!• P 1; [ • II 4 • ,„ 4 • j.l , 1- . .........:... ii. '',':•-,--.`,..:..41.!,'....-:`,;?ifklfi. ear ill. ' 44n: ' 1,.,. • ,, 4 1,, • • !4 ,. ,.f.i.i,1::.4:1::• . : :•• 4... c s ' l, ;lPN'=:t -, ...-r, , '.- ti ti•; ' 4 i:9Aitti : i . .." . '; 11 : 1 4? - :i:;:*;•. 1 ::,',..'ic,,,:g:F.:, '21' .44. i: . i -4.... 4 3 .: , ..t!e 4 :1::t4 . ,-_::44',.. - i - fit - T•i!i''t 4 :1 . ,...v.i1f,!.. 1 i • tri1t . 1 . A . tr,,1'::!:,:41.. k 1. - p.':i . -;, , i,5.1 -. 1 .. 5 ., •* -- IT:-.Iii: - .T.:*:•.A . 4 4,T .i.14,7.'*,;..'i1t!,,,N,;•.-,-:••• 4.••••,41::::*.--:' ',"!•.:1;::'.1.,,gi 0,'.41;;;;: :..... e .i:2,•:.,..:,%,:,;•" 4t1.1....'7'•.`; t-:":••.:';':1'4 Ikt:lei.'l%.:;‘f,4',q'•:l!l'-'', ..! /J ,-,‘;." ~ . - -4.' • •, , " .; , 4•::, . ~-; :a ,,,, • i ,t.:1...?!:;?;,. .;i : :':; ,: ` ., !**, , liei-,i;•t.,.f.,!.:!"q. ,-,A....-!:,,...1;:. 4 ,t...,,,_i-.•..E1,:iti7::,,.:,(...,:r.:1,44.. 1 . :.. ..1. ..;A.. ,,, -`. •-q i . 4:1,14i1ft,,.11-Ar...7:- !!'lti.Y; .•'..,',4."•%i-..,,...,:*i1;.4:::.:. ;‘'.:, •. • lyf ,l. t -.., 1 ~,),,,, , .. , , , ._::,,q,,;:,, : ~, a 1' 'tir,At , I:l•i'c.'•:',.'Al..ss, :.• , U;•z;,ti'• : • ••,,.: 1 ,. +4 ,7i.t.4 • .r.iir. ,i L,l. , :tk0w.,,,•''.14,,, 1 . 1, ,, , + . ;•-; .i:V•t):4,, ' ' ,- : :, i , ; -.1; ;; : ,r , ... - 10;;p1;•::4; ' '' „- 4;;;V••• ! •••:::$1: 7 4t.'•,: !, .41:,,:t:',•.: .. ,,, •• 1- 14, , A.::::: ! •:' .1f r, , , t : • ":z7 ;i':kt:li4 3. t.';':;.:.! .: :,..I,l•''S,, i,ii.:::';'),-,lttito, 4 ,. i .1 '1-:i'4: 4.. -, O ' ,: r i f ,. '' 44 ; - In-• i l: ' %,-*,....k5....:5_',.t-A • . ... - o..it - --,: , 1* 1„il.::.4-, , 4i k.=1,1,i".140,...''' il .Y;Z.,r.,,i.,'s -%,-`:iii=l, ...:,,'!„.. 4,:•41-oy,:.irksi:N- 1 . : 4, • u•t ,'......4%..F4,---"4.77•7•-k ..::I::ti•'`'.?"'N ^T'j, BEl#iiiii—ffirh# and ke BB virre ou fg :trig .• • * 4 l* J lCOlll ..w. L k i k/ . Lals_ wnamult by s. qavac-iss blab, N 50.1 h g l ieeeiva r d w fat stt7 ced9 , - ettulßEßalstifoblUteiNficla 11'. 1. . 1 • ' :11 • . • _ • , . • • • t• - •• , i se,:.4• ~,...4, ._ .-..d—:.,..,........4 i. 4 5,. , ,,,...,t--., t ......, - n.----- ... . . -, . • .., psonvini=tettriasin, Liu* sonr litathaghom . 3 ~ fammi =KEY &CO Mar Vegans; foram _ 10 baia 40 &wan Te•L lars; • 10 Imperial Tok; 10 Six& dtx 13 ban Talper. iarsale byUSH . 111eGILL. BFIELO & ROE Dku- tglZ i n:dp b" • 1. • esseLiq ALZELL 017XD400 bsics mai It. coffee; RlTS— hi' shag Y • . • 100 Map:nuts Itel fra; tpetre; •• - ais iticluatoed /a Tobtem .c 4 . Gtnrt :.t n bmni; 2..16 by JOHN GRIER; 0211 `2OTHS-6.p;rce. nu heavy !sad. Gun doubt %/WaITAI bblek Beaver Clottp.M TCCO Meg \~ br • teald BHACEL & HITE. 1110T-.20 kep'arst;ried, reoeiviog; Grc We by ► octal ROB' r [MIZELL 6Co,ltbesty st g_E , 13 ,6 /,40 0 a Tunthy ew.4ll:l.a7l3:l2r_xe/aix, Ir.to bzs landing; lor'ule by 11 D&LZELLk 00 .o m Pt i - s C. Wes ino teelt i. er m x t limvagarca , le.4by 131ARRIELS—lis 0.1 =Lutes Banal Jac: ree'd ott comsigunsatt; be sale by .315011' WILLER At RICICEITON —_, • AZD-410 bn,Clorer SW; • • .-, • G bu Taliathy_Boad OA COIrIiIMIIMIUt and for - W. 1 1 ' . . ' • MILLER t'IIICKEISON --__________ • scud • .- .- . ~ _. . , . car ir•rin tr. liberty us ty- k. ' 4 ' •• • • • " • ey.for We whole by retail by . oetlYl • , .• . MILLEIt ILICIETEON I°LA/GIES-100E4U N 0 in Owe; kw We by n. oanN ' ' MILLER a:SUMMON - iputaisEr4 bbts . Eastem Copal VarnmS, Noe 1 • • aud W 4 I la /MIN D MOROAN 6025" • . • . • Q3I wool st «u 6. _,l..bbJn .j .. by .i DMO!OAN~ sie...eiIDIVBA-1 eat ( : 300 lb!) A. mak b J D LEGA ig C ° M l4lrW5--12 ""r "I* bY J HOWL% VGIWOO . D... 6bte ebi . ped for see «nsDUOIRGAN 114 Ebb raa* far gala by - I D MORGAN L lllll WllClSlT—litrois Nem mad Dome Lima:tem *et." for ulaby D MOROAN L A Z:1 1"" VW" r"IniqindOTICIAN -1, P 15.1.dava %Pim an drased and inlobti W. for sale at ins 11114.3 =SM. JAMB WEAVER ear that ik.maiket 7,it1'44"7:R11:f1T7.77.7' a ebb: "' " COB WZ&VFB 110P1-1 We In urns for saliby eetO I DICILV4.b.OO 4".• ekm ati nude •T DICICEir a co FOULEIBICTULUCS—Mbe Ilatinifrobtabaltiost %.1 It Poe&bad tor We by ; • JAS - DALZELL obt23 34 4rater 13 1 DBON11.;—W.R.MURPAY hum; pp Tihand .l.l. row, aswitrent embolic Goo sortale maculated, ( 1 01.141115—A• fartavr vapply eacac • =I - teach 4.1 - media musk Callum pm opened at !NT goads house • aett2 Wll MURPHY LlKS—Changeibla bine and hhtt&T4lll9ains and 6.1444a5112 foe buttes Dresse• and Vow, m.p mod thiApods boom of .W IL MI:HY °od hotitheast eor 4th k orsi W tst 444 entli.lllllE—lCKlbzifersileby - • - . :10191' . 8P VO.N DONNHORST& CO VXJLWEI'AIL-a limber niply of barred Cowan , Mabel put maind by . W 8 MURPHY IIkArROWEILA—Rmian, Gordon A Co. 11. Et. Madeira . 411.1. saleth c‘e.WAms of p.I each at the Irma Won . .TACOR WEAVER ANADICULA;-Blindy.madeira J3t sale. wfielesals JYA or steal at Otearinestsne. titer • • • • JACOB 'BTIAVER EfLACIICIMUI ?Were. In bble,'lniginal as 'MP mid by thlibotils, sow very saperbr, gar sale at the wine awns • • (wild]. • .Idol= WEAVES •-p—lebbi. a ft. N" - E.6hzd Z 2 Pro at 1 w i r4 77.1 pei I BCHOONlimixit k:COV . wedelns' ht bble and be re: wi eleeirtetesale. • JACOB ,WEAVDIe • en =dm b. find i mteira,delieateited we's* „....NIOt Sale at the tetee stem • , eel• c ... . JACOB WEAVER Mensues—Dlueei.‘ . or eak *2.Am - ion • nasingtir NADE II A-4 - ' or 110.444! ar eerie only, for We el the Irina • 744 w ANA 1.3111117 -ELDEIRA.• for ale. ktO.P. ALL big or OW arrlre wins core.. aetei , . iacos'arEa SALIIII.A.rIF4* exka Gisteam . l Salim; ifFirecryed ,0:111 • . '`,`. vie, )3 uPrz P . " 7°. "! ° , l ='am;careiiimm • ACOM—A =sail lat ruse lir sale by al " tia-411 1rnriVrNnottsr •IDLOVIt.—GS bht* Riley'. brand; - , . • X ._ • 121 _l' :Craw:incr.; blant4jaireed by the mar Caleb Cope; iornletay - • , otal Sit W Sliktroll;33 oval a • i 73.01311-19 bbis Mama . ntillsjui Loading Gam I. sear eeppw;for We • •t• •- we. • • W FULAIIAVGII wiSMIL 1411,1) 012r-3 Conklin' .h • mmokame. sonanntly. hand In ovum/Wes to set pap:Amen by = F EELI-811% Agent fi)f nsanatherirets • Q11:10/ Kr sale kra , le close aa , , • LEAVY& 11UT VHISON Jr. CO - 43 water &Wheel Me - Erese . ce% MOTASH-6 eat sUt Iron t row* nil boas Algoma; far ably by best/ ' JAS DALZELL. 44 Inter .t lokiLoon-4 hbdistisid.s : I xr • . Elide•,pnatin ned sad for sale fiy P 11ELLEIUS. 1? Dem a 1010 IRON-1J ,ttm. tgc, I Slaboaing regy..od, landiarand for ale J 0 BIDWELL, . 11,1110 t Pt , If i IOADT-200pfirs Galena Les tr isit ro'J; Got p DBITSB hbj . 41 miser .014/11/4131C0 bblb NAu:Ws VW We low M wwkee by LEWIS nuicarsom col -I{s w.. An „” T iun—as pigs 041 cut Lead Just ree , d; Ow a lert AAI mm l. HUTCHISON S.OO 100 hid. prise Ile. dew' "wed ke ule by L'HUTCHISON k CO 'lll'l3-13,33 Nol L 33 2; • .• • b* o, 0 vin!ii Tobacco; = • •33 3313 SAt pat reed: fo rale bl . J JORDAN !ON 3 r 1.4. 4 4 911-1 4., 016 " rin 42 l p4 r .,!... by DAVIS yy. bet re; - vamp t .pitrAroaa-13 Maahanniasks landing Ltain rlldinge,Cluar• farnals Been_L Ari per,suar for de by , INENDiREIEY & OD • ' SY water at -WCri"Qum/ Pin Wine odl pnppn far aYe wAslaudeorrlP/11 ' • JACOB MAMA . *a ' l5 "1"-, ear Owl Aol/telrM 4 ...grAID Tiowp-4,Vor's PM Pon, neh sod O.), itravreol r,"d sale O obis sad by nun ot wino sons. ( 0020 ] LA MM WE.ACEit • nesoarths c e icbexed T r brand Port, *a 010 u t !Monad otherwise or dm wine roe. gala . ' Jame WEAVER_ ad* by llao dam* 'alma:nem uthe wino Mon •. • • JACOA WEAVER DED !LUSH CAPS—Men'. sad Boy% red - EDA ACS.Hr sale at NaIALLADE. :RaidDr-11; kr ,(yam qr e6tilk PiPm . •ll4:ard Laria, coraratater, por sal. or C MARTIN TiCaP/PEZ.-ZU bop JUN receiveil and /Dr ale by ', Ntts , • 'bay Intelt mblifeld 14 B Wallet brIDI;;Elli ree'di log sale Dv . wcket. I 11.0011111-0:doz Comßrooms liar saMi by I Gab . WICK & YeCAND LEN lams Barrels' for sate 61annir4d1-4°ll'‘ . analWiCK hucArdoLtu LILL= —lll ba Orr . md• BricolimEgg OGWITOD-115 , bbls . tte l tr L ut • emis ciNnues ~iowr "LNLS-7*bbis white Viol , I' bf bblo do; • t'ee'd this de r; 'for olio b . : I DICKE Y 4 - 00 . ..0 0 r2s vraletk. frost sti ..--,NAns—;oiA. E .ke a nd / 0 d NidtV,Tdastr PI ' rentm. noidof.eld &water pinPUON. , -4 kegs Lauer. .QAXER44VB-37east* salcriuni 'store end - Yr ; 7.7 oak bry - Jour/ soorr fr,co I - . eamsereial 'lhr:tawny „./NNOWN PAPER—ICC restaubtott cobra, krona k VIVO ter rata by - JOHN iSCQTT kCQ .• • "Mad- ' ”. _: 7 commercial row,bberrYst AIIIIIX,II-4 cub PeirrUr, to" . sad eleseelgeen rendrendrer t7llnote ey - it A etintlerierHrleibleLl ittste_es ~.::siglo 76F i'frai, lei of eresisblek Wineenpreende ,Memel and &reale n or wheats Saves. be 'l5 - 4 4 1 Ann' woos:same, be Weber . 111.0 W, LXF . :16,...1neiev moti elled v ieet for all, in derereeq, NTstiTiv e LEE, Old win womanise, Om Worry . . el na Ceeit's Inn 3'etoy • lig b * l spapr ehe . II; for sale - Ily . • D WILLIAMS DRODOCIII-22bbls Flaxseed; A. • 1 mak Weill; 1 10 2 ,* Flax; WO bbls Fleet received and fin tale by ant , . „GEO kIIERRY:IO wood 11 SICNORSES-50bze Id R Rateirw. 15 begs Filbene, • 10 do.Creera non, • 15 do almonds, 10 do,E Walnuts, in ewe iird for We low by oetll " ENOLIFiI & RENNET[. 01 EX/MAX, dte—l ask Beeswax; • bags Marital • 10 Featherc Isadine (ma Boar Pacific and for sale by 0090 /AS DALZELL, water Bt ICCEHL—.IIbss very I • aad •• • • • 8 esks " " 159 Ims Inedioni size, now lending: for sale Fry .15.11 AH DICKEY & CO water. & (mot us .'ooll.lll—Hamin Son , * "C C" Pons. oonsisting of double, treble. and pore Wee Wines, voltage of '42 in sore sod for sale whokonle at the wino mono. oncin JACOB WEAVER lit/LPPIIIIO PAPEIt 15(abnadlu SO, RI and D O maw Paper; 150 0 ?Soium Rag, • SD I , DBLedlosa 113/Aware; for tale by oetlS r REYNOLDS SERE • DORT3- ,, raylor, Flwigate & Co's double grape rattier asle wholesale or retsil at the wise store. tietl9 .' • JACOB WEAVER _ . S tglpitir ititrne k. ri Peh" ' Dunenjantung from am A meriu; oetZl for We • .! J DALZELL F . LOVEL—S3 begs belledllackwtisal Meanest reed 1: and far sale by 8 F VON 8UNN1101113? it CO OCMJJ .. • 33 (mat let B RIIIUI.-100 do: pH for • NNHOR>S~dc OD Laalet"br frilar'tii ß ) ARP &CO f* F. - lihnrtl aL oopoeite the bead of aaddlield MILOKZftrI.,4O hit bbla no aiu . R . e ,irx • E ItErZ b .l7T N Oli 2 :east ilde • —~apsfa do No Fnd g r Patt Larl Oil (To 00111reee• F BELL "k pIACIDLICL-100 ERS' lik'n7l2 fele El4eNai =an bY East lode of Dtant'euat B - LANK/CTS—e6 paw Imp Dosteasale . Blanket. ateeeing ea trrlmem; A.le • .Lzt _ O ot,,aßO COUHRAN by wood al PLAIITIOL PAILLII-B,diotdo for Land, ka. vases hood sad for oak od NoIH Llbo meet near Goal. felOt• . ' WW• ny aCE WKELP—iO ions D. R. Ky. Hemp in_l4b_re:fpy w. .ba by - -• • JObOrGRIER onus, tt B rt azzar.-60 h.t. NV g reOd and forsale b• otstgl.• • . • ?AWRY & BPArr QIIGAR,—N N _ 0 n.o'4 poi an= Cannier 17 And fin ado on conoigosoni by inane FORSYTH DUNCLN. vronr PLOVI4—OOO Mb& Saar Sashed itnd Mr sale bp foto • I JORDAN SON,IB libeny LOTII AND MAST CAPS—A opleasid mama meat and Tel variety of style at Si eCALLAWS, VICATELEILS-1,371 lbs_ pr rsime /Cy. Feathe j . en L` reed; Resale by PO/NDESTEB tco I water at OIL- bbl, winter Lan! Chlitu_n We by octlii • MLLE@ & lIICKr—oTOON —MI bur br sale 8 P VON BONNHORST • CO EILOCIL-77 bbls %Wan Mil* , badly Roar 1. wk. by 111bOILJ, BUSHMLD k ROE °vale . , • 11111er st 111-Iheraanity Pon, a alexia grape wide, lb la pipes or MU at the mac ewe. " " LaCOB ,WEAVER DOTATOZI-40ba Neslionneek Prdater.4 jut r. eeiced and for nla by .3648 Bt W FIARBAUGH,Iyrood st VLDWEILS PEASDNUILD—Nos 7 sad el of this bnoi;Ifol work hos bemused and is Insole by oco2o -M■B CALDW 01.,L OIL .0.1113:444 tinsiut F eet fbr We by • iPettg- - • • W IiAILBAUGH On , OLILICLS kir tale by • BAK% hi MLR canal na, nearlllll_ SIDES-41:031bi prima Baton &l ea O 0 11 1 ,16 ay. oci4o ROOICANUSDIrIO No I for sale b . 7 D WIL • Ilact inagkira, for,sals •a ulna COM JACOB wzavast.", ORK-103 bu yellow Corn for sale by Di KIER ItYZ-410 ba aid Rye for ails by PDX-10 bbli Mw ib lu V ml ea arti m ela, - es bud; knee by • NO ear pent & inns ab soATEMIIIII6.IO Mts rim 'northers Feallten one.ttoV. MeGILL:BUSHTiI:LiI& acrE LO4 of mate lkomidets & and for wia low • ENGLISH a. BENNETT, 47 weed st 11=371 QIIGAIZ-10 MO prime N 0 Scot foe' sale by p atilt . MeGELL, BOSHFIELD NOS ~1~ ~ . 7i0.7~7~ 'VALIUM fe-41:03 IDs Cation Yam, als'd ribb; .L 15&blestiattinv "" " Caw! !block; for nle by ma; _ & 120 F: MIXOTLABGE act Nev. York, Pal, lubt Hsl motty for W . O inn to *air. by - OAP—M) bag! &Ana* in bat pad este iced Ardis by B. E EELLEES or.Cl I VI bbt /may Cayeanseperpvetived Ibr deb • 1.21 EISE.I.ERN Gill - MS3S-16.01,135pue Mewl E.7crerse reel! atut int Wei try oettl 51 Et/FM.l:lth DOOT—lbases polled Idlyatiee Ron ree'd and for 11.'n% by eyed • Ft EStl LIARS, TIJEGH.O bblo freslest&its• • 013111111100os reed fm sale R by eel= • E SELLERS V II e .amKH MICA: TOBACCO-15haSes liners aid wrap " " ". ill " 41v" 7 " 4 1 1 D e lt rt rag t Op eat{ fitingllll-40 en targe.d extra pmee jest rsed V for Ws try WICK it IdoCANDLEB.I cos woad & was. R. V7191•11-11bbls GiVcterrlTZ:j=ym, 0 . 131,410440 bap_Onsil flew for sale by man • • • WICK h. kIeCANDLES.B _ _ BLACIIie Pied Pisa Blak. II for sale by CIALZBATIIII=43 cab be We by ocJ4 _ 1 WIC[ a IifeCAPIDLFffi S TXII-4i tr lived received sod for We .setre • - • 18 B UTTER aad 4=l L Imp tiad Olds de yule by licl4l4BpBDprz,D t - ROE oarid'7H libetty mosscoo,no3a, is, , ..3D kersilivrisi iu 100ra * god km 031007 ' 1 • ' 11.4 44 A3 P i PJVrOirril • 17 woad st TEAM ➢OAT : COOKIXO BTOIIMB kr nat. ' , WM B ISCAIFE, .14$ 6ed.t behossa market & wart lISDIITABD—Reperior .ffeateety—ln ua rune—of JAL Idea, lull sod quarter pomade; Isar reed add for ode by. . EDWARD frEAZELTON East eide Ihemend VCAAJIL—P bus saperterri Opy ri rf;ra by coosildow• .nd ib ."..1 TILLIA)W-‘ , lbbLv re _ for olibi ol • 1tL0174-00 66bgriaad Pbmir fast reeeive4 4OrWe by , Nt HARBAUGH 110011[111-Itractzpost ree'd for solo by % oettb • • • ' 'tf W lIA MBA Lr 011 ... VOIARL-63 bhckN 0 Sugar kw pals to oloss by °car) ; • POINDEXTER k. pore LixpeOd 03Jan • int'il; Gsr see by 04118 • — • F SELLERS • prime Reatacky Fe.thers landing mar We made; for sale by • poW3 WIIJAAILS DILWORTII,II7 wood st Vti.t"-)b& a O OIAR—N 0 SmEr fin sale by_ octla 7011SYTH k DUN rater .t t i r i orlir "ASS 1r taIIYTO &DUNCAN. • .A 11111-10 ions soda sali for silo 4y A oette FORS nil IDUNCAN ElLOWL—itsabbls Sias Bossily 2dtbls Jan 'assists! stair Ihrliagnr and.ior sale by an - Bt Vl' I ARJAUUq , 33 woad st 4 Marriila=aCCO be Flax Bead an ' , uck tha high est market price at cask Wilt be paid br. MU. B&W HARS &UGH. DOPLASt LIMBER, arid Flits Jot., far Bala by 4-1011 tr, .W W WALLACE. MOLA I I I IIIII 3 IV D i t= (or _ 4A5 DALzea4, 14iM;;IMEN1c915 r.inigirrTrrrwm . srFir to most-ve &n ! ris TrVW:A N & co litip . t 9 cult—ao bow cut. rvltfitfii,olivyco (101tRAN-1.50 luisiprinie Rio in atom 11.1. by vi:l wig 0 BLACKBURN & CO. wort et PTIi-sadi)o"-dvittaiwo.&co ASZRY-10 kegs ossursod, &V mall tot best Eatbsb'Essety srunisted„, Lela by. I b-moomd XIDEIS.A. co F 3° L 00R—R0 ble /hit , posafi;. "43 Gana amahliald* grata QESTR - IS T, &o.::-A sisal! lot or hear, er.9_ 11 , &aro us S Drawers roc% ko To 11 EATON IPIGIP-130 his Bt., tr ibt 111‘inam f 53 Thor day 6.55 5: 2 927 Z Flidoy. . 5 % 5 1 1015 ' .53 Sotoith.y 627 5 0 1123 L.qt. 31 Sunday 6 53 459 mom 1 51milizy 6 Z 457 Oa= ' . 2 Tomday 631 456 1 16 3 WedOoodiy 6W.4 55 213 Blemtments of the Oman Steamers. Siczn:it ; • Captains. Lem Amer. Lease Lumen. .Eett 6 .tic., SO Ilaniban, Ott 1 • Sept 4 ' ,j 1 ltyzie Oct 16 Sept IP Phi l 6l 4l l . l 4(Pl,lllescon Oct 1 Sept 13 Oe.ticet,(FO Oaten, FhpOit • Mt... o i, (Fr) Morin, . Oct 23 • Nay 2f 4 - 6363 ritt. lßr Juditins, Nor I Oct New York. 14 Farrand, Sept 16 Oct 15 Wa•Mot., tAm) Thm,tt, • , Sept 11 • 0.116 Calcdocug;Olr) Bob, 'Sept 16 Oct 19 , ITTSBITRODI BOARD OF FRADY, COMMTITEE FOR OCIIATEIL 0.00011. I. T. TOW 101104 11 1. W. U. DT.NiT. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURES OF MAILS. Daiwa Mail via • Philadelptaii, due, 3 A. M,, also .• 12 M. Westeni Mail, Cincinnati and Louisville, due 8P M., clones 5 A. DI • Southern Mail via Balticoore.and Wallington, doe 8 P. M.; clones 5 A: At. :h Western via Cleveland, die 10 A. M., Cl OSP 9 A. M. Psis and Western New York, due 8 P. 51,eloses • 8 A. fd. Orricr. rirnageon CliAzrrrt, tt FaidayNorning, October 49. • S The market general 4 is witkoot change from air lad men. liegu:at salea to the trade iodine, gage brisk. • • Floor—The market is guilt., and nothing haa oa Marred be; and earrea ate range or repines Moil ales.— We notice sales In lots ainotuating is all to about bbla it $ 4 , 76 114,8/1 ♦ bbl, ratiniug Irons sun '1425,25 for good soprano. • Wheat—lVe base' o sales to sepia. -It is held In atom is limited .applies at 90e p • Coro-Sales of3oo Ma at 40g45e. Riti7Sales at 43e.; Barley—Moderate sales occur U 45848 e. Oats—We notice sales of 400 tea at CAM. litaema—No chugs is the market.. Ssieeate at the mud quotations, ranging from 7 to We •lb. . . . Cheese—We 1104aCti further sales a tIX) bz W R Battae-:-Sales 300 lb. keg at 9ie. Apples-Sala or MO bbla from non at 87k p bbl , Featbeta-Sate. As at SIC 31a lb. Mackerel—Sala . le bblollo Y at 7.01,1.5 p bbl. Sahnon—Reg Wes at lOWA Pit Matal—A gale of 500 toes Eta., (H 11) h b reported at 337, 6 mos., The best i(da, of - Hug mg an. ebt.forwiebr • - TAIISEY &HEST. 35 wood st INIPCOLTsOT To PRoTisicS PACZIOII.-A highly respectable English house, (says the St Louis fthr public.) 'engaged In tie provisiou baldness with this country, in a letter to a 'nordista of that city, among other thing, write' the following; 'Oar crop of twirl! la England will tie ready in March, sad the large qunnuty of damned Indian corn, as food, is likely to prodoes h airsnuty double that of aoy former year, and the mica of pork will istOoce oar rumens to 001/ ay COO l;thmk the porkthat goes forward before March will Nall for the beat prices. It is 110 one to send barns from your semi., as they will not pay thee...pease. The Western CON : his a name attached. it that will make it very &Scutt to sell.. Lard is the hest article, in good banal,, with itrac TARN; but I am Sorry to 411100 that your WRITIItEN TolLa in col. sidered a dead share. Do try to get actual tams in your business—it sounds Go boor." bbla Mums tor nY b 7 • .. D WILLI:I2a The an geatiolut contained le this extract are portant to the prorition packet. of the Went, and ii lolry comddered and acted up to by them, meet and will result in great miring to them engaged in the - - - Hear BREAKING MACRINV.—Mr L Wit Rams, of St Loam, has recently amatsucted • hemp breiking machine, which promisee to be of great importance to the gammas of this ,troportaat staple of the West If it does not tend to cheapen the article, it will, at all events, prodice a drones mad better fiat than when broken by the ordinary pro ann. The Repoblican gives the following brielde ecription or the machine, and the process of its use: "From an apron ni feeder, the hemp is passed • through a seccenjon °trailers redly, closely into each other, and as if Is distended below thane It la sketched or tread from shoves by the action of 'toe rope cylinders, also working into each other. The band of hemp pewee 'nearly through between the collar,. when the machine. by its own action, makes -a reverse motion, and the band is *own apes ea apron. The cols are reversed end the same opera. tioa gone throsuri with, when it comes ont entirely gee Item sheen, the lint mbroken, without tenets or meshes , and perfectly ready for the hatchet, We are aware that oar attempt at a description dorm not gftea jolt idea' at he machine, ace can that be obtained bat by Inspecting it and vitamin its at, boa. to the presence of the gentlemen who wit. named the performance of this curdle* yesterday, gee and a half grounds were broken in gee mina_ ,tee and as well broken Ro th e' co - Whir/a Of the neap Weald . .perinit it t hue bees es any brearnew need." hams, and he contemplates improvements in the egulattop of the actloo, which will obviate some of it demos. A machine of this kind ha. been long waiting by the hemp .growers of the west, and vre hue no dosbt its anterposisg inventor will be m warded by its genera) WO as a labor using and profitable invention. Leme—The prices of pig lead hu been gradually ednotieg In the wen fee some time, and it ie arm sold in St Lobar at pricer only a uhride below thou of our owe 'market. 'We gin the folknorteg ft= the be [.Quit Republiun of the SOM loam. 'The sales reported aro 1.0317 pip oa Monday at $3,95; pp yesterday at $1; about 7900 pet to My, la three lote, at ante, and 716 pip at $4.10 p 100 lbs. The only lot reentlaing in the, market is held at 4.114. We keep, of no transaetkote In lomat mine lead. Received this week 6,913 pig.. Thor Bank fit _ampaon'a Rank Pole Wat of the Path imotaol give the following siatemookorsporiaan note joßi sv. on the Bank of the State or North Conlin; 64 on the Thomaston. Bank. Mein. on the Cheater bank N Y; Vie on the the Mere-hints' bank of Bala timers; 54 on the Washiegton CO bank, N Y; S's on She bank of Sandnaky: 0; ea on the Ontario back of NY;Ca on the Middletown bank, NY; on the Union Bask of °corer, N J. cazn=mi BALTIMORE Cattle Market--Oet :s—Then was • huge supply of Beeline to day, out the demand was not animated. and prices have deelieed. The oferintrs maen 1900 bald, of which - 660 were pm, clued by poker. nod butchers; 950 bead were del: vita to Philadelphia; and WM Read mulls ovet unsold. Priem ranged front $1.6 to 3,00 p 160 Ins on the boot, vital to 2,2535, net, and , amiging Hop—Salm lof lite H wets mad, 6,256E6.52a. . • . NEAVE.R.,Por Maclicoluto piper, Walling. ford & co. .1' at Erie - 1 k; guise, 4do piper, Waffler! tont* co. I • - BRO*liSkrlLLE—per Montereywi totig pulse, 3bbl, whiskey, Ettubridge eo-,13 bbls apples, owner-436 bugloss; Rottullsoik Heppert-8 V" pint Niko, Ittulney dr. I..edite—b bbts eider; Hoover —483 bra psis, Et:admit-1U bo oats, J Hill. Per Louji MeLine-17kpialls,Berblidge & co —I be mdse, II Childs-11 ors, S hlee, Bbp ,3 bble, 3 mats, 1 pkg Mae, J Hunker—l be do, I,orsyth & 'Duncan-4 Mi do. H Hell—lD bee 7 Mee, D Leech & ca=l do McFadden-1 dodo, Odioroo-2 dodo JiMustan-1 at, 3 Lolls, ;I bay mdse, Replay & do do. Hill & co—!s bbl . flour, Mitchell —8 do do, Mulls okinl be., trunk, H Graff-1 do, S ble. 4 bp. IS ha. mdse, 5 bas 1 trunk, Church & co-18 bk., 0 trunk', Bidwell-10.5 bus iron;s4 kgs Enoe-4 bhle floor, Mel okiu-109 bss glue Gray-17 a do, Smith.• BOATS LEAVING THIS Dar. D. LEECH & Co'i. PACKET,. Philo&lpfila arid Baltitiore.7 r. r. BROWNSVILI,K PACKETS it 8 A... lid BEAVER PACKS PS et. 9 and 19 A r sad 3 rut MONONGAHELA clITy rAexers, 3 r. r. DISPATCH. Nelson, Brow:mina. GLASGOW PACKET, alsagovr,4 r. WELLSVILLE, Wellsville, 9 A.. MT VERNON. St Loos. ALLEN GLOVER. N Orleans. MINGO CHIEF, Zanesville PACIFIC .Looi.thle. NORTH CAROLINA CLIPPER, No 2, Cie. PORT OF PITTSBURGII. 10 ►ELT 6 Magi wArcn—rAccum ARRIVED. Coaxal, Bowman, Brovntivillp. Michigan No. g,Hilson, Beam. . Louis McLane. Bennett. Brownsville. Despatch, Nelson, Moo. City,., _ Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver. Beaver, Hoops, Beaver. Lake Erie. Hemphill. Beaver. Caleb cope, Moure. Beaver. Skilger, Sloop., Wellsville. Re Englaad. ;bbe l t, Wheeling Canal, Bowmen, Brownville. Lenin Benoett, Brownsville Monterey. Woodward, Brownsville. .I)isystehNelson, Brownville. ii Like Eels,.empblll,"Beelver. - CalebL , tlryll.e!l" ools ,ll 4 .!Ter. • WISCOPEM, Mice:Chi:A • ' Robert blarris;Cueplvell, iVew Rightlid• &agile W • • . • COMMERCIAL' RECORD. main] 1847 t• ` !Sart (3CTOBER. ' rim Moon -Mane "4 61 4 Otani lIIIPORTI By' RIVER* miscruanors. • RAYMOND & wARIN(I , 4 TWO MENAGERIES UNITED . . , 150 LIVIA6.ISPIGOTIaI;rS Off ii.TIIII,.AL ' 51118TOWY •' • IMMIIro - diiis be erected in (root of 03 American hotel, Penn drat. Open, each day, from to II &Mock, P; (rem 7to 10 'clock. P. id. 10=1193 23 Cum; ehddren unddi 10 ydais Is emus. us Entry of tle NM' an d Gorgeous 8.01111.1 Bow& Chariot: Drawn by 10 Grarllpre fly Largo/Giza! Raymond& Waring would announce; thin!bo eelebbis ted bravo and powerful ;mak Dkii:*mteit, with ho Idably•fraine4 ,Linac, Tiger; Leopodo.fhe , boa been .WO4 appearm Oda any. 11i %undo at On head Of ALL Ulmer, of wild beau, and has been styled the LION KING, and he mentally titan • .1111 d /0 on fo Rumen!!! UPI of Reome,llinis and Reptile in the Median! 0 Raymond t Weram: ontrummoitora ormaarsamm. Two Dobbs Elephants, tyro pack Camels, Mia Peruvian smal Buffalo, Lapland Nesodear, Lai ma, Alpacca, Camelia:l Illk, Airmail Zebra, pair of K roar .a n Fallow Deer, Iwo Gaimacioia, of • cAlNSvollen.lnrcre. . Nam w black alwoll Lion, African Lamers, Amt. One Linn and Lionew, Boutllon Twit, Silver Lion. blk Titer, two Jogons.'African Pantherowo Aftican Leo. rrto b lVtrlr L ra, gz,l4 Leopard. spouod two N. A. black Born, time N. A. Patna , three A . Poona foar vaned Hyenas, mond errhXch Hyena, Oc/na Ttger• Cat, Rooky brooniain Wolf. ?rain° do. Peccary, A rm!dillo. Egyptian Weasel. Wild Cat, 510 &fount kudo or Monkeys, leknornatt, ie. oaarrancootew. onArnneri, Pals Erns of Now llolland, two Porton, four red fdicaws,2 yellow do, Parrots and Eculea, Billow Phea sant, ea. M/ M.TYLVT. Two gnomon Bo W aCon l, etrieton, and an Anton.. The whole mettateetie wtU (brat s ;weasel= at M. oeuphela Bridge. on Monday morning. Now la, sit .9 o'clock, notating of 40 carriages, containing the wins aiumalsohnd drown brim homes, preceded by the chariot, conisinum the New ; Vol k Braes Send, and wilt's. & W u Water at to Penn; up Pen to Wayne, no Worn Liberty, dawn llbeny to Wool. down Weed to Third, op Third to Smithfield, op Smithfield to the Pecncialei reference iv given in mammoth bills, poet ers,Litbographelk., in principal howls. amp To Grocers owl Tea D .. THE PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORE pErIN TEA COMPANY No. 35 lurch Front Street. Philadelp&ia. • .4•11 el l o i cir Y orAZl' P r ' tVs,Ve Z ' rZrZ. tf eZe h b7 W 7 fral; eb,s I, or peeked la ado th e style, at poor.. low rawly othet ertablishrand in the Vented doter. For intle -100 Id data Young Flyson, Dow glades and Aneo 100 lb. extra Sliver Leaf do; , . . NI chats &talk( dans Unerrowder (6ne and exam.) ItO do do and bores Isuperial(6tte, extra and low grade.;) SO chats old h 17.011 (varietal trades* \ 250 kf riots and has Eno Oolongs (various) VD do do Piing. Veep do, 150 do Powehoop tehtnao wad other davorej ' Cheap and Eldwery English Bleakfost Teas, to. ie. flit Company estahVah Le earl arm agencies of any kind 012 of Pidladelphts, bat fat eialnat Tea. to kd.in # and pound pathogen, bearing attires. swam the peers! trade of a quahly equal to anv sold in the V maw, at the /Me plee•, and pledae IhMlieb , CS I, fund the money for all that 41.01 not gtire canafar.- non. 2deCALL,MONT ive enBOND` No 3.1 North Finn &reel Wholesale Depot of the Craumany N. B. Orders from a distance executed fanloully and with dosparch. AMC. d B J. B. DITOCITAILE the Agent of the Company NM OM !Hy. and will egil upon Braves and Tea Dealers. spilidasase3m pviasonuum' Menem Heed & Caller-1 feel it n duty 1 owe to my Whim creatures to mate scamth.ng more respecting soar Vegetable Pa:mum Balsa= Since I Ann ivied Lb. Balsam, oboist eleven years ago, the hsppy effect of ethic/s'llles gave an account of,l have had several mesereleuriplainte and attache at me icem—enc a few days eipte—erd in every instance I Mule used :21e e algae s - jib complete and perfect sexces. It ham effected relief and tare in a very few days. it is ren tolnlyikmde medicine. Ido nor know that it well care Slog censampuon. ber-1 believe d will Leis many imams preventative, and prevention ix better than cure. I do therefore, for the love el my fellow men, earnestly recommend the use of this halsem, in ail pulmonary temple rat. I am confident that it has been the me gm of preverring my ifs m due day. Bomon,lend Iffy 1 11 . Boy's', Pelmet.. EA ,, Sold by A; PAIS ~,r &CO., corner of First and Wood; also.eormiefe.leral Wend Pc. aced. O IL'. Spends Oa:Vantyke Rama; Lard do: ladisa Red, Pato de; - - Direb Pins; Tandem Oil; Rose do. Whale do; Antargrp Moe; Olive do; pun; Mae; Dd Cal Viiiicdoi;. Wdi . Lscrs&xl, thlpped; Do gi.nd, Noriatie Aeul; . Ccuievacd di.. Aqua Foam Tonic!, do; Oxalic Acid; Lai. li-r do, Chrome Grain; Blue Vitiali Do lellusr; Esauae; Do Red; laiica, Dpsaiiii; Paris Grego; ArrIMO, - Enuturiek Ureeo; Verticres, ke. &c.; hut read cud karate eke* for toll, by • J , JEL NUITI:P.Tt N W earner %VorA .t 6.h et, . —Thr 1110110L13TION—The ovum/slop hehetto ui•r tefl. l i n s g thlla e ; osfiliTooaleWentnn'ohan lal.a YdlheYIPS di9e/ed erhi/eaure intere“ le Wighure; The Demers:ea the hoe Coo af9l lA—Jett:ea by Wiebo ilea, lobe ateborieed to au the coma of the !me Om 'Oet that putpcss. 11.1 IYllill TM AN tyl:10/11or Calf 1'47 J J DAL•LFLL TIM Subscriber is now prepared to manufactore all kinds of Conon and WooleAmachinery at the shorten notice. Orders lentil R Wrgluman's linrme ettop i enr• nor Liberty and Water street will meet with prompt at. Wade. ' 11 WIGHTIMAN Laeoek at between Fcdoinl and Sandusky sts . uptliOdly ' Allegheny Cary DB. D. w. &minus Ilydroimtlitlste woutd AI respectfully intontO his mends and the ,einertur of Pittsburgh and Allegheny thet he has deeidqd m remain is the erg Muir/ the winter, and is prepared to treat patients, placing themselves anger Inn earc recording to the sruem as practised at all Water Cure EltabliPh• Weine r for either Anne 'or Chronic diseases. Those wishing to avail Incusselves of his services w,ll cull at rha Vichange, Penn at. Dr. hi km treated 'acicral an- Vero enaet or disease in ibis eity with genii Sileee•S. Which he la • ...mined m refer. , octe..7t( SUGNNEDIC. Jr, ' Wholesale Variety Store and l ooking Glacr , Manufacturer, Corner of Wood and Fourth PetMitrgh. I.IASJu.I received from the Eau a large mid good on. ...14.011D1.21 of Variety Coods,utdodiog Ciochs, ACC.- Ikon; Pin., Needle. Gobs. Caps, Ifoeks qnd Eyes, Cutlery and Combs of eyery genera., and 4¢sl , lY:-- torn Merchant. and cher. are requemed °call and uantine Woos estrchumg elsewhere', or g in; Kam. " tind+o Oa , . 61 .4.1r.9 andeortmon Lot, Mg tiles ea manufactured and mold at 6a.tern paces. at R. Rome Love. C. Y. Martin. R. B lompunt. LOVE, MARTIN & CO. ) WR E I R AOIugnr• AND "R -, No. 6 SpeoVo 'Wharf', Baltimore. RIM TO- .. . . . 2,1 Allen & Co, / ..' .• , . • "Hampton, smith & Co, S , d 3 nnr/f.. DaMOl2l, :Mandan & Cu, ) John R Randall, d I"'lPTilliyF a, Hsu h Jonklna, BAWL - JONF.B, JR,, (Lam Talbot /m. 0.& Cm.l of italiltuoso.l GROCERY, C0M,1113910N AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 45 Poydras Stred,New Orkwis. 07•Parucolar gunman paid n tho forward Eng brai• 110116. , octlSalre AMERICAN HOTEL, Opposite the Rail Road Depot, Brittle., Ball. EIENILT Jg. SMITH, Proprietor. Law *rem Exchange mat Sh Caul. Hotels, Plhsl4. ocathdly Blowlamp amens— ro, 300 bids mall Loaf, ass'd plop, 30 ban lamps do ' douhlardned; 75 bblo powdered Sugar; '' crushed a • in store aed for sale by LEWIS UTClilsopi &Co oat) Agents St Laois Sugar Rellepy_ liroTeTif BILLS on Ragland, Ireland:and Scotland liclimlst tp any amount at the Current Rates of , Eseiianga.— Also,pralls miyable In any part of the Cattoiric, from Al f 1 OU, at the rate of 8 . 3 to the without deduch n or disiroani. by JOSIIUVROl11).- SON, European and (lateral Agent, Ottee; sth st . one door westof wood octlkf Transports, ion. THE Went rs piniasm of the l's. Canal and rouge Rad Road hawing Leen repaired and row in good order, are will cola 'nue to forward goods na het etofore. ter Baltslairgb, Blatnivale,Johnsiown, llollldaysburg and all intennethate places. C A Ma& ULTY &CJ eaglet's,. Canal Oman AMTrr—n,Tg good etenf7nz4lAT"ay..,tepgx,opegi &c, n7WifiPh the b'gh"lP"'e mita wayne at between iron & 1101.113tAlt Plitt: 00(L F, o , re E ,,E c tfill .,...i sr thrta V. Jame. ..or article, or acre; for aale by SAATEVICI7tIr Pe. eta canal buin. near 7th at lITLYILV—• choice splection or Cutlery, gir , tg Pruning wad Padding Knlyvyqf 111171.111 minable for aorsarg men ant gindenerf:Mou. , lergu assortment of pea and pocket It basic,* superior arVcie. fast received and for sale low at the Pittsbutgh geed std A‘ r t,aituat Weight:awe, ?to ill Wend ,at (OTC, or Mb. ruient , h WICZERNIAM DANK rx PrresstAos, Oe4 td, DIM_ A N th. EZteg for thineen Directors of this Dank for . 1 , 1 4. bi1 . b r e .. 14 it Rio Banktos house November next JOHN SNYDER, Cashier 013 . 61 ti o u ndly theilifinaT 1.43F14 M./3171 , ACTT 1,041 . RANI, / Phiebutph, OeteLes le s 1647 - A N ror Ittirteeh v iDeteetere of till* ttlelr for TV the enealag year, N. 13.1, held at the Ban'ang bonze on lehrictey the Mb et.rie next. • . 'oettUdid • '• WII LENNY, Caehlei Fxpac , sl Pin cr Pri-mrla9. AN Efiktion for Wrenn Minors or dn. Bent will be bald othollonking Howe on Monday, the !s,b defer Tearontxr.ner,4tween the boars of 9 A. ht IDi 9 Pad,THOI HOWE • 444 euhiSr DRY & VaIETY GOODS. Gentlemekes Parnlohtsig Goods. H;TODD to.* 0113 day rcocired direct from • the onnornetturry, ...leder (of sale atNew York Prins— • • • - I ease of those , Extra Saperfine Shirts .martufaetonod eZProssly foi oor own :tiles and Warranted well made. ! I este of Sunni and Aleriaio under 'gems, wrippeo ad Drawers, some very fine. learn Emma and Collars, including Bosoms with Col lars tuched. I case relent suriveljoivt Suspender, cri}lt ether Goods too numerous tatinteribon, including bit and fenny &tasting Pioche 11.13 n flow and plain Satin Stocks. Silttitban dpse bow Flt and twin mbazine SloC and SztinTles, rich Cravats, with one case of km priced slim which we me to in quality have never been surpt.sved m price Millis city We intend to Moselle above Goals nit by the package and would call the attention of Purchasers to our pinch of Goods. knowing that low prices will 'lmre them a spdy sole. • H& E TODD end a W. wood at, up emirs, II doom below ant PRINTS tfiNL 44 CEDAR ST., NEW YORK. , LEE ;S,T, BREWSTEI3, Fa tab liTielY n'garchontc to We year 7 l647l.fiTrifte. Par pose of cupp/ying We City and interior Trade wub PAINTED CALICOES EXCLUSIVELY, hi I low pnees—and ceblbillrrg, at all stereos of the year, the Lalgest Arstattuent in: I THE IVORLD They ore now opening Etiveral Hundred Pickages, Compruing every new style of F:amigo and bOineelie production, unsay of srliich aro . urn to be found she - Wikeri..,l which hat, just been purchased, nod are erfeopl for wile for Cosh at.d Wort credit, at .CRICES REDUCED FROM _ . ONE To ,FIVE CENTS per vertileeig . • the prices of April end ~Me7, ns pet printed Centime., which crr 'corrected Oily ter the informs on of heyrra. PAINT WARELIOUSE, /17m York, Jun 4,1917. 5 ir2diotf EIAXIIPTON s 81:1111'11 & Cos: WHOLIEIfsI.II.: DRY GOODS LEALEEB, 54 tr.., Piusburett, li ß .. F ;tr„t`oW n .;:g eTg Y FVF::Ptif inr7 ' ft . purchased within the paw woeke, and which w purchased at the smallest advance for cash or appro eretht.l Buyers mild not Gad such a stock to any ero Haase at this season of the year, and any sttlw to con:Mare prtemi with the Last, will phrase call examine foe themselves. ,wett3cl STD/Tie GOODS—Plain . Back Alpieea Los , ea Fignied.blesck Alper. Liiisivaii Real Jo mohair do; • Month nnlle4 Paramann Canals Black indium Coehmeres; Do Ihiglish lilerineeN Soper French Cashinert D'Ecosse; Fine English ski Rich new style fancy do; Heavy and rich Pane Mousseline FeLnine; Fme plaids and fancy do do, A for sale Ism very g to ood the train% by 21/011M.lor above goods opening and span SHACKLE:IT & WIIITE.9I/ wax! • Wotan illmenielae vv .z! ... tror tra :1111 . 1: h o f o in Net oleo, Silk Wasp do, Gauze do, and • large a, • wont or white and colored &micelle do. ryi CLOTHS—jun received arrant] lot of bliCk,bl e brown,. tb, figured and mit'd Bearer Cloths( r Overandthe loco' 10. h.. by Cots.) which will Lensed. too r In oetl3 ANCKER t MATE • e% o •t c ,r k Open. Cape, Tippet. of rem color and patte rn can 'De wet! Ol torte) EATON'S ----.-- -- -Ladrei bit Alpaera 'low; also, lambs— wool H O and SS Cuhmern do, also, &any and spun gilt do; alWr., Lama and Tbibet do, very superior. An assort-, naval now open tt dry seeds house of ova W ft MURPHY BIAIIIIktl• and aheetteugai IX7 R. MURPHY tang received a lame euriply of VI otanvesupe goodii—iennuiseng of common. medium. rindarryrror Illunliets and t.:ltteungl from one to Rime yards, at north-emt corner of Fourth and 3ltirket ,rulf L'lrraNNELl—Red. Brawn and barred ,Flaarte!, Alladdianaid.apply Hamra mom dm 'reananc• ' , Her - A.l Atha, akW racers low pd Car Ajar.; for bale GEO rice COCHRAN .0031 ..aad MISCELLANEOUS. Jas. Lyric-Iwo= John . Wick I. E. Morgan. LIPPENC ,TT & CO., 1114410PACTUREFLS of HAMMERED and CAST Sinveis and Spades, Area and Hatchet, Mill X Em.C.lreuler and Gm, saws, Hay and Manner Forts, Htes, Mattocks. Finks, 44. Os. Havingicompleted all thelearmagements in the eon. swarston of now nattelonery, and in securing the hen workosea item the most erdeloated estahllshments the East, are now menthe/nonce and will keep eon. mainly on Land and far sale all the above artless, hav ing Evaded themselves of the latest improvements, and are determined that to tiorkettan....tp sad material they mid) net ba enrolled. They promise to produce motley, equal, if not engrains, to any that era !Abed in Me East. TOCT Innr the ittlenlVlll or dealers to Co ciaminstion of their stock better purchasing elsewhere. at they are gn,, , ,.,c5t wet ihr) . wilt he al, In hn all orders in Md . e Los to the ret,re snit:wenn of parch tsern tVareboase, Mater et. 4 doors Wen MorsongaMla finest, Ettsbargb, Pt B. P4llO, lin +lm,, 6a•ineas mat Wm. Llppeaca k. Son, wtll pkam can cm Lippencom& Ca oca!ty W. ALEXANDER 1 SUNS, rIOPTIN MAKERS AND EV I'AKETIS, earner. ssf l'enn and St. Clair streets, ewyesne She Exahanee Homtl,eMnsee on l'eun mem, remiseetfelly usferm their frirnds and the nubile, this thay are preyared to furnish and attend m every:hi:sem he line of Undenakers. Always on band a large till• vaent of smufeCettins, cowered, bred and fur reed the eery best manner, all sons and sizes we .y made Somalis of (Mond, rubric b and roust.,,, and all mode ln approged styles. D'a keep a large as. rtimart of whi e zed black , annl. whir and kid Glsmei, sable tor pall end mosmers, crepe, caps, ca lms, and ese thing neemstxy Inc drew: the slued, I and on Ica/enable terms. as we pureness. a t our plods the Eastern ewes. Also, silver pints. for engremses . lie Dom and KV, We base 91eAlR1 bellMe a nd: buret, end any nind , sr of We t beet eerromes Every hint se ended to Ps , sf.ST sot omAIY -- UNION N UNA MAY, . N E W 1.13D0N, 01110, 2TNE Pnoorivonrs or - bo Union Non•nry hay, left in Or • cur ot tin J APColly, Flour Motel/sod. Wood SI, PirnOortL.7o,doonnon vionneno!tt Appro.; and :ne.P oL,Ic are ',linos:Ed co c•nl a nd exonoi n.re o•Inn. find Ok••• 'Won) loboli., ..e r thr c...fun ) I3belieC. u' aey .7,, n 2 ranCl:e • 7611.• teroe,e the fru:, cerr,r e ep e rci, .'era ars—, the :homy , / They au! :Vita lira, I nil, hirlow hlacchegter, • id tv•vrniOnt ,r.,kpe, Peach. Plein. I .ncrfl, Nal. and A pii:tilftree c - irrfaur u¢fled and ranee. aimed. Pr . cra are er n.lacaa—Meach l,y ere, Apple 15, •A pricen VC, sweet Atntrhds INs r Mum fine Cherry an, Pear UT All coder. I r=2. a 11.. — ^co, dratted to Capt. J. Word., chortled Or vroth di•pareh. Cr.7t.J Wheels will aPentl the l'ooltergh and t 1,. phe .1 harc hams recolarly, tlunnE the ecarort far yel ling ure4 wilh a coed somnolent. Al:o,e brace Catabee and Ispella Grope Vorem,C.l rents each. Catalog - rm . !C.V. to all will apply, para. T A DE: NOICILANDEE 6 11110TIIER. oetlterlfT.koeCro E021=1333==1 lIE eindercigned hare reduced inn prten of Me and Blaming Powder."( tbMwocrior manufacture, quaky warranted uniurparred, and will sell as law at any good Powder ran be bought in the market. Dmyrnina employed at the liliotazine will rail every morning on Me tostcancra Collect:Powder and ever mourning Orders at an time. twin be filled immediately, on ap plication et the oace of J C BLD WELL, Aut above not Manonuahela Howie, waist street 31. D. W.,Looaus..3st 11 _P. Co. oct4 Ofote of Ma Cleveland and Noboru/. FWD Bead Ca, Wittmeokhrt, hictiientlecr 26, XIOTICE TO isTocioIuLDEILIAn inetalutent of la ten per centwo (the 9ni instelmenu on the capital stock of Chit cconpany is required to Lot paid on the 1., day of November, 1E47. Stoe eboldera in Wellsville and the enmity will pet intim Lot-el Treasurer, in Sallee. vll le and vicinity m Joseph O Lueock; in Canaille; in Fuldarub 10 W Hobe Won .2 ro, corner of ;hi and Wood VA, Cutsbargh. By Order of the. Board. 0012 • A CATLETT, Necretary vrrzhERALD'S. PATENT BURR STONE MILLS -V for Br:tiding Wheat and Coto, or any kinds of Brain !Lied OR it Penn or Pluto/mon, rind may is propelled by went r. sown, 'nod, or bone power, and will do its work with Anal rapidity and perfection, and may be put up and .:der by almost any person. II I. a per fect One, Mill to minAtesc, well tulopted lo the want. of every Formes Aid Pinnies, and Is undoubtedly the cheapest and best Mill roar offered to the putilic. Tine maclin nolo. he seen In operation inn. Pittiible• Seed and Implement warehouse, corner of Wood end Mb ins. Social 8 N WICKERIMIAM • lATANTISD—PIares for trades and to tore out la YY • town and Country. for a large number of Boys of all saes. Also, for reveal stream clerks, ralmmenr la boriog men. &Wier!, vmelamee, and men fur work to town and emo.try.. Also, wanted several turns of mo ney to borrow, wanted place. tor a number of colored around women, boy. mad gala. Wonted re rem! farms and homes to rent. Property to rent, recorded low. oa—Alt blade of Agencies attended to for moderate dramas, Office hour. from 11..7 in the ....Moog till every craning. Charge.morrate and lo be generally paid at the brae of applicat on All Letters (foot pain) promptly attend r d °Zee. .L. near the Ezell make Bank and I.llobd sf. ISAAC HARRIS ottg7d4r HOPS—For sale a few bules - Pj ewer" New York growth . 1e46.71rat0 8 toNiernis. A 1,,,, Roan .1 and Western Y, early picked, this year's growth Prime Ohio do, Delmont county. The general Easlern crop or the veaaon is now being received Menem and outer, übinal Hop., will lad it much to their adviminge to otittilintheir supply from the undersigned, as they 'mend in sell throughout rho reason at Nem York prices. GEO. MI, 8 Tll .k Co., uctsdßin:. PituGurgh Dreincry, ISSOLUTION—The co.partnership heretofore exiating between the ...item, under the s4M of J D reGn. tb.s dny dissolved Ly tuel cons:Wt. The business will be continued by J inu Wit; hams, who is duly istahorited to settle the accounts of the late ann.WILLIAMS, TIIOB MILLER enchr Pignhargh, Bkpt 8,1937 MW 110/11X11-1000 feet Vulernmed India H Robberlfone fttml to li inches ditmeterm did nrneto. /bet reed sod for sale at Ni..! Wood at. • N. B. It has been into,: by one of our worthy 0111. :ens that India Rubber /1030 eenald nut be mended. We gay they cub and ere will do it. pnls J& If PITILLIPS 'esnrcetiripa.F - nall:krn—skMpernCegr'esl Steel Pies, con/poring Avery general arroranroh The ellantiall of Itlachotilla and emlaumero geoerally is Invited. LOGAN A liENNEDY teat MI wood +teem -------- • 808. STEAM BOATS. DORTABLE FORGF. , -A very convenient article. Wear. and ell die ferny tan be carried by de han iesin dby two men: A levy yea: reed and far VIM by ne WM.II SCA In: num?, winiEs ( or ftledeeel porporey—Yort, AN. r deka, Malogy nett nberry. fltlyeitnerty only rely upon the purity of these woes. Received end for .ele by echr:o • • It E SELLERS. EFLUNDID FAMILY 110RHR FOR ANA, eight yeargold. good for the hgtaesso. ether eve, greli unwed gad city broke. laguire at W. office. twill If TIRITLIG SOUP. - al , uirrtE 40UP Teal be day p at Beale* Ira. 1. US Item:, 4th si.; every day at It &elect. 'no lover, ofTerile Soap tcreparucularly inaltaid, as flatter myself !Ware, Mega eennet be eeepeseed:rfitt CASSIBIRRICS-1 emus n lust opened: for.alc Li note w styles 011,• Plaids, Wrond --r- dera eam.C.ilbra; teta.l 'Mewls* 4-AwrorzAvt.g zran ar,Dvaits. ia a. spask4ng,for saw. - RIC ogal ==4 MOCKS,' 7AIrUAIIILE lIISTORICAL• TVORIC PREnd.—Hitiorical St'etchm ofEoutook7,mabra. Ling to History, Antiquates and Natural Caricraitlep Chographial,Statisnell and Gab I Descriptione, Seethaneedotetordistingalthed Plan and mewed. One kondred Bieemptocal Faith. diraingalehed Pioneers, Sold:pis, Juris Lawyere, Di ece.,illatrated by shoot fool earavrags. BY Lasers Collins, Ella. of the Mayoral Eagle. °navel !tone octavo. • PLAN OF Tilt WOl4. 1. An Outfits, History of the Flare from the period of its earliest settlement to the close of tie year 1544—by Jelin A M'Clong, Fag 2.. Geographical and ðnical desenprions. Agrieul. total &sourer:l, Gcolognal Formations and Mineral Want.. it. I lathrical 'Sketch. and Statisties of the vsrions a nathema.. of Chlletians, with Sketches of Pioneer Alasiers. • 4. A general new of the minas. alphaatically ar ranged; thou boundaries. Maur lisc eoriarry,character of the .oil. staple products. watisties, &e; with a de ecription of their etre:est:sway: and villages. Together with a full lemur/Num. ands he hood, of the' coati. thus arranged,. Indian bott l e,, skirmishes, personal rthentacs, ...cater °Thaler Ills, Interest:tog Incidents, kn. ac. Also, descriptions of natural euncenties,among them the mammoth es re, the erentest natural sealer of the world; and descrrptionr DI Ancient Rensams,ald forte. nutted., grave yards. Am. 5 ILursobwal Sketches, and sketther of characte of between cue and two heed, rid pioneers, aoldicre stalestrwil,blrsts, lawyers, dwincS,Ac, To be lesued Nnveirdier next. • J. A. & U. P. J tAlESlPohlishers. Ovid Mitastatres for tr u" " s c n '-• fiI_RAIIAM' i S fa rMAGAZINENoventh Ladies' Pr nasal do do. 'Pa Buckeltin, or the Come of the &seiner& a tale of the revo/mion, by th e author of Ethaa Ailed, !desist of Langford, Fatal Lean be. The Curter, or YplcanlPeake, a tale of the Pacific; by El:arrow* Coopera Rory Othlore,gde edition. Chamber's Mtscellan v. No 4. Bortieuttunst Mr October. . Ilarris Pennsylvania &pats, vas 3thd4. Toe Boys' Trearory of Nana, Partilses and Recrea tion, with neatly 400 cugranngs. Unica Pregame for Ocsober. Valcrum,or la Lily of the Valley; by Franedi A Durivage. • th aguer, the eir Wolf--enereler &may &Pon W , and 12th numbers. The Maid of Menterey, a tale of the Megican Wax. The Outlaw's Bride, orathehe the Bearatful. .by J sago, or the CriS,er of the Capes. a thri ll ing tale; Ingraha Norman's Untie'''. the Modern Midas. Margaret Graham,. the Resent orFortane; by G P R Jones , Egg. The Knight of Alouleon; by.A Domas. • • Late London Papers. Mtn received and fop sale at MORIMPI Literary De. pot, 63 Fourth at. • cretlB POPULAR PIANO MUBIO-. Dearest Mae—a goatee Ethiopian melody; • Mary .131ane-- Tatra toe bank to old Virnintry 'there; ILIAC of A labid's Dama; Alountain Maennan; -• Blue Juniata; llchealmastor Glee; Oh! Summer Night; !romp.% Palpable, What's Our the Seer !Danner; Scenes drum brightest: Laurent of the Yeah Ertl rant, ' Roekaway; Jim afloat; A Llfe on the Ocean Wave; bitty Clean; The Watcher; Joys that we've Tasted, 0 come to ms, Oh would I were a boy again; Molly Barth; Mary of Argyle; Evergreen Polka, Golden diop Waite; Now Aurora Walthas; Rosalba WaltX Loulawrile Quad dike; Duvernoy's Exercises, No 1. Reserved and for sole by 0.25 /10115 i H MF.LLOR. PI wood at . _ TAIWAT RECEIVEDAIINERIPs iornaduke Herbert,orthe caul Ext•G by the Coat eth of Dimino= Fir bleary Morgan, the Baccitheet; by F. Howard. The Crater, or Oulan't Peak: a In!, Of the Pacific; by Feneithore Cooper. Look Athislaa. or the 'Schoolmaster: a tale; by the C o . thor et Shay Margo, the.Greew Manua Boys, etc. The Gremeat Flom. of Lde.,or the Anthracites of a Lady in search orb goad arrant: with iliastrations; by George Cruillthank.f.tocnoleth. The Phantom Ship; and all the worksof Capt. Mar. ry att. The Werinde era's. the Maid of Gamer: a tale of the Car lot Wail by Copt E A Mikan. The Cathie Fiend, or the Fats of Sae Loved and Liart,. and the Ten Alp tales. Blacavroad's Edinburgh Mazzo.; new America &ban for September. The Onmn of G ra ceful , by Ned Buntline. Cr.. of the or the Rottbert of Corneas; by a Naval Oficer. A banana oracle of Viettion Card s. Graham's Magazine Sr November. Goiters Lady's Book Natrona - I.thareth's Rural Regiater and Almanac foi istppah tithed by Lea & Dlachanl For sale at hi A MINERS, Smithfield-n. 3d door kink seeond. _ oct24 • •• • -• . D EI•EXP. , 3 GERMAN GRAMMEE —A Grammar 1J of W. Gencan longuage,ayotemancally arranged ea a n pi/a, brief, comprrhenahre and practical; by Carper ne J Melaka. Proteasor orate German language and (immure In Mt Pt ltlary'r Collece,Ernmenabing. Md. Belekehl Gonna', Render a German reader.forbegin net, compiled land arranged by Carper J Reinke. Gilead/I,EN New Method of Lean:nog to read, welt, and spear the German Languafp, in which is added a A outline of 43.martn Grammar; by J Adler. A. 13 , Professor of the language and literature in the UOITOTS.II Of the COT Of Nan 104. J.:nabob and American Emile/natl.; an American 3onn yof the ”11311:1 Innitunue and En ol tau Lawman esuittnmng the rands ;a gen er al an, An by J EsheOnes German Phrase Dank; a phrase Look 1. tnFlisis and Ornetan with • literal translation of th Osman into English, arranged on the plan of a Diction am, by Mont: Erthe:ler, 'The alrove,uerther with an assortment of Germ . Testaments, schossi basks and religions worts far nal • by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON morn hook sellers, cur market & ad st• Comxisoatartes e. dos • frill): Steller ono Later Propheetes t h esaiah, by los Addneo Alexander. Professor lc Theological Sem!nary, lerneetoo, New Jerre): 2 vols.-sold saps. melt, Exp.&holt of tho Epistle to tho Swum, with rerstiks on the Commenwries of Dr. dlosloiltht,Poofcasot Moses Stewart, and Protestor Holiest: by Robert ilahlans, Esq. From the Sth Edothailh cdttion. Lectors, on the Arts of Ins Apostles: IT the Ittie John Dick. 10 tt, Protector of Theology of to United Pees". Won Clutch, Cilusgow, author of 'Looms. on Theology,' tt.c. Stecotul edition. ME=I rce h'enti's Comprehension, and Cintke'r Coin mermen. • on the Arc protrn, The hboyet mtth a etteeral aranriment of Medical, nots/ral,Throlve.lak.d Low I{oe kr. knit neeived and for role iew. ELLl.lfrrec ENGI.IBII et .14 :a ~n rke, or. between hi and 4111 Nem Book.. GRATIASIM English teynononot,l wi1,12 Eno. VIA elk•edortPs mentian Grammar 1,50 Adler's Reining Reader ldal Menenitte 11. mete Gnunmay; by Rodnrni 240 thirnl . 4 P tmory of thrthianon, t vol. 12 mo. 1,03 • A mold's lon no. , n modem klitory 1,05 cillendord's Ftench Grammar 1,12, Rowan modern French reader 73 Collot's Draccat " •." ' 1,03 rm. , elemeetary " ." so Sorenne's French Dictionary 1,12 Wry, to French cad ttenasn 01 2 / 6 1,411 31anden ilk's Cont. of reading TS !Tema Ihmlieb Diellonary 1,10 TA, loea manual of modern bonny 1,50 moment " 1,1. 21 " in t vol,complete 741 Aroold's aeries of Latin and Greek Booko-ost reed; fornalehy • ' JOIIN 11 21M..1.0R oet7o el wood st N/R - Vriiithilf7.llAlVnitionti Town on um &We rennin:ie. in its Western courant Including puffin uhr deco riptions of Richmond, Windsor nod liampton Court; by Jno Fishet Murray, tllnsmated with re upward. of one . bondn Inghly fintshed wood Ongray Loudon book. united state. Etplot mR Expedition; by Wilke's. 6 anis, B au—containing all Ole maps min On. of the 6tH edition. - . Dictionary of the English Linguagr, by-Dr 8 John son, in 2 role quarto: London calf binding—a beautiful edition. Ibis work is now very scarce. Burton's Anatol:two( Moline holy, a pew edition, more elegantly vol up thee. the Eoglish edition. hl ihon's Prose Wribays, 2 cols, 8 yo—eheop. fluiekhouos'elliatory of the Bible, a superior-edition; royul yo. oboye sent crony other Ifiworkal, 'neologies] and Scientific works f/r sale by L BEAD oet2o 4th, near market at Medium/ Works. LECTURES on the subject. connected with Clinical Medicine; by P M &sham, M 11-24 edition. Throat and Lang /Imams; observation. on the na ture, causes, alitnntimm, and core of Bronchitis, Lary]. gitls, or Clergyman's Note Throat, Asthma and Con mutation. by • new, safe,and painless =dee treansh; by S W Hall. M D. Duch... Domestic Medicine.. treatise on the Pt.- iention and cure of disease., by regimen and simple edielnes; with observations on rea bathing. and the se of mineral enters. To 'Midas added a Dispensa tory tar the om of private pre enotwrs; by Wen Sachet, MD. From the 22,1 English edition, with considerable addition. and notes. The above Wotks jog ree'd; ferule by JOIINS VON fr. STOCKTON _ortl Hooksfilers t ut/rmarket 41.2 rd eta Nio - vir fib - Turk =IL LI the Beautiful. The Inonteyman Joiner, or tlut Companion of the Tan , of Prance, by 0 Band. Chamber , Miscellany, No 4 Norman's Pledge at the Modern Midas; by Mra !Earth supply. Valetcam, or the Lily of La Vendee. Wagner the Wear Web; by Rather 011,10 in London, eonipleie • . • . , . good s:prly of Ph, cnologice I emelt, km. for oda b* . Wm 5 CALDWELL . .120 3d in, oppo. it• the Pon (Mee New Nooks. DOR sale aL MeDON&LO & 13E.T.S'OPS; ua►et V Street. History of the Girondice, or Pereonol Aterooire of the Poulain of the French lierohmoni by A De Lamenine —3 Cole. Fresh Gleanmps, or a new Sheaf treat the old Shelds of Continental Fnrope; by J :florae—apart. Story of the Battle of Waterloo; by Rev E R Gleig, fd A—S parts. Tales of the Peerage and the Peasantry; edited by Lady Deere-2 vols. M ORE NEW BOPS.—Nuraret Graham, a IC new novel by 0 1 , 11 Juno; Prire 6 trap. lva., or the Trituat T , or IdlartY. Chridopher Tadpole, %Med 51a , 63. Cam:wader of ?daft"; ti nomad. Courtiers' of Maria.. by F Saab., Lary torah af Alextr4 by Om S. Llppard; beg Dopy by Eastman. Au Cala.. New AIuAG jual received by WM. A. CALDWELL, 2.`ra tb rrrl at, apprada poet oak.. PIANOS 1 - PI4SOBII I.IENRY KI.F:LIER, Dealer in eastern Piano Fortes, at J W tVoriderell's, No. 85 Thin! Street: The Pianos may he estimated at all board, and the subsed • bar will be Were from to PA A. ht.. and (mead 10$. P. N., each 4ey. Pfttsb'g, October 121, 46 , • . ... Waotte undersigned, would OOOM the'Olil iel3 of Plush a rsh and vicinity that we bare appointed Dlr. H. Kloher solo Agent for Western Pennaylvortja, far the sale of our Piano Fortes, front odam they mol . b o o b. tinned at our own New York] pnees. NUNN/3 ih. C1..,i2„; ' New York.Sep.l.lf44-oceand • -lees.. Magnetla Telegraph'. APAMrllLET.caueming I - 010 f and simple expla• nation of Me mode of uarismitting OM" by RM. of this newineenndon , inaendon. Mummer! widi eats and die, erste., by Moses Johnsen, Tekeraphise is now for saki at the bonnier of the tare of the Weemen Telemph, mad by.the nee* memenger. 0m77d34, alatalla Palma Plana • • • A SPLENDlDeaaonsarat of Romwood and Meng. .2. 4 :11 ; fad , mien halms, nub inetalieTrame,pat Aho, two rplundid Rtmeotood rianosorldtColernon's Celebrated .fallen nuadment,Lniahnliett,nroartmed• Inastyle, and for Pair at - ISLUAIE:ti kfld • • ll2amol street 9 dome above/Ith O . ktILIMAL POZITS—AVrme t.IM Col2lil tie iny Akt Okernask—u. pa, andaLf be pablisbW by . . J. A. ix U. P.JANES. . . Y 14,, BATS;" CAPS . M.ICORD - 4 Coinis of Wood and F Simi; thigEtreeked their datum sty ze !tact, up Xi-they t . ispectri . lly invite th e auentiot? of Wei, l merseM uttas.genenilly. ' .. . a' Fall Style Hata. Al cCALIAM has jest received a bewtifel stock f Beebe it Cestar's Pell wyle flats, which fer richness sad Issue cenrot be surpassed Call et the flat Sew. bleasodishela House, eseithSeLd stead see them. octl9 .. PATENT AIM CIRCULATER .ANP ARAT PEOTECTO4.—Tbe aubse rarer twin '7', Introdnee on Simrday, Oct M. enPetnen • atiatnne a hat trial "maxim, destratde article plea call and examine. MOORE has reellved from New York, the rad style of I Mts wh rob he will introduce Mi. 4y. :Moods', Aug MM. All hoio , Milt al nest sod !WM' bat ai do swam modal Ido 73, Wood Street, :Id door abowe egd3 sty t Fall Fashion, Ili17; - 7 ---- 14, BEEBE& COSTAR'S Style Gentlemen's Ram will be introduced at KERVIL'S ,Tbersday Amidst tOth. Gentlemen wtshing • eNeap, favh ionable ofinushargh manatisetate aLead of fashionable Hats imported Ad advertised by !MC Of the trade, please tall at REEVIL & Cols mytalf lan. head of Wood rt • AIIIIIMILEIL FASHION 3~''OR ILILT2I4 Julsr received Gm NewlYork, the 8100 • merrkyle for Hats, consisting . of Whne Dearer, Pearl and White Frennh Grasmere Hara, with Ventilators. Those inc.' of a benanfaLlitht H3l esv reepeetfolly 111•110 d 10 VAIL S MOORE jny23 73 wood st, 3dooniabove 4th 4WILLIAM DOUGLAS ais - 1 raeoly.d froth'sneplr of Rionindd and Baena Wan bilk Gtaxed Lapa our !tykes. • • • • Extra dna Frenealdoloakin Data, at *7 low price. • No 78 wood urea AtoWILLIAM' DOUGLAS, It CON7INUEB manufacture, sad keep consultuly 1111 blind, every vst , ety of Hsu ea,' Caps of luesiatyle, and pr,ices very I.ow ai 70 Wood iureei,Fastside. POT nAPII! CAPlll—fineOuer, Seal and Mask Caps, last to bud u kIeCk.I4.AM'S Fashionable Ina Ntore, Monongahela House., ' oettk laolitinamiumNazsell BAKERS, ZXCIBIABOE • •nacmczna, AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DE POSIT; BANE NOTES, AND SPECIE; Fowl, gr.aarIYOPPKII•th. Rook or PitlsbuTA CURRENT MONEY received on 'Devalue—tie' Cheek. for ode, oad:conentlons mods rtmly ,d 1 tlll,ll,4l.aldratsin t emlet a te . l.t d in:LSmiumes.o end Atxricoa Gold. Advances made on noningninentg of Pxod . ace,shipped Enn, on antral taw. tnehlS CopWtainvels. TOSEPEI A. LULL, (late se the don or Wen a. J Hill & and WM. C. CURRY, 'Wee( Erie, PO have entered into Copartnership, ander the name of HILL & CURRY, for tba . plume of carrying on the Ranking and Exchange busmen in all lu branches. at No 15 Woodpatreet., tAree door. below Fourth, wen Ldo — where they oaliaft, _the custetri of their friends and the public genendly. - JOSEPH H lIILL meld WM. C CURRY Joszra D, HILL. ' WM. C. CUBOT. HILL it OURIIT, nAnnns EXCIIANOE BROKERS. DVALWRR IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC TIME t SIGHT BILLS JF FSCHANGE, CERTIFICATES (JF DEPOSITE, DANK NOM AND COIN. Na en Wood street, third door below. Foanh, west Edo. PAR Funds and Carlene] received On DCped i 18. and collectiots made an all the principal Que. in the United &area. Bight .Eschange on- I Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York. Button and Cincinnati constantly for rale. Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Virginia and Pennayleuila Bank Notea,boasht and wad on favorable term.. • moored, Exchange on }Arland, Ireland, Germany and, and France tc . . &a. • mehls WILLIAM A. HILL & Co. HANKERS, =MANGE. Hnoludis . . „ FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC 'MOUNDS, CERTIFICATESOP DEPOSITA DAME NOTM,.. AND SPECIE. N. 64 Asa Stead, ess dm Mrs Posish, Sao Me. seri) Pittsburgh, P. fdirisF AI.L.XN LIMIER. ' tfliTailii Ling lIRAMIL2I. e, RAIELII, BANKF2I.B AND EXCHANGE PROKERS, dealers to Foreign and Domestic Bills of Ekebango, Cenifi emcee. Depoette, Bask Notes and Coin, MR.' of .7d and Wood amen, dieted). opposite PC. Chaska Hotel. mYrsl XeIfIANGIE, on New 'cork, Philadelphia, and Raltinorn. at eight, m sums b saitparehawrs, eon. Canny En sale by . . HILL & CURRY, seal 7. wend street below foonb.. littyildTEßN WIIINDSThe owes of the Ohio, • • lama, and Smooch,. Baaka parchued at low ntee of discount, at the off,. of HILL It CURRY , , mat Pinds wood at below bash A T TGL - CAUTTIONR - 1 ill the prineThyThirelitho la Union, wade by HILL & CURRY, «at wnwtel et 41... pENST.gif - LVAN/A.,'Wllll, Mal/KT:at 576Zr11, P t' glfgjAktarBVd at split 4 blechinsa Dtelter..sshlarket st HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, &c, p.roh.,-, Wanted. OR a faun nonototn.•• • rea of land,ll)oolwhich la - cheated and n 03 Inalna Ad/bre:in/ - creek, within 8 milesof us, rtoo river : 3 ode* from RI Calm/ tile, tentonly .cot no Pelmont Co.) 3 mile* from the National Rosa, and on the route aeleund fora Rap Rood from Wheeling,wetre , r.l. Oe OA lanaia aura ed) in operation; a grist te.l: rad felling mill, not now in orderi3 dwell:nu house.; nercleary etabliDg and corn cribs; and a doutunin ennui, arta" a spring house. On It us an orchard' of graft ed fruit (apples) of about SOO trees, ono of 1113 beau:web...de in the country: the Mel almond. with Cool:Which might he podubly worked for the supply of Ct. tnainville. Thlo l• v.:ll.We re.-- - .0 i 0 valuable property_ well watered and would be sold very low, perhaps for half the prate that similar property ts sold for, In Manion* really no better. Immediate possesaido weald he given if sold within a month, nod tho pyre/inter could, if be clerical, buy a large crop of Cora en Lae ground. Let:eeo addressed to the subscriber in mintier. to the above will meet with proms anent:ion. DAVID ALLEN, till. Elate Agent 4.V.Tine?eleliglrge flou=mill;either storm or water:=as required—a saw and about 40 sores of valuable creek , wih good Improve:bents' thereon. on • MeSthoris creek 111 Co., 0., would be sold &good bar gain foe the parehagierby A.. Aer.' I nes7Atin kola SALE OR RENT. THE very valuable property well knowna• the • PI NEW GENEVA STEAM MILLS. aimate In Foyeue county, ra..on the fdenormaltelo river, at the numb of George Creek. It embraces a Form 0(5119 acres, velthrod improvements. The Mills composed of gnat m saw mit', eroding loom sad turning •bop, Which were put ap by Me best workmen and at a great espease. There are also adjoining Ma excel lent Store Hausa, Illackstrull. Shop, and Den Good Dwelling Nara and a good boat yard. The property eta be pat ht good order at a comparatively small ca. pease, and is well worth the attention of those wishing to engage to milling and forgoing. . For further particelara apply to SAMUEL ft DILLI.. NER at New Geneva, mi./AMES TEECII, Viso, at Uniontown: .oct4d3law gra CCFALPICOVEATT Tvo ee bn. Na..Aforsan g abe h t rmer,lo taly load from the city, atom:miles above Look No 3, right side, con taining 100 acres. This property Is beautifully situated for the Coal bastness, has • railroad nest 300 feet long, and deep wales at thq lauding There is another stain °female:l ibis place, ID teat Move the lower, of usperlot quality. As we bare It open, gentlemen arbe wish to examine can judge of its quality. Tula property Joie., the coal property of Mr John Herron of Shia sup, mid will be mid low, If disposed of immediately. Empire " th. P'&1", JAS N • SAMUEL DALFILEY, • sal Had st between wood market. FOR RENT. A Handsomely housirdßoomoolthultetstrtet lately oceopied os .a. tognermono otstany! olent.by Monad & Co. Alta, a wall limbed and well rartarbed ROOM. aai(. Orr tar amrbes,adjoinangtha /fall artbe aletcaatfla Library easmation. Entrance at Philo Hall. E D GaZZASI • • peal 1 OfAct a. ketotwn not * Irk - Calif .I.ragor r SEVEN C o ol Land f sole, aitriant is bend of urea the a'nnongehela Itlver,above Brownsville, Pa, ha, faaavmaaf feet Coal, which will be sold in exchange r toed. For perticalars applk re oet23 8 W lIAMMIXIII,Ziorend la -- ErWtrge, shed, three ' story brick dandling, on keno et., half way between Gunmen alley and Wayne st. Possession given Immediately. .Forparticularseniire at the °Moo of W W WALLALEL jy4ltf• • SI4 liberty sr. . . - BUILD Ito LOW TN lIIANOITER FOR BALE— Mayo for sale a J.beausiful Bnildins Lot in Manehrstor,near theFeiry, r.et front by LIYI (bet deep. It will be sold low, and on arc Ancoodating terms. Terror unexceptionable. roylf4 JAMES BLAKELY. final Fanite Arent. VOll. RENT. a THE 3 Story Brick Warehouse, No, St Waft!' moorland No. N 5 Front st. Imunadiateporscsaloa apply on the premises. • A A NIIKR connote tifififilile natistort RAVING removed to the city, for convernence Mtn, profeeeinnul homes', 1 will rent the Thalliall Rouse, and na immcd.ate encloaare, sitnate CA the blot% or the Mononchlt.ht, one muleabove Pittabwith Jacil4.3tatate, • JAMES ft CRAFT arr. no...me, N area plectra., THIS is to mrofY,thst, by Wring on vial of Mew McLane's Worm Speer e, • add of Jame* Shaw, parsed upwards of 7U anal, ad by the ore of nid medicine a child ormy own passed 14 large worma— It is tealy the most emprismg worm medicine I over seen. 1 mast have two mote vials. . WM GILMORE Wilkins Township For sale by J KIDD &Gs, No 40 Wood street, Fitts bomb. suet, Vi r OVR — PATTIcaNS Loa A LP.— CaJeb !Aisle...Potrero Maker, Allegheny city Oil Mill has the newest patterns Air Slava an hand either in Weed or iron. Mill Gearing and all pattern made to order. opLAtf. Law ?tattoo. ti D. TOM Canty Solicitor and C. B. M. SMITIL Ales Stavin entere d tow partnership tall promptly at • and to all bunions which may bo caressed to a nd cent. ; Foot* anat. throe doors above Saithileld oet2lll • • - laaw 0.. oaa toe," TIIE gobseriber win rut big two (Melba.* every day (Sundays excepted).* and from Lament.e• vdlq luvutty tha Diamond (near Unicn st.) Ue has xtort.) dnvem and every attention paid loPasemtgere. 'The patronage or 114p:bile u reepectfully solicited. • - 'manna* '. JAMES PAIN CKUT/ONW - 3 Talk PUINT.I6:- - Thiiidece - ri her, by written COMMIX{ WWI the•Pazur Tea: CO, ' Pee the-exclusive right to sell then Teas Pireboigh end Altegecny mile. Any person attempting to sell their Teas, except Preens thmmel. roe, la practising a deeeptions.tast afrand open Puldm—Ondthott ants. ciente aro ten ioAtt relied on.' ' • . , T • . a JAYNFIe. 74 Panibetinat DAY, AND ONIN STALK CIRTEN-, 4 —.. S Jan received from .We Luta lowers Niar. earto• Rectiur , tr Cyliedical maw, ve.recom. ant i the Ot.Uque mum a of quer; on eats at iho tiosbergh,Beed wareheoce,comer of Weer 1 and MI • - • • • •' ottwiciEkiNF4x,l" CIIGV D is Team 0 3 4.110 Can bringlpxd. mok. Cui Rarer pitsigiag 1rPT4,6}7./W.Truk.l 00 1 4 101 * . - • - _ r Bb. FASUIOII 808 Llllll. 1847. BONNETS. OZPU2;Z;4•=O . , ALFRED la -EVIL, Promos] Bauer, Idd. bowie( wood FALL vesinsort. HD/SHY, HANNA k. CO., DIE. JAYNE% CARMINATIVE BALSAAW •IPRON the Pee AEA dlilNka well known and pop- I`Lnlttr Clem - man of the Protestant MetWei•sChUrch; The undersigned Itaaanse been Wait tad dating thopeat I winter with a dieease of the stemath;sornetimee pew dieing went pain in the stomath for tenor twelve Wets without Intermisaion, and Clef haring trlll77ariona eereedtea with little erectors's farni.hed with a; hauls of Dr D Jame's; Carminatiee Dalai.. This he Well as cording to the directions, a d t amulet) ly Mat Mill !medicine caused the pain l obate in three or four MIA. 'sates, and in fifteen or tweet 7 solanteseves7 turnip yews ion was entirely Quieted ; The medicine was al terantldenst% whenever indleadons of the approach of pain wereperceiv and We pain waathereby prevents cautioned ed, anthe mediehte every awning and smeetintes In the =mind. and to, arpekS Wahh was so (arrest:wed, that the slam= was relieve ed from • large ammo of °Domini. in: Fran s. , perienee, therefore, be can oonVently reeorninead 117 • D 'apnea Caratinatiie Balsam. au a animal/ medieido for diwases ofthe nomach and bowels. -A SIILNN . Ft • Alleeherty eity.ffat _la In Pittahorgh at the PEKIN TEA. WIVES 72 FOOTtit Street .near Wood, and aka at the Dreg Store o(H PSChWARTZ. Federal stmt, Allegheny r t a. L.E.IDVS SeIIie,IPARILLA S.NII V tetiLleA.• BLE BLOOD PILLS., are the safest and meet dd. ceeiotta of any other pills that me matte, bee,.ase They me warranted free !rata raereary, remmalL, or wty ether rabetenee whatever that tad Lathe len•tle.al rums or &miler.. . . . They are the only Mlle known to contain Sarsammna in tbemotad whichrs easel:need wan other vegetable ' errata. racy psalms the 'combined edets of . pareer ard eleaneteg the alateseb and bovrele,'parifytortbe blead 'and Baia. of the whole eyetem. : -They earthe taken at al/ tones and ander all Clete In Mennen. by . young and old mate and tamale, at m. at Interfering with other medicines that may have bulb mien. • They eau be taken Without any change of hahlta re ef !mine, and 'without any Ireabinlnt from emedpatoara an usattiemploymeaL . . They Can be taken edam/ any fear"of.takink told, dortny expeence Mall kind. of weather or . w, t. For tale by A FARA , STOCK a CO, cot firm and Wood, and env Woad ant alb . brl-1 • NO CURE NO DR CULLEN'S IN DI Ali VEGETABLE REMEDY—Werraele6 to pore, or the mons el returned. This inedidne In prepared from an Jr. dine Receipt, obtained from one of therg.n the Fr IVest, 'at great espenne. 'These who. Imre bran familiar with the Indian...know that they can ord do core Venereal without the knowledge biers miry, Balsam, or anything of the kind. The of. Bitted hare' now an opportunity of bele; • rand edition 'the use oft Balsam. Thin medicine its element to the Lute, nod Leine no meek On the reath. • Prepared by RO WAND 6. WALTOI I i,'. end amid wholesale nod retail, by J. T Rewind,' 376 hlarket' street, Peilad'a. For sale in Pittsburgh byll_Fr, Seen, 57 wood street, and hy Wrt. 11.hrn,h1 Matkni .t• 'DESCH'S UNIVERsh Ir. EXPO:: tLIS 411ELLk 13 —This labor vavinc Machine veto, Patented, A tia ieth, 1644 which in view of its 'treat d a highly. cheep. err and efficiency, 1.1 aimphclly of 413e41141ti0n,11114, wait which it is twee by either Dore or adoluq it Inevitably tihstihed reperecde miles Com libeller. for genetakvso— It us Ws stippes desidailiam which has levy keen wanted teropehoat the Wencm &cum, 41: while litmus law ittlitioowtwilb of the price of the Immix shaers, est person esti shell Store, with as fen as with any.. • For salik at the 13ocit Store, corner Of Wood and Oth to• • • - oct • " N tVICOARRIIAM, • TIME and money eared, hen J-. mace relent% pre v°0 " 1 . 11 ...11 dude* 01 . mad diecasee: box of D. Leidy e Blood o.la.nnot for dear, and render the Ph) Mena'. euendnnor anew reesery. waye ad wa ry, .S of &cam, ewe debt one bat e m bat thrir are will knelt overcame and remove all canna of dbelatierbezher •. exilung 0 l at a rloartreh and Bolas, tiol..l.lrer..l„b‘d4 111 =f il dietbaly. T V ' oeu " alr ° P IZ gelaand; (mule. mhY todettemi ornh.equel - eaktd. el ell b ox . acend sa d.' abldnuarreea (font, rigs the oto IS tells).!.,tepoiAmek Weer eel= .11EIdnoad Pam 'V* eabibii A FASttoderrt-.4.civmmi,-r era tv...3:-occebr.geohocuramit.-- ' . this eg6..zaelaua sad eltdstedie4ddiabAr •41rd:"..eala of Commmencer and other "droseOsa,tannorbel too known.- vary many lees bers beet¢ arradvii-7(N. - suer ' Par "Ir. hueburett et dm PEON mere% n•erWood, metal. OK ihol . * ** 36 . ll .' • K • : radrmnal , edcrel *Nowt, Chat told ,• eM7 7 a.. .memet,Mne do wed ie ternda Mew ~••• 4441r#4 row ape, its ilneM4l swell.zziA*l*. qurrlo 0#7.0. „ ear _ , GROCERIE &o. 4 ht ppal Otard Iqr Ital./lard an ft'niPasenLa p'f r tu rd • • " 3 hflipes Peet Casllllon Drsultls` . • 2 plperarast Black Girt • • - I 2 . 4 Afire Gin; "- Ropp do; • . E • , I peach= la. erlittts;. • 1 , Scotch AV his hey;. 30 dote bottles Brandy. of dtaerentklnattl ..sso '4 Each Calk has the cast= house cerateate ith.tr ark all carefully ar!eztecl by himself is the New York atar.- .ket; for ml• by the Floe or gallon fn ita rarity. C MARTIN " est 3 - oraithlleld k front 03 CMDIZZEE33 . 47 , 1 11 27 8 ;4 1 La Rl d .1 1:9, N eon " t ' un '5*d g rt?... 2v4. °C "414'41 ‘ • i, r Barris d Son refi l l ta Li ParrAsnx ; ~ . 4 , y,•,.10 grape kturrJuieot do ';',... double do --.. Osbomahr T. {Frtce• . • - dog 4' llith straw 111untlett, 7• . .d. ri .F.,,kb • a Ducal Gra t n 4. r. nol I 2 sod laden - :: Burgundy i, " do .. ~. gime...pc& nett and very superior, Logan, led:, Why= and Ce to Sounded' there 'NIP!, are the best,Cor erediell gten , poies; many o( them vein from the DiFtlitt of the upper. , Cane. enure ly (mad bY age from *tidily or aweensomh i Just rteeiviag, in stun and tor sale by the °epee pack .aAV. also on dr l aught at the ;vi A n c a o tore ofleate; spar ' I (lirK ERIE.. it . "lni.':=Uk T 4 , 50 bit 1I R Kailas; 40--. , t - Pepper; _ . . , • ,• 2 btes Clospr, - 200 toms ClustaL , .. 5 blas Giesler . 130 ~, , largetso33f6ekerel; 'reifying Vs, for We by ' ~' . —JAB DALZELI. oetls . .• , • rinoozsizs,so— NU& cram NOlN:ran.' 150 MALIN Moluses,sn oak WE; ' 31 Id elm It 1 Tea; • • (I bxoo Pond Y 1,1 VA; , • ' 100 bags 11 :000f0ei enO bbis Wknakey; ' 50 " OM Mpnoagahela Whiskey, • ith m anallineat?(Orotalle• Wir,os rod Lima la are; far sale.br • W /C5l/41TC0ELT/LEE 0e09.110i 160 libeni met _ . FSU LeAJULY PLOT/H— -CCI bbls &ID; D H Wilson& Cs , s britt 108 Ftaperfise do d •dg • Ezra Hie do de Jost rectl. for sale by R OADFuRD &OD crap st.eppasite.hewl of =MIMI aPEILLN, TWA lITOILIC, • . 114 . 7 iF•saseante,neri• ea- All qualities of Gieelfand &risk ow ;low up in quarter, half, =I ono p 0044 taekap.., no! t;[ from Allots per pound to 111,30.' ' .JAYNFZ3 - • . Azerl (Or Pekin Tea Co Ticain--xs ttf' claw u Yowd. 10 Imperial; 00 ^ Y Ilyson; x 0 Yowcboo~,. ~ndY}ryroa. selected l f :l , olo%4 , bis i o n f 0 M 0 .d1 .- 01:61YRN tr. CD SUGAR AND MOLASSES! 80 MIAs N °Spnn ' • • 140 LK, Molasses in mom Yei sale by • LEWIS lILITCIIISON & CO 111/1 ssatei 9t 6mst ors _ . EY.6NETTE-=3 ht pptaSeiguthe Bs midi, with b certifmatts; for ale by ortl,l P C MARTIN MEDICAL. ha. JAYNE'S SAIIIILY DlEDlDlDilighri IJ It is car principle in he m manage ent ethos paper to notice anything which we find oat (MlLpersonal in. vutgation,rohe of utility take poblic. &sane id Dr Jaynes medicines we have peed on'ear family formally years. Per itonmee the KILDha.. - TURANT, We AAR— MINATIVE, and VEILMIFLIGE,winch we kisoet to be good Mr the complaints they profess to care. We Iverson Lake Online the past summer, whets several of ear travel/Ina companion. from havlntldWeirerti. New York.drank, for many days, the limestone water. I of that region, were bad] attacked withMolent. Diu , then, and, Dysentery. Me. it. hod crostinid htmseif. previous to leaving home, with w rite - Carminative of •14 Jayne," and in all cases of its ute. amens five Ceancs men, hmas soccessful in etferting a eperdy e m. The Expectomnt we have. known used oar 'intimate friends with equal success; and We , eel th at we shall do a good art to families (especially se sit timed so they cannot kayo act. s to aninarnanat eili-al ' skilljto whim them to keep on hand boWthe 1 rector i f rant and Cialtnanative. The hammer., in la' . ma IT Road physicians to be We best recipe lot l'u oisaiy . Dormaroptive CoMplaint., that has ever yet • be• i veal. po”ded; The reason is,, Dr. Jayne is oat a q tr ck.lat . regular, scientific. and nide Lundwall rarnelitaota hit;_. , self. Ills medicines are used by the best physicisim. ' , • E . . Fditer of We M EZ R i'autrdaytiOLD Co DI wls-- For sale in Piteiburgh at We PE .KIN TES. tint flk: 72 Fourth st. near Wood . ' • Mil. . cy, /oplansinlVes Gonsuiatl. Does elekaesa weigh upon your hearth: Or palas afflict voter tireala • Try Dr. Dorman'. /fading Art; Aad it will gi.n You rest. It cleat sissy the misty elond Disease spreadso'er the dud witiopen through We &waranxid. `Your health may yet be whole.* , • , Bee yonder rate or level) h. 5! ale sett/ming enth decay . • ams Me morning dep t Before it fades away.,; • , . , - • The Worm of Death snits the Sim And:atm:o.st/ as ngra - sy- , 3- t_ And when It blearnr4. lestditetesettr- • • eljtes4 through and altml?gh. • Warm or Daub militate 4.104 ND& Loancan's art were mad; And w.f . lovely darobela moved • The tato of en untimely pave. • . CDR. DUNCAN'S WENTE.BN OFFICAND !a Syeiuntlra runt, awl:mon, Ohio; .bere Ida valnabla medonme is sold. Sold in Pfusbaret, byWAL JACEl9ol4.•eornsi.of Wood and Liberty ap -" dOl2d&aer• rpErrs.4,lTl:ll, SALT..II.IIEBSI, ke—Who world J. for a mangle day remelt, when *Meted wink the TePer, Itch, or othci disesece of the alete ; if they kramr who would relieve and cum them. - horrible to he obliged to rob nod emalch Whet per enuye horrible ao.r.butam Donn, For decency eike,l when In company:" Let it be,veote,,, ,, med De. L....:1311 , 5.T ETTER end ITCH DIP:TA:ENT le the mow elfieetdone of any pterrellon In existence in coring die Toner Itch, and other dieeaues of the akin. As elf el/teases& the ekin moat erten hem the impurity of the blood and fluidal( theepdy, and where sour, die. ease be of leap Blanding. and the tonnimtvn VareClCa copy, if Dr. Lellyle Sarsaparilla Mel pill, be dead with the Ornment, they W.ll tole , any cue whatever, and If they depot, the mover will be returned by Dr. Leidy. Most cases, however, will be effectually cared by Dr Leidy's Tederr and beh 'Ointment. enters :the' whale trystem is impregnated by the dtecesed homorry which will be Completely curie tag our the eyutent Dr Leidy's Blood Pills.end the verdict of It o heat. ed by rho Olmaterat. Prier of Ointment. lZ epni s sale by B A FA/INE,MOCK k. CD • • oetUe - • emerald h. fronton. _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers