, c4 , k„, a , , ,-1... -i• F T% ; s it 3 : i pent was a des . ~- gossnunent ° , bth In its pure ,' , rash...triad in it s and unmitigated carninae„ enwi amen° Wati_._ Ina eabjenth ...._ 4 _,..thstance`"ave 1 nobiluy, ';' the`wroadest of the Iles `. '' .W.- 111.14..... ta r &Want f rom _.tha divine tlmmietar"em. . e '"*""'"w himself, 0001 n la° barefoot, singrusi ars rita unielS sto the' roYs/- Prese ' deo on his shant ies:lig* 1 2F ht hug Asthe.rep. den, in token the ` 5,,,, he stood St • Taseamitve of --* a presided at : 7,'' 1,,,„,s of th e privenhood, an us testi i;..-, ---‘•.„._ _ i t important of the rehr°,oeusgy e "''' 'lle raised annum, an d lie aim. . 5, '1a1a•5,.........ded them in Persond_ provided , -,'''''' ---"""""tubs, made laws, an of .. ?wed execution by the appoin tment to gun; be removed. at p leas ure.. „ry . ' judges, I whim sou rce from which e „ , i Be was the...t_.n dorany all power. al l Ori Anil, flOw— --”" in sh ort,'in the '* omen. H e was , o f the European - , I . '' ,_ well 'w p hrase f the state" 'u'' , o - - i sitic nhimsel his e b uma as a so. ,-PL',l 1 .. Inca asserted a pomp in his L? , being by assuming calculated i t o mi. k '... , PIM r of ji ving well ,teee was of r 311434" .n his people . Hia d richly ' ;pale on of the sheens, profusion Ike Imes' wool Ornamented wit h a Round his ' , v' ted. end tones I ....., d precious 8 , many 0 0 . --- of .... in a turban 0/ tn. , hood `r" wrea thed the &nes , end a ;the =Galas, salt ed, he lag worn by tw ' 'maid *lnge, " color, with o c • „wrote, but of scarlet curious bird, can 't f, Sinners of a ram sad upright in it, " • ,----,, pla ced of TOP ad t h e cor a -.,--. insignia ' - A were the distinguishin g insigne these fea ' - t ail, The birds a were found ~in: a , .., duns Were.°h ien :. the mountains, and deseTt coatrY.3;„,:l. or to take them, it was dealt tClreserael for tile,oeXe head. .'as the)? Wr supplYlng the ro'Wch was '.14141919 9 succeeding monarch f these Seer" Bralr a new p air o ' aoi with credulous subjects fon d - r I -- provided and tin Individuals o , plumes , that only two , furnish _"""`',,,,,„,.."-,, h a dever existent to of /, • ..x-,l°.- orna men t for the diadem r Ass Incas :::. r.- es.= monarch was fataea_. " Sheegidicalgh the Pc -die highest or 1".4 " condescended ' firaboTe to mingle oa r ~ „,„, k Be te , he end look great •, -, with them' the noaditiOn -, ar *****4,l y to inspec t at ather'..‘"*.uhumblereleseee pres ided conieb e rauous, sod some of the r eligions - named the gre a t i aft these occasionswhen e be compliment.. nobles at his table ' fashion of morn emi r ' ''' ' cod then, after the "5- . , Dumas, hY drinkingdelighted to honor. , w h om he moat taken by. i' III", latthe most effecommalesmuner with their . 1. d for omen see through mu she their phigres at in-I tr. people, were The se weft, conducted, state r.. - - ' cipire. erd year!' :with Pe o a r t ltier, ", ~... sends of lance The sochailut, aeon - °a t t . 