==:= 'YT S f . ~;.--'.. I:i~:l. MEDICAL. MCIMgM ... _ • Vr.CDLLEWIVINDLIII TRIETABLII PINUP& I -- -.. I . miERSONS afflicted Mai felt, King's Evil ,r" Caster, &pipets., Old Sores, liken, Tatou 1 hlercarial Dowses ' or any other comidaiato aria ne from impurities of the blood; are requested to =A I the following testimotdah, is proof of the wonder : . ! rd pmpetties of the above named medicine. , ~. ~ • W. READ! REALM I! READ! ' •• ~.... M. the unieragaed, hula( *kited Mr. Mao. • ? Brooks, Jr. at thh Office of Messrs. Emma and -- Wanes, 376 Market ...eat; Plalmielphis, cupola.? `Miami the most remarkable one we bare ever wit- anniedes heard of. - ' Ifts dianse was SCROFULA, an terrible must here been ton .t eta years' conflict with the de ' li Vms • P_te,the tire thof of his mouth, Nose, Gp per Lip, and low Lid of tie Right Eye have been .. • nuM•oyed, his F nearly eaten up, and part of the Jaw Bone curl away. And yet we can give ci • desenption of h' cue. • Mr. B. info us that it January last, the whole boteitioi of Ids oath, us well to most of has face • war a atom dep and painful ulcers! • _l* On th e 14 th ofJanuary laat, be commenced taking _ Dr. CULLEN'S IfiDIAN, VEGETABLE PAHA . CEA, which - theekedthe disease in a few days, at: horn that time the cure hoc Formed without in . tenniamon. , • • New Be th hsa supplied the place of the deep 01 an, and though badly disfigured, hi. face Is mond, and hid general health is restored. We are snored that in the treatment of Mr, ' Brooks' case, no Mereurials.Ointmente, er Caumic applications bare been rised,—in fact, the PANA CEAtiLONE, bas wrought this notarial. change David Smith, Bucks comity, Pa. • Charles 1.. Rowand, Meadville, Crawford eoPa— J W Jonas , IA D South Senn street, Phila Jacob Lee, Pemberton, NJ. • - K W Can, MO 04 Foanh, chore Poplar et, Lc L. M'Cultough, Lancaster, Pa. it M Maiblock,2B North Eleventh st. Philu. , C W Appleton, it D 46 South at. do Ilmothy Cabbrell, Marion co. Missouri. , Daniel Venal, Minuet Hill, Philadelphia co. Ps. John Harned,3lo High street, Phila. William Steeling. D, est:mien, N. J. Hale, 378 Hugh street, Phila. H Potter,hlnufacturer al 'dine:al Teeth, 10' S . Ninth street, ~ • , , -1, A Wolleaweber, Ed. Phila. Democrat-1r NU street,__ . do George W Moots, Brush Maker, 317 Motet St. JuraCarri - Ih9 Chou= street. Phila. . Ar m errs, Pastor al Eleventh Baptist Enoch, 'John Bell, Ede EMI:, Philadelphia, (North Amer; • esn olSee.) • , . 'Aaron Sands, 16111Ottbtrine Streit, Phila: • •• . DanislMcQlollyr Kander', Alley, do , • • ' Arne* Santos, Camden, N.J. • • II Exam, WedYina.. Richard R. Von, Gilder,.4o9 Market at. Phila ' Jen W Aetna:ad, 60 South Sixth street,. do •• T 5 Wagner Lithographer, 11G Chesnut street, do B J Kemal, l Eleventh street, . do . • Fetes sten Smith, Editor Native Eagle, • do - • . Joe Bodine, Glass tanufactursr. - Williamstown Steely, Farmington, Van Boren en. lows L B Coln, Ml, Boston, Mass. . • , Runt (Janina, Phisiolegiat, Philadelphia. . -Thomas P 5 Roby, M D, Harrishurgb, Pe. Peter Wright,ss9 Market street, Phila. • JAMS W Newlin,lo3 Filbert .L do • John Good, 174 Spruce at.do William Ude, Pastor St, Pauli M. E. Ch.Catharino 'St. Phila. • John Chambers,. Plato; kat Indtp. Church, Broad st,• do• , T L Seeders, Publisher of Pledge and Stuadathi , Phila. F P Sellers Editor Oliventh, Doylestown; • • Wholesile ' and Reud hyßowand v..Wslton, Pro • • ;instant, 576 - Market St: Philadelphia: It ESellera, • b 7 Wood rt. Pittsburgh, Pa.; Wm. Tho rr,3% Man • ket et. do.; E B Perkins, Miriam, Olno";':eatOn dr: Sharp;Mayrrille, K Y; John W Danenhoster,Cin., - • ' Ohio; Sldell & Keene, Madison Ia; C Noble, Loma. = • • ,tills, EY; Internal & Fallout, St. Louis, Meo • H McGraw, Platches,4lliu; Hardaway & John - -erne Vlckshurgh, do; Charles Jenkins, New-Orlean oes O,EVERAL REASONS WHY DR. LEO - 1.7 DY'S. SARSAPARILLA BLO 0 D PiLLS.ara bo omingao universally popalse .