. _ i . t • - • . . ' . ... . • , . -.. , • .. • - . . . - . ....'„ . ' .. • •, , . .. , ••,_. ~ • • , • . ' ; -. • . , • •' - -- -- • • ' . Ad . • _ . •i. 1 , ... - • . • --• , •• t - , . , . • . . . - • . . , • _ „ . .. , - - - r W.- t t - - .‘\ ••• 1 *.! . .. . • • •,' , . , .. • ,,,, r ,?.! - ,R7rre•rtr•'r• ' - • -,. 't'''l - .. • ,,, ..--. , .... - -:-: - : , ' ,,,, zr - - - z0. ,. . ,- 501.r:. , - 7 --4 1 7 , T- , tr.r.-- , ,,--,..,,„, t • , ~... -1_ _. .. . -/-4 .:•'/;'rg•-• - k=:‘.: -- 'rt""',; - .: -- • :1 • ••'''': ---- .' ,- ... , ': - : - .' , '''_.P. •,... * - 3- = , , ''' ' sl,Z -. 1 - . ' . i 1 • . ' ' . . , . . .. _ _ ~,, . r , ''. ~ .... ' , •-• '.' ' t tr.. • -, • .. . . . -. .. . •,,...5'•:,.... , ..g..... - .1 • ..:-.:..,,...... -, ..1 • :-:.....,:. ...... , . ', . - 4- , . . . . •-'Z'.:4.4. - 4: , •.ira r:.••• , 41.-1 - ‘,.-; 4 r:1:1-., ...F.•• • '-' - , - ; •‘ :' ''- ' '-' • .• ''' • ; •,. •.. ' • i , _ . .. - . - . _ ____:.__.-- • - • ' -•-,• .-.' :. ' . - . ' - VOL. Xir:--=-Nb: . .66t -.; ' , ..'1 ,- , . . • . . _ ... . . . PRICE; SEVEN' • .DOLLARS.• - • , • , PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY --, NIPIINING - •••• OCTOBER •12. 1847. ___ - '',. ".k -'• -- it_l:-ti • ' ' __, -- - ------ -I. - . ~..'iII7SINESiSr. C ARDS.:: A GORDON, Ocoommi.n. mud parynitrufflteiellani,blyrakersad /113 t o cr , vnircrom JOKCIA Co, Cisaminlon and Van%diereirteu, him retained is ileir old Frau streets, Pittentaght,L. 0.04 A , .1.111111.21/ta. 41,1UEITER, Wholesale and • fitted etna: of labesty and la. Cleft sinew, 4Vi it r r :~ ~` ♦~ M _ - ~~ ,;;BLG~LZ. NNW% Whoksala °Mem, 18 sad la wldtivet, nilbangli. • 1111117'IC litAGAIMIT CO. Wii.lomio No. and PooJoao dealer' No. • Xarte . t 'meet, bo. • moor rtlatrillik, Nor* , • • - novB 4" A~i7LM ilk co, Vann = and 04 : .CaUw*salibtreksato, Canal • Clf ,01111141111:10'LOOIMIi Atteroel al liaw;01.• ; 4.0.4 lea an 6.6 stria tAkevis open Wma:lblamiam. V r aim Jammiqrs.:Ju W. - IfaHamm CIOLIENAIt WWIMUM & Co. leametemrprm grnminmnagagiamdAzkg. A. B. -- im4 lapnom • alkeloandlimalammia Wm& Trimming OMIT der 401/4a.aggeggig.temi Bt. Clair at. 7iTmgeboama 43 • so d 7 tariva Cloatima iimeL - 04/41 Ate 1.41111:Ini %slum Wholesale afetelly_COMMISUM glitehaltk Doter , IR 7 " 41 " a " .l lhitufaciunis. immet, Weise% Wood - aid (Aim, Pi Pft. lierl4 . ad minder laFb.crat= Jmea.Danlae: " J. thiniSlis,l3B.ril.' MOVInCILL; AMINO' I*4. Meal tioitabila r beinote 311 lad 4th sts. VOW AID 111111L2SITON, we.1m..1. Grocer, ,FJ am lido OI Ito Mam ma. soma d.. 4 Gad •0. ihm.44 • . m 4 dininAni_, Wholaala Ora ri~'Ja Out &Glen is 'rabies and rittiberth %male -0.r./4!IT.M sad Hand _sta4 Atobeiti Ira Ana. snows. addosi:dimrl it %ghett:l%oomloo , alar-balds, sadDeslord in Prodded and No, 37 . Wood sueet between . 'RA/MUM t MaNAIOWINAtiormI, a L•aw. Di 06eirremered for data siszer GratitAgeet. -1111.71004.1•BalreWelt9 Old Hoak span= • . .1 .7YAMD , AlV elten odic. Los= ids of Fonda windy botafeen Chary Alloy and Grodt Moot. . - an . J now wow. ' vaiLlains i Bomar-4 Par WllaleaUs amen, - ;a: aaaaaa Martianti, and 'Papa Yarns, l'io! . +3l!Wasai and 108 atatio- _. , --LBLIIII/LW, •• • •• ,• ,• ••• ‘• • • 41IST Instionoots, WO Wood litreVar -Ilum•com-uto Ome Caniailden F i rma= .afoa Males in ?sedate; r bade= adds Canal Basin, ZI. OaluuM, Waal& Sera, sa, . absulm rig* SALTON. Do.ler in Glom, Ilesim, Sad Irm97 sad ample Trimming, e 3 /stet am; . MO*AiM /110HGANi go, mweiathe te•ssqlkalanisinkx.,l4areWm,' Wcodjamet aOs'i:~ssas: Wb kwiamr . eaaon- G az oir ETH t oa, itieni,:maisseis, -...yetes,Pilin and Ptit unmeir, . - • P 64. "' ' ' . al?gin; • * lO B. flay . . a' -John D. Dailey. 101..4111DASIas liDeldwi Dripcoah ll . - rag.". 4 % "1141g:r U. .Wiat it .11110 1 1;017itemors Holatkip Illronstj lapnots and otansfaassets 01l ItiostaidOestral raper Ware#ous, NO. 87 'Ycod - T - r. 7—r DivAr.szt, ril..2Com- Atecitliow;tura tb• num' LVm, Pausbarek 41`Ammo% WHITE & - RED MILD illanateaust.PauulOil klarciarit;arnef arty and Mora Its.,Pitabwrt4 AMMO lacrxr.. SolizAT Incr.ST. JR: - DIMLY t Of t Vißolesal,Orocars, Merchants mai &Oen in nodsee, — Na• 111 Wow =AIM Phan meets, • • writ ENNS!:;9Egiii;ME!Ii Td:s India practice ends prottssion, ui hoonsa. 