11:1=tY travelled, jas guards.cd _ ;I with grdd itadenl esco a rt The:men to, a numeral.'s h ou lders were p rovided lbe bore it on their `_„. appointed fur o cities , speciall y _ io be coveted by 11.... t” ,It was a Pini fall was pun .l---r-- ' f ~s , is asserted , a ~ , with las one, I ~ --, They - travelle d ~,_ dew wit" mesa' , batti at the ....,.; nal eiPlatitetlaby government th Vo7agi l'lW'" in" ea oaClB/anallY at' °afford- Ithe "me; wh ich in the great towns whole le retinae.seannnmd.'"ns The noble , ed rep les di table rend ~ loads which . .:people, who.: lined with we fram then. ) , wore ... stones an d stab , teem. ~„. ~,. sway e‘n•atremlig th em wunwoha each , - "theta" aotrom and 4;:re,rgth o baggage . ~ .... acea , ps_ Trio f orw ard , •The m0 . ,.. e ' 0 o.' stem en. " T -ga occasionally to listen to 7, =it halted ü b eats, or to se ttle or his' a I (erred to r ' soienace' h i h had been /e As . ~ points w c tribunals. - 4 ncenta ion by the "'gay its way along 112 ball' princ ely tram worm was ;Ike mountain eve/Y place ; to catch she •- •WU eager , when thyonged loirr du i t T r sovereign; a an d, tier' and r Ix * ithaP"..i...a the canals: of his the sir i was i ibe ----"'• hims elf to thew-eV:l' invoked 1111011..fiksd himself Ma as they long ,>-..;,.. nag ..-.. on his head Trell et 'wham ho -r/ s '., /41811118/11,.., the spo ts; of th e esanine-- ample peop le l' lulled end the t,_ as p -t .....n..,' held ene'm irreverence ~ presence of an __,.....,, by the c couseerated. Laisa. were on a megnifi. . I F, . The roialliklacesfiowbeing confines , scale , and, far towns, ',). ' Can,'...hal or a few prin cip al smce s of ". ,so enn. ___Th ov er all tbe P were ti .to 'were „,„..„,,„„ ' The buibluige d 7r.'• ' Tag empire. extent ed. Faun , U.- 181tealered a mi de ts were spaclaaa. ...., opaline!'end had Mon* of the newly sum% ex, c.„ ' lel they ware urn with one ' another,_ ww commumes into a comized: -' 1- that the/ open e d was were ~ alp& „mt. The _ li ke -, wsware cw e of nil,. s ifts, q — blach of stone ' th fo rt ress of Cuzc o, described In ° .., wrought near thoseh.,. carefully 1 zaqh hewe r ,: teetie --- 14 whi c h was scarcely r them.* S._ eye. The roof s_shed ; ' t insnibitclC.,..ch.aim winch ha" P bus ~. 'vaned Or -,_ ' of time, t hator the the- _ru de G3r the walls have Awn nnire , -- r"mita whole S ee", I°, and , i 1aai11iena,..,....' t'ge a hT soli d it y : : at - " cl bums L''••••••• rath e r than h 9 an, ' at " , straet,l...ace there ',„ ' ; ' ° ''''''' of elegy:lcl_ f, = ", .Thit'whate'" w ant ex terior Grim la: 1 d boo be ta in this __,,,,, campen - taro it .lu:n7,c(ch all the 7 , ,_._ the interior, .-- armee., was .. -, scud ''Y r the Perunna • -mea of 4 ' mamoado..11111.1" Ca ° y displayed.: ' t hickly n studded 3 --...... were: Niel'. the quernents,_, silver'ornaments, , with irad and the walls, were' all - prepa re d . um cusloollY "Mg 14., ea. is.. sjad WA and even 1 With --44-____ may materials , hiding .. 4-0( Abcr_,......' iota, furnitur e , in c 1. tttshof the dem toihe most ordinarY . - ,- .‘„„atenadirdes°tedvir ei r th e clue wan. "" Ices. dts a 7 orgeous fr:,,,.r1. lnadalaiiimapizervficenced Mingled Alk lb:II:1213,4 colored +,.. ma were a facture, of t h e thesigßa decal:ft t ... b in : me o f so beam'. 1 4 ° , perosish....*'"..„' " I Spanish "Terriralls; ri rot 4,........81 0 Eunip ,.. e and wt., ''-' t" afghan the luxuries did not iha"''''' f a •'''''l.* ,ag th eir Viand, house hold consisted 0 ,_. The :' royal s phea by th j e , n i e ol g l i - hosing d.„,,, (4 m en ials, ages, whic . _, me. towns bound to furnish iac es for mexhioe,,,,,— and other nemsari oath wins fuelf the palace she Irodatit h it i°n ° sidence of the inn ° 1 ''', ' Botha faro/4...1°11 (=leagues ii", s t %St unit ai-Yowur. --lo this dohe'ious raj ' f the capsol w ithin the fri sadly an' jar locked up .which shelter ; ed it from t he r"„.i., of anus, .oeve . , refreshed 1, e " maw keens' or t he ,,ootiam. .. 4 - gushing fountains 'And str beautiful -,' - ~ .I.2,_war; they In f ,d i the Mal wearied '`r r*lanell 'rhea the,' i, t . Here, the city. " with iligtAje and toil ' o f themselves 7 ' 1........ a- ^" a 80/aaa au. 'r. ,to tfltreat, a," th e i r favorite con _ /4 4,4.., • araelelY sia d,t, mese* end au); X, ` ' *Oil "7,mirderini ami I their KO' la ' ow, hod man, _ senses to ;dual lulled 'se led -' . l, pram, odors dm they °T , ''', remeatisf• ' I ' Here, too, baths, ,-t ' is rePo°e'lli of !hew water, streams h aubtor I° tea by : acted throug h a s or f. ', ' =wets wad cis ono ball' k. ~, i er l : Thesies a il ser.ch gullet!' ritann7w3WCiind ei ...' ^ ' The spa ciousv arie ti es 0 P dna 4 ...'Me eon so ,/ 9'- gad with "" If with° able Par' Z. -,',..14d. dal l re o f the sloPi"'rkiad were ifispirts i one • . „horns ~,;ri.„ ' sairws/w our we ' .."--0, hte0......' pia,o3% r soge'llth al = i ,-"sodowl i n pa., akingut 1......- -' :i.: , tbilii ~a i I 1 1 I 0 4.'"" `'ll i . , Ukersiseenikilitt i ''' `'-.. - 4. '',Fs/ * •l4-.e-I , to - ',2;:r,,,t,..'` le , „,,. „•4,,,....,„„ .,,t y..e....... Net' ' --- r . .+. MEE ,;: d. '' 1 , 4 . .. 1 ' .•... • 14*31 6,117 ...- - tl e tTT l i". IVTitl:ll4'!iiip , .'iliil :. i 'l.W I *-xliq'iti :W.:4 Jc.:.l.§fij.s4V-Atiitv ~, . i ..: i •L 1 ,!..V . P.71 ".. E , I t r4: 1 '%•!'!...4';,,* 'i*,:.4:;,..,1" . .;i:* •te ~ - i i,irt:, . ..4. 1 -:••••:;A:110betlik • :leo , :1,1 ' , :‘':•:1;;;. - 1 .,rty ; .1 ,*%;iiiis, - ..,:t :. ,-.•,; k. - AL-.Nle,-, , Vmf t ,-,..',.-; :'. •-„: ;4. ...5.,... : 4 . :. - ... - 1 • . .eziil:4• • '1 * .!;4:,..i.:•0.1, ' - AI . 1; t . o i lit::::.' 7 ..:S 1 . :1 , . ',..!•:?e... 1•:.'),11.•::..,,ti...:i:1•'• ! iff rk f ftel l i. 1.44 . t ..:1V.71' '..::.:i 3 45,iti:.-,.. - .'. I V sz •! . .. i 41t51 ? ... I. inttit. r , , :44: : .: .iti . 7.t, - , 4 tifileetr*.• LOt . • f . 1 . ''t• 1 it44.1 . 1, -..ki-' • ':.. i 4bx i ii -4 1 it • "Acti,A•N!7•.;:•• 1: 1 : • • ...,... r ~......,,,.,;.•.,,,...„....,... „,,,.,......:. , ::-,i.:lz•i• ... h X . .. 4 ;i.'' !••••• • ..:Ni4 ~ CL I • 4 *,. 4tier.,. 40. 2*!=o,,i. ' C • : : ;-•, - ....8 . V . p... - ..!t...! : .:,•••1$‘141i•;,:•:;.;:t - e...,sii ', ,-.. .N . :1 • 1 P!! ' • • . - "ia?, , . 1 ! PR ^kl. • .I.sei" 0'..:•tr'..4" . . ' ;,...' ,:-.V` .3, .. ,: ,.....„ \1 i _ % ",;re4? ' . • ••• 1 'elk I . ix li . . 1 ;!;;;;;1;,.: . .. , ...41 "ar•- . 