MIN= MEE • r . ' lIMIIN :1;)- 11 .%:• . 'e•• •• •• • •:••• -,:- 4,43,p e eki: '.s . :+e:,-,4111 r.t 141. ,'••:- , r,„....-T, t L4ttMg:ll . l:7 E i MVtJ': !„::•;tt••,. -,,NPV•If.• • • ~A,.e.g . 12...••1:1:t Vi'1-..ri:—. t , !, '" •, ' 4,ol ' l §tz.tili4; : i . g. ' l ' .... _ , 1 ,. 1Vift:14:;.7-17:;$ 't4.-! •"* , .t r il.A. H. , iir,:l.i . .:• 4:4144ii.....:- l iti ti '..:':;;:zer.:.,,,.•41:45;.!vA:.... 1it,.... It 'ir : t .::11 ; 3. .c ;. ;0::::.: 1 4101.•. .I.•:.''' .-4, 1 4 :1.3.43.V. : 11c1,' : ! , -" •••''' 1•ht . .i:: , :F.::11.5...,11•:... ~,,.. " , .:•::::-.:!-i... ~.- A i ... , :.:::-.....-.0.4.,4A,-.. •. : . ;•i:::..,..:-.:,......,;...,!i 1k .,.• ~ .., ! .!. . .:, . .,, J , . i..:- t . 1 , ,..,:: : "., . e. , 44 , ... ';;...5.v.. ,1 4,4: 4 k 0 7• ; ,:t!, :: : !:• , ... , tr: . r.•: , •••• , ,, , ...- e . t . . .%.....,,,...,.: },,,,..:0,...!... '..7(11...:-z , .. •"..;:e.,,,••• :•...ii 4.,..1.,,7-44:.::.:A09,..:1 !.:4 4 1 .: i ! :,10/':! : .; * ••;.:;'• 1111:i:;:t..,4;';''.i.'•rf';.' .i.::l', l ; ..' - ?1.;• I'` .N *T? ... .. 4 ! ' .';'.i. .4:4;:,.:;!t',; tftk4l-44**: 1 [-. , ''''. '•-',Ni.VV. . f,;... .11 . ''i' .-04 A... 1, ',, 1 -.., ~ : .7..' 4...nN,0te., .!.. ~. . : !,:41*:.1b1- fAt•IIYt.T.. ::i. 1 k...4...iji ; ; h ' k ik t rtPit/ :e:.ss. ~ q. t ip „,.., • 41.1,;,...:4;,2k. ... 4. 1;147. .::•!... - Nk.... d'*„ 1 ,1: - tVii;r:iibt- • .., .. ...1 ‘l' . ~--;••••?:',..V.', ..KE14444........ ...A N:44*. . . ... ~......Ap ' 1.,:i:V.L'4•11; •,'.. ,t :till i f ;1'...1 . ..t.'#,.... I, . ..:!..• , :. 7 .4: ti..4:3 1 31, • .....' , c,-; ~.---- I; if ,: !4. 1 5 - '"?z• - :, !.... : '.- i 4:::-.4....-.4 •,_Yr,:i . p. E , ~,,. . ' t . ."‘M - :; ,- . 7 -tif 4 ):::•5 -1 ~.;:•.-1:4,Ct1e,4,- ...-'7:l- , ',.:,•::.:!!..f45.&:k444-.4 • '',' ..”, ~::.!!1;.....• w's , :,:od , -..4., , 1.••., . .1: ;..... - •r ~ :aki . .."?...5.'. ', 1 AV..' f ...,!...:;:::- . 1,. , ..ija . .. . ..... . •.: „ i ::: ~::••7~ .:... . i ?+ ~•`, z•r .... -ti ~-~ ....•~:. bei•FE ,cusamps instiroasap.: - , , maWitelt#liMWDeLitrojet sax= grictig 'le mem Jarman, druid be by eeleek la the linerescel. Aelassm •, Iheleehl=.34'eat 'Mom, would bs 'melee Jul • ow; t;"7..;.i: , -;:t.r, 4 , , :.111.1111111; P. 141. " awes onnercl J 111 r. IPATTOR, •••.'e,i,..1 7? cletwelaus onmeep ••• =YIN. 1 " • 0601GiDA Fer .illegistry - BLNILY ~leak Mel !RINI ONNISCIMOM2- . • CAY/121, of Venial/lee Ilk • See iturtkrassineraimp..u.../nr tots. Thor pow of Taoism tad other amebas emrorcl • •41 so boa talon our cotasto due In aro oblizoi to NW !..MI politkol crtleita. Vie bops. bow. :^:• Nod, the wool= kr put Dr appalling to Whit. • Jona WHIP) DO HIS DUTY. AND - • - . 1; . . <tatil. !WILL BE WELL. • • . -3. .. '• derzazia Bararz. x At ems laum.---Upoo . - aslitAsis b dr Loma of Leidiativ•procaodioga Ls pig imam, 1.4 Lad dna 'Oaramar Shack /41 at mil le bin Idessie noommodifig th• Dm& of Ineditufia, daftnad for the relief of Lida. free of Lk aatll ti • amours• bad bwo bit tb 110111.1, apart • rot off•rad lq th• asenksi from tki• ait7rYr. , Iling• - Yds: M. t. adiseld a Itarobaticoa !slit dos Baca • so la Cow.. to inometak aOa . lto allows . mgartsidi taloa so the lenh BA (prep). bat a Mine of dodars, io be expended to ill 11116) TiE rentalice err oppmed .ad imessi et ki dr Loco Popo mss, is Ccee ,"n:' " • aim at on woo* tot atom& tavola, (LILA limet ramazi,) AM sent to do Senna. 84 extegosting the meggesticet d Ina RaiSef Lioiet i e s , Gcniebot Shoat , took Me am • Am a WM" sod need jo saw Ide ore gal] bevy by tboomhoSag tioa witkl spirit was ' . . - .7:,:lorelmilbre his Mamma Inn ratniamal. The Pan, •' • lb brag fibriermar Ibbasb. alga Dotting at all Abir, daub palm* knowing all Ithaca LL Can ' , dia Eotar eve lib rnbio webs, Winn oa • laaarea , xt! . " ma 1 " 4 " a a". 41317 mind "rut taa al akii Laseisti 'Mach will avail this atio&la of &Uri hi Paptisicats, auk; and 7! ha mond WI boar, watt Omar% ilia ala Gs an& of Pia., Waal, & Ca, on aa.a IMPIM Faelsoll, will now b. in:Wray paws. .Cilia lid mo faribor adlenkios oa tld son awrobmnalal. Or Yaz3® Rod /amigo nein, as ob. _ far, kepi billy &prod cpr Brk =hit - IR dr Suer Trrory nor kin '.* ISIC I I . , The sow from tS. Oacrtiosot, wbieb v, pub- ' Si Why, wig to found td past Worm, pull°. lady d Imieillpeoi from lbay. nun I. stir. IMPS kali Tammy, and toiond boo tba pow of lbw Itiatzt attdo•—• L •ta4ll. ixd work berm by th• Pontiff. go Oa oliitosor, deciloo, and vrisiort falturing.— Ile bag of Laces kw Mtn (trod to • =us mil taafb Loaf. nl, is coutpsiled to stud by mil di iL mbiset• in • ..bolakor rad•nzt— , hunk tas. is prirrimin to tit mem WA. All luOy Jo tics for riliara, sad dr Amtriaos at Mho t o rbii tl it Atom Whit in beg t sll. Pro. Watt Xagieni tau ids 11111 datum Pieta! f;) • ' Lt Um greet minim Fe thii*lbie of hi. Pao*. Tam. toth ble.4161411,1•1 64 sal Ar. ids weiminioidriudeitb Tema. All dri. i• x•Ar N•9l.:* the ikkaWithieral tad bit•E6. , : . Vat P 011 , 46 1 10 R*Fiti'afor• raw Lois Paw Artsmar It Sr. Y.,* Onit3ilii**4-4 Jagmtit ta gray, IszCsiietair;Nslbil Dayton, d wes, Llo! nwr, Earsni giclopt, of Jim Yak, Xnarry Oasartal.asi LIM B. Ma. Otiqp, &dr Thowast. The Como. t.. ird aired Iglu bus. dodag sae odaiiss. mei Ist eijoccni cal s /Mock amoky ' t 71i..0Y Heiken? lied • eeeettete - adompli omit* qlsabotolie &lois Crow elk •Allsay lloseacy: best Atka , My Gomel loin Yea Balsams al the Er• Pr.• aliseldty awls of 1 63. The stroll* wr semi am sal Ea IMMO nispects row pencoaL • Whirr mai tlnkikiasim wry Embed abxd sm thatroi hotuouft das two fie:km, and • mya yew bad, wbatler • &win am caala Ira Eller he I sod 11 A. M. The Wawa Prvrine ins mond Ls as azosod. El rot is Chi mart of do Cocomaatao oo noncto , gm. bet woo voted down. 'hi was *yips Narduarcia Loco Food pros anor Nato - Mary al the Domccrst. in Coo Nrw ?cot Stop joillolotom w ramostoo, km& a good 6441 -dim Wilmot Peoeim, hat Loco Poexime :;. weetealiy reimieg bent to tbe &tech of calm, RCM mail to all thii it Whig meat Ja dee tem &Nam It wee the Whig Liman at rimmealient which adopmd emolertimes in favor - db Wawa Terri" tad b that part) la tido WWI in ISM boat Mei ci coda( the fiat Aim et Oa di tho Catatitalka. Whip f /la Awe dimisst. , They an cx 6a Cabn it Is, endeogered by =doe ex. . Bogota., (Fry 41 . 114.‘ tbst flirdsco dal] b. the •-•-* ant grail licescd of friary scree( scra addmi , ihois aklady ladcoOmir I:rirkm TIM ALZIII C a Lbe Krivoi die biro mekeeted •Teo Corwin," dr bob out gel tioopet ANODE from 041, 4 the Pr 4 • Weep We obe mee s. kikerioe la 14 Let. raw IN Aur hi* McLo.s. . • UI ifrod, =a ID. lair lOW Ukelloral Geness, Ann* wve 11E11.11thila IlltLeea so do Who cab. Men yns leer .its i• at mei It ell be lailiiinaty of Se ltiralic, time slum= fogs 7. de tritti „ itomiselojellow•hased Doki torte litibe irldp to MI nal= of b Vim; illittiliSeee7 Cloy. Scott nod istaiii••••eps d him& ase• the bail seoi•seiale Oar e. 9.16.1 &milk* • Nessansi - - . . l offiwatelsri b.nl deal c 7A, lietes Mew 111 i -' 00017 affial6ll2l. Nada " rimi A ink Oil dodos trod w Ws, lupppy br row try aid morkitatsei kit be Wwp.ti. Aaamars.--J1 Ourawn, aim Clutrals, Met but a shirt Use hi Ois awav7. last -lid le • dmil goi, Ai** , Omega *Most r lied, Eli Fiord kit bind, so. oaths or he =di Ant lam Tb• do to , dellogild. ibo Mt Awn In Ms ' • toodt of lie nrm, Idling 61abMintly•— . Tim Itstar Wing aria Cho Mims of Me ono linbe porpiterrd She flood, aaa oonnnoti be do• oast , tir Wraiiskttrair Tusgag, 1/1111011111 all alai It MAN .+iaJb officer d ihm Nay. Om the Mk d Iftsfssakor, st the UMW thisivitish Pori Mimed earypsoi, S. Zama Om* at ANlNftvirns, aid d' ,Ilser-Oa • 4, *lt 41111#04:-'1110111011r mith—Nat. bdiL H4LoaoArria. kin or ()coon:mix, • . Camp 8001 Ifootatry. Amos 10, 1847. ! IR : oar la Y Wow piths 17th Woo; tigooMlos of abo alo orposity* of coy vieo osi ths quootions of osticcul policy Dow at Woo botrroro ail pr. Ural partial clam Ualiikl Mats, bra 4oljnisols: I must take oo:mixt to say that navy of my fedora addressed to pctlemot to the United Blade In consw to similar *shies, haws airs ady - been wide peptic, sod I had tread, hoped that all/ pr, eon Intcesad, had by this Woe, - *lt'd tied f OOO thom a tafhcisody acacias know tedse my rims and deism to relation to this rob* L Ai it appear; traitress, that each le sot the c 0.., I down it proper, la reply to year fetter, dieiftdly to ra* ad I ma tad iefore as Pap& qt.the Urr 3tedn as o caubilde for &taxa Pro. kkirev. It is my rest &tre to set= at the:thee at Asa mar to the discharpe of titu°1"16.6:64 dudes sad to the enjoyment of .those doewitis permits boo which I ems called at it. cominice mato, and for which my Motes std idscaticia brut et 13:14. . I awn it but do to rondo to ;ma, it the awn new, that if I were clad to the Presided. sal Man by tie ground raise of. Lftipeople with est rdrerd fa tikeir political dtirerem ass I duck! demo it my duty to accept the Ake. 8a:1.1611e I freely avow my !tact meal to the the Entity of our scrfp . Prmittath, dire it to be node:mood that I cannot • otonli, wren In this accept* it, to did exaction of may other plcdpe es to the come I thoold mess than that of dd. hattiort to gm bad a my sad *idly lo . aliestdance with the requirements I hats tim gine re CM drecoarraores nide which only an I In induced to .inept itur bleb and reirmafbis terror of Penedos/ of As United Statre I herd badly sad that Leas of in. say am penult onnif Jo be lent& Won do polo, pr. radiantly by wry of the Foiled paths dud mw ro onforteaddy divide on anatry. sr the it affrds. en ge..t piesren, coachmen, fol. ly to toocos with pan y oar bin end Jon esti sate of the viderr, both of Mee sad had, or , der dirdsrpartied derma [Hems Clay, Webster, Mit* 'McDade and Callierol mortlerted your Wm. /be mow yd tarried pries lige of tatty o bat hod 1 bees staled wpm al t. last Praislootial dation to do em. I snub! nod artoady doze out my ode for Xr Clay. I en, sir, nay Impershafty. your ondnet VW. - 4 Z. TAYLOR, - lfrat'Osatral U 43 A. F 8 Haermaa, If D, Ciulestria,B C. Ws hue been made acquainted with the readpe af • mom marked kola than to from Goolif Taylor, bo which he speaks la warm Wad:rata of Hotly City, and -the Whig priooplos of this mama Patriot and Statiocurt. Thaw are lI'S- . sommuliry hlm., ea to oath au are, beald gra the moo mow! nad hcoorak• =Limes of dow Caaoitntlm u appreciated by. the esti, Pm*• as. nu "inn of Grafts! Taylor is mud to Mr. Clay, account ecteuderaly for to oramefat turamoot he bus receivol kV= Ohs Athearadtatrao. Th• put, a Grogram iotharored to diagram bas far Ito Oulu of ha capitulation st. Iforderey, ash duce deo has sabissi bras of his troopa, sad lilt him .41.4 fits • pianos soon the ramozdahs • foommor of Mexico. Tim he sod means* st tack mom foul Mr. Dallas at Pittsburgh, whir torlabsd to oaks bur nopecultim far pearidog met Vows foam Corp. Chriati la the Rio °nod% or far as comerwrionemot of On war. News' vai, thugs mon eatasoded, and w• an gory tp add, that too user treated its be.* mocumloders WM apotheoses sad raped thaw the .Adadoleoulou an Sontat bah Groual Taylor sad Gummi Seat. Th. C.X.AII.LS,I sirs Chin (WILL 'rill b. pro...retail to trawsdlats cccoplation: TI droll Intsaarmnar mite os Li ratifying swarr woos of the fact. that dm contrwitoni ham amp. dd wthwriptioni sad fincrardier for ihs Cows. ay'. !mid. for an ramard 'ernielina the ma nr. . pinta to samples tbe canal, liaclasling all caw dead expose. for cograwerimg, wilaries, damn; for laid, tied of way. and Want on dm took mad Lamis~, tanking. simoo L. do tames dart wore*, to emir any pomade deficit It aso Mama. Nathan HAL and Jolla Dada, of Maw stichmaies, and limn° A C. a, of Kim Yo& ham hero sivointail find disba m all dm. twwwy, ka widatirt...lo.l/5 ." tea coatrsetors la cbiaf rry meem no moony' this work la fbildwat Two _mars dam bawl snowed dm amamptars Lc Ls compistion of tin canal; bat an their trommt Um In it. mwattiaid compirwirm. It $ not Improlmikko that it will b. ED- W.! by 149 ar Joss, Mk. Tb. Board of M erton ad id as Mary Mod Armee ham both kny &mated to this pornoiary arraarsinrodit'of M. can teeter and me may thansform with eating cordldona crineseni.ca mar faßots citbiao• of tbia . Diatrict sad of the &atm d kfavylanet and' Sit. sinia, sad not mill thank bet tha cocintry at tams, that the mossarn if this important .at have at tura sannonniad all abs Irdlicaklrs which ham no kora irnstal it. sad that them Is cowry pros. pact of is. wetly cotaidation b Caselairiand. - Thi) Porelgrosakia ikri'List, aver "old nod. scam'! Ko. , Widtaizr, speakici of ib• Mexiesed, W. cannot maks • foe citizen oat of • panto not sonatoned Ic and goresownit. H. Now is Mud lob fres, Wombs on browse j Golly • fret Wliernipoo , tb. Fad inside io Frenchman and Germana wain* nil radwalitan, and each • sic istbaini, and it was addramed to Una= Whin logic ! What clacptuo . n . What ■ Aratning Was. bi onto to cal wow focatin iota, d wry owl al honor and j notice Whets contempt, too far Intallinvoc• upristiti ono, Ltd fa aD LIDS zwyscit fat ■ bistro popakti nom Wlll reipartabir" m sod pair mew luOs de.. with not nimrabh clap imp to adeit locales wawa, witicti basins by idandwing noes own countryman and inialisra Wien a num in ma bad, that delimits mow are mammary to WNW if up, let it to tits earth, maw depth pcolonad L bscsatlO whir. slionwle.i eland•rev ahaald live and their advomin be bar. rid •rith tbwa.• Oars...