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I ie • ;',-.:" A 7.... - ;:j-.; , ;, , ::: - . , .:.:::. , ..,...:.!- ~ . , - -t:; h'''- :0V.'::':.;: 1- •'!.;'.'. - [.; , ' , .- -- t . l't:.;. - i . :::.;..::.,.,-...;-::;::! ~ '':';.: . ~',..1 . .::.. :,-;....1.:-',.,.;2:414,-%'•.!,-1:'•;.:'..,'1 . '' , P. ',_ C:e ' .. ... -:', -. :'.;`•41.11.';', 'r.l-',;.•'- ,- `-''7'l-c4:.,,-,;' ..,.,.:.2,i,..,.,r;: 0 ;:yA",%-.:'e10.i:(4f;ft.•4•0,,;. ;. ' - - q -•'.:.1:T,, •,.''''.' '.7lt‘:,r:l ilf, ::!,- ~. n ' 4> 7 .4. , ti . .... r• ' .1.: , ICT:Ti `s:'.rt...' .til ': ,' 11' .' :*-: ',"•,i2: f.. ,V-irl'i;• .:.`:,. :-. -.: - .:7. , f.. • .;"'; :':' i'','''`.•.-t.itk, ,'..; :.- i:.. ,13,7 1 1 1 4 , ..i.,:1„...•i.iii::ii...-...,,r "• il;::*4•:-:, !o!t.,,:',.•::1•.• •I•co: E;;;, • , . • .• • ~i,,,,,, s i :: . 7.; t. . ,='4`•::11::. `'''i.;,..',-;:,) --;4 Litll:4fi::4l: s'464 :: ; : r 4 : ..: ~7,41‘,1.:;ii.N!' `.l;',LS'; ,A tlitillloy.:*ilti:V4.l-.7 .-. ', • -`1..1.".,24 -' ,Y,,' •• : .k. 4•1 4 1 -4 . 4 .- 41 ‘, , -*.: . ~, , 1if,. ...i t t 1, , ,,a . - 51; . , :, •••_ - ~,„.. :,„..,;,, k . , ~,,, ,-.. Ig‘A'!.3 l , 4 V,t , Af F , t "o : .l? l v.:' , 'H.O., , .., r . .. V.".,:';t:'&1,.. z .t..., Ali - 4 Irt:,A, •A4;',;ol,‘;' 11. 314 .,..0,,.. , :„. . ..,., . .. 1 , :=l.. c . --• 0,...-q1 . 5Y , 4. - .7:;.1-. 6 :0,.. s' .. l - . 0:,6i.:. - $:: , : z . " .4...-:z ~ '-..c.,f,v`:.5::, f ..,=i l •„ i t ., , 4.*... t .,-.1,..,4.,,-, • ..- ~. /:,; ,- -,4:-..• 44 N V' 4.-.<.--4.,-; 4,,,. , "-t . .. 4 , .. - - -- , 1..1 •-4.-...,L , Tti.:.- 1`41:...,, , 1; 1 .i ,, A=t*: o . - --01;.-4tit: t -;... :it . . - 'll - :..2 -4:-T - ..-`:,- ,, k - ,_64.Nti• .: 1 • 4 ,:.;' ) ....%; • , ,- .1-k-ut.- -....eatrtv• ,g,t,',„,:''.0: 4,, ,,•,74 . : `,•410 ~. - - 1 / 4 ,...,4 00. , , •-r,i. NT cvto - N ANA 4, ~ z ;f4f)•,.: . 0- 4 , .. '•-t‘i:i:'vt:..‘ t C i . b7- : : . %.' ' ' 7 1 : - , ' ' '. 1 ' .. .7::"A - , ` :,','• ..',.,....,:-.'' ';',..`-ft, ,i . ,: '... t ' .4 . ~, C. , ^. ' ''''' '. 4 :%. - .... ' 7. 1,!...-.....'...1.:. ..,... . . ~ , e... 4 .,. . ;... . v, • • ISFEMI , t` ~.. E.` =MEM ..'.:'':;...•--.'.,:.... 1 SEVEN SS~Cats. 7—"Ttroo :mis b!suik s &ave inwatokos, • lifore maned ieUmoold AM_ Fran . t swags, PitOujik. oeFn 1111117 rza, =ld SOW . linriltz unrest of lAbertr Lula. Claynewts, saayl4 • :o.l' V 0.9. 18 RaiAGWAY AI 1111ITU. W 14,40114 01001:1S, Si Wood stma, Anacca. is&O&Lux & co" WlN,lowk Oro. imito. sod Poodsee Oman, No: 2913 Mutat . ioroet, Veen Mt nod &h. Nos* o god - 1 A. AlealllOLTlr -CO, 11 7 a c nd •Comanalaq /lambic , * Paid BIWA; rl ORLANDO LOOMIS. AaorogyelLsw: 46, V. lasontkitresi,deve adanidlOlL wpini Wist: Wean.. John F. Jeanivigi o .Tai: W.llo4lits , C°0=4:6,..V PE. en Dtas d' Erin *eel, and dealers in uancs Ilixesingo mil deo' aiiptiass, sanstaciert ca et. tlait st ylnmahor Woo d fit Ctlosa sari _ • . . . awn* s. inassaa. (SAMSON & (swarm V won.* us) ,Wisslends Oncaris_Onsa lon sat lloarsrunag &nasals, Indus la.Troasseasal Embank liastassans. &pal, Wan& Wood tad s . '04&24:- touLass, Loaner sad wimgesali seiel %J. - kola in FROOO.OOO-81.101411001010 000618 is Clilt Comb, 108 Kum dross; s 0001400000; =Mk. Pa. • • oetll etiZia°l saawasizi-Jusmaz - i iig ai um :b341- DIN AND smaimerosi, 01.41,4 Xi 'east Ws dr do imam* doom dest - tom D.P. mot Alist 'macro. ; •i • VWALT, itt,ClErnalttk Gto. is cm deslarslipeetsegi rueshsgh Ts tOW,MINV LOerr Sul l Ol ri F 68414 • Mang a iwi:iv; 0,100.06,661- you CO Wialsaka Game" mom= sal 114,133n5 c and Deslerita Prodseet anti pi 37 Wool exift33337.33 rr..' • •• • Jl. ockswisso swanalcurnsargar am. I r sty, as law, ksvpirimill•rolliee Pat mak OW of rank streat.hennsis OEM WO af rad 11111111 D, ILIUM • Omen. aniCeeina4•4 lll4 = o 4 ", In Voyealtars", Nail:Maw 9011118 mew O asts. t - feMl - - - 8161711 r, Ms, Fans Illsnasenaer gas fla4: .sr Missiala 41111MMIMM Wood,fit ..nl ~ s ~ ; s-i r te '-'r'~r - " , . '~~"'J' 11111161aarallt (hater Meralant and Inaba in ?roan" - hap= te,tg tan 171A:way W hin Canal Ban. Oakem, pitek,, lope, na, ad /CATON, Dealer in litaaall.o o rd. I Yam and dupla Trnanda" 63 #lv . d- !Ma! sso. xoseir. wATVuus rum . a. (1111011011131LORGAIN *CO, illiaNals Oro. itereVFamaissioa Idershanis, 103 WoodAtreet WN Ja. EldadaT Gadenr and Conk• G SWIM Alerchant, And Deans in Pentane and rinsbn alannfacudan Bold Wiled ignianny. ' Geo. W. isshb a a a c . ibl. B. Mown. 0 15 , 0. -IW." spyrm wess,. pons, Ts, elZallairoo,oll2lAl, agent,.m For. sulisillctaan,,tfo.lllW ockurein".b.ll* • _ —canter. Illosmarabel• Um Post .1647 ' 4797471 ;= : A4 % s ow tier* - lkthisT• -"I VAIIIMIN . Dealenintia _1121r1"1 ?Weir Ne• $4 7 - 1 —ll.itWt. Uo. mown.. & oflOWirtroopon to ooltp ragon m+Goa•=wol= l,7:VAVoVl A SWAIN DftssAlAs, rio. s , aetelallow,ogar the mug 6.4 m, rillsbergh , iselakgr Ir,IIIIIIIO7,INIETZ fr. IED LEAD WordiOnef.flentAtrd JllLmdmES,a!fotrette- mug worm = =am =czar, as. VoiamaditELSA -MUM a Co, VirlpiaaW exam, a Mercian:* awl dealers in Praia*, Na. .1r M.- Tailor, Ezelwair -meet, I,Mlll.Blll,6tioisr7 u low; 7ittmbersii; Pa, oesssodths prude* a Ms piorsabs lisetias Nen ItaksvalPs Bindings Gros street,se , 2 Anspied dm* kis abscise by Memo set 1. 1011.11 D. DOILDANi Mohawk V i = rlBa 'dealer all'DY. 801 .. ntar a Diamarl 7. aka Wood attre4ade acle ° sg n i yittaba ANIGII SIGIUI, Jl. &CC, If _amain LO ",1k 0./X*W Cam ns . 7J -ocn 1011•GLIA) isicealeandlietaildeal-, al arta Mak and MOW Ismomoi, &loot Hooky' Tapsr,SlimmAisal Pani.tbdPrintos, OWN SOO: resiosery gewally, , No: & Wald ii,"ratgortia : • ..ST-------Wgeo.---,,Uk" ta',.../.-2-11 TIIN /COTT & Oft , , Elposlo irn,- . .mdimuld OmmirSeditadoum,Dosiers to Pro. depo—uark amithemsalo 7 Camereal lbw, Merry i 4, ma the o.4timbari&Ps. oal icPoolausza ar.--..1.-1 J.'mLmo,sw•"m'"bw°''w°l It so nnax k. animism! SminathA erekuas, o LANDity LP•thleid - et. &wawa .1 4101 01112., ALlMkifitsAuM l Z at :rid e r a, Domes Gram ui bs , Ps..o.lcrik.l edfrM jCt----"----UT---ila!ljVZlW"nitf • "}:1234_ oct1; jartN,E., ovooti :' *Ws 017.4. 11,n.b.rA' • • mow , WINIXI9I I Bs* llWlriarra; 'wow • WC monisaisos , Beaker. spa Ai *Mood 'Renard ores; 0 6= 6 1 11 :0 ra• • • et the awl nue*: ion 10 . iN MOM Wholcoas Oaxer,deales Ca PEO /0-4•44sl4lloagimansfseacros, Tin Plass, *AU is Vi'Claimed lint. a.cal I . -Outalts.t4".l PAljg4.ods• *Ward, and Wm= P eule rodas - • ....14easndr, No ft Water alLritabotk. "t 747 D"=.l.lk Coi—Masalsetars iiJJmi iraiiik i i,gbert, Bar hai god 0( 1 4.14 1 . iroalWatma°,7,Au.„,r at. will. .7- • , omen Fo Commisom Kerebast, Wiser - 1 111110 fu l "'.. "4 !"0./4.1. 'r co 1i w 4.011111 i Vim =WM Fnmw-10. _. • 41S b ULD2.°s 1111112"10 111 .W bo lialvoteeel"ViNittarisslawliMel"Pkoilms. Mrlitibbei • num= 'mama WW, Inalstil• OTlO•reimi C4lllll6lolo4'Mern.7, 7,1,1N1b. " " mel ,111ardronsi.Wster and Frootsts,betwoonWi '• a 011131.0 üba7 _OM 011011111 . .11.MPOIONNIONFIL iD 4111aW.wlaktist. sad kewl itak sod .04. misticumts. orslaTs 41 Patel, eilfilaitWaalesdi'lfil! in+ - , Om' ko,9ll'`to, tie!sna.savuawt tolveed rtmso,, tb,• , NIP: Wft , " • • 10,0 OLUSII.4 SOL (V Stoke stmt. loo• r- • owl doof from muff o, owcf. i s of Doobeotio , Bg of r 44 00 104 Cofolical' r4!4-.1!"6615"r. pratoe"."9t "-- .;-> W lic."000e 010/704"12.. (kW LIC • ceo,silfig". 1?;140.m. 111.1N°41 renew:,, usasws easersar, 13.4- tat wo...amictfism , oo.F4 10""7,,'", m it ,.. . _ . Jemmy; T. kusTs. Jr., pores.atr;n:ss.a. iwomt. alaiMP,hi.=jad raislaisla A=Eurricui Totds, and T 44 0%14:: • wolf kn. . 0. • IV & &Do Vilateade Gams, I'Ve. • tag COMMIIak. Illarabaub, mai Dwane ia 1 1 , 0 P.'"!" 1,40 .• 4 0 lAbfaV &plat ritth LARS BUSINESS CARDS. Rousay • , 113.4 L k 4:5k.;14.0 4 : (tr.: as usceVr anclPitubnr7s =lunar:lndy mnu.PnsaWb•Pa. . R•l3 IL HARBIN!, Attorney at. LawoDswat . Bs.Wimp, newly - opposite the, New RWHOM .11001114. Wholesale Toer, Heady Log Distiller, dealer in ProdoeorWusbergh (seams, and all klndi.of Fortis& and Domenic 'Meet and Liqeors, No II Labeliy stwesiPltlahanfa• DD". N. D. Oa halal a very lane mock of Mee. Old Monomphola Whisker, whieh will bet wkl low ITr L. O. Reynolds. • J: L. tame. • RM.YAOLDIA. , t 'SUM; Yoriiirding and Com. down Ateretiaars;Gor the Allegheny River Trade; &Alen faClioeenes.Prodeem, Pittsburgh hlanalieteses and Chloride ef Llme.' The hl . • eat In cash, fold at all time. Col. • • . • Corner of Peon and Irwin sta.] Aron • R: .-.oAKsynuk - Co., Comailsalon . 51iichnuts Lllkerty st.,opposits Smithfield Dealers In no Orals ,and Seeds; aloe, Maur, Lard:de. , us' (XIII G!1111114, Wiwistile.Grocet, 0 WT Dealer a l: ° frod Ul lree -- nb - d — iiitsbitirMasyithe l ta r rr , 144 Libeny-st. • - - _ C Shacklett. . Tho. 4 It White. aIi.A.OBII.IITT & WEEITZ, Wholessfe Des, 13 lees In Foreign.ind Dentestia , Dry - GOods, N 7 o 99 TV cud street. t - febttf , Wool Merchants, deal, S en ic=tmdmrrodevacetzareiroallpao,Foreraid -33 Wood street, PAIJOIR, Attorney at Law. (Mee S Waiting, No Founit larect,betweea -- , mod 9mith4cld. . weaderArtv V r e 4 - 400 0 NIIIOREITIo CO., NV in.,— Po Orogen Formodiog and emanation Merchants, Wants m ?instant; Mmtifiketates %Vestem Pro itteslutminaomed intim Mgr mirebonsei told =me rot In . ;soma . of Fil:Ml utd Otarotery Lana noT7 0/11.11111711L 111.1113E1E4 Formirding and Comus aka Blerelant, Deem in Atli,' Pinnate and Pins 1 ago saina* . %Fed =On; qanil Ilsoinotent at L Dealer m ISmds, Flow ILYAillittrr.'=""`".muivteng° . . . artirr7 . 7 u il l reit: in GMCWI ?to V3-Waod meet, Piosbargh. . • . Vrt • ' GIGT,j..., • ... GI • M ..