• • . - First, Because they are prepared by Dr N B Lei. dy himself,avegolar.Druggwt, Chemist and Myst ' man of Philiulelphie, who knows the nature; the quality and character of, the Medicines Med in tea pill. and their *deputise to disease, -Seized; Became the public can take them with grater contideucethan most other pith which are .prepared by persons ignorant both or medicine and' • Tbird, - Baetate - ot their combined Meets, proper.: flea not containedin - .any other pill.; namely. pug. I ing hum the stomach iod bowels all unhealthy rub: maims, and at the mime time Inlaying the blood and fluids or the body. . . , Youth, Because they are the cheapat and best medicine known-4 single tws costingbottb mete, and containing 40 pile, oaring to persons as 'way denim elf times to Dottor's bills, and numerous medicines bought - 4k toed on the remnimendation of otheni • WHOLESOME ADVICE. , . , • Wbeeever you have oecision to take say mrdi eine, do not be trifling with your constitinioo by I trying all kinds of pills or other medicines you me published and temonnteaded by one muratiother but take it Ote. . Dr. Leidy 's Earaoperryla Blood Pills mad you willpot .have occmon to take 'midges I else.. They will always be Nand goodie almost all wormer disease, InUmelten of the stomsch,bowe • ols;liver Intl inuestiaer, cramps of the stomacht -colic,. Waterbtule Wank fewer!, foal breath. had taste to the mouth, Situ etuclattoni nod acidity it the stomach, ceativemss and indifeetioe, want of appetite, billious aflectionv, diseues of the milers and kidneys,iheosses of the skit', scaly emptiond dry and watery pimples or blomber of the face coo body, tatter, rusb,nrickle host =loll thnem,bead ache, giddiness, Motile* paintrover the heart, ot the breast, aide., alongthe back zed spine, Mama tisk' and gest, fevers of all kinds, wall peon: laid: teemed., ecrofula,erysipelae Ind in abort ore good ta ell diseases baying t heir Griggs is the Momach,Rver, and intristiaes, and impurity of. the . 07Forty Pills incßot. • .113Tweattoffre mute a Rot: • o ' 5014 Who esale and Retail by R. A. Fahneetock Co corner of PIM and Wood, aim:i.e./vier of 'blttheind•Worel streets, tept.Z mow* ; Leeo moduli ea.. to the soedtealpta ,and been for some general practice, matinee kisattemkto mountem of Mose .and delicate coot pi whichbid eppot. aed enema. .arly sseddy blow, tar to the andretell defies nttleitAsnsa e. end morepsoenuttken . • th e ever tan to too Anat. Pnetaktan)an, ply qualifies biota' eihrasqtrosteei of speedy, penes, •ant'Ared tatiadteaa7 ant .tobll iddieted annuitant 1 diseases, Aug all Moans "Alga Memnon. • J. Broom • motild Wens those sainted wia }Man .. • diseesessetrieb bine become ebtorde by limo ot Won : red by the sse or any of the eteanne noun= of the =tat their. complaints . estet raided) , and Mot emed,lte harlag gtlrdln , cos emend atlas:moo to ' •••-• the treatment Of saeheaseaami succeeded to hsedneds "'• Mlnstnnees mantik persona nnden of be text .• orate bladder, ad Modred "ragesim erlock Mum resell .., • • those ears where others have toossonest tines to Appel°. demean. 1k partmolszly invites suttee base. • 4restland sad arMatnenfolly treated by othen to eon ogbWm, odsen evenrsatisfseuemmill be diseothent tools eases unmet traoarefid, thorough:tad attelhient •" Manner, poieted out by land expenenee, study and . .tresugstion. which Um impdselble for Mose cartiodia poen) praenee of otaLeme to. line ear 0 00 attta..a • '• • • Ds Brom . Woo inn In - 1 1 . i Ro""* -- a i.. pa , persona aNicied wide llama In . partially attention this disease. Bain lkseaseYalso PUY, Pair/. ap-. sllecclO.S.7. Chi re- " = . ' .. • .4),siap at diem' nce N Pa ar,anter _ . 7,41, by stamp their disesue wroung,prappall de can obtain medicines mai asylums cause; b., addteaAult T BROWN, M. A• PPM Pa.