`. . • > Kakkenx?ekir Maga * RAILROAD POETRY.th " u g hlhe s " r ! l ' la * Rattling gler riate* , • Ilhouthig tookr areltei; ' .-Egmblin avatars; Whinlag through the atountalue. • Birsalag o'er the ::le Elm roe !--thie r . plaaaat, _ a Yr u i on a tan! , ' Man of difruenCiWtallosion, , JsYhUI eyed Tillie; 'gm are Ifni Gioningtolho !Woo Ilihind lowly people; Birth of Goers feather, .-. On a CocumWo lonel Travel/toe together/ • Gentleman In shorts, j Lioinhairery ; .121eitlenkitaat large, .... Talking eery ' GanUeman Err:tights, nth a ic7.l:4lth mein ; Gentienn,a.ia gray, . Lsmking rather green ; Gentleman quite eldi • Aakinitur the nemi;:, ••• Gentlemanin black;_ .!, • . •In a fit of " • cuanniut in auk, Gfait.unnan -in nap; ~ liqisor; Straneot on the light, Looking Tory ninny„ . ' Obvietuirletuling Sainething eery funny ; ;• Now . the manes ore thicker -- lirondeijrhat they r meonl Filth! he's got the !EMMA pecan Magazine! glatgottwomnwcareful Cir She Fawkes' casket. knowing " eggs ate Tightly holds kuir basket, Feeling that "a smash," If It cline, would wanly tad Iva egg■ tWpot, ts: .( ..i' - ' 1 1 . ; - :';' -:,.0.i....1•:,;;;',,.-.6..1.: %1•Xi;.: . ,?,; ;.'!:;: - :.:. , . : ;..r4. .7:'., , .? . .?.•.":: -:- ;,..,4 ! , ;';';';:!. ,,. .,_• , .,7:1 - .. 7 .,:': .;',:;;,.-;:',;,f.,:.;,-.: .:;; - ;;•:;%..c..';'-!zi4' -...:1-.4ort-.1,,! `baby E e ep, i squalling; Woman leas at me - ; Ada atann l the dissancg 13iyi ititiresorna bilking. Saba! er*ecalv • , • ›:' , .•9: • • -14k0- r.. ' 'ETHER; IN DNLINIIIWTREMIENS. — DI. Upham, of Boston, has contributed to the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal an account of the successful treatment of a case of delirium tremens, or mania a potu, by,the inhalation of ether.. The - Patient Was iq , a high state of nervous excite .:Ment, and:after the usual treatment by Opiumin the form of Morphia had failed 'to-iadoce sleep; he was found OD Friday morning still in a state of wakefulness and high delirium, but so much'exhaust ed as to make it a matter -of the highest ' moment ; to francs sleep immediately. le -this stale it was-Zetermined to resort, as a last - experiment, to ethereal inhalation, and the ether was accordingly adminis , tired by a sponge. •Dr. 'Upham thus de ' tills the result / "The patient was.very refractory, and , - -required to be held by asnisiantit ; to the meanwhile straggling, raving arid cursing. After inhaling the vapor for the space of tel or,twelve minutes; he appeared quiet, 'arid was . thought' to be folly under, the ethereal_ influence ;' but upon the - removal of the'sponge he sprang up and cowmen ';'esi raving anew.. The recess was re peated, . and ,continued — for ten minmes ..more, at the end of which time the pa tient, was brought fairly under the desired s :inikience, and fell \ asleep. , From this flame of artificial sleep he , posed; with out waking, into a quiet, deep, untroubled slumber, which continued,: without inter ' Mission, for four' aid* half hems.. ' ; , Be' was seen several times during the _f 'extethmance of this 'sleep, and within a ' fewminutes after he awoke. HeMen at m. appeasedperfectly rational called for ' ;Mold meter, aid. ,3a to have his leg anilied, (be bad b iit badly .....ehe deliOunt.) yin e• mans! of, half an bine hi fell again; 41' . was ande s ipated) into;tt Ott ileep r ithicb continued,' with f":4',WP 3 Wth llls i - 4tiring the arterrurn -. l . ltha Morning (Smudgy) ho appears . ' *reedy rational and well, though weak. '.llu:no - Meollection ofanything that has happeneat; from nightfall on Monday to the Übe of his drat;waking on Friday ifteiiiiiii: - -:. -.-- --. -.. a ., 0 „4_ i -3 ' . 4!i * * lo r7 Ift • -, ,•• • 41 , t,_4l • N.;;^ • 0-* - e44 4 ., , , ir 5414 YeU ..--;*,`l•4: , it %?4,.'....r . ... 4: - . ~ - , ,, ex.-:-.•-.:.4 : 74 •-•.! r '43, l, zl l l' , •eri .• • a 1 4.. t• ;4x.z"./. '', 5,,.. i tt tr, - Itune.—The New Witioiikiil YOR TH! Enquirer 'contains an Ytak__Ccri,";lr I : 3 4e,ntthod of preparing ,scienun_sa I. 1. 1 • - 'matter for the blied e . vely n!lied rescanfie made to succeed, bethrown ' alirointsielet of learning may The fol i'. - - t° Ibil unfortunate cla ss : *lntl. - th e account of . thi s aiac. himself - Ti l k i-1* eepondeet, w e 11°. e`,Tni• raised -..- T. E., has l ent us n e a e a r & e o blind, togethr , ,writing, for description ".l of t h e _process soy ' - with a . I ,d e , which is, at °13 ,:7, w, which' ills &scions that? V I cur says oblige an" ° email ninltY. lie "---'- :ICISOSI be a wa with-abroad pointed pen. ~.... waiter 1 a thick gum ' : ,',...4. th lit Tbick Wt. 081 probab l y s line is 50,..: ,..: ' • ~,,,a... ~_._ aim better; ) when black sand, 'wretla na over it comb" 'shed .3shed;,...a neaber un til the Pag° Is fiat of ."-..° proceed the leaves of a sheet . 1 - race it betwe en ' the it to Mina: . Aetter paper, "amen copying press, say ibu z. , o. f. a co ain g, tr dote, —-- , • 444 -x—::ri t carefully - - • • . rt . he .has - ..7. ,..e l i mn in the s P ec ! al ., ni bi, from , - ','The • egTeTV-001251'.. tl we isentln ale ra.4.18 pi per , - endriCien 7 , . tie surtaab""' the t gcided service :to should LWlge:l° c lan ', t for wham i t was i . ithe unfOnrm At ata wreeenr, w e believe :the on ly hod of ore - ming reading for the blin d . .-.4 ...--- _-..tini from wooden tYPeceitcare ..!,':?ie:'b.7l“ iis far too expensive alit ;4`l-i-",,,,..,,ar- ' use. If . the meth od w i t h whist ..-.• ; 01, g...-...." us practised. mime. I. - `-',_Airti. rbalein-• •*vet,' gond degree it L - 1 - ' -, 4 ,1 1 15. li l: b e - generally i ntrod uced, Of thein_ by the fn . , at Ira. Illtnnktite r withont,the slightest in ventor f s Pqsalgro -, we , init', ! th e notice , _Mikrl3lntlill.r' = lli it upon w a thi. i n ,:wirglircediaii tb,___ . .o it. strikes Its iskArner i *a bla • should , secure some . Ice POI 1 1 n#Or ; 7 A ), shitrt ‘ w .. o 2ltn,-ii,ikiirrl'wrahich uiitsau can Iz#o!4l:!G.„t3 , i *-!0, br : t i Yi 4Luntg Aw , E- „- ; .7 . Aej - : , v- ..-..., - .2..:4&- , • , • , 4 2 3.* yt~ =5l 13Ixan4evon the lett, , Closing up his peepers; Nov he enoresamein, Like the iIOTOXIL IleeperS!, At hie fist a volatile Gives the explanation, How the : malt grei, *tepid Fk's."-A‘3elati.ou." -toter pmnaturely ! Ancient maiden lady • Anxiously. remarks, . That there. moat be petil 'Meng so many sparks; RogMah-Moking fellow, Miming to the et:anger, Says Ws hie opinion Snx ie oat of danger.-. Womair,with her baby, -, Sitting ; Areo'Tei) abaeting: ~ .. - ~~~~ MEDICAL •c CipLEBEAMIT FOK relieving ths Suss and dangers ineideo .-Prirglimitty sad thildflTiftb;riktfcb insareathe easy and neprotracts.d. preterit of , the In of woman. which Adore, whin , enlntluenced by the lamina or eiribied - life, intended aboakl blipetfor msd expeditiously, with WIC pain, and without onhb ae gr c ti=e li trtting ' his trUels in Ana, obserr ed this remarkable facc,,That the woolen of those countries. me . pecaliuly different trom .all other ludo, in this , respect—that - they are free from the paiam and daggers which mete the period of Prey., , awl en objeetol so much anticipated suffering and risk. Cstriosi9 , and the teal 'for Sciiiatibe &score. ry=mpted ham to Lureatigatothei .cases of this nr• iisseeption to the severe trials to width the. 'result females are &Wally anhjected: and the moult arm thirdisearery . ol the tact that the.women of Owe coentrws werem the habit of using during the last stages of ,Pregnmey, certain plahu - which. hare the facially of imparting, that degree of tone and elasticity to name and blood rowels of the Meru, or Womb which enabled it to 'pmform its Cautions in all their attire complicity (Wuhan and It is n singular fact; also; Indianwthnet of-North America are in a remarkable dcgreifree from those pains and dangersof praluncy and child birth to which. the. white 'women areaubjected.— Whether they one the garde plants as do Mayon:ten of Asia we cannot tell. Cassia if is that the fact I. no head remarkable than true. . . This Reniedyis now eztenaiveli need throughout France with the most marked success and sassy fn males who were once single .tbroner apprehensions' of the dangers cetwequent to the state of Martine are now by the use of this medicine, peiforming the: duties of wins and mothers with comfort and t .lO at - this time now Aril preiented to, the wo men of 'America, bjtli Bordeleeme,,through , his sole 'gent, Dr A C. 510/ITI3IE.Ri end he leas ant- Meat that inde pendent of. its iittrineic meritalle wilt recommend itself to the moral part of.the'conum •nity, as it is fully calculated to do away with that horrid crime of which some, threnagli fear of pains of child birth, ate - guilty, (the production of preen tare delivery.) • • This medicine is oleo remarkable for remedying that hitherto Incurable disease Bantams, - and ala almost constant accompaniment' Finer a lact,that reined and fallen gate of .the Moe* which accompanies this disease is Dever tit after the shosteet use of this .medicine. . - Thie medicine is prepared in inch a way as to be agreeable and pleasant to the taste.'-- - Dr LC !MORTIMER No 35 14 Sispenard New York, Melvin appointed sole' agent for the Vatted States, byN Dr Bordeloque. mad ;nil it:wonky , person in this conntry , who Is authorized to vend thb invaluable medicine, as the following leper will . lfitiresuji-) . Pants,lune 1f1th,1847: •Di A eacilimarsar—DearSir—Accorituig to the ' agreement entered into between" no , I wish by this ' letter_to -gins you • that written • authority to: sell throughout the United States, (my RemedY for re= , tiering the pains and dangers incident pregnancy and child buth,) which-at-t.