The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 18, 1847, Image 1

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'..'..: . .i'.' t: BUSW ',.CAR,DS::...-:
" Commlsaion • said
Allit.rantlglreTc2 i l
it, 54 Watei and 1.53 Frown.,
ATWOOD, 401111LAI&Ao:Ordrnaltsion . and_
- vbrinoi.s D.Thanli limn retumeetio 6,4 old, caner *Kt fool mom, PitiabFo4 • •
1/1.2.14 , 11.11.74 • - sm.'
BRAWN & "LTATEIL, W 1 01e...1 and tliti
^-uslA?.6.?Tpltpr.yeent apt st.7cuth mate,
.. rood Doddica comae Ilrood and CO au. jTI
Bhatamv ats., Vitheletale 'Grates*, le
Hittld 10 Wood •treas, Isbangh. • •
• II 11011.MALErt & Wholoioto lino
tan sod Vrtmloce'dialerv, No. 233 Market *acct. bo•
grrecilrab sod &if:North e. 14 , Pkiladolobm • ' 000 e
• eABIOLTIC CO., Foryrarthng. and
%.I.Cinanussiitallireltains, C.lll . PUP. kILMI3I4
.osuactirso Loonnt,•Aaortiy atts.;ol
- on lib ;tree toll Va Nanthfi•ld: • • 171 Y
Wm: Colema_ll7s;67:F. 3mmisms... J.
.reurine mut Axles,' A. , 8.. mad tyning
Steel. and deafen la Midi Trimmlop of foram 4ks.,
miption, marmfattorr Cl Omit-4w , Waretwom4l3
Woo . criposi Sramtrinrilold. - '
et&HAM& & ilak.X2ollli, lateamacla is 11.
taaapr 4404Airlolcula GrtM6lll,
rod MatiLll4. Dok& la hobo Ana
P" sr ; ai.zat meet, Mt Woal
mad Litanr; Paubar& - - • .
' "
ndealen in Fancy and ilaapia Vinery Choda. ego
C0nd4.106 Make' Preet, near tabasl7.-
Jaisia Ainlop. •
flulimor alZ ail lirn: l 9 MOM". :al Li.;
114Siffial. SA and stn.
"VDU , AID iIICALZAILIOA ThVbidasale Uroce,r .
etst Wet' tle Datenord t swind Your ft= Dili.'
Aft ante .ti. • ni 4
It • WALT. lon asigare. -
VI4ALT. ' PESNAIBM, Whalasale finks
MI dear dealers la proem" and Manuel =Wu-
Wroar; - eonsar . ar Ldsony And Azad sac, husbargb; Pa'
E . .. . . . . ......
IllaLlllll h. BESEIRITT. (l :Fhhlith, Gal+
~....I . llkar 1 GO Wholesale Grocers. Cootoussiou ad
-mammas, and Denims m Pmmme and
Plisii — togh aasfactores, Ito 37 Wood street bersreels
elecood sad Ilerd sue. - - '—' ". ,_ ' octi ;
t 13111 s• yawed a Awl Seater Onus% street,'
an Foga. Bata•rull's Old Hoare., - atoidtza
pourAanli ESIMEITZWZI•DIitt,Athoi
oiIy. at Law, hare mimed theft :Are to the moth
aide of Fourth otreht, between !ilithtl7, 4Pey and Otant
a ., 090,11 key. • • Mow.
Dir 111141rdo OM. WkaleirleGrocirs,
F 1 1 1 Crasumou hl emhmn,ud Apunfor ithuid
Cottaaltsin3,-Nos 37 Waterand 1391. ant meet: Pen.'
BLUME,. ratuti'r cais Ai allicturer
114sipal - Itatnameno, jli Wool scraNumar
Jams /adorn!.
"lORIVTLI a Co, Oismislion Lod Ferry...Ain
...ham. No. .10 Water rt, rittsburgb:
H1CL•11.E11.11, , . Grocer, Cannassioo
.1. 'Alatehant itul and in Prodneo, (-War,
.01.1 s,
4‘e, kn. N 0 .17 Libra.). et. near Camlßasio,Pinsbnro4.
anal N. 13,041=4 Pitch, Nonill.n;itapo,.to, always on
. mylo
• 17 - H. EATON, Denier in ,G;ovesOlosiery,' oad
. Fanny andnutplo 63 - Maziqn sintec
, "
GC% /110181.7.4. . WATIIIMAX
FIEOIIOII 31011LOAIria 00., WlsalsitaleOro
-141 emallad Oman:Laudon Merchants, 105 W6od Wade
P/usbarith Pa. . • . -
GittA : r o e trilrtnigest Lad ba l .
Pit.binlyinra. - Tul l :cl=7No leWroo:WPitutotrith.
•.. • • •
Ueo, •
o . 4.;'Breviers; Mainers,
113 d dealers in Hop., Piu.burgh.and Point Bregr 7
teita,Petum sa Pin meet.: • •
LIZOICOM COCUlWll,Votilminsuso and Foi
l' wanlisgllcrEbuu,Nwil W..dgitnat;PtanbaraL
Brielatat Mouvntebel■
All ordets mutually 111%.• Address_ by
otter • • the Pon.Oiliee.'. • —.
_alutf • - -
• , ••-•••.,..e
- - - Jalm n ewer.
AYE dr. ,BALL/F.Y. Dealers in Dry 1 1gt
no . I.OIVI.
Erit• & „AIROWNIS, rameenors . tiold•blp
owogil barna. wadjauatifaccirers of Wall
rapes sadGeormil err Wazebousa, No. 1•Vood
Ws - 4 ; OT BILOCKWAT; Drugusits, ICour
Wistful Rosso:tar Ilkir until bum. Pittsburgh
;,‘ :
lid c
MClranr.O. CO, Wbolcsala Onieen,
.Commission Blercbants and dealers In Pledgee, No.
511.Waisum1107 Front Elmo, Pauborck.
R. SLALOM Nth hut Istior, ExcluA Bait;
AloD.Cler NO, ' t • • J ge
wawa Arsiox,,Abon.rru
0 rd., uddd=ebee dr Ids' rofeddiou
Idsodica.N97. W Balldings,Grant we tad
didddirids:dbliende .br T. J. Illghdat :ed Jr
1 - 011Wie. SIWITAIAS. Whnleesle Dreggin, maid
41 dealer WDle lkaoa, Palma, Verambeo,
No W 1 Wood etreco, one door &molly( Diamond Alley'
TAMES IiCKILIt,Ii.&Co;, fickvemors Joiepb
Davi4) Ship Chudlers,2l Walter IL - - •
TOEIBI H. SLICLILOI4 Whoicsnle and nasal dearJ
ie mid...did menial immosentkadmi FkAkif.
Paper. Slistsi Masi Pees. Yrideti. CardsOuld •
MuSearykeftrally,. No. Ett Wood' a; Plttsbt•tih.
,ICTlP.S . .l.egett or Wen to tads. ", • uTIS
Tai SCOTT C., ttrii floW
aPwoudiscsad Corsesmian Mereinats, Doan" in Pro;.
4.e sad 19thbOgli Comairtial
Liberty O. neat the Cane; Rtosblergh. P. say •
scaeolimasza ipf) <uln ant ,
. rissinoi *Wood lit: Pitu6tco. x7O
30111111P11..JORDAN'a Consenian
lona 1.411.14.1-T/Dit Aga!ley at Lir; Otoo .
Ott a, G
Gnat andllionliild, , tooth oide,
0/4yrir "WM atq attesurrool pa!! to bottom,'
ad" „tototetr-tooluitto , - .
i"0d144y.• '
101UVCReSIDWIELL, :Alftnt,rlVidalesalicero
d ear saot Coomiuiea hlarizat,..Watar steeei, 2112
*At apse tha Bzidge, Pittsburgh: ••
• frir treo;Nallg,llllusi PAM.'
ionsives • ,•TOCKTOMr
Velours eiviPspoiraanataetamenh.tio. 44 Mute
J. stauurs &.k Aesr Market a.
Statumery. aps6
JW. 11.011UERTION k lkw and Ez
5a.41 1, ankes.s comer oflil'oed and Mid &revs,
placlantlik&l Ptutpurgit,l4,
iiva.. pwrig u... lithe anal , oetll
O'1! 6EIE4 'Whole:mkt Gmesr, doter in Pro- Jdeetrialkergit massficuvres, Plate, - te: /a.;
, „
Join my& 'bawd Flo y&
&Y. IFLOYD.Phtts Floyd Co.] IVlnkhle
&14 Onant.Ne. Lirty Stmt. - ' YpIS -
TIMM DALZlELL,Wl4lrixer.Cboinis•
aka liferabaxt,N oS4'W sed itiesurP
Pitialadb ll ai andqituburgb
eer u.s '
- .
T )111
. 1341LX.1CLIL. Os . -1114;iefiiition, : oll
asouir, - shom. awl* asil Nails of tbe boot
isi dity,poliffi left 6111.6 waftbooso of lllDalzels
Leo .11baW 6 1. 14 . 1 .$ still receive
T 11,101M.TIMMAISi thooti, For,
ja 'muting sad ConniMlDO Sterttoolu-Droitt
Plno .
bspFli Illonsfootonto sad Pnxlote., tlao; 21 WEar
:y'`; •
lIVTOUIIIOI - 4VVoiki Whok,ido
Unitas, forwardi* old Commiluriol
asoll fa PAnsburzi bllrafte-4,,,..04, , ..
"kw Inoiltlf:'rmi au. ' .41
it/6MM •
Ihtira:dl • wad Conmesief,'lllerainkat. """ Onb
P "'" l''
I..„..tranacilk mitaarectmu NA.
isianeorti; iscrsotßaao, watezaa:amm!, ,
111.01,41. isasonstsio RON,: Wholesale
111'Ussears nod CollllllilWellblerehasos, Rolla litss
stPlusb '• • - • `1721
Nhatek.L MA.* Mei k •
It*Lung. k 064 COotmW ion AndPertrarin,i
rl ik,l4o.k.",'Wttet,al4 ftl4!tspixtweekWeei•
aleiwas stiosaiiiioir, Whore*.
sera and Commisificntliterausts, N. Libeny
call .DAthwu 14
11[11311.wbplesale and Ma M d It
asd Cap asai.fitad Osiers In Pim'
rem,onwr er Wood an!. • - inn
lkg I 4. SWAN, whae.tepalm*
riedanuad liat.asdionranimp and Oesie%
Aft koraino*N" e3 a Ik TY . " 'F I ! W°" ' I TS!.
WILSON k:C0.3 71,6 74=
Gad* Deeknit 1 4 0;-• Wood aut:e-
swims* asix, Na as market _
sitsai, son
nanny, frau in• Vnerini Dealers in For
efeet and Donienne DU of Exchange, C.-Minitel.; en
Cnilicifino wain* eatiniprineirdersiniihrinali.
'........ ,"
filltUlli 111cORMW M.,Ce., Prodocr. Forward.
~., ..&11nal Commission /larcbsnua,Ne.llContestreisl ,
~ ....... emu rusborglura. .. , . nail -
'-z.... :WW :r r. A Catberumv ' , C it Cram
„1114 r, DICXTXV: it Co, Wholpute Orneert
~. ...; al,,,,ftrietni!:o,°P•Pd nr."opla
Iszci, , 'Ma 41 . •
ditat'Omaitslogaterchuntai ICo 1W !Second et,
--: : .: ' , 111110UMILLI• Te4eXECU, - Jr‘, Importer 'so
' '.. --. -Jaatweitil rmtdo WM Dammam eredeliory 'Hanel
,...l,;,••••imeeth jialleaniesiteelrisminpoet all downietions, Net
'''`.• . • If t'wep tneet.ritesboeste- - ,-- - • -.'
eyed ..,..P1N,..::
, i , ,•••• M i SAILD; iiletelessatt Idor
**"*ff4CeutteuiTolsoullTT"l•seuungtril, Bad
• • ~.. . . . . • .
111441101.. ILLlt i Le.lii 1411111110.14 ,
. 4
giC77lll - 4$ 1:1•4 'Whehtuto Onseer44lo.
41mialsoiett Mmimat.,4lnot ! r t
-" '
011ZAT DALZZLL' tc C. Wbutarle
IL cen , e 'en in Commir , to d ßlFon argL 7 s l=lttfall t ;
nmat Pambultl '" 0r... • • -. • .. • .46911
II II: 1161.41[11‘2, Anorney: 14
. 114 Gnuit
a•a• • Ilakcat newly of 'la the Nr.l•
Ca!an .
OBltifT MOORE, libirlcaoli,b,rocer,lteetity
iagtDlatilltt dealer Poxiace, Ettisbaret Mama.
factim;and all IntalsOf FOreitif aad DotnesitO
and LLIIIIOI,I, Na 11. Labc4, street,'Pittabutgh.
10- N. B. Oa /Ulin. togok of . .loPaiioi
Old Monoagaboli. WhtakorOoklohytin by .14 low for
L. 0. Reyno!do. •: •
RREYNOLLIM & SLlE.Erroloraniing Rnd Con.
-mioaton,hfueniits, for die Alice:ion) Raver Trade,
eaten ioGroe•rics.Produte,Piresburitt titanuraetares•
wd Chkoide of pOle. , .
The Ai= prbees, le rut% odd al . . all litomi fot
Comfy Corner of Penn and innu M 4 . ,
op Odk.Voll.ll - t CO., Merchants,
rkln Li an= l 4lstlratT li ttr,l.t m— , ui tft "• '
bowl. A. DIIIN Who!male Grocer,
Dealer A Trodace'neil:Tittabutei •Manutoetare.,
B C Bhaekktc...• MM. if Mute.
la kr. in Yoreigusnt Domestic. Dry G00d0,.N0..9.1i:
wow Pitisburgtk.
-1.3'.. en on FIOIII and Plaid. generally atul Forward•
ng , and Commission Merchants, No ,:rl. WOod weer,
q Piusbails •
SA.lll7lr,is PALflft , Attorney ai Mee
. in Breed's building, No Pt Fourth stied. between
Wmod and Smithfield.' ' • • nor3d&wly
pp F t VON WhilesZ
.13:13ineers vorwardim •nd tomnission Nerehants,
Dealers in Patsbnegh hisonCselnees snd Weenie Pro.
dam, have removed to their new aresehonse,(nld stand)
No as, comae canard used 1311•11C.9 LAD. ;
0:A.211:1EL Fotwiird_ ing sod C omm "
. IdOratereliant;'DealerAis Sall„.Prodsee and Pins
Ise%lanarifortared uncles, Grill DasiNnear st,
Q t.N.APVICKBUSIILABI, Dealer in , t. ood a, Flow,
.1,7 4 ere. FroltTressoold AiNtooltstral 4opleassots, No
12* Wood iiremi Plusburstt. 1 kb* -
TASSEY. :&'' , ..ll6BT—Wbolesils: Groans, it
*comnissioo Merebants. sod, dclOrs P.° 4 " . ""
No .15 wool west. Pittsburgh. ' ."
fIOS:NENNED V, .14., Lookigg Manoficnt
ter, and Ilvddr is Mak., Com 001; tad . ilmie‘l
Goods, coiner of Wood oreld Thank strtmi• •
T PForrylb.
T, P. PORETTEI &Ce.i Cearrablision Mere ants,
•dealere in Bala Lambe:, Grneeriea Produce and
Pin sburer Ilanefietares; Canal Bade, Liberty meet;
\Vm NeCatehitod • • • Knelt t'alcauebeen
IV. diva. IIeCIOTCHEON.:Wb•IarstIe , Gov
!T ,errs, Mahn in *ad.*, Iros. , NailsiGNlno sad
yiN4IELTRLT., Wholvale Greiary;
IYjßprtafyrNistillers, and. Wine ,and Li . quor Nevi er.
No. 1
LathFrtY strew. toppooite . datu nueetj
lour In-frrer.. - , CANDI.=
Vt r j e ir i ttkNh A of t° l l e i ttt g rg e" elizl tat
Conintimion Iderehaals, dealers in 6011. Nalla,olaesi
Cotton Patna and "PliniCealaren generally,
eorneeor Wend alakae •u, Pinetnnich.. niehl3
W , MU
'HT Ineitei debate* io aril red
axle:One Ids neekof Freaeli Worked Collet;
mod a. low NE teeth. - - ' mein
f,JGD.KER. Who
v.. Cotateiiren er i ehapl, U rtod * lar lu nl AL:e n !
and .Pittetttellh Alsouleetutlls, corner Water told
Southfield .u; Pellebatoth. Pet'
e l. Zt ' c ' rr,te
DILWORTII, Wholesale
Grocers, Pro4ree saalCoramistiorsAlerehirs.l7
no la atm' h
e T•a tog cataLlistesten; No.V4lLibeny neerThe
MITCHICLTRZZ, ‘ybolesale . Oro•
WV '. CErCltectilytng Disti and Wine and Lton,
Merehurial , 4.lGO Liberty sneer, (opposite 4i rib .14
Pitta, orgh. - • ' ;
. rRORINIIO2I. Attorney az L. -41a7
.. moored kis ellen to the -Exchange Doiklitlas,
et Clairsuest, nest door m Aldetatan Johns.
B. GARRARD, Dealer In Fancy and :ha*
Thy Goods, No. 70 hlsikannont, Pntstnyn.
lyqumn,. Iframih - e bang
11ma Z w ip h . e :Lllll47l, 1107 . WeAltod
on Pitgargh Zuldl:tu rgt es, sat low
.ad on f used
• ' ' vutyl3.
IX7, WIE:SONi Dealevizi Wsiebev,leweliy,
V V Silver Wanylplliary .9aods, trs, No. ei7 Mar:.
W . 1%. 1111/LPllTOwholitsala and redid deal ei
e " - nag rutrarF D"'" at eD"' ri"." ' "n4 4.4"1-
. .
P. .IBWIN, Jr.." has nrapurehneed the
TV Drdg Store of I:dger Thorn, earner of Penn and
'Dad susww, will coop • .asunu suppl, or
medicines, perfumery, tn. _ ..• -
Physician's proseopnons ensernity . .entopounded:—
Medicines Can behadat WI hoarser the ;tight I,
fehledl~a .. .
A M . Walltnibrd. :Jobe I , Sinpr.
AATALI4IterOIID Co., Coentainion and m
• • V waldwitalerskants, Iken4, netarytroad
Pittsburgh, Pa. • frbis
lATVI.. M. DAULISUTON; AltorneY of 1-T.T
T T ro,•.Olumissiouct to, take the .-
knowledgeseen antpnao . of peeds,. Leafs, Contracts . ,
Depeoltioosor an other ofrotot (Una Or ifeal or nog to
be. meg orattrearded to khe Stew of Okio. Inlet an
Thinieusetotborolktortaketd. •
C. AVOULINBAVan, Attorney at Law
FU sue" near Ymichlteld. Colletung, nen
ain.c.i..odothC4 bumps attended lo with purianallty. - ,
- • •
Wm. Crochan,
• BA Palmestack. tr. Co John 'lnnen, Nq,
'Gndr, Linduy & Co, lobo Wrixhs, ' •
'Jaws I
Mai. Willuty ;Armin
I nt
II F . , I! l i G 1 • L
, ER I
INEg gliqUOitS,
No. 114
ri.4l . .;kriTSBO/LUiri Dimion l 614
L Bahr, LWLn
Cimu 11 . 1
Ti ltl;
i tszl4:l:Lost Cots,
• o •1041 v : - Pittsburgh. P..
11 yl . ._ • WO. Ild Skins.
. . •
_lSsaseapr Y Lie ASMaonsj .• , -
11/-CHRea Norb isida FoontlS,abows SaStblea-a
0 IVGT Blackball, Gwen B. Janes.
• ' 0. BLACIEBURA t. CO.. •-• ,
WROLISSALE °Mali and. Dealees"ln Oilh Beat'
. ones, and rinabasah fdanatsetarnd aruele abase
.aand at an tames nfalLantipmeral aasortment of
roods in thdir.lind, Water ateeet,,near Caen, Ailey,
' *ad
W. itExtlimgroPr o Lam gor..EKor,*iii numb
.to Sortroylog, laylor oat, ood.dpvidtatt loads, roo
ting raloado• ot Rail ksorto,
LOMee, row
at above jived, nut 'door to °Zoe oe
itAt liteeordtog ItiwoLstor, Pittobunti. • sprvails • .
TOJIN N. TOWNIZXIi, Uggiggin end apothe
- my. No th Mertet at, three deorstalwenTturd
Pillebargh; will have ennaantly en hand a well select- •
adhere/moods:of the beet and freshest Nedieidaywhich ,
he wilt seii eettie mt•a'reseonable urine. Physteians
eeeditte erdera Will he pwraptli amended le; end sop-,
idled with articles t may rely epee se
DrPhYeleateeffeeerintaneraith ha ate:manly and
neatlyptepared (w the beet =Wrists, at any loaf of
for Bale, alargn neck of fresh and !rd!, Perri,
Wvr., , vricsomr, Watch Maker & 'Jeweller,
conwi 4b sod Market eta A. large and weil
selected week of watches, Jewelry, Nlrer•innue and
blibLary floods:' Always on band and at regales ess
woo phees,tiold Pak,* Lever, fall Jewelled watches,
asloyr&sl4l4 Elver do watelses,ss low Dail& •
GleacanCotwer, rabies:Johnson and other approval
Nuke of watchesntay be bad at a small mamma and
074 1 ....we1eh rid 4one in the very beirimanner;
ad At, eppf. 4 it.• st. Abarle t r a ldrid,
..WlLL'alia farad . arampily ta Ocilleetionm, Wilb
Ingtaa,Fireaa •
andOreca Comities, Pa. .
-•• P 7 gra glad'.
• ' . DAVID . AU3Tso Drnnar,
*wing Malin such arrangement* in Mr
tlh Coal ilaaineaa that he can dovore , his
whole Onto io the (holes of hill
'Oen, may be 'ran ill his Warn, corner or 4th end Dana
tar manta, between Market and Parry sots, at any hoar
9 , traltita day. hum a:al. e • • Jyrit I y
• N. J.
TrORNEY and Counsellor in Liiiii,ClNgiNNnTi,
<Xollllo:.Goilecuan. Sn tinothern Ohms and in India n a.
h Ota=f o OrVeLise7ll7izig ded ri
Von Irmo IrriP. Le, Ctinrin &
:Lianwan, wto linyi,TAg.,:Willock &paw. ma
AnAita a CllcrafVostc!tia t ,
flaw). AO...kraal band.• .
• Poirdeted, embed,.clarified and Manard OAP , Ar . !I?
75 11 11.0{ mad Barrel.. Al.:sense Mew Alolaisa...
,FAIMA. Abend Kati allowance made on all Wel
.....WIEM4IIO • bit
QmsesllarierrAlley sal Penn st, and &eta TWA;
;. ' Pittsburgh, PA
' - Itortbrighl:
1 1 /1111VICT-UKBRIS
WAIZA i NT . Ze u r z al, if 111,1.%0 rlpr i u: 6 tinf a rade
!Cal Piiees and on L tood Taw..
1111.40 N .
.WEANUFAcru emus et . bbote4 end
JYI Rodely floes, limy an4 . ltostre Forts.
Wa!thO* 00 .:1 1, Woodsttect,tquaborglt. wold 3
Orines: tei4111•111 omen, eppnizt,*.!o hotel.
Neskire.../111 . 1.60,14041a Hose . •:-.• . ' • • lent : :'
:TACO. ,__WirdiVilia6 !IT", flani,4;9•Witi(l6ll
. .
•;:i4.;;.',::i,' ;:':::,-• ~..
FORWAIMING' & covAnsgmN.
4- AL WallingiatiLga oe n'.'.: '4, ~$l . , p 4,,,,..
WALL 1111121 1 .011.13. 1. 1704' , ,:. >
_ .
ivllF ' i i ~.'1 1. 1'. 411 l 1" ) ek-1 111
i s lTTitelhioll XiIIIV/PAt TUIIIII .
AREUOURES Sewed itreal,,,neat Wood, . and
Canal Dania. Liberty inteet,baawookandareat OW
U 16,1410.000 Ibis asborted &odors., .....:' - - ~ '
!tuft.. & Co's Cast,B.l4llllsietand Glilif Ail , (044.
.• Jonea& Lloaerr's Am Blum Eriagalid-Itort
. slat doz Shosas, /Spades:and rmur , L . . • • '
' Caryiasettprinas and AileK ,, - '• ;,, ,•'' ~, - ' a''' • •' • '
Anvils, (rnoosebole;) Vines; (Waifs:till coitoani) -
Sledges, Sledge Alonlds,Crositqar ~,,....,,, ... , ,
- FILI11100.3.1010"01.11111.1J024) ~., s., .
a Mattocks, Clay and Coal Piet%
Area, Scythes, Fdeklei, Log Chcatt,tce.lo4, , ''''.
lirSalatnander Firs. Proo(1441/1nyaroa, Rai* Claim
and Ow Pinabssahlbeadnatareasold at Cali bre*
— 4
-Fit Onneabovrei
l itenaldo pier;
zFo. 5p &m a, Wharves: find No llTaobllt Wahl al
:• •
'Di ED in fitthrta the trade enn . dealirs
Pinabugh t that_ they hay., wade itAriutgenieitls
with the Virginia mattorarypora, Grwarera of
the Neat, W4la. andLother place will toilful
a largo and - I:01111101 amplify. alba Miming dtieertif , .
non. of 'lobate° which will be told - upon us Wear
-enodwing.ternia as aaysaiher lonia le this city . or
where, and all . good. ordce t_ tiont thent will war:
`Vamp - Porto Leo; • ' , PasirOci SitedLataf Ter
, L' Cuba; Iguint; -..tied • baeres',
I • ALLOlBranoh'a eolebealeli"Arontatle Stet gnarl"'
with a law asanrunesit of other popeilarloinda •
and •qoalitiea or .powida, dr Pa la VIC and 321 Lanai;
ha ea ha and Ina Pia& Ladies' Tartan Virginia : nen;
V, awe: plain ,la whole and , halltaxes,' woof
'fit:f u ratti gr.f,7! ' .,! 7 7 7 IV •
VORNIDIIIII coniuntlintAirr,
East . .lkiaieri 11*,' PUtgewater,'
• —isarii 0617 . 1,11%., • • •
tPrerprietoritudrAOut bf Itottaier•
IWNIX 6rlii.t
, errnsulloir MM.
