The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 20, 1847, Image 2

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WEDSEsDAY liitilLsilriG,.o . CT. 20, 1847
• It the Perrsetetta. Deux °ALCM. It pFiblight.4
TriAV•ricly, and Weekly.—The Daily is Sr'.,ram
• pet annum; theTel-Weekly is Five Dollarepet
• • ear, the Weeklyis Iwo Deflate pre elm= smelly
:gin g anESTltitre S.AitaXOA.D.
W. learn. with dilate pleasure: that this great
national work—es vitally important to out city—
Is going on with cummendable zed and enemy un
der the supsreLion of its chief engineer. J Eilfar
TM:ripen, E.g., whose fame has been so wed
earned by his succeed - 01 operations on -the eaten-
Wye *beads of tiloorgra. We bare convoreed
with - one of the coeutamon Letitia giest bridgeoaer
the Susquehanna. - Tine notic em-tare will ho
2701.1 feet in length. Its masonry of Cut atone
will be so 1:1241.1•e no to defy the 6 aids which I
have recently swept off all the bridgesof the J uqi
au and inquetranne. This ge ithatnan hen . : l•
hands at wore, preparing an immense quantcy of
mat stone. from the cuteness quarries, opened in
the Immediate vicinity. All poenble despatch will
be gives to he earliest completion, as the entire
dstsace from Harrisbureta to L.:wise:men. nearly
60 miloscrill be reedy to travel by that time if it
Is B itettad. Ae an evidence of tie anal . with
which the work hes been prosecuted, we Irian that
two len:Coos. of a mile each. have, for more than
a month, been ready for the supemtrtieture I In
'a for - winks the-remaining 'distance nearly to the
Allegheny will . be put under coniram. The ant
:nye hive been pros:Muted with great care and
ability,sinai to *mire the boat pm:sit:to route; and
It le now quite. Fobable that this can -be effected
Several miles shorter than originally anticipated. l
• :by crowing Me mountain at in tee, grade with i
ent inclined Finn —Pititarielphia Bulletin.
.-' Naar ..... ss ra Rat • Rene—We learn' that.
about forty Miles of this road will bo rvady,for let
' Xing sometime during the next month, extendice
Senn the western terminus of: the reed, now under
contract, lotto Lewistown - dem..,
Tie corps of Engmeere.under :the 'snociiaten
dance of Mr. Thompson. the able Utief Engineer,
are now actively engaged ill locating the route.—
. This be cheering ne ws, and wo do hope it acr
Ears well for an early completion of the Railroad
from . Philaialphila to tits city. The interruption
of the Canal navigation from Philadelphia to the
Weak, by the Eq/ioolild storms, and the effect
of which is to shin out all direct bush:ten corn
• couniciatioo with the coca uercial -Mir of the !Rate
for many mouths, clearly demonstratelithe necewi
ty of acne more reliable means of access. To
Pittsln•gb, this Central Rail Road ir iot great
linportance, but to Philadelphia its importance
Is Immenee, end not to be calculaied by cost in
dollars and cents. - What the Erie Railroad is to
New York, the Central Rail Rood J. to Penney!-
note, and wlmn the line Is Fermented Zest from
Groin.' Ohio to the - D e hware,Thiladelphia — W - ill
map untold el** from the brininess which will
be ponred into her lap from a thousand channels.
We are glid, therefore, to ace the prospects m
4 - hated by the extracts we make. Bat more, if
possible, shouldba'dorre.', . There arc fire thousand
men and More now employed iltpon' the Erie Rail
toad, end.everc tody,—oserchatts, femme, me.
utuafics, Mann," cleika, drnyinen, and even ap•
prenticesi—tre lending • hand by rubscriptions
and otherwise, for the prosecution of this gnat
work. Infon a like spirit among our people, end
It would not ha Tong before the mountains would
be tunnelled, the bills levelled, the valleys eleve•
tad, the riven bridged, sad the snorting of the belt
horsibeard among our people. We long to see
theflame find smoke of three machines of fire and
- .pea alms our rivers. There is mole in their
itrlU whistles; and in their tlarizuleric4 tramps.—
The" cmy pdfing and putting of these chariots
of fire, laden with the treasures of the earth end
the workshop, iniparm a new spirit .to man,
naw - fife to tninees, a new valuta to property.—
The sleepiefr drone in' the human hive. robs his
eyes, and bestirs himself anew the presence of,
this darb machine. ' Our lazy pace is quickened
es we survey one of thews winged Pegasus. that
Melia rib* birds fir, even when there is no wings
to guide theta. The fable of . lessee la co fiction
for heat, is the very element of motion and
power. .
We are, indeed, amazed that a busy, bustling,
- Utilitarian people like !hoe° of Pittsburgh end
Pennsylvania generally, have not long ago thrown
._ off the sleep which has hong like a night mare
upon - them.' Sorely it needed no groat direern
coot to see whet Rsil Roads have done in de._
veloping the resources f the cnontry. They hays
quadrupled the real estate wealth of NewEagland
in al:teepees of a dozen rev., and Idled yawl, Ito
the wealth of every country where there has been
enterprise auflazient to make Mein.
We know, m s s city like this, what demand,
there is .. for capital, and what temptation to in- '
vest It, where large returns are promised, but in
proportion as public, impro.ements are made, in.
creased value will be given to all iovestmente of
property, and even if it were otherwise, as good ti.
tyro, ecome,hing is due in eupport of necessary
works of p . oblic investment. We know, however,
that individual gains will accrue, 'end, that almost
irithoutdiatinetkm ot clearer, from the
' of work like glib., ind from a; Rail Rosa atm.
metrication West. Let every men atomic es feel
that he has an Interest in both, and do oil he can
with hie purse, his pen, sad his counsel to aid in
Tai W (Na.) htunnaa.—Dr•
lOotlidge hu been erreceil for the murder of Mr.
Matthews. , The eireConstnees which filed um
plcion uponthe Doctor were, that he requesfed
Mathews to get him 1,1.500 os $2,000 for •abort
thins, said'oframi hini a bill of sale of his books
`and neonate' es collateral security, and a bonus of
111400, far the ma of the money. Matthews dnw
the money [tomb:ink on Tbareday, the day of the
murder, and informed his uncle and cousin for
Whet purpose he wished it. On Thursday even.
Jug he left a party of young men, saying that be
was going to Coolidge's ems to transact some be.
Sinai Iu tho morning he was found murdered
in tin rear of the can. Mr. Flint, a student of
the Doctot's nym , 2_
- Coolidge came to him at %Valium's Miran, on
tor teeming Of the murder, and requested him to
go. tolhe offiM end fi nd certain book _Which be
had boon using. Oo entering the ramble found
Matthews deed. Coolidge nid he bad drank a
glass of brandy and died ins fit, and he must help .
get him ant of the office. Flint at fleet refitted,
'but Coolidge mid if he wee found there, folks
would think be we. murdered by them; diet they
Weld and !therm:it; and theygroold think be had
been uturdmed,by othett; that he had given him
• 'two tdowi to carryon the deception. Flint mist.
ed to carrying him down the back stain to the
sear Of the building wham he was found, and then
: left. After the search for the money, the Doctor
• " ! gave himiltsoo of 16 and ordered him to bum it;
• which he al.' It had meelointly been concealed
2`.tindu the =Pet, directly. under .the Dodoes safe.
ineeinstio.of the sto mach of the murder
ed man, noir It eettduthat hi camito his death
The Doctorbud hitherto tame a good chino
_ • tot, estieyed • good practice, and had from eight
pit &nand doUare 'on hi boob. Hi le about
$6 'lan of age,
pss,,ltieheliestd, i. sleet
ad hS:re the dinthiftt:District; anal by 'majority so
lard that tit 'Oficial vote will makwit newly or
quit 4 Ioo.' Th. immican 'appose? lt tcebe "ter
100. •Thle is a Whi"Maio, and sieWittalho *hip
' 1 In the Sinn* and amow
./710"enniziii=Tknix,ptdali of thi town
f irl4euwireiwiwod w on
WaerriMof t&.
"M M '
• •
•luid• ?mow Pith"'
" wok. lipith.7nHiskir
... Ll.'. ~.
_~ ~ .. ^r^~'S^~'~:4v~x'`kC"-7-. 3. `K~, tM.~s?C.'L[tR,.IN
Cll4ll/111711Tr•XeSterdlY W. COW at the ,
writing moms !01. Mr.- Ainsworth,: in Barke's
buibling,rottrthst m set, and were well plowed with
the greatlinerease in the number and" proficiency
of bin gaolers. Tie has now cne bundred
who attabAat his roams, during tho day, and has
alga the/charge of an evening clam in dal - toiler.
sty. ,}dr. A. has a Puppy factdiy of imparting in.
dieCtion iii this nocesatry branch of education,
tt - iicommunity begin to appreciate his ability ma
en instructor of penmanship. • .
Laamtar.—Tero lads about 15 jean of age,
named O'Brien and Whlet, were 'committed for
further heating by the Blayne on Tuesday, on a
charge of picking the pocket of a lady named
Clajton, at the Comniercial sake room, on Mon.
day. Her racket book containing $6O was taken.
She had risital the Auction rooms for the pun
'paee t of purchasing (continua to commence libbsa
keepmg, and wo are informed this was all the
mine, she had. '
Mr. R. G. Newton, Vocalist and Pianist, lad
Mr. 'Newton, Eccentric and BM & Sieges give a
Concert this evening at the Atheneum Musical
Vbej come highly recommended, both from
the Eutern and WOSIOUI cities, where they hese
beelhgiving concerts. , .
Haw Bentm, lady and two daughtara arrived it
the Monongahela House yesterday. - Mini HOU.
Wm. Payne and lady, of Alabama.. • .
Raw. 1. N. Ma it arrived in town on Monday
(tom the East, sad left yeiterday In the Hibernia
fir the West;
The VILIMIIT. CHILDIIIIX wil l not 'bit Pitta:
burgh before the. Spring.