4•1• . ...t... k r.•,•;-".••,, '.:•: , !.,%i:iT,-,:' - . .l;:c.:=' , .....4:.-1,- '1,:: • •V'tlig:4l;s4%. • -...' iv..;;.•,..;;;ti1). ,44 ,F. .:~. ;~~r~, •;., i" ell,!,11•\ 3 ;c';• _ _ '~'`: 0- r i/M4CPll,, V. )l i r rh.g/Zt-gCliUlLeir d4ctow . mina the broad learns sf silver y lath lb:l . 4kt tassel of the mai euaierial tlud floated gracefully 'lf this dairring picture staggers the faith' Of :the reader, he may reCect that the Peruvian mountains teemed with gold—that the natives coders:nod the art of working the mines to a considerable extent—that none of the ore, as we shall see hereafter, was converted into Cant *and that the whole of it pasted into the handi of the sovereign for his own ex ehntive beneit, whether for purposes of utility or Ornament. CeTtlill it is, 'that ao fact is baiter attested by the conquer ova themselves, vrho had ample means o r inforthatiiin, andio at:Olive for pis-stale- The Italian poetsi in their gof geous pictures of the gardens ofitlcitis and Morgans, came °eater the truth than they. imagined.—Prsseoies 'Conquest of Pere. . , Commune IN Ctarciarin - "Thirty three churches were erected • ' Cincin , esti the,lllst. year. .It is Tying to learn that in so large a nasjori i. the tar ing India of the Gospel are . • ieved and 'preached. In 1840 there were 43 churches in the city; now Lb •• see 78; Of which six are being erected, Nine of these belong to the Presbyterians of dif 7 talent schools and communions ; eight to the German Ltithenuts snd German Re- formed ; eight to the Roman Catholics; five to the Episcopalians; Congregation al 2; Methodist Episcopal 12 ; proles: tans Methodist 2 ; %alarm rd. ll . 3 dig 2; Methodist Church South l ; English Lutheran 2; Baptist Regular 6; Camp bellites 5; Unitarian 1 ; Restorationists 1 ; Christian 1 ; Bethel, Boatmen's, 1 ; United Brethren 1; Welsh Calvinist 1; Welsh Congregationalist 1 t. Friends 2 ; New Jerusalem I;:leare• Synagogue 2 ; Second Advent 1 . - -Csag.'imfrsat. • MEDICAL. IT•NEVER , FAILBI Dr. mars Mai !MUNI Mien PERSONS deeded with ...9erareish Leg'. Evil 11 ellfeCT emu.d dons, t/lovn, Totter Ilikazial I:4meg, or atrY.cate' cmiallate It= hum talmudic; of the Wood, ire requested to tha lellenriag tretiassiade, ta proof of the weeder fel properties or the stem erossed teedtidae. READ!! IMAM!! Wo' the analtalinad, havens nailed Mr. Woe Brooks, Jr. at thh odic* of MINIM Roomed and Wettest, 316 Martin street, Pailmielpitia, consider his ape the net remarks/a& cote we hue ever wit. Domed or baud et. • • Mis disease was SCROFULA. liad tern/!* /1/14 have !teen Ma tsrelve yews' casein with the de strayer! • mEalate,the maize imolai his usciatb,Nme, Up cr.l...ip, cad lower Lid at the Right Eyo have pees yed, his Face wart/ eaten op, ud Pm ail. Jaw lione carried ewe). And yet wo gin se - descoption of his ciao. • Mr. &Almon as that ishamuy last, the *Yoh interior of kis aewdl as most of Nis teat was • UM of deep and pistil 'leers! On the 14th at/nun Mat, he commenced maims Dr. CULLEN'S INDIAN. VIXIIITABLE PANA. CEA; which chocked the &mem is a teedays, rem that time the rule Ins prove:lead wl