• • - and Denier In Clock., Combs, and Varier, • earner of Ma:dab:l Fount. Greets . 119 tiaßblugh Ipasfsktaiesi Pad Ba4Liberry svett, • • •• . IncOndecon WAD- pievvrengArti Wholesale(iro en%Pinder•ln Prolate, Iron. Nails,Gletannd PiOtoXl44lnnanfarninon, 6enar•ll7,l2l•Llben .meet; . If . . vir, Ss `I4 , IASTCHELTREE, _Wholesale Omen; •Ir ly4ll.gietiftlegthaillets. Ltd Wise anti Liquor Bien Masts; tia.i.a,ubaty wee; [oppoite Sixth street,' I=l WICK 411. WOANDLSIM ld - .V J D Wiek,) , Wiwiesals Groner* Forwarding and Commission Merriman, dealers in Iro, Nails, Gloak Conon,Yatos end Plosbargb idanafaeurros generally, eirenuot Wood and Water am Plush mo ldS. 'CUB. NIIRPEIT 'Selina the lathes as 'call mid a' =mime his stock or French Worked Collars, some a. loan as SO cents. • . • meta W. VEltotavale Grocer,Fonrardiag ud ii... o 77Z.7l'n''•rl D r i r;Z: d ratl eattbfield Pinsbal. * - nol3 WITNOILIit L,WOLYP. 11•P•Sen and W•desale Meets in Hudware, Cutlery', Sad. Se,c•mer Liberty and St. Clant sucets, Piur • • 'Wrip4ll.lll , a Ai . 2,ldLl=Til ion ktrVltolaxa..ll world q. spt3A • • • we Mill race ead mill Womb . emabliMatenti Liberty set, near die :ie. • 11111TOUZLTIME, Wholesale Oro- V V • eters, Reetifylog Distillers, sad Wineaad Liqoor Unthaws, No. WI L/14.1"0. meet, (oppoite &lib sa,) • • t.ll. UOBINSON. Attorney t _ __roored his atm to dor Excidg h" Pi.smratan next door to John.. ^5.5 VAT lie DIAIIIIII.IW, Dealer In Fancy and Neale I'll' Dry Dads, No. 710 Market sweet, Parebarga. :neneladlly . • - 14511/1 a 1 " : the hem, Distlict,l Wholesale °thee's, are aow located at IthWeedst, wheat Lhey oder (er sale a targe assort mentorGroceoes sad Piaro Manufacturer, at low prices sad en Wearable tars. mayl3 W. WILSON, Dealer la Watehee,levretri, \VV , ,rI )IIOO .I GaAs Se, N0..%* Avr R. MI!WHY, wholesale and retail dealer .Foreigucad Domestic Dry Goads,atorth cam eel awal • r.. • acyurehase• . g Senor Edgar Thais, comer of PC4II sod • sad seep coastaasiapily_cfgatlicyt Physician's • ( 10125 carefully compounded.— editing:se • • • railer Jobil F Slncer. L IZ/ GPOSID & co , COMMSSIOIII 11.11 Fat- VYna 3 P9 AB ". Yf'dar.3 TERG.ILAOLIBPIIIIOTOMaIAttorney at Law - V.. ritubarglt-Its,,osnatissionu. to tato Ike knoseledigmeatablatno. of Died', Leases, Coalmen., Deposhiesy or w writing tanner seal of not.) to be awl os twaWd .to :be State of olio. Offioo CCAVGIOINHALI79/4 Au2n. , ..1. !.." VW :Fllllr area, Dm SmulLeld. , ADLi .gslf _ 7 elan sag imbal bpawmattended to with pmeraal y. Bissell,we. Cestai, ' BA Pabioeshxk :Jelin Herron, EN, eras, Umbra •c7a, lAA EK; Jams Mad. Wiliam Lena. J. Atall'Alt, RECTIFYING DISTILLER, AND AOLLifi D SALTA Li FORECII: k 1011111TIO "W1119 _ & Lions No. 114 Libor-4 it., mad aDitrsond MTSBURGII, PA- • r • WAR RICK MARTIN & Bathes. n.:077,11/ Now and an 1.9417 Pletalnurgh. W - Al Shia. • 11YE 48121.1 Y 6 AN " e ratikarlfili LAW. .071/Alee Nock •l. of Forh si t above thaltkileAL-00 . • AobrldtwlyF ;Oliver )11scdboni. Gonne B. /one.. o..sutoiustraat k - co. WiIdLESitLE Grocers and Deniers in Oils, Beat motoo,sioi Phobia/0i idanaknaredartieles,havo on band at all tannin dill and rural aioartinenrof si! line,;Wodor sum:, n r Cherrylitild;ifi 7 W-113WaNGTOtittotrol Barvevev,vtill nonad ;Lama Surveying, .lavi utng oat, gad dividing no kW/ valintion of Rol boin.k.e. ale*. NOD st. atm 'taut, nest door to Me Myttn of . 4 1 ammtwit pltatough. optZd TORII X. TOIII7XIIMINDe Onedist and aped,. Cary, Ne ed Marked le; three doors acne ?bird it., Zusbarsitotrill blot eotmeatly on lurid • men Klee *4 eseonscater the ben asa freshest bledlcides,whicb - be wat men coatis IDC feu:liable Irma Phy•foixos "Unid.".rinbo MaPtl7 sanded vo, mid sap, pliot artietembey MST nay spas none. trrrityttelame ?mediations w il l be sceonuety .ad newly brewed from ilie best • idufbds, Lc any hour of • 7 4' s tdit• Web or (nil sad pod Peril "Ill,"4 w Wald, Maker & Jeweller, V • earner snd Markel am '4C large and well metaled *leek of warehee, Jewelry, Silent . ..rare and 11111muy Gordy. ' Alwaxs on liancl and at regular ea. Gold Punt toenCf, re Jewelled Intakes, as kw as W. Salver do walebes, an low as 1118. Oman. Cooper, robias,Jollroon end other approved manse( watelaw mar be bad at a small advance Mi 871 4 ne end& Work done In :be very best reamer. J. B. BWEITZEN.. `• , `ATTORNEY. AT LAWi . fiche, ad la. oppealt• Sl.Ahrirarsltmttal, 11,11r4td.ratri 10 0 2 , 2r4ti o i ft in Slaty, Boll& Co • ' - ClimE catotirrs Pittsbarsh. Da. DAVID HOST, Dentist, bairingemilis such arralligeMll3lelll hb !lA, wholealeire that be eau devote' hie a — time to the deities of his prof.. AV;lol7iseen to his dike, earner d of 4di and Dees. Oli Wens, woo Market an Perry amok% any hour. Germ Me . y 7 from d. e s ht. jrirtely • 1116NELT, • ArliseeTAlTagn ,c 4 ll22l Cad fe Keptu.ky, rupptly eirefoLy µtended 10. Cooshoneorer forth,' flare of Perroryirsoin; for Wong Dorrookortkoorologgoomorsao., • • PR: Wm Sok Cares, Cbureb awd", if Nolf,Eq* WinoCk , & Davi. MCI 4 E C IPORLEANS , 110 vroutm. 12=0.. 1 .. 8 . tin ., CIENTO Gar/ B urge oxls °oat. 11 Nakierg.All9l:llll, 1... e.g ... , i. „411eree5,P7a,,,,.....,..,„et„......1.1..er., t ior.. ~__‘....1.1e5ie...4.1,1,11.3.e.a.,._7:71,,,ar.te,, larAh sairrn & on, • __"• Bagman, IdALEIXEO.S AND 110? ogntgno 111111,1113 , 1111 POIPIT BLBWBBIB6. gotrinDaibumAnny fad rena E 4, and Dot of rum, g.g.glortient. • W. Batibright. 141;11..41t , w. 1611111ELI0IIT,? ATARCI, WA lea ANTED equal, if mit ooporior, to air tondo VW to tie UiuOtd futd tottith thVY . 111 . 11. P? . ..' of as Irri PTV-mood on good Tomo, ..231 lftswoir , ZPI:PM• pawn: .us. TOM". H. e. Is. imams co. .me s tAFA . CTUSERS.of Ilammerel i c a lltritt , szt . IosJA: • I . DL JOll2l 111. OIT.APISAX, ygod. orriari owateidstren{ oppeolui metew` jew Xisidisseo.lo4rfahcla /ken. eatna WI -TACOS litiA9Zlll4 nr.r l y ,1 1 7 11 4 1 . 841 4, 1 . 1 . 1 . 4 * - ' " ' FORWARDING & CORMISSION. A.M. - W*lnniinft. • •• • Jno. Masc. weztaiffivoitsi k 00.. COMMISSION' k. FORWARDING dIEJIiaIANT3, . . HUSSY. BASSWASE AND. PITTSBURGH, • HABUINICTURES; WARSHOUSSS Seta)/ l e e=e Weed " , and Canal BASift. Libari MWAlha" .d sale 150,0001ba assorted Meet, Naylor & cvs C. near, Blister and Genoa* . Jones & Quing's AT Binger Ppring and Fort. OZO,dos Shovels, Ppados and Forks Carriage Snrlngs and .111.losl• _ Anyds, (manse bole;) Vmes, (patent and coottnoru): Sledges, Sledge tdonlds,Covrbarsi,. Furnace Ringers. (Juniata Manock Lela) , and Coal Picts; Ales.Pcythes,lsickleo, Log Chains &at &e.; I,o"Salansander Rd:. Proof Safes, Iron, Nall; Glass and other Pills.bargh Manufactures sold as the looroll prices. , • - Cabin O R Dancabower, - Renal*. dank. CUAILLICS' a DAZIONIIOWICII46 CO. • TOBACCO - CONI11881.01 1 1.11.$1CCIIIII? , No: 63 South {yids, arid NO lt7 south Witter at • • .4 PMLABELPHIA: DEG to inform the trade en& dealers geseralltof .11 Piusbiden Menthe, hammoado each arraoltemtnto with the Yawata .manafaeturers and the Orowers of tholVest,. W est indica, and ether place. as will insole • large and 4:Gomez nepply of the killossittg descrip tions of Tobacco which roll be odd. openae maw. modating terms as any other house in this city or rite , whore, and all mods ordered Rom thoorwill be war 7 ranted opal la representations— , • llamas; . Ft.Domingoi ,Cona, i• • • Yam; , Porto Rico: Pann'a., BoadLitaf To re • lemon - • and Florida, ) • .bitecen • Branch's celebrated •Aromatie Meg Caere. dish, with a largo essortment of other popular Mandl, and qualities. ofiroands, et de Ws /04 and 32s Lomas Se Ils te and lee rior Ladles , Twist; Virgida Twist. to, sweet and plain, • in 'Whole and half boxes; wad and tin, together with emery, variety of anicle beloar ing to the trade: ' • • • .Jeledly ' . FORWARDING a conissioti Ecerl Bi'aver Para cmdlh4tader, IBIATIII .e01:11117, rupee= and /wild er . smarm • • MANZ ERUC alair snarl= frerivosal awn' WILL bean:Tama an earliest openingefeanal V *mien to recelee properly et his este:theater in wants:rase, an all pawn las Erie Extortion, Cross Cm, and Oaks Canaui ix all :amen Lake Erie and upper Lakecanalantotanraidprodata, &gay Pane's. 1 1171-d n ir' . 4PPIY" • " J. 4.;.' W. Legvne.b. -.•- C. J. G. REc W. LEF 7Oftw TWICW& ElNlNo.eeDiso , • And. Ceauslonon• lisndnanns immuminputz, Ln. • • PARTICULAR Ancsideutj paid to eonsignatents of 1 An Engines, or 4AUr articles Rer OpeAnsaa " REF d Au er Eibeilkld ALlgiAknr, AIL T4A mu Limerick; Ne. Chico* llurg. Lancia A lieuArion, Mr. Z. M.ls6ertan Mr...vc RIM • SpotAld!. R&M Wiegman, Armstrong & Pinsbargi. Afesss..naran, Todd & Co.; (Ineronall. Messes Hynes. & Creeisad, Messrs. Edwards & Whitest; Hon: Zenon Littman, lion. Antal; Plaq Demme. La., • ' sel9-1 • DEN•tt 0 IC. FLOUR'', PRODUCE,AND O E 0010 lif t MERCHANTS.. • . No. 16, Sisalltbta. In hatf, OlVERilkeir Services ioliorehanteltad Fannon ' , at. sale of Plow. 6min and.Prodace ren.endly. at the Baltimore Merket,and from their extenwmacgaili. mom ardong parchment and shippers., em teal) WU not saustiwory sate. Coilemondente conalasuly be kt advised of the fUII.O of the Markete;&e. Ra ep no Wte. %Vilma & hanct_Ber molds &:o. Davidson & Samdere, Rey & lemngs King k Omer Baltimore . . Tingley. Caldwell & English; Philadelphia. Newry; Draper &lawn New York. ' Beltimore,Sone ai.1917. _ FLOUR FACTORS AND PRODUCE CUR& MISSION MERCHANTS. . _ T IBERAL cash advances made on receipt .r eels. signments. Those slippma toner addrenl sell be ram Ihremloanlis value in •dr mite to Cuni.bl apply ins to oar friends, MMus. Wall* , ord &Taylor, Pinang - h. . Messrs. Them Bell .