~~ {~ '~~: RITSBURGII GALE= ii . ERASTUS..OIIO - 0 - K - T&W. PITTqBURGH: MORNING. OCT. 15,.1847..:. Tits errnsullni DAILY Gun.. IS pllllll.llted YTri-Weeny, cod . Weeltly.—The Daily latent-sr DAILY the TrilWeekly is Fire Dollars per aismits, the Weekly Is Tiro Dollars pet ...em strictly 1 - Itettheo. to Advertleeee. , ' to Arlvendoemento,`to 'seem° iniertson, sbanla be ii • •• Ja by tee &clock in the , . ammo". ettentson le lissom she part of one enulere, 'reed be psedsel Liege rentrual benefit. , • . • --,, • , For Leriis Mal latelbirenee,Detherlse Mar. - , ktle, abet Neon, Import., Money blarket, 1ke.... am MI. ' I POSTLA6 TILL BOOKS. - Nobody can \ 'mitt more sincerely than ow wilvesOhat the Wl4s of Pennsylvania have oaf. freed their political eineMiee to cany the State as by tidardt.' and we rieriald do violence to the truth, to Cay that we were nokeePly mortified at the molt. The lisnaihusw of 41 vote. almost unexampled in ma) of the counties. - prove that the result has been named by no popular demonstration.— . . There are TIMMS 'X this which ought M be can &laced, though wean not think one of them often traniciont etenee tu • neglect of duty. The 4et that Iyj bales before the People were thole, and not-National, is onereason of that *pa th, sung the Whip, whirl hu resulted in the MOM of our opponents. Had the Tariff issue teas permuted to the People, or the question of Internal Improvements, or the issues involved in the War, the tenth would hUe been is one Ma= of the dethtquency,and anoth er, has hem the.,badtwsninees of the icemen, the demand upon time. and' 'the prevailing .storm.— Nom of these, however, in our poor judgment, are eafildent muses' for crashing to do that whith ell ought to do, with slamity, but u they arc imams, we silio" 11:mm . 1m : what they are worth But, alter alt, whet have the party opposed to us to bout of, They hare carried Penneylrani' for the hundredth time. They era, hens where they were, and hold their own by dint of great person; al esertion, and an consequence of the exusordi, airy efforts made by the National and State Ad: ministrations, to obtain success , Hut how stands the cue elerettere. If ere look to New England, we fled the Whig Stay Foch stronger it was were during the. Ism 02poser..stronger in their Congreuiatal isslaiitirme,--enon6t in the that. Legislatures end Monger every way. It is the same Congres. elemally_in New York and in Penney Ivania.; In little Delaware the Whipuris always the olden :- cue party. : In Maryland. notwithstanding the shaped fraud committed in the city of &Kitimat the Whip hare elected four of eia members o Colima, and Pined over feet year in the State tegielantre. The Whig majOrity in the Senate and Meese of this State will be two to one for the Joint pellet. i Virginia, North Caroline, Ohio and lodfan, acid thettates generally, have given un. =balk:able evidence of their uncompromising boo tility to dui cocci Foca Party. 'Look to the hit CociPesl,-4here there was e Loco Foeo major. lty °Larry iciness& Look to the nut, and behold the difference in a Whig majority already made certain, and a probable; Whig majority of alight or ten, being a *Mg gain of about rev es. Sr rtnneass. Does this look self the Mt. Polk'. war wed a poptdU warr—or as if Mr: Walker's Dritilh'ime trade tariff war &popular tariff,or - 1f his Bab Trcoofl utieme,—ti. Vetoes of all : . !abac Improvemente,—his use of Power,--his alma of the rights of men in office, and his pro! 'Station of public office were popular, or as lr . the . Administration were vict*um in-the co' . ' Then spin in the'Sertate of their: h u e d gw es. . , °hl° * .i."l Le e llAtuie 'attich mares us We 44cike ,,,,_ of , „,_ll Wbig 134Tfr.IUR COOVitlii‘ in 4 .-111"1 of 2" ; P rw oally one.tif the mut in t h e body of whi ch he ''fr'ittretna a 19 " 1 *- for the tad ten yeeta The Mirikod Lifelrintsire just chosen may elect two Whig Sonident,7—lhe Legiilatare hereafter meet. Georgia, we hoer, too, luny do 4 h 9 5131111 , 1 :4 11 4, and in place of Mr Colquitt there 'was e.ompatent and accomplished Senator wt ete the Btate. lows, too, may give the Whigs the tin tfienatom;; not yet chosen. . -Let thia grand result cheer the hearts of the Whigs and corifiand their enemies. Our maw so far from being desperate is rather prosperous, and if can take no pubs to oureelvelfer what hes been done in Penneylrania, neither can nor op• gement' beset themselves of what has been done titieudiens. :The Books hare been opened and there ie yet a heavy balanne against the Loutfoco - L.. -1—. 4 1 5 4 3 , .: • • - - - - _ PselletATlNll:Casar..—The boa load boo - initerbdly injured the main line of the publa wake In this State, as to preclude all idea of a leanapticalef transportation through to Plutulal• phi& this fall. The western divhion, has been very BUTLER. CM 19T11. _allgtuli injored, and can be repaired in a few day. The following Is V,a vote of BOW. A pinta. of the Aqueduct at epang's Iron work., Irvin. Win t. Dais. Black. ea the Ihstdatia, wee carried away. Other arca B°ctallh 95 84 99 80 breeches in the Gana at various points, tt. Batley 55 IMI 86 91 = pa - ' 80 143 81 142 sad um entbaniment. were washed away. Ceuta 126 97 116 95 The dantsa. wu mulcted on the Juniata Cie.& a 94 157 93 ISO Dislike. irincipally we are fiformed, bateau , 1311 f f• .° 4 176 97 174 95 lkild6Pl"9 and liclr, tahere the i.;', ° ooquenessing 118 SS 117 28 Vest blealt of '3B =lured. Tha Aqudett et t - , ..41511' 97 116 97 107 dd. Creek 15 It 00 2914 00 Jack's rialtforroa the heists ha. been cret , 4 : D o . e ."— p i' OO .106 17 136 er by %be glood and cannot be rebuilt ii . , i - to maims 89 Di ,00 187 87 postroate daring the present senor V 114.5541515 71 76 60 Saaption will be resumed V Plan' 59 46 60 46 elite Bahia ' yeberg. at week, from this rainier/ 71 59 i7O 61 Ethppeeruk 130 156 129 ISO The low d tons by te .... will fa at ...... of the 0 , 0 ,. a .. Soccer . 63 149 69 147 '''"" „toy. 87. 49 61 49 - - eod of w , , g oo d of $400300, and the *sat .an i n formed, -1. estimauel at eatetUOILVDI)III.III nada to carry poop *4l mad he breach, in good coaches, so that , no audio need be- apptehendod by those wito 1. to treed east by that route. If item we had a Rail Road frorolittaburgh to i • „woad: :iwtes,„ttbo.c.t.inereie tim.wo:biceitialbes faarfL:7o7:unowfwic.ottada: Irina the winter eresorr. The canal, a. we have aid widen' nor, is not reliable aflar the aqtu _ k c " 4 ~dl ry 4 t h` . ~~~' ~,~ The fedireliets fondly predicted tbat the visit 01 ..- . ' Mr. DOW to Ibis oily would operate using the porrOtratic party. The result 'bows that they are no proptuts. It will Dot do to my that the joestilti vote? of idt. Deltas is unpopular ill MI& - .. . "....• coonty::--Port. .....—,, n bun. A' Intis majority Of thirteen or fourtee 'lfsed.le rather poor proof of Mr. Dallas's popular -. ley , to Alleohemy county; but if lb. .casting vote' M: the molt Popular mr of Mr. Les. public life. ' . taso*l3o4 detractfront the hang of the doubly did 6brhood of s min wbo braved the Inter., Mite Of bliemetituents.---or of bins who. defend 'AM it'd as a Contrasts, which he dendaneed af. AT reining hit ojrux I This is the disarms in iibieh the Vice President but placed himself, — , . and than all„he wutobt to rusks the 'Tariff of I *stable bore; by ,nrieropresentlng b0th ....: die of lbrreulti which had been collected ri, :';., Hs *hit practical effects of, its °pennon. LTA . of r'' * ' 'out false hopes of the anotiouance of .A.: :: :,_ :-fib 00. lk eictroy won by such meo, wili ~et,-.4, -' :•- r ' ibeir - eri' sceptre to the warcerfol party.— tl.f.' ;. .' :.. '- . Thiiwho profit by. it. - will eitkow biro Their 001:k . .. ~~ f C. t' ' 573‘.. , ' ''' :egg will ~ have . the mewed consciences which ..- '!:t.,. '', , : ifirio! ne .feollni. At. W . . *spina, of 2 eittr , ' :-'. - ii,vi iroald Oaf - Taloa a triumph Won by mob .4.ILu ale ao/sevr CC Ina' 1x=71:4114," 0111.4:oult:s3°' 13's s ,edees,..6.lado_ol'4 "leg pc,„1... *talk , • :woke, rot,,LessZ., • zat ----,, 53:1 414,zins. , - 'll*# =ll 2 STATE ATE. Th‘Whige of the dielutroas malt upon the Eallmatirriel tiete. will hive a =jolt'' , in tbsEtate.Qtelcadtt!mY be able to exert a conservative influence in the Pikes of the State. This ie one of the felw otleasent rethinisceaces of the election. The low. ei Hones will be Locofoco. patriots Whig • Dist!ids Locofoam ~. ht Wm A Crabb 24 HBBatnes ad Geo Richards . Wm F Small. 4th Wm Williamson sth J Pottsitme - WI Josiah Rich 6th Wm Ovorthld 7th A Hen- Smith 11th Gordon F Mason ." 4 P Sanderson 91st Samuel Hill ' 9th 4 D Boas 2241 Cbatiss A Black 12th Wm Rani§ 53d E 0 etsacraft 14th BC/Jordan 28th 4 M Gillis ' ' 17th Philip Bmystr . . 24itilohn Lenie - 27th I 11 Johnston lat B •Mathies ad 13 Forsyth 15th Nei Middleiwerth 10th F B Streeter 18th Walt Saddler 13th Valentine But 19th . Alex King 18th B. LI Sundt 20th.-W F Johnstont 26th I P Bawler} 24th Geo Danis • 251 h David Sanity •Gone to Mexico. tasted ihr. theme!. Probable. • ABS 4131131.17 1667. • • 11:11CTIDe AilegkenY,— • L C 8 Noble, Ch7l44LiA 86 , 10 Marshal Sem!amide; Henry Large. Adams.—• WcoSharey. ibirldrrit.—t Brenneman. Beaver—• John' Allison, Johnaharpelir• Bedford,— Bab ; } J C.Myers, John Long, 8 reply . Bucks, --.H G 'Stadia. J Zeiglar. Coarbritc,—t John Kaan--probsbly. Carbon!— , Cheeter,—• Henry B ' Ennl, C Ladlay TIC Bolt. Clarion, Jdfcrien, and ymango,..4 lobo Kestly. Columbia,— .' Crawford,—t Wto p.m Cumber/and,— 1 Centre—Cloorlio/d,—t 0 Wolters, 1 II Mat, • DavOin,--• ham Foz, Thad= Gnat. Ddaware„—• B Morton. G J Ball, Wm klakbolllnk Fayette,— .Win Baker, &must Beibart• Green,— Hanlington,- Jndiana,• Wm McKnight. Lancelder,—• A Shelley, J B Stain, T B mobs, I C D G Malmo, Lebr.nrm,—• Grianger, Ld44,-1" Peer Boman. Ludy/me-I . B=nel Benedict, 1 GA Fob, all Lyeaming,— Meeccr,--• Hobart Black, Wzn lAach.Fabatki• Mantennery,- -Nartluunplen,— Norhimmberlaruf,—t Dined Btaatigene. Perry,— philacte4alia Gay,— Philadelphia co.,— Schuylkill." Somerrel,,—• .1 .1 Stigtaman, • Suntschana,— Tiog.a,=4 N A that. ,• Unwn and 116101in,—• Bendel Wehick Joha Mcht'nan. • ..... Warren; McKean a n t kak,—t A J Niles: linskingtOn,,— . . Wayne,— • . • Wentnorkondi _ , York,— W kilr. 2 ."ir ' ed Usu. Loen.Yoosn Lko.t . THE ELECTION. \4t gin below the reported majorities from all thn enmities we lime received . tit, to the limn of Ong to pocee. They indicate the reelection of Governor Shank by a vasjorny of 15,000. The following are the repotted major Shutik. 2,900 700 0,000 Montgomery, Berke, Chester, 470 Lancaster, 3,9.0 Delaware. 350 Dauphin. 1.000 Fnmk 500 Lebanon, 600 Weetmoielatul, 0000 Bazaar, 175 Petry. 1100 eq. 57% Fayette, 611 Arm troagi Allegheny. :0.59 4935 Cumberland, 300175 y0b 750 750 Centre, 800 Northumberland. 300 Lyeaming, 250 Guinean. Union, Philarla.„City and Co., Lehigh, Columbia. Mercer. Carbon, 'Juniata, Maio, Green, Total 1350 1408 1480 1489 Thant an throw townotitEd to hoar from which last yoar vivo • majority of 42 Wbig • ft.x OM} bare of Coupon& ABILITBO3I6I COWITT. m W*, 611 Brommen, (Member of Legislature) 165 m Met:melt' 123 m „toiksitratb, 49e = Mer.lnes, (Sheriff Whig) 276 m . It b supposed that the Whig Tresseer is do elected, and, perhaps, the County Cortiogoaiorem BL Illl‘oll. ELlcenor...-The proof of fraud. In the -recent Baltimore Election, is undeniable' The National Whig are Mr. Kennedy is II galist of 74 votes over ths Whig vote of 1846! And if Mr. Mamie vote Deincratied in the eraDO Nth over the Democratic 'TOW of 11144 he .nould hoe been beaten by sane 400 assjothy. Whence case the votes, then, try which Mr. Kennedy wag rebuked ed for his opinions? They were away:dm hew and peirifur by the ofAtiale of Me Omani Ora onosent hoe and an Bettiswytt The correspondent of the Baltimore Patriot writes: . . Loco Foam will sometimes vote In more wilds I thin one, unless them to • Registry Law to re. main them! Now do theyoco F oie , a account for the utoniabig increase of their the 4th Congrewicaud district, At the Moody contsated electios fro Mayon last year. when there was • toll two out of toth parties, the Whig majority that diadict was above 650 VW& ?UM Kr. Ken. DSO gee as many Whig Imes lIN wen then cut. wing mum 50. end yet is beaten 'beat 550! Where did this Maims of come demo buisibmi Loco Fiat mum nerve from!! . A good maniof them coma f rom Beldame Manly, and a- good many from .Prince Gamma comity'. The . metro of Wonting was canted on to en aniostmOd Went, both fiats othm.parts of the dude, frosi thy District of Colombia, and • co Buffalo dodos . The Bgabun'in °lgin of Ww =ass by 1 ds' asnispdatloo D'lwn9 ki diMCClrlei orlduli; adeds , tbd tke, m a w i n d, fated WI the &aral yp the whot6 , witb Ulu fciicWOW, Tor tbwi mOO% wd 7 F ltNi • bo , an • ' " 116 =7 - frowjAr. -1 4fg helleNwag g_ t 140 - 07. r . 4B9,ll " l.l7.l " "wr iaisuieledgl_ --11 4- oraWilaileatp adwod r a *6MOON Moods /oda MO 111"."4"1" d b ona cildWifir! th . Bonier Dareatei.-'-With the expense of • gnat deal of isbor and time, we have compiled following table showing the number - of build.. Mee erected fines the Great fire of April, 1845. It comprises all descriptions of building's, from first dies hotels, warehowea, gores and manufseuries, tiordinary private dwellings. And' it may - bore be - remarked that the greater proportion of the buildings are much larger, more commodious ind much better adapted to business purposes than' . those destroyed by the fire. There are few cities In the union of corresponding means where such rapid advent:orients have been made in business end in buildings as our own. It is • marvel to 'strangers, as it may be to us at home, how such mild strides could be taken. The success of Pittsburgh, however, need bo no secret. There are natural elements of wealth here, whieh but few States are favored with, and added to this priests enterprise,'secxeul to soother place in the Union. A little more public spirit would make • ,Pitisbursh all that is desirable either for business or for a resident*. , Distrido Market end Ferry Bisilefings Between 2d & 3d, ' ssl I ss let 10 ' Marker and Wood - • D'lld 5A2416, " ' " 1 i. 3d&416, " 22 •'" 24&3d, , " .. 23 • iink2d, " " 40' . Watereclst, " " 32 Wood and Smithfield ''''' D'in.l a.dcdtb, " 11 "'D'nd nak4th, " " 46 " • 3d&4111, " " 31 • 2det3d, " . " 22 • 145k2.1, " . - 35 0 • 21 . Watardan, . Smithfield and On3nt. . 0 rind&4th, " 24 ".. 3ddt4tb, " . 33 • Edz3d, . 44 . 151104 . . .31 0 - 34 " Watudnle, ---" Gran( and Ross " 241.1c4th, " " 2 .0 2d&34, " 2. '... kt&2l. " " 1 ' 1. 1 ":. RW lt i ff V v ist'a n te t. Ros r r i : :a . and Cana : I . ladad, " O 3d&41.h. " 1 " 4thdadt, " . .. 1 Pipatown, . _ Total, Thin are yet a number of vacant , lots in the Burnt District, but the greater portion ere occu pied by buildings far superior to thew destroyed. No man could mk better evidence of the pros• purity and business capacity of the "Iron City," thav is given in the above table. Two yew. glace onelalf of the commercial and Wiriness portion onreity was in mina.. Now, warmly • trace of~e derestatiiin in to be seen. New, cosnroodb om and costly edifices have taken the place of d up . destroyed, bruins 's has been iocretsed, pop. u N t i„,i,- attended, and a steady advance in the' value of -Real Estate. Ttia t leas Taaes.