. • • • - - • - "g;tV'Y'r . - - " ;‘• 1, • • 1 ,1"..1 =WE MEM ;.. ~„...-.,:::;,:.,.•:_::: 'lliis!.,:;.'r::.4-:,,:',4 '• • :•:•, t • ••".:q • • •'• • • • . • 44140114+,. - .: - .,',.i:,.:.-f:!:... , '.rif:',`:!:' MIMI ~ • tc,„*.:l - ,„., - ,..,ii.;,;;JLA i'X • ft N ni 4:i d Ai 1tf14:3...,ik;,,\ I , - rep.-,--r 4 . .. 1i ,, ...: , !..t•-e,...„....,..._. 0 • , :—N , 14:.- - ..t , 1.; , . ; 4 : 1 _,;:,. -4(A1.:9 1: 4 — , ,•'&.:, ;• L LII2:A• - tt: 7,- 7:.'1! - .. r ~!.' '0,.`14.ii: -- - -, i;A::41: >••• ti... i ; ..,. ;; t:::=‘;,-1.: ; : k ; AVii. '4 l r...;:i ''' iis. 4. - .41 . '4 - .Z.. f.' • .: i ::' I - - . , W4' . • .. , ..1 7 . , ..;:-..1:::14-,•:,4,- :1 , 1414-,.: l ie,i ) 1r,443.:.•:1! , 4 , , ::4; t.;i , ;• ,. i h.-1 ....;(4i.:„ 1,. , 1\ e'.144 ' •t, - :, %*:%! 11 , -; - -; , - i,i ,, if , : ~,,,,,,, 4 11 ','- ',Wg‘:::.' 4 en°•: `49A I . 411,.1.*31i ..-' l4 • N ii . ; . 1 1 .:,. ittv „,?: ! • . (llte-V.. k1.r,,.4.1' • ' h4y• , =ME '1,:.:,..i't!: - .• - ;..;.:;:: , ;, ,- g::1•1; , t . : :-';1::7-.41t ; , •.:i , ..',i..:...,... , ;_...:A.:- - •. :.:.i.f,',-:::--.:1]5'...'.-.:•:,,•.'k'4.-i.-., ~~:`~ r 4 1 . .___:....:'';' It ',::-I!'!it. Forth. Fitiiburgh Christian khoetpt. • . •[pm . Tar. wrzwax.] - eninkin! du Imis geiaste eta , t.." Menials& reired • Would God I were is thee: 7 My boarding heart. would Motutt the sky, 'Neilonger day with lefv— Far" aver coottntai , afar dale— Far orer a 4 plait— Would stretch 1 pinions to the pie, And fly, that'reet totain. - _ 0414 of 0 hour more bleat !. Oniwished.for moment, roll. AThen . I with joy shairsink to rest,— render up my . / 00t ? Into the faithful hands of God, ; itMmotei'mast stai\d, To take it to: his own abode, - In yonder .Father-land.. . sPringiag hence, ,Ths fiaamint shell cieave And softly. gnarly pantie thence, This lower opheie shall leave ; Borne up, Elijah.tike,ifar,. By happy goad bands. Who throng 'theta the riling cab And damp it with their hands. All hail, ye ever•glorions towers: • • Ye gateri divine unclose How stroog my whh: how lon the home! Since heavenward hope arose . ." . posed my years.Wf vanity, . Ere o'er the mortil strife, '_An4 ere soy God bad granted me Thelon iifendlOss life., What multitudie ot leavenly birth Haire pamod those:portals bright ! 'Redeemed ticim min, the choice of earth. I emathem, ckahed in 'white Theyerere my mein Of joy below, - • - Beet gift 6f lend hand, While yet in yonder Tale of woe I jOined their pilgrim-band. • Prophet! and Patriuchs Of yore, And hninblar saints in throngs, Who once 'the arms so meekliT bore, And pain of tyranhO wrongs, 1. see, id glorionatma upborne— ' • in bimetal freedom stray, Vistaed with radiimed like the morn, And crowned with streaming day. Oli when . I :yea, On gladsome wing, My inanteows Pantdize, • What songs of praise my tongue shall gag! I, What jogai* me .61111 rise • - While hallelujahs, clear and etrodgi - Ring through' the spheres of love, 1 . And high bosannu sweep along Tb' eternal' year, above. The'lubilatie peals of aoug. Wl* 111111 i ae. ' And shake with loudest thunder-tongue, - The - concave oC the akin ; With' Stoma:id thousand trumps and lyres, Mal - toed tones sublime, Shall roll, as when the angel choir' . Shouted the - mom of- time. Tin ICARIANS Comino.—A. Paris cot-, , respondent of Jerrold's Newspaper (Lon.: '&4lmin...the the French Communities, and making arrangements to remove to the States, and establish a cont= nutnity. on perfect principled and on a . grind scale. From 10,000 to 20,000, the writer says, will constitute the cola my, which is to be the,germ of a memo, hereafter, to%,exeroplify, on. the Western Continent, the , principles of Commuai tien.' "It will not," says the writer, "be a mob. without ideas, induced by misery, and „the'wish 'of bettering their personal condition .Ltbey will be workmen full of heart, intelligence, and instruction—men '....shoset, examined. and proved, guided by 'one faith,'warmed or.e devotion, and osoi enthitsissm." The location-or the colony is not de termined; but -it is to be called "CARTA. —Zuni's Herald. . At a late session of American Nato- Tallinn in Boninni: Professor Agassiz said that the plates (both botanical, itct,) pub -lished' by Our goieroinent; u the results of, the Exploring Expedition, were rosily superior to those of any European publi cations: 'They would undoubtedly be come standard. wor!ts.. But —thirty-four years have elapsed wincethe first religious newspaper was sawed in the,Uniuerd States. Now there are up a wards of-li — hd d of this te char actor, published -by the' different Chris tian demiminations, many of which have si very wide circulation.—Zion's Herald. PIIILADA. ADVERTISFMENTS _ D 1011.60211 • • Th onimaksEtertscjfee dawn behnir Thing,Elinisk AU. :• • • ' Philadelphia. , TKPORTERS and W helmet° Dealers in Watahen, XVI ateb Glasses and ninterials Jewelry of all dr...trip. -"teas, weenies amilies, comprising all Ma articles fade. • hoots, Dix= Soda EhrtalthaGenunn Bilverand Slyer plasod wares gketheld and gimungham phaa aka., ankles, Roggen It Sou and Womenkelni t s an lerft Mors, whirs° emery. desk KMees, 8,44 i.f7 • bandied table cutlery of the finestonediam and mar awn qualities •• lutes ssortment of gold pees. peri• • fatal epoetaelaapier Mucha and Japanned kmys, various Wagon and gnalitles,M 1 , d1. 04 Vld watch camwsand silver ware of all deseriptioria umn- .• • _ DICKSON ft. CO. Immo remade removed_iule the hum 03113113odiess trarchome formerly oseapled by meows Oakhurst t &ma. arid more reecat_= •Aalituitat Peuraegme_i beg leave to Inform W Dialers, alowiltera and W estate Olerchaets and others &Mira haring at all umes an amintatent of Goats o 7 their eminiamorratlem which they are dater. "Lead mall at the lowest rates. • ertvcri •be paid to the tuteklng of 'Doges mid to the executlon of orders, the qualities end poses Will be fitlly Cased acalust all eampatition. diIifICUL.PLOWES lIINUEICIIIIIE9,. •..No. Thl3 'North Third &red, • Andre IMW STIIIIIT, • •r • PHIL&DP2.IdOI.d.; , l i Alt ell bead, add dandiacal. le drder, Artidela Pealbers,Tatievon,load fide Cap, la • Alan , Mrs Car, Bopfets, Collared, &v. be mill /lad stersrdedellptbo of Fancy Idoodn,lildel, ' du at :rimed market priers. • • Jit—lesthero dyed, elemed,idteted, and Wedded. B'a AT Diald.OT-AGTIODI posiz:nti7t:imsedristr over all . , IlltudgestilaZo—Theroplditily and Wooed bkrdr day: Its nontro!led with the groant ence,..atalts the Atslosior lo in operation ad die hammer may be ire constly mead, and oorpentiod st ony neighs Ustambly, or capacity to dome 11131 k d all .'..kdotidarook idea larded ,dao ocoallat, ostler id dud Ito fluortiolty, Canpontsros and cheap:non • . AttembincY 1 4 00 all !mkt by wolbibent ' /tilde basusero stain P. tkaing. - :Tho =Worthen annione einem order(or theme hmisnisto, of di ofzelr resoostode wan - ;MCI &TOtii!OlE, t • thandnid of as Patent fa the United elate., flooshmsit Foondry • .v Ilmsfummrsof MEIN% SICUNI, lerfOUl MAGOrt COVERS AND up AIN fIAOII 1M U /Oath Pr at SS:Mgt Bxt if 1 A. Wilecei Cahn' id - Ware Money Vika. S. Mon, at the ciao of do azionde.l riDlitraPgl . -wo.traar LaA%EM of" , CO WO JCIr AND 1114.01,4411114. - of in An. Oej ' Wand. dodediet.Mbook lb andel eda r,LL far 5a1441 Mobs. reelims! of canines, vootioataoo.,,ta !vow 40 - waiii the vuo iiiinloThim smnr nandePm. - , mvisogowduarA ""' c o w, rU. isnrodoifiall It , I:o.l fink l iumow. a. e raittaturli urns situ» deerdda....Fdro a , kl w dit '• !mat: Orden ••• rodeddln., • ^ Senn In. dW: - g At- OZOSS=IME 111/..TOWNOEND'S • . SA RS A P ARIL LA . .Marl ctrowdi^mlr.uie in the This *And la peep to gout button: .t. .s bath eiteep• or, pleasanter, and warreated KgeliC.r b.oy sold.atm direst* wi th out id thalithog. pur er ylng, def• or the • litatrog„th • . *GREAT . SPRING N D: MIER - The gear tothey and eopiriority of this Porthparille peer all other filedithee th w►tb.S Ersdieths Dime A brogue- AA the body. It la the of the Ali bet SPRING - A/V1) SUMMER MEDICINES Over hwy., it ton oaly puffin tie whole area. and thengthow the Ferns ; bet it Crones Nn, Pure and Biel Merl a power toneamod by meths, kliatteinh, And ix tithe HAIM grand south of ita ennolethcf trevaa. It low perinthed within theithat two lean, tooth' than 33,000 earth of Severe Coath-At Dhow; at feast S,thk! of these won countered inenethth itlthr ;ow ewes of Chionie Itheamatine ; Sphfoota 'of Dismal; 4.10 axes of Hewed Ikhility and. Went of Energy; ;WO eases of &TAW Female Complaints: /,old ewe at &toroth.- . 1,5 W LiverCocapbrat ; ' SOW emu of Dims. of th e 'Kidney oar Dropsy ; ArT,=7l.of eases ittnsaaftheßloodorivill &pipet., SW ahem:field= owlet Face, -ke., To gether with amens. awes of Sick Headathe, pain In the side end Chest, Spinel Affections, an.,.8.e. Ms ; ore aware, mot appear inaudible, bat we hthe letters turns phydrioth width, agents hoot ali-puta of the United !Atha Informing ea of eatraturea. ' H. Van tokirit, ene of the roan napeetablednomiata in Hew ark, N. ',inform es that he go% tofu to sore than LSO co ' As in UNA piece oboe. There are the of Ass .the ethey of Neve York; witch' we wilt rent with pleora l to one 'of chancier. lt ie the Ant medicine for the Preventive athletes" know. It undoubtedly Demi the Eves o . F, me% tkaa ' 15,000 Iturrerthan Tel Eli= Munn I Ae it Ailment the oath, of diatom ; tad prepared them fn the Sommer nu". " Vamp Ilreosa °mows. . Cll7. G. W.hl Oehw , o, at raa Thurso 13Tall, N.TT, . • • member of We New Jraory LagWator, has holly aost a the kolowiag astir:cap. It tells its ova wory. • Sumer, Jan. 25, VAL Apar rim I was takes wide the Wawa, sad my whole ndm kit is • debtfdated Wu. wit figured to to 7 D. ToeroaroVe tleoperillhp dbor tokiOg Iwo or throe hot, itkei I Ina merry moth relieved, owl ottribatelt lathery to the said Sarsorola.. I hare oweinool taking ty arot food that improveevery day. 1 ham it wed ay 11% sod mold' 'oat be without it min esty lowiloratkeo 0. W.W. Yol.luyhie tr. 8. N. ' • This rirtWoito cootlosively prom lot thih IterwparlOs' has perhet axonal over the mow Obstinate Caro of the blood. Three personseared is ooei loom is orpowtolooted. v....0w. • TOMISSID—Dot sir: I hate tho rhino= to intone Too dos Wee of toy ehildneo two boos cord of the Stro h& by the an of your.esoolieht sorheilo: " Thy in. afflicted eery seemly xbb bed ecosoi hrto only tabes foer battles; It wok ihmas meg, kw TAO& 1 foot nyNif man any oaphoh. Usk auretrally, Iwo W. Cunt, lid *ion d. 21= Nark, Mud I, WM • • GREAT TAMALE ILEDICLEIL • Drcan i rrnpmth Sandpui4l.lo.4ol. r biuy, a Urine, or kap:do:Om tiseborp tbonkr, ad I. tita cw prootratio• of Ow opteco—oo matter orhotbof tba molt of baimat cam oc woo, pralaced by irogalloitl, Wow aoilloott • • • ' Nothing ea ba myelin' than il• btokataMg ef. fees ea tko hums* Gams. Yerocosoll maims - awl ho. tale, (ma taking it, at onto-botomm Mout atal folio( emu under ito ialbasoo. - it ivasadotadY coosboooto.tbo urn lemma tbe kis& Rum, odd& totba Lit moo of Bei It sci be sipesied et etym . ears el Ihilette • ilk tare, In trait cartikatea of can parbrioad, bat on eao wars tba Warted, that harked. of casta bare hank morbid toes. lilavereleam whsn fwlfin honk= without child ma, Oar Wog.. Saar bottles of this ineekoble saatieis. hen LIDO blarat entiihoalthy olDprbw. Dr. 11rsossoad: M 1 ortße b.lO (redly &dreamt by areakone sad gezerid dthibry, aod wffang coatinoally by pin awl • ot her of balms d.rs, hiliqf of the wob, mod with other diffooldea, 'mod Wing known cm. het. year ondieiro los affected pat met and globe.- iog itreecormaoded for oath Ours sa I hear demaibed,lotatr , ad o botti. of your CaarrAf of Elereei tad follavra tha diroetioos yoozara ism to • atiart per& it rely. ber oomobeanta sad restored bar hada, Doing votaful far the heosloi cM riladea!i, I take pleolatra in thus ackormitor iog it, and imeoraomoimli it tho M. D. Idoolor, Oral, Aq. 17. DIN. Cro. of Groat sod Lydbie - cessaimn, Sept. 99, II . - De tinnuend: . T• all wham this nay emesnr—This is to esTtity ilde n s, V ,.. used um bottle of your Ilamanarilla meows ha her under elm most nlerraion std kersealiitimuloariuma, beixt tio. mulded with dropiyonni lam of tha fiat, =mos and very wadi Odelito tad • midi ail toad the reemainembakm of lime whet bad used i eras induced to try tt, with Inge or no (Mb ; end saffirsi It to . my, the medium bad the ism aid deleted dined, mit only to the hours of contmeemat, but miler tho es= of me meek of its Amory and me mos health is arm •=traerit l% luel ' boa : for =Mae ." mem It tam mill ha at any samirst to you et az as vim doubts tha moms of the media* 700 .tae welcome to it;. lubserilm emetic your most obedient sad Wird cermet. 5 53,imig. • TO biorazas'AitiM.AßßlED LADIES. Thu listract dereeredib indt = l , P." la Mame to Mode comphig.--ri. me to morn sbe is appadchoSthet critialedied, " non pi - lila,. Amid neglect to take bolo At is a attain' Fermin for any of the ammo* sad son dole Men. to Mich Moles are Mini at this dna et life. This period any be delayed Comm! ran by Wag thimedicias. Nor istt se saleable to dem orbit anapproshiagmoMmd , at It It ...MUM to mid Mere by quirkeeseg de bleed sad Micaratieg the numb ladod, this medians is iamb sable M . as of de delicate donna whet Imam ale abject. r • •It braces the sekoleiTrbm,omm permandlT Mo. ral remosog the inplerides if the bay-me - t Maddiag the game as to proton a sabiograt hualionorbicit is the or of megiaoliebsee takes for Mole weakness sad them AML9 BEAD THIS. You Mto ban PM conplemme .I"> l.l.4 S ln t m. retchdenier 'balm and are •e4=tlt nl • bos et two•el Dr T05.,•,...nWM.* wal dome pm M ood, moon tbr,• sad Matiful . you sainedoa. riarkLiv, "OM emptoden-all of obi& io• oh A-Lamm Mee to iumarg tied Min. • • DYSPEPSIA. • No laid or siedirats by *me tam ifiscommed M.& . amity rinessail. ihe pair jam or alias in &cramming food mil Magthming ilia oryma of ligestim, WI& p.m ratioa a nansmargla. Dam Dantartnam. AThms,M. II; I.M.S. Dr Tlmansaabf Si,—l bgag beg. di, g i g d g„, gm ..., years with dplitym in its mad form ; atModed wi th ma ma of smasch, Lae of lippaite, ammo beartaarn, ad i pat musha to all kshas of ail, and for woekr(aion I ' amid aids) I ham be unable to rstain fool' mall on nas t y moan.. Luba Ma timatradimg tat a hoyod dOced,at Ul Zrao snois= l al Tom Krum , d1r.... ". 5.5 I aim al with li fold m7 ut comidesio=lteLsTa , biti.ll malath midTtr. narnealy aim! mad the am Mit ti. Mom who ban ban Mike. as I bag Yours, ibe.s..i. W. W. Vat Zimirr. Ma 21, WM. .., : Mara Ishad. ALIdO MiIIACT.S. led thii fidlinviag, and doubt if ma am, that consamp. boa moot. mad. Thalia only one Mile antral haat. wan that Tomad's fimayatila for end: . Dr Tommwd—Diar la. 1 as alma, a little ma a mar me, m. a ere cough I d pain in my tide. 11 a 'rte" ea as Tay ha, tn... ins . by phy iian. to kan Um gasca constomMor rm. lugs gam- WM of tad Inaba, bail night meats, aid Eking ass 7 fest asd im isid. amid do aothing kw ma. 1 Ireog into tba !maim! a boys of being bawd.* bat.. pratomeed dam aa incurabk. I wan nom igrally &waged a ilis Law mil nod& hardly brad. ; I man halal itmaa4 aial am.. to die; ins roa. to lay bed, and was iggid to tome am:Man iodised I manot pit pm say . ibatilptimi tbat would to jade. to my ma. 1 ina Nomad by ary fries& a be piat strety ; lb. tried a piat. amber of roadies, awl ail ma. to be to no papa. I; emid a( man samt ss tiaordiaary cam performed by yoor a ..mL and to leil ym Ma trialmertad the. was bow kig in than Dist Ima d a m id try it . I dld to ; and m a ny taus I did. 1 maims my ghat Ima entirely ma balm or far Maw. is a.booamm7 my_ Wawa ; sod los tit b. calm I 7 .an in • raw . meba. My mqb nod yan la the side, mil oighl nala ban kit a nte ii robe hat ray Ilale, and ans leis pining my sisal Wag& 1 Alt it • dirty to giro Lyon antataanat of lay ora ; to pablbh it yoa Omani I ma Dames, 47 tape. en, &VOW. CliabilOUs of Phislel those Dr Towshoul b alsecetdar wishes Oder. Eras pley; ;Wm is differeetwte of Om Onion. • This bloortify thst striersisted, Fig:Wm a do City of /limy, Ws Si imasews caw powihed Dr. I:reteosesd,. Etw.pertDdiwl kW. it taboos. of the nog *leaf& Wpm** ofthe Derievenlhe market., a Ir rouse, et D, - Wo w,s 0, ~'R EEwe.,s e,. Arbor, April LEM r lasateadeoss.S. re to certify 'that ere; the stsWelfool, 'mode( .Thowtoete Phroow olds COI of Albs,. ham frweit It proenbal Dr TorwoVs Cseeporr Wrest of Sew penlb,sed boo its twee slithe, oald runts itto ih. public kr esorreeril,wohdoes stows do ow, Is prebrew to prof the weaned reserdiwers to A W Etrssar., , r I. A tt,,i, Aprils, le.e. 11 Ormerter r. friserloifee, ISO Falba dill. Theildlef, Etrd -4=‘:=lltDoargt,ifyld .5' .. 1 • . I.creiserelly thi.Ollll4l ' TM Ste yid CeWee oalesez t 'le T. tiv.9....b0tu., SOWAIDID, Isdreasi it . blows th•TIV. " seas the rfewTork Dear Ewes of Zit 9,1£47. " A gem Odes iniesed babe tenet. rewlby, It ens th,le.'Welf Woo Aetwerille 1.p.. of Dr Totowa. The Idol. Wag le sot up le rod low et iht onsa- Ne lM. al Isobar Wolspershwtlf.l,44l4,tosether with wrie,te_said, sista _hr4 th. sea, suds • igns nrely walked is West oproWeity to or wletirre rib Wad of the Wares the l i nil great Walariti Aka swirse. . Nervous Debility. sir T05.5.D10W447,1 .1 . Dr. TOWS6d ,I Was bees *Dieted more or les for 3 rears, WI • dreedbal sinking re the chest, giddinesi .0 the 141.44 los of eppOils, pis is the limb., aal fowl debility, besetht es no delitt br the erotism' hat .4a t..riaw Iso Wiest to is ter bow. dr, I b.» tan asked SiediostTher Imo sawrose to rectitbs, but witli little or now sea... I Subdued hy vial ow th. tsp. bine hottl. of per few shirk limed gent IW. ersee then ousel ewe bosky sad I es ashoit.thrly say: it to do but wdicio. I hers errs takes—the pap is or Web ow, gel I feel Wee edifareetsees assether elan bna la= 7.1.150.p.e1. Ikon sow • Wee amble dos marl lost. 14 wadi he. lakes ILwith theses Demob shit webs I eroW. Wenswed it Wily medicine ray * sail 0.6 eserbsed that lf osedtbas sr W. I *4l 6