-necessary for you to have to satisfy the public of it. genuineness and pa. nty. As you are swore this e.vOsure 'of the medi.• ' nine to the influence of the lOW Air obliged me to send it to you in airtight vessels:: thane also sent ' _with it, a specimen at tha manner inwhich It is put up in Pans. *manlier labould wish it Way.- pear in the United Sttes.• Sir, with great respect I ' remain yOari ' ~F r E'l3l/11DELUE, ht. D. P also send you a copy of a letter received by me from - the Royal Academy of Science; in. Faris. (Tetnakded front the Feenck.) . - Para, Jan Z,1846. ao. M. BORDILOQUIC:—.SirThe COMMIX6OO, OM of the Academy have appointed the ctrilersigned tromitheir number, as a committee to report it/Fil ing the [merits of the remedy laid before us by you (lur relieving the pains hod dangetomeident to preg i. naneyuad Mild birth.) Several eminent Surgeons • biopic submitted to the Academy the' remit. of their elf:mince lathe use of your remedy, we her ten to lay it before you, believing It to be.the beat decision regarding it" claims° distinction, and of its great value, that either you or tbe public could tie wished. Whatever influents' this body may pm see, on the Members of the profession will exerted to farther that adoption of this remedy into general MO; which as OfeielltifiCdOlCOTel7 and an unfailing mmetl7. it so richly deserves. Eight Physicians having amid this medleine,each in fifty eases of de livery, bond it entirely SUCCefaild in promoting n remarkable safe and easy delivery, free from pain and demur: With thb exception of three patient. of Dr Briquet there Ma a perfect ternauity: from - any sabellseat meekness or ,teem; one of these three a islioring . wcanan who bad met with a **veto fall a week promos to delivery, was taken home& tidy after that event with • a profuse hemorrhage, Which woe with difficulty arrested.' „The other two mallocurationsol the pelvol,siere in no wisemlieved o; pain. Timm few eaceptions in so great a amber of eases as ;oar bandied, show the undoubted ek elcy of your remedy.and dare determined as-to give it that 'recommendation and approval which is doe to it, and_the rOrtilllfillCO el scientific- nada die (Signdy • BRESLIIEF, SI D.. 1, 'ALLUENDIIIi. hi IX Coto of the Commissioners of the R. Academy of Selectee. The public are cautioned against purchming this Medicine from any person* eneept of the DOW agent Dr A C .11rfortImer, No 36 1 oLispenard at, New York, where this medicine u pet' up • ia..paskages suitable for being seat by mail to my part of the country. • a ., Price Two dollars pacl-xr rectums. Fermm desirous of obta inir; this Great Remedy who reside at a distance, esti du so by forwarding. Two Dollars, posepaid.ao DR' C MORTIMER, Sole Agent for the LI S sept 27 l-1: Lisp , cud aLiNew York. STANTON'S EXTKIL44I REMEDY HUNT'S LINIMENT, I S now universally acknowledged to be the IN FALLIBLE REhIEDY for Rheumatirm, Spi sal Atrectiona„Contractioni of the hiatsclea, Sore Throat and gamey, barnes,Old Illicem,Pions in the Back and Chest, Ague In the Breast and Face. Tooth Ache, Sprain., Broi.d halt Rheuan, Barna, Croup, Frosted Feet. and all Nervous Hormel. The TRIUMPHANT 'SUCCESS which has at tended the application of this moat WONDERFUL MEDICINk. in caring the moat severe cases of the different themes shove named —end , the HIGH ENCOMIUMS that have been bestowed upon it, wherever at has been introduced, giro me the right to call on the AFFLIC IED totem* at mace to the ONLY REMEDY THAT CAN BE RELIED gEFT. helically mite in recommending the etio lated Exterual Remedy, Hunt'. Liniment. The followlnt letter from the highly eminent Fhpitaioni,ll9lMo beehattactied - to the Mount Pleasant Bide Psison for Many yore, is the beat evdence of the valeta of this celetuated.LinimenL Sahli Sine, December Z. 1845. My Dear Sir—l received your nete'of yaterday, 'iskieg my opinion hi relation to !UMW Liniment, as prepared by Mr Gleorge Stanton. 'Knowing ie compoeition„and harang frequently used it. I can recommend at to you is a ask External Reme dy, and in mp opinion, the best Liniment how in Ve7"l 1 " Te rti ff i ll agairi: Col Pierre Van Cautlandt,Clottin Manor. . krally ln'thenhovo T mon. • • ' , Jan: I AM. SirL-In reply to your letter,.l weld My that I have" used your External: Remedy,- milled Hunt's Lininient, an my' practice slake you made me or quintal with ate composition. and unhesitatingly any that ebeliere itto be the 'bat External Ran° dy now in one for Os compliant" far which you re commend it. Yonaa r rectfullyi , 87Ameng the semi of .worthless articles sad bumbnpai that are ponied forth - lithe present day upon the cotatrys it as really. refreshing tolled romething