-Ttre ? Wowing neenwat of tin nummt of Wbenri Mood Fa , Otapon, darns 1610,. from In settworic monroo, sod will . m prix than wbo mud then "ommtry ss atlil u m cur mend and uninhabteni wiliernme. Cbanpr•6 Meaty, ' 60.000 Ix, hod Iwo, 30,000 •, Venial!, IWO • Cladama•{ Vancouver. Gist/op, do Lewin count* 23,000 • Whom .pecan to b. Um mind* crop, and Ibis par •iu be mach mono Abundant than it em irit you. The Wu/twits 'caopiaLa cunt ce MXOIIIII of tbs scarcity of rennin. They would apart meninie grain II toy had the man. Hama m ii;11.1,171131111Cr-7b Now Obi. Pia Tom pubßidmo an amount d tL. beta. .4 cbcchapft and MIS El !My, from a Mniaut pi; pr, Wrath isltutmiedot,' ladascl of ow trooits Wog keel, mrpolied from that positke, With len ttbit tiogthat, r pabLibid in Ms Ent 114mlatri mommits, Mat Mei took Ms Mill ati heid It, sitar hog boso 'Mime • •1011,Mcdran ikeccolutt rye o lli Aeactiawel whh additkeal forcer, again Teherpett mai ex* poscameoa d eta catll. Twice be was cllalodipal, bat oa hia rta►ing it tha Wei ewe it was hind I.wpassiltie to Wog oar troops to E.uooaa• Tx aa,—Lottscs god 'mon from doe Arun Faatiohod to the Wei Union of flotarday lag, do cot maim the rrporta of the oioinot nolotamo 1 cbo .111EnIrmo, tha' nnt kin d Fox troops, Of ovoct of OIM. Worth'. helot ,osodoL Do/y coo Srtfr data. that Orn. & N M woo but lighttr mattoded, atri that Goma Wont woo dem* , thogo oat donsonatty wimsodoti. The Ilion Oat lf Anima what, i. to tot taw *fa * l ll Iltakt""3". ri!EM =arm Eltws. arimungiti 1 " ;031/ u Unt 41 0 01 : 0 : " , ce "1""ti Wihni• • ' 1 ... umOV-: 900.4 - Iiiisstro. put had, Seepubd 'emir frocisitlinse for the return. The Londo97sitir,if 111211. Goam*,d.t4 B ,4p . abet, sq. slo4l of nerly'factileihboietsrlinu *hive alotttilitttr ,'Airstionhr which, it mac to indenneed:doee not incloda'aoy of th • =Oaf fla. IND in tweaks:Le conntry. towns, or any of the Mum in Wand, idiom, Juries the be ituutb• sktrio them otxurno•••• tech iarre sad tank , Snip *4:11 4161 place." ' W. have nem nod a nemd paella to ,that bireme. tail,,._ of thens;:ths house efl Govrer,Nephaw Co,—bebor for RBOO,OOO. The. very bevies hone* and ware the tithed Lon of the , kindoca, an broken. boon Alto per : . , sous who hate - failed have beta _ arctutocOrd to • yituly lccome of • Mb= trod Imnoiy 1247.404 Otto& s: star. • We eopy 'the foilenvinn from the Loaf= Let- I tar of the N.' It% fbaUnercial:, . • 1 Tisierapecalrei of govrei dr Co, h only born announced two ease utten et. followed thee of Sendences eo C0.,, , a firm whose tertsineer,l .at that of, s iftsconritbroice. With tte; . the diC- I moat broken receive nsoreviCe'depienit either foe a , C..6M #O3lll or id esti, se the Wm toaj.b•:.l anti alias thaierneteuere * sale of interim i teraq aboatidne percent below the diacionnt nu that may ,prevail at the filar, dolor them also theti esourity of hills of etchange. ~The(baritiese has I crown „ilk within tba 1.4 3(:):yeaus, before ol t ich : l mita such house. wens 'Ultimo 'and althoasto fall riirdorion those, revultioni eiftiobi ot tvil , ecormnennOl canard es are penadtcally to to dochrd': for, it Om cc the whole to yeti dad with lane 1. 1 0 6 b ,: " ' •-• Most d thaw or *131404 - o.loox • dams charattar., Men.Ohtljllol.llkll4 doing' a eektntsittreis sr* Irhelytie Mani; I tias - , Affalts * An Ireland. Abbe soniateltat staid itcordlrot to Ow . At Borg sof SkibismimXiltiftlito of what MOP now he comiderid lYgmfkal , boo* it is itidatuit the popalnian'ttuaill salt has hem by Moss end asahrndioo, teHi i i 1 . be abseil &Pm' N4eni0C1604161112 daring • vesl pid, 44 bidolldlitisibliare IsitriVans of Mi. oat* refOltbps it is aiontsd thud the mostinoidon and iindisc tint means by which baton food tidy to obtained Ms thleyast taiu•aeoiuni by the peo• 1 I .tiro dwell which' "°r moons Ida:icon is igeficted. That months of Aswan quid drip. Ismber ass the pariahs forth. honing fishety.— Ai that IMO so 'unordinary is thei siapply on the Irish coot that Aosta patent tbenterises tonsestea a six-mito to langthand thin; or,foot in beneath; fa Hog waxy fray and. creek With doer amthess, so as to stat theappearance °AU von 'omen: For that vomit of this Satuoi et lit * la training 'regain:l, that mate pus but:ll a.: sbor the existence of a gnearoment bounty which Pita to Donald co dogmatic, named, to was nom. moo foe bedroom null bloom sense" and landsmen of all docriptioos to Won lt, and to re card It as a bind of astoblfert speculation to eam a birelomoothe locons by au weeks troth.. Bat d..pb. these tom area daiptta to dream. Stance that ltialltity on nit; which rd the date I ban atiodad to. operated to rendez that promo of salting • mono of some asperse - i. now wisely nnond.lt appear. from stand obit the IMMO of floptacabor approadaldig and that owl *boat him put to oaf' - .tas•or the =dig Canon RD nand teat' atm. moot has been commented olsidt neon Maly 10 rioelTi a.timnitn. from nrasosr mention- and all odor aid. that am ha anima; and co this oth• at. Land anazg dm pop:Wore ma ham d u ly ambi n ...t winch moinitobn, ant petard clothe. ing not not,. tinkr Inteolken tit rein the rem. ten of th• moiety of the drama which .wan aids an than brbalf by the Otuntantnent IM Water, bat alto then tutee Itnlplinnnna as fat to' regard. doing tkuir dozy fot tha taws- Atom. dinlly mammal of all kinds. vn pntnentott and mon; ottnns ma to rfcrotly adopted, dint, opoutbe Chrtnnumant to unfolds Ulm cannyin. Um at Ow roan altich wen Ml. uottniebed by , sorpen.no of the relief watts. the Inim4ste wed In badttair nom pliant,. Wing that dwelled& nnll dottntiorgbt 150 per cant do‘tog do aloha- Wats, LI a 3Fid to multi in uldirpreendis. It eionlabe:Ointrond, bairns! In rnindonio.i6r aprwatima. Q.l w. Luaolion , .disimihee pafectly mody p=biac npayment if Gann; mot pa primula wW elm4s ate vaitry. • mars. : • ' ?ma Italy the 151.• 11WrIl lUD 112d11136.-.; Austria, it app... Lae anaanated bet lolanda) is4-=eo4o terry haft ista. -4hi. Natkaisi thud alai his. bra parmltted woe.' vain tbssiossisin- Laois -Phillptis sepsoW appse, mltti.wlakth tttist hay, bat autos to t 4. dspw skims (II QIN . Perna *pia tbs parer to do in mid& be wholly sawing: Mianuldts too rat- Annan "at an Balm lawns .0100 rap y. 4 .1 ). • ..KatiC.