& Co . llndaepant, Casio. ' I railadelphia, May 5, WS. • . sanylff-H N. 13. All prodare consigned to in 'is imornii when in the wareboase of Wallingford & Taylor, Plitsburgh, , or in oar more ni Philadelphia. • C. B. & .Co. NNW. &ADD I, BIT - HI lOW/ B STORE. , • R. T. LEECH, JR: 1 . - 110. 133 WOOD ST., Pl7T3BllllOlle AVI Nti repientshed my stockman the bat unto& Cl nena demesne and unman I tine' pleastire in an • nosineirm w commenere and dealer. Dm I on prepared io famish them with all goods In my fine on MO better remelt that heretofore. Bayerieriartcalleenhat dealing 'exclusively . in Pad ' aim Hardware and Chirrnee Trimoings.•l obtain thereby surnames Mat enable ma to defy erapatirm. Call,see . and lodge gar yeerselves. TR JAN ihirtnerkrturo OF. HANDWAttL. LOGAN & 13114D2T8R3 OF AND WHOLF'2ALE DEAL klOl --,..Ia!M!!!WW4n24.CIPIOLICALTft , A itg now tp the estorse reeelirilyg low wtdiuons A to their .ohlenstoo stock of Dardwato, Torthrry,,, NO Jeff, kg, which haring beat porch:ma oa the moor roloaroaireolor mom fhollondowd Dom dor hlahorwarors In ibloorwarryi rnahlos than to for roods on tersnoscayassed by tom sot eqwklhrd try' few. Purchasers afro owpocaully laohetho coll. .ct DI • OKUIUMW COSPISSION 6. FONCVARGING bteatCH/LIT, •. No. IS WOOD CONTINUES to transact • general Comieinie' Nusinene, crpceutlly to the praise and eels' of American fdanolictutes end Prodoe4'sod in receiving sod fomenting Goode coeiigned to his cue. As Agent forthe Manufacturer', he wilt be constantly nepplied with the pnocipal ratielcuor, Pittsburgh titannfsetare at tho lowest whokeele . I peens. Orden ind eowrignmenbe reepsethally solicited. ji7 D.C. W. ANDSIIIO3, Late of PlHsbargli,Po. , LW of Plultrill, TIMM. LENMER4 ANDERSON DEALER' S N COMMI COT lON lONMER K C . HA A YOO NTS, BDO'S; AND SS No. II FF•10 am; abfratErmatesp, aorianati, Otfa. Refer cMerchants. gostersEr. In Pinsburct. span. A.LtXtr. ALL &ADO,. • , II ILOVIS'AID . COMMISSICZN &NTS) AND DEAL 1031, PRODUC GENERALLY, 25 Jena Ersivatelll, Mars Markt{ Rom spria, EAT, Costar-GS Casa, Pal Caskier,l, Underact &Da:l.ll4er Daugher , Y, ha& Engin W Wyman, Stiosiciff &Dame. Gait .0.01017 . 4 M A, A. ackstanio7, (=Tem.' TO soornirmudr, Asa") 1 1 fiminnsi Fomenting, Coomi Nequat, out. Cation Brakcr. door bath of Moen' Dank,NewsPAls. • Rmrsa 71-14 Allen Co, Kin, ParumeekaCo. dam y• L ' V C I is: CONWAT & CO ! , DORTSIdOUTII, Mks r w r"Pt, efeenhande, and Prodeee Deaiers,aleo ue= PnrehaeeiSale end fnipment of Pie I ; • • • "Kris Tor • Aivilood;lootitc Co . Brown, Boiler, it Co l • Lorena &Wing"Co Hanel Oral G"4"D4aZ Co- p, k a cb. en Thaw de. Lyon, Sawa Ge • Clarke Jon-_• - 4•Tw '• [LW of th e firm of Malcolm Leech do uO,l ; WllOllllll6lll. Meter, 0111.1111110111 4 1 1 , I'IMM, . Merchants _ TIMALICRIo all kinds of r <roar" Prootee, -, ropl .11 per, Tin, me Plates, Vane,' Toots, Ziar. l . l . l l Rod. • 11011, lion and Nails, Walla Lead, rlleaaftitre'aCraerrY4"4l7.of"l:ll:4 cod ltwiidd Urea% fluabargb, Pia .00.Llboral adraners, Cask of Goode, Didion , eon] WM=44 of prod... ka. • ;IAUCTIONEERS: COMMISSIONMEACHANTS J ALEXANDER LEVY & BROD. CINCINNATI 411 LOUIS: OFFEEt to rail either eststilittooeul, all kinds or Illereltsodlee at the toerott rate; of Coottelesione and are alweriprepared eit mete advance. The bort of recreant vireo, 1< required. Lettere addreered to either Moo wilt bripromtlY attended W Jr 9117 T 0 COMMISSION xk MFRCNANTIi Lad namatoetwears et Lima"! 011, No: SO Co/cambia _ •• . , •• GENCINNATI, OHIO. • ;plebs Wu vas !idiom...CO --------- __ . 1 WALLINOVORD & CO, • COMFICISION & FORWARDINU hIERCHAHTII,' , •ValeeacdViStreete sitar Wo o • DEALERS' In fluatnegh Idnnufactares and clear, Ilantarate,teat tarp coattantly OA hpid oca of ammo aptinge and attlea,hames,scithes and sick, It., finiptoof eaten, swede, ninon Maektnetbstheltra IN T. MAIIIIWTEri O. - ,---2-•-- 2 -• ''e M. V. PArgilt . I i NA&WS & PATCH, C0110118110N: IIERCIUITIN)• 1,-, Ati,4B Water an ttt bis mo Wall' eve pattidalar attention to the selling or Pro. date, and to ordelre for parehaaing. _ RIVILLTO-01,040 Mogan it Co., rittemo. r. i I'VriL.-_ I ' 9VOR WOO. f M'Keehem, C DCol6ntuoo. JOll9l - 1 19.0171.1.0U011 dt CO. Commission and Pomading . Merehaids, N 011.1.93 lc 95 SOUTH frr. -, BOWLING% WHARF. Oaltio nicor.;;;;-cinsoaravi--.•, , COMMISSION. MERCHANTS, Acis. 9 sad 9 Light - • SALVINO ' tcr,Cub advances win be uvula on eonsiZ hn ' t"'" '344 C L A b R Y soN mama iv: 1"--- si7C;"&ttlaCZE pt — r & cr FLOUR FACTORS. AND ORM a. • • comnslssle pupal& 71 99DUTH I VniAnt se mil Wawa kinds A ilitrEs=TAVgd 4eg: Canal rRf• aed IS'OROCER AND OROVON, TAMRCO9NT, No a! Wstet meet: OT, J 319 1,..es .19r kilo, 999 &awn r EISA o D oca9MISMN 1407-pfzrrorawri_ a m ols . ins • . avr itoN9II94IIF §BURGH, WEDNESD MEILANEOUS. _ _ • JA XES IA.MITOODWEILL, • vITTSBITROB 7171tX11VRT. R.llll 2001111, Pio 115 THIRD STREET, • o r al . 2E - A LREsod _ imm Of Furnionr, aultable La Steamboats, Hotels, and pmriteDurel- • 'nap; roursolly oo hand god endow wawa I The prewar stock on hand cannot be exertledltfiaT trisaufnefora m the:western eottary. R... :robing, uo It base would do well ha Ir., MD lean. as 1.1 - drknolonl soy meta shaft idolise. Part'of the stack' .6a:foists oa -60 Born with Plash and Atirelotti eoreM illinrdalwearly None Chum ; ti :p d. air f. Di e ra . f . l .",t ch..; It atalutarany Work IAMB; I 3 der usuluusuuT Efdakfog Chain; marble lop Dreoitaa Bari.; • pair Cluaraans; u • al saarirle top Wort Stoat* It ahem_ Work *nods; maple, Churn and Poplar Bedsteads of cleseriptioal; *MAI. large , assortment •of common !wolture a:A . olllam flip tumorous to motion. I NEW. HA.EDWAH.E. HO - • JOSZPII WOODWELL, Cornerrof Weed and Sld its. Pltisteiaribi I.TAVING withdrawn from the old firm of Walker .14, Woodlice% 'on the let of /augury, ;1E47, I:take :Oman art annotusaing to Any friends to the thy and. ...ten that I have opened my . now store at the above 'named platie. Having, parchased my groods - for Pad, :and made ar ra ngements with miumfacluren In this . ocular and In Europe to constantly impelled, Y a m I fully prepared to famish Hardware of all kind. on U good ra Tire and n others i°w are=solf Fast or w t eel lend examine my stack; beGn• parch i sal4 elsewhere. The following comprises • pan of coy stock, Stesnstoat and Saddlery Hardware. Gen Thmteltaga, Piles, Nay Steel, Gallery, Edg• Tools, 'Anvils, VI. ces,-Locks, Latches, Sickle,, Scythes, Om Hinges, Screw. Union Factory Planc.Saws Mahogany hoards and tooter,, and all other ankles connected wah tha • Haidware twine*. - GARZA/VS PATRAT MIXIDSTRAD. NOTWITHSTANDING rt"[' , en :mowed opposition to thie invert] ,ion o: • Piushergla Mechanic, ems. 'loritY of the Cabinet makers of due end Allegheny city and their ntunerl ens customers havelhownthmemalva ibeie the Weer prejudice against Aseuteseeiresa, end they give Gessam`r. Reduced n bag a *alas, erearemse, Waal • Inmense It doom° a Delmn, , and men estwatteu Bedslead uett a The billearmag testimonial apenks for , • , We, the enharibere, P rue cabinet tamers of the eds. of Pittenargh end Allegheny, Pa" d e beer s tam • tify am we have tocsin the right mamttOtte bed steadrwith Gmatam's Venni Festening, sad em the same superior mann agnenhan with which we ere . 'acquainted. James Lemon IWGrew T B Young tOo Robert Farman • - R Hanley Jams Barr John Liggett, Jr. ' lawns whiz Sok l ' =nen • Mamas Tway • ramp II Wallace Tavel Lskez Ramsey it APCleUend Hash Wallace' Macs Beast . • Mead. Way , For Eighth to make sad sell the above Bedsteads ob= EBENEZER F GAZZAM, Patentee iATICIIT PBXS. BiUVI e sabeeribers Meted *blamed epatent, May li ra Press Brlek Machlne, and Aiming Mom Men Mom • ghly Meted tta me sow prepared se aell nahla metram to ' Ulmer machines to my part of the it used states. The machine la deidaoted is make Briet Tram erode clay, sod will make 30,001). rood moot.. inn brick per day, soic Made berate stack op bilks, kilo; than avoiding the erapeMa tad Mho , of t i et i m a r i a. d , e ' rr ' r l orra " ,lalraht k peirat mnot reran% and is conatrected that it coo be noren to room and pat tardier with meet feellaty,thas render ing n Mnsble. We are now • belldom machines, and weermue:a en short melee. • Fora fal dessnptloa n aid refer to a machine now co mecemfal mem War a Mill meek bottom, near the West end of DOM street, where we shell be happy to explain marythlop renamed with It to Agent. may call. We hare es present no anthonsad All lentos to oar address 'MU be promptly encoded to • LULBEICYISON, MeMILLY_N t Co., , • ...la CINCINNATI. --__ _ - ssoLavotwina BRICKS. EITENINVELY levied and approved daringito.payi toioyears,by Me principal iron mane faziorreain the western country, mid thmoothoot the Weldor of Pcxstrylvania, be readyfor deliveryan Ma *P.M of Navigation. The materdil on whiebtheadorability and Papertority dependa.l. selected by experienced mu nen, brought {Mee Maryland. with discovery war Int orade--the Meade maim,. with whicb it pa irobed• ded,ia carefully separated. They will be therrombly binned and compactlypremed by machinery. and oty. num attention peen tyr ?Lento Harley tr. Co, the pro. pr.e.tors. in all ...peels to malatain their acknowledged soperioritY. Orders by mall or oduerwise. will be promptly execu ted,. appiication to 7 PHAW MACLAILEN ganungtoo Iron Woriti TV WIN WOURTII STJII6RT 55AA5,1414.t.. 1 CONFF.CTION ARV AND FRUIT. STORE, will emen on klaaday,Appfl ate, four doors Om Wood id, and nest *VT to A MyrANI Pekin Tess Saar- A splendid sasonment or Fumy Cake, tklateCOMM.; Tam. Rs.,Assit os die Mang( rem My; amensymr metes lodminsr— .4; tdacsroons; Possnd-Clv; Lemon tit rlat% ddm Pepper • ' say ks; Aimed do; • Masson P. Cskm Dines-Non; Wain Jamb les; EWner IlMcsit; ;. „Falderal Cake;' P's; Sulu • do; - Orders Tor ice Cretan, 7ellyh Rndee` Cake, Parley ilmtresnisssn', Jra-. - .essested m e essentrelmr, ,malss and bsessr by my yam anslank. meet m this city. • Fresh Bread, Twist, Meek, 14, mansfactored Mel* free Mel. Mau Flom, and free assmlldser.mery . nornlag. . ANDREWS Tilp Oa TON .1110 DIS OP lIMATING LOU- D5Ol-11, U. Doxiar,of &W ON has Imaged and patented .a plan for heating Mows, which hai been sue. eeesforly .µ.41 in Boma, film Vert, die ,and wherever applwd t _bris ?teemed the le dd.! preference Ines Maw., reenact, to. It. lubriallages Irt. Great reipdarity of Temperature. fed. Freedom from Smoke. Ord. leo ermlemant Drynesa. 4M. Easily attended to, and not liable to get oat of order. • fith. Great Durability. • A ltdotlo and Specification may be seen. and the *a larms obtained at the Copper and T11111•Itte tactoiy of I.WM u mre, First Me bet. se Wield Bed Marne' et, aka Clia ) JOBE tlla WAs7LILIAIL, rHHHITER AND DEALEICIATomen and Dona. .L ciellardwars, would =spectrally Lo&rm Wa Irian& usdne nubile gernerollY, that ho is now receiving his Herne supply of Hardware, at duo old Hand or W &Int Woodwell, No H Wood street, which he will dispose of on the antrenonable wren. Ile will be torainaally receiving fresh sapplles direcntryt hem His aractorers in Enre and this cou, wtoels w At ill u nable hise to =nape= op with any establish- M..4•llket Hulot West. Wtosent /Luau. an invited to tall and; eiantine his close hefon poetising elsewhere • 'i W . E•thiuderinmed hams emend int . Copartner dli al , A.Rde eemZett et areas:nada' a r Cnaittaiww• ant Fornrerditim bedevil', under the stile ' eatu, lIMMEW do 00,, 4 ". Wird thwentrehrose, Noe Commercial Row, gamy sueet,hcommly occupied by NI. W B P••• • -• 'rim all bolm.nientrested to oar charge will be o ro roptli u trai s 0 i naded , ta. phiwood . 1.1 / W L T* s.akaaa, Ohio Ffl•Pr• CiR••, • • • Pittetiluga, Met .47. • tsch43 TIRONASNAIiminr.", • I F ; ear. lam Rem o! 9.,tf. N C.j&K " a d et, I GIA sad Veritil (kw% ..er• •,-7lmi on hand et We Co manatee** 6 , 07 •eft•iimiiit Gilt, Itlaimignal mad Comma Larking Gleseemi 1, tad 6 dimmer Tedetm- , plain and tflti. , •••t•l P•litamianies. All kinds of Clocks, Traldrattd 1' die ;ye or mum; Combs,Tkreads, Imo • 11Miniml nt of Fancy Gooks, wholmekt, at a emelt Vienne oo co w Fallen mad others wipplled with Pheitiee CW4I c o ,. ner's Pnms,andlllbg le filmes et New York 17, , , Ned:Leer weed end tth mf9OU AVAIrrAPILIZN I " b t .."-% Ms opened theism atable arA Vi l ltae i Writ r =enlVl m % and Smithfield Mots, In the rem of the Itlooongenels Vomit, With so entire new rock el lianas and Curtt meant the best guilty ma latest styles. Hones kept at tinny In the best manner. Joddly ...saving and Plato Di Milli( Platoon. LACKSON & FOUNTAIN. Inonin Praftoon, re ban JP reptant Id And option P hanti, Ink Weans and Ithasnathe Nana tboloodno idyls, pad too mooed to pnto' pennon anon, with nor, postai od Thalate plowed to wait pa .11 th atotop tall willoottlelty. Thnkfitl Po pot Pops, In wade a ontlooson of no non, tt oar Nakos,Ponor of Mace Omit th•Datoood, (bock of Mauna.* Day% Dip (3cols thorn) .51 • DRIIHI, CHIUGIII," J2. l •llVA.D"d'V.V..gtrbtraiL V P constarTtly o on hano, a' Dru Paints Chu ,Throestuffs.. N-11.—Phyliclateejnesenptiont carefully cesarean& ad from the be materials, at any hoer of the day or night...salsa st , an assoruncen of Perf10110(7; th e Tooth, Hair, and Cloth Drashes, kn. Re., which be will sell loss for cub. - tatty I •rEAGLE-CON WORKL TTO PITT•SU,EI OII • MANCFACTURE COITON YARN, Caledle.Wlelt, Batting, Twine. Coverlet YARN, CARrEr MAIN, WARPSote., NG. PENNOCK o • -09ereromKIs of Atbueldee&Avery,) • hoyf LtLers_ 411. n . '' dm ~, ' ... ir ci i. f.N 0 cit7r , A , Az i_ ,; :0 ., ,.... A.14 : .1 1, ,c ,.... r i:,.. 5 : 114., ,, ,i i. ; 31... ..8 0.7 . , ,45 vit.. pe,... i. Ma. to " !""'" " nt.T. , ,, am cop OIL ' Orncd, 8 door v.* t ° A RD P cRANCH • eirtmal, Ohio. • Anermy at UM myindikerley___ . ANTED.- , ' , ' , ' • R A a RYXED RAGS granted, 100 . 000 I,x, 8 . 1110tegheet pica la CASltenll be p.,dy • • . ad, every daseeptko. of Wed.. and Always ° r and Chloride lAEA - , Wrapping, REYNOLDS/4.1111E1i ' - ' Corner Penn - and Irwin auk Plueherah ' ...—"rt 4 ONO arltit., Monday Soset and Met ffri 1 ' il ez u n c be:f:l e t tti i ....imi n . i :on b ., l l l. l l :pl p, ia P a m i fto " Setb:e .r eee e :Th e bt . , ' 8 N WICKERSIIAM ' stch2dte . No In. onrareed and eth auk ' OLD ANO ".:L!ftrllld'ltgere'redrg' eat Lever Watches, suitable for Lactic* and Oonileforn —of Om Immo land bandsmen otterno nod of Om Iwo mu►4amro—warra o aid Forum. VV.) low . .. 0 . W. W WILSON - " • " " In -H. XIATO2I, TariLEt ftTrimzetinp and Variety floo...%Tonoosa .1./ Thal, Ivory and 110131 focants,Woollen Yam and Vatteds,f3atta_ at ' Necillet,l'in, Tapes, Braid", to., tbal bluttot. Off Ilfracn,plaaird and, ch Areas rtga." r. ' • ‘.." WWI, : k ri, CAGJO and POO= of rufous alma, ennatant aa band, and far Bala at ndoced Wee., aline Bead Mara, No 081 Wood street, homer of. ',W. - -. . a N WlCattailitll of, logo diaort /CrUntill FILICIM 9F -4 0 4 M fee n ennua Proar n aft lim IL I i ' alff at e gdanal sad Wm" fain. ..: •,.iaclleipurtukr;: MORNING, OCTO . , PITTSBURGH FRIA66 IMITUTH: ITIIIIS Institution, ender the gaga of Jr. bl . Column An llama, la which &Me sebd and of namental breeches of a finished caseation, guy taught iinew open fortherwOtion X. as, lamina VAN", between3d and 4th tweet, The SwaViresslm e t will ;c u o n m pese m an e d o m h a lo y n w y athmem S y design g U m : b onae n bsent its fat as pmetleable VP taw time, have seemed theatrelees.egltsigesseir 11.110.• as teacher .of Wale ent Lhe. /taro and Genie, who is loose:dilemma to rteeditel/ cam petent French teakbet 101 l be employed. • .Prof..llll4ollitht will have charged( theDepertment of Vocal Steam. ___ . Plot SUPUNSIDI will hams diesel/oder the Aitedc , Department, and will give leggase, la drelvinceletetr in, end. painting, bath hi oil .and wale, Celan. Pmg. S.. is a competent teacher, and has Tecommeadatiems from the lint men in Europe and the United ewes. lie also been a teacher In the Arst.lalttladaft/ of the COantry. Fort...9.PP' Willa Proci al. t sail( DRS. LAPIIIPS BOARDING 1101100 L. fr • • Wsplan Lid ank Sava; abet Thfrumtk, &e a Ash, • • 111: In this Philadelphia. Institutio epitomes an the •J., higher b p num ursued bes. of as English n, Edeeation, with lallnetiall In the French, hall. and Latin Lumina, •The•servites of the most ender= Professors are per manently atoned, and every facility given pupils for. itspliting the different Languages, together wits' other accomplishments. . The year a divided hut two team oft,. Months each, conuacaclng on the let of September, and ending ea the MG of June. • The charge the y Scholastic Yeuof ten toondm. M r"Psyskqe ballcarly advance; without extras, 1 except Mane glad hanclug. which p Plee.ol . ll prices., Those eO6lll3tOCllll any tune Whin the hum, will be charged meonlingly. If It is thought desirable by pintas or mantises of r . ; : ils er from a distance, they can remain daring the vacation, when all due attention will be paid. Hash Ellion, Esq, Dr EM Panereon, Dr 'McClellan, Hoe. bleorge W Tabled, Philadelphia—Pi H Morgan Dog, Pt Lestis,Non Jae Relk, Theraltwn, Et Dods. Mo.' Thee .nirketwi Esq. Florence, Ala—Wash Jack. son Esq, N 0.-Cobb C Norwell E. Nashville, Teen— Moo Richard K Call,Tallsbasse, Florida—lN Thomas Legate, Ctouiestont F•Ylaifer N C—Tbontas C Nesbit Esq, Howarth, Geo—Rev Dr BM4 Prill rtr tonioLetrum 1111111 BART, • • ALLEGHENY CITY. • i • r .p HNllN truAilLtiFnion a ll nd oepre t n hed e i m dron ettHonr N. W. lETC,Osi Dthe ecep eiPtiplls WAND • Cornier of Saaduakras4 IliTswberry The second ae.mn w immune* en Monday, Tap( .Tliewiering to enter will Ind tt no interest to do so n ones be opening of Ow session no pnwiblei Dough pipits will be received at soy dumg • • semen. . . The services of compaient Teacher's .in be neared for claim that may -*len to receive tostrusilone in Dreamt, Feinting and Muria. • For particolats relative 43 the nerve of insureetion, tering, Am.. consult entitle/or apply to the Instractor. • Allegheny. July 13,1147. Of YLUABLE : ..rublislied by J A & U P Jame., Waloskstreet, between Fornlh sod Fifth, Claelnliath Guitot's Gibbon—The biatel of the decllet and fall of the Roman Empire. By 'Eduard Gibbon, Esq. A new Edition, resuiect and corrected tbrongb out,preeeded by a preface, and accompanied by ' Poles criticaland Inicorical,relatiag principally to the propagation of Christianity: by Id. P. Grusot, Minster of Fabric (retraction for the kiegdosi of '-- This ^otos and cornscrro oe,trans- France. prelace,oot, fated from the , French eipmeely far this edition. With a notice of the Lite and chancier of Gibbon, and Wamon's Reply to Gibbon. in S roll. imp. 8r0.10i3 pages : - Peninsula War—Coloplets. I rot. Imp. ~Bvo 80U penes. Middle . Age., Chamber's Rebellion in Scotland, Robertson'. Virginia and New England, [Ramer. French sod b:nglish War in America, and Ramsay'. American Revolution. 1 col eta. Loraryol American History--Containinf= r. tion. from the beat autho on American Biography, Travel.. Commerce, Statistics, Indian., Revolutionary Battle., dee. .h.c. die. Alan, Anec dotal, Poetry and Miscellanea.. uncle,. Illustra ted with mom than bre engravinv. I • 01, imp 8.0 &WPM!". • Universal Pictorial Library--Containtog valuble spars on ruioas subjects, comprialag Nanny Rigor), Natural Bei. eon. Aviculture, Rand Ecova , may,ltiogrephy. Fine Atte, the Otiontala, Ennis, Aleogrephy, Botany, hliacefloneous reading, Ike. I vet imp Rao. 640 pp, fell cheep. The Family Medical Library—A Thetisa on the :Prevention and Cure of Diseases, by regimen and lingo* medicines. • New edition, revised and talon bed with the addition of a Vegetable Materia bled. men, pointing out the virtue., prepare:ism and dorm of our most valuable native medial piants,aod so outline Anatomy and Physiology. Illutrated with eon hundred b:nverings, em of. which, are colored. By J G Norwood, D-864 pages Bro. Americin Flower Garden Companies—Adapted to liksell lilted Stater, by Edward Sayer., Landman. andiErmainental Gardener. IS am, third edition, rewired, enlarged sad Ululated. Minds Oregon, Rocky Modatainsdke. dz. • Family Testament; octavo, with and withosa Polyglot notes, and Psalms in metre. Rice and Pingtee'. Debate. Barn's Works. Lady or the Lithe, r I.a Us Rookit. More'. Private Devo tion. Juvenile' Booka. Cheap editions of various vents in panyphiet form. enchV 711 -7 , loable Standard Watt. RANDE'9 ENCYCLOVMDIA—A Dictionary of Bcl. woor,Menesowandart, complain Weldstomilewriptioa end wieatifirmrioriptisof every Mauch Mhumonksowiedip with We duriestbso eel delortiod of ill We raw In ow, edited be W T Bade, F R El, to. 11l bl ow woman estritior no 'mod. . Maraele Nor th American At lay rootainiss bmolfully M arv& maps, a Bath America, Canada Lona Cline& Woe,' Nova Saitia, New Broavoieb, Mothers Team, Nem Mem wo, Fluids. Tens, litifornia, Woe, Entral America, "mma India all the !Ratio and Tertiou ries in th if est e Ultimo . . Ndh Paritiaw—the history of the Purim* from Um reformation in 1317, to the revolution of IVA campromg an moonlit of Weir proodylu, Aodre, by David Nat, Ed - A, mired byJahn 0 Cluaties, 11 Bondi moo porn-Mt. olsel: be two volumes The two of We Body In Motile to the Mind, by . George Moof., M D, member of Ilia royal college of Pbrimana, At. Juvenal, Works. Saddlery, lie. ireolth and Worth •. whit maker Out maa, a my rep , Jarrailo work. • Perils of tie Sea, kin ofeetlog worratioos of • de. Mault's apraker—Tto Jrntsile Speaker, aremprising stecorntag• ndu usd esercion 6 dedusatin, with • sell*. tioa of paces 6r practice, by Freati.T inetnactor fe Tla; alms storks seetirell mike ale by 10IINSTON k 'STOCKTON *IL Bak ...IW% cob market sad 3'd ASICDICAL ,BOOKS— .IV.L Dungtitan's Human Health: Palnes laminates of .Itedleinci • 'braces Anatinny, rttelfell Mina Iddthes,• Moller%F./crams of Phis/clogs; Practice, • Watson% do; Eber he's do; fassrlicron Fewalest Cooper on Hernia; Itantsbotheres Practice of Putumon; 4 Prost on the Ettotaseb,• Condos on Diseases Ch.ldrea; Hooper's *dice' Dictionary,, Clymer an Fevers, • • United Pates thapensatorf —new edition. The above with a ...tient assorUne of of Classical and hilacellansons Bookarart receiving and for sale law. ELUOTT k ENGLISH apt ig Si market al between 3rd sad 4th LIAILPEIVII PUBLICATIONS— Webster's Domenic Economy and Ileasekesping. Murdoch% Moslelm.. Liddell and Eleott% Greek and English Lexicon. . . Draper% Natural Philosophy. rtackley's Grausetry. - Jost ree'd and for Ills by spa hIaDONALD♦ BEESON, NI market st IfOrreirßOOlgo . . jilt - I=ft of the . 61.e.LF.,7 , , tkel:4d ggnAlde—soof the f . 4 *" and Ua air country from the Twirl= Yoko—i reek Patrbu to n two vol., bs anlandid copy with numcroas saps orYl cop . "- „" 14 ,,.ite, , tillostratlyr, of the reign of William 111. from with boa ponrou vela p ane -, b , the wady of the Holy rcriptoreo. ' harry""hway roman., with SO eogto 'lngo. , N a Land, French age, and Sketches • 4 " !d and for solo by \ atotIONALD& BEESON oPai • •'' CO markrturect — TWIN 0. • Nk, Poo ` ntcowl.g am excellent unnol l. . ew Now york onuv Woo kw eak. Two splendid Borewooa 0 eplentlid cured Roenorok Obti .plendid mahogany Piano ze o da Waft. One grand Piano FOll5, made iib b ry Need Herr, rash . , WHY tqak to the one 'sail eyed hy otitis Concern, obeleshoeany second hani Plesto,esd. fk b ., dart, ter d . Dunham, Now Nay 1C25 A further supply will be received dink y ibww"t, .r. 6 __ _ r — Nawr Vic ortlquitat, PI ty KI,EIIFR hos Wet received the ktltcyj n y new rumor. which lo th be sold lower thea,e. be . . . bought in the east. One elegant Inahoonj, octave, trade by NO,. a Clark, New 'Yolk, at . grest power and sweeinep of lone—extremely low priced., - Ons elegant roxisond made by Chiekeitnr, Newton, and selected by him fa the best instrauleWo{ We class in bis factory—price very moderate. b e side., a number of (aerial' all Wets anditylts fonalnN the most climate selection overofereg bevy No 63.3rd-st at J YV Woodwelles, -- - _ I Jour( IL MELLON, No Et Wood st Opt • bee recesved and offers for sale—. i One splendid Rossewood Piano Porto, . • : "nth' q ottlure., Iron haze and new belle,. Made by Ohickerin of Noma.. One elegant Rosewood Pane Pone, With 6 ontairei and ironftame. Made by Micheline. • 'One - elegant Mahogany Piano Porte—made by Gals &Co, NeyrYork.. .• . , . rho above will be sold at otantiractareee prices. ' Also: ref side as above, a second' hand Piano Fore, with 6 octaves. • • ______ . . Jett T_IIIITOILY. OSP MAIXIGO.—Jut publtehed, by II !it & U P James, Gineitund. TEIE HISTORY UR 11E2ICO: her Clan Want sad Colonial and,Revelettanakantude, Awn the parted of the Spanish Canqoett..! the present tima.184,7; inehotas an =Calmar the ar with the United Biwa as creuses'eud tllt4q Actneternente, • Ily •Pallip Vertu. M:1)• , Wlth. two Copp elpLue Maps, and seam Enviwings or Plum el Mute Grounds. he. Om vol. moo octave, of fie• hundred and sizty•Gur pops., MAIP.OS dea la Motlto, GWnw as enrardsado 7 dedaidi Par las varies.aetas del - Conrano de. theist iteptddinG I poatmWo par lu toeJores satogidada. • ' • guorweples reeith , edi init.& b• ' ••• JOIINSTON.InGTOCUON Getalteellate.• ' ' k rPILIMINCIPLES OP NATURE, ber UV= 144- gnd• Wee to.MankiMi try =I *trill' Anthsw.lialon Davis. . L Amber iot otibne rpilosow rma ER 20. 1847 • MANUFACTORIES. • D U Qll. E SNE SPRING, AXLE, - sTEIEL .& IRON WORKS ,feOLHIL... AN, lIAILNAN,er. Co" h ing completed V their New works, are now prep a r ed to mamas. tore army deacription of Cowlt tell aPrWIP._ Iron axlea, American Blister, spring end rah Swab owl all alms of mature .4 weed ron, whirls they offer (01.41.10 ou,.llberal terms, at the r Wastaltama No. LI Wood , rtreet; where they also keepon Mad to complete end handsome- aseertment of r Ui intads, Carriage hardware, walkable eastinp,.NM l a , awl Don, CO,C. &C have walla artangeMerns with Messrs Day tr. emus, ntrawfactorers of Bkorels, *Spades Yorks, te., and will keep constardly on basal every article made by thew. 'Dealers ant respeetfally aol clad con g a pries indt vow will be made liberal as, . - trilkfr PM MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY.. Prnmusam Pa. • . • SOllff pbuild arum and Woollen lifiehla. A of TAT desetiptlon, each as—Canllng Nor ehlnes,Spianrg 'noon, ll , •ders, JinemOoK Frmnen. Slily's,. Heads, NYmere, Twilleis,SPlniuNDfo id AS Frames, Lsoms ' Card Otinders, rWresight Iron Shatneg tamed all sizes ofi Cam Iron, Faith:. and Ilengersiof the latempallonninlido and handl- 40 'A and tools of allkuide. Camino of every desorption furnished on shortmo. tier. Far-ont o made to order for Mill Clearing, Iron ratlingifte. Steam Pipe for heating Faeloriesi Cant Iron window Soh, and fumy Caimans generally,— Wend eft at the Warehouse of J. Palmer It Co, eny street, will have prompt attention. • W a Ra m. no Pinshin Dl rn seketoek, B I ti k Co., I TdOmiteed Co., B er, John lrwin •a. Bong gla. ()CAI II Warner; Steubenville. Juin JOll2l CARTWRIGHT, THPORTER' and klaneketerer of Catkry, Surgical A and Dental Instruments, Saddlers and Thotere and tools, Taylors , Paton Shoos, to. Are. Also mansfee-. wee Tromso, Suovortees,. As., in great variety ). C. blausfeentier and Imp:iron of Pen. Pocket and Table Cutlery; Ilasors,Sosson,Plles,Sors,Tool s,k G hasrenteved SS WOOD mazer, Pittsburgh, wend duel linc lok , Dientond AI 7, • And has latel y reeetved larp tweets:tent of Peak Pocket Knives, Enloe , At Perks, Alp Rodgers , and Whosteabohne \ • VINE COTLZIRT, Ellkitts;Eri klbstehork Rarer &ma, as and Wire Tenn GUNS, IMES, AND PISTOLS. • Ann's Colt's sad Hunt's ROVJIMS, Powder Flasks Shot Selo. Qum Sep, Wellteek Does Mire Per. cuss= Cepa, Bowl., Doh end H6llllllll Salves. TOols.sueb as Callipers, Dividers, Flyers, M E Hand Vices, Squares; Sake, Raven, Stocks Lad Dies, Wire and Iron Gors, eatatlea!locnnitents, te t te very greet nanny. V . Jobbing and repsaint Gully cud pucka,' GAD CO-PARTIIN.6.II III . I P E. STEPHEN/ of Meelirg. L. F. Shoenber . prof Anaemia J. A. Stockton of Pittgranth, have We day entered Inv moo rtoarehip =dor WO. and Ann of Stephen!, Shoenberier A: Co at do Anchor Iron Worts, Woreling fin the purpose of tonnafactneing Inott and none of away new scram E. W. E. F Snomeasia. T. A. dienTrule, BUMS BROBABBROER k - CO, ANcIIOR IRON WORKS. - Wheeling, Va. • Manufacture all kind. of bolter; Oleo; ,bar Iron and nattyA B Neel Minna mince and axles. Bardeen-, peeled with Nruenberter'a Oid Juniata Warta, sn eau oda, as onto% of Jam au Iron [branded Stneubernal /mold to any made r the ea:Leary. AU adarinelkardtb• and at tha Pluebargh priers. Warebooso of the Works caner or Monroe and WILLm meets. girls ~ . . GH ... .ENY. • ALLE YRNITIAN BLIND FACTORY. .101111 A. BROWN INTAKES {hie method *inform Ida Mend a . and the pildie at Mtge dial his Fantod . '. ;,17114 ' .1 ," :4=4, 0„ tr .`11 moot oopply or Wire% of venom eolora and quaint., are emotantlykepton hand, also at N 0.6 Wood at, Pittsburg:l4M J.& 11. Phillips'oil cloth 'ratans:Mk. eintimi Bhatters made m order in the beet myle. Blindarepaired at the shortest notice. . N. B. line Blinds will be pm op, arnica any adds . Weal exemme in that 'they can be removed in • me scent to ewe of or tor washing, and without the aid of • mew dr e. antldlykwlamle • A. letiLTo3, Bell and Brass Vaned ! A; . cr. has rebailt end tommeneed lombrem at • ,bisold stand,where be will be pleased to me his old mummers arid Weed. Church, Steamboat, arid Bell es or tmerl she, time le tO 11:000 Miettda, Sam pattems alba room approved models. and 'warranted to be of the ben material. littoral Winer Pampa, Montero, Reding, dee. An. ether with every Tammy iirlins• Cmttada, are4Mil` ed. tamed and finished in the neatest manner. v IrrA. F. I. the sole propneter of BLITVeII law Ammon liram.. ea justly celebrated teethe red.te- D.I of frctional machinery. The Balm and Compo. Leon a. ,, be had of hien at all times. 10n1-11 - W. W. :WALLACE, • PITTSBURGH STEAM MARBLE WORMS, ' Su. El sad Ed LidefflT .21015 4111/ the Carta AA LW AY on head and rude to order, • large arth. ty of Marble Mantel., Pier,Centre Tables, WI Bureau Top. Tomb Monument., to.; all whkit, being made of the Cleanest marble. and Martufeethru priumpally by madam, will be mold low for cub. N. ht. Persons ...lung to putelthse Mantels, an Wormed that It Is henemorth unnecessary for them to IP But, u 1 can furnish' them with u aruelo m all respects/is good, and (Geight,tnaurance, to, consider ed.) al cheap as they can ' , unhurt them for to the U.S. Call and see. jell{ - • • PPIC L WARE M IRON,. AND TIN ANUFACTORX, No II Marker Went, Shute-fib. rauuD Tsahlicribers having made great tmprovements in ilia constrattion of their tOiCINGI STOVES, seVeerfnlly into pumas building Steandiuttsto call and modes before purchuisg, as we can with Deek &avec - Forges, sad every other koni of Cornier Tot and Sheet Iron work- necessary In fnlyntsli mg a glennimit We alto make to' order on the shortest notice Sal Tithes and Chamber; Copper work far Steam Engines and every variety of work m our line. (eh, SIIERIFF & SHIRE W. IIIoCELLY & Co, Nannfaesann of Slab, Bottles and W. Glass, N 0.130 WOOD STREET. . . . UR &entries being now in fall operation, we are Q prepared to execute orders In our line, promptly. Daring the NA mumer we have adopted anew plan of flattening Window Gila* (the moat approval plan new ased in tn. nut,) by which warms out a viperior arti cle. Glass Battened on this plan is peened,' level end true, with a very AM Isle rainterva ia nd enalz [en dradY, are reenested to tall and examine for them miens. spa B EN N ETT 4 BROTHER, WEENBwear. ziIANUFACTUREIL% Blraduglases,leurar Pletalnergh,ll . a. %arehouse, No. 197, 'Wood sired. Pittsburgh. WWlLLeortwantly keep on hand a good assort went 01 Wank of oar own manatunire, and. superior quay. Wholesale tad pantry Map. chants are respectfolly Invited to call and an. aortae for tbemseleas, as aro are dearann ti the set cheaper than has oar afore bran 4..4 id gob' e. ID. Order. Galt by ma, ucompnnled by the cub or any reference. onll 6e protoodY ovrrobol to.. Adak . great Western Butt Mane Inistattory, ossicsromm, o. • A GARDNER & offletd tame the trade that 13.. Amy are Dow mumfatturtng the beet Beet Hinge eve melte lo tha nad AS is sem prinet -I:rs"erPF::.4,l; s.;L:.'"filrdTge hanivrate us:doom thlak,.orht And it to it tautest eee oar Bane All orders protaptly attended to. • • w oe A GARDNER & Co. cot of eth as male eni • . . .. . JOB 3 lUZEIPF Jr:: • . . Co., Nn. IC quad IN Front as; . Buts FOtrindas Ad °Lank. : ''. f.. • _I P . _ • ••• rir,N Btu* of, all elm out •• 1 p . In. the Num 'imroved pia ... z, _ , tau and wurscod. NAN: to ±- • ear. Also, Brno Omni% .' IlniNod If ordered, Vits it. . Nal -- - • gs- Nn .p palcoNly and on ..r...... reaucusabla Nuns. ANTI9dI),` . „ „ _ .. . . . . . . .. • ,FMIBURGII STEEL WORKS AND SPRING AND AXIS FACTORY. awe lona. Jou 7. taw. • • • • JONMS & quiao, • • ff Alf VAC(' U RF.AS of Spring and Shaer Steel, .LY.L Plough tient. Steel Plough Wings, Coach and Ethnic Spring. Iliaernered Iran Axles, and dealers in - Malleable Cassius, Fan Engine LAMMand Coach Trimmings generally earner of Km and Frans ram Pitudug Pa. syLl7 ' 1/UPPINCOTT 11103 INO • IRON and Nails, Shavels, SW for we at o S'airer Warehonee, No. filt. Wuxi street, near WWI, ran sang in PRIM.' Aim°, an assortment at the Old wad, Manatee Saw, labeny street. . • • Haynes made real additions to the Rolling Mill. all orders can be filled promptly. . CRAW. LINDSAY Co. BIRMINGIBM TACK PACTORI: GAYLPHULL 4 OHNE% nviarontao so FINISHING NAILS, HK H'Tadao',J EAD SIAM Iron and op HOO per IRON AN.D COPPER SHOE NAILS, am Pattern Makers' Point', of every eleacripfion. Odin No. S St. Modes Howl, Thnd itrcvG 04,4 ' . Pittabardin P. Idet.varrr: • IstraiLF. Lvissu • PLANT GLASS ZSTABLISIIIIINIBITs U LITANY ic LED k; manufacture and keep con. J.P.L wooly os hand Cat, Ploalded and Plats Flint tilasaware, Is all its varicdes, ~ th eir Warehoeas for: ors of Market and Water streets, noel:rah. • • Out Works. centimes In full operation, and wri are constantly adding terrier stack, thick enables as to all orders 'with premptoeM. Purchasers are respectfully solicited - mean and e Musing prices aral lamas. JaylOdly • • • ' Origami !selollvar Brinks." XPERIRDICED Jodrell, on a trot of woe and &hal milking, since let% pronounce Ws article anew. passed kr durabilny la the construeuon of all Mods of Earthmen. Price 110,76 cash kr boat leads *fig al, gastvAteed nun months nag. Ostlers ter &pewee quality Bolivar IrrieltS will be executed no vie per IlLif so de. shed, without guarantee.' • A mock of the Ant quality is now receiving and formic et the Wareboese,"Sineea Whatte Canal llasin, by , . J BiIAW MACLAREN ghat • • gethinguta teen Worts UABDWAIIIIC—Iust melted: Watts' New reek ahip• Axes zed Adzes, noszebele Sl= Hammers, YieeATrsea Chainzorzossitt Nails, lets ezdznill, cross eat Eel pa saws, Files. te, tzle • • ' • •JOS WOODS,/ prima Beach and d elks Zia* Var ital. teed per canal; for sale by - • i pay. ' ;WILLIAMS& nit,wom 18 imexlst • fjOIVOTS AND TIIEPEOPLES JOURNALS rot LL &$o derlen , 1r !Trig For uni t ; opal . .3nlst.tripait4 tit Mks lba wrn. challn 000 " 159. Wtatinf b i l lat i bildal t ai fa! • ' N W ear weed & aims C mkb bz LIM= MOW TORAPIXF- • XL abates EhmVsig reet, . ing man pook 'mg frimmiersal Rumor - so punch riwokol MEDICAL _ mazsuse SILOOD Aed Bkosemptlon, Pain in the Side and melt Sweets, Asthma, Whooping Coagikealpitation of the Stan; Liver Complaint,limochies, sad all amuse of the doom,lumand liser=y Sher .JVl with die ll'ai th*SWsplioM. .1 I l ed agli i a Vd,tl L e w! d b.° 6 ° . 1 4 7 ,11 ' imflt= l ablleramd all the meal imam of comemalm. No employed two of the ben physicians; they eel Met no gad, and tad km he MOLD NOP Lll/13. le 'n r a r Ng e rleel e Z " Vo b ltit. Petsaver. amar t a w bottles It Wasted like a ll eMt, stopped the b and might. Bane be had taken one bottle he was wale shoat kis work. It had BOWED MUTE lib dnedleraysidielj uIV ifyrtlehmnea, can angst it. - •• . • • Wm Ann Simon, of Williannburgh,lming is Teak urn Bomb Foarth-a says—That she tod been nodded with harlot loot and pan In the chest, kir a 1p dms, satiable et, bedded the was oh! to gas tip her whoa for more than a year. She en commeneed whim Mit BidsanWerhlch man ellevlabid her tow. She lsnow Cut reamering, and has EA res her !amides accupaloa as a Walter, Ur. John O'Neal, WM aroma and Olt st, mitered with a cough, rating of phlegm and pain in his side. He mold get NO Dm WI he hied the Alb Bean Balsam which dravethe pain twat hie eide, allayed the mph, ind tonna Me disease upon diu mama and !totem he had tamp three balloons andraltemed Piautuy gad Cosuwaption. Mrs. Beau, a lady upwards of lending NI Wher tft, has for ears been subJeeV to &make of PleerleY, Raising of Blood, some Wigh . Abortion of Smout, Palo in her !lead and vadoes_peap of her body. Her friends believed bar PAH! Tbe An nealing Basun relieved her atone of abbot ama in symptemsand elsegt sow abiew attendlo bar yolk. Asthma eta Villoopwrig Magri. . Mn. Lucretia Pir .IS h olleastleve Q.I. I Beats, IP Deaneey.s; S. Mamma, know the We ram of AM grad y. Ask for Shaman's on lleallng Belem and see that his Mt= signatere is mush Wale. Prue WI ante and 111 per Male. Dr. Blunetaat Werra and Cough - Loseages sold at Ponape! Odioratle NaisagAL,..N. Y. Male Ukisale awl mail by Wm./sawn, at bit t Media. Wareham:llmlg ni tVlore,„c , - ty owt., bra 41 Wad street, • I Ow • ji; tf r L TAU AND WOOD NAESPILL—The Pa Meg Athleitiler says sableued! ev e r Won le sacenefal Malt any mhag