. , . . . - • . ~. . . • . At -- • • - ' . - . . • . . . .._ __,,, „....,..„„,•-:•-•..- - -- , -i•'--- , -- - -,-- -.- _ •._ ' :7' 7 , -. . 7 -Y ,. .7.*; , .1.- - : ' - ~...- '..... ..• . - ••• . . ... ••• - - _..,-. ; , " • - .., •••• ^---;: . e. . . • • 1 , - ..• ~.- • - 1 • il' t • ~,, , •• „., ~. ~... . •-• .. . • . • • - t ••• . "- ~ .., .. ~ ...,.., -.-• ••••••-- - '. ' - , _. • , . , ~ •,. „ —. ' ... „ H .. . ' .'. ' .- ' •' . ~, - - -.-. • : ••• 4-s- t _ ' ... . . .. r Ell.Al___LY , . .. ... r.....____, ...,_ . ~.i• .... . ....,., ... BUSINESS CARDS. : Lzif.ANISZlt GORISIIIN, Commission and AFor viarding Merchant, Si Water and los ['tonight, Pittsburgh. ambit A Tumor), JosEs 4 co, CottituisUon and Jca. Forwarding Merchants, havo returned 10 their cern old stand. NiNter and Faint tame., Pittsburgh. retention. eases. . 61011211Wts. I[AV/el k !LET T ER , \Wholesale sad Retatl iiDruggists, curlier of Liberty and EL Clial eleceoi Pittsburgh, lbs. ~_, easyl4 A. PAIIIRIIISTOCK & CO.. Wholeeale & B. eetadTruggisen tomer Wood sod bib ste. irl AGALEi onvrii, Wholesale Grocers, IS LP and 2.lWond Aireet, P ulureh. - fOISITH. BAGALE , & CO.. Wholeude Oro ten and Predace dealers,. No. 1e2.3 Marker weft. be• wean uid nth:North e Philadelphia. need tZfAZULIift OOq fr t'd . Meut. Pa =n MI P. ORLANDO Loons's, Aum,1.31......f - I - • five meth mere Lateen Smithfield. shiny GI - - Wm. Colmnan. John F. Jenninas. las. W. Hallman. eIOLS.3IAI3, 11/111 , 74A31 A CO, Manufacturers I.J of Cordage spttods and Attica, A. 13. and Spong Merl, and dealers nit Loath Tniurninds dream deli. tripling, manufacto on Cll,ll. WlreglUSO 41 ry CWWIGOMM. ARSON dr, gIOKNIOU T , (suedessora ~.anal a 1 Wholesale Grocer, Osinnusscon and Forseanting Alerehants, Ocean la 'Produce and Pittsburgh itlnimist 3121.1 street, balsam. Wood and eello r , YEAGER, a n d wholesale and roan . • dealeg to Fan, y and Wrap}' Vssiett , oods, troi or Ise Gill Cohlto, Ildstlet el, new labeny, ourgh, Ps. i Jaws Dunlop. 3.llareseteas hewed. DVIVILOP t. SEWELL, Attorstis at Law, Wheel, on thrtiMfield, heweeen 3d and Silt sta. lINAZhILTON. Wb!omoile Groooi. Jla .0 auk of 01: Momon4. occoood Ma from Dm amoo4 " ' '• • • U. • WAL . • ---4---- MIN - •Utlllti. V • 01/ AL • & GIEBII4IITs Wholesale tiro- SAL rater. In produce and Pittsburgh annte.se. tires,cutruic of Liberty sonl. Hand en., Pittsburgh, l'a fetal I ---- 2,1 n 'a ; .; k ' 7 e. ' l3 NPt ITT . 5 ' (11 .. : lin'grsil,'rjii x.• !agile. r & en 7 Vint:nester : romp. Cammostan and Fantranhe 'Merchants, an. Dealers in Produce and Puteroursth I anuFectures, Ni 37 Woad street between ./ Second an Third scores, ac n .-----•' ASAC/111. LW . 1 / 4 PI olliftlOHT4Attorneya at 1..., INI oirw l reatovoaa foot Om nearer lirtnl.o.l 1 orl• 0, Int Fourth.. Rah evoel I a Old i los,. 11.1113/ 1 , Ceawiuu & IiWAUTZ VVEI•DEII.. Anat. V oloys at Law, have roamed thou 01100 to the tooth aide of Youth aueo.botaven Cherry Alley .d o=l Urea. j. fof ap Pll File.. .