—One hundred and eighty ehree roe 1 w e t:, :1110 passed through the Leas of the Mono sigabda during the lait ries, besides awns fifty &Lai sty which floated over the comb of the dam. These Ewes, contain, on an average, 150 toile of et nil, worth at the ball $2 per ton. There but been abon t 37,000 tuns shipped for the lower mute: daring the recent ~freshet, and boats are jet daily starting. The following may be conddered as a fair estimate, at the holm val uation, of this branch of Pituthurpb trade dazing the list five da Tonntkre fetus '27,500 as 2 per tan $7.7000 Empty a goo each, Total. $lOO,OOO The above will. add largely to the =omit of fall barium of mar city, bat we apprehend it will not be adequate to the Mmeasing demand far thit 'raisin the South and West. The water is stil in eicelient stage for running coal, and we hope dlie. opportimity will be embra ced by all who Me engatted this trade, of get. ting their boats cff at en early period this fell. FOilieerrit or WIN'TZ;L4I; had a little snow yesterday and the day previous, just enough to remind WI that winter is earning, The thrifty people will take heed at such a time or this to huaband their resources. The miseries of cold weather are often the mull of our own folly.— Those who can should. lay io their wintor's fuel sad their winteee provision. This, no, is the season rot fires, and too muck care cannot la oh served in makinckeeping and estinguishiog them. This. is also a season for remembering the poor, and Ist three who ham, give of their abundance. 600 2,000 • 615 .385 •. --- Bosousws.—The Rod Lion Rotel wu NUM. ed on Tuesday night by some felon., who robbed wend of the boarders of their roomy. One or two arrests were made yesterday, and the prison. in committed for further hearing. This IN the third time this home has been mitered during ths pad sesson. We hope the propnator will two al ., effort to detect and punish the burglars. Elfcs B s coos.-00 Toeadly nest, this fa. vote place a retort will awaits be opened for she reception of visitor., and se WO - 01, inf .r-o—t .itb attraction.. Anctier'vflarsi of Sable Melodist., wtw are vary highly spoken of by the pm., will mate their appearance fofthe first time f¢ We city. Screauri Couse,October 11.—Present all the Judge.. John M'Clure a B end C B. Polly—error to the court of common plea of Marva county.— Judgententaffumof.opinion by chief justice Gib. 800. John Vaughan vs Joetph Cadwallader—error to the court of common pleas of Mercer county. Chief justice Gibson deliveted.the opinion of the wort—jll4 4MA affirmed. Laths duster of the estate of A Magill. Ap. i peal from the decree of the court of coma= pleas of HerraW, county. Chief justice Gibson delis.. aced the Opinion of the co on—decree John Creire heirs se 8 W Crall—error to the court of common pleas of Beyer county. Burn side iiistiee delivered the opinion of the court,j eds. meet affirmed. Milkier Morton. Jr. vs John Prllheny--stror to the - coact of common plan of Beaver county. Bell justice delivered the opinion of the court= judgment affirmed. arnica. le, 1817—present all the Judges accept Jades Coulter. AediSer Stewart's eyes v. Andrew Purdy— error to the court of common pica. of Beaver county, Rogers jostice delivered the opinion of the oxtrt—judgment ?evened and a venire facie de nose, awarded. Andrew Pod, no Win H Power et al—errer to the court of common pleas of B county. Bell justice delivered the i s of the court— judoffient affirmed. The toot took up the list from the tOth die trict;composed of the comities of Westmoreland, frollaneAreashong, and Cambria. Geo Painter n; Christina Handereon's admr. —trier to the court of common pleas of West. moriand county—slued by Poster and Cowan for plff lo mot, ArmsUong and Williams for att. in error. Newt llama "Joie or Yoat."—The 'John of York," of the North American, Was Mr, William C. Tobey he was safe and well at the tut data from the ter: my. He end Major )(kWh', late of Pottsville, were the only persons attached 0., the let Regi. ment.of Pennsylvania Volunteers, who were at the battles of Cherabusco and Contreras, Bathe, were peesent as amateurs. DWI/ in Philedelphla last week, 130e--32 of whom were ander one year. In New York 257. Limn. ADDS has been redneialed in his mind. The charges of cowardice ageing him warn to have been unfounded, end Lieut. Gahm has offered him an apology. The GIIIMMICAL113•0 1 9 which arrived at New . York's few weeks since under Capt.Hoakin, from Llotopool, has her cabins and internal arrange. Imes lowly complete& Ohs is tow on the dock end wIS sail for Havana on the 1 th, where she win hen ball fruit. • FATAT. Idoeseer , —A sad mat marred rata. at a booth town mardOomin. dre baring l brakes oat ha Ihe siehtlite family bowled to mrdeatbdromape, Two'diitahtara of the farmer, And dealmat estaaelog , eroard ummbled the door, mom admand of eimemkg in dude night aniaiposid adorned. tot lb. elodthrg. In the ortforir too ( we n ! *ll* to 6"1/6 Feast tat..—The ship Courier; from Rio Janeiro, !strived at New York on Sunday, hoeing sailed on the 29th of August. Mr Tad, the American Minister, has been presented, and did Dot wait - further instruction. from Washington as it - NUS rumored he would do. We see the following account of Mr. Tao presentation to the' Emperor of Brasil, in the t.loumat de Coins muck,' of the .. 29111 of August: Ills majesty, the Emperor, granted a public tiutftence on the 9gth of August, to Mr. David Tod, enveY extraordinag and minister plenlpo. *snidely from the United State■ of America, and shin gentleman, on handing the Emperor his ere: dentists, made the fallowtne speech Sri: The letter which L have , just. presented to your mejeety; is from his Excellency. the President of the United :Stange, azd contains the fact of my nomination as envoy. extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary from that government, near the Imperial Court of Bruil. Hit Excel lency assures your Majesty of his desire to vete the most amicable and liberal relations be. tween the two goreniments. , Manifesting this desire, the President is expressing the setetimenta of the Power of which he has the honor to be the Chief Executive, and any omiuion on my put, in my endeavors to promote this amicable disposition, would be no less contrary to my own untlilletits, thin it would be imitorous to my country. Appreciating these intentions, your Majesty will permit me to express my utisfaction at knowing that the mutual friendship and respect which has for such a length of time happily ex. Wed between the two governments, hs.s not been diminished by my disegiemble events that have recently occurred. I am swam that my charge has commenced at en unfavorable period. My , immediate prams. eor involved himself in affairs which were both unpleasant for himself, Ind tinartunate for both 'imminent. Being resolved, f in my relation with your Majesty's government, to obrumar a coarse both honorable and beneficialto both coon. tries. I hare indulged the hope' that I may fulfil the duties of my own government, and at the same time, agreeably to your Mejeety. Permit me, in conclusion, to express my best wishes for the health and happiness of your Majesty and Imperial family. TM. zzzzz oa's aaetv. The Emperor replied to this lipeecti in English, as follows: "I receive with pleasure the vedentials which you present mo in the name of my good friend the President of the United States. They show that the same friendship and good understanding sub= sin between my government and your country, and of which I believe you to be a true interpre ter, who will remove the weighty difficulties in which your immediate predecessor involved him self." Alta this the French ambassador was present ed, and after bin audience was concluded. Mr. Tod presented the Secretary of the America's Le gation, and several office. of.Sho United States Navy. relation to the whaler. seized for a violation of revenue laws, it is said that the bark Sarah and Esther have been condemned, and. that the bark Yeoinen will meet with a similar fate. • A latter from Rio says: 'Our' Ez-Mihierer, Mr. Wise, des again deed very unwisely. On applying • few dayi for his poop° rts, he encloaed dxuments ha bed received from our government, approving of his conduct, with some very undiplornetic 'marl.. so much so, that they were returned with hit paw• ports, unnoticed. - --- - Romanis or LigUT. J. LLLLL .—lt Will be Hen by the follestmg letter, which we have been permitted to copy, that Cons. Perry has made aro retlemente to send to Philadelphia the iemilne of the late gallant James L. Porker. As the sea son indicated by the Commodore for the removal of the body, will shortly be et hand, we trust that arrangements will be made by the citizens,. the effluent of the Navy on ea station, end the !nasty of Philadelphia, to wiir. the honored remakes, take chine of them, end adopt meas ures for en appropriate TO interment.—Perouyi. tartian," U. S. Foe SNIP GIIIXASTOWN. Porto( Vera Cam, Sept. 2, 11i147. Dams hove misdeed your letter of the 9th ultimo, and deeply sympathise with you in the loss of one whale chatanter ern bet affectionately remsnobered by um.. But Ytifie coffering' , under the slitieting bereavemtnat, you have the connotation of knowing that your won possessed, in an-amineat degas, ell them ties which characterise the generoas, the wean. plisheJt and the intrepid offmet. In the presumption that it would be the wish .0' his family, that his moat. should he trans ported to the United States, I hove given each direction as will enable me to and them home as soon as two mason will permit. I am, sir, respectfully, your ob't M. C. P .'t.. ERRY. Mr. Exass• P The Ware Trade. The Sealerk, which arrived at Pormmouth, Eng. land, on the 14th September, furnished the foll.w log list of the prises taken by the Slave Bupprse. lion Bqoadron on the mast of Africa, since Onto. ber last: • " ' No.of Dee of Prise. sin ,. Captured by Name of c.0.,. Victoria 7 - King fisher. Oct. 16,'46 Genie Kingfisher. Oct. 18,'46 Ponita.Porto & Aginia-- Real:irk, Oct. 21, '46 . Electra E.poir. 0ct.82,115' Pagans de Rio 1.611 Ferre&Cygney, 17,'46. L'Adelada 4 Bittern, - N0v.31, '46 Selina Watervritel, Jam, '47 Emilia . Rapid, Jan. 25, '47 Anna & Consiantia Styx, J.n. 29, '47 Phtcton Bittern, Jan. 29, '47 Mickherry 8171, Feb. 20. '47 baron Peuelope,slarch lB i4 7 Jupiter. Flying Fish Matt. I 8; 47 Tres Amigos Devastation Mch.19:47 Rey de Cigiton 520 Dovastattoo Mcb.25,17. Folic:clap 315 Penelope, Marett3o; - '4', Paglicui _ Grappler, March 30,'47 Johanna Penelope, April 4`. '47 Unknown Hound, April 11, '47' Unknown 304 Kmgfiatter,Aprif 17, '47 Unknown Kingforher,April 24,17 Unknown 212 Kingfisher, May 5, '47 Gustave Primer. &auk, April 18, '47. All these prises have been taken between the let. of -5 B. and 15 S . and ton. 3 W. awl 43 E. The Beatnik chased a Bton[1:1 sliver during the last mouth, (June,) out she got away. She had 250 .elave• on board. As all! went away from the Scalark, .he dipped her ensign three timer, as much as to nay, ..Good morning." • I:corm:sr. l.tria..—A sm.:lips:33odg has been published in New York. entitled vibe Econ. omist," or Plain Direction+ about Food and Liv ing. Its object is to benefit the poor—to teach them how they can live withcomparative comfort on .mall means. Many of its wiggestions are val. uable, and though all may not be practicable, yet there irefew persons who may not lean • lemon of economy from this little publication. Wer;lnve only room for the following : .6 there • mechanic or laborer, who find. it 'difficult to provide the necessaries of life for his f am ily, an d y e t: T end. twelv,r-end.half cents a day for strops drink? Let him remember, that this small sum will in . one year amount to forty-five sizty.two cents, and will. purchave r bon the market. are cheapest, the following indiapen. sable ankle., viz: 3 tons of coal. I load of wood, 2 barrel. of four, 200 Ito. Indian meal, 200 the, of pork, 8 bushels of potatoe., Into • house thu• supplied hunger arid cold would not enter. And if to these argils, Is add. ed what before he km felt able to purchase, abut. dance and comfort would be tho Mentes of his dwelling." Oaßimers and Ohie Badlroad. This Company bu declared a dividend of three per cent, for the year ending the 90th tell ,and al. so a eemi.annuel dividend of two and a half pet ant. on the Washington branch—the first pays ble' on the 17th November and the last on the 13th instant, At the urinal election, the following gentlemen were elected Stockholdem•Diroctore for the amt . ing year Samuel : James Swan, liorinan; John I. Doneldeen, Thomu Fielding Lome, Jr., Richard Lemmon, Wm. H.Marrott, ' David 8. Wilson, Jacob Albert. , 8. W. Smith, Edward. Patterson, . John Hopkins. Wo do not think the proem:eta of this road are very flattering as they are, and the election of Vac. Thome will b redly benefit tent. , Asoraas stova.--The Portland MM. • Imo papehis trying to . prove thAt#is Tariff nil '4B Is a Whig areenre This is the old'outtel overniptin,butobnuing to * the last. Mr. Dello when henailled tho Tariff of IMO a Prone:Use Tariff. : In the tecioth rt i ult. ed entl•Proteptie Oa thus du' pow of tleeoption ban on, withant any consionntioneof causehmei t 4!!!!! ? • rata a ! BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH' Corramondence Plttsburfh, of LlaiteV.• Correspondence of the Pitubugh -- • Laneseter, Oet. 14,. 8 r. x. The following Counties haws been beard from and stand a fidlowe.:— Philadelphia city & ea. 2000 maj Lehitt, i t 615 0 Berke, I 5000 a Columbia, I • • 385 0 Chester, Delaware, - Correspondence or the Pituburgh Gazette. jinirisbargh, Oct. 19, 9 A. At The retitrns in Dauphin county have all ban received, except in two towluthips. Irian 2630, Skunk 1683.. The Whig =dairy will not be mucblarthin 1000. The two Whig Reismen• tains are elected. Nerthumbaland county give• about 600 niajor)(j - for Shank. FROM THE SOUTH. om t *tondenee el' the Pieta:ugh GUM, Philadelphia, Oct. 14-6 r. x The death. at New Wane on the 9th, from Yellow Flarts. were 5, mostly etrangem and mac. climated !persons.. The city Is again Oiling up, and presents more of • bairns upset than it has for some menthe P l i d * Au gal held in Baltimore yesterday for city °Seem The Democrats elect 15 Coon ciloien and the Whig. 5. The total rote ware 8000. A decline since the Governor'. electioa.! BRING ME PO MORE REPORTS., The unkindest cot Pennsylvania bee received for her political becluilding, is the foliating labo: ale Telegraphic despatch from 'Zanesville to to Editors. Zanesville, Oct. 14-10 e. Send ureic mute Pennsylvania• Election Se• urns, exceptilnut result. r- 0.110.=-W;are without authentle ratornts' from Ohl. Franklin . abowe ■ whig gain oVietlie vote of lest fall of 200 votes. Idontgounivy le labia all over. 8o alio is Belmont, Zanesville. Day ton. &e. -or the general result we have nothing later. It rained in Ohio ae it did here. raciest's Correspoodnnee of the Patsborgh Gasette. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. PIIILADILPIII4. Oct. 14. p. m. Flour—Liminidkales at $6.644 per bbl. There is little or no drat in the marker; the break in the Canal has destroyed all hope of supplies, sod ren dered the muter stiff. Wheel—Raley at $1,38a140c per bet. Cona—Moderito salsa of prime yellow at per Lou Oats—Rales at 43810 c per bu. Rye—The market is newly bare, with nles at 80c per bu. Wbiskey—limited sale. at 30c per gall. Pork—Sales of prime western at SI I per bbl Western No t it willing at 8 1 4. 75 per bbi- Stocke—The [eliding etoclui of the market ar • • • Grocerice—areithout change. The Senthern Telegi4hle out of order,--N thing, therefore Om the Baltimore market. ExcI..NEWTY Corr-toper.len, OßK MARKET . of tetout rFn Flour--Salm.iif Genesee at. $6,626 per bbl. Holders of Flour are trying to mile the prices, but buyensobject. Coro--Sala of prime Whits at 73.74 c per be: of prime Red sales age effected at 75c par'bu. Gate—Rmailiales of bulled at 50c par bu. Wltiakey-43ales at 30a31e per gal. Prime Port—Saba Western No. I at $10,50 per bbl. Mn. Pork—Moderato aim at $l4 per bbl. Grafts—nt supply in market fs large. Nereus Gas Jr. •—lit 'the Milne of Wig more, in Herefordshire, there are fields which may be. and two tome which are, lighted by natural gu. This ego, with which the subjacent strata seem charged, is obtained in this manner. A bole is made in the cellar of the house, or other local. icy w;th an iron rod; • hollow tube is then placed therein, fitted with • humor similar to those cued fn ordinary, gm light, and. Immediately upon op -plying • flame to the jet, a soft and brilliant light ie obtained. which may be kept bunting at plea. ere. The go hi very para. quite free ftom:any offensive; smell, and does not stain the r eellings, as Is generally the use with the manufactured ant. ~, de. Decide lighting rooms, etc. it has' been used for cooking; and indeed Nome cepa le of the ante applications as prepared earburs ed hydro ten. There are several Gelds in whi the phe nomenon exists, and children are se n boring holes and setting the gas on fire for usemeer,L It is now about twelve months since thi deco, cry wu made; and • great many of th carioca have ',kited and still continue to visit thspot. ) Dr. Sr suever;Professor of Aichatecture in the Imperial University of Dorpat, Rassia,bo• recent ly invented a method of drawing from the leaves of therpine, a cotton.like subtle= Wilda& he has given the DiUoo,oi Forrest wool. which use: Merely well fitted for the fabrication of coarse ogre, se paste beard end weeping paper. The cloth made of the Forted wool retains, it a true,' an odor of eosin, but as this odor drive. off noble some insects. the', cloth maybe used with Oven tage In bedding, each u mattress coven, blankets. &c., especially for buracke, hospitals and other establishments, where • great many ere crowded together. WA.surorom, Oct. II Mr. ?fist has been recalled. and a special rrierp. miter started on Saturday' for Mexico. If 1 mistake not, the conclusion come to by the administration, la to take possession of a certain line, and to reduce every thing north of it to cont. plats subjection. Where - That tine is to .hike is not yet definitely datartninert.—Balt. Sun. • Seim 05..--Mra. Weldon, formerly Mrs. Mc- Gaughey, of this city. and vetsi eloped with Dr. Weldon tome years ago, recently committed sui cide by, hanging herself,. in Covington, la.—A miserable end of a lib made nilearatio b 7 ainjugal infidality•—rkreland Sergeant Rylay, the dimmer, war well known by many in this community.' Un wu resulting ser geant for some dins, and kept the rendevoue nett to the corner of Cedar, and Washington Su. Ryley was a men of very large frame, more then six feet high. He wso formerly • tiergoant in the 66th regiment of the British Army, mationed in Ij.rrsdn. from which he denerted, and came to this city. Shortly after, he Joined the United States Army, and kiug wall skilled in his profession, was mot to Weit Point, where be lotted as drill scirgeant for emu tine.—N. Y. Cow.• The reeaot death of RlCebbe H. WILDS,— the author of the following beautiful effusion, will give en additional interest to the appearance of the linear at this time. - 'My it. is like the .amm o ruse, 'I Let guns to the neern sky, but ere lite shades of feeling slum, Is s meared an the greund—tu the! Vet on the row'. humble bed, The ewe alai dues afaight are tilted, As if she wept the wane ta we— , but nuriestialt wee? a tear fue - inc! ti re le like the autumn lee( n' li fe trembles in the intices isle ray, li. hold ta frail date is brief, Haab., slid tops. away. Yet ere that k (obeli bill and fade, The parent tree will mourn its Ilbadr, The winds bewail the Intim tree, If t nate shall breathe a Ales fat me' 'ly life is like the prints vilitch Get Slave left um Tampa's deeert strand; Unto as the risiai tide &ball beat, AU trate will anus Gum the sand: lfet as if griceiog to abet AU testi' , of the human race. Oa that ehore load moan. the 01[1, But sons, slag shall mourn for awe .16 00 1 d 2 tl 00 3 00 11 00 4 00 1W -Igo Oant AID Pa7l P Pile. Dr Jackson's Embroeation is the only mope= t, still •eure this set eery common and troablesoa thseuse. It not only irouteMstely allays pam and int& malion, stops all bleeding, salllues that intolerable heir persons f. Its apptication a en tendered produces no p.lO, but rather y or aaees , bin and pleasant sensa tion. pr roes stiletta will call and hoar of the great number of eases that hese been cured, they laid be astonished. A gentleman of this city, who had been Coder the knife of the mutton for two or thdee times without bent cured, has by tr ngtltroules of the • brostanon , been cradiesily toned. It sells blyon t : l i o p to p tott!--(PhI). Sa t t s ttrat&Ciodcß tA InfearNFourth strVeth,ugahrantrol Lt . I alto at*. Drug etttre H P EckfraMS, Federal BOOTS 5,00 .0. 66 FOURTH STRICT, CORNER OF FOST OFFICE AL.L . EY. TIIF. subscriber respectfully i 114.11111 me public t. ha has meumenced the umeafacture of Gentlemen. Fashionable Boots, of good material sod workmarop which he will anuntof supenor any Boot over made ie Ptitsbuigh Or the price. These Juana* Bans will be made to meeting, arid e o warran fFlVE DO KS t them aricire• seated, at the very low pnc CASH. • 000116C000 are mewed to call and cambia them: , WILLIAM VINCENT BOBEKTFON. spilt( Successor to W-B MAINE aisle:Two ads minvrizu °writs, r \ ... TIMID OTlLltili COILill OR POST CHIOS ALCM..' LLit.WO Wo . O0t! prepared execute In an:parlor and AltltpOdittollt meaner, all Lads of Sirs Mynas, eel* Ia kW eotao.r. Mlle, Ellis of Ladle& Lotus' fleeeiCtspears; laralblll Outs, te.,lac ' . . 1110011. LID- I , L I.IIIIITIIII I . -; ; to en) , leateni eaceat le the - ifianner, - sad all tied. of Mats* 4erae With neater, andante Waren'. rates, r . , . ------ ---- _ . WA[AGIII•'•~ I=l First night of hlr. C. T. PA &SLOE. • , • Friday,'Odober 150., 1847, Perfonnence tocommence with the Comedy of SI mipson tc Co. Slmpron•'•lrle. Potter.l Ittra.Soneme•M.,l Attu which the come Ballet of LES ES.CIIEL,LES D'AMOU R. Seereey• • • .111,Paroloe. I Jemmy • ...... Mr, Meet The whole to conelude wa the fame Of RASCAL. JACK. Raccal laclt• rr Doors open at 7, and curtain will rise at 71. . .. __— Re-Opening of Andrews , hir.agle Saloon. .1 ., On Tuesday Evening, Oct. 19th, WITH A TH yti's iltyla Or Still INIELoUIYTT, 0 EVEN i number, who nand unn vaned in their pro. 1.7 (union ndividual4 or collectively. They wa appear each evening in a choice selection of the mos popeler Ethiopian eorms,Gleer, Choruses, he , Inca anted by their respeeliTY instruments, vtr Violin, dun ,Teatharine, Bones, Cautinens, he. he. The Collo g dbuinguished Anis% ealnpoW a part of the earn nay, Myers, Arebef,rage,phyp¢l.ll, Fawn nd2 3 e . ii . a_ . octld Er.CLIPI E TR/LASPOIiiiTIOX 1547-'BNia ' &Teak ej .14IntUncriss and Produrs TITTSBORGH AND THE LAATERN CITIE a. , WNRVILLF. AND CUMBERLAND. . ROUGH 3 0 BALTIMORE, FIVE DAY S! • me open all Seasons of the tear. Bides, safety, sod favotable rates afforded Line, are such that the Agents can with • recommend it to the patronage of the Pub- Mishment of a Two Day Lint of Wagon roernoville end Cumberland, enden it lb. , .ditimut and tenable route bet een the Eni . Iderehendme from the East it delivered on the evening, of the third day from Cum and Wei Pillsbury berland. The ¥ta will give receipts an to time and rob.. and all ['tipsily consigned to Mem will be forwarded at the lowest eurmil nites. en Lading transmitted and all *muscat). promptly attended tn. J C BPWEL.L. Agent, Wapiti .1,1 dents above the Monongahela House, Pittsburgh. OEO W CAM. lirown.ille. McKAIO & h 1 AG Ul RE, Cumbetland. J B ROBINBON, No 3 Light St, above Noll, MI& mone. oettrodryin HIM Aftll./LIIIMUIENTS EXPRESS FAST Pi.iSiCKET LINE EOM TO annnov gitliedff IIULLIDAVSBU nsi. Fr ILE.Canoallinatail.Rotestdlitvi.notb.:,sl,,re,i,:riztai.nmcs mane on iday.1.3.4 Ckitober, to run iwo of these packets, car ing.prthengsrs to the above-and all Inter medical, pol o on th e Carla! and Rail Road: leaving Pittsburgh ay . .ry Monday, Wednesday rind Friday Eve ning at d oek. and Hollidaysburg every Monday, Wednesday. a d Friday mornings For passage • pply to Soren, MononLElsgCHahela il C oure, Of to D O • Cons] Rusin l . Vauable 0 • lo Bloc. Properly for Flale• T HE heir of Hamilron , j eI "" TII I V=N 4` t 7-.lC ell ' ill ohcr s day of riovtroktr'naict,Sonotraenpremi•cs, that'splenold FARM. lately t property or salt] deceawd, ounate Mock en the Ohio neer, directly oppolde . the town of We/birdie, 0., contwoing about 105 k acres Ott the property is a large, rootroOdiook. Brut Dad. 'Oaf /boa, two elorie• htet, conveatenr.y arranged end in excellent 'report attached are all the ottonlouthodd. ings; I alio, iwitt good Apple Otchatds. The bottom laud ale-ore 4 and under good fence, and about-IS acres Of Ottawa is cleared and ander flue . watc of coluva tin. On this propertythere tan abundance of list kgry . hest Stone foal. rim I..eautliaL lc/canon-and proaltutty to the town of Wellsville, U.. It is not too touch to say that this if, tale of the most desirable no the Ohio Royer. For,farthe• dentqipDon. appllcatien exit be made 10 Lev, Bottaahorg, Virell , vltle 0., or Washinotob Urn eon, Wen !la lot tOn, or Th., !lain:non, at the Wellsville Ferry. Terms made known on the day of We oettsdoavrts - - ---- EACH'S UNIVERSAL EXPANSIVE SUELLEN! D labor casing Mactime. was Patented, April 15‘11, 1 , 146, which 10 vicar or It. greit daralady, cheeri ness and efficiency, La sanplicity of construction. end the ease and famtny tt a used by either Roil or adults.; is iticeinthly desuaed tosopercede all other Com Sheller. for general use. in fact enplies desideratum srEnch hos long been wro wattled tbugli p ont • ,h e lygerrm States, forwhile it costs here thou mrementh of the price of dm rotary shellere, one person can shell corn with it. as felt us with any. For sale at the Seed Slots, corner of W 0134 and nth om. oetls S N IVICKERSIIASI P.i.noc,fll;.`', Tea.; I JI Ins R Kamm, .11 5 bag. Pimento: ^ Pepper: Y h g lgeCtores: WU matte Cam. 5 Idris (Lager; 5 E Sans; Anton 12b ^ large No S Mackerel . , eeceivlng and fa l sole by /AS DALZELJ. 24 weter DEERE D RUW, Ac—R bbd. Oaths* Madder, 3u bbls chipped Lomond; I est English Pcnetten Red, I Camphor, " roll Idennstsnel I " Cream T4rter, I ease Inonntfist Paste, secelvinc. •for sale by netts _JAS DALZELL 031D011 PAPERS. de, Pummel items and London Punch to September seed by Ibbertes; Late Aim No 17M Amer.. Remeat, for October; Kmekerboeker " Eastern Papers, he.; recenteel by / W II e , CALDWF.I.L ioctl 3 3sd street, opposite the Post °Mee Dry Goods. rne, puschase and cheep Roods, which me otter at each m and sm h terms as cannot no else vansfac• on. Cali and see. SHACRLETT & Will rt.: 0.11 le mood st. a dents above Dtamond ay AP" iilßD—Soperiar tientueky—in tin ran.. , l' a+A far e, half and quarter pound..., itiFt reed aa:c AY ^ tiC , V , ARV 11 ogliS rain Ddininna (SOTTO! TAIL:I-1,0a4 and Wart inn!, Cainte. V wick. Batting, Covellat 'Yarn. & c. for sale at lowest calk Frees by - FIRE MUCK of rpoa quality for;',, by 0.13 1 DICKEY k. CO WUITING—OeIy • moll gOanuty of that good cheep Span.sb Wbutng temeine untold. &MILS !I DICKEY & eroß/LCCO-3 Peru; Ate* on hood end will be & In very low to close conyigtot et by DICKEY & CV ,oetls I SUOAR-40101do eopenor N 0 Sugar tor 1000 la by - - BrANG ik 37 and 38 water st L 01.13-130 boll. Crenti ground Flour OH recur'dd a and for male by S t W HARD/LUCIE drll3 ; XI wand nt • 1)11 uooms--2U dog Jut reed; for gale by octlS: - - VIIEICSE-13 0 b W R received; waste by octls' WICKA MeCANDLESS' ---------- H— ERRING —lOO brs probe smoked 'lem ur, reed far sate by WICKk bIeCANDLESII war ear. h. 11/22f .111 L "'' ve,4, gtiir, gr.,. co 23 Atha I. • /11111F0A 75-bbiss Cider Valeta r by ottlY. SE WN BONN MIRST k. OLAN;iS-10 em. N U for ..b> by oetls tIF VON BUN NHORST fr. CO CII6ENE-25614 %V Hueco. for Odc by ocil3 F VON 80NN11011313 CO OlL—dbbl+Tanner. Oil , or sale by otO3 S F VON LONN HORST C KIA - o Djtkil - -; " la.. by " at ti oat .t CO bble treat. potty i fmli.....F?rf , go eato '.‘/5 water t hunt n. L . N ,JI m TI O 7 , Vt . to — , l=l; , . red Leather TOCCIVIng from ,0113503 L Z L ' OILDUROY —Just reciai aril a lot of English on tor - Itolina anJ Hunting Pants, which will nada toonler by notes INK 11111111.5--CosimutlY on bud • tar t~ a o. sottmetst of now nod toprova ct uontJu aou't EL rated otanafactory. at HATONS. Tllmmlng Store outt3 and Tri g Wbtakey for ralo at the wale nom. J ELI/ Fit oor! cent front stoorket IIIBILINI%- 0 1J Rye Wto.klet, V for .ale at the rum store. RV4 — N ,, r Ene.nd Rum, ut Latls and IIY retail; rit!e 111 the MiliC •IOrC. ArOf,T!GU.t!i very ott , p b exr ;. p i etta . p tht .o o , ld . e rf • at the . ter ' sne i insntrren n the . oe ' tl i gj AC oa r etai l: wVEß JAMAICA RUhl, proof, u 1 bbls and by retail, old and pure; for sale at the worm store. J wEAvmR octli JAILLA' CA SPIRITS—For AS . , E wholetattot rtr , D . nt the wine; store. reell.4] LA %/lIMESS-50 boo landmg from sum Mtuhlgen; (or sole by I DICKEY S CO edit water to /metro , SPAN IRIS TDBACCO-1511.1es alert and error , ' 1— pen win be w!d "" low to rl;l n d i ltel tr r di) " that ee.114 C ". 1 71(4 1 / VIVITDITZ !' octl4 t ear vroal tc water at., le l a e D b L L y E k V 1 N oc il fr 11—" ;"j7;lVdlir - Q —.20 bikgs korsitclAbr:y. 0 *cal LAI:MIMI-4N dot lazed sin% Mit•ob'. Mick. bsr, for sale by WICK oett4 & McCANDLESS Ct AXRAT VIS,B eats for sale by .3 ocll4 _ WICK & NeCANDLERS ClidED-30 be iimally Seed . reetieed sod for sot 1.7 by !JORDAN & SON ocil4 • ' 11!S litlelvt. bead of amidateld kegs arid bble for eale by BUTTER and Lard in McOILL, aUtRIFIELD & ROE IR liberty (T n al; Cot.eale. by oa4 NdIILL. UUnNPIELUkROA. b T OBACCO-76 11.717.°4ZhEL.V.:. lip E ErOKICTIk-60 Deaver thicAtt.l • to T No for Web) MeGILL IFIELOR ROE ' • INIK6-4 0 hbdt . prime N 0140. r-for 'ode by beta ItIpOILL: 10 1 5 WIELD S 5 bale* Hatunv , . • •90••" ,Coodloonek; -far oak coal •••• .11/BOIL • • RIPMFIRLD!‘ ROE • alio, i comikio C ROM XIV rind Holland JL WV sale it de** gain - i J~~Yi.L ..5!I~1 vli:+Ll.r- . ~.-fOtyVt'. EM=M C. , .PORTER By John D. Davis. Anetienßur - - - - 76 Building Lots,ad joining the 7th 'Ward of the City. at Auelion. - 4 on ated wt lota o p' f p - iround, limning on Beaton!, Ridge. and KilLkPairiee am, near the nay tot on Holmes' Hill. A plan of which may be men to Me Atietion_mont. or on L.. to ?deems. G W Loniond .11 , y Hoehanan k...ts. :fine indisputable. ano lermt--One.fifth outs, residue trt font eignal P"'"' w"h i'""". JOIN D Soot ocv.; Dry Goods, &e. On Monday rooming the Inth trot, al I o'clock, et the Commercial dales Rooms corner of Fm and Wood Strees, will be sold without reterre,a la assorunent of seasonable Dry Goods, tee. At 4 o , Clock, F. 21. IL patent ploughs, with conkers, 10600 very superior elpaniati &gars; 6bf ohms Young uysoo Tea; bbls Rieo.B bar. Tobacco; 3 ^ N 0 Illolaaser; 2 calks assorted Chinn and Queenswrwel . An extensive arrortment of new mid second hand house hold furniture, mahogany bureaus, tables, shun, bed steads, mahogany work mends, feather beds; bedding, looking allows, mantel cloche, cooking stole, kitchen furntture, eta+oClock,r.M. Ready wade clothing, fine shirts,gold and silver was hes, double barrel totaling piece., pistol., fine table nil pocket cutlery, loiter and cap writing paper, tart pdellode,fic; a isnierican copy; hardware, Large EAtra dale of ode ry, Slates,ratent Trumes, de. ON Friday afternoon, rte 16th inst. at 2 o'cloek. the Commercial Sale Dooms, corner of Wood and oth Me, will km sold a large quantity of knives and forks, pen and pocket .knives. mom, razor strops, S Pen ells, combs, piitols, powder barks, percussion cepa, la, Cie and tea spttons,loc Ira, screws, hinges, eandlowteka, wool Ciiitil,ol\ II braces, latches, escutcheons, shear*: g scissorstfith tools, lakblemaws, knitting pins, Fmk," boots, patent trusses, he. he. _ Alec, 31 driven Cater. assorted sues; an invoice of Gentian fumy goods, de. octld - JOHN D 'DAVIS, duet Splcpthd Lobo ph AT .3 o'cloarou Saturday averting, the 7Gth Inat. at the Cornoiereial Sales Rooms, Will to rola a lare air. ointment of 'Very aupertor Illhographgembrioliag agreat variety of subject, +mut which ttra•UtaaT scarce aub valuableprints, watch may be easarneed previtios to too. octls JOHND DA elS,Actot --- -- -- -- pork Patralsag at Iteardatowerr trlIE l'ork Facing season is rust approach ing• 1 1 shall be prepateu to peek pork and meet esHogs as t,,,,, g eoe tenes—barrele, keg and all furnish.. ed If dewed..t the lowest market price. It ta 'wail known to pork buyers the advantage of pecking at this heronpont—the number of Refs bele:11E10g to the r0:111.111 n:sunny large, and of the finem quality. owing so thesmmenw co ro crop' in thin mcuon, the llogs will be very terse and (at Mayes, who inte nd packing in the west avert . do wel' to call at tho t belore loco. nog else Where I WI I it pick on OMMlldlinn for Pe t rie. or Drovers; or if nay of them watt to puck on their own .coatit I will accommodate them with every re:pi:lna. There au Sto he Mtbfin Hogs packed at Mut point this winter, as I greater port:ono( the flogs will be tooltree and fat arine any distance, only at too great sacrtfice to the owner. I shall be prepared to pack .ny quouly,..en recommend buyers to ha in the r,old . due time, and make arrengcmcnts Mr packing helote oar neer Closes for winter. ' : JOHlk Ft TAYLOR Bensnaloorn, October IA 1e47,3n N: ‘VROLESA LE DRY GOODS DEALERS, Ns. 54 Trod anal, Pitoteregh, I%.RtuErbanovwejo'fc:rrou'il f.oryja'r pure Irts:A te:thin the post 4 creek.. en& ortech wall be sleved at the aleallest advacce far caih or approved ered A Moyers could not End such a meek at any taut ere House at dill:season of the year. notiany wbo we eastcompare prays woh the East, wtll pleese call and ute tor theowelves. --- Planet:teeter Lots at Auction. will offer a portion of tdo Ground known IS ine lOoinpany Property! •t Manchester, far me unite ran, on 'hand tw. Oci. IGlg, gig inCbck, P. Lon are eery- fivldnanely eitunied, fording the best sins ion dwelling hourer or manefacto ne., and being in the seidsiof a busy aud increasing populnl4on,lnl3sl apprec/ate rapidly in value. Tim Title a eticil undercut utd known to be per. feet. , The rate w.lf b.c . lteld on the prmalmsouta commence on Chant" strati between Itland Mac and Ohio lane. Ternesof sale: one.fifth corn and the balance in four annual pet rnents,wan interest from the day of sale, se. eared by Mind red mondani,. GEO BREED .IOH`. 1) DATIS, Asst. loett3dlnel 9A wood at Li ppeinno. John D. Wick Morgan. LIPPENCOTT & CO., • LYI K Circular and Gin cam; Alay and Maestro Forks, Hoes, klettrickr. picks, Ac. Aci. Having completed all their arrangements in the Con. urueuon of new machinery. and'n seeming the best workmen from th e most eelebrated establithuteno of W e East, are now manufacturtag and will keep o f sonny on hand and fro sale all the above artier", ho g av ailed themselves of the latest improvements, and la ri a de:ermined that in workonmeiltip and material they will notlie excelled. They promise to produce uncles, - equal, if not superior, M any that can be had in the East. Toe) invite the attention of dealers to aa examinat i na of tacit strict before purchasing elsewhere, as tiler eon convinced that they win be able to fin alt crime in their lin W e to it" entire Wert ItWY I of purchase"; W , giatchouse, ater st.iCcnes onestga lic.la !loamnabangti, Pa N B. Permn‘ hoeing bummer , Non& Wm. Lippentoit R. Dunce Love. C. V. Marti& R. 13 lismosa LOVE, MARTIN itvCo. u _ . - PRODUCE, WARDING MERCHAN ERAI• COMMISSIONN TS. , , AND - FOR- Pa 6 Spear's Wharf, Baltimore. Err m A Ern A. Co, Hampton, Small A Co, ri.4b.mh• Domm•Soundom & Co, Job,, K RandaH,} Bellmore: d&aalr ORANGE. Ruterzbausen Co's Old Noland Glu t for Sale at the seine .tore. The otanutaetureof thia env perm, brand has tented for over three years. and it is vvitOoved 110( Inn pipes pure could be Conndiniberlarlited tows Fervor. fam il iar with it know what it is. Doti 1 WEAVER _ SRUR DIES-1W bag. R.o Vallee, Itr bags old Gov't lanai 40 chum Y 11 Tea; 10 .' Imperial Tea; -10 " Mari do; 100 kegs white Lend; • • 13 bags Yapper; tor We by oc:14 EeI:ILL. 111.1Se4FIRLD & ROE —,_ LDICEEV & CO Y WANTED-- An active in &twin. , lad, say U Lti yea. al4, who can bring goat reeniameridatiocuh can heat of a 'Avignon by Wl)** at EATON'S Trot, Laing Svnge. ' nell3 RUMS, &a—A lota heavy b4lc Shim and SDrawers reed; for vale by oett3 n RE' ABT iu,rry.avy A14.1a Unl 1 U Te4v, u ETON -- . INAMENT-3 glom &Ken's Nerve and' Bane L Ltnadnent ;not reed; for sale by J KIDD & nein CO' • E Ku lb. Grein Put reed; ed4c_to 1,1'111'60 • J gli)D 2.3 UTTY-50014s Puny is Bladder. for sale by . t.D .0 J liU & CO 0 u llolsili k oods homee a ss Praia Bonnets just 'opetted at ry g . w R MURIZE.' th _ e m vz ro d jr Smart Hollao. nen , DUP Tat Vo''tatratrz ItieVi.liegUnset J ACUISEAV ER, corner market and first Us.. 0 • fIASTILLON itordesuz oak BrandOth pit . f.; lk_.; &sin wrao:enale and mall at the indi EA Nom • JAC NV OB WVER. ASICIONETTTI Rocbnllt dark Brandy, 411, ison( in half rime; fur wan 1,7' Gail _JACOB WAAXPL, DOCKETS -50 dozen Ramer Racket. in note and 13 and fur sale by • JS R FLOYD. , . . CIF:GADS-2 0 boxer Drown Ilaraoa ce3 consign k 3 meet ter rale by J & K FLOYD. °cal .. ... OIL —ant bariels I.nrieuTanueer 014 fur rale by veil!J .t. R:FLOYD: CltA , bsurrelt , j r i ztri o v , D i “1.1 ANCKER &11!?iYElt 1., , 11.811—Va barreltand .13 halt barrils No 3, I .11: Mackerel in awe and br kale by & R FLOYD. 6:1 ALT .40 barrcls 1.. for kale by • 0 pall for & McCANDLMS, BA-72.13•1( chew. Ggrier, vaxioms r Necesomm. AISI NS —WI bo,xeclust racetetng tad tor sale by •w icK & Mel-ANNUL S& BACCOES bX Myer.' Aitieititio,j_eit , .d , t4 d for br W I CK t BacCAZ.OI43BO I . ••- . _ JACOB WEAVER •-- - . DS—I2 lopti sal ate% for 'ale by WICK kIICANDLESS- 1 . bU IS bear Fdberte,,as Raislim,.. • 11l do Cream nuts, _ 1.1 do Almonds, to do F. Wigan% in mord and rot sale klat omit C< 11 k. I.lll.NNkar VE&TUERS-432d Itif tdlindKonmeky; jdst•rn, nnived per mu Mary IStnotkensi and far We by YOINDIkAMTER in CO. • TZItCAT4 4 e:j,' . fIIIT.-60 bus in Barres, landing from imar Nino. 4.ldr.f,amt foraalo by tiIDKELL,Ap, DOTASU AND INDOL-3 U.ks 1 anb, and au lba coin Wooljosieed vinr,far eala by oetta • J C BIDW ELLot TOVE-6 ideoad hind Pranttin stove to We e. 3 e l - ova I C MOVE& FIE /LT ERS— , 3 racks priausAlutkViqraie "mhc".i"t q-als"M`l3l%V. .„„ • WWI toy nle by Cinr.lB34-11""e1V/1111 DICIEY a CU, •,.. • • • statet sad tam ma ALOT o( prima S nihoolde Wag& costs W.& • ENGLISH & BENNETT, , l ireLsoTs—ostek•Voglislt, tm we by V V ocul. - ,What. hIIetIANDLEILL rllOl OOP/Lt.—l ease: /avg. Put teeelvid; . ki cabby • R ark I ' HS, Drmain ::2 WIT:ImA st G um Nit'Ll ..`" 1:a f" 3164 "-" 4, :tor, pvanrortErno-g, Weida .• -Lettlaia ‘ ,ftsloomd.§.skinsunra eattliebra * eagnMalOad Poeta BMX t Nal•b7_ oOtaL APCUPItHIt loyal Y' "^ r STtAMBOATS. N4ir '1146111 CINCINNAIII AND PITTSNIN II3 DAILY ; PACKET -- LINE 3 .ell tome line of splendid passenger, New a mow COlllOOOCd, Or tW largest, tow . test, bes finished and furnished, and most' pourer ail boats on tie oralets of the West. E•Cry aecoonne..ation andel= fon that money coat preente, balibeen provided bops. se niers. The Line has been in opera= for Ina 746.11 —bane esteried,a m ill ion of people Wale.% lb* lewd Onpory to their persona The boats will he at the frec a oot of nod Elect the day previous to martini, for the inner (might and the entry.of pantomime on the were. n In all eases the outage money must be paid la • . • EIOAD/LY FACIEXT. • .. • The IdONONGAIIM.A,Capt. Stews, willlear , Pale hargh every Monday warning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Monday arson` at ID ' Tlllll4/AY FACICICT. • The HIBERNIA, NO. A, Capt. 1. Xlisiesltte, will leave Pittabwalt every Tubed") , wonting at 10Weleolt: W heeling every Tywdaveveding at VI I'. M. .. • 10,10110rEarTAY. PAOII:ET. , The NEW ENGLAND. N 0.34 Capt. S. Dow, wt. leave Eittabareh every %Wednesday morning at 10 e c bxki Wheeling every Wednesday aTellll l 6 0110 P. THURSDAY PACKET. 'The WISCONSIN,Capt: R.J. Grap,arill lovb PM. • hirgh everyTbursday Foreleg atlOeelnekt Wheeling ,r every Thitrsday,eventeg al 10 P. M. • ' ~, • FRIDAY PACKET. • • 'The CLIPPER, NO. S. Capt. Croakr,vrill leave Pltte. burgh every Friday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling •every Friday evening atlo P.M. • • SATURDAY PACKET.: , . 'The MESSENGER, Capt. Listford, leavertng borgh every famrday yeomen arlOo'eleek; Wheeling every. d a turdayeveeieg „... edr lo fLY,.., - • SUNDA.V PACILLT. • • The ISAAC NEWTON, Cana A, O. Mum, ea leave. Pidabeigh every Sunday ,teorpuog_ at 10 !Meek Wheelies every Seeder semen at 10 Y.M. • - May SS, ISO. HEAVER PACIfETS.—NEW eaßA.Nupearrs • - The tecz . 6 dor - • laawill leave for Bett li z ti • Ohgurar , sad ca, ay, arldsfs Ind Saturday ofeachweek, de look; reissue It Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Kw low • kat the tanoing between Wood street and . the !nog., .ed to memo fratgraat4nrilurrinAusii,.Av, actin agivEß, • will leave fat Beaver, Giormillmma Wellsville, on 'Monday, Wednesday,' and km klay of each week, atll o'elaChi • at. marninli • _ on Toesday.Thorsday nod Saturday. the has a boas at the lansbeg between' Wood inner and the Waage' .; prepared to receive freight. ii - any no. Gra'. lIAItTON, _ • FOR ZANESVILLS. - s aA The fastio i 1 ,, 4= v, ... • Beneaittrrautery=ll leave as above =Saturday rooming at Itto'claak. For ft -volt or pus.= avail or , r 0.114' -- - FOR 8T satiLThe Rae near 111011 - • GERWANTOWN, ' . • McLean; armrwill Wave as abaci a. Monday morainal la stelock i Fe% l' Or s" P.'"° "I„FitOOnhlirLaTtraul Agent - ----Li ---Wiiiitrai-iiff.--,..., • m at , The fast inning Ma ~". y GLADIATOR, s o g,hus, master, will limn es above: . F4d., mounts at 10 eclock. Fol ti at ty_pssasso apply oo hoard . . owl. FOR ST-60015 AND.ILLIIOX9 RIVER., , T 1:bou he ntiful stew .. • • •ALLIQUIPPA. - .• ' o:l.'''''',..4ii-r„ McCormick, master, will hays •as ••••••7- --7 - 7. 4"cv - : above onFrulay cooriana at 10reekelL For tremor or ...sage apply:Mc bard. . ". ocd4 FOR BT'LOUIB. 111 c nue Pew soar , I . • wyoutrir Greenlic, master, will „don in liana ' on Fridor eviong . 414 oclock • Pa —•-- apply an Word. ' conk . - NEW 0 . 11.La2 1 ?het ZrogicAN EAG , USs" •• Atkintacy - msster,... lea v e as al ord.r . ...m= For g h " 1""P ' . 44'1 41 ITMILMANDIDia oett4 • . MR WELLSVILLE—DAILY' PALlOrr -.:',...' ' ... ~. mat:n ll* .LE, ' arn., mum, will teams Picas:W. - ww&lftailiinezwwW*4o.,.; 9 o'clock, and leaves Wellsvillis arcrgifwair still t i. . tNicwic For freightor passage ••• we bau d . Walt, . . FOIL FRANKLIN—REGOtAII 2.013141 . .• ../ ' • -• -frzati.: i uan ou arra at 10 Velaelt.. frjsalakl - - REGULAR LOUISWLLSiACHL?• ~ L . !, ‘ The new, light draught and feet no.' - , niegateentet BURMA, •. • ••• Crorteronanerorill rano a.reratat• i i between Pinabargi soil &maw: _, vide, during the wane. Ehe halves Friday, Osabor ei . • • at 10 o'clock . . r e ' fre'sh , . puaege elniiiin %int,' = _;,' may , : Fon COWIN NATI—SEGUIAIt MOW,. makPJark, wester meth lamb OP. and tedenmediat4dmaillit -` Nkinit at lOdeloeltoi,x;•- • • • For fiche k aeO prase, hayinx timwa u. NZIEW J9NES". • Toe; rimer, las remaioa rk lor4 ear trip. mai Wlll 1.111,0 as abort everp'lloardoy all Moo. day at o'ckak, P. Id. For tragla or Pin ns ifell ELIZABETH. /IND - 1101403Crio. LIMA CITY PaCLECT. • rudide-tiatter,wlllnut d 50.1.01,, iai Plvdbizsit own Monday, td nod.) , and Inday, lan akkocd, al q iutcl Iltomar, het& City every Tvwsday,Thlanday and Ela . Mdly . ectocic,4% 70111,0 05. 0, P .m !! "rY sa ,7ti *THE 111 Ski 4 all,==: 'if fo l le; abort pu atilmerA F ti EATON . . - 11 a SASTBCII Lill/111,E RICS/figir,. SEIICHANTIIhibd WIMP. 1111,0100,1 PO& ir64111, bI iaimacd *as dull' Ws b the rams aawydwaso; ; betweea, Piaabaliband.thi Elet;oolllleAtilijd Bala more acitb Adam. aad.',Calapany l a Ittpma daily, for all the pdaelyal &mem Pittageirdirall slava' ~,clued dad diyanalled daUy Brownsville Peralaaa! ' an Lodi Mamas:ad Causal mdl Omuta byl.artalte ; prauldratiaaawklel , Eadadaak,so CuldoMma add , thence by mall trala par t• Umber paniaalass cadet* lir dit Align maid baildmda, Wood ••••-• .111D'IT - 0 incomr, • eat ! JACOB WEAVER Alm uxoril= cinieiv. naisoNa koala eta kY p W+ • A. sou maseaable must Masten tt of England. Yktralsod, sal almond - in Packet Ships . VaTittOODOOJOS Ind smetts of the Mash Goestusost.-., ham fireman], cannoned &ripsaw at Home shallots .t. • Rums le suomtes. simulate OrMai that ONOOOO• 411 7 pe.tuwd open *moat ham Alum scrawl* the /IMMO *MOO OCKASOOIf* CO, en the - tight : pliM s t raits apply, II boy mlibea. to be Inset& tea': . puma MI, sat titntnia .••. , ••• I." • Poltett•ioLiittlao 11•OMIONIVO104.*Ok tko Black Ball Line sate what ka mune, slus &aim ;, the public. as wec..gofeug..beAtnalynonollt of iM" Black Ball .Lki•t i •o 4l P l *. Sr! Liw..aei Itight•Dimihts to any mocass - .hartido Ittlii/ 61 Orsochm of Ute rsosittelal cc mama Ba t Intl. F.nalsok Swami: So We'dtaw gat ow* Ea- ' ‘lutteet out do not tato looney aMisstkit mit! loal ga mute one etsa tome% therebyffilaiing sod delays. - Let she Beakers, 1.. ehlthlMls4 •••• mediae. thaw ss Wow' JCSHVA ItUaitiseN,mogiegg 4.14 ~lagetkportele. "gm PRINTS`. ONLYi; CEDAR NEW YORK 1 • LE E• 4-BstiREWrrS9T Deabliieidu•ratoecs O:oI.IIVEALI,Lin 7trAtVrtoa ,Yq g rezverirmy,..t . low ynces—ead sztabOtalr:XX:rr i et Ike T RLD ~.Txx“:4l, 4 =7„,t , e t nuoss awl Dasemkr ' dm = ar 'a a k t l l 1r=1,12 1 ,:,;, - ii . je for C•sh eed Aso eeedgibef -pal ONE TO RIVE C&' per peed eel.* Ih ° ,P=g 4l'll 4" LW:l P per r ` inGmasuee of M invni. C aWPIP—Ver sits,s leer B halm went Iltarrilt of 1 ... • l ~.4.V114n01y f, Prime GPI* 44 Behowatiellierr. retina Emeg , Tar 111° Z - 4 . 4 eels- lad • 1 Teemed, &Men vs vs otoeb *Omit tareamage se Aube teeir.irtra i r in awleutnedoul Oeil bum' beef '{'H - a Z 4-2. " 1 " ,,5 .,M1 Mari gni a MS et I'IsaLOPPL by wilrlistailr lMM U/ 54,0 4 b6 0. magn Plitn4 o " l rem. li op eakkes4 I. E 7. fee"3"k ligeTead Mater isol firuPent4•l l :4 e"velr ehierels.the 1 eleven awe Pea ME= is .p.6..0. . I Th.jr=='eeeltieernee et Weed ' ml Ne. Of k 2ftwritad ow, /*mit ne.446k.t.7; —aro - ' brmel w's:lr to WWI efebrMdi p poem* fuel eailuot io paiN goars , L.& Tkln7 OtAwnr, mn►d matellams...Alo IsSt. ON dolor Mewl Slisidervillanslilo by soli ,--; ,Zoittobt . miu- se N s Rat • • • v , " • ' • ' wattiv,-= ISM