tia_er is New 1304 his sepoßral tie piece or o,s dary al cent, and tborseb badly dis6garsil, loss roo .d, sod his depend boil* is mama& We've asswed dm is tba trey:meta of Mr. Brook.' case, no Mereurials,tho bonds, or CstizZlC mppllCAlitai bans bees imader-i. art; the YANA. LEA ALONE, bait wrosgbt *is woadenld diens David Sol*, Hacks comity, Pa. clones L. Rows*, blebd rille Craw** coPL. • J Jai** D South Seraismi *eel; Pith Jacob Ece,Priabertrii, N J. • E W Carr, 440 N Iroartb, Mine Poplar it, N. L. S blVilloadb,Labezatet,..Pa. B 16 Maddock,* Moll Kirroosta et. Pt ifs K W Appirtos,lll D 46 Lir*** do Illootbytialdwriti. Miriam co. Itimari.. Dadial Yoked, CU** Ifill,Plibitelphis en Pa Jobs Horacii,,XlHigb strait, MAL *dirt* Stettin, if D;Cuidewill. J. William Hale, 378 Hqglik r J H Potter,Munrectarite Tee*. 109 S . Nub *met, PK* - • L A Woilerwebor, Ed. Ptah. DeasocrslL77 Id 701 • • draft, Bre* bhter, 31111Kultet Si. . A D Cass • , 1.2111350 wt Urea, Ma. • KJ*** Reyna* Clara,. Jobs Ball, Knipe** Pidlarktplas , one Aiid,. cis *Sea.) . • Air* Stade, MSLlaeriss S tract, MN. Dude! MdluderWiriseldea ir;:s 7 ,, do Mobs* Somata*. Csadelt, ••1 J. R H Lou.,d %veinal. Richard*. Odder, 11) II vial a. nag Jobs W ' ;60 Soo* sir* 1 dbr T S Wsper,Lilbogripber, I L 6 CiswiallOlMP, R I K email, 113 Einisth otwart„ ; • Peter Stec Said. Editor Nadia Kw !:•. • Joel Bodite, elm asaaraetarm /Mb Wailes SWOT ?analogise, Vas 'doiala ele: b.**. L Colts,* D Bost*, M u : • •J • Ruse! Cis/Sold 'Phistolopst; Amapkbi • - flows P Itz4.* MD, Harristatedi, Pa. Y. Pater Writ, Matti *newt, Pads. . • Juan W Niro lib, 1021 Silbert -• do •• ' • -..••••• Jobs Gad, 174 Spinel, rt. do William UM, Pores i t, PulNad. K. CIL L.Nitteril * SL Phila. rt JoboLl do walows, ?war Ist bran. (Aran ' TL. Sexism, Pabliehas sir PIMP lisidard, Pkila. T Sills* Editor 011 n Brio*, OrristerwaL Mots** sad Etessil Row* y, Vira mem, Pro. ,376 Market St a Bal Woo m, pg; We. no si, tNaL do.; E Irwse, stadiak.olue, bas to. Ti Ida W.Da.b.,Wir,,Cia., .001 o; 41i. Kenn, Masa Id;C Ple , th,,Lordi • Rik ICY; Naomi* t Nis* Sit• ;do*, Ms Alwrur , & /ohm Oen Vickabanb,d*Cll#lNiefrodua, 'vo6l= XEDICAI: AND 111 11861 C AL 44 'MUM • • . . . be. Of DAD . OND LIST, les Ile ors be • • : I S Weed muse th e : seta. w isseket. •• ‘•• • • DA. BM • lua 31 t malady aa the a mum! put Senstaual lao ea la tam ;gt IV: tiv &watt ' : • - •Wit dta sum of ere /Vests Ss 4 &sham eon ' ahrts the odd eh Ids sopa Wee- Beene yeuv nal • aue a rotrirb •ady sad th•••••,,_. fol•Sas /se. (*trek ',Web Ines et •••••••••.•prselee oak ua. need umbriptassulthas tea eau feta: the Mt d tar PIM djmddladd........Hdd' ply haaldteet Liao r austall olletdAr— -••• asta}iad latiatuury uma bell sabred witlidessee 4.