- ' —llrea—Rhey. James Wood. LNYIE.ISIIIIO, 11.11E1(.10 00. WhOlealtha ErOCent, X and Gaon:woo/a Moan., and Agents Or Brighton Cotton Varna, riOsi7 Water and 103 Front atreota Vins hargh. l'a. ‘, • ' fob!? T _. 411A1E• Piano Foon M turer aninafacAdeal. F.or in Motion! Instrainerna,ll2 Wood Curet neat .Fill.h. ; 'O• t.,:irn !WM VORSTVI & CO, COM11&&06 and Famaluding ?4,•rehauts. No: 30 ‘Vnter st, Pitsburgh.' mayl7 HMLLEII2, (hater, Commissiaa 3lerehant and dealer at Produce Cordar, Ods, Ite.lrs, No. 'l7 Liberty la. 12,11 . Casall3'asi, - Patsburgh, N.. 1.1. Oakum, Pitch, Manilla RODO; &C, always or my"-:1 • EATON, Denter in ,thores, Hosiery, and rll4l h n . Sn.nd Staple Trienentign, 63 Market street, tf i l u • anti - - - • • GIO. E011.0•7f. Ir•TC/X.O.N PALM' O. fIEOROZ MOROMI & CO, Wholesale Gm- T nets and Coretnismon ilerchants, 105 Wood street Pittsburgh GO. A.'DERRY Wholesale Groceramdeems• mission Idderellant. and Dealer in Produce and Tntsbergh .71Ihnninctures. 1019 Wood n, Plusborah. U .--- Tor. -- 1:' , 1% Shinn. ---14711. Brown. ILO. W', d4lTfl & Coy Breororpr 4.17 T . .d dealers its hope, u . do vies, ?rah and Pot s rood. GZGIS 06011 RAN, Cedninteslon and For. ardint Merchant, NO:18 .odatrcei, Pl.bargX. Irnalf. WOODS, liticlustaker, Olononasuela itl • Ali orders punctually filled. .Ad dreas 'by - otter Stoma the Post Odle. ' ATS & o. snaLirt - , Dealeri in Dry GOods,Gro.• elca .LL cones. Wols, liaocs, Pi nabargit utauttractured ShertY r.n.tltab. ffilett : • *amt. G. Mill. Geo. G. litowatt. lu L BROWNE, lauccesiors to liold.hip lbeirraal Importers ma manufacturers of Wall Paper and General Paper Warehoase, tea .Wood strect.Pituburcb. 'IjA 6Ad naocILWAN, Druggists, Plo.l Court J.J. artGebatiLtar, near the canal bum, Pittsburgh - umbal-dly WiARY ITILVIVOT, WHITE 'RED LEAD .1:1 M Pram & Oil Merchan, tomer of Lib erty and Olt era sta, Pittsburgh. tebta 1111,1111 =CV. , 11.011IRT WRIT, aa. ( AIA_U,DICKWAr hCo; Wholesale Omer, TS Comonnions Merril... , and dealer.. in inodoee, Nos 63 Winer and IU3 Fmm sueeta, Pmsbmick , T BL;ACK,lilereknat Tailor, Exchange 160. . dine, 6. Clair weed, Pdtaborgh. jellOrf • TOSCPIII MAINE, Ancancy at Irtiri Pirtsbargti, al Pa, has martml the practice or hnlproreasion litiortee. 7, Bakewell'a /hold." trrant arceboc. copied damn hia absence by T. J. Iligham and J. Christie, OHM. Yhdd wtrrP 1011311 I D101:13.1.N. ho, rale Drde.vy, cod dealer' m Die oda., Vono.kra. Je Ne Wi Wood Ertel, not dal t wadi of Diamond A !ley Pidoborrir. }not ABLES:K/11.1111, JR. &Co.. [succesors to Jo pr U.Darlsj Stitt) Coltstolers,33 Water st. or:11 TORN n. Jtli LLOR, Wholesale and Barad deld al or in Rosman.' al.ionl Incr.:lents, School Books, Paper, Biatar,Steel Pena Quills, Printers' Cards, and Botionerf IS...rally, No. el Wood at, Pittsburgh.' _P-Badsi Ja r tneht es taken is trade. TORN 'COTT & Co , Wholesale °meets, ras a, warding and CMSlM,liall Marchaws, Beale.. in Pro. duce and fittsbargh Manafactorea, No 7 Commercial Bow, Libery a t, ne ladle Canal, Yiitaboryb, Pa. Vi al T SCllOOlOl' AILEIL £ CO. wholesale Donk kir a. N0..24 Wood et. l'itsbutyli. lOSZPII JORDAN Comm:mon 1.0 Formailing Dlerchlots, No IS Llbeny (okpostte 4!ralthfield knnoon'. ROY, 1% L. GALLATIN. Alt ontey at Law, °Ate J4th ei,ibettoren Brent and BolltSetd, 000th .i pin sbaro, ra. w id. aura plomptly to bow 1 TON: 11 R. DAVIS, AUCTIONEER, comet Firth 4 1__ TOIIN C. BIDWELL, Age ot. Wholegale tiro, if !era 4 C0111M10140(1 Alerrhauti Water_ etre., :TA door sltorg the Mouttogabela Bridge, Poutongh. iry- rop, Nide, Blowy /cc. at manage ewers , p'" novi _ ---I°"°N a"l"'4lers rp""".1NPII ' No 91 M xe arke _ (mtgs._ _lper rixantrfactir! r. T 14SCAD•N I:anlC;Store., acar hl , a/ Classlcul.Taccdosical, llirtancat. School, 111114,0. gihees..a Se (1.11 , 1 nooks and titationcrT. Tg7.l%j r enn of ZTidses thlerchatcaltet lteldegs) Pthbugh, .....erency purchased at the.Getal rates. octal CY'lletaillElt., Wholesale Goseer,desler Jdoce,Piitelosrgh ussnufuetures, Tin Plats, as. he, ' Nelgg Liberry et, _Pittsburgh. , . 4sitS JohnFbyd. RSchard • j K. sioiroo.t. I. Floyd tr, Co.) Wtoleaal. al OrObets. No.l9lLiberty TABUCIIDALZELL, WinSles&ournecrAConsma aP 'ion Merchant, and dealer to Prcalace and Ping/Ann saanufactaret. No 24 Water at. Paubstrals_il, Ouyissauta Iron Works. . • Ce,—Manufacare all Tliit• 01051msleet, Itir Iron and Nails of the hest (palmy. Otters 101 l at the weryboase of It & Co., liberty It. or - I, 8 Waterman, water st. will rteelre _ • T n Ss r- Wholesale Grocer. Po Jan wardtog and Corenumion Merchant. Meier in Pitisbarit Mufacturcs and Produce, Nos. al Water and Ikt Front a sic • • 113W114 'Hui% insole a. G0., - Wholesale 14 Grocer. Forwarding lid and Ponunisnion Merchants, and defers in Pittsbur& anuthetures, &e., No. 43 WatalendiftEront MS. 1.1.7N11. gitrit ISHIPTON,Wrelle%P'"e'' la Forwarding. and 031.111.14011 Merchant, healed to Produces ad Pittstanigh, mannfantwes, No 13 and =Wood sr. Pnwbarah. : febiZl irritate. w urn c. rm. 16/Te.aill111111;liielliLD a', aza Whiltlab tirocera Comunimion hletchants, ' Pto IR lib erty npilnhurgh. • DCAXem7 Alec. Nlauck.- WW. KN' ick rr ALLEN & co., Coomaiision and FocZd‘cg .Alr;chatail, Water and Flynt au,bevaccal Wood and "na" _ mum. • Mr!sED. it RICIGSTIO , ettrsima Commission Merchants, N. 170 Lilting skMm. Ping...h. P. 1.14 eGOII.III k KING, whoterale nod fowl' IlAu Martd Cap manufsetarefo, and dealers la Pant) Fars corner of Wood and rift], sto. /a.? & AN Wl° roee , Deal, , ith il l i ee awl ...4111 and Fo'rtin-Gtrdlni"ond Com ma. den Meittumts, Nos Y/ Liberty and 253 Wood &Net; ri&A•orOk. POlrz . 17 , ILSON & CO., balm& Dry' , No. Wood meet, ntl.hiligh • . p & EON, Market Welt, loo m comer of Fourth, Doak. For t 81. of 'Exchange, Cortleam of Oland Specie. .rode on all do principal cities Wooer tiol/ 11.017 !awl& i Co» Pradv , Forward. 11116i011 Merchants, NO. 5 C05555,5j51 •. Pittsburgh. Pa, . , . soft , Cll On and CommirsiG"and FOllVBllliPEMembano. • OBERTSOti ar. IthPl Prgxbacc. Dra • AL ens in Cotunr,s.o. orierclowt4r raJur :!stand, pica Aux) LIDECII, Jr., Irritant , and Penlaiin FOITIYII, and Dotothoo Eaddlety *are. a n d Carrier Izilmainga,of all dercriptlobai No • Ardoohlooet.riostakrg PCS b. A -- • • ICITCHAUR BARD, wboltsa7...in.d.retpul deter- M A b . 1 4= Le ,r.r1.17,,4%.°41-o,:rzt,?Tannlrs.6.'ll:o. •----- . .. - sown 'alnico , saN'L. I. IOstION. 11 4.61, ROI:1150N Ifi Col, Wboleade Unwell: Pro. educe and Commod - on Ate clomp, and Deafen , in Idantrfactuchrio..l9o L:berty 'half PIE& „ L ;•a. -• . -- - - -- fa/ . . BUSINESS CARDS. Ituic—r:A r I.A.otzltt alc*" C,clf.tp„l7. ars tn rroduee and Pittsburgh hianotabtur as, wurrty arena Pittsburgh, Po. _tehtA 1) U. lELAWKLIPS, Attorney al Law, Grant st, /.1.• IlakewelPsiSoildulgy, wearly opposite the New CObilllolll, ap D Wake OUEUT MOQUE. Wholesale Grocer, Weld) It tag Oiwillcr dealer to Produce, Pittsburgh Mum. imbues. and all kin ds of Foreign mid Dornesuc Wines ,NolllAbetty sweet, Pittsburgh. CrN. U. On hand n very large week of superior Old Monongahela Whiskey, which will be sold low tor ca.!, may`M.ly L. O. Reynolds. J. L. Mire. fl EYNOLDO t MILER. Forwarding and Corn. tema ?demi:lists, fur ibaAllegheny Direr Trade, dealer d.is Gronenen.Prinditur,Fistb"o hlanufacturrr and Chloride of Lune. The hi hen priors, in cash, paid at all tiara foi Cnantrylts,n. Corner of Pena and Irwin stn.' OAJL.FORD Coy . Commission Merehnnis, n.....tw0-Ida Smhfield, Dealers in Flour in nod dada; aka, Dannir, it lArd, R7)IPT A. CUNNINGH AM, Wholesale Grocer. Dealer, la Pmdoce and Pittsburgh MeAullicturre Liheni•st. B C Sbeekietti non- R Wine , QUACKLETT WELITS, Weoletaie Des 4.3tarsto Foreign and. Domenic Der Coeds, No, 99 =EZE te W. HA11.113/1.13611i. Wool blerchaul.; deal -0 . ere io-Paour and Produce generally and Forward mg and Coronciatiori tderchauds, No all Wood Isatreat,' SAIIIVICL PALMER, Attune: y at Law. Mee in Ilteed'a . hilefet Faunt greet, between Wood end emithfield. e. ca..wml l< o.GrorerF vorwardold and Commie... Merchanri, Dealers ut P.debroglt nanniuntufer and Western Pro duce, have removed In dictt new warehouse, (old Mandl No 3.1, corner of From at and litancen Lone. 00°7 QATIVEL KIER. Forwardton and Comm. 10 sum Merchant, Dealer to Salt, Produce and Pals 'burp lama lectured mane Canul Dastn, nrat Mit et dal Q Al. W ICKERS 'IAA. Dealer An Seed s , 1 7 bdor LI • en, Fruit Tree-dolma Adrldoliotal Implement., No 122 Wood %wort i'doboneh. - MASSEY & BICET—W holecile tiroceat Stbavaisnon aletchanta, anddealt:Kin Produce.— No Si NVood ab ret. Pansba‘ah• ' apV. - - - ----- • • qpilos. KENNEDY, .fr., lookang ukas, I'donotactu E'er, and Dr aler Clocks, Combo, and Vorlety I.:nods, corner of Wood and Fnarth jIV • • — T r Forsyth. It .1 Forsyth. TPo FORSYTH &CO, Commotion Merchants. . dealers to tats. Lumber, 'menet, efodof C not 'otthurith Manufactures, Canal Basin, ',bony street, ,Itargh• el.lB Wra itesietreesis Ruben bleCutebrus Wr& EIeCLITOR&ON. Wholesale .Gro cent. Dealers le Prase, broa.Nettn,litats and Pittsburgh Mans (Stems, general iy, Il:lll.,berts-i Veit; rittsborsh. • W& . MITCIIKLTREE. Wiege.ste . Acetifying Distillers, and We. end Leis. , Merl basts, No. 160 Liberty greet, [oppssite &slit street, ritstbsretb Pen ;Oi; 13. WICK- PATIO X GAXDI.XIM n .i tlr 3 .ss 4 l7. l ! .. ,esecx o t L . : d Commission Merchants, dealers at Irani Nails, Gloss. Calton Yarns and Potsbotith blanofuttires generolly, corner of Wo o d and Water 14., rinsitureh. mebl • WR. RIVILPHY innten tho ladtee to coil and . east:ohne bin stock of French lVorked hll some to by as aS tams. me 1;.1 °imam., Who leaate Grocer,Fortrarding and V✓. Comm as:on 'Merchant, and Dealer in Prodace and Pausourgh Manufactures, earner of Water and &Intl:field sta. Pil.b.mk. Pa. apts WIIITMOMIC & WOLFF, Importers and Wholesale Dealers m Hardware, Cutlery. Pad , dlery, Oxon..* U.beny and V. Clair streets, Pao. borer 4Pt• & DtLWOILTDs Wholcsaa . timers, Prodtee and Commtstion :slerchentav woe,' st. 1. •poo WAl.l4,4,CrtiMiliatone anaingniarit—tia v• . left ostablrmotent, tll4 Libeny sift, steer the canal. mar.Pr TIT ar. 1L otrrc g usvramE, Wholoud. Gra ,ltccu Distil le n. aad Wm,. and La,. Merchants, hio.,loory on Liberty meet, (oppaMta goa Pittsbargh. , may 1.2.41 y VA t O, - 0. nOBILNISONt Attorney at Law. h.. . removed hi. 6thee the Ihschttage Deil4gs, St Clam Atte., rteZt doo/ tO Aide, n WII:GAB.LIALIELDi Dealer us Fancy and Sup • Dr 7 Goads, No 79 Market areal, ?Makurdi,. IVTILLIAMS Pc lfrera the burnt VV Dnnriey)lc rfrorerrothe now !waled at Die. lie 'Wood et, yawn, they offer formic a lance amai, mentor Gracenes and Yntabargh Nianothenthea, at km riots and on favorable terara.l mold_ Wr WiLson, Dealer to "Notate*. Jewelry Silver Ware, !Kildare Gcods, toe, No. 57 Mor ita street. . ncra li. LlUBPllY,nholnala .4 mull deahrt W •Fotslgn and Dontemic Dry Goods, north e. cor new( Blaskst .4 Faun. sin. angll eth ate V Dca 1 1 :.4 re of I , 4e:r n centfe : re re " rt ' u d en.l Hand . +tree., ill seep a cheat-set supply Gl . the beet matheines, p perf u mery, tte. rbynclatt'a preacnptenta carefully catnpouattea.— Medici:tea Can be had at all tetanal the eight. (chit/dial' jl72Voiringford. John Singer. LLINOPORD & Co., Conuniwion and For warding Nerd:lama, Second, near Wood 'wnett, Pigaborgb. Po. ferild DARLINGT.)St. Azzorit, Low I Irc ro, ..ornat...oner tale looortedotoroi an - proo ol Deed., Loon., Contract.., Del..ion% of fly loader se.al or ont,) to be se-d or heonled in The f3iote of Ohio. Office on Third arreeLabove Stan:kohl. 'VAT C. AILIGIIINBAUGII, Attorney at L V V rtith street, near Sootittleld. Coneettag, agen e'en and other halloo, atter.dcd so with pone waist), ils k Semple, Cringfutn, Erg., B A Fahnestoct k Cu, John lirrron, Pert, Grad; Lindsey k Co, John dhiht. E. James McCully, Esq, Ma.r. jcl4-ly ESCEM3I RECTIFYING DISTILLER, AID WHOLI,ALL Di/JM IX FOREIGI & DOMESTIC , WISES& LIQUORS, No. 114 Liltaly al, and 53 Diamond aiky, I'ITTSIIUII6II, PA. . 1T17.411. WAItHICK MARTIN dr Co.. Emile., Pastas in Excitant., Eva Nair. and Cain, Comer of Third And Wt.d snort., ntorattalt • Pittsburgh, P. I 1 RI - . Vern. el Steno. ' iSeeseetor &WTI. Iraiaoll.l WILLIAMS b. lIIIINN, ATTORNEYS ANL/ COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Mpettare' North side of Fourth st, shove StaitAftekl.-O0 febOdicerlyF Olarer Blackburn- Viewer U. Jane.. 0. BLACKBURN & CO lATUOLESAI.V: Una er... and Ile:arra m o,la, Rote V add, and Pat:Omagh Slant...mad aruc lea. bane O had at all mars • fall and general .11.YUSIcul Of o V 1 , C41 . / m 11 1, 11.! . ent line, %yater atrect, near Cherry,:ol,l2., ZIWAINZINGTON.tend Surveyor, rerdl attend 4a rveyin g, e, laying out, and dividing lands, ffIll• ktne . ta t U n of 11011 fits., .11te. Vase, Peon At. above Mod, test door to the Ofßee of the Rdenfdrog Hegurutor, Pdtrburgh. sir,drrdlot T'OM7IIIIiND, Dinggist and ',pod, '“ , 7. NO 4$ blorkm ars three doors abort Third se; Pittsburgh, will hate constantly on hand • well select ed as rOmmen t of the best and freMestMedie ides, which he wilt ma on the Men reasonable lertn, sending orders will be promptly attended so, And sup plied with articles they may rely upon as genuine. iirPtrysielitos' Prescriptions will be see rawly and neatly prepared from the beet maierials, at any bout of the day or night. Also for sale, a large stuck of fresh and good A Pe nttra- IAT• -- W. WILSON, Watch Make; A. Jeweller, VT . cornet 4th and blather us. A large and wen selected meek of watches, Jewelry, sfiret•ware and Military Gosda 'Always on band and at regular eat- tern amps, Ordd Pates Leret,rfoll Jewelled watches, as low as /erg 1411trardo 'runtime,. low nllB.. Genaine Copper, roboo,Johnson and other approved maker,/ watches may baled at a email ulnae° and warranted. . • ID — ftne watch weak dems In the very best manner. J. B. SiX'EtTZER, ATTORNEY AT .LAW, ,, 003 c• 3d 3t, opposite . it. Camera Hotel, W/1.1; mho auend promptly to C i al l eetlon U & R m G Asb ••• ingtort,Fayetto andUreen Coanues, Pa. Runs TO • QT Blacks:net, Bell & Oo March & Carothers Pittsburgh: D. T. Morgan iIUNT. Dontig, .ditnsia: to s• la n' t ear dT:o i t'a" t i t,time the duties of hi. proles n ;,i. once, - of.l b 4th and Dere y imring Jay, irofromB 0. x.till 6r. . ,Y .'"!2rT hour y 1 y E. J. lI&NRY, A TWOMEY ard Counsellor at Low, CINCINNATI, 1 - 101.110. COIICCIIDAS In Southern Ohto and in Indian. din Kentucky, promptly and carefully attended to. Commissioner for the Sage of Pennsylvanta; tot tot tng De poutioury acknowledgements, &c. Kum ro—llon Wm Sell k Son, Curtis, Church k Carothers, Wm hays, Esq., W knock JO Paola O 2 LKDOUX A CU.. • NO 77 CANAL tt, te CREL - Ti NEW ORLEANS. .A (TENN for J U Armnt's Enrieere Stearn r‘itar .11. Refinery, Always on hand.. lore° ' , bock of Loul. Powdered, ...Yarned, .ClasiSed and Bastard Sugars, in Tierces and Darrel& Also, Sugar Mouse Afoluree. Primes liberal and a fair nilowmeo rondo on all sole. .r,or atm ve,so banclo. mo _ O&O. W. SMITH. & Co, MOWERS. AIM-STEM' 'AND nor DEALERS PITTSBUiIGH AND POINT BROWBBIES. Corner Datktff Alley apd.Entin St, and foot of Pin St • F., 1 i .1.:1. (to bltglit. W. Ifonbrigits. . ' EI - . lq. BON 11311 T, 1 FJO. " " It 0 1111 1+ STARC 11, P n AN flfig VVrett . . t it i l E lo l l'lTi q u"tet t ,O i nrseqlg r iteTsv o rd , Torme "' of allbor Prices and on good Terms, Binaver. Pa _oe23lyr . . ..... . 111. P. k B. FICLISONf k CO.. 11/rAN PACTURERS of Ilannnered Slloss.s sod . Mt , i .1 , •eo. Noes, limy sad folsonfe Forks, dm., tse. Ware sic; Nn 11 Wood strest,Finsbsfirk• 1f11413 DH: JOAN 5. CHAPMAN, .Orncu.nambrgeldttreei t oppo.ite Mcrchents time 10 .44* llopongsbela je4tt j—C" WEAVAPR. Wine Btore, coma of Mu • Tio*Ci. in FORIVARDING & COMMISSION. A. M. Wallingford. JD°. F. 15mger. wm.iugoiono co.. =Lummox & FORWARDItiO :amen/Kra TN HEAVY HARDWARE AND _ PITTSBIIIIGH NIALNUPACTUFLZIO. IAEtIIIICU u2 " ?.41= " 11 "r t, " llivela r :I• V t7l d al i 2211 sale 100,000 lb. warted !heel, vlr Naylee fr. Co'. Cast She., kilAter and German W.I. Jolts & Chngg's An Shaw Spring and Fork X 0 dog Shovel., Spades and Forks , Carnage ,ortngs and Axles, A.vngs,(....e. boas) Vices, (patent and coanoon, ) Sledges, liJedge Alealds,Crosrbars, Furnace IL ugers.(Juntata Ilona Alaueeke,Clay and Coal Ptekr, Ales,tleythes,Slckles , Log Chants, lee., IrrSalansander Fire Proof Intro, 11011, Nallt, Glass and ether Pdobargh hlanulletures sold at the lowest (alb C R DallenbOlver, J Renaldo Sauk. CHARLES B. DANIENIIOI7VER £ CO. TOBACCO COMMISSION MERCHANTS et , No, gg Soude PßlL es,Nbekry and No 1117louth Water ADELPHIA: DEIS to inform the trade anit dealers generally of Pittsbutgh, that they have made such arrangements with the Virgulla Illanoblelaiers and the Growers 01 the Wee", West Indies, and other places a. will insure a large and constant supply of the following descrip tions of Tobacco which will beaold upon as scrum. - oxidating ten. as any . other house la dna city or else where, where, and all goods ordered rano them will he war rant.' coital to represenlaUline— Havana; St.Tomutgo; Conn. • Yore; Porto Rico; Penn . .., SerdLeaf To Cob.: !gum; 'mid Florida, bacon; , ALSO—Branch's celebrated Aromatic Stag Caven dish, with a large assortment of other popular brands, sod qaalides of pounds, 5s Ps 12n ids and 225 Lampt Si dry. and Ids Plug; Ladies' Twist; Virgin,. Twist. .ke, sweet and plain, to whole and half bones, wood and on, together with every variety of article belong ing to the trade. .1. S. VICIKEV, • FORWARDING It EMISSION MERCHANT, .East Bearer Paint and Briilgttrater, COO•Tri Proprietor .4 Agent of maniere LAKE ERIE AND IMICIIIGAN, MOLT NATIVIMI PITT.• 01011 AND BRANTS, tVI IX be psepased on rashest opening of eonal na.- YY suasion to recesve property at his twister boat or Cwarehouse, for all yomus ou Erie Extension, L'Auns ut, and °ate Canals, for all ports on Lake Elie and upper Lakea. as Moo to Durward pnAloce, lc .14 Posen. Imovements. Apply to or address* pr fets2l,llf J. U. W. Lestwseb. JAS DICICEX, Seaver • J. G. W. LEFTWICH & CO., RECEIVING, FORWARDING, ' And Commies'.... Y•robants, DiRTICULA summon paid cousionments of 1 Sugar ills, Ellipses, or other arLic les for Opelousas sod Anakspas. REFER TO—Memn. Shelled & Lights's, Mr. Tho mas Limerick; New Orleaos. klessrs..Larlou&. gettersog Me. Z. M. Shelley; Lou. u Ile. Mews.' 11111 & Speer. SO. Wm.! Meaty, Robson Wmhtman. Armslsong & Ntebolsour Purabmgh. klesms.lteran,Toeld & Co.; Clumussu. Messrs.; Hynes & Craugbead, Mews. Edwards & Whiteall i lloo. Zenon Lathan., Ilou. Bohn Dutton; Plaquemine. La. . «16,1 y HA TDEN & COALS. FLOUR,. IPRODUtX AND UENERAL COMMIS SION •NERCHANTIS. No. 10, andith , a la harry Bklifinkki• O'PPM the,' *emcee to Merchants and Partners the sale of Floar.Graut and Produce generally, in the Dalt:more Market-and (MIS Oa et extensive auquain. Liner tumor purchasers and shippers, can itately war. runt .atisfietory nate.. Correspondents will constantly kept advired of the elate of the Markers, &o. Ryas in—Meaws. Wu, Wilson &Sons, Daze Rey. colds &. Son, Day nltion & Saunders, Reynolds & Pnuth, King k Carey; Baltimore Tingley, Caldwell & Englithi Philadelphia. • J }lawny Draper & Jones, New Vatic: • Dattimoreane 4 1,1417. CaAlO. 13E/LAI £ Co.! FLOUR FACTORS AND PRODUCE COM. - - - MISSION MERCHANTS.- T IBERAL out& ady.ciroi made on receijd a ton .lLd sir - menu , noire stunning totter address viral be rdtto threvroorths runic in advance in Cann, by aPPIY tog to our (nv tt% htessri. %Tanni-Ord &Tenho". Pintberiii. Messrs. Thos. lied*. Co tindgeport„Otuo. • Phitadvlnhta., May 3, 1t.41. vonriVdr 3. 1.1. Ail produce contigned too. I inntret when to the orarehoom of Wrolllngfonl lt - Tap tor. riusburptb, or at our mote to Phdadelpluo. C. b. t Co. NEW SIDDLEHE'IIIIIDWIRE STORE. • R',. T. LEECH, JR.. NO. 133 WOOD ST, PITTOBIJROII. i LAAV! NU repleuntted my 'noel , Iron lb ,. best se , ref I I l both dnemeate and toreleu I tale pleasure in an • femme to coneurnem and dealer* that I asppared to funnel% Om. with ail prods to my line on mil re better terms than heretofore. . litayeneerill neolleenhatdcaltneexclutovely" in Seta e r e tiariwars and Carnage Trimmings, I oh tam thrby adesnmee• that enable me to defy commune. Call, tee .ernd judge for yourselves spt7 kTeESTIIII7 - 7FORTA I lUfitO Ale HA killiViiitt -1 It °GAN & KENNEDY, iniftlyryhygn up AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN nAIALMAILIO, CUTLERY. Lc., . 1 No. 1M Wood II P TTIBORGII. A HE twin the coulees( reenving large atldrunne to iticir extrustee met of lianivrare, chased o Cutlery. Pad .ryi er.., othme, having__b