Profravor Ruiz: and hie sans bill be hare in
November. He is one of the Moat raircatitable
men for athletic powers in the'avorld•
. . .
Mr. rhcriscrox, formerly one of the pmptielors
of the "Dispatch," in this city, hot recently agent
of the Sable Humanists, is reported to he very
sick at Actbum. N. Y. The Journal says hts
death is inmomii..
• AS.ITEII6 11•NDS.MI eunrctuestos.---The
teotkorto in the ruling mill of Mein. Chef(
Lindsey At Co have enbsaibed ono hundred and
twenty.ow dolian towerdithe Weetkington . hfon.
ument. come dozen dollars beyond the
lergest enbscription: do i)ettert
EmaratelComor, Oet. l l9,lB47.—Preaeut all
the Judges.
Commonwealth,- Ex.nalatione, Edgar Cowan
•s Hon I W Burrell, Qao Waranto. The aro.
meat al lira coon. WIN continued from yesterray
bi 'Camas Williams, erg, and Edgar Comm, sag
lot the reletbr. and by htz Cox in reply.
L Carpenter's assignee far tale vs Daniel
Malley; eppoal from the decree - of distribution
made by lire court of common pleas at West
moreland county. Argued by Mr Armstrong and
Mr Foster for appellants, and Mz Kuhns far ap
George Thompson vs Fanny Clark: error to the
court of common plea of Watmoreland county;
argued by Mr Fates fez plff in error; !Ar Laird for
dig' in error.
• . It appeers from the - subjoined, -diet
Gamic :ilk, of New Tort, has seat two mem •sins
to the General Convention, to bo restored to kis
Episcopal office. Wo !me published one of
them, but the following had been presioraly sub
mitted to the convention: •
To the Right Reverend the Bishops of the Pro-
testaot Episcopal Church in the Hailed Bless of
America, their- euffeting brother, the Bishop. of
New York, respectfully and earnestly tenders this
his request, that they will, by such act as may to
them room right and proper, open the way (or his
relief from the operation of the sentence of euspert.
sine from the minietri, passed upon him by a por
tion of their body, forming an Ecelegirwtical Court
in the city °Mew York, in January, 1845.
I make this terrsMt, brethren, with an ardent
desire again to serve oar Master in tie functions
of our holy orrice- Severely as I hare been afflict
ed, I humbly hope . that by the overruling prowl
dence and grace, of God, the period, now nearly
three }leers, of my present heavy trial, has not
, been, and will riot be, without a blessing. In a
state of alindit entire Otaltioll from the world, I
have estnexalyeadeavored, in Terrance on the Holy '
Ghat, and with constant prayer for His infloence,
to keep a perpetual gin,' over my heart, to di
trot its evil tentletcy. to dr4 ' er. far greater fu
ture watehfainevs, wher,,U Dave led me as.
tray,'end to cultivate the spirit of bumble peni
me", meek submireion, selerangelical faith, der
voieri and charity.
I trust I ern not presemptoae in hoping that
hence,ria well as from the sacred studies and med
itations to which I have applied myself, C,od will
gracidosly allow fruit to grow, both in my person
al devotion to a godly life, mil in earnest and
ficthful pastoral labor, should I, in Hie merciful
providence, again_ be permitted to minister among
His people.
Peoying that the Lord will .o incline your heard,
and direct your connects, in a muter fraught to
me with such deep and Painful solicitude, Anil such
momentous interest, u will most accord with His
glory and your—duty, I am, Welborn, your., in
bonds of christinn respect and love.
New York, October 6, 1847.
The Editor of. the Chord:Man, in speaking of
the document, observee:-
It was d part of Bishop Omlerdonk's plan to
wait, sifter basing soot the above, for %::o remain
der of the week, and if then aninfarmal as to its
favorable effect, to mod to tho General Conven
tion a memorial praying for its interposition in his
behalf on the ground of the illegality anti
ity of the sentence.
Requisitions upon Diesico.
The Administration modestly require of Mex•
ieo to sonender tho following novo miles of ter
ritory, ea= of it embraeing the beet portion of
OS ?if exicen territory•
1 The whole rolinee of Santa Fe, 2.14,000 sq m
2 New Mexico—at lout 60,000
3 Upper Caltftroia 376,341
4 Lower Caldwell 57,000
To thii may be added
-1 The &Toted territory, 60,000
2 The region between the Gila and
Cidorado, said not to be Included
in California, 100,000
3 A part of Sonora, lying between
the Gila and its fiat branch—ally 3,000 a
Making a grand aggregate of 870,344
Aceonfing to Mr. Disturnell, the entire area of the
Mexican Republic embraces only 1,590,304
Ware miles—so that Mr. Polk demands more
Wan half of her territory, covering a surface equal
to one third of the present arcs of the United
Mexico is not willing to surrender all this ter
ritory as a • preliminal of Peace, and prefer to
die out right to being swallowed up in the span
prepared fdr her by the Administration-We wonder.
what the American People 'would ay it • prepo•
skim to despoil tke United States of 870,344
"mom mites of gondola' 'Would monoy,—eighs
teen millions, or one hundred and eighty
of dollars—buy it from mt We think not.
DALLAS and BucusaraN, as We euspected
would be the result, are already claiming for them
selves, the honors of the renent State election.—
Both mo ispinnts for the PresideLtial oars and
Loth detstmined to procure a State nomination, if
they cirt. It remains to be NMI which of the two
will oatorit the other in intriguing end high
bidding for suppcus. We believe that both of then
gentlemen should forego all claim of support from
the people of Pennsylvania. Hr. Dellis has ro•
eently been heralded is • model Patriot' in South
Carolina for his Pittebtugh opposition to the
.WilmotProviso," and all great :inflicting party,
ilnce his betrayal.of Pennsylvania intrusits, to
.the Molding officer of the Senate and more numh
in the great manufacturing city of his own State,
are disposed to hug him to their bosoms. Mr. litt•
chanan to his tette/to the l'lioneet Home" of old
Itinke,'lni bidden curly its WO, and Pannqin ,-
, nista" behold the dietepitable,spectsele of the Sec...
fenny of State and thi tee Pushiest of the
United 'Stites,: bidding. for Sinthein Votes and
wicking Mica almost disk own . birthriglits to be.
tionsotutiligi lords 'of . *er Pro-Slavitg .pariy
A NLTITaI Boa" 14 ", b" 1 "! im in "
'will rim I.a. Au. an Anti-11
"sa AboUtionwtit I.
Tfri t r
'Xs WO. rawAY stmt* fr
wa, wutwits fin aN i nk 61•111.
Decisions or the Saps:ems Cain!.
-18POilre Estate,.-Chief Joance Gibson.
Ono who has paid the amount of ajacment on
land purehaiod by him, to save it (rums:auction
is entitled to be :abrogated In the puss of the:
judgment creditor,. on a subsequent 'sale- by' the
Sheriff of other lands. Seen& if such purchaser
hat in his hands a balance of purchase mono* duo
to defendant, or the bonds for the same have been
Resigned to any third party, . who will lake them
subject to all equitable defalcation. •
• Creil.,-JUdge Burnside—am and
satisfactory evidence is , requisite to affect a legal
title under the Commonwealth, siccompaniesi by
thirty years IX.SerlOO. . • •
Wham there u no written lease, evidence of
circumstances said to constitute a tenancy, proper.
Iy left to the Jury to decide. .•
Hollister vs Holliater.—Jadge Coulter—The
presence' of the attorney or agent of the pals;
'not interfering, at the taking of testimony ,
out of the State, by commiellon, under interns'n
tones filed, is o sufficient objection to the &amis.
sion of the evidence.
The Cortunon ?less has jurisdiction of • 'Di.
some case, although the husband be a resident of
another State, if, under the 11th section of the act
of 1815, the wife (the lihellant,) .hall have a boa&
fide residents of one year in this sate, previous to
filing het' pothiori.
A reconciliation, and subsequent cohabitation,of
married persons, after .abuse and iiirreedneenfir
is not a remission of the'offirnce, ore her to,a di
vorce for such muses, although,by our statotei, sub
serpent cohabitation, with knoWledge of adultery,
is a continuation of the hat °fiance.
Purdy, Power de-Lacock —Contrary to the Eu.
&Lai practice, which requires a resort to Chance.
ry, the Courts of law in Pennsylvania, will enter.
rain en action against the debtor of i firm, to-com
pel the restorition of funds or credits to the firm, of
ter they hose been applied by one partner, Withoe
the consent of the firm, to each partners individosB
credit with. such partnership debtor
Evidence thet the debtor of a firm, did not know
of its ex istrincoj when he contracted the debt, may
be rebutted, by evidence that others of the vicin
age did know of it, especially as such knowledge
Is not material in throwing on the debtor an obli
gation to the firm, although he only know the act.
log partner, when making the contract, •
Partly vs Ex'rs. Stearart.--Jedge Roger,.
. .
The lialihty of thearties to a promissory noted°•
ponds on their COpSlMlllittli, beginning with the
drawer. But where .ca renewal of a note, the
names of the endorsers have been transposed
without their knowledge, by the agency of the
drawer, who took them in blank, it should be left
to the jury, In e contest between the endorse., to
decide whether such transposition was accidental
or intenttonai. The original liability of. the panties
to each other, will not bo relatively changed by
ouch renewals, nolon they were so intended.
