The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 29, 1847, Image 4

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    • i6fi-Malidtlter7"`
following seamnr of this
g celebration from ; the Boston
4parnal • .
sL? 44 Ort Wednesday last the deaceadanta
, -of Henry Leland; aastitbled - at Sher-
. - . • ,
.:::...I . r. burns tO erect a utoutiment M hi e e m.
'' - ,•i l• ,", my. . The _prepaid** leir.thie..fairnily
- meeting hare been -for• some tense WM
f,,.. king; and great labor liairbeen - expended
. •-irr collecting-.the 'several .lines of his '
. .childien, amounting in all to near: forty
.. -- :thopsand , Perions, living_ and . dead.—
:. ,-;,.-• Henry Leland -was one of the noble army
',.....-'' : of ret icidea:who.foend.libeny and safety
iO tlua i Wesfern World, dating the Com
- Moriavealthof England.- He was one of
",), *hinge brave Intim Who' diicovered the lc
_ -flabdyi.ast.well as tlic.possibility, of cut-
Ling o ff th tffeads of traitorous kings. • •
-•' ,, Theli al . deseeraints, according to
' . 3 ' ' *pre v io u s mart , assembled front, the
. •• '-, length -of the 'lantl;' some
from the, ar South, sumo from the East,
-, and; some from the West, making from
.. 7 4200 to2ooo persons in all. t The pro
. . Outwit wait formed et the South Meeting
''' honest, and moved in order to the First
Meeting honsti,Ved by the -Hon. Judge
Leland, and • the orator of the the
Rey. Baron Stow, I). D., pastor of Bald
? • ' • -aril Place Baptist Church, of this city,
; who in One of the family. After an an
; . ; them sting' by a choir, all of them Le
t •- , lands, andln introductory prayer by; a
~ r •• , Leland,- Dr. Stow commenced an el"o
-' l , *tent address to the "kindred of Henry
, .• , . Leland," upon the Perpetuity and 1in
.... -tportance• or-Individual Influence. The
themird his diseourse was throughout
• • " , :..grave: and impressive—presenting pow
• '- 7- ' : • - erful „ionsiderations, showing the Vag.
• z ` ., : . fleas of th e range which linked man; to
- mai in one chant of kindred and brother
- :Ikeda:and illustrating . his positions from
•- t• - ' - tho'hildpry'Of the past and the present.
-. -..Thh rise of the modern missions he:lra
. - cad to the pions teachings of the mother
..., o - -
f lohn Newton. ~
- Tha discourse was . ell calculated to
gists dignity and elevation of•thought and
feeling to' the ceremony which followed
-at the moment, around which the mem
. toly gathered . after the - discourse - • was
' ' closed, and "The Pilgrim Fathers" had
, ,
been sing by the Leland choir. Here
An ,address was delivered by the Rev.
'Mil Adams, of Brunswick, Me., also one
of the family of Lelands, which was' ev
'eit way excellent; and was listened to .
with' much interest. ' After the moan
:met& was let down into its bed of gran
t ite, 'the procession"again' forded, and
' moved to alae tent, where l e et:i lium °
_ _rg re .
. '
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'.. A .Liity •
r -The President ' s' example, on, his late
alit to the city of New York„was a high-
Iy commendable One. lie attended wor.
"Ship three times on Lord's day. In the
morning, in , company with the Mayor,
Mr. Brady; afternoon, with Mr. B.
F; Butler, at Br:Skinner's ; and . in the
''evening-with Alderman Oliver, at the.
'Dutch Reformed, Lafayette Place. Row
' . 'Ter, from what we learn from a resident
igton, it would have been ex
kraordinsay had his course been different;
for, in regard to. the observance of the
Lord's day, no previous occupant of the.
Executive,"chair has exhibited such an
. • exemplary regard for it •as President
Polk. flii'arid his lady -ire as regular
attendants on 'divisie worship as any of
the citizens of. Washington, and as much
stillness and quiet is maintained at their
mien cent residence, as in the
' habits-
tion of any private individual. No visit
ing- is_enconiaged or-,admitted, on this
'; day, from. enrollment officers or stran
gers of distinction—nothing ` t 6 interfere
with the religious reading and devotion
of. its seared: hours. The. example of
Mrs. Polk is worthy of alpraise. No
unnecessary levees =or parties are en
a:our-aged by her, but a strict regard to
Christian consistency is carefully main.
tuna; very different _from most of her
female piediceseors. . .doirubt the die
" • aipated and fashionable have been world
.,.l3r.disappilinted, arid have sneered at her
puritarrical'strictiess; but the influence
Of such Mk clam*, in - so commanding a
. station, is.exceedingly - salutary; and wor
- tbrof high commendation.
. . _
.`. ".?;
J . " 41..
~ 4 y ~ ti 'k'e '4.
~ '~ w
, not - a - Woman is the word'of
,; .. ,poetry,Asentiment, worship, classic dig.
nity and elegance. Lady is a word of
(' art, and bas no sort of meaning ail' is
srantury applied. .Let stupid people use
- the latter. Those who honor the sex
istioald adhere to.tho former."
" 800 it stated that Leigh . Hunt, tha t
tt:t e t, poet aid carayint„ 19 the on of
' .....- ...Aut.-
.ha was born
.iSinsTicall PFe"' faiheiootg a toffy, wh°
. '.
.. 11-14111211- ihs
country at the time of
lid to theEirth,e! •it i"eia,
the RA - Minion: Ilis mo the r , .
.* . vt. "iooo
lifmn o . iist .
w eer of th vv e h c a o t l a eb gr ra os tod t
p p er ainAr a ,
- e , .. -4 - ^ . .••" li r." --- - ". had his . father only
-_, liroga - hit ir o bean, .
Was he could '
Altitill-ti-Whigl Au 4 th e ' .' rincipJes of
,Lars iiiiielY forgotten the
.' birth, rtrojoe
kasAmsityeen np•asith.serthtit9
oiiiiidd Im*--!111g,17.T,„,,,Ariiid.-,:-.,:"1
A42,1-,t1iY,1,-;•:Y, r;itz.;;;::-...;,:.-4,i:
::"."T' ,, ,y, - ;•1 - 4..::,& ...ti,,-,_.•,,,..„:t.,..,,
‘;. : • f
•-• *.• was provided. ;Scarcely had they en
. tered, before a cloud, which_ had been
rising, dark and - portentous, poured down
torrents of rain upon the confused multi
• - wholfoundihe canvass a vast sieve,
every white: filtrating the water. Like
Aellaraelitei,• in their least of the pass
: ',wrist,' they ware 'compelled to eat stand
'. ing, ready to-save themselves from the
of water which descended in every
direction upon the children of the Le
land—family beneath. As the canvass
: ..beillied out in some places to a most
„.alarming natant, it was deemed nines
-, eary•to tap these "reservoirs, and the wa
ter caste down in barrels full on the
bles,:making the collatioh, which was
once warm, cold indeed and the cake,
with which the tables were well sup
tdied, of ..whatever name and degree be
-- - Jere now became spon.e cake, land te
n •
• suired to be squeezed beforelt could be
eaten.:% The hilarity of the 'company in
creased, under the pressure of ECCUI23II
- disasters, and rose in mirth ; as one
stream titter anotber came down in tor
.• • rants from the bteaches in the canvass.
• quaking sad ruin of all that stood 'claw.
'The most stiffly starched dresses of the
, ladies' gave wayipon she occasion; and
What Ina graceful before became
.‘Fineby degrees, and baautituily
Nature was perritir to show, its fairest
ni.de6 gee of the decrees of
-fashion, and it was confessed, by the best
jilliteii,tititt the forms of the lovely ladies
present were all decidedly improved by
thelopi'clur'beth to which they had been
anbjeated., , -
The rain being over, the sun shone
;•: - :iittt in all its splendor. The Hon. Mil.
Fillmore, - of Buffalo, N. Y., in the
1_ light of his 'wife, who sat next him, at
the heatfeftlie table; now rose and made
tin iscellent speech', of which we only
heard the.beginning; being compelled AD
nt the lad ibit. under our—chs ree, 'to
• :illy, !So ends our notice of the ;Leland
--eelebrLation. ,It was a grand affair, well
worthy et the o ld Puritan and his race.
'"Linn,"- 7 -.The"Mobile Herald has the
."In .apeaking of the President's jour.
Ailey, all she papere say the "lady, of the'
President." . The word "wife" is dearer,
aod more appropriate'. Another
reform would r bri well in newspaperdome
is,•the, substitution of the good old
wrml "woman" for "lady." A lady is a
'thing thatvanally, brings up vishms of
btlett and buckram. Ere was , a wn•
. 1 ,,: - .;•,, , ,:,
....... - ...., -
.. ...„...
-• ' It: TO WiIIENWE
- ....
•". •."" HI N rii LIN/ MEN T , ' • ,•`. ..-RS 4.P=kit ILL A .•.1
TS now universally seniors edged. to his the Ifir. :11 mad e ibek4erebetry-iffestuting iiii Me' ,
.I. -FALLIBLE If EMEDYToi flabiumitism;Spi ,• • . ~.- --.• • • • • "
The e ieb tt i t b p at e pp age d t tomes': sauces =to any: '
.31:Atrw4or. C A totredie F ler " 4 - diDel Ob 80 " eh pinnesta,ewl neete =prior to ' .old. Is elms
Throat and Quinsy; laince,43ld.Ulcent,Pents In the
... . dh , e , he *the . tebt i thei , ptethtteg„ ,,N e .„...,
Back- end Chee4l.4gue in, We Brent Flee; , . • Wenn% ats , t. •:.: -
Tooth Ache., Sprains, Bening, Salt Rheum, Bares; - 61EATIPIING MID. SUENER.IODICIIIV
Croup, Frosted Feet-arid all Nervets Diseases.. - i..r k ,,,• - h . e .4 - -.. 4 e . per t th i hr thii ,,,____ lb,
'• The 'PRI USIPHANT SUCCESS . which has at:
, L e the ar,, *erthuitt ,,...,. l . l7 ,= l.. .
fended the apoliatiotiof this moat WONDERFUL , b et tn. Beep- It is wee of the wry benSPRING sMe
ME DINE. in caring die most re vere.ceses of the mantel' mcDicum e.ii,..., 11. hoe cialy parent
different I beetles above nemed,-and• the HIGH the who, eyetus end strengthees thttr.teoe,,, but' it' Grassi
kIi4COMIUAISttIiai bare been bestowed upon it, , 'N.l.j_,_,__P. , ‘ ~.t_,Rkk, 64 ? , 44 Niii., Pmmed by ix. ems
"shorn-et dhoti been introdeeed, tee me thengtit -. 1 '..."*...;' -**.,'" (h . he. me Sl 4 . l wsi* l of At woieolssfel
won= - At tOO,porromad will= the path too ye ere, wore
to coil On the •AFFLIC PED"to remit' • it once to t h...asyee earn 0e•5,,,,, c a ,„„ .a r tri,„„,..., k , 5, ,0,
the ONLY EtEMEfitY ON. ,THAITANISE4II..IIED 0 f th g ., ..., bowe etb ytib .
,hi e ... th L,
I...rbeifacultr Unite, hairecommending tie tele. ' . 2,000 ewes of Dysp 7,ooo ewes of Chi
epsia; , .
eta External Rebiesly, Hunt's Liniment.- -.. " • - 40 ',„,,, ,, euej t . 0 . 1 ,.„...r5 1 Da.„ airy ...I w... , i• of &MN:
Tee followicg faun freer' the highly eminent "F e ."" ! -• e ' r , "'''''`et -4P.' C* lll Pleuto 4 .
• i,mit mess o uht•
Physicians who tuverf,bchn &Witched to 'the Mount t m... be o r the Lerree .',..,,,,, . •
Plearlet Sam Purim 'for many Year., is thi best. .' woo dira of•Diseile of the sej• - and Dropsy , .
eridence of the runt of thiritlebrated Linimcat. :jaw on oftonnuaption, ' - •. •
• „SIR e SING, December 56,104.5.- Said Tionnuli of Oki of Dsseuekif the illeoo, Iris : Ulcers,
: 'My Dear Sir -1 received yotis note of yesterday, - Prysipelis,that Rheum. Pimples eueltyyns, a54,..e.e." %-
asking. my opieion tiation te -Hunt'. Lint:nein,
w'''..-1 1.a ... rfec i ti . eso,: r e.r t • 3 1st .i.....d . ' n•c0 16 . :„. ; . 6, ' - 7: ,, t c:...
. ,
as proposed by Mr George' E• Stanton. Knowing' •"'''. .1,, 5 ee ";„.. 1 1,...". 8 " .
it* coutposition,nikharmg frequently, used it., I . 'jailer, priori pbytul th a lad our wrote 'CO= li.paes of the
can recommend it to you' no a ago External mita sen t , . t .5h.... g . etnonordito ea l,... R.N..:
dy, and to my opinion, Ow. best•tinitiaant bow it lookirk r Ews., amortise en= o nto is Nils
cur, . - Very truly . ealt reWectfully your.; ~ , ark, N. J., ink* e 4 tiul be o to more then 1.50 ea-
IS HOlspWApf. "Fe In that plies aka, -Then art char:muds of cosi in the
~.. . . .
