli of Wows .11ht ~ ao4 d.• rill, doh+ hi 'oei NW hoop) se hood' mei • haykom amt... a I SOlf,_ . a. , ...,..Vr.Z. 6.• ? .ek0 "12.1:11740- do voryiett mow of motorid.- - " - *MI, • Nalit kitdo 27tf01l smell. Wow Rim, Plsitmkti4k . HAS ,hie! iitecived in ethlitioe to ale *moot Imo i t o acotomar,a (rah lote(siew eAlent Mots of the mat ookkOtoll neOrtiehellt . oe Mrouvlll4 Namibia oulag Q l / 2 C led mien, lomat ell fie " pat senosefillr ik•U-1,14-ead WM ilow Chie_cis,44 alarm *root pliEnhilim, Aill01111; Mee& to , P and ••••• - et Mick,. - Dosterswill dowel' ityttlee is. Wt. %We 1 2,21. =.'F - __ . ! , : • • self lin. - "• n:1E1117 ---- , _AY MEI - num , _ ' ll ' 4 = l ll .4:IMT illßS,reelk am, Boa; ls r e ""r irl . n i ...n r be_peps •4 u*sME.WL m otl al L i 4 SU a rt MtSyAy)4 Itwit,S ' . , . ' • _ . - . •-• • , 4.77. .==mtm!nmEmmi SZ - it;)SAPARILIA . ), the 'Mira 1 Tki =tote knp gian st c;2 pleadantar, utd poi wariassed superior to dry gni, tahoi. - vithoat Vomiting pawing, net.. no, arid • e. cint llil Gar iUIUBYBByI6IBB, hasty MI lupttieft OtthideortaiduiLi over alter Medina* is, oblit it Eradiated Dimwit /One.' ales tbe Body.' It on of Um way beg 11 1 . 1112113..A.AD. SUldillit&JlED/C1N123 mot boona r it paca onlyperifo IM nbole dram and danalettes perats, bat is Cbstudi Maio, Itoneand Rick .Biarft *bonr pressollry so caber Medal:lnn Andes atio tha stand mentor Its drorderil aided. Him performed valuta Ino put hro en, Awe .11.W35)Xlaceteett.EamonoCudo of .idn; bad 5,10, of tits. wan eansiderediaeanda.: Mina than . , . ;Mesa of Cara*. yspnt nsadataatinn .. 4,llobram of D ry_ ; Ovens Of Gamed Deadlityassd Was of Enemy; ...;;MIXI mesa digenst FenanCoaapa t bs. ; &d. 4 . M ' ; ;;Abfat sign Lira Cootarra of Dion of Eta • and Drop,. * .aatriboaaandsof eon *Mims. of the Monk en: Uider play Bait Itlanwpwa.tda Fade, lay no. So ilteldr with' =Lama. MO of Sick firdarle t , aba. ilta dala lad Qat, Epinal Alkali% kr, • 11iy.. an .work, Meat appear intro/Ale, bOt w. hada Idiom nos piparidna sodtaar wan foam all .parb, of the MORA Sad% ninths; ns of extraordinary cum R. Vaa Blank Eq.: one ofth• mat he. peetablettnn fa Nevi arq N. J.,iafanda tit tine be. iabeir Limon akea LW co ma ta Oast phal' - Thant %a thou . min of tae i. do C of Heir 'York .like ere .ill refar to vita tlitainnt, 1M1C312 301131 cif ettaraeter:' II i. Ile bee m.dram Co. tkr haematite of Wawa balm: . It molgalbtedly lard tha neer • 6,oo6Limani laPm PirAIM ! As It eammed'lbe uam ordian!,, nal Pelted theca 1111r11,11' Srilß. 0711Ca._. • Carr. G. W. McCain,. or res I.tormar dawn Nam and nottabor of tho How demi Icliithdadt, has kiodly not ma tie Cloning otildlcatr. ll Wawa dory: , • year Cloth I Ina taken ~0 tan Whom, cad my whole moon left Lc debilltatad data war Wooed to iry D. Tcronatod% Mratp oad abr. Inking two or three hoc , ilos,:1 war ray too& Wisr.4, tad ottriboto It lath* to the aid Ilarroyanda. lor taking it, sad dod that • Lb rZa. 1 71 ,4,i 16 . ttina nered.roy yr, ad :would • U. W. St cLaut,hda U. B. N. • ati Tido cartilicatr cooclocaly, pricer dal Banana:ldr hat Oudot% control oror Dia oda abdicate Croat of UM blood. -Theo parses mod in , one hoodo is asprocethavaL ' Dr. Towanda—Dear Sir: 14n Cho lo lama you riot three of my adds= hare be= mod of tho 8cro• by. by Um ow of roar oncellont otadichat. Thry wan alined roc, wordy with lad ado; hare ooly tam b.r teak.; It took Wm area;, f. whiei I fool motif pair tarp oldiptiots, rem, impactfolly, Woo s W. Cad% 103 Wrnotor al. Xvw randy limb /6 NG. . • caul . nbull mzoicutz. I. • arre so al r ier a , gn sd rare kw Inpiat L=a y White, oberwte or'hlteweton. Iserintiasewr Or Una% or isriolinitug &wimp Winos{ amid for Do pa eral of Ow igetas—no *attar another tharewill. of ' t ewe or mow, peafowl by inegahrity, Dhow or exiihatto ' impursg• Lbw its larigo ' betl=e - litil . flaw. errsons, all :weaker and ode, from &alum woe become robwa and foll of warp nobs , hi iagnon . / t immediately iwaraincto the sae H of dm fowls Come, srhish u the great rent f barg ; 11 will mot beemeowl al u• ia ma ao delirate • ►na tio*, to exhibit earn/kat. of ecru prisonsd, but we ten ware Dm Meted, hwatrede okra haw. been re:potted to lot ISereral owe where Dailies hue been erabout child , ran, law Wog • few boolea of this hooka& medicine, has bow haat oath Wahl , albsaiw • Dr. Iletwomeg: sof, Wing greatly distrewed ; by maims Woil gorwal ilgbatt.tg SlaralltZthwally by pia awl a iewation of dawn , of Da wow* awl with ether dikkoWies, W , harass twin ewer when your wedieasa her &Sewed pad cane and beer Sept woorbesgedbt web crews I haradwoibed.l obtain ed • iambi of par gatrael- ard *WWII De directions 3.0. pre we 4a n• nionwed bar owsphinta awl outland ber health.; grated .for amallarbo remised, I tabs prawn, in this sckwoledg. big it, and zwiewarawling it W patio. M. D. bloom, cor. or ckma and Ly dins W. CRISACII; Sep. *1313. Dr Thomeradi To all wheat ash may ea eery—Ti I. t1:0 gwytify that my erlh wed Ole balk or par soramarilla to her osatheemeat, teach the molt alarmism a d&am amaommon, boom uttobled lath the /ropy, emel lag of pla feet, amroas Wuom, and vary mods tod with peroamoo, oted nermatamateace of them mho hod mai st, she eras Wooed to try at, With Ws or no Wilt; and 'mace it to ym; the mend= had the happy and /mind de:tow oaly the boon of roadatmeol, bot altar tho =oft of am melt of as thte drop/ mad arr a,. sad ha health to bow EIVTL I I. ' III.I hem treg , lisr 113011. if lbn eriU Ile of say terries to yoa or my ea who doubt, the mean of the walk re, yoa wmtiQy 1“1020010 11/ lt. Isobsenleirpelf par mat obalioat sad oligeel . trtrst. 3 El Jarb.a .