Wallace. Coate°. (title to Braddock's fields )
By Judge Rogers. Douse. ..or all the residue
my reel end personal estate to be equally dint-
-del. [except such part as hereafter excepted,]
tween my wife Jane, and my children, George,
Thom., &e., and my daughters, Arabella and
Eli., share and *hero alike, and the profits of
tail reel and personal estate shall be for the me
and support of the before mentioned legatees, until
each s haft arrive at the age of 21 years, when they
shell receive their port g and in ease any of any
children .before mentioned shall die without law.
ful isme, or before they arrive at the age of 2l
years, in that case their part or shares if it be
boye, shall be equally divided between my two
dkughtere, and in cam it be • daughter. clingy
among the surviving children or their beim.
aThat my wife remain in pemession of "Bra
dock's fields," and the duck thereon, during her
ifelin eon she never menial then IT to equal.
ly divided between my surviving children and
their lawful Mao , after the death or =triage of
my wife.
" , The lot I purchased in Gcorge's name, above
Pittsburgh, to he valued and if taken by him,
tat, charged him an so much of his share, and
if more, surplus to be peed by him.
•The lots on the Allegheny, if taken by my eon
Thom., to besialued, &es sad charged him am so
much of kasha., and if more, then turpine to be
paid for by him.
That "Braddock'* fields" falls under
the first clams, it being the testators family reel
dence, and emit valuable item of property. To
construe it Abe word .riforetairr added, after
"children or their heire
That the word "iT" in the second clause, does
not refer to that relate. but the poseesekin of it
reerely„end of the clack eke.
An estate for life or during .widowhood. was
vested in the widow in Braddoek's field., and on
her death or marriage, it seems it wag then to go
mer in the manner directed; and tide cone-ruction.
adopted with hesitation, is influenced by the
property being regarded by all the, heirs as a fee
simple in George, in a general partition among
the bens, and that a largo amity was paid by him,
with long possession and improvements, after the
partition. •
It would appear that the intention of the testa.
for was. tO,g4• defecsible fees to all this children,
ex. ept•George /Oa Throne, who beiag of full RR*
at the making of the will, held indefeasibly. The
estate of the rest of the children became absolute,
upon thane...sal at fall age, or having children.
McKee and stile 'gloms. frame ejectment ea l ,
3d Barr. 497. The principles of that case review
to and sustained.
i Evidence of ebeence end misfortune may be ad.
deiced, to account for deley its bringing an %quits-
tde scion of ejectment.
Where n grimes denied by • second depositioo
what be swore to in a first, declaration. of the
witness wade prior to taking either deposition.
may be alined to enstain the first. •
Marriage will not entitle • husband to tenancy,
by the courtesy of a trust estate held by the wife a
against the cestui qui mugs
Smith vs Money. Judge Roger.. The rum re•
covered in Court (where no affiimit of $lOO claim
is filed) will carry costs if reduced by counter
claim—but if by payment will not. Here the
plea and evidence were of payment, and judge
meet was entered without ensue
Mattock and Damns ye Cullen—Judge Rodger"
—Covenant by Deem to put the demised premix
es (which were Mills) in complete repair. Lessee
to have the work done and to edema' the funds
required, and to keep a correct account of the came
—to be applied to yards, paying the rant on the
2d year of the lease, and all after repairs at the
expense of the leave. The cost of repairs more
than the secod year's tent, are toes borne by
the Lasn—owner of the fee. MI after repairs
construed to mean, all after the mills were put in
complete repair.
Tibbatte and Clark vs Watts—Judge Burnside.
—Stone quarried by Canal Contractors, who had
bought the privilege to dig, raise_and remorerhem,
and who were to pay the owner of them when
the quantity email be meertained by measure.
meat in the Locks, may be levied an whin re.
mused, and may be sold as the property bf the
contractor,. before they were paid for or built up.
Derrick it, Bon vs Cady—Judge Burnable—
The letters of a judgment creditor to tie debtor
[the defendant] giving him time and agreeing to
receive from him partial payments, are evidence in
babel( of his counsel charged with remissness in
collecting the debt.
Thee statute of limitations begins to run in fa.
vor of an attorney, from the time the client bad
notice of his receipt of the money, and where
damages were claimed from the consequences of
releasingaLico, from the time the client knew of
the colour.
Rowland vs Evans—Judge Bell—The sentence
of a Register of Wills admitting a testamentary
paper to probate—the decree of a Register's Court
and even the verdict of a Jury on an inns of de
visavlt eel non, though decisive of the disposition
of- the personal state a! o decedent, will not be
co/elusive of the Title to Real Estate in an action
of ejectment; notwithstanding the act of March
15, 1822.—P0d.
VIAIT I'olll6 81•Itia COIIII•rm•
dent of the Raleigh (N. C.) Biblical Recorder,
under date of Aug. 2. 1847, gives the following
account of • visit to Chang and Eng, the celebrat.
ed diantese twine.
In company with my friend, Williambl. Nape,
Eaq., I called to eee the Siamese twine,Chang and
Eng, residing about one and a beg ;miles from
Mount. Airy, on a valuable farm which they have
lately parcbaud, and removed to from the country
of Wilke. To my groat diuppointment, they
were not at borne, being absent on a visit to their
plantation in Wilke. The wife of one of them
was at home, and lota of their children, all of
whom favor them mach In appearance. They
have each of them children, about the same age.
In addition to their native names they have at
sumed the name of Banker, in bone} of their bank.
er of that name in the city of New York. The
Mrs whoni we found at home appeared to be e
good-looking, intelligent woman, with a free and
open countenance, apparently &brag twenty.five
years of age. There appeared to be a number of
servings about the premises of different ages and
uses. Their home is email, but they are making
arrangements to build anew and ; commodietterma.
The wife of one of them, and two of their children '
wen" at Willies. They live alternately at each
place, and will on continue until they build &neer
home, or sell their plantation In Wilkes, 'Which
they design to do. They take much pleasure in
farming, have a fine crop, and are quite plain and
ecenomicel in their draw and manner of living,
are fond of bunting, end, with their 'wliee and
rierWt apparently tiolte happy elldcontertiod.
Their wive■ are said to be.membere of **Esp.
tut Chnrch, of respectable parents. andlhe twine
ecinielonally to church with them. They me
punctual in attending the elections and tvots the
Whig/ ticket. I leant that ,in additioktW their
property in Nan' h Camas, theft , have en inessti
.edkodin ltrew , Ymit. 'MUM, enificidn't
lititeMttid be Mick better that theyknenelMeted
'when they' facilities kw going -their pads*
diaoi to howirrit. **Wm.
lieettofthechili' 101 1 4 PrOir I***
Correspondence Pitts%mark at • 61azatie.
Amara. OF THE
Cortarpubissue 0 . 7016
Batton, Oct 19-4 r. w.
• The steamer Cambria wired at Baton 11.19
o'clock today, bringin Liverpool dates to the 4th
instant. .
Ltseasocm, October 4.
Best Western Canal flour 26s a 26s 64; Mak
mood and Alexandria 214 a 2616 d per bbh.Phlla.
delphla end Baltimore 251 • 26sN. Orleans
and'Ohio 22s a 2416 d; Camilla 2:5a a 261, Bear
12. a2lO per bbl.
WHEAT—Whits and Mixed per 70 lbs 75 a
6g Had 6s 34 171 6d; .Oatmeal pa 240 lbs 24e a
Indira Meal 144 a 15s per bbl; Barley per 50
Ike 3s • 4m; Ries not quoted.
The belief entertained at the dramatist» of the
lad steamer, that the upward tendenOy then itch.
cited in this market would be mainUtiltedm bas by
the occurrences of the lut fortnight, !been wholly
dispelled from a namber of causes, the moststart
liny 'of, which is the unparolkied rmtgemmtl lit
the mo!tey morkel.
The price of brudstaffs bee gradually but
steadily retropded.the only article which has pre
served its firmness being that of Indian arm. A
slackened demand has of coarse contributed to
this result but thbi our must be regarded se meter
ly temporary.
At the London corn ermchumb yesterdef, th
arrivals of English grains were small, owing to
which, and the annually large attendance of
purchuen the demand Mu somewhat active at
an advance of from one to two 11'1111no per
(muter over the previous Monday's quotations.—
Notwithstar,ding the large supplieiofgrain brought
forward, an average amount of Imams wudone
and the market closed
COTTON—New Orleans ordinary to middling
5a51,1, Air to good fair, 6}aB}d• good to floe. li,
el. Mobile—ordinary to middling. 5151; fair to
good fair. 61a6f; good to fine, 61,61 d. flea le•
Mod—ordinary to middling, fialnit . fair to good
fair. 11}e 14d, good to fine lbalqd.
The prices of cotton, since our last advice;
have, It will be observed, esriorady matted—a etre
canutenee indisputably remitting from the ewe
pled condition of the money market, and the
conemeassit impoeibility, save in the rarest instan
ces, of obtaining aocommodations. The miler.
sal panic which has pached era manufacturers
and the total extinction of everything like specs.
Wive effort,, in the lower qualities particularly:,
has made the decline mom severely felt.
The operations sines the mint of the Wedge.
nia, has been of a most Ihxdtal character. The
sales for the week ending on the lit inn., wets
about 21,000 bales, of which 800 only were on
emendation, and 2000 for expect On Saturday
the 24 inst., the sales were about 3000 bales, and
today 4000 wane disposed of—all for con
sumption. Speculation has been entirely snap".
dad, the demand being dispromolicand to the sup
PROVISIONS—Beef—Prime Mem per Sine
of 314 lb., new, 86. to Ms 6dt Arlin:al 76 . to
836 few, peobbl of 200 1b5,461 1.62;
ry.4o to 456 Prima 92 to M., Extra India Pena
ily per tierce of 366 lbs, 100 e to 1606 for half
bbl of 100 lb., 35. to 40.. Pork—Prime Men.
new, per bbl of 200 lbe, 60* 6 16 old 405 ba 60.
