1 1' '1 BURGH GEETtE. BY BRASTUS,BROB• SAO._ •- •1; ITTSBUFtGA: WEDNESDAY. ; ti Orja/12.7 _ Yerrescaos Deity Genre. is poblemul 'DU TrieWeeldr• end WeektY.—:Yhe Duly r te Dollars per suo; the kly ie Five Dollars per mum the Weekly is Two Dollar. per =ma strictly ro, edreeeldusleeerenal•lntelligence.Dameaue Mar dieertieles,lleports, Jamey Market, de., B. lACIDEATB OP TIM WAIL Again intelligence _ from Mexico, American, 'NMI= and Foreign ' , concur in the tact that Pewee la farther removed thin ever, between the United States and tilexico. 4 . The War, too, we fear, will assume a much more wage character "beim when conducted by regulate. Eve!) , thing will be cisekked tothe Guerilla troops among the blleand their fads spent in annoying our fedeU. - In this way ilneady, as many met hue bein plaited off almost, twin battle. TWO can hardly balmy greit battlealought in ?duke hereafter, now that the Capitol is in pair • weulion of the American troop', end the chief in terest attached to thi affairs of Mexico most grow out of the occupation of the country. We shall look with interest kt the proesodingi of Congrees . at Queretaro, where an effort, no 4 ! • doubt, lau been made to margarita the Govern xatotltis worthy of remark, t hat genie Anis, in res l igning hie offiee of President of the Republic, 'Mediae power in Pena Y Peps, the President of the Supreme Court of Justice, and jointly with him appointed Bernal and Alton& to administer the effairs of Gavernment. All these persons are erspoied to Peace, but not one of them due con' sent, nor a, member of the Mexican Congress' to the severe terms demanded by env Government sui the • basis of ',meat The Government Ml3ll' telex somewhat in them terms of despoiling Mexico of her beat provinces, or the wax will eon . &Inns till the young men of the country grow o!d: We doubt rat, Mexico would • gladly surrender the vast country between the Nueva and the Rio Grande, for the sake of Peace,—and with it, all that we of Upper California. More she will riot yield,—if she can keep it. [Palma of a Leuer froth a Fomignerl .. ' .Meneo, SepL 28. 1841 . . On the 6th the armistice was suddenly broken dr, in'amisequence of General Scott having con. 'aired it infringed, red be therefore demanded. an *polo's, or that hostilities ehordd commence on the 7th at 12 o'clock, • But nothing weir done voila the Bth, when • battle commenced in front, of Chaiultepec, which was warmly contested by bith pude& The American. had to retire with a • lose of 800 or 1,000 men , the Mexican foal wee ' also considerable, but you well know the difficulty of ascertaining correctly. They last Gen. Leon of. Osjace, and General Belden's, both brave cit izen aoldiere; they died heroically, leading on . their poops.- The battle woo fought principally ' by tborlNatiormal Guard, the regular army baying led injthe early part of the action; and in truth, • itill i dhei affairs, up lo the abandoning of the city, 'lltne/ahowtt themselves perfectly worthlus - the 12th, at break of day, the Americana commenced cannonading Chapaßepee, which • continued the whole day. OU the 19th, they • enatmeneedfiring again, and kept up from 5 till - g A:'M; than they succeeded in taking the castle, . and immediately followed, up their victory to the gamins of: the city, where they were met by a moat . obstinate, resistance, and did not enter that night; but an the morning of the 14th, the Ameri can army commenced entering the city, and at 7 • • their . flag) wart wiring over the Palaces of the 'Halls of the Mentrzumas: At 12 o'clack, —.the previouil night, Santa Annamith all his troops, left the city, leaving the inbabitnnts at the mercy. 'of the invading army, and before daylight, the place was entirely plundered by the leperoe and phonic of the ex•Accordede, who had milled or been let loon. . '., At 7 o'clock the partial shots were beard in the city,fired by the inhabitants on the American army .. - .as it was entering. It coon became a brisk fire, ' and continued pretty Krim daring the day. The :Americus fought most bravely, and plundered the hcittees from which the shots rproceeded, or from . ..virbkli they fancied they ceme,so thatmany inn o- • ant people ouffenod in person and property: „ The • neap. ware inch enervated and I can scarcely - '..,. blame thern.i The following day Cuing ceased al. 'though some partial excesen were committed.— On the 16th things ware a little restored to peace, . 'and Op trito4lay have become still 1130,0 tranquil. tl, •On Monday the 26tb, a few of the shops opin ed. ' ... 'yet most of principal ones are still cloyed, as • - the Want of fidence is great . . . - The Me calf population are failrombeing sou' ~ lifted and ere is every reason to eterpect • mac. ed tion wilOskre place. Gen Scott is taking great pre. caution gr . plevent outrage, and I mast my, to the .7 . credit of i.b4 Atnelicans, that they hive behaved :with mach nos preeeace thin could have been ex: lieele - vl Undi r • etiatieg cirumstences and the in. hospitable r ception they met with. It is a pretty -virell known fact with el, that the American-army , have Iwo ilt co they left Pueblo, in killed, wound. . ed and dean from latlgue,and other causes, about 40004nin end upwards of 170 commissioned off. ' 00111; yei ;to;ir real leasi cannot positively sate. ' - Aria :ir is ns are daily committed in the barrios -- . (suburbs) orrthe straggling soldiers. 11ANUFACTV11.12CGr LAW. We are ilea to see our views upon the necessi ty, of the eiistence of sus t a law, backed by the North American and 11. 5. Garrne. Irrespective of all patty cor.siderstione, wo should be glad to gee the subject urged upon the attention of the Lerridateri,—and_ why nort The question is one 'of vital importance. Capitalists abroad are reedy to come here end expend their money here if they may but be protected ge they antelsewhere. Tlastesk "equal - rights," as4grinted to citixensot :other States, and seek. no nspecial privileges" whatever. They are willing to risk their money in works of great public enterprise,—if the Leg. `libitum will be content to lake or gemarity for the public all investments the may make. We sup. pose the public creel well protected where these 'remonfactaiing : laws exist as where they do not.' Take Alwatachusatts for example. What State in the Vdor' is in the enjoyment of a character for . • . higher Moral honesty than herself, and wbat ama mere thrivisur, end in manufacturing as prow pap= as bench t . . Hem there Is a general law, end one which has worked admirably far . the pea. ple;.foir tabor, for capital, and for all concerned.— We hope the time is prising away when Petro• sylvanians will be content either to be t.hewers of woad end drawer' of water for other people," or : whim tbsy will be content to sit by and smothers sobbing their own State of prosperity, in comer quanceof the jealousy or stupidity of their public KXOLIOII !IPS? [MATIONS ON TUE MEIIEII WES. ..--- We LOS teen greatly amused in reeding the apeadatiUns of the Pans of England upan the progresi-of ltnerican Arm. in -1161103. The Cambria brings us the returns to thenews which went oat 'by the Caledonia Oar ketone Brother Bud hid so little confidence in dilutions as - . to *Viet that long ere this he world have boon Whipped all the way hack hoes Mexico to Vera Cris. Perhaps 'the wish was father to the thought'. . .. though 'we know there non be no grret lOiis fur Melico. The prejudice against our country , . haullf•r , {nay counterbalance all such hide.— :.Whatever the been clads protracted sad bloody war rosy ter,England am be nnloser.lf the Unita , --,. Ty shall finally -fall into our hands, it will find in ' . tbs thugs of Governmentevery possible ad imagers In the way of hada Thera is no her to euatoinee of England in the world, then the United tains, and - W .3 caned,Democrscies aro 4 . _ ..0..... to „reign, England may alway• en. pct 'abuttera from our Legislation to , .. lauds :Einem', es will forever give u good, and iitim • better market, for British trade, darner. ~.. ad 'l.hit !of one' own land. T ere is,' therefore .i peitiemelon for the jealous stundies of our Broth. ar Bull.: This war is not of our faint, nor one . .4, Whig making, but we do not lige:upbeat. the ' . ',jiggles of Oar ancient enemy, and oat prawn ri . ..irill;in lb. bulnewi of the trade and co mmerce of ... __ Witt) IMAM ore the PamAllzda' calla h Awes from Holidspburg fah trip; alai Pell old Ithotirfroom cow iiiik - fgavp lagaPthlo , thimmuk am& am_ 011101 1110 . 1 " da : of retell Egli 1' 7 4 611id0 wish* pfor l3 satmainvic:Assoclkriox tiv WEST. ERN PEteßtiltl:TASlA.' We made allusion last:weeli to a pntliasinati meeting, held With the allies of:orgsnising a Bark ety for tha promotion of Nataril SCitlliie in 'West. ern Pennsyleaoht. The following are the official p.eceetlinge of this meeting, and we ask attention to them in the hope that all of our reader. who are intimated in phieical science will land their aid in the organization of each a Society. Pethaps the moat important bimefit to be deli.. Ted from nub an organization, win be a better acquaintance- with Geolo3-y, and particularly the limits of our own State, which is BO rich in Mineral resources. Tho transactions of the Geo. logical Society of Europe, we believe are esteem* ed as among the rarest Unwires of raodßio Pro. dnetion, and Mira., it any exertions la our own land can contribute to new developements in this branch of science, they win redound to the honor of our country, end tha private good of oar pee. plc. There is unnetteing practiced u well as at tractive in a weriety like this. Every rare discos. cry brings a rich personal reward with it, and from the treasures already known to exist beneath the eurfeee of the earth, wo rosy obtain ■ foretute of the future good to be received. Recent discoveries in Geology hoeing &moo• strated the fact that In the present appearance o the earth there is nothing which betokens a begin. niog of 'creation, or prospect of an end, on infer ence has been drawn that the .object migltt lead to\ seoptecism in regard to tho great troths of'the Bible.. No one, however, means to plate the Bi b e below Geology, ind the ablest and moat im sive expositions of Science wo bane ever h ant, aro those In whiCh Biblo truth and Geolog ' I troth wero moat happily blended, as in a beau. t ful harmony. Wo cermmenil the GoologicalSo ety of Werlern Pennsylsanie to public favor, jud aish it most abundant prosperity. Salentine 'Association. I'l , Agreeably to notice the friends of Science in Vestem Penalised& aisembleil in Convention, his evening, in the Hall of the WetlefWesternUniver , for the purpow of organizing an emaciation or the cultivetion aid pi - mania of the Natural 'engin in. Western Pennsylvania. ( On motion ' Professor L. Stephens was called it, the chaii, and T. J. Binh= and W. W. Wil son appointed &coterie. On motion, Hems. Bakewell, Travtilli and Dr. King wind appointed a Committee to prepare a report setting fonh the nature and objects of the association The Committee reported the rollow. jog preamble and resolutions, which were unlit& !Mealy adopted; vizi I I Under i conviction of the importance of the study of th e Natural Sciences, and believing that their soccessful prosecution will be essentiallypro. meted by the formation of an emaciation devoted 'especially t to this object. Therefore, Resoled, Tbot an association he now organized for the above purpose, to be governed by the fol lowing general principle., vim—The chief object of the emciation shall be the cultivation of a tam for phymcal science, nod the diffusion cf knowledge on that subject—the formation of a cabinet of objects of Natural ffieactice-ithe celiac thin of a library—the bolding of meetings fan dr cession sod conversation—the delivery of licit:fres on topic. comected with the institutim--ezand amen by suitable committees of new and in. tereetiog inventions and dieenveries, and, when the funds of the anociatiou shall Quilt, the publi cation of such ensue and repents u may be deem ed 'aridly of public attention. Resolved, That Prof. Stephens, Dr. King, Dr. Jackson, Thomas Bakewsll and T. J. Bigham.bo a committee to prepare a Constitution and By. Laws for the Association, to be reported at the and inialmecting to be held in the Western Universi ty on the 2.1 Then day of January 110/t. Resolved, Thu Dr. Jackson, of Blairsville, Pro. lessor Wdliems of Cenonabergh, and. Dr. Addi son of Pittsburgh,ibe a committee to prepare an address to the public setting north the importance and objects of the useciation. • Resolved, 'That Thom Bakewell, W. W. Wil. eon and Thos. 'Hind, be a committee to make at rangtments for the annual meeting, and to en gage the delivery of garages suitable to theoc. casino and connected with the objects of the two elation. Resolved, That so much of the proceedings of this meeting as may be of inherent to the public, be publiabed in the city and country papers in Western Pennsylvania favorable to this noble ob. ink . After a free intarchange of sentiment on earl. Olio topics connected with the institution, the con. sention adjourned to me.' - 'he 2d Thunalay of January next, which •• • the perms and friends of science are itoitt attend. LEkiIIEL =t rEPseNs,Ch'n. T. J. Broasn, ? s '" • es * . . W. W. Wicson,'S P. S. The committee of arrangements are hap. pp to state that they bare engaged Dr. Jackson ct Biaimille, who has been recently associateil with Prof. Rogers to the Gerilogical Barley of - our:Stec, to deliver at the annual meeting a lecture bo the Geology of Western Pennsylvania. October 22, 1847. NAJNYILLI Ext.:es:ex.—The Nashville papery are filled vritk particulars of the dreadful explo sion which recently occurred in that city. The names of individuals injured in their person or property occupy a lugs apace in thee column.— 'The Nulteille Union says that nearly every church in the city is.motaerless injured, and not a dwell ing has escaped. The destruction of property is estimated at over $lOO,OOO. The Ices of life is the most melancholy part of the calamity. The number of killed and wounded has not e yet been fully ascertained. . The Nuhville Orthoponton of the 13.1 h, cage a stone weighing about 30 pounds, was blown from , the mag l z azi , pawed through the roof of en ad joining literally cutting It in two parts. The were between 500 and 600 kegs of pow. der in the magazine at the time of- the explosion, and the shock was so great as to demolieh the windows of houses two miles from the city. . The Nsahville Gazette of the I3th, nye— • .It was a mournful eight to look upon; the shat tered houses—the wounded, covered with blood, bruised crushed—the frightened, half crazed mother mac/dog for her children, and tho huh, min, palo and cootionlees with far, clinging clovelj . ta their parents. Heaxen forbid that we should ever look upon such a spectacle again." Episcopal Couvernow.—The debates in the Episcopal Convention, now assembled at New York. are waxing warmer and wanner, upon the question whether suspension is vacancy in the case of Bishop Onderdonk. The excitement among some of the Eleuthera seems intense, and the debates have been very able, and "malty very courteous. Among the ablest speeches we have: read, are those of Pr. Hawks,. (which pro dared a thrilling itrect upon the andience,) and of Ex•Senstor Rives. of Virginia. Theologians, We see, by the diecussions, cats argue points of law with all the acumen of members of the bar, and never before, we believe, has such a flood of Ecelesiestical law been poured out to enligh• ten the unlearned in - the canons of the Church. We cannot pretend to fathom what is mid of Hiss • Om, Ayliff, and others, though assured by ? of the learned speaker., that the works of ass gentlemen are but the born book. of Ec- . cleaiastical law. Equelly puzzled are we by the general commentaries upon., actual and virtual vacsncy, suspeneion - and-depositims, and we be-, bone even the •Philadelphia lawyers' are paneled to define the, precise date in which the Church is left by the snipe nsion of Bishop Ondprdook, There is a distinction drawn betwesuf orders and duties, adminirtratiiro powers under a sue. pension, and with the suspension off. We pre tori to know what the gtand none of all this de bate will be,bat as we read it thus far, It augurs that the Diocese of New York will be declared vacua, and a new Bishop appointed, with, perhaps, some attempted comproadoe in the way of money Bishop 0. , - , Aulutcur curls has found it. way to Europe and G much admired there, u we see by the fol lowing extract from ono of the English pipen An extraordinary piece of COWIN which i n one bloek, weighs nearly two tans, has been brought, to Liverpool from Pittsburgh, in Pehosylvania-- lt is • moue:Miew mineral specimen;inumitab as it I. almost free from qoarit,sodivegri as Ain ur if it had bem smelted, While the crystalised crust on the surface clearly betokens that it is a piece of mineral ore.. unieie Divilion of the rOsopelled the Piteict. o 1110 i. berg to suspend gut we are ghtd to 'dc Co., dm litu'r lof -iseeltdmt meta . 02 le ertin;etttente Ur , *Liieetc. rg, when they coonict Another-F.OIOA paper says:— • ' •• Specimens of Amnion topper-want recently offend at auction. In London, bat the LSIB oFei• ted Lida Interest. ft ware of ahristallized coppar 6iwthiehthe 'owner had been offered £3D. was sold fox £7 3s. For the monster •masa.£3o war Offuned, but it sru withdawn the owner not' dux. ing to HU it wider ziao. 14 mere Sat amr—Pnifeasor Rohbock's Melee his own aupetinterlence, and sideny him gavora moat agreeable entertainment 'at his ratidenee in Penn etreet on Monday , einning.— The audience were cotainsed mainly Cl 'Pirents 'and friends of the Pupils, and some three hours were most agreeably whiled away by the listeners. Them were' many piece. admirably sung ind played, and the evening's performances we believe gave general pleasure to all who .era preterit-- Among the most interesting piece. of the pros gramme, we msy notice . the following from the Profmeor and his more advanced, pupils. .They would have been deemed highly creditable any wheM, and would haviimparted real pleasure even to those of the nicest perceptions in musical skill, 1 wilier we pretend not to have: La Speniere a 4 mains, by Herz. Performed by Miss Chialett and 11. Robbock. L'imitation, ain Valor, by Weber. Peformed• by Mi. Chislett. Nocturne, a 4 mains, by Huinonel. Performed by Mr. Bowen and Mr. Rohboek. Aria, "When the Days of Youth," by Danl. utti. Sung by Mies Chislett. "Gone is that Cilmn'ess," from tho Opera • , M a. Oda," Sting by Mr. Chislcit. Song, "The Dream". Miss Miltenberger. "My Home, my Happy Home." Song by Mi. Miltenberger. ' "Kind friends, we meet again." Sung by Miss Miltenberger. Grand Duo Brilliant, by Hem. Performed by Miss Susanna Rohbock and H-Rolabock: Grand Vale, composed by Ruhbock. Performed by Miss Mary Gormly. Variations executed by Miss 0. Leonard, (a little girl.) These were some of the many 'pieces played, all of which showed the most marked interest in, and attention to, hie pupils on the part or the ac complished teacher. Wo noted partictda , ly a thoroughness of study, and a good starting point with all the beginners, some of whom had mai, ed but a this week's instruction, and yet, in this brief space of time, appeared to be well grounded in the rudiments of music. There are few sub jecte sa difficult of mastery es the science of mu. sic; and yet we believe it to be founded in the simpler principles of harmony. A good begn , ning, and an early beginning are of paramount ad. vantage, and will ensure succen!where there is a knowledge Of the science sufficient to deserve, it. Taste in execution is sate to follow a good un dentandin of the art itself. We were, there-' fare. glad rd see . many young persons among Mr. Rohl•ick's scholars, and to see them ea well I taught as• they have been. The success which has attended Mr. Rohbeck's teaching, and the . nicest., he has .horded as an eminent f o u l e r, (admitted by all prufetaional performers who have I received his aid,) we regard es a great public good, 1 ' These SM.es are designed, it is true, for fuchsia- ual progrmk and an obtainment on the part of the pupils, of that confidence which shall impart earn! and gracefu en of execution. But music. itself', is a henefi ant gift, whether, it comes in the murmurings of the breeze, in the warbling of the birds, or in he harmony of dictum , . voice. 'SO I esteeming i we think it cannot be too much cul tivated by Moo who have a taste fur it, er too highly . eppreciated by the public. We are, there fore glad chit we have such competent teachers among us. and assure all parent* who are able. 'that they can impart no greater accomplishmen t to their children, than a love for and cultivation of • science, which abke.improves the heart and re. fines every pirinciple of taste, judgment and char acter. \ JCVLATLY,CONCERT.—Tho AMCrcum Musical Hall was well filled last craning, to hear the es.. cent of thro•scven hundred children." The chit deco themselves were in their merriest mood and all in the clear, full voice-of a holiday frolic, The very rafieu of the Hall seemed to shake with the sound of vo,ces. • The chorus: 4z+, in particular , Made the welkin ring, and every cue seemed di...1 peed to stretch his lungs to the utmost; in order to make as insole senior and musk as porgible,— ' Some of the pieceit were doubly encored, and ma. ny not satisfied even with this repetition. Mr Bingham wise in his element, and thsakol the audience heartily for their i arrest, no they might ..ia turn,.well thank Lila fur hiseiTorta to maks nit • many voices .0(11 wild melody. Mr : li, aim was to.make every body'sing. It is a worthy amhition, and if every body could sing and would sing, the world would be a goal deal better than ni• 'SallNS. , Ststainy on your own atdi A. ordinance has been ;n.sed sequin nit tho Oarli•I The attention of our City tethers B sated to era of mrriagee, Slays, tarn, &0., to register the the following subject by a tospectod eanespondent, tame withthe city Treasurer on or berme the Prat and vie trust they will give seasonable and ado day of February, 1848, and .nnally thereafter; Mont attention to the necessary reform. and for ell such at shall ho registered oil nom- I yo the Editors of the Pittsburgh Gazette: bered, a tax of from two to neon dollars, accord. I 1 brought your tribal:le piper. will you plea. ' ht. to th e number of banes used, shall be po i,' to I to allow a call on the City autboritiee for tho pre • $ •ention of a very dangerous patinae; at present the Treesnrer, tar the usa of ibo cityi A penalty in „ goo ootoog the junior to.o.hoto Or th..m. of 15 will be exacted from Me. who ref." ui inanity. Wo refer to the most detestable gams of neglect to comply with the ordioance. Shinny. It le not from any desire to inftefire with jo• sports that we writs, hot a strong appro. bcrotton for our own shins and & benevolent . concern for the shins, leg. and lien of the people generally (not excepting the thine of the City ' Fathers and police) prompt the penning of thin paragreph.i Hsd any one hi one Alderman re ceived C. .nest a cootasion on his - left shin, as wel received by the writer. two day& slob, it is believed that now and henceforth. he would be an eloquent and uncompromising adnistate for the enactment and retention of an antiwhiony law. White walking through the streets on Saturday, we were several times hindered and turned fro our course by the swinging of shinny clots, en-I when we had cleaned many pords antilop, to congratulate ourself •on Our fair prospects of reaching home with whole shins and a whole head, a projectile, powerfully propelled by some i urchin engaged at a gams of shinny, reed. as painfully sensible—m we still ere—that our fa candle anticipations were entirely too premature, although our shin KU protected by a very sub mantist sock, boot.leg and pant. We would 'therefore, earnestly beseech our City fathers, by their regard for their own shins and their oath o office to interpose their authority for the protection of the shine of the public generally. Aar...yr.—A colored woman was wrested in Hayti on Tuesday, for driotenclesal It took four 191212 to hold her down in the wagon white being carried to the lock..upfiouse. She tom the cloth ing of her captor., bit their arms and bond., and conducted in so outrageous a manner ae to compel them to hold her by forcible means to the bottom of the wagon. Cruse's ilkv at.—We would again invite the attention of the public to this commodious i bathiag establishment. The rams are well hee led, lighted and shod, and its central position , connected with the attention of its swoon:mode. Ling Proprietor recommends it to tho patronago of the public.—Every thing requisite to the con , vonience and .comfort of those who desire 'lt bath, has been easefully considered by Mr. Vast_ . on; and see would advise those who aro of os Voiou that:cleanlines. is conducive to health to pay hie rooms a visit. His charges aro aloees mato,. and nowhere can he found more . of 'the appliances of comfort, than at his rooms. EICEIIIIOI Surname", by 0. P. Graham. Ap. p'eton & Go., N. V., fur safe by .1. 11. Mellor.— This is really n valuable book, partleolsrly to all who would ho csrefal in correct composition. The distinCtien is given between words commonly pored to have a aynmones moaning, as answer and reply, booty and prey, congaed and trehaviour , custom and habit, fear nod terror, fancy and im. aglustion, taste and hurry, and words oft similar cortespundence, • To. Maoarric TZLILUBAPII.—A pamphlet containing a brief Ind simple explanation of the modus operand' of transmitting-news by EleCt.re magnetism. has recently been published by Alm .me it:ltim, of Cincinnati. li is illustrated by tiiiarame, and will giro the reader usenet views OD Wis novel mod!' of communication.) It ir far sale at the office of the %Yeetern!-Terngraph, in this City. • Tat A. & 0. TlLaoaaelr Ira., under the direc tion of Prof. J. D. Reid, duperiuwaiicnt, been thoroughly improved end otherwiee put beyond ale influence of damp weather. We believe the A. & 0. lino hes worked with Ices interruption than any line to long in operation. lama Reuse—The Pittiburgh Committee of the !rich Relief fund aro about bringing their operations to a clam, and will shortly publish their final report. Canis.—We are glad to announce tbat crime is on the decrease in our city. There were but three cases before the Mayor on Tuesday morning, and those for miademeanors only. Rustoa.—The Poet pays there was a rumor in the City on Monday, that Wilson McCandleas Esq., watt to be appniuted to the Chlorite Mission, vacated by the recent death of Hon. A. H. 'egret'. E. S. Esteem Esq. has been Appointed by the Corot to ponecute to bedroll of the common wealth during the alecore of Mr. Magmw, who hem been callml away by the sickness of his rat. tile. BOSOLLICF.—The house of n man named Strickler, in Allegheny city, waa l entered en Sun. day morning, by a burgle', who being diecovered soon after his entrance, was compelled to retreat, bribes be hid an opportunity of rifling the house. PXltlO. Linc.—A new Omnibtis lion hu commenced running, from the Monongahela Bridge in this City to the Diamond, Allegheny. Accuntre.--A little colored girl whom parents reside to Birmingham; wee burned to death by its eh/thee taking Ste daring a temporary absence of the mother from the house, on Saturday last. • Qvo W .—The Supreme Court deciL r ed on Tnesday list to quints Ito iwit of Quo War-I ranto against -.lodge Darrell, on the ground, as wa ardinformedi that , the application for the writ ■Mould have teen mode-in the name of the Attor ney General, and that this writ in such ems CAD only to granted at the instance of the Governor or his attorney General. The Constitution of Pennsylvania says that Judges shaU be appointed by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. Mr. Burrell was nominated by the Governor, 'dulcet by the Senate, and in violation of the Constitution now exercise the office of President Judge of the Tenth District. By the present decision of the Supreme Court no man rimy quer. tin hie right to do so, except the Attorney Gen. oral. This place. the Judiciary in eultservieney to tho Executive--rnakes hi. appointments abscw and take. from the Senate it. constitutional noire in the same. Servant Cone?, October 20.—Prasent all the Judges. .Commonwealth Ex relation Edward Cowan Easy., vs lion. J M Burrell.—Opinion by Chief Justice Gibson. (Judges Coulter dissenting.) By the common law of Pennsylvania as modified by our own cui torn. founded on analogies drawn from the English . Statute of 9 Anne ch 20, the information in the to of a writ of Quo Warrant, has been sus. talon as a civil prorceeding to try the rights tol offices, fraucheses &c., and therefore not within the 10th section of the 9th article of the consti tution which regards only criminal prosecutions. I The English Statute above named authorized these information. to be filed by leaye of the Court at the negation of a private relator for the detere l urination of corporation disputes between calzenz., but the act never extended to this Commonwealth and whatever law existed previously to our Stat ute is supplanted by it. Our act was intended to give remedy in Mel identical with or similar to those provided by the Statute of Anne and to confer power on the Su preme Court to try issues of fact in the country. The allowance of the writ at the suggestion of a private Relator is confined to three casa of usurpation or hacitUte of county, township or corporate officers, franchises dr.c., in which a cone current jurisdiction was conferred on the Cato ty course and leaves the Cases within the. jurisdic tion of the Supreme Court, at common law, with., iu the power of the Attorney General. The remedy for the refusal of the Attorney General (which is not-to be presumed) to ques tion executive el ppaintmenta is by impeachment of thal . officer, or legislative extention of the remedy. The right of every citizen to apply for this writ might produce incessant vexation to every minis terial end judicial officer of the State, apetially as our judgment is no bar to another inquiry of tho soma kind. Wm. 'Huston for tow vs John Morehead—Er ror to tin, Court of Common Please of Westmorw. land County. judgment affirmed. Opinion by J woke Barnside. Richard Brovru et al, T. John Fonlyee et el— Error to the Court by Common Illeisof Fayette County. Argued by Mr. Patterson for,Pllffa, in error and by Mr. Dowell for the DR in Error. Jonathan Hill ea John Roderick et at—Error to the Court of Common Flees of Fayette corm. ty. Arguod by Mr Dolord far fib in Error, Mr. Howell for Dila in Error. Corer or IiCSRTIR Samoan —Oct 26, '47 Common.. Joseph Leymer—lnEstutty of the Pasco, Michael Folio. prm Nolle Prom Common vs Wm Kimbetly—lni--Surety of the Pure, on oath of Jno Simpson, on hearing court sentence each party to pay their own witnesses end pro. to pay docket coat. Common we Wm Kane—lndictinenta, assault and hattery—Nolle Noe in both casee-dft a mem; her of Capt. Rowley's company. Common v. Rota limns—lndictment, limn, of a watch—dft plead guilty and was remanded for sentence. Serne ve Levi Stesert--Sonety of the PUGS— :tented on payment of coat.. Same .• Christy Greham—Apprentice Ceut— a discharged from the custody of We truster and pros sentenced to pay cute Same vs Petrick Tammany—lndicted' for the Larceny of money from Shouts a Recruit ing officer, verdict gutty—remanded for sentence. Sim , re Wm Danattl, annuli( and battery— , Nog° Pros. Same vs Joe Scott, assault and battery—Bill qualified on the ground that a witness sworn he lots, the Grand Jury was a convicted felon. Same va Michael McGeary slice McLoughlin. Indicted for the larceny of a watch, Verdict guilty dlt remanded for eaduce. Same vaDavid Steel—lnf, Surety 'of the Puce I after burin: the padre, cave held over until the nisi of another case between' same panics. • I Same vs Elea Steinbro,k. Wm Skclien pcoa. - 'Sant, VS Bbelleti,Eliz.Beettibtook prank- Atte/hewing both cute, Owen embioeeti each rmometatoe to pay the docket costs in their teapo t • tire cases. The Lexington Gazette announces the publics. tion of 'en address to the people of Virginia, showing that mimicry is injorioue to the public welfare, and that it may be gradually !abolished, without detriment to the right arid interests of slave-boldcre," by the Rev. Dr. Ruffner, Preeident of Washington College. -Thie eddress," says the Gazette, 'hoe been called out by several gentlemen, who listened with gmat pleantre and instruction to the arguments of the author. in a late diarussion kith@ Franklin I.itersry Society of this place, tipm this all Im•I portent subject:"—[Richmond COM. & Times. It eugun well Inc freedom that in the midst o - the alf.pervading excitement upon this sul;lee: that even such an adder. has recently been do. limed in the commonwealth of Virginia. We Jo not believe in the “let alone" doctrine where men have a right to Interfere, but if there had been leas theoretical Abolition at the north for the damn 'Or. fifteen years peat, we believe mos t devoutcly them would have been much more practical AntioSlevery at the South. Ma. Cur having recently received • splendid Crank from Messrs Galpin and Pocunely In Phila delphia closed his acknowledgements with the following paragraph. I concur entirely in the sentiment you have en• prow& "Give us protection—a; fair, osionablo protection—end all Irranchea of the Mechanic aro, will pumper, the laborer will bo adequately rewarded, and our country placed safe on the road to nations' prosperity and advancement." I have seen nothing to change my conviction. on that.subject. We have enjoyed undoubtedly, In all the departments of Agriculture, and perhaps in soma of thaw , of Manufactures, a bleb degree of prosperity a...year. But the cause of it can. not be mistaken. It wee the European famine which threw the balance of unto so greatly in our favor, tad has filled our public treasury.. Th e circle of ....Other year. I apprehend, will not be complete before wo chili witness the sad effects, of .the repeal of the Tariff of 1842, and the e, passage of the Tariff of 1846. Reciprocating all your tired wishes for 671 health and happiness, most heartily I am your friend and won't H. CLAY. Toe Proon.—Tha Clarion Reuther says via damage ha. been sustained by remain - of the hue flood in that county. Milli. bridgre,4umber. &C 1111 hare been carried ,11y• Not e has basal . left on Clarion or Red Rank riverai iorrespardesee et Plttabuith thomttia ceirespatident• of do PinsbarglOesouo • , !Maitland, Ott, 25 9;p. na. The &A i thorn mail has arrived, but brings no news from l the army. Thu Baird of Health of New Orleans announce the umr.intion of the Yellow Fever Epidemic in that city s r , vicinity. .Frost has made its appearance, and its whole. are quite precePtibia, on the general to city. Exclusive porresPondence or llte Pittsburgh Cozens. PIaiLADELPHLA MARKET. Prucknrceata, Oct, 26, 4, p. m. Flour-Western breads are held at $13,75 per bbl; at which rate there are 'ellen but no buy. Maiket Rye riour—Moderata sales at 16,25 per Mil— an advance. • Cannest—Sales of new et 53,60 per Wbeei—Sales of 9000 btt Prima Rad Southern at 135a140e per but also a tot of mast, Western Red at IS he per be. Corn—The market is quiet and rather droop• icy. oata--Zialea at 46a47 cta per bu. Rye is rather c*rce, with limited sake at 841 88c per bro. Sugarl—Schts of $3OO bads N . O at 61s7c per lb. Proeisions—The market is stassly, and prices Without amp. Exclusive Correspondence of the Putsburgh Gazette I. BALTIMORE MARKET. Baltimore, Oct. 26, 8 e. a. Floor—Howard et brands all offered at $6,50 per bbl. City mills brand is bald at the same— No sales, and prices on the decline. Whet-fides Prime White at 120a124c per bu. Salt. of 10,000 be Prime IQ at 127a131c per be. Corn—Sales of Prime White at 64c per bm— Pnme *allow is selling at 68,70 c per bu. OateL Moderate sales at 38•41 c per bu. Rye+Moderate sake ati6sr. per be. Whiskey—fides at 31c ,er gall. The Market generally continuos without change Ezelostve Comapoodneo o Me. Plttabarztt Gazette CINCINNATI MARKET. Oct i 6, 6, Fra. FloPr—Salu at $4,678 per bbi and of choice braudalat 65 par bbl. Oraiti—The market is without cheap. • Whiskey—Moderato sales at Mtge per gall. Sugar—Sages of fair N.E. at 61c pet lb. provisions are dull with no change in the pri: Iltttrer—Sales st 11 le par lb. Utterer—Moderato sales et hie par bu Fan: Tut Anur.—The Chuleaton News publiebes an causes of a letter from:Jalapa, dated October lot, which my• that Uen. Child. ham twee attacked at Pueblo by Santa Anna at the bead br 10.000 troopa. Gen.:Lanes' and Major Lally 'S commends are now united, numbering 4,009!men who alerted on that day to the enlist of Gen. Childs, That Metamonui Flag of the 29th Olt says Gen. Marshall left for Vert Cruz on Saturday previous. Gen. ,l'aylor will leave Monterey foc Matamoros on the let of November. and make that place his head 'Formate. It lie rumored that Gan. Urrea contemplates making a dewent on the Rio Grande, at the bead of 12',..100 troop., and retake that whole valley. Ocir loot accounts from Col Butler and hi. bat talicur of Dragoons loft theta two day. march be yond Mier. The train which the Dragoon. are escorting to Monterey halted at Mier in coarye- Tway' of a report that a large kfaiican force wt. I - proposing to attack it, a relnforceroont oru order ed-up from Camargo, courioting of a company of infantry and two pious' of artillery. • Theis .tracigthened, with Col Belknap in command the train proceeded on. 1 Donarse..—Un the 9th of September, sixteen der4tcrs from the American army were hung ant life4co, and twelve whipped and branded on the ettek with the letter D. On the following morn. big, four others were bung for desertion, and cet the 9th, thirty more were hung on one gallows. The Picayune aays: The thirty were brought oat for execution abort the saute time that Chapulirepec tem being .t tined. and Col. Harney, pointing to that place, told them that they should lies lone enough to see 1 MelAmerican ... flag hoisted upon the battlements of thii fermis, and no longer. Ina few moment. our, colors were rained, and altar it was Mown to tbeM, they were launched into eternity. The .entente of the Court Martial peonoone• al !upon Riley and thaw who deviated before tbei wee commenced; lea, aa follows jl9 receive lashes, well lea! an, with n nor hide whip, to be begonia! en the cheek with the letter D., to be kept in confinement while the ergo! remain. in Mexico, and then to be thumm• edlout of the service.' hissers! were untenced to he shot. for the mu crime; and . execution in all cane hsa taken Ili is said that Riloy did not stand the whipping with u much 'stoicism ex wu espectith :Torrirr ir.moss.—The Secretary of the Treasury, it is said, will only ask (at • loan of $4.0,000,000. The seselon being a long one, be wall throw out a smell hilt at the mart. There are rcr more that Treasury notes of a umall denomination will be resorted to.both as a currency for the coon. try, and ell an (telly trey of obtaining money. This hard money adminietraticat With ■ vengeance. The etulerTressury law is daily violated with kn. iyoity end Government paper ie to be resorted to corer a debt and mike • currency. The folluwing toasts were offered at the centen nial antivenin of the first association of the Rhoda Island Bar, at a meeting in Providence, on Friday evening loan The members of the legal profealco—The only clue In the commuoity who ere eubstentielly beneflued by bad dud,. Contingent recaindere—Those of us who will ise to eon the second centennial annlvenniry 0 his ameiation. Law suite—Liko wine. the u'ld7 they ere th Mu we like them. Commune or Pau. U.N.—A Philadel phia paper suttee that the Rev. George Allen, A. M., a Priest of tho Protestant Episcopal Church, renowned the mtnesu7 • few days ago, and pub• tidy conformed to the Roman Catholic commun ion. lie was received into the bosom of the church, mid partook of the best enrolment at the alter of St. John's cathedral. Protium Allen was for many jean Preeldent of Newark college, Delaware.— For the last two years he has been connected with tho University of Penneylvanls. A Powsena Scaues.—The well known saki, George Cruikstank, hie recently published 'a refiner eight plates under the Ude of .The s. Bottle," showing the dreedfol effects of .taking !drop." It is a perfect tragedy. Oct. critic says ithat no clergyman, not even Tether Mathew him• I self„ ever pinched a more terrible carmen against &maculae,e that is here delivered by Gawp Cruashink from "The Bottle.” The saki end no doubt he nbpublished in America. Wo noticed yesterday the arrival of the Wawa shit, Allegheny at Norfolk, from Pineibtugh vie New Orleans. The Allegheny, stye the Herald, vines the yellow goer broke out on board, has had 70 eases of it and low four of bar crew—left two men lick at Key West. Sixteen out of twenty of her officers had the laver, but all have, recovered. There are two or Mu. caws remaining, but none of them dangerous. • Lugs mann of copper ore from the shores of Lake Superior, are now on lit deck. We look forward to the limo when the transportation of the mbieral productions of that region will. form en immense business. It is said that more than thoonnd permits have been granted by the Fed. end Government to organize mining companies. and that 160,000 shares have been actually laud. Much of the ore brought here la Soto the Cliff mina.—Buffalo Corn. Mown s-Caur.--Uorernor Shook ha. appoint al H. Mahar Esq., of Pbiladelphh. awl Georg* Prince, of Harrisburgh, Aidwde.thrwi, with the rank of Lieut. Colonel. Iv Is not true that bills of the ',Ohio Life and Trust Co, have come keel from Europe Foto& ed,as has been stated : : On ttie coat:sty' fonds have been sant out to pity all of them Oat. Patterson haegiven mans to &mount from thuCtstie of Sul hien d'Ufkm, doe 'brim 000000 mounted on the ramperte, Idol! 211, in oda to mad *bail to West Point. PITTSBURGH RIMY GAZETTE 0110ber 213.CONTI.STII IS PAST. Further froni Mexico—SantsAnna—lierkimer Conventioce—Basiner of Pittaburgle—.Foreign Miivotilany—New York Carropondence—Quo Wentinto—Real Estate—LL Irons—lamdents in the recent beats—Governor Shunk'r Proclame tion—Deciaiont in the Supreme Court—Court of Quarter Sessions—Scient,ific Association of Vi'estern‘ Pennsylvania--Engliah Speitelation— enenti Ifenufacturing Low—Tria.—Basi nra. Items—Birmingham — Oh for a Railroad— New 'counterfeits—The Right Spirit Abreed—ln eidents from the Army =ice Mexico—List of the killed and wounded in the Pennsylvania regiment. —Character of a young Lady—New Invention— Manse Law—British Iron hlanufacturers--Vo racily of the Poet—Further Failures in Europe Latest Telegraphic news, Foreign and Domestic. Commercial—A carefully complied Review of the Markets for the past week—The prices la the local city markets—The Cattle Market—The pnces of American Produce in various part. of the U eon —Amount of Flour, wheat; Corn Am. received since the opening of the Canal—Canal beifio.f hod movements of produce—Market in London. City News—t_ , pirit of thePress—Copioos Extracts from the leading journals on the interesting topics °I Pry Va . at the desk, singly or in wrappers. IPrice 6 rents single copy. Babacriptieema two dollars • yearin advance. yo- !Imitate's, Glassing Paztacem.--Slttotbax TrnstoaS—Wa beg leave to call public attention to the following, from Dr. Wm. Dom. of Williamsville Clermont Co., and one of the very first practitioners in the county in which he resides, and late Senator in the State Legislatuix. It is cheering thus to see the lead ing men of the profession, bursting the bonds of profes sional prejndice, and giving merit its due: atonal I have in my practice been using someof 70 00 Ginmng Panacea, and, so far, am well pleased in ill effects in Catarrhal and Bronchial Complaint, Please send me half a dozen bottles--pct them as low as von can; as I expect If It conumes to render as general sat isfaction as it hue heretofore. to keep It constantly➢on hand. itesimetfully, apl7 Wm. Doan, 0. n Ifl=f-Wn invite the ancnuon of our readers to the es tree:ordinary cures of Scrofula perforated by Dr. Cullen's Indian larenbts Panacea, which they will find record. ed in another column of to.day'a paper. They Ott withatit doobt the moat wonderful on record, and have so been pronounced by many of out moot respectab I phystciatts. The afflicted and others interesicd, are re qucsied to visit them at their several places of abode and learn fano their own lips the wonderful effecte 0 the medicine. The first one named is Air Isaac Brooks who may ho seen daily, between the hours of 9 A. At and 4 P. M. at the afaceof Rowand & Walton, No 37 Market at. Philada. oc6 GAZETTE JOH PAINTING OFFICE, THIRD • COESER Or POET OFFICE ALLEY. (aelVa are now prepared to execute in a superior s nob u wner, all kinds of los Ynnenna. snob lark Poste r. Steamboat Bain, Bills of Lading Letter Sheet Coeulars, Handbills, Cards, Le., &. DOOR. AND PARPHLZT PRINTING to any extent executed In the best manner, unit kinds of Pnndng dune with accuracy and attic lawns D . 'illiparttat to AdVertlbar•• — The adver- U>ementawhichap~ppeear In the Iht,ly Movnind Gazette law appear in the Trt-WeehlY, dam race ivtng the ben efit of the eireolxvon of all, without any additional charge. This alma advantage toour elvenwerv, without any extra expense. Advertisernentv are alw it tested lathe country paper upon reuonable term.. It[TT* Builders and Property Holders— Tito Young Men's Mercantile Libtary Aemoomon and Mechanics' Institute, end trent with builders for the motion of a samthle Hall and Rooms, of which a long lease will be taken. JOHN FINNEY, Jr.. Cb'n laws Wslvtc Attann. 0012 11:7NotlerTas Young Men's Mercantile Library . 4131•66ti01S and Alernonies Instituu being now in opera tion, would zerperefully solicit donations of boots, mo ney. mineral specimens. modal, rec.; from generally. All donmions will be dale ockespailedged. one) JACOB WEAVER; AnetuarY ALLYOIII,I Coirrim —Pere... haring homes n:, the Allegheny Cemetry, Will please roll at M. •Chee aIIFINN C.l , Jr , r‘emetary, Na 27 Water at. oetledeor On the morning of the 26th trim . Allegheny. at the nu year of her age, Mn. MARTHA, tel. of toe rate Ba mut. Page, formerly of this cur 'The friends of the family are regretted to attend her (aorta! Irons the reeldence of her drochter,Mrs. Mary Et Made... (north...act corner of the Diamoodj this at ternoou .10 o'clock. "WASTED — PIeces for trade. and to btre out at 1.01.1 and country, for a large number of Boys of all ages. Also, for several agents, clerks, salesmen, In. hoeing men, hoclert,.coachtneo, and men for work to town and country.wanted several sums of mo ney whom:mt. wtmted places for a number of colored M. and women. boys and girls Wanted several farms and bonus! to rent, troperty to rent, recorded low. GijteAll kind! oT Agencies attended to fir: moderate charges, slime hours Nona I pail in dm mooring till II every averting. Charges moderate and to he gesteranT paid at the time of applieef on All Letters (pool punt/ promptly attended to. Came, Nth it.. neer the Exchange liant and Wood st. ISAAC HABILIS stenT7d4l Aip•CCIUI dud Oilmtwaereas esPEN thlsorOMMl at Dry Goals House of MUBBHY, comer of Ith and market w. one Im of lowprised printed Cathwrea, son. cheap; also, Black Alpaceas; Satin sinpcd . 'artnel; Barred bla w ck alpaccas; Satin Bonnet RAbboss; • kWh Plaid Lawarmg do. &a. liffricsals noscpmeiring WW. Dopers vnll plasm odd" BATH. Fourth Street, between Woodard Market, nearly opparite Larinter's Exchange Office. TE scooinbee ha. evade the most ample unenge merits for the rout‘ort or. theta who vretla the lu rut y Lattung dunce the winter senot.. Stove. V tubule &imam , . have been played to the MOMS DI the Bath Heave. !Putt 51 II VettlllON STELAY, COW,. Cam, to the residence ef the aabseriber, e eis ' , theist the Maid( Octaticr, 1447, st dark bna- M. , Cu Cove, euppesed to Le nut 4or peon at age. She owner Is desired to come (onward, prave c arry, pay charge:, and lake her aerey,er she will e te=ir "."" LOWISV SHAW , Phan Tp Poll H,M.NT. A liandwenely Badined Rotten on,Market mreeb lately pet:opted at • Daguerreotype establtse ment. by Maraud .k Co. AI.. • well flowbod and well furnished Room. .au. strle lat soet•ttes. *die:tong Me Halt of the Mercantile Library Assomatiou. Entrance at Platte E D GARZA M octß7 Ole., market at. between 3rd k 4th Electra Magnetic Telegraph APAMPHLET, onntatn tog a bre! and a onple capita attonwf Me mode of ttansmitung yowl by-meana or ibis•new mum.. ilnwarated artth cute and dia grams, by Mosta Johnson. Teteeraphiat, to now for sale at the couter of e office of Me We %stern Teearab, and by Mcn the office messenger octl27lolp BROA DCLOTHIS—W. CR NI V invites the attention of buyer* to onecase black and Slave Cleans for Cloaking, just reed. MOO,Oll hand, sit. French Cloak., rich black. lot Drees Cosa. milled Feznek Cass tole era, pl aro sod barred ling lath do. hest goals bacon been Staten very low will be 'old zeroed. one.' - - W ANTED-800 U be Wheal, WOO be Barley, for which the tuatara market pries in math rut be peal by re W lIMMIAL7fiII. 33 wood rt /IIL-10 balsa One quality Lard Cbj..t reed per New Engluid No for sal low by • oei27 • SCII e 0024 MAKER &CU . . ... rrURPENTII . 2I2 -1 S bbl; rpirio in good oidm .1. Mr e•lo by J SCIICIONSIAKEIt 8...C11 neve 21 wood st PEPFERS—Affiean Bird Peppers in pan—rely fine for pickling or pepper sauen—for gala by ma/ J SCHOONAIAKER &CO SOAP -10 las best qualny I Halm forNM sale K R by cod] J SCOOAK & C.ll • WATICIL-111 bxs genutne Tan.' (..;°,1°,11 ' .A...; , toy, T g b ieLN NI AKERCO ocrt7 SHOT—t 9 trig Slot. Nos 1,1 antl 3.tait read; far sale by LEWIS HUTCHISON & CO 0et2749 water & 92 frout it. . _ xy_a_ ily__flC:ur for .ale by VON lIONNIIORST &CO Is front creel UTTER-5 bbl roll for sale by *eV 8 F VON IiONNHARNT &CO SUGAR AND DOLASIINN -17 bbdsslime N 0 Sugar, Übbls N Molasses, in good order Car sale on accommodating terms W T d . d. M UITrIIF.LTRES r2d 1W liberty *Scot CIASIIIIIIMIUMI-1 ease new lore come! Moots, Josi SHA opened; for molo by • omit; M:UST & WHITF. 99 wood fl fpkrces very boacy aud fine doable kmakored wool black Beaver Canha just rec'd; for .1a by (0tt461 kIIACKIXIT la WIIITE 0111.1 T-40 kerni.artorted, receiving; for eale by 17 cetteil 1108'1 . DALE ELL a CO, liberty et rt a l.l 7 4olm Tunalay &cd in store fot 0 (3115""Z"—WL"I"'"' for gtg:Ll, a CO DiNwilmatdmmi BAELELELS-112 malassno Barn& reed on comigamerts; for by _ Goan MILLER & RICKETSLIN . - SECILD-:40 bu Clove: Seed; . • 6 bu Tonothy Seed on conmeument Una Cu MILLER&e by RICKh:TSUN "oel hor twat a liberty ft. WII3IIIKIRY —douthou WhiNter for fete whale- V Y mile or mtul by octßO MILLER & RICILETISON _ . I 4 OLAB;iii-100 Obis N 0 In no.; Or sale by 111. nerd{ MILLER d. HICK) NON VAUNISIL-4 bnb Caw. Copal Van.ll, N. and L for aale 07 JOIINO MOROAN oct23 934 wood at OP. TURPEN.TI/1116 - 1 0 bblsjoYt re. 041; for Yol ocalL by J O 51010 JA N SP. DROWN—I csk 0001134f0r We Mr mute J D MORGAN COPPZELA6-12 bbl. for able by . 110R/AN Wel D _ _ 0G1W00D.2.3 bbls coMped WEI bY JJ catlb3 • J D MORGAN ree'd; tar sale by JD MORGAN OA WOOD-6 Lb, Jmale TINAN • orre arid Bono Lowe 1.1 *CVO for tale by , S D MOIWAN AO bbl ground for vale by xPA .I,D MORGAN bb 117.1XEIL P Medea& Wino on dranen io V V (or ale et the wino more. JACOB WEAVER . octZ ear frost t talker ets lAPLIOXIELL-3 BA. Co meOlra for eele vrhole xpe - AVA ale or at the wine store. JACOB WRAVER D. Der •. Alketlnka.r Executor's Sale of Real Mate. riN Wednesday afternoon, the St7th list, at 3 o'clock, V' will be +cod ve the premise , by order of the.Exers., nuns the lase Daniel Hunter, deo°, 3 redouble Hail ding Lestaisitante in the Und want of the eity, ussis Ours Lot at corner of Und et and Cherry .alleY, hrflog tent of feet on 2nd st, a Nil extending . , along .Cherry alley 17 feet °smother Lot adjoining the above 23 Paer front on a nd shoed extending bock ;o NeL aridithe prink= of an alley 3 feat wide extending , . ebortS Allo diva n Ta above Let a, to whit cosather lot of.= subject to an annual ground rent of $7,50, from each. Also. one other Lot of °mud, hiving a tt on the east aide of Grant it, be, 3rd and 4th streets, and extending bark 90 IL Terms. one thud cash; fetidue payable on ht day o April. IWO, with interest, • payable send annually. - oat? JOHN I) DAVIS —__—_—_ 5 htids N. O. Sugar, Galvanic R/IterT and Two Elope Carriage, at Auction. lAT I l i;o .L .. ll . lil d d nt u h . e sale at oXf i tn i c NI! e o ensc h ur e day, the :Nth inst. at the Commercial Sales Room, car error Wood and sth sts— htids good quality New Orleans Sugar; I secondhand two )101.0 Carriage; . I Galvanic Sanely. eolisisting of six cups, got op after the CUM.} of the Telegr o p t lg lar i rk% s, And , oenr7 {Di - American copy. • — • • Dry Good. On Tiuraday morning the tech may at 10 o'clock, at the Comeaercial Sales Rooms corner of Finfi and Wood Streets, will he sold without reserve, In cZose concern: An extensive msortenet of seasonable foteign domestic Dry Geoids, act he. Ail O'Clock, P. M. 21 bbls Now Orleans. Molasses; 18 ^ ;roger, good quality; • 4 bf chats Young Blum Tea: 1 erninamoned china and queentwami A peewit) el -tuilery, hardware, wrapping raper, band boxes, crunches, ahcvels, Ice. A general wort ment of new and meond hand household and kitchen fumitere, email whlch•atermatuiguny bereaustspring seat mahogany sofas, ambit, bedsteads, tables,ssadies s , wort Amid, venetian window blinds. fee. Ater O'Claoh, P. rd. A retail stock of dry ;mid., ready mad* elothing, fine shirts, gold and sitter watches mime books, double barrel shot gem; a handsome i assiirtmentorPer• man . • ea% Waker Street Property et Auction. ON Wednesday evening, November Id. at 4. o'clbek, ' at the Commerctal Sales Room, earner of Wood and sth sts.Will be sold Thnt valuable Lot of Ground eitasto on Water *Lb, mean market and terry sts, ham-ince front of 15 ft, and xtending back 00 11, lest! 10 II 10 in by 40 feet mir Abebock Pavlof the lot, seminingthe werehouse ofJaa. Dali ell. Title mdispatable. Tenet. one-third cash, restdao than thr and sm year. with inter JOH N D D I:mythic 'mutely. AVIS, Auer Til K AT BE E H,afloaa--- 'math night of Mrs. FARREN—Third' night of N JAMISON. Wednaday, Odeber 27M, 1847, Will be presented the admired play of the • Stranger. Stranger •• • •Mr.Jemlson. Mrs. Haller: •Mrs. Farrel After which, a Deism, by Mies ANNA PIALVINA - To conclude wiih the HONEY MOUN.• Date Aruise•grr JILIMSLIII I Johnnie ..... Mre. Few 112 - Doors open at 7, and .11111.1L1 will rise at 7t• CATHOLIC INSTITUTE. I.ECTURES. ALECTURE,Wog tho ascend of the course, o rill delivered by EIIRSTLIS BROOKS, Essl. on Thurs day evening oext, &Ste iost. in the Ball of thelnstiindon, de Paul's hoof Buildings, Fifth et, at 7I o'clock. Subjaet— .. The Morals of the - Press, to lases, abuses, duties, Le." Tiekets of Admission may be ;Inwood at all the prin. ain't Book sores, and-at the door. Single 'helms, 7. . cents. Tickets ltd.:rolling two la. oetts dies and aleotleraan, fA cents. • EAGLE. SALOON. ' Positively the• Three Last Nights Of the Sable - Harmonlsta. Monday, Tuesday and Waharsday, Ott. 25, 26 and 27. esplessing their sense of the eery Shen! patronsge I bestowed limn them by the entrees of Pittsburgh, and In accordance with the tamale, of many Ladi ea and Gentlemen, they are induced to prolong then may Cur TEINZE Dr/OSITS YON ti When they will intodace a variety of rich and novel melodies and Palladio, never before heard m this city. Ibis wdl be the lot opportunity this Band will hare ofperfrirming m Pittsburte:as they depart immediately upon their Grand Southern Too, preparatory to their embarkation for London and Sans, whale they •line node arrangements w appear next Spring. The Glees, Quartettes,Choruses, te.of this Company a,,, song in dm most neural style of harmony after .the manner of the Rainer and Ilinehmon 'lichen2s CtalAi for Wel OA the notch, Mote Stoner and at the door. oet2s 611.RAMONJIIENTS. 1847.- Mffibia MONONGAHELA ROUTE, era BROWNSVILLE AND CUMBERLAND TO BAL TIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA. Time to Baltimore... • • 32 hems. Tweet° Philadelplun•••• ••• ...... SG- " ' [Only 73 Miles Staging.] MFIF. nod tau ranuinesteem•se Coneul,Loo- I. is McLane and Swatara, have commenced ranking doable dailytops. One boat will leave the Norma-a• beta when every ;mooting pecemely at 8 o'clock-- Pa...gee. by the morning line erillarnve In or next evening in limo for Me Philadelphia Mail Boacor Rail Road ears. The mum Boat will leave the wharf daily at 6 o'cloeb,eneepteandays. Passengers by Ma boat will lodge...wed, in cotaihrtahle state rooms; leave Browamdie nest ma nta at o'elaeki ross toe mountains inlay tl end lodge in Cam. betlaed. scalding t travel altogether. The I preparations on 01.4 tetra art amp 1e,.4 Be connection complete; . that disappli.Mant s or delays will be me . t nown upon it. P.111CII;Crl can stop en the rotate Ma rename their re n spin at pleasure, and have choice or (tail Road or Steamboat between Baltimore and Philadelphia. Coaches chartered to partite to travel as they demos Setae you tleketa at the era/ OfteejlOnt/At ROOM, or St Chutes HoteL j HIMEJI sem/ IZZ== G . 1 , 141 , 14'1 ,, 11 . F.741Ltt1 , I: I , onoze . ;, 1 vol, 12 m:. 1 , 1 , , ,, R 0 l Miceli German Render 1,01 Gesenms' Ilchiteve Grammar; by Rodger 2451 Guirnis Hs-ye Or/brawn. 1 vol. 12 on.t 1,00 , Artiold's Lectures en modern hl lacy 1.25 011endori 's French Grammar 1,1)0 Corn's modern French reader' 75 Collars Dramatic 7 " 1,11, Fires' elemenutry " " • 51.1 Sureane's French Dictionon• 1,50 Keys In French and German Grammars 11andeeille'a Comae of reading 75 Reid's lAgliah Dictionary . 1,00 Tay lois manual of modern history .. " ancient " 1,1 , 7 7 in 1 vol, complete 125 Amold's series of Lam and Greek Baoks—just reed; far sale by , .101177 It MELLOR arm Elwood" P1:11.31011AILY BALSAM— L Messrs Reed & Coder—l feel it e duty I ewe to my fellow creature. to mate rontrohoc more respecung your Vegetable Pulmonary am Snore I firm used the Balsam, about eleven years ago th e happy effect of which I then l gave an account of. hate had several macre complaints and attack. at my lungs—Otte a few days since—ard in every instance I have used the Bal sam alone with complete and perfect entrees. It has effected relief and cum m a very few day. It!. ref. miniy a safe mediehm. Ido not know that it will cure a hand cnusturoption, but I believe it will be in many .reirMllltiVlC, and prevention I. better Menemm. I do therefore, for Me love of my fellaWmen, earnestly remmend the ace of this Balonti, in all pulmonary co crimple nts. lam confident that It hea been the means of preserving my Life to tht. day. BOISAXIN ranee's. - Ronon,./une 16, IRO. an S d e W o; B o lno F . A om E r STOMCKoo & wood ocmo.e r o o r te.dr INTS ONLY CEDAR ST., NEW YORK LEE 4 BR.EwBT.EIt EstabinWiswarbbourie7nt the year ISIS, for the pu p o et of waggly ing Ctand interior Trade with PRINTED CALICO ESEXCLUSIVELY. at low prices—and exhibiting, at all mamas of the yetashel Assortment In TELE WORLD. T por i n g ae now opening Sveral llundren Packsge comig every new styl e e of Foreign and DOMest prOdpatiOn, numy of which are not to he rued el , . wham and which have just been purchased, and a offered for sal PRICEY Cash and Man ermltt.. REDUCED FROM ONE TO FIVE CENTS per yard below the prices of April and MaYi noted Catalogued, which aro corrected dady. Wore:Won of buyer.. • PRINT WAREHOUSE, • New York. tans, inklistf Wr ;Cake Havre, and Parts Agency. THIS Agency now fully organized cud enabliebei, han ogeesin New York, fiance and Pans. and will °ZOOM Order; no mane( bow farce Of Of Mil may be the amount, for the Reich auts, Tradesmen, citizens, fr.c., of Pittiburgh. E 3 oko,elothine, minx, furniture., plate, engra• vings, try. die. . Punhand by ono agent Pans,. the lowest tines; his personal attention being given to our bonne..lAtters,renottances and penodiests forward ed yeah equal care add dtspaieh. Luggage ut parties coming to the U. S. Van icularly attended to. Al goods consigned to us, paved at the New York Custom !louse. Order. shoold he accompaniedlf 110USOCCS to One amount or nearly at the valor of the article syrimitcd. LIVINGSTON; WELLS No.lo Will sa.New York. PU RSU ANT lot nubile mice, ra mcclingocochert and dhactorr of schools of the coca ot Potsborah and AlleahrAv was held no Thursday morning, the list inn, in the Chapel of the University, when, after in uncrehertge of ye...hit wee Resolved, that Ponds. Thompron, Mr M R . Wil lie., Mr John Rellyvind Mr Daniel C llobuer s .be a Coolllllller to intiltife Into the mode or orgaumini and rooductitte teachers IlSSOCillict. and 41.1014 i ll{ other shies ands/Wel, and 1141011 to the next meetitiy. Resolved, Teat each member of this meeting be .a c, e pin, e to not sok+ practical teuhcis and direct. of. as are not present, to attend the next meeting. Resolved, That this meeting ¢11161.071 te meet again the same place on Thursday, the ita of November nest. HERMAN DYER, Chairman. H. Wtht-isant, flevrelf.T. of CUTLICAIC—A choke selection . Cutlery, Pruning and ltuddlng Knives, of vanous pout mailable (or nursery wen and gardeners, Oise, a It &wont:sent of pea and pocket klaves,a importer art , __, lust received and for sale low at the Pittatungh Seed Ond ~,,io , ,horea Warehouse, No let Wood st, corner of tlth. octnt 8 ft WICKER:4IIAPI W. 11. CLARKE, Forwarding Nerehont, Brownsville, Pa., Arlen& yartimilorh to the Forwarding of Produce, &e. For any tddher Information apply to FORSYTH k. DUNCAN. waters.' wain Ikon or P 117•110 Oct. fa: 1917. - A N the E n i" rultn. " f rear thi :wlr b b' e beld tto to a r t e ti M e &ktl n l k oatt r en Monday the 13th day of November next octEdul 1011 A lINYDER, Cagier ---- MZSICBIIMI' t klanclaenitaeg Bans, pilut,oo, ()ember 4411117. A Mfileettan for thteteen neaten= of We Hank lir Ike ensuing year, will Ine held at Ike Etanktng house 1511 Monday the Mb of Noremhee next. „,, 1 13ma -W H DENNY, Nattier BancolPtmhoaon. N i Election for derma Dlrcerm of this BAAIr Nf if be held auks BuINVI klalue !uN Alondai, the NI; day of Novem and 3 P.M. WM ~ ' C.L'SCINN ATI lAN D PITTSULTIG IIIAILY l'AeliET LINE T nis . over known line of ligenliid passeilir Steam . w at t boa N o Inai'dviaaranimsbed,anailfmean' a're'rl'artootorso4o niters of the West. "Enery I ngat 'a ireothtion and on fev ers. that loney can, preen e, been proviand Innis Leakers. Tim Line bat hnel operatiob (*rhea y. - wts —hare, carried a million of people. withean the lean inyugy to their persons. The bone nUI be tit the tent of oodlitiret We day p f tinting. for the reenr• tiou of freight end the entry of pasfengefs. the natl. tee. to 10 tante We passage Matey noun paid In t : norm/LT. PACILF.T. • ' Tile otiOCitlllELA,Capt.Stoti3Ocalleave Pail, burgh 31 every 111o6day mantas at, GO o'rtarkt Waaal ol l crazy Monday estettr.g at 10P.M. TUESDAY PACKET. • - The 111SVIINIA, 51. Cop. ElitiVezer, lore Pito , boogb every Tucsgla) wormslg oclock; 'heeling cmory ever