111 s % Mailman's Bsildrogly Gnat stmt. • idS jitxdsase illsticis sad 'lOll.lll , Ds MOUGAN, - Wholesale Droigirs; and elVdealar re Dye Stars, Mara Oils, Yamaha.. dal 1111 Pried streposoo door &oath or Dimond . hurl , k 3 l6 : ! :L ;ii t EibffiEjaEisl ek•r• • .ss.w.. • la leek saiIWWW is•thorap, &kat• • • • Slaler~Peas.lSCW,Priaets' Carts, • • • • =,;- Note Wood,' rrobwelt. ''. • • urea la we. • - : • sepia S -7-9. SCOTT 41, Cse, Wbolesalse Groom Pre " • •• sailcoeisatealoa klerekasus,,Daslet• ia • & co. wholesale Dm 11!4451EghtWeed at. ripsbalgh. . seplh. . . IWIW between farateu and 801-ra, semi dde, rt. f'W . in d r rata Imx.Plk7 Sias , i 4 c• l 7' . + • : Arn.difbAboak etc.. awn*. me.s.eirdwai tatiub..ljl —.—. • - - irroawros saak.enns rdaterpotrapaii. ,4 imarks 41th, oar rr 7.1" . .716 sot Wm* . 401 LawTIDOS 1 CO.. Bankers iandlit- Iletw, earaa of Wood and Thisd stmt., . • . stthe nue.— real 'Airkl/Z ti3 3 ,4',MMCiggl wutereecirieer, conwi to o mad our la Padua sad rs sumessestes.nsim won*, • • • tarh cittrata imam% T Wink .D.IMMIF44. C•t- , llthunilleirre AISMOI . 446 . 1161 , %elm sad Nails of the bort rot. Odors wit ott ilavntraty• or It misty ot. tic L 8 Wateranut,*rukt et..W motive LIIVATTJUILti Wagon!. Motet, Ff. wwiutig and Cos *Mow Dealer . Jitanattemni and rittes. Warn Water •Ir &MI& 111171 X) & Wholoci L&Giliests, Came*ipt Metshtn diesonolll !Ikimjbetana, ..,W•IMMAMI • " atilt witra i r... auxerox T ' ll ' ' 'llLenebastA 4 Disleas sliFtry.....d idarlaima _ ._ • igrittostpi' ma ",!` 4 ,`"'• .. " lal , iid in:Pmehatiim , Alex. Muck. Wm. XNI e& A, Oti Cesembelee end Forwent= Water asd Froatue,betweex Weal . re.kanyg, Pa— ECOIRSI wholgoal• east ma Het LWOW muu4imrers. sad &alas ia,4,ixey wnM+KA,podrndFNm.• . jssi. 11,t,,1 . kakM60 , 111 111 , Vaibokside omen, Dultrs ora.itoi.l Solt. sad Forwardlagladaallaiit , _ M SOO_ ne 4 . 83 Libdni'dnd tlirrillialpodelivlia., • Wood r NBazaura JIIF sowNe as Motel over 4 . 6 : •Astreamset of Voonl4 - Dealers hi Po p. N o is,and Dpeeb .: af Adis of Enlmoge, Conikopto a; iimemontAipioeff4thlotl Nivitooro=iN L.Gw P noloee.Forirantd litatelladai Pa. IFaimaaralid la strati. Plastaaltk. Pa. sptl NC:alb/n.O.H Cram -Wlleesals Went , llClansissian sad Plavaataglilarekaats.'Ho 4 r TsO kiii.ErPfewr,x . rodieo Dos .as Fooleicri foNtlonNo lei • Saathal L7C11011; al., Isovono :sad Oiler Nook. and Doom flaaatety Nu* pftillik 7 of all dalcoptiosp, No ~ 1. ....te: . - WARD vieleala rft , ~ . . _ dissaskirraMpoisindo=l ~ . .. ma.) . •=a2bill."l7/8M4,00, Ns, ~f'js .l 4 4. ''l 4 2o**Ailsiar — :.•:'..! ,- . ' '' 4 " 4 ' ...;...,i .;...a, 6.4 ,ij_uci..,±l.•,impenos. ..1:6 l o t . 1 = 7 • 2 =. w i t r , - ~.... +l' Libult , oramaurc' , ~,Kt, t ~,, .1.°,"•: , ~d , ).7 , 4 ~, .„r ... ii I.,:',s;f:''i•,-•,:•-•---.•.. "f:' : : . . ''. 4 , - ...z—....,'•14..:::.;,....;:i&,,, A ~'../••:,...?:-.;--1,;• •,.- -, - ~Lj~'~'::x1~:i.. DOBJEST DALVICLI. k Co., Altcers, C0610119•10t1 Ind Fora,. Alerehms,dea -- "•••tattee and Yittahr lanilactures, Liberty C . 1": I‘ll,llT%"'Lle7allt Mt== H. IIAWKINS, Anomie, at Law, G rani se klakeviroll`s Bandusgs, citarly_opposins Ow New Court Iloase... aplirdarns DO/INCILT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, Rectify ing Manlier, dealer in Produce, Parsbargh Muni fonnirea, and all km& e( Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, Nall Lrbeny meet, Plusbargh. D. On hand a very. large stock of anperior Oki Monongahela Hawkey, which will hems low for cash. .1y .L. 0. Reynolds. • ' J. L. B. . - DirraroLE* AUER, Foraranling and Coq. It adman Itinormata, the Allegiaeny giver Trade, dealer. InG made,. Pralaco, Pivabugh Manufactures and Chloride of Lino. . • .•-The hi gbe prices, In rash, paid et all timea Country Owner of Penn and Irvin el.. j . OAICPOIIIII & Co., Comraluiota blercbail Ocala and SeedN' 10110/IPT , A. CONNINGIIIAII, Wholesale Grote 11 Dealer is Ptedaea and rinsbargh Alaandhecurs 144 Liben •n. ,=' /912 C Macklin. Thos. R Mine. OHACKLETT t WHITE, Wholesale Der, less ia.Foreign ond_Donsestie Dry Goods, No SID Wood Street, Pittsburgh febl7d• & W. HARHAVOII, Wool Merchar=s;Tiii• S en in Floor and Produce gene tally and Fon/rani.' log and Colontiasion Merchants, No 31 Wood street, Anshan*. • - pant §DIACEL PAZILICJI;Anorney at Low. office In Creed.Creed.tutilding No Fourth ousel, between ood and Smithfield, , 11°4d/hurls & co Atla — de la: Motu., vorwardi and Commies' Merchant% Deal ' . 'ln Ptn . `___,burglt /7anufacmresand e kutern Pro dace, hare rewowto to thew new warebouw, (old loud) Pkt 93, comer °Treat in and Menem Lane. imal A.IIIIIZLAIe SlZlEJL;i'orerardang and Colutrua S Won Merchant, Dealer on galL Produce and Piro Itagt odanufacturetlarnelea, Canal Daaln, near 7th W. Q N. RI 101[511111L1116, Dealer in Seed., Fleur r.J. era. Fruit Trues,and Agricultural Intplements,Tio ISt Wood moot Pittsbergi. fend T ho 33 Wood•ueet. Piusbuiti. . aP23 T& LENNEDY,Jr,Looking Maas Maneliketa n.r, and Realer In Cloeb, Combs, and Variety tked...etwoor of Wood•od Fourth streeut )19 • T r .11J Forsyth. /11 PWfurrn Commiss i on Merchants, •dealera in,tialt, Umber, Groceries, Produce and Pittsburgh gatudantaras, Canal Basin, Liberty stret, ebl9 Was Mailueleon • Hubert blcCiuchcon . . vv. a, E. xeC i tTCH.E ., ON. %ter G., a . L ~,..„...._,,....n.7,134,..„.....ue.„ _____) 19 dk , L.. MITCUELTE—. W h I ,"UttirikeDistille ,• 3 ,w . LlgeOf Levi Liberty meet, [opposite Saul arvetj jet • • gl De , 1110 L. DAVID X cmintsw ;VIM &11PCANDLICSIS, (successors so L & OVY ID Wiek) Whelan/a Grocers, Forwardinf and oraarierdon Merchants. dealers in Iron. Nails, Wass, COMA Yung and Pidabirsh Itlanalactures generally., camera Wood and Wus.r.sts, Plrerharah. or (1113. UT Be 21.17RPHY invites the ladle. to call and I toexantinte his gunk of French Worked Collars, saes as blest, 25 mom • mat, WbolcsaleGrocor,Forstardiag and ,TT Cisuarlastoo Mcrehant, and Seiler in Poaduee aitEritealtulgh Manufactures, corner of Winer and Southfield stscPin • • - cots . WRZTICIORIL 'di WOLFF, Imponers and 1. • Wholesale. Dealers in Hardware, Cutlery, Sad diem dse,nomei Liberty and Si.. Clair atreets, 1410.. ZIP • UTMLIA.IIII DILLIWQRTH. 'Whotem< Gioeus, Ptottaciand Commiernion klerehant..27 waed n. ' *l3O - - W o t DIATCHIFI.TILILE,tyIkoIe_IIB.(3Iro yoor 41 . 14.• ane D ny ohir.e4n(doppgrtaagiith - E: 0. - U. ROBINSON. Attorney at Lana; _ aas I fit 01.7tr t"2° red 16n doet e te t latrnatt rna' )ohns. aolc B"lin"' aratha Wu., Dealer nd Fancy a .14aple V • • Dy4kods, Na Market meet, Pm.b.ritt. novl3-dly WLtaaszte & DILWORTH. (from the harm Jiharies.) Wholesale kronen, are now :mond • No. 1.10 Wood as, where they offer far ask • large tore meal ofOrosene• and Tamboral. Manalacasses, at low • riec• and on Tamable term. sa•TI3 WINN mums, Dealer la Watches, Jewelry, Silver Wan, Wavy Goods, ltri No. 47111 w. • •-- .. Ur R. Illtli4/11 , wholesale mid matt dealer In . .Foreimand Domenic Dry.Gaidsolortle: r l ti rt et neva Xerket and Fourth au. 'II:RWIN, hra nere puhosed the l ei r Ms Store of Eds. Thum , eotnerbr n and Hand Streatt, Win Cecil eurnsiant supply of the best medicines, perfumery, . Phytialaa's presenpl ke ums carefully compounded.— llladteanes eau ha had stall hauls at the night.. &Madly* • • A Pit lllM btur4 ITord. ; Flic ANTar ft ' .421;0.31t wardt u6d, neAVood ame : • - • • 451113 IT/71. 31. DAIELLINGTON, Attorney et Law V V ri.butrht is,. .otaininsioner to take the 1.- knoolettgment and prop: of Ikeda,. Leases, Contract., Depositions, Or any mite 'irking (ander *eat or nog) to be toed or accorded in the Sow of Mo. Men on Third stroet,abovedatitnield. kll4 . 117 , ,n , t lyGIFIXIIIIA.IIGH, Attorney at Law ei..d otter 'Ta=lesetll:624HL`'.MlT,g7 'Monello A Semple, Wm. Croghan t Bw B A Fahnemoek kCq John Herron, tee, Gralr, , Lindury it Co, John Wright, On% Jame/ McCann Esq, Mal. Winlam Latter. SOW* RECTIFYING DISTILLER, AID woor,wcltst nitalorx Ia k DOMBille WIRES k LIQUORS No. 114 Laois, d, and 53 Dimawnd alley, 1 1741 PIITSBURGII, PA. • WARRICK MARTIN & Co., 73faisn, Dram*. Ext*moo, Bonk Nein and Coin, • • Comerpf Third and Weedvraets nevMdly . Prittsbarih, Pa. W MMus& • '.• " +Win. Id Shinn. vrsr«-~-s~~rrh _Jihretarrio Lowrie,f. --WILLI•M••.11 I BINA, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. NblNUtsrlyt 02.0filea Nscl ads . of Youth 0, abovallimith6sl4.o3 Mara Blarkbira.. GeorMin. lama BLACIL*IIIB.II &IMP MIOLES&LIK Gram and Dealers id OA Beat VT ontendand rittabargb tdanafaciand afkick , hbaTe an band st an umea aMI and neural waning — an( M ain tbair,litie, Water ante, rieu CberryiLigi, Z, W. RE.9IEINCITON, Land Surveyor, will attend g v •inServoymg, laying oat, nal dividing land; ma kinaluation oi Rod Estate, az; se, Penn at above fiend, next door to the °Seed' We ileeending Regulator, l'itubarght. sgt27dlnt . TOM= X.. TOW NSEND. tiragglet' and Apothe• J mug, No 4$ Market At, three doors above Third AL, PhtsearldLerill have coottanily on hand • wall aelect cid .110/Qo6lllof the best and freshest Medic idea grhich .he wUSaeu on the most reasonable ter d r i . phy n egiaus ~p-ri=t4r.da'rrielwicantrey!reayPreg7yl ri=t 4 r. d a ' rriel wi ca n trey!reay P re g7 y1 roofs ain t eniulne. ..137Pbyarelans , Prescriptions will be rieenntrely and nearly prepared from the best materials, at any hour of the day or night ' • . Aloe for sale, it large stock of fresh and good-Perfa *.7.. ~ • wW. WILSON, Watch Maker it Jeweller, VW Corner 11*. sall.Market as. A. large .4 wen aelociod ,atock of watches, Jeweliy, SiiIVT:I•Ve and Milner, Goods. Always q hand and at regular ean tern,.Geld Patent Lever, fell Jewelled watches, at low as Iltlver do Watches,. low Wile. Gamine Cooper, robias.Joknson.el other approved makes( watches may be .4 at a.m. advance and warranted, . nr:Firse witch work done le the very best Of =nor. .1: B. 13WEITZE8, • ATTORNEY AT LAWi • ad it,,oppoalte St. Charlea Metal, - PlI11511t111U11; _WILL ee alg y actend c. j ,d rozp ,e tl i y , t c o o Co . f u le , e . tlo l zon Wash Ism so C7 , Blaekszoek, Bell& Co March & Carothers • -D.T. hus, _ •DR. DAVID SitINT. Doom; having made ouch wren/ mania in hi. . lid Asa ,. a h . O l elusions that he eon devote his le Woe to tbe dedesof 1.1. slow; lazy beaten in his offiee, comer of dill and Do ea mrwee,headmen Matter arid Perry SW, at any b.! 1:11f1r4 the day, ( rem 8 a. 111. till 6 r. AL ) no: I y • Ar O ruf t u r ib tA p W. f r .n ius d izti n ...Pr ia j ecar:7 o coeusers, Deposition, OT other Writings .e be, recorded or used in de, Souse er KgriTTIICKY, INDIANA, TENNI.7BE' TdI23:SOURI and .I,IIC/11- Odiar, Beath, isdiding,44, n. A. LIIDOILE I CO., MO TT CANAL STRFET, NEW ORLEANS. . GENTS 140 Amok'. Extensive Steam Foga, 41... Ratan. Aiwa ya on Mad,. lame stock of Loaf Pawdoned, Creaked, Clanged and Raman! Sugars, in rams add Dawes. Allastlatts , How. 1i1t...... • "flee* liberal and a fair allowanco mado on ail sales of orabdea,W barrel.; ' mobil DREWER OSC 11ALISTERS AND 110 P DEALERS YOH AND THEY BREWERIES. Donau Darien Allay and faun Of,' and,foot n P,lllBl. Plitatnangla Pa. j.6.llloabrAlit. - W. 60'11,601. , 6. di W. 110N8WIGILIT, - 11111111VICTTKEILS•OF • We l l iA gee=l: i s r attralrilZWlrp.". o de f at law Prices and on goad Tenn. • r UrnSV P* • S • SSC/ASS S *SSWMSS SHISSI• k I. alum* k.co.. ivIANUFACTURERS of liassoarred , Ei t hor e ,and .Waseltase. streZigbatV ' : roal3 - • .na...aous( L caternii.u. ..great Asiddialdstreet, epposits Mple4mois .lotel ,11104W1LA4911,1111,.111ine o,igl.7,"rvis:,e(rnir BUSINESS -CARDS. i tl.. ~tit~esyuy°~ IKII7~ M:ZIMM IP4mbariO, aI2MY M:t=EMMI FORWARDING & COMMISSION. A. M. WallinvonL Jra. Y. kaser. WALL NOVOR6 C 0.,& 9 3 MAHSSIONA .EIRWARDING MERCHANTS, AND !ICA V dr& D VirA , PITTBEI MK R DIANDTACITUILICII; WWAREHOUSES Second street, near Wood, and' Canal Satin, Liberty street, have on band and for sale 160,000 lbs mooned Steel, VIZ: Naylor cy.; Bbetr. Blister and German Mel; Jones & Quires Am. Bllster elprlng and Fork . dosSilvirs, lepades and Forks Carriage Springs and Axles; Anatls, (maim hotel , ! .. tees, (patent and common;) Sledge., Nedra Mouldit,ilosrbars; Furnace Ringer., (Juniata Imm) Mattock r, Clay and Coal Piths: Axes,Beythes, Sickles, Log Chains, &a.. &e”. 137"Kainmander Fins Proof Saks, iron, Nails, Class and' other rittilillil lldattaNetures sold at the lamest pricen. • filth [H' F~; a A ' d<:+,~ f~~.l :~li i ; UL'/'i: ~;d4 TO B COMMISSICNMERCHANTS, No. S/ South Wharves, and No 117 wads Waist at PHILADELPHIA: BM to inform the trade and dealers generally ot Pittsburgh, that they halm made such arrangements with the Viacom. thanufastatera and, the Grower. of the Weat, - Wut Ladies, and other places as will lucre a large and canine= 'apply of the following desenp- Ilona of Tobacco which will be sold upon as accom• modeling terms as any . other house in this city or elms • where, and all. goods ordered nom them will be war ranted equal to representation:— Havana; St Domingo; Cam, Yarn; Porto Wm; Penn's., Seed Leaf To Cuba, lgturn; ,and Florida bum AL.91:1-11ranch% celebrated ArouthdeStag Caven dish, with e large tothonment of other postal., brands, Ssd qualities of pounds, 6s Ps 12s lib and 328 Lamp; Os is and lax Flag /suii ea' Twist; Virginia Twin. a., sweet and plata, in whole end half boxes, wood ant tin, together with every variety . of article belong. log to the trade. . A.umum F06%0111111(1 CONNISNIIIII Pent Banxs. Point and Bricletoster, SIAVIDA CODIFY! A WA, • Proprietor arid Agent of =amen l o gic LAKE EMS AND 1110HIOAN, DAILY Arrwssar- rri - rizoaaa Asp ..:ATzsi 3JILL be prepared on earliest open k tgof canal nav; tD warlMat,tr ' pe " nts on Lc pre pmt % Bete o, Gana Cut, and Ooio Canal;for all mune Late Erb and upper Lakes,as to forward produce, &e.by Pen n a. Improvements. Apply to or address febletdtt • JAB DICYBP. Beaver J. G. W. Le.twheb. W. C.—Wilson. J. G. W. LEFTWICH & CO., RECEIVING, FORWARDING, Aad Omanilewlas BLoirollsnats, PLAIZAJW.ILLINE, L.. PARTICULAR attendee. paid to coesignmelltr el Seger Mills, Le' otinesi or other articles fin Opelousas sod Ottaltapas. NITER TO—Menn.Shelliteld Lightlaw, Mt. Tko. OM Limerick; New Orleans. Messrs. Lerma & Boi l, Mr. Z. 111.151mvici; Messrs. Usti & Speer. Mr. Won; O'Leary, Robert Wightmsn. Armstrong &Nicholson; Pinsbosgb. Messrs. Roma, Todd h Co.; apeman. -Messrs. 111110 & Craighead, Messrs. Edwards. & Whitson. Hon. Zenon losioesse, Iloa John Daum Plnosentine, eeth.ly COALS:, FLOUR, PRODUCE,HAYDEN AND GE N ERAL COMMIS SION MIIRCBANTs. , , Noe Is, Smith's IR hart OFIFER their services. to Merchants BM Verniers the ride of Flow. Gra in and Produee general:von the Ualhinote Market, and from thei r einem. aeons. ranee among purchasers' and shippers, can safel y war rant satnifacterssales. Correspondents will constantly be kept advised of the stain of the Martel., &e. • Rtsra to—Mciews. Wm. Wilson & Pons, hue Rey. reside to Son - , Davidron to Peenders, Reynolds to Muth, Ring_& Cluny: ifilitilbete Tingley, Ca , darell & F.nglish; Philadelphia /lawny, Draper to Jones; New York. •Raltimore, June 2t, LSO. . Itawese. CRAIG. - BELLAB.Os. Co., FLOUR FACTORS AND . PRODUCE COM MISSION MERCHANTS. - - - - 111ERAL cull advances nude on receipt of con signments. Those shipping toot!, ddresandl he PAID three-fourths value in advance id Caatt,hy apply tog , to our fnends, Messrs. ‘Vallingford &Taylor. Plusbu rah. Melon. Thonl3ell a Co, Br/dgepon, Ohio. Philadelphia, hl,,y tbid. marrif N. B. 411 produce, examined to ai IN ineurni when 111 the warehouse of Wallingford SE Taylor,Tiltabargh, or an our store in Piehotelphm. - C. - 8.. a NEW SADDLERY HARDWIRE STOIE; R. T. LEECH, JR. O. 133 WOOD ST., PITTISOULtOII. Hl.VieiG reptemsbed my stock Irma ableAteetlNstliCt. both domestic sad service I mite plessare do tm• ,man so contemt. and detach dist Ism prepared to lemiih them with all goods is !style. sull Maw tenets M. hr./Mame. ••- • • . Byars Will rCeollecuhat 4caling.eaelatieely" in Sao Uteri Hardware and Cam= Ttionnungl, I obtaia thereby adonnlyea that enable me to Wetly =venom nee. and nuke for otnasetwea yet ===az4=mu • LOGIN & KENNEDY, MINDITSRS OF AND WDOIAISALE DEALERS IN lIARDWARE, CUTLERS, £c., . Pa Wood Iltroot. P TTIBILMOII. ARE now In the come of treetving lam ' , Winona to their emensive cock of Hardware Codery, Sort ileq, wilieb baying ... bean podia:x.4lm the moat advantageoao total in Gattlo4 f and direct from tha .11annfocurral an dna eoantryi trudges thew to of. for coda on terms sarpaiwed by oboe and equalled by fear Purchase," ono recpectfolly invited to call. vet ^1 01CORC10 COCHRAN, CONISSION & FORWARCING ME:RCHANT, No. 26 Wood STRUT, PiTTUORGR, ° L ri"SU' e erC°mril: i n pee l IrpuA ase asa of Amnon lifortulactwoo Hui Prodoce. &ad in receirieg and forwarding Goads consigned to his care. As Arent for the Manulacttrers, be will be constantly supplied with the principal articles of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the lowest wholesale prices. Orders and consignments are respectfully solicited. J. D. 1.1.11XL11, C. N. •lIDIRSOS, Late of Pittsburgh, Pa. I.uevf Ntshwille,Teim. LEHMER QI. ANDERSON DEALEKS IN CUTIVN. PORN ARDIMJ AND : COMMIS:110N MERCHANTS, N. 8 Fr0nt,,,,.; abort Broadway, Cisthmsenl, Ohia. Refer to Merchant., pencratly. in Pittsburgh. spin A.LTETC& co., MIMS A 1.111) IMAM COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN PRODUCE GENERALLY, X. YS Rota Hoteord-st, below Afar/o; Baltimore. Reim ro—D Spin, nut; Cashier, T Com, L.' q , Cathie,. J Londstreat fiC Soo, Ilbert Doagbem, hat Envy, &S Slioglod tr. Devoe+. ,st6m. (euerimeol to module' &maim) Reoriroift:Foniailtrog, Coototiookos AtarcAms; .linin-K.,1 door down of Planters , Bank, Xempbls. • %Erna to-211 &Ilea k Co, King, Pennock & Co. LW • deco F Conway., L E ,Tannlissan. H. F. - CONWAY di CO., rIORTSI.IOUTH, Ohia, Cansmitaian and Formrdlng Ncychanta, mid Produce Dealers—alananend to the ?maim, Sala and raipmeni of Plg Iron.Coad. in. • OTTER TO, •. • 'Atwood, bones & Co Brown, Bailey & Co Lorenz, Sterling & Co Henry Ora Orel; Lindsey &Co . D Leeeb &Co ..• Lyon. Short..& Co • Clarke & Thaw dlasts Menet MWX=I • I iAllt of the• arm of Malcolm Leach k Dal Wholesale Gror4r, 13outmlolook t Flour iornhaal, DZALKIC in all kindle (:Country Produce, Cop par, Tin, Tin Mat! nd , Than' Tool., Zane, Lad, Rau Sae( Ira, Iron a Nada, Wane Load, Dye Sara, Gaon lara, ralL Le, and a d I rw i n llanucartarea generally, comer or Laical! ad Dwl" Weal*, OftLibtral a.l macs, to C ara or Goode, made on coo. aigannts or l'unlare.e. .?" AUCTIONEERS AMp COM-MISSION LEVY MERCHANTS &BROS.. ALEXANDER CINCINNATI ST. LOUIS COFFIN to sell at either establishment, all kinds of Merchandise at the lowest rotes of C 011116111.0118 and ire always erspated to mike advance.. The beat of references glean, if yrs:mired. .Letters addressed to either Haase MI II be promptly attendee to. tYalf Trowystm. w. is. CAW/1114. TIIONPSON CAMPUSES.. COMMISSION MFFLCHANTS And Nonntnotnrero of lAnoeod NO. 20 Columbia Sired, CINCINNATI, OHIO. VOI.11 , 11%!21 1 pox irsrissmCD -•— -- WALLINGFORD&_4IO.. COMMISSION & EORWARDINO MERCHANTS, • Second near Wood. DEALERS in rillabargb Ill.ufacorree Nei Hoary Ilardwate:—will keep constantly on band a stock of carnage 'pomp and az I en, b urea, veyllles and sick. Ira, fire proof saw, anode, ewe ,Irlnekszoithe bellow, be Merin. lone an• • ' , . Or - ekeil o. ;11•1111WN. , W. T. retes. • --- •. - MATHEWB. & PATCH, COMMISSION' Nos 4d Water IS • 5T11,09114, MO. Win give pantealar attention to the !telling or Pro. duet, and to orders for purchasing. Rama so—Uporge Morgan Pitlaborgh, Pa. soon JuLn / - .l6diviiiii: 7 l -- M l- Keshan. edl - neltsol - 77 - JOHN BI'OULLOUI9III is co. ^ Commiasion cmd trorwarding Merchalfts, KOH. 93 & 95 k9lU7li St Jan27ls. DOWLING'S WHARF. Holtlnners ' • Tnes:4; -- crAiagorcvur.. ----- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Se& s and 9 Light St., 13.4.1.T1N0RZ. mr-C.th advances lil y be made on emu igotoont to ho above adalrcso. by '' )ant b' CARSON* MeENIO FIT, Si rib ot. FLOUR, PAcTORS, AND GRAIN AN9 PRODUCE Commlaalos IlltorchantO. 11 SOUTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA. A RI; now propmd to receive and Atrward all kinds n.orMerchandlza to my husding on We !anima, Nonk and Vico Brooch: ono d•wotcr Connie. • )•stir lATII L ESA LE GROC AND 40MMISSION, V V MERCHANT. No RO WO OO, AUret. IM LAWS MO. Wet to: Lys eamb a-Os, iiid Anl6eeT awe. Erg. Trltattataa...ra.' • - lel Rask•—• . - num * ammo 1 " 4 " 29 ritr % c N man __orgulteassu HUMS .. MISCELLANEOUS. 4ADIES W. AVOODWYILL i Plgiatachria lianktritflig Wilig' name, NO 115 THIRD STREET, . A GARURnodspleudid....,.,.., . . alternate{ Of Farallon.; Z' ... 1 ,- . :-• .5 . • ' tunable for Steamboats, -..-.--. - -' - r, Weeks and private Irel; lines, constantly On hand and made to order. - - 2Zp The present stock on hand cal= be ....lied any manufactory In the western cannily. Pena.. waking to purchase would do well he giving me • esti,. I am de ona termuted thy price. shalt please. Pallor do Pock Cnt. to -50 Sofas with Plu.h and Ilairlloth corer.;' tidos Mahogany Mine Chain; 14 pair Divans; . It do s fine mahogany Choir.; I? mahogany Work Som..; . 3 dos mahogany Rocking Chan* 13 marble top Drawing Bureaus; . El pair Ottoman.; B marble top Work Stands; - 1° cherry_ Work Stand.; . . Mahogany, duple, Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads of all dewaiipttmob. and a large ainanment of Comooll Faraitate led Chiles, too imeemalo ...lion. — NEW% HAktOWARE HOUSE. • JOSUPEI WOODWELL, Corner of Wood aud,slkl ant Pittsburgh. HAVING withdrawn from the old firm of Winger It Woodwell, on the in of. January, 11317, Inake pleaeure in arrammeing to my friends in the my and ...sanest I have opened my new nom at the above named place. Having perchAsed my goods for cash, and rondo arrangenidats with. Manufseterers to this country and in Europe to be constantly supplied, I am folly prepared 10 as Hardwargof all kinds, on as and as low at any house Loot or West— Wrchantgand othkts are 'P. A lq,DMNls P.Z,Sje i t, • • • .• • rfl chl_and oireill-established Ccienaayamunniti 1111 Boildingio,Nmhainclis•h Famine andprep, eht ! .luir• VOW gown • Apphsttions for imemsnitar • •••::, • • nr , ghbarboact, will be received, qad risks laker d he perpeluily or forlimited periods on fa ruble b g I • OECCCOCIIIAN g r i ► 7- 2: • •114.12 %. iuscfumous. ROWED. U IVATUR 017111111 XleT4l.llll. s -" ' 4 .- I.I.IIIIUUNT—NORTHAAITTON, AS.. ' ... Ilawcwi Wattr.us„Psyptiedop. t ... D.E./kat, L. Drsods.. ftedidemp.k.....„ qttlie tipfoti eetahloolonoket it ad.. Ared half wide . ,j„ welt tle hceettful Mt. of Norma.", at ea donet- twee ef about 20 Lot above tiut G sweetheul fi. lctoch arirlook., Tim grootte se mode, the Zta11t....1, coaptime gook 6ny eeses, whiet. art tato* appm,nweil -,. ' 10 ik•••• MI pleminr of tia Pat.,. datelot ots 1e.2.1 Finely set alforthag beellifel ead p.n.. The op.. asd ate. 44,... Wade. of the 441.146- ..4 ere remelt era the esetent Imre/ tiet 1d11.,.d erwr Joule of Ow Ma otheatiz iestetep 4 id., .....0., _ o 14..edmey a fnatos the vpe at 2,tot =o '-- seweress ead hawhowte 4.114 4 . mid, . at Irity lad eeteheertm el. attler 010 4 the ortiare Ur 64 ratemsof Doethewpiew eadi, c. velvet terdsre of Spew... 44 4 ead44.4 et Stremer lad AGM.. 1R0.% iv wek... wodl 441... ' ' 44. the wo.h eat. dielyeatflints the .4.011416 Andy eriewled it. way to the mate. Us the ewelh.twayme ' ... 1. diete Is a. InThip of Ustle,k..,Dl .41.,§e, .11 . - :• , 1441.fei ow tit am 4 Det 1 leT, ..de. a Marne VIA ik C.ll.telitilattl : , 07: Patte. will , the .4 of • diewe etsp he new ea eilleseillll.l t. t..- --, pea* tooentlled nos" of 00 00a7. -Oa 4.1. wtothottaol. al .i qi• 7. ,• ' ob. tik lm dud... is Mesa, 111 •441.-to im tnee et ' .. ' 1 41.1 0wg44..5. a it. 6 1•41:4 (es the pleura ' ..'".•.::.4.: 'Mtg. of goaffeeller ..et at ottab(o. lowa at about 11 • :.: •a at ottloato, Um satortoe W.l Tfte, end lie demi; ' . ...* timptco, enth he L.wheelits. t .:; , ihe w/tok, peootallap • embuterette na tural t t ... eteputet, peetwre tweopteled, bp attrothew it Ye vrobid. ' It erat retetuited hy a rodeo., ete. has epeut samee thioly 3 ''‘' of tot life to vem. parts of texopa, that lier waver ' r 444 a 10. to perfectly 1.4414.1....k1iwg, ~ 2, The stes.aodstiews al Dowd e lf woe very she 44 spa- . • _.• 6too, add u• Imply twaleteot de. epwards of Me 10412,4 ...,lit Lad lay pew., IL u p I WW.I.I ow tbetuttooee of the met titlep.t. • .. kr Led emy other mvanots Car for t u. pd. les- ' tell' boa of I. papaw. art aaadoosany Ail diet of .i. veto meg low or imputed ht.. , - De D4e awe who mtdot to the ealbramist,ia a hoof ealetpd event.. vros edtpLed JO atm., ma ''. he tarred for admit of wren! pen yr.. 4 b ee ,1 relebra.l It meta. of Eieototer sad L 414. 04 ter bee t , ;1/4...W0 Pnermar Iss Wu vacuity fag reven4lM. ...,,i ~..ls my therefore rep. son owelltewatia I. aa..a r:'; downeto. tie mollies ie mate fie .441. Amen thaweet-- -`-. p' e 4 4441 well utstree t ue Coudetp, holaitad modwel abate pl. Pe- ' • tints .11 he weipbed witit n. 4" . ..' illegal of tic anialo. •. eterTert• •, iel • Dept 1 • .. lo oily, . . - 'Kurz! moo IIO • ... FOB , ROOFING,' WINDOW • lIHDTTE6I4. t: . . . ... , HE subscribers beg to . eall the attention of all those linterested la rob/14;m Melt UALVANIZED.TIII PLATES, and to the niany adianniges -w hi • PL AT weer ill &tactile, and other sabaances Matra used for this parkose,poscnin g a. they doohd nod strength . lidhlnem of non lambent its bability Hirai, hams now been tested recent y eats, bothut thoreounto awir In Europe. They , arc also leis added to capaesies. and contraction from sadden chums. to thdanneselhero than common Tin "Plate, iron, Eine, ke tor May tithes. meta/ now ;sal kir roofing, and constameinfy Wm is muchbetter nod tighter roof, rcottinng lir istasfausdeal rettir, whilst the first cost Is brit d isle Mora. • ; • 'L The subscribers would oleo call the enemata alai dealers and workers in metal& to the &entry eaksrpas; poses to which iron thus protected,' cats Ito , applled.-- In !recent terms s applicable to all artistes of ine ',brae It is desirable to protect from lie action of Mt motorphere. :And they would especially till the at ' minion of those interested isTELLOHAPHIC LINES, to their GalsaniseOLlfire, which is now istmosCollllle. If used in Eunopc, and which answers every.moos. as a corlductor of electrieny, r[4lklir cooly shortens half as many 411 copper, and poocessimg egaslddothili.. ty with that 04,441. ~ , . Ilusinz Intely Greeted works In this city for the per pone or galvedmiag aadeopik' belts, _wire, de, tbm. will be able to furnish any arti cle' which may be deal-. red. A, supply of Plater Imaitufselared to Eumpej constantly oat band,fmal 16 to ?J wife gorge. 0 EO. IL MORE wool) L1:53 Noe. 11 and 111 Bearer st, .2112 W TOXIC . 71,1 Potent Right for this article has beta welsrai for the United States asswell as Great Britaln,and akin Enwilsean eoerltries, and all legatraessarrs willing ta. 'ken :a prevent any tuftingetnem br 11 S1901UWO1 Of GU. ensue ' I . • ortNly • Whot e s en - Deng.Wirthons e . I( THE • MITT 'DEW TOUR. PAHNESTocK rio. 49, John it. 12. New York, Wee lorealeA large and geheet. ....mum( or Drugs • and' edicines, Dye Slat Palate had Oiheof every desetiption, trAith they are prepared and determined to Sell lon. Osuntry . hlerchants and DruttOts are 'requested to esti and examine HO articles.' Orden eseented rite fatthlulnots aad depfwtett. B. A.Falmestaelen Vonoilogo constantly Cu hand. 1, . 13. A. Fabeethxls, I •i ' • • B. 1.. Fahnoatock, t. Pt4taborh. • tlltnestott. • • -. . A. D. NeS ,B 9ile • , alrA' • PA PER WAR EH OUfE• Aro. iketaualvia BLIP, 11111. IS W, FLEW often (or, sale' at the leaven $ fdaallteleren' Prieef. a.anr,erldeen% meth me:d PAYEkeolapriateg even b' atiny, adapted to th e aroma of inanamon m all settled* Of sU eounup. raper of 2 11 kinds nade.to order aljakeel 1101,e. Women of P.R 01711, 10PAI!1$1t is viiiiilitany!tyge a p F i r ra 14 . tt a l nk t of every desortpdontissponc4 41111 kept constantly on viz: Felony, Vine ejoihj Illsanking ?wader, Blic Ultoonasinn.t.inn,t4., as ,as . Ro pe4intaßoit,' pn e i n e Lied:fi n :lt /non Ulll),ighest price Itg (11.**illbe no Id • • /MY . New. York . Jrly r i Von •• Hardware aa d aa• • Rom*Tali val , 711011 , E 11.. 0 1A1 0 4 . 7: g . litztortt a Wood streeakti 400ri1boie TTalifilairßlK,%lTEZ:fi' d bt aTlTEAV ,. = r Sorooo lf,'Monougaltels -and wet' ..: '•• from otoardocturers of England watt Gennum. -••• ropEl:s of-A Hardware. (men !Po -• nrcrr of hp r stock being tweet, now, 'and. purcharsdOimo ile btu festal they fool 0 41211:tenet In. belat able socrowsfully meat,compotitioo r , Ool 1 41, liana+ whethoi 00.1t,0f west. ,r Theillordinte butais QALERATUS AND GLUE PACtORIt SOR HALE& -,• IJ—Tho A dmiral:lntone/4 1c lion Jurors Iteloogitisli ' . --:-• offer 63r We lhe eslnblibleupeof shown ta.l.ll3o . ._ . Wlndir;•-.V., fonaeriy esTruxlon 1 . 3 y Inn; Inins lite ne,•• • •••••.:, . ' "--=',. t,..7*.d 011 OF•ctory, Rlni works ire In templets mist ~ . .1. , 1:,:-.; .; '117,'")4011,1bq bBll 7 "r4lo . l l ltser e g ia 6 A/117 1 17 ,. ..; , , - _ - - .0,,..,0=zrt.„. ltrVicwrsd,,;:" • elttoer of aka oadertgnal. . /AMU 814CE1,01. • , , ........ - ii , .1 1