Maw 65. a 706 Prime 46e to SO. per bbl, duty
(tea Dried and Smoked, old. 30. to 40e pee 100
lbs. Long Middling., free from boa, in salt, fens
32s to 576, Rib, in do, 32. a 576 Short, free boa
bens and rib. 32a a 676 Shoulder from 364 to
37s fid; Hem., =And. =linen in =tow. Per
100 lbs 40. to 50s. in make, Hamm in salt 25. to
SO. Tongan-og, in pickle, duty paid. pm doe
12. to 186 Pig. tangoes per 100 lb. 20s a 30e
Cheese—Fins, duty paid, per 100 So. 62s a 58e
Middling 42. a 496 Ordinary 20s to 40a. Hut. .
ter—N 8.5. Od. Lard—Fins lad In keg. p.r
IGO !be 68s to 00s; do in bbis,6sl a 686 Onll-',
to Middling 630.-
Per Hibernia. Per Cambria.:
Sept 19. Oct 4. ')
Flour, Wee. canal, 28a3ilis SBA&
Indian meal, lee per bbl, 14a1&
normarpoudeam of the Pitutrargh duet*.
Nair Yeas, Oct. 10.
The French stammer I. in quatantino. bringing`
dales is the let but. than Cherbourg, whence oho .
An imarroction bad brake. eat at Lisbon, and
the regular troops refuse d in Amon the immtgeota.
The French had a feat than which caused great
&satisfaction and excitement.
A alight improvement had tato plain, is French
Arndt. English Canards shard at 86.
Father failure, had *camel in England.
convviadeoce of rite rttublusti Gum.
Nzw Yozz,. Oct 19, 6, p
English private litters received in New Yost,
Etats that Alexander H Emmett, American Com-,
MiaLOSOZ to China, did at Canton recently.
Four thottaand barrels American Flour in bond
sold at Liverpool, on the 4th Want, at 282 per
The demand for good corn is increuhrg, and
prices ate tending. upwards. •
Corterpoodeoee of the rittiborsh gazous.
, Muumuu, 0ct..19-12
The Southern Anil is in, but brinp no news
Gem the Ailey
Inter:bents at HISW Orleans on fits 11th, from
yellow firer, 9—st Charity Hospital, 5.
Exc.brAbites — peadenee of the Pitt.berigh Gentle
' Patianzoomo, Oct, 19, 4, p. to.
Flour—Tile market is gigot, with moderate
Wee at $6.121 per bbL Superior Family brands
an selling at 67 per bbl.
Rye Flour—Sales at 15,25 per bbl.
Cornmeal is bald at 13,25 per bbl.
Wheat—Good prima amthent is selling at
slsoc per ba. Sates of inferior Western st 1"
per bu.
Com—Sales of prime Yellow at so
Oats—Sales of , Southern cargo at 44 per b'l•
Whiasy—Modeome sales at SOo.a gaL
oce of teoe_ b ' u l b °mu °
et. 19,3 r.
Flour—Sales of Genesseutdint 06,56116.1
627 r per bbl. Western br r 4 '
~ _ ' , Mg at 3 8 . 90
56,623 per bbl. Very a ils doing, owing to got
effect of foreign nom i
Wheat—Sales dn.% not et:icily prime, at .
142 c per bu.
H bite is felling at Times pee
bu. The saosesoice admi ko Prim* Yel'
low. but withal ootoo.
0. 1 ,-130sat 46149 c per bu.—Limited sake; at 42c per pl.
p,,,,ions and Groceries ars without change.
artespotokneo of Ow Pittsburgh Gazette. f.
• Oct IL 6 .P 2,6 '
Flour—Moderate Wee of 1900 bbla at $4, 1 1 7 i
al pn bbl—an advance. •
Whirkay—Salas at Ilk per p 9.
Provisionr—ana without change and Fleas
merely nominal.
• News /War :
The "New Your. 'hooey's ^ the organ of
large religious denomination in this country, pate
a map showing how =ell • strip of tenitorf thit
Mealcan war is nowkept uk, for, and In conclusion
powerfully invoke' Chtistisa; of all parties to
pray for, and work kw, an and of the war—pro.
mincing the projects of conquest, u entertained
and promulgated, wicked and bloody.
roamer Mau, Azautedraxed—Tbe Union
=Doane.' that Haler Hobble hoe roads the mod
satisfactory arrangements In Gsrmairy for the ad.
autunedektn of our steamers and the trandandos
of their. letter. His ananinnenta with franca
were not podtively concluded. He bad found a
very conciliatory . spirit In mod of the English
statesman. It was hoped that theliberal sped of
the Gorernment would ultimately moon all Ili a t
ficultles,und bring about an smartened ea .
raeaoti to oor govennount. . ' .
A,Larren from Wadington dates,
Bilk lignite - IU, and that tho
attetellet to hie dales, ban feeble 'mama
es to Itte Miceli whew fors foe ful3ll
bs hiscaaoare,Thit Mats oldie 2a .meirigii•
ketal Distdot 1144 daadatated Roo. Wdght
Gordon to el the mat venni by the death of Mr.
&Wel. If they Mill hut daili foYs sth°7-
~. f, '1
use'.-I`o aflame . . antra:double Ulnae, rap•
pared bear leadtal article yesterday And
kra repablisa teltswArith ata prep, earreatisma In
Lcussing.; CSXIIIs •1112,111.0 N, •
Quite a large sauna of lasibm has arrivid
from ths Ailegheiy &cis; the last wok .mich
of which is intruded for oar market to meet de.
wi k 'noclie 23 boats nlasd at $BO each, $1,840
.. 139 baud rafts, containing an average
/ 76,00* ft each. al4 per if, 128.100
6i timber rafts veins $BO, each, • 4,640
60 61 Shin*, vales 63, 180
liedisps doable this amount has pawed this city
foe the markets in the silky of the Ohio and art*
aissippL tuts Wm these will give the reed&
NON idei of the bomber trade of a city Ilk, this
as well as of the importance of the 'trade of the
Allegheny in this one ankle of lumber. The
number trade, it be remembered, is hot a sitL.
rte breneh of busiktes. It is, however, an tetmle
talkie sign of the general business prosperity of
a town.' All this lumber will soon enter into lo
ad and neighborhood antsuarptle and thus ba
come a triple means of later . and profit -
Cou..—Looking at the Coal trade of the few
weeks put, we And that during the flea days imd.
log on the 14th of Onober,Stere were about 250
boats boded with Coal whktpimed th is city
from the Monongahela alone, a denied for the
Southern market, and in *adieu about Et beets
of Coke from the Trmsdkeheny. The here
=foam of thessarticles may be put down as
260 Coal 37,600 as 2 papa $75,000
30 Coke 9,260 a 8 4 . 18,000
280 amply boats, $2OO each 68,000
The amount shipped ap to August 11th at the
current year, nay Wilily estimated at
100,000 tons, $200,009
445 bow • $2OO each, e 9.000
Amnia in October biought down, 134..760
While urn this. 'abject, we loam that a ski.
es aces of coal will yield from 160 to 160,000
bushels of awl in a single strata" 'Math:of the
coal land ho many instal to work upon, bat the
ons has usually yitArd so absnidantly, that the
second 'and third has not been worked. • We way
aardwa the opinion *it no man even in his wild.
eat imagination has conceived either the gulag
or talus of the coal lends within twenty or thirty
miles of the head water of the Ohio.
aos),--Tbri amount.of Pig Metal Ti.
• emeed in Aogust hurt, 11500 tofu,.
• 214 per ton, $345,000
empti boats a $6O tea, ' 13,440
Timber and board rate, ' 115,000
Empty Wet; 134 a $6O each,
Metal reoai•ed hi October, (mead
wroth, 8,950 tow, s $3O per too, 258,500
200 beau a 000 02014 13,000
Amount a( limber, boards, shindy,
WU, dce. arrived to October, 143,824
Tool, $89504
Tba above is the sable of these solicits of toad.
fat tM Wt thtas mouths, ss war u as losithno•
tad without actual osossursomot sad wsiiibt. Bath
We as them speak far themselves.. We pram=
there are for interioe cities which cosh* a par
allel to this, sad It is to be remembered that they
are but elements in the business of the pion It
ii of immense adnatame to Pittsburgh, too, to be
upon the high road Which sands the means of la
bor and wealth to other. The heed waters of
navigation are often as favorably located as the
point where the WSW* And their outist.and when
era the Ohio river is properly improved,—lf the
Government I. em just enough to make the iro
prooment.—it will be aeon that there are oro.
martial opacities upon this American Muhl' cr.
roam ors, hardly second to those of the broad
seaboard itself.
Thu arports of Pittsburgh we hays labored In
vain to obtalm—there being no fay which re.
quires that they ahoctld be furnished. We know
them to be iIILIDIMMIN and could the moult be nom•
tourdeated it would astound thorn most lantelY
gaged In the trada of the city and of the W
*We us toldthat thelcoal found is this 'mishear
hood data not told mote than 130.020 bastions so
aere,—the strata not betas ma tetra u h4ttis coal
buds wins distance op the Idosonphela.
Paul japan, fa a longtime pod an Woode
of I alioahouer at Wilmington. Dol., wae kind
on Beieley by menhir idiotic 10111101, menemo,
from Tanorylvenia, se is said. who has been for
man manta the haw. The keeper, reproving
the Gorman, he sprang out of the all, and curing
the ker of an iron Wiest. etnek Jaqtrett two
Oman:lbw head, which fractured the ,huU
' October 21—CONTIWItt IN PUT.