of real practical - malty, something aim pie; speedy and effectual ha' Rs operation; and at the same time free from — themr injurious ailed" which generally attend powerful remedies. HunFi Liniment r prepared by Geo. K Stanton of Sing Sing, Omagh It hu been beta short MO before the public, has already obtained the confidence; not only of oar moat wealthy and influential. citizens; but Oar — most eminent Optician; All samara. edge it lobe samereign balm for many of the 'ills that flesh is heir to, soothing the aching limb, an by Al pentane stimulating influence; banishing dim case from the system. _ • _ Hunts—eiglont advertisement Of Liniment, I wee induced to try it 3 eflecti ou my mon, who had been crippled, with a- lame Irons an Infest; and it is with grutitade I bear testimony to its worulerltal healing petOrttsc My child, whole now live jean of aim is now le a fair way ofrecovery, Toms, die. , . . DEMMON CSICKERSON. Pea Ornms,Towsmo, Futrumeo. I certify thatl am personally acquainted with the above named child, and .010 the rather would he safe in saying that his son is almost well. ' ' Nov 8,1843. . Deputy Post hinter.. Pi S. 1 mould &leo state that . I ham • been for a number avian subject to frequent attacks of -the .Ithesmatism, which in many Inatancles prevented my attending Lamy business. Tvro or threeisppli4 catioas of Lb* Liniment invuisbly remove all at. of the kind. In cases at ImaLscs, spiting auditors., too eumerovas to mention, it has to this proved . a certain remedy. Ito value can only be estimated by those who have given it a fur • . . . Thin Unionist is mild a t and BD cents per bot- Ile, - by all . the Principal Drinirts end Merchants thicagboatthe coontry. . Whalestak Agol!s~ in Akio York. HOADLEY, PHELPS dc Co, ICI Waite RUSHTON is Co, 110 tiroaoltray. . ; A - It 4 D SANDS; tomer Patton and William. ASPINW ,ALL 86 Willinsistrest. Orders addresse d to net at Slop Sing, 84 Y, wlh iiicatteilded ; 'iIOPRGR , E. - STANTON, - Proprietor: For pale in -Pittsbnrel by L WI LCOX, Jr, and .1 KIDD &Co. Alleglosny City,JOHN SARGENT Hirai hans,JOHN SMITH— ~- -febl9 OUROVULA AND StiIIiNtILDUS 4 SWELL; INDS.,—Scrotels I. all its multiplied forms whether iwthst of IMO Eyikeolsrcesamits ti the flusher bone; Goitre White'Swallisis;Corouic Namstisui,timiser,diiearal gibe Shin or Spise, and Mammary Coosturiptioo, etimiste from .ose scathe same Cattle, which le S. pithouotti prhielpie more or law lamest is the heath mitem. There, fore. Edam this prise* ea be drawled, so reth od cure esti be efieeted; bet if the wttociple epee which the disame - depende,- is renewed; I . ewe 'motor 0444.4fe110t5, no =tier alder vortaticinn the disuse should mullet Tide, therefore is the Ittibir* bY Jelteit's As2rettimmejs said mmwthi Ii teuswisit 'Ea Maim dialesket' Wilmette's tie :rime ar principle Dote those diem* bnatheit otive,bylethdig lido the eithelatlee, gad With the blood is moneyed to .the.misstest. Mesimmesieg mg: ro w. dimwit Azyth grititiZlMOd du tebtetflo. ..:sdidotherelith ' .1044 lEDICAL, Da. TOWNSEND'S S S kPA - R IL L A.. Most extraordinary italicint in the Work!. • Thu nti.t I. poi v p n Quirt ballet: of is the theticleepS et, plasanter, and wanuintest superior to thy 041. to acres discus without, minsitinc & purswif mehmuis or de Malt SPEINUIrD • The grml beantj sad ielitriiiity al this Sersaperilla int WI other Medicine is, whilst it Enetiegre Diver* it linter. swabs Dog-. 11 is on. of the •verp,best SPRING AND BUMMER. MEDICINES mar kaolin; it not only porifie tie whole system siwl litmegthent the peison;Dot it CreOldl 'Novi Poin-andiiich:Famod ; a Fewer bo omae lledschie. Any in i b is DrArand lb.meret of i1.11101.1a ful th m afieu caeca.'ltbae l' ds offfinere . Ctues Itierrarnal a;uue of these were mosiilered in — eurahle. 31ore thin • 3,000 mitt oft:brink Bbeasesitisol 2,000 am. oil/riper& p • • 1.10 maw of General Debility end Wont Of }..00 . 7,00(1 aunt of &Mimi Waiale Compleinb : WO of Senefulaf - • s —4500 ewes of the Lib.. : ?Au arm of Disease of the Kidzet sad Dram; sod-Theeimodeeteesre o dOCeen•o f Waite et k tl . au Blood; vim Ulcers, Wigiresteltithenni s Pisa oure vra ,..d , r4eind7Dies ' t, DparAtteetiesse,A4ls.e. , - ere ere mien suit appear a r i l ..d but ore Iste, letters from phydelmi and our %mutt from Mt of of the United Mates, mforming us of estraordinery mum • Iti-Din Boshirlq Feu.. Meath. most mispeteble Min:Oman aric, 1111 J, informs us that he een.refer to mom than ISU ms AM place Maw There are 'human& of t 0... in the city of New Yoilr,iiehieh We mill 'refer to with plummy, end to som of elmnetiril It is the' best medicine fin. the Premutim of diastase known.. It imulathtedly saved &elites 5,000 GILLMIZI 'Mu Pant BUNN/ M it remand the cum of dinner, sad pupil*" them to' Demo Sirens . Corr. O. W. filcCiman. Or sits hilirldn DUSTS Noir, and number of Ma Now Jersey Legigsturs, has kindly omit us the Edlowing cortificatr- It toll, its coma stotT. • - asmorsT,Jon.23, Arm dose I COi takes Mit'. dm Woman, and my "shots mown Da in a dcbilitsied rata. .lens induced to. to Dr. TwirmosuPs Sarsamuillsoad ohm taking two or threw W ass, I woo ucry mir.h Mini:Coed attribute it manly to the said Sanapardla. I hair minimal tads; iy.nd find that Dorms miry day. 1 bdinail mind my life, and wotid not be without it mider any emmiimelitm. U. W. MelaUt,l4ta U. B. N. , . . . This 'certificate conelosively proms. that this Sensperkla has perfect control over the most obuitude discus of Yht Minsk -Three Futons enrol in anti Imam is unponfedented. Timm Gutmann. Dr. iostmusui—Dar kir t I haws the phasare hi infirm yon that three of my children haws beat ennui of the Bete. fob by the use of your muellent medicine. Tkey Makatea very merely with Mil sake; hue oily ham ' L . ; bottles ; It took them away, ,for.bdticAl kel opelf =dm deep obligation: - Yousompetrolly, Isaac Alio Cloro,los,Wookii or. Now York, Moab L. • ••• GREAT IiEMIJS.YEDICLRE. . . D. TowniesDo Dartepailln L ie au . .ad unity Wfur incipient Conemeraiml_Bariennealanoorration hits, obstrated ditkult Blenanatia• Ineoutirtunce of Urioe, or involutes, discharge ttortof,and for the gni end prostration of the eplexe—elo seam whether the malt of inherent.= or causes, produced by lacgularity, khan or strident. • fr Naha' Zu'b more upiathin its kalguratag !f -ade =Law human frame. Duties at wealuse and bun lode, front taking it, at ase• beau robed .r.erty ander its lawmen It insmegately• cmenterects the nem Jerre. of the female fame, !clack a the gnat mead' n. It will tot be expected of tam eases of so - delicate a =- turn, to cabala oortilloote of axes performed, but we on sure the addicted, that hundreds °lmes ha* been reported to ni. &erratum lettere amities ban been 'damn ail/. rm, after using • few bottles of this breakable medicine, hoe beer bled enth heathy olkpring. 21nonsaldr• kly• Ink ; being gutty Dein' med by imbue ant gaud dabikri, a?el enem _oreuittnellY by pain and • mutation of •atrmg dare, Ming of the womb, aid with other &Sallies, and bung known 'el., where your medicine bat effectol peat cum; end also bear ing it reeuteseaded each camas Ikea delnlad,l obtain eta bottle of your Kama darseptrills, sod falowed the &recta= you gave soc l ot • short mad It removed her complania and restored her health. Being gatteal the b ohs recieed,l lake lansnain donne) it, sod recommending lithe pobbe. ?doom., /11.- ay, Alag.l:l, , of Grand nod liydias • • :! Dasasethe, Sept. 29,160. Dr Tberesend: To aIl *boa this tuy coseena—This is to certify that my siPt used are bosh of yoor SasseparlDit to her assescaust,'utoder the mat alums% W i . =cirerorattee4be tryobled with the dropsy, reel. hop of dm feet, tempts and sery meta dsbitits ; and toy perstessou, cod the seemumeudation of than eetto had coed 11, Jet .as induced to try it, with tilde or so DIA; and seam it ao say, abe medicine had the ItapFp met desired ethelowe telly iv the hours of eattfrocease, but eller rho eseratiou of cat testa a its ast, ttut drop; salter. wow shoes= pre any to m IWOSIMg &pee, end ter health vs sow bet alma tr bad ben de a tong Ow pro os if dee writ be of any mires to you or any me who doubts the succese or the =atheist, yin ere embed, welcome to it_ subterilie myself year Seel' obedieut asd_ohiter neva. Sri Jeatati ea. / TO MOTHERS AND MAIMED LADIES. ' This Etinoot of Samapogla Los Mot eiprooly prepared to referents 14. female moryisisaL No foolis boa-o wn to sumo sloe is apprombing that Who] yeried, 7he t•EIT e ave.:1.604 ...vie, to take it, it is • oasis prernitio • Fr any of the stunornois mot horrible dim., to vihkh kmoloate Wire at this time of life, "Ibis prtiod may be delayed Mr wool eon by ens' thio medicine. Nor ts it leo ramble to Wm oho are smoothing wineabood, as it it canna.. to moist Wars by giiickeziog thcbkod sad imigorsiing sygis.a. Melted. tho oodierae u ibli.i vabla be al of 110 drinido dowse to aLith SOOts an subjtce ... It brow the olsOle veto!. renew peresawaly the Wo nt morgioo—by meow' Jr is:Lhasa° of the boly—mot va for ansohnog the "Mot m hoodoo • otheeqoent. so- Wanes orhich u the con *fowl medieino Wm for fowls modals mod dame. . UIRLS READ TILLS. Tog who Lis ban tosisams, dun epo s Warns atho het, toy} alit, or freaks, gad ere "oot iks ;" a noble or tow of LO Torrasreet Sanopo It will tn..* poi ilea, resort ing becalm sod blotches, sod silt pt. marrosito. ttorklori ries, fus epirds, owl besoubd cuoioe— 1.11 abillb,lel 'an a Lemma rats 1 s ...•,- Win.d EZIME3 . No flag! o avedwind to. ever beo tonna ankh vo only rosteddo the 'oar juio or ming is Lagoon, fan and grrarbegiat the organ of ditectiva ; undo rape; ratio of Sanaparilla. Bus Darsarsawr; A%iny ; 10,11)41. Dr Tr thr-1 Lao leo learnt ran oth dyspepsia ha its wont ion, Otrwied win eogrj of km of Nigh.. matron bonbon, and • trot agersio to all knob of iuni, and A., weeks othat 1 cold soh) I have bog unable to retain but • wall yaw. or;y swevena I triad the rod rowdies ; but they had, tut I Ole or oo effort io meowing the rooplot. low ix Owed; abour oarlocks Woe, I. try you laugetalf thaw perilla, god I oat ny with I.lllr eatMeog, ,but alto. gain t= WO., I ;wad by amain restored; gad the otirely . roared; sad I wand earsollysearam. mead the to of it to doe who Uwe been aldbied ow 1 hare boo torn/', W. W. V.. ZA..r. ' Nor 92;1818. llatoalthath ALMOST A vINNACLE. Bottle blkorisg, oral doubt if yo• am ; that emsoMp tiao moat be ore& TIM 'scaly aloe of the enetalboadord non that Townson Banarrilla has mod: Lk Teentacad—Enn . I graa Wk., • little own • Tar •gg, with a sma imarkapd . is ray side. It I. none or they bra, indeed. low prommeod by phr , eirigav to Ivan the quick crecomptiow I raised law rpm- Cain of bed maw, bad malt oral% =a Odin very Gab my dolor add he could do e oi „ 1 fa. fora, I Inas iota the bogital ia hapv of being bra 'butane prooomeed there so wearable. I arse now greatly 'strewed at the loge and W hardly,bnathe ;1 goo became tmilegorvaad opened , to die; vas eaolowd lo nay , rmead vegs Wged to to .trat= ii iode edotia b, 1 won i rtattzuletr y iele y a fr "thLt ta rat notary ;1=64 a trot number of rnaedier, mama to be to in pee I rod fd. woe twartlov perionsa by oar d,.ve and to dew yoga the troth, I to there VM own b 10 thaw Boil was induced to try it, I did lICS sad sag my thankful Aid. 1 wont lay that I are ottnly well, but am ea far nwenrerod m to be Omit my bonne, zed hope ta be warm ly t at a few wok,. 017 moth and psia-in the Ole ; orl. sig senate hive left ate, isid rain bd very bait, and aro bfl gamin my usual ArendL . tkii it • dory to girt roe • Itlatallakt al my ore, to pub if las clewed rm. Hamra ; 47 LOU.; Brarldrh • (ionic-no of Physicians. • Dr Toymbend *soot daily menriug ordors from phy; oncionas in dilforeut podi a tholhuon. This 1.6 to codify DM us, Ma undmigrod, Playsiefaus of Ciny, of ..iltoay, tun iu nun:62nm moo frescribed Dr. T o o n motio,SomporillsAnd Inelim it win of an sod rupustionno of M Sarnorp . 6 in 111.4:214k5t, Wt.*, st 6, • ihusss, o r P ZEtassooss,■ D. Albany, April t, 1643 This is to esiSW Doi ire, the saidersiguth, prastissiag Thosososian Physmous of ths thy of Albany. hare freqoast ly pm:scribed Dr Townson's Compound Estoril of Sun. pealls t arid from its koors qualities, would rowitoneud II a the pu Dr usirearial, scsofahow, sod obese asormoissdis asses, its prefers:oar many of the sdressised rowdies now in use. . . - ADI admits, r,. • • Aliso) April %IWO. • • .. Wit B B.r.irruat,T r. Prioripalofflee, IDS Fallow st, Bass Duthling,ll Bad , ding it Co State IS Bostod Dr Dyatt *pops, EN North 8o and stplithats/plum 6 Sao., drowsy Ballosonty sad by prissolyal &moots gmwowily. through - out ths United S al . ;, West lonics tad th• Cssadws , • •Nows prombo, go unless put op in -the large Spare battles, vbish scatoin wn son si with Imm signate of s p TOWNOEND, .11 M e mo. blow , on th e o Ohms ur From DKr New York DarLEZU: of ApriI9,IPN. ihil k arerming th' e g sb,V "d irsissoyarills 7 Esy ' sw . The whole thog is godup good tests PIC of the ono modal harps pookpireimudiful, which, together issith -the serall wort, So gold, gfisteuln fu the sus,- wads • show only espolled firosdssy, We take this apportion, to my we bilks* this garnet of this Mirsopsnils deserves the 1 , ..!1PP4' =Vim& , • - . • .Martattui Mobility. • • ,•; rit. Yana, blurb 27,1817 7. Di. Toirtmerelt-1 hini been diktat mare or km kr 3 pare, with a dremifid sinking In the ehrm, giddiaree to the Fwd, lam of appetite, rain in'ths limb., ad genera/ debility, brought doodoubt by the emitinual heat and cold to which lam subjmt to in 'Titrationy at n dyer. I hats taken other weed Mims, too OtialelOOl to madam, but with limbic orno me ad. Isms Wood by 'what I .win the rare to trya Ikeda ofyour Sanaparilla, Gimes hide llama great relief, bar. side tad meld monrboulp, and I ma unhesitatingly my it to lb. beat medicine 1 limb Imre taken—the pato in my choar' I goes, and 1 foal waes diformat marl together ewe. Ikon dorm your eameprdk. I have now& baler appetite than ewe I bad.. My sae has taken it with the mom benefi cial result. I would renamed it se a handy. medicate mare/lb and I Del morinced that Om tweithere worl d not be half the melsmse diers is, and consequently ma as mazy . Doctor's hW. Or while it restorn appetite, it gm gives to We eldattit ad Death thear repdarkatemt Maya the bkwi m • healthy elate, as tbardoentec m not middy to attack the mire, And to anther dm Era and hi a healthy etata,l my try • Dr Townesad'a SsrampatilLs. • Titowantherrw, DI Allen M. ' Caater la Chi Illersthr D n• ei n,por 6 so =coot ofasotior child mod. Dr TorrtoweP Beilia Ma rand Do lirca of domes& of chltdreo-- TboWlowSof cortifiert• releelai from • groat umbel ' , reeked this wort, Ndw Von, April VOW. Dr Torn:wad: Dear.,.:—One or wy childern vow my Web with tbe CIIDM b, tha nrowb and throat, Wended with peat debility. • Relay:emu dying; obtiismisanar.of Our matte sWitine, and it mend it directly, for which I no war. you Wet very grated, - • Yuen reepretfully, : • - Lumen, Vowtam, 4l lleabrodoe et For tale by A E tiELLERI4 Demist, N 057 Weed .t, between 3d and ath n.,who lns ben :appointed by Dr ITOWNSENDiede Adent for dl eibety co. jcilddentyV • flusband's Celebrated Fluid 'Magnesia. nyoltd,rafeand elegant and aperient; be • iteg a perfect solidi= of cliesieally pare earbotaw of e l pred4 parr., alltbe twain! gentian:alba dant pre- Iwigkt" "tdied.t brim Ilabkl to fond concro tins baths boarebior to act injoriOwly upon tb, coated Ow annoneb! taldainotafal of Ow Fluid Magreesin is cdair ailent totwadtb to balfa telowantror.blid.Ww• • • Tot dalitbrll 4•NANN corner Ist and •Woro 'gni Wood sal etk- - —ell =ZK;M =lt &lop. vpia ExiSonnotrillor amsnaltee kiwis/4 COT In A FARM.: ivata ?litmus - ! 4 Arn and wood add nod food . , ==M2MMM ADVERTISEMENTS mossoa,s•co- 2 4 . so:m v ki r isi=ri Wow Fkird, Snail /OA Drab Glaserl V t i a r ilnialsarirelgolgr aa rl. ; ii" ite g reVlZ. rke d tZe i" : '"Pn." .11 " . Clocks, Dixon A Son's Brnamia,Gennan Silver and Silver plated wares Sheffield and Birmingham* plated ' fancy ardelesAtodgers &Eon's and Wortenholm's cut lery, rams, acowors, macre. desk Naives, &A, :14017 /moaned table' cutlery of the finestonedtem and co. mon qualmies.. A large assortment of gold pees, focal spectacles, papier macho- nod Japanned tram Vann! shapes aad qualitiek al reduced' rates, geld watch cases and silver ware of all descriptions man ufactured to order. DICKSON & CO. harms recently removed IMO the Imp mut commodioas warehouse &needy occupied by Mears. Ashburn & Soo. and more recently by Ashhurst & Pemungton__, beg leave. to i 210,14 1. etch Dealers,Southern and-Westent Merchants artd ether Met they &Joan having Mall times an assonment of Goods of their own importation which they are deter mined to sell et the lowest rams. GooEvety attention will be pod the packing.of de and to the eaemultm of orders, the qualities and pen will be fully permuted spout all competition. e J. JUEL, ARTIFICIAL FLOWER MANUFACTURER, No. 166 - North -Third Sired, • .120177. ...1111LADELPHIA, lAid on hand,'ind marmfutares to order, Artificial X Flowers, Feathers, Tarlatoriond Face Caps, La- Ales , Dress Caps, Borders, Coronets, to. And every description of Fancy Geed% which he will fell mile lowest market prices. N -B.—Feathers dyed, cleaned, altered, and shaded. i;13.0 4 &J.lr• ioeff V940)1 ,THIS Hammer Fames., amity advannages 'over all whets—among which may be mentioned . Im Manameableness—Tkerapidhity and Gnee of blow may bo controlled with the roemu smse, while the hammer is in operation, and the hammer maybe in stantly arrested, and suspended at sinT height. I Its Universality, or capacity to execute amok of VI kinds, Sem theist-zest to the smallest, ander the same hemmer. Its Simplicity, Compaemem and Cheapness. -Its Aecessibility upon nil sides, by the workmen. .- Al the hammers are made Solf.Acting, Thus subset-Mims continue to execute coders for these hammers, of all aizes,upon a mbles term= For forthet particulars, ?m of ,g E nv i in c • it Town., Again:we of the Patent gathe United 1L4..1_ deelS-IT .. ' Neutheenrk Foandry,Philnale• "PERRY I NICKERSON, Man roetoren of AWNINGS, SICKING Barron, WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN DAOR Or ALL DLISCRIPTIONS No. 3114 South Fro*t Strad. Back of 7 A. Wiirores Cabinet Ware Manufg PaILLADULPHIA: A LL orders left wixh S. S. Woo, arse OEOS of Do A Merchant's Rowl..Piturboogit, will be prowo ll 7 attended t0..T1108. G. DERRY noplo-fily A. C. NICKERSON • • . ..... • .. WILLIAM OGLE; MICE ARD .fI,4IWEDS NAKER.23O Cb.net .t namtephidte late a the dna of Ogla Wawa napeetfelly Wen n his fn and the poldie, that kr kas and mill keep amadantle oo hand and Mr mile, • Madame mottmeat of ash hatable Carriage. Vehtelea of all Myles lad deeeripticsa Made to order at the gement Foible soda. end 41.alita the eery best =mar, of slotted material • kbal•ly FLLtliLi . . lire be North-Third urea, hebru , Race, Phu dutelphia. UA3 Jett merited m additioa to his Amster Imo am eonatent, a (mob lota dew pattern elects of th matt eelebrated tanker; earth is Fatreetrilla lamb. . . .• . taring Co, C germ:animad other., lane` all the pax. toms of tha Eight day and Thirty hoar Clroks, of the dif ferent znanafitcurrea. Also year, caonth t gado and alarm Clock. Dealers.grill do well to glee us a pall. Orders b mail promptly attended to. • oat'? Im. AGENCY NOR PATENTS. :• Washiskgiort, D. C, ZENAS C. ROBlllNfiy . Mechanical Engineer and Agent an prOeuring Cartel; will prepare the ne— cessary Dreamy* and Papers for Applicants kr Pat nts, and transact all , other bummer; mMe line of his perfalsion at the Patent Mee. He can be consulted on alley:mainus relating to the Patent Isms mad deci. 111001 In the United Beeler, or Eatime. Poisons eta dime., desirous ef having examinations made at the Patent Mee, prior to making application for a patent, may forward loom paul,.erieloung a fee of five dollars, • clear statement of their case, when immediate aoen lion will be given to It. and all the information that could be obtained by a visii of the applicant in Knee) promptly contimmented. All on business asst be post paid. and contain imitable fee. where a writt. opine is misused.. Ince on F. street, oppoaite the Patent Office. ' Ile Lae ale honor of relennoc, by permission, to llon. Edmund Berko, Commissioner of Patent.; Hon II L Ethroseolt, late do do Mr, 11 Entrwles, Machinist, Patent ONce; jjet! It C. C=t h e,lll=erg C , if S Pena te; lion. W Allen, Ohio, • do; llon.l B tkrwllti,N C, Miswrite; lion. Willis Hall, New York; Hon. &alien &WM.?", C., .1[1'1301.; /991. 9 Breese, U Seutei 11m. /II Rolfe, M C, Milsour4 Capt. It 11l Mauve, Nimemil • —1 Ernst. Dimas, Esq.. Pittsburgh._ re7lB NO CURE NO PAIT. DR. CULLEN'S. IND! AN VEGETABLE REMEDY—Wamnted to were, or the mon. cry retuned. This medicine it prepared from an in. dean Receipt, obtained ham one of ,them in the Fat West, at great expense. 'Thane - -'who have been familiar with the Indiana, know that they ea and do cure Venereal without the kaoirledge of Mery cosy, Balsam, or anything of the hied. The dieted have now on opportunity of beieg aired withou the use of Balsam. This. medicine to pleasant to the taste, and Leaves no smell ou the. b reath. Prepared by ROWAND & IVALTON, and sold wholesale end retell. by .1. T Rowand, 376 Market street, Philad'a. For sale in Pittsburgh by It F. Sella*, 37 wood street. and by Wm. Them. 32 Market et: *edible!' - .—enc—made on th e roost aliroved Eastern plane and most fashionable taidernraueres and mien. Also THEE CIIIAP ROLL, or DOS FUN bead or made to order of all slam, and at all prices. - Country M.:reheats and others are invited to call and examine the above for themselves. es all will De sold wholesale or retail, and a liberal sedation made to wholesale parch...ors. aold I v A WPATILVELT .•• COACH- MAKIN , O. . - FROM the very liberal ettemrage 01113Nroent the sabseriber km received since he h. located. himself in Aliegievy, has induced him to take a lease, for a term of years, on the pr he nom ocemansoOn'Beever street, immediately beside the PresbyterianCharch. Front the long erporle me to the above business and a desire to plea., he hopes to mer it and receive a share of publie patronage. Nor °ahead and finishing to order, Woe hammy Bag. ties, open and top Iloggica,.and every deseriptkm of rttages made to order. fmm seveturfive dollars to eilOthanaret. Ootp3lliff JOHN SOUTH'. T. Joacarata/lass Chemical Soap. VOR ill kinds of eruptima and diseases of the Skirt; such Pimples,B/otebers, ash Rheum theihirTi Pacrts, Mama- or cracked akin, and for all calm dime uem aos gbe skin, which Impure extental rereedm, this Soap mode unparalled. It also dlapels Freckles, &a bare, Illorphaw, TDB, and chem. Me color of dark, yellow, or disfigured ski., to a fM, healthy, youthful, clearness. A fresh supply, manacled gem.. and fer saletho reduced price of Wiper mkeihas jest been racci yid, is offered for sale by B A FAIINESirmiC Co:, corms la and wend and al. at the corm, of with lied wood eta 'you (ENT FURNISIIINO otiX/D3 of whole- LOD E TODD, asectofactorcrs boot., No Mood .t., up stair. two ilium below lloiloolica the anelltke posubsiuni of Gentian., Forsishois theiels to our Moe* of uew sod Gultioszble goody moufectured asprosfy fir our own macs, warranted. well wade aid glee pert eutielectiout end we would call dm uttctithes of yardmen and our custo mers be owe estie of 'opaline No Troy Shirtibilititrucsiredi me S cos medium quality, 4o; wit h both white .od .tripod of reery d .eripti® ood quality, with piers to salt porcterg another caw of thou Patera wivel/obit Bread Olio tic Diseproilers jolt timed with mi.. sorts and prices. We Imola uolicit thei cells of parehassini ectio,ore la the Whit of view Over this woustalus 4;5, .cell *nil ermine oar stork, ..weer. centelcut ' fer as prices erie ma