The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 26, 1847, Image 2

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    - .
THE PITTSBURGH GAZETZE.I retreated sauna" low plain to the rear oldie p;- Eldon they at' first 'occupied. Out law was 'cry
• ' heavy, and f regret to nisi, the some of the very
but offmen'of air army fell killed and wounded.
while the Mexican tossants vary slight, until they
commenced their retreat. While the cavalry
wen posing in }tont of the enemy, in order to
charge the cclumns of the launcers, they were not
under the fire more than ten seconds, and during
that time they sustained a loss of 6 others wound..
ed. 32 privates killed and wounded, and a loss of
105 boreal. There were but two officers that did
not have their horse. shot under them—hot there
is one thing eery remarkable, that the horses from .
which the riders had been shot, wheeled and mos.
el with • regularity, u though they had been
mounted, until they came to bait from the charge,
when they all kept on in a body in the direction of
. .
the enemy.
A letter foam Vire Cruz to the editor cif the N.
0. Picayune, dated Vera Cruz September 27th
AY MORNING, OCT. 26, 1847
' I RS rrisilsrarin DAILY Osarrrs IF pahltshnd
tptb.TriiWeekly, and Weekly.—The Daily is fleyrn
pollee per n onann tLe'rriAW or kly a Five Doilarrpa
among the Weekly is Two Dollars per anzinio
in advance.
FOVIJITLIT Cammersod lotellorence, Dommte Me,
/canf Neles,ltopons, Mouei tee., set
- -
yes fourth Page for 11111celiaaeosw News.
We omit oar usual variety today, to make room
for the following interesting details of the recent
battles in 'Mexico. Theroare other records, more
bloCidy, even than these, but one who has any re..
gard for the sanctity of human life cannot but be
startled even by such a record as this :
Front the Correspondent of the Deli.
At ten o'clock at night Gen. *orth ordered
Capt. linger to bring up a tarentj:four pounder
and ir teminch mortar to the garita or gate of San
Como, end having ascertained the bearings and
digance - Sf the grand plus and palace, at once
. opened • upon those point.. The heavy shells
were bend to explode in the very heart of the
city. At a little sake ',midnight Major Palacioe.
'Accompanied by two or three members of the
municipal council of the city, arrived at Gen.
Worth's haadqearters, and in great trepidation
informed him that Santa Anna and his great army
had fled, and that they wished at once to surren
der the capital. They were referred to the corn
=loader-In-chief, nod immediately started for
Tseubaya ; bat in the mean time the firing upon
the town ceased. ,
`At 7 o'clock this morning pen. Scott, with his
staff, rode in-and took quarters -in the notional
palace, on the top of which the regimental flag of
the gallant rifles and the stars end stripes were
already flying. An immense crowd of blanketed
!operas, the scum of the capital, were congroated
In the plaza u the commandetiniebief entered it.
They premed upon our soldiers, and eyed them as
though they were beings of smother world. hio
much were they in the way, and with inch ea
getnen did they wens around, that Gen. Scott
war compelled to order our dragoons to clear the
. .
pica. They were told, - bowever, not to injure
• .or harm a man In the mob ; they were all mu
. friends!
About five minutes after this; and While Gen.
Worth was returning to his division near the
Alameda, he was fired upon from a house near
the Convent of San Francisco. Same of the
- cowardly Polkas, who hod, fled the Joy previous
without discharging their gems, now commenced.
1 the asausin game of shooting at every one of oer they saw, from windows, as well la frtim
' behind the parapets en the ...Mess or tops of the
bounce. In half in hour's time, our good friends,
the lepers', in the neighborhood of the hospital
of San Andres and the church of Santa Clara,
also commenced discharging muskets and throw.
log bottles and rocks from the iszoteas. I have.
neglected to mention that just previews to this
Col. Garland had been etrerely wounded
musket, fired by tame miscreant from a window.
For several hours this cowardly war upon our
men continued, and during this time many were
killed or wounded. It was in this species of
flightiorthat Lieut. Sidney Smith received. his
death wound. The division of Pen. Twiggs in
' one part of the city, and One. \Veldt in another,
were soon active'' , engaged in . pelting down the
insurrection.. Orders were given to shoot every
• man In all the houses from which the filing came,
while the guns of the different light batteries
swept the streets in ell dITECtiOOB. As the rums.
sins were driven from ono house they would take
refuge on another; but by the middle of the
aftenthen they wete all forced back to the barriers
sod atiperbs. Maly innocent persons have doubt
jet. been killed during the day, but this could riot
be avoided.. Had Seders been given at the outset
. '
to blow up 'and slmolisti every house or church
from which one men was fired upon, the disturb
.. snap would havi,; , ?een at once quelled. As it is,
I trust thstithe koon the rabble end their mis
chievous leaders have.".ceived today - may deter
them from futtirnoutrages.
. ' snots lacers c a terrso.
Gen Pillbw Leingdissbied by hit wound, Gen.
Worth took the command of both his own division
'land that of Gen.-Taloa', end advanced along the
eiguedoct leading to the gates of , San Cirme
Gen. Quitotan, with his own comma il and Gen.
Smith's brigade. dilso advanced towards the city
by the aqueduct leading into the city at the gate
of Piedad, Which is commanded by the Citadel.
On each of theidutes the two adorns met with
a decided and stubborn resistance, and after the
. advance of Gen.. Worth's commend had reached
the gate of Son iGnome, the Gee W. so hot that
they were compelled temporarily to abandon it,
and 'did not make.. permanent lodgment well
toward. eve-Mogi when a iportion of the ser g e
train battery WY! brought Info action, as also a
piece or two of the mountain . howitzers, which'
hurled the shot and 'hell about the cars of - the
enemy a little hotter than they desired. Gen.
Quitman's column, with the rifles at their head,
;continued steadily and cautiously cm, taking
. position and breastwork as ahoy came in contact
with them, until they arrived near the gate of the
city. 'Here rho, firing was 113 heavy, lsith from
small arm. and tirtilleiy, that it was deemed pru
dent to carefully', reconnoiter it before atiarJcing.
Accordingly po Beouregard, of the engineers,
Lovell, of Gen Qoitman's limit. and Van Doren,
of Gen Smith'( at-IT, went forward to ascertain
the position ofi the lases They returned, and
1 / ,
rifles upon their mt. rt tho fles supported by a email
• force of torsion , were advanced forsvord, for to
purpose of pie og off the artillerist, which they
. did—being par ally covered by the acqueduct—
with the same uccess and accuracy as one of our
- Southern or W stern torn would equine's. This
rendered the sit Illi(10 of the Mexican artillerists so
uncomfortable t they were unable to stand to
their gone loni enough to loud than, and they
commenced mooing their guns, which was perceiv
*1 by Gen Quitman, and ha ordered a charge,
which was carried into eiaculien es soon as corm
':.mended, Lieut Stuart, of the rifles, leading the
_ • way. It captured the main work, with two pieces
of artillery, which Capt Drum turned on the re
treating- enemy. •
e Gm Quitman was himself among the first to
mount the breastwork and plant duo standard
thereon, at 1 o'clockgthe enemy then formed and
throatimes attempted to chargh as and retake the
' petition, but the unerring anti deadly fire of the
. Hiles, together with a volley of grape frog d..t.
Drum, so cut them to pieces that they would net
Approach nearer than rifle shTit. • The third time
they tried to advance under the cover of the arches
of the •ugueduct, but if ever - a Iderican poked
his head out for the purpose of slipping from.ono
arch to the ether, some rifleman would be sure to
put a WI through it. .
Monism Cox tier.—Thu General in-Chief re.
aired information that at Molino del Itey, where
stood several buildings, the Mexicans were at
work casting Cannon, shellc'shot, &c. Desiring
• to stop their Military operations, ho directed Gen.
Vl =h. with his division, supported by General
Cadwalader's Brigade, to attack and destroy the
place, on the morning of the 811 i, and then retire.
The buildings, which the ?dm...• C.-fa
dfata,bi intuited on the crest side of Chapultepec,
and within six pound range of the guru of the
hit. On the west side of the buildings, and the
breastwork. around them, is a largo open plain,
gradually descending to the position occupied by
the Mexicans—a deep ravine inclines round this
plain, or open space, until it autism within about
two btindred yards of the building upon which
rested the enemy's right flank—two 24 pound
errs, belonging to Cant -Huger' , siee train, were
plated= position to batter down the breastworks
and buildings, if they were round to be occupied
by a heavy fora—but they did not fire but a very
few *hour, before Gen. Worth ed i t:octal his infan
try down the plans, and sung ed the enemy 'is
works in • the front and centre. The Mexicans
opened upon them • most murderous fire from the
point attacked, and both their flanks, which mow.
ed down our troop like grass before the scythe:—
Many of the best officers of the division were cut
down, and the heavy luxo in the rooks canoed
the advance to waver for a moment, until the
supporting force came up, which also sustained •
Immo loss.
A column of tandem, numbering 4000 to 0000:
which were stationed on the enemy's right, per.
calving the etrcet of this deadly fire on our infant
ry, came charging down, in the hope of being
able to take advantage of circumstances, and put
ad troop to routa—but they were soon checked
in theft Mtwara career. Col. Duncan brought two
pieces of his battery to bear upon them, and Cap
• .
•tain Drum, the two recaptured Buena Yet
lie-pieces, opened his fire upon them—while
at the oment, Major Sumner, with two
anuachorm of dragoons, and Captain Hans coats
piny of mounted rifles, which, until then, bad
, been held in reserve, passed down under the fire
from the enemy's works, end charged the head
of Ibex column, which they could not stand for a
moment, and cosurrecce , ln confused and precipi.
.loni retreat.
. After that, they rallied twice, and attempted to
w:inn, but at each time our Ole handful of dra-1
genus nude them leave without exchanging cards.,
Walla the cavalry and infantry, tallying, succeed
ed to carrying the buildings end breastworks which
, tbs enemy held, nod compelled them to retreat—
,..; capturing 7 Omen of artillery, a quantity of am
. ,nultion . ,
small arme, &c., and . about 600 prison.
- Ai nod as they were driven from the build
.. lege, Capt. Brant and Col. - Duncan advanced
4beir lightlettmite,ond Lieut. Stone brought for
wird . pieof 05114 pooltdote, the whole of which
- nparldee Molt dietttictirkfireura I'l
A . gentlernan arrived this evening from Puebla,
confirms the report current that Cal. Child. had,
upon finding the citizens disposed to be hostile,
sent in abOut sixty nalire Americans, (bomb.
shells,) which exploded with fine elTect—smash•
ins a few Imams, and bringing the citizens, is
well as a pretty formidable 'force of guerillas who
had entered the city; to their senses.
• The gentleman left Puebla on the 17th inst.,
and at that time Santa Anna was in that part of
the city *copied by the hostile portion of the
Mexicans, and had given instructions that the
Americans should not be annoyed in any way
that might render it necessary that Col Childs
should again turn his gun. and mortars'-upon
the city.
The heights occupied by the Americana tom
boanding the city are well fortified, and have
on hand a supply of provisions,maficient to last
the commend several week..
CIETAIN WALkie..—The Wathiogton cone
potiont of the Baltimore Patriot, vindicates Cap
Min Walker as follows:
In a recent letter, I stated the mbstauce of a
suppressed portion of al,letter from Major Lally
to Col. Wilson, which d'orelt in severe terms upon
tho conduct of Capt. Welker and his command
in Mexico. It is but justi4e to Capt. Walker to
coy, that Aft ha. written to ' his brother, a highly
respectsble s resident of this city; and state. that he
has consented to ba placed under arrest; that the
men composing hi. command, and of whose sell
complaint has been made, were under the com
mand and acted under the orders of Col. Wyn
hoop, of the Pennsylvania volunteer.; that the
guerilla. whom he trotted so summarily jut after
his entail at Vera Cruz, were but six in number,
and that hie conduct on the occasion met with
the foil approval of General Scott. I have not,
seen Capt. Walkefa letter, but them things are'
stated in it, if I hare correctly understood his
brother, who has converaed with me on the sub
ject. I hare no doubt Walker has been
misunderstood by Major Lally, and much misrep.
resented by other..
The Herkimer convention. is to meet en Toes
day next. Accounts we have received this even
ioz from Note York saludy us that ite object i
is much scouted by the .great demecrary in (hi.
State so it is hers—Union.
' The above is about the cooled piece,of cdFicial
insolence we have seen far many a day. What
shouLl it matter to the party in New York wheth•
Cr the organ, or even the Executive, is satisfied or
not. One branch of the so called New York De-
mecum) , pronounces the other false to its name,
false to its principle", whereupon those refusing
to wear the collar are told by Mr. Polk's paper that
such independence is scouted at, at Washington.
We have na doubt of it. All manliness of char•
actor, all independence of action, is scouted at
Washing= by the party backs who are there
enthroned in power, and who live and thrive from
the public tresattry.•
When the Union thus dieconreeato New York,
it knows
,i it is talking particularly to more than
fat.; thousand postmasters and their deputies, who ,
arl' !mattered - over:Atm State. These four 'thou.
mud, with their employees, all partizans, and in
the service of the Government, swell the aggregate
to 16,000. This), but ono element of Federal
power in the great State of New York. The Cuss
tom Route is another, and District /morons,
traveling agents are other. atilt. The President
may feel that be has a. right to hold these men in
his thumb, and, to exact of ther' any sonice.—
Hence his warrant for telling tho world what is
ecOuted at, at Washington.
The Washington Uni. , -r Oct. 21. t save, that .
'the member of Gen Re ,•• • ,reps When cencen-' ,
crated and united, iucl.:r.c, these en route and
thou being enrolled, no it tam will be as follows:
lit. Troops detached fro: . 1 Gen Taylor, 2957
repined by Got Wilson, up to
- 14 July, 3939
3J. Troops arrived at Vera Cron up to Sept.
9th. Retulars, 2115
•I rived " "
9th. Volunters. 2631
Tilsits en route, Volunteers, (torn Kentucky.
Indiaqa, dcc.. 592.)
Battalion of 5 companies from Mita, 400
To which rosy be added Col Hay's Ree
ere, 'estimated at. 500
Swotting tho total to
We tear all this is but so many troops an paper.
'rho Union has been telling a. for the year past,
what the Administration designed and what it
would do, bet no far, there has been mare of tali
then deedo.
RLVLICZ Laws.Tbe Tariff of 1846 affixed
a duty of 20 per cent. on Flawed, and but 10
per cent. on Linseed• ; Importers for the purpose
of easing the 10 per cent, entered all es Linseed,
and the article has always been known in the East
Indies under the heed of Linseed. Mr. Secretary
Walker has recently issued orders to Collextora
of Ports to clime it all as Flaxseed, sod charge
twenty per cent deity upon it, which ban been paid
under Protest, and will thus be making a fruitful
'OUTGO of litigition.
Strange that Mr. Walker, who has so strenu
ously contended. for the principle "that the foe
tho duty, the greater the teTCPUC, " should take
advantage of the tint occasion to belie his does
trine by his acts! If revenue were his object. and
his'theory correct, why not let it remain at the
lesser duty! But where shall we find consistency
among the Loco Focosl
Pyrrsec arm.—The Philadelphia Ledger speaks
of the 609 houses mentioned by us as haring gone
up since the fire, as evidence of -a "wonderful re
suscitation." The Ledger is mistaken in suppr.
sing this number to be all the buildings erected
since the fire. 4Ve spoke of the number erected
on the burnt district. The whole number erected
Birlett April 10, 1845, the day of the fire, is not
less than two thousand, to which may be added all,
the houses which base gone oil in Allegheny,'
Birmingham, Sligo, Manchester, and the neigh.
hatband generally. These thriving places are all
port and parcel 'of Pittsburgh, and derive their
chief elements of prosperity from the city.
Eo aorasas Arlene r.--Lisingston, Well, &
No. 10, Well street, New York,hase recently es•
tabli.bed an European agency, which is highly
'recommended by Esetern Journals. They hare
offices in Ns.. Ywk, Horse and Par,., and will
attend to all the Exchange., transmittances, orders,
&c, of merchants or other business men of Pint.
burgh and the west, with the utmost fidelity, care
and despatch. We refer our reader. to their card.
The Baltimore Patriot of the 22d inst. nays:—
it is a curions fact, that the first authentic Mirth.
genre received hero from General Scott's army,
describing the battles of Contreru and Ch.:rubes.
co, has creaser! the Atlantic, been published in the
English paper, and !tent back again by the Cam.
The occupation of T by Austrian troops
seems to have brought its own punishment. It is
laid that the Austrians hivelven struck with dye.
entary, which has made such havoc among them,
, that the commandardlnding that be cannot men
the ports, hoe been compelled •to evacuate the
guard boon and the barrack', and confine his
troop, to the citadel. ,
Lient Jotursoa whose death we have announa
ed by battle, wu the son of Ab i .mander Johnson,
of Westmoreland who has had threo ea" end two
opium in the.war.
' Cdnararownenca.— Ou r readers. will fitul an
it:garaging letter tru ; e Lleetpool,-ander oar earn
mareial head. We hope to melee seimilar latter
. .
by teed Ammr, .. _
QUO Wanttawro.—The duprems Court have
natyet given their opiniOn upon the motion of Mr.
MoCandlas to quash thO writ of quo Wairanto,
in the CUB of Judge Burrell, acting President
Judge of the 10th Judicial District, It has been
min:aired by the city piassihat the motion would
prevail, and the writ be quashed, on the ground
that no perion could ,:pestion an appointment of
the Governor but the Attorney General, and
much as be • has not seen proper to question
the validity of the appointment, the procedure is
irregular, and mud be dismissed. This, we be.
Hese, was the law of England, from whence
we derived out laws.
' The writ of Quo Warrant° was in the nature
of a writ of right for the King, against period
who claimed,oxercised, or usurped any office, lib
erty or privilege, belonging to the Crown, •to in.
quire by what right or authority they...did ad.—
And the writ could only lea issued by informa
tion filed by the King's Attorney General, in the
Caurt of King's Bench; and efterovards, by ripe.
chit act, io the Court of Exchequer, fur infring
-1 went of the Crown's Prerogatives, of which the
—for, in presumption of law,
s present in his Courts Wheat'
Judicis7 was one,
the King is alt Way
4161. of hi. subjecw,—,spordi
freely. without root, and fully
and determine the
ly, without delay
without any denim'
Our Constitution and government are en.
tirely different from that of Great Britain.—
flare,. the , People are the Sovereig,ns, and the
most _humble may at any time question the au
thority by_ which persons sit in judgment--upon
their rights. To clothe the Executive of a Re.
publican Government with the attributes of Roy
sly, and say that no man should be permitted to
question the validity of Ms Judicial appointments,
except upon the information of the Attorney Gen
eml—a.cseett4e of his power, dependent daily
upon the reprices of his master for a continuance
of his office, would be a species of tyranny more
absolute than that °sauteed by European Mon
archs. The opiniims of a co-ordinate branch of
the appointing power might be set at nought—
and the right of the eiiiimn degraded below
that of the sub/ref. for even the latter has the
right, by Statute 9th, Queen• Ann, c. 29, to make
information in the nature of Quo Warrant°.
Wo think the impressions of the city pre., are
without plausible foundation. We shall eco:
ROIL ESTATE is valued in the burliness portion
of the city at $3OO per foot front, while in the een.
ire of the city building kts, may be purchased for
from $4O to $lOO foot: The St. Louis Union
mys there is nothin like n settled price foe Real
Estate in that city, he prices on improved streets
being altogether high when compared with other
So it is in nor city. Lot+ on Liberty, Market,
NVood and Water s recta. will command very high
prices, while lota f ether from what is now the
business portion of the city. can lie obtain", at a
much less price. tput be the value what it may,
at present investme , its in Realty in Pittsburgh are
desirable. The rapid increase of population, busi
ness, wealth and commsrco of our city, enhances
the value of real 4ate annually to a degree scarce
ly creditable. We published a table same weeks
since from the .-Isces. is books, which shears the
Macste to be 1 1.3 . .er cent in the old wards 1, the
Isla two pmts. ,! ctwithstanding the great' draw
back sustained by i.eason of tire. In the new wards .
1 the increase hat about thirty Eve per cent fur ..
the last year. 1— ...
!ureama Cniectwv..—At the Athehtentri, on
Tuesday (this) evening, several hundred cf. Pro.
fester Binhloo l a pupils will give a - Concert.—
The novelty itself will, we have no doubt, be aut.
ficiently attractive to bring crowds to the ?pricel
hen iwo announce. at we new do,
upon the authisiily of those who have beard, and
woo have cepWity Stow thetr own acquirements
'to judge, that there will be same pierce perfumed
requiring marital skill of no didinary character,
we pre . sumo to say the !louse will scarcely be able
to contain the audience.
The lleartatra S.tonat —We owe an apolo
gy to the manager. of the Soiree far not noticing
bath their kind ir.vaati.n, 10 their agreeable en
tertainment. The. evening, we are a+ eyed, was
d fig .dolly spedt, and every provilian, of manic.
lut ng, &c. ntunifient.. 'roe attendance was
not large, but the grace and beauty of the la.
die. imparted real pleasure to all who wore pre.-
A at. r Grn h.darnry.late
ernor of CaUldroia, accompanied by his family.
arrived at tha Mohongahnin nowt., yesterday, en
runic for %Vathington. The ll.m. Wm. J. Arch
er, late Senator from Virginia, and the gallant
Col. Churchill. of the Army, uric.' also.. co
Saturday. Our Hada are now crowded.
Ora PUBLIC \Cutlass—The Pa. Canal and
Railroad are reiraired.fram this city ta Holliday«
burg. 'rho duidata Division will ho made ready
fur the Spring ttrede. The Ilarrisburgh Argue
up* the break at Dancer:Co Wand will be repair
ed in the courati of a week, when navigation will
be uninterrupted between Havre de Grace and the
bead of the North Branch Division.
Profuse. Hueaoca gale 'a most agreeable mu
gloat noire. at his stridence last evening, our
ted apace will not admit of n proper notice, tbs.
TUC. were 'it Cll.ll tleforo the Mayor co
Monday attuning. tut &auk..s and eavaucy.—
They were (Lapsed of in rho usual tray—fine
■od imprisonment.
Gran or (21,111,6 St3.lo3,P.—.Phi. Court
commenced it session on Mondey. In the fart
noon, 1:13.1n. was done, wile from the preliminary
keine. of receiving the canstablee returns, ea!:-
jag nod Registering rho Creed and Petit Juriora ,
charging the Grand Jury. rand reading over the
trial list.
In the aftereoen;the following cases were diter
rand di:— .
Commonwealth no Or Geo Felix—lnformation,
intuit and battery, on oath of John WHeury,—
S& Prot, by roomer, . payment of evea.
Commonwealth v. Jim. Scott, et al,—lnfar.
motion, assault sod buttery. on oath of Natick
Maranieg,-00 '2sth 1.847, Valle Pros, by corteent
on payment Of - Coot.
Commonwealth as Patrick Manner, of li—ln
formation. arrault and battery on oath of James
S c ott, N r ll, r o r, hy.cortsent. 011 payment of coot.
Commons. Ith as Catharine Meehau—lnfra.
motion, Start of the. Peace on oath of Sarah
HUM,. settled Jy consent., on payment of coos.
Coromenare hh us Edward Dawary-Indictment,
I.areeny—pro erty stolen was a watch, lit plead
goilty,rerna ded for rontener.
C o mmonwealth as Francis Rod•Aph, Inflame
lion, Surety of the Pear, on oath of teeth Itu•
dolph. On he-Irina the (Loot sentence the Mt to
pay the costs • till otter lour roeogro cm. in $lOO
wtth surety to keep the pears 14 one yo u r.
Commonw alth se Jacob Cathn—lotormation,
Surety of the loses—the use wa. not coro hided
when the Co rt adj ournol, lilt to-rowriosr at 14
o'clock A. M.
ouirr, Oct. '3 , 1, I.ll7.—Prr.llt all
the Judge..
• George Th mpeon v Fanny Clerk, error to the
Court of Co Men Pleas of Westmoreland slo•
ty. ludgme revemed and a venue lacier
novo awards - , -Opinlon of the Court by Howe
Court of Conit4
• John Pry'i Margery Simpler, error to the
II riCat of Wanbtogton county.
.Submitted without argument, by Mr McKentiatt
for Plf. in error, end by Mr Veacti for Def. in
Thomas Ibibinsin J 6 •el Tyro Robinson. error
to the Court lot Common Pleas of Washington
county. Judgment of Non Pros.
Brush McCrocry, ct al, vs J ames Mifflin, error
to the Courtl of Common Man of Wwhington
county. A.wreit by Mr Marls and Mr McCan
dless for Plff. in error, 711 r McConnou for Dlr. ha
lames Slovenson et al vs Commonwealth.
error to the Court of. gosltor Sessions for
Washington county, Judgment affirmed witbrtut
Hiram Linton vs n Butz, error. to the Court
of Common Plows of Washington county. Argo.
cd by Mr Watson for Plff. in error, Mr McKee.
non for Oft. in error.
David Berg Son. vs Rohm t If Moon?, of al,
error to tho Court of Common Pleas of Fayette
courtly. Argued by Mr Orford in Plff. in error
Mr Patterson for Wt. in error. •
Tat IL S. Ship kfaciiiloniao r arrived safely at
New York on Friday lut, after a wormy weep
of 95 dip; top Gni:mock.
Corre•raodeLce of the Pitt.lturgh Guerre.
Now Yon:, Oct. 21, 1847.
The effect of the nears by the Cambria has not
been violent, but it has done much in adding to
he genend distriret that before prevailed. The
condition of financial affairs in England is bad ba•
good parallel, and are only to be compared with
the panic of 1836 and '37 with us, but even those
WWII are not a fair standard, a. the lone. of En{
lend make the .mafl loisen of the United State. at
that time appear bit:l:rig. Specie, in the bet con•
fiklenco of bills, wavers, and is sent both to and
from England in small amounts, and the future
must show whether the tide of gold is to turn for
or against us. The Banks here are inereuing
their coin, torn new government loan most ba
called for 11000, and it remains to be seen, abun
dant as is our money market, whether the amount
Wanted can be bed without caution trouble in the
A. the season advances, trade in all branches
quickens. end the trule of the present week is
larger thee far a long time. The packets 'for the
South, New Orleans, Mobile, Charleston and 8s•
mannah, work day and night in loading, and often
fill up in three or four days. The South stands
high in the estimation of our merchants, from the
promptness with which last year's debts have teen
paid, and the large amount of cash purchases of
the present season. The rush of goods South
makes the want of cousin chips more felt. AD
agent from Savannah is now heist to get the money
for a IILIO to that city, and with good norms thus
far, the profit of the Charleston iine aiding bites.
timates very much. A. an evidence of eteemben
profits n may be mentioned, that the Bay State
on the Fell River line to Boston, has made thee
far at the rate of $50,000 for the euneon. This
le the more remarkable as there are three other
routes to Boston ae good as the Fall River.
The Loco Focus are in sad trouble about the
. State election, and nono of them have the courage
to hope for sum., The Wilmot Proviso model
the party bold a econeideretion meeting" at HU*
kimer, and the result will be fatal to the hopes of
Loco Four since.. The best pert of the party,
with a timeliness before unknown, are detatminOd
'to etick to the right, and demand that no mdre
Slave territory eked be lidded to the Republic.—
The drill sergeants of the general governue
(the Custom Hour and Post Offiee,) on the ot tr
hand, call this contest for principles an atte mptto
embarees the government in the prosecution of
the war, and have called another rally at Te a
ny Hall, to eupport the war and go for any mt
eIUrOS that the general government proposes.
Illinois is denied the Bishop chosen to assist
her now disabled dine..., upon a reason that will
seem strange, and that, ignorance. It was found
that the able clergyman, chneen for the highest
honer the Episcopal church knows, was not a vrell
learned men in racred hietory, and unable'to read
the teachings of the early fathers, molees in his
mother tongue. Eminent piety and extended
means of usefulnese were not denied him, heti the
neceney of a learned teacher was thcight equal Is
his rejection. The new canons that' affect ,Dr.
Onderdenk aro now under debate, which is carried
on with great spirit, yet with kindness. A great
number of small kmendments are proposed, and
the result thrown into doubt. The next session
of the General Convention will be held at Cin
cinnati. In affairs of Church, as well ns of State,
the great M'est is now asserting her claim for at.
tention. The tide of population has been West
so long that the centre has teen changed' to a
point Wert of the Mountains, and•we moat now
wait upon those who fur eo long have come East,
from which the balance of power has deputed.
Stocks to-day have broken down quite, and the
doming debt of the government (Tenney Notes)
down to 101, and flat at the lowest point they hare
ever touched. Peensylvanla s's sell at 741, which
is a great falling off;. Ohio 6's sell et par; Illinois
Bonds 42, and Indians 41. Fancy Stocks metro
cheap that quotations are useless, and no remark
necessary farther than to say that pellets prevail.
The Chinese Junk, once a lion with us, but
now quite cast off, hoe at last cleared for Boston,
I and will be towed round by a steamboat. She
llgoes through the sound, and is without a doubt
the most curious craft that seer disturbed the lea.
tees. She has been extremely profitalle, and
though without bee strange crew, must be a rare
The steam barque Edith. built by • Boston
house for the Canton trade, has been boeght by
the government, and gins to Vera Crux arhh.lls
men for the army t,. morrow. No lies thin t2OO
men have been sent off within a month, and 10,-
000 within a year, from this city alone. An
amount of men !Ike this misted, may well camp
remark. and make us ask, indeed, what we are
lighting for and when this suttee, of life is tee
end. •
In the markets there is not much to notice. In
Flour the business 'dome is moderate, and prices
ma quite so 13. 1 0,-46.50,6,62. is about the mark
for Genesee. and good Southern Corn 72•75comid
net • large demsrd gate 4040 e. Genesee
Wheat Ifni, with a small sale. Pork is rip to
$14.505515 for Mese, Primo is wanted. Beef is
without much trwl. except in small Inv. Lard
riie. Butter and cheese are coming in with woes
abundance, but prices are the same.
The Ilrltltn Iran Manttfweture.
IV,th rrferenc. 7n Mt rake of Mechanical skill
ct,tl Luba;
Tu show bow cheaply iron is obtruned,•ml how
the mechanical and labor expended upon it
uiretahadovr the original prier, a late
bet of the Ilritiah Quoted,' Review gives the fol
lowing cutlets and marueuve calculation .
Bar-iron, worth .£1 sterling, is worth, when
converted intn—
ones (table,)
Pemkndn blades
Polistiml buttims and buckles, U 0
Balance springs of Watches, 511,000 00
Cast Iron went, JA sterling. is worth . when
ennvert•d tolo—
Ordir.ty machinery.
I,log, ornamental work.
Bucklow m. 11141141 work
NorFt chstrog. &C
Shirt I,utt.lus,
Thirty-one pounds of Shropshire iron tines
a•eo made nil., mite 0pM•16.15 of /II DAPS in
length. end so fl , ie ma. the fahlie. that a pall of it
was hum.,niu,iy remarried. io hen of the home
hair, Intl a harn.ter'. wig. The proems followed
to ff.rct this e stranrilinat y tenuity, consists of
heating the iron, and passing it through toilets of
eight inches diameter, going as the rate of 4CO
revolutions per minute, down to N 0.4 on the wire
gene. It t. attersowd• drawn cold, at Birmingham
olsotehere,down to the extent of 38 on these=
palm and al completed to the surprising length.
of t I I miles. Of the quantity of iron manufactured
in Great .Britain, South Wales produce. 570,500
tuna; Staffwdehire, 539 ; 500; Shropshire, 81,250,
Sentient!, 37,750; Yiiiitshirr, 33.000; Derbyshire
22,500; and North Wales, 25,000.
'wen RIMILT Fueu.—ilie General Exec*.
bye Committee lot the relief of Irdaml, are about
bringing their operetion. t. a close, end :from re•
ports made at a notating held yeaterilly, it appoints
that .tout $76,000 worth of protium had boon
I,r:warded from our pert to rho relief of the people
111 Ireland by the Committee. In a diror two a
full report of the procectinge of the Committee
A CourrEUTRITZU named Joshua :Mill, was
arrested in Boston last weak, having . 9 Ni
eon counterfeit hills with signature, on the Mar.
Welland Bank, Nashua Bank, Gardinet Babk. Mar
onJ Adams Dank, North Adamit,fflass, and un—
signed hills un the Warcester Bank, Auguati'
Bank, Maine, and the Atlantic a,ilank, Boa,
IL PETUI XEN E.q., has prosecuted the editor
tho llorro.hurgh Argus for libel. Both Loco.
1l ores uau ore VocnrlON—The VrOree. ter
Trkgroph coy. that is dentist In the kind of steady
halms hits been doweled in going too tenderly to
work at the mouths of some of his felecustomers;
Madame Albertarel, the favorite Vocalist, 440,
at her tomidenco in 84 John?. Wood; aged 35.. v
Her health, which ban been declining for a long
time, ended in a rapid commiiiption. • :
The Very lies Dr Timon was Sunday Coosa
crated in New York ,as the Hoiden Catholic Dish,
01/ of Durban. The ceremony wu performed by .
the night Rev Bishop. Hugh.. of New York,
Henrick, of Philadelphia, end Fitepitriek of Dos.
A patent hes been taken out for-tlin disposing
with cowing in the manufacture of abide, cellar.,
and linen article.. The pieces are fastened to.
'alit, by indinsoltible glue.
According to the Now York Tribune, there is
at prosent en shaming warcity of Lacks to that
city; and it chronicles the fact that fifty thousand
pedaled at Ms recently. while o n th e i r way
Those who have faith in depletion, rosy feel
thin scarcity to be an evil; but it admits of r easy
proof that other varieties of bloodeackeni us
abundent.—Phfl New.
Diortaucisumr Yterreart—Tbe Marchioness
of Wellealey, a grand daughter of Chula Uarroll,
of thirrolltoo, accompanied bylier relative, Mr.
WTavirh, expected to embeds at the cleas• of
the past week for the United Stites, cm a ileit to
her tunny connectioniin this comoup,
'OS EIMIIISCiOO prisoners was. recently pad
elf at New Wass. They numbered in all
ninety-two MOP. and Up* Bum fns the 4 0 1 6
newly 017,000 for tali aimless.'
Correspondence of the Piusberzh Gazette.
Cincinnati, Oct. 25, 4, P. ?A
There have been very he/my mine is Chic •icin•
it,, daring the last three days. All our canals are
more or lets damaged- The *aqueduct on the
Miami canal has been washed away. The. extent
of the injury to our public improvementa and pri
vate property bee not yet been ascertained, but
from present indications it will be very large.—
The rise in the little Miami is unprecedented, and
the destruction of property immense.
The Railroad bridge flu been carried away, and
the road otherwise injured. The Ohio it now
,leiog very fast.
The Essrzlor Ttcaoaaru is outorder. We
have nothing of interest from the army to publislEi.
save the additional accounts of the killed : and
wounded. Of them we have already given such
a ciitalogue u will make the heart of every good
citizen depressed. Shall we fill our column. with
morel Those who gloat .0 fatten open such
new., and only regret that Pittsburghers ware not
reported among the killed and wounded. we think
would be more than satiated, were they to scan
the mournful column.. We forbear their publics.
!ion at present.
Aa every manila the Onion a interested in sees•
ring a proper arrangement of the Telegraphic Sys.
tem, and as Pdblin and Private Right. are assailed
by the monopdliting pretrnaiona of Messrs 11 , 03
Smith and Amm Kendall, controllers of Mone's
Patent, it is now become a matter of general impel
lance to ascertain whether those personages ea
really monopolise and control the whole business o
'Telegraphing in the United States. With the per
pose of bringing their arrogant pretensions to the
teat of low end justice, I challenged them to pot
their threats into execution, if they dme, by institu
ting inch legal proceedings as would eflectually
show to the Amencen people winch patent (Moron's
or mine) was most or least valid, and which of the
invention. (hie or-mine) wu the meat valuable for
accuracy and safety, as well as expeditious in trans
mitting Telegraphic b“inest,
Mr F 0 J gm Smith and Mr Amos Kendall have
visited Cincinnati, threatening nthonary "prone.
Rom" for alleged "infnngement of Morse'aPatent."
My Letter Printing Telegraph "wea worked suc
cessfully to altos+ its power, on the long bare be
tween Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, and Cincinnati
and Louisville—thus falsifying their assertion. and,
defying their threats.
I addressed them a private Inner, and afterwards
challenged them pablicly, to commence prosecution
against me, that the Amencan People could thus
officially determine whether they or I were right or
Erßut Messrs F 0 J Smith and Kendall, eller all
their calumnies and threats of pfosecution, instead
al promptly bringing the matter before the tribunals
of the United States—SHRUNK FROM 'THE
CONFLICT which they had denounced against me
, —NOT DARING to encounter that THOROUGH
TENSIONS would meet mai in the -COURTS of
Under these circumstances, I now no longer delay
my return to the city of New Nett, to furnish the
LETTF:R PRINTE:Rn" required
or use on the Dew Telegraph liar now constructing
by the "New Jersey Telegraph Company" between
' Philadelphia and New York—at either ,Or bath
. of which cities, I will be always ready to teat the
question, in legal form, “whether Morse's Patent or
my Patent is trIOST or LEAST VALID; sod wheth
er Messrs F O .1 Smith and Kendall (controller. at
Morse'. Patent) have an cycles's., monepory or the
Telegraph system in the United States."
ID - As for the calumnies puhltshed by a Kentucky
paper .In. Mr Kendall's fait to that Import, the
best refutation of them is, that, so far from the es.
penments with my Instruments proving uemtiafac.
tory on the line when tried between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, and Cincinnati and Louisville, the con
structor of that line (Mr O'Rielly) has ordered a
large supply of them to be ready for use either-in
dependently. or in connection with other Inatry
menu, on she lines which he ban already or may
hereafter construct, in completing the "Atlantic,
Lake sod Muesibrippi Telegraph," and the only rear.
son 'why the two 'Letter Printers' made for Mr
°nett; are new bored up for New York, is because
he had consented to let them be used for modela in
constructing otbers with greater espealtuon thaw
could be done from mere drawing. of the machine
ry—Mr O'Rielly baring also consen.ed that these
model. shall be used for working the New Jersey
Company'. Telegraph Line, in case others cannot
be constructed in season—as requested from Mr
O'Rielly by that Company.
As allusions have been made to the English l's.l
tent, granted for my Letter Printing Telegraph..
ongmal invention, when Morse's Telegraph was rek
fused an English Patent for its want of originality,
' it irleroper lon me to mention that my Partners (De.
side Mr Millard) in the British patent are .ARRAS
HAM BELL & SON, of New York, ore of the
oldest and most rerpectrd commerciel,bouses in
I .Arnerica; at whose expense and trouble, or .t the
espenne of persons with whom they made arrange:
meats, Patents were secured tor me invention. not
only in Great Ilritain and her COlUtllee, bat in van.
ass bther countries of Europe. My assailants, NOT
DARING to etinibit their pretensinner and their
calumnies to the ordeal of the UN rrt.:o STATES
COURT, sre welcome to all the capital they can
mow manulacoare from their falsehoods about my
SlallOrtglitT, .3 well as about Om Letter printing
Telegraph—which Telegraph, whatever its other
character-llama m
ayore, has one important merit, in
aiding ( with othe entmos) to render the .siNIER
POLIZ I NG OPERATIONS - of Messrs h 0 J Smith
and Kendall in the busitess of 'Telegraphing.
CIFICIDG.II, October 10, ISM
In the name and by the authority of the Com•
eiwinessith of Penneytrania. •
Fellow Citizen. God is great and good. It
fa our duty to adore M. greatness. to acknowl
edge H. goodnen, to canine to Him oar
end humbly implore their forgiveness. It le fit
and becoming that we ehotild do so, not only I.
individuals, buses a Commonwealth of free cal
ems, who during the past yew have received
numbered benefits at His hands
Under His griardlanehip, our tee
founded by the wisdom of the Fathers of the Re.
public, have been premised to us inviolate. We
• have richly enjoyed all our civil said social oriel.
loges, and the right to worship God is oar can. .
sciences dictate. We have been Reserved from
wasting pestilence. Enterprise, in Its vartous forms
ha. been •arnertly put forth, and btu yielded a Wei
return. The fruits of the earth hive been gather.
ad in abundance and safety. Our garnets en fill.
ed with the finest of the wheat, to minivan to our
' own wanO and to the necessities of the distant,.
Iteelligence and morality have steadily advanced,
eustalned and invigorated by a pure and heavenly
n whose institution* and ordinances, anent
lied by any alliance with the State, continue to be
cherished by the voluntary,devotion of the people.
end though In the righteous judgments of God,
We have been Involved In the direful calamities of
war, yet we have not bent jived up to fah:ince of
heart, bet the noble courage and conduct of our
soldiery have wrought Or us victory in the midst
of ilange4.
In view of all this goodness, I do hereby to.
commend Thursday, the Roth day of November
next, to be observed as a day of solemn thanks.
giving to Almighty God; and thak the citisemspf
this Commonwealth do atertaln an that day from
all their ordinary wcalily arroaalons.-essembli
in their respecpse places. of worshlp—humble
themselves be the Almighty for.thelysine Intl
*ideal and nn. nal—render Him their hearty
thanks for His y and great mercies deprecate
the judgments oar tranegremlons have 11/ofiW
Watch Him 11140eace may be speed', 'restored,
and that the b age we no* _so richly enjciy,
may be continued to us and to ours, down to the
latest generation, and that the whole family - of man,
united in one vast brotherhood, may share In His
highea mercies.
Given under my.hand, and the Great 'Beal 'of
the State, at Harrisburgh, this nineteenth day
of October, In the year of oar Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and forty.orren. and of the
Commonwealth the eoventywecood.
Dr cue Govestoie. • • ' J. Maxis.
Secretary of Crintmontrealtk..
The Hon. Hoaxes. T. Corium, the principal
Editor of . the North Awaken and U. B. Gazette
heppening, on Tuesday erasing; lobe gear tbe
office of Mr. Charles Alexander, when the , fire
lo dlsoosered, blatantly rushed Into the office,
and though condi impeded bide stains inookeend
strong beat, succeeded in rescuing pal only sem
paper contaised Iln thpl desk, but--the Fire Proof
Itself. ft is to be enacted solely to his may
camp and decade* eitlon, that they sten saved,
and-our brethern of the Press will thin our
pride that an pliant en eat wee performed by one
of the craft. I .
Wz have seposal anziniudeatkin in had
whkhauill boa Ozes to-mower.
117Natinar-2Ae,Yenni Yin'. Akron,Ale Latt.l/
diem/dation and Jig luaus Instientebeing nrnir tampers.
would respernAdly when &mallard of Dodo,cao.
oil, mineral npeelmens. models, gd.i frank die poldle
generally,. All deflations' will be dnly acknowledged.
(10- . .
Auseasse Choneray. , —Pereoni having bonne.
with the Ailabmltrr Seasetry, will chime call at the
Dike of J Secretary, Mart Water Cl.
1348A1..scruRbsiEbeitkurni the u mexend s of ibe EN iasers
u.O l.
000 r..a alog nezi. Mb lotto this Ha aßoozll of 60
Bt Pies glabOa pal iitlßPi MU 1 4 to l l!!
The MOWS of nos, to am, star"
alt / " osiq proosioa it al thipda
Tie o
th. door
1 :4:ro ' Tickets
- coo 140 ogoallioassi ? 00 COWL •
„„ 1 8 47. •
TIMORK AK) rigiLAßELguig...
Time to Balumore.•.. . t • h . u „ .
Timeto .....
(Only 73/41es Stagi
) T HEmid fammailina C 011.141, LOU
i. McLane and swan... bane commcnced'mekieS
double daily trips. One boat will leave the Mononga
beta wharf every :naming preenely ale olclocks
Passengers by
i the morning line will artive Italtintote
Revening n lime Mt, e Ike Philadelphia klml Boa or
Rail Rood ears. The eventing Mat will leave the
what! daily at 6 okloek, caveat Sundays. Pane nger.
.by due boat will lodge =Want, II; comfortable state
room.; leave Biotin:male nest rimming at 6 o'clock.
MO toe mountains in day Iltht; sup and lodge in Com
betlmid. Theo avoiding nig t travel altogether The
preparations on thiamine erg Mph, and the
complete; eo that disappolatment. or delaye wilt
known upon it.
Pateengets eon stop on the route and remme their
seats again et plenoute,and have choice of Rail Road
or Steamboat between Baltimore and 'Philadelphis
Beadles chattered to mance to trove! as Mcv desire,
Semite year tiekell St the office, Monongahela Howe,
or St Charles Betel. J
oca _
New Spoke
GRAIIAAFS Dish. Synonomm, 1 vol, 11 mo. sip
LK 011endorra German Grammar 140
Adler'. German Reader 140
Ge.ennts' Hebrew Gram-nag by Rodiger 1.00
Gui.V. Monty of Civilisanon, 1 vol. O. mo 1,00
Arnold's Lectures en modern bMan. 1.25
011endorff "a French Grammar . 1W
Rowan's modern French reader 74
Collot's Drama." 1,00
Fora.' elemental , " " 50
Sureune. Frene DictionorY 1,50
Key.. French nnd German Gra/11111.1.
Mandeville's Cantwell' readant 75
Itend's English Dictionary 1.00
Taylor's manual of modern lowory 1.50
.' IllielClll 1,.1i
II " 111 1 vol,complete 214
Arnold'. aeries ef Lalat and Greek naokr—rusi teed;
for de by JOHN H 111F.LLOR
1 . ..; El wand at_
r Mean. Reed & Cutler—l feel it a duty I sate to
my fellow creatures to wets somethndotore respecting
your Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam. Since I brat used
the Uslcana about eleven years ago, the happy effect of
which I tnen gave an account of. I have had accrual
severe complaints uttfatmeks at my laner—°•• a In w
day, since—ard sn evisry itumnce I have toed the Balt
sain alone with complete and perfect meccas. It ham
effected relief and cute in a very few days. It is cert
tainly a safe medicine. Ido not know that it Will cure
a fixed cnnsamptton. but I believe it will he in many
case.. preventative, and prr ventom is better than cure.
I do therefore, for the lone of my fellow men, earnestly
recommend the nor of this Haltom, to all pulmonary
maple nil. I am confident that it bus been the means
of preserving my life to thts day.
Basta XIN
I3mlon, June 18, ISO.
-Fold by ft A FAUN FIBTOCK tr. CO., corner of Vint
1 .
and Wood; alio. corner of oth and Wood sin. rsetAl
Land for Sale.
I 8 offered fag sale, five acres of Land in Upper St Clair
Towns p n Allegheny county, Pa, &miming Lands of
Mrn.Sylvestor nod others. The new Washington turn
pike erunsd. T acrms this
tri cream Laud. It is pan
om and part
vroodionhere of water through
nlt is convenient or church, school, and nulls. It would
make • very desirable country seat
Arco—Five acres, more or less, being pail of the eaten
tram lying at me lurks of die little saw mill ran road,
and the toad leading from the Wmbington turnpike iu
the new tampike, and adjoining !Ands of Jan Henry,
F Shank, and others. Thu lot has also a-stream of wa
ter mussing ihrimgh it, and anew, linim .pang- Phis
lot is beautifully si lusted IR a vaticy between three
II ills, and fs Mout three mhes from the Ohio river at
Any person vinatnog to purchase will call m R C
:doh art., near the premises, who will show the prole.
-any, or the itetterataned who wall make known the
rerms. A rood Title wall he peel.
oetrawlF 10111:7 GILFILLEN, Arearnee
A First. Rats Farm for Sala.
subscriber offers far sale We larva whereon he
1 resides, in South Huddlo Tow/twine, A rnistrong Co.,
to., one hundred and seventy acres; lOU cleared, • two
story dwelling house, a bank Barn, an Orchara of choice
erigrafted frau t tea, abundance of Coal, and otter lad
ing water Spring. and a large meadow. irides the Al
legheny river, and 7 wiles from Sleeps 4es low and
Li well adapted fur cropping or raneng emit.
For further parmulais apply o tee proprwtor tiring
on the farm, or to Robert Henderson warm James si.,
Alit ay city. PIcINTII
Turnpike Election
TRS. Stockholder. of the hlotiongah-la and Coal lull
Turnpike Road Company ate hereby fouled that
an Elacnon for Premdeot, ux 51ana1eTASeemmty and
Treacurcr, fur •the encamp peat,. to he held Cl the
home of A fol'Aninch,mth end of the lliosAnantiela
Bridge, on Saturday .oth day of November, WU, be
ween the hymn; of 10 and 2 o'clock.
oet'lddltwT'F W C HUAI NSON, Tre ROM!!
OUTLEIIIY—A eitOlte *election of Cutlery, air
Pottgag and Budding Knives, of Vernon patterns;
wdahle for nurser,. then and ItOstenerti . 40, a h.qe
athorournt of pee and pocket t litho., a thorn°, neon le,
just received and for aide loot at the l'ntsbatich Seed
and Agricultural Warehousc, No 11l Wood et, corner
ACT/ON TO TOE rusiic—The infiecri
V bar, by written contract web the l'exte Tau Co ,
ha the exclusive tight to sell their Ten in ritetufge
and Allegheny care.. Any pemmet attempting to cell
their Ten, except procuted.llmough tae, i. ptactiactg a
deception r. od s treed upon the pablic—and their saw
ntente are not to be relied on.
melt A IA VN67.3 7 4 Founh sired
Sh.loAlt ALtD OOldl.lslOira
-17 hhile prime NO Hagar',
116 phis 7: 0 M01e..., in cool order; Gm site
on accommodating terms liy
agile t 160 libetty sMeet
C /I. j. 1111:4111/Ljt , tit! , z ..e new style fancy f•
ace; tottlALtr y .rT & WHITE. 99 I , ood
CLOTIIIS-6 streets very Peary aed fine &tab'
:raved wool Week Beaver Clotho Jost reed; for at
by teettal
, sileciaxtr & WHrrs
11111JT —2n kep•evoned, receiving; ter .0-by
• neat:: abtrr. ums ELLa W. Lbery
Ttroothy 24a,d iq store, (a. , sala by
0,05 DALZFI.L. k
a lIK bat landlg; to sale by
arm It DI.LZ •
HdsL 3 baina lust reed nit nont:gins,ntt.inr•atitnY
0,26 M 1 L1.1.31 a: tIICKKTF , 4IIII
BA 11.111C111-112 Oak eaolawes RerreLs jet: reed
on noncgnmenn lot .ale or
S KALD—MI nu Claret Reed;
by Tanodirßeed on connicamant and am
car iraint k lineatTm.
Wh...key for ..le whole
rrY mud by
140LAlin Zs—loo bbbi N 0 in .nn; for Wei by
.1. «int MILLER k. RICO:MON
vlllllll.ll-4 !Ala E.voero Cdp.l Vernoh, No.l
ad for male by JOHN D MUKUNN
OVITN • 11l woo/ s.
SP. TURPE4ITINE-10 bblsittit reed; for sale
.01 by JD bIORGAN
OP. D/104? - 11-1 etk Da) for •ale tir
0 Delta J D ?JORDAN
00PegliA11-12 bbl e lbe este D
e,../ °este
00 WOOD...IIIAG chtpe4 for sale by .
Li °trill • J D MORGAN
T INAIIRIST —4 gross Nom god Done Linsglent
oemil for solo by J DIIIOEQ,bN
AC DYZ—I bbi pound for bee by
P Maderra Wine on d2onght and In Obis
VV. tot sale at tha wine care- • .
ocali eat treat masker an
ADIGIRA—J B B& C. =dein for eaJe erbele7
ode °entail al the *ice sex,
/WILII/A—N.lmo, Gordan &Co. 8 8. Magi,.
tat sale to deatoan. of 91al each at the wine note
LDEIRA-141andy esitleas for sale orholeoaln
or or theme rtoto.;.
LAIDEIStIII2I Alvinlran In !Ads, orignunl ease.
J.; and by the bottle, some very superior, for sale ni the
vent , nor. fnerall JACOB WEI a VF.R
nri Kew Canal Bonds wanted to fat
a.PJan order. lIIU. a CU RRY
Exchange Brehm, 83 wood at
MADX.IIII/11 &roily madeitaa in bbla and b
mil at tka wino star.. . JACOB WEAVER
RDE.IIIA—Rom mudain:da6eue and vary au
parrot, In 'rood, for sale at lee wine AM* W sone.
tee • • :-• JEAVER
ADitaitA—llesee's bee f • floe asadelra, ter sale
laths esk es desseloF at Wile Mom _
DAIIARY MADEIRA—A lbw dui of this fine .
Mae eely, for gale at the erine•tore.
0et.921. JACOB weAvnit
AAL.IIIIIIIIY IerADIAIRA, for 5e10.14 114:iror
bbl or at teatl at the wine mote..
6 ,.&.LiCIPLATI3II:-114 t i t Claud Bolerras, '
jam Yo'Coired and for .are WICK & bIoCANDLESS
0023 rot wood & wow. at
112 TTEIR.,.IO for sale by
I.l t octrll WICK Pc MeCANDLESS
ACON—ATI;aaII Im prang, for cabs by
Inns' for sale "-
BRODXIII-40 dos Corn Brooms for sale by "
W„RIKILS-30,malgunes 13.1rrels for .ale by
•Iro. 11 :4 14 , 6"1" : "la
1 . 00W0011 1 -13 bbl. kor sale by
cogs. WICK& McCANDLY:&&
'""" - ""P""tnl'Ille`°121 2 1 'AS
DIPS:R-120 bsslhooo pipe for vale by
011111=.10bbls white Fisti; -
V V 4 b( bbls do; reed Oda der; b
4 • • 1 DICKEY a CO
00013 whelk (roasts
rll.•'-106 tepid sod 10d Neils In coro• for onto
COMO, imithfieid 'rotor lot
Ll Nt t
I bale pt ilortb for male by •
11:—Ibekcn7 Niue for sale by .
______ARisionr a co
bulandlog horn e..lllboal
...a ibr nla!ly ' • JAS DALZEI.L.
*4 , water xt
RIHBONS--W. R.MURPHV has nowapen Oland
toms summon of above GoOds,wl3l4,
. . •
CIOLLALUS—A Vanier anDPIY Sc d.k " F " cb
LI needle wok ettl x attliti Collatz4ast %maul at dry await bdt!*
at' • or
o...lLlCllCirsagrabl.blie tank Tut &g nu.'
GISMO Wks fat Lakes Dresses and Vui; put reeft
as 67 goads hamar . W IMORtIIY
/311111E.113 106 bz.or .oe by •
".! 41,q „
sr vanaolotiogars co
2uction Salts
By John D. Davis. Auctioneer
Exieulor's Sale of Real Estate
Vl Wedneeday •fiernooth the nth inst., at go'c'weks
will tie void m the amnions. by reeler of the FAcci
aes of Use hole Danie Hunter, dee 3 valuable
dig Lots.situate We tend ward of the city. sat One
Lot at corner of and st and Cherry alley, haying is isnot
of tiO feet on gad sh and extending along Cherry alley
77 wet. One other Lot adionsing the amen o_3 lot front
on and 'Loud extending back so feet. with De prir ilege
of an alley 3 feet wide catendmgto Cherry &WY. /he
above L•ns.topther clle other lot of same re are
subject to an .nual ground rent of 57,50, or SA:Wench
Also, one other Lot of Ground, having a front of *llia
on the east side of Grant st, between 3rd and sth streets,
and extending back gall.
Terms. one third cash; residue Papa
ble on Ili day oi
April. 0850, with iIIICICSI, payable woo annually.
Dry Goode.
On Teureday morning the :nth inen at 10 o'clock, at
ale Commercial gales Rooms corner of Fifth and Wood
Streets, will be sold without micron, else concern:
An exteneive aseortment of
. seavonattle Lotetin and;
domestic Dry Goods. de. he.
At 2 O'Clock, P. 01.
24 bbls New Orleans bloleevee;
IS Sugar, good quality;
4 hf chair Vining Ilt son Tem;
I crate assorted china and queensware;
ha A nd rtTet?moafte cutlery, hardware,
'Awg"er'sleTtri Paper,
ment of new and second Itend househotd and kitchen
hitniture. among which are mahogany bureaus, spring
workahogany tofas, chairs, bedsteads, table., Ladies'
work hind, Venetian window blinds, Ac.
At dl O'Clock, P. M.
A Mad stock of dry goods, ready made clothing, bac
shins, gold and silver watches, violins, music books,
double barrel shed guns; a handsome assortment of Ger
man tansy goods, atd
11:TArnellean copy.
Water threet Property •t Auction
• -
ON evening, November 3rd. at 9 o'clock, , 1
the Commercial Sales Room, corner of Wood and sth
th, will be .1d
That valuable Lot of Ground situate on Water be•
seen market and ferry nta, having ?t front of 35 ft, and
xicndtreg bark 80 ft, ions ft 10 :aches by4o feet n o
the back ran of the lot, whoining the vrarehouve ofJav
Tale indisputable. Tenn.. one-third cash, resides
three and six years with interns; payable annuuly,
ix tad JOIIN 0 DAVIS' Aces
Third nightoibirtT:FAßltiN:Th7rdrught of the fie
engagement of 111 r. JAMISON.
Tuesday, October 261 N, 1847,
Will be proeuted the Tragedy of the • • •
0 a m
Mr. Beverly
Mr. Oxley, Mr.. Be verl " ; T fkir k *n rue .
Stokely 11,
Alter which the cacao Ballet of •
Swaney • • • •51,Panloe. Jenny-Miss A. Malvin&
To conclude ;rah the (wee or the
Dobson , • ...... Mr. Donn. I Fanny. • • .... . •Miu Petrie
111-noory open at '7; and certain will rive ai
Positively the Three Last Nights
Of the Sable Ilasmonbta.
Itfooday; Tuesday and Wednesday, Oa. 21,03 and P.
T b est o w edng their sense of the very liberal patronage
1 upon them by the three. of Pinsbargb, '
and In accordance with the wishes of many Ladies and
Gentlemen, they are induced to prolong Walkway for
when they will introduce a variety of rich and novel
melodies and Parodies, never before beard in this city.
This will be the last opportanlty this Itond will have
of perfoing m Pittsburg .'u they depart inunediate:y
rpm! their Grand Southern Ton-, preparatory to their
embarkation for Louden and Pans—whets , they have
made arrangements to app.. neat Spring. •
The Glees, t i tuartettes,Chomsea,te.of this Company
ate mingle the moat anneal style of baramel after. the
manner of the Ramer and Hutchison Faintly.
Marti:l cents; for talent the Rotes, Matte Stereo
and at the door.
DO .
CIIILDREN. (under the direction of. the.i2
Teacher, Mr. Blngliam,l wilt etre a COneut ' '
• On luoday Evening, October .28th.
Doors open ai_Gh o'clock, Concert to eonereence at 7. -
Tickets 25cenns, to be had at the door. Children 'tot
er 12 half price. • ocl2lol
ctooolo.GL Ohio..
Tir t .V.lo37.T.PA,:l'eb."7l.mrn. h`e - ,.',1 4 ,Z;t1
e,... two depenments, the Classmaland
the Mercantile, but so conducted that the student can
apply himself to either or to both. • •
Mersami4 Deparmeast comptises the English and
French Languages, Geography, Arithmetic,
Permanlhip end Book •
Tee Clamber DeyarestoM, heed e the atmovispecibed
subjects, embraces the Lane and Greek L..guageS,Po.
ctn., Rhemme. Chemistry, Botany, Mathetnat/.. rhy
sies. Mental end Moral Yhflosophy. Spen4sh and
German, If required, are taught valiant any it Menai
Board and Tuition In all the brute.* ;f3pda. "iraepo
Half board and . • ..11/ 00 1. 0
Paymentsto he made qauterly or eerabeanea/ly in
For extra dirges, .nnyelations, apply ialhe et.
Meat at the Collegc,or by letter (past paid •
• FACULTY. • •
Rev I E Blex,Prealdent. - - • - . •
Rev A Maernecle, Vice Pseselent. tend Professor of
ItegL renta ‘ Prefessor of motel and antral plisaspby.
Hen .1 Emig, Prefect of stadersiind Prof of Ancient
Mr Verdin, i'refect and keeper ef.the Idaleatn.
Mr C Amines, Prof M.lthetwor • belles Dras.,
Mr 3 Pude, Protein/lidera Lingtutseu - .
Mr .1 Quinn, Prof or geoared Cbconstry. •
'de) Hoes, Treaseret and
of Ilisterg- •
MOW.TfActIIO.3 V altibtil
L oot s Alissft . Meter,' •
' A. evie, • • T..Aereal, . • '
V. Ilecerith, L P. Dads.
Mr V Smite, Prof ol . MoSie end director ofVbeedlige
The Presume:o Department of the College is si the
Parnell Mentnenorhich has been woody_ fined op for
diat purpose, It is abouit talles how the cty and cam I
, Inands an extenaive view ofthe'Oldotiver and thence.'
roondag CUIIIIII7,
ornexas Tea ends.
Ice II Aelen,prinevel, end Foreseer of the French
lar P De Healer, prefect of oldies and professor of
the Lave and Greek Languagea.
Mr G Watson, proksarts of the English Langlage: and
1. the urine of the Faulty.
octleldlwgegAT .'.JNO HORS, &minty
44 • •
Established. a war.oosniss in the Year IE4O. for thelpar
pose of supplying ilso' China interierTrade orbit
lota pnees—and exhibiting, at all seasons
of theyear, the' Largep Assortment in
They are ito .open Several HundreirPaekages,
ernaptumg every new style of Foreign and .Domestie
Predneursnylo.2i (11 which are 'not to be found el-e.
which lore jest been purchased, end are
offered tor sale fisr.eash and short erecht; at •
per yard — t7cll7. dre — prieco of April and May, u per
Pnotod Cusktoolt,aduolt arc corroottd daily, for the
locomanwn of boyars.
Noe Y 0.517.
haw T. flalnte, wad - Purls Agency.,
hed.TNU Ageing non hilly organised and establis
has deem in New York. Meese, and Paste, eml
execute all orders, Do matter how. large or mall may .
be the soment, for the Merchant., Tnidesoted,
heof Pittsburgh.
clothing, mace, furaituie, plate, 'alai, ears•
singe, kn. de., porchased by ooe agent to Pans, at the
lowest Wes; his personal attention beinggiven to oat
haloes. Letters, remittances and periesticabi forvrard•
ed with equal care and dispatch.. Lignite, of armies
coming to the U. & particularly attended to. All goods
consigned to ao, paved lathe New York Ctiatout Muse,
Orders shank* . be accompanied by .reusittaucti to the
meant or 002.111 of the rake of the etude required.
• No.lo Wall st., Nevi Nark.
- -
PUMW ANT toe punnet nonce, a matinee& mechers
gad directors of school. of the eines of riitabitratt
end Alleghenv we. held on Thursday moming.deettst
InM, in the Chapel of the Universal, when, inn on
interchange of sentiment, it was
Reeolved, that Prolesaor Thompson, AD M' B
name, Mr John Rent end Mt Daniel.° ' Holmes. be •
Committee to Inquire Into the mode or organizing end
ormductleg tau hen awmeintiens end Institutes In other ,
cities and Mateo. and report Os ihe next meeting. • •
Resolved, Teat each' member of this oteeung be a
Committee to Invite such prutieal teachers and direct.
on as are not present. to ettendThe next meeting. •
Resolved. Thin this meeting adjourn to meet again in
the same place on Thursday, the 4th of November nest:
HE MAN. DYER, Glummer,.
H. Waxman, Secretary. oettglul
DR. a W. MORRIS Illydripatlalst. would
respect fully Intrust; his forads and the sheens o t
'Pittsburgh and Alleghrey Mit ha has derided to remain
In the eity daring the winter, and Is prepared to beat
patient., placing themselves nodes his nate sceording
tc ihs t system as practised at all Water Dare Estsblish
mem far either Aram or Chronic diseases. Those
wishi ,
ng to avail moo:lves of his services will call at
the Exchange, Demist. Dr. II las treated several so
vete caset or disease in this city with great suavest, to
which he Is permitted to refer. . • oettr2if
FURS! TUBS!! F 06311:
• film 'would naspeetrulty invim Ladies and
(lenttemen abnat visiting Philadelphia, and mentos
of FANCY FM!, each so Man, flotts,TfPfnbt , &C O!
live ea • call berme purchasing elsewhere,. they will
fled It to their advantage and no mistake. 4JI olden
received shall be faithfully attended to at No 93 North
Third et, above Arch, Philadelphia.
• •
flCtetleffalo Robes►lw►vaon hand: :00,231f1
It'holesale Variety Stare and Looking Gk. r i
Corner of Wood alit Fourth au, Pitt.
LI - Az/just received front, the Ella • large and good ai
l/lon.. of Variety lioadcineludtag Clocks di
trot ,
dem!, Fins; Needles, Guns. Caps, Hooka and Eyed
Cutlery and Combs of every. panern and qualay.,-
Westeffro Merchants and others are requested tocalland
exardia° Wore parchasmg elsewhere, or gout
All Undo of Gilt, hlahoxadY lad common Wain War ,
teemandfaemred sad sold id Ewan! , octet
Forwarding Merchant Brournille, .
Almada particularly 10 the. Forwarding of Product:kr.
For um (sinker takmtallon apply to IPORSYTIUk.
DUNCAN. rqd. a
11 - 1718t77.
Nth e E e le n c suw r y er
h:r w tecn Directors ol D s nk Bnlkm fo
on Monday the lath day. of November near •
ocUidld JOHN SNYDF.A., Cashier
- -
mApletees NJ, sof frnrulte
Illubargh, October 1%1817. j •
Meet:olt Orr ilueene Otteclars• et Ws .llaaktGa'
eef If( yew, will be beau tho.Baermkb,,,i.
of Monday dm I,lof, of Nonether felt. , ..1
: W DEritit Guider
- - 'Rainier BAir or Plmithols
-4,1 Melia( ttir - Wnsai Dirsaitithst this Mint ssip
Ee held sulth Baran
or Nirwalber*liki6sBl!"". an o.
. ,
FLANNUIL—A hi th er imly,y(beird 4 boanu7
-W113101111 , 11Y
u . p u p oo rer, Ithe of aplendal passenger Steger
thy to new rompreed of the largest, are lea, be,
Ittneeed and fornatitcd , and ran. I.t ret at Irothg en th e
th ere,s of the WOt. Every seeemeno.mion and am:
fon dna manev can ptharate, hart (teeny... Wed advt.
Yeager.. The Lane has been nt opera.. for Pie years
—bane earned a antlion of people Yetthorrithe thee,
tthery ro their lye I.llOLe nt the toot of
00‘ t career the day Fel., to ...nine, for the &Ter
Pon of frei,,ht and tbr wry of p dawns., au the roma.
ter. In a. caters the pracage money Fe pals is
A I lELA,Capt. Same, vollleuve
burgh every hlunday numntat; at 10 o'clor0; Wheeling
every Monday evprung at 10 1•. 31.
The lIIIWENto, NO. lA, Capt. .7.6linerlar, will
ave Pittibeigh cyan Tuctittay =arnica at tit o'clock;
'heelng , every Tarrilaeeveitinc at Et Al.
• •
The NEW ENtil...A SD. NO. 31, Capt. S. Dam,
p i to.huteh every Wednerday wonting l 10
'clock; Wheeling eft, y Wenner-day evening AID P.
. . .
The WISCONSIN, Capt. R. J. Grate r wal leave Pitts
burgh every Thurattny naming at 1u n'clock;
every' Wheeling huradey evenmg et 10 P. Pl.
The CLIPPER, NO. 2, Cum. Creeku,seillleure PRO
burghcreri Eridey mormng o'clock; IVheeling
every Frtd# ere uurg at 10 P.M.
The 311111SENGES, Copt. Liqford, will leave PAD
urgh every :41(1:11e.y 1110(14111g heeling
very Sinurdny evening et 10 P. 31.
The iB.II.AC NEWTON, Capt. A. 0. Mann, linB
Pinshrogh every ,unday inotanne rn 10 'cloak
Wheettag every ria“ay eveseng at 108. M.
May 89, Ibl7.
--- -
111MThe &tint •
ileave for Braver, Grapy& and
Ye naai2e. ea Javan* y, 2 Mayday,
and 2ntrndaky of tech arra; at 2 Ge naeh• a,m, , t.rtmg •
en Alonday. Wednesday and Friday. She has • toot
et the !muting between stood enter and the bags pee
pared to toyer, freight& at any hate.
8 & W 11ARBA0011, Am.
• • • • to 33 wood IL
The MU R.
ai ls, DELVE
will leave for Mincer, Glergow,and
Wellsville, on Mammy, Wegnesday,
cud Friday ci each week., at 7) • It. fttlarrling
Tcculay.Thursday, and :intraday. :he have bolt
at the hauling between Wood street and the badge
prepared to receive freights Raney time. •
0 hi LIILELTOM det,
' • Mon House.
FOR 10.1•511V1LLE. •••
Tht over und be+to 0110 'inn'
MoSoo2kmakter, will leave as above
toorning.nt 10 o'clock.• For frelglal
or pasuAgo apply onboard. • ,bco.o
• The .w and sobeteatial Ow - '
John N Martin: muter, will leave Or
the at file and all loterroethateponson
Teeaday et th richeek. , '
For freight orpassage, (having wpm. eeee...g,
Row apply ott board. or to • •
s a t: The (aid running guar=
Campbell, a1...T.1/.ft leave as above
thu le 4?clerek.-Fat height
The new aid hat amr'
• .d.reens, 'metier, le a v e ea.:above
'this enumiuga . .titio'elock, :.Ppg titled
or pa...ea A PPLY -on beard. . • •oet.
The fultstrirtirg ntiir. ' •.•
Corsplxlliaissfor,wiltlenve as Slots
is miffillog et l 0 o'tkvk.. Foi [re Wit
ex passugeoPPl.V oil board . • oct%'•
Ilia fine new June , I
Atkinson, extemet; will laave u above.
Wu taatnihg_at 10 e!ellock.:Toe Ire ght
p9e.hge oppty on Want: . : pews
• .
. 1h a i '
plai A did PP W 116 i. , , .
1 srr.vmtroN,
' Tukirsaa; mater. aillleaseis
this no(tang At 10 o'clock. , - For freight,
'arc passeav apply as heart.% • • • • , -'- teal,
~.. . . . „
- , . i . i
_NORM AROL I g N e. uiiat ' Devirney-11.Er will Ir 4 s : ii
au .Wedneatlay evesting,..iii. 1 &clack.,
.. . i rot' freight of j...LC Sppjy on.boartliii
.as - . - Office. Mocongraient )loos e.
. .... . ..
• , .
• 'Th etmi •
• -. '" 114:1401/31'LVAMA,'_ ,
• Ciriy =stir, will leave at above otr , J-
Wednemmy mormtor at 10 o.
.. .. . . .
. . .
.. ' The ad splendid,__
9, A. EitrisiCrt:Ainatter, will trite (or
and !aura:rat:Me ports on Satarday,tb• I
3Ddt oar eot tre.tight lit psysage apply au boll, or lo i
•,': : .1 FOR. WF.LLSV/LIX—D.4ILY .P.4CitSF .
.. miffir t i, The regular packet •:, '
.11.a.-ner, male; relit team Pittsburg!,
rely mama*. o , : joAsyls excepted) at
4 o'clock, and ieares Wellovtlln cverzy .estrung al 4
dolma . - For freisixt or tiaerage appixenibole4, .1.12
• Th e ree„^nifieent stow ,- ' • •
- .• • . • AriIIUIVIANS, .. ...• ' ,
Mller,reseter,yal. leatittaboye ate:
ruing at 10 deloet.'.. - Tar freight or;
posange ppljinktrAnl... :.• .. •—••', ,• 4, ' oett2 • -
Matt' Louisvu.t.r, rAomr - _ • •..
. . ; _ The neir,lspiadrear s btrand Gil IT.O.
, , e aioir steamer ,-. '., • F,tartaLrr" ,
Crozier, master, will roosts a,rerprler •
=let V ermeer Pitteberztitiod 14111. •
wittedetintiht Oearon. Ehe leaver Fridici , p*„ . ober 8,
For fre:etrior passage only on 'borird:7 7 1 !' ccre
! , The pew uld that dronetil clot[ •
• 1:p JonOoputez;Nvill Itofe for above
'Jill inn 010 ieelock,im.•
d For frvight o r.
ramp, ha vin
N g sopezint tees mode'-}
oes, apply t • . , .1 EWTON jUNES _ •
FOR WHEELING. -• ' • '
• .
•. . •• • • The new andfine atetiars:
aim• : HU0803; •
_, ' • . •
,Poe, - , mixer, has trauma her - reg.
alas triPa • and rall learecPirtabargh
- aa at...carers Tharadak'sail,hion
day at3iorhaek,P.7.l.; For freight or pa Re apply
on board,orio - ' ••. - . p•WLKI,N ,
• - Agent
EXPIItiS LrrlES &o.
- .
• IS 4l' ' tSiEfaia . ._ ,
• • F ." c „,,,,,,,i,aem,,r.kmgdinend,;?;o4l.
Mtn , EN rirrall , Ro II ,Ain Alit XisTX.IJI ail ,gs
T moms open all Seasons of aka T_. ear.
mug *dike, tafety, and (atria able nit. - ainded
1 by 4 Lire; ate. sock that the Agents! jail with
confide t o reeemsewta hut the pauonagaef th e pa.
I Tie iaddLibeitrad of a.Tonh Dai.tinti :af *agora .
1 .,
bet n Browirrille and Cu mbeasadoe mien it the
meat c pettitioas and I elithle 'mete' betta-con the gut
and W at. 'Merchandise heti the Emil is . delivered Ist
- Pitts It on the everting of the third tk• y• from Cam
' The a
y~Rote ielli arre receipts lIA I toliaie aid tales
and al pronto) , copaiseed to Omni .sillhe foraarded
it rho vaa.t eutrept Me.; .3111 t of Ladinft.Tominell
T . a oß . innetions prompOy alltar,ited reel • , i
•32t, Watet•sh - 2 dears abate the
, ttshotatt„: • ; !r .•
• ..
. I % l ;t * herland.'7_ s ''
.-'• .
• tightat, WIT - alert, Bala..
- . ' Octladtm
MBE public, and ell Thee. wading goals (ram the Ean
triritutturgh;ere inhumedwc have lan put
on a be ti'line of *elms. wagons czelsively.for Iterwn.
'Mc. N transport ;pods for Pinstiargh 'otilY. and we
will furnish receipts at oar et e 0 fit - Baltimore to deliver
Road. at thirty .L 2 hours at Prlobar.ll, ititedati and
rvlin a ld delays only. excepted.; Receipt. kr• this line
be, Adam. & Donna, Now
Year bid thdadelphut. its we rent the edly eaPiette
by & triune writ,.b;ppers are Informed that, they ,
meet future receipt , al the . 0 .... ot s Fra
pHI:.HNIi Co,
pence&O 8 H Depot..Prau R. tTeiltbe.•nore.
• • Pittsburph 011
• OVICK:MEV:A/teem
app Ira • et.Cb.riealletulairtetiateb
/1133/111KGRaditidia,s; 7
ro aka moo a i siaffl
, fuLL[DA YSBU to a:.
lIE Canal awl Itailargadbavighcr.k
./. the recent: hick Water,•tte auboenbra , foo.ll ,
mecca • .510thay; Ilith clatober, to run .two t. these
packcci, Amine pawns., to th. stove cola ell inter . -
..kola ,D11:111. nit' the Canal one Bail. llooth tearing
Pittobur6 'W
ere, Alocaay,erlacodapolallkAlal Kre—
clot u - p o'clock. cat llclaroystairg
Wednesday and Fridapnonniagn.
Fmf paianda apply . to W. Muck, alabotapthelO muse,
of t' Coact 8 01 0
•'• =. D rriX)
, PERSUND broultht oat by tbss eyeeey
.1"m, the teiNt eraroaable teibtAfratteter
44 'A
-„ c .gthil of th., I
flrisol nave:gen_ t
t.u h ai 'A.,:tly F.,bigraei. at neatened their
friends I. Anicriesiogolint the 'road. ILO' lite Conlin*.
IT'Of*COSoi open litco{,and hard skiwxywiefeymt.
well -known boom Nr..llAtary Co.A 10 the: no,
place for
alio pply, !Obey:NilSO A* 7D.,
...iky arid kibabeel ,- : • ' • . -
Paniee who advertieethataelTes Bole li&ittller the
Boi Lite, stab *half • awrot, a.% leitts deeei
the public., as Ire prams 4tytele• tte.l only Of t ' h ' :
Black Bell L1e.,014 eeprt! the; 4094.,1.4,40.,1
mo t Ossughti itinhyjeNetta siaisibfei itlitity the
brabehesof the Prednelat oi..N . aDoesillepillte et re l
thitylaid, IleNuzgleae• • We draerMubeeN P
4.lo,rent do.OIN bike uteaeraed,leed N:to 4.11 Patt,
to sot fuse one else tbeteby cergieg b e mite,
,ted ate's. Let thelrokeet,Ae- call meet iLlo we,
NlNAceeisetetdlDe *bait Vetere* Nee. ;
- 401!RIVAROMNDI t l
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. .