Whig Principles mew say die in their dafatce'
--Pennsylvania—Loco Foco Convention—H A
Wise—New York Correspondence—Theclose •
the year—Tattnesere Legistalare—Biscedonien
Nide— Haelitary &adds A Naw TM.
graph Company—Mr. M'Candlets' argumat on
the License Law—Legion of St. Patrick-4m
Minnie Eatuneml—Altnatter CampballAmm..
baCost sad Lm—Derisiona in the StamansCour
—The Rani Flood—Requaltion upon Mexico
—The Central lirdload—Dallas and Buchanan
—Morals of the Political Oinvass.:Telagnebia
System—Shenk Reelected—New York tkaree
pondence—Letter from Pittsburgh—Prow Elea
—Official Despatches from Major brift — The
Slave Ttade—Remaine of .Licaterart Pinker—
The Result of the Election in P•rthaltania—
Posting the Books—Coal 'Predr—NaollotoY
hiring—Bl hop Oaderdonk-:-thiJaption and
Congaed—Mast Election &Alma of Allegha
gheay c emit y_G eorg i e Elottai—News Items
Latest Telegraphic news, prop and Domestic.
commercial—A =recall' ._comj2ied Nevin. of
she Markets lon toe tom Ar k--soe rim is the
local city ... tet ...theattie Market—The prices
of American Produce ttd°ol' parts of thethrion
—Amount or Fin.r .m beat, Corn &e., received
since the openinm Abn Catuil—Catial bud aria and
ce—Markei in London.
a tmentstd
t , of thePrese—Copions Eamon
from the b i ong(caultals on the interesting topic@
Fe e s h g . st tie dock, singly or in wrapper.
no, 6 matsaingle copy.'
• B..aseriprions two dollars a year in advance.
W.A. Curs I Noi Pay 1 Palest
Jackeon's Enlist:entice Is the only median.' that
mire this no very common and uoebleeinne
/lease. It not only Immishately annr pram and loge
coulee, nape all bleeding,eabdnes that intolerable itehl
izZel i elee ree b ut oo al r lt . c . 7;,lo . 7 d egi=t le tir4t y p . erse arn m2
he application produces no pale; but' rather an agreea
ble and pleasant sensation. %creole auricled wtll
all and Mat of the greet nem r of eases dud have
been caned, they will be snout ed. A gentleman of
this ehy, who had been under the talk of the surgeon
for two or three times withenit helps eared, has by u.s.
Mgt Wilmot the Emblocation, been mad leally cored.
It eels beyond precedent !!—(Phil. Itetardey Penner.
Pal- For este In Pitubergb at the PEKIN TEA
STOMP* ?oath rota, near mood, and elm at the
Drug &ore of 11 P Schwerin, Federal ellsllegbeny
OT Iledger's Olasomig dramasem--tilimesi
Tzerneorr—We be leave to call public attention to
the folkowlag, Doze Dr. Wm. Doan, of Williamsville
Clermont Co., and one of the very Ant practitioners In
the enmity in which he resides, and late Senator In the
Stem Legislature. It Is cheering than to see the lea&
Ing men of the pp:daimon, Duman the bonds of prof..
s lgrill==M l y li n i i ' elt=netrifX : mmtenfymo
Ginseng Pazracea, and so far, &El well!plemed to Its
erten in Catarrhal an Thonehlal Comp Men. ; Please
send me halfe dozen boulco—put them as low as MI
EYE in i septet If It montane* us reader as general tea
[destinn as it has heretofore, to ke e p It constantly on
head. liespestAilly. seta vir at. Doan, st.
$59O(Li BOOTS 5,00
E . I ttir'rwO e filch ha wet want. l rt m , :tt , Tl l 7 :o ll , fec r r aP ture . :l
y en Le llEd aie TA : . l4 n:tl: l e e l le .d "ir n . ;
Fashioyble material end workmanship
In PLliannifit fee th e ' Rea The.. hanalsome.Doots
Tut na end warrant th em aerepre.
tented, ydr7 .. w Nits of FIVE DOLLARS
CASH. Oendenten are
theta. • WILLIAM Th "''''',IIOBERTSON
. 8 EasiarlE
EZI" WE into the attention or on . _ •
traordloary emoted Serofula k 7= 3 l . 6 4 r cuu : s
Z ed iniutorTnell=7o-day's papefind_reenr te
vircchey ars
i r t t l . t d pw ristb i.i t Tz th t
them at their severs) plates ot'o te•
• d team Sum their own'lip the
is egode,
medie en . The ketone named is Mr 'mama:oaf
litho may be seen daily, between the hours of II A. Et
and P. .at the. aced Rewind h Walton, N 037 1,
tdarket et. Philada. • • • tice
TILICT—ToTung phrenitihrierealtdllePrLirarrAireseellaalaurialti
itgeirnia , T;;iliOt - Weettl . tree eel for . doff
tetanal, of a soluble Hall and Room/ J ig' ',thick • leq
law Will be taken.'4o l lN nrowe t Jr.,ChW •
Lam VirsAvni. . , •!tl
lAavinatirritps. egn,
also appose iodiArViri Un
ekly, dius l ittruls tiTZ3 2
Wit of On offoolation of 511, lottiost any al
chap. This Is on adolosagotooor
o f oxus soon& Adroftliements oleo !Idiot
le i ad wow, mai yowl roomosable urea %.
, .
- ,
Tali 31i101,411r. MailierW.ll44l, a dlitivied
LocutrikfrefAils..ilietts, will speak apen et ;
Jima iiMhoperne• ot Tespeians• flit* W
imlitei 3 Oca. My* early Su 115i0. , ,114
timbals, of tlis hispiliof Ow Aim ts nopectrittitt
thillek 1 0 Mair a r *MUM Win PM aqp,
~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~.. ,^,~dva x.e.,.. ~~ .TE
f r
. ~"~'~ti'
trreecene.e.7l. eleiung meld be held hi Iltit Chap
el of ibe Unleenityen'llarsda) evezdas,the Itst, et
mango Mule promotion of eimelkm to the two chits
orelnieininest Difectorsof Scbools limbers, and all
intim:MA to tlic wildcat ars respecteilly invited Wm
oe alat•
TsTrag, ITCH, SALT RHEUM, fee—Who would.
thr a rin6lo . day ametch,lwtain afflicted ante the
Tatter, Itch,cor other diseases of the din, if they !mew
who world relieve end care them.
MU horrible to be •abliged to mb and wretch. when
alone, bat Mora horrible to abet= from mire, deteecy
make,3 wben te company. Let It rethernlvred that
Dr. imprs Tr ma and I= OINTMENT I. the
most escudo. d anY ether preparation in existence in
caring th e , Tatter s Itelt,•and other diseases of the akin
As all of the skin mast arise from tbe temerity
of the bleed and Acids ef th e body, and where each dis
ease be of bang standing. and the mistime. articled
the ,If Dr. Ileilyts Banatparille Mod Fills be nerd
with the Ointment, they win mire any case whatever,
and if they do not, the money will be named by Dr.
'Leidy. Most eases, however, will be clemently eared
by Dr Leldp'e Teter and Itch Ointment; unless the
what orptern is impregnated by the diseased humors,
which will be completely emits • °Thom the system by
Dr Leidy's Rued Pith. and the earthen Mate elle
ed by the Ointment. Priem of Ointment 45 cents. • For
sate by . A FAHNESTOC & K &CO
«rio arced Root
alb. Belem language systenumailr Marend
on a am plan, brief, comm. henslve and paaeneal;
Caspar /Betake. Promisor (tibe Gamin language and
literaurre In Mt St Marrs College, Enattenharg.
Deletes German ander; a Berman reader forbentt
nera compiled and arranged b7 Casper J &deka!,
011endraff 'it New Meant of laming to Ind, antai
and speak that:knout Language, to which is added a
systsitilitie online of Gorman OraniMm by 0 J Agin.
A. B, Profesnor of the Gentian lawns and literature
in the Calamity of the My of New York. •
English and AnwricanDictionam an Amnion Die
nanny Orbit GennanLangla g e and English Language
cantaining all the mad. in general one, to byJ P
Ectinillar's Germ.-
Eniii'lees Getman Phrase book: a phrase bpot ,
Eashch cad thicasoa with i laccsi banalittlacc of the
Gera= Into &etch, arranged act Utopian a• Diction.
IPby Moms Dtheilcc. I -,•;.
The above, together with as acsortaccot of Sena=
awasosais, school boob and relies work. for sale
act2o Sootaelleciiin muter & ail eta `
ATEW 1100811—ik Pienuesiont Toint on the Rio
.ll °ribbons In Itn Western nom.; Inalndlog panic
olar descriptions of Richmond, Windsor and liampton
Mari; by Joe Philter Mow, illostratal with ot=
of ono hudrol highly floated wood noun,
Loodon book,.
Unimd &ales Enknmg Expedition; by Wilke's;
soh,, 9 so—eanninhig all the man sad plate of the
$6O adhion.
Ilimleman of the English tannage; by Di. 8 Jan
son, In 9 vol. ;lama London calf blndin6 7 a beamiftil
edltlan, This work is nom very acme..
Ahatomyof blelanelegy, I,evr mom
ele i ntbi o st m ml . e v iriba Lag ,ro btehm.
Iltanhonsehi itis=lrie Bible. a aispeToi edition;
"" g l e B Zas e will many other Histeneal,
and animate *inks Gs; tale by J IV1 1"1
oet9o Stb. near markets
ATISNA BOOIES—TIie Outlaw* Blida, or Blanche
LI *Beautiful.
The Journeyman Joiner, or the *egad.: of the Topr
of Pranoo, by a Band. ..
Members' Miceellany, Noe
Norman's Bridge onto Madam , by Mn Marsh
—fresh eapp/y. .
Valorem, or the Lily of La Vend -...
Wiper the Wl* Wolf, by Inaba of L ife in Loudon,
A good amply of Phrenologicalelks, to. for sale by
octllo ed et <geoid the Pon Office
DAPER .2CM FOR ,ALE-Bstarded 3 mileelreta
Brownerrille, Fluent:, mull. Pe., on
Creek. There tit attached m the pioperty 45 acne of
land lna good state of ealtivation.
Aled.• new caw ?dill and 5 ling Hewes.
Tor farther partieulare enquire of the andersrna,
eadlOrramF LEVI MUNE.
OipoWkeelnig Tim. In Weekl) Paper copy 8 tau
and lond toll to Oda ortca. acted
pannersbili hitherto ezieting ender tbe title of Rich.
ardston Loe, is ttue day dissolved by mutual consent.
All having claims are ordered so present them; and all
indebted to the( mid brat are ream:sled to mare imme.
I , l , !a .s te n ly th os . ei , e . ,to t r av i l h ilie l hard ate lo n lwito is anttortzed
i ttraIi T IRWRIrON,
flaw Mill Men, 0et.19,19t7. dedlOdAt
heated, an extensive Saw Mill, la perfect. working '
cede}, intuited near the mouth of Lew Mill Ran t be
tween the Washington and Steubenville tompikes, and
within leaf than • mile of the; City of Pittsburgh.
Applieation to be made to JAMES RICOARDSON,
on the premises.
Pesseesion given Immediately. oceldlV
SUNDRIES—IV bap men floCodee;
Bo Of elms Y Tea;
100 bags erode Saltpetre;
de bxe Richmond 6s Tobacco; .
60 Ins 6. ilmt
30 kb& PE Sum for sale by
otello JOHN ,DRI ER 22211berty at
E'OUMD—Oo the Pittsburgh min Washromon mm
pike mad near the city, • Pocket Book cootaleting
continent/Wee sant of money and other papers The
owner can bare the same by giving satisfactory proof
of oweership awl paying expense. of aDreneens to
r. GEO. KENNEDY. Upper St lair towtmlup.
obeny meaty, near St Clair Chore . ocagOSlkantsE
, Opposite-tite Rail Road Depot; Pratt at.; Balt.
[ • gIIMILT 111111711, Prepri•ter.
(tale of 6e Eubsa;p and 9c Mules Hotels, PinsWg.)
•act9od(T .
UMIRR—Dry oad innyerior Cituna ran Mgt,
••• • al<
at the erizamte. .FACOB WEAVER ,
• ,
; i2o " • .
inear front &mutat eta
ORT—Oebora's Ifni Fon, nch and d 7, straw enl
aced by ne, for sale In i OW, And by retail at th e
e store. Iner: 0 ) JACOB WEAVER
SBORN'Ses/atrand Truett !nand Pan. for gala in
Obis and etheearlie addle ovine ewe.
trrl3L'—Pon thin Pori, a dry and genuine wine for
V ale by the dozen and on tiraugh wale wine •rare.
IORTS—Hama A Bon's . ‘•C C" Pork tonnialln of
doable, treble, and pun Jules W violas. of 'et
in won and for sal* whotewds slide wine atora.
111CFIRRI—Bargamly Poo, • single grape erinajor
•• We ill pipes= ebb, at We JAC O B M.
. oaten WEAVER
Biesswax,llm-1 ask Badman;
adin r d
nula L
!Rwan Rom, by
DALZF.LL, water st
POTATOtU—lo►n Netkbastock Pobtloes jut ye
telyed and _br sale ►7
bello 8 &IV LIARBAUGH. 33 .rood at
btmilitl soya has been reed and ts &rule hy
ocrle- Mr S CALDWELL
OIL CABS-14tonsjut rye% hor ads by
scon 131 k LIARBAUGH
OIL CIAKZ—)3 tow alma br rakt by
SIDICS-3000 lb. prin. Bacon Bides for We by
oefICI 8 61 KIER
CosN-100W yellow Coi for we by
.119 86f AMR
DTIC-60 bu a:4 Rya lor sal* by
ALLOW-2 bolo rendered for sal• b
Bo Tss-3brbbitn.mro and Ibr eate by_ •
1110Z5Z-40 brs,W a reo'd and ro7 sale by
riIIAISBEERIX6-4 bbls. formai, b y
BEST. J 5 rood ,
SUGAR—f 4 blab N 0 Saar teed par allay Cashier
aad for sala on eamignment b y
OUR—SCObbls dear received and 6.1 r sale by
is eon J JORDAN & SON 1B liberty et
S AIMIZI-900bY bxs psalm Saralneg
WI 34
Via received and for sale by
MOLAISEIP-10) bbl. N 0 Mnlasses w fiat order
on Mad and far sale by
CAP 111 ! CAPRI—no Otter Seal and Mask Gpo
Just w band at Mee rub nabla Hu
Store. danongabala Mono I Gatti
CLOTH AND OLAVD CAPS—A eplendid assort.
wet end great weriaty of style $ IdeCALLAAPS,
P ons JUICE. particular vintasii eS, thick sweet
..e. Port for saki by the bbl and on drattig i Mite trute,
ing UNT k CCPS Pon, doable grape, very ehelaa Hcod
(ratty for .41 wholesale or retail at thWEAVe wine Eß
DOllTl—Tayhts. Earle k Co's doable rope
Panelkr all wholesale or row!l at the wine store.
DOOK—OhI Loam Dry arid stem flaywrA AtrilUle
by the Widened on draught at the wine MOM.
oeti9 I WEAVER _
89 . 0-0 d mono on. .•pane• ie glimi for
V sales* the will. more. •
sur—to tans D. R. Ky. limp 'ln core: for ale
ll'by ' .101INORIER •
- «09 • • Ilbcn
D VOAL GRAPE sale 4711.1b14Ckviall
°ALMERIA Port foe We by the bbl nt the wino nem
4 . 1 mate 1 WEAVER .
011.-10 bbll MI malned Lard Oil;
0 8 'MAW rell W a 10 . ./ bT
d'AUBI—II cam Wm Molise Jo•l ree'd; sal, by
OIL-21bskul very tide Sweet Oil Just reed, Gr sale
. .
DOOM CANDY-10 bzirlfo 1 for sale by
01.111ANTS-4 litaSsais Av ciklele7
Troan—[O bbds N Dopribb fide to cl-so by
ocollt POINDEXTER c 0
I IEIfMOIIR-1,078 ICs pnere Ky. Feathers just
'yee'd; tor sile by . POITILIMTER a. CO
41 water It
""LariThiPri.r . d l
star La. —• . i i t — k -A c tkna t i. o l. l
Wirjal mu.eiWood's warted; Ibt Bab
- ,
riONSP--81bn Or
81 saleli....
LA 89 8 P - VO
Fil6=77'B9li Aliaflete. 191110 ler...
bs- v . 9 / 9 0L14. 4 BUSOMPLO LI..
1919191 A
Eluvraess-10 sets prime moans path •
rJIM noriti for Ws by
1/1 Meoll.l.lll7lMTlEtaft. ROE
Y' - "` ewes bp son sow huid/aL_kw isiOrt
naaw-4o . 11_14iVilit mid*, es
Vuid; brads by IidYNOLIIIIBII3HEIS
setle nevem & Inns its
BII:1711,—I bbia sad 3 iota Was Ow oda yb
MAMAS lb 11=11
,-,..?A4 h = y ,44.,i,, g , lA74.wo: , lpivplpf:iNtegLs6peegtg*a-Ae4 WO dW
By Jobs D. Davin: .11,01.11.niwor
Donned Dry Goods, la., for dirt &melt of lho Under.
On Thera:day morainic the hart met, at 10 c'eloek,. at
the Commercial :dles Rome corr.erraTifth and Wood
titreets, will be wild without reierre—
A larp menet cot of new style and fashtonable he
ey and staple Thy Goods which were alighug deranged
b r:41 ,,, z t. : on the cez . Mh . ani t vi o rich are so . per B m ez d t
tine., ralrattee, &shun, calicoes, mastme, onelen
and cotton eltaerna,mik anti cotton Ulf., woolen Israel
and confetti, ladies and gents. gloves, hasiery, bettors.
balks and eyes.•seadditis, patent thmad,.shasteg bog.,
broker., ribbons &a. • •
As 9 OVIOek,Pi Al
qaantitr of damaged Isarderam aksi votary:grace
ries, confecuanary,qacesonorare, glassware, saran, to.
Oczeo, shovels, ascelses, bandboxes, strap*, paper,
A loge assonment airless and medal band bcoichold
Tambora; amoracing nearly all the varlets , ss.nrA by
hooSeleepers and
oho cooking naves, knells= Wen.
At ej CPCIOSk, r. M. •
retail *Mk of Dry Goods from ststore 'so Me Man;
uT; roderbhardware,gold ssd silver matcher, dbut
Sarni *meths pieces. rifles ponolsi =mem lommrels,
ready made combing. fine MUnh em• octal
Lithographs and Siciikat Auction. • •
THIS Evening at 61otelsek, at the Commercial Saks
Room; corner of Wood and lith 'Ws, will be mid Wri
ifilkokmPtut. embracing a variety of choice arid valuable
prints; 4 amt.: hantingacener. with frames; drawing
and Scrap books, matte woks in great variety.
Also, an extensive collection of valuable asuseallane
ens books,among which are a large number Of stand
ant work. of fine library editions Wetly bible., lever
and cap writing paper, blank book 4 to
west. JOEL D DAVIS, Alret •
Amencia copy.
Third zught of Mr. ,lah PA ilP7 S LOE. N—Fifiharght of Mi. T
• • ILEI •
,Wednaday, °dotter 20th, 1847,
Will be presudedthe admixed Play of the •
St via's',
Buaoger•—•llt.lamina. I M. •Miu Porter
After which Le Vewirtes, by MISS ANNA NM,
VINA—To eonclade with the Drama of the • •
Ziesae•• ••• • • Mr. Parslaa.. Spray Visa Paula'
• arDears open at 7, and certain Will rise at 7}.
lbwOpening of Amdmonnir Naugle Saloon.'
- On Tuaday Evening, def. 191 h, •
WITH aaclign'a JUNO OF WLODIM, •
ouwEN i t a t one:. who rued unnvaned inn* prto
fewion Individually or eolleetwely; •
They will appear each evening ant:Mee Wet ••.'
of th e mon popular Ethiapi. So in nga t nittr, n. • •
to , anewnpamed by their ferfeCO we instmisam,
Walla, Mop, TWOboWOO, Banes, Cannata', no, to, •
The followtng dlrtlngainhnd rtnistn.compone a •
of the company, hlyers,Arther, Page,Chspasan, Fa a
and Sevntoar. 0015 •
Mlm R. 0. NEWTON. Vocalist and and
Mr. R. NEWTON, ECEEtalin and Bodo Omer
nom the Rotten, Near York and Philadelphia Gamete,
and Ftni•LS hart been amused lot three nista. and
will *PK. , on Wenedry,"77lnrany and Fri4i, Soot
ing; um IS A, IPOI and 'BHA, in - a chrice selection of
Etailsda, Songs and DUC . IIS. hlra. N. will preside at Ono
Tickets SO mot, Doors open. at 7, Concert beaOs at
7S o'clook. • octlldtt
Pork Visio.letag at Beardatowsu
- T -
E Por Packing wawa Is nut sprouting, •1
shall be k
prepare° to pack pork and alookh sr BPSI
as unal,on good term—tames, kegs and salt foment
ed If desired, at the loWert market price. Ira well
known to pork buyers the advantage of packing at thia
poins—the number of Hogs belonging to the point W
be =Malty large, ud of the finest quality. sung to
theism:dense corn mar in thiesection,the Hogs will
be very large and for. Buyers who Wend pack, g
the west•wo.l4 do welt to call at this point Wore loon.
ling elsewhere. I will also pack on commission for
Fanners or Those* or If any of them wish to park an
their own acconnt I will aecommodats there with every
tuella°. There Matt to be ZIPS Hoge packed at thts
past this walla, no the greater portion of the Hogs will
be too large and fat to duvet any distance, only at we
I greet a saenlieeve the owner.' I shall be prepared to
pack at guantityould recommend buyers to be in the
geld in doe time, and make arrangements far peeking
before oar river elms for winte r. -
Br.ardatown, October 1 181 Pan
3. Horace lava , C. V. Mania ; , Hampton
.INo. C Spates Wharf, Baltimore.
Al Allen &Co, •
. Hampton, F.nadi is Co, • P 6l A.Lah.
Davison. Saandere & to,
John IL Randal, 1 BaHanota •
deal Hugh Jenkins,
WILL to received tagetordanee will the following
resolution adopted by the nomad o!-Mangers w
the Western Penns>trunia Ilissplial, -
Resolved, That • Committee °f Jhre. persona be ap
pointed to receive propoaala for selling to the AIM...
non 'a tract of land Whin ten miles o/ the c tly,contadv
int not lees than 40 acres. Tbei same to be submitted
to the contributors with &view to the establistment oi
aa dopie st for the'rnsane ott sakiwont.
WM WILKINS, Catoraingc.
ottlltawlwT CEO RR KV,D,
AI —This labor uring Machine_ was Patented, April
11041E46, which In view of ns g teat disability, cheap.
nos and cadency, its w0n!..." of aoanatoaista
the cue and (realty sr tb winch it Loud by either
Boys or ulnas; L tociitabry destined u supercold al;
ether Conn Shelters for general - ase. Rbt fact 'applies
a desideratum which has tong been waned throughoin
the Woman States, ferwhile aeons lesitharioaelealh
nie Ras., me, rotary ebelate,et. ,0111104 42 as abed
can with it. as fan as with way. For plant the bead
Store, coma of 'Wool and 6th eta • -' - - • •
lhiS and money saved. besides mechsediennspro•
vented in the eerie stern of maitdlseasan 1 box
of Dr. Letdrs Blood Pala. may pro me= sickness
for weeks; and render the tirytticianl =cadence nowt ,
oessery. - In thetadeutee ewes of them, core Dow
one box may to ttegGllTy , but their Ire 16.1) finally
overcome 1111 ' 11 remove nil Mt. Or diff.l" whether
exiting in the *mooch and Dowell, rho Liver, the
Spleen, the Kidneys, he. or in impur e. of the Ilkol=o'
fluids alb° body. "Young ...I old, nate and fentels,
may lobe torn wnh eqUal safety. la 111.11 time., and 011,
der all eiretanstancee. irony Pills a the box; gor 95
rents ) Depot,Boath West comer &rend .end Nino
For talk - bit A FAITNESTOCK k CO, cirinet•lsi.
and Wood; aim, comer Oth sod Waal me. • stead
( E V tel a lj). a bout
22' InR
.c e T lg th o r
•Kannell rt. boo I it at elegance in tee morning wilh o re
view of spending le dayat Mr,elitsiam's, in 011oghe.
ay city, whore the was to be employed as a IeSIIII4IHIS.
It seemed the
n oed Hand et. Bridge, pm nothing
he. been Lead ho Der time the let /ler tries It are
fearful that sane occident or 'Wade may Dave befal.•
len bee. Whoever will give Infornatken of the lady at
thin office, or Mr-Lotkrop'e In Atlantan, city, will eon=
Per limiting obligation mhos friends and the comment:
ty generally.
TRE 'Oliva. v will run his twi Omnibuses ev.7
day (Bundstys escrptee) to and. ham •Lawreseee
arena! the Diamond (near Union st.l.
etrehal &wen and every attention paid lo passing..
The patrausge at the publa is tespeetfell7 d.
ottlefluto • • JAMBS DAM
. Style Elataf... -
MeCALUM betties" received. beamilalsiank
of Beebe & Costar's Fall act. Ilemortieb for
nebness and lustre canto:. be Immune& at
Hat State,lilannongebela 110 0 .4 &milliard& ot.. *ad
see Nee.
Fourth Street, between Woods:aid Nctrket, =Obi
opposite Larimer's Erritange Office. •
M solne.nber has made dm most mote swain s-. Tmenu (or the cootbrt of dam who wish the losety
of bathing daring the winter season. flames of ample
Mamosimm base been placed in the rooms of the Bath
Ho. • [octls] N VASHION
• • Foreign Exchasige. ;
num on England, Ireland. and Sootlaell bought toy,
LS any amount at the Moan Rama of littettaoge.—.
Also, U,ufu payable le any part of the. IRO Counmes,
from /I to SIOUBoat the rate of SP to 'the S Sterile&
without deduction or diaconal. by 3080UA ROBIN
SON. European nod General Aleut, Omer oth at, one
door west of wood. DeWitt
THF. Stockholders of Me Pittsburgh and Lkeabromile
Tamp' will take notice that an Election and be
held •ou Thrtmlay, the lab day of November at the
hone of Robert hfcAyeal, for one Pre/Mont, ono Tom
sumo and Mx Managers of said Road for one year, •
Vection Mormon LO A. P.O. and AP,' ht.• Ilyorder of
the Board. • • JOHN hIcCLUBiLY
eel! addt•Nor Treasurer
Ramos PrEtsaraert,Oel 1817;
AN Election for thirteen Dime tore et this liattlr
the ensuing yeaElrill be held et theDanketskoese
on Monday the lath day of Neeember next ' •• •
oetlklid /OLIN SNYDER, Cashier-
Mucuann , blutt•rncrrirns' Barr , t
• riuslArgh,eictober 16060.
N Election for thine-en Daemon' et this Bank ter
Hhe ensu , ng year, mill he held at the Banking bona,
onday llth of November next.
.oellllll4 IV II DENNY, Costlier .
• EZCIUMII Dam or Prrimnaen.
AN Eleetion for th'neeu Direemrs of Mio Bank will
be held meat Rankle' Hoe. on Monday, the ISth
day of November Bait, between the bonny of B A. Al.
ands P.M. TLIOS 31..1t0WE
amts • . ' " Cashier
WANTED-30,M1 lb. good c! Ragawasued
VT also, eau..., bale tope, gnus tope; boggLog,te,
do., for winch tho highest Pk. m
b .„l7, l 2,lr,,p G rt'y
°add • asyatt between pasta h. bberiy•
Fonoaiding Merthardi Brvtonstrine, Pa., - •
Amends partial, to the Forgrar4tng !I' Prato., te.
ii ta m milat , er r ;LA:milli:m . 2pp',
, to . F 9 FLIY:4II.
k for
sn—i aka ~ a k,a W. )
/.I tooato - octal
SALT -430 bbl. NiklE(.l4 reestred and for .abs by
wag H AV FAYE& Wayne at
• (mile • : • •Si bolli it
Vile Canal 1149mIsp igtiased by • • •
,AU • •oetl9 -• • • MIX& URKY,63 inutht
ROlll3l-11. bbl. Ade quilt. and laire Mils ken..
• oat, J =WO MI L AKER & CO •
D ED, PLUSH. CAES—ldenli. and' Day's' tad PI
neaps, for at Itdoed LULUS. • . Nog
' het IDILARDY-6 lir' and lighth - pipe* Otbd
JJ Brandy, ruleatat Waal* by •
c ritarrni
WULNDY—Lhalver and tin bid pampa Bate
AP with cerillutembfor wit by
.B BAISEIY-20 bbtinri old Penh litanatGarsate
• M v . s kr="4l r"tki--6 " 4
see 402Et=1,0aPtil.1
XMAS-0 644, 747677 N
-•- • - - .^l - 2:0 47 mat 74 MOOT a
- toble'ttpik red Urn reemred
eon . tater.
•• • ,
, • • • •
Tam well knovrolaw oraplenetd Powoorg etesai,
_Leff to WV COMpolled of the lamest, OW kn. b.'
firdebtd and fawned, and owal Power olnenatlatt*.
vge , e ,,,,ef the Weal. ETC17..114111.4140f1 std GR•
fort that atop e on mettle, has bon provided in pas
nears. The-Line beano! , in °pennon Rre i•O
.44.0 earned a mull. of Devine withowh
Role person. The bolus will he at tie rooter.
Wood Slttel the day previom nistirtlng, Es the
non of freight and the entry of palaiengera an the r 76 , •
ten ler all caw . the Duane Wu) mem tut p la
miracles. • •
. •
110011rDAY PACHIIieTs
Tee MONONrialiEl.A..CapuSansateßlleava ?ta
burgh every Monday monantat 10 o'r104: Wheeldalt
every Monday ever.; 2110 : -• f.