W l ltli b A l l: P re k c "" 4 o Pt i en7. 4 ll " lt g°ru"l be:::;'
In wuntamustt, rottlitutt to He
Extettoott, • Clois
Cut, Rod Oulo Can lin. .11ml:sou Lake Erie and
uprer Wax, nualsototonrar , d u rdoceike : tttlretutt . u,
th rergf th".. .A ' . '" . l . 7l JirUICKEY; Heaver
J. Q. W. Leona. Wdoca.
J: W., iki _LEFTWICH - 416' CO., •
Ala Oomikalaaloo; -Sfloolaskikle
PARTICULAR MlNJltiali paid so momarom of
dame Alf Eakin., °ember &Wale. 9paloacas
and OcuLkapak.
. - .REFIAI7 . O-11csata. abeadd Pk. no
nom Limenck; Ne. Orleans.
Atecara. Lotion& liettecaon ;AU Sher far Lauf
Speer... Mr. Wis.!CrLeary, &than
Wiliam.. Axon & Nieholmg Pittsbargt.
Menem. itevan,Todd & Co.; .
Hynes t &
lion. Zenon Levine, Hon. Johrklintieie,
.11AYD/Cht , /4, CO . Jr, _
thillathslilittion; Baltimore. •
iIFFER their st. niece so Ihwitsere
the sole of.r.loor..Orain nod Produce gauntly,. la
s ibe Balthnore ,Thirkei,and how their exit:Wee sequin,
user aeaol Purehneco and !Woven, eon oatelywo.r.
rant gatietielory ealel. Ciorrevondents will constantly
bo rent hdrited.or the Wait of the Magas. &e.
fittrwi To—hteure. V. Wilson kSons,ltaie Ref,
nolda & Soo; Olivia:on tqoptkilers, Re
e, & Satith,
King & Corey: Bahintore
Tine:or. CaNlwelt & IMO.*
"'O'er% Droporittioiteih-Newleerir. ,,
LATi _ ol _4l
- Clit&ICI,,,1111.L11 , 41 . 1011% ' • '' '
T lIIEFLAL cub adesitees node ent Jetwiptems.
.L.ll simitients. .Thow ohippiht to our address will be
tom three-foal*" who:rim odranee La Chen try.apply •
I ' ag Wsilineena par4.o. . •
;has. Bell& Co iflr4erpon,Ohta.
Philedelph*lllay6,l43.• • • -• ituytf-tf
N., B. All produce cOnsisrotlll wii• Wand When'
lathe whrehoWie 'of Walliogtird & Taylor, ritt.b;"
ee oi oar wore le rhitoiletphlo. tr., Co .C
-0 01:4 - E E R.-
IJAVINO replenished air tier-tiros' As boot sotto&
Ll both domestic anitentetorl hike pleasfue in La -
zooneing to eqpintwera mut .4fidetti this tea ObP1.1:
10 Amish them with ip'yooda 4,llprliner, w9a4l-. Diner
4107. 11.4.1thitaw,Aad 4-11n13,gyi2¢-24iasotir.,-1.0b0,14.
thgreby nikarmati tluiV-esiable te &Sy conalwliint...
Ca.... sad Isditekrt Yourselves.. . spa
' 1•110, Wood Save' .- • ' •
LiSE sow the cisme of perepriag law
to their ennui. stock
.61 , 111uttoritre, Chithrry,'
Bail Jen', ite, 'which boviag bees , dotl o
otl Our
W agirantagezinii• tem, in7..AilitaiLanci
die Marriihieutrerds ibis to
by Lbws bio
for .00da on term. szitymed by twee Ltd
(o. Pa re:i.e..% ate respee dully M a
to OWL •
N 0.% WOOD Seratar,Ptivsatialts
CONTINUES to transact a gourd Covii;jiasioa
131161.1111, cweially la th e prebuilt andwild
of American Mamitactires and Produce,. malls
receiving avd forwarding Crowds coimigned to big
care. As Agent (untie Mentacturerc he will be
consthopy rappliedsritblibe principal
Nish h hlaharaetztro. at the Jolrest wbOlesile.
pricer. Orden aod.conaignmenta am ampectfrilly
solici : 7,
Xxx,, • 1, c. w. LIIDZIMOIN, P. ...I.c.,CC
Rs IN - coProN. YOIMARDING : Amp.
I •
at 2.4o , eir:Ciscfaxatf,Qlja.
hterettaa s. betany, la Pirubargh. Ira°
•i WALT eat co. . $ ,•
• • -. •
28 wing HoiNticl44 bilneltarker,
Ram ro—D Pprigg. Kari; Cashler, Ten**, Eati ;
Cukier,J - Luditueet ir.fon,'Hiser lenegbany,
lufkEarey,.W . L 6.}l4nan,Blietzliif is DIMIC.•
t7CCiliol. TO 11100DiAlefr XR/13/1.)
• , ./bak iTheereAs. Cosenisire 416T.1143.4 . 1 . 1 •
Min;sl ibuth of Planter* , 13.4,Ifenipls!•..
.Itms Tli7X /111/a it Co, Klng, Pampa ac . ‘lo. •
0111.;Coonsission end 'Wanedlnt
.Plilerebanikand ProdateDrlales•—*lsoallnd ro
Pniehase, Sale And Saloom of Pig Iroo.Coal, *a.
- ' • 22 22 10 ,
- fAntsild, Japes k Co LlailaY* Ca
Lorene, Sterling k fierily Drag
Dna, Lindsey* Co D Leech & Co
Llon.lnrortite 01.. •
toarlettlt "MM. demo.
I .• • pkatilf.
tLate of the Ina of Madeolop Leeek k Co .
Alinlter,.•Conausloloa Vlore
TIICALICR In Oft nide Oferinhlq Proddea, CciO 2
*/.'per, Tin,' Tin Plows, r/Ilnetle To-Am, Zinc, bead,
RoSia Medi Iron, Iron nod Nail., Lend.
Dye guars, !Conon .listn.,:dedi.„ dm, and hushing*
Alrinfactorea generally, cornet of
Liberty . and Irwin
4 1: f/11.11 Goisb, — nside . eo .
stramtrit• of Prodare.4 n . nlys
ALEXANEIt LE itY,& : BROS.. • .
CINCINN ■I ATI CIitter , c4abOUIS.
baurnael L ,allloarof
Iderebendise et the lowest rotes a C011131114•10 k 611 sod
always ;,.pared tordeake advsneet. The best' of
refeletices greent,l( required.' Letters tddreSsed .
either 'loose will be premed, atteeded to, infraY
s". egllS7l4lole & ' OAK . E1iaiL " 17 2124. -
And Eanniftetualers Idissend
; 2U Columbia &pee/. • ' •
& CO .
_ - 111/eand Street, lisar-Weed.
DP.ALERS 'Pltubergh Maludociores and Heavy-
Hordwaiowill _keepp constantly on Panda melt
of carnage spin as aslos,bantes,mortbes and wa r
los, Ste proof bales, anvils, vioati,blaonssnitbs , bellows,
fled ea, Jko.,ko; " _ tothl3
NM 1 tl 011 g CHAN TB, •
kive pirutaloir'attinUon . t> tha Bolling of Pio;
dace, ands orders for parchasz. _
Tr..-13oiago Maws Ptiubengh, Pu
- umicmgh.- • '
0. •
•commiasiOß Via ForwardilY - MerchPlA
• N05.:93 -& :95 . .so l Uma NT. .
halls* BOWLING% .WHA RP. Datelmapro•
• • -, rnoic - x - c. azinrinfieThier
Roan 8 and Il LIEU St,
[l7Csah advances will be soda ea eamslgnamull is
he above sate.. bi _
hino iy ' CARSON d : Olatle aL
dk c,
Commission Rlaredasseas- • _
AREnow pupated W:nsoelveiad foiwird aU Matti
elf Nara maize lo axe lead log on she ieslala. Norsk
Weld Onikeb. ana naairains Ca Jegif
ZZ a llrfe "i A l ii 'l4l
1110. - • - • 1 1 81- Y. !ft WM ' .
s. Rowlett amino ,
so AST _
1 NtoNo a AWsit u gl i tla
i ; C
pmrogigqii,- MONDAY
W. WOOD.Wlngaleit • '`
Waal 400X5,..
" ' ' NOII3 71fIRD STREXT,
assortment of Furniture., .
suitable for eteamboata, •
Flotela, and.pnaate=t . •
Una*, ciirstaanlyonlen h lik w to order.
The present stock on he excelled by apT
manufac tory in the areal Ong. Iter.aott rmint.3
penalosa orobld - dooratittolrfoirg men cellos 1 ma
determined my pnens incase. Part of the stack
50 Sofas with Plaoh and flair-cloth cower,
doz Mallogang..Nurso Chun;
. i 2 dna Eno InalaiginiVouga;
mplopmy WON( Stlniit;
;dos maltoganytHateging
15inarblo top Dreasnag Bureaus;
ti(par. Ountninn. •
warble top .Work Rand.; • . .
;19 cherrWork tkandic '• • "
Mahogany, Maple, Chertpand poplar pedateada of
all :derail:4lons; and IC largr iatiortment of .Cononon
Furniture and Main, too numerous to mention. -•
1 . 101.15 K. '
; Joempu,wooDwELL. r -
or Wo o d andlad ale, Platairourgh,
17AVINO withdrawn from Ike old grin At' Wolter
Wpoderult, 4n , Um In of Junior', 1547:1 lute:
pleasnr6 in announcing to my friends as the city and
coimuy, that I have opened ply new store' as the above
. .
mined •Huoing , parchneed • Toy goods - Ibieiski
mid made •rmogentious with intimillmorers in this
coollUy.und Jai Europe lobe cornonntly sopplied.,LlPM•
ptapirid tar Iffroulflfardwart of all kind. on as
terms and as low as any home Eut or West.—
' etehams and °them arc reapectfollrinvitcd, to cal
and: examine my Mock, beliire purchasing elsewhere.
The following comprisna part ormy stout.
EieigabOot ungBsddlery Hardware. DamTnmmino,
Flleis. Naylor's flue, Cutlery. Dims Tools, ititens:Vi
.eini; LOCkl, Lruchos,Backlea, Sou
Bcrewsiihriarrhatiory Plaues,Saws.hialorganY board..
'and '•••-tra, sad all saber ;inlets. amounted .nob the
en" iithroted oppoinika to elk invert:
- tamer i Pittaborgh: Slechatile, • ma
; • amity of th e Cabinet makers of thu
. and Allegheny oily, sad theirmuncr.;.
• seamier:seers havtiabown themselves
'above rho vulgar melodies agar. WWI froortlom Mod
lbcf; IriVe.Clanun..Boducad the prefennee,Omply
becalm lidos:remit, being the am, named, and oust
outownisaf Beate. In use. The followlnglestionmle:
Ws, be witme 'Won, practical cable. 030.1 of the
eitlea Pitisbanth and Alkgheny, Pa., do hereby car
tify that we have bought the right to manutheture Led.
meads with Gamma's Patent Fast..., and era:rider.
de came Superior Pa •441 , human. with which we are
Jan. Lemon • • ;
• T B &Co 'Robert Farman
• Jan. B Barr,
John Liggett, Jr. Jas. Lowry & Son
Lennie att. Riddle &
• Timms Feeley soma II •Wallace
David Laker Ramsey & IWelelland
' Ilegh Wallace 'Mos. Balbach
: F _ Dead
or Bights to make
tke slave Bedstead.
anal EittNk.Zrit GAZZAM,
BiiltlWlttAo LIA&
lt Ti e subseribeis having obtained • patent , klay. la
llialkt .T 3 Tress Brick Machine, load heal °gainer their •
doom- gitly tested Ito ability, We - Sow prepared to..sell
eights ml contact to dishier sombion prey pail of
the V lard Pones. The machine is designed to make
Brick from crude clay, and Mill to MIX* good
mom' Arm brick per day, antheiconly bard to stark op
in the kiln; an a.idin
a g the caretoee and labor of pie
bat repairrand is eonorrimed that il ran be t oo
uaen to
p.a. and pat num_ther with /Mat theildydlow mode,
taiga portable. We are now banding machine. and
ca. tonnahthearon shan melee, Fora roll dearer pram
:werstkuld refer to • machine now an auccessful opera
than a Mill creek, bottom, rear dm Wen end of Ed ghtls
IMO, Where we shed, be Nappy to captain everything
soutanes. Wlthit to all metro :may We have ad.
piesignt co antbonsed Agent All letters no maul/raw
will bet prateptly mte tided to
:aelatf : , ; •CINOLTILMATI.