• The gin Of Ms:dints, tba Untie of Toomey, elm Deka oi /ACM (ander tomisibion irtsai hi, ackincoa.) all aids ;anti Pins 11. while turn i. Al. *tuna despodna Is *nil Mak Woad. the girt:am of the population 'ars Wmiol r.f IThleFotracieL ri , ema J. dorms sdr all nurree, and hair bastrausd tb. Emit" to, raw aa hii r 44 to Twin, to Wand Ida tans to Wane, nod than to Gandy with bis promos atAls min of tie Pop*. We bawl Dews aisoat MU m iral of )1 r. Cox nil at gaga Gan dr Uig.: papaws of ttottailiait stately of malty and ciecasuets. and it is alkyd that dr P. seitl about,. sensed a Nuncio in Washing. too.' Tto Poona papers orbeisca t4i..ttbmmt is derionsi. my . also that Mr. Menace, 'rho is al ' randy the rapnrantaties ilia United Munro st Rams, ia an aalbasinstic adoirsa of tbe sad that bs tansuitsantly lands.bils butt est old, ri far as ayeaptiby tout ittend,bri all Out Is now La Forma The Romeo Mortimer of (Li 4th of litrpreetker recort• the receipt of • canitilkatory letter from Aneric • • -• -It la mil du the Minintimcmaly arrived from the Coat of Y . OOlllll to the Holy' est, rapmer, in the turns of that Emperor . , leer for the iap. preenao a 4. an the Holy railwir by the lets mom In Perms. which hi Majesty don not nt. - m the formica of =ober., bat the 'sad* of hie own tied, se mon* hots enkJe 103 of the treaty of Vienne: that LI say impropriety has Men anazothed, OM le to Y enriboted w the e mtiows of the wt; gob ! bus proceeded eautre ry la th e inervieliacw - weevied; tbal hie /Neely, ire own bed thwitiltiviapp pt oavwfwklif tie Poe. tilcal flaw" into leaf& *Wag eerold induce also In wad troops Mien hailed h 7 tbetioreiiiiii Pocolik that the wbeilii'eauftwrivey reducing keel! to the aphomegiou oi the goes. senved article, of the wont plate; and the Witte thence viedre:ble. hie itsjoay hcootaat that the queloo etiould ho bedded in &me: In whatever maim loth' pare tam away agree la" • ' • The cities of Anosoa, hruria, Nino and Ha. iogni Uri coot:awed fertile to purchase inturteti for the National Gaud. The comfy supplied from Anemia cosioud of foods toimoded for the tow enaction of • ibistre. • Bi Petarebarg her bee• Tidied with a terrible nisi stains. Nottili4 lAA II i, remembered. For forty-eight hoar. ilia ride peeled ,dosti reithbut Intermireierr, eecomperibed .ltd a birdman. of wlad.More Mee Ent haadred beams were da mmed acid at orbs time burr were entartaloed for the lee, of -0611 . wbiii city. The coastenieriini wee were] sul I ,A.. t oonl =only tor poditkel of bad linen proclaimed, airing gapers/ It 4e. laid that the divans .of .the- Qom wire a etiarbl. Wore the approecbini Cartes GILD deity day of be mating, with a proeioo that. alter the . Meth of Qom Labatt.. no fam►4 shell be cape. eta Ethiriting the croins—tbets telutoinsto the Sabo law which wu eel ulele by Kies Pedlesad, tles quee'm Either. Go the 6th bee lieleity allsodal fight, : tad wee remind with lite sthioct thoduto.,— Names arm law prams, bat wax compailed mite before the arriTtl of hat lifelawy by the .mo. n6l fern" of, tba ridtegl. el the spect•tont• 'ffe wee twarled with abode of Isogbtar..Led aloe of qiiturtCle Preece, Rimer' dew air being peofweedly . directed at ileum, the Metadao, Li thos,* Ream, the Dalu, Reuse /11.1 , 1111, Wu the perext =et luthoyad. - Owe bail bertha been killed, the mama Una op a wog, the bard/a' of which Mated la poileteto who bed row out foe wed. end tetwsted therm Thl wu toe mach, end his Greco llut Doke of Veloacia than with, thiw. =num. Two royal prochcoatioco of the 2911 i of July latticed barn intact:ad, by which the &drama of the all Densatuk ko 1946. Thi csaditte sonocipatica trill tat tale piste 811 aka the Led of 12 yews, so that, coseatddit, the prom mew anree toey, tac taken for taahhialtha ! for the oacttotkiatlod al 11111 ,4 89 i1.41 . .! Atichl Weal of Wave. wilt elikitato dais d th• &cm .ball bider. , Mt wood procbmation comeradde Qat God Om to haditate coorition dtdah WWI asks jetapoaaht mill,. le the maw, ailoadriesthe F k6a - 4311stipi iitsarrab . !mama wig solidi Iregktaik, mai pie si *POI I rewsiiii. Writ 041 Mimics 41ifijiiit3o gab- eacciwocimi kg Cko. iroplr4ll6 t '4 - ryyr'. F (Ct. kirks • • **thin Ltt , 14 , rivi ji woon la oil mai w Irittdd tth. coarpinn" icy the lJi e L " Tbr C 111002141 L•efir" arlorynt. and VA* 'Wen the Jennitr awWi iiilolll4ll.slpril tbam 400 ttlo.l larlitOPlL t is Idniniot.lcsateinao AINUSARRIIMIN'A- B S"L ij'teialeted. . _ • „nee ! unease s. ' isd2rdlos Kai iietttilt of the Pap. aIR ettiiiiilAidtb tab piens there on the pubs ticalionidithisreezie toe seraidiebing the makes II curd, when the people edieued to thionancio Li Lb. spite : inflow of the palace, rittsrina trios fa fon et Leila & 11, Pun VC, sad the Rebut altbe borne. moron& wiLb hellbent peeloyel Med with babel who waved the The. I can flit(irbile enct red.) -The (}rendlts& hi his two sun's. Preuntial biandronthe Wed& in tremor the palace, to make hit scknowidit made to his people. %singtbenetlmticocUad. on aviary Mau, and the national tits Irvin ass- I wham mood, and not basing ate at build, he added two idik tontines to he taken from the ehottideu of thermal:bat al his fondly; wbiw ,text which' he insprorisral the valiant! tag, whith he waseil from the Waxy. A deputation wss slorwsida adininad to the velem to preeeet, to. lb. dead DMA; tens MN people, s En of the Tolima cobra, An he in. Irma to OD address of Lk. &potation, diu (kind iDoka canctoded 'with done inemarablir words - - .Bir us tired, antolemon, Met, done di other qua. ItYiltad an Mika pinta Awl not • Pim I and Use I twit ever beat your hernber Ffs ibu . promoted Massif easm on th e bektati toodillatb, with hi. two sun, burbly halo band tile national tag-which had Joe been pre. tented tobno. It It imporsids to dumber the hand or 'Whigs= which fctkeerni tido :Tbti. peopie dooato4 *opt and eadmusd each other,- monks, erotnen sad children, Nosily treosported with the giwsl &Ibiza.. placed one their breads lb. national cockade, sad rut to elk directions io tae wikleat joy, shooting, liso Leo- . jloldor Vira Pin ...Noral Visa ki Guards ifistreili dell' Italia, II Popiko hough Amici dd Popela. • /Soma of, the /491310 already, dineribed at Ll born wits topenioned. At four In the demo% 24,000 pawns were connoted In the Char& of the !bow. whet• ebb and a Mae united Mit : ape in a .Ts Demi: ths edict of which It untold be obey no. to ett.orpt to dueribe. This mete tattiop, inerconie by the soot*, Wed warn Attu tbseuretway he was couiciated to Ms piste by ,to newly muted wawa] taw& On his amis s nn them he weeded hi cuelf to tte couttitade; in Ms iithmay, at hie 101 l annum at cardinal, with the national tag in he band, which be win• al In idattitiim to th. . peoplt. At this moment a abodor Vin rroisuccwor rmoubilid from the palace nod from 'di the windows of the lemon. 4 11 1 i Velseei, le tbe ironing Th . . city milli*. tainauel; and prOuswioct, conototed of :the etas dune et the seimie end cabmen, paraded it ==l Pastan 's..;•;-' Tbs wag of GSM:taw, show We it was Inactifint Itl. tlio to lb. caws of his otantrei& now in ■ musty pow-bona to Deli. loom b. Wats of . pendia doconconwed. malt tbs lantertastaw low at ■ he koodond. 11,1 a Oa hat nu of duo torrid. calamities of nar incident to donomilto Ills. If K 2. Po& could bat we the b;....acki ratQy , whiff his war btu awe. .d, be woad boas hi hood in dawn 1100 irk& owe and orphixo La haa t ati.. whladory do not loos the& gauntry too Iltdo to amigo. thus nameed of kin toatajaat &knee, wain tar Ligon who bale bow serilleed upon the altar et a mod personal amblikal, and a Stab pAry io al* that h. art. tbors wont radon to be wallow potion. than tarn AO oottunixotiopenlsono wrtera to lb. Pm. owes .Jootnal topeorr bocan . etptke (Of Mr. Ms U. timiiitibit:Cdzi,:aniau,..isea from Chile. 011 th• ash, of Anew. kw Ciairomia, id& 111100.000 m bawd fat qt. Ins of do Knoilsott • Cal. Jeff:roan Davie .boo palgicli datattnan that If do had known to what estoof litto capindatioo eirllorams tua boon wed In the tialtal &am to Iyas lion. Taylor, bin defines of It would bp, ass son eampid•—tha be had dm =ace 1.1 0 . e• :..I"be tazaaaa.ra is lb. city mad eanoty of N. relit. for las week ending on Lb. Id of October, /w1589..M01t. 147, thtktron 143. Tui mion lograist diatom we Cholera Johann% Cotical. 14004 Dt 4 9. 4 3. Cztamontion: Diontt4,, tins Ms Wed Dylootary. Ph.-7b Zellwood Enquirer oe7a. that Gort Pties to nnontlant to gnat& P. LLD/tn. to osantit:tO. onslinati atAte *Oa no. New thecnvi •aeaa.-Tb. work ... inorrore as the adrift, fau et='•igair CAokr, apm ttri n 111136 1. bows's, Mimi& Goinea-kes sad - • • ' fireman C Judge*. • ilarid Emrich son r A/Illy. Error to the Vow* at Common Pine eit, Cendasi Creznty.- /edge B °minds belirerrelthe opinion dike Coal., reaming topiarian.* d ehn Coon Wow. Elatra A. Reynolds w al n Waves B. Low rat. 14' tar to lb. (loom of Common rasa of cemdad coanty. have Coniurr tiehrered the opinion of. the Co' art, dEradap the dodgmrat of Broom 13. Claembetilb- Erg, d Berms en, on nooks of Deniti Ape* Erg, wen edaitted Co Remo memo Attorney d Mir COart. Arciditekl Steineer cramtton es Andrea Por dy. '.lEateiLia tL Cain d Carmen P 1... of Berra[ fO. Argaid by Kr. Agana Cot pit in Er I. l l.olnotietate In error. AllelollPoidynwonH Paso. .1. me to the OM" or Cam= Meer 01 Biome co; Award by Mr Connhighent Co. pit error, Mt Arnow 'brottn, to error. i. 1.. Ftsatt,llth meow, hos soosiwel • sapply of CHM boots from * establishment of the !Gins. N.Y. WA las gi{dto srr.maei them the sixth .rokiie M th 4 of roper teal= of tipart's Life of Widthlaifoit, a work which It wookl be • watt* of in* to profs& Tt• seshtfol ahabilo grofrioi oat of* Imam of Arnold nod the ot• test sad *unitize of tkang, at. {mad in this volume. Prolarhil History of E.guz.l, rut ta sod 29 . Treating in put of the firstory of &holm, the Coorintotional omen...a end ffetfooml fodartrj. three most towelling thew. Lorne X( V, by kin Raudel , poi Seed 6, sad him the redone tweet, aloes emaetifally erobel. limbed We know of Do wort, giving • room to. tertmlnieg meted of the eweelful period of Lone and Ridden. • Bowttt's Nahrord Illetory:ilkonomket dolled &I took for children end orke logrottler fault/ history and amineehle for the ploseult:mtoser In which they ere Fawned.. • MOO NORIWO Bridge or lb. Modem lahlee end Berme Grahame 01 the rents, of (metope. AO Id the above took. here ittet Dem received from the Mega Berm . . . . . Midas Astatoetce will.gioe •pi Cate. art, re-Ausst, this eviale4, at Philo Ifetr-filie Atha:wen beioji teppropoload to toothier plennii Ike ltiocart Vie wall 5U411.110, laic 11.1thOir; nete 11041,441 4 ibe inckmant weeker, sad.. lases number of Lad i es wars ,prestat.; 'A pleas; ant evening rend prob#f hen dottb!ed the ataabrt present. We as glad that act nen OfTersi to teen ad. chain:big q iniat. A sena Billed enter we are =llk 134,61' tali Ili Oaf . 0361:i67:1111d . all tier pedal-snow an mist[, genefok and trlthoot any attaining Far II dad . a .*e, deer as ■ birddised BRIO as melody can inks It, thin Is a ton an uttens put that stemer to fill all opens. Yreka Ile -0 num tong could hardly hare tosiered coon ectlacoessos et lame, than the ma of tricOss, rem Ottlewing.' It eta the blood W Mir and we :koala think would [apart •,asallab. luso to aa, of O[ &Ws, • Thu Oren Aria:fiont Peal i't.ttlays el ifsit. dad," the Dario Boy, *lda dam ascolaps oly b 1 )41. &Mock Wen pm Penni deniat. IMI tkas pieces. Indeed arm adair MM./ iio7 In • mama a. plash g almost aa Use moat, The coocaat thl. avordzi at PEI° Hall pWoM Is to &a squally altratitto yid co oto ebettid fora. go' tilt appoatordly of Wag parrot It kg DOl army day that .00h antic is braced to oat bom, aid let tie 40,10, it whit, we may. • Vls& Ca; e.—Dstes. frogs Val ena to the rd:ftraTia4:44.l.ami guelutil . 11htlieVlaiiiLierimilitid tqwe du/ datiet of 04rv. emoted timidly. 'Cal. Wilson, the Leta dorszoor, had proceeded h; the Army to Join Lb Avian& Fieze—Ttee cry d are about I itok. on Meshy mint* wee mod by the bdrider a Wee co Holmes holoogisee t. Yr. Ham, No or had hod to the hem kg ow sonde sod the Are wee eviherdly the ii! - :(d. • • '=" • VM - I 1 1 711.11:6 raltrtcuLikwit. AsticiaWlkttii [man C11%011446%40 4 - SePteteask _liti.Pap i that 41. two autioltsli o**,l pihip4spd EI , ,:,,Listl;s 04,r : •• &Kai, j muog at, pur,widiate, , and chilt . aniattelo hip (Na tbUtturnbrect fanght. • • In Ilia' City, tie ktaslewis pcsuod *Worts* . . toad lie er,qoadnel, tirsanteinietbs. ' ' ina tamoup age sjkihisi.e...c whole blzakm ITS 4ettlikp1111,,r,111•0110111i• w*".2 ff t # l .f i t a V li .P. M s ag4l ‘ l , l * Mir wt. salad me km. intarisoioln ? c.a.a kr4t. eigki~Bromihriii j theh.austom and atdhitill teoald bow anm or colsellawoollN.ll4oll4_ *PT on Ids Nada of tha Oki* = Rdih Owe:ISIOtt: had faddy pusaut thr u sate. ib• able: of et. p.acka. " pa eel Hiill 1 (4 111411 ' B6 d Woe= rebind apart blattactids7lHapt *ma killed and many more wcn.dad. , hmt tentod Wad ea Ststaticai if tiro sheen I twat* ;Wan to th. Phsy,S;— l i tod/oithat tts enadd not ieliaw hidwill 13 nisi eoliihns, eel that b. .e hake His awn evilly, Usti Scott bag tawaswitoont NI swami F 4 Saw Bodin, which natands twain air' of a hi* and at 013 C• wL big eppan end =wan to *Lanni h. way, directly Waste' thelt/witnol. euMi.fa (a come nottannas wlaals -Lam. wets Newt op la retests tun dm antral box. swain nowrged'lnto lbw *trent; and rsolsei , ths Plaza with pat kw. On eistiwins . an tibia a hiss} wit h Haw ths:Teliene •.'.. 1)7A: Finding et,is drsoi oat; hit Woke ha At* Plow, ena,topeas sd • canhoxiads 'cueduoMtlac• Cob/Kll. I -Hosing father: tedatance , P l 4 l l l 44tt MadWl mesa 11Ante, m tbe 1 51ViaittLi NOlsolhw lad d day) Chia acre, 'wan ,fl:paillift . 01:13111 liticut Ca 414.1. Many were kilbid Ilr biew:ion mil at botzsas, many by the botabatdaisat, .bat I the contention which pasanind In rhea city and el' teraliet aita cannot want ea killed wortwka and wistog since the action comownixd yrwadthey id lose than 4,000, ezcag II hies are Assay wadi and tildlthen, .Ttin contoranionotalmbees a 1011 ot one 1,000; It la no doubt tench gnawer Whal a edema,! Hit Mask* will yet, base yensitaces. od will nea4tii ter ear allftrrices, Irtwatacada via Wbwring Avail Ht. hill wannid the city distant:hand to'nalni=4l.l soh Cam the enemy who has 40 I IL F tar Thlo latter prprrsont. Banta Amman beHq . g sw I lscatty wounded.. Tn. PrAliAta deigAs p ,, ;4 ;I ' lW Restmftts at Uoop , axoplatiai INPAIIMINkaa• !hotbed cadres Act of 11.1ii;lal.i"c!!/:?; w. ommesi.hhil l'Olw*i.lllAlMP. am, has lash ummarot 14k TWO eblikai and ghat th,j gni pirkisiiii*Orikiki 17th the. - • :" Btadtflimirt.The =au Joiarail meri-rataw ty eau Utah on ca. *twat trim thotweetiqi in it., Cludear. ..2 lug arrint4 trim As Bp upon eery bed trazibirr. 'Ttra nada of macho. et La the earl an the caret of New Eat !mid Ware, womeordently mar aneeldo lamina be= mooted is the - teraboaa to threw moollin 'without sarea. Tbr madumsl.l6stiii would Elm bora almart l total Lbw Ant err" bad not to.. tor ittl. tuft obtained in Bo Chaluter. Tb. Lest Ertne Glotionter has hem shoat equsfly duidect, half fistilag an . this come, sad WI in the Bay Cb Ova. A Mme haw jail bawl Wacrad icihNalc4 tL comber of Fall', aym far which acts WM puma at Wu law nation of tha British Partlaroanl—dra Muth of sack km the sapwood capital .b 1 tad ! lbw acsotat of capital avbialbod for ewth, bpd* rr with the cue aaeh 411. 4 amptrwaricl 10! bat. raw. Th. comber of -tins wrihlch - nrclacd royal asimpal waa IRO. Of thaw IGS igthortaa f! cocutraetkaad 4,5111 =Bo, with a oaphal sock of 11006,4101. Tha aosaaat of capital scdaert• bed woo 57,61'5,93418a tkt. Thai natwahalr4 St wawa obtiL far psopow• of acoalawmatioe.ala tension of kaiak dwriatioa of lica,:uwmptha t from tots aid odor kitatroll ohjacta. .. . --- 7it= Ilaset Pn"." l4, - rliicleasv ri *li elli rococo. joat pubCrobad at R. from le tate b it tip: Owe that there an row In th• 54 portable Petri ma 3 - 7. 531 61915 r, 99 6lohav4 1414 ptioreni v ial mob, 7154i0nt0 511 maisrcrim;, F 7 N I* , S .sal.. lle jaws: we ettiroalad, it 99irtoctiti k T r In 1840 nu pepalattcan sit Ws by 94. .. Y.--Poseat all Oa. Wang 11121GTLINCII. Emelt Watl.—TM Whigs ard ntho.i.muni of Lb. Elitet Ward tra Ato klooday ciaht, at emit isatal pima. of . toactiog. Thom, lama; any wu called to the.'atonic sad Plactiot atommr and limy SUMO', &ca., app.:amid ttaiotte: aim The meeting ... called toe the pulps) of ay. Pannier a coicaminco at Vigilance Go dial ?laid and the tattoo ing mord gendemen'arica elect. ed to coacpcse said catitoittleiti-:Jacan Gaols Macro Jona AILS. Gains. 86a Rub cad Cooky, Wm York, John Mirk Jae. 1:11.- coma, Henry Sample, %Mats Mealy', Richard • C Criewett, Philip Licidernon. Acetone Woo sad Jecat. tystl7. .1 • TMIILD WAJLOT Yonnit to call, the Democratic Am:lmm' aid ;Whip of tla Third Wad ol Mario of Pt ••• met at Mehl adatafjlatelfor tee parped-of Uirmageasede 1., the epprodeler date &Jetsam Os mond, /dm Inagelm. Emo,.ens Idled to ale !elaalr, sad Madre. McMaster updated Seentaly, mem E Y Pratt,. lan Mackerel, Wsok:ella, Mts Joe McCellocti, David Mad,' David Motu; Jobs Davis, J W Lads, Adama,Magb MeMadd Wm CM; 131 W Ledl4 Thoeldelast,. Eatumi Palmer. he iloataatb, J t=lll444 , :ina . ! wad, K Campbell, Jain ! Jeo McCleary, II Perry,MhaTathar:limplhaydho Te.r•Folts... "Sort% Updard, , Jeo•T Wb111.40, R R ISM* Mt Ilsr, Jae l Ban Was kited}, Jebel EMMA, PA I*.syte. ellCneerall, Jo. S Kama, tito Etamadlloss Osalska n W Lomemd, Robe ndlary,4l.o Magma C Unwell; G Glenpar, W Vend, Wm rye; Care, Jobs Mchhateradr; Jullilchrist, W Spam Wm McKim; /es 111cCadand, I. Itobfi,l Ordain; Jae Bode, r hareme fl J SaLith, Jut Mchlostd, Deed handl, Hoye' Malpot, Wm Kemp PeTik CUM Litaa•WlM W J. Mil! Sed loyatkap, Wit Stevesed, C 'AVam We:Erevan, Jos Clit; , . crept. Kadin!, Divil li mner, licuy ficytopitim.lll.lo as W Wu yht, Cheer liftcr•lk. 'Oe.rißrawg#, Samna Hadar. James Lairsee,.Thootair EMMI_ Wm Hatred:4, C I. Mesest,'James halrante,'. god IR Sou. wJimesups; Jam. amp; M 'r Win Wood., Al Odd 13 CM ey, rinlland WVo appealed a.cosaolitea elf efylaaom (61111. the peals ths do of elected— 1 71: Resolved, M Lem, S Palead,:Jas otesumoi O 0 Sim aod E Campbell, bt a tommllearlis hid dadhalls published, sad Pit Pull thb14 ( 0 304 1 0 1 . ter the day of elation. • Keened Mt tin lined:taiga be palliation ilan Whig papers or the rip. - - • • 11/1.188 1111CLTISIN. • A amebas of the Antlaisstun cod Irbil - dor the find surd took plea, o. Saturday ovealog at • Mrs Sdosel Bambara, du called ha the chair. sod U L B fetterme, appoloted Seam to as motion the ward Wllidoldnl let. L. Wncy and the following rows hers oppoated comoistos of Vignsoce for each bloelt.. • —Block No IL blinded by roidt: w irj at, liberty st, aid the AlleiMay sod Algae a &refs—Sam sal Bares, Trios William, lorded Genre', George Howbeit, Jsineoldscherel, Vioderbill, Block No 4, bounded by libertY,• • weird, 'second arid weed striisto—Leopokl Sala, Adams. Betty, John D J foe Bounhorst, Hobert Lee: Charles BIN:ally, Valentine Stork. Block fro 3, bonded by second. liberty; !hank 41 and wood (trade—"m }lair, Will ink Caldwell, William 9 Hem, Wilda. Norma, Job. hdLArrip.. hell, L B Fittennso, Thome McFadden. Blast bounde d by liberty, sarketollemiod Wet dead owl Mosta streohn—Charlu Crskrif hago,Widilaroo,lacob ?dyed, John Seetia, Alai Hoy, All.. Cordell, Was Hersh, Goole Brsle•dli Jae Roes, Anodes W 001.... • ; Ftireolved, flat the sold Cornialltees be chupd. orrlh the dray ni epoo the sada voter. of their dispecure blocks oo the day of ale Wend** to the hoist Mt there he • fall stiondsoce thend or at the pdls. 1 ROSEBURG, Ch'.; 0 L. 8 Yrnitanas, . . . 'f Ma. Olive to cid poblis extension te the (aliening, (to Dr. Ws. Dees, of Dfnitiunivdie Mennen* Co., end wing gm eery Ann gasetinoinwela dm many Illvoldoh b. reside., end LW Senator ti the then latitalsove. it ts cheering thus to sow Ile lea& log wee of tbernotenna, bona/litho bonds of onset projod tee, od siviad awn no daos "On. I have ions , prac floe been maim sem of you Moaned Pusan, and, oot Pa. as well pkosed In Ito aeons hi Catarrhal on/ itroooldalContplainte. us wadies Ulf • donut bouleo—pal does as lor se yen ens; to I erooetst II cocuomeoloWndullevoneta/ sat I ofaeilen no It kw hennoble. is keep it mon/oily on bud). Daansesdany.Wnt. Doan, IL • . aasucrrivJoit PRIXTIIIO 011,710111, TIMM Maur, calm ow NOT emu As.ari. oporwa ...... papered to winte l i7lst ami axpodlaoss 114081114 an klUbl...e ft:MK 1 Aech . kris ratlas, ..obNa lidi4BLl et Ladiff• , laquil Shoot are Cars, miadbilll, Was, 44., ■umc atrn "marsin 1111.11r111. : airy tltellt a ntad In 1.4 bmt klMa a Trlra4l4 401:66 .nal.CmilLo7 Ltd IS 1111.111111 n4'l3, Ir., ar.r..77, 7 . • 721474 ' 7 ran: .• . . ' . 4111 " .".. *1.11111.".‘ • , . •• • • - .... S=rabietra.lr. I t!...U.r. . it. • L. :stla pokes is pet by - M B A saxes ' cail oust Year of Up . pen usalbellmil Zvi , 1,..,n wed, they woi ix aaersigoi. A /wins. at We eitl. Irk , hall lc. W.. Um Wl* eta* slams be moor 411. u....• 'mewl belm eamd, Ms by 6.- LoolleaLlei of escuise.bseie iaslrail4 med. 1 ZE.rtthe EabilM/MUltrairia.• 2 1 9. 1414 11441bc IhitliwoW ar si• 406 iii '4. yvi - 6 A* .