• To zarrurasAirmimatzo tams. Ti do liainel fisnapartlis M. bad esprissly replied la ramose to knob Solopkials.. No twain ado tam ra ms saproi impiamililair Mass:Midi Foriod,: iambi mead predating so mg of Ur monsand bang& ellrues %mks an soloed* Mb dm of life. This midi' ray* ids,* Sa mend pinfirf Mat dismedisim Nos it km raltable so those lobo are it is idiciddeil to assist Won goiskatisig bk! mod inswordise sample. I. this madame is lardaabls for odd de &Mods dooms uo 'dish moms ste it brads ea oda. Fetes, maims perammady wa nd eadjinssaossag *iks or ills bially—mt . so fir stosiddiag do dolmas to poodass s sobisomat so isiasiasotbacitis dr • The boats are all portable, censequently freight is taken the whole distance without transhipment; thereby preventing damage from frequent /fondling or. the route, and as each boat is owned by the Captain who rune them, whichla'a eufficient antee that there will be no delay Olathe route. All Produce or Merchandise ioal4ned to the, underairced will be forwarded FREE OF COM MISSION,for Wincing and forwilding, and vain be animal without delay at the lowest Oki of S' e roapeettally aolicit a aharo of pihlie patro cage. WALLIINGIVRD& C 0.,• Canal Basin, Pittaburga RELLAS & CO.Azt. • Broad Street; Philadelphia. • F !HILLE R Agent Bowler. Wharf, Baltimere. Pittsburgh, Feb. III; 1847, . • 1846 AfIF 1847 NWEINia TO THg 'MT .111.:1101101 - 0111ELL ROUTE,. THEBROWNSVIE UNBERLAND. MEE undersigned are L ern L e & pre C pared to forarard.pre- , dnee,-ke.,th the Emmet Motets doling the cam g Winter; on th e roost favornble thou., by thin erPd . in din.% nitre. All property . eonenoted to ea sriti be forwarded at the kisrert rues and Wilk despasila Iterchambee • thee.ved by dog route promptly . granted. ...I C BIDWELL, &et, Yiebergb. W CASS, Brownsville: E EGERTON & Co,Cunthertand ANLI • -1847 ilMvs TO THIC.,ICART . By BALTIMORE AND T HE subscribers wll ineelpt to delivery of Pro dues us Baltimore by the Illooongehela Slaelmater at the following pnees— ' • • • Asbes, Bacoo, Bauer, Lead, Lard, Pork, Tallosi; - Whiskey, .:;and Glass37l as per tott lbs. . Tobacco, Karp, Flax and Wheat—Kets per Ittalbi. Ashes, (Pot) Apples. Cbeese,„Flai.Beed, Glass, mid Leather-IOG ens per ICA lbs Oils, Skins. &Into, Wool-110 ens per 100 • Beeswax...Pea:berg, Fars, Ginseng, end Boake•Root —IVO eta per IVO no, • All propeny eonsygned to rather of the undersigned be - fontrarded eel:bout delay, free of Cotaraissiou, at above rates. .AV 11 CLARlLBrtnensellle. uosoNdif 12ANNA & WM/T./DIAN, PtUSbmib. lISSICUTIVONIEIIICAL W IRII TI! -Lk FLUID —ln mlieling the petreaage of the patio for this article, it is bit ries/ and proper that write me which km claim for •uppon I. hoed shoal& Ise folly and hir - ly mt fulls and alm woe ton ten be 'given that the meal =unity wai not be imposed Poo by using it la the fitst phce it es well known that the ren...lProf black "LAW ere compased _of). pree beld_tovels. hy gam denbicand when the witcr,eitherwasekok or part as ...prated thegam and precipitate are left as npestysame is, the pen or inkstand whkh contains it. It h deo comma to add mow. to the Ink sowturc to make it more fl o uid, .which. increases tha era by wont oa the . 'pew, if a wad corroling it through in • very m ilt time Now the" Wei de, nod' , differ. from these .f. in ceery nape.. az il is • chemical aulest on rpuitiog theist matter to hold it together, therefore wi..l never get thick, and being TelyelUld a large quantity doers front the pen ihtmeriyezi vire p.0 . e... ling deeper into 4bre at the paper making a mnartad. mot stoma. toeless molly moved lay earl]. Usan it it was oefy phishred on She sorb., It rso eoutains no atatterehal hie Ma amity fur morally Iron. therefore will..aut carted. .1.1 pate—it sill not mould, o awid although it Mit c• 'of se, bluish vete color yet hie (ter oOtte ht. - Mesa deep hhek „k e „, u 1, is wo trailed superior. Lathe keep artime known by die mune of -o strao.dle-Wriligs Fluid w and am-shied anwe given km the razor price: 'At .nutr• sonless mwpootino wly sun Wag attoupted the lbllowhic treceatneedations will to se Altman be re, that the names there given coed trot hr. besn tan. by any means for an unworthy puepwe , ' • Avaiiim' aid . 4 ; Ifitthera'a Clientica . I Writing Mid" to th• patiory of Ast public, ea • I4st rata atti•lo ;it nil mi. pent; it ows Bat from Lae pm without dwn; up•ad iv thlitonnw of • Air hours • ..ea a &lip I m i=". • B • Summit & Co. • I Wielt ••4 - Robert Moon. • ; hrlker. • ;. • Wra Lippftwou &Boa s .Wightetait • AteQueiraa•••Dontai Franc • Bellera • • Boat B MeTal•Booliter C A I:Belt:mit,. k"Cca. HoD hi CU, A og SO, Mr not Hkbete—DearStr og I have peat iisiaglll % Chemical Writing MA, and Sod it a pr rate for the eimn er.dy ham du pert =a 6namnjet block • lo . a kw boon. T H THITLE. Bookkeeper for Damns Pittsburgh, An SP, IM?, Mr T K ILlibert—Dear Stu Having pommai • bottkof your Writiag fluid,rome threaweeks ago, I eamder Hick. ly ritual if not superior "to Arnold'. or up other Mita= in tut, I know of. Itespiettuhy, wiLttam wrEwAnT,B.k4.p., Sot Arthur itirkolsoo *Co Pulaborgh, Sept 11,1 SO. Mr T Ilitthrt—Deer JUSI using your Chtaimil %Crain }hod, :ad fad It to be • layer ,ht ankh fa- Mal pass, &mado. not e 4 them iipliat 1W gratthltly of hther lab; allows 6a thibecomess deep bark in a kw alm Timm, Respatrally. , • WILLIAM CARR, Boolokseper kr !Ma Pular: - Prepual and told Wlelmak and Hetet by Tthinias Il,bb.rl. Diagght and Chemist; comer of Warty aad Saul:Astir:them, Pgrebaripb, Orttallat • ": PILES . • • 7","7 D INGOLDSS Vtn•Prlen Specilleon inerrant rea • certain and • radial rum' whether anterndi alma' Menthes or blind, she, Ire ireitakm or the kidneys mid bleat der, puns in the beak ma early habileal anetinneem a erupi nem, /era Funks beSme and nrter etefimemat ana elicit . ttn - inbini with mentipalim of the bowel , eadirmee, ai withie the pale. In au . awe Specificnrmedy. can be mien wittiper • rect•seßty, enda. The S ill noir rgaliee, and is ma entirety tible remed, ni ped& thont •re atimeborie,nainerem or t intalierni pea: featly humble in the men delicate mem OMNI This IS to neetlfydbal I tool Be. beraldebre PAD Bimeid.rt lo be • cure sad mate remedy. llmmg men its alrea, in mesa miersodemAret my Dreit i renetions, eereselcoo drama imd mere rases of De pi - where it made ea mitiri rUft 11 '• HES WRITE/LED, New YOlA,ldayi IRS 364 Sit% mem. &wildly glee my taitiemmy es to the ecstasy mid mks; isbleg