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' ~,/, 1 ,4 .: 4‘. , : i: ', , : - .''',i.1 , . , ,....,;. , :i;:, --- 7 .).t ., ;r::: , • 4. ' - :ir"", . - ;`) f -...- :"' - '...,„, ..,. : , 0 .1 , , -... ‘..:. //' ..... , • ' :ii -- EMM liVnt-':,,L::4,',.....--:::4--*::-L..,.:,., .. ' , 0 ' ' ' • -.‘• IMEX) IL jos t rowed WoJM to los tomer Imo so. ...rhmad„ • Itcolt lat=e.=ttlick=o •••:, .1.11 .06 isy l altrk:g i t . ....kaz i r . ,: d d„j , ..., =vim as wAlsostrousa ea Orden , t t • ' t !MTREL/011!!! t o nt • iniutx.:a. a d a but vjge mP f l i . a4 .4. ll.tountst rinuowlmaist im. 4/0.4 14VIA: 14461 0 iri litit-iiiirtas.V:allers ch , f4kmilitiodi • - '--0411111e , - t -••• 4 --: „ '7= ' •A, • , ; - : : : ,,,.. 4. ~ ,i„::, •,,,,„. ' • I . £ITOWS arrature.L. azusror, . HUNT'S-. LI NIMENT i • ' • ?u'w...v0.gt, , r1.= .„ , be, the IN hALlABLE 111 Affections, Coat:al:tic= of the Muscle' Sore rfroat sad Quinay,lssees,ol4 Uleen,Pains'in the Back eel Crest, Ague ih the B=l Face, ToothAehe,lSpralse, iiremehhs4ll - (.'romp, Prated Peet. and all emu Oiscues' The TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which has t• • .tuded the 'eche:aloe of this most WONDERFUL MEDietivElei curing the mostie Ter* moos diSerent fracases above ed ludthe.l4l(il4l Wes ENCOMIUMS that base : tn ben bur:reed upon it, where has Irwin ramie:eel, gives me the right 4 to ear on the AFFLIC PED to resort at once to tbe ONLY REMEDY THAT CAN BE RELIED ' Ernie faulty elite is recommending the eel.. , clad External • Hient'alablearint. The following letter from the highly eminart Physicians who hue beesrattached to the Mount Pleasant State Pelson for many yeamos the beat evidence of the value alibis celebrated Liniment , Sipe Soo, Decernbei X,133{6. My Dear Sir—l received you note.of-jute:day, ardihig my (moron in relation to Hunts Litiliout, asprepare! by Mr George E. Stanbin. Knowin ll . g ',composition, sod having. Inquently- used It' 1 eahrecommend It to you u a safe External Reme ,d.f,had in my opmron, the lest. Liniment now in use, Very , truly and respectful Joel Col Pune Yen Corthimit, iliroton Manor. • I folly concur in the abotrroonuon. A BELCHER. Yoasyows, Jan. 14, 1845. Sli—lo reply to your letter, 1 would say that I bays used your Catena! Remedy, called Hunt'. Liniment, in my practice since you made me ac etaintedwitbits comciton,and:nhclitatngly ay belteve Items dy now in use for thecoeudamta for which you re commend it. Yours reeputhrlit, BEN/ D MILLER,M. D. 07Among the man of worthless articles and humane that are poured forth at the present day open toe amotry, it ia realty refreshing to find something ol red practical utility, sotaclidu.a file, Speedy and effected is its operatio ai able same time free bote those injurious effects sy,„hith generally attend powerful remedies. Heat's - • Liniment, prepared by Geo. Stanton of Sing - Slag, 'hoop it has been bate shut hoe before the pablic, has already obtained tbeconfidence,not only of our, most wealthy and inllsential cozen., bet ,oar moat etelsent physicians'. All orkeowl. edge it lobe a sewerage balm for many of the ills -that Dash *heir to, soothing the aching limb, and by rtstecatuesthaulalleig ialleence,banubing dre Mr...Skidoo—Su—auks you ' r advertisement of HenVe Lisimeet, I woo {educed to try its elects on my sue, who _had been crippled with a. lame Anaheim an infest; -Rod kis meth.gratitude I bee teslibiony to its wonderild healing properties. My child, who la stew in yews el age, is now in a fur • DEMMON C NIeKERSON. Pelt Olllea, Tearer/la; Pate= Co. 1 certil} tIA I as personally- acquainted with Am shore sued eteld. and think the father would be ate in saying that his sou is almost well. • NoYS, 1845. Deputy post Master. P. S. I would aloe date th at I halve been for a • ember ofyeirs subject, to Ireirvent atucka of the ,Rheonsation, which In deny instures preuntai an *tie to my buinees- • Two or three spoil. 1' to La invariably allow of Liniment ably remove all al ' feetkins ol , tbe hied. In cases of braises, sprains mad sores; toe earner:nee to mention, pit has In the vicinity plated a certain remedy. Its value can eltlatated by thou who have given it it fair ',,,...Tbis,Ltaimont in sold it 86 nod 80 tents per bot., ?Oa,by all , the Principal DA:gents and Membstan dutimtbottl the entinuy. . • • Whokezk . .dgents in - Neto . York. . . .., ; •. - fIOADLEY, PHELPS & C0;142 ,Water .. RUSHTON 11r. - CO, 110:ornodway. • &H LO SANDS. center Fulton and Wass. ASPINWALL, 86 William street. Orders eddressed to me at Sing Sing, N Y,lrto be attended to., - GEORGE E STANTON, .• For 'alibi Pittatiargli by WILCOX, Jr, and .1 XIDD & Co.Ca Annum City,JOHN SARGENT inratinirbsindoH.N SMITH: • -. • • - fet.l9 7- • - • AILOM.NOT• pATiarrs. rverei ItOBIWILN7 Mechanical Eneneer and !'...1 Agent aW poseanng Marna will prawn-the . - • - Casson Dramatis and Papers for Aeolian.* for tal ents, and transact all other busmen, m the limo of bts • sookarlon at, tha Palma Offlie. Ile la w s minted on all queulting relating o the Palest nod noon in the United • distance delannta of haying .crualeadens made at the rum OSee, prior to . fool fee bra pwem, WA atwd.(post pa.n. a =ecte a. fee of Eredollars, a clear oedema:at of their case, when itanteanne • • - tata will be &en to it, and all the inawmarlealhat - • weld be obtained bra aloe of the Ivo beast In puma] P ,.. "" ffilf...bastness ."ftL atoss pool Paid. sad tonitiin a amiable fee:where *women apnea n reoptered. • Office on F. sueet,oppealte the y Pent Office. • -He has dm tamer of referneg, b oennission, to „ • • . Moo. Edmond Barka, OftemiSsieVer Pasentc , II L Ellsworth, law do, • no don ••• , • ...as Knowles, Macbinwi, - Parent °Kee; • • . • • Jodge Crunch, WashinavortiD G • - 110n..fl Cboam, lobo hefts, U 8 Senate .[ •;• W Alkn . Ohio. dal •::;•-•. &mils, bLevadiasessa -- . L. •.. Hon: Wilha Hall. New Tort; • Hon Ilebert Smith. AI C., aim* lion. 8 Breda, U S Senat -. . Rel4a.M C,Maaoari; • • • ISEIIINTLA‘ SWIMS. iwatestand bestviriety twernifered indite eity hebne—waado an oho most appnstred Famtesnplan— , and mom fashionable Easieto patterns and eiss. Also . 11Threltr.sratelou — orlIO5ION 171.11VD, - on land 'armada to order•of all size., and at all prWes. . • 'Quasars Merchants and when are united to ran and examine the above for themselves, as all will be sold whokaala retail, and • liberal deduction made to arbolesido'parehiscra. aIOPS—For mile • few holes Weeiers Now Vortt . •II growth of 1546—frootd to 10 coats. Alq Escorn and Western N Y, early picked, dm • Ohio do. Belmont town. • . .The general Enote2 clop of the Kalon I. tow beaw received. Bremen sad others saint Ikvo, oral fied a smell their advantage to torah their supply (mai the odergood, ow they itoeed marl) &madman the temopo at New Yoft pram . GEO. %V. Mall Co., 11111KIUMIIIIM3111:1311N04:1 • • Idt:RO'iforiegThrri,gles Mors k Third, South Ade s, •. • ' • PRI I LI/Ilse TAIPORTRREI'and Aliratelt Glaltiovand ininetialaJswelry of kg doserip . loans, qealitlee andW ley comp: hen al/ the smirks .connected with theiOa r Meta,' thews & Sarah RntaitlAGennon SS ver and Myer plated awes Sheffield and Itirmiisghara phged faney,anielee, Rodger@ & Soma and Wognabotin'a mt. . lest mon, se Iwo rs, erasers, desk Knives, to ivory handled table cutlery of. the firma, meStent and cow. -Men nathdea A huge usortmeniof gold pees, peri •fiteal epeetaclgs, papier macho and /spanned gaga, verger shapes sad qualgies, at iredseed rates, gold watch eases and silver ware of all desvrlptioin man. afseutred to order. - DICKSON k CO. having reecotlr won ed ittto the 1 6 7=1 cotorzllo . orrare tto ßons LVortaer wto Ly occ d apted .Arlithont_k. f'enntaguat, bes . leave w Inform islat b ei Doalerkero arld.Weatera Merchant., and others • that they Amp haring at all umes 041101115100/ 01 4 • • "Roods of their own L am oo which they are deter . blood antra We Im nuea - • ' InrEvery attention be pad to We packing of Woods SA SA the ezetudon of ordera, owalitlea land anew Will se-(ally gaantraled &mut all coropetstwa - IitTIFICIAL PLOWER IILAUFACTUiIIig, ~ m4,1613,5ffa-Third &nit, -tiOTZ NZ* STRELT, - ..• • /A 1 de hair„ and stut=ezezr 11 Ca , DIM Crpor., Borden, Col ts, wi ke. • Caps, la- Andrea) , demeriptice of Fancy Goods,wash he willl.ll at dm town =Met prices. -- • . 1807-Feation dred,ckaned,alted,antshaded. 11/I.OMVPLIIIPATICIIT DlntlinCT-ACTIOS • TEM Hammer peas:saes many advantages ever all eithensisseann whin may be mentioned - In blanspeableness—The raplditiry and Grime( blew my be eentiellest with the must eau, wbile the hawser Is ja openness; and the hammer seer be in. saecalitle=red :upended , a . l s ny .hel gti xnte w L. t . or .ii klaslsi gilt thetit Y ies e l iiiM e allest. eider the' sue ' Pa Smitneity Computeese sad Cheapness. : :A:pia usa all sides, by th e workmen. WM. est we made aelFinetlnp. . be 4 1.46.1 The . matinee to enema mitts ler th em of all epee nnunsabla tams. 'lbt /lather pum a inamin of . . • i. - RICk.TOWNE, - ••... . . . . . . . , .... • ~ .• Assignees of Ike Punt Conk United Owes, • ULM ' •• . ISOsillwasig Sudsy, Plitladhss . I, * •.• litilit7ii7NUAßOoN, • - Aymixas,,- UCIUIIi 'Bonen, WAOON COVERS AND GRAIN BAGS • . ; OA AAA ALICRIPTIONS 1/41. SOS SAWA Iftess Strut . . Ato . of 4. - yuson'stabiiet Tron.i . firs' oh" A LL oaten let with & S. Rom, at tbe oSet odipe Siestbilel Seßit filita i r "MI boaarta4o7 , . i .a . = 4 604C11 Chormws , lie Int of Oglej 111 MW" amos. regre6ll tW 046, 6 66 "•• = • Nod lid for ray • Motor. asocoutst Oevugoo. Iteladotof stiko ad .• . 9049rwihrill tie limicat poollitaracy $66 srei bait 19iimootarled•S 's9tearial. ,`,', ' DR. TOWNSEND'S • S AR &APAR - ILL A.. *etagrairifinimliecricin . in Me Workl. .The entree h pot up on quart bottles: S to wa tobeet chap er, plowman - , nod mammon oupwrior bas told. W enrol • damn mannt voositng t panto', noses or a ! bilitenear theim ' • GREAT RPM AM . 811111111111EDICIIIR . The inst. bonny nod ...perinea). of thlatnerniarnia ono all other Making is, whilatit lirartienta Mere it one lb Body. It is one of the 'tory bat SPRIff 0 ANN BUMMER MEDICINES ever Imo. it not only lb whole mom einnalheal the ?thaw hot Creeyd Nen, Aloe nod Bich Meat apewer palmedby nek other And in thin lin the grand sonnet its owanafid wawa, It ham ninon %tonna* too pan, t 0.,. the 25,000 rem of Senn Cone of Wooer inet ;MO of nom wen owindeml bonnahle., you than 3,000 ern of Chratie_ oR ' and Want or Energr; 17,00:1 eases of oliffernot Van& Gatophoints; • VW ems of seniala; • lAA ewes of the t.irn Gowiplaiot; n,boto ern of Dionne of a:Wary. 04 Dram 300 nore of Connotaptiow And Thorn& of ewes of Dben of the Mood, iie:l7lem, Dripoes, Saltßheuw, Alec te.,a . /e, To inner with monenneeitee of Birk Hotadadte, Yam on tho eon rad Chet, Spin Affection, te n Ste. n • no on onore,nonst appear intentible, bat on ban letters Irma ph prows endow spats from ali puis at the Salted on, infornior on of ennonof area. B. Von thuhirk, Hot.. ono( ch. mann:verbal. in !for , ark. Pt.-", Worm on that been ran to owe non Lou cut theasewl s of ewes ill lb &In of New :York, nil* we will reSer to with plenum, and to nen of eharaent. It ie thio best onedief tho treenail. of Cease hints: It ea.:Maly a Ow lb. et sore ibex • , J • n,tan bantam Tx* rani anion • As it remold the came of dhow, and jeered 'than& the Balmer nescen • • ' !Waco STASIZS OrtICOL Um. O. W. Ai ye Lux, Olt Mt UNITED STEM Nava, aad ember oil the Noir Java, Lfaislatare, has kindly seat We is ern wary. • , ••• Samar, Jas. 9..1,1547. • year skssat salt taken with ths Lla as ma nodal trhoi. gam kit to 'debilitated M.M. I was thawed to try Dr.• oarsarra's ftrtapsrdhyad shas Win two or time , bot.. ties,; winery. sash Ma,* wit Want. it =LIM, MW aaid liampsruia. .1 hats osstroonli &akin it, ski, dad that I harass .red day. 1 Wis. it awed any sad woad oar to without it taster asy smalistitoo. 43. W. Manny hda IJ.II. • lhta sortideatitasthastraly 'pond ikst thU llorstparills has mind ossuot ow Ur rood obdiasta disarm of Us; blood. „Mast roma mod h. cod h.. I. saprosedluart. • Tow Clau.stax. • • Dr. Towstamo —Der Sir: I h.ws tha pianist, to 'atom you that Wes of sty eltildres 'haw. ben eared a' the Sao- Mel* Osi kir al parr' 620111011 istdirios. Tl.y were satiart sal adnitsly4tils had sari.; Wu add tam. bar honks ; It took .thtss stud, I thal apaltiositr dupoldigatkk. • Tissoiliaftliy, 03 W Ismia/V. Cian,lomen. it. York. tiladtb 4 - GREAT REMALR 11/211CINL Dr. Tomments Sanipbriln la • sonterm. MI speedy Melpiesit Ccaraninisn, Barreasam Loassertbs, or ' Whit?, vborneW or himanatium lacontinsuot ' of l Urusei otfivolostary distbary tharoof t an no p ro. prOdn4lol,ol the ty1140111.10 OYU! amenaae no milt of intrentat.om i.iativ 74F.5.. 1 .1 , 7, aba. Nothing ea be mon mrpribior than its iarisoni../ int. cm Ms he bum, rem., altmiskoms firm bang ft, et ram lima robust sad dal of awn main in Mom.. certauseto Mir wee bream of the karaa from, ninth. War me cause of hini naesi• . •It will sot bo =pet. at an nose of so Odin. •mu tan, toandba manias. of ewes perianned, but .ma mama I. aided, Mat haw.. of ern hare Men eapmtN tom. serval nate N. Limilisiban bee. nit.. Mili aria, afier min •km . bottles of MU ...le mdirmy have bom Wan rub beatliy offrpries, • Dr.TirtIMOUI: was bang peaty di by weaklier aud paten&lmlay, lied ag continually by pain • mom.= of law al lbe omb, a. with otbeedillicaties, rad hamar boars ma where your madeaa has effected gnat cares aria. lin. no it secommirsani kir Mai mesas I Inn leratud,l edirbottie of pun Fa.= of Sanaparthis t and tamed thr dincilins pia gm ma • shortpecridt itemaared by comparais said num d b ooheath: Barg grataal W. boe3i. she reerind, I We pitman is dna ackararirdr rK ibbad nicommeming it tba A publi, of • M. D. Mono, Allmay,►irg.l 7. IBM. • Cor. C.. and Lydian [b. OThezu. &IC at /Ms _ Dr Dammed: WO view US any eamers—This is es certify fiat mlf hire end am batik of pee Ilexplarin• vreaseas to by esallecape, pier Ile sot throng poi arias. eareptosees, hems freebie: with the . tery ix( tallest,etrz foul. rery oiSehte erie;:fe' %mar Mree . Salami le te7 if, alit uk or ie mei melee it teeer, the Afedieise Lel the Isom sad Pleat •11.5toet sesly t its hours et eaellapesat, the ear ea= ol we we S drops fs fbe psy amel sees nil ek to et ea pit bar bead. basset lbw it lad lam fir . • Tong tine pr. If dm P/I tae wren pa oi uy wife dou b it. bt. the pas be e of the sadk le irat., pa are WisQymeleaars bit I sobstrise smell par met ebefliatipil &dip/ &rept. ' 8 3Jazta TO - MOTHERS ADD MAW= LADIRI. ' This Extrrl al Atergeerth ha. bees exprerly pegend its Worms to feral orrythiar. Do theare rho ho. re. eon to =ppm eha r apperetrax that error peri,i, norm of tifAn dria/4 arthat to rho it, a. it ts • arra pomades thr *ay of Ur seams rad Morro dreamt oe which forroirma selier at tha raw of tip. "This prior may be /rigor Armond pees by rag thismolitim No is glor salerths to these rho are gqinelobigt roorahoor, it Is Warred to their wars by iprolunceg Mt blood . s ad isvgarating Ur gram Weak, this eerier. he tar& arry the all olAite &Dome Aram to which 'roma re thitioxL It bee. the 1r041.4 Mitlll a rnrs plllalatal the -gath er theegies—ley serietiseg to Istry—ore rase suoinktog the mum m to palace • wtheograi to. hark% which im tha ore afoot =adhere. laths fo. platy rakers sal Dar ac. Too who kn. ralreows,doe IldWdo t Wfa Dig fses,-roaek skbi or frootioa sod aro g a r4go;* goo a eau. oc toro of Dr 'Dogwood's It mil ohnoso year , Wood, razor. the 4.. Notch* 'sod gin yoncaiheclica. "tali* r,• - spirits, sad irsatifil ri rodectioo—all of which are c....co:....Kasscalm lo aamirj ed • Nolaldar redid. re ['Sr tae tfieeeremed rid& so weedy reserblerthe pre joke or wilism in dermpory of streeitherdoi ors. of r this pier, . '6"*l. 2 1=1. .sixxcre: /141.30. Transmit: 30-1 Ler beta fAOiO far worm yaws with dysperia ia its wont foam, adored with tor mew. of stomach, lon of appetite, grams loardearn, aad ti realaversiirgo kind.of 601,aud 6r were Ord 1 - meld vet,) 1 hire bon rabic to retain but a main portico ow my sterels. • 1 hied the real remedies,. but they kad hat Irk er ret effect In vermin dirompbtor :1 was in go:adorer two redo once. to try our brag of 1400 reale, and I rot my with Gale eooddme.. but dr ern =say two hotter I found say appere erred, bad the heartburn entirely verged; and I wort eareestly meow. red the use of it to roe who here Ira ridded as 1 hare bro. te., W. W. Yu Zeno, Staten Iskeed. and the folloariag, d dealt it yogi that mammary. Gm moot be eared. Thai/ion/yamof the several heradmd mat that TommemPsSumparak cooed: - .Ler Thesesd—lbeer Erle. I ono /atm, . liuk me a par wo, with& serene conk and par la my We. It M. mama Ms OS eery but, Mika!, I arm peoemmeed by Or to lain the rpielt CaMillpligar• raised tarp mom led imam had Mglitaircabe, mai Makin very feam my &atm mid he eoold doodling Er aim von low We haptal he hop ot Wag beaduell, _au proemereed Mere tee aremiable. 1 eno soar greatly Oimmeed et Me hap met to hardly bright ; I moo beam. emaciated, sad eapemed to die;, embed my bed, ma'am riblieral to hem . • : retthen7ladeal 1 email pee yoo, soy deeriptioe . Mit =add de joMire le my ewe, I woe mapped by my fries& •to be peg money IMA tried a peat somber of remedies, `astral mead to be le ao perm • 1 nad of oar mom traoedisauy ear. performed by par medicine, mad to kit you am Imarb, I stapeted then we sop tomatmg fathom. Met Ira. Mohamed bag I dal to, and ma eery thaortral I dbl..' moot may list I. on =linty well, MO b. so Ear recovered mto be aert try trosiemi, sad hopto be ealke ly well la a the. welts. My eolith adpm uthe Ade, arid bight sereide hate kb me, morralae be may mod tip pining mymead gratertli. I MM. dray to give Maleareat of my imee, 110 poblisb Y 7 . pare., prima Bacon, 47 Lode p, Becoldp, Opinions et Phialelikas. Dr Teernsbead is shoat daily !sewing atm Goo phyl Mallifio diferast pubs of ibe Unka. • This 4 lo certify that wc,, W absicreigaed, Plysiciea al he Darya Albssi, km la minnow me prescribed D. Tosrasal's Banapstilh,Ded Wind to be oar of the mot rain* pews/Das of du Sialapiarah the mutat !bum, D, B. * .J Mum, br 0, Blum/ • D, BEADED:I,I4mM, •Ru 7 . Aril 1 i 184 • Thk ts aka" that areoh• ..d..ip.d, practicing Thammok• Physics= of km My of klbsay have o . .letrt If peasecibed DrTae.i.odb Cowed Extract of gam. peril4..d from its blown spanks, moval ncommend it te she pahlic kr martarial, scrokimaapml .there swam. di. ' MO,r pecanmes to any Mr theanvented momdim i• _ _ sins., April 4;1E44. - WA Srawraii, •i. • fride c ; , Io&s, ,, LYS Dolt A i Sas . 111sibliat e , Y; • 1 Now gedisiOndo pat ap sto bap seganwlarldes, artais a quest and sped with de niitea wads. • of le P TOWXACAD, dd bum . doss m the Old. Yeas Hs Nes York Daily Yams, of April 9,1,47. A patty appeared lads stied. yesterday. • J I was Used ' or ansaparilla Ears. of Dr Towassid. whok is tot op ea rod taste soma of Ow arsi saa boded. paatiaparabeiattfulisibiel,loadber id poll work, ia_gold, gide.* is Id da, sada ..how rarely eddisd ha Headway. Welds this toy In belied Ids .Sart of as Butiparlll= i tha * rery gnat papahrity it los arquind. • , _ . Debility; - • • - NeerYoat, Moth Y 7,1617 • Dr. Tognateadz-1 biro bees diktat moon or Mee for 3 ms, milk a dreadle/ flaking is do obese, Odium la the 1.11, kW. td epsomite, pia tboliotha, mad gourd debility, brouytit loosodOolit by du roatioval beatlearold to wit& :LI sobjeet to la ay al a dyer. !ban take. akar ime, too asteeroae to biotic", bat writhlittle crooner; na y lased by abet I taw ia dapper to Ina toot* of year atoborailloi Dom which I bad put relief I bass sloes taut arereal woo Wan, as I as oahadtatioyly it is the but tesollotael har• nor Wrsa—tba pan /a _my chest it pee, mil I Dolga/le a didereat was altogether Aare I bare Wien yoaratraperilib I ban per • better thaa sear I bad.' My wife bat lob= it with door= mndis.7 $ moold - roomesead. It 1.• • fimily maid. =load I Da coorlseed that Um widths. would aot des skkatee atria bloat melody aid so sissy DOetor's lag Dr whir It:atom , it elm giree to iW stomide sod bowels Mar .tegolis Damps deo blood ta isailltyatelsoo that Aber Is not to likoly to attack the meow, 64 - tiol/ thisewbo ars stfa oWtby etats,lny try Dr TonseotPs BaapeilL. - _ Taitasseirria, A Arlo at. • • • • °askewls Ike IlasttL • • liakrwM obi:meal of +odor child met Dr Tomos:sib Ms mod do lives at thanutla Mildrom.:.- Tbs B" rk h roing oddest., is soimesl Ikea o pat. member Noir Year,! 11,11117: Dr Toommilf . -Dsorriboi"Of my Aileron 'oe With sick wick dr Cow es Os foe& sod dome, encoded With gmai adilAy. l 4oMor war 1 ado,' sons of per neediest I,.Mes,,sedl mrol dine* isr vikb I oft mare ma 1 loe] rozy=ll ' Tears nemmtfolly, Tor Mb, II Id Eon Wood lotooe. 31 sol 411.1 IN " M g . 'eppsisisol by Dr TOWNSEND, sok Acrid for Alkelmoy JebAbblyT TLYIdIVf 10.1EPILICA1111—Tbe wrests of al his elieseises mod cheap medicine for the eme ni I Coloomylion Lod other dioames'esniset be lee Inn Vey 111U11' Hem bide been siMml by ib—[N. • For safe la Pitaboncbm dos PEON TEA Brom Forrtiriblemcnearlffomb obro Me nnj eon re 11 r ighonmaNrrimu o..mtethervqtri. D 1144-41.11 yrs , - Iduie4 ver 1 - rentlismairiltdomrell auks Moe awn *Mae Waisted PM; 'icy us won bewnsail • ( ..ilt ibme-yoothey.,..oktibeak Pb, Vir v CAnte rr. or varat.4 , tuft . TED— MI Tidijireptrage• ilauli • ". sal dr? . Atiairluenkr *I. *Usk Peolls7o•4 .1 " .1 i, e . 0 , 1 ,0t,RA At . -~: I=M;l= MEDICAL. 0141 1:13 . 131R 7 T41 - ua spansinazio vaaLaßaiTitio vOR relieving the pains sad Angela incident to . Prepasey aid Child Birth, which insures the pas,' and , enproiracted princess of the function* of woman which Name, when uainhuenced by the lupines' of civilized life, intended should be perfor med egreditiously, with little pain, end without nb sequentindopoeikon. • Dr Bordelapia during his Novell hi Ana, °derv ail this remarkable fact. That Wawa:lee of thou' countries are peculiarly different from all other lauds, in this respect—that they are free from the pains and damsels which make the period of Preis esincy at abject el so much anticipated suffering and risk. Curiosity and the Purl for Scientific din:oven ry prompted bun to Investigate the cause of this re markable exception to the severe trials to which the mimed 11 - Males are 'generally subjeeted, and the result was the discovery of the fact that the women of those coeutries were in thshabit of using during the tubetag of Pregnaney, certain plants which Gave faculty of imparting_triat degree of tone ' and elasticity to the nerves adffblood vessels of the Uterus, or Womb which enable. It to perform its (Unctions in all their native simplicity erection and freedom from pain. - It is a @flagella fact, also, that the Indian women of North America are la a remarkable degree free From these pains and ringers of pregnancy aid child birth to which the white: women -are subjected Whether they use the same pinta as do the wridee at /mile we comet tell. Certain it istbactbe fact is no less remarkable than tree. This Remedy's now estensvely oiled throeghoul Prance with the most marted 'ocean and many (a. male, who were onto siesta through apprehension; of the deepest comeqeeat to the state of marriage are now by the i.e of this =sheltie, performing the duties of wives and mothers with eirodort and It at this lime now Brat presented to the we. of America, by Dr itordeloque, through his eole agent, Dr A C MORTIMER, mite feels con fident that independent or its intrinsic merits it will reconuneed Melt to the moral pert of the commas city, as it is fell; circulated 'to do away with that horrid crime of whiph some, through fear of pain. of child are : guilty, (the production of , preen. tire delivery.) 'rho medicine is also remarkable for remedying that hitherto incurable disease llorrenneas; and A. 'loom caantant accompaniment' Fluor e fact that' related and relies state of the Womb which accompaurlei this disease is never telt after the 'shortest use of thie medicine.. This medicine is prepared is each as way as to be agreeable and Pleasant to the taste. ' Dr A C MORTIMER No 36 I-2 Llapeeaed at.; fltzir York, has best a jpointed sole egoist for the United States, by Dr Bordelogne. NW is the only , person is this country .whollia oothoticed to vend this iwialeable 'medicine, as the following letter mill 'emit (htuulatuifrona tie Fratels.) Pawn, Jane lOth,lBf7. • Dr A C (dean enr—DearSis—According to the agreement entered Into between to, I wish by this letter to gin yea that tonna authority to roll ' throe/boat the United States, (my Remedy for re hones the pains and dangers incident to pregnancy and child both,) which it is necessuy for you to hare to satisfy the public &its genuinenne and pe. • my. •As yea are aware the gasmare of the nee& eine to the hilltedice of,tbe sea air obliged me to send it to you in air tight treseels. I bare aloe sent with it, aaMicimen of the manner in which it ie put op In Pane.' In like *manner Mould mob it to sp pear in the United attn. Sir, with greal respect I rennin your.. F E BORDELDQUE, 111 D. 1' S-4 also seed yea s copy of a letter received by me from the Royal Academy oftScieace, in are. (Troukdedfroin tie 'Frestik.) Pan.. Jan Z.,1816. To Al.kflinnaoutry—Sir—The commission ers of thoffcsaeosy have appoiated the naderageed Irooktheir comber, as a committee to report repot. Jag the menu el tee remedy laid Wore mi by yea (In relieving the Fans and dangensocideut to preg saucy cad child birth.) Several eminest-Surpons hiring iibmitted to the Academy the , regatta ol their tapering, lathe use or year remedy, we has. tea to lay it belbreyou, believing It pen the hest decision regarding as claim to dietiaction, and of its peat value,' that entheryou or the subtle could have •Mished. Whatever influence this tidily myy 'pau ses on the member. ol the profeseion will exerted to farther that adoption of this remedy into general ale, which as a setentstie discovery and an unfailing remedy, at ea richly deserves. Eight Physicians having need Una medicine, each in Buy cams of de- Arend it entirely successin 'in promoting a remarkable sale and easy delivery, free fiom pale and damier. With the exception of three patients of Dr Briquet there we. a perfect mummy from any stdisequeut weakens or dinner. sae of then three a laboring woman who had iset with a sonny fall a week minion to delivery, was takes immedi ately alter that event with a proftuo hemorrhage, which moo with difficulty tweeted. The other two . mallormallotis of the pans, were 10 no wise relieved •of pain. These Jew nuptials In so great a number of cum as lour hundred, now the undoubted effi cacy of year remedy. and have determined us to give it that recommendstion and anion' which is due to it, and the fartherance or soieetille media eine (Signed) AI BRESCHET, MD. I. MAISEDIIIE, DI D. Coen r of the Colnininionefs of the R. Academy ietScience., The public are Cacti:iced against porchasiag this medicine Dom any petvoss except of the sole agent •Dr A C Mortimer. WM 14 Liameard st, rims York pat up In packages 'suitable I'M being seat' by twit to ail part of the COUILIty. Price Two dollars a package containing fall di , rectums. Person. desirous of obtaining this Great Remedy who reed, at a distance, can do to by forwarding Two Dollar', poet paid. to • Dlt A C MORTIMER, Sole Aged for the U sept.l7 - 9e , No 36 1 , 1 Lisenard at. New York.' WbYDII:Th-1,3 BY'S SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PILLS are becoming to universally popular First, Because therms prepared by DrAV B Lei dy himself,• regular Dmorat, Chemist and Physi cian of Philadelphia, who knows the nature, the quality and character Of the Medicines used in his pill, and their adaptatian. to dithue. • Second, Because the public Eau take:them with greater confidence than moat other pill. which are prepared by persons ignorant bother medicine god disease.. Third, Because of their combinedsillects, proper tine not contained in any other pills; namely, pierr tog (rem the stomach and borrels all unhealthy sob. stases., and at the same time pacifying the blood and fields of the body. Fourth, - Because they are the cheapest and beat medicine known—kaingle hoz costing Nan cents, and containin& 40 pills saving to persons as many dollar. olt.times in actor's bills, and sramerons ,ntedicines bought & tried on the recomenindation of other.. : • WHOLESOMR ADVICE:. Wbeoever you hue acclaims to take any medi cine, do aot be trilling with roar ceuatitulion by ,tryiug all Mods of pine or other meriiiincliyou see punliabed mod roeuramenderl by one and another but . take at mace Dr. LeidAia Sarsapiri/ki Dlodd Dias and yen will not hevs ocemion to' take northing else. They will lawn. he found goodie •11310.t a1l worms oi disease, innamstiou of the stoulac b, bows els, liver and intestine; 'cramps of the _stomach; colic, Watertiniste inward lawn, foul breath, bad taste is the mouth, boor eructations and 'ilbidity of the stomach, coetivenest and indigettion, w)nt of appetite, b [love adectimm. diaesses or the s lees. and kidneys, diseases of the skis, scaly ens ioad dry'and watery pimples or blotches of the lace son body, letter, nab ,prickle heat and nit rhoem,beild ache, giddiness, [Meitner, pains over the heart, of the brout, sides, along the back and spine, rheum. (tarn and gout, liner' or Oil Mods, small pos. varier. load. meanie . , scrofula,erysipelsa, and in short they aro good in all disease. having their origin in the stomach, liver, and intestines, and impurity ,of the blood frj•Twenty4re cents • Box. Sold Wholesale sad Retail II B. A. Fahoestock 4 Co. comer of Fne and Wood, ako comer of Sixth ;ad Wood streets. Doha. Vlti r lt - O - FIR.A, Mel) bIaWFULAJUD .Itir IfiGS. , —Scrolula in all its multiplied forme bether in that of Sing'. Evil, enburgements a the glands or hones, Ooltre, Whitt Swellinga, Caro= Rho matinen,Canier, diseases of the Skin or Spine, or of Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from one middle same reuse, which in • poisonous principle more or ler inherent in the runt rystem. There. fore. miler thin principle can be destroyed, no mdi• "al cure coo be effected, but if the principle upon which the disease depends, is removed, a cure muster necessityfollow,eo matter under what form the disease should manifest Wien. Thin, therefore it the reason why Jame'. ALTZRATIVZ ie so eel venially imeeerful invemoring so nuey malignant diseases. - It destroys the vim. or principle from wren their dreams bare their origur,by entering into the cireulation, and with the blood in conveyed to the mbrtest fire, removing every putter of disuse from the system' Prepared and noldatrio. 8 South Third Street, Philadelphia. Sold at the 'Pekin Tr Simi, No. It Fourth atree. Pitlibatgb tumid SCRATCH. SOFLVIVIi. a „ . Terrsx ITCH. SALT RHEUM, &e -Who would for a single day wretch, when afeiewil with the Tenet, Leh, or other dlseartee edam elan, if they knew who world relieve =deem them. . . . . . 'Ti. horrible to be obliged to rab and scratch whoa elate bat snore horrible to nbsuin from it, yor deireaey sake, when to company. Let it be retnesaberad that Dr. DYD, TETT= and ITCH OINTHINT is the mat efflearloas of my other prtparation in calque/ la_ eo ring the Teuer, Deb. and other disease. of the 'kik. A. alfdistases of the s kin Mast arise from Om impurity. of the blood sad beds of the body, and where nen Da.' ease be of longstanding . an d the constitution erected thereby, If Dr. Leidy's BarapuUla Wood Pills bb used with the Ointment, they will more wry case whatever, and if they do Dot, the money will he relented by Dr. Leidy. • Afar ewe, bourne', will be effectually oared by Dr Leidy% Tatter and HA Chatmenti unlearn the whole eysurea is impromawd :by the diseased harems, which will be eminently canted Ohm the num by Dr Leady's Bared Pills. end the stunting of the side hear ad by the Ointment. Price of Oitrtment 23 mete. Fai side ay El A FAHNESIVCIE t CO wen toe woad t from Ms • NO CURE NO‘ AI. not. CULLEN'S 'IN D N VEGETABLE REMEDY—Warrsated ti e eare, or the moo. retinsad. This medicine is pared front an Inv Can Receipt, obtained Dom on of them in the Yu West; at great espenaq., 'Those who have been familiar with the Indians, know that they can. and do cant Vattern' without Me- knowledge of Man eery, Balsam, ot•Yinything of the kind . , sf. dieted have now an opportonity of being cored *Shen like. ens of Balsam.. This medicine is t ouant to the taste, and leaver no smell od the premed by ROWAND WALTON, aad eeld wboleaala told Mail, by J. T. Rawaad, 976 Market atteet,Philad'a. Par tale iI Pattaboara aptit 6 Bellew,. 67 wood in,..4.04 by Wy. Tbortb2 Marital yt. - - eththa Ile. - r1 sae% Wens. NIB , isto anti Way . by Window vial of Doetor J:adabeyWordi Speolle, ekdklef /duct Skim% paned gym,* of tio worms, aad.by Ws wee said salleis• aOW Ma Pam/ 14 1 1 M:rm Ii Indribr don Baptism, maim . en* 0000. I ridikdoe two dows Yids. • - luta/A:TN We op Wood wredVildd . . .., , . ~,• . .. . . , . •f1;' ,,, ..;' ,; - - '. , .r-,- , fe- , :' ,- . - ...1:.•4i. , :f.:,:p..., ~..,,-.;:.,..-;'-_,..,...,.; ,-, ~ ~..z.:,-,-,..1',:,24,,,..;.• ~ , -.".i. , . .- 4 - , .?, , ,:i. , , , ;....:, , ,,,;;;.,,,,,-,, - , -,-,W44.„....-74)4i,.,3V.10...ag.v.,--.;',§;,,,,-..,..:-.-Jl,',-4,-2.,..;,-...,•,'!:::7.-,---'S.,,'''''''''''''',r<7%,:Z",.v . . MMTd": DR SWAYNIPS COMPOUND SYRUP OP WILD CHERRY: A certain and safe cure lor coughs, cold., imams; Iguir complaint, spitting blood, pains lathe ;free or bresst,nereous debility, whoopinueoug '6;5 broken CODlCaillioll, CONBUMP• TION or any disease of limiting. or r bread. Header are you edffenng with a cold or disease of the • I • leap, try this remedy, you will not per. baps regreeit. It will.arrue all those diusreeablesymptoontieh strike such terror to the mind, & prolong year oil, Beware of all preparations purpoitiug toe Ulaiii Wild Cherty.exeept that bearing the sigueturefor Dr H•Seraldre.oo the outside wrapper of each hauls, u they are gaits likely destitute ol the kiticleifrien which they borrow a name. = • Read what if Aar done! 30,000 DEATHS BY , CONSUMPTION Would perhaps be • small estimate for the. ravages of this dreadful dimare in a Jingle year; then add thelemful catalogue of those eut off by Infirm. . bon ol the Longa, Hinnorrhage; Anthem, C ugh& Influenza, Bronehitis,and other diainam o the Lungs and Liver. . • • r And th e list would present an appalling proof of the latality ol these two classes of diseum. But it is Important to know that nearly all of - this • rend wade of human life might have been .pree :wed by a timely we of Dr. SWAYNE'S COMPO ND SYRUP Or WILD CHERRY. Tb. medicine - Ms new:been before'lbe pahlie know Melt )can, and is the, original prepaltion from the Wild Choral Tree. Itn menhition m remedy for Coven, Colds, Bronchitis, and Con. mmetionef the Lungs based entirely upon ite Miriam merits, owes but little to inflated newspaper p 011... Those who give it trial, being benehtted by it, recommend it to their neighbors, and ithus gradually and sorely built gained an enslable.repn• lotion and worked its city into general ma. iOne brittle ewer fails to core a recent cough or old, while witb strict attention to Me directions lhak ac. company each bottle,ita toe ikpalmonary disease. of !wag etatariug and of the makalarming chrrac ter, has olwaya given relief, and - in • wary many ioetaacea hoa effected complete and permanent cites. • Dr. SWAYNE'S Celebrated Compound Syr. upof Wild CAerry. . Read the most remarkable cure of Consemption ever placed upon record— r Dr SWayite—Dear Sir: I feel it a debt of gratiimie due to you—ode dog to the &filleted general y to enemy humble testisnoity do favor of your cont. poundfiyrop,ol Wild Cherry. SMCI three re since, I was violently :Decked wi th cold and isfia, =Senor the Wags, which wu, accompanied jinth a very dudiessisg crash, polo io the breast and head —a very conaiderable discharge of offensive macre from the lenge, eepecially open crammer weather however alight. At Sort I telt ao time ,about condition, bat was pretty Nee convinced (bat I we. rapidly going into cameo:port. I grew daily weak and at length was scarcely able to walk about or ape* above • whimper, mech. was thh exceeding, wsaknen army lungs, Dunne this time I hadlited• T 160411 prepandons and preeeriptions, hut tountoo relief—growing all the time worse. Jest here I as advised and pursamied bye dear Mend to Wilmingr Menlo make atrial of your Syrop of Wild Cherry, I most confirm that previously I hod been prriudie ed agaiust patent Medicines, and t am still against those corning oat of the bandsof empiricklbut ti odemuodieg your claim, to the profasion ••d practice-of medicine, and having implicit* the saying of my friends, I lorthwitn perchere,i of Dr Shaw, one of your agent., a few bottles land conamencedrta use. My dime. at this thee teas of twenty or twenty Ste mantle' standing, Goose. gamily was deeply seated. I found, however. coo. side/table relief tram the blat lour or tire botdei Rut being &public speaker I fierpently attempted to preach with my locreasieg erength and theriby ruptured those vessels Nat had already . bewurl to heal; in this way, doubtless, my core , was greitly retarded. In cemequenee of acting the. mime dainty I had to me 12 or IL bottler before I eras perfectly restored. i bare no question, a lunch smaller umber of bottles would ban mode ,me weed, but for the above indi&cretion. The Syrep allayed the feverish habit, did away the dilemmas cough, put a stop to the discharge of matt.. Inen the Nags. and gave themoodtheentirceistert gone health. I have deferredoffering the certificate still sow, for the purpose CA, being perfectly Welled withthe perenteenell the care, and now thit feel perfectly r it with pleasure. REV. J. P. JORDAN. Dublin county, N. C. CAUTIOII WAUTION! Mold ill opericao prepAtoons of Wild Cbs . meth ea &looms, BitteroSyrupe of Wild Cherry, Pills perpcorting to contain Wild Chem , . ke, dm, as they are all tic titioes lerrotecatcsfeit, and contain none of the rimes of the ariglosl sod leonine pre petition as prepared by Dr. hwayne, and the Bret ever prepared in this coaetty. Doctor Swayne's Compound Symp of WILD CHERRY is comported of vegetable ingredieets, the Wild Cherry, aed Toth. et medical eulteteures aptly a efbcaciaos, if not more so; the whole are so ellectuelly coocentrafed an to reader it beyond all doubt the moat pleasant, otrengthening, and effectual remedy over diecorer ed tee the can of Pulmonary conoumptien, and all dioceses of the Lange and Breast. The' very fact, from its bowleg ouch a train at emulous imototaiv, stands to prove its great curative properties. Therefore, innlids, Inquire for the top P*Vl ration, each bottle of which la covet Ma beau. tifal wrapper r witb a hkeeem of Wit ram Penn en. ;Fend thereon; also bearing the eignoture of Dr H. herayne, theicausterfelbag of whicti will be pin., lobed as tottery. Piepered only by Dr. H. 3w , W corner or Rocs Street., Philadelplea. , For sale in Pattoburgh wholesale and retail by Wlll. TE10R14,53 Market street, • , OGDENdi SNOWDEN, corner :hod& Wood sta. B. A. - FALINESTOCK & Co., &doer of I,t and Wood and 6th and Wood streets. - S. JONES, ISO Liberty street • JOHN MITCHELL, Allegheny. eity. And by all ntspectabla Draws& and dealer, In Medicine, thronahout the Caned States and Cana da. . reptl9: It NEVER FAILS! Dr. CULLEN'S INDIAN VECETIBLIS PiNACEk PERSONS afflicted with Scrofula, Hines Evil Cancer, Erysipelas, Old Sore., Ulcers, Totter Mercurial finesses, or any other complaints arising from impurities of the blood, ere requested to read the allowing testimonials, in proof or the winkle. 11.1 properties of the above named medicine. READ! BEAD!! READ!!! - - Wc the undersigned, having visited Mr. In Knack... Jr. it , thb Mime of Mews. Kowand aJid Walton, SM Market street, Philadelphia, comidit hii ease the man remarkable one we' have ever w't. :passed or heard of. Hie disease was SCROFULA,aad terrible moat have heed h.: twelve years' eondiet with the di tiro o r!- HisTslate,t!,• entire roof of his mouth,Ntwe, UP per Lip, and lower Lid of the Hight Eye hal/chorl destroyed, his Face nearly eaten up, ”d part of the Jaw Bone earned away. And yet we can gtrcha desenption of his cue. ?dr. B. informs no that in January lan, the whole interior of his, mouth, as well. as rem o( his far., was a masa of deep and painful ulcers! On the lith ofJanauy last, he commenced taking Dr. CULLEN'S INDIAN VI:GETABLE DANA. CEA, which checked the disease in • few day., an' e from that time the mire has pmgreased without, in tennitium. New flesh has 'applied the place of the deep al ter., and though badly diiiigured, his laze I. 30.4 and his general health restored. l mimed that the treatment of M Broois'esaa, DO Merearials,Ointments, or Calm. &indication Di., been cised,—iii ' , ANAL t ALONE, boa arrociht this song/Vol ehangh Dared Smith, Backs county, Pa. Charles L. Wilmot', Meadville, Crawfilid - cors.. J W Jones. Ai D South Second street, Philo Jacob Lee, Pemberton, N J. E W Carr, 440 N Fourth, above Poplar et, N. L. S bileollougb, Lanaurter, Pa. R 111 Maddock, U North Eleventh at. Philo. C W Appleton, Id D 49 Booth at. do mothy Caldwell , Marion co. Missouri. ' aniel Yeakkl, Cheroot co. Pa. John Hanred,39olligh street, Philo. %Villiom Steeling, M I), Camden, N.J. William Hale, 370 High street, Phila. J H Potter,Manufacturer of Mineral Teeth, 109 S. Ninth street, Phils L A Wollenueber, Phi Ll. Democrat 277 N3d street, 414 George %V Moor, BrusiMaker, 317 Market St. Ezra Carr, 199 Chown street,. Phila. A D Gillette, Palle of Eleventh Baptist Church, John Bell, Ens BMW, Philadelphia, (North Amer; ezn ofliee.) Aaron Sand', 165 Otthruiae Street, Phila.. - Daniel Merl iniehlimiler l / 4 t Ailey, do ' Andrew Sweats', Camden, N J. B 11 - Eirans; West MOIL Richard B. Yonne, Oildar,lo9 Market at. Phila John W Ashmead,6o South Siath street, do TS Wagner Lithographer, 116 Chesnut 'treat, do B J Benoit, 13 Eleventh street, do Penn Siren Smith. Editor Native Eagle ! Joel Bodine,i Glass mound:mu, Villianntoon William Steely Farmington, Van Buren eo. lows B Coio: M If, Booloor MAIL ' • Ronal Cantle_ Phisiologist, Philadelphia. Thomas P S Rod .M 0, Budd:wink Pa. 'Peter Wright. 259 Market streets Phila. James W Anwlio , 103 Filbert at. do John Good, 174 Spruce at. do ' William tine, Pastor tit, Paul's 61. E. Ch. Catharine St. Phila. John Chambers, Futurist indep. Church, Broad it do Sanders„Pablialter of Pledge and Standard, Phila. F P Sellers, Editor Olne Brlneh, Doylestowin Wholesale and Retail by &roma Walton, prieton,376 Market St. Phibidelphist R &Sellers, 67 Wood at. Pittsburgh, Pay The it,63 Mar ket at. do.; E B Penn", Monett*, Ohio; !eaten & Sharp, Maysville, K YyJobn W Danenheit et, ts Cis:, Ohio; Melt & Beeves, hfadiaon lityCNobleLoa. K YiDeveroaek - k Pollan, St. Louis, Mo• PH McGraw, Natchez, Min; Hardaway & John atom Mekstitugh,do; CharlesJeikins, New Oriels Lao . • • ee3 -- • • Hatband's Celebrated Plaid Hamill. • rhi: I. Vio: l =Vi da =4,.ti Wee* mows ?lid:V/J vokli t iofthe finest pn bo=loictikit4r=l,l3r„ „„; Marc► tabl. k rafal of dm lohipaio ise q nly • z."="j k lb r rFAlNta r Ma id ar d. mIL Oine lual Wad and . oil CAA NLlLlLLA—Briatol's Coaap. Fluid Flu r='• Comb. Fled Ext.Sysupurillsi• CiupeatecA do. • do; Townernd'a do dr Commonly on bwol and for Bala by BA FAIINWAL TOOL& CI, minor ad Arm and wood and wood and S te"' "W ' 3111 L 1 ... ,,1 . 0/n Mu DLL ladleimandond I amine .m nom Ton manias sold.: I bate ailad et MI.I Ikon dam; and it au glosa **mum lo oran and IL Bond snares orlon dananant, . . . Yam mandolin. XFINXY MEC ?roan and oold by It It SELIJIIt& o. 47 Wood at Bold try Dr. Omni kb Wald* aid D 111. Cam, Al. *OWN ._ ~ .. i . • APOONTAIN HOTEL. ‘•-• 'I• LIGHT. STREET.. 'BALrxmo*p; FOBS k THURSTON, Priprieiori.' zivnls establiahment longand widely known as being I. one of InemastedmmWbos inthe,city of Haliimoie, his recently and< rennet eery extensive ahernuons end improvemeam.. , : Ao ontire,, , new.wMg W been added, ~,,nieingsminerousand any electinigipansaciasotee caterd. bathing mop. wies , department has also hien eompletelyle organised iind.fined up is alum milqae and beautiful sty lc. Id fuer the whole atinsigementoCihe ouseims been - remodeled, with ayingle eye on the pest of the proprietors towards ittie corder* and um a( their Gaesis, and whlekibey confidently - wen will dial. leokohgee no wtih any liote I, in the .11.htion. - S Their table will always be supplied with livery sub. Manna! and io lnar 4ii io th i c i, Searket r eemed up in a :1111fa 4orpiused.. In conclusion the propnclen bi,g that 11i:get will be lel undone on their part, and on th e pallet:their minute, to render this Hotel worthy the inentaued patentees of their friend., nod .the peblie generally. Iliaprlcee tor board Jim also been ri..llated to the !' .ll° s , Ordinary, per day; Gendemens , . . ... no N. Par s Oapnge Weggon of the Roam SOHO ways be *inn at the .Car and Sleadboatl.l4lAlo4 iglu a will convey . . bagyage to and hem the Hotel; fret of charge. my:SW SITREIET _ElGGladd s 0{110116.1•11g r GIGO—The aahaeriberckaviag parebasad 'en tire interest of CM. G, Y Wilhamon, late of this well known evtablishmenfi beg leave In •Ilito to their Meade and the public generally, that they have taken. this eommodioun Howl fora term of years and will exert their best energies to Make it a deamble home fprTrav ellers and City &Milers. The Hotel to s pacious and admirably planned for ventenefi, light and nq having a siumbeetif pulora &Opining chamber., 'rewriting automat mutations to ramifies. Theipmeentiroprieters having had the expenenee of 'bear' in %kitten) . and elseerhem,biiipethevyrill be elite gve general satisfaction, betas determined to give undivided attention twilit boost alone. ' Theloration of the Pearl Street !loose a uneotomonly eligible,-bavingfronts on Pearl, Walnut and Third .ts, no that it is coning desirable in view.of the conveni ence of busineu ranter retirement fof private boarders. It is near by the Bents. the•roat Other, :he Masonic !lath Odd Fellows ilatt;and but one square distant from Main street and m two . se items Irom the Cify Wharf, thus offeriog the greatest dueemenuc especially se eetutitl merchants and genet aUT to all permute visiting Cincin nati._ : ? El!!! NOBLE _ ---- efizabirairi' - itoosie. • . Charles Street,- between Ilarket and Lombard Iltesete, Daltinderre. Tn. natiseriber having taken the above estab !Mimeo', ,oilerkhts sendees to the citizens end' 'agte generally. It le conveniently altnated de' regents the ateataboals and Railroad Depot—is In the midst of the its,, extensive Dimming hion.en-and in (net, the loceuon offer* to thaw waiting the eity,:u ena. H fly eftweDien tt . and melons as the other pnneipal oeta. The begone. now being fitted op with neW flunitere, in good testa and style, and Intl heaped to the pub c on the Rd day of April; Intl. The proprietor trans that his norm:slums drone to please, will wove to hiro a i pampa of 'the poblinpetronege, resident no wells umsmat.W W •DIX, Late of the firm of Dix & Pegg Apn 1917. • ' mylildlint • aALLLI Thy NYBOUSE,II/10 Market et ,Plule delphla—subscriber (Irde of the Washington hlotel. Ilarrisbargh. Pa I takes this method of in. feinting his old friends and thep.bbaFenerally,that he has taken the above named Hunt. 7La House he airy and anatintable, and haebeeplestenstvely altered and Improved, and the propromon - hope• by a Strict Mention to banner, and a proper mare for the roofer( of his itsitlltil,to merit and remora a share of nein° patronage. The Hoare is mutated vvry convenient for the Travel. Pladier frame mthy Moo dooraakerte the.Harristiorg and Pittsburgh Depot, and within two minothi walk a the Brdnenore and Reaallng Depots STABLIfiII at. mehr4 to the premises. Terms. It pse day. E Plll.lolllrhd. Proprietor Alkwhenv /loose, P •agnat ibr- op eansi • JORIZIPIIIOT Kb, • 10.122 custom allterr. PlitelAncLeate.. staltserthemandor the Anne( Mason ft WM, chaseouchased Ith. Janes' trumpet to this esustdiU• mem. and hope by tho strictest attention w the wants andcomfoits ottheti gusts, to merit a continua. of the liberal patronage heretofore teemed by, its komet ° ==sehu • • been dmmughly we and repair. d; we therefore reel assured we coo welcome oar friends and the yobbo to accommodations coaal to any to the city of Dhilatiplphm. • ft W BRIDGES, /TWO . JNO Dr}T. OALT•1101311 1 / 4 Corner Nola and Sixth tea, Olnehamath 'VMS establishment Is war In the best order for the I reception of the Traveller Febl.e. Having ender me a thomerh repair, darting the past winter, and having the mom experienced men In the west, - in the rations depanments, 1 Sauer myself that all will* pleased wag, call., The location le central,commodisas and pleasant. Falel 11 reedit', Cieclonati, ldarchl3,lb(7, W E MARI' N. 11.—Ahlosisgh not exactly anew Emma, it M the Sallks... new Whist on the old handle. Spell MADISON MADISON, INDIANA. T l MPTr i . th f iotM it... Wished boom, raved. y oes tn. service's, tbectusehs of Pinsbarah, .411,111 alert himself q mods, comfortable all Who ma, favor biro with altar comparty. • • poott which Pas loot been a favorite one with the fintinsien De , lera at iittsborsh, will, the coming quoit, mount &largos Reid for Omit. opentiens than heraorbore,: frons.lhe completion of the -Rail Road to Indianapolis, Mantles (=Ass into the boaraLaing region. epoltallas OD FIIIIIUGIL-Proprieno TUROCICIADELTO2III GALT 110DIGZ, Lowlswillo, Ky. RD s Tn ROCKMO It TON begs to acsatunt .11. friends that he is again leases of De GA LT II O U SE , Lonitville,Ry,,wlent he hopes*, meet all his old friends, warms them and the pablie that no efon bo imaiedio make oh comfortable wlsofaver ham with the., patronage_ lantldir AMERICAN HOTEL, Opposite theltail Road Defiot, Pratt et., 8011. HURT mr. /111111TIPf. Proprietor. (Late of ate ExtbangtWasd Sc Chu Iza Ulnas, risirto'ff. ealOdly MEDICAL. _ SUERMIAWICTOOTH PASTE, • racon T.lll . smen. • THE bop article known fur eleudng and whitening the Teeth, strengthening the gams, sweetening the breath. die. It should he used every night with • said brush, and the teeth and MOW h will only require a sligh washing in the morning. Wet the break with lumr water, or cold will answer, and natr it (mingles on the pane, when enoegh will adhere foe MC= the teeth. „It leaves& delle mom in the nn puma elost delightful fragrance to the I.=. !wands unrivalled as a pleasant.ledleactoms, eonvenhmt e nsid safe deter-16es, It is warianted sat to Inj UM the teeth, bat to preservethem. BY ..ing it regularly, It will remote thalamic and prevent ito accomulation--prevent the , toothache stremnben the gams, and prevent all diseaaca of p.m Chemists, phyarclaus. end the clergy recoutavetal II a deeidedly superior to every Ming of the kind in mag— got for enters:sates Compound Orris Tenth Paste, and observe his srgnotora is attached to each pa. • Resonsineoded by Dr. Cosa., Broadway, one of our best Deanna, and by most of the old cambia/led ones in iha.lhoted Stan" and even grenaively used by the Picihrlily of England and Fry eri A loner ,— proportion of the disease. t hare/lot mankind arise fromthome derangement alibi mambo, bowel., which a 'Smell- ow or the exits no L oze ng e wou ld entirety obviate. romans n( Milton habits ahould aL ways have a bon at hand, and lake dom . whenever they feekthe least derangement to their health. Ajodi coal. um of them Lovenyes would prevent Manmade of caws. For oaten:- xym. JACKSON'S, corner ot,Wood and TADJ>Zy Wbo Pee Coalmen Prepared Chalk, are 14 often not aware bow fsiebtfelly Injatiosts .1 Is to the skin! hosorroarie, hew rough, bow sailer, )cllow, and unkealthy the . rkm appears *Err aces mound chalk! Besides, itriodurioos,containlng•latirequan uty of lead. We base prepared a beautiful vegetable article; ',hick we call JONES% SPANISH • L/LY 'WHITE! it is perfer tly innoienk being paroged of all deletirmae au:hues; and it Imparm to the skin • nano real, boo!IbT. alabaster, clear, Leib' attbe same tome acting as a coatucuc on 4.b bin, making it•on and moon). ' Dr. James Anamson, !motel Chemist of Massa ohnshun. soya: “Aner - snalysinKJones'aSpanieh Lilly 'White, I God it poseesWe the most beautiful and natu ral, at the saute time innocent white I ever saw. I eeetetely . can Cllplitletiptilllkly recommend its nu m all whose skin•requirra beautifying! , In+Price been). a box. Dr. Sold by WALJACKEION, at Ida Bard and Bhoe !Mane, FO Liberty meet, head of .Wood, of the elan of the Dic Man Ladies, ladles, Pm asbnlslied; When you know Mot you are ermined A natural, Ilfe-like, onowy white, That you wilt.snll use eon chalk, And look a deathly yellow fri ht, The OM. e of leatither and oftalk. Ifyoo woold one a box of JONE'S Lilly-white, It weaM rive Comeki an ale/muter yet natural white, and at the time Clear and improve it. Sold - al JACKSON'S, ea Llheny at. Price lad cents per box. men ONIUMPTION AMILICITMD—Tes theme C sfilletagg'ssilth - Dlseisses et the Lussmss —This Is to eenifg m there Milani wult,Ste km pre monitory syniptoom of Consumption, SIMI have been laboring for mamal Zean with a bronchi, *mums of the throat and hoanenesa: I used Ming medie:nes, bat foind no relief In any preparation of medicine, milli I made am of DR. DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT REMEDY. I have been odes thls vilnable medicine the several gem, and Moray. And It to relieve when. ever I make are of IL My occupation as an Aoeuen. • • • eer, which keep. ma almost consaunly engaged, causes midisease, al times, to become very alarming, When at ones procure this mediefee.; I thertkrte take plea. acre in making this palm statement, that others affect- . ed with a disease of the lunge and expectorant organs may know the virtues of this : ..11 bellingvemody,” and may be eared. .1 hare recommended Dr. Dunean's Expectorant Remedy to many of my friends, some of whom ewe their lives to this mullein. • Somerset. Obio.Oet.l3, ISM • JAMES lIEWIT The propnctor of the itbornmedicinc would . also rater to Me undersigned pollens, vebt. revile In Perry etihnir, ha whom any person may call open and be convinced that there are mute. fund In the above medicine that moot be excelled David Calbenioo, Seinirmeb Dr: B. Some, do• Fran. Cl. Gobbet, Jarboe mt . Mr.'Larimer, do; Geo. Potherb •DR. tp; Jerold Damen, Iloovrell to. . DR. DUNCAN'S WESTERN OFFICE, ISO Fre - - more street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Sold In Pittsburgh by WAI. 'JACHt3ON, BF Whirl) head of Wood meet . Pr:nevus', May 17,1947. Len Saturday Igare a teaspoon fen of IL A. Fah• " .1 " 4 4 Co'. V.milinge m iny lINe glrl,Msho is between four and tiro years old, and during We day she paned 104Iargo mynas, ging more than a foot In length. fleeing Its erects on this eh 114,1 then gave a teoois nrll to her younger sitter, who wu oppuenllll./4 and she passed 37 wanes of equal vise. . • . .. . ... . . - HENRY CH410771 Watchmaker, NaHildield sueet - - Y. - PaHul and .old 4y H A FAHNEWUCK &CO Carnet in and imni.and lima! old 11111 401. jeS VOL , PUILLLA.II.IIOUII SCOUNDREL IiATIIOSE mean:lemma equal pule, Look at pm V fair panic wifeorith het briahminey el took at par owa, plued.with enec and bbtle! yet los are too mean to gin peat. for a cake of the EMU !WWI Ch.. 1 . , 1 &MN eh mould mutely free yea froal them, .and make yeat Icllaw atle Meer Lod Maltby. . Uo stance toJacklea's Saxe, t 9 Liberty ot. Flusher/Pond gala Cate. , N II /*admen's lithe only pima In I'llaarptirhare Ike GENLIINF. la le be obtalted. Belem of ,Llmeler. taiLL' CrOnftLEVE Boot suede in the daerviaj, rimm. 11.110143.11411•111V12 war —lbriestio. .1 Ting Grease opt; Stahl; or Yorks hes Clothes, Woollens, Coottoth Om. h.e.. and seoderiog 'the opeto w k,.. it let/TOW cleat, bnoht. me% oat oftkes. • &Id orbit OtroOtions. • e•tiee Weems cue:. ' 'Air"by WM 'emu , aurbens amt,beila ! st kis Boot LOP 14boe item, ilia of des lig Pt ::. TRANSPORTATION LINES lUCLIASOM POIMABLE BOAT 18'47 iiiii rtl MM l O I M I NSPORTEVC . ' , er TWERVIPITTSBURGH AND THE EASTERN CITIES, w 1 ]Hoof Trialisliirel [RT. rrellE improved method of carrying med by this long I Established Line,-is now so sell khoein that de• striation td aneeeessaryi Goods are not touched on the route, thus alt transhipment °rostra haodliog is laved, The Deals ars of light drought and perform thetr trip* In from 111 to seven days. The capacity °lour Warehouses enables us to stare any COMIIKIUMGIIII made toes. Receiving,storing, and sklvances free of 'charges. . Into; folly prepared to make sales of Produe,e we respectfully mulish consighmeeta ofWealefil Flour, Bacon, Laid, Batter; cheese, Wool, FC3141..•,111d abet Articles for sale, ori.vrhich liberal advances will be made mu/other metal facilities afforded, pledging our: selves that any basin.. entrusted to us shall he no promptly C.ZGOIIed and upon aa fair terra. as-by any other boom • JNO hIcPA DDEN It Co Canal Casio, Pittsburgh JAS hi DAVIS & Co 949 and 251 Market at, Philada PITTIBUROU PORTABLE ' MEM, 1847. WPM F2llllllO t riaTtle (fiee:, l' avaigirTt i renal L tip P rn " re b ta 4 ln h the *ay, and the emmeqaent nal of delay, damage; breakage and aeparanan of Arooda • . Bo= L CASH No fad Market street. Philadelphia , TAAPPE OVONNOR Oar Penn and Wayne . sta, Pittsburgh CPCONNOR k_FANontt street, Salmons A i miu & J T TAP “*WW,l3South 0, N. Y. Encouraged by bummed Matinees. the Proprietors, have added to their mock and extended their arrange ments durinje the wittier, and an now prepared to Mr ward (taiga mutt reirsdarity'and dispatch unsurpassed; by any other line. Their long expeetenoe as easterly Me palpable superiority of the Ponahle Baal Systerthi and the great capacity and convenience of the ware houses at each end of the lute, are peculiarly caleultH i tcd to enable the pruners. to , fulLl their alinements, and accominodate their monomers—confide tidy arcing; he pest no a guaranty for the future they rapectfuUyi solicit a continuance of Mal paprottoge which they now gratefully acknowledge.. All consignments's, Mare A. Moms), will be reed' and forwarded. Steamboat charges paid and Bills al tadinctrarmaitted free of any charge for Commloocu6 advancing or storage. Slaving no Interest directly or bullronly to SioaalboaLS, the Ime nest of the eOpoifaani mull necessarily their pliantly comet to snipping: west, and they pledge themselves to forward all gash! co.igned to them promptly and on the most adystu mamas loran 10 the cone,. March 1,1647 mare . I . , MENA 1847. • rzargsvz.v.asta °ANAL a stanaoAD ESPRENS FAST PACKET • MYR • PTITEDUEOII PIDLADA. • DAVTIWURE. Exclusively far Passawsw. MOB pabliextre respeethslly lawmen that nat sone J. will commence ntnntag on as about the lira wont, and centimes thrttroshont the reams: no propnetors havanow planed a sapenorriass of 'Packet. aaa ttait mad Cars on the mate, with extra acorwasswoons, which will give greater cornfori to traveLsas A fucker Haat will Winos ho is ;awl, wow is trav eling public. are segoested to call and orawsw now, presume to entmmag patinae 'elsewhere °FARE O. \' N I N E DOLL/taw One al the Packet. e leaea the lantstag,toppeane the United Slaws linte l,) ranter Pena snarl awl th e Canal, every night at OW leek. TIME 31 DArbi - For ingwasation apply at th e °Me e ,. wooongana . la Water street , ora l D LEIN:3I &Co aseht3 ror Peon street zoo tonal . TO WIZ THE Boatmen's Poitalife I int Company being di. A solved, the Company again 'teatime ankles of Co. partnenhip under the name of the "Boatmen's Lbws. and likewise agreed to refit the Stock so as to have • number of Mauler the purpose of carrying 'goods through in front six to eight Jays, with eensimy—nod feel encouraged by the liberality of last year's pauon age..tosnako more ostemive minuteman for the ca sein[ year. We would therefore Mapectfally mlieit a contims anal of oat fortitarpanommd refer Clam customers to those wa have,dime harness fat. • nil= 1847. MIMI 110ATEISIN6' Pot the transportation or ALL Intim or MILOCEUMI.I. TO AND Laos P1111..11.2.11., Damson, Now You; am, Corona SAMUEL WIGHTMAN & Co, • Corner Llerty street and Canal Bum. Pituborgth, A L GERHART& On, No XS Market etreet, Philadelphia. ELDER, OELSTON & 00, Agents, Balomore, Md. REFERENCES. • FTP7HBURGII—Jaa. McCully, Geo. Morgan & Co. W.MeColly.k Co4l A Sampson & Co, M Allen &Co, P,HILADELPIILt—Monis Penman & Co, Reynolds McFarland & Plemmr*,Basby, Peter Wright & J Ilisyhao,Joseplitenctx. NEW 1 ORE—Garnlhas & Co, Theo. Perry kCo. BOSTCN—Reed, Hrod & Co: • CINCINNATI—Adam & Crenh, W W &arbor PY. PLEASANT, VA —P A Maehier. NASIIVILLE—F Fleming. Non—All menhandiae from Newrork and consigned to 4 L Gerhart Co, Philadelphla, will be promptly knwarded free oframinmaion. febli lIIIDZPSNEIRONT. PORTABLE BOAT LINE. 184 7. ma i d FOR ' • I ANSPORTATION OF PRODUCE AND MERCIIANDISE TO AND FROM PITTS BURG/1, PIIILADELPIIjA AND BALTIMORE, U Without Tumult proent..to Good. COPieguell moor giro tll be forwarded with out delay... the lowan current s. Bill, of Ladles trwoonittod, and all inatinetkon Vpdy attended to, free Duro any extra charge foe _ or coratalasson. Address, orapply to C A LTY &Co al Dasin,Pitrabargh • TOlTAGF !laving A very large nod commode:nu warehouse, we are prepared to receive (in addition to height for atopmeol) a large mono( of Produce, Aw.on Storage ai low rate. ' C A hIeANULTY A-Co PIOKWORTII £ CO'S MINE atithgal 1847 . Mani IF C ;FlNl B 3 l l7te lr eir f' e r en Pothhu a rgT, " lrtu fs ' s ' irle t ,lo '' h A n Y e. n, Ilotlidaythatlt, Water Street, Peiersburch thid I inlet mediate place.. Ohm Bast will tense the warehnuse of C A MaAnalty & Co., Pittsburgh, every day, [except Sundays,) and shipperscan aturayscepead on havong their comla for warded without delay and at fair nom not lane IRMA formed for the special acconithodation of de way.husinass, and the proprietors reapeetfully solicit a liberal sheer of [Animas, ..... JOHN rtekwoacr JOHN MILLER II DA RNS ' ttonewr WOODS _ WILLIAM FULTY. roux AIII. I I.P.R,IIOIIdaY.i.Mb 1 • li II CAN - AN, Jolinsumni Agent,. C A MoANULTY t Co, Pinsbargh R RRRRR RCVS. ..J .3 McDevitt, Jahn P•rker, Robert Manor; tilatraley 11161116 : Istr6NOE 1847:: AMNIA plus Line being misopovedoy Sieamberibil•AlteErie and Michigan, running duly between Pinithargh and Beaver, and freight and lwasenger .Cenal • Rams, tonally( between Ikaverandllbne andennacetingarith C M Reed', Line of Steamboat Propeller* and Vessel* on the Lakes, will be prepared ripen the earliest open ing o f Navigation to carry Freight and Pamengere to " Itatri n e o ve n g l i' ' ne f ll r ig L .Zir " .to l r d veg t ;;;Cigh t and pee ten en with plomptneed add, dispatch, the propderor aedagents respectfully *alien Nun then (Wendt. and he pithily generally their patronage. C Al REED, Erie, Propneter: RREDeIy PARKS &Co, Beaver. Am* • JUIIN A CAUGHEY,Pittsbh do Cot. Smithfield arid Water stn. opposite the Monengai gatiela !rouse.' RETRO To Wheeler, Crocker & t ea, New York Geo Darts, Budido . E N Parks & Co, Cleveland . Jos A Artosteottg & Co, Detroit McClure & %Vil hunts, Nilorook le Bristol & Putter, Chtesdri • Win Power!, Powerstown, Penn% • Geo Maebelmyre, Evenshurgb, Penn. John Ma Arthur, Hammon], do • Wick & Acker, Greenville, ' do Groin & Frampton, Clarksville, do Heys & Plumb. Sharpsborgb, Pa. • W G.Nalan, Malmo . do R W Connlnehom.plesienstle, do _mars , PITTSBURGH & CLEVPLAND AEL 1846. MEW 11. Chute. G. Hoops. ,T. A almond A Co. CLARKE L CO,. Voiirardloog k Cesassloaloia Norehourta, BEAVER. PA. Tr- 'LIE Agents and Proorietorra of this - Line (so favin , A. ably known to Ike pabliehwill be prepared on the earliest opening of canal . navigation to receive prop en v y at Pittsba and Heaver, and deliver the same at an jpoint an e Ohio cana l also on Lakes Erie onable num and Michigan, with the greatest despatch and . al roar- . . ... The prOprienno or dos line conch the bachocie of thou tanner comment with' confidence, bunting that their facilities are aecond to none. Apply to or edam I* . O M HARTON, Pittsburgh: CLAMS it Co, •er. T RICHMOND k Cc C Ividand. WZITEIIBI TRAMIPOR ATMS CO. • I ngew i l f z , • OLD ESTABLII3IIF.D,TRANSPO ATION LINE, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE At 4D NEW YORK. THE stock of this lino enemata a double dolly Line of Boats and Cars, (owned by theraselves,l which are in good order. The subsenbers ant praise red to forward • •large quantity orlderchandies sad Produce with censlnty trod dispotchi Produce or Merchandise consign to any or me on dursigned. is forwarded free of any arge for commis lion or storage. Bill. Lading transmined and dll inskractionsproamtly encoded to. The business of this Line is =ducted on strietly. Sabbath-keeping prrnciples. Address, or apply to D LEECH &Co, Proprietors, ... I • Canal Basin; Pittsbargh BARRIS &LEECll,Proprietors,', 12 South Third street, Philadelphia JOS. TAYLOR k SlONkAsrents, No 114 North Howard street, ualiimgre - W D WILSON, Agent, No 7 West atreet.New York BIEAYMIL, WARREN .11e CM/WIELAND LINE OF CANAL PACKETS AND STAUB& • 'ANAAV4 1847. AL ETS TELEU 'APR /k SWALLOW LEAVE Beaver doily at o'clock; r. aner the artiCalor the steamboatßEAVEß from Pittsburgh, and arrive at Warren nest wonting in teases rot ate sups which reach Cleveland before night. Passengen will be reeciredthrangh,seeneegbenli en the rackets, and seats to the Stage, on "epithet= an' boned atessobeat Bievet, [leaving Plushest, at B 0410 C k, )14 orgithe agent,: 11 BARTONIt Co, Nuthatch . . CLARKE &Co, Beaver JIBE BALDWIN, yonagetown apt/ • M B TAIMOR,Winven Package Ezyjneiris • PltiladeliAnhw 111 f,Teni'D e z7= ' VA s= •Er esaveDukte of valuable packages of inveltsodue speck, bask oes, Jewelry, Ate, ems. Iseneed ea Manley, limb • - athe~ ; Aft iNGICIIIIT will be dispatcliedklally enju imetr ° , D MOH lea tor ens spLid Oust ...v .. (~, F ~" ~w ~ ~ -_ iIIiCOULAII MORNING' PACILICT !Oa in aLTlte neW an vzit, steamer,. Caps. Charles Hoope r eownenees hr; regular Inns Ibis day, learmg Fna burgh at 9 o'clock, A. X am/ Beaver at 2 *Fleet, r. erinneeting With. Pattsbunth and Cleveland Llnertf.Cail nal Boats dilly w Cleveland, O. Beaver, Warm, And Cleveland 'Line of . Canal Packets and Stage Coaches daily to,M'a wen and Chivelandt Canal Newt Lino to New Caltih and thiseniille, 11.14 Erie Extension Line to Ildeserkilla and Edit/. Nell, Moore k Co's Lines of Stage Coaches for Cleveland and Wooster.. leave Bea: ver dal* oa Ikearrival of atearaboal - lkavne Leta Pittsburgh. Apply to • M BARTON kON Pittsburgh !' aot 4 . CLARKE ft Co, Beaver • , ,Ausion Lisz, Blab/ 48 4 7,- ..'gXiiiit ON THE EPNITNSTTLBTANIA AND OH CIOCANLNEPIIVEErtSLRGI ANDLEYELA S, D . EN - PARKS lk GoiElesdidtai 1_- 0 7PARIIII,Seaver,Pa— p It ropietor.. . W TiMATOER, Pittsburgh, P. T 1113 " above Mae ot raw folly prepared ro transport Freight and Passengers from Piusburgh and Clare land, to say potation the Pennsylvania t. Ohio dad Oh,o . The &citifies 'sold ILltteare nig &knelled by any on said Canes, In awaken :OW capanry-of Boma, expo 'lvaco of Captain& and PrentPttnake of ARM., to.; Me Um leases Pntaborgh and Cleveland daily, itan ine in connectionrllh 114, l&cantees., am Lake Tam,. between Pitisinaiy& Heaver, and,. Lino of 6nyelas• .Bwoanboata, Yropc!- Icce, Brigs asul Ychoonent, on Lakes Erie, &arm, Blt, nnd Onutrio Ympeny foram:aka to any part of the Union with' despatch. E N. PARKS &Co; Clerelaid,'Ata • REM. PARER & Co, Ilestver,•Agte ' W T MATHER, Pittsburgh, W 2 l Cor,Wyter, Lod Eadthaekl moot, TO CLAVALABID ~1E.47:' MUM TilittrUGn - 101FE: OURE3. — DACICET Dototldvrallois and Tilegivph leave o f ver daily, at 3 o'clock., t te er tie arrival of the =Wall Bow Mae Pit:shank, a arrive at Warrea it tine for the Nall Line or - Stages, which leave namedi anely thereafter. and arrive at Cleveland at 3 o'clock, e. This roam la the mat expednions and eomfiartahle one to the Lakes. ... arrEs LEFFINGWELL. WerrerivrinPea. REED, PARKS & Co, Beaver, Agent" • OH,N A CAUGHEY, earner Watt and s t ehnfield eta, piny Deposita the Monongahela Hottee..Pipbargh PITTIMOUGLII AND OMMIINVILLIII 7 1847 . =it PAcRET AND FREIGHT LINE. THIS Lineconeistlng or freight andpasaenger Pack. refs, will run regularly dering tke swum between Bearer and Greenville; Pa, by whoa freight andpim eargersbetween the teropolate,willbeeuned pmeeptly and at the lowest taws: - WICK &ARCllER,Greenville, An. • • CRAIG & FRAMPTON, Clarksville, do,. • MePARLAND KING, Big Beal, do; • /IA Yel & PLUMB, Abanuebn do: W O MALAN. Sharon, • - da•l • WM. MATHEWS, Palau% dot' REED PARKS& Co,Beneer, do; JOHN A CAUGUEY,earnorWater sod InnhGeld aPdlr Oppieite the Monongahels Ilona Piasbut Cl 1171ZZAS EffIIITABLZ BOAT4.l.lnti , IM= .1847. ' TOM TUX. eaasstosesviiiireon • ALL HdriDB OF MEACIUNDIBB TO AND FROM Plitladelptua, Haltlesose, Mew Yank and Beaton. • THE entourages:teat We Benham receivedeltiee no commencement, /as induced the proptie ton to Increase the stock by adding a number el fir, elan boatr and instead of giviag receipts as hetet* foie •ss agents, we will par our own receipts for freight shipped bythis line. • The bans are all portable; eossequently freight is taken the whole distance without transhipment, thereby pterenting damage barn Irequent handling on the rws, and as each boat or owned by the Captain who runs them, which is • SU fficient par.' antee that there will be no delay on the route. • a A e ll sPgeoedw orMfrwa n rd d d FcßoEnaEipeFd CtoO tMMISSION, he for advancing and forwarling, and will be shipped withoat'delay at the lownt rates of We respectfully solicit a sham of public patro nage. • WALLINGFORD & Co. : Canal Ruin, Pittsbeogli.. BELLAB & C 0.,, Agt.- Bond Street ; Philadelphia. . F MILLER; Agent . • •-• Bowley's Wharf, Balbmere. Fittabargb, Feb. • • • 1844 eaa 1847' TO THE &IST BY NONOPOIHELUIOOTE L Vl.e. BROWNSVILLE k•CIIIIBEXLAND. 3 M BE undersigned tire am_ prepared to forward plO duce, ire., to the EASMAIarkAO daring the. erne. ing Winter, on the most favorable terms, by this dittoes route. AS property consigned to us will be forwarded at the lowest "Ines and with despatch. Merchandise received_ by tau lamepnnolitlY for warded.. C BIDWELL, Agl...Phlaborigh. . • W CASS. : Atm77 EGERTOS & Co,Combeibred 1846 • AND - 1847 TO TUN MAIM 1111(•11ALT1MOMM AND OHIO RAILROAD. E subscribers-will receipt forthe delivery of Pte T. .L d i eee m Baltimore by the Monongahela glackwater tlinfolkrwing pnees:—. . . . . Ashes,' Bacon, Btatter i l ; itiL Laid, Port, iailow, Wbiaker, r, and G r—Pn ets per ' anottemt,rteser,F)at and Wheat—diets per 100114. Ashes, (rot) Apples, Cheese, flat-Seed, Masa, arid' Leather-106 eta per UM lho Oils, Skins. Seeds; Wool-110 ets per IN lbs. • iII,VII•2Z, Feather., rung, Omens. and Shake-Rant —PM ets per leo Ibl. . . 111 properi consigned to caber of the sindersigoed will be forwarded witheat delay, free of Commission, of above rates. WII CLARK, Urownswille. MANNA h. WATERMAN.rittitt as ett;rs ORENC.III. VW It I IV II fir thirardelky it is hot right and proper-thet i 4 atrium which the ehiso for soppon iehard alswild be follrand air; ly set forth wad oho wow paranteet be girenthat th e wail moony wiL not he imporre upon by ming it In the lint phee it ts.well Mathew that the iyrwaralisy of black linkallwre composed of • preeipitate,Aeld together by.am Arabic i and when throater,either. in whole or tort is ap:anted the pa andprvetpilwe ara kilos • Fluty:nos •in the pin or iniutund which coatainait.- It la also armada ao ailed vinegar to the lak thore to Woke it more which theresaerthe ern by sethisia-thy len, it a wall ore; corroding ilthrotughlti area shoaling ._21.11/ dia.. 'Wri ting. Thud. dilkaa dim these "Diatom every napret it at earthiest midst's's]: ' , quirkily no riwid nottetto hold kgrther,therefore will never getakielt zed being eery Maid • tarp quantity dews film the pen intention poet peneto, nag *wpm Itho Ni dbra ofliliwpaper =th ug own panne unit atanand'oeeletridsly mot - cab) alto.. tion it 0 mate any plastered on the nude. ethihiniiioinatter that haa sto Oink, far octane isso, therthre Ow there& • steel peria—itwithardwootibt. oid.ulthough wealth of • Moist. peen thlaryet ifortiohreatbeeiames hbck, wh.h cadmic for stn. his Warranted aperiar.to the kings attics home by the maw of drnold's Writing Plaid," and one-thiasnorellnis sow pit*" Al theg - threntwagahnttiopthitosi sit or; kind wing - b attempted rallawing retaliators:Wiens will sate, se - ell amok ha , th at the names then i ns could not hare litho a I tinned by any wane karatthoworthy pupae, • - . . . . . We renamed t'llThimet'sChemieel the of the public; tontine rata art.ifle to ell rm. •it flows free from the pen ',Uhl= ,elowng it opguml .. !tithe coons of • few loom •omr.aa deepitmAt Meek. B A A.m. co. Wick and MeCestdlete, • Hobert /ICoory. John Parier, , • Wm Lippiaeott 8 %Viettmare CM • : PrleQmonosi Doogho Frme.. &tiers t itobt B &kW 'Booker C A 1 . 8418117'8, ,ca, • • • • • iZLDiI M* 4 2 11 .- Mr Th ' os X til Zrl4l., -ch..i..1 Wriliso Mid, and lhol it a Sol olio arlieU for Die °Mee it flaws dolly Gad Vas pea sad lososiesjd blot T, EkTU'ILE. Book-keeps , , 0 4 .0 1 ! k 8 , , e 1 e: 1 • . • . -, , A Ittstorshlsg st„ • Mr T I . Thldsert—Deii Etti Irwin pressured • • 144'' loitliof your Wrilin FLA, sos: Watt maid ap,'lddsoidar it l'aV In , ot maxim. daosiZoo p z t a i y uliy, Sok solid •wimtisiiiiEwAar, Book-kopo • , .7 " rot drllotO IT lAD* no 2 111 - T• It 111bot , —eor Eli: dams now oar Ist - odoll .."Weitiog Fluid, and dad Isla to • sod a snit articialor. idol peas, as itdoas motel% than oplika of moodalilr or 'Elba. solos it doworria and beasassai ds7 !sud is d . dais t l . .' , WlLlall=t:tk-loodii- far Jolsa - •Paster.'-' Tritiated au .old Wished/a zed Rau dvykassiad.lL Ilado . sit,,..Dosittoroad ._o . /dimly . .171 ...,_.:14•14 D R: IN gORISBrII riles p ....../ ••entain and radial:;;Ts,Tnifar - sienerasi bkedin or bliad, elm, kr Glenna of tha Iddoan inlaid. der, yaw "o the lank' an nips, habitual eiZat at% Fenn before ad dna annennst i/i; - amnia w t coasdpaliaa of Uti learn In antinasnoi war u at N la all ands non thhBpselde. en hntitineAriat in ; that safety, an I a entain nand . The Steele a. nay.. pepsin, and in entirely . nonad,fineat ant hela of gatolant,ealselscs a . t t eskaandpag Indy Wenn lotn tan delimit, non :',' If. - . . ..: - ' This 6to unify that I now Da. Inoldnra N. llyarida tab a men eart and stata ready.. }Win ass itealln. in antral eases, sanenst say Inaily eamenieen, ty mated en , Armed and wren ens of We piles, when it =di menthe enn New an . • ..lEENEY,WIIITEREAD eI New Ynk, May, 180. . Xrl Iliath nen_ , • I neerfallysny unman as In In enianatul Ann tang ants a Dranoldsby h Pilo Brae,* /.• knanit fan ley onmerianna aad oberratkuw 6 ilia 101kgaw,' havoc area it nth Nona la wan/ assent nth. "ig e OEO. MIL., . , -1 New Yerk, /gabled& • -. TA llinh neat ; LAIES' CERTIFICATES" I ' . • Neer Yen, Min,lB4B, Mr. Dual .. -llear air -1 ban tha phannal tio Ay, that Wnada:no, Dr. Iraagotran srar ha ends arm on in the ras a!yty nen: ant lan lllee=tord . that 1 Ina been manned at it,.. it len se is m,„ -by e,,,, z ,.. hen. , /Intrenr, Inn new lan 43 then& ' ia ben ialkllslie, and do shin all onus who an en dined la In Mu mans, noun tha .. t h...... - : depend an •nrtain ears ' • - Omni" MY, May . _lBO. - t ,.. hic= it lhar 111 .-.11.1 Mr ley Mal *half .61 who ow, ' ,as udl ea to t oy Ng nia& for the benefit/ hen dented Inn the ysne *lain In: ask, 1 amply wills Ton mond, sad war do gm at lead thy as nor at it a .hiwilli lemma/ at a went nth e Piles .Aar having nod ether mann withann al e . ... rears nth regent Mg wholitiele sad WWII In W/4. JACIESOtoes I. p,,,. ' eat Medians Wareham., and Ina and 81. ton,lfa. 10 Kann .even, bed a Iff.s.l,ll#ofte. 311 eat . D guiunow-rr to iPOPULA It EVER M OUE: • - _Gisavars;VA Jity 3-15, B, p„ankatilharBu,-1 parelmed aim two Mal Mes sr Sam' Vernadmi, end made wee/Lena be& "" r °I T ehlk i n uh " kacelitla bent 0110 worm, sad Cool the raker pd..., socesseunnilt.te neat lee k commaityror ope a die bola remedies I bare ever neat , • sax Tacintster; Et. - I . Prepoind and aid by Y.B nauxite,l4 Wood vs., IRMg ar S &I maas. &ad by Dr. Cdaraykk We* at ili_b~ - Rag . . . -...--_,.., .-',..._.- ..- .... ... !—. • • - El* IEIZZILINAEhI .. I -! . • MEDICATED- LOZEN4ES, kt•ID took Ai.", S. A 81tElniAIT hiidiocurtrell it s way to t.), „„y k l,. • D' plasma,. that children will aa. tt thSl.l) eui try for loom See that hisfairisnalt ir, around earn Out ot Lena • gay a Pot of Tooth het.. the bock of that theta; wed in all 1111 of Ginruhena, I ! ' SILERAILN'I COPGIi - LOZENGES. - - Thaw Lumps the aft*, onort sore and Greeted ~,,,,, .dy kw coughs, eolde, coosasapuots, whoopireF loughs, 'tom. ma, Ugh.m of the /throe died, etc, ete. o , ' the proprith bas never knoll.. mums where they did' ot got save( satisfaction. Several thousand boob have breo void within ' the haver, redwing to health 'pens. in aka. , esery doge of coneuroptnno ht er nd Mo. tthd the mart dispel..., tot. ad e.g.. They do not and dry hp thrrhugh, . wrestler luny, promote espireturatioo,alsy the WWI. oe erritatires, and remora ehe pr0...0r ersilnsg was. . Thoy are made Bon e Foiablation ofs see. v44.14e eq. , newt s to oTgh ord... and-aro oadoubtedly myth.. to . u 4 Uscotreueephuta• Nottdreda upso hare • I YreZ i' lretiftethe r liave been offered of thrie 15.deIla rit. tenet Ls those who... bees med. luta au untiatek;.. rm. and mused to point hold, by ushog them. • '!• •• IV.. there mt.,. pain in the...sr. side,ooe of Sher awnn'. ZUG. ;prim only 11l mold thould 41 , wandle ptht,-.4 woo tin rellesed.--LlatteudeJ *ok veser, akw eathartie or ,retire lothosth• or air' solid cathartic mordline, Should be ased orsenassee, rec l aim' _ _. - SHEIllIlli•S witmilit LOZENGES '' - ' The. Sturrehportgethave bon proved in mare thin 1,400:.. 'I , MO mats bbe infeLlild. the ouly eertath mar oturupo9 soh.= everdssecorered..-Stany diseatenarisee frusi worms and mead. long said tatenethofferiegotud es. death, with ' out their net beteg euspeeted; gorwa per... me to With .. alakted wi th thentorod are doetuntd Far Vulcan euesphanti • - without any.btheht; when ow dose of threr Leettegss etUulr .Aeolis, cure thew ' , • • . ! . Slnnewth# Wothes,4elts 4 theists.. ti.a.q.er.4 sire breethi peke; at the inne,griudiag of the .1 during dreposid et limeespelrenteabotttelsetipswith muted thselta bkini4la Gut nose,aassewmg ...Sou at the thusaeli, bob ! ' • 41011.1 otter the surfeee at the body, eliOt tinge vs. Ai+ A.P. hes.ehei •drerthine* entry Wyor, disturbed I • ere... sadden startiag ne deep, with fright arettereintiet I • otteetissee a thordiktome eoegh lverishness,thirst, .141 1 . ' hue, ille, bad tem In the mouth', didl th dt besa th ou g , path to ! the ethench or 6o 0... eau.. merunithatura„vora, , .., do. wail, lama awed h e or ialorgspitsprly---- ehooting path ornrious peon of the holy, a sense of eo,toe thing .4/ ta the What, itelung,oftheau. euvvaole tlightot frequent desire to par torreerthess from the bowels, siol outh tenth diteltarges of those and.... • ' - I ." r . - • sezastnive CAMPHOR LOZENGES. •I • , . -They . give thetonfiale :relief to nem. ot 'W. hca•lel. pelpitatesu of In., lownelesf the opirits, deipondthey tamee.byr. lath. oen thnrets.l...l or nunthen new • plied, cliatnelappreathea ...aura. of ..liteg of the :the. eholie, epents,. cramp of the stouteAt - ne.bowele, hyderica/ affections, and 01l MIIIOIII dbeesei, &oilier. Utvough the day, and saheb.. throogli the night; 'cholera' or; . 1 .4 en moorhen vlivrhen, latitude oe th sense . steals..; ter -I netitrig ye atteenfing hog< part., will and the Louth Ere reaTtrtnitafil La/perneg Ilthuoyeikyofitththyonta • afteedintipaplen Inn meant the lour of the ay. a e` a). entity, lad moon tee itupleinst symptom: arniv ... le free livisg:' 'tennis who have been Lao ink bran, hog thandrthe l l their esi petad halite, lib And troy! Listrsrvq,, sal, inirab le _ poe di m.. '•• SHEMAN'S ?OM MA(Y)S PLA STEEL ! I TU.. strength...cp... Ist the worldond a rovere'ga remedy le Pilo, or wasi. thew to . the beek ; loins, side, huh, • !. linge,yousta; death. ' luntbego,le.- le: One whim it yssewdlnotagply %edema.. \ They require alai...no tag befetwon...Warvanted sparne. to ell otho,sh4 for aft quarter the weal preter.ahog not onlyl4l bed, 111. theehope 4 atphater i b . ow tvlbe world. It affords relief is akw In r coiephint ...1 dyers.. it thould be won , ova 0. ad. Iteeroe done& aid it .iill arced ethat and • regret .In. iouglut;esids, ad.., ditheulty oe • ' oppreetion'of the dust dr adlayh, lb will its • :deab"th'b4.44}4llCOVVVlste's ertTet;'erill twin dayled espysert loam. *MI. truly drengthvoing Plas • tee. PhyetnamgeseraZy reetscumnd them, in ;refer.. tel ittleth=leauns they Mickey ad.. betteroodalford;gent. er, ..la their rgiest47 are atimulent, tome, sod analysis Therm ma of entirety differs. lagredi . , eats feaserry oder, end front the terries. ot mit ' lime who hues nod them, aeyrell es the owed festions. of - an the adebraied end H ibelognuhed. elegy antlphydebse, he be Seemed meld end highly ti'ttrifietttedplareer ' - 1. , Senna prevosathan testlid it the watritouee. ! thev t o theiratzwe end Shenk', at the ahnose utineuletereuneettate Dinah. be ...ern. the b.k of eel, ,phstie,vilit a teeireile of DrAllerman mate. It is iseper.llyouthruld aline ask tor lbettnattet Tow Um% neater, and see that C a net the Elrldnee..thets an .127 worthher thrift.. wan about and sold /sr tat . troe . Ebernanee Aldan, by ' .V i artthenthiannestad by WatICKSONai Itie Pete. Medicine Wen:bow, Zia th laberty *sit, dir of IV efl MAIM POOMD (10118IIMMON CAN Ez CURED BY IMMO 'pa' ununcalvs EIDECTORART REMEDY... • Undiluted, 04 Marehldi 11 Hf. .• - De o diropits m tomtit to flue publßaurticoderly ts . thf.fetitted moili a disease of Dm lone, or Cousumption that in the Spring of DM lureihßeeleadovith invert cold Millais Most teemai Mated 'aiosi ity iine, Melvin ell' the symptm of mi apprmoridat.Cuniontption. -Dly cough oloos tight and trouldesorde, mtiodat whit eopicau night rreatf; spit!" daily a Mosuilemble eamotity of, !hoed, mixed aith !ink .iaoio'matter, M 7 eitmlioa beam mike:end al:Moo ing. • Darby this ! thne Twos MU:4M h two of our, inail skarn! Pfalsiciany tkey did the beat they could forma{ .nn , ff. aD 1 .1. 0 _ of eyreemeq,fakfmiag am Rod nothing emote...MN done—that my . louogs were It - telly disououd;end Miami resimaly. I ans Rea persuaded by a Riad of lobe to make • Irial of Dr. Drowsier Erpirar; not Rantdi, which my Notations persisted atioasymiong that Doh miCdßine would do * Do pod, and - would mai add moretoony eafferlay. IDM Remit ',FM m7lamt and only hops, end that if f aunt dk.(tLe d mese, (nhiCh sass eve• • dent bO my) there Amid 100 nothing kel„. Do I mot to Moe •BficioutetiOirme that aftimasusi r. of dd.. bxly.Valus ble Illedkine,and 4201111231.811 ming hocurd)eg b. the diree icanoMich, forma of adding to my suffering, immediately gem me relief, at mem ern:stow the seeable: mote Con ' ming the pliecead life ead tightnese#,CheA odamite, which •Mod mai 'aboat This !fed/eine. motioned Me pod weak, Thich it so middy.. commemed. mail I was made }mold mats. 16axsincebnn i.. ittending to my buliama,.(tiiremai of 3 years) and Cool 'healthy.. I 1 ham roaseamended Dr. Dnuma's Ea ?menet Remedy fu Many instances to lhomMenolmly afflicted end it im abeam proved soconeful so fir m I hue mitmised its effect.. hlyaimerie mine tot medicine at moral, Dic Dimmed - Lacer =I an girreriois If 4. Lanis, libido she, had suffered with Dor same tiiriG•thr has hearty metered by theme of this medicine, end Ime confident the d baiolos • that I take with me te,lay IMO aulirelyMMS bar. IMa sassy - • • o know that there are ibmiaMai• of valuable pernm wasting Iry With this dreadful sIammeyor—CONSUMPTIOX Wvra mly pomibbi berthose to iroMiCre Ude undicine M s ' lime, be it be too lam, notoyDres , might be Proluayed .011 their fcao4e" elanD eilaucimagoia moldered happy. Tia. medisiso wilt Om Menet reliefand al the mom time aura UM:lmidiad phinfu I Cough, ,Mho. Rue iigtotamelu rho LL.. ' t rim . etnonyth tot the eaßehled and emaciatrd feu !. moot rued ani Certain, will perioshi a perfect mfr. • • . • - ANDRK WJ. FELTER: •hicatgentangllasoillon County, Ohio. N. Ri—Those twits sisy not he acqualutcd with me 1 sera to lit. untinnered, att.. of httseoesen, riaminee num- . ty, 0 ,they any three' sidatantnts abase siatetnents, " •• •• • • • 'Nora. Snotrnatt, Carr•J. Sworn: • - 'DR. DUNCAN'S INTSTERIOFFICE,ntefentfeW' when this tshudsi fdeditino tutu alga,. bo obtained.' Sold In 'Pittsburgh, by hl. JACKSON, corner. Wand and . Mom mg w.. nun:Agar, , I MPORT/WV LADIEK— Cron I Hair Cream, .4 mamaless•nnicle for the litowth, Beauty and Restoration of the Hain - This Creme, when once Miaow wily sapersedn all other articles of the kind tow used. Where the hair is dead, harsh.thin, an • boalihe or runditg grin a• few applications will make the hilt 'sat and - dark, and, gine it.a beetitifel ppearacem , ned will also makeit retain es I • and healthy rotor swift as long os all the preparations hieV arogenendlytised. Eve ryludy,..nud grademen ran o are ip. the habit of into oils on their Lair, sh.m ld malice Parehale a bottle of the Chinese !Inlet - Warning it hi so eamposedrthm it will tun Mime the hair like the; other preParadone, Let will beautify it, and give perleet satisfaction In every iunauee.. ' • fon""4i moay g cotta .very saperor see the ;,,a7=.inigferetch, Idashriite, General /knells foc i the Western MAWS I I Letter horn the Rea.: R. Caldwell, parlor of the Pim • tlytentlxiCtiuteh, Pulaski. ... • - • --• • Idessri. Ileadembou a...dirMeli—Gentlmaeni I a' pleurae in adding my. teatime). in &SOT of diet e . ', . ;rent preparatiOn railed Dti'Parrislt's Chinese I Croato,tott two jeftril op milieu. MS Very di•prired .to MOO t having procure Id . •- • • •• o•f Creami and coed it according in the Did.' iseriptio,it my hair'is no* goil,.elastie 0110 firm to th e • !head. Many.lialstuns and oils .were applied each len sinewy bairns a Wane state lbs. before. This Cream.. however; his Met my elpeetafioas.• . • As an article h* - the Tolley my wife ',keit -it . prefers' • nee over allOtherei - delicately perfumed, tad ens :disposed torancldity. 'The Lae* especiany will find' the Chinese Cream to be a desideratum ot their peps-. ntlaoi for thelodek Respectfully • • PalaikaJaFq. 7,1E47. CALDWELL . PdFMwholeersfi Mall, In Pittsburgh John tsendi No 45 Market Heel. and Joel nickl,e earner 6f Weird andplith ,JntOii : , ipAAIVII ABIERICr IfIxoETAULIO iv" - • - 4 , P,NOVATING Nils. • . 'For 'about Mak year, previa e to making me of 11Ir: sews BweemnlnlX Pllla,ll have mulcted extremely from . 'Dyryiepalsotrid as acid thomach I have made use of : 0 glwa WitatY Or ladaille W . / 11gal 'receiving material !benefit. About three months twee Yeemmenced Ping Ur.- tileafa Afedieine, which has entirely relieved me ' ; ..... 6. m.: . .gia at MY mentacp, Itatilri Me to cement. 6 eemal •• Several or my hi ads aed acquaintances lave wade use or the Pillei ane reee!mt mce. .... bm ' efil hand not. lon with con 0 te....mend ..rm. ' . ..-- ' . -,.. ' " . • JANE LEBO!? nudism st "mild. wholesale and mean, by li A Fell N ESTOCK I tr.je 00, climes. ery av and we.cd o 1.11.1701X1 Ma GIL oft. I •' !!!! DOWDIAILIED UHVBARD.—Ssz ea". Eit,s! laths, JEW meiveread tor Bela_ _ D A FALINEWOCK. & con:meta & *pod Es I -PITTSBURGH -GAZETTE., PUBLISHED DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY b. WEEKL'i, 414.(Amtlis,lubges,34tsq war olio Poii - Offio'L ' RATES iOD ADVICHTIIIIIII/O. 01110 insertion or 15 lincs„ or liM $0 .•0 mh Tor re. o inecrti o ons wittoetalw.L4Hons 0 7 5 1 0 Th - 4 1 10 One Week Twe Weeks . " " " tee . . " .... 300 One Month, " Two " " ' ' ' 6 00 Thine 0 ' • " ' 50. lIP Lonpr edreotismuenti le same proportion. 7 One square. 6 months, without alteration,... 1090. • ••- - " •• .... 15 fa , Each additionasliqUare for 6 months, ' 500 IS ''• 10 10 One eqesie 6 on e elbs,renewable at Oeuvre, 15 00 • •• . 0 10 00., a:I 00 Cecil @Oiliest' wince for Wmootkir Two awurs,6 moatha; Womble at ploasure, 51/ 00 Each additional Rum, 6 months, ...... 00' 4 . w .......... Pr DAILT ..... One equare.3 Insertion," '- - "SI 50 " . each additional inertion 37;- • . samisis CARDS. Fite lines or less, one year. . 6 00; • 0 • . 5 00' cue year; daily& weekly, 1011; " wiz months o6_ names or WM/eta :beret. For al lime, or lea, Ode . ... .30 50 . - Toro, . . 0.'75 • . Three r '''• ' . . ... 100 " Threeisonlha, - S-.103 • .. " 6.1" O ..; ..10 ock teAlkadiesilWiellls le fie 11 . 1, 6 11 41. 4.1 : 1 square: mod disceentof erper cook in tor ptiowhere the 4,4o424ofedirertising emlecoki 50 dollar, per Seer 4 ' - rise Bee' Or OD Y.~ ~ ~` /I.;NP ~ ^t L3',y.~ ~f(~".~' ~n"~
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