- • ,1 - 141 Ira nintalPhl •• $ ,OOAIIIIII -OF ;PRIST QI.F/CIR 'ALLIP.Iti , .I,THSOughordleiteursialkAiirmYiaispilio Ito, heAull coni 146.1sdailbstsu_d7 Onwlemilat ir...hir,Otabd isaiinel tad . melligp 'Nei 1.1 .ainl ofei , LNl_W Vm **mei , .14-PARA for AC tri# , N . ,=l, *it Hit 1 ,ipil to. imilue...mt . , ..m.aop opma low. Ones st narlDOLLalli , CASH. Oenaesea iner wr dle al WM Claims Aus. -.4.1/.444A1t itteltlTOD • 4 • • 07.-..,,,,,i. it ,14. • . ,- = r _ s _._.._ni, t d.z r . , ..4 1,41.....w' .., mp...-. • • ...... = Oman thisml.l.lll4er,.=. ...d4 phystatob: .11itlelleledxsit ;woad IP TIM Om al OW $44.4 Mod*. , indsleara Wm flogs done 0 .24 ir4,40411 0•41441i41414. =rt.. Armor "smoducillt mm.ll...Phi 4.1.44447 14 see% dnuty, WawaAO iima..o q.t. r. red 4 e. 4/..as tie Alcoa r.. ' .41 " 14 tif sham, NO D , . 144r444446 thallidu o: • :., -4, ~". , -.17 i ! --ese•;.• .. . "' ^ ,''....,"•-• .:' :--..,-..‘•;—........ ...„-- Osp id =lol l tkOs.l4 Ipliesdrar 4;thoiliejgrig 0,.011%. ell!. Amb•F Vipshid W ..Wider xsty.l4o.t.ut. ainG 7 0 00/,4*4.... 6 oulilvtObeti,wltlopt. ol ./I = ft eils„. • ..- • ' .il .‘: . Sorratid ~, i -!.4T' ''', 7oseular. noill ! .4. rub. bearer Z 0 . 144:. Iliter iball_tai early • .: .4ullll-17 .14._Citc, • B WalltlAr . , Itrifigs•-•:11d VorvAlin.MitisidiArpe • Atelociucwor4 kkeisolei r~urbeui4 bow 41k oprb! 15410.riklitiesoeseaftwotlomitampp toy. 9.lqti sof Ai, Le; has th•••ltibi 4 icamant. A damtiss. intbe limo. se knoirl.P. • 0c1P,,, . ~ \,;-., -, AA/4.42.,WEA4 •orerY, • .. „ . "P 7 V at = hi trat4 ow • • .• 461111 " r an: . • us:l • Mghta;tff .rhetekeetiOltgo..es.4.vw wolibfribesnurwTmetirmo;i:iit c. 11.0 4.tt t • Atkr - .o.4sir.ironistrce d . mb sett,Nt a tkitige . f.". L Eaistopsikirientakireaggiosit sivb; • .tcrtkomortiu 1 • 11 404 168, 1400% 2i 7 !. . - alrAsqvraz:•,.:l "'",'> 7. • ?mu) uckeolowszar rusl.asr yst. sarikv; ode. at. A" 6 ,9= 1 4 jcetra.Lted.lll*.7Q,"lo,46 .;0414,11.:4ie • • Non VOnam •axamenisir mum um iirrize 1 1 1 3 ...t` b1 e ka1e 1t, 61634 44 15441 ' 4i- L1ar.0r..... ' I .= =MAW* of NW 11$0411/, lomanfir pile Opal 1142.1 7' =1 .- 4*Ed, ifto volos Mae bilmnl=6/1 MVenlyi. r, Ms Clher int be latorsdo Orti ko, m•r: all . rima s , sjoAdtat into 0n116.11 xvory Deeps* lioraditardiW " '2 14esit bdiefpniperl7l,alliptilni aptid es Am , ' Cm:Wane= a Pt*. ii-Rasoret;a• 'Med 1/AllArialdleor am Coda ar., ...WS aNINV i I i I: ' ' .14 1111 Donut ....0 en ille•Ale . With ciallig , lad . 6 % 6.41• 1 14 rib. Nor __,, • ,llllStrollo=toLotottt mm - .•=1,14. -- 71X.Woresl nommerbt= =CI " . - Yo,roore Pons, for" ansabe CO ! iOntlehr*LUeondellet.thelguessi LSO 'Brats 41 - 41.15himiketomst. or illtalit "-" =1 or re. tom et iron rat dooripon. it/nor I itenentro Air fe re hatomonbend en wort, moor, bee forks -Font a esfos-foob„ I lull leva iei.......=. 1 ..- .. • • : ~/ - - Peammilisigsma ClispAntati . Dt• I xima ill-1110 Lifts, unlii= I mo" maw Lad et unbar ern sent fs ,r ..r.: 4, Pin.t. . Tr. m .." l 6 ! M I6 M r .T .nr i . T - .2r ... • NtirelitAttr , , Won no. 0.. 4 !.... .• , ye,1404110'017 VD. '-‘ „Or r , . „,i , !..•911•10. bo .- • - ...1.6 - 601 , &bit arisioN tatt)lnaatalaria. iftestafirmr• an ibr• Ma 4.41 art: it= w,...us etaaarsr , r,/rjatipso‘atliranaaa iPa Luber. Atha ra,4 ilgailliat tgr aat.6 aaa btu a>4.66 tlou cam, be liken at taelfrq. U. baalts Rau l immary rheanakaded 16 all , arAiazi M taax66o at ifLaPhaaa Mahon.; Araynaatwa, ar Or blurt, aa, mows to perms, an "Wis. ;nay. irpffr Wad. af Lai sad atioudadyi de er attesistkaampt um, laid 11A•PASSISlieetk CO4alitl*Ai4 2 9M WaWskawhaniitit w.Ol ' • rvosuitt w ig be Asia. 4 1111.41441 l WyseWorts mot leoatr ate iii. 11214 - e.ima tit raids - be and Or lbw Amerika eAllift.or alWobt Warka. ipktrintbneksoierommelimerilm. 1100 , 1. 11OOR8rtptlinilleltWeet.Wilitp.: Wsistaria.oo.l.o./KL WI L Ne/CRI et *a CO.. `a . • "CICII AN • . ^ • QT WINK , • .AND 1ii. 1 1111.1116441mg. te rnAmnitfose • liellaQqi " Uatta lln r ig reabliii:o,,wokat as IVO.. lo ion` lir oils M. • .."*" 'fVez.a6teuai co- 011.41161,ClianuoaCes Wisse Unk9ii • • • PICIHN ATLIV",: z; • - &=;MI3FEA bbtiattirts4 • • • a)* pea Risk A• •• •• • GJIIIRW• dj. 'ittrilogli4lertratartt .attaijit . etto II i Miottortlpilo s t ';;;:: ;.• Al4A3lg, rot bed 4- . law by • wits. • . . • 1101111180 N it co r VIA - ma** Y. "i d , • .s..""Rtil` —ife.rdt 14-14*„,`,. vagaiilzlE!l ZiZ 00 . =II MIT" glEiam?EN 7 ' irr • 11!!1"1=oli' ZMM • orumPiHooqiiritrouswu € 4ll - 411 1940:40 6 .4ta • Mia1*"......t.,91L. .4%Mtisetbk MiZ&O 741t at !r , liDwIxotis , ahalMaW. i'mdaZaMml W&;;;I4'EEEn iEiai=EiiMn Mai&;alMom rave. ALOIIIII-1 an bi OEIP•" ';•‘ ,41:1110110AN ImEi iiiiai;;i;w;wicri ..._ •••• ..L.....G.... MMIM= D'iorsim fown4br - mmtuarl ;B!!OUIST , Ir.rtiass tin at sals—tesjuiropruftu t re. ftwkbr. faLUll—Liilifihirhy,Ona /tab •*sollai!o ß 4t = * ' l “."'" •• •'• ' • •• • I + ~pio/S ~aivrs =a'su / '—" N;aZil;gl - VP7N mmagruus.-• vies •a - o•I en* Weakly.; PIT-9 14 ?` P.!"? ; issiumel Ea=l - Of 1 111= r 1behrt . . FLOOIII—. Ter • POP , 114,08.04.. ars: . 3 Joie P. 01111.111114 4.. f.''' ... ..,,- -7 le: : ' ..: Leal* , : VW.. 0 ti,Ziitp= i iZtrtri zt . ia a l K 4. I=l , 4 l tur= s vv i tltt i a 1 .wr a, Irlkieli la 00 Cal Wills fad gialuillas OleicUß. ftel le ost &Hey g:f lied wnis,_ .. e . 0.4 Tams,;ase-0.6 ea* re 9460 Kr. 401 - =P.' ?1, ;ILO= =XL usaker tot i les'aci Lb 91: 4.111r194910116,1-''`."....÷. • 011 , .) „., •, .„., .., Apart p DANIK, set 4". .i• ~ '. ? ..... at ju s ...: . 11 • • 311:1 1 / 4 1krair Lot& . ay.7011 wdl l e ge, , , pi .- ,; :. tit''''' =lr.: ""1"'" . *"*" 'Attic*. et *mud, fm,..lgalkaylOk*poi aid jiLigtpurta sic, 12C/If dm apy opt„ He naselalL-At . /Puke vlbeti may be tr. iiteareber 166011. at or [wow iollicsatiO W . bilugapt , I I: WalisrMi ..Title sulk . .... ..,' - . V.^•.. .... ' • •• 0.4154111141011 AO mil Wait Sneils inallompou.:.../.: cl i i tt : • 04 ,-; , , , ellakiii..l i P:. ‘ VaolbiliMll&lite b. llll,ll 'NM wi 141 be seiar t =te-k,Ordifi, . to WAt erabsio l i l i l i t.. %IX( 4.111 , „,-, • •' Al.ftib ea. ."-- • ' ...: 10146 met? r • .le 1X.... .. , ~..,. ....„:t. 1 c.... , Zr r'f!•'''.o3l76o4*.*4-+' •fr"ft" . :111 4t,.. 2" =eatipe In t Aumir ‘!..1.in..7.m.........!Ti.,,,,,, .... ...i........... m ..... N., ...... .........m.. 0 ".4 6 .Y ladatUitsiNet• hilebb. 6 t E:ss letwargin 31.1t=1M . 1 . i .. 2, rs Jed., WWI 1111111 a I C . .' C' If?"' 4 1 73 fi':54=' "': fp: . I . t '!.. -, ,• • . . ..1.. I _, . ,a;.-.a, ; ..:- . 1 ; " 7 , IirIIMIS.II 0114 liftio;'eldidlitit7 Ail% 4: pza47lPriaell. troptbie Saler mini= goLl.aal i VW , b}ottkap;Sue , Aft, ',/ '• . 2 :211a,:r .swrMa..J:.a• k "0lit• thas Sitatesi.%, ' MAK ^VI SUM .afasiXtsaiaarl i ffiri,r,: 4 1 11; AVICt; 7 R..+ -4,, n1h0r Susellimienir of 7 • ...' f r" ,,. 1 _ _4*.ilcmitatlblisriall , , e thyl simangs sereltlMl94 RILIFI , Imbi m 'ililli . 1111•C4S•6•100 rift , is 4100460•4•11• 40.5 Pe 1•1 1 c4 .....- 17Allliiike•feel.1•40 . •••r i res:1= 00:01S IL•Rtart • aIW • - .. . 314i4,5MT1.1/. 