7 : . 11 . 7 , ga.l% f r , or k. "k whid: ,.
i w t o,olll . r..for b
..iiier to with per r isre ra ,
Col Pierre Van Cortlandt;Croton Manor. •
• i MI/ concur in t he abeee T elen; ..
........ • Prewnitsof disease known. liniebiubtedly eared dee thee
' ..• . '- , 1 11 BELCHER.- o r b ... li st . . . : .
; ' YORKTOWN . , Jan. 14,1845: • ~ No cultism inn Ties esasos :
Sir-In "etilyto your letter, 1 woald, say that I.•A. it mimed the etiOa of dia.., not prepared th e m fo
have wad your External Remedy, called Hut t '. th ! S 7!`-'!7; - . ''' s r , • 0„. . '
Liniment, in my practice sinew you made me tae: cot...a; lv , mcc ." :
0 ,
t . ux......0 , ,,,... Nem
quainted wlthiut competition, and unbesitstinglY e me mos of the hire Jersey Legislative-, has k Cully Scot
,say that I behave it to be the best &timid Rome w a d dief,llo,6, ~,,,jf.t..
, j, tea. in „,,,,, . arr.
dy now in use for the-complands for whleityou . se .. I • • •_- ••- • • R.Gavar,Jse.W, IL.P..
Commend it. Yours respeethally, . . •
.• Ay", einee I wafture with the ledlorsuss; ud my whole
.. . ,
- . MEM I ) MILLER , M. D. ' gown iell lo a debilitated . oar. 1 era itolnetd to try Dr.
• . lowroond`s Seraparit e lt e d Who Yoking two or three Lot-.
Gnu F. Stanton, Esq. , '. • .
10Antong_ the ar= of. waithlees artlclesfand • .= g i. e ,... 6 1 „.....7„,!... t h . t . e . -
~...,* d t etr uk i n oe o k . s .a olitr d lo t t h t
humbugs (het are 'poured forth it the present day I 1. 4 .,,5i t wary day. I below it owed my life, tad would'
opou the counto., it II welly • refiesning to Mid hot h. e ith te i ,tender be y eb...e. e .i... - • . .
eon, ethingor real practiCal uttlity, sontething silt - . . U. W. McLane, late U. S. N..,
ple, speedy and effectual . in its opendien, and et t • . - • -
&tams Cann.
the name time free. from those • enjarion - elects ! •
which generally attend powerful nareediet Hunt's
...: .
p. = dim' t i ottarl ..... outir ...g eww :oh. se h ti tt . th d it i..... sertiroi c , a ll:
Liniment. prepared by Geo': E Stanton's:4 Sing 61=1. - atria. - persons enrol in =I Issue is unprecedented,
Sing', th o
ugh it ha. - been bet a ihort fine* before Tune Curtames: • •
the public , hie already obtained the confidence, not Dr. Towns-no-Dm sir t I her. the pleasure' to inform
Only, of our meet wealthy intrinfluoutitil Wilms, yen thattursof nay dais= :sr" Nut einronge ezeo•
but our molt eminent physiques. AIL. tallow!. Das by Use wo of your . tom les.
re ... y no er
edge it to by
he i r balm for. many of the ills Iyftr,o,Vst ;77_ Tel, * 4 . 2_ 1 .. 4 , .._ ,_Ol. l ..‘' , .d.T talt,9s_ . , h,
MOll espeusuorr
Wait flesh is heir to, soothilig the aching limb, and 7,7....
, e ,: h • c .X.: '• ~7'. . ..".,p 7 '-':1 . .
by its grnuine stimulating tiluecee,banistOn; die_ r law:, w. Cunt, Wander it.
vase fromtheiyatim.. ••. •- '"-. ' • • - Ne. Yea, Weed 1.1911: t tae
. ft... _ - • • ,
Mr. Stanton-Sir-See g your. advertininent ' . .. . • •,. ! • . r.•
of Hunt'. Lininient, I wee Induced to try its effect' - • GMAT FEMALE )(EDWIN& . •
on my eon, ithe - hod. been' rippled . with a lame . Dr. To.ntdii tiersweeilla ti a bortreags ea - rproir
leach frout'an lanai, and iii. with gratitude I bear niv he' issciPhia Cowt,s inn
__Eshacttsoss• iusseorsists•ua
teitimony to it. wondeifut healing propeett es.: My wburN 0b , ... 1 . 4 or dh oti hleassar.sims, lamooliauthee
of Urine, or notoluutery discharge th ereof, nod tar the gin
waynotefat pi reee.e l 7l -- . 'reel*. Ikeoi - " 1 o trent owe or closer, roduerd
irregularity, chew
. • DEMMON C NILILEBSON. !or serident - ~ •
' . ' POST (iFiICE,T,OWSERI. POMO.]: CO. I riothinte. be es= surprieing thee Its berigursong or
• I certify that am pcnroonlly. ticgttaintad 'wil 'bets on We human fresh. Terser, ail Wealth= thd term
the above ponied child . and think the fatten! weed ttid. , fr.hi ihkiht ift --- ld on. h.trth rh!'.'•°d Ihniii - ...TT
der its belumet. it utonestrately ousdereete Um Dem.
IX` Mlle in saying that bisros& is aimed well. r .:
.., 2„a i ii, i s = ", fr,„,,,, , „ thkt , L , t h e ht „,... t . teee of b,,,,
. ..
tiA.: . .' IV DYKMAPI; 1.: • `feet
. •
• Nov 5,1815. ;.- - DiokityPostMaiter. : i t b tu not be es p s t e e or to, m h u e : a ~1,1c00,...,
P.. S. I would also date that 1. ban , bees for it tam ea exhibit smiler:etas Green perfenna; lot we cos
'number of year. aubject tolfrequent attack. of the "e'''',, th fie . e . Z . Y h t, ) ,... e re d ' i t e r l - :::""'..ti1,717V,.
Rheumatism,- which in' r 0451 Ifithnee*Pre'epted - ''''', -• •• s e battles f th.O ilooduablo co Amite,
miensndlei bo my basin*. • ore Wor or. three appli= Le.l. t . e .,.. hh i...,`,L ehhe ~,,,:,,,t n. ..
of the Lintmeat ilvariebly move- all id=
,p,.. ;„ m y :tn. h e h7,,,0te t .,,,..1 by
fectiode of the kind. In cases of bran o, sprain, =atom aid paint debility, usl =kris, soot inually
t o Isere. t; too 'numerous toll , l
, illition; itlie In this. by pain the a ehooduer of Louring Floe.n,i wits, of the
tiniest] proved aby - ode. Its value . eab wombs, and with other dia s ec.' s, mud Luting booed .an
orilobn estimated by Maio who hare giren it a fan *hr. , . roar ...litho'
ses.' G's• t P 14 .4 , - , . . '
trial. ' , lag it reeouserftedoi for =beaus lee lune drectrormeruhr
• • ._:_t.... se ontriut LS ' `-`
Lutinient ie aoldatO and SO ceoti per hot.', F . bwl(6l " . " E' '
tle, be all the Prinewal prAnists sod Bletzhantf yon can m<
Kri it
throw hoot the country. • • the bettatts hunt
melted, I talc pitsson is thtt a g gstortil edr
Wfwiewile 4 dgente, to New Ye,th, y,...d.reemowne we ri the peblie. • NI. D. &Des s,
• HOADLEY, PHELPS dr. Co, lit Water A An. 17 0. ,41 G".." 4 Ors./ and
RUSHTON & Cs, 110 ttroidsrly. ,
Causcers. Sept. II) 1145.
AB & D SANDS, carper Fatten Ind Willtoen D, T hwwwwd , T o o n w h o . thy..." .trt ow it
ABBIN WALL, 86 street. I• to certify Li s t say vat awe ca bottle of i .yolr ifettlita
Orders Addressed to at Sing Siag,l4 Y, pre's.* to her confottearat, under the matt ,slartst sod
be altende.l GEOR • E IK STANTON, Wk.. , . ..5....W..7 ' 4. 5 ." the .froPeri."" )-
Proprietor. Ue,e,a ( !be, ...Amu, sad ve ry inch n rhibta-
Fur sslo inßiltsbArgh by L WILCOX, r, and J t b . 4 '
KIDD & Co. Allegneny City, JOHN "SARGENT twi; sad w in e , woo t www Th w o i Es pp, and
Sirtatheratn•JOHN SMIIIIIH. ' , :rirbl9` &grad effect, not only in the hoors of co
tho expiratiott of Goo watt of at+uto, tic drdysty Woar.
A:614 R . 1 F.. 17 1E 'S g &p.a. an her
health is sow Air two it bad is. kir • tt ant pra
If this will to of .4 masa to yoo or any cmt who
doubts du sow= of du media., vs ars entirely tArclotelia
• ''*/ • LU to it.
Lobelia myself Dattr meat *ballad and awe, ,e'r.te.
b Jann4.le.
TO wormas .L.ND 14.1.1t11/ED I.:ADIr. 3.
• This Extract of Sarsartrdb, b. Wes tweedy itirtiortd
At. rafemace to koala planate. kaiak woo km rest.
- • -• =ppm gm is amoschtse hitat entrta. !pried,. h
tuts t r Itre,"sttou,4l larglett to lane n, at et ts a .rertain
pre antic Gar any of the numerous and nortll.l. btu. to
which Meal. are subject at this woo of life. Th to pined
may be delayed Gentian' years by ming this =4 ta Nor
tt Ira valuithte to those 3•63 sr.avirvetan, son caul nxt
se it it estestated 144( plarli yaiitentee Ist. ta.x..l
and inito-onting tits inel.muie ...II
ttatqe for all of the delicate dactxt to crband rosin are
It bate.. — whole apano s tteces ptertmently satu
rat enerpriby cannoning the tioyastof the lady—can
Kt shosolstus, the ty^stottt at to.prscluse outlay oast cc-
Laotian, wish is the of moat toialientas Latta for await
and dims.. •
111.1.8 READ '1719.
, ;WAA Ithoonn the to au may not be ell:#=44
sawn Wet- arntluly Or{.(1111.1,. -
Lot not e . _ eon. pro cdice, linen,
!mitten mankind to Da the n,... aside;
Menne which. Led tn note, are by Raven deugn'd
To olleatam the ale diktiunon knod."
-, • - /111
- •
ut • • • • . whieh has noclied the
uivereal approbwYn of the medical profusion of
Great Drawn, comprise& et entirely new application.
Galvanism,. a ressodmi agent. bymmuseedwideb the
orsiiriary , Galvanießastaves,K• c toe and litagnetie Ma
clones, ',...c., ere esuirely: iss• -.1 with, and th e Myste
rious power of Gal.:tau a i, led witheet any of the
object iot which am insag - aro.. (rum the rural mode
now in si. Tholosiyog • towszend Wean ar kinerrals
bn whicis Galvanism is I pplie.i be the !Nubs.% has
eenpemsomeed,stiner.* 1. anfinsperral mat,to be
decidellsi kisirdowsi Lodi% waste nneeady Gm radical de
fect that this new apple. don Wu prosemed, othieh, af
ter onceerieg tail and pemayenthee, bee - been brined
to its present mate of puked.. • The askant Rings
.newer all the plIrPO.6l of the woe vresenvire Ida
vb.., and in many ode yverpents are • more refs and
entein in accomplishing the dusted erre.-
The Galt asießinar.emdju connection with deltas ,
unio Ft 'd, art eo sly tecomniended in William.
dcy eveice arias/rain - nessefed or unkaalthy sweet
Ole noes. or rind r , sod these compLibsts are
weeny the most pain I eed ateliers. les which we tor
s ide set. They arise. ' t e sceptics, hem one Ma
ple eatru—sa deranges. of the Piervons-Zyinne
and it was in these eases that other 4esedies' henng
so often falled. • hew
ed Mlll.l greatly med which
ft. confidently believ, has been Awed in tiepeep.
send judicious application of Gahranire&
, The Galvanic Itmn. Uwe been seed with entire sle
eves in all emu of Rat4iasiat, anew eachnsale, op•
plyieglo the head, fan or Rabe Gus, Ile-Dslam.,
Thattacte,Bramihis Yee" Anew w Ilia FlossfacAs,
bidiemamo-rersdiviss Pehy, Z.b7 , 01 Re, EthoT,
Psdpitativis seism Hew, Speriara rt tat st.Taiss,
Spinel Greploisits. ~Lsesbara ty Foam Do
IM/1, Nazism alas HerAimos to and Side,
General as. Dedeimesi Kovno amid Pienie.E.
rem and ell NERVOUS' ItIORDE743. to cases of
confinned apes, which le shmdigtene zi a; de ,
' eWit " aetterfal i , Their einas=liry anti np ad oa
the systerdmast be Yribieleed to be beheved s and u a
ceHain preventive al the payedieg ®plaints they'
• are eonally reeinusciehil. The We ate of diderent
Prins, being made of all esell , el vines* Orna
mental palleme, and Can be Wevi fry thereon delicate
ferule without the shgensan 1.101•1011illUte. Isi fait,
the senutionitratici agreeable thenailerwisc.,•
The Galvanic Belts, - 'amlets; Banally
Garters, Necklaces ' . &a. •• ' •: •
In some caesola veto fiefs. chamentsoind along
, standing, the
airpowe as applied by the Galvanic hinge
is not sedicient wet the Rag.. of diaeau and
ultimately restore health' The improYed merle • one,
inttlie Galvanic Belle, drieeletr, dm,' endrely come.
din tbm objection any degree of power that le neon
red con readdy be obtaMed, and le ceospiclin which
the elemas unat of Gel vanitins can CU. will fail
to be permanently relicied, , :Them articles are adep.
ted tathe wain, aims. wrists, but., melee,oe any part
of thebody, without*. esevenienee. 'The Galvame
Heeklacca are sued with greater benefit to eases of
Etivieititia en affection. of the Gomel genially alb lb
nun of Nene. Deafness. and with Umet anlEmn
semen as a prorentire Ert ' Apeplelyi Epileptic Fits,
and similar complaint& '
• Chrlinlealsignetle'litild • '..
is need in connection with tie °Weenie Rings ankall
their medifications. Theleoreposibeti has been pm
nooneedhy the Freneh-Chemina to be one of the mon
extraordinary danoverice Of =dem mince, bleba
lieved to perame the retnirkablep roarer of renarrlng oh
nova saunas aftertaste actin by this MIMI caning
a eoncentration of the lobone, se themeat of Comm.,
ties toeing rapid:and Pentane& I •No 'other
compoettion in chemitir le kl l o l moprodigtetbe Mete
to bopl.l o antler property to //IS necroas
lysternhy manor On outward local eppheitton'. The
emetic Plaid contains nthinf cepablenf the tatahl
est ntimTt •OOnnwta N hireable - end 'lt at am
harmlem in Its neon Ile tibenelleist lithoMalta
Poll explanation and dlterOomaiworapaaT it The
lOMbined 11/OEOOOOI 1110 . 41 . 01,111/17peggallikup.,
ea) they are mold at price. Irmo, the reach of and
the'disunerer only requens 111' fate trial as a tog of
th.i, &uprising efficacy and permanent bencelt •
Christie's Galvanic' Rizengthesiag Plas.
Theii form anottur 'enable . applfeaUan af .
the says:minas Wines= of Galvanism. an
important adjnnetlo tha gennias GalVanin and
• —.Ai Geo:Jowl, astir__""" the er -- •••• artarip
_ . apse the UAW pritteip but
haring the advantage of morelneal wheedled. They
am confidently meonanteaded as a eWmble adduten in
the speedy can ofldbursistisos, teats ore/mink; its all
nervous complaints, and as a pectin ream/ to ems
of Pain art 4 Weeknos in rho Moser Beek,..rUs Se She
b ids, in Anima*. Arretionr, sad in .10skasm orn
of the Ramona', Organ'. In, fipmal Com=
Weir effects arc of the mosrdecidedeltameterend they
have often been used with einnoletesoccens: They am.
also of the greaten advantage in Pains and Weaboess
°[the Breast; and ein highly recommended for Many of
those coin_plunts to whichkendesare especially liable.
As nn effectual mum tar strengthening the syst em
when debilitated with diocese °rather amnesia. a car.
tam aid. in Constitutional Wentnesnon a .Preventhe
for Colds, and ell in affections of the Chen, generally,
the Galvani c Strengthening Plaster will be found rg
great and permanent advantage. In a'-few gnmin It
mbrace. all the airmen of the best tonic preparation,
with the important addition of the Mame itlEc.3. 4
which is neither imp aired' our enbnatacd, while then,.
non eonanaea . These ankles will be round entirely
free frost those objections which are a constant amerce
of complaint with the eliminates. in COMM= ,
tEr The great celebrity and of shat articleil
has eased ahem m be coeitterfnitod. by munucipled
permits: To provide agaimit c ungni i
has bat ate authopz_ed *pm ii!, : tekeity of the' Un N ion.,'
Of the highest and.tiwat winectitlle chancier; are...
gently seceind,' , . regarding the ./ 11 140rditlffivalati
and suction of Attune , It is believed that
in the city of New York alone:tel./ante of .131 1 / 1 1T.
1110IISAND PERSONS,daring is period of lean that
at year, hew been entirely relieved of the most painful
h rock din:mien, nom of whleh hue completely baf
fled nil former effort. of medical art.. Lndped many of
the first physician of this city, who disapprove of he
Galvanic and
. Alarimetlc blacninee, constantly resom=,
mead this a t tiplication intim unease, and . with the an -
~ptiono( who ire too pre-jawed to ive it a tri.•
at, die invention hai received enanimau. Aver with
the 50001 intelligent among the American Funky; ;Dr..
Chris= is at al/ nines 'ready and mat happy to . tire,
every facility to physicians, and all interested, far leaf
1, 4 the Uoth of .assenlocts sad the, efficimliot ha .
• -
th r gagenel P . insbelkerFf !In4B!arkat
e. iprot pee •
rpm is a codify that, by taking ona:vral of Doctor
41- ,suede, a chid of /imam Shaw's
pawed upwards of.?o comma, and by the ate of odd .
a child'of cry ups passed 14 isrge,wonns.—
It isrealy the mat ourprhang lever
acct tmusthsealwOmae VOW:- •
WM mix:4slle'
. !F or rtugb7llUDDtC r grie WO* are -
eAgestP.AlLLlsLA—linsta Ps C 0,.. PI
S i1i,,,,,..i. pa 'Us,. '
••:-; C•rmister's . ,do J • , ' .am• T'
• A •
r•••.• ' DmagMek's ;do•.. . -, - . • do; ~ ~ - ''''
ilmassessms silk fails 'je 178.A-Fillf4M
.7.T.Kitit Ces,os
• nms od Am !Apt mod sadrymmd sad
j .'
- : , ;-;•.:•' , ...r.:: , %• - ; r ; i' n • ; i.• - :;.s . .::its -',.., i' . . - ..j.'•••:. ,, %."•-• :'. 4 ; -,, '''.-. ' '..' : i
. • .
- •
Tott who tom prie compluttoftsduli rjr.blotti,, on Mt
Go..,nmsh cr frecilvoy scut are out or IfiriU;* 6.c
a 'bottle or two 'of l'fr Towsonot's Serfajori.ut, h wet
claw your 1.4 w .1, remote the heal, 2..1 Llocher, asa
ere rme moioaricou tptrkliir ejes,ll. trtaathful
wmplettion—alk of which' roe, italocun telue to 0w...0r ;
h 4
- vial ~7Jes.
No doid or atedicies boa nor beat daeoreml. wittril
awly rnamMa tba polio lake or alias is decoospoei
toodoad tareas theatrig Ibe orpw eddirauou, ao duo prel•a,'
ration of Sanaportlla.
13. X. Darawratort. Allmir,,May .1-M.S.
'Tow...t. Sir-1 bare beta ieto , l foe ware
roan with dy or*. ia ii. roent Nrme aL. adol woe
otaeracb, of apiol;te. eitremo Leanbura sad a
seal areni. to all Janos ottood, and a.. ha (.1..0t I
roold IMO hive biat unable to reMat but a mall
oa game& I tried dot twos/ rewolia, but 01.1 ba.t
bat Itttle or ao affect io rumatus llw compLamt. oat Jo
doard,Olootit trio rotatke M.. to try your Larael of nu.
parilla,sad I mot . a 'with Little eow4dtwo, bot mit,
=7...1;:11 i te fool ty j irp Va m re . otatet mot 11.
mead dm ate of iltrtroe A. bare :en 0./ront:d
beat, • .1 - oen,+c., W. W. VAN 211. , (1,.
Not litc Samoa Woad.
Rind the I,4larkl, oul doubt if you run, that toomp.
hammed e and. hut, only one of the masa roam!.
ems that Towaitud's COODII
TosonsenA—Dor Sir. I .as niter • liar over .
year an, wild a mare =ugh aed win in my rite. It is
.Alvet a ..ter) fat, lotted. I woe yorawonso4 by p6y 7
Mao aMa the %ask" matisigwor A Mod latee gam
Wet of had orta, h d Might ewer, teed satin{ vtry fah
ay dattorard /DO CIDIDU Wooltieg for we. I rot lab the
hospital in hope of berg Medial, Maw in announced thers
e. westrabk. sag auk lastly distress ed .l Jan ina
oon/4 hardly Naar; I giro beam, Mb taw/ s od evpraed
to die; ma wormed Irrly bed, tad er as ebliod' to have
kairlori inched 1 moat gin you wry doriptioo that
would do jothe to my m . I am supy wed. by my friends
to be recoroy wed AD pl. mho of remeilia,
Ind MI mooed to be rp imps. 1 mief row ow ec.
• tesonlimiry custipeekomed rite me there, red Ail.
polo thi-trab, I
to there Ito war lintebt,•• la thn.
But I or Wired lo try it , I did stg thd ..s. my:thankful.
1 did. Tama my the. I ao rarely Mk, bet
rammato to be about toy Wres., oil hoer to b. tide- .
a wfu
nd ell his thee woke. kiy rough and poo e side,
and eightmeols hare left sof re. tint littk •i
am (et a timing my usual etokull. I kit it .do ry to Ai.
yea • dtum' of toy mom 10 rah*. if put phooey • •
_I .` non Nowt, 47 lode .I,Brooklyi e.
• • ":
Optalinka of Physicians.'
Dr Towner. it alma daily orming cedes' friar ph,t,A
std.. hi iiiikrait Mirror the Unica
This k to artily Wr e., the oodasiped, Pllyzici..
the City of Ara., ban in timorous eme peemilre Dr.'
Sekossodle Aaraparille,sod Ohre ital... ote of Alm .011/
D 111121146 paywatiow of the lirmarilta iso tlr to..
r 1171.00,11 D,
, JbVstaes. Ol 0,
IA •
• lkany, ra 1,13L5. LE
A Bowe •
,■ o
twornente, A '
This I. Ai ratify that ert, the wakragnal, poakiny
Thammigin Physittas of the yaty ofAlhny. km . frequent
ly watritiedDr Toyama'. Compound iatrot of Ht u
pvlla, tad from its knom golitic., would nati:seed it to
the ilie•for OKOrooiolof.lofulow, and More remits di,
ems, in fetter.... to any o f th e advertised MOD din um 10
=Os A W ltrasstd.,:u e,
• AD. / 4 9 612 ,L9 4 d. W• B IPTsTTOP TP.
DriamodotEre, 1513 Fulton A, 3. ' 9.04 •rt if,' Red
ALL At to Stall a Baehr;'Dr DI. if• dam lA , „If oth
add Pliikidelphia; Aimee, d •
Baltiroore; and by
Zeipalinswit, goarrally throegrott the United Stake,
balks and do ICemars
New genuine'tos pot up in W. brgm egotism bottles,
lark molar a gate d sfKod with She kroten eignaw.
of B P TOWNSEND and Mecum Wm no the Ohm
- " • From the lteAtark Deily Elam of April 9.1.547.•
A pretty thing apticared mike - Week yuteriv. 11. wr
the syingliaing ober, 3sthaparAluEthos. of Dr roast...-
The kbok (bogie gat op, in good tort DOOM of the Grim-
SWIM Mama. tantords arelicautirl, topther_with
lark, la pie, flirter' in ths made arum
murky equalled lid Brodasy. We rhe Am ty
ay is hairy. 11W
it of the :thinapatills doares W. very . rem pary it hp. acquired.
. •
Aerie nu Debility.
• • Nov Y0m,b1itra.27,1847
• Lli:_Toventaid —I has been 011ietedrore or km he 3
gTmy oil l thoutild a obit., in the that, Aiddinto in tbe
had, 100 of appethie, r.i. m thelimth, art pond didribly,
Wonght oo wdekbtl y the control hat mit cold to which
cubjeet b rimy ootinevra drr. A have taken other
itch:Dam:oo° timer., to motion, but with little tuthomit.
oat. I wen Induced Icy ishat I idol. the papa to trya bottle
of your flthaptirillei, fiat. which I &imago., relief. • I hos •
'vas take. want wore botiks, .d I as thrailatially toy
it is tha best teeth den. Have.cree tahai--the• pm in my
agar roe, 'tad feel gbh s a different ma :Monett. Aues
limo WOO your brag rlla, J hoe now. [OM appetite
tbs. ocel bad: hayy wk. has aka ithrith th. am bat&
dal nolth ' 1 somaretommend • its fuffily medicine
roundly, obi feel coovinced that if to rid thear would no
to half thisicknite there rood conaguentlywit so soy
Dodoes bar, kirl while it restorer apatite., it also giro
Dui Moro and honk Ore Awoke tam it bops the blood
AO • loolthy sate, so Wet Maw is act olikely b Math tr.
aria.. And toil the:okra are OM io alrahliyetste, I say
try - DY: t 3 0.1 .11 1. • •
Camkorlathelßoa itb:
Edw. am amino °brother chlid awn C. Dr Torasend's
ilanaparies baseitied the Eras of them:maids' of ciiildran—
Tba folkeSing .4:M311314,3 atiactrd (roar • great mob.
natirsd Ens reek, '
. Err Yam t, Apr 111,1847.
. Dr Tornsaid:-Onsrsin-0. of ear rhildrrn trattat"
sick with the Gem ia lk soo and U. oat, atic
great getility. irks word ing y otaaiard $lOlllOll of y
emoslhott aad kneed 4 slimily, for wb 1 -
marry. mitt( Yours reaptedi
rra Forma, 31 Desbrote
For as. hi , it E SELLERS Drograd, 'No 87 Violet .4
bitwees 31 aad atls re, who has bass arroiated 3js. Dr
TOWNSEND sok *gni Greillqbeny m. jidideadyi ,
Celebra - ted
•T: ."421T21. 4 : 1 7:4: 9 " •P tre.ti
dos Li Or ower:or. Mahout .
irt injoritave poa n' ttgif sea
Noma ',Ow aids NI oritia Esgestrie cants
Ikkbength I of klkkekdk. . •
'Fa do ffy_k AiAt u ME:k. CO, corner At ad
Woo. LA and wad ea • • . • .• dl
, ,: ~„.+7A',''':.''..7-7f-Zr,-!,,,77r !.",..:;
-1;',:':;?,Y:<;,::--.i•,;..r.7.'..,:,.:i7.•'-:-:--:.;--''',.'-'-:- - - -..-- - - '
kin! pird,&!ith dds,
co., hol l a - Dealm • ill
Itratb.Glassei imam rialc Jewelry oral! dte e *p•
von., qualities-and "vie:, emptieng all th e: =ills
connected rubles Wad!»
. ,
Clocks, Dixon &us s Detarna,Giennan Miser and
Silver pitted wares Sheffield and Mrairothara pima
fanny articles, Redgmo ft Sults and Weatenhalsn's ea:
WS, murntheotetierti, Ctaseriu dusk dk
handled table cutlery . Of the Ineaf;atedtent-and asan:
mon inielnies., A.largelnmeara - gold pens, pod
focal spects.yea, parer,. esache • and japanned tap.,
s'arimith shapes and .4tislities, reduced rates: gold
watch sues and Aber *tiara of4ll deseriPhorto
DlCKSONufuetared mender. ^' _
ih`Cll. haling reeciativrethenred into the
latire and eon:moan% howls:woo Cares* eceupied
by Mew.. lahinust & Sons. and. Mrat luoek,zz.
As hiturat Rentungloni Lnkina
Dealers, Sinthero and Western Merchants and others
that they dolma haring at all times fan atuonatear st
Goods of their own istsportatkna whielt_they are deter ,
mined to aell at the krainst tatex.
112 . E•ery attaltiettleill_ he pod to the Seeking of
Goods amiln the execution pf orders, the qualities Lint
knee k will lin daily guarantied sgshtut rll
• .14JU Eli -1 •
.N0. 16 .N0rik,_, 27 4 1 1 1 611 reet, •
- • t er ..„
atZT,' .
HAS oo Lend, and Inadefactitep. border. Artificial
Flower*, Pudic's, Teemed, and ,Pace Caps, L.
fit.' Dream Caps, Borden, Colteeets,
And every desteipdoetorkhacy Occalaorhiel be arill
.11 at the lowest market prices.
N B.—Featheie dyed, eleaapgaltere4,tird shaded:
37 North Whams, bikkors'lL e:stroit, PFULADELPRIA t '
OM! f l;lll= th ';'= "i P g e uiani 'di ati th a e nd wiel"
ly,e!, and they feel =Adana ening, sitistunion ls?
lime who cell They have mow an asuid:-..
Pete Sperm OR. •
White Whiter nod Full Oils, or afeleat qualities.
Solar Oil: •
Winter. pressed Lard Oil.
AVlnier elephant and Mite Oite. e•
Refined, Ranked and COMM.= Whale 0,1.
Tanners , Oint; Rpm= Candler, peann,tc;ter
N. B. All goods diffiered In first rate order. added
.. GN • ••• •
N. 134 North Snood Soars. Philadelphia,
"R ATANO k AcTU HER and IMPORTER of abet Owl%
/EL Rides amd PISLOM, Powder Flasksi Shot Baas, Bea
mix Powder, remsodloa Cap*, Mow Wads, Bid and
Blank Cantidges,'Jko. be.
Al so—Eix Metal Rea:doing Pinola and mairrials for.
Gen Maketa ose.
• Owns made to °taw, end repairs needy executed.
117 — Adp Oun *bleb hell will be pm•ed,-If desired,
n the presence of the purchaser.. ale
• . STEMS 1 1 ro L , • r
THIS unmet. pnasesses . sostr, &Malmo over WI
othora—aersxtg sebiehetay be mentioned
lu hlanameableoes•—Therapiditity amd Cm-Croats/Om
may- ho sonuolled with Lbs. Angina Wh We
hammer • in operation, and the Imams sitay be la,
smutty arrested• and suspended at snrheiths.
to lint ieraallty, or enpnettr melds Issuker an.
kinds, from the largest to the sroallest c lata, AO WIN •
hammer. .
Iu *intpltenT, Compactness and Cheapness._
Its Access:inlay open an saes, by the asortanen.
An the 111.1113er• UM made Self-A sting.•__ •
The sebserienrs tontinae to execute °Mender these
hanuners,of all sines, open reavoitable_teente
For fetches pasttesbus monks ••••- '•
- Adsigedei of the Patent forthe United Puttee
tiontheralk Fonndry.reassi'sts
• Mannhadterent of
. .
304 South Frost, Illtrool.
Bak of 2 Upon"' a Qalai ,Wartiifirrtufy
'LLOrden WI with 9. e. Mon, al the alto gum
Slerchunt's Rotei, eißaborgb, .111 beyr=oß7
attended to. 71109. 0. DERRY
.plo4lly A. C. NICYERDON
.fPILLMJI ocus.,-coaca AND
be of UM ISM of 11414
isstimitt WalsOo. soopotifolly Worms hie
ond the that bo has Sod will Imp
ea. andsco bond and kw *Je s s Maxon ososttnsol
whiootble ilarrisitto VdoeSso of all OA* mod dwortptioos
mole to order ot et thortost poosiblo wad rsoonted
the eery best Ammer, of wlsowd soatosiil:
- lirrakitigion, D. C.
ENAS C. ROBBINS. Mechanical Engineer end
La At trot procuring Palau. will prepare the ye
et sassy Dummy. and Papen ' ta Appheants far tat.'
ans. and transact all other banana to the line ef ins
profesion at the Patent Glee. lie cap be asuabed
an all guano. rein to the Patent Law, and deal
ens in the United Saba or Europe. Pe ems at a
morice dal rota of baring erananolons rude at the
Pried Mee, prior to mance Kaltman foe • pelesti,
ty toreanl Irrat a fecal tee dollar,
a t War atatalat.a: of Una cave, whin inundate illy.
I Will be giant to it. and all Ow Infortuanos that
eon Id be obtained by • .tail of the applicant Is pawn]
pus aptly eouautueatod.
• ir r llen on batten awn ill peat
a s cr. table lea, waste Wntlello9lll4Kl II rattund.
Oil ma on F. street. opposite the Paean Cam
tie has therborior of starring, by paralssan,
en. Edmond Barker. Commissliast et Emu=
It rt. it 1. Elltwoult. lea do' -sbll der;
It Masan., Machin/rah Patent CliSsug
Judge Crutch, Wallacan, D
R Choate, Masaechusetta. U t 4 Sena:el
!for:. W Anse, Obtet.
B ow be, tit it, Altuouri; "
floe. 'Willa Nall, New Yak •
Ilan. Itobart Smith. hi C., alma;
fin S Breese, U I Senate;
Rolfe,C, idasolair
rapt. If3l Shreve. Idiesouri;
Ertarai Ihn:ttlth Ep. Pitaratut._ otylS
E p;etayariva departments of ddi lawarrextelaaattat
ha.. Lib ty it had of Wad i .. new opts sad
Eandy to sea. up to whiter.. lee C 0..., Swerterva.,Caa,
rato, Cool Urtake,wei all the me aftvelosialts of the
• papriaon oat eapeetfagy ale leapatabla
sham. to aad Atharaiii for they
as aattervi Out ta all itt differ.. dapartaeata it Asada bei
•Fricumd, stud arbady A- the art pleased mart is the
' l'he Barn ilepuesseau, both bldial . 4lo.lllsnbtlencoN,
amanita; for eircasa, wawa, rid eaglet by lay a the
country; tad (baba.' Parlor. willehailap•aiapariew
for rAdous;oestanioad honey, With Chas of nay make
anabliamentat be found anyeart.
The rat 9410010, with It. soma. alas, aid Creek
Fasten, a spirt of the toad Wilting eavionly.
Roam are fared ap at whk-h Grotheas. aka, eat bar*
Lana, Dinar Refrodawatiel all haw oftileiby.
Art 8.11“/ D imeamwetolodbladissrl csullraestrise.
st the Two c01a... Th. tetwerarlwactetanwt for Le.
dies— catnap-a at thalami cetZtala•
N Parties will b. Naar& at Dot aortal
before ;1i;a.... ....ppro•ed Zn plaos—'
and owe fashlooabln Eastern pleases zed olon. Alm
THE CIIIF.AP 11101.4 or 130SfON BLIND, ens haad,
or roadster order of all sisesouni II BR joidee
Couin, illerobards and others moiled to call aad
esuouse the above Par slisoeatre.,aa all will be sold
wholesale or rrosul,.d • literal uties rude lo
arbolesalo ourchasepra • . • -.•
• avidly . A WSSrEIVELT
FROM the very liberal moorage
0 1 . 13/1V meet the aubseriger has rovelved slang
he has located hloutelf la Allegheny,
has legated Mos to take a leatto, ear
, term of years, 1,12 the pnoperty be epos
oecames,.l2 Ikavet Went, tonaollately bate One
Pteebytenan Church- Front the long experience the
,thove bemoan and a &Intent please, he hopes to
end reoeito a share or public patronage.
Ito. on hand and linlehint to order, Weekairty Rog.
me , open and top Doggies, and every denotation of
C made to order. from seventy/Ire Behan ta
giirbthk Me*
laap3-dtH „. . JOHN 300TH.
T.Jonas , ItsMasi Chaska soap
FOR all kind. of orlptiona and &wows of the Skin:
such as PimploOlbouttomßalt nem aMerm, Hoot
Spots, chopped or craned Stift, and for other Mae.
nor of lho Skin, which swore diurnal ressedte• this
Soap stands onparalled. It 11.0 dispels Pranks, am.
bum, Mambas., Tan, and charms the eldol of dask
yellow, or disarmed rkla, to • AU, bealtlty, yeadbl,
elitarnescA freak soppywatranutdsrenainta tatter •
soM at die reduced price of TM per take, bailastbaen
raddled, Is offered for tale by B A FUME:BEOCM k
.Co.; corner .1m lad woad and abo it the (termer sixth
salo„; If E TODD, eueu4worm draw No es Wood
a-, up dohs, Mero. Won below fmd : what dm Mud= of
Forel:men of Outlaw. Yoraishied Good. la our WM; of
oat . ond feobiemabli goods, msookourod eoprou4 Wo ear
oaka *.,ranted men made lied pmftt dmiioo;
am/ we mould e.D Use afteutim of, d rwteaab
men to cue me of aura= No I Troy 41dolajost reeeford:
me aee medium gmlitJ. do; wit bode white and .tripod of
wry des:rip:um .od quid., wi th pried: W rltelum.;
another mor of Wow patent Sorfrel /Mot Baud Chia EJam
Ito Suspenders*: oproed with oaritomailioad riam We
would **UM the MG ofiparchasen who an to Ow habit of
going ono Wm sawatotos foe good., to all and etambe eat
mock, as man malldeatmothl4, to fu peke- au cam
mooed, eon fadue Wm to look bol bum co tooth:
er call.
Patent Bleak Epilog Truss,
NEWLY INVENTED—For the relleand Permanent
Core of DERMA or RUPTURE. Oohed to all
sires.) • .
The aopeiier claims of thua Trawl Consist In de rime
Permite coop with which It may Woven. The pad of
wood beinghmtlyhalanced on sprinp, yields lo
moo on any part of It. and thoroughly adepts Itself to
any movement made by Me; wearer. It can be worn
without intermission, walla enrol. effected. 'The nab•
scribers have tondo 111711111Metits in rho manafactate
of these valuable Tress., In • saperior myle,ln Phil'
delphia, and have them now Ibr sale at their Maras No.
77, Bmithfteld at. nexacElzth,Plusba OSD. mr.
J. 30 ;
• • D. W: IrAUFill AIL
• -
Fourth,6dtheen Wad and Markel-A, opposite
Mof Larimer's rscliange Offal. •
WILE undersigned is prepared Shaaeonintodatiish•
seam, and tha plablie generally, with & delicious
bath. His nmeemahlisinnentwUt Weer& to-deh Pen
sided with every thing it to sander bathing a
• SALT and SULPHUR BATHS prepared remidrd.
The atesm establishment' is fined op m err metro new
pec. being yentillmed from to too/. and be sabocriber
dtdent 6at the improsements coothineicentribour
sv render this establishment the mon comfistuble one
newtn the et . •. • MU • • • II YASIION -
RI.NGS, RING3-fitet rse'd 3 dos bm of patent PM.
/A eMmed -India Rubber Ran.. These RMIPI or
bade ore (or placing mond papers nd pareelsofevery
d..001;01)--111 an tenant 011. Cu be *seed wed I
packet eif-pepers bolding them brat- the ee.s time,
allowinsof mbilifiati of tedsetien.mitheat- or
eampseumem. • .4 &II P IIILWpe
CQPIEBIONAZII 11ITLEIP-4ut regrind, pas
laPicket nip Samna, 1 saslisMilistustO
Bite comprising a yens itluwidl moms=
TLeattenUpa Of Malaga and consosesere
r setally
Is Invited.. . • 7 ' „ LOG/444,11N Y •
A n i ,vrs, f bti old Om ned; Ibr•!ile tif
4 .19g ° ,97C1W i t 15 1 4bin,
t ~
7 ~
EI - • " "• I
LIGHT TREET - ;.,-,A*Lxmo •Sa 1
• 1011g1C-17foltaiti r ,Proptieton.-
frlll9 establiiheipn langrid widely known ',kart
S :we of the wren w=Wte.ll ll the dirrornaltirowee
weleriorth eleIT extetwithe Questions end
onFeetweata. : dul entire new wiag baa been added,
.uidneweeroaa arid Wry deep* apartaaras, sad
eweadeabadundreeirm. • ;
The Ladieedeportouathai also bias .
ettwithed Wid'lttelap la l a.rewel rialqw=aul "" al
style. .Is that the wbole aniagruarator the Home bat
b1e.A 1 ,7.....0 0 : 3 44 wildia - lallado Byelaw th e path orthe
=7—to the . coadiat and pleathreof th eir
aad which they tateldeally _Wert 1011.
• l lreirt2=ill Inglie li rtlep " l Bll en i tlttry
auunial and Ltrarrorldthawimart i et affords, screed up
ia a wirier .d:Ylei 'Wine way of•
• Winer" £O9
In ea:ell:aloe tbei prom L
and say, that notitha
will be lel mem ea their_aart, ea IheDellorthelr 1
aseartanta, Wexler Able - Hotel worthy Ithe tetathatd
, . • . eof their Gm& atedtbe publit guierally. •
1 • The yrrthea for beard: bithe elm be redated to the
dlo fiat :_ •
eal Ordinaryi ' 1 Ilt 7Seier day:.
Boallode Werepth of the Ithase. will : el •
ways be • Owed at tho Car awl Steamboat Laadiaga;
which will emery: baggy to 111d,ftlg the Hotel free
MARL STUMM 11111 N, Obsetunatie;
antredibm haeinglmmlused the en
tire hileteat of 001.151 P .WHhantwor, Late et Hue well
known enablishmensheeglitave to nate to their friends
ad& ihapnhlio, gang ialiy: Moir they km taken nue
eonstoodina• Hotel kw Una of year. and lil ewe
their beet energies to make It adaneable home Corrine.
The al kkeeln vicious adtitlbly plumed foreon
veldenee, 1414k1 tar. hates a number of parlor.
adjoining e prosantlies 113111111.1 IXOSCUOUS I.
The Pomm.Pleiiictort bailee had the ektwnenee er
years In Ike eny led elaineheen hoped., will be able'
Le na ll , v , e d, k a erral ea u tta t e h t , :on, beinz o ttikelned libre
Thelocation er the Pearl lineet House ueneotanntly
&led% hating boats en Pette4Waldet and MOM ebb
an • that It le notally &tumble la view of tho commi
e= ol babies.; =nor retirement farprlvate boattlera.
It la near by the Auks, the Post Mee, the - MU/eft •
Hall,Odd Fellows Halltandlntene notate distant
fro n
closet and tww,equeees Nan the City Whet( ' thee
ofeeng the greatest ladueatnn, espeelelly to country
mant. and deeerallyto all peewee •Isnleg Clam
natl. . • , 12011 N NOBLE
malut7 ' ' ' JOHN A. DUBUC t
- 7 — Weddell Iltsaao,
• 2Tli SPLF.NDID.HOTEUWas opened on the
Idth of Jtme, for the reeepßonef company. '
The edifice Enan . one hundred and twenty-Eve
canon Semler-rt., and one bemired, and ninety-five A
on Ilank•ati and cantata, 0,61' two hundred large airy
chambers and forty private paektea'all Of which base
been famished with the moot. eastly fortutere. The
are spacientand memo to elegance,
enythirm of the kind ti the United States. The Melee
toomfmnidenten's pluton, minium loom, °dine, and
demand room Ina all Inle t an : airy, and finnhabed with
" re " o
writ: :11 ;47:e ITe n" rtn= " o ' i thin
matenifteent mecums was meld by Messrs-P. M. Wed:
dell& dos.. No expense bas teen spared by them .to
a nd
it genial if net superior Many !duel In the Union,
and on ornament to the city. • .
Osniestes will be In wilting it at ernes, to convey
pamengers to and from the bests bee of charge.
Clevelandanly 1111:1m A S BARNUM
Charles Street, between lathe; and Lombard
Street% Ifialttmere:.
Tun subscriber hying taken tie above eirat,
• Radium. effete - hot eerdees to the citizens and
.r iabbe oenendly. It Is conveniently .hooted
're a the Steamboats and Railroad' Depot-le in the
at of the more ottani!. Importing {loaner-and In
fact; the location cams to Mom smiting the city, ne ma
ny. ,coneeedenees and 011110%. OA the. other enemy's'
'The home a now being fitted app with new (=hue,
le good taste and style, and Intl be open to the ;white
on the Ito day of April, ISW. Thoproptieres trams that
his uerentitunn etc.?, to please, will mean, to him a
portion .of. the pablic patennege, resident am
D well as
transient. W W IX,
. „,4 1. 1 41 . of the firma( Ihs &Fogg
itALLEtiIIANYHOUPE,IOO Market el , nide
dole-hie—The ealtheriber (late of the Washington
Hotel, Hariisbotgh, P.) take. this method or io
.fortaing his old (Peale and thepablse generally, that he
)ie.takets tine - above mused LICiTh.L Mello:me la air)
aid eamthrtable,and has been ementively altered and
insprowed, sod the propnater hope. by • meet attention
to besieges, and a proper care for the comfort of his merit and receive a share of public patronage.
Ile Haase is amiated very convenient &tribe Trovel•
leas Public, being only meadows above the Harriet:men
and Pittsburgh Depot, and mato two =motes talk of
the Helpmate mid Rcadlog Depots 8 PAULI:YU at
tached to the pruning. TVMS.lll..psr day.
• H P 111;010H, Proprietor
Allegheny Rom, Phi(M. August le, twit-aontddes
' me. Itileunrger gran?,
meet,endt:e tot
acid hope by the culetcet attendee to the wants
tad wakens. of thetr poem, to; merit a couthmence of
the Itheral patronage heretofore reorie nt by its tour
p" 4ll 4 ltec; bee . beeo tie:lough!: renovated. and repair
ed; tvetherefore feel steered we rah welcome one
/needs mid the pahlie to secomModetioes,cqual to soy
to the ettp of Philadelpion. N W
- - JNO WEST. •
flonssor Matta Aossl Mail sots; Cfnettfoiotfi
rpubs establishment le now In *best order for die
.L dreepiteit of the hardier Pablie. Haring Owlet
dem • itiesdath repatr,ilenne the past winter, fled
having the most experienced wen in the sweet, in the
parlton departmcaut. dams sayself that all will be
leased who tali.. The leeitietaiscetural,eseasealloos
and pletteant. Fans fl per day.
ClnettutaArelt Id, leer. W E 111*
-N. h steineactlY • new Box., it te the
wow W WWI *told handle. • • aped
T_ HkOCR ' °aux. 110113 E,
• .Loorsierlllo, - My.
ARIB TfIROCYbIOILTON begs iteettaint hot
friends tkot be 1., nails; loss. -of the 0 - .0.1,.T
HOU - SE, Loviovillo,Ky.ootore be hopes to meet eV
hie old fliends,.aseanni ekes and the pablie, that on
efert *ball be roared to stake all comfortable 'shoran.,
Ana with flush pisoon.c. ] ,
r' , `'f"MrM!!
— intoner nervairtes. -
'TIDE hell article:twee fbetteritii'll and whitening
a the Teeth: ennveytecaing the bum, sweelEsing the
bee.* *C. It etetuld be seed every sight with send
brash, and the teeth and roma erillonly expires sligh
vseshind in the manna& . Wet the heath with steno
wets,. er cold -grill =raver, Sold rah it a few tunes on.
the puce. when =tlll a ft er, nor ceannag the
teeth. It I taiga la the meth, and use
patina was delightful fragrance to the bressh. Ito-ends
unrivalled as • pleaeant, egiCaGIMIS, convenient: and
tee &mace. Me entreated test ta toJtte the teeth,
blotto ytteartrethons.
By aiuse it regularly, it will remove the tame and
prevent its acetuaelatket--Prevent the toothache
teressethen die gams, and prevent all dieter.. cement
tmeattets,pkyuctese, nod the clergy memo:send 'it •
decidedly evertor to 'every tinue . of the that in Wit.—
AA for dierneues.Catepound Urns Tooth Pasta, and
observable steamens is nnachedm welt pot.
Iteetenneraded by Dr. Caroler,. 313 t Broadway, erne of
oar best Dentist., and by.loost of .the old Asetablished
sees lathe United 91.111.4 . and are stet* rely' seed
by the Nadi:ye! Ettglend end Ptl2 ' •
A lugs Pnbuntiera Of the disease thaw/Rim atanklad
arise from emu deouldemern of the itelentalt at bowels.
which a tisolr see of the Catty ne Weenie would
entirely Obviate Poems othlllene - Whits staid N•.
way. have a boa at bend. and tale a dose whenever
they feel the learn derangement in their health. . *Jo&
elate.* of dense Levenerstaroelld prevent thousands'
of eases..
Porasbeat LICICSITSII, eoriseior Wood end
-APIMI Who Use Comeoe'Prepored Chat', are
(igen not aware haw friptially anaarioas 'a is to
the stha! how eOlll4 herwroagh, how W low, )elknr.
wad anhaalth4tie skin aspaars alter-waft` prepared
Omit! Bet it is tatlareow, esmOaladavalarse arm
My of lead: e haveprepared a beaaufal vegetable
ardelso wile! ere wall JONERPO IitPaININI LILY
wiarrsi hi.perketly lartoewu.betaganuileal of all
dela:tenons qaalitlev; wad It Laporte to tbe skin a oat*
ral,ltealthy, idabosisr, clew; laving while, lathe mow
eras aeUag as a COMilftie
oil the skis, analog It sod%
Dr. dented Andaman, rdsetlial Chemist of blemiti
ckimetts.,skyw amilyeing Jones'. Xpaaieb Lilly
Wlthail and It poesemea the mow besotifat and neut
ral, at tV sera Alma Inrettemt slim I emirate., I
certainly can coaretentmelly recommend he ago bal l
whose akin renaires beautifying!'
ElDlPhleeri Cent. • box. • • • . '
Enrrffold by Wti.JACKSON, at hie Boot and stn
litiorelSLlberty stmet, head of Wood, at itte, al a of
Ladled ladles,Prit astartlMed,
When you know that you &relit:smiled •
A manned,lll.lllteonwery wkite • -
• That Ton .41 will ate comma '
And look a deathly yellow frlebt,
The the of laughter and ortalk.
• .
If Too world we a box of JONES Laily-wlete, it
wWd rve )oat skui idelaster yet natant while,
and at . the was thew clear and improve it. tbeld at
JACEdedrS, be Won" at. „Pete° 94 coots per km.
. ,
Coa~oapaioaAß thou
afistferiwilk Dheasots of Um 'Zaino.
=this is its certify badmen ndlicted with the first pm.
monitory eymposme of, Consnmption, that I hare bees
laboring for seietal 'years with a bmnehl, weaves of
the throat and limusenenic rued many Mak:lnes, Ms
Rend no relief in any pieparalkukof indigene, until
REMEDY. I haws been ming this mthsable mathein
pu several peen, and always Ind It to relieve erben ,
ever !make are of It. My octopstion Ammo.
eer, which keeps me . aknostommuuttly engaged, enema
my disease, at times, to become very alarming, when
at once procsre this medicine. I therefore tali-plea
sere m making this piddle statensen; that others affect.
ed with a disease of the longs and expectorant organs
may. know the virmea of. this healing remedy,.
and may be oared. I haiemeommended Dr. Duncan , .
Eipselorant Remedy so many of my friends, some of
VIM ewe their lives in thlitnedickm. . . ,
Soillition,Otdo,Oct.l3, 11,16. JAMES HkWIT
prOpesetor or thoabove medicine wcand, Oleo
refer to Swepdersignentperaow, who rem de . la Perry
wane, on *boat any Dillon may call upon and be
convinced that theniore •Inses'Ound in the atone
inedlemo War camel be two elbod
David Calbennoe,Sennwen Dr. D. Stone, doo F,oa;
obi Oollher,Jaekaon tyjMv.Larin% ignldopeweekdDo; yolbert,
DWIC Jewod Davittp.• • •
ann* eneet,Cineinnatt, Ohio.• •
SW In Pinnboth by W.M. JACKSON, En Liberty
Nona Wood gnu.. avadtver
_ _
Prsthairenn, - ?day 17,1417. - •
liito 3 = 7 ll l 4=g a lo P Vltr 114, A W1Ftte .
between 1011 f ••• yeantoKend deringthe day the
rased 10214nre worms, ! . L . yr.g 1001• . MA • lON in
_!ettily int abets on ailthat;ion
rou taller younger ilsietrorhowu lippluennysirell,and
.she pawed 77 . 4thnhe of s9tml itus.