-1 and • - - 1 760i,No,03.Dtassiml 'Bay, ilppcll.• !ha Warmi gaff. JAYSKIII-P,lnaltLY II It is ourprineiple in the roungententofihd paper lo linnet saythingwinelt we find wit, front pontoon% • wertigadon,to be of utility the pantie. dome of Dr. - • Jaynessieditiria we have ased In oir family for many yews. For instance the EXPWTORANT, the CAR - hUNATI i a, and yeßaurtmE, wind, 'we know io be pod finite complalate they' preen - to core. We were nn Late (nano the Pain sumer; when ...nerd of oar travelling iompenloos, from hiving, in Western • . : New Terh.d.nk, few many 4X7yL the Hadriana water . ,of thin region, wen bully munched with indent awl .Dpeniery., Mr: fl hed_provided himself, pwrioas to leering borneiVith nue Cmmiawse of In Jam,. and 10 all-taxa; of Its mei among ire nottlha rain, it was sneettend id electing a speedy erre. The Expand:at wo Mara known tied Sienili opt Whom friende—Wltlietreafraerws.; WI we feel that • we Man do a good set urforallies lerpoelally thewelib wend *hobby erninot hero acears a inuttedlnto Weneal .0,111,110 =line drew lo keep oti hand beadle Fspecor nested Carminative. Tho Expeciennt !sheltered by pad p hysicisaut to bet the bent recipe frr Yanwistruy Coreplainbt, that has am yet been cow "'Mt reason 'oh D l r e: ' te l dra i l i p " Vi= k ilt o r .fielnoli amused by the bes FZtA tArlehnto. Edlloro(tlte piny. Staarday Coeds, For esie.la Firish net z p aide TEIIN TEA errom - • .• • Cousamosptlves CoseSeela". 4l , " 1 . Dees siekeexi, walgY eSses 441? 9e,paiessiPet breeseti4: - ; •'` • • Trf DelDssiiess's Hokeit ' --;&se it:wlll„gies - ' elesrs eve, the Ws! eked • ' Dises.sPeeeSe der the seed, dud ',levees sbresets 'bestow*. elizelid, "Year ..s heal* Ismyiee e,101e... • • • Bea m peal et ross'of level) ese - • " 1 . Le?17 el/sessees deer..l Debra !dada , Th*WormM Death wain tti4 gen , ') - nimandsubsul,OuiW • • If Pr. Datast titwank trod{ . . llra ß ts l Matinc ' EaeOliii • strZti bailillll, Ohi0; wkm kis Nahmthls ilW.„..k_ Ti:00614 ••••'' iai '- .' ':-. :i:A.l . l , `fP..TEi" 4l * o l 44 l;ll * IM14:11:CA"fr MEE= MEDICAL • CHILD'BIII7 , I4. • na. soammoqtrros oximtia*Ticp, msexicar. FOR re-Divine s : K lee= r th, tdi f icldeit t to he easy mad unprotracted process of the Inactions of woman 'which Nature; wheal witnifueneed by the Inzariee of cantiaed We, teteoded should be patio: , mod erpediuously, with little psi., nu; witbest sib. ee ueuiadbpaitim. Dr Bora:toque dutiag hietemels to Am, °biers, ed tbie nitaartable fact. That the women of thous couetria are peculiarly different from all other lands, in this respect—shat the, Mormonism the pains and dealers which make the period of Piep sincy an object of ea mach anticipated "'Darin and Ciulailty,ald the seal for deem. ry prompted km, to inveitigatethe eauelof this tar markabld erieption to the mere triali to width the marred female, we itenetalli mibjected, and the remit-was the discovery of the last that the women of tbote countries were in the habit of mine dories the Int stages of Ptepaney, certain photo which have the IkceitY of imputing that degree of tone and elasticity to the nem, and blood veiled' of the Uternsior Womb whichenables it to' perform iu functions isall their native simplicity Of -action and hied= Dom pain. • It is s aingulu ...frot,aleo, elates Indian women or North America are in a remailiable degree Deis frost those pabm and dangers of mummy and child birth to which the white women pretsubjected Whether they use Demme plant's, do the Women of Ksia we causal VAIL Census it l o that the D.- • s so lam remarkable lbws true.. - , Thie,ftemody iricutreersieneivaly need tiri et Pencewtth tbe most otarked swam and _males who were once tingle throcigh apprelmorons or the deaden consequent to the Mato of tauttiega ' are now by rhe.ate of MIS medicine., performed the duties of WiTCS and mothers With mewl lee ha neu It Is et Chia time now first presented to the we , men' of America, b.y Dr Biltdeloque, through his vole agent, Dr A C MORTIMER:and. he feeliccur- Went that independent of ils intriarouterite Mirk.) recommend reellto Clement part of the comas. ony, es hill rally calculated to do' array with that horrid crimeol width mule thrtugh-feerof rues of child birth, &revery, (th e production of prema ture deliveT.) ' This me4ctnit Mateo remarkable for remedying that hitherto incurable disease Barnum, and .to signet congest 'actommeniaient fluor Albes.l fact that.. - related :and' fallen state of the Womb' 'stoat itccompietieothla ditimooki nitro Wt after. the armrest use of thti medicine. This inedirdstaia prepared in meb s way es to be agreeable and plinsaot to the tads. lk A C MUKTIMER No 36 14 Lispeoard , New York, has bees appoisted side gent tdr the Coated States, by .Dt • Batelogoth sad is lbe onlj person totals hottotry who is aanharited to awed 'this invaluable medlar, Ili lir following totter • (Transtekdfroes the French.): " • Panis,Jane 10tholt147. Dr A C Meinencei—DeuSin-According to tba agreement emterninto between set I wish by: this letter to give you that written. iethorily 'to sell. - throasboin the United States, (say Remedy for Kr lievieg the pinned dangers incident to parginney and child birth,) Inlet It is necemmy lee you to hero to nthdy the Public edits genniP.lllo4 aid pm.. my. As you ere wars the exposure 'of the mat ma to lb* influence of, the en as obliged ma to send it to you in air tight vowel.. • I ban also lent with it, a specimen of the manner Is which Nis pat njp in Parris la like manner! should with it to ap t pear In the IlnitedStaieu Sir,witb great respect I' remadyoan E BORDELOWJE, M D. P S—l ale; and you a copy,ef.ys letter received t i , y me-from the Royal Academy at Science, in (Trans(ated from Me:Frani.) Pans. Jan El, 1846. "To •M. Boimetainc—Sle-•Tbe commiseicm• ers of the Anairay have appintedtha nedamgned Iniewthetr member, im a coalmine to report regard-i tel the merit. a the remedy laid baleen-us by you (lot relievingthe pains and dangeve Meident to preg nancy and chid birth.) Sennteerinest Surgeons bevies submitted to the Academy the' resins 011 their expetince la the an of your mosidy,we bar tea to lay.th beforey,oe, belienig It ion. the best donne regarding pa claim to.diobactios and edits' gent nine; this either yea or tbstAblie eaeld hart.' :wished: •Whateverindnenceohis bqdy may pee. • sum es the members of the yrefeasin will exerted to Vs:ether that adoption at Dn. remedy into gentst .ai whines anisatlle discovery and ea entailing remedy, it PO richly dented. Fight Physicians badng and the medicine, each le Ely ens of &- link,. fond itentirely -Demand is promoting renal/Ole mhs and Buy delivery, free from pain ..d err.. With the exesption at three patient. of Dr Briqwd then warn epeeist immaMty from aujeaboopeent weakness or disease( ,one of these - three a laboring woman who had met with a wen fall kt week previops to &linty, was, takes leueidi.. • ately after that inept with probts bententiage, I which was with' affinity aneated. , The other two mat loramtions ol the pehns, wen in 00 wise relined Ofpnai.Thene law exceptions m so greht • somber of cams as low bandied, Mow, the undoubted eft / easy of your riesedy.and have detention as to e give it that recommesdatioe and appeonl Which is doe to it,•and the Imiherance of wheetisc Mee (Steed( r DRESCHET; MD. . • • . MAGENDIE: D: , . CoosOf the Commissioinne of the R. Academy f of • '• The public are nation/ against parchaehig thin it Indelse Dina any persona except of the isle agent , Dr A tl • Mostinuir, No 36 LE Lirpeamd et, New Yen, where this medicine is pat up is planks , g 'enable fairMiqeeetliy nil to aq pert - of the re Price Tien 'dollen a Pet* ebethlihtitell 41 " re t=;kiinnoy'ntyiei.. t drag Remedy et who reside at a distance, CAO uu po fenranuag A Via Dollars. post Feld.• - 11. DR A C:bIORTIIdER, S oli Arleta rex the _E. • oWpel 4w N 036 1-iLispesant at, flew Tett; " ryairrows sayalsm. szatiam,. C4Lt•tD . , • 1' • HUNTWLINIMENT, TS now snwernally.mknoMedged to be the IN I. FALLIBLE CFALEDY for Rheumatism, 571., vat Affeetions;Conitsctlonsof the Abucks,:: Throat and Qelosy,lisiten,ol4l.llems,Pano be 13a.ch: and Chest, Apo ni : the'Breut and TdothActis,Spralen,' BniaMiSilt Rheum; Bum, Crimp, Frosted Eiset.ane all Names Disuses. TheTRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which bas at tended the Applicata* of 010 most WONDERFUL ht EDICINKin curie( the incwt,eprere cases of th e diderent Busmen above nansed,—ond the 'HIGH KNICONNUMS that NM been bencomi ape! it, wherever it his boeundrodinced, gives me the ngbt to call es the. AFFLIC rED noon nt once to the ONLY RENItTIY. THAT CAN - BE BELIED . St:PThe finality unit 4 fa reesmOtneKsg the cell .. sited Covina Remedy, float's Liniment. The following letter IlbaC.thn highly eminent Physician; who ham ,bnisa anodicd to the Moot • Plestast Stale Prison fonsons) years, is the best endemics of the Calm adds caletwatertLisinient. 'My- • ' • Sum Smo,Deeencer 7i, ISO. *Ns reteltar 'Mr note of yesterday, lislungintopinicuy Itigotaßon to HMO. Lishoeit, ,bsprep:mod by litcOmege C Stanton. Knowing tb , MmPtsitiolt ea basing -begsently mod it. 1 call recommend it to yon on a sal* Extend Rene dy,-yed May opinioit, the best- Liniment sow in me, Very way and respectrolly yam, . A IirHOFFMAN.. Col PiemiYaricortlandt,Liotoa /Kmiec. • - ' AL. OFFICE - VIAMOND a few dews bekiw Area, towerk the Ifelly ewer is the above Tana: ', Slr—ln. reply to y,our letter, meld my thal hue used jou: Saimaa fleanHy, called Reset Liniment, ia my practice Ilene jou made me an ciosiatect with us companies, mad unhesitatingly , uy that believe itto be tbe best Estonia" Remo dy saw is: m tat thensist4Vor which yes re comma , '-ifogra -OM LI , ISIILLER,Id. D. • 80-A t armc the , mui crt ;Portilites ankles and Umber that are named flirtliat _the - palmed , , day epos tha country, it oi,ruliy refreshing to Had somethiag of real praoScal sessathing ilm pie; speedy and encase' in artistica lad at Vie same time fret from them imam; demo widely generally attend powerfal nmedies. Haste Llaintont, prepared. by Geo: I. Stanton of Sing ,Slag,.thaoo him been bet short MP Wore the while Walorady obtained the emi(klatiou,not anljolhosi magersaltlry. aid LaMantia' citizens, bat cm moat amines* Ibutieksta. All toknOwt. 1 wissit robs etrimip balm for WRY a. lba ills ' that Oak is hair ta;abothlag the tithing limg,aad .byvta gepate.mitualailag Inflams,begishing die ism from the eystem. . Stantmt—Sir—Sointg year advertisement of Heat's Llama', I somisteted to try its alms oamly soil, who Mt bees crippled- enth lame WARM* ati infant; and His with. grenade Meer testimonygolta Madeira beating propanies. My ealf Pe gel" of fa now Miran waj grainsery, YOlll2, t- • • • DIfAIMON CHIC:CF./WON. Pon OFFICE,TOItnia, PEDALO CO.' certify that lam perusal, soqualate with the above soma child. sad think tbe farinawould be Mein Mill that his sea is almost wa11.. . • JAS, e, DUMAN, 11o►d, MI S . ' Depaty Post mow. S. 1. weld avontale !hail Ism bean for 'a am berayes,* ealgeot to frequent Weeks a the itber athm,-which in sieny.imbrous parroting my attesdiat to my business. Two or thms appli nations-of-as Llammt 'amiably mum all fectiOns of the kind. Is mum of bribes, statics Yid •Cdllsl,l.• wimplia to mention, it has is' this vicinity erofed k certain remade, its salsa' Mt only be estimated by Om who have given it a fur Tbin Linlinnet in sold at lb and SO ennui lief hot. do, by all tb• Principal Digests and Ilfercbanut tbrongboattbs country. ,' , . Wialasak Agent: 'in Nair - York:. T HOADLEY,HELPS , it Co, 14$ Mu? RUSHTON& L:6,110 utur4ttay. A II Or. D SANDS, caner raltosuil Willis* ASPINWALL, 06 Williantnueet. - I . .Orders addressed to went Snag Slag, N Y, artu bunttando4 to. °SORGE E STANTON, Provider; Vocals in Piltatorgb bit, WILCOX, Jrand Loto*,,Co. Allepany City, JOHN SARGENT grind • JOHN SbIITH. • • • 4019 9(:ROFUTAUS S WELL. To4 A 3s . ssisi l l Ari .whitheriet a e&gaErtl,ealarposents co the ettode or bones, Goitre, White Sealing', (Meek lilteumsbalcUanser, diseases oldie Slue or Spies, - ors( Ptibetteary GobrempUosi smash, from One "end the isle basse, which lea, pcolsonons prineiple, sweeps lees inherent In GOMI= system. There: Coro, im iegi this pried* tale destroyed, no la& calms can be elected, hell( the principle upon -which the idisteseedepends, Ii nameda 'e ors mutat aeoesslty followato esatersoder e'lurtiorte Shediem &maid siastkell Golf. This, throes ; • lithe teseoeitli Ltess'APUtraussut ea a - al serval/. MISAIS Son 2 9/4 10 4 ,tlielbsi... , fitstlimontys Aiiiii:1111009 1 1 1- 0 0 4 1 ,W* l " . N lo lo. l6 Paslllinfioilld r . AO Oh thqltalft. OS *MIMI- Ater*Elft p+ s ( relitehoottliereskses.,,Eseekeedeeseebiltaki. MEDICAL DB. TcpwarsENtrx SARSAPARILLA. _MbYM/140/14Nedic i in the World mind h pot ap m ta.szt kliegs :A Is ad bands...T er. yieamottor,mat. lament baperiTt xly sold: Jo tires . die a . oriabout.yeotitim&porpay, stems orels, gEpt spon g y .1611/EI IMMUNE' ?betreat beauty wet etipetiotity of bib Bar porn; orar oyi oar,. Medici is, vbilet it Eradicate. Dimes it Imicar_. ate, the Body. It is ow of the my bet SYRIA°. AND: Manna irLEDICINVI ores kturintl it not only pod& adobe system sod etrealitheee Ur penis; bat at. snw Nom Pau, osui MOI, Mood: &power parsed by no otter Medebr. Ant is this bee tbeltnael secret of its irtsberful Vali. It bas e performed. with= Wing bro yeals,Ssero tbes mof Esser, Curti of Times kat 6,000 of thou ems Oooeiderei bsearablo : Mori than • • .. • *Ott ame of Maude Rtatardatt tatt eret toppeti fte ; 40 awls of Otated ' tad Wog of Elora; 7,t00 met of digatat oath Cattplina' 4,000 mai of &kali., ' MAO mei of titi Ltter Ctit; _ , ••• 11,500 tam of treed* Id the 'dal ted Dram 300 tam tt Caramptrae, Lod !Matadi eratettarDatart of the nod, Moat. alttlthenlizplapo thayme, kitc.i. tribilotee, to on tin pee, , other with =wrong —no * of Net Hoeihobe, ri— nds sod Una, SOW Alledites, ats. ••, knee Imm, mut tipper iettedke, but Melon lettere Nati phyoleits net oor agents from ell peke of tbe Unibd tittles inforwag to of nominator} corm S. Yee Behitk, Nag. epee( the Nod nspeetabledreption in New stir, N. Joinfonto to tbot be en rein redore thew LSO en • wont that pities awe. .There ere Une of ono the My of New Toth, wig* vermin refer te with Omen, en( to ma of eitoniebob Its the beet natio* for the • Proreotbreel Ohmage Inowth It weloobtedly toed the Line • 1 MOO vitr.aux TIT Pure ismicia sprol As it rotoorM tloo molt Amor, mut pm IlstroCcrax,orw kraut Orncen.' ~•-. • Girt. NV. ?A c Two Ihartollwom NM. otml member .4 Um Niw Jersey Aosta' Mo him rot vo Maw*/ ocrtiAmMi. It Whits o .. Nary. ~ • • • . .• j.- • • ylawwordaw 23, ISM Ara Mom I won talom with tho Wham, ood my whole .yam WA to • dobifithlood Moo. Ime Woad to try D. Towmod's Swlviwt . witkollortaltitii two or three WM= Um, I woo wry etch owl othApoto it euthmly osii AwmpolAM -1 Iowa: caMMom4 W .d in o g. I • • •,41. W. hiclAutt,lata IT. N... scwre nit certified. rostiteerety prom Aid litio earsiparlDe . porfoxi. pzetrol era. the of caddied& Canted of 'tho blood. Thu venomsred le oar keel eupretedned. Ta Door I egu Cumquat.. • Dr. Torlinteso— you that three of ay Warm here las conk of Ile Senn, Ida by .lug of year; nailed teedio — na. TbrY :erne alined gory entirely .0b bed wool hero Fatly teller lb.r ltdtdd.; Deet turalt lit *1.1.1 holterelleader aigps... V. agiatrtaly YY.o w . Ca...m.4(4 Wonder et, - Non York e Wei 4 pit • • ORTAT VENAL& XrDICINIC" D. Townson Dem* 16 61 anemia and aldad~ Me IN incipient Coonomption, &maw% Laub:mien, or .W 616% oinernoted del:6We hicreenetion. heeontionenee L ot Urueribe inrohnetary dieehaeri liana, and Ibr the gen eral proitention of the eleues—no niettel: apelike, the resole of 66ersit. casse or nines, prod** by irrepterity, Ilhw • Nollibbr eix to. sate laatchiag tikas iavimidmg ids at the huono frm. rerson!, rankbe. uut Ark, freak talgiss Lt. al Mee becalm robot ad fa of mem lad Arr 110 Idlumes. eatateruta,. the solve kmeas or the furl five, whilik the girl unix. 'or tar; naaa 1 ., a1l eat Os nested of as, is saws of widariSa Wto alstifetmedals. of em plifeassi, but a as same es sihrtal, eat Marta deem hots boa srpsted to o . Errand watiarliers Weisshawsloss wit Lout child ssoetse wag a kw boWfss of the 'Waal& sodas, bha. bra blest with losidel o A.. DI! ais .tchwygradly . distierd seams sad 'pan' : _ad saran austioustly by . psia wad • sismalido bauMir dor* isliWg of swab, sal ada oasts dinette/es,' sad brag Isola ems whom loos isaticias slfsisi gresVeoss dat obsOlo neotosautod stia awes al bowl wig halo or Tuba Zeros( of earasierles, .sad heard b tia abatises ab rds pas. la shoe wad it wasaged' assists of sassed haak. 'Sn - griattl this Waite isesisidu I tolls phases is. this selossrlsdr lag lt, mai neadassdisi it la peas. !IL D. Maas, Ahoy; Algal. lOW Casa Mai ad Lida //.• • . dept. 49 r Ilswastad: Ts el whom ibis ay issari—This in to salt that my da sal or bowls of yowr Saiwpalla anykdas to Ise asiassat, ads, Usi mat alormag_ssi 'dermas annitasess, bag strata( iria. ML hg e ssint, int, avow w.tsoss th. , sabsory IMO d f ada.. as! 7}, ' 1 ""- tah ; atal tho mod little dard distost aaly in the bars of ealisassi, lades rhois &slim of ao west of sts uss, this popsy sad ass. am abeam pats way to so swooishg iegats, .a has brads Is law idrs tam it had bass by ad horn. pr. If this wdl b of say seas to yos or say or who &alb masa of dm rasa, yos snastirey wawa lei IL I osberilso orpeflosa Wed arils:dad obliges , s.:rrat. .-5'.3".• . TO MOTHERS - 111D kaILEUXIS 'Tile ranee of anoperkie has booi snorted, Femme to ninon et fowls easefisiete. A* kale - cab b. its oet to Immo sir le enmesh*tLu.arinelperd, The and of 4ft," stwold sorted mite it, is it ie • cattail* preventive for row of the =berm mad forage &nem to which Well - babied at thb time of life. TIO• period mei be deleyei 6 wreerel years try mini this needieiee. fief Olt ire estioliee be lit 000•110 ere appmaint woomashool, es it is televse. to meek noire.by qaislienuar the bleed mate ibviperstin rpeete. leideol lb Swam. is islet , sable it a delints domes ' to posses ere • It lortemslE• vials MOIL noon permit:4ll . 4 ea• na;r. ik • lar.a. a a. btdy—••• to ma- the muss at to rah. • paboottat blotiony .14* it Ur tut of mai orliciati Won fa kelt • , . . Too Mb/aloes mo.ol.doa. dlotens, lather os tin Iteo , nap ski, or koribtoomel too ortj . tits:. om a Whim" t.o of De • Toned'. &or It mill &me nom Alma, renoor dee tomtits Wein, me 1;,0yoo anmation. waling ens, fesoyMns, sad bronifol ceiopiatiowli et uteri on of mm* No. to =mar, end Win, • .11T1PXPlik. If. Ink or iiielkitto kin nor bee Ifientrol whirl, to dirt/ slOadirik ticipgie loin Or an* in &teaspoon/ tenon , time*. nig tM otPat igirPoino. MP* Wink of Jilmonstrabt. • . . boo Dminirr ca. /0, ' I. tam Meet aiardfee .noel Inn mak-dyspepsia is ite Mont fisronialtendoiwilk mar • .stark, oes 01 p,lii, "tram heartboro, sod a soke mania* to kin&it food, and for real Odra I ioold oenA Item bean usable tertian baralteell portico Amide., I trod Ow weal . romenomi. bet ibty ire ' but lee new tffiot i =omit% tie opeplaist , • I vas ba Luise, oknst two mole slam. to try tenet of Same youallsoutill nottlaY Irak Mai and idrtang =aro bonne , ' • I Send iliyabtajaanehq lin non* nhinek t VOW otrently retool. 10 , 4 *e'en ark to Omni gibs tong ar I boor ben; Teen, toy IV:1D. Yam Zoom • Din 9515111. • -• ' Itteralaked. Neel ern following, sad nook If. pa on, het elomilly timaimemot Memo& This i• may ass of the ononlbandni ear. tietiSneateeDs Senepoth ooered, • , Dr 2borattrel—Dar Dr. et a, kW.. mot a •:yeM *pima* a: more omit gel pin My site. .21 ko. emiya is do ea) ite6o.4 / .211 fresomacei by lir skin to ben be It= ommomplker kfri pas, title of ted mew, end night swan, int siding nay fro: nydocteriodi ha mold to L. 0eb...4 lona MO. am budynto/ %bops: ininy Y e ws Pronottooltesas so oscoralet. I Ins sow ready it Ile loop ark 'mild WllyWool.i I nem losair to li. ; wY entflosi to lay it ad' to o 0.1 to - lam vomiters I inlaid I entest g i yottel n o i(w - .Mont Onto annoyer.. Ino oif MoriOp ob.in -ri;kl:7rdtO=oa that moil er• nroonliamy pen etricomed watiary 4s-ta/ yoe .troth, I tiereciel di eat nee lambus io Item Se llorrialimai..e H' , did. io, 624 *many peaked 411. craot soy as antra' wall, loot an so cm u. Wilma fottaias: son bop to be noir. ly estl i • kw ireen. lily cookie al peel so . 014 ode, Adt beam ka eery kaa. , snd anim pinto( ossalitmerth. • ho o d any .to pro yoilllatedent of ltq ono, be pa ilre touts.% el tle St, •• • ' I . ''''• °liftNM Or MaiIICIREIII: a "R Teirtabeolt . . is shoat daily monk% Grains - born Isiti mire la sligmest wen of IM Iloies. "Aii lo to milli fist we,' tho• ossisirvisiond, Phpir.a us if iy::iiy ~.s sl . Al 7 Eno i . 7,ry::...,7...,,. D. Toormewro fiinoparilWp4 beim ii So be woof Mir aka ..simbh r e pustkos of do Looritiolo sh• sultil., . It MI Isamu so o, Albsoy, April I, M. •' . r.LF•ialsou ' osto , as is. . , . - .. , .. I 'Mb is So eSstify that lila, W sadorsissue,,pn.sticiiii. Thassaala lgdbs.dh Cits of Allaor:Bass /01qm:of , 11 ,.. bal Tsnrootastos essalsousi, Panel. of Sorsa sal 800 its Maws Tonal; wasairsestillaelf ft ID • bit sorranial,perofolaubsaS Pam amass di* won, is Fsfsreass soy of ths astsaraira sesalirs Itoss to W Broossa., A Buy Apra 1.,1141. - Wit B llawnosor . • B z2aux. ollibafj a N .1.0, 7 r . *7.7 turTga=l,4l par ads/ rap Soks, orf P TOWBTP.m),sal=a3= teNts7 That lie *or York Dopy. lama Of . '• A real Wog wan* at Ito antels: pekalst. It *as thasanittaiss tab,aftlanapsllla Dram pf Dr Towassal. 11. allots than is sat op to goad Ism: Kass of du oe , mold Balms poaktisporsassatiM, isTakse with Ile mall wat,gilsaatsg.ix Say loads a show rattly masa ia Esosiom. Ws lab orpostemay to say as bollets...this salmi a' Or Assoptalk dooms Om vary vial parasol,/ itass sequlntd. • • • : - . •• • _ . IrogsiMirehr, lOC DrTodaseat:-1 hors heat Meted omit or km , kr 9 youtoritit a dapoifolsaddad Salim abet, 'titidittoro 0 4 hood, loa *motile, pia* thi liodsioutd paid .1494, broosittaa ao la& by ths tontiosok bad sod.cold to • which I sr sal ijoes to ia toyierio, as dyer: / ham ultra other moilistrai M 1.01•010111 B orabodion, bat oral fittlo or ma. ads. Ivo isavood =WI nr to OW pyar i tiaoleatt r titrort % aro, 2ra..i.u.er rl 'N is tiosbnod andicht• 1 Imo tar itro—tho paw iv., Antis 110.4 pi 1 hal vat. • dArraa' ova I bidoholualoor fisztta,lodl3a taro now s a =obotits Om nor 1.112,41.1,1411 as his takes it aiih'etsoosoo bawd cid roadta I amid booonsorad it as badly otodalas rhroat I ha Miltrintird thatth . h.tarmihhhwi 0.8 arkshithrehi•oad,-arntlipel so asay I:tadorb bilhd for Irk& lima.. NC 0100 pros to thostaairdt sad hair* tiers regidor .11 hers tho Mood a 1014 dOth so that &soot hi apt tot** to attack the ;:ottai.. Add to all thole Tho as actin ohookhystals,l lay rk-Tamdlord • ' • Tiorkisithmr,l o l. l4 * Caskerisi the Niihau • • • Mist hos werraidadrihaaal mad: Dr Tarim:Ws ashalb. Dr•B or thoaloado of eltildrai.— Tha l" ="