4..,,..„....... , ~.;„;;;;,i ......,..w,,, 4, 1 pr....Aqmprimiimgfor '741. •i'azli-AND wurrimpareocunt.i.; • wsioussALE.Aiso.MAll., 14; 1 1 4 ON- Alp: , COI niftfOldh 42 . = , ,,..atItreeetvad 41604 .111 - Mikt. &exam ef&tel , .41•1•••&401,&1 1 9001, 1 10.0 • abla yhr& Qw&WOM0111.1160,61411 1 1 1:lsaISINIIP!•1 11 0 6 100 1 _,..14. ..'71&•.0.1“ ea Laid " apiet , peAtifOreigi, .I .lo innal Culostris asilit&LlOE‹! Clungeabte &Muir 11.145,..%•• 4.i ..) =r l = e Urs . F=l, hictioot-emilad •••.: 4 ,:;•1.4,4•. ! ..Atp•ca bums &ad lksata#22&si• !• • .Froack And F.azinosi Xilnegegg • .. - Cklicetsjld Dnba 000frtengrailj: 131&t. Ned &Waft - Rita SOU DreWalilla x. 'A% , tali4S-Ek. ‘ _ , Pufa.6olite. 04 1 Forlise* dime thiedhak mod ,kr. el Teal& set Crsloare.bwavplad .ticaket, bild.t.Pok mit mode MINA A anted sad Ifitt ,t&limit!,&&& • .V 6 )11413 Wa 1r../4 ded IPWai gnketsvall•licrm . l4smeili . an 011umes; Dalin Sim Burg &Wit bl& C.V.. eat 101 l latiesk, Ikea LBIA4 MOHR& ligaseis and Too. Duprt.'.Wisis Emcee. — szsgabin ar&mnst&t; at,o. Wm& ns. plate. - .4X717 0001*-.llrows ao4 o:catteed Owl Willie lank taxa& mat' I so'3' yarls veldt, - &kw,, ,Megtol Ihinimpandlocifi,4l4 cane. 0,1 - ..i&11e& Maas" of c&try eaka. ku,d .ad .tea, full dyed • -,•••••••!- • 1W..0.6e-TElXllLlN6B,ol4lkrei*wasod de 11,1!&s&ecoN Csollinci..l&&&*& &via datsapisis. liasob,lleilf&gilklift'lLifs&K Pat. &c.&c. ••• VFIWOD xl 2,4 Vetragi ? =, • Cl*lll4lll* Irgr e P . 4211 podui lki•tep; Yager& latr it •AAL. .• • airkwheirt&rowstAllo4,4oBavrt4ma&&: sql!arld' WON Asded,ll/frians&x,r • ' • •••1 ..,311ml&qtremi an ergs eissai, ."4:uwac.4l.l.empli6 of Mita, . • • .ritr.- . 7.,-.. AusoTaA:krg A 4 , :.,. : .. . .. :: .••4 Z/V.../ .. ...:M43h . .!..)..."... . i±;yl.•- . • . • . dp EIDARNIT.V.INEVV , er ititl;l .r . !-.• ;4e...r4 .. 4 , 'LEt- dallitEWSTEt7:&. .. ~ ~ . pO .nntiorregtio. goarrald,rer mir. IS - 'POoraf mapollti/ aml Carona 'so • . .. PIANTEM CALICOES • EXCLIIBIVILLY,ra , .:.. 1 :.4 - kor prtreo—ind - citibitteg, at .all Ociardor......i, , . , m de o ir soeigAomlkae Is , e ,. I ,. '''' - ' -- TRWORLD ..t'* ~ e.:L' Tbmy am mmmouaa Siren. Hamda t"" ` " dm.. edddt termer neve.oryin ad Foreign ate - , . . pr.oroma, loamy. of." O ale oem win dritad.oOmo erierre.aikamrkirlo. aamoOsmi W., beam pureMase4 and an iNdianed frr rale for Omit mod shmei erldd. m 4 -• . ..4 - I ••••• •-• •••• • • •PFJCIIII.ILEDIA.CII : !--- 1 ,r, 11 . .11E-FTIVEXENTS -... pie rstascamr • priors of..lLotd WI Mar; is per pomp posk om mrmedi will ourrated dao7,p , Ni I VINVWMIEuniiIe4 ::: ' 'l . - ,•__.:-•... r..m 1 maim II.o1164".. -.),,, .. , .f4dina • Modred at ire 'or holemild mid Iliad Sawa( de.ENO UM; ISM thorn! .-beans ird and Ur , drdra.m.l of - and stmodmed ti=6 " 41 1,.04 , . k . L .... 6 _71 . ,, i.. - d;CondOr lledvAram.yrilkftad 8 toieir idialolda' dir 1 =A ..d. c..... , *ma Or ki.O. , L.A.. raorraad Olar Wavy Ordma p m perk S. PrMpl,4.lll,2lPlatt.t , WriNIPIONIMII tailprit.“ traclitiaisii . : ff. lit=4:l4MTS , A=A=3-4 ja a Oar beds Maya to laban• age gamin. Ogergoebgno,. ; Alladdatf. aadAile agelsau g dau he gaga km' 'teeelved holm Ida airentla.Llcagialegea. eghades.go Lie ma Nanaiaatiatia. harga s aana. teem ut•Weekgr tad 11/0•• UtdandAdA.Diaepege, Aa. dtapelng • rest vio. Orgy of paelliou g .glalgeL ag Analaegigea age UlArbled Malaise gat &L lama lo'• eneangt(seddydamapatir stale, at will •ell pert bee, gar HMI geuddligile Arig at ala amine* elnelosa d t i k l lloatbegtgla AlerlAktidi deLlesm ood,V• .' —.l.V•; . ,llaßev P . • t` s l AI UAL •i` (i: V.P0 11 4* .. . Mil U. eabgaribeiAseing aa landaA agefidridgaigi " ,Wine* and Llquonalreet tbe miry oftko loggagnainp *rem OLlgala fa rli tamer.' Urea:Hen; taut 'sea peglag aarFreatartadde lagiagli sad 'almanac every "'anew's! LauglietagAlap dead ted.TalleliraU'lagogoneaPpat innisteas se I.lshetaa,v ethi: . 'lVbepadalliaullorlde saulqr aim Mina aag4 dAle=yeldb•age deo* OMANI blab Pa realLingera egalAgr.g. liven,' tailgating/lOW* ‘L•eggeneropog I at F. entpap allamahUat spit Saw ' Abet? , 's• ' 4NAWIIdr.: - .11311101 roe ••• • CV m c * barner W il ood a""ir ttlind` :11,0111mseind 4.0 Astraistkiil ar t ull= faviijaroMiCli—Llbt Neniodme,,_ Irv=rll:74,,edi " PIM -"'.:T1108. SIYIMEII -- Inman. - ' • •-• ' ii4,1, -- i i ft it 1 14' 1 ' --. - * 7 ' of thil Forein` Nyeat th. . .1 . nth.oalOil.a..rar° . will oraw, 7 . if domed F10 , :at0__.3.1,. 10,t1Arinklissi..... - • es, r • w.ll"k''.! :'....., 1 1 0 ,17,,b,1"Nt . • ' rAf , FIFT.to, a n-jaa.**: """4) .ftignitivttlndloegolol;4rYi Ihroe#4/0 4 T lertor ssoiii4 of iilitut i!laial a annum writherneteitrai l aZ if witA6 moo, 414. enssxD BI WWZ,IOIIIILTINGIS .A -A• faiapPlY Of ilanejustly es/ebtued Brims aberilnp land .ind kr ..e.; -....bet I.ldUs priest by . 2 5 1. 1 .1itKLGITO..WHIrg fzidi . a *mil le EirSttrze.inegigh)• , e , • ID bap Ajbpitipt r' e•At' •• '3l,bas tilt Midden. '• • ; '• • •AF." 81 ? i!sa4ps pie W 111.01111.6 t em Jukatimgi"4,,m i s..q. !! IS:dtort • . -;• mairrunit, liilnft. .. fAbb l l3 —. " — lbuineh • , ..r:l7, l4 : 4 l7lftebtote. . • s-i•Ges ••• • • • : 13 Polwoos ibriptiht , .....,... r el---7"—DL—le r. no 1.• A b. 1.1 .-. / 14 moo - ti . : 44 ' . mu 0 1.7 ... • • 10e4 ... •,.. r.l " . i 000 fr, cop .., • .—..— * ) —.-4_•;_.l,__•:''i.tt ?Pt 40. king 4 f iseffig . iwor 114,44 el oiiittesiusele -.---... - ~. isliftv: A !..,,... , 0 : ratelvall otair...r 9 r. 4..,...;,, i..• . .".410011111010.,t - 114 mow& lisit hat ..., ' 1 1 6 1 1 .. 1 4M—nliCdiest trighipthow Tbr - 7.5a511.01111) . t • .Ifit, a '1 I im PPM "brolthi;i4o/14a4.-t • - IViumposimP•Mgq-at° • • - • • • ; DAILY 'PACKET um (holier, ul ru warn yard. WWI, of the Wen. lgeerp autemen.no. ton out fon tbalaapie ins p.m% ,1 .•! 4 * - !rnoee ur pu nukes% • 71elAseP.el Weft i00P , ..m he lee um Iteee earned • maw If PeoPA Ulleettne lout b ee n grill be Attie raj ',rennet day pienanio ounbertinno rtes uindsle ned the eturrefluebboinn in no tec e . I.t. • Je tal 'mats tM, PuniP f ava ntP•l4* litaiiiiwr • vilikirs. . • 7k , :nuagoscuuks.oNanlimarn• her Amp lf ovalatall, I.lpralias • osyytrair Id /a *Vic ~• ttAt ' Mann. 7. " ~.11.4111/Stfile; 110. tl, Cept itesego", allolabiabuld Aug Tustin. ponlog et lb o'clock; . Illibeeffietrecrtld enu enalpty 1..110117.114.. • .. , •31. KIM iIWLAtID O. a t Cut, A. Dun W. ttIONO•lly Qua Wedatodu notOoke at a trn a Wedneday ern.; at r. ,;•••,•••••• - . TutaiinA PAIMILZT. - OrIOCIDICIUMMIPL .Iag a:temem Isiveriet. 11•RiTTIMIOT rot Wines* Tory I,lk. • • Naritsisst CeiLelmilPArsilaual'his '!reiggigesesks4AZWlle. i " ' "t "Wkwrje 7 1131110111110 AT IMMO% } • • • oi r o lPe=47•3% sinvir h z itnar Ilasider vidag 14' maz" fi li jg.7 "." ,„,..1. P ` , • .43 , 1. •• s al7111:11AT Tie MAC NEWTON, Chia. 4. O. nu" 'MI LtAR PIA& Wel ^t7 Naaday semsta, al le 4Yek Witelisig *nig. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers