MEZIMmaIeakimainzagEMENEMBENEM • t Egigiaril Pollt* • very" family, or nearly every family, ii with very little trouble, have eggs .in p nty during the year ; and of all the 4 the mon dome d s wi tilta ghif tett fo or w t f he fo u c s a e pi of b m le an of , jfddingthe greatest.profit to the owne r:' _ret the month of November I set. apart - eleven hems and' a itick, gave them a eurall chamber in -the wood-Ixtuie, de 'fended from storm, with anopening to the south: - Then food, water led lime , were cdaced on 'shelves convenient for them, with nestsil chalk nest-eggs in ;'plenty. These hes continued to lay eggs annuitant th winter. From these 11 hens I received an average of 6 eggs dailyduring wiener '• i and whenever any tree of them was disposed to sit, namely, - Bastrop as she began to chuck, she was 'separated from the others, by a grated partition ' and her - apartment darkened. These clue : Mn e were wall attended to ! and well fed. They could see, and partly associate through the grates with the other fowls, and as soon as any one of these prisoners began to sing, she was liberated, and.would very soon lay eggs. - •Itis a pleasant thing to feed and tend a bexy of: laying hens. They may be tamed h ect es to follow the children, and • will liiy in a:box.' Egg shells contain lime, and wheri in winter the earth is covered with frost or snow, if lime be not provided for them, they will not lay; or if they do, the eggs, nf beeettaiti:must be without shells. plaintibish lime - fleet , chimneys and old buildings is proper for •• thein,' and need oily be broken. They •mill often -attempt to swallow pieces of lime - and plaster I as large as walnuts. The sing i ng hen grill' certainly, lay eggs If die find all thlup agreeable to.her ; but the hen is so Much-of a prude-as watchful as a weizle, and fietidious as a ypocrite—she Oust, she will bare se . Mee* and Mystery about' her nest. All eye, but herown mast be averted. . Fol low.* Watch , her:, and she will forsake ' her 'nestr and quit laying.. She is best pleased with a box covered at the top, with a back e l ide Itperture for light, and aide door by which she can escape-un seen.' A. Meer - may keep one hundred :Owls in. the; barn, may 'suffer theme to trample 'on and i destroy his mows of grain, and hare fewer eggs than,the tot . lager who keepti r - a dozen, provides se cret nests, chalk eggs, pounded bricks, plenty of-coin, or other grain, water, and . rival for them, FO fakes care that his 'hen" be not disturbed about their nests. Thine chalk eggs in a nest are better than one. and Imp eggs please them most.. I have smiled to see them fondle -. -round andAty at anent of geese eggs. ' i Fasts will begin Ito lay in Carly, life when nests and eggs are plenty,Eand ' when others are chtickling around them. A dozen dunghill fowls, shut:. up from the means of obtaining foo d, will require something meter than a quart of corn a day. I think fifteen bushels of corn e .year - a fair allowance for them ; but : More or less, let them - always have enough by them, and after they Nue become habituated to find at all . times , aplenty in theii little manger, they .will take but a few kernels at a- time, ex- Copt just before going to roost:when they.all take nearly s-spoonfdl in .their crops. But just so sure as4heir pro. visions tome to them scanted or:irreg .- slimly, so sure will they raven up a , :whole cropful at a time, aid stop laying. .-- --A. dOzen -hens; well attended to, will tarnish i family with more than two . . thousand eggs a year, and one hundred - fail grown chickens for the fall and win ' ter stores. The expense of feeding a; dozen Yowls will nor amount to more than, eighteen bushels of grain. They ,'.maybe kept in the cities as well as in the country ; will do as welt shut up the year round as to tau at large.' A grated zoom, well lighted, ien feet by five, par t • *loped from a stable or o th er ont-house:, _ is-sufficient for a dozen fowls, with their - • roostieg, nests and feeding troughs. In the spring, five or six hens will luach at a time, and the fifty oyixty adders may be given to one hen. Two • ' lens will take care of a hundred chick . ens well enough until they begin to - climb . their little stick roosts. They then • should be separated from the hens entire ly. ,:I have often kept the . chickens, whet - rung, in my garden. They keep the May bugs and, other insects from the vines. In confining fowls in summer it , ' shoirldbe remembered that a ground floor • should be chosen tior it would be just as . • well to set in their -pens boxes of well '.. dried pulverized earth for them to wallow - in during 'the warm weather. . Their pentrithould be kepi - clettn.—Seorterlt lee • --- formes Gas-sae. • Exa.w.s Or INDCBTRY.—The follow .. tag extract of a letter from the celebrated "Fanny FOrrester," nnw Mrs. Judea, dated Rangoon, (India,) March - 19th, shows how she became distinguished so highly above the multitude who spend their days In self-indulgence. She says to her friend : "Shall I tell you how 1 _spend the '.day t One is a pattern for the whole. At half-past five in the morning I take a tide on horseback, fiorn which I return •at half-put six. To throw off my riding dress, take a barb, and put on a loose morning . gown, occupies scarcely 'five 'minutes... Than I go through the house, overturning, and arranging, and pzaising --teach the ' small people,' &c. At - seven toy teacher comes, and • with ' Mamma: and Mrs: almost constantly ; zinging : , in my ears; by way of request, - complaint, or question, I stumble through rimed O's until eight. By the way, :I can:read the language quite intelligently and intellijibly, though I cannot speak • it-much, or understand it whem spoken. At eight we have family worship, and at half-put -eight breakfast. At ten my_ reacher comes •again ; I keep him as long ail nil, but I find studying with a 'teacher:4'am fatiguing. Alone I can gat sknit muci easier, though - not so rapidly. • Bunnan'woman mends the children's .clothea, dec., and I have her sit in my study through the day, for she requires 'Constant 'showing. That helps to call the children, and the children the dog, (their especial property,) and so I do not ufrequenq hare •a little bedlam about ! me. I divide my time between books and family matters until five, when we dine. The Doctor then comes from his • study, and slier - dinner (as he thinks ex excise is life) we , walk in the verandah • and talk until` candle-light. He then . , . goes semi Mins study, while I see the . littleones-under their mosquito curtains. At sevion we have Burman worship." 1 - _ • Km Wntos.—lf , the happiness of others in not' motive, enough - for kind yords,.we may rid a oure to their in . • - &coca on obraelvia. The habit of using thcarar length conform our feelings mi . langu age. We shall become kind, not only in nor manners but in our hearts. On the'other hand, to make use of carp. is and bluer iog,itsrshwords, seldom fails •to Acta the disposition, and to Injure the t.mpet.- - • - • MUM ` '-- IRON' W ' - - '• ' %WWII/04 WaWilliekegrallti gi irmouiwpdalur2.ltrom • ow 4111 licar'="7 I ' f rom ' . 111°' •=414.4 = 1,0. 11 0 g a t u iiix wm,„ i;,:ii '1517 o , .., .:,... lial=M 'itEDICAL:' i nt. RAI s EI yr ilAiri r rip IO6IIIiIITINg themes sad du ta x:lidded A' Premium tad Child Birth, room the sal aad esprotratted proems or the temedopm of woman which listen, whet alderieed kr die Ilainnes at chased Ideotteadel phalli air WWl' w ed 03 1T ai h ou tri with httid "hilt ' , alma la' Wilir=attig his owns Ulta, otmenr. id this mairkable Get. Denbo Mem et theme countries art psealisriydilliq hen 11l -NMI , beds, la th is respirt-ahey see UM Rim time puss sad dawns which mate ' pimp& et p i *. meg aa °biotin omen eathipetedmideriagnid risk. Cidiaetb rad ihirMilL Pr *Wile 1 7 FoulSed huh I* the caste cheat as. ouirtable exception=mli midst, shies mama females am-gaimattlir JubjectM, sad tomb was tha disenerry el the bet that the at those coustres mit la thi habit amble d the last stem el Pregmey, mesh plume ism the batty A hosteler that daple of and shaticity to the aorta sad bleed minele of the therm, ot Weed" viritichotabies it to perform ha bomb= le all their naive innallarity ef e ectima bedew eds It is a shoats tact, also, that that *dist ' a 4,0 1 . of North America ands "a remediable &Wale from tires peer asdempleadmeasey tad chil d hint to which the white woo ie eabllieled.r. Whetter they me Um mem phats an do the le t el Ara are eaaaat teak COMM It is that the Art te no lees lerminddli Ws Mem . ,‘:. . < i - This Randy haws ettesinely and thoegiont Ranee with the moat misted ertiohn as& may Fp males who were ewe .iagte dump wander of the duple certequat to the Mate of tam:MO are now by the em of *issateditise, - perilarmilgi dr *dies of wives sad maps with comitet east t is at Oda time sow est pretested to the err. anon of America bills Boidelope,theogla Me 1 orb agent, Dr A C MORTIMER; tad hiltelt 1 &tent that isdepodent of it. GRIMM Yeinii it IliCtimarad half to the morel part of tie moms shy, as It Wildly atheists& tad* tea) with horrid crime ol which semi; thrash fou of prim ol child birth ale rittratir.PiPirles e t: PIT 'Phu msLcute le also mertiinde lii,lllinnifilid thathitherts dream flummaimm, ma es shiest constait wommuireat 11w Album( ;a fact that mimed Ned' WWI MU of the Womb whet aetroMpaldes this dieter! is min MIR tau the threat me of the andielifir , i This mediae. is pester la stet 'a eyes to be agroaahle Sid pitman tette MM. - - , 1 Dr A C MORTIhUIIt Neal 14 Limessel M.., I New York, Ws beet tipeintel sole yeti' ihr the I United Pew, by Dr. ad is the sly person in this coustry who is utherised to teed I this imalerde medheime, is thebliewieg Weer mill I , m agg & m iej fr og , 4;14144 : l, Paies,Jose 1001,18414 Dr AC Moenreas*DeleS.M.Momdies to LIMO I agreement crime taw lehress.wheitit by the 1 letter to give yes that mina arhosity to mil throughout the UMW Slates, (my Remedy for mi. liering the ?Mae asd damn 'oddest to perisemp and child bark) which it Is nweeram roe you to have to Wier the mbhe die gembreese aid pr. nay. As 101 l an seen the atpolVe et the us& ow to the Memos et the as fur obliged me le I send it to you ie air tight reseels. 1 bare also sent with it. a speciera ot the sewer it which ft i. 4 4 1 ep in Parra la like inamter 1 staid with it . r,i per is the Caked Shim. &smith pool em. ~ t 1 remain your, F E BORDELOQUE, M to. P S-4 elm mad you a copy of a MUM meshed 1 by r r i i le from the Royal Academy; id • Notascri, in (Translated from the Finch. ) , • • Pe" Jan 13,19161 ,:r m. Beinutvm—sip—Tes _eoguausioa- Academy have ispoined dm asiernsted trouwitair amber as• committm tomorrow& ing the menu of ilme rafted) Ind lopsa. as by you (Ism reheriegtheimas sad dusternandeatto prig. macs tad child birth.) Several smitten Soweto tering submitted to die Aziary the, roma tit *eh Imperil:me la Oa reef year meedg, ere nor to to lay it been yoa, believing it lobe the best decision regudirm its claim to datbretimk tea at ite gnat nine, that either me tithe patillo'coeld hair wished. Wkatemr isucia this body may pa ten cia the evelotert of the probselea will melted to further that admire of this mmety into pierd am which m a semetilic dummy end ea While" remedy, it so richly . drawee Sight Physicals. harms used the medsciaa, meta is itty cases of &- livery, found it satiety secondel is premotleg . a remarkable safe sad am delivery. free from pis and auger. With tie aseitpitm ofdbres pulsate at Dr Ragan Mere was • prime ussomity lbw any sulseement matures or deems me it these three a laboring Irwin who bad met with a moire fail a week previous to dainty, was Wean halesdi a:My dim that stoat with a prodse Istmordage, which was with &SMUT smashed. TM other two nallonssionsol *egoism, womb so Illso WM* ape. These few eat em is so peat a maid of mites a lons barked, Wow the sadoebud 'S eam of year remedy. and have detested is to pre it itat meammeadataa sad semen! whin. is due to it, and the fertlmusee of wiesille twit. cee (Signed) IN o. L. t&AGENDIII, Nt D. Coca of the commissiort• of theft. iienary That public arelentreed ' wise -psrollothy OW mediates from say puma ostiesesai memo of *BB4 Dr A C Me 26 1.2 Limpness p m York, where this medians is pet op is suitable for being sent hyped to any part a Price Tiro eoP dollen wiimekne ciabitdigbil Or permit &Mitsui of obi r; t err, Mia Greet Klllaky artio_nrade et asdabitre, c. as ria b? fatarlabbg T ra i rn " OWM a l ER, Sole Ammt ar taa U S . rapl27 Pw N 026 14 Lipman st, New Teat. STANTOWS MXTIBILIIAL ILILICILDT. CALL= HU NT% LINIMENT, IS now eatursally_stkornstedpe to be the IN FALLIBLE REMEDY fer Eittbtm, Sri cal Affections, Contractloiter the Meanies, Sas Throat and grassy, lesidet, Oki Uleers,Pain la the Back and Chem, Ape. is IM .Btemst: mid Vies, Toothache,aiu, Bram% . Seit Rheas, Batas, easy, Fromad Feat. and all Pierome Domed . The TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which hu et-, tended the medication ef this Mad WONDERFUL h 1 anent feeding the most Armee awe of the dOlarent Dyed* above aseted the HIGH. ENCOMIUMS that bus lasso Undated epos it, wherever it has bees idobeed, lima me the debt to call an thar AFFLIC TED witmort st once to the ONLY REMEDY THAT CAN BE BELIED 07The faculty and to IMIONNESSaII C 4111•• aced External Ramey, Ode LislamioLJ The following lean Item the Way edema I Physicians who Save bees ettattbed . th the Mont Phenol Stale hem fer day Is thi: bent educe of the vales GNP t LielmeaL SING Sus, Deonoter *.IM& My Dear Sir—l received you mote of yesterdey, asking my ordeal is titmice to Heat's Lhemeet, as melded by Mr Game E Stubs. compositios, and beteg borseldly OtM caa teem:m.2dß to yea se a age &dui Baur dy, aid la toy *aka, the heat Lideset CO is Wry Indy sad supectfally put, - - A HOrrium. I Cot Pierre Via Cortlmelt, Crates 1 folly cower in thastare eytmeo. ,BELCHER: Yearrows, Jas. le, IM6' . Sis.-Ia reply to par -letter, 1 dui ley that 1 bare used lost Wad Remedy; maid-Hues Liniment, fe my practice slice yea - made me an painted with its compodoe, lad ethasettellaidy say that I believe Ma be the hest EttarnalEame dy sow is use for the emerged, Fs which you commend it. Yous g rettel j a nt, Geo E Stestes.Faq. ZEN the male! werthlme artistes sad that. am gored forth al Gm Must :day = him ar coseos rrlwaiii.a , it as reala ity mr= i to pie, speedy sad eandosi is its ermoNem, osim, the tame tine Dee tram Om itsultella elude which moray dad powerfal remedies, Ware idont, meparad by Geo Stea ms L Samy Slog, Bios& it km twee be ta short time .befits the pablic, bee 'lndy eitaissed the amide hes, not tedy ad our met de Al ms, bat oar most piates. - ll - astlayerk Op it lobe it sotedge dm lbw any of the Ills that flesh is heir to, wades the "chin ' Web, mad by its pulse ahead/es ildleeece,healabisa sue from the spud : Mr. sougo . og you - odositheiooThit of hinat's Liniment, 1 de iMud t. 01111111 We on Skf NO, who had heelcrippled . with it law back from u lefanm sad It is with paildin I War metimoey to its weadmfal bodies petards. My child, who b now in yeses of sp. Is saw la s fur way if tocovety, Yowl, dui DENSON NILLERSON. Pon Or flgll, Towson, Fetid Co. 1 eddy that lam podaHlY acquelated with the above used child. sad ihiak the father add be de in iglu ad his mat is almost well• /AS W DUSAN,' Nov 5, Hi*. HUH) Post Master. P. S. I would also Mite t h a t I have hats Hi a I motor of years Wed to bopest atteckill that peumatisse, which la day_ inetnessremeated my atteadise to my bodies. Two evillest mai,. tattoo of the Lburout humid, mown, an el- Teatime of-the Iliad. Is came of tweet "mind and emu, too 1111.1116181111ie meatioe; dm la OW vicinity proved a cattalo recede. , Its edge sea_ oill be canceled hi those who have glees Hof* , Ltahan is st old tad Musts pasha& 7 all rlblaPal DrlENts • thromtheet the canny. ,Wholtsak .41p4A Z ow Ve r b. ROADIE", PHELPS & BCWadi' ; RUSHTON & Co; 110 diamlinv Alt D SANDS, Mow ralteo sad Wills" ' aspINWALU. IN WUllam strut. . Olden ad&ulM ime st Sieg Cacti:F. be atleaded oh. • .-. GEORGE E.STMITUR , ye, sew fa_ etteliop bat sad / EDO& Co.. Altsul City, ERN S gi ne teseamdOHLEHT/S. - osaoFulLA AND SCEartiLouS_SIML, lo itios.—scrosais la all Hi aslafailii form whether la tlaitalbes FAil, easzinassW 0 Sao &ads of 0011144 Mars Vats -Smellier, Maar ' Rlimuaatan,lor, 4thitilkla tweets*, or of Valrooora , , awn* flue ems rad tho saam emsiraWla, plasm ptimeipis ' axe or lag laltirrat is Oolosso oyolioolliono ram dm die petal* tii iltiliibi ,, i egi MS eaa be sialaulebat It Oa pn ilia.] whielr ON digooso deraille, is - emniel moat asesultyPiler ma witaaareidar ilba diaaaas shalt OW Ilillid l 4 ll 4 ll wall' is MIMICS Mil Alkfillei-ALIFLIUMITa if 1111 vanaHre iirmallaltsa & o w , 11. Mime thi Om* Innen thsuribpolin bobs ann Ur 4,, rdt=4:2.."'n.W 4 C&nth Mail Iltesh - • „ , Saint tbsraihtluiters,As. 7l yeartisimi: . .J i r:Slu IS\L_a^ 111:DICAL.. . : i ; ,_i .. . . .;•.e.;-..i . DS. DOWNIUM,/r1 - Y." • L SARSAPARILLA. ''. ...4roosi.bii.Eikirim*ini As the World: 4 4 0 ..tii , d b id.i . . 1a.n t " . '" ...b....L. ?P' gr, piemnierjald womemel alai* Oa on soil. i. c ,,,,, ' n *. n tn...d. '"6thig e, -, !11 ---.. ! -, .. • iiiiiit trio — CAD hissillikiik • .., . - zi :, - b.,,,,io,Aridoil, ig• thi. ismiiaiills.atar di hlolidso 1, whiletkilrillieohe Dhow it laviser- Sok i mmrair 4. ,tar t i brott rlG ALID 'this .bd. grief eel *mg= Go 'mei* MI It = fro ar ' A d n it,iri lli 4 rt i." - 'l=ft:tat:l :migna.: It* panto' - AN pool WO reors;:aoro ' dee 21,0114 r otifesers Casio( Frew ; et per s,Ku esserfof airetiolhiesanties 1 , ~ , .. 1 ' I =tot iaii *oat of Eserkr; 4 . '.' 7 vow outisuat e... 5.; L ima pima ef or of She id bed* i ~ P.. 4 Cel.. ..- - ' 'et =emit Droweit,if =Willa* Va: IlleWor Solf Wink Pisoreios lb: Two St.o., ito; ' To oiroon ewes of flielenewbebe, lhoo oi the ,oalo chie,llpieal'Allethew,ae s e 1.• boo .. . , - 160.11*.*Wory MO WOW 000n.4.110, bwe tare 137rphipiden awl °Whoa? lesoi all wt• of the IL Lieweepeifieware vs of eherawilwlesree. A Yea Fall., isielpfthiriognsphrestoleireatets to Nog ' .W.4'W 4idnion;og dad At es Mho to wore_ &at !Lp be ee Wag per slow - That.. ozwetomodo Iffews Is the k . ..11121 Noor c 'Toot, *kJ& we will raw lo Willi Plieowe, ea no of. ebendar. It .11. Um: beet Wielleim for the of gliegeo• kirrit,lh olio arril ilw liree 1 ' VIC cmhavin Tin, rum Sams . Aril morel lb. ewe L ot to. ~04 letpierl then to Ad 1 ............E . ' ' 17331111 1 • • limn trim/ Orrice& ' ' I 'Corr. G. Vi.lllouutt,lll us Mario terms liiri,.l drab* et Or N.. /am Leasure, b.. kJitilly plat to W . Miming iftitikiti; It tilli its PIM gory. • istmot 1 Iris nisi intik tlitialta, luta tit Illitte k ir7fin kit in a iiiiiil Mei: 'I was todocei to try• Di. imiiriliikiitit lalliarttro ci three bat . iris lila 111.1, mai sold+ itcalmly tithe' I kw. esitimilliiking• (toed ibmi that .liniprore erli2 tr.- I WWI it atilt T." tilt; nil tittoil iit be without it osier eq imiiiititka . ' (1.. W. YoLeas, We V . S. N. .. . uth ;id. siliplhet +mind sitserAss swot astiosie ear .of Ilse Tm bissiglilinispsress eon& fa aso lam is sepriaidosysL '. :7. lth um .Tississas u —Dsor aiwin. : ll ix hi IT Oa thesis at par szoislisa.milsonsi.. Tiny was Waist osiiy dri4ll,ll•l7.lsidilmil mom _bars ail 7 rim bar bondy.y; It tick dr aim hit ishies, I =der . Twoolvistay,issi golf Wag W. Casix,lo3 Warta et Kw ' . . ,• . GliZiti MEALS =Miff DriTerdomMlN ISOMpalibe for ti sompop= , , ism for ivelpisot ConeMWOM,Boressoam, et • lona* ammo+ or Mina Illomeremfirm looootimmon . of Xteirmot imalsonny disborge Mond; and loft Om otolibmimMork of CM opbeo—oo mother modett do matt of ialecood non or come, prolate& by beeplerity, Ware Ma* cm bee more torpotoop. it Jorkaromq .F -ificbtall.• boo= hum Penes., MI oreskome - oed Mo. . Oak, Imo lakin le, ot ones Meow nisei owl band cooly oder It. Memo. It bomediseely romernote lb. memo Weft of Ms bomb bum obi* id Ibe p..t has of but Minot bo Mined of NOS mon of. oo dolieste ea tore, to askelde cortibmtee of arm performed, lea ene ae woe deedlictedolot Madre& of nem bate Um repotted lens Interstems Mime dimities boo Mos Mahan rem Ober othei dm bouts. of UM imsbaeble medicine, lonenonumWlWl Intik beteleby A. 0,14 1 Min greedy dietrmod , by VOLUM Ind immot delent4mllmor couinmEly by phis .. mo d ek emotion of , demo, UM, of lbe tomb, oad mi*Nisitt boning Memo mon !viola yoormodiciso M.fvnd 'emit corn; mg geo Mem- • Vrdliden.rork'""d'77l. .""'""lrott4l= the.ll .o. ltolprro sr.- la Mart mend maned far • OM Mane. Beiop grader be tbenotired,l bate jimmy in tem aelmovieelp imi amt rotommodialpit tio pobbe. M. D. Moons, - Alboay, atep.17,1144. Cor. of past of Lytios SqL 1 " . % .Dr l 2lmwsd: To all whom W. r 7 cararn—Thi.4.s oltuy Wiley Otib mellow lotthi or you !Innapuilis lober, under Ino rut Owning out =okranninounty bow truttiod with dm dropsy, uul- Slot, nun,' 4=. la lot nol =lris istnoul to try it, wick o flak; ea ma. it So unlkire but the Inippy= nirtglOtnet.not sly in boors ofrontlassanat, tut after . 0.. o•ortt= of IMIB met of nu, the dromond w oad brr batik is aro ClXer . 711alt u' itTallboro =w.. pro. 1141 w wall to of soy sumo to yea or soy au On Axial Wo r.a..of Or uoditinn, tutlanno toIV_ loloua• art( you sine libodatubdt 14 riritnt. IS 0 .50.. .. - :VOCNIOTNEAS AND 7ILLABILD . L.ADILL LIMO of AltreqtainDs 4. bes• orprereell prim:rod • nOomeolt Opole eastiatate. No forgo Intro hoe rear Allittlieleette• Arlo eifelletAlitittit eityeelpielod, '.• awn he/ iife,^ stank ..pct to tdoi; it; se it_ in • colitis pireittivo,for my of them Das awl kareDie limb teltith=re.= thisthesofgeat pr . •• Ihe• Waldo to Wow hoot. approtehiattemeohej, Nil itiktikhol ush• uteri 'by Atdeknov the bigot Aollephoocaelei IS. epee.: la t . . We medicate le tovel thohieJ ter dammew .14ch won. to. ii‘ic i z=. itt• We -41,..'1•500P1y el lie Iwer-iel icatoitau Oa Draw ei to pro we • robtrawatt orbieb.i. do Woof omit oolickter telim kr koala eme siloit lt ltra••• ar-Lo Till!. Ti. Tao bon pabremplealow, *ao err, llckhr aW Arai Wisittlkie, rar ibectio, al lo4arita;” •. at too of Dr Tonostra It win alma Taw lead, ewe th• - Ciettibte Wed., d it^4.6. Mika.; rm....p.n. sa Wont.. ota-rall of nom are at worm esker or wows , DRIIPZPELL or lo• nor bee diootred wart smal.a tbe pm* Olar or telisa is iwwqrarka• Aollesedevoidoslog We ammo( dirtities, as WI paper 10, leas. nalastot $ • '"al23..DW•OrierM Dr ilnimemodir ilio-1 lon beat ;MOW for mere 7••• of& *mopes to tom Wm, mortal with *or, ey Own* Wm of_ qp•itr. surer Wartime, led a Flee lentelieW la dl idso Doloste for weeks (what IWO I bin boa t he to ratai• but • mai portem w my" at0r0rb,..1144 , the wog nwelles, bat Wry boll ba• ltpt. w AIR Is nem* the wophott, lor i• them otto sore, to try year Lome of Wm pwabroal l =many witk W w•Mow,.tot Ma; lenne, I inn o 7 11. 4 . .= 3 .. d Mindy nem.; M weld y imam, 11000..Vel• Gilt to Gam Woo lora Wei .Bi r d awl lan Yea.' Y10w5,,e,,, W. W. Vole Zoom 15.111,1W1.. Stembiml. /axon* Mark CLL. .. Mai the tialwanool. 4•01, if o.a m, Oat worrop• .0••••••••'•••We_, TOIL oak ow OW. mewl WM.& owe Dot IWro lertgloitla Lowed: Pa timoi,Dwr fir. 1 Iwo takon, ti line am .mar novo itlt a Wort wilila•ed i pai• anode. It b. WeOli We fry Ihr, ririmorea bow Me. somoyeknr er=alasse was. Win rrit bot:oireaer VilAt Aal•g . orliwlar WM bet walk& mar., tram into M. WOW! fair woe le* below innatowil Uwe a•mairabia- Iwo ow! coal .1 1 Der le* '.ti. ;wail ; I was torme rarr. .•••! uproot i• ow ...mama Is 7 m lied, owl ow g•• to bore widowi pima 1 maite ree Mertpria• ay e.• • tirf.ti. Ima prod by . my Moab 4e neopmeri 14 oil Wu to Wimp lbw Moil poiramber of modes, . :I wad Komi wort ,ro• ema b• eroara, Raps Um Ara. Ist 1 i "MA to Writ, IMI ea, MI ea IMMakfal Id* rOwit SR Dot 1 oil wieldy well, be•••• offir Miorroly• tott• ami ay Mime, got kon ba atom ery t t woks. Fly row& eiall o tb• ail nob Milli:ft aof Ma bat very ee. in plain avow! stioil.k. lAY it My to lie s dos woe dal mr.,==p4r wrim Optogiono at Ployoloinose Dr To emboli imanottlatlymerrieg a d ore Dee ply; maw ier. afoot mead We DM. TWO. Imairly Ma we, fko lobarriped, lityritrian of 0104.• 141W7, We ...mem Imo morebed Dr. Aramenth Ommorells,Aril Won ft ton cos a the mot .1041. y. month . wr tW Akrowrdia is We mare., hum. ro, .1 Wilms, OD, ", 1601. April I, IMO. l' Sittetossoi , Mils I•=wit es, di. ssisesipeg, recu t Tlemoseh• die City et dtbsoy... bet i VWt oh eir esediir si = iess p , e s s= d ebe = r=s = e d 4 • seyf h :illL .o. norm m ees w: Aril 11,1191. ,WX 3 Bianco,' t. ls ' . .41116 Fob. gt.tP.ll4.4.._fi_lf:. Ili- VS ii "" t l ik rrLes rPi =i:t7, =try ths. dis Matt Mates, S% ills. 1.....i...0 .1.. "'" b th iL i ttirwr " d"' '6I74....FIJII3WpitsgrIN: biovra ixt% If: " aIP ~...w r ...a.ny a r .• of April 9,1147 .LC swami hills ewe. o re i erd, • ;o p ze lio t sob, ca. lholge'db Der." ti o . on . ri " a'S6 r=4. 4 tsVeititTi= ta f twt , tsil es is ea sm; MU a slew ilt • writ • bee u55i g. 44 .,,,,,,," .o leg spew i.. ..i. . so / we Indere als rime! ef the Simpinlia ewer. ilts ” 1 710 00 rral ,* / itb s ....‘" h". *row Debility. L . : New Yea•Aeshsl7,l l M 7 I Ilk. w. , -1 Pies bog added to7 d ow kie de 1 'peas with • twollieshiod bb. di., i a l u lts iteel.tas Ice, pi is de dabs wel ow. . 7 , bow. the seetiori dime nil to which 5 41.41. .1 ..,.....dr-,Nre moilibgbitesamewie le - _ rill ....- dm, biome lir= le nog pg.:Vt= lid [ Moe oewolliew• irittloy ad I isahwitstigg el Als led bedtime I liele Orr tmkM,-Uw. pia in lay dhotis eel 11111st•=st= ~...dr...s I bees . 1...." sissamaira.47:o7, it wid. h t ili g.....T • i i 'Moll p.d es pgweet Di itrosseil . ' there wadi oot giber thee ilw Wi • , ,.... 041 . Z. etel 01 . 0 4 1 , 114 i1br .,...5, 1 "1... „ i arzhk..4l - 4 ledt reste .--- ,•• det Doge is Wil .. so=fe . .... o stlek i m ew getew.: to items Who tew se• b • y " 44 1 1.'" B"Pmi tistels . • DM, 70 Mks ti. . .!••_' ~f ~;" ..-.. , : , , , gem. • ' .'' - 4 6E . cumbers& i• mecum , , semiesuream.a..aia ..p.a. aea....... bee sea belies of list of sham TM eertibis is sdeleills. • poet Miler toesigills Ire*. • _ _ __' mp i ui, um n.. -- -- 1,. h . - lin" "'. tirrietr of .7 stab. v. veg. iddll.: 10 • 11 . r la Os M.& Ni deed, ebriel with r i st/tioi r. .- •ei itess s. eVii i mig. b. nkg 1 1 .`: : drip ... 14 4 " 7 a.os . s °l hi ; e p ir"" d7='.t. Illkt els by 11l Zlo24.l:lB'lloggie use , 11•10 WiV i t . legeogs all eel 40i ea. who Y. H. TOWYpillidlitels lost ler Abgionty se pilibely , ' , 111161114% Celebrated-Pia Iligtelia. ',,, , m5141 60 , 1=shre =aril owl =le d . Atha Mama 4ls. MIN. leri/ro. Who aUrilLblitrit4eVicw="oe= L Air eile=rld id* ~, ag hl .. =. dwisdro 1 7 ~,'1tr,2,,,,,,—. lst wii Ci r - ' - 41liti le . • .it Vitt Kit Cbildwrildd EDIDIODIars • ' 7 1:17 a Roam IBM owl brook illit smi ..61 .., ICI .l " 1184 "la ir . .• l•if Jr .. ~,... .:, ~......,,,......:--zv: SM=.!IM • - DICKSON CO. L 16.110 Iffmka Ifferacjilas dem Iphleks• Tkinf, &esti sidy lektilndlalate. • =PORTERS and Wholesale Dealers in Walebrd, J.Watch Glasses nnd toolerialslderelry °fall &scup. dons, qua, aide end styles, colnpra. , ng all the articled connected witrthe trade. tined*, Dixon is, Soled Brdania,Gersan Silvered Silver plated wares SheSeld and Rimini:ma Oldidd Wier articles, Rodgers it Son's! and Wintenhohn's eat. kry, mom nelsons, erasers, desk Knives, to, ivory handled table =Wry of ibe.loonooodom sod ciao moo goalies. ' Alorp 11110113DCIII of gold peed. *l ima 'spectacled, pewee maebe an& Japanned tram rano= &banes and qualities, redoeed rates; gold eases and slider ware of all doderdnions um. ofwared Nam • t . ' DICKSON & Co. hums mantle ea Dined Into tarp and camstodieras warehome ktreserly meanie:l by Mama Uhlmann & Sons. and more! reeently &Ahern •& rentunpauptore leave to inform Dealen,Boathern and Western Merchant. and other. Mat' they deluge - basing stall nmes an essonnient or Gonda of their own Ingematlen whielfahey aro neut.. mined to mite:lMo lowest labs. frrEver, attention will be pod to tkis peeking of Good. said to the execadon of older.. the'sleelinee 004 pncesirill be fully permuted avian all companion. • J. JUEL, ARTIFICIIL FLOWER IMIUVICTURER, • No. 168 Nora Titird.Stred, . • ASOTI. NMI STAMM, PHIGADISLYNIA, • • HAM on band, and manufactures w order,Aellisial Flowars, Featient,Tatittute and Fate Cap. La. dies' Caps, !Ware Odium, At. A very desatiptionor Fancy *loads, whine to will sell • lowest waste penes. N ..—Featiora dyed, clawed, altered, and Coded • NEW OIL STORNI. 1111181411 - k: 1131 LE, 37 Rag Ma me, Wow Reersinart, PHILADELPHIA, OFFER for loge et the liorececes, all the articles of the Oil Trade. Their is varied and exten sive, and they feel confidante( giving satisfaction to tholeere call. They have now on hand— rate Sprint Oil. • White Winter and Fall Oils, of Bahrein qualities. Bola: Oil. Winimpreseed Lard Oil. "Winker Elephant end Mate Oils. Reined, sanded and ControonWhale Oil. Tanners , Oils; iltnam Candles; Guano, in. he. N.B. AU •• • s delivered la first rate order. and** GUNS. • EDWARD IL TRYON, Na 131 Nerd Smentithren Phllladelpd lt NANG I ACTUSER and IMPORTER am, 11l Rides and Pistols, powder flasks. Ste t , en eerier Powder, Permission Caps, !Shot Wad, and Blank Canndos,4te. tn. • Also—Six ftrrel Ilavedving Pimola and, malarial' Mr Gan Baker's am. VG ens made to collet, and repaint needy executed DlCrAray Gan which l sell will posed, if dewed, In ilMesenee or the purchase, al. 11.11[11.11.11P.ITICS DI.IIIIOT.ACTIOII STUN HAMMER ,r 4 818 Hammer possesses many advantages trier all ahem—among 'Alchemy be mentioned, • Its klattageableness—The rspiditity and Coma blew may be emanated with the greatest ease, setnle the Mao" ia la ormatioa, and the hawser may besto steady arrested, and mspended at any height. Its Universal or Capacity to execute Mork of all kinds, them the largest to thassandleat, %sada the same - Its Gompsemem and Cheapness • Its neeessthil try aeon all males, by the workmen. .•All the hammer. ass ode Self-Acting. The sabseribers centime to enema order. for time lausuaers, of all sizes upon nameable terms. F"6"'""""juldWig." &TOWNE, • Matinees of the Patent for the United Fuses, deelfoty Soothwark Foundry, Phllatra, DERRY & NICKERSON, Idanufacturet. of BOTTOP, WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN BAGS or ALL DZSCRIPTIONA . 10. 2114 South Frost Stroll, Back pf 7 .4. DiGam's Cabinet Ware Manufy PISILADILLPIIIL: A LL olden la wi* B. 8. Alcoa. ludo taco of Rao A Aletchont's Hotel PLushotet. bo prootPtlY attended to. TlioS. U. DERRY soplo.4llv A. C. NICKERSON WILLIAM coax COACT/ AND HARNMS YAPPER. WO Menai at a 'J. Arm of 'Waa. reepartfally infbetat bils Gte W the labile, Mat be by ead IMO Imp constantly act howl for yak, a hasoiamme asiaortmew of mhiaaablia Carriage. Vehicles of all stylei awl dameiptiow otags to oedv the shorkst pasible nolieoad maned Ls 0h...7 beat meet, eabet.d material fabblbly RISCELLANEOUS% A6IIIiNCY DOB PATENT!. Waldlegion, D. C. r7KNAS C. ROBBIN% Mechanical ragumer and L 4 Aiwa tor prectand Pateats, will prepare the ne century Drawing s and Papers for A pelicans for at atm and tramact all ober hastens in the line of bra ph:4am at the Patent Ode.. He coo he minsolted on all dm telatty=ti Patent Laws and der'. Mena the United or Ealopo. pe.Splu nig diNilifee desirous of having examinations made at the Patent Otte, poor to making applicatien for • patent, may forward l e o. paid, auto:Mir a fee of torn doll , " a chat statement of . their Ca., when immediate atten tion will be given to It, and all the intomation that 'weld be obtained by • visit of the applicant in pat mai promptly comourniemed. Att latent on Guiana pools poet paid. and contain Mesnitiltdo where a wstuen opinion Is rerouted. n onfee. F. street, opposite the Patent 011icc. tie has the boom of matrons, by pernawien. to Hon. Edmond Porte, Commismoner of Plumes: How H L Ellsworth, late do do der, H Knowles, klachinot, Patent Oyer; Judge C y• Cboat,Tt=nt n e,Z &nate; Hon. W Allen, Ohio. do; Don. B sorbs, C, Moon; Ilea. Millie Hatt, New York; Hen. ao6ertliauth, hi C, illinois4 Hon. 8 theme, U 8 Senate; Head H get* Id 0, ittneenri; Capt. H M Shreve, Matewurit 'Myna Hawk.. FAA.. Pitlebereh 7 mylB MO OURS NO PAT. DR. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE REMEDY—Werra nted to cure, or the 01012. ey returned. This medteine is prepared from an fan Man Reempt, °Maimed from one of theurin the Eat West, at gnat espouse. Those who have beeoi familiar with the Indians, Mime that they as and do en re Venereal without the knowledge of Her. cal, Beam, or .anything of the kind. The af. Meted have now an osmortnaity of being cared Otiose Ithe nee el &ham. This medieiee langent toMe taste, and ao smell on the breath. ' Premed by ROMANO & WALTON, and sold wholesale and reg byul, J. T Rawand, 376 Market atreet;Phllad'a; rot sale libtteleargh by R E Sellers, 67 wood dopo, and hp liVe.TOrrrahlt Motet et. 'oefehtT TIRISITIAIII BLitt/e. Pr HE greatestend bat variety ever offered in this city A before—made on the moot spewed PM -- and most fashionable Easte tn catteressnd colors. Alen THE CHEAP ROLL, of sasroN BLIND, on hand or made to order of all acme, and at all prima • • Cooll7llderchants and WWII WS Invited to call and examine the above for themselves, as all will be mold wholesale or retallosad • liberal deduction made to wholesale perebeacra. War A WESTERVELT COACH MAKING . PROM the very liberal eImAM. Mtwattle, sobeetiber hes 'Merced sines kb boo lowed Jamul( in Allegheny, Yu lactatedhlm to take a lease, for a . terot of years, en the plenum he nom *maws, la Beane street, Immediately beelde ebe ProMyteran Church. From the long exoenente in the above beamese sod • dulte te pleat*, he hopes to, it and receive • share or public We :age. Novae hand and humbles to ordr, rookanoty Bop I=ll:Z i eV tß.ZttionVneringle; LI ttighthoneno. feepdrdtn , SOUT/I. T. /Imes , Itala* Calmar.' 1 1 •81 P• FOR all kinds of eruptions and 'disease, of the Skin; such as Phaples,Blotches,Sali Rheum &DM, Hear Spots, chapped or cracked Sktehand for all other &sea• ea of the Skin, which require ea 'true! enmities, this Soap elands Impaneled. It alia, dispels Freckles, Son , burn, Storphow, Tan, nod ch.,. the ealar of ck, yellow, or dishiared skiaVo a fine. bealthy,youthful. ciente... ',fresh sopply,narninted gene...sod rei sale at the reduced prise of S7e per cake. has last been received. is offered for sale by B A FAIINFSTOCT Co, corns; Ist sod wood and also at the corner of Lath and wood us lr • -- ENTLKMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, tat - whole- LI milk) II &T. TODD, earaufacturero *rola, No SS Mod H., up win, zero dares baby Red, saint the aLkstioa of purelassoni of Origlcorere Furnishing Gordo te oar Sleek of mew sof farkkosble goods, elarerfOrtartel soprooly for oar own Wes, warn:4d 'roll roads tad giro perfectmotisfactico; awl we would call the arreariaa of nodroame our ono to arse noa of amoebae Not Troy Sbirts,jure oresiwali mar Isaisso riwOkyr dor with halo whits ma otriped of ' .reef description asd stalks, will. pners lo suit parttime.; soothe as of thole taint Swivel Jolai Broad Oura Ehie tie foroPodrea jure opeord with Grim ride ad prkes. woald what die eolls of wain." who are to the habit of golag ion ths 1160 , 1010811/01 . goods, to eall and maxima oar dodo, ao ors aro coalirdeat aerkog, so for as prices are coo termed, Gaiaduce then le look furrher, but Goon to sooth er calk ' NCare of HERNIA or RUPTURE. (dulled to ad N sleet The tumefier claims of this Trims consist in the co. paratire earsu with winch It may ha worn. The pad of wood being neatly balanced on aping., yields tower 'sate on any part of it. and thoroughly adages itself to any =Yemeni made by the wearer. t It can he wore without intenalseion, until • core is effected. The sulk. sealers hare made arrangementi for the monefsertne or Jews valuable Tmsses, In • superior style, In Phila • delphik end hare them sow for sale at their Greet Na. 77,Dmintfickl M. near bath, Pi EO. ttaborgh. G WATT, D. W.ACAUFFINIAN. INGS, RlNGS—hut rec'd 3 dos las or Patent Val. eamsed India gabber Rings. These Rings or bands are Au planing mond papers and parcels °revery description—ln an Instant row can be placed rotiod a packet of papers bolding theta irm at the same time, altowiricor addition or reduction without any loss or compacinesa. 18.11 PHII 814 fk4lina Ars, 6 Mr. McLane's Warta 'pacific. ,Tre t ::.%W.l.X,'& l ,tienrd7f :1 41 * r f tral: panned %bawds of 70 worm, and by tie we of zed medicine • ckild of my awn penned In Inge worms.— It ig may the men sorpthoog Inns maidna I aver sea. I mast ken two mere emir GILMORE • • WilkincToonvldo For sale by 7 RIOD tea, No IM Wood urea. PM! • web*, 'fig IPILZIPL.Jart received, I,3Packet Skip . Sontrral4l tura .Apeaseeria sim Fags, rocapratingamm mural warrants. .Traitttration of Sloe Wins rad eaasoroon Broadly i pv sx.d. LOCIA7I2 KILISIPMDY tell awl areat. TOVIS PATTI:AM POD. 11.11LS—Calcb labisin. Patent Hata, Meehan fin Oil MU, Ma the mina pawns in 6113.4.4 ft hand s ehlter hi wed' or tri. iliwing di patina made go vier, • somas-Webbr Mai wed wellies: forsaie waskas3a a meal at Oa Wiae Owe JACOB WEAVER WOE , W AOM Re IBMIM 7'•-• , :e ERWMEMM==IMME :LIGHT STREET, BALTIMORE FOGO t THOiblOr, ` Proprleton."" Inn and widely known as being Tone of um nienCommonions in the city of Beltimoi e. has recently ondeagode tier, enteb!ivealterstiorm sod imprevement. An enure new Wing hap been added, coalandegnemerens and wry ehomitrig aperients, Led eitteesive belhitlifferietis. - • . • • The . Ladidl i depatterent hie Wilebeen completelr te organned and fined op in a most lung. and Lessard Mgt. In fact the whole arnangersent of the bloom ha Yeses eemodeled, with a meg% eye on the pan of the preprienne rewards the *argon nod plume of their Goons, and which they any *keel confidently the • assertnio will chal lenge . cortipmunin eridt Un. Their table will always be sopplted welt emery ebb mandril had henry which themariet afford. "erred up in e senor style, while In the amp 01 Wine., en.. they vent mit be moaned. Is eeselaskni the proprietors beg to say, that nothing will be left =Unto oa their pen, and on the parte( their ."menu, to render dna lintel worthy the continued immune of their (nen& and the public generplly- The prices for board have also been reduced to the . • taloa_rtmc Musa:— , t Lames' Ordinary, .51. 75 pas day: . Gentlemeastt . .. . .... —.— 150 .-. N. 13.- , 4 be Iltaggage Waggon of the House - will al 'Mays tat ipand at Um COSMO Steamboat Landings, admit twittooniey. ammo to and from Itto Hotel, free of charge. ' mrittf - - - IDIMAILL EITTIMMT 110D.5114 Vtliactennati, r 01110—The subscribers having pan:based the en ore lamina( Col. 0 P Williamson, late of this well known establishment.beg leave to tums to their friend• sod the . public generally, that they have taken this commodious Hotel for a treat of years and will exert Moistest energies in make it a desuable home forTrav ellers and City Boarders. The Hotel Is sPaeloas and admirably planned for con venience, light' and air, having • number of!, parlor. adjoining chambers, pre:reusing august an nocuous to, femilies. The presentproprielan having bed the expenenee of years in this City and eleert.hooe theywill be able i ''' u n ' ts=fetti " ou ti t the. Lb. i , e. , .. - to g— m. ......r...,„0„ Pesilltleet Hui ts meet...only eligible, having fronts on Pearl, Wale and Third MN so that it Is equally desirable in via of the, conveni ram of ballets. manor retirement ki c f i tielteboanlera It Is near by the Hanks, the Post ce, We Masonic Hall,Oild Fellows Hatband butane square distant (tent offeringtre and two . squics fmin the City W the MIMS' inducements', especielly to c ountry merchant. and generally to all persons Vlslailff Cincto• natL =Mt/ . ' JOHNL NOBLE JOIIN A DUBLE r coLustais übrtim, Clarks Street, between Market and Lombard - . . &Mats, Baltbnere. jaTnronshaeriber having taken the above mitab- Raiment, 'offer. his 'emcee to the citizens and blur generally.' Ills conveniently . situated as rtjturthe Steamboats and Railroad Depot—is in the dst of the more extensive Importing Houses—and In feet, the location open to those visiting thdeitY, 0 sta• no co u nveniences and umforut u the other prinetpal . tho. .. • The hone oi now being fined up Withrtew (=Bore, Is teen lame and style, and will be open to the public. on the Rd day of April, IdO. The pmprimor trusts that his unremitting cams to please, will secure to him a portant of the pablie patronage, resident u. well an ustwent. i W DIE, Late of the firm of Dix At Fogg • Baltimore, Apn ni, 1617. mylSdlltni ALLEGHANY HOUSE, 4no Market st delphla—The enbutriber Hate of the Wubington Hotel, Hart isborgh, Pa.) takes this methed of in forming hii old friends and the pelt te generally, that he has taken the atere earned HOTEL The House Is airy * and mamfertable, and has been extensively altered and implored* and Out mutate, hopes by a strict attention to baolne., and a proper care Gar Me comfort of lus iw.:tNoLocir.i.ttrtl.n.d;decerrn.e. aotarL;i2oLl'riciatrimsylei: ling Public, being only two doom ' alsove the Harrisburg. ' and Pittsburgh Depot. mad senhin'tyro minutes walk of the Halumore and Reading Depots STABLING at tached to the premises. Terms. St ps r day. E P HUGHES. Proprietor ••• Allegbans !Won. Flaw. Ana. R - t, 547-alteh • JOXIdIr HOTEL, Pa U GIIMMLS MUT, PIIIL/141 2 / 1 M J. E Saliseribersoander th e Rim of Balm= & Wort. bare pareba. sd nthle establish• aunt, and hope by Me suietest attendatl to the Wants sad comforts albeit guests, to merit a continuance of the liberal patropage heretofore received by its Rimer Pn' lP:bOtt ' se has beets thorough!! l'eraTalcd , .. l "R .. " ed; ore therefore feel snared we can welcome oar friends and the public to accoonnodations Neal to any In the city of Yldladelplua •N W BRIDGES; _ • _ JNOWyST. GALT GOMM, Corner Main sad firth Ott, .CLaeastasti. utablishrunt le now In the beet order for We rceepuen of the Traveling Public. Having under yo a thorough repair, darrug . Ate put winter, sad ne wort eel...kneed in. in Ale west, in the . the depanmone. I fatter morel( that W will be pleased who call. The 'output le dentrA,eutoloOlco • and pleasant. rare $1 per day: Cincinnati. March 13.11b47. W E MARA . N. B.—Alilintgh not testily a new Broom, it to the acme—anew Whalen the Wheedle. sold 11•0111031 FIOTICL, MADISON. INDIANA. - ?TIRE proprietorofdtat long astabliabod boow,respeel -1 tally Mgm Li.. remesio the sin:amp( Pittsburgh, and will amen Woolf to render comfortable all onto lase favor hio with Mete company. This point wheb has Wag been • favorite oats with. OSP PrOrlitu. De-dera of Votaboralt. will, tho coning warms, present • larger geld for their operations Than Lerma:nov.lnm tha completion' o( the Rad Road to Indiaeapolts,3omilea timber into the bog raising region. opelfd:lm D FITZIIIJOII. PrOpticlOr ------ TUROCKKOR TON'S GALT HOUSE. RIB Lettalaying. Ky. Tll RO CIEDIO RT N bete to aectoalet h., A Mends that he la agate Lessee of the GALT U SE, Louisville, Ity..ertete he bogies meet all hie old friend% assering this and the Pnb O. that no Kart shall letapared to wheel cootioatable wherever .b® with Gale patronage. luEaX TOOTIEI PASTE. • reamont PPM ben .mete known for Memo... sehttenint .1. the Teeth, strengthening the puns, sweetening the breath, &a II should be used every night with a and brash, and the teeth and mouth will only moire • sligh washing in the morning. Wet the brush with warm *area or sold will tooter, and rob to • few noses oa the pasta When enough will adhere for ceasung the teeth. 11l &limo. tam in the mouth, and Ins pans • mom delightfulfragrance us the breath. llamado sturivatted as a pleasant, milkac.., convenient. and • to &mace. It le warrarnml not to wore the teeth, [mho p referee Mem. By using it regularly. It will remove the tartar and prevent its lectunulation—prevent the toothache atremithen the gaine, and provost all disease+ of mem Cheroots, physmians, and the clergy recommittal It a decidedly emperor to every thing of rho kind In ago.— Ask for Sliennan4lCoutpound Orns Tooth Paste, and observe his ar Baton is attached to each pat. Recommended by Dr. Castle, 381 Broader., oats or , oar best Dentists, std by soon of the old estblish ied ed bylo dwindled Stn., and ever. Z.4nsive a ly , by the Nabdity of England and Free. A large proportion of the Manor. lt atarnict Mankind vim from louse derangement el du ••nienach or bowels, which a timelyuse of the Caths tic Lounges mould entirely obviate. Person. of bilious habits should al. grays have a bog at head, and udna• dose whenever they feel the lean derlngemalltuf Melt health. - Antdl. ohms sae of them Lozenges wool prevent thousands Forsaleat•Wlll. JACIOONI3, Minter of Wood and diethl ADIES Who Um . Common Prep., ChM', Me L often not man how fnghtlully tuJorionsil I• to the skint how coarse hew math, how aallow,!)cllow, and unhealthy rho she appears miler ming prepared chat Bemdee, it is injure:tee, ...Ming elute peen tity of-lead: We have prepered • benefit' vegetable article: WPM' we • doll JONCIPS SPANISH. LILY WHITM ''lt le perfectly innocent.beingparilled of an deletenoss (mobiles; and it 'means to the akin a nat. rat, healthy, alabaster, clear, bving.enite, lithe sun time acting as a commeue on the silo, making it eoft and smooth. Dr. James Anacreon, Practical Chant of Slam chosen. ea.: "After analysing /on... Spanish Lilly Whim, I find It immerse. the mot beautifel and natu ral, at the nme time Innoccut white I ever saw. I eertainly conenentionly recommend ii, um wall whom skin reclaims beautify mg,. nit Trice SI Celli, • box. • oV , ftld . by WM. JACKSON, at his Boot and Shoe Store, let Liberty meet, head or Wood, et the sign of the Big Boot. ' /ks WM, ladle; Pm astoulnal, When you know that you we penis. A natural, life-like you white, That yoe wilt Mileage common chalk, And look •deathly yellow highs, The theme of laugher and of ult. If you would ose aan ofJONE , S Ltlly-wltneot wooM give your skm an sinister yet natant white, and at the same Me clear and Mimes Sold • ai JAMISON'S, ED Libeny st. Pelee X 5 cent:ape, box. ciOIIII,I7MPTIO2IIAItREITIED-Te those ailletsd wiLle Disease. et the Limo., _ . —This Is to eertify to those aftieted w th Ms Arst pre. monitory symptom! of Connmption, that I hare been laboring for several years with a bronchi, aortae.. of the throng and hoarseness. l used many'asedicine., but band no relief In any preparation of medicine, mail I mule me of DR. DUNCAN'S F.XPECTORANT REMEDY. I have been intim this valuable medicine for uremia years, and alimys find it to relieve when. ever 1 make are of it. My occupation al an Auction eer, which keeps me •Imeatcoestantly ermeged. midiamme, at times, to become very eletming, when at once procure tbis medicine. I therefore take plea rate in making this pablie statement, that others strelta• ed with a disease of the lunge and expectorant organs may below the virtues of this healing remedy," and may be cared. Ihave recommended Dr. Dinican's Expectorant Remedy to many of my friends, move of whom ewiiireir, livea to this medicine. Somerset,'Oble, 0ct.13, 1843. JAMES lIEWIT The proprietor of the Chose medicine world; also rider to the mularslgned persons, who rem de in Perry county, on whom any person may:cell upon and be convinced that them me r yinaes found in the..above medicine that Cannot be excelled: David Catherine% 'Moonset; Dr. B. Stone, do; Fran is (Milkier, Jackson gm Mr. Latimer, do; Clem-Pelbert, Salibek tp; Jerrod Devisen, Hopewell O m p. DB. D U NG.UAN'S WMTEIIN OFFICE, 150 :lye e stincinna Ohio. Sold in Pittsburgh by WM. JACKSON, SO Liberty 1 . bead of Wood •111364 : miltldherT SITIAMtaO.' May 17, 1917. T AST SANAA?' I gave a teespoon lull A. Fah. .I.doestoek & Co s Vera : dodo w WY little gni, who between toad and fire years pithead daring the day she used 103 large worm', averaging roots 'Ann a foot in length. Peeing its erects on thin child, I then gave • teaspoon hu lo her 'wander sister, who wee Apparently well, nod eke parsed A wanes of equal size. HENRY C 17,110 W 1 • Watchmaker. Santhfield "nen Prepared and old by , S - A. FAIINWPOCK & CO, earner toted yew& nod wood and All. AIA. lO5 YOU PUOILLANIIIOUII SCOUNDRINO. I UOtlß auw ite= TlVriirtrZny L rae k el m look n your owa, pit ' red with eruptions and biorcboi: Vol Trore'a= tl'e4,s4wltret'WotdeZgryrf::: you from then, add make your fellow Ala char mid healthy• tlo at orme to !octavo a Store, N 1 Liberty .1. Vittaburuh,and gala cake. N - Yarksrea la the oulyplace in !Malne , where • the OENUINIgia b• awned: Bowan of Counter- CtiIIy.POBBBIIVE the Rio Boot luau& la the doorway nag X.ILOIC 116141.111V10 SOAP—For rem. .ving Grew .puts, Stains, or Marti Itaa 'Moth* wwli.s, upltedel Carpou,,ke.,lka., and rendering the .pots where it is lar,baghtommathspotkas. geld with AJI directions. Priae fleenta aeata . rate libeZtelnl Xr. Or VANILLA, tUM UA NA TUB prepostle• tommainues poes4 dd. W Ilavot 101111114 . 111Wdllt NM" tee creams, alecakie, SU kind. Of Ativtl for Jule by OHN D MORO Rai . , MMEMMI POILTATILIh• BOAT •LINE. .1847: kV PORTING:dirtWPM- TWEk:N PITTSBURGH AND THE EASTERN Mica, tars TPA .11IPMENT. TliE iinproicd method or ra rra mg acrd by this Icon I.:stabil/11ml Line, is new no wdl known that de. re Option vnoneewary. • Sends are not matched on the tante, thus all uwitabipment or ex tra handling ia saved. The Boats are Oflil v draught and perform their trips in from Dille tenon da The capacity of our av •••• -es enablea auto ,tore. my emaignmento made ir Receiving, tarring, and adVllßeen ftt< Of Ch.M. Beirig folly prepared to aiam vile. of Produce. we vmperuhlly tonal...di F e ath ers, Flout, Bacon, Lard, Boner, Chdere, Wool, and other artirles• for sale, gin which liberal admucea will be made and other usual Stadium afforded. Plc‘liglog cur mime that my livirseas enlrusted to es s hall 1,. as promplly executed and upon as fair any other home. JNO MeFADDEN Aft • Gana! Built, 'Wabash JAB ad. DAVIS • mehirr d_lP•md.Ml Market at, biladat_ PITTSIIVRGII PORTABLEIB47. ro..TVlt,ntm,.,l l ,7.°, f a i r2l:7 2 p Pi me s n'l4 - "g b o the way, and the. consequent mit iordclay; dantage,l breakage and separation of . 0.6: , • • BOFIIIVriGIi.k. 'CASH No 170 Market street: Philadelphia I TAAFFErttPRONNOR Ow Penn and Wayaesti, Pittaburgh O'CONNOR &Co, North street, Baltimore it A W b./ T TAPSGOTT,7S &what, N. Y. IS g"' Encouraged liy . incremsed Maine. the Proprietars have added to thew stock and extended their &mint meats daring the winter, and. are nod prepared to for ward freigat with regularity and dispatch umarpariscd. by any other Their long experience as carriers, the palpable superiority of the Portable Bost System, and the great capacity and convenience of the wan. house. at each mid Of the' line, are pexplimil led to enable abs proprietors teifitlGlthewenetteement a and as oodme their cuatomers-64dentlyolfenne .he past a guaranty for the future theyreapcmfully, solicit epentlitMee Of mat patronage watch they Mar grausfally acknowledge. Alf consignments to Twin 3 O'Connor will be reed and forwarded, Steamboat charges paid and of Lading transmitted free of any ebacge for Comm:mon, advancing or storage. Having no interest directly or indirectly to vernaboata.the interest or the consignors -Must neecasarip , be their' primary Othee} In •Wprlgg meat, ,and th ey ledge th en:wellies to forward all goods consigned to them promptly and on the most advent.- gems terms to the owners. Marchl,ls47, ' ' math alai 1847 ' n i -ga P/DIDAILVANIA OAINAL A. RAILROAD EXPILEBS FAST PACKET - - • estOs PITTSOLIROH en PHILADA. am BALTIMORE. ..Exciusinly jar Pansy.. THE public are respectfully Infer:nen tummy Lone will commence running on og about the nor natant, and centime ibrolighour the Cameo. The proprietors have nowplaced a soptrinr °lsm', of Packets ma Kai *and Can on the nun, with cams accuamountaas, mtuCh wilLgive greater canton to travelotta. A'-Packet Boat will always be in punyam taw trav eling palate are. requested to call and class. lien], P'"" ,Fra gi AETWNVlNr.aitr O Ilnen the Packets will leave the Manua, unmade Ike Wailed Mates Hotel,l corner , Peon skeet nun the Cant/, tr..] night ate &Clack TIME 31 DA't'N. For triformation apply at theoffice,. monontranyla House. Water street, aria D,LEECU Ir. Co otehln or Penn street an? tonal _ . To TOM PUBLIC: du 1 ' so l 1 rtre l n k , 3 7.l ' t 4 . l4 P aTt cettinh'w'e Compa ny tr e b it n o ' i Cn our/mono} , ondfir name: of the "Bo n y Liget" tonl Unwire aore,,l In refit the ntoCk so /410 boon numbur of Bouts for the ourpow of carrying goods thonsgb to front six to .0n days, 441114 cenutnty—ood kel encouraged by the Inwrslity of km year's patron age, mare extroeuve m y for Ike mu sout eye n, W would thetcfure respsctintly .ones a carillon. once of oar kilmer patron's, and rotor sll now cosilators to 'those we have done hostness for. .0.T.A......., • For trantportanon of ILL 011 4 101 OF 111/110E1a1 4 DINE, 10 /1/D Ellolll PHILADIME/1.4, lisorsonso, NOW Von, •110 BOSTON. !SAMUEL. VIGHTNIAN A. Co, .Cnoter Liken) street and Canal Boom, t'insborgh. A I. Guntima & No 30 Mat tot 'tree% Philadelphia. ELDER, GELSTON A Co. Agents, Bahnoore, Md. TTS • REFERENCES. PI McCull. Geo. Morgan & Co. .1V Methrlly & I C Co. B A Parapson y & Co. M Allesiieso, P 1111. A DELPHIA-31orn. Pan...air Co, Reynolds McFarland k Co, Flcrmuu & Rushy,. Pere: Wnitla don. J Hisptranr. Joseph Warr. NEW VORK--linodneo & co,•Theo. Perry deo. swroN—Reed. Hard Co. CINCINNATI—Adatus tr. Creagh, W W death*, 'VP. PLEASANT. VA-4 . A Marldrr. NA:SLIVILLE—E Plenang. merchtmdi.e from Nr." York and Po: ennilved or A L'Grdhsre Cu, PlnlndnirdiA. Ara prdirpdy forwarded jrno of commun.:du lee MEDICAL: 77r'! SPORTATION LINES INDEPENDENT POILTABLE BOAT LINE. IF_S-4 7.- "e„Aritgag VOtt-Viit.TitaaNtSPOßpATioN Or PRODUCE AND ME.IIOIIANDISE TO AND 111.011 PITTS BURGH, PIUI.ADELPIDA AND BALTIAIDIOL • ID.Withotil Transhipment...CO' , Geods connived to ourcare will be forwarded Wail eta delay, at the lowest cement rams. , MO of Lading inassaitiad, and all tnistruetions promptly attended to, Lee from any extra charge for storage 'or comtnisskoll. ,Addoss i or apply to l. A hlseitil,TV it Co ' • , Canal /Asian. Pittsburgh • STDRAGE. Haring a arty large. and t ionamplimie eciirrhootr, we writ prepared to receive lin adieu. ; height Dir shipment) a large summit of l•riiduce. Act.. ll:tonne at blames. Snare) A MeAriULTT*P. Co —iiickwilaTtt 4, IllaigaS lS 4 ea= C,XCLUSIVELY for tho'ututsparintion of WAY FREIGRT between Pitteaureb,Biaimeille,Johns• on u,Dollidaysbuigh. Water Street, Ceirribur,:ii turd all inkismidiete Otto t lease be warehouse of CA TleAnalty Co., Pi slimes, every day, faxerfa Sundays.) and shippeneanwleroretepend on haring th eir goods for. warded without delay and at fair nova.. Thi.Ltao was (owned for the special accommodation of the army business, and the proptiet7 respectfully solreita liberal share of patntatege. • P.ltridurh. 301liaLPICKWORTII . , '3IOIIN , MILLER DAN'L H DARNID3 RUDEST WOODS FULTY. 'JOHN .IttiLLEß,Bollidaysburgh R• 11 CANA - .N, Johnstown • Ag,eats. C A .111nANU LTY le Co. Cittsburgh ravag J I liteDevitt, John Parker, Robert Roore, Deploy A Piuuburett. met 6.2. LAE ER AND MICUIGIN LINE. , 1847. italtsidt T".l and Dealer, and 'might and passe . nger Canal DORIS, running between Heger and Eve. and connecting with C Reed's Lore of hwaraboat Propellers and Vessels ea /ha Law, will be prepared spoil the earliest open lag of Navigation to carry Freight end Passengers-to all poiroson the River, Canal and Lakes. kinving every facility for conveying freight Andrus. sengeri wult promptness and dispaie - b, the pivot or End agents respectfully wilier front their Mends and be pantie genondly their patronage. C At REED. Este. Proprietor , REEDA, PARKBA Co, Beaver. Aga .101 IN A CAUG/LEY, Piusblth do Cot. &withheld and Water us. opposite the Mortongs. gstla House. 'USER To Wheeler, Crocker A Co, New York - Geo Davis, Buffalo N Parks & Co. Cleveland • his A Armstrong A Co, Detroit cClare Winianis, Milarsu tie Bristol & Feder, Chicago „ • • •Wet Powers, Powersiown, Penne Geo Al achelmyre, Eva whargh, Peons John hlcArthur, Iluntsiown, do Vick to Acker, Greenville, do Craig It Frampton, Clarksville, do !lays A Plum), Alierpsaurgh, Pa. W C 7dalne, hharoi_ R W Conninghwo. New Castle, do mei CLi VPLAND LEcP, 1846. H. Clarke. H. iloapa T. A ebraond t Co. CLARKE & CO., 'Forwarding k. Cowan Birrehardi DEANER. PA. TE Agents and Proprietors of this Line (ist favor ably brawn to the pubhe)mill be PruPonal no Wt •earlicat op.ening -of canal navigation to receive prop en v y at Pittsburgh and Beaver, and deliver Me same a an _point on Mu Ohio eanals,And Also on Later Eri and Michigan, with the greatest despatch and itt rear. enable rams. The proprietors of Mai line solicit the business n OK. former cusioratirs confukoce,ltnosvmg the their facilid. second to neat. - Apply ba or address • . O dl lIARTON, Age, Pittsburgh. CLARKE R Co, Beaver. .26 T RH:IISIOND ACr ..eland. WERTICILIN TRANSPORTAT/DD ‘7O. alkiall 1841 .. . D. I.EECII a, CO.R. OLD ESTABLISHED TRANSPORTATION LINE, BETWEEN prrrstsuicult, PHILADELPHIA, Dula/moat: AND NEW YORE. riallE week of this line consist.' of double daily 1 Line 01 Rocs and ram (owned by tkeunalreo.l which are lapped enter. The subscribers ore prepa red to forward o large quantity of Itlerehaodon, Prodoce with certainty and dispatch, Produce or Merchoodlse consigned to any'or the un &reigned. is forwawled freest any eintte for commix sion wow - age. Bills Loduigtfanwniuedarnd all tostructiona promptly , attended to. The basin.* of Dis ljac iacondticted on atnetly Babboth.keeping principles. Aediess, or Rapti. b etty D LEECH & Co. Proprierars. Canal Down, Pittrburgh lIARRIS &LEECll,Proprieinn,. No 13 Pouth Thad tweet, Philadelphia JOS. TAYLOR & SONS, Agents, No 11/North Howard street, Ilafilinore W 11-WILSON, Agent, rachtr, No 7 Weftstreet.New Vert HEAVED. WA DEN AA CLEVELAND LINE UV CANAL PA B CKET& .AND. terMiLS, 1 •47 MOWS CANAL r.e.t.olra :AP/1 & SWALLOW' LEAVE Heaver daily at 4 o'clock. r. m— a ft er the arrival of the steamboat HEAVER. from Iliimlinrch, and arrive nt Warront me morning in rennin for e Stage. whtch , refth Cleveland before night. ramengem will Lo rrcriptal through, scouring bertha on the rackets, and teats in the tinge, on application on baud ainamtioat Mawr,. Healing( ritt.burgh at n o'clock, a. WA or to De CI H age ARTON & Co, Piusbargh • Mg. Mttlitt!t JESSE BALD IN, Yourwtowp B TAYLOB,II7,tien _ • istocir,‘ owe Patioutolitzpoto. to poiloatipoto. WElC l .Expo b tfto w' b " . ° M l :: %wadi lac-maOI:4IVVIDC. ..} 1 . 4 " Pckairr , mothousdne, veele; balk pow, ewelry, te., eon. mama rummingenThraday,Blareh IS— • , Anliencime el oie ohke.saidbisesol D =Mit Go *W . log has *oat Ciuktj z 1 - =VMEtAiiiiiii • m a i t:lte new and epleaiid Ittertaer • i ' I ._.IC AVEZI, c.pichuk.Ell.9% coonnances tat ,egular ulna this day, leava( Pats burgh at 9 o'clack. a. a. and Beaver aril Veins:Si T. 11.,‘- connect:l,g with 'Fatabirgh and Cleveland Lbw at Cad al Bean daily to Clavelard; 04 Beaver. WOHTA SKit- Cleveland Lino of Canal Puke:sand *sage Coulee duty to Warren and Clevelnara Canal Packet Laws to New Caule and Oreenvill_a fa; Erie Enemata Lim to Meadville and Erie. Nelt:MoOra B'. Uwe of Stage Coaches ror Cleveland and Wecetet; leave Bea ver duly on the arrival of steuraost.Restrar 'Dam Patti:mesh. Apply I. ' ' • ' • 0 N BARTON& Co, Pithrhargh toll • " '' MABEE & Co, Beaver ' .• ONION' 1.111(11 ''' ~ ,; L . . . INEE=I 184 ,.. 7 . t - iertsiie , OK T LTS..• LCD OHIO KAMM', 1 tierwEEN PIITOBURCII ANDICLEVELAND. E N PARKS lk. Co, ClevelandAA ) • , ' I NT U T P OTl%, " gib ft sw : h 'l..:l l "nr!`"__ 'VIE above Linea now fury ' rued to traaapon l'Weight and Passengers from ittarghand Cleve land, to nay point an the Pentaylvanat & Ohio codOkto Canals. ' . Th. aciiiii.;, i>i• miia Lin. iiii iiiitiviilkabr SKT OK said Cansle,in numbers end eapaeny of Boats, expo rience of Captains, and prorapusess of Armada. One Dom Imes ?Instant and atlaskad daily. Ma alas in connection milk dal Meaner*. .... Michigan and Lake Eno, between entaborgb am Deaver, and a Llne of fint class tkesanbaats,. rove ten, Bogs and Echormera , on - Lakes Erie, Harr. Iti many forwanled to any gnat of the Matte . With & arty Ontario. .. speak. E N PARKS le .ft,lavidara.Klo REED, PARKS &Co, Bearer. KV W T MATHER,Tittlbattl,'Adt i. .. 'anal ' • Coo Water and Paillhaeld atNeta sumacs muumosititims. e . 1847. NOTMOALIII I / a . 13.10/19!,',' BROWNIMEALF.,ipID 001e3ERLA . _ sa, Tame to : t o m • Timet o Philadelplos•••• ••. .... —so . .• 10644• TRE . end ul and Cativinainisteanwraoonster,Lee• ie ;titian. , sad Itinlean, have owntsancelnutking doable daily trips. One hest will lease Ike Monona hela wharf emery morning monody as 8 !Meet— passengers bytht looming tine willarrmato Enthuse next cing time We Ras Plaladelplus Beat; or Rail Ro dulyears. • Tha evalltne-Boat will leave the wharf et otolockonart Pneentleo by tint boat will lodge eaßeard, in coositrable sate tooter lease Brownsville next =Boor at Ofoleelq roe Tm•rtl.'„,,"i'diriirt,V.l'T=.. The repTrations on unsinanians eXPleAne the Mem= complete; to that allapo!delays Oro ats.: kaowseapontL Passensers can stop on the -tome end no -their. seats osam &solemn*, and have ekoiceett Rill Read or Steamboat between Thiltimore and Philadelphia. Coaches chanored to panto to u: they deans 'Amore your is at the offtee•Mee , or fit Ch , TO CLIMBLABSO • oriss•WBBIABOBs , • tEria. 1847. MUM vcrailly, at 3 Swocaw o'clock • • NE, alter =a ethos , al( Bea moralo Boar from Pindrurgb , , and arrive kite In time fur filth Lane of Stages, *lsla leave imam& ately realer, and anise n Claveland al3 cdeldek, : This tome is the most mealtime sod easefertable aoe to the Inkes. COTES &LEFFILIITiTELL, Tieirsh.T l s pbm Pe s ' ' JOHN R lajaN:= B Al e ititg ritkrold: spsty • Opposite the emonosphela Hose. PITTBRUALGIA AND GSM Mll6llll PACKET &ND FREIGIIT MFRS Line coneilmng of reale - Mud passenger Pack. A. els, will ran rev:lady during the seism boNeeen {leaver end Greenville,brovitiele rsbeween the rerpointomillbs caused PtOruY I j►trtad, pass dat the lowest rates, • • WICK& ARCIIF.R, Greenville, Agin • CRAIG FRAMPTON,larkerille, MeFARLAND A KING, Big 8end,.../lop. HANN PLUMB, Shargebaro, - - din W C MALAN:Piston, .drg WM. -,'Pulsed, REED PARKS A Co, Reapsf.' • ..'Api JOHN A CAUGHEV,eossoseWeeteldSlettileMetes spely Opposite the Monongahela liossarPisabar., PORTABLII3 ■OAT tr.,. • NINO 1847.-Rniffa , •_ - FOR TOE ITUNSPOETIIIOII . OF• __. ALI.EINDS Or MERCHANDISES TO AND S F ROM Philadelphia, Baltimore Nam York .. . . . . 1111HEeneocragement this line hits rereivettainee na commencement, ban induced the Pre? , tors to increase the stock by adding • en:Luther as fir, . chum halts; nod instead orgiving receipts as hereto barn as agents...we will give our own receipts for ' • freight shipped by this line. The boats are all .portable, consequently traded is taken the whole &stance without tramtbipasent, thereby preventing damne from invent handling on the route, and Of each hoat to otreed by — the. Captain who rune llrem, which in • sufficient gest antee that there will be no delay on the mate. All Vroduee or Merchandise cons' ivied to the undersigned will be Forwarded MIR OF COM hIIStiION, for advancing and forwarding, and will be chipped witbnut delay at the lowest rates of Jreight. . . We respectfully eolieit a share C poblio Fetid cage. • WALLINGFORD& Co., • Cleat Rum, Pittsburgh HELLAS & Co., Agt. . Broad Street, Philadelphia. F MILLER., Apia Howley's WhicE.Billtlowilla. PUNlturah, Feb. 0, 1841. . ISO AND , 1847 MM . Mafia TO :THE BAIT BY lONONGIIIII , IIIIITE, VIA BROWNSVILLE & CUMBERLAND.. , frilE undersigned are now prepared to &row!' Pm' doce,/te.,.to the Eastern Market' doting Ow ass., nK Winter, on the roost faverabie terms, by this expo- All property consigned io willtiordi4 - ;IBM . lowan rates and with &spate& . • Merchandise received by Ow strOnf t i rott s .wed. J C &EDWINA; A Pi 0 W CABE Snrornsville., - - SEGEWM.4 A.Co:Oalberlala 7847. MI!MM TO THE EMIT HT ISALTTNEOI9II . OHIO RAILROAD ' , int subscribers Ina d l 4:e. Bahimere by irjr.. -- arg= . at thei following pneea—• = , Mhy, Ramo, Feuer Lead, taut mukoy, s, and 13 eta pea rl° Tooaceo, ltielpi Flax and Wheat-WO eu per 100 lber Aohea, Ore m, FlaxOradililaaa, ;AMC Leath er— (l... Ski... Seeds. Wool,llo eta per 100 ill' 8et.1,11X,F411b.11, Fart, Woos, old 150.0.teltoot All property conasined tO either 'cede opOtalirod will be forwarded r.t dam., five of Cosualorialor at abFre rates. W CLARK, , uroille. • HANNA & WATEMILLN, Pluebarab. nny2Eritt , . Tilt. UNDO DISBY'D Palm Pparik,.. latanal N* • certain pal radial moist= , bleep, toithall, Jo, kw moist= of the Warp ask Mol— der, puns m bark seed .He, habitualootitams Funks be md 'alta matimaseat ut ettm 6,00.11 with roastiritiam of the bawd. ,or cortionsamort "WM thi palm. to WI nett toms do Sprat ma to lalaywitk par Get safety, er4 ir a tertnia need . The fireile la botr purptive, !tut mainly rowdy, without spur tine Mg= , lackey...or to talommul Frei , leafy basualne la Um moot Wiest* rs.oose • Tiiir is to or dal I boo. Dr. Isigoliebyr. ea. smuu t. mrmitt ore mad mil rowdy. Hmiag moo Wien, ira earrsomorsist my liSroolassuriiis,louirtroleto /nova oak man an of the ohm. it mad. as coin cure army nee. 11 Y WHITENZAD. New York, May, 1015. Siarkietniet. I . cheerfully tn. my Ultimo, as to the 9:Mla .ad _ mike • asturig Arco or Dr. lywasby • Pala Syerate, or tom rt . out dertratem to bra MN:Me. f.. itag m ieco it =ono la moral mint ofAss . =ls • OEO. 'WILIAM, N.. York, May, 1515. X,4 Bisthatrytt. L.11A111.11. CERTIFICATES New Yeak,Mi7,lB4l. Mr. Beeltet-Dear Sin-1 ban the *Mona he my, t5ll your loodiriou, Dr. loyolday'slikslijordr,luis Mai•!l pp, fen mare LP thug:are Many torar, sad tortron 7.11 My wont that 1 bur beta sorpromt el it, aeit wato army lapfmtat booalle amma . er, to proton th. 4, 11 &rad on • tenon eon ' Term unlit neyetet,' West Chain, N. Y., May 13, dd. D r .l e gewarby—Dcar Biz—That you May.l.ooll Wm* irlio los, suilrein. r. to .Minor 1 1 :11 1 .1. the betwat I hare derived frm the us dyouiry . duadi Spa e. 6:, I comply with mutt, ad ow& prim _lntl away ha :nor of it, wmg bon mond of sr army *Wu ol the Film Our M.inj used Mbar risudies Indigo{ Mots. Sold wholesale sad retail by WM. JAC N,.. lY Pol. cot Wartime., sad .Box mul Illos BMWs, Nth til Liberty Once, hred of Wood, Pitrabargh. Prinail mt. 1`11t." PYIII-1:11 TTII.JAVNEM Ev ROM the Rev AtiA diIINN, • well 'mown lam- P ular Clergyman ofthe PrelmtantßethodietChur Thecneersigned having been afdiated dosing Ittis past winter with a disease Mdse. stomach, enmedeles , pre. diming greet pain in the stomach for tenor twelve boars , r itne e t Intermosicre, and . after having tried various . rerned tea with linle erect, wan fomisbA with a beak. ofDr D Jayne'. Carminative Balsam, _UM he med cording to the directions, and found meariality Minim s medicate caused the pain to shale is three or ism aria. niesoand In Liken Or twenty minutes every - Leash sensation was entirely quieted. The medicine ents rd terontrdrused whenever indications of the approach of plain were perceived, and the pain was therity,oreemm.• oil. lie continued to use - the medicine every es ei th, g and sometimes in the morning, and in a' few eireeha health was se far tesinred, thot the salon Ina relict, aene.De edet from a large sizmunt of oppressive ; paid.:piener, therefore, he can confidently reewM D Jayne ./ Curaunuthre N a hum, en emelt/Miry Mediehro Yin diseases of the stomneh and tgiwela. -.IL !MINN- . • For cumin Pittsburgh at tlie : P A lLlN b'' TßA 'il iglti :2 Rooth street. near Want, .andalses at the , Dreg Siete of II I' heIIWARTZ. Federal wreak Allegheny ___•_— - DARENTS URN REELER! ' VERNIFFUP—rr MS I POPULAR EVERYWHERE: • . Gootormum VJI July. itek tem. • b l u t tlrm B f P . G kilo a & ho mV,emifuStr—pomboomtof sic b o t. Ile et two of my duldrott: mhitirbtomtht Aim 0 . 16 ,- Imo., sod from tho'otherl3o. I recommettd Si commoroty MI one of We best imoeclioo IHmotlommiCell or usul Onto, removal or wpm. - • ,• , . .1 Won, resmillitty,'• MM " k . Toomy, k • - ProMtvel sod sold by fl . E.• SICLIZNA 67 Wood 61. au; Morcott ar4 am/ 4th .tl. Rohl bittp 4 . c l 4 4id. w.. k . D. MI.CMO. AIRIOM: 4 40? r .., I.; .-i, - ,q, - I spill • - , - rAirmaretaximincrimalnrke" Ariwe'• l a, this afileablou astrebasytobliebee.(by dm- /pm,/ opumariptlat mg Win: bumbabetizembUte la.. *boost. • Very may 11T11 kayo boas NA* 1.7. ~. Y ill=, et do IFEICIM•iIiA• . yb Feud' ibb". ow iii4oss almost OrAm glisre or II r Parf 18 14 4 * 14,1164 W1P 7,171 4 0 4 1.-. Y,`' v - ' 4 l •*:-; rs: _. .~ 11111:11811:11311111110a Inyne ek k 00.,.... , Pi.....tri r Z.," nadOrkag — try 'tee area& en the OkkA it PM& Williter. • 1., ~! i: • ..1 , ; , ...r. situutaws Ciiikm wicaoss. , ,; • • - Iwo owor. ii3Orailatarrosol ildnatem ' ee Lie, oreessokibby ohemil e inteM•Pmell ma, tigitiimeof de bk:refele. poiskeenor ../. . teke w =luisera s z n , o boe/ref" . .. ak.l .4. 4l4Zir ti Vl tie We yeoman.* •mme M Nardi pilling' ...lan* I benedic eaklielbi limet•oomemni a Z.1....5e... luriieridzimh l on"•o 4 ,UM rieleril roarer'. espeetentirotleythe 13!, or irrite•cm, re remove thellnmiNtekee Tbry are joie bon • embinkiime eft amet=pee • 1 eenee,er omellk rellielok e eed •••••••FeePo" . " • easy think he VOketbake Ilostrohl eneke hue , • demo sfeeetilabe boo bon Oared et their kemilma4 ei tea; tootbenrebo bore beenemeen l'neei•Mter. ' d newel hipkelbelbege - • • Wbese tberelivemellpe imthe Wrier dikome tie r • Reolteee's rbinterelyeier emly AI .n•,) 5hWi1..1.4 ade • used we den yekVeme Self lar gr.. 4. 111 :aseakteneitin' es lber ••••• • Wean lemeget;em Mk ,inglUdifl" mots . m=B= al.. inn ile!el!rglinelnesqmnikapinnlmatita. • Ilillemoses be Mahler, de melyouren rem emeneyes I•l ag = 10.1 . 0 11 "."*L ON I • 10= == . i.,ein e boo laffog Oierelak 11.!..1....." it= dietell 41611ene e med No Asetekkei• me 'Mina - ithooteoulvombe. lh . kek_. enoaneorAmmjlo .1.019:••• Ibeek;___ _ ~. ',wort., { Wormv-PsiO la Oveleiettime {eCheinimmidtherallbraeedrimilyer =i m a s t d . i ma a tm • i a s y • =b. =4; tg . .... . 1 . I a.: am abut poet kit serthee - 7tim bity, RigiW . ' ,Aziktei .1•11•10.-4 , 1 1 koese, Alikleibed ammo. kolinemoorie~dit *ow ./...o& ...oroto. ..., 6..i....061.4.0./hi Ikee, 'eyelet tuft he the mewl, &leak Ineelklege pelt in • W mom& or book Salm, nook • doe media, lemkailei Weed ' etmeMek *NON • melees. retie/ the bekly. SWIM 4 41 6 =the Urea, Makin Others. ern/OWe, • ops' kleireeopme moth/ft few lie Moab, Ma WM 6...., .0 : 0 ti :SA -`; . . WlLlataill CIAMMOR LOZLNOZi. k ' ibily give Irmoninke• NOY be memoir altiomilklek f e k ykk,l•i k: .22felee=beelsoo 11 , 0 " i 1, elf the geriekleitelebmay 0 " , 24 4 ••• •i. . arra, *MN, comp.atielesm einiieromeoleAlkikevkkekkilomme dlnenliell i"i ller Um 4.b....k.. . thmtk Ave 14 1 .4 *Sas ad,' .....o.f 4innitrur • _ _ , n - \ . geekn ae l i glVel l end , Ilbmi . 0. ....“ tltdMO lee - - Lvt•.7l.'o••• Wee impe tbeirlorivill ~• m avow Kiwi. • • , -. .../ z 2ua to l iro.§ ... : - Zbe•e• i . - "4" '":"` mg . or.. the komelyeiknoneling pet ' . • Ike ;" 1 fle i l=4 -1.1*'4151"4 - 1 . leel. ~As c 0 4, 474; iigali: ' ti. VMS Of eme *wirier/ el - eillake • br=oppeeivo or tie Aram melli . • moth eml lemde dr %we N '4voieol _ Ale• - 17e oWeekerely no lin. paosijreedrol Choy' lek • Ocean, - they giber awn 144 .1 01-' ' a 106.1. tto desk eyki theyme . enel see& They en etwitinlip AM etber,Lailin the oil • limn* heorrnel Okee Noe • eon, o f= . 1 sll lie Waimea mei Vol elan . M dowel tektediol kreitienidyievier r.., ,• _. kleoke lei& et Oa weekikee•ji.beg , doe , adwithalte,attiodmeme • piens aloud. . ' idall° r , 1,1111 . . de Monk= brim in de ihq,'lsib ereiel - : • ' (kebab of Pr:Menton nem: IllihWeWleke Ilk add shark edravolbeemesiv hoei.lhaill beise erribe Gat rkero====liameankby " /elm arbelemhead read byllr: iitilidirel , al 114 MA 1017/M. rec"- - :, 7R - 44 00115113011 . 110 N CAN Ili L'01).0 'MAW DI. U MACAWS WITACTOLIAT ILLIUMIT ....,, CiagiumilQ, .14,11,1 0 0. :D*'ll4i:—Tib isAAtaggy ft lis pailK4A4slll o thiAidlifti . 11, • 4 0. 10 ..4?••.P1T5.P. 1 4 •1•• antis Om 1044 MI la mit&.d atlfttiaara aid Iddattaat Maw malt glut trgai IMMO!' A., ammo of piiiiinieWs Cams" Vi4llk 46 usit kaalmah~. l4,l l l !l=e"At i a Nat up *Aiey • oal , ' igoi, r JAI! Rick dark la tat. >My Italia boar saiatiatiaaa- in. Daraclair tie I Pall 0111614.11 , 0.1134.,... 4 dulka lirpkiers lig ail tat, Matt they walla WOO. . 11 .0 lagv.. 'MP all art dal taattalfttatalaas 1.. thsi stain atati wad bit data—Dat ailaiga wan io ta, tliasal. tad Raoul wrap. A Miellftplill. • Dial a gala a =la a trid at A. llt mat ittmatia l `,atith my Rapala rnirmlimg that dA. 'Adds. 'mat AA no implAA 7imar• add ...i.tom 1 ail asa.o am al lati WI bar, al tat XI sat 4i. at Rai par,...(lt)kittlat el , i* date a sat tat. 'Wag I. l itattrai la: *a laatla a! Catboat 011atiod eltatitallatataWfall*lt. WMaar, aa eametta Nag matalag to diEata tiareatia, haat at Wl* to ay saittag, laity pn'smo Mkt, at altr mattaiti ea tadat Gag aft R. Pla. ad GlOtia Wißetak 6 4 4 FPO... lib sal Rana, dia. itas trial a. al; art Via Tait medal , eastimait Dr gal arail4 . afetiapiaely committal, tatttl Ina mat mai lam 'lititapajaltate ' 04 . 11 .l I. i!l*ltah Pili.WO Or 3 larlttil, lid a -Imlay at Itria;;,Lltata,roasitaira litt.Wiatrib Rs -4.4.. l . ma l k. l 4, , t 11 0 1 .= ea haat atm. rand maarlid west I Wow.. Xy ;Oa h 'N.A.. - sWate44. • , Awed 14N 4.4 - ... 40.16411,11 - - lake .... • .11a1 salmi milk lb. tai ti t i al • "" by et..r a ad: ioreb., pia sit(ptik. Oa I tar lair, M-dq will affray alai bar, ilk any a bar tat tat a ea aimpala a lay afat alit 'Lana , lattattCON_ _. . := c Wats it sty ariblear &ma p.liiMiLil _ Is,: Attal lila' it as 1010 0 ,0 0 1 ! ..11. Ma ditie fialiiio 6T NOWIN . .ria magi :MU asarcia artrt gat taaahtlitßail4iiikaat MOPS aall lata*l.Dollo,aoa4i ittßailaillt cu. e“ immant.. .tb..0 .114 , ,01 -! -. l ,ll B 4lEhr i la alai amta,l an artnasoria pawl a tab* aim_ , ltaarataitaila IL R.-Thart wawa al a m arwa tat leas atiltri, team a , am, Dt oulicA.trs intasscarvwx, w.pt0n....05. ' / 1 • 11 "" --Sad -la- • -WM. A se w i .g uh d taiii, A,: ..0 _.11.': • .** .d . r.S ,o_ . istritivirAwr - To Tim --; ,• • ./. Hair. iliNeaw a am:NW imakaallobillie . ' enetel i eh .ri,wit ill lieeenenen et insilalr. , ewe eft near Um' kiedienrieeedi v6=l, wimmhboap.... •Unelem, Sr pun* ow wskimos we yoke int Van neft_angi Attlee It a 1111 . 1 lively ' Wl=7 Z 4 .r' tl: i l e l 12 . a aSa. .V . . . 11.s t raW I , " asku laNar grZak'ir ' - A a iii - thode el namputentie sbeederittealdemesioreips, el it iillo idalkelt4 alal it.lii set Were do WIN. M Mien prepennnens, Moen I leentil:7 . !l, ea 1X1110 , 1 46 el wailetia bi Fria Y testentiniii.ockairt"._ri ernenneno %VIZ ~ as • . • i 1. . 11 41=a- bu riimaii.a.,_ lwah , : ...„.„,.....3.,.`;''' -.-....- 4 ''''''''' . l..L. Leer, itial ll* istAiculhalponairealawyrn bream Chink, ~ elsene.ll4neele l M i l d el• .o eliodi'• ;', ido plasm hi Wis. ny anamaarla Of , a hat repesenee WW Mu -bail% olaillell : 1 Cniese.4o ebeetrre passage Mut ena Vail briely:iselz.= . - waimai.o.sti,:re a bon* of Si • aaniamil • , • earl ay , Ma As neweed. MO digit .. em lbs imen Kul belainie nee Ole I •J. ...' Ill' • einem/ bait ken nieseabon . ~. 4' • however, kw many -1.-----.. • • /Le en setlele nit Qs Wait Pleibr• enee OW autiblini ut . dorsal so vaeeldhy. hales e mill lei Ike Maui Oen* win a i t t. . i rules, Wine laden sad retell, la.riClM.. M s :MO limbo .taraama--- ‘ ...., sweet elf Wood and Flikl as. 1 • •••••-• SZA/ 1 !. 1 'Para ictit, 111 .. • .. RON MOM Su ' .7F ea " laa.laag ibc4;la. Y r es in;t r 1 1 =0 1 •0'00 al a '''' ler. Drepepgeoisi en wet ehnneell.• I lk iwiti. rele tenni s. la.tethrisnnel...asielse le aaa Ne:-EnegilKedlens.:!o/4._ from many at a? elooleroeee labia WM: Ikeeesler en mime name neve nada son ef do mg MOW _ oak •tres item 1 can witlineakim.,=. l.o , A.m. SIC arbaka is& VIM . ra F il it COI IMP( /Pt* °A sa W." 'a • • t 1 DOWDIOLUD 1.14**,11 VICR/111011/M. 4 , 4 !'if 1/18,1•110d .• ..PITTSBURGH GA ILT # E L : PUBLISHED 0.131.V.,r2t7w 04; " T 4.114 [fixes. 31.0 2 0 , e; liifßiat n o AT21114 AFV11111411.3163.11.11. T Oiiiiiionties a 16 lime,* lass,—.l::::to 60 . U 73 Th e i 4 . • • 0 0 Ono Week. TwO.WeelOr 00 , 4,4.4kA.0. 00 " 1- Two " " • Thee Er 140 get 10."1""*141stari. 10 W a. 11111r1,6 W withal rlV. l " IS • - 600 Ea' eb oddiGiomol Immo 1106 800N0r.r0.74 ,a' T.IS. • w 16 . 00 20 00 1tiekad0tt0004.6,01•000..4.441..! 10 00 Two sqdltlogures ot ,612.10111611Anhkg11/08i-T... 1000 /C400=66600a10r0r0,6 omailso, 800 worm as TopiolOulit fix sountAo . onat,„ ON roon•S 1 50' ornelowlditimallsolo ooll r.ov o . . swans, Firs lima or War 1 140 1 411 .. ' oe.or. 6 00 o • otz oloodki,oy000lAh; 6co oat year, daily*. weekly, 10 MI - a too 13•111""Iffill tat 1011•11, Or !MI; •;.4.itto 60 o • . .Tlo4, 016 t.) Tara,. t-13)... .k.. 100 !.5 - 7, 1 11000.111t1ww 00 awwle t .`3smthe ' .;.10 Os 44101 i idmoA4l6.oo NAN the scumam per, • sof . ,