7.7 .' -.. '''' , Z 111'47:f - -t , ,Fr':,' ',.,...,-.f,f,:-.,-;,, rr -- - . )11SCELLAIOUS , . - iITANTOIIII HZ7101112A 4 MaIMDT, --;-_:, HUNT'S" LINIMENT, 1 -la sow PfultnidlV selmowladged to be the IN ' FALLIBLE REMEDY for aWmatew, spil 'ail Alfor.tiiiike, ConuacKowv of the blades, Sods Threat sad tbsiser: Istrues,Old Uleen,Patas inch* , (tick sad Cheat, Ape In'tha Beret ad Face •TtarthAebe, brain', Blake"; Salt abeam, Baas :L '7 Feet and ell Nervous Disease. '' 11te TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which basal tended.the apebeation of this most WOMDEILEU ‘IdEOII, IN& in eurng the most seeds eases a dWtereat thsetles above named,—and the HIG ;...ENCOMIUMS that have been bestowed upok it . Ilkarever it bun been istrrduced, gives me tbengb '''t. call on the AFFLIC FED to molt it one Ilb• ONLY REMEDY THAT CAN BE RELIE' `-kited hicalty unite is recommeadlng the este. = aced Edema Remedy; Hunt's Li Olineet., , Ti,. following letter from the highly &dant, Ph/melons who have been attached to the Mood Yleasaut State Promo for many years, is Hs best arideoce of the value ordure celebrated Lielment. \ Silo 81110, 4CCACCIDer 116,1045. My Dear Sir—l received yoir note of latenisy, asking my opinion is relation to Hant's 7 L 7, _ se prepared by Mr Otero E Stanton Eviowteg its, composition, and hang - trepently seed it. .l can recommend It tp you as a see &tonsil Reuse - dy,and in my elision, the best Liniment sow in sae. . •. Yee, tpay sad respectful f ret Col Pier» Van Cortlandt, Cr:dos - Manor. I rally ennui in the abore optima W ft BELCHER. ' , : Yoncrows, Jan. 14, 1845. Sit—ln reply to your letter, 1 would say that I have used your Estonia Remedy; called Hunt's Liniment, in my quectice since yoa made me ae (painted with tts composition. and unbesitstiegly 'say that. I believe it to ba the tien External Pence dj now in use to the complaints I. which you ro commend Lt. Youg . ---v p timuilLty DD NI. D 0.-- i. , D. Geo E Stanton. Esq. _ . 97Among the mono! wortniess articles and Wambugs that are poured forth at the present day - upon tire country, it in really refreshing to find something ci red pnetscal utility, mu:milling sits pie, same sperdy slid elected in its operation, asd elects at me time Jobe from those imunood t ~. . which geueraliy attend powerful remedies. Hunt. Li/11[Na, prepared by Geo. E btauton of Sing In Slag, though it a been beta short time before . Um pablic,lns already et:denied the confidence,not only or our most wealthy did ialluentral Alta l but oar nowt eminent-physicians. All ackaow edge it to be asotervign halm fox =ay of the ills Niatflests is heir to, soothing the aching limb, and by tie genuine stimulating intlneues,baniddeg dm ate from Mr. Stump--Sin..-aesing per advertisem e nt of Hant's Liniment, ism induced to try Its etic& -do my sou, who had - been crippled-with_si Jame back from an Want; sad it Is wok pentad" kited testimony to its womb:Nal healing properties. My child, who is tow tire 'years oh see, is now in a fur way of recovery, Yoursolcc., DEMMON C NICKERSON. PoseOrrike,Town sus, Putnam Co. I certify that 1 ami personalb Requauttld with the above named edit. and think the : rather would be sale in tapas that hies o JAS u is almost W DYBILIAN, r Nov 5,1845. i i Deputy Post Master - .L . . S. I. would also state that I been for a number of years subject to frequent attacks of the abeammism, which In many instances prevented my attending to my business. Two or three appli , cations of the Liabotrat Invariably remove all il lation' of the ktud. l , la cases of brains, sprains oedemas, too numerbus to mention,. it has in tam uteinityn,proved a certain remedy. Its value cam COI bra estimated by those wbohate given It a for , (.i This Liniment it add at ZS and BO cents per hot. Ile, - by.all the Principal Ursula& and Merchuts thraughouttbe eounyad. HOADLEY, P . I7&F "-- S & C 0.141, Water. __ RUSITION & Co, 110 .roadway. A It & ()SANDS, corner Fulton and Witham. ASPINWALL,' 86 Witham street. win Orders addressed:to me at Sing Sing, N Y, be attended to GEORGE E STANTON, For tile in Pittsburgh by I. WILCOX,Jr, and 1 I.lDDegh IiCSARGIE 1 1. , i ' ausaiam, H. SMITH. , febl9 ARKINOT YOB PATENTS. WasibsErfon, G. C. mos C. .8013131 t. llechanteal Eamon and LA Agent Dr Prom.= Patents, onll prepare' the ne n:roan Drawtogs Papen for Applicants for tat. I=riotraiTt r.,l,:rfx.'-nt.;',.?r,:tgel.l . oa all quest :as relatmg to the PUNA Laws nal den - mots in - the Vaned bums or Europa Pe sons ate . , 'dloanono=lrof:p.l4 . 1. 4. p = :ft= : o val:ward &.... 4, elneleg a fee of in dollars, H• elder‘ 1 4 %7 ret .'tai tticri:f."a when l ttarrat b n ar °n i t:: , weld bo l obtabled ' hy a snit of the applmant Informal 1 I promptly eautalualomed. l ' Alt letter e.= business meal is oast paid. and contain a suitable fen.when a written op-tuna or moored.. - Office on P. Avect, oppente the Patent Office. Do has the boom of miming, by penman., r e B ee . Unwed Kobe, Coramissiosier of PatentM Bea II I, Ellsworth. late do do _ dm - - - O Knowles, Idaehtarst, Palma °Slew, . • Judge Crutch, Weston-gob. D q One. K Caw, Mdaneauscus, U ' 8 Rena, \_::.._.,' Boa. w Atka, Ohm A 0; 1i0n.3 B Itovrlia,M C, hlniemo; , - D o n. WEIS thill.NeorFont i Boh.lbalen Smith. NI L atoms; Ben e 5r,.., U sr...lei Ilea .11 . 8.8e11e. Id C. !nomad; :Mvt; .4 14 . 31 .. •,.`~.. 0.44 4 ,:t ii*siAftz:: ;41 , 4*'.1.•t , .- :101c4N1r 1'.., ;' ,l ' . .i.';iii• ~, ~ ~ , M 11 ? ,::•.: 4.1•-• •.... • 1": , ' '.7. , ..•,41.::* - c..-1-. . ,-...". t.. _•.:, .:,. , • C *1:1 ,. . ,,, t f, 1 . 4 .• ;. ..:0:5t... , :n7,-1, • :• I . ''' ' ' ,":' 4 . 4 ,0 i 1 4.4* 1r; 1 ; '"44V. , ..4 .' ; 4 1 ' 11: ''it ; I' j ' ' '....< l l 4igg: .':' C r .Mi l t.: i .x . ..,kx: 4 ;kklii.' _., I - WM-OMM an , nowt , LP . `and most faahnutable Dutton ein . uen_rdi nal/ . 'TUE CIIEAP: OWL", or BOnrig 4 En ) ; or mast., Order of an On. nrnl .tall ai d • t . Oosistrr bleredianta and where are to esli mod examine the 'Open find.[ eolrfri on 1 , " be.n d o Ot. 1,611114 liberal &damn roan arbnionala ' A Tn&ITERVgI.T. '-..310P11P40t late few bales Western New Yoslt K'° of soM-111V""w WN"re Piatedolos being Thetellorot "ewl et . • s rsesived b - , lltszets sot% obu l t r t , 4, • I:4B '‘k o l ilioed:as they Intend to sell ilootorlwat soma New York prieu. (iEO. W.• f•MITHN om , MAIM. ADVERTISEMENTS . 14.dthadaldadMeordaere lacer See" sdfh • Iliknatid and Vi botanic- Maitre in Within* WatehOlPth swoosarassierials JesselrY %%fir' ' . tens, ovalstier and WTI" %%nisei all the uncles Clocks. Diner rat sy %e a rat de. V Entsnis Geld= ditherand ' Mier Owed war% Sheik% and Ilinninghun played Soy an.% cas. Sodgeor tip% and throsenhalea's cos .', ler" • math, detheow, alumna dot. 'lthaca, to's Senn' Noah. , table , codery el's% Asseasosetbam and roon q uablica danyaSuasnwswat of gold pees. per', local spectacles, Ponies siselte and saptheed tray., ---*:sarioda shapes owl spadideVat, %%seed rawo, gold. winch earcSibil4l.l4T',Wlll4ollllftleliPtins 01* %hawed is carler : - I; .'Dicooti*l*tivog r4anlT jammed late the eassoedlons onstehoue" formerly 'occupied by Mesus. -- ilehhirst f data. sal mare reccolly by . ; his, . feawftwasbrg lowa. ia-inform Watch Dulets,Sakets asid.Wonau:bleschasoa %bothers r„ -de , thst-ibrycogn lewd% stall times an atherusen Goods if theirmos arportatkin which tbry arc deur , sed %sad! al the %wen raw*: wi L .: • IrrEwery selatheowill pad It the packing of ' Goods sad baths liecatkot of onlnt,the qualities gat • pnees berally jthasendWl epsilon all essopetitkni. ' - `;-,41,41 .NN-PN,' , ..11 ; . ~f•ilfs. 6 2-i!'i`Vil,, 'A: ::,;',l4 4 ,ki'noZii 't . -4.,;.-!•670..i. fitli r l V . i irer 1,... ~.,1.4v N . u j 501e.ii ...... 2 „ 0 „.. ,-,4 ,1, 4 • , , PLOWER 11/11111ACTIIIEN , • No. 7 66 N,,17 'Third abut. " ' ";;111.1 1 D"E'L r egf. T ' on tone, sad uutrts . r der „Andle . lal . Illowars,n•then Tat m:grunt. did& Thou fr=vl7 wili azugfolarkte pneel —271-3.....f00k0t0 elestotil,oltoraS,Roe lakeeet as DI .1.-ACTiON tefe.. t eS o bir. ' be tons humor may be to. -basomor... i t tjt o nna wrm a r i t t an, Waite.' 0, all / a alb ino of o tlo_oloOo • - WOOD" "./..gu% tsa '11.11 " / ' comomotorfo woe Ctoolealem. holkapil upon' all we", Or um .fsa " boolocioluo Naito tounkoong..... • ilto oboefire ifooti o 4 l l4 . . e .f ls " waijm 'f"'i lli r lsesa riratig arowNe. A w skw ef owrassr. an disunari_2ll,l4.. aeole4 *Oa ' ofootatefe of 0 11111111621/1 WAGON covEas AND GR AINw rr , e/ ALL Duo Dostil 11PnIst.r.. fr swig :2 ili*Aest with LOS. A UL t tio t AN.s of tlo . *got, nel e vg, 311hal y, 'AS:Ck't4lOll6l5O74 • 9 • =1 elty. • r 't _ ';+~~ - idgedil • A r g a. :"sl9 ) Cbasse a"" et, rederdpeir, Ls et the Ir. af 011. : ... ' , Wore; reprOpy lame het Mutes . ter reldr.o3lo. by het Ili UM Imp '.... ':' . 0 mer al a. Weir Immairow rartmem et -,... (.::;...'f,.'; YMMM GeV' ' .1. 1 , =.041 . E , 1=7 . = !.....i.:' , ..'..`.........r, iii:ioeirgreerri resoisli .. - NSW .......JAMS4II 11. .M 1 2 .1% mr. ':.:.12 , :i; ,': 13[=. 4 5000rfrert MAWR . 01 5. 811 A.147 . elebtarteleretl=l.7.=smy.surike . ' uriat c ''' 03 ....4. 411"1 nuta rim, iieur lamas. efiiiia: . ......4,.......)0r5041W err - - mwreur, reirkolip sad arm '''. 14AA:'," -, 04 0erettIttkoweltIit t r issai r 1 4 ;---,'-'5'...i.e.-•;ft:i.zilttlat Fliggleill Il' .- 47. 2 '. -...,.-. 7-.,rst'"64:zr " 1"k AtlkBo . r, ,"; 4 AIUJ:--Wli'oo. WlioS ff 1.... e :, , ',WL': , :•-•;:ii.kortasi!'.. ~ .117.7..,-.-:,..-:..z,,--:,:-.:.-:;.,":::.-1,-..--,::-.-:v---. NBM ' '' '-' ',' ' '' ' '' ''i ': : :.', j l i . ' '' ;: ':,, i '. ; .;.; ,1,4.r_,,F..,,z,-':',,,:,/:,.:--,.'-::,' .`c5.:14;z 4 4, ~ ~. ,-. c wit ~ i tit '' , = DB. TOIT2ISEI D'S S AR SAP AR LI, L A J, Mod caraordiegang Niiiicing in ilie:Wedi Tim wad to peep in tame lades st a. eta Itaiaiiidi er, !=a 4 ...a 7... , .a ..1. 6 .1.1= 14 . , ';'•"! ....thgarrt. ..:. ... Gillifsezeiriar kiss& uncut • 114 - 01411 bisaly mil sin of thhi bo n msda. mat dlothar blennwe ...Whit Kaneda Denaita Wird. ow La Doty. It is ma ante very bat Elkilde AdD IlUblbll3 At R.DICLNES am kaom , a Jo. only maids airerbole mom we eiroadwa to pascal bat st Coma lioe, Rot sod ICE 814•71; spryer pwasied by so other bleindsw. Amid in thb Maths ! tat t w o wombitbd amain. It boi plasma .sloe the pat awe Ma ago e.... ot bows Coe of Weer ; a tad kaki of thaw were maddened bearsbk ' Mon thew ;OW of Chnme Whematia ' , ZII. wr Dfatf . ... / .-- . 4.... of Casual Dahl Witaitaf Emil; 7,400 of dewed Fell•Apillathaa.; 2,a11/ aim of Dame of the ' and Drum. , nair Ilimmodeof Mad Wawa alt. Waal, es: Dia.* wammels.. ISO Rheum [mph aan tabu PM*, la., Y. To-. la milt mamas deow r of Rork licatabo, Yam an the ',a Mtwar i a Cliat,llpinal *Sear, ae., Se. Ito ; w an man, mat moor Mendale, be we lain bdtan trots asysichns mil our meat. has oh putt of tba Mee Etstesookwom es idamodtrawyeera. •. Via Iseluaktwq. moot tbo met rayseable druggist, In 'Nat i shift • J., tamer al dat be warefa so team dm LW at. as .4 that plsomkea. Them am dorsi. of arm tab.. .. dm \ ,,,v I of New Test, whadi we Intl oda to with amain, I ea am of danearr. It it the ►Met aaltem. ford.. Maim. of dame Mown. It macabrely aye Melba Mb thoco tawasa Tin not Swot' A. It moose tha maw of dame, mg repeal tba. it • Um= &Men Dances: ' Care. O. W.lllCCausi, or Tat Usosittr4s44 Nowt ad mamba a t ila Raw Jamey Labia...Ma Idwilty sat ado following earditesta. It UM Its owe story. = MASWAT'O4II. ss, toil.' A yea Mae I was takes with tb. lola ta& asiday wade sum 1411 is a debilOstalWY. I was IMW. a bil Dr. owoonea 15anaparilla, wei Or Mbar two or three bat 4, I we. vary meek ralmaif, mil enribatifit mealy laths it Sempenile. I bare wannee taking It. we AM that I b ama every ary. balm le Ore ay m Oh d would a to wabout it mid say warbilwaka. - O. W. Morano,bto U.S. N. . LThis antihodo anditabaly &a th i. Berapuilla prrhet eaard ..sr do mat abitioda hear of the 'pea pause ewe lo or boa. bossi wmtMviatl- TIMM CiaZZEICE. Dr. Towtairo —Dar Plr : I bent the Oman to takes that 11.1. lir ay teepee hen beat cared ef Ma &ro t/ abs an of your andlent imbena. %toy ~..se Isel inn Wally with bul mom; hare all bk. Oar ;It wok that any, for s hirk I fal smell der Iry otiliptba. Tiwn c , W. norrethily N. , , Wm lOCII, Napa I. IN7. 4 GREAT EINIALS:BLEDIC/NL ; • Dr7Toromod's Sanowlyti So's swap sod wog ears initioat Cosomption; liworow, Loirorrbro, or obstescial or damn. Morotroation, lorooliworo 'of Urea, or iaroloor.4 WANT* Woof, oat Ar-tho pa trol proluraticat of Ms 'view—ea manor mother dig rasa 'of iAerint our or ww, LWOW irreptirity, Wara. • It rabbi oni sorprisin IsiTigWou t o otho how Wio. l'esstas, oil ' ms s+ — s ue. from tally it; at bowai robist sod Mid owl War in LI triliraWly rosotersu tho Dom tow of m fr orkid, Is tho pm? two of Met 1l mill not ba nythard of thy ea con al &Dane aa. m to to eglabit 0000 M to of earth perform, ben ye o thaws theadliesed,thth bandreele of nen bath been reward u' . Several wan ulna *mai.. hare beth without Oil& ren„ after thing a Om bathes of this isealablo nthlatheo, bath bath that teal lengthy _offoyeing. De. Dathesead: hUwille being greatly dthreseed bl thakothe oaf moral de and ealferthy enthithe3 l 7 by. ytho rad a seseethon of thorn,- alliag of the Wareuld val. calor elitheoltthe, lthothe thoth Ware your medicine Yr *Sethi great ems.; AM obi haz ing it reetrathoothitheaude of Dean descrelaael obtain. N. lathe of .yoar Zenrael of Somperilla, sad cl oned tba Wooden yth geth tho he that ormoi-tt moored lear etalybeinta .l bar baba. WM gralafAl Gr eth boothlta tho neeithd.l mks ythotho ia Lim wkooviedg iag 804 retoosralaS th. pia. 81. D. DW I , 84.17.111 H. Coe. of Wood ea Lyelbee as. Dr lbeira . To a/3 atom this soy coothro—The to *aid, that my •the sad porton:le of par IleuthyPilla ammo. to kw etorthoethe.th, =lee the amt. elanas r tool the cirentthaOrnthe Wog ithatioilekb Dor ty,, lag Of the feet, mama 04 sth7 Nod &With. tat; with sy nothroththithel the theratherethoith of %or boltaim4 thdand Do try it, , arith bnie or so huh; ma MONA to thy, Do amend. had Ur Yen lad rained effatOwe osli la the Mond t, ad tho thyirthira of nth wee* of kb thee, the grapey ad Nor. atfectial isn my is In siAlkiall AKAR, salt her rs:6 is am Wax thrall bat boa Ibr a bog elm pt- ' meth If thee 143 be of thy Ann. to pm at say &Oft th e woad at ter 101AidAN, ra N eardy u lthboortho apolf par moot thoiloat an& relied , MAI. 'thus AL TO MOTUTILS AND WAD= LAD= ' , This Easessit of astospoel* Ms Ws rip*. la taint:we to fade owitiiket.+gL fissoilo tetiobsikmo solo to ogres ob. epproodoog the eritimi reeke, is 7L iNfra of. yk,".booli siegleet"to - has boo • areas ressomis for soy thosameross out oottibis arm to hic &masa sr • subject et this dim of lA. - PO joitiod gig ha &bird kisisseetisl yeses by wig this Z. is a leo radii* to doss vies yrs approaeh*. es le calcioietoil to sioist Won by quiekeassig deo aid iseivesuog the ica ladwal,is odium is oral nine for All of the. beti m mes elueoiss to which woo= stio layb bream the whole ranovioen of net,rewnrs nTwoonisdi f can. n 1 ter ectergirw-11 g - tie impantwo . the holy—oca so mtnachtiiiir die mimeo to prod.= iiinceineet rf ienwiwov *hid:aths con afloat medicine takes for food& imagoea sad it/ones A:IIIIL3ILLLD Tw T 13115 Ws pas coovi 4.4 ars, Wain the Ice, as* or. freciaci,Wed ere wto• boat or two - of VC Toenievad7e t will Amos yaw Mood, ninon dm • ' litoscn, give rict iniistket.erierklier ead besinifel empsecuo•-•-•A of which are War to weareri . • . DTSPE L PSUL N. tail as 444 4 4 6... 641 f o' ag early nadabka 4 pais j.k.e or aaliaa i neasysm Gai:d• and atraaribanissy to asp.. of 11444, ma Oda pram 44 ad Saapardlo. • . . . - . Sass. D•sairassi, AThany.M.7 *Md. Di Tr 441,:. 4.-1 furl4a *Ma: 4 4.144 rars with dpryeal is: its swat fame, 0144 Srlasseer • , -oara - of 44.b , r 4 of yap:dia. •144141144 sal. ataraca to all 14 4 food, 4444 tarbal I cgratoold stala 114 bas s•abl• is soda 14 • saMi porno. on ay 44. 1 aid tbsianal nomodisni bat tiasy bad pat Islas or ao sdlsti is marlioqy 4 swaybosc 1 avo is I d p :4 oced, Mont ., :I=4: I: 6o. absce lo. . to .n ieL m dtry gataaot b. nitw ofliara...... , rz i l.: . - z . z . ,= - 471 , ......, ....%.....; ....d.--,.........ira 144 ainietai •• t h.,.. bear. __ Yours, kr..., . , .W. W. Vt. Tamr. fier Md, MIL • 1 _Srloass IdaaL ALMOST I MLB4CLZ. - Odd 4 - 61knriey, sad .4nabt it rya ams,4l 44p- Goa onsecole esisd. 'jf=asa al to MIMI h6112d.d ness that Toorawasd% 14comer: Dr. 711404-14 Edr. I was tabsa, • rea.• .mat par •gooritb • woro onaik 4 4 fa way aids. "It I. osaasei 4 4.1 =44 • I srao row! by or sicisas se 4 the • tonannytionr 44 lassaquaa j City 441 maser, led sight ~au, Mg obskseg vary 4.: sty 44 osid ha 4111 do ' 4 sr. 114 4 4 1 4 1 41 WW , 1... M.. ," 4 " P....... 4. Ibto . aa inearaba. 1 Ina nom greatly at 4 Issnis and 1 cool 1417 bors:ba ;14 44 Al T o.. .lia: 4 44: 1 Se iny ba1..4 4 ! 44sra . Waal I maat 74 Teo 4 dam 4004 41d.obajoatio s• say ea. , 14 sayrad by icy Sionla 1 I to b. ynd somsary ; 11.4 trial • gnat stsber a( 404: I 4 lan masiettalsa Is 41414 /rod yof4a• orb es ' traardis4 ossaa yerormalby jaw 44c yen tie , 4041 anTa4 thera arse sane b 4 4. in thaw ' 414 404 So tq it ' I 61 la j , sad so• rogy ileablai ' 1 sid. • , 1 44 say .1141 so nu* .11, bet ao ea 4 444 asi tobo Minod my b 001.4 n od bops So be 44. ly 414 4 vrooka.. My 40 4 psis is, 4 tido, sod aigMamata 14 ke 1.., awl air liat wry (41k, 41 son faa . polar my 44 otsrantk.. 11 , istt it • day Is cm pal 4 / 4 4 M a=sl=ll=lak..- • 'ctemsam .r ?Await.lams , Dr Tort•ond b ninotabDtrocombs orlon Doi 141 sachem lar dalfrmat parr of lb. u=pa. pbrki.... Ilars is ,tearufy tot wry do do Gay of army, kart Ls warm. era mw Dr g . T0r1.1.0 ihnroprilby.ll berm it to be are of Ow sal gala& rmoraiaot of tho lamomin. intim market, 1 11 F nu:Oh a a, . - 1 W6llOlO X 11, 1 lat.'', Aril I; lyS . .. I' L LUMDele t il 16 iii.....' WO' 0.. 1.. O. 1.0.W . '' , F....0g Thimonoba Fetons of Om Clity of elhoy-lorm impost ly rumba; Dr Totrooralhi Comport 'Lane of libroa• Full* mai Gas Whams nodal.; woad nemoomsd ft to dot IGc ke sboremba, om. sal elhoth Vim. OM h. reface,. to raid W a... 1.4 kraall/O *ow in am p I . • W it Mau"? r; Prlapol " jrls ' l4L lNtitoo . sr, 5 2 1 5 5"5 717; 1 111.1- oft . Ca 1=1 . 4 1 11• 5 4 01 4 Ds .4 1 ...,ssilL ortit "" Pi = 5 5 11.5"r th=tito Veda rail! , • bottles, I 'Moo gesoloomial , pot or in timbre won whinli Amelia s fort sod sipsi via the Milt. Ir of I I' TOWASLICD ad Mamma blown cm dr From to ?few York Roily Ilro L s , •of April Ill ; . 1 . • mo, thlen ware& In the olts ronagot am , Ow ollif eh, or Fononardlot Farre. of Der Tho whole 'hints rt op in pat , Imo of Ow rm. woad baba** posatioposo-htoml.thabiolhtogetior with 1 the moll Ina, in oil, nlatoon ;a Oa Ma, sago nohow mly trollonfoleantisi, W. Mb this orportmlity to 1 ay or. Wins thlo tem:Sof the SUlllparilliiirann dm 1 VIO Irri..t7 4, 0 ..f.i..• SWIM" Debility. • ', Bow Yont,Morehill, 7 Dr, Tommond:-1 boat Ma 01E04 mom or has mos, with . Lund dalchbi la th• obtot,,SWlO .. . .." Gni, lao of sapalah pia In lho lhotot, ....1..., 11..... !Xe brought at no amity tho mama; heat ..a mid n, at. IAO gdtjel to in mylorber as sayer. I ham toksto Mior 1 . molhohom, tab ommortao to mesh*. bol with lital woos. coo. -1 .n Mimed lry what at* kt, Mama to try • bold. a Tarr Illormowirs, from atJel, I feud grost relief. lan I slam Mks mama mom bottles, omit boo sokositstine boy IV to the Imo! oindlolow lan era token-41w pstt au t.l &mil, wow, mid I fed Otos MI I ban isiropor tionqnrabs. 1 hors soma Warr a I sited cow I looL My writ too Wool Month, the soma . , I ati0...1;!;14.0.1 0 tku tti:: a la,...,.. 4 . Matto slaamothero is, lad oolootl .W he anal I Doctor% bcog lb. Ida. Rms... u, II 0. irt u p tho Mans& orl tomb their mplor it llow Ow 1S • boNalky.llll64ll. Oat dimwit b. ootmlikely.to go the 1 WNW AY fa AU thaint 160 are ad ts a beal,by *NO my _tri Dr Fowt.omi'.plo r r .°L . , r ..... am i ~,, ..... - ..._..'' .331111.111)...t4rr a =ph Th= l. h 1 IlsosWrilb:MS owlihrfs foldoctal Gm, ol4let oar ... l ard adoonot!. .. j i g , zis,,o,, - -. -11: 11S— _Dr.ltrOdsdk..11orin—do or dfallar. lot Oa with ilo Cdo77 la do od. ma Irdod. rot Oddity. ; nowt dor doddo4 fob ot oor ocelot 0.1 It sand if;diodly, it widdl Ico won ro I Mt v01..1117. I‘ . .i 1.7 i irrstriisioti74 ril=. . . , 0; Wtood.dt 10i.410. - sty 71 1 .8 Imo dd.-Orod. it 1 Towfflosp.whesi tirr AIY o. 3 . 1t7 IlrflUtF —lts 7 et L • Olt dkodeps sol chop diolelso•SWOO cod el Comaptilm susd ollet . discaseq tend be Ago well IFT1C", 111' bs, ir-4,r7"1* ddelftrids46-0110•VatlittkitlIN nA ' wow ri nava vaisaverst ma, Val slde at do np iv Olen .4 woolgrantlaidd AD20010:211` OP . 'ecdsbnintrilli, thivavirell laboinr sal Moreinksfiley 1. 6 ,111,111.71 " 61 4 1 Malr.-Or PONCENTIUTPT.,.... Ma This pervititbs asairiductiriPliala l a r vomit um , * isnarorrech Pwl: palcaup '''' . IniDICAV . , .i._o Fll4 , ." B 111:1" H , " D i 71x103 rev , outs.naLwrisp .rtishio,:.ri, lad Angers ilscldeAt to . thrgaancy tied hibilthth, w ieh imams the , cur elitnaprotrected process of the Muth= cd VOID. which Natant, when quietened hy.the low= death= life tateaded should be =for med expodiuireq,Mitlhitlleilield, sad withoutudt. nut and ' r Bordeloque during NU retell in Asa, °bum- nil toil remarkable. f 001... That= women et thou cootthia are pecaliuly, differest hrom all other I lands, in this respect—that they ere fieefreen the pines sad dawn which maim the period of ?Mr; Duey an object of so mach anticipated uflerhig and rith.... Cariosity ertfithe seat.for Scientific disco= ry prompted hueltoleiestigatethe caste of this re markable exoeptiottito the severe trials to which the warned females ere greenly =jetted. sad the 'mutt was the discoing cilbet het that the women 'ol 'thbrieeotatitela were mithe habit aiming clang the last stages". of ' ?legume', certain pleats which havithethenlty ad imputing that degree • of time aedelasticity to the turret and blood vesseliot the Uterus, or Womb which outgo. It tq , perform its fueled , it all their native eimplieity of ,actiou and It is a at tut; also, that the Win women of North Americium in • remarkable degree free from thou pains ago diligent ofpregnancy sad child birth to iv bleb the whits women are subjected— Whether they use theta= plants u do the women 'al Asia we meet tell. Certain it is that the feet is 'no lestrednultable thas tree. • ... 011 • This Remedy Is now etteasmely naral ltllolo Fresco with the most marked mace= sod many . fe males wthiwire once single through apprehensions el the ideagemeozwequent to the state of marriage am now by the an of this medic= . performs' aloe duties in wives and mothers with ' comlort ass G Des. [ , tis at this time now find presented to the woo men of America, by Dr Bordeloque, through his sole sgeot, Dr A C MORTIMER, acid he feels COD. fidget that indepuident of its intrinsic merits it will reuromend itself to the mond put of the COMISIp. nity, ai it is folly calculated to do away with that 1 horrid crime of which some, through fear of =as of child birth, ere guilty, (the pradhellea of teems. rntal72.t. is also remediable ' ,to ' eilfg L.i that hitherto tecnrable disease Barrain r un iem and ' lts she= constifir accompsniment Floor Alban( u fact that related . and fallen .ale of the Womb which actompentes this dieeue is Saver telt after the shortest see of this medicine. This medicine is prepared in such a way as to be agreeable aud pleas= to the tuts. Dr A C MORTIMER No 361-2 _ Liganard st., taw Yollt,t has been appointed sole agent for the Ceded States, by. Dr Bordeloqes. sad is tbs only penion in thin - country who ls authorised to vend this Ithaluble re Winne; is the follawing letter will 1 shown • (Truratkited from the Fronds) Psata,Jarte.Wthi 1 841 Dr A C fdonemeni—Dear Sir—Aceueding to the agreemeat entered into ham= ils, I wish by this -letter to, give you that written out to roll throughout tbe Uttited•Statee, (eoy Remedy for - lieving the pains and danger* Incident tonregnancy and child torth,) which it is oecesury r you to have to satisfy the public of ire genninenees and pm. nty. As you are aware the exposure of the modi• eine to the ialsence of the sea au obliged me to seed it to you in airtight vessels. i have aim sent with it, a specimen of the manner in which it is pat op Ist Fans. to like amanner !should wish it to ap pear in the United St= Sir. with gteal respect 1 rem= years, F E BORDELOQUS, ft! D. P S-1 also seed you a copy of a letter received by me (min the Royal Academy of Science, in - • Porn . (Trams/sited from fke French ) Paris. Jon W,11346. To M. BOADICLO4III,--Sir—The communists• en of the Acedecay bare sweated the undenegned Inim.their somber, a. a committee to report regard ing the merits of the remedy laid before up by yout (fur relieving the pries sod danger. Incident to prrg_ awry and ebiht birth.) Several eminent Sargeo ria having subodUed to the Academy _the melt. a their ceperince is the _ en of year needy, we tea to lay therm y, believing It to be the best decision minting its claim to datiectism, and of in great nice, that either you order public could here •ruched.. Whatever inflaters this body may po.. seas on the meatball of the e taetsian will exerted to farther that adoption at Um remedy into general use, which sa a scientific discovery and ne nitrating needy, at so richly deserve& Elea Phyaician. having used this medicine, each in fay cases of de bate', found ft entirely escarnal in. promoting e remarluiblewafe and easy delivery, free from pain and danger. With the eaception of three patients of Dr Briquet there was *perfect teimatity ham toy asimaptent weakens or diurnal oat of them three • laboring woman who had me) with a savers fall a week undoes to delivery, 1.1.11 , stet" after that event with a profess immearkuge, erhichwu with difOrsity arre.ted. The other two addloriontielo el the peivia,Weee ia eh eriae relieved of paid Thew leer inceptions its so great a number el cum as tort Medial, abate ndoubted effi cacy of your rentedy.and have determined as to dire it that ncommeedation and approve which is doe to It. and the forewarn* of mea& Chas (Signed) Poi BRKSCHET, All D. L SIAGENDIE. le D. Coto of the Commisuoners of the IL Academy of Science. The relic are caudated wean porthasing Ws' medicineSas any pawn tae af the sole agent Dr A C Mortimer, No 36 14 Liopeeard et, New York, where Om medicine is, put sp in packages nimble for being perk by snif to any part at tee e""iPtice.T.ao da lm a wane 6atitalag tali di, sections. rayons dellbrooa of obtsinieg this Greet Remedy who made et a distance, can do, so by fonsaithog Ten Dollars, post paid. to DR A C MORTIME:SoIt Agent fee the U lien ins Usk. • BRAL !SEASON o N IIT OIL. Leh- DT'S SARSAPARILLA BLOOD FILLS are becoming w eroveredly popular First, lesions they are prepared by Dr F B Lei. dy himaelf,a reviler Droggist,Chemist and "%pi- , man of Philadelphia; who keells the imam, - the quality and darer-tar of they Medicines used in his pills and their adotatian to deigns. • Second, Because tber[petAir: can taka them with greater confidence thee moat other pile which env prepped by persons %want both of medicine ,aod diseases. Third. Because of aide combined elects, proper wit couteined in any other namely, p ties mg from the sterner-1i and bowel. all al sub stances. and at the name one perifyieg the blood and bide of the body.- bourb, Because they are the cheapest and beer =dime known—a angle hos costing batls plata, and cootainiag, 40 pills, navies to persons wvalmay dollars nit Umee in Doctor's bills, sad sormarous medicines booed & tried on the remeneendstion of others. • t• • • , WHOLESOME ADVICE.- Wheneveryou here ocessioe to tile any eine, do not be Weiss with your coo-gaieties by trying all km& 'Ol pale or other medicines - yes see pnblishod and recommended by one and another bet , talia at 015011 Dr. Leidsis Blood *ad you will not hi ve °erotica to -take , saytlalag else. They will Ay* be toned goodie ahem' wens of disma, Infiamstioo of the stoastb,bowe Oh, as 4 Atitertiorsj cramps of the irlosaseb colic, WsUutirasb: lamed Irvers;.foel. breath, ho d. taste In the swath, Sour ornetsliolui vied Acidity of the sumach, costiveness and indigestion,. want al appstite,billionsallecuons, diseases of tba epleos mad kidneys, domes of the old,. .scaly eraptioad dry sad noted pennies or blotchs or face 1100 body, utter, rash ,pncklis best end salt *dem, bash ache, Odium, lee:them, pains over ilia' heart, the breast, sides, aims the back end spine, Themes ties led goat, Naar. at kiads, mill pos. wino , I load. messels, screfalii,erysipelas, and ehort - are good is ad 'diseases hams their origin in the •Mamer.b, liver, ad intestine., and bn7y of the blood 3rareetydiva erints'a Bob. Sold Whole!whi and Retail by B. /4. Fabocatoek k Co., comer or First and Woodalso owner of Math end Wim eardl9 -^-41.*1. VDU\ u va•a....••• arh: IiULVU INGS.—Scrolola Its all Its ratltiptied form( whether in that of King's Evil, enlargements • the glands or bonci,Dottre, White Carmic Rheumatism, Cameridisetwee of the Skin or Spine, or or relmonary'llooraceptioe, emanate from ohe ,sod the same emu, which Is • *seam .prisciple More or lea inherent in the human systees. Thar& fore. Wens this principle can be destro7ed, no re eat cure eta be elected, but if the prier.ipl• spot which the &mule depends, is, ammed, a eve mum of necessity follow, no matter under what term the disease should manifest Snell. TM., therefor* ts the reason wby Jnssit's EVE m il 'so MI, vernally succernful in removing so many ignant diseases. It destroys the uses or principle from whits thane dense. hae their origin, by entering into the circulation; and with the blood is moseyed to the .mmutest Elite, removing every particle of &nem from the system. Prepared and sold at No. '8 South Third Street. Philadelphia. i Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, Po. TI Fourth Wee: IC ILATIA C . . ETTER, ITCH. DALT RHEUM, ise—Wha meld fat is single .thy sersteb, wrong addicted wall the lichAT other demise. of OM skin, it they knew w wo relieve madame them; . ' horrible to be obligetto rib and se when - 'lane, bet more horrible lo abated fromdroenkr - T'r rr.. b ' '' u r :a il' .thi g d IlTeffreta irl%ir 0 WOW that wog creeenlons et ;Cy other preparstlid in exigence In oaring the Trot PO, and other &wagger the akin As in &scads dad skin sass arise from the Impurity eaublond asd *aids a( ilie body, and ether. , each be a loaf standing.the voestituttem elided thereby, if Dr. Leides Tereepaglin Bldg Ms be mood salsas Othunerth they win CO* may WWI vria■Unrot. alld U they de not. the 'money will he interned by Dr. Leidy; sat.iem lorweyer, will be eternally cued tra.Leoldrma ine_tellinels Teri borne". the addle :rill be eawyl=-7artlitja aux the mug by • Dr lostdre Breed POD. sod the dirties Or the ent er s. WS.. ed by the Minims. Pines arOintgent ID ee Tor gaiety .. . B A FAHISTATOCIL AC een__.p_.-----V2—""ed it Deist sti NO IM ). Tilt. CULLEN'S I s rA N VEGETABLE J." REMEDY—Wurested to core, or the woe. ay Warned. This medicine le prepared frown le. thee Receipt, obteisal thaw one oi them is the Per f t i= gnat arrows: Thome' who Wm bees with th•-tedisne,Www that they coo ' mad do cue Vesereal without the ketriketie Mew curb_ Bathos, or anythise of Use tied. SLOW , haw sow en opportenity ot befog cored willow Übe wt Bela= This wedicthe is t e s seant to the mit emit, sod lessee no swell OS the Pretested by ROWAND & WALTON end odd whetted* ad Wall, by J.T Rowena, 376 hiuket or sale is Pittelenit by ft B Sella"; 67 wood atenet..l--""1""trre earethT Wom , TSUI IlbstlAtaking esivvial of Dacia? .I.llleLases Wink - elokl dimes Mures wors2ll6 vonlii, tadr we e( emedielas a tkiii of is: thruphrot White ~sr•rs.. It, 111 MI ire .Waniliseems I ever sm. lam kairate• son nab.: ' Fit it iiltiDD OD; tie origoi . , MMME222I7E3, ItEDI • DB. SWATIOUS ' ,4011IPOIMO STROP OF wi.° cuusir.. /keynote and mkt mire tor calla colds, asthma, ttosfasilds pkuin the side • or brestu,sereous diity.whooyang cough' • broke. TION or any disease of thelange breast Rader are you suffeneg with a cold or dame of ••the . aepga,trZ thin Mood!, ' yoswill not per: . • - • • baps regret it It win arrest all three disagnesahl— esyinptoms which strikesuch terror to the mind, dcproloeg yens due. Beware of all preparations purpottieg to contain Wild Cherry, except that bearing the signature of Dr SWAYIr an the outside wrapper ol each bottle, es they ere QUite likely destitute al the article from which they borrow • mate. . ' Read what it hat dons! iso,boo DEATHS BT . CONSUMPTION Hecht perhaps be a small estimate for the maga ' el th is dreadfol diem* in a single year; thee add bo o n of e the c tangs, Hemorrhage . Asthma, by l Cogs' inhuman; Bronchitis, and other 'disuses. of the Longs and Liver. And the Tut would present an siNaling proof of the fatality of these two classes of diseases. But it le Important to know that nearly all of this dread waste of Mime fife might hone bees prevented by a amalgam of Dr. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND ;SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. This medicine. has no* been belctre the public 'some eight year., and ta the original preparation Isom the Wild Cherry The'. ,Itriapatation nEC :remedy forCoughi, Colds Woodall., and Coe. mown of the Loop bued entirely upon Ito ip. • camel merits, owes but ttle to *Mated sempaper putts. Those who pine it Its trial, being benefitted by it, recommend a to their neighbont, and thns gradually and surely huh gained en enviable reps. titian and worked its way Into general au. One' bottle never fails to cure a recant , cough or cold, while with strict attention to the directsone that ac• company each bottleau use in pelinonary diseuae of longstanding and of the most elarinfog charac ter, has alwaye given wale; and in very many instances has effected complete and permuted mars. Dr. SWAYDE'S Celebrated Compound Dim upaf Wild Cherry. Read the meet remarkable cure , of consumptive ever placed upon record— Dr Swayne—Dear Sir I feel It a debt of gratitude doe to you—and ditty to the afflicted generally to *decoy humble testimony in favor of your Com. pound Syrup of Wild Cherry. Some three veers mace, I wu violently attack with cold and Dalai matioeef the lungs, which mpanied with every distreeslig cone), ROI' the breast and bead —a very considerable &saute' of offensive mesa Dom the lunge, especially upOriehanges of weather , however alight. At fast I let no alarm ahem, my I condition, but was pretty .Doanonvinced that I woe rapidly going into coestunpu. I grew dolly wee k... er, and at length w• scarcely able to widka_houtor ape* above s whi.per, such was the exceeding weakness of er.y.lougs, boring tau time 1 had tried nrjog, preparatioes and prescription., but round 130 esdief.srowlug 'lithe time woree. Jena bare wt. I advised to persuaded by a deu Mend tit W li ming. ton to cute a ura ol lour Syrup of Wild Cherry. umt confess that previously I had been prepidic ed agaiestpateut medicines, mid I am still 'vilest thourcoming out of thee, bands of empiric., but understanding year claim to the profeeriou and practice Of medicine, and havingimplicits faith ie the suing ol my friends, I lorthwith pu rc hased of Dr Shaw, one of your neut., a few bottle. and C00103a10,511 its rms. My disease et thin time wu of twenty or twenty flee mouths' staoding, cense. vaulty wan dec(ilyaitatod. Wed, however coo. old re. relief trom takeet lour or five bottles.— But being a public speak 1, frequeatiy attempted to preach with my increasing etreukth and thereby ruptured them vessel. , teat bed already began. to heal; in due wey, doubtlena,f any cure wu greatly retarded. to • of acting thus Pepe dently I bad to erse It or 15 bottles before 1 was perfectly restored. bare w ou ld a much smaller number of bottles have made me wend, bat for the above indiscretion. The Syrup allayed Ws leverish habit, did away the distrOsing mesh, pet a stop to tho discharge of mattes from the low, and gave them andrceentireeysteetiprod health. bore deterred offircing title certificate till now, for the purpose 01 being perfect* satiated with the permanency of the. 'cure and now that 1 WI perfectly well, t Mier it withidusarn. RET• . JORDAN... Dublin county, C CAUTION! CAUTION! Ayala all sporioa• prepansuon• Witd Cherry, such sar Balsams, Bitters. Sinus of Wild Cam, PEtwourpottmg to coital' Wild Cherry, du, &c, as thal are all fictitious sad anauterfeit, and contain aose of the .roses of the Oritioal pro- first mambas aspnrpared by Dr. barque, and the ever relined to this cowry. Doctor SWll7.'• Compoend Syrup of WILD t:HERRY is composed of vegelable infiredieate,the Wild Cherry, awl oth. of medical substances evilly a• eNescaorn, not to so; the whole a l lso efierually coacesusted as to render it beyond doubt the most pleasant, Mresigthenin, mid effectual remedy ever &wonr ell for the cure of Pulmoriary emumpuou, and all &nues of the Loop sod Brent. The very Ism, from 11. 6.111110( mach a train of opuriati• Imitator., steads to prove in great mauve properties Therefor., beaus, inquire far she ongadd pupa_ ninon, each bottle of which is enveloped ia • bus. tiful snapper, with a Winless of William Peen ea H raved thereon, also tunas the ilk ot Dr ' pause, lite cooststfeiting of w will be pen. hich loads foram. _ Prepared only by De. H. 9 ,N W corner of Elaine' esd Race Snafu, Ptiladelpina. . For safe in Pitubinah wholesale and Mail by 1, WM. THORN. I33 Market street, OGDEN as, SNOWDEN. canter led & Wood dd. B. A. FAH.NESTOCK t Co- mum ol lot ad Wood sad 6th sod Wood e.ftlYIA. SAONES, so Liberty *train JOHN M ITCHELL, Allegliesy city. And by ell reepectable Dreauta Rad dealer* to Medicine, tkroagbeet (UMW State. and Cana da. not%) IT NEVER FAILS! ,r.CI:I LIEN'S INDIAN I EGBIUL li Pillial PTeterERSONS alflicted with Scrofum , lcers libig4 Eva Caster, Erysipeles, Old Sores, U, Mercurial Duienees, of any other complaints arming from impenties of ' the Pend, ore requested to road the following tostimonlais, us proot of the wonder fel prepare* re the alum named medicine. READ! READS READ!!! .We the undersigned. bevel embed Mr. Iwo Brooke, Jr. at thb office. of Maim Remand and - Views, 376 Motet amt. Philadelphia, comfulu his cue the meet remarkable one we hue ever we. sewed or he of. His discus eras SCROFULA, sod terrible must hue bees Pa twelve years' conflict with tlii do strvc . o Hisralete,tbe entire roof of his mouth,New, Up. =Nit, and lower Lid of the Right Eye have bees Ted, bis Face sily eaten. ep, and put of the Jew Sow carried ser a y. Aed yet we can give as aesumption of his cam. - . ' Mr. B. informs se thatin Jaeger; lest the whop Warier of his moirth, well as meet of Me fame was a paw or deep and OPP Ware On the Hai °flaunty lag!, ha commenced Phis, Dr. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PANA CEA, which checked the dime, is a Ire dap, st in . frun that time the care has pro` :wed without termiesthe. New Sash has supplied the place of the deep al imn, and though badly disfigured, his face in somd, and b in felal health is restored. We are arum, that in the treatment of Mr. 'Brooks' cue, no blemerialnments, or emetic applications bare Wu usear-en r, s e PAN A CM ALONE. has wrought this misdeed change David Smith, Becks musty, P.. . Chares L. Reined, Meadville, CreMord toPa.. J W Jones, Nl D South Second street, Plata Jacob Lee, Pemberton, N.J. EW Cur, 440 N Fouth; above Ppplu st, N. L. • B M'Collerigh, Lancaster, Pa. R 14 Maddock, 171 North Eleventh st. Phila. CW Appleton, MD 46 South W. . do Timothy Cabling, MaMon co. MisomM. Dalllel Yuakel, Chesnut 11111, Philadelphia co. Ps. Joke Hulled, TN Nigh street, Phila. William Steelpg, M D, CaindenJ4. J. Williams Hale. am 114Ib duel, Phila. J liPotter,fdasescUrrer of 'bllearal Teeth, 109 S Ninth Pleat, lenwthe Phil& L A Wolr Ed. 11,11.. Democrat t 77 N 3d L rt 1131 tV Meow, Brisk Maker, 317 Market St. 1 EM 'arr, 139 Cliteint street., Phila. 'KB.Ys, Noe; tiOr el Eleventh Baptist Church, L!iroba-B•ll,llillaetillgl,l4elladelphia,rNorth Amer; Amos suu. jtspulitise Stniet, Phila. Dried lacCrogorkr: Alley, do I Autry Strepes, , N J. di 18. Hams, Wmg a. ' - Ric wAi l . f . =,,,Uilder 4, 4lit t f t t! s a: i t u et t. st: Pb do T S Wageor,4 pher, 116 Chesnut Wrest, B J Ifiensil, IBS n th street, d o Peter Mae Smi Pm Bathe Eagle; do Joel Bodine; Cllueloanefacturer, -Willlamstowo ,William Steely, Parmiegtosi Van Bores co. lows L B Coble, M 14, Boetoi,Mue. ' ReseelCanbeld PliMiologist, Philadelphia. TIMMS P S Ili; M D, Hanishorgh, Pa. iPetev Wrmht. Motet street, 'Pia. Llama W Newlin,lo3 Filbert it. do • • John Good, 174 Spew:att. • do William Una, PutorSt,Purskl. E. Ch.Catharini 1 • St. Phila. JobieChambere, Pastor let Indep. Church, Broad et}, do ' - T L Senders, Peblisher of Pledge sad Standard, Phila.. r r raw., Eako, Olive a -Inch, Doyleetowp Wholesale and Mud by Romig v. Waltoo, Pro prietors, 376 Menet St. Philadelphia: B E Hallam, 67 Wood .1. PUMP. tgh,Pa Wit. The e,let Mu llet P. dog E 11 Perkins, Statietla,OhioOmben dt. Sharp, NNyrrille, K Vel a / a W Danenhoeer,, Ohlw Wall& Reeves,Madims latC Noble,Loins. Yvill e K yj Darer:wick - du Palloul, St. Louis, blrr AK MA' raw, Wars, Mimi Madame/ & Jelin stoi Vicksburgb,dw Charles PAM, New Orleu - _ oc6 Pa , ad's Ca ell , P . 0 Illagnsta.,; .Pd to a ma sang *idol sotimid mi m00d.% W. mt a MIMI dela ddlesiodly port adonis d wrie; ran.ael the iimedied•tudtia of tie keg r .. ra=tiLthon hwt =lt:t= .4.4, 2 7.1....."%71 1 ,11.11 , "itiy 11 _rtafiriTOClll 11, - Ckioiiin Ist;d Wm ad *Wiwi"' • WI giaiNIPMEMOI-0,1.P. Y a ' t la. • . . I VI=o Coon,. Field Loteammai dla; " .. Caspootatt. do • do; - • Qaondoek,o do . do; • • Toommodn• do Commoth on Mod adtot gala M z • PATINEd; .iroc " ci".. of kit admood and wood sad 6,...m!ur Old BUM , mthno 6.10.1., . W'. ~ • ... 1111s.waills.W. T.Ootaaogt. fjellocorEaslosod I sodas aisoesoofToor nedlatoo sold. 1 hive 'Old all se the *lmperial Ono P; sod It biz stun adidoolloo So 01l *le mod IL !cod oso Woo of lbotdodos!orro. . • . gm, ssopoodOla a . , • MARRY nISSI. • 'Trio Ili woo per i7 Wand • -itTlaritelerlAlNT=l: 4:1 ** a ft . . •" 1 Nfir 1 • , *'.:,4: 7 r.:;•:t4.4'g.'"•'''"'"'• • '. , -''''''',;i'.'4..-'4,-a-'447-••i":.g.i:,,i.,'4•.:,:5fz _ _ . . • YOVNTAIN 1101 . 141, •LIGHT,I3TREET, BALTIMORE, TOGO Jr, 'THURSTON, Proprietors; ' ' Toneestabllaliatentleur and widely known asbemg 4 of Ise most conimouton in the ehy of Salthnoi el has recently made yeire Altera.. •nd unproventenli , " iso sew La wing_has been added, cooMmialitaune.. o . ' 5,4, 3; Mmt.t.li asmnmeem , aa exteemee hauling it. s Theldolloo , &pa t tabu also been eampleiely re • orumilled and fined ortu a moat home. and treasure] style. In I:a the while arrangement of the Noose bas been resoodeled. let* a ale& eye on the pan of the amorladOl &Made the coodbrt Old plea:tun of their Deems, and valet they ericidentir-aseen will chat ke reraIWWWWW¢ With any Rota mile two., auk seal alsys be supplied with every sole ststalial and Leroy sarbt6 ihe Market agent a served op IA it friar style; while in thevray of Wthes, as., . u ln Qat .. Idols the proptuove het tu aat, that manna on.=l/ undone on muds pen, and mile partofthew rox Tender this Hotel verity the Colltinned patrons's Of their Mends and the public generally. 1 The Flees for baulk hivir.. la also been reduced the f U n d l7t4Z.T,. .. ~. ~ .- —V 7Spet dap. egad.a...v" i 50 IN, N--The BMWs Waggon of the Iloosevrill al -1 souVho_roand at the Canted Steamboat Landings, wierahlailleOnsel baggage no and from the Hood, tree STREET .11091 ff, Clatelanuatts 'Figgll 11 1110—The subsenbere having pert/sued the en tire-lemma of Col.o P Wilhannon, late of nets well ktuswe estabfiiMment.beg leave to •Uito/0 Melt friends sad tho . publie generally„ that they have taken this commodleas Hotel fot a terns of years sod will eaen Meatiest energies to make it a deatrable home for Tzar. eller , sod City WRAC( s. . The Howl is spacious and admirably Planned for en n ienienee, light and air, having a number of patters niffolning chambers, presenting manual nametione to famines , The prerent.proprietm having. had the expenenee of yeses to *isms . anti elsowliere,lmPe they will be a ble .lye?Dvi dri f:rto6citirl'iLekeemZodnew""'l to Thelocation of the Pearl Street House Is uneousionly eligible, having toots on Pearl, Walnut and Third Ms, so that it is equally desirable in view or the convent. mace of Liminess Mr Of retirement for pri.te bOardera. It 1. near by the Banks, rho Port Office, the blarmine Hall,Odd Fellows Main street and two squareeTrom th e City Wharf, thus offering the greateet battlements, especially to country =reheats and generally to all persons visiting Cincin nati.. JOHN NOBLE mom JOHN A DUBLE r. COLYiAIHiA 11 - OUSE, • • : Charles Street, between Market and Lombard street., gi Tan sabseriber having taken the above estab lishment, Offers. htr services to the' citizens and mat El? conveniently r.oltrtte midst of the more etialti•O Importing Hoeses—und in fact, the location offers to these ranting thereity, as um ny eonvenleaces and eOMIOII.II as the other prinemel Hole. The house is now being fined up with new furniture, la goad taste and style, and will Le open to th e poetic on the 211 day of hpril,lBll7.. The proprietor trusts that portion eon ato please, will secure to him portion of the puha patronage, rerdent as wall at transient. W W DIE,. Late of the lan of Dig A. Fogg IFI7. mylBJ7m a ALLEM ii ANY HOUSE,III3O Starlet st subsersber (lam of the Washington Hotel, Haw isbnosh, Pa 1 takes this method of In forming Ins old friendi mod the r enera.lly, that he ha. taken the above named HOTbls The lloaso is airy ' and comfortable,and Inas been emenssvely ° alted arid Improved. and the propnator holiest by a stric a liention to breloess, and a proper care for the comfort of his mse isu merit and reeerre a ahem of public patronag ve e. The Hasse is situated very convenient for the Tral ling Poblic, Leine only two doors above the Harrisburg and Pittsburgh Depot. and with inset° minutes walk of the Balumore and Reading Depots, nt ' ached to He premises. Tc rat, SI p 3 r der , E P 1111011PS,Propvicarr Augost 213_, lii4Tiutui.Hin_ MMM JOBIZIP narieL, eon 152 ellle're. Mine, Fltinnittille. MINE Subteribera. water the firm of Hainan , k..{V I. have purchased hlr.JOneetintereat et this rstalatish• anent. and tope by the etrietest attention tothe wan. , and manna of their guest., In inertia Continuance of the liberal patronage hereldole reeelven by Its lot tort Trietor. P The eranee hi. been thoroughly renovated, mut repait• ad; therefore feel assured we tan' welcome our (made and the publicaecommodatiOn% eqinn In soy in the eny of Philadelphia. N %V • JNO IV IPT... oaler 111011161 C, Corner owl Sloth .1. Cincinnati. a 11111.4 eitobliahment If now in the hest Dram for the 1. reception of the Ttaveline Ifovina ondrt. gone a thorough tepair,dari.ig the vain mania, and Wing the woe* eat:irritated tien m the welt, in the 'stains deporunents. „IMatter ntyaelf that all will he pleased whit call. The kwatanateentral,Conartnifion ii and pleasant. Care Mt pp day. Cincinnati, March 13,1,47. 1V 1:14OF111 N. 11.—Atthonith not evantly a new Divan, lt it the •11310.-11 new Whalen the old handle &pint MADISON, JEAL01110211IN110NA.TO:L. . . DIA THF. proprietor oillas long iatabltabcd , lions , . sr Foe fully agars ht• sera lc e. to the citizens of Ettistminh. and will Inert howl( render coninntable al I wlio MIN favor him yolk tht-tr *prepay) , This poiat orloch Pas long been a favorite. one with Prherilon Do tots to b•rrh. orig 4 the rosoinf waren, pews! • larger field kir t 4.0 crew:tn. than benrAfote,fnata tho elonpletion 'of the Rolf Road?* inthattarrolto, 7U mitts further Into iho hoe taming frivol, aroma 0 DFlTF_llllolltl_mancrog_, • TIIItaCKMORTWIIIt , O ALT novsc, Lastleatlle. lir: BIS Tit HOCli Nt on r ON tags to acquaint LT Id. ./1. fr.cads that he ia agaia Wax,: of the 0 A JIO U efi, Losweille, Ki" whe re he Pope" to 6,, aa- , hia old (end., aroma , 11.1 had the pablie,that* en shall be spared to mate alietwilottabdrwitdi dlefaiteLe tw with Weer pwroarwre lanll AMERICAN HOTEL, Oirpositi tie Rail Road Dipat. Frail Raft. SIXX X. Proprietor. (We Of OW XX ratiN6lll WO St. CtIk11:1 i;ot,•:•. Pardee aeardly lIIIICRillAn'll TOOT'S PASTA.. As tkoork .rourra flint bast tirtteie known for cleaning and vetuteanie I the Teeth, Verenirthattingthe came vweetening Ike Wrath, h.. It Mewed be used every night with a CA broth. and the teem and amoi, vs/110M), require ‘4ll‘ mialittia itt Ihe amen.na- Wet the Wk.*, ..,11. Irrus .ter, or cold viral sawyer. and nib it a few biers ise the pew, when roadies will adhere for cement he teves. It teavesadelmio ..... te in the wroth. arm ten pertain meat dtlighifo: fragrance to Me breath. Its:nod. mrivelled sew p leasan t , Millememe, eenvenivek and safe dentratit. tis virarnintril not to :MUM the meth, butte prevervelbeen. . Dy mint - it tegsdarly, it Ven d relnave the tartar sad .prevent. Ai Seenatalation -- pee &mit the loall r eithe stresifthen the gum., and prevent •Il mes o lota Mental*, physielans, and Me clergy reeteatenatul it a decidedly imperil:a ta every Mina of the kind in ere.— Ask for MitermanaCompoend Owe Tends Paste, and otmerve We Moat:are rs attached to smelt pot. Reemereenued by Dr. Castle: Al ttroadwviy, one or on beet Denten, god by most of the old established . mem la the Untied States, and rim , edenevely and by the Nobility of Easter:Mend Fre•ee A lame prtrporeen of the teem , t stomache katalllMt ma oweink Id ar ise from some dermaement of an rb, ahigh • tioselv are of the Cade no limaenate VlDuid entirely obviate. Persona of Wm. atem Mould td. grays have a hot at band, sad inky a dose warner. , they feel Ma lean dem:mermen tet them health. Alga GIOUS am of them Loadeamie woatd prevent thousands Of ones. Versate at Wfd. JACKSON'S, corner of Weekend Mote em dert, LADIF.s Wto Use Commo reared Chalk, re often not aware bow fright f ul l y p trdurietut 't i sto 1110 sting holy cortme,.bow cough, bow sallow, )ellow, and unhealthy th e *kin appears eller rasing prepared 'chalk: Desalt., It is inlorano, conminlegelargeq uut :r7ig,! '" 'icr 'hu lr.lff 4 M l;VTlVE'tratil' W IIITE! " .1.1 la weperfeetly IlelOtent,.beingp‘niriGed of all dejeterpeeqsalgiefi Red is taper. to' the skin • nate. r.j,i,..ithionllkbooter, clear; hying whtte, at the IMMO • num acting as a coysoche on the skim melting limit and =oath. ' 1.-. Dr. James Anderton, Practical Chemart of Muth. chasetut. Lays: .Aner analysing 30005'5Na:0th Lille White, I led 11,046efeel she most brantifut and nets• sal, al die Wee time innocent.yrkite I ever saw. I certainly no consciennoualy recommend its am so all whowg i ha ro .m. nimsbetifying EcSiold e by .ba t.‘ll/ll.JAceorr, at his Boot and Enloe 151rare,PilLthert7 etrech-bcad of 'Mood, at the elan of *4IE4OOM. PS Ladies, ladles, Pm ationloheit When 500 know that vinare promithd A natoral, life-like, snowy white, • l'Alinadtiro:swgargyl u y e e c li com w mon chalk, The theme of laughter sondirtlik. . If yea would age a bee of JUNEta Lilly•white, it wield glee Sou skin an lilLbOter yes nalerlll white, and at the same time clone and intproye Vold at J AMON% kIP Liberty at. Prme st 3 cents per box. lord' ____ c4OIIIIIOIIPTION AItitESTICD—To thou aflllotod with Disoosoo of the Lamas. —Thin Is to certify to thaw Mimed with the GM pre• monitory symptoms of Commotion, that I have been laboring for several years with a bronchi, 'manes. of the throat and hoarseneas. I used many medicate., but tuna to relief In any preparation of medicine, anti I made use of DR. DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT REMEDY. I have been using this itemvluable medicine for IMMO yearn, end always And .nevi make toe of it. My occupation unit Aunt= r' which keeps me almost coestantly engaged, causes ty . dinatie, at times, to become very alarming, when /1 once procure this medicine. I therefore take plea. sere in making this p abbe statement, that Inhere allot. oil with • disease of the hinge and expectorant organs may know the vitiate of this '.ll h eating remady,.. and may be cored, I have recommended Dr. Duncen's Expecte:ant Remedy to many of my friends, rome of whom ewe their lites to this medicine. ..• ,TosnometrObithOc4l3.lF43.. lithiES PEWIT The plopnetor - of the above medicin e tad,woul aim rotor to the undersigned persona, who reds P meaty, en wheats - any ',alga may rail neon and he eorivlneed that there are vinare hand m the ! std medicine that cannot he excelled David Culbertson, gomersen ilk. B. Stone, do; Fran.. els Goiter, Jackson tpl . M r, Lamer, dm Geo. Polbert, Sn• rat - E, 160 Bye, mine west, Cinebutati, Ohio. told PlTlsbutgq by. WM. JACKSON, I S4 Liberty bestial..W.l.ree 12L1.17T V1T113111411, May 17,1947.. LlZ e ionnln i g:l 7 r7VP 4 s lA;r:t between Tor sad awe yeours'olo, ooring‘toe day*oht h oard 10 3 large worms, avetalttog more loon • foot It snaik. &l Its effects on ibis ehild, lid n gore • teaspoon Ulm her younger sister, mho +l...ppF.nitr al, 6. 1 she puma 31 aromas efoqunl sae. 1 - ' 11F.NAY CIMIOTTI :Watchmaker PonikSeld sheet Prepared and sold b'7 B A fAIINMDUCK & CO, comer is and wood. omdarrent and nth +m irs TOO equa PIIIIILILAT 110013IID O OL I 14,1104 E atealkeku eon yours? Look at rot • Y tale loans wfte,wita her brightsunny lacer Look at your tire, pi ned with eruption. and blotches I Ye% Tea ago too Men to rye fifty cents file • cake of the mu Roan Cbetraell Hap, wiich would mainly floe yes Ins tap, and make your yellow skin clear, and Waal. Oo onto to Jacboo's 'jaws, fa Ltbetty n. inntt.fitupeeee; ,, OrATNOLPUCLatobs °keno* . Howara ofLltanter kW. - IgIYB Ike Tfte Boot stadia - m*o downy _ ILILOIC floalv—rommo- L i ftgOstave epos, Mains, to Narks soot Chao, Wolubcohamita.te,b,e,,alld tendering the spew where Vattir=ntenirggr= . 11111. OACISON,engwv heed iii•Vhis Net soil pop sialNiggi of _ • , POILTABINS BOAT KO, SPORTINCrin VIIA LIG TWEI24 PITTSBURGH AND THE'EASTR CSTIY.II,.WII HOOT •111.11111tt I PA [ST. 11E. improved method of eanying used by this long T..Establobed Lute, is now pa welt known that do. scholiast tionneeessury. •Chisids are not touched,n the mute, thus all intern% ar artrs handling is d. The Moats are of tdraught and perform thew hips in from sista seien aye. The capacity of oar Warchosses enables us to wore any eansitguntents nude to ma Receivingouning, and sanees free of eturges. • . j we Being folly prepared to maim - sales of .Produrca, rewpeed.lly solicit consignments of western. Floor, Lard, Batter, Cheese, Wool,Featbers,andother snicks for sale, as which liberal advances will bei made end °Uteruses' &clinics •fforded, pledging our selves that any business entrusted to ins shall tie as promptly esecatell and upon as fair wrists as by any other louse. JriIOcaISIAB.DDi.EN, pLeot.ih JAS Al DAYIA fr—Co 919 and =Market st, Ruled. PaRTAIMIX IhLINIds I OWNS - 1847, •• MIMS. FORd tlthei.trAstit.sitinetictiidmoin;2l4ber..erit.ts.b.ut the way, and the consetment nak of delay, derange, breakage and separation of Fonda • , Proprietors. RORDRIDGE &.CASA No 278 Market attest. Philadelphia ; TAAFFE &O'CONNOR Oar - Penn and Wayne rte, Pittsburgh Vlll°4ll2A",tl7tN. m .)r_Li Encouraged by.incteased business Me s r roprieters de to Mar stock and extended ma me owrrange during the winter, and are now prepared to for ward freig.a with reirularity and dispatch unsurpassed by arty line. Their long expellent. SS e the arners, palpable superiority of the Portable Boat 13ystent, and the great en d and convenience Of the mare houses ut each end of the hoe 'are peennerly catcall led to enable the proprietors to'fttlfil their engagemdtds d accommodate their cusomers-reonfidemly Micros he pun RA gummy fur the (store they respeetfallg . Mlle it a cottUntimme Of at patronage which they D.* Sacknowledge. All consignments to Tufo d. O'Connor will be reeld and forwarded.' Steen:Moot eherges paid end Bina of Lading transmitted free of any charge for ConmosanWt, adV.CIDg or storage. Raving so MIAMI &MUT Or Inditectly in steamboats, the interest of the en gem* men necessarily be their primary Gomm te suiPPtalr weal., mid they tdedge themselves to forward all goats consigned to them promptly end Os the most advents- Velle Mrom to the earners. North 1,1647 • • mach - . ... glitidaa 1847' Nifi, • PZNE1111(1.17&344. CANAL tr. Ballrfli j Alt EXPB.ES. AA FerPACKET A PITTSBURGH TO PIISLADA. A. BALTIMORE. ESeltaitety for Pardertawa THE public art respectfully inform,' that Ms LINO will anal:gene< DAMIAN 00 of about the loth =stain, and continue througboii the fee.. Tie ineipwelare have now placed a sapell clue of Parket. arra-itall. road Cars on the route, er with extra accurnearsauorta. which will give greater comfort totravelota. A Packet Mat will Malaya be in port, arra Mt cling Pa public are ragetated to call and thaw= Mem, r "'" 4/111 4 g 1 ninTa a/t1.7.A wt. • One of the Packets will leave the lanatag, (opposite the United Stator lloreld corner Peen ettrait and the Cangd„ every night at 9 o'clock. TIME 31 DAMP. For Information apply at the °thee, maternom M faa D LE &Co ate. Water meet, ore mehl3 per Penn street ECH am itraall ... TO Tlll9 PUBLIC. . 'MBE nom men'. Portable Boat Company being dig. _l. prised, too Company awn Went Into articles of Co. pannenhip• ander the name of We uldornaten's Law: . and likewise agreed to reel the Stock ao at to have a somber of Roars for the parlortaa of carrying geed. enough in frocr.six to altar days, with terunsay—and fret encouraged by the litiemluy of last tear'. patron age, to make more exteurive arrangements for the en "l\'slr"w'oeld therefore MP. tint,lY at licit a 00 . 900- &ace of oar comet patroos,ond re f er a ll new CllstaNsele to those we have dorm bareness for. iii2fial lB4 7. lll gign ROATMIANIP LINJC,,, • r .For the transnot mann of ALT. Wig; or NARCDANDIer, TO AND CRON Pei LAD A la, BALTIAcert, ten YOWL, son Bosnia. SAMUEL WItHITMAN & Co, Corner tAberly street and Canal Basin, Piusbargh. A I. GERHART &Ca, I ' No 395 Market street, Philadelphia - . I ELDER. (ALSTON &On, Agenfo, Bellmore, Md. • REFERENCES. PITTSB RUII—Jea. MeCteliy, OM. Marg. &CA W Brent y & Co, B A Sampson & Co, AI Allao&Co. PI [ILA DELPHI A —.Morns PatteGen & Co, Reynolda McFarland dr. Co, Fleming it Herby, Peter Wright S Son, J Branham, Joseph Weir.. NEW 't ORR—Omen. & Co, Theo. Purr& Co. Brroritv—lteed, Hord /gen. CINCII \ NATl—Adams 4 Cresgh, W W &lute neigh T• .11r PEND/ENT PORTABLY BOAT LINE. .• 11 -, 9 M - 18 1 7.' &Mai ~..,..: . .11.4 lot NSPORTATION OF PRODUCE L 'lNi/ -51 AM ANDIer. TO AND FROM PITTS MAU: 1, POILADKLI.III& *NO UALTIfiIOttE. IrrtaidiotteTrontalpamet.CO . 60041 , zeggeed 1 Wear. Win be forwarde4 Walls Out delay,. the lowest carrot rale,. Hilts of Lading trantniiited, .and all outman. promptly "leeattended liii i "lee from any extra charge tor wows or nimmilimoott addreat,ot wily . to ATA . MeANULTY &Co . Canal Cann, Pittsburgh . MEDICAL.. '4 AYT, VA—C A bitchict. ILLE—F Fleming. II inemlitudim from IliceeNork and &aim, in A I. Cohan In Co, Philadelphia -mill. itmarded Penni conmmim. rehlt . . FICHAGE. iteri+ • •,, 1.,..g. .... .....tooduroa no4e/•a ore are prepared to teetion tin addition to (might i' relpoteon a large amount of Pfdaddri ad,rdrflaktatts Mw taus. (marl] ... CO. MeAltiU LTV h. Co rtthtwouTii-iccre Luse, abilnia. 1 847. 1515fing XCLUstYCLY Co. the uantportatetri - Of WAY Ma Fit EIGHT between Pntretugh,lllairsvillrt , town, Itnlntlerttno*!.. %Cater Street, Petershurgh and aU Inlritar4:ll., insect. • Co . Duet vent leiter the elarehouse *IC A Me Anulty k Co.. Pembingh, every day, [except bandays , j and stimpertemi always depend on hsetne their good. for warded walnut delay,and for t e a fair rates. flit lane war formed th rpeelnl accommodation of the waleerretta, and the propettam nopectfelly I PIMA bb el WMe of patronage. JOHN PICKWORIIranO I IN MILLER: BAN'L It BA WRNES FULTY. noneirr WOODS ILLIAM JOIIN MILLER. IlollidayMergb I R CAVAN, Johnstown Agents., C A AIcANELTY k Co, l'ittsbutgh ZZZZZ J J AteDevirt, Jahn ratker,jObert Moore, Bagaley It See,th, Pnuenren. • LAIR 1016 AND ENRICH LIME. I„.,WraiZ. 1 e 5.47. end Ilesmr,and weight g dotty and Eteuenge, ' Gael Hen.. tanning between lleseer and I.rie, and connoetiV with C Reed's Line of Steamboat Propellers and, ette/s on the tAret, win he prupared upon the e•thistropen mg of Navigation wr carry Freight and l'amengera to, all patentee the River, Canal and Lakes. , Ilaente every Utley Of conveying freight and yea tamers ortthlnereptnere and dispatch, the proprietor anti weenie reispeethilly lotion from their Blends and be p e el' I - effl Melt izt REEDS, PARKS IsCo P , ee l :o ' er, Acts JUIIN A . CAUGHEY, PstL4'lo do Car.Smithlield arid Water std. opposita Moan" johns RITZ% TO Wheeler, Cracker k Co, New York tiro mai. Buffalo E N Parks & Co,Oleveland Jas A Annwoog & o_n,.Deiroit • • eClure & ktilwaukla Brirnol & Porter, Chicago Wro Powers, Powersums, Penne Gee. klachelmyte, Evanthungh, Peana John IffeArlhor, lilltitll4.l, do Wick & Acker, ree nein*, do Craig & FTITIC, Clarksville, do ' _ Hays & Pim tiharpsborgh, P. W 0 Nolan, mon, Coonlegi .:kaarS_ I P TTSBURULT Or. CLEVrlANlrtligif: - ••1846.....11hiwik 11. Clarke. 11. Hoops. T. Is charnel& ♦W. • CLARKE & perwaranw Jc COMMilltiall latrebaats, BEAVER. PA. rill IR Agents and . Pecorleton of this pine (m. tin the favor /. ably known to the pitbliel,7ollbe PmPared earliest openitfof canal navigation to receiveprop arty at Pittstm and Braver,' and deliver the some at any point on e Ohio cartels, and Onion Lakes Erie and Michigan, with the fttlllett despatch and at MAY enable rates. The proprietor. of this line solicit the business 0 their former customer* with confidence, knowing that their facilities are second to none. Apply to or address 0 AI CLARSE , & C lIARTONo,, Beagt,ver.Pinnbargh. andel T lUCIDIOND & Cc f WICIITERN.TILAIIIIIIPORTATION 00. . abig4ll . 1847. RICOH IL VOW. OLD ESTArgtatitrIItrANIITRTAITION. LINO, PII ADELP/ A, RA LTIMORE 11 1 .1 EW YORK: MOE srock 41 this lute coostrts of a double dailj I Line of Melds and Cl(11, [owned Ly, thernselsesa rehtob are in 1 order. The tobecnbers em so to forward large quantity of Merchandtso rad Produce with ce ahoy and dapeteld Produce or Merchandise consigned to any or the on , derrtgacd.ls forwarded free of soy charge for coinntio. sten or storage.. t attended to. The husinee Sabbadelter pin namilvd vid all instroctlons provipUy of this Lintels conducted ai otnetly principles. -Address, or apply to D Co, Propneems, - Cartel Derin, Pittsburgh HARRIS & I,F.lClUtuPriewrs, o RATA; North Howard street, Rol I W it WILSON, Agent, No 7 West stnect.Now York • &mum & CLEVELAND NAL .PACKETS AND STAUED... 1847 -• TS TEux;:.APIU & 8% ALLOW r daily al -to'elock; r.. n., alter the steamboat DEAVER f rom Piimbargin ten next morning IA seams for, trio Clevelandbefore ain. I be reeelytedihringh,menring berme seats in the tinge, on ipplieation t Beaver, [leaving rinatnirgie at 9 . the agents: - M BARTON Co, Pittabopit! • CLARKE t Co,_Deaver ' 'JESSE BALDWIN, Voangennint M B TAYLOR, Warren DWAYNE". LAVE OF 0 1 LWE. I II nod arrive afT Stars which ) re Passterrers Tel on the Paeketn on. board Koala, o'clock, A. 1,4 0/1.4 COM * X$ IA" lta.= n open, the •=e= 7 a m"6 4 .1 9"r1841."4 c: r"1t. 11 1 ,2 o swam bed4amiladlaw.3ltuth. . ' &lON 6 - c• ' " 011161, • ----,-- . MMOULA.19:311081 111110 • raciawr-scra. - a iskrzen.„ jai l — Tlte new and hpleodid Meter M r . . . BAYMR, '.'.. .., Calid-CkWea 91 99 4 41 / 4 Mottglataeal lc! tegolar Ulna ILI. day. leaving' raw. burgh at 9 o'clock. A. va, and Graver all o'clock., ok. 1 aninootios won ?Unbar& sod Cleyeland Litw o Cad g al Beata daily to Cleveland, 04 Beam Warren and Clevehutd-Line.f Canal. Packets and gage .oeat.ttes daily to Warren and.Ctevelanar, 'GRAM P 09999.49999 ut New Culla and Greenville, P.; Erie Panama kints to Meadville and Erie. Not, Moore k Co). to of Stage Cowles for Cleveland and WieWar. leave Be • oar daily •oa Ow arrival of albanaboat ficayer flora ?lookup. -Apply to _j , • G M MARTON& Go; Pillsintrih 1 tole ~ ' CLARKE& Co, Pkaver ' + ',` , • ONION 1/131114 : ... - • ; alga •,./847. :3=Wie -- ruNiTLYArIe. OHIO CANALS nETwimw pirrsevapa XN.P.cWifF 1 4 1 4k F. N PARES It Co, Cleveland, 0. Proprietors. ; • Cr Peltliß,Beaver, Pi. • W T MATHER, - Plodder:Pa.: • MBE. above Line now folly prepared to Moder .L Fectein and Pudenda frea,PinsberikaadCia l e . lad, to any polat on th• Pennsyldata & Oleo sad dato 'Oe Tito facilities Made Lane amid ;palled by WIT OP said Canal., in numbed and edam of nom. orPf tience of Captains. and ;deeper...et -Arms d , &rt. the Boat lade w i th sad Cleveland ulna in connection with the tnerders.. Michigan end - LAO betseed rg" Maven . and a Line of first ClaS2 SIZ.,II.MN est lees, Bons and &borders, Sot .I.otes Erie, .11000. i eland di to . Property forwarded to shil.irt of the I.leioeirith despatelt.. F. Pi PARES & Co, Cleveland, Ants ICS ' • -REEDLPAR &Co, Bond, Ants W Wiold Weed MATHER, Agr, • ' • •Cot Water and 13all • To.cpw.vz.b •Listarensualt. , 1847 iBM= THROUOU fllit BOWLS. • , IaIACXETScate Swallow and lrelegriph vet daily, nt 0 o'clock P. sf,er ill• vrital die nolaituberer. and anion at , Waims Oats An the N.S Lane el 'Sup:, which leave tlnflitdi- Ed) , Wrestler. arid arrive at Cleveland nt.o Oeloek, • • • X. . .. . . Thlar !date meet expeditious and emdformide a':"' W ATS rLEFFI NOWELL, Wirme, rropr's REEDiPARKS fr. Co, Deaver, Agents JOHN ..% CA.I.TOHEY, carom Water end Smithfield ets, speli ON,""Phea Neese, MA! !Fti, rironvicqn AND cats,Exivu,las. Waa11847.. 6relilt. • . • r A CRET.AND.PRFIGMLINE, THIS Line coisslation freights/Id puma b etween . m . 6 r o plarir donor %b ur wawa Beaver and Grenville, Da., by which Deist's and pas nosey. berweeo aim/ palate, will be em ,,,,0 aide th*ltATA"&litellEß,GweiVille, CRAIG at it=rl43l gr "i k. d dol walla & rum Dharwar:V No; • W C MALAN, Sharon. do; WM. AIATLIEW, Pelona, do; REED, PARKS &Co, Deaver. do; JOHN A CAUGDEY,cOrnerWaser indSdluhfield opdb OPPWita lie "l"ba''h C/TIZEXI POIELTABLICi VOLT,.LIIIE. MOM 1847.'NEM ►olt TIM TRAISTORTIVION .0/ ALLIONDS OF AIERCIIdNIMSBTO ANIVFII.O3I Philadelphia, BiattAIOIMI: Now York Eencourageshent this linebasreceivei sines Tit. commencement, has induced the proprie ton to increa.e the stock by adding • number of lir clan boats, nod inatesd orgiving receipts a. hereto fors as agents, we will give our owr..receipts for height ehipped by this title. The boats are ,all portable, Consequently height is taken the whole distance without transhipment, thereby preventin dialer fro freipient handl th ing on the route, and g S A each boa t tis oWned by - e Captain who run. them, which is • afficient guar antee that there will be no delay on the wrote. All Produce or Merchandise consigned to the undersigned will be forwarded FREE OF COM MISSION, for advancing and forwarding, and • w ill be shipped without delay at the lowest rata of I"ight. We respectfully solicit a . share or public PAT° WALLINGFORD & Co., Canal Basin; Pittsburgh CRAIG, HELLAS & Co.. Agt. • Broad Street„Ehdadelphis. F MILLER, Agent • Rowley'. Wharf, Baltimore , Pittsburgh, Feb. 18,1847, 11Ze • • TO THE OAST BY MOROOGIIIREA:ROCTE, 'VIA BiIIOWIVUVILLE rrillE. undersigned are now prepared so.torpm / doe, ke.,to the EAblern Markets dertn: g, thel.ll - NV inter, en the wort favorable Mum, hp thotexpe. gluons route. All property consigned to ea willbe forwaided si the lowest rares, and 7 , a b despatch. 1 I oltoe toce.ved by this , rebus promptly um wars-del."" 1C caw/ELL, Art, W CA.3B, Bninirusuille. Co,Camherbutd 1846 - • • 1847 M!!!ME I To THE DART BY BALTIPICHRY AND 011110 . RAILROWD. - 7- , THE tabseribers reeetpr %rine delivery of*Pro. dime Baltimosy by the Alosoophela Staeltwaler so ibe folknokag • • _.=•••_ • Ashes, Flacon, Haller, Lead... Lord, Pork. Tallow, Whiskey. s and Glass—en cis per 100 lbs. Tobaceo,Naeg4 Flax and Wheat—lH toper 100 lbs. Ashes, (Pot) Apples. Cheese, Plas.Seed, - Gleas, and Camber-10 1 cis per 101 lb. • • - - Oils, Skin. Seed s, Wool-110 eis per 11$ Ikeswas,Feathers, Fars, Ginseng. and Snake• Root —lll eta per lOU lb.. • All property constened to saber of the, ooderabstri will Lo forwarded ioriont delay, B low of Diasenisuon, at slams raw. W CLARK, assille. HANNA & WATERMAN, Pitobanth iibeSl lIIBUICRIFS CIIDNO AL W RIM T/ N 0 , FLUID —ln Weeding the ettne:gyf Wo P.". 1 (a k ar artiela, ta . be r tpl i t . t=d g a m h . t izanite i ly vet Beth and abo ment r otees L. girth thot th e ma: ennoity wth mottle Ist , 1 widg iL . ... la the Ent plant it is well known that th e rommey of bleek rinks" an comported of • weeipitate,' held together hy gum kethie owl when the water, either in white or pat sa evaporated the gum and precipitate am left' ea • ?sty same in the pen or inkstand which contains it. It is alao common to eell steeper to dm Ink mamas to Mthe It more Maid, which inenwee th e evil ley acting cm the pea, if • Meet we, eorrollas it through in wry thort time .tines the s Wei. I It! a n'"" ' d r r lt fi'''''orreb"i'v -t,°7l.4l`'lTn.rt'AVall ' thgether,therstre wis Item get think. andting tery Laid IL Die guantay Bow from the put into; tweeter. meth dog deeper Into the fibre of mom ' pir wthing.• more perm. mat Manua the wilym by Weis , . than if thaw mil pbstered co the mew. ,t h at w i ll thst Ithe onefilkity for =talk ism, terekse will ors. Merolla awl pene—rt wis not mould.;thel although, ilWrites of • LIMA great eotor yet in • few Wars It becomes eedpep th e wh eh Mal endure for wes lt le warranted angerent . to the Fluge omit m known by the name of,. Ansitea Writing Fluid,. mil onmthird more rtmet fc. SI. =An rki: As • guarththe spinal impantion of asy kind a s alosupted the followieg reeownendetione Intl softie.% as all west ke &Inn, that the man Orem ghee mkt not. Wei been oh - wised brag moo G. 112 scemonhy p.p... . We moeueeid r n tiadedVeCbankst Writing Mold" to the patronage of the yemblie, ere • Ent rate &Mkt* In all ren pentatit doorstrea from thsi without slogging it up end 1 to the waned a few hours Wm.. a WNW Wight lack. B & &wpm la Ca. Wick mud Wight Robert More. . . John lake, :, , Wm Lippincott hi L lkeet . s•Wigtstman 4. Cor kledammeent B Denim have a WWI Robe 5 IdeTall, Booker C A MeAnult, IL Co. tae W vir Wallace,. . _ ; • • ''""- /oink Rolling Mnlr, Aug 20 . 4617. • tir TomX Ilitibert—Oren flirt I tam been using pin Chemical Writing rend tad it lint row s n ack kr tiro Ohm, it don froolytwai tlio pas osid barawar jet Ow% la • few boors • Tours Ste, T R TUTTLE. Book-keeior • • • for Bissell* k &topic Pitt b.rgt, Ao4 18, Nr T ilibbori—Dest tut Sows( procured • bowler, rwr W Wain Fluid, wow thin Weeks ogo n l e mote, it i si L 'ly .11i Toot mimic, kniold's or soy other bah sworfn Re, 5 17, , WlLLtitif ISTC.W ART,Bookkeeyor • fir Arthur ifiebabou *Ca • Pirisbargli,Sept LTIL ' !Ise T flOiliert—lkar Sir Loa wag your amities' writing risid, sod kid it to mart molest wilds for Awl rag, so ltdow woke fawn eiTlik• tho gaserslity of er lAN dowi few ond beeroasowderp block is • kw boors Taws, _WIAM COX LLI , Iloolc•intiver kW lobo Parker. Pre pored sod rld Wholoook mad liatail by Tbooiso 12= Dwintot .Clrembei emus of Liberty sad 14.1 Pr • Ottio6at _PILES...- rot. INGOLDSII2II Pilo Speck, as hating ram LP ...ten and nulled ore, whether intenial, eataw, bbabeix blind, aboi be irridsdaa of de kidnaped Mad • d., plat if We leek La aid., habitual cotionew, aeon than, liaa, , . . .. • Pinsk. Woe and ail* inifinenteat an Whew .troable2 with madonna of Ala boob or conientea, la well at the odetoot . In all such ono the Speak on be Oho widalue oft% and b a mob' et . - The Braille is 1361.1` *egad., and ion obeli eitsadi, without apar ink of robin., adocoo oe ,_. tubas wad peal reedy loonier is the nod ho nee.: • • •,- 2 Tibia to ealgillut I boor Di. h'oldal ' l PD. spdoi tat &cabin on and oaf. remedy. Haring !eel W clieer. . in wool coa c ananensting hailionazinco, ea morales, . bold and array vim or the p who y It nada an actin eon in eery case. HEN Y WINTLiikaD.. New York, !day, 120. • • -• • - NA Kea atreet.. I cheefully gin outeSay as to tha certain and otan Wog dike of De. i No apeik, at I bow it Gen my ora or . ' otwereano, to het hilidhltiet Ming wait owl with swear in anoted ma of plea, ~,,y, and fraud. ORO. 11111., i New York, Iday, 194&_._ - ' • • . 204 Sixth Wont - - LADLEII I CENTIFICITLI , : ; . , . Pow ltnet,iday, Us,. Mr. Bealt,-Dear Sir -I hare ths Po o. D. eap, that: your satetheittei lb.',Pile Sped- C;beineeld ape , imt tun in the case t' at 6bl yuder,antr I acrosies pm any word That 1 hate losionnird at No it la.o rtt7=l:l7:'=r=r' h'' wituql 1e .a ot en d., r el died la the itite nuitna, to peot7Y !ha atltt,al tin tily b r a a " '5" t a ":" . y,,.... with mg.% .. 1 ,' •• - , Woad Chaster, N. Y., lay US, 121,5. :.' - ~.)„..,_,... Aid-Tod . r. may besidi other, n a,,, cc , a yTh - act aa well as ta dorm ogentitad. ig,,, Ala benedi I hsee dented from do so of yew nimble Bps . Wl4l amply with snarled, and bow do gleam testi lathy in woo Mit; been and of a seem attack at the Pikiall. Oen - ether remileelsitheatthccels. Toon withcope, _ Pad wholoak wed Mail by WM. JACKSON, at kb Pat sailalM.edicitte Watthone,Oni Boat ..a Me Skit., N 0.19 Mary woe, u,da of Wood, rittaMITIA. hie., 15(1,...t. Jr t BENTS Ut3 SELLERS . VERISIPUOV.—IT IS optll.4li EVERYWIIIMSI • Wirwin 2 ikl ummiz'4 Vo ll.3 l lsl7. Mr. O. F.GI Su—Apow redo you two books of SellereVerOlMlSo' saw oso of gooba midoldwar,whlcb bromilit Atom am IGO worm!, and form the other 130. 1 recorrosendli so Ue cowstoolty - u olio of Ow but somedloo I Mooing/mos or MS lbw she rum,* y Oo of wproto.' Torior.Wor;s22. Permed lad soli 07 18 ISELLVJUNV Weed *Li biswee4 brl and Pk sig, 1 , 7 Folool,SS WorN Kr galirAUVIP:q Farr ' • ° { ' `~, k-Fox ~~~~`~' ~..~.15~%?c~n. , a,F ta,~:~ ~ Dn.; SUW*II/1/b3llTi LOPINOILT, "AN o Pool( MAW/ 17ASTra. : Ila:116:11MAN eincorered • way to lona stadia pieinoitooded children wat gar it reiruif -nom SaLathisfet *air is anneal tire.bard Lama =era ofToothhde a the hockdr adt•rfsda, 11111.8,Id11t!S couca Liozcsocs. That Larva this the safest. and ma ea credal ate edy for cnga, aids, ommegada, watopinf ado ersnoes of the favor aunt, etc, •Ce• kr near U,* an Mama where ttsty did tiot gin peaks satisfied:ha. Several thommod ,bosee have bees odd liable . the lest yaw, e•oetag to pavan ha shad wary nag. ofecosompooe,acid umet pada the mod adman aide and mega: Tba odart.r. ea reader a aTT, roma. apwinationt allay the aiding or inHetia, and remove the mailman. or elating awe. - 'My are ode frown omainaLica of same gehualiespec want, pritagh sod are sepal,. to. deeds Hag ist me kr th aw eomplaints. Hundreds opals boo deeds ofartifestst han tea °Sad alba . w *Walla eir tan, from than van have brumes Dom an voulnia, reve. and restored toperfea hal% hinting gaga. • Where acre omega psis in dui brat or side,rate of Sher mss'. root Dues nears (price may ISt ccubk) iambi be ..lb over adrift, ma worn tilt relieved. if alluvia median* •• few mama: or homOve Image, or ea inilliallutOc medicine, eboold 1. mad as occedia remain • ses T ib b aacstw 51M Ima lA g N es hn W bOeeßnHp OE N Ma G re S th an gamt om aale:Sae oey es v ate mom dandle„ • erdocoaaL; 'Meal damses man fain von. and manes bag end alma. suffering, mamadesilsorith • outage overhang easpetted; gams term. aro very oftes allided with them, iodate doesored for tartan corayleida %adman.? basal; lams oar doer of them Ltremivenenld spiealy firingo,oo,Winsta:-:ftira la the Ininb ortrtat, sP.n .ire bredh, mane at da awe, grinding of the teals daring • lapgaselatiThemapdenen•bout the lipswith dlid cheek, wrong at die nom,* pawing samtion at the stramb, doh a of Swat neer Cu mesa ofthe body, alight aillt dr this rings, headache, droodanit, . virago, torpor, ~slid deenni, adden starting itakep, with fright aml mummies leastilms • tricadesomdatgb, revealing., thirst, mind line, fa bed ta to in fa mouth, difilcalt breathing, pun in stmach. boo* facie, emus, sigansitimme, real cte.epietite, IMAM, bloated stomach or limbs, pill w. dietamgyairis se rations arm of the •Odyi • mar or some Weirton in the amt. loxbiai adman.. toentrdinielt, • fn &aim to Keeithin Irma the bards, ends tags iliscatganf dime end moan: 111IT6S1AN'S CAMPHOR LOZENGE.S. • They give imaidiate teller innervons or sick , heidacho serfs e f a. hart, knouts of the, epirlis, deipondency fimmtoy or putrid sore taint, bowel or rammer Ma opprissern or • sated stoking of fie cheat 'cleat.> gems, camp of. the anima or howeb. hysteried • agemsoes, and all maws direarea, d areigh the day,' end pia fame through the nigtsq. dolt. or atoll les ofrible, tharrlpm, lestitede or • woe of a.- ter ass lavelltor oe Wending hop pieties, WM the LOOM [es nay rintelatsil finpirong boopay o used after diselyetsm, willantore the tone of the win raj ead awe the napleaust symptom! wing lam bra fres Pena= wliti hem been too big lime, Mg abotdoeni their wil/ find tagalong.* ay oast& comaare of the wrap AN'S..?OOB. MVPS PLASTEH., The bastaagthening plaster ia the woad, ends tormeige ready 4te rather lamas. is the beck, loins, 1e ant, liabtegohdni Iftemotaatiankbeg%.b.e. One eugiatd rex will got supply the deadol. They rimaire *Wein= beim applatio._Warranted marker to all oth , mut for ape the meal prise, making nasally the ha, but the chphew in the world. Haled. Mkt in • fret .hones, oddsmania* a Herr eoespliefol sad diepeplis, It .hold amass ow =dills beer or slams , ' A, toddy will and grad mit ' In magi% moan, dbleaDy breathing, oppradoe of the east or .gamma, gay will ire malady moth and tier tiutti:t Yawns II sedentary baba, dr ire , decided soma duo se of Only • Loglisitg pbir Physaudgenendly reconsand tam, in preference ta ellothere,heinuee Hwy Aldan ghat bettaitmd nadara rear. la their clierathey are pandent, end mayo. . They ere am of entirely dinfereat Mandl ems from my other. and from the aperient or mil lido who km toed dam, ee via es the muted astimay of 10 the alebrated sad dnatoittethed Clap mad physicians, to hethe moot nada h ue ily snedicalet&eler. Several rand ona at thieniarstionse fo elm their st=tend tanks, at theamitmir«doa arena Doaalm. fa ter ' are so the lea edema plador, 14i.ti • In! simile of Dr.Slieneas mum. lt is imp:want Toe 0..1dd always e atSr Tbaseati's For. Mau'. Plad crra trat lir. that CI& about end dri L for :tart 713:rman% !WU" by wham& mil nod by W. JACKSON al la I l an Medicine Warehouse, Ho: Be Liberty drat, Sign of tit BIG BOOT. • ' • ja IC dly. - - .4 HAVE FOUND ONSVAHTION CAN BE CURED BY USING DR gi DUNCAN% EIErECTORANT REMEDY. . • CiscitglUsi; 0, ht gel. 3d; 11P17... Deer tin—This It tomtit lona goalie, partieolarly to them afsided ink a, diem of ihiLimp, es couniapthei that in the !petard 15111 Me ..tasked wit rimier. told width men loam mated upon my Nags Showing all the trepans of endapprambing Consomptioa My tough Mat tight end treatment, ameadsd with @apiece Maid .unto, nit up doily a tomidersble vanity Of brood, mind via lark dark otalter. My sintaboi beets mines and thom. Mg. ' During gib Cam 1 .to attended by two of ear min skalful Physkinst they did the best they could for moon. at length they pre op all hope. of my money, i Menem; ma that not intioni mold be done—that ay Imp men fee tally disused, and beyond rased', 1 ins them pnalloinkbY • hind of Month math a Intl of Dr. litissean'i Smethe raft fir.dVs *di*, bll fly 4 ' . F.4..dttg•ttllds "tlYttg that this nottherEiii would do no good, end memiti nal add mon to ..y sugaring. I told them it Mn my last and wily hope, and that if I mat die of the dorms; (which was tri dent to me,) there mould be oothieig loot. .5a I out to the CtheiassatiOdles end obtained 5 Mules of this u.Oy hie Medina*, tad toonsoneed ads[ lemming to the dine , Cr' Soya/deb, instead of telling to en soMiiag, istilanialety 'pm sue' reliecat ma mann FLe troublamine Coop • easing the pain end lightoesi in may Clete, Ong tat a sew life - sodstrength, whin tom enabled me to he about agent. • Thia media:. I:intim:A its genthart, which it to nobly thannemdoild 3 line arils amend man. - Men Inn beta inendiug to Mil Iniaimm, Onward, of 3 pars) an 4 feel ~ healthy ae I min. I bait reninonsoled Dr. Damn% go- Intermit leeway is meg inner. to thoenbegerlyMilined and it ken inns paired ammeful so for es I ban witnemed its effent: Illy Minis sung thss iseithsirm at present, gun 1, Dissesed Lin, end en gligsnien rif the Innstoshich the hag marred with Po sum time, tholes natty rearmed by the me of this Mulitim, and I am midden the 6 teethe that I tenni& ma to-day it el entinly torelne. 4Ma tarry o now that therian theinentels of ethstble' Pantile *Wing way with this dreadful ,thrtiroyar—Cckg SUMMON.— Wen it may penal. for theta to piton Ohio enePrthe in tnejlefon it be mei Wei twiny lien WO be . taithatipd and • their &males end minions amiss enders:ll. happy; This median* will gin MAIM relief. mil at Unease! Usee arres thalami and ninth I Carty name tl,lll tightomata the Clits Ora emength to the enfeebled and emenateil *l4, sad in must ern, I us arstein, .11 panne perfect nre. • .. . 4 ' AND/LEW . J.,YELTER. . . Moiligonstry,limitithat County, Ohio. • N. D.—Thatretto may not to thquaintethrith me I refit to the undiemmed. ethane of blattgamery, litmiltmema4 ty, 0., they will at eny that salastsatithe%Mahon etaletarote, cars. Ihnnan. DA DUNCAPPAWISSEgg OFFICE, kg primp.. need, when W. entembh Medina. an always be obtained. • _15014 im Pittsburgh, by WM ifiCK5O5l, corner of Weed end Many It. . , nyerld.d.ter, MPORTANT TO TII la&DlßlCtunesa I Hair Cream, a matchless article Or the Growth, .Ikrisa7 and Restoration of the Hair. ,ThrsCream, when oam knoWn. - will supersede ell other articles of the laud now Med. Where the hair is dead, ber.h.that un healthy or taming grey, a few emplicitilms will ranka the hair Mk dark, and give-it a beamilid lively appearance; and will also meke it retain as liveliness and healthy color twice ea long as all the preparations which are generally used. Every lady zed gentleman who are. in the baba of come oboe . their bait, esold at outs * .0. these bane of the llair as his no composed that it veal not iniure the hair like the other menace:ions, but will beautify It, and give perfect sansfaction in evert instance. Fin testimony to as very superior relitler, we the RevCal a :L .l l t A o s tte . ssr b s , . the Westem Steam Lend front the Re.. 11.. paarh of th e Pee s bytem. Church, Palatal. . Messrs. liendershou Stretch —Gernlcutent I i - leasure, in adding my testimony in favor of Met - Debt preperation called Ds.. Parrish'a :Claw." I Cream—ter about two years ago mt hair was veryd _ la any, and disowned to come oat: at having procure, 'a tante of the Cream, and used it according to the Ortf , K tlaa ,my bah i s it t b nlti s t.g uu .:ll fi T—rl i re Mai my is wo a rn state Man babiLi_This Crewe however, has matey cepecualows.• .1 • • -As an article for the Tinley my wife gives it Prefer* once over all others, belagdelicatelY w tad ." deposed to medlar. The ladies especially ili a the Chinese Cream to be a desideratum la their flak= tor the toilet. Respectfully, Le. Pulaski, Jen`y, 7, 1817. • R- CALDWELL • wr Bold who - leash and retail, la Pittsburg , h by John )/larrusend, Tio 45 'Market street. and Joel Mohler emir of Weed and Fifth w. • Mohle r 0 51,51 L IV 5 All SSIOAII IMOMTASILM ILENOVATINO PILLS. `For %Dement, year, emcees Up making We Of Mr. Seats Renovating Pills, I have angered extremely from DlSPepalk and an meld Stomach. I lave Atada no, Of a gica variety of Indictee wiiDoet receiving benefit. - Abets three months mama vonm." 4 ."" Mr. Start .14edicine,'rehich bas cestrely tclieved me from acidity at my montacp, and tatted 100 to condor table health. Rectal of my friends liaditequaintans... lame made me of the Pills, and Welted mice benefit I'm" em. I PI, with cooldones rte./New! Mem. • ' JANE A LEK,AI 7 Illubon -.Seld, wh o l esale end retail, by II:A FARNEITOCIE a , IA eerie: of IM snd Wood, and Weed andStb ms. DOWDZIILZD B.HVBABIL—Six :e!iava ltdia, jou teceivcd'abd ale bl oc • • - , epnbat 4,1,0041.11/1 PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, :PIOBI43IIED DAILY, 110.WEELLY WEEKLY • 40. Como Saila/sr, 3 44 , "*"__ 10 " Pr'is t 0“ . 34.ATIDS, Apingwitsina. Oie insertion or 131 thee, or leo' ,10 50 Twoiosertlons withoetalterationsoi 0 Three . 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers