The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 29, 1847, Image 2
OEM '; 1 I ... V 1; - I_, - h Z; i -.5- .• . F 4, I- 4. • • ;li.. . • •,‘!!, • .• • 1.1.••; • :.4=11:177,01. , ' • . 4,,,,,3 •A5r..‘•47f,.' •'.. ' : - I''''f* - tt:2o, 141 4 li:,•e - :41 - *4`.... 41 , ,*` *,-,'; ~ ~..• ••.:,•.; ~,,,,,v . ~l 'i-i.liti't I ,et•ilk;..:: , ! , ..•.. 4 .1.., , 4 •,,,,,,t :• , .. , • , -.4 , 1-;..w.01:11-.7, ,r4z..r , ,:41: • ~,. .ii, . i.,'4 4 : ' - 7:I': ' '''' -. ;:"....i";=.1,-,•;.C:4-:I, 1i, , : , :k ,- '' .t li,ti . ::: .',. +1.:::: 1 -•':;.; , •:•.‘ow: , -i-v-:.! 1 )4 , ,-.! .. ......i..: -. .. 1 :-.::! . .•'•-•.-:::;,,. m -7, 1 ', ;.: I `4l-4 7, :•••01 . .+.• '.'fl ;::l -st..e-::: 1 , - - '.. 44. if . ..':...- V ..::.. 1. q • ' 4 s'. 4 ig ' 1 "-•::ii. .44:. , 1: .:•,' • .ii ! ,;%%1 i 1 :1' . ' 4 ' 44 .1 - ', -- . 1 t!'4 . ,..4],i1.:,::;'''' '4 4 1!".,,:..".1)i 111.:.4Fi . ii,. t. ''...,•;,• 11 k.4. 4 4'4:':: q , -..5.. ; 4 1,' •$* . .,1,4" , :, t..''.l:::i•*;:i St ,'..., li 4 .. 4..f•-.4,.-" , ".4 r r ..c„_... ", tr .. 4 i,`,1.-. . f4' 114114 4 . ... A i' : : in'tlir •,'. • ...,:8?-"1, 4 t 4 : 70 :''': .. N44 , :v , _.,,- e '4, Als.:74:..j f t: ' V • ` - ^VRAT'IN44'IO ,i 1 4 :1 -_, kt,g;t1,...„.:0.•-*. , .....zfs ,r4. •-.--,,.... '. t 17a:14..:7-4 ‘'.....-;;; k , :.;„i. .5 ' ' ~.I,: '' .. : .k-I'",1 l', - ; v,;: . ..., , 0 , , , ' - '1$ 11 : ri;',:A'', : ,r i .. . , +` 1 7, 4, '• 1:r" •-:t -4 . 1:4: . - 4, :::: -::-,, ....i.,„ • •••.. • .• , • N„....1 . The fortlfiestions were not exesedlogly strong. bat their iry was payed under corer of em bankments, bleb 'anted them such protection 2 . ago *Me re to &eon ua with smutnty..The able at , plies was 'not only • blood", but a tenible - The Malice= determined to make It their last-great acniggle, and the 'Americans kostriwithdespmatioth knowing *thumbing was ' kb fa them but roma -. Here I lest mat Taff ay commend fa killed and wthaded. Soma of ,, #lll.llobint 'efratata and braces may that seer auched to auk, fell on !hat bloody field. Yet 1 .- wor rabid ea littaill Meth= army. and drove it, piiithes:thek, lath the city; and hid I, who hp paid to ha In the edema, only been permitted to • Mating the, puma iota the city, I doubt ne t fres Stud esi bare id* heard of their. fright. that .._ they wecd6 hare ran through the city, and sought abetter in the moat:asks. , Peeve. bothossasing the greet object, it was boped that tha moment wag favorable for that pur poses - thorta Amu. however, whose whole behig he a cceapoen* of felashood and tindery, era phvad_thapme io preparation*, defence, and int. .-.. posed tyro us the further necearity of .carrying - Chapolatheti sod tarn' g the city. This was all done, too. ht the - moat 'lotion, ensnner. The whale American force as the ground, exclaim' of , . killed ait.miredek, Theo Mink* was teken,was ';Methin 8.000; the whole Gans u=plandwer ; bole mire mats SAO. 80, my dear (Mod, you -• say ea the world that an army of between 6,000 : sad 7.000 Amarirow haa taken tacky of Mexico, gghhglyfortified, with so army of Nona Wanly ' and thirty th..mood awn within Ite walls. True, we hare sulfamil, and'euSail thinly. Many • - . . was spat has brea th ed his ant in th e valley of Mazfed; 'bathe gletiona 'malts beriloced to ; . wathg the Awing:Way of the American mu. I !axis Saloons. a:g lassurs.;.-The New Orleans Podia lb" ;iglowleg ' moan of , this othbated - - thigrilis pries; '0 his conform, Father Minns. - - . ' Y i etber'Jareura bad in encounter on the Itch .. -•. 7 .at die pre of Sao /eau. - The infamy of his di. 'btoa, mkt the okernind of await naw • gnu , gilimpi Tanta Mania. articked • pony of Amid. - ~- ause.tharepthed ofM* inking, with two pieces . strarollery nod ! sixty. caailry. The father In per ; i -, tan comeimided the main body 'of the forms end au "tattooed at the moans of the 'Para)," , Mae art of the earthy obserriog ths AMeri• - • : •Sielf in- etikatithoci.of Manta re. sod awaking • . 4 , leit flick of disfidanny while Col. Don Ma - thi h oth, comsat the right t with the rentaLto .. .. this of „the awaited fonts. fib rot *o'clock in the allemom the Mai. ago wise by the Aciedesar, who kiii ;.; la 'Skint* s 007 respactable fans, but Tuber ",,,..-, ' ' Maki . them with as fatal • Its th at they r „.. L ,, i . m ai , d to retreat upon the main body. •:.... 1f Tee tee . Out beelinie Se=ra!, god al. ..,!,•'.theaiti, _lismog Mended Malt het i:iietdd ge , [---••..-:,. lb. stol#Nl thendocad mitithedor , c hhh h ei , ;leg k wee certain dad did oath* the Ante. :, ,- skins - thws logs being bath, me rfu l h, hi m * bq little is!t than !my killed and sixty •:',.,' areauded. . • . . .• .. . le .. ' to Piller ifertha du eethe coalman 'l : - .. - 2 ileit eyes ' - - 1 i -- • [ i v th e of the recent procertrap of ",,,hhil a gsga, you will NS UNICI tipped a new :, '-; , :eabief gesdihui, daluguisbed by the 'name of ";-, ~... irshor , le el the..• That following aka:aka them ' Stabs[ tuba mai not be anathema: ; 1 Tether Jain Antonio - Moan, fonefirly atria end mire lady' la Tesseboeeea !:..2,, - ejt.ltsialia, , is a '.'"':lllHrief Akeusiede. Abe Kingdom of . Aaiun, In '''':' : Ahosie:t•-!As it Oa and bonneendei of the bah ; , ;',fgeigil it SaillS7sk Alithollir-ho mar &Sona id yrritlithibibitreeist if akialtsboo kr Itioriiiliki, ;...,,,':, gyp; 41111thil.liatithi strata - /misteli ;;.•' - A7Z,.,--7•Yee iiiiisteerillqoa lemedeeined eittiPep• '... i';..lf4/0.6,4.1%.kiet viiNerfie* et hie for#4 ;' end ..4i 4-., t,)- " i f: :4-----.. 7 ,ilß': - iii . ..1:1 - : ; i;: ., ".E- . ;. ..4.';1-',-...,-,.7.,,,-i- ..; , .. - ',; - =:::• : •1:1' . ;; - .. •-,.:'=-*:.,.;.;.1..7ii:..._'T.;, MEE ;,; , ~t~ . ~- 4 , ' ..*; ...- :-.if...: - ,_;:..,..-..!-,..t;=;.: -).. f.7 - ' 777-7 jf 211101111(8toa. 'TBBURGI4:: 77, pIUPG, OCT..* lea:* - - .4rt an Pear o3.lern pabmws we watt 11:--The solayV Seven arrn t.a NAV act', LS Five Boilers tiWWW. Wt. pe, Wt • rWD Iheilare pee amp% stria! '• Yor sows ceno messed linellszeuee,Domasna I t i n Serer ho..4lmposts; stoney Menet, ter, see .• ' Mertti Page for Mise.rilmo'na MHZ. WAR %Cern .M.MiaCo. .entuvoarar. racurceis. PO teen hlc4co, dated /3ept. Our 1© t 6 Much Ida than him, wai mote severe 'then we bad yet suffered. Partici,' ;•'• lagyjn; otneme—tbe infer of the army. If the snowy, wen 'inLinned of the character of each, "had minded to pi* of/ the beat, ha would have 'retained:thee', wrei'friL We Mlne this. Oar ercheages are painfnl 'words Atha havoc am:unit/ad by • doe ;Ail; Mad we do 'not open cos that has not Now Perropol movirdsowne of the evil ir.flickti by . the attitgainatj character of the war. All of. aim readers have !mild the 'gory of !Martin De ', " gad the There was no fie tics in that pert 4 it which proclaimed him to be the beet milligram' of his satire of comm. The following will tell the story of hie end.— , end tt hrbut am of imam sad mom:of Idol; Cain, • day pregerded for oar mama: 2 Ildo,....„ldaartr, Boom who wu killsd is one idfrar sahutimuj battles berme ths thy of Masi (no, to Gan. s9aeM's tirrision, - wrae • native of Ben . etheron, At , Hs wee edonned at West Point. and [nen that . school entered the army, grime this. , • ty yaw auk) He has sineetben seen numb herd serrick, and meadtieted himself *terms with great caution, skill and landaus- In him youth, he wee ;sexes 'Moir; the sharp shooters of the Green hfcaMtaina, eery few of whom could perform feats to bonompempaitti hie, Hs newer *avow in the body; West whatever hught or distance, el• ways stmeletie had. .!`He 'Pull drive a nail Jo - to a board put Way whh a hammer, and then, te• king the futheat distance at which his eye could distinctly as K - drive n home with .his unerring bullet:. Relies always been much reMebted and beloved by his townsmen, for his satiable:and te nenolent'oustinies, es.oelited with the omit easel inteenty.• - With s moderate Income, ha bad ao • neeemmised in bispetsmatexpenees, as to appiKat his own family. and very ementially to aid two .widen'' einem sevenl n phew., and other :elm nun who, ram his wife,. mad immediate family. now at Ultima* ant left to mourn his lota— . Hew Mies beau bleed .and ache! . Hcw many meth codes of t.lerding. aching hearts, hue oar *take toads. The guilt of all this misery. must Mat oa some body. Who to ilt - N &tad Man! - Per thessloutie n nd this Unit, the nation takes lb psy in Elm' y. What a pity. that men dionki not that as Ina gkey , ts in doine umi.--Jerw. Daarn et LT. COL. 80,07 —Among the atlas in in. bduid , u.s e tits i:ity of Meisco 6 mention• the emir of Lt. CeL Martin lkott, formerly a resident of this city, as gallant • soldier as ever OA , a 'sword. Hs -Maned in 189 h, a mist a. , tetailhepe estimates lady of this eity,• daughter of ttia fists Oitiduer McCockin, to whom his death l etti-P*mestai Thimx , m, 0 44 , Ki nest. Td" tram Ibs MOT coos hdeep glociat over this 4.4i.diutati.‘.oac - cif the nobtew citizimeLpf the • sountiy bee ,fitibity in the betties at the city if ".Mexico. He woe.wWtly , kbawc and ea widely esteiatad for thaw! virtue!, Mica/Ter Gil to exalt hduari.ntiiiracter." laird! a wife; daugtu dr of tdpcJeromidr tbe''town of. Camillus; and sister of litre: Win:. Jackson of this elate, and three children to mourittruir irreparable loft. A;deeper and pokr sympathy was Demi. hot then le sanicided by, lbs cornmeal ty to his harassed wits end .eitildrae Her prdloaged ande! satiety hi the caws, end the de epen" pub. which now nada her heart arilsad, bet treiddel theatrationa of the hennas war.—(By. (By. Fenn Gas. Elstztoe —A letter dated • 'fhapi, Itrth to the Eaton of the Ltnioo theicivet to way, that lam again suffering under raction of another wound, recede ed at the storming Of Chspahepra The wound is from a minket ball. recicid in the left arm. which has oculaimied me mach pain, bat my eerpone were me the left erre is safe. Ho 'owe has been my rer. reyfrom the effect of the former wounds that at Pohui I aerattud command of a brigade, can. dame of the New York and &tub Carolina vo• lanteenq end the Marine corps. wider Lieut. CoL • Watson. We marched from Poihla and eructed the Tilley of Minion with as army amounting in ' 'Oll In ten tboarand two hundred atm Oar march was um d extreme difficulty—over roads broken op and ailed vita rocks. We retched Hen August. Ue 04 the lethal'. Augers, from whence we could ,ate the swerey's troops and works at C.:introit's...— On not 101 l to,: two LniONWtO—Lha NOW York. VA Ind Palinettoe—scroes • route the was deem. • id impamelle by Mexicans for am, thing bet '.goatiqjoined the other Gores in the night; remain. .40 spat of the night without shelter .or covering, 'ander tociasent rate; and }deed in the attark in the thoudeg lehkh carriod dm portico, end cut Taieobia's whole fora to. pieces.. All thief Cu. esceuened without stelfsring any Injery from the ulfectsof my former ,waand. From COWES:L*I joined in the parade qtthesuamy towards Mexico. W. woo op with the main body of this enemy et Chandunco. Ms enemy's force was about thirty !Amite& The padtion was most fonnida. MMMMMII :, orx:74l =.ll67 4 , 4ll4 llto nami. Nlyfirldt . dispinta lFiato sad d WI to luyid 141 a o bi d alf frooi Psoa - I.4gostk: to o Notional ddga cowing them mil kW. ie gliSd tb• many &chug!. of Imo At( from their • Tius National Whig; at Washington ch.l. PO" Luba the following, which it saws is trims an es& cer of high rank in oar army Vasa Cans, Oct 4,11147. • ' • Patterson is to be cattunandendne . chief of the lira from this placebo Puebla. / also lawn from good authority that Gov - Wilson is to be removed and Den Manhallis to be governor in his stead. I mums this change has been ,sag a is consequence of Col Wilson's Wring . Paredes pass through the c11 1 •1 8 ..1318n Scott, I lam has issued order. to the detach State of Mex ico to useenble forthwith and treat for peace. . I understand that no notice has teen taken of thesis ordite, bat Paredes has-called on these States which ham not been espied in any of the h to =tribute men aid money to carry ai war. He her declared himself Preridem t. ico, end placid Valencia in occupant' of ' icon army. They are both pecmal i 'en.. • .to Banta Anna and ham declared him at crowd as well as a traitor.' • • I have just latieed that Vs. lends with 16,000 men Is on his wey to tut idf our conuottnicariona • • There is 140 hope far peace. My opinion iv. that the war his only nom. minced. •• It will take et Last 20,000 in to keep thirmed open to the city of Maiieo. A. writer from bistro under date of 17th Au gnst, states that 25 of the .tadwaleder Greys" amended the Calfneßock, on that day, end plant. ed the orifice end sten upon its summit. • This fete wu pronounced Impracticable by a party of officers who had _visited it some time presiouri The rock is-about 150 yards In length aimless, and 250 feet high rising perpendicularly. Altar thir flag had bun planted upon its imam* the s3tu spangled Banner" wan lung. and nuts drank. • The writer says: • The view of the surrounding country from this peek far *gunmen. all power. of ancription.— Jon imagine yourself 13,400 feet above •the sea, with lofty snow.cled slaw, towering above beauti• furl green Lille and vane ; and yourself far abort the cloud; which are bursting open the Talley* beneath yen, and you may form some idea of the grandeur and sublimity of the scenery." The Malamutes Flag nye there is goodrwa to belins much of the Meknes which her lately «awed in lidiamoras, is caused - by tbe .al of wholesome prolamine, demigod Flour; die, and calls earnestly upon the aitthorides to Murton and artist the sale of dautsmrd proviaiona 11001.2. LSD TAYLOR- The =ram thecoadact, the-humanity, • end inoderation„.disployed by . Gen. Scott, in the toil. dent campaign which he hal just:eland. by.tha aware of the Mexican Capita, veal excite the admiration of the world, and saner to him a high place in the estimation of his fellow oircuota.— That his conduct will lad him to the Pneddeney, is not so certain, for a majority of the people are probably of the pany opposed to the Whig polkj, of which 13en. Scott bas been one of the most arm and consirtsot mounpiona. Bat bele certain. ly ?iodated • firm candidate he thorn cf pany, who will not be debased ham hie wypottby.their &amoral of the war. The objeWon alphas' to General Taylor ea well so to Claseal Ikon, and the farther and main objecksi to General Taylor is that neither patty can sapport him, tri th ut abandoning party grounds and prefers:tax • ' The above is from the Baltimore San, and showy pretty conclusively, perhaps, the extent to which the Loco Paco party, as a general thing, carry their prejudices. They would soarer vote for Jams K. Polk, a man of bad principle; the ice` that of the war, than A. the brave man who have fought out the war, And of superior civil nosh& cations. Scott end . Taylor need the mare of no math men. Scott, indeed, awe know, dreads ad the tire of the enemy in the rat, much mare than that of the enemy in front,, end Taylor, with all hie brilliant deed; has found his seems where he ought to have found his foremast defenders. Scott oral Taylor are equal.:; ly brave men end goal Whip. It was the poi. icy of the Administration to rob both of the pc,- ! xenon to which they were entitled. by placing a L i eutenant General over their heads, end thanks to a conservative Senate alone, this wee not done. •in the asms letter In, which the above antral appals, we read the following arnoact: • Bute) icing and n0ir , ....1 woe the belief tha General Scott wee to he Whig candidate for Prinidatt, that many lbmocrstic members of Gal atea were very hostile to his refection as atm. mendar.inCloef of the fume in Mexico, er e. monstrated agalort It to tot, Pmaident. Here, too, the littlastem riming prpe octi The President had no tied to withhold th.; ...a mend from Scott, and conferred it upon blin ' aumehe could not help it. He was the satirS;ol. doer date service, and had Welted and Owned • campaign which, had it bean 'harried out, walla have saved thouseud of fives, and iturtona of money. Ws tenon, too, (tom the :ammo of erten at that HIM, that ilesilhothe given to Oen. Scott was confined upon him mainly, to draw off wenething of puhrm attention tram Tailor.. NATION/U. WHIG COAVZIT/011. The Whip of New Hampshire, theaters where Daniel Wobetat was hotel, have followed the State of his adoption innominating this tllatink• geisha Statesaran, for the Prwideno. HAS States, however, hug 'Mints' debates 10 c National Whig Conventiiii, end the Whip of both will cheerfully abide. by the decision tithe Whip of the Cam. npmented in National Can gentian, be' that decision what it may. We en glad that the pre:data ef ninny awes, end the action of so many Whig nutettop, settle the gm non °fa National Convention for the ideation 'of a Whig andida . te for the Presidleney. It Is MO bable that the names of Clay, Webeer, Scott, Mc- Lean, Taylor sod Corwin. will be brought for. ward by their rispetive Mote s or friends, and a good anderstantUng of ell to abide by and support the Umtata neosseary ln advance. The expectation in some neuters that the claims of in many able nom mere to en way to the claims of one man, have been suflickta' to. bribed by the Me attenthm which hes bras given to the aagpatioa. We have every =Edam fo die anticipated gem of the Whig Cremation, and all we oak Is a mend Interest in the primary . meetings which see to make choice of del/pats to the Comedian. Let the Whig sentinina of the comb, be fairly represented in the body which ue to nuke the naminstkm, and. we ere sure there are none of tun Whig party who will disc seat front the result Tittsaaezata nturazone nen aaraateo.—' The New Tort Tribunenye, with form and tenttrel that the attempt of the sanguine of Mom to pun net the public by an infringement of their patent by O'Reilly & Co:, bat ogee attnnicma mad im practicable, as the inimical utamptiolt. that Morries patent ebeem all poiriblimodie otcottuncr dation by mune of electricity, le papeatemn-- .Latiin'4lle Jour. We should !app. that by Ono time, Amos Kendall would be weary of by attempted monopoly of the Who= et telegraphing.— ' Palle jastice, Pabete senthtseat, end priests right, are regarded by Me PrIPSI erny where, as spins the claim isinp; end the sooner it is aban doned, the one It . Will 'red o und to the credit of Professor Mom who, In all this manse, we be lieve, hat suffered by bed 'Won. We cannot eon wire a Munn fa the bosh* entatainsd Minnie Kr. O'Relllr by iCendall' sod Smith, wtept npoo the principle that men of emelt prejudkes We lborn who show they en TmOis mamma( end summand than theMernies. We know that Mr. O'Reilly btu, loud* fleas, Ind that Ee bat rn o4 rend fah taw to limns Kendall Suoo. barn a personal eeqUaintance with oil thus pls. deroam—Mows Mmes. Kluldalls &WM and o'. Rsily,end hare no pndudiesskrr or *phut tither pasty. We hare loud both sides, end Wooer accusithad, se fa es Ws could, with the Skims of ill, end the caschultm anima sit G. that If,. O'Reilly bee not violated tali trostrand fair , that Win Talowntanag 'Moan data in id not sow by soy talqtraptdo 'co*lntietohan twins Plitdaphis ad Pit#baskind Winn Tax sinks strikkaiald Pingsbaind is Iki' Stab of New Yak. war Maud la ths popth kr Ins% a -theimeihtoklist via 11 , a vtior or year, ab—totuin 13. grabs :4011.1 0 . 64 :o=t i It ins heal 110' leo this soloootai to do boo& am roe !or #1,10.113," MEM .'= - 161031 . !Mr - .ter. or :be runee nte i;'; • New Yoax, -T 0ck214,1847. , . fo• wait jot elotted,wol bet long tl by the *ware world, and PatthalarlT hi the Epiecapathm,, whose general con' Vehtion `has comma another week in debate, upon the cue Of the Bishop of New York. The point now . under disonsiou; 61 whether or riot, the',diocen is vacant, daring the aspension of Bishop Cin: 'iithkiak; Manes lave been niade upon this , Point, that would. honor the bar of, tiny coon *, and hive attached to the Convention, an attendants such as -is given Only, 'to the speech. es of a Calhoun. a Webster, or a Riney Mir The chief Sieger of the patty contending for ■ vacancy , li Dr. Hawke, of New.Orlearm, who • his made a speed, that would occupy a page of the Gazette, end is taken as the expoaition of 1 the views of the anti•bishop party. The cue of the Bishop has been promoted by Dr. Forbesi, of New Toth arid . Professor Ogilby, with' a talent that we look for from eminentjaists, rather than theme whose ,teachings are froin the mimed desk, The speech of Dr Hawks, : was filled 'with cita tions and authorities, not ca l l fro m elerne4 but on tiler soirees, and the whole case has Rimmed legal &meth The Bishop's party, in support of his rights toaesume 65 official functions, quote the head of all law, Blackthorn, who aye, a Nth . opric iivanuat, only by death, resignation, or de' gooatiOn. Ae he has "not beet degrades', 100 of coatis is still the bishop, and no assistant or pro• vineLl bishop; ea be allowed to the diocese.— The case, you will notice, is now brought to a point. If the legal authorities rule, than wo have a bishop; and no+her an be amen, and the chinch must take incomes to release the &care troth iti sopendethishop; by reiteration, for the Rouse of Bishops cannot peconsidee their pre. tricite diacnalua and degrade Dr. Ontlerdonk, and tithe open the way fora new incumbent. Stand appearance go to show that, this Bishop mud be nagnised, and new 0041111 formed that will al low his piers to restore him, or allow the election of an assistant biettop. The molt is looked for with much. interest. • Becretruy of the Treasoiy, has been here min* to aee how the capitalists are disposed to wards the loan, that he Wilt ask for ea soon as Convene mem. The first denend will be for twew ty millions of dollars at six per cent, and pane. qoeni lane as be may want, daring the melon which will be a Iwo one. This amount is moat less than we exp ected. but still no hopes are held out to 4.he Secretary that he could obtain It, and capitalists will wait, until the Samba budget is opened.- before they talk of kens. ShOuld the loan be slights:albs government it is said will Mute math Tommy now, that will be absorbed by the merchant, for circulation and remittance for which last they siauld tie well adapted. Tot or fifteen millions • would'be thee taken and the Tremor, depotmenkthere be turned into a bank equal to the United States ,Bank, so far as circulation is concerned. An attempt is being made too, to mete llaitsd St a tes stork the beds of our free banking system. *bleb if carried will help the sale of new henemech.fer elute amount wanted for this propose. • Oar mum Mutat shows no apparent change aka the mind of the stea m er. Lama then have barmb merchant., but no fauns brae been nun ed. Stocks have Shim and are now at • tinier point than for years, at lent the fancy list, Which would, any, of them, be an elegant "peculation for we who would boy to hold for some time. True toy notes an one per oat premium, which hare .lowest pens since brush Ohio 6'e tlitit &wady 7's 891; Pennsylvania rif 74, all of which are lower rates than have been touched previously At these prise the sales are entail and none for investnient The felloree In England have de. ranged the bill Market mod there is not in the city, a single bank denwino, • state. of things without promdant. Private drawers are very timid end:food names scarce. Speen from the timidityofdtaw. an will loon be sent by diem even at a lose for an inspreekin is general, that bad news will come by the steamer of the 19th of Oct. The Flour market Is not so satire—al demand being for the east. Ganeamielean at 64.8,62. The Coolish mutat is as closely shut to us as tho' not in existence, for priors here are half a dollar high er than them, to amy_nothing of the expecte, of getting it to them. %neat bad Corn meal era to the same position, and corn alone is /lobar. Even that hum email a margin that none is sent and Swigtui 'ans below a living price. The great in crease of ships, our owner see, most keep pries down sad make the year .a bed one to them._ Grain of all kinds stands much hie floor, arid in. steed of I demand like that of 1846, which , ex ceeded all mane of transportation, the !radian gone beck to its old natural limit. A contract has been made for a steamboat 'the Hodson river, which if complia with, will give ma eibost ao fa ahead of oar prune spit. fact" ones, a thoy are in advance of the boa, td twee year 1410; She abbe 400 feet loag,and to make two trips per day to Albany, between rise and arrow.: To do this, she must make; 27 miles per hour. t Nosed above the average of rail roads Standing the step. She is ea °kiwi as feet and though her headers =root do all they expect they will make a boat that can be to An ante new hells; the only one ever in New Toth has been brought out with; the most con. pkte souse at the Broadway Theatre which is crammed nightly toles it. The performance lime complete as the Ravels, wham you have all wen. The Company goes west and and eolith, end will glee you, ea they have New York, • eight of an entartehtment u - pleasing as new. ' The French stain packet goes to sea tionor. row and has good lot of names dawn already. Now la the tima'when people go abroad La the winter ind there @ppm to be an unusual • num. ber so disposed at present The return .tip of the French li. may be expected in • few day with Dna b the 10th of Oct. Piteaa inns ommaand Rau mend. At the Mutual meeting of the stockholders of the Cleveland and Pittateugh Reel Reed Came. my, held in Wellsville on the lath inataolt, the following named mania win clamed olions of ths company for the ensuing pair , James Fanner, 13alineville; Charles Knapp, Jr. Pit:abash; Basal Williamson. Chorrisod Hen. ry N. Day. Hodson; Ora Premise, Laic N. Brake, Ravenna ; James Aim Henri Cope, D. T. 'Lunen:John 8. Mclotoeb, Jam Buny an, Alexander Walls, Wellsville The Board monied by elating James Far mer, President ; Cyrus Prentiss, Treasurer; James Btawart. Loal-Treaura ; and A. O. Catlett, alecratery. The Board remind to put abe grading, nterns ry end papering fa ntpersinteare of the whole line of the road, from the point to which - 814m» let to Hudson, bade, contract as soon as the Em, glans can prepare It, paella through Freedom. Lima, Atwater end Havana, on line as near that already . anneyed as the interest of the cow paoy will permit. We copy the above from the Wellsville Palrint, front which we ilw learn ~ t hat the, whole line is to be put tare., 'moment es moon as the Engineers Can prepare it for letting to Hudson, a point with. In 'Calks f:kf r Clni4nd . 71risi remelt:dog 24 tidies atm hi be allotted - to the wealthy and lloarlabing clip of Chaland to make." We took °cession acme weeks since to notice the datennised Maras of_the Company having Atha above Road in charms: lis dos br these Ptak. men tasty that they have worked against as Pc.d. Wit dimouragemanta With MI faith In their own enterprise, and . a manly action to back It, theT ere going ahead with the detennloarion of linking lb. ow with the Lan, There Is no such word fay, when an aterprbie le that rostained. We with *emir Directors all poodle success, and hope and bellow that their labors will be reward. ed with gonddleidends, and the honor aid rupees The Wserran Baum Brim; at it. Lie Flaske, puss(' resolutions to the effecithat it wadi be impolitic to secede from the General As, asosWy of the Presbyterian Chruch, at this time, on the ironed of her connection with Slimy, be• mac, an intallipat and. Christian Anti 94 1 i 4 1t ripidArsPreakt,Andiutithwom all connection with tiling in that Eceiniestieel body 0112/i civil. They would maintain their pre sent Maims in order to hare II TC41:11 in bringing ehont We malt. Tbe entoo of Wheeling met in the dty on the Mit Mat: Thnoptaing sermon was preached by the Moderator of the pnwious year. Rival. G. Coming° was elided lifodaratar, and J. wasp" and IT,l3mekton, Clads. The procesd• twat dm Synod wane hammikom. They ad. mm. 4 soma out . roo., In Waablngton,Pa. ! . Pionuninr,-;.‘ mama of Choodon coo Aliboak Mild `F o7;' hu hod oh: fryi. WM*, to • IkUotocur dui tbroorou y am ,-, osoudani On ota *Auld.,, Two. Imo born as gho had July, UK% two on au Uth Apta, Sr litiod a I fki T. Alb dauki-.40,,1ad.* tor au sea -AOSIVOI - ' - - . . . • =CM nllllO/1:1 WAI*6 h!angelid, Skin they hive been nnitid, are said to offer greater at .trsetioni in specimens of estimated nature, than any other novihi the United qtataa_ Hat Droll. inicia:the celebratii ;Lion Mug: has bean mpg. ed, and Will evince - his wonderful command over animals, in this city, nor, week. The company have nomad no pains Or 'Sponse to riding their exhibitioner entertoining mad instructive to Lunn. musts, and we Lamm doubt the . i li z4t e will be appreciated by thottands of • g spec. talon in Pittsburgh. Their extullthina ccomownce • on Monday nest, and will continue through the week. QUANNIN SONIONM—The Judges of this Conn are now pursuing the proper course to cor rect and peasant abuses and violations of the Pub. tic 'Peace—the imposition ofibeavy tines upon those found guilty. The interests and security of the many req.nre conelderalion of the Court where it feel. inclined to paw mild sentences upon those who are in the habit of giving way to truth paw lens, and husulting end wounding the persons of their fellow men. LICZNIZ Law-- "- Lrcaaaa Lsw.—ltis rumored•that the late lair in reference. ;o the sale of spititous and 'tam ll gum; will be decided to be unconstitutional, by a majority of the Sopranos Court. " Should this be the cue, the license law in existence prior to the late milactMent, will again be in force. It is said the Court ere not unanimou in their opinkm.- To-day will probably decide the question. AZllll.l'Ol kloscatairr. The Aunt, Mr. Itfooihead, informs us that .jthe opt:44am of tho Meese, ehoenbergare iron rrkssubscribed $ l 3B towards the erection of 'the Washington Harm. inent, on Thursday. , We are glad to hear of the favorable reception this enterprise meets anions oar mechanics and citizens. Daowurso.:-A boy named Andrewßmasfer. about 10 jets old,.wu drowned in the Alleghe ny on Tuohy hot, near Plumbergeee Iron MB body has not yelboen recount& Accinzwr.--A. limiter boil 'truck one of the Om of the Aqueduct on Wednesday, and was bcoketilin pieces. The Lands were uninjutCd• - • Ir Sir.aur Coosom—On Monday, says the Post, the report of the committee on Engines end Hose was teed, accepted, and a resolution pared Authorising the Independent Hose Co., No 1, to be furnished with 800 feet of hoes. ' • • • •A regulation , to - pay talk,' • different fihrooru. pules the fallowing mats also passed. To Eagle, 1200 - To 'Vigilant, • $2OO • Neptune, 200 Minim% 2 P O 1 F Warden., . 2 20 00 ' Duggan*, 200 ' - Desolations authansing 6 and 8 inch water piper to be laid in second street between Gnat and floss—eppropriating $2O to the imparrement of tho Bow Mill run Fury landing, and author. ' ising the paving of Water et, from west side of Liberty to west aids of Penn meet wars pared and sent to common 'email. Is sax Comdex Consort., a ectommication fto J. H. Laing, of Cincinnati, 03 the subject of the “artsoha read comma" and “water Biter," was and referred. A committee was appointed to adding. the Canal antnimaio' nem, on the .object of the, condition of that portion of they.. Canal within i he , city limit. The ordinance firing a penneripat grade fm filth street between Smithfield and - Row, was laid Queen* Beane" 2 8.—Coot toet— ' pewit all the Court. Codetb vs Elizsbeth Letimore—indielaneat espy. Dft plead godkiko petit larceny. Remand ed for sentence. Com'itt n John .Tennlore—tessuls sad balmy, with intent to kill. Tried hying. end mild std. ty of assault. COMVI .I 1 James. idiffiXleril lamp. Dy of a gun, the property of Fnuiels Kaman.— Verdict gaily. Coras, roamer Weeltiagta n—int. surety of the pease. .Itft on:deuced to pay costs sad enter hint reeog. in $ ZOO to keep the pence ranee year. Coriedi vs Sarah Dickens—budinoeutpaseeny. Vradieruot guilty—dft din:Urged by proclaim. Com'th VII Jams KW—indictment ouch and battay. .16 Dorton', and pros. Charier- Plunk, to pay the costa." &monad. : 1 Com`th es Eliiebedi Hael--ledietment _, ay --true bill. The subject of the larceny glut WY pocket handkerchief. RR,. ALI:X./MD= Caleraanr , =bad in the Catabda. and was at Riau:wad, Virginia last wok. RC,. J. Henan ii, ad Riflualtail, has alas setamel. The Richmond Times, mays: Kleine from * elan Sate. they were ;nuked by the Abolitionist.; with especial malignity, la the Scottish towns, At Edirhure a ennunittet of the Anti Slarray Society wuted oa than at their lodging' and Catechised Mr:Campbell for an how: They then phicarded him us defender of manatealtre. He vu chalhented to public do. but Mr Herwhell going te'paterb at the Water 'too Rooms, fond man with - large bills haul about his neck, wanting 'the people againwhim as a defender. of slang. Mr Campbell,' in an at: tempt to explain him position With regard :toilers ay, was insulted, and absolutely forbid to desist and the Abolidordw, Robertson, took hie place and railed and and against slavery. Mr Henshall 'pupated la carioca places, and the people wall} eel against him u coming from the land of the .despot and the slave." The feeling wu too high in some sections that scan personal violence would not have been surprising. At Perth the Abolition. law were eitnodingly active. Public opinion had been fOrestalled—but Mr H., bflds =ha. &P , mariner, and his frank and clear capons, to quer* time pat to hire, woo the audience to his side. Mr. Campbell was tried for libel agoind Mr. I Robertson, and 'equines!. The circuttuudees in nun lion with the aural, imprisonment saddle. I charge of Mr. Crimpbell, tine been publlehed in OUT paper. FCCIITI•I SLAV{ ituir.•A Bonham arrived at Tow Hill, Pa. on Moody last; in gauche( • fugitive slue whom he discovered sod arrested in a corn-field. The owner and his party started (or Lancaster with their prize, bet were °tendon at 'Moult Pleasant, try a largo delegation of Tow Hillery men and women, who had received infer. motion of .whet weigoing on, and started la Our sail, determined on a rescue. Thrum were armed with guns, pistols, knives, clubs, handspikes, loop, broomsticks, and such other warlike equipments is were at hand. The party proved too men( toe the Southern gentleman. (vall the B Pf.) and sin ended in recapturing theater, ' and he wool:Bard. wi back to Tow end th an disposed of in such a 1:01121111T that all farther taco of him aria lost,' and the slave hurter. met as well put hint down to the =aunt of profit and loan Another slam who was, working in an ruljoining kuo, was fortunate enough to discover his hunters in time to make lus weep* to the woods, which he did with dmuch drepatch u his powers of locomci. Lion would admit. The widow of Dr. Benjamin Rosh yet line, and resides in this city, at the age of navy thtity years. illbe :stake the complete as. of all het faculties—is unto, py and cheerful in the bosom of bar family, and commands the - profound and rinesened respect of a large circle of admiring friends. We think she is the only earthing put net of any of the fearlets and patriotic men who , pledge life, honor and fortune in Independence f1a11..-.who braved the power of a peat Empire, and by that act secured a distingushed place for their names and their .cour try among the salons of the world.-.;. Phila.' Inq. w _.__.— artf:lTiitsi—The Kenusbee Journaraaye: Wto saw aflfellowell, a few days giro, • utoe chine, invented by Mr. George 'Pollard Of that town, for picking oakum ...Be pleb, fit for ON, I 8016 e. in-E0 minutes; while by the prices" of hand.picking poem 7 or g Ibm to Cday's work. The machine may be worked by hand, horse, water or slam power. Bush • machine pat into the ms' chine obcp at the dam hen might do a modprofit. able humbugs." ---- . - _ L rO- Onward iftlioimaieh of linprorensent. The in. firm paupers in th e Bluebottle' may henceforward fold their arms, and exclaim in quid resignation, "ra occupation is gone!" Russ, sun Duerr/at-I-An silica of Col. Riye Tessa regiment, who was In the hale of Burma Vista, inform as th a t ' he recOgnlsed Riley In the contest, end watched him closely. Ha said that Riley had s piece dart:Mai under Warshaw, and seemed to act ind ependent Of any thing but his own will. Re w ent over the field miming danger 'bens it wai thickest, end oft en cubed our troops to wonder who It was among the Mulct= that so distingdahed thalami - , The Wblg Catmal Committee of Obio.l,allte• 'dies to th e mitt of the' recent dee** Its diet Stets, earthet it fs a triumph in twat alibi Pere Imp of pap met : the heiress stet diegnmie!ofett aejaet and Iniquitous war. It le a triumph' eeekeketkcat,tight evil the lairkeer r aet e, a weak sad' lateteetedlzeeetiee." I ~, 'fir •f'us .fi ~`v';..h MMMMX== BY MOEN tMnp I o:9li4VOngefte 11 . 1416balei GEPittle• 1 &Whom mal filled to motet as Charles too, lad In half oars (Toni the Aril". Tho Luton mail kin. bot briago • nom • Eieluire Cornennadeate . of tie Pitigetiii *a atte. PERLADELPERA MARKET. • Om, asek p. m. ' ccdra—Ealm of 500 e 4io ' sat 710 ib• - Oak hone—Madman MIMI ate 5016,75 par bbl Them are mons saki, than m. Gralo—Tha mutt is adtboat dn, b u t h as a tandsocy downwards. Nisbet com—New prime MU. fa 'letting r 60e pip Ptoeletons—The market V wiiheat change. Cotton—Nothtng doing in the market The mutat parlay is - without champ. Deal. en are Wing off far finsigi non. . Exclusive Clorrensoodene• Puuborsit 01121716 BALTIMORE MARKET. Baldroom Oct. 2s, P. X. F lO O -1- 440derall ides at 864 pis bbl; How. iod it brands ere held it 116,35; pity Mins the Wbeat—flaka of rime White. at 130,13t0 per te4 prime Red la mining at Wein.: per tn. Cont—Balee of Wale Witham 66a6t3e per bri; Oate—Moderate olio at 38irtle Per be. • Rye—An Nimes be, otztutsd, with modents .sales at DSc per be. whhdrer....Balee et Ste per gal. Provisions an without' cheap, Exclaves Carmel:donee of the Flambee' Gapes • NEW YORK 31ARKET. Ock. 28,3 in xt. Flour—Ths mutt is dna at-t tiooa ornier /iota. ' codas.very Mlle doing In the articl ' market is daft. Groceries—No Chapin the mutat. Corn—Gales of prime White at 73c per 4; prime Yellow h seilhg at 778784 per bush, et which figures —B heavy boslawe le Whiskeyales at 331 c per ma Wheat—Galeeet sp mid* not prime et I c par bo. Proelalone are irilhoitt dup. downwarLard—The market Is dull,' tea ds. • Com at 13,37 per tendßtocks—The kat is dull, with • downward ency. The market sinerally is tritinAltainpi. Ex.:duos Omezpondnes of the , CINCINNATI mARK6 4IO . Oasa Oot - if. 0. P Floor—&M. of 1700 btdo it f 1 4 ,11 7114.93 pr MI, at whirls Arttree there its mon Milan than buyers. Grain—The market is trith6t dome. Ooats--8.1.. at 26e per bo. Whitley—Sas of raw at 16je p 1. .• • /Idled Hop—Wee of 600 Wed it 164,67e4.60 per 100 Ito new 86irer--Balse of N. 0. fair al 7o per lb. By fait dl but zught • snail we learn that dates boos Collator' had been naiad at Orleans to the 16th but The Yellow Yaw prevailed to en alanains malt. Col. Law Van &idiom of the candidata for Qoewnorof Taus, and bazar, by Haines from that Garannans to ths Malted Mater, died of fever at Houston, on the 11th sant. . HoW. Hexer Gloaernwere, cot ef the Judge of the Ilium= Court of Mahone, died on the leth, of Yellow roow. ASS 88888 1147. Xis Sin 'ILSCTID. Alkgkap—. L J Noble, Christian &NW, Marshal Bwarerweldar, Homy Lurk. Adams...-. Wm /Whiny. Annstring,—f Lewis Brenneman.Beriser,—? John Allison, John Sharp' jr. Berblkdfird,—t James L. Kirk, Josiah Hillier, H d StetkJ Mims. John Long, - B, F•ply. Buckert J. W. Lam P D Bioolll, Edward Nicholson. Butkr,—t J Zeigler. Grostoi2,-.4 John Hasa. dliester,—. Henry 8 Zink, GI Leary T Ball. Kaatly,W larion, Po Jejerrn, and renanso,--1- John ea ny. Columbia,— -f Mayan Pima Grennforti,—t 8. G. Kriek,J.K. Kan. bono Gursaberkra4llarob Leiner, Mimi= tam. n. ' • DCauati p be 2 -ekerfet D Orairoa: I D hin,..-. uses Pat, TheodOre Gratz. Delaroare.—• 8 Horton. I Brier—. d J Dail, WllO 81 14.0[1114 dick.l, getter-4 Y. &bats, Miriam Rod. Frookiin,-.• Win Baker, Ramat WWI. Grieca.—t John R. Gordon. Huntington...-. David Moir, • ; Indiann,—• U McKnight. lo w 11, ala. and Deicvs—• Barmaid %kick. Man. Lanetister,--,. Abraham Melly, .7 II Stubbs, Thoinu B Jacobs, Joni* C Dirklwion, David Esiderom Lebanok•—• David Grittiorm nalLaiukhx.aad Carbog,t Pout Bowman, Sew Mar • Luzern,—t &awl IV_ Cloil,esimel • • • diet. • I Lycorribag, Polyir and F Pater. Timothy his, Jr. Merser,—• Robert Blaelc, fM Erwon. Migin.—tEriah 111'Keri. Montgootery,—t Boaj H 14 Hanj.T HaUotd David Evans. Northampton and Alonroe,.--t H. B. ver, Charles A Lochanbachdomph Nortinizeherkend-1. George A le Perry,--t S aar. y,--1.1. Thew 8 lemon. Thome. Daly, Abrattora Olovrfro; Throw K ?Wetter, William 8 Hollows% John K. Lough— lin, Edward Tansant,--Downo, Phartidphia Thom.' Btool, Chap H Hart, Solomon W Eaton; John H Dfiddrif• Randlii &pith. 34 4 211 4 - 1" Giotto Boyer, • Alum* W Leybtint. Smiset,—• John J. alattmen• &isquerSanna mid Wyonring,--feWsuisl Tag tart, Rabat Little. • • Tioga.--t _Mahal! A. Mot t.. AViaren, drKean and Rik—l/Wan J. Wit • Wasleing fon.-4Thotou Watson, ' Jacob Cott. Mime and Pike,--1. Pope Balboa% Wedmorkvid—John Fatuvid, Haniaan P. Laird. Jahn F. ld'Uolloeb. York,—f Thomas Onrav, David. Williiune, Getup P. Cad. ip parked 0w• LOOO Po-postal RECAPIITLATIO Loco iniquity on joint, ballot 0210 acicrion.—There are many: phasing ineldenta connected with the result: of the election In this HMI& The Ohio Stu, alter noticing a Whig victimy in Montgomery county, eaya : This Perry, Morgan and Washington &Metal another example of the semi thing._ Maj. I,oe. of Morgan on., had mend In the Mexican war, and returned with his lanzsis thick ,end green up. on his brow. Ere was the loin mi im. for the Senate in a district heretofore Twiexcepted by a "democrat' and giving a decided . danocratio" majority. The Whig hominee, a gager and of coma • friend 01 peace ! was slechtd by titres hum dred mejority. Sorb indication, ate worth of edam lln no puce( the thata bee, the Itnige *teak from 'the baitiour of Mr Corwin's speech, bell bate imeeMed them.* their full extant. Hines the result la the more gratifying, alneelt la a hi. =ph upon principle. . Macon. Corral... Witatueetw.--We kem trow the National futelliggwer that on Bawdy Ws court decided in the Cue dalehewn "taw Secretary of the Nary, to nohow the motionpray• al by the platuthre comet for a truutdareau The eclat= of the court was teed by the Chief J us Cri ch.—Ball. tice. Sun. . It was decided ln abalone* that the act dm. deaki Tana to the' Ultimo lid not moire the Mary of Taw to become a part of oar own Na. establtettomot, Muth lote compel oar G meat to pay to maul* or the Navy at Two. =C:= Tait ininui'Fzerriss•xn,—Mspr W. W, Monis, of du 4tit hu m e mo letkr non his brother, Cap. Gongessou, MOT* 4th U. 8. Intently, dated inspe, 13sptsothgr Mb, inwhich hs. staus. Um- moisoind to. which be was - unshod,' cruising of hangout Amon at algid .huidua ntos..lo ingteMog Gum irus Crown leap, lad, a a motet with the ruining, killin.unt ,wwwhisr...ow noted and ,11fty. au; fifa of Me while faro wird. • , ' -- • : - .` . - - . . Idditt bb erli;Glasiradt Pailknotittnellt Tamrtiaost . ,Wo tbeg leave so call pae attenraen the Srlsowing, from Dr: Was Bkart, of Withaidiredle Qatari.' Q., and atso ethe see., 1101 Practitioners in tie comuy us which bemonde., and lath Senator in the Sato L 0 stye.Stra theertate thus to see the Iced men or the neefesmoaibarannot the bonds of protest atonal nndodice, and tiring menus dOr "Sir: I have in my practice been tiring some of your Ginseng Panscea, and, et, far, am pleitied s e efectsta Catarrhal and Bronchial CompLtinta. Please academe half • dozen both them as low ~son can; as / expect if It cotannoca to reader., general sat istketion' as It has heretofore, to keep It conmantly on h etruand. Rape aPlr • W se. BOAS. a. D • : -~~ Er via Invite the ettentnut or Our readers to the e traonlinary careen( Semfula Perfonned by Dr. Cape's radian Termabto linamolrhieh they will hod record. ed in another column or to.dayts paper. They are settle:tot doubt the most wotiderfulon record, and have so been pronounced by many or our most revectable physicians. • The afflicted end others interested, are re quesied te visit them at their severaL places of abode, and learn from their own lips the wetederfal erects of the medicine. The firs - tone named ts Melone biciphe, who may be men dotty, between the balms of p A. ht. and 4 P. M. at the atheist:or Remand IrWatton, No 37 Market a4 Phdada. octl OAILZTTEI JOB POINTEW OFFICIe, THIRD STRRIT, CORNEA or POST CIPP:CS 01:p•We are now prepared to • ezeierite . n 11.41• and expeditioaa manner, all kinds of rr each as Ci rculars, os Samba= Birr ot Lentil . Shee Handbills, Card., 1100 L AIM PAIITILoT PRINTING to any eitent elicited in the best atanneri . arid al Vase( Pruning done with accuracy and at the lowest ma. • Wrimportaint to Adverusem—The ildver tleemenie Which *plow in the Daily :Hernia:: Curelie r amaar in ilinTri-Weekly, dine receiving thp . ilPelt !Lye. 711'iltre a'an=rageinat'rtry'enuilere,"”thriTtilt any extra evperiee. Alvertieemerne vre em inserted uountrf paper upon revarnable terms. • liYT.~llNallda'nciu~ldle nraparly nOld 4r loatimte t will that ~iW t cdmk, 17"11t section wi l l b e oa/1 and BOOMS, od i c ' '' iona , sinus be taken. JOHN FINNEY, Jr., Geis Joan Wears:a. AtttllUT. cat , 117N14.10e—Ttis Y. Peg Afos's Morenals /Amy ..tuatioriess, stool,/ end • ismitne bunsmimic opera. respectfully Om solicit &sedans of books, mo ney. mama specimens. models, etc.; (tom Ue poblie genersily. AO donations snit be duly seine's's:deed: sets JACOB WEAVER; Amman, (03-Auxiiin Cum nr.—Persons berths Domes •Intri the Allesituty Conetry, will please call at th (dee of 1 FINNEY, h. Secretary, N 0.27 Wakes rt. oettlibihr In Luiz/0N Va., tho Vhfo of EZ.Oorermr Me ciAZILIJIM DEDIPFIRAD. lir Nit Phu Ulna brilpreVirMent has qow bus In we shout two piers, and lirteWfar it Is knowa, preferred Mall other Deadeteads. For cheapness, ittomonh and convenience it low trot and • cannot be aqualleku it is decidedly the bast; cheapens:ld most convemeat Bedstead in lust and pet, firmly proof egainss The pnnelpslCablitet makers sad Tamers in A:lr, alma/ sly/ sod td Flßstisref, have umlaut Rights to mannfaeune and sell the article.' Aa thencarecpario • ankles sad Imperfect tmitstions In the market, muses sets told do well to examine die east lrea plates on I add& in Ma genuine article the name of the patentee,' E. F. Gramm telavarlably cool. Alr a proorof all that is claimed far ease f ro m Cabm as saaamk'esßewdiatlednsow ld Pitraborgh and the {gut. ts submitted to the peddle: we, t 6,, tethaerihers, practleal cabinet maker. sad Bedstead numalwarers of the Mau of Finebatnd Pa., ,do hereby certify that we have la the right to manafatitore bedsteads with Guam's Pat. eat Foamless; and coneldar the same ersperni. is any fastinstares with rands we, are ationalatest. ,James Leman.'John Mkilfew. Tlt Young - notion Ferman IL Malloy James Elibur . 1 tatie L V l l, j ltit riCile l4 rilreta i r: Tomas Farley Ltil=olVdi'nl David Laker Huh Wallace Roberts &Eine Jai W ll J Neehanse Wm Hulett • Pgra aWoodwe tlrs% Co Ala:ender Lawson For Altus to make and sell thaaboVe Doistesals ®to EBENEZER F GAZZaht; acr2l Patentee .. ... ! ' N. noLarna k SON Nankaro and Masa In .11,zoliengs, Cola I and Bank Nees , iro. 55, NABIZT BTRBIT. PITTSBURGH. drilla dams. Ceded:l.a Baring gads. New York pr. aneineed, • I dn. %indent's, do Looisale, Ido L altrower, tdo St.bota, Ida rag Run. DA kr NOWA_ Baring Rata. Ohm, # die. Co. k arm Orders, I die. Lana. # do Reiter Notre, #do I .. vmi. ...*kir ! i toTr a w ?al " . Pa lo eid -- Winelon, ido ' N ew Orleans, do, t d o * Cremona,. do bilyked, i d octal( Duets; Mabee!. ABONNAPFON 010111 respectfully infotme bin 1.. and arias, that lus School will open on Fri a), n., the lAA of November' and centime every EV:are n rt .?', .. , ...4:34.t.f0r Y t e p.'s , .'.,•':" A Roma ' The Lenox. will ' ho given la be Wt. Lk and iI.. the Par Pcma. vPlimf to be .ch ow s of Whom A. U. I.: so knowledge, wil have to gikreneea No Cobol /1R Win liti admitted kr tema fall gleaner. No vitasera erelthe &dinned (fixerearest:4Q daring iebool lath., Porten= and attainderc apply at A. 131. reel-. donee. /Merkel E. td dear (toot ned.. • --e - Q t will be attended to in All city, if dein mentions can be readenp. 0e=.24 W . _. . . ANTZD-41. Poteara - Hear Clerk. Addrrsa H, Game Letter Boxornb real ramie, staring where Y_ Interview au be 64. r . .4413Snlif vrTza-a bb la pristl r rtl i fest neeeir . 7i , & • oe b ti . LYeCU W 11.aerv, I OTATMLIG-3GCbbls Prettortacek Potatoes'. ; nerd. by the Caleb Cope; for sate by 8A W lIARBAUGU ' _ . • • • Calltrig— d. 100 bss ree' ha sale by Wcx Mei:Ult.:llEoN - - • IMACTILS-1101n besiqualigd+7 reed; W.I. by ottO - ik AIeCIJIVIIEON Ap " W bu Nu 1 air Aviles Mead , foi sokt try occll R ReCI4TCRECIN SR2 . IZ-0 bbb e .c p . rtma i Tirthy se . ed " W & R MeCUTCLIEON (3_141.111/1-40 bra' /0 by 141,91.1114MAZY kr Deal rizakss—A sue* of 10 by 10,10 by 111 JI by lb %l IS by le toases lam sizes ea hand sad at sale. yes octal %V & o IIIcRUTCHEON' ' AOll-20dos twilled Bars Just rei'd: for Wo by am. • St W IliaatlAl7oll.44l waodn BAIRAELS-100 empty wbakey bulslBLbr sale by W WU:ER - oar vraJer t eggibfield .18 WmaLETS—.I6 dos India RabLkr Tobacco Wal• lets, wholesale and retail—a apleadid article for ssaaa—iaas spell and (Or 04.10 ar Luaus Robber 1. _._ ,' • - Ja.IL P HILLIPS N. a Wa SAW oval) , the Wallas tour MOLIaL oelgS FLOOR OIL CLOTHS— Liew yds 44 Oil ^ Godw; • 504 " 6 yet* wide, heavy ankle; • with border,ol 'Ames pat teres,Jest mid from the PeLladelphieTeetary; ler Me atwecyan mom, wood • !Li= J A PHILLIPS -1711,31 5 ..., .ived ea anon . V meet of bast article of Venni., Blinds ham the iron boon etieblielauta , at J 4 Smen, Allegheny city, 04 consigamece km au a al OUT lirara MOM; 5 arcod st. foettli /4 H PHILLIPS rosT TIM=-6 pea super French Beaver., al rom*, Mama, Violets and Blacks, at CRall Aut• vortePleee or lard, direct Rom manaraetorent. ROBINSON, Imparter, at, near wood C i Tcnuiez—ab. subsorittor ballot leased die law lavrareboose occupied by Dr. et 0 . EttnnYt No. IP ,C. - were's! HO., are Dow- prepared to store on favorable num. Goods stored ends item are einnernly covered JORDAN t SON - .I by interface. o.m 18 Lbeny st, opposite hoed of sonthesa .. F . RIBIGIMI-13/stk BulLoo, and 11 1,4 feed{ linx.b. by ort.S9 C IBBUTFINOT • C • OlsLlECCT2o2lll—lalla, Natal, and Aceeptaa eta, payable In any pan o((IDo Utttm, collected on ere moat lavorabla items. N ItOLMEIY & SON peen • ' 3.1 market at EC Qs tinsameeniteatly tor sale. , • - • atal • • . 1100 4E3,i soN' TlTRYLREmYED—RJanybtown,blaelt and men l!ea. zl4 1 wldek will be made to We; by AN CKER MAYER 'V wood CLO7IIII --Jost • reeetved—Dnib e.ud Blue nut Cloths 1•11.1elt wm be muck, tu *teat by ANCYER & MAYEk: PROOW-4(0114s llepato Cenaut hunt teC'di for W: by k. pinups oetti ; Ude( 13' nub ' u4o . ll smired. wh[ch vrW bemade . to - 1-; d9!•j .• ANCKER VILLVICTII—A splendid Jot of Pritteir fancy Val V version reed, which swat no made to order by oeJ2fl ANCICE6 k. blAYgtt CA-1111111ERIell—Faticy and plain CasemeresJos aired, orldob wlli be mode to order by AMMER t MAYER -per RECEIVED—Fancy and plain Lba Skin Caw. al waresorldirk will Pa made ao ord7 try ANChER & A7Apgg nASILINIZEIX -A lot or oplad lemere Y. . en net w elt wall heed a_ocl_sp e" or/lee by ku lan—nob:, and d tibia, rinoi rola J. by ARBUTHN for OT oda dor diamond iy + wood in !ft2 4 l9lSG . t--2 bbl. ChallengeT • SCISPZISUEB4-400 di:direct !mm muntac• osrieN fin sale by CARBUTRNOT HOODII, to-124b: ikvlen Itoods e : 1 md 40 1" craTilitai awl Dairen of Lamb. Wool fiirsale by C ARCII THNOT _ d••• far rale by , J ace , w..vd PE1M4 , 117 4 4 11.1=1:1--q SCIIOUNM 4 YER OD. ?Wm far male OCHOCINMAiLIa & CO opuouiTh, 1:8-111magoo V sad Varoosrkotorti,' for solo by - oortr • , I SCHOONIIMOOI &CO 01E1E0 kcp atm& Nal 411 &ad 3,&cot no; tert sale by LEWIS RUTCHI&ON & 00 iketV 4i walert6V ._ _ .fj~LOQi~II EO4 ity. floor Mrrila Dr Yea noratuoiterr co-.. • • • sunint wrier. trt rauk44 Ma. by 410. *CR II P yoa son:molter 4t CO =I!ME Ily - John D. Dayks Al.oll4Mger • • • • -Ort Mondayarierning Novernher Ist, at lb the tlonuneremt colas RooursicorneralFirikatslWeoll :tweet., will km sold: An extensive msg.:mem of Seasonable Dry Goods. he.; among which am raper broad clotta cashmeres, atoilette, flannels, blankets, Ind damask, gala plaid, cashmere, merinos, alpacesS, moored, lobecathstam, bleached brown artimins, green silk velvets, woolen shawls, hosiery, gloves, blue mid pink bishaps, lawns, bib Jiff nettaboot mulin;fiaarseglings, alto fterence, , At 2 CPClock, P. N. • 3 hltds =l2l bbis gomi nattily N 0 gallon - a hoL dew OrTearo Molasses:. hf chats Sear[` Hymn Tea;... 3 largo I. . , A qsanuir of china aminaeenitirair.. tin.' wan, shovels, wrapping paper, boavehoid furniture - in great sariety,Among whtch ore splenald VW:oven and rosewood spring neat seas. mahogany KrlllWll.l/ ma in chairs, bureaus, tabl citrus, bedsteads, looking, rack -1 At ock, P. Al. A retail stock of staple d fancy dry goods; ready rands clothing, fine French ,iyle t bird, boots and shoe., ine table and pocket cadet mantlealocks,•ahot muss, ism's; violin., geld and ell er.watohes, watohes, fancy M.N., , se. gen* • I.7•American copy. Catalogue Ss a r - r - r - A3oeks. • ' '''' '. • , , .. . ~.. ON Saturday evening'''. Amer , W e edB'cleek. al the Sale. Room, tue ofand lit.% . aw,wlll be wild an extensive collection of valuable mix caftan**us books, nosily bibles, superb anneals' in nett binding. music book., blank)balks, letter and cap wri ting paper, gold and steel as, as. Also, I. very verrior da and night spy-glass, 4 very' I opener Hunting Secuet. AI 0C129 . . JONI , UI) DAs" A . ti , Sk suer Street: r 0 t3 , 1. 4atioci. Wednesday eveaing, N So'clocX. at the Commercial Salad , corner of Wcotlainelkth be acrid Thu valmthle Lot of fitov d situate 00 Waver et, be; Meta market and ferry us, evict a (mot of:15 ft, cal enchain. back 80 11, tem t 1110 Inehea Ly 40.ket, the beet pane( the lot, ufjcaolag the warehouse ofJaa. •, I 41:1 , • C. S. 1"0/ Tiiii.diaplable. Tenni ina I n km octS3 Stith night of MRS. FAR :N-1-dth night of Al* JA-511' N. Friday.,One 29th, 11347, , Will be presented tie of the, 4W 1 1 Mariann. • —Mrs. Porten. I Pierte• • • ..51. Jotecipon Antonio ••• • • .21, Fermi: 1 canto . Mr:Oxley,. After which, a Minn, by In 4 :ANNA: MALAT/Nti; To conclade with .faret of the .. .1 : COLLEGE, t . ' ' •.,.7._. Dabster Mr. Dann.' ny Min FeuiO: ItrDoorsopett et 7,.d ear . ' :will thei at :I. . 1 WALL AND WINTE LILT 111 0.0D11. ! W.FIOLFALE AN BETA • - A. A. MASO 62 Marled,' beittftri Third - PounisZfreds, IRA VE reee Wekagea o n f ttrzseir c e y d . tt mAll a cil;l6o cues end =al fashianeblenylet. Oar euszmerottolDe getAially are reppeethlljurvited tail I.o.examior: oar sunk. • We have on Ganda grim variety ofrieb O ooJ Rich muted Cashmeres and De Laioesi,. • ' , Changeable Mohair Piadr; „ • ...... Dragon and California dre. - ' ,••:- Plot black and mode eohitl-Ce Laincs; French Mennes-4ssorted eelcri Bipseem Lames and Rombasanes; French and Redman .M. 1 ,11 OinUOa mm- .04.P: ' • ••• '•• Calicoel, an d Ile} black Dress an Mantilla. illot; . • • : Rich eoPd Dress Bilks to rrem moiety. • BRAWLS—New Paris designs of tone and square, Cashmere ittamols, Medium arta !ow ;need Porky and Caskmere . heavy and neh• b.. telt Mid, Mao' . _,•4 4 mode void Thibet Worsted and bilk Prints, ••••oo ny other newts. notreEKEEprsa GOODB—Whanor. Dati . k , Point Dlaukent r very ImaYD. Pe and tal rum Moues; Dm' ty; nova D a / a i , ars; Stair Linen; brat Sheetiw% ,ym, • Nanking Ramis sod Table r - oate L i nen s ; extensive assonmen.q atse COITON GOODS—r• h _ a and blea id ehed from all kr... brand., how 11; 4 of Mnningttona km', Cloths; moon and woolen Flannels vida Also P eels exe,. r t m 4P r. /tratt and quality; One, fancy 'amides, TiaViii.,✓ 642Attflijei2BilkiBeries, Womb'! do Catobites, Rano= of cony description, Hindman, Threids, Pessingrßilk,l*ist. Xianmaa, Dad. date. &c. WOOLEN GOO DS — Ermliilt, French, and American Casbaere and Cloths; Wool.dce:i b . la t. plc ,. •n i t fancy Coxsimez.rgetpal Cassommq heavy lllitotVClorthsv ilea ' venteke l neyN 2,4 says, Ac. Devine a llouse in New York we will be eons= tly receiving the newest and most fashionable Wks, of Roods, and mate 'divest pier. • . • • I Merchas from Mt pans of prier.. _ w e country, ore invitee to examine oar coact Wholesale Rooms op acaits. oct7dkee' • WESTER Ajtaaiir At 184 7. SEhla • NONONGIAIitICIA. ROUTE, HROIVNIIVILY.P. AND CVAMERLAND, TO'DAL TIMORPI: AND rtiIIoADELPHIL Time LO BalaillOren”. • ' - bolos. Tiamto ••• ... • . - • 731Nakis Pawing.) er/lE and GunnootingstameersConaul,Ltio, J. Is McLane and Samara, have commenced makina doable dady trips. One ham will Jeavti-theihfonorten. P~wharf every: rooming•preemelr n,lr B eielee duers by the mom line will arnveln Baltimore next evening in Bole Par tie Philadelphia Mail Roati or Rail Road tan. [Tito num* Boat wilt leave the wharf duly at 0 o'eleelt.ateept Smidaya. , Roentgen by doe boat will /edge so board. intent:enable state rsems leave Brovrotraßle seat merme t/o'clock; tress toe mountains in day asp and lodge Com •eiland. Thaw avoldleg ma l / 4 travel altogether. .The 'spa canons endue romemamplit,andthe connection minpl.7tm so that thatimm ta or delays an. Pdam UptlA c an stop . an the Maio resenta their seats smalo at ;Ileum; arid have R Jl Read or Bteambeat between Ltitlninoterarid Philadel4.tua. • Coaelies chartered tOpartles to traVe4 LI that denies secure your llama at We t <diet, Alononaulaula thnmei (Sa Charles ' liOIII9.BKMbIN actin . • . .. . . . . LimOuLaa rAcirEr BETWEEN..PITTBBUILGO ._ • . Aro ORO WNRWILLE. - .• , • . The &mutts, atm ' • I . .DANUEIEi . • .11.,eirsTIWo,.." Geo. O. Cock; muter, well leaio Pugs- ' A":"S - -' Marsh everr Tuesday, Thursday and 8.11 a) emungs; it S O ' Lloell: and Brellllllllllle every glooday Wednesday and Friday taming* erg o'clock. , • For freight or passage apply oo boy*, to 1 nectar • - , i NEmrruor .11ligh.S, tgs e . ' . . . TO PRI* TleFiSs - . • rrIHE aubsentier has commenced lrj ille. any of dta. .L Mugh. the mountain., et Penitent 1a,111.141 tts various branches. - • sib 1 pruners moue hot Me country w re a Want of Inks, stated d well by culivg cua the sib seM:ner rr.: eosin applying themselves, IA they wink...w et eire. siderable reduction from eastern Piet.. - They cstanN be excelied irs.poun of beauty, neap,,,,,, or the excel. knee of material tom which' they' am manufactured. The mliseriber ammo/ bet beheve where a superior uncle is odered fat a Lewies, Mate sernient induce, meal is advanced to secure the be d of all who um Penning lute. 'leis tu se satisfied that hia Las upon trial will =realm' , inth Um above representation,and would thereon , swim the custom of 'awls who rent dapoted to encourage th:. Inanefacturing of ;he , mein la this cd.y. Order. Girteled IC I BM), or 'Wright 1. Cl.•rltort, Pinner.. corner of Dramcad and illarket street, will be punctually discharged. • • . • ciettgatf SEI:7 ETI.B, VE II ISIIFkOE, 4 I consider beueg than all others!, . rerirtga, • 4111eggang Cs Pa.4l-' Mil October and, 147. . Mr. B. E. Sellerv — MYeen el =oath. old, hahe,gver! reader. at night, and havidg moth fever as Unuta,l ben cleded he had worm., end having heard' a greet deal *boat roar Ve royatgo, I bought a' vial end gave him 2 desea. which caballed SI very largo worms. I Consider year Veratifiere better than allettten • • &mod P...trriba.'' l , reo+red and mold by H.. D. SELLE...,* V Wood xi. Sold by Dr. Calsal,Zdt cr; 'and D. Carry, Mk shear thy. • 0c:25 °l3Tll3Gfr :'WE hx ,l nnlasp4did L e to( Clll=li I 17. r i.dichklask77n IV ZTM=c:,o,....t aa;iwa ii fr ''' . • • • • ' '`' .4.:,'&701•14:1:,24p=='!""d ''''''"•"''' ' Blank and bine eknis Cioaksi ' • ' NCI •I‘d blantet , ''i.. ~-. • .- ' ' ' Vest . ..fall kinds. shirks and ‘,,,,,n• • rat T:or all i t e ....,tpur a ,, N .0d ,enem.hingpe!udn7 ndE"" . at ". .ANCIICER•& MAYER • Th'hew iart, yy w re AgeD.T. • iellotlfes"U now fallp s argon Pia ishetute all order; no Ma New tter /tow large or small may be the amount; for the hlcreltmits, Tradesmen, cinema,. &c., of Pittsburgh. &Koko, clothipg,Atode, fumlitirp, pint.; tar, agra. vino, are. &c.,parchaled by onpallent 111 Parma% the /ovirpst Ma personal attcutionleing glen, o oar Immure • li,zers, raimaT i e . es and parodical. birwariL ed with, patc . h. , Lam:ate ofl.panies. conung to U. parneolerlp I ended In. Jai rood enlivened to set, passed ai the New York Corwin lions, Orden should be accompanied 67 remittal.. 10 the . or nearlydfdhAulluerzfito74t2ilr ired:, No. to IVall at., New Co.OA. 141 URSUAND to public notice, a meedadrof teachers 1 and directors of sehmla of the tides of.einsburgh and Alleghene held'oo Thursday. morning, deur rout, in the Charml'of the Unisendy, when, atter at imerthange of sentimenh it Irma • . -Resols•ed, that Posieuor Thompso, 01r lila. hams, Mr AU Kelly stud bit Daniel C Holum.; be a• Committee to Inquire into she , mode OT oimatterng and emulucting teachers essocLuretur and hisehhers mother chies and Karel, and report to the neat reaming. Resolved, That oath member of this comae brs Committee to invite such practical teachers and: direct ora•as ate not present, so Rueful the m4l meeting. ; Resolved. Th at tail Ineettng adjourn. to lllttllflyl in tie masa place on Theriday.the eth of Novekuber anal, • HERMAN DYER, Chairman. • Wuzula, awe! Alpaeies at Mahonoree. - OPEN th is Forcing at Yiry Good. Howe of W. Al OR YH corner of lilt and muket sts. cum. luw ZVI: 1, fluted co , docres, very cheap; abw, of bOtia l l47.l Parmetioa; ' ' BAried black alpaecac " • euizav i r u t ap eb t .... , - J FTGWaIs oow npeelvuord:/6,11,71tAe.' Power• naOA noLP.:rns-w. ft 11.1111.1..,..- .1.1 unendun of buyer* lel one Cue. bhtek LW WI -.." Clothe Ayr Cloaktucjett ,eed . . .4,., t - -. 7.:1. Cl tine Wort, fo; ' Area - 43, - ;,,,,0 ••. - „ . J .• roaeh Cuunnerel, plain and barted Ibtli4 ~,--,. Pude tbsvieg. been bought very tow will be cold neeoed . ' - --: VT. _ . . . corn • j s • j calm Ti 11 , 6 Ike M IVIIMkt aa weld areal 0 . 4/oegyr rrur.7- (.7 ti ta . has. lave W Off 4 111" of bah* daliai =trig , =real hen hz ici b,atit u t atm ommii 1 tba . him . ' , W. IL CLAILIECIO, Fonvarding Itinalumt. linonantle, Pa., non& vvalvolo4i tO U..,lonrirdwg of Pro:1:•;ne ie. Dt a tida. ", :t ' ,7 ","l-14. P1Y .. FO Rrz.rii & ttrAJITZD—MO be libea r . Xiet MO la citsTlt i ltliiilt 1-464 l '- h i h, li _ . . ot.r, 'CO* ', 1 1,fi 1 1tt ° N LA 0 3 ,.... 514 7 , ..i . . . - .41 Ma N 0 iletiosesNi6ed ado': far 4,1 4\ ; oa aoaasooodultat ierak w ky , . & X XlTagmEn cct r cr4E.A.mrt OATS, • vinscisN*Ti:iivDFrrisivna THIS well known has of. ! plemlid 9.bebeer 3testae r h"thld ....r.olr OKI • Walit. Leery aneetemeaationand cpw " ton Abate:tenet etr beein e eere:be..P. , ,ided. WOW , - *engem ne L ic e au been ill opcsizimiz fo r ant pare , —have earneea, sphlien of-people witheat the lean ii_tnnty to Melt persona. The boats will he at the loot et Wood street the day previa:la. m Martir 1. farhe weep.' .vow et freight and the caul of pwengers .1 the nap.. ,- Itv ell 'eases the passage money men be paid The AIoNONGAIIE.LA;Capt. / 0 4.,1•0111evnt Pim-% • burgh tray' Monday moraitte at 10 a , eloet; Wheeliati every Maeda, everasyr at 10 • • ''" TrolasDAV. PACKT.. , . • The lIIBMNIA, CapL /. Mitifetarr, eSt leave Pittabagh every.7oeseay morning at 10 vocloaki--. Wheeling. everr.Ttmdav eve. ag at 20 • -WZDTIRSDAT PACKET. The NEW ENULAND, NO. li t Capt. 5../Mita; artJ .leave PlUsbentit evert 'l o 7,dneiday, Moming it is o'efoeli-7hvelietpovely Ilre4seaday eveoiag &t it/ P. - ' ' ... .• - T2111:1115DAY- PACE:RT. - ' The Wlti.CONEttrt,-Capt. A J. Gracsordl leaapPites• harsh every Thmsday Islamise. Meths.:lk: Wheeling any/ Thursday assails, at 10 P. Ai. - • .. -,, FRIDAY PACKET. ' -.- , • . .• The CLiPPER, N 0.'9, Cepez Ofreb, will leave Pitts bulge every,Pralay morning at 10 delet; Wheelie. - every Fridayeveteng at 10 P a ll. • -, • , . 1 . _,_"' sviliplbeir PACKET. •-• ', . The AlEetSENOnit, Cala. Lutfird, we /hailt leave,' barge every Pautteay =team at Igo 'clock; IVAe t ab.; every•Patarday evening at le P. AL - . -" , . 44 1. . ~... ... ' inTiDAY ... PACKAT.2 . „,:. '-. • The :ISAA9 N :WTON 2 L , 44. A . 0. Ateeee; ~,,a., leave Patsbergh a l leranday moraine ai IA , Meek , Wheellaravery y evemeet at 10P. Al. • . -, •, one-durd c■•h, realm . : uat ~,. lIHAVE/1 - PACXETS.—NEW , 42 11ANGEIKENT11 -, . - . CALIFS C,OIT, ' - ; 1 ..,'' TER' will leave forfleaverlGiase ad w wenr.lle.. Tuesday, Titaradar. pri:i tvia;ord.anriallityi.::;:obianferam.b,e.4l::::::.l,odtli:.7.ll.Litad.:FAki.b.::::b4nredetaft,24..zr.t_, .1 , 1 ai - IV IaAREI , SUOKAta.• . ; . . . . _ , . . .9/111 lean ter Braver, Glasgmi , oa4' '..- elheille, on .9.2ende9,. Wolaidelayr .'4. 'rala bride,' of each week, at 9 WelOCk. 4 al, re9aralaf . on Tumdayabanday sad Satciday. As bas i bola '''. m the. loathe*. between. Wood *tree% ocd Me.brillk p - ispaatA9..receivetrelatite at nay time. ~1 .i aril:, •, . ,; . .- . Wen now ),.z? . .k.quis AND ILLINOIS t.:::lenea „ ar p : , 74Lirhia erL: Wllwas k ail ° !MM Forhr 1, _ _ • _ . FOIE.OI:II9VILLL ?hp laze,., bell' '''''. giglrlj t . 11.:1 3 .!. 1 .'. "ill . / rare to lam _ _ ...._ baitd,- 1 ;!9 ° 7•!.'' , ' k• F.yivo . . . . , ' The ast mune um, • - /CORTO C.ABOLINA, - • D.w.arY• =Ler, *al lean u above. day overarm al o'olaeL= FbrBalgat or tamale Tilly beu Oco -GAScraalasioarabolailooralC . • ' • .Fog AND MOBILk.e _ Pakasyr and aabataalial atm: ALLEN CLOVES, loW N master, /alrraBr • the above and all lohnershate paned • }Veins: 10 e/a/get. Yoi trcialaal'iosa.AlOr•fhavlryt aaponor iteeemilitmee. ! don epplyagaboard. or ao . _ rens , GEO 8 raIf.TENBERGER. . • Columbia, Iflontiesllo,Jackron,'Cha ze .andatt intermediate roils = Ncji •• s r The ruirr ind fait tann • • • CAROLINY., Bars, oneter, will larva for . am .bare sad all.lrtenordiolo DatU on IllondOY F9 .' fief& or P 5050 aDDIY oe by d, or to aeo.mrurc44E6ais.'''. .._ . fl. new astelrplemlbl stair .. ..•. : DIADEM, . • ', . S. R. Stewart. sumer, min./emu Sr , and imerasegiate porrarmSarardayiehe .. zOdu ran. For ermaht or postage apply ..board,arr to ' -oetPU .. . . : ar. ALLRIII 3 / 4 . CO ...- ' i . '- Arm—mmela .ratAitr ~.. `.... • .h t ii'''''l;',Tin r -in - LE, -' ...'...:, Barris,siamer, will !eau Pima' 4 ..0 . IN ( dayaeess ~.. ../ 9 ..okrear and Ma"srei. ' SreTll n vidle l :greiy even 4 ,,r". ~, .1 • o'clock ' • Far height or passage apply. bar, d".,.,,.'"' . , ecif,,,,, r - - _ = rinab orik atone' ' - •;,;14.41T1 wino Eti4a7,otiota For A CITY In ru AL , iaTkeenr reamer i`. ' • • ..1:1211PAIRIU mg' Plkabargh everk'k as fdak i Wc di alcody and rn4y, gi o'clock; A. y. Leine c ikl• Toes:far 'Moak, o'clock ACM. p ot ft,' • • AffifdayeaCe• . 6 I of Imo Eoi — r ---- t 'Lbw se-Til---nar,:inz,d—lyo ' YtN . , . i•-•=6 711E.h g k " 1 'r i &atoa now .. . ri . . .21t i lter,vrill rang weekly te; 111115—n 4 . 0 i. ~_, a port daring the 0ca0tie......-7 , orb .. o> • 7 'o' ' --------.--_ • • D____U.. al: aeon FOIL CINCES.ATIREGULAR PAC 77 I The moor and Nato draosto catv i J P laek - ' • an ~ -aovii,' • LOYA ' L HANNA.; - „' elir , muter, vnllloove gm abo • d laterzoodlate povomerbaloolanik ve ~ ME?* ion at 10 ...Week, a 1a .........: _. _,..,_ . 62.,.t,pygt... puns% bavinuropoji_or ..........oaa-• . movoTUN JONES :- .. - oeLV _______.,._._,_.___.' j bloneogaliela Ewe ,. PoR WHEELING. The ems Hl. l / 1 50N 'Pao, Antler ha. ,„,6, 4 1 2 ,, tr trip. add onll lame Pimb dai °thick, Zilb:""ior" Tl'"d'Y 'l'd 34'14 on boa n1;or to - "•-t P.ddffl r apply EXPRESS.: LIhTES;SiJ'." • act. igiatlB47-'B, For tts tank desposet j Afnciaxdim ARA Andre* L• = lirtwasii tl7Taaoaoß flu rms. zurrARNAATIEAF " BROW:4EI , II'XE AND CUtIBEHLAND: • :271ifl£, THROUGH 70 BALTIMORE, ATTE DA Y S? rThis 'tsars epos tail Seasons ef tau Tsar. ecap,. tbetltres, safety, r u nt b abi t e , r ues staidde4rL enee r lj ec n o e ' esidltas the'pal gems or ' trs ' ad 41 • 7.e establishment Oa Tao Day Idea.of Iri , •• • between Lltatratmaernd Cumberland, reader ;Trig, f, num expeditious - and teliablerliale and West. • hlerebandtse Cm the tam is der rumbarab On the even' Of the third .neea Cuts- 4 and Tbe Agents, willuctUreeeipts as to ar property eteitelptht titthak tit as and raiei -: et the hirer ;anent rues .Ti ro end all tome Mar PorloXillr ectmed . I C BIDWELL. -Vol. w sUr 5 0 4* Moors libori the. bloooneollela Muse, f'undnergh, A3EO IV CASS, Brernaaville ' • • • ' bleKAlO♦MAGUlEW,C.i r merchua, B 802 . 1ZIEON, tie 2 • ,NOIIO . .e.pablle, and al time* ertadtosioads from the likrt cd.tha . Alre lo ka y Z ji .feat t .....Ook.Wile. to male . for Plnatnot,,zoly, ond:we eoeda Irgins .11.: ,„„ ,= 01 6. 1 ,b0te to de . hzl;_. ailroad delay. aaly excepted., Beglastor a r m /um • nil! also •be &moiled. by Motoi taL,Bostoffl,mrsr - .Itork and tioladelphoi.-.,74 e rex, oniX cxero , by road maid* ehippes ' are loWaced lbat •dr • ; reoopto theabove Deers only. GRF.Ventr.../X , Odle2 reo RR De I,Pratz 130.4. HO ► i VICE - , r; • ' - Merles 211c7iv gir P 13 T '[ so 111 R . . •• &abaft , 111.1/.416 .°. y t TIdE Canal end Rail P U.• to ._ en re p aired elate ' 2TZ oabeenbera actil caw 1.- ekote. oan•yla• - AM..; .obey. tdro o two or tha.a t i tUY".. l aWeTall *'RtPl " HZ; k, "' li mer. aiarat a .77 hia.w.e.WeTplead ay aOl Frada • Wedo e . I o'clock. ary% klo:bdaaburg _every 31 3 4,14 - Po. aad p rr r icbty ascrydro. •,• 1. oy • nulage p! to W. attioa,Monen yabeta REa ' Di - i ----- 1 -- -,-.•---""" PA33A ... - 13 . 6 .t."dik llriANCl'Y.. OFFICG. b. 1 !IILSONS Woe& an. by One vale - .. r . apoo die at tameable Wan. w ho m •%b V?. fo p. eb; la/ &el.', 1 ly,d .. , 8.4,7; . W Ma laet' bj:"4l tia enevezden and ate= hn of the at&d ra Ships onlb Ge y. wernai bare ireqaendy eanboaed &Am. az lime and tb , :Mends la Amenea, van= tba r landa dial are <nazi VelWe'rtlettal tiratt'ft= 117, - '1; e r r, e plaq fir/. all ID apply, If Ihey wished to b healed /: . nay iry and ktednesa. - 16 tame. Irbo advanwe ibegradvaa &de Ada*. fee . . 2Black. Bali Luny/MILO labial+ aurae, and thud de - '' 1 0 . ?1 , 2 1,1 le di u L r cm read in be Agents not 6.1 y •.. Cauazd , a Sam LUX '. 7 1 ''''''' F" . 4 1 , 4. • .. thatd•Drauebta so AMY .1.10. i, P . T o bie:P4 . 1 47 ih;ll :rilzr zurr...-.4? der 4thka a , .. - Change, we de net We Money and ae0r.4 ° .. 0 y - . usAegzzl,aaalae a .uegf4 . (1470, ~...4 4. . i • add eceananadate th em ti Nen -4111'',&r--. . JOSHUA 1101init;oN , E 4 ,6 ir w r ,' i . add. - AIP at. one dear.beiri ~"