Witehmaker, Smithaeld elrec
Pnyared astA mold by O.A FAUNS2IIUSIK it go,
a... Ist and wand, end load and sts. - -
XLAOIO 7111141011M111.0411r—For rout..
nthilOrease OW,appli Elielet t nr narks now' Clotho%
Montan thisthileikes; to • .rendering . th e nye ta
where le lied dear, b 1, newonsuisPodeu.:
Bold with fall direction.. ea Neat' a cats.:
-D•11,111 by WMAACICSONAIILibeny grimy bead
Wood. et Is Both: sad !Elbow ownifelthl Mina ail
EXEre.VA NlL eperitWia PURE . 7 1 CSNTRATIRI3
pi esininthodeauwe thiesniatnal
wad goi, vik Ctill•dl. num, Pam? ;Ica
creme, 41imiliA odd _ sit !Ude or WWI cookelyon!
deb :10HP1,1/ ththßO •
Dikro rpriaz r . w .r j u z u.r. t..., 74
recelvs4 soli/Ask 4 111 4,9o0Apatfor
TBANSgqSTgTION ";~~l~g,
it /
r cane,' trllaoUr 7HA3jEttlii
.TEUEin:lJTS"hrl.'slel'il, of
tt h t_o 4B L
ekl/Sk. ' Clods as ' s rot to ' urtted on the .
Teem, thus all trattabipment orearra handling Is saved.
800 nre or rgt dSkltratt isdprAum Ikea triy.a:
111 front sixio sewn ya • 5 .
• The eapstßy of oir Warebooactenablei is) 'sten.
ea55 . 5 ,,,,ue0ts made tubs.' Receivitts,worb2x, and'
advt.:peel - free of thaws. •
Being rally prepared to wake Sales Prodoch we
'seance Irony Notion consigronents of wcncra
Banns, Lard, Bolter, Cheese, Wool, Featheraand
'oracles far' Plc, on • which' liberal advances will be
wade utd other usual faoilln. afroided;nledgine ow ,
selves that' any basiness •enuasted to us ahldl he
prenuptly executed and IspOlv. • (air teens as by any
Bain, Ptvabnrgp"
519 and CSI klarket st.philude.
;.1. 8 47; glitargia
FORl arnl ibblitinz•Ntirtestoffre,AtgbetifezPitte, biaots gh•.
•thii: way, imd the mangoes& rat of delay,•dmeage,
bleaker. and wpanaton goads: ' •
• ' . 80. .C.ASI I •
1176 klarkessireell Philadelphia
Ear Peon and Wayne sta,pittsbargh
OVONNORA Co, Nonb areet, Heldman/
WAIT TAPSIXYPT,73IIonthst, ".`
• • Encoursged by increased badness the proprietors
have added to their mock and extended. thear arrauge-
Doan daring the winter, runt-ate no* prepared to for
ward thin:K.lth Teonlaritraiddirpatch unsurpassed
by any other line.' their tong taper:envies carriers,
the palpable superiority of the Ponable Bost
and the great caparity• onvenionei of ware. ,
houses at each end of the line, are pocaliatiy
ted to suable the proprietors to fel 61 their engagements
and accommodate their castomers--eonadentlyoffenng
he past is • guaranty for the future they respectfully
solicit •eortunuanee of tan paucitiage which they now
gretecelly acknowledge. '
• All consamments to Taaffe d. O'Connor will be reed
and forwarded. .13leareboat charges paid and • Hills of
Lading transmitted nee of any charge for Coramtswee,
advancing or storage. Having no Interest directly or
indirectly in steamboats, the interest of the consienerts
mast necessarily be their primary OD,. in nipping
. west, and they pledge themselves to forward all gooda
consigned to theurpromptly and on the most advents=
'goons terms to the owners.
. March 1,1847 • marS
BOOM 184711641 a
pENNsuarkniu. CANAL it 1LA.4.13(,0
ErallEdS PAHL' rAcxer
THE public urn respectfully Inionneu that mti Lane
will conti
n ence running on or Whom the I inb LWOW,
and continue throughout the er Mori ruppriclOrs
have now placed a sopenor dues of Packet. moo Keil
road Can on toe route, with extra accomaroaanotte,
whiChnerill give greater comfort to traveler.
k Packet Boat will always be in pun, amt tae trav
eling public - are requested to mill and tkamine them, engaging passage eleowitcov
'One Ofthe Peeked will leave the lanuthg,ioppon
Ike United yuw Betel,) earner Penn cute,
Cana), eiery night at o'clock.
- TIME 3i DAY..
• Par Jaannation apply. at the' dice, inanaraganel •
Hoag& Y aux greet, or to • D LEECH &Co
atehl3ear Pena meet ana .and
_ _
partnership tinder the name of the ''lreatmen'sLine;"
and likewise agreed m refit the Mock to 111 ID have a
somber of Boats Mr the purpose of carrying goods
through In from six to eight days, with certainty—mk
fee.kenioaraged by the liberality at lam year's patron,'
"ego; to make more exteroise arrangements for the en ,
suing year.
We would therefore respectfully, solicit a crastinn-
ante of onv former purona,and refer 01l new eunoweri
In those We hove done halves. for. •
- -= 1847. --:
Po:tribe Inzurportsuon of
.FEUEAokusta,Roxstors, Now Tom, ass BOUON.
Cornsi Libetty Isnot and Case Mum, Finsbargb.
No MO Market men, Philadelph!A
ELDER, GELS - TON tc Ce, Agons,
PITTSBURGH-40. McCoHy, Geo.. Morgan k Co.
W MoQlly k Co. El A Saropron k Co. IS AS. h. Co,
PHILADELPHIA—Morris Pmtereon k Cu, Reysolds .
MoMoland k Co, Fiessog k Darby, Fete, Shies k
don. J brat:.
.NEW ußlC—Gordboo a Co, TEso. Perry
RIMMON—Reed. Had k Co.
. .. . . .
CINCLNNATI—Adams kCreagb,. W W Sezrbo
Ole ,
Nars—All narrellaudive from Neve Yon: mad Moo.
csmaigned to A L Ustbar: &Ca, Plolodelphmt, wal t
promptly , forwardedfise of rnmmi•.;aa. Te 1,13
1 8 4 7.itg. - k i Thqgg
~,/k.7 ' l lll.lllif ffirrtiSPON.TATlON PRODUCF:
• I[7 -Without Ttatahlyntenh4,ol
Goods ethaluned to mecum will be forwarded
ing delay, at the Imereut torrent Met. ltulth of t.thimt
tmtuf.ttoth and nil ..triCtion. promptly allemlrd to.
free hominy extra charge formoraue or f01.1t41:011
Addreas,or applyto C A IIIeANULTV ft Co
. • . Coral Beath, Pito/buret
flaring • voq la« ;tad . toiTonfoiltoua ernrelson,,
we we report-0 to receive (in addition lo height for
shipment). large mourn of Prodoce; Ao., on tkorade
aor Mos. 16=61, C A rdeANULTV Co
. . . .
iniii=ll 18 4 . IN%SSaI
VXCLUSIVF.LY for the transrortatiottof WAY
FREIGBT between Pittsburgh, Etatissrithr,lohisa.
}owls. liolisdaystaug, Warer Sven% rawraharhit soul'
ali tatettnediate places.
Oho that anti leave the warehouse °IC A :.le Muth) .
&Co, Pursburgb, awry day, frxecpt iittn4hira end
skipper...always heresd bccll,g ihrtrkesstas for
warded aril/tout delay and at tior latch
' This Line wearers/I , st forrhc special aseontmudatioti
of the oray 1...1nc., hod the pan - nistara scrpectfulty
witch& Wrestt share or
J 011 7 ,1 rimovoirrti JOHN MILLER
. .
'. . . ....
JOHN AllLLElLllolli.larAag`a
IL c
H CANlN:HAn.t.strq s Ageovi.
l: A MeANULT7 ACA Pinstourel .
. . , Itt.F.Eflkl , C9.l, . .
J McDevitt, John rather, Ronan Moore, Bartley
&Slants, Pittsburgh.
'rills Woe acing easpowd of Steamboats Lain Erie'
,J. and Michigan, running daily between 191tewritt
and Deaver, and freigla and pweenger Canal
tanning beoreof Draverand kale and can meting teeth
C al need's Line of Steamboat Prone:leer and.Ve,,ent
eta the Lakes, will be prepared upon the earbett one,
ingof .n laavtgation to. nary VINO! and Pareevers
_poi tom the Diver, Canal and Lakes.
wen hating for convey,,,, Haighrmd pan-
aenften 'OA ptomptneas and diepateh, the on:T.111ot
and agent. reapectfully NACU (Mel than friends and
he pantie generally their patternage. . .. •
• C M RAE% Ene.frapnetoi
REEDS, PARKS A. CO, flearee, ago
JOHN A CAVGIIEIf. Pittehtgli do
CW.Dolithaeld lad Water ata. appotite the Mononga•
gahela Hoare, •
Wheeler, Crocker h Co, Nem Volk
Geo Davis, Barak,
E N Parks & Co, Cleveland •
Jas A Armstrong. Co, lkonit -
hreClare & W il liams, Mile-out IC
BOW & Porter, Chicago
Wps Powers, Prvershmon, Penns -
Coo lilachelraym, Evinshirorb, Penns
Soho kla &cher, Huntsmen, do
Wick. & Acker, Greenville; do
Craig. Fru:nibs, Clarksville. do •
I lays k Phu*Shall:olio, gibi Pa, .
W C hbaron, do
it WCooninahain. New Castle, do msrS
. g alt i . 1846... '
Marko.' B. Hank.. k chatond & Co.
Odunirkkamig t Oomkaluleux Merchants,
Timtr.'„t=r4„dtts . ,:flalpLrerrZo"nM,
earliest open of canal nartgation reteieop rep
eetru Plunk and Bearer, and delver the same nt
any point on e Ohio canal's, and alto OR Lakes Erie
and hilehiaten, erislittle live:nest de-vetch and at revs
enable rates. •
The proprietors of dos line solicit Rae . busliess of
them former easroaters with confidence, knowing that
their facilities aro sewed to none— • • •
Apply to or address • • .. •
• ' CLARICE ft Co, Beaver.
Janie • T MOIEVORD &Cr T• evelsad.
stock of this line corium of a owable daily
Lance( Boats and Oars. (owned by themselwaj
which are Ingood order. The soincobors are moo
red to forward • large quantity of hlarchandwa cod
Prtslaca with cenatoty and dispatch,
Prcalacoor Dorchandise consigned to any or tot un
damped. is forwarded Doc of any alarnaftwatsnww -
11111•Ladtag transnittedand allinatroetwria promptly
The buelnees of all Lion In conducted on innerly
Sabbath-keeping ACdre.., or apply In
D LES(3II & Co, Proprietors,
Cann! Moto, Pituttnergh
ILARRIS iatiEttell,Proprivere
No 13$iuth Thifd turret, Philadelphia'
No 111 North Howard sweet, Baltimore
W b %WILSON, Agent,' '
, •No 7 Wen utreet.Nere York
lIYAY R, 'attling !iti CLXV.P.LAND.
'IOWA 1847.
, Beaver daily at t o'clock, P. ar.,:aller the
.1.4, antral Drew steamboat BRAVED:from Piga arab,
and arrive .0. Warren neat morningin ven.x,,,),,, the
Sieges which ,Warren
Cleveland before n
Pasicagers erill be reeeiptedihrgeb,gedringberthe
• on .be rukets,and seat, lo the Stage, on appnennon
on -board steamboat Beaver, [leaving 'rutabaga at 9
o'clock,•, -14q3 art. the
0.111 •lIARTON.A. C., rj,..1919 •
. .•
• • ' CLARKE lc Eq Beaver
JI9SE-11A00W/N, tonagemwn
apls" f bl WTAViA)R. Wager,
Package Napresala
fltr:Canal being now open, do,.
tote gipitipmhith' been et-
ILZIOWOOO .15r la, COMOTIOce of vallabk enables of
dac i , 94: bask no, ac rent
law amwil bcdspatchLefrezel ,!!
we ct . oce
a tetecauasseeare, , ., - ,, , • .
.., got tom si and Quiel
,2no The new. and onlendldadearner
. &Wit.,
• (~pL Hoops,leonneneia her
tar Inns this der:lam-4e. nun
boriliat VO 4 elock:alar mr2welocc i p.,,,,,
eanneeengver.h Duataireb and Cleveland Li. of Cad
'nal Boats daft to Cleveland. 0 4 Beam. NV...Vaud
Cleveland .Line of Carla! Paekew and Stage Con lee
daily to Warren .d Clevelanor Canal Pae-tel Lake* to
New Cantle and Greenville; Pa; Erie - Eztenrjen Llne'
In - Meadville and - Erie. - Nell. Moore CoVldnea of
flew Coaches for Cleveland and Wagner; Leave Bea
ver doily on' the arrivntel stetmlaaM Beaver fre••
Pntabargh....Appliqn , - •
- O M MANTON A Co; Pinal.irgh v
apid CLARKE & Co; Beaver
NEM/X 47
- E N PARKS &Co, Clevelandie. • ' ~•"
G PARED. Deaver, Pa- • •"., .PrOntioson,,..
W ?MATHER, Piasbart, Pa.
THE abova Lida or now. folly prepared TO Innspon
Weight tad Ymsengers from Pittsbr ah ondClean.
land, to any point oil the Penarylleast it Ohio and Okoo
The facilities of said Lind . are otHcautiledifY =yea
'mid canals, u, =abets and expacity of Roots, expe
rience of Contains. and•protepuletfor Agents. Re..
One Door icor n vr t i a h bM i s , V € l .n eaeHtpd , d,al.
. 1 03c i gi ea gora ' 1:1 ' Lake lotarcon Pitubanth and,
Beaver,. oad a Lino of first eau - INernaboati, Propel
kro, fines and *eboort'air, on ' Lake. Erie;
'h l- I ropeny fo and a rehreed to any'part of • the-' , Dnion with.
desporth. ' E•N PARKS a. Co; ClerelandiAgtol.
REED, PARER &Co;•Beaver,,Agto
- • T MATHEIttittibMVWAr
apn - and DraltUeld'stroes
. 1111,.33.11.
... . . • •
. • . .. .. ,
. . .1110*040AngL.4 ROUTE , "
'MORE.: AND rfruLatEa.PruA.: - • ,
TimeNiltalusnore..... ..,..'“ . ,3* ho.m.,
?inlet . :an
Wolf' n Nabs Staainal :
THE" p:andid and Camenoningssoamas Oonaol,Lort
- is McLane and Simon, balm commenced making
'doable deity tripe. One twat will leave Me lilonstaga
hela .srharr every .motning pre, Maly at 8 oak ;
Puaengers Wog mamma line will amt., In Baltimore
next Cocaina le time tint Um Philadelphia Nail Boat, a;
Rail 'Read - ear. The anrenuat Ikea wiU Me
Wharf daily at e 6 o'clock, niceret likuldeyC .Peasengers
by OW boat ill lodge on beard, in 'comfortable state
rooms; leave Brownsville, nen mamma at'd o'cloelo
cross tie amuntainain day lipthuaup end lodge lei Cora-
Thug avoiding agri travel albser. ;The
preParations an this Meld anstmaple,ind Um connection
complete; so that disappettananta or delayawill be 0.11-
Paesells-er. .1109 03 the route and . Malmo itleir
plymte,and have
choice of Ball Rood
B o k r n
or Steamboat between BaIIiIIKIVI and eta '
Coaches chartered topardes winos! as' el Manna
' Semite your octets itetheoffiCe, Warta eleHome,
r Charles Hotel. • EIEN •
6ratilZ 1847.'abilet
D ACK ET lbw, Swalloir oduVrelograpb ,leave
I acr ut 3 o'clock p.m, atter the aniiral of the
morn; og BoatdroniPitaborgh. and iniXe at Wiiren in •
time fur the
LI pC9tages, which Isave imunedl.
awl) , thereafter. and arrive at ClevelandAtt 3o'nhicb, r.
This route la the most tite * and 'condonable
one to the Lake. • '
COTES kLEFFINGWELL, Warren, d'iopes
REED,PARKS k Co, Beaver,,d tents • .
JOAN A CAI:A:HEY, corner Water sad !Itiithfiela Ws,
apply' Oppoaito the Monongahela Howe; Pittaburgh
MI6& ;1847. •
• 1119 Line =windage( freightiadpassengiaiek
e' regalaer doling. the seas on .littuieen
Denver and liseeitsille, PA., by which Goon and pas , '
=taeertAexpainu,••!illbecuy 3 sd rpmptlY .‘
Clartivillei: do; •
HASS& PLUMB, 85alpshartit, , • dov
Wht. 'MATHEWS, do;
• REND, PARKS &Co, Beavr.' do; •
JOHN A CA. UGHEY;eor.ber Water milauthfield sts;
apair • Opposite the itownorateia Ibue, Piantitirgh
-Mat 1847,
7011:THZ . Tftillr011741V11:4 . 01 .
Philadelphia, Dalt Loners, New Yacht
and Bestow.
ryitiE encouregement Ode Hue has reccisidairite
its commencement, has induced
of prie
Lento increase the stock by 'adding e number of dr .
class boat.; and instead ofgiringreceiptsasidnetO
fore on agents. we will give our a w n-rtmeipts :for
freight shipped by Ude •
The boats ere all poitable,consequently,freight
is vain the whelridietenco Without, transhipment;
thereby prcroutini damage frodi bequest handling,
on the nate, nod as each boat is owned by the :
Captain who row them, which in a intlicient gust- .
'Mate that there will Oa no . dcley on the route. '
Prodiice or. Merchandise consigned to the
.undersier.edi will be forwarded FrcEe..or
missicv, for sdiancing and forwarding,anit will.
be chipped without delay at the lowest sates. of
Ires4ht. •
lVe rexiicettally anlicit a - rhare or iftibile intro
trsge. • IVACLIIVIF ORD a; 'Ca •
" • "
• - - Cats] Baran, Pittororgh
• I:llAtti', 13V.LLAS & Co.. Agt.
' 'Broad Stttet,
• Fh! ILLER; Agent ' --' •
Howley's Wharf, Baltrosore.
Pittsburgh, Feb. 18,1817,;' • •
3.94kz , t4S-V.
. "
pm: undersigned ore nose prepared to forward Pn'"
L dive, &cc. to the Eastern Mariam during Lin onso•••
in; Winter, on the most tasorabk resins, eapgs
dineoe route. • • • ts • -• •
All property consigned to us eriAl be Lossearded or the
loteest rates and with despatch. , •,-
Pt trail:ire/Bo' mewed by Weis route' tintntptly for
warded. • BIDWELL-, Agt : . Plitaborgh.
13 W CANS. ltrowitnatlie•
noel, E EGERTON!! Co, Cumberland
1846 ,AIGD. 1.47
avert metal forthidellvOirilf
duce to ltaktoote, the Moncogahola tduckwuter
At the following - puce.—
Aches. leaven, , Butter, Lead. Lard,. - Potl,
W hickey. ',nod Gluss-67i els pet
Tubucc,llo.Alt, Flax and Wheat-91els pec lOC , lbs.
Act.. (Pot) Omelet, find
. Leatttec-106 etc per ICO lba . . : „
- . . .
o . .ll.,Pkin..Seede,lVocd-110 I. per WO lbs. ,
Benswat,Fewbera, Paw, Ginseng, and tlnake , ftrow,
—lda cis per 100 -
All property eon...mend to enher of the nuderrigneil
wilt be forwarded wahord• delay, free of commil,,,,n;
at above rages.. W H CLARlC.Bmsiynille. :•
.TB. tNOOLDSBY'B Pita firje .h en , d . = . lTe . e
bletNli,. or bliod,lao, for irritalioa of the kidney. e
s, blad
der, pane in See back and aide, babitend eartiemee crop"
tine? h.
Flake before and after cceSioneeeel are 94. lint bleb
with eouetipatien of the bimetal or enetirceen, 111 en the
In ell such' ewes the Specific , exit be balsa with pee
feet •eacety, and is a assign remedy, ' Tbe Bpecifie fe bete,'
pergehee, and ban entirely =needy, without spier
tide of sanoire to ,eoincyeet or elio labcend peal
..fere.ll harmk eb ee the stooldeleende cam.. -t
. .
This is to certify that I know Dr. Ingotlaby's flitenifiZH
mbe a certain me and rafr reasetlf. Haring !rot kr atm,
ia se rcrol ma, maongstray fortit n a to tonal coo
gnarl! and men own nY, the to wham at mach en =tire
core tit rerry cue. ' WHITEHEAD.
• -H o
York, May:..ll/.15.' ' • 334 - /liath lanai •
theerktily ghat my testium.3j ai to thr oFtalo artaict
.ff=t, a Or. higoidayko Pam Bpombe, ail•kimar it
from my cool UC.6 . 1019, ..)10.111d , torialligliblst
haring eeralroarel milt mama m arrant tams of Am, male
tttlfitosalc: . ' GEO. :MILLER,
New York, MThIB4S ' Size, erut:
1.-thM5 , CERTIFICATES • :
_ _
. •
• New York, May,18426
53r. Beeht—Dear then the plume ' to my r that
you r medicine, Dr. lopoldthy's Piles epeellie,has made apes ,
fret cure iotheeaw of toy aster, and I ewer ve you My word
that I hath Iva outprieed at •itoe it voila my opinion
peetible wave kilw‘.. limner, I me now lathy to the wed
tem each% tad do advise all others who ere all
Meta in the lilt manner, to mem the ecteele,es they vier
Wert Cherter,l3l. Y., au T IS,IBII.
-• Dr. inialdthy:—Dcar litirt•LTheelyon may,benefit Game
who may be suffering, as well as en espreo tny gratinide for
the beiefal hare derived from the use *float...doable Pp.
rifle, I empty with your mood, and amamen
my- test
Ineety , in savor of it, laving ban mired of snack ol
the DO after haring need othikaedim e withoutere. eureinte
• • • Y itt
r e , , .• •
Sold eholuale and retail by . JACKSON ' et hie Pat-
Lient Wareham, and Boot' and Shag ham., No. RI
Liberty street; had of tYce3; Pitisbutatt.; trice. 50 ewe
petters • .
ROM. the Rev ASA SHINN& known and pop.
ales Cleivemith of the Proteitanthlethodiet Church.
The andereivned harm{ been afillated did/peer pain
winter with a disease of the eta mach, sonteumetv proi.
honing gram:pain hullos Kenneth for triter twelve boon
Without Intermistleu. and - after aria/tried various I
remote.. with little effect. was furnithed white bottle
of Dr 1) Joyne's Catralllallee Nairn= nig been./ac.
needing to the direction. auththand Invariably th at the
medicine enured the pale to abate in three or foes
rtes, and in' Sheen or twenty Inklaterlenf7:.anelle7
...WWI ens cmhaly evicted.' The thediclea was af
terwards used whenever indations of lbw. apPieleth of
polovrete perceived, and OWN= l•PnallINlY Pernal.
ed the continue-3 thee! the meillafrie every_ evening:
and Form:C.c. in the moraine. and In a Mee weeks
health ores ro foe restored: tine the eurerei - ente
ee pent 'a large anlOUnt of oppreesive pain. Fren ay.
perituec., therefore; he fan conalellay reCOOLMeod Pi
D lave el. thormineuve Datum as a salutary medicine
for discaees of the stomach and bowels. t
Fee sate in Petaborgh at.thellthlN, RA. b
75. Poarth cOerCe, itch, WOOd, and also at am Ant
Store of If P SLIIWARTZ.IFedernI greet, Allegheny
V24:14T-LERS , V ERN 41.1pEiLIT 16
..... Gnedtrend.4. 3 7,C;Juli rd.,' 1817.
Mr. 13 P.Grahneh - rDqz. s 4r-Ayttrehosedef you two
/mules of ".411e reNennonge, nude 'me of ono Lot:
Ile to two of inyelohlren.,wltith'hosught.trimi one IGO
worms, end flan dte other Om. 1 reeoenoteedltl to the
cool et u any unwre / ( e M - O 1; if eined len 11 4reirrrEtel of used frheml.ot wow:
Iroara,ragratfially ,
Prepire4 and gold byafe.'Ellil.ll7B,s2 Wood at.;
I.etweett 3nl and 4111 no. sot .1, rpr: Ciustue,ly a.rd ,,
D. 11: Cum, Allegheny City, 4,"
JAVN1V1LEV.2467.972A322p...Th0 ~noes of teis a5e271622 722dleine* for thr. ,dlr2 of
Conatoptios tad saber' diseases =um hr sea wen
' 212.72.,N M , M tift,147, 4 2 212WW - IoP—rc
Y. Morelnl.Auis:
For sale in ruslafiWai die; EOM,
72 Fauna =est_
_kateraFarat,iae also sub. ap i so re
ate.,:-,~»~~ e' F`~ , ,~'„?~4,''~'~~„`"
; .1)Bir SUMIRMAJkos
tr • '
I[iDICt?EII"LOESKi.I6d, 'lip reiol6,lAlNtir
11.11EPSArt bd. o 'ooroo tatArtoodttito
PitMoSr th." l # l .Pt”.# !old noddy on for
mom goo kisfitorstattcto ondoolooott box of Loom,
- Z . % Pot ofTtottoo covAtottork of tool bade tad to
- .58... maws
Imago ars
Itifettodkcsuot adt. egtotnal RIM
Cd 1.7 4 .1..
wicw lnod -bom. wv.riaih
ptaakommt Mow tooter ititooto in olmnl
ootett sottoogilai They do not and do - -
4 .7 uP
14 med. staryipreasta prodorithos, slaty the tickhag
try sad snaps ths istoihists
"bbrtistbisahtet stalls=
torsatot meth medicines,' and are. modatbistily*oprrsor
Iturstrads upon im
' re ' rol=lr . s ' t
Vend acir trmstrful h
tuer; trotethosi 1414 bars bets Sexed Croat sit taithatly us's,
'SW mimed to piribssi. t yith by win tbess,
alas then Onto& pis te th. trtstot or side,ims of Sher
rock's Poor Absesttraters /piss sob-/Pt nob,' should be
Wiest .ths' pm; ma sate - tiffrterett. sittsdel
Aral cootinans,• ks asharbs or tenths /arum or co
intliesthitsis warble, should be used ss omission 'squirts
Thom worm kacogerlorie here proluflalioei then 1,400
COO cum
* o be iielelhble; the 17, !arm demetying
=edema.: ear decommed. " Man discs w en Reateerme
eel arras tart tad enderee,dcally with
mit their.. 'beat - repeat* poem per.. me very often
"aglieted with E./o.lam dammed kr carioca competiats
without aoy betinnt; rim one don of Mem Lamers amiti
• Wareetraii. ib! jaw. r.a., ;ax..
et. Ina., lean at the neerigrindmg a( .110 lee. daring
eleeP,=dettermeipelintim sheathe tipe s eithloshed cheeky
bleeding mile wee, agnawing aesuation at the Cash r r
heat emir the mike ol the body', Mightchills or ehir
•criege, , . lusiederdr,
.nriminme,,-, rertegooarper,''elaturbeil
"Mamas, etald. eartmg maleeNwitlitinght emit teteraeleig
etieelhaer• troallacone omit demeselmemeethind,
huyilti„ 1.1 teets. id the...4' diellealt lereadiser, pate in
the lama. I. Weals, fatigue, eausce,,eqemthhens, yore;
Moisateeti,l4 - Raericee, WWI -stomach ortimbesitiPatt,
..a.umg . pnas eanneem farm otthe
body, • Mae al SOM
throgromg• *Ma throal s 'achiq oft. treardstight, •
frequent dm. le pea met.; Run
times dischalges ...wend cart. - •, • •
itkimaxArri csairuoa
' They, pre Latiediate ralter in a.m. ser Met
ofrhe heart s beam of Mir *lrk elegateitewy
pulsed ewe throat, laurel or Roemer Coot
plant s .Ristmg, opine.= or • *Roof Making r of the dam
,spemem, camp 4 the Mommitli• or litedej Itymairel
etlectormi tut all ne t . diseases, dr.... Mom+ the
dab - end ...Wakes§ through LO night; dick. or dal.
in motto, dierriea„ taxied* or ICCP gages. Per •• it ding tog. Pll'Orie•Wßl Rad Wi lowa
•gromeßy,rmmogidleopertmg bitora.yof pal.; limed
tilleller demetion, wormitont,6. led* gull
and numese emplcuant eimpeomeartsieg imam •
too 6. thing. - femme who han hem tooliven, slag
alminliecigtheirdioil atedhelita, Watts aelg
• •-• 'EI POOR 3 1 / 5 11 PLASTER.. -
lintetretigilemingpheeter. the *add, podia...stn. •
”Mil,-or thn
limbs, lois., rtimunmieue, lealego, /hi. li. Our Wain •
lc. well not supply Ihedeinsed.' 'They nmehealiulemarsa
seg beforeipplestioa. Wm:ranted ceperlor to Jabal..., sail
for'oniipmeter the Wed Peel... Wag holeallll/ e hods lott
tlieelemost Amer the. world. It acad. reUef an akm
!'Frti.wircr ploapp7" A.ila be Moms mar
Om eft. liter or eamm. '
gait wat eforev r and
e•oen • releef. ecegteq• colds, asehmeS d' ed '
lamettifsg,oppreske aa.OM at stuoustc, w'
emotively meth and greatly bar& the s iecetts
eedentary batty or Mom obliged. n.dmarli mill remise
decided . reppect Own am Of Mad Maly etneeming Plea
ieymmare ineralty mceseseand them, prrlcrome
r'nheC 7a theta operate. Meyer* slinstad, Mem, tad
eo' dye. - they are nom of entirely differ.. term&
eau frame. otheiveed• from.* asperiame
;Moos whole. used thinly as well as the .ited latiimey el
,111 the cekbrated and derrogulahed Mery mit Omicrons, to '
Mil r t. =et melhl sell highly comticattroefte
Sem* perm. lens en/Jed at the wimehocer ti rep
their eurpiweend Mania,. the almeatadmeileus imrem Liam
Direr*. Stroban on the leek death plesta s eh •
faceilaillaof Dr:Sem. enema: you'should
• always ac fix. Shcfsum's Pair Maln , 11=1 , 7 that
tee/7,:dirag thrtr=b....orrh!ftro7
tied rebid hi W. JACKSON SRI" 14,1 =
Maki. Wardress, Pio. OR Siga"of th
• Dits ,, d . AYßlEli 34•41.2111L1E DIED10111:16116
to notice =g w P atelt 4 wd e lued orrm r pe "th rae r aal m.
v.:angelica, to be of entity to the publle., Howe of Dr.
J.T.ea teedieinea we have used lo oar family for many
, For laminae Ow EXPECTORANT . the cAR
MINATIVE,and YERNIFDOE,. witch we,know to
he good &et the theroroferi to' dare. We
were on Lake Delano the past when severat
ontaitravelllng companions, (ma having, Ip.Weatarn
New Terk;draat, for runty daya r thelimeponnevater
'of that reillon, were badly attacked with 'talent-Thar,
Awa y elid Dysentery., Kr,
_IL had provided himself;
,tr.,10.1 to leaving home, with “The Eatisunauve-of Dr
Jayne," and to all eases of its in; emanate-gentle
men, it was eaciessfal. in effeating speedyenre.
The Expectorant we have kotrala used among oar
Hainaut Hieeds with equal wieeen; and we fool that
4:4 good let to families [especially those-sit
owed ea they coma have access to immediate medical
*kith] to advise theta to trepan hand both:he Expecto
rant and Celimalnative. , The
e a t Ls believed by
.tel.pliyairlani to be. the beat nein& for .Ptilneinaty
Leriantoptive CootPlairait, that has ever yet been -coat
pounded. I The =um la Dr. Jkyrie ia not a goaelc,but
aregular, scientific, and Ohio mettical practitioner tam-
Hls medicines are ofeil by the heat physichem
Editrrot the PhUnda: Fitaday Cornier)
For tale Patsbergh'a the PEKIN TEA STOKE,
Peonh otteet, near Wood, and ale, it the Dotn !Amu"
of flPliehteart,Folatt o:Allegheny. jeltd&trT
-oetrownusr TO. Taw irllikilkloise
.1. Ilair,Oream,:eortarettlesa allele for rhe Gianni),
Beauty arsillesnarailan Of thelklair.-. Mai Create when.
one& known, will saperieda all other artieles ' of the
kind nave sae& Where thb hair Is dead, tar err•
healthy ertarninSpre akw applientioin will make
tie hair mit and oar and 'aliw fidieetnikil lively
. ..poem. re, and will a so make it. retain its nvedliuss
azM heahhreolor twice axial* as all tho preparations
which ase generally aged. }Weir lady rstallantleman
..shame in the habit of se oils on their hair, Mould
Mance muftis* aboule of the lilidn'ise Flair Cream, as
it is so compared iluikit will not inlet. the lisle.lllre the
other preparsuoricbo will it,"and give perfect
sanqactioriln every '' • '
For testimony Irma very superior qualities,. see the
fllicoadis letter I.
oal En. Bev. Mr: Caldwell, to Mem*
,Ilandersheit de tch. Venda; Agents fo•
WCLKe Lettertrani the [rev. II:Caldwell, pastor ordhel l res
'hymnals Church, Pulaski.
Mennt.liendenhou tr. Stritel—Gentlement.
pleasure in addlog•my testimony in facor - M Met t e •
Vent preparation nailed Dt.' Pa - misfile - Oxfam els.
Cream—or about two years ago ray heir was veryitl
aml dispoied m come out; Maintains procure,
a. tattle M. the Cream, and milk aceaniting to shonre
wription. my hair m now son, elastic and firm In the
• bead. Many balsams and ode were applied each
ing my hate in a worse state thin before. ThM cremin
- As •12 article for the Toilet, my Ince glees:it prefer;
ante over all offers, blingdelmately perfaramhaed riot
`disposed tit weedily. The Indies t opt Melly will:Pod
the Chinere Cream to be a ilesideramm os their peep
rations Mt Mit man.
Paleaki; deriy.7,1917; It CALIMC'ELI:.
• rp-rtold witolernfe mid rem% tririnattnigh - hylettn
A 1.7 Townsend, N 045 Market *nat. end Toelhiabler,
an, - . - . Fifth atz,_ .
k, oi n all do. multmlied forms,
' whetherje that of King's Kvil,.efilargementsii the
elands or-bones, ()pare, White Swellings, enronic
Rbeuraitism,Canaii, iiirease. , oftho Skirt or, Spine,
'..or of rtinatiany . Consamption; 'emanate from nue
and the lamb ulna, which is n poisonous principle
more or less inherent in the human system. There.
'Tore. Valetta this principle can be destroyed,no - radi.
eat cure can be eflected, but it the„prtneiplotepou
,which the divorase depends, is removed, a. care
manual' necessity follow, so matter under whatlonts
the'dlsease should manifest itself. Thiiitherefore
• . 111/ir Tenon why lilaler ALIERATIVEIa. 110 Ina
vernally sumniWid removi Immo aunty mall ant
diseaints.' , It - dearer. the , rids or prowl tie
whten those. diseases have their origt entering
into the circulation and with the; I..oO.Tejed
to We. minutes. dire, removi evo7 Pstilele of
disease from the rptern. li a Void
ki ! and
sold 3tlVo;
South Third Street, - 1-F
Sold at the Pen Ter, °°rth stye.
Pittsburgh. itt.":' 74, nd tos/0911.
Trim Original,'
DICEPARE.Db 3 i• R E •
• • • Qoarca..Borron, 0., Auglo,
Ur E Sellera—/ wish' yam macadam by mail, one
demn.uf your Lirernlla Your pills are dully beeom
ing more popular as • eurativeoun only .for beer dorm
ploinr, but for Fever and,Agna•and 8a113611 offeerione
generally. The demand la m great at tharlitat,il3
are Citra.4 mail full. wheawa, expect s to p aeloyour
Ts ' iror d r- other Pilla, A enlknter
Piflo'persons should be eireful to gargle gemdae,pre
pared and sold by • R SELLERS 47 wood at
ICS Sold by Dr Ramat, adt ward, and.:ll M Wiry.
- -
•For abostrone year, previous to malthsc nee of Mr.'
'Rear'. 8e tong Pitle,l have suffered extremist} from.
'Dyspepsia, and ea acid Stomach. I hive. made Sr. of
• peat variety/of medicine without raceme: material
benefit.. About throe month, since 1 commeaced using
Mr. Seer', Medicine, which has entnolycelleved pee
from acidity at Mr euretacp, and revered mem cetera,
table IMelth. Several of my friends andempountanece
have numbs use of, the Pills, and received numb Iceefit.
(cowl ens. I eon with confidence recommend them.
JANE A LEE,3I7-Modson et
Sold. whOlesale and retail. by!! A..FAIINESTOCE
J CO,Oottose of lee and Woad, and Wood and Oth eta
e 7
DoWDENED unIIIIAB.II.—Six eatertast
Laths, just received'and for sale by ;.
' • Ili& FAIJNI . MTOCE,st: CO'
CORIet,/01ai. , 004 ate
tLi P.= tu Foss (Ulu.
'LAWNS . OP ArivEavr.suso.
One isiertion or 151ines, or ler, `tao 55
Two iniertioei withoOtOtarations ois
Three " " - " • • 03
One Week " ' . . 1,50
Two Weeka' .
Tbr . e.°! • • 3.00
"One " •
Two j••; •' • • ;:; .... . 0 1
Thniir •• .• . 7.50 •
13:5' Longer sdrertiretnente ia Wime propertion , :
One tquare,6 months, without altcraoon,....lo 00
" • 1.2 • 9.. • " j 5
EarelraddiUonad equate for 6 months, ...... 500
• ••• - • • 1000
°i'!"6o . 2re.s eat:loth'', renewable at pleafflare 15 00
;12 ''• " .‘*
Snob additiorrelneard for temooths.: ...... 10 60
Two :Torre, 6 months, remade at elr .. eacrei 30 . nod.itional square,6 anotatbs, :6 . 0
WOIII.T 01 721-orrailtr. tw 6 a 1 L 1. • • • •
Onehquare.3ltwertiona, 61 50
" • _ "_ each additional itracwion 37
eusterwi , eaten.
Firtilties or Iwo one year.• •• 660
mentbs,.. k.•
......... 5,00
one yoar, daily 6c. weekly; 10 00
•.( six months ••• " • 8
AnriiiTisixtlrll IN I/11111r . 71111.
tt ifeee, or leas, One inicition,
•• .• • . Three,
.....,:.i 1.00
• . , Siil:6l i
: , Twelie • ' • 10 00
. - 7.llladvertiseinente to be.ehargedbythe eittare,
diacoeet of 85 . percent to be gran 01t0etbe,advertiorrg ceeetakt 60 illative ptanear.
- • .. : . 26.611T4.3' .4- I
sMMOtaill;ltlforototoonot 09 I
• .