•••eo sad s/J CAN= MA setae tI krekie.: ••. • in,. Steen weed talons low facet et& pokier ilisessesetileb have betaiseektosio by thesevagantra toll by the me at ear Of Oa common epergnes of es del l that theft ctoraptalam eau balutleally sad deu tutu! Wad, be bisnaketne assfel sewer re Ma trostmeat of ekehessesoine es:cooed Is limeade elms:tees la et puma edit Otamaokta atim malt of be biadder • ad dues es vlbeb malt rola dame ea v Mum adieus Won umauted tient IsTbeekeesb penteidatreultes web *a have born istroad alamoustally touted by ethers to tam rah hat Idea neer datlefietma yeti* pea dee art Male eaves me tat av ucaradat ehmaurkaad Imam mama: Data. id so begospenees,•4•47•••lal visseesees;, • ,bleb It es impoosibie the ewe cegoke4 d keens pose si e t oesiebobse-io messy On Cl Mgr Er H. Ras er Sams sine teat penoem aA mud tab Ileum to tall, as le les pat. Isniose (maths Ma datum. • fee t o ears sho ratty ' s/sr- alteadit cola Clam. vet Ovate • •N. Be-- Paaeeb of ebbe set Iltai at a dinette by 'made Malt thew ta!aultdhl 0 ,0 4 1 U dd'M'd ddd , eaa ease moilieiebooriii, samess be se, by d i a'ddThlt. - T BROWN. A. D. Pod Pt . / dldi warU w.,40 W • este s MA • .** • NO CLONE NO PAT. rp! CULLEN'S' LN DI AN VEGETABLE EMBED Y—Werreated to ore, or. the moo. ,°7 . hand. Tbis esedielse prepaid d hoes as Is. V Receipt, oblaised hoe owl of Sheol* Om Per 'st y at emu expense. 'Hole who bare bogie aUtu with the lertnes,l4lloll that Use; esta sad ear•Veonreal gni/loot tbe knowledge el Nes ary, 6al4n,M oyti is/ of Ors Med. !Th of. • 13ittal tore soar so mortality of balm camel wales ilea no of Balma ILis tos6tloo la erb!l to tka tats, led Wave. so . ..obeli cm lb* f Prepsred by ROWAND B. WALTON, are sold arbolessle owl Mal, by J. T ficenad, 3'N !Basket lama, Vbilari'a • l'or sale is Pitueseo by R E Beller., 67 Weed street. al • W..Thsttrt Mastat st. • oefetoT I tat u AMU • 7 r 'PI • WM - S I NGS.—ttattala ie ail he mahthlted ranee, whether In that of kfaee Ent , eahulemeats n the &Le& er tome, Colin WWta Bralllep, ChtelliC Rheumatism, Came', of the Shut or liplae, Of of l'almozarylthemospilos,, emonate from else ad the costa came, which la a pothomen principle moth as is inherrat to the lane gems. Them. fem. esteem ULM principle as be deleageO, a o radi cal care the be elected. bat U. the principle ape which the dilates depeade, la removed ,are atm ofacomnity follow se noel:lavender An form the dams* should ataliett heel. - Thie, there Any la the mace why JA ALITIUTITS ro cal retail) =modal la resuohlig so Man woungwaat diweasch It deutrop m pie Ilea which time digt, eats Iran, Omit .11 ,hisl by • Ceti lutothe ud with the Wood L. to the eum ten Ihre, worths trar7 partkie al llfrom th e mho : 4a = uhd add al t o. II South Third Stmt , hold at t h e Pekin Tea Shchth,pl6.lll , tWith thee Dr. mums% Am. apa5...... i MUD Is II WAD' amis a lltorag sea viol of VWIiT J, McLane+ 'mono aKA of Jilllll Dramoo Ell Ulla.. -. ......L! . nq ,F . W 'o .- mod ofwo.rdo of worms, sod by ch. so 0 6.14 _. 'Miami. IFlddlan,. ll , 1 11 4;win,s; •ri atti ctiVsk• l erl"" mtir " ...cliaeltar e = 6.,..iiiii.;*.i, rinrits.. . . . .... .. Ivan. 71nnisids ', Ti C V l4 th...romar ot Snit rat poi 40 insi sall' Irom sido br I LIDD Mickll• 141!.41.14. 7144, ', x i, at _l7. ' ' . ..C -- ...r . ....":ii. - ''' ::'-:-....• ..-.'-•‘-'-' •:;'•:' -- "'" ~}•- ' - -*•••'' -' - ' -:- '' ' , C. ' - i.* R^ o .' - isf • 1 " ...:...i. -- 7, - , , ...-.. a , .."-t.-... ) . t .•4 0 5 , 1:.,:,'''.. . , r - e—••••••:4 - .....,.... i• • • • • 0 C; • • .•-• ...•. • . ..• ... - . .• - • . . . • - •• - •: • . . .. , . • ' OIL iosineszurs SARSAPARILLA; Aka ram e . q tti ward, . Tb...arke Lyn. .A to mats P.e./I. fir 11611 EA? SPIIIMITID OUP& ■ EBICIBIy vmt Isamty alpsnarttp tinAmai, aka, Nam*. Mulatit Madams it Lava: Watts Ley. it im am aOm ass, Yak 0 'ADP 1101141OL anDSOIDICIS mar lomm, me 'pink ' tin salsaimplanami ammillms Us par;•Mt is Cnoin Nan Pi miiiteaksd; • pores palmed 4 sr mimar Modal.. Jai 4 Gilman irrnal rams atiis mmantat sesam It Mt prionull ibm_mat hoe nem 6on ass Z r lietens at Sews G.. of Ehnen I, al lage.VW of tor.-. emaid66l Yuma& M. Masi i 0 sam err Wl:6.k ; e MOald SMISatiL4 nal Wet a foam ZOO ono or Mamas Foals camplialatts s 110:0 missat licsamn;•• . . 141111mma et Ms Lim ; • M,NIO of Dion ei md Dropsy ; amir=ti ss r a=sion attlia 10mi, via: Vismi t ZIMP att Mama. finplemslas Pm% moan= ems of Hodocia o pee sot CYO, aid Aglaia % tr-, Thin Wein mase,mta sppor Yet vire Mr. .:mars frON pipitimm rims nab Ca all pun of Iho 112i61 Matm, safamme in a ntimanamyestn. Van amktap4.. me 414 sma napetatiminann Am. mat s N. item in awl No cm man lemon dm LIM am• maim UM pins alma. Th.* an Mown& dean Se Mity a Nam Yon, ntlek vm nal 111:67 le 6116 piamte, nal S. Ina 61' dmrsega. II 6 IN. liar nsidleima km IN. Preamtm• of dila Mon. It m•aatiney mei IN. litsa MAXII tenmeana inn Pam Pannim t As it nmamt eqd• Mom, st pawed tomb Passmer soma _ Danny Sham Omen; GU% 0. W. MCCUI.S 41 , Tin MIMS erns. Nam, W alas a the Nan anni7 L. 1y oaks [Nay mist in Ow Unman essnamar WU Its am Nam Baal.; tb, 1817. Arm Mat Ima Mira mai 0. Lamm, mil my gdols nom ma can mis mama se try Dr. TammosaPhi innmeiln,m• Mar lain two or 1N... lele Imu very eat •T•6l, marr6au eptandy WS* 11661,K0t 6. Ikm meat ak har It, nal bat Mat ,ri me d smary it it tay. I hanim • mad 1.1441.1.. kit IN. W. 10L....1,41. v. I. N. Stms inflame emstml...4 pr am. est Oda ammmarbt km paid mama mat Ma am* Masada 4insm at Die UM. • Mum perms amall is ow hams la ompmenimaa. Tam Gamow. • Dr. Tointan—Dear .lMn W plasams M bans 1 Tom Mat ..f &Ulna br6l lon Prod of Me Lra ida 4 Ma ma a yma samtkat ..Si.cima Tbey .en drattast very masa? ma 44 man; Mrs sis 4 tam kw Wiwi It mat mrap, kw tank is spar anier Map a gent. Tar. immittay, Lam W. bean,:::New Yak htsaa Is NEM GMAT MALI j ' Dr. To . wmail Itimirip• is • man* was is, s, iiinerl inipiot Casompam, • Alb fliffth Swam. a Wryer imam., akhais diamicapi 16 es, tray enl wombs of the miam—s. mar Wads. *Nook et 'slava taavir se, ?retinal', an • gle/I%4r= • • • lailiwasi be lime astaia Oral Mat. bd.= Mamie Surt.. TriteikkeN ally Om tale Goiania. boor ninavai NI gloom abbe It. Whom lassalabi, mama Ur arm lame. of the hag. (nor, 'did. La td ram ewe of barj recta . 11 all set la apical of aisasof se &Data • as ass, to atuldi eatibtass of ma preitonatd bat aes awe tissalessd,ast kaadrat dams bat las mated Se tn. Stand este van dada tan Sas witboa as, bas aisy s Ors baba of till• istaatta has ban bat Ina Mak, septa - r. • Ilsanssasd. Pay wth bag peaty distrais . I by amass! sod meal &paddy, sal mama "admit, by pa And It Sadi= of basis dos, deka of OM wool, mad pia alsr data/dn 'sad Wray karma ars at Jar=dam las meta pal anal sad ale ha, as it massaged Sawa amass I bentil J. bout. sf Jar Estate at sal fulasid +h teams pa pa, Is • sisal II 'soma bcaplarts ad .bawd bast haft.. fa * vadat Ls 'as basitamM 'sauna;! tam 111•11• IS Is am sektiiilediv ay it, sal swassastal It la M. D. Maas, • Sassy, 4g.17. 1661, • Comet (Inal sad Lana sla • - Cosaaccrz, Sgt. A. • Dr Twang& To al wben. eadavo—Tbis so merry dot ary rib mid or bolds of door donairadda ="lo bar amlormart, warm do mod aim' mai eireirdooras, ban dosidal ry, owed • bog of dr bar, wood Wallow, dad nady doa &Odd. raj= " Z i a tr7 ..4 kwdb "' ltl i ao LA; sod mil I, ob mak*. bad do lorp7m i radarral efrat,ral ad, is ibe bawd of samara; W opinion, or aor q mat et do . .=• drooo, bia owes dirties gano ar Oa ma %nab ardor, band dor it bad bra iar tq ' tiao pna If e will I. of my arm. Ylw.a.tarise 'dread dor moose der amlieis., yea 41aoWymehmi do id• IiZiEEN;EMM TO MOMS= AND JILLIULITO LAMM 'Th. Eland al'Ariapadka h. %oar awroaly miasma ruerimara bAmid. ecaplataaa. Na fai. vie bar os venom alk• spp...k.t Oat oriel aird, Iva re' bfa,“ elmaala meal ra sae id, ia la • entMa rartrairat for wry of Ma Imaierato barniok /imam fa irkeire olkial al Ur. taw of 10.. Tip prriad my kr &Brat br oarnd Oen rg Wag ilispir.Wrk. Bar In nada. go Ursa whe ara affarathirg wiralairl Os* arra= inaparrawg span. am& aaNt •11 ato aatrsta glareala la AMA. as w • • • • • . . la tram dr wads vim may. pormaasey h aala• rat ata rematas - 41nar taw amtp—aat aaaa m l nl at d u s a a na l l as o p ll s a a rlmmas at a t t aaartaaa re. tar Arab . . ... . - .. ... 1. ... t.. ., 10W....Z... " nr% M. ran ea O. On, unit or Oas. tarn Wort "cad of P are MOO at na af Or Talnonoll li via nano ran lank noon Jo batik. Wats or on no 111•4111:11ilik. apritlia, ma, Or apirin re/ Imanhk.l erampianranali of whin are of narnara ran .a. ramp. rig bkao. t .. _ DVSPILP/111,.. • Xi NNW soiditir Ps err ire limersell otitis r smarty somoolOs prim yaks se, pier is Pomossrloy r a m of sod respiespy Apr Macrae., so dr mpg ra arrossek. • lam Irsmorzon, Abriy, lb, I. Dr 71“ ftsmitz .111-1 Y. bus .4bet4br srssil pots rat dyropin.6•lms moor Ihroo. sanded PO AAA, •Ar Aro**. mei* roar instbars, sod • per nem* se WI tar stird, mad dmr veer (sir I goad or,) I bon Yes our& se erre bet • sort prim As my • miroodi I Ord tin sonl Ur/hod br leas maim 6m Armin ti. I rrY a••d.•feltrr ratbe elm is try tetra MO.. sonilsood I mot sty with , Or rig =.zs boors, I Orr sly worts, now* rod Or err* row* mal 1 road asmordy rms. mod Or ma of it Is Um Pr Mr bra cirri as I Ur. bra. Your, fe., W. W. O M Zorn._ Nom WI, MIL OM= bibet; ALMOST A ROLA CL.C.. • Lid Or &11.. U., sad leak M 7.. as, tar soorop Use err Is MIA. MO. or Mir war Imbed Inireinradi. Ir. mots Dr Slosittor Mr. ino Irmo, • lids sew • per trith • snore snip pi• to Ey ihr. II in erri os m) 604, Piot. lor by pry mire is ham the pia ormostir, .7 riot lop ors skims( bol wmPr, hal sips awry sod raise my bob ay Pew Liaris