The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 08, 1847, Image 3

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• : , Creel
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Iseelvooll noio Virloott. p
11, es Clthdle.reattottara. olddlh_e•
Ovltse =WWI oruiaa ft• . 11 .1 9 Wor!.
isillt7; tor ipila as Us Magid(
Imam= wan et Wacd mink
. .
son aX99119,929,90. , •-•
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• • • Satassli9os , lll9
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,;.5 :4 • f' , /`:"'" 11 9 11 . 1 % 401#'
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LN a upiraissiiire -
•,„,„,. —lo:l!"Artsr#. l --iv gunny
.ix , • COURMllleNilVielbler•lciedLAe
, JOI. on • -fagalkwasegit~arip sigma\
Vor .11.11111101.1.11.1/ 601.144V.AM101,
•-te•p•A ~., ~ .••••=- Cr..." ,:owßaullekir
I, . gir,.,-4 • 011(11tEk liitrbsir
..g aticrea ' bokmettaiilior We
1 .Asli . . ParefOrteigiele Ageas Nor et ••.
NI , / :' , •!!qtfl04•11.1n 12111tbWiZ:i
•fros* intailsitltesll•_, fa sitgle
. 44 . 1
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NI '• , 7- 11; *lplifiribleiiell , ..-
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koi br'
....4.Bhideby.,v.-4 , 0 alumina'
-Tsiass- 7. 4moszobreor teas'
19060 • Alm et- TABBST Bk.Y eg r. ~ I
,Al4-4111141a.W•ISker Di Mar... fa oak
tacta cu •••••
• • et suer WO" .7
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tad: amigo:oi now Irt•rawfiti.
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ME -ma
~~!!~ ~b Dom~
/PRPII•fer '
'• • • • • .1 ODD CO ;
b s kamecuy;
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•• '.." . • saa
- , "41Prall": 71 " t " sam tJ' , ' _igot7l"
~: ..-_
• rira , l 44 l l este Gram' day le iskr 2 _Rog sal: by
- , • • .1 olizowNl.L.Ar
• &whom
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• e uu r..‘44.1-416 ""1""„
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.I::•.;V:zilitutrefis„WAriNf.. si t stA,,e 4 vg el. I
It CO. ,
. • All ; • --•• •. • 1 - ••• • • • •.• ' wow ar
: 1014.1111111111birrialiVitg.akiiiitinVOI
• imago Loan kg'
osanr:Apbuseia4 row II
'fa7 JD,U•veslos.
. : •`l4l
, oft smite nori-so
"debt- ' iqeol°llllF rAnis
a boinuse4ijovss r•!
I*—tr" , "
~ • Nis, tow, tarn, '
triMiII37IIP.CHIBRO/ge-p2114.1.)/ rip I ye 0
AIL' PLUM eslittiep ifee ee po hit
rar,etka, ft to ton nild eel prom ft Oa mono ea
1•• forespperttelebelbeetY be 014 sae ea
' 2„, ,,r. Woe erme ~owes. be pitee to• cot..
- wet babe impiin I •••• of•ic
I. lost them Ifftt k foot 0...1 ere goottaley et
Vert •gelue aro composed el'. ymqebes, belt
by's. Aniiik.osd ebes Um men% Mier la ebb or pert
N iniipinghtil the pied precipilue en WI se • pelt ma
re or Wend 'hid softies le; It le alto maws
:Yr • eine/ ibe aster. le make mere
leer ter evil by main ay /Ye pe• if • Awl
•&ow% le s very dist Nee , lie . WA.
illiees Dm Wee etietuee erresy rupee!: es
N i t ebonite! Islet nplirieg AM! wear le balk
loce,:tirdere wilt rem 4 e4 thick, gbh/feint my Enid
• ogotity floortfrod the pen foto ar m moo poem
dmy bee tbe Coro of do miwata• wan ppm.
Wirt leer ad gee Met cooly nert4 by lathes Ml.if Alm
oily . Orme se
the red. It else ambles eemeter
lam sinky.for imbibe inn; thereby leobat emede
Val pp.-0 will got bald, ese admit. wettes it
11• N troy Wee pad ciew Um Is beemieildea
pkta .m..4., fee. oo , It 11/ ir•matiot eerie te
&rave Lows ibe. use knot • Writ*
1241. by
abe4bi aie• pries • 4
•liiiitliirmitme lep meow,. 4
Iblereloy remeambeam will bale. seal lei
Imre, UV UM were den gins 0040 set ben bre•
liaei by my rem go oelreriby mote -
Ow Tamar of 11. pablaros
pft, IN Wan Om Res Or
imilor mein d,• fry boars •
• ICA iti=taCo. • -
Ira 1.5pp1a;04 IL Sas • . • Wighlie tC.
13lr: hem • *dm
YAM Sway, C A ShAssary a ca
• " -•" •• /Waal
Nr ma.Platers—Drar liir &maks war
Cl Writ* Chddi sad bad 4a first rata aralth
,f6raties, a &Mihaly frall N. pmtr>4 totamerjrt kiri
Is lbw , . Your fie, . ,
• T T 07113., bark-hewn
• • ' ' • far Vast/a L. Stu*
• ' ' riE 3, ..1 41 ; AK 2 3, IfIV•
T .ILittbrie—Darllii, Only Fatima • bails
yew write Midi, loom Ihne•reas egg I esida'ra it Id
ly liaml it opt mperllor to Ar?oldia4razotlitz Id mew is
/LULU lITTIV T, Saskaserr
Y AN 11 1
Mr. I so. sib( law
W 64.6 n•M• •••.1•1.1114 b....c0 ...Latina&
.6.1 f...„ so hi doa art e4ql gicaß.e rarnellM
etkar Ihtl; Sou bra ap lM11&1 ia • Era
NiTonois34,•:44 - , a.* babr
S D" NA Claw*. tome o lig•I
au.l•644l3l:••••,Patirig‘, P.. f
waaama a. coil •• • !
PIOLOONS brag* oat by Ilalo money
.1. 11 1............v . rre4t.m.m.rj
=R. R"oloo,a;;Fitikegaipoooly. Rowe
11.1. to awl .polo or, 'to &tool floorrarool
boos or cazona.l gougoonis al Maw awl LOW
t.di is A .1Orntly,11(111114 abilfrawls das ors COWIN.
ally promised opoo awoken/I bar. ohm. refereed to
;bowel holma boas* of Hoop a Co. a the viola
Soto InW u WO, if limy wiliol odo tr.., wit\
pintizath7 rad tod•ear. •
• Pargo who wiorroso thonnoloto Agrou 10 OW
yet WI Liao, sow 'OM is aver, awl use lenitive
tholoalAa, so ono profo le be Aiwa wally of Ile
LuscLla. own oder
Kyyla•Dreaglio to am aziaost payable uy of lb;
bromic' of Sire hoolaclol or //weal Boats of Ina.
Lai C.V.& fee lood: a. W. draw wer *WV Ifa.
amt.. we do obi sake wary tad wad U s W. cut
ei moo else n naW, neat w.oltoo
woo delay. I.n Oa Booker., to. wl spoo so, sad we
segoworolsze [bees at New Yort mos. • •
.10eOtle £0111:0YOVI,Egoroaa
*Ott ak woos door Wow wool
*eve tit Skadow ai lii !Abstain Fade
lagi s maL t eatjzt satega
c C ro
it the Fain of the Treni.tha anal Ameriout InationeaSat
Um Net eon sail salmi cal apaathartlaft.Ptinmah•
mm unproyani.a:ndi 6/I".=.
sag ark oh lapeentinr to tiairgalaStAgagn ,
La Omer Idght.haa rseetral iho Inarbedneomisnela
puma how Pms, and are lame% teollomilig
iron the bra Art. to at Commas to Inigrent ape.
• •
tierig, over dorsal Stdo Watt.
pecalna advantag e of. iltia Lath to that tla No
*al lapneudoli Ey. eta he at:nutted war min
pmfeetl duo imegoso. Gunn and Stranger. ave
re Llano!, whether rlottrien Primal!, or Dec
le nag oar swims galleriera peababty the
meet =mtge. In di United &atrnotod elanaott br
laraselees tM anaanutanag wade try the
pMedoetaia tLa Wesdarfal Ara • ..
PriOlietity or thy City Ilagetireian Ostabbsbaseet,
► WI O Own* Barpionloors above lid%
tial ,22 t.• • . 11423,"!,
saKrs•u..a wi..s
Vedral,le Lamb* Sal o to Warm and
Vcoossgs Icolgatis. B{stecf Peositykausis.
n Far is pro aura by Pe rabrarlber Tra. Thep
eM Aura el Lead. lomed La Chodudee ebeema
Liatiell4o ud Tomas& mortars:, on Ow Eau Me
of PoPpm Bier, bonier*,m woo; alum
1.0 Mu boo the Myer Pitubrayi rad P. Mee Ma
Po Me at Fraebbe- TM Me lute are aderairred
rabodra br Peraer,ud emeall draglab
pa dope lepre Iranei geed Pm Yuebed
♦MUM NW dew Le *Med Bie Hullore Emil;
Mich me Ouch Pe tote of Pe Pod. ad aurae.
Iblio rbe aEcebe !Bleu. Thou ate pelamils es MI
per *Maul* egonalesd rd maid Mt The oholo
bray et laaMM r.Ol k ma very rammed**
ram mbar hmer Ow mid Pan on land, me be
weaseled* Mho WM •
iii=e l frreitglend: ol . 7. 7•1117. 'M .—. Ji"
arltrau la M eity ef Plasbareb, es Friday the
f Oeuera, lee, a d wee the Mee of Pe
i,aaYPUI Uldetted rad the ramed< bloom
F P 7 de 11ANTZOR
iL H. Ismottoso romeskoo eas I* pm. litre
JR Dia 11•000 RILLS. are aro seat add mew ell.
e p alieke f iurr toot ON Jar aro udde r became • • •
dreenriata fis• Dan eirree7,olsmiloott
dayWiffsohatmaot artarotet rlor cube thalami laN.
Tio7 co, soy pals Arms revardie Sitnarrardla
La dors, orol.rolick parablattA)NN6 aim detpoidbis
••! • . •
Tu.miels reabiliel starts et m tdv .d iud .
eloasahtg dot orsoaelr sad frostabt,” .14 l!it Nos
dad (obes of M. organ, • . • • • '
• ?boy eau b. takto at All rraisitadl Ma elms
='dist add .M. maid sad Dllaallat triddrtl
ird *Liao asoliclao• Sod/. NotA
Thai cox b.alms wither sat . alloddidieralla ot
W erltbosi dal manila ItalCasespard: id or
no odabe Wren .111 most Aso 6v l tadsf cold,
dorsi artipare yr all Mods of oreadoltet PINK
FP Mk' by • VAN ItkeTOCIIN 00,DR Tkoi awl
Wood, sad est Wool add** em • Aid
, .• • . . • ILLZOTION: _
.1 AA ei•erien ism Presidea. to.r Ilasee r r4 ,
at lie V
Now and 141 ri lltr l az oreskr=„2 .4.
Dm. oe w thlr int of
4Ararlerreeift Os been at 10 ireieek, A. Al. sAA
9"itk ilekLiern are Vali, load a 0 truirrn
ume*veumg proxy Ja aor Arrireturiliky clanaL ,
JAMES MIA , • • • •
opm. , dr csaara....• risaterslaial 4
alerty(: .
x. VOTICT. To STOCICUO La inalsaoces
Wr yet eels Ml* ard laaabacat)aid an the /et tbe capiad
Limb of Waco...asp I. lashed la be p
ogle flevecabeniald. 64betacta Wadeville sad
Ow Tam aliyaria }./rate Local Treaverm lo
villa sad vicinity le Jarepb 0 Lama, la eallaitvalmi
Pdanati l W Mamma lb, semi of 344 sod
wa4 go, ri ti 4. 0 !.. By Ender of a. Ow rd.
eel •• • . -AU CATLICIT. aceretary
.1111.1116 PAIXTI ADD
Alarms Oil . , raalik dua ilAccnra,
Pim 4/1. IDaigh rut;
OUva dialia• • • W.; • •
6 . - 4 , 4 . w. lacaquada/OPPta;
• OzaliaAaid; Lae Ike • d/i
Da% . 11 " a3b ; •
BraiwWialt Wm; Aa/APIN4J S2 -Ptlf,
Jai/ reel sad Wish armykaasia
. 11* emu Wood •Ih . . ksts -
rear TAROS, watt erf. Iresa ann . & Mut annals,
arparlsabe Eselanas Heal, gamma Is ?ens arm,
reopanfaltp When ash Triads ear tln pabl e a m lial
asp an pawned to forraa sod *tread m were la
tas tumor Thanorlakers, • Alaraps as Man • se.
wow of.resdy asap Odra einsead,Jimd sad *l.
Is ea sorbs,* medlar; ahaws and raw may
sada Samos of la sael,Carmarlek tad earn, saN NI
as We or appreard W• Map • asp et
qadoealed Vire sad blankoraon.ora aod lan (nom,
sans fro par I Waren ask aallmersr
/AM apel group alas seemarr for arman
rdeq reasonable rime, u era a...reams" all oar rood.
is Oa lawn caul. Ala, oleos plates for aonrsaiss
Zl:ramin4==ettetetalkl now Wane .
st.. aM
1 10111Iniesded prompt/lima peasulally. ,serillyl„
AN A' W arle ti44ll4o=Mis =4*l
ra==. ll
• 110. - Ii liCemem Ya{51041111,01
0 jgg . • rb;
-41=bin O.
s ^ ,
Ch 7re 6 lUaC&Hrlnar l i
:NOCCArr. co‘nawai
• tile...Vo , ll:l7tlX 1k4;43,19w Rm.
Ireer"*.r a& 'a fig bales Wawa '-' Ifkivi.yfif,
vartVe 180—boor • to Memo.. .
• Ale, tams aak , gmer• 84 11 . 1 " 1 T0 64 1. 0 ,
Tato 'Trott . • .
Trtm• Okla lks: admix aseorl. .
, To sewn! 6.... awe esop or sat ram l. aims boil
-rwlltr. envoi Wag s.lar H.q., inltist a.
lear 1141.3186 iiiileals and r I.lsl nom 11.
immiseolop4 a tkei Weed se orli U. Noe err*
at Iftrtiypisrlera. casofw.. c 0..„....
• Shosisso Ns S, taloa, Boner.
LOA. Maass. Bessetl.llrannlJU.
Dwpoesb Nebo*, Mos. tidy.
'kinil' beam
Mosslsitbos. Hu'''. • •
Coastosi i ,-
Labe Me, He l, o ll . B°" . '
Caleb Cow, Moors (1 I sago o.
T0...0w Coke, SI Lead&
• 'Come. Bowealt, Brearestlle.
y_.;•.Loots Molise, So emu, El rooms - T/IW. ,
~ liostorey, Woodward, greenmails.
11 , " Diateltb‘ !him., Brovrareills.
"•:, Beam. Hags,
, .
14 fit-, I.‘tbkgrieiran. ;1,,,,, ft ' eu -
tilf liOgilik4MLiolierMit Eifel . Wp;a lt trie c " .. ' (
ri. ~oe. trait alai
.. 1 . • ~,.., ...tit - et ciww, .
mc ...,r ..
liion.i ^ O4 aag f w .1.7 . =5 6 - - '
- 1... bom.erd trm. , . wi ~
~' : ,1000111, , ,,_ .. , ii.„
Itsbboo..r;r 4 "`, .. IF INDEVOST, n Qd0. 1 !(
ri1x646t"a4147,71.; ; • . - 4 '.e ! 14711 ' : •: ''r ' . 1 1%• 14 - 7,- -1- -.,.....,..:.,
4 -...;)',.Z!..,,1ii,241;.::- ;,...--- 2 ,- c -.. ., ,. .2,:..-ti--i'" 1 '':&!:;',.
- .":1 ' .. t, 4 ' ; Ea I ~ t,, , , t-• riyz'''::. r , f •'P ' . ....l o t s ia tua
• ..4„ , .. Air-..-. ........ . ... t y...,,, ~, ... ~.,. .1 ,, ,,..” .
- 1v..? , - , ..---.. --,t.
11 di Ort Mk 1 , 7 •
"144 Matt '
for maunbisetS
rd S
, Dla • ari
• ' • -
Frer IN Mal ba4 Ws, ciT ay 1445; arti rale
noel on • FOSS at Plbatines, bad m
r, l sal In; kb rbYtikd
by Inset, buss, bribtoor bars•° la
mitt wnb rayddyy tad yb Kaolin sad 714pu
le Sad Sar d liran by aro, say pone' it Is per.
led Orbb
b.e/I adspied se tbs
ar "very fam, abet Pi bat :roma dbobrabudly
clo.4bmi lad Wit llarobvrt Wend em
Ths antaass 04 Ise • Fs splinama UN
Serf sal laptbalat brbrebabbboorso W 04702 •
'• 4. 4 . 0 / , 1 0 4 IirKWOUA3I
lisp sad bait a
t s, bilk
rule N. ty _ •
-ar4 for raiebr••< , •
• zo
5.1611 day G:;4
. 10 Sendai ' 6 S
II Moaday :• 6 - 6
l 3 Wedaem 6 .8
M 1/411418114. alb, Owns Iltsas•es. •
Warns L4a4s ABA, ILIUM Elin)o6.
*WWI* 180 • 1 , 4•11 W. :„ Ott 1 , • • ecpt 4
Hibsma,(Bn ' ay.* . • ..Oat IC . . 3. Dept 14
' • 1' .4 14 9 1 1 3
/" n -Nov SI
Candar4s,lllz), • J4dluns,:.• . Ne4.l • „ De s
Nele.Yertc.Ml De IS
Wa.1044,1A40 Hamm.' • 114441:4.. •• . 0:4 it
Madge* (*) 112 : :petit.;
001,11.1 i. ../.to/ $Oll/11101111%
, Boat Natalia Luse, Ith s eee alaifir cia- .
• . eutiati, 10 a. _
lifter Packet via flcalletilllis to Baltimore tad
hiladelphia, a• - a tad 6P. b. • •
Canal Puha Liee to Philede Vat, dai F lp 9 P.N. ,
emt Coach Line direct to Philadel ta, 91. a.
Western uN Sootheni Mail Coach Lfee, 6a. r.
Nortb,Wtatenitvia Cleveland, daily, 10a. a."
Erie sad Westena New Yuk, daily, 9a. a., •
Nonb Batten, to 'Philadelphia, daily, aseept See-
Of gi 4 A.* . •
Cionial Innielo"
• lag web *Aid. ria
inane Itlop asS
Es:len MeU via Philadelphia; Joe ; 3 A. hi„ clam/
P 2
Weniare Ciacienati nad due 11 . P
M., closes a A. M.. •
Souther. Mail via Feldman and Wash intoo, dho
. P. M. tines .! A. .
North iTootena no Clotelood, dye 10 A. M. , I**
Eno.. asid.Westeni. haw Yart, dila 8 P. M., eke,'
' • - urncl rirrie aaaaa Oxtrrra,
tliday ASMalis, October 8.
TM muket vocally, prasaota a r o ustporulat
dump la pricmisul WOO ill II roplar way luta
bet" mile brisk. 'Me river to ti=lf
stmatOtem inter is chasm!. "
- Fla /.7'Ateetpts oath** 11111 rotas
aim, it trimmer of :IS bbli st fa la bal. mid was.
sesall . lot. at Sales from .to by Stay load
Goan—Teo listitel b altlant btatents
sales of abut wail/ 90c P bas 109 b sm. said
at 4000. Ot Osts, oaw wan ol ba at
to Liaitat VAN et Rye 'at 43e, .ad ot tansy
at 4.3114.1 e r N. . ,
. Provieioes wittoat dim. .9 elm of 60319 R.
ism re. um. et Lt. seellval.—Haxes 9 aid 10
fat pea L. prre.; Sides VIM Sliewldere 7o ► th.—
tard—velistoi'iss* h u la article. Sala
ugebtl7 at 4409. •• •
Bottst—Sala 3:0 kis seepstoe.
ebetle—We sow* aktiikmal also ei 303 bu at
Etunru—Seas 01150 15. Ue7
reghtn—Reedepes qeite tlmited, with ales
Fab.—The invite la "toady tad pica awl dna.
-5M68101 61a Mack. ral No 3, at 5101, aP Obi.
Leather—Tat =trial I. gait. hii 6r all trial
Laidtaaa. •W. oake raise of 4 tom Rod at leo,
art) do White, Baltimore, at 2.lo—cuall..
roemaiWT.. •
, Colton Market; Sept AMA
Lam both on Um ISM attd.os thorn, Moss went
• a lade Mem. There was a Wetted *apply of wheat
ad the men of the homes withheld from tat ram
tet,te.sded pones *Vattedy Teem
mad the alrices tram tb Seams, bpaddel
die arm:ma/on that mired events ce tame fee
mud [Am that muter, tim counted to create a
bettor Mete; in thisCona trade id the proem eh
TM deemed for lithe both la Ile Lonioa ud
tamped ®ten tem hem to • !amt. lair mast
dew the forteigti% bat vie meat sem my Ih
prommat to rice. le the noel.' of the wenn
erns rep:. te were ta Cirtslll.lo2 respect 5' the po
tato rot, nerelaters gaunt the marMt end bought
to • comeismais Inset; MI r tltwppl me* •
balerably lane le *aliases tend be obtained n the •
teas of as) demmtioa. Thiamin of Li:a:militia hi
'sow guard at Itls 6d to no 6d. -
Cored Provisloal el all desaipticeet arm listang
:nue. Inn Batter ai more loved LIM, .44
Mete tam lot detest, mess boo bees 'racially ad-
• to the Loans whet It inure that Ile
neat of Ms article den mirth greater teas attbe
wet period is 1546; betegamettlia tams is:WI M.
mewed comemfaiew, the &limed* wf
to the poem lame Met seesima, beer lit
yam. gmettgaibee of the" potato ante*
lar Wag alma eastkilated the ...nay of Min
is trebled, It ettll to seem tee, arms embeein
men lararatie el/INSaascam, are the 111.16111 1 1 t
seems or Peat Irms that cowry MA esinfandeti.'
mar edam; Connettlitally we =act benumb to
.alma le high rates for times articles tee • Wm
loner, Is feet. the rotate sow demanded tame hay- .
ere to an essilosety.
Tfm &mad Mesa mere of Mile Mme Pros - Mos
he net a emirs air Met we teed eicamcs to report I
is feline.. peel: memo. 'the Miter dnenceares
of Beef vnald fold • toady mutat at am creetatiose
Met the ieferror "Mina mom Mt slowly. Hem*.
het 1 Liman apply id Deno, bete- bay mid Is
.Lined Mgt Mem on many Mita
Name are not *any sole, td loser prten.isei.
teeth MM. Tut unmans!, ter Port ars eemblia
stile 14 trade la the maniactieleg Manna.
eintossee ES deal, In:my, sod mandsmoas et we.
so. Aceeeditg to the latest accomm Isom Mari
thestei.ths dada le the cotton distnetemdi male
is • sem of I iagor Mthreesios,mel sot mily '
Is dammed, Mt we tiara that Um dented foes the I
Ameness mint as mach men f 441,4 Uwbt to.
Imo, an te cbasllg,l(aeL who, 11, con64e4 le delta
id the talr dallet7llol,ANif Om it amble" Man
*god. range foe the lades or MU theme,
4ottlat lee &MA Ammon the Maim. Ir compm
atteelymealt. frets the hudenirs diatrlets or ei.r. •
saprta., Sbdhartd, Me,. content man of
meaty eadera.•ated mach Mend, le the way et
ptomain an. TIM th ee slate ef dune Mart ( do
•up loner he itodersd,lartset be dead. The
AtalthMmir pimple am dole' art the auto mitigate
the We /mat tram the depreadoe dined to, by
sant* the abort tams rimer., an a menthe id
mime. At press,' them inlet en reopen of Im
mediate. relief st brut stiff the Ineetlemhel y.
eider. sod marigthesies tube comeasscincircle. re
itoreet.. The reports. Imea the moles dadnete
Yonne. av arse iay; still the mom' of
•beelsere Unmated is heated, sad mamdertarres
me tinged to canal Lbe sinc.)u Mal they ham se
e• •
.SiLtiols, Sept 36—Sales ileoe,ll6 bbl. Veniceit
Jr 3.9004; 93 bala Plywood'. 140 do Lowell sod
Cottle at ,S 4, sad '.At do easiocy at 4,1911..0f
abed, silatosobrate 391 obi sawed, at 70c; 6 0 bids,
174 sae fair, at 16 1 , aod 000.b st Ole. 01
Core as notice sales of 134 ski white: et 44c. and
113 sis Cc da iodated. Of betels', 93 As
fair, at Sae, sad 91 slue posse st 43c. 'Of beep,
salsa o( KIM" Weir El ft st $lO5 ~in odeaacejs4
do ale s $lOl, sad • mull lot W at Klld is ton.
la Laid, t
sattriagmaa dome. Sal* of 7 orbs soft Me
bseal—•boalderral Sic; lima sad aidesat 610 P
le. Of *babel, II bbee caat.oo it Ile p pl. AU
Loa rood beanrat la melee, tbsicosed be bad ass
tea.A4ep to aq V
11 TIOe t Ib; I sllgbt alriate. •
Oct I— Cato. —Tba eon Wen
week See ICI baler,, an follows—V:lW tit 111'01 .
Ill; dOst Ill; 14 o.lli, sadallat 11. •
ake—Tte doassad has been more tether Al.
',Kb. We spike ear Of 1130 Wu as ollowt—ffo
st gel 400 at 41, aid 13:/ at 4i, widen la• abaci era
.4001 decline on pncsa!pald 0. wank previous,—
• •
BROWNSVILLEriet Leal. bleLtato-64 b.
it u bo r o .: bx• R R &do ober-, d o do,
WI. kw, kovr
col Bdltebbte & Witua-4 bblo &sr, Wadley
119{ boo eta, R 'Plasma—Sl Plabisooth &
84 eeerpott—Pu onbrroy-414 bis OW. Fa.
onb r &
Dancoo-2J lot& &of, awn& bbeabi-41
& orbobry, Bartoilgo bi & co,
So Lou ot—Por Tolbstan—lbitpabot, rolodex
tor& co—G% OM' Ispoo; Kt 1 1446, Boizet-1 bot
Alkikkbolf bit hop., kuass: •
. .
6.efiCrAt!tet;f:lnhaltois aid
- Z.BROWMVII4 3 O4I•;ICitg j at
VW to
-?lllionormAttgatlVit P.Aciterhir.•
,IsmairAtca,l4446.. • • 4.. •
AcAsoow eitaST:eturtetr!L •
• I lligue,Lossednir ".. •
",swAtxow,zarows. .
• 4 1nitom, s si tmas. .••• ;
imrr tkicsis
M_W I Cf Znli3lM!
-Opts 1 "phase.
8 9 9: 718;70047
31. 1 seta
S 9 6891
827 68{
525 7.3 t
ti Li 8 13
navoirms -2Avzsc.
PC 7
Tyra ni 4e kriO I 7:PL
ttairatr l: •
k M : (3* 1.7
IWO11•61Cdg ,-
.oAr.2; teW r itAl,V7 W . VA. :
Tie Dili. ' “ kale yIiaeOWAIN
I.7 •T a Voikisir.-esirql - V; a
- -41 N B ABE U R I T N . Del toft C ft ? -
- for mud fgeinf tO! iksafu — •
at •
ifblee.miatee j ilt Intim ex al.f . ms
moratzi artel fe . ckck. tiff*
- -
iliatßenediiit: sums; win kne aw abUUa
Ws inening al HI delset. • FM inticb.t
. . .• •
... .; er ~....;, apply on NW. - • ' :',alt ;
• • The Bier, Light 11.1.1111V1111 ,
alibi 811111mre
.lered o irrier, wiling, as Wit:
valsObtallke asum. tlbeileina . Ft4ll7.oetteer
. 7, ....70111112 &AVM •
_N4lr•Reit gm , " *,
• ; 'l4vltTliltßt4 LIGIIIIP,` • •
441 U Waft is sire* in
• - tpdry ansiset, it 4 40415ek.7144.
- .. IVNtlachL
..... ..
. ...
k m
. . 'llllll . , ~ .T. A . "Thi , .
sedes ' ime th ' = hi.
...___. slita
•ing 0, 16 . 5 k Prilldirb Or rlallP,lPir OR MOW.
Ikllll4r, wager, von Iterve a...above thia
ebigr at 10 o'clock. ' For licigbi or
•PPII O . boa:C ' - • oel , o
- • -• •
The am god haat amain otter
JP Juk, Haler, 4111 IrlyeArt date
and ialersodime poleopa7ipzniday,%o4
711 L lust tilbeslock,a . x. •• ...• .
. Few fr. da.r, Pu.X.4""4"=“4-JONKS
Ulna appl yla , I • % •
=a . ''''', '• • bloaraPbel• Hons..'
• "OR 'mamma. ..,
• Tbe saw sag kw Gametal - .
outoom, .
viar«, meter, - hie remmoi U.! ref .
alar• . tripli UN Its,• PittaiNVA
a* abr. crerT •nma•r•wa A 1
day at a eclek;r• I)l9,WtriV"
ea bome.Di . • ,• • • - 'AirM
CA LEB Cam"pm IMattat.
ma in* mar atot PM mostat COM momboat
_ ._,
!holm, imam in, tan . optanY ms otto
mute; oria• no ao r ra d ar picket to
• .Bearat BM Olmomr-tlammt Pano
Moth MOT al Eva mok, raMmta m4g_. .".131.4ww,
Mock of toady on 4 BrivotCallat,) to pamoy, mod
motoy. ma Fratoy. - .
Pas &oto orposma l a m* Me
Irmo West oat Nom o Whoa, 1054 m bowel
arm • Rs AM, liir ILMBAUOII,;2 moot wow
'• . . . ..... HELAXITY.TACIPET.: : •
. . .no mo• Mum' .' : . '
/4.ol ,lll Llt.r,yrUl nil, sr •
NI ;
r its basil . Ty 1:11•Y, We d
r 1. 2 ,1 1'..44144194...i1i5. Ate7l%
o'clock? A. AL For hret or paroto of /%7 CO 4.4.
Bank liaftermaliastelmlity ens
io sbrre palladia *saw dor
• Pt, (Mrs ••=ol47.beiNi.
• • .
T. rnratan:
: , altraiss vidir .ram W 1 411 1 ",
Elgr!gN ' POE - I
TEM Comma ult beim aim !if • •
.I.lmkr. Ow Fatless et Obi Lim gra pop
waters ea &dime.' si "o'clock
hick•el Ildk•sa, illeato,ltesday,ise.4l2.
. • de • Lowiam.2ll..slocaTianfty, sepi •
de Kasfigly.Taby. ll Vettee•l ay, Stptill.
. L - Crim.
tar Det-ro"0 —.
. iusas.7lmormg, .;,„ tder, .•
49. ig..tatkl4l4.T . ruty, O Ouch! , tkt3,
.01.6..1t00day• Oen • •• •
4. Lanidass.neorm . .. W. 4 ..19 ,14
. lko Erst•ek b Trudy. tirn•gri, Oe• •
U. okra rrid.T. (k ,
16.44phlket r, Pas grim; tms • • . . . .
L•sawass.'llaspooa,Niaaty Oct IS. • • •
if pm <lean Ogg uszalsumesA imoOnable woes-
Nodules', won pm, 1/04,0 OA U.. racks%
.111004.4i4 llsen,W.tit oups,er
11 uncetta.COfiemeJ thitn
itorignowo--74...i Willi sobbing gools earl. ate
111 inboard Om Joe the Ibbtrin soy tonsiss
bottrant, numb. nib sod t Eon, anottbag
owe britl &bubo adoi%Compogyb Expqrso doily. for
an ela priocipot Ems, aloe. Pael ars a got .lbeb
yocohnot toldirombiod WO to Utotroortib perste/m
-en Loris bleLare aid atom:. not note. by cot
ototrotoritom wireb an abbe rlock,toC•lbborbmd Vol
Orton by mail train to • _ •
Po!huliet partiodars= v tk Chi,* fool
= • . • 0 o.yK*Kfir. AWN.'
• DOll.lOllll 04111,41; DAY LIN r,. •
rIETWZIN 111110 1 441VILIA AND cis M
LiUtty Is sea mass dadLeeee 7ee7te.7 77 1 1 .1
7 SA the ex Predate lowers twee pasta •
Menheidne See Ile Pas ek delleeted u Pueleep eTt
Jr KIM et Us Sent Say-Oore
tkie Coe meet e= . new Mr testes 'et fieed•
• Mee Syne . di dsve • reeciptr ,fs Sae
The eels Sdese ea l J. CIAD
CC W).2..L.Timbuilr.:•,•
V • • • ••_l7linar.,
• • • . X.
! • • morrnitt.t,l49!....
',:ili ft l'iiliE 00:.::.,-;:':
cgs Liviires—ur efts *mirheel
as eir arts Louise Matt ,
s esimitly i t
- •
.e tasrss.
.19er tall Syniagias ; • ,:".• •
•la do Godes mart et ' •
• .do" Alaoillaatetna •
, do dr my. Pitaiii .
. • . au sierr)i • •
I , alai Elides; - •
At do vevet //Maga; . • • •-• .•
addax lAirdrodlrereat, kladi itriarm
ovs Aim MA IBM •
Tamed tee adore, port .me a fiat be ben ma. •
diastase at Posimast. plxipstlr Mast lA , ri..=
trardetiag lee Sham yahoo the rro!I mama
al Wiley, Ater it Forrester et Moak, arta salp may
MAK MW WA* Coded Sta.. dam Irina I get Ml
worm Atadalrad;Aikerneo. and edam miner stems
mendomOd, ens cmordir Inn dtsuiem.'aal well
basuilk -11 . 4 14.F0ca+0 • Xete4 and W
rr)lLMl aal; Ire sate
'••••.,• • •:•
P MI 9 I . 11=0 tit. e B ;:; 1 . •
tgryiposilited Braa4n
. 111?1j1,10 prpi 13,s • biy
r g i r P r s
. ' I 10 4 plyei , Ourdlieq Ornal
, .
- I P r i boos Oini • •
paw se_ . R a i
• - I H r
Zne: Iv &Mei;
etri bodes Bnuedy. 41Rreal tied.;
Esollitait. Op soma lieu* esnilease vri , l
Ciltdidif en{immiS by . Lisself; la ae N.
4"`ittfto w;,13-t
Dlllllloll.lo7loll—ne partatiOnd habsils 41504.
liptveleirths HO. tad Am at Wiglinsaa tVal.
aeld la dually tosotatd b 7 Hama coma), Jain Vat.
untwist Wed a( ins Nara HEaseH H Wighpoaa
The baataastaellea Weida will be alNad H Wen.
mass "be anHanaid ss Haas maw or die. ana ARIS
kr OH papaw • . , IVIOHTMAN
AW:20•• - • (talyydt) DALZ EU?
• •
• • ' • ' • •
THR Bibeariber U Imo 'prepaird to woodleten aP
kinds of Comm and :Woolen !machinery II thirellettimi
make. Oteers leaMß Wighuipme. Entytafßepolen.'
oar LlttEry• and Tuff d . ifeec.ol ftedi orr i ar.Ot.
=too , • ..41•W
• 4. , Loscekodlotdec• Eyelmal
11•111111wd1 SiDa Dewar. ,
PM, entlnsigaed bar* attend U! pricerati tila
Marling Powder of ddsrupdrior eountratuire,
warradredaailerparwd, sad will welter law as
an Parra.? aa aModal iadha Salta.
Drawswa warphsTal- al sha Jilasarata will 1%11
eve memlgwwAataanxnodainu'warder cN
Orden at all thaw will be final ild IMO 'Leh ON
Va i t I? I rt OIL 11:1. L C I
1 9 4 D .: 1 1 1. ' la; A
M. D. W..boslsOlit 11. P.Cio. • , oof
•IM . 7
•P • .
Weeigia isou Floe&
SUITABLE for LocaubstiveNanse,sad6SAlSlALA
B.o•Wriplit 3 *Starke. dlroserst. Alas
Pips. aor Els; Ims, salt sther pesprws; estrarigps
?Mists.' ll=Presses, I lelloar Toscas *how
• MOMS, ASSES, k 11tOBJUS: .
no S. E..A.MOr TIM sod Wslsur Arce
Is. • . • . . 3 1 7 7 ' •
Aoino. c i elke r .21.7.1A t ai c sa inuit
sad is Padddd74l.9 ll 7 dtd , NerdliT
Cosidlasman 611 :t ale of laaarylapadi darddi s- --
P :___CdTa ° = l4 :Rit g ra
W 9 :, pt.r. • rms.
cifTjtre Tgat PO i re p Le T tee4
rq!be Hasty*. Oen al ' he Thu io,Par s t
t i t i Mei==llß l ,l:l l Z i t i ng
/*Wm r DI • Mod •pos doer'? r
,fi"tob"h" lAT I IiA 7 . 3 AwriY KIM
11POU Ml4ll SOATIN. •
Follol*4 iteewitwall
.!Iketlews ell Ore Organs scrrlsa 0 , 7 Ow huh%
Oa *I unman, •b. Olt Mils"
FROWN ‘IVOW-11m1611% Vattie Pitati 11 219 1 7211;11;i et-=i4-":Virmamm":,,t....ll •
zlgirtaips_rir: eurdsuoi:? . .im i
~. 7 ',LA: ibin tw: is iii. miiii .....::: ea
" '.- '''''. •• • • IW :.
.*itlCOriOsic: .001/.70411084A1aV11P. P 146 di
•' ' '' ' - ' l ' ..": '' , • Aet • ..., .. • • ' l44 ' 1.414•1•4 I: •• ••
. '''
'X''',4•l44l/C•fariA,,: 1.2,...'•,(4tP1• `',,• ':•.- '' _
' •• : i ' '''e L \ *.,-.1 :3 04,,' v; ir -- :,1:..,,;..7...7,5;X:i4:1,41,-,,,,,L: :..
;,........-...,-,...,:.i. - .: ,-- '•' , -- - ...at0 , k , A. 1 - ,- ... . e.--.,j.t. Cri*tii:ii-
,•'''...._,.._,. • Raw -ikasAarocemur .-, = - r: - r .' ,
, :41 7 w:cLcrcHiria ,PftwasiglEZ STORE,
r•• -
. A TCORlDtrallaYbitanoklresplaxannr• as
. 4- /. ibil tontaroa of.l=kr sad
ma, c = 1d .,, 1iz
•baitelpssennot Pis se
or moddi.o4.Eisso lisit,aatbirsnan of [lair ostablits.
.'• Tssin gensilitaan keno; boutearenosoly 044.1 it
W casual banana., naelisisraly, id ibli abase cis, lot
Ws last 100 year, la moll Anson by lhat fasitionable
I manitYliOd 4 anstissinlEY IlFkardlod.V../ t . " •
Wi ll lftoaitt.n...;; i j o4 .
We to ma gi, ism will'
orboselia giro as do sdassiaganf offerayg OwWM._
sera the laiptand wrest Who. re<osdea, t V g l l 2,
assiroos of iskinnog WU . POtnNe 4 .., .7
, Y.,
the otionai drat, be ac00P , ....• - • • ' ' •
MI erodes Lose Ws sousblisiossal'isrraiW
sal in ovary partkalat, gams Itlabhol aspen" tog bo. on oat pan us afford paws' ounfasnom. - • I
We base Jut Melt*" a ai4sailid.slan of gross% 1
iiod=rsti buck, awn, jike,Oosei 3 Oki. 44 , 4 !AV
• Elaok Blas,ilmesni Mai OnialEallilliclisl*.; .;
• Fig dalasimirros and 011111111lia, laillia:eaßilsineos
Vigesels Doe Moon, Oslo' iiidrilOad...
• , aalso. a largo lot of Assn' fr.siCa &lie . ..Sind Own= i<'il
• •Hreoell toper ost Volum dor cutup. • • -
Da Back toad dory Fades. ) .
*. Do Ora. ~,do ~ Pah. • •
- Its dol -', '-• -do - Caibtatre, and all subiles
Ve l lottat i ofyllitadailtakr;lualea 'la 04 Wat
s o d
to ts Utak cannoetal tort both Is • Near
" Yak
sod Bums who will.kary a ly sapplio .in
OM West Baseorsis xylem of a
`...41.10—Wi1l ire kept i OS "Mai -loon;
1111010111M40( sandy an* iblog. . c
Tosibiteilk awn% •trie, alms, Roans',
AblllarnAltatdijEntialli„ il, Ito &a , •
s C mg.
• • ..1,-. ;•••.,....• CZ R 1 MAYFA
iti. '4041641 burglary araoded ta •Pl 7
• .. ••• • '' ..-.--.- 1 7 ,'• - • — ir i.. .. RIIIIIRRY adlitiiii.
7 r7- 'TODD kaltilll4ll snooty ad thresi from the
• •2 eases fine, li fiat, and 8 einelsoiy boo'sbs, inali..
ding all tiro various alsii. 1' , , • .
S eases Nona% bras ll+ lenng Hoots ashl EY., awls.
It eases Carpet
accoatutarod c i:ito: ilir Ilona
Airy Wilma . Saxony ant &weals und. • •
Annihr.r eof Usoas pagans sorrel at flaigood7
mohair' opened and is Ws as alanallsollitera Soros
10 ChM 1:00AlliaLla, by HU R TODD, Illasofantairers
ageou,llll Wood 11, up Mama doors liglawgad o.
- an azaadnaLut ad Rs pods Uri Wm D deorryt-
Aokroalicited,.. -..., .....;,..., :.. .. .'. • RAD
TOY! 64110611•4441 .4. 11)1t dikpauratlrt,EU
O.Et,/ bhUlt Mourn
• ... 'puma mi melon '
nk &so P
s srataartaltkoli • it •
Do Yaktich /Scrim.; ••• :• . • ' '
&yin Posse II CiWisaire IYEarner; - .
guano. aryls Amoy eat •• • • . •
glossy udyub Pans Manuallete e V a ,
Flooydalda not tow • der do. •
• A any rad amorous; ad abr. goads working sod
Orr Wainer the nada Mr •• • • ^ . _
c - '',• •• ' IPBACILKTT II WHIMS wood
• • • VALE. DIRT 6100DII.
Stt s Lns ,, Mnr . lv m ttzit:
of rity sad ...wry Wiens* Tety and fie*
mad of BM 1 . 1. g AND FANCY EIXT 01,5,
hrrVwl negf parchued Isti twa Rea Um EA.-
- O Mood Buren. .
w oc-ill:or i n god eostausimps awry,
nr. qe•Alibhienda miLZVolltirellieaftle.-
yrtmonr,44l•l beloola at • very malledillans:
codas knrasyhty esis,be ?whoa* Oir V. /e 01212
AA• MAPON AI MVO llortotoL bontoomonloio
L . l of Voyage& ll 0100 tiotr esasshs
ass% .lloll
do is sad D... Oessayeliell
Cp. Oloomo r and • . o/KIIP••
fly Wove,virstb end vnthan easpc
himilopmwmairAWMuwW.W9o/W044. 4110 4.1.
VE/ONSTM 4100 Di .ad Maw Sea
lr• C0MP.1114141, PA" Melt... CMOS 011.P4.
OrM 4 ark IPP•gme IMII7. Wag me paws cup.
•I:7iiii.s—zsbrr4fi r i s iw• Oiti v r:, 7 :1"
u xj b,
• . -rATON4I.•
uoi&-truesent Ana's sect ailoaso• Ims
sas Cmoballtre dig Mary issavaarak 11*
emiLa..lo4 de,wely WWI.
illgtatneWerell 4r, . • • •
. :OOP • ' • maim
W. W MUM W isoliders
pwet Das Ms Oraried r WWII
loWswasiowsida OrWilm - ••• • • •'
gm PM lOW
- -
• UPC h.ilikft was Sweirswk wan., wetl
*Ws .61 Coshes; .t 4 , 7 NA.lwwur
• ' • • W MURPHY
Vi A t Z . 11 2. .. 12ed=e 6 =I =6 ,
'Mom t Inv — Wropt Ira ,M4l Carl meg
1411111VIIPBY Ms uvir area • fel Urns.;
V .Nam deiirt.b{e coot...www4
bleroh.elo4llt Wan, as. Os.. es, sal s iffy ars*
was of yr An* see calm., drabs M. • .
• • •
W . IL In 117
mcolzi lop Solfoly Olt
lbit very lemonloso
A. *WO
art* pulla, a:arlovall ogler of Fowl sad tillorta
rnacascrs—A nob ityplyWaekt.g nadnisid
F.A.. 4 ", isc lathe sew n v iir m i t il l
pfa if IS torlkkaaaekei
1111 RIRAR—Dra/o "ipaßankruc• Air
tadtes Dresvea f.
nos • • - W
Oro Odyears dead Toe' Deal... •
re - r!tit:zaztruta AND nrry mix tuts
.11 1 3 l it "f 7ac i.......4 "A kroft 9 nnt .l ± 6 ll6.Bl .7. l tri 4 rt i
a dom., maw by Os Half
rood. or pa 0.4.1. Ant per
G. 010% . rsdes L.. sassy
lan anatiotanaatia 6. D..led Males, PK
ugh( Yosza tlr...t(ww dodd.J
Hq lbo•uta lee . •
" Rea and Veldts Oespearder Ma end ulalt )
160 de •, and tantslapatuil(dasomyra
wad law pram, .
rabos odd imrimo graday)
GO bt .d bra 6.3 °Wafts (nalass)
Via) 66 do Nal Tear , •
1:1* 6a rearetraite tchataa dad War lan./
'Odddr Odd rld.dol Pia“nehi Akrok Muria
Total.. be. '
TldiOadlymy dadrtobba dathade oraYes el say
tiad .1 at driardpila, 0.10 , 04. Td.
LA I*mi parlor... bonito mart.. in the
= .is 17,147,74,i i nt 111 0 1
r t .. %
dad ma ago. Or all OW Y... Y. Y. "t'w'o-
, • ' , Wbol.ala Derr , : P‘ddrozT
R. H. Oalesalla. • aattnee ice ated Ooth y and
J.:LMA/10E Os Aral pi the Co.peey ;
*meal dad tall ayes Wands o,d T. Dralera
Deralroor ..-------" w av itua llinalig- Lasor;rielv ,
: -
- Ike_ , 4•ll.4xtikeirvalkeammmgat . •
4 ( m u i..54".• ereroloo ... / ftrir.ll9l%
1 de • Treble pope Ihmtjeteil
I_,, - do ". "Oodblit de Ombonbes
11 , P4C0 , . -d' 4 ng,sum,
2, Meth. lb :t . " ~ to celity - rleb, •
..... Neal tempo .. . it:tie do uid rmilv,
r. awmody do . Qm.l%pale,
rick NA vesy nmeriii4Lagite, J. e•Ur •mia
Shan! af um. time. ano ero 0•66 0r amerce pet.
Part) MU/ a( Ors calm from dot Dittflet of the appor
Cgogo,eollocty need 10 age from oolifity of ograatossg.
tae cotaltlag,lstrOorl mita sale tor tkc MigotalPick•
6 61 6 aarl ale Oa 4.140. 1 at tee arras fish af mob
*moor. • lawn Watagg, •
• 16 cot *mai it feat OP -
J al Mats prim ft fie
66gar; • • 'r, : •
• . 116 bi 16 1 14 0 Itolcatoo, la au bol6l'. • 7 ..
übre 0 P .ad 11* arcs . •
106 ban lo Coffoo;
• /Do Lbw Wtaskogt • • •
- . -
• —lO ulettdcasemalkela Witikir. • •
amnintatalafeetv.. Wises and Latnot
trove • kr. solo by . mtrettema
opatklls . . lie Mar/ .tlta •
sulDass%-Iso doi 5t3510g K '
dosao Dowdy Nods; , • • .
do wsNot Kemp; ~ •
5 do TOWV 'llOl
0O de Clueto
3 nke do' , • . :
• 15 do . doollnek
I NM Olive 044 , _ •
• .• 11 do • Clomporses, ON mod Ono),
AlAti . srote sad pol.attutdeop. 53/.10 37' "
2'l (Wiatildioi 0;3
NXlp3elotes YU, 0 PAsporial dad Meet Took
•.• CO lAN No 3 ',gra blorkercll• . - . •
• 50 N dxs' - •
, • . Oss wooot augorLoilobatoot . . • .
.3W* Mookts3l..ith esatia,ll. 11;1WIlei
I le newfam. tub t., P e.
id ANTIS •.
' -4" oft i ndlogriog orb:Ocala
1,90.10000 ( = •
nom ...doe *noir
Itoilogrof 1.4 13 • tun" P .P"....*r.
.Itobbipb "" ' •
;O kOrdirmy • Dr Poster Lord frproor
•Pdblihrocipor Joao Pant Cbebroos ,
.rer sd r by too bar or •
' MN au.. DP InapiOesbnod:
sts Ftiperiss.:4*,; ;• r •
i ;;1111 " i i =kir di • ' • : ' era/it/VIM/Loa t have egeghell lei the
/edge. elf Ile *rut 'femme Mem fifths COY.
/7 et Allegheny fee the beeteltedthe theoPreat Laws el
uds Ceenteweentehl end gut they have welshed •the
.Ibera Seedy, of October neat ter the *mow of•s•
tegiocrelliar. ALPILLCD 0011ffilr7
r' Prang TX A *roar,
0 , . lie. 7iwd. rtnur, mar W
CT '•
AU c. 16 .OaIA. PAIOO6 il, at Omen and T Tear. •
in omen, 10 ppneel packmproluP
pap rpm Abets par pawl Plll,lO. A sAyritos ~.
,* •.. • • • Arm far Pals Tea Or -::
ruponeso ciaioulater hront.l
hal 34.
imodahpi r.tux Lod orxismiosa 1
1111401 am 11•41190.1. 1 .POIL
winks Dr Hs.asaas, snag.
ems Twit as, Pavan find wary apawr ar, talfi a 1
sisikuselmesinitbe WI/n . 6" , , • -
ice; t re=e l . i eregrtf:Vre= 'tet;
Oesexte- t yet ltme. pi. ; ll.kleat 6:taloa. -
Cbauttrel flesznaz es betartotroileeed Invitee*
Pablo and pekesso befte4tbnastroot
tvislita fCitool.9 or seo lORK
oroletsisoed Cometybo•ners tut .lo4cuirs 'of
Common schooia of 1.641.11 i Waltf.tebytag yew. moat
ebeo sod 4obbonticeutebed pbandlees Gramma(
of ego C00..b Loovogs, am of aping. ibst for mixt:
Ant bentlmoft. hoppyllbestusSm'ilotpolleters op.
11Y:silos of the printlylee of Geeftilit•be La13+1.411..t
iflebtottened by wet , of,* kind
[Mum' Wdi barb
kkiivistei kkitisol it baskiti if up Yoe& ocboo4
Irtgoi4= - 4
wawa C."
UskUniimat dee Yotirile bleeettllktll i Veee to
Dupe*, leatiklog,utkl Road la rep.
iiiassodoss woe aep.o.od
I Ito reaftbrat tufts! letorliellipli•Weecipozna.l
. r e beet Keeney le atufrnorage.. aaa.U.C.P.
Waal efortrogneug 41.e.weity wit! dot badness at kV
doCl/TO Forams fto 4.24.4.V.0 Or I.k..diftßld pane
o f .per,tb pewee Ovelreedlt • mere.* refwateee NAN
into's*, Ware enth.thy usfoos.oesilm}ge of !spit.
Ward befog I...fttft. ,, Con , 10 ,10 1 1 0.
k7C 6 166e, Pent. Matetlbetineet'SVola Saiftl Kilt
N.rewr4 beiAley,rma Pems.W.
5%s um, .ego.ip.i 4.41 g .11daii.4 . C 1 WhalON.
I ammo, ak beelike so on Ow is Ile pawl!» sa
• beat-toet lot eafttftitniletag e allotbasollat Iwo!
lekl'idre eider
3 : ;a " ."
Etmlibt Boosne,,Prieetlft Prft. l l.
Poloone /help, rm. Mamma k Vinasilik•
Jobs Vox Ness. do e t aspt ac.wa esbea;
1lb:slalom Pkapkrege. Volum LedgeleAtraimany
bleitttreroftmeol, 41•• floteclZelee* ..24
Welter Quiekofte. :Cita:wrap* a 0041
Ileory.Ciarbs, Pet. Cleselebt Sclabkl. ,, ,
V Tbeepoon t. Pels. lirteklyo 11.1.1011/01411111.
O n.eptember 11,1547. • 2,."). a
ChseeDies gh...W.194*d pal lby ealo Thme.
ppoemeti.nut 0.,101 al s rMithdoloo;
JOHNSTON a S TOCICTID4Iftfa , aa.S. , ...
.Tkird eta.fluebersit. , epalekolivr"
V P1i4V.06-Ifituslcal Tl•etebit• of KnoisetVergirs,
it. Haw, : Antpsidits *oil Aiwa estio4its - S.
Ocoglsolical,bsicies l sod Cloolisttes4lbrooliptlnon.
with assedous cllsingsltled foam; and Norellss
Hd i teed Birsttiohical Slotellits Alinissmitbse
Mowers, Illotem, Oluiettlitnt, I/OWL tarp" DL
vtatni,SA. Mamma by abort rony , its9mlsvor,./44
Lanni; Cilhru. Fidel i ib• blopyWs Vises. Ow*.
rtiV or •TiOltit.''. ".•
An O.iU.. trAiorr of the 8114 fiesethi 0 4 1iittif
nodien onolcsn•nt dieslosiiii year 4+-by
/As A Weiltli:F•4% - • •" • '
Totsl italossecs,,G4skis•ics4 Ifonnindons Ail • i Sluielsl
Visa& . • - • • -•
. Mottles) a 60.1 i 0,41;,44: et dee lin; I
opsdnolAsia of OtriiituAnA odd; 'sleides 114nea
4. Aientersl Stasi of sosatin, alpiatbetirilly sr'
masa; tosislidielb orClie cowry, ebisossr4
• of do • oil, staptomettsets;ennishrt, AN edit I S. •
se dodon of ittur, worm sod triSsica.. 7)agytbsr
vita s Ammo., itste4. 4.6~1 tit'Aba:esslttist
dim atraortt, sf Malan battlrst.
ftnesouriqiuseedontscesistet I it,lstorgenssissmosi
ke..14., Aim; dnig rip 1.3 ei asurni nwitiiktisse g
dim litsissenb citireolsiouisst 1041.1.1 snisiistsl
lke wort& sof iSaresposas of Altsfest 1444rdosolbl.
G lrCrtitin l n i ti d Pss,.. 4 l/ stitteieti*'
or Wynn. Ss sit 4 :MS AR E. ea 00.111111 N
idateastesdontis.lawvilis Sistall 4 Ac. - • ; •,;
• 741. " 4m i.TrArfitii; -
H viaki a.l. = R A v on .
i pe.,•-m, foga, rtaar.t,Stlit Oren Ettitais, as
tabseoseolottioauo.settleiscatAal tinesSionn st
stl=tl , o2: try die s posid& s teAstitittliti ?stir;
I : l' 5U !boar st ilanoid4n .
pawlbdosies till Asir silsontrdso ISStitatal lado.
pananitoni by hums Gyskant.L D-ns nols-issipsll
I egoists solonallAnS stnsislot,
Binary. olibe .0 and Owes [mei tba:Leserofityst
ibi AftuvasiCsitidrAbbi Gone fit.orrnlnk
.11to riceolyaMilibeiot talgisAliElsiititkilsonts4 44
.a wa,a 110,411/4.4gOASSINt*SOIV fret
.... Tit guier& . o Tu. kisete.oti..- "
'molly 01 Lass Ctismstresldt, boo At
*NI of thew:owl puss yruis disdrolin of 1a11.40••
Ass. and dui nipi of Ammo% vi,dt sdr , 4o4 Vs4o/
An 514.13 D-osnoLds 11 1,,1.
71tsabrie worts : painted anal canals ' ,
=OM IS. beivrobs
--- -
trLTEITED AT MI: A •IliNOClA•iideers
W rl elesin is q• Pinuipty•fisaMmillit . OM*
baked i. nu nevibpsufalsaketaw .. •
• Mabee. omulf. do.* iritif..4A T. A!:
ilbottsbed Punk tlfinffilytigf.; • . - 2 - Z,........-7,•:..:-'
Tatotd i. ta Ahrenesii Natoli agaOliiiiew
I.A• At Clerim ••• •-•••-• '• , •••••;4 '4 .. • •. E •
Th. OsAme• !Yids, ••• W a s h Um Tii.
%%Ida* et Ca Cvslidedilre Calm. by L. 17 NV.'
. .
Ilan. " ' ' ' • • ' •
• • .. • •• • • . .
71“, Us)da arteraidoe4tielleied. ' . _ . ,
_,,,-- " 4
Th.heniede. re Orr T*loo•Crier of Cr . uno—com ,
" RyTula kt At 4 intipie,eihhieww-ai 4e. /.
--- gitiaill:V7 tiOudi AlqiUkiiii7. awe-.
WrINDS Or rnternmaraml , , y i epatia.
Im Aleph Euxrr, a add smrby DS whlclatalil.
The Ira Rnet, e PLO las gala • '
A 11.17 a( tie Ltattlo of Waseldad by Rye G la °WC
id• L
Bacilers Gesmeiry. lberebeelmaad Callerne. - -,:i.
Deagen's ff *anal
. 11.derSkerlit Idadted Mast*.
Mertes Netzret Illonoty,llloarend, - • -
TheeeleYe Tides la Verve, )Dvadic, .' .''.."."?:
Lows 177 wed da Coen el' leyeaey: ITAL... Pet":
irb,,, ?linke iti,m. Haab, td.odd troika-meet geseis
Tarawa r,
%MAU'. .w—ena' d I ad nalade. •
UV de A : .C . =.,, , '' .
7aras Lee , deer. . ' • '
Laird feassaal Mau= br
010 : 1, 10.1 , ! i ... . • ,
111% LW. Rut "
Anlvel • by Cape Dire•
Jea& Dad br eed., ' eale al
~ 15613.1afeedles.
Ind W - . - l' !See
L- - lladisal Woe Ire,_._ _ _.
ICTURFIIen dm mewed eemiafte i rliala.
111.dreiar. ay P Id Luca , II
. Law Dorm% elterroldasly. tbe ,
oaek ewe% slander. sad ram.( 0 , La i r
it igoot L1.nme...... eara.7lireal..Alelbsa Lk . ',
. w irritit.. a miV rA4 __ „ ."‘",i_ k f, 7 " , ,
bi lloctsn lemateue liallebei, II triad.. as tbi .., - ;
noun and sate af dooms, Ity team Lea
umbellead ma eltederearaao els mee Ohd, addle,
yee of slam' learn., 7a 1.110 lyaft.4 5i.up., , ,,-
Lemke sidled st imehmiapraelletcn; Di 117. el:Am
11 IL .Imeds :Eagyl•Www,vnAb tededaraLt
Ti,i, Oa r ii.W • et siva roe 4; Gii sale bY .
____. ~.
t .. ;• . • • JOILIOSILIN a. . "117110ROCI,_ d,
.. 7. lroltaelLee• eor
ti rata,
.AZJAVAPAIM!!!.. "eau.. dea Ra1a,i11e...1:4 -'
''"lllairaistee et We sieved a'adddy neleseetakeherto
Ellirmiommaiest tor D001w,.. It Os AI..
to Oritica Sprevba• war Pawarboss.irgb
• nag Ware varmak Pia.* a th• .....
'llnYm a ad Liman likthotkft, cat. greima ca;
salageaa. waters nrkwe Do Alatano.•ll.4Pwre-
Ilwa,mil *op** embelingt 6w. Vardra.lpftnals,a yeat
Iner 11 11/e/l ie atineoled LetterLeoyela •nl. a real,
Llet et are loci pail/eel la dal:dry ma ahead, pro
seta t.f daddy by °wooed 01,1,311 a.., 0, New
.saisirthriem.deiir:noia.sii , .w.,
AN Int eggetedenerment 10 th. div me evader Ed Übe
I._, II WM • CALDWELL .t . a nateht ..
THE OUTWIT Qr . S l 4lXCattn-V
1.11.• .tubas.a•sue•, 111•11.0.4
•M{mild tem. (Or 11,4 arn pit takars,_ .7 •Ariel r
rwitsso. tibuk Ph li#•>P l t .
leany, Bledit•WlT, II istanc•lly open •111212 . 02 . ,
putoesiumsjillign • lion! he*:
le IN, Ikrorme Maws*, • s6ir
entitled br trunlneern tbepamennatlaulcal S.
meg Dm.401111 JAW, Jed reed mitat .•1•17 -
3011.1.NT0N 11611TOCKTQN
••lbOh.inelVeror mate t Wird lan.,
... .
a Wring emnie vrotki— .. .: .7 . ,_ .... • : .....
Tales sad avatar; 44,e lati Ali= L DIMIIIII
Gears a a Onuam.the thi6arlia**. , it ti / 16 /4
el datOntor. undated age , ftalia. et sc couch... J .
' a ite=ati Br u t/ra ni ', se AS A! =or l atk•
Ila Wiadisaa . •••• ":., ....., - • Valrt
011...10 at MeDOll De - •
of Oitondau. et toed' Of. .;
P•srfois of dm frecc• i•ook 1
.74 , P 11 .
Pre* Glivalcgo,or • eiritAl m iool1 . Mti
Cantuseaal iwspoi WS _ c l op
Barr N. dm Battle of IV Ow; I
TO. of As Pero YOlit•itrlhod*Cbr
ORM mum sownasbasa,
10 ; 5.3ry hltZ t y. ,
Caudasaaar at Oar, •
Caddo* at Mal .. by ltlll . odat Moo ; ,'•
r tar 1. 41.1._°"=4'
' 004 I. porn aim.
VMW — MRITICL:Rrari ir(Caajtiralanaliri
13 0 tab. empiric al •0 Yleil plan ele Mori, . .•
•AUCOmmi Qtlek RYA libhie Qusd.rllac
',tandem asaaJa, saw araU hp!: Oa boyar;
Pors17=1":1 In 13 n "41 • 47
'r Otsc of Oarmur
Soap &oar ,Op.craa( Ma
. 1 Oyanal ist
abbo.....luAL•ibLftibbib;/1m1.,......! boat, lc.
me.kSal "rot& irMsmo isivat
Tr e ttr, fi i = tit= 4 ,l 4s:t h ittr it . :b , i 4 i . a c t
bad alai 'sestina a suably, arlgab bip sia4 IS L.
be rima. Tbe. WORN camaaadaboas arc
boat besaraad aa tadaa lastruellubTALOPe Mimi ;
Gaitarirus tle tataa: ,
' Pdaliaaa tamp ef.Ctsebmalidbi YwIL
sad all cabdr pargasom tiveadin IP!
lam • ••
• • • • ,•'
me reeds an &MIX 10 11 0 . - 1
Awl rtmildsk.,;• - •*• -
• • •• • • ••',••••-• .1 r
• . - .m_i_ost • slum(
e ,,, ...,Daalule•sitliigl.fMlk .
ea ir WoodenDS4 Kt!. f ....„... r 6,,,
..7 b., ...................
bee eralbe teen Oen tl:t A:111 Pat 011 elect
E M 1 . '" 6 . 1 . 4 1:".WVA1.
...widienamiped, , a i_ eii iiirific;its 4
Tlweegl flue viewro=isms ,1 iv
Veber sole Arnie fee W
ale arm Pine PeeleeLftela leileeer . .;be We-
Weed moor enraCeeviii„ • .
. . , UN
‘. ffeer Tert.llo.ll.l
.g., ' Sr CVO'S
„Roil, /nod ado*
115+0C4abelisp ank: -
aribmewoodi 1011.11asT•
lir4 scuba/110"Am
..,11sished lorgta mbniket
• 13411711WS •7,
*met+ dears ale.
• /Ullo,res=l‘ ... •
luat Bali ."';
pa PALII-10Dnam • pyre thrribi . ,
" " IMAM a aroorropt, l7., ; '
I • wi s :..w rMr~nYAtrwbs
J. l l , h o 4lF i ll!
: - - 1 , 1 01-1 1 ,
5 2. 4.7.40.--
! B B lINEIES die Aliectilißeate,faitlra daW llir
2 .7.
ell Tie rhumba:Wl, esealt ,, lW u rrl a •
rei labia it atehehbeenesi he Wit Can lea
it•pesfelirribeine albs Pahl;e. A
AreisereherMeitell alt"Mitef,rteth'imitt. el
+rem 4ePeis tea t eelbe hid ii`speoatti Welt VI
' giltrjr ui itl i til ki fit rla g... itePW7tileitil of
Beebe .csst: .. ` t Yr/CU 1141104 w us
•••• • AM rt/F9trat tteir telehemet Sts•eetail .•••
lions likts,Alee Arum etumateres, Opay,Cherr and
MileaillehybiNtof Ell.. sae I Wee esseefarterei
.eitei ie pill et ah thins Pile heeitu 4 ht ga
lid irate eseirei OW all ware WI. he sep tlrd *eh he
" 1 •4 1 ••• ft* et•%•• ewe thee Virden' Will • lit the
woke eeeinstereitearteterteivell it ti
mete iebefta , De MU li•••••eteieeps dr•
ietele lieverMisi•eiritte•WAl is-•.. - - •••• .
Meant. ,t rte...r.s•r • ► -t a.W•bIicALLAN
,a,•,-...4pAs4.4Qatost ' • '
" . . • '•
• ~..../
• h. posinrse ,de r rii..:. vo,t, 44 F. 43
Wee( iteheailleloo.o iieW•Pikiseeth. E Pamir r ,
"g e t , ,Ariple eeilefAL.elilt•a• sapcp.m . be
n sl4 n. W _.4. 114 ..0. 5 004 4 1° ! ° ' . 24 a°° '
atoms ",,-.,.. i`t ; : • i ..... ~ . : ... .: • LOW
, -..,-... .p.. ,lrell . litealetin‘l6l46 ...
1 4 1/1 11112118&00STAIVII dui . . nl .
.. will terfeeedueetett, -R Wl.q...•Pi• .
... "pzet A. G4.2kaws.vutata . ar
&Arad orailte.u.'inirXiir4 • itt
' ►Ads. rreaso:dutic • ~ --xesva.acor . •
-;Aiiiikt ,• .- ... : • • in, t.e.a or W•odia:
..JUllneatitil hooppl•pr . To, be , 9 4
~ At
. ~.,,::,,i..14.0.. toe 4,1 wilb
, 1V . 6.a tl'iseigif k be••1110.1.t•ht ii. ;Ate
leelgieeildly *kited , a kitiollfl
... ortri . . •. t i•••• 1 :, Um*/ Oh 2 111:smabo vt Ohl:
4 -wit.warratroutir flit Ili! nvemo •
Rimit supply of SI Witgerd tad lliikas. gnu Silk
litateileßpe r nelvityWA: , • , .: ~ ..:“....
. • Euri. tkeYekkeklll.lW4o.l3askiklimlTY 4 l.
' - . Hat - i.,.. .....• AN 113kramll Med
ACONTINUES os imuutfuts,,
• - iimesidreslase, sway:warm
Cafieetql. latest rilromplptie4 rev,il , 9! •
111•Waai 461701LE0R51414..; •
Da - R - 1 - 3111*111 9 ;to 3Di:4411
•-• ~ .; nVilsgr.l44sl l 3 l .;&*o";
xcassas itsomrate;
Oit Ett nmiur, , critivicAna
s: kmak .40..4.144a5. of
cuaitem mow; Twei..lo4 te—Srgbi
Clitteislyr gale.ead. ..1111 ell
eta riaelpalptabl, 0;1: gitwit ! •
a belMsrriditmiff,irra,reys ounfAfrarteas
'Alfa;mlladitriierslllis44o4 l6 4. o
Itasumilbenl ars. :„ leakui%
7 77 :117 oohing* a .
PasDaraaad Dealers In Itzelmsage,'Cair
Jo. 511, plata state?. nrysivass:
46ae1614.--1440,M, a n
dC Iv!
14rthaglams:!•• NOTI•19. Bersts Balm
Ploy • :Az... , 4/ dia.•
•Ca • Scnil Ontoi, I doa.
• ...e.d 4 • t`=.• "dt
ne -
de .
• , omen 6i; i”4.4w.. d.
. . .
hinrat-Ohjihtd7.ll.c. CURRY.,I&te a( FY., pa.)
'ism ethers* erter-Coesneenhip.• noierthe nape of,
• 11111. & coworr I.rp«...t.erniNg tb•
illuillh.f..shl•Faxhhhte 6sehshhs Is Olio Watches: tl
Neat' weed hu.i, three deer. below F west
eeketmllerh iberhoLtlple . putr or their ds . stal
hetpeh_ht !reentry. • I H
• ••% DULL
•.nctogzw:cen l Dow:lc37lV k taour
, zuha oP SXCIMEIGE,. czantipage or
No DlWeeetwecetoWed dew b.J..
DAR irpdp,
ndomai esalici Q r. 4. rt!i4 pekeipal_ l =ti the
I.C.Sideore eig • 7ktledeirbia,• New
Yeet,Deeseeseilaselisideeeenewir fee We. • •
• ' ObwitefesiatoinetleiriestWa awl funasyNasta
Dent Seeeitedi es Warableserme.
- Igniwinewpori DelAwl,Gweseep ?ad Trate+,
.tiescserd.l44Bol.4 • . Wife •
A}1.17.11111:1114' • 1: '• Tl,l l / a Ull 141131. -
Pint Pnda* and Danaidnialiand Enehaage, Cala
aandt et Ppm, Mut Na mot Goio w eorocr or 3d
aad Weadinanaanaddalf ddleMl4, Ik..endOin Hada '
IlMillLMONPrti" than k r ‘l l
erga".6""1"12101" drip N -• •
041 staimpon.bir N •
• . Vidante linike. "Mart
Ictlottaslazatormw.vat.nitrurpti. uaCalu
. , -
L' >•lb r ^lltptMi~NaNao! L!
," t ..:.! 11041113 41.110 N;
tooksitaaaehiall.larhvilli Limo and
**di ta ebi-Vailed &am
uniissiteislie lls Weedps, &e n
asummoms.- HILL !CURRY
, larruitry it ibo. of %Wm,• and Yramcip
.110IISLS, LCOVVARI/8, /kw,
• • • • .•• •
Rsl "' .en / AnnriVit e , Air Men a i I rilfheedlrt
aria, wrltkia milts of ids rive, 3 sittraa
C lLV=A= L :n i t tle ~ etgt bsisAite alted tor Rail .
Miseldisksissnsaid. On this fern y s a
Kin eflerillsesd drift inilland l rie eeee
lane= eeeeelimet
neenesni7 stsblian eenn.
yar n..
A insaindiArisSoiridi ,n spring Angst On
At ed indinset cifidantd rnq Wets] od anon Eno
It ono o( necks; disbuds in ifs coorury: the irsti
riblesd • id% asigtiv be prellinidy spiked
IDi tbe sospir evutuin'nu`
•Irairsd And Anita
be eeee eie'rkom. wisps be kW( tee pew but attlar
prepititY 111:01, ilkioraiiewl.lely co Leiter:
• moo* ohs pmrelteet peatJ;.f lie.lred, bar •
Luce otrop'el Cole en teetiamed • • . • -•
LencriOn}dirtsed wins sidds Aber, relace. us tip,
lbeed kill ewe ehtli Wane emote..
, • mond) iLLENI, Bad Einstd
HndpplMamba :96.111117... •••
111411 poem lOtter .ef arbor
or 411t1M-411
law Wit sentettda4 , l wet
nrrnlnsble ininnirdarnis
AjeMatibria Cip•o3.;•konlili soil arid Om
" • terra lb. rismEllisl A* D.*Adi .• Acadia
o,ndielta Aut gLore all•Mullalnee
. ?
Ti 14 371: , :11,?:.trdtraf — At:"Id'w.t
rtatVeeiraloe iesidenees e 'ann;
amebae a bes wird view, tirdaa Ohio Weer. •
• ? Plaaatatiareritani mechanics delatiaa ea .net hall.
atop, and addling 'to pucka., tate a. lot' al
gramme. will btetroaianiodated wild *nee :abet the
einev n• the bill exiatipotte to the Coat Cases,. ilea*
.Plear,pliitotthe Home., tear the Foataltios andilehne
p arXeriesbilikkialaereoral 00,164. 4.. •
esn—oefe eninfolinheat'plinebene
will be reqvireo Le paid imisediataly. aid fa
the annehootibane the amount of the p mime does not
amok R6IIOUe
poem= eseeste negousbl•
tooleabeinennionneet, and payalle la mai owns winds
au a:mopes:atm. day . nt aide, Lamer nine tel be
tiMated+a ratite. elecittlieollXo, if daaaed-Deada
of Ma eirialtl bopreparedeenheatlebty, swishes
elefreele enpate/lase" apeetaasea inn be tokuieß
likeloopenr mat to aware 1$ holm Paallaaln Th t
illaticanqdh and Gee of all lie arerantea.
• .JUll W ROBeRTS011; ,
I.ll l llabevilie.Oet 4, - le47Adendr •
• •
POLLSMIrIe Olc • T. •
mesE vety Saleable peopeny treltltneee” ejebi
NEN . tatiIEVA STELSI 7411.48, slum! Im
Devi* umnelt, T r e,oa die blamosigabole river. at
Otoodt of Game Crock: , 11 teeereeee'i Farm of 219
mooll•lmmeamerita. Mille cramped,
rr.. Kriel •ftD, s arer eareAreerebei wed menu:L**,
ealdolt Mara Mt opt,. the bcor mailroom arid et • • treeil
mm,,,,,,,..,7bere are Lao illifamangtheliblimom eGo
rma•d+oce liou4iVockdAtal FaM. and tlpht Good
Rvellint now aml a.piod bottle-If , rbo properly
ran horst In &A Order at I cammteratioely wall el.
j 4ere; and well leer% tbe *mown of po.e ot a a.r
mace el orillhig sad laming,. •
!'For fartbeiparticalsom apple de dtd,ASUI.Mh.
Un,o WEIR ad Ns. ildsdr, or Lottl3..l(l.l}:Cll. EN. at
' --7 ;loo,autnualcsaur yon e►Jt.hc,
..pelesereithela meta from The
C 240.0.130 ape...beet Lark do 3, right ode, on
• ' _ ThertV eng bawl fatly enema
a, I djuncts, hate ttlittall pear 3PO fatless,
sedate, wam att et the bra En. There it maw, atm
'ergo. I eft this plan, PO rat ....a tee &niece( apperarr
„WIWI •itaate h 11,0110040:
.1.....e.a1ctri of at q.c.r. TMI Irefit , lriablli
di goat prowl) . al N, Jaen !lams et bin e,tne,o
via a, add bori k 44.414 or notted , elely. • Wpma
atlican alianre Mete 0.21 , 11 MIL' •
. mine'. a&
' , aide."' • • • tid et bear.. wood it awed
. .
• ..The'lltaair,
_ALatttlyt,beara dud elk,
e'bi..nerrxiblVzia. 6 4= '"ll°'=
6.10 ell 6 .
far bsiaeslarroaarmailmentemmedtely. . • •
llmS•Wfbe Albraamma lialliStattet eausece by
Valo Inu etabwayl'llla mak .611' ftlaillmal mad
Javdn mutable An toeneles.,elent loan
Almem-A baaclseme alAat km Ow Pon CASCO:
—laS bOSee. 4ai Sy i nbe!wees eref.4*.
I :BLit- ACCrIiTodarrICOICL.- .
plottnnional I.lllllllemylrtreftlb. M=
241ftN,,,*.telliptaeSiomrioltule ex Oa Was
. 2 . TO. LKP,-A larpieoiairodiosiNand walla
- Is*ado Urea trot T'brielt.danahnt. . 9 1‘/rod..
half yr Latireta (Junior. War !ad Naranr.
ranausaiglata imantately..Fatparanlarataqatfe
as the in a( • • • ..! IV NV WALLACE: •
I (Wit • • . NI liberty K.
- ittrl L LOT
tht. be tit4764' to 414^d' ic Zer„, t nu t ..,".
t lf ,e 4. Dela by leg fog dot
xgi ilLi ert
-.TO • JA M 81../1 yRo .
l iii .,
V- s
wercbtb.7 ~
. Brad bled ias owe •
MD X 0 DEATHS in" 03111513iirtkIN
• Medd perrimpe he • mall ardede 11. laselple
cd the dreaalfal tsetse la a naps ye* altel RN
the fearfatttatelede a tbom eat of by Lis*
bye od ill .1.. 11 ."..***.
greaddle, sad ectrea "
may yeit,Liver.
Aed • t•
=at br karts' teitira.u.stiy ofiioala
all al,l j ig
fedises-a.( kerma Id,. WOK Imes ben
by .8..17 se Of De. IFWAVarI • r 71 - ,‘
Tee asteciag N. saw' liim'bokse Ilwr am • • r.
from tbal 1.; Ma. .• - t • -
dined/ 5,1 ' 0 ; 4 0.4 1,21 5 - • "ea • ... 45
aszetice di IN wir in jv * ag
team mane, ores bell 11.. te
sods, 'Those ebb gles e !dal; "".'"
b, it, .ricesimitad 10 - tbar
gradsally and study Wt. plaid
LIMOS yid warted ip. . way rjwallal WM-, •-•
bottle *der flute to mime )
ladle witbrarkt atleatatelbe •
map Werra bottleDs • .
of len Asad of a' ant 111111.110
r, eas Metre tee "Z oe • •
tretarees u warded
- .-.ttstr;
awArives adaimmwAlNSEVAiir
Read A* Mat mootakr 06111
; r q l ll llllll l.t
tear 'Deed *pre nateed •" -.1
Drlitnyee—Dear de; fed itiablell~„,
Abe yoo—ard a boy tit doe eltHated
eller ary bmable .....corlalnat et yew erev'
reed blymp ol Clued": ' Sawa else Kin
seer, was dalerttly attacked with Cold Jaw ; •
"ettesta leap, de. ondll sconempeelel
IF,A I /
41i very callrilkler 11=la rall tnaM
:Ihwe the I sue..epereally Nee etrelelletr•
Alelatred dmett. At Ilart I faCi alma • Want ler
aresditles, but wee pretty mew irdelsiont dm I eel;
VP=rod* Mb. cosolatraos. Amer
id WWI was earrell br eta' daelleir.
dßnl thole 0 \Whisper reek wur (Ii risee~,,?
mate- eta, law. DistallN IWO krill*" 4-
tedious prepembem preemtpdoes, bet Mull
ealerollpmeiss albs Lime messe- - Jot Mee Imp 4.
'Wiled tad parreaded by deer Mewl ie
lseatte a trial d ydar filrep frOffibd
mat coal*. that prinimerli lederie
ed wird patent asofictsea:sidt•ee • •
those coma* oat d tbrrielikAtOrrifirs,liit - •
assladaudler rear dales to-IN piiihrimial:4: l
prectree of medreiee, pads hada/ Direddle daldtML - •;:st
the sayiag of sy (needs, 1 eordreNA ploodueell
Ile nbfir,' obe of "ear dela*, a kW MC.' , t7
0000 seated to- My Orr *din tin roe t
Cl tweet" or mresty fees mead Mmilleg, aro=
gated' wed &reply Mee& he* kneels . 1011/
'Womble relief free de Mat Seam Its •-•-•`
• Bat baser a peas. *eau 1 frecesdy
to mead, watt my sseetedell d
mid tharaig.iit•
Feature:Mew Wolielsl2l4 Sal rhildr. wpm.
boo; are". . doatalca., mu care A.
retarded. la emereefselrer lelsir kbabiZt› .
dently I had wise 1I et •It WM. Wewra
Perleetly reneged. 1 lade mw eek •_1111111111be t :g.
smaller ember el bottle. woe* eme 1110:s
weed, bet for tbs date. tedadellise• TDB 314.41:
Hisses! lbe Inbar, de wry ttatd
comb, pets stop to lb dieltere of adage Iseie;;
;be map, sad [Bee us
• Wale qiii$1170101.pollz;
Meta. hare deterred apintim ouruipts ,
seer, for the wirers el ben perinctly wellettek.,
web Lid permanency of de care, tad eve aliat
feel perfectly eel!, i DIAL!. pleromia.
FLF.Y. .1. P. MMUS.
DaMis coutarii.
CAUTION! CAuTzw.` 7 - 1
Avoid oil 'parkin priperpda• lirdd 0.1117 $ :,
Mai 2$ &barer, Syrce Wild 12,481 71 , .'"
perpare es La mums W 4 Therli,
'as tbry -ere all fetles. sat etreaserfads ecerdeli
sour at the rdures of Om ancliii 030
puftinn ss prepared by Dr: Sari's., lad the mom
ewer prepared le 010 eteretry. Mew
Cowper ad Sympet %MD Car-atm*
averate ragredwalktbs CUM= 7 .;
er in al satetsime *Wyss albeellbmso
more whole ere so ehirarirrOf esebblenbarl
a. to reOdes bored 1 0 610 .0*"" t r " Y "
Mrendseniag. wad alum! rased" S ole IMOOPM. , ;', l l
tbe etre of Paltecteary baseeplos, sad elk
dresses of lee Lump and Be
from Ors* mice epee!, el.epuballb o
need. to pro* Its gnat mediae preptdDe.•
• .."Ibenfore, Imam, barirs ra-triEdrere
tattoo, emit bolded' steel ts es Ma We. •
/NH wrapper, web • bk. en or Robb IMP •• •
WILVid them:wide. tear* the ireetem of Pelle, , -
.=takete Celtateifeltleg kirk be }MP .i4o•
• _riepored voy by Dr. H. $11.1,1151., W DOW F.'.!,4
.'Ers eve wad itecalltrwele, --
'For sale Lik Riodkillt wholesale mil rel#ll, • •",/,'
sWOC MORN, 83 Mutat Weer, -
,1010DIIN tr.• SNOWDIOI, Be . SIM* Weld • - 0
•sad Missed Woullarerms. -
&JONES ISO Überty street
•-SOHN MITI:HELL, Aneglaydity.ii
AW ba all respeeuide Direippsla MONO r =
bleaicw. thrum/oat the nets& Sher ewll I..low
di. , ,
VEVRRAI,IIEAMIIs WBy oi.1.111.„ ? I
•PILLtI Ire Beason o earversaity pupa l=
. Foe, illeeteu the au porpued ay.Drl.Sti - •
dy bowetr,. mawbrmpa, (Aura sod
am o r Pa dadt4ptini, who k mown riar.ssios,
gsdity mad charteecr of the Idedielon wed Si RS,
1109 and their Wapitis IA
- Seeped, Bream. ter *We raa tile them wen
greater coafthesee tau palls like ere
prepared by persona
nue, decease ot Mr".
ties ant auttemed se meaner Wig Wanly, pow
in Ism the Wont 'seta:nub aU eobrattey dens
statute and et the noe one parifying lie Mild
Youth, Inicass•duty we Ike eh ad set
medic:me bun-4 saes boo twin bet 15 Wee,
awn colluding 40 pilloomitan tra emus to Nosy
dollars oltniese• U Sectors lol*eod ienneee'
moireiaa,bomgbtda ttisdyltLm roneeneoinne.
Wherever yea Et* aelosalatstitign gory orgor_
ciao, do oil be allow inagroltgag. 11 ", 1 :
trying all *ads at **at dibermidllskiiirasior
yorbbsbed led rettaananisibloaarliniebert b*,
Dr. Leidy's iroiri 24;4 Pia
ntrit you will pet have oenototo M Woo Met
elm , They w il l alwaya be too* geed* abort
an* of diresoo. lalbusabwo tfttMasaet, brawn , ;;:e
. abr liter and Weather ; • *wear wrin •
isits • the sawn. Sea antetrakaa bad 'kV
ilk Monsen eoetirear and ladtgantion, ••
ayfothe, ...
bed kidney - 11,day** of the Air rally ,
'titynad watery plinthis fr bpi flifal.s,
WO; Wet Mal,prkilll b./labia
tar,' giddlirentr,kbanera pare** lbw
the bidet, *lea slog the book lei qua,
Y *Viol; Amen of all tas k waa poe, to ;
*id. titian kr, gado I a oardyo***of D aboot
gatal trait dwoosie tuna* Oddraggia
ammma, tiver• r sad tftestibri, tad iaipstm alt
_irony - ' -•
,OTtres. trAte tuft a Bat .t t ,
Sold Melon* and Mat by A A. Ingliarbrat
dr Co..etwoes of rim *id *ad, *no mew
:1126 - amrinrs irmlvz.astrUtllli6—::,
r.A 14 .1 - 44e,:tMlnirg=arl" . 7. : .
.r.lutsgod, a tie d IWO 19 OM it Dr i,.
James aMiciftslra km. E l i ',
1 m
POT br ,-6
Jew. - Fat Waimea Qs KITECTOIL&Iff, tha ',--?,
iLIATIVE, and VEJLICI7U6S, who* ..1
be goat IM 01111 comp Wax. tle7 prim s. fam. ip-': - :
wens lake Onlano Om gam morama. 'alma maid ----
.151 emumalllat boc, ter !twin, La 1140MML,
.. 4.0 4
New Ye* dna, for *my dergola Mamma
AI thatreilim, wen Imatf_Morbed Irlrh ...
eta* aa • Lomeigar.4" Na , i. Mdl i = --. •
prevlma kaatal atam. • _ •.•,.
.3 .. avr. liad=i trom= „ Ree wmatia,: ,: . :,:
gam . EXIMONVIM wa Aar Lb.. Irbd,
tosharl Ofrsr• bib ort.rel rbi -
yr. dull au gad set * f t a ala Emimi llama _.•-
satitdfie WI 1,9119.X111.9 acc9.ll, malkaM .---'-'•
MUM to MOE ihmt fa Melo, Mait Mob tha liaarom.'t-...
:nat astritblabhrK AUL rlrri r r 0 0 b Wirrellif r ,:-
bod plasictaat 10 be do tam•rafam. ha =a r z : - ‘
Ctiasll"AM Ma Om yid
"'"''''icak.b Thiar..l-2';=:F,==`-.
1.. nu as n o " am NM 1.7 64 ratar-s''
• . • Dui:Wet Mt mi. ei...,, r p q v: •.,
Po .1.112710. 1 .10 a 0 . P. 1 5 1 , 13 n" le:.
Foamstoma/ Wow: , • ,E: ~.,..
7. Onpawaspitvirs Clogistaihm. " t. -‘,
Dees ickaiiiiireftyPon rm bony
0, imisiillaSegOrme • . '_ 4,
'Dr AVAmiiiiiit a° , l'i•Z.
p deal mai* ink= " ...,, : - 6 , •
. i zu 0 a a am, 0 i Rip g... ,
AO ... ,efiklPT .Nll.)r i lOß l V_ ns .. ".11 . *
--. 11.1 7
'' ' . ?ll' -In4liiiiiTh . 044441.1 •
~ _ , o „t a s:.
,g10 ! - , 1 " . 7 1;. ; . :LI•;;;, ,
- 1ii4•0• , .. - 1 4
- -Amoirsi• esikate lOwty Pm) ~.,,.;.
Uilliiiglirl~l.,o* - ... 3 , '
'' itiost - ' kgisk - 1.414 - klidie4 -.0
-t''' ".11.