• eoLivia Fula:
ExnaysivELV tested.d approved daring the past
two years,by die principal Iron manufatiorkain
the westemacoantry,•and thraegiout the intermit
'Peorsylvattia, will be:rudy for &chewyaa Ike opening
of Nargatton.' The matenat on whichthardarability
and aupenority dependclaseleetcol byeuperiermed nr
naniJbtought pow blirtyland;whrlrettic diseemecy war
kn:Farlaklia fag. wetter, wi th which it is imbed
ded, atonality aeparatesl They will :he th o ro ughly
.Ito d sod compactlypresiedbY reiehkery, and rat
;ate Intent. gman bv Messrs. Itirtcy k Cc-'the pro. all sispects to 'Madam thou ankomeldost
VT :
ors by mail or otherwise, will be promptly execs;
Led. apirkealion SfIAW MACLARP.N '
map: : • Kensington lroo Work.
eveo z aldonday, April alit, four door. from Wood st,
sot! door to A Jayne% Fern Tea !Nero. • f
2Aspleadlylasooramen of Fuse, cake, Etsakenonary.
Frail., te
are Ue a foals. ihopoixttexjmorydayiaseervyluea,
• • aearoessas Foutid Gag- Lemon Ifiseniq • •
VlEsues del .. 'repave Nan, ; •
J i rTgalfq Aimed dn. Mniciws P. hide;
.71g1AgerNou;'' 'Weer Jamb!es; Sponge Biscuit;
Federal Olken A.. - F% Sugar do;
()tutus for lee .Cfrassul, Jelly, !Inds,' este, Feuer
Cufeethunary, ke.i.
..execued la a moaner one
to quality end beauty by any other establish.
sent In this elty. . • .
' . Fresh *teed, Twist, Rest, &a., roanofszta red solely
ViJutaWlmas Floor, fronsalldrup. every
sthotroMf. ' - .Pa • ANDREWS
De.xter,of &den, has arronsed and
assented a plan fiorlteafing homes, which basbeen see
.cessfelly used in I.rte.x. New Toet..A.c ,andab e ,,, e
epistle& 'haa;reeeteed• the'rderikd prdi.reurr 00.
&oyes, Foresees, d 0 .,, Octranlagem
• 141.3reat ornately of Tenspernstne..
' red. Freedom hens Smoke. . .
impleaaant Dryneca. • •
Adt.tEasilraailitdedio, tad ant liable to get ant of
54. Great Ibirability. '
A Model and Etpeelfleathah mil be eten.and the y al.
parauta obtained at the Capper and Tinware taeasry of
• . , Wld. It ISCALFE, Vont .
bet. Wend and Market sts
• Ilsirdwora,aladdratii,/Se.
• i • • .JOUR W utIe ALKER, •
prposcrEst AND DEALER In rekteirn anti Demme
J. tie klardwate, would respectfully I rtkron ht. friend.
saddle public generally, that be :s now. marina his
Piping dopey of Hardware, at the old mind of Welker
WooduntlhNohtt Wand torterrarAteh be will dating<
'Aram the mosttessonabla terms. . • • .
He will be continually reecir ins Heel vapplles direr;
ham the Matinfteturenr In Europe and thir country;
Which will enable him to compete watt any istablisto
etent.either tut Or Wart. s- ,
Westeti illetehanta are invited to rill and examine
hh4• Ir before Umbering elrewhere ennrs •.
• ,
...14rE.Ilke'mutatelatmed, :rare entered . Into
ditp for: the , para., of trammeting a Produce,
0 0 ( onmaIsmnai v r ig orwAll : inAtilt r ic d a i ,
.743er the styin
hays iota. Ihetrareifo i nse, No 6 Coonnireial Row,
LibenY.artet,farmerly - oecupted by.hlr.W B Posey—.
Where all: besmear entrusted to our charge will •bp
preeeptly_ond fel:Melly attended to. •
. !MORRIS DRUM. formerly of Phßode/phis
ITHOS II MeGREW, .• 4 tintalifield,Ohlo
Pinot:4o,6fmk' 91,1847:' • •thiehTS
(IF the late km of Gillespie feliennedy , looting
Manalecturer. and dealer to Cloel/a.Gombs,
pod' Variety, blowlei Amelia conotantly on band, of to
Own sonnunieture, every deseripthioot fiat, Mahogany
and Centime Leaking Masser, 1,211, and II drawer
Toilet* gain and ornamental portion frame
Ilinds of Clocks, Treys, sod Waso, in smut or
dozens; Omaha:Threads, and a grotrul ammimerst of
.Fonoy, Goode, sehbleaale,•i a smolt advance on root ,
Pedlutit and others supplied with Yhelp , a Charm, Cur
net's Prints, and 16 by II frames at•Nnw York purr!.
orallo ' V I I siedL ear *nal and 4,b sra.
. „
. .. : l /1111enhamEnhota. lilvorit Stable..
i It09 : 11:PAITIllISON ii h
1 3 122.
. hat, opened_ the large stable ..,:.
.A ..
an Pit. *Li ontinthe through tai„,„go e
&Chad el ' between Wand -
'odd Sthithliel4 Weal., In the rear of the hlonengtobrla
Ilelthe4WfdthWeittlre new Week of Harms and (lawn.
In quality and latest noice. IllettletklttPl
'at Geer* In be heir manner.
—.— 199l
l iwol. tFO tiilliiiiiiTielrtinie
ISIUNTAIN. Ton:mist Prerwr, bnr
tapithaelfsail fitted ap theirlehloinn, I tale i.e.., end
Shaepeololog Odeon lathe soden etyle, and are prepeeed td,
mat ea xentleann at owe, with thee nanfini et. 9 polite...
Ilse) ate propel.' la hell on all Wa r any. 'call vitlwat &by.
l'ltfitl r. part Avon, we solicit a.neetinuanee,( the.
raw, at ow Ilthlenit,'eartier of llatott olreetaiiil the Diamond;
flhek ef 4kaltelar I„psy's lky Owls Muria
.._ 'a9
. _
PH%llona; ,R Drum/ el and Apinhaelo, N, W.
0 copeetarWood mitt BW st.i , Phtebargb, will keep'
nonethhtlyi oil:-Itted,Drags, - Paintio, Ode, ,W-lauffe.
N. 113',L r Piiisieisti'siiresitildione eareitillY tonipaand-
A (mso the best 'material.; at any batten( the day no
night. 'Alan, as antenunant at Peranery;•fine Tomb,:
• ' E
Italr ettairCknivarathea, tee. he,.Which. lie 'rill earl
69 TTON _,---- ____,--_,
1.1 .TRUltuoll.
CititilleAßleki flatting Twine Coverlet
• • ICING, 'PENNOCK 4k. Ca
(Stemmata of Arbuckle. &Aveq.l
9ropneten .
. A ' 'oomatirsioNea or DICED' • • •
T-CINCINNATIant trothorixed bribe Votemor
Peanarloanna to take adironoledgotostr of oil in•
rtnunenta of Writing, ala, nflidarito and deposinens of
-peroone in Ohio, to be used or rap:mind In. Pennulak
nlc army, V itoora`lt . of Ina Norm's OnSen,
. rayandkwly•F ..•
~,,z_2. .4.4 ttlfacy al Law
inn Ann LBO COUNTRY b X RA(k4 I•llnted
11VUIVUV. formbleb the htghe.rprleain CARII inll be
pa X i liter liend,every eescrption of IV eltieg Ind
W ,. ?Pul PO" ''4Cl4llEs Lime.
& RUM .
I met& Coiner Penn and trerlo rittottorgh
VINING Aill,,..doniniy,nose. anti rarer.
preens. 'unable for.,plansing Cemetry'q
. , can be (clanged no nplilsesition at the:end stole fniniNarienivof 7,u.Nltcrdrop; htnnchemer.
meN3tf. Nn . 122, - 6'nf*Kml and nib as .
to AN D my,large nook of Gold.andVl ' vene i t ' l
out Levin. Waichesonhable fort.odlea and Oendemen
—nt the latest and handymen ;mamas and .['the ben
tendulheyre7mottented end for solo An
, • w. witkO,
: • V. IL EIATOI/4 • .
TIgkLER, Trimming sad Variety Goc!.. Toru..
• L. Thel4 Ivin7 bad Nom combs;Woollen Varm and'
Wedieds,lldnodi.licedics,rins. Tapes, k.c.,
We 43 MUl , {6t . 6u katvrean.Diimoad and 411: mast.
2 " 311ED, CA0136 end Faiitiof varieressizeo:dorietam
"yyen 0.114, aad 112. NIB al itniticeit - ptices, slat
witirghlded Mars, rie , isa • Wood • streo,_eanser el
nitpr,4 - a u ega - 0 4
auvon*,,y c a l m s sk--= gn i crux Y,,,,4„
, , : • ..,-.. JOHN %r
; 31•11.01d44,'
L.',1,1-,ER , A1t..y..-.: ; . ;
MATS Inatittninn; under Ann cur
or Bev. hi
J. %ninon, ann'Lanr. Iti ',hien all On Oka and oe
bmunnd bmtdhnn o(_a Stained odatnnon wants&
in new - open forint rettpuon of rapini ~..-. ,
. as, Irwin. , liora, laberty'lltitet.•
beroreennd and din evert. - :De Second Smibn" nlfl
cumquat.* r op Mondn7 .the,3Utaof ikarnst.,• and 11. in
lmpovagt That any voile maydei ntc r l4 n 0 a.ihnn4
ti L iot l g ; ii 4:
t tnnrrica or P r o.
BOCi latnb.t Fan
petentTninchttnebaranlibe employed, •
rrof.SUrilrly . SF' will have dineetion'of thei
Department, and Will ntonleason, W drawing, sketch
ing, ann. panning, by* iooil.and eviler erolorn.4 prof.
conapetenr•lezelser; and ka reeornmeadetione
fronfite find mei, F.nrope and 1136 United Stain Ile
W. a/eo been, Kindler le the'fold metnatlons'of don
, For tones spin. to the Princi .211(
.212.126 LADII3 , II .119A11,DING. BOHQOL
121" e. lErt.lrrh Shen, entire Tenter/an, South side,
• - • ' •
hint atiewin French, kitten end Leti i n ' Llie:ilegie-'
The setvierva the - mot emineat Profehoors me
loaneady sectired, and even' (genii,' given Rends for!
Requiting the dide rent. ingel her wan epee
.sieveineledirneine. '
The. Illeldedieto - Of firi'monihs
each, , mtnencing on tha tat of Sepietaber,avid- ending
OR ihe ch
arge et June._
The ch for the Selena; e 'Vein' or ten inentlii:i
6 . 23 u, post halt yearly' Iry advance; without extrae,
eacrel..blark sad. lholetP. g..arblett an al Yroleocor's
prices:: Those commencing any lime wllbiti pie, tern;
coil be'eliereed wennienely. 4 -
If It thought cleavable by goarents . or guardians of
iripile 'trona a distance, they can remain during tha
•.eturonteraacerion; erten all
attention Will be paid.
. 1140 FAtott. EM. Dr I?alfeiton, Del Wailha t
t .i ..7:gtil ITT l lretoz=7 K 1= 1 .:
Mo. 111:Altirieltn EIS ? Fkoier. " Al• " 46 Jaek
o—Ciarto C woreell Narrille, Teen--
Horißwherd IC Call, Tallabanee, FlerriziewDr Thome
Legal e, laarteren—J F F.hq,ll C—Thospee C
NeW , it:EWl, t r emeh,'9ei—Re. Dr !!rticitlierans, New
__„- - W
- •
11191Ortitotoe motet the thiretiart of AU. N.
1 - ETCALF, tut ill often for Weiler (piton of !Mph,
Core ; t
Corner Of 84
_ Jandstoky abd Strawborry.oto,
The liktaid Semi. min commence ou Monday,Sepi
, , .
ninon derigaing co enter wilt Said' Into.therr altering
to do was near the opening of the sesaion a possible;
he 'reeeaved at Any vette during eh'n
• .
.. - .
The novice' , of eompetsnt Teachers will Da wound
fin clitllm.l.6olllslll wirh 10 receive inatrootions in
Draw:no, Pn , niing and hisaic. — 'l'
For panicilara -relative to tka donna of lnatroe lion,
. . . .
'term., Be.. z....taulLcircalarat apply la the Inatnetur..
July 13.1:47. lf
: bilaw.Yablished J. A
If P James, Walnut street, between Fourth
and Fifth, Cincinnati.
Gaieet's Gibbon—The Watery of the decline and
fall or they Roman. Empire._ By . Eilaresd Gibbon,
Esq. Anew Edition, remedied corrected through.
wat.preceded by a preface and accompanied by
notes erotical and hiiionest:relattes, principally to
the prupagation of Chrlatiaelly: by bf. F. Guard.
Miander of Public lestructina for the kingdom , or
France. The preface, notes 111deOrraetilaill, Ullllll
fated from the Preach expressly Int this obtain.
With a notice of the Lila awl character of Gibbon,
and Watton'a Reply, to Gibbon. le I rola. imp.
3s°. MS parr . ,
Napier'. I'm lids War—Complete. I tot imp.
llallare's Middle Apes, Chamber', Rebellion is
ScodpW, Robcrtsoa's Virtpmeend .Now klagland,
Russell's French and English War in. America, sad
Ramey' s American Revelation. I vol 4to.
Library of American Illitory—Conteinle; select=
tines tram the but tenors oh American Maury,
Diepritply,'PrivellCdtnelerce, Statiobei, Nm.
Revolutionary Rattiest,. dr.c.6.e. Also, Alice ,
doteePoetry andhlistellancousi uncles, iWuatn
led wilt, morn than . 500 engmulElP 3 tot, IWP BPI
lletwersal Pictorial Library—Containing :Shale
paper. ou -vaitoaiSeabjecta, complain Natural'
History, batittallimence.,Adricelenre, Rural Econ
omy, Riorapby. Eine Arts, the Ociesdale, :Travels;
Geography, botany, bliscataneous scadieg,
I Ind Imp two 640 pp. falleben.
I r * 'l'hemay Medical Likraty—A Treatue an die
Prevention and Cute Or Diseases, by regimen and
Empleatediates. Plow edition, rented and attar
' gad tb2 addition of a Vegetable Mated% Med,
tea, thing out th e virtues, preparations and doses
ef of gloat valuable online medical plants, nail as
midair of Anatomy and Fliyasology. illturumod
with lane bemired linnets:or am of which are
colored;, By J G Notwood,bl 6—W4 pages'
Amnon Flower barden lUomnamon—Adapted
iwthenhaltadaltater, ark:tom:4 bayenti Laintscaper
and Oinamental Gardener.. It mo, thud alines,
revised, enlarged apd dleatrated.
Pahner's Oregon, Rocky hi mutated, Ito. Inc.
Family Testament, octave, with and vritbout
Polyglot notes,and Psalms to metre.
Rice and Moppet', Debate. Elare's Mirka Lady
of the Lake. Leila Rooth. Mora's Rinse Dews.
non. Juvenile Hook. Cheap cdttioWl of. WllOll3l
works to pamphlet form. . inch
or"letehtater art. totoprieiag thohtwory,dactitiow
a n d wiewsiGeprineip'ersornerybrawthoflotosiokaowledge,
with dee desie stow awl Ostisitoon of the wows ourowaral
ww,e,Stsw &wade, RS s sl.f. ;ISowaws4 Sfss .
wens.. weoratings on woof. •
Stones !SenileAssaf*. Atlas, <Obtaining tostutifully col
ored nape of Alatih Anwrioaißassadef EtweleCastada frwee,
Nora (torn, :New Entrusekk, fiesethetw Tosse s Now3l as.
I , l4iJag, MAR. roliforail, Stotieo, esswial. America
Voila., /rest hides Islands kW aJleire States aid Torrilw .
mato ths • • • : • . .
• ..
:Crag's. Pitritana—Thr hulo n of the Peril.. fp Ib.
re Forman. in 1.5,7.4itht nivolution of I . PA, toinprititig a •
*tonal of their prinewles, !cote, ty Dom.! 'Neal, Id A
rrifted tea 0 ctiontrt, MD, with mint psi - ludo on Atli.
In Iro rZilnotte .
The ems of the Hosly in rehrioo H the klind , ler Owego
AlesThrld D a wester of Mt royal cotter a Vbrieion,
stayrerallo Works.
/ree. inset Week os which =kr. th e imis. a Irtry por
alar Jerrie. • 7 •
roarer' Uri rata, bans; alrertely narrations efsaissperreeks,
le. •
114.. ra '1 Speaker—The J aria& flpniki;:,
demo:dig rign and e2erriwe b dwriasatiew, with it Pelee
or Stan practic, by Francis T.
The shore gro,ke erceived sod ler lain by
alt 4 i l oYeelle n
es, ° . B l. es S rlitet 3n7 ari
EDICAL 13001K11.
thiholleon's Houma Jleahb;
rainef• loothotos O( Medloint;"
llorocro Anatomy, • • • :
Alowno Mddin,
tlett tweet rbiiiologyi
Vlliotoo*o l'reo!ice, •• '
Add do;
Ebtel(t'a do;
Elierde on reniorm
. 11, 4 1:: , C "5'
6 :to7t h a 7 41 . t i n i
s r ' rr i carpe. ,1 , -o f P I 1111 II /I II 0 lIH . . • .
Iloolea - M-dleal Dieti.ety;; •;' ', " ... .•
• tinned Slava DipetWaiory—now edition. .
The 1111.0. e with a rneralowntmena of Gliwital and
Alowellilneusa lkdakagvt Metal...lna fardcol. midi Av. •
•. 1.3.1..11117 S. ENGLISH'
' .0 2 ? .. L ..... .._, :.1 1 03aoltrlat. ho! . teca 9111 and Ilk_
'ltoineatid Eednomy and Hou.ekerl'lng.
. Iddde I .t Senn'. Great and EttleldhLo.ido...
Pram* Natural l'hilooophy.
Iturlary'm Oroule , rl , "
/la. r e'd nod lot Visite by. ,. .• . ; , - '. , ....
pidd MoDUNAL.II,IIIII:WrILPII n'llkellll.
DER - 1 - Stelliitiaill-11.1;ofroL the iflaali Roy.
JVA caul 011, and of the .con, •nd'rniapaisnl'atising
Irum tlni emelt...l'lhr. Griek Patriots In Efnatieipa.
Hog Sig./. roadwl from dm Totkukh Yoki. , •ol two Hi;
.iron.—vleiblid ropy with nitutopoua Inap o and angfo...
amp. 1
• Lotion! • illastratiae of 'Po feign Of Witliam 114 Gold I t.B—orlitt Lite portrai H. HI I void,.
i...'(l.upi mot; to the . 'lady of the! Got). Veriptured. '
llatry hlowOray. ilwiltag romance; whit DO- eagfa-
Tour io the Gar Lima:Pl:end' Sloan and.Sketchef
in China. Jun reed and for nale L(. ' • .
. .. .1.10111.111 1 / 1 1...D5.11F./00N.
'p'23 I '-'. . ... .
.1 , 1 aiSW, i•Io u a i iii=
JORN 11. 141-3 KVis .I.OR. el Wood nod - .i.i.uig
me cellent aloorunent car Ronan .and Now yOlll
151.0.5 DIV,' .day and now open for WC. ' - r .
Foroniirodid !Lomond nano. eix octaves, ••SOO
Ono Iple,Ootti carved llowwoai:six octaves: :• ! 3 0 0
Oda ,pllindalloatoorti,y Flaw , six soda Wipe ,
On. ant d Piano Forte, intle , et the taster) , of
Henn He ratio , and lolly tqnni to tba_pm •
used I y Limo at bin Concerts. b 5,0
Ono Ina ogonyvecond howl Piano, made by SIO
trart,‘ 'OreeFOIT .t. Dunham, New•Yort. ~ • tbs
.! A biri or Supply-eill La received darinethisi freek:,
__ .... • , ______ _
. . •
7 . ', ' ' • wsiTLeir. of .81tengent Violeta: .. • ''..
H. X balm has Jut mewed the following new
.Pi . coo; which will mid loWir than can
bought 1, the Coot.
On. regent mahogany, a octave, made by Nunni4
Clerk, ew•YOrk, of great power and sweetneta:ef
wire,evuenrely hirr prleed..: ...... : .: :e . • V ..
'Ono elegant mvewood Plinio. made_ by Chiekering:
norton,ind mema bridle M.A. best InAtutteenrof
,the clot In his factory—price very moderate.' • -
-Reek! v, a number of otbots °tell priers and stylne:
rnrentrg (he 190 .10EINIgtIte 'Cite 001111r5 oared here,
fin rel.a--.4
rd4r iii•W Woodereph. • . •• . - ~,,,,r .-
UostOn and WowVorla itarTtos. --'--
- ' '• ' -4011 N 11 , 111E1.1.0.R,Inioev.wcoish
bo.reecivrtand open-for sale.— ~,. , ,
. • " One splendtd Rosewood Piaoororte,
• wtth. el oeurrev, , lreni Owner ind new
wale. Ilede .by Chickening, op Boston. .
. ..
1 Ono elegant Rosewood Piano Vane, with 6 octaves
• out d iron frame. - Slide. by tatlciterinE. -. ..... • •
. . One ejegenl hinhogany.ritteurFotte—matle by GOD
l'hetti/ove - will be mold at wanttleetarerre • prieeit.
• • Alw. rpr.l.l“ aboya, a wetend hand rims: Forte,
n i k.'. s i?''' ... ..' ...„...- —.....,,..,:. :—...._ L: ..,,..'.__0 1 !.:.,
H" Ton. neNAICOZ-Juat published, ,-, by ,
J.A t It P.ltrfies. Cincinnati'.
TIIE I ItsTORI OR tiEIICO: her Civil Wars and 1
Colonial udßeveltnionaty Annals, (nun the period et
the epalsh Conatn; ISerN to the prevent time:lE44
anCi.,.. an ...wet of the WarWiththe.Unitedfuttes;:
oh„CAL a and bldiUtry. &increment., :, 01,..rhibP:
Young. b1..0 • Wlth twneoupetplate Uwe, and . ..yen
xng.vi4traqt Pia.. of Bat tle tim
t. mi., te. Cone Vel •
ante 0ct r 0,.......di,d ~d 0/Ith/har Pegs.;,:-
la . g - APpXllMlllsliiiiidalerataindsmi - lhils
.4yl. dog 00 l'ittileak Rerun lit rode Y 4afiaidn.Pnl
ha writs* genta dil,COngteW- a, i!m4e 4 ' oo ".. l . i f l fr;. 1
'..0g20111• • per too ••• , ,:,,.•
- Arno • • l i ege,exi.v t ed;ZWsb izli p fil... - it. • :..
7 ' t• , '”" .. f ' - '•• , •''' , - ' eau , Vrel'it witi 4 . •
~..., . . . . .
EUILLIC-23001bs e
! • Whitait, aulandgiF
• 16 ‘14, , ,,,, ) 0 .••• • ••, 4,iiii je UT;e4 o 4 . i
.11 1: - I fie41 1 : • • •-•
!-‘1 ,. ."94)44Fas irt riarrog *W ok
I h i #o. Psy • ! , . 111 , A1 ,..1,-_
to s
10 few
o. o a itkot , 94 l -"k 04 101 14 -4
%lOWA bol%ftamp)
ri - '4:l4o.l•l4.tditfgs'.-: .
VokittilG,'AXL EEL o & o
Moir NoorWo011i k ii;; I t giVrici • " cooldh6
fore - oreiyo dote Anon CoLlonotn VOW.'
fron soclen,danorinin Idlisser,npoing and ptionokodo!set,
Idol Jam - of nodt . square and round - Iroki,o jnoWeloo,
they oadtfor ontle• oh !Mend terms, no oheir.Woonoktotot
ogo. liWoodottnotrotheon , eiso a , lep %.1.b54: 1 4 ,
4441p0s tad, ntooromo. nomoruncat of Coac h
•C. -flo Ch o inntoo.Madoo.strnordomeottt f0ti0104 41 ,1.
:Day k Cootozo toanufacturcra of Shovel..
,Forks, he. nod *Ur keep' eorodsidly be. Win 'wren'
article sonde by them, Dealars , oe ortspentAtlly to)
enrol no es U4on phut, god monn,oold otondosllbepk...;
. •fr. , WRIGHT , * OM .••
pr . rad tui Id Or k rt 1 . 71 WoollenMaehm
chiner7i.ipienTrTrarnl7.TlWZirti, Diaie!ng rAmes;
Railway Heeds; Warners, TwilletaSpornol r icthessing
Freeway Lii(snise Card. Grinders. , ken Wrought :Iron -
,torried all, sine* or. Cast . Iron, and
Bangers, critic Finest lunterne,alide 'and hand Lathes,
and tone of nllkotd.: :
ermines of enery.desenption furnished on shoes no,
Patterht mode to order for Mill tearing, Iron
rptlinß Stem Pis a - Tor 'beating Factories, Cant
ITO Window , Sastr, d fancy thiatlngs
Ordersl oil at the Warehouse of J. Palmer& Co., Lib . ..
ertystreet,will . have prompt • • •
Dtackvicelr, Dekt,k Avn' K
.31oerhead.3 Co, E
Wateer, Joke 'nein Soinc,,Pirtsborgh... -
. •
G li l y? . inlci; Stetibeeville." ' Janl9 •
711P0 • a r,lrand Meenntelorer of Catiery,•Sargleal'
Land Dental frunnaments, ttaddlersand Tinnerarlond
'tool*, Taylors' Parep Shears, An he. Also Inlnalaa7.
rani Trusses. Supporters tre.,dn peat .variety. • •
C..lnanefisetercr and I mporter of Pen. Pocket and
Tahleentlery; Resora,Setssors;Filea, Sean, Tradark , di
has tenarrod to . • , • •
' 83 %ODD STREET,' pittsbureb, ieeond door be-
kid hal lately l
rammed mimeo aracrtUnent e
Pe* tr. Packet ..linlgae. Phtlad,.
Alva Rodgers' and - Wh4tenholms , ' . • • • ' • • •
• 71.NR" otPritagaT. • •
Razor Strops, &a.. 'Damascus and Wire Twist
Allenos ana 13la0
da Woolens; Powder Flasks •
Shot, Delis. Vame itagr,Whlkark h. Caen Evan
ex.non'Capa, Boade. - Dirk and Hunting Knives.
Tootsonieti as Calllpers, Divider., Flyers, Nippers,'
Hand Vices. eapmeSi al e.,
13nanta,•• Bina, ..",fmka
Piave*, Sleeks:lnd Dics,,Wite in.
malice Insttomentß, ke.le . t vet y gresiannely
/elating: and repairing needy and panelealli,
71 ; MI-MS*4IIMB Wbeelirir. I F. fleoenber.
11"t..rJnOInts and J. A. a Lockva.or p0u1t.,114
have is day entereal into t•o-p.a rtnentnpt.
end of Stephen, glboenl4 , rger- Co;T 'at
dorbor hon.W.orks, Wbeelimf atm purpose of,
tap lactating Iron and,nntla of every desoripttonF.
.g.lV:l4.riarmrt,' P Snonnarnon. A:l4vorreomr;
111101113118,' 8110EABHIGER CUL;
..:ANt.'llOR. IRON Alt On% ; •
• Mannaelaara all kindsof b ale r. atitcti bar lam and:
'Dena A.ll steel capon 'wings and axles Ming eon-,
Crated wlib Shoenboxesho Old Altana Worts, we can'
area anakinale of Janata iron 01 - undr.4 Shoanbaiyen•
laqoal la any made in lanaonniry. -All o(arluckmall bet
add bike Pluslairgb prices, 'Warahonse of to Works
,carnitor Mamma Ind Water lament. • ';- ' '• nryll •
• • ' BROWN .•
TAKES this method to inform his friends
and the. Nagle .aijurge.thathis Fans!!!
21/11ganwrIrA7tiot"" t he
ern ' 4%;
. Kant supply. of o wariptaa orlon'
andOushnes,nre noun:Andy kepion hand,'
_also spina Virood sl,Pittsburgh,as &
u. Phillips'Ail cloth wateroom.
awn. Shunned wads -so Ind.. in the" best style.
;.Blinds repaired at the Wannest runiee,._ • . t* . •
'.. Illiads be pin hp, • without any
ezepude to altatf.they tam ranioindin &rho,
nsent!lit ease of dye or tar washing, and without the aid
Of it imur dr e.• ' C , • ••
0f.1=..d eaoMnee/ nrll t. to
• e his aid eat wawa and
• Caere!.
as alsreallagfesiry
aiart (nay In as 10,003 POsta4 l .ol4
interns of the mat appiarid andels, and
es te r
Puri te, be of the bees sasseMils..
Wt Water Purim °ranters, Railing: Ax.
:Volpe; with every aar . inty ofOrass Castlays, rfreoeir..
en. turned and Intshed in the neatest manner
A. P. is the
n 'olo tsar or tuners Aars.
Ammo, Maas, e y,celsbrated lb. red.-
Finn athletic., in machinery- Tle Haus, and . Cow*.
ation , ean be had of blatat ' "Isett.lY '
~W.W.We W. I.L
lei, — • •
Nt_ ~. fal end .len • Lamp .serstp,' sae
. 2L IA t Y 7 llressi4 ar.d wade to &neer, a Ins
.o 4
ris4 Tdp 9, Toalb=ll l sl7incance l VitlAtlels;
Winmed4 or SIN dote:cat istatde. kedabattd.
principally berancainery, arill La told Isar Grr
• 1.1. Persons . gashing. te welter, Mantels, ate
lakinaed that It Is Ilene knit rencertetary
elude tet
In Raw, as I east nal& rhos with an ~all
teepee% as itatat and (freight s, cansteler., I
ed.) sta cheap as they cooparcheas item tel In the
tag. •Call co 4•
~• .corvzs, SHIM? 1111,0M.1131.D ;,•
I Ne 1 Market went. einsbanyis,Pen.w....
:THE saincelberi berme esielagrear loptawasicata
1 In tie 0 0064.etiOn of thatt WOICINU.STOVE•I6,
Mime tiblly invite persons building dicarnbente ta call
sod amine Won purchaainr, as arse= apply them'
with Deck &ores, Forces, and carry other had' f
Copper. To and Sheet bah and necessary la Amish.
tie also mote o 'ha near eat
Tunas asd goober; o r d er Gouger wad for Hiram Engine*
nit try varisaPs4 end In miter, • '
•• • . WU. IIIoCCLILT A VA, • ,-
31.ipfacearen 'of flak, Bottles . mid ir. Ging,
• •*- Re: La) Wimp errottter.
nOlt WOWS, Wog. awe la Ml opesatkoihww
~ .01wPaed le eteeole Goleta oar lute. promptly.
Dom, the lan voloraes we have wlopted • new WU a
gal/anal Window. Glow, Obe moo oploovealdso row
ea to Ow elm./ bY wateb iota soperior &ni
. I•Low dauetted.. W. plea Ispetteddy bowel nod
woe. with a ovevine home taailett sod deal:tykes.
vrolJT....wipielled aid CE..1100 for Ilwolv
ElltailairtUwa, Mawr. Malabar Aka:
'netraotww, Na. 137, Wad skirt, Pittsburgh.
WILL. conwastly keep ea lead &rood aseeth
niealaw Ware, of our own manstarlare and
, superwriptalny. Wholesale is rountry . klet•
hant. ate nwpoetfully .netwd to WI and ex
amiss. lot themselves, as wu art dewnnuted ea sell
cheaper alas has everbdore been oTered Wthelidt.
• . • . •
Orden, meat by mail, areompanied by tbe emat •
ek,Ly rebtrettee. promptly onertded to
. „ feb23
• •
Ikea Westin' Batt -Hiage.naufactory,
• - •• canosimmi 0. • ••• •.•
- GARDNFA t ams **Made am
. .pa, epee are .w eteeetieeeriefit the lest Wst Illop
piermado In 110 thrsedeltelea. "leirileole eat pilau.
e ',weer". we mead 10 10.0110110 eaeespleuw et.
Imle se c•n powbly M. side. Thee enewel lathe
►&teeter. trek; - illaelt.erld it their keleteri
se we He Dam ~illietederepoiaptly attended le:. ••• .
• IS; •. A 11A1KONIF:01 &Va, car of M. • male m.
• , "111404, Na.11:16.4 SI Punt st..
.010.1rouriusand Ou EU.
j .Tass; BOA' of. all .ius cam
.Ib• hats 'lmproed pai
e4±l.4.lluU aul Immanent Algol lo
?Soy. •Ake, Pm. L.%ausp,
flankled I( °Wend, Uu I rt...
11 .. naan ie lsp . f moldy and so'
Nina • ' JOHN q‘nno.`.-
•• I • ' JONES QDIOO, • - -
IV/. Planet Atal, Steel .Ploulin %Yaw, Coarb And
Alipsfel4prsinfellannnt4ed soon Axles, and dcalenrin
11AilooldivensdeAt, Eire Ennine ldttorm. and Contif
Tllllllll4l.llreuetally comer 110 M nild Front .Irrcu,
IPlSlblitgli Pa.
• tpd7
TRON, and Nail, norrift,"at: for Gale igt on/ new
1 Warehous, Oa b Wine( coot, neu Wood, ran ,
• an io• an lesiiriziinrit . till old fund ,
• , I writm wade vent addition. to iho ROlltog Mill, a
.111400:72:. b:1 , filled promptd ßA y.
Fr -- ; . E. o ithx. .-
Al. a
j, auNcrArrostin. ay
ykNWITTNO NANA 1100 K 1113A131i0')413; . 4
and. Copps,
Patin' .of every cktiniptiinzi.
' sircet, „
. .„
!P.' Saxes P- LIMA.
GOMM lESTAinainrinNT• '
,ItSUlNANYSlsLEDLlfittaattetoramtd.koap eon:
•111:atattly nto
n. baba. Illooldeot and Plata Abut.
.(illantwarejn Wilt. 'toilettes, at Melt Wei hov e cor
ner o( blaritet and •Wontr streets; Pittsberett. - = -
SVoria menials° in, fat/ OPCM1.11: .1114 we an.
eanatanly adding to our mock, venial ables us to fill
.Wen with twosome.. Purchasers ar e respectfully
solleitea to call and examine prieentad terms.
• ...tatlndtx .
'' • Orlsitsal I , l3.llvar . Betelas:s!,-. , 5,1
tuPtmo:Nctx.Tad g eS,sq nuisl o( ens end sluff
.E 4.0111 lons, since 1E45; wheelies this angle unser.
sassed la denthihsyle the esestree seller all Medea(
turn,,, lNin
.ir e k7s cub et. hesikdsetttli
cesoutd sin months use-Orderist sueesed to4ty, toivrnriek4 mi tt ho executed atWSW 11,11so'4e
.1,,d, 'mike.' sneak ,lmeetel*. itlyslityls
row. eeeeleing and fir sate A ItaVrin*Ban. %Dna
%Tmid,.au Bain,
by • • • •
•-• ; • - l allAW:lf ACLAREN
:Until'''. :- ;i. - - • ~..d 1 XeSsift WU Iron IVOtka • ..t
- ETARDWAittmL hslitteteivtdi W444'Nermilrisqi ,
,A - / - stuip Axes is& Adszt,sousotiole Auras; kledges,
Hammers, VidesasvreCtuunsosistlight Nalla,Ciaspeni
Sees tools, EV, cross eu%stA . li4 slows, Files, ike, for sale_
s epfmaketdeet r ui d r l m=attit-4'.'''!
; • - Yd sebNiagto Otliier}
" ".3
••( I • "
" • I (.0 1 U;t•-
• ; )
L,e4 . ( 4) ~c,
i o::•'.RAMBO .
( Mldr paavamtinrata too and Mitt Sweits,
Asthma, Whollikg Math. n .Lik. oe.,
..,,, LlVerthemplann, Brtioehi 4, fill di mot Of r aimuitg•
t ailiew by Eher- f- •
man% All• Real Ba/uto.. • ‘,...:`„,
. '., ..„../taLsing,Moodkost, el sin iaini. -V .
VIL MILNE, Builder:LhOßrootkh, yeas morsel
, , Wfili rekiet blmidrlbllevreS h. rit mob, path ist the
it e, Gad all the us e mown. yrinonsurßilon. i Det
ethpleyed two of the beet - iineffilams: the? did bd. 4 9,
pod, - driti told. h e MILD NOT LIVE.
, fleeting of the Womierfillentras pert:doted ItY Elm , '
Mel Salaam he sent tin 10 &dock at night es ydm.
.There, t?s, Ealtonif.., leis a horded it coedited En
hid take':
bottte e h 'et etraitt= l t treZt
ialt . A . tir on ' E „ D i gl a tla t. f lie
i siimr, re e
i. d in, of !.13
diastAnn Maiton, of Wthientettorgh, Tooth
near South Foarth-st. shys—Thalahe, bed been uttabloi
With a haelnag :Ely...tor,' polo In the chest,for . 145
•tiatesmkeli at I ao bad Alt she wag obi
to gritewp her sc fkir Singe Dem IS yedu
,Eks en
commeneed mlilogthe .10141.0f/anill".i.'"""°°'
alleviated her sympkma,,-Putityve fog "coveting,
and has resemed hef Itherflols balstalwahs a tearJter,
Mt John Olive, 10th avenge andSkt at, as
antli %n limn uddir erpilq*
ti tm yak 'in 111 site:
He !Meld get NO Wang Mllie tod Ms AR meshes
balsam, which drove the Own from Halide; allayed the
oesettend.brouglit the disease upon the Nikon lad
Wore he bed mos. throe botiles,waa county mined -
. 4ly and Conrumpf ion. -
Mr. Baggis, lad y upwards of 70, rondigES Slew ,
,fr, has toe 7 ben been market to *nuke e t - El=
Raising of Mood, serene Cotqb, Shortness of
Pale to her Head and varta ports ef her body. Her,
trued. believed her PAST IMOVERY. The An
nealing Balsam relieved Ur once of all hen alarm.
log twosome mid a
thaw o , ly to attend to her work.
Asthm Cough.
Met. Locretia We m k i.
Chdanost: L S Beals, 11l
Delencepet, Wm II 1 eentgi, 70 Walum•pt, know th e
[ the value of Mu great reined,. .vd
[ ,Mk fur Pherman's AJl4lestieg Balsam, sad my that
has written sioefilre is on each book. ,
Price =cents and St per bottle. ~
I Dr. Sherman. Worm and Conk Levengesi sad al
I OKNusasket... N. Y. .
Odd wholes& =a thw.o by , Woi. Juba% st Ids ?meat
Medicine Wertheim old Hoot mad die s Sims, Noll lffine.
tit strut, liewinc Ward street, Mime, 'nes $1 per hod
W. 171741.
IMO Advenmar,mye Ttus irkt
successful th an may medicine we hare remedy
ever b known fossengerner,
, its nommen knee In Causarepthm, Spitting Blottd,palli
In the Bide sad. Breast. Bronchitis, Asthma. Obecinate
igloo HOW wan.; Sole Throat , Palpitation of tha
hooping Cough Croup, Nervou Tremors; An.
Individuals of the highest reepeettlehlridehle city beat
ample tesonsany to it. power and efficacy in this elms
of demean.
' Among thetedustoniale to the value of the above med
icine, are several from distinguished phymmans of Eltlf..
*Mph. Read the following from Dr. Young, the
nament malts!.
Pnainsinsta, Jan. IS, 1f47.,
Ilavimr used In my practice an well as to my *Wei
ShattlY.'ThomPetro's Compoued'Hyrup of Tar and Woof
Plepluba; I have no hesitaimo in fo r
that lin *el
best p r ep aration of the kind in use for pentane saffenag
from Coremmpuon, Coughs, Cobh., and all telecom of
the Throat, Lipsey to , eo prevalent at dun mama of
the year. We. Townson 0, Iffil Spruce at .
We have men within a few days the penon wtto gave
the killosnrigeetunente. Ile Manna well, 'smog per
feetly mired of We disease: '
Pmbitnattua,Jaratary 3,1347.
• rfo6l • tense of gratitude, mai id:debt that My attle4
ted may hay. mamma to a traly inimitable medicate,
1 would smut that the beeeltJ have experienced from
the 'me of Mehemt's Complied Syrup of Tar Mid
Wood Naphtha: Formyeralitears 1 have beau alffie.'
ted with a Mammies niekingeonM,mmathattled with
Mat Merettema and difficulty at breathing, with a sae.
ashen of iglamse at the chat Ikeaming T iatl f
abutted, a friend *ha had beta mach be defined ythia
medic/ea: reconumeedad oat tO my 141 did co, aod as a
very shalt hate erey alarming symptom dasappeared;
my copeetontles limmee Sam all oppremios left me,
my mesh ceased, and N •• taw days 1 we. able to So,
out and mead teleY Matzen it well ocan. — Aby !farther
rolbrateSon will b*Lekesrtegy_grirso..4l4 Lamed, b y .
ecSlogiu red/d•ltelf, NO. tn. 0. Fleet at
• . ---- 7'IOS:IIISUANANY.
.Tble Invaluable amliainit prepated only !TANG.:
'NET tc CIPSSQ7i, at ISE eorser,af nth and Spatea
plidadOploar 'SS( Inllthibargh by L IVILCOA,
Jr. Price Sumattattril per Itplthl, •
• CAUTION--Semara:of the many...coanterteimihM
arc nom alloati - The aneemp,Com an ever resat
. 1g•
deceive the
811pUND MIL • - ATI — "---- - El -- ------------ccWVltit ESTA.B.-
• e l kiVilWiailiiiiil.riirid..... r ..' :
D. Ermine &Drub.* 11.41. e. Phymicii. ,
111 4 2A4rr b p4x.: 0 1.!pftiAtie ur it igii - ,'-'?
.ik. ot.e.d SVC &taboos &ire. Uniectiennt.rver,"='!"-'' '.
onsiettio. The ' crotods smmotteding lb. fahatlislmersi; -•,'..,—..'
pris e'come le. &my won, which ir• .6.1 d
to the! Om.. of ...Atka. t— tilkiolifid
m. ted rrs....o.4.,&mmtimparlomeseroseepedinse... t -•-. , ':.
&tel... add natirdini badthful mid platantentle •
!.‘ nil e.p.e....5t cceoroodious &Wien of a& establhb-,7, ~,!,1
,s=ed tsp. the cuter. brow or the bill s bastitrer- '- :. :.
obe of the wet nhantiod.ladeepe beet....51‘....2.-.,),k._.,
" infosid, tea. eaCse et,zreeehe.*,,, with iti -.,,, .;f...:"
.fillagell93 midland... dembiad.....t - the den. billay.,'" , 7 ' -
of lolly ant.i=r, e le to,-- ,Furitem.....bas ann..
Abe rt. - ortlettiptmined r =doesed. the • .
velvst radon issf.n.... , she mi ' hibittme. of
Swam. tad Aatcan.• bdidesysissestiti sod tocitt' ' .- • .-: L
.1.. see. tbe moinbaint shay aid,. of,* Ci r ' •' '
dkerlymvinislacits 'tiny lb I. eta.. tin the aorthon Ma tetudint
te- .'s ' .
dia. Prusip,the. rings MC-Ilatiteit mitirity'rich and"' ‘,. r :-
.'..', -r-
Impatfot ma t& nit is th. Amiably' viler of H.d.. .7
.' . 4-...
.r.m..4 .h. Aoki...ftcbtkrew.ail. .• the di.-
• bistettyrititth. aid salayhablan& ..CO titesisiii sed• - •' • t'..' ,
4reelyttiremided nap
ebtAn ii..l3.4iemee s ial com maU,
t ' On tbela. dy.t e , ,: 0,
eve.' and a little beyond, m min t4'mut t r ,,'' • •
~ 111.p.0f eo.b Hadley! on the momb;Mre behold it &oat 4 . - -
setts dlstmee_ s ties mem& biamt,Tons t end,thi &maw -4,,t','
.itge at Eistilerapeutosidrits ele. selmcd edibeem- : .!,
Ike mboie, prom.* . embi s p s ti on of bland iisim.jrtm;' '''':"'•-,
emesene, perhaps temeteted, by Amy
d '& 114 le otter, is this mresids ' - ',. a
It sone netaiked t 7.spedrettirehols s p ee t ante
mc t&Pme.. &t rim tet.,-.::••4
senctst week msperi• only beauties! at. tedentiog, •-, ". ~..'„,,, -
•,t VI . . e 5,... at Stoned lin/ .etnry aintaid ip.t - '-' ••,
.eiony mei en iteply.teiltebett for sr.& oc a. buostred,!--;,e
..It le povided m illigmbadepeetst thnpirert Apr* ino t --,, , .:1s b
1 west...7.ler eisstm be thiftdl and peas. applies. -. ,
tins of this . and Imederfelly riccessful toedmister '• t - '
r'nettS-ring I nto ieveirea heelit, . • -
1 ~ x.r. t....ieft Miss =Wean the estab&lndklin iesidi'•-* '2,*- '
t =tea: esbeied Amprriese, was edoodel is retmplrett , '. 't tm -1
,be .I....tthelednam of senrit•ller - ibe , ,4. lo. 4. thda,:akaktiond".. ,
mele. rentioser in ISM vicinity kr wren! y . .•., -•
Paths& omy t! . terebs. repose ate. conideen•ist bairland - .
dis creaks. . . ,
AIrA7CURE' '44"lllth""*"l"4l'.rrwria'-''t""s' 1°.6-
t44iin''' '.
e.vo e V 9 i""&'''U"'-- '
Notts L.R+, , . ...
ddels.! ! .8. - Vi r otp!silk
eareltdpdbat'adiDlefidSisoietits of iw Slito,
Prplso.FleetlesAgahttaiii4lah Aliedie;searommi,
neadhu.alko.-. ss
tktur yodni sgo pu
Amsto.lo qapjjalvc..granc.,
!via astselotled kiroliqupes oft ilkoosity diode by:
at li,thawiCteiruat. ' Many 'akadited—if tdionsil
ma istpcselblltry that aorliag auk by_tits hands of
inadcoshl hays sash siontiat .pow Fad as Ibis cldidood ,
by Antonia VospriniLit Oil Ilivenuos. Many sissood
Ittos end hio. anneaiks ud Vousbiff i (sod. ales: many
kolitt persons .witbost .trldo, titsdo, tams
teithit . it Its plot lo,Alts Mulled' 8o- ,
sf, kiwis filtdboorciodi ImilissforilldelkosnOr
mho "iiirtiterger"
ala6~a'!ateetmaWf V. YJIL. 6 d I=a
Lx!..trlititt**...kairnuped aid 2. 1 .....ww.iftd
.6 41d a tirr i fitIdrZnia i iilr ' r i guleif e =
dr doir ddisaiddoisiidlisa Orsikpritiosut of the
-11 8881SdOelso,dordider Ike Inn piaiaditunpide
- • V..igaedr, • l.riArCiOtall'in..—"'
- •A
16 7 D .
' noon thitoventoililojJ.egoosplano;r•
paw NOT. 4, WO
Ilioneideratio •of ao oin or two, how. thoer.'
ged to Mr. T. Jose., retielloe ieOto eity o( New 'York,
N. A., tM 'Thole promo of lquaracrunog. 'Uncles'
with • Ashwwief Re Inredhots eodeedoling my Ital.'
ion 4 . 44444414 VOW.' Robteranothetvti n for We to
the United *awe ony. leadr ha.e pnotlego no.
Woo Itnoieeltalino Chemical &ow,'
• (1:244-5'4. we:JACKSON, at Ws Patent Beim.Dlod
lhatetwosircO• Libeflr arcet;'hea4 of Rood, tl4O
4,a of au um Bea.
ThssotrAsee Piltibillt simeniAlta AlPib
!se le la.d.• ' Alrandts astrihriit. .
C.a . *.
July I lab „ISM
:Nr. , R , l..&llo4.***af diay term NM ,
lairenor walla rail 41
er. Wawa, fie freer Illaelapep4
otlearatol 114ren PiNa " bath &mood Aoki , ihe ray
alba* to Davy Cepekaltal lam yin an it lits
p• rasa.. Yea dreary preasnaliari at ampfissi
OM yids, kart am rat isid oadrisirira
yorLivar ra Innetro 61Lenal r pab:ic saiLlarlak
I beim tamp i•sarrive ran 4. sa they us jar whit
pia perms. Am ki k 1 roe Ismirsllliaint - wili
•A 4.1. TS* ric! , a w.
"" a i X=lttiLtailatell t 74=5 I X4'
tor s al iliallpirsa gas lser Ws: 1s
1f.14,1 Ins /Awed Isar, paprLor Missal SOON GOT
WELL. timbal et vitiali kris Idlest repas star
.1 p.i. ia Aroma sB llerlevesarrari, fare Wit
IS YeaPilia an flair; berrahartial Par ark
Wag grip* wawa/4 rad skarn* SS
acklnit eve se enee Pit& •I ban kap' is . ry :44.4
Sas • pa 7 ran; sold kaaarsde et hm, aaa Mat eirror
hoed a sated .a.plaiat vtlete.l ay say au mr• Is.
rm. Try lirs saprserlei Ora tarp sdir kW
miglibeeholel, sad sm s Owl Br ,
a Wu
rem SII pams %rain paysk,
Similar friar Capri:star Nitisr/Atiellers • I elm ,
Mmes impair as Caisisd . r Tr Sak
' TAM/in—As ran sas . arita-Pilk rim re pal&
t's Liza lama Witmer raglans*
aer aid take we ale, prrm sad ay
SELLESI3, Rs ar/fleoart'Tlard asl ?WO
• • Oda Ir; Ceraia; 11 . 4 p eSSIN. I 44.sI
. .
'bit. JAYNE'S . ALTEItATIVR. • : •
We Itsme been Informed by Mrs. Rose of s esti Osr•
kileted oft bar IrLDes - Jorssitii •Itersilinsierbieb !
resew its supenprity lireJ it•lrD.Olbef melody a Ike.;
se. , A. bits bees sillieted. kr the IL. laic., years
/ 4100110 SP 2 er'WHITIOWKLLING8; attended
selih.steerstissts tad esdbilVitslot o(
?arms boas& dimS
Ingrehichtiga.— ibporis.bssttd.. '
okicit tiosa mum placate havo.boatdookanesd from'
Ma - home bee 01 tko eianiam, from both. bar arms,
writs and band., and from beak less'and from tha left
fir oral bona, and fivertim 'feta Mgt bridia palatal
taimfaiix ol o l WI. of bqs person, which ban Swat/
the skill of a amber of the mat mamas Ayniclusof
our eh, -.doner•mnia of do dais Ur ea&ringslary
peen eientn:p~aed a•Piatkle.. Ahem three mouths.
are .be stra• aniseed M u7e lii.'Skinsa's Alterative,
winch iad an ostonialboalt harpy drat spat km,
.nU ni est7 l l:4 l, •ll . - j i tin ., sal . swelll i nesa r l coals& Ts , '
kma basonseromplettlyrrooryd,m tkal she arm
di{ la more tkaa sic did keine stur commented Ls aso
of 'kis tasty maul& p r eprosemiss.lims. Pat
• For inner Inthensemn, inquire of Mrs. Ram, No, ITS
rd Lan u. Pol l oarketra. • • '
Paulo ia riusnarob, at the
tit Poard. altar, Wood.Lf • • ••• • 1 • • -•(rd
toodt — in, FeWsr—
Yclit, whose sk a is dark and mliam— •
Yoe, mimeo tair Isaiah . and wirer, • -
Raindiraf red a . • • •
r Yea, obese skirt armoire bmsdkv ,
Unpinuatil is as patrid drati—
• You cotta have-rawly, ilia af • • '
; . ...Teeth assaults as mow or pearl
„ • .
Walk •apmy areat;and eartioN ••
and artato and Moak cad
• • •
An hair Hsi stlkyydasbatsalm; • •
Iff reading what l• said bear., •
EMADERS, any of pm ems !myelin above bj(solid
Js ;midair butmh.) wins letatogiaa' Ca.
ifait liatorative—a as kos of Jams% Amber
Paste—end Ia cake of the miname Jaime's. liana Cbetaical Soap. Toe artetes eaMblil link, cad pas
arc amoted'atal islefollannassio Wk rsliamlinfaf
Tlst lamb pato Orr. Ike brealia odor, whim
teeth: and pnwner ale teeth; at: . 11w idly Clef 'all
kat ll, f wog ill mal , ( 2, 1 , 4.4 OMIT. .4.541 . mod* k dam:
ring. fistruf ) rotina caking dia momaAk.n tad
the ass Ile Rennin.' Jegrvir Peep; nu artlfeaeo
all .oraptloos, freckles and mske dark. yellow
arida, drat OS,/ fklr. • All there Welt ate aslif
CKBONS *MW Idea *inn 4111
Nettleton Waratbasa fa 'Lawny M. sal 1
. .
•Y-^ , soarer • P. 71 •
' • Aschestd,Pass
.AlAtaan Nam Pad' •
PM • t ate Yaw' di m s . . enie soo n
toonsioe or
t4uitid Wee, lad yet. ettaithm tied
in. efforts have beta made !onsets by ;be nee
get Ir electut-et, &c all were fettle
be a tht. New the krt . :eluvial:us is the
only to Mlle wed.' A theme .ho hnilbedn antral
lig .41 the Piles of tint wont tad Woo rim Se.
lete, New J enay, allow on po mete, to,uptea. hie
era ti tab kn ife speedy dery that Ws me&clne bad
0 7 eat411 , 14 P44 , --naks. Set. Post. •_.. • •
ITTlrtir sole le Pittsburgh at the PEKES TE4
STOfthi, ?Lk Potirthisti esti also et doe Dr. fare H t Owens, Fest•Ad et- Allogalls7
tha,••• •a.!atdhgtz . r....;Z; ..utte ' roga;
,14" 6 "... 4 " 44 ... •
MA ,
• anak Yr
=mums. ' t mama
't it : a Dart
F.. 71 0 . , 1 104itstaro tis at a ret e
takarr Ilatr4ra s et lithamt/iftiirt'
.% *Mil! kni 0 4 7004 . 411,
, .
";-• .
-- XV:777NO.
Jou NI inn ri:: - . 7e8:;
tem kr erthierthe it* ins'
igr I.iatrdietlrbeaapaftr arpvittaa.m.:
lusics.spoibutbitheiold isereh ar t ;
; • of averi, description, sod ithtthth rtht RISKS — !4'
Open' buns dr therms 'or :Ti! , f,le.taken open, . th ee
mthtlathithth thrum , - -
[l7,theletin the - %) , thebesse of W 8 lthekeee
& Bro.; No: ST Nieter,..zeu , btaftet ,
le. Y. Thq thth Compeer ibex the fette..: - m.
ballunerito'the .1" thie our; web th erreththee
'..reherithisr week ereth elms thaw
iwa eth been atheeed„ they renew the ewers iers-,4
', t h e and pa.tronnee of
ths ethemener , erthzge, ter the IFeethwee„,thhe.. ,
'ranee theerany,"*litle leis the'addltioent edniestee
as ow otitaction.ozwag taw moot doolianig
Vhitad't—u having to amplopolo
by tee etatiooditiehittertatoostantlyineretaing
as yieWog to tick pinion toured hi: direibintror
/1 0 0. or A h* .e ^ xlP 4l l IvlLAqu! threiviagAgior,,: ; ZS
ea ani-iblepOntibilitj irbetn!eii and tber,fern
pooled,/ the ilkmlLleincipiendivettorof 0 , 63 ,
010,02 i 0 ,- fpatu,r0,4 11 ,1,114j4 abet _attrnetilesforog ;4;1
FIREAND mAltirirvismiLticcE:.-.,..,„ .
1 .. „ ......c0mp...r.civ0irci , A.4,66.i ! ;---•, : ,
...gib it. 4417 permanent the egb....-t,i
ler, effete to' make permanent and, limited laser - . , ,-.
&one oo propeny, in this city and its vicinit {.
y; and ,"-", .
An shipments,hy. die Canal mot Rtreenk :i a 43- r, :,:.
. John C. Smith , Prdt.;: , , bainiel terdisks;,' ' ' P r: ' "
' Aloe. Henry ~ • : . : . 5 .- t iCharlearTaytor, ,,, . .-` , '''-l.
. timr W 4 SAM
.. , Ssml. F. Smith, • ..,•,-11;
I - John A. ffrOsra, ...i . : ~, Jacob, trf.trh Amororo
onms,. 4 ; '," -
r John White, '. ' Jolla &Act:: —,.„.1 ~1-. if .
Tho s . P. cope; -:I,- 4 ' = '- Richnt - W_ . , .00d ''._',- ' -
: Wm. Welsh, .: , ~:!..L ~., authaeG:Cbe2l4' . 4 . '
' Thii ii` the oldest Insurance c,onspeop, in tles,-4..'lii
belted Stmeschering beciebartered te - 1794 iss,
5 ,..
'chutes as.,perpetnel, ..and,fross. tts - bi's4"
! long expedience, ample „ means,
,end, oftudbral's e;41...s
mks of vs extra' hmardone:character; it May 60 ;.; ~,, •
considered at off etingahmle secart , 2 to
4 t1M 3 4,M.1.M, ' ' -
I At Cotintingleoln ofra,' (I,' Jaap *., Co.
Water and froatibiete,' Pittsbirgtf.`7 :''' apMgtf • ' '
'• , ~ • . -
',kg +hut Loam billau4Tha FRANKLIN'
Vnosv.compasy, of • rhiladalphig;,!.
ILL ioake leauranee,itericiatesat andlatted„4l
ota evarydasepart ofkoparytni t lTTS- , e
URGH ths - GOMM, - -
on favorable Uinta. Thu company by a pespatual -
saa, 000
.. saoo,ecn
Otbee comer otThlra awl Market its:;' -
2 . 1 N8U/lANOM'i•
lasricaat 'rise in.
mac. Cartem4IMIADI ;: 2 •F .
:? Pip
'll / 4,14 o#4 A r e 73
,: . Jfabattßivet.:•:l.;:',..
!puts old add wall-estab iiitej•compuAtakutt6.l
twarenalklinmMetaluuutiftAoroitunfandpmr i •
1 "." 1, 1 4,„ v ha i r .l?... l . C4•7:oga 1g5b!.4.1 . 0u •
.401qamp — es. ha
I;etVeld, ri*r. ,e4 ' an 4 rids Fakeg- • either
lerillo.4l.Yarlo. tinned cat tivrenibletinat
• •
.._. • . .
• ee onrodasoo. • A toowitgoo . 'ea:.
en ocmaJ .11 isonetholGorsoa None, ' -__ .. ,','. , I
me. of lkorlig.loclodiag uNigral advie• 410. .ro- . .
tints will b. oonhod .okh ovfly Midi Soo
theft pain, 4.0.'il • ' ...- ' •
:tot dr ilStiek. .
FM joefifiq, :WINDOW , 811111+Blig r ie.. •
0 7 1 /Jr• sable raR,O beg , o,cer tad assailed araer
lawmarted la rata to the CALIF dPilabl> 71N •
.iriai:M.dt, sat leAlst many. Waimea arbick' /bey ' " • •
pawn oat 10,11:1111C atlas was," juLig i t,
aed l* tlat psuvae, pow saing'as ries data mama*
sled Nausea of rem
era banta Mhemaliablikr tea, ham( •
ms*/ 'several yeas; lama la the fOtUtrY •
10 neaps. nrey.`low lift ilea
t o to <spans
lad sobtraciiref . rew addenrofildrata the itemspi
Pris l =j r sl:4,ol4, aiLj rt.:27
mock baba and deo e r roof, rewires mar leas /rota al • •
stperi harlarths bra coatis ea laHriarle. ' I • -
Thr saloon/rat would abw e W Las lacuna of a
ikalers and waken lb seta* le tie may ether pat-
• /
pew.* orb Ids lova Au proreala r .eldebe
Weser.' terms ft . applicabla to aLlasucka of from
• =desirable thi r•prore wes f d r Mat die 'arias
Whoa of slam Unarmed a TWraribratjL.7l4,
a /bar Ca/mated Wise:wale! Is low Lam cause-
Ly Rada Europe, aad wine/knaves-a arca papas
aa b eisadatet - of tlearreary, tonne oaly Mato.
kalf mash v reepa s Sal lemesamS.ebaLl slunbar* •
ante. wok * ante. •
lusty 'metal wake (alba art fa the pal• pew of galvanic:De molt, apiambolus ewe, to they
will Doable se lama ay article which ally ba -
•telL ' A nipple of ?lace latuabalated /a ifiarepa,l
etaiiaarts on YW , from 15 le 35 wise .12..
Noe. VW. IL hiOak/Marb tea
• •
f •
1.. Pam RIM af This ammo ha. Win .e.larra
er MI United barn as Wall aa Onda Baas; aad
Drama marimba, and all legal samara.ill Oa Mar
0.. .
an se
nn.. prwrltu Pt, ralnarpare b y . i arPonallef,lreock. • '-
. ,
mbetasilo DriWarszahasa.
.-INN TALC CIT Y ot. 2111 W YORE.
ID rAIINENTOCK elt. Co., No. 49, Job* et.
,02. Ste s York otter for Gala a large and cams*.
hoorlaut of DAtja and Medicines, Dye Stair
IVO' ' 4 " 0 0," eta.) descriptiaa, - Ar loth they
hr . peepaiad ISO :Whammed to sell lour,
4,oattry Merclukati and Drogluda ate reqaeated , ,
le mil and Olattilha their ankles. Ontars excreted
swath fafaloths hod despatch. IS. A. Fahaoaloci's-
Venalla ult te Cdastectly baud.
B. L. rahoorloch, Pi h.
U. W. Fabacatock,
A. B. Hall, Nur Vert ' ' i• •
su PAPER WARE FtOUg.E___. , "
G 2101ILI Ps N W • O=W;
g AYR .W.FIELD niers for &ea. 111 'the lotee•i
Manufacturers' prime, a *VT ekk.aah. assol.• •
mein of PAWED. etsspelving every poanble, va4,17.
aduplad toUabaps(rr e g ao d o l.til.ill. 0(04
counyy. Poet of alt binds nude kr order at abort.
• '2 W inhei of PRINTING P p la anaaell7 Wl*
aferivtilepaiviii6MllatagirLALsi •
of sl . ery deseethebee, tWosted mad kept eaastagyg
ben, eke:4'4ook wk. oak' F~1n0 , ..
10,Aiar slaitrum..zuF,,ATyr.o.A.,ao.i;
• emia :
parehaseskkie arlo blibeet Pries la
Rieri Chteb , wlll be
w .
.ba• ng rearnred Oa' -
• Irvanlered leloriegkalßlVAide went. tell* . 110 :
Weeed /meet, [iron toonekkeys Chetthe
re lee Wily ask '4ltattantkur of bare ey onset.
r e s
r e
ret •=e et "
be, topplise HA/Wiese beta Ile priia- •
erre! it Us Ewers Othees.
• • [hem 'week ftweattnify henr, sad pareiaaed ewe' r.
die beetle/ma:ay hoe rale eeshie..... DelAt able ' •
" ;.r/t1'?""11fts. tot' ",;.-I.r.
.•Th l r lltlerete !b.,l4sese•phyLb.eenthhetel at ?W;. •
‘7 1 :9 9 f
--- -we ififilYeL l IikACTORY FOlk PAW ;" i'ef•iii
-J — Tkin AAnik/dldelr(te n labs James !Miriade. kb, ii. •='•
oder (Jr ail tie atab aloatiat maw )4 Nirdb W . '
forwaily: earned ve tirldwa labia rico tin. am • Rake :: ' ' ' ,
1 ...dd ids P.tor7i TM weeks owl ia Umpteen ardor .• : --,4 -.
brawn no dm troldheos, with Keane( Ica ► ad d windy -:
:;....f • -
Ikr NIA; t o k tlaw. it liberal Owed will 10 , o , l:Al* '
tioola aMeetlan mode known t, flaw ide-;; iaipa
‘ eilikeke lle ludataread i ' JAIIIIII , BI.4II¢IY ''' t . i ."-
, ,
Alksitabenarie t . ...V. V
.9.416- ...iliWd4....r.
Ukorl. ua , Gout. u . liter . 1113suint ou:KI tlpleer 4 ^i-,
. FM ova. b.,ikki kale wow al ba t li',:d 2.4.:.„ .
kik eibadblgalthif
.. the man of be* PIM+ fa
!Mrs, and air - tioindile
t tlty . Wm it .. . '.
e ta elitetrir. emu 4 4. e f il In ialwei ardstiaL r ''.y ..,,i"
akar Brawl 01 . = &May coke, - i; :"; , :.::
.4" 2 "; "M gr v ri , SP il lele d j a 11in..4 1 = 4 ! ''''''''* :..?
4.•1:-Ar . • Da • , 1:.. - - . -•:','
tit . daff ilA mn= l astf.g . : l :*7 l 7ll 4 :-:''. 94 . 1 -; .--'
I Wer ~- -“•-rAMMTW,o,larc 1:::" -- ? 1 , ; •`:••:"I
, em ult.,===rs l o••. .:;!..,, i ."k l.- -•....,...
.. •--- --.14,w,...•. ..., ; . ;* ,..t..,._,,,,,,
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