• TIIIaIIO, --- CirPll OlO OT.
HIBFENIa, NO. 2, - Capt. J likkeelkir, will
leave Pinsbaigh every Tuesday =maw at 10sVelnelli
Wheeling evely_LaertatlO : P,, ll ;
The NEW h:NUI.A.NI I , 1..0. 2, Capt. S. km, In;
learn nurbargh every . Wednesday morning'' avg.
o'clock; Wheeling every Wednesday evening at 10 P.
T1113851,41r PACKET.' '
The wiscoNaiN, Capt. /Ur. Grecemill leave ?ital.
burgh every Thund.y morning ailDoWock; .Wbeeliqt
even . Mundt) , erming at 10 P.•kl.- .; - ,• .
The CLIPPER; N 0.2, capt.Creeke,wlll leave Etta
b w ie evenr Friday alormas at 10 o'clock; W {toenail
every Friday evening a{ 10 P.M.
The ZiM.SENGER, Capt. Lb t, will km Pito'
orgh every; Saturday morning at 10 o'elor.k• Wheel Log
very Saturday. evening a 1 .1.0 P. Al. - •
Th. ISAAC NEWTON, Capt. G. Mims;
eaTe Plitsbunateim Panday aiming at 10 'doer
Yheeling every Sanaa) everoug allO P. Al.
- ,
wit leave far Beaver, Glutei, mad .
. . Tamday,Totadap,
and Palaniay of caeb seek. at O o'clo k:t m, reterturqc
on blonday,SVednasday. and Friday. S6O tams boat
at the binding between woods ave
pyed to "Mt"'
fitniii&aWMl7i3l4 Ania.
, 'No 7S woadmi.
Wein lenie Ibr Stayer, Oisagow;ant •
syelloide, on Monday, iltdtmaity,
and Fr4147.0f earth week, at, o'clock, a. •
011 Tueulay, Thundsy and Patarday. 'kite kd
at the laminas between Wood meet sad lies tvidg•
reacted to receive (reeds at a
l ? 11166: •• •• • ,
0 HAREM, Aidt,
Octl2 •
' FOR NW" 02141 ANS: " '..' ' .- , ,
'::... ' • n _ . e4 7reiCteit tu lr,
bank Arial; lawaroitilt , lax= Ar
gone and inierediapo minas "4:6, , . .
noway monong, tan MY Onion ItteebeL _
• For holed or poonoto ROPY atz - ... • . , "
oetl9 ',..- ~.. - J NKWTON JONEP Bfralari._ , ' i
• The bearlifi newitair .c" -1 41.*
Lyona master will lc..mats gins Vali
moasuag, at 10ii`elock. Pas freiglit or • •
pumps apyiy so board. oeille •
• •
mommy at 10 117 above ll; : :4 reim
fute neer mar
N 011731 RIVER,
Dent, muter will keel ma whemlibs
rearms al 10 delaek Far freight or
pewee sop y cm Ward. nee° -I
. --- rpoilsrLutris • • -
P.M* maw, will leaterlis abeis
thw morning at 10 o'clock.' For=lo
. .
or paasuke Aprly on bes rd - , *ell*
Very morning; Mondays eitapted)-at
o'clock. and .leares every comas ar'd
&clock For fit isbt orpayssee wily onboard. 'ma.
. FOR . FRANK L1N—8E1.101.,A11.1 . 5.910E;[,,.-. .-!
_ ...... •
~ 'Llat laariificent sunr .. .
,_ 4;
- 'olllla-,rimior,ariilleave aw - aborsilits
nun:, at 10 delaek. For flailed cm
passage appiy!o beard. - •'- .- - -' - --.-. .. 0et1.1.;
11V11:1..Ait t exEr,F .:
• I P Jeek,leWev, Inn leave for gems
Iterd lotensinliat• p.naeapp3.-aday,thos,
7,11 inel et .te defeek, •en • •
d: Poefreight:ie peavey's, havinx peperior ievoseiooda•
:lieue, apply le,: J PIETONJUNk. • -
"The nevr,amillaestioom
suits, Au ressoieil Aer tep
War trips sad
as above oral TtorruLay and Your
day .13 o'clock, P.M. Far frelert or passago 'apply
on boxrd,or . _ DWILYIND •
, am a t. —Tha no.steamer
Mdse . & muter; will rad asibdirc,bei;i
winglitetnagh even , Monday, Wed:
wadeTT tad rnday, nt9l o'clock A. 11" andldesonp.
hela Citydrely Tuesday y and S
o'clock, A. - For tkeughtor Deulde'sPP4.6nb?!"4•
. P TBE ittsb ehotd,,a 4l .tessee" l 7.‘.- 1114 :::‘:
mgrallaudirdartoronli mate aretitif
go the above port dubs the sew en,-
sr' se • 'Jr fte . ° 3 VYMN'teglieb"
0- CLLPSiId . TRAIII9I.9II,TATIOBI Llthillj -•
e galit i lB . 4.7Ailhili
I D. iterthouthe in.l4 - thd .4
Fes tie Web dapetth
* I D we .
. ..
.• - - nßows sw.tx Arco mati.4 mi. .L.
IS, TH2OIII2H 7 0 BALTMORS; .57171 Dail:
Tthie Ronda wpm ethl Seasons thralls Tear:-
Mite fuddles, safety, and fan:wattle - rates threaded
Iby 'tie Line, we sack that asthenia' eon wi th .. '
confidence recommend ill° the pagreangnet thapet..
The establishmeth W a 7 1 / 9 Day Lille , orWegoos
between tinsweidnlle and Combesiand, renders it tbp
moat expeditinw end tellable mate between - the East
end We.t. blereithdisetrout the EMI* MOW-Wed In ' •
Pinsbesgb on the evening of the Skint day ties Cos- ', • '
. • The Agents will thee nweigts - es le liese and rates
and all theparty consigned loth= Ind be finoraded
et the leered carnal Ines. 3111. of Lading•trinwaided
tad all home Cons thompdy attended to. - . W
IJ C BIDWELL, thgaral Wider 61,1 dearsedwas e • .
jdanengettela llouse,rthusbargh. • , - - .• ‘ • ,
GEO W CASS, Thownwille.._. _ • - I. :
. bicKAlO 1 MAGUIRE, Cumberland. I ' ' .._ . -
J 0 ROBigifiOgt, No a : Light's, stow Nett Bel 6
• • . .
Pitraburgh,ara Inhumed tha sre have Jul pui
oeaacvr oaArlimaradanaexcVsiralitorarowle
villa to transport coeds for Pitaburek sole, and 'in
arit , Anat. Issalas at ooraelecto Baltimore to dolma.
goods is thirty Mown a Potsbargih lOanda a rrne
railroad dears only excepted, Watson err tins
will also be fundshisi hr./Warns I Oa, Bernonaerra.
York and Phdruielphis. sts mem the say amnia
by mail tram war, shippers are Informed that-ANT
rant procure recaptuu Urn above edßoaaadr. - .
' Cidice rnd Deja% Pratt sh tladatorh
Ptwhms VICKEREY; Actir4
oetlOdini ' ".. .• tor Charles Betel l'lttgbdreb
• EXPICE:3S FAST P A cazicri.ii,Nß.;
Ail Lt.! - _ - -Alt;
P HE canal...a Itti Road havingbeen ratiabicf '
Ithenesthio water, the. anOseribero 01100, ,, !'f'
move on ktoadnyll October. to not;', two o r o„..„
oAn .pcs comma*. to the toes and 111 War.
. oc c, an tlie Canal and Rail Rates losauto . .
Atooday, Wednesday. aid Friday k.Ve
'ciao ar 6 o'clock. sod . Ito lidayaburg 61.ondar,:,
Wo.lncolap and Friday roorainga. . . • ,
Foe p apply . to IV: Moiwi, kilWii
• - • . LEk. t.`G '
~ 4. I Ap.HDEN. & COS
. .
PhillSON tomtit oat by this ettedey
Don orthermos} reavolabhs hw :from any,
I 'AV . pars of: goateed, Itelaail,.PeoUsnil,
Walez,marl in Parkelpipps FOnoga
!Ma flgettl of the , Mesa, Goveramaet
have sweetly eattlweed Eva:stem at Mate atiS,fr
([ends In Asetiee,itaxest ma frauds tam anvetl , U4*
pnierisiiil litiovintem; add have Levert. rekwed
the welt known boose'or Henze raro _the night
place ix all le opply,tf Wier wished ar be treated :molt
panete &lir, sad titaness.
.Partiotarho alvevese ritemselvea Bole Agents for She
Black Rall4lno. awe *harts natvee, owl Utestiktels:
the publie.sts we profess to 'be - Ageate not !nap p
Inuit Bail: Lis- Dot nsisf7 natio. isst.:/thrPOult
> Ipibt.Dpeuhis to asp mount parliderAdialrehe.
breeches of Ptovioelat pirope t a g a m,
p e ppa r pt, la draweetrowalta
sitafthisme do MI wk. Atom . and send a ic.aaelgut uw:43:o-tr-bl z w.
wW aezegemeglate *en at New limt •- , •
• JOSHUA IitOBENIPI, y.atopean,pipo
watt: ~ •::: • eett o* .o nte door halow ;
lar ot n—For ransa,rla zknraulaton-- ,
estop willies.* Newlitals
. Atiass447, nth 1i4T4,04v.4%1,4t A
Et:2.2111,4e te.e' Ga ela ajadld
NewYseit 140 l optlrmpla.• 16;,,
-1.4m414411-sl4lll,,*oißte-**. t 64. -1
-F44o4l4tatarPoottliU v -
44** 0 40447.____•35 N. • - '44tlt
gaI3WrISCI-4. iler c
•4114 AMOIR
!ri'-~~'lv'yC hrriVi:
1. "or