ever lot Its nememas cumin pasta, the Bids and Dome, Bremehitte; Obstinate Omits, _Hoareeneas; Sots Them; Pal of the trait,_ beeping Conk,Creap, Names Itmors, kos. Indirldwas of the highest rapeembility talkie city Mar &Vs, testmony M us power and 'limey Is Be. elms Amu*. teohnordals te dm masa ef abomMcd• bie; art arraalfromdbaltioldied phyaletana of P adelphia. Read Ike from Dr. You& the eminent Pird.statnia,/an.1f3,150. Ravin need in my puma: aa Intl as In mystre heady, Mompem% Compeand Snap orterand Wood Naphtha; I have no hammiest in saying duo it Is the bpi Woe of Ms kind Mug Mr Demme esdhtelell Eros Coatibmtion,Coegke, i p and all adecisede of thellrese,Dreast, he, at est m the amen of ••the yea meet mat, WI Sprees at We Wm seat warn few daystMiperson whogan the Wilawing macron. mataine well, being pa- Belly eared a his dbseme PeiLskimMa,Janwery lfdt Prom &seam of pultudeold a doubt that the agile. red may have moves la a only limitable medians, I woad state that Ike benefit I. tam experienced hem the me of Tbompaesee IldemPeatel BMW of Tee ad I Wood Naphtha. For Iterate' years I have Wen ahe ad with a &myosin racking coest,movetPdlied with aoppressioa and &Beaky of breashlng,..with a So- Mica et et tliktnell 11 We east. Beeenung - greatly thinned, a fond eke had been mach bessfated bythst medume,recoamtended me teary ILI did so, and 30 a vary short time every allowing 'mama dxsapparea cry erpeeleentloa 14<aem fray ell open:egos left me, my cough ceased, and in a. Swale I vas able to go oat and awed ay bialnese a vellum. Any lumber nkommen Will be cheerfully gran the abated, by esnini .111,711,11/1111hNal.A. S. Prat au • JOS. MOLLNAIdT. This Insatiable modMino Is papered only by ANN NET b. DICKSON, at NE corner of Fifth andoate et% Philadelphta. Bold in Pelebnigh by L W ILCOX,I Jr. Pace 00 caw or al per hada CAUTION—Beware of the many erauterfeas that are now afloat. Tbe ensenapskma are ever ready to deceive tN Meer,. ,e1546m - - ri • - OS ASTOUNDIfto „MAW .L BRY—A Blesaing! AWirzela!! A Wonder!! —To ore Eruption, and Dt_sirearementa of the Skin, Pircples.Preeklea,Snoburn,BaUltheam; &dray, Son Heed., t0..,&*. ,the a piul af l P7aaee war yew ap Lest Antes, lau antenuehed in comequence of a dita r avary Made by an Italian Chemist Many *doubted-1i mentml almost sr* Impossibility that anything minis by dm Molds of man, could have mach standar power* as that - Claimed by Antonia Vitamin( for his incaution, " Manyalmited. him and his Invention m a toMbuif, (andtalaM marl foolisH pima without trywer do Miasmas ranr,l at Magda alla walinga in the boaphala, the Median/ Po. iem of Pane [the ban chemists in Me worldidelivand the following resat to no Vesprinit • • • Wahine now minutely and =Molly nuntiand the aingtdar urnunion of Vesprini. We have analysed ita component perm—wiliave mod min *event anus, and I are hesitate tot to monotateo It ftho Italian Chemin! Botta. a great blaming, and a trill wouderfal ram. gin. 4n coarterta da l Mmwu philaitil=al of m (Segued) ,VQPOIaD DUPREY • -1 • • Pmeidatatt ram Mailman:iv Unwell ie prelmitProp a, netor:. • Pima, Nom IMO la coMiderstion of the van a woo, l baT• Radio Mr. T. Jonas, residing lathe city of NevrYerk. N. A., the whole promeaof matmfaemrieg, ingather with a statement of the ittgledieuta anspoung Hai ian Chemical Bap. Ha is mmanafacrare It for We , the United Mates only, and to have theMiriade of nat. wag ii.Joutie Balton Qamucal . Wintenn Henry J. Holdnrorth_.,.. • - IBlgned) ANTONIA VESPHINI d ' iret . ; _ y EC ,' Llbtr C ir "4 ir !Le la nd l erhroird: d al i tZ sign o e f ma ' am Boot. , Jae manelgU pine. liAl,===.ll`wirm goadEET VIRE, perlbrnad lrylbe cathodes,' ably ran roans Liver Till, preparl end eald by E. E. EEL . Mouth , Feerazi, Westmoreland C• • Iftellav—A sow alley rued twaskfta italnnate to add syknable tattincayia Ever of yoarjatly eelebtated Liver PM. Ibm deterred Una to Er pen, *Ewig lo Davy Cracketramerant, men yoa are rigkt, tbrat go ahead! , Katt of the may inparabonoteaposa sad taaoke,nadal to On thin, ken =A ittlo o 6 a, nen Isom . ver Fhb ban bateodayil to Uot public, pa, nand, I W they will , letnn thenallev as %boy an jesambal. you represent Wan to'be. Ia n bn ten alined Liver a:erayle.iat ton my yes* b nand mack enployed away annul phylsocus, to 'than lyabt oath eeney; ban 1000 mach Ea* beta natant sad elicited althoetto death; nbnted sOr tinnotad IWillygnes op ea lacarable: la 1.30.71dra Woad to trap. Lner sad BOON OOT WLL. Onlraa of Irani it ado rallkint to keep me clear of pang the lids, aadidl the ether emplane: AC at hest 1.9 maths. Ton Nile are aim the thrandbartic Ingram& tang mid, slot grtpiag or &wank dawn atthe melt,bal fine ; ooch other I line bed than land store ke ar ran net: Imbeds al bane, awl to war bond a date conplaiat 1101.10•11 by raw on mho toth mai theta. They km saparooled anent every other I. this OW' rand,.id 1, • fart .tall WEE braid. theca all. I, e•lledly reeassowl Era te, all Yams honing ;dark, evbether lb. Lim Gempland lailian Affeedoes. I so. eider then kr graperfor la Calmat et Ora ingado: r thWlti4-4 iltare an . NY kb at casts Llnaillapersinvlinneittle GLElllELtheraid ath kr alai take so other tbaalbseepasyttrael aged& by E I SE.L.I.EILE IT. 07. Waelletlahren Skint tad Fond& alb." 'Dr. - Ea/ma TUE **A D M PM; 0.01.../ . DR. AYER'S ALTERATIVE. ' • We hied been interated by him Row of a dare pstf. bused mint byinn Jayses llterstkvot whieh proves los ppetiority over nen caber remedy of the . had. She heel animal far the. last Masts : . with NECEOGESer WHITE BWELLINCIE emmnd. with' alestralkins and Wanes of wins bads, de. ring 'nachdem sway piwaskave been Esehantal from the frontal boa et the cranium. flan both her a i ms, wrists and hands, and tnat bo th lep, and has the left. fettered bone, and from the right knee, besides photal. hems on other parts of her person, whisk Wore begin the skill et a umber of the sewn eminent plysidons et oar kin—daring ant of the dew bet seferunalan been ezenaanag and deplorable. Abbot three morale since an WILD Innen a ay Dr.Jayne't Akinntive,• whin has bad an asicedshlngly happy eat upon her,' by vemoring all pant and. ewelliags, and ceasing the alters Wheel; while at Ow Mine Wad hergenewl health , Wu become completely remond,sothat sba now weighs IE Inman:Wan the Ed bents she commeneed th e Iwo of this Indy, Tennis pepottn-413u, Eva. Pow. Foe tuner latmeml, htealre Whin Remy No. SIB Vahan st, Vslladelplan • , For We Pitubargh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE: 72 Foanit el. near Wood. 17d Von, wine wen la font and yetknv— ,. Yon, whose antis darken Gnaw— You, whoei bait to harsh andWirry, Reny, dun red or Amy— 2 . I=l s * p i t:t rTts • bnnth Yoe 000ld have—bey, manor Teeth as white as non or pearl . Moan eineysweetond canlele Pare and white and smooth end benufal, And !Wreak talky, dafk as aliv, Eireann whin is said below. • • . 'READERS, any of you en nye He above by tem nd this tanning but uob.llleitut a Ss bonnet Jones'. Co. tal Rwtorsales—a le boa of Jane's Amber Teo* Fastv.and 4r safe of-the pante .Jones's halt. Clientlesi Bon..Tba u tsar bet hUbo, and. you are wanted that the folWonng ere Weir real qualities: The Intl paste gives the breath a sweet odor, white tooth, and preserves the teedethe. The halt war all knows be like moot MtqUl.llll Wing nu made for dive- , Wog beautifying, and ming the growth of hatr; and the son, net the genuine Jones's loop, Mind) wiheore all eruptions, freckles, Ea, and nuke dark yellow' white, clear abffsle. ' All Wes, thino are sold Wen) at W JACEISONE:Detut and Shot Rote tottl'Eweet blediems Warehoase ttli Liberty it. se77 - o ovum, Ms Pays I Dr:ladwat Pita Iheiiscssior, liren.lllad ' frilEar. ars few disamea mon mama or ,trov- Maaoraitbaa' Wa thlaa; and yet, a otwittutaad: otiortalitte beats sada to CMS by Ow we j orr, edeetaarias,lialpaits, & , all rot labia a or little booa6L tiow - the IZIWo-u l ti m ow k the 001 Y loodittim sad. c A pirsoisolso bu bars roMatf tq !on the ?Use alb, worst that cams a Goo Al lem, New Juicy, Moat to wpm u to ptiesida gralttoda for the untidy tam that this uadleim• bad erected IS bia ID or oda Pittabarall at eirxx RE,II Faulk sod able at tic. Drag Sums R .R •selurvtkrvden444 ll, 0 40 /P t . • . . . 0010rw.....us or obeli voids ro—tho lara oitieliorithad soy oorotrioo. pr 'on; forth., ratorodion d00n . .g0.0 , dr do Ihrowfoor , .Wo Woo of sower Worm Moro Mk boa bora notorirt egi boob yo.Cald In kb ' polio Isnot tlook to roamora wen dor rokoloro lobo Toils W4lB odors tnol gado Took kalloon4lidoi; • For Ws la r so:kia • E_mooting Auam. - ibrail4iivaa. . 1 ,4 zr . X,Atoler-04sa t ak iv z Ws; it net , , Ile111 :7 1 1*. at 11 4 18 TP!". 11.44 .1. 4 rgliir EMIS=I I N SU.RA:NCEI . JOll3l FIIIINAIY. Y.- / AM= AT TIMM* TUA TNT DE'LAWARE 'MUTUAL Slaty Unusual' Compuy air Penadeta. 10IRE RISKS upon buildings and Merehatdi l e I , of every description, and MARINE 'MKS upon bolls °rearview otvemelsOaken . .- opowthe meet lavonble terms. . - Irr °Ede in the Wareheese of W. B. 'llolraiii & Bro., No. 37 Water Tarp:lethal stmet i The sneers, of this Cmimany since Mei:mil r . the Agency In this ens; :rim pmeipme. and Mash's/ watt winch avers claim ;Pm there ter. ha. been admitted, Jahr enusant ths ant-min ut vitian the aselidatiee arid purenene of his Insists and tlie oommantp. AS large to the Delaware N. Sant. ranee Cosopeny Eine alias the additional adruitsgen • a n at institution among tit .mat - Om:Mehl:in in Philairm—es having an ample pald in capital, which bye° eiperetionofitseliarterraeotatantlyancreasher as ' , Mirth:, to earl person tenured Ids due than et the profits of the company,Stithqut involving him: : tat soy responsibifity.whateven and therefore sa. pd the Momal principle divested of every‘ obnosions fivatert,ao Init. most 'attractive form. nes Am) ntAseiz INSURANCE. MEE Insurance Company `of North Aar' arias, threargh its duly authorised Agent, the subset+ , bar; edam to make permanent and limited Insur ance be property, in this city and its, vicinity, and on shipments by the Canal and Rinks. • • • . - DIRECTORS.. . • * John C. Smith Pres't., Samuel - Brooks, Alm Henry, • ,Charles Taylor, Saml. W. Jona,' • Semi. F: bad* Edward Smith, I Ambrose White, John A. Brown, Jacob M. Thoman i Jahn White, - John R. Ned,. Tim. P. Cope, Richard Wood, Wm: Walsh, Arthur G. Coldu;lee. Thu is the oldest Inintrances Company in 1111 C aitedStates, haring been chariered 1794. Its charter is impetus!, and from its high gond' og, long roperancri, ample mean., sod .oiding all risks of an extra heardous co:tractor, it may be considered u olletiagamfda security to the pulUe. MOSES ATWOOD, At Collating Room of A1w00d,../onas dc - 004 Water mafiosi streets, Pittsburgh....- apitEt.tf L.Lby y INDEMNI TY nFami Il~dia nee Company of Ihiladelplu;- • • WILL maks lasseant pr at tdaritedf . Buruarera 7 the ' 017,17ri tOUNTRI(, , on fumble tenni. This eompsny, has a peepetnal . CAPITAL K4OOOOO pidd in., L - orrntvciErrr FUND K6OOAK , I . . 01Bee corner of Third and Market at., ElltiNgh,' idi Ihiit WARRICK MARTIN, 4411,- INSURANCE; a - al..ComPali j " "1 " basarn ll7 - PHILADELPELL Coma Prxrainoi. • Corrus. SLOW rout X. Odra tiri phaydaptin, • No. 71 Waned g,td. Paaans~ [t • " WICEAVLOSOIO, Prat' .. MS 614 sod ortE.erab Compurycontmossro ;insure Boildinp, Morchuolise,Fornsous propi ony =of int eztraluardouo char. , oe,orr, "Edon lora or g r 3r e e= . (s,ll=7::,ruiror areltha papetaollyor Ihr lioutedpeiais,7l farorablo wren :y• GEO. GOMEL% Zeal.. LMISCELLINEOUS.. • ROUND HILL WATZII . CifftiC IsISWII4IIT--NORTHAMPrOff, Me: • acoathunst at Rattan.. ••• r wrinummtrirriria.. Da. &meta E. Drantwata, Hathist44lpWiesi. ' • • deli&tyl istailishnient sh Wawa .bat half smile l wear ofthe beentiltd villageof Hceihemptoe t elm- • Um of about 11P0 • feet gene the Cottneetioat H i e r an elt width witaprisetorwitki. The roan& surthoodittp en the Est i.. e t about forty ems, *kWh are tirely pri. tithe ate end plosive of the Petiolate. dinidetes bathtiful , proressad thrtettitonere mimic= fitetpaths.cont pktaly shaded .i. „xia,oht hankie' and plowant b for The oepetioto Lad ettessaisikets headingsof the ettiaidish- • meat are Jointed opt. the thatero brow el the hiNand orer- • Souk ow albs met enelantiog lendetapee ht the meld lannediUtely to &tat, is the' warns of Northanweea, with tit, amen. esel haulm= dlielaeau, amidst Hie dthee so li ape of hilly aati conerhangint lims. :Far th er an to tie irma ' tie &It weedowsil Nortitittoplottind deemed lathe trelyei utedarti of Sprite. Or, the •ea ' el • Swimmer ead datum. Midway, kw oath' and south, ' Wooten the moth sad gluey =thee the CieuwetieUt, @lowly waddler its way to the maw th eme* intiiisteet diat• peosr4 the Ohio of iliddeld with its rich and health fat co the east is the itoarisidog AIL* of Had , ley, and also Aitherst with its Colima; while m . tb. way with tha aid of • glow, way be sem 1121 eiiknalre =if • • • gwatlydittendied nape Of coma,. On the eoetteiint, at' @beta ilk tale- Haan* liMouat Holyoke, in its degof 1 .11141 d. I. PM the *aim. vateigi of South Hagler oa the south, we behold At about 4, is dateadeAbehetpostie Wont Ti-, and the 'Mar of Lad Hemphat,latith ti elegant etheel ediftug•-, the Ida., lemming 'a witabioatioa or natoral'esenery uo-• aurpsthed; paths?, totegiailed, by any other io the world,' It was teteerited by a retiwaset, who has spent Wow thirty pulsar to as wwwalt Potee or tut J. , war eta ond sathentios. TheHtll wry airy nod speu time, awl swe empty enflitient tita drawls of one bandreih • and day patents. r • j t . t i pettridedzth , eaphs=Sieji d a p. rest a getop Hos of tkie popeiae and, winderfully sucteseful modem of Dr. Deneatou VIM feudal the ethibEslonent, is a gentle- • ma of wassied esperienee, was eduatiad in Europe, whits I hi eeye W d trits"trhle=d i trbtoratla! * het • • month] Pim:Liana' thb Weieityt foe reteret fhtiesa way thereon; throw otthre confidence in ha skill sod peoeisice' ht INNI; Sir atteadtweir. tor Mate pleadenv& well imensited Oman 11.6 e. ea ewes Bottieelottiog medical advice .10. ,Pa. • Heats will le noypiie4 with atery awkle . 4e peeling, fo. at tb.staftbst k NortholyteU blase, Aorta Sth.l4o. . .RIIIIT PROW! IRON • . wag . 1100FING,' - WINDOW 111101114, lic. - : nplrEntliseilberik i iio ea ii..iicithi. awl tha. • Pintmestod In ng, us their Mitt.,VANISIT,I) TIN PLATES, and m o tes many advantage. which they pease. over all metallo and other substances hitheno • , need Goads peeme,possessiag as they do autoph • • end Ilithuum et bon manhunt its liability to rust, having -, now been tested tenni yews, Led In dos sountry.an4 Itt &trope. • They arc' also loss ninon to expansion ' and commotion flea mad. !Maces at the arate 2 Pkr re than demon Tin rime, Iron, Zino, 10 , or an)" ether aketal sow seed beroofinty, 'on* elteinaleentlY• tone s numb better and ti Ater spec impunng ar leas frequent . i tsr, , whllst the dun tons bat a tulle more. The mabseriben woold also call the suenuon of. I . dealemand workers In metals, *the amay other pax , i pow as sada Iron Ma Flowered, i con be applied.t. In vsseral lanes it is Applicable to all ankles orison snitch iturdesliable to protect been An save of the • stmoselone. • Audi they mold -mtally cell the at tention of dome Isterioutd in Tha.M.WithYlite LIN Eg, • . to dtair Galvanlmd Win, which Ls nowehrost enure- • Is, seed M Eames, and which lemma., army . purpose as.• 'conductor - or electricity, ensues only about one • bolt' as mask as eoppir,and poesendar owl derabili- ty Intim/oatmeal,_• ~ • • • • Bastes Imsly erected Amt. lath,. eity no the pat- rirl bfgeTtf=y .P alrels' WIZ ntiytll l a red. A amply of Plates ImarteMetared in Sato - . eenstantly on kend,frore le to 32 wire mte. - • . GEO.B.IdOILEVV - 00D ken • ,: N0e.14 and le Baver st, NIAW TOWEL " The •Patsat Right for this/ Mae has been mewed forth Go United t3tates &swell asG rest Brltaln,andoMet lemoestais coanmes,and OW Jetta manses will' be ti.. ken es getout any inhingement by : intpartatati moth- . • ;Wholesale Dear Warehoise. Tau GITT: or. riscr. A. FAHNESTOCK & Co., Nti. 49, John-wt. . New !Mil, offer for nab a large and genera. amostment of Dross and hledieines, Dye Stoll Palate and Oils of army description, which they are prepared and determined to sell low. - ,Ceautry idsmhany and Druggists am relmested .to collard azunine their' ankles. Orders executed with faithfulness and despatch. B.A..falutestoek's Veritable maartantly on band. ' - B. L. Manama Oittabufgh, D. Hu% New 'lark, a • r 5 . • • PAPER - W i tiREHOUSEz /NM ''' • 9.E11311.L1M0 LIP. satyr monic. - : WRVS W. FIELD arm for ale at the lowest BlatosfactareW Fie" a WerY Metal,* 'Wort. =voter PAFEE, pomprotat every. ,poeible. vanesy: adcred lathe Inoue or comment the an seeththe of the essantry. - Paper - of W - kinds-made so -ester as show . 1 ha WO ef. Pill s =i - PER is anassiaii/sse a parlor which is of •re superior qualiry. - • . .PAPSII. BIATXRIII.I.3 Of *very deseriptias, laiporiod.oad kepi estestsmil ec hut:, atilt Falungs, Wire, CloW, Foatiinnier W Bilitoising Powder, Mae 131tramariali, Twice; &a., Couiasi;Dalo Ones Rope, lissieitg,kei i ie—, illitehued, for whist , ihe highest pries be paid irgly 4. • Neve Yortrileoglaill • , Itardeiar• Reare - IXTBITMORR h. WOLFF toning removed Reis eh* Y corner of tibenread 8i Clair suede, io No SO Wood sweetoireadaars &ben lickel,lroskr 'teepee deny ink the dennion of Nova, to neje atIiARDWARE. CUTLERY aed 8/tILDLLIAI4redd per etupe Canna. atonnotabela and Ree4a, drat GO. the JaenVeeterren of England and thmany. Jibes seaplane Argentine Hardware. from the din etpel ~t emp of the Canna etases, Monroe* bereotely ve er, net pardoned apart Ile ben tenas th ey feel great eonidenee bping *hip. uneaten) to eitertompennon tam any quarter. P!4ZI;Z;iZZ=IM OALFSATUB AND GLUE FACTORY PO; 0-1 - AdslaLuamnolt4a lab limes Kee AT We Ai establlibAbt Amu* In Nbnit - Wm% format, carted ea by Ima, i 4 lua life tbibt; as a 134011- bu. .ad Glr trulbrY• Ma worts "nib eotnYleto - Ar earn lac bade biabbilllll bxpubibtr.obod ready' Ibrboambelog at astaw A IlbetiLerallt will be ' givesbsaA W pardeaboisabille, bean by bathos m' Wieea!W undbmboaL • - JAMES BLAKELI,- t!p re WC& PLONK • for iota rat Va Warlord and I% }Votary No V FM Nasal. fo halo • soma at Is ammanity Nibs talot V Rho .ploatia• PunLookloi. and aa a orfolsocrua &URI, Corp& ' ; UMW. trat• ma Mow oottoladei to Wahl' aHu et.: ; : /MIMI Iscipb (which oar enamors eon MN. VONINY lama* tip Plow Bread m Loaf s Oo.lottaniclkise: waft", ralkopotr tateilarcea take; Maas areas. .N 40 4 1 M AMVIN:" PLO a- DiNaligteA l flajiPirt4,_ attest grcamillnists Wawa mac..r;SOSO DDAVUL • gold& "1'• Illurnisswavanyindova • • , ce" NMI airessaia strplyit 11.11KrN.k _ , • . EWEN EMM ;~ __?-,;fir
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers